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01e0de  No.17085158 [Last 50 Posts]

Circumcision is a procedure that removes the foreskin from the human penis.[1][2] In the most common form of the operation, the foreskin is extended with forceps, then a circumcision device may be placed, after which the foreskin is excised. Topical or locally injected anesthesia is generally used to reduce pain and physiologic stress.[a][3] It is usually elective, performed as preventive healthcare, a religious rite, or cultural practice.[4][5][6][7][8][9] It is also an option for cases of phimosis, other pathologies that do not resolve with other treatments, and chronic urinary tract infections (UTIs).[10][11] The procedure is contraindicated in cases of certain genital structure abnormalities or poor general health.[1][11]

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01e0de  No.17085163

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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10d62c  No.17085209

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c23634  No.17085211

Dayshift, happy Independence Day. Give em’ hell, and don’t let them eat any of the cake. Left pies in the break room to toss at the shills, enjoy!

God speed

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975430  No.17085215


because hes a jewish puppet

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d96ef3  No.17085216




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f655cf  No.17085233


And the source of the claimed written law is…

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b6468c  No.17085235

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a83c7a  No.17085238


The illegitimate regime is going to arrest Trump soon (the real winner).

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3ffafa  No.17085239


…Until the 'bullied' backlashes and goes beyond what you were expecting. Not exactly thinking ahead, on that one, by perpetuating a cycle.

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cc5fa7  No.17085260


My point being, how does one tell difference, should said metal, liquify & re solidify somewhere else?

Does biden think putin is senile?

that could explain some chess moves

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66eda2  No.17085263



dark / light


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023356  No.17085264

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e7f030  No.17085268



Our Investigative Team has received a SIGNIFICANT amount of new leads over the last couple weeks relating to Voter Fraud and they want to follow up with them all right away.

With the 2022 Midterm Elections right around the corner, we wanted to let you know that Project Veritas is stepping up to the challenge of exposing these election crimes once and for all.

We have instructed our team to aggressively follow these leads across the country and leave no stone unturned.

But we can’t lie, these are extremely costly investigations involving a lot of current Veritas resources.

We are humbly asking you to pledge a tax-deductible donation RIGHT NOW in the name of ELECTION INTEGRITY.

We are confident that our highly trained and exceptional journalists are the only ones willing to go the distance and expose what is really going on with mail-in ballots, secret drop-boxes, illegal ballot harvesting, pay-for-vote schemes, and more!

If you care about free and fair elections, and want to see Voter Fraud stopped in its tracks, we need you to financially support our brave journalists in the field and help ensure they have the resources necessary to complete their investigations.

These election crimes MUST be exposed, and the evidence often is UNDENIABLE!

The American electoral system, as well as the American way of life, is at serious risk of never recovering from the damage done by widespread Voter Fraud.

With your donation of $100, $250, $500, or more – all of which is tax deductible, you can rest easier knowing that Project Veritas is working overtime to ensure that these elections will not be compromised by criminal actors.

We need YOUR help.

Asking sincerely for your support.

DONATE NOW: https://secure.anedot.com/project-veritas/pvinvestigationssm

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068e8f  No.17085280

The shills will tell us that Q is a psyop.

The shills will tell us that Q is a LARP.

The shills continually try to divide and discourage.

The shills post hate, in order to paint the anons in a bad light.

The shills arepanickingwhich is becoming very obvious.

When you think that things aren't happening, and we aren't winning. Just look to the shills, and ask yourself WHY ALL OF THIS EFFORT for just a LARP? They know it's real, they know that WE ARE WINNING! Their very presence here should be encouragement to anons. Keep the faith! Hold the line! We are winning, and the shills KNOW IT!

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46311c  No.17085284


Jesus you people are idiots. The circumstances are different. Can't that be enough? Fuck, the retard level

in here tonight is off the charts.

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a19470  No.17085286



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89f17a  No.17085296


I am pregnant with a shit.

'da fuck?

No toilet paper, again………

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0f63e0  No.17085297













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270df9  No.17085308



>OMG; this is the stupidest fucking thing I'll read all day.

Wait a while that's the dumb one, the dumberer one will be along shortly.

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549f95  No.17085321


ring of truth here.


Are military trials still bound by the same statute of limitations?

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192ff8  No.17085322

400k - 500k children go missing every year in the US alone and not a whimper from the MSM, how did people not catch on?

All members of The MSM deserve the death penalty

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ebf237  No.17085323

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a03082  No.17085328


>itIS IN FACT WHAT IS HAPPENING, and your denial proves YOU are a shill.



The whole logic structure of this 'clock' is GARBAGE.

Q never endorsed by direct link of any post or meme in 3 years of almost daily posting.


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7479d4  No.17085329


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0c706a  No.17085333


Atomic batteries to power, turbines to speed!

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61eb96  No.17085336

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44689f  No.17085341


Yes- I saw it in the last bread…. that's why it's linked. Or were you just saying "hi"…

So…. back to Daddy Colbert… director of Hepatitis research… interdasting…

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6089a1  No.17085344

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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1688e3  No.17085346


Neither a zero delta NOR a trip code

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e50e60  No.17085349


The entire constitution can be changed.

Through the clear processes described in the constitution.

The first and second and all successive amendments are exacly that….AMENDMENTS (changes) to the original. The Bill of Rights is a list of the top 10 things the founders hated about the British.

>Bill of Rights is not up for debate. EVER


Read Article V

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3ffaf3  No.17085356

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de5621  No.17085357



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7bdc28  No.17085361

Early Two And A Half Men is genuinely really funny

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c4adeb  No.17085362


>Zero Delta Confirmed

double confirmed and proof'd

Dan approves

==Q Delta [0]= >>17085158

DJT Delta [0]= https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/108558738138878885

Q requesting proof created = >>17085158

Q pointing to exact delta timestamp = >>17085209

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1381b8  No.17085363





I had a thought but I couldn't hold it.

the stag horns are the Y head; symbol of the cult

diana moon goddess , Huntress.


trident at dealey plaza where they executed JfK

so the symbol of Ukraine is the trident.

we went over this before.

i just feel like there's something more.

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152b54  No.17085366

Do not take your own life shill. God knows what you're thinking.

God does not want you dead by your own hand when you could live eternally. Just ask.

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92edf2  No.17085368



I must have these judgemental fowl.

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93598a  No.17085369


>Seems they… shot at police? Dafuq?

Fuckery afoot today. Are we seeing an escalation?

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1d2144  No.17085370

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0051db  No.17085371


America needs to twin a prison in Siberia for these people to vaca at for a decade or so

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ad2926  No.17085374

Anita Lewis


Judicial Watch - Judicial Watch: Delaware Court Orders State to Provide More Detail on Deal to Keep Secret Senate Biden Documents - https://www.judicialwatch.org/senate-biden-documents/


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74a77c  No.17085377


[They] are already operating as if they are the world governance.

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5f6803  No.17085378

She gets it.

The Milgram experiment had an exit door


Just an FYI in case people are missing it: if you are in allegiance to a power outside your own government with the intent to harm your own country, that's called treason.



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023356  No.17085383

Oh say does that star-spangled banner yet wave

O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?


Snowden chimes in

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c9f2d1  No.17085384


Thanks patriot, I have lost my breath of life twice before, as stated earlier, but I never lost The Breath of Life; but instead, found it. It is better to keep things Holy, Holy, and to fight what is in the gutter by descending into the gutter. Gather the thistles and burn, but bring the best of the harvest into the storehouse, this is world of action until one can prove miracles.

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e49b14  No.17085389


>Prolly threatened to spill everything he knows

You mean like Ghislaine Maxwell? I imagine that they're desperately trying to find a way to let her off easy so she doesn't spill the beans. Perhaps a suicide is in her future.

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9ce745  No.17085390

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a00253  No.17085392


Jun 29, 2022 3:23:20 AM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 422ccc No. 16552853

>What is at stake?


>Who has control?

Patriots in CONTROL. [3387] [lots of great drops with 'control' in them]


Cassidy Hutchinson

>Who was surprised?

The nutjobs on the J6 Unselect Committee

>Who will be surprised?

The Deep State

>Use your logic.

* Logic: interrelation or sequence of facts or events when seen as inevitable or predictable

>Can emotions be used to influence decisions?


>How do you control emotion?

Logical thinking?

* Emotion: a conscious mental reaction (such as anger or fear) subjectively experienced as strong feeling usually directed toward a specific object and typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body

>Define 'Plant'.

* Plant: to covertly place for discovery, publication, or dissemination

>How do you insert a plant?

By getting the DS to panic as they realize they are losing their control.

>Can emotions be used to insert a plant?


>Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

A plant.

Trust the plan.


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a204f6  No.17085396


We live in a Country where we can't even stop people from fucking kids.

What kind of a Country is this?

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6ae5ec  No.17085403


Some things shouldn't be talked about…they should just be done.

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5e696a  No.17085404


pretty sure thats not how we do things around here.

We get authorization and anons discussion in meta before changes occur.

please revert then ask for making your changes and allow discussion, as you can see 1 anon is not happy with your changes atm.

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ee7412  No.17085405



>Never had a good answer to that one.

That's because it is designed as a theoretical. It is actually used as an excuse to not hire you. Any answer you give can be interpreted as of "Not a Cultural Fit". Human Resources has been weaponized by the 5th column because they knew one day Christian Conservatives would realize the truth about 911; that it was an attack on (Whites, conservatives, Christians, Patriots, etc…) to kick them out of finances.

All wars need money, and if we are poor it diminishes our abilities to: travel, donate, readiness, health, collaborate, etc… We essentially become ineffective. Our links become brittle. The white hats must answer the call this month or be considered AWOL and dereliction of duty. We have just announced an invasion at the southern border with Russia/China/Iran coming to Mexico to train next to our open borders. Time to man up America.

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9a7957  No.17085406


You typically swallow when smoking pole - so it's a true mystery/

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31af62  No.17085409



they're all over the south west.

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6bb4b4  No.17085410


Now I just picture a group of Beings playing this card game in real time with Humanity

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83511f  No.17085411

June 28, 2022

1:00 PM EDT

On the January 6th Investigation

House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol



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c35479  No.17085414


You never go full retard.

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86c587  No.17085417


Yellow jackets are where it's at. Truckers too. Trudeau is poking the bear.

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b729fb  No.17085418

(lb) >>17085211

Was an interesting part of his speech (talk to we the people) that short story, the first time he talked of it. Being a genius and his having all of Tesla's research was told on purpose. Keyboard warrior.

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e4f0ac  No.17085419



Woke-ass TV generals are not the 11 combatant commanders, anons. This is a crucial distinction that some fail to make.

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3014ea  No.17085422

You retarded fuckhead faggots realize the fake and gay Q LARP posts were babyfist last night?

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135198  No.17085425

Time for states to pass a bunch of laws that the Supreme Court won't have trouble with. Anti Tranny laws. Ban those operations. There's a long list of things that could be done there. Gay marriage stuff.

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84be8f  No.17085436

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is preparing to cite the United States’ largest oil field for violating ozone pollution standards, a move that will threaten the end of oil and gas production in the region.

According to the Texas Governor’s Office, the proposed regulations will directly affect the Permian Basin, the largest oil field in the United States, accounting for 95,000,000 gallons of gasoline per day or 40% of the oil produced domestically.

This would be just one more move from Biden’s administration to impact the lives of every American by reducing the fuel supply and causing gas prices to soar well beyond Biden’s record of $5 per gallon.

“Even as Americans are struggling with $5 gas and record-breaking inflation, team Biden continues to double down on their political commitments to ‘end all fossil fuels,'” former EPA Chief of Staff Mandy Gunasekara told reporters Wednesday.

According to a report by Bloomberg, regulators would have three years to propose solutions to the violations. However, ongoing regulatory uncertainty common to Biden’s ever-increasing climate change initiatives is likely to disincentivize new permits and drilling in the oil field.


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90bf42  No.17085443


They are doing this in Washington state Patty Murray is freaking out about Lawson, she has dumped millions into the republican mainstream candidate Tiffany Smiley It really glows, I am so glad Lawson is on the ballot we would be fucked royal our candidates are a joke here, he is like the only one we have here. This state is fucked right now and Patty Murrey is why. It is an easy pick if they are on Fox news you can bet Fake Maga

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f31d85  No.17085447


keep simping for the rothschilds shitskin army, faggot

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e3aa70  No.17085448


There is a deal the Turks have worked out to move grain out of Odessa. Putin has yet to agree, but had said earlier he would consider letting it move if the Ukrainians would de-mine the ports.

Africa desperately needs that food. We are turning ours into gasoline because fear of global warming.


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a29141  No.17085452


brass monkey

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61ddf9  No.17085453


…with the Truth.

It helps to quote the whole thing.

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59a6c0  No.17085457


>Waiting patiently for a Q post with a Delta from PDJT. And as a reminder, the Q post should come first, then the PDJT post, not vice versa.

there is an established history in the drops for this

pics related are how it happened when Q first returned to 8kun after the 8chan deplatforming

anything less than what is seen in these drops is literally fake and ghey

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cab8e5  No.17085458



Q 3969

We are far beyond the need for proofs.

You have more than you know.

Durham start.

Q OP start.



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707ec6  No.17085459

SALT is a global thought leadership and networking forum encompassing finance, technology and geopolitics.

SALT’s biannual events and technology solutions connect leading asset managers and entrepreneurs with top asset owners, investment advisors and policy experts.

Previous SALT speakers include Vice President Joe Biden, President George W. Bush, President Bill Clinton, Vice President Al Gore, His Excellency Ahmed Ali Al Sayegh, Ambassador Nikki Haley, Dr. Ben Bernanke, Mayor Michael Bloomberg, Speaker John Boehner, General John F. Kelly, General James L. Jones, Secretary Benjamin S. Carson, Admiral William H. McRaven, Valerie Jarrett, General David H. Petraeus, General Colin L. Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Speaker Paul Ryan, Governor Jeb Bush, Prime Minister David Cameron, Prime Minister Tony Blair, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi President Nicolas Sarkozy, President Felipe Calderon, Philip Hammond, Dr. Richard Haass, Steve Case, Eric Schmidt, Marty Edelman, Kenneth C. Griffin, T. Boone Pickens, Kenneth G. Langone, Waleed Al Muhairi, Ronald Wuijster, Jean-Paul Villain, David M. Rubenstein, Bill Ackman, Erik Kaas, Jamil Asfour, Tariq Bin Hendi, Bjorn Tremmerie, Seth Weingram, Tarek Rizk, Hartley Rogers, Daniel S. Loeb, Jim Breyer, Peter Diamandis, Ben Horowitz, Dr. Kai-Fu Lee, John Paulson, Jerffrey Gundlach, Sam Zell, Mark Cuban, Sir Richard Branson, Will Smith, Mike Tyson, Al Pacino, Andre Agassi, will.i.am, Kobe Bryant, Michael J. Fox, and Michael Milken.


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7a398b  No.17085461


>I'd say

You're an idiot

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147e6b  No.17085466


to the highest bidder

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fd79bc  No.17085469


when they were there.

It's one camera , they closed the shades.

It's only for them to know.

'National security' for their country which is not ours

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78a06d  No.17085471

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96755a  No.17085473


much better!

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ebf237  No.17085479


American_Beauty17🌹️️️, [18.06.22 11:33]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)]

[ Photo ]

Did someone say precipice?

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c38fbd  No.17085480

Hey Bakes, you need a 'Q's latest posts' in the notes.

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dd0fad  No.17085481

When did Anons start calling him Biden?

It isPOTATO!!!

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aa669f  No.17085484


Yep! Time to start getting into THEIR faces and confronting them at the gas stations and in the restaurants.

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a03082  No.17085487


>Where are the decisions from the SC?

There were two today:

Announcement of opinions for Wednesday, June 29 (complete)

By Angie Gou on June 29 at 12 a.m.

On Wednesday, June 29, we live blogged as the court released opinions in Oklahoma v. Castro-Huerta and Torres v. Texas Department of Public Safety.


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058155  No.17085488


Trying to bad ass, the he/she Greta, cuts his/her own wrist off.

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298548  No.17085495


Reckoning with Secret Agenda is hardly an academic matter. If Hougan and the other Watergate revisionists are correct, then the scandal that toppled Richard Nixon from power was about much more than a third-rate burglary attempt, the wiretapping of the opposing party, or even a series of covert crimes ordered by a paranoid president. Secret Agenda and its progeny force us, instead, to conceive ofWatergate as a Cold War-era power struggle between a duly elected president and the national security state, with Nixon as much a victimin the affair as he was a perpetrator. In a time when legions of Americans believe in the existence of a “deep state,” getting the history of Watergate right takes on new urgency.

Unmasking the Conspirators


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845087  No.17085499


Now we know where the trolls live.

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845075  No.17085502


Why would I want to delete it when I have all the evidence to show you werfe faking Q posts and then advertising them in other breads. You cicada faggots are some of the dumbest fucks I have ever encountered.

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de5621  No.17085503


Everyone in that band looks like Bowie

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a9e923  No.17085507

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fff3fa  No.17085514


they gave this pasty enough Easter Eggs to keep anons busy for at least twenty four hours?

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9e0918  No.17085515


Jill Biden playing with the controllers again??

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31a01a  No.17085523

The Downhill Slide

The owner of a trucking company explains why the USA is rapidly sliding into the worst recession it has ever seen.

I own a small trucking company, and this is what the fuel crisis is doing to our country… Today I filled up my truck to deliver products that help keep our country fed. When I filled up my truck, it cost me $1,149.50. This is ONE truck, for ONE day of fuel. I own three. So for one day of operation, it’s costing me $3,448.50. (Yes, we use a full tank of fuel every single day, sometimes more than 1 tank per day).

My trucks generally run 5-6 days a week, so we’ll just estimate on the low side and say five. That’s $17,242.50. Last week was over $20k for ONE week, that I have to pay out of my pocket to try and keep not only my children fed, but those of my employees, and our country.

Mark my words, we are on a downhill slide to the worst recession our country has ever seen. Trucking companies are going under left and right. (Literally hundreds weekly.) If you’re not aware, what you’re wearing, what you’re eating, what you’re living in, what you’re driving, what you’re reading this on, was delivered by a truck.

If something drastic doesn’t change in the next few weeks/months, I promise you, you’ll see empty shelves everywhere you look. You’ll see chaos as people fight for the basic necessities of everyday life. Food, medicine, etc…

I pray that all of you have the ability, knowledge, and skills to fend for yourselves. Not only against those who would do you or your family harm, but to be able to find sustainable food and water.

Fortunately, Russia is about to surrender any day now due to the brave Ukrainian military forces that are already within sight of Moscow, so fuel prices should rapidly decline to affordable levels before people actually start to starve.

Even so, it would be foolish to rely upon military outcomes, no matter how certain we are. So, why not just convert the entire US truck fleet to electric engines? Or – and let’s face it, this is thinking well outside the box – what about powering each truck with its own windmill? Since driving generates wind, a wind-powered vehicle should be able to operate for pennies on the diesel dollar!

It’s becoming increasingly apparent that Ukraine is Poland, Europe is Japan, and the USA is Germany in this upsized cartoon remake of WWII. Which, of course, makes Russia England and China the Soviet Union.

Russia ramps up gas supply to China. Gazprom intends to become China’s biggest natural gas supplier, accounting for more than 25% of Chinese imports by 2035.


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0fda28  No.17085528


Wisconsin gonna flip red.

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302c45  No.17085531


Hey, welcome back.

Any luck on last visit????

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92edf2  No.17085536


Bennie would look great with Ginger Mound

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1d2144  No.17085548


So RAY GUN on the DD-214 is legit American.

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10a017  No.17085550


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192ff8  No.17085552


One is under house arrest somewhere.

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2d703c  No.17085563


She's all over the place. She's the "they think you'd follow the stars" Congress version. For the younger generation. Someone 15-30 yo is in awe. You can count on that. It was a good move on their part. Then they threw in the other members of the squad to appeal to up and coming radical segments. Political Warfare in your face.

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2453c4  No.17085574

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c31c2d  No.17085575

Baker went Q's not around.

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2453c4  No.17085576



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fb3bec  No.17085577



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b27891  No.17085578

msdnstfu whores backing baby killers

seductively / slyly calling for violence and 'NIGHT OF RAGE'

commies terms for the destabilization goals

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aa68bd  No.17085583

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a7039f  No.17085591


well, it´s been years since rainman times, back then I was the only non mason posting frequently, the only one. (some one post anons maybe excluded).

every other one, using nightshift symbolism, posting certain stuff, every one a mason.

obviously the actual Q posters were masons too. but that´s another story.

so yeah, I am fairly sure that from all post in this bread with 130 UIDs there are not more then 5 people posting that are not a mason in any shape or form.

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cc5fa7  No.17085594


is anyone racist or all muh joo shilling

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a00253  No.17085596


Artificial money = artificial liquidty = credit.

The bank at the top of the pyramid owns the money, the liquidity and lines of credit.

The bank directly under neat will open a line of credit (sacrificing liquidity) to make more money.

The bank under neath them does the same process, and for the same under them.

This trickles all the way down to the money your boss pays you on friday.

None of the money you own is any more real than monopoly money.

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2b0be0  No.17085599


Glad to hear and that you're here fren, safe and sound!

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cb3655  No.17085603

angels don't play this harp

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86c587  No.17085605


some things bear caring about.

influence among the intelligentsia

is a thing not to take on assumed


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90bf42  No.17085606


If they tell us gold is now 'worthless' and we should turn it in for digi bux, I'm going to say "Fuck no".

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8193d7  No.17085609

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cb9681  No.17085610


Were you waiting for today's event?

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ce1a80  No.17085613




Are you on opium I never claimed I talked to CozyBear so STFU you idiotic monkey.

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84be8f  No.17085615

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de0e6a  No.17085618

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9c8b19  No.17085619


SCOTUS better not be faggots about this

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2b0be0  No.17085631




>Helping to create ISIS and funding them (among other traitorous crimes) is hardly on a par with lying to the FBI.


>Get your priorities straight

McCain met some rebels of the Free Syrian Army that the CIA and the Department of State armed and funded … they were mostly Jihadists or joined the Jihadists but they weren't ISIS, McCain didn't create ISIS …

if you think Sussmann "lied" to the FBI you're badly underinformed … the FBI knew perfectly well what was going on.

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5a8dbc  No.17085636


She was a B-Cup tops when she was young.

The girth of those things make them look like they are GG's. That's a $50,000 rack.

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1862e0  No.17085637


Nope. Nope. Nope.

It's Rosenberg Fry Day

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87857c  No.17085650

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96755a  No.17085652

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275e18  No.17085654


Your a Figgot

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fb1d6d  No.17085657


>"there are more than 340 million chickens in the us"

>there are about 350 million guns in the us


>i think not

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86f5f6  No.17085663

Q says "USE LOGIC" in 16 posts

Q says "USE YOUR LOGIC" in one post (today's)

Something's hinky

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0f8e77  No.17085664


4th of July Boobs4Bakers

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3581e0  No.17085665


Of the old world order…

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675a4e  No.17085666

“Q Research” is dead.

It’s just “Research” now.

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e4c824  No.17085667

Wow, the death of Dr. Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko hit me unexpectedly hard.

You helped me, and those I care for, more than you will ever know.

Thank you good doctor.

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707ec6  No.17085669




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7e7a57  No.17085681


God bless.


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677645  No.17085688


so this makes 1 and 1/2 in AZ so far?

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a63462  No.17085690


>The Timeline for First Contact Has Changed

I'll bet…

We see you…

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e77bfc  No.17085692


Prohibited from nearly every other trade, some Jews began to occupy an economic niche as moneylenders in the Middle Ages. Only they were allowed to take interest on loans, since—while the Church condemned usury universally—canon law was only applied to Christians and not to Jews. Eventually, a sizable sector of the Jewish community were engaged in financial occupations, and the community was a financially highly successful part of the medieval economy.[3][4] The religious restrictions on moneylending had inadvertently created a source of monopoly rents, causing profits associated with moneylending to be higher than they otherwise would have been.[5] By most parameters, the standard of living of the Jewish community in Early Medieval period was at least equal to that of the lower nobility.[6] However, despite this economic prosperity, the community was not safe: religious hostility increased to the extent that it manifested itself in the form of massacres and expulsions, culminating in the repetitive expulsion of all Jews from various parts of Western Europe in the late medieval period.

Although the phenomenon of "Court Jewry" did not occur until the early 17th century, examples of what would be later called court Jews can be found earlier in Jewish moneylenders who accumulated enough capital to finance the royalty and the nobility. Among them was Josce of Gloucester, the Jewish financier who funded Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's conquest of Ireland in 1170,[7] and Aaron of Lincoln, presumably the wealthiest individual in 12th-century Britain, who left an estate of about £100,000.[5][8] Also notable was Vivelin of Strasbourg, one of the wealthiest persons in Europe in the early 14th century, who lent 340,000 florins to Edward III of England on the eve of the Hundred Years' War, in 1339.[9] By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts. Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as "Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan", became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, trading not only with the Fuggers and Imhoffs, but also with the nobility and the Church.[10] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca.

At the dawn of mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[11] They were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability. Court Jews frequently came into conflict with court rivals and co-religionists.

The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges. They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal, and were not compelled to wear the Jews' badge. They were permitted to stay wherever the Emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed. Wherever they settled they could buy houses, slaughter meat according to the Jewish ritual, and maintain a rabbi. They could sell their goods wholesale and retail, and could not be taxed or assessed higher than the Christians. Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors.

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881f0d  No.17085693

Media matters got their shill team back from vaca?

Come on, admit it…. we can have fun if you guys just let go the truth…

like how very stupid is your management?

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c9b3b4  No.17085717


you shoulda seen her dad in action

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7c73b6  No.17085721


Back when kids were raised with "sticks and stoned may break your bones." Now they're raised with "words are literally violence."

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1d1b63  No.17085724


Very strong hair spray I guess

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6a8176  No.17085725



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a632b8  No.17085728

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1688e3  No.17085729



archive the fake news pushing this green converse lie before they change it

oh Camila just added the heart in solidarity.


June 7, 2022 | Clip Of White House Daily Briefing

Matthew McConaughey Shows Converse Shoes of One of Uvalde Mass Shooting Victims

Actor and Uvalde native Matthew McConaugheyshows the green Converse shoes Maite Rodriguez was wearing when she was killed along with 18 other children and two teachers at her elementary school in Uvalde, Texas, last month. "Maite wore green high top converse with a heart she had hand drawn on the right toe because it represented her love of nature…These are the same green converse on her feetthat turned out to be the only clear evidence that could identify her after the shooting," he says of the the young girl who wanted to grow up to be a marine biologist. close

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6628ab  No.17085743


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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d93532  No.17085749


now this is a people IN ACTION

notable results in full effect - when people reach a precipice

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8bdc96  No.17085755


If you glowed any harder, you'd spontaneously combust.

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52f76c  No.17085759


Send it to Elon, Ask him if his children should be enslaved ? Ask him how many responses to this were banned by twitter as hate speech ?

She shouldn't be silenced, she should be publicly shamed for ignorance, hate and bigotry. The 1st amendment allows all speech, the issue is to publicly challenge it. Twitter can only filter a direct threat or defamation, defamation has to be proven in a court of law.

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f79fa2  No.17085760


It was not my intention to doubt that, the Doctrines of the Illuminati, and principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary, no one is more truly satisfied of this fact than I am. The idea that I meant to convey, was, that I did not believe that the Lodges of Free Masons in this Country had, as Societies , endeavoured to propagate the diabolical tenets of the first, or pernicious principles of the latter (if they are susceptible of seperation).


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450070  No.17085761

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789d71  No.17085764


Well spotted get that shite out the notables

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a7c013  No.17085769


Contrast to:

Walk to the Capitol and peacefully make your voices heard.

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f70208  No.17085772


>I chuckled and said, "now you believe it once it came from the idiot box", which says a lot about you.

Many will not come around until the lamestream media is pressured into telling the truth. Take heart, though. They're definitely starting to feel the pain. They can't continue to deny what is becoming self-evident.

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87bdd9  No.17085773


Yes.. we know Faux is controlled opposition propaganda media.

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010d1e  No.17085774

A Few Goofy Men

The bureau proudly announced the arrest a dangerous anti-semite, a press conference where they displayed a bomb (safely defused) - the perpetrator turned out to be a mentally retarded black man, who supposedly was caught red handed, with a bomb, at a synagogue.

When it transpired that the SAs taking media bows had coached the 'tard terrorist, helped him build an explosive device, buy a car, read a map, find synagogue – the whole stitch-up saga felt apart and quickly faded away leaving the Bureau's reputation about what it alaways has been in desperate need of whitewashing.


Once, FBI Special Agent Richard Miller lived in an abandoned hen house in Pasadena. Fighting communism , crime, alcoholism and a weight problem, Miller had 20 years on the job. He was a prodigious embarrassment to colleagues and constant living reproach to Human Resources staff, shunned by fellow SAs for room clearing body odor: Miller was a fuck up.

Miller knew he "wasn't really like that," that he'd been a victim of circumstance, bad luck, and malicious supervisor's performance reviews. Miller decided to prove to the world he was the very Special Agent he knew he was, redeem his whole disgraceful, humiliating career, prove himself a hero, by busting a Russian spy and KGB agent Svetlana Ogorodnikova; known around the office to give blow jobs to any SAs who might want to question her informally about impending Politburo matters.

synopsis of trials and appeals:

Miller gave the FBI's Los Angeles office phone directory to Svetlana Ogorodnikova, a real KGB agent, in return for a BJ.

At his trials Miller claimed he was doing an unauthorised cointel op and the office phonebook (technically classified) was his bait. The story was true. The FBI knew it was true, because they were up on Miller, he was under surveillance the entire time.

The Miller affair was one of the most ludicrous espionage cases in FBI history, it earned Miller his place in numerous online espionage halls of fame:


The Bureau terminated Miller's employment before they arrested him, so that the press release could read "Former FBI special agent R. Miller was charged with spying for the Soviet Union…"

Miller was a Mormon, his supervisor was his Bishop.


In a final salvo of bullshit , Politico claims the Miller case "made [pedovore representative] Adam Schiff a Russia hawk."

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468ba0  No.17085785




on petition for writ of certiorari to the supreme judicial court of massachusetts

No. 14–10078. Decided March 21, 2016

 Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas joins, concurring in the judgment.

 After a “bad altercation” with an abusive boyfriend put her in the hospital, Jaime Caetano found herself homeless and “in fear for [her] life.” Tr. 31, 38 (July 10, 2013). She obtained multiple restraining orders against her abuser, but they proved futile. So when a friend offered her a stun gun “for self-defense against [her] former boy friend,” 470 Mass. 774, 776, 26 N. E. 3d 688, 690 (2015), Caetano accepted the weapon.

 It is a good thing she did. One night after leaving work, Caetano found her ex-boyfriend “waiting for [her] outside.” Tr. 35. He “started screaming” that she was “not gonna [expletive deleted] work at this place” any more because she “should be home with the kids” they had together. Ibid. Caetano’s abuser towered over her by nearly a foot and outweighed her by close to 100 pounds. But she didn’t need physical strength to protect herself. She stood her ground, displayed the stun gun, and announced: “I’m not gonna take this anymore. . . . I don’t wanna have to [use the stun gun on] you, but if you don’t leave me alone, I’m gonna have to.” Id., at 35–36. The gambit worked. The ex-boyfriend “got scared and he left [her] alone.” Id., at 36.

 It is settled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to keep and bear arms that applies against both the Federal Government and the States. District of Columbia v. Heller, 554 U. S. 570 (2008); McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U. S. 742 (2010). That right vindicates the “basic right” of “individual self-defense.” Id., at 767; see Heller, supra, at 599, 628. Caetano’s encounter with her violent ex-boyfriend illustrates the connection between those fundamental rights: By arming herself, Caetano was able to protect against a physical threat that restraining orders had proved useless to prevent. And, commendably, she did so by using a weapon that posed little, if any, danger of permanently harming either herself or the father of her children.

 Under Massachusetts law, however, Caetano’s mere possession of the stun gun that may have saved her life made her a criminal. See Mass. Gen. Laws, ch. 140, §131J (2014). When police later discovered the weapon, she was arrested, tried, and convicted. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court affirmed the conviction, holding that a stun gun “is not the type of weapon that is eligible for Second Amendment protection” because it was “not in common use at the time of [the Second Amendment’s] enactment.” 470 Mass., at 781, 26 N. E. 3d, at 693.

 This reasoning defies our decision in Heller, which rejected as “bordering on the frivolous” the argument “that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment.” 554 U. S., at 582. The decision below also does a grave disservice to vulnerable individuals like Caetano who must defend themselves because the State will not.

 The events leading to Caetano’s prosecution occurred sometime after the confrontation between her

 A subsequent bench trial established the following undisputed facts. The parties stipulated that Caetano possessed the stun gun and that the weapon fell within the statute’s prohibition.2 The Commonwealth also did not challenge Caetano’s testimony that she possessed the weapon to defend herself against the violent ex-boyfriend. Indeed, the prosecutor urged the court “to believe the defendant.” Tr. 40. The trial court nonetheless found Caetano guilty, and she appealed to the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court.

 TheSupreme Judicial Court rejected Caetano’s Second Amendment claim, holding that “a stun gun is not the type of weapon that is eligible for Second Amendment protection.”

 Although the Supreme Judicial Court professed to apply Heller, each step of its analysis defied Heller’s reasoning.

 The state court repeatedly framed the question before it as whether a particular weapon was “ ‘in common use at the time’ of enactment of the Second Amendment.” 470 Mass., at 781, 26 N. E. 3d, at 693; see also id., at 779, 780, 781, 26 N. E. 3d, at 692, 693, 694. In Heller, we emphatically rejected such a formulation. We found the argument “that only those arms in existence in the 18th century are protected by the Second Amendment” not merely wrong, but “bordering on the frivolous.” 554 U. S., at 582. Instead, we held that “the Second Amendment extends, prima facie, to all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.” Ibid.


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529d1b  No.17085786


Ahhh no, no. There's some else in the oven.


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24b933  No.17085791


ABC 1989 World Series Game 3 Earthquake

2,144,388 views Feb 11, 2010 So what does it take to shut Tim McCarver up? An earthquake

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c23634  No.17085792

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3f45af  No.17085794

Debbie Wasserman shuiz



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c1077f  No.17085795

First Monkeypox Case Confirmed in US Military Service Member: Spokesperson

A U.S. military member based in Germany has been identified as the Armed Forces’ first known case of monkeypox, according to a spokesperson.

Captain William Speaks, a spokesperson for European Command, told CNN that the active-duty service member at a base in Stuttgart “recently tested positive for monkeypox,” a virus related to smallpox that has been found in several European countries, Canada, Australia, the United States, and elsewhere.

“The individual was seen and treated at the Stuttgart Army Health clinic and is currently in isolation recovering in their quarters off-base,” Speaks said.

Authorities have determined that the single case presents a “very low” risk to the general population, Speaks said. “As a precautionary measure,” he added, “contact tracing is being done for clinic staff who interacted with the patient. The case in Stuttgart is of the West African strain, which is generally mild and human-to-human transmission is limited.”

Monkeypox, which is endemic to several African nations, primarily spreads via an infected individual’s bodily fluids or pox-like lesions. It can also spread via contaminated materials including bedding, clothing, and linens, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which recently raised its travel alert over the virus.

As of Thursday, the CDC has reported 45 confirmed or probable cases in 15 states and Washington, D.C., over the past several months. Worldwide, more than 1,350 confirmed or probable cases have been found in about three dozen countries, with most occurring in the United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Germany, and Canada, according to the CDC.


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df35c1  No.17085797

Q is not back I wish he was but that IP address has been identified and it's 100% definitely not Q.

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0051db  No.17085812


You obviously belong at the home office, probably MD or VA. Go away, you are annoying

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7fd750  No.17085818


Maybe, maybe not.

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43d908  No.17085819


What's stopping young Liberal women from getting their tubes tied? If they don't want any kids, and don't want to have to worry about birth control, or getting a "hard to get" abortion, just get their tubes tied. Less Liberal babies is not a bad thing. They can naturally become extinct.

Free tubal ligation and vasectomies should be on the Liberal voting platform.

Heck, crazy Liberal parents want to change their kid's gender anyways. As soon as they reach puberty, they should just get them neutered.

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d7740f  No.17085828


>That or it was an endorsement

an endorsement of Q's return after a 2 year absence would come in the form of called out delta

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845075  No.17085831

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8ae4c5  No.17085845

just dawned on me 47=fourth of july. he was planning this for a while. when did he get that tatoo?

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a3551b  No.17085846


Their entire job is to make the board content appear strongly bigoted and antisemitic.

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b68fb6  No.17085848


I think if [they] even tried, this that civil war 2.0 would promptly kick off.

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9e0918  No.17085850



The twilight of the liberal world order

Robert Kagan Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Robert Kagan(ovitch), husband of Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) is one the foremost Neo Conservative ideologues

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1dcb01  No.17085851


Here's the sauce for the video:



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3e6042  No.17085855



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b87338  No.17085856


This is DS comms.

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ed6b5c  No.17085864


this is what you get in a free and open society

when marxists run your education centers and teach that the nuclear family, conservatives, and everything the founders stood for is "evil, racist, and fascist!"

they use america's own laws against it

freedom of religion means people are free to participate in any and all religions

freedom of expression means degenerates get to express themselves

etc etc

it was inevitable it would come to this

enjoy the fall

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a00253  No.17085868


I cant tell if that is good, bad or indifferent, but i liked it all the same

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ebf237  No.17085873



they all seem like a template

…talking about jan 6…not free speech.

just like the Wapo tweets the other day

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079d20  No.17085875




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b1c44b  No.17085882

Search engine floods with opinion piece on pope same day as high profile rape/murder inquest in england of girl named Pope

>There are no coincidences?

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cb6705  No.17085888


Don't put your dick in crazy, anon.

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58d521  No.17085892



kicking the skids and brewing the covfefe


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688882  No.17085907


Am I on the trail?

Seems to be a crumb anons.

Most of the victims were computer scientists working for Marconi Electronic Systems and related companies on top-secret defence projects, including the US Strategic Defence Initiative.

Due to the nature of their work and the oddness of their deaths, by 1987 the national and international press had latched onto the story. Were the deaths sabotage by a foreign government or some kind of Cold War plot?

( https://theunredacted.com/dead-scientists-the-marconi-murders/ )

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2e1e53  No.17085908

Hivemind faggot gets filtered. Every. Time.

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61ddf9  No.17085914


>satanic calendar


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fcae39  No.17085915


o7 swordy!

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5738e7  No.17085919

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10d62c  No.17085934


>Past Confirms Future

From the new-n-unimproved Q.

kek well played

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79ce99  No.17085936



Jesus replied, “Truly, truly, I tell you, everyone who sins is a slave to sin"

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6dbd1b  No.17085941



(from pb Notables, #21698)


This was a few seconds too long for Twitter.

Anon figured out ffmpeg command to shorten a video; want to share it in case it can help others.

Wrote a simple script to help even more.

Run it like:


INPUT is the input file.

If the OUTPUT file exists, ffmpeg will asks "yes or no" to overwrite, interactively. If you want to use this as part of another script, you could add "-y" to the ffmpeg arguments.

Anon intentionally chose NOT to add that argument, so as not to overwrite any of anon's files.

SPEED is the speed in percentage to change the video by; for instance, to speed the video up by 5%, specify "5" (without the quotes); to slow it down by 5 percent, specify "-5". Can also specify decimals, e.g. "5.5" or "-5.5".

Some tools it uses may not be preinstalled, like "calc".

This is a Bash script, runs on Unix/Linux.

Unix is/are not a gender.

Script is below, also at Catbox:


Updated video attached, using "2.9" percent speedup from the original; results in a video that will fit on Twitter, running length 2:19 and no discernible difference from the original!

#!/bin/shINPUT=$1OUTPUT=$2SPEED=$3if [ "$INPUT" "" -o "$OUTPUT" "" -o "$SPEED" == "" ];then echo "Usage: $0 input.mp4 output.mp4 percent, will speed up video by that percentage, e.g. '5.5' for 5.5% faster, or '-5.5' to slow it by 5.5%." exit 1fi# from https:'//'www.baeldung.com/linux/bash-variable-is-numericre='^[+-]?[0-9]+([.][0-9]+)?$'if [[ $SPEED =~ $re ]]then # Need to calculate 1+change% and 1-change% (video is "slow down by this much" and audio is "speed up by this much"); # see https:'//'trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How%20to%20speed%20up%20/%20slow%20down%20a%20video VIDSPEED=`calc "(100-$SPEED)/100"` AUDSPEED=`calc "(100+$SPEED)/100"` ffmpeg -i "$INPUT" -filter_complex "[0:v]setpts=$VIDSPEED*PTS[v];[0:a]atempo=$AUDSPEED[a]" -map "[v]" -map "[a]" "$OUTPUT" ERR=$? if [ $ERR -ne 0 ] then echo "" echo "SOMETHING WENT WRONG! ffmpeg exited with errorlevel [$ERR]. CHECK ABOVE, PERHAPS THE PERCENTAGE PROVIDED WAS OUT OF BOUNDS?" exit $ERR fi echo "" echo "Copy/paste the following line to verify the video:" echo "" echo " vlc \"$OUTPUT\"" echo ""else echo "Speed [$SPEED] not recognized as numeric. Use a numeric value to speed the video up by that percentage. This can be decimal, and could also be negative to slow the video down."fi

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9ea3f0  No.17085945


That stache is beautiful!

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bbaf25  No.17085946


>No outside comms.

not all comms are for anons

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ef2286  No.17085951


what do it meme

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b26871  No.17085963


Use discernment.

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a923cc  No.17085964


Well in theory yes and I wish you social media users luck

I don't partake but understand it quite a bit

>worked in tech Co's in the BA in the late 80's early 90's so saw some of this coming then.

I want nuffin to do with it as it is now-that may change later

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7a4fe0  No.17085970


you are not kidding

it is killing everyone

they have unexplained health problems and do not connect it to the vaccines.

fucking brain washing is deep

cannot tell them, they do not want to hear it and call everyone a tinfoil hat wearing.

there do not give a shit about what colour the kill,

everyone dies

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89f2fd  No.17085972


Oh hell.

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7fd750  No.17085984

The true torch that was lit and passed on to anons is the eternal JFK torch. What JFK started anons are finishing. That's what makes anons so dangerous, as dangerous as JFK's departure from the Secret Societies, carried on by Reagan, then Trump, just as George Washington and Andrew Jackson predicted they would.

History Books

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2d51a6  No.17085986


Timing with salt chatter is sus

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dd4750  No.17085990


Didn't help Epstein.

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d8ae52  No.17085998


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477f85  No.17086006


"Fist" reference

Dan posted at 22:44

Post 2244

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e4c824  No.17086007


"i would have gone broke if i had done the right thing"

guess what, traitor, i have been broke for years

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1d1b63  No.17086009

this shit has ran its course

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678b2b  No.17086015


Everyday, more & more shit convinces me that TV shows/Movies are used to feed information to the General public. Good & bad. Fake & Real.

Small example….

I NEVER paid any attention to Ukraine. Only really remember 1st hearing anything about it back in 2014, because of the constant line "Obama only sent blankets to Ukraine"(Yes, that was the key thing they ran with back in 2014, at least that was a thing I saw multiple times)

Fast forward to 2020 & the only new thing I knew about Ukraine was what was happening with Trump & his phone call.

Then I watched that TV show "Utopia" (The American one) & not only did it stun me with how on the nose they were with the vax push to lower Population, but they said most of the kids they use were taken/bought/bred from Ukraine.

It was weird because it kind of clicked in my head that, "Damn…Maybe I should pay more attention to that area of the world"

I forgot where I was going with this, but it's my M.O.( what does mo stand for anyway? huh.)

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5e767e  No.17086020


Our gov let them escape and carry on

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024852  No.17086021


the three stooges

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db7bd7  No.17086022


Local hospital is back to severely limiting visitors because of muh COVID…that was gonna magically disappear according to Jesus Trump.

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e9b2bb  No.17086023

Muh Payola

Biden administration orders half million more doses of monkeypox vaccine

U.S. stocks up on vaccines for disease that primarily spreads through homosexual activities.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) — The Biden administration announced on Friday that it had ordered an additional 500,000 doses of the monkeypox vaccine to add to the 372,000 already purchased by federal officials.

“As of Friday, the U.S. had identified 45 cases in 15 states and the District of Columbia,” the Associated Press reported. “More than 1,300 cases have been found in about 30 other countries outside the areas of Africa where the virus is endemic.”


[or is merely chicken pox rebranded for the narrative]

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9665f6  No.17086030

Fuck you, Neverrealm Studios. You just ruined one of my favorite franchises to play since the 90s.

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86622e  No.17086031

Rep. Adam Kinzinger Trashes Rep. Boebert, Calls Her the ‘Christian Taliban’

Rep. Adam Kinzinger called on people to oppose Rep. Lauren Boebert by referring to her as the “Christian Taliban.”

Kinzinger was upset about Boebert’s comments about how “the church is supposed to direct the government.”

“There is no difference between this and the Taliban. We must oppose the Christian Taliban. I say this as a Christian,” Kinzinger, who is reportedly nondenominational Protestant, said in a tweet.

The sleazy Never-Trumper also shared an article from The Hill about the congresswoman’s speech at Cornerstone Christian Center in Basalt, Colorado.

“I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk—that’s not in the Constitution. It was in a stinking letter, and it means nothing like they say it does,” Boebert said. “The church is supposed to direct the government.”

Rep. Boebert won the Republican primary this week and will be seeking another term. She defeated her challenger by a massive 30 points.

For someone who claims to be Christian, Kinzinger has taken a lot of digs at the faith recently.

Earlier this month, Kinzinger said that “there are a number of churches that have basically become, you know, from a house of worship of Christ and of God to a house of worship of Donald Trump.”

“We need pastors, we need priests. We need leaders who are going to stand up in front of the pulpit and say, we welcome Democrats in this audience as well, and we’re not going to sit here and worship Donald Trump because he’s a very flawed man. In fact, all men are flawed,” Kinzinger continued.


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2453c4  No.17086034


Srsly. Fuck social media that requires ID.

Fuck it forever.

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ce5bb0  No.17086038



>Clot shot's gonna prove tricky going forward…

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9b5502  No.17086039


Unicorn farts. Regarding the e-chairs, that would have to happen before the lithium packs drained. They'll congregate around dead charging stations, so the e-chairs need to be prepositioned nearby.

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cddb0c  No.17086043


You can't impeach a president who's not president. The three branches became One. He's not in the WH, you're told he's in the WH. Why do you believe "news" when the president told you the news is fake?

You need to pay more attention to reality and less to the narrative.


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86d513  No.17086046


Jesus Christ, niggers are ugly. Literal monkey people.

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c9f2d1  No.17086047

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73fa5e  No.17086048

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4767cb  No.17086052

2A restrictions kicking into high gear

Last week NY Gov Hochul releases a set of absurd requirements for guns following the SCOTUS ruling.

Last week NJ legislators crafted new stupid rules and Gov Murphy waits until 9 hours ago to come on Twitter and declare it urgent and will sigh 7 bills this week.(includes ammo regulation).

Just now Philly has their own gun issue at the fireworks and Gov Tom Wolf will no doubt advance BS in PA as well.

Seems to me the blue states are going to use every shooting event (whether organic of FF OPS) to add more and more BS to laws WHILE continuing to ignore the urban gun thugs with weekend totals eclipsing the 18-24 white retard shooter pandemic.

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a2efe2  No.17086058



“To build a bioweapon, living cells would be the true target (although dead cells may suffice as soon as a decade from now). These are more difficult to recover. A strand of hair, for example, is dead, but if that hair contains a follicle, it also contains living cells. A sample gathered from fresh blood or saliva, or even a sneeze, caught in a discarded tissue, could suffice. Once recovered, these living cells can be cultured, providing a continuous supply of research material.

Even if Secret Service agents were able to sweep up all the shed cells from the president’s current environs, they couldn’t stop the recovery of DNA from the president’s past.”

Sauce: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/11/hacking-the-presidents-dna/309147/

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3581e0  No.17086066



A globohomo corp that anon refuses to endorse with my purchasing power.

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89f821  No.17086067

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ca2af1  No.17086069


Disclose.tv, [20.06.22 18:56]

NEW - US Army has introduced "Critical Race Theory" to West Point cadets, new documents obtained by Judicial Watch show.

“These documents show racist, anti-American CRT propaganda is being used to try to radicalize our rising generation of Army leadership at West Point.”



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5c6821  No.17086071


>Frenly reminder shills make money on engagement. ffs

Which explains why the prefer quantity over quality: Any retard can do it.

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7b81eb  No.17086072


Corn 36 inches. Grew 19 inches in last week #cornwatch

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f448e5  No.17086083


why are you so obsessed with black people? does it stem from a fear of the unknown, perhaps? how many have you met? how many have you gotten to know?

you're so much more of a nigger than any black person i've ever met and i've met about a hundred of them

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749415  No.17086086




wasnt sure


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30f70e  No.17086087


I Like him

God please walk with & Protect this man

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7bf613  No.17086091


>just leave it out on the patio

If a mother leaves baby on patio

then planned parent hoods can pick it up in 28 days?

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becc0e  No.17086092

I was advised that HM banned is banned. Does anyone have a link to the post formally establishing an actual ban from the entirety of HM AND for the general threads? Thanks.

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ad5453  No.17086093


Theres the Great Awakening…Suicide Weekend

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2a41cc  No.17086094

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c75157  No.17086095


They'll even eat the tennis shoes!!

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be3f8a  No.17086101


10000000 mile marathon

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e28cd3  No.17086104

US defense contractor to buy the Israeli NSO Group is a was of money.

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c3a3a2  No.17086118

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7c794f  No.17086119



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d678e9  No.17086126


Malichai Martin was a polyglot

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3ce871  No.17086136

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7479d4  No.17086138


two days ahead of schedule

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336bab  No.17086140


Because Q showed back up, so I took it upon myself to remind people that this has done nothing but help the Democrats.

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c9f2d1  No.17086145

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4fc6b2  No.17086147


I'm calling bullshit on this statement.


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0c3c29  No.17086148


Old Bake ;)

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23e66e  No.17086153


You wouldn't believe what she can do with the joystick.

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ecd5bd  No.17086177

… for example, this is somewhat a prayer for me. Amen. (I'm trying…. yeah yeah double meanings exist).

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688882  No.17086182




Comms @ the ~07:17-min-mark?


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023356  No.17086186

Press Briefing by Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

The White House



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efc988  No.17086193


ok john ronald…

the song of the aınur was wonderful…

yet hardly transliteral of Creation

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6628ab  No.17086196


Are you drunk?

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0051db  No.17086197




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b87338  No.17086200

The largest deposit of clean burning coal in the world is located in Utah. Under sixty gorillion layers of Red Tape in some sort of monument, waiting for the capitulation of America under Bidumbass to China. Whence they will dig that shit up and burn the fuck out of it. Forging their new empire in the Americas. They will replace the entire population of the US and never miss a beat replacing them in China. 400,000,000 exported.

You and your offspring will have starved to death by then so don't worry about it.

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5929f1  No.17086202

All this homo stuff seems strange.

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59da68  No.17086204


Not a hermetically sealed wall

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cb9681  No.17086206




Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that the Constitution of the United States protects the liberty of married couples to buy and use contraceptives without government restriction.

Lawrence v. Texas Lawrence v. Texas, 539 U.S. 558 (2003), was a landmark decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in which the Court ruled that sanctions of criminal punishment for those who commit sodomy are unconstitutional.

Obergefell v. Hodges, 576 U.S. 644 (2015) is a landmark civil rights case in which the Supreme Court of the United States ruled that the fundamental right to marry is guaranteed to same-sex couples by both the Due Process Clause and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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3f01fa  No.17086210


And blue states get 90% of federal emergency aid because of fires, crime, education, theft etc. So mid America deserves a lot more for well running states

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8ab895  No.17086213


I mean are you one of those Jim is secretly Q conspiracy theorists? Cause I think thats an insane thing to believe.

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462285  No.17086216



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7fd750  No.17086218


6, 11, 11 is the cycle I believe.


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f655cf  No.17086219


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a632b8  No.17086220

New UN Building in Africa 666666 plus a flat earth map.

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43d908  No.17086230


Chief Nerd, [11.06.22 07:30]

[ Photo ]

Tampon shortage adds to long list of consumer woes amid record inflation

“The shortage chatter is happening against a backdrop of rising prices for the products. The average price of tampons has climbed nearly 10 percent in the past year, while prices for menstrual pads rose 8.3 percent.

The culprit, experts say, is the rising price of raw materials like cotton. As a result, Procter & Gamble has announced new price hikes on top of increases from about a year ago, Bloomberg reported.”



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1719b3  No.17086252


With a fucking last name like that, who could trust the little faggot?

Not to mention he is self-proclaimed Q hater so he could play famefag…

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dd4750  No.17086253


Sounds like a boring story. /x/ may be interested.

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d3e14b  No.17086255


Que Rico

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688882  No.17086256


how are you watching me?

can you hear my thoughts too?

You mock my pain in front of everyone?

is this betros?

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5a8dbc  No.17086257





ffs the state of this place

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b1c44b  No.17086258

Wow, filtered the following and now it's just me and the OP and couple others.

comment 66 million X

comment anne frank X

comment goy X

comment girlfriend X

comment gorillion X

comment (((inbreds))) X


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52f76c  No.17086266


>After we save to world. Or something. Have you decided on which model yet?


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085562  No.17086267


Why what now?

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775075  No.17086268






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32e01b  No.17086269

Bob Ross calls them happy little accidents, not happy little abortions!

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ee2afe  No.17086272


No moar blood money. Bless.

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4ffd5b  No.17086274


Antifa = nazi skinheads

Check the list

Meet the gay groomers

Parents Beware: They’re After Your Children

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87bdd9  No.17086276


VP Harris has set up a go-fund-me account to pay his bond.

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f7631d  No.17086278


>for some part of the package of armaments we agreed to before.

The tone from Z is very dictating…

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a00253  No.17086279


Watch the Water


going back to code for money laundering?

His speech at Whirlpool right around time of raid in Cleveland/Miami Chabad donors and then Beirut Boom

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83cf58  No.17086301


>for as long as God allows it,

Be a hoot if he died tomorrow.

God has spoken.

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75753b  No.17086302


Yeah just ignore voter fraud and pretend you can unelect politicians who only 'won' because of the fraud Barr ignored.

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615d96  No.17086303



Happy 4th July, claim your independence day, claim it, never ask for your freedom, it is yours to begin with, fcuk the deep state and their condescending moranic talking heads too


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b36736  No.17086306


ThanQ Baker!

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7a3711  No.17086307


Didn't she wear a Q necklace?

Didn't Q post about her the next day?

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ab3d62  No.17086312



FBI actually doing their job? I'm shocked.

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2d703c  No.17086324

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775075  No.17086327



Sometimes you meet someone who is truly special. A person that sticks out, leaving an imprint that you’ll never forget. With her big, beautiful smile, contagious personality, and infectious laughter it was so easy to be attracted to Lisa and become her friend.

Lisa M. Richardson, 58 Kronenwetter, passed away on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at her home. She was manager/owner of Randy’s Video / Balloons R Us - Decorating service Stevens Point WI, for many years and ended her career at Krueger Floral, Schofield Wi due to disability. Lisa married the love of her life, Kent Richardson on 8/9/1997 (he survives). They lived a wonderful life together and had two sons. Hunter (Hanna) Richardson – Rothschild WI and Tanner Richardson – Kronenwetter, WI. She is also stepmother to Krystle (Tony) Endries – Rozellville, WI and Kasey Richardson Iola, WI.

She was blessed with five Grandchildren: Vinney, Aria, and Mitchell Endries (Krystle and Tony), Echo Richardson, (Kasey), and Haddie Richardson (Hunter and Hanna).

Lisa was preceded in death by her parents Lou Zehl and Beverly (Strike) Zehl , her sister Barb Tiffany, and Father in Law Ken Richardson.

Lisa is survived by her husband Kent, Sisters: Bonnie Vandyke, Randy (Chip) Reed, Patty Zehl, and VickI Hiller, Mother-in-Law: Gloria Richardson, Sister in Law: Dana (Mark) Bohanski, 2 Brother in Laws: Kurt (Kathy) Richardson and Kris Richardson. 6 nephews: Brian Hiller, Travis and Tyler Clark, Callen and Kenton Grulkowski, and Rein Richardson. 6 Nieces: Heather Tiffany, April (Sean) Lanehart, Allison Richardson, Abby and Jenna Bohanski, and Hanna (Conner) Stroik,

Lisa will be missed greatly; but loved and remembered forever.


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b1c44b  No.17086330

… ain't no placating relationship like Obamas.

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ff10c6  No.17086332

DS panic just went to 12!

Qs back

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b36736  No.17086352


1.35 million new illegal immigrants settled

in U.S. under Biden, study shows

Washington Times, by Stephen Dinan

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/1/2022 2:37:38 PM

The U.S. has added more than 2 million immigrants to its population since President Biden took office in 2021, the vast majority of them here illegally, according to a new report Wednesday that says most of the newcomers are arriving illegally. The surge is so overwhelming that it’s pushed up the projected point at which the U.S. will have its largest-ever share of immigrants, according to the Center for Immigration Studies. At the current pace of growth, 14.9% of residents will be immigrants as of sometime next year, topping the record set around the turn of the 20th century. That’s half a decade earlier than the Census Bureau’s last calculation,

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9f01a9  No.17086356


Several months ago I noticed one bread where Swordy's UID was > 1.

Investigating the other posts revealed another often posted meme series was authored by Swordy as well.

Told Swordy to stick to just 1 ppb when posting the morning bless.png.

Swordy has since done so.

Kudos, Swordy, the mystique is important.

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5d6675  No.17086359


Anons take heed

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c1a1d8  No.17086362


Which double looks sick?

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bf68c4  No.17086363

I'm peacefully exhausted. Only lurked here a couple times each of the past long hard days. Digital vacation, other than music on my Droid in my butt pocket…plowing through the long overdue punch-list!

Roommate Anon got to help a new friend with a guitar issue. Also stripped a finish to correct a finish flaw.

God Wins, Patriots! Take breaks as needed and Trust in Your Savior, Jesus Christ!

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4efac6  No.17086366


They're overselling a dog brand. J6 = instant negative reaction and change of channel. The Cabal simply has no popular support.

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14b9ad  No.17086374




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00781d  No.17086383


I think he wanted to call Clarence the N word, but stopped himself

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a73765  No.17086389


where is pelosi's son working?

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3ab902  No.17086406


>The First Human-Pig Hybrid Embryo Has Been Created in The Lab

That looks like a Mr Pig meme in the making…

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9f7f13  No.17086411


Anon has only seen one movie the audience can affect the plot during the show, it sucked and still had many limitations. The more we believe the veneer, the more we get sucked in to disbelief in that good wins over evil. This is the reason we were told to sit back.

Anon's been told by god to put a weapon away. He was prepping for an inevitable intrusion and fight, so he grabbed his dirk. But after the angelic voice gave instruction of "put it away and there will be no bloodshed", anon did as instructed. The intruder came in and immediately did the most damage to property and items around anon, but when it came to strikes, each blow was landing with the impact of a feather pillow. Guns, nukes, knives, barehands, no matter what comes for anon, if god says there will be no blood, there will be no blood.

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6a0e94  No.17086415

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c10bf1  No.17086418

Lt Steven Rogers Interviews Riccardo Bosi, from Australia.


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615d96  No.17086419


>give us a sec_test and some Bible verses,

Q, post pics of pens and wrist watches, preferably very expensive ones, or a pic of POTUS' personal Sharpie marker on the lawn of Mar a Lago …

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01f88f  No.17086420

Hussein, Susan Rice, and Valerie Jarrett are still running America. Democrats are laughing their asses off.

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dce592  No.17086428


Fake News

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96755a  No.17086440


Kek @ Doge trannyflag.


Sad @ Texas not being on that list…

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2d51a6  No.17086446


heavy, but not spotting

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2d703c  No.17086457


Also Cain killed Abel.

So who Cain fucked?

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cc6039  No.17086464

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0c706a  No.17086468










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fe4930  No.17086469


lloyd died for that dungeon

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0eb8a1  No.17086478


, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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52f76c  No.17086480


go kill yourself you fucking fed faggot

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49537f  No.17086481


I cannot argue with you there anon.

Maybe its Google's AI trying to refine itself. But it doesn't seem to get any smarter…

Its more like a glitch stuck on groundhog day…

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f8ba3d  No.17086483

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322580  No.17086487




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f66839  No.17086489


I won'der if that shoppin cart means I can drop the turbin in…

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58d521  No.17086492



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3a8c77  No.17086494


Holy psychological projection of 'pro gun violence' praxilogic batman!

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110820  No.17086499


Incontinentia Buttocks is more likely.

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6e5697  No.17086506



we get to sterilize her?

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89b183  No.17086518

Anons what if you helped and agreed to the plan prior to incarnation?

What if you were chosen for that reason?

Infiltration not invasion

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b9ef02  No.17086521

And now Steqhen Miller is going to go silent until midterms… He's manipulating you all again, and he did absolutely nothing positive for you last time.

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14b9ad  No.17086531


space fours

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f0a3f7  No.17086534


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6ae5ec  No.17086535

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80b057  No.17086542



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7ab0a8  No.17086543

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸@julie_kelly2

Also a few months after Chris Wray testified that he *thought* one person had a firearms charge, DOJ indicted Guy Reffitt for having a gun outside the Capitol (June 2021). The only evidence they had was a holster.

A DC jury nonetheless found him guilty. Performance prosecution

About the “armed mob” narrative.

First, Capitol Hill was crawling with undercover agents from numerous law enforcement agencies including Capitol police and DC Metro.

Second, it’s not the president’s job to protect DC. That primarily falls to mayor of DC, who rejected extra guardsmen on January 6, a decision the J6 committee hasn’t explored.

Third, only 2 men associated with the protest on J6 were arrested that night for possession of firearms. One left ammo in his truck and another was arrested at night near Capitol grounds.

The only person who had a gun and used it that day was Michael Byrd, the Capitol cop who executed Ashli Babbitt. The committee has never mentioned her name.

There is zero evidence of anyone, let alone a Trump supporter, carrying a rifle especially an AR-15 on Jan 6.

If what Hutchinson said is true, police on the ground including Secret Service are to blame. They allowed the president to speak in a public venue filled with hundreds or thousands of people without adequate protection.

I’ve seen no video, photos, or evidence in DOJ filings this is true

Further, Trump supporters brought things to defend themselves bc they were assaulted throughout 2020 in DC, including Stop the Steal rallies in November and December.

Anyone who knew of “armed” agitators in DC before Trump took the stage at the Ellipse and did nothing is complicit in allowing an attempted attack against the sitting US president and every lawmaker in that building on January 6.

If true, we’d hear screams from AOC and those who said their lives were in danger.

But we haven’t. And we know why.


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a04945  No.17086546

The Savior Final Letter To All Royal Families, Entities Who Are Managing Many Nations

Source: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com/2022/06/16/the-savior-final-letter-to-all-royal-families-entities-who-are-managing-many-nations/

This is a very serious important letter, so please send forward to all the entities, royal families, nations governments, big organizations in the society on planet Earth.


I am the Savior from many ancient prophecies, I am representing the heaven realm (the highest level of existing), I am speaking for many beings who either don’t want to talk or not allowed to talk with the mortal human realm.

Over the last several days, I have shared many new unique projects/ideas and strategy that will benefit the whole humanity and the society of this world. But most of them required cooperation and a lot of money resources because they are non-profit.

All the royal families and many national governments were and still only exist to “assist/help” the rest of humans. So it is time for your actions and act.

This is also the opportunity for all the gods/deities who have certain “connection” with mortal humans can escape the “seal” and truly able exit the circle of death and rebirth as well.

The final waiting is only 10 days from now till 26-06-2022 (June 26th 2022).

I and the heaven realm cannot wait more than that time because that is enough time to truly know the true color all of you.

Don’t you think all the crazy stupid lying actions over the past few years against the rest of mortal humans can pass the heaven realm? That is not helping/assist but killing/eliminating.

So this letter is the final divine warning and final opportunity for all the “bad” people/entities to turn around and save their life.

After the deadline 26-06-2022 (June 26th 2022), all the one who do not do their duty of assisting/helping humans will gone and vanish and go to hell !

Best Regard,

Signature Signed

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha

More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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86f341  No.17086549


I know. That's my sister. Give her a break. She's sensitive about being a fucking moron.

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424209  No.17086561


That’s because he’s such a girl

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49961c  No.17086562



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300ce3  No.17086564


more like her shoulders/neck

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58423e  No.17086565

If they can get away with it once..

They’ll do it again!


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763542  No.17086567



Shall vve play a game?

(((Call me Q)))

(((Double meanings exist)))

Rusty Shackleford : _

(((MaybE thiS iS the calm before the storm)))

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5e4578  No.17086568



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787d4e  No.17086569

Using toxic biological agents, the Chinese Communists would be able to preserve much of America’s infrastructure and resources, yet remove the impediment the U.S. currently represents to the realization of their overarching goal of becoming the world’s hegemon.


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04177e  No.17086570


discuss whatever you want

but not on my time

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f03e51  No.17086571


If you want to go that route. We are all one with the spirit of God in us… which would mean we are all connected in spirit with God and each other.

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405c85  No.17086572

They want your kids groomed, then exposed to HIV, and you have no recourse.


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64ab7d  No.17086573

There is time to escape to Russia

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ff2c8d  No.17086574


Ya Ya Rolly. Polly.

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dae081  No.17086575

Key congressman who investigated Jan. 6 evidence: Trump ‘not to blame’ for violence

Rep. Rodney Davis also slams Nancy Pelosi, warns Capitol not ‘in a better security posture’ since the riots

A Republican congressman who spent months investigating U.S. Capitol security after the Jan. 6 riot said Wednesday that former President Donald Trump “is not to blame” for the violence that occurred that day and warned Democrats’ politicization of upcoming hearings have harmed the ability of Congress to improve security after the harrowing episode.

Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., the ranking member on the House Administration Committee, is a unique voice on the Capitol riot for two reasons: Trump has endorsed his opponent in an upcoming Illinois GOP primary, and Davis survived a prior act of violence targeting lawmakers when a deranged gunman opened fire during a congressional baseball game in 2017.

“Look, I will tell you, I don't think we're in a better security posture than we were leading up to January 6th,” Davis told the Just the News, Not Noise television show, reacting to a Just the News report Tuesday night that Capitol Police had identified 53 intelligence and security failures in a secret report after the Jan. 6 riot. “I think that's a direct failure of Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats not addressing some of the security failures that happened that day.

“Do I feel protected on the campus? I do,” he added. “The Capitol Police are brave men and women. They saved my life on a baseball field almost five years ago, and the lives of so many of my colleagues. They're my heroes for doing that. But they were put in a terrible position because of politics and because of optics. And that was done by the person who controls the security apparatus of the Capitol. And that is Nancy Pelosi.”

Davis has been forced to run against fellow GOP Rep. Mary Miller for a newly re-districted Illinois House seat later this month. Trump endorsed Miller after Davis voted to certify the 2020 election results and supported a bi-partisan investigation of Jan. 6, something Democrats rejected. But Davis is strongly supported by GOP leadership and has backed Trump routinely, including serving as co-chairman of the president’s Illinois campaign.

As the top Republican on the House Administration Committee that oversees the Capitol, Davis and his investigators pouted over thousands of pages of emails, texts and police files to identify the security failures that allowed a rowdy crowd to overrun the Capitol and its $600 million a year police force.

Davis denounced plans by House Democrats on the Jan. 6 committee to hold prime-time hearings Thursday night scripted by a Hollywood producer, saying they will only politically distract from assigning blame where it belongs and identifying unresolved security lapses at the Capitol.


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2e4232  No.17086581


I think that dog is effected by climate change.

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56447e  No.17086583

Qagg is back up! Woot Woot!

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7ffab3  No.17086584


Hospital room?

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e89658  No.17086585


New York Times World


New Zealand has declared the Proud Boys a terrorist organization, making it illegal for New Zealanders to participate in or support its activities.

New Zealand’s minister of police, Chris Hipkins, discussed the Proud Boys and the Base on Thursday in Wellington. “These are white supremacist terrorist groups,” he said.


New Zealand Designates Proud Boys a Terrorist Group

The far-right Proud Boys are not known to operate in the country, but the designation makes it illegal for New Zealanders to support them.

10:29 PM · Jul 1, 2022·SocialFlow

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68b94b  No.17086587


Found a video of the faggot talking about why he buys tampons. Watch if you want to waste 36 seconds of your life

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91ac65  No.17086589

Vatican Media Live - English

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af35a3  No.17086590


I'm still learning.

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e924f3  No.17086594


concur. shills be shillin'

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a73765  No.17086595


thanks bakes

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745f3c  No.17086596

James Patterson apologizes for saying white, male writers are facing 'racism'

Anon sees vicious logic from radical left RACIST thugs.

They are projecting a false logic that viciously denies and attackssimultaneous truthsfrom even being uttered.

It does NOT follow from the statement "white male writers face racism" that it 'minimizes', or 'trivializes' or 'is insensitive towards' or ANY OTHER NARRATIVE PREDICATED ON THE FALSE DIALECTIC OF ONE INFORMATION OBJECT PREVENTING ANOTHER TRUE INFORMATION OBJECT FROM BEING SPOKEN OR THOUGHT OF OR UTTERED.

It's as if the radical left who intimidated Patterson into silence believe that if they accept the truth that white male writers do in fact face racism, that somehow this 'NEGATES' or 'destroys' or 'denies' every racism against non white non male people.

The radical left's logic falls prey to treating what is in fact everywhere an 'AND' conjunction linking information objects, as if they were 'BUT' or 'CAN'T BE TRUE BECAUSE THERE IS ANOTHER SIMULTANEOUS TRUTH'.

The radical left is clearly displaying a pattern of belief that there is no space no room for CONCURRENT truths to even be spoken about in public, as if doing so is an act of destroying the information objects that they are the whole time having in their minds and spoken of.

They are falsely behaving as if there is no room, that adding more instances of racism somehow 'disproves' all other instances of racism, but there is room and one does not disprove another, they're all individual cases.

Patterson doesn't need to apologize and shouldn't have to apologize.

He only ADDED more information, there is no destruction of any other information by doing so.

Question Anon has is WHY does the radical left seem to want the narrative to only have specific information objects as even permitted? Why can't they just be content to introduce everything they can, and if there is other information objects there, so what?


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becb18  No.17086600


Hey Baker

This looks notable huh?

tree fiddy kek


Views on antisemitism and Israel'

When asked about what he thought about Israel, in The New Yorker, Soros replied: "I don't deny Jews the right to a national existence – but I don't want to be a part of it."[157] According to hacked emails released in 2016, Soros's Open Society Foundation has a self-described objective of "challenging Israel's racist and anti-democratic policies" in international forums, in part by questioning Israel's reputation as a democracy.[158] He has funded NGOs which have been actively critical of Israeli policies[159][160][161] including groups that campaign for the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement against Israel.[159]

Speaking before a 2003 conference of the Jewish Funders Network, Soros said that the administrations of George W. Bush in the U.S. and Ariel Sharon in Israel, and even the unintended consequences of some of his own actions, were partially contributing to a new European antisemitism. Soros, citing accusations that he was one of the "Jewish financiers" who, in antisemitic terms, "ruled the world by proxy", suggested that if we change the direction of those policies, then anti-Semitism also will diminish. Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League later said that Soros's comments held a simplistic view, were counterproductive, biased and a bigoted perception of what's out there, and "blamed the victim" when holding Jews responsible for antisemitism. Jewish philanthropist Michael Steinhardt, who arranged for Soros's appearance at the conference, clarified, "George Soros does not think Jews should be hated any more than they deserve to be."[162] Soros has also said that Jews can overcome antisemitism by "giv[ing] up on the tribalness".[163]

In a subsequent article for The New York Review of Books, Soros emphasized that

I do not subscribe to the myths propagated by enemies of Israel and I am not blaming Jews for anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism predates the birth of Israel. Neither Israel's policies nor the critics of those policies should be held responsible for anti-Semitism. At the same time, I do believe that attitudes toward Israel are influenced by Israel's policies, and attitudes toward the Jewish community are influenced by the pro-Israel lobby's success in suppressing divergent views.[164]

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26d326  No.17086601




British mercenaries Sean Pinner and Aiden Aslin, as well as Moroccan Saadun Brahim, partially pleaded guilty in the DPR court.


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c2431f  No.17086602


I definitely felt this one

Maybe is why I'm not tired anymore

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44461d  No.17086605


It doesn't even matter. That was probably the point of the posts.

Q left, we carried on.

Q came back, we carry on.

Do we need Q?

We like Q, but we don't need Q.

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ff10c6  No.17086607



W/ an alien and I 'm a boy.

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6111b1  No.17086608


I have been putting this together lately too.


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9a4e8e  No.17086609



I'm a fiction.

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152b54  No.17086610

Texas Republicans declare Biden ‘not legitimately elected’

The party’s state convention adopted a plank denouncing the US president’s election as illegitimate

Texas Republicans adopted a plank to their platform declaring the 2020 election of Democrat Joe Biden as US president to be illegitimate on Saturday during the party’s first in-person convention since 2018. It was one of several planks signaling the party’s further shift rightward.

"We reject the certified results of the 2020 presidential election, and we hold that acting President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. was not legitimately elected by the people of the United States," the resolution, passed by voice vote, reads.

The majority of Republicans believe the 2020 election was stolen, with a recent poll indicating seven out of 10 are convinced Biden is an illegitimate president despite nearly two years of non-stop messaging to the contrary. According to Politifact, attempting to “fact-check” the beliefs of those who believe the election was stolen has only led them to hold tighter to those beliefs.

Attempts to demonize those questioning the results by tarring them as would-be insurrectionists amid the January 6 riot hearings have not budged the needle either, merely inflaming both sides of the debate once again.

Former president Donald Trump himself still insists the election was stolen. However, despite numerous legal challenges in multiple states, his campaign was unable to flip a single electoral vote. He has continued to hold what are effectively campaign rallies in the intervening years despite technically not running for president in 2024, though he teased a possible run again during a recent event in Nashville.

Biden officially received 7 million more votes than Trump, taking 306 Electoral College votes to Trump’s 270. While several members of the Democratic National Committee recently went on the record with the New York Times suggesting Biden should retire after serving his term, the president reportedly plans to run again, potentially setting up a rematch with Trump.

The planks of the Republican Party platform are not legally binding and candidates are not required to swear fealty to them in order to run under the party banner. In general, they reflect the wishes of the most activist members of the party – those who show up to its biannual conventions to make their opinions felt.

Aside from denouncing Biden’s election as false, the Texas Republicans also voted to declare homosexuality an “abnormal lifestyle choice” and gender identity disorder a “genuine and extremely rare mental health condition,” as well as to have schoolchildren “learn about the humanity of the preborn child.” Additional planks include restricting the government’s abilities to regulate gun ownership or change the number of Supreme Court justices, abolishing the federal income tax, and shutting down the Federal Reserve.




Texas Republicans declare Biden ‘not legitimately elected’ — RT World News


The federal income tax on worker's wages was instituted to FEED the private, Rothschild sponsored Federal Reserve Bank as was F.D. Roosevelt's massive theft of American Gold in 1933 (Executive Order 6102) so, however crazy the other 'planks' may be and however nauseating Texans may be, those last two are outstanding ideas. One of the most famous sayings in economic history is from a Rothschild, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws!". And VOILA! today's America.

SpraYeR Cartman

2000 mules is a good watch on gab or rumble. Rigged to the hilts.

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cdf175  No.17086612


I haven’t seen it if it does.

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c31c2d  No.17086613

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f21457  No.17086615

So now the New York Post is joining the MSM that banned them, wow


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c02e0f  No.17086625


filtered faggot

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b7994f  No.17086632


45s Next Rally Speech Should Be littered With Gooidies For The Happy Shipmates Encouragement Methinks.. Arrrr!!!

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8d03c2  No.17086633


I'm not upset. Just noticing that the more you post the Shillier you seem is all

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cac104  No.17086638

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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b87338  No.17086641


>It just mean the military is in control.

They're intercepting the comms channels and inserting the number 17 every chance they get.

Next step in the psyop: giant billboards flashing 17.

Drive everybody mad! 17! 17 everywhere!

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0e2ee8  No.17086645


drones misreporting themselves

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529a76  No.17086648

Its difficult to help someone that doesn't want help. Especially when they only crave attention.

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a5392e  No.17086654


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ae565a  No.17086655

salty juw battered trotskyites

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c23ad3  No.17086658


poleland wants your fart shekels feels

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615d96  No.17086661


Show them?

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80b057  No.17086667

General McInerney

Wisconsin court rules private Mark Zuckerberg funding for 2020 election was lawful. (Washington Times)


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3bd384  No.17086669


no. shit.

boy..who coulda seen this coming..

security housing unit syndrome on a global scale




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3b521b  No.17086673



Why does OSS hate my WebM's so much?



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8a0231  No.17086674


Ever seen a furnace/forge, for working metal? The "all-seeing-eye" which seperated the gold, silver, and copper from the lessor dross.

The Ancient Cannanite forefathers of th4 Jews worshipped the process of refining metals and called it YHWH.

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acbd9c  No.17086675


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76531a  No.17086682



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5e4578  No.17086687

(you)r Children Live in the Land of Legends


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4efac6  No.17086690


Fines of up to 14,000 euros for doctors

The answers to questions four to seven make it clear that the medical profession bears full responsibility and liability in connection with the vaccination and its side effects and is left hanging by the Ministry of Health. Because Rauch has cleaned himself up with the following statement: “The scope of medical education has been shown in the Austrian vaccination plan for years and I can assume that doctors work in accordance with the recommendations and the state of the art.”

As Wochenblick reported in detail last year, the penalty for violating the obligation to report side effects or lack of effectiveness (according to the Medicines Act) is 7,500 euros, and up to 14,000 euros in repeated cases. However, oddly enough, not a single notification of this kind has yet been received. As it seems, those affected have to take action themselves .

Is vaccine breakthrough a side effect?

Suspected side effects should always be reported, said Rauch. This report must be sent to the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG). In addition, patients and their relatives could also voluntarily report side effects directly to the BASG. A side effect is any reaction to the vaccine that is harmful and unintended. In the case of vaccines, this also includes the lack of an effect.” So the question arises: Is it already a reportable side effect if a gene-treated person subsequently becomes infected with corona and actually becomes ill – i.e. has a so-called “vaccination breakthrough”?

Vaccination status mostly not recorded

A particularly explosive point is dealt with in the answer to question eight: Is the vaccination status recorded at all? When a doctor takes the medical history (anamnesis) of a patient, all information about medication taken and vaccinations administered would also have to be recorded. Because otherwise, a connection between symptoms and a previous injection cannot be established.

Many doctors who treat vaccination side effects complain that precisely this information on corona vaccinations is very often missing in the medical history. According to the Minister of Health, “there is no explicit legal obligation to collect a ‘vaccination status'”. But: “As part of the anamnesis, all information that is necessary for the clarification of a clinical picture must be obtained. If there is a suspicion of a vaccination side effect or the lack of the expected effectiveness”, doctors are obliged to report to the BASG immediately.

Illegal data synchronization?

On page five of the answer, another spicy point comes up. The Minister of Health writes: “If fully vaccinated people contract COVID-19, this is called a vaccine breakthrough. In order to counteract underreporting, the data from the epidemiological reporting system EMS is compared with that from the e-vaccination card. This raises the question of whether this procedure is even legal under data protection law. As is well known, ELGA refused to keep the vaccination register in order not to make itself legally vulnerable (Wochenblick reported ).

Ministry of Health does nothing

pt 4

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ca8052  No.17086691


>Another convoy slowed down DC yesterday (July 4, 2022)

NOTABLE vid, apparently more to come….apparently not The Peoples Convoy…new group

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1719b3  No.17086693




they are trying drive julian to commit suicide.

bail has been denied 3 times already


corp suggest anons circulate this video.

pompeo turns out is deep state through and through.

this goes to the dual citizenship topic and the clowns around the world, especially israeli

very dangerous waters we are in, clowns within clowns within clowns.

who to trust.

Stay with god !!!

total length of video is 57 minutes long, starts at 3.51 minute into the video as they approach the desk with reporters microphones.

In God We trust - God speed ahead o7

WATCH | Julian Assange's wife to give news conference after extradition decision

38 watching nowStarted streaming 34 minutes ago


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becc0e  No.17086695

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eb8e70  No.17086696



wно ıs тнат кıd

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005cf3  No.17086706



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3875ce  No.17086708


Jerry Dunleavy


When I’m asked who my heroes are, there’s one I always try to include: a yet-unknown Chinese man who stood up to the Communist military, groceries in hand, just after the #TiananmenSquare massacre 33 years ago. #TankMan showed the world what bravery means.



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79925b  No.17086710


Not only should the school money be frozen, but the teacher, administrators, and anyone else involved, should be locked up. It appears that if the source of the books is out of state, federal obscenity charges would apply. They might also apply just because the school receives federal money. Those who assisted in the procurement or distribution of the books would also be guilty, possibly even state and federal employees that proposed, advocated, or encouraged the distribution of the obscene material.

"Federal law prohibits the possession with intent to sell or distribute obscenity, to send, ship, or receive obscenity, to import obscenity, and to transport obscenity across state borders for purposes of distribution. It is also illegal to aid or abet in the commission of these crimes, and individuals who commit such acts are also punishable under federal obscenity laws.

The U.S. Supreme Court established the test that judges and juries use to determine whether matter is obscene. Any material that satisfies this three-pronged test may be found obscene:

-Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter, taken as a whole, appeals to prurient interests (i.e., an erotic, lascivious, abnormal, unhealthy, degrading, shameful, or morbid interest in nudity, sex, or excretion)

-Whether the average person, applying contemporary adult community standards, finds that the matter depicts or describes sexual conduct in a patently offensive way (i.e., ultimate sexual acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, masturbation, excretory functions, lewd exhibition of the genitals, or sado-masochistic sexual abuse)

-Whether a reasonable person finds that the matter, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value."

https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-obscenity [Child Exploitation And Obscenity Laws]

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4b040e  No.17086714


She will get 17 years.

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40ee9d  No.17086716


A fascist leader would publicly execute her.

and could fix a great many things destroying us that are stuck behind hostile foreign NGOs and enemy spies working as lawyers quickly.

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9c8b19  No.17086720

Guess, that OSS guy and the others are from the bad camp, and the reason nobody is digging into it is because they prevent anons from it.


but how can we come together to fight back the deep state?

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7aff1b  No.17086724

FROM t.me/RichLDNRDGorillaBroadcast & @RichLDNRD ON TS, GAB & GETTR



2000 Mules => https://www.bitchute.com/video/2lwKCvbEZ5bo/

Rigged => https://www.bitchute.com/video/LSbNw3Zerypu/

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f730e0  No.17086730

BREAKING: U.S. President Joe Biden crashes a bike while riding up to members of the public during a bike ride in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, U.S.


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ff1df7  No.17086734

what is that lapel pin

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dfdb8e  No.17086746


>Do one of Fauci.

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21b37f  No.17086747

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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39e9ba  No.17086752


>sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

Sorta right, no?

But you start a family only once, no?

At most you have, what, 20 kids?

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0bcbd8  No.17086753



>Jake Corman

>a Banking analyst from Charlotte

>kinda looks and sounds like a pharma bro clone

Jake Corman coindentally the name of PA state senator. Think he wrote letter about electors

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c02e0f  No.17086754

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4de00e  No.17086755

AUSA Moe: The US moves to dismiss counts 7 and 8.

Judge Nathan: You have the right to appeal, within 14 days. Anything else?

No. No.



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010d1e  No.17086758


lol, continue shitposting Schlomo

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ce730b  No.17086767


surely they stopped tho. They aren't doing this now? kek

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ea6bab  No.17086768



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8a45dd  No.17086772


“The faggiest thing you ever did see”

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296af8  No.17086773

Utah County Ritualized Sexual Abuse Investigation Update #1


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7216e9  No.17086780

You can't break me, shills, nor get under my skin. Though I do find your attempts amusing.

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2b9e2e  No.17086781


This place is far from tidy when we have nazi fucking memes in the notables. They're going to get this place shut the fuck down.


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3d75bc  No.17086783



no sauce retards, again

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599e67  No.17086785



In all fairness she was given an impossible job.

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7ffab3  No.17086787


Do that all the time. Music is better for some people.

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3f6ebe  No.17086790


WHO GIVES A FUCK JR you dumbass mofo. Your girlfriend is cringe af and older than your dad's wife. And she used to fuck Gavin Newsom. Fuck off!

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f24db4  No.17086791




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61eb96  No.17086793


Looks like Putin is collaborating with the WEF & BRICS financially but not necessarily the whole "Have nothing be happy & Eat Bugs" globalist bullshit. either way, they appear to be playing at being the world currency and Bidens feeding into it.



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f41f90  No.17086797


Done in 30

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6089a1  No.17086801


It's not the way he talks; and for good reason.

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a7469a  No.17086803



with pleasure (no homo)

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19cd99  No.17086806


Good to know

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08d219  No.17086811


Why are yall consumers always trying to buy something? Try selling him something.

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c23634  No.17086816


That's a good one!

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c92479  No.17086819


The Great Pepe?

We have kept the faith, sir

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c23ad3  No.17086826

Black Power Is A Huge Welfare Turd


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0d2e6a  No.17086829

Daniel Scavino Jr

July 2 21:42


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21b37f  No.17086833

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ff2c8d  No.17086834


I've had a thing for that crazy rubber-faced chick for years.

Great movie, incidentally.

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ca396d  No.17086835


notable as fuck

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49537f  No.17086836


I mean, who could resist?

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8cddac  No.17086837


There was also something trending on twatter this morning with 44.


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5ae1db  No.17086838

This place has died. The only people left is those that can't move on.

Get a life or not

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dac82a  No.17086840


"you must organize and be heard"

while the black hats own big tech


we stay home and make memes and claim to be saving the world

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6e5697  No.17086842



hesrehsy chocolate takes like vomit

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a73765  No.17086844


Why are you falsely presenting fake Q drops as if they were real?

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52e4e4  No.17086853

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a19ced  No.17086855

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845075  No.17086859


Your tax dollars at work.

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344d19  No.17086861


we waited for 60 yrs for today and they think a few sulfurous insults will change our long held faith

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c2168f  No.17086867

Steve Huntley column–Orwellian Warning: Newspeak, Public Safety and Chicago’s Rising Violent Crime

By Steve Huntley

June 23, 2020

Been there, done that.

America’s police departments can justifiably say that. Because once before they faced a crime wave crippling cities and brought it under control, enabling an urban renaissance across the country.

Now, after two years of lawlessness and violence burning through America, evidence is mounting Americans want a replay of that history.


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ce1a80  No.17086873



Military dictatorship is not good

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f7d097  No.17086881


oldfag still here

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f7631d  No.17086882


Bidan can never outdo Obama on his tranny wife

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5a8dbc  No.17086884


Amazing how they knew all these idiots would spill their guts as an act of patriotism.

Snowden and the cell phone larp

They read your mind and develop a profile.

I live five miles from NSA GA.

I have seen some shit, fucked with everyday.

One hell of a movie in my head.

Dumb fucks did it for free.

After 5 years still cant tell me what time it is…. sentient my ass.

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f79fa2  No.17086890


Jim at age 20

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b46623  No.17086891


>Rand Paul To Introduce Amendments To Senate

The 2nd amendment only mentions "ARMS" not "Muskets" and the Military also used "Muskets" at that time…So their guns matched what the Military was using at the time…

NY Governor shit for brains commie douchebag

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88ddb6  No.17086906


Is that aids on his temple?

Looks like it

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b9ceaf  No.17086916

Japan, Russia strike salmon and trout fishing deal despite sanctions

Japan and Russia have clinched a deal on Tokyo's fishing quota for salmon and trout spawned in Russian rivers, Japan's Fisheries Agency said Saturday, reaching an agreement on the issue despite Japan's economic sanctions against Moscow over its invasion of Ukraine.

The two countries agreed on a quota of 2,050 tons within Japan's exclusive economic zone for 2022, the same level as last year, and a payment to Russia of a "cooperation fee" of between 200 million yen ($1.5 million) and 300 million yen, depending on the actual catch. The lower end of the fee which Tokyo pays to Moscow since salmon and trout, according to the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, belong to the country in which they were spawned was reduced by 60 million yen from last year due to a decline in catch in recent years.

The two governments will sign the document on Monday. With the agreement, Japanese fishermen are expected to start operating in the EEZ near Hokkaido, Japan's northernmost main island, in early May. On April 11, the two governments started negotiations for Japan's fishing quota for salmon and trout even though Tokyo has been stepping up sanctions against Moscow in an effort, along with the United States and European countries, to pressure Russia to stop the war in Ukraine.

In Hokkaido, the ban on net fishing for salmon and trout is normally lifted on April 10. But this year fishing has not been allowed as the ban remained in effect pending the outcome of negotiations. "This is part of Japan's cooperation in resource management undertaken by Russia," an agency official said. "I don't see any problem with it." In last year's talks, the two countries agreed on a payment to Russia of between 260 million yen and 300 million yen depending on the catch, with the actual fee being 260 million yen.

Japan's quota within Russia's EEZ, which is usually discussed along with that of within Japan's EEZ, remains undecided. The negotiations are part of many similar frameworks surrounding fishing between Tokyo and Moscow. The two countries discuss their quotas for fish resources such as saury and squid within each other's EEZs throughout the year.


Proof that they have to work together and not everything has stopped because of muh sanctions.

The Japanese did NOT walk away from the Sakhalin LNG Project that Shell is trying to sabotage by pulling workers.



> Dozens of Shell employees on temporary assignment at the Sakhalin-2 liquefied natural gas export project in Russia were removed over the weekend to be relocated back to other offices

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3d75bc  No.17086918


all of the people or none of the people?!?!

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a5392e  No.17086920


They should have just called themselves ANTIFA.

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898d7e  No.17086924


Proud Boys is just controlled opposition. It's entirely a FBI operation to make all right-wingers look bad.

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cc216d  No.17086930


I only have a problem with above your paygrade mumbo jumbo but I understand and respect rank. Written in the heart.

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44461d  No.17086935

MAGA Patriots are the biggest and greatest political movement in American history plus the most heavily armed…. Luckily this anon is a full-blown constitutional Patriot……. Winning.

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9e90a7  No.17086943


The Mohels of the world wish to

thank you for doing

for them the fine service of distracting

the General Public from their

Small Quantity Adrenochrome Production


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49452a  No.17086952


The problem is, there's not enough water

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6922ac  No.17086957




Roscosmos and NASA signed an l agreement of cooperation!

Hooray for humanity.



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8db52f  No.17086963


>Gas over $5 a gallon

yeah… and KwiK gas stations running ads saying they sell only 100% US gasoline. but the cost of production for domestic crude/gasoline has NOT increased, so if this were actually a free market like the fairy tales they tell in school, KwiK would be selling gasoline at half that, and still making a fat profit. that they are NOT should tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about capitalism and the illusion of a competition based free market.

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c31c2d  No.17086971


Dude looks like a dude

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2d51a6  No.17086976


I believe you have me mistaken for someone else. I have no rain bucket and I hate those doar fucks.

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344d19  No.17086979


hmm.. he's saying..something.. i think.. better.. have more dro.. and ponder…

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3bdacc  No.17086982

Q, Sir!

Please SEE graphic


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16fc64  No.17086986



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e5e3bc  No.17086990



Israeli settlers storm Al-Aqsa mosque

Israeli settlers stormed the courtyards of Al-Aqsa Mosque on Sunday morning under the strict protection of Israeli occupation forces, amid calls from the people of Al-Quds to perform seclusion in the Mosque during the first ten days of Thul-Hijjah.

Dozens of Israeli settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque through the Morocco Gate earlier today and performed Talmudic rituals in its courtyards, sources reported.

The settlers' continuous incursions are part of "Tel Aviv's" attempts to divide Al-Aqsa Mosque and obliterate its identity.

During a storming, the IOF expel Palestinians from the eastern part of Al-Aqsa in order to facilitate the incursion. The storming takes place over two phases; the first one takes place during the morning and the second during the noon prayers with facilitation by the Israeli occupation.

Palestinian netizens have called on the people of Al-Quds and Palestinians all over occupied Palestine to station themselves at the Mosque and perform seclusion there during the month of Thul-Hijjah to deter Israeli aggression and desecration of the holy site.

Hamas has repeatedly underlined the importance of Palestinians stationing themselves at the Mosque in order to protect it and foil the Israeli occupation's plans to desecrate and attack it. The movement has called on the Palestinian people all over occupied Palestine to defend Al-Quds and support those stationed there.

Hamas underlined that the Israeli occupation's attempts at driving the Palestinian people away from Al-Aqsa were futile and would fail in their goal of diminishing the role of the Palestinian people in resisting the Israeli occupation.

The Council of Endowments, Islamic Affairs, and Holy Places revealed earlier today that excavations made by "Israel" under Al-Aqsa Mosque were threatening its foundations, revealing that new cracks have appeared in the floor of the Holy Mosque.

The Council stated that the "Israel" Antiquities Authority and the "Elad" settlement association have been conducting suspicious and mysterious excavations in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque, especially from the southern and western sides adjacent to the mosque's external foundation, in the areas of Al-Buraq Wall and the Umayyad palaces.

Hamas called on the League of Arab States, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, and Jordan to "move urgently to stop these malicious colonial schemes to protect Al-Quds and Al-Aqsa Mosque."

The Resistance faction also said the Israeli excavations in the vicinity of Al-Aqsa Mosque were a "direct threat to the foundations and walls of the mosque," in occupied Al-Quds.


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085562  No.17086991


Democrats don't benefit politically by cities burning under their watch when they're already on thin ice with the American public. All the antifaggot groups who were extremely well funded and organized in 2020 are not so this time around.

Also this event shines a light on the fact that women are indeed pussies and should just kind of shut the fuck up already.

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3e0399  No.17086995


>ancient ceremony

Child sacrifice?

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f730e0  No.17086996


> Done in 30

Done in 31

The n column starts with number 0 making this zero indexed, thus you have 31 values for n present. Done at 30 makes more sense?

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05a28e  No.17087005


Neither have (you).

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8df911  No.17087006


And what are you?

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6f42f8  No.17087011



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6778d9  No.17087018

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f41f90  No.17087019


Should've installed them solar panels.

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0c706a  No.17087021


How are the fuel tanks at the port complex?

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8f5fa4  No.17087024


Love you too, Snookems but shuldnt you be on the radio right about now?



ASS is here!


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dae081  No.17087025


someone please buy JACK's fake twat

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905361  No.17087026


The Epoch Times (https://www.theepochtimes.com/canadas-top-judge-spoke-bias-against-trucker-convoy-lawyers-say_4498149.html)

Canada’s Top Judge Spoke Bias Against Trucker Convoy, Lawyers Say

Thirteen lawyers have sent a complaint letter to the Canadian Judicial Council (CJC) about comments made by Supreme …

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86d513  No.17087028



W/ an alien and I 'm a boy.

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8cddac  No.17087030



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dfdb8e  No.17087033


You reading this Bette?

Anons know what you are.

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3c8e6d  No.17087038


Q drops = 0

Q deltas = 0

17 everywhere = 0

full control - trump lost

Soon = 4 years = 0

Vaccines killing kids

Jobs lost

cost of living up


and we think its part of the plan


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1b5021  No.17087041


TS now desk top operational…

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80ce0b  No.17087045


None of these psychopaths care about 'women's right to choose'.

It's all to keep the international baby and fetus trafficking networks supplied with fresh 'material'.

They don't want what is happening in America to spread worldwide because then the cult lose control of human reproduction.

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555f7e  No.17087046

<3 Love you anons.











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d93532  No.17087047



Can you please just post bewbs this bread?


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40e4ec  No.17087049



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0c3c29  No.17087051


is this a second sun, WTF is that in the video?

Can someone capture this video please?

Just released this morning


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6f984e  No.17087053








Yes anon, that's the picture I got banned for with the added scarf Hunter

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01f88f  No.17087054

Watching the Water, Sir!


The Eastern Window | Can US stop Taiwan from becoming another Ukraine?

Joe Biden has set the ball rolling, speculating about whether China would invade Taiwan and saying that the US will protect the smaller nation in that case.

.49 mins ago


Taiwan News

Former Japan PM says allies must force China to relinquish Taiwan invasion plans

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Japan, the U.S., and other allies must create a situation that forces China to give up seizing Taiwan by force, former Japanese Prime…

.1 hour ago


Nikkei Asia

Biden's bombshell shows U.S. more committed to Taiwan than ever

TAIPEI – U.S. President Joe Biden's bombshell in Tokyo late last month that America would be willing to use force to defend Taiwan against a potentia.

.1 hour ago


Taiwan News

Taiwan refutes diplomat's claim it has been part of China for thousands of years

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan's Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) on Monday (June 6) refuted claims made by China Ambassador to the U.S. Qin Gang (秦剛) that…

.2 hours ago


Taiwan News

2 Chinese fighter jets enter Taiwan's ADIZ

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Two Chinese military planes flew into Taiwan's air defense identification zone (ADIZ) on Sunday (June 5), marking the second day of…

.4 hours ago



Beyond Weapons: Time for a New U.S. Strategy on Taiwan

Taiwan's broader, entirely appropriate regional roles cannot be fulfilled merely with “defensive” weapons to deter a Chinese attack.

.7 hours ago


Taipei Times

MAC discusses how China could validate invasion

China is likely to use a version of its “one country, two systems” framework designed for Taiwan to legitimize use of force against the country,…

.13 hours ago


Taipei Times

China able to take on Taiwan, allies by 2027: MND

The Chinese military would be capable of fighting against Taiwan and allied forces by 2027, a Ministry of National Defense (MND) report said yesterday.

.13 hours ago



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b1e397  No.17087057


Breadshitters, are breadshitters.

v v v
















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ddcf6f  No.17087058


Greetings, Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the Frontier against Xur and the Ko-dan Armada.

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763542  No.17087061





then it all starts clicking together I do not want to go into it all but It started with the cops so you can see why the entrenchment is structured like it is

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0d919f  No.17087063


do you know how you glow?

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f24db4  No.17087064


I've read here one time that homesexuality just may be 'cured' with Ivermectin. It may be a result of a parasitic infection.

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3b521b  No.17087066


I see, so you are JDIF.

Got it.

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90c2ac  No.17087071

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e4567f  No.17087072


you are a liar

very clear

I only said Oz tried to join our side and that decision ruined his career

show me the promotion

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6d986a  No.17087075


thanks anon i had forgotten this

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30f70e  No.17087077

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/28/2022 21:30:44

Truth Social: 108558171792858831

So, they Rigged & Stole a Presidential Election, and nobody, especially the Unselects, wants to go after the people that did it - Only after those wanting Election Integrity! What is happening to our beautiful USA?


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8f7b7d  No.17087085


Primus was also at the one I went to. Strange dudes but very entertaining.

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047313  No.17087096



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285301  No.17087099


Fake fake fake


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e50e60  No.17087104


you are trying to elicit an emotional response on a board full of people who either naturally (autist/logical/pragmatic) or by design (trained to not react) are prone not to do so.

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219301  No.17087108

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/25/2022 14:06:04

Truth Social: 108539436360743549


06/25/2022 13:25:52

Truth Social: 108539278264366253



Donald J. Trump reTruthed…



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3479dd  No.17087119


only you can answer your own questions

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6c8772  No.17087128




Here’s a meme

Get the word out faggots

Force the mainstream media to pick up the story

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8f6dd4  No.17087130

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c7c0f9  No.17087132

What if 5:5 is five years to set up the game, and 5 years to complete it afterwards?

I also find it laughable that a lot of "I'm an anon just like you" 's seem to have a magical understanding of how the place works, better than the owner does.

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61fd03  No.17087135


Wonder if the ever left the US

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9f68f5  No.17087136


>The “girlfriend” isa boyfriend, surprise!

Unfortunately for (you) I have the sauce and even a memory of her so (you) can never fool me with such a nonsense!!!

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64ab7d  No.17087137


yup….there is no cruelty that i would not do to these fucks.

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9807c7  No.17087138

Conspiracy no more

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b954a3  No.17087143


all breads, Canadian, German, the UK bread, they are everwhere


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45ff42  No.17087147


Thank you huckleberry

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3388ba  No.17087150

England and Wales population has grown by 6.3% in the last decade, of which 57.5% is due to net migration, census data shows.


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435258  No.17087161


kek… took a screen cap

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0c3c29  No.17087163


She doesn´t miss you, she´s have fun with all of us, taking turns.

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79ce99  No.17087164


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323365  No.17087165


Wait…this post has an ID of 000000…but no trip.

Separate from the Q post. We got more than 1 TOR poster goin' now? Q without a trip? What's up?

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054a0a  No.17087166


06/16/2022 10:43:05


I DEMAND EQUAL TIME = 19 Characters

!!! = 3 Characters


22-Nov-2017 12:33:50

Who Really controls NK

10:43:05 vs 12:33:50


2 … 1 … 0



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681446  No.17087175

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0e2ee8  No.17087202


nothing to see here.


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a4e9c4  No.17087203


Meh, happens all the time.

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e33352  No.17087204


You need your head checked.

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85f06f  No.17087205


If ur not TETHERed yet, go do.

Hard deck on this run is 10,000

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047313  No.17087206

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ecd5bd  No.17087207


Joe Biden sanctions Vladimir Putin yachts on 99th day of Ukraine war

President Biden unveiled new sanctions Thursday targeting influential Russians and President Vladimir Putin’s yachts on the 99th day of Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine — but two oligarchs linked to his son Hunter Biden again were spared.

The slow rollout of sanctions comes despite the president threatening “swift and severe” penalties ahead of the invasion, which began Feb. 24.

New US-targeted individuals include the steel and gold-mining oligarch Alexey Mordashov, Putin-linked money manager Sergei Roldugin, billionaire property developer God Nisanov, electronics executive Evgeny Novitsky, banker Sergey Gorkov and Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova.

The Treasury Department also sanctioned two yachts that Putin allegedly co-owns and the Monaco-based yacht brokerage Imperial Yachts and its Russian CEO, Evgeniy Kochman.

The US released photos of the Russian leader’s alleged pleasure boats — the Russia-flagged Graceful and Cayman Islands-flagged Olympia — but did not specify their current whereabouts.

“Putin has taken numerous trips on these yachts, including a 2021 trip in the Black Sea where he was joined by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, the OFAC-designated corrupt ruler of Belarus, who has supported Russia’s war against Ukraine,” the department added.

Washington also “targeted two additional yachts linked to Putin, Shellest and Nega, which are owned by the Russian company Non-Profit Partnership Revival of Maritime Traditions,” the Treasury Department said.

US economic sanctions can have a global bite and result in companies and individuals being unable to easily transact business or retrieve assets.

Money manager Roldugin was described by the Treasury Department as Putin’s financial “middle-man” and a “close friend and part of a system that manages President Putin’s offshore wealth.”

“The two have known each other for over four decades, and Roldugin is the godfather to one of Putin’s daughters,” the department said in a statement.

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met with Biden on Thursday morning after the latest sanctions were announced and then briefed reporters on the White House driveway.

Stoltenberg hailed both the “unprecedented level of economic sanctions” against Russia, which helped send the country’s economy into steep decline, and the extent of US military aid to Ukraine.

“NATO also has a responsibility to prevent this war from escalating to become a full fledged-war between Russia and NATO that will cause even more death, even more destruction, even more damage,” Stoltenberg told reporters. “And that’s the reason why we made it clear that NATO is not party to the conflict … [but] we support Ukraine to defend itself.”

Biden on Tuesday confirmed plans to send powerful missiles to Ukraine as part of a new $700 million package to help defend eastern regions of the country, where Putin refocused his attack after failing to quickly capture capital city Kyiv.

The NATO secretary general said the US giving Ukraine powerful rockets would help “ensure that Ukraine remains as an independent sovereign democratic nation in Europe and that President Putin is halted from his aggressive actions.”

It remains unclear why Hunter Biden’s alleged Russian business associates — the billionaire oligarchs Yelena Baturina and Vladimir Yevtushenko — eluded the latest round of US sanctions against members of Russia’s business elite.

Baturina, whose wealth derives largely from construction, in 2014 paid a firm associated with Hunter Biden $3.5 million, according to a 2020 report written by Republican-led Senate committees. She is the widow of former Moscow mayor Yury Luzhkov, and documents from Hunter Biden’s laptop indicate she may have attended a 2015 dinner in DC with then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Yevtushenkov, who owns a nearly 50% stake in Russian conglomerate Sistema — which has telecom, retail, banking, food and health interests — faces UK sanctions over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but hasn’t yet been targeted by the Biden administration. He met with Hunter Biden in 2012 at Moscow’s Ritz-Carlton hotel, but recently claimed they had no subsequent contact.

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e89658  No.17087208


…. waaay more than money bro. But thanks for making it obvious 👍

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05a28e  No.17087209


>we follow the light

>and some of us have work to do

>somehow we find our way back home


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5a8dbc  No.17087211

Honestly how does he make things up like this. His endless lies are maddening. He obviously can't read a room, nor a nation. But where's all the press, you are not a psychologist President Bidan, you can't say that you know that?

He should consider him stealing the election makes people unhappy, not because we are incapable of being happy.

He also just destroyed our country and we should be pleased?


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1a8a40  No.17087212

LEGAL UPDATE: DailyMail Report Indicates FBI Is No Longer Investigating The Ashley Biden Diary as Being Stolen; Contradicting The DOJ's In-Court Statements #DOJSpied


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1256ed  No.17087213



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0e2ee8  No.17087237



Fuck you too, Vincent… Fuck you too……

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81c2d0  No.17087247



This is a reference to the McAfee case?

Neighbor poisoned all of his dogs and he shot the neighbor. (decode)



because they created it; it' their psy-op?

who do the c-a nazi do any thing?

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af1380  No.17087252


in other words, I agree that it is not 'illegal' for Q to have used and to be using a trip code, so yes, the narrative Q broke the law is a shill narrative.

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78c3f4  No.17087253


you're confirmed stupid. do you know how i know?


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46311c  No.17087258

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541378  No.17087259

Hey, Deep State or Cabal or Globalists or whatever the fuck you disease of humanity call yourself, is this the best you got‽ You call this pain‽ You have no idea of the humanity that's about to unleash.


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2ae237  No.17087265


Major takedown in the heavenlies

Hell will not recoup



The world is watching and changing because of the US today.


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79ce99  No.17087269


There is no will to change and there never will be. When God says it's my time, I'll be more than happy to go back home. It's all over, as far as I'm concerned. Prove me wrong.

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2e5e9d  No.17087270


>some ancient space battle and they don't want us to see it

You are close.

Who are the Aliens?

What was Mars or Venus?

Now all here?

How long is the war against these bugs been going on?

Who are the Jews/Kikes?

How do you recognize them?

What are they missing?

What do they have instead?

How did life arise here?










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d3e14b  No.17087271

GOAT COMMSfor keks

Ukraine's new (and probably fake) war hero is a goddamn goat

Mighty fine work there, goat.

By Max Hauptman | PUBLISHED JUN 28, 2022 3:19 PM

To paraphrase Mark Antony, “Cry havoc, and let slip the goats of war.” Or something like that, because this latest dispatch from the war in Ukraine is about a goat supposedly taking out a platoon of Russian soldiers.

The goat in question, at least according to The Telegraph, wandered into a group of Russian soldiers rigging some grenades around a hospital. The goat, carrying on with its goat business, then supposedly prematurely set off the boobytrap. It presumably walked away unscathed, leaving 40 wounded Russian troops in its wake.

Or, according to the Ukrainian Intelligence Directorate, the goat’s “chaotic” movements “disposed of several grenades.”

The goat – dubbed the “Goat of Kyiv” – seems almost too good to be true, and given the chaotic nature of the information war being waged by both Ukraine and Russia, it very may well be. A goat on the front lines of a war that is becoming a brutal artillery stalemate just goes and disposes of 40 Russian soldiers who can’t get out of their own way? Sure, that sounds plausible.


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83f53d  No.17087280

timing is EVERYTHING

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c83ba6  No.17087284


red text is a bit over the top, as you might know.

added text to the (you) not necessary, but nevertheless, the (you) is much appreciated. Thanks, anon!

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024852  No.17087287


Larry Ellison/Oracle/cia owns Lanai

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05df70  No.17087288


>if i insult anonymous faggots on an imageboard, maybe MAGA will stahp and groomers will thrive!

Not. Gonna. Happen.

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5e4578  No.17087290


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3af9d6  No.17087300



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43e177  No.17087322


So is [4] the twins or one of them?

Christine or Isabel or both?

or was the Society reference pointing to…

The wife of an aristocrat who flew more than 30 times on Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express’ private jet has stepped down from her role at the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Clare Hazell raised thousands of pounds for the charity by hosting a classic car show each year at her family’s sprawling Elveden Estate in Norfolk.

The Mail on Sunday last month revealed that the interior designer – who became the Countess of Iveagh in 2001 when she married Edward Guinness, 4th Earl of Iveagh and a member of the brewing dynasty – had repeatedly travelled with serial paedophile Epstein on his private jet.

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84be8f  No.17087324


just give it

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068e8f  No.17087325


hey girl

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59da68  No.17087327



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3af9d6  No.17087330


Deep Diver take the 7 day vegan challenge. (only kidding but I digress.)

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854c15  No.17087332


I'm a shill, but my glowstick broke and leaked down my pant leg. Now I have cancer. Don't be like me, fellow shills.

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b427b5  No.17087334


>Is nothing sacred?

absolutely nothing

It's kind of like limited hangout

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0bcbd8  No.17087339


Purchase some advertizing data, like 2000 Mules, probably nail them quicker than the police.

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dc299a  No.17087341


Excellent anon.

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4b653a  No.17087346


Biden: I should have 80 million followers

Scavino: Ah no it's the opposite…


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af1e38  No.17087348

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176359  No.17087352

Surprisingly it is only a small group of corporate CEOs and some Washington DC hacks that are pulling the levers that are destroying America.

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68fae1  No.17087360


Cuz Bidans Build Back Better Blows

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c2431f  No.17087364

>What happens when you corner an animal?

You have it cornered.

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7c2189  No.17087365

If you are Pro Life you are a target of the death cult


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59ed0b  No.17087371


Just a guess, anyway. I have no fucking clue what XR vision is either.

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a204f6  No.17087374


The intro speech felt forced; like Tom was just going with what he was told to say. Outside of that, great movie; 100%.

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dce592  No.17087376

So basic. So obvious. So easy.

They are waay too hard headed & stubborn to see

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b3f14e  No.17087383


I always hated soap operas.

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fc635c  No.17087385


Thank you.

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ea87a5  No.17087388










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a1309e  No.17087389



Saw that. Forgot about it as soon as I read it, kek.

>retard has never heard the term "board culture"

You assume much. I'm just saying: who the fuck cares? I'm more than familiar with the types who seek to impose some sort of homogeneity where it isn't wanted. Your rules mean nothing.

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844367  No.17087391

Look: http://deepfreeze.it/

i found corruption in the media.

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90c2ac  No.17087392


i heard there was a dark maga emp

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be810e  No.17087396


but I thought you had to be 18+ to join? What would be the point of that?

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a54441  No.17087397


It served its purpose to protect the FBI.

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2453c4  No.17087401

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f7631d  No.17087412


Cool under fire. You're in First squad, fall in.

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aae761  No.17087421


oh man!

sounds fucked up.

maybe you should get a bicycle and not walk around

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6c86a7  No.17087427

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

who is WHO?

Good- B[y]e Old Guard


The calm before the storm.








No war.

==No civil unrest.

Clean and swift.

Midnight Riders

Think EO's

Who controls the NG?

Military is the only way.


The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.

EVERYTHING has meaning.


Marker [9]

These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

Crimes against Humanity.

Crimes against children.

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04177e  No.17087430

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027a63  No.17087431

So was "military is the only way" disinfo?

Seems like we're winning and the military really had little to do with it… mostly just shitposting, which is what got us Trump in the first place.

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c15280  No.17087435


Bill Barr doesn't want to be revealed as having been GHW's lapdog.

Sucks to be him.

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b02192  No.17087447


Two more weeks.

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1d1b63  No.17087450


In it `till you win it!

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0ef505  No.17087454


Now, now, Now. You're being odious!

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49537f  No.17087459

…as it seems like yesterday, now that I see it in the light…b…

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a1ee41  No.17087465


If I scroll past your words, do they still make a sound?

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529d1b  No.17087467


Chrome Browser eh?

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85f06f  No.17087477


That's one bitch you don't want giving you a blow job.

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7a179d  No.17087478


Nobody cares.

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1862e0  No.17087479


>disguised as “residential buildings”

why aren't I surprised.

Like the Muripol "childrens" hospital, that was blown up pre 2014, and has been an army training ground since.

And the ukranian actress on the crappy looking stretcher.

all a hoax…. to deplete weapon stocks, make MIC rich replacing them, and launder some cash donnations.

Ruskies get "target practice" on train loads of weapons that will never get fired…

How do the ukranianes read all those foreign lang instruction sheets? their "soldiers" don't look like they are smart enough to read?

And why are C_ia & usa commandos on the ground?

did USA declare war? or participation?

Na, just trying to f'ck up some other countries "babies" I suspect.

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57ccd8  No.17087485

Q post 4958 : I have watched this shit show for a week now. 4958 is not Q. Use of : "Use Your Logic" is NEVER used in any Q posts ! It is always : Logical Thinking ! Jezz guys !!

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02da6f  No.17087488

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c9317a  No.17087489



DID you hurt its feelings?

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6c8772  No.17087511


>dont woke rape your frens, yo

Been there, tried that and even to myself I sounded insane. Everything came tumbling out and I could see fear… I quit it. The fear was for anon's mental state imo.

I anxiously await the I todyaso days.

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3b9a41  No.17087512



True the vote does seem to have a ridiculous amount of money behind it.. and a lot of the people speaking on behalf of it state credentials as "fighting voter fraud for 15+ years"

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fe69e0  No.17087513


You shills. What a fucking reach.

You could probably find some mix of words in the actual drops to "prove" anything.

Fake Q whiffed on the ruling, 6-3, not 5-4. and you are dependent on scotusblog as a reference. Everyone knew it was the end today.

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1438b2  No.17087514

nonetheless, that's not how it works.

little late for you, JP.

way past your bedtime isn't it?

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78ed88  No.17087515


Is the Pope a Pedo?

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aea718  No.17087516


if that duck came at me, I'd circle out with stiff jabs then shoot for a double-leg takedown.

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58d521  No.17087519

@@ ((( 1:53:00. start )))

The Odds of Lynard Skynards drummer losing his band, father, and step-father in plane crashes? Makes me think of Q Post about 7/10 plane crashes being Controlled

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5e4578  No.17087520


oh it's Divine

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7a179d  No.17087521


June 14, 2022

8:04 AM EDT

Last Updated 3 hours ago

China bank protest stopped by health codes turning red, depositors say

By Engen Tham

SHANGHAI, June 14 (Reuters) - A protest planned by hundreds of bank depositors in central China seeking access to their frozen funds has been thwarted because the authorities have turned their health code apps red, several depositors told Reuters.

The depositors were planning to travel to the central province of Henan this week from across China to protest against an almost two-month block on accessing at least $178 million of deposits, which has left companies unable to pay workers and individuals unable to access savings. read more

Rights groups have warned China could use its vast COVID surveillance infrastructure to stifle dissent. Without a green code on their smartphone app, citizens lose access to public transport and spaces such as restaurants and malls, as well as the right to travel across the country.

"They are putting digital handcuffs on us," said a depositor from Sichuan province surnamed Chen, who declined to use his full name for fear of government retribution.

The Henan provincial government, the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Public Security did not respond to requests for comment.

After recent COVID outbreaks, some regions in China have asked travellers to register their plans online.

A man surnamed Liu, who lives in Hubei province, found that his health code turned red on the morning of June 12 after he registered the day before to travel to Henan.

Liu had planned to travel to a protest planned for Monday in the Henan provincial capital Zhengzhou, where he had hoped to get his money back. The protest would have been the latest among numerous such demonstrations in Henan in recent months.

More than 200 depositors were similarly blocked when their health codes turned red, according to members of a WeChat group.

It could not be ascertained if the change in code was intended to block the protesters or for another reason, but three depositors told Reuters they knew people who had registered to travel to Henan, who were not connected to the frozen funds, whose codes did not turn red.

Yu Zhou Xin Min Sheng Village Bank, Shangcai Huimin Country Bank and Zhecheng Huanghuai Community Bank froze deposits on April 18, with all three telling customers they were upgrading internal systems. read more

Liu, who declined to give his full name for fear of government repercussions, said his child may not be able to go to school if his code does not soon revert to green.

"I can't do anything, I can't go anywhere. You're treated as though you're a criminal. It infringes on my human rights," said Liu.

Wang Qiong, who lives in the central city of Wuhan, found her health code had turned red after she registered to travel to Henan on June 11.

"The police had my identity details from the last time I went to protest in April," said Wang, who said she has lost access to 2.3 million yuan ($341,550).

Other depositors told Reuters they were able to arrive in Zhengzhou by train and car but their codes turned red as soon as they scanned city health codes.

($1 = 6.7340 Chinese yuan renminbi)

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5c025e  No.17087525



you live in a closet and win lotteries for a living?

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b4464c  No.17087527

Rose quartz crystal lamp.

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292fff  No.17087529


Well, be great if they could speed it up.

Anon about to lose savings, then business, then house, then fam… and govt still want more money

(and all still think I'm crazy).

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211cca  No.17087531


We would all be a lot better off without the thousands of mr pig shit posts.

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dc299a  No.17087532


The US is a vassal state controlled by zionist traitors:


Zionism in the West must perish, or the Western people will. If the Founding Fathers were around today they would have started shooting zionists on sight a long time ago (disclaimer: always follow the law).

Solution: have all zionists (Jew or Gentile) deported or hung for treason (legally off course) and ban the Talmud (which is anti-Christian, anti-Gentile (in a racial way) and approves of pedophilia) and ban male genital mutilation (aka circumcision) too.

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1988dc  No.17087533


so? what does that have to do with anything?

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b427b5  No.17087534


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0c6a31  No.17087538


Compliments on your tidy yard. The neighbor's looks like shit.

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1d7d82  No.17087545

Actors be Acting

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aedc22  No.17087547


Plus they aren't really Federal anymore. Remember when the Postal Service "privatized"

"In 1971 the Post Office Department was reorganized and became the United States Post Office. It was an independent establishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States. The mission of the Postal Service remained the same, as stated in Title 39 of the U.S. Code:"

They aren't fully private and they aren't fully Government


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435258  No.17087560


>there are > 60million hunters.


So if I correctly understand the sentiment expressed in these responses:

>Waco? Well, that happened to some religious cult.

>Ruby Ridge? Well, that happened to some nutjob family.

>(On and on ad nauseam with cases of federal federal tyranny…)

>Tranny reading hour, boys in girls' restrooms and sport competitions, "gender affimation" hormonal alteration and surgical butchery, even for children? Well, I suppose that only happens in cities, so it's OK to let that ride.

>Three years of systematic child abuse (masks) because of some bullshit cold virus? Well, I guess they couldn't enforce those mandates "out in the country", so fuggit. Let it ride.

>Almost certainly millions of adults and potentially millions of children destroyed by weaponized vaccines? Maybe even larger companies out in the sticks were able to flout vax mandates, and even if the schools were trying to maim and kill the children in your neck of the woods, you just decided to home school them, and presumably the communists have yet to take over your CPS so that they can still your kids from you. So it's just the kids in urban areas who are fucked. Not your hill to die on, 'cause you're "out in the country".

If there's any veracity to your claims about militia training, then you are a known and understood quantity. That's even if you have purged your households of all electronic devices. Even hard drives these days can be ripped without an internet connection.

It shouldn't take 60 million. It could be accomplished I'd say, could ONLY be accomplished by a few hundred lone wolves who actually know what they are doing.

God Almighty Himself would have to be the CO.

Best of luck.

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ea757f  No.17087561


Trip trips chek'ed

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8e9f60  No.17087562


Quint octals checkt hexadecimatingly.

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fb5cb3  No.17087563

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ab0d90  No.17087565


You're thinking of Skippy. The peanut butter.

Not the sicko, disgusting, demonic pedovore

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1b4d2a  No.17087566

Democrat-led House panel: COVID biz loan program had estimated $80 billion fraud, lacked safeguards

Clyburn explains that Us has failed to prevent fraud for Covid-19 relief funds.

The federal government failed to take basic precautions to prevent fraud in a federal program to help small businesses during the pandemic, resulting in the loss of potentially billions of dollars while putting applicants at risk for identity theft, a House subcommittee said Tuesday.

The committee leader, Democratic Rep. James Clyburn, blamed the Trump administration for the problems in Economic Injury Disaster Loan program, which is overseen by the Small Business Administration, according to the Associated Press.

The Mississippi lawmaker said as much as 20% of the money – or tens of billions of dollars – may have been awarded to fraudulent applicants.

The government’s Pandemic Response Accountability Committee says inspectors general for federal agencies have at least 1,150 ongoing investigations into fraud from different aid funds, also according to the wire service.

Out of the $400 billion in funds the EIDL program grants, an estimated $80 billion was received fraudulently, The SBA’s Office of the Inspector General stated.

Clyburn said the Biden administration has now put safeguards in place.

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise defends the Trump administration, saying it did all it could to prevent the economy from crashing. The Louisiana Republican also said the former administration needed to provide relief as fast as possible to save jobs from being lost.

Many of the fake applications had red flag warnings including international addresses and improper phone numbers, but most were still approved, said the subcommittee staff, the wire service also reports.


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b02192  No.17087568


>Human Trafficking

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363afb  No.17087574

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7b4068  No.17087580

Elaborate celebrations are planned in London over four days on June 2-5 to mark Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee.

AP brings you a range of services tailored to your needs.

The event marks the 96-year-old British monarch’s 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth.

The milestone anniversary is unprecedented, as no British king or queen has previously reigned as long as Elizabeth.

Festivities are set to include a military parade, a service of thanksgiving, a party with world-class entertainment and a pageant. The focus will be Buckingham Palace, the queen's official residence in central London.


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b4db5d  No.17087581

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85cfff  No.17087582


Delusional supremacism. The whole world is absolutely sick of their sh*t.

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21add5  No.17087585


>Ok bye :(

self care anon

totally understandable

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0af015  No.17087586

Why I’m Attending the Canada Day Protests


I wasn’t always this way.

Pre-pandemic, I lived a quiet, comfortable, relatively apolitical existence. My days were filled with activities and certainty — a life of carefully established routines ingrained into my being over the years. I wasn’t an activist. I wasn’t a researcher. I wasn’t anything of consequence, really.

But, of course, in 2020, that all changed.

My Mother passed away during lockdowns. A brief remote goodbye was granted to me over a video call to a body already devoid of life, followed by a quick cremation in the absence of a proper funeral. That was my goodbye.

I realized then we were wrong for agreeing to lockdown rules, but I had yet to realize just how wrong we could be.

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73ea38  No.17087591



Can we stop the 17s now

Over it

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f17eda  No.17087592


You are watching a movie

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5c025e  No.17087600


All conversations begin with "I can tell you somethings about (what they are freaking out about) the subject if you'd like. I understand what you're feeling."

We are the ones they come to when nothing else makes sense. Above all? God will tell you what to say.

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b02252  No.17087601





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f7631d  No.17087603


ty borker

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a78438  No.17087613


Just got sauce:


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584bd7  No.17087614

I'm just tired of the hurry up and wait while being exploited entertainment labor. Not only are words not violence, they're also not proof of love

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1256ed  No.17087622


they know who they are working for

just like Kayleigh at Fox

fuck em all, I'm sorry

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1dcb01  No.17087626


must have been a member of the (((tribe)))

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768ed8  No.17087627






Q verified the posts on /hivemind/ because they knew you couldn't delete them there. This is the ONLY reason you are fighting it. You know it is legit, but you worked Jim Watkins for over a year to steal QR and you are willing to lie about real Q drops to keep your power. Just like the scumbag leftists you are.

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705741  No.17087628


Masks on

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ee2ca7  No.17087629


Leg so hot it melt da sink

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15bbc9  No.17087643


Baker here, I had the FBI Install it as part of the mass surveillance project I have running.

please disregard, normal protocol.

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aa68bd  No.17087646


Pray for the wild west.

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e3793e  No.17087647


Don't know who to 100% trust, so trust no one & laugh at everything because everything is fake AF.

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f40561  No.17087648

ALERT Biden and HIllary's state dept are starting WW3 . KILLING EVERYONE


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8ce25e  No.17087649

Good-B[y]e Old Guard

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7a2b31  No.17087650


Latinos Blacks, and Japanese are white supremacist do you see contradiction?

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3477c0  No.17087651


don't be so arrogant, fren

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9d1168  No.17087653


Witness come in many Forms

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7c73b6  No.17087654


Top Kek!

I dub him 'Blinky'

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a9be69  No.17087655


Depends on somebody's definition of beautiful. I kinda just foresee starting the whole shitshow cycle all over. It'll be great at some point, but probably after everybody alive now dies. Then slowly people's fervor and zeal for life turns lazy and the evil fucks will strike again. I mean, I've seen it happen irl just since 9/11 and that's only 20 years. Human nature is very strange to me at times.


Kek! I'm still here every day, anon, but mostly stay quiet. Busy yet always thinking. Tired. I'm angry like you. Staying positive is necessary, but really fucking hard. That it takes THIS much for normies to wake up has actually shaken my faith in humanity again. Anons restored it and keep it going, but damn if it won't be hard trusting normies' judgments going forward. I feel most for the conspiracy nuts that came before us. I just hope we can preserve everything for the nuts to come after us.

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0369c3  No.17087658


I see no B post from /projectdcomms/

As told I was requested to make that B post on /qresearch/. You just have issues understanding things that dont fit your narrative.


What I said and what you are very different.



I put it in caps for you this time.


Re read that post and try again.

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0bcbd8  No.17087661


Interesting link between Cayman Chemical and the VACCINE.


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6f04b5  No.17087662


Ready, Sir!


Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/21/2018 01:35:10 ID: 97de56

8chan/qresearch: 1842740


Q !CbboFOtcZs 06/21/2018 01:28:40 ID:97de56

8chan/qresearch: 1842655


Jan 20, 2017

June 20, 2018

Exactly 17 months.

Do you believe in coincidences?

God bless you all.



We told you proofs were going to be important very soon.

New eyes.

Be ready.


We thank you for your service.


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01f88f  No.17087667


There should be plenty of teachers already armed and trained. Schools shouldnt need to “arm teachers”, simply allow american citizens the right to exercise their rights, period.

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ea757f  No.17087681


Hmmmm! Very Interesting!

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eed05e  No.17087683


Captain you said Q was coming back, (a week or two ago)

You were right

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85f06f  No.17087684


perhaps; how 'bout dis Raven, doctor? your diagnosis?

“Once there, officers located 26-year-old Jaylon Ferguson, unresponsive, being treated by medics. Ferguson never regained consciousness and was pronounced dead on the scene by medics. No signs of trauma was found or foul play suspected at this time.”


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b427b5  No.17087689


Well they will fit in well in ATL, it's a hellhole. So good, they get to enjoy the spa life convicts get. Kek

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97fde6  No.17087696


We may be in the minority, anon, but agree 110%. It was posted somewhere regarding who $$$backs Desantis, and what "politicians" are pushing for him.

Haven't heard him say shit about fixing the "voting"/2020, either, which is the biggest issue. He says juuuust enough to pacify the masses - things politicians SHOULD be saying if they weren't NWO Communists. As POTUS says, "Common Sense".

faux putting this out confirms this, IMO. Can't be trusted.

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d4c5bc  No.17087697


>thats funny because they probably all are

Probably a work requirement. Sad.

See >>17087025

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f10760  No.17087703


I was a landlord for ~15 years in an small-to-moderate-sized inner city full of them, and from my experience and limited understanding, the answer is likely "no," but perhaps there is a way.


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5441b7  No.17087704


Which drop # was this?


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79f7ac  No.17087707

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cae002  No.17087716

"Politicians CAN NOT INTERFERE with the decisions that should be made between a woman and her doctor."- Joe Biden



So that must also include a man or child and their doctor, and must also include a MEDICAL EXEMPTION to vaccinate, and a medical recommendation to avoid vaccination.

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8ab895  No.17087718


Satire, Anon

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4f6876  No.17087719

Ukraine Interior Ministry adviser lauds soldier bearing ‘swastika’

>Anton Gerashchenko shared footage of a female soldier he met wearing a swastika-like symbol


Heil Zelensky I guess?

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746b2f  No.17087721


mask suggests he's complicit

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80ce0b  No.17087723


Moar "not" escalating dis continues

RCH356 USAF C-17 Globemaster departed Portsmouth Int'l (Pease ANG base) arrived from Lackland AFB SAn Antonio yesterday

RCH295 and 296 C-17 ne from March AFB, CA and probably stop at Bangor and/ Portsmouth

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e9417d  No.17087735


So fuckin easy to spot..1 post answering another 1 post..Small shill team of 10 or less with no military involvement..Or just a little hivemind clown who keeps ip hopping answering themselves..Imagine living that life

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b2ad9a  No.17087737


Anon is Viking, you stupid motherfucker!

and who is Vatican shill?

Who is Rainman?

Who is Newsfaggit?

Who is ……?

Who are you?

Are you that meth head 1488 low IQ racist shill named ASS?


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b9822f  No.17087738



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881603  No.17087739


Anonymous 11/05/2017 00:15:52 ID: v3eCc2tY

4chan/pol: 148016769

[Repost Lost]

Disinformation is real.

Distractions are necessary.

SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…

Alice & Wonderland.


[Repost Lost]

What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

To who was it addressed?

When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

Why is this relevant?

What was POTUS' last Tweet (prior to)?

Who was it addressed to specifically?

When was POTUS' Twitter taken down?

Has this ever happened before?

Why now?


How many times did the attack occur (secondary clean up)?

What is the purpose of tracking?

What is the purpose of disruption?

Why did POTUS have military guards (uniform) while in HI?

Why is this relevant?

Do military guards (uniform) typically assist the USSS?

Why is this relevant?

What flying object was recently shot down?

Why is this relevant?

How precise is geo tracking (non-public c-level pro)?

Why is this relevant?

Alice & Wonderland.


[Repost Lost]

Q = Alice

You'll soon understand the meaning behind Alice "&" Wonderland.

Everything has meaning.

God bless.


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360ddf  No.17087740


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e8e6fd  No.17087741


There's enough room in texas for everyone in the world to have 800 square feet of room.

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6111b1  No.17087748



now THERE'S a reliable source for impartial scholarly research. not a deepstate propaganda rag at all.

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4e14b5  No.17087749


>If they declare Jesus as their one and only savior, then yes, they are Christians.

They do. It is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints".

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9ece2f  No.17087751


yea but leaks are fun on 8kun.

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be22d3  No.17087752


Yeah, they don't get any passes with me. If it's a genetic mutation, then all the more reason to prune that part of the gene pool.

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ebb828  No.17087754



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a7ea59  No.17087759

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48454b  No.17087760

Hollywood Actor Chris Evans Calls Critics of Lightyear’s Gay Kiss Including Muslims and Chinese as ‘Idiots’ Who Will ‘Die Off Like Dinosaurs’

Disney and Pixar have restored a gay kiss scene in the upcoming Toy Story prequel movie Lightyear after ‘LGBTQ’ and allies accused the two companies of ‘censoring gay content in children’s movies.’

According to a report by Variety, the gay kiss scene was removed from the film but it was reinstated after woke employees of Pixar sent a letter claiming that Disney executives censored “overtly gay affection” content for children.

“LGBTQ employees and allies at Pixar Animation Studios sent a joint statement to Walt Disney Company leadership claiming that Disney executives had actively censored “overtly gay affection” in its feature films,” the site stated.

Hollywood actor Chris Evans, who voices the main character in “Lightyear,” shut down online critics who reacted to the inclusion of a lesbian couple and their gay kiss scene.

In an interview with Reuters, Evans said those who criticized the movie for having diversity in it are ‘idiots’.

“The real truth is those people are idiots,” Evans said.

“Every time there’s been social advancement as we wake up, the American story, the human story is one of constant social awakening and growth and that’s what makes us good,” the actor added.

“There’s always going to be people who are afraid and unaware and trying to hold on to what was before. But those people die off like dinosaurs. I think the goal is to pay them no mind, march forward and embrace the growth that makes us human,” Evans continued.

Evans previously told Variety magazine that he was ‘happy’ after Disney restored the gay kiss scene.

“It’s wonderful, it makes me happy. It’s tough to not be a little frustrated that it even has to be a topic of discussion. That it is this kind of ‘news.’ The goal is that we can get to a point where it is the norm, and that this doesn’t have to be some uncharted waters, that eventually this is just the way it is. That representation across the board is how we make films,” Evans said.

The movie has reportedly been banned in 14 countries “due to its violation of the country’s media standards” days before its release.

“On Monday, the animated film was banned by the United Arab Emirates “due to its violation of the country’s media standards”. Lightyear was scheduled to release on Thursday (16 June). The UAE, like other nations in the wider Middle East, is a Muslim-led country that criminalizes same-sex relationships,” The Independent reported.

“Disney has reportedly been unable to secure the release of Lightyear in 14 Middle Eastern and Asian countries, including Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Kuwait, Egypt, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The film is unlikely to release in China as well,” the news site added.

The internet weighed in regarding his nasty remarks to critics.


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1b4d2a  No.17087762



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63d56d  No.17087764

suggestion for next bread title: One Step Closer Edition

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f230bb  No.17087769


not seeing


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b2532d  No.17087772


45 WHEELS DOWN…ON WAY = 17 Timestamp 17 and a 55

Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅 / @DanScavino 04/23/2022 17:55:13

Rumble / @rumblevideo 04/23/2022 17:40:21

UPDATE: The 45th President of the United States will be streaming live on his official Rumble account at 7pm ET today. Tune in multiple streams below…

Official President’s account: https://rumble.com/v11tavk-live-president-donald-j.-trump-in-delaware-oh.html

Official @RSBNetwork account: https://rumble.com/vi1or5-rsbn-live.html



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376589  No.17087773



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f730e0  No.17087774



There is a team of shills claiming it is fake, comp'd tripcode etc.

Keep a steady course through the rough waters

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eef592  No.17087775


LADWAP = no water projects, give muh monies to the high speeds rails to nowhere land WEF globalists fuck californians.

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0bcbd8  No.17087779


whats the number on the mail box?

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1d1b63  No.17087783


So POTUS refers to BRANDON…


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cb9681  No.17087784


Kamala Harris is now going to be running the ministry of truth…. Keeps getting wierder and weirder.

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602e2e  No.17087789


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05b012  No.17087791


That'll show 'em.

Bet they'll never fuck with YOU again

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cf94c3  No.17087792


>Sounds like a request to dig.

Sounds like another request that I should ignore.

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1c5b5f  No.17087794


That part happens natturaly.. Take any account with 5k+ posts

Compare to an archive of Trump tweets - what is the percentage of random deltas that occur?

I know Q is real - but sometimes I think some of you are being retarded.

Just sayin.

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0eb8a1  No.17087797


>An elephant that trampled an 70-year-old women to death in India later returned to her funeral to trample her corpse, local media reports

One really pissed-off elephant?

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7c794f  No.17087800


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e49b14  No.17087811


>Prove it actually was a salt rotation

how many tripcode users need to report their tripcodes have changed?

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7b4068  No.17087814

One of the so-called "jan 6th prisoners" is a glownigger

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bcfce1  No.17087816


Reminiscing is not whining, anon.

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8d15ba  No.17087817



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393550  No.17087826

Bolton.Catherine. no idea.

Catherine Herridge


#January6thHearings Bolton “..in terms of the 2020 election and January 6th, it’s Donald Trump who is living in fantasy land.”


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a1309e  No.17087827

The Creation Of Satan, The Fallen Angels & The Sacrifice

Wise Solace



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098cec  No.17087831

Sisters and Brothers, Patriots World Wide

Everything has meaning.

Every word that I type has meaning.

Question everything.

Military is the only way.



[THEY] think you are stupid.

Puppets w/o power.

[THEY] want your guns, and babies, and children.

Remember who (You) are.





These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.












You'll soon Know why.



The Red Wave


Marker [9]


Watch the Water

We were born for this!

My Stairway to Subud

Elvis Presley

Micheal Jackson









CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar "Hooked X"

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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b67e5c  No.17087834



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ed5461  No.17087836


>The democrat party is literally fascist


Almost like it's a remake of 1914 through about 1945, huh?

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eeeb91  No.17087846


You exectly right Anon

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a7469a  No.17087848


pretend…if you can…that you are a normie and believe every stupid thing on the TV, or wherever….and being so disconnected from connecting dots to just ignore everything….until it touches the normie….and it has been

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b9822f  No.17087850

Imagine ever knowing the truth

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f14e8c  No.17087853

Australian bank Volt collapses urging 6000 customers to withdraw funds

The company went under as it couldn’t raise the $200 million it needed to continue operating and has urged customers to pull out their money

An Australian bank that collapsed has urged its 6000 customers to withdraw $100 million worth of deposits before it starts closing accounts from next Tuesday.

Volt, a digital bank called a neobank which was launched in 2017, announced it was handing back its banking licence to the regulator on Wednesday.

It was the first start up to gain the banking licence in January 2019 after the government sought to increase competition in the sector.

The bank’s demise means 140 staff have lost their jobs after the board made the decision to close the business. It said it failed to raise enough funds to support its plans to write mortgages.

Luke Bunbury and Steve Weston were the co-founders of Volt Bank. Picture: Hollie Adams/The Australian


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f0152c  No.17087855

Vladimir Putin is a very smart man and the idiotic democrats are stupid.

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29ee02  No.17087857



slaughtering the herd prematurely

leads to an empty belly before spring

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a04945  No.17087858


I just don't know how any person who considers themselves to be Catholic, can condone abortion.

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21add5  No.17087859


Did the vatcan, arrange a re-run of Fri 13th & knights Templar?

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fe47f0  No.17087860


Still have the beer party in DC or Mars or whatever.

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60af60  No.17087864


It's been a while

Thank you baker!

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b02252  No.17087866



Is that both duper's delight AND despair in that man's face?

>Because it looks like it.

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bd86ae  No.17087868

Hillary Clinton squashed John Durham like a insect.

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c1a1d8  No.17087874


Ain't RRN faggot. And how exactly do YOU know RRN is only 'satire'? You don't.

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08d219  No.17087876

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f96205  No.17087885

Link to the video


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a9e923  No.17087887


are there any Anons left?

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8ce25e  No.17087890


Think of all the jobs out there… based on just "crime" being out there.

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3f01fa  No.17087895

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01f88f  No.17087899

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f8ba3d  No.17087901



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dd0fad  No.17087905


Why are yall consumers always trying to buy something? Try selling him something.

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c2431f  No.17087910



I never said Jews always lie. So go harder with the strawman arguments while I keep posting verifiable facts about Jewish and Israeli crime and subversion :)

https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



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92b5ef  No.17087912


My parents told a story, they lived in Vegas, Dad worked at Nellis. A train goes by and Mom says "What are those? They look like little lead caskets" -4 people in the car incl Dad's brother. WIthin DAYS the FBI was interviewing people in Dad's hometown (OK) and the local pawn shop who gave Dad a heads up. (the TV went back and forth to the pawn shop because Crap tables)

The internet is far older than they say. There was no possible way to do all that background the old fashioned way in 1957.

Problem: They had sworn to John Q. Public that they would never ship atomic/nuclear materials via rail. But then they did. Nobody in that car had a clue.

Long time family story. I know it by heart.

Nobody in that car spoke to another person about it, it was just an offhand observation.

Presumably it happened on a Friday because that was test day.

They were shipping the stuff to Philly.

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9ece2f  No.17087913


Beep boop boop

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c01304  No.17087914


But we’re getting all of your attention instead of her.

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47f89e  No.17087917


fasting helps with inflammation

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dd94a3  No.17087918

Imagine the applications of this technology.

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c9c980  No.17087922


Yeah, yer right…..

*tries to imagine the mental pain that those who have NOT been paying much attention will feel once they realize wtf is actually going on with THE PLAN*

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1a4b21  No.17087926

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4e14b5  No.17087927


The billionaires in charge of ShitWorld don't want the right to privacy any more. the right to privacy applies to vaccines even more than it does abortions, and if any lawyer gets around to suing on the basis of Roe v Wade, they'd win.

The billionaires still want Abortion. The Democrats won't be able to rely on RvW to keep abortion, and there might be some states where abortion is unavailable. But then the Democrats will push push push to get some federal law passed that guarantees abortions, and if they have the votes, that abortions are free.

Democrats will never stop wanting more dead babies, but they know they can do more killing if Roe v Wade is gone.

Since the GOP always loses, or capitulates, we'll end up with

No Roe v Wade

Yes Federal Law guaranteeing abortion

Yes Dystopian Nightmare of vaccines etc

It's clear that the Demons in charge of ShitWorld want it that way.

It's too bad Trump did nothing in his 4 years.

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7a179d  No.17087933


wow your fear is completly nullified by reality lol

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8254dc  No.17087936

So. Bill S2938. The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. An excerpt below. During all our celebrations of Roe V Wade overturn and the Return of Q. We got bit in the ass hard by the Snake that is the US Congress. Herein lies the slippery slope whereby many will be jailed and out in prison just for being different and/or smarter than the norm while not going along with the crowd. What we’ve been calling Autists. Didn’t Q always say Look Here Not There? Well. We all got collectively blindsided. Oops.

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23c8a3  No.17087939



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fc635c  No.17087943



I said evil people use Jewish people as their own personal shield.

What's unreasonable about that?

What do you think the Satanists are doing?

>You love to use that word JEW so much

I actually don't.

I used it in 2 posts plus 1 reply to you, and both were related to the ASS-crew and their actions. I was even called one, various times, and I myself didn't take it as an insult, despite it obviously was supposed to be one, still it's factually wrong.

>to get me to hate Jews.

That makes no sense at all.

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276164  No.17087948


If we've done nothing all this time then explain the public awakening..

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4077fb  No.17087954


>Hillary knew Justice Thomas in college

Even though I'm seeing their college careers overlapped at Yale, Hillary probably had no idea who the fuck Clarence Thomas was till he was nominated for SCOTUS. I'm getting strong Bosnian Sniper fire vibes with this claim

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84be8f  No.17087955

Ted Lieu. What Jesus said about homosexuality.


Lieu: I just thought I would recite for you what Jesus Christ said about homosexuality:

I yield back

Not a term until the 1800s. So Jesus said nothing about it. Nor have Q.

A ploy for his admiring fans, nothing more.

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e77bfc  No.17087957


Fakse Flag Marathon

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7209f0  No.17087961


The country is already being fixed. Attendance, here, is not compulsory.

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fcae39  No.17087963


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749415  No.17087964


come and get me then, kike

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529d1b  No.17087968


Texas could vote to secede from US in 2023

Texas Republicans are advocating for a vote on whether the state should split from the United States. The call for Texans to be able to vote on the subject in 2023 was one of several initiatives accepted in the Texas Republican Party's platform following last week's state conference in Houston.

Under a section titled "State Sovereignty", the platform states, "Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified."

"Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto."

2023 referendum

The platform declares that Texas Republicans want the state Legislature to adopt a measure in the next session "requiring a referendum in the 2023 general election for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation."

The US Constitution includes no provision for states to secede, and the Supreme Court concluded in Texas v. White in 1869 that states cannot separate from the Union unilaterally.

"If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede," the late Justice Antonin Scalia once wrote.

Nonetheless, modern secessionist efforts have remained in the state for decades—and, according to the Tribune, cries to separate get stronger when a Democrat is president.

It's unclear how popular the initiative is among Texans, but the Texas Nationalist Movement's website claims nearly 500,000 Texans support its efforts to "make Texas an independent nation again."


A previous attempt was defeated, so what changed now?

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cc67a7  No.17087975

RedPill Info Packets Ready o7

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c92479  No.17087979



All for a LARP

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8cf2a8  No.17087983

Pedovores and their media protectors will be delivered to justice. None so wealthy and famous, none so elevated in the demonic hierarchies, or so poor and obscure they're overlooked.

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f46b43  No.17087995




and Yes

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f10760  No.17088001


>CERN did it.


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5929f1  No.17088003


"If you are not one of us you are nothing"

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559b1b  No.17088005


And he's using the Baphomet symbol on accident? These cretins..

Nasty "club" they're ALL in.

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fff3fa  No.17088023




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4c91a0  No.17088028


Midterms aren't until November. Still plenty of time for Antifa to act like spoiled brats.

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68b94b  No.17088030

Russians With Attitude Retweeted



Clear evidence that French 155mm shells, likely used with the CAESAR SPG, were used to shell residential areas of Donetsk.


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f8f8c1  No.17088032


The Beginning

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2c59f3  No.17088035


Nov 03…..

4 year delta's are motherfuckers…..

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2453c4  No.17088042


touchy little faggot this morning.

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b6711c  No.17088043

One more prayer, sorry I'm late frens…

Thank you Heavenly Father, Abba Father, for all your Blessings on our Land and all the lands of this World that you created for man! Thank you Father for the protections of your children and their children Father, for we know that the Love, the perfect Love that Jesus Christ loved us with is from you Father and is of you! Thank you for filling our hearts with that Agape love, as your word says - filled to overflowing - especially as we are confronted in this spiritual war by the enemies of your people. Thank you Father for strengthening us in the Spirit so we can stand and do your will and walk in love with one another! Protect our loved ones, our families, frens & neighbors, and all your children all over the world. We choose a path guided by your perfect wisdom, not man's foolishness, so thank you Father for guiding us down the path to the glory and victory you have in store for all your children!

In Jesus' Holy name, Amen!

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a7ea59  No.17088045


Is that baby vaxxed?

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6d986a  No.17088046


Look, that's bullshit.

When the Salt rotated Q's TC would no longer be the old one.

It would be a new TC.

And those 3 posts showed up under the old TC.

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d0c80a  No.17088047


How dare you preach peace and tolerance

That's not profitable for the war machine

That's not profitable for the Temple of Sin and Sacrifices

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