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cd700f  No.17079933 [View All]

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71a804  No.17082762


мсloving even

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e79404  No.17082763


Your discrimination is bullshit. STFU

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3b51c0  No.17082764


NEW - From tomorrow the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator will start smashing protons together at unprecedented energy levels, CERN announced today.

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780693  No.17082765



- The occultist believes "5" to be the Number of Death, and the greatest intensification of any number to be a triplicate, a "555" literally means "Highest Death".

- The number for Mankind is 555. 5 + 5 + 5 = 15

- '55, 555, 55:55' the universe is making changes for you whether you ask for it or not.


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428bce  No.17082766

The Captains and the Kings.

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2f31fd  No.17082767

https://www.lucianne.com/2022/06/14/caterpillar_to_move_headquarters_to_texas_from_illinois_another_blow_to_the_chicago_area_87368.html Caterpillar to move headquarters to Texas

from Illinois, another blow to the Chicago area

MarketWatch, by Claudia Assis

Original Article

Posted By: NorthernDog, 6/14/2022 1:54:06 PM

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49ae1d  No.17082768


They're mocking you moran.

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e83f45  No.17082769

For those who are wondering why the significance of veterinary facilities and why Russia seems to be targeting them, because the veterinary facilities are where the “defensive” pathogens become biological weapons.

The US are claiming that the creation of C19 and other dangerous pathogens does not fall under “offensive biological weapon production”. They claim the gain of function research is “peaceful”. Well when they introduce this pathogen to a vector, say an animal with intent to carry this pathogen, together, the animal vector and the pathogen now become a “weapon”.

Same with the aerosol canisters attached to drones, used to remotely disperse airborne water particles which could contain pathogens. Once you introduce an avenue to administer these pathogens, that’s when it technically becomes a weapon as per the BWC (Biological Weapons Convention).

Think of all the biological activity in relation to animals:

-Main target for Russian military was a veterinary laboratory in Mariupol, Ukraine.

-Russian military moves into Nicaragua, home to US funded BSL-3 veterinary laboratory.

-Fauci using beagles as test dummies for fly-bite transmission research.

-Gates Foundation unleashing genetically modified mosquitos.

-CDC monkeys carrying dangerous pathogens escaping in Pennsylvania

-Dangerous animal research at Wuhan Institute of Virology.

-Monkeypox outbreaks carried by rats and prairie dogs.

-Russia accusations of US of using migratory birds to pass pathogens to Ukraine and Russia.

-US DARPA program “Insect Allies” on the books biological program to equip bug armies with “peaceful” pathogens to “save” crops and agriculture.

So many instances of government utilization of animals as vectors for disease. And these accusations from Russia aren’t all that secret. Even the left-wing media have talked about it.

See our lovely friends from Vice wrote this article back in March about the “crazy conspiracy” that Russia is pushing that the US are using migratory birds to spread disease and cause famine by killing crops.

Keep in mind Vice also wrote an article saying that there were no biolabs in Ukraine and that was a “crazy conspiracy”. They said the same thing about the Hunter Biden Laptop…

Seems everything they call a conspiracy theory turns out to be real. Imagine that.




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c94972  No.17082770


>no zero delta

you keep saying that

but I dont think you know what that means

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e9d31e  No.17082771

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0cad9b  No.17082772


You know what happens with ppl like you in country…

I’m done speaking with you, Cannon futter… but when you get the call, make sure you stand up straight & defend your the good moral people behind you… & thank you in advance for giving you life for US…

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154178  No.17082773


Sort of like Israel being a Jewish centric empire? Try something constructive. Like cooking lessons. Your food sucks.

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0ed94b  No.17082774

A baby should be created in a healthy womb, not some fat, diseased, sloppy whore womb

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768fe8  No.17082775


Why is this upsurge in public Russian antisemitism happening now? What on earth does the war in Ukraine have to do with supposed Jewish conspiracies and Israeli neo-Nazis?

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184189  No.17082776


i don't know how you do it! you're a better man than I…but they are your enemy if they still support biden

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8ba512  No.17082777




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2f6ca2  No.17082778


Use of the word "underway" (twice) seems odd.

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854e2d  No.17082779


So tired of the people on the inside. "the next day can be tough" if you don't like it stop following me.

You people on the inside, benefit from having more information than many of us anons.

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5c1e8d  No.17082780




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9a21f2  No.17082781


Verboten by your nazijew bosses. ;)

Wasn't there a theory that Christine Maxwell might be behind it?

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c2b839  No.17082782

Meanwhile at CERN

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af39e2  No.17082783


“I’m your LGBTQIA+ liaison officer and we are unveiling … our pride cruiser for the month of June!”

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37062d  No.17082784

"this nation belongs to you"

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ef1b1b  No.17082785


Will it prevent you from asking yourself certain questions??

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b04411  No.17082786


13 year old girl "was reportedly uninjured when cops discovered her"

So a 13 year old raped by a 40 year is "uninjured"?


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c0b1e6  No.17082787


>is he an "actor" like the rest?

Who are "the rest"?. You actually think thousands of people are "acting" some kind of part in order to trap the cabal? :/

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d55c4c  No.17082788

Nearly 20M watched Jan. 6 hearing: Nielsen

(The Hill has removed its comment section, as there are many other forums for readers to participate in the conversation. We invite you to join the discussion on Facebook and Twitter.)


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205fc3  No.17082789


Adding To the List

National Task Force on Election Crises

The National Task Force on Election Crises is a left-of-center group that advises state and national officials on securing elections against natural disasters, cyberattacks, and pandemics. While the group is ostensibly non-partisan, most of its members are Democrats and its proposed reforms are generally opposed by Republicans.


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7c1438  No.17082790


whatever, w/ whom he fucked?

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c61922  No.17082791

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456e7b  No.17082792

This on a pol thread now. No sauce though.

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c7ca71  No.17082793


two more weeks

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0585ba  No.17082794


controlled demolition

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18fb61  No.17082795

Mayor Adams: We cannot allow New York to become the wild, wild, west…there is no place in the nation that this decision affects as much as New York City. We are prepared to set example that will lead the country on how do we fight back against this decision.

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d10206  No.17082796



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8137d4  No.17082797

Good afternoon anons, autists and keyboard warriors o7.

Rutroh now they did it. POTUS comes out steering. "my fellow Americans,"

Man the meme canons 🔥 4E


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1936e8  No.17082798



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abd187  No.17082799

Don Jr. truths a :14:14 timestamp about Paul Pelosi.

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0da703  No.17082800


>Game over is for those that…

Shill the board.

This is a military operation.

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7e8730  No.17082801


We are beyond needing zero deltas. Crumbs for dogs?

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57ae49  No.17082802


I'll bet floor buffing drones would be appreciated.

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a638d4  No.17082803

Blacks will kill white so jews can have the right to kill black babies

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3173d5  No.17082804

anon help me out here plz. ive been around along time but

when and why did the issue of abortion suddenly become central to people being jewish?

nvrmind. please filter me for my own sake. idontcarewatuthink.

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dc5e60  No.17082805

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67d070  No.17082806

there's always two

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d7fcf4  No.17082807

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ef489d  No.17082808

Trump Primary Picks

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596279  No.17082809


Now that tiktok is oddly pro male, pro Trump, pro justice, anti feminist…yes.

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a28cf8  No.17082810


"No weapon formed against…"

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c830ab  No.17082811



can bake this one

Confirm le handoff pls

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