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2411b6  No.17027825[View All]

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72 posts omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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90fc42  No.17033433


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1289da  No.17033458



He is a real patriot!

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47ca53  No.17033546


$120 for 16 year is great

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577961  No.17033567


>'clean' private board

Why 'clean' and not clean?

What's the difference?

Details matter.

The point as given by Q was to lock in trips. That was not compromised at all.

On here you can allow further trips. On there you can't.

>do something before Q has to do something about it

Q's board, not mine, nor Jim's.

So you say: fuck with the board a second time, I know for sure Q wants it handled like that?

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a3df39  No.17033658


long covid

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4dfe66  No.17033691


What do you think a 'sign' is?

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d93081  No.17033770



Define numerology.

Describe a scientific endeavor that doesn’t involve letters, numbers & related symbols.

Is encryption & decryption scientific?

One of the first things we’re all taught, A-Z 26 letters (for our current form of english).

A1, B2, C3, D4, E5…Z26, AA27, BB28, CC29…

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623e03  No.17033792

Liz Cheney Uses January 6 Committee for Political Retaliation, Subpoenas Primary Opponent’s Campaign Adviser

Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY) appears to have used the January 6 committee as a political weapon against her primary opponent.

It is no secret that Liz Cheney’s political career as an establishment Republican took a nosedive into oblivion when she sided with the Democrats in their January 6 witch hunt. Since then, her primary opponent, Harriet Hageman, has been trouncing Cheney in the polls and now leads by a whopping 30 points. After a dismal first hearing for the January 6 committee that pulled in just 19 million viewers across the United States, Liz Cheney has now subpoenaed former Donald Trump campaign manager William Stepien, who also just so happens to be Hageman’s campaign adviser.

According to the Hill, Stepien appeared before the committee last November and was a primary mover in former President Trump’s “Stop the Steal” campaign:

Stepien reportedly “supervised the conversion” within Trump’s campaign around “Stop the Steal” messaging and associated fundraising, the committee said at the time of his subpoena.

That messaging “included the promotion of certain false claims related to voting machines despite an internal campaign memo in which campaign staff determined such claims were false,” the committee added.

Former President Trump held a rally for Hageman in late May where he referred to Cheney as a “backstabbing” RINO.

“Worse than the terrible Democrats are the backstabbing RINO Republicans that are helping them do their act,” Trump said. “And there is no RINO in America who has thrown in her lot with the radical left more than Liz Cheney.”

Trump further described Cheney as a “lapdog for Pelosi and a human soundbite machine for CNN and MSDNC.”

“She has gone crazy,” the former president said. “Now I get it. I’ve been hearing these stories for years. Now I get it. She’s gone totally crazy.”

Unless Liz Cheney and the committee unveil a bombshell surprise during the next hearing, it is unlikely the Stepien subpoena will have any effect on her primary campaign against Hageman, given that few Americans are tuning in for the broadcast. Some Democrats in vulnerable districts have expressed skepticism behind closed doors, according to a recent report from Axios.

“I think they’re incredibly important, but I wouldn’t call them pivotal to the election,” Rep. Susan Wild (D-PA) said of the hearings.

One anonymous Democrat in a swing district simply said, “No,” when asked if January 6 should be an election issue, although the Democrat hoped the hearings would provide “a lot of powerful information” or a “holy shit” moment.


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bebf7d  No.17033847

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7e2891  No.17033862


Excellent! base for Standing and Jurisdiction.

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5e443c  No.17033883

i miss 8ch

that userbase was infinitely wiser and better understood the founding culture of america and of the founding fathers

now it's just fake conservatives throwing out 20 year old progressive talking points

and 20 years from now, if america is even left standing, will be espousing the same bullshit the progressives of today are - if it even takes that long

you don't stand for anything the founders did as you cave into the left every chance you get

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fad0d8  No.17033935

Who's got a link to the rally?

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b5dd52  No.17033943


good times

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24e2f7  No.17034009



Another framing phrase to limit your ability to think about something deeply. AT THIS POINT why bother right?

It's important to learn these things to inoculate yourself against disinformation campaigns.

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070e03  No.17034025



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7e8dea  No.17034090

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b8b82c  No.17034148


hit timestamps on relevant Q posts and 1700 days since first post

larpers not that clever

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f63c54  No.17034199

oh, also, not that I would need to justify my own actions, but just to let you know.

yesterday I gave a couple of final chances to adress me, the world (rather masonry) rejected. not a smart decision.

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318c65  No.17034204


And another actor is on stage.

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90fc42  No.17034223


you are even moar retarded than any of us could have imagined if you think you are going to convince anyone that Q posted on your board. fuck off faggot

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bebf7d  No.17034238


Orange is the new Bat

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5e443c  No.17034271

That old chestnut

Google search: Trump rally…did you mean 'train wreck'



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3a3cce  No.17034276


Did they hunt the scapegoat?

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81d8b7  No.17034280


>TRIPCODE !!Hs1Jq13jV6


That makes it moar credible, like times 100

Try switch over to /hivemind/ – they'll be all over you, and will come right back here telling us Q has changed boards.

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7d1bbb  No.17034330

You guys might want to check this out…


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da34e9  No.17034338


@JoeAnon how many times will you post your social media handle on this board? i'm here once in a blue moon and i've seen it twice. are you that desperate for followers?

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037b05  No.17034350


That’s not how it works.

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c0a165  No.17034373

Corbett Report

Mark Crispin Miller Exposes Propaganda in the Academy

NYU Professor Fights Back Against the Academic Crybullies


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c679af  No.17034412



no surprise

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1a379d  No.17034414

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8f4059  No.17034443


HOT 1-12. there are 12 weekdays left in this month. HOT-3+ would be this Friday. HOT-7_corr_TAXjV^293Z would be a week from today, next Tuesday


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0218b0  No.17034455


The 14 TREASONOUS Bastards…

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4dfe66  No.17034469


Let the Tribunals begin.

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f879d4  No.17034494


Quick, burn all the evidence and raze the school

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8681fd  No.17034497

Today's gas (auto) price in Russia 92, 95, 98% & diesel

Gas is not going up in Russia. They pay a lot less and they earn a lot less.

about 16 minutes in. Dude does maffs freestyle. Impressive.

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da34e9  No.17034500



Democrats are enemies of the united states.

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c0a165  No.17034508


Z is literally an actor.

Along with most of his Cabinet.


Just like [they] did in to Russia in and around Ukraine.

Hitler tried.

Kennedy tried.

Reagan tried.

45 succeeded.

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9137d8  No.17034516


That’s interesting also, and i will research it

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bc9a08  No.17034545


I'm betting they've got US innocents locked up there.

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d06100  No.17034573


>more inclusive

a code word for sexist, normal-phobic and racist.

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86a315  No.17034588


saved. still think part 1 is the bomb, part 2 is darker.

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7d1bbb  No.17034625

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fad0d8  No.17034636


We are Q

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7e2891  No.17034637


War Room: Official Telegram Channel, [05.04.22 12:11]


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204715  No.17034639


Possibly the original sauce….


Eyes on…

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8f4059  No.17034643


Hesitation can be harmful. 💥 Trust in your abilities

I think they're saying, "see something, do something"?

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24e2f7  No.17034652


ima need a bigger folder kek

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1d1704  No.17034660


Diamond hands

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d22daf  No.17034670


This is not a game. This is game over.

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204715  No.17034671


Djinn or Genie, spirit

Eos, dawn

Monkeypox vaccine name? Jynneos

Dawn of the Jynn/Djinn

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