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496df3  No.17027824[View All]

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128 posts and 2 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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a8df2b  No.17034427





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7180dc  No.17034433


>The digging is done, which is why you are only IP hoping and re-using the same memes you have used for years to attack messengers while ignoring proof presented.


>The digging is done, which is why you are only IP hoping and re-using the same memes you have used for years to attack messengers while ignoring proof presented.


>The digging is done, which is why you are only IP hoping and re-using the same memes you have used for years to attack messengers while ignoring proof presented.

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460815  No.17034434

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b973b5  No.17034442


I'm neither, but you're both, kek

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a8df2b  No.17034462


Not sure why this is so hard. The legit Q posts have the rainbow trip. The fake Q posts don't. So far I haven't seen any real Q posts that were not included in the list, so…

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2705a5  No.17034493


Which (((degenerative diseases))) do you have that make you waste everyone's time here?

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7091a8  No.17034503



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f24d43  No.17034507

Dutch Uprising: Fishermen Block Ports Across The Netherlands

Dutch fishermen have joined the fight against the WEF-inspired climate change policy that will destroy thousands of blue-collar jobs in the Netherlands.

Last month, the EMK (the Dutch fishermen’s union) announced their intention to join the farmers in protest, saying the government’s nitrogen policy will prevent ships from fishing off the coast of Holland.

Videos have now emerged showing several fishing boats collectively attempting to block ports at IJmuiden, Harlingen, while the port of Lauwerszoog was blocked last night along with other exits.

According to the NL Times, earlier today, the fisherman also managed to shut down the ferry service to Texel, with the service stating that “It is wise not to come to the ferry terminal.”

Besides the nitrogen emissions cap, which will utterly decimate the farming and aviation industries, fishermen are demanding the government provides relief for skyrocketing gas prices that have impacted their businesses.

“If there isn’t concrete support soon, Dutch fishing will be heading for extinction. First, it’s the farmers, and we are next in line. The government used to take care of food security, but not anymore,” said fisherman Robin Dekker in an interview.

“In the short term, the government must simply do what France and Germany are doing – provide fishing with fuel compensation. Europe can do that, so why is minister Staghouwer still hesitating? Does he also want to put us out of business, just like the farmers?”


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4d12b4  No.17034513

Tap outta here and it's over… not these days. 7.8 billion. 👍

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656539  No.17034520


>This is awfully specific, hmm

What do you think the implications are? Brainlet here.



I followed that advice anon, but how much guacamole can a man need?!>This is awfully specific, hmm

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5a3f54  No.17034550

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2084ea  No.17034556

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a9e501  No.17034561

hit piece after hit piece after hit piece when you search culture war

the left openly wages it and then their echo chamber media pundits say you're not allowed to wage it back

they'd rather you just shut the fuck up and accept their degeneracy so they can rot the country out from the inside just like lincoln said they would


it's psychological warfare atm

they will never go kinetic because they know they will lose

that's why they subvert the law, the courts, the media, entertainment, music, and the entire establishment to push their agendas

just like how the gay mafia in hwood took over - just search the term "gay mafia hollywood" - have fun



>The AMPTP announced on December 6 that it had hired the public relations services of Chris Lehane and Mark Fabiani, self-dubbed the "Masters of Disaster", who had previously worked for Democratic politicians (including Bill Clinton, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Gray Davis) and who, according to the San Francisco Chronicle, "earn up to $100,000 a month for pulling their clients out of public relations quicksand."[82][83] The AMPTP also hired former Arnold Schwarzenegger campaign manager Steve Schmidt of Mercury Public Affairs in Sacramento


which is why the right - the so-called conservatives(who rarely conserve any traditional values these days and are only worried about appeasing the left so they don't cry and whine when they don't get their way) need to stand firm in traditional principles instead of caving every single time

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998ff0  No.17034569



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f24d43  No.17034572

Season II?


Dec. 19, 2019

>“Backchannels are important…”

—>“White Squall”

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a3c610  No.17034582


>Yo baker this 20866 should be 20867


you're right…i fked up and tried to have the thread locked earlier…oopsies.

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5a3f54  No.17034584


Whats Jim Carey getting up to lately? How does he handle a bicycle?

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747063  No.17034608


don't say you weren't warned that it was a giant scam from the getgo.

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129c05  No.17034623


Gee, gas is so expensive.

Will Biden lower gas prices so women can afford to drive to the next state to get their abortions?

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3c34dd  No.17034649

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656539  No.17034680


Don't see any names

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9068a7  No.17034683


>the tide has turned

forgive me if I don't dance at dan twats

I was there for dog sleds down a hill "who am I to deny your freedom" and many many others

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7091a8  No.17034688


Et tu, USAF?

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4cc443  No.17034691


>Before God huh?

He has to wait two weeks

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747063  No.17034692






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15c06d  No.17034693


Headed to GITMO!

Prison Barrage NYC

You do the Crime

You do the Time.


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e524b5  No.17034699

I have spent the past year working to fight inflation and policies that worsen it.

So please take my word for it when I say the work the @January6thCmte

is doing is far more important.

The average voter may not agree, but I promise you that it’s true.


add to list. Glad they make it a little easier by freely admitting they are American hating liars

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9669d9  No.17034704


Big Daddy Elon ain’t gonna pay you any attention.

James 2:5-9 KJVS

[5] Hearken, my beloved brethren, Hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him? [6] But ye have despised the poor. Do not rich men oppress you, and draw you before the judgment seats? [7] Do not they blaspheme that worthy name by the which ye are called? [8] If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well: [9] But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

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460815  No.17034706


So slow, if you are going to copy Q posts, remove the Q its not you

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a8df2b  No.17034707



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7091a8  No.17034709


Nick Carter talking about a New World Order on Hillary Clinton billing at the Hay Festival

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ba4bd1  No.17034710


"In order to protect the public, that these White Supremacists pose, we must enact this legislation now, if we hope to protect our Democracy"-Wait for that.

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3c34dd  No.17034722

Must be something going on at the Vatican today hence the Mason shills


World free of nuclear weapons is necessary, possible, pope says

June 21, 2022

By Cindy Wooden

Catholic News Service

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Nuclear weapons do not increase a nation’s or region’s security, in fact, they are a “risk multiplier” that gives people a false sense of security, Pope Francis said in a message to an international conference.

Archbishop Paul R. Gallagher, the Vatican foreign minister, read the pope’s message in Vienna June 21 at the first Meeting of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons.

The treaty, which prohibits the deployment, possession, moving, storing and stationing of nuclear weapons, entered into force in 2021; it has been signed by 86 nations and ratified by 62 of them, including the Holy See. The United States, Canada and other members of NATO have not signed the treaty, nor have Russia and China.

“A world free from nuclear weapons is both necessary and possible,” Pope Francis wrote in his message to the conference. “In a system of collective security, there is no place for nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.”

Nuclear deterrence, he said, is in no way a deterrent to most of the world’s most serious problems, including terrorism, cyber attacks, environmental catastrophes and poverty.

Then, he said, one must consider “the catastrophic humanitarian and environmental consequences that would follow from any use of nuclear weapons, with devastating, indiscriminate and uncontainable effects, over time and space.”

Even simply maintaining the weapons is costly — drawing resources away from positive actions like education, health care and poverty reduction — but there also is the constant “risk of accidents, involuntary or otherwise, that could lead to very troubling scenarios.”

“Nuclear weapons are a costly and dangerous liability. They represent a ‘risk multiplier’ that provides only an illusion of a ‘peace of sorts,'” the pope said.

“I wish to reaffirm that the use of nuclear weapons, as well as their mere possession, is immoral,” Pope Francis wrote.

“Trying to defend and ensure stability and peace through a false sense of security and a ‘balance of terror’ sustained by a mentality of fear and mistrust inevitably ends up poisoning relationships between peoples and obstructing any possible form of real dialogue,” he said.

In addition, the pope wrote, the possession of nuclear weapons “leads easily to threats of their use, becoming a sort of ‘blackmail’ that should be repugnant to the consciences of humanity.”

The treaty, he said, brings more than a legal obligation, it is a sign of a “moral commitment” and a pledge to “promoting a culture of life and peace based upon the dignity of the human person and the awareness that we are all brothers and sisters.”


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e524b5  No.17034731

Phil Turd ID+ is so hot right now

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1ac015  No.17034736


If Trump was in office, election fraud would not be exposed at a National level.

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4d12b4  No.17034745

==There is no way that was a bot attack. When bots attacked a couple years back it was sequential and all from the SAME IP ADDRESS. Those were all independent posts coming from independent UID. That was the server regurgitating what was already posted, and luckily Babyfist himself proved this with this post here >>17034493

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cfdf7d  No.17034746



Digits confirmed

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5a3f54  No.17034750

Red pill in hand he DIVES IN…

Will be certainly posting about this tomorrow am and forwarded…SUN or SON? Or BOTH?

What is theOBVIOUSphysical representation ofGODin this realty?

What institutions stands between you and theseTRUTHS?

Worth a few brain cells…


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af7b67  No.17034752


Reported & Filtered

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f06807  No.17034754


seent it


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3f2caf  No.17034756


better version

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e20849  No.17034759


"Lewis Carroll Teaches You How to Play the Sicilian" - Godfather????


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c2ebb9  No.17034766


They can turn off the Instrument

But they can't stop the Feeling.

Positive Energy Levels Beyond Capacitance

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4cc443  No.17034779


>Real indians

what about the ones that play them on TV?

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cfdf7d  No.17034781


also, how big's your dick, bruh?

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1b2471  No.17034782

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/23/2022 16:06:42

Truth Social: 108528586069837417

Has there ever been a time in Congress where a Member is allowed, without any cross examination of any kind, to read lengthy and often untruthful statements, not from notes or other papers, BUT FROM A TELEPROMPTER? This is aKangaroo Courtthe likes of which we have never seen in this Country!


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747063  No.17034785


breads was flying

red texts trying to rain on the parade

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af7b67  No.17034788


I sometimes dab in the fagging of planes

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f06807  No.17034789


Satire does not mean Truth.

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656539  No.17034790

damn silence…

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