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1ff0ac  No.16885961[View All]

Cook me up some bacon and some beans.

And go out to the car and change the tyre.

Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans.

Come on, baby, you can fill my pipe,

And then go fetch my slippers.

And boil me up another pot of tea.

Then put another log on the fire, babe,

And come and tell me why you're leaving me.

Now don't I let you wash the car on Sunday?

Don't I warn you when you're gettin fat?

Ain't I a-gonna take you fishin' with me someday?

Well, a man can't love a woman more than that.

Ain't I always nice to your kid sister?

Don't I take her driving every night?

So, sit here at my feet 'cause I like you when you're sweet,

And you know it ain't feminine to fight.

So, put another log on the fire.

Cook me up some bacon and some beans.

Go out to the car and lift it up and change the tire.

Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans.

Come on, baby, you can fill my pipe,

And then go fetch my slippers.

And boil me up another pot of tea.

Then put another log on the fire, babe,

And come and tell me why you're leaving me.

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fa28cb  No.16907502



Holy cow!!!

Christalball Stocks & Sports @Christalball93

🚨 MOTLEY FOOL #NakedShorting EXPOSED!!! 🚨


From their Innovation Long/Short Fund Supplement document (learnmore.1623capital.com/ils/register-y…):

"In jurisdictions where #NakedShorting is prohibited, if the Fund is unable to secure appropriate cover (1)




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307736  No.16907558

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d76c9d  No.16907560

Gov. Greg Abbott Orders Investigation Into Allegation Teacher Took Child to Drag Queen Show Attended by Sex Offender

“It was a really bad experience.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott has ordered an investigation into an allegation by a parent that a teacher took his son to a drag queen show which was attended by a convicted sex offender.

The claim was made by during a Houston Independent School District board meeting last week.

“He took him to a drag show when he was underage and it was really bad. It was a really bad experience. He also put him next to this sex offender when he was out there with my son,” the parent said at the meeting.

The parent said the teacher, who is also a “writer for an LGBTQ magazine,” “recruited” his 16-year-old son and exposed him to a pedophile who was previously convicted for an assault on an 8-year-old child.

The parent said his son took videos and photos at the event and also has proof of his communication with the teacher in the form of text messages.

Abbott responded on Twitter by announcing he was “directing the Texas Education Agency to investigate this matter.”

A Houston Independent School District spokesperson responded by telling the media, “HISD takes all allegations seriously and will cooperate with the Texas Education Agency.”

As we previously reported, the former head of the Cream City Foundation, which sponsors Drag Queen Story Hour in Milwaukee, was arrested on charges of possessing child pornography.

In 2019, it was revealed that the Houston Public Library allowed a registered sex offender to read to children as part of Drag Queen Story Hour.

One of the program’s drag queens, 32-year-old Alberto Garza, was convicted of sexually assaulting an 8-year-old boy in 2008.

Meanwhile, as we highlighted earlier, during this weekend’s gay pride parades, children were exposed to bare breasts, fetish kinks like ‘puppy play’, twerking, half naked men whipping each other, and chants of “we have genitals and lube.”


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c65f76  No.16907625


That's the last thing America needs is more fucking division.

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1a42d9  No.16907640

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322f8d  No.16907656


>Clockfags gonna clockfag…general FBI trash to make anons look like retards

Tranlastion: I posted this from TOR because I didn't want to IP hop again. Ignore the fact Q specifically talked about the clock.

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b06a58  No.16907664


Well, I took a break last year. Cared for my sick Grandfather. He passed away a year ago Wednesday.

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664225  No.16907712


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1a42d9  No.16907774



>feelz like a different day but is it?

What's different from other days?

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c65f76  No.16907786

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b89335  No.16907791


Hurry up and drop what you have before you get arkancided, fool. Only spies benefit from delaying in silence.

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ac5647  No.16907803


Hey anon. I see your posts. We all do. They are interesting… I have the public originals for the boat pics with POS C and H…

Can you discuss? I'm tempted to try and OCR/translate.

I realize we repeat… Can I buy a vowel?

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8cd0e3  No.16907816


thats a nice reality projector diagram

the interference part is most fun part

i think shrodinger would be proud

and his cat too

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579291  No.16907817


who gives a fuck.

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307736  No.16907873


well someone obviously financed them

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8cd0e3  No.16907891



A string of witnesses claimed Netanyahu was involved in the decision not to limit the number of worshipers allowed in the event that led to the death of 45 Israelis


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fa28cb  No.16907897

PDJT Rally Delaware, OH

23 APR 2022

[PDJT walks on stage, throwing red hats, with his hair glowing in the Ohio sunshine]

[Huge USA chant]

I want to say a very big Hello, Ohio.

Together we are going to end Crazy Nancy's political career, she is crazy as a bedbug.

When she loses she'll be out of there so fast.

For decades your state was ruthlessly betrayed by corrupt special interests.

Right now our country is going to Hell.

I got gas for cars down to 1.87 a gallon.

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fa28cb  No.16907936


Famefag Truth Social is trying hijack Q Research but that is not going to happen.


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0d242d  No.16907941


FLIP ALERT: In the TX-34 special election, Republican Mayra Flores has defeated Democrat Dan Sanchez.

Joe Biden had won this district by 13 points in the 2020 election. Republicans last held the seat over 100 years ago.


But yeah totally listen to the red text shills and the repeated message to stop voting and go back to sleep. lol.

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ae019d  No.16907943



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c65f76  No.16907950


Childish goading? Wow, you're good.

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307736  No.16907966



Sometimes you meet someone who is truly special. A person that sticks out, leaving an imprint that you’ll never forget. With her big, beautiful smile, contagious personality, and infectious laughter it was so easy to be attracted to Lisa and become her friend.

Lisa M. Richardson, 58 Kronenwetter, passed away on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at her home. She was manager/owner of Randy’s Video / Balloons R Us - Decorating service Stevens Point WI, for many years and ended her career at Krueger Floral, Schofield Wi due to disability. Lisa married the love of her life, Kent Richardson on 8/9/1997 (he survives). They lived a wonderful life together and had two sons. Hunter (Hanna) Richardson – Rothschild WI and Tanner Richardson – Kronenwetter, WI. She is also stepmother to Krystle (Tony) Endries – Rozellville, WI and Kasey Richardson Iola, WI.

She was blessed with five Grandchildren: Vinney, Aria, and Mitchell Endries (Krystle and Tony), Echo Richardson, (Kasey), and Haddie Richardson (Hunter and Hanna).

Lisa was preceded in death by her parents Lou Zehl and Beverly (Strike) Zehl , her sister Barb Tiffany, and Father in Law Ken Richardson.

Lisa is survived by her husband Kent, Sisters: Bonnie Vandyke, Randy (Chip) Reed, Patty Zehl, and VickI Hiller, Mother-in-Law: Gloria Richardson, Sister in Law: Dana (Mark) Bohanski, 2 Brother in Laws: Kurt (Kathy) Richardson and Kris Richardson. 6 nephews: Brian Hiller, Travis and Tyler Clark, Callen and Kenton Grulkowski, and Rein Richardson. 6 Nieces: Heather Tiffany, April (Sean) Lanehart, Allison Richardson, Abby and Jenna Bohanski, and Hanna (Conner) Stroik,

Lisa will be missed greatly; but loved and remembered forever.


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d76c9d  No.16907973


edit is tarded..


I don't think his theory is about toxoplasmosis, plenty of straight people have that and yes, sort of, supposedly toxmo causes irritability, paranoia/anxiety, passive aggressiveness and laziness.. its different in men and women tho, you can google it yourself.

Heck.. now that you mention it though, i might just slip my kids some ivermectin at some point as a preventative measure.

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579291  No.16907983

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b89335  No.16908033

anyone know where Jim is giving a speech tonight?

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4a2e9f  No.16908062

No way…


Live on, you still out here?

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4a2e9f  No.16908071


Thank youuuuu…

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51db52  No.16908075


What makes a good movie?

Great actors?

Do actors need to be human?

Has anyone ever met EACW in person?

Only on-screen?

Define AI

Is EACW intelligent?

Is EACW artificial?

Is there a psychedelic strain of Kash’s Kurry?

Who has access to this strain?

Did “The Plan” come to K$H after eating this strain?

Was part of “The Plan” creating an AI straw man w/ a huge hooked nose to draw attention away from the real Q team operators?





What is Jim Watkins background?

Porn websites?

Define smokescreen

Military intelligence/computer programming

Artificial intelligence?


EACW = old model

Ron Watkins = new model

Do robots like curry?

Would a robot stray from its mission for delicious Patel family curry?


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d76c9d  No.16908123


This is about k3eping your dumbass distracted.. So why would they do that

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7bcce0  No.16908133


Sorting moran

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63007e  No.16908145


Bidan can never outdo Obama on his tranny wife

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e08025  No.16908169


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e08025  No.16908175


So theres nothing blocking q from doing a 0-delta on clearnet. He has done it in the past as proven here:


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2da8d3  No.16908280


why do we see different colours when we close our eyes?

Hi Anais, thanks for your great question!

The first thing to say is that seeing colours when we close our eyes is totally normal. It doesn’t mean there’s a problem with your eyes (unless what you see changes drastically, but we’ll talk about that later).



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2da8d3  No.16908284

Mr. Biden: Congress must act. And with your vote, you can act. You can have the final word. This is not over.

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06d9b7  No.16908337

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017bbd  No.16908351


Are (YOU) Experienced?

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ae019d  No.16908413


stack em waist high. do the genocide

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c2e5af  No.16908432


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7b87e3  No.16908443


An hour is a fucking long time on the Internet.

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d63cd1  No.16908450

We know you lying media fucks. We know.

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170599  No.16908462

IF The Plan does not include the VERIFIABLE EXECUTION or IMPRISONMENT of current HIGH LEVEL government officials, MEDIA CEOs, and BUREAUCRATS, i.e., the domestic Enemies of the USA, the NEW REGIME that "comes into power" can GO FUCK ITSELF.

<the flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property. …

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d63cd1  No.16908486




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d94289  No.16908529

Q+ from Joseph!

President Biden


United States government official

As I’ve said before to the LGBTQI+ community: Your President has your back. Yesterday, I signed an Executive Order that will protect the community from hateful attacks, use the full force of the government to prevent “conversion therapy,” advance equality for families, and more.

1:01 PM · Jun 16, 2022·The White House


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b67fbc  No.16908541

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b0b92a  No.16908585


>spear it

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284b10  No.16908835


"Wizards & Warlocks".

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637b70  No.16908847



bread is still GHOST

Bakers and Note Takers please step up

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2edb56  No.16908854


>Supreme Court decision on West Virginia vs EPA 6-3 to limit EPA


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637b70  No.16908873

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