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5542da  No.16884816[View All]



I hope your rig overheats

and burns your house down

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fead08  No.16907773

️French weapons in Ukraine should not be used for strikes on the Russian Federation - Macron

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752044  No.16907821


Give thanks for that experience.

If you didn't learn n grow from it…

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fead08  No.16907884


If you accuse the Jews of gang stalking they will gang stalk you.

You are not allowed to accuse Jews of anything.

They are victims. Got it?

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67ac2e  No.16908006



Tracy Beanz, [05.06.22 09:18]

So again, the significance of the Depp/Heard case can’t be understated. Taylor Lorenz wrote an article trying to slander the YouTube accounts covering the case that held all of the influence. Unsurprisingly, she lied about them. Now their ENTIRE audience is doubting ALL of the reporting over at WaPo and others. THESE ARE NEWBIES TO MEDIA DECEPTION. CNN was smart enough to recognize this and has jumped on board AGAINST Lorenz hoping to maintain some influence with these folks. It’s over. Huge.

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cf252b  No.16908015



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8929d2  No.16908017


Well we are all supposed to be writing our own stories, and I seek a new ship anyways so…

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8929d2  No.16908042


Pirates were mercs.

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11cb94  No.16908059


Aren’t there some current representatives who didn’t swear in on a Bible? If I’m right, this would seem to nullify their power.

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a2ae67  No.16908074

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4611e7  No.16908104


When you've been freed from your slavery and you don't even know it yet.

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514afd  No.16908106

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514afd  No.16908112


AUDITOR ATTACKED 911 CALL - Mister Porter CALLS FOR HELP - 1st Amendment Audit Assaulted Over Sign

Jun 5, 2022

Orange Man Audits


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d0a76b  No.16908114

Neo-Nazi group “Patriot Front” Detained in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho — Group arrived in back of Uhaul truck


Seems like a fake/show arrest for the citizens of Idaho all these radicalized dudes just sitting their calmly, they ALL still have their masks on. Ffs come on

this smells big time Phony

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f0c93e  No.16908140


Great, the US is not a Jewish country, but a a Christian one, were Christian laws should be in place. Legal abortions of convinience are Jewish law, not Christian.

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8929d2  No.16908144

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8929d2  No.16908161

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494e9d  No.16908178


Kek…. sure, and that's why you're still here.

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514afd  No.16908183

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8929d2  No.16908209


6+5+2+2+2 = 17

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f0c93e  No.16908218

any idea what's going on now? if it's just more cryptic Q posts I really don't know what the fuck to think anymore

really close to being tipped over the edge bros

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a2ae67  No.16908223



If only you know…

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9a7fbe  No.16908229

Do we know why Q suddenly started posting again?

I thought Juan O. Savin said that phase is over.

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a977c4  No.16908233


>what exactly is the nazi symbol?

Say yes to life and no to Jid.

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9a7fbe  No.16908271



You mean "Tolerant"

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fe05bc  No.16908294


show me where this fake Q is. I'll fuck him up. How dare he steal Q's pw and post here. I'll stick a fool for fucking with my homie's pw.



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0d1035  No.16908299


Trump and Q will return in August

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e499c6  No.16908338


Dancing Jesus for overturning of Roe Vs Wade.

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fe05bc  No.16908352


It just keeps going, there are 4 Q posts regarding Qatar: https://qanon.pub/?q=qatar

FIFA Corruption Trial Underway Before First World Cup With Widespread US Sports Betting

Opinion Sports Betting

Written By John Holden on June 24, 2022


The FIFA World Cup of Corruption, Greed and Exploitation

by Ruben Timmerman

Tomorrow begins the European qualifying campaign for football’s most prestigious tournament: the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar. As European countries kick-off against one another for a shot to compete, a deepening sense of gloom and pessimism casts its shadow over the tournament. In recent weeks, British newspaper The Guardian published a widely-discussed report confirming that thousands of migrant workers have died in Qatar over the course of preparations for the tournament. The report is just the latest in a litany of controversies and scandals that have emerged since it was first announced in 2010 that Qatar would host the World Cup.


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0d1035  No.16908360

Q, any tips on how to get beyond the forth wall?

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e499c6  No.16908381


Maybe you are seeing the plan for the future, but it will fail, too many people awake

I hope to God its true Trump bankrupted and destoyed the corporation of the US

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6b532c  No.16908446

18:17 = 17 and a Q


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6b532c  No.16908468


Guterres foresees 'real risk' of multiple famines in 2022

In a video message to the international ministerial conference on global food security in Berlin, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned, on Friday, that there is a “real risk" of multiple famines in 2022, adding that next year can be even worse.

"There is a clear risk that multiple famines will be declared in 2022 and 2023 could be even worse," he said.

Elsewhere in his remarks, Guterres has cautioned that all harvests in Africa, Asia, and America will be affected.

"Humanitarian support is essential but not enough, it is not just a food crisis, it requires a coordinated multilateral approach with multidimensional solutions," the UN chief added.

World leaders and international organizations have expressed concern about an impending and large-scale food crisis, citing disruptions in supply chains, rising prices, and crop production delays in one of the world's most productive regions due to the ongoing war in Ukraine.

It is worth mentioning that Ukraine and Russia are estimated to account for 30% of global wheat exports, 20% of maize exports, and 76% of sunflower exports.

Russia has been accused by Western countries of obstructing grain shipments in Black Sea ports. Moscow asserts that Ukraine mined the ports, making shipments impossible.

Meanwhile, Russia seeks to establish a second grain market to support economically unstable countries and help avoid a humanitarian crisis.

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245a54  No.16908483






>Define that process.

well the FBI set up a shop at Perkins-Coie, and then there was the special counsel Mueller cover up op

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245a54  No.16908505












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245a54  No.16908512


QAnon leader returns with first post in more than a year

BY OLAFIMIHAN OSHIN - - 06/26/22 5:55 PM ET

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3e09c9  No.16908610


Still are. Times up.

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4640b5  No.16908621




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7a84ea  No.16908636


Easy DIY Vasectomy


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dbe29a  No.16908642

DOJ the new ministry of truth, scared


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6b532c  No.16908665


>Breaking news

"trump dump all fish food - japs upset kill expensive fish"


she's dual citizen jewish israeli with links to uk ruling class though

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3e09c9  No.16908673


they advantage of the anglo's forgiving nature

the fact we majorly just want to be left alone

when peace is no longer an option and tyranny is thrust down then the earth trembles at the unholy righteous vengeance that will be dealt upon those responsible


and yet the main point that scene made still stands

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9da36f  No.16908710


>faggots, and pedophiles

orientation rights will be another thing. Except it will be worded in a vague way so pedophilia is legalized.

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ccdb95  No.16908721

This board is operating about as well as Biden-bot 3000 today.

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3de06c  No.16908730

Welcome to Q Research General

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4640b5  No.16908734


>Laughing_MAN aka Babyfist was a Global Volunteer and BO of /ABCU/.

The whole OSS cew is just pure cancer.

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7a84ea  No.16908753


we get roe v wade next week


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6b532c  No.16908763



45 departed Morristown, NJ to Quincy, IL and AC itinerary is visible-change from past

>This is a big change here as this AC is able to be tracked via FlightAware.com..all previous useages of this were blocked by the owner of the AC

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a71703  No.16908806



Always love the extra/missing letter comms.


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51b1c6  No.16908872

Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

Former staff member to Mark Meadows. Was a White House intern in 2018

How do you insert a plant?

Making them a White House intern

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51b1c6  No.16908896


are you implying that whatever sex that is cannot impregnate whatever sex it's sex partner might be?

everything is possible but nothing is real

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