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bdb46d  No.16880929[View All]

Cook me up some bacon and some beans.

And go out to the car and change the tyre.

Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans.

Come on, baby, you can fill my pipe,

And then go fetch my slippers.

And boil me up another pot of tea.

Then put another log on the fire, babe,

And come and tell me why you're leaving me.

Now don't I let you wash the car on Sunday?

Don't I warn you when you're gettin fat?

Ain't I a-gonna take you fishin' with me someday?

Well, a man can't love a woman more than that.

Ain't I always nice to your kid sister?

Don't I take her driving every night?

So, sit here at my feet 'cause I like you when you're sweet,

And you know it ain't feminine to fight.

So, put another log on the fire.

Cook me up some bacon and some beans.

Go out to the car and lift it up and change the tire.

Wash my socks and sew my old blue jeans.

Come on, baby, you can fill my pipe,

And then go fetch my slippers.

And boil me up another pot of tea.

Then put another log on the fire, babe,

And come and tell me why you're leaving me.

701 posts omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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259f0b  No.16898150

Reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are blessed and loved


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d7e201  No.16898164




what a meme man I mean really!

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ffa3e8  No.16898173

Robert Wadlow, the tallest man in recorded history, late 30s.

>when you see it

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53459c  No.16898245


Check that id #16444443 e45a10


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ad9f77  No.16898256



noice meme

Just got on, if you can please fill in the blanks?

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d7e201  No.16898284


U.S. Naval Institute


#OTD in 2019, crew members from U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Munro chased down and boarded a narco-submarine in the Eastern Pacific, seizing 17,000 pounds of cocaine with an estimated value of $232 million.

9:10 PM · Jun 18, 2022·Twitter Web App

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d4b187  No.16898354



Open in pdf program and go to Edit (in Menu bar), "Select All" and copy and paste to 8kun [Options], User JS (just had to do all of this myself to make sure it worked).


Nice last-minute score!

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ad9f77  No.16898363


AbsoluteConviction1776 ✯✯✯, [03.06.22 18:24]

[Forwarded from Midnight Rider Channel 🇺🇸 (Karli Bonne)]

[ Video ]

Kash- good for Peter Navarro we have to say no to all of them!

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8df940  No.16898364


VIDEO: Minnesota Judge reduces bail from $5,000,000 to $100,000 for wanted man that fired shots at police while leading them on high-speed chase

Judge Profile(s):

1) https://mncourts.gov/About-The-Courts/Overview/JudicialDirectory/Bio.aspx?jid=1881

2) https://mitchellhamline.edu/biographies/person/kellie-charles/

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259f0b  No.16898402


Domino’s Mind Ordering

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d4b187  No.16898420


That's right, the only organization that pays it's own operatives to doxx themselves

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8df940  No.16898430

This Shabbat, as we go to give my daughter her Hebrew name, I sit here screaming from my proverbial rooftop that abortion access is a Jewish value. This decision is an infringement upon my religious rights. Spare me your pearl clutching.

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ad9f77  No.16898453


That bitch in that tweet made me sick the first time I saw it.

They are not human.

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8df940  No.16898480


cant end on 10….bannon's tits saves the day

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d7e201  No.16898489


Julee Cruise - Falling (Twin Peaks Soundtrack)


Aug 15, 2013

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d4b187  No.16898511

How does he know he didn’t watch from home? Has he seen any other SCJ at a public sporting event?


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6096e3  No.16898521


think they'll explode?

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183012  No.16898568

…The terrestrial stars are nothing like the celestial ones. Once again, inversion/perversion of the greatest allegorical 'story' ever told. The planets were the gods, before slowly drifting apart, over the course of thousands of years. The symbolism speaks volumes, when the correct context 'key', is applied. Cross cultural patterns and similarities in symbols (pictures worth a 1,000 words, right?). Until humanity gets to grips with this, the childish 'boogyman' mentality, the circle jerk of literalist interpretation, continues.

Ever feel that you are thinking 'ahead of your time'?

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d7e201  No.16898577

Mass shooting in Highland Park, IL

Coincides with Frenschan recruiting effort.

>Stop noticing goyim

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6096e3  No.16898609


like lettuce?

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d4b187  No.16898663


>Yeah, I'd rather Q had asked "Shall we resume our game?". But whatdafuk do I know.

Trust what you know. Many relate to Q as if Q were an individual. Q may be a team and whoever is posting may be new to posting here, hence the choice of words.

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259f0b  No.16898683


Tired of all the winning yet?

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7d2833  No.16898730

R Kelly Sentencing.


JUSTICE marker (mirror)

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e06def  No.16898791



Only if you are out of your mind.

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ee08f2  No.16898818

BREAKING: Uvalde Hires Private Law Firm to Block Body Cam Footage of School Shooting

They’re hiding something


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273ccf  No.16898869


Yes, and they can read your mind.

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d61adf  No.16898901


In person.

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7d2833  No.16898931


Why would Dort delete such a monument to [your] own stupidity?

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62f166  No.16898955



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da488f  No.16899149

first letters spell out TIDE.

Perhaps the Tide has changed?

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4d68f8  No.16899263


>run by gahyniggs clown burgers for wage cucks

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39db2a  No.16899335


>"keeping enemies close?"


>"careful who you follow"?

keeping enemies close was said by a mafioso in a Hollywood movie … the question is should you run an administration/gevernment like Mafia … what are the benefits, if any?

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62f166  No.16899408


#IndependenceDayResurgence #AmazingClips

White Friendly Alien Globe Reveals the Truth of Harvesting Aliens (Independence Day: Resurgence)


Nov 7, 2020

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12d72e  No.16899427



The report goes beyond prior analyses to provide the first in-depth treatment of the voluminous publicly available evidence and the relevant law, including possible defenses. It reviews the evidence as to whether Trump as a matter of law conspired with his outside counsel John Eastman, administration lawyer Jeffrey Clark, and others to defraud the United States in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371 by scheming to block the electoral count on January 6, 2021 and to subvert the Department of Justice’s election enforcement work. The report similarly reviews the evidence as to whether Trump and Eastman violated 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c) with their scheme to obstruct the congressional count.

While the report is primarily focused on possible federal offenses that the hearings are expected to illuminate, it also notes evidence potentially probative of state criminal violations that the hearings will consider. Fulton County, Georgia is one jurisdiction currently investigating such evidence, and the report addresses the factual and legal aspects of that investigation and how it will be advanced by the Congressional hearings. (The Georgia investigation is also the subject of a separate report by some of the publication’s authors.)

Did Trump use the President's Surveillance

after that attempt on his life to monitor Nancy?


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53f680  No.16899448

Here's your orange revolution. Screw up their branding attempts.

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42c171  No.16899457



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553a82  No.16899513


Of course! What do you want? Do you want to go back as it was before, after someone is arrested?

Pay taxes again and work your ass of for 12 to 15 hours a day! Drinking tons of alcohol, starting every Friday so that you forget about the shitty week behind you and start all over on Monday morning again?

If this is the world you want after all of this, then go with the WEF plan…

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42c171  No.16899527


go to worship your shit elsewhere nigga.

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177f26  No.16899562


https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



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0d411e  No.16899579


why are some many leaders lefties … I read about how if you visit the 4th dimension you could theoretically re-enter from there as your mirror image …

there is though an interesting feature with Obama … when he eats with utensils he does it like any other leftie, but when he eats food with bare hands he uses only the right hand … it's a Muslim custom to use only the right hand, because the left hand is the unclean shit hand ..l.

but Obama is not a muslim, he is a cosmopolitan agnostic or atheist … he joined the Black church not because of religious conviction but because he wanted to gain connection to the African-American experience which he lacked because of his background

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ee08f2  No.16899586


>Gays must make use of heteros or die out.

that is why they need to return to the closet and shut the fuck up

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d32bf3  No.16899599


Bill Cooper said the secret service holds the President and his family captive for life.

That they are there to keep the POTUS in line.

The POTUS gets secret service “protection” for


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d932d1  No.16899628



Not one Nom/not able for the "OUR FATHER" dig on Fathers Day, Anons?

Do (you) think most anons Understand that Q pretty much said that the VATICAN > CIA > DID 9-11?

Do (YOU) THINK that this is common knowledge or something?

Did (you) witness all hell break loose last year between this anon, MNR and OSS when this was posted?

Do (you) know your board history?

Do (you) know why INTHEPAYTRIXXX made 5-6 videos all about why P absolutely must = PAYSEUR and how many times that slide was posted? nommed? baked? while the truth was being ignored?

Do (you) think that ALL THAT was some sort of fucking COINCIDENCE?


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d61adf  No.16899638


Pretty accurate newfag

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df56b3  No.16899653


fuck off. learn this, cunt. was on the chans before you or q were a drip off your daddys dick

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553a82  No.16899658

The Times of Israel


Proud Boys charged with seditious conspiracy in Capitol riot


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5f87ca  No.16899683


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5f87ca  No.16899715


>Was it the notables about Israel, Flint?


(noogie noogie) McFly, hello!

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a8c6dd  No.16899728


I'm talking their own shit. Don't vegans believe in recycling? Liberal hypocrisy.

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82f648  No.16899753


Isn't the language misleading?

I remember hearing some legal argument about the use of "of the" instead of something else. I don't remember now. "Of the United States" implies it's a corporation, where as "Constitution of United States" implies country. Something having to do with the complexities of legal language. The point is oaths void.

That being said, what's up. What do we gotta do?

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