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a2fd7e  No.16877781[View All]

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09016b  No.16883250


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d91a71  No.16883253

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ad917b  No.16883254

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5e37fa  No.16883277


hook a nigga up wit da list

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9ad9eb  No.16883289



Russians With Attitude Retweeted

Orthodox Canonist ☦️🌞



The Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church decided to return the position of the chief military priest, which disappeared in 1918.

The position will be held by the head of the Department of the Church for interaction with the Armed Forces of Russia, Fr Oleg Ovcharov


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09016b  No.16883290


Little? why not child? I hate these fucks i hate them

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6af320  No.16883293

pilpul hours

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af02cc  No.16883294


That would be ur moms ass

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a633cf  No.16883305


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af02cc  No.16883313


>Q's return: 'As dumb as it is dangerous'

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ce385d  No.16883336

Song playing right now at Trump rally:

The lunatic is on the grass

The lunatic is on the grass

Remembering games

And daisy chains and laughs

Got to keep the loonies on the path

The lunatic is in the hall

The lunatics are in my hall

The paper holds their folded faces to the floor

And every day the paper boy brings more

And if the dam breaks open many years too soon

And if there is no room upon the hill

And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

The lunatic is in my head

The lunatic is in my head

You raise the blade

You make the change

You rearrange me 'till I'm sane

You lock the door

And throw away the key

And there's someone in my head, but it's not me

And if the cloud bursts thunder in your ear

You shout and no one seems to hear

And if the band you're in starts playing different tunes

I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

"I can't think of anything to say except… HaHaHa!"

and assuming they play the "part 2"

All that you touch

All that you see

All that you taste

All you feel

All that you love

All that you hate

All you distrust

All you save

All that you give

All that you deal

All that you buy

Beg, borrow or steal

All you create

All you destroy

All that you do

And all that you say

And all that you eat

And everyone you meet (everyone you meet)

All that you slight

And everyone you fight

All that is now

All that is gone

All that's to come

And everything under the sun is in tune

But the sun is eclipsed by the moon

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194bc6  No.16883340

Got one with her coming down the stairs. What kind of twisted bitch wears a dead kids shoes? Still don't seem legit to me. Shoes are wayyy too clean to have been the kids.


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165d3d  No.16883341


that you, homelander?

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c3a15c  No.16883344

18 U.S.C. § 1507 ⬇️

7:12 PM · May 6, 2022·Twitter Web App

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f920fe  No.16883368


Some plausible scenarios include Pence acting the part. Remember Trump’s J6 remarks were ambiguous.

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a633cf  No.16883385


I was thinking “Salon” is such a stupid name, why would anyone read it.

Didnt Bidan dole out a ton of money to all media, basically the US is paying liars to lie to us, with our money. Talk about Orwellian

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f920fe  No.16883390


And the odds of this Zero being "salt rotation"?


Shall we play a game?

"Can we program this thing to play itself"?

"Yes, number of players, zero"

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d91a71  No.16883393


We’re really sorry.

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165d3d  No.16883406


one would hope so.

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9be573  No.16883426


'Operation Trust' and subjected to this personal attack. Who are you?

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9be573  No.16883467


May you both be guided and held strong in the light of Jesus Christ.

You are loved and lifted, forgiven and healed by his love.

Be steadied.


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d91a71  No.16883495

Morning Q

Morning Q+

Morning anons

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5e37fa  No.16883500

Happy 4th of July Anons!

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ad917b  No.16883522


I have no question besides 'when?' and know better than to ask.

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8f514d  No.16883539


Forwarded from

Jim Watkins

I need help making this viral. Ron doesn't have the black-hearted deep state money behind him for TV commercials. He can win if you help make this video more viral than money pox.



This Video Will Get Ron Watkins Elected to Congress.

Ron Watkins gives one of his best speeches.


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194bc6  No.16883543


That she is, anon, that she is… even if she has the largest cunt of the year.

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ad917b  No.16883561



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09016b  No.16883568



duke harry gasket gets molested by 'Queen' he calls 'mom'

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ce385d  No.16883575


The angels were with me today anon

narrowly avoided an idiot who tried to turn left from the right hand lane in front of me

busted out my nascar moves to avoid it!

but srsly, I was so calm, something else was in control


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5e37fa  No.16883579


Family friendly drag show, apparently.

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ad917b  No.16883682


that has no bearing

for none are standing

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8f514d  No.16883689


So Maxwell cut a deal?

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ce385d  No.16883709


I suppose that could be very true.

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6af320  No.16883723


who cares?

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ce385d  No.16883763


It's fake as shit, so no. Never notable.

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3e7fc1  No.16883797


get the FUCK outta here then

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194bc6  No.16883804


>It's not the Jews

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ce385d  No.16883811


Trump Channel, [10.06.22 07:30]

[ Photo ]

US Tech Giant IBM Leaving Russia

Multinational technology firm IBM announced on Tuesday it is pulling out of the Russian market due to the conflict in Ukraine.

The company’s Russian website on Tuesday displayed the message: “This content is no longer available.”

In early March, IBM announced the suspension of commercial activity in Russia, along with the termination of software sales and cooperation with Russian defense enterprises. The US company, however, said it would keep providing critical support to the most heavily impacted areas.

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f920fe  No.16883821




Tomorrow never comes

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ce385d  No.16883831


Going to join Precinct Strategy. It's the beat way to get involved.


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fbb840  No.16883851


>I am pretty sure this dude cut his penis off and had his doctor make it into a vagina.

>The doc did the best he could.

>Now he has a skin fold that smells like shit and has no feelings.

>Poor guy.

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ce385d  No.16883853

Rudy W. Giuliani/ @RudyGiuliani

06/14/2022 17:45:03

Twitter: 1536827078699536386

The January 6th Videos that are being Covered Up | Rudy Giuliani | June 11th 2022 | Ep 246




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162fd9  No.16883859


Newfag, you need to use your brain.

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194bc6  No.16883881


ADL gives this 5 out of 5 anti-semitisms.

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194bc6  No.16883933


How many IPs you gonna go through in attempt to push your LARP?

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5b085d  No.16883945

Found a kick ass one.

500 that, asshol >>16878350

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9ad9eb  No.16883993

Evenin’ Nightshift

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fbb840  No.16884021


scrolling thru the account i found this

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2763c4  No.16884042


yeah sure, Moisch

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34858e  No.16884062


Ugh I did 23 and me a few years ago and have some regerts now about it. Not as much regert as if I got vaxxed but still wonder if there will be Jar babies of me somewhere.

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