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File: 986d8a555764d58⋯.jpg (177.71 KB, 2047x1152, 2047:1152, Verrazano_Lightning.jpg)

c77318  No.16842103 [Last 50 Posts]

Good day to anons reading this,

This thread is going to be an attempt to build the Qmap by building the bridges and making the connections between different issues & threads, as well as finding out the truth about the REAL history of mankind. It’s all about digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs, digs…

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c77318  No.16842134

File: 296417469a9c76c⋯.jpg (155.16 KB, 800x1422, 400:711, Stormbringer.jpg)

This is the Old man,

I’m writing specially for you today. I never thought you would give me a warning in advance of the attack. Thank you. It was unexpected but appreciated. I thought it would be something much worse, it turned out to be something in the virtual world. It’s a relief and I’m happy it’s simply this. It took us some time to understand them. We weren’t expecting them at all. We were focused on the latest “visions”, the 3 in row. Now, we understand we got a double heads up, from different sources. We were planning on taking a step back just as it starts anyway. We were trying to get the timing right, but it seems they are impatient and running nervous, going hysterical, so they started ahead of time. And we are not the only ones they are after.

They are that scared. They just outed themselves didn’t they? They truly are idiots. The more they attack, the more it confirms. They think they are smart and they won, but they have lost long ago. Pitiful creatures filled with hubris to a point they do not realize how stupid and insignificant they are. They worry more about the color of the lipstick they want to put on the pig instead of worrying about the quality of what is presented. It shows how shallow and brainless they are, not all, but most of them. It also shows whom they serve. They cannot see beyond the length of their noses. They think they are kings, but they are pathetic, truly pathetic. That is why they bark and try to bite this much, just to stay relevant.

We were walking slowly because we did most of what we were supposed to do. What remains is mostly confirmation and support. So we consider our goal accomplished and they failed of stopping it. It doesn’t matter from this point on if we continue or not. We got what we came for and we succeeded in our task. We received your recommendation. It’s pending. Let’s see how the cat is going to land first.

We were totally thrilled by the latest results. It was totally unexpected. Going from quantity to quality, both were amazing. The winks are all understood and their sources are putting a huge smile on our faces. How naughty! It goes beyond our wildest dreams. I’m glad it reached the right targets.

Thank you for all the gifts you sent. They were also unexpected. Put a huge smile on our faces, mostly the kindness and warmth in them. It felt nostalgic. I don’t like the method you’ve used though, the monk knew better, that is why he sent the Stargazer Lily. You’ve got good dance moves. The dance floor is yours.

I’m writing this openly on purpose. We do not forget.

See you when I see you. Discussion is in order. Take care of yourself.

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367176  No.16843565


Is Art in the news today?

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e5f55b  No.16843574

Trump Post inbound

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367176  No.16843577


Did he pull a Harry Reid?

Gonna come back with a black left eye

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dbba26  No.16843580


>it's a Sunday morning retard.

Used to be the busiest morning of the week. Jews killed Q Research.

>Now do HM

Why would I indulge on your kike deflection

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d0b601  No.16843590



Do you believe HRC, Soros, Obama etc have more power than Trump? Fantasy.

Whoever controls the office of the Presidecy controls this great land.











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c6027b  No.16843596


Right right

Think at

Think IRS

ORGANIZATION, the implications

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9959df  No.16843599


prince philip was the truffle king

he was widely known for this

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c069ca  No.16843610


Do we know who he is?

Nothing on the Rumble desription & nothing in comments

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dbba26  No.16843624


No i'm Pierre Bešo

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a34887  No.16843625

>Arriving in London in early 1938, the Irish-Catholic Kennedys were welcomed by politicians, aristocrats, and intellectuals, all eager to court America. They finally appeared to have overcome their lifelong status as outsiders. From 1938 to 1940, the Kennedys crystallized their identity as protagonists on the world stage, making public the competitive and clannish intrafamily dynamics that would fuel their mythic rise to power. They all learned from their father's successes—and failures. The older children—Joe Jr., Jack, and Kathleen—took an active part in England's glittering, "last fling before the bombs fall" society, but all nine children charmed, their every move chronicled by the British and American media. John F. Kennedy's path to the White House began in London. As his father's political fortunes dimmed, Jack published a best-selling book and his star rose.

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3cfce5  No.16843628

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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c284ee  No.16843644


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98c5a4  No.16843744

I'm one of the only ones in the general public that is actually participating, so judgements and experiments mean nothing. I'm not the one doing it.

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ceb3f4  No.16843757


Sorry wrong reply to wrong anon

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648c20  No.16843765


but! but! but!


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a28dc5  No.16843767

Our Father, who art in heaven,

hallowed be thy Name,

thy kingdom come,

thy will be done,

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our trespasses,

as we forgive those

who trespass against us.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

for ever and ever. Amen.

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661760  No.16843778

What time do the riots come on tonight?

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efe545  No.16843779







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e0dc6a  No.16843780

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4d15e5  No.16843789


Liz calling on Dems to Switch Party and Voter for her.

Mailers are out urging them to support her based on her J6 Treason. I can tell you now that there will be enough manufactured votes for her to win the Aug primary.

I've learned 2 lessons - NEVER count a Clinton or Cheney out.

They are like cockroaches - they refuse to surrender.

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49442d  No.16843809


so was thinking last night, be funny if some anons got together and pushed a qanon narrative

Who is Qanon

What is Qanon

Where do Qanon hang out

This is a Picture of a Qanon

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5ba109  No.16843811


They should treat it like a bandaid and rip it off.

Do both rulings on same day

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5fcf07  No.16843812

Ty for the verse

Isiah 9:6

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aabb48  No.16843813


WATCH: Jen PsakiPeppermint Paddywagon Says White House Encourages ‘Peaceful’ Protests Outside Justices’ Homes


May 10, 2022 The White House / YouTube 0 seconds of 1 minute, 49 seconds Volume 90%

Joel B. Pollak 10 May 2022


White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Tuesday that the Biden administration encourages “peaceful” protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices, despite the fact that such protests aim to intimidate the judiciary and appear to be illegal.

As Breitbart News reported Saturday, mobs of pro-abortion protesters gathered outside the homes of Supreme Court justices after the leak of a draft majority opinion by Justice Samuel Alito that would reverse Roe v. Wade (1973). Though the protests have been peaceful, they are virtually unprecedented as a way to pressure the highest court

— both directly and personally.

The scene in front of Chief Justice John Roberts’ house pic.twitter.com/vJVxxFoMNO

— Douglas Blair (@DouglasKBlair) May 7, 2022

Title 18 of the U.S. Code, section 1507, makes protests outside the private residence of a federal judge a federal crime:

Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.

On Friday, Psaki was asked about impending protests but declined to condemn or criticize them. On Monday, she issued a tweet denouncing violence but did not specifically mention the protests outside the homes of Supreme Court justices.

.@POTUS strongly believes in the Constitutional right to protest. But that should never include violence, threats, or vandalism. Judges perform an incredibly important function in our society, and they must be able to do their jobs without concern for their personal safety.

— Jen Psaki (@PressSec) May 9, 2022

On Tuesday, during her daily White House briefing, Psaki was asked whether the president felt that “the demonstrations outside of, say, Justice Alito’s home — are those attempts to interfere or intimidate?” The reporter noted that the Department of Justice had responded quickly and harshly to protests outside the homes of school board members in recent months.

Psaki evaded the question, accusing critics of hypocrisy (emphasis added):

I think I said yesterday, but I’m happy to repeat, because I think it’s important for everybody to hear, that the president long-standing view has been that violence, threats, and intimidation of any kind have no place in political discourse. And we believe, of course, in peaceful protest. What I do find is interesting, and I think many people have noted, is that there are voices on the right who have called out this protests that are happening while remaining silent for years on protests that have happened outside the homes of school board members, the Michigan Secretary of State, or including threats made to women seeking reproductive health care [sic], or even an insurrection [sic] against our capitol. So I know that there’s an outrage right now, I guess, about protests that have been peaceful to date, and we certainly continue to encourage that outside of judges’ homes, and that’s the president’s position, but the silence is pretty deafening about all of the other intimidation that we’ve seen to a number of people.

Psaki appeared to conflate protests outside a place of business (an abortion clinic) with protests at private residences, and protests at the private residences of individual government officials with protests aiming to sway to a Supreme Court case.

When the reporter alluded to the federal law against protests outside judges’ homes, given the pending case, Psaki was evasive again: “Well, but I think that intimidation and protest, intimidation outside of the homes of school board members, the Michigan secretary of state, you know, intimidation and threats, against people seeking legal reproductive health care [sic] and against our capitol and American democracy, also warrant some outrage, and we haven’t really seen that.”

Notably, Psaki did not deny that protesting outside a private residence constitutes an attempt to “intimidate” the justices.

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648c20  No.16843820





>cut again cut missing cut kilos get again again outside australia mysteriously while missing

>Disclaimer: this post and the subject

sex slaves get quarantined outside canary islands

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cfd18b  No.16843823


I must say though, there's something very sinister and creepy about that place d.c.

they don't even fix the streets.

it's like a ghetto

or the fiefdom of a dictator

i noticed the vibe years ago. worse than disneyland

all that money and they let the streets to decay; full of cracks.

they spend the money on crack; is that it?

mayor there was very mean too

wouldnt give toilets for the event

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be9915  No.16843828


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c1b743  No.16843840


Stop bothering us

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cb4da4  No.16843847


> 1 post wonder

shill faggot detected



> muh "trumpism"

Fuckwad shill, anons only care about the constitution.. that's not "trumpism"


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6fbdda  No.16843857


The initial Last Bread link was link-less so I retyped it to link correctly.

Talks about June 17th aka Q day and how Dec 11th, 2015 (DJT Tweet in Q drop) will be 6 years, 6 months, 6 days to 50th anniversary of Watergate. Just a random coincidence.

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defe37  No.16843864


I didn't mean a copy of the tweet vid. That video is cut off at the end and she clearly was going to say much more. One of her accounts (I guess TikTok) must have the full version of her rant.

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5fcf07  No.16843867


nordvpn down too

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ceb3f4  No.16843870


Fuck it crashed near Glamis! Glamis is a natural playground for tens of thousands of off-roaders. motorcycles, jeeps, razors, etc…

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3ddd46  No.16843873

I used to think Trump would be openly reinstated after the states withdrew their fraudulent electoral votes. That is not going to happen. 2024 is too far off for him to get back in with loyal voters, too much damage would be done by then, bad guys win long before then with the casualties from the vax and a full blown depression will be in full swing. No real clear indication that elections are going to be clean in Nov 2022, and even if house and senate go Republican they won’t do shit, most are compromised. I don’t have money to donate to Trump anymore, sick of getting 15 emails a day. Best case scenario is they sweep in November, make DeSantis the Speaker, impeach Biden and Harris, put in DeSantis. But I don’t see that happening at all. The reliance on one guy Durham working in a corrupt judicial system with a Stasi FBI is born to fail. If military devolution scenario is happening they need get that going quick, people are dying.

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95b331  No.16843874


18 min delta?

6 + 6 + 6


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684455  No.16843875


When Benny said: Kash, you were probably President Trump's closest advisor Kash immediately said NO, That is Dan Scavino. Kash said: do you know he has been with Trump since he was 15! Kash considers Dan among his best friends. That means Dan is smart as a whip.

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22bcad  No.16843881


hiway 751 or bust

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100f8e  No.16843883


Rump rangers for Ukraine and Rumpastan

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e20a2b  No.16843888


it will not heed

it is most important

from its perspective

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71bd9a  No.16843892








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de3dcc  No.16843895


No one makes fun of me!!!!!!

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efe545  No.16843897

Lady Gaga explaining how EVIL works

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7e4931  No.16843908



No way in the world would any anon go along with this sort of thing from Q or anyone else. ASS needs the fear mongering for (You)s

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387e97  No.16843910


I'm baking and note taking, How many posts do you expect?

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9fc286  No.16843911


These political hacks should be parachuted into the front line fighting.

Going forward same with Congress. Lead by example.

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b7188d  No.16843917


What's the climate change ruling about?

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3037cb  No.16843921


global reported

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5ba109  No.16843935


fun fact Lake Powell is withholding water to refill itself so Lake Mead is dropping faster.

now you know

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aabb48  No.16843940

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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100f8e  No.16843947


#20935 https://controlc.com/eda70a82

>LIVE: Ghislaine Maxwell to be Sentenced in Jefferey Epstein Sex Abuse Case


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0f6270  No.16843950


I love this meme. Reminds me of an old B-rated movie called “Motel From Hell”. It was a place off the main highway and the good ‘ol boys would cut the tourists throats so couldn’t scream and planted them in the garden buried to their necks. They also had a BBQ stand if I remember.

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f9c821  No.16843951

holy shit those fresh Q's triggered lot of shills !

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12f1e0  No.16843960

>tidy catalog…


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b67248  No.16843962


So trips then no trips, must be a comm within itself.

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254532  No.16843965


>Russia was changing The Constitution

:Title-4-Flag &: C.-S.-S.-C.-P.-S.-G-P.-Venue is [re]cogniz[ed] in the Russian-Courts and ALL Courts World-Wide.


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0eb2e8  No.16843969

Gay white liberal pro-vaccine jew professor attacked in Israel. Clobbered by chair.

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a44118  No.16843992

Kirby touts the effectiveness of small arms and ammunition being shipped to Ukraine while the Biden administration works overtime to disarm law abiding American citizens.


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ceb3f4  No.16843998


>Where was the shotgun found?

On a side table in a hall in the White House.

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c5956f  No.16844003


I think there's cum in my hamburger.


side by side?

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aabb48  No.16844008

Testing for Q

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0f6270  No.16844016

schumer say tho pesky MAGAs have ruined everything

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623088  No.16844037


>Diamonds must be created under high pressure and high heat.


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9629f8  No.16844040


Seven years ago, would have considered there was truth in these items. Look what is happening right before our eyes each day, though, most especially pertaining to children. Just skimming, it's downright impossible to take any of those writings into consideration in 2022.

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cb4da4  No.16844045



>Unauthorized quint

Is a quad

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e421ff  No.16844047



$config['cope'][##seethe] = 'dialate'

that is irrefutable proof that you're a tranny I couldn't have just typed it out.

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35a020  No.16844048

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9fc286  No.16844056


That is what I said


Justice Thomas

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92036b  No.16844065

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3bd95c  No.16844075


Dancing Jesus for overturning of Roe Vs Wade.

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59d9cc  No.16844078

low wattage air cooler


AC using an aluminum transmission cooler $22.00

a small water pump, a small fan, a bucket of cold water

- in video description

the model i used was the 401 hayden transmission cooler - cost about $22.00 dollars.

— i get them on amazon. just search for hayden transmission coolers. they have lots of them

— if you search hayden transmission coolers you will be lots of them. the 3 models i use are the 401, 403 and 405. if you like those square fans, those are axial muffin fans. many of those on amazon too

— case fans, here's the low speed one

note the unit is all aluminum so it is extremely lightweight (less than 1 pound), and the whole setup uses very little power. the AC fan uses as little as 9 watts and the DC pump is 3.6w so the whole unit runs on less than 15 watts! note that 12v DC computer case fans (of the same physical size) only draw about 5 watts so then you can run the whole setup on less than 10 watts! for off grid use all you need is one 12v (10 watt or higher) solar panel and you're set. if you like the video please rate, like, comment, and share it around

— i just place the fan either in front of or behind the radiator. i didn't attach it

— aluminum or copper work about the same. only real difference is aluminum is lighter and cheaper

— unfortunately all the peltier based water coolers that are currently on the market are not strong enough to make this setup work (or not for long). these radiators overpower there ability to cool the water within a minute or two and the water warms up (then it just blows room temperature air). i wish this wasn't true - but so far all of the videos that i've seen on making 'peltier based' room air coolers are not true. the best that peltier can do is extend the time that the ice lasts.

— Peltiers are horribly inefficient compared to compressor based coolers. They pump out a ton of heat for the cooling the do. You need a pretty large cooler on the peltier, or the cold side starts heating up too.

— Dry ice is -80 C, that would very quickly freeze up the water in the loop.

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684455  No.16844080



Anon knows a few folks who play "detective" genre games.

Logic, Reason, induction, deduction, you know?

Try to think like a detective, an investigator et al.

Oddly and rather Shockingly enough, most of these types are completely clueless as to the goings on of the "outside" world.

Anon was like "you play games like that but you do not want to try to apply that ability to what's going on in your world right now nor to History etc etc?".

"nah, meh"



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cfd18b  No.16844083

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a28dc5  No.16844095

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459487  No.16844097


that's a lotta shit to larp

/b/ brave HO

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e20a2b  No.16844103


Why would the Arabs allow the Jews to place the blame on them?

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387e97  No.16844110


go back to your >>16843897

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f2fd3e  No.16844111



cha ching

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aaadb9  No.16844119


yea, happy satanic ritual (delayed 11 days due to calender disparity)

was 23/6 you know Sun in highest day.

The Ra bloke.

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cf4ea4  No.16844124


a little outside your timestamps

easier for me to do it than teach it, but used these web tools along with Monosnap ap in between the 2.

https://www.y2meta.com/en108 (you will battle popups, but fastest I know of)

https://www.online-convert.com/result#j=63d56c9c-0a18-4c82-8ba5-6977be83b9df (reduce size)

also reduces size:


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92036b  No.16844125

you can listen to police in Tulsa here


click through

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7e4931  No.16844127


Not So Fast, there Anon, toss them key words to search, and let them dig for a damn change, and we can correct them, or reguide them should they be wrong. We are now Mentor Anons,,,,,,,,and they need to feel apart of it. The Art of Diggin', by Mentor Anons.

Top Keks, for the Mentors pretending we never saw that info before, #pizzagatePart2.


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96ac83  No.16844128


Robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar, [24.06.22 14:48]

“Commercial airline pilots are speaking up more than ever about vaccine injuries that are causing chaos in the industry, and the “hostile” environment that unvaccinated and vaccine-injured pilots must endure to remain in a job”

I can’t emphasise too much that your choices over the next few months are going to define the future of humanity.

If when they tell you to wear a useless mask, you comply, knowing they do nothing, you add to the coercive pressure on everyone else. If on the other hand, you calmly say it’s unequivocal that they have no benefit whatsoever & you’re telling them to check & come back with peer reviewed journal articles, until when you’re not going to wear one, you’re a hero & helping others also do the right things.

Please do the right things, no matter the consequences.

Best wishes



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3bd95c  No.16844136


Pro-RINO? Really?

Why in the world would TS support them?

Why do they deserve the support of We The People or the GOP?

If nothing else, RINO support needs to change on TS.

How will people wake up if there is a false illusion of support for the RINO's?

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7798ed  No.16844152



← Salt gyration

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38233f  No.16844154


Hash: SHA256

I told you all years ago that Jim Watkins stole Q.

I was mocked, I was attacked, shills like Neon Revolt tried eveything they could think of to ruin my reputation.

Today we know it for sure. Apologize, fucking nerds.







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0926b2  No.16844155


House Republican drops reelection bid

after outcry over support for assault

weapons ban

Washington Times, by Haris Alic

Posted By: Ribicon, 6/3/2022 8:37:07 PM

Rep. Chris Jacobs is dropping his reelection bid after coming under fire from fellow Republicans for backing a ban on assault weapons. The New York Republican said his newfound views on gun control would make a re-election bid difficult and divisive. “The last thing we need is an incredibly negative, half-truth-filled media attack, funded by millions of dollars in special interest money coming into our community around this issue of guns and gun violence and gun control,” he said in announcing his withdrawal from the race. Last week, Mr. Jacobs shocked many by signaling support for a ban on assault weapons. He also endorsed raising the minimum age

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22bcad  No.16844157


"shit, Hunter, you could've spoilered that first"

Come on man!

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24d8b6  No.16844166


>When you comment in a thread that the head of TS fucking hastagged

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661760  No.16844176

What a fucking piece of shit


Disney has patrolling Faggots that stop and interrupt straight couples from proposing to each other.

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254532  No.16844177

Anon Pondering. Anondering…

Do abortions make some women crazy?

Physiologically, a build-up and sudden drop off of oxytocin must have some significant effect. Multiple times, build-on effect? Certainly, some sort of 'imbalance'. What can 'right the ship'?

What hormones and neurotransmitters are spontaneously released in the human female when a pregnancy dies/fails/is aborted?

These would become permanent 'codes changes', perhaps?

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7bae36  No.16844178



We're In The Army Now - Women's Army Auxiliary Corps

On the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps.

Reel 1, Gen. Marshall watches Oveta Hobby take the oath of office. Women enter a WAAC recruiting office, fill out applications, take physical examinations, and take the oath. Uniforms are issued and shots are given.

Reel 2, WAAC's eat in a mess hall. A sergeant corrects a recruit at drill and demonstrates the salute. Shows a series of various duties and recreation. WAAC's parade at the end of their training period. Newly assigned WAAC's arrive at their quarters. The first WAAC detachment in North Africa is shown. Depicts clerical, technical, and other types of work done by WAAC's.

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efe545  No.16844180


He is a fan of Carl Icahn


After a day of work in the New York headquarters where employees occupied twelve floors of space, he told Sorkin, “I go home, take a look at my yellow pad. I can’t figure out what the hell they do.”

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71bd9a  No.16844187

Ukrainian POWs rip Zelensky in 1 minute video compilation

The video is allegedly from Southfront and other websites

This shit needs to be seen and spread

Some members of Zelensky's inner circle want him gone too

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0b3d31  No.16844192


>bourla, son of holocaust survivors

sure are A LOT of survivors, for a "holocaust" i mean….

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98c5a4  No.16844210


non-whites who claim to be "patriots" are the exact opposite

they discard their own nationality and claim loyatly to one that wouldnt have even let them be a citizen until 1965

non-whites can never, and will never, be "American patriots'

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98eb92  No.16844213



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3bd95c  No.16844225


no it wasn't. I gave you the link to the board log. It could be lots of posting on another thread or you could just be a braindead fucktard. I'm going with the latter.

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cfd18b  No.16844229


he wrote the script

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38233f  No.16844232

Scattering rats.


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9ebb8b  No.16844235



TRUMP: "We want one-day elections, we want paper ballots, and no mail-in fake ballots."


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0926b2  No.16844245


>proof disney ever kidnapped a jar baby mole child on a submarine

you just shot yourself out of a meme cannon

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b67248  No.16844253




as he did when he (rightly)

took his grandfather`s


selling out is selling out no matter the flavour

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661760  No.16844258


>HIV test

It's fake + phoney + fraudchi

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9629f8  No.16844260


Only if you are afraid of getting kot saying nigger faggot kike?

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100f8e  No.16844262




KEK knows the score around here.

And he's not pleased.

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317ecd  No.16844267



What is YOUR agenda, anon?

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3037cb  No.16844268


This fuckboy thinks red flag laws and weapon bans fucking do anything. DIDN'T WORK IN HIGHLAND PARK!


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aaadb9  No.16844279








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98c5a4  No.16844284


El American


Antifa Agitators Who Assaulted Hispanic Marines Won’t Face Charges Despite Guilty Pleas http://dlvr.it/SSQfwp #Politics


1:06 PM · Jun 18, 2022·dlvr.it

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7e4931  No.16844285

Dong Jingwei

>Dong Jingwei

<Dong Jingwei

Where o where

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96ac83  No.16844286

All the negative about Q is simply to draw norm attention to Q

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ceb3f4  No.16844287

There once was a LARPING faggot named Q, A few useless clues the riddlenigger did spew.

At the truth you seethe and have nothing left to attack but the spacing of Reddit, If you could conjure a stronger deflection I could give you some credit.

In anger you resort to ad hominem and project you're going to filter, but we both know you can't look away and it's because your emo state is off kilter.

Facing the truth the brainwashed might try and cast me a hex, But the best you can come up with is the boardwalk girl "You wrote so much text".

Sucked in until the end my words make your feels bleed, Your desperate final act of defeat and proof you read all will be "Too long didn't read".

A one year delta turned into two, three, and then four, Anons are suckers for punishment so let's wait ten more.

The grand plan of 8kun and open source design, Is nothing more than a place to shitpost in your spare time.

Promises of big name arrests had repeatedly been made, But future disproved past and they were never repaid.

Pissy smell Hill was supposed to be caught in October by the team, But all we got for Christmas was a shitty Santa meme.

Skippy the pedo was another promised indictment, But he's still Scott Free and tortures minors for excitement.

We got strung along by Q's promise of hope, For nothing to habben so now we just cope.

The Great awakening fell flat on it's face, To your friends and family an outcast and disgrace.

A natural death has been the only justice so far, Maybe Q could hang just one traitor and at least raise the Barr?

Did you really believe the elites would be put in a cage? Trump pointed his finger "you'd be in jail" - but it was just for the stage!

Whether you know it or not Donny is related to boiled cabbage Hill, You claim to be awake but took the blue pill.

Fauci made a new strain in the lab just for fun, To use on the public when Q's job was done.

A few million people had to die just for "optics", While Trump played golf with his friends in the tropics.

But don't worry frens Q said "this is war", While globalists rape our country like an old dirty whore.

Make no mistake we all think Q's plan is just fab, So we wait in line like good little sheep just for the jab.

Don sat on the fence while he gave more to Israel, Ever wonder why his cabinet and team leads were so miserable?

Trump sent more to (((them))) then in all of past history, Are his zionist friends really a mystery?

He signed an EO to protect his tribe from a slur, Undone in a year by Joe his victories were a blur.

You thought Donny would deliver us to the land of milk and honey? The country burns while his face shines on zionist money!

Grabbing women by the pussy is common behavior, Do you really think Trump is humanity's savior?

A cognitive dissonance when faced with this proof, Cry all you like every word is the truth.

Look back on the years of defeat and dismay, You really think the military will come save the day?

With this ballad of truth you might call me a shill, But only the learned chose the red pill.

For thousands of years they've won at this game, red vs. blue it's always the same.

History repeats itself all through the ages, Those who can see are the wisest of sages.

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2bbecd  No.16844294





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9c1206  No.16844298

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be9915  No.16844327


Child Handler

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b67248  No.16844332


What do you like besides a Waifu?

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e20a2b  No.16844343



People used as pawns in their attempt to seek a taxpayer funded bailout [for mismanaged funds]?


People used as pawns in their attempt to [provide cover] for vote-by-mail?

Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?

Is this about the virus OR A STATE BAILOUT?

Removal of Civil Liberties?

Removal of Constitutional Rights?

Welcome to the [D] party.

Dormant people accept what they are told.

DOJ intervention coming?



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71bd9a  No.16844348

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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9629f8  No.16844349

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0f6270  No.16844359

these dumb fuck shills are easy filters

try harder

now go get another ip bitch haha

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aaadb9  No.16844367


He announced his retirement months ago.

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e64ba7  No.16844370


fuck off

who cares

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98c5a4  No.16844371


>Q often posts as anon

Yes! Me and another anon caught him a couple of weeks back. The only one I've been able to catch the whole time he was "gone".

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83ec7a  No.16844378


the tat is ugly


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aabb48  No.16844380


The "Fake News" and the total MSM construct are hiding the critical things that are actually significant.

1) Food Processing Plant Destruction

2) Massive adverse effects of Vaccines

3) Collapse of the Shipping Ports within the USA

4) Fertilizer shortage, will fuel low crop yields, this is added to the forced destruction of bumper crops and plantings from 2021 (Food Shortage incoming)

5) Bankruptcy of USA Inc.

I am sure some other anons can add to this list of things that actually need broad publication for Americans to get off their collective butts

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387e97  No.16844381


Are you?

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98eb92  No.16844382


Do you think POTUS won't Go there in a few hours.

The faithful anons can see the writing on the wall.

Let the shills seethe. They can't get off this ride.

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3bd95c  No.16844388


Fucking tacky as hell.

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7798ed  No.16844401


Allowed tech has the following properties

Expensive to produce = Profit

Inefficient = Profit

Limited life expectancy = Profit

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c5956f  No.16844406


This is absolute witchcraft and should be outlawed. There go my morning.

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a28dc5  No.16844408


Moar like btfo those who would teach/do this to children with puberty-blockers.

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d34bbc  No.16844413



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7bae36  No.16844415



(You) know Trump is going to go through his 20page statement




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d2e518  No.16844417


Yeah well you think it's ok to make 32 posts per bread soooooo…

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0e73c1  No.16844421


the dream is that we are black hats. Plainly the opposite. Who else is striving for the complete and total revelation of all truth for the world?

No, not Skippy Podesta. Doubt he posts here.

You serve the plantation, not the liberation.

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5ba109  No.16844422



>Q has to be dead center in the word.


>delin-q-uency for example.

Just had an Idea for TV show - DelinQuintz

about a set of Quintuplets who fight Communism and wokism in a deeply Liberal state like NY or CA.

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661760  No.16844425



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684455  No.16844429


Adam Schitt let Cobert tean into the Capitol



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7e4931  No.16844436

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dbd559  No.16844440

The Union Pacific Railyard in Marion Ar has hundreds of loaded containers sitting on the ground. They won’t let us use their chassis, and they won’t let us bring in our own chassis to mount and deliver these loads. They say those containers will sit there until THEY put chassis’s under them. Meanwhile, customers are being charged HUGE storage fees on those containers. I just wanted my Facebook Peeps to know what is really going on with the “ SupplyChain Shortage.” Edit##### I see this is getting shared a lot, so I would like to add… I’ve been an Owner Operator in West Memphis for 27 years , hauling CONTAINERS!!! Those pictures were taken from my phone, while in my truck, on 05/25/2022 at the Marion Railyard. Facebook Factcheckers had better do THEIR research if they say this post isn’t true!!!! Edit##### I know those containers are loaded, because the whole reason I was there, was to pick up one.


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4d15e5  No.16844443

This 1983 "It's a Great Place To Start" commercial was part of a $175 million multi-service recruiting campaign. The campaign was created after Congress told the Pentagon to save money by combining all advertising efforts. #ThrowbackThursday


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aaadb9  No.16844444

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ceb3f4  No.16844446


Chopsie bumped your hand twice. fuckin typos!

Dhores were responsible for the health of millions. They put these slaves in front of us to make it even more pathetic if you listens to them.

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96ac83  No.16844451


https://rumble.com/embed/v145yg5/?pub=4 ←working link

https://rumble.com/embed/v145yg5/?pub=cppvg ←this will not work


new embed test below changed to =4

Until We Realize That We're FREE, We'll Continue to be Enslaved

Uncensored Storm Published June 1, 2022


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367c12  No.16844455

I like my unmet metal friends

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7a7cf0  No.16844463


8kun is effective and

I also believe that protecting freedom of speech is the best way to protect the peace of mankind today

It is also very important to protect information.

Is there any reason why you still don't want to communicate 8kun in a place where speech is still controlled?

So I think it is important to make a clear statement that gathering here is effective

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a44118  No.16844467


>but it's quite different to call upon a thing itself, rather than just the name of a thing

Correct, but depending on who calls that name due to the familiarity of that voice, by what inflection, what location it is coming from, and the actual name called; one responds accordingly.

Would you respond to "Hey Mother" by somebody with a nasty voice that you do not recognize in a horrendous place? Hopefully not.

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c1b743  No.16844468

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98eb92  No.16844469


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83ec7a  No.16844470


>By correct you mean by saying "TRIP COMPROMISED"?


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02aa1a  No.16844477


My timeline is factual. you might disagree with my opinion they are in jeopardy but the timeline itself is facts supported

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a07cc4  No.16844484


Important to understand.

MSDNC [+social media] projection we are the minority is false.


MSDNC [+social media] projection we are divided is false.


People are awake and see what is happening.

Patriots have no skin color.

Humanity is good.



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648c20  No.16844486


#20982: PRINCE Andrew and Ghislaine Maxwell had an intimate relationship Edition






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ebde03  No.16844491


harrasement is when you call out the stupidity of a woman who doesn't recognize wemen

harrassement is not when hordes of rioting liberal murdering violent demons attack and surround judges until one gets killed – thats free speech


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a28dc5  No.16844493


>The gore, scat obscenity posts are from Jews in Tel Aviv and America


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b1caf4  No.16844496


Makes perfect sense

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7bae36  No.16844502

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efe545  No.16844506



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459487  No.16844508



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254532  No.16844509




What's wrong Evergreen?

Is the box draining you?


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5fcf07  No.16844513


common denominator > Joey in da WH.

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f2fd3e  No.16844524


4 hrs is all i needs.

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367041  No.16844526


Light is formed, evil is created.

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71bd9a  No.16844530



55 pages tho

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98c5a4  No.16844546


you are for destruction

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dc99f4  No.16844548

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8b16e5  No.16844554

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a44118  No.16844555


The Pulse (https://thepulse.one/2022/06/20/ottawa-spent-39-million-to-block-access-to-information-documents/?fbclid=IwAR18iZKvCGqvrd84ffWy4GH-uknNSAjTGBm7U_zNFVUWotBN9K7oESTPv38)

Ottawa Spent $39 Million To Block Access to Information Documents

The Canadian government charged taxpayers $39 million to hire private contractors for the purposes of processing and “blacking…

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cf4ea4  No.16844556

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7a7cf0  No.16844558


That was a legit question - not a scatophile post.

The reasoning behind the B post remaining hasn't ever been fully explained.

And it matters because of Q's history detailed in the drops of how he reacts to board fuckery of that kind.

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3ddd46  No.16844560


> it has been shown now that Watkins can do that

Shown by whom?

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cfd18b  No.16844567

Saw Ric Grenall twat cap in a PB, went & found it to make sure it's real since I blasted him. It's real. Yet another example of visible, prominent people on our "side" whitewashing shit with the damned dumbing-down terms the Communists and their pravda promote. Were this guy & lame-assed hannity separated at birth?

It's NEW World Order, and Communist, Ric. Look up HW Bush's speeches, and Manning Johnson, whose website is now DELETED. Erased. GONE. Why? Could sure use someone like you to tell your many fans about him (and Bella Dodd's testimonies, while we're at it).

Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell Jul 1

Let’s be clear: the Liberal World Order is run by a group of Liberal White Democrats who want the world to submit to their ideas. They want to control you.

It’s elitist. It’s racist. 3:14 PM · Jul 1, 2022

Richard Grenell @RichardGrenell Jul 1

We must defeat this Liberal World Order. 3:07 PM · Jul 1, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


Manning R. Johnson was a Communist Party USA African-American leader and the party's candidate for U.S. Representative from New York's 22nd congressional district during a special election in 1935.

"Liberal" world order. "Racist". If he's going to keep repeating this shit, he should be ashamed not to CORRECT it. Remember how POTUS would say "They won't say Radical Islamic Terrorism!"?

This is the same thing, on steroids, which has been attacking this Country and our way of life from within for many, MANY decades. Communists are using Gays just as they've used the black people, and women:

RACIAL RADICALISM From its inception, the CPUSA had put resources into recruiting African Americans into ranks… incorporate racial radicalism into the Party…. CPUSA’s modus operandi is to delegitimize and smear American society by depicting it as deeply and irremediably infested with racism, sexism, homophobia, and all manner of injustice.

FRONT Groups

In 1935, with the rise of Nazism, the Comintern changed its policy and adopted the Popular Front tactic, which allowed the CPUSA to pose as the anti-fascist defenders of American liberalism.  … it simultaneously allowed the Party to infiltrate a whole host of liberal institutions and use them as front groups …archive.is/wip/xoqhd

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9c1206  No.16844568



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a07cc4  No.16844572


wow, your mind cannot discern truth for itself

best to just shut it down then

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8cc8e8  No.16844573

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71ba71  No.16844574


Her mother was not Jewish (that makes her not Jewish) but is reputed to be the "only Rothschild to die in a Concentration Camp"

That was after Rothschild dad divorced the Mom


"Rothschild was born in Paris, France. At the time of her birth, her mother, Elisabeth Pelletier de Chambure, a French Catholic aristocrat, was not married to her father Philippe de Rothschild, but instead married to Jonkheer Marc de Becker-Rémy, a Belgian nobleman. After a legal skirmish and the Jonkheer's threats to kidnap his wife's child, the Becker-Rémys divorced in 1934. Shortly afterwards, Rothschild's mother and father eventually married that same year in Paris. By 1939, Philippe de Rothschild separated from Elisabeth, who reverted to using her maiden name."

Mom was a French Catholic.

When Philippine de Rothschild was ten years old, she witnessed the Gestapo arrest her mother, who later died at Ravensbrück concentration camp, the only known member of the Rothschild family to die during The Holocaust. "


A bit of American History on our Day of Independence

One of the early Brit governors of New York was a cross -dresser.

Portrait still at the Historical Society NYC.?

Never got sent back to England.

Portrait stayed. Governor was called back.

Brit Aristocrats Kinky.

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c405a5  No.16844578

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623088  No.16844582

Not sure this is really accurate because people love to talk about their adventures….and people like to listen…unless it's about something they find offensive.

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459487  No.16844597



Five second delta in reverse?

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0926b2  No.16844598


>The ticket is never free.

Voting is free you dumbfuck.

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5fcf07  No.16844602

Perspective. Thousands and thousands of years now come down into just a short period of time.

Now at the end of that long, long journey, and the finish line is there. You can see it! You may not have crossed it yet, but you can see it! Would you see it in those past lifetimes? No. But now you can. It is there within your reach.

Perspective. Larger picture of the great universal plan, with a small picture, small show that is happening entirely now.

Yes, indeed, it is a show, a movie, a play. The matrix.

The matrix unraveling because of the Light. Because of your light.

Perspective. You are here now in this moment. And the moments ahead becoming fewer and fewer and fewer to reach the final crescendo which again is right there. The precipice of ascension is right there.

No longer allow yourselves to feel disconsolate, to feel depressed that you’re not seeing what you want to see. For you are seeing what you need to see at this time, all of you.

It is all about perspective.

I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to realize just how great an accomplishment you have all brought to this point of this journey together.

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b67248  No.16844604


Greetings friends! From heart to heart in this moment we speak, I am Kejraj. The information expressed here is that of my perspective, my point of view. For all truth awaits you in your heart.

A new light from the Sun shines on Earth at this time. A new energy envelopes the Earth and all of her inhabitants. These are higher frequency light waves, which are bringing great change to life on Earth. One of these changes is the exposure of all the secrets. On a personal level, from family, to local, to federal government, and vast amounts of information kept secret for thousands of years by cults around the world.

The light is dissolving the veils and the lies used to enslave humanity for more than ten thousand years.

There is a group of entities, who work behind the scenes, they are rarely caught by cameras. The television media which they themselves own, do not give them any attention. These people, among many things, they are also trillionaires. They own the banking system. And the majority of the politicians, large corporations, media, and so on.

They can afford and do pay agents(their puppets) to go public with certain agendas, pushing societally destabilizing ideologies on the populace for the purpose of chaos, division, and ultimately control. While some of them are used to push larger agendas, such as climate change, vaccinations, wars between nations.

The aim of these entities who operate in the dark, has always been to destroy humanity. Particularly the nature and beauty of the family, and corrupting the peaceful nature of the human being.

For thousands of years the dark elites have manipulated and purposely mislead humanity into accepting their false ideologies in an attempt for total control and ownership of Earth.

The constructs of race, religion, and the monetary system are their invention. Religion, which has in fact stirred humanity further away from the true Divine Creator.

Humanity has been taught to fear God, instead of to love God, and fear nothing.

God does not want to be feared. For Creator has pure, unconditional love for all of his children.

The one who wants to be feared is Satan. Here we do not speak of Satan in a religious sense. We speak of Satan as an extremely dark, power hungry, malevolent extraterrestrial entity.

It is this entity who is worshipped by its malevolent extraterrestrial minions, and the dark elites of Earth who have chosen that path. It is these ones who gave you religion, precisely the image of a fearful, punishing, vengeful God. That is who you are worshipping in your Christian, Judaic, and Islamic faiths.

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be9915  No.16844606


"my truth"

Truth is not objective…truth is absolute!There is only ONE truth!

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0eb2e8  No.16844607

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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24d8b6  No.16844608


I went to save this one but I already saved it

Well played Mr. Pig

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100f8e  No.16844620

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b47cca  No.16844621


>Your right hand is never far away for the 5 knuckle shuffle.

Visible or hidden right hand?

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71bd9a  No.16844622

How's that caravan doing?

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e0dc6a  No.16844627


I haven't IP hopped. suck my cock.

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e421ff  No.16844630


AND the Mockingbird Media paid scant attention to the Committee and its explosive findings and, generally, those Americans who heard the news were apathetic. The fake news and FBI/CIA had spun so many different theories and limited hangouts about the Assassination over the decade plus since the greatest crime in American History that the public viewed the crime as a "parlor game". Anon has been on this case ever since knowing that the Traitors got away with that coup d'etat.

"Treason doth never prosper, what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it Treason."

- John Harington

So imagine anon's surprise and delight October - November, 2017!

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0f6270  No.16844632



You fucking pathetic, spineless, faithless, low IQ (in the negative digits) control freak. Did I leave any out?

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a9e7f3  No.16844636


You do know this was planned since at least his Capital visit where he had to testify about 8chan & manifestos. He sold out to them so fucking hard.

If it turns out, when all is said & done & we find out the TRUTH about everything, and I'm wrong about him, I'll gladly & sincerely apologize. But I'm pretty sure I won't have to

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cb4da4  No.16844637

When will they ever bring up the actors?


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c405a5  No.16844670


how so?


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c5956f  No.16844677


>meaningless platitudes

don't follow those people, or the ones tha retruth everyone else's posts, or the ones that follow 2k users etc.

There's a lot of good people out there.

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b1caf4  No.16844678

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9fc286  No.16844679


vintage wire wrapped med beds (quack medicine)

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4d85e7  No.16844687


>let us educate children on sex as early as possible, because sex is love

>love doesn't know age limits

>it's not rape, when the child is in love and doesn't fight back

>how dare you not allow me to marry my beloved 9 year old, you are hurting her feelings

>actually we should be allow to marry multiple children, love knows no bounds

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6cc362  No.16844688

“Discipline is the soul of an Army. It makes small numbers formidable; procures success to all of the weak, and esteem to all.” – George Washington

#ArmyHeritageMonth #WhyIServe #CallToService










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684455  No.16844696






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12f1e0  No.16844700


Miller is a good American.

I could see it being him.

Here is the project he talked about on tucker.


if you have problems with globohomo for hiring or promotion his nonprofit org will sue for you.

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b47cca  No.16844713


>"never ever EVER buy anything on margin."

Friend…this is Biblical. The institution called "banking/finance" will fall. This may happen all at once (my opinion) or may take time, but it is happening.

Resources will be LOCAL (ask Russia). We will have a RESET which will result in a renaissance.

But it won't look like it does now. It will be SPIRITUAL. It will be GODLY. It will be Biblical.

No more margin calls…

What will you contribute in this new world? I am sure GOD is nudging you as He has me…

We will still have a way to trade resources…think Star Trek…

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7e4931  No.16844728


Seen plenty



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96ac83  No.16844731

All (PB)


Just imagine the frustration of the white hats here….

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0f02af  No.16844739


Ride the Waves


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92036b  No.16844740

We can meme if we want to,

We can leave their shit behind

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dc99f4  No.16844742

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c1b743  No.16844744


What's TOGTFO stand for?

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d2df45  No.16844748



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c405a5  No.16844763

RECOMMENDED WATCH -ALADDIN [Asset liability and Debt Directives Investment Network]Larry Fink computer system section from 41.51 to 49.00 minutes in video.

Dig called - state street and vanguard are part of this Aladdin super computer.





We are ALL being bathed in massive amounts of radiation on a daily basis - and from some very unexpected sources. Researcher and Professor Olle Johansson joins me to shine the light of truth on RF, 5G and the Davos agenda to track and trace every single person and thing on earth.

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c5956f  No.16844770

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d2e518  No.16844771


notable af

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4d85e7  No.16844775

The World is WATCHING

The World is CONNECTED


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44c59e  No.16844778


They all Love me…

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9ebb8b  No.16844780


Was it male or female?

What part of the genitals did she admit kissing?

Clitoris or glans?

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3037cb  No.16844812


Just from her eyes you can tell she is evil.

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ceb3f4  No.16844814


No identification of the fascist who published the defective guidance

No accountability for posting misinformation.

Just another overpaid staffer from a bloated Nazi institution…"doing their job" poorly

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317ecd  No.16844818

I must control the narrative after all.

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7e4931  No.16844822

No Police = Best Idea (((they))) ever gave US.

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638724  No.16844825


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0f6270  No.16844827


>That's the box they put your mind in.

The Cross is an image of the Box unfolded.

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cf4ea4  No.16844833


tnx anon, I didn't realize that they are all assigned a new ID other than 000000 from other threads

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3ddd46  No.16844834


It was a joke.

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dc99f4  No.16844835

My friend Schmidt sent me an email

he is fuckin alive

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d2df45  No.16844838


dragging this shit out……


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c1b743  No.16844844


ok shilly, no sane person would say the committee or their bs is convincing anyone

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866e73  No.16844854


>Thank you.

it was an honor and a pleasure anon

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387e97  No.16844858

I like reading, long walkth on the beath, picnicing….. thteve hehe thtop it. It thtingth.

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83ec7a  No.16844859


>I'd like to donate money to your next IP hop


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c5956f  No.16844864


when common sense becomes no table

the state of this place

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6cc362  No.16844872


Yeah that shoe thing was shameless as fuck. Like sociopathic.

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44c59e  No.16844875

Truth Central → Truth Social ?

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3129df  No.16844876

Fresh Bread



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0eb2e8  No.16844883


A rite of massage.

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24d8b6  No.16844891


I hope we get 4 more years with him and I hope he lives to enjoy a long, happy and healthy retirement to 120+ years. God Bless President Trump. Those are my thoughts. yw

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254532  No.16844892

Only if they could see

o7 BO

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ebb98d  No.16844896

LIVE Harewood Hillclimb Championship

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be9915  No.16844897


>Your attacks on him are like smack talking the people running the homeless shelter you dig?

No, because I actually respect people that run homeless shelters.

If you're gonna do a comparison… it's more like being at a restaurant and telling the owner that their service and food quality blows goats.

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e64ba7  No.16844900

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ceb3f4  No.16844910

A reminder that Jesus loves you.

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0f6270  No.16844918


Just hold onto them. They could be worth a lot of money one day. I promise.

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96ac83  No.16844923


Might have gotten a 9 minute delta between Q and Dan. Can’t check timestamp on TS on my phone though.

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c405a5  No.16844931


has anyone ever talked to them about suicide vests?

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0f02af  No.16844940

Being held for crimes?

Impersonating a solider?


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387e97  No.16844944

Teenage brothers drown in NJ school swimming pool


Two teenage brothers drowned in a swimming pool at a New Jersey school that was being monitored by at least three lifeguards, authorities said.

The siblings, identified only as “Mr. Zheng and Mr. Jiang,” were in the deep end of the pool at Lincoln Community School in Bayonne on Wednesday when lifeguards noticed they were in distress and unable to resurface shortly before 8:30 p.m., Bayonne Police said.

Three guards jumped into the water and pulled the brothers out and administered CPR immediately, authorities said. They also called 911 and arriving paramedics arrived in minutes to aid in life-saving attempts.

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59d9cc  No.16844945

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175af7  No.16844952


why are you obsessed with that picture and the baker

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c5956f  No.16844954


Reaping what was sown.

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1194cd  No.16844958



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efe545  No.16844965


Damn, Cruise looks like a totally different guy.

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09f368  No.16844968

Trump said, "We're not gonna take it"

The last Q drop, before the latest 3 drops, was a youtube video of that song, "We're not gonna take it".

I believe this coincides with my theory that the Q drops are meant to read backwards. The drop before simply said "Durham".

Maybe we'll get news about Durham? Or maybe that Durham drop is symbolic of Washington crossing the river in durham boats?

I have a feeling the ball is about to start rolling.

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2c81b1  No.16844977


[you] think you've got it all figured out. [you] know the next move, even though you've never been able to game it out before, but NOW, you've got it….Dream on demon.

We, The People Own YOU.

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9fc286  No.16844979

Hehe RT.

He says that the January 6th hearing isn't an attack on Trump, but judging by what he's saying, it's meant to be an attack on America.


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0926b2  No.16844983

Run nigga run..

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12f1e0  No.16844984


Anons Know

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661760  No.16844988


"Preacher and people carried carnal weapons with them to the house of God in those days, and did not for a moment suppose they were violating the Scriptures. We instantly changed the services into war with the Indians. Every man was immediately mounted and off with gun in hand on Sunday evening, in full pursuit of the Indians. They were not overtaken, but escaped up Little River."


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ceb3f4  No.16845005


>Did she *hurt anybody? No? Go fuck yourself then.

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ac8a86  No.16845009


>the Irish coalition

Chill or there will never be reperations for the RailRoads…

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175af7  No.16845523


>Biden To World:

I promise to fix the problem I started… soon.

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855f42  No.16845530


>one thing that unites all of us here is our intense hatred of Glow Fags.

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b67248  No.16845534

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6e2a20  No.16845536

June 24th Sky Event

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3129df  No.16845537




11:00 AM EDT

Closed business meeting to markup those provisions which fall under the subcommittee's jurisdiction of the proposed National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2023

Senate Armed Services Committee


11:00 AM EDT

President Biden Delivers Remarks at the 29th AFL-CIO Quadrennial Constitutional Convention Philadelphia, PA

President Biden Delivers Remarks on his Strategy of Building an Economy Around the Power and Possibilities of Working People—an Economy that Rewards Work, Not Just Wealth—at the 29th AFL-CIO Quadrennial Constitutional Convention



12:00 PM EDT

Orientation to the Prints & Photographs Division

Library of Congress


12:00 PM EDT

'Biden's Betrayal: Destroying Our Military' Generals Speak Out - Virtual Press Conference

Truth for Health Foundation and Lifesitenews.com


12:00 PM EDT

An inclusive future? Technological change and public policy

Brookings Institution


12:30 PM EDT

Full Committee Markup 1. H.R. 4176, the LGBTQ Data Inclusion Act; 2. H.R. 5815, the Honest Census Communications Act; 3. H.R. 7951, the Telework Metrics and Cost Savings Act; 4. H.R. 7941, "To permit the District of Columbia to Transmit Acts of the District to Congress in Electronic Form;" and 5. Several postal naming measures

House Oversight and Reform Committee




12:50 PM EDT

Bakers Creek B-17 Crash Memorial Observance


1:00 PM EDT

Webinar - Cybersecurity in Medical Devices: Quality System Considerations and Content of Premarket Submissions - Draft Guidance

Food and Drug Administration


1:00 PM EDT

Stakeholder Webinar on the Draft Guidance for Industry on Action Levels for Lead in Juice

Food and Drug Administration


1:00 PM EDT

Connecting Communities Digital Initiative Grant Opportunity for Higher Education Webinar

Library of Congress


1:00 PM EDT

How States Can Make the Most of Broadband Funding

Information Technology and Innovation Foundation



1:00 PM EDT

State Perspectives on Cutting Methane Pollution

House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis Committee




1:00 PM EDT

Introducing a pro-encryption agenda in Latin America




1:00 PM EDT

Physics Department Summer Lectures 2022 "Introduction to the Standard Model of particle physics" (Block 1)

Brookhaven National Laboratory




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f9c821  No.16845546


Oh the Humanity!

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e77969  No.16845547



Saw that in real life. Dudes name was Henry.

His daughter showed up with a mixed kid at his 4th of Jew Lie cookout…fuckin Henry cooked 3 racks of ribs in 20 minutes.

Fuckin kek

It was like eating a Mickey Thompson baja boss.

It was fuckin awesome.

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defe37  No.16845552


Didn't the census performed on people claiming Jewish roots back in the 40s not show a loss of 6 million?

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ad3055  No.16845576



guns AND control

make them say it that way


gun control

guns AND control

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39f159  No.16845577


>The world would otherwise collapse.

I think they underestimate the tenacity and resolve of the people. IMHO. The foundation of any and all relationships is the truth. You skimp even a little a backlash comes in spades. Rethink your percentages because the truth will and always will come out. Shall we play a game?

"Let justice be done though the heavens fall"

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7798ed  No.16845581

Are any of these food recalls really legit?

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254532  No.16845583

QClock June 2, 2022


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3037cb  No.16845605

CNN: US will end Covid-19 testing requirement for air travelers entering the country.


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ac8a86  No.16845609


>But look at the crap it's posting and you are lauding it?


I identify as an attack helicopter

as to your assertion

pics related is what Q confirming themselves looked like

Q starts the trip config post series


Q posts something else

then POTUS social media on a ZERO delta with Q


anons create proof


Q tags a "correct" anon created proof


Q's identity is -actually- confirmed

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e0dc6a  No.16845617


The OT.

Do you believe the planet was created before light? It's parable.

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a28dc5  No.16845638


It's him.

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cf4ea4  No.16845644


Look, that's bullshit.

When the Salt rotated Q's TC would no longer be the old one.

It would be a new TC.

And those 3 posts showed up under the old TC.

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12f1e0  No.16845651

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aabb48  No.16845654



I turned 22 that day.

Will never forget it.

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d9d844  No.16845657

The one thing that unites all of us here is our intense hatred for niggers. Qanon will make America white again.

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681b56  No.16845660


how long until mathematically impossible?

math does have limits ya know

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0eb2e8  No.16845662


Maybe that pigeon got him.

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ac8a86  No.16845663


Not to be a dick or anything.

A delta with TS Trump would be great.

Oh, Welcome back. I think.

Sorry for all the shitposting, Kek.

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50b258  No.16845666


Ah, so youre the perfect goy slave, who will willingly accept his enthnic genocide

such a good little white bitch

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22bcad  No.16845674

Hookers love wookies.

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53250f  No.16845677



Again, America does not win. God wins.

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4d85e7  No.16845680


Seven days and a fine in exchange for getting my hands on the murderer of my child? Fair deal.

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3129df  No.16845681


quad 8's chekt


twice as noice kid

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b67248  No.16845683


>Official: Returned Q is fake Q

Official according to whom? YOU?

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c5956f  No.16845685


>does she squirt?

in Cherokee

some interdasting deltas, since we're kinda on that subject.

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02aa1a  No.16845700

Flynn Digital Soldiers media LLC


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efe545  No.16845706


Enjoy! Caught a few bluegill but too small to keep.

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dbd559  No.16845707

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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83ec7a  No.16845711


Gregg Phillips recently mentioned Gwinnett County, GA and one of the J6 people (BJ Pak) is/was from there. Seems to be a hotspot for shitfuckery. Maybe related?

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5e08f9  No.16845719


ty, fren.

I hate lies.

Therefore I hate the 'Jews', our Khazarian/Askenazi overlords…

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d2e518  No.16845724



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9db9cf  No.16845725

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ed6901  No.16845726


Ridiculous. Where do they find these fucking people? Besides, we all know who the real Q anon queen is.

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53250f  No.16845740

Anons I just made a big pot of angel hair pasta with marinara sauce and hot Italian sausage, can’t eat it all. But anon wishes I could share a dinner with anons, it would be a lot of fun, swearing and asking where the sauce is! One day hopefully we can meet, at least in a small group.

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e20a2b  No.16845754

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cdde2d  No.16845756

Who cares if new Q is real Q or fake Q. All that matters is the results they produce. Produce some results correlating to the posts and do something for a change, otherwise it doesn't matter who the fuck is posting with a tripcode.

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cb4da4  No.16845765

Did Someone Ask Fore Honk?….

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3129df  No.16845767


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be3121  No.16845774



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048eb5  No.16845775



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d5f672  No.16845779



Sure would be a shame if we all RTed those screencaps.

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e421ff  No.16845787


at the dough


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214ed4  No.16845791


Ask me.

I'll Make something up and then you can misquote me.


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c5956f  No.16845793


Tonight Only — Watch “THE TRUTH ABOUT

JANUARY 6th” Documentary: Narrated by

Political Prisoner Jake Lang from Inside

Solitary Confinement! MUST WATCH!

Gateway Pundit, by Cara Castronuova

Posted By: Imright, 6/9/2022 8:44:06 PM

The highly anticipated documentary “The Truth About January 6th” premiered today on The Gateway Pundit this week!This groundbreaking documentary contains never-before-seen footage of and commentary on January 6th.The film is narrated by Jake Lang, a January 6 political prisoner who is currently being held in Alexandria, Virginia.Watch the film BELOW and share to get out the truth about January 6th!

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cf4ea4  No.16845795


how does one cleanse the shame and fear from the grown up victim as it becomes remembered consciously in main consciousness in snippets? do you know? this we must find out

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d5f672  No.16845798



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3ddd46  No.16845805


And it's Masonic apron shaped.

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d5f672  No.16845808


There is now 2024, infact ther is no 2022…kek We all going for the ride of lives

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459487  No.16845811


only 4 Q-drops in 4 years?


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ad3055  No.16845821


9/10 over tattoed queers are gay af

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d9d844  No.16845822

>rumble embed test

SICK: What They're Trying to Teach Your Kids Will Shock You

Donald Trump Jr.

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4d85e7  No.16845824



And fun fact. Recently the Q started "pulsing"

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ac8a86  No.16845829


Hooray for you, designated graveyard baker

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12f1e0  No.16845840



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29205a  No.16845842


Too low a frequency?

Aim off?


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9db9cf  No.16845850


Try againfaggot

Butthurt says you're asshoe screams ouch

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e95204  No.16845851


do they need another mansion?

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ed6901  No.16845853


You clearly didn't read, but it's okay. I forgive you. You'd be amazed how many tho think they are a vampire. Sad really, I mean adrenochrome and all. Nice you took time out to clearly state your ignorance.

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7798ed  No.16845857


better question

have trans birthrates gone up over the last few decades? if so then why?

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c422b8  No.16845859


A Q break?

It’s so funny and enlightening HOW MANY PEOPLE do a double-take whenever 17 is mentioned or the letter Q, very powerful reach this board has! Biblical anons, biblical!

Critical Mass has been reached!

You want to know how to tell? Look and listen to regular folks, it’s amazing! Almost every single person seems to know of Q!

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efe545  No.16845870


I want to live there!!

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9fc286  No.16845879


The length of his neck…

Is he a friggen giraffe?

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a9e7f3  No.16845903


He’s not coming back. Do you really think he wants to face the wrath of this board after what’s happened (9or not happened) in the year and a half since he left?

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24d8b6  No.16845905


Been like this all day long. BIG WEEK.

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aaadb9  No.16845912

Dominican Republic minister shot dead in office

The Dominican Republic's minister of environment and natural resources has been shot and killed in his office by a close personal friend, officials say.

Orlando Jorge Mera, 55, was holding a meeting at the time of the attack. At least six shots were heard.

A presidential spokesman identified the assailant as Miguel Cruz, describing him as a childhood friend of the minister.

He is now custody. The motive for the shooting remains unclear.


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0e73c1  No.16845923

oh damn they way this fat traitor is speaking about Pence, no way he is not dirty. Don Trump gets me every time.

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22bcad  No.16845925


A long time ago, George Carlin asked the simple question, and I paraphrase here: Have you ever noticed the women anti rape activists are women you wouldn't want to fuck?

Looking at this individual on the thumbnail, first thing that comes to mind. 'They' may never have need for an abortion.

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b1caf4  No.16845932

juws teach kids potty songs

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048eb5  No.16845940

not much of a Q proof at the rally then?

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aabb48  No.16845942


Oh, nice catch. Didn't see it. Using your dough, thanks.


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04476f  No.16845951

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fd0d09  No.16845952



Must watch. Powerful interview.


Qtime Network ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [23.04.22 11:51]

[Forwarded from X22 Report Official ⭐️⭐️⭐️]



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e64ba7  No.16845956



My pleasure.


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be3121  No.16845961


unless he's the real El Presidente

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82b0a0  No.16845963

If you are Pro Life you are a target of the death cult


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a28dc5  No.16845972


There is video of Jayden running around saying "Someone is shot, We got someone shot" in a fairly nonchalant kinda way, like bad, really bad acting.

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866e73  No.16845986



>no drops made on

There are drops on June 21 2018

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684455  No.16845991


It kind of depends on what you believe Q's purpose has been.

Nuffin and no one has drawn more people into becoming investigators and skeptics like Q.

Q's method forced us to develop skills and discernment in ways we never would have thought to pursue.

Why people insist on Q being a predicter, I can't figure out.

Q said the time was short, early on. That people needed to dig dig dig. And we did.

And we changed the world.

What more do you want? What are you looking for? Do you ever ask yourself the same questions you throw at Q?

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401dd2  No.16845995

When I've sayed this in here………………You called me stoopid…………………….

Aliens are your only saviors.

and I am here to help.

I will not hurt any good.

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7b472c  No.16845998


Holo the line?

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214ed4  No.16846004

Christos a inviat.

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eecddc  No.16846006


>Joseph R. Stollen

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c422b8  No.16846016


We are winning even tho it may not look that way! The price of AMC is not what you see on the ticker! Any information as to short interest, fundamentals, free float etc. are ALL BULLSHIT NUMBERS! They are hiding the true numbers because they are FUCKED! And (((THEY))) know it!

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e421ff  No.16846032

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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378375  No.16846044


>the US stopped being a colony governed from Europe a long time ago.

This is news to me. How long ago?

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1f34fb  No.16846061


Whats wrong with rare earth magnets + electromagnets? Small input to drive, big output. IMHO

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efe545  No.16846074




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aaadb9  No.16846077


>No Babyfist pitcure

Dan not posting babyfist?


thats dasting

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0b3c35  No.16846083



"Just sign right up fellow patriots! I'll just need your attestation that you read the manifesto, your email address, and what skills you can offer the group, along with your political ideology."

Cutout provided.

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b67248  No.16846084

Morning Frenz

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aabb48  No.16846092


will you please hurry up and start/whatever you're own platform i'll come check it out..

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aad338  No.16846094


So relaxing

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638724  No.16846097




Tweet #1 - Dan Scavino @ 5:55

Tweet #2 - US Army @ 6:03 "Lion Focus"

Kun Reference: 8 minute delta between pre-Rally Scavino tweet & US Army tweet stating "Lion Focus"

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2c81b1  No.16846099


Didn't mean to quote, my mistake.

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c422b8  No.16846107


Start deporting congress.

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681b56  No.16846108

Q needs to fuck off. We don't need faggot electro magic sword music and riddles anymore. Patriots have been doing just fine without the larping and empty promises.

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788b72  No.16846109



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5fcf07  No.16846120


Call it what it is - a cue card Q Card

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04476f  No.16846135

If you seek protection under the baner of ANTISEMITE then you also EMBRACE NAZIiSM

There could be lot of innocent people in there.. You fuckers need to speak up.

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6e2a20  No.16846139



This is the "No True Scotsman" fallacy! No true Scotsman would stand for such a thing harumnph harumph!

Know your disinfo tactics!

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defe37  No.16846155




meh. One moar

they care about 2000 mules though


>thx anon, they are not very good actors, they are bitter and angry and hateful


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0f6270  No.16846157



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efe545  No.16846159

Anons, just a heads up. When this bread hits the spin cycle and a wobble develops, the previous bread only had 734 posts in it.

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684455  No.16846163



I posted screenshots of the "Your Banned" screens

I posted links that are green now to the deleted posts

and I even red-boxed the post number in the your banned CAP to proove that it was deleted

but go ahead and keep calling me a liar



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bad2e0  No.16846168


Good Evening, Anon!

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7bae36  No.16846169


They also don’t give a shit if you are struggling now to pay for gas and groceries. Have to win in November no matter the costs.

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92036b  No.16846171


Not even a little. Stories heard of having a picnic lunch at the gravesite, our ancestors did regularly. They kept honoring their/our dead. Then the descendants moved great distances and the tradition was lost along the way.


Anon lost family (everyone close) and somehow the weight just fell off. Anon weighs about the same as back in high school now. I think a lot of it was I never get fast food and haven't for about 2.5 years. Anon isn't the healthiest cook but anon will break out a pan now and then.

I think I'm spending more on food for NOT.MY.CAT than for myself. NOT.MY.CAT is here currently. So bizarre… still do not speak cat. Still need a doggo.

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e20a2b  No.16846173


Exactly. It doesn't help that there's pretty good intel that the whole board is comped. So until we get a DJT proof we get to hurry up and wait.

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401dd2  No.16846182


Fuck you. Crimes shouldn't be swept under the rug because someone might react badly.

If this stands, I should rob a bank because if they prosecute me, the other people might not want to put money in insecure banks.

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9fe9e4  No.16846183


guess anything with a cat is now Mr PIG

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c1b743  No.16846188


>Six current and former prosecutors in the Utah County Attorney’s Office sent a declaration of no confidence in Leavitt

Guess who posted this on TS?

Guess which "journalists" ignored it?


Thank you to these real human beings for caring.

I can't believe people ignore this when I post it on social media, but come here and post it and TALK SHTI ABOUT ME EVERY DAMN DAY.

So many worthless human beings, I can't stand it anymore.

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f10b6b  No.16846189

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cfd18b  No.16846201

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ceb3f4  No.16846224


Or left 300,000 rifles for the Taliban.

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89edcc  No.16846243


Try harder, assyap.

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1c65d4  No.16846259


Ah a fellow polyglot. Morning friend. kek

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0b3c35  No.16846266

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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9fe9e4  No.16846267


Bullshit distractions?

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387e97  No.16846275


There is no e in your username. You are a fraud.

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f10b6b  No.16846281


I’ve had pots and cocktails. IDGAF.

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e20a2b  No.16846288



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c422b8  No.16846290


Wild! Nice work!

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105f9e  No.16846292


Religious Fruitcake identified

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cf4ea4  No.16846296


>The big JOKE is knowing you do not have any concept of the English language.

I know the source language, really (you) should shut the fuck up with your silly crafted language, show me the oldest book you got in dingles!!!

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9fc286  No.16846301




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fd0d09  No.16846305


I found it. April 24, 2020. Two year delta.


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0f02af  No.16846314


We will build Vacation Camps for ourselves, and call them Concentration Camps. We will not be sending our sons to die in the war that we started.

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2ea7bb  No.16846322

OMG they are white and totally insane


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048eb5  No.16846323


What convinces you they "paid to rape" where you sourcing that from? that's not how blackmail and nuclear and bilogical diplomatic back-channels work that's how ho's and pimps work.

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09f368  No.16846327



Dr. Preston Phillips was targeted in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, mass shooting this week.

The gunman blamed the surgeon for his continued back pain following an operation.

Phillips served as a team doctor for the WNBA's Tulsa Shock before the franchise left the state.

One of the physicians killed in the mass shooting at an Oklahoma medical facility this week was affiliated with the WNBA's Tulsa Shock.

Dr. Preston Phillips, an orthopedic surgeon at Tulsa's Saint Francis Hospital, was targeted by the gunman during Wednesday's shooting that left five people dead — including Phillips and the shooter. Before the Shock left Oklahoma and rebranded as the Dallas Wings in 2015, Phillips served as the team's doctor as the franchise partnered with his Warren Clinic Orthopedic Surgery and Sports Medicine.

Former Shock head coach Gary Kloppenburg, who has since joined the staff of the WNBA's Indiana Fever, mourned the death of the team doctor he remembered as "kind and compassionate."

"Lord help us, our wonderful @wnba @TulsaShock team doctor Preston Phillips was one of the innocent people murdered in the latest mass shooting," Kloppenburg tweeted Thursday. "Such a kind and compassionate man who loved basketball and looked out for our players."

"The dereliction of duty by the OK legislature and @GovStitt who have failed to protect their citizenry by implementing insanely loose gun laws hits close to home," he added in a second tweet. "RIP Doc 😭 🏀."

—gary kloppenburg (@CoachKlop) June 2, 2022

The perpetrator of Wednesday's shooting was a patient of Phillips. The 45-year-old reportedly blamed the doctor for continued pain following his May back surgery.

In a note he left at the scene, the shooter "made it clear that he came in with the intent to kill Dr. Phillips and anyone who got in his way," according to Tulsa Police Chief Wendell Franklin.

As of Wednesday, the WNBA has not offered a statement on Phillips' untimely death. Representatives for the Dallas Wings, the franchise formerly known as the Tulsa Shock, did not immediately reply to Insider's request for comment.

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e64ba7  No.16846346

He is the "Comic Relief" of any TV Series!!!

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ff1665  No.16846358


>criminal conspiracy

Researching peacefully isn't criminal.

It's public information after all.

Of course here comes the "archive offline".

Maybe that is actually part of the plan.

I said that years ago already.

Arrest anons.

Get all the research as evidence into investigation..

"How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?"

Get BTFO by truth.

"So you are denying covid, Mr. anon" - "actually I looked into what our US military has been doing around 100 years ago, and they tried out if flu is indeed infectious. And what they found out is that it is not. Not a single time."

"Ehhhhh, this must be a lie." - "here are my sources from the CDC." - "gulp….I…"

Report this to the public. What will the public do? Say "wtf, this can't be right. Wait, it is right. It's right here on the CDC website. Wtf is the flu?"

"But Mr. anon, you are pro violence and thus a terrorist." - "at the start of every bread it literally says We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here. Can't you read?"

"Ehhhhh, but the Nazi pics." - "yeah, check every bread, always the same pics, always (50) poster. It's a government sponsored shill, trying to connect us to Nazism, meanwhile Nazis did forced vaccine experiments on prison inmates and other people and we are against all of that."

I'm not a fear monger, at the same time I'm realistic. We are doing uncomfortable research here that goes against a lot of people including the pharma system. In my mind there even is the possibility of getting shot. Tons of money involved. Population control. Greed.

And right now with the coof, anyone who thinks that there is no way that he or she may get thrown into a comfy coof camp is out of their mind. In fact I expect that to happen. I'm ready.

What they call terrorists, is actually causing terror in their minds. Their whole system, their house of cards, could break down because of this.

Covid breaks -> vaccine breaks -> germ theory breaks -> vaccines break -> pharma system explodes

It's basically a D5.

One of several.

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aabb48  No.16846370


LGBTQ+ is a cult

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7bae36  No.16846372


>he should have stood up against it.

if he did that SES would have removed him.

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681b56  No.16846384


Most know Trump Won. You obviously do as well. Coming here and trying to stir shit up, won’t work.

Just go out in the real world and ask people, and I dare you to actually do it.

Randomly ask people, “who won the 2020 election?” Most will clarify the statement by saying something like “ in my personal opinion, Trump won” I wonder why so many people do that?

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5934a9  No.16846393


Not really. There are photo paths and spheres also. For places that cars can't get to.

This a Google sphere. They are cool.

Like this one near Chengdu China. Only one around the area.

Found it looking for silhouettes on the military runway there.

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f9c821  No.16846397


Yes, I noticed you said, 'mother', I'd pay to see a live birth, via a male. '63 model myself.

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b31a64  No.16846401


Brett is a beady eyed tool. CM, however, is dope af and I’m really proud of him….

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3129df  No.16846409


Great, the US is not a Jewish country, but a a Christian one, were Christian laws should be in place. Legal abortions of convinience are Jewish law, not Christian.

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d34bbc  No.16846418

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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e421ff  No.16846428

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09f368  No.16846439


TY baker. Heads on a swivel today. Ck ya'll later.

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e64ba7  No.16846444

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a904b0  No.16846453


It wasn't the DOJ. It was local law enforcement.

>Authorities in Stockton, California, arrested nearly 90 people

>Tori Verber Salazar, the district attorney of San Joaquin County

>San Joaquin County District Attorney’s Office

>Stan McFadden, Stockton’s police chief

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c5956f  No.16846454


>Though listed out of order by the POPE, Mark is the first gospel, and all other gospel are copies with flourishes by later scribes.


>I see your scripture. Love doesn't produce torture, slavery, and executions. Those are the domain of Emporers, legalists, charlatans,and greedy bankers.

Which is why He loved us as Himself and died on the cross for us. “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ All the Law and the Prophets HANG ON THESE TWO COMMANDMENTS.”

You need to learn to look past the words and see the Word. The Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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be2b37  No.16846461


Nuke from space, it's the only way to get them all

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1c65d4  No.16846473

Hearings are underway in what is being described as the largest scandal in Vatican history, an incredible story that has implications for the Church as a whole and the Vatican’s standing in the world.

The case primarily involves charges against one of the highest-ranking Vatican officials, Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who was considered at one time to be the most influential cardinal in the Vatican and a potential successor to Pope Francis. Becciu is now facing a host of corruption charges concerning his role in the acquisition by the Vatican Secretariat of State of a commercial property in London, from which the Vatican claims it lost hundreds of millions of dollars. The case has upset the traditional power structures at the Vatican and has even engulfed the Vatican’s own Financial Intelligence Unit, as well as the seller and broker of the London property.

Beyond the specific facts of the property deal, the case has turned heads around the world due to the worrying practices of the Vatican around fairness of due process and rule of law.

Strangely, despite the alleged criminality supposedly taking place in the U.K. and the Vatican’s losses being suffered in London, there has to date been no criminal case before the English courts against any of the defendants. Instead, the Vatican initiated an investigation and trial within its territory, allowing prosecutors to rely on arcane and frankly questionable practices.


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ed6901  No.16846474

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22bcad  No.16846488


LAPD just declared civil war in their own department

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378375  No.16846498

So baker or no?

noter or no?

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5fcf07  No.16846501


Newspaper control … by the Jews is not a matter of money. It is a matter of keeping certain things out of the public mind and putting certain things into it. — Henry Ford's The International Jew; vol. 1, chapter 17


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82b0a0  No.16846502


1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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d66fe8  No.16846509


The Gospel of Jesus the Christ

Matthew 24:14

John 3:16

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638724  No.16846514

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d34bbc  No.16846528


they done kilt mom in slo mo, now everyone is suspect.

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66610a  No.16846534


So I'm here, in this sheet life…………….poor and +, so you can fucking put biden president??????????????????????????????

Please, I'm retarded, explain this to me.

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9fe9e4  No.16846559


it is a collective list, all at once+ unknown variables, clearly(?)

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53250f  No.16846568


Cindy's dong is larger than Big Mike's, just sayin'

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0e73c1  No.16846585


When it comes to reading the "old guard" messages, try backs-ass-words.

You know why.

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9fc286  No.16846588


What's an OPINION DAY?

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0eb2e8  No.16846599


Q/Q+ seem to have coopted many of the masonic terms: ncswic, maga, theplan, darktolight.

fog of war.

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410a3d  No.16846603


The liberal news anchors seemed pretty spooked so it must be a good thing

The cockroaches always scatter when the lights come on 😉

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6d4baa  No.16846608


And took a pic of her dead or dying.

(Like vote mules)

Bet it was made into big Mike's Christmas card

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39f159  No.16846621


time chkt

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788b72  No.16846630

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e20a2b  No.16846638


added notes at bottom :)

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98ab54  No.16846646


>Step 1: Cross out anyone who declared as Democrat.

you should also do this in your personal life ; if your wife is a declared democrat. divorce the bitch; a family member? tell them to go fuck tehmselves and cross them out of your life

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602590  No.16846678


Nancy Pelosi SURPRISES Queens! - Rupauls Drag Race All Stars 7


Nancy Pelosi Appears On RuPaul's Drag Race: "Yourselves In Drag Is What America Is All About"

Speaker of the House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi made an appearance the television show 'RuPaul's Drag Race,' a weekly program on VH1 that features drag queens.

"It's my honor to be here," Pelosi said after being introduced by host RuPaul Andre Charles. "Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about."

"With the midterm elections coming up, it is very important for people to make their voices and their vote heard," Pelosi told the drag queens.


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5d29ff  No.16846682


So we can count on you to go out and burn, loot, and murder? Is that your plan?

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788b72  No.16846685


wow a dead nigger

who gives a fuck, the USA would be better off without them

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e20a2b  No.16846687


Why is FOX allowing him to do this?

Did they want to do it for a long time? Were they tired of being run by Pfizer?

Did Paul Ryan get some power taken away?

Was this the plan all along?

Whatever the reason, God give Tucker the protection to expose more daily.

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0f02af  No.16846701

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dff61d  No.16846712


Thanks anon. o7 Left with Q in Dec. 2020. Came back in late 2021 or early this year. It's a much different place. Appreciate your reply.

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788b72  No.16846721



US Rep. Sean Casten’s 17-Year-Old Daughter Dies - ntd.com



I'm sorry, but this is just another spook being born with a fake death. They like to keep it in the family.

She dies at 17

She is the daughter of a Spook Congressman (they like to hang out together at "Pride" events.

She and her father co-wrote an article about the Capitol insurrection

She was active in the political sphere and followed in the footsteps of her father by fighting for social causes that she was passionate about, such as gun control.

She was an anti-gun violence advocate and organized training in her school to teach kids how to pack a gunshot wound. She called the training 'Stop the Bleed' [seriously, wtf kind of mindfuckery is this to put school kids through?]

She was founder and leader of something called Empowerment Club

Fuck off Clowns

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1c65d4  No.16846728


The way these schools handle an "active shooter" is bullshit.

They lock the kids in the classrooms and the teachers are told that under no circumstance are they to allow anyone to enter who doesn't know the "secret password"

Sounds like a Satanic ritual.

And the teachers have no way of defending themselves or the kids.

When I was in school, back in the 60s & 70s there was no such thing as "an active shooter drill"

The whole thing was designed by the fucking Satanists.

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82b0a0  No.16846734


All members of Congress will stop wasting our tax dollars on Foreign Trips. That is what we pay the President for. All members of congress will fly commercial. No private AF jets for any of them. No more Foreign Aid !!

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0b3c35  No.16846736


did zillow set up all those antifa safe houses?

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c5956f  No.16846746


Depends if ya a chick or not.

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a9e7f3  No.16846747


Find a unicorn

Arrange activities.

That is all.

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50b258  No.16846752


>"While anyone is eligible to apply for a committee hearing, there are certain conditions that dictate who will ultimately be approved for an abortion."

No snappy responses? You know why. Committee hearing, certain conditions, ultimately approved. There's no free choice there. Abortions isn't a right. It's looked down upon. The people that made the laws call it preservation.

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a897b1  No.16846761


Anons got frens backs, watching our six.

God bless us all

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efe545  No.16846767


>pink triangle boys

Kay Griggs Illuminati wife tell all

How they subvert leadership

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378375  No.16846771


Kek. Trying to stay a credible 'debunker' by undermining a based Justice. Clear as day.

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d34bbc  No.16846773

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0f6270  No.16846775

When we bake 1 we bake all

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df6a1e  No.16846782

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aabb48  No.16846800


>The new structures exist for just a hundred thousandth of a billionth of a billionth of a second but may explain how our Universe is formed

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410a3d  No.16846803


65-70% of the world's gold refining is done in switzerland. so yes it is known for that

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6c6099  No.16846804


yea totally bro

I agree with you now

wow, totally convinced

now go back to being a good little white cuck for your jewish master


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3d0325  No.16846808


My bad, you’re right. The days blended together in my mind.


But yeah I think the shots became palatable thanks to Biden running the WH in the minds of normies. I cannot convince anyone today on q posts. Guess patriots knew that already so who knows what comes next.

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03bb8f  No.16846815


will watch, thx anon

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6d0e43  No.16846837



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d6d982  No.16846838


Becker News, [26.06.22 20:00]

This is a major blow to the green energy push. Yet the worst is yet to come for Biden's climate agenda.

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4405c9  No.16846858

Q, what happened to you in the last year and a half?

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d2e518  No.16846872

Why would my mind be open to bs?

I can change reality with thought.

Your group can deny all you want.

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0e73c1  No.16846875


local notable

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0f02af  No.16846880


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447bc0  No.16846884



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04228b  No.16846885


you are very correct

would we have had as much fun in 2018 and 2019 if we KNEW joepedo was imminent?

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feca2e  No.16846891


Good one anon, good one

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443097  No.16846916


mebbe the kraken finally showed up

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91f2a2  No.16846918


I bet the whole thing about his father running against her was all a setup for this. They needed to start a narrative of this guy being a Trump supporter so they had his father (pretend) to run against her (a demonrat) just to later set up this narrative.

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faa9dc  No.16846919


yup, that one really shit the bed

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e886c3  No.16846925

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06de1b  No.16846929

With the end of Roe. The gender nonsense will come to a screeching end!

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6139a2  No.16846940


u got me, self slap…

ty grammar cat.


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008464  No.16846947


> Using your premise, you think they would allow someone to post under a cracked trip code and not correct it someway?

By correct you mean by saying "TRIP COMPROMISED"?

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accfc2  No.16846953

This is all over the Houston area news channels, but I like this one better.

Sultry Communist Temptress Lina Hidalgo has Covid-19


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de33c7  No.16846959


Riaan Naude was found dead next to his vehicle in the South African province of Limpopo, about 3 miles from Mokopane on June 8

fake news bullshit

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b4a24d  No.16846986


and then.

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80590e  No.16846989


Ah, ok. Thanks for the info

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3625e4  No.16846993

He is mentioning Qanon a lot…

Tucker Carlson: This is a scam

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e6119a  No.16847003




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4325a2  No.16847011

It’s official. As of June 19th, I now serve my nation as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy in the Department of Energy.


Nuclear faggotry

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39b8d5  No.16847015


>where is President Trump right now? is he in the central time zone?

you can set your browser to any timezone you want to anon

just because that is the timezone displayed on the screenshot

doesnt mean that is the timezone of the physical location

but knowing Q

it could be his actualy physical location timezone

and it could be part of the proof

I am -literally- retarded over here

working through it just like you

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40006e  No.16847019


Fighting The Commies, [22.06.22 21:43]

BREAKING: Texas State Police release full timeline and dispatcher call, reveals Uvalde School Police Chief Arredondo false statements

FULL STORY: https://fightingthecommies.com/EYT

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feca2e  No.16847022


>posts nazi photo

>claims the other site ‘glows’

Ok Uri

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d9e769  No.16847024


Tyb. Starting to like this.

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91f2a2  No.16847025



connect the dots

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06de1b  No.16847032


>End of May we will launch PWA (Web Browser) this will allow access from any device.

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f622db  No.16847044

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bec051  No.16847047


Balls aren't racked that way for 8-ball. New age fail.

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5c7e15  No.16847057


>you can't have that argument here

The gatekeeping and narrative control is real

Binary thinking divides

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e6b15b  No.16847058


Makes this anon feel so good to be living in his head rent free all these years lolol

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b34988  No.16847065






>Jun 19 - 30 = May 20

Should also check 20 days prior for any connections or typos.

May 30

which is Call the Ball delta

Enforcement typo

Cycle Cycle

think Bicycle

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6be1ee  No.16847066


That meme maybe moar right than any of us know.

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cf08b2  No.16847108


are those solid or liquid fuel?

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de2d6f  No.16847114


Musk is DS

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58e1c1  No.16847136


whoa!! whoa!!! hey!!! whoa! whoa!

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b4e828  No.16847156


I love the birds and the trees and the full moon.

I love the all the people and mountain views.

I love the valley and the desert and the ocean view.

I just hope that they all love me too.

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a2edb2  No.16847164


God Bless You swordAnon.

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ea39ab  No.16847166


i should fling rumors of its stank

cause i wanna /b/ a skonka

like jfkLESBIAN

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4325a2  No.16847186


Jim Watkins, [03.06.22 14:31]

[ Photo ]

Everyone I know in Nevada has a gun.

This is practically proof that the elections are stolen. Who is going to vote for this piece of work?

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faa9dc  No.16847187


Solid boosters. Blechh!

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2ee86f  No.16847200

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a2369b  No.16847209



Calm in the Storm: What to expect during the 2022 hurricane season


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ccb8d1  No.16848292



>100 such coincidences

100 such patterns… funny how life has patterns… especially when the outcome is somewhat nefarious or beneficial to an "elite"/ cabal agenda.

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9f5fc7  No.16848313




on short final here!

damn duck hunters….

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bea4d7  No.16848326


most of humans are not ready for this

keep that in mind assholes

they are not ready, just like children for many things

dont be an asshole

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9c2859  No.16848333

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378838  No.16848343




Gangster Level BASED


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fd7752  No.16848353


fermented turd burgers

and tranny fetishsisms


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03b026  No.16848358



If you know the rules, then don't get down on yourself. Expectations breed disappointment. Just let it flow, anon. All is well when you take a higher altitude view on things. Get your head up out of the weeds and you'll feel better.

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ccb8d1  No.16848361




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bea4d7  No.16848371



your right anon, forget everything anon just stated.

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9f5fc7  No.16848379

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2d0798  No.16848461



That's a nice sailing boat!

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46c29c  No.16848482



Bitcoin and others are based on a scam and was revealed here on this board a long time ago by me. The deep state stole my mathematical formula regarding the theory of prime numbers.

I sat with my mother watching a Carl Sagan documentary on the theories of the universe when he stated that prime numbers were one of the mysteries of the universe. I said either he is lying or incompetent. This angered my mother to no end and she challenged me to figure it out, we will make millions. I went upstairs and in less than two hours it was complete. I showed her the formula and had her try it. She refused as she couldn't do math and needed pen and paper to do times tables, yet she figured out the first primes out of 1000 without implements using my formula.

What I didn't realize was the deep state was listening to me through the cable box. You see, she thought I was incompetent because I couldn't find work anymore but I reminded her that I was a targeted individual after serving on 911. I worked Wall st 7 years before 911 as a network engineer/webmaster/programmer when the internet started out.

So what does prime numbers have to do with Bitcoins. Money is made by figuring out the next prime number to be used to encrypt the next large number for checkpoints. Bitcoin mining is renting machines from large cloud providers to crunch divisible numbers to see what is the next prime number in a sequence. To rent these machines cost real money. Companies are awarded huge amounts (think millions, billions, trillions) depending on the upward size of the prime.

Here is the catch, if you use my formula, you could have figured it out with your own computer because it is a formula not a test. So those in the know and part if the scam have 100% control of all wins and losses and can create a false economy based around this information. This also means all crypto can be broken much easier than brute force attacks.

I was never planning on revealing this formula regardless of award as it would have ruined our world. One day I found my notes missing, questioned my relative only later in the day to be mocked on my Roland 100 watt cube for my keyboard by deep state players. They said you have no clue what you have done for us, nice playing by the way. I knew what they had, when Samza came out they took distributed logs and created bitcoin records with these encrypted checkpoints.

We got the formula back from them by threatening one of them that folded. Thank God for the Q team that went over everyone of these posts and acted upon this information. They have not only saved our civilization but an entire world from a living hell.

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c418b8  No.16848485



Too early. Vaccine deaths really need to be ramped up for the people who need to pay attention the most to pay attention.

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37aff5  No.16848493



No way.

Holy fuck I hope shit breaks this way in the US.

With big ass lawsuits etc.

Money. Money might wake up these animals yet.

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f5c216  No.16848496



If they gave Stephen Hawking some Viagra, wouldn't it just put some new tires on his wheelchair?


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2e21ab  No.16848526

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80402f  No.16848534

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ee21f6  No.16848535


Compton Election Results Overturned Due To Voter Fraud – Councilman Rigged the Votes

Last Friday, A Compton city council election was overturned after a judge ruled that the incumbent councilman rigged votes to secure his victory.

Councilman Isaac Galvan will be replaced by his challenger Andre Spicer. Superior Court Judge Michelle Williams Court determined that four of the votes cast for Galvan during a June 2021 runoff election were submitted by people who were not legal residents of the district.

The judge ruled that his challenger Spicer was the winner, with a verified vote count of 854 to Galvan’s 851.

Spicer has contested the results of the election for the last year after losing to Galvan by just a single vote. Spicer told NBC LA that he is pleased with last week’s ruling.

“I’m grateful to the judicial system,” said Spicer. He told the outlet that he had “been fighting hard for -for the last 11 months.”

Spicer said there had been rumors of voter fraud for years in Compton. He noted that he was concerned the community had lost faith in the voting system.

“I think this helps to get us engaged again,” he said. “It’s just a relief for the entire city to expose it, and hopefully, rid ourselves of it.”

It was not immediately clear how soon the judge’s decision would allow Spicer to take office.

The ruling comes after the LA County District Attorney’s Office charged Galvan and five others with conspiracy to commit election fraud last August. Despite living outside the district, the four others charged are accused of registering and casting votes in Compton.

Prosecutors also charged Galvan with bribery with the intent to influence an election for allegedly attempting to bribe an LA Country registrar employee on election night.

Galvan has been embroiled in several controversies since he first took office in 2013, including illegal practices surrounding marijuana, conspiracy against the mayor, and staff members who are entangled in a murder case.


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0db0e9  No.16848539



Try "Jen Psaki hairy pussy mound" next

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100caf  No.16848586



This meme ventures into art.

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46c29c  No.16848626



two more weeks

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0db0e9  No.16848628



someone lost a sidearm…

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b5ee30  No.16848632



That bitch in that tweet made me sick the first time I saw it.

They are not human.

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c418b8  No.16848641



30 yrs.. and maxwell gets 20…this fuckin clown world sucks

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38d262  No.16848645




>The inhabitants of the earth will gloat over them and will celebrate by sending each other gifts…

By the way, gifts = presents.

>When evening comes, you say, ‘The weather will be fair, for the sky is red,’ and in the morning, ‘Today it will be stormy, for the sky is red and overcast.’ You know how to interpret the appearance of the sky, but not the signs of the times.

Looking Mighty stormy isn't it?

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5198ed  No.16848652



proves nothing, second post could have been a different password…..dumbfuck shillbitch whore motherfucker

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e9a289  No.16848653




I sorry and I love you for calling me out.

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37aff5  No.16848662



Face it, CRACKERS. Systemic racism is REAL, and because of that, Black men have barriers to the pursuit of happiness that you CUMSKINS don’t. For example, employers are less like to hire a Black man because of his skin color, and therefore, the oppressed man might be FORCED to commit crime just to be able to afford to live. You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about when it comes to crime stats, so PLEASE, sit your little dicks down and shut the fuck up.

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de66f6  No.16848672



Happy birthday, President Trump!!!

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a278fd  No.16848706



shill defunder

onus belongs on the power of the people in pure wealth number GOD FAMILY AND COUNTRY

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21149f  No.16848719



CIA faggot clowns and contractors can run a Tuskegee Airman 2.0 study and it's all good you're saying….GFY

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fabba1  No.16848722



17 5:5 (5) 5:5

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b5ee30  No.16848732



Probably typical "look here not there" disinformation…

Most of Q's posts are garbage, no longer have value, or are intentional misdirection.

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2a3686  No.16848750

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c78faf  No.16848793



Depends if ya a chick or not.

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2109cc  No.16848818



Dub dubs. Wrong kind of alien.

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fabba1  No.16848828


Norms hoping DeSantis will run. Maybe that's been the plan all along. Anon is expecting anything and everything.

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0b7652  No.16848833



We tried to tell them.

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c418b8  No.16848864



You think he was witness protection'd? Or you think the news story is entirely fake? Interesting. It could very well be.

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34d886  No.16848881



From These Roots - Harlem Renaissance

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7a22c4  No.16848889



They got Toots! Noooooooooo!

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7e3a21  No.16848892



Food Shortages and rising prices out of control?


POTUS is putting America on a diet


anon ponders weighing about 15 pounds less than couple months ago

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cbbb08  No.16848903



I mean…It would be a hell of a weekend to watch.

I think they are slow dripping the wins that will cause the crazies to spaz out to tire them out/get the real crazies out of the way/get them to reveal their plans early.

It will probably be held for when the Unselect Committee has another shame "trial"

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9302a2  No.16848915



Not sure what you know about me, but as of now I do not have an opinion as to "Q came back"

not until I see better proof, that is

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2dd688  No.16848920


==The conservatism of DeSantis and Abbott, of @benshapiro and @NRO

, is perfectly recognizable. It’s not the American conservatism of Reagan to Romney (which may well prove an anomaly in the history of conservatism), it’s the European conservatism of the 1920s and early 1930s.==


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1053ba  No.16848937

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9c491d  No.16848941



The country is on STAGE 6 power blackouts.

Ramaposa had millions of dollars under his couch.

Who will he side with Russia or G7?

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203576  No.16848953



They still don't need to be sending every person reported to a damn therapist.

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be9f6c  No.16848956




Going on now. kek.

is close to Mendon.


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2e21ab  No.16848957

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092243  No.16848958



>God dammned

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201108  No.16848981



I think it's adorable that he thinks he can overcome the Jewish surveillance state with some bullshit program he wrote in beginner Python.

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76c0f4  No.16848990




>on Hivemind, right

would that they all would migrate

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2a3686  No.16849003



More funner than laying in a tanning bed.

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e33a3b  No.16849014



Are we sharing family photo's now.

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a0e6a8  No.16849028


Admiral Kane

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95ffae  No.16849034


Yayyyy….I made a scary shooting video!

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eaf8b6  No.16849043



monkeypox (moneypox) is primarily a gay affliction due to their lifestyle choices

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f0f38d  No.16849062


winning is easy

division is so damn hard

smell it?

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3548bc  No.16849076


Since Chernobyl means Wormwood, one could next conclude that The Ukraine is mentioned in end-times prophecy ; have those goofy "doomsday clock" faggots updated their stupid clock? I'd bet not but not even checking because they are F&G scientists,

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d34d3c  No.16849100

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/06/2022 17:32:35

Truth Social: 108432664528072152

Billions and Billions of DOLLARS is being pulled out of NEW YORK STATE. Our Corrupt Attorney General must act now and do something to stop this from happening, because it is simply not sustainable!!!


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4646b7  No.16849109


Ministry of Health does nothing

When asked what the ministry is doing to ensure the reporting of side effects, Rauch replies that all responsibility lies with the doctors. So the Ministry of Health itself is doing absolutely nothing!

pt 5 of 5

original Austrian source:


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3b28b8  No.16849112


Verbum Vincet

“The logos will conquer”


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00db9a  No.16849131




06-Mar-2018 8:04:43 AM PSTQ !UW.yye1fxo8ch/qresearch




These peo>>16846163

ple are stupid.

Wait for Russia/China reports.



Strike 99999999.


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2e21ab  No.16849133


Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/28/2022 15:21:20

Truth Social: 108556719241046222

Will anybody ever be allowed to say that the Election was Rigged and Stolen? Will the Unselects EVER discuss that our Country is going to hell because of a fraudulent election? How about analyzing the Election Results?


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8c50ea  No.16849138



Just wait till they try to go back and delete the posts.

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174ce6  No.16849151


shill team alert.

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4aa86f  No.16849156


52 here. Trump was rite about it getting kewler

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e00a32  No.16849192

A hungry black bear met a sad end this week after becoming trapped inside a hot car.

A person renting a cabin in Sevierville, Tennessee, left their parked car around 10 a.m. on Wednesday and came back that evening to find the bear dead inside the vehicle, according to a statement from the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

“It appears that the bear got inside the car by using its teeth or paws to open the unlocked door and was trapped inside after the door shut behind it,” the statement said.

“Bears have noses 7 times better than a bloodhound…"


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ccfcfb  No.16849257



he's awful.

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574110  No.16849272


"BOOM" week was predicted by a certain anon and it finishes July 4th


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41a39f  No.16849278


It's not my opinion that Jim posted on this board the week prior and told anons to avoid insulting Judaism.

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4dc6b2  No.16849290

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a278fd  No.16849301



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27786a  No.16849302


Didn't mean to reply to yo; but if you're not married, then maybe that's a sign

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e36b0f  No.16849307


Well I became a father figure without a woman thus far, but I agree I do need a woman to become a father, and we will be happy!

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893445  No.16849326


The current news on Grayscale Crypto is very revealing.


-The latest blow came this week, when the Securities and Exchange Commission denied Grayscale’s bid to convert the trust into an ETF.

-SEC resisted a decision for a Grayscale Crypto spot ETF, citing potential manipulation on crypto exchanges among other issues.

How about those crypto account lockouts? Who do you even go after to recover the funds? As shady as banks are, at least you're insured for up to $100,000

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3d095f  No.16849335



>Mexican President To Meet with Joe Biden and Propose Western Hemisphere Union Just Like the EU

holy shit notable

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174ce6  No.16849339

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cb3ae1  No.16849360


After THIS bread anon needs all the Holy Spirit that is available. It's a LOT. Sounds pretty credible too. JFK told everyone about a vast conspiracy sworn to secrecy. Wish the man had been more specific but they would have thought he was crazy.


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2825ba  No.16849361


better make that first move to be white knight d4 to c6 to block black queen move to check on white king

then don't care what black move is

then white queen e5 to g7 for checkmate

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fd0639  No.16849366


why isn't anyone asking why Q is using TOR to post? What does that mean? Is TOR secure again?

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4dc6b2  No.16849370

Bread moving faster. Q post precursor wave?

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2d3721  No.16849374


And? What good does that do humanity?

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82e994  No.16849377

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a7fa41  No.16849395


you already posted fresh bread link, baker. is it still 751 posts per bread?

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912cbb  No.16849452


Baker, major resistance against this and following info, can't post follow ups until noted


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ac881c  No.16849472


… sick of this playin the man and not the ball shit. Can't get any uncooler.

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51496a  No.16849474





is compromised, anon

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446440  No.16849497

Hussein has now entered his fourth term as President.

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747b72  No.16849505

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446440  No.16849513


I find myself agreeing with you.

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1203ab  No.16849519





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747b72  No.16849521


So did you get the vax or not?

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735e3d  No.16849523




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4329ed  No.16849524

We all know about the Lion & the Lamb and how its changed in every printed bible to the Wolf & the Lamb….But I've been in this dig for the past week and am ASTONISHED about the number of changes in the past year (since I last looked at it) - Did you know that the Holy Bible now talks about eating thine children after boiling them? Or, how about the NUMEROUS instances of Unicorns in place of the wild oxen, or how about emojis in the text now?!?

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179cd5  No.16849528

Trump should rebrand his campaign 'America: Rebuild and Reinvent' It's no secret that Patriots (We, the People) are seeking to rebuild, not raze America.

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747b72  No.16849537


non-mossy post from Lauren. Maybe I be nicer to her

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912cbb  No.16849542





"Remember the "Harvest Festival" that seemed to be a start point of sorts? We are the harvest.

There is clear connectivity between criminal parties, illustrating the collusion of global governments in human slaving, trafficking, and harvesting.

Hunter Biden is a good thread to pull. From him, via 5 business partners, we can see the web between Hollywood/Disney, the "restaurant business", the "modeling business", Skull & Bones, the FBI, the MAFIA, the US Congress, Mega Group/Mossad, Alibaba, the CCP, Ukraine, Burisma, and Jeffrey Epstein.

1.Bevan Cooney Viper Room Co-owner, after Harry Morton died. Lindsay Lohans ex fiancee.

Morton bought it after Johnny Depp sold his interests, and his missing, pronounced dead co owner Fox's shares were sold. Fox was scheduled to appear in a lawsuit against his partner Johnny Depp regarding "suspicious accounting". Amber Heard stated under oath, Depp had this guy disappeared. Allegedly. Depp is

Disney's highest earning star.

2.Jason Galanis guilty in defrauding Sioux Nation.

3.*Devon Archer guilty in defrauding Sioux Nation.

4.Jason Sugarman suspected in disapearance of his assistant.

5.Chris Heinz's father is Skull & Bones AND a purveryor of some of the most used conndiments around, Heinz

Chris connects to Whitey Bulger. He connects to the MAFIA and the FBI and Robert Mueller. as does Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano. Gravano was arrested while under federal witness protection in Scottsdale, AZ for distribution of exstacy and financial crimes. Scottsdale, AZ is the location of Viper Room Holdings, LTD, current owner represetative for the Viper Room. John McStain territory.

Harry Morton was the heir to Morton's Steak House and Pink Taco before buying into Viper Room. He was allegedly engaged to Lindsay Lohan. Lindsay Lohan AND Devon Archer were Abercrombie & Fitch "models".

(For rent? Say the code, unleash the persona, perhaps? MANY famous people are/were AF 'models') Abercombie & Fitch was owned by Limited Brands, which isLes Wexner. Wexner is part of the MostOdd linked MEGA Group, with Edgar Bronfman, Robert Maxwell and others.

(What are Viper Room, Pink Taco, Mortons, The Standard, etc serving? To whom?)

Hunter/Joe Biden and the US Govt, and ALL GOVTS, appear to be clearly engaged in harvesting humans.

BHR Partners

Rosemont Seneca




Magvii (connects toJack Ma/Alibaba, which STILL HAS HUMAN ADRENOCROME FOR SALE). Magvii is an AI facial recognition company being used to HARVEST Uyghars in China.

BHR Partners is one of 25 to inject capital into Sinopec Marketing Co. of Beijing.

An "oil and gas" company…Not unlike Burisma in Ukraine.

They are farming and harvesting humans…and probably always have been. The Pharoah holds the tools of the farmer.

Can't say you didn't know now. media, politricksters, celebrities- many of them cannibal fiends. MANY. EVERYWHERE.

red cross. planned parenthood. biomedical waste. food and high sources."













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1203ab  No.16849550

Brave White Island survivor removes her compression mask for the first time after 30 months of treatment

not buying it

burns like this would have killed her


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747b72  No.16849554


ty note taker,

great notes.

you are a credit to anons and good to have yet another note taker standing up.

We are the news now, we hold the narrative

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820f9b  No.16849560


you see it coming.

what are you going to do

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7cceef  No.16849563


>Word mf.

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2803f0  No.16849572

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735e3d  No.16849573


Thank you very much Baker

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4329ed  No.16849574


morans, it's bleach blonde

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002a51  No.16849582


its…its all i have….

do we not actually have a glowing ginger mound?

how did that happen?

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7cceef  No.16849599



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747b72  No.16849606

ALL RvW rioters California is now a SANCTUARY state for abortions

Assembly Bill No. 1666


An act to add Section 123467.5 to the Health and Safety Code, relating to abortion, and declaring the urgency thereof, to take effect immediately.

[Approved by Governor June 24, 2022. Filed with Secretary of State June 24, 2022.]


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81ee47  No.16849615

I’m going to curb my enthusiasm and Prepare for a long violent summer. We are in the end stages. Now more than ever you need to have your head on a swivel. The rat is cornered and it’s not happy. I’m excited that Q returned on such a historic date. IMO. The only thing that would be more epic is the infamous Twitter post we’ve all been looking for.

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912cbb  No.16849629

Identify yourself you barbaric bastards. It's the only way. This has been done before.

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002a51  No.16849636


Good message anon.

So many have been brainwashed since birth and they don't even realize it.

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7cceef  No.16849637




thank you anons, archived,

Always willing to ask and learn

knowledge shared is knowledge spread


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51496a  No.16849644

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7cceef  No.16849659

Boots on the ground…Evening Report…June 11…Some of these are scary….Troubling times


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735e3d  No.16849666


>After relocating to New York City, Mashinsky ran a business trading contracts for delivery of chemicals such as urea, gold, and sodium cyanide. However, after the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the business slowed as exports of sodium cyanide from China fizzled. Mashinsky then worked at A+ Systems, a computer-based voicemail software company for phone carriers.

Mashinsky's company Q-Wireless is one of the four companies that made up Transit Wireless, a joint venture to install wireless cellphone and free Wi-Fi internet service in the New York City Subway system. It took Mashinsky three years to convince Metropolitan Transportation Authority to initiate a survey to determine if there was a demand for cell phone service inside the subway system and two more years for the authority to request a proposal. By 2010, his company had received a contract to install the service at 277 below-ground subway stations in New York City.

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81ee47  No.16849670












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2803f0  No.16849673

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9ae8ad  No.16849709


>Either you are a fucking idiot or you don't really believe a word you are saying.

Why can't it be both?

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c2fb36  No.16849710


Riiiiiiight Johnny. Fuck You!!!

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51496a  No.16849715


Russian Defense: More than 28 thousand tons of Western arms to Ukraine

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu announced Tuesday that the West continues to supply Kiev with weapons on a large scale, hoping to prolong the conflict in Ukraine, noting that the volume of military shipments supplied to Ukraine exceeded 28 thousand tons.

During a conference call, Shoigu said that the collective West, "hoping to prolong the conflict in Ukraine", continues to supply weapons to Kiev on a large scale, noting that more than 28 thousand tons of military shipments have already been delivered to the country.

The Russian Defense Minister stressed that part of the weapons supplied by the West to Ukraine goes to the Middle East and the black market.

$800 million aid package

Last Thursday, US President Joe Biden announced at a press conference after the NATO summit in Madrid that the United States will soon announce new military aid to Ukraine worth more than 800 million dollars.

According to Biden, the military aid promised to Ukraine by 50 countries includes hundreds of tanks, artillery systems, and hundreds of thousands of shells, and his allies around the world are making a tangible contribution [to Ukraine's aid].

The US president believes that approximately 140,000 anti-tank systems, 600 tanks, 500 artillery systems, and 600,000 shells will be delivered.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg reiterated, during a press conference after the conclusion of the NATO summit, his assertion to continue supporting Ukraine, calling on Moscow to withdraw its forces from Kiev and end the war.

On the other hand, Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev stressed today that the Russian special military operation in Ukraine will achieve its goals despite the United States and other Western countries providing military aid to Kiev.

Russia has previously sent a note to NATO countries against the background of supplying arms to Ukraine. The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergey Lavrov, indicated that any shipment containing weapons to Ukraine would become a legitimate target for Russia.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also stated that NATO countries were "playing with fire" by providing arms to Ukraine.

The spokesman for the Russian presidency, Dmitry Peskov, indicated that Ukraine's pumping of weapons from the West does not contribute to the success of the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations and will have a negative impact.


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e719be  No.16849729


>Democrats Have Become A Serious Threat To The Republic

pft, ya think.


* the hill

* msnbc

everyday is's same shit

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0d261f  No.16849730


>it thrusts it's fists against the post

>and still insists it see's the ghost

it thrusts it's fists against the post

and still insists it see's the ghost

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f4c9de  No.16849746


>flipping a switch

>Should the lights go out please know we are in control

Patriots are in control. Enjoy the show!

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a203d0  No.16849755


Go lecture your mother and don't tell me what to do. And Baker is old enough to make his own choices. Sharing news is not crime and this is a free speech board, I can share what I want with others. Grow some balls and don't let my presence in here bother you like the 5 years old that you are. It's not up to you to boot me out of here.

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0521c4  No.16849797


Collapse: Cassidy Hutchinson's Narrative Crumbles and Bannon Files Motion to Compel

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36e2e1  No.16849832



OK but here is a theory.

Ball of " " flies through space, cooling.

surface solidifies (evenly?)

ice top & bottom, slowly thaws, creates oceans.

What put the f'n great gash in the land masses? to creat Atlantic & pacific 'trenches" ?

Could it be that a big hunk of moon fell off, hit earth , putting couple of great dents in crust?

and now moon is like ball on end of string (gravity) because moon mass cog is offset?

What covered the sahara tropics with heaps sand?

This sh!t keeps me awake at night, while I await simple things to de-code, aka a q post :-0

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8d3518  No.16849848


probably. i was around a middle eastern guy and he smelled like curry so hard.

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6deb26  No.16849851


Damn, not looking good for Truth if Catturd is being censored.

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7d3691  No.16849858

Eric Trump/ @EricTrump

06/28/2022 09:59:49

Truth Social: 108555454997763971

I would be in jail…https://qagg.news/?read=TO18973

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6b3d09  No.16849860


Sick backpedal bro

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e2263e  No.16849865

NBA Uses Magnetic balls and rims

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ad1fcd  No.16849869


outlaw sodomy when.

it's all been a slippery slope since that

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7b1f42  No.16849881


BREAKING: Active shooter alert issued by Joint Base San Antonio Lackland. Authorities are responding to reports of gunshots heard off base

UPDATE: The San Antonio Police Department reported at 10:26 a.m. that patrol officers are investigating a “shots fired” call off Medina Base Road, just outside Lackland’s gate. According to SAPD, there is no active shooter on base at this time, and there is no threat to the public. Officers are still looking into the incident.

Initial report:

On Tuesday, June 14, at 10 a.m., an active shooter alert was issued for Lackland Air Force Base.

Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland was placed on lockdown due to reports of gunshots off-base.

JBSA said in a tweet that security forces and local law enforcement are responding to reports in the area of the base.

According to an email sent to employees, all facilities in the Southwest area of Valley Hi and Truemper are on lockdown, and people are advised to take cover, KSAT reported.

It is currently unknown whether anyone was injured or where the shots were fired.

ACTIVE SHOOTER ALERT (REAL WORLD) - Security forces and local law enforcement are currently responding to reports of gunshots heard off-base in the vicinity of Joint Base San Antonio - Lackland AFB. As more information becomes available, we will provide updated information.


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de22d4  No.16849884



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8d3518  No.16849894


I heard he was a marine at the scene.

At some point we will figure out who he actually is.

>Signs implying violence

>movement being violent

It actually does the opposite.

Just repeating some claim that makes no sense doesn't make them true.

All that shield does at best using imagination is implying violence AGAINST people that "Q sent", which is probably even true.

The shield is kinda weird, but it doesn't imply what you say at all. If it had one gun, you could say it implies armed conflict between 2 parties, but it doesn't.

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239f97  No.16849897





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6deb26  No.16849900

Take the wheel Jesus

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5685ff  No.16849902


###Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump###

06/25/2022 14:06:04

Truth Social: 108539436360743549


06/25/2022 13:25:52

Truth Social: 108539278264366253



Donald J. Trump reTruthed…




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09713f  No.16849905


I thought the dictionary was clear? Yes… politicians are on record wanting to legalize killing babies late term and post birth.



1. the crime of killing a child within a year of its birth (in some legal jurisdictions, specifically by the mother)

2. a person who kills an infant, especially their own child.

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36e2e1  No.16849924


SOPHIAwould be who we want to see.

Sophia is one of Gods Aeons. She rules the 4th realm of Heaven which is WISDOM.

She is the creator of the realm you currently reside in.

This is Christian teaching. What did Constantine name his first church? The church that anchored Christianity for 1000 years?

Think on the above. Our history has been altered, but even with THEIR history, how long has the Vatican stood? The church was split at the end of the 1000 year reign. East and west. And we know all about the power of "division".

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fe1582  No.16849964

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235d34  No.16849969


im listening

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c78faf  No.16849973


i feel something. thought it was indigestion… hmmmm

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48666a  No.16850004

LGBTQ activist attacked in Mexico by stone chucking man.

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d628c8  No.16850005



>Thanks because this is very helpful



Check out Q's return from 2019 blackout. (1st 3 pics)

Similar usage of Zero delta, Perfects, and 5:5 to confirm comms.

Almost the same method, only this time Dan was incorporated.

If you look at the relevant Q/Potus zero delta used from 2020 to confirm the most recent Q drops, it includes a reference to Dan.





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ce02a0  No.16850028


Thank you.

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192c5e  No.16850029

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fe91be  No.16850038


20' 3"

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2ac14c  No.16850042

QResearch Stores the True History of Events

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d2366b  No.16850883

The Federation of Light: Everything Is On Q


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85637e  No.16850885


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/25/2022 22:55:06ID: 3670e5

8kun/qresearch: 16521604

Anonymous 06/25/2022 21:56:54ID:3670e5

Post : 16520866

Who was "Jane Roe"?

How do you control generations of a populace?

50 years of conditioning.

50 years of propaganda.

50 years of lies.

Peaceful protests?


"Summer of Love" redux?

What happens when you corner an animal?


[D] power implosion.


Anonymous 06/25/2022 22:17:04ID:3670e5

Post : 16521137

Establishing comms.







Even though all three posts were on Tor with ID 000000, It seems to have the same ID of 3670e5… That tells you a hell of a lot.


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b5ee30  No.16850892

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.22


Saturday 06.25.2022


Friday 06.24.2022




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Find Q drops here

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* QMap & Mirrors PDF: SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Spreadsheet Timestamps/Deltas: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OqTR0hPipmL9NE4u_JAzBiWXov3YYOIZIw6nPe3t4wo/

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

Q Research




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44b736  No.16850897



Adds up to [30]


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5c11ee  No.16850899

The New Mexico primaries were not hopeful.

Michelle Lujan Grisham- Dem

Mark Ronchetti - Rep

Ronchetti is known throughout the state as Mark Wronghetti. He's an ex meterologist that got the weather wrong more than he got it right. He spent the winters touring ski resorts to do the weather report. I'm sure there was skiing involved. Good gig on the media's dime.

So NM has MLG (Biden's puppet) or Ronchetti,(crossfit guy/weathergirl)

Add to that the gerrymandering and NM is fucked again.


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0bae2a  No.16850902


Not the same ID

Try harder to kill yourself shill


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41ad7d  No.16850909

the urge to be on /qresearch/ to fight back against Jim's comped ass


the urge to run far far away from all retardation, to which i am deathly allergic



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b5c505  No.16850916



Reporters now saying a few Jews connected to Israel were hurt.

Watch how fast they close the case.


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d2366b  No.16850929

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74f52c  No.16850962

You are evolving at light speed, and yet, it is not fast enough for you! In a decade, you have made changes ~ personally and globally ~ that would have taken lifetimes before now. And yet… no patience!

We may talk of fire, but we have no desire to actually burn your souls or to scorch your hearts by moving too quickly. Care is taken. Infinite care of each precious heart. Timings are optimized to create the greatest, yet gentlest change.

J: Do you want to say more about that?

A: The Ascension of Gaia and humanity is a project that is millennia old. It has been handled with wisdom, care and a transcendent love for all involved during that millennia by a consciousness that is far greater than ours, a consciousness that knows every nuance of every human heart, across lifetimes and infinity.

Ascension evolves through that divine consciousness. If it were to evolve solely through the hands of humans, it would be a more chaotic, protracted and painful process, as the loudest voice would dictate the pace.

It is almost incomprehensible, the care, patience and timeliness involved in your ascension.

Beloved hearts: breathe!

Slow down and breathe.

All is evolving in perfect divine order, in a way that will bring joy and benefits beyond what you can imagine. Trust the divine consciousness, it has your backs, your fronts, your hearts and your histories… there is no detail unloved or unforgiven. Not one.


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092243  No.16850967




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7af501  No.16850971

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d2366b  No.16850973


>if you think that is insane

>just search

>self disseminating vaccine


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721d8a  No.16850974




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f83b27  No.16850977


picking up the GHOST BAKE


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d9acff  No.16850981


I am just looking around me


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f1d7bd  No.16850989


and yet…. here you are


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b5ee30  No.16850990


Kek the irony


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b5c505  No.16850997



>stands for NOTABLE AND FAKE

Alright, the jig is up


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3f182d  No.16851000


>damn now anon feels real old , i remember that shit

I figure that at least half of us here are oldfags, as in literally "old".


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762736  No.16851007


I wish he wouldn’t speak


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4253c0  No.16851008


Projection, Force, and Framing Tacticts



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d507ab  No.16851014


>You constantly post but don't speak openly. Tell them who the girl is coward.

No because like I said I will prefer to live a private life with my future wife, end of story.


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75f533  No.16851041

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830f20  No.16851042

Internet Explorer gone tomorrow.

Feels like a marker of sorts


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446f3d  No.16851045

Blocked from posting entering 'trip'. It would appear this board has been COMPROMISED.



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37a3a6  No.16851047

>le ebim














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ca8d25  No.16851049


Because its Adam Schiff. Keeek


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c19dd0  No.16851059


o7 I am honored to be in your archives


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7b01ff  No.16851061


I one day……….be your next day.

Just watch and learn.


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74f52c  No.16851062




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44b736  No.16851069


Cleaner Graphic to Share


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194473  No.16851071

I never wanna see her eyes rolling back to another man while she was with me. Not you Sarah. I wish. You're so happy 🙂 …. her. Fk ur technology. The choice to know is mine.


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3b9354  No.16851076


mass critical unlocked


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6da262  No.16851077

Donald J. Trump



A great afternoon with the Faith & Freedom Coalition in Nashville, Tennessee. Thank you!




President Donald Trump "We are going to take back our Country in November."

Jun 18, 2022, 24:04



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d2366b  No.16851078


> sweaty


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174ce6  No.16851087




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6f4699  No.16851092


Of course she's a grubby gruber.


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830f20  No.16851101

Caroline Kennedy officially sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to Australia.

U.S. Embassy Australia Tweet

“On Friday, I was sworn in as the U.S. Ambassador to Australia. I am grateful to President Biden for his leadership and for giving me the chance to represent America to our vital ally Australia" -Ambassador Kennedy (1/2)


"I am excited to work with @SecBlinken and colleagues in the State Department to implement U.S. policy in the Indo-Pacific at this critical time. Can’t wait to get there!” - Ambassador Kennedy




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4636fb  No.16851113


idk, i think it was the redtext faggot with the q drop copypasta but i just manually get rid of that myself since i get tired of having to scroll past that shit

only brought it up because bread was full, went to catalog, and saw it only at 690 something so it was over 70 posts


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ac881c  No.16851116

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3f182d  No.16851121


>demonize the entire race


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f33173  No.16851128


Wrong! Inflation is man made by the federal retard reserve. Period.


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549234  No.16851132

Buyer of Jeffrey Epstein’s Gulfstream Jet Regrets His Purchase

Thomas Huff claims that JEGE LLC, the company Epstein once controlled and which owns the plane, has been “damaged by the stigma” connected to sex offender.



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afac42  No.16851133


>earlier, icymi…


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6effdb  No.16851140

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a09697  No.16851152

This WebM should boost your mood.

Give it a try.


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2a3c58  No.16851155


That's exactly where it came from…some clever anon redid a still shot from the original video, hence the filename.


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d9acff  No.16851156


Your shitty graphic is incorrect, id-10-t.


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174ce6  No.16851159


>I don't know about everyone else, but I'm going to indulge a wee bit.

Sorry, you gotta share with the rest of us.


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e9a6f9  No.16851160


Congress Finds Even More Reasons To Disregard The Bill of Rights


There’s nothing so dangerous as a politician who undermines the Bill of Rights during a moment of tragedy or crisis. Those rights, set forth as the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution as a redundancy to make explicitly clear what is beyond the scope of the federal government’s enumerated powers, are not wishy-washy suggestions meant to be ignored during times of “emergency.” On the contrary, it is during such times when their safeguards become most critical.


After suffering a terrorist attack, or enduring the ravages of lockdowns, or reeling from the staggering loss of young murder victims, trading freedom for the alluring promises of peace and security is at once reckless and irresistible. That is why our first ten amendments are a necessary line in the sand, so to speak, a caution from one generation of Americans to the next about the dangerous predilection of ever-encroaching government power to descend toward outright tyranny.

In this way, the Bill of Rights represents both a prohibition against illegitimate government action and a kind of easily digestible warning label counseling ordinary citizens: should your government attempt to infringe these most basic rights, then you will know that your continuing freedom is in jeopardy.


The Ninth and Tenth Amendments’ dual assurances that “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people” and that “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people” were meant to redress this risk. The Bill of Rights, in other words, provides expansive protection for individual liberty, constrained only by those powers constitutionally delegated to the federal government.

This moral idea — that personal freedom should be maximized and government power minimized — has always been revolutionary. It recognized that all legitimate power first originates with the people before they voluntarily cede some of their power to a functioning government. Conversely, when Congress decides that it may disregard the express prohibitions set forth in the Bill of Rights in order to pursue its own policy preferences, then it resurrects that same system where those with power “rule” and those without power “obey.”

To have any value, individual rights must belong wholly to the people. If personal freedoms were understood as nothing more than “gifts” from the government to the people, then they would be reduced to mere “privileges” either granted or denied according to the state’s prerogative. For unalienable natural rights to have substantive meaning, they must be inherently possessed by individual Americans, immune from the vagaries of government whim.

For free speech, the right to self-defense, freedom from unreasonable search and seizure, and due process to protect Americans ably from the potential threats of government tyranny, they must exist irrespective of any government action seeking their dilution or outright abrogation. Whereas man-made laws may sway from side to side when a nation faces heavy winds, it is imperative that unalienable natural rights never bend.



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15b3d2  No.16851163

2022 Bilderberg Meeting began on

Thursday, June 2

and ended on

Sunday, June 5


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4c417a  No.16851165


Donald's endorsements, this is what important

the rest of this crazy shit currently posted on this board is all a distraction


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5cacf9  No.16851167

President Trump: The Biden administration should try going in and dismantling the Crips, the Bloods, MS-13. How about BLM? How about antifa, and the other savage streetgangs who are turning our communities into warzones? It's as if we live in a third-world nation. This is not our country what's happening. All democrat-run cities.


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b5c505  No.16851178


4 ALL!


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203a44  No.16851179

Jan. 6 Theater is Pushing Swing State Voters Away From Dems: REPORT

<June 20, 2022



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37a3a6  No.16851180


Maybe it was for someone and something outside your scope of view. Maybe someone who once served their country and knows the game better than even the Illuminati. Maybe 11.3 was confirmed in a small way. Maybe that game is "God Wins". It would be too hard for anyone to understand the discourse without Revelation(s) of which only God can give. Maybe the discourse on Nein is true. Maybe the planets are aligning by cause and affect. Maybe someone's understanding doesn't end in another one's belief. May be.


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0cc2dc  No.16851182

Like shooting fish in a barrel. ID+


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4636fb  No.16851183


any anons turn this into a clear png yet?


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291e60  No.16851189

Whether you like it or not, we are living on…


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7b01ff  No.16851195




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74f52c  No.16851199


Libtards are disgusting.


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885ffa  No.16851204


movie "Kindergarten Cop" was made

right around the time that there was a big

push to teach kids as young as 5 about drugs

might have been well intended

but there are some drawbacks

reporting parents to the police for smoking pot?

freaking young kids out about gangs

telling kids "the cool kids do that but you can't"

might make kids curious about what the fun is in it

never liked Arnold after that



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092243  No.16851207



Bannon live


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d507ab  No.16851210

Dr. Zev (Vladimir) Zelenko is in hospital, end stage cancer and is struggling as he wages his greatest battle; please join in prayers for this great patriot; please ask our lord to receive him

Please offer him up in prayer so that he can make it, he has some more good work to do



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ddaaab  No.16851212




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6effdb  No.16851217


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [15.06.22 13:14]

[ Photo ]

Watch the Chinese puppet organization WHO use the guise of racism to rebrand monkeypox with an intimidating name.

Their end goal is to control the world with fears of another pandemic, and "monkeypox" is not scary enough.



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ee39c7  No.16851224

nazis & skinheads & klan bigots groom children


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b5ee30  No.16851225

Was that tiny kitty named me new jack or keanu?


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4c417a  No.16851232


I've lost 12 family members and my father is laying the hospital because they didn't listen and took the jab.

The vax is 100% killing people and only a dolt would pretend otherwise.


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483c2c  No.16851238



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75f533  No.16851241

The Truth Tour event starts today at 3 PM at the VFW.

VFW Post #5867

12650 Lindo Lane

Lakeside, CA 92040

I'll be there to speak. Please stop by and say hi.

The Truth Tour -> three tees -> t cubed




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b5ee30  No.16851250


Just send in the community councilors. They can probably get a gas voucher from a slush fund.


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762736  No.16851251


thats good

tom is one of the few i can still stomach


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b95eae  No.16851255


once one quotes marky mark it is time to do a flip



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b5c505  No.16851259


heres an original idea

why not create a great political bereau of delegates you choose and call it a politburo? and have msmDrag show


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dbc17f  No.16851265


What if they have executed only the clones?


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291e60  No.16851266




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51496a  No.16851269


ooooo Twice in one thread. You must be serious.

What kind of pics does hotwheels have of you?


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ac881c  No.16851271

My life has been what it is, but a new beginning awaits me and that's beyond any expectations I could have because I always thought it was a dream! My dreams are going to come true and I am going to be the happiest man in the World!!!


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9ddc7c  No.16851274


I bet WEF is even saying WTF


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74f52c  No.16851277



"the congressman from koch brothers" was known to the conservatives in kansas also

pompeo is a slimeball war monger

people here say

"watch joe biden brag about the no billion dollars to ukraine unless you fire the prosecutor"

then when pompeo laughs as he says he lied, cheated and stole

it's all disinformation is necessary around here



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549234  No.16851278



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194473  No.16851285


Tucker Carlson shows how Democrats have spent 18 months rounding up 'dissidents'

Agenda showcases 'how our system of government has been weaponized'

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published June 30, 2022 at 5:43pm


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2a3c58  No.16851304

After being gang stalking cocksuckers affiliated with tax paid alphabet agencies conveniently circumventing law….you tell me to “tread carefully” again I am gonna fucking snap and make damn sure your bloodline does not see the fucking light of day again. You hear me little pussy fuck?


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71d4d8  No.16851311




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eaf8b6  No.16851315


No it isn't


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830f20  No.16851317


Nice, anon!


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5cacf9  No.16851320




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aaa225  No.16851326


only if it's non-gmo corn.

can't be too careful, y'know?


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4636fb  No.16851329

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5419a6  No.16851332



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762736  No.16851333


Roger that

We're in the Pipe


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4253c0  No.16851335


"When the enemy comes in, like a flood, the Lord raises up a standard against him."



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7b01ff  No.16851351




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88fa71  No.16851354


Came to that conclusion long ago IF I'm ACTUALLY taking anything they say at face value.

Should I know who that B?


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ac881c  No.16851355


oare cat de mult te iubesc?!?!


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9ddc7c  No.16851358


Yeah I have that one too but last week an anon cried at me because “anon” was too close to the “Q_” so anon gave me the old “there is no Qanon” which I get, but that pic has the _ underscore separating the Q and the anon. Whatever!


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74f52c  No.16851364

Awake the Crapper looks like a cgi image

Human sloth


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ddaaab  No.16851365

thank you World for helping America



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a4fc25  No.16851373


stupid fucking nationalist flag.


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