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2de2db  No.16759216 [Last 50 Posts]

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


Q's Latest Posts

Wednesday 06.29.2022

>>16552853 ————————————–——– What is at stake? Who has control? SURPRISE WITNESS. Who is Cassidy Hutchinson? Trust the plan.

Saturday 06.25.2022

>>16521604 rt >>16520866, >>16521137 —— Established. (Who was "Jane Roe"? 50 years of conditioning.)

Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

>>16505677 rt >>16505361 ———–––——–— It had to be done this way.

>>16504957 ————————————–——– Shall we play a game once more?

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2de2db  No.16759235


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16746254 Aggregator Anons Please Contact BV Triple-A NEW

>>16747430 Know your bunkers NEW

>>16756985, >>16757023, >>16757103 ResignationAnon NEW

BAKERS, please remember to LEAVE A SPACE after Notables are not endorsements NEW


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2de2db  No.16759238


>>16758491, >>16758496, >>16758503 Anon dig on "YMCA" song from rallies

>>16758518, >>16758540, >>16758629 EU insists Moscow will yield under pressure of imposed sanctions

>>16758520 FOIA lawsuit demands records about Dr. Fauci's wife's health-agency job

>>16758528 California School Board Considering Putting Planned Parenthood Clinic on HIGH SCHOOL CAMPUS

>>16758531 Fifty years ago this month, women entered the #FBI Training Academy in Quantico, Virginia, for the first time

>>16758537, >>16758177 pb US DALLAS decommissioning date/location discrepancy

>>16758542 Donbass (2016) - Documentary by Anne-Laure Bonnel, with English subtitles

>>16758545, >>16758545, >>16758623, >>16758626, >>16758659, >>16758743, >>16758781, >>16758801 ZULU82

>>16758582 US National Guard soldiers deploying to Germany to train Ukrainians

>>16758617 Does Biden's White House Press Secretary not know who Justice Clarence Thomas is?

>>16758631 Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s article «Staged incidents as the Western approach to doing politics»

>>16758655 Research on homosexual teachers from 1985

>>16758661 Dan Scavino Truth

>>16758678 China Has Dumped Over $100 Billion Of US Treasuries In The Last 6 Months

>>16758679 Nord Stream turbine on its way to Germany

>>16758684 U.S. Public Health Agencies Aren't Following the Science

>>16758706 U S Marshalls raid AMISH over FOOD

>>16758716 U.S. Senate Democrats plan bill aiming to restore 'net neutrality'

>>16758727 Jury selection begins in Alex Friedmann trial

>>16758733 Panama: MASSIVE PROTESTS in Panama Over Skyrocketing Inflation, Demonstrators Block Roads

>>16758748, >>16758750, >>16758770 Molly Jong-Fast DIG

>>16758784 Arizona: Kelly Townsend Took Taxpayer Money, Cash from Pfizer to Fund Campaigns

>>16758805 Plane flips in Somolia

>>16758818 January 6 Committee to Receive ‘Deleted’ Text Messages From Secret Service This Week

>>16758823 Twitter Filing Dismisses Musk's "Irrelevant Sideshow" Ahead Of Hearing-By-Zoom After Judge Catches COVID

>>16758833 Former PM Scott Morrison: ‘Don’t trust in governments’

>>16758851 Statue that replaced General Lee in New Orleans is a doozy

>>16758865 Price of oil soars after Biden fails to clinch production deal with Saudis

>>16758915 Who Will They Get to Do the Tyrants' Dirty Work?

>>16758974, >>16759000 military reports

>>16759019 Baby formula shortage getting worse

>>16759036 Sundance on Ukraine cargo plane crash

>>16759039 🚨NEW: Sasol Outage Means All South African Oil Refineries Are Now Shut Down

>>16759059 PF reports

>>16759067 NYC plans to delay second doses of monkeypox vaccine

>>16759088 Doctors give 'gender card' to children, offer to keep identifiers secret from parents

>>16759112 Biden DOJ, which is prosecuting Trump supporters for "parading" in US Capitol, won't prosecute leftist Colbert staffers….

>>16759116 Dem Rep. Says It’s Not Only Women That Can Have Babies

>>16759177 Nancy Pelosi Responds After Husband’s Recent Stock Purchases

>>16759213 #21139

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2de2db  No.16759243


>>16757707 Dough

>>16757803 China is preparing for the attack on Taiwan (CAPS)

>>16757874 Anon wants to know, Who introduced 'Evil' into the world?

>>16757931 Secretary for Health Rachel Levine: We need to “empower” kids to go on puberty blockers and get sex reassignment surgery.

>>16757942 LGBT ‘propaganda’ faces complete ban in Russia

>>16757961 @SpaceForceDoD A great milestone and a well-deserved congratulations @DefenceAust

>>16757966, >>16757973 CIA report says it's better to assassinate leaders than to imprison them #NelsonMandelaDay

>>16757988 UK - "the runway has melted."

>>16758043 Missouri AG Eric Schmitt blasts FBI for seeking concealed carry permit information #leakincoming

>>16758067 @IDF Our mission will always be to protect the people of Israel from any threat.

>>16758117 Rep. Jody Hice subpoenaed in Georgia election investigation

>>16757973, >>16758132 Harry Says Photo of Diana Meeting Nelson Mandela Is 'In My Heart Everyday

>>16758174 "Jared and Ivanka" is trending on @Twiter

>>16758063 Gender activists push to bar anthropologists from identifying human remains as ‘male’ or ‘female’

>>16758209 Anon Calls for Moar Sauce on Covid and the Courts

>>16758232 @realDonaldTrump Can This be Happening…

>>16758234 USS DALLAS Decommissioning date/location discrepancy

>>16758258, >>16758239, >>16758274 @realDonaldTrump Bidens Latin Approval is Down

>>16758240 Has Pfizer Taken Over Our Health Policies?

>>16758319 USGO Gas prices have been dropping for 34 days straight

>>16758331 Investigating trends in those who experience menstrual bleeding changes after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination

>>16758343, >>16758351, >>16758378 Military Bun

>>16757777, >>16757820, >>16757927, >>16758016, >>16758195, >>16758191, >>16758194, >>16758322, >>16758368 Memes of the Thread

>>16758352 Martial Law Incoming?

>>16758366 Brandon Falls now trending

>>16758449 #21138

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2de2db  No.16759247


>>16756972 Dough

>>16756977 Donald J. Trump Courts Rule States Did Not Follow Their Own Election Laws In 2020

>>16756210, >>16756241, >>16756255, >>16756280, >>16756433, (OB) 5G topic digs missing from Qresear.ch, the forgotten topic

>>16757013 Zelenskyy's wife is in DC meeting with Secretary of State Blinken?

>>16757022 A Federal Judge Will Hear Evidence Against The Use Of Electronic Voting Machines In Arizona

>>16757028 A federal court has granted Missouri and Louisiana discovery in a lawsuit against the Biden Administration

>>16757042 Calgary firefighters launch $38 million lawsuit against city and fire department over COVID jab mandates

>>16757045 Victoria’s Secret Is Going Broke After Making the Mistake of Going Woke

>>16757047 Italians CELEBRATE as News Breaks Out of Prime Minister Mario Draghi's Resignation

>>16757051 Moar Prime Ministers Stepping Down?!!!

>>16757054 CDC Directs LGBT Children to Secretive Chats About Sex Changes, Activism, the Occult

>>16757056 Belgian Foreign Minister Sophie Wilmes has resigned.

>>16757069 Tucker Carlson and Hunter Biden are friends?

>>16757076 The Supreme Court In The US Has Ruled That The Covid Pathogen Is Not A Vaccine

>>16757024 3rd arrest made in alleged Colorado election security breach

>>16757146 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

>>16757165 Announcing Ivana’s death, Trump wrote, “She was a wonderful, beautiful and amazing woman who led a great and inspirational life."

>>16757167 BBC photographer claims to have 'shocking photo of Prince Andrew that could rock monarchy'

>>16757177 Maricopa County Offering $1,750 Bonuses to Temporary Election Workers

>>16757189 #21136

>>16757293 In case you missed it, Dominion Software Net Access Proof MP4

>>16757305 @NatReconOfc #space #poll #trivia

>>16757319 Andrew sex tape source profile

>>16757256 Anon feelz 'Watch the water' is a reference to ourdrinking water

>>16757035, >>16757036, >>16757333 Macron ordered to resign after "Secret Deal" investigation into changing French Law

>>16757332 The Netherlands Firefighters join the farmers in solidarity to fight the globalist agenda. MP4

>>16757447 NSO Group 'throwing cash' at lobbyists to get off US blacklist?

>>16757449 @spaceforcedod wouldn’t be successful without Cyber Warfare Operations Officers.

>>16757441 China demands the United States to immediately cancel its latest arms sale to Taiwan.

>>16757500 Police Chief: 22-Year-Old Who Killed Mall Shooter Is ‘Hero of the Day’

>>16757529, >>16757540, >>16757605, >>16757625, >>16757649, >>16757654, >>16757668 Military Bun

>>16757536 MSNBC’s Tur: ‘People Dont Trust Us — They Don’t Believe Us’

>>16757542 @USMarshalsHQ Sezgin Baran Korkmaz, a Turkish businessman, was extradited from Austria to face money laundering

>>16757569 On this day in 1921, spaceflight legend John Glenn was born.

>>16757480 More than 400 @USNationalGuard members throughout four states are engaged or preparing for wildfire season.

>>16757221, >>16757630 DC Prisoners - BO: They are real

>>16757671 Anon Opine How the uniparty works:

>>16757089, >>16757093, >>16757071, >>16757154, >>16757245, >>16757282, >>16757322, >>16757349, >>16757353, >>16757513, >>16757524 Memes of the Thread

>>16757685 #21137

Previously Collected

>>16756063 #21135, >>16757189 #21136

########## #21132, >>16754908 #21133, >>16755271 #21134

>>16751546 #21129, >>16752882 #21130, >>16754309 #21131

>>16749143 #21126, >>16750444 #21127, >>16751141 #21128

>>16463405 Notables Bread #14: Gonna Rise Up

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com | https://qresear.ch | https://qproofs.com

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2de2db  No.16759254

File: e94f3c9ad5defb7⋯.png (117.99 KB, 240x360, 2:3, night_shift_old_timey.png)




must step down in a few

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67ffeb  No.16759258

File: 80671376f24f944⋯.png (427 KB, 442x549, 442:549, pepe_naughty14.png)



Board is borked…. so stay cool frenz.

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023458  No.16759269


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91347b  No.16759270

File: 1a7b72eb7e9f973⋯.png (737.09 KB, 750x925, 30:37, 1a7b72eb7e9f973efc9d35a4c7….png)

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023458  No.16759271

File: b71cfa3324d1ffc⋯.png (69.15 KB, 300x250, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


this ID is mine, don't touch it

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ec7b8f  No.16759272

File: c06890d05d54848⋯.png (37.99 KB, 308x305, 308:305, ThankQ_Baker.png)

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023458  No.16759273

File: 6a921e12259dc47⋯.jpg (44.29 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ZomboMeme_03032022225055.jpg)

File: 5afba898e766960⋯.jpg (38.71 KB, 544x395, 544:395, ZomboMeme_25022022205823.jpg)

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59810b  No.16759274

File: afab3161ad70df0⋯.png (1.04 MB, 960x673, 960:673, 5n6b2v652654654.png)

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0c9a41  No.16759275

File: 3ee3565de496683⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6d49_1.jpg)

File: 3ee3565de496683⋯.jpg (55.21 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6d49_1.jpg)

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54d4bf  No.16759276

Outgoing UK prime minister Boris Johnson claims 'deep state' wants to undo Brexit, reiterates pangolin COVID origin theory in latest speech to Commons

UK prime minister Boris Johnson, who announced his resignation on July 7 and who will remain in office for seven more weeks, gave a fiery speech to the House of Commons on Monday, recalling his accomplishments in his three years as prime minister, predicting that the "deep state" will not succeed in undoing Brexit, and reiterating that COVID may have originated from Chinese pangolins.

In one of his final addresses to the Commons as prime minister, Johnson enumerated all the "very remarkable" successes the Tories have had under his leadership, especially Brexit and the government's handling of COVID-19.

"We got Brexit done and though the rejoiners and the revengers were left plotting and planning and biding their time – and I’ll have more to say about the events of the last few weeks and months in due course – we delivered on every single one of our promises," he said.

But he also issued a warning to his opponents in the Labour Party and in "the deep state": Brexit is here to stay.

"Some people will say as I leave office, they will say, 'This is the end of Brexit,'" he told MPs, "'and [that] the Leader of the Opposition (Sir Keir Starmer) and the deep state will prevail in its plot to haul back us into alignment with the EU as a prelude to our eventual return.'

"We on this side of the House will prove them wrong," he pledged.

He also claimed that Starmer has repeatedly attempted to "overturn the will of the people" regarding Brexit and that, given the chance, he and the Labour Party and deep state would attempt to do so again if Starmer were made prime minister.

However, Starmer insisted earlier this month that, should he succeed Johnson, he would not try to undo Brexit.

“So let me be very clear: with Labour, Britain will not go back into the EU. We will not be joining the single market. We will not be joining a customs union,” Starmer said.

In his speech, Johnson also weighed in on his government's accomplishments during COVID, which he said likely originated in a Chinese wet market.

COVID was "[a] pandemic that was global, whose origins we do not fully understand but were nothing to do with the British people — and if anything the result of distant misbehavior involving bats or pangolins — and whose spread was appallingly difficult to manage, and this Government never gave up through wave after wave," Johnson remarked in his speech (emphasis added).

Johnson is likely to step down officially on September 6. Fellow conservatives Rishi Sunak, Penny Mordaunt, Liz Truss, Kemi Badenoch and Tom Tugendhat are now attempting to become the leader of the Tory Party.


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042e65  No.16759277


>don't touch it

You have no idea how badly I want to touch it.

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cc4d6b  No.16759278


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67ffeb  No.16759279

File: 46992cc88b5ed96⋯.jpg (280.13 KB, 1440x1792, 45:56, e9rq684lx5z81.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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91347b  No.16759280

File: c2d703fad8fda8e⋯.png (313.42 KB, 451x480, 451:480, pepe_pretty.png)

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061c40  No.16759281

File: 925a56c42dbf11e⋯.png (516.23 KB, 465x378, 155:126, capture_261_18072022_15545….png)

File: e58290da1130dfc⋯.png (886.96 KB, 571x529, 571:529, capture_258_18072022_15330….png)

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cc4d6b  No.16759282



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ec7b8f  No.16759283

Josh Hawley Seeks to Ban Federal Contracts for China-Linked Consulting Firms

A plan by Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) would prohibit the United States federal government from awarding contracts to China-linked consulting firms.

The legislation, called the Time to Choose Act, would prohibit the Department of Defense and other federal agencies from dishing out contracts to U.S. consulting firms that contract with the Chinese government, Chinese Communist Party, or subsidiaries.

“The fact that these consultants are awarded huge contracts by our Defense Department and other federal agencies, while they are simultaneously working to advance China’s efforts to coerce the United States is appalling and completely unacceptable,” Hawley said.

“It is well past time that we hold these companies accountable and prohibit this kind of conflict of interest in government contracting,” he continued.

In addition, Hawley’s legislation would impose penalties on consulting firms that attempt to hide or misrepresent their affiliations with the Chinese government. They would also be banned from receiving future contracts.

Likewise, the legislation would terminate existing federal contracts with firms working for China and require those firms to pay fines in the sum of three times what the U.S. government spent on their contract.

Most recently, McKinsey & Company was found to be working for China-owned corporations while also holding federal contracts with the United States government. Since 2008, the firm has received nearly $900 million in taxpayer money via contracts.


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3a0bf7  No.16759284

Ukraine – Zelenski appoints Vasil Maliuk as interim head of Ukraine’s intelligence services

Zelenski argued that around 60 staff members of the Prosecutor General's Office and the SBU "remained in the Russian-occupied territories and collaborated with the Russians."

Already on Monday, Zelensky has revealed in his evening message that 28 SBU officials at different levels of the intelligence organization have been dismissed, though for "similar reasons - unsatisfactory work results."


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042e65  No.16759285

File: ba4337d32556a83⋯.jpg (186.31 KB, 1200x915, 80:61, 000_baker.jpg)

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59810b  No.16759286

File: a17fcf6c8f88990⋯.png (860.59 KB, 817x573, 817:573, 9861f0fb93d2898e7e7782eb40….png)

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3a0bf7  No.16759287

File: 58d5384598993b0⋯.jpg (141.33 KB, 965x716, 965:716, maliuk.jpg)

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208c26  No.16759288

File: 33bc5d43137f5d0⋯.jpg (61.49 KB, 500x672, 125:168, 6n5wec.jpg)

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023458  No.16759289

File: 408f938f5f14bc1⋯.png (992.04 KB, 774x744, 129:124, ClipboardImage.png)


pangolin dindu nuffin

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042e65  No.16759290


No. That's what a real woman looks like.

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9c872b  No.16759291

Joos territory about to go up to 2,000 plus degrees F.

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042e65  No.16759292

File: 2e50a234ab3f878⋯.jpg (58.63 KB, 700x699, 700:699, j6xz4zy9jdb91.jpg)

Sharing IDs, post counts fluctuating, jumping to random boards when trying to post. The fuck you got your guys doing, Jim?

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d99f8d  No.16759293

File: e39ff75bb237d8e⋯.jpeg (285.89 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, Justin_Trudeau_Meme_05.JPEG)

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ec7b8f  No.16759294

File: 5db9f7394982593⋯.png (69.94 KB, 671x576, 671:576, ClipboardImage.png)

Federal Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s Effort to Allow Males to Compete in Women’s Sports

A federal judge has blocked the Biden administration’s recent rules giving gays and transgender people extended rights in schools and the workplace because Biden’s regulators bypassed a critical requirement of federal law that must be satisfied before issuing such a regulation: giving the public notice of the regulation, time to file comments, and forcing the agency to respond to those comments.

U.S. District Judge Charles Atchley Jr. agreed with 20 state attorneys general that the regulations may infringe on states’ rights and could be seen as having been improperly drawn. Atchley blocked the implementation of the rules until a lawsuit addressing the changes could be resolved, the Associated Press reported.

“The APA sets different procedural requirements for ‘legislative rules’ and ‘interpretive rules’: the former must be promulgated pursuant to notice-and-comment rulemaking; the latter need not,” the judge wrote.

“If an agency attempts to issue a legislative rule without abiding by the APA’s procedural requirements, the rule is invalid.”

Atchley continued, “Notice and comment gives affected parties fair warning of potential changes in the law and an opportunity to be heard on those changes—and it affords the agency a chance to avoid errors and make a more informed decision.

“As demonstrated above, the harm alleged by Plaintiff States is already occurring — their sovereign power to enforce their own legal code is hampered by the issuance of Defendants’ guidance and they face substantial pressure to change their state laws as a result,” the Trump-appointed judge wrote.

The request to block the rules was filed by the attorneys general of the states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, and West Virginia.

“The directives regarding discrimination based on sexual orientation was issued by the U.S. Department of Education and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission in June,” the AP added, “following a landmark civil rights decision by U.S. Supreme Court in 2020 that, under a provision called Title VII, protects gay, lesbian and transgender people from discrimination in the workplace.”


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208c26  No.16759295

File: 1c01dd4101d5001⋯.jpg (72.76 KB, 500x544, 125:136, 6n6ap2.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759296


Looks like we are sharing ID's.





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023458  No.16759297

File: d137563c12dc909⋯.jpeg (156.25 KB, 709x595, 709:595, d137563c12dc909b1c40d215c….jpeg)

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67ffeb  No.16759298

File: 4edb38f46a0d2dc⋯.jpg (10.86 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

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d99f8d  No.16759299

File: 7ce376be89a30b7⋯.jpeg (244.76 KB, 956x555, 956:555, Justin_Trudeau_Meme_01.JPEG)

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cc4d6b  No.16759300


>No. That's what a real woman looks like.


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208c26  No.16759301

File: 5b38d9f3e2ca183⋯.jpg (53.35 KB, 960x918, 160:153, CDyLNb5UkAAeae1.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759302

File: c9e97b48164c28c⋯.png (553.86 KB, 819x628, 819:628, ClipboardImage.png)

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2de2db  No.16759303

File: 0bf5b790d02515c⋯.png (138.81 KB, 375x250, 3:2, ghost_bake.png)



- do not be afraid

- be brave, step up & bake or note

- have a good time


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ec7b8f  No.16759304

File: cd075badd3d40cb⋯.png (200.21 KB, 495x348, 165:116, ClipboardImage.png)

The board deciding what ID to give you…

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09ebc1  No.16759305


checked. girlfriend won't put out?

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b36ab7  No.16759306

File: 102dc63032e6806⋯.png (568.07 KB, 960x711, 320:237, JewDemonRats.PNG)

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042e65  No.16759307

File: 2d3afd0997c7b83⋯.jpeg (99.65 KB, 533x800, 533:800, C57D5AF7_7570_4101_979D_8….jpeg)

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208c26  No.16759308

File: d24f2e23fc01c99⋯.jpg (45.4 KB, 320x345, 64:69, d24f2e23fc01c998cb3e1b648d….jpg)

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09ebc1  No.16759309


i like it better this way tbh

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cc4d6b  No.16759310



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703724  No.16759311

File: 32e570f9ec4664a⋯.jpeg (627.33 KB, 750x826, 375:413, 20BD728A_5E6D_4A4B_BE36_4….jpeg)


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d22889  No.16759312



Show me potato salad

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aa02e0  No.16759313

with ID sharing they can post some illegal shit and you will get blamed for it.

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9c872b  No.16759314


Does Biden want to swap definitions of the color black and white?

Now is the time.

Let’s make up mean down too.

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91347b  No.16759315

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c8fabb  No.16759316

File: 6f4e105e842a794⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 463x320, 463:320, elvisf22.JPG)

File: 45073df4175d1c5⋯.png (263.04 KB, 1038x667, 1038:667, fia22_3.png)

>>16759254 TYB ELVis f22???


>>16759140 LB

>>16759055 LB

>>16758780 LB

terrible sorry I meant to post this one Thanks again Painter/Anon

>>16758780 Lb

>>>16758816 LB

>>16759056 LB

>>>16758743 LB

>>16758762 LB

>>16758771 LB

>>16758799 LB

>>16758801 LB

>>16759140 LB

>>16759170 LB

>>16759055 LB

>>16759056 Lb

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042e65  No.16759317

File: cb485453dbc6071⋯.jpeg (60.8 KB, 650x471, 650:471, cb485453dbc60719dcf69ffd0….jpeg)

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67ffeb  No.16759318

File: ba096923a645983⋯.mp4 (3.63 MB, 720x720, 1:1, ba096923a645983724fee9ffb1….mp4)

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ec7b8f  No.16759319

File: a15da1cae2236fc⋯.jpeg (443.18 KB, 750x1140, 25:38, 5CF68CCE_ACC8_46A5_8088_D….jpeg)



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4f42d2  No.16759320

Hi there, I am a social media influencer who is new to your site and I like what you guys are doing!, I have over 60k followers since the first couple skits while leading the nurses station in the e.r. unit. I would like to portray your work in some MAJOR media influencing skits, interpretive dance, and effective drama suggestion. I am eager to learn more about what you do in here! :)

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92a479  No.16759321

File: fcd3bc159432daf⋯.png (375.76 KB, 353x469, 353:469, cheney_cheney.png)

>>16759204 LB

Keeping it in the family

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042e65  No.16759322


Protecting. It's his job.

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61c896  No.16759323

File: 03ffe8edd77569d⋯.jpg (561.77 KB, 1182x1920, 197:320, 03ffe8edd77569d45350a5df7a….jpg)


Did it ever occur to you that the "Saving Israel for last" part that Q was talking about was this? The bullshit from you losers? It really must suck to be you on a day to day basis. Do your kids look at you with pride in their eyes or shame?

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c93d0e  No.16759324

File: 265383c54e94281⋯.png (8.26 KB, 490x199, 490:199, Whats_this_Chinese_Gaynes.png)

What's this Chinese Gayness?

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96cc02  No.16759325


It's 30 years ago!!!

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67f433  No.16759326

>>16758827 (lb)

Is this Andy Ngo?

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0c9a41  No.16759327

File: 8c6dd8ba064cabf⋯.jpg (59 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6d49.jpg)

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208c26  No.16759328


try deleting system32

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023458  No.16759329

File: 3a3a8f89336825b⋯.jpg (52.79 KB, 577x412, 577:412, etdfcgvjbkljjhgd.jpg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759330


this is a war zone

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042e65  No.16759331

File: 6886e67699d2bf4⋯.png (786.36 KB, 616x562, 308:281, ClipboardImage.png)

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715a2d  No.16759332

File: 159d6129ea77357⋯.jpeg (128.83 KB, 1242x1242, 1:1, FX437q7WYAA2R7B.jpeg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759333


Somehow I have your posting ID

I think the site is messed up or out IP addresses are on the same VPN..

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67ffeb  No.16759334


tits or gtfo

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208c26  No.16759335

File: 6eac2614d6069f8⋯.jpeg (108.8 KB, 882x901, 882:901, zGkxrvNr.jpeg)

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042e65  No.16759336


Are you Jewish or hold dualism citizenship?

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67ffeb  No.16759337

I don't care if I sound like a shilltard but I just wanna say that I can't believe DJT and ghost crew are letting the hardworking Americans in this country suffer. The same people he pledged to stand by and support can't pay rent and put food on the table at the same time. Everybody knows Tater wasn't elected so why wait so long? We are SUFFERING ffs.

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ec7b8f  No.16759338




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042e65  No.16759339

File: 09646a2cc8d4f1b⋯.png (331.6 KB, 709x738, 709:738, 09646a2cc8d4f1b6cffa8030a0….png)

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91347b  No.16759340


Lurk moar

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aa02e0  No.16759341

File: 30ca3a6d477671b⋯.webm (886.16 KB, 480x480, 1:1, slap_slap.webm)


We watch Michelle Obama twerk videos.

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67ffeb  No.16759342

File: 733798c62e7102b⋯.png (749.61 KB, 1284x636, 107:53, JewTraffickers.png)


Democrat-Run = Jew Infested.

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042e65  No.16759343

File: f5f1e059a6a566a⋯.jpg (120.77 KB, 1024x817, 1024:817, 1657331794743.jpg)


>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32



>try deleting system32


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b95c84  No.16759344


No, you can't ban a UID, you can only ban an IP.

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042e65  No.16759345


everyone is using the same vpn ;) we are one

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b36ab7  No.16759346



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703724  No.16759347

File: 9054a5a0d1b1fa5⋯.jpeg (502.7 KB, 750x942, 125:157, 0163E83F_0C40_450A_8BB3_2….jpeg)


This is weird anons I have someone else’s posting ID and it just happened after I made this post:


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9c872b  No.16759348


Q meant Israel and the joo are the last to go down. The plan is clear. The joo will be no more. Gone forever.

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023458  No.16759349

File: 1882bc55566e80c⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1162, 540:581, ClipboardImage.png)

Playing the ID gamble.

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d0e093  No.16759350

File: 9dfc98ac6e72bca⋯.png (100.5 KB, 291x560, 291:560, Capture.PNG)

File: db32b5510af770b⋯.jpg (179.33 KB, 750x1624, 375:812, FX_95MKWAAIeklK.jpg)

File: 7ff51e67c809985⋯.jpg (159.84 KB, 749x1093, 749:1093, FX_913zXEAAI4_B.jpg)

UPDATE: After former VP Pence Chief of Staff Marc Short was interviewed exclusively


#Primetime + characterized the January 6 documentary’s portrayal of the 25th Amendment as “disingenuous,” filmmaker Alex Holder responded to CBS:

AND this afternoon, a new statement from Pence’s team.


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042e65  No.16759351

File: 6f4e105e842a794⋯.jpg (19.12 KB, 463x320, 463:320, elvisf22.JPG)

File: 45073df4175d1c5⋯.png (263.04 KB, 1038x667, 1038:667, fia22_3.png)

File: a5fb45a92f95d36⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 673x338, 673:338, fiaupside_down.jpg)

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703724  No.16759352

File: f9298172aa538d1⋯.jpeg (124.53 KB, 750x292, 375:146, 704A9B4D_5714_48FE_82C1_6….jpeg)



Lol it just switched back

Board fuckery afoot

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91347b  No.16759353

File: a02c0e35bbe4b76⋯.jpg (39.78 KB, 334x373, 334:373, a02c0e35bbe4b76328e934b4e3….jpg)

File: 492363851df95b5⋯.png (556.54 KB, 699x401, 699:401, 492363851df95b577b74ba7a72….png)

File: 5d4a3e6dcd0ecda⋯.png (677.15 KB, 589x595, 589:595, 5d4a3e6dcd0ecdaea6ac27c5bb….png)

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61c896  No.16759354


It's nice to know you're at least being honest when you decide to project. You have my genuine thanks for that.

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67f433  No.16759355

Good morning

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e985aa  No.16759356

File: bf538dc69deddd6⋯.png (2.07 MB, 2868x1672, 717:418, ClipboardImage.png)

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67ffeb  No.16759357

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91347b  No.16759358

File: 19bac84d1b274b6⋯.jpg (217.2 KB, 1089x749, 1089:749, IMG_0404.JPG)

File: 9f0724ac52f08ec⋯.jpeg (159.49 KB, 527x800, 527:800, Nancy_Pelosi_04_Only_Fans.JPEG)

File: c8031fece444d54⋯.jpg (132.09 KB, 509x740, 509:740, Joe_Biden_Only_Fans.JPG)

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56cb5c  No.16759359


Is that you working out of a 3 letter agency cubicle.

fucking glow clown

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09ebc1  No.16759360

good morning

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6708d8  No.16759361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Your new theme song

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67ffeb  No.16759362


>It's 30 years ago!!!


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e985aa  No.16759363

File: e4b179c9ca9b7d1⋯.png (143.81 KB, 1022x942, 511:471, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c872b  No.16759364


Joos melt in Israel.

Nothing left but a thick sheet of glass for miles and miles.

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91347b  No.16759365

File: ec3f48cb8b12dca⋯.jpg (146.91 KB, 750x546, 125:91, 1601970431102.jpg)





My ID! Give it back or SUFFER

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023458  No.16759366



Sorry anon, but at least I brought 2 lunchables.

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67ffeb  No.16759367


fuck off violence faggot. Everything by the law or it is just a mob justice.

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ec7b8f  No.16759368

File: 47d60af406d302a⋯.mp4 (1.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, chicken.mp4)

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91347b  No.16759369

File: 6d83820efc72a84⋯.jpeg (152.15 KB, 614x843, 614:843, Fugly_Liberal_01_FJB.JPEG)


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042e65  No.16759370






Bunch of fucking Kikes!

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042e65  No.16759371

File: 6f6384bf8a0d5f0⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 700x468, 175:117, bad_meme.jpg)

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958004  No.16759372


I wish. Maybe then I'd get paid enough to not have to swipe shit from Wal-Mart of all places. Fuck you anyways you papery chapped asshole.

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037205  No.16759373

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

[They] are so scared, beware of their retaliation, but know God's got this.


JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES Published July 18, 2022

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042e65  No.16759374


You've been reported to the ADL.

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ec7b8f  No.16759375

File: 3a16c0266e9628a⋯.mp4 (7.31 MB, 640x360, 16:9, POolr14B.mp4)

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09ebc1  No.16759376

File: 219d4961ae0729c⋯.jpg (18 KB, 304x288, 19:18, 237e3e27e36412ad639318b91f….jpg)


you have chosen death

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8c4c24  No.16759377

File: 150dd3fc81ba150⋯.jpg (702.75 KB, 1200x700, 12:7, thanks_god.jpg)

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023458  No.16759378








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d99f8d  No.16759379

File: 25fd08b8fbcae80⋯.jpg (177.91 KB, 1088x1401, 1088:1401, Joe_Biden_Pedo_Pete.JPG)

File: ac02a30355a0b15⋯.jpg (1018.17 KB, 2444x1375, 2444:1375, Pedo_Pete_the_Sniffer_01.jpg)

File: 0df936e77e42a63⋯.jpg (460.39 KB, 1387x1733, 1387:1733, Pedo_Pete_and_The_Babysitt….JPG)

File: ad95f4ae5b8a23f⋯.jpg (81.01 KB, 680x499, 680:499, Joe_Biden_Snogging_Grandda….JPG)

File: 904d923e92c6b5f⋯.jpeg (1.67 MB, 2869x2878, 2869:2878, Pedo_Pete_Ashley_Biden_Di….JPEG)

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6d9556  No.16759380

File: 301ea3535d802ee⋯.png (205.69 KB, 474x266, 237:133, ClipboardImage.png)

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023458  No.16759381

File: 70831976724ee82⋯.png (476.55 KB, 644x615, 644:615, ClipboardImage.png)

Australia's environment deteriorating due to climate change, pollution, invasive species, mining, according to report

Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek will reveal a "shocking" five-year report which found Australia's ecosystems will deteriorate and are at risk of collapse if climate change is not addressed collaboratively.


More Al Gore style bullshit

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042e65  No.16759382

File: c177ed2a324e0dc⋯.png (39.51 KB, 900x623, 900:623, 1538677178238.png)

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023458  No.16759383


…of a thousand cuts. kek

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91347b  No.16759384


best you can do ? come on man get an insult that makes me laugh instead of this useless crap. Only queen Lindsay has that condition.

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023458  No.16759385

File: 7b0df256b247bfc⋯.png (547.33 KB, 640x693, 640:693, ClipboardImage.png)



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023458  No.16759386


Women don't wait, women always move on…

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042e65  No.16759387


Last Bread when I hit Post Reply I got ported to Random Its a Strange world Out Their Misspelling intentional

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023458  No.16759388



a good woman will wait

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208c26  No.16759389


oh right.

the law that the criminals themselves wrote.


Holy fuck you people are stupid

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023458  No.16759390

File: 9af80b41ee9edb7⋯.png (370.44 KB, 540x700, 27:35, pepe_maga.png)


Kekekek. Karma is a bitch!

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67ffeb  No.16759391


>Women don't wait, women always move on…


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d99f8d  No.16759392

File: a8ba0d176e59ab7⋯.jpg (205.39 KB, 1088x1442, 544:721, IMG_0498.JPG)

File: b5dc446cc0663c9⋯.jpg (154.38 KB, 1088x964, 272:241, IMG_0500.JPG)

File: 9dc4424114cd8da⋯.jpg (222.8 KB, 1088x1409, 1088:1409, IMG_0541.JPG)

File: fe3879dbf788ab9⋯.jpg (153.48 KB, 540x731, 540:731, IMG_0489.JPG)

File: ecd623f35bdef5a⋯.jpg (248.38 KB, 1089x950, 1089:950, Joe_Biden_Brain_Size.JPG)

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91347b  No.16759393


spoiler that shit asshoe

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91347b  No.16759394


Anyway, I didn't jump on here to argue. Just venting. Got a fucking notice on my door and I haven't started my second job yet so best I can do is pray and wonder when tf we can have our President back. I'd drink to ease the stress, but I can't afford that either.

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67ffeb  No.16759395

File: 3e294fbc1324fc4⋯.jpeg (42 KB, 687x500, 687:500, download_1_.jpeg)

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bb89a8  No.16759396

File: 40c4de2cd1631e5⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 2400x2400, 1:1, TPaS.jpg)

File: 495564848ad345d⋯.jpg (35.58 KB, 477x178, 477:178, Cap.jpg)

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5cc110  No.16759397

what's my id

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042e65  No.16759398


Why are you wanting to put a spoiler on potential faps?

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7f8713  No.16759399


Deploy X-Wings


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023458  No.16759400


haha wise nose

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cc4d6b  No.16759401


>a good woman will wait


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042e65  No.16759402

File: ae167b27851a45d⋯.jpeg (287.69 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 82676727_48C9_478B_93DA_B….jpeg)

18 Jul, 2022 17:55

Switzerland turns down NATO request on Ukrainians

Bern has refused to treat Ukrainian civilians, arguing that they are “indistinguishable” from soldiers, local media report

The Swiss federal government has turned down a request to treat wounded Ukrainians, arguing that the move would violate the Alpine nation’s neutral status, the country’s Tages Anzeiger newspaper has learned. The request was made by a NATO department.

The Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre – a NATO structure that currently coordinates international medical evacuations and treatment of Ukrainians injured during the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev – reportedly reached out to the Swiss Army’s Coordinated Medical Service (KSD) in May. The military bloc sought aid from Swiss medics in caring for not just Ukrainian soldiers but for civilians in need of hospital treatment as well, media reported on Monday.

Switzerland’s national association of health-service providers – the conference of cantonal health directors (GDK) – then said it was “fundamentally open” to the idea of admitting injured Ukrainians to Swiss health facilities. The Federal Health Office signaled its approval as well. In mid-June, the idea, however, was turned down by the Foreign Affairs Department, which said any such admission would be impossible for “legal and practical reasons,” Tages Anzeiger reports.

Under the Geneva Conventions ratified by Bern, a neutral state might treat soldiers taking part in a conflict between third countries but it must then ensure they “can no longer take part in the acts of war,” the Swiss media reported. Otherwise, such a nation would lose its neutral status, media reports explained.

According to the Swiss Blick newspaper, Bern might potentially go as far as to imprison any Ukrainian soldiers it has treated. Another option would be to ask Moscow to allow the recovered soldiers to return to Ukraine, the paper added.

Treatment of civilians turned out to be just as problematic for the Swiss authorities under the existing circumstances, according to the country’s media. Johannes Matyassy, the Director of the Foreign Affairs Department’s Consular Directorate, told journalists that “it is almost impossible to distinguish between civilians and soldiers” when it comes to the modern-day Ukraine since “many civilians in Ukraine have taken up arms.”

According to the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs, Bern “did not just say no” but offered to provide some help “on the ground” instead. Switzerland plans to send humanitarian aid to support civilian hospitals in Ukraine, Swiss media report, adding that the exact scale of this aid is still being discussed.

Switzerland – a nation that prides itself on its neutrality – has still joined some of the western sanctions against Russia over its military operation in Ukraine. Bern nonetheless repeatedly prevented other western nations from sending Swiss-made arms and ammo to Kiev. In April, Switzerland blocked delivery of ammunition used by Germany’s Marder infantry fighting vehicles to Ukraine, according to local media.

In early June, it also turned down a Danish request to re-export Swiss-made armored vehicles to Kiev. Bern also said that nations like Germany or Italy could send arms with Swiss-made components to Ukraine, but only if the proportion of Swiss-made elements in them is below 50%.


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67ffeb  No.16759403

File: 8b2e71fd4b883cc⋯.gif (2.06 MB, 500x825, 20:33, shjuafbi.gif)

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023458  No.16759404

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023458  No.16759405


What’s ADL?

Absolute Delusional Larper?

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042e65  No.16759406



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ab8660  No.16759407

File: 8b05de9f3cfb526⋯.png (11.74 KB, 255x168, 85:56, 3fe5decb3ad0a5af278c804535….png)

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67ffeb  No.16759408

File: c57822d9e679397⋯.jpeg (82.26 KB, 705x588, 235:196, 27DD9D8A_D9E5_4F92_A896_3….JPEG)

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4f42d2  No.16759409


this calls for a tiktok dance.

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715a2d  No.16759410

File: 4b77225fbcecb3f⋯.png (12.8 KB, 182x254, 91:127, 13fbf23c435ce9767bb53b3b71….png)

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74d162  No.16759411

File: d04be6c08358c6d⋯.gif (274.91 KB, 500x333, 500:333, d04be6c08358c6d49cffb5a63c….gif)

File: 18870ac83b6fcca⋯.png (3.3 MB, 1380x2048, 345:512, 18870ac83b6fccad8b977451e7….png)

File: 8a35169c524998e⋯.png (617.17 KB, 454x600, 227:300, 8a35169c524998e22910363203….png)

File: c977f9d48ffd15d⋯.png (2.32 MB, 1132x1275, 1132:1275, c977f9d48ffd15de6417f72438….png)

File: f315d2360e9568f⋯.jpg (86.61 KB, 658x1076, 329:538, f315d2360e9568fb9cb91ce223….jpg)

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09ebc1  No.16759412


so when do we get to see the princess? post pic with blurred face

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023458  No.16759413

File: 6aa8b0bb55efade⋯.jpg (83.51 KB, 600x800, 3:4, 1619381598392.jpg)


Well ooh la dee dah, this anon's got his own ID!

…very nice.

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67ffeb  No.16759414

File: 5669b2ffbf5ebc6⋯.jpeg (103.49 KB, 796x800, 199:200, Bill_Barr_Bigger_Mouth.JPEG)

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56cb5c  No.16759415



Oh look Crimea way back when, the faggotry repeats

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cc4d6b  No.16759416


>haha wise nose


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c8fabb  No.16759417

File: 0aaf447d9f6d1bc⋯.jpg (42.59 KB, 500x562, 250:281, afflak.jpg)

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09ebc1  No.16759418

File: e83edf297397c31⋯.png (175.47 KB, 800x850, 16:17, 1434386663806.png)



must be special.. i remember back in the day when i had my own uid..

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023458  No.16759419

File: 49716789b9f6500⋯.png (917.55 KB, 700x700, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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91347b  No.16759420

File: 4c604b7009063b8⋯.jpeg (50.92 KB, 592x421, 592:421, 4c604b7009063b8263839ccfc….jpeg)

File: a9e1854d332e81c⋯.jpg (28.81 KB, 640x400, 8:5, a9e1854d332e81c4832b56caeb….jpg)

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023458  No.16759421

File: 18b20b5f08c2e2f⋯.jpg (72.59 KB, 680x680, 1:1, let_us_watch.jpg)

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67ffeb  No.16759422

File: fda723610218b2f⋯.png (567.38 KB, 761x761, 1:1, fda723610218b2f435c5eea66a….png)

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023458  No.16759423


Yeah do more direct translations like that and I lmao here.

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91347b  No.16759424

Then, you shall know TRUTH.

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042e65  No.16759425

John Wick '24

I'm thinking I'm back.

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023458  No.16759426

File: 28e28d8a99c789e⋯.png (187.71 KB, 1281x807, 427:269, ClipboardImage.png)

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023458  No.16759427

File: 16b1487a3111f96⋯.png (788.25 KB, 960x640, 3:2, 11023b96aea8429350d1496181….png)

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cc4d6b  No.16759428


>so when do we get to see the princess? post pic with blurred face


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042e65  No.16759429

File: 9b88b36ea2bc4d9⋯.png (460.67 KB, 1020x699, 340:233, ClipboardImage.png)

Switzerland turns down NATO request on Ukrainians

Bern has refused to treat Ukrainian civilians, arguing that they are “indistinguishable” from soldiers, local media report

The Swiss federal government has turned down a request to treat wounded Ukrainians, arguing that the move would violate the Alpine nation’s neutral status, the country’s Tages Anzeiger newspaper has learned. The request was made by a NATO department.

The Euro-Atlantic Disaster Response Coordination Centre – a NATO structure that currently coordinates international medical evacuations and treatment of Ukrainians injured during the ongoing conflict between Moscow and Kiev – reportedly reached out to the Swiss Army’s Coordinated Medical Service (KSD) in May. The military bloc sought aid from Swiss medics in caring for not just Ukrainian soldiers but for civilians in need of hospital treatment as well, media reported on Monday.

Switzerland’s national association of health-service providers – the conference of cantonal health directors (GDK) – then said it was “fundamentally open” to the idea of admitting injured Ukrainians to Swiss health facilities. The Federal Health Office signaled its approval as well. In mid-June, the idea, however, was turned down by the Foreign Affairs Department, which said any such admission would be impossible for “legal and practical reasons,” Tages Anzeiger reports.



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ba7055  No.16759430

File: caff4c6b5f9b7a0⋯.jpg (209.11 KB, 851x876, 851:876, caff4c6b5f9b7a0cd3cf709bfd….jpg)


Danke Bäcker!

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042e65  No.16759431

I should from now on compose in 432Hz!

Let's see what happens!?

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67ffeb  No.16759432

I’m tired. Tired of the madness and chaos. I just want my quiet little life back. I just want to be left alone. Is that too much to ask?

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4f42d2  No.16759433


interpretive dance is how it will be revealed.

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023458  No.16759434

Board acting wonky for anyone else?

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208c26  No.16759435

File: d553b0eab2ddcf4⋯.gif (956.25 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 1009.gif)


So I guess were just going to sit back and wait until we can vote in rigged elections again.

No big deal. Wouldnt want anyone to call you racist or transphobic!

So what if a few thousand innocent white children are sterilized by satan worshipping jews? You have more important things to worry about, like your social media popularity!

Im sure God will understand.

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09ebc1  No.16759436


To your girlfriend:

May I, a woman respecting and feminist- supportive male, see at least one breast from you my queen? I do not mean to come on as an improper male, and if this request disturbs you, please make me aware. You, my queen, deserve the utmost respect of any female. However, many of my gender seem to sexualize women and view them as sex toys. However, my Queen, I do not share these views. Rather, I value the female spectrum of the human race as the superior, and I, a respectful male, request for the viewing of an isolated, singular breast from your body. I await your response my Queen.

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023458  No.16759437

is this where Q posts democrats eating babies cuz I've been here all afternoon and saw nothing but swastikas and old movies

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cc4d6b  No.16759438


>Yeah do more direct translations like that and I lmao here.


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d22889  No.16759439

File: 612d618ef336db4⋯.jpeg (2.18 MB, 3088x2320, 193:145, CE6EB7BA_C0E3_442C_BE60_7….jpeg)



432 all day and knight baebee

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042e65  No.16759440

File: b953e30d71f04e0⋯.jpeg (229.19 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 4C28D855_CA0E_40F3_8E07_B….jpeg)

18 Jul, 2022 17:54

EU admits goal of anti-Russian sanctions

Brussels aims to create problems for the Russian economy, but it won’t stop the fighting in Ukraine, said Josep Borrell

The embargoes imposed by the European Union against Moscow are intended not to stop the fighting in Ukraine, but wreck the Russian economy, the bloc’s foreign policy commissioner Josep Borrell said in Brussels on Monday. Borrell also announced an EU ban on Russian gold exports later this week.

“The EU sanctions will not stop the military activities in Ukraine, but ought to create a lot of problems for the Russian economy,” Borrell said, adding that the EU “cannot afford sanctions fatigue.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin “counts on the fatigue of democracies with sanctions,” the EU high representative for foreign policy said. “It is not easy but we must continue to put pressure on the Russian economy. Our European societies must not abandon this policy,” he added.

Borrell’s comments echoed the argument he made in a blog post over the weekend, responding in part to Hungarian PM Viktor Orban’s statement that the embargo policy has been “miscalculated” and harmed the EU members more so than Moscow.

The Spanish diplomat also argued the embargoes were not to blame for the pain at the pump, saying the price of oil was the same now as it had been in February.

Borrell revealed that the EU is planning to impose a ban on Russian gold later this week, in a mini-package of measures intended to improve the implementation of existing sanctions. The ban would affect the “the direct or indirect import, purchase or transfer of gold, which constitutes Russia’s most significant export after energy,” according to the wording leaked to the Guardian.

While Brussels is officially committed to supporting the Ukrainian government with a €9 billion ($9 billion) emergency loan, theWall Street Journal reported no money had been paid out yet. Meanwhile, the fund to supply Kiev with weapons has been capped at €5.7 billion until 2027. Hmmm shell games


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042e65  No.16759441

File: 62a3d2b4e0afb2e⋯.jpeg (76.73 KB, 886x641, 886:641, 62a3d2b4e0afb2eafbf6c0684….jpeg)

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042e65  No.16759442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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67ffeb  No.16759443


No, just you.

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042e65  No.16759444


That's hot.

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09ebc1  No.16759445


nice butterflies, faggot

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042e65  No.16759446


Is there a connection? Neither one of these look like Pasty Andy.

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023458  No.16759447

File: 27bff05fee1dfc5⋯.png (37.76 KB, 678x525, 226:175, glasses.png)


Oooh I see, you are a sub!

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607c83  No.16759448


it is held together by a paperclip and gorilla glue

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67ffeb  No.16759449

File: f96303827eb9e2e⋯.jpg (109.1 KB, 814x1024, 407:512, mask.jpg)



This Wuz Appropriate

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042e65  No.16759450


The right woman waits.

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958004  No.16759452


Yeah, it says I have like 30+ messages but I've only posted a couple.

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023458  No.16759453

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bannon Trial (Morning Day 1): Jury Selection- Poisoned Jury?

Good Lawgic

86.7K subscribers

Someone peed in the pool!!!


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67ffeb  No.16759454


>compose in 432Hz

Something more electronic in nature, I presume? Coming from the otherside…

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ec7b8f  No.16759455

File: 039d004e1dc8f3b⋯.png (750.94 KB, 966x562, 483:281, qis.png)

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ec7b8f  No.16759456

File: 648f2a8cc592d69⋯.png (741.04 KB, 700x530, 70:53, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b78c48ba9e436c⋯.png (122.99 KB, 1111x259, 1111:259, Capture1.PNG)

File: cece3895203ae9d⋯.png (165.88 KB, 925x505, 185:101, Capture2.PNG)

File: abb09da5eded8c4⋯.png (313.79 KB, 1171x916, 1171:916, Capture3.PNG)

File: 16aab478a45652b⋯.png (135.12 KB, 1152x366, 192:61, Capture4.PNG)



>>16758843 last bread

>>16759143 last bread

>>16759190 last bread

>>16759226 last bread

all last bread, all posts by me (4 only, no more)

let's not do that again, whatever that was

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042e65  No.16759457



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06a408  No.16759458

File: eef675bd053353d⋯.jpg (202.67 KB, 1600x1066, 800:533, 0fa0ada28323775024420568c3….jpg)


try one more time.keeps posting to random.

But since you put in the hard work Thought i needed to keep trying . TYB greatly appreciate all you do.

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91347b  No.16759459

File: 8bafbf82e349666⋯.jpg (202.89 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, main_image_star_forming_re….jpg)

God we pray, bless ALL on the board and protect Our chilldren.

Anoint the planet and solar system with your holy spirit.

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bb89a8  No.16759460

File: 8f717b3b912c5eb⋯.jpg (580.94 KB, 1612x1200, 403:300, PepeXwingpilot.jpg)

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023458  No.16759461



we have the same ID

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b9d03a  No.16759462


soon pedo moses will get to lie federally

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023458  No.16759463


We´re kicking ass BIG tonight

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023458  No.16759464

Tucker Carlson Claims Witness from 2020 Campaign Says Biden Took ‘Pills’ Wife Jill Gave Him Before Every Public Appearance and Was ‘Child Like’ Without Them

July 18, 2022

According to a ground breaking report from Tucker Carlson on Fox News, Joe Biden is given pills by his wife Jill Biden so that he can function before public appearances.

Carlson made the allegation during his monologue on Friday night’s show on Fox News.

This is according to a source, who is a first hand witness and member of Biden’s 2020 campaign, according to Carlson.

“His staff, supervised by Dr. Jill, his wife, was giving him pills before every public appearance. Checking the time, and at the certain hour giving him a dose of something,” said Carlson.

“Before taking the medications, this person said Biden was ‘Like a small child.’ You could not communicate with him, he changed completely because he was on drugs and he clearly still is on drugs,” the pundit alleged.

Biden’s White House medical report lists no cognitive medications or mental issues.

Moar: https://thedcpatriot.com/tucker-carlson-claims-witness-from-2020-campaign-says-biden-took-pills-wife-jill-gave-him-before-every-public-appearance-and-was-child-like-without-them/

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886c23  No.16759465

File: d1e4a82e5b78cb3⋯.png (342.4 KB, 1506x473, 1506:473, ClipboardImage.png)


holy shit it's doing it again

I've poasted once, honest injun

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023458  No.16759466



and only 1 tit

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c93d0e  No.16759467


8kun Comped, I think so!

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111389  No.16759468


My first post but shows 20 posts for this uid. Jesus this place is so fucked up

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023458  No.16759469

there are worldwide revolutions going on but it is not in the U.S. media huh

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023458  No.16759470

I'm looking at these FCC auctions for wireless/radio coverage. Why? IDK. But I thought this was interesting. Anyone with knowledge of Hilliary Acquisition Corp.?


"Subsequently, Hilliary submitted a request for waiver of the down payment deadline.3 For the reasons set forth below, we deny Hilliary’s request, assess an interim default payment, and dismiss Hilliary’s long-form applications.


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a72140  No.16759471


I always suspected that this was the case. Dogmen sightings have increased a lot over the past years. Government genetic experiments actually makes sense.

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91347b  No.16759472

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Steve Bannon Trial Day 1: Jury Selection Transcript Review

Robert Gouveia Esq.

177K subscribers

Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQa6…

Mindmaps & More: https://linktr.ee/robertgouveia

We Help Good People: https://www.rrlawaz.com

Hopefully joined by @VivaFrei and @GoodLawgic.

Stephen Bannon's trial starts with jury selection on Day 1.

#Bannon #J6 #WarRoom


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111389  No.16759473


And show 1 on this post. Wtf is going on?

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09ebc1  No.16759474

File: 45871f5062f943f⋯.png (428.39 KB, 800x450, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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c9df17  No.16759475

File: 9f6b475e22a9fe9⋯.png (615.91 KB, 564x556, 141:139, people_who_want_to_be_left….PNG)

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023458  No.16759476

File: 051e377b240f209⋯.gif (3.98 MB, 270x314, 135:157, 7FmbWGP3F9hk.gif)

Just so any white men posting on this forum are aware-

You are sitting idle while satan worshipping jews sterilize and sexually assault your racial bretheren, because you are more concerned about your own pride to not be labeled "racist" or "antisemitic".

Im sure God will understand.

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67ffeb  No.16759477


Didn't even have to captcha

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b9d03a  No.16759478


loose movement gets molested in threeway says canadian prime minister

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4f42d2  No.16759479


i did a tiktok dance at the nurses station and now all my ladies are here.

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ec7b8f  No.16759480

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4f42d2  No.16759481


we had cute frog pajamas on

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72924d  No.16759482

File: 01f66513e96e591⋯.jpg (101.12 KB, 767x576, 767:576, Screenshot_20211222_062138….jpg)

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b9d03a  No.16759483


HRC still mad he lost

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8ce3a6  No.16759484


Someone else who is sharing the same ID as you did…

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ec7b8f  No.16759485

File: 6c4e9918b9d8f32⋯.png (447.29 KB, 984x687, 328:229, ClipboardImage.png)

I Smell Panic in the Air

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3e0440  No.16759486


>no GTFO

>and only 1 tit


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67ffeb  No.16759487


I see 2

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09ebc1  No.16759488

File: aaf8b272ecc4089⋯.jpeg (125.77 KB, 1024x702, 512:351, 1657847955082.jpeg)

It's a good day, Happy Thanksgiving anons!

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67ffeb  No.16759489

File: afcc81e3abf2cf5⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, vlcsnap_2012_11_14_17h42m2….png)

File: 5cfd6d574d066a3⋯.jpg (42.29 KB, 758x427, 758:427, Tank_Girl_2_758_427_81_s.jpg)

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c9df17  No.16759490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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042e65  No.16759491


Nice projection, cringe satanist.

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c8fabb  No.16759492

File: 55b06ff8013229a⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 620x417, 620:417, just_because_you_ignore_so….jpg)


This Wuz Appropriate >>16759434


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072a99  No.16759493

File: 12d35dc8193da26⋯.mp4 (11.82 MB, 426x240, 71:40, video_2022_07_19_01_29_59.mp4)

Eco Cows in Romania.

ECO-COW, an animal that no longer needs to eat by mouth, because everything that is needed goes directly into the stomach. NO CO2 emissions whatsoever.

What a sick world we live in 🤮

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91347b  No.16759494

File: e1d42526e366460⋯.png (232.59 KB, 500x516, 125:129, pepe_poultry_pots.png)

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042e65  No.16759495

>>16759254 ¹⁰Q  ₄ 🍞

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ec7b8f  No.16759496

A"good Samaritan" fatally shot the gunman who killed three people Sunday at a mall in Greenwood, Ind., city officials say.

Greenwood Mayor Mark Myers says a total of four people including the gunman are dead and two others are injured, including a 12-year-old girl, in connection with the incident.

"As of now, we do not know the shooter's identity or motive," Myers said in a statement released by the city police department. "We do know that someone we are calling the 'good Samaritan' was able to shoot the assailant and stop further bloodshed. This person saved lives tonight. On behalf of the City of Greenwood, I am grateful for his quick action and heroism in this situation."

The Indianapolis suburb of Greenwood is home to about 64,000 people.

As of July 1, Indiana stopped requiring a permit to legally carry or conceal a handgun, provided carriers meet certain requirements such as not having an order of protection issued against them.


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c70797  No.16759498

File: a6ad9c9c9e48b91⋯.png (33.51 KB, 1196x176, 299:44, ClipboardImage.png)


And don't forget to thank your sponsor.

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985958  No.16759499

File: 2ab62dd4ad60814⋯.png (462.5 KB, 413x605, 413:605, russia15_1_prev_ui_1.png)

Photoshopfags Q Research catalog helmet lense…o7

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91347b  No.16759500

File: 8f8fe25270770d4⋯.jpg (170.51 KB, 502x702, 251:351, 20220718_102119.jpg)

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91347b  No.16759501

Jez oo it joo fauci says he is resigning before pedo biden term ends.

Which cums first?

How long?

A few days?


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f56e63  No.16759502


You're sharing my id

*just triggered captcha

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67ffeb  No.16759503


post it right now or there will be trouble, young man

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2144b6  No.16759504


I know you!

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042e65  No.16759505


We Get Messages?

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ca7d52  No.16759506

File: 58dbdd05078a6af⋯.png (935.56 KB, 978x604, 489:302, ba5.png)

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91347b  No.16759507

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.


JULIE GREEN MINISTRIES Published July 18, 2022

The Word from July 16th

Pirated videos on youtube, stay on Rumble

Home Church is still available via youtube "https://youtu.be/ul45wftCIzg"

Start to Celebrate, things God has already done for you;

This is a drop in the bucket of what I AM about to do for you;

Enemies losing their grip and they don't know what to do about it;

They are losing everywhere they look;

Major ground has been taken back for your freedom from the hands of the wicked;

My children believe in me now more than you ever have, these are the days to choose which side you are on, and to believe me or your enemies;

The tide has turned things have started to shift, it had been gradual in the natural, but a great battle of the spiritual has been faught and won by me; your angels have fought the principalities in the air, and those principalites have lost their grip and power over certain ares, now is the time to pray like never before;

There is less interference from your adversaries, get on your knees and pray, it is all almost over;

Their walls are coming down, their defensive shield you would say, has come down and the walls they built up to protect themselves, are coming down.

The more you shout, the more you shout, the more damage you cause to the enemy…

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61c896  No.16759508

File: 8cec007db5975f8⋯.jpeg (348.86 KB, 750x667, 750:667, 8cec007db5975f8d8e974fcef….jpeg)

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91347b  No.16759509


Karma gave me my own ID on that one.

Well, for now at least..

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042e65  No.16759510


mark my words, jew, you fuckers are getting scalped

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2144b6  No.16759511


Now I’m at a different ID what is going on

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91347b  No.16759512


meant posts

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9cb7df  No.16759513


Do they still fart?

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91347b  No.16759515

File: 601f1a5fa9190de⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 500x618, 250:309, ghjnn.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759516


whew looks you got left out of the /qresearch/ group chat.. awks

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91347b  No.16759517

File: b45cdbd333be0a8⋯.jpg (108.49 KB, 898x720, 449:360, Greta6.jpg)

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0a071a  No.16759518


>post it right now or there will be trouble, young man


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886c23  No.16759519

File: 99de9f2a99d80d8⋯.png (467.71 KB, 1512x685, 1512:685, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16759272 not mine

>>16759294 not mine

>>16759304 not mine

>>16759319 not mine

>>16759330 not mine

>>16759333 not mine

>>16759338 not mine

>>16759368 not mine

>>16759375 not mine

>>16759455 not mine

>>16759456 mine

>>16759480 not mine

>>16759485 not mine

>>16759496 not mine


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9c872b  No.16759520

The joo will FF the fuck out of the world before it goes down.

Kinda like the world right now.


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d22889  No.16759521

File: afbf83812df7291⋯.jpeg (1.93 MB, 3088x2320, 193:145, B793E47F_694C_4938_87EC_8….jpeg)


No it’s where eye declass thangs locked up harder than the h bomb during the height of its development and then dangle the trident keys and floppy disk drive trigger auto locks and over amps telling joe Biden eye personally have control over what he thinks “his” nuclear arsenal and how it works… from launch to deton - still don’t work how y’all think

Big scary dragon nazis Russia Russia Russia Ukraine Iran isis Al qaeda blah blah

Just replaced nuclear bombs with school shooters and still tell kids hide under your desks like fish in a bunny hole

And then I spy on Jeffrey Epstein upload it to y’all report him and Clinton and cia to fbi per Q so we could have them pick up the ball knowing they’d drop - hide it then seize military control over ALL civi 3 letter agent C’s


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2144b6  No.16759522

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67ffeb  No.16759524

File: edb14577d00193f⋯.jpg (337.83 KB, 1198x968, 599:484, Aputurkeycostume.jpg)

File: aae0af3d65a2b29⋯.jpg (506.68 KB, 1196x1237, 1196:1237, Ty.jpg)

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c84483  No.16759525

File: 9814c65ed61d0b8⋯.png (178.1 KB, 473x389, 473:389, 1625113688199.png)


No, lurk for at least a year before posting. respect the guidelines

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023458  No.16759526

File: ed5bbea15c51ba9⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 320x406, 160:203, U2sqbXvN.gif)

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67ffeb  No.16759527


No. EcoGreta is always there to suck them all down as soon as possible so none of it gets distributed to the air.

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6ccd39  No.16759528


Have you ever gone thru Basic Training?

It's not fun, but it's necessary.

Gotta harden up the softies, especially the Libtards.

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042e65  No.16759529

File: 84731a017ec2620⋯.jpg (76.03 KB, 500x632, 125:158, 6mghy.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759530

File: f6865433ae9c592⋯.png (289.09 KB, 600x584, 75:73, ClipboardImage.png)


post that shit right now, i ain't playin'

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ca7d52  No.16759531

File: ef00edd6afb6008⋯.png (681.98 KB, 980x858, 490:429, transd.png)

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91347b  No.16759532

File: ff10b0975664a69⋯.jpg (1.09 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, jitsthej2.jpg)

File: 76d060d25c61a3c⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 692x789, 692:789, jitsthej.jpg)

File: 7215730d227e81c⋯.png (165.91 KB, 500x532, 125:133, jitsafraid.png)

File: 29582bccf0f0c29⋯.png (418.27 KB, 458x834, 229:417, jits.png)

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67ffeb  No.16759533

Saving Israel for last.


It’s happening now.

This is it.

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ec7b8f  No.16759534

File: 48bbf42ea28a2cb⋯.png (12.88 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 661db28944a961a15d314b9a3d….png)

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886c23  No.16759535

File: abe32bcdfae05a1⋯.png (432.43 KB, 1515x695, 303:139, Capture7.PNG)

File: 359fcecf03c53a4⋯.png (22.02 KB, 790x337, 790:337, Capture8.PNG)


LOOK! Proof!

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023458  No.16759536

File: fe8fad4381cd613⋯.png (53.28 KB, 550x295, 110:59, ClipboardImage.png)


Out of all of those, this → >>16759304 is the only one that is mine.

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023458  No.16759537

File: c1b625d1c6640d1⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 576x1024, 9:16, 34d082a00253bbf092ad2748bb….mp4)

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6ebc03  No.16759538


As is(was) done to humans in tunnels until Trump.

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023458  No.16759539

File: 075b69d09f9396b⋯.gif (713.37 KB, 498x280, 249:140, Untitled.gif)

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023458  No.16759540


Got sauce for this?

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67ffeb  No.16759541

File: 36b438605a2551e⋯.png (81.11 KB, 190x265, 38:53, 36b438605a2551e606950e078d….png)



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9c872b  No.16759542

Post something with Israel in the text.

It will up your count by 20 to 50 more posts than you submitted.

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890086  No.16759543

File: b5a14e31de3a0e9⋯.gif (664.72 KB, 466x212, 233:106, funny_shit.gif)

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042e65  No.16759544

What a shit fest

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81ff52  No.16759545



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6ebc03  No.16759546


Good stuff

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042e65  No.16759547

Reaching critical mass…

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c9df17  No.16759549

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ca7d52  No.16759550

File: 2cad75d6ecc6f9f⋯.jpeg (76.63 KB, 421x593, 421:593, clla.jpeg)

clarence thomas ended abortion

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e985aa  No.16759551

File: 41be9d3bb531897⋯.png (568.34 KB, 763x628, 763:628, ClipboardImage.png)

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918040  No.16759552



Been going on way too long for it to be "our" hybrids. Found world wide, too.

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042e65  No.16759553

File: 6450a2b4487acf9⋯.jpg (46.69 KB, 680x600, 17:15, 6450a2b4487acf9c188b635e8b….jpg)

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c8fabb  No.16759554

File: ae41d48546e314f⋯.png (99.34 KB, 400x266, 200:133, catfight.png)


I C one of Mine We truly R anons Now

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73e81d  No.16759555


It's never been more apparent that the E.U. leaders are merely puppets of the Central Banking Cabal bloodlines. Vlad has smoked them ALL out and is slowly draining the putrid Swamp of Europe and dismantling the NWO.

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9c872b  No.16759556


Who got his pic walking on the beach like a tranny?

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7f8713  No.16759557

File: 0b787e78504ee4e⋯.png (412.44 KB, 986x685, 986:685, ClipboardImage.png)


Begone Paytriot

We don't fancy to your kind round here

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b95c84  No.16759558

File: 4cd2a9a70b2481a⋯.mp4 (899.75 KB, 854x480, 427:240, Poki.mp4)


>I have over 60k followers since the first couple skits


That's super cool.

Do you play Fortnite?

Do you have your own emote?

Send me a DM and a friend request, I will like and subscribe.

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c9ab53  No.16759559


Press X to doubt meme.png

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67ffeb  No.16759560



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042e65  No.16759561

File: 8ed6b2a8221f515⋯.jpg (77.39 KB, 520x500, 26:25, 6n6igmdindu.jpg)

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67ffeb  No.16759562

File: de5e10511675f6a⋯.png (530.02 KB, 528x756, 44:63, de5e10511675f6a7e47365d612….png)


hapy thaksgivng

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037205  No.16759563


There is so, so much more. I will try to finish the transcript, but trying to eat dinner! kek

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61c896  No.16759564

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

BFG? Nah, BFD division.

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023458  No.16759565


I'm going with interdenominational beings.

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9cb7df  No.16759566


Bummer, with no more gas from Russia I would hope they'd be compressing it all and burning it in powerplants.

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042e65  No.16759567


This bitch said "Greetings!"

And ya'll shredded em.

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023458  No.16759568



failed already

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cc61fd  No.16759569

File: aff3fdd39e40e02⋯.png (373.91 KB, 421x593, 421:593, n7635b65473754.png)

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023458  No.16759570

File: 1c120acc2efe9e2⋯.jpg (59.67 KB, 500x443, 500:443, 6ghlfe_1.jpg)

WEAPONIZED cookies are being employed on this board.

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ec7b8f  No.16759571








>>16759357 not mine

>>16759362 not mine

>>16759367 not mine

>>16759391 not mine

>>16759395 not mine

>>16759403 not mine

>>16759408 not mine

>>16759414 not mine

>>16759422 not mine

>>16759432 not mine

>>16759443 not mine

>>16759449 not mine

>>16759454 not mine

>>16759477 not mine

>>16759487 not mine

>>16759489 not mine

>>16759503 not mine

>>16759524 not mine

>>16759527 not mine

>>16759533 not mine

>>16759541 mine

all poasts by UID 67ffeb

proof in reply

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ca7d52  No.16759572

File: f57bdc5bc7a309f⋯.png (592.07 KB, wat.png)

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67ffeb  No.16759573


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023458  No.16759574


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73e81d  No.16759575

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7f4043  No.16759576

File: 978e03c9791c712⋯.jpg (670.43 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20220718_184124….jpg)

JUST IN: Colbert Crew Arrested For Invading US Capitol and Harassing GOP Lawmakers CLEARED of “Unlawful Entry” Charges


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a27b51  No.16759577

File: 0310e624973425d⋯.png (836.05 KB, 997x569, 997:569, Jokerdigits.png)


was there intel on the new virus being released thru makeup?

or are you guessing?

Those faggots would definitely rip off the plot of batman.

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67ffeb  No.16759578

Red text spammer is saving Israel for last for a specific reason not even mentioned once. Perhaps his girlfriend lives there but that would make her a

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023458  No.16759579


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ec7b8f  No.16759580

File: 32ac4360af1b382⋯.png (28.94 KB, 781x541, 781:541, Capture10.PNG)

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042e65  No.16759581


Not him dude.


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023458  No.16759582

File: 1ef39f9d507987f⋯.jpeg (16.25 KB, 192x255, 64:85, f3cc6738e408ff060a192042b….jpeg)


thats what im talkin aboot! get it gurl! le tits now.

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8ce3a6  No.16759583

File: 24bbf44c24b8ad3⋯.png (20.78 KB, 434x512, 217:256, ClipboardImage.png)


Only the first one is mine. That was my original ID.

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67ffeb  No.16759584





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023458  No.16759585

File: 051edacaad97bc9⋯.jpg (105.13 KB, 720x1086, 120:181, 20220718_173755.jpg)

File: 480cf9c0835c5cc⋯.jpg (53.55 KB, 720x424, 90:53, 20220718_173739.jpg)

File: 9057bca8fb16940⋯.jpg (54.82 KB, 720x481, 720:481, 20220718_173829.jpg)

Evergreen tweet



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ec7b8f  No.16759586


He’s a joo

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67ffeb  No.16759588

File: 236042c653dfe6a⋯.png (611.18 KB, 902x541, 902:541, ClipboardImage.png)

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023458  No.16759589

File: 7db358327f5f64b⋯.png (42.39 KB, 561x514, 561:514, ClipboardImage.png)

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042e65  No.16759590

File: 55b06ff8013229a⋯.jpg (73.37 KB, 620x417, 620:417, just_because_you_ignore_so….jpg)


What Red Text Come on Yuus guys are messing with My head now

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c9ab53  No.16759591



Both mine confirmed fuckery

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67ffeb  No.16759592

File: 147c1bd737bbf63⋯.jpg (421.22 KB, 1151x1244, 1151:1244, SadCookie.jpg)

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91347b  No.16759593


we can all see the id's are borked, retard, no need to post proof

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ec7b8f  No.16759594

File: ceb72af1e69b3ad⋯.png (456.16 KB, 657x367, 657:367, mn_m_lk_olkre.PNG)


"Anons are just jealous that I have a hose that feeds me directly in my stomach and they want to date me"

Brian Stelter

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7f4043  No.16759595

File: 978e03c9791c712⋯.jpg (670.43 KB, 2000x1200, 5:3, Screenshot_20220718_184124….jpg)

JUST IN: Colbert Crew Arrested For Invading US Capitol and Harassing GOP Lawmakers CLEARED of “Unlawful Entry” Charges



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91347b  No.16759596

File: 936fda4bfa33c58⋯.png (225.8 KB, 429x413, 429:413, laughing_pepe.png)


well we certainly are enjoying a new level of camouflage and anonymity. Are we not? We are the MX missile system of anons, kek. Never know which silo he gonna pop up from, kekkity kek

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8ce3a6  No.16759597

File: ba4d15148bb67f6⋯.png (425.37 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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023458  No.16759598



First post in this bread, and it says 48 posts WTF

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67ffeb  No.16759599





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7f4043  No.16759600

File: 27dd803e8279a91⋯.jpeg (84.12 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, 1000_9_.jpeg)

LA TESTE-DE-BUCH, France (AP) — A heat wave broiling Europe spilled northward Monday to Britain and fueled ferocious wildfires in Spain and France, which evacuated thousands of people and scrambled water-bombing planes and firefighters to battle flames in tinder-dry forests.

Two people were killed in the blazes in Spain that its prime minister linked to global warming, saying, “Climate change kills.”

That toll comes on top of the hundreds of heat-related deaths reported in the Iberian peninsula, as high temperatures have gripped the continent in recent days and triggered wildfires from Portugal to the Balkans. Some areas, including northern Italy, are also experiencing extended droughts. Climate change makes such life-threatening extremes less of a rarity — and heat waves have come even to places like Britain, which braced for possible record-breaking temperatures.

The hot weather in the U.K. was expected to be so severe this week that train operators warned it could warp the rails and some schools set up wading pools to help children cool off.


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023458  No.16759601

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My ID is 61c896

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b36ab7  No.16759602

File: 15635c69dae8f87⋯.png (75.85 KB, 500x505, 100:101, 300.png)


My guess is the kike Shapiro is calling the guy who shot the guy the murderer, since it screwed up their grand false flag op…….

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3f9a1f  No.16759603

File: c19f8106ef4f0ab⋯.png (421.44 KB, 839x365, 839:365, m8973b5v5413stacyabrams.png)

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91347b  No.16759604


Not anymore…

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b36ab7  No.16759605



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71788f  No.16759606



Haha… yeah… kek

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93fba2  No.16759607

File: bc68d7ce4e7af2d⋯.png (405.73 KB, 900x650, 18:13, 22_228895_trump_two_thumbs….png)

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ec7b8f  No.16759608


We're gonna need a bigger ocean

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bba48f  No.16759609

File: 6cb06f53e3d56fc⋯.png (29.53 KB, 710x577, 710:577, 6cb06f53e3d56fca79c824ca60….png)

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8f4225  No.16759610



Major fuckery, I couldn't post 50 times in a bread even if I tried kek, people are sharing id's it looks like

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ec7b8f  No.16759611


What does it mean?

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023458  No.16759612

File: 508efc9ff0e9317⋯.jpg (450.4 KB, 1050x871, 1050:871, jjustice.jpg)

File: cecac77c9b7514d⋯.png (298.83 KB, 994x1042, 497:521, ahpeace.png)


no justice

no peace

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67ffeb  No.16759613

File: 8705eda3a9de782⋯.png (843.25 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 8705eda3a9de782988e2e37040….png)

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d0e093  No.16759614

File: 064aa8a7065428c⋯.jpg (159.25 KB, 920x884, 230:221, 20220718_194942.jpg)

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61c896  No.16759615

File: 58699df95369559⋯.jpg (233.26 KB, 771x606, 257:202, 58699df95369559cb47fc44dee….jpg)

You will have no ID #

And you will be happy

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bba48f  No.16759616


i could post 750 times in a bread but i contain myself

you have an an underactive shitposting gland, anon

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042e65  No.16759617


>We're gonna need a bigger ocean


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e6c263  No.16759618

File: 6ab5d17759e8eb8⋯.jpg (7.59 KB, 223x226, 223:226, Pepe_sweating.jpg)

Umm bros, why did Trump eat a pizza backwards?

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8ce3a6  No.16759619

File: 04d6d54e29e48dc⋯.png (367.73 KB, 500x500, 1:1, shitposting.png)

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918040  No.16759620


Inter-dimensional? Yes, my take, too. Spoopy af.

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c19d9a  No.16759621

File: 6f5e0529e425b7e⋯.jpeg (428.65 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, F6A261B8_1799_403A_98FC_B….jpeg)


i got 50+ during captcha per post

one of the best breds ever tbh

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df7b69  No.16759622


Think mirror.

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91347b  No.16759623


My autistic son ate pizza like that for a while bro. He eats it normal now tho.

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67ffeb  No.16759624


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93fba2  No.16759625

File: a05ab2bbc5a5723⋯.gif (456.38 KB, 500x350, 10:7, skel.gif)

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ab4c64  No.16759626


we research, we don't do skits, we are not social influencers, it's very simple we are researchers. there is no other way to portray it.

And no thanks

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91347b  No.16759627

Holy shit I'm shifting between IDs

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8b3629  No.16759628

File: 87edcbdf5565369⋯.png (203.9 KB, 593x777, 593:777, 1658119170426321.png)

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d22889  No.16759629


This was a ponzi scheme ran by a fed watchlisted money launderer that due to a former washout marine found guilty of conduct unbecoming at the least and dispensing class material as a logistics operator and attempting to assault his supposed girlfriend who then ran back home and had to get involved in this

I brought this to the cia myself because her friends tried getting my ass there in 2015

They said they were gonna get her company shut down and leverage into moving back to Hawaii with me

I said if you mess with this girls life with me one moar time I’m going to the news today with decades of evidence on the company your real names dates comms all of it

They threatened me with 20 ur unmasking charges per and much moar

I said one bring it on two you can’t come after me with shit when I’m doing it in the process of coming after ALL of you for high treason crimes against the state and international war crimes.

They then no fly listed me so I couldn’t see her even with coast guard usss tied escort

Her friend two

Eye specifically said to leave the women and children out of this

Or eye take ALL of yours from [you]

Rusty Shackleford




Q Clearance Patriot


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aa9176  No.16759630


Every now and then even bottom feeders come up for chum. One of them chinese big lipped mud sharks.

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61c896  No.16759631

File: 6e4ba9f96269001⋯.png (689.25 KB, 576x768, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5a65f  No.16759632

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, heynewfags.png)

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cc4d6b  No.16759633


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c9258e  No.16759634

File: fa94cd1457233ab⋯.jpeg (13.4 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 29A0F55B_3AC3_4281_978F_4….jpeg)



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efdabc  No.16759635


curious…how did you get here?

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67ffeb  No.16759636

File: 1bfae3c556545d4⋯.jpg (24.79 KB, 400x305, 80:61, sauceplease.jpg)

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67ffeb  No.16759637

File: cb5382f9bca3221⋯.jpg (411.62 KB, 1500x2090, 150:209, cb5382f9bca3221671e39a3d2c….jpg)

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8ce3a6  No.16759638

File: 65e2dd2f80a5928⋯.jpg (141.78 KB, 516x400, 129:100, routing.jpg)


Must be a wormhole…

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ab4c64  No.16759639


you would have thought they wrote that into the law, but it's quite astounding chinese get contracts from the DOD

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cc4d6b  No.16759640


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67ffeb  No.16759641


The Yous Still Work hmmm

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042e65  No.16759642

File: cb652bbc10a5183⋯.png (221.42 KB, 575x324, 575:324, ClipboardImage.png)

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ca7d52  No.16759643

File: 6a84508ead2fcba⋯.png (1.27 MB, 978x1066, 489:533, ba5pourfemme.png)

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8ce3a6  No.16759644


They are cookie based.

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023458  No.16759645


Stick around. Don't worry if your device is recognized by some new frens, we're just beta testing

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042e65  No.16759646

File: eee83264c2b8171⋯.png (295.54 KB, 568x321, 568:321, ClipboardImage.png)

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67ffeb  No.16759647


We Dont Speak of bugs

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b5a65f  No.16759648

File: 151e7be5516a685⋯.jpg (19.76 KB, 480x360, 4:3, leftcantmeme.jpg)


Fucking cringe, yo…. Don't ever use that meme again. You literally have no fucking idea how to properly use it.

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4034ab  No.16759649


Robert Crimo

Anagram of his name is


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042e65  No.16759650


>The Yous Still Work hmmm


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7f8713  No.16759651

Just Got Tested

I'm Done For Gentlemen

I've Got the Climate Change

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042e65  No.16759652


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886c23  No.16759653


>What does it mean?

dunno, but I hope it fucks with the minds of those bad actors trying to keep track of who is who and what they believe and are posting about.

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b5a65f  No.16759654


lol What's going on with IDs? Just a VPN thing?

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a3c8c9  No.16759655


>DJT and ghost crew are letting the hardworking Americans in this country suffer.

exactly who is running the gov't now? you're still blaming POTUS for this?

weak shilling

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ba7055  No.16759656

File: 686b7fd2372e72a⋯.jpg (184.63 KB, 953x939, 953:939, 686b7fd2372e72acc1ae7b48a6….jpg)

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f56e63  No.16759657

File: 60f2643bd32db96⋯.jpg (50.73 KB, 681x483, 227:161, 60f2643bd32db96b13e13f401a….jpg)

Wheeeeeee another new ID

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8ce3a6  No.16759658


Nope. They're globally borked.

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91347b  No.16759659

File: 67ad6f94aaa46a3⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Like on the kun is like a box of IDs…

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67ffeb  No.16759660

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023458  No.16759661

File: d662e059daca966⋯.jpg (27.85 KB, 640x455, 128:91, RefTraining.jpg)

A"good Samaritan" fatally shot the gunman who killed three people Sunday at a mall in Greenwood, Ind., city officials say.

Greenwood Mayor Mark Myers says a total of four people including the gunman are dead and two others are injured, including a 12-year-old girl, in connection with the incident.

"As of now, we do not know the shooter's identity or motive," Myers said in a statement released by the city police department. "We do know that someone we are calling the 'good Samaritan' was able to shoot the assailant and stop further bloodshed. This person saved lives tonight. On behalf of the City of Greenwood, I am grateful for his quick action and heroism in this situation."

The Indianapolis suburb of Greenwood is home to about 64,000 people.

As of July 1, Indiana stopped requiring a permit to legally carry or conceal a handgun, provided carriers meet certain requirements such as not having an order of protection issued against them.


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4f42d2  No.16759662


kicked me to random kek

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d0e093  No.16759663

File: bd121acd910d200⋯.gif (4.9 MB, 600x450, 4:3, bd121acd910d20011f84756122….gif)

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c8fabb  No.16759664


no Your List of trips My( You} Wuz Correct

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8626be  No.16759665

File: 7ccf75de55910a1⋯.png (32.57 KB, 315x317, 315:317, 89tqu09tug9tujm9vutqyr9q2t….png)

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8ce3a6  No.16759666

File: 0ee9f23f0b98798⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 882x586, 441:293, NightShift.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759667

File: 63807f75078f81b⋯.png (302.54 KB, 570x318, 95:53, ClipboardImage.png)

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7f8713  No.16759668

File: 070ee57f15642ca⋯.png (670.56 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Shop Smart

Shop S-Mart

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042e65  No.16759669


Nice meme fren. Don't think I'm alone in saying I'm ready.

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91347b  No.16759670

File: d190ef7cfe269f4⋯.png (2.37 MB, 1658x1382, 829:691, Screen_Shot_2020_11_14_at_….png)

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cc4d6b  No.16759671


>no Your List of trips My( You} Wuz Correct


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e46351  No.16759672


Did you watch and listen to what they said?

because the crust was so good . It was stuffed with cheeseand they wanted to eat it first.


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67ffeb  No.16759673

File: 81db0fe5c9a7697⋯.png (1.57 MB, 942x1067, 942:1067, JIGS_UP.png)

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ec7b8f  No.16759674


Anon should make a tutorial on how to make red habben.

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91347b  No.16759675


My condolences. kek

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042e65  No.16759676

File: 31272976ab15d08⋯.gif (486.26 KB, 300x299, 300:299, giphy_1.gif)



>750 shit posts in one bread

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042e65  No.16759677

File: 1c6719255e7ca14⋯.mp4 (1.82 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Yiddish_Faggot.mp4)

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023458  No.16759678

File: bc37a058d4c1d8a⋯.png (1.22 MB, 1270x742, 635:371, butisit.png)

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67ffeb  No.16759679

File: ebce716a995dcf7⋯.gif (1.58 MB, 220x229, 220:229, ebce716a995dcf7178b8449959….gif)


some interpretive dance for you

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54d4bf  No.16759680

Texas State Police Launch Internal Review of Uvalde Response

UVALDE, Texas—The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) announced Monday an internal review into the actions of state police who had dozens of troopers and agents on the scene during a slow and chaotic response to the Uvalde elementary school mass shooting.

The review comes as a new 80-page report released over the weekend by the Texas House revealed wide failures by all levels of law enforcement. The findings estimated more than 90 state troopers were at Robb Elementary School during the May 24 tragedy.

It is the first time Texas DPS has said it would examine the actions of its own officers in the two months since the deadliest school shooting in Texas history.

Texas DPS said in a statement the review would “determine if any violations of policy, law, or doctrine occurred” during the response to the attack that killed 19 children and two teachers in a fourth-grade classroom. It said the review was launched last week.

Texas DPS Director Steve McCraw has previously called the law enforcement response to the shooting an “abject failure.” He has put much of the blame on the school district’s police chief for not breaching the classroom sooner.

The findings of an investigative committee released Sunday were the first to criticize both state and federal law enforcement, and not just local authorities in the South Texas city for the bewildering inaction by heavily armed officers as a gunman fired inside two adjoining fourth-grade classrooms.

Footage from city police officers’ body cameras made public hours later only further emphasized the failures.

Nearly 400 law enforcement officials rushed to the school, but “egregiously poor decision making” resulted in more than an hour of chaos before the gunman was finally confronted and killed, according to the report written by an investigative committee from the Texas House of Representatives.

Together, the report and more than three hours of newly released body camera footage from the May 24 tragedy amounted to the fullest account to date of one of the worst school shootings in U.S. history.

“At Robb Elementary, law enforcement responders failed to adhere to their active shooter training, and they failed to prioritize saving innocent lives over their own safety,” the report said.

The gunman fired approximately 142 rounds inside the building—and it is “almost certain” that at least 100 shots came before any officer entered, according to the report, which laid out numerous failures. Among them:

—No one assumed command despite scores of officers being on the scene.

—The commander of a Border Patrol tactical team waited for a bulletproof shield and working master key for a door to the classrooms that may have not even been needed, before entering.

—A Uvalde Police Department officer said he heard about 911 calls that had come from inside the rooms, and that his understanding was the officers on one side of the building knew there were victims trapped inside. Still, no one tried to breach the classroom.


Waste of time self investigations = coverup

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d22889  No.16759681

File: a0fb6133cad665f⋯.png (596.77 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 121034D3_B1D7_43F2_B001_37….png)

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d22889  No.16759682

File: d0b079b0ece94e5⋯.png (326.48 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 566849A8_9B5D_4E4B_A5D8_9C….png)

File: 7a000395ed12f4c⋯.png (291.61 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 4067EACA_8465_4B7F_977E_7E….png)

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bb89a8  No.16759683

File: 00ad9d5f73c12a9⋯.jpg (100.24 KB, 395x632, 5:8, Pepe_running.jpg)

File: 781826bb27201a0⋯.jpg (302.86 KB, 777x1200, 259:400, 8kun.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759684


It is working, satanist protector?


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4034ab  No.16759685


If only it knew what it was doing.

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91347b  No.16759686

Gosh darn it, QResear.ch is down now

I blame this fucking faggot→>>


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d22889  No.16759687

File: 0043a21d35665fb⋯.png (440.92 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, D5FEA688_E33C_49A7_85D8_6F….png)

File: b803354d461e1fa⋯.png (781.64 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, 246F41BE_C506_4C74_A868_70….png)

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8ce3a6  No.16759688

File: b331a369ed2a184⋯.png (600.25 KB, 904x500, 226:125, ClipboardImage.png)

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3a0bf7  No.16759689

File: 4eb43a7f8979a64⋯.jpg (168.27 KB, 847x751, 847:751, Church.jpg)

File: c6417bedd7c1b3a⋯.png (1003.79 KB, 619x893, 619:893, Builders.png)

the church was favourite place of worship of late artist Andy Warhol, who died in 1987 aged 58, and who lived near the building in the 1960s and ’70s.

“There are reports that Donald himself will attend, along with current wife Melania.” There have also been reports Donald’s third wife Melania, 52, will not attend the service.

Sources told the New York Post mourners are set to fly in from Europe to pay their last respects. The invite was also said to have requested those attending make a donation to a local dog rescue centre instead of sending flowers.


Surely, Warhol was a spook like the rest. Not sure why his name is such an important a reference here. Suppose I'll look around.

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023458  No.16759690


Well, if you think your

tones will be just . . . 

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b5a65f  No.16759691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c8fabb  No.16759692

File: 799e048f1338b55⋯.gif (815.36 KB, 400x356, 100:89, nba_basketball.gif)

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ec7b8f  No.16759693

File: 418efb2e5bd6ab8⋯.png (874.49 KB, 570x789, 190:263, ClipboardImage.png)


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023458  No.16759694

File: 127c3b1c187583a⋯.jpg (10.43 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 4246276dca65185b35b4c42d37….jpg)

God bless and protect Our chilldren and family's.

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042e65  No.16759695

File: 169fb5206e18f16⋯.jpg (81.09 KB, 500x552, 125:138, 6n1mhe.jpg)

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91347b  No.16759696

File: cac52d416fc6ad2⋯.png (495.38 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, AFD93D71_E5CB_42FF_B5F8_D7….png)

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023458  No.16759697

File: d5ee11e1e176208⋯.png (843.17 KB, 734x732, 367:366, d5ee11e1e17620845585437140….png)

I should stop pulling my punches. I think all anons should stop pulling their punches. It's almost time to show them.

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7f8713  No.16759698


I don't believe your story

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06a408  No.16759699

File: 9733761831300ab⋯.png (128.46 KB, 355x313, 355:313, 3fd82bd0ce64698eadf6c8f307….png)

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91347b  No.16759700

File: e7fa057b2b3fc61⋯.png (630.36 KB, 635x472, 635:472, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2fd506147065f84⋯.png (444 KB, 528x307, 528:307, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7f6618533a80e7d⋯.png (346.38 KB, 485x316, 485:316, ClipboardImage.png)


he inverted the pyramid.

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bc2de0  No.16759701

File: 4142f5f3a72b5c6⋯.png (207.09 KB, 438x563, 438:563, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f4225  No.16759702

File: d6bd15ddfc7fbaa⋯.jpg (69.32 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 20220718_170827.jpg)

File: dc628306671c162⋯.jpg (60.36 KB, 718x397, 718:397, 6n6fbs.jpg)

File: 772d75e365ff911⋯.png (48.65 KB, 640x599, 640:599, b69e8a22af9ed9d484764ec217….png)

Dick levine wants to chop kids weiners off, has he removed his own?

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a27b51  No.16759703

File: 0bb4287712113d4⋯.png (216.15 KB, 900x522, 50:29, fjthink.png)

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f6bd8c  No.16759704


needs a good pressure washing

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042e65  No.16759705

File: aa07d07daa796c0⋯.png (117.48 KB, 515x550, 103:110, Friedrich_H_derlin.png)

File: 0a92d63d27d3c90⋯.png (150.96 KB, 332x582, 166:291, Lichtbringer.png)

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67ffeb  No.16759706

File: 513f906a98f12db⋯.gif (3.07 MB, 580x326, 290:163, D6E80327_BFD6_4F9F_8284_F4….gif)

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715a2d  No.16759707

File: fd005f93a7dafc8⋯.png (13.16 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 6f75716fd755107559b948bee3….png)

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023458  No.16759708

File: a259709e77a2060⋯.webm (1.47 MB, 400x400, 1:1, 1619196479680.webm)



Also checked

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023458  No.16759709

File: aac38f278ada114⋯.png (930.92 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Ok, maybe if she is in prison or a mental hospital.


This is really sick!

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023458  No.16759710

File: 58c317e267e9f8f⋯.jpeg (21.01 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_2_.jpeg)

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6b33a2  No.16759711

File: f0f2fb1a8d36216⋯.jpg (48.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 6n3pax.jpg)

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002657  No.16759712

File: df74bcdf6f523f5⋯.jpeg (98.55 KB, 1010x1024, 505:512, balls_deep_in_conspiracy_….jpeg)

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1c5810  No.16759713


Cuz Pizza Hut padi him and his ex a shit load of loot.

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023458  No.16759714

I am going to post what I didn't post.

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67ffeb  No.16759715

File: aed2879bf71a23a⋯.jpg (51.74 KB, 550x364, 275:182, paintingthefence.jpg)

who's id,..ughhhh..was this!!???????

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91347b  No.16759716

File: 81e929fa572ad45⋯.png (11.12 KB, 235x206, 235:206, ULTRAKek.png)


That anon is gonna leave here with brain damage kek

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26b860  No.16759717

File: 6e80e6a3707546e⋯.jpeg (210.33 KB, 828x1037, 828:1037, 59C281CD_DAA8_4595_BE44_3….jpeg)


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042e65  No.16759718

File: fa860a5445bdcca⋯.png (205.01 KB, 524x539, 524:539, Wahrhaftigkeit.png)

File: 3a7004b9ddd08ea⋯.png (422.39 KB, 476x581, 68:83, Tod_den_Viechern.png)

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ec7b8f  No.16759719

File: f4f893fcf377292⋯.png (508.3 KB, 693x453, 231:151, ClipboardImage.png)

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023458  No.16759720


Crust First

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fd5563  No.16759721

File: 8bab49de1f823b9⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 1000x675, 40:27, 8bab49de1f823b9aa7e83bedcc….jpg)


>"En Garde", Halleck called, and the dummy pressed the attack.

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b5a65f  No.16759722

File: 2f10434241db9f1⋯.png (247.8 KB, 710x419, 710:419, ClipboardImage.png)


lol pic semi related

From 2016

Mother seeks answers after photo shows officer giving ‘thumbs up’ next to her son’s dead body

ST. LOUIS (NEWS10) – A St. Louis mother wants answers after a photo shows a police officer allegedly posing with her son’s dead body.


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a27b51  No.16759723

File: 78d7b838fdb9e28⋯.png (443.27 KB, 796x1180, 199:295, transtrick.png)

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ec7b8f  No.16759724

File: 51da4fdc0d4a285⋯.png (1.4 MB, 978x1040, 489:520, dreamba5.png)

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023458  No.16759725

File: 669f088e0e27a30⋯.jpeg (20.54 KB, 202x253, 202:253, 50d1e4ecd7bca0694c122facb….jpeg)


we are members of the alliance.

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6ccd39  No.16759726


Bottom of the triangle first, then work your way to the top?

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0566a8  No.16759727



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f63ddf  No.16759728


>Crust first

= best for last?

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67ffeb  No.16759729


Warhol was a Czeck, (slovakian)

Ivana was a Czeck

overlapped NYC in the 70's

Both alleged spies

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023458  No.16759730

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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67ffeb  No.16759731


There's a vax for that.

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cc61fd  No.16759732

File: a050c92f06e3a9e⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 87m4n7657b4463464.png)

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91347b  No.16759733


The tip IS the best.

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91347b  No.16759734

His Gang? And He saw that is was Good


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023458  No.16759735

File: 68ea56baa6a62fa⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 228x222, 38:37, Screenshot_20220103_113059….jpg)

File: e229c540e786f77⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 219x206, 219:206, Screenshot_20220103_113100….jpg)

File: cea0161c55ec6ab⋯.jpg (13.5 KB, 232x164, 58:41, Screenshot_20220103_113101….jpg)

"As ‘re-volution’ or ‘re-evolution’, the spiral progression is symbolic of the transpersonal route to that higher level of consciousness which is sought by all esoteric and occult systems… the circumambulatory, as utilised in mazes and labyrinths; and oscillation, the movement back and forth between dualities…

The archetypal image of the spiral came to render itself in the idea of a path that could be climbed in stages to reach God, a notion fundamental to both the Kabbalah and exponents of magic down the centuries, and made concrete in the three- and two-dimensional initiatory mazes which existed in antiquity.It is believed that such mazes, or processional pathways, existed… Pilgrims would have entered the maze part way up the side of the hill and traveled first in a clockwise, then in an anti-clockwise, direction making their way to the holy summit, possibly by means of seven full circuits, absorbing the energy of the natural ‘power station’ as they went… The great ziggurat of Babylon, the original Tower of Babel, was called the Etemenanki, the ‘Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth’, and its holy summit was reached by a spiral path ascending through seven tiers. The septenary spiral has been interpreted as the ‘world centre’ motif…Such places are indicative of the ‘prototypical sacred and spiral mountain’, and represent the symbolic World Mountain of old, the omphalos, where above and below, the sky opening and the underworld, conjoin. "


Cross_reference w/ Chris Steele's intel/cyber-security co, Walsingham Training, a subsidiary of Orbis.



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ec7b8f  No.16759736


Shut the fuck up.

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8ce3a6  No.16759737

File: 3a6b8a2779b0e16⋯.png (469.07 KB, 500x627, 500:627, ClipboardImage.png)

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61c896  No.16759738

File: a0b7d47b9d15d76⋯.png (528.08 KB, 598x448, 299:224, ClipboardImage.png)


> I am eager to learn more about what you do in here! :)


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aa9176  No.16759739

Is this the moment China controlled the US airwaves?

-On March 29, 2016, the FCC commenced the first-ever “incentive auction” designed to repurpose spectrum for new uses

-And by making valuable “low-band” airwaves available for wireless broadband,

-the incentive auction will benefit consumers by easing congestion on wireless networks, laying the groundwork for “fifth generation” (5G) wireless services and applications

Auction Results:

-Bidding in the auction closed on March 30, 2017, repurposing 84 megahertz of spectrum – 70 megahertz for licensed use and another 14 megahertz for wireless microphones and unlicensed use.

-The auction yielded $19.8 billion in revenue, including $10.05 billion for winning broadcast bidders and more than $7 billion to be deposited to the U.S. Treasury for deficit reduction.


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88b114  No.16759740

Looking at the extended forecast.

August is gonna be a hot month.

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6b33a2  No.16759741

File: cc140516a4cfe61⋯.png (689.29 KB, 850x741, 850:741, Screenshot_20220718_200931….png)

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002657  No.16759742

File: 6eccab571d37140⋯.jpg (23.65 KB, 474x266, 237:133, swazi.jpg)


Hitler is a jew. Plus he's a faggot too.

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91347b  No.16759743


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3a0bf7  No.16759744

Believe it or not, Andy Warhol was one of the most devout of all Modern artists.

He admitted he took communion sometimes, even though “I never feel that I do anything bad.” Then, with archetypal Warhol blankness, he added: “I think it’s really pretty to go to church. The church I go to is a pretty church.”

Evidently, he was called "the Pope of Pop"

Warhol took considerable pride in financing his nephew’s studies for the priesthood.


My guess his handlers were directly in the Catholic church. Spotlight on the Church with the funeral I guess.

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67ffeb  No.16759745


To totally appreciate this place takes time. Too many nuances to explain.

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c8a9d9  No.16759746

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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91347b  No.16759747

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4f42d2  No.16759748

File: 78a9e22194dc93e⋯.jpeg (23.98 KB, 254x190, 127:95, 5F5987BE_AF87_4D0D_89D9_C….jpeg)


so there i was poasting with full anonimity on qresearch kek

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df7b69  No.16759749

Evaluate text. Not poster. Unless you got PRISM, then evaluate poster kekkkkkkk.

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b5a65f  No.16759750


Hell I'd even like to know what the fuck we do in here…. 98% shitposters? Myself not excluded.

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023458  No.16759751


50 posts makes you a nigger and a faggot. Quite possibly a niggerfaggot.

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3a0bf7  No.16759752

File: 7cb1e0e6a4baeb1⋯.png (649.38 KB, 715x791, 715:791, ChurchWar.png)

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d3e400  No.16759753

File: 02069021b8930db⋯.png (95.44 KB, 500x426, 250:213, ClipboardImage.png)

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a33f8b  No.16759754

File: ae7ff71e3a4814c⋯.png (423.37 KB, 2674x1254, 1337:627, ClipboardImage.png)



Buzzfeed did a hitpiece on it a while back

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91347b  No.16759755


Should be Pepes on the Tower where the trees are.

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886c23  No.16759756


anon is taking a bunch of caps of all this, so we can look back and say yeah that was some shit, kek

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f63ddf  No.16759757

File: 5f586db6a2476c4⋯.jpeg (21.28 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 4FF9CD52_D613_4950_909E_6….jpeg)

File: b6f892c508ef7d6⋯.jpeg (30.1 KB, 255x193, 255:193, 58C1CE95_52A7_49EA_9C55_D….jpeg)

File: 8a1de94a783c55c⋯.jpeg (27.43 KB, 227x255, 227:255, 1FE4436F_4840_488E_BFF3_A….jpeg)

File: 04ac394252cb033⋯.jpeg (29.71 KB, 255x221, 15:13, 17BC5624_CE39_4BB8_9BD8_E….jpeg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759758

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Says the anon with 66 posts

>he doesn't know lel

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1581ca  No.16759759

File: ba3d5591d418c3c⋯.jpg (51.52 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6ljq.jpg)


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6b33a2  No.16759760

File: b4411eb697e416f⋯.jpg (71.59 KB, 563x765, 563:765, wvj5b4.jpg)

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91347b  No.16759761

File: 7b2586a3d11dbb8⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 640x360, 16:9, TitsOrGTFO.mp4)

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fd5563  No.16759762

File: 21f779a05bfce7b⋯.gif (3.03 MB, 498x498, 1:1, 21f779a05bfce7b8b7b1a1bbbb….gif)


>023458 (66)

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d22889  No.16759763

File: b803354d461e1fa⋯.png (781.64 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, FE0BDAA5_7B8F_4B78_BA9F_05….png)



Split with who

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138a47  No.16759764

Let me preface this with nothing about Q is true. That being said, if you believe it is then what you’re endorsing is jail time traded for humiliation. That’s not justice. They don’t care and they’ll be winning for the rest of time. They already won. 95% control of all institutions. All. All. All.

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91347b  No.16759765

File: dd20f85340a71ee⋯.jpg (89.6 KB, 1630x296, 815:148, Xnip2022_07_18_20_16_37.jpg)



id's are screwy now.

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ec7b8f  No.16759766

File: 0160c04210a968e⋯.jpg (15.78 KB, 400x272, 25:17, 425235.jpg)


Whoops embed repeated since I'm on another ID again

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0e8cec  No.16759770


we're gonna need a bigger pizza

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8b3629  No.16759771

File: 0d4c895703378c4⋯.jpg (2.26 MB, 1500x5682, 250:947, 0d4c895703378c41faf3d69cbe….jpg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759772

File: 56330e63b43eeeb⋯.gif (875.71 KB, 280x210, 4:3, hmmm.gif)

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a27b51  No.16759773

File: c3aa1e93c050054⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1080x1400, 27:35, jident.png)

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f0d1f5  No.16759774

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886c23  No.16759775

File: ee322e85401ca76⋯.jpg (55.45 KB, 540x540, 1:1, JadeHelm.jpg)


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042e65  No.16759776


Nice digits: Triple 5, you are correct, they keep doubling down on self harm and destruction of their own country and citizens, while it only makes Russia stronger and independent. Russia and Putin had 8 years to plan this, thats a long planning period

Why dont the people rise up saying enough, stop sending our money to ukraine, stop supporting an unending war, stop supporting a corrupt country and causing detriment and serious harm to our countries

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1a43cd  No.16759777

Why is there always urine underneath a urinal?

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b36ab7  No.16759778

Well, the Jews are fucking with the ID because last night I was blocking them, so now, they confuse the ID.

This is a State activitiy, most likely out of Tel Aviv, as it's a fairly sophisticated attack. Jews. are really, really good at cheating.

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042e65  No.16759779

When all of this shit is over, I want to party with The Don. Burgers, warm cookies, steak, apple pie. Let's just turn the whole Capitol into a party and party for a few days.

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67ffeb  No.16759780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1995 Donald Trump Pizza Hut Commercial

44,423 views Sep 15, 2016

Clinton Warriner

441 subscribers

Found this in my VHS archives.

(c)1995 Yum! Brands 1995 commercial for Pizza Hut's recently-introduced stuffed crust pizza; featuring real-estate tycoon turned reality show magnate (and now . Pizza Hut commercial from 1995 featuring Donald Trump.


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023458  No.16759781

File: d2fea548c02c191⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6ljq_1_1.jpg)


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042e65  No.16759782

File: 7f8b5faa30c6314⋯.jpg (76.1 KB, 650x459, 650:459, Spartacus_.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759783

File: c9c71f7e7436892⋯.gif (157.76 KB, 240x180, 4:3, BreakableLimpingBlackandta….gif)


Buh Bye Red Text Shill

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ec7b8f  No.16759784


The women's bathroom is ALWAYS worse.

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71788f  No.16759785


>it's a fairly sophisticated attack.

Chuckled and also nice timestamp

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cc61fd  No.16759786

File: c689b5bfd463b42⋯.jpg (79 KB, 500x835, 100:167, c689b5bfd463b427d1db39573b….jpg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"Let me preface this with nothing about Q is true. That being said, if you believe it is then what you’re endorsing is jail time traded for humiliation. That’s not justice. They don’t care and they’ll be winning for the rest of time. They already won. 95% control of all institutions. All. All. All."


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042e65  No.16759788

File: 1bd1b2e5c20726e⋯.png (400.47 KB, 500x578, 250:289, 1mkultra.png)

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b5a65f  No.16759789

File: bb41d4469664769⋯.png (1009.18 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Not very easy to piss standing with a vagina.

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3c3c57  No.16759790

File: 224d21670b60055⋯.png (577.63 KB, 598x619, 598:619, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5465016abb34c1⋯.png (5.06 MB, 1838x1044, 919:522, ClipboardImage.png)

Bo Erickson CBS


President Biden in USA hat poses with Americans at the #Maccabiah games


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ec7b8f  No.16759791

File: cccb1d890f031b5⋯.jpeg (186.62 KB, 940x705, 4:3, munch.jpeg)

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886c23  No.16759792

File: 4a6cec7a8e45578⋯.jpg (74.14 KB, 640x639, 640:639, b47ad1cdb03796b54af15b8889….jpg)


>Why is there always urine underneath a urinal?

Why does blue ice always fall off 777s?


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f0d1f5  No.16759793




poor writing. I call bs

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042e65  No.16759794

File: 40189c67e011ba3⋯.png (350.71 KB, 577x433, 577:433, keks_2.png)


Careful filtering anon. You could wind up with that very same ID on a future post.

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96a73c  No.16759795


Gonna need you to film you doing a back flip off a bridge to be sure that you are really wanting to get to know this place and represent it with interpretive dance.

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0b3741  No.16759796


Sure thing. Hell they just bought the young repubes. Let me guess you still think pence is white hat? That’s funny shit bud.

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ec7b8f  No.16759797

File: 60e421a86d74755⋯.png (435.31 KB, 407x480, 407:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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a27b51  No.16759798

File: 6f417baba282409⋯.png (67.63 KB, 1500x500, 3:1, fbooks.png)

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042e65  No.16759799

File: 6a166179bdb0e83⋯.jpg (45.43 KB, 500x561, 500:561, BluehairNPC.jpg)

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30f2eb  No.16759800


always kneeling

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d22889  No.16759801


Thanks faggot

Far as I Know they flew out of my acid trip onto a screen and into the car

Kinda like quantum riddled Elvis vinyls, new old music as its being made

Next level stuff

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042e65  No.16759802


I'd rather party with anons. Don doesn't drink, he goes to be early..


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aa9176  No.16759803

AT&T currently provides some form of U-verse services to approximately 11.3 million households.

Aug 7 2014 Clock Started

Mar 13 2015 Clock Stopped


Hmmm. What does it all mean?

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ec7b8f  No.16759804

File: 8b8e086f4aeb936⋯.jpg (50.07 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6ljq_1.jpg)


My 3rd post on this thread.

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d22889  No.16759805


Good to see there’s still some @REALfaggots left around here

(((Always get suspicious when anons are acting too nice to each other)))


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f4f765  No.16759806


stand closer to the base you have a short bat

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ec7b8f  No.16759807


Nice digits: Triple 5, you are correct, they keep doubling down on self harm and destruction of their own country and citizens, while it only makes Russia stronger and independent. Russia and Putin had 8 years to plan this, thats a long planning period

Why dont the people rise up saying enough, stop sending our money to ukraine, stop supporting an unending war, stop supporting a corrupt country and causing detriment and serious harm to our countries

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91347b  No.16759808

File: 26bb324df7246f4⋯.jpg (7 KB, 298x169, 298:169, jfktrump.jpg)

>>16758491 (pb)

"Dig on YMCA song played at DJT rallies.

It was released in 1978 on Village People's "Cruisin'" album

The album length was 35:45" (pic related)

YMCA was 4:47 in length"

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7db592  No.16759809

File: b2649b5ca85d789⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 620x330, 62:33, teslatwain.jpg)

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958004  No.16759810


That can be the after party. Kek Notice how I didn't mention drinking or anything else. I know he's a clean guy. We can have a storm after party on the streets. Maybe we can have Patriot food trucks and fireworks. Serve beer on tap and cool drinks in the trucks.

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91347b  No.16759811


Don't talk shit 'bout my ID anon.

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ec7b8f  No.16759812

File: f9e160b5af78d31⋯.jpeg (217.04 KB, 512x640, 4:5, cpj12.jpeg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759813


that is their target market after all

nothing of value lost

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ec7b8f  No.16759814

File: 9741f69cab1315a⋯.gif (874.3 KB, 400x224, 25:14, Keck.gif)

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91347b  No.16759815

File: 9211205c2bf9831⋯.jpeg (400.69 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, E9CSFFjWYAUKb9a.jpeg)


>When all of this shit is over, I want to party with The Don.

Visit him in the higher dimensions, the party has been going on for a while there.

These days have been just a matter of this 3D walnut fully cracking open

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91347b  No.16759816

>>16759784 Tits Or Git Da Fuck Out

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023458  No.16759817

File: 3c2e687239b15c1⋯.png (158.64 KB, 435x500, 87:100, kek_delayed_reaction.png)

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3a0bf7  No.16759818

File: f7f648f1c2897c7⋯.jpg (38.97 KB, 330x413, 330:413, 330px_Alois_Hitler_in_his_….jpg)



Its first Mass was celebrated on the feast day of St. Vincent Ferrer, September 8, 1879. At the same time the order decided to build a priory at the church to serve as its provincial headquarters. It commissioned William Schickel, a German-born architect who had recently completed his first major work in New York

Wasn't Adolph Hitler's father Alois born with the name Alois Schicklgruber. Maybe nothing. There's a lot more on this William Schickle, including a Jesuit church he designed on the upper east side, the Church of St. Ignatius Loyola.


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8ce3a6  No.16759819


That's the biggest crowd he's ever had… KEK

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d22889  No.16759820


Hidden dimensional sacred geometric architecture

Builder of great buildings

Trumps uncle - early vignettes radios workers > Tesla tech < (((thesis on electrostatics operating in a high vacuum)))

Think moon

No we are not alone

Yes we already had been up there before yes they confirmed with evidence yes the moon landing video you see is faked in moon time hacked pictures from Langley re rollercoaster moon approach angle shots film set earth from space was a port hole at LEO at best

No you do not get into deep space in a rocket

Yes space force can force the hand of unilateral black op real space race tech


Yes space is still right here we are still in and no a nebula a gorilla an light years away even when eye manipulate a light frequency faster than said accepted physics religion of light speed or grav 32 for pre second per second and yes 5th dimensional toroidal self contained planes are transposed through Godspeed moar than even lightspeed.

Think of size differences that could be in play by the time u cross an entire universal electrical plane of existsncial thought

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ec7b8f  No.16759821

File: 289ad89a652fe4f⋯.gif (1.67 MB, 472x360, 59:45, Charles_Bronco_Bronson.gif)

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042e65  No.16759822

File: c4b17dbb0d80e26⋯.png (458.45 KB, 658x575, 658:575, ClipboardImage.png)

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a33f8b  No.16759823


It represents the Divine Feminine and is ideologically opposed to the obelisk cuk-ruling current elite who worship the pyramid.

We are in a war for who wants to determine our future. Don't forget that.

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715a2d  No.16759824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

hole in the sky take me to heaven

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8626be  No.16759825

File: 2c42f3d05d2b404⋯.gif (755.95 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 24sc42f3d05d2b404c42a0eaa7….gif)


>All. All. All.

accommodations will be made

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e8deff  No.16759826

File: 115963d9a400173⋯.jpeg (374.06 KB, 560x756, 20:27, cringe.jpeg)

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8ce3a6  No.16759827

File: 99648c16b147a92⋯.jpg (77.74 KB, 354x461, 354:461, ewww.jpg)

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61c896  No.16759828

File: 91a95d78c7133ae⋯.png (394.13 KB, 746x480, 373:240, 91a95d78c7133aef0fffb1d2d9….png)

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9eeadd  No.16759829

File: 0d5a25471fd7e01⋯.jpeg (451.27 KB, 828x1396, 207:349, 3D82645A_A9A2_4574_8E01_C….jpeg)

File: 3f9b426037f6f3e⋯.jpeg (141.7 KB, 828x1138, 414:569, 00542C3A_5293_4AE6_A41B_D….jpeg)

File: 28a107bf2f34c0d⋯.jpeg (132.66 KB, 828x1182, 138:197, 2E192566_07F1_4BE4_9227_A….jpeg)

File: fc72a4948fc75b8⋯.jpeg (127.77 KB, 828x1124, 207:281, 98FEFC82_CD3C_4785_B54F_2….jpeg)


23, here comes the pain 😁

Y’all remember me yet? 😂😂😂

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7db592  No.16759830

File: 0dcc244e44ae0ca⋯.jpg (31.46 KB, 483x334, 483:334, barryrham.jpg)


oscillation, the movement back and forth between dualities…

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f4f765  No.16759831


one more time in english?

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ba7055  No.16759832

File: f24d305e63341bc⋯.gif (7.36 MB, 600x450, 4:3, Jude.gif)

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3dca20  No.16759833

File: d95d031918ea04e⋯.jpg (120.72 KB, 512x480, 16:15, pepe_wasted_digitz.jpg)

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b5a65f  No.16759834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


WTF you surprised about? Dude said it was Michelle Obama

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ec7b8f  No.16759835


You're not wrong, and it's nothing new, we're just learning that the entire world is run by the mafia. All pretensions of "good, honest, people" in positions of authority is gone. You can't be good and honest and climb the pyramid very far.

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ec7b8f  No.16759836

File: 78f4632958456b5⋯.jpeg (149.35 KB, 1242x1635, 414:545, hillary_urinal.jpeg)


← There's a FIX for that.

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91347b  No.16759837

Covid is Over

Burn the Mask


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f4f765  No.16759838


one more time in english?

my bad was ment for


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ec7b8f  No.16759839

File: 4e652c9271e6634⋯.png (334.61 KB, 757x480, 757:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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a27b51  No.16759840

File: 9855cb8fd340dbb⋯.jpg (41.58 KB, 640x640, 1:1, unhateantichrist.jpg)

File: fdad7de421ef1f8⋯.jpg (185.62 KB, 680x324, 170:81, wpoutofafrica.jpg)

File: f6d99e2ea2edd6b⋯.jpeg (198.63 KB, 1065x1065, 1:1, wpgrowstronger.jpeg)

File: 7b9f91b1b5ca3c1⋯.jpg (338.6 KB, 1024x707, 1024:707, wpenrich.jpg)

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d22889  No.16759841


Force the hand of the disclosure of

Think declassifying an entire concept of airplanes to the public before they heard of the wright brothers

Think if you rely on ballistic tip icbms to fuel launch with air or land silo launch again or gain speed and altitude all after clas class classs and some physical keys and floppy drives from the 70s with the same launch controllers etc

Then think the head of Iranian cybersecurity is understanding why me and a modem in the 90s / early 00s still cut your ignorant balls off re even spinning a stupid ass centrifuge

Really how dumb are u fucks

Poseidon and Zeus will unleash the REAL weapons of modern war before you have a pseudo incindiary terrestrial wide battle

Especially when eye test hacked every Biden cia icbm low impact down to cruise style and said nope

Your keys your boys told you you paid for are MEIN

you don’t get to play





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1c5810  No.16759842


That woman is hung like an elephant.

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91347b  No.16759843

Look up the TURKSAT Rocket that launched from the USA in January

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71788f  No.16759844


>They don’t care and they’ll be winning for the rest of time. They already won.



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ec7b8f  No.16759845

File: 1c23ee812e6df92⋯.gif (3 MB, 1221x850, 1221:850, it_s_happening.gif)

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91347b  No.16759846


such interesting new word salad bots today

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2144b6  No.16759847


Not going to work on me there sparky!

Go fuck yourself!

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042e65  No.16759848


I know me too, and I have 68 posts when i’ve posted 2-3x

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67ffeb  No.16759849

File: bf2bb1391e57feb⋯.jpg (8.1 MB, 6688x5016, 4:3, memehyperspace.jpg)

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023458  No.16759850

Mamon is French for Mother

The Patriarchical priesthood wants you to think that Mamon is "evil".

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bc2de0  No.16759851

File: a9c1ce81e21fc8c⋯.png (88.24 KB, 345x225, 23:15, ClipboardImage.png)

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8651e3  No.16759852



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 1a0564 No.7231226

Jul 28 2019 14:11:59 (EST)


While Congress is away….

The month of AUGUST is traditionally a really HOT month.

Nature is unpredictable.


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bc2de0  No.16759853


Baptism by fire!

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ec7b8f  No.16759854

File: ebebfba480033a1⋯.png (255.29 KB, 365x480, 73:96, klaus_schwab_auf.png)

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ec7b8f  No.16759855

File: b5bf3d861eb869c⋯.png (290.51 KB, 598x622, 299:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Panic in DC


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5a2ead  No.16759856

File: c212f9a2321b4c8⋯.png (277.24 KB, 484x546, 242:273, 482057_948574852749_850498….png)



kek, situation normal

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91347b  No.16759857

File: 641a0f12c62dea1⋯.jpeg (71.48 KB, 535x574, 535:574, 641a0f12c62dea19151ada551….jpeg)

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042e65  No.16759858


Why don't freethinking Anons take one moment to see exactly what Q had to say about Jews.


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023458  No.16759859

File: ff32262001b3d98⋯.png (202.58 KB, 483x746, 483:746, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c79663397b2349b⋯.png (384.04 KB, 1393x2265, 1393:2265, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cf8f3c974d88d2⋯.png (198.74 KB, 1389x1179, 463:393, ClipboardImage.png)

>>16752727 pb

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ec7b8f  No.16759860

File: 3f07a46138f2a2a⋯.png (406.71 KB, 750x473, 750:473, Hirono_racist_it_is.png)

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cbb136  No.16759861



Then why are you here?

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91347b  No.16759862

File: 332f3b3dbdedc7e⋯.jpg (42.78 KB, 644x475, 644:475, overreact.JPG)

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ee08d9  No.16759863


Clarence Thomas did what he was told to do like he always has.

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e2f090  No.16759864


Rebellion is in their blood.

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042e65  No.16759865

File: 04d0f1dbff3c5d2⋯.png (362.26 KB, 600x440, 15:11, 04d0f1dbff3c5d2025b1258825….png)

I like how the halfchan fags come over and think fishing for yous is the goal here as it is on the compromised board that Q left. Might still be citrus, but my grapefruit is quite different than their orange.

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b5a65f  No.16759866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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023458  No.16759867


does autoGAHY pilot LARP too?

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042e65  No.16759868

File: f101573adc080f6⋯.png (377.94 KB, 700x902, 350:451, ClipboardImage.png)

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91347b  No.16759869

File: b3cc847de2904c9⋯.mp4 (2.16 MB, 384x480, 4:5, b3cc847de2904c92f7390c0b99….mp4)

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ce2cac  No.16759870

File: db4debb5b493411⋯.png (1.54 KB, 67x47, 67:47, screenshot_8kun_top_2022_0….png)

take one moment to see exactly

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1c5810  No.16759871

File: 49700d902043334⋯.png (531.02 KB, 838x913, 838:913, barack_cooks.png)


We shitpost, dig , meme, pray

and oh yea shitmeme.

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ec7b8f  No.16759872

File: 248c169502ff116⋯.jpg (8.5 KB, 225x224, 225:224, tranny.jpg)

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bb89a8  No.16759873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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df7b69  No.16759874

File: 893f125f15c9eac⋯.png (12.04 KB, 664x176, 83:22, mamon.png)

File: 7730dfa8f8a3981⋯.png (3.7 KB, 284x52, 71:13, nomames.png)

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91347b  No.16759875

File: 68080559d13ea47⋯.jpg (95.93 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, anon2.jpg)

File: 573d6720f14985b⋯.jpg (89.01 KB, 1020x950, 102:95, fpsycho.jpg)

File: 23319b1254c53f1⋯.jpg (89.75 KB, 1024x1010, 512:505, fjnig.jpg)

File: 420f6973990b9cb⋯.png (338.01 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 1nothing.png)

humor is hard in clownworld because all of the ridiculous horrors that would have been funny are real, and happen everyday.

There are people in power who think men can get pregnant. There are no jokes left.

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715a2d  No.16759876

File: b0981ab8af9e48f⋯.jpg (17.62 KB, 244x255, 244:255, b0981ab8af9e48f309ec70a940….jpg)

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a33f8b  No.16759877

File: 0e162a829aa2cfd⋯.png (681.17 KB, 504x705, 168:235, ClipboardImage.png)


Sorry. Don't agree.

No Moon landing. Earth is flat and stationary. Outer space is Antarctica.

Most likely fuckery afoot out there.

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2144b6  No.16759878




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e2f090  No.16759879


That's just a cohencidence, goyim.

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8fa844  No.16759880

File: 37958cceb9ede7a⋯.png (1.04 MB, 700x980, 5:7, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5a65f  No.16759881

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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042e65  No.16759882

File: ae39dc98fd12d27⋯.png (946.38 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 47F3963A_16D4_4BC9_A8A7_7D….png)

18 Jul, 2022 20:47

World must choose between action and ‘suicide’ – UN

Secretary-General Guterres delivered a climate change ultimatum to a Berlin conference


The world has a choice between “collective action and collective suicide” and must act immediately to address climate change, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday in a message to the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, Germany.

“Greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level rise and ocean heat have broken new records. Half of humanity is in the danger zone from floods, droughts, extreme storms and wildfires. No nation is immune,” Guterres said in a video message.

“What troubles me most is that, in facing this global crisis, we are failing to work together as a multilateral community. Nations continue to play the blame game instead of taking responsibility for our collective future. We cannot continue this way,” the top UN official added. “Time is no longer on our side.”

This has to be the decade of decisive climate action. That means trust, multilateralism, and collaboration. We have a choice. Collective action or collective suicide.

Guterres insisted the countries of the world “must rebuild trust and come together” to create a “concrete global response” on climate, including providing financial aid to those affected the most by environmental events.

The meeting in Germany convened representatives from 40 countries to discuss progress on implementing climate agreements, reduce the use of fossil fuels, and promote the switch to “sustainable energy sources” in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C, as agreed at last year’s COP26 climate summit in Scotland.

Those attending also engaged in preparations for the COP27 World Climate Conference, scheduled for November in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh.

Earlier this month, Guterres called for a “renewable energy revolution” and demanded a moratorium on coal power plants and any further oil and gas exploration worldwide. His comments come amid turmoil in several countries that have tried implementing reforms in the name of curbing global warming.

The government of Sri Lanka, which had banned industrial fertilizers, was ousted last week by crowds protesting food and fuel shortages. Farmers in the Netherlands protesting emissions caps have clashed with the police, while Ghana’s plan to switch to “green” energy has left the African country facing lengthy blackouts.

(Crazy UN asks countries to commit suicide and they oblige, but not only with climate change BS, but also going to proxy war with Russia)


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91347b  No.16759883

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f1af85  No.16759884


Jew sure?

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061c40  No.16759885

File: 61349cfec8786de⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 722x599, 722:599, capture_972_09032022_04261….jpg)

File: 999b6d89b4edd10⋯.jpg (134.48 KB, 732x598, 366:299, capture_970_09032022_04212….jpg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759886

File: e66d222f120e601⋯.png (160.1 KB, 250x250, 1:1, ulI7L3k.png)

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78df33  No.16759887



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97dee8  No.16759888


Your brain is flat.

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023458  No.16759889

File: 7113ae3cba42e49⋯.png (921.95 KB, 1409x921, 1409:921, clown17211.png)

File: c38ab99aefc761b⋯.png (872.82 KB, 1411x943, 1411:943, LeftToRight.png)

File: 44233b74e78725c⋯.png (1.54 MB, 1638x959, 234:137, fauxDisclaim.png)

WHEN do these fukers get CNN'd?

Fox News Posts Stunning Three Minute Montage of Trump Voters Ready to Ditch Him for DeSantis: He’s ‘Too Polarizing’ By Joe DePaoloJul 18th, 2022

Ahead of the rally former President Donald Trump was scheduled to have in Arizona (later postponed due to the death of Ivana Trump), the Fox News website posted a stunning three-minute video featuring a host of Trump supporters in Maricopa County talking about ditching him in 2024 for Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL).

The incredible montage features a group of Arizona voters who — save for one identified as Beverly who enthusiastically backed a Trump 2024 bid — all said they wanted to see Trump sit it out next time and identified DeSantis as the person they want to take over the party.

“I like what he stands for; I like what he does,” said one voter, identified as Jeff. “But he upset too many people, and he upset them really bad. So I don’t think he’s good for the party.”


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886c23  No.16759890

File: a42fdc32690fd48⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 255x241, 255:241, a42fdc32690fd48030199efa38….jpg)


>I know me too, and I have 68 posts when i’ve posted 2-3x

Did the server or network catch monkeypox? Any anon who has shared an id in a bred and/or posted under moar than one id. Shall be known as Spartacus. Known as one of the Spartacans.

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2b62ae  No.16759891

File: ac931e6916a0032⋯.jpg (8.86 KB, 190x265, 38:53, CHKD.JPG)

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e2f090  No.16759892


Is this real?

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d0e093  No.16759893

File: b185a2c555b0d97⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 848x816, 53:51, PsPkglegH5xIlAaGXwdi_18_cd….mp4)

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ba7055  No.16759894

File: 81dea79c64b76b1⋯.gif (7.72 MB, 480x480, 1:1, dgvdst.gif)

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8fa844  No.16759895

File: 5c3e1ca9d5731e8⋯.png (1.37 MB, 756x1008, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


1925 Freemason bible says firmament.

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367dbf  No.16759896

File: 395fd0f49fdc114⋯.jpg (53.43 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6o01.jpg)

File: e7118f3cceb21e9⋯.jpg (56.92 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6nbr.jpg)

File: a1c84934cffde56⋯.jpg (18.74 KB, 325x257, 325:257, a1c84934cffde56dba81792c5f….jpg)

I need an anon to make the original pic's window transparent… O7

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88fe20  No.16759897

File: ffce9b486b1cada⋯.jpg (395.47 KB, 1801x1285, 1801:1285, _20220716_191517.JPG)


white skin is from the debil

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91347b  No.16759898

File: 0992f8f9cc84a02⋯.png (148.02 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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c8fabb  No.16759899

File: c3a695bc7ba42d3⋯.jpg (41.27 KB, 805x522, 805:522, wonderland.JPG)


Now my posts are linking Wrong Trips Or I screwed up Maybe

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ec7b8f  No.16759900


Dan timestamp to qpost combined with flynn "Suicided" post belongs in notables.

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91347b  No.16759901

File: 62eec9edeadf9bb⋯.png (516.79 KB, 842x665, 842:665, ClipboardImage.png)


Topographical plane.

Projection = The image of a geometric figure reproduced on a line, plane or surface.

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67ffeb  No.16759902

File: f7687ebd902ab7a⋯.webm (1.85 MB, 900x900, 1:1, 1621210935997.webm)


Mankind has yet to see the true potential of the clucker

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1c5810  No.16759903


turbo wonkage

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67ffeb  No.16759904


anyone got a highres copy of this map bad eyes suck

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8ce3a6  No.16759905

File: bf9fc7765fa7c76⋯.png (171.66 KB, 562x444, 281:222, Trans.png)

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2dd546  No.16759906

File: 007bd2360bc053a⋯.jpg (71.29 KB, 500x572, 125:143, dfdf.jpg)

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3a0bf7  No.16759907


Dorothy Mae Kilgallen

Dorothy Mae Kilgallen (July 3, 1913 – November 8, 1965) was an American columnist, journalist, and television game show panelist. After spending two semesters at the College of New Rochelle, she started her career shortly before her 18th birthday as a reporter for the Hearst Corporation's New York Evening Journal. In 1938, she began her newspaper column "The Voice of Broadway", which was eventually syndicated to more than 140 papers. In 1950, she became a regular panelist on the television game show What's My Line?, continuing in the role until her death.

Kilgallen's columns featured mostly show business news and gossip, but also ventured into other topics, such as politics and organized crime. She wrote front-page articles for multiple newspapers on the Sam Sheppard trial and, years later, events related to the John F. Kennedy assassination, such as testimony by Jack Ruby.

Kilgallen was publicly skeptical of the conclusions of the Warren Commission's report about the assassination of President Kennedy and Jack Ruby's shooting of Lee Oswald, and she wrote several newspaper articles on the subject. On February 23, 1964, she published an article in the New York Journal-American about a conversation she had with Jack Ruby, when he was at his defense table during a recess in his murder trial.

She also obtained a copy of Ruby's June 7, 1964, testimony to the Warren Commission, which she published in August 1964 in three installments on the front pages of the New York Journal-American, The Philadelphia Inquirer, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, and other newspapers.

She died on November 8, 1965 (aged 52) from Acute ethanol and barbiturate intoxication


Her funeral was held at November 11, 1965 [11/11] at the Church of St. Vincent Ferrer in Manhattan; Same church being used for Ivana's Funeral.

John Daly, Arlene Francis, What's My Line? producer Mark Goodson,[37] Betty White, Ed Sullivan, Joseph E. Levine, and Bob Considine were among the 2,600 people attending

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ba7055  No.16759908

File: 476078dd413062b⋯.gif (14.07 MB, 320x400, 4:5, ahhhh.gif)

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c8fabb  No.16759909

File: ae6c93bb2815f27⋯.jpg (10.61 KB, 255x135, 17:9, saucethat.jpg)

Flymm Wut?


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2dd546  No.16759910

File: 9c0d2f62dfd947b⋯.png (704.36 KB, 590x597, 590:597, screenshot_2021_11_05_13_3….png)

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67ffeb  No.16759911

File: 52d58f5bde09dae⋯.png (38.7 KB, 852x215, 852:215, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b122d54595dac1d⋯.png (630.17 KB, 1916x829, 1916:829, ClipboardImage.png)


Those Zulu82 pilots really do get bored.

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3a0bf7  No.16759912

File: 66200204082c8c2⋯.jpg (12.6 KB, 266x375, 266:375, Dorothy_kilgallen.jpg)

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67ffeb  No.16759913

File: e6b045693c4eefc⋯.png (240.83 KB, 562x444, 281:222, ClipboardImage.png)

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e2f090  No.16759914


It's a helicopter.

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f0d1f5  No.16759915




poor writing. I call bs


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a33f8b  No.16759916

File: 014abbfc4627d1b⋯.png (1.23 MB, 613x829, 613:829, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f41b0b3627e5091⋯.png (273.7 KB, 494x291, 494:291, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4f14b2ae743f00⋯.png (591.21 KB, 766x490, 383:245, ClipboardImage.png)

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5b8526  No.16759917


Cringe self-alienation logic in crine meme format.


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2dd546  No.16759918

File: a221ffa76b5f28f⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1055x1115, 211:223, 3217.png)

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8fa844  No.16759919

File: 6c2346e58bdea0c⋯.png (190.44 KB, 646x236, 323:118, ClipboardImage.png)

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91347b  No.16759920

File: ba90a5f444f8c85⋯.png (732.89 KB, 663x888, 221:296, bgdd.png)

File: 3f9f2cc5ac5e36f⋯.png (513.6 KB, 398x512, 199:256, 1383667573.png)

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715a2d  No.16759921


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042e65  No.16759922

File: dfacfc008e863b9⋯.png (372.06 KB, 623x647, 623:647, sm2.png)

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73348d  No.16759923

File: ffd70d531b3db7b⋯.png (377.86 KB, 443x438, 443:438, hm235a.png)

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715a2d  No.16759924

File: c0ddcb239e84b08⋯.jpeg (15.07 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 9a2c8f667d530a05277695fbd….jpeg)

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91347b  No.16759925


you win.

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0029c6  No.16759927

File: 3ab21ca70553222⋯.png (436.42 KB, 660x374, 30:17, ClipboardImage.png)


I demand my ID back, dammit!

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760f12  No.16759928

We are the 4-6%

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023458  No.16759929

File: f5af4569a54f4bd⋯.png (588.17 KB, 597x609, 199:203, 3377.png)



I cannot wait to scalp you fucking kikes

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c76be3  No.16759930

File: 8c6dd8ba064cabf⋯.jpg (59 KB, 562x444, 281:222, 6n6d49.jpg)


o7 anon 🇺🇸

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042e65  No.16759931

Posts going to /dev/null now?

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042e65  No.16759932

>>16758851 lb

Where is this outrageous so called art? Looks like Canal Street, but where. It's depicting the bonding of the woman with the snake while the snake rises above. New Orleans was one of our 2 great cities which had there own spirit, and for that, they had to be killed.

New Orleans was special, the spirit was strong. So the enemy had to come up with something big. They did. Katrina(which took a right turn and hit Mobile, not NOLA.. Levees were sabotaged in over 20 places, the city flooded and was quarantined. No one could enter and no one could leave. A 200 vehicle convoy of watermen from Lafayette with bayou boats, spare parts and fuel came to the rescue of those inside New Orleans. What happened? The were stopped on the highway by the N.O. city cops, the Louisiana State Police and '''THE HOMELAND SECURITY DEPT. The could have gotten everyone out in one day, but no, we had media showing heroic helicopter rescues of blacks off of rooftops while others trying to escape the flooded areas were shot.

Then the Super Dome or whatever it's called was filled with the displaced. Yes, the Blacks from the projects. They were bused to Dallas where Mrs. HGWB said they are better off here.

So, the heart of New Orleans was ripped out. The spirit destroyed. San Francisco? Much easier, once New Orleans fell.

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ec7b8f  No.16759934

File: 45073df4175d1c5⋯.png (263.04 KB, 1038x667, 1038:667, fia22_3.png)

File: a5fb45a92f95d36⋯.jpg (70.8 KB, 673x338, 673:338, fiaupside_down.jpg)

>>16759911 flip it over

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ec7b8f  No.16759935


Simon Bar Sinister.

Has a hook-nose.

Hand-wringing intensifies.

What did they mean by this?

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ec7b8f  No.16759936

File: 359c909486c8cba⋯.png (589.03 KB, 1280x1017, 1280:1017, gremlins1.png)

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71788f  No.16759937


Image is 30mb so here's the link


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042e65  No.16759938

File: 6723a263aa29993⋯.png (15.87 KB, 255x253, 255:253, 6723a263aa299935949dbd84b2….png)

File: c0e5096f2d0009b⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 640x646, 320:323, 1654966955411.jpg)


That dude needs to be alive. Are you really that chatty or are we sharing id's again like that time.

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042e65  No.16759939

File: 8685a6df6b1547f⋯.jpeg (934.78 KB, 1776x1776, 1:1, 36B34775_A847_437C_BB39_4….jpeg)



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0029c6  No.16759940

File: 0afe7ae5b627251⋯.png (229.25 KB, 1186x469, 1186:469, ClipboardImage.png)


Holy shit! It worked!


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1e90bb  No.16759941

18 Jul, 2022 20:47

World must choose between action and ‘suicide’ – UN

Secretary-General Guterres delivered a climate change ultimatum to a Berlin conference


The world has a choice between “collective action and collective suicide” and must act immediately to address climate change, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Monday in a message to the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin, Germany.

“Greenhouse gas concentrations, sea level rise and ocean heat have broken new records. Half of humanity is in the danger zone from floods, droughts, extreme storms and wildfires. No nation is immune,” Guterres said in a video message.

“What troubles me most is that, in facing this global crisis, we are failing to work together as a multilateral community. Nations continue to play the blame game instead of taking responsibility for our collective future. We cannot continue this way,” the top UN official added. “Time is no longer on our side.”

This has to be the decade of decisive climate action. That means trust, multilateralism, and collaboration. We have a choice. Collective action or collective suicide.

Guterres insisted the countries of the world “must rebuild trust and come together” to create a “concrete global response” on climate, including providing financial aid to those affected the most by environmental events.

The meeting in Germany convened representatives from 40 countries to discuss progress on implementing climate agreements, reduce the use of fossil fuels, and promote the switch to “sustainable energy sources” in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C, as agreed at last year’s COP26 climate summit in Scotland.

Those attending also engaged in preparations for the COP27 World Climate Conference, scheduled for November in the Egyptian resort of Sharm El-Sheikh.

Earlier this month, Guterres called for a “renewable energy revolution” and demanded a moratorium on coal power plants and any further oil and gas exploration worldwide. His comments come amid turmoil in several countries that have tried implementing reforms in the name of curbing global warming.

The government of Sri Lanka, which had banned industrial fertilizers, was ousted last week by crowds protesting food and fuel shortages. Farmers in the Netherlands protesting emissions caps have clashed with the police, while Ghana’s plan to switch to “green” energy has left the African country facing lengthy blackouts.

(Crazy UN asks countries to commit suicide and they oblige, but not only with climate change BS, but also going to proxy war with Russia)


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b58408  No.16759942

File: 703e4e3ceffe3b2⋯.jpg (140.23 KB, 948x768, 79:64, Challenger_explosion.jpg)


Need Another Seven Astronauts.

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61125a  No.16759943

why the fukk does jill biden own more than one lemon dress?

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3dca20  No.16759944

File: 679e082b1241a0f⋯.png (124.3 KB, 341x290, 341:290, pepetitsgtfo.png)

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ba7055  No.16759945

File: 29e0355bfcc5251⋯.jpg (64.17 KB, 405x410, 81:82, 1.jpg)

File: 8890dd458792786⋯.jpeg (276.22 KB, 2048x1152, 16:9, 01_DT.jpeg)

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67ffeb  No.16759946


thanks, fren. i was just looking for that link.

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ec7b8f  No.16759947




poor writing. I call bs




crowd behind 100% shooped

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023458  No.16759948

File: 3393c63a72aad03⋯.png (769.51 KB, 916x611, 916:611, ClipboardImage.png)

WaPo FAKE NEWS hack 'Philip Bump' RECYCLES fake news Associated Press' fake 'deboonking' of PROVED ELECTION THEFT

Enemy of the People.


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88fe20  No.16759949

File: 5960bc8aecbc743⋯.jpg (475.17 KB, 1440x1899, 160:211, _20220716_204407.JPG)

who's hungry?

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91347b  No.16759950

File: ae01f4fe091d554⋯.jpg (56.25 KB, 720x589, 720:589, pridehrt.jpg)

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aa9176  No.16759951

Well sheeeeeit.

Organization: Gannett Media Corp

State: VA

Country: US


Name Server: DNS2.P06.NSONE.NET

Name Server: DNS3.P06.NSONE.NET

Name Server: DNS4.P06.NSONE.NET





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52f491  No.16759952


>4chan account

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042e65  No.16759953


Nice Soros Eyes on him too

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042e65  No.16759954

File: e11d27f7d9e85f4⋯.jpg (625.85 KB, 2400x1600, 3:2, soon2.jpg)

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6e82ea  No.16759955

File: 74229d745c59422⋯.png (1.32 MB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Screenshot_20220718_134032.png)



Big League stuff excellent cutout..

o7 anon 🇺🇸

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ec7b8f  No.16759956

File: 35d5decaf7116aa⋯.gif (436.3 KB, 480x347, 480:347, tumblr_lq9t3ay21S1qmtv0to1….gif)

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042e65  No.16759957

File: 31799463ba32bb4⋯.png (48.36 KB, 598x703, 598:703, ClipboardImage.png)


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042e65  No.16759958

Molly jong is the daughter of Erica jong who wrote a book about a guy sucking on a used tampon. Gross degenerate stuff. Weirdos.

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1e90bb  No.16759959

File: 7e01d5990b54735⋯.jpeg (349.85 KB, 1099x1731, 1099:1731, 3E31F959_0735_46A9_BB89_3….jpeg)


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f0d1f5  No.16759960



that looks like adolf's foster dad.

oh it is.

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d22889  No.16759961

File: f1828fdf59cfa40⋯.png (1.44 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 93BE480E_537B_40EA_ACCA_F0….png)


2018 ish

Military Intelligence Official holding White House pass dies on freeway (allegedly)


On the ground spy campaign against Epstein

Cyber force open & open source instagram pictures alone lead to surveillance self report and eventual arrest of Epstein, MaxwelL, Prince Andrew (ongoing), Jean loc Brunel mc2 (ongoing) Rachael chandler guiness (conspiracy risk planned for later - ongoing ‘see: Walter Pearce) midland modeling

41 state funeral

Eye did that

Envelopes self unsealing process served indictments yes it’s blank eye have no terms

_ John NoName state funeral

Helicopter fly to st james same night under dusk twilight right when I figured path eye plotted

(((Hello Viking funeral on little st. James?))) Kek anon from infinity Chan days

Playing catch up from the future shit gets tricky

Essentially eye ran a mi op once that said hey

How bout we start at the end of the story this time

One where we won

And we win

And biggly

And eye will meet y’all in the middle and tie it together like that snap of lightning from the ground up

Complete with resume to doe on how eye can retool and free Tesla’s tech on this side per our CLASS—99 discussion (true)

Eye am not here to lie to you, folks

This will be our last chance to save it

This election will determine whether we are a free nation, or we have only the illusion of democracy

Ps 45 is still president

Legal and true

Night of election

(Sir they are actually going to steal this and have the media circuit wash whatever number figures they need to) - joe Biden officially not allowed to contact the pentagon anymoar as of that night, at all.

Using a fake white house set.

Eye can hack the matrix style mind graphics on your screen to show one HELL of a SHOW on a fake White House STAGE that they SET according to the c_a

Picture John wick meets Batman jesse Ventura and Paul walker with the mayor about to detonate his own ass up

Go for it, B

(((Go for it)))

Re Q fake?

Eye hold Q clearance and moar

Eye built sum/ most of the programs people refer to in deep space era tech

Eye cannot tell a lie

Eye built part of the plan vve refer to today


This article came out on my birthday

We’ll this IDs birthday anyway


Rusty Shackleford


Just wait until you learn why POTUS was taken off twitter

Who has been talking to you here

Define : state actor

Define : jury nullification

In any high or civil court in this land, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish any law placed before a jury, requiring stipulated number of votes to overturn the law itself, but the jurors have the right legal ability and jurisdicitonal consituition federalized powers to weigh the *weight of the law itself given the cultural era and time present in which it is being viewed*

Under absolute despotism

It is their right

It is their duty

To throw off such government

And provide new guards

For OUR future security

Authorized by the Future President of the United States


A treaty of which 55 men signed

52 counted

Which means 27 hit your crew 6 went into U

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5a2ead  No.16759962


In case she needs one in a squeeze.

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2b62ae  No.16759963




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67ffeb  No.16759964

File: 1498e89aded776d⋯.jpg (405.5 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Robert_Crimo_01.jpg)

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042e65  No.16759965


The Fries are only 3 bucks extra!!

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a27b51  No.16759966

File: 7ccf47eeba94d94⋯.jpg (51.13 KB, 587x649, 587:649, kekfrens.jpg)

File: 05592f6f1f9b948⋯.jpg (102.31 KB, 720x576, 5:4, kekjesus.jpg)

File: 1bad455e06f3a2f⋯.jpg (788.38 KB, 1050x686, 75:49, keknuke.jpg)

File: da255993db2db44⋯.png (194.24 KB, 600x411, 200:137, kekmeme.png)


im probably at 20-30

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760f12  No.16759967

Jim. Where does all my subscription money go? This board lags. I can only post once then have to refresh. I went a whole evening last week without Qresearch. I should at least get a refund for those hours we were down.

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4795a0  No.16759968


not afraid, kek.

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715a2d  No.16759969

File: ca0d8a7f5d4781f⋯.png (296.01 KB, 376x598, 188:299, Screen_Shot_2021_08_10_at_….png)

any other anon notice anything unusual w/ ID and post count as of late?

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67ffeb  No.16759970


she is pretty

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bfda9b  No.16759971


Stay on Target!

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df7b69  No.16759972


Have any Spare Tacos there?

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91347b  No.16759973

File: 96efb54f08bedd3⋯.jpeg (302.83 KB, 1076x1048, 269:262, BwtqCsMn66xx.jpeg)

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ec7b8f  No.16759974


i don't know what the fuck you're talking about

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39ea55  No.16759975

File: 59dc81a145d4de8⋯.jpeg (425.36 KB, 750x1098, 125:183, ECAF08FD_C43E_4832_BB88_0….jpeg)


The first hospital to mandate vaccines sent out a newsletter to their employees saying certain people in community are spreading dangerous disinfo about the vaccines bug thankfully they have “the science” however they aren’t sharing their science. The first hospital to come out against this vaccine and admit their mistake will be hero’s.



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5a2ead  No.16759976

File: 577548a971a6e32⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1072, 135:134, 577548a971a6e32220405a2963….png)


Nope. Seven. kek

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67ffeb  No.16759977

Q is fake, Q is gay

The woke military will save the day

Trust the plan

Two moar weeks

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ba7055  No.16759978

File: 048e2d8d20d5a18⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 510x510, 1:1, EXB4ogAWsAEhki_.jpg)

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91347b  No.16759979

File: 4a92ce258baf90b⋯.png (98.24 KB, 476x732, 119:183, 2805f594d1f3d677efbd713800….png)

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67ffeb  No.16759980

File: fc83835298f8a25⋯.png (3.39 MB, 1986x1156, 993:578, ClipboardImage.png)


Need Another Shuttle Also

actually, the naut's are fine !

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91347b  No.16759981

File: 3600eed906595d7⋯.jpg (268.68 KB, 1800x1248, 75:52, 6571488ff5fd09cad87e6a8ffc….jpg)

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023458  No.16759982


You may know, bar sinister was used in some heraldry to indicate a bastard. Parents were not married at the time of birth. This is a diagonal slash bar like this /

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c8a9d9  No.16759983

is this a help desk for 4 chan? I can't post on 4chan captcha without upgradee

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88fe20  No.16759984

File: cbea4a6a28b5dd7⋯.jpg (187.9 KB, 1201x1201, 1:1, IMG_20220717_113548.jpg)



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042e65  No.16759985

File: de126bc4bb5105b⋯.png (3.53 MB, 1055x1350, 211:270, 1615422138805.png)


Happy to help!

Well frens, I'm off. This has been a genuinely fun thread and I send you all nothing but good vibes and well wishes. Take care and never stop digging!

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023458  No.16759986


why we dont fall off?

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ec7b8f  No.16759987


Not much is known about why Simon wants to take control over the world, as the only thing he seems to care about is money. In the episode "Go Snow", he screams out "I want money and power and money and power and money and power and money and power!!!"

I'm detecting a pattern.


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2b62ae  No.16759988

File: e5048983c8a379e⋯.jpg (9.21 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 29a77edd7bf5d550b1bdf9c784….jpg)


For your own and everyone elses' safety, please carefully step away from the keyboard….>>16759320

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ba7055  No.16759989

File: ae4658f306e3f0e⋯.png (382.3 KB, 720x903, 240:301, ae4658f306e3f0e666f124a021….png)

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042e65  No.16759990

File: bd1f1f0f62aba66⋯.jpg (85.26 KB, 735x737, 735:737, FC0XlFNWUAM76tx.jpg)

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df7b69  No.16759991


Have you tried deleting C:\System32?

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84ee52  No.16759992


i would guess by this shitpost that

you already know what goes on here and are not new

+1 for originality anyway

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bfda9b  No.16759993

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ba7055  No.16759994

File: e1a0f89c6558e46⋯.png (456.44 KB, 500x566, 250:283, lifeforce_too_strong.png)

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c8fabb  No.16759995

>>1675994member when cell phones were free ? maybe ze bugs will Be free at 1st

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a33f8b  No.16759996

File: fe200362f906c03⋯.png (3 MB, 1954x1125, 1954:1125, ClipboardImage.png)


be well

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4795a0  No.16759997


liars never win.

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91347b  No.16759998

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715a2d  No.16759999

File: 4a75c6d345a15eb⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1524x1062, 254:177, Screen_Shot_2022_04_11_at_….png)

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023458  No.16760000

Q is a LARP

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ba7055  No.16760001

File: 97aa43a7dfe5f08⋯.jpg (179.96 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, 97aa43a7dfe5f0843d097d710c….jpg)

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9cef0a  No.16760002


owl ring ???

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bb89a8  No.16760003

File: bfc14dbeb5143f5⋯.jpg (605.12 KB, 1700x1200, 17:12, 8kun_topBus.jpg)

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67ffeb  No.16760004

File: f54acd3142c290f⋯.png (259.4 KB, 966x626, 483:313, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f3377626a715ba9⋯.png (414.53 KB, 499x482, 499:482, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9a764ddb10e885⋯.png (321.31 KB, 373x368, 373:368, ClipboardImage.png)


who knows.

Anything beyond Antarctica is speculation.

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2b62ae  No.16760005

File: a593429dbcedc1d⋯.png (247.1 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowKike_Copy.png)

File: a593429dbcedc1d⋯.png (247.1 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowKike_Copy.png)

File: 551ef0510e9b932⋯.png (239.13 KB, 741x470, 741:470, GlowRacist.png)

File: a593429dbcedc1d⋯.png (247.1 KB, 741x481, 57:37, GlowKike_Copy.png)

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97dee8  No.16760006

Have anons discussed Ivana Trump's death? Ya think she really died from blunt force trauma by falling down the stairs at home?

I think something bad happened.

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67ffeb  No.16760007

File: fff821690db583c⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1934x1113, 1934:1113, ClipboardImage.png)

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ec7b8f  No.16760008

Check check… 1…2…3…

Are my posts still being filed to /dev/null?

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8d72a2  No.16760009


what ring ? lol gorgeous redhead

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1bbbb0  No.16760010

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.








vid posted 20 minutes ago

the same Ryan D White mentioned in DARK2WHITE - IPOT PRESENTS about Seth Rich, Mueller?


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67ffeb  No.16760011


Vax then a fall…

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67ffeb  No.16760012


Your post count is faggot.

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042e65  No.16760013

File: 0765f47078dc269⋯.jpg (52.9 KB, 656x656, 1:1, 0765f47078dc2691b38d49c041….jpg)

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042e65  No.16760014

File: 7d32a11c576c7a9⋯.jpg (959.02 KB, 2400x2834, 1200:1417, 1636566104331.jpg)

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6fdf58  No.16760015


The first hospital to mandate vaccines sent out a newsletter to their employees saying certain people in community are spreading dangerous disinfo about the vaccines bug thankfully they have “the science” however they aren’t sharing their science. The first hospital to come out against this vaccine and admit their mistake will be hero’s.



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9d1874  No.16760016

File: 18e7e10ccce8364⋯.png (282.69 KB, 464x442, 232:221, Screen_Shot_07_18_22_at_09….PNG)


Mike Pompeo


Such a special day, Son. Love you both!

Quote Tweet

Nick Pompeo


· 3h

Married the love of my life.

8:01 PM · Jul 18, 2022·Twitter for iPhone


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ec7b8f  No.16760017


If its a schill Da going out ta dinna >>16759320



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3a0bf7  No.16760018


Dorothy Kilgallen was one of the most well known and prominent reporters in American history. Her tenacious personality and intense columns examines major stories of her time, including the murder trial of Dr. Sam Sheppard and the Cuban Missile Crisis. While her readers loved her dynamic style, powerful figures in Hollywood and Intelligence Agencies were not fans of her work.

After the assassination of President, and her close friend, John Kennedy in November of 1963, Dorothy dedicated her work to uncovering what she believed to have been a massive conspiracy and cover-up. She had a contact in the Warren Commission who leaked information to her, which she in turn published. The FBI began keeping a file on her, and tapping her phone after Dorothy refused to reveal her sources. Dorothy became the only journalist to get a private, one on one interview with Jack Ruby, the man who shot and killed Lee Harvey Oswald. In the days and weeks leading up to her death, Dorothy told friends she was going to break the case open and she had plans to travel to New Orleans to meet with an informant. Sadly, Dorothy would be found dead in her home just days before this trip, and what information she had gathered would never be revealed as her research files were never found.

The official ruling in Dorothy's death was that she died from an accidental overdose, a lethal combination of alcohol and sleeping pills. While this was the official story, many believe that Dorothy was murdered to halt her investigation. What happened to Dorothy Kilgallen and why, today, is her name so rarely recalled?


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62139d  No.16760019


WHO didn't love her?

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8fa844  No.16760020

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67ffeb  No.16760021

I smell an ebake without notes in our future.

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f12c3c  No.16760022


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8fa844  No.16760023

File: 4031650f8dd3de8⋯.png (479.69 KB, 700x871, 700:871, ClipboardImage.png)

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142d45  No.16760024


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