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File: d212a6e3b937fea⋯.png (200.63 KB, 502x332, 251:166, 2022_07_06_10_53_31.png)

ce81fd  No.16691758 [Last 50 Posts]

Formatting &Tryouts

This thread is for anons to practice posting, notetaking, formatting or anything else.

Try it here before posting on QR General.


TEXT FORMATTING TIPS can be found in the 8kun Q & A in the ribbon at the top left - same info is in the first post.

This thread is usually open for posting except when board is under attack.

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ce81fd  No.16691860

File: ec60b39f68dc10d⋯.png (153.65 KB, 1388x515, 1388:515, 2022_07_08_17_30_43.png)

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ce81fd  No.16691874


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ce81fd  No.16691887


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ce81fd  No.16691899

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508de8  No.16705937


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508de8  No.16705939



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508de8  No.16705942



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508de8  No.16705944



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508de8  No.16705948

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dcc009  No.16706068

File: 8e78016b14b324c⋯.jpg (24.15 KB, 640x378, 320:189, 256546457_114144974412134_….jpg)

File: 51ccfc91c9cd456⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 758x481, 758:481, 257720503_114851421008156_….jpg)

File: 871f7780e0a0bf9⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB, 853x528, 853:528, 871f7780e0a0bf9b298d9e411….jpeg)


The news media knows, I have all the sensitive declassified information. There are no coincidences why I have everything. President Trump is well aware "fake" news media are "knowingly" ignoring me. They all know, I exposed the government swamp, the Vatican, and Hollywood guilty of human trafficking. They all know, I exposed the names in Epstein's flight log.They all know, I exposed Nancy Pelosi in the underground rooms, caught on the security cameras. President Trump*Q+* told me to trust the plan and justice is coming. Many are creating their own narratives. Not every 'anon' is legit. This isn't a game or popularity contest. There are no coincidences why I was given Q security clearance.This meme operation has turned into misinformation/disinformation warfare. I exposed the swamp and I was persecuted and viciously attacked. The news articles throwing "QAnon" under the bus are intentional. Not one journalists has spoken to the "source" of information. I spent sleepless nights, researching and archiving "everything" from QResearch.I keep "showing" you the truth and "telling" you the truth. There are no coincidences why I exposed the drug (Andrenochrome)exported from China. Q=Alice in wonderland.

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dcc009  No.16706160

File: ac173b612ef9eca⋯.jpeg (2.09 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, ac173b612ef9ecae86dcd2e4e….jpeg)

File: efac8bb0beb2b1c⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 755x451, 755:451, 251111795_168390252173047_….jpg)

File: 415ba1903612798⋯.jpg (304.33 KB, 720x790, 72:79, 415ba1903612798478e84e6572….jpg)

File: b40519a425ad92b⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 1242x771, 414:257, 228829524_122084340136972_….jpg)


Follow the pen and look at the map. Q=Alice In Wonderland

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617ca3  No.16706793

Phonefag test

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000000  No.16707013

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dc8ea1  No.16707733


You're the one responding to a post from 40 minutes ago, fucking retard.

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ea6986  No.16707734


moar like extremely frustrated and getting handed daily losses. moral is at an all time low for me. i'm also an aspy with bipolar so there's that

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ea6986  No.16707744


>First arrest will be Trump.

Too late. First significant arrest for Q was G. Maxwell.


Jul 02, 2020 5:18:30 PM EDT

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 3bbfe0 No. 9829982


Impressive, most impressive.

Argument: "Maxwell is not a big enough name to trigger a mass awakening." [example]

Counter-argument: Do not make statements based on assumption of 'worth' and/or 'value'. Do not think 'today' but rather 'after' today.



Crimes against Children = common denominator [no matter political affiliation][mass pop awakening].

Have faith in Humanity.


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6f666a  No.16707752


T= the number 20 ?

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8dae2a  No.16707790


Tyrell, it's so good to see the classic FOH memes being deployed again on QResearch.

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8dae2a  No.16707862


>Liz Cheney Manipulates Facts To Sway Public Opinions Edition

Was it Liz posting the 'Donnie Darkened' Twitter thread last night?

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bd5959  No.16707873



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12cfff  No.16707881

Trump and Biden within 12 seconds of each other on a 17 timestamp.

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eafbb5  No.16707885

Weather balloon launches are held twice a day at 91 different NWS offices across the country🎈. As you can see, we have a fun little use for our rubber bands which come with the packaging.

Say hello to the latest rubber band ball. Porg keychain for scale.

#NWSATL #porgforscale


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44a305  No.16707886

Suppose you killed yourself


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44a305  No.16707934


oh shit thats funny

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12cfff  No.16707937




you are on the right track overall but need to do more research.

If you keep an open mind, you will find out the good news.

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a15b1c  No.16708018



pretty much

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00d5e2  No.16708072


Pedowood imploding

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01765d  No.16708099







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c144db  No.16708138

July 15

suicide watch

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7c2493  No.16708143


Some of the "flock" is still okay with being defiled as long as they "approve" of who is performing…so we keep trekking to the precipice

Maybe we will get to La Belle Verte version of the boycott and get this shit storm in full force

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0aa4c7  No.16708238


Original date of rally April 29 > April Showers

29 > Justice

>>does anybody here own a used car lot?

> I got gas down to 1.87 a gallon.

>Who isAwan?

>What is the Awan Group?

>Who is the Muslim Brotherhood?

>Who has ties to the MB?



India slams Rep. Ilhan Omar over ‘condemnable’ visit to Pakistan

By Callie Patteson

April 21, 2022 1:23pm Updated

>11/25 11/7


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 11/25/2019 16:30:45 ID: ac3c8c

8kun/qresearch: 7371947

[D]'s (internal) infiltration issue(s) w/ protecting NAT SEC?


Do you believe in coincidences?

>DF Chinese spy_insert 20+ years


>Awan IT scandal


>Omar paid [F] agent


>Clinton server > China relay


>[VJ] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]

>[Kerry] direct relay > Iran pre/post Iran deal [future marker]



It's only a matter of time.



Q !UW.yye1fxo 02/06/201801:34:50 ID: 975911

8chan/qresearch: 283394

Public interest [keep high].

U1 FBI informant.

AWAN/DWS/Paki intel/MB.

Tarmac meeting [SC/LL deal > AS 187].



Q !xowAT4Z3VQ 04/04/2018 15:52:00 ID: 8071a4

8chan/qresearch: 893904

It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Massive intel sweep.

Manafort was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Who was arrested?

Non US.

Trace background.

Open source.

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing?

Russia Russia Russia?

Real or fake?



Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.



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2cf3a4  No.16708248



Also, would like to add. I'm not saying I don't like your memes or pics, but can you post them SEPERATELY from the Notables. Thanks much!

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84c8ae  No.16708276

>say three times OSS


>and he will pop up

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a695ee  No.16708285

>>16555279 (lb/pb)

>FWIW Some anons count FBIAnon & Meganon as precursor Q team

There were some pretty serious drops before Q.

Med anon dropping bombs on the Seth Rich hospitalization was big.

I always wondered if the warning about staying away from Vegas before the massacre wasn't related or precursor to Q.

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b23f17  No.16708307

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2cf3a4  No.16708335


fact check


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973524  No.16708336


Is he visiting Israel last?

Saving Israel for last

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100716  No.16708347

On yesterday's clock :41

3417 & 3418

Allison Mack?


>>>>>>>>WATCH NYC<<<<<<<<<

News unlocks.



What city was Epstein arrested in?



Watch CA.


NYC = Ghislaine on suicide watch news yesterday night of 6/25/22 ~3hours ago.

CA = baby killer protests in LA.

For today :42

look at the link on #2173

FEMA's WEA system est. in 2016 under BO.

It is 1 of the 3 systems.

Also, article 3 EO 13526 drop #2177

may also be a player today.


NSA Oath of Office 2015 video

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ea89de  No.16708379


Oh shitty that's kinda compelling.

And I was all for them being real, I gotta think, ty

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b155c6  No.16708380


the teletubbie poster is a shill who post larp telegram accts everyday

every shill has a schtick


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dea7cd  No.16708403




>kitchen is ghosted



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6ab36f  No.16708410


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6f43f9  No.16708413


>Must be cleansed


Kek, projection from a diseased cultist of division logic.

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25c76b  No.16708427



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c6b7ba  No.16708428



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f40a2d  No.16708442


The real MAGA Patriots are 10x smarter than anyone out protesting…. MAGA PATRIOTS are the Coup De Grâce.

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c31a2c  No.16708483




changing salt doesn't change need to have pw.

new password after salt would give new trip.

you think we're stupid?

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449714  No.16708486



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37e955  No.16708535

Check out these cool photos of the Task Force Red Dragon, CJTF-HOA, conducting sniper capabilities night live-fire range in Manda Bay, Kenya.

#StrongerTogether | #eastafrica | #africa | #CJTFHOA | #kenya





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ab85f3  No.16708542

I'm actually a Christian.

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361514  No.16708565


it had to be this way to find them all.

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100716  No.16708566



was that comms to [their minions] that TRUMPet won the DOG show?

Dogs have leashes..

about to be unleashed?

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116de3  No.16708569


You missed it. It already happened.

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6ff781  No.16708581

I think they are figuring out they are loosing and to punish us they are flooding the board.


Seethe with hate all you want you. It won't change a thing.

The cycle of child abuse must end and the evil ones must be removed.

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ea89de  No.16708585


Ok, how about a little proof to show others?

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8f7bd9  No.16708596

when anon has to try to convince anons self that everything might not be synchronicity aka coincidence


pina colada flavored!



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32cb1b  No.16708610


Oh yeah! KEK! Forgot about that. Surely Q should have posted on /halfmind had they thought so highly of that one back then, right?

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43d44e  No.16708658






Q-Clock June 13, 2022: Q854 Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)

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59d42f  No.16708692


You see my point then

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925cea  No.16708724


>>15600441 !!! LEARN TO BAKE !!! | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

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e49c75  No.16708728





just for those who are reading the tabloids and their version of the Maxwell verdict and sentence. listen to the full transcript and do not let the msm highjack the injustice done in Maxwell's case and the sentence she received whilst letting all of the clients of child rape and who knows how many of them killed or who have committed suicide because of the likes of Epstein and others using them as sex toys and disposable items.

this is not over by a long shot!!


Ghislaine Maxwell Sentenced to 20 Years: Hearing Review by Criminal Defense Lawyer

Robert Gouveia Published June 29, 2022



Become a Member: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQa62kyOcsyhVUqyvRCbDNQ/join

Mindmaps & More: [Robert Gouveia Esq. | Linktree](https://linktr.ee/robertgouveia)

We Help Good People: [Home](https://www.rrlawaz.com)

Ghislaine Maxwell was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for her role in the abuse of underage women during her time as second in command with Jeffrey Epstein. In this video, criminal defense lawyer Robert Gouveia reviews the proceedings with updates from Inner City Press.

#GhislaineMaxwell #JeffreyEpstein #VirginiaGiuffre

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705dd7  No.16708735


one reckons q has that spot for your target

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3f6119  No.16708742

Donald Trump Jr./ @DonaldJTrumpJr

06/03/2022 22:15:44

Truth Social: 108416790983649054

So we are sending civilians arms in the Ukraine… Who’s going to send them to us when we need them?

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c7d3d3  No.16708746

Allies Confiscated WW2 German Newsreel Excerpts

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84c8ae  No.16708793


>cause even he can't tell the difference between Babyfists multiple personas.

Dan doesn't have it all?

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0aa4c7  No.16708800

U.S. Justice Dept sues Arizona over restrictive voting requirements

"a state law that requires voters to provide proof of citizenship"


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3ffd80  No.16708859


ya bruh



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a3cebd  No.16708900


anons weren't planning on monitoring the Q posts, but since you suggested it, they just might

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78f3ce  No.16708906


Concur. No one has mastered the pinch harmonic like Zakk.

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c6b7ba  No.16708907

Baggers vs bagees (… who just watch in awe).

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705dd7  No.16708908



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135ad7  No.16708912


He said he's in Southern Cal., maybe he'll be able to tell when he gets back to his setup

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f275dd  No.16708990


they probably gave him a bad vial since he was working for free speech?

Or Not.

He's an insider so didn't get a real jab.

Richest front man in the world can pay for a fake vax ID. They all did.

Did anyone know Dutch itch the fear porn earthquake scam artist is close to President Trump, and gives him info on DEW

kekekk just found that out. amazing.

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eda438  No.16709001

Sisters and Brothers Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide

who is WHO?

Good- B[y]e Old Guard


The calm before the storm.









No war.

No civil unrest.

Clean and swift.

Midnight Riders

Think EO's

Who controls the NG?

Military is the only way.


The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.






EVERYTHING has meaning.


Marker [9]



These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.

Crimes against Humanity.

Crimes against children.

They shouldn't have touched the children.














e[Y]e of Horus

Horus [P]riory of Sion


e[Y]e of Ra


Hunters become the HUNTED


























17 items





Valhalla Calling


Fantasy Land








we 'default' on the $32 trillon.

The Cold War was fake.

a quanon screen

The Washington Post





The Gaurdian


Sectec Astronomy

7th floor is no more.



Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit




Wizard of Oz

Emerald City

Yellow Brick Road

Yellow Submarine

Willy Wonka

oompa loompa

Godfather III

The Sum of All Fears

Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM)





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843ff3  No.16709009


>military is the only way…

You mean, "Hurry up and wait"?

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c54de2  No.16709033

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d33d9f  No.16709043


Crip earlier today:

I know for a fact that TCs can be generated by the site admins.

Because I wrote the code in 2019.

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0abeea  No.16709046




Mr Sensemaker




Replying to




They’ve had time to group and prepare. It’s tonight for sure. I’m sure they’ve been paid well

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08c6ec  No.16709050

QClock July 3, 2022


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973524  No.16709059


>>16406784 - dough


>>16406822 Musk breaks down uses for a wall - pay attention commies.

>>16406854 Macron warns against humiliating Russia

>>16406874 Pentagon investigates suspected ‘insider’ attack

>>16406896 Hungary doubles down on remark that Zelensky has a mental problem

>>16406920 Emergency Authorization for duty free solar cells imported from "S.E. Asia"

>>16406924 Kiev being pressed into concessions to Moscow – Zelensky

>>16406949 Ukrainian victory not in the cards – former top US official

>>16407012, >>16407177 Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of Proud Boys faces federal charges of seditious conspiracy

>>16407016 Former U.S. Congressman and Philadelphia Political Operative Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud Charges

>>16407118 Gov. Wolf says he has tested positive again for COVID-19

>>16407121 Milo Yiannopoulos is working as an unpaid intern for Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.).

>>16407198 Chinese Ambassador to Russia, "We must once and for all end the hegemony of the United States…"

>>16407260 Illegal Alien Who Killed Kate Steinle Sentenced to Time Served

>>16407293 >>16407317, Clockfag June 6, 2022, Follow The Narrative / 666 & Stocks

>>16407325, >>16407410 Paul Sperry: Discovery in the Danchenko trial already has generated more than 66K classified & unclassified documents

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3a1e51  No.16709095


you're welcome

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b5ddb6  No.16709203



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487c8a  No.16709220


then you know nothing

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28bd71  No.16709244



"Mommy" and not "Birthing Person ?"

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22632c  No.16709270

CHARLESTON, WV: "After more than two years of efforts to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, the National Guard’s COVID-19 response mission will transition from a federal level to a state level after tomorrow. This means the West Virginia National Guard’s longest federal mission will end on July 1, 2022. According to Maj. Gen. Bill Crane, WVNG Adjutant General, West Virginia Governor Jim Justice has authorized the activation of 60 WVNG personnel to a status of State Active Duty to continue efforts to support COVID-19 response around the state through September 2022. While the governors of each state have been commanding their Guards’ responses, Crane says the Department of Defense has been fully funding the efforts under a FEMA mission assignment authorized by the President of the United States. The WVNG says that the Mountain state may receive a reimbursement from FEMA’s Public Assistance program at a 90% federal cost share after July 1, 2022."


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9f2dd1  No.16709276



>she was 14 in 2004 she would be 32 now.

Maybe [they] lie about her age.

Here's another story - but don't give her name

High Point teenager killed in boat wreck near Holden Beach

Jul 20, 2004 Updated Jan 26, 2015 0




PrintCopy article link


HOLDEN BEACH — A 16-year-old from High Point was killed Monday after the runabout ski boat he was operating crashed into a pier near Holden Beach on the state’s southern coast.

Charles Butler Smith was standing behind the steering wheel of the 18-foot Bayliner Capri on the Intracoastal Waterway when the accident occurred about 10:30 a.m., said Ron Robertson, a state Wildlife Resources Commission officer who investigated the crash.

Prior to the collision, a witness saw a passenger leaning over doing something on the floor of the vessel and then saw Smith lean over to help, Robertson said. When Smith stood back up, the boat had gotten off course and it was too late to avoid the crash, he said.

Smith, of 534 W. Parkway Ave., was taken to Brunswick Community Hospital in Supply, where he was pronounced dead shortly before noon, a hospital nursing supervisor said. The passenger, a 14-year-old girl whose name was unavailable, was also taken to the hospital, where she was treated for minor injuries and released, Robertson said.


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37e955  No.16709302

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23df7f  No.16709323

… we need beepers on our watches.

Beep beep…. fuckin China sat inbound. Need a feature to quieten when they just sit there though, and a beautiful chime when they're gone. Hope there's a chime feature 🙏

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0aa4c7  No.16709331

Deep State Doubles

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e6f407  No.16709362



As de numero anons say:

>dem digits

Anon hangin' til the end, hopefully

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443760  No.16709381


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2cd206  No.16713797

>>16713673 Natural gas explosion epidemic

>>16713678 Riots after bank in China’s Zhengzhou city froze deposits and barred people from withdrawing money

>>16713716 (blue) Dog comms

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2cd206  No.16714013



>>16713673 Natural gas explosion epidemic

>>16713678 Riots after bank in China’s Zhengzhou city froze deposits and barred people from withdrawing money

>>16713716 (blue) Dog comms

>>16713794, >>16713796 Donnie Darkened = Dark MAGA

>>16713803 Spirit Airlines flight briefly catches fire

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2cd206  No.16714072



>>16713673, Natural gas explosion epidemic

>>16713678, Riots after bank in China’s Zhengzhou city froze deposits and barred people from withdrawing money

>>16713716, (blue) Dog comms

>>16713794, >>16713796 Donnie Darkened = Dark MAGA

>>16713803, Spirit Airlines flight briefly catches fire

>>16714014, Abe's Assassination Helps Roll LDP to SUPER MAJORITY

>>16714031, Super Thunder Moon on Wednesday

>>16714036, Human trafficking

>>16714022, >>16714028, >>16714042, >>16714045, Fire at Bill Gates owned "Picnic distrubution center/Supermarket?" in the Netherlands (sauce)


>>16714052, Ex-Oath Keepers spokesperson to appear as witness at Tuesday’s Jan. 6 hearing

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2cd206  No.16714164

>>16711747 #21077, >>16711342 #21076, >>16711334 #21075,

>>16709208 #21074, >>16706614 #21073, >>16706214 #21072,

>>16705083 #21071, >>16704304 #21070, >>16701993 #21067,

>>16702750 #21068

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2cd206  No.16714921














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2cd206  No.16715090

>>16714929 pt1, >>16714937 pt2, >>16714946 pt3,

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dcc009  No.16715882

File: cd1bc6abc5c74d7⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 855x760, 9:8, 242385564_137958771882862_….jpg)

File: 871f7780e0a0bf9⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB, 853x528, 853:528, 871f7780e0a0bf9b298d9e411….jpeg)

File: b40519a425ad92b⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 1242x771, 414:257, 228829524_122084340136972_….jpg)

File: eb9c2f85642e3c5⋯.jpg (141.63 KB, 816x528, 17:11, eb9c2f85642e3c53576bca98ca….jpg)


There are no coincidences why I have all the declassified documents and files from QResearch. How would YOU feel if you were 'knowingly' ignored by everyone, including the news media?I have lost faith in humanity, the judicial system, our election process, the government and news media. How to kill the human spirit, soul and heart in four years? Have the most innocent, and anonymous person expose all the demonrats. They infiltrated the Vatican, our government, Hollywood and the royal family. Have the "fake" news media "knowingly" ignore her, treat her like she doesn't matter, and slander "QAnon" all over the news media. I have never seen such pride and ego, lack of empathy and total disregard. It has been nearly four years,since I exposed the swamp,and the news media remain silent! I have pretty much given up on being acknowledged. Apparently no one wants me be a hero. There are no coincidences why I exposed the drug the "elites" dirty little secret drug (andrenochrome).The drug is derived from the adrenalized blood, of victims experiencing painful trauma/torture/sacrifice. I suffer with the most painful disease known to mankind. I've endure twenty years of trauma surgeries requiring many units of blood. I've suffered pain that would make a grown man cry. The demons have been harvesting blood since Babylon. This truly is a holy war of good vs evil. There were no coincidences how or why I fell down this rabbit hole. I truly can relate to the disney movie Alice in wonderland. The movie could have been written about me before I was born. I'm not enjoying this "show" anymore😭 As sure as there is a God above, there are demons in this world. Follow the money and those who scream the loudest.They are the ones who have the most to hide. God sees and hears the faintest cries. I'm praying he has heard all mine. I just want America to be great again. I want all the evil eradicated from this world! I was told to be careful who I follow. I'm still waiting for the 'promise' of justice. I've been viciously attacked and persecuted, silenced, cancelled, restricted and deactivated. President Trump told me to trust the plan and justice was coming.

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000000  No.16719292


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000000  No.16719294


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d12d43  No.16725208


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e8d24a  No.16725647


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e8d24a  No.16725790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e8d24a  No.16725791

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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c1c089  No.16727205

=|=(=|=( -|-(𓆏WWG1WGA𓆏)-|- )=|=)=|=

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c1c089  No.16727214

(( 𓆏WWG1WGA𓆏) ))

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c1c089  No.16727225

=(( 𓆏WWG1WGA𓆏) ))=

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ce81fd  No.16732051

>>16731431 dough

#21104 @380

>>16731462, >>16731498, >>16731653, >>16731692, >>16731714, >>16731759 Military reports

>>16731470 CDSE’s Security Awareness publication? Learn about the history of CUI

>>16731473, >>16731620 Gates-funded int'l org names 11 viruses as potential next pandemic

>>16731478 The Pretending Continues, Furrowed Brow Edition - Sundance

>>16731479 Lawsuit filed against a US shipping company linked to Beirut blast

>>16731480 Wikileaks: Jury convicts former CIA programmer of leaking to WikiLeaks'

>>16731555, >>16731489, >>16731572, Italy’s prime minister, Mario Draghi, say’s he’ll RESIGN

>>16731799, >>16732002 Italy's president rejects Draghi's resignation

>>16731500 Tucker: How Joe Biden is Implementing the Green New Deal

>>16731522 The Perfect Q from Napoli

>>16731529 San Francisco is double screwed now - DA Jenkins is all talk & no go.

>>16731547 CDC warnings for children getting the jab is GROSSLY INCOMPLETE

>>16731548 Hamas: Biden's visit attempt to integrate "Israel" into region

>>16731559 Arrest made in rape of Ohio girl that led to Indiana abortion drawing int'l attn a

>>16731590 Former Business Partner of Hunter’s Personal Attorney Is Now Over the DOJ’s Criminal Division

>>16731621 Pelosi Is So Scared Of Trump She Won't Even Mention His Name

>>16731627 Saudi-Israeli normalization 'inevitable' - ex-US ambassador

>>16731634 Brittany being herself, but see this rabbit in the background.

>>16731661 Illegal Immigrants Provided Tickets from San Antonio to Baltimore on Southwest and Ran Through Premium Lane with no IDs

>>16731667 Macron issues warning on Ukraine

>>16731698 Chancellor Kathaleen McCormick Appointed To Rule Over Twitter's Delaware Suit Against Elon Musk

>>16731710 Sri Lankan President Lands In Singapore On Saudi Flight As 'Pariah' Status Grows

>>16731708, >>16731729, >>16731736 BruhMAGE gets more views than CNN and msnbc from the ages of 22-54

>>16731737 Court Rules Investigation Into Biden Admin’s Collusion with Big Tech to Censor Opposition Can Move Forward

>>16731753 Sri Lanka protesters to hand back official buildings

>>16731761 US, Israel Sign Joint Pledge Denying Nuclear Weapons to Iran

>>16731767 Twitter Back Up for Many Users After Global Outage

>>16730786 pb, >>16731769 planefag reports

>>16731782 Biden Admin Hit With Lawsuit For Allegedly Hiding Records On ‘Hostile Takeover’ Of Key Regulator

>>16731793, >>16731795 Biden calls for forming anti-Iran alliance following Lapid meeting

>>16731794 Hunter Biden’s ‘Pedo Peter’ Contact Isn’t Who Everybody Thought

>>16731815 Kissinger reveals how world conquest will be done

>>16731826 The Globalist Elite Used the Civil Rights Revolution to Legally Enshrine Their Ideology

>>16731828 Tehran is Moscow’s reliable partner: Russian Deputy Foreign Minister

>>16731830 Eva Vlaardingerbroek Summarizes all the Merging Food, Energy and Farming Issues with Stark Advice to Americans - Sundance

>>16731852 How France’s treasured Bastille key ended up at Mount Vernon

>>16731865 Ireland: Food systems change threatens farm livelihoods

>>16731873 The Hidden Agenda Behind the New York Times’ Desperate Puff Piece on Ray Epps

>>16731876 Woke Vegas judge faces calls to quit after stupid anti-cop stmt to criminal

>>16731898 Pompeo: Sources for Yahoo News WikiLeaks report 'should all be prosecuted'

>>16731901 Palestinian’ terror group & Iranian state TV channel back mapping project against American Jews/Christians

>>16731907 The entire Western world is fighting Russia via Ukraine, Aleksandar Vucic has said

>>16731929 Live Babies Left to Die After Failed Abortions in Minnesota

>>16731899, >>16731933 Murdaugh murder case

>>16731962 World Bank: The Poor Will Suffer From Carbon Taxes

>>16731971 Dems block measure upping penalties for child sex traffickers: ‘It defies all belief’

>>16731973 Macron, Obama, Biden All tied to Uber corruption

>>16731975 Ukraine cuts ties with North Korea

>>16731980, >>16732003 Biden's energy dept drag queen gets top secret "Q" clearance

>>16731985 Children's vaccine center in Times Square run mainly by Chinese

>>16731990 Borrell: EU needs to refill stocks drained by supplies to Ukraine

>>16731994 GOP senator blocks bill to protect interstate travel for abortion

>>16732017 Israel sends second shipment of protective equipment to Ukraine

>>16732023 Putin gets tougher on foreign agents with new law

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3967c0  No.16736155

File: 7a8ee6c7014bdbf⋯.webm (2.89 MB, 818x840, 409:420, 7a8ee6c7014bdbf133175613b….webm)

>>16733806 lb

No sauce yet but, I'm hearing that Isreal is going to have another election soon. In which, Bebe is going to be reelected. Suposidly

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e5f940  No.16736818


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dcc009  No.16737800

File: 871f7780e0a0bf9⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB, 853x528, 853:528, 871f7780e0a0bf9b298d9e411….jpeg)

File: efac8bb0beb2b1c⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 755x451, 755:451, 251111795_168390252173047_….jpg)

File: b40519a425ad92b⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 1242x771, 414:257, 228829524_122084340136972_….jpg)


The news media knows we have everything.You are watching thr biggest cover-up in USA history.The swamp got caught and justice is coming.

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2377cb  No.16751350

>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code, shows Q posts; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16514077, >>16552582, >>16511354 JW & BO on Q posting, Q's board, TOR, SALT, Tripcodes

>>16746254 Aggregator Anons Please Contact BV Triple-A new

>>16747430 Know your bunkers new

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2377cb  No.16751457


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports and /meta/ for Admin comms

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A; >>16050716 bakers/notetakers, plz tag the dough

>>16495621 CP guidelines: No Hunter near kids, use discernmentreminder

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

>>16746254 Aggregator Anons Please Contact BV Triple-A NEW

>>16747430 Know your bunkers NEW

BAKERS, please remember to LEAVE A SPACE after Notables are not endorsements NEW

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5d2c74  No.16754491


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326a95  No.16760921


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326a95  No.16760923



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00d979  No.16764873


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dcc009  No.16769284

File: bd40c91b5ff4cb4⋯.jpg (31.43 KB, 400x400, 1:1, q.jpg)


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dcc009  No.16769378

File: 83539f4cf67a4f2⋯.jpeg (56.94 KB, 945x633, 315:211, 83539f4cf67a4f2990cb51201….jpeg)



We Have Everything

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3ed90c  No.16769501

File: bccc3e4bc22b4fc⋯.jpg (711.98 KB, 3504x2336, 3:2, boatwater.jpg)

File: 6386ecea382eed8⋯.jpg (53.17 KB, 900x640, 45:32, crosshairs.jpg)

I'm on a boat!

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3ed90c  No.16769685


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7b170b  No.16774858

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

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7b170b  No.16774868

>>15510582 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

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7b170b  No.16774898

>>16538203 Baker's Lite JS code; >>16559261 OP formatting for Q posting

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839341  No.16779237

>>12345678 PB

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dcc009  No.16780618

File: 23b362c34ae1da1⋯.png (201.24 KB, 500x620, 25:31, 23b362c34ae1da146912f3729b….png)

File: 83539f4cf67a4f2⋯.jpeg (56.94 KB, 945x633, 315:211, 83539f4cf67a4f2990cb51201….jpeg)

File: 871f7780e0a0bf9⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB, 853x528, 853:528, 871f7780e0a0bf9b298d9e411….jpeg)

File: b40519a425ad92b⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 1242x771, 414:257, 228829524_122084340136972_….jpg)


My face book page is restricted for 90 days again, for supposedly posting "false" information.This has been going on for the last four years since I exposed everything. . My original face book account was deactivated, with no explanation. I am being targeted on social media. They took away all my memories since I joined in 2012. I am being attacked "knowingly" for exposing the swamp! This hasn't been a great awakening for me at all. It took courage exposing everything. I spent painful and sleepless nights, researching and archiving all the declassified information from QResearch.I have more than you could possibly imagine.I have thousands of downloads in my files. The news media knows, I exposed this worldwide, demonic, trafficking/pedo ring, involving the government swamp and Hollywood. Why are they covering up the truth? Why wont they acknowledge I exposed Nancy Pelosi, in the underground rooms of Epstein island and the names in Epstein's flight log?I have never seen such a coverup in my entire life! I am starting to feel hopeless here. I have been viciously attacked, persecuted, silenced and cancelled, for telling the truth. They truly are after me and it's evil! I am Qanon from NY.I am up by the fingerlakes on the map. There are no coincidences, why President Trump gave me Q security clearance. He told me to trust the plan and justice was coming.

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dcc009  No.16780695

File: efac8bb0beb2b1c⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 755x451, 755:451, 251111795_168390252173047_….jpg)

File: ad55d42cee89567⋯.jpg (96.2 KB, 596x558, 298:279, ad55d42cee895678622b4edc02….jpg)

File: 160f2eb1ecac72d⋯.png (59.37 KB, 624x660, 52:55, 160f2eb1ecac72dbab57293372….png)

File: 51ccfc91c9cd456⋯.jpg (33.67 KB, 758x481, 758:481, 257720503_114851421008156_….jpg)


The 'map' is key to the information. There are no coincidences why I have everything. President Trump told me to be careful who I follow. He also knows the "fake" news media are "knowingly" ignoring the truth.

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dcc009  No.16780780

File: cd1bc6abc5c74d7⋯.jpg (52.95 KB, 855x760, 9:8, 228725540_122083760137030_….jpg)


Jim Watkins surely knows President Trump is *Q* The reason POTUS no longer posts here anymore? He knows I archived everything from QResearch. I have been downloading 'everything' for the last four years. Is anyone else being attacked and targeted on social media? Is anyone else being cancelled and deactivated? It took courage exposing all the demons.They infiltrated the Vatican, our government, Hollwood, and the royal family. The swamp got caught and justice is coming. God wins this silent holy war of good vs evil.

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941ce4  No.16782531


ramen clam, nigga

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b1476e  No.16797380

Remember what we're fighting for

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b1476e  No.16797403

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b1476e  No.16797410


Seems I'm having issue posting image files. Any help?

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b1476e  No.16797418

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743c8b  No.16797476

File: 35f543369c4df87⋯.jpeg (179.22 KB, 1107x1080, 41:40, 29B05CA2_67FE_47AD_8420_6….jpeg)

File: 70895fc505312e9⋯.jpeg (211.41 KB, 1222x1280, 611:640, 8C2723D9_7219_456C_916E_E….jpeg)

File: a05daf1ae4ca04a⋯.jpeg (132.61 KB, 1107x1080, 41:40, 998A7628_F92E_4175_B389_3….jpeg)

File: 954a37c81d7d693⋯.jpeg (172.08 KB, 1107x1080, 41:40, 3FDBA3A0_6504_466A_848A_0….jpeg)

File: 3a23e6032483cd4⋯.jpeg (166.46 KB, 1107x1080, 41:40, 239B275E_1ADF_4D2F_9212_1….jpeg)

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7f57b1  No.16797812


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a6e41a  No.16800185



Ready for PRESTIGE employment?


If you have a 31 post count or better

& able to clean and care for yourself

It's time for (you) to


Measure the erotic reponse of pedophiles to your choice of pornography.

YOU DECIDE which pedos go back on the street, and which remain in pedo-group home; using the "plesmograph" the latest scientific(tm) innovation which calibrates the pedo erectile response to child pornography or Olga underwear ads. You choose! Tell them:

"Strap on the plesmo pedo!"

Could be you! Giving orders to pedos:

"Drop trou brainlet pedo!"

Imagine yourself, scribbling on yellow legal pad, in a pristine lab coat!!!

withPLESMOSHILLname embroidered in red custom cursive on breast pocket.

Do NOT hesitate shills. Take the big step from a job to a career.

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b463a1  No.16800189



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0bf30f  No.16800196


behold the ree


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713e3f  No.16800240


In Arabic its 'Qanon' or 'Qanun'

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da4625  No.16800244


bro do you even dig ever?

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972d72  No.16800248


Stop lying, Anon was here when (You) did

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c1cae2  No.16800305


Cruise missiles use terrain following radar and GPS and Digital Scene Matching Area Correlation (DSMAC) II navigation system, allowing three kinds of navigation: GPS-only, which allow for rapid mission planning, with some reduced accuracy, DSMAC-only, which take longer to plan but terminal accuracy is somewhat better; and GPS-aided missions that combine DSMAC II and GPS navigation for greatest accuracy.and fed the right target info you can pick the door or window you want to hit.

Antitank missile probably wouldn't have sufficient warhead power to do the damage that was done.


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ef7d06  No.16800326


> gas was 17¢/gal

Isn’t it past your bedtime boomer?

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c7ffd8  No.16800363

>>16435119 pb

I knew it looked familiar.

Google's LaMDA

and HalfLife's logo… lambda

The Orange Box. Best game package EVER!

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2eb82f  No.16800397


Is this Freddy and Toots? Really types like him. Freddy is that you?

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aebcf2  No.16800398


Now we see what the bot attack was for?

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ed570c  No.16800403


Sisters who fled Saudi Arabia as teens to Australia found dead

Two sisters were discovered dead in a south-west Sydney flat under "suspicious" circumstances. The women left Saudi Arabia as adolescents to seek refuge in Australia.

Officers doing a welfare check discovered the ladies, aged 23 and 24, in separate beds of their first-floor Canterbury flat on June 7 after the couple failed to pay rent for four weeks and mail began to pile up outside their door.

The remains of the sisters had been there for "some time", according to police, and showed "no obvious signs of injury."

Authorities are treating their deaths as "suspicious", with the Homicide Squad investigating.

According to the Daily Mail Australia, the sisters escaped Saudi Arabia without their families in 2017, when they were 18 and 19, and NSW Police are now attempting to identify their relatives.

The women had been working with a refugee service for five years, assisting foreign nationals fleeing persecution and seeking asylum.

Police were still awaiting autopsy findings on Friday and have yet to locate and contact the women's families in the Middle East in order to properly identify the dead.

According to Daily Mail Australia, the sisters were not in frequent communication with their families back home.

In January 2019, the elder sister obtained an AVO against a 28-year-old guy, according to the Daily Mail Australia. It is unclear whether the man was a relative or not. Later, the AVO was withdrawn and dismissed.

After the owner of their apartment issued several notices to the women for overdue rent, police showed up at their apartment to hand them an eviction notice when they discovered they had been killed.

The ladies began visiting the adjoining service station in 2020, shortly before the Covid epidemic, and were regulars until two months ago, when they stopped going by. They described the duo, one brunette and one blonde, as "quiet" but "very friendly", and stated that they would only respond to questions.

The Daily Mail Australia has also reached out to the Saudi Consulate General for comment.

According to a 2019 Four Corners story, over 80 Saudi Arabian women attempted to seek refuge in Australia in recent years.

Read more: KSA hides abuses in migrant centers amid arrests campaign

Many of them were escaping Saudi Arabia's male guardianship rules, which empower their spouses, fathers, siblings, uncles, and sons to manage their lives, according to the research.

Numerous human rights organizations including Human Rights Watch have commented on Saudi Arabia's horrendous slate of human rights abuses, from torture reports to murdering journalists and executing dissidents.

Read more: Saudi Arabia carries out mass execution of 81 people

The women were characterized as "timid" in one of the inspections and refused to let anyone into the residence.

However, following protestations from a concerned party, the sisters reluctantly agreed to the check but spent it huddled together in the far corner of the apartment.

As they answered simple questions about their well-being, one sat down and the other cowered behind her.

According to a source, "They were standoffish and didn't really want to talk."

According to a source, the initial check was made by police in March, with authorities departing after the women maintained they were OK.

In a separate incident months ago, the sisters' black car was keyed and hauled away from their residence last week, maybe suggesting an act of vengeance.

In 2018, a similar story surfaced in the United States. Two sisters were found dead in the Hudson River, duct-taped together. The sisters were also seeking asylum in the US from Saudi Arabia.

In 2019, two Saudi sisters escaping Saudi Arabia were left stranded in Hong Kong on their way to Australia. At the time, the sisters stated that they feared for their life.

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8a3349  No.16800410

How's the Garden Doing?

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6ee925  No.16800421

Canadian Attorney General Announces Citizens Do Not Have “The Absolute Right to Own Private Property”

Trudeau’s Justice Minister and Canadian Attorney General David Lametti announced this week that Canadians do not have an “absolute right to own private property.”

This is what Communism looks like.

This is Trudeau’s government.

Source plus video: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/743043/

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a58305  No.16800441

I’m black now!

I join the nigger ranks of the USA.

Joe Biden hired a gay black nigger lady to speak!

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f758f9  No.16800449



Oil jumps after Saudi Arabia hikes crude prices



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ef7d06  No.16800462

What’s shakin night shift

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02d54d  No.16800481


10:00 AM EDT

Hearing: Cybersecurity and Risk Management at VA: Addressing Ongoing Challenges and Moving Forward

House Veterans' Affairs Committee



10:00 AM EDT

A review of the President’s Fiscal Year 2023 funding request and budget justification for the National Guard and Reserve

Senate Appropriations Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Rising Threats: Ransomware Attacks and Ransom Payments Enabled by Cryptocurrency

Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs



10:00 AM EDT

CLOSED/TS/SCI: Around the World Threat Assessment

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



10:30 AM EDT

Hearing on the President’s Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the United States Department of Education

Senate Appropriations Committee



10:30 AM EDT

The future of the US dollar: Are its days as the world’s dominant currency numbered?

Brookings Institution


11:00 AM EDT

Balance of power: Promoting more women in leadership

The Atlantic Council




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94ac96  No.16800491

Shall Not Be Infringed

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a2d91d  No.16800503

So easy to defeat you are

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37ac88  No.16800505


That's not the system that's wrong. It's the criminal globalists currently in control of the system.

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f30440  No.16800548


Morning Swordy!

God bless you as well and keep you and all anons from harm, this day and forever!



Daily protection Spell Refresh

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447235  No.16800567

Jim is my favourite artist. Honey art.

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b3a5e3  No.16800586


same anon. You can feel it. Precipice reached

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c3d352  No.16800602

It’s happening!!!!!!!!!!

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307a05  No.16800604


Dan Scavino Jr.🇺🇸🦅


10:45 PM · Jun 24, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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b551d8  No.16800617

Boots on the ground…June 19th…Basic items are in short supply and prices going up on everything.


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84d335  No.16800618


Trump is posting on TS, why would we give a crap about what that papi account is posting?

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926c04  No.16800752



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a8b9d4  No.16800758


this is what pussy look like

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94181b  No.16800810


that poll has bigger numbers than the biden approval rating poll

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e79b3f  No.16800811


i thought it was supposed to be a big deal just tonight. now we find out it's multiple installments over the next two weeks. probably just showing normies how boring it all is.

that's my guess.

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6383e8  No.16800829

That Dow Watch box.

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91ade5  No.16800873


This whole situation would get fixed REAL quick if they aired videos like this completely uncensored on the news.

They don't.

Soros is still in control, otherwise the White Hats would be airing these videos nonstop.

(Obviously I'm a little blackpilled at the moment and am half playing devil's advocate, the other half legitimately wondering how certain things that would be SO EASY TO DO are not being done.)

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460378  No.16800911





>8kun server history


>enemy is watching

>you are here for a reason

>wake up anons

>have fun

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ed570c  No.16800918


>If Q returns, anons have kept the lights on.

Whether or not Q returns, the important thing is to keep the lights on.

I don't know if this board has outlived its usefulness or not but it doesn't matter.

It's mere existence is a thorn in the Cabal's sides. For that reason alone, we need to keep it alive (bless Jim for sticking it out).

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b66143  No.16800942



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3dcfbe  No.16800963

POPE = Pervert Of Paedophile Enactments

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ec987a  No.16800983



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aa0518  No.16801005


Sodium = Salt

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8f12b9  No.16801042

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ecb1a7  No.16801044

Looks like this bread will be locked, thanks E-Bakes for stepping up.

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0bf30f  No.16801049

>>16396995 (Me)

>>16396994 (Me)

>>16396993 (Me)

Sorry for triple post it kept giving me an HTML error and not showing they posted.

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93ae2d  No.16801075


>Type in “Joe Biden drinking out of a toilet” into DALL•E


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8a3349  No.16801095

Hidden hand?


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5906f0  No.16801111


Something is definitely going on here!!



With Indiana Gov. Mike Pence in the news due to his state's controversial religious freedom law, BuzzFeed's Andrew Kaczynski has been digging around Pence's old campaign websites. Today, he found this old article in which Pence grapples with the immense box office success of the film Titanic — and concludes that Americans love it because the titular ship's sinking is a metaphor for the US turning away from traditional values.

After considering several possible explanations for the film's popularity, including its "breathtaking" cinematography and "powerful" story, Pence concludes that "something else is going on here."

Perhaps, he says, "what draws us to this film is an undeniable sense that we are seeing America of the late 20th Century in metaphor before our eyes … Just as the Royal Mail Steamship Titanic left Southhampton, England on her maiden voyage with deckloads of proud and waving passengers, do we not see ourselves, steaming away from the safe harbor of our best moral and religious traditions?" He continues:

Pence Titanic article

In another article, Pence proclaims that "global warming is a myth," and suggests that CO2 and coal can't be causing it because they're "natural." Though "Monica Lewinsky seems like the most important issue in America," he writes, stopping Democrats' "liberal environmentalist agenda … could be more important."

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97cfc6  No.16801123



Wait for the invite.

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5714fd  No.16801130


They will throw the election or she will be thrown a life preserver to join the Potato Administration.

Billed as a conservative just makes me laugh.

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ff0220  No.16801180


I spoke up. It's clownworld, make best of bad situation.

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79d933  No.16801214


>It'd be pretty idiotic of these people to riot over Roe VS Wade while Congress talks about the "INSURRECTION".

Yea, cause Antifa is always patient. Amazing how hard you idiots will twist yourself to make anyone believe this was actually Q.

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fdaa7b  No.16801237



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1d04b8  No.16801260

At 11 am ET, engineers and administrators will give an update on the #Artemis I mission to the Moon.

Hear what lies ahead for




before launch: http://nasa.gov/live


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fdaa7b  No.16801309

Would it have been possible for Trump to have won 2020 and taken us to the Precipice?

It had to be this way, didn’t it?

You put your puppet Biden in and expose it all.

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c35d88  No.16801316

The faggot shooter kid with doodlebop hair has most likely been taught by his Mother who, from reading last night, appherently is into "Hermetic Order Of The Golden Dawn" - which is inharently Rosecrution within the "Inner Order" - which is at the top of the esoteric teachings of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

Neuordnung World Order

47 is the Wolfsangel (Wizards and Warlocks)

"The Wolfsangel is an ancient runic symbol that was believed to be able to ward off wolves. Historically, it appeared in Germany in many places, ranging from guidestones on the sides of roads to heraldic use in the coats of arms of various towns; there is even a German city called Wolfsangel. Along with many other runic symbols, Nazi Germany appropriated the Wolfsangel. It appeared as part of the divisional insignia of several Waffen-SS units, including the notorious 2nd SS "Das Reich" Panzer Division. As a result, it became a symbol of choice for neo-Nazis in Europe and the United States. In the United States, the neo-Nazi group Aryan Nations incorporated the Wolfsangel into their logo."

Sauce From ADL = https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/wolfsangel

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75237f  No.16801387




Today’s Links…























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aa2801  No.16801390

pretty rythmic spikerinos

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e9b118  No.16801397


>>>>>exiled juw pedo discovered in mexico laundering canadian pedo

>canadian pedo laudering juw caught with barge missing duke harry gasket coCIAne

exiled jew pedo in mexico mad bout stolen barge coCIAne , contacts UKrain trannys

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997c09  No.16801442


Nessun Dorma, anon. A masked prince attempting to get a Chinese princess whom he loves, to guess his name.

None shall sleep,

None shall sleep!

Even you, oh Princess,

In your cold room,

Watch the stars,

That tremble with love

And with hope.

But my secret is hidden within me,

My name no one shall know,

No… no…

On your mouth, I will tell it,

When the light shines.

And my kiss will dissolve the silence that makes you mine!

(No one will know his name and we must, alas, die.)

Vanish, o night!

Set, stars! Set, stars!

At dawn, I will win!

I will win!

I will win!

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2dff74  No.16801483


> So why does Fox report certain things?

Do they ever tell us anything that we didn't already know? I think they are just a distraction. Reporting yesterday's news.

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05d5aa  No.16801542




for fucks sake

get it together baker

fake Q could post in any bread

and your slippin' like this?

looks pretty dramatic to this anon

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61d118  No.16801543


>I laugh my ass of all the time

anon can confirm

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928ef1  No.16801544


>I am stuck here for too long

where is "here"?

city, state, country

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ff31b4  No.16801554


too many syllables, I know

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cdc48c  No.16801585


I chimped out once. Cops slammed my head into the pavement. I said thank you Sir because I deserved it.

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e0fd6f  No.16801613


Zappa nailed it

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c539ef  No.16801625



>Out of sync

My phones clock always reverts back to 2 minutes slow, even after I change the time, it will randomly do that, I also feel out of sync, like time is weird and off, little skips here and there. Am I crazy? Possibly kek, but alot of the Mandela effects impacted me, and i felt little changes. The world has been odd since the first Cern fire up

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8ba20c  No.16801649


Massive Keks.


We have the videos, the receipts don't lie.

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a39e85  No.16801701

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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2a78f7  No.16801704

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64d15e  No.16801707



This is shill code to divide

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5567e2  No.16801724


>When you’re broke and hungry you’ll do it.

you sure are a remarkably dumb faggot.

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8082c0  No.16801741

…Someone requested some space chicks, last bread.

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1d7ae2  No.16801743

… you should do surveillance on my neighbour 😆 that's where it's at

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149ee9  No.16801744

Q, what really happened on or around 11 11 2018?

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8da681  No.16801758


That Harshed my mellow

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b5df16  No.16801783


Probably from Canada.

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039cc6  No.16801784


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92bb75  No.16801791


I was hoping an anon with better viewing capabilities could VIEW said area better. I agree with your assessment & yes I track digits, missed by one yes? Any who if we could see better we would know & when did we start investing in such BS on our bases?

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0c744f  No.16801808


screams at the gas station by who pumped ethyl

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53dea0  No.16801837


FAG Pudding Holes

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75237f  No.16801856


Can I get the non-parable version? That way there would be no misunderstanding

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91430a  No.16801880



Chinese style censorship plane and simple.

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3327de  No.16801881

Let's do some of our own predictive programming.

Meme it real.

Year 2030: Media Museum

Collaborators of the Great Reset









xcetera on pedestals

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cb0224  No.16801885


Judaism aka. Communism has no place in the free world.

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84a93c  No.16801888

If God Didn't Simply Destroy Satan and the Fallen Angels (Demons) for their Treachery…

They must surely serve a purpose in God's Plan?

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42aabf  No.16801923

From (PB) >>Has anyone else noticed GPS errors recently?

Yes, As a Waitr driver who knows his area, I've seen more hiccups in the service these last 2 weeks. Even so far as moving destinations mid-route.

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e758fd  No.16801924


Avenatti, those were the days, fucker posting on twitter… top gun still implying PDJT assassination.

Avenatti is an asshole.

He has paid, just like other cabal plebs, for opening his dumb mouth.

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5906f0  No.16801945



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1f2808  No.16801990

Welcome to Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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Friday 06.24.2022

>>16506930 ————————————–——– Are you ready to serve your country again? Remember your oath.

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a42db0  No.16804626

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't just the least bit concerned about Cern turning on their death ray in less than 48 hours.

Anyone else?

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4dfe64  No.16804647


you still here?

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40d91a  No.16804710


don't like him

nor his incest practicing children

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68a7d9  No.16804759


that would explain why the NY Post has a story right now that the father tweeted support for the 2nd amendment 2 days after uvalde

i un followed them and most comments were fuck you NYP

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66a0f7  No.16804768


New blood joins this Earth

And quickly he's subdued

Through constant pained disgrace

The young boy learns their rules

With time the child draws in

This whipping boy done wrong

Deprived of all his thoughts

The young man struggles on and on, he's known

Ooh, a vow unto his own

That never from this day

His will they'll take away

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never be

Never see

Won't see what might have been

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

They dedicate their lives

To running all of his

He tries to please them all

This bitter man he is

Throughout his life the same

He's battled constantly

This fight he cannot win

A tired man they see no longer cares

The old man then prepares

To die regretfully

That old man here is me

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never be

Never see

Won't see what might have been

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never be

Never see

Won't see what might have been

What I've felt

What I've known

Never shined through in what I've shown

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

Oh, oh, oh

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me

I'll label you

So I dub thee unforgiven

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

You labeled me

I'll label you

So I dub thee unforgiven

Never free

Never me

So I dub thee unforgiven

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95ff39  No.16804773


Four among my close family and friends. A few others that I suspect.

Just a theory I have.

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af28b3  No.16804860



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065ab2  No.16804876


He also ignored first amendment


They don’t care

They fired people who didn’t get the jab, denied their religious exemption, didn’t pay unemployment because the city stated its misconduct

Bunch of crooks

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c9c7e8  No.16804896

Street just filled up with patrol cars, sirens blaring; sounded like flashbang just went off.

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68a7d9  No.16804910


Tell that professor that law is a social construct and that he shouldn't deathlaw anyone. Also tell him that he is sexist and justiphobic.

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2d8ae6  No.16804951





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858721  No.16804956


Justin has been switched with /ourguy/ that time he went to his cottage.


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cd6a4d  No.16804996


nuttin' new

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065ab2  No.16805041

>For the first time in nearly 50 years, there will not be a single Bush, Cheney, Clinton, Obama or McCain at any level of Government.

Technically true. But when you look at Biden…

The Bidens are the whole reason this US anon cannot, and will not, take a side in the Ukraine conflict.

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8dbe61  No.16805066

Young good looking MAGA OPs are friending old democrat women and filling up their thump drives.

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d31b37  No.16805094


it is

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84e110  No.16805138


>Find someone that makes you laugh like the anons do.

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8d2fff  No.16805140

Re COVID19 vax: ".. We used a howitzer where an accurate rifle would have sufficed!”

"What these results show is that we 1) instituted mass inoculations of an inadequately-tested toxic substance with 2) non-negligible attendant crippling and lethal results to 3) potentially prevent a relatively small number of true COVID-19 deaths. In other words, we used a howitzer where an accurate rifle would have sufficed!”

LOTS of evidence (Anons knew) in this article of how ineffective the vax is against the virus and also how it is in fact dangerous. Dr.. McCullough* among those cited.

* "McCullough has impeccable academic credentials. He’s an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist and a full professor of medicine at Texas A&M College of Medicine in Dallas. He also has a master’s degree in public health and is known for being one of the top five most-published medical researchers in the United States, in addition to being the editor of two medical journals."


"… Again, based on a best-case conservative scenario, seniors are five times more likely to die from the shot than they are from the natural infection. This scenario includes the assumption that the PCR test is accurate and reported COVID deaths were in fact due to COVID-19, which we know is not the case, and the assumption that the shots actually prevent death, which we have no proof of."


"What we need is an external group, a critical event committee, to analyze the deaths being reported, as well as a data safety monitoring board. These should have been in place from the start, but were not.Had they been, the program would most likely have been halted in February, as by then the number of reported deaths, 186, already exceeded the tolerable threshold of about 150 (based on the number of injections given). Now, we’re well over17,000. [(7) https://openvaers.com].There’s no normal circumstance under which that would ever be allowed."


"…[I]n some cases the death toll shot up after the COVID shots became widely available. You can browse through covid19.healthdata.org (3) to see this for yourself. Several examples are also included at the very beginning of the video."



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f1c0d3  No.16805172


>not because of what happened on January 6 but because they may attempt to overturn the 2024 presidential election.

Kek. We can't even get 2020's election bullshit corrected. If anyone is gonna cheat, it's gonna be those faggots. Can't vote your way out of communism.

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27a35c  No.16805203

You are telling me Torposting was re-allowed yesterday, Jim was giving a speech when the Q post happened for plausible deniability, GB is orgasming all over /hivemind/, and the Q posts have not been verified by TSQ, POTUS, Dan Scavino or Devin Nunes. Babyfist was caught taking credit for this video on DeepDigs yesterday. Jim & Babyfist are deeply connected. Austin Steinbart/Doge is calling anyone that doubts this Q authenticity a pedo, and the shills are attacking anyone that questions the fact this doesn't pass the smell test. And all of this right after Jim was exposed as being involved with all of these people and failed massively to cover it up on an AMA. Sus as fuck

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523a03  No.16805206


No telling what China has been doing on the dark side of the moon for the last 3½ years.


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2c5c08  No.16805231


Anon does self nom anything

anon was CORRECTING your dumbass

Bakers dont self nom, dumbass!

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61b235  No.16805270


It's go time!

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bd4d82  No.16805326


'Refunding the police' has become a popular position this year.

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939b56  No.16805379


This proves widespread election fraud 100%. This came from Lindel's symposium. A voting machine can affect millions of votes. Why the need to change security via a script while shutting down the scripts output to run silently? Here are the main points.

1 Tampers with voting machine local security authority and shuts off encryption while tampering with network sockets (connections)

2 Web servers in voting machine is remote access and illegal

3 Because it is a script, it is designed to be run on many many machines because interactive keyboard and mouse commands would be faster for one machine, it takes a long time to write and test scripts and only pays off when parts of the script are variable-ized such as the machine name.

Echo off means no output to console

Echo on means output to console, used for debugging

Line by Line

1 Shut off output to console window and set a local variable enableextensions to true

2 types Removing Security Restrictions out to console, when Echo is on

3. sets the configuration for the database, db, to a temp database and silently overwrites the initiatization file. This is the database that the windows local security authority logs all information, metrics, and changes to the system. It is the machines system of records.

4. Overwrites the GroupPolicy for the windows/system32 giving it new authority rules and policies.

5. Modifies the windows registry to force it to accept the new security providers

6. if errorlevel os negative or 0 pause

7. types Critical restrictions disabled when Echo is on, set on line 1, and types Registry value that indicates the current hardening state

8. Modifies Dominion SQL database registry key Hardened variable and forces a Dehardened-WS2016 string to be set.

9. Sets the local machines SQL server socket network library to disable encryption

10 stop the SQL database

11 start the SQL database without encryption

12 starts the SQLServerAgent

Because this is a script, it takes a long time to write and test to get correct. This is only done when one wants to repeat the same tasks on many many machines instead of doing commands by interacting with the mouse and keyboard. Because it tampers with a machines local security on a voting machine it is a crime. In addition to run a web server on a voting machine is remote access which is also illegal.

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cd0925  No.16805382


Good morning

Stabs the Air.

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61b235  No.16805423


Abortion isn't banned in extreme cases you feckless cunts.

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a87fcc  No.16805518


I require more vespene gas.

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b61b9c  No.16805544

Big Crazy Ree

Leftist commentator says ‘violence’ is ‘legitimate and appropriate response’ to Roe reversal

He also shared a photo that encouraged firebombing the Supreme Court.

WASHINGTON, D.C. (LifeSiteNews) – A liberal commentator who previously worked at Media Matters for America and Vox repeatedly called for violence as a response to the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) ruling on Friday that reversed Roe v. Wade.

“Violence is a legitimate and appropriate response to oppression,” Carlos Maza tweeted Friday, in response to a video of President Joe Biden urging people not to be violent. Maza famously feuded with conservative comedian Steven Crowder and has criticized YouTube for allowing people like Crowder to stay on the channel. “YouTube profits off of hate speech,” Maza’s bio says.



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957ba8  No.16805562

DANvilingus is just another HO

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659dce  No.16805575


she has a show?

no one cares I'm sure

avenatti had to cancel kek

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b84f87  No.16805599


>And out of no where you hear a fuck your couch nigga!

played out of jenky record player

and it skips on nigga

and glitch repeats


then you hear long nose snickering

and clearly someones voice says 'press the next button'

and you hear a recording of "I'm Rick James Bitch" voiced by george carlin

its funny

but its not Dave

you know

like when Dave came back from Afrika?

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4c45bf  No.16805622


Its in full free fall now

Plan accordingly.

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f6db77  No.16805642

Russian Ministry of Defence publishes data on the number of foreign mercenaries in Ukraine


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a10378  No.16805655


⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [02.06.22 19:57]

[Forwarded from General McInerney]

68th Bilderberg meeting, with participants from 21 countries, began today in Washington, D.C.

Pfizer CEO, CIA & NSC Directors, VP Facebook, et al. attending.


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6d993c  No.16805659


> This will not stop bold text posts by unprofessional members of the US government


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dc6d03  No.16805733


They still haven't sent in the UN stormtroopers and brought out the military tech against us like they did with the Canadian truckers. What do then? Even if they took away the guns we're still grossly outmatched. This is a movie; military is the only way. What the hell the purpose of the movie is I dunno but Trump gave a hint which is that everyday more and more patriots are being born. This is why I think this is taking so long. He has faith in anons and other republicans to stay comfy while the sheep wake up. The Oaths that were taken involve saving all Americans, not just the top notch of you. Might not agree but even if you say it ain't be it be that it do or some shit.

The physical war is over, now it's just about winning the digital realm and gaining back the minds and souls of our fellow human which is actually farking difficult.

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e893f8  No.16805749


Trust me, I GET THAT. But when the vaxx killed people in your family, and now next year you might watch some of your family starve to death (probably not immediate family, since I’m sure your household is prepared like me), how is that a show? Starving to death isn’t pretty. And if the military is doing anything it just all be underground because people are walking around burning down food processing plants and crossing the border by the millions illegally and flying airplanes in the sky and spraying poison and I don’t see military doing a damn thing about any of it.

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e6a2b1  No.16805765



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232966  No.16805799





>8kun server history


>enemy is watching

>you are here for a reason

>wake up anons

>have fun

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47f02b  No.16805833



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c8fd0a  No.16805845

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/28/2022 15:26:00

Truth Social: 108556737612344607

I NEVER SAID, “MIKE PENCE DESERVES IT (to be hung). Another made up statement by a third rate social climber!


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88e13d  No.16805885


the other 30% stupid people blame climate change… kek.

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54cee3  No.16805895

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d6149d  No.16805960

Kirby [press conference]: We are all horrified by the mass-shooting in Oslo today,targeting the LGBTQI+ community there.

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6caddd  No.16805964


42 is not 46

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b955ef  No.16805979


I made a comment on a q post here once, and had dan scavino make a damn near identical reference shortly thereafter. Probably the closest I'll ever get. We all push the awakening any way we can, anon. Do whatever you can.

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7fdc45  No.16805990


This anon does EMDR. It is very helpful for me. It isn’t pleasant. Or the subjects this anon is working on aren’t pleasant. Effective for me, however.

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d7b374  No.16806004


Clockfags had a graphic about 30 QClock hours.

But can see where X22 guy gets his theory.

Don't be a concernfag.


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0cb007  No.16806046


so what the notes have been shit for 2 years. you're here for the notables?

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6a7099  No.16806054


I will laugh my ass off if Tucker still beats everyone in ratings

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63befe  No.16806075


Who uses 'clavicle'? I found that the most odd thing about the whole story. And why would someone lunge for a collarbone?

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d5ecf0  No.16806110


>Board was set up so only Q has a tripcode.

but other boards have tripcodes….

And the salt is for the whole site….

So the salt change could be observed in real time…

And was…

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57c687  No.16806127


Biden live announcing latest hit on 2nd Amendment. Never waste a tragedy.

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fff6bb  No.16806131


Even without a captain, we'll keep sailing. Arrr!

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c3db26  No.16806203

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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c5f0c5  No.16806213

>>16583800 pb Brewer's Vax bit

Digits checked and loved it! Did he give discounts to purebloods?

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2110e2  No.16806230



The same lawyer for Mr Pickles Repertions, or trauma from the white cat, will help you with nappy time also.

Raise your hand. Get some help.

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085202  No.16806237

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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f6db77  No.16806247

Q Research General #20764: Delving the Finer Points of Sovereignty and Treason Edition

>>16413112, >>16413125, >>16413307, dough, baker out. baker claiming bread

>>16413133, >>16413162, >>16413176, Fra’ Marco Luzzago, Lieutenant of the Grand Master of the Sovereign Order of Malta, suddenly passed away at the Commandery of Villa Ciccolini in Italy - aleteia.org (eyes on)

>>16413143, >>16413144, Jan 6th twats, articles and moar from msm

>>16413152 Steve Bannon Strikes Back Hard in Fight Against Contempt of Congress Charges - redstate.com and jan 5th articles.

>>16413171 Missing boy found after surviving 2 days alone in cold, Montana wilderness - nyp

>>16413148, >>16413336, berlin 30 injured after vehicle drives into crown - sky news twat

>>16413226, >>16413240, >>16413242, Qdrop 816 - School shootings, anon opine 40k view

>>16413232 BREAKING: All Charges have been reportedly dropped against Paul Pelosi for his DUI arrest - twat

>>16413250 ‘We shot him a lot’: Florida Deputies kill ‘active shooter’ in Polk County, Sheriff Judd says - twat polk county

>>16413281 mathew Mcconghey and wife holding up her own shoes at white house press clown act - twat and image caps.

>>16413290 Pentagon policy allows HIV-positive service members to deploy, remain in uniform - twat (running out of clowns)

>>16413302 Insurrection Week! Bannon vs. Pelosi and Epstein is BACK - youtube robert Gouveia video and digs, anons summary.

notables at 240, night shift has been infested by shills, attention whores and retards, day shift is kicking its arse !!

board drama is prohibited by this baker,

fuck off !!!

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823cd2  No.16806257

Castle Rock reporting for duty Q

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12829f  No.16806264


Sure hope it gets real soon, its been fake for too long.

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369f10  No.16806298

"Origin Server Offline"

Fucking Commies.

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2ac3df  No.16806309



we would be nothing without the grammarcat

cant even blame Otto Korrekt for that one

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b7c612  No.16806318



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20aa63  No.16806341


below a certain altitude there will be no data. unless they are very near a network receiver. that is why you do not see the landing itself here in this image. But you do see the time elapsed.

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71dab5  No.16806370


Can’t they do both?

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cfdb39  No.16806385


ThanQ departing Baker!

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65c67d  No.16806427


May 28, 1971 on tombstone

May 31, 1971 stated by @3rd_Infantry

Why the difference?

Records say otherwise?

Sup 3rd!

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0b3bcd  No.16806445

nazi skinheads groom children

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2c6e78  No.16806449


TY anon. This is on my weekend reading to do

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50b02a  No.16806450

EU faces internal row over admission process – media

<24 Jun, 2022 16:42


Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama blasted the summit as a “terrifying show of incompetence” and expressed his disappointment, stating that “not even a war in Europe, which could become a global catastrophe, was able to bring about their unity,” as quoted by Die Welt.

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9912c3  No.16806451



I'll apply for a future position in the anon department

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afb154  No.16806470


its a beemer boomer

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bba0ed  No.16806503


If they can

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3c43b1  No.16806521



Posted 3 times, all 3 directing timed when either Fake Q was posting, or Jim Watkins was lying about Q.

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cddea2  No.16806526


time for a new IP

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286346  No.16806533



HAHAHAH you retards. The absolute state.

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8eea98  No.16806534

We have Dough?

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ca9ee5  No.16806550

President Trump has a plan & they're educating the public, as well as us.

Countless citizens have been screaming for years now :

"Arrest the Child Traffickers & pedophiles in Hollywood & Washington DC!

Arrest these politicians stealing our money!

Arrest these politicians for Treason, Genocide & War Crimes / Crimes Against Humanity!

Arrest them for stealing the 2020 Election!

Why doesn't the military arrest them?!

Why doesn't the police arrest them?!"

Ok, they arrest these powerful figures.


DECADES of rigging elections across the country. Governors, Mayors, Police Chiefs, Judges. The JUDGES that have been inserted across the chess board as pawns.

Arrests get made, calls get placed, judges get arranged, charges dropped / case dismissed. The GOOD GUYS who made the arrest, WHO HAVE ZERO AUTHORITY ON PRISON SENTENCES / DEATH PENALTY, lose their jobs & become a target themselves for TRYING to drain the swamp

The entire Justice System is rotten.

We've been SHOWN with G. Maxwell

⚡ϕ 🧲



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8594e4  No.16806563


In my prayers.

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6f870b  No.16806572


>The fact they would essentially give up their body to the Government after they themselves forced 18 year olds go to fight and die in a war.

Why? A paycheck, dependent benefits housing and healthcare. Same as WWII, Korea

By the time Vietnam rolled around, not so much so they drafted.

The wars always come along near the time of bad economic conditions.

Banker's Wars?

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0f4237  No.16806579


Rosenstein, Barr, Guiliani, and Trump…destroyed the Mafia in the 80s.

How many days since then has it been?

With Durham chewing through the gristle of it all.

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5a7160  No.16806610


Sure. But it might be way hotter than LEAFY stuff

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da6c2d  No.16806645


OTH…horny BTCH's line up 'round back please

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6b2858  No.16806656


I'm just here to SHitpost today anon, maybe ebake if I habve too.


anon was suppose to be born today, but was 2 weeks late.

2 weeks HA HA HA.

mi Bday incoming on


yeah im a palindrome baby

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afb154  No.16806678


"Sergey Lavrov on the death penalty for foreign mercenaries in Ukraine: the decision was made on the basis of the laws of the DPR, one must not interfere with the judicial system of the republic⚔️⚔️⚔️

Quote Tweet

🇷🇺The man who saved the world🇷🇺


· 1h

⚔️⚔️⚔️The Russian Federation is open to dialogue with the West, but "you need two to dance, and for now the United States is engaged in break dancing" - Lavrov⚔️⚔️⚔️"

The Man Who Saved The World @ILRUSSO1 - Twatter Acct.

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26334c  No.16806686

Indiana town cancels drag show advertised as 'family-friendly' after one post from Libs of TikTok

The popular "Libs of TikTok" account caused the cancellation of a drag show in Jasper, Indiana, that was advertised as "family-friendly."

The drag show was a part of an event dubbed as "Pride in the Park" and organized by the Dubois County Pride committee in conjunction with the city of Jasper.

Libs of TikTok posted a screenshot of the advertisement from the group and noted that they encouraged children of all ages to attend, and also asked for everyone to bring money to give to the drag show performers.

The tweet garnered nearly a thousand retweets and more than 3.6k likes on Twitter.

On Wednesday, the group announced in a Facebook post that the drag show was cancelled.

"We regretfully announce that due to safety and security concerns, the family-friendly drag performance planned for Pride in the Park has been cancelled," read the statement.

"This decision was jointly made by the City of Jasper, ONE- Dubois County, and the Dubois County Pride committee," the statement continued. "While the Dubois County Pride committee is disappointed by this development, we are in no way deterred. Our mission to promote and advocate love and equality remains steadfast."


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ad3bd1  No.16806698

I had to watch things funny, the news was getting too oppressive

NautPoso 🇮🇪☘️


What actually happened at yesterday's lib rally stampede.

(collab with @grandoldmemes and @drefanzor)


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bdf16a  No.16806709



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88de45  No.16806722

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/28/2022 14:25:22

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108556499188970832

Never complained about the crowd, it was massive. I didn’t want or request that we make room for people with guns to watch my speech. Who would ever want that? Not me! Besides, there were no guns found or brought into the Capitol Building…So where were all of these guns? But sadly, a gun was used on Ashli Babbitt, with no price to pay against the person who used it!

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059f35  No.16806741

The Muslim Satanic Fag is VERY upset, kek

Barack Obama / @BarackObama

06/24/2022 10:26:44

Twitter: 1540340651610497031

Barack Obama / @BarackObama

06/24/2022 10:26:42

Twitter: 1540340642848690176

Today, the Supreme Court not only reversed nearly 50 years of precedent, it relegated the most intensely personal decision someone can make to the whims of politicians and ideologues—attacking the essential freedoms of millions of Americans.

Barack Obama / @BarackObama

06/24/2022 10:26:43

Twitter: 1540340648972279813

Across the country, states have already passed bills restricting choice. If you're looking for ways to respond, @PPFA, @USOWomen, and many other groups have been sounding the alarm on this issue for years—and will continue to be on the front lines of this fight.

For more than a month, we’ve known this day was coming—but that doesn’t make it any less devastating. Here are my thoughts from when we first saw the draft ruling: https://barackobama.medium.com/my-statement-with-michelle-on-the-draft-supreme-court-decision-to-overturn-roe-v-wade-94c0ae0c541a


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6a7099  No.16806754


Oprah tranny overjoyed wiff duke harry gasket struggles of incest and allowance sponsors meta infomercial

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d5ecf0  No.16806774

Sisters and Brothers, Patriots World Wide

Everything has meaning.

Every word that I type has meaning.

Question everything.

Military is the only way.



[THEY] think you are stupid.

Puppets w/o power.

[THEY] want your guns, and babies, and children.

Remember who (You) are.





These people HATE America.

These people are SICK.












You'll soon Know why.



The Red Wave


Marker [9]






Watch the Water

We were born for this!

My Stairway to Subud

Elvis Presley

Micheal Jackson




















CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis Templar "Hooked X"

John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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f9012a  No.16806775


>It is difficult waiting for normies to catch up.

Like being dragged over glass…for some of us it has been a LONG time…

Things are moving along NICELY now though…

I get to deal with alot of people on a daily basis. Honestly most are "cannabis people" but do stray out into other areas. By "cannabis people" I mean successful professionals who use cannabis for health. This group of folks is red pilled and WOKE. Always moar info any of us can learn, but these folks are pretty far down the road.

The over 70's who still watch nightly news are our main last standing asleep group, but even they are waking up…

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f5f734  No.16806807


damn now anon feels real old , i remember that shit

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4bfcc7  No.16806812


>Kalergi plan is a historical curiosity, it was just an idea, not relevant today

Kek, brain-dead Shmuel!

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6dc4fa  No.16806813

… ugh. yanks.

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6e91e6  No.16806817


In Magic the Orange Jumpsuit is to meet NEW FRIENDS lol

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79a73e  No.16806851



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6e9baa  No.16806866

Honey Badger w/ Jesse Watters

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84453a  No.16806906

Have to wait for sundown on the left coast.

They'll start the shit and the rest of the demons worldwide will emulate.

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b43def  No.16806910


As of 2021, 35 states have passed bills and executive orders designed to discourage boycotts of Israel. Many of them have been passed with broad bipartisan support.


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a09ad9  No.16806914


Thank you for answering, anon.

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3001e0  No.16806951



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a3d6b8  No.16806965


Sorry meant to say Jim thinks Q is fake and gay created by democrats and media matters so what does that mean for anons? Jim will be delivering anons info and doxxing them on a silver platter before congress?

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8a037d  No.16806972



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2be5c0  No.16806973


Somalia, In the back of a petrol field that USA want to take it.

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a6bbe4  No.16806974

Introducing The New Currency Type “Security Protection”

Source, More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com


The chaos in this society are causing by various groups/nations with their difference ideology about the system.

I don’t want describe much about the current situation because all of “players” should know and understand it, but I would rather given out a new solution new currency type that will balance the current global financial system.

Why many nations have their government budget balance negative every year?

Because they receive too little from the public from their spending, that’s simple the fact.

Even if they raise the tax to 90% for the “rich money entities”, it still does not able to solve that problem. So raising tax (the main make money way) is not the option.

If you look at the budget of most nations, about 50% of them related to security, military.

So in theory, if you can have new currency type backed and controlled by the military/force group that co-exist with the current monetary system, then the problem will gone !

What the military can “offer” to the society that can make money?

The only answer is protection.

Protection is the main keyword you should be remember.

Rich money people/group/company need to spend more money for protection, but that in the “fair” environment of ruless. In the current society, all the rich money people/group need to do is pay a little money to “buy” the police/military. So if you can “shutdown” that connection so the rich money entities must pay fair price that “match” with the wealth.

It is all about the public people which many of the so called “secret controller” are considering as the pawn, so as long as you can make their people understand and accept the new currency type, then that is fine.

New Currency “Security Protection”

The new currency will be backed, managed, controlled by the military and the people who prefer physical war, force in general.

The exchange rate with the current money is up to each nations, could be 1:1 at the begining and switch to diffence rates depend on siuation each people choice.

Money in: receive from the public people who want to get protect.

Money out: to the people who work in the military industries complex and people who work for protecting others.

It is easy to print then pay/distribute to the people who work in the “protection” police/military group. But the hardest part is how to make people “pay” and “accept” new currency type.

If you only demand people pay for their protection, the public people will say “why don’t just use only the current money type (USD, Euro, Yen, Rupee, etc.) for easy to remember and using”.

The magic solution here is “FUTURE PROTECTION”.

We are living in a world of uncertain, any nations could collapse by the natural disaster or physical war at any time.

When that happen you will have many people need to get protected and will go beyond capabilities of the protection people group, but which one you choose and priority?

People with money? But sorry folks, money in the chaos time are useless !

So the new currency will designed to solve the problem about protection of not only the present but also the futures.

The “future” is what the current money type cannot offer.

Protection is always a service so if you want to connect and “link” the new currency type with the economy, you must have real physical product that can be seen/touch.

The answer is “future goods” such as foods, water and shelter.

So the new money currency type will focus on protection of both the present and the future. Many areas can be used such as security, border, visa, protecting, future goods, etc.


Well the implementation process is up to each nation situation. It can be done without the need of any international agreement/treaty.

The currency can be exist in both digital and physical form or only 1 out of 2, it is all up to each nation choice.

I don’t go into this process because I want to see diversity.


Above theory ideas are great, some of you may accept some of you may not, and some of you don’t understand it fully. So you can ask/discuss/debate with me if you like.

In my opinion, it is enough to stop all kind of present war between humans, nations.

The information above are freely to share, to read, but if you want to implement and use in real life, you must make some fair donation to me in advance.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Buddha

Source, More Information: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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bd5a2b  No.16806983




¿ Bellingcat ¿ Who Funds Bellingcat?

>7,080 views | Oct 6, 2018 | Graham Phillips

<CIA, SOROS, Google, Atlantic Council, NATO>

>moar on the vid


Good morning from 8kun!


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08db94  No.16807014


esp when anon is around

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c1d999  No.16807018



If you see Q’s ID it has 2 posts. To find the other post highlight the ID then search the bread for his second post!

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85363d  No.16807019


Of course, we have a big national holiday approaching, then, probably rolling blackouts leading to next 'outbreak' weeks before midterms. All the while, FF,FF,FF,FF,FF,FF….from every single play in the book. It's getting pretty transparent at this stage.

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bee78c  No.16807023

the 'main reason' why the world is where it is now would be because the means of distributing information has been ((('bought up'))) by (((inbreds))) being able to do nothing else than 'distract' from that Jesus is God and that Jesus as God wanted the (((inbred))) judas to hang himself.

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ba58aa  No.16807039


Very weak

Try again

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e8d23d  No.16807056



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88d9b5  No.16807057


How did you miss this graphic I posted. Instead of being a jerk, You want the text, I actually filed a complaint.

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ba84c2  No.16807079


>been gone all day, what did i miss?

Shills, keks, and thrills

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8cc86d  No.16807104


>>16490685, >>16490693 True the Vote teaming up with our Sheriff's Nationwide!!! The fix is local! PATRIOTS ACTIVATE!!!

>>16490809 Dr Oz is going dark for a good reason. The habbenings are beginning. Jim W. didn't do an AMA just for shits and giggles. Anons are needed now more than ever. Anons are convincing the world that they can save themselves

>>16490621, >>16490635 tomorrow's Jan 6 hearing rescheduled to 3pm

>>16490634, >>16491127 @DOE_CESER misspelled LIGHTNING not once, but TWICE in the same post..?

>>16490639, >>16490658, >>16490765, >>16490810 Orange and Red Line train comms?

>>16490641 CALLING ALL ANONS! Wolf Blitzer just had Adam Kinzinger on

>>16490649 Pelosi Declines To Endorse Biden's Proposed Gas Tax Holiday

>>16490666 @US_FDA is investigating a report that another child died after consuming Abbott's (@AbbottNews) baby formula

>>16490675, >>16490735, >>16490806, >>16490866 Do these literal Gay Nazis want infants addicted to processed sugars?

>>16490670, >>16490677 RE: Video of Oath Keepers Rescuing 16 Police Officers Deflates Jan. 6 Sedition Narrative

>>16490727, >>16491154 Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) claims he was joking about striking a deal on amnesty after negotiating a deal on gun control

>>16490793 Airlines TRIPLE number of daily cancellations: 900 flights across the US axed today

>>16490814 Oppose any introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies. US Economy in full collapse. Did you empty your bank?

>>16490827, >>16491043, >>16491173 Uvalde Police Chief Placed on Administrative Leave, School to be destroyed, where are the parents?

>>16490840 Kash Patel announces that he is officially a representative for Donald Trump at the National Archives

>>16490861 Full Blown Censorship at Twitter and Truth Social… Fix it! And no excuses for it! Al is not a legitimate excuse, ever!

>>16490962, >>16490969, >>16490980, >>16490996, >>16491216 Dasting @SpaceForceDoD Tweets

>>16491278, >>16491319 Vega Lyra Dart Draco, Something happening up there?

>>16491038, >>16491051 Still trusting 'The Science'?

>>16491046 Reminder: Jim W keeps this site up at a loss in profit because anons are changing the world

>>16491087 Nearly 100,000 mail-in ballots in Canadian election not counted due to arriving late

>>16491092 A @DARPA program aims to protect against blast- or impact-induced behavioral and cognitive injuries…

>>16491097 Court upholds Arkansas law allowing state to reject business that boycotts Israel

>>16491252 TRUMP live on Newsmax (phone call) NEEDS SAUCE

>>16491261 Check out USS Benfold (DDG 65) as they launch a standard missile this #WarshipWednesday

>>16491347 #20963

Previously Collected

>>16489794 #20861, >>16490648 #20862

>>16487606 #20858, >>16488228 #20859, >>16489017 #20860

>>16486446 #20855, >>16485848 #20856, >>16486749 #20857

>>16482778 #20852, >>16483569 #20853, >>16484346 #20854

>>16480459 #20849, >>16481217 #20850, >>16481991 #20851

>>16478118 #20846, >>16478920 #20847, >>16480090 #20848

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

>>16463405 Notables #14: Gonna Rise Up

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268fb8  No.16807115

The largest deposit of clean burning coal in the world is located in Utah. Under sixty gorillion layers of Red Tape in some sort of monument, waiting for the capitulation of America under Bidumbass to China. Whence they will dig that shit up and burn the fuck out of it. Forging their new empire in the Americas. They will replace the entire population of the US and never miss a beat replacing them in China. 400,000,000 exported.

You and your offspring will have starved to death by then so don't worry about it.

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f5310a  No.16807128



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b84039  No.16807153



add this


to these

>>16504202 >>16504247 Vaxx stats from halfchan

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0f8f9e  No.16807189


after the pellet makes contact bb gun

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458734  No.16807193

When they tell you it’s footage of Ukraine but it’s really Beirut, Lebanon from 2 years ago: #WagtheDog

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206fc3  No.16807203


Size makes it sus to anon. Link for watching?

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29f0f3  No.16807206


Where are you at geographically?

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9b7456  No.16807212


>Robert is Here. Anon's are his children

this one certainly is.

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123862  No.16807232


>The Court will be compromised and demeaned until this very big problem is solved!


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2d3cea  No.16807242



Current list of notables


>>16458942 Awesome anon video production & Helpful tool for increasing video playback speed slightly for Twitter requirements


>>16458635 >>16458595 >>16458811 >>16458654 >>16458865 >>16458969 >>16458979 >>16459015 \m/ MUZAK!!!

>>16458598 Senate Defense Authorization Bill Halts Half of Navy's Planned Ship Retirements

>>16458599 Biden has signed Supreme Court security bill.

>>16458615 Diary Of A Wimpy Kid' Actor Who Killed Mother Also Targeted Justin Trudeau: Court

>>16458621 >>16458649 “The Clear and Present Danger” has always been those working in the government

>>16458646 Secretary Blinken hosts and delivers remarks.. (Starts at 1:09:12 ends at 1:17:00)

>>16458648 >>16458705 >>16458781 How to have sex with MonkeyPox…… (AYFKM?)

>>16458653 Measles has been spotted in two children in Minnesota

>>16458657 Twat thread on Joshua Schulte (Alleged Vault 7 leaker) retrial

>>16458664 Our girl is having a baby!!!!!!

>>16458665 JUST IN - Biden admin weighs limits on fuel exports

>>16458672 DOJ: Jan. 6 committee’s refusal to share transcripts ‘complicates’ investigation

>>16458674 >>16458788 Project Veritas: Full Call With Elon Musk

>>16458713 Researchers Release Comprehensive Twitter Dataset of False Claims About The 2020 Election

>>16458724 Gregg Phillips Drops a Bomb on Patel Patriot

>>16458732 Affidavits in T. Denny Sanford child pornography case should be made public, judge says

>>16458735 Joe Biden believes Mohammad bin Salman ordered Jamal Khashoggi hit

>>16458765 Who brought the pedophile?

>>16458772 Flynn: Governors must take action to protect their borders.

>>16458776 Only prayer wins this war: US abortions rise: 1 in 5 pregnancies terminated in 2020

>>16458777 >>16458785 FDA ignored evidence of Autoimmune Disease & Vaccine-Associated Enhanced Disease and they lie…

>>16458783 How To: A quick explanation on how to read the Q-Clock

>>16458789 WTF are they feeding that kid?

>>16458799 Montana's Gov. Greg Gianforte is on vacation in TUSCANY as historic floods devastate his state and Yellowstone faces 'indefinite' closure

>>16458808 Why Did 49 Governors Pre-Order Covid Shots for Children Under 5?

>>16458819 What Is the Internet of Things?

>>16458832 Vaccine Shedding? "Women Are Having Miscarriages and Bleeding Problems Just From Being Around Inoculated People"

>>16458836 Leaked Internal Slack Messages Show Twitter Employees Reaction to @ElonMusk's #TwitterAllHands Call

>>16458848 Calling all snake hunters! (Time for some Florida Fun?)

>>16458859 Newsome on Truth!

>>16458865 Hunter Biden raged at sister-in-law-turned-lover Hallie after she tossed his gun in trash (Also for keks & MUZAK)

>>16458866 >>16458966 Are you paying attention yet? Dr. Simone Gold sentenced to 60 days in prison

>>16458869 Boots on the Ground…June 16th…Layoffs are starting in the auto sector.

>>16458875 Are COVID Jabs Causing Leukemia? A Preliminary Analysis of Adverse Event Cases

>>16458895 Revenge is best served cold, like a cell at Gitmo

>>16458893 Doctors Gave 4-Year-Old Boy Vascetomy During Hernia Surgery: Lawsuit

>>16458900 Fauci Singles Out Possible Universal Coronavirus Vaccine from Duke (Remember, the army started theirs long ago.)

>>16458912 Does anyone this shit? Supposedly being raped as a child, doesn't make raping children ok…..

>>16458915 Kek!

>>16458927 BC healthcare union to hold 'Defund the Police Workshop' for members

>>16458932 QAnon follower Matthew Coleman who allegedly killed his kids ‘was deceived’

>>16458934 26 state attorneys general: Biden's rule linking school lunch to 'trans kids' policies is illegal

>>16458951 How long until one of these pedophile drag dudes gets knocked the fuck out by an angry dad?

>>16458986 >>16459284 Stock market's fall has wiped out $3 trillion in retirement savings this year

>>16459000 Digits: We're now over 9000! Baker still here workin hard.


>>16459007 Biden's about to cross the line in a big way.


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3001e0  No.16807256


These days, adult somatic cells can be "dedifferentiated" back to pluripotent state. Besides not having to slaughter innocence, this has the added benefit of not causing rejection. Currently expensive, but doable. Known since 2006, at least.


These people are sick.

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3f6b0a  No.16807278

All of the shilling tells me that the Q posts are authentic.

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12829f  No.16807286

hot femanon voice on 11175kHz USAF

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117822  No.16807297







Sup anons! I pop in, and there it is, y'all talkin' bout that video. I gushed.

Then I got blooped, by REEEEEEEEEEEE

Here is the original on bitchute. :-D


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aec764  No.16807300

A bomb squad rushed to a Montgomery Co. school to dispose an 'unstable chemical'🧪


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a10378  No.16807312


I do not believe that you can write prescriptions for yourself.

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701831  No.16807317


Hmmmmmmmm get Kek’ed !!

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f4a9b5  No.16807338


Glad you made it, good morning.

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9b2d15  No.16807361


You are a cancer and the single worst thing that has ever happened to this place. Anything you say is cancer unless a choir of angels backs you up. All you do is lie and divide and preach hate. Go back to where you came from, the stench of you wrecks the air.

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fe433f  No.16807384

The calm before the storm.

Experiments that have been done underground will shock (You)

Truths that are coming to light will test your past & todays reality

Matthew 24:37-39

But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son,

Think Egypt / Pharaoh's / Wall Drawings, Pictures / Books

A grand exercise in hubris and wanton behavior

Q uestion Everything Patriots World Wide

Read the book of Jude in the Bible














Military is the only way

































God Father III







Reptile eggs

Get me a bun, senpai

















'Sometimes you have to show them'














































drama queen










THE dive



Poo Poo gate
















Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.




God Won





CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis







>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!


When does a bird sing? When it is freed.



John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


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85363d  No.16807422

I sense desperate shills!

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2baf9f  No.16807444

juws caught teaching kids songs of their heimat

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631ad2  No.16807464


What does that even mean?

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55d0d2  No.16807466


>nothing they want to accomplish is ultimately successful

>all of their agendas are exposed

>they fail in the end every single time

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fc8783  No.16807478


This is not a game.

Patriots in control.


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5ae4dd  No.16807489


Not a zero delta, lying faggot

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d6b409  No.16807492



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4725f2  No.16807507



Compiled notable posts on Ukraine ect from yesterday from previous Bread here

much easier when in one notable than spread out



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a92260  No.16807524

She's mugging for the camera.

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ad22fe  No.16807550


Thought it as soon as I saw his photo.

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165532  No.16807552

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96cf7f  No.16807553


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d4315d  No.16807559



frame by frame is very meme worthy

so many bieber faces to choose from

will crack you up

who will get the best ones up first

meme this will be gold


hit playarrow

then use K on keyboard to freeze

then use period to move frame by frame foprward

use comma to go backwards

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8dd6f6  No.16807576



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9fee3c  No.16807589

Q, if you're picking up what I'm putting down, and approve of what I have put into motion tonight, give me a sign only I would understand through Devin, Dan, Kash, or Gregg. I've seen multiple synchronicities, but asking for clear confirmation before proceeding further. I want to do this the right way. o7

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137977  No.16807595

Since we’ve been on the topic of satanic ritual abuse and Utah, I’ll post this. Interesting read on Mormons and ritual abuse in the 90’s


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5e41ad  No.16807603

Ottawa Instantly Deploys Riot Police in Response to New Protest

Dozens of police in riot gear deployed just hours after the weekend-long protest kicked off

Ottawa Police have blocked access to Parliament Hill and suited up in riot gear just hours into a fresh round of protests in the Canadian Capital. As large numbers of protestors began to arrive in the city, the Ottawa Police Service blocked off dozens of roads and accused the protestors of inciting violence.

The weekend-long event dubbed “Rolling Thunder” has no stated goal beyond “peacefully celebrating freedom.” It was organized by bikers who participated in this winter’s Freedom Convoy protests against vaccine mandates.

Police were already readying a heavy-handed response before the protestors even arrived. Ottawa Police Chief Steve Bell said that an “occupation” would be met with force, adding that any vehicles or mobile homes that attempt to block traffic would be towed.

This winter’s protests featured scores of trucks and mobile homes that camped outside Canadian government buildings for weeks. The Trudeau government subsequently labelled the peaceful protests an “illegal occupation” and declared martial law in order to quell them.

Just hours into the protest, which is supposed to run through Sunday, Ottawa law enforcement accused the crowd of inciting violence and deployed riot police. “Due to an escalation of crowd aggression, officers are deployed in helmets and shields for their protection in order to clear the crowd at Rideau and Sussex,” wrote the Ottawa Police Service in a tweet.

Lincoln Jay of Rebel News is reporting on the ground near police lines where dozens of riot police equipped with shields and helmets can be seen standing around a group of semi-trucks. An officer told Jay that things “got out of hand” but would not elaborate further.

In addition, law enforcement has blocked off multiple blocks in downtown Ottawa. This includes Parliament Hill, where a rally is scheduled for Saturday afternoon. An Ottawa police officer told Jay that she expects the road closures to last until Sunday.


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efbf2e  No.16807660



CodeMonkey donations just keep rolling in while you haven't donated anything to CodeMonkey so shut your cocksucker~

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8ca645  No.16807724

Sorry, text got borked somehow, it is a chemical

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47cf1a  No.16807726


God bless you too Swordy and all here today.

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b2b2af  No.16807752



What if Durham's job is to expose and get the ones he can…but gets mountains of evidence into the record for other (.mil) prosecutors to use in tribunals against a whole host of bad actors connected to that evidence.

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442a4c  No.16807760

Q could do things to reassure us if he wished that's why time will tell, things were said to me years ago that made me a believer, only things I would know.

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447f70  No.16807769


Your Kids Are in Grave Peril From the Predators in the Transgender Cult

By Matt Margolis Jun 16, 2022 2:25 PM ET

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f8179d  No.16807776

My girlfriend knows I love her more than anyone in the World and it turns out we had an unbreakable relationship all along.

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527d38  No.16807784


>I'm still walking free

not for long biache

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92c839  No.16807814


That's not the reason and you know it…

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4c227d  No.16807818

>>16424044, >>16424048, >>16424054 >>16424063 ICYMI: "Cheney's Jan. 6 committee spotlight burns her in Wyoming primary"


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73b49d  No.16807826



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bbc15f  No.16807838


Schiff….. Just like "I've seen the evidence of Russian collusion with my own (bug) eyes!"

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d4fdcb  No.16807843

Wizards & Warlocks

1,000 years passed

6 Heavenly Bodies

Freedom Fighters

End of the World

Go[o]d v [d]evil

Ancient Cult

Cosmic Bolt


Ride the Waves

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a9537d  No.16807864

Are we about see to a more direct confrontation?

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73b49d  No.16807870


o the resemblence

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527d38  No.16807877


sorry about your digit draw, Dorkeous ; Sammy Jackoff can blow it up and out his gay ass ass

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ee115e  No.16807905



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43d398  No.16807915


how the fuck does the dollar go up with a shit ton in circulation

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fcd7c6  No.16807921


We did it to the Kurds, and Hong Kong and now we are doing it to Taiwan…

We are Lucy with the football and the poor downtrodden of the world are Charlie Brown…

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b229cc  No.16807922



>>16482815, >>16482842, >>16482899, >>16483206, >>16483280, >>16483302, >>16483334, >>16483471, >>16483490 Memes of the Thread


>>16482835, >>16482841 SCOTUS 5th and Final Decision

>>16482872 Jinn (Arabic: , jinn) – also romanized as djinn or anglicized as genie (#Aladdin)

>>16482881 Why aren’t these police and law enforcement arrested? #Uvalde

>>16482917 One of the Bills in House this week

>>16482960, >>16482993 PF NATO01 (Infinite Chq)

>>16482980 DC ATTNY weaponized by the Dems?

>>16482995 Antibiotic Minocycline Prevents Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection

>>16482998 CERN #LHCRun3 is about to start!

>>16483000 DC Habbenins? MP4

>>16483011 A Back Door Clause In The Newsome – Trudeau Deal That Ties Canada To WHO Health Laws

>>16483014 Health Minister Says They Are Transitioning To Update The Definition Of Fully Vaxxed To Be 3 Doses

>>16483015 Elon Musk Reveals Who He Believes is Actually Driving the Democratic Party

>>16483017 Nonprofit Watchdog Uncovers $350 Million in Secret Payments to Fauci, Collins, Others at NIH

>>16483018 New Evidence of American Bio Lab Activities in Ukraine with BioClandestine

>>16483025, >>16483122 The FDA just approved COVID vaccines for your kids

>>16483026 New Documentary “Standing In the Gap” Discusses How Our Votes Have Been Stolen and Manipulated for Decades

>>16483035 The Disaster Continues… CNN Ratings

>>16483042 @RepMTG status Jullian Assange

>>16483105 A pro-abortion protester heckles at activists with Students for Life MP4

>>16483107 PF reporting FNA SIR - HABBENINS

>>16483118 Poll: Majority Of Democrats Say Runaway Inflation Is Biden’s Fault.

>>16483150 Iran/US Navy Hostility confirmed?

>>16483158 Space Force Recruiting

>>16483163 #LakeMead Has Dropped To 1044.39 Feet Elevation For The First Time Since It Was Filled About 100 Years Ago!

>>16483180 @USArmy “Do you understand?” MP4

>>16483181 The Illusion of Choice Game continues. (#MITOW)

>>16483165 What happens when you let cultist entities control the public water supply?

>>16483193 Hunter becomes the hunted:

>>16483203 Health experts will call on Tuesday for an overhaul of the U.S. public health system

>>16483219 Biden to name Native American as US treasurer for first time

>>16483223 @USNavy Pulling your weight.

>>16483236 @USArmy Here comes the #BOOM!

>>16483283 @DeptofDefense Good to go.

>>16483299 @USCG It's the 1st day of summer

>>16483244 Anon Opines - We have to save ourselves.


>>16483553 Kellogg Co. is breaking up

>>16483569 #20853

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d0f2f6  No.16807931


Never. Always late. Wasn't supposed to start until 8pm est. An hour from now.

When did he start?

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567d53  No.16807936

You know in your heart of hearts I suffer, but this is way bigger. You own it.

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f3e6a3  No.16807943


The line that wraps around the backyard and alley behind your mom's house after your dad goes to work in the morning. Apparently, she needs to get traffic control according to city regulations.

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c53624  No.16807958


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958cbd  No.16807974


Here comes the Celebrities

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d19aad  No.16807979


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442a4c  No.16807980


Pompeo wasn't the only one who broke with Trump on that one. In this lovely Country we are allowed to do that. I do remember this interview being after that race just to add that as well.

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465426  No.16808004

Why did BO scuttle the shuttle program?

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be90c9  No.16808030


i vote people like you get locked up until a suitable organ donor is found.

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64baf5  No.16808053


Just want to point out that smuggling diesel in meth tanks may be more profitable.

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bbc15f  No.16808059

Recall the post

Something about not being able to keep his hands to himself with his 10% displayed in front of him.


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b73a46  No.16808079


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fcd7c6  No.16808105



717th minute of the day.

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955192  No.16808111



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fc509b  No.16808114

Soul Contracts prior to incarnation

All of us negotiate a soul contract before entering into any one lifetime. Our life agreement covers the people and situations we’ll encounter in life but not our responses to them. Let’s look at the circumstances of that contract.

Everyone has a life plan

Each lifetime we agree before birth to take on a specific learning task or tasks. Our guides and the Lords of Karma usually call the assignments we give ourselves our “soul contract,” “blueprint,” or “life plan.”

SaLuSa tells us that “every individual has his or her own plan.” (2) “You have a life contract,” he says, “of which very few are personally aware and have seen into the future and planned it accordingly.” (3) According to Matthew Ward as well, only “a relative handful of Earth’s peoples know about soul contracts.” (4)

He tells us that “life plans are agreed before you come into your earth body, and your Guides will do everything in their power to ensure you complete your incarnation successfully.” (5) When we’ve completed your life plan, he tells us, we leave Earth.

“Normally when your time of completion is reached you are ready to return to the higher dimensions. Bear this in mind when your loved ones or friends leave the Earth plane, and be happy for them. They have not gone from your lives forever, and soul groups will come together time and time again.” (6)

Some time after death, we sit down again with our guides and review how we did, in an event generally known on the other side as “the Judgment.” (7) Elsewhere I’ve discussed how 20th Century psychologist Frances Banks navigated her “Judgment” in the astral planes. (8)

Our soul contracts determine what situations are brought to us but not how we’ll respond. In fashioning our response to these given situations, we are expected to grow in knowledge of ourselves.

Sometimes it may take us a series of lifetimes to learn one specific lesson, SaLuSa informs us, but learning it “moves you on and adds to your spiritual understanding.” (9)

Our soul contract is negotiated each lifetime. One occasion on which the discussion of soul contracts arises is when we consider the events of our lives and wonder if coincidence plays a role. Saul says:“There are no accidents or coincidences. Every occurrence and every opportunity that you experience during Earth life has been prepared or allowed for before you incarnated.”

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4a3c9d  No.16808123



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a9537d  No.16808132



>Have electetions bren secured?

>If I blow a tire, i don't drive til i fix the flat fickin tire.

Based…and a damn fine analogy.

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c53624  No.16808139


Could happen.

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bbee5b  No.16808149

Devin Nunes / @DevinNunes 06/13/2022 06:23:55

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108469671368275153

Image Name: 8be6bc88069e6171.jpg

Filename: 8be6bc88069e6171.jpg

Good Morning! 🇺🇸


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2a9b62  No.16808175

>>16482819 lb

if you (some of you with the "advantage of being close to me or being in some sort of contact with me) continue to treat me bad: no saving. not a single mason soul.

if I see people that are masons (I see you all) wearing a mask: no saving. not a single mason soul.

if I see people that are masons continuing to fuck humanity (Biden and Von der Leyen and such scandal producers excluded): no saving. not a single mason soul.

and you know that for me you all are "masons", whatever you call yourselves.

and if you turn another person into a mason, you are not only burning his soul but your own one and the ones of anyone close to you.

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02b017  No.16808193


He should mention the Everforward, its closeness to DC, container missles/foreign war supplies, and how all the Dems caught Covid so they won't be there if there was an attack.

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6b5ddd  No.16808211


why did they cut it short, again?

best part is when he walks off

good ending counts, for satisfaction

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6a1f45  No.16808228


You hit the jackpot, maybe a transformer got knocked out in an accident or something.

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4844ff  No.16808234



Because he owes 10% to someone.

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43d398  No.16808237


Football FIELD sized.

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d0f2f6  No.16808259


https://www.ncregister.com › blog › supreme-court-catholics

6 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Catholic — Here's a Closer Look

Oct 28, 20206 of the 9 Supreme Court Justices are Catholic — Here's a Closer Look The Catholics on the nation's highest court include Chief Justice John Roberts and Associate Justices Clarence Thomas, Samuel…

soooo, the majority catholics, some who have displayed allegiance to another government, adjudicatate paying that government's schools with public funds from public taxation…?

just checking the fuckery for a friend in Fl.

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b2b2af  No.16808260



Couldn’t find original link, it is at bottom of pic and here’s another link to same statement by SAA Stenger.


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c49bf3  No.16808270


Its not murder cuz theyre proud of their kills, but if someone drinks and drives and kills the unborn baby, its murder

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465426  No.16808273


Disregard. Time going so quickly, this senile anon is still waiting for MAY to get here.

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48cdb9  No.16808286


Means you should Brows Moar

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73b49d  No.16808289

Antisemitism envoy Lipstadt sees Jew-hatred declining in Mideast, rising in US

At a Jerusalem forum following her landmark trip to Saudi Arabia, Lipstadt says changes are afoot in the region; ADL CEO Greenblatt reports record numbers of incidents stateside

On the heels of a landmark trip to Saudi Arabia, the newly sworn-in United States special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, Prof. Deborah Lipstadt, said Tuesday at Jerusalem’s Hebrew University that “there is a change afoot in this region.”

She made her comments at the forum “New Tools in Combating Contemporary Antisemitism,” which was jointly held by the US Embassy in Jerusalem, Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and the Diaspora Ministry.

“For too many decades, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia was a great exporter of Jew-hatred, but what I found is something quite different, something that has changed there dramatically in the last few years,” Lipstadt said, noting that the kingdom has also begun to implement changes in religious laws and the position of women in the country.

“I met with the heads and staffs of embassies focused on combating violent extremism, focused on interfaith dialogue, including the Muslim World League, whose secretary-general visited Auschwitz in 2020,” Lipstadt said. “We heard from a number of people who seemed willing to divide between the geopolitical crisis as it stands here in Israel vis-à-vis the Palestinians and the fact that antisemitism is something separate and apart.

“These are important first steps. There was a clear willingness to continue this conversation. There is room to move things forward.”

Among the panelists at the forum were US Ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides, Israeli Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai, and CEO and national director of the Anti-Defamation League Jonathan Greenblatt. The forum was moderated by Hebrew University vice president and former Israeli ambassador Yossi Gal.


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8425af  No.16808298



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b2b2af  No.16808325



Locked and loaded bitches.

We have a country to save.

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13353e  No.16808345


strange that i just ran across this earlier today as well


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cb7558  No.16808349

Bill Barr Tells Congress He Was Not Interested in Investigating ANY Ballot Trafficking in the 2020 Election — And Laughed About Openly During Testimony

Day II of the January 6 Democrat Party Show Trial was held on Monday morning following their ratings bust on opening night.

The January 6 hearings that aired in primetime last Thursday took in less viewers than a normal night of television.

On Monday they went back to their daytime slot.

During their sham one-sided hearing the Jan. 6 Committee shared their interview with former AG Bill Barr who was seen laughing hysterically when he was asked about the evidence of voter fraud presented by “2000 Mules” during his pre-recorded testimony at the Jan 6 show trial.

Bill Barr: “Uh, the election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie. (laughing) In a nutshell. the GBI[Georgia Bureau of Investigation] was unimpressed with it and I was similarly unimpressed with it because I was holding my fire on that see what the photographic evidence was. I thought, well hell, if they have a lot of photographs of the same person dumping a lot of ballots in different boxes, that’s hard to explain. So I wanted to see what the photographic evidence was. The cellphone data is singularly unimpressive. Basically, if you take 2 million cellphones and figure out where they are physically in a big city like Atlanta or wherever, by definition, you’re going to find many hundreds of them that have passed by and spent time in the vicinity these boxes. And the premise that if you go by five boxes or whatever it was, that that’s a mule, is indefensible.”

How much you want to bet that Bill Barr never saw “2000 Mules”?

Clearly, Bill Barr was not interested in looking at any instances of ballot trafficking.

And Bill Barr clearly does not understand the law or is not interested in following the law. Ballot trafficking is illegal in Georgia. The movie and dozens of clips released since the movie show dozens of ballot traffickers dumping hundreds of ballots into Georgia drop boxes.

If Barr was serious about upholding the law he would have investigated each case of ballot trafficking released in the film and after the film.

On October 29, in Detroit, a US Postal worker can be seen making 4 trips to the Liberty Center satellite voting center in Detroit. The final trip was made in a private vehicle. Although the people making the deliveries are not the same, the number on the front of the US Post Office vehicle is the same!


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e95e3b  No.16808352


see VVV


and tanks for da meme, anon

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13f230  No.16808376


>Claim victimhood

no victims here

thinking logically, always

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bbee5b  No.16808378


Libs of TikTok


Queer professor claims pedophilia is an innate sexuality https://zerohedge.com/political/queer-ethics-professor-calls-pedophilia-be-destigmatised-and-taught-schools


9:43 PM · Jun 14, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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15275d  No.16808395

The Storm is upon us.

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.

Crimes against children unite all humanity [cross party lines]?

Difficult truths



We stand.

We fight.




Trust yourself.

Public awakening.



Stay Vigilant.

Stay Together.

Stay Strong.




This is a battle between GOOD & Evil


This is not about personal religious beliefs.

[THEY] hide behind other peoples religion beliefs.

[THEY] crept in unawares into our lives to control & destroy (YOU).






These people are SICK.








Read JUDE in the Bible.








President Trump caught them ALL !!!!

Vice President John F. Kennedy Jr. has ALL the evidence WW!!!!






Where We Go One We Go ALL


Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming











Fire up those Meme!

Please stand bye.

Ready to play?

MOAB incoming.






Marker [9]

JA takes the stage.

WE have the source.

Conspiracy no more.

Time to FEED.

The HUNTERS become the HUNTED.


We love PHONE!

You do not have a choice.






The World is WATCHING.

The World is CONNECTED.

We hear All.

We see All.




Godfather III.

Snow White.

Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA/DREAM).










oh mama


Have Faith






So TWO RAVENS died today. Weird

There is no STEP FIVE

Beautiful day for a coincidence.

Lots of "lightning" comms lately.



KEY #88 130 53



06. 12. 06.











CONFIRM KEYSTONE = Pi, Eta, Zeta & Epsilon Hereculis









#829-2018-03-04 04:08:25(UTC+1)


Bring the thunder.

KILL_BOX [1A-23x]




General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥

You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'



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077d61  No.16808403


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90b292  No.16808409


Meet you at the top?

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d0f2f6  No.16808413

Checking facts should not require conferences or alignment of those participating in it, FYI

>Members of fact-checking organizations from around the globe met last week for their first in-person conference in three years, confronting a world awash in baseless claims promoted by politicians and increasingly embraced by receptive audiences.


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c49bf3  No.16808421

Upchuck Toddball

Poll after poll finds American voters believing the country is on the wrong track. If there's one thing Democrats and Republicans have in common these days, it's that they don't trust Washington to fix it.


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e603e2  No.16808435

From behind her 12 foot walls

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3bd15d  No.16808441

If Ukraine was winning against Putin…then explain why you would want to leave(refugees) a winning battle???

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55b6eb  No.16808456


Kek! Round 'em up and gulag 'em.

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0f7a7d  No.16808501



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13353e  No.16808510


Those with talent are getting kicked out as the ranks are purged.

Those know where the gear is, how to use it, how to maintain it, and who has the keys to the ammo and lubricants, and even the headsets.

First Sergeant walks in wanting to yell about keeping off his grass, sentry tied to a pole and the whole artillery park is empty, ammo bunker empty, trucks are gone. Good thing Lt and above had to sign for all that stuff.

Funnier is an empty armor park. General will ruin Colonel's whole day. "You can't be an armored Division if you don't have any armor! Only those old M-113 Garvins were supposed to go to Ukraine! Where are my M-60s? Where are my M-1s? M-2 Bradleys, I see zero, do have them off to be repainted?"

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448384  No.16808515

what qualifies this guy as a witness?

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106dc5  No.16808548


Thanks Man. Memories…

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f8179d  No.16808552


Trusted a Jewish doctor

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bbee5b  No.16808555



Last week, the #FBI hosted the Titan Shield 22 interagency exercise at Bureau Headquarters in Washington, D.C., to practice the government’s collective response to a major weapons of mass destruction threat or incident and test our preparedness.


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02b017  No.16808578



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b93268  No.16808580


I take it you don't get out into the "country" much

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935e59  No.16808586


>How do you fight that which you cannot see?

Send in the the NAVY?

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8a1c1c  No.16808612



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527d38  No.16808636



no banner at top and a 6digit captcha today


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164c1a  No.16808640


i don't believe the new Q's are fake… until proven otherwise.

it's so simple… just watch what happens.

nobody knows shit at this point. all we can do is use discernment.

all you have to do is ask yourself if the posts align with past Q's. once they start to diverge from the main message we'll know it's false and homosexual. otherwise buckle up faggots, because it seems like shit is about to get real.

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d19aad  No.16808650

The least shall be the greatest and the greatest shall be the least.


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0dd9c1  No.16808656


Here's one for the entire works of Shakespeare

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c0c908  No.16808676


actually i got reason to believe he was posting far before 4chan

Who is _GHOST_ @ATS

>Follow the White Rabbit

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b5d349  No.16808679



Our Investigative Team has received a SIGNIFICANT amount of new leads over the last couple weeks relating to Voter Fraud and they want to follow up with them all right away.

With the 2022 Midterm Elections right around the corner, we wanted to let you know that Project Veritas is stepping up to the challenge of exposing these election crimes once and for all.

We have instructed our team to aggressively follow these leads across the country and leave no stone unturned.

But we can’t lie, these are extremely costly investigations involving a lot of current Veritas resources.

We are humbly asking you to pledge a tax-deductible donation RIGHT NOW in the name of ELECTION INTEGRITY.

We are confident that our highly trained and exceptional journalists are the only ones willing to go the distance and expose what is really going on with mail-in ballots, secret drop-boxes, illegal ballot harvesting, pay-for-vote schemes, and more!

If you care about free and fair elections, and want to see Voter Fraud stopped in its tracks, we need you to financially support our brave journalists in the field and help ensure they have the resources necessary to complete their investigations.

These election crimes MUST be exposed, and the evidence often is UNDENIABLE!

The American electoral system, as well as the American way of life, is at serious risk of never recovering from the damage done by widespread Voter Fraud.

With your donation of $100, $250, $500, or more – all of which is tax deductible, you can rest easier knowing that Project Veritas is working overtime to ensure that these elections will not be compromised by criminal actors.

We need YOUR help.

Asking sincerely for your support.

DONATE NOW: https://secure.anedot.com/project-veritas/pvinvestigationssm

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992163  No.16808714



If it was "orchestrated" then were you even making a choice in the first place?

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527d38  No.16808722

At least 42 people were found dead Monday inside a tractor-trailer on a Texas roadway, according to local outlets.

The bodies were discovered inside the 18-wheeler on Quintana Road in San Antonio and 16 survivors were rushed to area hospitals in varying conditions, KSAT reported, citing multiple police sources.


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6b5ddd  No.16808737


the old gods dgaf

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c49bf3  No.16808744


But she never named names did she? I mean she never said who it was that paid her and asked her to do this for them? Who was it?

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465426  No.16808749

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02b017  No.16808751


Smart move.

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d1f7ee  No.16808774


No proof Anon is babyfist the shill persona either.

You shills are cringe idiots.

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be90c9  No.16808777

Twat thread on Joshua Schulte (Alleged Vault 7 leaker) retrial

Day 3

Schulte is representing himself






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c19744  No.16808781


The Western Journal, [10.06.22 22:53]

Parents Accuse Transgender Actor of 'Grooming' Their Child Starting at Age 12 Using 'Cult-Like … Controlling Behavior'

READ: http://w-j.co/s/d9ed6

Ezra took Tokata to New Orleans Jan 2022 where Ezra had Tokata participate w Ezra in voodoo ritual.

Actor Ezra Miller

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bd7482  No.16808793

Prepare yourself, it's not going to stop now. THEY PICKED THEIR PATH TO TRY TO KILL US.

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c49bf3  No.16808820


They've drummed up the JA getting extradited thing over and over and over again. Each time, ammo has been expended on their end.


I honestly still can't get over the Casper, WY speeches. Harriet Hageman is absolute fire, and PDJT had tons of comms. Like, a spooky number of comms.

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91093e  No.16808827


Why didn't you finish the "number 65" reduction?

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c0c908  No.16808829


Fuck your stupid memes. That is not an answer.

Filtered for being a stupid dickhead.

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0214f8  No.16808838


Nah, no misconception here. Just a bit more lively than usual, is all.

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dab83c  No.16808845


ThanQ Baker!


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0b9c6f  No.16808847

>>16485913, >>16485945 Jim here for a brief AMA!


Please direct questions to ID: de5770 and not ebaker, ty

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07e364  No.16808917


First stage

Each subject of the experiment was initially thoroughly interrogated, with torture applied as a mean to expose intimate details of his life ("external unmasking").[22] Hence, they were required to reveal everything they were thought to have hidden from previous interrogations; hoping to escape torture, many prisoners would confess to imaginary misdeeds.[18]

Second stage

The second phase, "internal unmasking," required the tortured to reveal the names of those who had behaved less brutally or with relative indulgence to them in detention.[22]

Third stage

Public humiliation was also enforced, usually at the third stage ("public moral unmasking"),[22] inmates were forced to denounce all their personal beliefs, loyalties, and values. Notably, religious inmates had to blaspheme religious symbols and sacred texts

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38d93a  No.16808926


Anons seen this old vid of Eric Holder saying "this needs to be repetitive to brainwash the people about gun control"

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90b292  No.16808940


Hopefully this is comms, condolences if not. Something like this should never happen. F18/E Super Hornet wasn't in top gun, they used a Tomcat F14. I don't think Tomcat Cruise missiles nor the F18/E was invented yet.

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792c0a  No.16808957


>El Mayo



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567d53  No.16808960

>>16445054 the meme part vvvvv


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8ae94c  No.16808972

Building at center of Vatican corruption trial sold for millions

The American firm Bain Capital bought the Vatican-owned London property for $224 million

I.Media for Aleteia - published on 07/01/22 - updated on 07/01/22


The Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See (APSA) has sold the now-famous building at 60 Sloane Avenue in London for 186 million pounds sterling (roughly $224 million) to the American company Bain Capital, the Holy See Press Office announced on July 1, 2022. This property, acquired by the Secretariat of State in 2014, is at the heart of a financial scandal for which ten people, including a cardinal, Angelo Becciu, are currently being prosecuted by the Vatican justice.

The sale was announced on January 28, but the sum agreed between the two parties had remained secret and only 10% of it had been paid. The conclusion of the transaction had been announced previously for June.

The Holy See explains that the entire transaction was monitored by the Secretariat for the Economy, which now has a supervisory role over the entire economic apparatus of the small state.

Transparency and independence

To evaluate the transaction, the secretariat announced that it had launched a call for proposals in January 2021 to select the person in charge of ‘due diligence’, i.e. the organization of the sale. The process resulted in the choice, among 16 offers, of the British real estate broker Savills.

The Holy See presented this process as a guarantee of “transparency” and “independence” for the operation, a way of distinguishing itself from the secrecy and accusations of fraud that have plagued the previous transactions concluded by the Holy See to acquire the building. The trial currently underway focuses on the conditions in which the due diligence conducted by the Italian-British brokers Raffaele Mincione and Gianluigi Torzi were carried out in 2013 and 2019.

In its statement, the Holy See also takes care, as it has done since 2020, to emphasize that the losses incurred in the financial operation have not affected the funds for St. Peter’s Pence. The latter, called ‘Obolus’, collects the money paid each year by the faithful to help the pope in his mission.

Controlled until December 2020 by the Secretariat of State (subsequently transferred to APSA), the fund was used to purchase the Sloane Avenue building, the former headquarters of Harrod’s. The losses have been transferred to the Secretary of State’s reserve fund, APSA says.

Losses difficult to calculate at this time

The losses of the Holy See in the operation are difficult to assess, although it is known that the first investment of the Holy See made to acquire this property was 200 million dollars. It would have been followed by other investments later, not communicated at the moment by the Holy See, as well as by the payment of 15 million euros to finance a takeover operation led by the broker Gianluigi Torzi in 2019.

At the eighth hearing of the trial of the London building in February 2022, the civil parties – the Holy See – estimated the losses at 217 million euros ($226 million in USD). This loss is a significant increase compared to the first estimates, which a year earlier estimated the losses at 76 and 166 million euros.

The Financial Times, in November 2021, mentioned for its part losses of around 115 million euros in case of sale at 230 million euros. This sum reaches 132 million euros if one relates it to the real sale price of the building announced today.

For his part, the businessman Raffaele Mincione, questioned on June 7 during the trial, stated that, according to his plans, the sale should have been carried out at around 350 million pounds sterling ($423 million USD) after an additional investment of 115 million euros to redevelop the building. The sale, under these conditions, would have allowed the Holy See to make a real capital gain.


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64baf5  No.16808986




so easy

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15275d  No.16809003


I would be dead already if Q , and Q+ and Watcher's did not save me from the evil wicked JESUIT TRAITOR Deepstate

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c726aa  No.16809010


Any ClockFags have input?

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8ae94c  No.16809038


the Mayor of area 51


>rancid old Monkey(s)

clowns in many forms

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4844ff  No.16809062



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a2cf19  No.16809063



Las Vegas

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64080c  No.16809064

71 uids

Show of Hands

Who has read all of the drops, ALL OF THEM!?

Be honest

If you have not read all of the drops you are not anon as no anon can read just part of the fucking drops!

Don't be ashamed, correct the situation and go now and read and research the fucking drops!

Even though the drive to do this was not evident this time, maybe you can change that within yourself.

Why would you be fascinated with something, involved, excited et al yet not want to know the details?

Its beyond this anon but fix it and you wont stand out so bad.

Unless that is what you wish.


too soon huh?

Maybe 3001 they will be ready for this revelation?

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935e59  No.16809067


Mostly I'm rehashing a conversation I already had.


Would the plant-based fake human meat paddies come in different diet and lifestyle flavors?

Fish based diet… is that what they mean by "oriental" flavor?

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0dd9c1  No.16809072


i don't recall having ever threatened anyone here at any point

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7bdbd7  No.16809073

>>16379548 p Uvalde schools police chief Pete Arredondo sworn into city council - nyp

sworn in, eh? probably no stranger to oaths and rituals.

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4b831a  No.16809138


Iranian presence in Red Sea most significant in a decade: Gantz

While attending the Annual Economist Government Roundtable in Greece, Israeli Security Minister Benny Gantz revealed new satellite photographs showing four Iranian military ships in the Red Sea.

According to Gantz's claims, Iran is "expanding its aggressive operations in the region in general and in the naval arena in particular," adding that it's been "unusually" patrolling the Red Sea with its military ships.

Gantz informed the audience that Iran has been extending its marine activity. “Today, we can confirm that Iran is methodically basing itself in the Red Sea, with warships patrolling the southern region,” he stated.

The Israeli minister released satellite photographs of four Iranian military ships in the Red Sea, including the "Hengam" landing ship, two "Bandar Abbas" auxiliary ships, and the "Mowj" frigate.

He called it the most "significant" presence in a decade and a "direct threat to trade, energy, and the global economy."

Iran has recently modernized its navy introducing new ships and submarines to supplement older models.

Gantz reiterated "Israel's" paranoid worries, dubbing the country a "regional threat", which is not new, going as far this time as accusing them of potentially threatening Central Europe.

Iran has successfully tested the launch of the locally produced civilian satellite carrier Zoljanah, which is powered by a compound-fuel engine, according to state media, citing the Iranian Defense Ministry's space department.

Citing department spokesperson Ahmad Hosseini, the second launch, like the first, was for scientific purposes, according to IRNA.

Regarding Hezbollah, Gantz accused the Lebanese resistance of "sabotaging" negotiations concerning the Karish gas field dispute, by releasing three drones operated by Hezbollah days ago.

Gantz called the event "an attack on Lebanese citizens, who face extreme economic hardship,” and “shows that Hezbollah is an extension of the Ayatollahs regime - operating to destabilize the region and to cause miscalculations.”

Gantz spoke with the Greek and Cypriot defense ministers on the margins of the conference earlier in the day.

They “covered challenges of mutual interest in the East-Med and areas of cooperation that are critical for the security of our citizens and for the peace and stability in the region,” during his meeting with Cyprus' Defense Minister Charalambos Petrides.

Gantz stated that he met with Greece's Defense Minister Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos and addressed "increasing cooperation between the [countries’] military industries, and additional challenges we are facing, first and foremost the Iranian threat.”

>> What's scaring him this much?

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4197a2  No.16809157


Welcome aboard, Baker.

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07e364  No.16809168


I have refused all tests, antibody tests and, of course, the vax.

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4b831a  No.16809186


them diggies…

"The occultist believes "5" to be the Number of Death, and the greatest intensification of any number to be a triplicate, a "555" literally means "Highest Death"."


* * *



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38d93a  No.16809203

Biden to appoint first Native American to serve as Treasurer

>President Biden is set to announce the appointment of Lynn Malerba, the lifetime chief of the Mohegan Tribe and the first Native American to serve as the U.S. Treasurer.

In a statement, the Treasury said that Malerba, who previously served in the department’s Tribal Advisory Committee, will also oversee the Office of Tribal and Native Affairs, a newly established office that will house staff that will directly communicate with Tribal nations and be the hub for Tribal policy.



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90b292  No.16809204

Fuckin A I love this country, full of good people.

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ee936f  No.16809235

>>16571143 (lb)

>I fink u freeky

LOL. Die Antwoord is fucked up.

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1f0475  No.16809247

>>16587909 pb

schumer cousin?

>>16587975 pb

loomer covered in blood?

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7276b6  No.16809262


theY don't control Fla.

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7bdbd7  No.16809264


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238fec  No.16809266


I did a time redux decode and this is exactly down the exact time stamp of what Dan was giving me. I can't see this being wrong unless the baby was confirming Q.

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dab83c  No.16809288


>The 'German' is a smokescreen.

maybe, has some good memes tho

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289377  No.16809300


Those people are smiling (deeply propagandised) idiots allowing their own genocide and dispossession and loss of self-determination (that of their people).

This is mathematically and biologically true, regardless of whatever other argument can be made to counter.

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7276b6  No.16809303

Full disclose, I would have kept Trump out of trouble even after discovering he used me up until the last drop if he could have just defaulted to the side of the dude who get him elected in the first place, and if he hadn't doubled down thinking the people would put him in charge over the person who got him elected in the first place. It made all the years and connectivity we gained seem null. We all had so much fun, and just because his government ordained needle exchange got mirrored 81MILL, he wanted to kick and scream like a little baby. He gave no choice is a far cry from I was just following orders.

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7bdbd7  No.16809306


>It's not "gay". It's "homosexual".

I prefer to call them rope suckers.

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a5ab09  No.16809312

I think you fucked with the wrong one, sir.

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da0bbf  No.16809315


how can an rational human not realize what is

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95ecc5  No.16809322

rr ch al

ronald reagan

charleston heston

abraham lincoln




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dab83c  No.16809332



>Don't get your feelings hurt so easily.

once again you use a shill line

hence you are a shill

you were a 1 post shill, now you must stay engaged to the subject that triggered your call to action

typical DHS fusion center tactic

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fa44ae  No.16809367


>>16505987 lb

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0b9c6f  No.16809373


Blatant bribery to get us into war goooooo American terrorists.

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dab83c  No.16809376

>>16500666 (PB)

>pelosi up

satan trips confirm satanist

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2c1f39  No.16809378



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d5899b  No.16809388

kill all child rapists.

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f66d88  No.16809399



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95ecc5  No.16809401


Creative Minister

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566130  No.16809404

George W. Bush Presidential Center


Team 43 member Adam Napier, 2021 Bush Institute #WarriorOpen champion, is participating in the 2022 @ACChampionship July 8-10. Add Adam to your #ACCgolf fantasy team for a chance to win a trip to the ACC 2023 and $10,000 for a charity of your choice.


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0b9c6f  No.16809414

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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d5899b  No.16809427


2 days ago it was, we don't need a Zero Delta, TRIP is good enough. Real Q shows up, gets Zero Delta and now Suddenly zero deltas mean nothing. Pathetic as fuck Jim.

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97a30c  No.16809435

if roe v wade is overturned something will have happened

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c2f2eb  No.16809439


'Family' entertainment to feature 'Satan' and 'drag' performances

Multiple churches ENDORSE coming 'Pride' celebration

Bob Unruh By Bob Unruh

Published June 8, 2022 at 4:47pm

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7c0849  No.16809468


Fond memories of biking to the grocery store, quarters bouncing in my jacket pocket.

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9f6d3f  No.16809480

[MSM] Print this

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a5ab09  No.16809501


As far as my daily life is concerned, yes, they are 100% worse. I have zerro interaction with this so-called "elite pedophile ring", but Im surrounded by disgusting subhuman filth everywhere I go

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f66d88  No.16809508


Take a bump, faggot.

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da0bbf  No.16809528

Anons ask yourself one question is America at a precipice

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9f6d3f  No.16809537


That fucking hat is $35


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049081  No.16809548


23rd of June

Two bodybags leaving the white house

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4da015  No.16809567



Cry me a fucking river!

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968567  No.16809596


There's one sin on the Earth.


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661c10  No.16809600




Anon you are identified as a critical target by the feds…. Keep posting Dip Shit.

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7b5182  No.16809629



I find my best posts are left out too

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968567  No.16809642


>he should have stood up against it.

if he did that SES would have removed him.

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da0bbf  No.16809661


Jesse Wade

Elvis Presley character

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3d1f8f  No.16809666

Anoninsomnia commence. Kek.

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b99a75  No.16809683


light that filthy nigger up

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3d1f8f  No.16809704


>"Dr. Malone put out a Substack saying [that it's] looking like the current monkeypox that they've identified may have been engineered."

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4da015  No.16809708


That's one parade gay bird

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e80ae0  No.16809711



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968567  No.16809722


For America to live Hedge Funds must be liquidated and outlawed. It is yet another example of extreme immoral and outrageous organized extortion of the Stock Market by the Vanguard/Blackrock/StateStreet monopoly of stock influence.




Those are the 2 monopolies that play the stock market with puppet strings and a daily script of winners and losers.

We're getting to the true manipulators of our daily lives and the drag queen funding source as well as BLM and ANTIFA and bought and sold Politicians. The Fed / Wall St / DC puppet regime = newly organized FBI enforced 'CCP Regime'.

Vanguard, State Street and BlackRock are the financial spigot for all that is attacking America from within.

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f1d68c  No.16809743

Happy 4th July from Spain, americanons!


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7f505c  No.16809746




Did you ever checked that shit yourself? Would be logical…

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09f7b3  No.16809749


Was talking about this part

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e80ae0  No.16809759


U.S. “SOCKS”, T is MIA!


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f1d68c  No.16809764

RINO Arizona Gov Doug Ducey Vetos New Law That Would Require Counties To Cancel Illegal Voter Registrations

RINO Arizona Governor Doug Ducey recently vetoed a key election integrity measure that would require County Recorders to cancel voter registrations of unqualified electors.

Only legal votes count, and HB2617 sponsored by State Representative Joseph Chaplik would have helped to ensure that only legal voters can vote.

The bill is summarized,

Requires a county recorder to cancel the voter registration of a person for whom the county recorder receives and confirms information that the person is not a U.S. citizen, has been issued a driver license or nonoperating license in another state or is otherwise not a qualified elector. Outlines notice requirements prior to cancelling a person’s voter registration. Requires the Secretary of State (SOS) and a county recorder to compare the voter registration database with prescribed databases.

Ducey claimed that “The implementation of this provision is vague and lacks any guidance for how a county recorder would confirm such a determination.” However, the bill clearly outlines how the County Recorder and Secretary of State will confirm residency and citizenship status through a cross-reference of prescribed databases with 90-days prior notice to the voter whose registration is in question.

Doug Ducey certified the rigged 2020 Presidential Election, and it seems he is perfectly fine letting the Democrats steal future elections.


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eeb302  No.16809771


No he wasn’t. Ivana was first. Mother of 3oldest. Marla came next and is mother of Tiffany

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52dc02  No.16809777


a badge of honor anon

wear it with pride

>No fucking trip code




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6741ea  No.16809779


>Was she having an affair??? Like with Mark Meddows?

If she's a plant, she's a dedicated plant. I wonder who she works for?

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a8a7e0  No.16809783

Eugenicist outs herself


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6741ea  No.16809797


This is what happens when we pretend niggers are humans.

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09f7b3  No.16809810



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f1d68c  No.16809859


>MSM spot

I'll bet Faux will be the one that ends up with her in their stable.

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881046  No.16809869


Thanks Baker


under any circumstances sell your AMC / GME / DWAC stock. We have the Hedge Funds on the ropes.


If you can afford it, BUY MORE. This is about taking Wall Street away from the corrupt and compromised crooked bastards and returning it to We, the People.

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d46110  No.16809870

Paid shills are moribund.

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b84009  No.16809877

Interesting dig on Mr. Ifran Salim. Smart fellow.

"Mr. Salim has been a prior Director of Software Publishing Corporation, NameSecure, Zone Labs Inc., Lumension, Inc., MarkMonitor, Guardian Analytics, and Tenebril"


What is MarkMonitor?

"MarkMonitor safeguards more than half of the Fortune 100 brands".MarkMonitor provides services to Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Tencent, YouTube, Badoo and Wikipedia, eBay, among others"

That's yuge.



2012- MarkMonitor was acquired for an undisclosed sum by Thomson Reuters, as part of the company's new Intellectual Property & Science business unit.

2017- MarkMonitor was acquired for an undisclosed sum by Clarivate Analytics

2019 - MarkMonitor sells its brand protection business to OpSec Security.


"provides behavioral analytics and machine learning technology for preventing banking fraud. It was established in 2005 and its products are based on anomaly detection to monitor financial transactions."

In 2012, Guardian Analytics together withMcAfeedissected the US$78 million cyber attack titled Operation High Roller."

As of September 2016, nearly 430 financial institutions are using Guardian Analytics products to mitigate fraud risk and rely on the company to stop sophisticated criminal attacks."

Operation High Roller


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f883f5  No.16809898

Busy night.

SAM 234 coming in from Anchorage.

Mapping Q234 - One for Mr Pig!

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588ac3  No.16810921


Shes all hopped up on the monkeypox pills

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14b921  No.16810953



most homos have no limit to what they will stick their dicks in. No morals.

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f6cd29  No.16811007

Video Of Israeli-Ukrainian Captured By Pro-Russian Forces Circulates On Social Media

Video is circulating on social media of a Ukrainian-Israeli man who's been captured by pro-Russian separatists. In the video, 40-year-old Vladimir Kozlovsky tells a bleak story of his brief service with the Ukrainian military.

"When the war started, my wife and I wanted to leave the country," says Kozlovsky, according to a translation of the video by Israeli news site ynet. "I am also a citizen of Israel…Before the border, in Uzhgorod, I met with the Israeli consulate, they gave me a special certificate so I could leave the country—but I was stopped at the border. The border guards detained me and did not let me out."

Uzhgorod is in westernmost Ukraine, on the Slovakian border. While Kozlovsky's wife and child were allowed to proceed, Ukraine bars men age 18-60 from leaving the country so they can be available for conscription into the war against Russia.


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b28435  No.16811019


There is a rat in separate.

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14b921  No.16811021


ayyyyyyyyy, you're using the loopable one! ty.

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2a40c1  No.16811025

Your daily reminder:

Biden family had a billion dollar deal with China before Biden was ‘elected’

Postal workers are EXEMPT from vaccine mandates

The entire military was FORCED to get vaccinated by the Biden regime

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66f53a  No.16811173

QResearch´s no more

Welcome to QNewsAggregator

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100d21  No.16811184



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25873c  No.16811204

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b0cd1a  No.16811210


Terrible photoshop.

If those Q posts were replies to 16551922 then there would have been a corresponding tag in those drops.

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4311e8  No.16811232


Not watching, I would boot LGBT+UNICORN out of the Military.

End of discussion.

Also who ever allowed them is responsible for the retared gay shit like this that happens where you have gay fights that lead to fires that untrained gay fucks don't know how to put out. even the SHIT NEWS I HATE had to cover how fucking stupid they are.

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6039d3  No.16811234


>we work in shifts

speak for yourself. i work in a muumuu.

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5773e4  No.16811275


>(see Rambo at the end of First Blood)

I'm going to have to disagree with you on that, anon. I'm not Rambo.

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662224  No.16811284


and failed

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6039d3  No.16811340


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dfdada  No.16811343


march 11

3 11

first marker

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cda0c9  No.16811370


I hated getting up early., but now I love it!

My clock is set to it. Shit, even my bowel movements run like a German train schedule.

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676d63  No.16811394

Hi Q

Thought you bailed on us permanently after the coup.

Good to see you back finally, after 1 win.

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3b726c  No.16811396



Annie was a hoax??

She wasn't made into a lamp shade??

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dfca4a  No.16811409

The utube channel Economic Ninja did a video today on very troublesome water sitch in CA.

Watch the water. Again.

Only those with seniority will get their water soon.

Only those with connections, eh?

Took me back 4 years to the day.

The Resnick family who owns Pom. They use lots of water. They are also connected to Fiji and many other dark matters.

See this ye old post. You can filter on Qresearch for Resnick to get much more.


Here's the video on this also: https://youtu.be/N1kZXRyV2Ms

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b0cd1a  No.16811433



In his speech Biden said guns are the #1 killer of children. and that in the last 2 decades more children died from guns than on-duty police officers and active duty military, combined.

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b6ae97  No.16811455


That's the true true on Bacquiers level but (you) know what anon means as far as day v night "AUDIENCE" is concerned.

Anon couldn't get much of shit thru > 3 second delta's and shit!

Daybakes be lik "nah"!

Which is when the baker wars truly began in this anons mind.

Don't get Anon started :D


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676d63  No.16811494


so adapt - at the latter niggering

so blind to the – gathering awakening

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b3ef7c  No.16811505


Filet the Minions!

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cd2e47  No.16811507


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f4a65c  No.16811525


Check intervals between posts…


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e8c470  No.16811541

LIZ needs to be in a hunting accident

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8c76d0  No.16811550



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885ff6  No.16811631


We Stand

and after EVERYTHING

To Stand

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bf1513  No.16811639

kill all (((inbreds))).



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e8c470  No.16811663

Video Of Israeli-Ukrainian Captured By Pro-Russian Forces Circulates On Social Media

Video is circulating on social media of a Ukrainian-Israeli man who's been captured by pro-Russian separatists. In the video, 40-year-old Vladimir Kozlovsky tells a bleak story of his brief service with the Ukrainian military.

"When the war started, my wife and I wanted to leave the country," says Kozlovsky, according to a translation of the video by Israeli news site ynet. "I am also a citizen of Israel…Before the border, in Uzhgorod, I met with the Israeli consulate, they gave me a special certificate so I could leave the country—but I was stopped at the border. The border guards detained me and did not let me out."

Uzhgorod is in westernmost Ukraine, on the Slovakian border. While Kozlovsky's wife and child were allowed to proceed, Ukraine bars men age 18-60 from leaving the country so they can be available for conscription into the war against Russia.


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5773e4  No.16811677


Even this

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44d336  No.16811690


>Meanwhile, his son Jack Hutchinson is currently working as a child care specialist since July 2019. Furthermore, he also worked at Hopewell Valley YMCA in the same role before that from 2017 to 2020 in Pennington, New Jersey.


Pennington NJ eh?


Phone Number



355 Washington Crossing-PenningtonRoad

Titusville, NJ 08560-1517

Email Address




>Hutchinson looked 25 in 2015

thought the same thing.

she hasn't aged a day

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2a2564  No.16811695

Hey young punisher

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bf0c3e  No.16811706


everything is IQ test

any posts Q team have on their return?

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4311e8  No.16811709


🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁 https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/flashback-never-forget-fbi-admitted-jan-6-deep-state-operation-running-operatives-crowd-us-capitol-video/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/now-audio-proof-fbi-dhs-attempted-recruit-green-beret-infiltrate-oath-keepers-jan-6-riot-recorded/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/04/set-even-nyt-admits-police-ordered-stand-january-6th-yet-doj-fbi-harassing-indicting-innocent-americans-proving-corrupt/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/former-dea-agent-tells-tucker-carlson-fbi-informant-friend-invited-capitol-jan-6-pressured-go-inside-video/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/rep-matt-gaetz-calls-dirtbag-chris-wray-fully-disclose-role-fbi-operatives-played-jan-6-protests/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/fbi-infiltrators-jan-6-violent-green-tape-orange-tape-black-bloc-operatives-patriot-groups-say-not-familiar/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/06/damning-video-released-bobby-powell-jan-6-protests-shows-violent-hoodlums-black-smashing-windows-damaging-us-capitol-fbi-refuses-look-despite-iron-clad-evidence-weird-h/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/03/fbi-refuses-look-participants-started-trouble-january-6th-capitol/ 🦍📡🇺🇸👁👁https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/09/must-watch-tucker-carlson-raises-questions-jan-6th-security-footage-showing-black-clad-operatives-leading-charge-capitol-building-many-federal-agents-involved-vid/

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8c76d0  No.16811736


I'll just repeat myself here….

Remember all that Susan Rice and Samantha Powers mass "unmasking" requests? Well, it turns out it was the Intelligence Community doing it "in their names" as an "Anticipatory Briefing Policy", meaning they had to unmask EVERYBODY to save them time in case someone asked in a briefing.

https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/ … report.pdf

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0a893f  No.16811766

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bf1513  No.16811779


Watch the Water.

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662224  No.16811788



o7 anons. Ty. Well said.

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cad4d2  No.16811827

Good evening!

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92be2d  No.16811844


And that is fake news reporting…

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662224  No.16811857

Filter hard and fast!

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bf337f  No.16811864

20% of nothing 80% covert

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8a4d1e  No.16811869


> be like watching the matrix


trying to think of how i can fit ginger mounds into this but i can't

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8c76d0  No.16811870



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e8c470  No.16811871


Lots of links to east european countries here… could be a front ?


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b45423  No.16811913






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bf0c3e  No.16811914



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0a893f  No.16811920


Even a Mouse when cornered will show it's teeth

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257fb9  No.16811937

Nostradamus made an ominous prediction:

"Leave, leave Geneva every last one of you, Saturn will be converted from gold to iron, RAYPOZ will exterminate all who oppose him, Before the coming the sky will show signs."

You've got to be careful with translations from Old French. The popular English version is not totally correct. Spellings vary in old texts, words change meanings and some become obscure.

The third line in question is one of a mistake in syntax. The translator was guessing here at the meaning. 'Le contre' clearly means 'the opposite'. 'Raypoz' is not a term used anywhere else in French and has no definite meaning. The opposite Raypos will exteriminate all, is the actual statement. 'Ray' is not French, though evidently it's Nostradamus' abbreviation of 'rayon', meaning 'ray.' 'Poz' is curiously written with a Z, a rare letter like in English, which indicates at least the pronunciation. 'Pos' for 'positive' is current in English as an abbreviation, and 'positif' is 'positive', though neither pos or poz would have been used in the Renaisance. Though the Z makes it clear that it isn't the French 'pos' which if so spelt would be pronounced like 'poe'. So 'poz' definately suggests 'positif'. Note that Nostradamus is consistent, using abbreviations to make up Raypos, as we do today. To call Raypoz the PositiveRay is a sound derivation, though it wouldn't have been understood back then, with the only rays being 'rayons de soleil' or sun rays, sunlight.

What is the Opposite of Raypos? A negative ray. In the case of the LHC, since they're using proton rays, the exact counterpart is antiproton rays, antimatter. So a matter/antimatter explosion destroying Geneva?

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6c567b  No.16811946

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f1f167  No.16811955


make a move anon. court her with song, poetry, and a recap of the notables.

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91dc77  No.16812000


If I called you an ugly useless fat loser who can't acquire females to your face we'll see how you react.

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6c567b  No.16812014


Blow it out your ear! And I know you didn't filter me, you lied. You're and attention whore. 10 post already says all that needs to be said.

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6eb2de  No.16812020

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41cc98  No.16812031

Asshole pieces of shit in Washington DC think the American people are stupid.

The data shows a completely different story.

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cd2e47  No.16812048


That's what the one gay guy asked when he was in the jacuzzi with two others and a condom floated to the top of the water. (Don't shoot the messenger.)

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91dc77  No.16812062

Just because you Can

Doesn't mean you Should…

But if (You) do…

Make that $hit EPIC…!!!



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e9cae8  No.16812070

It's going to be a Bountiful Harvest This October

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8c465c  No.16812075


So they said.

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41cc98  No.16812099


Been mentioned in here

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12cc1f  No.16812100


this is great


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e2b2cc  No.16812105


Stay retarded, Retard.

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9caf2a  No.16812135

Ultra Spoopy

All Anon digs on Antonin Scalia 187 GONE from qresear.ch.

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3e1099  No.16812144

from two breads ago, really liked this meme

>Satanic /hivemind/

made the discord shitcrew panic hard

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2a2564  No.16812153



kitchen is ghosted

sorry fam. baker's gotta wurkfag 2 bred limit.

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291be8  No.16812185



alcohol might help you

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2a5abb  No.16812227


Your vote does not count in NY. No reason for Trump to set himself up for failure and give the fake news ammo.

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b765f1  No.16812231


trips confirmed

top kek

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645f21  No.16812242


'We Need Some Secret Sleepers': Dem Senate Candidate Calls Prison Inmates to Help Rig Election


Published June 26, 2022 36,826 Views

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04aa04  No.16812246




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5131c1  No.16812249


Ghosts vid link for reference:



>To the anon decoding the Ghosts In The Machine…

>Did you already mention the image at 2:06? I would like your take. I just watched it again today and I went Hmmm. I missed the earlier decodes.

Anon, it's been a long night (just finished watching the rally late) but I saw your post and wanted to reply.

The simple answer is no, the 2:06 image was not previously mentioned.

That said, the reason is that I was holding it to see if it fit with a broader set of comm decodes that I have not finished yet.

(The current set of decodes has only a few more posts, but I need to revise them as I made some alterations along the way.)

There are multiple other decodes in the works though.

Anyway, I figured I should put this graphic together since you asked.

The shot at 2:06 actually begins at 2:05, but just barely.

Now map this to Q205.

You can see how the floating woman has a slinky white outfit akin to Ivanka's.

And the text above lines up with the mention of fakery to which Q is replying.

I hadn't added this to my decode sequence as I was trying to build a coherent narrative and hadn't yet figured out how this one fit.

But since you asked, here it is.

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b3503e  No.16812293


You "cue" faggots are the worst.

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691b80  No.16812300


Wasn't me


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3a4039  No.16812303

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83b58f  No.16812310


putin has EU by balls. Freeze/starve or bother & no fert for U (no crops couple yrs)

And EU want to go to war?

not looking great imho

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b3503e  No.16812325


Watch, as the subhuman filth calls everyone else subhuman filth. Don't you have a protest to go to, or a shot to take?

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691b80  No.16812336


Maybe focus more on what im posting, only add Q posts at the end that relate, helps connect the dots.

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3a4039  No.16812337




It’ll be okay lil faggot (no it won’t)

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e21536  No.16812340


Hillary Clinton


It's pretty simple: We have a right to choose our own leaders. We can't let anyone take that right away from us.

The people involved in the criminal conspiracy to overturn the will of America's voters—which culminated in the attempted coup of January 6—must be held accountable.

8:55 PM · Jun 9, 2022·Twitter Web App


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07a5ff  No.16812345


June ETA - on time.

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f04ece  No.16812352



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57b67c  No.16812354


Tell Jacob that Ron can't accept service since he didn't get Ron's pronouns right and therefore has subsequently been canceled.

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7cd3de  No.16812364


>whatever entity I had sanctified at that location. It encouraged me.

That is incredible, but what will blow your mind later is when you realize that speaking to God and the intentions is what did it.

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2d4632  No.16812377

Biggest red flag on 9/11, you have to wonder who the media is working for.

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691b80  No.16812378

God, We Need You Now, Help Us Overcome Our Own Shortcomings and Those Seeking to Enslave Us

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07a5ff  No.16812391


What's the best place to get box fresh khaki chinos and navy sweatshirts, anon? I need disposable clothing to tend the septic tank later this year, figure dressing like shitstirrer would make the day go by easier. And any chance of a discount code, FEDPOST20 maybe? Share! Be a pal.

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f02b74  No.16812396


Algorithmic prediction

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232f8b  No.16812419

The Racist Radical Left, as expected due to their inherently inconsistent, 'manifest dialectic inversion conflict' business logic, are consuming themselves into irrelevancy

Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah blasted the New York Times on Twitter Sunday for an op-ed that criticized progressives for erasing women.

The Times published a Sunday op-ed titled "The Far Right and Far Left Agree on One Thing: Women Don’t Count" in which, columnist Pamela Paul argued how the far left’s concern for appealing to a transgender minority is belittling and rebuking women.

"Tolerance for one group need not mean intolerance for another. We can respect transgender women without castigating females who point out that biological women still constitute a category of their own — with their own specific needs and prerogatives," Paul wrote.

Specifically, she called out the insistence of using terms such as "pregnant people" and "menstruators" to avoid using the general word "women" out of fear of offending a small group.


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2d4632  No.16812429


Cool thanks for sharing!

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9a6ff7  No.16812438


they already call you racist, dipshit

stop playing their gam

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a9ce3d  No.16812440



show us in the book where they touched you

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fdf3ff  No.16812443


This guy gets it.

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1fa0ee  No.16812445


Projection. It's coming.

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0e98b8  No.16812456


You know, it wasn't immediately apparent when this dropped, "first arrest’ that will ‘shock the world’?", but viewed in today's current light, what if the first arrest was sleepy Joe? That would definitely send some ripples around the world. A US president being arrested. It would be quite the shock, don't ya think?

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fe7a1c  No.16812470


I wonder how many times "I dindu nuffin" was said during those arrests.

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7cd3de  No.16812474


Why do u have to be a pain.

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903120  No.16812482

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b3503e  No.16812533


Good for you. That's human.

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0fca19  No.16812539


A piece of shit 2000 4runner for my lad that just got his driver's license.

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84efc2  No.16812543


And that she was a he.

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73be32  No.16812554


Best practice is to exact vengeance on those who took your guns, one at a time when they sleep. Do it silently, without a trace.

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6c7b5f  No.16812557

BREAKING: CBP data reveals 50 people on the FBI’s terror watchlist have been arrested by Border Patrol at the Southern border so far in FY’22. That’s already higher than the previous 5 years combined. CBP says there have been 440,000+ known gotaways since October

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1fa0ee  No.16812561



this was fun

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fdf3ff  No.16812563


ANONS, Will Trump participate in hearings or go before court?

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3b092f  No.16812573


>We're in the endgame

You reckon'?

Anon thought that 3 or for years ago and then had to rethink everything.

Anon happily admits that anon has no clue when shit is gonna happen, but still defiantly remains confident that the whole fucking diseased temple will eventually fall.

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9ffda3  No.16812610


Apparently, it's been pretty tame everywhere, nowhere near the rage and funding that went into George Floyd. Turns out, women are largely pussies.

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84efc2  No.16812618


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499726  No.16812666


Don´t look up.

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1d1033  No.16812673

Good morning.

Lets all try to not act like niggers today. Hold your fork, eat your vegetables and fart in the general direction of israel.

Get out there and make it happen.

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e21536  No.16812681

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83b58f  No.16812689


Notable, please.

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1fa0ee  No.16812693

Now that Musk might not want to buy twitter FTC approves the sale


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a47c3d  No.16812697

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f72179  No.16812698


Pic is fake, just run it through TinEye.

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7d5484  No.16812703

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b3503e  No.16812712


my fellow (((whites))), we must let the africans in or Europe will not survive!

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52b185  No.16812739

Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


























>Question everything


>Brave New World

Q, / Q+, / Q++, / Q+++




















Godfather III

Sum of All Fears












Pink Panther






















RED RED 9/11



[D] Day



7th floor is no more





7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills





Yellow Submarine

DD Dangerous Dragons

DD Daniel Defense





Larry Fink


Get me a bun, senpai








fang fang




Deep Dream



Horus e[Y]e of Ra

[P]riory of Sion














<:stay at home



safe comms_SAT-re_Bz985300`00











For God and Country

When does a bird sing?

when it tweets

Fourth Wall?

(You) are watching a movie

>S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty!

>There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha.

>Follow the yellow brick road!


John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope

sportsball, larry bird is a faggot in…


You will never be alone, Godspeed Patriots.

General K. Ready, Aim, FIRE!💥



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07a5ff  No.16812743

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3c815e  No.16812744




Here's a bun of all three of my posts baker

People associated with The Late Show with Stephen Colbert were arrested and charged with Illegal Entry to House Office Buildings after hours

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1d1033  No.16812783


i wouldn't know

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f02b74  No.16812794


That particular free agency needs gone. For openers.

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499726  No.16812796



>if you're unconsciously ashamed of being a woman, then you'd unconsciously want to be like a…

>… man.

in my opinion what these retards miss, is,

a MEMORY of a real event in your mind can be the same as some thought you make up in you mind. in fact in your mind there's no difference.

So what the fuck you try to tell me anon? that you don't got to get adadick to me to be man, you can be man in your MIND without harming your body.

Anywyay, if you want to harm your OWN body it' s none of my business. If you want to harm innocents, then, I'll judge if it's my business.

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dcf4b3  No.16812815

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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0cc387  No.16812817


nah it doesn't have to be exactly the rose logo. anon before you linked a list of commie roses identified by commies to be the same thing his matches one.

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84efc2  No.16812835




Homeschooling can still be indoctrination of some type. Every enclosed society are programming the children ? The question for all families is what sort of group think is being touted by the different groups. Keeping culture out of learning until a more advanced age of reason was how it was done in the old days and we had many less moral issues and crises.

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1d1033  No.16812849

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 06/10/2022 07:36:31

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 108452969953368308

Q Clock [ Min: 26 | :25/:55 Mir: 24 | 180 Mir: 56 | :35/:05 Mir: 44 ]

Ivanka Trump was not involved in looking at, or studying, Election results. She had long since checked out and was, in my opinion, only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!).

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f04ece  No.16812850


wait for the dough, plz

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ad4bbc  No.16812884


Ok, a quick one

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6f9aa4  No.16812912



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d6fc9a  No.16812915


MHU Its there now

Ok I like to hear them shill before crashes lol

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52b185  No.16812919





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bfce84  No.16812920

when mah poo is green

does taht mean

imma bout to die ?

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70a85c  No.16812921

Zelenskyy warns Russia will likely invade other countries if successful in Ukraine


Every picture I see of him lately, he is looking worse & worse. His inside is taking over his outside

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908b44  No.16812926


By the Law

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fe03b8  No.16812956


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e8728a  No.16812979


I remember a claim that there are aborted fetal cells in Pepsi Cola … I would not believe that for a second

well it's been fact checked … and by anon logic, if fact checkers say it's not true it must be true, lol.

It is what it is.

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499726  No.16812985


No one at this point blames Putin, only Obama’s protege that learned the blame game from him. Bidan etc are not very good at it either.

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bfce84  No.16812986

You haven’t figured out yet you so called smart motherfuckers are being manipulated. That is ok. Continue your bullshit tirade against logical thinkers like me. We are still going to eliminate you from the equation you dumb shits.

Our idea of justice is making damn sure you are as stupid as you claim to be via actions not words. Smfh. Want to comment almighty Q?

You stupid bastards out there fail to realize genocide supposedly true requires a fucking military following orders or….a military too stupid to realize they are gonna get blamed for genocide. US mail better fuckin get this because regardless of all the fake ass tax dollars spent in arming and training their asses there is ALWAYS a fucking backup plan and THEY WILL lose they do the stupidest thing possible. History will NOT repeat itself you fucking morons. Intelligence has been kept fucking secret……as even you stupid bastards should know by now. “Oh we need an anonymous board so no one knows what we are planning. Enemy is watching so let’s pretend we are smarter than the enemy”. Fucking morons

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57b67c  No.16812995

… ugh. yanks.

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9ffda3  No.16813004


If you "wanted to say thank you" you should have just said "thank you."

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7cd3de  No.16813006


>Few will take the narrow road.


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ad4bbc  No.16813018

For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judæa are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.

1 Thessalonians 2:14‭-‬16

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75b293  No.16813020


Alternate version

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2a0ec9  No.16813043





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f66ead  No.16813061


have no reason to ip hop!

why do you type bold and red all the time?

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a8544e  No.16813064

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508bd4  No.16813065


I read somewhere that sadistic people get a rush of feel good chemicals when they see their fellow human down on the ground and prefer they stay that way (junkies, the poor, etc). Elevates their ego because [they] are incapable, and killing their competition (spirit of Cain) instead of out-performing is how they win aka parasites.

My whole life has essentially been Lord of the Flies; not to mention I have a gift for just seeing through the Matrix for reasons I'm not fully sure of yet considering no one in my family I've seen has it. I think most anons on here know exactly what I mean and you are my fellow 'Neos'.

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1630f8  No.16813095

Ocean Vehicle Finds 200-Year-Old Shipwrecks, Gold Coins, Cannons 900m Under Caribbean; Could Be Worth Billions

muh paywall https://www.theepochtimes.com/ocean-vehicle-finds-200-year-old-shipwrecks-gold-coins-cannons-900m-under-caribbean-could-be-worth-billions_4521861.html

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52b185  No.16813120


I do not consent to this government, at all.

I will not help Evil in any way, shape or form.

I will wait for our Father, Maker of the Math, even the Living Math.


More than happy to let God judge between us, however.

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086896  No.16813122


Team Vlad for me

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b52068  No.16813132

Black Monday

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1946bb  No.16813142

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56e951  No.16813151


If the Pope resigns, logic dictates he had a terrible May.

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5f11c2  No.16813161





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6f115f  No.16813169


need Gavin versions please

ty in advance

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1d1033  No.16813187

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3c815e  No.16813188

Why in the world would Truth partner with Apple? Apple is in charge of what gets posted on Truth and it doesn't matter if you use the phone app or the website…@Kevin just revealed. I deleted the app from my phone and until they end their relationship with apple I won't use Truth…What a slap in the face seriously….

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4b143f  No.16813195


NAZIS.. I ain't working with them, they better not cross my fucking path.

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232f8b  No.16813207


No outside coms…period

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fe7a1c  No.16813226


>What do you do, oh one post wonder?

Why, thank you for asking.

I still digg, only nowadays I post them on TS alongside many other QR oldfags that go straight to where all the action and eyeballs are these days.

QR's just a no Q relic now on the downside of a long slow fade.

I still check in here periodically to see what QR is up to tho.

Mostly SSDD nothingness, but the shitposts are still pretty good and usually worth the visit.

>t. No need/desire to promote my acct nor be anything but Anon while here.

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79406c  No.16813232

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908b44  No.16813254


fuck off tard

my children are gone

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e8728a  No.16813260

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bfce84  No.16813263


>That right there is some common core math

common core

vagina mileage

i see what you did there

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25b854  No.16813270

The "sets" control at QAGG rules.

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8eacdb  No.16813278


the query was made

don dodged

vote harder

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6f9aa4  No.16813285


>the flannel pattern


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6c53f1  No.16813298


this guy won a lawsuit and got money because he was the real writer of that "diary"

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6f115f  No.16813305


>Thank God (you) made my Girlfriend so lovely!!!

You're a whiny twat and your girlfriend is a cunt.

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23b09a  No.16813308


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68f9ec  No.16813324


why dont you just post, here about it

with sauce

or shut the fuck up

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a47c3d  No.16813329


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915db3  No.16813330



I think half-chan posters have arrived

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9ffda3  No.16813332

Katie Arrington

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6f9aa4  No.16813345


Death to all of these jewish Bastards!

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b52068  No.16813359



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68f9ec  No.16813385


>If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.

Think about that a little more. He didn't say it's a bad thing.

>But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

Power is being transferred from the "old guard" to the People.

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2e898e  No.16813387


Great. The local Embassy should go and get his passport, he doesn't need it anymore. Leaving him stranded overseas without a country. Fuck him.

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7f8706  No.16813399


Anon would just settle for the cancer cures to be released.

>med beds

>the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital

…to get to a med bed?

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f66ead  No.16813400


ty gimpy baker living in mom's basement

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d6fc9a  No.16813401


I'm thinking, how are they going to deliver lotion? In a tin? Isn't that worse?

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1871d5  No.16814584


relativist codswallop

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4e11c5  No.16814585


Here we go!

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75eb46  No.16814587

I changed my mind, i won't make a jewish salt thread, I'll just use the vatican research bread so we can compare and contrast

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e0ed04  No.16814589



He is certainly focus on QAnon,

How can we get Reperations?

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a8eb0a  No.16814596


>United States is a democracy

It's not

>Illusion of democracy

Democracy itself is shit already, so what's your point?

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9118ad  No.16814602


10:00 AM EDT

Subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations Markup: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023

House Armed Services Committee




10:00 AM EDT

Technological Advisory Council Meeting - June 9, 2022

Federal Communications Commission



10:00 AM EDT

Field Hearing: European Energy Security: America's Role in Supporting Europe's Energy Diversification Agenda

Senate Foreign Relations Committee


10:00 AM EDT

Oversight of the National Telecommunications and Information Administration

Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Full Committee Hearing to Examine the President's Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the U.S. Forest Service

Senate Energy & Natural Resources Committee



10:00 AM EDT

A Legislative Hearing on S. 4244, Legislation to Prohibit the Manufacture, Processing, and Distribution in Commerce of Asbestos

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee



10:00 AM EDT

Compartmented Budget Hearing (Closed)

House Intelligence (Permanent Select) Committee


10:15 AM EDT

Domestic Extremism in America: Examining White Supremacist Violence in the Wake of Recent Attacks

Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs



10:30 AM EDT

Hearings to examine European energy security, focusing on America's role in supporting Europe's energy diversification agenda

Senate Foreign Relations Committee



11:00 AM EDT

Aruoba-Diebold-Scotti Business Conditions Index - Data Release

Initial Jobless Claims (for week ending 6/4/2022)

Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia


11:00 AM EDT

Agricultural Trade: Priorities and Issues Facing America's Farmers

Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry Committee



11:00 AM EDT

Saving Social Security: Expanding Benefits and Demanding the Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share or Cutting Benefits and Increasing Retirement Anxiety

Senate Budget Committee



11:00 AM EDT

Orientation to Legal Research Series: U.S. Federal Statutes

Library of Congress



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9bc06c  No.16814604

i found teh frazzledrip

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0abd01  No.16814609



Remember that when the murmuring gets to you

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