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af411d  No.16453797

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af411d  No.16453806


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>16050716 Bakers & notetakers, please tag the dough

>>16362680 Please use digs, buns, reports & threads for important info on PDJT


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af411d  No.16453820


>>16452232 Florida Democrat Annette Taddeo on if she wants to campaign with Biden and Harris: -twat and mp4 vid

>>16452292, >>16452644, >>16452743, groomer and pedo bun, twats and moar

>>16452307 trump endorses treacey mann for kansas - need source

>>16452313 djt jr on fauci getting covid - twat

>>16452308 Full statement from Jane's Revenge, announcing that it's "open season" on pro-life pregnancy centers - twat

>>16452319, >>16452661, 3000 Cattle just keeled over and died in SW Kansas, - twat and mp4 vid

>>16452631 323 reindeer died from a single lighting strike in Norway

>>16452399 Qposts on the vatican and c.i.a bun

>>16452440 Jill Biden: "Places across the country like Florida, Texas, or Alabama, rights are under attack." - twat

>>16452473 withholding funds from states who do not have red flag laws - twat

>>16452634 Biden administration proposes plan to have all Americans pay $350 to upgrade their furnaces so they are 'energy efficient' by 2029 - Daily mail

>>16452221 Biden WH: It is the Patriotic Duty for Oil Refiners to Reduce Gasoline Prices - twat

>>16452779 Biden reveals upcoming trip to Saudi Arabia is not about oil, but rather concerns Israel's "national security." - twat

>>16452507, >>16452645, Superworms Hungry For Plastic May Transform Recycling - the hill and youtube vid

>>16452545 Top 7 ULTIMATE CONTRADICTIONS Coming From Big Tech, MSM, CDC, and Biden Regime - noqreport.com

>>16452561 Michelle Malkin: What Really Happened to Justin Bieber? - cnsnews.com

>>16452602 Campaign to Recall Soros-backed L.A. D.A. George Gascón: We Have the Signatures - breitbart

>>16452686, >>16452736, >>16452745, Christopher Ruddy (NEWSMAX) Comped? - anon dig podesta email gone from wikileaks

>>16452709, >>16452759, >>16452793, >>16452787, >>16452922, robin Monotti + Dr Mike Yeadon + Cory Morningstar astrazeneca vaccines wastage - nationalpost.com covid topic

>>16452713 The Truth About January 6th Documentary - rumble vid link

>>16452721 two el monte pd officers dead - twat bun

>>16452729 Thanks to Harry Lambert of the @newstatesman for a good conversation. I got blunt. - hillary twat

>>16452762 Schiff: House Select Committee Has Evidence That Trump “Engaged in Likely Multiple Criminal Acts” - jonathanturley.org

>>16452780, >>16452816, >>16452831, >>16452889, missouri law suit vs gov collaboration with big tech - twat ag eirc schmitt

>>16452811, >>16452833 Trump's reply to the 1/6 Committee - pdf and rumble vid with robert gouveia.

>>16452906 BREAKING - The U.S. Mint has released the new official coin commemorating the success of the Biden economy. - dan shitposting on telegram

>>16452919, >>16452923 Why there will be no ceasefire or peace agreement in the war over Ukraine—a thread twat

>>16452935 #20814

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af411d  No.16453830


>>16451438 pf reports

>>16451448, >>16451754, >>16451696, >>16451754, >>16451895 US Federal Reserve raises interest rates by 75 basis points to 1.75%, the largest hike since 1994.

>>16451496, >>16451576, >>16451619 Bitcoin is burning down; more Currency, economy news

>>16451586, >>16451469, >>16451509, >>16451601, >>16452029 More economy news

>>16451443, >>16451600 Biden in Middle East

>>16451477, >>16451537, >>16451490, >>16451582, >>16451621, >>16451677 Israel, Syria, Turkey, other Middle East

>>16451444, >>16451464 US to send Ukraine $1bln package with Harpoon anti-ship missiles

>>16451452 Gazprom to cut Nord Stream gas deliveries by third

>>16451471 , >>16451828, >>16452071 Monkeypox news; Malone: 99% of cases are GAY MEN

>>16451457 DWAC says still on track to merge with Trump’s social media company despite SEC probe

>>16451468, >>16451828, >>16451870, >>16451902 Vatican bun; WHO's connection to Vatican re monkeypox

>>16451478 @RepRaskin said the Jan. 6 Committee is not obsessed with partisan politics and combat

>>16451510 @US Army: History of flag day

>>16451513 U.S & UK Announce Aim to Create New Anti-Russia Military Alliance

>>16451519 Biden to Sign EI=O Advancing LGBTQI+ Equality

>>16451543 Policy on COVID-19 Vaccination for the Core Public Administration to be SUSPENDED in Canada

>>16451589 America’s Decline in Life Expectancy Accelerated in 2020

>>16451596 Bannon announces he will subpoena Nancy Pelosi & Adam Schiff to testify at his trial

>>16451623, >>16451648, >>16451672, >>16451715, >>16451729, >>16451750 Fauci tests POSITIVE

>>16451835, >>16451918, >>16451945, >>16451959, >>16451962, >>16452148 Fauci tests POSITIVE, cont.

>>16451638 House Republicans demand Department of Defense answer for Pride Month spending

>>16451652 Lawyer Dana Remus to leave WH after midterms

>>16451663 Hundreds arrested and millions seized in global INTERPOL operation against social engineering scams

>>16451687 James Patterson apologizes for saying white, male writers are facing 'racism'

>>16451731, >>16451742 WH symbolism

>>16451752 Outrage as Australia's energy crisis worsens with hospitals ordered to reduce electricity use

>>16451771 WAYNE ROOT: Will the Whole Hollywood Soon Be Either Dead like Ray Liotta, or Paralyzed Like Justin Bieber?

>>16451786 Texts reveal Hunter Biden's meltdown over discarded gun incident

>>16451789 Why tech billionaire Mike Cannon-Brookes is FURIOUS with Australia as he plans the largest decarbonisation project in the world

>>16451791 DHS-Funded Professor Defends ‘Stochastic Terrorist’ Label for Tucker Carlson

>>16451790, >>16451837, >>16451866, >>16451878, >>16451931, >>16451942, >>16452010 Navy Officer fired who may have been involved in June 18 missile launch - ANONS DIG

>>16451894 Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre presser

>>16451907 Seth Keshel: There are 18 states controlled by Dems from just a single county in each, negating entire states artificially

>>16451908 Asset forfeiture in Kansas: $21 Million seized from people never charged with crimes

>>16451919 Ulta Beauty’s Shelley Haus Dies at 49

>>16451926 Rhode Island to Ban Magazines That Hold More Than 10 Rounds

>>16451936 IT'S THE BEE: Brett Kavanaugh Unveils Updated Supreme Court Robe

>>16451939 Wisconsin withdrawing from NSBA

>>16451970, >>16451981 Techno_Fog: FDA Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee has APPROVED of the Moderna EUA for use in infants and children

>>16451971 How to generate landslide wins

>>16451987 Anon on Pelosi fam, DJT truth, and Q 1484

>>16451992 AZ Wildfire Explodes, Suspect Taken Into Custody

>>16452045 Jane's Revenge admitting it's open season on pro-life pregnancy centers - where's the FBI?

>>16452059 China thwarts protest by changing people’s electronic health codes from ‘green’ to ‘red’

>>16452086 Twitter user banned for hate speech against elm trees

>>16452090 Report: Russian missile reportedly hits train carrying food for Jose Andre Ukrainan relief, NY Post

>>16452106 Reminder: link between Dominion, Sequoia & CCP (MUST READ)

>>16452123 Cases of Brain Damage in Children Skyrocket Following COVID-19 Vaccines

>>16452139 China pledges support for Russia

>>16452186 #20813

Previously Collected

>>16449805 #20810, >>16450612 #20811, >>16451386 #20812

>>16447425 #20807, >>16448162 #20808, >>16448988 #20809

>>16445083 #20804, >>16445813 #20805, >>16446637 #20806

>>16442723 #20801, >>16443499 #20802, >>16444305 #20803

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>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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