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File: 80a7b80e362ec27⋯.png (359.61 KB, 1081x599, 1081:599, ClipboardImage.png)

e53680  No.16301115[View All]

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701 posts and 453 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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7f70ea  No.16301865

File: 07d7335fdc35ab9⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 680x680, 1:1, FTFilqqWUAA7IIp.jpg)

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6e7ce2  No.16301866

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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66dd94  No.16301868

I didn't say any of the things you assumed I said.

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d4434d  No.16301869


that's taped.

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d0a299  No.16301870


>Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra

The dude ain't a doctor anymore than Bill Gates.

Why the fuck is this man who turned in a fake server image to hide the Awan Spyrings now holding HHS office?

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21916d  No.16301872

File: dd3047287842b96⋯.jpg (120.07 KB, 1440x812, 360:203, dd3047287842b96ae5ae41dde8….jpg)

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4afca0  No.16301873


Genetically engineered bugs

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cfd11d  No.16301874


Matt LeBlanc and Daphne Zuniga must have got their starts in this vid

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21c7a7  No.16301875

File: 1e4e8e83081c0ec⋯.jpg (48.03 KB, 500x704, 125:176, brahma_riddle.jpg)

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bc9eac  No.16301876

File: 820838fe16ef05c⋯.png (299.3 KB, 852x814, 426:407, 18MAY22_syncedPepina.PNG)




synced and

+/- 3sec

very nice

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7f70ea  No.16301877

File: 222d51304f20ed3⋯.jpg (37.97 KB, 1172x480, 293:120, 6fk4ja.jpg)

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e9fcac  No.16301878


Needs the Beard for the Mullet to Work

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fd6d13  No.16301879



>>16301434, >>16301280, >>16301758 pf reports

>>16301779 Clockfag bun

>>16301272, >>16301467 Durham updates

>>16301199, >>16301217, >>16301263, >>16301220, >>16301255, >>16301222, >>16301497, >>16301506, >>16301653 Looks like 5th circuit just eviscerated the SEC

>>16301268 Elias in trouble, from LB dig

>>16301312, >>16301325, >>16301335, >>16301339 George Bush freudian slip - about the “wholly unjustified and brutal invasion” — but said Iraq, instead of Ukraine.

>>16301307 Trump is LIVE

>>16301310 @45 messages regarding faux 364 days apart

>>16301363 Health officials mired in contradictions, as usual

>>16301366 Obama promotes censorship at Stanford

>>16301424, >>16301456 Dow Slides More Than 1,100 Points in Worst Day Since 2020

>>16301430 Azov commander boasts about gruesome photos of executed civilians

>>16301457 German boxer's death was due to a HEART ATTACK

>>16301463 Aussie expert on law enforcement: terrorists make money by speculating on the markets

>>16301518 PEDO Bun 5-18-22

>>16301523 Unvaxxed Pauline Hanson tests positive to Covid-19: no vax, 'I'm not putting that s*** into my body'

>>16301534 Man accused of breaking into Sydney school and assaulting farm animals

>>16301635, >>16301738, >>16301790 House passes domestic terrorism bill just days after Buffalo shooting

>>16301750 Panic in PA

>>16301732 NY AG Launches Probe of Twitch, 4chan, 8chan, Discord, Other Social Media Companies After Buffalo Attack

>>16301771 Oz keeps lead in PA Senate primary but McCormick draws closer

>>16301798 Rep Chip Roy (R-TX): ‘I’m wondering when we voted to go to war?’

>>16301812 Elon Musk’s Twitter Detractors Received Millions & the DoD Law of War Manual

>>16301837 Tenn. univ. reported campus shooting wed evening - MTSU




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7014cf  No.16301880


Russia has all the scientists from the secret labs in the Ukraine…..and is going to let them come clean

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85eb65  No.16301881


Dey is anon.

And so Dey rouxell.

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bc9eac  No.16301882

File: aaaf89db123064f⋯.gif (1.91 MB, 381x163, 381:163, nope44.gif)

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b6a478  No.16301883

File: 73f6b1ec9b0ec28⋯.png (404.51 KB, 640x480, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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85eb65  No.16301884


****That may be the prefect meme.

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3c1df6  No.16301886


Could be.

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1f45f3  No.16301887

File: 4b4d2cb633367cb⋯.png (195.35 KB, 358x417, 358:417, klaus_schwab.png)


>You will own nothing and you will be happy. Eat bugs too.

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21916d  No.16301888

File: 659d7e14897a373⋯.png (64.87 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 209587402584358945934.png)


>I've self-learned myself

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5edd7c  No.16301889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dem Pro-Abortion Witness “Yes” Men Can Become Pregnant And Have Abortions


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85eb65  No.16301891


Define [Larp]

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a3c0a4  No.16301892


They gonna wipe them with a cloth?

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4402a2  No.16301893


Because he is part of a criminal enterprise masquerading as our government

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e9fcac  No.16301894

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

It's time

Prepare the Blue Beam

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fac529  No.16301895

File: d638e5653c6de9d⋯.jpg (119.33 KB, 593x785, 593:785, Freud.jpg)


Freud strikes.

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6e42fb  No.16301896


Males with a vagina and a uterus.

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4402a2  No.16301897

Did the note taker from the meeting with Biden legal team from last night ever come back with an update today as they said they might?

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bc9eac  No.16301898

File: 8874d065f079439⋯.jpg (11.53 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 41175c0bc56ce08e115cbfa41c….jpg)

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5edd7c  No.16301899

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Dem Pro-Abortion Witness “Yes” Men Can Become Pregnant And Have Abortions

full 5-hour version of abortion hearing


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fd6d13  No.16301900

File: a5b3571c0a32a9e⋯.png (109.88 KB, 307x234, 307:234, baker_baking_bread_3.png)





baker ghosting, anons plz step up

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e9fcac  No.16301901

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c6649b  No.16301902

WHO has it's new vector, at long last.



JUST IN: First 2022 U.S. Case of Monkeypox Confirmed In Massachusetts, Health Officials Say - breaking911.com/just-in-first-…


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21c7a7  No.16301903

File: 10f707cf94e4a09⋯.jpg (22.53 KB, 577x433, 577:433, touret.jpg)

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a9708c  No.16301905

File: ca5cfa02cd4f8f6⋯.png (1.84 MB, 999x780, 333:260, pepe_8.PNG)


was wondering the same anon

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bc9eac  No.16301906

File: 79cf54b2e754ad3⋯.png (11.16 KB, 255x229, 255:229, a520553c9e36ca321941330289….png)

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e9fcac  No.16301907


Monkeypox is Over

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350a98  No.16301908


Le bon ton rule

(Or some such spelling)

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b6a478  No.16301909


She was on drugs dude.

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6e7ce2  No.16301911


Dialectic collapse

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21916d  No.16301912

File: 7fc805bbd7ec454⋯.jpg (237.33 KB, 1028x784, 257:196, 587234857498573847398483.jpg)

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381b28  No.16301913



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0eef5e  No.16301914




who is she?

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7f70ea  No.16301915

File: db81d549bcadc65⋯.jpg (40.92 KB, 400x400, 1:1, YQ3_Mb2Z_400x400.jpg)



if some artistical anon would mash it all together

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167635  No.16301916


just in time for the 22nd… weird timing.

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1f45f3  No.16301917

File: fe2fbaceb5ef7f5⋯.png (231.42 KB, 497x385, 71:55, klaus_schwab.png)


>You will own nothing and you will be happy. Eat bugs too.

HE will be happy, because all your possessions will be his.

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53df8a  No.16301918

File: c687bdebbf11b20⋯.png (333.04 KB, 750x600, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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4986ba  No.16301919

File: fe5d7450266857d⋯.png (786.74 KB, 1356x966, 226:161, ClipboardImage.png)

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e855e3  No.16301921


Take it back further. When the banksters failed to break up the United States in the 1860 world war, the biggest Caribbean slave traders moved to New York and set up Wall Street, to develop the tax slavery and central banksters socialist plantations empires we know and love today. Their names included Bear, Stearns, Lehmann. Schitt used Morgan for his crimes.

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