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File: 0a1d6a6af18b1ca⋯.jpg (7.53 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 2219f1a343d99259d3389add34….jpg)

df20ef  No.16225177[Last 50 Posts]

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df20ef  No.16225184


>>15487554 Use /tech/ for ban lifts & bug reports

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread; >>16087759 Newfag Q&A Thread

>>15620842 Banner guidelines

>>16199152 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL; No kiddie pics

>>15960983 Inserting baker changes into notable buns

>>16050716 Coordinating baking & notetaking; plz tag the dough



>>16224498 Biden announces additional $150 million in Ukrainian military aid on top of the 33 billion already sent

>>16224505 Why Won’t Biden Explain Why He’s Getting Federal Agencies To Meddle In Local Elections?

>>16224533 PF Report 45in EJM473 G650 on descent for Arnold Palmer Regional Airport-Latrobe, PA from Palm Beach Int'l

>>16224598, >>16224625, >>16225030 PF Report POTUS landed Arnold Palmer Regional Airport just East Southeast of Greensburg @ 19:19:42

>>16224645 Tornado Warning continues for Mayodan NC, Madison NC and Stoneville NC until 7:45 PM EDT

>>16224649 COVFEFE ACT It all makes sense now

>>16224704 ACQUITTED.- MTG

>>16224788 Schumann is POWERED to the MAXIMUM

>>16224797 Dinesh D’Souza Speaks At Save America Rally In PA: “In This Movie, We Show That There Are At Least 400,000 FRAUDULENT VOTES – TRUMP WON THE 2020 ELECTION”

>>16224923, >>16224949 Jim Jordan rt: FBI punishing employees who attended Jan 6 rally by revoking security clearances

>>16224998, >>16225000, >>16225001, >>16225005,>>16225009,>>16225011, >>16225015, >>16225020, >>16225031, >>16225049 POTUS the start

>>16225055, >>16225056, >>16225057, >>16225064, >>16225060, >>16225071, >>16225077, >>16225083 POTUS has the POWER 55-0

>>16225111 "The worst 5 Presidents, Biden is worse" - Q+

>>16225130, >>16225110, >>16225126, >>16225110 1.87 Gas, Q Post #187


>>16225150 President Trump: You know who is occupying Bagram [Air Base] right now? China.

>>16225158 #20523

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df20ef  No.16225187


>>16223715 Another unsealing, LA County Embezzlement

>>16223744, >>16223867, >>16223947, >>16223967, >>16223988, >>16224118 Links to President Donald Trump Rally in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

>>16223816 Large Group Of Chinese Jets & Bombers Buzz Taiwan With Island On Heightened Alert

>>16223821, >>16223909 Who unlocked the magnetic doors on the east side of the Capitol on January 6? (mp4)

>>16223822 Another Mega-Yacht Seizure, this time in Italy

>>16223875, >>16223880, >>16223965 Planefag

>>16223934 SpaceX launch from Cape Canaveral creates ‘space jellyfish’ in morning sky

>>16223979 GOP Senators Slam Schumer For ‘Slandering’ Justices And Enabling Left’s ‘Authoritarian’ Tactics

>>16223990, >>16224165, >>16224183 Current Schumann Resonance "for posterity"

>>16224019 Salt Lake City Estate Planning Attorney Sentenced to 97 Months in Prison and Ordered to Pay over $12.7 Million Dollars to 26 Victims

>>16224034 Far left group protesting the SC over Alito draft (mp4)

>>16224066 Ukrainian man stabbed for ‘being Russian’ after bizarre translation test at Brooklyn bar

>>16224091 US Army tweet: Did you serve as a tanker?

>>16224150 Blinken tweet: authorized $150 million in additional U.S. arms, equipment, and supplies for Ukraine to reinforce its defenses to counter Russia’s offensive

>>16224202 Republican stumps Elizabeth Warren over single question about fairness of student loan cancelation: 'Where do I sign up for reimbursement?' (video)

>>16224212, >>16224248 Dr. Oz is being attacked by a weaponized MSM

>>16224216 LA High School Promotes Abortion Resources to Students, Parent Permission ‘Not Required’

>>16224234 Dan Scavino @TS: Flashback Friday: President Trump presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods in the Rose Garden of the White House

>>16224244 From halfchan: Food Chain Destruction for Normies

>>16224249 UPenn, Sponsor of Biden’s Think Tank, Profits From Vaccines And Had Staff Shakeup Over Foreign Money Including ‘CHINA’ Money

>>16224291 Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussmann’s Latest Defense Strategy: Litigate Trump-Russia Collusion Lies

>>16224304 Dr OZ is telling everyone what he stands for

>>16224380, >>16224394 Who Funds the Campaign to Smear and Pressure Elon Musk?

>>16224383 RT: ‘Explosive device’ found at Russian journalist compound in Berlin – media

>>16224384 Clockfag

>>16224429 #20522

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df20ef  No.16225191


>>16222931 Report: Organ Transplant Tourism Rising Globally; China No1 Offender

>>16222934 CEO of Mining Capital Coin Indicted in $62 Million Cryptocurrency Fraud Scheme

>>16222940 Two Puerto Rico Mayors Arrested and Charged with Accepting Bribes

>>16222984, >>16223082, >>16223143, >>16223154 Planefag, SAM935

>>16222987 If The U.S. Is Giving Ukraine Real-Time Battlefield Intel, Congress Needs To Vote On It

>>16222999 Executives resign from Sydney's Star Casino after inquiry heard allegations of serious crime at the venue

>>16223056 Mayor forced to resign from school board after he was caught during a video conference being fed strawberries by a mystery woman in a Vietnamese hotel

>>16223086 CNN: Capitol Police ‘Warning the Far Right Is Calling for Violence’ after Supreme Court Leak

>>16223101 From Andy Ngo- Seattle pro-abortion protestors turn on each other with violence (video)

>>16223110 Several Billion More Genetically-Engineered Mosquitoes Approved for Release into Florida Keys (video)

>>16223125 Georgia judge says Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene qualified to stand for reelection

>>16223129 Revolver Exposes How the Ministry of Truth Plans to Hide Immigration Failures and Label Open-Border Critics “Disinfo Agents”

>>16223130 Biden likely to avoid IRS audit that could’ve revealed if he made money from Hunter’s deals

>>16223192 'The View' goes off the rails as co-host Sunny Hostin says a 'black Republican is an oxymoron'

>>16223209 ‘No Statutory Authority Exists’ to Back DHS Disinformation Board, Republican AGs Say, Warning Legal Action

>>16223255 Reminder: H.R.5736 - Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012

>>16223231 For the keks: Social Justice warriors can kick rocks (video)

>>16223235 Elon Musk on Thursday disclosed a group of co-investors in his Twitter takeover

>>16223270, >>16223287, >>16223300, >>16223331, >>16223428, >>16223468 Mkt Fags: The day after-$1.3T…meh and some historical perspective on Market drops over the last several decades-edition

>>16223272 Pompeo holds briefing to raise concerns over Trump-backed Senate candidate in Pennsylvania

>>16223275, >>16223558 Old digs memories: In-Q-Tel

>>16223288 MSN: Trump's Own Campaign Strategy Being Used Against Him in Pennsylvania

>>16223327 Media Matters head finds "no reasonable suspicion behind it” when asked by concerned citizen why Hunter Biden is getting $500k for his crap paintings

>>16223359 The American Journal of Eugenics was published from 1907-1910 by Moses Harman. 500 Fulton Street, Chicago, IL

>>16223368, >>16223440 'More Than Just Political Dirty Tricks': Ex-FBI Intel Chief Drops Bombshell News About Hillary Clinton

>>16223397 Twenty attorneys general demand @SecMayorkas disband disinformation board, threaten lawsuit

>>16223419 Ghislaine Maxwell able to get visitors, removed from solitary

>>16223486 Reminder: Our Movement (video)

>>16223534 Pro-Choicer Defeated By Simple Logic - Kristan Hawkins (video)

>>16223579 Circuit Assignments for Supreme Court Justices

>>16223614 Italy orders the seizure of the $700 million luxury yacht "Scheherazade" that has been linked in the media to Putin

>>16223620 Archived Social Media | Donald J. Trump Presidential Library including Executive Orders, Twitter and other Social Medial Archives

>>16223667 #20521

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df20ef  No.16225194


>>16222349, >>16222439 planefaggin

>>16222157, >>16222237 TRUMP RALLY TONIGHT IN PA 6pm EST, 45 on at 8P

>>16222169 America’s Frontline Doctors has just launched our Frontline News Weekly podcast roundup.

>>16222190 Quick Look at U.S. Code Makes Jen Psaki’s 'Answer' on Targeting Justices at Home so Much Worse

>>16222207 Bongino: 45th President, Donald J. Trump will be LIVE today at 8pm ET with his official account on Rumble.

>>16222212, >>16222372 WIN for Durham, who is seeking to prove that Sussmann was acting on behalf of the Democratic Party & the Clinton campaign

>>16222226 These aren’t distractions. The silent war is breaking out on to the surface in a full out WH offensive - learn to multitask

>>16222245 PF C_A chief told Bolsonaro government not to mess with Brazil election, sources say

>>16222278 Pentagon Denies Helping Ukraine Sink Moskva After Series Of Intel-Sharing Reports

>>16222289 W. Bush Calls President Zelenskyy the “Winston Churchill of Our Time”

>>16222292 RudyG: “People on that Committee Tried to Frame a Sitting President… And I’m Gonna Trust Them? You Think I’m a Fool?”

>>16222305 CCP Orders Government Agencies, State-Controlled Firms To Dump Foreign PCs & Software

>>16222316, >>16222328 What's the link between covid vaccines and suicides?

>>16222343 LIVE SITREP 5.6.22 - You Have Been Warned!

>>16222347 Russian Oil Ban Will Be Like "Dropping Atomic Bomb On Hungary's Economy": Orban

>>16222378 Do the Unhinged Protesters Know It's a CRIME to Protest at a Supreme Court Justice's Home?

>>16222394 Radical Abortion Activists Vandalize Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers That Help Pregnant Women

>>16222396 Eleventh Circuit, on a 3-0 decision, OVERTURNS lower court ruling, allowing Florida’s election integrity law to take immediate effect. Huge win for DeSantis

>>16222414 stunning silence from our Catholic President

>>16222421 Peer-Reviewed MIT Study Finds ‘Significant Association’ Between Covid Jab and Cardiac Arrest

>>16222449 Trudeau eyeing Canada Health Act to guarantee abortions in Canada forever

>>16222451 Chinese Communist Party-Linked Companies Amongst Investors In Elon Musk’s Twitter Purchase.

>>16222464 Jailed Indiana GOP candidate, charged with killing wife, wins primary election

>>16222469 CIA warned Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro that he needs to stop sounding the alarm about election fraud…or else.

>>16222479 Pelosi Orders Minimum Pay Boost for House Aides to $45,000

>>16222495 How a Network of Retired Lawmakers Boosts CCP Influence in Washington

>>16222524 Gunmen Kidnap, Kill Journalist in Western Mexico—10th in 2022


>>16222559 99.6% of Deaths in Vaccinated, 70% Boosted According to Health Canada Weekly Numbers

>>16222579 Feds have issued a draftsaying there are significant benefits to a plan to demolish four massive dams

>>16222595 SC former bank CEO indicted with Alex Murdaugh, another lawyer in scheme to defraud deaf quadriplegic man

>>16222601 The Kavanaugh Circus Continues, More Dangerous Than Ever

>>16222608 Dual citizenship and voting in foreign elections AND GETTING ELECTED AND IMPLEMENTING LEGISLATION next narrative?

>>16222658 Zelensky turns to crowdfunding to help Ukraine defeat Russian invasion

>>16222678 Judge rules Marjorie Taylor Greene is QUALIFIED for re-election. Big WIN for America First!

>>16222688 Institute for Curriculum Services: How an Israel Lobby Group Infiltrated US Education

>>16222690, >>16222726 Pompeo, supporting Oz’s rival, Dave McCormick, in the Keystone State

>>16222717, >>16222724 NATO approves nomination of US general Cavoli as allied commander in Europe

>>16222751 Amazon Fires Managers at Pro-Union Staten Island Warehouse

>>16222796 Polish President Declared “Erasure Of Borders” With Ukraine, Preparing For War With Russia

>>16222837 Backlash Over Biden's 'Disinformation Board' Grows

>>16222841 EU Tweaks Plan Russia Oil Embargo Over Concerns from States

>>16222882 #20520

Previously Collected

>>16222882 #20520, >>16223667 #20521, >>16222882 #20520

>>16220424 #20517, >>16221203 #20518, >>16222142 #20519

>>16218077 #20514, >>16218866 #20515, >>16219590 #20516

>>16215734 #20511, >>16216552 #20512, >>16217318 #20513

>>16213378 #20508, >>16214187 #20509, >>16214926 #20510

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>16207042 Notables #13: Born For This!

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Post last edited at

df20ef  No.16225198



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0769f1  No.16225212

File: 2ec84a7786fe79e⋯.jpg (16.76 KB, 320x320, 1:1, 2ec84a7786fe79ef577f0c7f97….jpg)

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df20ef  No.16225224

Rally Links: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

Donald J. Trump






Mike Lindell's Frankspeech


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b78cd0  No.16225232

File: b19fc7337327618⋯.png (421.52 KB, 747x533, 747:533, Russia_Collusion_story_MSM….png)

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564abb  No.16225235

File: 3b649b87dc344b8⋯.jpg (84.33 KB, 812x500, 203:125, dsdceee354.jpg)

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8d7f8e  No.16225237

File: 28b189726eb026d⋯.png (331.4 KB, 484x554, 242:277, Screenshot_20220426_123303….png)



Here's looking at you, Bakes!

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a967f1  No.16225243

File: 61ed915dcc72f4e⋯.png (373.04 KB, 439x407, 439:407, potus_flotus_dancing.PNG)


thanks rally baker

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452130  No.16225244

File: 8ee940a3a358f3f⋯.png (262.88 KB, 341x869, 31:79, ClipboardImage.png)



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a82809  No.16225246

File: c8e44b547c9f825⋯.jpg (245.39 KB, 1582x889, 226:127, OJT_crowd.JPG)


TY Rally Baker

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c7daf5  No.16225247

File: 8f991920ed04d9d⋯.png (417.29 KB, 486x354, 81:59, POTUS_Texting_Bomb.png)

Rhussia, Rhussia, Rhussia

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088cca  No.16225248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Teh race traders do mumble radio

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b8a715  No.16225249

o m g he said "sick puppy"

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53b5fd  No.16225250

File: b8710f206f825b2⋯.png (247.62 KB, 680x398, 340:199, ClipboardImage.png)

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a82809  No.16225251

Alec Baldwin's a sick puppy

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582a1f  No.16225254

File: 75f631194575ffc⋯.png (671.94 KB, 853x480, 853:480, ClipboardImage.png)


TY, baker.

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850969  No.16225255

Dog Comms

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709265  No.16225257

Will Trump say Groomers?

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a82809  No.16225260


Did he pull the trigger?

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825b07  No.16225262

File: b057f59d9165a8b⋯.png (26.11 KB, 110x150, 11:15, ClipboardImage.png)


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c73006  No.16225263


Of Alec Baldwin:

"He's a psycho…."


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a967f1  No.16225264

File: 10e49a64abdcc5f⋯.png (231.93 KB, 358x342, 179:171, jan_brady_russia.PNG)

File: 195b82fdf37dc8b⋯.png (336.51 KB, 459x353, 459:353, hillary_russians.PNG)

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012cc4  No.16225265

BTW Alec Baldwin…

Did he pull the trigger?

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80066e  No.16225266

File: 9704a068d712d44⋯.jpeg (12.23 KB, 255x181, 255:181, 9704a068d712d444c34858e97….jpeg)

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709265  No.16225267

One sick puppy.


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b78cd0  No.16225268

File: c458c9022a2f381⋯.jpg (68.87 KB, 800x420, 40:21, SickPeople.jpg)

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d48eb5  No.16225269



Why POTUS @45 talking about Alec Baldwin all of a sudden?

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c1a1c5  No.16225272

File: 745b3e15d7fcc84⋯.jpg (160.89 KB, 891x496, 891:496, RALLY_HIGHWAY.jpg)

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b8a715  No.16225275


bleached teeth and hair…a real stunner

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c73006  No.16225276




wasn't replying to you.

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9a5ada  No.16225277

File: f38133ad20b4060⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 500x791, 500:791, The_chair_is_against_the_w….jpg)

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709265  No.16225279


take your hood off beautiful

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b8a715  No.16225281

these bits are tired

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29ccfd  No.16225282

JFK Jr. in the camo hat @ 9

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8d7f8e  No.16225283



Sooo di

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80066e  No.16225284

File: 2b84e9518aebb3d⋯.jpeg (22.86 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 5ayCGOej_400x400.jpeg)


yet here you are

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b8a715  No.16225285

same old recycled garbage/lines

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2513af  No.16225286

File: 03fa8b79eef0de0⋯.png (167.4 KB, 506x303, 506:303, JewsDeadEnd.png)

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f572db  No.16225287


same ole dog & pony show

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b8a715  No.16225288

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c1a1c5  No.16225290

File: e0f2ff196fc26fa⋯.jpg (118.47 KB, 760x434, 380:217, PIG_RADIO.jpg)

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67d8ad  No.16225291

File: 7641dcd457e3eea⋯.jpeg (67.79 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 2FFBF7EC_EF20_46EA_8CCB_1….jpeg)

These ARE NOT tits!

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edf172  No.16225292

File: bffa6c49bd10c8d⋯.png (946.75 KB, 594x792, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


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f26af7  No.16225294

File: aa274614485fe42⋯.jpg (28.88 KB, 570x300, 19:10, 1470307841270.jpg)




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c73006  No.16225295


"He's a psycho…."


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c3f9bb  No.16225296


Thinking the same.

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850969  No.16225297

File: feef34c1396108a⋯.png (146.69 KB, 318x364, 159:182, Screen_Shot_2022_05_06_at_….png)

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c22901  No.16225299


Ashton, have you lost weight?

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a967f1  No.16225300


so why are you watching and on our board?

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9a5ada  No.16225301

let's talk about nothing for 10 minutes….filler

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e5d4f6  No.16225302

File: fb7e245d6c36589⋯.mp4 (13.92 MB, 852x480, 71:40, My_Way_Donald_J_Trump_TS_K….mp4)

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012cc4  No.16225303

Anon's fren says Amber Heard wasn't the first to do coke on the witness stand; swears she remembers Kato Kaelin doing it during the OJ trial. Anyone see this?

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e8ee1f  No.16225304


>same old recycled garbage/lines

They're still true, even if you think they're "old".

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d20917  No.16225306

File: dd60922aefffee6⋯.png (456.42 KB, 1350x760, 135:76, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 05eb9c25d0545ca⋯.png (318.33 KB, 692x404, 173:101, ClipboardImage.png)



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c22901  No.16225308


He needs a cigar.

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72c9d1  No.16225310


Same old paid shill ihopping. Get your pay in cheetos yet today?

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a82809  No.16225311

Noice shout out to Arnold Palmer and Latrobe

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9a5ada  No.16225312

File: 4f01e94be75fb9d⋯.jpg (109.11 KB, 888x499, 888:499, Whose_pussy_is_this.jpg)

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e5d4f6  No.16225313

File: fe6e57696a772b4⋯.mp4 (9.7 MB, 640x360, 16:9, General_George_S_Patton_Sp….mp4)


Here you go Nigger…

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b8a715  No.16225315

File: d2d6fa0eb946902⋯.png (766.16 KB, 980x1121, 980:1121, ClipboardImage.png)

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f572db  No.16225316

File: 2369da337b3b9a2⋯.png (309.29 KB, 555x484, 555:484, ClipboardImage.png)

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9af1e7  No.16225317


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a967f1  No.16225318

File: 2061cf0f047c713⋯.png (494.34 KB, 539x489, 539:489, 87000_watching.PNG)

87000+ watching

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c1a1c5  No.16225319

File: 4a30f3fdf14919a⋯.jpg (101.32 KB, 480x572, 120:143, AMERICA_IS.jpg)

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2cfdb9  No.16225320

Ocean / Potomac river….

watch the water


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80066e  No.16225321

trump is singing in the rain

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930add  No.16225323

Withheld a ffffuck

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564abb  No.16225324

President Trump: Under Biden, four million people have not returned to the labor force, real wages have declined twelve months in a row, and the economy sucks.

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088cca  No.16225325

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f572db  No.16225326

File: cbf74dd295b2d3b⋯.png (927.21 KB, 1333x690, 1333:690, ClipboardImage.png)


ok newfag

first rally?

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850969  No.16225327

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b78cd0  No.16225328

File: 26516e5f3cd1eae⋯.jpeg (151.91 KB, 1200x933, 400:311, 26516e5f3cd1eae67843fa6f6….jpeg)

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e5d4f6  No.16225329

File: 27fe10497c8a386⋯.jpg (48.44 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Slow_Steady_Wins_The_Race_….jpg)

File: 1bbca52bc10b64f⋯.png (877.61 KB, 847x471, 847:471, Beam_Rider_Humvee_Recoiles….png)

File: d3224c9ee25a869⋯.jpg (805.06 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, Roswell_Rock_Alien_Ayy_UFO….jpg)

File: b414fada9e28213⋯.jpg (81.34 KB, 900x600, 3:2, CASTLE_ROCK.jpg)

File: 52f7d0a7257e667⋯.jpg (65.8 KB, 600x508, 150:127, alien_rocks032406a.jpg)




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930add  No.16225330


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b8a715  No.16225331



had to be done

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9a5ada  No.16225332


fuck you

Q wouldn't call people nigger

neither would Trump

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1b0115  No.16225333


got the link for ya baker, edited on the board, for you to add to the dough

>>16222882 #20520

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a9c337  No.16225334


+ 67,000 on rumble

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f26af7  No.16225335

File: 1bd9fd51563914c⋯.jpg (588.33 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, fuckednow.jpg)

Dr. Wolf On The FDA’s Late Restrictions On Covid Vax

<May 5, 2022


Naomi Wolf on FDA Admitting Covid “Vaccines” Cause Blood Clots: The Villified, Censored Truthtellers Have Been Vindicated [VIDEO]

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b3eee9  No.16225336

File: ae283bc945ddd16⋯.jpg (53.82 KB, 480x720, 2:3, 06fd33f53c29843b0c7fd4b90f….jpg)

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73984f  No.16225337

File: 573d98313f7ad79⋯.png (266.74 KB, 550x367, 550:367, 573d98313f7ad79aae09b7efcc….png)

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b78cd0  No.16225338

File: 72904e7f045aaf2⋯.png (728.25 KB, 632x716, 158:179, 72904e7f045aaf214cec75860d….png)

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c7daf5  No.16225339

File: f7dd66072de0718⋯.png (1.27 MB, 639x905, 639:905, Xi_Virus.png)

Cha Cha Chiiiina

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a967f1  No.16225340


no wonder the muhjoo shills are on attack, and the ip hopping, same old shit shills

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29ccfd  No.16225342

Warp Speed. Now brag about the bump stock ban and tell us the police are keeping us safe.

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c22901  No.16225343


yelp and some music.

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9a4311  No.16225344


dat fake ass tan doe.

maybe she just really admires Trump spray on tan kek

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53b5fd  No.16225345

File: 3310a6aa678d79a⋯.png (20.04 KB, 97x127, 97:127, ClipboardImage.png)


straight gangsta

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2404ab  No.16225346

File: b630c582f660d36⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1667x905, 1667:905, ClipboardImage.png)



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c73006  No.16225347

"They have transcripts of all those calls…."

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b78cd0  No.16225349

File: 39aac6605e73ff2⋯.png (95.46 KB, 255x143, 255:143, Screenshot_2020_03_29_d3c7….png)

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931e2f  No.16225350

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'Did he pull the trigger'

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80066e  No.16225352

transcripts of all calls exist

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9af1e7  No.16225354


do you miss you bump stop?

Did you get vaccinated?

keep yourself safe faggot

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f105ac  No.16225355

File: 43b75e023637fe8⋯.png (83.01 KB, 522x375, 174:125, 43b75e023637fe87ea01c18118….png)

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df20ef  No.16225356




>>16225217 lb, >>16225219 lb, >>16225220 lb LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP

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c7daf5  No.16225357

File: 50602997ceb8b53⋯.jpg (80.85 KB, 1200x757, 1200:757, Wax_My_Balls.jpg)

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2404ab  No.16225358

POTUS said 1.87/gal…………wtf!

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db224e  No.16225359

From the glass lined tanks at Old Latrobe

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78cab7  No.16225360

File: 2ee4d59c2e0827e⋯.jpg (120.46 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 2ee4d59c2e0827ef89bf04a579….jpg)





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b8a715  No.16225361

wen does Trump start touting the vaccine?

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7720ca  No.16225362

File: 6a1a7ae987b8dc6⋯.png (352.25 KB, 437x448, 437:448, 6a1a7ae987b8dc6380a50dc9e9….png)


TYRB! Tasty rally bread!

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29ce03  No.16225363


Haha 😂

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c0c76e  No.16225364

File: 3c789529c8e41c7⋯.jpg (326.19 KB, 1297x1903, 1297:1903, diechristlicheku18deut_002….jpg)

File: aeca44c337c86d6⋯.png (959.91 KB, 674x770, 337:385, PtolemaicEgypt2.PNG)

File: 58eaca51f777772⋯.png (605.01 KB, 725x466, 725:466, judgement.PNG)

File: 4520196998dff18⋯.jpg (302.88 KB, 1218x1916, 609:958, diechristlicheku02deut_039….jpg)

File: 978b7f913b52a58⋯.jpg (395.01 KB, 1309x1919, 1309:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_037….jpg)





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a9c337  No.16225365

kek, chaos "Kay-Ass"

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1c4c16  No.16225366

Cha-ass!! Kek!

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9a5ada  No.16225367

File: 89d6f3313b2ee48⋯.jpeg (562.09 KB, 1280x1075, 256:215, stick_his_cigar.jpeg)

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a967f1  No.16225368

File: 6abacc7cdd68a00⋯.png (372.98 KB, 602x313, 602:313, potus_vs_fake_news.PNG)

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b78cd0  No.16225369

File: 368c9f33ccb1254⋯.png (589.12 KB, 507x504, 169:168, 368c9f33ccb1254c6604f655c5….png)

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0d275f  No.16225370

File: 4023c96ce393ca8⋯.png (461.79 KB, 456x591, 152:197, 4023c96ce393ca84dfcd88ed0f….png)

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c7daf5  No.16225371

File: a8ef374a4a66e77⋯.png (98.95 KB, 462x718, 231:359, _187_Reeee.png)


1.87 Gas, Q Post #187

Reeee Bitchez

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850969  No.16225372

File: 42525b185983481⋯.jpg (55.67 KB, 750x726, 125:121, bidencone.jpg)

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80066e  No.16225373


i see you capitalized his name. good for you.

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74bedd  No.16225374

File: a6c623ff2867941⋯.png (221.93 KB, 698x356, 349:178, ClipboardImage.png)


already done

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d48eb5  No.16225375

>>16225335 Dr. Wolf On The FDA’s Late Restrictions On Jabs


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088cca  No.16225376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My boy.

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ae1d00  No.16225377

Shaking hand with thin air 😁 It's true.

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78cab7  No.16225378

File: 442cd907926c27f⋯.png (347.34 KB, 686x475, 686:475, 442cd907926c27f8886761e412….png)

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e5d4f6  No.16225379

File: a85e33db4eafc75⋯.jpg (2.35 MB, 3800x2336, 475:292, 160609_F_CK424_028.jpg)

File: 771e943d147c490⋯.jpg (25.85 KB, 548x348, 137:87, FCU.jpg)

File: 962a6b4245e5a2b⋯.jpg (2.93 MB, 2560x1920, 4:3, soldiers_army_blackhawk_tr….jpg)

File: 4dbe322bb311482⋯.jpg (57.46 KB, 399x267, 133:89, Pic_13.jpg)

File: a5c686531809eac⋯.jpg (64.4 KB, 500x427, 500:427, Chesty_Puller_Quote.jpg)


I am Neither.

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44298d  No.16225380


I have a faint recollection of that but no sauce

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b78cd0  No.16225381

File: 1039d760d647c95⋯.jpg (35.67 KB, 500x303, 500:303, Matrix_rigged_election.jpg)

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c2ce78  No.16225382

File: 9e76de3a443d03e⋯.jpeg (406.07 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, C7B2EC88_AD41_411E_A8DD_A….jpeg)

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2ad77b  No.16225383

Q+ team if you're reading this can Q+ find a way to include the words 'inconsistent' or 'not consistent' somewhere in speech tonight?

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709265  No.16225384

File: 5082d63ab23da89⋯.png (23.2 KB, 570x208, 285:104, ClipboardImage.png)

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38c512  No.16225385

File: c99ec49588935dc⋯.png (234.38 KB, 1065x1925, 213:385, ALL_Pull_the_trigger_Qdrop….png)

File: d1b02d33642feda⋯.png (335.38 KB, 622x661, 622:661, ClipboardImage.png)



Dink - Green Mind


Lotta "Irish" in these drops.

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70eb3a  No.16225386


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d20917  No.16225387

The Queen has issued a bombshell statement banning Prince Harry, Meghan Markle and Prince Andrew from the Buckingham Palace balcony during her Platinum Jubilee celebrations in June.


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9a5ada  No.16225388

File: 502eac8c22d4d6f⋯.jpg (107.44 KB, 666x500, 333:250, apostrophe.jpg)

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b78cd0  No.16225389

File: b5c6b65a42c0360⋯.png (25.66 KB, 199x198, 199:198, 1604987561.png)

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088cca  No.16225390


Well, I voted, so…

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df20ef  No.16225391




>>16225217 lb, >>16225219 lb, >>16225220 lb LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP

>>16225224 Rally Links: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

>>16225247 Rhussia, Rhussia, Rhussia

>>16225251, >>16225249, >>16225255, >>16225265, >>16225267, >>16225269, >>16225295, Alec Baldwin's a sick puppy Why POTUS @45 talking about Alec Baldwin all of a sudden?

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d48eb5  No.16225392

>>16225371 1.87 Gas, Q Post #187


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a4fcbe  No.16225393

File: fcbbc4f0d412ae2⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_05_07_at_0….png)

File: 273433e37fc7aa0⋯.png (983.43 KB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_05_07_at_0….png)

File: d4cee3add9318fb⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, Screenshot_2022_05_07_at_0….png)

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709265  No.16225394

They know they are stars now.

take the hoodies off.

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faaf69  No.16225395

File: 1c6f7b05e4e63f9⋯.jpg (73.21 KB, 1079x1051, 1079:1051, FB_IMG_1650166891005.jpg)



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9af1e7  No.16225396

File: 9a59de5abcf1dc0⋯.png (93.36 KB, 217x252, 31:36, ClipboardImage.png)

shes getting overlooked

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c7daf5  No.16225397

File: 8acc016a99bd2fe⋯.jpg (108.15 KB, 1200x882, 200:147, Biden_Corruption.jpg)

Fuck You Brandon

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cfbdbb  No.16225398



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c73006  No.16225399


Preventing a power play?

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29ccfd  No.16225400

We want popcorn.

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a967f1  No.16225401

glad Donald is using the big board tonite,

gosh the brandon clips were dreadful

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b78cd0  No.16225402

File: 42b581b47f9b27e⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 1200x627, 400:209, Em9Wu7yWMAMz_9w.jpg)

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0769f1  No.16225403

File: 16bb2eb5aaba56c⋯.png (3.6 MB, 1278x12098, 639:6049, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ba7ac9d31d74b00⋯.png (2.65 MB, 1278x9709, 1278:9709, ClipboardImage.png)




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ae1d00  No.16225404

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We were just discussing Joes medications.

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78cab7  No.16225405

File: 53d4c0cc9cdeb9d⋯.jpeg (23.47 KB, 385x378, 55:54, 53d4c0cc9cdeb9d55e87ba8b4….jpeg)

OMG that Bidan video just now fucking KEK

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c22901  No.16225406


Dat is a blunt. Do you think his face hair screams JFKJR?

A little color int he beard and he is keeping his face covered but with memer glasses.

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088cca  No.16225407

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d48eb5  No.16225408

Biden should take a cognitive test and release the results

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c73006  No.16225409



I never listen to Brandon.

First time to see those.

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225aea  No.16225410

TRumpy bear


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088cca  No.16225411

I've be at this a long time.

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97a7bd  No.16225412


He has spoke of him at a few rallies in the past.

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c7daf5  No.16225414

File: 3944a73fd0be647⋯.jpg (45.22 KB, 800x733, 800:733, CCP_Corn_Pop_Thing.jpg)

C'mon Man, You Know the Thing

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9a5ada  No.16225415

File: 6ff98d8f539d2cb⋯.jpg (16.57 KB, 241x180, 241:180, 6ff98d8f539d2cba04c588eaaa….jpg)

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d9555f  No.16225416

Serious? Real. You didn't miss a day of class with Nick, and you didnt want to..

What is a Cratom? Where is the thorium?


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78cab7  No.16225417

File: d1cf665bb27ccc6⋯.jpeg (1.19 MB, 2051x1740, 2051:1740, d1cf665bb27ccc6858a1bb806….jpeg)

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b78cd0  No.16225418

File: 9b155e49b1a2998⋯.jpeg (98.91 KB, 1242x698, 621:349, 9b155e49b1a2998c36c133a67….jpeg)

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920778  No.16225419

File: ce39e6f8a7ea35d⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 670x418, 335:209, 25a95dc1.jpg)



Pull the Trigger



Is it just me? Im sensing some "go codes" were given.

What was that Q drop about the GO CODE being given… something happens….?

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80066e  No.16225420

calling out george bush jr.

recall george bush jr. delivering pizzas to secret service during gov't shutdown 2017?

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bf5748  No.16225421

Everything woke turns to shit!

Remember that night?

We need more of these.

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436986  No.16225422

File: a5dccb366db3b4a⋯.png (1.13 MB, 962x1372, 481:686, a5dccb366db3b4a5ce207307b2….png)

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825b07  No.16225423

File: e567925b7411a36⋯.png (16.21 KB, 91x123, 91:123, ClipboardImage.png)

Sweetie 2

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c73006  No.16225424

Called out the "younger" Bush.

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d48eb5  No.16225425


came outta the blue tonite, really noticeable

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9af1e7  No.16225426

IQ tests for elected officials

Term limits for elected officials

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c1a1c5  No.16225427

File: 3f8200a44d72674⋯.jpg (107.81 KB, 494x556, 247:278, TESTING_1_2.jpg)

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ae1d00  No.16225428

How many Americans Died for Bush? Another useless war for us.

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d17235  No.16225429

File: 592b2a8e1139bd9⋯.jpeg (6.15 KB, 225x225, 1:1, images_12_.jpeg)

>Reshcedules event in OH for weather.

>Forces Oz to talk in the rain

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cfbdbb  No.16225430

File: f46569cf254cc23⋯.jpg (50.91 KB, 640x775, 128:155, 2017_07_13_20_51_IMG_0174.JPG)

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a84bbd  No.16225431

File: b4e1f5f9406e685⋯.jpg (85.87 KB, 567x555, 189:185, 17638767783783174523558881….jpg)

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9af1e7  No.16225432


its thick

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aa96d3  No.16225433

File: 79a0e1539a4b32a⋯.png (699.59 KB, 774x596, 387:298, 20220506_185219.png)

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c9316b  No.16225434

never heard him talk about "psychology" before..hmmm…

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7720ca  No.16225435

File: 8f991920ed04d9d⋯.png (417.29 KB, 486x354, 81:59, 8f991920ed04d9d71235777791….png)

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a967f1  No.16225436


left can't meme

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d48eb5  No.16225437

Together, we will save our country again!

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709265  No.16225438


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cfbdbb  No.16225439



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f572db  No.16225440

i spoke with Putin about it A LOT

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088cca  No.16225441


If I take the same cognitive test as Trump (any of them) and better then, will they go away and forfeit me dollars?

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0164cd  No.16225442

File: d8e08d52f2a124c⋯.png (482.95 KB, 483x485, 483:485, 259475045046520465034.PNG)

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a82809  No.16225443

We saved our country once. We will save our country again.

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29ce03  No.16225444


Flynn and Mcchrystal self described Irish Mafia of fr. Bragg

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df20ef  No.16225445


fuck off

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ae1d00  No.16225446

I think Putin got tired of no one listening and nothing changing except bombardment from the other side. Let the chips fall where they may.

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b78cd0  No.16225447

File: 3700adf3d0f4c7a⋯.jpg (101.53 KB, 740x537, 740:537, 1574381958746.jpg)

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709265  No.16225448



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32afc2  No.16225449

File: 3d1cb775b745944⋯.jpeg (13.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 8a32467df92f83699d4ea3d8f….jpeg)


hello lo my baby hello my darling

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cfbdbb  No.16225450

File: 95b3e6cad1737be⋯.jpg (65.07 KB, 720x698, 360:349, 2019_06_05_17_40_IMG_8375.JPG)

File: ede8901a72b28e8⋯.jpg (54.78 KB, 960x400, 12:5, 2019_06_05_17_41_IMG_8376.JPG)

File: a72b97067348ab0⋯.jpg (48.44 KB, 900x900, 1:1, 2019_06_05_17_41_IMG_8377.JPG)

File: ae75a9e8b9b1622⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 500x773, 500:773, 2019_06_05_17_42_IMG_8378.JPG)

File: 7ce825d4483dedd⋯.jpg (58.26 KB, 1280x868, 320:217, 2019_06_05_17_42_IMG_8379.JPG)

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825b07  No.16225451

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436986  No.16225452

File: 7720d655d348901⋯.jpg (139.53 KB, 900x600, 3:2, ClipboardImage.jpg)

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d20917  No.16225453

File: 06640f081f487ac⋯.png (572.8 KB, 720x480, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7daf5  No.16225454

File: fd4ced6d97b63e0⋯.jpg (90.49 KB, 640x768, 5:6, Do_It_Q.jpg)

Drop the MOAB

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088cca  No.16225455


Nigger, I did that for you.

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7720ca  No.16225456

File: a39d49b4b00367a⋯.jpg (98.83 KB, 875x1173, 875:1173, a39d49b4b00367a609d932c4ed….jpg)

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cfbdbb  No.16225457




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d48eb5  No.16225459

2000 Mules:

Biden didn't get the votes but he DID get the ballots!

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a82809  No.16225460

2000 Mules: This exposes the fraud like nothing else.

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a6407a  No.16225461

God wins, always, in all ways

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c1a1c5  No.16225462

File: a86363230883e90⋯.jpg (99.71 KB, 724x638, 362:319, AND_2024.jpg)

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2317ed  No.16225463

File: 5584e00faaad13f⋯.png (198.12 KB, 456x287, 456:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bd26405dcce3917⋯.png (162.74 KB, 759x286, 69:26, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfbdbb  No.16225464





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564abb  No.16225465

President Trump: You can't concede when you won,

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80066e  No.16225466

never conceded bitches

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0769f1  No.16225467

File: 8ac007ad15871a4⋯.png (49.2 KB, 447x668, 447:668, ClipboardImage.png)

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6caeed  No.16225468

File: e60ad02c5fb07c2⋯.png (173.26 KB, 428x452, 107:113, hoMMEMMMM.png)


The Vigilant Fox 🦊, [06.05.22 18:00]

[ Video ]

Funeral Homes Are 'Shocked' By How Well Business Is Going, Even With COVID Winding Down

CFO of Funeral Home Company SCI: " And again, it's not just COVID that we're seeing… This is — these are excess deaths, levels of mortality that are higher than what we've expected, even when you try to back out COVID."

@VigilantFox | Rumble (https://rumble.com/v13scoo-funeral-homes-are-shocked-by-how-well-business-is-going-even-with-covid-win.html) | Full Episode (https://rumble.com/v13r9ax-episode-1837-nebraska-pennsylvania-new-york-races-heat-up-full-spectrum-mag.html)

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012cc4  No.16225469

Where did the notion that when Trump talked about farmers he was shouting out anons come from? He keeps calling JR a farmer.

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a82809  No.16225470

Can't concede when you won

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825b07  No.16225471

File: e6e39c50d414075⋯.png (26.68 KB, 127x154, 127:154, ClipboardImage.png)

I fuck for nickels

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cfbdbb  No.16225472




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779b8d  No.16225473

File: a9dfe976ddd534d⋯.jpg (65.56 KB, 564x800, 141:200, a9dfe976ddd534dc381a77d7e2….jpg)



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7720ca  No.16225474

File: 5ea3917365019d5⋯.jpg (110.17 KB, 680x789, 680:789, 5ea3917365019d5791ba5a5ada….jpg)

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29ce03  No.16225475


Trips of Truth!

The greatest accomplishment of Flynn’s military career was revolutionizing the way that the clandestine arm of the military, the Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), undertook the killing and capture of suspected terrorists and insurgents in war zones. Stanley McChrystal, Flynn’s mentor, had tapped him for the job. They were both part of the self-described “Irish mafia” of officers at the Fort Bragg Army base, in North Carolina. In Afghanistan and Iraq, Flynn ordered JSOC commandos to collect and catalogue data from interrogations, captured electronic equipment, pocket trash—anything that could yield useful information. By analyzing these disparate scraps of intelligence, they were able to discover that Al Qaeda was not a hierarchical group after all but a dynamic network of cells and relationships. As I learned while doing research for my book “Top Secret America,” Flynn and McChrystal dramatically increased the pace of JSOC attacks on enemy hideouts by devising a system in which commandos on missions transferred promising data—cell-phone numbers, meeting locations—to analysts, who could then quickly point them to additional targets to hit. Multiple raids a night became common…


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a05a99  No.16225476

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d20917  No.16225477

File: 6c5c420e8c6af54⋯.png (410.53 KB, 720x528, 15:11, ClipboardImage.png)

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32afc2  No.16225478

File: f1f6dd01454a600⋯.png (261.64 KB, 500x333, 500:333, Output_file.png)

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930add  No.16225479

File: d73c6867114debc⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 674x679, 674:679, _Sdhv.jpg)

Cognitive test is not a solution

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0d275f  No.16225480



there were many stringers with green go code

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97a7bd  No.16225481

File: a2891baa660053a⋯.jpeg (1.46 MB, 2388x1430, 1194:715, 829855D9_A6CF_41A8_B034_F….jpeg)


Excellent point.

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088cca  No.16225482

File: 52f9a691811547d⋯.jpg (825.17 KB, 1046x1544, 523:772, Screenshot_20220506_162908….jpg)


It's been two years.

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a967f1  No.16225483

File: 94c083fbeb77740⋯.png (498.45 KB, 602x492, 301:246, potus_our_prince.PNG)

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709265  No.16225484

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f26af7  No.16225485

File: 47b4f2e97bf4cfc⋯.jpg (70.63 KB, 376x225, 376:225, rbg_dead.jpg)

Even the Late Ruth Bader Ginsburg Knew Roe v. Wade Was Hot Garbage

<May 05, 2022 5:45 PM


The way Justice Ginsburg saw it, Roe v. Wade was focused on the wrong argument — that restricting access to abortion violated a woman’s privacy. What she hoped for instead was a protection of the right to abortion on the basis that restricting it impeded gender equality, said Mary Hartnett, a law professor at Georgetown University who will be a co-writer on the only authorized biography of Justice Ginsburg.

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2cfdb9  No.16225486


>2000 Mules:

>Biden didn't get the votes but he DID get the ballots!

I didn't realise that I didn't concede..

Trump confirms he has not conceeded and that the door is still open for him to get back into the office before Biden has his 4 years.

the door is open' Fight for 2000 Mules to go mainstream!

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102b21  No.16225487

File: dc2ec5ef3f210db⋯.png (399.47 KB, 500x726, 250:363, ArtTest.png)


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9a5ada  No.16225488


I play hard to want

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0164cd  No.16225489

File: 50e9b070550b6ce⋯.jpeg (259.75 KB, 1600x2448, 100:153, 0958827409857409857587034….jpeg)

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d48eb5  No.16225490


>Cognitive test is not a solution

No - but it's a start

(How would Kamala or Nancy do?)

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df20ef  No.16225491




>>16225217 lb, >>16225219 lb, >>16225220 lb LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP

>>16225224 Rally Links: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

>>16225247 Rhussia, Rhussia, Rhussia

>>16225251, >>16225249, >>16225255, >>16225265, >>16225267, >>16225269, >>16225295, Alec Baldwin's a sick puppy Why POTUS @45 talking about Alec Baldwin all of a sudden?

>>16225318, >>16225334 87000+ watching + 67,000 on rumble

>>16225311, >>16225329 Noice shout out to Arnold Palmer and Latrobe

>>16225324 President Trump: Under Biden, four million people have not returned to the labor force, real wages have declined twelve months in a row, and the economy sucks.

>>16225335 Dr. Wolf On The FDA’s Late Restrictions On Covid Vax

>>16225371 1.87 Gas, Q Post #187

>>16225408 Biden should take a cognitive test and release the results

>>16225414 C'mon Man, You Know the Thing

>>16225437, >>16225443 Together, we will save our country again!

>>16225459 2000 Mules: Biden didn't get the votes but he DID get the ballots!

>>16225460 2000 Mules: This exposes the fraud like nothing else.

>>16225465 President Trump: You can't concede when you won,

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78cab7  No.16225492

File: 569d1f128d3efeb⋯.jpg (109.69 KB, 675x766, 675:766, 3a901edcf034cf1f411d70a8bc….jpg)

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43c556  No.16225493

File: f6359fdd3af5834⋯.jpg (60.77 KB, 520x500, 26:25, learntobake.jpg)

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c7daf5  No.16225494

File: bbc83a0b44b7938⋯.jpg (149.21 KB, 902x1500, 451:750, I_Want_You.jpg)

Full Metal Reeeee

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696048  No.16225495

Are all you simple-minded fucks enjoying your shitty rally?


Simp moar, faggots.

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b3eee9  No.16225497

File: 47f9e438376c3f2⋯.png (425.51 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Memeto_1634755229778.png)

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aa96d3  No.16225498

one would dearly love to know

why don gets such approbation

when he absolutely fucked america

by allowing the last presidential

election to be stolen.

by what mental acrobatics do

you believe the next one will

Not be Stolen

like the last?

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df20ef  No.16225499


FFS gib it a rest, there is a rally happening right NOW!

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9a5ada  No.16225500

File: c6993e6218fcf79⋯.jpg (113.87 KB, 888x499, 888:499, I_feel_the_need_to_impose_….jpg)

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c73006  No.16225501

"15 million…"

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a84bbd  No.16225502


Joyner is a problem.

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012cc4  No.16225503

File: 1d4dab0352c3672⋯.png (9.55 KB, 255x175, 51:35, somewhere_in_kekistan_kek.png)

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c7daf5  No.16225504

File: 94e115f9ecd6dce⋯.png (736.04 KB, 806x542, 403:271, _00045.png)

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80066e  No.16225505

File: 75e2a206d236bb2⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1016x1106, 508:553, Screen_Shot_2022_02_06_at_….png)


yes i like it

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df20ef  No.16225507

Rally Links: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

Donald J. Trump






Mike Lindell's Frankspeech


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267a57  No.16225508

File: aebdd5be69329ad⋯.jpg (68.59 KB, 719x499, 719:499, cia_glowfag.jpg)


Go back to the pickle factory, cia nigger.

Your shill game sucks

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d48eb5  No.16225509


Are all you simple-minded fucks enjoying your shitty rally?


We're enjoying it a LOT


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e03b58  No.16225510


Awww look he made it to QResearch


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b78cd0  No.16225511

File: 96ba4a2b8082fff⋯.jpeg (232.08 KB, 1000x750, 4:3, 1611035096.jpeg)

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c22901  No.16225512


Is Trump referring to Musk. I have not heard Elon's name yet. Did I miss it? Biggest news all week for normies.

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0164cd  No.16225513

File: bbef2b3fd224f46⋯.jpg (10.14 KB, 253x199, 253:199, bbef2b3fd224f4615283b91b75….jpg)

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102b21  No.16225514

File: a20754a6c774c36⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GN.jpg)


Better Spelling

Still a shit meme tho'.

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32afc2  No.16225515

File: 469d8e0b94549d2⋯.png (12.45 KB, 218x255, 218:255, d93cb6996e14d2747760141ee9….png)


posting shit is my thang

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920778  No.16225516

File: 3b42177bc8663f4⋯.jpg (14.81 KB, 222x255, 74:85, pepenotes.jpg)


Nice! That's not the one Im thinking of tho…

There's one that states something to the effect of

-"Notice when the go code was given"

-"What happened when the go code was given"

Natch, I can't find it… but its something to that effect.

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d17235  No.16225517

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ae1d00  No.16225518


You'll get a picture of your beautiful home. Medal too. Count backwards.

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088cca  No.16225519

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cfbdbb  No.16225520















>>16225496 & FAGGOT

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7720ca  No.16225521

File: a644433361a6d6f⋯.jpg (135.31 KB, 577x526, 577:526, a644433361a6d6f724b6a7b3ae….jpg)

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436986  No.16225522

File: 9920ec2216e0834⋯.png (140.36 KB, 491x518, 491:518, 9920ec2216e0834bd0c74a4c75….png)



You're admirably trendy, you know that?

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a05a99  No.16225523

File: 1d9b931a5a861d7⋯.png (1.9 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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43c556  No.16225524


learn to bake faggot

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68d931  No.16225525

File: 195af2d746dc195⋯.mp4 (4.39 MB, 320x240, 4:3, stmichaelconch.mp4)

>>16225102 pb

THAT will figured it out.

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825b07  No.16225526

File: 35c21f6f9995cd1⋯.png (22.69 KB, 110x135, 22:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Tell me I'm cute…

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2cfdb9  No.16225527


Sometimes you can't tell them how bad things are… You have to show them..

This is not for (((us))) it is for the Normies that are so deeply programmed.. THEY are the ones who need to wake TF up! Not us Anon.

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bf5748  No.16225528


Yeah, but can you shiptoast, too?


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7720ca  No.16225529

File: a644433361a6d6f⋯.jpg (135.31 KB, 577x526, 577:526, a644433361a6d6f724b6a7b3ae….jpg)

Sup Don?

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a84bbd  No.16225530

File: 1dd7330c3d5ddeb⋯.jpg (59.16 KB, 577x526, 577:526, 391825dbee1376c9c954517235….jpg)

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29ce03  No.16225531



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2513af  No.16225532

File: 57d70b671e0c7e6⋯.jpg (74.47 KB, 591x422, 591:422, HeeHawStory.jpg)

File: 7c6939e861cc1ab⋯.jpg (78.96 KB, 597x418, 597:418, HeeHawStoryII.jpg)

File: 0241c278ee550a1⋯.jpg (67.18 KB, 574x434, 41:31, HeeHawStoryIII.jpg)

File: 13586e8f0a123ff⋯.jpg (67.79 KB, 540x462, 90:77, HeeHawStoryIV.jpg)

File: 2000e7534fc4c63⋯.jpg (48.02 KB, 618x404, 309:202, HeeHawStoryV.jpg)

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779b8d  No.16225533


united in purpose & spirit

what's wrong with that?

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6caeed  No.16225534

File: d677fa5fbef7a06⋯.png (179.52 KB, 429x374, 39:34, liNNNNNN.png)


Brian Cates - Political Columnist ★★★, [06.05.22 19:21]

[Forwarded from Pepe Lives Matter 🐸 (Pepe Lives Matter)]

[ Video ]

Oz says that big tech was selling children. 👀

I was told that this was a conspiracy theory.

H/T @themeitryx

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2b757d  No.16225535

File: 1076fce07595874⋯.mp4 (5.66 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, joe_clip_in_PA.mp4)

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0769f1  No.16225536

File: ae800fe7445be7f⋯.png (204.78 KB, 473x1652, 473:1652, ClipboardImage.png)

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942174  No.16225537

…and yet, here [you] are…

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014b0a  No.16225538

File: 6358570d5327076⋯.jpg (391.5 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20220506_205709….jpg)

File: 9fa17acc2a59088⋯.jpg (314.95 KB, 720x1600, 9:20, Screenshot_20220506_205532….jpg)

>>16224244 (/pb)

So much 17!

Seems like the good guys are in charge.

Me likey.

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4e3cd3  No.16225539


You don’t know why. You don’t know how he’ll play it. All you know, again deep down inside, in your gut, is that he’s not going to run again. Look, I wish the swamp didn’t steal the election in 2020. Trump probably should have won. But in 2024, the country will be exhausted and another Trump term will do more harm than good. I get no pleasure out of telling you this, but you know what I’m saying is true.

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80066e  No.16225540

File: 9247bdea42227d0⋯.png (548.21 KB, 508x614, 254:307, 9247bdea42227d09ef6cbfb47f….png)


triple dubs

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2ad77b  No.16225541

File: c9081f60028a75f⋯.png (157.29 KB, 2212x640, 553:160, ClipboardImage.png)


Thank you Mr. Musk!



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564abb  No.16225542

President Trump: Mitt Romney is coming along.

[was Romney given a chance to do the right thing?]

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102b21  No.16225543


I bake.

So that's got to be terribly embarrassing for you.

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c1a1c5  No.16225544

File: 24279aff21e631b⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 527x477, 527:477, POTUS_KNOWS.jpg)

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8ad3c9  No.16225545

File: 25c216e487fc48e⋯.jpg (22.51 KB, 554x554, 1:1, 1619176648636.jpg)

Is this the real Trump or clone Trump?

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85165e  No.16225546



The Ebonics Crew has it covered.

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c73006  No.16225547



he went there.

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709265  No.16225548


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7720ca  No.16225549

File: a644433361a6d6f⋯.jpg (135.31 KB, 577x526, 577:526, a644433361a6d6f724b6a7b3ae….jpg)

Sup Alec?

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67d8ad  No.16225550

File: 7bccdafccfd0bbf⋯.jpeg (404.88 KB, 1042x868, 521:434, 6C28AC33_DA1A_4380_89BF_D….jpeg)


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014b0a  No.16225551

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a967f1  No.16225552

File: 0bc83fdca7d40d8⋯.png (86.4 KB, 244x239, 244:239, trump_wrong.PNG)

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cfbdbb  No.16225553





















>>16225537 & FAGGOT

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a8646d  No.16225554


if it's free you are the product

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bfd31b  No.16225555

ban the federal gov from loading plane loads of illegals

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29ce03  No.16225556


Her and her child are freezing 🥶

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0164cd  No.16225557

File: 677388ed66f8327⋯.png (111.73 KB, 300x385, 60:77, 29857908574095872498958740….png)


>Are all you simple-minded fucks enjoying your shitty rally?

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e03b58  No.16225558


I do ask myself that question every time he’s public. We do not always get genuine DJT

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c73006  No.16225559


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825b07  No.16225560

File: 5bfd532d3df1456⋯.png (36.01 KB, 129x204, 43:68, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch this one…

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c22901  No.16225561

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564abb  No.16225562

President Trump: We had a cap on the number of people that could come into the country. [Biden] is 800% above the cap.

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ae1d00  No.16225563


Yes I am. I'm also enjoying your chimpanzee keyboard meltdown.

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32afc2  No.16225564

File: 0b5ed9f8af21630⋯.jpg (15.41 KB, 474x267, 158:89, download_4_.jpg)


I can walk and chew gum at the same time

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2ad77b  No.16225565




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a6407a  No.16225566


It’s like real and fake Santa. Just can’t tell sometimes

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a967f1  No.16225567


Trump trying to pull mittens out of the swamp, like he did for oz and jd

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f19dde  No.16225568

File: 8f3de41c10801be⋯.jpeg (168.13 KB, 828x770, 414:385, 03666EC4_A27F_4F00_964B_A….jpeg)




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5eb7e0  No.16225570

File: 95c87808defe0e2⋯.png (134.73 KB, 252x263, 252:263, ClipboardImage.png)

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d48eb5  No.16225571


>learn to bake faggot

lazy fuck.

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4e3cd3  No.16225572


I expected that reaction from QAnons, but again, it doesn’t change the fact that Donald Trump will not run in 2024, and you know it.

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c7daf5  No.16225573

File: 5771fc9807938f0⋯.png (4.54 MB, 1088x1092, 272:273, GW_AR15_2.png)

Lightweight Shills Have Arrived

muh heavyweight shills are still 'on call' sucking cock in the Hoover building


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a82809  No.16225574

562 homicides in Philly

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779b8d  No.16225575


Even if he didn't, he already won.

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97a7bd  No.16225576

File: 5cd88fb30e191c0⋯.jpeg (1.61 MB, 1764x1347, 588:449, 240F5C51_AAAA_4326_89FB_7….jpeg)

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a967f1  No.16225577




3 shills now working in tandem

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72c9d1  No.16225578


That is so lame, an AI bot could do better. Your handler's going to fire you soon, so stock up on Cheetos.

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a84bbd  No.16225579

File: ee66a37fa38a793⋯.jpg (110.63 KB, 833x555, 833:555, 23758481745235588817767779….jpg)

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267a57  No.16225580

File: ae70f69c97e9bd0⋯.jpg (17.36 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cia.jpg)


You glow CIA nigger

Your psychological game sucks


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930add  No.16225581


It will be interesting to watch how his rates or even his TV sponsors or handlers react

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ae1d00  No.16225582


The border is wide open. Like when Bill Clinton said it would be open for years. That was said before 2016. The plan.

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2cfdb9  No.16225583


They just cold and huddling together for warmth..

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0d275f  No.16225584

File: 94064dcb13d3415⋯.png (40.38 KB, 832x540, 208:135, ClipboardImage.png)


was it that one?


saw these two

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aa96d3  No.16225585

File: 022ffc730bfd4b2⋯.jpg (207.11 KB, 1080x1526, 540:763, 20220506_190557.jpg)

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931e2f  No.16225586

File: 419b74e7481bf1a⋯.png (10.69 KB, 422x168, 211:84, 419b74e7481bf1a52f885a8682….png)

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564abb  No.16225587

President Trump: Democrats are the party of crime, the party of chaos, and the party of death.

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9a5ada  No.16225588

File: 8a9b6fc8a330810⋯.jpeg (902.98 KB, 1280x880, 16:11, try_Crisco.jpeg)

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e03b58  No.16225589


Not me fren but nice try! Keep your guesses coming!!!

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c73006  No.16225590

Dems are the "party of death".

They are of the culture of death.

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0769f1  No.16225591

File: e339863fccc444b⋯.png (17.65 KB, 473x147, 473:147, ClipboardImage.png)

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44298d  No.16225592

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


What color tie is he wearing?

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c22901  No.16225593


blunt guy ought to give his poncho.

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825b07  No.16225594


Kids needs a bathroom in the middle of the speech

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930add  No.16225595


Global free speech

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582a1f  No.16225596


haven't seen the gif in a bit.

miss it.

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9af1e7  No.16225597

File: 5ec98ba4f562a4d⋯.png (53.19 KB, 144x226, 72:113, ClipboardImage.png)




she just a mom and shes holding her daughter most of the time you weirdo. Judgemental weirdo.

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9a5ada  No.16225598

File: 66f51cc3d6b5c3d⋯.jpeg (866.95 KB, 1280x880, 16:11, all_the_inflatable_shoes_….jpeg)

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c0d8db  No.16225599

Law Order & Life

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c22901  No.16225600


no tie. Is that a presidential seal on his jacket?

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bfd31b  No.16225601




>>16225217 lb, >>16225219 lb, >>16225220 lb LOCK HER UP LOCK HER UP

>>16225224 Rally Links: President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

>>16225247 Rhussia, Rhussia, Rhussia

>>16225251, >>16225249, >>16225255, >>16225265, >>16225267, >>16225269, >>16225295, Alec Baldwin's a sick puppy Why POTUS @45 talking about Alec Baldwin all of a sudden?

>>16225318, >>16225334 87000+ watching + 67,000 on rumble

>>16225311, >>16225329 Noice shout out to Arnold Palmer and Latrobe

>>16225324 President Trump: Under Biden, four million people have not returned to the labor force, real wages have declined twelve months in a row, and the economy sucks.

>>16225335 Dr. Wolf On The FDA’s Late Restrictions On Covid Vax

>>16225371 1.87 Gas, Q Post #187

>>16225408 Biden should take a cognitive test and release the results

>>16225414 C'mon Man, You Know the Thing

>>16225437, >>16225443 Together, we will save our country again!

>>16225459 2000 Mules: Biden didn't get the votes but he DID get the ballots!

>>16225460 2000 Mules: This exposes the fraud like nothing else.

>>16225465, >>16225470 President Trump: You can't concede when you won,

>>16225485 Even the Late Ruth Bader Ginsburg Knew Roe v. Wade Was Hot Garbage

>>16225512 ROCKET SHIP

>>16225534 Oz says that big tech was selling children

>>16225535 Biden failing clip (Cap 1:31)

>>16225555 Ban the federal gov from loading plane loads of illegals - PDJT

>>16225582 The border is wide open. Like when Bill Clinton said it would be open for years. That was said before 2016. The plan.

>>16225562 President Trump: We had a cap on the number of people that could come into the country. [Biden] is 800% above the cap

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edf172  No.16225602

File: 68b25fd47aa1fe4⋯.png (205.59 KB, 325x342, 325:342, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1a1c5  No.16225603

File: 4dfdc97021ded23⋯.jpg (71.09 KB, 696x431, 696:431, SEND_IT.jpg)

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2ad77b  No.16225604


Not if the producer/provider/servicer has already confirmed worldwide open source that this is happening for reasons not 'economics'.

Your statements are pre StarLink launch informed.

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267a57  No.16225605


Interesting if he will be successful with Mittens, cause mittens seems hardcore comped

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2513af  No.16225606

File: 3e74db64dd142ef⋯.png (41.2 KB, 577x432, 577:432, LyingJewAOC.png)

File: b386436963dc354⋯.png (30.28 KB, 601x415, 601:415, LyingJewBlinkin.png)

File: 32c9c5e1fb938c7⋯.png (32.64 KB, 589x423, 589:423, LyingJewCernovich.png)

File: 93e20f069280e7a⋯.png (46 KB, 593x421, 593:421, LyingJewCuban.png)

File: 48beda690a919f2⋯.png (48.32 KB, 566x500, 283:250, LyingJewDershowitz.png)

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825b07  No.16225607


Oh for Christ's sake get over yourself.

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ae1d00  No.16225608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

"The DEMS are the party of DEATH". Fuck them.

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a05a99  No.16225609


Poor thing is Shivering

Someone get that little thing a Blanket

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7e6a17  No.16225610

File: 5114d23702527fa⋯.png (9.35 KB, 299x371, 299:371, hm110.png)

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a82809  No.16225611

OZ: By far the best chance to win

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a967f1  No.16225612


and these poor patriots have been standing out in cold rain for hours

give em a fucking break, i say

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3dfe31  No.16225613

File: bc02c2901537e3c⋯.jpg (310.07 KB, 1354x1919, 1354:1919, diechristlicheku02deut_044….jpg)

File: 39db4804d7f2edc⋯.jpg (1.55 MB, 2464x3625, 2464:3625, diechristlicheku1190deut_0….jpg)

File: 20c7d0ff170dd64⋯.jpg (369.8 KB, 1269x1910, 1269:1910, diechristlicheku19deut_014….jpg)

File: e181c2da70de48a⋯.jpg (369.31 KB, 1331x1957, 1331:1957, diechristlicheku05deut_034….jpg)

File: b8a499fcdd73a69⋯.jpg (367.63 KB, 1297x1903, 1297:1903, diechristlicheku18deut_019….jpg)


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c7daf5  No.16225614

File: 4acff68dd2d0d86⋯.jpg (83.13 KB, 600x727, 600:727, Roger_Faggots_Shilling.jpg)

C'mon Glow Nigga, Up Your Game

these simp shill faggots are pathetic


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80066e  No.16225615


kek i was just getting to say gif that shit anon

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78cab7  No.16225616

File: c310b14df5c8285⋯.png (398.9 KB, 600x524, 150:131, 68f4ccc6d6cad2c31f7ba2cf20….png)

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709265  No.16225617

File: aa2c33d91e5a8cd⋯.png (67.21 KB, 156x174, 26:29, ClipboardImage.png)

someone give this lady a blanket.

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a84bbd  No.16225618


Good to see him doing it. Known about Joyner for at least a decade.

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fa387a  No.16225619



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ae1d00  No.16225620

Is DR. Oz a set up?

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a82809  No.16225621

OZ: He's in the bedrooms of all those women

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c73006  No.16225622


Oz brings in more women who watch his daytime show…….

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f26af7  No.16225623

File: 23c96bbe204dcdd⋯.jpg (25.38 KB, 450x391, 450:391, rino_splash.jpg)

Remember we MUST vote in the Primaries!

Don't be a lazy ass fggt. VOTE ANYWAY.

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9af1e7  No.16225624


eat a dick nigger

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9d0693  No.16225625

That’s not the real Trump. That Arizona rally Trump.

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436986  No.16225626

File: 3dea00ad298cba5⋯.png (60.32 KB, 860x510, 86:51, ClipboardImage.png)


ebot! you're going to shits … literally!

How about posting a bit about that erdnussbutter of yours you like so much up your ass?

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e03b58  No.16225627

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5fc7e1  No.16225628

they really fucked up on that seth rich hit

bet they wish those two ms13 goon faggots' phones were never intercepted by white hats

they got their whole c&c structure now


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102b21  No.16225629



You sure about that?

You might want to check.

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2cfdb9  No.16225630

Is Dr Oz on the Ballot so that middle aged women vote republican?

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771189  No.16225631


You ever listen to that guy? Has some weird stories.

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78cab7  No.16225632

File: cc002fb056ebb05⋯.png (250.82 KB, 510x480, 17:16, 07719707baa2c3042c99753a5b….png)

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a82809  No.16225633

OZ: He's running to save this country

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29ccfd  No.16225634

File: aaff0c57d99de21⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 538x361, 538:361, watch_the_water.jpg)

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aa96d3  No.16225635

File: f624161d19a74e7⋯.gif (498.27 KB, 500x375, 4:3, 20220506_190840.gif)

funny how the blind misinterpret bald truth.

so much for the vaunted truth tellers.

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a05a99  No.16225636

File: ac04a3f53062471⋯.png (765.39 KB, 944x616, 118:77, ClipboardImage.png)

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cfbdbb  No.16225637





































>>16225606 & FAGGOT

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2513af  No.16225638

File: ec4805a0f3e8149⋯.png (51.34 KB, 588x424, 147:106, LyingJewEpstein.png)

File: 619ce8065078818⋯.png (42.09 KB, 624x400, 39:25, LyingJewFeinstein.png)

File: 843ef50a364edec⋯.png (50.45 KB, 655x471, 655:471, LyingJewGarland.png)

File: d3373c34cd5c3b1⋯.png (37.49 KB, 604x413, 604:413, LyingJewGriswold.png)

File: 4d4dbf26a06620f⋯.png (43.1 KB, 576x433, 576:433, LyingJewHitler.png)

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80066e  No.16225639

File: d3093890c563e15⋯.jpeg (71.4 KB, 548x455, 548:455, d3093890c563e15bd72728572….jpeg)

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bfd31b  No.16225640

File: b6685a48f11a795⋯.png (965.7 KB, 1161x868, 1161:868, ClipboardImage.png)

Dr. Oz is supported by me- PDJT

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a82809  No.16225641

This guy Toomey


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0769f1  No.16225642

File: 9f0c7ce183c002d⋯.png (79.5 KB, 859x645, 859:645, ClipboardImage.png)



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72c9d1  No.16225643



I caught that too

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9a5ada  No.16225644

how about all criminals behind bars?

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44298d  No.16225645


Very little but probably need to just to see what’s up.

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cf0630  No.16225646

File: 52b03d485560459⋯.png (789.99 KB, 1015x674, 1015:674, ns_helipad.png)

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a8646d  No.16225647

File: 971b77d248feddd⋯.png (545.51 KB, 640x856, 80:107, ClipboardImage.png)

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a967f1  No.16225648


stop spamming leftie

left can't meme

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a84bbd  No.16225649

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709265  No.16225650

File: 89605df3e1c5a31⋯.png (51.75 KB, 111x174, 37:58, ClipboardImage.png)

Pray anons

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c7daf5  No.16225651

File: 577e9d0a6d8c537⋯.jpg (88.16 KB, 680x573, 680:573, Trump_Visits_Democrat_Shit….jpg)


'Doctor' Jill is a nickel hooker


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c22901  No.16225652


Trump might want to throw ponchos out into the crowd, since the HAARP keep throwing nasty weather toward his rallies. Getting to me rather obvious, Dems still control HAARP.

I wonder if Trump is continually doing rallies to catch the Dems weather modifications.

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85165e  No.16225653


I guess Trump's just trying to get in front of that October surprise.

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b78cd0  No.16225654

200 mules was targeted towards women

Oz endorsement is targeted towards women

shining a light

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29ce03  No.16225655


Yes please

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6caeed  No.16225656

File: c32da3eaedf42ca⋯.png (210.73 KB, 321x524, 321:524, beHINDDDDDD.png)

File: 1d1624ca83b4f87⋯.png (396.17 KB, 841x490, 841:490, sea_o.png)


We The Media ★★★, [06.05.22 20:42]

[Forwarded from Susie Mack]

[ Photo ]

Sitting behind Trump !

I saw this at the SC rally so got to find me a pair …..

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696048  No.16225657












Look at all the ball washers…running to defend bullshit rallies. Cheering for all the noise and nonsense…just like the libtards do. That's the only reason everything is a "happening"… you've lowered your standards…just as they have. Trump could come out and shit in each of your mouths, and you'd thank him and ask for more. Fuckin' retards.

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7e6a17  No.16225658

File: c622d28d74759ba⋯.png (49.49 KB, 363x464, 363:464, ftj27a.png)

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c2ce78  No.16225659

File: 0fea82922efd823⋯.jpeg (75.65 KB, 878x495, 878:495, 904C533D_9B92_4704_81FD_1….jpeg)

File: 1c34762b5797bb0⋯.jpeg (983.43 KB, 1453x1757, 1453:1757, 41EAAF52_DDC1_481F_A9C5_4….jpeg)



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a05a99  No.16225660


Positive Vibes I send Her.

May she use it to keep her finners warm

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102b21  No.16225661


So 1/2 - 1/4 -1/16

What do you define as Jewish?

Anyone you don't like?

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771189  No.16225662


Tells a story about being a real motherfucker.

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bfd31b  No.16225663

David McCormick is another one, bad

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2ad77b  No.16225664




“Democrats are the party of Crime, Chaos, and Death. Whether you like saying it, or not like saying it, it’s true. They are the Party of Death.

Republicans are the Party of Law, Order, and Life.” - President Donald J. Trump

THIS is why it needed years to reshape the information to chess move the evil into openly practicing exactly what Q+ just said to the world.

"They are the party of death."


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97a7bd  No.16225665


Y’all in PA have to hold your nose and pull the lever. Trump has a reason for Oz to win a Senate seat and we don’t know the whole Plan.

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80066e  No.16225666

File: 4747159ee68ec39⋯.png (856.75 KB, 854x603, 854:603, 4747159ee68ec39912d134f467….png)



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825b07  No.16225667



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2cfdb9  No.16225668


Is this why they are exposing abortion stuffs now too..

Show the sick industry behind aborting babies..

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cfbdbb  No.16225669




>>16225658 & FAGGOT














































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9a5ada  No.16225670


lets see her hard nipples

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d48eb5  No.16225671


u dunno a thing about anons

go shill somewhere else

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a84bbd  No.16225672

File: f48794200eedaf0⋯.jpg (184.6 KB, 1332x888, 3:2, 17373873783382873517452355….jpg)

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2513af  No.16225673

File: f9e1cae30a65b3c⋯.png (46.82 KB, 535x466, 535:466, LyingJewKlain.png)

File: eb8cea45d93bfc2⋯.png (58.98 KB, 628x484, 157:121, LyingJewKushner.png)

File: 424df2448564b23⋯.png (283.43 KB, 487x379, 487:379, LyingJewLauder.png)

File: af250cfa3073337⋯.png (33.5 KB, 594x420, 99:70, LyingJewLoomer.png)

File: b2846cd89cb3a43⋯.png (61.28 KB, 555x450, 37:30, LyingJewMadoff.png)


I can make 1000's of these. Lying kikes are all over the planet like a fucking cancer.

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c7daf5  No.16225674

File: 9b5885393ce3e96⋯.jpg (31.24 KB, 533x399, 533:399, You_R_Faggot.jpg)

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930add  No.16225675

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ae1d00  No.16225676


>OZ: He's in the bedrooms of all those women

That was fucked up. Everyone went silent. There's something to this no ones figured out yet.

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0769f1  No.16225677


Just pointing you to the sauce faggot.

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771189  No.16225678


Perfect digits.

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a82809  No.16225679

File: 6140b3780330b59⋯.jpg (65.1 KB, 948x840, 79:70, PA_Senate_Race.JPG)

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2cfdb9  No.16225680


Dr. Oz knows where the bodies are buried….?

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942174  No.16225681


What is the keystone

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9af1e7  No.16225682


I get it, everyone does. You are better than me, her and prob everyone else here.


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e03b58  No.16225683


Is Trump offering to shit in mouths?

People would pay for that!!

But you, no one is buying anything you’re selling. Specifically your bathroom conspiracies clown

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aa96d3  No.16225684




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68d931  No.16225685

File: 51cc900c961aa39⋯.jpg (342.06 KB, 731x838, 731:838, transhumanismcultofdeath.jpg)

dems are the party of death.

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2cfdb9  No.16225686


>What is the keystone

Bewbs and vag….?

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7e6a17  No.16225687

File: 08c4513fa0db9d6⋯.png (104.63 KB, 721x297, 721:297, akb.PNG)

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709265  No.16225688


just how does that work?

>>Sending positive vibes

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735c77  No.16225689


leftie can't meme

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bfd31b  No.16225690

I very strongly requested 10,000 soldiers strong on J6 to Nancy Pelosi -PDJT

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e8ee1f  No.16225691

File: 40ff4fbe37d3a3b⋯.jpg (215.22 KB, 1033x952, 1033:952, all_my_clown_shoes.jpg)

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5fc7e1  No.16225692

File: a6cbeca4611ce14⋯.png (482.19 KB, 600x585, 40:39, ClipboardImage.png)

>firm grip

that's right

>conspiracy theories

conspiracy facts

your temple is coming down whether you like it or not

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825b07  No.16225693


Highly educated…

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930add  No.16225694


First things first

May surprise 😮

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436986  No.16225695

File: 347995a6600461a⋯.png (245.08 KB, 723x548, 723:548, 347995a6600461a8f85bb8c8a0….png)


>Trump could come out and shit in each of your mouths


Open it already … we all know you want it!

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aa96d3  No.16225696

dems are the party in power.

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c7d3da  No.16225697

File: 48f27dd823513ff⋯.jpg (4.49 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, COC_3.jpg)

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a967f1  No.16225698

File: 2a3d5307904a095⋯.png (542.52 KB, 550x493, 550:493, 92000_watching.PNG)

92000+ now watching, including patriot in shades

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5eb7e0  No.16225699


I heard his Aspen ski bunny gf ran the turkey baster down the hallway for all three of her kids

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850969  No.16225700

File: 9c6cffffbc3eec7⋯.jpeg (47.13 KB, 543x435, 181:145, doggo.jpeg)


They are.

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32afc2  No.16225701

File: a1c39fa10ab9faf⋯.png (106.93 KB, 226x255, 226:255, Output_file.png)

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7720ca  No.16225702


Evil trips,,fitting!

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29ccfd  No.16225703

File: 2bce84419ddce6d⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 500x667, 500:667, trump_wone_every_demonrat_….jpg)

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29ce03  No.16225704


Seems like it. Flynn lost last endorsement. Kathy Barnette is Flynn endorsed against Oz

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102b21  No.16225705


You won't be short of pictures.

But how would it look if you did non-jewish liars?

You'd have plenty moar choices.

But I guess confirmation bias is a powerful part of your reality.

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bfd31b  No.16225706



David is more Toomey than MAGA - PDJT

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fc12f7  No.16225707


I wonder if two part systems are to give the illusion of choice for onlooking federations.

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a82809  No.16225708

Dave (McCormick) is more Toomey than MAGA

double kek

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a84bbd  No.16225709

File: 6daa4f7223e6db1⋯.jpg (239.39 KB, 888x1332, 2:3, 17888787556551745235588817….jpg)


You're soft as baby shit.

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9a5ada  No.16225710

File: f59779931ea6c1d⋯.jpeg (787.91 KB, 1280x880, 16:11, Please_hold.jpeg)

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267a57  No.16225711


The MSM gonna reeeee about that one

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b8a715  No.16225712


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772df5  No.16225713

File: 531032447056145⋯.jpg (252.21 KB, 1080x1237, 1080:1237, 59ec2e00eb8091da0aabeb9845….jpg)

The ginkgo trees in Yuquan Temple are "covered with gold", the yellow leaves are flying, and the golden ginkgo leaves everywhere are intoxicating.

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b4ca15  No.16225714

File: 410daf42584c685⋯.png (163.06 KB, 776x747, 776:747, Pepe_Calvin_piss_on_nazi.png)

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29ccfd  No.16225715

File: fb77b74e82eb889⋯.png (119.38 KB, 238x255, 14:15, trump_one.png)

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e29eb7  No.16225716

Rumble at 9:13 pm

🔴 President Donald Trump Rally LIVE in Greensburg, PA - 5/6/22

92,272 watching now

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a967f1  No.16225717

File: 15b525c5cc257ac⋯.png (677.17 KB, 748x471, 748:471, cocaine_mitch_and_nancy.PNG)

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c22901  No.16225718


fuck off 666

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68d931  No.16225719

File: 36b1f5353cba831⋯.jpg (31.67 KB, 559x664, 559:664, pleasebelieveme.jpg)



broken down CROW

(That's his, being nice word)

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930add  No.16225720

The first lady

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ae1d00  No.16225721

Mitch > China > old broken down "crow"

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a05a99  No.16225722


It's like an ICQ

It's Complicated

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9a5ada  No.16225723

File: 14a7954f762f859⋯.jpeg (371.04 KB, 1262x930, 631:465, Anything_I_deem_Semetic.jpeg)


what a big brain you have

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a82809  No.16225724

File: 4985aa718429562⋯.jpg (34 KB, 332x500, 83:125, KB_Book.jpg)

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930add  No.16225725

That piece of crow

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bfd31b  No.16225726

David is totally controlled by Mitch McConnell Broken Down Old Crow

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c73006  No.16225727



"David is completely controlled."

….by the "Old Crow"….

So McCormick would be the same as voting for a Dem.

Oz has to be the guy.


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aa96d3  No.16225728

File: 2668bd6dee036c4⋯.png (43.14 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 2668bd6dee036c4a7e419c4a75….png)


you forgot a piece

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0164cd  No.16225729

File: d10c64942455223⋯.gif (3.15 MB, 331x480, 331:480, 1651246459028.gif)

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a84bbd  No.16225730

File: 7e4a90b882be39c⋯.jpg (91.82 KB, 630x636, 105:106, 27783738378388837837.jpg)

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5eb7e0  No.16225731


Student loam debt crushing him. Good.

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5bf6a4  No.16225732


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930add  No.16225733

T count

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29ce03  No.16225734


Flynn Bro Charles held up military back up. It looks shady

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b8a715  No.16225735


scroll up

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942174  No.16225736

File: 9ee9b71a66ff02a⋯.gif (6.15 MB, 600x750, 4:5, 335015BA_E218_4325_928A_9B….gif)

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78cab7  No.16225737

File: a454c9e39d269ad⋯.png (125.61 KB, 258x324, 43:54, Screen_Shot_2022_05_06_at_….png)

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709265  No.16225738

OZ is a snake

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696048  No.16225739


>You're soft as baby shit.

Says some delusional cunt.

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204219  No.16225740

File: 209a6c3d41bf479⋯.gif (434.28 KB, 245x240, 49:48, batemanooh.gif)

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80066e  No.16225741

Trump is going way out of his way to promote Oz right now. Fascinating shit..

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9b6aae  No.16225742

File: c6876bc807ab5d3⋯.png (151.22 KB, 800x1657, 800:1657, Maat_wiki.png)

File: 27dfcd7ef2fedee⋯.png (910.89 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, MAAT.png)

Who is Maat?


refers to the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice.

Maat represents the ethical and moral principle that all Egyptian citizens were expected to follow throughout their daily lives. They were expected to act with honor and truth in matters that involve family, the community, the nation, the environment, and the god.[15]


Keyboard Warriors = Maat

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7720ca  No.16225743


Not till fall.

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a82809  No.16225744

PDJT really spending time on selling Oz vs McCormick. He knows we are not excited about Oz pick.

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68d931  No.16225745


hubby looks sinister.

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014b0a  No.16225746


Your ignorance is on full display because you call us "QAnons." Clearly you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about, who the fuck you're taking to, or where the fuck you are. Fuck outta here. It's Friday night. Don't you have an infant to fuck, sacrifice, and eat? Don't forget to floss so you get that baby fleshi and sinew out of your rotten teeth afterward.

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b4ca15  No.16225747

File: de8c715989db3a1⋯.png (146.13 KB, 551x663, 551:663, putin_piss_on_nazi.png)

File: b828b90913a8e3a⋯.png (800.94 KB, 1080x862, 540:431, putin_denwofication.png)

File: 918c20009a540e4⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 1472x1104, 4:3, putin.jpg)

File: ad8a0b82a4ac713⋯.jpg (77.69 KB, 1024x654, 512:327, putin_uninstall.jpg)

File: 181fc9c2a636fd7⋯.jpg (25.83 KB, 500x500, 1:1, nazi_in_trash.jpg)

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32afc2  No.16225748

File: f7ba50331ec7af2⋯.png (120.6 KB, 255x223, 255:223, Output_file.png)

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cfbdbb  No.16225749































>>16225712 & FAGGOT

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9af1e7  No.16225750

File: d932c533414f584⋯.png (16.22 KB, 316x171, 316:171, ClipboardImage.png)


>I fuck for nickels

Yeah you sound highly educated.

Done with you faggot.

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6caeed  No.16225751

File: 3d023d5ac6c15c3⋯.png (184.07 KB, 428x316, 107:79, thuGGGGGG.png)



StormyPatriotJoe ⭐️⭐️⭐️ Channel, [06.05.22 20:59]

[ Video ]

1000 important people at Mar A Lago

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a967f1  No.16225752


give oz a chance, Trump rescued him fr the swamp

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c7daf5  No.16225753

File: d6ac2809558cc69⋯.jpg (61.24 KB, 638x476, 319:238, Faggotry_Beck.jpg)

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930add  No.16225754

Oprah shits her pantaloons

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5eb7e0  No.16225755

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e03b58  No.16225756


Nope, we say you’re a bitch.

You Must go back!

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29ccfd  No.16225757

File: 5f156a71560bc3a⋯.png (53.87 KB, 219x245, 219:245, biden.png)

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920778  No.16225758




May God also grant all of us the wisdom to ask what concrete steps we can take to reduce the violence and weaponry in our midst.

Note when we just sent the go orders and when this Tweet went live.




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d17235  No.16225759

File: 1adc43992efb0be⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 871x815, 871:815, 1adc43992efb0bea23135498cf….jpg)


A cognitive test is a good segue to establishing a geniocracy.

>Just sayin

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c84052  No.16225760

If Trump goes home and the First Lady says to him…

That makes him…

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931e2f  No.16225761

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a8646d  No.16225762

File: d112acb0fd8d57d⋯.png (302.5 KB, 518x710, 259:355, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2929f386999a6c5⋯.png (331.21 KB, 849x699, 283:233, ClipboardImage.png)

All Hell Breaks Out At Apple China Factory As Workers Clash With Guards Over Lockdowns

Chaos broke out at Apple's MacBook factory in China after hundreds of employees clashed with authorities and jumped isolation barriers following weeks of intense lockdowns, reported Bloomberg, citing local media sources.

Radio Free Asia (RFA) China posted a video early Friday morning showing an uprising of hundreds of workers who were angered with the continuous "closed-loop production" (which means they were kept on-site and quarantined to keep production humming) at the MacBook factory in Shanghai, owned by Taiwan's Quanta Computer Inc. The incident reportedly occurred Thursday evening.

"[Suspected of dissatisfaction with "closed-loop production" epidemic prevention is too strict] [Quanta's Shanghai plant was shocked to hear that employees "rioted"] Shanghai Dafeng Electronics, a subsidiary of Shanghai Quanta, which has just partially resumed work, experienced an employee "riot" on the evening of Thursday (5th).

"As seen in the video, hundreds of young employees did not obey the command, jumped over the gate and ran away, and rushed out of the blockade to clash with the guards. It is reported that employees are dissatisfied with the epidemic prevention and control and want to go out to buy civilian materials," RFA China tweeted.

Taiwanese media outlet UDN said the riots occurred after Quanta "prevented employees who had returned to work from returning to the dormitory area during off-duty hours, causing employees to panic and worry about returning to a strict state of isolation and control. Therefore, the group rushed into the dormitory area to cause riots, mainly because of dissatisfaction with the strict epidemic control."


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2cfdb9  No.16225763

Glad I'm not in PA so I can mute OZ

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29ce03  No.16225764


Said the party is very different than 6 years ago.

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7c7280  No.16225765

File: f608de831fe4d19⋯.jpeg (81 KB, 436x310, 218:155, A70EF2CD_D056_42F4_B3DE_A….jpeg)

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825b07  No.16225767


I'm educated - I fuck for Quarters

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c22901  No.16225768


Could be opening the eyes of mothers from a doctor who delivered babies. Even though he has been Oprah friend and popular with the daytime tv watchers. Who does that anymore, mom's got get a job cuz we live in Joe's economy.

Maybe Muslim Oz has a heart or got a heart recently.

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ae1d00  No.16225769

Here we go. Dr. Oz. Is PA the Keystone.

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80066e  No.16225770

the world is watching says oz

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696048  No.16225771


>Nope, we say you’re a bitch.

>You Must go back!

You must go fuck yourself.

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78cab7  No.16225772


Reminds me of when Trump went on the WH daily Covid press briefings and put Fauci front and center

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a05a99  No.16225773




Line of Succession

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cfbdbb  No.16225774





















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204219  No.16225775

our first lady

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b3bfee  No.16225776


>give oz a chance, Trump rescued him fr the swamp

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b78cd0  No.16225777


actor playing a role. shining a light

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930add  No.16225778

Strings are cut on oz

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a82809  No.16225779


PA anons

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97a7bd  No.16225780


Agree. Trump just said something about Oz easier to control or something like that. Look at Youngkin. Deep State Carlyle Co-CEO and look at him now. He has fallen in line and making excellent changes for VA.

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f572db  No.16225781

File: 3377bcfb6494d15⋯.png (55.16 KB, 200x172, 50:43, ClipboardImage.png)

dracula lookin muthafkkr

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2ad77b  No.16225782

File: cba0ce784e7bf4f⋯.jpg (60.87 KB, 1100x774, 550:387, HAHAHAHAHAHA.jpg)

File: 865abc02068e11a⋯.jpeg (170.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, REEEEEE.jpeg)

File: 323b429d3dfbbc7⋯.png (17.53 KB, 255x228, 85:76, aadac3dda97920df439348e516….png)


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564abb  No.16225783

OZ: The authoritarian surveillance state of China.

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e29eb7  No.16225784

File: 2389233d923cbcf⋯.jpeg (443.24 KB, 1241x1871, 1241:1871, 5773804A_9242_4DF1_9F8E_A….jpeg)

Guess the dems dont like dirty tricks


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e03b58  No.16225785


Ooo did I hit a nerve? You obviously don’t belong here. Maybe visit Facebook.

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2513af  No.16225786

File: 46b47aa9a843516⋯.png (54.33 KB, 570x442, 285:221, LyingJewMayorkass.png)

File: 59c66f0727c0102⋯.png (44.06 KB, 541x461, 541:461, LyingJewNuland.png)

File: 26bc054d97303ca⋯.png (46.21 KB, 600x416, 75:52, LyingJewPolis.png)

File: 70fb4c096c69fd2⋯.png (50.31 KB, 608x411, 608:411, LyingJewPosobiec.png)

File: b4fc42399c121a8⋯.png (54.1 KB, 561x444, 187:148, LyingJewRabbiGoldstein.png)


Jews are 2% of the US population. Think about it.

>But how would it look if you did non-jewish liars?

Go for it!

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102b21  No.16225787


The Keystone is Ukraine.

Or aren't you paying attention.

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a967f1  No.16225788


he was quite humble and complimentary of Donald, and thanked Donald for his endorsement

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391bce  No.16225789

File: 069ad53e0616f64⋯.jpg (62.42 KB, 660x525, 44:35, 1577648593870.jpg)


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214813  No.16225790

File: ef86c32715d17e6⋯.jpg (121.06 KB, 749x500, 749:500, Princess_Pecker.jpg)


Nina Janky wits

(the Mini-stress of D-fo)

gives the topic

and we meme it

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5eb7e0  No.16225791


He's a Soros cousin.

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a84bbd  No.16225792

File: 6bfb7c98f95aaba⋯.jpg (119.08 KB, 1300x731, 1300:731, 11622728228887373782738378….jpg)

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29ccfd  No.16225793

Great Awakening


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c7daf5  No.16225794

File: c14aa1df874cd89⋯.jpg (30.33 KB, 480x463, 480:463, GW_Based.jpg)

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bfd31b  No.16225795

Vote for Dr. Oz he is an excellent person - PDJT

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32afc2  No.16225796

File: 0f881b525b7c817⋯.jpg (24.97 KB, 350x257, 350:257, download_28_LAPTOP_ACVRQI6….jpg)


is this you

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204219  No.16225797

File: e61d311d34eb660⋯.jpg (24.38 KB, 600x338, 300:169, adam_schiff_wut_.jpg)


>Jews are 2% of the US population

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a84bbd  No.16225798


If so, a controllable snake I would presume.

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931e2f  No.16225799

File: 68ee26e84d340e4⋯.jpeg (32.7 KB, 539x368, 539:368, 68ee26e84d340e4e8c73afa71….jpeg)

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012cc4  No.16225800

File: 3a81aa1666d4cae⋯.png (444.18 KB, 973x746, 973:746, ClipboardImage.png)

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c7daf5  No.16225801

File: 3972d7b4a27643e⋯.jpg (29.09 KB, 742x334, 371:167, Soros_Ded.jpg)

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bfd31b  No.16225802


I agree

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2ad77b  No.16225803

File: 82bd56fc2f5f4de⋯.png (353.13 KB, 653x477, 653:477, ClipboardImage.png)