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a0ffb0  No.15967021[Last 50 Posts]

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a0ffb0  No.15967025


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – REPORT CP via GLOBAL



>>15966319 Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken has Family Ties with George Soros

>>15966336, >>15966362 Vid: Yuval Noah Harari

>>15966341 President Donald J. Trump: Glad to see Clarence Thomas is healthy and doing well

>>15966366 Maryland Senate Bill 669 – also known as the Pregnant Person’s Freedom Act of 2022

>>15966386 Darrell Issa plans to interfere with Hunter Laptop Investigation

>>15966389 Oil Ends Down 7% on China Covid Scare (Sputnik)

>>15966390 Pfizer and BioNTech go to Hollywood with splashy Oscars sponsorship

>>15966399 Antifa pipe bomber gets PROBATION, $450 fine

>>15966400 DJT: Massive crowd in Georgia

>>15966364, >>15966410 QUESS satellite & quantum comm network

>>15966494 US Army: What is Loyalty?

>>15966501 What is Trump Media & Tech Group - Real or FAKE? ANONS DIG

>>15966506 Rolling Stone FAKE NEWS: How One Priest Turned Putin’s Invasion Into a Holy War

>>15966539, >>15966575 Taylor Hawkins' death - dig summary

>>15966573 Reminder: Split between Ukrainian, Russian churches shows political importance of Orthodox Christianity (Jan 2019)

>>15966574 Biden DOJ Kills Trump-Era Program To Catch Chinese Spies

>>15966576 LIVE: Select Committee to Investigate January 6th

>>15966578 Audit The Vote PA Press Release

>>15966589 Record Pentagon Budget includes $6.9B for European Deterrence Initiative & $682M for Ukraine

>>15966626 Contracts For March 28, 2022 ARMY, Olin Winchester LLC, Oxford, Mississippi, was awarded a $145,000,000

>>15966662 G7 countries demand Russia accepts payment in euros and dollars…. while demanding sanctions to block Russia from receiving euros and dollars

>>15966672, >>15966881 Sen. Chuck Grassley reveals financial dealings between the CCP, Hunter and James Biden on Senate Floor

>>15966673, >>15966815 What does the I stand for? Intersex

>>15966687 Cheney wants Scavino to testify about his interactions with an online forum “the Donald” and with Qanon Panic in DC

>>15966698 Pfizer Board Member: Mask Mandate on Airlines Will Be Lifted in April?

>>15966712 IRS gave $64 million in stimulus checks to dead people: Biden administration sweeps suspected fraud under the rug

>>15966748, >>>/qrb/131718, >>>/qrb/131839 SAM501 USAF C-40B ne from Hickam AFB depart-this is a State Dept AC: SAM416 G5 was at Pine Gap on 0325 for 24 hours

>>15966752 Unprecedented Permanent Security Forum Opens With Israel & 4 Arab States United Against Iran

>>15966816 New Study by John Lott Jr. Reveals Biden Received More than 225,000 Excess Votes in 2020 Election

>>15966847, >>15966860, >>15966839, >>15966769 Pfizer and BioNtech are proud sponsors of the Oscars," (Cap 0:06)

>>15967003 #20192

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a0ffb0  No.15967027


>>15965845 PF reports

>>15965523 MORE UKRANIAN WAR CRIMES (graphic)

>>15965541 Female wears swastika in Laguna Hills (real or fake?)

>>15965566, >>15965985 Did Ukraine poison Roman Abramovich?

>>15965571 Oscars incident a cover for After-birth abortion bill?

>>15965574 #WillSmithAssault trending

>>15965576 Shin Bet, cops to round up terror convicts with IS links in wave of arrests — TV

>>15965580 Moscow to hit most Western states with visa restrictions

>>15965583 New Peer-Reviewed Research Finds Evidence of 2020 Voter Fraud

>>15965598 New Zealand to help with Ukrainian military intelligence

>>15965602 Chechen leader Kadyrov met General Mordvichev, who was killed long ago according to #Ukraine's propaganda lol

>>15965604 WORLD Honduras ex-president Hernandez to be extradited to US over drug trafficking

>>15965616 Gas rationing, food vouchers and hunger are now being normalized for the war phase of the plandemic

>>15965630 The Select Committee will vote on a report recommending that the Housecite Navarro and Scavino, Jr. for criminal contempt of Congress and refer for prosecution

>>15965675 President Bashar al-Assad on the Ukraine war

>>15965679 2022 'State of NASA' Address

>>15965682 Biden Questioned and Quoted With His Own Words Says, “That Never Happened” (Sundance)

>>15965684, >>15965684 'You gotta be silly': Biden snaps at Peter Doocy over Russia questions

>>15965688, >>15965698, >>15965694, >>15965688 Taylor Hawkins' death DIG (more next bread)

>>15965663 Anyone heard from Tom Hanks lately?

>>15965702 Box of human bones found in Ohio garage are over a century old and were used in rituals, police say

>>15965704, >>15965706, >>15965712, >>15965720, >>15965742, >>15965753, >>15965768, >>15965771 Leftism, Pedophilia, and Sexual Revolution

>>15965754 Disney should be destroyed for the children, not only starwars

>>15965775 Jason "Storm" Nelson: This guy posted the video of the war crimes against Russian Soldiers

>>15965836, >>15965852, >>15965859 Report: European Council has amended resolution 2361 and no longer objects to compulsory vaccination - anons dig

>>15965888, >>15966072 Grassley: Just gave a speech on the senate floor showing the financial link btwn communist Chinese Govt & Bidens

>>15965910 Maricopa County Complies with Arizona State Senate Subpoena & Attorney General’s Request

>>15965914 AP: Judge: Trump likely committed crimes related to election (likely huh? where's the proof?)

>>15965921 @Disney thinks that kids from kindergarten through 3rd grade should be taught about sex and far left gender theory

>>15965995 China Announces Biggest Lockdown, Covering 26 Million in Shanghai

>>15966046 Report on death on Ukrainian fight (unverified vid)

>>15966052 FedEx founder Frederick W. Smith is stepping down as the chairman and chief executive officer effective June 1

>>15966089 Russia says West not welcome at peace talks

>>15966104, >>15966112, >>15966122, >>15966130 EU Digital COVID Certificate

>>15966108 GOP Rep. Biggs: ‘We Have an Ongoing Lack of Trust’ with FBI

>>15966143 Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz speaks after ISIS terrorist attack

>>15966151 New Jersey Middle School Forced 12 yr Olds to Learn About Transgender Hormone Therapy without Parental Consent

>>15966180, >>15966192 We Are in Trouble, White House Journalist Asks Senior WH Official if Farmers Should Change Crops This Year

>>15966193 ZELENSKY: “According to our information, more than two thousand children were taken out, that means stolen

>>15966243 Pelosi: Proxy voting extended till may 14

>>15966961 #20191

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a0ffb0  No.15967031


>>15964741 Gov. Ron DeSantis Signs Florida's Parental Rights in Education Bill

>>15964753 Rep. Cawthorn says he's been invited to orgies, watched lawmakers do cocaine during time in D.C.

>>15964776 Fauci’s COVID-Origins Allies, the EcoHealth Alliance, Boosted Investment Income by 350% Since Pre-Pandemic.

>>15964826 Biden Announces his Budget for Fiscal Year 2023

>>15964865 Ukraine to probe after videos show alleged Russian POWs shot, abused

>>15964893 3:00 PM ET #PedoJudge Jackson hearing resumes

>>15964900 Hunter Biden’s Laptops Are Now An Active National Security Threat

>>15964911 Sure be a good time to start dropping #Pedowood memes on to the socials

>>15964921 I81 in Pennsylvania today pile up footage

>>15964939 Will Smith on the list

>>15964947 Russia is no longer requesting Ukraine be “denazified”

>>15964925, >>15964880 Disney star Orlando Brown has accused Hollywood star Will Smith of raping him when he was a child.

>>15964995 New report: 255,000 ‘excess votes’ for Biden in six key 2020 states

>>15965031 How Think Tanks Stoked Ukraine Crisis?

>>15965060 Scene at #Cancun International Airport after a gunman opened fire

>>15965072 Top Republican Says Hunter Biden Investigation "Warranted"

>>15965080, >>15965083 Marine Attack Squadron 214, @3rdmaw, is re-designated as Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 214 (COMM CHQ)

>>15965103 Louisiana Supreme Court rules BLM organizer can be sued by people injured during riot

>>15965107 Hillary Clinton to voice 'Into The Woods' role in Arkansas

>>15965119 Russian MoD: Bodies of Tortured Civilians With Carved Out Swastikas Found in Mariupol Basements

>>15965125 Twitter has locked out The Federalist’s Sr. Editor for being TOO honest about Big Tech being big WOKE and silencing dissenters

>>15965129 Hunter Biden helped secure funds for US biolab contractor in Ukraine: e-mails

>>15965132 Emergency Squawk 7700

>>15965134 Human Corpse Being Transported to Funeral Home Ejected from Van in Pileup on N.J. Freeway

>>15965142 White House Live vid cap for record

>>15965169 SAM712 SAM416


>>15965207 Jill Biden coming to Bakersfield Monday

>>15965234 Fossil skeleton of six-million-year-old owl is unearthed in China

>>15965271 Ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt's charity paid salaries of 2 Biden science advisors, Politico reports

>>15965277 Will Smith and Sean Penn fundraiser for Haiti.

>>15965332 @USMarshalsHQ reward for information which would lead to the capture of fugitive, Steven Feckley Jr

>>15965366 An ice shelf the size of New York City has collapsed in East Antarctica,

>>15965427 Totality of California’s Proposed COVID Laws Would be Most Aggressive In the Nation

>>15965450 Multiple launch rocket systems BM-21 "Grad" NM DNR strike at the positions of the Ukrainian army in Avdiivka. (VID)

>>15965453 Calm Before The Storm? (Zerohedge)


>>15965489 #20190

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a0ffb0  No.15967032


>>15964006 Ever [NOT] Forward Blockaid still in affect

>>15964018 Hunter Biden’s Laptops Are Now An Active National Security Threat

>>15964019, >>15964145 Tick Tock (CAP)

>>15964025 @NationalGuard What time is it? Military Time. In the Army, you're on a 24-hr. clock

>>15961704 (PB) General Flynn interviewed on X22 Report

>>15964088 Abramovich & Ukraine negotiators reportedly suffered from "suspected poisoning" as skin allegedly "peeled from faces" after peace talks with Russia.

>>15964095 il Donaldo Trumpo - Paytriot or Panic?

>>15964132, >>15964200 Judge says Trump [likely] broke the law by trying to obstruct Congress from confirming Biden win

>>15964240 Trump DISMANTLE Biden's Supreme Court Nominee in this Epic Speech (YT)

>>15964257 Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul Charged with fraud after ties to criminals got exposed for the 6th time

>>15964270 Anons Connections (Graphics)

>>15964280 CIA Officer Openly Confesses To Rigging 2020 Election For Joe Biden?

>>15964295 Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken has Family Ties with George Soros

>>15964312 Maricopa County Supervisors Refuse To Attend Meeting After Arizona State Senate Issues New 2020 Election Subpoena

>>15964392 Fort Hood Soldiers Sentenced in Texas Human Smuggling Operation

>>15964390 ROGER STONE BLASTS The Jan 6 Committee Report: A Masterpiece of Lies, Hyperbole, Conjecture, Supposition, Fantasy, and “Guilt by Association”

>>15964408 WA Governor Jay Inslee and Democrat Officials Served with Second Round of Affidavits Demanding an End to All Vaccine Mandates and a Forensic Audit of the 2020 Election

>>15964415 Anthony Fauci: Americans Should Be Ready for Possibility of a ‘More Rigid Type of Restriction’ (Just in time for Midterms)

>>15964420 The blood of COVID-vaccinated people has a strange artifact… mine included!

>>15964439 Remember The Pizzagate Shooter Case? Ketanji Brown Jackson Was The Judge

>>15964448 Evidence grows stronger for Covid vaccine link to heart issue, CDC says

>>15964454 Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry Family

>>15964470 Mary Grace w/ Faddis talking about the laptop LIVE

>>15964488 Alaska Hands Over Elections to Corrupt Democrats – Upcoming Election Will Have All Mail-In Ballots and No Signature Check

>>15964510 Child Predator Runs from Police After Touching a Minor in Walmart

>>15964525 Collection of @mod_russia presentations , as well as @mfa_russia statements on US-funded ☣️ biolabs in Ukraine and their activities

>>15964533 2:00 PM ET 2022 'State of NASA' Address from Administrator Bill Nelson NASA

>>15964551 Dig on Clinton Soros and Kosovo

>>15964582 @USMC The remains of Capt. Matthew J. Tomkiewicz, Capt. Ross A. Reynolds, Gunnery Sgt. James W. Speedy, and Cpl. Jacob M. Moore, are transferred at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, March 25. (o7)

>>15964593 Tucker: We may not have enough food soon

>>15964633 Washington is a town “full of sexual perversion” where “people trade in secrets”

>>15964594 How Swiss markets help pay for Russia's war in Ukraine

>>15964637 Biden unveils $5.8 trillion budget proposal with tax hikes, spending boosts

>>15964644 Disney Openly supports Gay agenda over Family Values and Traditions

>>15964692 #20189

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a0ffb0  No.15967033


>>15963219 @PapiTrumpo - BAM!!!

>>15963241, >>15963830 Ukraine to probe after videos show alleged Russian POWs shot, abused

>>15963340 “71% of Democrats told Harvard pollsters that it was still necessary for children to wear masks in school compared to 27% of Republicans.

>>15963359 The Jan. 6 Committee claims to be above the law as it executes a digital Watergatedemanding supporter data from the RNC.

>>15963373 G7 rejects Russian demand to pay for gas in rubles

>>15963393 Germans told to wear a sweater to cope with soaring energy prices

>>15963411 There is no substitute for Russian oil – UAE. Country provides critical supplies to global market, energy minister says

>>15963419 Offenses against Russians in Germany skyrocket


>>15963615, >>15963691 Yesterday, Biden said American troops have been fighting in Ukraine & more are headed to fight there. Today, Biden said the goal of U.S. policy to Russia is regime change.

>>15963625 Regime Change Biden Goes Nuts. Beltway Republicans also deranged and hysterical

>>15963630 @ggreenwald - If you're one of those people who believe that because you're lucky enough to live in the US or the West generally, it means you don't live within a suffocating propaganda system - there's a free press!


>>15963636, >>15963639 Interesting Map Shows Countries Who Support Western Govt Sanctions Against Russia vs Those Who Do Not

>>15963643 continued from #20187: VOX lies about the motive, now it’s justified

>>15963696 Moscow’s Western partners “can’t be trusted anymore,” Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov says

>>15963714 Robert Kennedy Jr. Carpet Bombs Red Pills On Megyn Kelly Show, Fauci, Vaccines & Big Pharma’s Power [VIDEOS]

>>15963734 The Federalist: Hunter Biden’s Laptops Are Now An Active National Security Threat

>>15963742 Russian Oligarch Roman Abramovich, Ukrainian Peace Negotiators Suffer Symptoms of Suspected Poisoning

>>15963743 India ready to bypass dollar in trade with Russia. A mechanism allowing the switch to domestic currencies is expected to be operational this week

>>15963782, >>15963785 Kash Patel on TS “ Accountability Matters: This week I will call out one person a day, who failed the Trump admin and their oaths of office...

>>15963803 FBI Documents Reveal Saudi Spy Linked to Prince Bandar Assisted 9/11 Hijackers

>>15963631 anon theorizes: Interesting times we find ourselves in...

>>15963868 The Swamp Today: evil habbenings

>>15963875 Jeffrey Epstein's "Pedophile Island" is going up for sale

>>15963930 #20188

Previously Collected

>>15963188 #20187,

>>15960857 #20184, >>15961623 #20185, >>15962548 #20186

>>15958552 #20181, >>15959321 #20182, >>15960087 #20183

>>15956221 #20178, >>15957015 #20179, >>15957739 #20180

>>15953862 #20175, >>15954671 #20176, >>15955462 #20177

>>15951595 #20172, >>15952351 #20173, >>15953126 #20174

>>15949653 #20169, >>15949951 #21070, >>15950815 #20171

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>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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a0ffb0  No.15967037

File: d2ac968c833f63b⋯.png (68.64 KB, 223x150, 223:150, ClipboardImage.png)



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305048  No.15967049

File: 9cf8ed0dc2742d2⋯.jpg (145.47 KB, 1024x530, 512:265, 9cf8ed0dc2742d2d9306f2fed6….jpg)

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f546f4  No.15967050

File: b3f07a0841efcf0⋯.png (72.58 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, HeyNewfag.png)

File: bae1e4cff028263⋯.jpeg (8.97 KB, 255x143, 255:143, d36dae013a1637a23730de3e1….jpeg)

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d6297d  No.15967063

File: bcf38da8cc08157⋯.png (491.74 KB, 498x699, 166:233, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a5eaf  No.15967064

File: f56747f2fa8ea8f⋯.png (261.11 KB, 346x461, 346:461, b3cc46fbece57d79.png)

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bcd1bf  No.15967068

File: 38ea7d382dd7a75⋯.png (648.33 KB, 710x739, 710:739, ee0fee7113c2844640030d73a3….png)

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d3b405  No.15967071

File: 78b52b001b8e493⋯.png (255.85 KB, 323x495, 323:495, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f8106c0f61b98f⋯.png (287.8 KB, 720x913, 720:913, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd442b  No.15967073

File: 39cd72ccf146c11⋯.jpg (12.68 KB, 255x227, 255:227, frens.jpg)

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b0070b  No.15967077

File: 3e04e1b8222f807⋯.jpg (72.06 KB, 509x680, 509:680, FO_nUFUWQAU7gpv.jpg)

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d298c2  No.15967078

File: b779a11acf971db⋯.jpg (103.55 KB, 714x452, 357:226, Screenshot_20220328_195632….jpg)

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e7eaeb  No.15967080

File: 1ef77166ed16868⋯.png (171.76 KB, 1892x342, 946:171, ClipboardImage.png)



just good ole faggots saving the country

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d1df52  No.15967081

File: c4fb37198aae1f4⋯.png (1.15 MB, 980x876, 245:219, 3_28_2022_Hunter_s_Ultra_L….PNG)

File: 1bf5b723bc6a943⋯.jpg (153.39 KB, 1024x790, 512:395, Joe_Barack_Bracelets.jpg)

File: 4e81955661155af⋯.jpg (518.38 KB, 1800x1222, 900:611, Grr_Biden.jpg)

Hunter Biden’s $142K Fisker sports car scrutinized in tax probe: report


"Prosecutors leading the Hunter Biden tax probe are investigating his purchase of a $142,000 plug-in hybrid sports car whose manufacturer defaulted on a massive Obama administration loan touted by his father, according to a report Monday.

!"Some of the testimony presented to a Delaware grand jury also appears to be intended to prevent the first son from mounting a defense based on his admittedly sordid history of drug and alcohol abuse, the Wall Street Journal said.

That testimony came from a former girlfriend, Zoe Kestan, 28, who last month testified about shacking up with Biden, 52, in swanky hotels in New York City and Los Angeles and making lavish purchases during 2018, a source familiar with the matter told The Post.

The car in question is a Fisker Karma, which was sold by the Fisker Automotive start-up company after it got $529 million in loan guarantees from the US Department of Energy to develop the Karma and convert an abandoned General Motors factory in the Biden family’s hometown of Wilmington, Del., for a planned line of family-oriented electric vehicles.

(!)"Biden’s father, President Biden, was vice president at the time and claimed that the green-energy initiative would create up to 2,000 jobs for assembly workers and serve “as a roadmap for all we can accomplish if everyone works together.”

Oscar-winning actor and environmental activist Leonardo DiCaprio was a Fisker investor who got the company’s first production Karma in 2011, and pop star Justin Bieber was given one for his 18th birthday by manager Scooter Braun on Ellen DeGeneres’ TV talk show in 2012."

Sauce: https://nypost.com/2022/03/28/prosecutors-eyeing-hunter-bidens-142k-fisker-sports-car-buy/

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c7b34e  No.15967084

File: d9541c382a16210⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 500x538, 250:269, 6agjyb_1.jpg)

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File: d9541c382a16210⋯.jpg (61.59 KB, 500x538, 250:269, 6agjyb_1.jpg)


CodeMonkey is Winning Big League.

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f546f4  No.15967085


Bastille Day July 14th.

Storm the prison, release the prisoners, guillotine the aristocrats.

Anon thinks it would make for a good movie.

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f546f4  No.15967089

File: 500595688ac5114⋯.png (152.48 KB, 256x197, 256:197, ClipboardImage.png)

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a823b2  No.15967094



mostly faggit

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f127bf  No.15967095

File: 853c326155aaea0⋯.mp4 (7.25 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, S38a3GnrfVfJtxo5.mp4)

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bcdff2  No.15967096



noter here - sorry, missed that request for repost but notes look good.

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6a5eaf  No.15967097

File: 18a350cbf74f649⋯.jpg (72.78 KB, 650x517, 650:517, 18a350cbf74f6496dd4e995122….jpg)

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42f5ac  No.15967098

Head’s UP - CDC is Calling and Surveying !! - BEWARE

“National Immunization Surveys” (NIS)

Just had a call from one of the designated numbers on this CDC

Website. Asked me if we had children and then started going into

their survey. Told them we do NOT have children in the age group,

HOW did you get my number, DO NOT ever call me again, I trust

NOTHING CDC or NIH says about anything - and F off you FRAUDS.

Call was recorded (they said).

Call originated from a subcontractor in CHICAGO.

Hung up on [them]

Everything is ‘explained’ on their lame website and the number that

phoned me was one that is listed.


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d3b405  No.15967099

File: bc5ead298f94648⋯.png (382.04 KB, 401x398, 401:398, ClipboardImage.png)

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b5b706  No.15967102

File: 81319c9476c9346⋯.png (781.04 KB, 1000x675, 40:27, gunstar44.png)

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728f5e  No.15967103

File: db2c15ba37d24ea⋯.jpg (158.44 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, 1643460701983.jpg)

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3db3bc  No.15967104

Patel Patriot's Devolution: Part 19!

About pgunnels



The Reading Epic Threads community is the most cutting-edge group of independent news researchers in the world. Patrick Gunnels, Brian Cates, Duane Cates, Patel Patriot, Saint Richie, JB White, Matthew Trump, and many more, contribute to a real understanding of the Strange War we're living through.


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d1df52  No.15967105

File: 0e7370baf9c7f83⋯.jpg (86.17 KB, 546x500, 273:250, RED_LINE_DINER.jpg)

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e62e0c  No.15967106

File: 12387cd7da2dc0b⋯.png (5.91 MB, 2995x1972, 2995:1972, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: ab3c30acb7513af⋯.png (8.16 MB, 3551x2047, 3551:2047, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and women in a marriage to start a family!

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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b5b706  No.15967107

File: 72a9a5b7436271f⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 600x443, 600:443, 72a9a5b7436271f07680df1f17….gif)

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34f01b  No.15967108

God bless America.

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cd7f60  No.15967109

File: 52becaec6fc0dd9⋯.png (64.59 KB, 255x181, 255:181, ClipboardImage.png)

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ea714c  No.15967110

File: 0500deae5e73e31⋯.jpg (10.28 KB, 236x177, 4:3, 49b1a85746052f9b0155fd8975….jpg)


Bloody Vikings.

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cd7f60  No.15967111

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eb44d5  No.15967112

File: ced7e182bbb916d⋯.png (69.1 KB, 1024x722, 512:361, ClipboardImage.png)

Get my wife’s name outcho fuckin’ moufff…sniff… sniff.

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5c7ac7  No.15967113

File: dd88687f9b4679d⋯.jpg (111.95 KB, 795x499, 795:499, Freedom.jpg)

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aeb492  No.15967115

File: ff8518231186468⋯.jpg (85.68 KB, 952x486, 476:243, lajlwdsdsrfeff.jpg)

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bcd1bf  No.15967116

File: 9c1df4688c3e81f⋯.png (580.28 KB, 540x424, 135:106, 90485490573495640915624395….PNG)

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c7b34e  No.15967117

File: bfaa3afebfc02dc⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 6a8dee_1_1.jpg)

File: bfaa3afebfc02dc⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 6a8dee_1_1.jpg)

File: bfaa3afebfc02dc⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 6a8dee_1_1.jpg)

File: bfaa3afebfc02dc⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 6a8dee_1_1.jpg)

File: bfaa3afebfc02dc⋯.jpg (62.73 KB, 500x716, 125:179, 6a8dee_1_1.jpg)



'You don't support CodeMonkey then take your black ass and get the fuck outta here…loser.

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4940b5  No.15967118

File: b870b554cd637c9⋯.jpg (60.64 KB, 500x583, 500:583, 6agox8.jpg)

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d298c2  No.15967119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Someone told me long ago

There's a calm before the storm

I know, it's been coming for some time

When it's over, so they say

It'll rain a sunny day

I know, shining down like water

I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?

Comin' down on a sunny day.

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42f5ac  No.15967120

File: 44c6922f27b8867⋯.png (1.08 MB, 2986x2318, 1493:1159, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….png)

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1012da  No.15967121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jordan Maxwell Jesuit Gatekeepers (and their ZOG NGO invasion)


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8a1e56  No.15967122

File: 8a3d31c73c2d089⋯.jpg (129.31 KB, 942x773, 942:773, 8a3d31c73c2d089192f6bea05e….jpg)

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6ccff9  No.15967123

File: 2af3fd423bdb8db⋯.png (701.91 KB, 1002x636, 167:106, Screen_Shot_2022_03_27_at_….png)

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7043a2  No.15967124

File: 69e7bd56dd7c13e⋯.jpg (151.3 KB, 720x1209, 240:403, 20220328_190210.jpg)

File: 6e1f0951f1c8632⋯.jpg (288.09 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 20220328_190002.jpg)


It’s all happening

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e0a7d3  No.15967125

File: aa7b8e622c5af5a⋯.jpg (27.92 KB, 425x213, 425:213, Keystone_Audit.jpg)

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6a5eaf  No.15967126

File: d7376ad634592de⋯.png (220.1 KB, 979x841, 979:841, d7376ad634592de88c9744e013….png)

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399bff  No.15967127

File: 9cf246d3377c687⋯.jpg (209.82 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Gold_bar_3_nines_fine.jpg)

>>15966662 lb

They banksters want to pay in fiat currency.

Time to teach the world a lesson in hard assets.

Demand this for payment. Give something real, get something real.

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357f9d  No.15967128

File: c0e0a7c226289f3⋯.jpg (27.63 KB, 534x225, 178:75, ZomboMeme_30062021232621.jpg)

File: 0352b07a6c60020⋯.jpg (124.05 KB, 539x720, 539:720, ZomboMeme_18062021114820.jpg)

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9c4bb5  No.15967129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e4b44b  No.15967130

File: d3ba8fee386ac63⋯.png (107.28 KB, 320x402, 160:201, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c7ac7  No.15967132

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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357f9d  No.15967134

File: 427449ac30d9027⋯.jpg (103.24 KB, 600x400, 3:2, ZomboMeme_01072021004152.jpg)

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ff3010  No.15967135


People just sit there. I would have fucking clobbered him

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c7b34e  No.15967136

File: 7bcd12cd209bd39⋯.png (199.7 KB, 604x446, 302:223, 486867583f861339a972fed49b….png)



Why you still posting about that nigga piece of shit?

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ac06e1  No.15967137


Funny the Chicago one called me months ago won’t lie gave me a fucking spook seeing “CDC” pop up on my phone I hung up though cause I wanted none of that.

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73e6eb  No.15967138

File: c6729b351253eb9⋯.png (676.27 KB, 904x1135, 904:1135, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1c4a46af4dcde67⋯.png (519.89 KB, 678x1325, 678:1325, ClipboardImage.png)


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ea5892  No.15967139

File: 621df2b45472c62⋯.jpeg (136.87 KB, 1900x1267, 1900:1267, EAAF7ADF_CFB7_4442_B84D_A….jpeg)

Ran across this picture looking online for something else. Great meme material. Reminds me of the ‘Great and Powerful Oz’ part of the movie.

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6ccff9  No.15967140

File: a5e4c5cb625ed96⋯.png (561.02 KB, 584x706, 292:353, Screen_Shot_2022_03_21_at_….png)


anon rode the NYC subway for many years

not even close to surprised

he only pissed because of how clean the floor of the train actually was

he whipped it out after evaluating the NPCs in the train car

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0bd364  No.15967141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

oink oink polka fights cdc m00 m00 spam

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d6297d  No.15967142





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3eaaa7  No.15967143

>>15966626 (LB)


Since when does the Army use .38 ammo? And I thought .45s were phased out, and those officers who still carried the old .45s bought their own ammo. Wassup wid dis?

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357f9d  No.15967144

File: a43542426cd9a59⋯.jpg (128.94 KB, 652x920, 163:230, ZomboMeme_15032022234354.jpg)

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de5d2a  No.15967145

File: ac7b35d8beaef03⋯.jpg (106.08 KB, 990x425, 198:85, kekobs.jpg)

…Gave up 'shift' memes. Not cool enough for he clique.

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bcd1bf  No.15967146

File: 498e5be5d9ffc89⋯.jpeg (309.03 KB, 663x664, 663:664, 498e5be5d9ffc894abfd44970….jpeg)


Do they need more funding?

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cd7f60  No.15967147

File: d9811a6bdd538ec⋯.png (90 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)




You get the banner you want, or me baking.

Your choice

You dont get both.


Bake your own FUCKIN BREAD

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7043a2  No.15967148

File: 958baae52ab03a1⋯.jpg (291.18 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 20220328_190741.jpg)


From the comments kek

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f5e936  No.15967149

File: 88dbe69e9671bbe⋯.png (594 KB, 1326x878, 663:439, 88dbe69e9671bbede0ef44a8cc….png)

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3aa62c  No.15967150

File: 799e0e7fd42a9f4⋯.pdf (117 KB, Mar_27_Tavistock_messing_w….pdf)

TAVISTOCK - For the Newfags

Want to know who's been messing with the USA for 100 years?

Using all those Foundations…

"Once the citizen becomes aware of the true role of the foundations, he can understand the high interest rates, high taxes, the destruction of the family, the degradation of the churches into forums for revolution, the subversion of the universities into CIA cesspools of drug addiction, and the halls of government into sewers of international espionage and intrigue. The American citizen can now understand why every agent of the federal government is against him; the alphabet agencies, the FBI, IRS, CIA and BATF must make war on the citizen in order to carry out the programs of the foundations."

The originator of all this meddling is British company TAVISTOCK. Remember that name.

Examples of their foundations (which are created to manipulate):

-The John Birch Society

-Council for National Policy

-Stanford Research Institute,

-National Education Association.

-Institute of Social Research at the -National Training Lab

-Wharton School of Finance, at the University of Pennsylvania

-Institute for Policy Studies

-Human Ecology Fund

-Ford Foundation

-Students for Democratic Society

-Hoover Institution

-Ditchley Foundation

-Freedom House

-The Brookings Institution

-Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

-Russell Sage Foundation

-Flow Laboratories

-Merle Thomas Corporation

-Walden Research

-Planning Research Corporation

-Brookings Institution

-Hudson Institute

-National Training Laboratories

-Esalen Institute

-NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Sciences

-Western Training Laboratories in Group Development

-Institute For The Future

-Samuel Rubin Foundation

-Stern Family Fund

-Charles F. Kettering Foundation


Plenty of information out on the web concerning this. (Attached PDF is a Primer on the topic, created by another anon and taken from this site years ago.)

Be aware of TAVISTOCK.

Now you know.

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42fe40  No.15967151

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cd7f60  No.15967152

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eb44d5  No.15967153


shut cho moufffffffffffffffffffffff

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728f5e  No.15967154

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bd364  No.15967155

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>oink oink polka fights cdc m00 m00 spam

Que viva taco thauce

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225cb4  No.15967156


piss off. we want neither from your dumbass.

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3d59dc  No.15967157

File: 00f3b30cb34a2f6⋯.jpeg (39.75 KB, 750x491, 750:491, 6C071848_D990_4365_AD31_7….jpeg)

Twitter trends

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b5b706  No.15967158


.45 in use by some specialized units

.38? yeah, that sounds fishy

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9deff4  No.15967159

File: 2f2502aadb687cc⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1920x1200, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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f127bf  No.15967160


>People just sit there. I would have fucking clobbered him

My first thought was drag him off the bench and use him to sop it up.

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662b14  No.15967161


They are fucked.

Putin has them in quite the pickle.

The House of Cards is starting to feel the breeze.

They can't handle a breeze.

Let alone the incoming Storm.

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db1a8c  No.15967162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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e7eaeb  No.15967163

File: d0a7dcfc837f549⋯.png (44.36 KB, 594x377, 594:377, ClipboardImage.png)



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b5b706  No.15967164

File: e1949378e5d98f5⋯.png (16.65 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 5bb29c8562e6a47e23d30440e4….png)


there ya go

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d4fc18  No.15967165

Everyone is wrong

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2b4975  No.15967166

File: 6f948dfd35c6a0a⋯.png (454.61 KB, 693x391, 693:391, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3be9ee338a3db5e⋯.png (566.67 KB, 1022x639, 1022:639, ClipboardImage.png)

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71de10  No.15967167

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e7c0dc  No.15967168


You´re right.

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225cb4  No.15967169


perhaps .38 are for pilots that carry in combat zone. we did in the navy. .38 snub nose.

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0bd364  No.15967170

File: 859ce2aea7b3741⋯.png (120.01 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

mexican beer disease came from a larp verified

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d298c2  No.15967171

File: 69e67a237d24a9c⋯.jpg (366.97 KB, 619x1163, 619:1163, Screenshot_20220328_201303….jpg)

File: ad5f6dfab54c397⋯.mp4 (2.08 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, VID_20220328_201248_319.mp4)

Somebody oblige her. Please.


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b5b706  No.15967172

File: 17a74350a8e7aef⋯.png (94.47 KB, 370x524, 185:262, 4e806fe19fcd1e0ca28bf859eb….png)

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648cc3  No.15967173

File: 7478219cfb49061⋯.mp4 (2.22 MB, 432x336, 9:7, sniffsniffz.mp4)

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db1a8c  No.15967175


maybe survival issue for aviators in the ejection seat pans

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c7b34e  No.15967176

File: d6f51fde46d5a0e⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 500x555, 100:111, d6f51fde46d5a0ecfb16861c4a….jpg)

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648cc3  No.15967177

File: 50ff72db5486989⋯.mp4 (521.76 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Pfizer_and_BioNtech_are_pr….mp4)

File: 6c0a83ab9c40c6d⋯.mp4 (7.07 MB, 854x480, 427:240, pfizerbroughtit.mp4)

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748a2e  No.15967178

File: a887f63a0ac03ab⋯.png (297.15 KB, 594x601, 594:601, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f193250ad2bd8b⋯.png (233.84 KB, 1128x534, 188:89, ClipboardImage.png)




>>>15966573 lb Reminder: Split between Ukrainian, Russian churches shows political importance of Orthodox Christianity (Jan 2019)



Note: read the screen cap for possible ramifications of said move to Russia and Ukraine !!



Pope to consecrate Russia and Ukraine to Immaculate Heart of Mary

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f43e5d  No.15967179

File: 58dbdea9aa99ceb⋯.png (924.86 KB, 980x884, 245:221, ukraininated.png)


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225cb4  No.15967181


not in pans. carried in vest.

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6a5eaf  No.15967182

File: 37498447b931c2d⋯.jpg (54.67 KB, 614x586, 307:293, 37498447b931c2d5a2bf7a7590….jpg)

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8134cf  No.15967183

File: cd58fc7958b7ae0⋯.png (2.33 MB, 2533x2600, 2533:2600, scottfreeGIJANE.png)

GI Jane

White Squall

Both Ridley Scott movies

Actors acting.

4 year delta.

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0bd364  No.15967185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

wet and sticky clit shillin juwtubes

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87b2fe  No.15967186

>>15965574 #WillSmithAssault trending (pb)

Why isn't this violent nigger under arrest??? Can we just walk up and hit people now? Is this acceptable now?

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ea714c  No.15967187


DS has operations in dozens of countries. Okay so they lost a few biolabs, big deal. So they lost a bunch of corrupt money laundering schemes. They surely have more.

What makes Ukraine THE lynch pin that brings it all down?

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73e6eb  No.15967188

File: f68f7ea9789f82b⋯.mp4 (2.5 MB, 720x406, 360:203, 8595a4606b29b094.mp4)

The US President insisted he was expressing his "personal outrage" while calling for 'regime change' in Russia… while the press pointed out his admin had walked back his words.

He then blamed Vladimir Putin for complicating diplomacy, while complicating his own sentences.

Biden is a rambling, incoherent, senile sorry excuse for a (fake) President

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eb44d5  No.15967189


He’s wrong you know.

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f4cc6f  No.15967190


Now that I've had the chance to see and hear the entire shitshow, Will Smith owes Chris Rock a big fucking apology and should beg Rock for his forgiveness. ( I see that Smith has publically apologized to Rock)

Smith at first, was laughing. Ain't no special pleader for Chris Rock as I could give a fuck about any of those people, except Clint and a few others but, I thought Chris Rock took that shit like a man. Shame Will Smith was not one.

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caa32b  No.15967192


dubs chek't

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db1a8c  No.15967193


thought the SPs still had 'em or was phasing them out too

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f9c4e0  No.15967194


We see you CDO

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0bd364  No.15967195


i don;t get it

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f43e5d  No.15967196

File: 7eaa200fc8f6b48⋯.png (755.27 KB, 978x746, 489:373, hecann.png)

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c7b34e  No.15967197

File: f71fd141685bc20⋯.png (198.2 KB, 500x693, 500:693, downloadfile_2.png)


Bastard shut the hell up.

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7043a2  No.15967198

File: 85045b40c82b2b4⋯.png (235.69 KB, 842x997, 842:997, 20220328_191203.png)

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9c4bb5  No.15967199

File: 2ab0ce0cfcfed68⋯.png (338.42 KB, 598x630, 299:315, ClipboardImage.png)


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5ddd8c  No.15967200

File: 31b0f75a3b2e1fb⋯.jpeg (199.08 KB, 762x1756, 381:878, FD16A3CD_CF5B_43A8_A48B_8….jpeg)

I’m way behind this evening, but did Anons catch this POTUS drop? It seems to be full of comms/doublespek. The 5:5 was obvious.

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474f54  No.15967201

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bd364  No.15967202

File: 60c8ea4abedc019⋯.png (9.2 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

goatse face still struggeling to find unicorn

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5c7ac7  No.15967203


usually are.

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743644  No.15967204

File: 67ed273f2877cdc⋯.jpg (104.26 KB, 475x370, 95:74, china_perx.jpg)

File: d46970831766958⋯.jpg (93.98 KB, 616x430, 308:215, ukraineperx.jpg)

File: 05603fa16c2de6f⋯.jpg (109.37 KB, 678x485, 678:485, romania_perx.jpg)

>>15966672 pb n

Romania must be next week.

from 2 years ago, forgot about 'em.

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0bd364  No.15967205


i bet you want his prick inside you too huh

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225cb4  No.15967206


don't know what they do now but in my day, the .38 snub was what we carried. fit perfectly in vest pocket.

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1fbd3c  No.15967207


3 days until the rubber hits the road on that

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eb44d5  No.15967208

File: 9e62165281167f8⋯.png (363.25 KB, 2500x1765, 500:353, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a5eaf  No.15967209

File: 3abaee58cf64e66⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 1600x1980, 80:99, 36ac200abd53cc93.mp4)

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f546f4  No.15967210

File: 7112cbe05ecfbce⋯.png (114.91 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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3aa62c  No.15967211

File: 1bfc691a07797d1⋯.jpg (183.81 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, Mar_28_demand.jpg)

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8134cf  No.15967212

File: 54c2324541e0073⋯.png (2.89 MB, 2062x2062, 1:1, deathtollcoincidences.png)



You are watching a movie

17 has a part in it.

Enjoy the Show.

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0bd364  No.15967213

hang on

hunter biden's CP laptop is having jealous homo rage quit keyloggering on mah acer

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728f5e  No.15967214

File: 8d1131f36f4167f⋯.jpeg (125.46 KB, 1440x821, 1440:821, 1544968267.jpeg)

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5c7ac7  No.15967215



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8d9eef  No.15967216

File: d7fa8ad112e2e85⋯.jpg (24.73 KB, 500x335, 100:67, nvg44.jpg)


used M9 / M4

never saw .38, unless some of the really specialized AVN units had them.

it's possible.


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960e0f  No.15967217


yet there is silence from the impeach Trump over delusional bull shit crowd who I might add continuously questioned his mental health & fitness as POTUS.

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deb18b  No.15967218

File: 134f44cd63e08b7⋯.jpg (391.54 KB, 2033x1067, 2033:1067, 20220328_191941.jpg)

Huckabee brings out his inner Sean Connery!!

Hunt for Red October?

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caa32b  No.15967219

File: 3d77d4ffd85dcef⋯.png (178.6 KB, 1327x781, 1327:781, Screenshot_2022_03_28_1921….png)

Add Cuck to Hunter's resume.

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0bd364  No.15967220


>hunter biden's CP laptop is having jealous homo rage quit keyloggering on mah acer

javascripts doubled in biblical closet depravity hunter biden's CP laptop doxxin across border doxxing

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87f84b  No.15967221


Wonder how this will play out

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225cb4  No.15967222


carrier based. only place to carry was in vest. had to be small.

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bcd1bf  No.15967223

File: cda9ce3297cafc4⋯.jpg (59.49 KB, 900x583, 900:583, 904854209549756497563465.jpg)


I've seen congress people receive less text in their endorsement statements. PDJT puts out an essay on his hole in one. kekkity

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a560c5  No.15967224

File: ecbc18d6f0e84d2⋯.jpg (152.68 KB, 282x567, 94:189, 911.jpg)


been like that for a while…

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caa32b  No.15967225

File: 993a84cd85a68f6⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1131x835, 1131:835, Screenshot_2022_03_28_1922….png)


Meant to add.


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42f5ac  No.15967226



Only had area code and nothing said CDC - usually do not answer but did in order to find out what scam was happening….

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0bd364  No.15967228


hunter biden's CP laptop is coming to terms wiff it's daddy issues and substance abus deNILE

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34f01b  No.15967229

File: fc243d9d30cc534⋯.jpg (102.04 KB, 1280x988, 320:247, IMG_20220328_212230_995.jpg)

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1fbd3c  No.15967230

File: e3067d51ab64e89⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1035x1026, 115:114, SUPERTRUMP.png)

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0bd364  No.15967231



kamal gets bidet and ride to deNILE

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f43e5d  No.15967232

File: 1bd42a43d8bff39⋯.png (1.27 MB, 978x914, 489:457, likeitw.png)

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f546f4  No.15967233

File: 2dcf80021f6c2d9⋯.png (144.85 KB, 318x421, 318:421, Broken.png)

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0bd364  No.15967234

File: 2393e3122b935bf⋯.jpg (142.74 KB, 904x864, 113:108, IMG_8283.JPG)

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3aa62c  No.15967235

File: 9c7c30c04eb8c9e⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 520x353, 520:353, Mar_28_scare_crow.jpg)


Putin's coming proof of child trafficking, perhaps?

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0bd364  No.15967236


>hunter biden's CP laptop is coming to terms wiff it's daddy issues and substance abus deNILE

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c7b34e  No.15967237

File: 7a78a7013aa6d5f⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 69e6p0_1.jpg)

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9c4bb5  No.15967238

File: ce540771eb0bfb6⋯.png (59.63 KB, 652x622, 326:311, ClipboardImage.png)



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f4cc6f  No.15967239


I would have beat that motherfucker unconscious. Piece of absolute shit.

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0bd364  No.15967240

File: 70c22952c3561c2⋯.jpg (40.45 KB, 600x461, 600:461, IMG_7993.JPG)


>hunter biden's CP laptop is coming to terms wiff it's daddy issues and substance abus deNILE

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0bd364  No.15967241


>>hunter biden's CP laptop is coming to terms wiff it's daddy issues and substance abus deNILE

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319d03  No.15967242


Officials say cybercriminal groups could target the U.S. as a form of retaliation for the West’s support for Ukraine against Moscow’s invasion. Gen. Paul Nakasone, the head of the National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command, warned during a Senate hearing this month that Russia could become more likely to lash out with ransomware or other aggressive cyberattacks as the Ukraine conflict drags on.

On Monday, a Ukrainian internet service provider used by the country’s military suffered a massive cyberattack, disrupting its services. Officials didn’t say who was responsible.

And NK in the news for testing missiles if you know what I mean…


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8d9eef  No.15967243

File: 1fe00a5676fea7f⋯.jpg (15.7 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 1e3acca0bb1edcc3e88e283d2f….jpg)


cool and chkt


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3cb3f8  No.15967244

File: 269532c9e593f70⋯.png (196.34 KB, 498x325, 498:325, ClipboardImage.png)

Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases

Monday March 28, 2022 [not new for anons. still…]

(Kitco News) Russia's central bank resumed its gold purchases from local banks on Monday, but it set a fixed price on the precious metal.

Starting this week, the Russian central bank will pay a fixed price of 5,000 roubles ($52) per gram between March 28 and June 30, the bank said on Friday. This is below the current market value of around $68.

The central bank added that the resumption in buying will ensure supply and uninterrupted production of local gold.

Two weeks ago, Russia's central bank announced that it was halting its official gold purchases from local banks due to a surge in demand from regular consumers.

This is because Russians went on a gold buying spree in March to protect their savings as the ruble collapsed. Major banks in Russia reported a rush of consumers investing in bullion and coins.

Sberbank, Russia's largest financial institution, reported that demand for gold and palladium has quadrupled in the last few weeks. Meanwhile,Russia's Ministry of Finance also referred to gold as an "ideal alternative" to the U.S. dollar.

Setting a fixed price for gold reminds some analysts of what the U.S. did during the “gold standard” years. The period between 1879 and 1914 is known as the classical gold standard era, during which one ounce of gold would represent $21. Then in the 1930s, the U.S. banned gold ownership and raised the value of the dollar in gold from $20.67 to $35 per ounce.

That price remained fixed until 1971 when Richard Nixon put a halt on the U.S. dollar's convertibility into gold, which meant that other countries could no longer redeem dollars for gold. In 1973 the gold standard was scrapped.

"I am reminded of what the U.S. did in the middle of the Great Depression. For the next 40 years, gold's price was pegged to the U.S. dollar at $35. There is a precedent for this. It leads me to believe that Russia's intention would be for the value of the ruble to be linked directly to the value of gold," Gainesville Coins precious metals expert Everett Millman told Kitco News. "Setting a fixed price for rubles per gram of gold seems to be the intention. That's pretty important when it comes to how Russia could seek funding and manage its central bank financing outside of the U.S. dollar system."

Gold is one of the most logical international currencies to use when you are trying to get around sanctions, Millman added.

Last week, the U.S. Treasury banned all gold transactions with Russia's central bank.

full article @ https://www.kitco.com/news/2022-03-28/Russia-sets-fixed-gold-price-as-it-restarts-official-bullion-purchases.html

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828c51  No.15967245

File: 6554745194b0394⋯.jpeg (504.94 KB, 1242x1077, 414:359, 88A1B661_E71F_4BB8_A4AA_A….jpeg)

Plane fag reporting late for duty (went on annual fishing trip with the boys, kek).

May be old news to some, but on Saturday we had a United Airlines Joint Base Andrews to GITMO run.


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0bd364  No.15967246

File: e41336f030ca612⋯.png (10.77 KB, 207x243, 23:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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d298c2  No.15967247

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

WATCH: Video shows OKC police officer pummel suspect after he was stabbed in the eye with a shard of glass


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1021b3  No.15967248

Any statements from Truth Social on when Google app will be released? Or a website.

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9a839c  No.15967249


Buster Keaton before talkies!

Very entertaining, I loved that, so much easier to follow, and now I have to read the history.

Anon thanks for posting it

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1fbd3c  No.15967250

File: b16305485f59f22⋯.png (89.86 KB, 286x414, 143:207, tuckerLikeClockwork.png)


nah. do it the american way. replace zelensky with double, hold elections for muh free and democratic ukraine.

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20132d  No.15967251

File: ebc39b33dbf4400⋯.jpg (268.14 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

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d298c2  No.15967252


Our society

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f4cc6f  No.15967253


Yea, I think your deposition is the one that 's gonna be a hoot John. Deleted all your text, emails and phone logs yet? It's okay. All shit might be off your phone but the phone company, email server etc……..has them all. Can you say subpoena?

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8d9eef  No.15967254

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4D4D.jpg)

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6ccff9  No.15967255

File: 23136c9c7f241f5⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1962x1144, 981:572, choose_your_antichrist.png)

File: 2b3436f3bb8abbb⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1166x1076, 583:538, trump_can_t_hit.png)

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73e6eb  No.15967256


Bidan: "Secondly, you asked me…uh what was your second question"

Reporter: "Does it complicate the diplomacy of the moment?"

Bidan: "No I don't think it does, the fact is, we're in a situation where uh….um….what complicates the situation at the moment is the…the escalatory efforts of Putin to continue to engage in carnageThE kInD of behavior that the whole world say my God what is this man doing? That's what complicates things a great deal and uh…um but I don't think it complicates things at all".


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3a4a3e  No.15967257





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1fbd3c  No.15967258

File: 1ea7bfad4816649⋯.jpg (493.75 KB, 3500x2280, 175:114, JoePesci_150906.jpg)


how often do you see a JBA to GTO flight?

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3aa62c  No.15967259

File: dc61bc44b8c24bb⋯.jpg (21.8 KB, 254x254, 1:1, Sep_22_podesta_enhanced.jpg)


Ya know what's gonna be a hoot, John?

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f4cc6f  No.15967261


That is illogical anon.

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0bd364  No.15967262

File: 46563cbebaa32ed⋯.png (5.99 KB, 259x194, 259:194, ClipboardImage.png)

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193faa  No.15967263

File: a7a0622732bd192⋯.png (142.81 KB, 311x272, 311:272, Screen_Shot_03_28_22_at_09….PNG)

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f4cc6f  No.15967264


KMFAO!!! Yes indeed anon!!

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357f9d  No.15967265


Oh no…my belief in True Love is weakened.

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0bd364  No.15967266

File: cbe89ece3fb99f1⋯.png (11.36 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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960e0f  No.15967267

File: d09c6a83615b0f2⋯.png (19.41 KB, 605x304, 605:304, screenshot_qposts_online_2….png)


181 yards = 543

Q drop 543, on 1/18/18


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193faa  No.15967268

File: 13301e76f4e81b7⋯.png (382.79 KB, 708x898, 354:449, Screen_Shot_03_28_22_at_09….PNG)

Ex-Trump aides move step closer to being held in contempt of Congress

Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino have refused to cooperate with House panel investigating January 6 insurrection


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d4fc18  No.15967269


this that's a he and not a she?

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3a4a3e  No.15967270


How bout dat Snow Squall huh ;)

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73e6eb  No.15967271


They're not silent, they're vocalizing how orange man bad.

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f43e5d  No.15967272

File: 3eadf9d9e27496b⋯.png (591.14 KB, 916x808, 229:202, pand.png)

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159ccf  No.15967273

File: b5ce346dd61756f⋯.png (489.22 KB, 904x1280, 113:160, ClipboardImage.png)

Clinton Appointed Judge Assigned to Trump Lawsuit Recuses Herself


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1fbd3c  No.15967274


>raised the value of the dollar in gold from $20.67 to $35 per ounce

now that's 1984-speak right there

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0bd364  No.15967275

File: 5eb3d9604b134ad⋯.png (10.64 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)

facui $3.7 million investment

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f546f4  No.15967276


Alien invasion set up as backup.

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17f744  No.15967277


How is that a MOAB?

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828c51  No.15967278

File: 0e1ea4e301e33c3⋯.jpeg (494.16 KB, 1242x1065, 414:355, 3E78D52D_B9B5_4328_85FE_A….jpeg)


It happens, but not that often. Nothing like the regular Jacksonville, FL runs. A week ago, we had an Atlas Air JBA-Gitmo Run. Aside from those two. It’s been several months since I’ve seen one pop up.


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0bd364  No.15967279

File: 1848493663f63c9⋯.png (15.73 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8134cf  No.15967280

File: 0705ab83ea8f6df⋯.png (41.69 KB, 760x355, 152:71, ClipboardImage.png)


This one?

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73e6eb  No.15967281


>"I won't tell you who won because I am a very modest individual, and you will then say I was bragging - and I don't like people who brag!"


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e4b44b  No.15967282

File: d989d8dc27735a1⋯.png (234.63 KB, 918x516, 153:86, ClipboardImage.png)

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fd442b  No.15967283

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193faa  No.15967284

File: 3c1397659a0fbe2⋯.png (123.49 KB, 676x736, 169:184, Screen_Shot_03_28_22_at_09….PNG)

File: 86241664216deca⋯.png (93.98 KB, 691x557, 691:557, Screen_Shot_03_28_22_at_09….PNG)

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0bd364  No.15967285

File: d24e07ed552f9c4⋯.png (8.55 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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bcd1bf  No.15967286

File: 659d7e14897a373⋯.png (64.87 KB, 250x191, 250:191, 209587402584358945934.png)

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53cfc1  No.15967287

File: 12387cd7da2dc0b⋯.png (5.91 MB, 2995x1972, 2995:1972, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: ab3c30acb7513af⋯.png (8.16 MB, 3551x2047, 3551:2047, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and women in a marriage to start a family!

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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20132d  No.15967288



"Although superceded as the standard firearm, the .38 cal. pistols were widely employed by guards, CID, intelligence and counterintelligence operatives, Navy Shore Patrol, pilots and some officers. The 2-inch barrel weapons were used by CID and counterintelligence personnel, while the 4-inch barrel weapons were commonly used by aviators, guards, U.S. Marines and others."

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193faa  No.15967289


"Scavino, 46, and Navarro, 72, were intimately involved in efforts to subvert the results of the 2020 election so Trump could hang on to power. The contempt report says Scavino attended “several meetings with the president in which challenges to the election were discussed”.

It also refers to Scavino having monitored a website, TheDonald.win, on which individuals planned violence in the run-up to January 6."

"Both former Trump aides are accused by the committee of having failed to meet the demands of their subpoenas. Scavino, who was subpoenaed in September, has been granted six extensions but has yet to produce a document or testify, the contempt report said."

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960e0f  No.15967290

File: ac90aff877d1a31⋯.png (26.84 KB, 644x349, 644:349, screenshot_qposts_online_2….png)



7th + chatter =

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f43e5d  No.15967291

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bd364  No.15967292

File: 2d51354029c0cb5⋯.png (6.46 KB, 184x273, 184:273, ClipboardImage.png)

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8156eb  No.15967293

File: cb9ca4e6b66c49b⋯.png (238.05 KB, 500x814, 250:407, gaswtf.png)


Yeah, I'm kinda outraged myself, you dirty old man (I mean Pedo Joe here). So STFU.

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73e6eb  No.15967294


Good, was hoping that request played out.

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3aa62c  No.15967295

File: 3487d600c183424⋯.jpg (145.05 KB, 1125x787, 1125:787, March_17_Podesta_and_New_Z….jpg)

File: 4a6c1d249ff0c64⋯.png (146.99 KB, 489x273, 163:91, Sep_7_Podesta_gets_assholo….png)

File: dc7e4fc9807e0d5⋯.png (83.31 KB, 957x699, 319:233, May_31_DNC_Wikilleaks_Pode….png)

File: 7cfd742c5179567⋯.jpg (130.91 KB, 1042x1143, 1042:1143, Jan_25_Podesta_is_a_Rocker….jpg)

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d298c2  No.15967297


Congress, yall better not touch Dan, ya slimy morans.

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8156eb  No.15967298


Pedo Joe's probably pissed that his slush funds are at stake.

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225cb4  No.15967299

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3cb3f8  No.15967300

File: 4f76f707c79178f⋯.png (303.37 KB, 1421x515, 1421:515, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0eaa2d1cfeb91c9⋯.png (95.8 KB, 359x622, 359:622, ClipboardImage.png)



two days ago (days ahead?), anon decoded POTUS rally speech element (1/10th of a % in 300 years) as11.3.(March 27 also gets into 3, 3^3 →333stuff)

Johnny Podesta

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159ccf  No.15967301



2 different IDs. Do we have a baker, or is the attention cunt at it again? or both?

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0bd364  No.15967302

File: f842588ed90da32⋯.png (92.24 KB, 199x253, 199:253, ClipboardImage.png)


> genital mutilation of infants!

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f127bf  No.15967303


>How is that a MOAB?

More of a shocker - that a judge did the right thing

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be7af4  No.15967304

File: 73c0ea92ea1a9ba⋯.png (681.42 KB, 1595x813, 1595:813, ClipboardImage.png)

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399bff  No.15967305

File: 10efac6dabb59c8⋯.jpeg (143.06 KB, 565x568, 565:568, Spock_condescending.jpeg)

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eb44d5  No.15967306


Fresh Prints of Belair!

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3a4a3e  No.15967307



There's also a couple books called White Squall I never considered until today.

White Squall: Sailing the Great Lakes

White Squall : The Last Voyage Of Albatross

Albatross is what [they] say the IKR symbol is.

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f546f4  No.15967308

File: bed8c94f0eeb9cb⋯.png (375.37 KB, 640x407, 640:407, FlintOSS.png)


Yeah OSS is in doing his blend in and whine routine,

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474f54  No.15967309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prop. BC

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0bd364  No.15967310

File: 4658495b7e25c45⋯.png (15.77 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>> genital mutilation

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8134cf  No.15967311

File: a44a27fcba43847⋯.png (6.74 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, missouri.png)


Dec 7

White Squall

Scott Free

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77d80a  No.15967312


can bake one

7 captchas, kek.

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3a4a3e  No.15967313

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4bd3a8  No.15967314

File: 4e6aa585e4f0cfe⋯.png (143.08 KB, 814x388, 407:194, sharpie_in_the_pooper.png)

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0bd364  No.15967315

File: 4b9b91699153cd6⋯.png (10.61 KB, 204x248, 51:62, ClipboardImage.png)


>> genital mutilation

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db1a8c  No.15967316



Prior to taking the bench, she was the Executive Director of the Roundtable of St. Lucie County where she launched a program helping young men in gangs to find jobs, finish school and become successful, contributing members of society. She also worked with the National Gang Center, training communities nationally and internationally on best practices to reduce juvenile gang violence. From 2007 to 2014, she was an Assistant United States Attorney in Miami, West Palm Beach and Fort Pierce. She prosecuted violent crimes, crimes against children, human trafficking, civil rights cases, narcotics crimes, and white-collar fraud.

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1012da  No.15967317

File: 3d755483a02f3d4⋯.png (873.11 KB, 1017x773, 1017:773, ClipboardImage.png)



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f5e936  No.15967318


Jesus is right

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8156eb  No.15967319


That's funny. I once picked up the phone and it was CDC from Chicago (I am in Ohio). They said they were from the Center from Disease Control.

I said "You mean Center for Disease CREATION" and hung up on them. kek

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0bdf70  No.15967320


>Clinton Appointed Judge Assigned to Trump Lawsuit Recuses Herself

>How is that a MOAB?

It could be argued that there are many compromised judges is this case or similar cases, Anon. Watch this. Corruption seeking to remain invisible.

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225cb4  No.15967321



second the notable

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648cc3  No.15967322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Sean Penn vows to destroy Academy Award if Zelensky isn't invited to speak at Oscars

Award-winning actor and co-founder of CORE Sean Penn speaks about his experience in Ukraine and advocates for Ukrainian President Zelensky to speak at the Academy Awards.

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3cb3f8  No.15967323

File: cc67a2c62159b11⋯.png (864.04 KB, 880x1360, 11:17, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15967300 praise KEK!

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b05335  No.15967324

File: af2cf701675786e⋯.jpg (253.26 KB, 694x4632, 347:2316, f010916t01p01_r12_gql.jpg)

Hey fags,

Found a cache of satellite images from 9/11

Look here


This attached is a sample from this repository.

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0bd364  No.15967325

File: 15e518287d8ce59⋯.png (11.82 KB, 199x253, 199:253, ClipboardImage.png)



>>> genital mutilation

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87b2fe  No.15967326


The BEST General.

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5c7ac7  No.15967327

File: 84a024d955dc15b⋯.jpg (98.87 KB, 840x480, 7:4, Best_is_yet_to_come.jpg)

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6726b0  No.15967328


AA … tehe

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f546f4  No.15967329



I think we need to see who gets the reassignment before we all start cheering….

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0bd364  No.15967330

File: 64f3b3400024e39⋯.png (11.52 KB, 253x199, 253:199, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>> genital mutilation

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3a4a3e  No.15967331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Get da wata!

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fd442b  No.15967332

File: f362d5898bbd8ed⋯.png (290.17 KB, 416x900, 104:225, ClipboardImage.png)


stolen from twitter

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159ccf  No.15967333



So it was just proven they used a vpn to mask their real identity so they could pretend to be a panty-bunched cunt?

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3eaaa7  No.15967334


Hunter's a homo too?

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0bd364  No.15967335

File: 1259e7c351b351e⋯.png (12.11 KB, 194x260, 97:130, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>> genital mutilation

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25b0a6  No.15967336

File: 41b102be00e618f⋯.jpg (836.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, got44.jpg)


let the smelting commence

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399bff  No.15967337

File: 88616c443a8cc21⋯.jpg (717.2 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, 30_pieces_of_silver.jpg)


Translation: Everybody's a snitch and it's getting too expensive. Only the really effective snitching gets the coin going forward.

Shin Bet is the internal secret police.

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225cb4  No.15967338


appropriate to cheer if only just a field goal.

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eb771b  No.15967339

File: 146e7057ff06978⋯.png (681.4 KB, 697x524, 697:524, ClipboardImage.png)

Everybody was kung fu fighting.

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5309f2  No.15967340

Anon here. @Q on TS isn’t Q. @Q has access to information, but they aren’t Q.

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d298c2  No.15967341


Sean lookin' wretched

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648cc3  No.15967342

File: ae7751a55917b11⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1244x929, 1244:929, ClipboardImage.png)


I was in Lviv, Ukraine today with CORE team, strategizing with local governance & NGO’s to scale up our in-country programs. Good meeting with Gov. Maksym Kozytskyy.

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fb3626  No.15967343


The train wreck on the bridge was the most expensive scene in film at the time.

Glad someone like it.

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0bd364  No.15967344

File: 95e157e6143367c⋯.png (14.15 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation


>>>>>> genital mutilation

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a9cb24  No.15967345

File: b9fae0b1b445c4f⋯.mp4 (144.91 KB, 568x720, 71:90, b66f5acf_4623_418a_83df_f8….mp4)

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8134cf  No.15967346

File: a65db6ea348de81⋯.png (4.93 MB, 3000x2800, 15:14, qBABYclockftextJB2Aug14.png)


On here

It is a good read as a search keyword

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eb44d5  No.15967347



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3aa62c  No.15967348

File: 133714367b85f7a⋯.png (464.03 KB, 799x749, 799:749, Mar_28_DHS.png)


DHS spied on Americans, collected their financial information in bulk: U.S. senator

A U.S. senator is alleging that the Department of Homeland Security has mass-collected financial information on Americans in bulk and very likely in violation of privacy laws and the Constitution.

Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) unveiled the existence of DHS’ financial surveillance program in a March 8 letter to the agency’s inspector general in which he also called for an investigation into the activity, which was not previously known.

The Oregon Democrat said he only recently learned that a law enforcement component of DHS, Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), was operating an “indiscriminate and bulk surveillance program that swept up millions of financial records about Americans.”

“After my staff contacted HSI about the program in January 2022, HSI immediately terminated the program,” Wyden noted in his letter to DHS Inspector General Joseph Cuffari, adding that his office was briefed by the agency on Feb. 18, which was the first time that Congress was informed about the program’s existence.

“HSI told my staff that it used custom summonses to obtain approximately six million records about money transfers above $500, to or from Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas and Mexico,” Wyden wrote. “HSI obtained these records using a total of eight customs summonses, which it sent to Western Union and Maxitransfers Corporation (Maxi), demanding records for a six-month period following the order.”

Wyden also said the agency’s financial surveillance operation was extremely problematic for a number of reasons, not the least of which was the fact that only eight summonses were utilized in order to obtain in excess of six million records.

“The customs summonses authority only permits the government to seek records that are ‘relevant’ to an investigation,” he wrote.

“HSI should have known that this authority could not be used to conduct bulk surveillance, particularly after the Department of Justice inspector general harshly criticized the Drug Enforcement Administration in 2019 for using subpoenas to conduct a bulk surveillance program involving records of international phone calls,” he continued.

The senator noted that the HSA database also provided hundreds of law enforcement agencies “unfettered access” to those same financial records, and all without any court order or supervision.

What’s more, that DHS immediately halted the program after it was discovered by Wyden also proves that there wasn’t any internal oversight as well.

“I write to request that you thoroughly investigate the program to determine whether HSI’s surveillance of Americans was consistent with DHS policy, statutory law and the United States Constitution,” Wyden’s letter said.

In response to Wyden’s findings, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) declared the HSI program to be “blatantly illegal.”

“This practice presents real-world harms to people who, for good reason, would like to keep private the transfer of money and the identifying information that goes with it,” EFF, an international nonprofit digital rights group, noted in a March 10 statement.

“Sharing financial and other personally identifying records of domestic violence survivors, asylum seekers, and human rights activists could expose them to danger, particularly given that TRAC allows hundreds of law enforcement agencies unfettered access to these records.”

The org agreed with Wyden that there should be an investigation into who launched the program and under what authority while adding that the six million-plus records ought to immediately be purged. Also, the EFF said companies like Maxi and Western Union should reject government intrusions like that and protect the privacy of consumers.

“Companies like Western Union and Maxi should stop caving to these overbroad administrative subpoenas for sensitive customer information by filing motions to quash. These administrative subpoenas are government requests – not official warrants, signed by a judge, that legally compel the company to hand over all of this data,” EFF stated.

“Companies should answer only when compelled by law to do so. Until then, they have an obligation to protect their customers’ information, and that obligation should extend to protections from overly-broad and easily rebuttable government fishing expeditions.”

The problem with IG investigations is that IGs have no authority to indict, making them virtually worthless – which is why federal officials continue to flaunt existing laws and the Constitution. They can easily get away with it.


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bcd1bf  No.15967349

File: 3b093407fa0f816⋯.png (263.24 KB, 438x571, 438:571, 20957465024650946529346.png)


Very prudent, anon.

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159ccf  No.15967351

File: 0de8abf1b90749a⋯.mp4 (2.43 MB, 826x620, 413:310, ralph_and_sam_take_tomorro….mp4)


Damn they're getting lazy in their bi-weekly "omg I can't believe you changed the banner that's it I'm never coming back" attempts.


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0bd364  No.15967352

File: 38e572cdfbe1a4e⋯.png (8.85 KB, 196x250, 98:125, ClipboardImage.png)


>>>>>>> genital mutilatio


>>>>>>> genital mutilatio


>>>>>>> genital mutilatio


>>>>>>> genital mutilatio


>>>>>>> genital mutilatio

Frudeau still in the closet

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d298c2  No.15967353

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2b4975  No.15967354


>I think we need to see who gets the reassignment before we all start cheering….

Exactly. It's got anons cheering, for goodness sake. Is it this easy to signal "look at us, this is going to be fair because we did the right thing, now whomever we're putting in there instead must be a good person because the whole nature of this good thing we did was birthed in goodness!"

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7927ce  No.15967355

File: e4b17709482ef67⋯.jpg (51.86 KB, 640x360, 16:9, 2_Nigger_1_Cup.jpg)

File: 0ba7cd420c1d673⋯.jpg (433.44 KB, 1200x848, 75:53, Communist_Faggot_Nigger_Ob….jpg)

File: b9671cdc308d68f⋯.jpg (51.92 KB, 550x411, 550:411, Sad_Kenyan_Nigger_Is_Sad_O….jpg)

File: 2cd533271826d39⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1090x853, 1090:853, DcMonalds_Nigger_Meal_Numb….png)

File: 99e4b5726912b98⋯.png (76 KB, 330x233, 330:233, Jay_Z_Prince_Hall_Nigger_M….png)

I bet you Dollars 2 Donuts many of the same mules for election fraud got their Biden Stimulus Checks. Dead Voters = Dead Paychecks = Hood Hoppin Niggers. Prince Hall Type Niggers.

>>15966712 IRS gave $64 million in stimulus checks to dead people: Biden administration sweeps suspected fraud under the rug

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fa479b  No.15967356

File: 852200e4b4187f1⋯.gif (1.32 MB, 490x368, 245:184, 5a5a6c6f87f67e9ae4652abddc….gif)

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1fbd3c  No.15967357

File: be21e14b5472fab⋯.png (165.91 KB, 271x277, 271:277, ClipboardImage.png)


>Sean Penn vows to destroy Academy Award if Zelensky isn't invited to speak at Oscars


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3db3bc  No.15967358

File: dffaae27dd3ca14⋯.png (107.98 KB, 249x232, 249:232, sdfsefesfre.PNG)

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0bd364  No.15967359

File: 2bda573eeedb705⋯.png (6 KB, 225x224, 225:224, ClipboardImage.png)

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743644  No.15967360


expand it. dude can't keep a straight face

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e3a184  No.15967361

File: aec664842d27c25⋯.jpeg (447.14 KB, 2160x2700, 4:5, 33802FEB_50C4_4B61_BC4E_8….jpeg)

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eb44d5  No.15967362


oy vey..

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193faa  No.15967363


That gave me a damn good laugh, anon. Thank you.

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fb4d3e  No.15967364

File: 3722422409f84fa⋯.jpg (4.6 MB, 5100x5100, 1:1, uhhhhhhhh.jpg)

Trump Press Release Decode

So like, im an autistic fun and think way outside the box, can't help myself. Immediately found the chatter key and put everything else together..

What if Russia comes out and says the 2020 elections were stolen and we watched this time because you accused us of stealing the last one kek

I will break it down for retards.

We'll read the Q drop down and find the keys together. Chatter was an instant hit. Easy.

Change of narrative required = the hole in 1, overwelhming response of excitement.

[-4][-5] just equals trump?

Public to awaken start = I won't tell you who won.

Because normies will reject the sleeping if trump says it.

Because they believe fake over real.

Blind>20/20 we hit on both their eyes are slightly better (blind and 2020 vision) and also Trump mentions twice (20 twice on the drop)

Kill_Chain = idk didnt hit that

And we are the group of wonderful talented platers and it has been fun – community of anons WWG1WGA.

So again, the thesis.

What if Russia comes out and says the 2020 elections were stolen and we watched this time because you accused us of stealing the last one kek –

Having proof that Trump won is a land slide is a hole in 1 to the world. Talk about needing a narrative shift. If Putin says it, sleeping pill reject would be in play.

Maybe providing the truth about 2020 Elections wasn't our trigger to pull, maybe it's leverage against the DS pretending to be the Government.

Idk i'm just a wierdo fuck so dont mind me if you dont get it lol

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47a49d  No.15967365


who is Q?

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bcd1bf  No.15967366

File: 91c2fb96021d8c3⋯.png (118.39 KB, 255x246, 85:82, 91c2fb96021d8c31ae78e60b5a….png)

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ff0ca1  No.15967367

File: 9452d7c0bde00f3⋯.png (214.82 KB, 1163x796, 1163:796, ClipboardImage.png)


I posted it on hive a couple days ago and not 1 "Autist" bit.

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1fbd3c  No.15967368

File: d45ab7084f9ef91⋯.png (690.63 KB, 869x1024, 869:1024, Elite_s_Pissing_On_Little_….png)


>After my staff contacted HSI about the program in January 2022, HSI immediately terminated the program

i.e. "outsourced it to a contractor"

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6a9e51  No.15967369

food shortages real


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7927ce  No.15967370

File: f37a94d88c89707⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1366x1942, 683:971, 1648518407637.png)

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87b2fe  No.15967371


Can we set him on fire?


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5c7ac7  No.15967372

File: dff20b55c542280⋯.png (61.75 KB, 748x565, 748:565, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 44bcc3b2f12508f⋯.png (308.66 KB, 598x628, 299:314, ClipboardImage.png)

The Milgram experiment had an exit door


I used to volunteer for child victims of abuse and I started to think that there was some powerful entity in the background that protected abusers. Judges, lawyers, and social workers were all so shockingly ignorant of the dynamics of abuse, it couldn't be an accident.



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9c4bb5  No.15967373

File: eb318e751cebd7c⋯.png (293.26 KB, 598x672, 299:336, ClipboardImage.png)


I love this man.


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159ccf  No.15967374


I think y'all over think shit.. like to ends as bad as the ends some folks go to when they get excited over nothing… like this recusal.

It just is.

Notable though, no matter what you think about it.

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474f54  No.15967375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prop. BC

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a823b2  No.15967376


don't think it was oss per se but certainly crew

haz a thang for BO and banners

notes otherwise good

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d4fc18  No.15967377

File: 393680e5c9141cb⋯.jpg (19.35 KB, 255x152, 255:152, Just_going_to_sit_here.jpg)

I am super excite for the next Q drop. Let's do it Q.

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8134cf  No.15967378

File: dea1baf1c2cbd5a⋯.png (2.58 MB, 2533x2600, 2533:2600, scottfreeGIJANE.png)


Was the name of the Ukranian Air Force jet.

Any sauce on the UKR symbol being an Albatross.

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1012da  No.15967379

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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648cc3  No.15967380

File: 1c930cf7e613481⋯.png (1 MB, 1287x748, 117:68, ClipboardImage.png)

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a9cb24  No.15967381

File: 5a0315465759061⋯.jpeg (240.17 KB, 1012x1800, 253:450, 3AB6CA46_4A1C_47EE_83AD_3….jpeg)

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159ccf  No.15967382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


yeah but isn't that the exact MO?

"omg i miss anons I just want things to be the way they were"

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0acf8e  No.15967383


Notable great work anon

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f546f4  No.15967384

File: 4125ac11de59b42⋯.png (130.57 KB, 1736x595, 248:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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728f5e  No.15967385

File: d16aaa002d1b838⋯.jpeg (80.73 KB, 600x908, 150:227, AddText_03_31_10_55_27.JPEG)

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f54e16  No.15967386

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1012da  No.15967387



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9c4bb5  No.15967388

File: f423eca8394a42f⋯.png (2.15 KB, 58x48, 29:24, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ecac2  No.15967389


EU in a particular fix. No hard assets? No gaz.

(Bankster clawbacks of cash will be a bitch, 'cause it ain't going to be the politicians that pay. Ever!)

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87b2fe  No.15967390

File: e869a2fab025993⋯.png (28.8 KB, 488x93, 488:93, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….png)


This is definitely related to your post. The dates match, so it must mean you are ghey. Q is never wrong.

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d1fa9f  No.15967391


So bank fraud good

Actual bank robbery not so much

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eb44d5  No.15967392

File: e6905e47c4bdbb1⋯.png (367.57 KB, 1147x1600, 1147:1600, ClipboardImage.png)


> Award-winning actor and co-founder of CORE Sean Penn

Sean Penn OPENS UP on meeting President Zelensky amid Russian invasion in Ukraine: I was endlessly impressed

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a560c5  No.15967393

File: b8d8e3029f92f7a⋯.jpg (46.55 KB, 282x567, 94:189, deep.jpg)

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0bd364  No.15967394

Over 17,000 murders have occurred at American Rest Stops since the early 1970s. 97% of those murders remain unsolved. To help her find the killer that murdered her family at a New Mexico rest area nearly a year earlier, a soccer mom cons a man suffering from dissociative fugue into believing that he is her husband and together, they continue her search for the rest stop murderer.

American Rest Stop is JAWS meets SE7EN meets THE HITCHER but without the shark and an uplifting ending. More thriller than horror, it's a fast and furious read but a horror movie for MOMMIES until the end.

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743644  No.15967395

File: 168301cda7a3101⋯.jpg (109.51 KB, 500x559, 500:559, JIDF_homos.jpg)




why use a VPN to reply? habit?

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7927ce  No.15967396

File: 5b4b313eb305997⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1418x1870, 709:935, 1647529918474.png)

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12b9df  No.15967397

File: 46c55e4c82a0be3⋯.png (54.06 KB, 624x543, 208:181, ClipboardImage.png)


Judge Donald M. Middlebrooks also a Clinton appointee.



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3a4a3e  No.15967398


Can't sauce atm. Image search Ukraine flag symbol. 1st image says Albatross from amazon.uk they sell

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f546f4  No.15967399


Why on earth would anyone be on 'hive'?

Do you enjoy being dominated by a tranny?

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e4b44b  No.15967400

File: 5779ae2da005d8c⋯.png (93.71 KB, 600x525, 8:7, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59aac38b2718e11⋯.png (25.16 KB, 746x177, 746:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 088b89ea24ccbdd⋯.png (27.91 KB, 748x221, 44:13, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6a64b3c60ebc6c⋯.png (213.54 KB, 772x326, 386:163, ClipboardImage.png)


Was it a double eagle?

Ace - When a player hits the ball directly from the tee into the hole with one stroke. Also called a hole in one.

Albatross - A hole played three strokes under par, also called a double eagle.


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0bd364  No.15967401


Verified Purchase

If you need a good scare, this fast-paced thriller ought to do it. You certainly don't want to be reading it as you're cruising down the interstate to see grandma and grandpa who live across the country, and, of course, like most Americans, you plan to stop and take advantage of the multitude of rest stops along the way. Granted, it's only fiction, but it does part the curtain so-to-speak on some of the ugly stuff that goes on at our highway Rest Stops.

I got sucked into the story right away. It's well-written, the story moves fast and you never know what's going to hit you next. This, along with the suspense, keeps you glued to the pages until the end. Oh boy, don't know if I'll be so nonchalant at a rest stop again.

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7927ce  No.15967402

File: aa253cc04870a64⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1813x1463, 259:209, 1647570624091.png)

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3db3bc  No.15967403


wait till the NATO weapons given to Ukraine end up on the black market and sent to major european cities

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81c35b  No.15967404

How to survive the coming Collapse:


Its going to get really bad everyone! Death and Suffering, and most will already have destroyed Immune Systems thanks to the Evil we fight!

We have had many test runs in different places on the globe! Food shortages are already part of living today, but we do have to realise things are going to get a lot worse!


We must be rid of all Corporates and all Governments, we must put out trust in local Elder Councils as The Great Hopi Nation always has!

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da4e08  No.15967405

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f43e5d  No.15967406

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0bd364  No.15967407


Verified Purchase

I read in several reviews that that the book was not well written or it jumped all over the place. Whatever. For me, the story is king and this story wears its crown quite nicely. Rest stops are indeed creepy places at the best of times. Throw in a murder here or there and you have an out and out house of horror. The author has captured that dark environment perfectly in this novel and it will make your skin crawl.

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159ccf  No.15967408

File: 2af17d7756dc400⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 1276x720, 319:180, whisper_laugh.mp4)

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8134cf  No.15967409

File: 3cf2753c0ac33bd⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2533x2600, 2533:2600, scottfreeGIJANE.png)


Added it in.

Snow Squall/White Squall close enough.

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0bd364  No.15967410


Verified Purchase

I really don't like mystical fantasy horror, but a serial killer is easier for me to accept. What is more frightening? A werewolf, or that quiet Dahmer neighbor? Amerocam Rest Stop is thrilling in the likes of King. It starts off with a typical stop where a mother has to use the rest room, and the story builds in the roller coaster ride by hitting the apogee of a death drop.

This will drop your stomach, well done.

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bcd1bf  No.15967411


>I will break it down for retards.

Appreciated. Anon is tard.

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f43e5d  No.15967412

File: a87938253004bfa⋯.png (837.09 KB, 972x732, 81:61, techn.png)

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159ccf  No.15967413



we need a whack a prez meme

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0bd364  No.15967414


Verified Purchase

What a quirky tragic story particularly given that in the author's review of what made him write the book is the horrendous fact of the sheer number of roadside stop disappearances, homicides and goings on. You almost want to keep having the thought in the back of your mind that every time you have to stop at a rest stop……make sure half a dozen people see you going into the bathrooms.!!

It was funny at the same time which may appear at odds with the content but a great read.

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9c4bb5  No.15967415

File: 6d29dbdf7057170⋯.png (111.36 KB, 744x968, 93:121, ClipboardImage.png)

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3db3bc  No.15967416



he is going to get El Chapo'd

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0bd364  No.15967417


Verified Purchase

The imagery and detail described in the book makes you feel as if you were actually there watching all of it play out. This story is one for the ages and is truly worth the read to see a different perspective of our culture

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63ada8  No.15967418

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

🔴LIVE Australia-RAW Footage: Convoy in Canberra 29-3-22 Protest in Canberra #today#live#1#trending

RiveR Table


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ff0ca1  No.15967419

File: 0c5d0f3738a850b⋯.png (97.76 KB, 1168x189, 1168:189, ClipboardImage.png)


excellent point.

I was feeding off of another post there.


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0bd364  No.15967420


Verified Purchase

This book so dark and disturbing and yet once you start you can't stop. Set in a typical desert nightmare is the strange story of a woman seeking vengence on a guy who killed her children. This is not a spoiler, it's what happen in the first two pages but everything that happens after that is just beyond bizare. The characters are vague and it's hard to fully understand how these people even interact with each other.

Then there's the killer himself. The most disturbing part of this whole story is that it's so unbelieveable that it could be believeable. The lack of clear motive and understanding underscores what the story is all about. Overall, it's a great book, one that should probably be re-read just to try and process all the strange encounters and scenes in this book.

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0bd364  No.15967421


Verified Purchase

One of the best books I've read in a long while. It's dark, demented…and unpredictable. This book will make you think twice the next time you consider visiting a rest stop while on your travels!

The story would make a great movie. It's filled with memorable characters and scenery and the dialogue is crisp and distinctive without being over the top. The main protagonist is complex but believable and the serial killer is eerie but I also felt weirdly empathetic towards him. The scene of him as a kid driving across the country with his family is a classic.

Be forewarned, however, you might not be able to sleep for a couple of nights after reading this book. I can't get the sound of the rattlesnake or the sight of the frogs out of my head!

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06fd44  No.15967422

did we ever figure out NWO?

Nietzsche World Order

>nothing matters, especially religion, religion and metaphyics must be wiped out, if they achieved that then they would be the rulers, the 1% of the 1%? So they thought lol

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d298c2  No.15967423

File: 81af7aa3efcf007⋯.jpg (126.77 KB, 720x997, 720:997, Screenshot_20220328_205000….jpg)

LA violent crime rate soars 60% despite (or is it because of?) strict gun control in the Democrat-run city


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d1fa9f  No.15967424


And the keycode is the spliff

So I'll be right back

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0bd364  No.15967425


Verified Purchase

They say you get what you pay for…but in the case of this book they should have paid me.

Synopsis: Quintessential soccer mom drives across New Mexico with her 4 kids. She leaves kids in car while she goes in to the rest stop to pee. Comes out and kids are gone. Flip ahead one year and she is now a gun-toting, tequilla drinking vigilante who manages to stumble across a man who conveniently loses his memory. She convinces him he is her husband and they set off to find the "rest stop killer".

We now meet a confusing assortment of characters - sometimes through flashbacks but you are not really sure. How we end up in an abandoned drive-in filled with little girls in old station wagons is beyond me. Oh, I forgot to mention the Indian with the hang glider. There are also an amazingly large number of frogs in this book. I came to care about them more than I did the humans.

I only hope than "Unknown Screenwriter" is a pseudonym for "I can't believe that I got this piece of crap (written during a weekend of monumental drug abuse" published!

The book has received one review (5 stars) since it was published. I'm pretty sure it must have been from his mother.

If Kindle offered the option to "delete from my brain" I would do so.

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f54e16  No.15967426

File: 74f15ca97bd58f7⋯.png (48.02 KB, 596x408, 149:102, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….png)

File: 7124fad6dbaa492⋯.png (44.19 KB, 590x364, 295:182, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….png)


clank i couldnt figure out with the drop. i also looked at these other similar drops and keys 72 and 100 fit, and they are all good and green, but i didnt feel it was acceptable so i put a stoned pepe and my tag on it kek

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eb44d5  No.15967427


nucular.. it’s pronounced nucular.

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f54e16  No.15967428

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6726b0  No.15967429


My phone blinked while reading this post

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4b3fb7  No.15967430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



This may be interesting.

The Last Voyage of Albatross, part 1May 1944. At dawn, an American B-17 "flying fortress" bomber was attacked by a mysterious jet fighter. So for the first time the Nazis used their Me-262 Sturmfogel jet fighter in battle (in the movie it is called "Albatross"). This four-part movie is based on the action-packed story "Sturmfogel without a swastika" by Yevgeny Fedorovsky, filmed by director Leonid Pchyolkin.

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3cb3f8  No.15967431




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1012da  No.15967432

File: 309af74d5a1f0c5⋯.png (90.96 KB, 720x248, 90:31, ClipboardImage.png)


DHS is C_A Phoenix Program adapted to USA, senator

Situational awareness

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159ccf  No.15967433

File: 308bef3ea493f61⋯.png (625.38 KB, 798x464, 399:232, ClipboardImage.png)


Wasn't it Nakatome?

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f54e16  No.15967434


me 2, i even fucked up the write up. Blue is supposed to be Putin, thats a massive sleeping pill reject

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26b9a0  No.15967435

S.3930 - A bill to amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to permit certain defendants to remove administrative proceedings to Federal court.


Who are these 'certain defendants'?

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3a4a3e  No.15967436


Looking good!

There was many EBS alerts sent to ppl too 3x I think in that area.

Pretty Biblical

I've never heard of aSNowSQuall

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59fdb4  No.15967437


Double eagle was used by the Romanov empire and also the Byzantine empire.


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0bd364  No.15967438

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

gahynigg greeceing trannys

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e3a184  No.15967439

File: 1ffcc0a3892b08f⋯.jpeg (658.21 KB, 828x898, 414:449, AD77766C_34E9_426E_8DFD_9….jpeg)

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87b2fe  No.15967440


You're going to die a traitor, you piece of shit.

Burn in hell.

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06fd44  No.15967441


there was like 20 answers and Q said we went too deep

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648cc3  No.15967442

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin is Hitler

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5c7ac7  No.15967443

File: 11e9dce5a843798⋯.png (9.62 KB, 555x118, 555:118, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3eece6e3eb4b772⋯.png (40.86 KB, 587x612, 587:612, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0998271d95c0d04⋯.png (35.71 KB, 576x422, 288:211, ClipboardImage.png)


>there's a lot of chatter about it

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1012da  No.15967444

File: 07847ca26d0147f⋯.png (315.14 KB, 677x667, 677:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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e3a184  No.15967445


What sound does an owl make?

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24bfe6  No.15967446

File: fed61cd2f61ae31⋯.jpg (248.26 KB, 1015x1043, 145:149, BIGFOOT.jpg)

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7bf01a  No.15967447

File: 16147a2feef6a5e⋯.png (390.34 KB, 746x802, 373:401, hm41.PNG)

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8ecac2  No.15967448


No money in that, also traceable. Sorta like Ft. Campbell being the supply depot for Chiraq. They oopsed that and got caught. Easier to stir the chit in MENA and loose hardware there(think lend/lease) than to actually, you know, sell it to governments, also on lend/lease from US taxpayers.

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0bd364  No.15967449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

dUKrain wankers love teh lube of gahynigg tranny greeceing

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f65386  No.15967450

>>15967322 who. gives. a. fook.

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159ccf  No.15967451


Did Q ever post about sarcasm?

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0bd364  No.15967452

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

masked gahynigg caught lubin wankers tranny greece outside ronthole

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06fd44  No.15967453


what is the point of MADD if everyone with a central bank got a nuke?

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6726b0  No.15967454


Snoqualmie, WA?

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0bd364  No.15967455

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

masked gahynigg gives full service tranny lube jobs outside wankers mud hut

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fd2059  No.15967456


The Papacy did that same demonic ploy to the U.S. and the result was the Civil War.

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33eaad  No.15967457


Samuel Morse (the Morse code guy) warned Lincoln about their plot.

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2b4975  No.15967458

File: 41315a7c721a543⋯.mp4 (3.25 MB, 480x848, 30:53, 47th_too_AGolfersGolfer.mp4)


Kek. I love his non-braggadocios wayss! I wasn't seeing the KEK until I got too the end.

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dac631  No.15967459


>Was it a double eagle.

No. It was a par 3 hole. It is an eagle (2 under par) but they call it a hole in one. A hole in one on a par 4 hole would be a double eagle. A 2 on a par 5 is the most common double eagle although they are very rare. I almost made one. My second shot landed on the greem, took a 5-6 ft. bounce the a few dribbles then a roll to the hole. The ball landed about 20 feet from the hole. The ball lipped the cup on the left side made a right turn spinning around the lip and settled less than an inch from the hole. I didn't see it. It was early morning and there was dew on the green.

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0bd364  No.15967460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

masked gaynigg does full service greeced tranny job outside wankers freehold

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d1df52  No.15967461

File: bb431793786ef6d⋯.png (799.05 KB, 900x540, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


No. The hole in one was 181 yards, so a Par 3

"Trump, 75, issued a statement detailing the supposed ace on the 181 yard 7th hole of his Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach. The former president said he was playing with pro golfers Ernie Els, Gene Sauers, Ken Duke and Mike Goodes when he made the shot."

Pic unrel but at the course somewhere. No amount of shots would get anon into the cup.


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6a9e51  No.15967462

File: 640531b40476547⋯.png (633.46 KB, 1914x807, 638:269, femacamps.png)


they call it 'hive' because it's communist nwo/ totalitarianism.

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fd2059  No.15967463


And even with a crib sheet…..

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0bd364  No.15967464

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

masked gahynigg attaks tranny border wifff greece'd power tools for some faggots shekels

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159ccf  No.15967465

File: a4efa343e1c3f99⋯.png (657.41 KB, 937x1280, 937:1280, ClipboardImage.png)


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7927ce  No.15967466

File: 1e4fe6b5eee9ae2⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1386x1913, 1386:1913, 1648483916545.png)

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8ecac2  No.15967469


Magnetic cup, only, and an iron ball. This anon might have a chance.

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77d80a  No.15967470



#20193 notes so far

new computer, little awkward

>>15967081 Hunter Biden’s $142K Fisker sports car scrutinized in tax probe: report

>>15967098 Head’s UP - CDC is Calling and Surveying !! - BEWARE

>>15967104 Patel Patriot's Devolution: Part 19!

>>15967124 RED RED CNN +

>>15967199 Shin Bet to streamline anti-terror ops inside Israel

>>15967238, >>15967295, >>15967300 John Podesta twat on why Trump filed new case


>>15967244 Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases

>>15967245 PF reports

>>15967268, >>15967284, >>15967289 Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino have refused to cooperate with Jan 6 panel

>>15967273, >>15967397 Clinton Appointed Judge Assigned to Trump Lawsuit Recuses Herself

>>15967278 Planefag reports

>>15967342 Sean Penn in Ukraine

>>15967348 DHS spied on Americans, collected their financial information in bulk: U.S. senator

>>15967364 Trump Press Release Decode

>>15967372 The Milgram experiment had an exit door

>>15967373 Poso posting DJT release on golfing

>>15967418 LIVE Australia-RAW Footage: Convoy in Canberra 29-3-22 Protest in Canberra #today#live#1#trending

>>15967423 LA violent crime rate soars 60% despite (or is it because of?) strict gun control

>>15967435 S.3930 - A bill to amend the SEC Act of 1934 to permit certain defendants to remove administrative proceedings to Federal court (who?)

anything missing or needs changed?

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f546f4  No.15967471

File: af0519bdf67eb51⋯.png (136.87 KB, 800x800, 1:1, GlowAlpha.png)

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eb44d5  No.15967472

File: c2e4985dbd6d27b⋯.png (73.11 KB, 741x900, 247:300, ClipboardImage.png)


Who the fuck is Q?

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f127bf  No.15967473

File: c746b209f5be883⋯.mp4 (7.27 MB, 750x376, 375:188, YL38PIu6VozgDKbf.mp4)


Here's the video incase no one's posted it yet

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474f54  No.15967474

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Prop. BC

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1012da  No.15967475

File: eabb87ba8a0f61a⋯.mp4 (3.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, eabb87ba8a0f61a2ceecc35bbd….mp4)

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87b2fe  No.15967476


We already bent… We're broken… We gave away the office of the presidency, without a fight… Most Americans have given up…

Our military backed down… Our intel agencies surrendered…

WE are literally the ONLY ones fighting, anything. And though we may never stop fighting. It doesn't seem to make a fucking difference… What are we fighting for? To put some other kike-loving, millionaire in office? Yaaaaayyyyy… Everything will be great then, right? No…

No community is safe, so long as filthy, Jewish, perverts, exist in it.

(And there are currently 119 UIDs on this board… Salute the REAL heroes).

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7927ce  No.15967477

File: e63815a37defa8e⋯.jpg (44.19 KB, 600x255, 40:17, Shillelagh_Deep.jpg)

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7bf01a  No.15967478

File: 309ee08f775838e⋯.png (80.76 KB, 365x532, 365:532, ftjw18ab.png)

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399bff  No.15967479

File: 67e06031afb51ae⋯.jpg (1.36 MB, 2604x2005, 2604:2005, Angel_in_light.jpg)


We do what we do that others may live and love and laugh.

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f43e5d  No.15967480

File: fcb2b940653f121⋯.png (702.19 KB, 970x538, 485:269, technn.png)

what' going on here

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e3a184  No.15967481

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7927ce  No.15967482

File: 9ced4be0da13364⋯.jpg (50.54 KB, 576x416, 18:13, Pork_Intake_Pepe_Kek.jpg)

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47e227  No.15967483


What’s real is a lot of the based comments under the video. Get your panties out of a wad and calm yourself. With modern tools and vast access to literature/online content, you failed at being a human if you cannot feed yourself without a supermarket. If you have a disability or something that would prevent you from hunting/fishing/trapping/foraging/chewing, your family/close friends got your back. If you don’t have any of those, I pray for you.

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9deff4  No.15967484

File: 70c1189cc1c9883⋯.png (201 KB, 500x418, 250:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2988fe48f01a1c2⋯.png (215.05 KB, 844x478, 422:239, ClipboardImage.png)

Massive Texas Wildfire Spreads To America's Largest Army Base

A massive wildfire rages in and around America's most populous U.S. military base in Texas. The fire is zero percent contained and doubled in size on Monday, according to Bloomberg.

The Texas Wildfire Incident Response System (TWIRS) said the "Crittenburg Complex Fire" had burned more than 33,175 acres as of 11:50 local time. TWIRS shows multiple wildfires are burning on the northeastern edge of Fort Hood.

Fort Hood is the largest active duty armored base in the U.S. The fort resides on 214,968 acres and can station and train two Armored Divisions. The latest census figures show at least 20,000 live on the base.

Crittenburg Complex fire consists of three wildfires.

The Texas A&M Forest Service warned Monday of "high potential growth" for the fires because of severe drought conditions. Earlier this month, Governor Greg Abbott warned about elevated wildfire risks in the Lone Star State.


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4940b5  No.15967485

File: 10a0403f4de5ab2⋯.jpg (61.42 KB, 500x583, 500:583, 6a66r4.jpg)

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db1a8c  No.15967486


Most historians agree that the medieval symbol was not intended as depicting a trident, but rather, was a symbol of the Holy Trinity;[4] it also was most likely a stylized falcon. Depictions of a flying falcon with a Christian cross above its head have been found in Old Ladoga, the first seat of the Kievan Rurik dynasty,[5] of Scandinavian lineage.[6] Such a falcon, along with a cross are also featured on the coins of Olaf Guthfrithsson, a Viking king of Dublin and Northumbria.[5] Falconry for centuries has been a royal sport in Europe. The gyrfalcon (known also as Norwegian falcon) was considered a royal bird and is mentioned (ukr.: рарог) in one of the earliest epics of Ruthenia, the 12th century poem The Tale of Ihor's Campaign.

Later images of the trident ("tryzub") among the Rurikids resemble more a bident or the letter "У", which also in the modern Cyrillic alphabet denotes the sound "u" as in "Ukraine" (though the Cyrillic alphabet at the time did not have such a letter, using the digraph OѴ/Ѹ or its monogram Ꙋ instead).

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d6297d  No.15967487

File: 08f2904b578d315⋯.png (679.75 KB, 1079x685, 1079:685, ClipboardImage.png)

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9a839c  No.15967488


So there is one honorable judge, good for her!

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3a4a3e  No.15967489


It very well MAY be. TY!

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c1713a  No.15967490


Why do they always report it as past tense, as though magically something has changed and now they arent doing it anymore?

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9c4bb5  No.15967491

File: 53cd8afa6155688⋯.png (328.96 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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d298c2  No.15967492

Anon not seeing food shortage. I am seeing shortage of certain things.

What if the "shortages" is to wean junkfood addicted America?

Anon has noticed certain products disappearing for weeks, only to come back a little different.

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9deff4  No.15967493

California State University Drops SAT Test As 'Too Stressful'

Chalk another one up for progressives never letting a good crisis go to waste. They have been using the COVID-19 crisis to implement a host of progressive dream programs, including government handouts, eviction protections, enhanced unemployment benefits, universal mask and vaccine mandates, and trillion dollar government spending packages.

A far more insidious, yet lesser known, COVID-19 era invention is the end of standardized tests like the SAT and ACT for admission into college. About 80 percent of universities in the United States eliminated the requirement during the pandemic.

Here is a typical statement: “The California State University understands the challenges that students are facing due to COVID-19. In response, the CSU has temporarily suspended the SAT or ACT test requirements only for students applying for admission in fall 2022 as freshman.”

But, surprise, what starts as temporary, suddenly becomes permanent. CSU, the largest public university system in the country, just made the change permanent, joining the more prestigious University of California system that made a similar announcement last year.

It is not hard to figure out what is behind this: “equity.” In November 2020, California’s radical left failed in their effort to lift the state’s ban on affirmative action in admissions to state schools and in state employment. The ban was first put in place through a vote of Californians in 1996. The effort to overturn it was rejected and by a wider margin (16 points). In defeating affirmative action twice, Californians have been clear: They oppose race or ethnicity playing a role in the admission of students to college.

But the California left does not let the will of the people, or the state Constitution, get in the way of implementing their radical agenda. They simply change the name from affirmative action to equity and keep right on going. Equity, as people are now learning, is not about treating people equally, but rather treating them unequally in order to achieve an equal outcome based on race or ethnicity or whatever other category the left decides needs its help.

The biggest impediment to implementing equity is a standardized test, so they got rid of it. And they are not trying to hide what they are doing. Acting CSU Chancellor Steve Relyea said the move “aligns with the California State University’s continued efforts to level the playing field and provide greater access to a high-quality college degree for students from all backgrounds.” He also said the test was too “high-stress.”

Robert Keith Collins, chair of CSU’s Academic Senate, said, “We all realized that in many cases, the disparities in terms of access outweigh the benefits of the SAT and ACT.”

So, while recognizing that the tests benefit the admissions process, he says they must be tossed out because they create disparities based upon race. He acknowledges that students will now be admitted who are not college-ready, but that professors “welcome the challenge of bringing new students up to college-level readiness.” Up to? The whole point of the admissions process is supposed to be to assure that incoming students are at that level!

The move totally ignores the individual. The fact is African Americans (only 5.8 percent of California’s population), are far more likely to have been raised in a single parent home. As then-Senator Barack Obama noted, children who grow up without a father are nine times more likely to drop out of school. Latinos (39 percent of California’s population) are far more likely to have been raised by recent, legal or illegal, immigrants with less education and English as their second language.


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193faa  No.15967494


I like it, anon.

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594c86  No.15967495


hey fren clank = KILL_CHAIN ? Chain's clank too

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33eaad  No.15967496


Saw that on weather.com. That one car was hauling ass.

I've driven through a snow squall at NIGHT and I was doing only 10 on the freeway and barely keeping it on the road. Made it home safe but damn….

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fd2059  No.15967497


A mature and self-assured adult would have rolled with the punch,

and gone along with the joke,

maybe brought attention to the disease she's got,

then asked Rock for a big donation in front of everybody.


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8ecac2  No.15967498


Hey, is that to cover up all the unexplained deaths there?

Inside the Rash of Unexplained Deaths at Fort Hood …


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9deff4  No.15967499

Congressman Pete Sessions Crushes Ukraine Distraction, Exposes Real War On Americans


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193faa  No.15967500

File: 93dc6a121517393⋯.png (395.25 KB, 719x1200, 719:1200, ClipboardImage.png)



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dac631  No.15967501


5 iron 181 yards into the wind is fantastic for a 75 year old man. DJT has to have a great golf swing to do than. Played in an old-timer league, 3 days a week. 90% of the over 70's could hit driver maybe 180 yards with a good roll.

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7bf01a  No.15967502

File: 20acb80153c123b⋯.png (13.15 KB, 788x366, 394:183, ftj20.png)

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728f5e  No.15967503

File: a0763c5b3deb87b⋯.png (402.15 KB, 1080x680, 27:17, 386725088.png)

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ee3977  No.15967504

Question: When do birds sing?

Answer?: After global thermonuclear war.

Watch the pen. On the clock. And all that shit.

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33eaad  No.15967505


I had to hunt around for a music store that had music stands in stock. Got a nice fold-up one, complete with carrying bag, for under $20 when I did find one.

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594c86  No.15967506

File: cd47c2d1ecc5553⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1966x1386, 983:693, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….png)


apply context. WOW

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1fbd3c  No.15967507


the movement of the guy at 42s, just moved the right way, car skimmed within 6 inches of him

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7bf01a  No.15967508

File: fc143c6bf3e02b1⋯.png (198.7 KB, 615x247, 615:247, ajw.PNG)

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47e227  No.15967509


They pulling their GMO and bioengineered ingredients to comply with the labeling requirements?

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594c86  No.15967510


I'd buy him a beer _ __.

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6a9e51  No.15967511


hammered out before proliferation.

supposed to be a game between two parties.

doubt it works with three or more?

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9c4bb5  No.15967512

File: 3f081bdf19c3218⋯.png (249.25 KB, 598x665, 598:665, ClipboardImage.png)


Looks like a plan…


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f127bf  No.15967513

File: f8f9498264fa4f0⋯.png (227.09 KB, 366x551, 366:551, 84149609_2448052778838493_….png)

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42fe40  No.15967514

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Castro's Cuba

National Archives - Castro's Cuba - National Security Council. Central Intelligence Agency. (09/18/1947 - 12/04/1981). - This film explores post-revolutionary conditions in Cuba, including war crimes, economic effects, political party objectives, and the struggle for power.

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3a4a3e  No.15967515



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eb771b  No.15967516

File: 01f14adc252182c⋯.jpg (242.27 KB, 960x770, 96:77, Pimpdaddy_Trump.jpg)

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e4b44b  No.15967517

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Thanks, I saw the details but not the par but I get it now.

An ace is still an ace though.

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33eaad  No.15967518


File that under "I'm all out of fucks to give."

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0bd364  No.15967519


JFKtranny diaper dumpster fire outsourced to trotsky doing mexican creepypasta

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594c86  No.15967520

File: bdaea178a06b137⋯.png (51.59 KB, 596x506, 298:253, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….png)


Check this.. add up all the numbers on the press release.

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748a2e  No.15967521

File: c5a10214c57b9de⋯.png (1.65 MB, 769x1048, 769:1048, ClipboardImage.png)


easy to follow with the colour coding.

noice work.

lets see what habbens

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a71e80  No.15967522

File: 857f73c8c875057⋯.png (14.57 KB, 255x194, 255:194, 2380dfb973b80b486bfdbee7eb….png)

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8134cf  No.15967523

File: abccb2df4346b1e⋯.png (233.69 KB, 1172x455, 1172:455, ClipboardImage.png)


Wiki says it's a falcon.

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0bd364  No.15967524

more proof canada can;t manage its own politicians

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3aa62c  No.15967525


Instead of filming dude should have ran back up the road (off to the side of course) waving his arms to ALERT oncoming traffic to slow them down. May have saved a few collisions.

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26b9a0  No.15967526


Looks good, break her in gently.

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63ada8  No.15967527

File: b142d746540cf7e⋯.png (212.39 KB, 361x363, 361:363, ClipboardImage.png)

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9c4bb5  No.15967528

File: ed60a7011705612⋯.png (127.29 KB, 530x431, 530:431, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1712b47b9c72baa⋯.png (2.58 KB, 155x41, 155:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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159ccf  No.15967529

>>15967273 (You), >>15967397 Clinton Appointed Judge Assigned to Trump Lawsuit Recuses Herself

there seems to be some confusion over this. Not sure if the first post was fake news or not.

Might wanna stand by.

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f127bf  No.15967530


The guys is worried about

minor rear end damage to his car

when there's likely many deaths

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82fb10  No.15967531

File: 12387cd7da2dc0b⋯.png (5.91 MB, 2995x1972, 2995:1972, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: ab3c30acb7513af⋯.png (8.16 MB, 3551x2047, 3551:2047, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and women in a marriage to start a family!

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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9a839c  No.15967532

File: 3cd269e289ea158⋯.jpeg (7.04 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, F0075619_0E39_4401_9D9E_6….jpeg)


I cant imagine the overwhelming emotions with seeing colors for the first time; we taje for granted when its a beautiful dau with a blue sky, white clouds tge the shades of sunlight, a green tree or a bush blooming.

I took this picture if ornamental cherry trees blossoming outside of my office today.

God bless that boy and anyone stuck with seeing black and white.

How did he know the colors when he never saw them before, was it on the spectrum of black anx white he could identify the colors?


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6a9e51  No.15967533


you failed as a human because you assumed things which make you an ass.

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8ecac2  No.15967534

Alt-66 poster.

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d1df52  No.15967535

File: 0e66786285f8985⋯.png (926.24 KB, 900x540, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)



Would have been beside myself with joy to get it at Par, under ain't gonna happen, well played Potus, well played!

Golf is a fun game I suck at but it's still fun.

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159ccf  No.15967536


yeah I'd regret my words in that video for a long fucking time if I were that guy.

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db1a8c  No.15967537

File: 7793f7cc316bcfb⋯.mp4 (373.22 KB, 532x720, 133:180, 7793f7cc316bcfb61dbe4d7a66….mp4)

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77d80a  No.15967538


think it's breaking me in.


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193faa  No.15967539


That's a very interesting way to look at it!

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de5d2a  No.15967540

File: 2eb0ce15b3011bf⋯.jpg (161.32 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, Chicken_Brain_Disease_Full….jpg)

File: 415dfd97edb3b3a⋯.jpg (170.65 KB, 708x460, 177:115, biblecucks.jpg)

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3a4a3e  No.15967541


"most likely" kek

y in that entry is dastin

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839f24  No.15967542


I dunno, the way they were hauling it, it probably wouldn't have done any good.

Pennsylvania drivers are batshit crazy.

How do I know? I've seen so many aggressive drivers here in Ohio and they often have PA license plates. kek

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87b2fe  No.15967543

File: 46ddd94258ef117⋯.jpeg (11.36 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Same_Hyde_world_being_kil….jpeg)


Just so you retards understand, while we have spent the last 20 years, trying to catch the Clinton's, Bush's, Obama's and more, 10,000 NEW corrupt actors have risen to replace them…

Enforcers of the law: YOU ARE TOO SLOW.

You know it… I know it… EVERYONE knows it.

Justice delayed, is JUSTICE DENIED! Period.

Oh wonderful, we're going to bust the Clintons a fucking week before they die of old-age (Slow-clap)… This is an embarrassment. Geeee, wouldn't it be something if Americans could ACTUALLY apprehend bad-guys?

Land of the free? Home of the brave?

WHERE??? Where are you "free" men? Say "Jew" on Twitter, "free man"… Say, "Covid-vaccines are harming Americans", on Facebook, "free man"… Cast your vote for nothing, "free man"… Try to exercise your right to assemble, "free men"… You are NOT free.

WHERE? Where are you "brave" men? Are you defending your borders, "brave man"? Are you ousting oppressive tyrants in your nation, "brave man"? Are you speaking truth to power, "brave man"? You ancestors charged the beaches of Normandy, to die for JEWS, and they did it "bravely"… And yet, MANY of you "brave men", won't risk being called an "Anti-Semite" to defend your own soil and families?

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3fdb03  No.15967544

File: 78affce298638ef⋯.png (425.81 KB, 707x500, 707:500, swep.png)

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4d780c  No.15967545

Biblical. Is there really any real way at repairing this mess without Jesus getting involved? Sent by God. This is truly a battle versus good and evil. POTUS has said so as has Q. We are witnessing the legions of Satan's army daily. Satan cannot be defeated by man. I am personally ready for Jesus to return. Nothing can stop what is coming. I have sought forgiveness for my many sins. I trust in the outcome of His return. I pray that all who have not accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior to do so and seek him out. Satan and his legions have declared full on war on humanity. Choose your side. Fence sitting is not an option.

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2f1c14  No.15967546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

GO through the doors

Q Everything

If (You) cannot see over the wall , knock ( it ) down to see

open your eyes , and clean your ears out

Do (You) See It

NO More Sheep , ( You ) are Free

NO MORE TAXES , ( You ) are Free

NO MORE DMV , ( You ) are Free


>Love thy neighbors

>Do ( You ) See It Yet ?

>Thank(You) Q , and Q+ !!!!

>Love is the Answer ❤🇺🇲🇺🇲❤

(They) Have Done Terrible Wicked Activities , (They) Must Pay !!!!

(They) are Cannibals , Blood Drinking , Baby Eating Satanists

DO (YOU) SEE IT !!!!

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34def0  No.15967547


call me father. I am your father.

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0bd364  No.15967548


chicken little tries pickin up dudes with gut stabbing

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d1df52  No.15967549

File: a197039bc3a5067⋯.png (676.95 KB, 900x540, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)


Yep. Sure is!

For anon, thank the good Lord for cart paths, got most of my distance on those…

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3ee863  No.15967550


>orphaned starfish foundation benefit

(Last sentence)

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159ccf  No.15967551



without a vehicle or flares and tits it would've done no good.

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20132d  No.15967552


Good quality fedpost. I rate this 8/8

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9c4bb5  No.15967553

File: b83a588348dde4d⋯.png (417.81 KB, 598x658, 299:329, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 637654b84970c31⋯.png (27.69 KB, 768x172, 192:43, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Jim Jordan Retweeted


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9a839c  No.15967554


I love weirdos, autists and a very plausible theory

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839f24  No.15967555


Tits would've caused some drivers to slam on and lock up their brakes, though.

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77d80a  No.15967556

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8ecac2  No.15967557


CB radio, maybe hada chance, out 10 miles or so, if I can remember my old details.

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87b2fe  No.15967558


Dear Good-Guys (presumably, military service members, law enforcement, alphabet agency fags, etc)…


Quit being faggots.

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1fbd3c  No.15967559


>waving his arms to ALERT oncoming traffic to slow them down

It's clearly some kind of mass delusion.

You can't see, you slow the fuck down.

This is basic driving.

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748a2e  No.15967560

File: 41312251f927021⋯.png (410.17 KB, 410x406, 205:203, ClipboardImage.png)


eleven thousand, eleven hundred and eleven

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159ccf  No.15967561


IF they saw them

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3dea7c  No.15967562

>>15966386 PB

Darrell Issa plans to interfere with Hunter Laptop Investigation

> Issa a turncoat selected to lead this investigation to a dead end for the Uniparty benefit.

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3d2b81  No.15967563


<3 ty fren. i like to look at drops in different lightings

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839f24  No.15967564



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87b2fe  No.15967565


Yeah, it is a fed post…

A fed-up, post.

Not everyone who ACTUALLY wants to defend their nation is a "fed", you brainwashed, turd.

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f546f4  No.15967566


So the honorable on recuses leaving the dishonorable to choose from……

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159ccf  No.15967567





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3ee863  No.15967568


Wapo is starved for Trump


Trump makes it look easy

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bcd1bf  No.15967569

File: 50e9b070550b6ce⋯.jpeg (259.75 KB, 1600x2448, 100:153, 0958827409857409857587034….jpeg)

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748a2e  No.15967570

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002222  No.15967571

File: 6269ad1dbd87d77⋯.gif (1.31 MB, 480x244, 120:61, chkt.gif)

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1012da  No.15967572

File: 2bd1ccf4334cb16⋯.png (148.41 KB, 300x300, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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d4ef57  No.15967573

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748a2e  No.15967574

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159ccf  No.15967575

I remember flares being a common thing up there though… a lot of truckers and even many motorists had them for accidents. You don't see it in the south but I saw it a LOT in MD over the years.

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d3e7f2  No.15967576


11000, 1100, 11

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8ecac2  No.15967577

Yeah, it's the US that has alllll the prollems::



Shanghai Government: Will Encourage Telecom Operators To Provide Three Months Of Free Cloud And Mobile Services To SMES

- To Encourage Financial Institutions To Increase Credit Support And Reduce Loan Interest Rates For Firms Involved In Food Supply


[Credit Bubbles Always rank higher than politically forced Famines]

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eb771b  No.15967578

File: f95a6512baa6deb⋯.jpg (69.21 KB, 740x370, 2:1, 004asw.jpg)

File: 9c7d50029bb67e9⋯.png (1.78 MB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 11afec88c537c1cbdf4cdbbfb0….png)

File: f5c11befa69af5b⋯.jpg (67.82 KB, 1016x702, 508:351, f5c11befa69af5b66f8ff999d9….jpg)

File: bf81e04e7c31dd5⋯.jpg (532.99 KB, 585x711, 65:79, bf81e04e7c31dd5fb3fb539034….jpg)

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748a2e  No.15967579

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fbb4d9  No.15967580

File: b4a8d473b76fe7e⋯.png (46.93 KB, 962x360, 481:180, ClipboardImage.png)


“Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone." - Mark 10:18 and Luke 18:19

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ff0ca1  No.15967581



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3ee863  No.15967582


I'm on the hunt

I'm after you

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1fbd3c  No.15967583


he's right. you didn't say write it as one number.

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82e8dc  No.15967584


He sounded like he may have been in shock or something. All the people seemed freaked out, obviously. None of them thinking clearly.

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159ccf  No.15967585


I took my cock out of your wife's mouth long enough to let her breathe and she said I'm right and you better have the house cleaned when she gets home.

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d4ef57  No.15967586

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748a2e  No.15967587

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8ecac2  No.15967588


Did that judge get a different "tap on the shoulder" than the one from Killary?

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ff0ca1  No.15967589


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47e227  No.15967590


Numbers not stored in my phone go to voicemail. They aren’t scanning my voice box without puttin in more work than a phone call. P.S (((they))) already know how many and how old your kids are, many ways in which they obtain this information. What tv shows/channels are watched in your home, what items have you purchased with debit/credit card? Bottles/diapers? How long ago was last purchase? How frequently have you purchased shoes and how many pair a year? On and on this list goes

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1af2bc  No.15967591

I’m surrounded by normies and it makes me want to scream!

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399bff  No.15967592


Very well defended hole. Miss the green and you're in trouble no matter where you put it.

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20d893  No.15967593


11 1000 11 100 11

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e3a184  No.15967594

File: e1fdd27da9f09ab⋯.jpeg (77.6 KB, 900x599, 900:599, 0DD72F5F_899A_4A48_8F68_1….jpeg)

File: 343486387cf206c⋯.jpeg (46.2 KB, 564x788, 141:197, F93B12B3_98E1_4E69_BF46_1….jpeg)

Biden given questions before press conference.

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748a2e  No.15967595

File: 8477a0dbd708273⋯.png (275.65 KB, 944x533, 944:533, ClipboardImage.png)



well done anon.

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ff0ca1  No.15967596

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9c4bb5  No.15967597

File: 4e6e923bb0704b9⋯.png (64.74 KB, 936x354, 156:59, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc6668792c3a644⋯.png (19.01 KB, 426x251, 426:251, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5540ec56cd19634⋯.png (22.44 KB, 447x236, 447:236, ClipboardImage.png)



Agreed, 8/8.


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728f5e  No.15967598

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eb771b  No.15967599

File: 853e68a45abecb3⋯.jpg (54.04 KB, 382x660, 191:330, 0c289d49c3634b98907b38af0a….jpg)


Still fucks it up.

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77d80a  No.15967600

#20193 @500

>>15967081 Hunter Biden’s $142K Fisker sports car scrutinized in tax probe: report

>>15967098 Head’s UP - CDC is Calling and Surveying !! - BEWARE

>>15967104 Patel Patriot's Devolution: Part 19!

>>15967124 RED RED CNN +

>>15967199 Shin Bet to streamline anti-terror ops inside Israel

>>15967238, >>15967295, >>15967300 John Podesta twat on why Trump filed new case


>>15967244 Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases

>>15967245 PF reports

>>15967268, >>15967284, >>15967289 Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino have refused to cooperate with Jan 6 panel

>>15967273, >>15967397 Is the Clinton Appointed Judge Assigned to Trump Lawsuit Recuses Herself?

>>15967278 Planefag reports

>>15967342 Sean Penn in Ukraine

>>15967348 DHS spied on Americans, collected their financial information in bulk: U.S. senator

>>15967364 Trump Press Release Decode

>>15967372 The Milgram experiment had an exit door

>>15967373 Poso posting DJT release on golfing

>>15967418 LIVE Australia-RAW Footage: Convoy in Canberra 29-3-22 Protest in Canberra #today#live#1#trending

>>15967423 LA violent crime rate soars 60% despite (or is it because of?) strict gun control

>>15967435 S.3930 - A bill to amend the SEC Act of 1934 to permit certain defendants to remove administrative proceedings to Federal court (who?)

>>15967484 Massive Texas Wildfire Spreads To America's Largest Army Base

>>15967493 California State University Drops SAT Test As 'Too Stressful'

>>15967498 Inside the Rash of Unexplained Deaths at Fort Hood …

>>15967499 Congressman Pete Sessions Crushes Ukraine Distraction, Exposes Real War On Americans

>>15967500 NEW DJT on radical left dems

>>15967553 US Marines on bringing home remains of Capt. M Tomkiewicz.

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fd2059  No.15967601


There's a game called Clank.

Maybe "chatter" on that?

Team play?

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87b2fe  No.15967602


Good… Someone needs to light a fire under our military's ass.

DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS, TAX-THIEVES… The military is fast becoming the new face of "dirty-cops". If you commending officer is a traitor, SHOOT HIM.

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8134cf  No.15967603

File: 20292501f8a9817⋯.png (2.67 MB, 2533x2300, 2533:2300, scottfreeGIJANE.png)

Newest version

Will add the Ukrainian Albatross symbol if someone can sauce it.

Cropped it and connected a couple more things for the hard of seeing.

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52dc46  No.15967604

You goyim are taking a mossad IQ test wrt do the numbers right

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bcd1bf  No.15967605


Don't. You'll give away your position.

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002222  No.15967606

File: 444863c76e777d2⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 600x395, 120:79, hips44.jpg)


it's all in the hips, baby

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8ecac2  No.15967607

AFP News Agency


#BREAKING Brazil's Bolsonaro hospitalized after feeling unwell: press

#UPDATE Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has been admitted to a military hospital in Brasilia for tests after feeling unwell, reports say.

While the cause of his illness is so far unknown, Bolsonaro was stabbed in the abdomen in 2018 leaving him with lasting health problems


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d4ef57  No.15967608

File: e66b8782acad4bc⋯.png (25.33 KB, 490x472, 245:236, 555656kjkkjj.PNG)

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dac631  No.15967609


It's all in the swing. When your young and athletic you can get it to par and even under every so often with a bad swing. It's the swing. And nobody knows what the golf swing is. Tiger Woods went through how many swing coaches?

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7aaf08  No.15967610

File: a242a9eaddf0f2f⋯.jpg (31.5 KB, 750x680, 75:68, a242a9eaddf0f2ff6cd4b1985d….jpg)


There's a there, here.

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357f9d  No.15967611

Albatross = double eagle, 3 under par.

Didn't someone say Trump hot a Hole in One on rally day?

Albatross name of ship White Squall

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3d2b81  No.15967612

File: 26c6c3139d6027b⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1186x676, 593:338, Screen_Shot_2022_02_27_at_….png)

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0bd364  No.15967613

elon pulled it out of his asshole and stuck it in his mouth

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032190  No.15967614

File: d77a0a46edae27a⋯.png (8.21 KB, 991x100, 991:100, Nice_place_Mr_M.png)

>>15964386 (/pb)

>"House of M"

The following is not directed at you specifically, Anon;

More receptive than in days past.

The black suits can stay home, not interested in talking to MIB nor any of their proposals.

Come with Keys or don't come at all.

Say hello to Mr. Axelrod.

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ff5c3a  No.15967615

File: 885573774c5cc5c⋯.png (30.64 KB, 310x432, 155:216, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7350ac31a6ea93b⋯.png (37.29 KB, 307x317, 307:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f7fc008a3440c5f⋯.png (18.28 KB, 312x290, 156:145, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ab5feb0a3999955⋯.png (21.61 KB, 309x300, 103:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 481eb553f894bda⋯.png (26.41 KB, 319x394, 319:394, ClipboardImage.png)

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f546f4  No.15967616


This is why the oxford comma is so important….

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3d2b81  No.15967617



double fly

like me

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9ef45e  No.15967618


5 12 5 22 5 14 20 8 15 21 19 1 14 4 5 12 5 22 5 14 8 21 14 4 18 5 4 1 14 4 5 12 5 22 5 14

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d6297d  No.15967619

SOTH Trump Impeaches Biden

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47136d  No.15967620

File: 2a6cbf550daaf31⋯.png (723.19 KB, 850x706, 425:353, ClipboardImage.png)

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b546f1  No.15967621

File: b1d7f5ee8e50806⋯.jpg (25.19 KB, 254x235, 254:235, b1d7f5ee8e50806670cfafa70e….jpg)

File: 84a63813206be3e⋯.png (115.67 KB, 1333x887, 1333:887, ClipboardImage.png)


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87b2fe  No.15967622



Yeah… Justice is for queers, and feds, right guys?

"Trust the plan" for 5 moar years, while your country is raped. Whatever you do, don't do ANYTHING to stop it. Just make some fucking memes in an echo-chamber on 8kun.

(This message has been brought to you by the "feds").

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748a2e  No.15967623

File: bb437f8fdb3053d⋯.png (1.78 MB, 714x940, 357:470, ClipboardImage.png)


good to exercise the brain

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8ecac2  No.15967624

Ted Wheeler Fanboi back at it.

Pardes Seleh


Guess who’s back



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0bd364  No.15967625


and then stuck it back in

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002222  No.15967626

File: 08faf31b7083f96⋯.jpg (13.86 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 57e58d60423601395724f7dae4….jpg)

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9c4bb5  No.15967627

File: bf3fdec512511ce⋯.png (426.9 KB, 598x675, 598:675, ClipboardImage.png)

Kevin McCarthy


I ask the House of Representatives to rise to observe a moment of silence for our Dean, the longest-serving Republican in history, Rep. Don Young of Alaska. We will never forget him.



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357f9d  No.15967628


3 under par. I wonder if it was hole 11?


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f546f4  No.15967629




Hrmm, let me guess …. MuhJoo Shill?

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4027f1  No.15967630



For the win, unless it is a trick question involving fake math.

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0bd364  No.15967631



and then he set the bilbo to autohomo

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7aaf08  No.15967632


Highest rate of orphans in Europe might have something to do with it.

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0bd364  No.15967633

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

fag dues

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ff0ca1  No.15967634


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4b3fb7  No.15967635

File: c1b4f51827acbe0⋯.png (494.43 KB, 773x509, 773:509, style1.png)

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47136d  No.15967636

When eBot's in play, the retards are away.

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d6297d  No.15967637


The Treasure trove of Physical Evidence

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3ee863  No.15967638

45 in a good mood

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ff5c3a  No.15967639

File: ba8f3746f58e047⋯.png (59.46 KB, 315x529, 315:529, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 57cb439c2459534⋯.png (29.19 KB, 313x474, 313:474, ClipboardImage.png)

File: ac238c5bc509150⋯.png (29.34 KB, 315x511, 45:73, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f765b758edcdba⋯.png (29.61 KB, 312x469, 312:469, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1963346d3d99120⋯.png (23.47 KB, 311x309, 311:309, ClipboardImage.png)

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6a9e51  No.15967640

File: e1a22136a92449f⋯.png (503.05 KB, 976x968, 122:121, maga.png)


hate trump people are so stupid

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8ecac2  No.15967641

File: 8e93b35fef4a853⋯.png (96.55 KB, 202x250, 101:125, ClipboardImage.png)

Unsuccessful "Low Pass" run in Ukraine.

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748a2e  No.15967642


it why we are so good at this shit.

see patterns where others miss them.

noicely done,

numbered letters

eleven thousand, eleven hundred and eleven

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0bd364  No.15967643

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>and then he set the bilbo to autohomo

and the koch bros child slaver tax set bilbo explodes ios up+date

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dac631  No.15967644


You have use addition first to write a number. 11 hundred is 1 thousand 1 hundred. So the number would be 12,111.

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8d6796  No.15967645


ron Eagle. 5 iron; 5 foot cut. Hole in one on a par 3 is an eagle.

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ff0ca1  No.15967646

File: 7c4b7fcde60bb8e⋯.png (37.08 KB, 519x445, 519:445, ClipboardImage.png)


it was hole 7

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3a4a3e  No.15967647



Best sauce i can give atm.

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0bd364  No.15967648

File: 613fc706e127806⋯.jpg (36.99 KB, 750x678, 125:113, IMG_8513.JPG)

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eb771b  No.15967649


There is no eleven hundred, that would break the threshold of the bracket. The maximum is 999. Anything over that passes on to the next bracket. It's a trick question.

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f3fc1b  No.15967650

File: d98f379bad0872f⋯.png (353.18 KB, 887x665, 887:665, d98f379bad0872f049be17e9d1….png)



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9c4bb5  No.15967652

File: 53f0201dd34eb21⋯.png (180.18 KB, 478x685, 478:685, ClipboardImage.png)

Adam Schiff


Judge David Carter issued a remarkable opinion.

Finding the former president may have committed a crime and fraud against the people of the United States.

If no one is above the law, then no one must be above the law.

Congress is doing its part. The DOJ must do the same.


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dac631  No.15967653


It's wrong. Hint: 11 hundred is 1 thousand, 100.

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748a2e  No.15967654


good one to try on unsuspecting peeps.


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441580  No.15967655




Ref to 82nd, outta Bragg?

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ff0ca1  No.15967656

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0bd364  No.15967657

6,000,000 vaxxed waxed sex slaves leave egypt

totally forget bout writin down bout pyramids

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4940b5  No.15967658



So he shot a 1 on hole 7.


Must be a coincidence.

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f546f4  No.15967659


It doesnt say 'a' number it says numbers

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748a2e  No.15967660

File: 65f8789d217aeda⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 500x500, 1:1, porthole.gif)

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7aaf08  No.15967661


VP pick will do it.

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bcd1bf  No.15967662


His head is so impossibly round.

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c19f68  No.15967663

File: a2457a7718a048e⋯.jpg (129.94 KB, 1119x1125, 373:375, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….jpg)

Yuval Noah Harari

Daniel Kahneman & Yuval Noah Harari in conversation

Yuval Noah Harari

648,384 viewsApr 13, 2021


Revelation 6

5 And when hee had opened the third seale, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and loe, a blacke horse: and hee that sate on him had a paire of balances in his hand.

6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the foure beastes say, A measure of wheate for a penie, and three measures of barley for a penie, and see thou hurt not the oyle and the wine.

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644b92  No.15967664


Affirm, choppa pilots get .38 revolvers

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ff5c3a  No.15967665

File: c32b4bc31d0c13b⋯.png (169.69 KB, 311x607, 311:607, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6ed5f046ccbd455⋯.png (201.81 KB, 299x632, 299:632, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23c563323da6556⋯.png (210.25 KB, 300x638, 150:319, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0d726bf38a86b53⋯.png (208.12 KB, 308x639, 308:639, ClipboardImage.png)

some kind of Wine or wine harvest comms from Nunes..

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8ecac2  No.15967666



This is legitimately the funniest thing I’ve ever seen pic.twitter.com/AZE9hyjLOI


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47e227  No.15967667


Two assumptions:

1-your panties are in a wad.

2-your not calm.

Both substantiated by your post I responded to.

The rest is my opinion and a heads up I would pray for you.

Feel free to completely disregard my opinions as I will do with your subsequent posts.

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196d42  No.15967668

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dac631  No.15967669


I believe anon meant digits in this case.

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c1713a  No.15967670


Calling out Mattis? 'mad dogs'

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8ecac2  No.15967671


Danks, Fren! I are a retard.

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3ee863  No.15967672


So where's the video ?

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6a9e51  No.15967673

File: 45806476a02619c⋯.jpg (51.55 KB, 675x535, 135:107, masoniclogoschartd.jpg)


yes, twitter is mostly bots and sock puppets.

low energy there

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728f5e  No.15967674

File: fbfa94efcc687d3⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1080x939, 360:313, 20211024_151238.png)

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eb771b  No.15967675

File: edf4c3ec4ef9c13⋯.gif (845.74 KB, 480x204, 40:17, Guzman.gif)

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441580  No.15967676

File: 6ac91ce75aa90a1⋯.jpg (84.68 KB, 1303x353, 1303:353, tempFileForShare_20220328_….jpg)


Peaking of comms, did anons know the Donaldo Trumpo twatter is a direct ref to a Simpson's episode regarding Speiberg?

Is there a bread specifically for the Simpson's/Q proof?

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9ef45e  No.15967677

File: bd22186a9ec243e⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 900x770, 90:77, bd22186a9ec243eae2fd9f08c5….jpg)


thx for the puzzle

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f546f4  No.15967678

File: a20754a6c774c36⋯.jpg (15.72 KB, 255x255, 1:1, GN.jpg)


You are adding.

Why are you adding?

Nowhere doesit say the answer is one number.

the answer is:



if a comma had been present before the 'and' it would be answered as:




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42fe40  No.15967679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Germ War Battle Front

National Archives - The Germ War Battle Front - Uncataloged Film. Records of the Central Intelligence Agency, 1894 - 2002

1952 DPRK North Korean propaganda film with POWs

Captured Korean War Air Force POW pilot Lt Floyd O'Neal is filmed. He gives his name, rank and serial number. Also, home address. He talks of 2 lectures on biological warfare he was given - 1 in the Air Force in 1951 at Luke AFB the other in January 1952 in South Korea. He says he carried out a germ warfare mission, reluctantly. Then confesses about germ warfare in Korea. Might be doing coded blinking.

Then he stands for a final statement.

Then USAF Lt Paul R Kniss is interrogated. He gives his name, rank, serial number. Then talk about his service in the US and Korea and lectures on germ warfare. Also, a germ warfare mission.

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dfeda4  No.15967680

File: bd121acd910d200⋯.gif (4.9 MB, 600x450, 4:3, bd121acd910d20011f84756122….gif)

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a50fc0  No.15967681

File: a720348f966bdd8⋯.jpg (933.09 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, IMG_7495.JPG)

JFKtranny launders handjobs through buttplug ass apples

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8134cf  No.15967682

File: a245b44e76affe3⋯.png (2.71 MB, 2533x2300, 2533:2300, scottfreeGIJANE.png)

File: 4dcc448c8e924d3⋯.png (24.85 KB, 385x198, 35:18, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 51f3b6387a8f711⋯.png (8.49 MB, 4500x4500, 1:1, JAESBM365MMdtwideBIN1027ja….png)


Added the WAKE UP and SCOTT from when it was QClock


Chris Rock makes a GI Jane 2 joke (Ridley Scott directed that movie).

4 year delta Actors acting.

Ridley Scott did White Squall as well

In the Q drops

Albatross was the ship in the movie and is a Ukrainian fighter jet

WAKE UP and SCOTT at the QClock mirror from Q posts

Dec 7 is a big date

Clock Started



Sorry Anon, Albatross is the Brand name

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c19f68  No.15967683

File: 121e1f4b4f316bf⋯.jpeg (22.45 KB, 615x350, 123:70, 121e1f4b4f316bf1f520f66c4….jpeg)

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b232fc  No.15967684

File: f63ffff1b2ff369⋯.jpg (344.47 KB, 801x819, 89:91, Lampost_ahead.jpg)


hi larpy cat

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3aa62c  No.15967685

File: 9d6446afc196962⋯.png (523.2 KB, 810x721, 810:721, Mar_28_good_guys_turning.png)

Is hope brewing?

ANALYSIS: Embedded “good guys” are turning against the cabal… It’s ALL coming out… and the awakening cannot be halted

We have received a batch of new intel from US military sources. Although it’s always difficult to sort out fact from fiction, this is a credible source, and previous intel from this source has proven mostly accurate.

According to the information received by this source and then filtered for us (to remove any OPSEC details), there are some bombshell developments under way right now inside the deep layers of the Pentagon and the Biden regime. First, inside the Pentagon and even the intelligence community, there is growing consensus that the Biden regime is rapidly putting America on a path of economic destruction and that it must be stopped from within. Thus, the number of people inside the CIA, FBI, DHS, DoD etc. who are now switching hats — from “black hat” to “white hat” — is rapidly expanding.

What I’m told is that many of these people are of course corrupt, greedy bastards, but there are limits of what they will tolerate. They are opposed to the pedophiles running the Biden regime, for example, and they are fully aware of the child trafficking allegations / evidence found on the Hunter Biden “laptop from Hell.”

In addition, they have a pretty good racket going and they don’t want the racket to collapse. This means they need to stop Biden from completely destroying the US dollar and America’s economic system. In other words, even those who voted for Biden and who are part of the corrupt bureaucracy are realizing that if they don’t stop this madness, they will all be destroyed as America falls. Thus, out of a sense of self-preservation (and in some cases, human decency), they are turning against the cabal and hoping to preserve their positions of power in the process.

I’m told that indictment papers for Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Hunter Biden and Joe Biden are already circulating within the intelligence community. All the players are fully aware of the serious crimes of official corruption that have been committed by these people, spanning several decades. The intelligence community influencers are attempting to prepare a way to remove Joe Biden from power, publicly expose the Biden crime family and still maintain some degree of credibility for Democrats in the mid-term elections. If this seems like an impossible task to you, most of the deep state experts also agree. There is no way to expose all this without ripping the credibility of the Democrats (and the controlled media) to shreds, and that’s the main reason why there is internal push back against this strategy.

That’s also why there is a contingent within the deep state that seeks to remove Joe Biden using another method — such as a false flag operation — so that he can be “taken out” and given a hero’s funeral, much like the official funeral of traitor John McCain, who was part of the Russia collusion coup attempt against Trump.

here’s another factor in all this that’s weighing heavily on the FBI, CIA, DHS, DoD and other security agencies, we’ve learned. Biden’s new deal with Iran is going to flood Iran with billions of dollars in fresh cash that will enable Iran to fully fund a wave of radicalized suicide bombers who will be unleashed onto Western Europe by pretending to be Ukrainian refugees seeking protection in the West. Some of these operatives will also sneak into the USA across the open southern border, most likely pretending to be South American. Once in the USA, they can easily acquire the weapons and explosives they need to carry out their murderous tasks of causing chaos and fear across America.

Moar at…


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a50fc0  No.15967686

File: b6e5240e48ae6f5⋯.jpg (160.04 KB, 1088x1168, 68:73, IMG_6638.JPG)


>handjobs through buttplug ass apples


>handjobs through buttplug ass apples

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3ee863  No.15967688


>spent hours tucking it in.

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0a673b  No.15967689

File: 230fdcd5cd02c5c⋯.png (445.63 KB, 600x640, 15:16, 230fdcd5cd02c5cafc82e6407a….png)

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ff5c3a  No.15967690

File: b9e93bf0ed34dfa⋯.png (12.32 KB, 317x205, 317:205, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eecab11504546b6⋯.png (152.96 KB, 315x596, 315:596, ClipboardImage.png)

File: adfed4c3c20366c⋯.png (185.53 KB, 318x621, 106:207, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3c4d03c7d6ce487⋯.png (199.03 KB, 319x622, 319:622, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4b3fed8355641eb⋯.png (287.22 KB, 636x582, 106:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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bcd1bf  No.15967691


"They won't even let me compete in the Special Olympics!". kek

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8d6796  No.15967692


lets get stoned as fuck and do moar anon shit maybe they will let us in

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748a2e  No.15967693

File: c7e0fe1a243d161⋯.png (1.11 MB, 944x544, 59:34, ClipboardImage.png)

File: debba7bc4634bc6⋯.png (1.85 MB, 734x1059, 734:1059, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bcc964f12c0c9dc⋯.png (615.95 KB, 716x908, 179:227, ClipboardImage.png)


it was just a random question.

anon has spent all day making connection.

We have kicked the fake msm butt today.

it has been a glorious day.

they wish that the brain power gathered here.

it is a pleasure to be among so many talented anons here, so many skills, from art, video, grammar, maths and everything in between.


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eb771b  No.15967694

File: 45fd76ad580f396⋯.jpg (129.53 KB, 781x815, 781:815, 45fd76ad580f3962166508d29c….jpg)

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4027f1  No.15967695


"I spent hours tucking this thing in"


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ff5c3a  No.15967696

File: 6e9da7f6d7b34f8⋯.png (123.11 KB, 315x609, 15:29, ClipboardImage.png)

Trump reposts cicada guy

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159ccf  No.15967697

File: ff5e3d59017277d⋯.png (487.09 KB, 946x540, 473:270, ClipboardImage.png)

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c19f68  No.15967699

File: 5701b80b4e728a7⋯.jpg (58.7 KB, 565x1085, 113:217, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….jpg)


>a blacke horse


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441580  No.15967700


end of quarter, change of brass?

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a8657b  No.15967701


Wow, that is an old video, seen it before; guess it's all part of the plan.

Mission Forward

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960e0f  No.15967702



>If no one is above the law, then no one must be above the law.

Following Soros' no one is above the law plan to this day.

>Finding the former president may have committed a crime and fraud against the people of the United States

We feel the same about the Joe/Hoe shit show.

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7e509c  No.15967703


You beat me to that shit anon. Being a starfish is a butthole……

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7043a2  No.15967704

File: ca94298d94b825e⋯.jpg (325.56 KB, 1638x2048, 819:1024, 20220328_105510.jpg)

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eb771b  No.15967705

File: 45df2bee6378da0⋯.jpg (142.01 KB, 948x966, 158:161, We_re_scattering_the_fucki….jpg)

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52dc46  No.15967706


>Can't even tell lineage of meme history enough to recognize a ron paul meme.

Disgraceful, Anon.

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8134cf  No.15967707

File: 96bda3ffc069e35⋯.png (9.13 MB, 5200x5000, 26:25, 4qclock_vanilla5x5JSRS.png)

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cd65a8  No.15967708

File: 2a26103037de275⋯.png (904 B, 400x210, 40:21, SonsOfLiberty.png)

NATO was created why?

We should have removed ourselves from it decades ago.

They no longer represent us.

All that tax money that was knowingly stolen from us.


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3cae7c  No.15967709

File: 3a21fb7febe32c5⋯.jpg (126.23 KB, 408x528, 17:22, dsfasdfasd.JPG)

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f546f4  No.15967710

File: 68a98da552cf517⋯.png (395.03 KB, 600x600, 1:1, NS1.png)

Make sure the kids are in bed.

It's Night Shift!

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4d3c82  No.15967711


and then he shoved an apple up his asshole

and we all watched

through a windows 10

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6a9e51  No.15967712

File: 45e24cd052b850a⋯.jpg (323.18 KB, 1076x810, 538:405, kicklightee.jpg)


wrong punctuation changed the meaning

Hate-trump people are so stupid

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ff5c3a  No.15967713






some Truth Social posts for anons who want a look

you can browse them at qagg.news by clicking the Truth drop down button.

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8d6796  No.15967714

not gonna lie, i feel like i make a lot of major break throughs mentally in this community even though i smoke myself into a mental retard state on a daily basis. The best work gets done at the precipice , when im like a 9.9/10 stoned

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8ecac2  No.15967715

File: 921535c446dcbf3⋯.png (498.99 KB, 1802x492, 901:246, ClipboardImage.png)

Julie Kelly 🇺🇸



Kyle Cheney @kyledcheney

Replying to @kyledcheney

Liz CHENEY continues to issue deliver brutal assessments of her GOP colleagues:

"[M]any Republican members of congress have abandoned their obligation to our Constitution and are putting politics above duty."


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748a2e  No.15967716

File: d33efa928b4857e⋯.mp4 (13.18 MB, 960x540, 16:9, night_shift2.mp4)

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4af111  No.15967717

Woe is me.

No bride to find.

All gone to whores.

Tel Aviv was such a beautiful city.

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4d3c82  No.15967718

File: a4b091211fb18f2⋯.png (111.26 KB, 425x422, 425:422, IMG_7265.PNG)


>and then he shoved an apple up his asshole

>and we all watched

>through a windows 10


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cd65a8  No.15967719

There is no U.S.S.R.

There hasn't been for decades.

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2513b2  No.15967720

File: 635795343bf8345⋯.jpg (314.12 KB, 965x956, 965:956, Template1.jpg)

File: 5da4a3ea8d89146⋯.jpg (423.31 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Template2.jpg)

File: 416eb4c8a5000cb⋯.jpg (347.87 KB, 788x1031, 788:1031, Popcornm_ttkitty.jpg)

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ff5c3a  No.15967721


cant tell if this is real but I want it to be

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d1df52  No.15967722

File: cefc073f7907382⋯.png (454.53 KB, 955x500, 191:100, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b74117301209c33⋯.png (340.56 KB, 960x460, 48:23, ClipboardImage.png)


Look at all the new debt slaves!

They'll never be seriously employable and they won't repay the debt. Perfect. They already have signage.

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cdecaf  No.15967723

File: 5a1648d3a08adfd⋯.gif (624.93 KB, 446x404, 223:202, 5a1648d3a08adfd880c6e1129b….gif)


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8fff79  No.15967724

File: 922fafe7ea0ba7d⋯.png (842.31 KB, 1304x1078, 652:539, jew_space_helmet.png)

The Jews are at it again. Jewish brain space helmet.


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3a4a3e  No.15967725


Thanks for pointing that out.

Maybe something in their company profile.


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6a9e51  No.15967726

File: 81e11e95c133e34⋯.mp4 (401.54 KB, 448x424, 56:53, slapgif.mp4)


how did I know it was so much more fake than I was hearing tell?

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c19f68  No.15967727

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>15957153 (OP)



10,455 views * Jun 15, 2020


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8134cf  No.15967728



Thanks Anon

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a823b2  No.15967729

File: 2ee709a8794200f⋯.png (66.6 KB, 178x389, 178:389, ClipboardImage.png)




can't pull vid but hilarious

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20132d  No.15967730


It's a comedian. He does this a lot.

He is brilliant.

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9deff4  No.15967731

Biden Budget Plan Spends Billions in American Tax Dollars on Lawyers for Border Crossers, Illegal Aliens

President Joe Biden’s proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2023 includes spending billions in American taxpayer money on lawyers for border crossers and illegal aliens to help them fight their deportations from the United States.

On Monday, Biden unveiled his nearly $6 trillion budget which includes ensuring border crossers and illegal aliens have “legal representation” for years to come.

Specifically, the budget would spend $150 million in taxpayer money to fund “new resources in legal access programming” for border crossers and illegal aliens who are fighting their deportations from the U.S.

In addition, the budget complements “this new program” by spending “$4.5 billion in mandatory resources to expand these efforts over a 10-year period” to make the immigration “system fairer and more equitable” for border crossers and illegal aliens.

In January, Breitbart News reported how Biden was set to roll out the Legal Access at the Border (LAB) program that enters agreements with private contractors, funded by taxpayer money, to provide border crossers and illegal aliens with a range of legal services.

Legal services for border crossers and illegal aliens are part of a larger plan by the Biden administration to transform the southern border into a mere checkpoint for foreign nationals seeking entry to the U.S.

That goal envisions “European-style reception centers” where border crossers and illegal aliens are immediately met with medical services, legal advice, and educational programs.

The Biden administration for months has sought to increase legal aid to border crossers and illegal aliens. In May 2021, for example, Biden signed an executive order that authorized the Department of Justice (DOJ) to expand legal representation for Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs).

Already, illegal aliens are being provided with taxpayer-funded attorneys in major American cities to fight their deportations from the U.S.

Earlier this year, Breitbart News exclusively reported how an Immigration and Reform Law Institute (IRLI) investigation revealed that taxpayers in 22 cities with deportation defense programs will be charged at least $5.2 million to provide illegal aliens with free lawyers in Fiscal Year 2022.


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4d3c82  No.15967732

File: 453e52ec45dcdd5⋯.jpg (327.98 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, IMG_7663.JPG)


>>and then he shoved an apple up his asshole

>>and we all watched

>>through a windows 10


and teh ufo mad, made it teh homo for another forty years

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2b4975  No.15967733





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8134cf  No.15967734

File: 11113fdc8e9461d⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2533x2300, 2533:2300, scottfreeGIJANE.png)


Picture dropped

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3ee863  No.15967735


They use to say that about nazis

Way back in February

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cfb4f6  No.15967736

Hollywood is normalizing black on black violence.

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77d80a  No.15967737


>>15967081 Hunter Biden’s $142K Fisker sports car scrutinized in tax probe: report

>>15967098 Head’s UP - CDC is Calling and Surveying !! - BEWARE

>>15967104 Patel Patriot's Devolution: Part 19!

>>15967124 RED RED CNN +

>>15967199 Shin Bet to streamline anti-terror ops inside Israel

>>15967238, >>15967295, >>15967300 John Podesta twat on why Trump filed new case


>>15967244 Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases

>>15967245 PF reports

>>15967268, >>15967284, >>15967289 Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino have refused to cooperate with Jan 6 panel

>>15967273, >>15967397 Is the Clinton Appointed Judge Assigned to Trump Lawsuit Recuses Herself?

>>15967278 Planefag reports

>>15967342 Sean Penn in Ukraine

>>15967348 DHS spied on Americans, collected their financial information in bulk: U.S. senator

>>15967364 Trump Press Release Decode

>>15967372 The Milgram experiment had an exit door

>>15967373 Poso posting DJT release on golfing

>>15967418 LIVE Australia-RAW Footage: Convoy in Canberra 29-3-22 Protest in Canberra #today#live#1#trending

>>15967423 LA violent crime rate soars 60% despite (or is it because of?) strict gun control

>>15967435 S.3930 - A bill to amend the SEC Act of 1934 to permit certain defendants to remove administrative proceedings to Federal court (who?)

>>15967484 Massive Texas Wildfire Spreads To America's Largest Army Base

>>15967493 California State University Drops SAT Test As 'Too Stressful'

>>15967498 Inside the Rash of Unexplained Deaths at Fort Hood …

>>15967499 Congressman Pete Sessions Crushes Ukraine Distraction, Exposes Real War On Americans

>>15967500 NEW DJT on radical left dems

>>15967553 US Marines on bringing home remains of Capt. M Tomkiewicz.

>>15967607 Brazil's Bolsonaro hospitalized after feeling unwell – AFP

>>15967652 Shifty Schiff on Judge David Carter opinion

>>15967663 Daniel Kahneman & Yuval Noah Harari in conversation

>>15967685 Embedded “good guys” are turning against the cabal… It’s ALL coming out


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ff5c3a  No.15967738


>If this seems like an impossible task to you, most of the deep state experts also agree.

notableMike Adams

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38e965  No.15967739

File: 8c0084ef7cf8188⋯.jpg (7.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4bec2fc209d92cba7d21953b5d….jpg)

when looking at the 50's vis-a-vis today….economically….single dad could support a family; but the lament is always "well, woman were oppressed, there was racism and gays were in the closet" : so that begs the question…did letting all that freedom for the protected classes fuck everything up for mostly everyone else?

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8134cf  No.15967740

File: 11113fdc8e9461d⋯.png (2.77 MB, 2533x2300, 2533:2300, scottfreeGIJANE.png)


Picture dropped


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3aa62c  No.15967741

File: 602edca0d0dad7e⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1119x1125, 373:375, Mar_28_anti_christ.png)


The Anti-Christ revealed. Here he is.

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196d42  No.15967742


Agreed best work.. but also delete more possible posts when stoned.. when you're just like "nah thats fuckin stupid/waste of a post"

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5a9944  No.15967743


blacks already did that

where the fuck you been

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4d3c82  No.15967744

File: 133e3e6e4d336ad⋯.jpg (194.5 KB, 640x800, 4:5, mordor.jpg)

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7aaf08  No.15967745

File: 1adc43992efb0be⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 871x815, 871:815, 1adc43992efb0bea23135498cf….jpg)

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7927ce  No.15967746

File: 71c1b2f9b0ad4f1⋯.png (417.77 KB, 1075x807, 1075:807, 1648521385584.png)

File: b7d4ba159c09864⋯.png (102.69 KB, 302x300, 151:150, 1648521553641.png)

Can some Swarthy Graphics Fag Recoloriize to Doo Doo Brown for Nigger Pigg?


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728f5e  No.15967747

File: 4d0b3714ce073fa⋯.jpg (483.26 KB, 1080x1481, 1080:1481, 20220120_102715.jpg)

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4d3c82  No.15967748


it wasn;t a walk taht got them there

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7bf01a  No.15967749

File: bbff1aa7a6e03b3⋯.png (88.59 KB, 601x675, 601:675, hm2c.png)

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b8f848  No.15967750


yeah like "ahhhhh fuck it what was i thinking" but really it was incredible work and i must have been smoking crack to delete it kek

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f49815  No.15967751

File: 0b257193bf6a6cd⋯.jpg (17.96 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 7240166c21b658f798e1d8328c….jpg)





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3ee863  No.15967752



That one's fer ya.

Not the antichrist above ya

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bcd1bf  No.15967753


They would have no choice.

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4d3c82  No.15967754

File: 564504b8dcfd215⋯.jpg (8.53 KB, 300x168, 25:14, RUMPrally.jpg)


>made it teh homo for another forty years

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f546f4  No.15967755


Instructions Unclear.

Accidental amputation.

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bbbc4b  No.15967756

File: 6f4c8bb1fbe5039⋯.gif (6.39 MB, 480x480, 1:1, 7F28E202_7876_4E96_9CF7_A9….gif)

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4d3c82  No.15967757

File: 6620f814fdf7b6b⋯.jpg (271.52 KB, 960x991, 960:991, pp6p69g9fax71.jpg)


>it wasn;t a walk taht got them there

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6a9e51  No.15967758

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8b1a7f  No.15967759


>…who are taking bullets and bombs for us… @6:28

I think by us, he means Hollyweird elite.

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ff5c3a  No.15967760


I see


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cd65a8  No.15967761


Tax dollars stolen from us to represent them.

They no longer represent us.






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6a9e51  No.15967762


cut the reddit spacing as well

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7927ce  No.15967763

File: 8503d6a7006cfb0⋯.jpg (140.51 KB, 748x505, 748:505, WINNING_01.jpg)

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6726b0  No.15967764

176 uids

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3ee863  No.15967765

So much winning

Keep us safe Jesus

Keep the enemy on the run Jesus

God bless us every anon.

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c19f68  No.15967766


>177 UIDs

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7927ce  No.15967767

File: 55b6616d4e33d25⋯.png (517.56 KB, 967x1001, 967:1001, 1648520506192.png)

File: 44d7e8852439014⋯.png (53.98 KB, 640x214, 320:107, 1648251134050.png)

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3cae7c  No.15967768

File: 2a33c479777ff55⋯.png (63.59 KB, 446x385, 446:385, gen_flynn_hero.png)

File: cd5e2abf722cc72⋯.png (256.51 KB, 437x698, 437:698, Screenshot_2022_03_28_Red_….png)

File: 1080b1c78832cf4⋯.png (300.4 KB, 437x596, 437:596, Screenshot_2022_03_28_Red_….png)

Flynn/Clark - Arrogance & Selfishness Will Be The Downfall Of The [DS], Patriots Are Winning




Follow the Red.Pill.Pharmacist telegraph


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ff5c3a  No.15967769


are you disguising yourself as a bot?

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eb771b  No.15967770

File: b1b802b978559ea⋯.gif (1.59 MB, 320x180, 16:9, Blessed_Tuco.gif)

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4af111  No.15967771

BO: Why does the font size keep decreasing? If you’re doing it as a thing, please reconsider. It’s becoming very hard to read on an iPad for these aged eyes. If it’s shills’ work, then fuck ‘em.

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8ecac2  No.15967772



The wife of former Goldman banker Roger Ng denied that $35 million held in an account in her mother’s name was stolen from 1MDB, claiming instead that the money was the return on a legitimate investment


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c19f68  No.15967773

File: 026b2fe0b0b0a46⋯.png (352.89 KB, 400x529, 400:529, 026b2fe0b0b0a4602dd9e1d53a….png)

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c19f68  No.15967774

File: 837ba751e2b2b80⋯.jpeg (133.15 KB, 736x1111, 736:1111, 837ba751e2b2b807ba7414131….jpeg)

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fa04d6  No.15967775

File: 72f3fcdd77e8fad⋯.jpg (146.05 KB, 1070x710, 107:71, Shot_heard_round.jpg)

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6a9e51  No.15967776

File: 1f06ff9a444bd02⋯.jpg (44.5 KB, 739x559, 739:559, lindseynonamegay5.jpg)


how were his plans unlawful


they need to try harder.

they are proud of the people who defend their Coup; figures.

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032190  No.15967777

We are all mutants.

Embrace your gifts.

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90d933  No.15967778

File: 3cea6946fa105e9⋯.jpg (435.59 KB, 1689x2048, 1689:2048, do_you_like_memes.jpg)

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de5d2a  No.15967779

File: b43e2af8a3a7af4⋯.jpg (50.69 KB, 720x522, 40:29, ufo_moonbase_personnel.jpg)

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b8f848  No.15967780

File: 805aa3f379c3d4f⋯.png (15.55 KB, 477x539, 477:539, stoned_pepe.png)

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c19f68  No.15967781



>We are all mutants.

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d1df52  No.15967782

File: 0bdee45773abf4b⋯.png (263.69 KB, 480x269, 480:269, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7be79ae4e0e1965⋯.png (576.65 KB, 630x471, 210:157, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aac2435cc70c552⋯.png (145.47 KB, 319x193, 319:193, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d089dced4da22e⋯.png (391.79 KB, 507x338, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)



One of those games that looks so easy. Not even a little bit!

Leftie -approx 100 yards, on the ground and in a straight line

Rightie- so that's what a slice is…and the hunt is on.

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de5d2a  No.15967783

File: 856db8524821c94⋯.jpg (157.75 KB, 624x420, 52:35, rs_11577_devo_624_13724249….jpg)


…Quad 7's check'd.

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8ecac2  No.15967784


I Left off she's projecting again.

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748a2e  No.15967785

File: 6245aa1f4949078⋯.gif (12.45 MB, 800x500, 8:5, 6245aa1f494907801200ace000….gif)

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cdecaf  No.15967786

File: a69d74b6460d620⋯.gif (278.36 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, a69d74b6460d620a5d32743578….gif)



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748a2e  No.15967787

File: 6245aa1f4949078⋯.gif (12.45 MB, 800x500, 8:5, 6245aa1f494907801200ace000….gif)

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b8f848  No.15967788


i would win the gold and ketanji would say yes ; he clearly is a retard

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90d933  No.15967789

File: 2c8d27475926ae7⋯.jpg (94.83 KB, 640x480, 4:3, d.jpg)

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ff5c3a  No.15967790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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77d80a  No.15967791


>>15967081 Hunter Biden’s $142K Fisker sports car scrutinized in tax probe: report

>>15967098 Head’s UP - CDC is Calling and Surveying !! - BEWARE

>>15967104 Patel Patriot's Devolution: Part 19!

>>15967124 RED RED CNN +

>>15967199 Shin Bet to streamline anti-terror ops inside Israel

>>15967238, >>15967295, >>15967300 John Podesta twat on why Trump filed new case


>>15967244 Russia sets fixed gold price as it restarts official bullion purchases

>>15967245 PF reports

>>15967268, >>15967284, >>15967289 Peter Navarro and Dan Scavino have refused to cooperate with Jan 6 panel

>>15967273, >>15967397 Is the Clinton Appointed Judge Assigned to Trump Lawsuit Recuses Herself?

>>15967278 Planefag reports

>>15967342 Sean Penn in Ukraine

>>15967348 DHS spied on Americans, collected their financial information in bulk: U.S. senator

>>15967364 Trump Press Release Decode

>>15967372 The Milgram experiment had an exit door

>>15967373 Poso posting DJT release on golfing

>>15967418 LIVE Australia-RAW Footage: Convoy in Canberra 29-3-22 Protest in Canberra #today#live#1#trending

>>15967423 LA violent crime rate soars 60% despite (or is it because of?) strict gun control

>>15967435 S.3930 - A bill to amend the SEC Act of 1934 to permit certain defendants to remove administrative proceedings to Federal court (who?)

>>15967484 Massive Texas Wildfire Spreads To America's Largest Army Base

>>15967493 California State University Drops SAT Test As 'Too Stressful'

>>15967498 Inside the Rash of Unexplained Deaths at Fort Hood …

>>15967499 Congressman Pete Sessions Crushes Ukraine Distraction, Exposes Real War On Americans

>>15967500 NEW DJT on radical left dems

>>15967553 US Marines on bringing home remains of Capt. M Tomkiewicz.

>>15967607 Brazil's Bolsonaro hospitalized after feeling unwell – AFP

>>15967652 Shifty Schiff on Judge David Carter opinion

>>15967663 Daniel Kahneman & Yuval Noah Harari in conversation

>>15967685 Embedded “good guys” are turning against the cabal… It’s ALL coming out

>>15967768 Flynn/Clark - Arrogance & Selfishness Will Be The Downfall Of The [DS], Patriots Are Winning

>>15967772 Wife of Roger Ng denied that money held in mother's maiden name was stolen from 1MDB


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3ee863  No.15967792


So bamboozled they can't but grasp at any moves.


Trump continues to slo-troll.

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441580  No.15967794



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4b3fb7  No.15967796


Finally, some golf scenery I can relate to.

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6a3e07  No.15967798

God Mode.

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4d3c82  No.15967799

File: d5d8a2b9cc91b30⋯.jpg (152.78 KB, 747x900, 83:100, faggydragonsfaggybeasts.jpg)


unmarried hobbit sex should require licensing

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90d933  No.15967800

File: 2fa7578638cf196⋯.jpg (159.04 KB, 848x1020, 212:255, Nothing_Can.jpg)

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f546f4  No.15967801

Well the MuhJoo shills all fuxxed off.

Is it Ramadan or something?

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961d57  No.15967802

File: b81d09bf380ac8c⋯.jpeg (171.12 KB, 828x1792, 207:448, 576DD6D3_06A5_444B_9CFE_4….jpeg)


doesit. Sitting female deer?

does it

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44cee2  No.15967803


I have contempt for Congress. What don't you assholes get about 2 planes on 911 taking down 3 buildings; thus today's chaos. Congress never mentioned building 7 in their report, they deserve death for treason. They conspired to cover up domestic terrorism along with the FBI.

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d1df52  No.15967804


That's got to be the best defended hole anon ever laid eyes on. And the cart path is useless..

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73e6eb  No.15967805

File: b2264c0697a633d⋯.png (426.87 KB, 784x1309, 112:187, ClipboardImage.png)


Calls out the psychological projection scam artists who cheated 2020!

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6726b0  No.15967806

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77d80a  No.15967807

baking, hold em

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cd589c  No.15967808

File: aa230bb2b791dd8⋯.gif (3.25 MB, 720x460, 36:23, shadilay44.gif)

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5a9944  No.15967809


we're on a planet

billions of years old

flying through space

that's even older

we are the ayylmaos

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73e6eb  No.15967810

File: 7be62b4e72f9ab9⋯.png (658.76 KB, 877x1170, 877:1170, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d3c82  No.15967811

File: e1ab3c9ca6ca8d1⋯.jpg (68.33 KB, 354x500, 177:250, 61NVB3CycbL.jpg)

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aeb492  No.15967812

File: df386bba0ecf7a5⋯.jpg (262.26 KB, 658x370, 329:185, hyagsjehdad.jpg)

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cd589c  No.15967814

File: c4bfab5720a426f⋯.png (7.56 KB, 255x166, 255:166, e5d683f31ae9ab1941311c671a….png)

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cd65a8  No.15967816

What's next?

Knowingly steal out tax dollars to protect us from fairy tale monsters?







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bb8a60  No.15967817

File: 15b03c2c4e78b80⋯.png (972.89 KB, 891x476, 891:476, 15b03c2c4e78b803817f0af9e7….png)


and still gets attention in the media whenever pedophilia is mentioned, and from congress-things whenever they want to attack trump ; amazing shit

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bcd1bf  No.15967818

File: 513bc3b8624bac3⋯.png (56.77 KB, 362x294, 181:147, 235e998fa5c17b0ef29f499deb….png)


But we wouldn't really know for sure if she's also not a retardologist.

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3aa62c  No.15967819

File: 145c71e19aa3e93⋯.png (82.25 KB, 572x466, 286:233, oct_29_o7_2_.png)

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c19f68  No.15967820

File: 6b928004c7d7942⋯.jpg (74.1 KB, 756x618, 126:103, Screen_Shot_2022_03_28_at_….jpg)



1:04:20 mark

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4d3c82  No.15967821

File: 828142009879c6b⋯.gif (724.61 KB, 245x183, 245:183, tumblr_mdaykaH9hk1qc3nxxo1….gif)

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ff5c3a  No.15967822

File: 9cbe71b501e3078⋯.png (305.65 KB, 448x635, 448:635, 7537bf38e6282b348337296eb0….png)

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6a9e51  No.15967824

File: 5f01b57898dffdc⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB, 480x360, 4:3, John_Podesta_s_pedophile_d….mp4)


Pedesto's Pedo ditty

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4d3c82  No.15967825

File: 9aca9cb41555d1a⋯.jpg (535.93 KB, 1289x670, 1289:670, 9ac.jpg)

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d4ef57  No.15967826

File: cee2363cb77f54e⋯.png (984.22 KB, 1063x664, 1063:664, MadeinAmerica.PNG)

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9c4bb5  No.15967827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>We are all mutants.

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f546f4  No.15967828


We have a slow one it seems.

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77d80a  No.15967830

File: 49d0eaf34fb3699⋯.jpg (562.5 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, bread_asst3.jpg)

fresh bread




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becbae  No.15967831

File: 5e8fa9c8f251a9c⋯.jpg (253.51 KB, 762x761, 762:761, 5e8fa9c8f251a9cd39e34b3cdb….jpg)

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4d3c82  No.15967833

File: 13c4fe9e7c7cf6a⋯.jpg (73.8 KB, 480x672, 5:7, image190.jpg)

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3cae7c  No.15967834

File: ff4c850369ffb06⋯.png (1.03 MB, 1080x1109, 1080:1109, fdgsdfgsdfgsdffff.png)

File: 01f6f5f56627fa7⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1150, 108:115, asdfsdfsddffffffffffff.png)

File: f25f76fc9bd0d13⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1576, 135:197, jkiuoyuioii.png)

File: 229b954ca3b3dd1⋯.jpg (54.96 KB, 596x400, 149:100, eestueyxgaad2vj.jpg)

File: a49eee1c4361c37⋯.jpeg (77.55 KB, 812x582, 406:291, ce042641f150b808.jpeg)

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cd589c  No.15967836

standby for CNN gold upload:

"The Largest Refugee Center in all of Europe"

with don the lemone

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d9082e  No.15967837


she does exhibit all the classic symptoms of a retardologist though, she has a PHD is Retardation

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ff5c3a  No.15967838

File: 0413c67f039af7c⋯.gif (2.23 MB, 345x258, 115:86, scrooge.gif)

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644b92  No.15967839

File: 302562f5b7484aa⋯.jpg (1012.95 KB, 1350x2000, 27:40, 302562f5b7484aaa9e4013faef….jpg)

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f36038  No.15967841


Make tranny safe spaces Back In The Closet.

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fea6b8  No.15967842


nor bldg 6

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6726b0  No.15967843




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ff5c3a  No.15967844


hurry jew

post something about muslims

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de5d2a  No.15967846

File: 8153afbbc3c89dd⋯.png (46.18 KB, 602x498, 301:249, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_2….png)

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960e0f  No.15967847


>The Largest Refugee Center in all of Europe

coming to a city/town near (you)

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6726b0  No.15967848


Rogue Sabre rattler ing

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d1df52  No.15967849

File: 3b7212012fdf7e2⋯.png (536.95 KB, 608x609, 608:609, DogKnows.png)


Keks in yep.

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3aa62c  No.15967853


Mike Adams says Dr. Brian Ardis on Brighteon is going to drop something as big as Hunter Biden's laptop this week…

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a49184  No.16134136

File: 1c872f6feddcfb2⋯.jpg (1.91 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, _4_4_.jpg)

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a49184  No.16134142

File: 11eac39c9190df5⋯.mp4 (2.57 MB, 854x480, 427:240, _BOOOOM_.mp4)

File: 000f0f4f7cd17ac⋯.png (805 KB, 581x614, 581:614, pepekorn44.png)

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a49184  No.16134144

File: bf6a10ca30ab662⋯.png (1.38 MB, 898x657, 898:657, sf.png)

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