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cf4e5a  No.15955470[Last 50 Posts]

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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cf4e5a  No.15955478


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – WATCH OUT for illegal CP NEW


>>15942289 Reminder while Img Server Down to Post OffBoard and Link Back NEW



>>15955290 This is the single most dangerous time in our country. Far moar dangerous then WW1, WW2 and that's because of the power of nuclear weapons.

>>15955286, >>15955294 Call to dig: Yuval Noah Harari

>>15955244 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

>>15955192, >>15955262 Forget Greta: The Central Bankers Are the Real Eco-Fascists; Mark Carney

>>15955188 kunstler.com: Naming Names

>>15955178 More Keks: Actor Sean Penn Threatens To Smelt His Oscars In Public If Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Is Not Invited To Speak At The Academy Awards

>>15955167 Hear the loud-chime at the 1:07:00 mark? "for 11 years"

>>15955160 How Bill Barr's Silence Impacted The Outcome Of An Election

>>15955156, >>15955163 For the keks: Keanu Reeves movies banned in China due to his Tibet backing

>>15955149 Zuckerberg-Connected Nonprofit Helped Shift Michigan’s 2020 Voting Rules

>>15955103, >>15955113 Yaro Kulchyckyj, USAID Kiev Project Officer in 1995

>>15955077 USAID Gregory Huger

>>15955064 “Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners an Investment firm led by Hunter Biden Invested In The Pandemic Firm Metabiota collaborating with EcoHealth And The Wuhan Lab

>>15955014 CALL TO DIG Ukraine & Big Pharma

>>15955006 care.org: Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to deliver keynote address at launch event in New York

>>15955000 politifact: Since 1992, the government has spent about $5.1 billion to support democracy-building programs in Ukraine

>>15954996 Burisma, Ukraine and corruption in Eastern Europe (2019)

>>15954995 Victoria Nuland's Admits Washington Has Spent $5 Billion to "Subvert Ukraine" Feb 9, 2014 (video)

>>15954962, >>15954965, >>15954968, >>15954972 Clinton USAID Ukraine 1994

>>15954948, >>15954957 Hilldawg has her hands everywhere

>>15954923 upicom: (1997) HC toured Ukraine Hospital linked to American Henry Ford Hospital

>>15954920, >>15954926 A large explosion rocked an ExxonMobil oil refinery in Montana on Saturday night, sparking a massive blaze at the site

>>15954911 kare11.com: Avian flu found in Minnesota poultry flocks

>>15954873 sott.net: UK ex-army chief warns West to prepare for 'long term degradation' of living standards amidst 'long term confrontation with Russia'

>>15954843, >>15954852 Foo Fighters drummer Taylor Hawkins had TEN different drugs in his system says early toxicology report, anon intrigued report back so fast

>>15954773, >>15954786, >>15954801 Team Trump Caught This Nuclear (N ( the N Word) is for Nuclear according to PresidentT at tonight’s rally) Flynn Grand Scheme, Trump’s first week in office from the @gmail.com drafts. With oversight.house.gov PDF.

>>15954770 Don Jr Biolab Comms, Anon does some digging into Red Cross activities in Ukraine

>>15954717 An analysis by Consumer Reports was released Thursday of “forever chemicals” that were found in certain fast food wrappers from popular fast food chains

>>15955462 #20177

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cf4e5a  No.15955479


>>15953934 PF Report POTUS just passed over Daytona FL, approaching Kennedy Space Center, Potato finally showed up again in n/a over CONUS, approaching Bangor Maine

>>15954025 At Davos, Trump urges the world to ignore the 'prophets of doom' (2020)

>>15954170 Biden… eats pizza (Cap 1:00)

>>15954186 Monumental Structure in Sicily Isn’t a Phoenician Harbor – It’s a Huge Sacred Pool of Baal

>>15954202 TRUMP RALLY THIS SATURDAY Washington Township, MICHIGAN

>>15954216 PDJT CALL TO DIGG, Clinton judge on Trump vs Clinton and Stacy Abrams houses

>>15954275 Actor Keanu Reeves in Ukraine

>>15954288 Free Energy via "Orgone" as DEMONSTRATED by Wilhelm Reich in 1940's and 1950's in Tucson, AZ, Israel, remote deserts in locations on Africa, etc…80 years ago…

>>15954302 Interesting Map of Countries Who Support Western Govt Sanctions Against Russia vs Those Who Do Not

>>15954436, >>15954444 Mostly EU + FVEY (Conservative Treehouse)

>>15954466, >>15954398 Q drop statistical analysis 2017-2018

>>15954468, >>15954471, >>15954472, >>15954481 The destination of the handbasket (A promoted video from the BlackRock investment group) - Conservative Treehouse

>>15954473 Bogota Emergency Center personnel found another ambulance crew already working (unsuccessfully) on 50 yr old Foo Fighter drummer Taylor Hawkins

>>15954529 Emails tossed out in Steve Pigeon Case

>>15954599 New doc dump from Jack Maxey

>>15954626, >>15954664 Uranium One Americas sold to USA company when Russian troop build up on the Ukrainian border was first reported in November 2021

>>15954649 Newsweek hit piece on supposed plan to involving Flynn, Russia and a Nuclear Plant in Saudi Arabia - Jun 2017

>>15954671 #20176


>>15953229, >>15953337 Dan Scavino: 45 with a 180 yard hole-in-one today

>>15953239 Dan Scavino: #BehindScenes in GEORGIA…right now…

>>15953626 Dan Scavino: 45 wrapping up tonight’s #TrumpRally in beautiful Commerce, Georgia…

>>15953173, >>15953220, >>15953417 Salem witch trials were 300 fuckin' years ago. witch hunt

>>15953250, >>15953264, >>15953299, >>15953317, >>15953376, >>15953479 300 Fucking years memes on oceans rising 1%

>>15953194 If the quote was 1/100th of a percent in 300 fuckin years it makes the 11.3 marker.

>>15953522 300 reference: Committee of 300

>>15953523, >>15953547 Russo-Persian Wars-300 years ago, "the first-ever 15th-seeded team to reach the Elite Eight. "

>>15953230, >>15953240, >>15953265 PDJT Rally Commerce, GA - part 1 - 3

>>15953399, >>15953411, >>15953426, >>15953415 TRUMP RALLY NOTES FOR 3-26-22

>>15953231 Stacey Abrams now owns two homes totaling $1.4M after starting 2018 campaign in massive debt Home Abrams purchased in October is now valued at $1,003,934

>>15953261, >>15953312, >>15953361, >>15953371 Doug Collins 3 yr delta was he really at the rally?

>>15953358 Over the TARGET: Space force target

>>15953423 Filing in POTUS' suit, seems James Comey and his lackeys are scurred?

>>15953491 Using campaign funds for personal use is prohibited (But there's a loophole…)?

>>15953683 Here’s how to tell if a politician might be stealing campaign cash

>>15953591 Official statement from the Colombian Attorney General’s Office regarding the death of foreign citizen Taylor Hawkins, drummer of the band Foo Fighters

>>15953644 Laneve: Cocchiarella: Libro: "We are far beyond statistical analysis at this stage." o7

>>15953651, >>15950686, >>15953666 pb PF Reports 45 departs in N103WG G650 from Athens-Ben Epps Airport, GA back to Palm Beach Int'l

>>15953661, >>15953794 Robert Mueller and Viktor Yanukovych.: When Mueller Worked With Manafort’s Dictator Client (2018)

>>15953728 Reach our to me for satisfaction, PDJT He sure got a nice vid… (Cap 0:10)

>>15953744, >>15953835 PARDON MY FRENCHO, PATRIOTOS!!! People like John Kerry… Oceans will rise 1/100th of a percent over the next 300 fucking years (Cap 0:37)

>>15953750 66 per cent of French would support a mass “remigration” of illegal immigrants, foreigners on terror watchlists, and foreign criminals from France

>>15953862 #20175

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cf4e5a  No.15955481


>>15952431 RALLY LINKS President Donald J. Trump in Commerce, GA

>>15952442 President Trump says 70,000 trucks were abandoned in Afghanistan, many with armor plating. I don't think I heard that before.

>>15952427, >>15952482, >>15952502 "My button is bigger and stronger than yours, and it works" ~DJT

>>15952454 Rally notes by RallyAnon 7

>>15952488 Rally notes by RallyAnon 8

>>15952516 Rally notes by RallyAnon 9

>>15952567 Rally notes by RallyAnon 10

>>15952602 Rally notes by RallyAnon 11

>>15952637 Rally notes by RallyAnon 12

>>15952685 Rally notes by RallyAnon 13

>>15952756 Rally notes by RallyAnon 14

>>15952787 Rally notes by RallyAnon 15

>>15952840 Rally notes by RallyAnon 16

>>15952868 Rally notes by RallyAnon 17

>>15952900 Rally notes by RallyAnon 18

>>15952993 Rally notes by RallyAnon 19

>>15952438 Full Rally notes from last bread

>>15952791 Part 2 this bread notes

>>15952471, >>15952479 No.. Buckhead was at one time a very wealthy exclusive suburb …til the Y-heads took over? Also he is talking about Buckhead GA

>>15952501 ‘Cannot remain in power’: Biden demands Putin’s ousting, but White House quickly walks it back

>>15952548, >>15952569 POTUS made a hole in 1 today

>>15952572, >>15952577 He looks like a good man

>>15952581, >>15952582 Gaetz with the shades on at night. kek

>>15952624 Gaetz: I'm gonna nominate Donald Trump for Speaker of the House of Representatives!

>>15952612, >>15952589, >>15952594 Donald Trump armor?

>>15952684, >>15952680, >>15952690, >>15952694, >>15952700, >>15952705, >>15952706, >>15952707, >>15952711, >>15952714, >>15952718 The oceans will rise 1% over the next 'fucking 300 years'- PDJT

>>15952785 "I don't think it's an accident. I. actually think they want to destroy our Country" ~DJT

>>15952830, >>15952852 President Trump: …and then a guy comes along and he broke it [women's record] by 38 seconds.

>>15952848 President Trump: We have a justice being nominated to the supreme court who testified under oath that she can not say what a woman is. If she can't say what a woman is, how can she say what the Constitution is?


>>15952877 President Trump: Joe Biden should recuse himself from anything having to do with Ukraine, because they;ve gotten so much money from Ukraine…they've taken in a fortune.

>>15952896 President Trump: This week I filed a historic lawsuit to hold them accountable for the Russia, Russia, Russia, hoax.

>>15952904 LOCK HER UP crowd

>>15952919 THE TWO LOVERS

>>15952927, >>15952926, >>15952960 THIS SHIT CAN ONLY HAPPEN TO ME (re Clinton appointed judge) -DJT

>>15952965 PDJT CALL TO DIGG on the Clinton judge and meme the hell out of them

>>15952983 Call to DIG Stacy Abrams houses

>>15953004 President Trump: No president has ever suffered like I have suffered at the hands of these animals.

>>15952930 Imagine you, telling the truth, and all @ calling you a liar……

>>15953032, >>15953023 Watermelon head

>>15952929 President Trump: We Need A Landslide So Big, They Can Not Rig It.


>>15953107, >>15953112 WE WILL MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN - PDJT

>>15953126 #20174

Previously Collected

>>15951595 #20172, >>15952351 #20173

>>15949653 #20169, >>15949951 #21070, >>15950815 #20171

>>15946925 #20166, >>15947628 #20167, >>15948546 #20168

>>15944662 #20163, >>15945386 #20164, >>15947811 #20165

>>15942337 #20160, >>15943181 #20161, >>15943872 #20162

>>15939979 #20157, >>15940803 #20158, >>15941593 #20159

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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cf4e5a  No.15955487



let's see what happens

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ccab3f  No.15955490

File: 74e8038c340c815⋯.jpg (122.39 KB, 1456x750, 728:375, bibi_moesad.JPG)

File: dadcfd95bbad4d5⋯.jpg (121.88 KB, 603x1121, 603:1121, lights_off.JPG)

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69334e  No.15955519

>>15955286 lb, >>15955294 lb



Historian, philosopher and the author of the bestsellers “Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind”, “Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow”, and “21 Lessons for the 21st Century”. Co-Founder of Sapienship, a multidisciplinary organization advocating for global responsibility whose mission is to clarify the public conversation, support the quest for solutions and focus attention on the most important challenges facing the world today (technological disruption, ecological collapse and the nuclear threat). 2002, PhD, University of Oxford. Lecturer, Department of History, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Books have sold more than 20 million copies worldwide. Research focuses on macro-historical questions such as: What is the relationship between history and biology? What is the essential difference between Homo sapiens and other animals? Is there justice in history? Does history have a direction? Did people become happier as history unfolded? What ethical questions do science and technology raise in the 21st century? Lectures around the world on the topics explored in books and articles; has written for publications such as the Guardian, Financial Times, the New York Times, the Atlantic, the Economist and Nature magazine. Also offers knowledge and time to various organizations and audiences on a voluntary basis. Recipient of honours and awards.

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ca6bad  No.15955521

File: df4495170b781bf⋯.png (638.41 KB, 797x455, 797:455, bread_delivery_3.png)

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90b3cc  No.15955522

File: 005016c59da6264⋯.png (1.79 MB, 1187x1333, 1187:1333, 6730aa31e2527c417fd2d7639b….png)


mornin baker

at least the seas will not rise for another 300 fuckin years or so

always a bright side

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1a39ee  No.15955524

File: ba8e25a326f353e⋯.png (69.38 KB, 598x403, 46:31, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_0….png)

>>15955487 TYB



Given that Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles fundamentally undermines democracy.

What should be done?


@elonmusk Replying to @elonmusk

Is a new platform needed?

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ca6bad  No.15955529

File: 0c921ad2730c3c3⋯.png (282.24 KB, 375x379, 375:379, punisher_flag.png)


>at least the seas will not rise for another 300 fuckin years or so, always a bright side



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1a39ee  No.15955530



>>>15942289 (You) Reminder while Img Server Down to Post OffBoard and Link Back NEW

Bakes u can probably remove the last 2 globals now

Images are working and The rally is over

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205e05  No.15955534

File: 12ad5e5da1118e5⋯.jpg (271.56 KB, 1284x856, 3:2, rick_and_morty_s5_7.jpg)


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274323  No.15955535

File: 1e8de4e6b3eee97⋯.jpg (1.5 MB, 1600x2400, 2:3, 1647570597896.jpg)

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8273d5  No.15955536

File: 6ff10d5589995f9⋯.png (381.77 KB, 576x576, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1372f3  No.15955537

File: a3a868dbb436366⋯.jpg (711.15 KB, 1080x2119, 1080:2119, Screenshot_20220327_084201….jpg)



Brought forward from end of lb

Trump Now Leads by Double Digits in a State Biden Took in 2020

By Cassandra Fairbanks

Published March 27, 2022 at 7:00am

Donald Trump is currently polling ten points ahead of Joe Biden in Nevada, despite the Democrats taking the state in 2020.

According to a survey conducted by Blueprint Polling, Biden “is currently down by double digits in Nevada, a state he won handily in 2020. The COVID hangover, inflation in general, fuel prices and the confusion over Ukraine seem to be taking their toll.”


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32f1c2  No.15955538


Nice bike rack!

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f69489  No.15955539

File: bdb01e8665b2932⋯.jpeg (195.25 KB, 1200x952, 150:119, 891693BC_537C_47B8_AE55_F….jpeg)


Thanks baker

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ca6bad  No.15955540


sounds good - ty.

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894030  No.15955541

File: 2010ada74702c3b⋯.png (522.82 KB, 888x499, 888:499, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15955178 (pb/lb)

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8273d5  No.15955542


I still don't like him!


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b1c79c  No.15955543


Shee works for the 'See I ate'

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3f59c6  No.15955544

File: debba7bc4634bc6⋯.png (1.85 MB, 734x1059, 734:1059, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e8f1eb9c65ed6fd⋯.png (1.82 MB, 826x1068, 413:534, ClipboardImage.png)

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d244dd  No.15955545

File: 6d894934be0f3ad⋯.jpg (233.31 KB, 1080x1682, 540:841, 20220327_074751.jpg)

So Biden gave us another gift. There is no way this was accidental. He exposed the DS Russia plan on the world stage - no surprise to Putin, but there are a lot of people who needed to see/hear this


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763780  No.15955546


Well then to be fair Putin gets too

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1a39ee  No.15955547

File: 1d07d880a094ac6⋯.png (6.03 KB, 345x80, 69:16, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_0….png)

Not sure who needs to see this

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b31b36  No.15955548

File: 01b1d5cdf88dd0b⋯.png (1.76 MB, 1240x1334, 620:667, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d35da596f470f13⋯.png (268.87 KB, 554x542, 277:271, ClipboardImage.png)

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8273d5  No.15955549

File: 5f746df04b8c453⋯.png (730.77 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0dc58f149e927f⋯.png (266.17 KB, 500x486, 250:243, ClipboardImage.png)

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d950cc  No.15955550

File: 833c599c49da1a4⋯.mp4 (8.39 MB, 640x360, 16:9, videoplayback_73.mp4)

Jeffrey Epstein’s Two Private Islands List For $125 Million | Forbes



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140914  No.15955551

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The BEST is Yet to Come


Do NOT Give Up!

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1a39ee  No.15955552

File: ed4c2ce3f4caa9c⋯.png (257 KB, 598x654, 299:327, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_0….png)

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d244dd  No.15955553


Failure was never an option

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77fd92  No.15955554

File: bbeda23c4ac7f8c⋯.png (98.12 KB, 251x251, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Is it okay to mate with monkeys if they're super intelligent and able to talk, like the ones from Planet of the Apes?

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140914  No.15955555

File: 563af0c697d4c39⋯.mp4 (1.58 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 563af0c697d4c3960b843832d7….mp4)

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1a39ee  No.15955556

File: 8fca57b14859332⋯.jpg (81.26 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 244740450_2994004837481899….jpg)


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410e69  No.15955557


Oh shit!!

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f06ae4  No.15955558

File: 0f945c47b703f9c⋯.png (239.87 KB, 1000x871, 1000:871, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_1….png)

>>15955504 lb

>>15955244 lb

Leave everything after .htm - ?onwards… off the addy



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f55b74  No.15955559

File: 7df8648e550dbe7⋯.jpeg (134.27 KB, 731x462, 731:462, 00E849E8_3F86_44CC_96CE_5….jpeg)

>rigs elections

>says “you my dirty bitch now” to America in mandarin

>mounts America with his pale scrawny freckled body

>sodomizes America with his egg shaped penis

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274323  No.15955560

File: 3bf6d3484c13e8f⋯.gif (1.72 MB, 220x254, 110:127, 1617982221717.gif)

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8b2ee8  No.15955561

I check qresearch every day.

Everyday I see nothing change. Only for the worst.

Since Trump told people at Mar a Largo that we will be very happy very soon, life has gotten much more expensive and now there is a fake war or real war, either way there is an old man yelling at people during a speech with NATO, which is the stupidest fake alliance in world history.

Winning? Only if you convince others.

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32f1c2  No.15955562

File: d03862876bae198⋯.png (208.71 KB, 348x680, 87:170, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 56d92ec42c4a552⋯.png (219.96 KB, 371x680, 371:680, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a5719d3150ae9bf⋯.png (234.5 KB, 398x680, 199:340, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 558ac691d97120d⋯.png (213.21 KB, 346x679, 346:679, ClipboardImage.png)

MIni drop on MetaBiota & BTRA

Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil




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1a39ee  No.15955563

>>15955555 07:53:23 140914 No.15955555

>>15955556 07:53:22 1a39ee No.15955556

somebody care to splain this ^^^^^

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274323  No.15955564

File: 26cb8d0d6b0bf4e⋯.jpg (59.66 KB, 934x625, 934:625, 1624886309660.jpg)



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410e69  No.15955565


You can always hang yourself.

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c1e066  No.15955566


demoralization shill is still on duty. filter for comfy bread.

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8273d5  No.15955567

File: 2337d35e5367558⋯.mp4 (12.59 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, THE_Z_TEAM.mp4)

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3f59c6  No.15955568

File: f3a7dca71674a5f⋯.png (1.15 MB, 944x704, 59:44, ClipboardImage.png)



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f69489  No.15955569


Still on the waiting list… have been since the day it opened

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d244dd  No.15955570


Two people in separate locations hit the Reply button at the same time. Not that spoopy

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b1c79c  No.15955571

File: 82629fe501fa3bc⋯.png (83.86 KB, 882x1032, 147:172, 2222.png)

not 2nd highest

not 3rd highest

not 4th highest



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894030  No.15955572


Good point.

Funny, the bus driver kinda looks like sean penn.

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f55b74  No.15955573


Don’t care still waiting for truth social

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d950cc  No.15955574

File: 20ed7a15749680e⋯.png (51.18 KB, 2560x651, 2560:651, 2560px_Boom_Technology_log….png)

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90b3cc  No.15955575


mixed up crazy world cept for Lola?

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29e15b  No.15955576

File: 2e9a0ad84aabb37⋯.png (273.39 KB, 635x643, 635:643, Time_Lords.png)

File: 1c9fe2657f74239⋯.png (15.29 KB, 991x157, 991:157, The_Stone_Is_Mine.png)

File: 43e7ab85dd5a968⋯.png (193.88 KB, 1548x395, 1548:395, I_Wish_I_Was_Autistic_Enou….png)

File: c2e054ab1073915⋯.png (358.75 KB, 991x499, 991:499, Ivanka_Codename_MARVEL.png)

File: 49e1b415f5f8e0a⋯.png (145.26 KB, 991x393, 991:393, Knowing_The_Past_Helps_To_….png)

>>15955416 (/pb)

>“The picture will be the signifier”

You are being distracted.

You are still missing the connections.

You are not reading between the lines.

You are not breaking the fourth wall.

You have more than you know, SO MUCH MORE.

The story must orig. organically.

Some things simply cannot be 'forced'.

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227457  No.15955577

>>15955518 lb

I’m not about to voice accolades and thanks to people simply ‘claiming’ they saved me from dastardly destruction that can not be clearly established.

Have you not experienced that exact con before?

No, i do not know it was going to be a 1000x worse.

I do know what We are in the middle of what could easily be 1000x less worse… with simple straightforward truth telling, whatever IT is.

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1a39ee  No.15955578


I hit the reply 1 sec before anon did, but it posted after anon did

that is the question

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f69489  No.15955579


56 was trying to hit quints?

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274323  No.15955580

File: 8c29ae6965df694⋯.png (253.41 KB, 1080x866, 540:433, 45585783350.png)


>truth social

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410e69  No.15955581


You know shit is not instant, right?

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8273d5  No.15955582


Sandmann seems too smart to hook up with Elon.

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205e05  No.15955583


They were held then posted in order of favoritism.

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d244dd  No.15955584


There are quite a few factors involved. I feel like you should be able to suss that out - being on a research board as we are and all

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3f59c6  No.15955585

File: da2d61437a515ee⋯.png (349.16 KB, 944x530, 472:265, ClipboardImage.png)


someone explained this the other day.

top one 15955555 - mp4 video posted

bottom one 15955556 - image

lag due to upload, so time differential

quite simple when you think about it

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f06ae4  No.15955586




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149d15  No.15955587


It's the damn Jews.

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c1e066  No.15955588


george soros doesn't like you and wants to fuck with your mind. now move along.

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f69489  No.15955589


>research board


This is a news aggregator

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1a39ee  No.15955590


>They were held then posted in order of favoritism.



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8b2ee8  No.15955591


Nice try Jew.

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ca6bad  No.15955592


what are you doing to help?

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227457  No.15955593


This government is currently a demonstrable SCAM. Is it really that difficult to comprehend that such scammers wouldn’t invoke (invent) some even MORE mysterious and super duper deadly threat, so Superduper Deadly that we just can’t be told about it, for National Security?

Simple really.

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410e69  No.15955594


Buddhist. Not a Jew.

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8b2ee8  No.15955595


Can’t afford the rope that’s to your boy Joe Biden. I’m glad you Democratic Pedos are enjoying your faggot reign of being queers.

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8b2ee8  No.15955596


Yeah well you’re way off

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d244dd  No.15955597


Damn you, it is Sunday! Let me wax nostalgic.

Although, even in the best of times 8am on Sunday mornings was never a good time on QR if you were looking for intelligence

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01156b  No.15955598

File: 6ea3eea1389fdc1⋯.png (461.15 KB, 570x1932, 95:322, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_0….png)

File: e041501f02aca85⋯.png (131.43 KB, 861x957, 287:319, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_0….png)

File: cfa9be932446f86⋯.png (46.05 KB, 600x267, 200:89, Screenshot_from_2022_03_27….png)

File: 18de8061f3a52d7⋯.png (73.01 KB, 1043x369, 1043:369, kimTopgunmissile.png)

File: 08b2eeaff418e59⋯.png (141 KB, 337x708, 337:708, rocketman.png)


>up tick in SWEARing



>Mar 10,

3 1

> 300 Fucking years memes on oceans rising 1%

3 1

Another coincidence @Snowden Tweets after the ‘24 Twitter’ requirement?

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f55b74  No.15955599

File: 2c1a4d8bccd3e98⋯.jpeg (49.2 KB, 824x1024, 103:128, 93468C06_6D1D_49CD_94BB_6….jpeg)

I would like just a minute of your time to talk to you fags about the Book of Mormon.

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01156b  No.15955600

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410e69  No.15955601


Fuck, jump off of a building or bridge. I can't do all of your thinking for you.

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d244dd  No.15955602


Kek! Perfect pants

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48a2d0  No.15955603

File: 004192df45c2e7b⋯.png (413.98 KB, 529x641, 529:641, chuckcheked.PNG)


Quints Confirm

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410e69  No.15955604


I'm not the one on the side of evil.

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763780  No.15955605

It's 9 here I'LL tell you the future

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8b2ee8  No.15955606



I have a job. I’m a man in America. I work. I post all your memes on TS. I can’t do anything because I’m white. And Christians went so far to make America interracial so that whites can’t speak up.

Idiotic question. As if I can do something legal or illegal. Gtfo

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3f59c6  No.15955607


2pm here

what do you need to know

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d950cc  No.15955608

File: f5c6ff59ddf5959⋯.jpg (32.35 KB, 550x322, 275:161, timeTrav.jpg)

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8b2ee8  No.15955609


Sure you’re not.

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1a39ee  No.15955610


hold on i cant read this post for another hour


sob can u guys please wait up for me

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8b2ee8  No.15955611


I heard your boss tell the world nato is stronger than ever. I’m sure Putin is afraid of you.

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410e69  No.15955612


How are your kids? Have they been raped again lately?

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90b3cc  No.15955613

File: d1c723de47148d6⋯.jpg (478.79 KB, 800x994, 400:497, d1p3xis_1551115b_2652_4fc0….jpg)


it's about looking glass

it's about resetting the Quantum computers

it's about taking back all Quantum comms/sats

DS dies without them

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1799e0  No.15955614

Many may not realize but all this activity with 3rd party companies means the government entity is not required to report their activity and the information is exempted from FOIA requests.

Therefore, the explosion of 'outsourcing' to 3rd party companies has taken over.

Enter the money washing and handshaking deals with companies like EcoHealth Alliance, Rosemont Seneca and every other entity.

This is how they make money and excempt themselves from being discovered.




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d244dd  No.15955615

File: ec57bb449a2933e⋯.jpg (489.85 KB, 1080x1778, 540:889, 20220327_080316.jpg)


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8b2ee8  No.15955616



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e4adc7  No.15955617

File: ac780450ba28022⋯.png (62.17 KB, 987x198, 329:66, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 615ba2ac5aac1c8⋯.png (914.24 KB, 1434x866, 717:433, ClipboardImage.png)



if KEK is speaking, seems like 11.3 spells highest death to podesta and DS.

boo hoo

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8273d5  No.15955618

File: 2c9a9bdb7219f15⋯.mp4 (2.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, kek.mp4)


Check her face.


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f69489  No.15955619


Kek!! My apologies, carry on.


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f55b74  No.15955620

File: 98ec301c61ab570⋯.png (321.04 KB, 452x551, 452:551, 8B537502_3A69_4249_8D38_1E….png)


>Sir, can I interest you in some literature?

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410e69  No.15955621


You can tell by the way you type and argue.

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bb6b50  No.15955622

File: ff3372196010d85⋯.jpeg (10.62 KB, 255x191, 255:191, ff3372196010d85ad61869e39….jpeg)


Our children's children will read this speech in our history books.

God Bless America

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763780  No.15955623

File: 59db9bd82c5fbf9⋯.jpeg (13.57 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3d06a7a4bd1c3eb3024cf7c72….jpeg)


hold on be right there

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6d9c5b  No.15955624

File: bc4682d00ed2fcf⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1209x713, 39:23, bless.png)

God bless you and keep you from harm, this day and forever.

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8273d5  No.15955625

File: a0523d53b101c13⋯.png (283.92 KB, 480x720, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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f8ef83  No.15955626

File: 095108b1e93e776⋯.jpg (83.09 KB, 1200x808, 150:101, 0x0.jpg)

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d244dd  No.15955627


I watched her for a bit through the rally. she looked liked she was having a hard time paying attention because she was freezing cold

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e085c4  No.15955628

File: efc22ebba406408⋯.jpg (29.36 KB, 384x216, 16:9, Golf_Course.jpg)

File: 377b17eb80174c9⋯.jpg (52.74 KB, 640x360, 16:9, NAACP.jpg)

Why is this lady at this restaurant with the NAACP on the same day her business got robbed and a dead guy was found and now she is on the news in both?

Death investigation unfolds at Eastwood Golf Course in Fort Myers

by Lacey Lee

10:41 AM EDT, Fri March 25, 2022


FORT MYERS, Fla. — The Fort Myers Police Department is conducting a death investigation at the Eastwood Golf Course off Ortiz Avenue and Hanson Street.

FMPD confirms the body of a man was discovered on the course. NBC2’s Lacey Lee spoke with witness, La’Tasha Mann. Mann owns the food truck Classy Chics on the site. She said she called 9-1-1 after realizing all of her food was stolen out of the freezer.

“I was talking to my general manager and I said why is the freezer cracked. He opened it and we looked inside and everything was gone.”

About two hours later, FMPD was back on the premises. Someone found a body.

Despite first responders on the scene, golfers continued to put. Doug Meehan said he was inside signing in when he heard a call come into the desk about a situation.

“Without knowing any details of what happened it doesn’t feel unsafe or anything like that.”

FMPD has only said the person was a man and they do not believe the two incidents to be connected.

Mann said she’s now out of $3,500 since her food items including shrimp and snow crab legs have been stolen. She said she and the employees operate the restaurant and country club in the golf course also.

“I just feel sorry for whoever body was there but again how did he get on the property. Everybody is asking me if it’s tied in. How would it be tied in? I don’t know maybe he saw something. I don’t know.”

The medical examiner has arrived.

FMPD has not said if the death is considered suspicious or not.

Despite the investigation, the course is still open to golfers.


Same chick in this story:

Downtown Fort Myers restaurant owner refuses to apologize amid allegations of racism

by Dave Elias

6:28 PM EDT, Fri March 25, 2022


FORT MYERS, Fla. — A showdown between the NAACP and the owner of the First Street Restaurant took place in Downtown Fort Myers.

The civil rights organization demanded the owner of the restaurant apologize for racially insensitive comments made by an employee.

However, after a 15 minute meeting the group left without an apology, so the clock is ticking for a second chance.

PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Fort Myers restaurant owner combats customers’ racism accusations

The meeting between the two came after Social Media Influencer Nora Potts was paid to hold a gathering at the restaurant several weeks ago. She alleged the staff members were rude and she said one of them was blatantly racist.

“She said I am from Virginia and I have never seen this many black people at one time,” Potts recalled.

The comment brought the NAACP to the front door of the restaurant for a meeting with the owner Bill Babamov.

“We told him we came to make peace,” said NAACP President James Muwakkil.

He wanted an apology from the owner Babamov who admitted earlier this week his employee made the comment.

“One of the managers she may have been a little, unused to diversity. But she is no longer here,” Babamov admitted.

However, after the meeting between the NAACP president emerged to say Babamov refused to apologize saying another manager had already apologized for the comment.

The staff manager made the apology in a text message.

RELATED STORY: NAACP calls on city leaders to revoke downtown Fort Myers restaurant’s license

Muwakkil described Babamov as being defiant during the meeting.

“He wanted an opportunity to think on what is happening and he wanted an opportunity to look at the facts that we received,” Muwakkil said.

Muwakkil expects an apology no later than early next week.

Babamov commented on the meeting.

“Today we received correspondence from the local NAACP chapter regarding alleged incidents at our restaurant involving certain staff. We take this matter seriously and are investigating the allegations,” Babamov said. “Our business is committed to diversity and inclusiveness, as demonstrated by our diverse staff, and we will be treating this matter in accordance with that commitment.”

No date has been set for the two sides to meet again.

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71dc15  No.15955629

File: ae3ce48689057d9⋯.jpeg (15.86 KB, 197x255, 197:255, ec392e469e71098438d945c6f….jpeg)

File: 012621f76f94f44⋯.jpg (150.96 KB, 800x1097, 800:1097, 800px_Willem_Dafoe_2014_cr….jpg)

Astral commander? Didn't you also play a good guy vet, a gay Jesus and a goblin?!

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2312f9  No.15955630


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3f59c6  No.15955631

File: 4b110e87fc0d508⋯.gif (8.87 MB, 720x705, 48:47, pepe_sword.gif)

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f06ae4  No.15955632

File: 22851179c0bfb6a⋯.png (171.42 KB, 382x331, 382:331, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_1….png)



>Check her face.

Check her hat.


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4bb2cd  No.15955633

Do not be scared of avian flu. Be like me. Have chickens. Easy and fun.

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08f85b  No.15955634


“Do you still beat your wife?”

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32f1c2  No.15955635


Time stamp given to post when "Reply" clicked. Server processes message, depending upon queue at that exact moment, post appears after processing contents. If later/simultaneous post has easier packet, it will appear foist, earlier post with denser packet, will post second.

That's what I imagine running through door at same time.

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410e69  No.15955636


IP hop if you want.

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f06ae4  No.15955637

File: 51c5a8c2dd87740⋯.png (119.99 KB, 340x286, 170:143, swordanon.png)


GBY Swordy


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4bb2cd  No.15955638


>Winning? Only if you convince others

See, you're not wasting your time.

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3f59c6  No.15955639

File: bd121acd910d200⋯.gif (4.9 MB, 600x450, 4:3, Pepe_stargate.gif)

File: 65f8789d217aeda⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 500x500, 1:1, porthole.gif)


keep up

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8273d5  No.15955640


That's what's her name.. Tomi Lahren

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819ecc  No.15955641

File: 53de1a3281109b1⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1206x1440, 67:80, ClipboardImage.png)

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c1e066  No.15955642

File: 34160d0729d5199⋯.png (233.64 KB, 474x374, 237:187, ClipboardImage.png)

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07416b  No.15955643

File: 1e56aefb657b8fb⋯.png (112.12 KB, 323x293, 323:293, back_atcha_swordy.png)


God bless you as well swordy

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de78c6  No.15955644

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763780  No.15955645


had chickens anon But they draw every pretender for miles

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d244dd  No.15955646


Did you ever come here early on a Saturday or Sunday (and I mean way back in 2018) and for a little while it was literally 100% bots saying the weirdest unrelated shit? Only happened to me one time but it freaked me out a little

There wasn't a single post that made even a little bit of sense, and a lot of just…at the time it made me think of a parakeet I had once that could talk

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4bb2cd  No.15955647


A strong coop is a must. We have fishers here too which are the worst. Bears too.

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29e15b  No.15955648

File: 47cc714f5ebf3fd⋯.png (182.49 KB, 1162x439, 1162:439, The_Stone_Is_Mine.png)

File: f5ba1e410080059⋯.png (154.72 KB, 1142x463, 1142:463, They_Want_You_Angry_And_Di….png)

File: 059f0cf2cc693e3⋯.png (502.72 KB, 1596x1150, 798:575, Destiny_Still_Arrives.png)

File: cdcbdced2a2f62b⋯.png (3.51 MB, 2238x1166, 1119:583, X_Men.png)


Anons are the Key.

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e4adc7  No.15955649

File: 4b8669d769b2d28⋯.png (167.66 KB, 392x300, 98:75, 4b8669d769b2d2894404bf4d8e….png)


hmmmm… isn't today 3/27 as well? 3, 3x3x3 or 3, 3^3?

so we potentially have 11.3 and 333 aligning.

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d244dd  No.15955650


Good catch. Theyre getting sloppier?

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07416b  No.15955651

File: 379c4991140cc79⋯.png (80.48 KB, 235x206, 235:206, pepe_laugh.png)

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763780  No.15955652

File: 59db9bd82c5fbf9⋯.jpeg (13.57 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 3d06a7a4bd1c3eb3024cf7c72….jpeg)


I'm from the old world

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8273d5  No.15955653

File: 3e8eb327dc48af2⋯.png (325.48 KB, 432x516, 36:43, 53de1a3281109b18751ecadf67….png)



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ca6bad  No.15955654


research board for me, came to dig and never stopped

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c1e066  No.15955655

File: 59c9cb1f8d74aad⋯.png (306.09 KB, 474x510, 79:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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819ecc  No.15955656

File: de402f1c43a1830⋯.png (562.94 KB, 500x500, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 40568cf608d0e4e⋯.mp4 (6.06 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Oceans_will_rise_1_100th_o….mp4)

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08d30e  No.15955657

File: 4cee688b2d79431⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1109x885, 1109:885, ClipboardImage.png)

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3f59c6  No.15955658

File: 1cf3bbd3c8bb0d5⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1400x860, 70:43, ClipboardImage.png)


she is in demand as a crisis actor.

that hair.


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f8d642  No.15955659

File: caff14644accb80⋯.png (345.84 KB, 900x900, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Imagine the need for an identity on an anonymous image board…

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140914  No.15955660

File: c369c89d7483b25⋯.jpeg (9.23 KB, 474x316, 3:2, download.jpeg)

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763780  No.15955662

File: 7670992fde8b2da⋯.png (14.64 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 6d39a24cdbf4df83344ab7152c….png)


Your the zero point guy

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f69489  No.15955663

File: 557f3834a97758c⋯.jpeg (311.7 KB, 1199x997, 1199:997, 54D423B0_974A_4A2F_8ACD_7….jpeg)

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ce9f6c  No.15955664

File: 475d1ce1655ffc3⋯.jpg (67.45 KB, 720x700, 36:35, 475d1ce1655ffc38955e42db34….jpg)

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4da7d3  No.15955665

File: e2fbc14cfd0e7ba⋯.png (318.12 KB, 666x724, 333:362, afffffff.png)


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You’ll Own Nothing and Like It: Apple

Is Working on Hardware Subscriptions for iPhones

Breitbart Tech, by Lucas Nolan

Posted By: ladydawgfan, 3/27/2022 8:42:34 AM

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f6f36e  No.15955666


Server propagation.

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4bb2cd  No.15955667


Ha.. now I've had coffee.. I get it. kek

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b1c79c  No.15955668

File: d0d964bf8e3f5c5⋯.jpg (51.85 KB, 508x280, 127:70, dollar_bill_aliens.jpg)

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32f1c2  No.15955669



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f69489  No.15955670

File: f13272ef0055e8f⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 260x194, 130:97, 7069C467_1B99_4688_A0A3_25….gif)

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205acf  No.15955671

File: 1568e7987a7e256⋯.png (30.05 KB, 978x217, 978:217, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 08f2110dd3d9061⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1080x1475, 216:295, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15952488 (pb)

>PDJT says a lot is going on in Buckhead, including a woman who had to dive out of her car being carjacked right in front of a police station.

>[He mentions Buckhead at least thrice with emphasis]

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8273d5  No.15955672

File: b2b649d935a19fc⋯.png (555.74 KB, 706x603, 706:603, ClipboardImage.png)


He looks a bit off.

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f6f36e  No.15955673



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4bb2cd  No.15955674


Silkies are so funny.. we must have clean legs here due to snow though.

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e1cdb4  No.15955675

File: 7a592cb659a1954⋯.png (2.68 MB, 1152x7042, 576:3521, National_Joe_Day.png)


Joe listed just ahead of Baker.

March 27

International Medical Science Liaison Day

National Joe Day

National Scribble Day

National Spanish Paella Day

Famous Joes:

American football player and coach – Joe Montana

Politician – Jo Ann Emerson

Comedian, musician, and actor – Joe Pesci

Politician and lawyer– Joe Biden <KEK, over a year not enough time for an upgrade?–

Musician, singer, dancer -Josephine Baker

Theatrical producer, entrepreneur, film producer – Joseph Gordon

American football player – Joe Namath

Opera singer – Dame Josephine Barstow

Formula one endurance driver – Jo Gartner

Politician, soldier – Joseph Stalin

Songwriter, musician, singer – Joey Ramone

Journalist – Jo Coburn

Baseball player – Shoeless Joe Jackson

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e4adc7  No.15955676

File: f4d866b20e319e6⋯.png (3.02 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


spandex is my thing

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c1e066  No.15955677


was wondering if anyone would make the connection. kek

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763780  No.15955678

File: 0b5ed9f8af21630⋯.jpg (15.41 KB, 474x267, 158:89, download_4_.jpg)



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01156b  No.15955679

File: b5ead61d4785962⋯.png (126.8 KB, 559x329, 559:329, Screenshot_from_2022_03_27….png)

File: 1b0666612419d49⋯.png (218.25 KB, 864x228, 72:19, Pepe_5X5_fren_nodeals.png)


>somebody care to splain this ^^^^^

anon screwed himself out of quint 5s trying to call his own shot >>15955556


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ca6bad  No.15955680


<way back in 2018

seems like yesterday

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1a39ee  No.15955681



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4da7d3  No.15955683

File: 24f8c736b15851c⋯.png (147.73 KB, 424x479, 424:479, DISCOVVVVV.png)


MistyG ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [27.03.22 08:19]

[Forwarded from TheStormHasArrived17 (TheStormHasArrived17 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️)]

[ Video ]

Kash Patel gives the best explanation I’ve heard of the RICO filing that President Trump jus:

“The whole point is to get to discovery…

I think what the President wanted to focus on was finally say, ‘I’m not going after onesies & twosies here, I’m bringing everybody in, one federal lawsuit, everybody’s gotta go to the table as a defendant.’” 🍿

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9cdba2  No.15955684

File: df84193b3a72ca7⋯.jpg (24.32 KB, 328x328, 1:1, df84193b3a72ca7f8b12660b11….jpg)

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382c49  No.15955686

File: 2e709bdf09441f7⋯.jpg (111.72 KB, 1100x1070, 110:107, 778dad98d35542df948b700dd9….jpg)

File: 6888f9cf45f541a⋯.png (634.75 KB, 1000x887, 1000:887, Stingas_1_.png)

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439688  No.15955687

Any anons ever get platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections? Can it really regrow cartilage?

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8273d5  No.15955688


lack thereof

Did he have them in the orig.?

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fbdbe0  No.15955689


God Bless You swordAnon.

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1a39ee  No.15955690



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8c4d90  No.15955691


Hazing ritual for 'Pyle' types. Why else would someone get seated next to potato?

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d950cc  No.15955692

File: d169ae51e888339⋯.png (486.68 KB, 2458x1106, 1229:553, Screen_Shot_2021_12_30_at_….png)


happened to anon a few times

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1799e0  No.15955693

File: 1ef691719a3908a⋯.png (2.46 MB, 3760x3793, 3760:3793, ClipboardImage.png)

Qpost 1462

Indicates something regarding DNC server

I traced these connections, found this website hosted in Switzerland.

Interesting - date delta calculations.


website https://http://sethrich.azurewebsites.net/

Never made noteables. back in Jan/Feb.

'The server brings down the house'

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8273d5  No.15955694




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01156b  No.15955695

File: 4c4ff69575e9aa3⋯.png (194.47 KB, 600x842, 300:421, pepeClock5_25.png)




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4da7d3  No.15955696

File: 77de57098c1a871⋯.png (497.28 KB, 708x682, 354:341, FDDDDD.png)


FDA Tells Doctors in 8 States to Stop Using COVID-19 Treatment

By Zachary Stieber

March 27, 2022 Updated: March 27, 2022

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32f1c2  No.15955697



RT witnesses clean up of deadly minefields full of 'surprises' from Ukrainian army


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48a2d0  No.15955698

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15955178 (lb)

Well we know there's at least one Oscar he won't be able to smelt.

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8273d5  No.15955699


still chuckling on that one.

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08d30e  No.15955700

File: 2577d6ce446f81c⋯.png (3.77 MB, 2560x1785, 512:357, ClipboardImage.png)

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69334e  No.15955701


likely the most "green" of the bunch.


freshly minted

here gomer you get to sit next to potato

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f6f36e  No.15955702

File: 6ec0448c758463e⋯.png (1.62 MB, 1793x1196, 1793:1196, catthreat.png)

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382c49  No.15955703


I went here for some gum work where they used this process to fix my gumline!


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149d15  No.15955704



The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

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08f85b  No.15955705


And a PV2…just out of basic.

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4bb2cd  No.15955706




"FDA Tells Doctors in 8 States to Stop Using COVID-19 Treatment

By Zachary Stieber March 27, 2022 Updated: March 27, 2022

U.S. drug regulators have directed health care workers in eight states to stop using a COVID-19 treatment because it may not be effective against an Omicron subvariant that is rising in prevalence.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said sotrovimab, a monoclonal"

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bb6b50  No.15955707


No he looks like he's in on it.

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140914  No.15955709


oh they are funny

Every once in awhile I'll put my flock in the front yard before school lets out.

The kids go wild as they walk by my fence.

I watch from a far. I love it.

I don't have cable so I have to make my own entertainment.

God Bless


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9cdba2  No.15955710

File: aa337eb3ef167fc⋯.png (188.6 KB, 902x692, 451:346, aa337eb3ef167fc8495077e190….png)

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819ecc  No.15955711

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71dc15  No.15955712

File: d6625a818ae130b⋯.png (134.19 KB, 600x375, 8:5, d6625a818ae130b6e3f969509b….png)

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69334e  No.15955713



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4bb2cd  No.15955714


>The kids go wild as they walk by my fence.

>I watch from a far. I love it.


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1799e0  No.15955715


I also think the 'greater than sign' on this Q post 436 indicates a 'start' of some sort.

The post date/time is part of the math calculation,

At least that's how the math worked in my example.

BTW no idea if i'm right, it's just a sample. Today Tomorrow could come and go and my math will be wrong.

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1a39ee  No.15955716

File: bcbd63ff99a9a7c⋯.mp4 (4.14 MB, 360x480, 3:4, billboard.mp4)

Electronic billboard in PA has everybody talking


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819ecc  No.15955717


>You are not breaking the fourth wall.

What was the 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th?

I need to know.

May I have a obvious hint?

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29e15b  No.15955718

File: a0c96b18d08bc0c⋯.png (4.96 KB, 452x124, 113:31, Torus_Moebius_Strip_.png)

File: 59ba159e945fc82⋯.png (11.64 KB, 555x159, 185:53, Q_Clear_Your_Mind.png)

File: 0491253947e5987⋯.png (412.57 KB, 1126x756, 563:378, Screenshot_2020_05_10_Abov….png)

File: c9fba0eb307b13d⋯.png (913.75 KB, 2020x922, 1010:461, Mobius_Strip_.png)

File: 8e6914a18e05085⋯.png (730.49 KB, 1338x673, 1338:673, Time_Reveals_All.png)



Which came first, the message or the movie?

They do not want you to make the connections.

You are watching a scripted movie.

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8273d5  No.15955719

File: 7fa9eccd815938e⋯.png (62.62 KB, 159x250, 159:250, ClipboardImage.png)


Anons are a fucking riot this morning!

I have to turn away and stop reading when taking a drink of my coffee for fear of it coming through my nose unexpectedly at some of these comments.

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1c02ba  No.15955721

Ultimate justice requires the employment of violence.

Anyone who says otherwise is a fool or a shill.

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71dc15  No.15955722

File: 65e97e31de1d085⋯.png (87.42 KB, 720x586, 360:293, Screenshot_20220327_081629….png)

Brooks's turn on Trump could give the Jan. 6 probe momentum


Rep. Mo Brooks's (R-Ala.) sudden turn against former President Trump this week was an unexpected gift for the House Jan. 6 Select Committee that may help bolster their investigation and the case they have started to lay out against Trump.

The Alabama Republican's admission that the former president had urged him to overturn the 2020 election, including in the months after President Biden took office, could add to the committee's effort to show that Trump engaged in criminal conduct while trying to remain in power.

On Wednesday, Trump rescinded his endorsement of Brooks, who is running for an open Senate seat in this year's Republican primary.

In response, the congressman made the extraordinary claim that the former president had been pressuring him to "rescind" the 2020 election even after the White House had changed hands.

"President Trump asked me to rescind the 2020 elections, immediately remove Joe Biden from the White House, immediately put President Trump back in the White House, and hold a new special election for the presidency," Brooks said in a statement on Wednesday. "As a lawyer, I've repeatedly advised President Trump that January 6 was the final election contest verdict and neither the U.S. Constitution nor the U.S. Code permit what President Trump asks. Period."

In later comments to various news outlets, Brooks said that Trump made such requests as recently as September of last year.

The Alabama lawmaker made the claim Wednesday after a sudden rift between himself and Trump over a disagreement on whether to urge voters to move on from the 2020 campaign.

His statement marked the first time one of Trump's allies had accused the former president of urging illegal actions in order to restore his presidency.

The revelation adds a new dimension to the fallout from the Capitol riot, that Trump continued his efforts to overturn the election long after he had left office.

Experts say that any effort to undo the election at that point could not be considered lawful.

"There is no way to overturn the election today. And a special election - I mean, it's not in the statutes. It's not in the Constitution. I don't know where that would come from," said Neil Eggleston, who served as White House counsel under former President Obama and as an investigator on the House select committee probing the Iran-Contra scandal.

"As I think Mr. Brooks said he told the President, the matter was over on January 6, when Congress certified the election," Eggleston said. "In my view, it was over in December when all the states reported their electors and what happened on January 6 was a formality. But at the very latest it ended on January 6."

It's unclear whether the select committee will pursue Brooks's claims in its investigation. A spokesman for the panel did not respond when asked for comment.

But Brooks' admission adds to the select committee's findings and could provide momentum for its probe.

"It adds urgency to the work of the Jan. 6 committee," said Jessica Levinson, a law professor at Loyola Marymount University. She added that it fits a trend in the information that has come out about Trump's efforts to remain in office.

"There's a well-documented pressure campaign by the former president when it comes to federal officials, state officials, local officials to try and subvert the outcome of the 2020 election. But the evidence just keeps coming."

On Jan. 6 and in the weeks leading up to it, Brooks supported Trump's efforts to overturn the 2020 election. As Congress was certifying the election results hours after the riot had ended, Brooks tried to raise objections to derail the process.

And in the hours before the insurrection, Brooks spoke to Trump supporters at the "Stop the Steal" rally, wearing body armor and exhorting the crowd to fight to undermine efforts to certify Biden's win.

"Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass," he said in his remarks.

The Brooks news comes as the select committee ramps up its investigation, fighting various legal challenges to its subpoenas.

The panel responded earlier this month to a lawsuit from Trump legal adviser John Eastman who challenged his subpoena, saying that it had developed a "good faith basis" to believe that Trump engaged in criminal conduct in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election.

The allegation, which has little bearing on whether the former president will ultimately face criminal charges, was leveled against Eastman's argument that his subpoenaed communications were protected under attorney-client privilege. However, the committee said such privilege would be forfeited if the lawyer aided Trump in illegal conduct.


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f6f36e  No.15955723

File: bb714eb42d07044⋯.png (717 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, ClipboardImage.png)


>The kids go wild as they walk by my fence.

>I watch from a far. I love it.

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149d15  No.15955724


Breaking the 4th wall is an "acting" thing.

The fourth wall is a performance convention in which an invisible, imagined wall separates actors from the audience. While the audience can see through this "wall", the convention assumes the actors act as if they cannot. From the 16th century onward, the rise of illusionism in staging practices, which culminated in the realism and naturalism of the theatre of the 19th century, led to the development of the fourth wall concept.[1][2]

"Breaking the fourth wall" is violating this performance convention, which has been adopted more generally in the drama. This can be done through either directly referring to the audience, the play as a play, or the characters' fictionality. The temporary suspension of the convention in this way draws attention to its use in the rest of the performance. This act of drawing attention to a play's performance conventions is metatheatrical. A similar effect of metareference is achieved when the performance convention of avoiding direct contact with the camera, generally used by actors in a television drama or film, is temporarily suspended. The phrase "breaking the fourth wall" is used to describe such effects in those media. Breaking the fourth wall is also possible in other media, such as video games and books.

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8273d5  No.15955725


Now you only need .25 ton truck to carry it around.

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cf4e5a  No.15955726

>>15955487 dough


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15920195 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15916235 HB laptop dig – WATCH OUT for illegal CP NEW



>>15955716 Electronic billboard in PA has everybody talking

>>15955696 FDA said sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in 8 states

>>15955683 The whole point is to get to discovery…

>>15955675 National Joe Day

>>15955562 Mini drop on MetaBiota & BTRA

at 200

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aafbc6  No.15955727


Of course they are. All government employees are issued iPhones. They can restructure those terms without a peep of protest and the govt will pay it. Talk about a cash cow

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32f1c2  No.15955728

Auron MacIntyre


It’s not about firing a few bad teachers or even banning an insane curriculum

This is in every major American institution at every level and you either get rid of it root and branch or not at all

Libs of Tik Tok @libsoftiktok

THREAD: Today in Portland, Oregon- thousands of librarians from around the country gathered for a Public Library Association conference. They got training on “Queering The Library” and how to deal with backlash


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763780  No.15955729


Yah i still have ducks in my yard but i don't like the eggs

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4bb2cd  No.15955730


I agree. It's fun when it's mostly all real anons. I came here for a second to just catch up but it's tough to take off.. kek

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71dc15  No.15955731

Images just went whacko for me in here. Anybody else having image fuckery?

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2312f9  No.15955732

File: 310c5b92ea539a3⋯.jpeg (98.74 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, 4396AC01_B0FA_412C_994E_0….jpeg)


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69334e  No.15955733


come to think of it…

PVT there is realizing and smiling at the fact that he now knows there is someone more ate up than he

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32f1c2  No.15955734


Use them for baking.

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d244dd  No.15955735


He actually looks like a chemo patient

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1c02ba  No.15955736


We’re going to bring ultimate justice to all of you evil scum.

No one playing the game gets a pass.

No deals.

Only death.

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f8ef83  No.15955737


FDA Tells Doctors in 8 States to Stop Using COVID-19 Treatment

U.S. drug regulators have directed health care workers in eight states to stop using a COVID-19 treatment because it may not be effective against an Omicron subvariant that is rising in prevalence.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, and Vermont.

Providers in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are also being told to stop using stotrovimab.

Regulators believe the treatment, which was given emergency use authorization in May 2021, “is unlikely to be effective against the BA.2 subvariant,” the FDA said in a statement.

BA.2 is a subvariant of Omicron, a variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.

According to genomic surveillance conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, BA.2 was responsible for 12.6 percent of COVID-19 cases in the United States in the week ending on March 5. But the agency projected an increase to 35 percent in the week ending on March 19, and the subvariant was pegged as circulating widely in the northeast.

Based on the estimates, BA.2 is responsible for the majority of the cases in the states where administration of sotrovimab is now limited.

The FDA had indicated in February that it would limit the treatment.

Several studies have indicated sotrovimab does not perform well against BA.2, including one published in Nature Medicine.

But GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnology, the makers of the drug, have said testing suggested the treatment retained neutralizing activity against BA.2.

The companies said Friday they were aware of the FDA’s move and are preparing to send a data package to the agency and other regulatory authorities that show a higher dose of sotrovimab works against BA.2.

COVID-19 treatments that do appear to be effective against BA.2 include Pfizer’s pill, paxlovid; the antiviral from Gilead Sciences known as remdesivir; and the recently authorized bebtelovimab, a monoclonal made by Eli Lilly, according to the FDA.

“We will continue to monitor BA.2 in all U.S. regions and may revise the authorization further to ensure that patients with COVID-19 have effective treatments available. Health care providers should also monitor the frequency of BA.2 in their region as they choose appropriate treatment options for patients,” the agency said.

The FDA previously cut off authorization for REGEN-COV, a monoclonal from Regeneron, and a separate treatment from Eli Lilly because laboratory testing suggested they didn’t hold up well against Omicron.


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ca6bad  No.15955738

File: b9e943e91e09e92⋯.jpg (20.9 KB, 255x202, 255:202, pepe_WELL_SO_WHAT_2.jpg)



>idiotic question


you're bitchin and moanin cause frustrated

sorry mate but that's on you

change you and you change the world

that's the way it works

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763780  No.15955739


Just don't say it out loud

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d244dd  No.15955740


I know. I had to think a minute to come up with the year

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f34277  No.15955741




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8c4d90  No.15955742


Anon will hold the fort down until you can come back. Will save a few chucklers for when anon returns.

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f9ab26  No.15955743

File: 594100bc32db9b3⋯.png (62.91 KB, 253x204, 253:204, 594100bc32db9b318db2d39c18….png)


>I can’t do anything because I’m white.

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977d92  No.15955744

File: 68f4cd0f0864594⋯.jpg (41.18 KB, 628x628, 1:1, no.jpg)

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bbf9c1  No.15955745

File: 425be3d408c721b⋯.jpg (85.57 KB, 970x647, 970:647, ola_gigante_1.jpg)


Checked and Kek'd

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e1cdb4  No.15955746

File: 3f5c2ded523bfa4⋯.webm (3.43 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, chevy_silverado_truck_com….webm)


And wear a hat for when it's "windy as hell."

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227457  No.15955747

Whatever “the threat” is, ‘nasty space visitors’, ‘subterranean shapeshifters’, ‘biblically demonic child eaters’, ‘freedom hater terrorists’, predators posing as Elected Officialia… whateves…

The ‘National Security Secret’ excuse is worn-out.

If, IF, somesuch threat actually existed, genuinely helpful and worthy people from within The National Security business… would be wise and intelligent enough to BOTH tell the public truthfully what the actual threat is… and DO, or ask for help from We the People in slitting the throats of the infiltration. Yet neither of those things seems to be happening. Thus, it is perfectly sane as a new starting point, to fully assume that The National Security State is simply working to protect and advance further cons upon We who foot the bills and/or will be left holding the bag, bankrupting ALL OF US to helplessness… AND still We would be left to face the supposed supernatural Threat.

Nothing actually ‘intelligent’, wise, or ‘safe’ about that.

Just Say’n

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439688  No.15955748


So does that shit work nigga?

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ca6bad  No.15955749


>image problems

not today - copacetic

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8273d5  No.15955750

File: b1f967c04ce33ce⋯.png (218.48 KB, 530x391, 530:391, ClipboardImage.png)


Legals means can fail as many times as needed before resorting to war. It is only when you are about to lose it all that you do bad things.

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bb6b50  No.15955752

File: 5e7decf880419f5⋯.png (118.82 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 5e7decf880419f5e402ced1eaf….png)

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274323  No.15955753

File: 7241049e97fe0fd⋯.jpeg (106.36 KB, 1080x788, 270:197, 1586616999.jpeg)



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71dc15  No.15955754

File: 1b35c1f6aa8c74e⋯.png (133.29 KB, 720x912, 15:19, Screenshot_20220327_082931….png)

Tiny particles of plastic have been detected in human blood for the very first time. They can’t be filtered out

The world around you runs on plastics, but it's also in your blood. Literally.


March 24, 2022 1:21 PM EDT


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f34277  No.15955755



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ca6bad  No.15955756

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4da7d3  No.15955757

File: 6cebe2cb4c262cc⋯.png (189.18 KB, 860x664, 215:166, CDDDCCCCC.png)


Latest CDC Data Shows That Vaccinated Children Aged 5-11 Are Now MORE Likely to Catch Covid Than Their Unvaccinated Peers

By Julian Conradson

Published March 27, 2022 at 8:00am

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71dc15  No.15955758

File: e0c24fd936cac15⋯.png (147.23 KB, 720x1640, 18:41, Screenshot_20220327_083055.png)

File: 7c3d41ed06c76fa⋯.png (135.32 KB, 720x1640, 18:41, Screenshot_20220327_083105.png)


See what I'm seeing.

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b1c79c  No.15955759


There are things we can do that is worse than death and can set them back many many lifetimes.

Force them to service others for 20 - 30 years while in prison.

From what I see, they only advance on the negative path by self service. So flip it on them.

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32f1c2  No.15955760


Anthem, TN

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410e69  No.15955761


Seems like a you issue.

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534929  No.15955762

File: 33e3dab24b6f654⋯.jpeg (13 KB, 474x203, 474:203, OIP_45_.jpeg)

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f9ab26  No.15955763


Images working fine.

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819ecc  No.15955764

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382c49  No.15955765


I guess it really depends on the procedure and what you're getting work done on?

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8c4d90  No.15955766


The homeless should have been an insurgency by now

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4bb2cd  No.15955767


>As if I can do something legal

We have started a group.. monthly we get 30+ coming to our meetings. We write articles and newsletters. We attend school board meetings and speak up. We attend county board meetings and speak up. We have events and invite local people to speak as well as candidates. Our last event had upwards of 180 I think. It's not easy. I'm not a public speaker. It takes time. I want to stay home and garden and raise my chickens.

Wait until the people who just want to be left alone, do something. This is me.

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d0f041  No.15955768


>Twitter serves as the de facto public town square, failing to adhere to free speech principles

Only virtually. Twitter is a privately owned company, in reality they can delete any one of your shit posts whenever they want. They are not bound by law to store your data for eternity. They are not bound by law to purchase/manage more storage space just so you could upload your shitty data for eternity.

Imagining that they should be required by law to share their private property kinda sounds like a slippery slope to Communism.

We The People are still free to go to the town square in reality and talk all the shit we want to.

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00f5d3  No.15955769

File: aa1eb196c55fae1⋯.mp4 (2.77 MB, 464x848, 29:53, 1_5010650839132406370.MP4)

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1a39ee  No.15955770

File: 1134b881eb2f7d7⋯.jpeg (130.55 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, 310c5b92ea539a34d33b0d3e4….jpeg)

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f6f36e  No.15955771


"This is dedication"

"This is someone who needs a fucking hobby"

They already have one.

I mean, the billboard is up and running, is it not?

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d244dd  No.15955772


If it said Black is Beautiful they wouldn't have even blinked

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8273d5  No.15955773


Glad I was not sipping on my coffee when that loaded. hahahaha

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205acf  No.15955774

File: 300aced585ec04a⋯.png (157.73 KB, 946x437, 946:437, ClipboardImage.png)

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534929  No.15955775

File: fe66ee33c15fc59⋯.jpg (11.42 KB, 255x170, 3:2, a3f23964c6c6e0474a11cacc2f….jpg)

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8c4d90  No.15955776


Connectivity issue or your wifi switched to McDonalds in mid-bread

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cc5fa0  No.15955777


top kek the pearl clutcher in the back

they haven't felt that tingle in their nether regions since woodstock

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763780  No.15955778

File: 58ee6c2d2ee9c75⋯.jpg (12.63 KB, 255x219, 85:73, c0fb4df91e1d5ded47e03a5ccf….jpg)


That's nice

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8273d5  No.15955779


Hold.. Holldddd… HOLD!

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71dc15  No.15955780

File: 89f4ca7ca4ebdaf⋯.jpg (10.14 KB, 255x255, 1:1, f5ed0c1066350592a3d4504352….jpg)



It's prolly muh phone. I'm just a simple phonefag, tending to muh images…and failing, kek!

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d244dd  No.15955781


Refresh usually clears that up for me

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2312f9  No.15955782

File: 0068844a6eb50c9⋯.jpeg (120.94 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, 3DDADC29_3FB9_41EB_8CFA_E….jpeg)

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b6091a  No.15955783

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

The ladies aren't the only thing this ShitLicker likes spending big on.

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763780  No.15955784


your supposed to have plexy glass between you and us

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b1c79c  No.15955785


Probably the real reason they switched from glass bottles to poison us with plastic.

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69ac77  No.15955786

File: 36d14e60e9acc5c⋯.png (640.13 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


>they haven't felt that tingle in their nether regions since woodstock

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9b6bcc  No.15955788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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149d15  No.15955789


With viewpoint discrimination, the protections of Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act come in to play.

The newspaper isn't "require" to publish your letter to the editor because they are accountable for everything they publish. The type of content moderation Twat/FB are using, they have become Publishers and have legal accountability for literally every word and photo on their site that they "allow".

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4bb2cd  No.15955790


Correct. Think baby bottles and sippy cups. Catch em when they're young.

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71dc15  No.15955791

File: e083cfc6628af3c⋯.jpg (14.58 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d4b0bfec201f188c0971b587a6….jpg)


>switched to McDonalds

I'm in muh recliner, but I kekked out loud.

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b6091a  No.15955792

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

The ladies aren't the only thing this ShitLicker likes spending big on…

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b6091a  No.15955793

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

The ladies aren't the only thing this ShitLicker likes spending big on…


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140914  No.15955794




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86213c  No.15955795

Just had a scathingly overpowering discussion on FB and anon just realized: without Q, anon wouldn't be able to destroy liberal arguments with ease and facts due to how well Q led anon down a path of research and discovery.

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3f59c6  No.15955796

File: e93f290355c7f0e⋯.mp4 (1.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Nun_chucks_ag_bro.mp4)


this faggot again


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b6091a  No.15955797

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

The ladies aren't the only thing this ShitLicker likes spending big on…..


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4bb2cd  No.15955798


Bingo. !!

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32f1c2  No.15955799


His maths posts weren't selling.

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f6f36e  No.15955800


Keep on microwaving your food in plastic, tards.



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140914  No.15955801


I'm sorry.

Humor won out

The universe willed it.

Forgive me?

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8273d5  No.15955802

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>plastic have been detected in human blood

First thought…

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d94f9a  No.15955803

File: 77b79fdb84b50dc⋯.png (90.26 KB, 1368x431, 1368:431, ClipboardImage.png)



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534929  No.15955804


do you can accept the "tech" explanation, or do you continue to observe?

there's always moar to it, if you have to eyes to see…


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bb6b50  No.15955805

File: 7d67b3018950bab⋯.jpg (367.84 KB, 1526x2047, 1526:2047, trump_17th_precinct_2_1.jpg)

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08d30e  No.15955806

File: 901c76112667978⋯.png (733.1 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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ce9f6c  No.15955807

File: 69c6a14eed3346f⋯.png (31.32 KB, 655x522, 655:522, 69c6a14eed3346f9e9ce75ed92….png)

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b6091a  No.15955808

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)


The ladies aren't the only thing this ShitLicker likes spending big on…


All of humanity FILTERED your worthless life…. Get your black ass outta here.



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7a51ff  No.15955809

File: 0c31bfbbe7bbf49⋯.png (330.7 KB, 488x257, 488:257, turkey.png)

File: 690c8801855e82e⋯.png (547.28 KB, 634x442, 317:221, MEATPOULTRYSHORTAGE.png)

File: cfcbf35ba301ea6⋯.png (231.64 KB, 354x235, 354:235, sodaaisle.png)

File: 82a66d3d287165a⋯.png (35.76 KB, 506x513, 506:513, CO2uses.png)

Had an interesting conversation with a GA fren yesterday. Glean from it what you will.

Fren rides the desk these days, in supervisor-mode.

He works for AirGas in GA. Fren rides the desk these days, in supervisor-mode. He told me his Big Boss advised him that he(fren) needed to return to driving/delivering this fall, where he can make $20K/month. There is going to be an extended 60 day outage of CO2, nationwide. The Richmond VA plant will be shut down/out of service. The GA plant will be doing the lions share of deliveries along the eastern/southern side of the country.

I'm not up on all the various uses of CO2, besides the obvious Carbonation in beverages (soda, beer, sparkling waters, etc.), and told my friend this. He said that the frozen food world is going to take a tremendous hit as CO2 is used to freeze turkeys, chicken, and other items, etc. He advised tobuy earlyand freeze whatever you think you might need for this fall.

He said the turkey plant near him kills thousands of turkeys a day and uses a ton of co2 to freeze the turkey for market. This will dramatically hinder their operation and blow a hole in the Turkey sales well before Thanksgiving. Sure, stores can sell "fresh" items, but they have a shorter shelf life, obviously. And stores do not have enough "fridge" area to accommodate a change-over from frozen to "fresh".

The planned shortage is due to start Sept 18th-ish. Ok, that's when fren has been asked to return to driving. Theoretically, the shortage could start 2-4 weeks prior to that.) This shortage comes a solid 2 months before Thanksgiving. Obviously, we could see other forms of food shortages well before then.

This shortage also happens to coincide with the mid-terms, and the already impending food shortage we are seeing advertised on the news now. lt also happens to coincide with "sometimes you have to show the people".

Moral of the story:

-If you drink any carbonated beverages: stock up early.

-If you want a Turkey for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas: stock up early

-If you eat a lot of frozen foods (and you may have to do your own CO2-frozen-food research): stock up early.

-If you don't have one already: buy a freezer

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d244dd  No.15955811


I saw that report yesterday and it did make me think back to the 90s when I DID microwave things in plastic - and I cringed at my own stupidity/naivete

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75956a  No.15955812

File: 92c6e7337e6828f⋯.mp4 (3.09 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Q.mp4)

Tell IT Like it is MR PRESIDENT…!!!

Q+ Still Got It…!!!


Just say the Word…


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8273d5  No.15955813

File: e0ec3a795b3235e⋯.png (93.61 KB, 1369x1359, 1369:1359, ANON_AUTIST_KNOWLEDGE.png)

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efc99f  No.15955814


The enemy destroys.

Bring the truth and light with humor & joy.

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2312f9  No.15955815

File: cfb79d2d92a1ea9⋯.jpeg (120.85 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, 94EA5727_33BD_4903_919C_D….jpeg)

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4bb2cd  No.15955816


>-If you don't have one already: buy a freezer

Agree w everything, especially this. Scour for used ones. New can be hard to come by.

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b6091a  No.15955817

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)


The ladies aren't the only thing this ShitLicker likes spending big on…


All of humanity FILTERED your worthless life…. Get your black ass outta here…



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8273d5  No.15955818

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d0f041  No.15955819


So you are saying if you made laws, you would require and bind a private company to store every shitpost and every piece of worthless data that users upload for eternity for free?

>The type of content moderation

who are the content moderators, and who tells them what to delete?

Or do they just do whatever/as much as they can to get rid of shitposts/data they don't want to store?

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bb845f  No.15955820

File: 0e5468a5c797a29⋯.png (962.58 KB, 1440x3120, 6:13, Screenshot_20220327_084522.png)


(((Plastic particles)))

The Jewish Renaissance and the Plastic Arts

Avner Holtzman

Jewish Studies Quarterly

Vol. 10, No. 4 (2003),

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f29912  No.15955821


Every product used in packaging for food migrates into the food on some level. The only material that is 100% safe and has zero migration into the food product is glass.

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dc8b2d  No.15955822

File: c5011c122f2d3a6⋯.png (238.59 KB, 152x621, 152:621, Sword.png)


Yeah, lots of folks down in GA be taken aback by well-placed F-bombs. It's funny as fuck.


Same to you, Swordanon!

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75956a  No.15955823




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f69489  No.15955824


Nicely done, anon.

Digital camo.

I suspect many of the popular creep images of potato are found with image recognition bots and hidden on the main social media sites.

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149d15  No.15955825


Section 230 protects them as a digital public square, until they start behaving like publishers.

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71dc15  No.15955826

File: 7c7e0bf4add47ec⋯.jpg (7.41 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, IMG_20220326_170813.jpg)

Lil sis is coming along pretty well. Muh boy is a good teacher.

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ca6bad  No.15955827

File: 54022d6897a4ecd⋯.png (41.94 KB, 193x295, 193:295, drama.png)



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82ba13  No.15955828


> the fourth wall.

Five walls of theatre

Modern theatre is trapped behind five walls, all of which need to be removed:

The first is the wall between the individual actor and the actor's self-as-instrument. This is a relationship full of paradox, and so difficult to solve without falling into either self-doubt or narcissism.

The second is the wall between the actor and the material, the character, the text etc. Here the work begins with identification and transformation, and leads to questions of responsibility and a sense of ownership of one’s creation.

The third is the wall between the actor and the partner on the stage, the other actor. To really listen and share, even while under the pressures of performance, takes great courage. The other actor must be allowed to be more than just a piece of stage furniture that happens to talk.

Next is the well-known fourth wall between the actor and the audience. As Brook says, the essence of theatricality is “Of course it is not real.” To respect the audience is to recognize them as active participants in an act of the imagination.

And finally the fifth wall is that between those people who habitually go to the theatre and those who do not. If the fifth wall is to crumble, the other four will have to fall first.

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dd49d0  No.15955829



(from pb Notables)

>>15955244 Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

Just occurred to me: if a missile is coming at me faster than the speed of sound? I'm not going to hear it approaching.

Remember the X-Men movie featuring Wolverine, where it starts out in Japan and they're being bombed and he saves the guy (who ends up being his nemesis), inside a bomb shelter?

They could hear the whistling as the bomb was falling.

That's no longer the case, with these Russian munitions.

Very interesting how "things change."

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870380  No.15955830

File: 932aadc2b809180⋯.jpeg (123.49 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 9A786FF5_2320_4286_9BC7_4….jpeg)

27 Mar, 2022 12:03

Donbass republic mulls attempt to join Russia

The head of the Lugansk People’s Republic has told journalists about plans to hold a referendum

The Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR), one of the two breakaway Donbass territories recognized by Moscow as independent states in late February, is planning to hold a plebiscite on joining Russia “in the near future,” its leader has revealed.

There has been no indication that the Kremlin would accept such a demand. Last month, President Valdimir Putin recognised the independence of the LPR, but almost all of the word considers it to still be part of Ukraine.

Speaking to journalists on Sunday, Leonid Pasechnik said that he thought “in the near future a referendum will be held in the republic, where people will exercise their absolutely constitutional right, and give their opinion with respect to joining Russia.” The official added that he was “somehow sure that’s precisely the way it will be.”

Commenting on the possibility of such a vote in the LPR, Russian Senator Andrey Klishas said on Sunday that both Lugansk and Donetsk had the right to seek to join Russia unless such a move ran counter to their constitutions.

However, Leonid Kalashnikov, who chairs the Russian Duma’s committee on the Commonwealth of Independent States Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Relations with Compatriots, has warned that “now is not the right moment” for holding a referendum in the republic. Kalashnikov argued that “you hardly need to bother with such questions when destiny is being determined on the frontline.”

Both the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and the LPR declared independence in 2014 following a violent coup in Kiev. Both territories are predominantly Russian-speaking, and fears were growing at the time that nationalist elements in the new Ukrainian government would persecute ethnic minorities. Ukraine branded the two breakaway republics separatists and launched an ‘anti-terrorist operation,’ deploying its military to regain control, which resulted in a bloody war. The armed hostilities ended in February 2015 with the signing in the Belarusian capital of the so-called Minsk II peace agreement, brokered by Germany and France.

The accord demanded that both the Ukrainian military and separatists cease fire and put an end to clashes, which had turned the region into a conflict zone. The document also called for major administrative and political reform in Ukraine as well as autonomy and local elections for the Donbass republics. However, the implementation of the agreement was stalled, with the two sides blaming each other for the lack of progress.

In mid-February 2022, the DPR and LPR began reporting an uptick in Ukrainian artillery shelling – something which forced the Donbass republics to ask Russia for official recognition, as their respective leaderships claim. On February 21, Moscow recognized both republics as independent states, signing friendship treaties with Donetsk and Lugansk. However, parts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions declared by the two republics as their own in their respective constitutions were still under Ukraine’s control.

On February 24, Putin launched a military offensive in Ukraine. The Russian head of state insisted that the neighboring state had to be “demilitarized and denazified,” claiming that far-right militias, which had permeated the Ukrainian government, were supposedly aiming to carry out a genocide of the Russian-speaking population of the Donbass. Ukraine and its allies dismissed Putin’s allegations as a mere pretext, accusing Moscow of waging “unprovoked” aggression against a sovereign state.


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4bb2cd  No.15955831


Beautiful dogs!

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bb845f  No.15955832




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80f9b2  No.15955833

File: 2206deded2b06c1⋯.jpg (57.25 KB, 487x499, 487:499, 1646407692.jpg)

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4928d8  No.15955834

File: d41844ebf11f9ff⋯.jpg (14.49 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 6e26fd2b76824ed7f680b073f7….jpg)

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32f1c2  No.15955835


This is what Nuland & Zelensky were preventing from habbeneing.

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763780  No.15955836


Also used in hospitals and welding

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8273d5  No.15955837



Just blasted a few popular choice twat accounts with that one.

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4da7d3  No.15955838

File: 5ca53ebe50472c3⋯.png (518.17 KB, 814x736, 407:368, sUUUUU.png)


Wisconsin’s ‘Parent Bill Of Rights’ Would Allow Parents To Sue Schools That Exploit Kids

Chrissy Clark


March 26, 2022 3:26 PM ET

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82ba13  No.15955839


you cant hear modern fighter jets coming at you either.

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b6f4b0  No.15955840

File: 4891e6ecb8973c5⋯.jpg (65.36 KB, 474x313, 474:313, spamalot.jpg)


do you think this is FaceBook?

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8273d5  No.15955841

File: baac6f14d63df0e⋯.mp4 (451.27 KB, 624x312, 2:1, ALARM_.mp4)

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dc8b2d  No.15955842

File: 73ac28ad2d5e04e⋯.png (424.75 KB, 600x727, 600:727, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15955672, >>15955681, >>15955700, >>15955705, >>15955707, >>15955733, >>15955735

All you fuckers are mean. He looks like a very nice young man.

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4da7d3  No.15955843

File: de09f2abbc59f34⋯.png (296.03 KB, 964x580, 241:145, ETTTT.png)


politics Mar. 26, 2022

QAnon’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Virtually Complete

By Jacob Silverman

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9375c3  No.15955844



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71dc15  No.15955845

File: 044d2ae9aa29692⋯.jpg (662.25 KB, 1404x1872, 3:4, 20210703_212607.jpg)




Sis is that you?! I love you and good mernin if so. If not…sup kek!

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b6f4b0  No.15955846


>By Jacob Silverman

every single time

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86213c  No.15955847

Anon is skeptical of everything now due to the years of let-downs, but one sequence of events has revived anon's faith:

- Hunter/Joe Biden Ukraine connection/corruption revealed.

- Hunter Biden admits on camera Russia has laptop.

- Russia invades Ukraine.

- New York Times admits Huner Biden laptop authentic.

- Issa heads up evidence preservation letters to all media.

- Russia claims Hunter Biden connected to biolabs in Ukraine.

- Media confirms via NYTs confirmation that Biden emails prove his involvement in biolab research in Ukraine.

We now have mutually verifying evidence that cannot be refuted. It was almost perfect execution. New York Times revelation was the key - the absolute tell that nothing can stop what's about to happen.

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870380  No.15955848

File: 0cf17d3069798cd⋯.jpeg (303.74 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, 7DFAC030_EA04_4216_9CA7_3….jpeg)

27 Mar, 2022 10:36

HomeWorld News

West accused of double standards on Ukraine

Qatar and Saudi Arabia have shamed the West for paying more attention to the war in Ukraine than to events in the Middle East

The US’ major non-NATO ally Qatar, along with Saudi Arabia, have shamed the West for paying disproportionately more attention to Ukraine than to conflicts in nations across the Middle East.

“The humanitarian suffering that we have seen in Ukraine … has been the suffering of a lot of countries in this region for years, and nothing happened,” Qatari Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani said during roundtable talks at the annual Doha Forum on Saturday.

He reminded delegates of “the brutality against the Syrian people, or against the Palestinians, or against the Libyans, or against the Iraqis, or against the Afghans,” and said that, in his view, “we have never seen a global response to address those sufferings.”

The US and the EU have spearheaded the international campaign to back Ukraine during its ongoing conflict with Russia, which has included delivering weapons and other aid to the Kiev government and imposing draconian economic sanctions on Moscow.

The events in Ukraine should become “a wake-up call for everyone in the international community to look at our region and to address the issues … with the same level of commitment,” the FM insisted.

The Qatari stance was backed by Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, who agreed that “the engagement of the global community … it’s quite different.”

“The trans-Atlantic unity right now, its commendable. But I think you have to have a much better conversation with the rest of the global community,” he added.

Qatar and Saudi Arabia are considered strategic allies of the West, with the US having recently awarded the former the status of “major non-NATO ally.” The two wealthy Gulf nations have so far maintained a neutral stance on the situation in Ukraine due to their ties with Russia.

Washington and Brussels are hoping Doha and Riyadh will boost their oil and gas production to reduce the West’s dependence on Russian energy.

In an interview with CNN earlier this week, however, Qatari Energy Minister Saad Sherida al-Kaabi said replacing Russian gas was “not practically possible.” He stated that Doha would not be imposing sanctions on Russia’s oil and gas sector as “energy should stay out of politics.”

Moscow sent its troops into Ukraine a month ago, following a seven-year standoff over Kiev’s failure to implement the terms of the Minsk agreements, and Russia’s eventual recognition of the Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk. German- and French-brokered protocols had been designed to regularize the status of those regions within the Ukrainian state.

Russia has now demanded that Ukraine officially declare itself a neutral country that will never join the US-led NATO military bloc. Kiev insists the Russian offensive was completely unprovoked and has denied claims it had been planning to retake the two republics by force.


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4928d8  No.15955849

File: 58b34bad0e28aaf⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 255x237, 85:79, 8919183e2f303e4ca8f4287790….jpg)

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dc8b2d  No.15955850

File: a200225c30037b0⋯.png (882.64 KB, 699x2512, 699:2512, Pepe_Meme_Steal.png)

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f6f36e  No.15955851


Seeing plastic used as dishware provokes a negative emotional response in this Anon.

It's gotten so bad over the last few years that I can't even tolerate touching it when visiting friends/family still using plastic to eat drink from.

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4928d8  No.15955852

File: a63485f1437c77a⋯.jpg (48.8 KB, 474x474, 1:1, spaceforcedoggo44.jpg)

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4928d8  No.15955853

File: 5c659117d59cb2d⋯.jpg (3.59 KB, 236x213, 236:213, 44.jpg)

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797de4  No.15955854

File: c22469cceafd0ea⋯.mp4 (10.78 MB, 480x480, 1:1, thisones4uchappie.mp4)



have a glorious dayshift

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5e282f  No.15955855

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

Last night Trump stayed far away from talking about the coronavirus and his WARP SPEED….lol

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f06ae4  No.15955856


>QAnon’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Virtually Complete

Does this mean that the swamp has mainly been removed from the Republican Party, not so many swamp creatures left in positions of control?

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439688  No.15955857

File: fe6e0f351716957⋯.jpeg (229.42 KB, 1266x611, 1266:611, C204E655_A6C6_4966_BA24_C….jpeg)

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b6f4b0  No.15955858

File: b671fd2f50e8103⋯.jpg (54.19 KB, 591x500, 591:500, joe_ukr.jpg)

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69334e  No.15955859



what are the odds his first name is Lawrence?

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d94f9a  No.15955860

File: b41268e790c4099⋯.png (199.16 KB, 586x726, 293:363, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 811e06204c75914⋯.png (153.87 KB, 526x699, 526:699, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84bd3a7b77a0c77⋯.mp4 (2.21 MB, 424x320, 53:40, hmmmm.mp4)

CIA chief Duane Clarridge explains how the crimes of Pinochet were "worth it" and that the US will overthrow democratically elected governments whenever it wants. When told that's a violation of foreign populations, his reply is clear: "well that's just tough"



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b6f4b0  No.15955861

File: b971421d634a429⋯.png (139.39 KB, 300x359, 300:359, g.png)



even your spelling is faggot

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71dc15  No.15955862

File: 70171766bb862b3⋯.jpg (4.49 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, IMG_20220318_182806.jpg)


I love it, sign them up.

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d0f041  No.15955863


I really don't like Twitter, but I will still stand up for their rights as a private company.

I like this here site 8Kun, but no way would I expect every shitpost and every photo/video to be stored for eternity for free. Yeah, it'd suck if next week everything was deleted… but, if the business owner decides to shut down how could we think we have the right to stop him?

Like how entitled do some people think they are?

If I try to come back to post 15955555 in 20 years, and it's gone, then I should start a legal battle?

Get real.

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a4bb24  No.15955864

File: c3f67c2546965e6⋯.webp (14.87 KB, 255x204, 5:4, 9c6cffffbc3eec73c4f97d038….webp)

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efc99f  No.15955865


Is that one a them there ‘Red Lectrons’ from over yonder the 8th dimension?

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95ec28  No.15955866

File: 45c323ac419c18a⋯.jpg (67.54 KB, 931x524, 931:524, kimlaughs.jpg)


Rolling Stone

Trump Degrades His Own General as an ‘Idiot’ Before Gushing Over ‘Smart’ Kim Jong-un

William Vaillancourt - Yesterday 10:42 PM

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8273d5  No.15955867


Wins the Internet!

much kek'age

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870380  No.15955868

File: e80c2e1ded25dea⋯.jpeg (222.85 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, ED842C6E_7B8D_4ABD_8373_C….jpeg)

27 Mar, 2022 09:56

HomeRussia & FSU

Trump makes Biden Ukraine claim

“The five worst presidents” ever in US together couldn’t have done more damage than Biden has managed in just 15 months, former leader insists

Former US president Donald Trump has suggested that Joe Biden should have nothing to do with Ukraine, alluding to the controversial business dealings of the incumbent US president’s son in the ex-Soviet state.

Trump spoke in front of a huge GOP rally in Commerce, Georgia on Saturday, and insisted that “the invasion of Ukraine should never have happened,” while also blaming Biden, whom he slammed as a “sleepy son of a b****,” for being unable to prevent it.

“We have a president that has no idea what the hell he’s doing and has no idea even where he is. The fake news, they’re trying to say he’s acting brilliantly,” he said. But, according to Trump, this isn’t the case at all, because currently “Ukraine is being bombed to s**t!”

“Joe Biden should recuse himself from anything having to do with Ukraine because of how much money they're getting from Ukraine. They’ve taken in a fortune,” he said, referring to what he believes is alleged corrupt activity between the president’s son, Hunter Biden, and a Ukrainian gas company.

The younger Biden had joined the board of Burisma Holdings – one of Ukraine’s largest private natural gas producers – in 2014, soon after the Maidan protests in Kiev that ultimately installed a pro-Western government in the country. The violent coup was backed by the administration of former President Barack Obama, in which Biden senior held the position of vice president.

During the 2020 election campaign, Trump claimed that Biden had used his influence and his government position to get his son the job, with a reported salary of $83,000 per month, and later pressured then-President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to fire a prosecutor, who had been investigating alleged violations at Burisma.

The elder Biden confirmed that he threatened to withhold a loan to Kiev in order to get a prosecutor sacked, but insisted that this was done to get rid of a corrupt official, in line with bipartisan US policy. His campaign denied all other claims.

Trump’s own attempts to persuade Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to launch a new, publicly announced probe into the Biden family’s dealings with Burisma resulted in ‘abuse of power’ and ‘obstruction of Congress’ charges against him, which eventually led to an impeachment.

“Ukraine would've never happened" if he was still the US president, Trump assured his crowd.

He mentioned Biden numerous times during the speech, saying that the Democrat’s stay in the White House has been “one train wreck after another.”

“The five worst presidents in American history” together “would not have done the damage Joe Biden has done in just 15 months,” the 75-year-old insisted. “In just over a year, he has managed to kill, literally kill, the American dream.”

“But do not lose hope, because, with the right leadership, America will be back, greater, stronger, and more powerful than ever before,” Trump promised, stopping short of announcing another run for office in 2024.

Unlike Biden, Russia’s President Vladimir Putin was “smart” for using the military build-up near the Ukrainian border to put pressure on Washington during the negotiations for security guarantees, he said. However, he decried the Russian attack on its neighbor as a “big mistake.”

“That’s a hell of a way to negotiate, put 200,000 troops on the border. That was a big mistake, but it looked like a great negotiation. That didn’t work out too well for him,” the 45th US president said.

Trump also warned about the threat of a nuclear conflict as a result of tensions between Russia and the West over Moscow’s operation.

Russia put its nuclear weapons on high alert after launching its military operation in the neighboring country in late February, citing what it described as “aggressive statements” made by NATO, and harsh financial sanctions imposed by the West.

“We have the president of Russia mentioned the N-word… the nuclear word,” Trump said.“The nuclear word is a very dangerous, dangerous word and it’s being thrown around very cavalierly.”


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e8c7e8  No.15955869


chickens are pre-tenders

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09216c  No.15955870

>>15955178 More Keks: Actor Sean Penn Threatens To Smelt His Oscars In Public If Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Is Not Invited To Speak At The Academy Awards (pb)

Imagine thinking anyone gives a fuck…

And, will someone PLEASE get this motherfucker a DIME-BAG!

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797de4  No.15955871

File: 1cf84f6d6d552d9⋯.png (587.11 KB, 622x798, 311:399, Screen_Shot_2022_03_27_at_….png)


kek the savage girl's face

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149d15  No.15955872


I can't tell if you are stupid or intentionally ignorant. Viewpoint discrimination is targeted deletions, to control a narrative, not general deletions after a period of time, or deleting spam. Words have meaning, you should study them.

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95ec28  No.15955873

File: c213c6253dbd986⋯.jpg (28.74 KB, 313x499, 313:499, fourthway.jpg)

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4bb2cd  No.15955874


I bet nothing gets by them. (love the noseprints on the glass too).

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439688  No.15955875

File: da8a2dac4fd9877⋯.jpeg (234.57 KB, 1284x600, 107:50, 82336E81_6B2F_4005_B848_4….jpeg)

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5e282f  No.15955876

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)



Last night Trump stayed far away from talking about the coronavirus and his WARP SPEED….lol==

Get your black ass back to Reddit.

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75956a  No.15955877

File: 5681b024b6b241c⋯.mp4 (9.04 MB, 720x540, 4:3, We_are_NOT_Fucking_Going_A….mp4)


Powerful and TRUE

This is How a Leader gets a Point Across

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d0f041  No.15955878



obviously he's a competitive swimmer.

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439688  No.15955879



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5e282f  No.15955880

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)

File: 80d349a65f50805⋯.png (527.41 KB, 1080x1057, 1080:1057, Screenshot_20220326_071705….png)



Last night Trump stayed far away from talking about the coronavirus and his WARP SPEED……lol==

Get your black ass back to Reddit.

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1c02ba  No.15955881


News Flash: All sampled individuals were proven to be extreme dildo users.

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71dc15  No.15955882

File: 5250e95206a46cf⋯.png (10.49 KB, 255x169, 255:169, 729fc217c8a322b487fcb15dd7….png)

File: b07e4ca972ccc06⋯.jpg (185.84 KB, 940x1252, 235:313, 20210409_124147.jpg)

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69334e  No.15955883


>Rolling Stone

>Trump Degrades His Own General as an ‘Idiot’ Before Gushing Over ‘Smart’ Kim Jong-un

Wonders if Rolling Stone has any remembrance of Michael Hastings?


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01156b  No.15955884

File: b15e2583bf633f7⋯.png (48.13 KB, 575x268, 575:268, ioffeTranniesPutinAlly.png)

File: 4b97e685c60795f⋯.jpg (192.66 KB, 1089x1098, 121:122, aquamaam_0.jpg)

Hot Take

If you believe in biology

You're Putin's ally.

Julia Ioffe


To the people who think Tucker Carlson and Donald Trump are crazy but that trans people are made up, that “cancel culture” has gone too far, that “men should be men and women should women” — congratulations, you agree with Putin. You are his ideological ally.

2:03 PM · Mar 25, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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439688  No.15955885

File: d59c0bf0a5c8cd9⋯.jpeg (517.92 KB, 938x530, 469:265, 66273076_D4F0_43A3_8C1A_0….jpeg)

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a4bb24  No.15955886

File: 52caf5e40d5ad6e⋯.jpg (17.24 KB, 254x255, 254:255, 5989c34ef7f0cc8137f9415683….jpg)

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4da7d3  No.15955887

File: 72f4e48df7b1e9f⋯.png (810.84 KB, 1036x767, 1036:767, rodDYYYY.png)



In Fit of Racially Charged Outrage, Democrats Target Supreme Court’s Only Black Justice for Impeachment

Party's ugly segregationist past resurfaces as prominent interracial couple comes under attack

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95ec28  No.15955888

File: 16ea637f941b28a⋯.png (683.08 KB, 900x599, 900:599, defoedefriend.png)

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140914  No.15955889


the FDA approved polyethylene plastic in foods long ago.

Food grade plastic that is used as an additive

Think *modified food starch, modified….anything…..

Category: ENVIRONMENTA Complete List of Monsanto-Created Food Products You Should Avoid At All Costs

A Complete List of Monsanto-Created Food Products You Should Avoid At All Costs

Sep 13, 2016 Carly Fraser Save For Later Print

Last Updated: Jun 13, 2019









Monsanto-Owned Food Products

You’d be surprised the number of food products you purchase that are created with ingredients produced by Monsanto. Many people think they are health foods, when in reality, they contain genetically modified ingredients that are toxic to our body.

Many of the ingredients in packaged foods are derived from genetically modified organisms. They are often hidden in the ingredients, labelled as things you’d think were harmless.

Ingredients like starch (in any form), high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), dextrin, maltodextrin, dextrose, malt (in any form), hydrolyzed vegetable protein, baking powder, caramel colour, sugar, aspartame, nutrasweet, phenylalanine, equal, confectioners sugar, fructose (in any form), glucose, condensed milk, milk powder, soy, cottonseed oil, xanthan gum, corn (in any form) and more, usually indicate the presence of hidden GMOs, unless the product is certified organic or Non-GMO project verified.

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99ce76  No.15955890

File: 52ee8c7691f8cf3⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1496x788, 374:197, 2941dc266f86a3d883f7ba7a9a….png)


mornin Swordy!

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870380  No.15955891

File: 156b13da4927f67⋯.jpeg (334.3 KB, 1240x697, 1240:697, F6975427_4ABF_4400_BF61_C….jpeg)

27 Mar, 2022 13:29

Australian PM explains refusal to meet China’s envoy

It would be a sign of “weakness” after Beijing’s suspension of minister-to-minister talks, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said

Scott Morrison declined to meet with China’s new ambassador to Australia earlier this month because it would have been a sign of “weakness” after Beijing suspended ministerial engagement, the prime minister has explained.

Earlier this week, local media reported that Morrison had recently declined a formal request for a meeting from China’s new envoy, Xiao Qian.

“So long as China continues to refuse to have dialogue with Australian ministers and the prime minister, I think that’s an entirely proportional response,” Morrison said as he explained his decision to journalists on Saturday.

“That would be a demonstration of weakness and I can assure you as prime minister that’s the last message I’d ever send to China,” he insisted.

With Beijing blocking minister-to-minister contacts, “Australians would see it as very inappropriate for me to engage in that dialogue with an ambassador,” the prime minister stated.

Xiao eventually ended up holding talks with Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne. This did not result in any diplomatic breakthrough, but still became the most high-profile meeting between officials from the two Pacific rivals in almost two years.

During his meetings with private-sector representatives in recent weeks, the ambassador relayed a message to the Australian authorities from Chinese President Xi Jinping: “Australia has been treating China like the enemy. Australia has to decide whether it is China’s enemy or China’s friend.”

This will likely be a complicated decision for Canberra, considering the recent leak of a draft security deal between China and the Solomon Islands, which could well see Beijing establishing a naval base in the Oceania region. Morrison said the development was of “great concern across the Pacific family.”

Australia maintains strong influence in the Solomon Islands, providing it with financial aid and security. The Australian military and police are set to remain in the country until December 2023 after being deployed there in 2019 to help quell riots that were provoked by the local government’s decision to switch diplomatic ties from Taiwan to Beijing.

Canberra also recently slammed Beijing for its “chilling silence” regarding the Russian military operation in Ukraine and its refusal to introduce any sort of sanctions against Moscow.

Meanwhile, China has been angered by Australia’s participation in the AUKUS deal with the US and the UK, which was announced last year and is aimed at arming Canberra with a fleet of nuclear-powered submarines.

Relations between the two countries took a turn for the worse in 2020, deteriorating when Australia called for a global probe into the origins on Covid-19 and how it spread. Beijing, which had been vigorously rejecting attempts to pin the blame for the pandemic on it, responded by banning imports of some Australian products, including coal, barley and lobsters.

Australia is ruled by dolts who have a demented tyrannical complex


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d2592c  No.15955892

File: e4e224042e727b3⋯.jpeg (14.63 KB, 200x134, 100:67, 215D41FC_BA9B_4A75_979C_C….jpeg)

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71dc15  No.15955893


I'm pretty safe. Could do better at cleaning, no excuses. It's just me and the dogs now so I don't care much.

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6bab81  No.15955894

File: bb4c222cb7c807c⋯.png (7.44 KB, 255x249, 85:83, b8446382da97e4156c3c24f935….png)


that's the private that will do anything.

the one that truly just don't give a fug.

seent that look before….



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4bb2cd  No.15955895


> ingredients produced by Monsanto

I have an old Sears catalog from 1978. In it, flame-retardant pajamas for children are listed, with a little logo saying Monsanto.

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8273d5  No.15955896


Kraft Parmesan cheese was feeding us Cellulose AKA; Wood.

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09216c  No.15955897

File: 502fbfcc21c4c3c⋯.png (167.14 KB, 858x618, 143:103, Screen_Shot_2022_03_27_at_….png)

>>15954770 Don Jr Biolab Comms, Anon does some digging into Red Cross activities in Ukraine (pb)

Yeah, there are definitely some connections here… Perhaps, with the wife, Ludmilla. But DEFINITELY with the husband, and former President of Ukraine, Leonid Kuchma.


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82ba13  No.15955898

File: 72fd70bcb357e7b⋯.png (243.79 KB, 777x789, 259:263, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 237865954290970⋯.png (248.8 KB, 498x572, 249:286, ClipboardImage.png)

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d0f041  No.15955899


>Viewpoint discrimination

So what's the solution?

Force them by law to store everything for eternity for free?

Force them to hire "fair" viewpoint discriminators?


How about let them do their thing… if you don't like it, start your own and compete with them in the free market?

I think my solution sounds more like the thing an American would come up with.

Other solutions sound like a weak as fuck waste of time, and money.

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8273d5  No.15955900



Let's get Mikey!

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4bb2cd  No.15955901


..oh.. no I'm just chuckling. We have them too. o7!

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6bab81  No.15955902

File: 0dc5263d6566dcc⋯.png (11.43 KB, 255x168, 85:56, a4fbefe969c4f79cc51a315d5e….png)

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cf4e5a  No.15955903

>>15955521 ty

>>15955522 ty

>>15955524 ty

>>15955530 ty

>>15955535 ty

>>15955536 ty

>>15955539 ty

>>15955544 ty

>>15955548 airbrushed out of the new regime. #screenshotsreveal. ty.

>>15955641 ty

>>15955756 ty

>>15955762 ty

>>15955829 ty

>>15955854 even more glorious now, ty.

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efc99f  No.15955904



Of course it is.

How do you think we came to be?

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71dc15  No.15955905

File: 3ab19bf088caf32⋯.jpg (18.65 KB, 192x255, 64:85, 6da154c209dcc943664fdc9167….jpg)

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149d15  No.15955906


Just follow the law…Section 230 of the CDA. Since they are "acting" as publishers, they should lose their protections under 230.

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82ba13  No.15955908


rolling stone is a DS mag created by the CIA

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2870a2  No.15955909


Is there a good movie abt Pearl Harbor that is factually accurate?

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f06ae4  No.15955910


>I have an old Sears catalog from 1978. In it, flame-retardant pajamas for children are listed, with a little logo saying Monsanto.

Probably made with 100% pure asbestos.

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f69489  No.15955911

File: 425fd5dd3b6f160⋯.jpg (23.36 KB, 459x379, 459:379, NavalAviatorSalute.jpg)


This is awesome kek

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4da7d3  No.15955912

File: b483ae279f7699b⋯.png (159.01 KB, 430x442, 215:221, bOOOOO.png)


Dr. Simon, [27.03.22 10:02]

[Forwarded from The Vigilant Fox 🦊]

[ Video ]

In the Pfizer trials, more people died in the vaccine group than in the placebo group, and it takes 22,000 vaccines to save one life from COVID.

Steve Kirsch: "So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives."

@VigilantFox | Rumble Clip (https://rumble.com/vwtuqv-steve-kirsch-breaks-down-the-math-showing-the-upside-down-riskbenefit-analy.html) | Full Video (https://www.bitchute.com/video/Cuam2Jsay27P/)

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40269e  No.15955913

File: dae91b31b4a3559⋯.png (311.05 KB, 828x840, 69:70, adios_joe.png)

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6bab81  No.15955914

File: 3f608f0be78c2ec⋯.png (14.22 KB, 255x191, 255:191, a1513c188dac12f51a018d33a7….png)

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149d15  No.15955915


Lift the liability restrictions…on all of them.

Let Big Pharma be sued for vaxx injuries

Let Big Tech be sued for content suppression, libel, slander, defamation, etc.

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8273d5  No.15955916


I too remember reading about its actual creation years ago. Forget the details and where. Just remember that it was CIA.

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32f1c2  No.15955917



Indiana becomes 24th state ~ ~ Governor Eric Holcomb signs bill eliminating need for concealed carry permits washex.am/3IxeKQj


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01156b  No.15955918

File: 2a382e99d7f3655⋯.png (515.97 KB, 919x1152, 919:1152, npcUkraineNat.png)

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2b163b  No.15955919

File: 72e59ff44e91d10⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 500x367, 500:367, 69ebhu.jpg)


Coal burner cunt….


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dc8b2d  No.15955920

File: 25b581e1bbb7388⋯.png (2.42 MB, 1500x1125, 4:3, popcorn.png)


It's a movie, right?

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c3db33  No.15955921



Trump uses the "N" word

And just like that

the "N" is now for Nuclear

Nuclear World Order?

The NWO using the threat of using nuclear weapons to hold people as hostages?

This movie has been going on for a long, long time. Decades, I believe.

Is there a Secret Society of Good Guy White Hats that has been around for decades, working behind the scenes?

Hiding behind security clearances, national security, and NDAs? The same as the Black Hats do? Using their own weapons and strategies against them?

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09216c  No.15955922


The law means NOTHING unless it is enforced equally.

The gov't hates you and is trying to kill you.

Act accordingly.

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d0f041  No.15955923


Buyer beware.

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4da7d3  No.15955924

File: c4148232dc81fe5⋯.png (140.67 KB, 423x524, 423:524, juDDGGGG.png)


SSGQ Channel ⭐⭐⭐, [27.03.22 10:06]

[Forwarded from Gateway Pundit]

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge to Bench


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b1c79c  No.15955925



N = Nuclear blackmail?

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95ec28  No.15955926

File: 0882c49f52761bd⋯.jpg (88.79 KB, 605x383, 605:383, goodtimes.jpg)

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f6f36e  No.15955927



Why, you ask?

Who's being save for last?

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149d15  No.15955928


If Twitter and FB can't compete, while being held to the same standards as the average American, then they deserve to go bankrupt and be replaced with something better.

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8c4d90  No.15955929



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797de4  No.15955930

File: 1a9f5d7d5a187c2⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1190x1364, 595:682, Screen_Shot_2022_03_25_at_….png)


das it mang

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4bb2cd  No.15955931



I can't view this but prob tells what it was.

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09216c  No.15955932


>Is there a Secret Society of Good Guy White Hats that has been around for decades, working behind the scenes?

>Hiding behind security clearances, national security, and NDAs? The same as the Black Hats do? Using their own weapons and strategies against them?

Yeah, there is… Hi.

Welcome to Qresearch. We're a bunch of retards and fuck-ups, but we're all America's got.

Do your part, or GTFO.

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f6f36e  No.15955933


Like the Fire Safety Cigarettes.

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8c4d90  No.15955934


Still easier to look at than Chlöe's glazed donut hole.

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5bb778  No.15955935

File: 48fd2658533acf8⋯.jpg (29.64 KB, 859x863, 859:863, 242516440_1677861122420375….jpg)


You won't find the Flash on this board anymore. You won't pass the fourth wall here without the Flash.

Your in the wrong place.

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4da7d3  No.15955936

File: bba2c4159a14e09⋯.png (130.06 KB, 426x400, 213:200, patTTTTTT.png)


Pepe Lives Matter 🐸, [27.03.22 10:08]

[ Video ]

BBC was interviewing a Ukrainian soldier wearing a Nazi Germany SS division patch worn by concentration camp guards in WW2.

Nothing to see here.


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c3db33  No.15955937


When I was in the military, I remember being told that MI can wear any rank that suits it's purpose. So if you see a low ranking soldier acting as if they don't quite belong where they are, they might be MI and actually be an officer playing a role.

MI infiltrates units to gather dirt.

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80f9b2  No.15955938

File: 220ede32e9cb77f⋯.png (732.1 KB, 1076x1164, 269:291, 1648321247.png)

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1a39ee  No.15955939



Nuclear World Order?

New Clear Order?

The World will now be transparent for all?

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8c4d90  No.15955940


Billy banks? Tae-bo has a tie-in.

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6bab81  No.15955941

File: f9515955752e67b⋯.jpg (14.83 KB, 187x255, 11:15, c32b3ab491b1bbaabd163ed918….jpg)

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2312f9  No.15955942

File: aa1db623abf4e9d⋯.jpeg (775.57 KB, 828x1342, 414:671, A82966D8_18F6_4A70_B5A1_9….jpeg)



Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife pictured wearing Q shirt.

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1c02ba  No.15955943


Sorry son, but your perspective is very limited.

Anon served with SAC.

QResearch, as worthy and noble as it is, doesn’t compare.

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55aa60  No.15955944

File: bff7021dba762e9⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 500x515, 100:103, 69cbgi.jpg)

File: 1bf137d9c736778⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 69amay_1.jpg)

File: 1ca40cc328ff692⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 500x719, 500:719, gfci.jpg)

Trust Sessions how'd that workout for ya??

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4da7d3  No.15955945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2312f9  No.15955946

File: aa1db623abf4e9d⋯.jpeg (775.57 KB, 828x1342, 414:671, A82966D8_18F6_4A70_B5A1_9….jpeg)

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9375c3  No.15955947

File: 39a2a00590490bd⋯.png (1.97 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, 7A3B529C_1EDF_4CA2_980D_89….png)

File: 9f22ef0ccfc98c5⋯.png (3.13 MB, 828x1792, 207:448, BB3DC87F_6DDE_4219_844E_AA….png)

*+*+*+*+*+* FAUX SNOOZE EDITOR et al, asleep at their switches: bitches *+*+*+*+*+*

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09216c  No.15955948


Fucking BASED…Unless, Q turns out to be a LARPing, Jew-faggot.

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95ec28  No.15955949

File: e4ef355b5f3b76d⋯.jpg (85.73 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, clarencelaugh.jpg)

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d0f041  No.15955950


Good morning

Stabs the Air.

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8c4d90  No.15955951


Gotta love meme kings that make these work so well!

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08d30e  No.15955952

File: a106e1d97331dab⋯.gif (106.07 KB, 495x243, 55:27, good_GOOD.gif)

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e8c7e8  No.15955953



one article not behind a paywall says the chemical used in the 70s was

brominated tris

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9ecbdf  No.15955954

File: b6c65acbca79890⋯.png (69.4 KB, 299x168, 299:168, ClipboardImage.png)


Who is this Qanon?

He can't keep getting away with it!

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4adff8  No.15955955

File: 7af7a2f90c84f45⋯.jpg (106.15 KB, 819x395, 819:395, DELIVERY_TIME.jpg)

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a4bb24  No.15955956

File: 195dff235eb37ff⋯.png (320.55 KB, 474x355, 474:355, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf4e5a  No.15955957



>>15955924 California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge to Bench

>>15955917 Indiana becomes 24th state ~ ~ Governor Eric Holcomb signs bill eliminating need for concealed carry permits

>>15955912 Steve Kirsch: "So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives."

>>15955868 Trump makes Biden Ukraine claim

>>15955848 Qatar and Saudi Arabia have shamed the West for paying more attention to the war in Ukraine than to events in the Middle East

>>15955847 anon opines: one sequence of events has revived anon's faith

>>15955843 Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife pictured wearing Q shirt: QAnon’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Virtually Complete By Jacob Silverman

>>15955830 This is what Nuland & Zelensky were preventing from habbeneing: Donbass republic mulls attempt to join Russia

>>15955806 Digital camo.

>>15955809 hearsay: There is going to be an extended 60 day outage of CO2, nationwide.

>>15955732 MEME CONTEST

>>15955716 Electronic billboard in PA has everybody talking

>>15955696, >>15955737 FDA said sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in 8 states

>>15955683 The whole point is to get to discovery…

>>15955675 National Joe Day

>>15955562 Mini drop on MetaBiota & BTRA

at 420ish

comfy check. who is comfy?

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c3db33  No.15955958

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149d15  No.15955959


SCOTUS is the Supreme Pharisees…sucking the law's cock all day and night. They have to though, because it's their character in the movie.

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ce9f6c  No.15955960

File: 5329a2e767205c6⋯.png (945.01 KB, 800x800, 1:1, 5329a2e767205c69cf900a157c….png)


>Fucking BASED…Unless, Q turns out to be a LARPing, Jew-faggot.

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95ec28  No.15955961

File: 42760ae23c9c356⋯.jpeg (60.78 KB, 1331x749, 1331:749, tony_oldsmile.jpeg)

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4ae22f  No.15955962

File: bff7021dba762e9⋯.jpg (68.83 KB, 500x515, 100:103, 69cbgi.jpg)

File: 1bf137d9c736778⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 500x539, 500:539, 69amay_1.jpg)

File: 1ca40cc328ff692⋯.jpg (82.07 KB, 500x719, 500:719, gfci.jpg)

File: 293a792999580e5⋯.jpg (71.94 KB, 500x718, 250:359, 6ggh.jpg)

File: a1a95aa9b816dd4⋯.jpg (81.22 KB, 500x717, 500:717, 6a4mi5_1.jpg)


Trust Sessions how'd that workout for ya??==

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69334e  No.15955963



It was founded in San Francisco, California, in 1967 by Jann Wenner, and the music critic Ralph J. Gleason.


Wenner's mentor in this new world of publishing was an older music critic

named Ralph Gleason; most of the money for the risky venture came from the

family of his wife, Jane Schindelheim Wenner, a dark-haired, fine-boned

beauty who was rarely seen at the magazine, but whose presence was always

felt in its formative years.

Schindelheim? Wonder where they came into their money?

And Haight Ashbury around '67 was a got damned clown delight…Op. Climax and no telling what else MK going on there.

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df1133  No.15955964

File: cc2c132c6b5c243⋯.jpg (47.3 KB, 800x500, 8:5, there_are_no_white_hats.jpg)


>Good Guy White Hats

Ethical & Moral ambiguity is a highly desired trait in intel agencies.

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71dc15  No.15955965

File: 13c5e86b2e145a4⋯.jpg (21.12 KB, 255x230, 51:46, fae0a7f42ce85ac0af74f05ac4….jpg)



Yeah, there is… Hi.

Welcome to Qresearch. We're a bunch of retards and fuck-ups, but we're all America's got. Do your part, or GTFO.

I fucking love you anon. No homo, kek!

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8d1116  No.15955966

File: 66b4bf322d6d536⋯.jpg (143.54 KB, 700x718, 350:359, World_Of_Shit.jpg)

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2870a2  No.15955967

File: a2043a17aa5a724⋯.jpg (62.81 KB, 500x500, 1:1, resist.jpg)



I wouldn't use that a a slogan word. fucking looney lefties coined it first.

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71dc15  No.15955968


>Wow, I got sideways

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b1c79c  No.15955969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Law of One - Book 1 - Part 1 - Ra Material - Introduction with Pamela Mace

I recommend anyone not familiar with the Law of One Ra Material. Check out this series.

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4da7d3  No.15955970

File: 1d1624ca83b4f87⋯.png (396.17 KB, 841x490, 841:490, sea_o.png)

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69334e  No.15955971

File: 3142d632c7ec8d4⋯.jpg (67.98 KB, 640x608, 20:19, f35798fa1a5a84712e5479a43e….jpg)

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1c02ba  No.15955972


Deep deception.

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09216c  No.15955973

File: cf5ee9b7d1cda64⋯.png (125.95 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Pepe_Reee_Searcher_Researc….png)

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d0f041  No.15955974

File: 3c8e4fd5372c30f⋯.png (480 B, 310x163, 310:163, Sons_of_Liberty_Rebellious….png)


No taxation without representation.

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4adff8  No.15955975

File: b4f6361f33d7308⋯.jpg (40.36 KB, 257x448, 257:448, BEST_OF_SHOW.jpg)

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b1c79c  No.15955976


wow gatekeeper , relax faggot

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01156b  No.15955977

File: 78d793ff93eebfc⋯.mp4 (12.1 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, bbcInterviewsNazi.mp4)



> BBC was interviewing a Ukrainian soldier wearing a Nazi Germany SS division patch worn by concentration camp guards in WW2.

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80f9b2  No.15955978

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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4da7d3  No.15955979

File: 29d6a2831634ef4⋯.png (174.08 KB, 595x612, 35:36, maSSSSSS.png)


A massive criminal investigation needs to open on this

Quote Tweet

Truth Justice


· Mar 26

URGENT PUBLIC NEWS: U.S. Senate expert witness testimony Dr. Peter McCullough states that 95% of American deaths could have been avoided. Autopsy confirms two teenage boys die on days 3 and 4 after the shot, the parents are horrified. This push is resulting in deaths of children.

10:12 AM · Mar 27, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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1a39ee  No.15955980

File: 6c919225681ed93⋯.png (528.81 KB, 667x705, 667:705, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_0….png)


President Donald J. Trump, 45th President of the United States of America, Delivers Remarks in Commerce, Georgia


Trump on stage around the 1:03:20 mark

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949ef4  No.15955981

File: 6e919a1f95cf415⋯.png (503.34 KB, 1082x695, 1082:695, comfy1.png)

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9375c3  No.15955982


It’s all fun and games till she gets knocked up!

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f6f36e  No.15955983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dc8b2d  No.15955984


TY Anon. Haven't gotten the chance to watch it yet.

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4ae22f  No.15955985

File: 14f75e47745cc28⋯.jpg (46.05 KB, 500x378, 250:189, 14f75e47745cc2887ca55e12fb….jpg)

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4da7d3  No.15955986

File: ce7c4e48c64da11⋯.png (447.94 KB, 786x797, 786:797, 777777777777777777.png)


Ukrainian/American animator: Vladimir "Bill" Tytla. I wanted to make the colors in this picture be as vibrant as the Ukrainian flag, both blue and yellow.

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c3db33  No.15955987


Only way a White Guy can get a decent job in Libtard territory is if he grows his hair long, paints his fingernails, puts on make up and girly jewelry, puts on a padded bra, and wears high heels and women's clothes. Voilà, he's hired.

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09216c  No.15955988

File: 16046f9232e7da7⋯.png (118.2 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Pepe_Reee_Searcher_Researc….png)

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d80662  No.15955989

File: 2102ec1b9f25f1b⋯.jpeg (17.06 KB, 178x255, 178:255, 831d96c05bd0547cd4cb62f18….jpeg)



love collecting them



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205acf  No.15955990


watch it on mute, the guys talking are faggots

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d94f9a  No.15955992

File: 78375905a7efd3e⋯.mp4 (3.52 MB, 640x360, 16:9, wut.mp4)



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f06ae4  No.15955993

File: 2a7b80eb4ecca8c⋯.jpg (8.64 KB, 255x223, 255:223, c6371d6871774f81c4fe341cb5….jpg)

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1a39ee  No.15955994

File: c0131dbc51624ec⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 255x145, 51:29, 8e1f22c1f1cb80133f054713d1….jpg)


>comfy check. who is comfy?

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a4bb24  No.15955995

File: c145c94f29e0ab1⋯.png (329.43 KB, 437x436, 437:436, c145c94f29e0ab17774bbd113d….png)

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69334e  No.15955996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c3db33  No.15955997


oh, I forgot

And does a lot of body and facial hair removal.

It's a lot of work for a transsexual man to look like a woman.

Probably why Michelle/Michael needed 27 assistants when she was male FLOTUS.

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f69489  No.15955998

File: 95b7595010df078⋯.png (130.2 KB, 707x552, 707:552, ClipboardImage.png)


> Libtard territory

Or the fucking Space Force, apparently.

>Director of the DAF LGBTQ Initiative Team.

The fuq?


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95ec28  No.15955999

File: cf8e87dd120f38f⋯.jpg (116.63 KB, 1073x600, 1073:600, Q_comfyaf.jpg)

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d80662  No.15956000

File: 17a74350a8e7aef⋯.png (94.47 KB, 370x524, 185:262, 4e806fe19fcd1e0ca28bf859eb….png)


>The law means NOTHING unless it is enforced equally.

>The gov't hates you and is trying to kill you.

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379348  No.15956001



Yes, how dare you disturb the Sunday morning impotent chest thumping here???

Anons are gonba sabe da wirlb!!!

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82ba13  No.15956002

File: db13f60e17317c3⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1320x746, 660:373, ClipboardImage.png)





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d80662  No.15956003

File: 250c4f6c9f05502⋯.jpg (15.62 KB, 255x255, 1:1, d39008a6db177853ae80c298c9….jpg)

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08d30e  No.15956004

File: adcb9e2e217a5e0⋯.png (498.39 KB, 800x445, 160:89, ClipboardImage.png)

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d94f9a  No.15956005

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a5c815  No.15956006


>it's also in your blood. Literally.

Running cover for the jab?

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2870a2  No.15956007

File: d2acc8bf134bf90⋯.png (53.79 KB, 606x445, 606:445, ClipboardImage.png)

Child pornography charges!


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d80662  No.15956008

File: 3990b4649bd089d⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 652x364, 163:91, skank44.jpg)

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f69489  No.15956009

File: abaf249a3ca60d2⋯.jpg (60.11 KB, 763x512, 763:512, ClarenceThomasKek.jpg)


*keks in scotus seat

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9ecbdf  No.15956010



It's almost like some of us said this from the start. But that must just be me remembering wrong…

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1372f3  No.15956011

File: a4fac74dd3dc138⋯.jpg (106.96 KB, 1022x1050, 73:75, Screenshot_20220326_173018….jpg)

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86213c  No.15956012

kek it's funny, …anon shamelessly LARPs on FB posing questions in Q-esque fashion now. Don't care.

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949ef4  No.15956013


Exactly and food actually keeps better and longer in glass

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d80662  No.15956014

File: 778a79869dd5086⋯.png (14.81 KB, 255x190, 51:38, d07932474397f4668238b65e37….png)

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000ed0  No.15956015

File: de2cc77a1d36bc0⋯.jpg (41.4 KB, 500x493, 500:493, 69wfmt_1.jpg)

File: 5b2e8e5f906ff09⋯.jpg (48.39 KB, 500x494, 250:247, 69qudg_1.jpg)

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d0f041  No.15956016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They used to make movies about how gay the Air Force is…

now I guess they just do podcasts and social media.

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9ecbdf  No.15956017


>posing questions in Q-esque fashion now

That's what all the cool kids are doing these days.

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8c4d90  No.15956018

File: b13833c92d7c715⋯.png (330.71 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>Let Louis C.K. finish after flopping it out and fapping in front of her.

"It was cute", she was quoted as saying.

Definitely not #metoo material

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f69489  No.15956019

File: 539a57c87e02db1⋯.png (84.41 KB, 706x362, 353:181, ClipboardImage.png)

Alexander S. Vindman


This was an historical speech for @POTUS. Like Kennedy’s Berlin Speech, this is the one Biden will be remembered for. Biden laid down a marker that the US will defend its allies & democracy. I’m proud of my POTUS & his powerful leadership during a climactic battle for democracy.


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2a88a8  No.15956020

File: 7eaa3a5b61e31af⋯.jpg (415.72 KB, 1080x996, 90:83, Screenshot_20220327_103024….jpg)

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efc99f  No.15956021


What’s burning in background?

It looks 2 dimensional, or maybe a stack of straw bails?

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82ba13  No.15956022

File: 1da16b202e4e4b8⋯.png (1.05 MB, 843x1115, 843:1115, ClipboardImage.png)

watchoo tawkin bout willis?

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4da7d3  No.15956023

File: 154e0fb3dd78aad⋯.png (266.19 KB, 599x571, 599:571, ASGGGGGG.png)


They can't let it go! @jonkarl

whines about GOP Senators asking Ketanji Brown Jackson about her light sentences for pedophiles. Agreeing with Donna Brazile that it was a message to "QAnon"

10:03 AM · Mar 27, 2022·SnapStream TV Search

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95ec28  No.15956024

File: d17911f4c9f1dad⋯.jpg (13.79 KB, 340x255, 4:3, Original_Ultraman.jpg)


>DAF LGBTQ Initiative Team.

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d80662  No.15956025

File: e50fa0cc9374603⋯.jpg (175.75 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, magnified44.jpg)


>at 420ish

>comfy check. who is comfy?


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e380e2  No.15956026

File: 4bc1c60f23793be⋯.gif (363.65 KB, 462x640, 231:320, 7.gif)

Good grand morning to ya'll

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dc8b2d  No.15956027

File: cb52c2abf7655fa⋯.gif (732.29 KB, 599x449, 599:449, He_Man_Laugh.gif)


Happy Sunday you crazies.

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b31b36  No.15956028


you're welcome

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80f9b2  No.15956029

File: acbfbd2cfeec9ef⋯.png (652.87 KB, 756x546, 18:13, Screenshot_20220309_163218.png)

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d80662  No.15956030


fuel depot


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e380e2  No.15956031


His name was Seth Rich

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c3db33  No.15956032


How is this going to work?

Law suits?

Because the IRS has been weaponized.

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d80662  No.15956033

File: 30254f0b87a0d2a⋯.jpg (16.09 KB, 252x255, 84:85, 1b037d6eb93f66e54b12e9b293….jpg)

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decc91  No.15956034


Shall we play "Guess the Religion"?

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4adff8  No.15956036

File: 0934d4259db42b8⋯.jpg (138.17 KB, 540x563, 540:563, Q_CONSPIRACY.jpg)

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cf4e5a  No.15956037



>>15956023 Whines About Gop Senators Asking Ketanji Brown Jackson About Her Light Sentences For Pedophiles. Agreeing With Donna Brazile That It Was A Message To "Qanon"

>>15955979 U.S. Senate Expert Witness Testimony Dr. Peter Mccullough States That 95% Of American [Vax] Deaths Could Have Been Avoided.

>>15955936, >>15955977 Mp4: Bbc Was Interviewing A Ukrainian Soldier Wearing A Nazi Germany Ss Division Patch Worn By Concentration Camp Guards In Ww2.

>>15955924 California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge To Bench

>>15955917 Indiana Becomes 24th State ~ ~ Governor Eric Holcomb Signs Bill Eliminating Need For Concealed Carry Permits

>>15955912 Steve Kirsch: "So You Killed 150,000 In Order To Maybe Save 10,000 Lives."

>>15955868 Trump Makes Biden Ukraine Claim

>>15955848 Qatar And Saudi Arabia Have Shamed The West For Paying More Attention To The War In Ukraine Than To Events In The Middle East

>>15955847 Anon Opines: One Sequence Of Events Has Revived Anon's Faith

>>15955843 Justice Clarence Thomas’ Wife Pictured Wearing Q Shirt: Qanon’S Takeover Of The Republican Party Is Virtually Complete By Jacob Silverman

>>15955830 This Is What Nuland & Zelensky Were Preventing From Habbeneing: Donbass Republic Mulls Attempt To Join Russia

>>15955809 Hearsay: There Is Going To Be An Extended 60 Day Outage Of Co2, Nationwide.

>>15955806 Digital Camo.

>>15955732 Meme Contest

>>15955716 Electronic Billboard In Pa Has Everybody Talking

>>15955696, >>15955737 Fda Said Sotrovimab, A Monoclonal Antibody Used To Treat Covid-19, Can No Longer Be Used In 8 States

>>15955683 The Whole Point Is To Get To Discovery…

>>15955675 National Joe Day

>>15955562 Mini Drop On Metabiota & Btra

at 500ish


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410e69  No.15956038



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95ec28  No.15956039

File: 323709bfde8568e⋯.jpg (29.13 KB, 638x331, 638:331, heather_podesta_pays_sipa.jpg)

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1711a0  No.15956040

File: 12387cd7da2dc0b⋯.png (5.91 MB, 2995x1972, 2995:1972, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: c9270f2d1607e39⋯.png (8.11 MB, 3551x2047, 3551:2047, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adults in a marriage to start a family!

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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86213c  No.15956041


>Shall we play "Guess the Religion"?


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a28dc4  No.15956042

File: f6031b4da644390⋯.png (289.28 KB, 789x655, 789:655, i_am_lugar_simpsons_russia….png)

Sunday morning shift best shift

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2870a2  No.15956043

File: e53b0161e4fad52⋯.png (542.89 KB, 640x948, 160:237, ClipboardImage.png)


he's a fucking midget!

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c1e066  No.15956044


end the fed and you end the IRS. they are the enforcement are for the central banking system.

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d81dbf  No.15956045

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

The united states is just one huge crime syndicate…

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86fa7b  No.15956046

File: ef05c28fe2af2b1⋯.png (2.66 MB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Jimmy_Conspiracy.png)

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c1e066  No.15956047

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5e77f6  No.15956048

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763780  No.15956049


Khazarian mafia

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86213c  No.15956050

File: 7bf83d54faccb73⋯.png (64.98 KB, 363x308, 33:28, ClipboardImage.png)


platforms and still a shrimp

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4bb2cd  No.15956051


>drown all ((dogs)))


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5a8323  No.15956052


Every single time.


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a28dc4  No.15956053

File: 5f8d82211f7b4c4⋯.png (667.77 KB, 1080x1420, 54:71, TROW_MACLURE_RUSSIA.png)


spoiler that shit

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2870a2  No.15956054

File: d59ad3399572e73⋯.png (14.01 KB, 198x255, 66:85, topkektiger.png)

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f06ae4  No.15956055

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Eliot Cutler arrested following search of two properties

Cutler, 75, is charged with four felony counts of possession of unlawful sexually explicit materials of subjects younger than 12.

A two-month investigation led police to conduct a search at two of Cutler's residences earlier in the week.

He previously worked for the Carter administration in the 1970s in the Office of Management and Budget. He has also worked for the office of Maine Sen. Ed Muskie, also a Democrat.

Cutler ran for governor in Maine in 2010 and 2014, both times as an independent candidate.

Cutler was held on a $50,000 bail at Hancock County Jail and was expected to appear in court on Monday. Each of the four counts carries a maximum penalty of five years in prison.




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b1c79c  No.15956056


General Michael Flynn gave a speech that raised a lot of eyebrows when he suddenly started giving a prayer to the Archangel Michael and mentioning the “Seven Rays”

I think he was talking about The Law of One.

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e380e2  No.15956057


Never knew she was a white woman

So Thomas is anon

So Thomas is anon

So Thomas is anon

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a5c815  No.15956058

File: 9a43af9f742f9d5⋯.mp4 (577.46 KB, 360x360, 1:1, 9a43af9f742f9d5eb1adac59c6….mp4)

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410e69  No.15956059

File: 9a30303d0a9b521⋯.png (426.8 KB, 759x1200, 253:400, ClipboardImage.png)


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f357c3  No.15956060

Is 'the sound of freedom' movie out there?

I would like to see it.

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149d15  No.15956061


>The united states is just one huge crime syndicate…

Well duh. All this bitching about "the law"… "The law" is for using the poors to increase the wealth of the rich.

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80f9b2  No.15956062

File: be5747619e76891⋯.png (498.03 KB, 700x467, 700:467, 1648332251.png)


Fat Gay Donna: for when you'll take it any way you can get it.

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95ec28  No.15956063

File: e8c45240256058b⋯.gif (138.22 KB, 220x166, 110:83, claytonoooo.gif)

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1372f3  No.15956064

File: bf600d5849dadf7⋯.png (1.11 MB, 843x1115, 843:1115, 20220327_103642.png)

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a28dc4  No.15956065

File: 7061408613b29c8⋯.png (32.56 KB, 934x700, 467:350, ClipboardImage.png)

Remember when we wondered "when they would ask the question" about Q…

They kept avoiding it…

Now wonder when they ask the question why we keep on being right about everything….

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82ba13  No.15956066


its a shopped shirt


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e19351  No.15956067

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2870a2  No.15956068

File: 668a8ad9c05e649⋯.png (763.81 KB, 640x973, 640:973, ClipboardImage.png)


maybe we can send to jumanji, this is awoman!

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86213c  No.15956069


Putin setting the stage for Trump return..

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977d92  No.15956070

File: 11dfadd754e9ff9⋯.png (957.15 KB, 997x522, 997:522, ClipboardImage.png)

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149d15  No.15956071


That's all Catholic garbage. Don't buy what that Jew is selling.

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762711  No.15956072

File: 88443c4b1abfd63⋯.jpg (182.29 KB, 1053x471, 351:157, capture_4582_26032022_1531….jpg)

File: dbae2c68e2ed355⋯.png (1.75 MB, 725x1102, 25:38, look.png)

File: 667364a57a20e27⋯.png (644.01 KB, 516x425, 516:425, capture_4584_26032022_1531….png)

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00f43f  No.15956073

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Thank you Bakers and Notetakers.

Let's all rejoice that we have another day to defeat Evil.

God's love is with you all, hugs too.

All Bakers outstanding in your fields. Need a chair?

We're all routing for you, don't let us down.

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e8c7e8  No.15956074


one reason private citizens are arming up for protecting themselves

is finding out the tax money you sent to the national defense budget

was spent on the space forces

queer space podcast

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e380e2  No.15956075


Alright I go back to my morning covfefe


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b31b36  No.15956076


and be glad in it

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d81dbf  No.15956078

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 4559dc888f58447⋯.jpg (58.71 KB, 500x638, 250:319, 6a3aaz_1.jpg)


The united states is just one huge crime syndicate…'''




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2870a2  No.15956079

File: 9561bd325c8c806⋯.png (551.98 KB, 640x988, 160:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 422dfba32c59f1e⋯.png (619.13 KB, 640x1043, 640:1043, ClipboardImage.png)


what's with all these pasty white bitches wearing white/pale yellow shit? washed-up look

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d94f9a  No.15956080

File: 192ed550e122377⋯.png (236.87 KB, 533x538, 533:538, ClipboardImage.png)

El Salvador: State of emergency after 62 gang killings in a day


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dd49d0  No.15956081


>How about let them do their thing… if you don't like it, start your own and compete with them in the free market?

Interesting thought exercise; I'm sure the "network graph" (i.e., who is friends with who) is out there, either for download or purchase, or awaiting being leaked.

With that graph, it basically removes the "barrier to entry" that Facebook/Meta has crafted for itself. Who's hot and who's not.

And if that network graph also includes emails, a single email saying "we're alive, join us" would help it grow.

Also encouraging members to help it grow, through incentives and etc.

TruthSocial could be it. Could be many, as well.

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e380e2  No.15956082

File: e53d0c0f65ea42b⋯.jpg (77.2 KB, 720x1038, 120:173, Haha_Internet.jpg)

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80f9b2  No.15956083

File: 08a4d78da652c58⋯.jpg (71.98 KB, 564x798, 94:133, 1645670458.jpg)


But he's gay so you're racist.

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09216c  No.15956084

File: e9273256f798223⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1581x900, 527:300, Sam_Hyde_when_we_win.png)

File: 46ddd94258ef117⋯.jpeg (11.36 KB, 225x225, 1:1, Same_Hyde_world_being_kil….jpeg)

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d0f041  No.15956085


Do you like paying taxes?

If there is nobody there representing us,

then we don't pay the tax they collected.

Get it?

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b6f4b0  No.15956086

File: 85119c688db1668⋯.jpg (552.16 KB, 493x546, 493:546, eggler.jpg)



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f06ae4  No.15956087

File: 9d7567c548ceb85⋯.png (577.77 KB, 1042x701, 1042:701, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_1….png)

File: 5b5b77582978067⋯.png (52.8 KB, 659x643, 659:643, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_1….png)




Maine Dem Cutler for child porn

At the Trump rally woman behind Trump was wearing a 'Savage' hat.

Maine GOP Exec Director is calledSavage

District attorney Matthew J. Foster said that more charges were expected to be filed against Cutler.

"Return his donations immediately"

Following Cutler's arrest, Maine GOP Executive Director Jason Savage called on Democrats who have received donations from the fundraising efforts of Cutler to return them.

"Eliot Cutler is a benefactor of Maine Democratic Party candidates and has traveled in elite Democrat circles for many decades," Savage said in an email statement. "His beneficiaries nationwide need to return his donations immediately. This needs to start here in Maine, today."

The Maine GOP account on Twitter posted many of Cutler's donations, including those made to President Joe Biden, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), and former President Barack Obama.



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2870a2  No.15956088


From Audrey Hepburn to Gwyneth Paltrow, the most iconic Oscar dresses of all time


my review. kek




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5a8323  No.15956089

File: 9be10a2f91f4ab0⋯.jpg (178.04 KB, 839x840, 839:840, Screenshot_2022_03_26_2123….jpg)


Shop job


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410e69  No.15956090

File: c3b4b7f68ffcf7c⋯.png (384.2 KB, 756x1200, 63:100, ClipboardImage.png)


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2ea042  No.15956091


Das rasiss!

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1372f3  No.15956092

File: eadb10f4a07fe23⋯.png (1.11 MB, 843x1115, 843:1115, 20220327_104427.png)

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80f9b2  No.15956093

File: 28306f6cbd7d2f4⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1073x738, 1073:738, 1645307496.png)


He was speaking directly to you.

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408751  No.15956094

File: 3c575917abf5e34⋯.jpg (416.76 KB, 1008x1008, 1:1, 1468538506888.jpg)


Good Morning Swordy

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f06ae4  No.15956095

File: 22851179c0bfb6a⋯.png (171.42 KB, 382x331, 382:331, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_1….png)


Forgot the hat pic

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d0f041  No.15956096

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9ccdd1  No.15956097

File: 756de6e599fc5ac⋯.png (461.23 KB, 463x695, 463:695, ClipboardImage.png)


You as well, Swordy.

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01156b  No.15956098

File: 394dfe80535c106⋯.png (526.22 KB, 777x569, 777:569, jonKarl2.png)


> whines about GOP Senators asking Ketanji Brown Jackson about her light sentences for pedophiles.

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bb1f72  No.15956099

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 92e21699a0f0698⋯.jpg (70.71 KB, 500x530, 50:53, 92e21699a0f0698822ba151e79….jpg)

File: 4559dc888f58447⋯.jpg (58.71 KB, 500x638, 250:319, 6a3aaz_1.jpg)

File: d6f51fde46d5a0e⋯.jpg (38.2 KB, 500x555, 100:111, d6f51fde46d5a0ecfb16861c4a….jpg)




The united states is just one huge crime syndicate…'''




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763780  No.15956100

File: d40eb42d8acb89f⋯.jpg (34.77 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download_68_.jpg)


Got to love the MSM

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cac4db  No.15956101

FBI's Fake Whitmer Kidnapping Entrapment Plot Unravels


Give some faggy frat boys a badge and watch them instantly turn into Stasi agents.

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09216c  No.15956102

File: c80ff7a0e4d6c4f⋯.png (173.47 KB, 315x315, 1:1, Sean_Penn_DIME_BAG_1.png)

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4da7d3  No.15956103

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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2c0790  No.15956104

File: 70c21eeb2cb47c4⋯.png (768.03 KB, 944x617, 944:617, ClipboardImage.png)



how many newbies does it take to completely fuck it up so quickly

always source before confirmation.

look time travel by bernie

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2870a2  No.15956105



Jewish family in Bangor, Maine


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763780  No.15956106


Are they don with Ukraine already?

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408751  No.15956107

File: d3e5a9ccbb59310⋯.png (619.23 KB, 774x608, 387:304, 1611393841307.png)


follow the wives

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762711  No.15956108

File: d65ca33111ae257⋯.jpg (60.97 KB, 604x340, 151:85, 8kun.jpg)

File: 069aa50731887e0⋯.gif (10.85 MB, 477x640, 477:640, _Q_anons.gif)

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01156b  No.15956109


>Are they don with Ukraine already?

Hearings were that bad apparently.

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2870a2  No.15956110

File: 309a8d292e69cb8⋯.jpg (11.68 KB, 255x212, 255:212, newbies.jpg)

File: fe8b5ec6719686d⋯.jpeg (86.91 KB, 1080x581, 1080:581, newhags.jpeg)

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f357c3  No.15956111

As a cornerback when I was a kid, my coach taught me many things about pursuit and many more. The most important thing he repeatedly said was 'never let anyone behind you'

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80f9b2  No.15956112

File: fd46d698a00af2b⋯.png (90.73 KB, 220x267, 220:267, 1647048725.png)


Penn was gestated in a Ukraine bio lab.

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d94f9a  No.15956113

File: 0dd51457db53c78⋯.png (191.74 KB, 640x577, 640:577, ClipboardImage.png)

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e8c7e8  No.15956114


el salvador will be much safer after all their gang members cross our southern border

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affd12  No.15956115

File: 40ef72aa66afeae⋯.jpg (27.69 KB, 353x352, 353:352, newfag1.jpg)

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86213c  No.15956116


dis gets lotsa laughs on FB/Twitter. ty whoever made it. hilarious.

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c3db33  No.15956117


Non-Jewish White people have been programmed and brainwashed to believe that they are not allowed to be proud of their culture. Only POC can be proud of their culture.

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69334e  No.15956118


stripes on the bikini

funny lines on the pillow

epstein esque?

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205acf  No.15956119

File: 160d90612886cfe⋯.png (155.29 KB, 1518x692, 759:346, ClipboardImage.png)



"Cutler received secondary education at Deerfield Academy.[5] He then proceeded to graduate from Harvard College and later earned a degree from Georgetown Law."


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9b5bbe  No.15956120

File: 948902e63ccd32d⋯.png (10.03 KB, 255x191, 255:191, aa2f431d866ed8b8bc68a74396….png)

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2c0790  No.15956121

File: fb471684378abdc⋯.png (236 KB, 500x566, 250:283, ClipboardImage.png)


the BBC is now the worst corporation in the world and it is mandatory licence which the citizens still have to pay for.

what a joke


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2870a2  No.15956122

File: 63ca915c73e8c8c⋯.jpg (21.79 KB, 397x289, 397:289, TrustNoOne2.JPG)

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17d7ff  No.15956123

File: 0a6fa5f337c427f⋯.jpg (49.05 KB, 737x856, 737:856, 32rdfgfshtrytu.jpg)

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3d7bac  No.15956124

Mornin' anons!

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82ba13  No.15956125

File: d072f77bb4087f9⋯.png (446.55 KB, 768x866, 384:433, ClipboardImage.png)

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9b5bbe  No.15956126

File: ef10593a5461bcb⋯.png (10.12 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 0e82990a0252b6bacc71d60524….png)

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a5c815  No.15956127

File: b80798bdb297e59⋯.png (536.52 KB, 437x582, 437:582, Screenshot_2022_03_27_at_1….png)

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9ccdd1  No.15956128

File: 4a8489b1128a18c⋯.png (97.65 KB, 746x732, 373:366, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8ce409f8ae13651⋯.png (667.23 KB, 670x735, 134:147, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1942f9115a3f17a⋯.png (264.25 KB, 495x396, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>Law of One Material

You may appreciate this


The Story of Freedom's Star (Nikola Tesla)

by Margaret Storm



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f69489  No.15956129

File: b58eb5b4712207a⋯.png (1.06 MB, 843x1115, 843:1115, SidewaysLookGirlAtBiden.png)

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09216c  No.15956130


Stephen King, is such a fucking loser… Frankly, the horror-genre is garbage. Most horror-films are B-Grade, at best. Very few have been "good". Decent directors just don't do horror, and instead do more respectable films. So, it's not really much of an accomplishment to be the "King" of the horror-genre. Clearly, Hollywood gives the clout and credentials to the real-life creeps and pedos. Stephen King, for example…

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80f9b2  No.15956131

File: acbe208ecf5b76c⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1171x659, 1171:659, 1647885001.png)


I have honed my meme stealing skills through sheer determination.

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379348  No.15956132


Well, Trippy, thanks to coaches like yours I made a hs career out of catching 7 yd out passes to keep the chains moving.

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2870a2  No.15956133


"Smelt my Oscar for a dime bag"

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2c0790  No.15956134


come on baker this is not notable.

photo shopped.


>>15955843 Justice Clarence Thomas’ Wife Pictured Wearing Q Shirt: Qanon’S Takeover Of The Republican Party Is Virtually Complete By Jacob Silverman

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01156b  No.15956135

File: ecc3da846e69cf9⋯.png (728.23 KB, 979x682, 89:62, cutler.png)

File: 86a8febca2af14a⋯.png (559.62 KB, 614x1670, 307:835, Screenshot_2022_03_26_at_1….png)

File: c4535126ec92b19⋯.png (166.61 KB, 1145x409, 1145:409, culterWife.png)


Wife is a child psychiatrist.

fake news will say he's independent but he's a Democrat

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3d7bac  No.15956136

Since anon has lurked, anon has noticed more and more symbols on movies. Anon spouse watched Letters to Juliet and the license plate of their car was 666.

Anon looks for those little symbols in each movie now…anon is sad as anon wanted to get into screenwriting…Hollywooooood is dead!

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6fd4a5  No.15956137

Trump has said "mostly women" at several rallies and conferences now, about human trafficking. Last night he said they are also murderers. MSM and alt media keep ignoring this fact, silencing a large percentage of the population.

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2870a2  No.15956138

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cf4e5a  No.15956139


>>15955843, >>15956089 Shop job: Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife pictured wearing Q shirt: QAnon’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Virtually Complete By Jacob Silverman

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2a88a8  No.15956140

File: da3f597ba38edec⋯.jpg (37.13 KB, 516x425, 516:425, ZomboMeme_26032022190537.jpg)

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80f9b2  No.15956141

File: 0b2b3df3d7ac0b9⋯.jpg (45.5 KB, 640x427, 640:427, 1648320103.jpg)

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6fd4a5  No.15956142

The percentage of the population who can give important information about it, because most children cannot speak about it and for understandable reasons.

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d0f041  No.15956143



What a bad attitude.

I trust Facebook and Twitter to store all my important data, video, and photos.

I trust them to do that for eternity for free.

I'm sure they will, because if they don't we could just make a bunch of laws that force them to or else.

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69334e  No.15956144


some nice stuff in here about Mae Brussell and her work too


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5e77f6  No.15956145


It's shooped.

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2870a2  No.15956146


wonder how many of her patients were photographed as source material.

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762711  No.15956147

File: 1d37333ccea35a9⋯.png (101.4 KB, 367x94, 367:94, _3000_UIDs.png)

File: 655300269b35d27⋯.png (291.4 KB, 632x157, 632:157, 300_UID_s_2459.png)

File: e75fa8f36a1c481⋯.png (802.09 KB, 1209x226, 1209:226, UID_s_2486.png)

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fc113a  No.15956148

i don't like people anymore

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763780  No.15956149

File: 249a1bbbfd5c4d3⋯.jpg (36.98 KB, 474x296, 237:148, download_49_.jpg)


schmelting accident

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80f9b2  No.15956150


That fucking Cujo film put me off my feed for a week. He's full on psycho.

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b6f4b0  No.15956151


need a weather report for Europe next week

so far, Russia has been fulfilling obligations w/ pipelines running at near peak

keks in real food shortage

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69334e  No.15956152



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0d85e0  No.15956153

File: 4e67863b42caeea⋯.gif (824.37 KB, 500x209, 500:209, v44.gif)

File: 931e5ab9895ae65⋯.jpg (7.91 KB, 186x271, 186:271, 5566.jpg)


try "V" if you haven't gotten round to it yet

either one, both apply


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644df8  No.15956154

File: da51fd8b0797e97⋯.jpeg (124.02 KB, 1791x828, 199:92, FA4B824A_87D0_4D23_987C_D….jpeg)

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e8c7e8  No.15956155


many have died of old age

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69334e  No.15956156


I woke up, I found Oscar smelted, that's all I know.

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2870a2  No.15956157


prolly so.

waf mess

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4da7d3  No.15956158

File: abf3fa7b13b70a4⋯.png (337.17 KB, 710x737, 710:737, posTTTT.png)


Vaccines & Safety

Post-Vaccination Heart Issues Detected Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

By Zachary Stieber

March 27, 2022 Updated: March 27, 2022

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5e77f6  No.15956159


Evil, power hungry people feed on control and pedophilia is their ultimate control.

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0d85e0  No.15956160

File: 41b102be00e618f⋯.jpg (836.67 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, got44.jpg)

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82ba13  No.15956161

File: 497a8a2de1f7210⋯.png (1.59 MB, 888x1146, 148:191, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c4a593350673f8⋯.png (1.17 MB, 888x928, 111:116, ClipboardImage.png)

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5e77f6  No.15956162


Dig deeper, dumbass.

It's photoshopped.

She is NOT wearing a Q shirt.

Lurk moar.

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f06ae4  No.15956163



>wonder how many of her patients were photographed as source material.

Wonder how many psychiatrists use hypnosis on their patients.

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2c0790  No.15956164

File: 2d6ec1f3ad69bc4⋯.png (357.46 KB, 540x419, 540:419, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 60746e0d533aecd⋯.png (177.62 KB, 739x681, 739:681, ClipboardImage.png)



Basic research skills, ffs



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f357c3  No.15956165


better than a cheap touchdown

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4da7d3  No.15956166

File: e91ac6454fe65a3⋯.png (289.76 KB, 426x503, 426:503, cALLFFFFF.png)


Brunobarking ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ BrunoBarks, [27.03.22 11:03]

[ Album ]

Look up Exodus 32 for instructions on what to do with IDOLS. https://t.me/WeTheMedia/58423

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69334e  No.15956167



comprehend better numbnuts

the fuckin magazine posted it

who owns majority media?

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f69489  No.15956168

File: f7b0cb099f2edb6⋯.png (103.27 KB, 468x394, 234:197, ClipboardImage.png)

Biden approval rating falls to record low in NBC News poll

President Biden's approval rating has reached a new low, according to an NBC News poll released Sunday.

Biden's overall approval rating declined to40 percentin the survey, which found that 55 percent of respondents did not approve of how he is doing as president.

In a January NBC News poll, Biden's job approval stood at 43 percent while 54 percent did not approve of his performance.

Seven out of 10 Americans questioned in the new poll expressed low confidence in Biden's ability to handle the ongoing conflict between Russia, Ukraine and other western nations, the poll found, and eight in 10 worry the tensions will result in higher gas prices for Americans and lead to nuclear war.

The same survey found Republicans held a 2-point advantage when asked which party should control Congress following this fall's November midterm elections.


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aed3a1  No.15956169

File: 7910d40cc0220f7⋯.jpg (128.92 KB, 1791x828, 199:92, Screen_Shot_2022_03_27_at_….jpg)

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1a39ee  No.15956170

File: aedfd972ac0fc72⋯.png (1022.2 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, georgia1.png)


Share the List

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5e77f6  No.15956171


They lied and they photoshopped it.

Get real. Real is good.

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32f1c2  No.15956172



Mastercard (the big data seller) and Citi (who used IBMWatson for fee behavior scores to find click dupers) invest in Flybits start up to help banks personalize offers..(you know this is nothing but One Trick Algos coming at you!)



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86213c  No.15956173

File: 2203da4013dbb0d⋯.png (3.1 MB, 2048x1462, 1024:731, ClipboardImage.png)


Democrat distribution of awards is a strategy, not an accolade

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6fd4a5  No.15956174


Took the words right outta my mouth.

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df1133  No.15956175

File: 8f9408474fc4315⋯.png (95.34 KB, 622x559, 622:559, ClipboardImage.png)

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f69489  No.15956176

File: f47816c3f0863e8⋯.png (380.12 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Fortenberry to step down following conviction for lying to FBI

Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-Neb.) said Saturday he will resign from office after he was found guilty Thursday of three felonies for lying to the FBI about an illegal contribution made to his 2016 campaign.

Fortenberry said his last day in Congress will be on March 31, according to a letter he sent to his House colleagues that was obtained by The Hill.

"Due to the difficulties of my current circumstances, I can no longer serve you effectively," Fortenberry wrote in an email with the letter attached to it. "Please know that it has been the honor of my life to serve you. Goodbye my friends."

Fortenberry was found guilty on one count of falsifying and concealing material facts and two counts of making false statements.

The congressman faces up to five years in prison and fines for each of the three counts he was found guilty of.

He was convicted of lying to the FBI when it interviewed Fortenberry about a $30,200 donation authorities say was made to his campaign by a Nigerian businessman at a 2016 California fundraising event.

Federal law prohibits contributions and donations from foreign nationals to any local, state or federally elected official.

Following his conviction, Fortenberry faced calls to step down from both House minority leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.).

"He had his day in court," McCarthy said at a press conference in Florida on Friday. " I think if he wants to appeal, he can go do that as a private citizen."

Fortenberry has said he plans to appeal and denied the charges against him.

"Do you think he would put his reputation on the line for $30,000 when he had $1.5 million?” said his defense attorney, John Littrell, per The Associated Press.

The Nebraska congressman previously stepped down from committee assignments in October following his indictment. Fortenberry, a nine-term congressman, had been running for re-election in the upcoming midterms.


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4da7d3  No.15956177

File: 0dbf01bd9cef87c⋯.png (173.3 KB, 666x695, 666:695, oRRSSSSSS.png)


Secretary of State Blinken is forced to

walk back Biden's unscripted declaration

that Putin 'cannot remain in power' and

assures that America has no 'strategy

of regime change in Russia or anywhere else'

Daily Mail (UK), by Elizabeth Elkind *

Posted By: Ribicon, 3/27/2022 10:48:13 AM

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e380e2  No.15956178


Hollywood keeps the walnut sauce stash in Ukraine

Otherwise why would these insufferable people give one rat's ass

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e8c7e8  No.15956179


i don't think you could get biden to poll a 40% approval rating

if you had dominion count the votes

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82ba13  No.15956180


>what to do with IDOLS.

slaughter everyone?

27 And he said unto them, Thus saith the Lord God of Israel, Put every man his sword by his side, and go in and out from gate to gate throughout the camp, and slay every man his brother, and every man his companion, and every man his neighbour.

28 And the children of Levi did according to the word of Moses: and there fell of the people that day about three thousand men.

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09216c  No.15956181

File: 96dce437c12a494⋯.png (1.36 MB, 843x1115, 843:1115, Joe_Biden_what_2.png)

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c3db33  No.15956182


>Our rights to secure and protect at all costs then become justified.

Beat them with their own stick when the lawmakers try to manipulate the laws in their own favor.

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cf4e5a  No.15956183



>>15956170 Share the List: GAVote

>>15956158 Post-Vaccination Heart Issues Detected Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

>>15956080 El Salvador: State of emergency after 62 gang killings in a day

>>15956055, >>15956007, >>15956087 Eliot Cutler, 75, is charged with four felony counts of possession of unlawful sexually explicit materials of subjects younger than 12.

>>15956023 whines about GOP Senators asking Ketanji Brown Jackson about her light sentences for pedophiles. Agreeing with Donna Brazile that it was a message to "QAnon"

>>15955979 U.S. Senate expert witness testimony Dr. Peter McCullough states that 95% of American [vax] deaths could have been avoided.

>>15955936, >>15955977 mp4: BBC was interviewing a Ukrainian soldier wearing a Nazi Germany SS division patch worn by concentration camp guards in WW2.

>>15955924 California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge to Bench

>>15955917 Indiana becomes 24th state ~ ~ Governor Eric Holcomb signs bill eliminating need for concealed carry permits

>>15955912 Steve Kirsch: "So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives."

>>15955868 Trump makes Biden Ukraine claim

>>15955848 Qatar and Saudi Arabia have shamed the West for paying more attention to the war in Ukraine than to events in the Middle East

>>15955847 anon opines: one sequence of events has revived anon's faith

>>15955843, >>15956089, >>15956161 Shop job: Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife pictured wearing Q shirt: QAnon’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Virtually Complete By Jacob Silverman

>>15955830 This is what Nuland & Zelensky were preventing from habbeneing: Donbass republic mulls attempt to join Russia

>>15955809 hearsay: There is going to be an extended 60 day outage of CO2, nationwide.

>>15955806 Digital camo.

>>15955732 MEME CONTEST

>>15955716 Electronic billboard in PA has everybody talking

>>15955696, >>15955737 FDA said sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in 8 states

>>15955683 The whole point is to get to discovery…

>>15955675 National Joe Day

>>15955562 Mini drop on MetaBiota & BTRA


at muh 650

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69334e  No.15956184


not disagreeing though

"they" did so to frame a narrative

blasting it out to whoever still reads "their"

fishwrap all while cranking it up to "11"

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87bdd1  No.15956185


Watched an old B&W film last night on Svengoolie, Mason symbols all over.

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09216c  No.15956186

File: 3d93d4270b5c28e⋯.png (121.76 KB, 300x330, 10:11, Screen_Shot_2022_03_27_at_….png)

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df1133  No.15956187

File: 77828fdf6c68505⋯.png (70.97 KB, 710x532, 355:266, ClipboardImage.png)


>gang members

You mean SEE EYE AYE potential franchisees.


*cartels are protected franchises.

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0d85e0  No.15956188

CNN is trying to figure out the Ginni Thomas story



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8273d5  No.15956189

File: 42dd8e9f0f248ca⋯.png (212.99 KB, 357x465, 119:155, ClipboardImage.png)

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aed3a1  No.15956190

File: 5431388361bc9ed⋯.jpg (124.06 KB, 1791x826, 1791:826, Screen_Shot_2022_03_27_at_….jpg)

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5a8323  No.15956191

File: af547ed7832e709⋯.jpg (111.45 KB, 1284x1455, 428:485, FO0_xdXWUAUj716.jpg)

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32f1c2  No.15956192


There were at Least 6 teachers there, whom groomed the weak. And were known to the other faculty to be doing so.

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d94f9a  No.15956193


kek gonna be shilly with a chance of meatballs o7

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762711  No.15956194

File: 8b30f8fa0f02744⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1055, 1632:1055, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

File: 0e60a0e517e4eb7⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1056, 17:11, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

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1a39ee  No.15956195


List of Repub Endorsed By Donald Trump During Ga Ralley


Time starts around 1:00:00 into video

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c1e066  No.15956196

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5a8323  No.15956197

File: 2540e9822a3fa8f⋯.jpg (31.99 KB, 591x267, 197:89, Screenshot_2022_03_26_1058….jpg)

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762711  No.15956198

File: 5fc429331cd40e6⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1056, 17:11, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

File: 2b26eed8bf3e41c⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1055, 1632:1055, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

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7048c7  No.15956199

Looks like the great Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was lucky enough to get a great woman as his wife. Ginni's patriotism, which has been revealed in her texts to Mark Meadows, have America's internal enemy, the media, triggered bigly. Every Sunday news host is aghast. It's all cnn's Brian Stelter can talk about.

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5a8323  No.15956200

File: 489e7d6912ccef9⋯.jpg (32.17 KB, 591x366, 197:122, Screenshot_2022_03_27_1006….jpg)

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2c0790  No.15956201

File: dcf7ef3d5579395⋯.png (852.01 KB, 944x455, 944:455, ClipboardImage.png)


ok well at least that is better with justice thomas wife,

they now have to resort to photo shopping.

worse then before, so desperate that is fake fake news.


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ff1f04  No.15956202

File: 3bfb061f23748f7⋯.jpeg (116.43 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, C0C1DB37_C44A_4B10_A8A9_4….jpeg)

File: b6c54f2cfef2bb8⋯.jpeg (668.24 KB, 1536x2048, 3:4, 74E25DED_B03E_4CED_B7BD_F….jpeg)


Good morning Anons, muh-ch respect!


Thanks anon

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f06ae4  No.15956203


MSM always adds at least 10% to the ratings for Dems. They knock off about the same from Repub ratings.

Biden is probably at 30% or less in reality.

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762711  No.15956204

File: 2644967f44b7908⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1056, 17:11, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

File: b3f00bd35bd1f46⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1056, 17:11, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

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b31b36  No.15956205

File: 434bf1931a788c5⋯.png (316.83 KB, 460x558, 230:279, ClipboardImage.png)

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806c5a  No.15956206


And why rich ex-wives give hundreds of millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood.

She will somehow get that money back,

with interest,

paid by U.S. citizens.

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b6f4b0  No.15956207

File: 8731b7c378287cf⋯.jpg (67.89 KB, 646x258, 323:129, photo_illustration.JPG)



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80f9b2  No.15956208

File: 2a230526c0e416d⋯.png (249.02 KB, 521x937, 521:937, 1647203653.png)


When Qanon is your target you might be a retard.

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e475c9  No.15956209

File: f1d678c5c3207df⋯.jpg (407.02 KB, 1080x1642, 540:821, Screenshot_20220327_081108….jpg)

Only one Supreme Court justice has ever been impeached, and that took place in 1805.


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762711  No.15956210

File: e38eee1a4db40ce⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1055, 1632:1055, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

File: aa4b0af3219fee8⋯.png (4.94 MB, 1632x1056, 17:11, DOD_regional_range_complex….png)

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f69489  No.15956211

File: 9fe939071673361⋯.png (635.31 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)


fivethirtyeight in shambles

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ede3ac  No.15956212

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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c3db33  No.15956213


Sandman did not operate on his own.

He was mollycoddled thru the whole process.

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e1cdb4  No.15956214

File: e308a5b6ca90fb4⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1152x4854, 192:809, ALL_Qdrops_silver.png)



>By Jacob Silverman

2 drops with "silver"

one is a necklace.

Her's looks more gold, yes?

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71dc15  No.15956215

File: 5e4021729d219f5⋯.png (342.33 KB, 720x1351, 720:1351, Screenshot_20220327_100949….png)


Two articles within a day about our food supply issues.

Slow rolling, but it is all starting to come out a little at a time. God help the normies when all the scourge truths actually hit and are not skirted the the laptop or frazzledrip does.

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76e09c  No.15956216


A good portion of it will get donated to political candidates, presumably the ones of whom she approves.

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c3db33  No.15956217


maybe vids take longer to load than pics

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e1cdb4  No.15956218


Kek, and the other is literally the same guy, Jacob Silverman.

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82ba13  No.15956219

File: 70217c73739e58c⋯.png (502.3 KB, 555x720, 37:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6939ac5b7807d9a⋯.png (1.36 MB, 783x1143, 87:127, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9147a31b77fc707⋯.png (3.46 MB, 1920x2560, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


>When Qanon is your target you might be a retard.

*skerd retard

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32f1c2  No.15956220


They're known, and are no longer involved, most are dead. Matters to the abused and the school. Not the only prep school either.

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cf4e5a  No.15956221



>>15956170 Share the List: GAVote

>>15956158 Post-Vaccination Heart Issues Detected Months After COVID-19 Vaccination: Study

>>15956080 El Salvador: State of emergency after 62 gang killings in a day

>>15956055, >>15956007, >>15956087 Eliot Cutler, 75, is charged with four felony counts of possession of unlawful sexually explicit materials of subjects younger than 12.

>>15956023 whines about GOP Senators asking Ketanji Brown Jackson about her light sentences for pedophiles. Agreeing with Donna Brazile that it was a message to "QAnon"

>>15955979 U.S. Senate expert witness testimony Dr. Peter McCullough states that 95% of American [vax] deaths could have been avoided.

>>15955936, >>15955977 mp4: BBC was interviewing a Ukrainian soldier wearing a Nazi Germany SS division patch worn by concentration camp guards in WW2.

>>15955924 California Gov. Gavin Newsom Appoints First Openly Transgender Judge to Bench

>>15955917 Indiana becomes 24th state ~ ~ Governor Eric Holcomb signs bill eliminating need for concealed carry permits

>>15955912 Steve Kirsch: "So you killed 150,000 in order to maybe save 10,000 lives."

>>15955868 Trump makes Biden Ukraine claim

>>15955848 Qatar and Saudi Arabia have shamed the West for paying more attention to the war in Ukraine than to events in the Middle East

>>15955847 anon opines: one sequence of events has revived anon's faith

>>15955843, >>15956089, >>15956161 Shop job: Justice Clarence Thomas’ wife pictured wearing Q shirt: QAnon’s Takeover of the Republican Party Is Virtually Complete By Jacob Silverman

>>15955830 This is what Nuland & Zelensky were preventing from habbeneing: Donbass republic mulls attempt to join Russia

>>15955809 hearsay: There is going to be an extended 60 day outage of CO2, nationwide.

>>15955806 Digital camo.

>>15955732 MEME CONTEST

>>15955716 Electronic billboard in PA has everybody talking

>>15955696, >>15955737 FDA said sotrovimab, a monoclonal antibody used to treat COVID-19, can no longer be used in 8 states

>>15955683 The whole point is to get to discovery…

>>15955675 National Joe Day

>>15955562 Mini drop on MetaBiota & BTRA



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17d7ff  No.15956222

File: 4a156b42275ad88⋯.jpg (46.72 KB, 700x509, 700:509, 5yt.jpg)

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c1e066  No.15956223


no. "who" not "whom"

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2afb4f  No.15956224

File: 12387cd7da2dc0b⋯.png (5.91 MB, 2995x1972, 2995:1972, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: c9270f2d1607e39⋯.png (8.11 MB, 3551x2047, 3551:2047, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: 1a0b57fb8df61ec⋯.png (349.56 KB, 995x659, 995:659, zhekel.PNG)

File: c577175a4511e83⋯.png (841.41 KB, 1298x1298, 1:1, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adults in a marriage to start a family!

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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32f1c2  No.15956225


WaPo geek.

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3d7bac  No.15956226


Anon can never unsee the symbols now…they are everywhere (sadly)

Sad the classics are involved also

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c6512a  No.15956227


Who is this beautiful lady 🧐

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c3db33  No.15956228


Tax dollars laundered thru private individuals.

Have you noticed how Wikipedia calls all of them philanthropists?

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26289e  No.15956229


Theres no fucking way thats true, I think 21% approval

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82ba13  No.15956231

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69334e  No.15956232


Thank you Mr. Editor

yes. they referenced it as a photo illustration

the coloring most obvious

and the Q festooned in betwixt the bewbs.

again…shopping a photo to frame the article

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5a8323  No.15956236

File: 10af6a0123846c2⋯.jpg (79.19 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, Wonka.jpg)


Will post NB for discussion.

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86213c  No.15956237


Govt. receives roughly 32T$ every year in taxes

roughly 122M families in the US

over ten years, each family has paid $2,622,950

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9ccdd1  No.15956238


mmm, I love chemicals in my food

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d94f9a  No.15956239

File: f4280ed47baf198⋯.png (264.96 KB, 600x680, 15:17, ClipboardImage.png)

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c3db33  No.15956240


Anyone who approves of Biden is a brainwashed idiot, a criminal, or both.

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763780  No.15956241


Hit job on company's that did not have pro vax ideology

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f06ae4  No.15956243


see >>15955640 anon says Tomi Lahren

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a4bb24  No.15956244

File: 64f99f590ca1534⋯.jpeg (11.61 KB, 177x255, 59:85, 6e2778988967ad7e4525c5428….jpeg)

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71dc15  No.15956246

File: 4afb31cbac912a7⋯.png (563.05 KB, 720x1640, 18:41, Screenshot_20220327_101619.png)


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80f9b2  No.15956248

File: 347995a6600461a⋯.png (245.08 KB, 723x548, 723:548, 1648005647.png)


Mike Rothschild is their spirit animal.

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f06ae4  No.15956249


She looks cold.

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86213c  No.15956250


this is wrong. didn't take into account other taxes from companies. sorry

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ebdc92  No.15956251

File: 2fd6475a15aa508⋯.jpg (108.61 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, 310c5b92ea539a34d33b0d3e41….jpg)

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977d92  No.15956252

File: b2aaae294853f49⋯.png (149.36 KB, 693x613, 693:613, ClipboardImage.png)

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d94f9a  No.15956253

File: ce106c3ef53352f⋯.png (190.88 KB, 828x578, 414:289, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3829fef0df4dce2⋯.png (258.55 KB, 828x713, 36:31, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a539a031d4a46b0⋯.png (217.05 KB, 828x735, 276:245, ClipboardImage.png)

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748b4a  No.15956254

File: 0eaa89eceaec2e6⋯.png (2.58 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, D1FCC07F_D1F9_4ED7_B593_02….png)

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57595f  No.15956255

File: b4a8697d04f3df7⋯.png (330.13 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, MEMEcontest1.png)

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d94f9a  No.15956256


shes not supposed to plug the colloidal silver ffs

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e475c9  No.15956258


Is he the pen we're supposed to be watching?

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82ba13  No.15956259


delete x

install ukraine exe

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5a8323  No.15956260

File: f341333bc4b6191⋯.jpg (124.36 KB, 1792x828, 448:207, 2fd6475a15aa5087cfa735e88d….jpg)

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5e77f6  No.15956261


That shit is not food.

It's a fake food-like product peddled to imbeciles.

And imbeciles eat it right up.

Love it, want it, need it, smell it while they drive around town, see ads everywhere, and they choose to participate in it.

Free will. They chose stupidity.

They constantly search for a comfortable and socially-acceptable level of ignorance in all matters. Trying to justify to themselves their decision to be ignorant and irresponsible.

Comfortably dumb, because they think it's OK.

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547a59  No.15956262

File: 3345323737957a5⋯.png (19.44 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 533545f12e89a5d2d21a49b46e….png)

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82ba13  No.15956263

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547a59  No.15956264

File: 8f701aeb296882d⋯.gif (585.23 KB, 480x200, 12:5, wizards44.gif)

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c3db33  No.15956265


People are scum, but for some reason God loves us anyways. So we should try to love each other and Be Best.

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71dc15  No.15956266

File: 7bf1c7c52c12127⋯.png (255.19 KB, 720x1640, 18:41, Screenshot_20220327_102223.png)

U.S. Marshals Task Force Arrest Sex Offender Wanted for Sex Crimes Against A Minor

Dayton, OH – The U.S. Marshals Southern Ohio Fugitive Apprehension Strike Team (SOFAST), with assistance of the Dayton Police Department, have arrested Gerald Pendergrass III. Pendergrass was wanted by the Dayton Police Department for charges including unlawful sexual conduct with a minor, importuning, and disseminating matter harmful to juveniles. During the morning hours of March 24, 2022, law enforcement was led to the intersection of Almond Ave and Greenleaf Drive in Dayton, OH where Pendergrass was taken into custody without incident. Pendergrass now awaits his court appearance for the above charges.

U.S. Marshals SOFAST is a multi-jurisdictional task force comprised of the Dayton Police Department, Ohio State Highway Patrol, Shelby County Sheriff’s Office, Springfield Police Department, Greene County Prosecutor’s Office, Miami County Sheriff’s Office, Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office, Ohio Adult Parole Authority, Perry Township Police Department, Springboro Police Department, United States Secret Service, Warren County Sheriff’s Office, West Carrollton Police Department, and the Xenia Police Department. The U.S. Marshals Service is the nation’s primary fugitive hunting organization and captures more federal fugitives each year than all other law enforcement agencies combined.

Additional information about the U.S. Marshals Service can be found at http://www.usmarshals.gov.

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e475c9  No.15956267


Correct. Thank you

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57595f  No.15956268

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26289e  No.15956269


So when Bidan says “For God’s Sake” hes taking about his god, satan or lucipher. When he invokes god, hes calling on the demons of hell to practice their black magic and witchcraft

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b39620  No.15956270

File: 37b0b8be5e816f7⋯.gif (3.53 MB, 605x600, 121:120, 1514696414368.gif)

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5a8323  No.15956271

File: 0d81e02fe082909⋯.jpg (83.87 KB, 547x794, 547:794, Screenshot_2022_03_19_2017….jpg)


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f69489  No.15956272


Desperate to push the narrative

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cf4e5a  No.15956273

fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


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ff1f04  No.15956274


So now we are all aware what the “Intelligencer” does!

Never new they were in the FakeNews Business!

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d94f9a  No.15956275

File: 6c29a364aed9f14⋯.png (601.65 KB, 680x544, 5:4, ClipboardImage.png)

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7c3fc7  No.15956277


Anon almost feels sorry for him. His panic is palpable.

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82ba13  No.15956278

File: 3970bd67cf2508c⋯.png (292.11 KB, 600x375, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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82ba13  No.15956279

File: 036715d03c35dda⋯.png (229.5 KB, 450x338, 225:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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547a59  No.15956280

File: a2a68eafad225d1⋯.png (343.99 KB, 465x415, 93:83, a2a68eafad225d1fe43b2635e8….png)

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86213c  No.15956281


what's putin's endgame

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82ba13  No.15956283

File: a0cc5558f7676fc⋯.png (246.93 KB, 570x393, 190:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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f69489  No.15956284

File: 91eb02c5baf48e8⋯.png (80.09 KB, 709x558, 709:558, ClipboardImage.png)

Italy 🇮🇹

Israel 🇮🇱

Cyprus 🇨🇾

Greece 🇬🇷

Canada 🇨🇦

Slovenia 🇸🇮

& the U.S. 🇺🇸

will be training together in the “Iniohos” International Air Force Exercise in Greece.

The goal: to strengthen the cooperation, coordination & communication between our air forces.


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82ba13  No.15956285

File: 4b0084cb0476de8⋯.png (914.39 KB, 861x888, 287:296, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a8323  No.15956286

File: 7403e1ce5cfa972⋯.jpg (78.5 KB, 501x751, 501:751, Screenshot_2022_03_11_1643….jpg)


I think everyone migrated or are about to.

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c1e066  No.15956287



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82ba13  No.15956288

File: ddcb36bab7e6112⋯.png (461 KB, 888x888, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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1a5afa  No.15956289

File: 4f8aa372024ee7b⋯.jpeg (144.46 KB, 1200x1094, 600:547, 1A45EBB0_7546_4968_9591_8….jpeg)

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c3db33  No.15956290


Destroy the DS

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32f1c2  No.15956291


Proper flannel use.

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fc113a  No.15956292


of course.

but it's so fucking tiresome.

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82ba13  No.15956293

File: 0a4cb5e0c38edc6⋯.png (524.27 KB, 791x449, 791:449, ClipboardImage.png)

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547a59  No.15956294


panic coming up on Stetler, next round.



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cf4e5a  No.15956295

fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


fresh bread


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