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File: 04d99161d854161⋯.jpg (7.44 KB, 250x140, 25:14, iwo_QR1.jpg)

8285ff  No.15936139[View All]

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6cdc6e  No.15936909


More likely just brainwashed and unable to think for themselves.

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15d178  No.15936910

File: 27d35825c5bdd03⋯.jpg (17.94 KB, 255x143, 255:143, 4711cef75feedd689c2b19e4f4….jpg)


Too stupid to handle lawn darts

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af254f  No.15936911

File: 63d7bdf69b00f60⋯.jpeg (71.88 KB, 1080x655, 216:131, 1585867297.jpeg)

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6b6f5a  No.15936912


i bet you're a bundle of fun at parties

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1fd336  No.15936913


some fries with that?

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7d1eb3  No.15936914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Came across this just now.

Vovan & Lexus have done it again. Pranked UK Sec of State for Defence Ben Wallace in a video call (full version)

They've also done it with UK Home Secretary Priti Patel, but only Teaser available so far:


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77d52f  No.15936915


>capital towards his globalist projects

gehy pricks invade african village dying from mosquitos neat lithium ore

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632a0e  No.15936916

The Plaintiff said he worked for Lou Dobbs, and Judge Napolitano said he had a maple syrup farm in New Jersey. “You see these hands?” Judge Napolitano asked while looking at the Plaintiff suggestively. “They look clean, but they get really dirty.” He then told the Plaintiff to visit his farm if the Plaintiff was ever in New Jersey farm or, if not, the Plaintiff could visit his Manhattan apartment during the week. Shortly thereafter, the elevator reached the floor where the Plaintiff worked, and the Plaintiff politely excused himself before exiting the elevator.”

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b786a0  No.15936918

File: a57545ba6e12402⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 34.34 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, B254435D_A841_4082_9C45_C….jpeg)

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d15c64  No.15936919


jarts. Loved those things.

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56a040  No.15936920

File: c8a066886439878⋯.jpeg (14.62 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 0783936f40c9a27d267cfb2fd….jpeg)

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e43092  No.15936921

File: 70c63a6b79ba872⋯.jpeg (51.88 KB, 462x307, 462:307, 1CA8C542_C888_4BF0_A45A_6….jpeg)

DearGod, bless all anons, help them dig harder, meme wiser and pray just a little more. In Jesus name I pray., Amen.

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117f0c  No.15936922

File: cea776f32d9f668⋯.jpg (17.76 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 5bdd0fb62ee0565447472da255….jpg)

File: 6c92b8e4e2f3893⋯.png (762.62 KB, 554x800, 277:400, 6c92b8e4e2f389349a252289e3….png)

File: 862e05aeeb3f7ad⋯.jpeg (440.76 KB, 2048x1990, 1024:995, FOi34krX0Ag0S5E.jpeg)

File: 2e425d3300174d3⋯.png (9.08 KB, 226x223, 226:223, bddbfd17cc8d98d8eb185f2349….png)

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598c7c  No.15936923


I will start a conversation about the vaccine and if they let on they know the vaccine is dangerous then I'll ask them if they know the masks aren't protective..I've had people tell me they know but the masks make them feel safe. The mental damage is real it's sad to watch..

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64ac5a  No.15936924

File: 3e810995212262f⋯.png (391.89 KB, 585x353, 585:353, be617d101a1d586a8ba8310c44….png)

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #20154: Hunter Biden Investments in Biolabs Edition

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4074b3  No.15936925

File: b436f81deea25a2⋯.jpg (27.45 KB, 307x387, 307:387, Putin_Deep_Concern.jpg)


Not some rando saying this. Putin must've cornered them. Huge if big.

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c1b8bc  No.15936926

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, AMEN.jpg)

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51ee57  No.15936927

File: 394f6e90a908f23⋯.jpg (18.67 KB, 312x313, 312:313, Screen_Shot_2022_03_23_at_….jpg)

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105a85  No.15936928

File: 82835a94725ff37⋯.jpg (313.69 KB, 1100x1100, 1:1, cool_car.jpg)


these are great

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a5fed7  No.15936929

File: 36a4533b55eef1b⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 600x600, 1:1, Sword444.gif)

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6cdc6e  No.15936930


70 years in Babylon?

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64ac5a  No.15936931

File: 8c42afbd2b5123f⋯.jpg (293.67 KB, 586x680, 293:340, 8c42afbd2b5123f083043e544b….jpg)

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #20154: Hunter Biden Investments in Biolabs Edition

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1fd336  No.15936933

File: 6b42db381832b46⋯.jpg (62.5 KB, 646x630, 323:315, 6b42db381832b46b83a58908b2….jpg)

File: a6b477126c8b865⋯.png (380.44 KB, 588x452, 147:113, 00997838c3e3e6186efd6e876c….png)

File: 93e6b1cd91d4418⋯.png (394.81 KB, 497x626, 497:626, bg.png)


self righteous psychopaths

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d15c64  No.15936934


It is. They will most likely die with one on. Lost causes.

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efad96  No.15936935

File: a080ddbdb0125e9⋯.jpg (100.11 KB, 800x600, 4:3, New_Type_of_Aurora_Polar_R….JPG)

File: 246f1976e991cbf⋯.jpg (188.5 KB, 1932x1578, 322:263, 9Saturn.jpg)

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77d52f  No.15936936


> lemminwinks

sein arschloch schwuchtelt auch kleine tiere

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64ac5a  No.15936937

File: 9e7af4b9177c3f7⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 890x534, 5:3, 9e7af4b9177c3f7cca80067d23….jpg)

Fresh Bread


Q Research General #20154: Hunter Biden Investments in Biolabs Edition

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cc3dec  No.15936938

Fauci / Hunter Biden

Fall guys of the year

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22300f  No.15936939

File: 3cae1a9c9dd603d⋯.png (522.61 KB, 500x607, 500:607, ClipboardImage.png)

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21d93c  No.15936940

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15d178  No.15936941

File: aaa253316ea5051⋯.jpg (19.44 KB, 474x252, 79:42, download_1_.jpg)


even wider shot

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77d52f  No.15936942

File: 3b4880525800793⋯.jpg (161.22 KB, 620x559, 620:559, DPTZ1295.jpg)


>lemminwinks babel

sein arschloch schwuchtelt auch kleine tiere

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bf08cb  No.15936943


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4074b3  No.15936945

File: 651392e8e894064⋯.png (5.94 MB, 1536x2048, 3:4, Seraph_w_Isaac.png)

>>15936751 >>15936772 >>15936790 >>15936855 >>15936926

Peace to you all and upon all you survey forever.

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77d52f  No.15936946


>>lemminwinks babel

>sein arschloch schwuchtelt auch kleine tiere

Affen könnten ihm aus dem Arsch fliegen

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dabd2b  No.15936947

File: 46f5728a1f35047⋯.png (846.76 KB, 880x630, 88:63, blackukrain.png)

Woke justice demands you defend Ukraine against Russia even if fighting with russia could destroy the world!

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cc3dec  No.15936950


nuclear annihilation is a small price to pay to be accepted

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105a85  No.15936951

File: d10c7a182ddcf29⋯.gif (3.84 MB, 600x686, 300:343, ns_operators_active.gif)

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77d52f  No.15936952


Erdnussbutter haftet am Autositz

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be7bba  No.15936953


56 posts

you are a shill

but this meme always makes me kek out loud

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15d178  No.15936954

File: 11429dc9c77d7e5⋯.jpg (39.81 KB, 474x632, 3:4, download_45_.jpg)


It's Always the fucking jews

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efad96  No.15936957

File: 6808d8ae00262d1⋯.png (276.41 KB, 713x616, 713:616, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_0….png)

File: 4c0da3a6fb41640⋯.png (862.66 KB, 1588x4771, 1588:4771, Screenshot_2022_02_24_at_0….png)

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21d93c  No.15936959

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c09619  No.15936962

File: 1ee3e78b55e1830⋯.png (416.18 KB, 644x408, 161:102, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53cf58983d6704d⋯.png (22.18 KB, 848x416, 53:26, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9e52a851d34211⋯.png (1.52 MB, 935x936, 935:936, putin51d342110d19a049ca0d4….png)




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117f0c  No.15936963

File: 2fcf75c74f4aa88⋯.mp4 (2.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 2fcf75c74f4aa88737e97ec277….mp4)

File: 6a10714b2c1b311⋯.mp4 (2.12 MB, 432x244, 108:61, 6a10714b2c1b311d3a632b4e1a….mp4)

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105a85  No.15936965

File: 2e1a5785f7bdee5⋯.jpg (42.63 KB, 413x479, 413:479, holdfast.jpg)

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4074b3  No.15936966


Getting a tag to match the address. Cool.

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efad96  No.15936967

File: 6fe4a257ca262db⋯.jpg (144.79 KB, 800x600, 4:3, nsntte.jpg)

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fd15dd  No.15936968

File: 5097e45db935d06⋯.jpg (323.27 KB, 1912x1298, 956:649, 5097e45db935d0670ce7b0bb5f….jpg)

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a3034e  No.15936970

File: f992e1432030d02⋯.mp4 (9.69 MB, 404x720, 101:180, redditlegion.mp4)

File: 6251d2ffd78f061⋯.jpg (217.67 KB, 1068x974, 534:487, cruise.jpg)

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