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File: d77fcc1c66d5662⋯.png (668.9 KB, 1756x946, 878:473, only_banner.png)

0db2ce  No.15874837[Last 50 Posts]

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"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406810 New here? Welcome | >>15406794 Board Info | >>15406795 Offsite Bunkers | >>15406798 Optics | >>15406807 Suggested Follow

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>>15406808 !!!! LEARN DIGITAL WARFARE !!!!

Join Us

>>15600441 =!!! LEARN TO BAKE !!!= | >>15406818 Iwo Jima YouTube Link

>>15406820 Meme Requests

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0db2ce  No.15874839


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics in notables pls

>>15790843 Deletions & Bans on QR Policy

>>15814240 TS@Q posts



>>15874123 Russian state TV calls for REPARATIONS from the US over sanctions

>>15874144, >>15874176 Evergiven (same ship that got stuck in Suez Canal last year) is in the Suez Canal right now

>>15874167, >>15874182 Fatima 1929 prophecy coming true with Russia?

>>15874232, >>15874245, >>15874246, >>15874353, >>15874392, >>15874367 Ukrainian orphans unprotected? Child trafficking opportunity?

>>15874270, >>15874277 Soros Open Society Foundation linking sexual reproduction to climate justice

>>15874359 Houston - After being targeted by liberal police chief Art Acevedo, four cops get their jobs back after 2020 shooting of criminal

>>15874378 Potato begs the energy market to stop gouging Americans?

>>15874384 BLM activist Monica Cannon-Grant named 'Bostonian of the year'arrested for charity fraud at her $450,000 home

>>15874428, >>15874397 Third Annual Liberal Hack Tournament

>>15874453 White House Resident Schedule for the day

>>15874408, >>15874232, >>15874469, >>15874541 Sean Penn is a male Rachael Chandler… (In Ukraine for Child Trafficking?)

>>15874474 Project Veritas released never-before-seen footage of last November’s FBI raid on the home of one its journalists

>>15874558, >>15874562, >>15874566, >>15874573 Flashback 2018 - Does the US Have A Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep? /1

>>15874575, >>15874578, >>15874581 Flashback 2018 - Does the US Have A Secret Germ Warfare Lab on Russia’s Doorstep? /2

>>15874564 Zelensky whines to US Congress to give him weapons and planes on US Taxpayer dime

>>15874579, >>15874729 PJDT release on the rebuilding of NATO during the Trump Presidency

>>15874583, >>15874586, >>15874590, >>15874595, >>15874598 Zelensky panic address to US Congress

>>15874608 Ukraine President Zelensky invokes Pearl Harbor and 9/11 in his panic rant for more weapons

>>15874552, >>15874623 Netflix fights child porn charges in Texas stemming from 'Cuties' backlash

>>15874644, >>15874652 DJT Jr goes savage on Biden over his upcoming European 'pacification' trip

>>15874683 Banned by Canada, Russian Ship Seeks to Transload Cargo

>>15874688 Grenell points out the hypocrisy of the Media not reporting about the Congo conflict and only focusing on Ukraine

>>15874707 Ukrainian companies and officials are profiting immensely from the same resources that are funding the destruction of their own country

>>15874715 Flashback 2005 - Sens. Richard Lugar and Barack Obama spearhead U.S. effort to Aid Ukraine in Countering Bioweapons

>>15874753 Joe Crushes American Energy While Hunter Gets Rich From Chinese Fossil Fuels

>>15874757 Marine Corps re-designate the 17xx Cyberspace Operations field to 17xx Information Manuever OCCFLD today

>>15874768 Firefighters Rescue Great Horned Owl In Greenwich - Comms?

>>15874769 Kathleen Gayle - Legislative Assistant - Senator Mike Rounds Legislative Assistant is a WEF Global Shaper

>>15874467 Ukraine’s Zelensky addresses U.S. Congress

>>15874820 #20074

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0db2ce  No.15874840


>>15873255, >>15873313, >>15873954, dough baker ghost, baker claims dough.

>>15873327 Ukrainian President Zelensky to Canadian Parliament: "Please, close the sky. Close the airspace - twat and mp4 video

>>15873354 U.S. Mint announces silver shortage - last bread bun

>>15873383, >>15873406, >>15873430, >>15873445, >>15873451, >>15873456, >>15873466, >>15873485, >>15873492, >>15873504, >>15873528, Russia v Ukraine propaganda and fake news articles all sides

>>15873461 Tim young tweet: Foreign Donors to Clinton Foundation, Reminder Q Drop #1687 "All for a baseless conspiracy? Enjoy the show!"

>>15873581 Kamala Harris’s husband AND Barack Obama have COVID at the same time…lavern spicer twat

>>15873655 Another Wolfe/Epstein connection: The Edge Foundation. - gab post

>>15873682 Russia has something on this bunch and it is going to come out. - samuel williams (twat on biden admin and russia banning them)

>>15873693 Ukraine war upended China’s plan to invade Taiwan, alleged FSB whistleblower says. -foxnews

>>15873757, >>15873746 , >>15873043 Possible coms from Ukraine frontline

>>15873772 Secret Service report: There's a growing terrorism threat by so-called involuntary celibate men, or 'incels.' - newsmax twat

>>15873800, >>15873828, >>15873838, how to collect notes global instruction missing.

>>15873822 Elon Musk challenges Vladimir Putin to a fist fight for Ukraine - postmillennial.com


>>15873451, >>15873456, >>15873466, >>15873469, >>15873471, >>15873485, Ukraine Events Bun Part One

>>15873893 stand in note taker notes

>>15873898 bullion, bitcoin & bullsh*t w/ GMONEY money market moves - zerohedge article.

>>15873794 Q reminder noteworthy

>>15873947, >>15873945 Released Cures

>>15873962, >>15873949 Potus Motivation

>>15874136 #20073 (updated in #20074)


>>15872340, >>15872495, >>15872524, dough baker seeking handoff

>>15872463 fleet tracker site - news.usni.org (watch the water).

>>15872499 ukraine v russia - twats on twats

>>15872508, >>15872662, Russia v ukraine - Propaganda articles both sides

>>15872578, >>15872665, >>15872682, U.S forces twats - us navy, dod, osint,

>>15872597 Pope to consecrate russia and ukraine to the heart of mary - twat needs source

>>15872637 NY undercounted the number of deaths in nursing homes by as much as 50% - cnycentral.com plus data and archive link

>>15872656 Col Macgregor on the Grayzone 15MAR22 "The War for intensive purposes has been decided.” - youtube

>>15872719 planefag posts

>>15872739 Tiananmen Square protester granted asylum in US fatally stabbed in New York office - thehill twat

>>15872745, >>15872811, >>15873057, Modify a Person’s Genes – then Blame Their Genetics for following Health Complications - covid digs, news and moar

>>15872797 Plan to Save the World remastered - bitchute link

>>15872803 "Heartbreaking photos show octopuses living in discarded trash on ocean floor" - nyp twat (comms?)

>>15872884, >>15873001, Dr Robert pope now donating lab equipment to Cameroon - africa-newsroom.com and nuland bio labs articles

>>15872953, >>15872980, jim watkins telegram and video warning, this week glows be careful, false flags

>>15873043, >>15873068, mp4 videos (could be same jorno who got fake shot and now saying ukraine is a trap) gwp no source.


Previously Collected

>>15871629 #20070, >>15872317 #20071,

>>15869313 #20067, >>15870072 #20068, >>15871299 #20069

>>15866977 #20064, >>15867756 #20065, >>15868536 #20066

>>15864632 #20061, >>15865399 #20062, >>15866172 #20063

>>15862318 #20058, >>15863951 #20059, >>15864285 #20060

>>15859978 #20055, >>15860777 #20056, >>15861545 #20057

>>15857638 #20052, >>15860486 #20053, >>15859122 #20054

>>15855339 #20049, >>15856802 #20050, >>15856865 #20051

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15787413 Notables #12: Nothing Can't Stop This!

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0db2ce  No.15874844


#20075: Ukraine Orphans Caught Up In Child Trafficking Edition



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38fa50  No.15874876

File: 75ac18b3795ea12⋯.jpg (888.38 KB, 5472x3648, 3:2, Chicken_Hawks.JPG)

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35cb3d  No.15874877

File: c2095bb0deb82a1⋯.jpg (236.73 KB, 595x492, 595:492, Screenshot_2022_03_13_1419….jpg)

The Military Industrial Complex stands with Ukraine.


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89cf97  No.15874878

File: 3990f0d936715bd⋯.png (10.32 KB, 255x145, 51:29, greetingsstarfighter44.png)

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65e550  No.15874879



Tech billionaire Elon Musk doubled down on his challenge to duel Vladimir Putin of Russia in "single combat" for the fate of Ukraine Tuesday while ribbing Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, a Kremlin ally and fearsome militant who called the world's richest man "effeminate."

"You’ll need to pump up those muscles in order to change from the gentle (effeminate) Elona into the brutal Elon you need to be," Kaydrov wrote on the Russian social mediate platform Telegram.

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43f401  No.15874880

File: 69edd9f5d853618⋯.png (286.9 KB, 393x262, 3:2, tyb.png)

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6e2574  No.15874881

>>15874871 (lb)

>17 news

i'm beginning to think this is not a coincidence

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35cb3d  No.15874882

File: b4c691903ad30aa⋯.jpg (26.68 KB, 593x210, 593:210, Screenshot_2022_03_16_0914….jpg)

Russian Prosecutor General's Office asks court to recognize Meta (aka Facebook) as an "extremist organization"


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c6f73d  No.15874883

File: 7bb9feb6acb4a58⋯.png (411.07 KB, 613x412, 613:412, fdjt3.PNG)

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89cf97  No.15874884

File: 7358cf5e0f59ec3⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 211x255, 211:255, e9173cd15c7dde20b07fa21369….jpg)

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84e2eb  No.15874886

File: 77c831960dfc4b6⋯.jpeg (175.25 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1318F504_0810_4A57_86BF_3….jpeg)

File: 09bf09746aca234⋯.jpeg (451.08 KB, 1200x1512, 50:63, 65F07473_A696_42D5_909C_A….jpeg)

File: 1def8853ccee871⋯.jpeg (149.59 KB, 1200x901, 1200:901, 32D2E48E_A45A_490C_878A_4….jpeg)

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ec4075  No.15874887

File: 272bc2568751717⋯.png (22.66 KB, 487x291, 487:291, Screen_Shot_03_16_22_at_10….PNG)

Joe Biden


United States government official

The Bipartisan Government Funding Bill includes $13.6B to address Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the impact on surrounding countries.

Putin's aggression against Ukraine has united people across America, united our two parties in Congress, and united the freedom-loving world.

10:18 AM · Mar 16, 2022·Sprout Social


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3e7010  No.15874888

>>15874557 (pb)

THIS… DO SOMETHING, instead of making empty promises, like Trump, Q, Pompeo, and the rest of the Zionist, lap-dogs.

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318ec0  No.15874889

File: c036f56a2ba0026⋯.jpg (143.57 KB, 720x1044, 20:29, 20220316_080458.jpg)

File: b8075f5bb3063b5⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB, 640x360, 16:9, y6tAHKIHZN0rKbv5.mp4)

Of all the cringe moments in Zelensky’s address to Congress calling for WW3, Pelosi shouting Nazi collaborator Stephan Bandera’s “Glory to Ukraine” was the worst.


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65e550  No.15874890

U.S. says Russian troops "killed 10 people standing in line for bread"

Tucker Reals - 50m ago

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4d2951  No.15874891

File: e764bfe1cf2a338⋯.png (343.71 KB, 586x584, 293:292, ClipboardImage.png)


Good morning


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a23b25  No.15874892

anyone else just not going to pay taxes anymore??

I’m not filing this year and changing my paycheck to not withhold any taxes for this next year either.

Pretty sure I’ll get in some legal trouble, but who the fuck cares anymore?

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4bcc86  No.15874893

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



National Archives and Records Administration - ARC 43452, LI 238.2 - NAZI CONCENTRATION CAMPS

Motion Picture Films Used as Exhibits and Evidence at World War II War Crimes Trials, compiled 1945 - 1947. COMPILATION FILM REPORT: On conditions found in Nazi concentration camps in Germany and Belgium by advancing Allied Armies during World War II. Consists primarily of dead and surviving prisoners and of facilities used to kill and torture.

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457dfc  No.15874894



Protectin their own arses actakually

imagine you were trollops , you have the chance to hurt Jesus' bloodline , even steal that

What about theonly thing stoppin' you was a disabled woman who happened to be War ?

they are AFRAID

they overlooked i am israel and God is real

their FAKE will not , CAN NOT stand against my truth

that is why my numbers are important , they prove who i am as much as my name

06 06



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c6f73d  No.15874895

File: 049f99c5a94803d⋯.png (387.3 KB, 901x480, 901:480, cnf1.PNG)

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ddbe77  No.15874896

File: 1b02db5f7ebd95c⋯.jpg (371.86 KB, 852x540, 71:45, blunt.jpg)

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65e550  No.15874897


we'll see what happens…

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dce74c  No.15874898


hope they were not baking our bread TYB

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5a1623  No.15874899

File: e9e9518d78f5741⋯.png (325.67 KB, 598x400, 299:200, Suez_Canal.png)

>>15874144, >>15874176 (pb) Evergiven (same ship that got stuck in Suez Canal last year) is in the Suez Canal right now

Guess I can resurrect this meme again.

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a23b25  No.15874900


enough with this fake hollywood jew propaganda!!!

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73e8dd  No.15874901

ZION is Real, and NOT a Name to Disrespect.

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f08983  No.15874902

File: 671ee1c59f7fd08⋯.png (685.17 KB, 728x455, 8:5, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)

File: c4349d0094c8185⋯.png (129.66 KB, 742x633, 742:633, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)

How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

Is this why Hunter Biden's laptop talks about "Children Burned Alive" in Ukraine?


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b70f9e  No.15874903

File: 398df8868f38269⋯.jpg (88.57 KB, 640x555, 128:111, 7b85c61f48b51c449899cfc4d0….jpg)

File: dd6dde3fc8bac56⋯.png (188.63 KB, 487x489, 487:489, 7c0b8bc95b017e7d6fdbe0f275….png)

File: 241147da70aec37⋯.png (2.04 MB, 2486x1224, 1243:612, 84a4b19e81ef6785d3dc9f8ef6….png)

Most of the information we receive today does not come to us directly from the natural world. It still comes via the optic nerve to the brain, but the source is digital media displayed on a monitor or device screen.

Less that 10% of the average person's daily information input is direct sense experience of the natural world. What we imagine we know about the greater, outside world, our fellow humans and the universe is *all* acquired from TV "news" or "entertainment" programming - TV, movies, games VR and MR are how we form our understanding of greater surrounding social, economic and political reality.

We are entirely dependent on the *integrity* of MSM/legacy media for our understanding of the reality we share, and legacy media has betrayed us, engaging in massive deception and running 'psyops,' or 'Information Operations,' stories which use information in ways engineered to divide, confuse and terrify us.

Over 90% of all the information we take in about the world, about our reality, our fellow citizens, friends and neighbors, comes to us through a legacy media or big tech driven SCREEN.

*The average American household has only 2.75 people, but 3 TVs and 6 Internet devices.

*The average American family spends more money each month on media consumption than on groceries or electricity.

*The average American consumes 12-15 aggregate hours of digital media per day.

*The average American child consumes more than 10 hours of digital media per day.

*The average American smartphone is checked every 6-12 waking minutes.

With the emergence nonlinear networked communication it became possible to control individual and group information environments at all levels. Modern technologies have made "kinetic war" obsolete.

Information warfare destroys people and countries from within. By controlling the minds of citizens, by exploiting conditioned response with prepared information packages targeted individuals or nations can be (and have been) brought to take ANY specified action (including 'genocide') voluntarily.

Non-linear or Information war tactics involve turning enemy nations against themselves by infiltrating and subverting moral values, teaching children to indoctrinate other children and gradually degrading the whole information infrastructure, from popular entertainment to text books. Occult materials (eg. Catcher in the Rye) are introduced into high school reading lists. False history and false flags are legitimized, self-destructive behaviors are promoted as fashionable, mental illnesses and perversions like pedophilia are normalized by stages, while subversive 'educational' programs like "common core" are promoted to turn kids off learning.

Cultist media gradually, over decades, reduces the public vocabulary, promotes social division, emphasizing inequities, fanning the flames of old grievances, using false flag terrorism to foster or rekindle resentments, falsifying historical records to provide evidence for a shameful cult created US history that never happened. Destroying the story of a nation destroys that nation; the nation falls apart.

Mind war, non linear war, is a highly developed form of conflict, with tested doctrines and a protean tactical repertoire. We don't hear about IO, mind war and it's power and tactics because our entire information distribution infrastructure; the entertainment industry and social media/ tech companies are all controlled by a subversive confederacy of deep state criminals.

It is well to remember we have ALL been deceived. Some may learn sooner, some learn later; but whenever you do, remember fellow citizens still trapped in the matrix of lies and fears and taboos created by sophisticated IO operators for purposes of social control.



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ee8019  No.15874905

Zelenskyy is talking to our Congress…hmmm…why???…Why in the big scheme of all things world-wide, what right does he have to talk to our Congress???…What if I told you that he is "Blackmailing" our Congress, basically if you don't send me what I want, I'm going to spill the beans on Bidan/Bio-labs/Child-Trafficking…I mean all the corruption going on over here that the U.S. is involved with…

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84e2eb  No.15874906

File: 3ee6366cd57fefe⋯.jpeg (143.17 KB, 620x381, 620:381, E4A30132_4328_4499_8551_2….jpeg)


Nancy the Nazi

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457dfc  No.15874907


ZION is many at the moment

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c6f73d  No.15874908

File: c7c906eb814a44a⋯.png (1.47 MB, 1164x728, 291:182, pr.PNG)

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7f22a6  No.15874909

File: 13ee811895e238d⋯.png (40.52 KB, 767x207, 767:207, ClipboardImage.png)

State-of-the-Art Diagnostics Laboratory Helps Make the World Safer


Black & Veatch completed Ukraine’s first Biological Safety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory in Odessa on time and under budget. The new facility enhances the government’s existing disease surveillance systems to detect, report and respond to bioterrorism attacks, epidemics and potential pandemics.

The BSL-3 laboratory in Odessa was designed and constructed by Black & Veatch. It is the first BSL-3 laboratory in the region and the first to be commissioned, accredited and operational under the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s (DTRA) Biological Threat Reduction Program (BTRP).

“Completing the construction effort under budget definitely exceeded our expectations,” said Doug Gorsline, DTRA BTRP Ukraine Project Manager.

Bradley Karn, DTRA BTRP Program Manager, added, “More important was the quality of the effort. Black & Veatch was able to renovate a decades-old facility into a state-of-the-art diagnostics laboratory that will become the nexus of Ukraine’s biosurveillance network.”

The BSL-3 laboratory was specifically designed and constructed to support work with especially dangerous pathogens that can be naturally occurring or introduced through a bioterrorism attack. It serves as a central location for research, consolidation and training on the proper handling of dangerous pathogens. The lab also provides the Ukrainian Ministry of Health a safe environment to confirm diagnosis of suspected dangerous pathogens, enhancing public health while deterring bioterrorism.

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dce74c  No.15874910


get out of the way i can't see the ship

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6d5706  No.15874911

File: 71657aaa970b9c3⋯.png (85.09 KB, 193x255, 193:255, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15874862 lb

it's free speech unless you blame a jew, which is especially uncool now because kike OSS is permaspamming it

maybe that's the idea

everytime you see OSS try to mindfuck you,you should hate jews a little more

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457dfc  No.15874912


You do not even know who she is fucknuckle

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8f5bf1  No.15874913

File: 4ec8f7bbe4e3d34⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1524x968, 381:242, saturnconnection.png)

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4d2951  No.15874914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ukrainian President Zelensky Addresses US Congress

Streamed live 72 minutes ago


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a23b25  No.15874915


she literally bragged about her father being a shabbos goy

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116aca  No.15874916

File: fd8a429485fae13⋯.jpg (58.37 KB, 716x493, 716:493, plrmhsxdcfa.jpg)

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7bf342  No.15874917

File: 3dd1685b6ccbd3e⋯.png (649.82 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_03_16….png)

>>15874546 pb

>Did you see Nancy's introduction of Zelensky to the Congress? S

had a wake up Ukrainian Vodka Martini I think

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e97ab2  No.15874918


You should probably move to this board. They could really use your wisdom


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ddbe77  No.15874919

File: 5ff065913e62e00⋯.jpeg (66.38 KB, 620x400, 31:20, zion.jpeg)

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f08983  No.15874920


Taxes are voluntary

Once u stop paying taxes, never pay again and you will be ok.

once u refile, then they can get you for all the back taxes.

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c6f73d  No.15874921

File: 342eb1fc3c84fe2⋯.png (333.51 KB, 726x650, 363:325, fdjt1dab.png)

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457dfc  No.15874922


still real

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4bcc86  No.15874923

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Putin's War Comes to America!

The DemocRats will lead us WWIII like they did WWII through bad leadership & corruption.

Examination of world events that caused the U.S. to enter World War II. Very powerful video that helped explain to the American people why we needed to go to war.

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096408  No.15874924

File: fd2501ae9d3f549⋯.png (387.9 KB, 437x427, 437:427, jeshsg.png)

File: cecbf878d2a4c4e⋯.png (628.53 KB, 410x582, 205:291, hbstd.png)

File: 738625f8d770dab⋯.png (311.14 KB, 437x437, 1:1, hbds.png)

File: aa72c80b55a2982⋯.png (363.66 KB, 403x582, 403:582, zvhwds.png)

It is a war by the Jews against the White Folk of Europe!

Wake up!!!

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7cc2cc  No.15874925

File: 98d180179a3962d⋯.png (431.12 KB, 646x1200, 323:600, 98d180179a3962d6c16f0cac6f….png)

>pic related

Stolen from last bread.

You didn't think they actually paid up, did you?

That's why he called NATO a paper tiger.

Follow the money.

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3e7010  No.15874926

>>15874644, >>15874652 DJT Jr goes savage on Biden over his upcoming European 'pacification' trip (pb)

Ask Jr. why his father didn't leave NATO, and/or call them out for their fuckery when he was in office. If he had done something, we wouldn't;t be all being dragged into WW3.

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8121ad  No.15874927


Been throwing 'irs' mail in the trash for years, anon

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607d4a  No.15874928


biden has funded the irs to hire 65,000 more investigators. I'm sure your info has just been sent to them.


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8f5bf1  No.15874929

File: 19650772c99320f⋯.jpg (89.27 KB, 295x372, 295:372, Velikovsky_01.jpg)

File: aec21539ecce039⋯.png (173.7 KB, 522x290, 9:5, worldmountain.png)

…All the same story. All an astronomical allegory. >>15874922

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ac9196  No.15874930

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Dubs chked

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7bf342  No.15874931

File: da0b5ad61da9483⋯.png (247.18 KB, 521x937, 521:937, BasedpepeJoePsakiHat.png)

File: 0434849007aa106⋯.png (202.5 KB, 648x492, 54:41, Screenshot_from_2022_03_16….png)

File: 413832bfa412f3b⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_03_16….png)

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b70f9e  No.15874932

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Legacy Media shills

MSM media shills are not just covering up for common criminals, they are covering up decades of crimes against children.

MSM media shills had ample reason and repeated opportunities to investigate Pizzagate and dozens of similar previous scandals.

MSM media shills not only failed to investigate but actively covered up, campaigned extensively to suppress and to discredit the evidence others uncovered, defaming honest researchers, making them objects of scorn, ridicule and contempt.

MSM media shills did this in both dramatic entertainment and in news content across multiple platforms; all while knowing the stories about the traffic in and ritual sexual abuse of children were and are true.

“I didn’t know,” is not a valid or feasible defense for MSM media shills. Our enemies have exposed themselves and the contemptible kayfabe of legacy media.

We the People are awake.

Justice is coming


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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6d5706  No.15874933

File: 4ec0b4b3bcb1752⋯.png (341.65 KB, 600x450, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


the jew Zelensky is definitely up to something

not even Ukarinian…. did anons know Adam Schiff's family is from the area? They emigrated in the 1900s. Their name wasSchiffmanovich.

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ec4075  No.15874934

File: 6fca354aa551d30⋯.png (1.28 KB, 92x50, 46:25, Screen_Shot_03_16_22_at_10….PNG)

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b70f9e  No.15874935

File: 296f91a2fc50a8e⋯.png (731.32 KB, 600x794, 300:397, a1.png)

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dce74c  No.15874936


If you look at it closely it is from a collection agency been chucking them too

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58eb74  No.15874937


I went to cash only. I will accept a check occasionally, never credit cards. Fuck the IRS

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116aca  No.15874938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: House Foreign Affairs Committee on Early Signs of War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Russian Military

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6d5706  No.15874939

File: 169100d112932ec⋯.jpg (647.63 KB, 711x640, 711:640, 169100d112932ec1cfe7e927ac….jpg)


self check!

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096408  No.15874940

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

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\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o

\o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o \o


























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a23b25  No.15874941


maybe, maybe not.

But I’m tired of my money being used in direct opposition to what I want my country doing.

Also, I’m pretty much ready for things to go kinetic and IRS agents are a good place to start.

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ea25dc  No.15874942

File: 8f701aeb296882d⋯.gif (585.23 KB, 480x200, 12:5, wizards44.gif)


>Pretty sure I’ll get in some legal trouble, but who the fuck cares anymore?

weed wizard agrees

it is time

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457dfc  No.15874943


No thanks i'm fine here

Do you not realise the connection between 'Hive' and 06 06



No the hive has hurt me

so no , you rejected my Wisdom remember , as a Warrior i fight from the front

the rest of you just pretend

30 or so

oh my identifier is IVH anyway , my daughter who you stole from me


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7bf342  No.15874944

File: 82196c2735e05ba⋯.jpg (2.45 MB, 3024x4032, 3:4, westandwithAzov2.jpg)

File: fe697b15ee9abf3⋯.png (482.36 KB, 756x1008, 3:4, westandwithAzovblank1.png)

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096408  No.15874945

File: 72ef18a9462bc36⋯.jpg (15.2 KB, 255x251, 255:251, 8613eac76dfb4c7ef649438d94….jpg)

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457dfc  No.15874946


30 or so

Later Anon

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dce74c  No.15874947


Iam all cash when i get checks i cash them at their bank deposit it in safe

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f08983  No.15874948



damn that sounds so familiar

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f1343f  No.15874949

File: a50befea6559876⋯.gif (1.66 MB, 480x258, 80:43, 4dfy.gif)

Wtf is Zelensky smoking? Some sort of Israeli made meth in those NATO labs?

I'm positive Zelensky using "Pearl Harbor" as a negotiation ploy wasn't his idea. Why? Because it instantly discredits him and makes him looks like a dumb faggot.

I like how the Russian default is making all the banks shit themselves. Putin trapped THEM again. topfkn kek

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d76335  No.15874950


I do have an extra bottle of Prozac if you will take them.

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8176f3  No.15874951

File: 7a4a718cd9cc577⋯.png (982.49 KB, 500x1215, 100:243, ClipboardImage.png)





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e97ab2  No.15874952


you are a fucking lunatic

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73e8dd  No.15874953


haven't filed since 911 , Thieving Baster's , with (their) main office based in Puerto Rico !!!!

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c47a16  No.15874954

File: 2ff8d45b5f8cb65⋯.png (1.51 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, Brain.png)

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d42397  No.15874955



Mar 09, 2018 6:16:07 AM EST

Q !UW.yye1fxo

Don’t drop the soap.


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607d4a  No.15874956




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17c780  No.15874957



and I only keep $20 in the bank in case they try to seize my account


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b70f9e  No.15874958

File: 4fc65c24a932559⋯.png (499.76 KB, 634x444, 317:222, article_2213931_155E2BB600….png)

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a23b25  No.15874959


Yeah it’s kinda sad how far we have fallen from our founders.

wife-anon supports this move so at least we won’t be arguing about it

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dce74c  No.15874960


I did not watch it BUT I am sure he got the 4 am talking points

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ea25dc  No.15874961

File: 24713d32876734b⋯.gif (1019.8 KB, 500x207, 500:207, 44.gif)


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cff48f  No.15874962

Re why is the price of silver down, when the US Mint announces shortages thereof: This is not a complicated game. The silver thieves are not clever either. Just watch the COMEX, and see them relentlessly hold the price of silver down with paper silver contracts. In stupendous tonnages of nonexistent silver, high speed traded among the colluders to arrive at the price they desire. Forget the London Silver Fix. Now it is just open thievery, without even making an attempt to hide it.

Mint running out of silver is not new either. Has happened several times in the last few years, law that they must provide it for sale be damned. Massive red flag, ignored by the mass psychosis formation. What is different now, and fatal to the enemies of silver, is that there is nothing in the pipeline for weeks, on top of absolutely devastating fundamentals that are IMO bullish for silver to an extent never before seen in history, for any item. They have lost, and methinks UKR is related to silver, the pin on the grenade.

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4bcc86  No.15874963

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Diversity is Our Strength allowing Chicago to be the safest big city in America. Affirmative Hiring & Sensitivity Training has made Chicago a true Rainbow City of love & peace!

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89f8a9  No.15874964

File: 2f818ea1c57cf3d⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1344x874, 672:437, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6c1d293d787eeaa⋯.png (688.46 KB, 898x572, 449:286, ClipboardImage.png)

Mediterranean and European Military AC snapshot about 1 hour 15 minutes before sunset

The usual(s) are here and seen the Germans moar active in Romania-mostly running around north of Bucharest in A400s

Bottom to top

German AF GAF161 nw from Amman, Jordan-it arrived yesterday from Hanover and had a stop at Beirut prior to Amman arrival

Turkish AF ALEV45 C-130 Hercules from Bandirma AB to Afyon AB and has departed after 2 hours on ground

German AF PRMIR62 A400M north from Bucharest-did some circling just north of and has moved a little further north after that-covering supply lines

High level Spanish AF Falcon 900 wn from Chisinau, Moldova after arriving yesterday

Canadian AF CFC4220 C-130 Super Hercules ne from Zagreb to Rzesow Airport

63-8019 USAF KC-135 Stratotanker se over Romania from Spangdahlem AB

LAGR250 USAF KC-135 Stratotankert ne from Rota AB, Spain

French AF CTM1041 A330 returning to Paris after stopping in Chad-prolly moar Foreign LEgion troops being picked up

Italian AF4577 C-130 ne from Pisa to Rzesow

REDEYE6 USAF E-8C Joint STARS on the track over eastern Poland with JAKE12 USAF RC-135 Rivet Joint closer to Polish border

Dutch AF MMF19 A330 MRTT on the track as the aerial filling station

German AF GAF610 A400M nw fromSilac, Slovenia

REBEL73 US Army Beech Super King Air nw from Ramstein

RAF RRR9413 KC3 Voyager did dome trackin sw of Tallinn, Estonia and heading sw from that

RAF RRR6771 C-17 Globemaster wn from Siauliai, Lithuania

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38fa50  No.15874965

File: 7f5860a7186d956⋯.jpg (265.76 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, KeystonePipeline.jpg)

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6d5706  No.15874967

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096408  No.15874968

File: dd291ed190b549c⋯.png (217.45 KB, 476x355, 476:355, piece_of_shit.png)


>they overlooked i am israel and God is real

>their FAKE will not , CAN NOT stand against my truth

>that is why my numbers are important , they prove who i am as much as my name

STFU brain-dead Kike!

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6e2574  No.15874969


new appreciation for light to dark

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3dd15c  No.15874970

File: af8cf4d7e080a96⋯.jpeg (96.54 KB, 500x578, 250:289, TheMovieZelensky_2.jpeg)

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b70f9e  No.15874971

File: 0c6661a526dfa22⋯.gif (425.94 KB, 305x205, 61:41, 0c6661a526dfa22f5cbd4d9d73….gif)

President Biden

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a892fe  No.15874972

File: 496343cf8321c8a⋯.jpg (57.1 KB, 963x923, 963:923, dark_to_light.jpg)

looking for that research that shows vaccines can target people by race…

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0da083  No.15874973

>>15874752 (lb)

Correct spelling is Zelenskyy. Grenell knows this. Leaving a [y] out would be intentional. Why would Grenell intentionally do that?

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33b6a8  No.15874974


I really thought her dentures were gonna shoot out of her mouth at any moment. That fixodent is working over time.

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f08983  No.15874975

Billed Back Better

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7f22a6  No.15874976

File: 9c96965ee1ae5ce⋯.png (71.66 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


>>15744831 PB 02/28/22 (Mon) 10:35:05 No.15744831


>State-of-the-Art Diagnostics Laboratory Helps Make the World Safer


US-funded biolabs in Ukraine at the heart of ongoing propaganda war


March 11, 2022

/ International

War in Ukraine

Issued on: 11/03/2022 - 12:31Modified: 11/03/2022 - 12:53

Since the 1990s, Washington and Kiev have cooperated in preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and fighting the spread of dangerous diseases. However, since the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a group of allegedly US-funded laboratories have become the subject of stepped-up and relentless conspiracy theories which the US is finding hard to debunk.

Did the US build a cluster of shady, top- secret biolabs in Ukraine aimed at developing bioweapons that are equipped with agressive strains of anthrax or the plague, as Russian propagada claims?

Or are these theories just part of a “false flag” operation to cover up possible plans by the Russian army, to “use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine,” as White House press secretary Jen Psaki, wrote on Twitter?

A clue may be found on the website of the US Embassy in Kyiv. Buried on the site is a page which highlights the mission’s Defense Threat Reduction Office (DTRO).

The DTRO answers to the Pentagon's Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which, its website reads, has its origins in the notorious 1942-1947 Manhattan Project that gave birth to world's first atomic bomb.

But today the agency and its offices is not about making apocalypse-creating bombs, but rather preventing the spread of them.

In Ukraine, the DTRO runs four programs. One of them now sits at the heart of the current propaganda war between Russia and the US. The program in question is the Biological Threat Reduction Program.

The Department of Defense's role

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4d2951  No.15874977

File: 62201e525e68e55⋯.png (430.88 KB, 600x531, 200:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a9162897cc49809⋯.png (446.74 KB, 1024x699, 1024:699, ClipboardImage.png)


If we all stopped today it would be gone tomorrow

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962064  No.15874979



symbolism. downfall.

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1d1eb1  No.15874980


A movie in a movie!

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85d0c0  No.15874981

File: 924714c3b36821a⋯.mp4 (14.74 MB, 244x480, 61:120, mercenaryvolunteertrappeds.mp4)

>>15874584 pb

The person who is killing people in Ukraine is fraud PEDO extortionist thief plagiarer BIDEN

Did I leave out incest?

the soldier testifying now (see attached) was sold down the river and may lose his life as a result.

It's deliberate.

The Deep State wants to kill us at home with the lethal injection, destruction of business, corruption of judicial system - and uses Propaganda and money to lure the unwary to Ukraine to be cannon fodder for the TV sound byte.

all deliberate.

there's too many of us, doncha know, we breath their air and walk on their land.

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c47a16  No.15874982

File: e260115ae18f2e9⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 725x900, 29:36, Vigeland.jpg)

File: 88d2c18e3e20ea9⋯.jpg (228.45 KB, 1220x960, 61:48, Vigeland1.jpg)

File: a5d389339fd4e32⋯.jpg (224.46 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, Vigeland2.jpg)

Weird place…

The sculpture park is Gustav Vigeland's life work, comprising over 200 sculptures in granite, bronze and wrought iron. It was installed mainly in the period 1940-1949, but is nevertheless a result of over 40 years of work. The starting point for the park is Vigeland's Fountain, which was originally meant to be placed at Eidsvolls plass in front of the Parliament. These plans were never realized, and the Fountain later became part of Vigeland's more extensive park plans.

In 1924, the city council agreed that the sculptor's monumental Fountain was to be erected in Frogner Park. At that time, Vigeland's park project had expanded to include the Monolith and the Bridge.


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7f22a6  No.15874983


The Department of Defense's role

The Kyiv embassy's page describing the program explains that it "collaborates with partner countries to counter the threat of outbreaks (deliberate, accidental, or natural) of the world’s most dangerous infectious diseases."

UN Security Council to meet on bio weapons

At the request of Russia, the UN Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on 11 March on alleged manufacture of biological weapons in Ukraine. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky dismissed Russia's allegations in a video address on 10 March, saying, "No one is developing any chemical or any other weapons of mass destruction" in Ukraine. In 2018, Moscow accused the United States of secretly conducting biological weapons experiments in a laboratory in Georgia, another former Soviet republic. The Security Council meeting Friday on "threats to international peace and security" is scheduled to begin at 1600 GMT.

In a list of 15 downloadable PDF documents, the embassy gives detailed information about 12 different laboratories and institutions which have, or are in the process of obtaining, a "permit to work with (non-specified) pathogens."

Funds for most of the labs cites the US Ministry of Defense as "donor," according to the documents.

Recipients include the Ukraine's Ministry of Health (8 cases) and the Ukraine State Veterinary and Phytosanitary Service (4 cases).

The labs are located in Zakarpartska, Vinnytsia, Ternopil, Lviv, Luhansk, Kherson, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk.

12 biolabs, $21 million investment

In all cases, according to the documents, the head contractor is the Kansas-based company Black & Veatch.

According to early reporting by CNBC, the Ukraine program is "meant to make the world a safer place," with Black & Veatch helping to "enhance the partner nation’s sustainable capacity to detect, diagnose, report, and respond to infectious disease outbreaks."

The twelve labs mentioned in the documents were all created between 2009 and 2012.

The program is an offspring of the 1991 Soviet Nuclear Threat Reduction Act: The act was desiged to, among other things, "reduce the risk of bioterrorism and prevent the proliferation of biological weapons (BW) technology, expertise, and extremely dangerous pathogens" in former Soviet states."

It also built on the 2005 Agreement between the US and Ukraine on weapons proliferation, signed by representatives of the US Department of Defense and the Ukranian Ministry of Health.

In the end, Black & Veatch was awarded all contracts for labs mentioned by the US Kyiv website.

The total investment of the twelve facilities mentioned amounts to $21.3 million (€18 million).

In 2010, the company also completed Ukraine’s first Bio-Safety Level 3 laboratory under a contract with the DTRA in Odessa. This was not mentioned on the US embassy's website.

'Deadly pathogens'

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7d8b9e  No.15874984

File: fefc9b41dced7c7⋯.jpg (131.02 KB, 1394x1394, 1:1, 00ff2a20f6591c5ceea75a9230….jpg)

File: 906bdfb134300cc⋯.jpg (584.99 KB, 2400x2400, 1:1, 6005fadc15b24548318598.jpg)

File: f24823fc3120a47⋯.jpg (26.33 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 640x640.jpg)

File: e97360e0e3fa026⋯.jpg (22.04 KB, 800x533, 800:533, Pink_Lemonade_1.jpg)

File: e19c3a738ddf081⋯.jpg (87.63 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, keto_Strawberry_Ice_cream_….jpg)

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6d5706  No.15874985


ofc, Zelensky is literally an actor and his cabinet is full of movie personnel

they are still acting

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5c1dce  No.15874986

File: d369baab3266473⋯.jpg (67.16 KB, 426x324, 71:54, d369baab3266473e28028144bb….jpg)

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3bea83  No.15874987

File: 61c88f6de1f331a⋯.jpg (64.38 KB, 500x500, 1:1, help_me_go_home.jpg)



-We dig, and research many hours for you. To help you, normies open your eyes.

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19ed3e  No.15874988

File: 8a3e00c5e57668c⋯.mp4 (10.85 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Bioweapon.mp4)

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7f22a6  No.15874989


'Deadly pathogens'

From the beginning, the labs attracted suspicion and comments from Moscow, culminating in an article in Russian daily Izvestia published on 26 May 2020, which mentions "eight laboratories [that] were built and modernized with the participation of the US Defense Special Weapons Agency (DTRA) as part of the Special Biological Engagement Program between 2005 and 2014 and which provided "assistance to Ukraine in preventing the spread of … pathogens."

The article followed charges by Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova, on 17 April 2020, that "the United States may be developing deadly pathogens" in its "overseas laboratories," adding that "the United States is trying to strengthen its biological presence, including in the post-Soviet space."

Russia's invasion

On 26 February, two days after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Bulgarian journalist Dilyana Gaytandzhieva tweeted that she had found out that the 15 links to pdf documents describing the Ukranian biolabs "were just deleted" from the website of Washington's embassy in Kyiv.

At the time, RFI found that the documents had indeed disappeared from the US embassy website, but that they were still available via de internet archive Wayback Machine.

But the unexplained disappearance of the documents triggered an avalanche of conspiracy theories on twitter and QAnon related websites trying to prove that the Russian invasion was, in fact, aimed at destroying the US-funded labs with elaborate maps comparing Russian artillery attacks with the location of the labs.

'Conceal any traces'

On 6 March, Moscow's propaganda machine itself went into overdrive. Russian news agency Tass carried a report that Russian Defense Ministry spokesperson Igor Konashenkov "revealed evidence of a US-financed military biological program developed in Ukraine," adding that the "Kiev regime" had applied "hasty measures" to "conceal any traces" of the program.

Press agency Ria produced a set of documents "proving" the allegations.

One day later, on 7 March, Russia's state controlled media outlet Ria Novosti quoted Igor Kirillov, the head of the radiation, chemical and biological defense of the Armed Forces as saying that "the Russian military has discovered 30 biolaboratories in Ukraine producing, possibly, bioweapons."

The next day, Chinese government spokesperson Zhao Lijian said during a regular press conference on 8 March, without offering any further evidence that " … US biological labs in Ukraine have indeed attracted much attention. According to reports, a large quantity of dangerous viruses are stored in these facilities. Russia has found during its military operations that the US uses these facilities to conduct bio-military plans."

Zhao added that "according to data released by the US, it has 26 bio-labs and other related facilities in Ukraine, over which the US Department of Defense has absolute control."

'Quite concerned'

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257ef1  No.15874990

File: 2060c4657af1793⋯.jpeg (496.6 KB, 1457x828, 1457:828, 9E72591F_7A0B_4E15_986E_D….jpeg)

File: 7f56b7413ba9e47⋯.jpeg (416.65 KB, 828x743, 828:743, 5DC400C1_2DF7_491A_8CFA_5….jpeg)

How dare Putin say there are Nazi’s in Ukraine

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3bea83  No.15874991

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6d5706  No.15874992


didnt they just change that like a week ago, I swear it used to be one y

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4bcc86  No.15874993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Diversity will be critical defending America this time. We will need every swinging dick and Blacks have the biggest and will save the White man again.

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91572a  No.15874994




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f1343f  No.15874995


you mean a terrible actor and unfunny even in heels.

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89f8a9  No.15874996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Hunt Brothers and Silver Thursday

Nothing new under the sun as they say.

They stopped producing the Type 1s early in 2021 and then started up again a few months later with a redesign that had one of the 'notched' in the coin missing at the bottom-known as Type 2.

They are just doing the yearly "we ran out of blanks" routine because they are required by law to produce them-doesn't mean they follow it though.

The premiums are upwards of $15 on them-if you can find.

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e97ab2  No.15874997

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7f22a6  No.15874998


'Quite concerned'

The US initially tried to play down the rumors, but was in the end forced to react. During a Senate hearing on 8 March, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland confirmed that Ukraine "has biological research facilities," which, the US is "now quite concerned Russian forces may be seeking to gain control of, so we are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach".

On 9 March, White House Press Secretary Jan Psaki tweeted that the US "took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine," adding that "we’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories," calling the allegations "preposterous" and shooting back that they form "the kind of disinformation operation we’ve seen repeatedly from the Russians over the years,".

It added that Russia itself "has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny."

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709e55  No.15874999

File: e216fbc6850c1f6⋯.mp4 (12.03 MB, 1280x640, 2:1, xtTkuHrNS2iDrYYh.mp4)


The city of Kyiv is now a Movie set…

Come experience the illusion of war as we walk though the Hollywood set know as Kyiv.

PROPS such as abandoned cars, blockades and checkpoints are placed around the city by the visual effects team for a fully immersive 4D experience.

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6d5706  No.15875000


one of the fake garies

not even close

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feaf30  No.15875001


how normie do you have to be:

"We have been preventing the proliferation of biological weapons (BW) technology, expertise, and extremely dangerous pathogens

by building labs and developing them."

what's not to believe?

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f08983  No.15875002

File: 0f5475a08978d80⋯.png (372.34 KB, 598x506, 13:11, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)

The time is now to unleash American energy production!


Can we get some anon to hit ted up and push him to get his freinds to release our oil

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ddbe77  No.15875003


Plan Zelenksy

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3dd15c  No.15875004

File: a84d485e07ea415⋯.jpg (80.36 KB, 720x443, 720:443, ZelenskyFilms2022_2.jpg)

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b70f9e  No.15875005

File: e67fd857f5a4fa1⋯.png (530.03 KB, 975x467, 975:467, 768d42526c36e9242b3ec862dc….png)

File: fa815a539fc9aa2⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 428x284, 107:71, fa815a539fc9aa21795b08e41b….jpg)

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5c1dce  No.15875006

File: fd2501ae9d3f549⋯.png (387.9 KB, 437x427, 437:427, jeshsg.png)

File: cecbf878d2a4c4e⋯.png (628.53 KB, 410x582, 205:291, hbstd.png)

File: 738625f8d770dab⋯.png (311.14 KB, 437x437, 1:1, hbds.png)

File: aa72c80b55a2982⋯.png (363.66 KB, 403x582, 403:582, zvhwds.png)

It is a war by the Jews against the White Folks of Europe!

Hey BO/BV busy filtering Truth? I know you filthy Kikes call it Spam!

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ac9196  No.15875007

File: ce07632c7ccbef3⋯.jpg (68.05 KB, 1163x728, 1163:728, biden_not_my_president.jpg)

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d76335  No.15875008

File: 780662c2c9a7f12⋯.jpg (21.92 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 2.jpg)


Same person/bot that posted this.

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f1343f  No.15875009

It's week 4 of Russian Sanctions & NO mention of Roman Abromovitch being Israeli.

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380ac0  No.15875010

File: 0a32e1f7f53a371⋯.png (2.64 MB, 2048x1507, 2048:1507, FB49ADF4_CB74_4D1B_BDD6_BB….png)

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6d5706  No.15875011


Idk, I am not watching any of this theater I just read the summaries

>never jabbed

>never tested

>never seen Zelensky talk

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8672f9  No.15875012


Couldn't help how pathetic his speech was

Through eveyrthing in but the kitchen sink, incl. 9/11

Dumb congress people lauded hgis powerful speech

Powerful cringe ensued. Kek!

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5c1dce  No.15875014

File: f9cd37b0513f2a2⋯.png (359.27 KB, 512x310, 256:155, 1558043303269.png)


>one of the fake garies

00Shlomo! Kek!

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89f8a9  No.15875016

File: 127e9f34a322d94⋯.png (394.58 KB, 636x357, 212:119, ClipboardImage.png)



saw dat last night

imagine that


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3bea83  No.15875017


Did you said Epstein?

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14c696  No.15875018

UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons

Documentary evidence of Washington’s aggressive plans for developing and manufacturing biological weapons in secret US biological laboratories in Ukraine, banned by international conventions, has been uncovered during the Russian special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, and it is frankly horrifying! Although suspicions of such US activities have already been repeatedly published by many media outlets and their verification and official confirmation of such criminal anti-human plans by Washington was one of the goals of Moscow’s special operation to demilitarize Ukraine.

In this regard, the former weak position in bringing clarity to the exposure and suppression of such forthcoming US crimes is highly surprising. First of all, it should have been long ago that the international community and international institutions should have initiated an independent inspection of some 400 such secret Pentagon biological laboratories scattered around the world, whose location in specific countries is clearly linked to the theatres of future US military action against “adversaries”.

The unconditional involvement of Britain, which has long collaborated with the US in the development of chemical and biological weapons, has also surprisingly been ignored in relation to such criminal plans.

Thus, the US Federal Contractor Registry shows that the Pentagon has spent more than $70 billion in recent years alone on experiments with deadly viruses and nerve agents at the Porton Down military biological laboratory, which is located near Salisbury in Great Britain. The US Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), led by the US Department of Defense, has funded a number of defense projects at this so-called “Defense Science and Technology Laboratory” (DSTL) at Porton Down. These include experimental infection of primates with anthrax, Ebola, Marburg, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, western and eastern equine encephalitis viruses, and poisoning of animals with mustard gas and phosgene. It is well known that experiments with LSD have been “incapacitating” British troops during exercises. The testing of chemicals on humans, however, was not out of the ordinary for Porton Down. According to El Pais, in 1963 Porton Down staff decided to test the vulnerability of public infrastructure to chemical and biological attacks by spreading a bacterium on the London Underground, which was initially thought to be harmless but turned out to be quite capable of causing septicemia.

The DTRA has full access to all scientific and technical developments at the Porton Down “laboratory”. Such experiments involving animals are considered secret in Great Britain and it is a criminal offence under Chapter 24 of the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act to reveal information about such experiments.

According to information received by the media, military experiments with chemical and biological weapons have increased at Porton Down in recent years. Thus, between 2005 and 2016, 122,000 animals were infected with deadly viruses or poisoned with chemicals. The “laboratory” uses mice, guinea pigs, rats, piglets, ferrets, sheep and monkeys in its research.



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73e8dd  No.15875019

We the People are at the Precipice ,








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09b831  No.15875020

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b70f9e  No.15875021

File: 1b25a5049843a96⋯.png (995.84 KB, 1169x6371, 1169:6371, dba6bcf9f8f0fcf3661a6eff22….png)

File: 26a821bbaac3c93⋯.jpg (72.65 KB, 672x372, 56:31, vril_dali2.jpg)


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14c696  No.15875022


It is also known that British military “scientists” received funding from the DTRA to develop a chemical testing system from 2012 to 2017, with experiments on the effects of VX and VM poisoning agents being conducted at Porton Down in 2015.

In 2013, scientists from Porton Down sprayed gas on the London Underground, which the British government tried to keep quiet about and not tell its citizens. At the time, thousands of persons were gassed without their knowledge, and no one asked for their consent to take part in such barbaric “research” against their own people. Nevertheless, data about this is recorded in a British Home Office document, telling also about other programs conducted jointly by the United States and Britain.

Information about the UK’s Defense Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) testing of the chemical poison VX on guinea pigs was posted on the US National Center for Biotechnology Information website on August 9, 2018. And on September 1, 2018, a report emerged on behalf of 10 more researchers at the DSTL about testing Bioscavenger, which is an effective delayed therapeutic intervention for VX chemical weapons poisoning. The DSTL itself officially admitted in mid-2016 that they were producing the poisonous substance and testing it on animals. The DTRA is a major foreign client of the UK’s DSTL. Between 2012 and 2017, British military scientists received $39.7 million for the Pentagon’s chemical system testing program, and judging by the US Federal Procurement System, the DSTL and DTRA collaboration continues.

The Porton Down secret laboratory has repeatedly been at the center of scandals involving human experimentation. Up to 20,000 people participated in litigation with the DSTL from 1949 to 1989. And in 2008, the UK Ministry of Defense paid 360 veterans £3 million without admitting responsibility.

According to The Guardian, in the late 2000s, the US and Britain experimented with biological weapons in Afghanistan, using a specially bred fungus called fusarium oxysporum and pleospora papaveracae to kill poppy crops. In 2000, the international NGO Sunshine Project published a report on the danger of this fungus infecting and killing not only coca, poppy and cannabis, but also other plants in environmentally sensitive areas of Asia and the New World. An indication of the dangers of such fungi is the fact that their use is banned in the US. According to the Sunshine Project report, genetically modified strains of the fungus have been bred in the US, which means that the deliverables can be classified as biological weapon.

Given this information alone, the extent of Britain’s involvement in the possible development with the US of biological weapons already needs to be investigated in detail.

Vladimir Platov, Middle East expert, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.



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f1343f  No.15875023


I thought he was Saudi?

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7f22a6  No.15875024

File: 305eaca29e5a9d1⋯.jpg (18.09 KB, 236x273, 236:273, dentist.jpg)

File: 2975f32a8a46dd3⋯.jpg (155.67 KB, 878x869, 878:869, 2975f32a8a46dd342aa794a4b2….jpg)

File: 109d940d3665a55⋯.jpg (52.48 KB, 612x405, 68:45, 109d940d3665a5528f0e56f3f9….jpg)

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17c780  No.15875025


This guy fell for the fake news and went to SUPPORT UKRAINE!

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0a4d5f  No.15875026


Mercenary goes to Ukraine to fight at the tail end of an 8 year war.

Finds out that it isn't like the movies.

I hope a Russian sniper hits him right between the eyes

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5c1dce  No.15875027



Not as long as stinking Jew bastards control the flow of money!

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2996f7  No.15875028

File: f57c0c5511be9ca⋯.jpeg (9.93 KB, 199x255, 199:255, pepepeeking.jpeg)


my 2nd fb account got nuked for that ukraine nazi flag

my first got deleted for the isis antifa flag pic

im done with fb

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4bcc86  No.15875029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ec4075  No.15875030


Do other countries pay taxes?

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607d4a  No.15875031



nice slide

trying to get anons arrested as well.


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275ba1  No.15875032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f1343f  No.15875033


Shill script brought to you by the IRS

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feaf30  No.15875034



works for BLM riots:

"All our white allies, to the front."

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d42397  No.15875035


The Maxwell family are the spies. Epstein was used as cover.

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8176f3  No.15875036


do not give up

post a nazi one next to trump and you will get away with it,

but in the flag put in putin face

reverse phsycology

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14c696  No.15875037


Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons

The United States Air Force’s 59th Medical Wing’s molecular biology branch recently was revealed to have been collecting specifically Russian RNA and synovial (connective) tissue samples, prompting fears in Russia of a possible US directed ethnic-specific bioweapons program.

TeleSUR’s article, “‘Ethnic Bomb’ Feared as US Air Force Confirms Collection of Russian DNA,” would report:

Russia has raised its concerns over attempts by the U.S. military to collect DNA samples from Russian nationals, noting the potential use of such biological samples for the purpose of creating new genetic warfare weaponry.

The U.S. Air Force has sought to calm the Kremlin’s concerns, noting that the samples would only be used for so-called “research” purposes rather than for bioterrorism.

Addressing Russian reports, U.S. Air Education and Training Command spokesperson Captain Beau Downey said that his center randomly selected the Russian people as a source of genetic material in its ongoing research of the musculoskeletal system.

The report would also state that:

However, the usage of Russian tissue samples in the USAF study fed the long-brewing suspicion that the Pentagon is continuing in its hopes to develop an alleged “biological weapon” targeting specifically Russians.

Russian President Vladimir Putin would be quoted as stating:

Do you know that biological material is being collected all over the country, from different ethnic groups and people living in different geographical regions of the Russian Federation? The question is – why is it being done? It’s being done purposefully and professionally.

And while the US military attempted to brush off the notion that any sort of ethnic-specific bioweapon was being researched, the notion of such a weapon is not far fetched at all.

US policy papers have included them in America’s overall long-term geopolitical and military planning for nearly two decades, and the US Air Force itself has produced papers regarding the various combinations such weapons could manifest themselves as.

There is also the disturbing history of Western-aligned nations having pursued ethnic-specific bioweapons in the past, including the Apartheid regime in South Africa which sought to use its national vaccination program as cover to covertly sterilize its black population.

US Policy Papers Have Discussed Ethnic-Specific Bioweapons

In the Neo-Conservative Project for a New American Century’s (PNAC) 2000 report titled, “Rebuilding America’s Defenses” (.pdf) it states (emphasis added):

The proliferation of ballistic and cruise missiles and long-range unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) will make it much easier to project military power around the globe. Munitions themselves will become increasingly accurate, while new methods of attack – electronic, “non-lethal,” biological – will be more widely available. (p.71 of .pdf)

It also stated:

Although it may take several decade for the process of transformation to unfold, in time, the art of warfare on air, land, and sea will be vastly different than it is today, and “combat” likely will take place in new dimensions: in space, “cyber-space,” and perhaps the world of microbes. (p.72 of .pdf)

And finally:

And advanced forms of biological warfare that can “target” specific genotypes may transform biological warfare from the realm of terror to a politically useful tool. (p.72 of .pdf)



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f08983  No.15875039

File: c8f7da65dad96d5⋯.png (23.9 KB, 598x155, 598:155, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)


Good morning to everyone expect the lying media.



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6d5706  No.15875040


it's a matter of time until the commies have to come to right wing SM to influence normies

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01518c  No.15875041

This is why Trump said Putin and Xi are smart, it's because they are opportunistic.

Seizing the opportunity to benefit from the moment for themselves and theirs.

But it can also be a persons downfall.

They both can come out of this looking pretty good, if they play their cards right.

But if greed takes hold… I think they may invoke the wrath of God.

Here's to hoping.

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4f6947  No.15875042

File: 881cf32754da790⋯.jpg (62.4 KB, 500x555, 100:111, 881cf32754da790a30bad0e6e4….jpg)

File: 52960a4b28d2d0a⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 500x591, 500:591, gyujb.jpg)


There are some very important benefits of AI/ML Ron Watkins will be using, including his own search upgrades to enhance AI's ability to correlate vast amounts of data from a variety of sources.



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5c1dce  No.15875043


>"All our white allies, to the front."

They are trying to lure the nationalists to Ukraine to slaughter them there, the Jews are all working together!

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3bea83  No.15875045


Neah, mossad all over.

Look at US congress and senate, they have israeli citizenship….and they want your good.

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c8aa47  No.15875046

Foreign Fighters in Ukraine Await Weapons in Chaos of War

15 Mar 2022 Associated

These people are stupid

LVIV, Ukraine — They are idealists who abandoned their jobs for the battlefields of Ukraine, looking for a cause or simply to fight.

The Ukrainian president’s call for foreign volunteers to join an international brigade to help bolster his country’s defense with a new layer of resistance to Russia’s invasion is for now a ragtag army.

Recruits say they are often waiting for weapons and training, leaving them feeling exposed.

Pure hell: fire, shouting, panic. And a lot more bombs and missiles.”

That is how Swedish volunteer Jesper Söder described Sunday’s attack on Yavoriv, the military training base in western Ukraine pounded by Russian missiles that killed 35 people, according to Ukrainian authorities. Russia said the death toll was much higher…

He told The Associated Press by phone from Krakow, Poland, that he said he didn’t know how many foreign volunteers were being trained at the base but estimated they were in the hundreds. Unlike Söder, who fought alongside Kurdish fighters in Syria against Islamic State group militants, many of the volunteers at Yavoriv had no previous military training, he said.

Foreigners —some of whom have never handled a firearm yet but are ready to die— have arrived in Ukraine from other European countries, the United States and elsewhere. They are hoping to get equipped, instructed and made battle-ready.

But some arrive to discover that there are no weapons, protective gear or proper training in a multilingual force short on organization and breeding a sense of chaos.

Threats by Russia to target what it calls foreign “mercenaries,” as it said it did at the Yavoriv base, increase the level of risk.

It’s chaotic right now. It’s disorganized, and you can get yourself in trouble very quickly if you’re not with a sensible switched-on group of people,” said Matthew Robinson, a British man from the northern England county of Yorkshire who had been living in southern Spain.

A recent arrival, Robinson is remaining cautious as he tries to sort things out. He said that there are “multiple legions, lots of false promises, lots of misinformation.” In addition, there is a “massive language barrier” and “alot of people here who haven’t fired weapons.”

Russia’s threats to target what it calls “mercenaries” compounds the dangers facing foreign fighters. Russia has claimed it killed 180 “mercenaries” in Sunday’s training base attack, and Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Monday that the Russian forces will show “no mercy for mercenaries wherever they are on the territory of Ukraine.”

The Russian military is tracking foreign fighters’ movements and will strike again, he said.

Söder's account of the attack on the training base suggested it was not an indiscriminate strike. Söder said the bombing of the base was different from anything he had experienced.

They knew exactly what to hit. They knew exactly where our weapons storage was. They knew exactly where the administration building was.They hit the nail on the head with all their missiles,” he told the AP….

“We’re pretty upset that we’re in the middle of a combat zone with small arms fire on the road, bombs being dropped almost every day andwe haven’t been given our weapons yetjust because of bureaucracy and paperwork,” he said.

There was clear evidence that at least someUkrainian embassies were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm of foreigners for Ukraine’s cause. In Paris, Ukrainian volunteers, including students, stood on the sidewalk to advise would-be fighters arriving from Bordeaux, Rouen and elsewhere in France to submit an electronic form.

But saving Ukraine has also become an attractive cause for the far right, neo-Nazis and white supremacists, providing a chance to fight.

Recruiting chats on the encrypted Telegram messaging app are run by the Azov Regiment, popular with neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and American neo-Nazis work to recruit for Azov, the respected SITE Intelligence Group says. Azov Regiment originated as a far-right paramilitary unit and is now a subset of the Ukrainian military, according to SITE

Still, British citizen Matthew Robinson stressed caution for foreigners eager to help the war effort on the ground.

“If any single person was thinking of coming here, organize yourself into groups and set yourself some limits” and seek information before arriving, Robinson said. “Because you can be railroaded into a legion and sent to the front line very quickly,” he said.

He added, “Even though you’ve got the best of intentions to help people,you could basically be cannon fodder.”


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e637de  No.15875047

File: 8fee2e82e112e29⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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73e8dd  No.15875048



All of U.S. Love ( You) World Wide 🌎❤

Thank(You) !!!!❤🇺🇲🇺🇲❤

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7f22a6  No.15875049



7:57 AM · Feb 26, 2022·Twitter Web App

The US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents (now deleted by the Embassy)



and in the thread below


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43f401  No.15875050

FM Lavrov presser after talks with FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (Iran)

Question: Having cited considerable evidence, Russia raised the issue of bio-laboratories in Ukraine. Is the international community interested in this issue? Is it ready to talk about this? Will Moscow return to this issue?

Sergey Lavrov: I would not describe the reaction of the international community as “interest.” The reaction is sooner a negative surprise and wariness. The revealed facts point to the enormous scale of the US’s unlawful activities on spreading its military bio-laboratories all over the world. There are hundreds of them, including almost 30 in Ukraine. Many of them have been established in other former Soviet states right along the perimeter of the borders of Russia, China and other countries.

We will demand that this issue be reviewed in the context of the commitments assumed by all participants in the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction. We will do all we can to force the Americans to stop blocking our proposal from 20 years ago on the need to create a special mechanism for verifying any alarming reports on the appearance of substances that may be used to develop biological weapons. They are against this mechanism because it would make any bioactivity transparent. They do not want transparency because they find it more expedient to do everything under their own control, as they have been doing up until now.

I am convinced that the international community has realised (and will realise again) that such activities are unacceptable and fraught with lethal threats to civilians on a massive scale.


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318ec0  No.15875051

File: 3f802ee13ced2ca⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 20220316_084655.jpg)



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318ec0  No.15875052

File: 3f802ee13ced2ca⋯.jpg (43.22 KB, 20220316_084655.jpg)



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312e72  No.15875053

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8400d0  No.15875054

any elected official agreeing to involve USA in Ukraine must volunteer to fight on the front line before anything is committed to from our Country. They have to put on a Zelensky Tshirt and go to war first to show us how it's done.


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3bea83  No.15875055


Israel for last….

Manipulation comes to an end………

I do my part, so there will be not 99%, maybe 80%.

I will sound cruel…..but I don't need them anyway.

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14c696  No.15875056

Zelenskyy and Munich 2022

On February 19 in Munich, Ukrainian President Zelenskyy made his threat to deploy nuclear weapons on Ukrainian territory. He expressed this as his unilateral revocation of the 1994 Budapest Memorandum, although Ukraine was not a signatory of the agreement. Two days later on the evening of February 21, Putin made his speech recognizing the sovereign independence of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics. He explicitly referenced Zelenskyy’s Munich nuclear weapons pledge: “This is not empty bravado,” Putin stressed in his speech.

On March 6 Moscow state news agency, RAI Novosti, quoted a senior Russian SVR foreign intelligence source with details on a secret Ukraine project, reportedly with vital covert Western support, to build a Ukrainian nuclear missile capability and a Ukrainian atom bomb in brazen violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. According to the report, Ukrainian nuclear scientists were disguising the developments by locating them near the high-radiation levels of Chernobyl nuclear reactor site, an explanation for the swift Russian moves to secure Chernobyl. “It was there, judging by the available information, that work was underway both on the manufacture of a “dirty” bomb and on the separation of plutonium,” RIA Novosti quotes the source. The primary bomb research facility was located at the National Scientific Center, “Kharkov Institute of Physics and Technology.” As of this writing reports of fierce fighting underway between Russian forces and neo-nazi Ukrainian Azov fighters who reportedly are planning to blow up the research reactor site and blame it on Russia. The battle for control of the large Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant is also apparently part of the attempt to conceal the illegal Ukraine bomb project.

It now begins to become more clear that Putin had serious reason to react at the Ukraine nuclear threat. A Ukrainian nuclear missile within six minutes of Moscow would present existential danger whether Ukraine were in NATO or not.


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6d5706  No.15875057


based andnotable

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4f6947  No.15875058

File: 36a7f3b3db4b89c⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 68rfei_1.jpg)

File: 124cb17a93e587a⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 68vbhh_1_1.jpg)

File: 4b93250e1e09c59⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, Sickening.jpg)

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312e72  No.15875059

File: 0835a3b43c31685⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, flushcatnip.jpg)

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1b0608  No.15875060

File: 14b98d82e20fd4b⋯.jpeg (573.78 KB, 8DD28197_1501_46D0_8C2B_9….jpeg)

File: e246468a7e6d21d⋯.jpeg (815.39 KB, 0E8F23E4_9D77_4216_A58E_F….jpeg)


Rothschild begs the British parliament save Ukraine for the NWO

Not sure if this is legit, but it is consistent with Q’s posts about the Rothschilds and has some historical face validity.

The Rothschild banking cartel funded the Confederates during the civil war and when they lost, the Rothschilds hired Booth to Assange Lincoln. Russia, on the other hand, stood with Lincoln and sent their Navy to anchor offshore our East and West coasts to deter foreign involvement by the French and British.

The Rothschilds can go straight to hell where they belong.


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063a3c  No.15875061

File: 6dca4f3cfd9a7d5⋯.mp4 (5.19 MB, 352x640, 11:20, types_of_war.mp4)

baker, someone else posted this last bread, and I though it was notable

title: Gentlest of tictoc redpills on information warfare vs kinetic warfare

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4f6947  No.15875062

File: 36a7f3b3db4b89c⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 68rfei_1.jpg)

File: 124cb17a93e587a⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 68vbhh_1_1.jpg)

File: 4b93250e1e09c59⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, Sickening.jpg)

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312e72  No.15875063

File: 0835a3b43c31685⋯.jpg (25.88 KB, flushcatnip.jpg)

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1b0608  No.15875064

File: 14b98d82e20fd4b⋯.jpeg (573.78 KB, 8DD28197_1501_46D0_8C2B_9….jpeg)

File: e246468a7e6d21d⋯.jpeg (815.39 KB, 0E8F23E4_9D77_4216_A58E_F….jpeg)


Rothschild begs the British parliament save Ukraine for the NWO

Not sure if this is legit, but it is consistent with Q’s posts about the Rothschilds and has some historical face validity.

The Rothschild banking cartel funded the Confederates during the civil war and when they lost, the Rothschilds hired Booth to Assange Lincoln. Russia, on the other hand, stood with Lincoln and sent their Navy to anchor offshore our East and West coasts to deter foreign involvement by the French and British.

The Rothschilds can go straight to hell where they belong.


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feaf30  No.15875065


most notable


> US Embassy in #Ukraine has just deleted from its website all documents about 11 Pentagon-funded biolaboratories in Ukraine. I have published all these documents

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bd090b  No.15875066

really ukrainian orphans is your concern when this country is ball of lit shit.

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6fd9a8  No.15875067

>>15874596 lb

Look at that! Nancy can fill up the House chamber with maskless congress critters to shout Slava Ukaina (sic) but she won't open the chamber for the members to come in and vote. Nope. Covid won't allow her, so the dems stay out and have proxy voting. What a shitshow.

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7f22a6  No.15875068


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

4:48 PM · Mar 9, 2022·Twitter Web App


Peppermint Batty


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

This is preposterous. It’s the kind of disinformation operation we’ve seen repeatedly from the Russians over the years in Ukraine and in other countries, which have been debunked, and an example of the types of false pretexts we have been warning the Russians would invent.

The United States is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention and does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere.

It’s Russia that has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny.

It’s Russia that continues to support the Assad regime in Syria, which has repeatedly used chemical weapons. It’s Russia that has long maintained a biological weapons program in violation of international law.

Also, Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very violations that Russia itself is perpetrating. In December, Russia falsely accused the U.S. of deploying contractors with chemical weapons in Ukraine.

This is all an obvious ploy by Russia to try to try to justify its further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine.

Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them. It’s a clear pattern.

• • •

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3bea83  No.15875069


Do you eat bones??????

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85c443  No.15875070

File: a46d3111612f8ce⋯.png (6.53 MB, GermanyEgypt.png)

File: 8188259491a164f⋯.png (8.17 MB, inbreds.png)

File: 398d1b13f24c277⋯.jpg (37.6 KB, Waffen_SS.jpg)

File: be589db8f0587c4⋯.png (350.65 KB, zhekel.PNG)

File: bac480f3c417e6b⋯.png (846.16 KB, jakobodog.PNG)

Jesus was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because instead of Jesus as God being the creator of humans the (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((dogs))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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3dd15c  No.15875071

File: 275ce3b3cc1c92f⋯.jpeg (94.39 KB, download_6_2.jpeg)


>my 2nd fb account got nuked

Kek, 10 accounts, 17 Q groups and 2 Q pages… Poof ~ × 29

Embrace the suck

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7f22a6  No.15875072

File: 5aa727189fbb44d⋯.png (152.45 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8b5ab2510e36795⋯.png (42.85 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

4:48 PM · Mar 9, 2022·Twitter Web App


Peppermint Batty


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

This is preposterous. It’s the kind of disinformation operation we’ve seen repeatedly from the Russians over the years in Ukraine and in other countries, which have been debunked, and an example of the types of false pretexts we have been warning the Russians would invent.

The United States is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention and does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere.

It’s Russia that has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny.

It’s Russia that continues to support the Assad regime in Syria, which has repeatedly used chemical weapons. It’s Russia that has long maintained a biological weapons program in violation of international law.

Also, Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very violations that Russia itself is perpetrating. In December, Russia falsely accused the U.S. of deploying contractors with chemical weapons in Ukraine.

This is all an obvious ploy by Russia to try to try to justify its further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine.

Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them. It’s a clear pattern.

• • •

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4d2951  No.15875073


they mad

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8f5bf1  No.15875074

File: d86d027d1eaa747⋯.png (408.55 KB, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)



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7f22a6  No.15875075

board is tits up on pics

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7f22a6  No.15875076

File: 5aa727189fbb44d⋯.png (152.45 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

4:48 PM · Mar 9, 2022·Twitter Web App


Peppermint Batty


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

This is preposterous. It’s the kind of disinformation operation we’ve seen repeatedly from the Russians over the years in Ukraine and in other countries, which have been debunked, and an example of the types of false pretexts we have been warning the Russians would invent.

The United States is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention and does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere.

It’s Russia that has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny.

It’s Russia that continues to support the Assad regime in Syria, which has repeatedly used chemical weapons. It’s Russia that has long maintained a biological weapons program in violation of international law.

Also, Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very violations that Russia itself is perpetrating. In December, Russia falsely accused the U.S. of deploying contractors with chemical weapons in Ukraine.

This is all an obvious ploy by Russia to try to try to justify its further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine.

Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them. It’s a clear pattern.

• • •

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7f22a6  No.15875077

File: 5aa727189fbb44d⋯.png (152.45 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

4:48 PM · Mar 9, 2022·Twitter Web App


Peppermint Batty


We took note of Russia’s false claims about alleged U.S. biological weapons labs and chemical weapons development in Ukraine. We’ve also seen Chinese officials echo these conspiracy theories.

This is preposterous. It’s the kind of disinformation operation we’ve seen repeatedly from the Russians over the years in Ukraine and in other countries, which have been debunked, and an example of the types of false pretexts we have been warning the Russians would invent.

The United States is in full compliance with its obligations under the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Biological Weapons Convention and does not develop or possess such weapons anywhere.

It’s Russia that has a long and well-documented track record of using chemical weapons, including in attempted assassinations and poisoning of Putin’s political enemies like Alexey Navalny.

It’s Russia that continues to support the Assad regime in Syria, which has repeatedly used chemical weapons. It’s Russia that has long maintained a biological weapons program in violation of international law.

Also, Russia has a track record of accusing the West of the very violations that Russia itself is perpetrating. In December, Russia falsely accused the U.S. of deploying contractors with chemical weapons in Ukraine.

This is all an obvious ploy by Russia to try to try to justify its further premeditated, unprovoked, and unjustified attack on Ukraine.

Now that Russia has made these false claims, and China has seemingly endorsed this propaganda, we should all be on the lookout for Russia to possibly use chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine, or to create a false flag operation using them. It’s a clear pattern.

• • •

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4d2951  No.15875078

File: 2df95a9536079f9⋯.png (339.65 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

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4f6947  No.15875079

File: 36a7f3b3db4b89c⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 68rfei_1.jpg)

File: 124cb17a93e587a⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 68vbhh_1_1.jpg)

File: 4b93250e1e09c59⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, Sickening.jpg)

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ec4075  No.15875080

3 Million Ukrainians have fled their home. What would be the reason why whoever is behind this would want such a large group of people to be moved?

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4e5954  No.15875081

Modern pistols and smgs looks like toy guns.

Change my mind

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3bea83  No.15875082

I think mirror 4-6% are the ones that will escape this shit reptoids prison.

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a26c6b  No.15875083

>>15874846 (lb)

>Do the videos load for you?

yes, using firefox

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6fd9a8  No.15875084

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8f5bf1  No.15875085

File: d86d027d1eaa747⋯.png (408.55 KB, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)



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116aca  No.15875086

The person testifying in the hearing, accusing Russia of war crimes, Georgetown Professor Anthony Arend, is not new to making similar ridiculous claims. He has said that the Trump administration’s use of force against D.C. protesters on June 1 [2020] saw at least one contravention of the Geneva Convention. A preposterous accusation.


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dce74c  No.15875087

every time we talk about the Biolabs the board goes to shit

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4d2951  No.15875089


M 7.3 - 66 km ENE of Namie, Japan


2022-03-16 07:36:30 (UTC-07:00)


37.700°N 141.700°E


33.0 km

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73a3f4  No.15875091


>WW brings peace



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43f401  No.15875093


>every time we talk about the Biolabs the board goes to shit

I noticed that too.

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14c696  No.15875094

Ukraine and the Deeper Global Suicide Agenda

Huge Military Buildup- Biowarfare?

There was more.Ukrainian press reported a year ago about new Western-built de facto NATO naval bases in Ochakov and Berdyansk as, “modern infrastructure facilities capable of receiving ships of all types, equipped according to NATO standards and built with the money of the alliance countries.”The media boasted, “In three years we will be able to strike at Russian ships in the Black Sea with our mosquito fleet. And if we combine with Georgia and Turkey, the Russian Federation will be blocked,’ Ukrainian military experts boasted. “

In addition, the US Pentagon had no less than eight, perhaps as many as 30 top-secret bioweapons research labs across Ukraine testing DNA of some 4,000 military volunteers.Once Russian soldiers moved to secure the evidence, the US Embassy in Kiev deleted previous mention of the sites from its website, and Ukrainians reportedly moved to destroy the lab evidence. Ukrainian labs in Kharkiv and elsewhere were operating in cooperation with the United States. Stocks of such weapons were being secretly stored in direct violation of international conventions.

A full month before the Russian military action on 24 February in Ukraine, independent biowarfare researcher, Dilyana Gaytandzhieva, obtained documents detailing“US Pentagon biological experiments with a potentially lethal outcome on 4,400 soldiersin Ukraine and 1,000 soldiers in Georgia. According to the leaked documents, all volunteer deaths should be reported within 24 h (in Ukraine) and 48 h (in Georgia).” She details the human experiments, which include testing for antibodies against some 14 pathogens including Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, Borrelia species (Lyme disease) and others. According to the documents the labs in Ukraine and Georgia are part of a Pentagon “$2.5 billion Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Biological engagement program which includes research on bio agents, deadly viruses and antibiotic-resistant bacteria.”

On March 6, in a statement to the official RAI Novosti in Moscow, Major General Igor Konashenkov, spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, stated they had received documents, “from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories confirming that components of biological weapons were being developed in Ukraine, in close proximity to Russian territory.” He noted, “In the course of a special military operation, the facts of an emergency cleansing by the Kiev regime of traces of a military biological program being implemented in Ukraine, funded by the US Department of Defense, were uncovered.”

Added to this evidence of nuclear and bioweapon WMD placements inside Ukraine in recent years, the West NATO member countries have been pouring billions of dollars of military equipment including anti-tank weapons and explosives into Ukraine while Zelenskyy, rumored by opposition to be in hiding in the US Embassy in Warsaw, calls repeatedly for a NATO “No-Fly” zone over Ukraine, an act that would be a direct casus belli of war between Russia and NATO a war that rapidly could go nuclear or beyond.

The question is whether this years-long provocation by Washington and NATO of Russian national security via Ukraine is aimed at destroying the viability of Russia as a sovereign nation and military power. Is it a calculated move to use sanctions against Russia to cause global collapse and energy crises, food shortages and worse, all to advance the Davos 2030 Great Reset agenda? Blame it on the “evil Putin” and Russia while BlackRock and the financial powers reorganize the world? It is too early to tell but certain is that whatever prompted the action by Russia on February 24, 2022 had to have been far more serious than CNN or other controlled Western media are telling us.


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f08983  No.15875095

File: 777707dafdc5302⋯.png (340.62 KB, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)

Save Women's Sports

Live: Woman in NYC march against Transgender propaganda

@SaveWomensSport Exclusive Livestream Live from NYC March 16


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607d4a  No.15875096



the size was 7.3 which you should add. This place is to inform.

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73a3f4  No.15875097


fulfillment of Biblical prophecy

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f08983  No.15875098

File: 777707dafdc5302⋯.png (340.62 KB, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)

Save Women's Sports

Live: Woman in NYC march against Transgender propaganda

@SaveWomensSport Exclusive Livestream Live from NYC March 16


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9d5927  No.15875099


>Recruiting chats on the encrypted Telegram messaging app are run by the Azov Regiment, popular with neo-Nazis and white supremacists, and American neo-Nazis work to recruit for Azov

Actually, I don't see the problem with this. If idiots and retards want to die with and for their nazibros across the globe, they should be encouraged to go!

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f08983  No.15875100

File: 777707dafdc5302⋯.png (340.62 KB, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)

Save Women's Sports

Live: Woman in NYC march against Transgender propaganda

@SaveWomensSport Exclusive Livestream Live from NYC March 16


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3bea83  No.15875101


Bring it on, fucker, I want to end this like yesterday.

I hate all the good.

B/C you must be too good to be good.

I'm learned w/ pain, and good looks to me suspicous.

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4e5954  No.15875102



>every time we talk about the Biolabs the board goes to shit

E-coli research?

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22eee5  No.15875103


All cash can be tracked by satellites now.

All transactions known and recorded.

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275ba1  No.15875104

File: 18f828d89e56cb6⋯.png (571.13 KB, 16MAR22quake.PNG)




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8f5bf1  No.15875105


…Pics broke, otherwise had a screenshot attached.

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c7759a  No.15875106


Poor people with medical conditions remain careless until circumstances change for the better.

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14c696  No.15875107


Board was fine when the shills were flooding it with CNN based baby farm garbage.

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275ba1  No.15875108

we IFR again?


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b2e92a  No.15875109

File: 4d4298178af87f2⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 83FD46C3_30E5_49B0_8721_6….jpeg)

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feaf30  No.15875110

File: 237c85209d4e5b4⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, Fauciganda.jpg)


can we still blame COVID?

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3bea83  No.15875111


aids. and bats, and snakes, and rats, and worms.

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b2e92a  No.15875113

File: 4d4298178af87f2⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 83FD46C3_30E5_49B0_8721_6….jpeg)

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5c1dce  No.15875114

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

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8121ad  No.15875115

Over target

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ddbe77  No.15875116


Biolabs and burn pits, oh my

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b2e92a  No.15875117

File: 4d4298178af87f2⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 83FD46C3_30E5_49B0_8721_6….jpeg)

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feaf30  No.15875118



F ollow

R oads

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5c1dce  No.15875119

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

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2beadd  No.15875120

We are still far away from a Great Awakening. There are more people asleep than Awake.

Trigger Mass Pop Awakening has not happened as of yet.

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feaf30  No.15875121

File: 237c85209d4e5b4⋯.jpg (57.5 KB, Fauciganda.jpg)


can we still blame COVID?

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ec4075  No.15875122


Some of the most popular countries that offer the financial benefit of having no income tax are Bermuda, Monaco, the Bahamas, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).


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73a3f4  No.15875123


>All cash can be tracked by satellites now.

wipe your ass with it

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ddbe77  No.15875124


Fleas, ticks and mosquitos

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b2e92a  No.15875125



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14c696  No.15875126


Burn pits…convenient cover for vaccine injuries…especially when you destroy the records in a "terrorist" attack on a Federal Bldg.

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096408  No.15875127

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

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22eee5  No.15875128


Had a neighbor who was a honcho at B&V.

Into some spoopy stuff.

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c8aa47  No.15875129


Yeah I know, can you imagine going to a warzone with no training at all based on lies and emotions

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275ba1  No.15875130


FM 17-98 is a pretty good read too

it's better suited for beginners

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feaf30  No.15875131


what is next?

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6d5706  No.15875132


>a line can carry more than 1 message, the problem is to separate them at both ends of the line

>the easiest solution is to use simplex and phantom circuits

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7f22a6  No.15875133





57 km ENE of Namie, Japan

2022-03-16 14:36:33 (UTC)

63.1 km


62 km ENE of Namie, Japan

2022-03-16 14:34:27 (UTC)

56.3 km


67 km NW of Skardu, Pakistan

2022-03-16 13:35:24 (UTC)

14.1 km


south of the Fiji Islands

2022-03-16 10:46:14 (UTC)

523.5 km


4 km W of La Parguera, Puerto Rico

2022-03-16 10:17:40 (UTC)

9.8 km


7km S of Redlands, CA

2022-03-16 10:13:38 (UTC)

14.8 km


13 km ENE of Guaymate, Dominican Republic

2022-03-16 09:03:06 (UTC)

109.0 km


58 km S of Hihifo, Tonga

2022-03-16 08:50:20 (UTC)

92.1 km


South Sandwich Islands region

2022-03-16 08:43:40 (UTC)

10.0 km


11 km E of Pāpa‘ikou, Hawaii

2022-03-16 08:42:12 (UTC)

16.3 km


5 km E of Huambo, Peru

2022-03-16 06:06:34 (UTC)

10.0 km


4km S of Heber, CA

2022-03-16 05:43:13 (UTC)

2.2 km


21 km NNE of El Pedregal, Peru

2022-03-16 04:54:12 (UTC)

35.0 km


central Mid-Atlantic Ridge

2022-03-16 04:03:20 (UTC)

10.0 km


149 km NE of Thang, India

2022-03-16 03:41:26 (UTC)

10.0 km


80 km SW of Banjar, Indonesia

2022-03-16 03:00:01 (UTC)

37.0 km


75 km NW of Neiafu, Tonga

2022-03-16 02:40:53 (UTC)

98.8 km


16 km SE of Pýrgos, Greece

2022-03-16 02:20:15 (UTC)

6.8 km


175 km E of Namie, Japan

2022-03-16 02:06:24 (UTC)

28.8 km


Banda Sea

2022-03-16 01:42:16 (UTC)

151.4 km


134 km NNW of Nuku‘alofa, Tonga

2022-03-16 00:39:08 (UTC)

214.8 km


24 km N of Hengchun, Taiwan

2022-03-16 00:34:49 (UTC)

10.0 km


85 km WNW of Cabra, Philippines

2022-03-16 00:09:30 (UTC)

10.0 km


35 km NNE of Pilot Point, Alaska

2022-03-15 23:54:03 (UTC)

0.0 km


46 km NW of Ninilchik, Alaska

2022-03-15 23:17:28 (UTC)

88.0 km


101 km WNW of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina

2022-03-15 23:14:42 (UTC)

222.8 km


76 km SSW of Tocopilla, Chile

2022-03-15 23:03:56 (UTC)

36.3 km


148 km SE of António Enes, Mozambique

2022-03-15 21:33:53 (UTC)

10.0 km


51 km SE of Mammoth, Wyoming

2022-03-15 20:30:14 (UTC)

5.8 km


50 km W of Cabra, Philippines

2022-03-15 19:49:40 (UTC)

10.0 km


63 km W of Cabra, Philippines

2022-03-15 18:15:53 (UTC)

43.0 km


23km N of Ridgecrest, CA

2022-03-15 18:15:34 (UTC)

6.3 km


south of the Fiji Islands

2022-03-15 18:13:09 (UTC)

547.0 km


South Sandwich Islands region

2022-03-15 17:32:43 (UTC)

55.7 km


Tarapaca-Antofagasta border region, Chile

2022-03-15 17:31:18 (UTC)

13.5 km


113 km SE of Perryville, Alaska

2022-03-15 17:17:49 (UTC)

6.2 km


69 km W of Valle de La Pascua, Venezuela

2022-03-15 17:06:47 (UTC)

10.0 km


10 km SSE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico

2022-03-15 16:34:32 (UTC)

12.4 km


61 km S of Whites City, New Mexico

2022-03-15 16:25:31 (UTC)

5.0 km


28 km ESE of Denali National Park, Alaska

2022-03-15 16:19:02 (UTC)

6.8 km


22 km N of Fowlerton, Texas

2022-03-15 16:15:34 (UTC)

5.0 km


South Sandwich Islands region

2022-03-15 16:02:26 (UTC)

10.0 km


8 km SSE of Maria Antonia, Puerto Rico

2022-03-15 15:56:58 (UTC)

12.3 km


South Sandwich Islands region

2022-03-15 15:51:39 (UTC)

10.0 km


14 km E of Dilley, Texas

2022-03-15 15:48:45 (UTC)

5.0 km


5 km SSW of Warsaw, New York

2022-03-15 15:11:29 (UTC)

5.0 km

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5000 km

3000 mi

19.973°N : 51.328°W

Leaflet | Esri, HERE, Garmin, © OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS user community

M 7.3 - 57 km ENE of Namie, Japan




2022-03-16 14:36:33 (UTC)


37.702°N 141.587°E


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3bea83  No.15875134


Did you said beagles?

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ff2e53  No.15875135

File: 322630cc66b8739⋯.mp4 (1.32 MB, 240x360, 2:3, I_don_t_answer_questions_c….mp4)


I haven't filed since about 2008. Never an issue.


>Once u stop paying taxes, never pay again and you will be ok.

>once u refile, then they can get you for all the back taxes.

My thoughts too. Don't know this by experience, but not about to find out.

Even when I knew I'd get a refund, I wasn't about to go there.

With most things legal, I think the minute you agree to merely play the game is where you've sealed your fate.

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318ec0  No.15875136




UPDATE: Tsunami alert issued for Fukushima and Miyagi after 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan

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275ba1  No.15875137



low and slow


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1a10c3  No.15875138

File: dd3962329edc3d2⋯.jpeg (524.76 KB, B87FF5F6_156D_45BE_81F4_5….jpeg)


There ya go!

Build Biden’s Big Binky Better

Suck it!

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318ec0  No.15875139

File: 5b9c690dcfa61b7⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 20220316_085639.jpg)




UPDATE: Tsunami alert issued for Fukushima and Miyagi after 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan

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feaf30  No.15875140


>Yeah I know, can you imagine going to a warzone with no training at all based on lies and emotions

and selfies w/ location data

keks in ded plebbitors

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ec4075  No.15875141

Fox has raised $8,266,064 from viewers for the Ukrainian people.

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73a3f4  No.15875142


aliens will be a convenient cover for the rapture

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318ec0  No.15875143

File: 5b9c690dcfa61b7⋯.jpg (56.13 KB, 20220316_085639.jpg)




UPDATE: Tsunami alert issued for Fukushima and Miyagi after 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan

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caefea  No.15875144

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

Ah (((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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116aca  No.15875145

WASHINGTON: "The Biden administration will grant temporary deportation relief and work permits to Afghans without permanent legal status but who are currently in the U.S., a move that could aid those evacuated after last year's U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. The grant of so-called Temporary Protected Status will be available to 72,500 Afghans who entered on what is known as "humanitarian parole," another temporary status, as part of the U.S. evacuation of at-risk Afghans last summer, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security said on Wednesday. The TPS designation would also cover about 2,000 Afghans who entered the United States on student, employment and tourist visas and can no longer return to their home country following the Taliban takeover in August. The designation will be available to those living in the United States by March 15 and last for 18 months, the DHS said, although the status could be renewed. Joe Biden, a Democrat, has greatly expanded the number of immigrants eligible for humanitarian protection under TPS, reversing the restrictive approach of his Republican predecessor, Donald Trump."


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3bea83  No.15875147


They are next.

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14c696  No.15875148


Why are you pushing garbage? If you have something to post for anons, just post it.

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ac9196  No.15875149

File: 23d8a1ecc5485cd⋯.png (560.61 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c13f207f3d95ace⋯.png (752.49 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


>ambassador markarova ukraine

Has she been dug?

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275ba1  No.15875150


i do


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feaf30  No.15875151


>Fox has raised $8,266,064 from viewers for the Ukrainian people.


that is enough to buy Lipitor ads on Vannity

for an entire week!

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dce74c  No.15875152


noticing a pattern yet

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4d2951  No.15875153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Powerful M7.3 Earthquake Strikes Off Japan's Coast Near Fukushima


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c0a393  No.15875154






































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caefea  No.15875155

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

Ah (((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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0db2ce  No.15875156

>>15874844 Dough

#20075 Notables @ 250

>>15874877 The Military Industrial Complex stands with Ukraine

>>15874882 Russian Prosecutor General's Office asks court to recognize Meta (aka Facebook) as an "extremist organization"

>>15874887 Resident Biden launders $13.6 Billion more US Taxpayer money in Ukraine

>>15874889 Pelosi shouts the motto of a NAZI collaborator (Glory to Ukraine) at Zelensky address to Congress

>>15874902 How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

>>15874938 LIVE: House Foreign Committee on Early Signs of War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Russian Military

>>15874976, >>15874983, >>15874989, >>15875018 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine at the heart of ongoing fakenews propaganda war

>>15874998,>>15875022 UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons

>>15875037 Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons

>>15875046 Foreign Fighters in Ukraine?

>>15875050 FM Lavrov presser after talks with FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (Iran)

>>15875056 Ukraine and the deeper global suicide agenda - Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference 2022

>>15875060 Rothschild begs the British parliament save Ukraine for the NWO

>>15875139 Tsunami alert issued for Fukushima and Miyagi after 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan


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45ffaf  No.15875157

File: 23d8a1ecc5485cd⋯.png (560.61 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c13f207f3d95ace⋯.png (752.49 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


>ambassador markarova ukraine

Has she been dug?

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dce74c  No.15875158

File: 21cdc84c6b8a940⋯.jpg (41.17 KB, download_38_.jpg)


noticing a pattern yet

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7bf342  No.15875159

File: 48d137200af2de2⋯.png (811.41 KB, mariupolHospital_1.png)


<-muh maternity hospital

not this shit again

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8121ad  No.15875161

Did we trigger the thieves with all thisfuq the irstalk

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caefea  No.15875162

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

Ah (((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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bd090b  No.15875163


All gold travels by anal cavity

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14c696  No.15875164


Noticed and brazen.

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ddbe77  No.15875166

File: aa348e191b98009⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2EE43E12_F69F_4637_8023_BC….png)

File: 4864cc89103d0e0⋯.png (1.99 MB, 4C74F36D_EE6D_4D43_A5E4_24….png)


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4d2951  No.15875167


Wombat Tactics, Mr Ryan

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318ec0  No.15875168




Quake strikes near Fukushima, board goes fucky about the same exact time

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6fd9a8  No.15875169


Now that right there is quite an example of classic psychopathy in the wild.

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1bf6f0  No.15875170

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

Ah (((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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ddbe77  No.15875171

File: aa348e191b98009⋯.png (3.35 MB, 2EE43E12_F69F_4637_8023_BC….png)

File: 4864cc89103d0e0⋯.png (1.99 MB, 4C74F36D_EE6D_4D43_A5E4_24….png)


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c8aa47  No.15875172

File: 13eac9cec6778c5⋯.jpeg (117.91 KB, 335D1141_E559_4FFD_9E4C_1….jpeg)

16 Mar, 2022 14:06

West’s global political and economic dominance ends– Putin

The Russian president says that the “myth of the Western welfare state, of the so-called golden billion is crumbling.”

Russian President Vladimir Putin has opined that the latest raft of unprecedented sanctions imposed on Russia by the US and its allies over the Kremlin’s military campaign in Ukraine, mark the end of an era. According to Putin, from now onthe West will be losing its “global dominance” both politically and economically.

Speaking on Wednesday, the Russian head of state proclaimed that the “myth of the Western welfare state, of the so-called golden billion is crumbling.” Moreover, it is the “whole planet that is having to pay the price for the West’s ambitions, and its attempts to retain its vanishing dominance at any cost,” Putin claimed.

The Russian president has predicted food shortages across the world as Western sanctions against Russia had adversely affected the entire global economy.

Touching on the decision by several Western powers to freeze Russia’s central bank assets, Putin claimed that this would only serve to irreparably undermine trust in those nations, andmake other countries think twice before placing their reserves in the care of those countries. According to the Russian president, nearly half of Moscow’s assets were “simply stolen” by the West.

Addressing people in the West, the Russian leader said that the massive sanctions imposed on Russia were already backfiring on the US and Europe themselves, with governments there trying hard to convince their citizens that Russia was to blame.

Putin warned ordinary people in the West that attempts to portray Moscow as the primary source of all their woes were lies, with a lot of those issues being the direct result of the Western governments’ “ambitions” and “political short-sightedness.”

The Western elites, according to Putin, have turned their countries into the “empire of lies,” yet Russia will keep on presenting the whole world with its own position, no matter what.


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83fd80  No.15875173

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1bf6f0  No.15875174

File: 637b0bf261f3c13⋯.png (350.48 KB, an_der_leine.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

Ah (((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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380ac0  No.15875175

(overheard while I was taking a shit) “if Q said so, I would support Putin bombing the US to expose all the bio labs in this country.”

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275ba1  No.15875176




shed light

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73a3f4  No.15875177

File: 3af3654317e27bb⋯.png (1.02 MB, Screen_Shot_2021_05_26_at_….png)

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116aca  No.15875178

"The Federal Reserve is poised to raise interest rates on Wednesday, a move to combat soaring inflation as the U.S. comes out of the pandemic and economic uncertainty in the wake of Russia's invasion of Ukraine. The expected quarter-point hike comes as prices have risen at their fastest pace in 40 years.

Prices have increased 7.9% over the past year, the fastest rate of inflation since 1982. Last month, prices were up 0.8%, an acceleration from January. Personal consumption expenditures, the preferred measure used by the Federal Reserve, showed prices, excluding often-volatile food and energy, up 5.2% from a year ago and 0.5% in January."


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9d5927  No.15875179


I really can imagine that, tbh.

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73a3f4  No.15875180

File: 3af3654317e27bb⋯.png (1.02 MB, Screen_Shot_2021_05_26_at_….png)

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c8aa47  No.15875181

16 Mar, 2022 13:57

Russia will respect private ownership unlike the West– Putin

No plans to nationalize foreign assets in the country, according to the Russian president

Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday the country has no plans to nationalize foreign assets in response to seizures of Russian property abroad.

"Unlike Western countries, we will respect property rights," he added.

The arrests of the nation’s foreign assets, and those of Russian businesses, is a lesson for the country's entrepreneurs, according to Putin.

"There is nothing more reliable than investments at home," the president said.

“We must understand that a new package of sanctions and restrictions against us would have followed in any development of events.”

READ MORE: Russia reveals exact amount of reserves frozen by West

Last week, the Russian government proposed to nationalize the property of exiting foreign companies in response to the seizures of Russian-owned property and money abroad.

A number of mostly Western countries have sanctioned Russian businessmen and seized their assets. About half of the country’s gold and foreign exchange reserves, some $300 billion, have been frozen by central banks.

The US and its European allies have imposed unprecedented sanctions on Russia after Moscow launched a military operation in Ukraine. Sanctions have forced hundreds of Western companies to halt operations and investments in the country.


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ec4075  No.15875182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Joe at 11:45 am.

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3a547a  No.15875184

File: c5e3b59c48661ef⋯.png (472.54 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15874167 lb

Pope to consecrate Russia to Virgin Mary inspired by century-old Fatima prophecy [audio]

Vatican announced simultaneous consecration of Russia and Ukraine

Pope Francis announced Tuesday that he will consecrate Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, fulfilling a 1917 vision purportedly revealed to Portuguese children that such a blessing would usher in a period of world peace.

The consecration will take place on March 25 and will be done at Saint Peter's Basilica. The blessing will coincide with the Feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, a Catholic feast day.

The pontiff wrote on Twitter, "On Friday 25 March, during the Celebration of Penance at 17.00 in Saint Peter's Basilica, I will consecrate #Russia and #Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. #PrayTogether #Peace."


Pope Francis made the connection to the Fatima prophecy explicit, with high-ranking officials in the Vatican stating that an identical blessing will be given from the famous Portuguese town at the same time as the pope's consecration.

Director of the Holy See Press Office Matteo Bruni said in a statement to Vatican News, "The same act, on the same day, will be performed in Fatima by Cardinal Konrad Krajewski, papal almoner."


On July 13, 1917, the Virgin Mary is said to have appeared to a group of shepherds in Fatima, Portugal, to whom she gave three secrets to be revealed to the world.

The trio, a group of child shepherds, claimed to have been visited six times by the Virgin Mary. The children described three visions they say were given to them – one of hell, one of the end to World War I, and a final vision of an unnamed pope being killed by gunfire, as well as angels sprinkling blood of Christian martyrs on the deceased.

However, a clause of the second vision has remained under scrutiny – a request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. The apparition allegedly told the children that a consecration of Russia would stop the nation's "errors throughout the world, promoting wars and persecution of the Church."

If the consecration did not happen, the apparition claimed "the good will be martyred, the Holy Father will have much to suffer, various nations will be destroyed."

Catholics have debated for decades both the validity of the Our Lady of Fatima apparitions and whether this specific consecration was performed.

Pope Pius XII consecrated the entire world in 1942, and followed it with a similar blessing in 1952, this time for "all the peoples of Russia." In 1964, then-pope Paul VI renewed the Russian consecration during the Second Vatican Council. Pope John Paul II also composed a prayer of "entrustment" for Russia in 1981.

Pope Francis' consecration will take place on March 25 and will be done at Saint Peter's Basilica.

Pope Francis' consecration will take place on March 25 and will be done at Saint Peter's Basilica. (Reuters)

Rivers of blood and tears are flowing in Ukraine," Pope Francis has said of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. "It is not merely a military operation, but a war which sows death, destruction and misery. The number of victims is increasing, as are the people fleeing, especially mothers and children."'

Shortly after the outbreak of hostilities last month, Pope Francis made the extraordinary papal gesture of going to the Russian embassy in Rome to express his concern about the war.

The pope's exhortation echoed that of more than 280 Russian Orthodox clergy, who signed an open letter urging for an end to the "fratricidal war" in Ukraine, as of Sunday.

"We mourn the ordeal to which our brothers and sisters in Ukraine were undeservedly subjected," the letter read, according to a translation in The Christian Post.


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3b3c6d  No.15875185

File: e5c7a05557b5eb7⋯.png (462.85 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

Ah (((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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275ba1  No.15875186





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89f8a9  No.15875187


>>15874964 planefag report-Middle East and Europe

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6d5706  No.15875188

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73e8dd  No.15875189


(They) do NOT Control Shit Anymore !!!!

(You) have to strap on your balls and realize that (They) never let WE THE PEOPLE vote on any tax laws , and that includes Social Security , FAKE Federal , Fake State , Property Tax , ALL Forking Taxes are Illegal , (They) made the U.S. a Corporation back in 1871 !!!! Social Security gives ALL of U.S. No Interest and is Not Compounded Annually , and When Your Spouse Dies , ( They) STEAL the Spouse's SSN Monies !!!! (they) get a SWEET Retirement , and FULL MEDICAL Also , Plus Much More that ALL OF U.S. Pay For !!!! WWG1WGA FREEDOM FIGHT ❤

my blood pressure is going UP , I have to relax , Truth is Truth though.

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3b3c6d  No.15875190

File: e5c7a05557b5eb7⋯.png (462.85 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

Ah (((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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0ebf9a  No.15875191

File: a81a8253b331428⋯.png (360.46 KB, ClipboardImage.png)



Read the replies, anons. The documents are still availalbe. They just aren't exactly where there were before, but they are still available.


Pronouns 1 QR 0 on this one.

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73a3f4  No.15875192

File: 3af3654317e27bb⋯.png (1.02 MB, Screen_Shot_2021_05_26_at_….png)

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0ebf9a  No.15875193

File: a81a8253b331428⋯.png (360.46 KB, ClipboardImage.png)



Read the replies, anons. The documents are still availalbe. They just aren't exactly where there were before, but they are still available.


Pronouns 1 QR 0 on this one.

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4f6947  No.15875194

File: 36a7f3b3db4b89c⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 68rfei_1.jpg)

File: 124cb17a93e587a⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 68vbhh_1_1.jpg)

File: 4b93250e1e09c59⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, Sickening.jpg)

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9d5927  No.15875195


Which country?

And when did Q ever say scientific endeavors are bad?

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4aa37b  No.15875197

File: cf27e32d4580cef⋯.png (144.05 KB, f_7_3.png)


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4f6947  No.15875198

File: 36a7f3b3db4b89c⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 68rfei_1.jpg)

File: 124cb17a93e587a⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 68vbhh_1_1.jpg)

File: 4b93250e1e09c59⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, Sickening.jpg)

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73a3f4  No.15875199

File: 232ae376f7c9dcd⋯.png (1016.93 KB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

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89f8a9  No.15875200


bond market already did it for them.

Just delivery boys

U.S. 10 Year Treasury Note



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4f6947  No.15875201

File: 36a7f3b3db4b89c⋯.jpg (69.15 KB, 68rfei_1.jpg)

File: 124cb17a93e587a⋯.jpg (69.91 KB, 68vbhh_1_1.jpg)

File: 4b93250e1e09c59⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, Sickening.jpg)

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18af07  No.15875203

File: bd58e5242d8f8e3⋯.jpeg (46.44 KB, bd58e5242d8f8e37d04148395….jpeg)


A government that allows the public to be deep fried in lies, isn't deserving of one more fucking penny.

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3b3c6d  No.15875204

File: e5c7a05557b5eb7⋯.png (462.85 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Put a leash on the Jewish brutes.

(((BO/BV))) filtering Truth, typical Kikes!

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8f5bf1  No.15875205


"M 7.3 - 57 km ENE of Namie, Japan

2022-03-16 14:36:33 (UTC)37.702°N 141.587°E63.1 km depth"

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3bea83  No.15875206

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Yoooooo, criminals…….

You wanted to kill us then………..

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4bcc86  No.15875208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Step by step instructions for civilians who might suffer various forms of gas attack. Made by the Clorox Company for the government.

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116aca  No.15875209

Representative Ann Wagner: Putin is a butcher…We must keep them [Ukraine] in the fight.

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312e72  No.15875210

File: f2c809582250e66⋯.png (281.64 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


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14c696  No.15875211

Biden Takes Advantage of the Levers of Power to Protect his Family Business in Ukraine (Monsanto, GMOs, Biotechnology)

As for the “family business” in Ukraine, back in 2014 it was entrusted to the son of the current US president, Robert Hunter Biden, who joined the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, the largest private gas producer in Ukraine, immediately after the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych was ousted. Given that the company had been operating in Ukraine’s energy market since 2002, and that in 2013 its natural gas production figure of 1.8 million cubic meters per day was an outright tidbit generating good dividends, the Bidens decided to get their hands on the company. Meanwhile, one of Hunter Jr’s business partners was his uncle, James Biden, with many businessmen and investors having long accused his uncle and nephew of unfair play, resulting in several lawsuits filed against them at the time. After Hunter Biden became a board member of Burisma Holdings, numerous human rights organizations in the US and even White House staff claimed that the appointment could indicate a conflict of interest.

According to some reports, the US president’s son received a salary of $50,000 a month, and in just five years, Burisma Holdings transferred $3.1 million to an account he owned at a US bank, Peter Schweitzer, an associate of Donald Trump’s former political adviser, Peter Bannon, wrote in his book.

But the Biden family’s interests in Ukraine are not limited to energy alone. In Ukraine, for example, with Biden’s encouragement, large-scale production of genetically modified products (GMOs), which had previously been banned in the country and in the EU, has begun. Nevertheless, Kiev started to hand over Ukrainian precious fertile soil to Western multinationals that produce genetically modified products. One of these companies was, above all, Monsanto, a multinational corporation that produces GMO seeds for cereals and vegetables. Joe Biden’s son Hunter was already in 2015 chairman of the board of the US World Food Program and represented Monsanto in Ukraine. At the same time, the corporation has a controversial reputation for producing the deadly chemical agent Orange, which was used by the US military during the Vietnam War to drive Viet Cong guerrillas out of the forests, killing thousands of civilians along the way.

However, it should be remembered that the cultivation of GMOs in Ukraine was included, not without “Biden’s patronage,” in the country’s Euro-Association agreement: Article 404 of the agreement, which relates to agriculture, contained relevant information. It includes, among other things, a provision that has gone largely unnoticed by the general press, the gist of which is that “the two sides will cooperate to expand the use of biotechnology.”

As for the Monsanto Corporation, it has stepped up its activities in Ukraine with the construction of its plants, the first of which was planned for Vinnytsia. Although there is no exact data on how much land Monsanto already cultivates in Ukraine, nevertheless, back in 2014, Elena Fomina, head of the Seed Association of Ukraine, said that the corporation was already present in 11 regions of the country where it grows GMO products. In any case, the corporation, with Bidens’ active “interest,” was intent on flooding Ukraine, and thereafter a number of other Eastern European countries, with dangerous genetically modified products.

Realizing in recent months the damage to the Biden family business that could be inflicted if relations between Moscow and Kiev were to deteriorate, President Biden has stepped up his efforts to deploy all possible US and EU administrative resources to counter Russian policy towards Ukraine, including using the sanctions factor to put pressure on Russia to his advantage. Moreover, the damage to the people of Ukraine from Kiev’s blatant neo-Nazi policies, as well as from the use of GMO products, was blatantly disregarded by Joe Biden, overshadowing his purely personal interest in the sanctity of profits from his family business in that country. And pumping Ukraine full of loans, which Kiev and its people will objectively never be able to repay, leaving it with a foreign debt of over $57 billion, gives Biden confidence that his Ukrainian wealth will increase and can soon be sold off against the country’s debts to foreign buyers. For this reason, Biden’s zeal to “protect Ukraine’s interests” only increases every day, and his price will be known after the corruption investigations conducted by journalists.


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c8aa47  No.15875212

16 Mar, 2022 13:58

HomeWorld News

US considers sending ‘kamikaze drones’ to Ukraine – media

Explosive drones are said to be part of a ‘wishlist’ of American weapons sought by Kiev

The Biden administration is weighing whether to send explosives-laden ‘Switchblade’ drones to Ukraine, NBC News reported on Wednesday. The aircraft, which can loiter above the battlefield before propelling themselves toward an enemy, are just one weapons system Kiev has petitioned the US for.

The drones, manufactured by Virginia defense contractor AeroVironment, come in two varieties: One that targets personnel and another that targets vehicles. Equipped with cameras, guidance systems, and explosives, the robotic bombs can fly up to 50 miles to strike a target, or can circle above a battlefield before dive-bombing an enemy below.

These “kamikaze” dronesare significantly cheaper than larger and more sophisticated vehicles, and have a lower price tag than other single-use munitions that the US has supplied to Ukraine in recent weeks. A single Javelin launch system and missile costs $178,000, according to the Pentagon’s 2021 budget, while an anti-personnel Switchblade drone costs $6,000, NBC reported.

It is unclear how many of these drones the US has in its stockpile, how quickly they could be sent to Ukraine, and how much training Ukrainian soldiers would need to correctly operate them. So far, NBC reported,the UK is the only foreign country authorized to purchase the killer robots.

Congressional Republicans meanwhile wrote a letter to Biden and other administration officials on Tuesday, urging them to send to Kiev cash allocated for military aid “without delay,” and to include weapons from a “wish list” submitted by Zelensky.

Among the weapons named on the list are “armed drones, anti-ship missiles, ‘off-the-shelf’ electronic jamming equipment and surface-to-air missiles that can strike aircraft at higher altitudes,” NBC reported, citing unnamed sources in Washington. Republicans have also called on the administration to send Soviet-era warplanes recently provided to the US by Poland, although delivering these jets into Ukraine could be seen by Russia as an act of war, and Biden has thus far refused.

President Joe Biden is expected to discuss a new package of military aid for Ukraine on Wednesday, after an address to Congress by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. During his address, Zelensky again called for the US to increase sanctions on Moscow and impose what he termed a “humanitarian no-fly zone” over Ukraine, imploring the American lawmakers: “is this too much to ask?” As an alternative, he asked for S-300 air defense systems or fighter jets.

While imposing this zone would counter Russia’s air superiority over the country, there are fears that it would also bring NATO troops into direct conflict with Russia, and in the words of Biden, would lead to a “third world war.”..


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73a3f4  No.15875214


no images loading

YT embeds ok

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312e72  No.15875215

File: f2c809582250e66⋯.png (281.64 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


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3bea83  No.15875216

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Then now, w/ your fake deadly virus………..

Told you it will not work.

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e0319d  No.15875217

File: 79c4389f102be50⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, ape_glasses.jpg)


Good post. I have this to add.

Humans have the power to create. It starts with the imagination picturing the thing that the person wants to create. From there the process evolves until the imagined picture becomes the reality.

Knowing this, the media and the powers that be, use this to their advantage. By continuously showing the pictures of deception they want to manifest to a mentally compromised audience, they are essentially capturing a person's imagination and filling it with the images they want instead of the images the person wants. In this way, the people are now using their individual powers of manifestation to create what the media wants them to create rather than what the people actually want.

Actually, it's pretty simple.

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0cafa4  No.15875218


Bread title plus happenings are probably stirring hornets.

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8672f9  No.15875219


so media server indeed screwed up again and not just me?

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80bf7d  No.15875220

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Putin just upset the NWO

They have a plan and that plan does not include

God and A soul

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4dfaa3  No.15875221

File: 85bea1f454c83d1⋯.png (320.07 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


>ambassador markarova

Images fucked again?

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6d5706  No.15875222


>Read the replies, anons. The documents are still availalbe. They just aren't exactly where there were before, but they are still available.

nomto add to >>15875049

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f2c3e6  No.15875223



>i'm beginning to think this is not a coincidence

so much to trigger someone to post whom has nothing but a (financially) wordless stone.

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0cafa4  No.15875224


Not just you.















































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c3e3dd  No.15875225

Sean Penn follow the pen?

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e78d13  No.15875226

File: 183911de19eb14b⋯.png (519.1 KB, bidan_2.png)


>Joe at 11:45 am.

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8672f9  No.15875229

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4dfaa3  No.15875230


>ambassador markarova

Images fucked again?

Same fucking problem, I thought Watkins had a new image server WTF


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714c5a  No.15875231

heliplots around the world of quake is intersting,


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690a96  No.15875232

Alright which one of you anons hit the target?

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a26c6b  No.15875233


makes sense


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1f6a95  No.15875234


are they murder hornets?

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c3e3dd  No.15875235


Random thought laying in bed reading notables. Never did like that guy…

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27b309  No.15875236

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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3bea83  No.15875239


So I'll give you a friendly advice…………..

Don't try it w/ aliens…………

It will be my domain………

I live w/ them…….And trust me……..If they let me fly……..

I'll expose all your shit………..and let you walk the streets.

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0cafa4  No.15875241


DDoSing hornets, I'm suspecting.

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3bea83  No.15875242

File: d2e6927327117ee⋯.gif (997.53 KB, _Q_.gif)


So I'll give you a friendly advice…………..

Don't try it w/ aliens…………

It will be my domain………

I live w/ them…….And trust me……..If they let me fly……..

I'll expose all your shit………..and let you walk the streets.

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14c696  No.15875245

File: ab793ef039fa844⋯.png (659.15 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

After receiving her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Li Jun’s 4-year-old developed a fever and coughs, which quickly subsided after intravenous therapy at the hospital. But after the second shot, the father could tell something was wrong. Swelling appeared around his daughter’s eyes and did not go away. For weeks, the girl complained about pains on her legs, where bruises started to emerge seemingly out of nowhere. In January, a few weeks after the second dose, the 4-year-old was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

“My baby was perfectly healthy before the vaccine dose,” Li (an alias), from China’s north-central Gansu Province, told The Epoch Times. “I took her for a health check. Everything was normal.” He is among hundreds of Chinese that belong to a social media group claiming to be suffering from or have a household member suffering from leukemia, developed after taking Chinese vaccines. Eight of them confirmed the situation when reached by The Epoch Times. Names of the interviewees have been withheld to protect their safety.

The leukemia cases span across different age groups from all parts of China. But Li and others particularly pointed to a rise in patients from the younger age group in the last few months, coinciding with the regime’s push to inoculate children between 3 and 11 years old beginning last October. Li’s daughter had her first injection in mid-November under the request of her kindergarten. She is now undergoing chemotherapy at the Lanzhou No. 2 People’s Hospital where at least 20 children are being treated for similar symptoms, most of them between the age of 3 and 8, according to Li.

“Our doctor from the hospital told us that since November, the children coming to their hematology division to treat leukemia have doubled the previous years’ number and they are having a shortage of beds,” he said. Li claimed that at least eight children from Suzhou district, where he lives, have died recently from leukemia.

The hospital’s hematology division could not be immediately reached for comment.

National Pressure

Roughly 84.4 million children between the 3-11 age group have been vaccinated as of Nov. 13, according to latest figures from China’s National Health Commission, accounting for more than half of the population in that age bracket. There had been some resistance from Chinese parents when the campaign to vaccinate children first rolled out. They expressed concern about the lack of data about the effects of Chinese vaccines on young people. The vaccines are supplied by two Chinese drugmakers, Sinopharm and Sinovac, which carry an efficacy rate of 79 percent and 50.4 percent, respectively, based on available data from trials conducted on adults.

There’s limited information about the health effects of these vaccines on children, and the World Health Organization said in late November that it has not approved the two vaccines for emergency use on the underaged.


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3bea83  No.15875246

File: d2e6927327117ee⋯.gif (997.53 KB, _Q_.gif)


So I'll give you a friendly advice…………..

Don't try it w/ aliens…………

It will be my domain………

I live w/ them…….And trust me……..If they let me fly……..

I'll expose all your shit………..and let you walk the streets.

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6fd9a8  No.15875247



Nice rant by Putin. He hit the nail on its head. More coming? Makes me wonder: Is Vlad going to comment on Truth Social? Wouldn't that be a hoot?

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e97ab2  No.15875248


you get lamer with each passing day. give it a rest.

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14c696  No.15875249

File: ab793ef039fa844⋯.png (659.15 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

After receiving her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Li Jun’s 4-year-old developed a fever and coughs, which quickly subsided after intravenous therapy at the hospital. But after the second shot, the father could tell something was wrong. Swelling appeared around his daughter’s eyes and did not go away. For weeks, the girl complained about pains on her legs, where bruises started to emerge seemingly out of nowhere. In January, a few weeks after the second dose, the 4-year-old was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

“My baby was perfectly healthy before the vaccine dose,” Li (an alias), from China’s north-central Gansu Province, told The Epoch Times. “I took her for a health check. Everything was normal.” He is among hundreds of Chinese that belong to a social media group claiming to be suffering from or have a household member suffering from leukemia, developed after taking Chinese vaccines. Eight of them confirmed the situation when reached by The Epoch Times. Names of the interviewees have been withheld to protect their safety.

The leukemia cases span across different age groups from all parts of China. But Li and others particularly pointed to a rise in patients from the younger age group in the last few months, coinciding with the regime’s push to inoculate children between 3 and 11 years old beginning last October. Li’s daughter had her first injection in mid-November under the request of her kindergarten. She is now undergoing chemotherapy at the Lanzhou No. 2 People’s Hospital where at least 20 children are being treated for similar symptoms, most of them between the age of 3 and 8, according to Li.

“Our doctor from the hospital told us that since November, the children coming to their hematology division to treat leukemia have doubled the previous years’ number and they are having a shortage of beds,” he said. Li claimed that at least eight children from Suzhou district, where he lives, have died recently from leukemia.

The hospital’s hematology division could not be immediately reached for comment.

National Pressure

Roughly 84.4 million children between the 3-11 age group have been vaccinated as of Nov. 13, according to latest figures from China’s National Health Commission, accounting for more than half of the population in that age bracket. There had been some resistance from Chinese parents when the campaign to vaccinate children first rolled out. They expressed concern about the lack of data about the effects of Chinese vaccines on young people. The vaccines are supplied by two Chinese drugmakers, Sinopharm and Sinovac, which carry an efficacy rate of 79 percent and 50.4 percent, respectively, based on available data from trials conducted on adults.

There’s limited information about the health effects of these vaccines on children, and the World Health Organization said in late November that it has not approved the two vaccines for emergency use on the underaged.


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4dfaa3  No.15875250


>ambassador markarova

I posted picks of her with Ukraine religious figures & same religious with a child in a classroom alone. Shit went sideways immediately. Coincidence?

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14c696  No.15875251

File: ab793ef039fa844⋯.png (659.15 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

After receiving her first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Li Jun’s 4-year-old developed a fever and coughs, which quickly subsided after intravenous therapy at the hospital. But after the second shot, the father could tell something was wrong. Swelling appeared around his daughter’s eyes and did not go away. For weeks, the girl complained about pains on her legs, where bruises started to emerge seemingly out of nowhere. In January, a few weeks after the second dose, the 4-year-old was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

“My baby was perfectly healthy before the vaccine dose,” Li (an alias), from China’s north-central Gansu Province, told The Epoch Times. “I took her for a health check. Everything was normal.” He is among hundreds of Chinese that belong to a social media group claiming to be suffering from or have a household member suffering from leukemia, developed after taking Chinese vaccines. Eight of them confirmed the situation when reached by The Epoch Times. Names of the interviewees have been withheld to protect their safety.

The leukemia cases span across different age groups from all parts of China. But Li and others particularly pointed to a rise in patients from the younger age group in the last few months, coinciding with the regime’s push to inoculate children between 3 and 11 years old beginning last October. Li’s daughter had her first injection in mid-November under the request of her kindergarten. She is now undergoing chemotherapy at the Lanzhou No. 2 People’s Hospital where at least 20 children are being treated for similar symptoms, most of them between the age of 3 and 8, according to Li.

“Our doctor from the hospital told us that since November, the children coming to their hematology division to treat leukemia have doubled the previous years’ number and they are having a shortage of beds,” he said. Li claimed that at least eight children from Suzhou district, where he lives, have died recently from leukemia.

The hospital’s hematology division could not be immediately reached for comment.

National Pressure

Roughly 84.4 million children between the 3-11 age group have been vaccinated as of Nov. 13, according to latest figures from China’s National Health Commission, accounting for more than half of the population in that age bracket. There had been some resistance from Chinese parents when the campaign to vaccinate children first rolled out. They expressed concern about the lack of data about the effects of Chinese vaccines on young people. The vaccines are supplied by two Chinese drugmakers, Sinopharm and Sinovac, which carry an efficacy rate of 79 percent and 50.4 percent, respectively, based on available data from trials conducted on adults.

There’s limited information about the health effects of these vaccines on children, and the World Health Organization said in late November that it has not approved the two vaccines for emergency use on the underaged.


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690a96  No.15875252

Save Women's Sports

Live: Woman in NYC march against Transgender propaganda

@SaveWomensSport Exclusive Livestream Live from NYC March 16




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3a547a  No.15875253

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

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7bf342  No.15875254


Can't make this shit up.

Nazis defeding Nazis

Marc Garlasco Nazi Collector

Defending Ukrainian Nazis

House Foreign Affairs Committee

7.91K subscribers

Early Signs of War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Russian Military During the Full-Scale Invasion of Ukraine

Subcommittee on Europe, Energy, the Environment, and Cyber

Chair William R. Keating (D-MA)

Mr. Christo Grozev

Chief Executive Officer


Anthony Clark Arend, Ph.D.

Professor of Government and Foreign Service

Chair, Department of Government

Georgetown University

Ms. Bonnie Docherty

Senior Researcher, Arms Division

Human Rights Watch

Mr. Marc Garlasco

Military Advisor

PAX for Peace

> https://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/15/world/middleeast/15nazi.html

Rights Group Assailed for Analyst’s Nazi Collection

By John Schwartz

Sept. 14, 2009

A leading human rights group has suspended its senior military analyst following revelations thathe is an avid collector of Nazi memorabilia.

The group, Human Rights Watch, had initially thrown its full support behind the analyst,Marc Garlasco, when the news of his hobby came out last week. On Monday night, the group shifted course and suspended him with pay, “pending an investigation,” said Carroll Bogert, the group’s associate director.

“We have questions about whether we have learned everything we need to know,” she said.

The suspension comes at a time of heightened tension between, on one side, the new Israeli government and its allies on the right, and the other side, human rights organizations that have been critical of Israel. In recent months, the government has pledged an aggressive approach toward the groups to discredit what they argue is bias and error.

Injected suddenly into that heated conflict, word of Mr. Garlasco’s interest seemed startling to many. The disclosure ricocheted across the Internet: Mr. Garlasco, an American, was not only a collector, he has written a book, more than 400 pages long, about Nazi-era medals. His hobby, inspired he said by a German grandfather conscripted into Hitler’s army, was revealed on a pro-Israel blog, Mere Rhetoric, which quoted his enthusiastic postings on collector sites under the pseudonym “Flak88” — including, “That is so cool! The leather SS jacket makes my blood go cold it is so COOL!”

It was a Rorschach moment in the conflict between Israel and its critics. The revelations were, depending on who is talking, either incontrovertible proof of bias or an irrelevant smear.

The Mere Rhetoric posting said Mr. Garlasco’s interests explained “anti-Israel biases.”

The administration of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu also weighed in, but its views on groups like Human Rights Watch were already clear. Mr. Netanyahu’s policy director, Ron Dermer, told The Jerusalem Post in July, “We are going to dedicate time and manpower to combating these groups; we are not going to be sitting ducks in a pond for the human rights groups to shoot at us with impunity.”

After the report about Mr. Garlasco came out, Mr. Dermer called it “perhaps a new low.”

At first, Human Rights Watch, a global organization with headquarters in New York, issued an unequivocal statement of support for Mr. Garlasco, saying he “has never held or expressed Nazi or anti-Semitic views.”

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3a547a  No.15875255

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

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3bea83  No.15875256

Fuck w/ us

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4bcc86  No.15875257

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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3a547a  No.15875258

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

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7bf342  No.15875260


>Nazis defeding Nazis

Ms. Bogert at the time said his work has been “extensively reviewed, lawyered, scrutinized, pulverized by our program and legal staff, and we have not in six years ever had cause to question his professional judgment.”

Mr. Garlasco, who worked at the Pentagon helping to target bombs in the second Persian Gulf war, has since traveled the world for Human Rights Watch, investigating and writing reports of the alleged use of white phosphorus munitions in Gaza, cluster munitions in Russia and Georgia, and other military practices in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon.

Ms. Bogert called the attacks on Mr. Garlasco and her group “a distraction from the real issue, which is the Israeli government’s behavior.”

But some who firmly support Human Rights Watch were left unsettled by the researcher’s extracurricular activities.

Helena Cobban, a blogger and activist who is on the group’s Middle East advisory committee, asked on her blog, Just World News, if Mr. Garlasco’s activities were “something an employer like Human Rights Watch ought to be worried about? After consideration, I say Yes.”

Other groups say they have felt more heat from the Israeli government and its allies. “Recently we have seen a new attitude, a stepping up,” said Sari Michaeli, press officer for the group B’Tselem, which recently came under harsh criticism from the Israeli military for a report that concluded that civilians made up more than half of the Palestinian casualties in the Gaza offensive.

. Garlasco declined to be interviewed.But on Friday he posted an essay with the Huffington Post in which he called the Nazis “the worst war criminals of all time,” explaining that he was simplya “military geek” whose interest grew out of his own family’s history.

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3bea83  No.15875261

File: d2e6927327117ee⋯.gif (997.53 KB, _Q_.gif)

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3a547a  No.15875262

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

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a26c6b  No.15875263


I think child trafficking, adrenochrome harvesting talk with pictures of Bill Clinton and Sean Penn by someone might have been the trigger. To hazard a guess….

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ddbe77  No.15875264

File: 532b8168327d0d6⋯.png (1.39 MB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

File: 1670ebdd79424f4⋯.png (1.22 MB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

File: e40bcfc0a4fc048⋯.png (886.35 KB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

OWL is a biotechnology company that uses metabolomics for the development of products for the early diagnosis of diseases as well as for the offer of pioneering R&D services aimed at the scientific community and industry in the sectors of human and animal health, food, nutrition, cosmetics and others. Metabolomics helps to discover metabolic alterations in biological samples, offering information on human and animal health and provides valuable information on complex biochemical processes such as the mechanisms of action of drugs, toxicology and optimization of biotechnological processes.


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3a547a  No.15875265

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

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0cafa4  No.15875266


Coincidences (in this particular subset of time and reality) don't exist, so…

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3f4f84  No.15875267

No vids graphics again or muh end anons?

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690a96  No.15875268


dems dont want the black voter base to know it was dems that enslaved them

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3f4f84  No.15875269

File: 65d58eaaa0bea4d⋯.png (213.6 KB, 65d58eaaa0bea4dd182e688f01….png)

No vids graphics again or muh end anons?

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3a547a  No.15875270

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

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4bcc86  No.15875271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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ddbe77  No.15875273

File: 532b8168327d0d6⋯.png (1.39 MB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

File: 1670ebdd79424f4⋯.png (1.22 MB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

File: e40bcfc0a4fc048⋯.png (886.35 KB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

OWL is a biotechnology company that uses metabolomics for the development of products for the early diagnosis of diseases as well as for the offer of pioneering R&D services aimed at the scientific community and industry in the sectors of human and animal health, food, nutrition, cosmetics and others. Metabolomics helps to discover metabolic alterations in biological samples, offering information on human and animal health and provides valuable information on complex biochemical processes such as the mechanisms of action of drugs, toxicology and optimization of biotechnological processes.


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ddbe77  No.15875274

OWL is a biotechnology company that uses metabolomics for the development of products for the early diagnosis of diseases as well as for the offer of pioneering R&D services aimed at the scientific community and industry in the sectors of human and animal health, food, nutrition, cosmetics and others. Metabolomics helps to discover metabolic alterations in biological samples, offering information on human and animal health and provides valuable information on complex biochemical processes such as the mechanisms of action of drugs, toxicology and optimization of biotechnological processes.


check out the symbols on the bottom, Can't post images


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3f4f84  No.15875275

File: 65d58eaaa0bea4d⋯.png (213.6 KB, 65d58eaaa0bea4dd182e688f01….png)

No vids graphics again or muh end anons?

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05d837  No.15875276

File: c21ed27192caa08⋯.png (59.14 KB, wdb.png)

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e79612  No.15875277

File: 223cdcb3644f08f⋯.jpg (283.25 KB, 223cdcb3644f08f5a4fde121ea….jpg)

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4bcc86  No.15875279

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Famous Civil Defense film DUCK and COVER for children in which Bert the Turtle shows what to do in case of atomic attack.

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3f4f84  No.15875280

File: 65d58eaaa0bea4d⋯.png (213.6 KB, 65d58eaaa0bea4dd182e688f01….png)

No vids graphics again or muh end anons?

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ddbe77  No.15875281

File: 532b8168327d0d6⋯.png (1.39 MB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

File: 1670ebdd79424f4⋯.png (1.22 MB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

File: e40bcfc0a4fc048⋯.png (886.35 KB, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

OWL is a biotechnology company that uses metabolomics for the development of products for the early diagnosis of diseases as well as for the offer of pioneering R&D services aimed at the scientific community and industry in the sectors of human and animal health, food, nutrition, cosmetics and others. Metabolomics helps to discover metabolic alterations in biological samples, offering information on human and animal health and provides valuable information on complex biochemical processes such as the mechanisms of action of drugs, toxicology and optimization of biotechnological processes.


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116aca  No.15875282

Bonnie Docherty, from Human Rights Watch, who is testifying about Russian war crimes, works with the Albright Institute. Madeleine Albright is an international war criminal, and also participated as an 'election observer' in the fraudulent 2014 election in Ukraine.

"The Albright Institute educates global citizens for leadership"


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e97ab2  No.15875283


or it's just a shitty fucking server that has issues on the regular. ffs people

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0f450f  No.15875284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

4 Disney employees arrested in Polk County human trafficking campaign, deputies say

516 views Mar 16, 2022


WFLA News Channel 8

384K subscribers

Over 100 people were arrested by the Polk County Sheriff's Office during "Operation March Sadness 2," a six-day undercover investigation that focused on human trafficking, prostitution, and child predators.


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8121ad  No.15875286

Sorry fedfaggots, we're done paying your salaries. Fuq the irs

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80bf7d  No.15875287



Seconded notable.


I think he will.

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ddbe77  No.15875288

Zelensky addressed the US Congress in a nazi t shirt. what a jew.

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1a10c3  No.15875289

File: dd3962329edc3d2⋯.jpeg (524.76 KB, B87FF5F6_156D_45BE_81F4_5….jpeg)


Then call them something different like “ The B Labs “ or just pic it

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629387  No.15875290

File: e338ee342add7f6⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, bitchuteshame.jpg)



Sauce is only one more click. Jeebus

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3bea83  No.15875292

File: 39073fe80f6a2ff⋯.png (314.48 KB, 1723.png)

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629387  No.15875295

File: e338ee342add7f6⋯.jpg (73.72 KB, bitchuteshame.jpg)



Sauce is only one more click. Jeebus

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3a547a  No.15875296

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/11/2020 13:33:00 ID: 0c776e

Archive Bread/Post Links: 9575368 / 9575678

Direct Link: 9575678


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

Knowing the past helps to understand the present.



Welcome to the [D] party con.


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3a547a  No.15875297

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/11/2020 13:33:00 ID: 0c776e

Archive Bread/Post Links: 9575368 / 9575678

Direct Link: 9575678


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

Knowing the past helps to understand the present.



Welcome to the [D] party con.


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3bea83  No.15875298

File: 39073fe80f6a2ff⋯.png (314.48 KB, 1723.png)

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e79612  No.15875300

File: 223cdcb3644f08f⋯.jpg (283.25 KB, 223cdcb3644f08f5a4fde121ea….jpg)


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3bea83  No.15875301

File: 39073fe80f6a2ff⋯.png (314.48 KB, 1723.png)

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3f4f84  No.15875302





Muh bad anons guessing problem is on muh end.

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1f6a95  No.15875303


fascinating time jumps

longest i've seen yet


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3a547a  No.15875304

File: 763c824466cdb5c⋯.png (21.77 KB, ClipboardImage.png)


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/11/2020 13:33:00 ID: 0c776e

Archive Bread/Post Links: 9575368 / 9575678

Direct Link: 9575678


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

Knowing the past helps to understand the present.



Welcome to the [D] party con.


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e0319d  No.15875305

File: 79c4389f102be50⋯.jpg (32.33 KB, ape_glasses.jpg)


Very True

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4d2951  No.15875306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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e79612  No.15875307

File: 223cdcb3644f08f⋯.jpg (283.25 KB, 223cdcb3644f08f5a4fde121ea….jpg)


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80bf7d  No.15875309





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3a547a  No.15875310



Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?


Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 06/11/2020 13:33:00 ID: 0c776e

Archive Bread/Post Links: 9575368 / 9575678

Direct Link: 9575678


Why are [D]s attempting to remove their past ['as' confederates]?

Knowing the past helps to understand the present.



Welcome to the [D] party con.


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690a96  No.15875311





I think this may have also contributed to the image take down

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1cd544  No.15875312


Borked images. Third time since state of the union. KEKS in winning intensifies. Flak is always a great way to start a shift.

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85d0c0  No.15875313

File: 54cdb0a9caae998⋯.jpeg (309.25 KB, ukrainesoldierpatsy0a.jpeg)

File: b8496a636e40061⋯.jpeg (547.62 KB, ukrainemercenaryfuckedbyb….jpeg)

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ddbe77  No.15875314

world wide human trafficking syndicate

resources are dwindled as children are being killed off by the vaxx, there must be a surplus of children

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85d0c0  No.15875315

File: 54cdb0a9caae998⋯.jpeg (309.25 KB, ukrainesoldierpatsy0a.jpeg)

File: b8496a636e40061⋯.jpeg (547.62 KB, ukrainemercenaryfuckedbyb….jpeg)

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c8aa47  No.15875316

File: 4eb913941cba812⋯.jpeg (446.45 KB, AD1B1C1C_C175_498F_B736_4….jpeg)

Psaki thinks she can shame India


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17c780  No.15875317




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85d0c0  No.15875318

File: 54cdb0a9caae998⋯.jpeg (309.25 KB, ukrainesoldierpatsy0a.jpeg)

File: b8496a636e40061⋯.jpeg (547.62 KB, ukrainemercenaryfuckedbyb….jpeg)

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ddbe77  No.15875319


kookin coomfy

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17c780  No.15875321



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83fd80  No.15875322

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a26c6b  No.15875323

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4dfaa3  No.15875324



1st pic


2nd pic


Strangly enough this pic was next in line


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b0e6f9  No.15875325

File: b1c55ed6779f185⋯.png (310.45 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Did Bidan pay his cronies to distribute crack pipes in order to walk back why homeless people didn't already die in pandemic numbers, from all the fake strains?

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1f6a95  No.15875326

CNN picks up on the 7.3 quake

"Tsunami Warning for Eastern Japan"



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9d5927  No.15875327


Hunter Biden

Chairman of the Board for the World Food Program?

That guy is connected to absolutely everything, huh?

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4bcc86  No.15875328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bush was as crooked as the DemocRats!

I was a real President!

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45c2b4  No.15875330

File: def42491fa8d0f4⋯.png (675.27 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Popes quiet.


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4d2951  No.15875331

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

More Important News!

Mar 15, 2022


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45c2b4  No.15875332

File: def42491fa8d0f4⋯.png (675.27 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Popes quiet.


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0cafa4  No.15875333


Well, anything's possible when there's fuckery, but 11:18:12 to 11:17:00 is quite the jump backwards; lol.

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556742  No.15875335

>How is Q doing?

Don't worry about Q, we are just waiting till he posts again.

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690a96  No.15875337

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1cd544  No.15875338


Z el long E in sky. El e n sky. Alien in sky. KEK KEK. KC 11.3 Kiev Capital. This is a really good movie.

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14c696  No.15875339


He was Chairman of the Board for the World Food Program USA…so just the US branch, but yeah…pretty much everywhere.

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45c2b4  No.15875340

File: def42491fa8d0f4⋯.png (675.27 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Popes been quiet.

why is that?


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4bcc86  No.15875342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


They look healthy to me after their Chinese vaccines. :-)

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45c2b4  No.15875343

File: def42491fa8d0f4⋯.png (675.27 KB, ClipboardImage.png)

Popes been quiet.

why is that?


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7bf342  No.15875344



Bellingcat knows about Ukraine's NAZI problem

Mr. Christo Grozev

Chief Executive Officer


> https://www.bellingcat.com/news/uk-and-europe/2019/02/15/defend-the-white-race-american-extremists-being-co-opted-by-ukraines-far-right/

"Defend the White Race": American Extremists Being Co-Opted by Ukraine's Far-Right

February 15, 2019



Newly uncovered evidence going back to 2015 suggests that the Ukrainian white nationalist Azov movement has been systematically co-opting American right-wing extremists to advance the former’s own international agenda. In audio statementsuncovered by Bellingcat,this agenda was summarized by the International Secretary of the political wing of Azov, the National Corps, as “world conservative revolution,” aimed to “defend the white race.” These new findings are separate fromthe recently reported ties between Azov and American violent neo-Nazi group the Rise Above Movement, and members of the American alt-right.

Summary of Findings

Bellingcat has confirmed that in January 2016, Azov, via its online podcast, was in contact with the late Andrew Oneschuk, an imminent member of the violent American neo-Nazi organizationAtomwaffen Division. On Azov’s podcast, Oneschuk discussed issues facing Americans that wanted to join Azov, and expressed interest in learning methods of attracting youth to nationalism in America. He was encouraged to try to join Azov.

In another previously unreported case from the autumn of 2018, the political wing of Azov, the National Corps, supported an effort by Joachim Furholm, a Norwegian citizen and self-described “national socialist revolutionary,” to bring American right-wingers to Ukraine to fight against Russian aggression. The effort specifically framed participation in Ukraine’s war against Russian aggression as an opportunity for American right-wingers to acquire combat and other practical experience to be deployed later within the United States after returning home. Furholm also spoke at a political rally held by the National Corps in front of Ukraine’s Parliament in September 2018.

Evidence uncovered by Bellingcat points to recent contacts between the National Corps and alleged former U.S. armed services members who are currently in Ukraine. In one instance, an alleged U.S. Army veteran named “Alex” made an appearance on an American white nationalist podcast to comment on the ease of joining the war in Ukraine. Also, an alleged U.S. Navy veteran, “Shawn Irwood,” is currently enlisted in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and maintains contact with the National Corps. Shawn had stated his intention to join the Azov Regiment online, and was linked to the aforementioned Joachim Furholm prior to arrival in Ukraine in early 2018.

The International Secretary of the National Corps, responsible for Azov’s global strategy, told Bellingcat that the movement sought “all potential sympathizers” and “potential lobbyists” in the U.S., and hoped to “establish contacts with the American military.”

In late 2017, the U.S.-based American ally of the Azov movement, Counter-Currents Publishing — described by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an “epicenter of ‘academic’ white nationalism” — published statements from an Azov figure, Denis Nikitin, that urged Westerners to counter “violent immigrants who team up to beat defenseless whites, especially in Western Europe.” Nikitin reportedly urged his audience “to carry weapons of self-defense and not be too law-abiding.”

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4703be  No.15875345


We’re getting close. COVID narrative is blowing up. Only a matter of time before emergency declaration is pulled and EUA vaccines disappear. When comernity and spike Vax are not offered to the public more will question the narrative. Ukraine narrative is also weak from the start. Establishment is really struggling to maintain compared to just a few years ago.

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949910  No.15875346

File: 577a6340f97efc2⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 577a6340f97efc28d2ca0ee361….mp4)


Follow up test vid

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a26c6b  No.15875347


You can see why (they) use actors

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556742  No.15875348


17 cars

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a903b0  No.15875350



it was a good one.


will continue to monitor

Watch your pairings while IFR


use the force


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690a96  No.15875351



Check Notables

Check 4am Talking Points

Check Their media Narration

Political: https://controlc.com/9931b534a

- Donald J Trump: https://www.donaldjtrump.com/

- General Flynn: https://parler.com/profile/GenFlynn/

- @DanScavino

- @mikepompeo

- @JackPosobiec

- @DonaldJTrumpJr

- @IngrahamAngle

- @seanhannity

- @dbongino

- @RudyGiuliani

- @SebGorka

- @jsolomonReports

- @LouDobbs

- @SaraCarterDC

- @TomFitton

Media Networks

- Media: @RSBNetwork | @OANN | @Newsmax | @News_ntd

Military: https://controlc.com/10a2f775

- https://twitter.com/USArmy

- https://twitter.com/USNavy

- https://twitter.com/USMC

- https://twitter.com/usairforce

- https://twitter.com/SpaceForceDoD

Plane Tracking: https://www.radarbox.com/

Military Ship Tracker: https://www.shiplocation.com/military/tracker

Meme Request: >>15406820

Hash Trends: https://trends24.in/united-states/

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3bea83  No.15875352

It will be my domain…………

And you don't want that!

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380ac0  No.15875353

File: bc9c66424772cc6⋯.jpeg (43.71 KB, 46C27BE9_7EAB_43AA_BF23_2….jpeg)

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feaf30  No.15875354


mebbe supporting Nazis

who unleash bioweapons

on their neighbors

and families

with U.S. funding

just isn't Cathlick

any moar

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42394d  No.15875356

File: 45837cebc94932f⋯.png (1.05 MB, Firefox_Screenshot_2022_03….png)


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380ac0  No.15875357

File: bc9c66424772cc6⋯.jpeg (43.71 KB, 46C27BE9_7EAB_43AA_BF23_2….jpeg)

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76c708  No.15875358

File: b808d0d100905ee⋯.gif (2.13 MB, cya.gif)

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2996f7  No.15875359

3/11/11 last earthquake tsunami

3/16/22 latest quake


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b2e92a  No.15875360

File: 4d4298178af87f2⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 04831394_6F38_4332_81C6_F….jpeg)

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3bea83  No.15875361

File: 39073fe80f6a2ff⋯.png (314.48 KB, 1723.png)

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b0e6f9  No.15875362

File: 7e7cdc2149a284d⋯.gif (1.23 MB, TimeMachine.gif)

Did Bidan pay his cronies to distribute crack pipes in order to explain why homeless people, who as a population did not comply with any poison, space or mask mandates, didn't die in significant pandemic numbers?

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0cafa4  No.15875363

File: baed8251a329267⋯.png (1.2 MB, ClipboardImage.png)



Yeah. She was a special guest in the SOTU, ya know.

>I know images are busted, but Imma try anyway

Search up "Ambassador Markarova and State of the Union Address".

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14c696  No.15875364

Ukraine Using Thiel-Backed Clearview AI Facial Recognition During Russia Invasion

Ukraine's Ministry of Defense on Saturday began using AI facial recognition technology from Peter Thiel-backed Clearview AI - which has been used for several years by the FBI and Department of Homeland Security to collect photos on social media sites for inclusion into a massive facial recognition database.

The system is being provided free of charge, CEO Hoan Ton-That told Reuters, adding that they had not offered the technology to Russia. While Ukraine's MoD won't say what they're using it for, possible uses include vetting people of interest at checkpoints, identifying the dead more easily than trying to match fingerprints, reuniting refugees with their families, identifying Russian operatives, and helping to debunk misinformation related to the war.

Ton-That told Reuters that the company has over 2 billion images from the Russian social media service VKontakte in its database of more than 10 billion photos total.

The VKontakte images make Clearview’s dataset more comprehensive than that of PimEyes, a publicly available image search engine that people have used to identify individuals in war photos, Wolosky said. VKontakte did not immediately respond to a request for comment; U.S. social media company Facebook, now Meta Platforms Inc, had demanded Clearview stop taking its data. -Reuters

The software has raised privacy concerns in the United States, to the point where Sens. Jeff Merkley and Bernie Sanders attempted to block its use with a bill that would require Clearview and similar companies obtain consent before taking your biometric data. In 2020, the ACLU sued Clearview AI, calling it a 'nightmare scenario' for privacy.

Clearview, which primarily sells to U.S. law enforcement, is fighting lawsuits in the United States accusing it of violating privacy rights by taking images from the web. Clearview contends its data gathering is similar to how Google search works. Still, several countries including the United Kingdom and Australia have deemed its practices illegal. -Reuters

"We’re going to see well-intentioned technology backfiring and harming the very people it’s supposed to help," said Albert Fox Cahn, executive director of the Surveillance Technology Oversight Project in New York, who added that the technology could misidentify people at checkpoints and in battle - which could potentially lead to civilian deaths. Ton-That argued that Clearview shouldn't be used as the sole source of identification, and that he wouldn't want it used in violation of the Geneva Conventions. Cahn, however, warned that "once you introduce these systems and the associated databases to a war zone, you have no control over how it will be used and misused."


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6d5706  No.15875365



> Alien in sky

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65e550  No.15875366


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690a96  No.15875368





"Let's Rumble!"

The mission of the U.S. Army Combatives Course is to train Leaders and Soldiers in close quarters Combatives in order to instill the #WarriorEthos and prepare #Soldiers to close with and defeat the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.



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4bcc86  No.15875369

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

In 8 seconds a hand becomes a sexy chick's ass. Unbelievable but funny as hell.

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019ff9  No.15875370

Large quake japan:


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a903b0  No.15875371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


don't fight the system


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65e550  No.15875372

File: b44b91ded9264dd⋯.png (218.37 KB, Screenshot_41_.png)

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65e550  No.15875373

File: b44b91ded9264dd⋯.png (218.37 KB, Screenshot_41_.png)

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89f8a9  No.15875374


they have no control over it

>knows that yet complains

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b0e6f9  No.15875375

File: 7e7cdc2149a284d⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 399x232, 399:232, TimeMachine.gif)

Did >>15874905

Bidan pay his cronies to distribute crack pipes in order to explain why homeless people, who as a population did not comply with any poison, space or mask mandates, didn't die in significant pandemic numbers?

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65e550  No.15875376

Zelenskyy tells Russian soldiers if they surrender 'we will treat you the way people are supposed to be treated — as people'

rcohen@insider.com (Rebecca Cohen) - Yesterday 4:20 PM

oy vey kek

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abe094  No.15875377

File: 577a6340f97efc2⋯.mp4 (7.97 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 577a6340f97efc28d2ca0ee361….mp4)


Follow up test vid


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2f6a13  No.15875378

File: 763b6e0527d9274⋯.png (34.16 KB, 698x208, 349:104, ClipboardImage.png)


BNO News


BREAKING: International Court of Justice in The Hague orders Russia to suspend invasion of Ukraine

11:36 AM · Mar 16, 2022·TweetDeck

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b2e92a  No.15875379

File: 4d4298178af87f2⋯.jpeg (38.44 KB, 418x478, 209:239, 04831394_6F38_4332_81C6_F….jpeg)

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e97ab2  No.15875380


>funny as hell

not after the fucking gorillionth time it's been posted

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690a96  No.15875381





Comin' Through ⚓

#USSMilwaukee (LCS 5) transited the Panama Canal, March 10.

Milwaukee is deployed to @NAVSOUS4THFLT

supporting @jtfbravo

’s mission, which includes counter-illicit drug trafficking missions in the Caribbean and Eastern Pacific.


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feaf30  No.15875382

File: 051ceb581360e4e⋯.jpg (69.03 KB, 500x600, 5:6, Z_money.jpg)

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ddbe77  No.15875383


we've got to get those needles into your arms!

one way or another- they're going to poison you

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73e8dd  No.15875384



Clean UP the World is in Progress Anon Watchmen Warrior Patriot's World Wide 🌎 ,

Thank(You) Q and Q+ , and Special Forces , and ALL Military Patriot Saints and Soldiers, World Wide , Love Always From ALL of U.S. World Wide 🌎❤🇺🇲🇺🇲❤

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116aca  No.15875385

Representative Tenney: We want justice. We want to see Vladimir Putin pay the price for these horrific crimes the we believe are happening.

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7bf342  No.15875386




fucking several of the CongressTards signed Max Rose's Azov Ukrainian Nazi letterto State Department.

>>15862406 pb

>>15862406 pb

>>15862406 pb

>>15862406 pb

>After the 2014 putsch, the Azov Battalion was officially incorporated into Ukraine’s National Guard. It is now known as the Azov Detachment or Azov Regiment, and helps oversee special operations.

>Azov preaches a white-supremacist ideology that portrays Russians as “Asiatic” and Ukrainians and “pure” white people. It uses numerous neo-Nazi symbols, including the German wolfsangel and black sun.

>Given Azov’s links to white-supremacist fascist groups in the United States, there was actually a short-lived campaign to get the Ukrainian neo-Nazi militia listed as a terrorist organization.

>In 2019, Democratic New York RepresentativeMax Rose and 39 more congressmembers wrote a letter to the State Department asking it to label Azov as a terrorist organization.

>That designation never came. Instead, Washington and NATO have armed Azov to wage a proxy war on Russia.

>US, Britain, France, Germany, Israel, Poland, and Canada support Nazis in Ukraine


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7bf342  No.15875387


NATO Is Arming and Training Nazis in Ukraine, as US Floods Russia’s Neighbor with Weapons

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a903b0  No.15875388

File: f80637830c9d403⋯.gif (1.71 MB, 498x211, 498:211, HUD444.gif)



HUD back online


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76c708  No.15875389

File: b808d0d100905ee⋯.gif (2.13 MB, 498x280, 249:140, cya.gif)

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4aa37b  No.15875390

File: cf27e32d4580cef⋯.png (144.05 KB, 1109x822, 1109:822, f_7_3.png)


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ddbe77  No.15875391

File: 710e56b0e7172f9⋯.jpg (173.17 KB, 476x749, 68:107, hitlernazi.jpg)

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0cafa4  No.15875392



Don't these mother fuckers understand that's the fucking problem with all the fucking problems we're having these fucking days?

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8121ad  No.15875393

Right near Fukushima. Wheeeeird

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4d2951  No.15875394

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Earthquake Japan 2022: Shaking, power outages, and flashes in the sky


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65e550  No.15875396

File: 7a4a4004f006939⋯.mp4 (276.52 KB, 332x360, 83:90, notime4gossip.mp4)

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ff0cb5  No.15875397

File: c464480c66a383a⋯.png (563.68 KB, 1140x798, 10:7, Screen_Shot_2022_03_16_at_….png)

File: 1c4cbd2c37de180⋯.gif (2.28 MB, 304x200, 38:25, 200_5_.gif)



chek't kek't and confirmed

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a903b0  No.15875398

File: 7f1bbd3fb526396⋯.jpg (11.44 KB, 194x255, 194:255, 0cd641706d4d0b8bf5bfb488be….jpg)

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318ec0  No.15875399

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Star sky

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ddbe77  No.15875400


is this a rerun? Fukushima, Evergreen

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ca26d7  No.15875401



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b0e6f9  No.15875402


Zelensky is a lackey puppet. He's woke, he'll turn all the way to shit soon enough. At most he is hand carrying messages like Hussein's birthday gathering. Unedumacating the brainwashed is more relevant.

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116aca  No.15875403

Representative Sires: I'm not that confident that we're going to be able to prove these are war crimes.

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b8bf01  No.15875404

File: 7aecc660e584761⋯.png (22.71 KB, 1095x589, 1095:589, 3.png)

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1cd544  No.15875405



Just a coincidence that it is not even a stretch. Simple as 10+7.

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45c2b4  No.15875406

File: 990431e04e86655⋯.png (3.01 MB, 1550x2187, 1550:2187, ClipboardImage.png)

Why are Peter the Roman's words so hollow in these troubling times?

Will Jorge denounce Gog Magog when they trample the city on the seven hills?

Who is he waiting for?

Is time is near.


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0aa9da  No.15875407

File: b5b597810a96288⋯.png (113.61 KB, 448x282, 224:141, F6BF37EE_B3C8_40CB_8C10_C2….png)



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14c696  No.15875408

Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial

Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer’s pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. In autumn 2020 Pfizer’s chairman and chief executive, Albert Bourla, released an open letter to the billions of people around the world who were investing their hopes in a safe and effective covid-19 vaccine to end the pandemic. “As I’ve said before, we are operating at the speed of science,” Bourla wrote, explaining to the public when they could expect a Pfizer vaccine to be authorised in the United States.

But, for researchers who were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety. A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson (video 1), emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia fired her later the same day. Jackson has provided The BMJ with dozens of internal company documents, photos, audio recordings, and emails.

Poor laboratory management

On its website Ventavia calls itself the largest privately owned clinical research company in Texas and lists many awards it has won for its contract work.2 But Jackson has told The BMJ that, during the two weeks she was employed at Ventavia in September 2020, she repeatedly informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns, and data integrity issues. Jackson was a trained clinical trial auditor who previously held a director of operations position and came to Ventavia with more than 15 years’ experience in clinical research coordination and management. Exasperated that Ventavia was not dealing with the problems, Jackson documented several matters late one night, taking photos on her mobile phone. One photo, provided to The BMJ, showed needles discarded in a plastic biohazard bag instead of a sharps container box. Another showed vaccine packaging materials with trial participants’ identification numbers written on them left out in the open, potentially unblinding participants. Ventavia executives later questioned Jackson for taking the photos.

Early and inadvertent unblinding may have occurred on a far wider scale. According to the trial’s design, unblinded staff were responsible for preparing and administering the study drug (Pfizer’s vaccine or a placebo). This was to be done to preserve the blinding of trial participants and all other site staff, including the principal investigator. However, at Ventavia, Jackson told The BMJ that drug assignment confirmation printouts were being left in participants’ charts, accessible to blinded personnel. As a corrective action taken in September, two months into trial recruitment and with around 1000 participants already enrolled, quality assurance checklists were updated with instructions for staff to remove drug assignments from charts.

more Whistleblower video embedded here


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feaf30  No.15875409


opening a war crimes investigation

into the Ukraine conflict

Putin agrees.

keks in mass graves in Luhansk

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009a65  No.15875410


Putin Sanctions on Biden make normies agree with congress. Seeing fake news on war makes normies agree with congress. Vaccines and Variants will come for mid terms and so will deaths to sick people.

Only the FIRST ARREST will trigger. Then and only then. It’s a movie. We can’t do anything legally or illegally. So we all have to wait or Hold the line.

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65e550  No.15875411

File: a3469aef96fac45⋯.jpg (24.82 KB, 400x523, 400:523, adolfyoungsters.jpg)


yes..a plague of jewish nazis, it seems.

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54736f  No.15875412

File: 326031e0577e473⋯.png (314.51 KB, 1364x655, 1364:655, ClipboardImage.png)

wtf is brazil doin over here

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1b3b05  No.15875414

File: 83b4596e92b58ef⋯.jpg (8.83 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 83b4596e92b58ef582fc5e0039….jpg)

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4dfaa3  No.15875416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


TY Anon

The way they are worshiping her is creepy.

Another EVIL witch I suspect.

Ukrainian ambassador receives standing ovation during Biden State of the Union address

Oksana Markarova, the ambassador of Ukraine to the US, was given a standing ovation at the US Capitol on Tuesday night during Joe Biden’s first State of the Union address to Congress. Markarova appeared moved as she thanked attendees, while the US president condemned Russian leader Vladimir Putin’s ‘tyranny’

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0db2ce  No.15875417

>>15874844 Dough

#20075 Notables @ 500

>>15874877 The Military Industrial Complex stands with Ukraine

>>15874882 Russian Prosecutor General's Office asks court to recognize Meta (aka Facebook) as an "extremist organization"

>>15874887 Resident Biden launders $13.6 Billion more US Taxpayer money in Ukraine

>>15874889 Pelosi shouts the motto of a NAZI collaborator (Glory to Ukraine) at Zelensky address to Congress

>>15874902 How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

>>15874938, >>15875254 LIVE: House Foreign Propaganda Committee on Early Signs of War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Russian Military

>>15874964 planefag report-Middle East and Europe

>>15874976, >>15874983, >>15874989, >>15875018 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine at the heart of ongoing fakenews propaganda war

>>15874998,>>15875022 UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons

>>15875037 Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons

>>15875046 Foreign Fighters in Ukraine?

>>15875050 FM Lavrov presser after talks with FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (Iran)

>>15875056, >>15875094 Ukraine and the deeper global suicide agenda - Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference 2022

>>15875060 Rothschild begs the British parliament save Ukraine for the NWO

>>15875139, >>15875153 Tsunami alert issued for Fukushima and Miyagi after 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan

>>15875098 Save Women's Sports - Live: Woman in NYC march against Transgender propaganda

>>15875172 Putin - West’s global political and economic dominance ends

>>15875178, >>15875200 The Federal Reserve is poised to raise interest rates on Wednesday

>>15875181 Putin - Russia will respect private ownership unlike the West

>>15875211 Biden Takes Advantage of the Levers of Power to Protect his Family Business in Ukraine

>>15875212 US considers sending ‘kamikaze drones’ to Ukraine

>>15875245 Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

>>15875254, >>15875260 NAZI artifacts collector testifying on Ukraine Military Operation hearing in US House

>>15875284, >>15875384 4 Disney employees arrested in Polk County human trafficking campaign, deputies say

>>15875316 Psaki thinks she can shame India for continuing to be a trade partner to Russia

>>15875344 Flashback 2019 - American Extremists Being Co-Opted by Ukraine's Far-Right

>>15875351 Checkoff list for information warfare

>>15875386 NATO Is Arming and Training Nazis in Ukraine, as US Floods Russia’s Neighbor with Weapons

>>15875408 Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial


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318ec0  No.15875418

File: 0ae8a1dd5bb0efd⋯.png (896.24 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, 0ae8a1dd5bb0efdb77c01ec581….png)



Something strange and deja vu feeling about it all

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57bae2  No.15875419

File: 842e0e32ac87311⋯.gif (18.81 KB, 240x240, 1:1, d9a03627fb368f9070cc79e861….gif)

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c0a393  No.15875421

File: 25b7c887bc9ef28⋯.gif (138.48 KB, 470x470, 1:1, 25b7c887bc9ef28a2362ee7149….gif)

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ddbe77  No.15875422

Congress was 'under a spell' during the fake State of the Union ritual, no?

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b0e6f9  No.15875423

File: 3c6eafd7f4b1edb⋯.png (681.46 KB, 882x594, 49:33, ClipboardImage.png)

File: c73d15dfccd6ae5⋯.png (105.94 KB, 292x236, 73:59, ClipboardImage.png)

"Newly invented evidence"

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629387  No.15875424

File: 6a69227e9920785⋯.jpg (66.06 KB, 500x506, 250:253, 67yzw5.jpg)

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b0e6f9  No.15875426

File: eb2d3cd45f3b08f⋯.png (260.32 KB, 504x378, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a38fa  No.15875427


>GV Babyfist B-LARPs on Q's private board

>Jim later makes a hotel room pillow fight video with him to celebrate it

Yeah, good luck waiting for Q to ever drop on 8kun ever again.

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65e550  No.15875428

File: 01fd36a71eaad20⋯.png (889.76 KB, 660x710, 66:71, claydavis.png)

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690a96  No.15875429


Keks in Putin

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3ac373  No.15875430

File: 52960b9b5adf823⋯.png (549.72 KB, 458x464, 229:232, Capture.PNG)

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57bae2  No.15875431

File: 0a78063ce00afb0⋯.png (750.46 KB, 1217x670, 1217:670, dejavu44.png)



deja vu appears to have become reality


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690a96  No.15875432

File: c4349d0094c8185⋯.png (129.66 KB, 742x633, 742:633, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_0….png)

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116aca  No.15875433

Arend: We do not have all the evidence…the final word is not in; it seems pretty clear to me that Vladimir Putin has committed war crimes.

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3bea83  No.15875434


Never involve kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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ebab20  No.15875435

File: f25a81a34abcc66⋯.jpeg (19.26 KB, 500x341, 500:341, prescottnazi.jpeg)

File: 174de2869a7ef3c⋯.png (1.07 MB, 2000x1369, 2000:1369, adolfvictoriasgrandson.png)

File: 994fc4e12d951da⋯.jpg (133.93 KB, 1000x941, 1000:941, adolfandstanley.jpg)

the Royals are Adolf's and Obama's family

What a surprise.

glad you asked.

also Prescott"

they are likely all impostors/ cut outs,

Their real story unknown

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bd0557  No.15875436

Wuhan opens new China-Europe freight-train service to Kiev

Source: http://english.scio.gov.cn/beltandroad/2020-06/17/content_76172047.htm

I feel like this needs more attention. There has to be a Covid-19 connection here

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ddbe77  No.15875437

File: 973541eff592382⋯.jpeg (243.74 KB, 740x400, 37:20, hitlerweapons.jpeg)

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65e550  No.15875438

File: 84edf2b886439b1⋯.jpg (121.24 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, adolfandfan.jpg)



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caca3d  No.15875439

File: 04b4578611bc3b6⋯.png (173.12 KB, 294x272, 147:136, 04b4578611bc3b63221f4fbc42….png)


Kek, brain-dead!

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ddbe77  No.15875440

File: acfefcde617b9e3⋯.jpg (41.45 KB, 379x680, 379:680, joewtf.jpg)

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65e550  No.15875441


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bd090b  No.15875442

did the thought ever cross your vacuum brain that maybe your god is amongst others?

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05d837  No.15875443


baker refresh for proper post count

takin out some trash

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ddbe77  No.15875444

File: 042ae976d8e0da8⋯.jpg (233.4 KB, 600x432, 25:18, obamabunny.jpg)

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159e65  No.15875445

File: d4ec9eec3820af5⋯.png (87.96 KB, 991x732, 991:732, ClipboardImage.png)

Anyone have connections to the reddit folks who influence stocks?

Advise them to do the right thing.

HYMCZ warrants

Many good folks - including myself were swindled out of a shit ton of money.

Was Allied Nevada Gold - but changed to Hycroft Mining

Need to pump it up beyond $100 to satisfy the poor that suffered from their crimes.

Plus anyone else that jumps in quick - will make a handsome return.

Win Win.

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83c12d  No.15875446


Democrats were the Nazis all along!

Finkel IS Einhorn!

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116aca  No.15875447

Representative Keating just said what Issa did a few days ago- that the committee will soon be looking at an AUMF [Authorization to Use Military Force] against Russia.

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05d837  No.15875449


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17c780  No.15875450



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2e7564  No.15875451

So serious question, since i have been gone for a week. How are the Muh JEW pro Hitler shills rationalizing the Ukrainian Nazis, are they supporting them or are they just being retarded faggots like normal.

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57bae2  No.15875452

File: 31c0513a116393e⋯.jpg (24.16 KB, 1132x480, 283:120, ALAAAAARM_44.jpg)

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f164db  No.15875453


If they do that, I hope Russian retaliation begins in DC

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8121ad  No.15875454


You fail to consider who created your 'gods'

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bd090b  No.15875455


pruning free speech

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552c95  No.15875456

File: 5f586db6a2476c4⋯.jpeg (21.28 KB, 255x171, 85:57, 7CEBD165_E0B7_4AFA_9B16_F….jpeg)

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ebab20  No.15875457

File: 6b34bfd1de84988⋯.mp4 (2.38 MB, 320x568, 40:71, Bidenmockery.mp4)


proved by insta shill



kinda scary


Not all comedy

He likes rusty knives and chains to hit people.

Like a typical coward loud mouth, fights dirty and when you back is turned.

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83c12d  No.15875458


Globalists can eat a dick.

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ddbe77  No.15875459

File: 50eb2cee9981cff⋯.jpg (134.92 KB, 1191x542, 1191:542, hitlerfmj.jpg)

File: 8cea3a10317ac19⋯.jpg (60.1 KB, 900x580, 45:29, winston.jpg)

the big Big Lie must be exposed before all the other big lies will make sense

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318ec0  No.15875460

File: a5a7569b3576324⋯.jpg (217.67 KB, 1125x1314, 125:146, 20220316_092222.jpg)

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0aa9da  No.15875461


Definitely something fishy going on, I seriously doubt a mining operation could get permits

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ebab20  No.15875462

File: 51579310478bc62⋯.jpg (76.97 KB, 608x375, 608:375, bidenislandd.jpg)


Bidan will stab people in the back

how far is it to imagine he'd contract murder?

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4dfaa3  No.15875463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Well well well

I just noticed something

We had a small storm and rain here…

Guess what?

The Birds are singing

When does a bird sing?


(Song related)

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016db9  No.15875464

File: 123030aa7f6cf07⋯.png (693 B, 310x163, 310:163, ClipboardImage.png)


It no longer represents us.

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116aca  No.15875465

Garlasco just pointed out that it is not a war crime to target people [non-military] who are directly participating in hostilities.

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2996f7  No.15875466

File: 73e7e44bab5e0f4⋯.png (249.3 KB, 1232x616, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

first image back for me

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552c95  No.15875467

File: 1f739a167c37b3c⋯.gif (1.95 MB, 328x328, 1:1, 3EB3B516_F617_4781_A32F_19….gif)

File: 6705112cd8b17ee⋯.png (461.45 KB, 780x510, 26:17, 560383C9_45B0_4339_BD50_25….png)

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1cd544  No.15875468

File: 985ad9170c7e4ec⋯.jpg (29.15 KB, 500x604, 125:151, pZMzSK4.jpg)

File: d3e7a9ec5f6e559⋯.gif (4.48 MB, 480x270, 16:9, kgJdL3geyw3sjh36sdYgTD.gif)

File: 3ca008f268b380a⋯.jpg (52.99 KB, 510x684, 85:114, 3ca008f268b380ad971d6350a6….jpg)

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83c12d  No.15875469


The panic is off the charts.

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17c780  No.15875470


KHazarian jews are not real JEWS

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2f9663  No.15875471


nice idea but you can't even get the normies to stop wearing masks

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ebab20  No.15875472

File: 15349c18326ed07⋯.jpg (98.38 KB, 512x550, 256:275, bidanpedoincest.jpg)


incest-is-best Bidan

He's crossed the red line so many times.

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2f9663  No.15875473


neither are the european ones….they come from Poland, per their mitochondrial DNA

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14c696  No.15875474


Praytell, what makes someone a "real" Jew?

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8121ad  No.15875475


Exactly as Christ warned. Beware those that call themselves jews but are not

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159e65  No.15875476


Thank you God, for letting the right person to see this message. In Jesus name I pray.


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84e2eb  No.15875477

File: 8a4059f7c6e383f⋯.png (513.26 KB, 638x773, 638:773, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 833d6251500fd58⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1015x674, 1015:674, ClipboardImage.png)

US Marines Twitter

Reconnaissance #Marines with @IIIMEF train alongside @USArmy Soldiers with 1st Special Forces Group (Airborne) on Camp Hansen, Okinawa, Japan, March 14.

The training utilized different weapons handling techniques and movement of fire skills.



>1-7 on helmet

not sure what to make of it, but just stuck out to me. Mar 14 Q drop = See Something, Say Something

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bd090b  No.15875478

What was the hill of the foreskins in the Bible?

At God's command, Joshua had the Israelites renew their covenant with God by having the men circumcised at Gibeath-haaraloth. “Gibeath-haaraloth” means “Hill of the Foreskins.”

the word of your god is insane wicked beyond redemption true work of the devil

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c743b1  No.15875479

File: 6dee6df51be010e⋯.jpg (8.25 KB, 213x255, 71:85, 490c8be7d108a9b0f9812747e8….jpg)

God bless Our chilldren and ALL chilldren, and ALL on the board.

Ty Yeshua for forgiving Our sins and transgression's.

God pls bless Our planet and solar system.

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83c12d  No.15875480

File: 1491c1a4f60059e⋯.png (496.62 KB, 1337x769, 1337:769, ClipboardImage.png)

Ukraine Approves Law Criminalizing Dissent, Punishes Pro-Russia Sentiment with Up to 15 Years in Prison

Ukraine Government is controlled by Nazis


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1404e3  No.15875481

File: e6d62738d18d587⋯.png (35.66 KB, 426x593, 426:593, ClipboardImage.png)


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2f9663  No.15875482


a cool $1.36-bill for the big guy …kind of like tithing

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5c1dce  No.15875483

File: d4f5cd9069f26e6⋯.gif (4.72 MB, 480x480, 1:1, hbrtw.gif)




Kek, the fucking Kikes(BO/BV) filter as if their lives depended on it.

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ebab20  No.15875484

File: b6c93c14851c771⋯.jpg (882.68 KB, 1232x2048, 77:128, monster1.jpg)


what are the chances he steals the money?

The soldiers in Ukraine sure aren't gettin it.


did that corrupt actor address US Congress yet.

Too bad he couldn't be heckled.

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8121ad  No.15875485


Those of Jerusalem. Who else really? That's the whole point. Why do so many claim to be 'Jewish'

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457dfc  No.15875486

Anon Anon

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4d2951  No.15875487

File: cf825a6e7373565⋯.png (321.86 KB, 525x350, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Bunker Apple Yellow Sky

Blue And Yellow Zelen(Sky)y

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1e59b9  No.15875488

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


and another two

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2996f7  No.15875489

File: c461cc81c5e83b5⋯.png (136.96 KB, 843x679, 843:679, ClipboardImage.png)

1st image to not post was earthquake for me

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65e550  No.15875490

File: 15a3c8643e3b6fb⋯.jpg (134.44 KB, 754x639, 754:639, HitlerBigLie.jpg)


>Ukraine Government is controlled by Nazis

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17c780  No.15875491


Hashem chooses the real Jews and they follow Him

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14c696  No.15875492


>Those of Jerusalem

So the Palestinians from Jerusalem are Jews?

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bd090b  No.15875493


Christ is approaching maximum foreskins

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5c1dce  No.15875494

File: f24d305e63341bc⋯.gif (7.36 MB, 600x450, 4:3, Jude.gif)


>Democrats were the Nazis all along!


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e213c0  No.15875495

File: f8068e3626a3608⋯.png (3.34 KB, 695x26, 695:26, ClipboardImage.png)


you made notables Black Dick. Congrats.

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17c780  No.15875496

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, HB_Matthew2818.jpg)

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1b3b05  No.15875497

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let's Talk About Propaganda

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016db9  No.15875498


>See Something, Say Something

F=6th letter

F 1-7


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7bf342  No.15875499



recommend grouping these together as they are all posts about the stupid war crime hearing. This is kinda like the world politic version of Jussie Hoax.

>>15874938, >>15875254 (You) LIVE: House Foreign Propaganda Committee on Early Signs of War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Russian Military

>>15875254 (You), >>15875260 (You) NAZI artifacts collector testifying on Ukraine Military Operation hearing in US House

>>15875344 (You) Flashback 2019 - American Extremists Being Co-Opted by Ukraine's Far-Right

>>15875386 (You) NATO Is Arming and Training Nazis in Ukraine, as US Floods Russia’s Neighbor with Weapons

along with this news that Donbass fags are starting a website to track Ukrainian war crimes. War crimes that all the fucktards in that hearing ignore.

Donbass launches a website to collect data on war crimes

Saturday February 19 2022


The site which has been named "Tragedy of Donbass" has been launched to collect data on war crimes in Ukraine and those missing as a result of the conflict in the east of the country

The unrecognised republic of Donbass has launched a website which will be used to collect data on war crimes

Creators of Donbass’ new website have said the project will greatly facilitate the process of systematization of data and simplify access to them by the general public.

The site which has been named "Tragedy of Donbass" has been launched to collect data on war crimes in Ukraine and those missing as a result of the conflict in the east of the country.

According to its creators, including, in particular, a number of public and expert organisations of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics, the project will greatly facilitate the process of systematizing data and simplifying access to them by the general public.

“The site is designed to consolidate our efforts, give people reliable information about the number of dead and wounded during the conflict, show the progress of our work, talk about what led to the formation of mass graves,” said a member of the Public Chamber of the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR) as part of an online conference themed: "Scorched memory of Donbass: war crimes of the Ukrainian army and new data on the massacres of civilians".

“After all, there are a large number of missing people. The site will display the stories of people who survived the Ukrainian aggression, who have lost loved ones and relatives since 2014,” Luganskinformtsentr quotes him.

> https://www.thecitizen.co.tz/tanzania/news/international/donbass-launches-a-website-to-collect-data-on-war-crimes-3722434

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5c1dce  No.15875500

File: 2ed653e3b6083ee⋯.mp4 (2.45 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Yiddish_Faggot.mp4)


>Globalists can eat a dick.

Jews eat dicks!

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17c780  No.15875501


to avoid persecution for their crimes

think SHUMER

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318ec0  No.15875502

File: 1d06983b47e094c⋯.jpg (202.39 KB, 720x1202, 360:601, 20220316_095913.jpg)

CCP response to Zelensky speech:

Just applause? it’s hypocritical. If the US really wants to show justice, it should send troops to Ukraine, or at least set up a no-fly zone, and fight Putin’s troops directly, even that means sacrifice of US soldiers. Don’t just incite Ukrainians to die for American interest



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457dfc  No.15875503



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2f9663  No.15875504


their 'leader' went to congress with an iron cross on his t-shirt

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c0a393  No.15875505

File: 81f5c94794767b3⋯.png (2.26 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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159e65  No.15875506


Can we at least get #HycroftMining

trending on the net.

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14c696  No.15875507


CCP says stop being a faggot and go die for the Neo-Nazis since you love them so much.

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457dfc  No.15875508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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e97ab2  No.15875509


so you want us to help you pump your pos stock so you can get your money back? that's not how this works. gtfo

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3bea83  No.15875510


Don't be.

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102864  No.15875511

Lara Logan with some hard hitting truths! The media is labeling her as some kinda nut! She is more right than most people realize!


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5c1dce  No.15875512

File: 74745fcee26a5bd⋯.gif (419.34 KB, 480x267, 160:89, 74745fcee26a5bd280f5409a22….gif)


All jewish controlled, wake up!

It's the JEWS!!!

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159e65  No.15875513


the sauce


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65e550  No.15875514

File: 522f2abd2f44dcc⋯.jpg (134.55 KB, 772x960, 193:240, Bernard_Kerik_escorting_co….jpg)

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102864  No.15875515


Double dubs! Checked!


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5c1dce  No.15875516

File: b8d1f5881c804db⋯.gif (464.41 KB, 900x900, 1:1, b8d1f5881c804db55ede7fbc0b….gif)


>KHazarian jews are not real JEWS

Death to all of these filthy critters!

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ebab20  No.15875517

File: 66497373407e719⋯.jpg (43.32 KB, 734x195, 734:195, bvassholsloweditdown1.jpg)


that would be the old kicked out BV

But that one is paid

that's why they are still here.

notice how all the research anons came back now that storm trooper fake q researcher "dirty onion" is not longer in power

Guy can't stay away though since it's his pqycheck /safety

notice how fast the breads faly.

thank God that fucking piece of garbage is gone

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016db9  No.15875518

File: ae48aefb1769453⋯.png (44.45 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


It no longer represents us.

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2996f7  No.15875519

File: cebaa2aa136fc2f⋯.png (171.94 KB, 713x440, 713:440, ClipboardImage.png)

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5c1dce  No.15875520

File: 337b4ca36579e0b⋯.mp4 (3 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Charlie_and_the_Chocolate_….mp4)


>Exactly as Christ warned. Beware those that call themselves jews but are not

You believe every shit the Jews wrote?

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457dfc  No.15875521

is not Natural

Was the 2011 Japan tsunami the worst?

Image result for March 16 tsunami japan

The quake caused no injuries and little damage.) The March 11, 2011, earthquake was the strongest to strike the region since the beginning of record keeping in the late 19th century, and it is considered one of the most powerful earthquakes ever recorded.4 Mar 2022

11 + 5 = 16

11 years after the last

these are 'power' numbers, not natural at all

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159e65  No.15875522


learn what happened

100% deep state money grab

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3bea83  No.15875523

File: 6ec27695d13d5e3⋯.jpg (81.36 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, Angel.jpg)

I like to finish when I start.

So make that alien invasion.

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83c12d  No.15875524

File: d01ffcef04dc787⋯.png (139.93 KB, 720x656, 45:41, ClipboardImage.png)

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30cd48  No.15875525

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

They are Calling Out American Politicians all over the place.

These Blacks are calling out every single race on the planet. These Christians who claim they KNOW the Bible and are saved never seem to have answer to these people.

Not sure if it’s based or not because I’m not religious but, I know the Jesus lovers on here have nothing to say either.

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690a96  No.15875526

File: 3ea339e4ce87f05⋯.png (86.96 KB, 592x613, 592:613, Screenshot_2022_03_16_at_1….png)

(You) are Watching the World Change.


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ebab20  No.15875527

File: 95fce80ad44725b⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1793x900, 1793:900, bvbackup.jpg)

notice how all the research anons came back now that storm trooper fake q researcher "dirty onion" is no longer in power

Guy can't stay away though since it's his paycheck /safety

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84e2eb  No.15875528

File: 0c54febf74e5974⋯.png (636.89 KB, 976x549, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Julian Assange denied permission to appeal against extradition

The Supreme Court has refused to allow Julian Assange his latest appeal against extradition to the US.

A court spokesman said Mr Assange's application did not raise "an arguable point of law". The decision is a major blow to his hopes to avoid extradition.

The Wikileaks founder, 50, is wanted in the US over the publication of thousands of classified documents in 2010 and 2011.

His lawyers said he had not ruled out launching a final appeal.

The case will now go back down to District Judge Vanessa Baraitser, the original judge who assessed the US's extradition request.

Home Secretary Priti Patel is then expected to make a final decision. If she approves the extradition, that is the stage when Mr Assange could make his fresh challenge, said his lawyers Birnberg Peirce.

Mr Assange faces an 18-count indictment from the US government, accusing him of conspiring to hack into US military databases to acquire sensitive secret information relating to the Afghanistan and Iraq wars, which was then published on the Wikileaks website.

The Wikileaks documents revealed how the US military had killed hundreds of civilians in unreported incidents during the war in Afghanistan, while leaked Iraq war files showed 66,000 civilians had been killed, and prisoners tortured, by Iraqi forces.

The US says the leaks broke the law and endangered lives, but Mr Assange says the case is politically motivated.

Extradition law includes safeguards that Parliament hoped would provide a suspect with a full and fair opportunity to challenge their removal to another country, particularly where there are legitimate questions over how they will be treated.

This Supreme Court decision underlines that past controversies over conditions in the US's most secure jails - and the manner in which it provides assurances over humane treatment - are, in legal terms, a settled matter for our law.

Assuming the home secretary approves the extradition - which may not be before June - Mr Assange can still try to open up the parts of the US case he lost way back in January 2021.

They include potentially important questions about whether his actions as Wikileaks chief were protected by human rights safeguards concerning freedom of speech.

So while the Supreme Court's decision means he's closer than ever to extradition, this affair is not over yet.


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2f9663  No.15875529

File: ea84dba80d057d0⋯.jpg (162.3 KB, 1183x893, 1183:893, ea84dba80d057d07324bdc83b4….jpg)

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05d837  No.15875530


think more in terms of dedicated spammers with no where to go

gammers without game

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5c1dce  No.15875531

File: b464eb102772447⋯.gif (958.44 KB, 500x230, 50:23, Wotan.gif)


The Jews tell you stupid pigs that there is only one God to separate you from your own divinity!

Wake up Idiots!

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14c696  No.15875532


If the Jewish Messiah is your Messiah, congratulations, you're a Jew.

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83c12d  No.15875533


Why are you calling for death to yourself?

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457dfc  No.15875534


Has been requested though

Are you hearing the wind or the storm

Are you hearing the wind or Earthquakes

are we bein' distracted from Gods big workings in the Ukraine

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690a96  No.15875535


be a real good time to start asking questions on the the Quid pro joe and Hunter's Burisma


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318ec0  No.15875536

File: cecdbbe8ce87a20⋯.jpg (133.98 KB, 720x931, 720:931, 20220316_100504.jpg)


Third of Americans would risk nuclear war with Russia over Ukraine: poll

ha! a third? Yeah fucking right, whoever took that poll was high on crack

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c743b1  No.15875537

File: e5426d5542ea714⋯.jpg (228.72 KB, 645x1125, 43:75, Screenshot_20220316_074742….jpg)

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4dfaa3  No.15875538

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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1cd544  No.15875539

File: 2358f9328bccdf1⋯.jpg (21.12 KB, 255x230, 51:46, 13c5e86b2e145a49fcfd318b1c….jpg)

File: 1feeff1411b655b⋯.jpeg (46.77 KB, 600x606, 100:101, 1feeff1411b655b6ab93bc5ea….jpeg)


Z elien sky.

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83c12d  No.15875540


Fake poll

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2996f7  No.15875541

File: a01ad4a2c7f38a7⋯.png (356.5 KB, 768x576, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 47341d00b4513cd⋯.png (316.75 KB, 768x432, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


CBS News

Dog-sitter recovering after losing face in horrific dog attack

David Begnaud - 4h ago

Jacqueline Durand's face was nearly erased two days before Christmas and one day before her 22nd birthday. It happened when a dog sitting job in Coppell, Texas, a suburb of Dallas, went terribly wrong.

The instant after Durand opened the front door of Justin and Ashley Bishop's home, the dogs were not like the "lovely" dogs that she said she had met once before. The dogs dragged her from the front door to the living room. Lucy, a German Shepard mix, and Bender, a boxer and pitbull mix, pinned her down, tore off her nose, ears, lips and cheeks to the bone.

"I thought I was going to die," she told CBS News.

Thirty-seven minutes passed from the time police arrived to when first responders felt safe going into the house. Police body camera footage shows the dogs holding first responders at bay, leaving Durand agonizing for help.

A medic eventually rescued Durand and ran out with her. She was rushed to a trauma center in grave condition, having lost almost 30% of her blood.

When asked why it took 37 minutes to rescue Durand when police could have shot the dogs, Coppell Police Department told CBS News that first responders "were only able to see Jacqueline Durand's legs and were not immediately aware of the extent of her injuries" as they tried to contain the dogs.

It was pure luck that she was rescued alive. When the dogs rushed her, the door was left open, triggering a security alarm at the Bishops' home. The couple told police they got the dogs from rescue organizations and hadn't had any problems with the dogs.

"I have three kids. One is 3 years old. No history of violence. None," Justin Bishop said to police.

But a sign on their front door that warns about sleeping babies and "crazy dogs" is one indicator of negligence, according to a lawsuit filed by Durand's lawyer Chip Brooker.

"The warning on the front door to me, I think, suggests that the Bishops knew that both of these dogs had acted aggressively to people arriving at the front door," Brooker told CBS News.

Brooker said an examination of the dogs, completed by an expert hired by his team after the attack, shows "that the dogs were dangerous and had vicious propensities."

"We suspect the Bishops knew that. We suspect everybody who came across these dogs, particularly Lucy, knew that," Brooker said.

The Bishops said they were "heartbroken" in a statement to CBS News, but turned down an interview request.

"We are heartbroken by the tragic incident involving Ms. Durand," the statement said. "We know that she was injured severely, and are devastated by what she and her family are going through. We would never knowingly put anyone in harm's way, and were shocked by what happened at our home. Due to pending litigation we have been advised not to give any interviews, however, we want Ms. Durand and her family to know that we fervently pray for her recovery daily."

Durand was in emergency surgery for seven hours before her parents, John and Shirley Durand, heard from one of the doctors.

"It was clear that he was saying she's in for a fight for survival. And as we later found out, she had to be resuscitated on the trauma table," John Durand told CBS News.

Their daughter had been resuscitated multiple times and was put in a medically induced coma for a week, Shirley Durand added.

"I was just glad to see her alive," she told CBS News. "Her whole face was totally bandaged."

John Durand told his daughter "she was a miracle."

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5c1dce  No.15875542


>Why do so many claim to be 'Jewish'

because you get a free pass everywhere on the planet!

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7bf342  No.15875543

File: 48d137200af2de2⋯.png (811.41 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, mariupolHospital_1.png)

File: d282a5d211af919⋯.png (94.57 KB, 991x313, 991:313, azovbatallion_No3057.png)

File: 503b1f2631a7f84⋯.png (235.5 KB, 563x529, 563:529, demsAzov.png)

File: 6b7a5b2bd19376d⋯.jpeg (291.27 KB, 1582x2048, 791:1024, maxRoseAzovLetter3.jpeg)

File: 0ac0cb9319b59b8⋯.jpeg (300.31 KB, 1582x2048, 791:1024, maxRoseAzovLetter4.jpeg)




<-muh maternity hospital

>not this shit again

Just a pic ofAzov Battalionacross the street from muh maternity hospital

and hypocrite congress

if pics are back

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3bea83  No.15875545



If someone will fuck w/ the best, will die like the rest.

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65e550  No.15875546

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14c696  No.15875547


I'd like to see the n= on that poll.

"We asked 2 people and they said, 'Are you fucking stupid?' The 3rd person we asked was okay with it…so 1/3 of people polled supported nuclear war."

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457dfc  No.15875548


You call me kike yet who do you think is in the helmet there

06 06



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84e2eb  No.15875549

File: 9f362ef2a2ce422⋯.png (657.59 KB, 1200x1000, 6:5, ClipboardImage.png)


>US-funded biolabs in Ukraine

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abe094  No.15875550

File: f3570123be8cf42⋯.mp4 (136.57 KB, 640x426, 320:213, f3570123be8cf42cea26ddbb1c….mp4)

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4e3294  No.15875551


This is why we're not at the precipice. This is how badly brainwashed the public is. Only at the precipice will we find the will to change. We're not there yet, anons…

Let's just keep enjoying the show for now.

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0db2ce  No.15875552

>>15874844 Dough

#20075 Notables @ 625 Last Call

>>15874877 The Military Industrial Complex stands with Ukraine

>>15874882 Russian Prosecutor General's Office asks court to recognize Meta (aka Facebook) as an "extremist organization"

>>15874887 Resident Biden launders $13.6 Billion more US Taxpayer money in Ukraine

>>15874889 Pelosi shouts the motto of a NAZI collaborator (Glory to Ukraine) at Zelensky address to Congress

>>15874902 How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

>>15874938, >>15875254 LIVE: House Foreign Propaganda Committee on Early Signs of War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Russian Military

>>15875254, >>15875260 NAZI artifacts collector testifying on Ukraine Military Operation hearing in US House

>>15875344 Flashback 2019 - American Extremists Being Co-Opted by Ukraine's Far-Right

>>15875386 NATO Is Arming and Training Nazis in Ukraine, as US Floods Russia’s Neighbor with Weapons

>>15874964 planefag report-Middle East and Europe

>>15874976, >>15874983, >>15874989, >>15875018 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine at the heart of ongoing fakenews propaganda war

>>15874998,>>15875022 UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons

>>15875037 Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons

>>15875046 Foreign Fighters in Ukraine?

>>15875050 FM Lavrov presser after talks with FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (Iran)

>>15875056, >>15875094 Ukraine and the deeper global suicide agenda - Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference 2022

>>15875060 Rothschild begs the British parliament save Ukraine for the NWO

>>15875139, >>15875153 Tsunami alert issued for Fukushima and Miyagi after 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan

>>15875098 Save Women's Sports - Live: Woman in NYC march against Transgender propaganda

>>15875172 Putin - West’s global political and economic dominance ends

>>15875178, >>15875200 The Federal Reserve is poised to raise interest rates on Wednesday

>>15875181 Putin - Russia will respect private ownership unlike the West

>>15875211 Biden Takes Advantage of the Levers of Power to Protect his Family Business in Ukraine

>>15875212 US considers sending ‘kamikaze drones’ to Ukraine

>>15875245 Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

>>15875284, >>15875384 4 Disney employees arrested in Polk County human trafficking campaign, deputies say

>>15875316 Psaki thinks she can shame India for continuing to be a trade partner to Russia

>>15875351 Checkoff list for information warfare

>>15875408 Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial

>>15875477 US Marines Twitter 1-7 on helmet

>>15875480 Ukraine Approves Law Criminalizing Dissent, Punishes Pro-Russia Sentiment with Up to 15 Years in Prison

>>15875481 Death of the Queen kept hidden for 2 years, Vatican, DC Corp, China CCP broke, no $$$ for power/utilities?

>>15875499 Donbass launches a website to collect data on war crimes / identify missing people

>>15875502 CCP response to Zelensky speech

>>15875488, >>15875508 2 more earthquakes off the coast of Japan

>>15875528 Julian Assange denied permission to appeal against US extradition


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177144  No.15875553


Great, but no datestamp?

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3bea83  No.15875554


No one will touch my lovely country!

As long That I'm here.

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dce74c  No.15875555


Kazarian became the Bolsheviks in Russia khazaraians called themselves jews to hide among the jews

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2f9663  No.15875556


wait for the media to pivot to 'the trump vaccine" once the long term injuries set in and even the garden variety normie knows someone that was harmed

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ebab20  No.15875557

File: 3f2d79d15537b56⋯.png (330.88 KB, 834x697, 834:697, bvbackup.png)


naw, they're paid.

only way to explain the dedication and quantity. lack of quality.

also it was proved back in finkles day. And BV was / is finkel

They had to have a machine with a lot of energy to get first on the bread year in / year out

per Mr. Watkins.

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83c12d  No.15875558

File: db43370129c4a7c⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1180x893, 1180:893, CovidtoUkraine.png)


more like…

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b0db5f  No.15875559


Are these the same people who were afraid of a virus that had a 99.9% recovery rate?

Virus - Scary!

Nuclear War - Meh

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3bea83  No.15875560


You can try, and I swear I will share location.

Let's see what will happen!

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c42411  No.15875561

Learn to speak Russian

Based on anons recommendation I tried Duolingo. This goofy fucking childish game sort of approach isn't teaching me shit, since it is sort of audio-visual memorization before I even Learn alphabetic structure.

Any other suggestions.

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5c1dce  No.15875562

File: 8b1c5ded2566d6f⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 8b1c5ded2566d6f2c606681bc1….png)


>their 'leader' went to congress with an iron cross on his t-shirt

and what does that mean? That the dirty Jew is a German? Insignificant rat-face!

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2f9663  No.15875563

File: 84a2348211e98a0⋯.jpg (10.33 KB, 172x255, 172:255, GSP_hey_you.jpg)



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ff2e53  No.15875564

File: 89d5741de175615⋯.png (244.04 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)



>Fake poll

Agree, but also…

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5c1dce  No.15875565

File: 877876b7cf265d6⋯.png (51.47 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 877876b7cf265d63ab2f41e378….png)


>CCP says

(((CCCP))) fucking Bolshewiks!

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016db9  No.15875566


Nancy the nazi nonce

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7bf342  No.15875567

File: 2b856d8e901ba96⋯.png (146.85 KB, 381x333, 127:111, pepeThumbsup.png)

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2f9663  No.15875568


you are correct…..a lot of folks have no opinion on The Ukraines

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185804  No.15875569


bad link.

>>>15874998,>>15875022 UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons

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c743b1  No.15875570

File: 09db7c02377d7a5⋯.jpg (9.39 KB, 237x255, 79:85, 32bf0e827a98f5bf16ba6bdc2b….jpg)

Or St pattys day massacred, by liquor.

Think or the implications.

Be safe out there.


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83c12d  No.15875571


kek, CCP mocking the fact they know US military is loyal to the duly elected POTUS.

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1da26b  No.15875572


o7 BAKER. Just before I hit 'reply' yours showed up for CCP response to Zelensky's standing ovation.

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0db2ce  No.15875573


ASS was the problem and presented him/itself as the cure. Same tired old Cabal playbook. Create the disease then sell the cure. Anons had one of the best trainers possible to prepare them. God works in mysterious ways.

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65e550  No.15875574

File: 8c28c95bc2ede70⋯.jpg (144.85 KB, 636x450, 106:75, vernonhowardwisdom.jpg)

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ebab20  No.15875576

File: e2553108d190e4d⋯.jpg (544.71 KB, 1200x2027, 1200:2027, dictionaryofthekhazarl.jpg)




they actually hid out in each of the three religions of Abraham?

And they all stayed in touch?

that's the solution to the puzzle of which of the 3 religions the King of the Khazars chose?

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2f9663  No.15875577

File: 8c0084ef7cf8188⋯.jpg (7.9 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 4bec2fc209d92cba7d21953b5d….jpg)


maybe he is a big fan of the King of Prussia?

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5c1dce  No.15875578

File: aa07d07daa796c0⋯.png (117.48 KB, 515x550, 103:110, Friedrich_H_derlin.png)


>If the Jewish Messiah is your Messiah, congratulations, you're a Jew.

I am my own god you stupid jew pig

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a87d10  No.15875579

File: 5cc1203307394a4⋯.jpeg (6.69 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 815257DB_90C4_4839_8802_A….jpeg)

Is it possible some of our enemies are not of this earth?

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3bea83  No.15875580


Maitre hybrids…………..

or you refuse to open this subject?

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7bf342  No.15875581

File: 347c9d2c5c2621b⋯.jpg (104.52 KB, 810x457, 810:457, Tucker_2kek1.jpg)




they both work

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b0e6f9  No.15875582

File: 85043074729bc9d⋯.png (305.16 KB, 500x305, 100:61, ClipboardImage.png)


Anything the gangster occupation government does in Ukraine now is a NATO act of war.

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d3f4ac  No.15875583

Considering the potential of Ukraine orphanages and human trafficking, found this interesting:


One of the Global Directors is Prince Albert of Monaco

Prince Albert OWNS a Canadian based energy company called Enbridge Inc.


BUT his foundation "promotes renewable energies"


And Albert's wife goes to "treatment" for exhaustion in Switzerland?


Prince Albert fathered two kids with two different women out of wedlock


So why does a Prince have a foundation that promotes green energy, while simultaneously owning oil pipelines, but is a director of an international orphange organization and has a problem keeping his penis in his pants?

Sounds fishy to me

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102864  No.15875584


Most definitely! Ephesians 6:11

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2f9663  No.15875585


is that Dave Hogg?

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b2e92a  No.15875586


On a mobile, in the lower left corner of the lessons page is the alphabet practice lessons. I did not notice it at first.

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5c1dce  No.15875587

File: 8f9681138a6977e⋯.gif (1.29 MB, 500x500, 1:1, 8f9681138a6977eec56b84d8b2….gif)


>Why are you calling for death to yourself?

STFU wanabe rabulistic KIKE bratling!

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65e550  No.15875588

File: ca5117b2ce1b1e5⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 640x640, 1:1, vernonlinwoodhoward.jpg)

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80bf7d  No.15875589

File: a5e4ffc35e4af75⋯.png (136.74 KB, 946x240, 473:120, DNA_What_is_it_that_they_s….PNG)


Flynn is dropping a major crumb.

Anons need to UNDERSTAND.

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2f9663  No.15875590


cool….hovering over one, then the other….and it flickers…

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8672f9  No.15875591


Russian is hard to learn tbh

quite a lot of grammar

A good approach is always to learn pronouns, auxiliary verbs (be, have, do, should, could etc) and a couple of important/generic verbs & nouns

Once you know a little, for example watching movies w/ subtitles might help to get an ear for it.

But everybody learns differently … not sure if the above might work for you

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552c95  No.15875592


They (cabal) don’t want to hurt/destroy Russia. They just want Putin gone. They will do whatever it takes to get rid of him. So far the most effective strategy they’ve employed is the propaganda used to make him out to be a monster. They know that, if they can turn enough global opinion against him, especially among his own countrymen, they can force him out. The likelihood of getting to Putin a la Saddam Hussein is pretty low, so they have to try and force him out through psyops. The problem they’ve had this far is the FACT thatPutin is based beyond beliefand knows exactly how to effectively counter their propaganda with his own and with the truths that are on his side.

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81c93d  No.15875593



>Learn to speak Russian

Only refers to a childish video that you can supposedly decode

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116aca  No.15875594

Grozev: The shooting down of MH17 airliner…the United State refused to share it's intelligence data from satellites with the law enforcement bodies investigating the case.

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904fbd  No.15875595

File: 95530cc815e2dc4⋯.png (1.42 MB, 944x568, 118:71, ClipboardImage.png)


Is this true and where did torba get his info.?

it is a gab post without source apart from gab.

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c42411  No.15875596


Well look at that. TY, anon.

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dce74c  No.15875597

Veterans today.com Kazarian mafia /Ukrain nazi there is a video on the subject

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824b42  No.15875598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rammstein release.

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4f2c13  No.15875599


>The Military Industrial Complex stands with Ukraine.

Which one. We have two of everything including Two Presidents. Everything's a grey area now.

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83c12d  No.15875600


Many of those who don't currently express their opinion on Ukraine still have an opinion on Ukraine.

There are more important things in the present for 99.9999% of the world.

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1404e3  No.15875601


You can't capture the datestamp, but it was 3/13/22

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c743b1  No.15875602

File: 33a0a1524b79022⋯.jpg (286.73 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, daft_punk_vr_one_more_time.jpg)

It may just be. On nano-tech beer?

Hitting the stars early instead.

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958e3c  No.15875603


That needs updating IMO

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7f22a6  No.15875604

File: 51cc6a772718151⋯.png (285.45 KB, 433x680, 433:680, ClipboardImage.png)

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3bea83  No.15875605

File: 5a7261d6493e7e7⋯.jpg (56.5 KB, 1280x1024, 5:4, 4u.JPG)


Lady God will protect you.

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b0e6f9  No.15875606

File: 9af956bb557ba09⋯.png (191.03 KB, 391x467, 391:467, ClipboardImage.png)


The invasion hasn't even started.

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b0db5f  No.15875607


I knew a Hispanic guy who learned English by watching American Soap Operas.

Does Russia have Soap Operas?

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4ed263  No.15875608

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

7.3 earthquake

power outage map




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2f9663  No.15875609

File: 75fe4595c31afce⋯.png (1021.59 KB, 1080x852, 90:71, 75fe4595c31afce4569e35fa08….png)


i am picking up what you are laying down

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83c12d  No.15875610


These memes are what is lethal.

kek, toast

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8121ad  No.15875611

File: 7f945181844883b⋯.jpg (93.02 KB, 936x663, 24:17, 20220316_122350.jpg)

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05d837  No.15875612


got it

shines a new light on the sitch


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cd007d  No.15875613

File: 32e5d9eb30d9dfc⋯.png (99.29 KB, 375x360, 25:24, Babelfish.png)


Get a Babel Fish ?

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c42411  No.15875614


In Russia, soap operas have you.

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d5369a  No.15875615


> a boxer and pitbull mix

Nuff said.

Kill them all.

And their owners.

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0db2ce  No.15875616

>>15874844 Dough

#20075 Notables FINAL

>>15874877 The Military Industrial Complex stands with Ukraine

>>15874882 Russian Prosecutor General's Office asks court to recognize Meta (aka Facebook) as an "extremist organization"

>>15874887 Resident Biden launders $13.6 Billion more US Taxpayer money in Ukraine

>>15874889 Pelosi shouts the motto of a NAZI collaborator (Glory to Ukraine) at Zelensky address to Congress

>>15874902 How One Ukrainian Billionaire Funded Hunter Biden, President Volodymyr Zelensky, And The Neo-Nazi Azov Battalion

>>15874938, >>15875254 LIVE: House Foreign Propaganda Committee on Early Signs of War Crimes and Human Rights Abuses Committed by the Russian Military

>>15875254, >>15875260 NAZI artifacts collector testifying on Ukraine Military Operation hearing in US House

>>15875344 Flashback 2019 - American Extremists Being Co-Opted by Ukraine's Far-Right

>>15875386 NATO Is Arming and Training Nazis in Ukraine, as US Floods Russia’s Neighbor with Weapons

>>15874964 planefag report-Middle East and Europe

>>15874976, >>15874983, >>15874989, >>15875018 US-funded biolabs in Ukraine at the heart of ongoing fakenews propaganda war

>>15874998, >>15875022 UK and US Jointly Develop Biological Weapons

>>15875037 Confronting the Threat of Ethnic Bioweapons

>>15875046 Foreign Fighters in Ukraine?

>>15875050 FM Lavrov presser after talks with FM Hossein Amir-Abdollahian (Iran)

>>15875056, >>15875094 Ukraine and the deeper global suicide agenda - Zelensky at the Munich Security Conference 2022

>>15875060 Rothschild begs the British parliament save Ukraine for the NWO

>>15875139, >>15875153 Tsunami alert issued for Fukushima and Miyagi after 7.3 magnitude earthquake hits Japan

>>15875098 Save Women's Sports - Live: Woman in NYC march against Transgender propaganda

>>15875172 Putin - West’s global political and economic dominance ends

>>15875178, >>15875200 The Federal Reserve is poised to raise interest rates on Wednesday

>>15875181 Putin - Russia will respect private ownership unlike the West

>>15875211 Biden Takes Advantage of the Levers of Power to Protect his Family Business in Ukraine

>>15875212 US considers sending ‘kamikaze drones’ to Ukraine

>>15875245 Children in China Diagnosed With Leukemia After Taking Chinese Vaccines

>>15875284, >>15875384 4 Disney employees arrested in Polk County human trafficking campaign, deputies say

>>15875316 Psaki thinks she can shame India for continuing to be a trade partner to Russia

>>15875351 Checkoff list for information warfare

>>15875408 Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial

>>15875477 US Marines Twitter 1-7 on helmet

>>15875480 Ukraine Approves Law Criminalizing Dissent, Punishes Pro-Russia Sentiment with Up to 15 Years in Prison

>>15875481 Death of the Queen kept hidden for 2 years, Vatican, DC Corp, China CCP broke, no $$$ for power/utilities?

>>15875499 Donbass launches a website to collect data on war crimes / identify missing people

>>15875502 CCP response to Zelensky speech

>>15875488, >>15875508 2 more earthquakes off the coast of Japan

>>15875528 Julian Assange denied permission to appeal against US extradition

>>15875583 Dig on Ukraine orphans

>>15875220, >>15875589 Flynn drops major crumb: What (DNA) does it mean to be made in the image of God? https://www.bitchute.com/video/uNAwpmgf7Jpz/


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690a96  No.15875617


>That needs updating IMO

whatcha got?


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b2e92a  No.15875618


So far, it is the hardest one I’ve tried to learn, mainly because the letters and pronunciation take some time to absorb.

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4aa37b  No.15875619

File: c2e52adc823b3be⋯.gif (910.08 KB, 450x316, 225:158, Babel_Fish.gif)

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102864  No.15875620


You missed my Notable

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5c1dce  No.15875621


>You call me kike yet who do you think is in the helmet there

as I have observed a lot of Ashkenazis and Jews!

06 06



what do the numbers stand for? your birthday?

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65e550  No.15875622

File: 30571c8eb912b16⋯.jpg (155.2 KB, 600x937, 600:937, marina.jpg)

the oy veying is off the charts today!

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2996f7  No.15875623

File: 7c8b11b3c21aa5b⋯.png (431.74 KB, 502x696, 251:348, ClipboardImage.png)

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d7081d  No.15875624


>You call me kike yet who do you think is in the helmet there

as I have observed a lot of Ashkenazis and Jews!

06 06



what do the numbers stand for? your birthday?

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3bea83  No.15875625



This is why he moved…………….


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457dfc  No.15875626


really pickin' up that bein' one with all there Anon

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7bf342  No.15875627

File: 82cc51f05a12846⋯.jpg (265.6 KB, 1183x893, 1183:893, ea84dba80d057d07324bdc83b4….jpg)

File: f362296c2e20842⋯.jpg (463.5 KB, 1179x1789, 1179:1789, ea84dba80d057d07324bdc83b4….jpg)

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c42411  No.15875629

File: 49ec4da08138d11⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 900x750, 6:5, ZomboMeme_08112021125705.jpg)


Perhaps, but I suspect it's more than that.

Besides, language learning - especially something so different- enhances neural plasticity and staves off dementia.

Just ask Joe.

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65e550  No.15875630

File: f5d0a8da4cfa846⋯.jpg (29.23 KB, 442x467, 442:467, lajosbokros.jpg)


what about when a sephardic marries an ashkenazi?

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89f8a9  No.15875631


Embraer has a facility in Melbourne

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904fbd  No.15875632

File: 8471f3d44448191⋯.png (343.37 KB, 858x663, 22:17, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e6b7f9bebf16dd⋯.png (418.4 KB, 833x673, 833:673, ClipboardImage.png)




Confirmation needs to come from ukraine directly for it to be fact.

anons should not jump until proven !!!


Ukraine Approves Law Criminalizing Dissent, Punishes Pro-Russia Sentiment with Up to 15 Years in Prison

Shane Trejo

Mar 16, 2022

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has passed a law punishing pro-Russian dissent with up to 15 years in prison.

Zelensky signed a decree claiming that “cooperation with the aggressor state,” which includes pro-Russian statements, could result in up to 15 years in prison.



Zelenskyy signs decree making cooperation with Russia punishable by 15 years in prison

The decree signed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy states that “cooperation with the aggressor state” would entail punishment of up to 15 years in prison.


India Today Web Desk

New Delhi

March 15, 2022UPDATED: March 15, 2022 19:33 IST

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Tuesday signed a decree on criminal liability for cooperation with Russia, reported Nexta TV.

The decree states that “cooperation with the aggressor state” would entail punishment of up to 15 years in prison.

President of #Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed decrees on criminal liability for cooperation with #Russia

Punishment provides for up to 15 years in prison "for cooperation with the aggressor state". pic.twitter.com/7Zc0IjptQD

— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) March 15, 2022

Zelenskyy has signed several decrees since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine on February 24 one declaring state of emergency, another ordering general mobilisation, and one last week recalling Ukrainian peacekeepers to defend the country.

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4f2c13  No.15875634


>The Bipartisan Government Funding Bill includes $13.6B to address Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the impact on surrounding countries.

That's supposed to be a Government Funding Bill? They never show receipts down to the individual account getting the money. And at the end the rat line, it's somebody.

“No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time.”

— U.S. Constitution, Article I, section 9, clause 7

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429cbb  No.15875635

File: 78f214de484ed0a⋯.png (615.26 KB, 988x743, 988:743, Mel_Gibson_Say_It_With_Me_….png)

Step 1. Pump Up Gas Prices Bigger Than Georgia McBuffets waistline.

Step 2. Reduce Input Costs

Step 3. Harvest the Delta Profit Margins…

>>15874378 Potato begs the energy market to stop gouging Americans?

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8121ad  No.15875636


This is what happens when you poll a Starbucks waiting line

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67577d  No.15875637



So he and Bidan discussed this and they were planning it long in advance or does he mean Zelenski and that he was colluding with the president of a foreign country long in advance

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c42411  No.15875638

File: 1b85f12a34efc7a⋯.jpg (127.59 KB, 1000x996, 250:249, ZomboMeme_26062020224047.jpg)

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b0e6f9  No.15875640

File: 13ddc3c81ddf4fe⋯.png (673.54 KB, 1172x499, 1172:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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65e550  No.15875641

File: d807d0e968a097a⋯.png (860.87 KB, 600x808, 75:101, melgibson.png)

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457dfc  No.15875642

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d42397  No.15875644


Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine


The Jewish People's Ultimate Treasure Hunt

In his search for Jewish ancestry, Eran Elhaik says he has discovered that some Ashkenazis originated in the Khazar empire, not the kingdom of Judah.


In “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses,” published in December in the online journal Genome Biology and Evolution, Elhaik says he has proved that Ashkenazi Jews’ roots lie in the Caucasus — a region at the border of Europe and Asia that lies between the Black and Caspian seas — not in the Middle East. They are descendants, he argues, of the Khazars, a Turkic people who lived in one of the largest medieval states in Eurasia and then migrated to Eastern Europe in the 12th and 13th centuries.


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d7081d  No.15875645


Death to all of these filthy Bastards!

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ebab20  No.15875646

File: 1bfcd1d415471b0⋯.gif (388.46 KB, 500x273, 500:273, PIZZA_Now_What.gif)

muh-jews really give themselves away like crazy


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b2e92a  No.15875649

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7bf342  No.15875650

File: 3600b0877c90b89⋯.gif (545.8 KB, 1183x893, 1183:893, ea84dba80d057d07324bdc83b4….gif)


>cool….hovering over one, then the other….and it flickers…

Just for you anon

Think it might be a little fast

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016db9  No.15875651

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"Counter Strike:Global Offensive"

available on Steam/Valve

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116aca  No.15875652


They probably do have such programs, but I think it would be very difficult to learn that way, as opposed to English/Spanish, which are similar enough to be able to often understand words and phrases.

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2f9663  No.15875653


the gin joint was just too crooked to stay….what?

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67577d  No.15875655


I wonder if just doing nothing is cooperating with Russia

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3bea83  No.15875657



Is a she.

Go back to /pol/.

There must be some clowns telling you some shit fake, zelinsky martir.

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ebab20  No.15875658


not all Jews are Khazars.

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c743b1  No.15875659

File: 9c9456fde56512e⋯.jpg (93.95 KB, 640x800, 4:5, 4wt8ier34ej81.jpg)


Semper fi, do or die.


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80bf7d  No.15875660



The video is here.

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c42411  No.15875661


The last vidya i played was Medal of Honor ww2 and Diablo 2.

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2f9663  No.15875662


i think we worked that sucker breddy good

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904fbd  No.15875663

File: e2c6dec5018c7a1⋯.png (232.13 KB, 551x587, 551:587, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15875632, >>15875595, >>15875480 Confirmed - zelenskyy signs 15 years in prison for pro russian sentiment



NEXTA @nexta_tv

President of #Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed decrees on criminal liability for cooperation with #Russia

Punishment provides for up to 15 years in prison "for cooperation with the aggressor state".

12:13 PM · Mar 15, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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1f6a95  No.15875664

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2f9663  No.15875665

File: 691db42db01a55a⋯.jpeg (11.96 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 1b239176325f9d07eb90e4757….jpeg)

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dce74c  No.15875666


Bullshit a pole was done about fighting if invaded and the left said they would flee the country someone here has the article

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457dfc  No.15875667


And ?

i am sorry i could not …

well you know

think mirror

06 06



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65e550  No.15875670


putin bad..check.

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a87d10  No.15875671


“Invisible Enemy”

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83c12d  No.15875672


You just chose to INCLUDE 'jews' in your narrative you dumb son of a bitch, by doing so you are promoting 'jews'.

And no don't be an even dumber son of a bitch by feigning ignorance and outrage at any anon daring to question whether your choices of narrative is intentionally designed to be something other than 'calling out the baddies for the sake of anons well-being', but in fact a PROMOTION of the narrative in the first place where everyone has to decide here and now in or out, us or them, all based on a criteria of difference, of division, based on something other than individual accountability, innocence and guilt, but group accountability, innocence and guilt with contradicting individual elements within each supposed 'line' of division.

By presenting yourself as a contrived psychopath ranting and raving a hatred against millions of people without any reference to individual names or actions, you are PROMOTING 'jews' as an authority, because 'look at how much they are attacked'.

Who is your real source, you dumb son of a bitch?

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ebab20  No.15875673

File: cd8160b2ca6c75e⋯.jpeg (69.99 KB, 636x1024, 159:256, bidancheat0.jpeg)


Bidan has the perfect cover for "fcuk up"

He's a mentally compromised pedo

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c743b1  No.15875674

File: 422ef7b4ced22cb⋯.jpg (137.37 KB, 799x779, 799:779, Screenshot_20210914_025548….jpg)

File: de7743308a4d617⋯.jpg (33.85 KB, 379x255, 379:255, Screenshot_20210914_025602….jpg)

File: 1082cb12f1d184d⋯.jpg (22.28 KB, 384x228, 32:19, Screenshot_20210827_063755….jpg)

File: d562e4e4c9238cd⋯.jpg (44.73 KB, 312x345, 104:115, Screenshot_20210825_094241….jpg)

File: 50a02b64d648a8e⋯.jpg (37.44 KB, 315x455, 9:13, Screenshot_20210812_130050….jpg)

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2f9663  No.15875675


Putin, Trump, Hitler….top three "man bad"

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14c696  No.15875676

File: 2bd663f1afa1876⋯.png (314.08 KB, 460x442, 230:221, ClipboardImage.png)


Split the country in half…divide and conquer.

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1f6a95  No.15875677

File: eb16470221f8c60⋯.png (18.53 KB, 255x220, 51:44, 9eeb16f945b101952679b3296d….png)

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c0a393  No.15875678

File: 987f8b993a29304⋯.png (47.89 KB, 640x640, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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7bf342  No.15875679

File: 105f6361ae7dbd3⋯.jpg (15.71 KB, 300x577, 300:577, 1565980288748.jpg)






>i think we worked that sucker breddy good

we did indeed

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3bea83  No.15875680

I'll give one milions of lifes in other universes to whom give zelensky live to putin.

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0db2ce  No.15875681




Repost in next bread. Sorry about that. Moving fast

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c743b1  No.15875682

File: af4b10a6ff5d20c⋯.jpg (293.81 KB, 1129x1115, 1129:1115, Screenshot_20220305_151227….jpg)

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0db2ce  No.15875683

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bef49b  No.15875684


Maybe Faux news should take a break from foaming at the mouth over Ukraine and turn to more important matters, like the criminal conspiracy to murder millions of people while raiding the treasuries of the world.

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0db2ce  No.15875685

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