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1ce532  No.15690650[Last 50 Posts]

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>15406820 Meme Requests

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1ce532  No.15690653


>>15487554 How get get bans lifted & do bug reports on /tech/

>>15443568 HOW TO BAKE Thread

>>15568669 Bakers - how to format notable buns (including two-post buns)

>>15620842 Guidelines for General banners

>>15676854 Bakers: no board politics go into in notables NEW

>>15676745 Jim W is working on the mp4 problem NEW

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1ce532  No.15690654



>>15689941 The net closes on Hunter Biden: First son's ex-girlfriend, 28 testifies for five hours to grand jury in tax probe

>>15689990, >>15690043 FLASHBACK: Justin Trudeau autographed a Neo-Nazi flag in 2017

>>15689996, >>15689999, >>15690016, >>15690025, >>15690038, >>15690044, >>15690074, >>15690549 Planefag Reports

>>15690050 Putin brought up Clinton in a recent speech… re (PB) >>15688321

>>15690161 Miss Alabama Zoe Sozo Bethel, 27, a deeply religious conservative commentator, died Friday in Miami of head injuries from a mysterious accident

>>15690179, >>15690183 Navy Nuclear Engineer/Wife Plead Guilty to Role in Sub Secrets Conspiracy

>>15690207, >>15690215, >>15690227, >>15690254, >>15690277, >>15690281 CFR meeting on “Combating Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.”

>>15690252, >>15690256 Trump-linked Digital World's shares surge after Truth Social app launch

>>15690423 Prepare to radically readjust your comfort level

>>15690466, >>15690421 Matthew Perry Says He Beat Up Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in the 5th Grade

>>15690578 Dana Delany, The Desperate Housewives alum, 65, shared selfie to Twitter account over weekend, showed her sporting a fresh black eye

>>15690618 Canada Senate Live

>>15690642 #19839

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1ce532  No.15690656


>>15689099, >>15689361, >>15689512, >>15689715 Interesting Delta - Pluto (the planet) and JFK Jr. in Play

>>15689110, >>15689128, >>15689657, >>15689567 WW vax news and data supression

>>15689229 Dom Rep building Wall with Haiti

>>15689296 School Security guard pleads guilty to raping 8th grader

>>15689441, >>15689451, >>15689769, >>15689774, >>15689799, >>15689802 Mologic digz

>>15689565, >>15689711, >>15689648, >>15689710 PlaneFag

>>15689686, >>15689721 Schweizer, Robert Kennedy Jr. reading list with excerpts

>>15689698 KT McFarland: Media not covering Durham report implicating Team Hillary because they’re ‘in on the con'

>>15689705 NOAA Geomagnetic K-index of 5

>>15689706 Techno Fog - Why did the CIA meet with a DNC lawyer

>>15689736 And there it is: Important distinction regarding the surveillance at issue in the Sussmann case (bun)

>>15689788 hussein on John Lewis: honor his memory by taking action and creating change

>>15689795 Dems are trying to get #TruthSocial removed from the Apple Store using bad reviews. (Anons know what to do)

>>15689845 #19838


>>15688321 Putin makes a statement following the Security Council meeting on Donbass recognition, Putin asked Bill Clinton, "Why did you make an enemy out of us?"

>>15688393 Arizona School Board Association (ASBA) Discontinues Membership in National School Boards Association (NSBA)

>>15688567 CDC is refusing to publish data it has collected on booster effectiveness for those aged 18-49

>>15688572 Dog Comms?: ‘I'm Still in Shock': Dog Missing for 12 Years Reunited With California Owner

>>15688612 Zelensky addresses nation after Russia’s Donbass move

>>15688639 Arizona Senator Wendy Rogers - Hill Article on "Conspiracy Theory" Posts

>>15688703 FDA Warns of Vaccine Induced Positive Syphilis Test

>>15688720, >>15688780 Hillary Clinton is a distant relative of many prominent Quebecers, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

>>15688921 Dig? Mr CCP, Professor Wei Wang connected to Q post linking experiments on VETS to control their physical movements via chips.

>>15688987, >>15689001 Baker (AAGB1776) Passed Away - Final Post

>>15689026 #19837


>>15687472 Biden’s Ambassador to Germany Returns to US after Just Days on Job; Kamala Refused to Let Her Fly on Air Force Two

>>15687485 Naomi Wolf Opines: The Fall of Canada, the Danger in the US

>>15687518 Britney Spears lands $15 million book deal: reports

>>15687521 The Russia Vs Ukraine Show, Starring Joe and Kamala: Here They Come To Save The Day!

>>15687618, >>15687635, >>15687636 It's Over: Bob Beckel has died at the age of 73

>>15687590, >>15687646 Russia Representative at UN: It should be remembered that the DPR and the LPR declared their independence from Ukraine back in 2014, but we only recognize them now...

>>15687589 Pilot Writes the Word ‘Relax’ at Ukraine’s Border

>>15687745 Canada's Emergencies Act

>>15687748, >>15687735, >>15687684 4 Special Counsel Revelations Tying Spygate To Hillary Clinton’s Campaign

>>15687708 Las Vegas pastor accused of child sex crimes arrested in New Mexico

>>15687767 Live from CA Trucker Secret Hideout?

>>15687752 RCMP Statement Re: Emergency Tyranny Act

>>15687807 Fully Vaxxed Fox News Anchor Neil Cabunghole Back on Air After Five-Week Absence, Confirms He Was in ICU with ‘Covid Pneumonia’

>>15687838 Never gets old: We Must Fight - President Reagan (Long Version)

>>15687858 Anon: The whole world is trying to send us to war so we won’t be able to fix what Trump was fixing.

>>15687876 President Trump’s TRUTH SOCIAL Launches, Hits Number One On Apple Store WITHIN HOURS, Hundreds Of Thousands Placed On Waiting List

>>15687912 Hillary Clinton's 'fake scandal' attack on Durham probe recalls strategy from Whitewater era

>>15687923 Trudeau Channels Hillary Clinton - Pay to Play? The Trudeau Foundation

>>15687941 Massive fire, explosion destroys apartment building and 2 popular businesses in Albany Park

>>15687973 Four year delta: 20mm by tomorrow? TRUTH

>>15688008 Moar From The Trucker In Canada - Trudeau Has Declared War On The Candian People

>>15688045, >>15688057, >>15688139 Baker (@AGB1776) passed away this morning. TYB! God Bless Him

>>15688051 USA Trucker Convoy Release Route Across Country to Washington DC

>>15688187 West Milwaukee School Board Votes to End Mask Mandate

>>15688239 #19836

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1ce532  No.15690658


>>15686677, >>15686681 Emergency Act passed. 185 yay 151 nay

>>15686690 The Ukraine Requested U.N. Security Council will meet tonight at 9 p.m. ET in an open session

>>15686694, >>15686705 Here is the Boom goes the dynamite show that Babyfist was on. Enjoy it. Codemonkey showed up as well.

>>15686703 Always remember that the DC media pushed this [Ukraine] narrative

>>15686754, >>15686772, >>15686839, >>15686907, >>15686967 Coincidences with the areas recently recognized as independent

>>15686794 RE: Truth Social Registration/Login Hack

>>15686849 ‘Red-Handed’: China Used Trudeau Dad’s ‘Motorcycle Diaries’ Knockoff to Promote Justin’s Career

>>15686855 Ex-girlfriend tells Hunter Biden grand jury about lavish spending - NYT

>>15686858 Biden’s Ambassador to Germany Returns to US after Just Days on Job; Kamala Refused to Let Her Fly on Air Force Two

>>15686910 Is Trudeau even a valid PM, based on the math of Elections Canada?



>>15687077 Brennan surfaces on MSNBC

>>15687190, >>15687105, >>15687062 Bidens connection to Ukrainian Coal via Poroshenko

>>15687174, >>15687285 Rittenhouse Announces Intention to Sue Leftwing Media Personalities and Outlets Who Repeatedly Lied About Him

>>15687358, >>15687344 UN Security Council LIVE

>>15686991 Theo Flurry Twadder confirms: He's fren

>>15687415 #19835

Previously Collected

>>15685041 #19832, >>15685748 #19833, >>15686586 #19834

>>15682616 #19829, >>15683417 #19830, >>15684448 #19831

>>15680246 #19826, >>15681034 #19827, >>15681884 #19828

>>15677927 #19823, >>15678687 #19824, >>15679479 #19825

>>15675548 #19820, >>15676381 #19821, >>15677177 #19822

>>15673149 #19817, >>15673908 #19818, >>15674744 #19819

General Notable Pins: https://ghostbin.com/14ehq

TripCode feed: https://8kun.top/qresearch/tripcode.xml

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15406645 Notables #11: Never Back Down!

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1ce532  No.15690670

File: 197ab8d6c68da61⋯.png (387.35 KB, 484x324, 121:81, POTUS_Broke_Twitter.png)



==Baker requesting handoff=

Thank you anons

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df8ff2  No.15690679

File: 9349aca87cda9b1⋯.png (201.98 KB, 610x610, 1:1, pepe_peace_2.png)



HappyTWOs Dayanons!


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692a16  No.15690695

File: d43a528410f55b0⋯.png (197.42 KB, 551x453, 551:453, Screen_Shot_2022_02_22_at_….png)

BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

Lich was denied jail because, in part, the judge believed that there was a risk that she would continue criminal actions.


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692a16  No.15690701


a good day to double down.

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951d75  No.15690704

File: 5b560b1fdc8d0ac⋯.jpg (386.22 KB, 1098x910, 549:455, smallspoiler.jpg)

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a5444c  No.15690706


pronounced U

06 06



Later Anon

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734fe5  No.15690707


Second Isaiah sais explicitly in Second Isaiah

Never to reveal the Existence of Second Isaiah.

Not to tell anyone about it.


I'm 99% certain second Isaiah never mentions Yahweh once, and I'm 99%

certain 2nd Isaiah does not touch on the masculine and feminine, just the

left and right

thats a shitpost bro

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da6287  No.15690710

File: 1e83d9d1d18c2e3⋯.jpg (134.88 KB, 640x640, 1:1, 1209337_10151934320868254_….jpg)


ty 4 ur service.

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8f01c6  No.15690711

File: cecf5942b5311a1⋯.png (642.01 KB, 500x924, 125:231, ClipboardImage.png)

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08ca29  No.15690712

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Wake mi

When you need mi

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692a16  No.15690713

>>15688290 p how about a nice anon-like summary.

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734fe5  No.15690714


God said to Israel

You are my Battleaxe, and Weapons of War

On another note

Isaiah 59:17-19

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da6287  No.15690716


I pee your israel.

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58480b  No.15690717

File: 9c6d88316b67226⋯.png (520.44 KB, 998x501, 998:501, ClipboardImage.png)


>>15688987 (pb), >>15689001(pb)

>Baker (AAGB1776) Passed Away - Final Post

May the Milkies be plentiful on the next leg of the journey.


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bda084  No.15690719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>>15690603 (LB)









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692a16  No.15690720

A bad day for the Masonic Plan.

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2cfb34  No.15690721

File: 401e91f91954f63⋯.jpg (6.57 KB, 324x150, 54:25, DB44.jpg)

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33045b  No.15690722


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e6db1b  No.15690723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d258fe  No.15690724

File: a5a7c67bdcf2c7b⋯.jpg (183.34 KB, 1357x1920, 1357:1920, BT_14.jpg)

Prayer for Light, Love, and Patience

The light of love's candle still flickers in darkness.

Lord grant us the strength for Light, Love, and Patience to carry us together through the storm.

May Light always shine in Darkness.

May Love always triumph over hate.

May Patience allow time for Light and Love to make us one.

Amen Brothers


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da6287  No.15690725



You hear me?????????????????

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937149  No.15690726

File: 045c687286afe32⋯.png (174.9 KB, 720x931, 720:931, Screenshot_20220222_015443….png)

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da6287  No.15690727


I pee on clowns too.

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47c48d  No.15690728

File: 33172bd50215e56⋯.jpg (154.22 KB, 720x1187, 720:1187, 20220222_080534.jpg)

File: 4b24d3eb760d3fe⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 798x692, 399:346, 20220222_080141.jpg)

File: 8b5772b41fc75d3⋯.jpg (34.58 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 0e9.jpg)


YAHOO: “According to Tech Crunch, Truth Social's "proprietary account registration microservice" is named "Pepe."’

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131f14  No.15690729

File: b32350efe12ce46⋯.png (132.9 KB, 383x411, 383:411, ducepoint.png)


…Sucks to be [them].

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e6db1b  No.15690730

You're not the speaker last I checked.


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5b7d1c  No.15690731


“May the good times roll.”

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56dad3  No.15690732

File: 33098f3243de0e7⋯.jpg (55.51 KB, 519x485, 519:485, 1044500107.jpg)

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769107  No.15690733

File: 10d7e666fb9fd94⋯.png (427.85 KB, 593x445, 593:445, TSr.PNG)

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b56e02  No.15690734

File: 86187def72dbd54⋯.jpg (127.13 KB, 720x405, 16:9, lead_720_405.jpg)

Ever been part of "the wave" at a sporting event? Stood up at a show or event and applauded because others were applauding without knowing much about who, or what the clapping was for?

It is trivial to exploit our human propensity for imitation, to go along with the crowd, and use this to propagate unconscious self-replicating social behaviors (fads, trends, crazes) in a culture for purposes of marketing or for social control.

It's common sense that such a phenomenon, ripe for exploitation, is being used by cultist pedovores interested in controlling human behavior – especially the for controlling the future evolution of social and economic systems.

Pop culture is not the organic phenomena it appears, but a curated artificial medium engineered to permit rapid introduction and transmission of contagious, conditioned behaviors like purchasing and to spread psychogenic illnesses, self-destructive sexual fetishes etc.

Cultures where commerce controls media content and where art is used to sell consumer goods also have the capacity to engineer psychological operations which induce delusions and powerful contagious mental illnesses or collective insanities.

Historical incidents and known forms of contagious psychogenic illnesses are described in "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay.


In recent years, we have seen mysterious maladies proliferate. Recently, American and European psychologists have been tracking the blue whale game, the Momo challenge, the gorilla glue challenge which use guided imagery, occult symbols sigils and glyphs to evoke a psychic dilemma which persuades victim to ice themselves or huff wasp spray. In addition to obvious mind traps like Momo and the Whale, there are similar cognitive exploits which are far more dangerous.

Rothko's basilisk is a logic trap to which a small segment of the population is especially vulnerable -


The evil clowns create both the pathology, “induced contagious, epidemic psychogenic illness” and the psyops which exploit it, constantly.





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6a1ce9  No.15690735

File: 4b979d933f7752a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 769x1218, 769:1218, ClipboardImage.png)

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25f0e7  No.15690736

File: f9eba589d1809dc⋯.png (112.41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 0e0559961251dbf9e01f39cd10….png)


racist connotations

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094e99  No.15690737

Happy Two'sday! Will you still be awake twonight on this Two'sday, 2/22/22 at 22:22:22 two celebrate? Twomorrow will be two late!

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e6db1b  No.15690738

File: f6bff44e701194e⋯.png (843.48 KB, 1150x646, 575:323, ClipboardImage.png)



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5b7d1c  No.15690739

File: 2c213971428697f⋯.jpeg (64.78 KB, 526x326, 263:163, 189CBB5F_5FC0_479F_96A2_9….jpeg)

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bda084  No.15690740

File: 259e840b894cfdd⋯.pdf (3 MB, 259e840b894cfdd7a9dace99d2….pdf)


>>15690603 (LB)



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25f0e7  No.15690741

File: e4cc96f1a139aeb⋯.png (519.05 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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168c7f  No.15690742

File: cb7298b2d79a84d⋯.png (302.77 KB, 478x514, 239:257, ClipboardImage.png)

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f5c87f  No.15690743

File: 342b94b6864bec0⋯.png (330.75 KB, 401x620, 401:620, ClipboardImage.png)

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584bd2  No.15690744

File: 9ba5d7a1a93fce4⋯.jpg (46.28 KB, 638x391, 638:391, bbrdspoklihj.jpg)

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6a1ce9  No.15690745

File: 6ef26844bcd8d0a⋯.png (479.48 KB, 1332x841, 1332:841, ClipboardImage.png)


>Happy Two'sday

looking for a 2:22:22 post 2 day

early am failed

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e6db1b  No.15690746

File: 2988c5afb3755c8⋯.png (641.1 KB, 989x576, 989:576, ClipboardImage.png)

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75aa96  No.15690747


double standards

inequitable justice

one sided liberal democrats throw the book at the political dissenters and anti-satanist

gleefully applying full measure justice - no mysteries, no accidents, pure accountability



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e6db1b  No.15690748

File: e3426841ca9946b⋯.png (99.56 KB, 251x286, 251:286, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c64c1  No.15690750



Withdrawal ALL participation, contributions, or recognition of such an unjust ‘authority’.

Such illogic on the part of Government, is blatantly telling the public that ANYONE can be jailed by [them], for any reason, said or unsaid, unproven, and even by their ‘speculation’ that you might/could/possibly consider ‘mischief’ sometime in the future.

Precipicy fosho… about as blatant as can be for an illegitimate Government.

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479e3f  No.15690751

File: a44a27fcba43847⋯.png (6.74 MB, 4000x3000, 4:3, missouri.png)

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4d1bad  No.15690752

File: 44fef522c1a48b2⋯.png (164.88 KB, 474x328, 237:164, ClipboardImage.png)

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d843a6  No.15690753


too L8! kek!

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da6287  No.15690756


Idiot, evil shit landed to my balcony, and I said to him ; "who are you? my soul belongs to God." And an angel, came from my left back, hot, and that shit gone. So fuck you.

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8f01c6  No.15690758

File: a52a1a56b7df802⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1260x678, 210:113, ClipboardImage.png)


2's, to's, two's, Tues, and too's.

Make mine a double!

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1c6266  No.15690760

File: dd28b26eb6ced8d⋯.jpg (247.14 KB, 1080x1149, 360:383, Screenshot_20220222_091055….jpg)

File: d87507c853e3ee2⋯.jpg (295.9 KB, 1080x1795, 216:359, Screenshot_20220222_091020….jpg)



Wondering if there's any truth to this?

Was always behind Kyle but thought something was a miss. But a crisis actor, surely this can't be fake, people did die right?

Was on gab & saw Kyle joined and was asking for donations to file his civil law suits. Really is passing me off not ever knowing who's who.

Sauce: https://gab.com/rmckenna33/posts/107842239171871851

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6a1ce9  No.15690761

File: 219897be44374b2⋯.png (674.47 KB, 1246x1333, 1246:1333, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d1bad  No.15690762

File: 5614982b3c94f68⋯.png (205.16 KB, 590x605, 118:121, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fc28b74fba7be71⋯.png (569.29 KB, 800x599, 800:599, ClipboardImage.png)

Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer


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56dad3  No.15690763


Stupid fucking asshole. Not even god likes you.

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b56e02  No.15690764

File: 8229d7c7608156f⋯.jpg (129.08 KB, 635x640, 127:128, planned_parenthood_sacrifi….jpg)

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951d75  No.15690766

File: 2d810f574ea8441⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, 2a3ea6c16fb2c016421bf0b584….png)


>Truth Social's "proprietary account registration microservice" is named "Pepe."’


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356f14  No.15690767

File: ac210c83bf6660a⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 828x1023, 276:341, FMJ2xgzX0Ag5qd5.jpg)

File: fce39e847464b71⋯.jpg (27.08 KB, 828x404, 207:101, FMJ2xhaXoAILS_M.jpg)


this is going to be hilarious.


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da6287  No.15690768


But you here for the truth…..

No wonder Q said that will put you in hospitals.

You looks like you know much.

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e30eff  No.15690770

File: e8fea227889f065⋯.gif (1.18 MB, 500x269, 500:269, GifMeme_21022022141741.gif)

File: fd10cde57e46fa5⋯.jpg (42.14 KB, 392x650, 196:325, ZomboMeme_21022022200823.jpg)

File: 282112a82ce1b36⋯.jpg (65.41 KB, 500x676, 125:169, ZomboMeme_17022022105459.jpg)

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da6287  No.15690771

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1ce532  No.15690772


Can someone get the article link and text if possible for baker. TYIA

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734fe5  No.15690773


Isaiah 49:3-6

God has respect for his Anointed

The immigrant who killed Saul when

Saul fell on his own sword and asked

the immigrant to finish him off, after telling

David what happened, was almost

immediately beheaded without question

God has Respect for His Anointed

Those who Deny His Glory entered not therein

God is Glorified in Israel

Israel is the Surname of the Bridegroom,

the Branch, the Firstborn Man and the

Firstborn Spirit. The Father.

Israel Is Gods Firstborn.

Gods Innumerable people that are scattered

all over the Earth

Israel was prophesied to rise up in the Last Days

as the Branch, the Two Olive Branches, the Bridegroom,

the Bride and Groom, and Unite the 12 Tribes in the West.

the Two Witnesses are in America

That is the Place that is Spiritually Sodom and Egypt

the East Mirrors the West Geographically

The East is the Soul of the West, and the West is the Spirit of the East

The perpendicular points on the map from the equator

thats why they rebuilt all of the monuments from the Nile of Egypt along the Missippi


Israel 400 years in Slavery in Egypt

Mayflower Landed 1620 November 11th

40 weeks in the Womb

did you think Come Out Of Babylon was just a catchphrase?

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e6db1b  No.15690774

File: 02fde9fa6df8b5c⋯.png (605.05 KB, 977x575, 977:575, ClipboardImage.png)



it's a fun one!

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690bf8  No.15690775

File: ca7caa3ae8b344b⋯.png (229.63 KB, 720x1476, 20:41, 2022_Terr.png)

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8f01c6  No.15690776

File: a73b710194b3d98⋯.png (508.27 KB, 1170x1536, 195:256, ClipboardImage.png)


It's a mad world

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4ed7ee  No.15690777

File: e58d1a96e359b25⋯.jpg (5.21 MB, 5470x3647, 5470:3647, curious_kids_just_how_huge….jpg)


God bless ALL onthe board Our chilldren and family's.

Yeshua blessings.

God bless and anoint Our planet with the Holy Spirit.

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237ba7  No.15690778


Wendy Rogers did not commit suicide

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da6287  No.15690779


fuck you after, if you hot.

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6a1ce9  No.15690780

File: 8a60e03b4d466c8⋯.png (886.18 KB, 1272x889, 1272:889, ClipboardImage.png)

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82a273  No.15690781


This is not going to end well…

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b85f44  No.15690782

Be gentle with them.

2 day will be the day 1 of them meets The Flash. Just be outside looking up when you feel the time is right.

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e6db1b  No.15690783

File: d22f25a3f471187⋯.png (65.19 KB, 350x250, 7:5, oooo.png)

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635b71  No.15690784


i think this is actually #19842, there are two each of 39 and 37

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e6db1b  No.15690785

File: 70de691bde37082⋯.png (638.97 KB, 1074x372, 179:62, Screenshot_2022_02_20_at_0….png)


>Lich was denied jail because, in part, the judge believed that there was a risk that she would continue criminal actions.

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40c269  No.15690786

File: 046f8fadd133cc2⋯.png (38.96 KB, 677x270, 677:270, ClipboardImage.png)

Rum is better. Just sayin.



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da6287  No.15690787


Stop y/ your bible shit.

Learn who Jesus was.

Don't be a sheep.

Be a creator.

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a51f17  No.15690788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


History Books

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a787b7  No.15690789

File: 97904c847bbef58⋯.png (1.68 MB, 1131x792, 377:264, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5a701814c640182⋯.png (126.08 KB, 349x342, 349:342, ClipboardImage.png)


The World is Their Stage

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bda084  No.15690790

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>Withdrawal ALL participation, contributions, or recognition of such an unjust ‘authority’.

>>14863399 (QSG)







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094e99  No.15690791



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b71eca  No.15690792

I hear tell that the Anons that have had a positive impact to QR are being pushed to the front of the line at Truth.

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4ed7ee  No.15690795

File: 9ec005df823a001⋯.jpg (99.72 KB, 585x611, 45:47, Screenshot_20210726_103657….jpg)

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07cb92  No.15690796

So who here can spin winning in Canada? This is not winning. If he steps down she is worse. Let’s hear it.

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ae08e4  No.15690797



She should have shot at a political candidate, then she'd be out on bail no problem.

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e6db1b  No.15690798


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4ed7ee  No.15690799

File: 69e7b95a3a5c933⋯.jpg (27.44 KB, 268x297, 268:297, Screenshot_20220211_190652….jpg)

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b72588  No.15690800

File: 7d61f53f1a07feb⋯.jpeg (206.37 KB, 682x732, 341:366, Two.jpeg)

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690bf8  No.15690801

File: 62e68118d5fc6e1⋯.jpg (170.22 KB, 846x575, 846:575, R40e8f82d71691dac6ad1000eb….jpg)

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1ce532  No.15690802

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0f23ed  No.15690803

>>15689647 pb


>>15689683 pb

>G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

Bannon opens Warroom today with



and then

"Another day at the office"

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74f4f4  No.15690804

File: bc06040c538268d⋯.jpg (10.96 KB, 255x134, 255:134, df6509e7f1391629f7268ceef4….jpg)

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5b7d1c  No.15690805


Where does “drug” end and foodstuffs begin?

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988aaf  No.15690806

File: d444dd37da4ec29⋯.jpg (58.07 KB, 551x558, 551:558, d444dd37da4ec2911213135bab….jpg)


She's pretty

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1ce532  No.15690807

File: 20fa5d1c4d331c1⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 344x299, 344:299, pepe_goofy_3.jpg)


DBL ck please anon.

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e6db1b  No.15690808

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>She should have shot at a political candidate

She's got the look.

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4ed7ee  No.15690809

File: ddf6da6d23a0933⋯.jpg (13.66 KB, 199x255, 199:255, d159848423e40a7954e2efc23c….jpg)

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7887df  No.15690810

>>15690661 (LB)

>>15690661 (LB)

>>15690661 (LB)

>>15690661 (LB)

>>15690661 (LB)

Fucking THIS! Highly autistic anon. NOTABLE POST!!!

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2f182e  No.15690811

File: 4eb86548978bfa4⋯.jpg (14.62 KB, 255x155, 51:31, HapHap.jpg)

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8e7852  No.15690812

File: e3d3692a01da089⋯.jpg (9.55 KB, 160x213, 160:213, pepe1.jpg)


Pepe is clearly latino though, and he's green.

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6a1ce9  No.15690813

File: 13524c88451b1c0⋯.png (118.17 KB, 331x321, 331:321, ClipboardImage.png)



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4ed7ee  No.15690814

File: 54ade31d412eab4⋯.jpg (40.88 KB, 280x290, 28:29, Screenshot_20220211_091647….jpg)

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f46cbf  No.15690815

File: 5ade04402509ffd⋯.png (28.47 KB, 486x278, 243:139, ClipboardImage.png)


In this case, yes.

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5b7d1c  No.15690816

File: a08b519add97277⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1308x866, 654:433, D57F0310_0429_4510_876D_8E….png)



God wants to like everyone. Even dickheads.

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4ed7ee  No.15690817

File: 104b276b7d5169f⋯.png (38.94 KB, 613x647, 613:647, 104b276b7d5169f4aebf16b6da….png)

File: c254fec73a646b5⋯.jpg (33.45 KB, 600x400, 3:2, 23.jpg)

File: 104b276b7d5169f⋯.png (38.94 KB, 613x647, 613:647, 104b276b7d5169f4aebf16b6da….png)

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82a273  No.15690818


That's what worries me.

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74f4f4  No.15690819

File: 601c5d756cc38c5⋯.png (17.64 KB, 228x255, 76:85, e82c48dd6e460eca4c31fbbbe8….png)

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a787b7  No.15690820

File: 3e3a3d4a87f623d⋯.png (556.24 KB, 371x792, 371:792, ClipboardImage.png)


Your entire life is F & G.

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be3263  No.15690821

File: 2a32e71537fa1ac⋯.png (388.53 KB, 549x484, 549:484, michelleface.png)

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6921ec  No.15690822

File: c40d745dc446d31⋯.png (127.9 KB, 805x495, 161:99, ever.png)

not sure if this has been here before.


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4ed7ee  No.15690823

File: bca4ec06c5621a5⋯.jpg (26.1 KB, 375x250, 3:2, Screenshot_20220207_092752….jpg)


Don't know what's worse Nasim, pistol, or leeks?

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920a63  No.15690824

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Anyone else see the connection between the Canada Freedom Convoy and Trump's warp speed?

Referring specifically to the delicate dance between our plan and their plan, how blackpilled/doomers/cointel pro twist what's happening right now into proof "it's a trap"…

I guess many already figured most of this out by now, but it's justnotable afto me how understanding these habbenings helps to explain the other habbening.

Really smart, very dedicated patriots have had a tough time accepting Trump's Warp Speed. They just can't fathom the notion that a vaccine that hurts so many would be quickly brought to market for some higher benevolent purpose. They get mad if you even try to say it. You're fucking nuts if you think someone would do this for good. And that's if they like Trump. More often than not, "he's clearly one of them". I know that's bullshit, and you know it, but they're out there.

Look at the Canadian Convoy though. It's arguable we're just playing right into their hands. Just giving them the excuse they need to do everything we know they want and plan to do, only that much faster. We can see they're doing it right fucking now. One could conclude the doomers are right, and it was a trap, and this is good reason to not get involved. We know that's wrong though. We know that every time we act and they react, more wake up, more get involved, and we move that much closer to OUR victory. We can look ahead from 10k ft and see that the road to both victory and defeat are looking more and more like the same road with every step we take. So what's the difference, other than trust in the plan and in God? I argue it's speed. I argue it's that they weren't ready. I argue that anyone who knows what their plan was ought know we're fucked if we don't act anyway.

Combat tactics, Mr Ryan. By turning into the torpedo, we're closing the distance before they could arm itself.

2030 isn't possible in 2022. They're just not ready. So much left to do still. CoreysDigs has good details on what still needs to be done. They would have to be ready to deal with an awakened populous. They're not, so they can't, but they have no choice in the matter. Moving forward with their plan at an accelerated rate is their only option. This is why they will fail. This is why the only option for us is to act. This (along with decades of death and destruction from vaccines/pharma prior to Covid) is why Warp Speed had to happen and why it's worth the price.

Seeing how the 2 are related helps me deal with frens who are struggling with all of this right now. Maybe it'll help you too. Relevant with US Convoy and current Russia habbenings as well.

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be3263  No.15690825


weird role

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cc8240  No.15690827



He would be proud.

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1c6266  No.15690829

File: 93297d9fc6443ce⋯.jpg (486.22 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20210101_183546….jpg)


The post is f&g yes?

He wasn't at Sandy Hook then?

I'm glad because I like his character & want to support him but to be honest, first im seeing the accusation.

Ty anon.

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356f14  No.15690830


this show is so dope.

so many coinkidinks

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6a1ce9  No.15690831

File: 090e3b02b2ebd57⋯.png (37.01 KB, 1053x913, 1053:913, ClipboardImage.png)


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4ed7ee  No.15690832

File: e067d1a113d9035⋯.jpg (21.25 KB, 291x196, 291:196, Screenshot_20220211_091643….jpg)

File: 1a719f126c3626a⋯.jpg (24.65 KB, 303x230, 303:230, Screenshot_20210726_102226….jpg)


The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.

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e575c4  No.15690833

File: 032a78882f3d2c7⋯.png (891.66 KB, 981x748, 981:748, bidan.png)

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1ce532  No.15690835

File: b692a93332953d3⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1024x970, 512:485, Kyle_Rittenhouse_shooting_….png)


I keep getting weird time digits.

>02/22/22 (Tue) 09:00:09


His childhood photo looks nothing like the sandy hook kid…

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569842  No.15690836


tis an odd one…

collected long ago

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4ed7ee  No.15690838

File: cee8573c11cd036⋯.jpg (11.27 KB, 640x852, 160:213, cee8573c11cd036722df158d29….jpg)

File: f28d7a86426b5d3⋯.jpg (13.52 KB, 640x481, 640:481, bf3d5628e1b4ef1547b61353b4….jpg)

File: 886c6694a3116a5⋯.jpg (1.12 MB, 2048x1939, 2048:1939, 886c6694a3116a502f5bac16e5….jpg)


This is not a game!



Do you believe in coincidences?

How many coincidences do you need before you believe?

This is the biggest insider drop in the history of the world.




This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.


God be with us all.


This is a direct attack.

CIA retaliation for the info dumps Q is giving us, measures Q-group is taking by dismantling bad actors' networks.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Rogue intelligence agency openly and publicly demonstrates its disloyalty in a major US media outlet.



God be with us all.

This is a direct attack.

The article is disinfo but made to send a message to POTUS.

You are witnessing history.

Take down of the bad actors' network (some call the NWO) is underway.


God be with us all.

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762065  No.15690839

File: 7938d577d372784⋯.jpg (631.16 KB, 1008x1920, 21:40, kek.jpg)

I can't afford iphones. Where's truth social for the poors?

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e6db1b  No.15690840

File: 744586d5b11df7e⋯.gif (5.95 MB, 960x511, 960:511, rebelnews.gif)

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692a16  No.15690841


o noe, not mischief!

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569842  No.15690843

File: c2ed0f92e6ee32c⋯.jpg (8.51 KB, 250x201, 250:201, 0d9260c0bf409812b20875d69a….jpg)


you're on it?


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4ed7ee  No.15690844

File: 3443e531a88e261⋯.jpg (28.98 KB, 295x275, 59:55, Screenshot_20220211_190623….jpg)


Aye, aye, tis.

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988aaf  No.15690845



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4ed7ee  No.15690846

File: c99670dcd7b27a8⋯.jpg (32.04 KB, 272x289, 16:17, Screenshot_20220214_125928….jpg)

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569842  No.15690847

File: d59874ca4271706⋯.jpg (15.79 KB, 225x225, 1:1, 4D4D.jpg)

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4ed7ee  No.15690849

File: 5e28569f51d7112⋯.jpg (41.75 KB, 783x419, 783:419, Screenshot_20220219_130750….jpg)

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40c269  No.15690850


Fine, I'll come back then.

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549afb  No.15690851


So the third Temple is Planned Parenthood? Praise God, baby killing is back in style!

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b56e02  No.15690852

File: 5114cd62b10cd20⋯.jpg (33.65 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 0rRjL2lp_400x400.jpg)

The purpose of Life is spiritual Awakening, not the accumulation of wealth or the competitive enslavement of others.

Life is not about being first. It is not about having the correct answer. No single individual ever creates anything of value. Every work of imagination, every invention, scientific discovery or artistic innovation or beautiful song is the work of many human beings living and dead.

The words, numbers and images we share are common property; they're eternal, and make of us what we are; they possess immutable properties.

Everyone contributes to civilization and all are free to withdraw from the transgenerational repository the storehouse of mankind’s treasury of accumulated knowledge.

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a787b7  No.15690853

File: ed37fb820e980d5⋯.png (350.48 KB, 584x688, 73:86, ClipboardImage.png)


It's all the Jew cares about.

That and raping children.

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340af2  No.15690854

File: 995684a2628f55c⋯.jpg (421.24 KB, 1200x1305, 80:87, studio54.JPG)

>>15689963 pb

Cuba Crisis of '63?

was '62; Sorry.

this dancer is from Studio 54, where Margaret hung out

What a sleazy joint.

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3331f5  No.15690855

File: a19371272562754⋯.jpg (48.94 KB, 618x380, 309:190, Mash_Henry_Klinger.JPG)

File: a98d99b35dd404f⋯.jpg (127.24 KB, 749x546, 107:78, U_S_Army_1953_2021_Klinger.jpg)


[pulling out Klinger's file] Here we go. Father dying, right?


Yes, Sir.


Mother dying and older sister pregnant. Older sister dying and mother pregnant. Younger sister pregnant and older sister dying. Here's an oldie but a goodie: half of the family dying, other half pregnant. [puts file down] Klinger, aren't you ashamed of yourself?


Yes sir. I don't deserve to be in the Army.

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e6db1b  No.15690856

File: 958c11cedfd78de⋯.png (44.04 KB, 686x241, 686:241, ClipboardImage.png)


Our unique approach to scenario planning, corporate strategy and futures analysis yields measurable results.

Evergreen I: Building Strategic Foresight at the Coast Guard

The Chief of Staff of the U.S. Coast Guard launched “Project Evergreen” in the fall of 2003 to create a new set of strategies for the USCG in the post-9/11 operating environment, in which the Service was now part of the Department of Homeland Security. As with the preceding “Project Long View,” the Coast Guard and we used a scenario planning approach to more critically and comprehensively evaluate a range of plausible operating conditions that the Service would encounter over the next two decades. FSG facilitated a weeklong workshop for senior operators and a select group of Flag Officers. Workshop outputs were analyzed and further refined to identify common or “robust” elements. Ultimately, a set of 12 strategies were identified and detailed. Evergreen I core strategies have informed a range of Coast Guard activities, including the National Strategy for Maritime Security and its eight subordinate plans. These strategies have also provided the catalyst for the Coast Guard’s National Maritime Strategy Risk Assessment initiative and the Coast Guard Strategy for Maritime Safety, Security, and Stewardship. The Coast Guard’s experience with Project Evergreen has been documented in the publication Creating and Sustaining Strategic Intent in the Coast Guard. (A limited number of copies of this publication are available upon request.)

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0f23ed  No.15690857


>>>15690661 (LB)


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16f8ac  No.15690858

Did you get a good username on TruthSocial?

Took several tries but I got a 5 letter username

without numbers etc. \o/ but I don't have a Iphone.


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42b60c  No.15690859

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e575c4  No.15690860

File: b493ca385cc9974⋯.png (576.7 KB, 607x462, 607:462, joan_rivers.png)


>Michelle Obama and… are men

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a51f17  No.15690861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


These people are stupid

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4ed7ee  No.15690862

File: 6ce0fd37ad21a9a⋯.jpg (275.38 KB, 1775x840, 355:168, Screenshot_20220211_085959….jpg)

File: 9bca9f5f2fb6737⋯.jpg (46.02 KB, 451x522, 451:522, Screenshot_20220211_090017….jpg)

Our chilldren are precious and priceless, they deserve better!

God bless and protect Our chilldren!

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8e7852  No.15690863


Ears don't match. You knew to check that first, right?

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635b71  No.15690864


nvm i'm an idiot

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8c64c1  No.15690865


After posting that for ten thousandth time, have you noticed if it’s gained any traction yet? That’s usually a sign that your offering has merit and utility, otherwise a non-obsessive person moves on and tries something different. Or AT LEAST posts it wrapped in a different package. Boring people are annoying, so your message, if you actually have something to offer, is lost by your overarching annoyance.

Go ahead and translate what i just wrote into your magical QSG.

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769107  No.15690866

File: ac4cdfb889e4a9b⋯.png (11.38 KB, 331x375, 331:375, hm5ab.png)

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f41515  No.15690867


It’s the middle of the storm. Whomever will eventually be removed by force. Unavoidable now.

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1ce532  No.15690868


sauce please


I knowtice you like to tag notables with your spam

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4ed7ee  No.15690869

File: a3e17869385f1f5⋯.jpg (54.21 KB, 626x611, 626:611, Screenshot_20210915_151446….jpg)

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1c6266  No.15690870

File: 48f416ab3ef3704⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 720x719, 720:719, IMG_20201123_213829.jpg)


Nothing alike.


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762065  No.15690871


Aren't you the guy that talks about gassing "The Jews?" Maybe they did plant bomb threats. Maybe you're a psycho genocidal maniac. You guys are two sides to the same coin the internet swallowed and shit out.

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569842  No.15690872

File: 3f23fc959186f55⋯.jpg (17.18 KB, 255x254, 255:254, 500fd8e278da2aeb98b70764ad….jpg)

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e6db1b  No.15690873


>As with the preceding “Project Long View,” the Coast Guard and we used a scenario planning approach to more critically and comprehensively evaluate a range of plausible operating conditions that the Service would encounter over the next two decades.

Providing a Long-Range Look for the U.S. Coast Guard: Project Long View

In 1998, the U.S. Coast Guard hired us to develop a long-range strategy using our scenario planning methodology. The project became known as “Long View.” Five scenarios were developed to evaluate both current and potentially new missions and strategic options for the Coast Guard, across a range of plausible national security and maritime transportation environments. The project had the personal attention of the Commandant, who participated in all key workshops, as did a large number of Flag officers from headquarters and the operating regions. The final “Adopt-a-World” workshop identified and evaluated nearly two dozen initiatives that appeared to work across a majority of plausible future scenario worlds. Our team members, along with a counterpart group of Coast Guard officers and civilian employees, synthesized the key insights and produced a 10-point, long-range strategic plan. Each of the 10 points contained corresponding implementation considerations, which together formed a roadmap for executing the strategies. One of the strategies, “Maritime Domain Awareness,” became the centerpiece of the Coast Guard’s post-September 11th Homeland Security effort.

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bd5663  No.15690874

File: 1c95709950620a1⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1161x870, 387:290, ClipboardImage.png)

>>15690605 PB


lay siege

use their own weapons/plans against them


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4ed7ee  No.15690875

File: 1238be1104ba3d7⋯.jpg (30.1 KB, 378x211, 378:211, Screenshot_20210927_120033….jpg)

File: 416ab6081488987⋯.jpg (21.89 KB, 350x277, 350:277, Screenshot_20210927_120054….jpg)

File: fe652727cb9f81f⋯.jpg (55.54 KB, 781x375, 781:375, Screenshot_20210927_120107….jpg)

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ae08e4  No.15690876

File: 110c615dfdcb3b1⋯.jpg (72.7 KB, 749x499, 749:499, 6660hc.jpg)

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8f01c6  No.15690877

File: 7c3569d310235da⋯.png (44.86 KB, 1423x275, 1423:275, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bc8fe51b34d855a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1024x1449, 1024:1449, ClipboardImage.png)


Tamara LICH

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0f23ed  No.15690879


>>15688572,Dog Comms?:‘I'm Still in Shock': Dog Missing for 12 Years Reunited With California Owner

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/22/2019 13:16:48 ID: f55f0b

Archive Bread/Post Links: 5327525 / 5327732

Direct Link: 5327732

Anonymous 02/22/2019 13:06:57 ID:3bb411

Archive Bread/Post Links: 5327525 / 5327581

Direct Link: 5327581

You can BET Q knew Kraft was on surveillance video

Just when Kraft got all liberal in the Fake News



Super Bowl (winners)?

Puppy(sex_urban dic)?


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4ed7ee  No.15690881

File: 40d322aa03ef1cb⋯.jpg (126.99 KB, 1142x635, 1142:635, Screenshot_20210728_204803….jpg)

File: cc3b8c4f591b28a⋯.jpg (13.4 KB, 169x190, 169:190, Screenshot_20210728_204137….jpg)

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b56e02  No.15690882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The owners of the major media companies don't just protect pedovores, they are '''the architects and operators’’’ of the mass mind control system, the social engineers, the mind poisoners.

Many of our fellow citizens are so trapped in pseudo reality created by legacy media news and entertainment content they will never escape. We call the brainwashed “NPCs,” but they're victims of legacy media information poisoning.

We think we can watch legacy media news and entertainment content safely, that it won’t and hasn't hurt us… but it has. We've heard more lies about the world than we can remember. Those unremembered lies are the basis for important assumptions we make, about who is a friend and who's not, about what we do in our spare time and what we dream of for our children.

We've been exposed to hundreds of thousands subliminal images, subsonic induction, ultrasonic brain state modulation, images we’re not aware we even saw of sex hate death greed, all of which influence our behavior, creating a form of unrecognized PTSD, which victims often project outward as hate.

Legacy media has gradually, over decades reduced the common vocabulary and amplified the violence, venality, selfishness, greed and overt occultism in programming.

Hundreds of thousands of Americans suffer physical symptoms, increased blood pressure, respiration, perspiration and pulse – people shake, stutter at the mention of the name of a man they have never met. A man they know only from the thousands of negative stories about him in every media, every hour of every day on every conceivable media platform. The physical symptoms are a psychogenic illness produced nonstop adverse IO, cultist Information Operations, aka psyops.

By gradually reducing our vocabulary and simplifying discussions legacy media has gradually reduced our cognitive capacity and normalized bizarre fetishes and psychopathology; moral subversion is a recognized tactic of unrestricted war; lifetime exposure from infancy means that many of us are no longer able to understand what is happening to us.

Legacy media protects satanist pedophile occultists, ignores massive evidence, discredit and slanders honest researchers, elevates fake experts to debunk perverts like Epstein, and scandals like Pizzagate, the Presidio, Keating S&L perverts, and dozens of other similar scandals equally serious and always dismissed as "satanic panic" which is now the approved explanation for the McMartin preschool scandal in Los Angeles.

There, at McMartin the children described ritual abuse, but. as always. the the Daily Beast assures us is an hallucination



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89ec82  No.15690883


But muh no violence. No Muh civil war. Bye the military won’t do shit.

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a787b7  No.15690884


I notice you're a deceiving jewish cunt that baits innocents to all the bullshit you people spew.

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4ed7ee  No.15690885

File: 248e8be2e2952f0⋯.jpg (43.84 KB, 410x656, 5:8, Screenshot_20210928_133704….jpg)

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6a1ce9  No.15690886




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40c269  No.15690887

File: 48f88c47a7ea67b⋯.png (63.79 KB, 851x91, 851:91, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4ce9b47f9f761e8⋯.gif (4.7 MB, 430x215, 2:1, Nicolas_Cage_Face_Off_Laug….gif)


>Wanted to have a wait screen to show total number of queued new comers to flaunt it's popularity.

>Tossed in a Pepe just to fuck with people.


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095e05  No.15690888



Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer

Tyler Durden's Photo


TUESDAY, FEB 22, 2022 - 10:13 AM

Kyle Rittenhouse, who was acquitted of all charges stemming from an August 2020 shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, plans to sue a spate of celebrities, athletes and organizations for calling him a 'murderer.'

Rittenhouse, who killed two men and wounded a third in self-defense after being pursued during an anti-police protest, told Fox News' Tucker Carlson that he wants to hold major media and entertainment figures accountable - starting with talk show host Whoopie Goldberg.

"We are looking at quite a few politicians, celebrities, athletes, Whoopi Goldberg is on the list. She called me a murderer after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers. She went on to still say that, and there's others," said Rittenhouse, adding that Cenk Uygur of the Young Turks 'continues to call me a murderer.'

"What about the people who called you a white supremacist? It makes it pretty hard to get a job for the rest of your life if you are a white supremacist. Will you be responding to them?" asked Carlson.

"Absolutely. We're going to hold everybody who lied about me accountable, such as everybody who lied called me a White supremacist," Rittenhouse replied. "They're all going to be held accountable. And we're going to handle them in a courtroom."

"My trial exposed a deep corruption in our media that cannot go unanswered. Their blatant lies, defamation, and propaganda were malicious attempts to tear our nation apart and destroy my life — and I am committed to holding them accountable … Me and my team have decided to launch The Media Accountability Project as a tool to help fundraise and hold the media accountable for the lies they said and deal with them in court." -Kyle Rittennouse

As the Epoch Times notes, Rittenhouse was 17 when he shot three men, two fatally, with an AR-15 in Kenosha, Wisconsin, on Aug. 25, 2020. He was found not guilty on all charges on Nov. 19, 2021.

During the 2020 incident, Rittenhouse shot and killed Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum before wounding Gaige Grosskreutz in the midst of riots and arson attacks following the officer-involved shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha. It came after months of left-wing riots and unrest that were sparked by the killing of George Floyd in May 2020.

The demonstrations turned chaotic at times, with people burning buildings. Rittenhouse and his friend, Dominick Black, joined a group to protect a used car lot on the night of Aug. 25, 2020. Black had purchased the rifle for Rittenhouse, who was 17 at the time.

The rifle and magazine that were used on that night were ordered destroyed by Wisconsin Judge Bruce Schroeder last month.

Schroeder, the same judge who presided over Rittenhouse’s criminal trial in November 2021, said defense attorneys and prosecutors will be provided footage of the destruction of the AR-15-style rifle and magazine. Assistant District Attorney Thomas Binger said the gun will likely be destroyed in April 2022.

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e6db1b  No.15690889

File: d85c11ec3face4e⋯.png (1.44 MB, 667x930, 667:930, ClipboardImage.png)

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abcbc9  No.15690890

Truth Social = Left Wing HoneyPot

My opinion, Personally I hope it's not, Logically it is.

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b56e02  No.15690891

File: f2903f469d4bce7⋯.png (360.84 KB, 720x712, 90:89, joan.png)

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a787b7  No.15690892

Real Christians don't bait for pay.

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4ed7ee  No.15690893

File: add41181b203e5f⋯.jpg (23.78 KB, 372x191, 372:191, Screenshot_20210819_105446….jpg)

File: 7366d42aea7f1f0⋯.jpg (26.27 KB, 317x283, 317:283, Screenshot_20210819_105443….jpg)

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9459fd  No.15690894


Killiary not getting installed broke up the timeline

They have to accelerate now without the needed foundation

There now is no synchronization of their lockstep plan

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40c269  No.15690896


I hope he gets every dime he sues for.

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8d7238  No.15690897

File: 016505a22ef0063⋯.jpg (18.64 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 1588699278.jpg)


Top kek. True story.

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5b7d1c  No.15690898


Fuck off, Obama.

True creation is done by those INDIVIDUALS that reject dogma in the face of empirical truths ignored.

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095e05  No.15690899




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6a1ce9  No.15690900

File: e61b1b55c202286⋯.png (205.25 KB, 405x394, 405:394, ClipboardImage.png)


youre gonna be Loomered

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340af2  No.15690901

File: e87a694c19dcd08⋯.jpg (48.61 KB, 595x356, 595:356, sandyhookchildrenevi.jpg)


no , he's someone different than "NOAH"

The pics proffered of alleged Noah, were old, He was already older by the time of Sandy Hook; They all were.

also , use your eyes. doesn't even look like him

Remember the blond German Nazi they tried to pull off as "Soros"|

use ur eyes, people.

poster must've been a FED looking for a "Gotcha" mini-Victory

they only "win" on the cheap stuff.

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4ed7ee  No.15690902

File: 4244f9c6afcbc0b⋯.jpg (63.5 KB, 439x571, 439:571, Screenshot_20210914_083731….jpg)

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8f01c6  No.15690903

File: 8a61714b838d2c1⋯.png (312.71 KB, 608x457, 608:457, ClipboardImage.png)

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40c269  No.15690904



Buy some coffee or a "honeypot".

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8e7852  No.15690906


Going straight to the fringes there is convincing me that she is deep state. No concept of hiding one's power level and no showing sauce of anything.

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b56e02  No.15690907

File: 1d7008b48731edc⋯.png (714.21 KB, 600x794, 300:397, 1a11.png)


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8d7238  No.15690908


You always copypasta when I'm right. (1) Here comes my points.

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bda084  No.15690909


More eyes arriving. It's not about (((you))).

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095e05  No.15690910


The supposed APP was not announced by DJT, I always assume a trap. Wouldn't download that shit.

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4ed7ee  No.15690911

File: 0d7a412ac1d9188⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 642x434, 321:217, Screenshot_20220206_162845….jpg)


is this relevant?

At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA, the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards.

A former US Army special operations intelligence officer, Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become: Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist.

‘TK’ refers to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

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be3263  No.15690912

File: ace0b9b07e62bbb⋯.jpg (44.35 KB, 646x732, 323:366, kekblackface.jpg)

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8f6f12  No.15690914


Fuck em. And I’m not even going to be anon on it. Come get me.

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40c269  No.15690915

File: c87d20df2c03cdd⋯.png (441.96 KB, 666x580, 333:290, ClipboardImage.png)

Strap in.


HONK!!! HONK!!!🥳🥳

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2a3bc7  No.15690916

File: 395854d14b1f5be⋯.jpg (57.54 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, conan.jpg)


>Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg

"Kyle, what is best in life?"

To take all her shekels

Force her into the trailer park

And hear the lamentations of her Jewish Accountants

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482112  No.15690917

File: cc4670e12187871⋯.png (111.87 KB, 1524x662, 762:331, 2857.png)



Feb 22, 2019 12:34:42 AM EST

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 60d97a No. 5319191

We thank you for your service, BO.

We thank you for your service, Vols.

We thank you for your service, Bakers.

We thank you for your service, Anons.

God bless each and every one of you.

Patriots, one and all!

PEPE is proud and has never been more popular.


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2aba7a  No.15690918

File: 620232951a4021d⋯.jpeg (84.43 KB, 600x833, 600:833, CB813AC6_0F47_4985_9EFC_E….jpeg)

Is literally nothing going to happen again today???

I’m so fucking bored I could scream.

To me, a happening is like Durham’s last filing.

Anything less than that is just a waste of time.

I need a big name Democrat to go down publicly.

And not for reasons other than being a satanic pedo.

(Not this…oh he fell and hit his head. Sad, but let’s move on.)

I want FULL disclosure on Satanic Pedophilia within elite circles of the world and NOTHING less.

Is that REALLY too much to ask?

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e575c4  No.15690919

File: ee31bae16587bc5⋯.png (229.1 KB, 510x438, 85:73, kek.png)


Looks like some serious backdoor, barnyard activity going on with those guys.

Just sayin'…

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f36a6c  No.15690920

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Democrat Senator: Planned Parenthood Only Defends Right to Not Have A Family


By Northwest Spotlight

In a recent meeting of the Senate Health Care Committee, Senator Lee Beyer slammed Planned Parenthood’s opposition to a legislative proposal that would have required insurance providers to cover in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments for women who struggle with infertility.

In response to a motion to send the bill to the Rules Committee (a common move to kill a bill), Beyer expressed his frustration with Planned Parenthood and Basic Rights Oregon who opposed the bill: “I am very frustrated by them, particularly Planned Parenthood in this thing. For years I have supported their claim that they are there to support women in being able to make a choice – make a choice on whether to have a family or choosing at any given time not to have a family. Unfortunately, what I have learned with their view here is that is a one-sided choice. It only seems to be to support not to have a family. And that frankly really disturbs me greatly.”

In what seemed to be a comment directed at other Democrat’s on the committee who bowed to the will of Planned Parenthood to kill the bill, Beyer continued: “I know people are afraid of the campaign support or not support that might be there, and that’s just reality around here… The losers in this are many of the 1 in 8 women who, we have been told by medical experts, experience infertility.”

Planned Parenthood gives nearly all campaign donations exclusively to Democrats who support abortion on demand.

On Monday’s meeting of the Senate Health Care Committee, Senator Lee Beyer slammed Planned Parenthood’s opposition to a legislative proposal that would have required insurance providers to cover in vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments for women who struggle with infertility.

In response to a motion to send the bill to the Rules Committee (a common move to kill a bill), Beyer expressed his frustration with Planned Parenthood and Basic Rights Oregon who opposed the bill: “I am very frustrated by them, particularly Planned Parenthood in this thing. For years I have supported their claim that they are there to support women in being able to make a choice – make a choice on whether to have a family or choosing at any given time not to have a family. Unfortunately, what I have learned with their view here is that is a one-sided choice. It only seems to be to support not to have a family. And that frankly really disturbs me greatly.”

In what seemed to be a comment directed at other Democrat’s on the committee who bowed to the will of Planned Parenthood to kill the bill, Beyer continued: “I know people are afraid of the campaign support or not support that might be there, and that’s just reality around here… The losers in this are many of the 1 in 8 women who, we have been told by medical experts, experience infertility.”

Planned Parenthood gives nearly all campaign donations exclusively to Democrats who support abortion on demand.


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2be99e  No.15690921


>Criminal actions

What 'criminal actions'?

Reporting the truth?

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0f23ed  No.15690922

CDC giving raw data to CTSE

Gates related

sauce Naomi Wolf


NYT criminally liable as well as other outfits becuase Data used for their muh covid dashboards manufactured and unverifiable

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920a63  No.15690923

File: d40cd84ae36461a⋯.jpg (9.12 KB, 261x195, 87:65, putin_pepe.jpg)


honestly, imo that's exactly what he gave us yesterday:

a nice anon like summary of how Ukraine was created, how and why Russia/USSR contributed to it's creation, how there were some fuck ups in doing so along the way, and how Ukraine has been captured and abused by the west at great cost to Ukraine citizens. He addresses Russia's relationship with NATO, how the west violates international law by improving security of some nations at the expense of others, what Russia's demands are and have always been and how NATOs true agenda will never allow Russians to thrive.

May have missed a bunch. That's why you should get it from anon himself.

was a LOT crammed into that speech.

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b56e02  No.15690924

File: 9de67e060573033⋯.png (905.05 KB, 1132x1107, 1132:1107, 228.png)

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82a273  No.15690925


I will wait for the desktop version myself.

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1c6266  No.15690926


Ears from those pics?

I know to look at facial similarities particularly the nose bridge & ears as well as hairline but I haven't dug on this at all.

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e6db1b  No.15690927

File: d8e992a6a821139⋯.png (259.06 KB, 413x375, 413:375, swingpepe.png)

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584bd2  No.15690928

LiveNow reporting guilty verdicts in the Arbery hate crime federal trial. Tomorrow to be observed in Georgia as 'Ahmaud Arbery Day'.

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fef484  No.15690929

File: 55759c3730a7563⋯.jpg (37.29 KB, 800x570, 80:57, 25022.jpg)

File: 22049aea4fce720⋯.jpeg (734.58 KB, 867x5004, 289:1668, Web_capture_22_2_2022_738….jpeg)


The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists

Neil Hall

Genome Biology volume 15, Article number: 424 (2014)


In the era of social media there are now many different ways that a scientist can build their public profile; the publication of high-quality scientific papers being just one. While social media is a valuable tool for outreach and the sharing of ideas, there is a danger that this form of communication is gaining too high a value and that we are losing sight of key metrics of scientific value, such as citation indices. To help quantify this, I propose the ‘Kardashian Index’, a measure of discrepancy between a scientist’s social media profile and publication record based on the direct comparison of numbers of citations and Twitter followers.

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4ed7ee  No.15690930

File: 4864e91cbac9d30⋯.jpg (56.53 KB, 379x379, 1:1, Screenshot_20220210_185409….jpg)

File: b17643394911614⋯.jpg (39.55 KB, 378x324, 7:6, Screenshot_20210912_170755….jpg)

File: 141946540057121⋯.jpg (18.31 KB, 261x197, 261:197, Screenshot_20210811_143631….jpg)

What is Q Clearance?

What hint does that explicitly refer to?


Who would have the goods on U1?

Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE?


Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments?

Why is this relevant?

(May 2010) BO "Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954" after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US w/ Iran.

Who is the enemy?

What is being continually stated by all D's?

Russia is what?

What did the Russia reset really provide?

Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal?

Why is the Canadian PM so important?

They never thought they were going to lose.

The calm before the storm.

What is Q Clearance?

United States Department of Energy (DOE) security clearance that is roughly comparable to a United States Department of Defense Top Secret clearance with Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Access (TS-SCI). It is the most permissive clearance granted by the United States Government, acting as the sole means of access to the vast compartmentalizations Top Secret and Secret Restricted Data, and DOE "security" areas.

What hint does that explicitly refer to?

Clearance explicitly refers to nuclear information. Implying those with such access were aware of the U1 movements, as well as potentially NK & IRAN nuclear activity


Department of Energy

Why is this relevant?

Compartmentalization of information. Specification is necessary, accuracy is important.

Who would have the goods on U1?

The DOE would control the labs which control the uranium stockpile. Whoever wanted the transfer would have to go through the DOE, including people with Q clearances

Does stating 'Q' refer that person works in DOE?

Implication is yes


Does it refer that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments?

Not necessarily. Those with Q clearances cannot access information outside of their department without "need to know". It's equivalent is TS/SCI, which is still “need to know”

(May 2010) BO "Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954" after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US w/ Iran. Who is the enemy?

The Obama administration didn't seem to veiw any country as "enemies." The vague "terrorists" or "extremists" were the "enemy."

Now the narrative has shifted–D's pushing that Russia is our mortal enemy; blaming Russia for HRC loss. Russia is now more useful as a scapegoat for D finger-pointing.

What is being continually stated by all D's?

-Russia is a hostile force -Russia hacked the DNC server; -Russia and Trump are in collusion; -Russia influenced the presidential election

Russia is what?

Dangerous, our enemy, committing cyber attacks, involved in our elections Competition for the US as a global superpower.

What did the Russia reset really provide?

-Hillary Clinton as SOS access on a different level -The Clintons, they get their donations and speaking fees in the millions of dollars. The Russians get access to advanced US technology. The tech companies [that participated in the reset, including Cisco, Intel, Microsoft] get special access to the Russian market and workforce.


Clearance/pathway to complete the U1 deal?


Why is the Canadian PM so important?

Canadian PM matters because if the U1 material went through Canada, he would have to have been made aware of it. PM from 2006 - 2015 was Stephen Harper (b. 1959). From 2015 to present Justin Trudeau (b. 1971)

They never thought they were going to lose.

The calm before the storm


Look at Q Clearance, explicitly to DOE. Someone has the goods on Uranium 1. Stating 'Q' don't refer that person works in DOE. It refers that someone dropping such information has the highest level of security within all departments.

Obama: "Russia should be viewed as a friendly partner under Section 123 the Atomic Energy Act of 1954" after agreeing to a new nuclear weapons reduction deal and helping US with Iran. There is an enemy. Look at what is being continually stated by all democrates. The Russia reset provided a clearance/pathway to complete the Uranium 1 deal.

The Canadian Prime Minister is so important. They never thought they were going to lose

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b56e02  No.15690931

File: 1867524769a708d⋯.png (920.84 KB, 1020x508, 255:127, 1aa1b.png)


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8c64c1  No.15690933


But if ‘old eyes’ have noticed a pattern, do you think it’s ‘selfish’ to warn new eyes?

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4ed7ee  No.15690934

File: 0a3804c62a3b8d9⋯.jpg (17.25 KB, 255x195, 17:13, 0f923f0534241c417f6c1d4a81….jpg)

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4ed7ee  No.15690936

File: 341c3f13e3bdd4b⋯.jpg (109.33 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 341c3f13e3bdd4b4855c1658e8….jpg)

File: 19c0d92fbdb436c⋯.jpg (206.94 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, 19c0d92fbdb436c4b4f7cc3125….jpg)

File: 6f5f4f403d2fc5e⋯.png (560.15 KB, 837x622, 837:622, 36f85776037675a846d4928d42….png)

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920a63  No.15690937


I agree 100% but that explanation doesn't help explain the necessity for Warp Speed to good people who just can't grasp such a consequential move.

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1c6266  No.15690938




Meant for (ears match)


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923797  No.15690939

File: 10a48cb9a1dabd0⋯.png (50.29 KB, 308x485, 308:485, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0f694954e747c54⋯.png (113.07 KB, 691x355, 691:355, ClipboardImage.png)

Three-year Delta Q Post 2872

Feb 22, 2019 1:34:11 PM EST




Crimes against Humanity.



>>5327931 And children* >https://www.justice.gov/file/1071991/download

>>5328018 Hillary Clinton & Foundation. Crime Against Children. Q

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1ce532  No.15690940

CK @225

>>15690670 DOUGH


>>15690717 Baker (@AGB1776) passed away this morning. TYB! God Bless Him (all PB) >>15688045, >>15688057, >>15688139

>>15690695 BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

>>15690762, >>15690888, >>15690899 Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer

>>15690810 Nordstream was halted under PDJT with Russian cooperation because "long game" Re: (PB) >>15690661

>>15690831, >>15690886 #TheDropWontStop


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4ed7ee  No.15690941

File: d9ce103968d7dfd⋯.jpg (44.23 KB, 364x374, 182:187, Screenshot_20210914_122538….jpg)

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4d1bad  No.15690942

File: 3b852fe4a72f48c⋯.png (23.61 KB, 583x182, 583:182, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4f2f8c8e7789816⋯.png (23.42 KB, 588x180, 49:15, ClipboardImage.png)




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17b17b  No.15690943

File: 18b02d311f25f2b⋯.jpg (368.62 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, cover5.jpg)


>Is that REALLY too much to ask?

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673110  No.15690944


Not in Canadian App Store.

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a3bd98  No.15690945

File: 7583677a4b655ae⋯.gif (221.03 KB, 180x196, 45:49, wetzv.gif)


>Buy some coffee or a honeypot.

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4ed7ee  No.15690946

File: b3d5853396025f4⋯.jpg (10.51 KB, 296x203, 296:203, Screenshot_20220215_125513….jpg)

File: 1adb37519bdb58b⋯.jpg (14.01 KB, 293x219, 293:219, Screenshot_20220215_104946….jpg)

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095e05  No.15690948


At Mushrooms, just a choice

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356f14  No.15690949


I kinda concur, reminds me of marjorie green playbook

but who knows

could be kayfabe

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4ed7ee  No.15690950

File: 4e55901d7c215a9⋯.png (473.38 KB, 488x617, 488:617, 1645472887.png)

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f41515  No.15690951


You’re already being tracked anyway

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4ed7ee  No.15690952

File: 2ae5ef3b790ccd8⋯.jpg (69.82 KB, 584x960, 73:120, Screenshot_20220211_185236….jpg)

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4d1bad  No.15690953

File: e2fcdd610451327⋯.png (31.86 KB, 585x198, 65:22, ClipboardImage.png)




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fef484  No.15690954

File: 47b595176e89104⋯.jpeg (540.72 KB, 867x4636, 867:4636, Web_capture_22_2_2022_744….jpeg)

File: a663439a9e92fbd⋯.jpg (65.73 KB, 992x558, 16:9, gv.jpg)





Twitter logo

Feb 21 • 17 tweets • 4 min read


A survey on the use of the Kardashian Index (KI) in scholarly journals before 2022. Several detractors of the recent KI paper on the Great Barrington Declaration vs. John Snow Memo insist that it is just a joke, but in fact there's a well-established scientific lit.

1. Original paper by Hall, proposing the Kardashian Index. Yes - he named it in jest, but the paper addressed a serious question of a reputational mismatch between scientific accomplishment and social media presence. IOW it was an attempt to quantify that

The Kardashian index: a measure of discrepant social media profile for scientists - Genome Biology

In the era of social media there are now many different ways that a scientist can build their public profile; the publication of high-quality scientific papers being just one. While social media is a …


After Hall's article, scholars in several scientific subfields asked themselves if there was a social media distortion in scholarly perceptions of work in their fields - hence looking for high Kardashian Indexes.

Hence we get:

2. Vilanilam et al (2020), which sampled twitter accounts of interventional neuroradiologists to see if the field displayed susceptibility to academics with high Kardashian Indexes.


3. Khan et al 2020 takes a similar approach to measure the KI among cardiologists.


4. Ebrahim (2015) proposes modifications to the KI to improve its ability to capture the social media/citation disparity.

Modified Kardashian Index: A Measure of Discrepant Social Media Profile for Scientists


5. Cosco (2015) used the KI as a tool to interpret the social media presence of academic journals in dissemination of their published works.

Medical journals, impact and social media: an ecological study of the Twittersphere

Background: Twitter is an increasingly popular means of research dissemination. I sought to examine the relation between scientific merit and mainstream popularity of general medical journals. Method…


6. Kolahi (2017) suggested the KI could be similarly adapted to study the twitter presence of dentists.


7. Kolahi et al (2019) expand the discussion of twitter & dental journals, suggesting further ways to adapt the KI.

Analysis of highly tweeted dental journals and articles: a science mapping approach - British Dental Journal


8. Chandrasekar et al (2019) use the KI to study the twitter presences of urologists.


9. You (2014) uses the KI to look at "science celebrities" on Twitter.

Science | AAAS


10. Linz et al (2021) discuss adaptions of the KI to electrophysiology.


11. Brito (2021) discuesses its applications to urogynecology.

Is social media really impacting urogynecology? - International Urogynecology Journal


There are numerous other examples in this vein, as well as studies debating the accuracy and validity of the KI as a serious scientific measurement.

Strangely, certain scientists only became concerned about the KI when it showed that the lockdowners had higher KIs than the GBD.

As for methodology, the KI is admittedly tongue-in-cheek. But it's also a way to create an empirical measure of a genuinely interesting phenomenon: the role of twitter celebrities in distorting the perceptions of scientific claims.

Sure enough, the lockdown debate turns out to be a prime example of a case where twitter celebrities did have an outsized influence on one side of that debate.

Now many of those same twitter celebrities are mad about their own high KIs.

Note that none of them dispute the accuracy of their own KIs. So instead they attack the use of the index (which, it turns out, has a large and growing pre-2022 literature) and the motives of the author who applied it to them.

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787365  No.15690956


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4ed7ee  No.15690957

File: 7da7e56339b9c64⋯.jpg (60.71 KB, 629x471, 629:471, Screenshot_20210926_172505….jpg)

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bda084  No.15690958



Found the Lawyer/Liar.

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920a63  No.15690959

File: 5dfddd598d68ea1⋯.png (90.34 KB, 657x585, 73:65, ClipboardImage.png)



it is relevant when looking at what they're doing with Russia right now, though, especially with these 4am talking points.


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4ed7ee  No.15690960

File: d02aaed84b060fe⋯.jpg (56.49 KB, 683x433, 683:433, Screenshot_20210914_114047….jpg)

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b56e02  No.15690961

File: ab857bfb162fd34⋯.png (433.41 KB, 634x819, 634:819, 55555.png)

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a57a77  No.15690962


>There now is no synchronization of their lockstep plan

Agreed. They've made that painfully obvious at times. When their plan for a Maidan massacre at LaFayette Square failed and their anticipated scenario of President Trump deploying troops who then shot protestors failed to materialize they still sent generals to the weekend TV shows to castigate President Trump for deploying US troops against US citizens. It's as if they still read the script and perform their programmed parts in spite of the actual results.

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8c64c1  No.15690963


Project much?

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bda084  No.15690964

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8e7852  No.15690965



Really Mr. "Bloomberg". No sauce at all?

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8fcda9  No.15690966



>Baker requesting handoff


Confirm Handoff?

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f36a6c  No.15690967

File: 15cbdced2ab5cf9⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1002x586, 501:293, ClipboardImage.png)

FDA Expert Urges CDC to “Tell the Truth” and “Present the Data” After it Refuses to Publish Data on Booster Shot Effectiveness Over Fears of “Vaccine Hesitancy”


The Gateway Pundit wrote an article on Sunday about a new report by the New York Times. The CDC has been collecting much more detailed data about Covid infections that break down by age, race, and vaccination status. The critical information would go a long way towards figuring out an end to the pandemic. Still, the agency has purposefully suppressed the data from the public over fears that it would be “misinterpreted” and cause “vaccine hesitancy.”

Within the data that the CDC has withheld are detailed information about breakthrough cases, hospitalizations, and deaths, which the agency has been collecting since the beginning of the vaccine rollout, according to officials who spoke to the NYT.

From the New York Times:

“Kristen Nordlund, a spokeswoman for the C.D.C., said the agency has been slow to release the different streams of data “because basically, at the end of the day, it’s not yet ready for prime time.” She said the agency’s “priority when gathering any data is to ensure that it’s accurate and actionable.”

Another reason is fear that the information might be misinterpreted, Ms. Nordlund said.”

The performance of vaccines and boosters, particularly in younger adults, is among the most glaring omissions in data the C.D.C. has made public.

Dr. Paul Offit, FDA Advisory Committee Member, urged CDC to tell the truth and present the data to the public.

Daily Mail reported:

Scientists stressed that publishing the data went hand in hand with educating the public about vaccines – explaining that as more people are vaccinated, the percentage of vaccinated people who are infected or hospitalized would also rise.

They urged the CDC to publish the information.

‘Tell the truth, present the data,’ said Dr Paul Offit, a vaccine expert and adviser to the Food and Drug Administration.

‘I have to believe that there is a way to explain these things so people can understand it.’

He noted that, because the CDC had not published the information, American scientists were forced to rely on Israeli data.

‘There’s no reason that they should be better at collecting and putting forth data than we were,’ he said.

‘The CDC is the principal epidemiological agency in this country, and so you would like to think the data came from them.’

The same scenario happened in Scotland. TGP reported that the Public Health Scotland (PHS) announced on February 16 that they would stop publishing the data of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths by vaccine status after data was “inappropriately misinterpreted” by anti-vaxx people.

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a2d034  No.15690968

File: 8fa64ad4b57d73c⋯.mp4 (3.93 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 4_5812126774909209322.MP4)

Thousands at the Père-Lachaise cemetery in Paris to pay their respects to Luc Montagnier, French biologist and virologist and Nobel laureate in medicine who spoke out against Covid "vaccination", chants of "liberate" 🙏🏻


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9eee2a  No.15690969

File: 40c746c1cd4b101⋯.jpg (265.94 KB, 1880x2090, 188:209, Devin_Nunes_Q_Truth_Social.jpg)

Q is the avatar and addy of Devin Nunes on Truth Social ?

Direct acknowledgement?

Devin is on the Q Team.


Devin Nunes is Devin ReTruthed on TruthSocial.

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2200ac  No.15690970

File: 26dc794c6fd483b⋯.png (63 KB, 709x531, 709:531, 08815a719fe988a74dfcdb8b81….png)


Putin told something he never told before

During the Bill Clinton presidency he asked if Russia could join NATO

NATO refused that offer. By the refusal Putin understand that the west don't want to become friends, but he doesn't understand why Russia should be an enemy

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bda084  No.15690971

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8fcda9  No.15690972

File: d57049c38ac25e6⋯.png (597.15 KB, 555x766, 555:766, 05_12_08.png)

let me know when you see it

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4ed7ee  No.15690973

File: 9780ad07f20a6b6⋯.jpg (9.54 KB, 255x127, 255:127, 917f230bd822cacdaf95e39746….jpg)

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d251de  No.15690974

>>15688572 pb


Was this the year the body double of Osama bin Laden was possibly installed in Pakistan,

eventually leading to the assassination of members of Seal Team 6?

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e6db1b  No.15690975


>let me know when you


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fef484  No.15690976

File: 8e3a73986411814⋯.jpg (221.79 KB, 1920x1200, 8:5, 8e3a7398641181486fa386edc0….jpg)



>I’m not even going to be anon on it

how could one be, isnt truth the standard? liars, deceivers, and hiding faggots need not apply

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b56e02  No.15690977

File: fa815a539fc9aa2⋯.jpg (20.15 KB, 428x284, 107:71, fa815a539fc9aa21795b08e41b….jpg)

File: 302c79a38414452⋯.pdf (1.58 MB, Rudolf_Steiner_The_Karma_o….pdf)

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1ce532  No.15690978

File: 221d91eac48f0f9⋯.png (423.93 KB, 592x400, 37:25, Handoff_Accepted_2.png)




>>15690717 Baker (@AGB1776) passed away this morning. TYB! God Bless Him (all PB) >>15688045, >>15688057, >>15688139

>>15690695 BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

>>15690762, >>15690888, >>15690899 Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer

>>15690810 Nordstream was halted under PDJT with Russian cooperation because "long game" Re: (PB) >>15690661

>>15690831, >>15690886 #TheDropWontStop


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8fcda9  No.15690979

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Premiered 30 minutes ago

Robert Gouveia Esq.



Canadian Parliament shuts down a question from a member about Klaus Schwab. A clip is circulating the internet where Klaus Schwab acknowledges the World Economic Forum has penetrated the Canadian Cabinet. Unfortunately, a question about the details of these allegations was not allowed to be asked. In this video, criminal defense lawyer Robert Gouveia reviews several clips of the exchange from the Canadian Parliament.


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a4fde2  No.15690980


That red oval looks shoop'd.

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237ba7  No.15690981



OMG Putin is following the democratic process????

Hey what was the result of our Congressional vote to send troops to Russia?

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8c64c1  No.15690982


Let me ask you about this idea you are trying to sell. When was the first time you came upon this new language?

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8fcda9  No.15690983

File: cdfd8161592111a⋯.jpg (69.53 KB, 682x680, 341:340, cdfd8161592111ab83789aef33….jpg)



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4ed7ee  No.15690984

File: 6dfaf6a744ae31e⋯.jpg (293.03 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 6dfaf6a744ae31edf73f3bb5ca….jpg)

File: 1ef1e3b6afa248a⋯.jpg (100.32 KB, 784x295, 784:295, 1ef1e3b6afa248ab1540bc16fb….jpg)

File: b0bea38c7dc6209⋯.jpg (86.21 KB, 720x480, 3:2, b0bea38c7dc62095cd6fa6f840….jpg)

The fight for Our children's future, most important priority.

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a2d034  No.15690986

File: 6979ba392af4620⋯.jpg (529.44 KB, 1080x1586, 540:793, Screenshot_20220222_164938….jpg)

BREAKING: OBAMA'S CIA SPIED ON PRESIDENT TRUMP - Was Fed President Trump's Transition Material by Hillary Operatives


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2be99e  No.15690987


>World reacts with fury

Satanic cult BTFO

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b56e02  No.15690988

File: b8ffe0588c91da1⋯.jpg (35 KB, 890x1112, 445:556, 1361.jpg)

In the troubled worlds of the five kinds of defilement,

Sentient beings are only attached to various desires,

And ultimately do not seek the path of the buddhas.

In the future the impure will hear

The Buddha teach the single vehicle,

But they will be confused and will not accept it.

They will reject the Dharma

And fall into the troubled states of being.

To those who are modest and pure,

And seek the path of the buddhas,

I will praise extensively

The path of the single vehicle.

O Sariputra!

You should know that the Dharma

Of all the buddhas is like this.

They teach the Dharma

With myriads of kotis of skillful memes,

According to the capacities of sentient beings;

The inexperienced cannot understand this.

You have come to know with certainty the skillful memes

Of the buddhas, the Teachers of the World,

That are expounded in accordance

With people’s capacities.

All of you, have no further doubts!

Let great joy arise in your hearts

And know that you will all become buddhas

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82a273  No.15690989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

What Putin really said yesterday and what msm won't tell you.

English translation of Putins Address to the Russian Federation


[link to en.kremlin.ru]

First he explains the historical foundation of Ukraine and Russias relationship.

"I would like to emphasise again that Ukraine is not just a neighbouring country for us. It is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space. These are our comrades, those dearest to us – not only colleagues, friends and people who once served together, but also relatives, people bound by blood, by family ties."

He then goes on

"Essentially, the so-called pro-Western civilisational choice made by the oligarchic Ukrainian authorities was not and is not aimed at creating better conditions in the interests of people’s well-being but at keeping the billions of dollars that the oligarchs have stolen from the Ukrainians and are holding in their accounts in Western banks, while reverently accommodating the geopolitical rivals of Russia.

Some industrial and financial groups and the parties and politicians on their payroll relied on the nationalists and radicals from the very beginning. Others claimed to be in favour of good relations with Russia and cultural and language diversity, coming to power with the help of their citizens who sincerely supported their declared aspirations, including the millions of people in the south-eastern regions. But after getting the positions they coveted, these people immediately betrayed their voters, going back on their election promises and instead steering a policy prompted by the radicals and sometimes even persecuting their former allies – the public organisations that supported bilingualism and cooperation with Russia. These people took advantage of the fact that their voters were mostly law-abiding citizens with moderate views who trusted the authorities, and that, unlike the radicals, they would not act aggressively or make use of illegal instruments."

"Ukraine itself was placed under external control, directed not only from the Western capitals, but also on the ground, as the saying goes, through an entire network of foreign advisors, NGOs and other institutions present in Ukraine. They have a direct bearing on all the key appointments and dismissals and on all branches of power at all levels, from the central government down to municipalities, as well as on state-owned companies and corporations, including Naftogaz, Ukrenergo, Ukrainian Railways, Ukroboronprom, Ukrposhta, and the Ukrainian Sea Ports Authority."

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8fcda9  No.15690990


ur special arent you.

the picture is your source.

try harder anon, try harder

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4ed7ee  No.15690991

File: 42269930e79df75⋯.jpg (54.41 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 42269930e79df750d7efd19f78….jpg)

File: 14f1e4c9e4e1925⋯.jpg (19.5 KB, 865x452, 865:452, 14f1e4c9e4e19256d5b81a9d87….jpg)

File: 046b3ea0afd778e⋯.jpg (386.92 KB, 2000x2789, 2000:2789, 046b3ea0afd778e78660c094bd….jpg)

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081f59  No.15690992

File: 754c90aa08ca4c2⋯.jpg (251.55 KB, 1019x1307, 1019:1307, 754c90aa08ca4c2ee849736a78….jpg)

File: a31078f513d4ffe⋯.jpeg (221.7 KB, 1800x1350, 4:3, a31078f513d4ffec0c9105a64….jpeg)

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8fcda9  No.15690993


eagle eyes confirmed


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25f0e7  No.15690994

File: c55c937cb5133d2⋯.png (46.03 KB, 1197x596, 1197:596, ClipboardImage.png)

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4d1bad  No.15690995

File: 3f594be9f167d4f⋯.png (32.81 KB, 575x220, 115:44, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 194146ddf3a3c15⋯.png (32.44 KB, 597x207, 199:69, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 659c9978ed4946d⋯.png (28.96 KB, 588x202, 294:101, ClipboardImage.png)

File: add40ac1d6df6f6⋯.png (34.1 KB, 587x208, 587:208, ClipboardImage.png)


kek would the sauce actually be believable?

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9165ae  No.15690996

Just heard… RIP AGB1776


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e6db1b  No.15690997

File: ab4dd25a88e4660⋯.png (532.05 KB, 900x645, 60:43, filter.png)

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690bf8  No.15690998

File: 46953a8e50b65b7⋯.jpg (49.31 KB, 760x246, 380:123, CDCult.jpg)


CDC - Tell the Truth.

right, sure thing.

happen right away.


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40c269  No.15690999



1. Public statement from Devin Nunes verifying the "Devin ReTruthed" claim.

2. Verified Nunes account stating this.

3. Screenshots of the account with verifiable link to Devin Nunes himself.

Otherwise, no.

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68c8bc  No.15691000

The U.S. Pluto Return

Why Precession Matters

Many astrologers speak of the Pluto return of the United States as though it were just around the corner. The tropical position of Pluto for the various times used for the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776 was 27° Capricorn 34’. According to contemporary tropical ephemerides, transiting Pluto will reach this position on February 22, 2022. That is straightforward and uncontestable until one notices that the orbital period for Pluto is 247.686 years.* In February 2022, Pluto will not have completed an entire orbit since July 1776, as indicated in a tropical ephemeris. In February 2022, only 245.64 years will have elapsed since July 1776.

The position of Pluto in terms of sidereal reckoning on July 4, 1776 was 5° Capricorn 57. According to sidereal ephemerides, transiting Pluto will reach this position on February 22, 2024. If one adds the portion of the elapsed year when the Declaration was adopted which is 1776.505 to 247.686, the result is 2024.191 which produces the February 2024 date. So what is happening here? The sidereal position corresponds to Pluto’s orbital period and its correct position in terms of sidereal reckoning, but the tropical position is correct for the tropical frame of reference.

more: https://www.westernsiderealastrology.com/pluto-return-news

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237ba7  No.15691001



Know what NO ONE has condemned?

Turdeau's extreme power grab and the theft of citizens' money, the imprisonment of citizens and the criminalization of dissent.


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095e05  No.15691002


The 2014 agreement for a cease fire has in it the agreement that Ukraine will not join NATO and is not a NATO partner. The incursion of foreign NATO troops into Ukraine means a violation of that agreement, this will trigger a reaction from Putin and Russia. Putin pointed this out in a news conference when he was with Macron a couple of weeks ago.

Bottom Line they are trying to start a shooting war and a nuke incident to cover up what Ukraine is really all about, which is the continued RICO scheme for natural gas and metals that the democrat and RINO kids are involved in with a cut to Biden and the top of the cabal. Romney, Pelosi, Biden, Newsome … all involved.

How do these evil SOBs sleep ? Like babies because they have no conscience or soul.

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1ce532  No.15691003

File: 01d522946ef6cb9⋯.png (431 KB, 720x416, 45:26, Thank_you_frens.png)

>>15690670 Dough, baker requesting

>>15690966 New baker arrives

>>15690978 Baker accepts handoff

>>15690983 ID: 8fcda9 Haz dough

TY baker fren. Godspeed

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8fcda9  No.15691004



>>15690717 Baker (@AGB1776) passed away this morning. TYB! God Bless Him (all PB) >>15688045, >>15688057, >>15688139

>>15690695 BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

>>15690762, >>15690888, >>15690899 Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer

>>15690810 Nordstream was halted under PDJT with Russian cooperation because "long game" Re: (PB) >>15690661

>>15690831, >>15690886 #TheDropWontStop


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787365  No.15691005

File: 731880e334f2da5⋯.png (273.62 KB, 504x479, 504:479, 731880e334f2da57cb54f2dd7b….png)

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a787b7  No.15691006

File: ba7373716c24e06⋯.png (292.06 KB, 513x342, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bb440f78da74917⋯.png (402.05 KB, 608x342, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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b56e02  No.15691008

File: 1ddca95bf105f96⋯.png (347.33 KB, 900x641, 900:641, 740cda8f3a86628e73e00223cf….png)

File: 809f36dd2cf6f7b⋯.gif (126.23 KB, 220x285, 44:57, 809f36dd2cf6f7bc2a5b6df6b9….gif)

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8c64c1  No.15691009


Might you have some footage of an admiralty court judge having a coronary on the bench when this magical language is being used?

Please do share.

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800cc6  No.15691010

File: fad821da064a110⋯.png (349.41 KB, 764x418, 382:209, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f6820e46fe95ab2⋯.png (109.72 KB, 1020x724, 255:181, ClipboardImage.png)

re >>15689512 pb

timeanddate.com sez that 22 yrs + 222 days after JFK Jr death date is tomorrow and not today (2/22/2022 + Pluto/Independence Day thing)

close, but no cigar

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bda114  No.15691011

File: ebaa1f7e5613af5⋯.png (16.58 KB, 474x192, 79:32, Screen_Shot_02_22_22_at_10….PNG)

WOOHOO!!! National Margarita Day!!!

il Donaldo Trumpo



10:03 AM · Feb 22, 2022·Twitter Web App


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4ed7ee  No.15691012

File: a82a13e8c37b22e⋯.jpg (36.56 KB, 373x376, 373:376, Screenshot_20210825_094956….jpg)

File: 0a586ebcd88a37d⋯.jpg (52.32 KB, 375x371, 375:371, Screenshot_20210825_094958….jpg)

File: ab5a0a9992eb66c⋯.jpg (793.86 KB, 1200x2000, 3:5, Screenshot_20210818_065626….jpg)

File: 8ca5022e7cd1de2⋯.jpg (36.34 KB, 300x372, 25:31, Screenshot_20210804_213200….jpg)

File: 5d34464eb88c1e9⋯.jpg (27.47 KB, 260x241, 260:241, Screenshot_20210802_032950….jpg)

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68c8bc  No.15691013

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Vatican, the Jesuits, and the Great Reset | Timothy Alberino talks with Leo Zagami


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2be99e  No.15691014




When a statement is repeated and echoed enough times, Goebbels tactic says it becomes truth, right?

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0240d1  No.15691015


ReTruthed = ReTweeted

Acct named Devin ReTruthed acct named Q.

None of the this is worth a damn unless it can be verified by a link.

Expect much F&G to be attempted in the early days of Truth Social.

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f36a6c  No.15691016

File: 7d3df74740c3d2a⋯.png (4.26 MB, 1920x1005, 128:67, ClipboardImage.png)

Justin Trudeau Crosses The Rubicon And Reveals The End Stage Of Fake “Liberal Democracy”


One year ago, the Globalist American Empire flexed its muscle by more or less politically castrating the sitting US president while he was still in office. They banned President Trump from every social media service of note, shut down his email list, crushed entire websites like Parler, banned thousands of rank-and-file Trump supporters and linked groups from Twitter and Facebook, and turned reams of data over to Deep State law enforcement so as to enable “the largest manhunt in American history.”

It was an incredible overreach. At the time, it felt difficult to imagine what could come after. Mass deplatformings, undisguised censorship, the calculated destruction of an entire political faction and any companies seen as enabling it. What more, realistically, could they do?

A lot more, it turns out, and Justin Trudeau is pointing the way. Four days after granting himself emergency powers in response to the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, Trudeau sent in police to smash the protest. Along with the physical escalation of its crackdown, the Trudeau regime also used its emergency powers to freeze the bank accounts of anyone lending financial support to the Trucker Convoy.

But the “emergency” part of the response has already been exposed as a lie. Refusing to let a crisis go to waste, the Trudeau regime is now racing to make its “emergency” powers permanent.


Not only that, but the Trudeau government is also mulling a bill that would let people be sued or criminally charged for thought crimes. Incredibly, the bill would allow people to be targeted for allegedly “contemplating” a “hateful” act or statement.

The Economist:

On February 14th Mr Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act for the first time in the law’s 34-year history.

Mr Trudeau’s government has expressed shock that racist symbols were displayed during the protest. It appears to be planning to reintroduce an “anti-hate” bill that could lead to the imprisonment of people who use racist speech. This could include a clause which would allow individuals to take other people to court if they fear that they may be about to say something which falls under the definition of “hate propaganda”. They could also be charged for contemplating an offence “motivated by bias, prejudice or hate based on race, national or ethnic origin, language, colour, religion, sex, age, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or any other similar factor”.

If you feel North America’s two great Anglo “democracies” have taken a dark, decisive turn in the last few weeks, you aren’t alone and you aren’t mistaken. The Globalist American Empire is crumbling, and as it crumbles it also trembles, shrieks, and lashes out. As Western nations abandon even the pretense of being free-societies, our corrupt ruling class will ever-more enthusiastically embrace the naked language of compulsion, intimidation, and force.

The way Trudeau treated the Trucker Convoy, you’d think they were violent arsonists or deadly killers. Police smashed up vehicles:


Officers arrested citizen journalists for recording events:


By mid-afternoon Friday, at least seventy people had been arrested just in Ottawa.


During the three weeks of trucker protests, Trudeau and his allies smeared participants as racists motivated by “hate,” with an agenda of “antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, and transphobia.” Truckers were accused of “threats” and “violence.” These calumnies were obvious lies.

If there was ever a “peaceful protest,” the trucker occupation of Ottawa certainly qualified. The most damning fact that The New York Times can muster against the truckers after more than two weeks of protesting is that, “during the first 11 days of the protest, truck horns blasted up to 16 hours a day, and some residents say they have been harassed on the street.” In reality, there was only honking for the first 11 hours of the protest because the truckers ceased when a judge ordered them to.

That was the extent of the trucker protest. Some residents in one of Canada’s richest, most privileged neighborhoods in the Imperial Capital heard a lot of honking for less than two weeks, roads were clogged up and a few people were allegedly harassed. Ottawa businesses didn’t even bother boarding up their windows, because why would they? Nobody expected any real chaotic violence from the protesters. In fact, the protest was so peaceful that street crime in Ottawa actually fell during the protests.

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9eee2a  No.15691017


I'm not on Truth Social so am hoping somebody who is can look into this. I agree it needs verification. If true, hoooo boy.

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d3dfda  No.15691018


Giligan's Island

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bda114  No.15691019


17 R's!

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4ed7ee  No.15691021

File: d38974eca0a2b8c⋯.jpg (32.62 KB, 364x407, 364:407, Screenshot_20210729_132407….jpg)

File: ef3d83c25e8f5e4⋯.jpg (104.06 KB, 911x634, 911:634, Screenshot_20210729_132423….jpg)

File: 73b1758b7763cd6⋯.jpg (198.51 KB, 1242x727, 1242:727, Screenshot_20210803_084057….jpg)

File: 6417ae8c3f8ea66⋯.jpg (50.75 KB, 577x455, 577:455, Screenshot_20210803_082224….jpg)

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b56e02  No.15691025

File: 94d4ea77cb2c814⋯.png (575.97 KB, 534x506, 267:253, 85aef817d6ad91bd3a06c90e16….png)


– Honking Shaman

"Honk anywhere, Honk everywhere, especially in suburbs home to large numbers of satanic subversives and somnambulist NPCs," advises the Honking Shaman who supports the worldwide FREE HONK movement.

The FREE HONK movement is composed of anonymous patriots of every nation, race and religious faith, who blast HONK, with truck horns, steam whistles, freighter fog horns, digital steam calliopes and bicycle bells, to awaken the conscience of the guilty and open the eyes of innocent yet asleep.

Honk Anywhere, Honk Everywhere

"Anyone can jump on the bandwagon, 'cause almost anyone can HONK," says HONK shaman.

Remember always ask the driver's permission before #FREE HONKING their car.

"Why should We the People waste time on FREE HONK? What do we have to gain for risking a possible HONK ticket?"

#HONK because the world's not good enough, #HONK for gentleness, modesty and respect. #HONK FOR FREEDOM #HONK for addicts poisoned with cult fentanyl #HONK for the poor whose faces they grind #HONK for America #HONK if you'll die trying #HONK to rid the land of pedovores #HONK for what we lost #HONK to get it back. #HONK and be counted; or drive on and be lost.


*God's eternal moral law which governs this and all other universes.

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095e05  No.15691026


When they do to our Truckers what they did in Canada, we will have gone to the precipice, because if we the people have no response, the US is poised to finish becoming a full on police state.

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4ed7ee  No.15691028

File: a4f05bcdfb31bcb⋯.jpg (42.72 KB, 407x376, 407:376, Screenshot_20210914_134440….jpg)

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9634a8  No.15691029

File: 63ef0c62f48ed6f⋯.png (189.16 KB, 1610x1140, 161:114, Screen_Shot_2022_02_22_at_….png)

File: de111a85d07ffdb⋯.png (161.02 KB, 1662x988, 831:494, Screen_Shot_2022_02_22_at_….png)


ty bake!

Met Senator James Lankford…being faced in a primary by a Flynn fella named Jackson Lahmeyer. Lahmeyer now being assisted by R.Stoneand this is probably WHY

-former director of Falls Creek Children's Camp (biggest in Oklahoma)

-appointed to the Senate intelligence committee as a freshmen

-controllable as in previous bullet

-first to call for resident B to be intelligence briefed

-was speaking when 1/6 incident occurred

-was first to call for ratification of electors after 1/6

-aBLIND MANwas convicted of tying a girl up and raping her at Falls Creek

-LOTS of smoke around Falls creek if you are in Oklahoma

Anons…this pullsALOTof pedo threads and will get a national jump if we can dig out moar info…




Senator James Lankford has questions in his past that the people deserve to have answered to ensure that he is not compromised. There seems to be a pattern of sexual abuse at the Falls Creek Baptist Church camp which James Lankford was the director of before running for the Senate in 2009. "


"Court records show Petty received three 15-year suspended sentences in exchange for his guilty plea, all of which will run concurrently.

Murray County Assistant District Attorney David Pyle, who negotiated the guilty plea deal, told NewsOK that Petty is “legally blind” which was a major factor in his decision not to insist on prison time.

“The big thing is Mr. Petty is legally blind and the parents (of the victim) live out of state and this little girl lives out of state and didn’t want to make all the travels back and forth,” Pyle said. “The plea was negotiated with their permission.”

Pyle also said that Petty was legally blind at the time of the rape."


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fef484  No.15691030


rosie saying stfu they will kill us all. kek!

like rosie doesnt know

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2aba7a  No.15691031


Checked and discern-pilled

There has been a LOT of unsourced/this sauced activity going on here lately.

Not saying bakers are notabling it, what I’m saying is anons are grasping and getting loose on their discernment.

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920a63  No.15691032


perhaps.. like Clements' last lecture…

Still good to set the tone for truth social though.

Can't ignore the impact of controlled opposition on the enemy.

>Alex Jones was right

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d5d258  No.15691033

File: c8c21c2874591e2⋯.png (458 KB, 1242x2208, 9:16, 817377E9_5122_4975_BA88_BB….png)



The Take Over.

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9eee2a  No.15691034


Thanks. Apparently we have to wait until there's more access.

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e30eff  No.15691035


>Media Accountability Project


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35f7c8  No.15691036

File: 5a3797876b83e38⋯.png (166.76 KB, 523x412, 523:412, ClipboardImage.png)

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bda084  No.15691037

File: 51bda5af1814cd2⋯.jpg (121.75 KB, 909x640, 909:640, Screen_Shot_2022_01_27_at_….jpg)


It's not a new Language. It is :Correct-Sentence-Structure-Communication-Parse-Syntax-Grammar.

:Code Broken: ~April-~6-~1988.

For the Liars-To-Stop-&-Correct.

But since you didn't want to, well here we are with this. >>15690964


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4ed7ee  No.15691038

File: 9b29c797fe51e7f⋯.jpg (45.12 KB, 525x392, 75:56, Screenshot_20210914_014147….jpg)

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32bc09  No.15691039

damn, (kikes) are really driving down Trump stock….

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2aba7a  No.15691040


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d8bafd  No.15691041

NWFL faggot here

Been noticing I can’t get access to my PO Box unless it’s business hours. The lobby is supposed to be open 24hrs as it was before. Third time these past few weeks not able to go in the 24hr lobby. People were inside. I think they may be up to something (election stuff?)…

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cc132c  No.15691042

File: a30beb1afbeaaf1⋯.gif (2.02 MB, 600x338, 300:169, Margin_call_Tuld.gif)


whoever put those shares up as collateral for a loan is gonna feel it later

Softbank got out last year (big portion of it's position

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4ed7ee  No.15691043

File: 01b7da5934129f3⋯.jpg (31.63 KB, 265x270, 53:54, Screenshot_20210729_200845….jpg)

File: b36a041d5bf283a⋯.jpg (53.09 KB, 575x368, 25:16, Screenshot_20210728_212728….jpg)

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1c6266  No.15691044

File: 999e87366c993da⋯.jpeg (258.57 KB, 707x932, 707:932, 999e87366c993da58f1c13f21….jpeg)


Shit this was yesterday, bet it's like 10M now.

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9c2839  No.15691045

I need some followers on Truth anons @rickjames

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8e7852  No.15691046


Well, if they would show the guy yelling on video it would kind of justify the egregious use of capital letters.

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45a173  No.15691047

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, AMEN.jpg)

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e6db1b  No.15691049

File: aeef90d3ec1293a⋯.png (235.7 KB, 633x723, 211:241, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6d3348105e17c52⋯.png (1.3 MB, 608x930, 304:465, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7f141cad396a9c⋯.png (291.76 KB, 610x866, 305:433, ClipboardImage.png)


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4ed7ee  No.15691050

File: 00462cd19be49ed⋯.jpg (122.2 KB, 1125x729, 125:81, 00462cd19be49edc389911731c….jpg)

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f36a6c  No.15691051

File: 33d5059227bf434⋯.png (119.47 KB, 750x403, 750:403, ClipboardImage.png)


Compare this to the damage created by the BLM protests, which Trudeau supported:

Even today, BLM is celebrated and well-funded. In contrast, the Regime responds to the Trucker Convoy movement with a declaration of total war. Despite being entirely peaceful in its conduct and restrained in their demands, Trudeau crushed the convoy physically and banned protest leaders from doing so much as speaking in support of the cause. But perhaps most sinister of all is how banks, media, and (perhaps?) even the intelligence services were collectively enlisted to make even the most marginal financial supporter of the truckers entirely beyond the pale.

Just as Trudeau was announcing his new emergency powers, the “whistleblower” group Direct Denial of Secrets (DDoS) announced it had obtained a full list of all donors to the trucker convoys on GiveSendGo. The Antifa hacker group immediately shared the information with press outlets. The press itself soon played its part, directly contacting many on the donor lists and making it clear they could dox anybody they wished if they felt like it. You don’t want to end up like this café owner, do you?


It gets even more sinister. In 2020, the Trump Department of Homeland Security claimed that DDoS is a “criminal hacker group.” Despite that, it enjoys IRS non-profit status. DDoS’s high-profile hacks have, almost without exception, targeted domestic dissidents against the regime, or its international enemies, rather than the regime itself. Besides doxing every GiveSendGo donor, DDoS’s other targets include Gab, Parler, local police departments, Russia, Myanmar, and right-wing chat groups online.

So much for speaking truth to power. By all accounts, DDoS speaks power to truth. (pic related)

Perhaps unsurprisingly, DDoS’s leader is the “chronically ill” “they/she” transgender freak show Emma Best.

DDoS almost certainly works hand in hand with serious criminals, if it is not an outright criminal organization itself. Yet nobody is shutting down financial support for DDoS or seizing its assets. While Julian Assange awaits trial and, in all likelihood, life in prison for embarrassing the security state and the Hillary Clinton campaign, “Emma” Best (they/she) faces no serious efforts to stop his activities whatsoever. And why would he? He is among the most heroic tranissaries rendering an invaluable service to the Globalist American Empire.

The right to protest, publicly, is enshrined as a sacred privilege and marker of democracy. When the US backed the overthrow of Ukraine’s government in 2014, it was because President Viktor Yanukovych allegedly used force against “peaceful protesters” (in fact, they were not peaceful; they killed several police officers). The American Regime used the Chinese government’s use of force against “mostly peaceful” protesters in Hong Kong to justify more moral grandstanding. If a trucker protest just like the one in Canada had been suppressed and criminalized like those in Minsk, or Moscow, or Tehran, the State Department and US regime press would shriek about totalitarianism.

Now, the hypocrisy is too naked and blatant to ignore. The Canadian crackdown is a decisive “mask off” moment for the class obsessed with masks.


A similar “mask-off” moment is unfolding in America. Last week, the Biden Administration’s “intelligence officials” smeared Zero Hedge as a Russian intelligence operation for publishing articles critical of US foreign policy. A week before that, the administration claimed that dissident views on Covid-19 policies contribute to domestic terrorism. In the US client state of Ukraine, the mass banning of Russian-language TV stations is characterized as a “gift” to the Biden administration. Even MyPillow founder Mike Lindell is getting a Canada-style debanking because of his political activism.


Still, what is most interesting about the Canada development is not how evil it is, but how overt. Western governments seem to be abandoning even the pretense of existing as free societies. Even the press is admitting it.


The good news is, it’s unclear how well this will work. The pretense of being a free society is central to the self-perception of Americans and Westernerns more generally. If a government shorn of moral legitimacy decides to rule by force instead, it is unclear that it will have the persuasive or coercive tools to make the change stick.

A year ago, in the early days of the Biden Administration, Revolver warned about America’s rapidly crumbling moral authority in a piece entitled, “With Zero Moral Authority Left, The Globalist American Empire is Doomed to Fail at Home and Abroad”:

In China, people tend to defer to state authority so long as the state is performing competently. There is no psychological need for the Chinese to think of their nation in “moral terms” as a “free society” that respects “human rights.” For better or worse, things are different in America. Being a “free society” is just as must an essential part of American self-identity as being a “global superpower.” America’s decline from global superpower status and its transition from a nation that at least pretends to be a free society to a more transparent and overt totalitarianism are mutually reinforcing tendencies that could strain the very special preconditions for American patriotism as we know it.

It is far from clear that the American regime can complete this transition without dire consequences with respect to its standing globally, and to its own citizens right here at home. Patriots of all stripes should not view this as a consolation prize, but as a great opportunity.

That opportunity is now greater than ever before. The Globalist American Empire was low on legitimacy a year ago. Today, it is scraping the bottom of the barrel. It cannot win wars. It cannot prevent crime; in fact, it encourages it. It cannot keep shelves stocked or even consistently keep the lights on. It nakedly dispenses with bedrock American rights like freedom of association, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, and equality under the law. It makes a mockery of the “democracy” it claims the sole right to represent. It shuts down your bank account while shrieking of “racism,” “homophobia,” and “fascism.”

And now, it fears being called out. The authorities in Canada lashed out because they were genuinely afraid. As Substack writer N.S. Lyons noted last week in a piece analyzing the clash between the Physicals and the Virtuals (those who engage in real-world economic activity versus those who use laptops):

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8e7852  No.15691052


too early man, wait another 100,000

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482112  No.15691053

File: 484252aec7eda1d⋯.jpg (246.68 KB, 707x932, 707:932, oie_3wo5qhwfqi74.jpg)

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f41515  No.15691054

File: 1beb14e44f68b43⋯.jpeg (63.72 KB, 500x500, 1:1, 9A27148F_F587_4C1E_BE45_2….jpeg)


Fraud vitiates everything. All contracts. Medical fraud. Big pharma can be sued. Goodbye Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.

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920a63  No.15691055



2 independent sources with patriot reputation of identical post should be considered.

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f36a6c  No.15691056


When the truckers rolled their big rigs, which weigh about 35,000 pounds, up to the political elite’s doorstep, engaged their parking breaks (or removed their wheels entirely), and refused to leave until their concerns were addressed, this was like dropping a very solid boulder of reality in the Virtuals’ front lawn and daring them to remove it without assistance. And because the Virtuals do not yet actually have the Jedi powers to move things with their minds, the truckers effectively called their bluff on who ultimately has control over the world.

To many of the Virtuals, this is existentially frightening. [The Upheaval]

This is the key weakness of the Globalist American Empire: Its most zealous adherents are not able to maintain the society they rule over. Though members of the “thinking class,” they are actually bereft of meaningful hard skills. They do not build roads, keep the lights on, or grow food, and if suddenly tasked with doing so they would be in a near-hopeless position. A handful of truckers getting uppity put their backs to the wall. A more meaningful, widespread general strike by even a few hundred thousand workers would immediately render their regime helpless. That is why they must threaten even the slightest deviation with maximum force, with threats to seize protesters’ entire life savings without due process.

With its hysterical reactions against all dissent, the Globalist American Empire prepares the way for its own doom. The Empire has no clothes. As it claims more power than ever, it is in fact closer than ever to losing it all.

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a4fde2  No.15691057


This would be confirmation.

Apply pressure to the traitors.

When something doesn't seem right, and nobody is answering questions, you can be reasonanly sure Freemasons are involved. Do we have any evidence Klaus Schwab is a Mason? besides the fact that he seems to have the world's governments on his leash.

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b56e02  No.15691058

File: 53512fd4a3d6f21⋯.png (873.33 KB, 1140x760, 3:2, 0cf533b54fd6a5e1f9a2a763dc….png)



Anon dig on Sen James Lankford pedo connection. Appears positive. You decide.

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bee3e0  No.15691059

So truthsocial is only in the apple store?

What if I have an android? i dont see it

in the play store

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2a3bc7  No.15691060

File: 4ee8516cdad8f34⋯.jpg (139.39 KB, 758x521, 758:521, margaritaville.jpg)


>WOOHOO!!! National Margarita Day!!!

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4ed7ee  No.15691061

File: 2e222900756472c⋯.jpg (37.22 KB, 352x330, 16:15, Screenshot_20210815_065421….jpg)

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e6db1b  No.15691062

File: c96ae60db454997⋯.png (1.49 MB, 1024x992, 32:31, ClipboardImage.png)



Here seen sliced in half, an art historian suggests that whole blood oranges could be the imagery in the Medici coats of arms

Orange man bad.

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a57a77  No.15691063

File: 48e316c05c76758⋯.png (261.57 KB, 450x281, 450:281, ClipboardImage.png)


>the assassination of members of Seal Team 6?

The deaths included:

15 United States Navy SEALs from the Naval Special Warfare Development Group’s (DEVGRU) Gold Squadron “SEAL Team 6”

7 Afghan National Army Commandos, part of Afghan National Army

5 U.S. Naval Special Warfare support personnel, two EOD technicians, one MWD Handler, one Cryptologic technician, and one Information systems technician.

3 U.S. Army Reserve personnel from the 7th Battalion, 158th Aviation Regiment

2 U.S. Navy SEALs from a west coast based SEAL team.

2 U.S. Army personnel from the 2nd Battalion, 135th Aviation Regiment, part of Colorado Army National Guard

2 U.S. Air Force Pararescuemen from the 24th Special Tactics Squadron

1 U.S. Air Force Combat Controller from the 24th Special Tactics Squadron

1 Afghan civilian interpreter

1 U.S. Military Working Dog




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095e05  No.15691065

File: 3bdffb54ea525c3⋯.png (1.48 MB, 833x1495, 833:1495, ClipboardImage.png)


You don't need a truck to HONK:


Buy one today

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1c6266  No.15691066

File: 9f65faf0345601e⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1092x611, 84:47, 9f65faf0345601e075dc0f2f25….png)

File: dfc5f9dd4d48435⋯.jpeg (206.66 KB, 683x633, 683:633, dfc5f9dd4d48435f62209835e….jpeg)

File: 0b6b265d66db281⋯.jpg (205.27 KB, 1282x854, 641:427, 0b6b265d66db281018a4d44291….jpg)

File: 219897be44374b2⋯.png (674.47 KB, 1246x1333, 1246:1333, 219897be44374b2a82287bb2b9….png)

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d36cfe  No.15691067

#BOOM! USS Gridley live-fire exercise in the #GulfofOman #MaritimeSecurity @US5thFleet


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5e86bd  No.15691069



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2aba7a  No.15691070


>2 independent sources with patriot reputation of identical post should be considered.

Give example

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920a63  No.15691071

>>15691004 consider revising @AGB1776 tagline to notate yesterday morning.

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3a9d07  No.15691072

I just cleaned roof/gutters.

What have you done for your country!

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40c269  No.15691073

File: 6a14e39f73f3006⋯.png (577.75 KB, 848x421, 848:421, COMFEFE_COVFEFE.png)


Seconded forGlobal

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15eeb7  No.15691074


and just how do you link to an app? there is no desktop version.

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356f14  No.15691075



"they thought it was coming yesterday"


"Now comes the Pain"

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920a63  No.15691076


Liz Herrington and Catturd?

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42b60c  No.15691077

File: eead90a5d443692⋯.png (89.7 KB, 833x610, 833:610, Bildschirmfoto_2022_02_22_….png)



Putin asks parliament for right to use Russian military abroad


at least he's asking–

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d251de  No.15691078


Thanks for reminder, anon.


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f41515  No.15691079


Not available there yet

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1cc057  No.15691080


No, it's correct. 22 years and 222 days (including start date)

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5e86bd  No.15691082

File: 565845f34439d3a⋯.jpeg (48.81 KB, 392x650, 196:325, 1D22C80A_8500_444C_85A4_B….jpeg)

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482112  No.15691083

File: 7167d4389e7da22⋯.mp4 (8.24 MB, 640x360, 16:9, videoplayback_38.mp4)

President Obama was overheard on an open mic giving outgoing Russian President Medevev a candid political assessment of his ability to deal with relations between the U.S. and Russia, saying he would have more flexibility after the election

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1cc057  No.15691084

File: 9a34f7313458fe2⋯.png (50.36 KB, 978x434, 489:217, Capture_2022_02_22_10_56_5….png)



Pic related forgot

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e6db1b  No.15691085

File: 52a36c604bf329b⋯.png (20.07 KB, 709x244, 709:244, ClipboardImage.png)

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16f8ac  No.15691086


Fuck Hivemind spam boi

In chrome:


3 dots top left of inspect box

More tools >

Network Conditions

Scroll down, unselect > User Agent [] Browser default


TruthSocial/44 CFNetwork/1329 Darwin/21.3.0

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920a63  No.15691087



4 anons on board and Brian Cates?

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45a173  No.15691088

File: 05f5abd30ab6e8c⋯.mp4 (1.69 MB, 360x640, 9:16, NewzealandPM.mp4)

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42b60c  No.15691089

File: 8524ad60b7c1522⋯.png (593.27 KB, 750x792, 125:132, Putin.png)

needs a cute yellow golden crown

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4ed7ee  No.15691090

File: 3f848cd5c7371fc⋯.jpg (22.24 KB, 266x209, 14:11, Screenshot_20210818_154245….jpg)

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1c6266  No.15691091

File: 8e6f1f127dc6f88⋯.jpg (60.74 KB, 378x189, 2:1, 8e6f1f127dc6f8802ab5d17bc1….jpg)



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2a3bc7  No.15691092

File: 9a449101f4a9214⋯.png (493.99 KB, 640x480, 4:3, gervault.png)


Lankford is just Inhofe lite

Old school Koch Bros Republicans

Totally comped

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131f14  No.15691093

File: c9dce658dc7fd84⋯.png (463.48 KB, 722x548, 361:274, srslylurk.png)


…More stylized astronomical knowledge. All I see is a transitory path of the planet Mars with Venus.

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cc132c  No.15691094

File: 9f05d0b1e638c14⋯.png (411.95 KB, 454x534, 227:267, ClipboardImage.png)

c56631 (4)

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5e86bd  No.15691095

File: ffb482c3144a574⋯.jpeg (194.8 KB, 750x732, 125:122, 4653E438_E58F_4E2E_BFE0_9….jpeg)



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482112  No.15691096

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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584bd2  No.15691097


I went to my post office Sunday night, and the lobby is still open 24hrs a day.

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168c7f  No.15691098

File: 3acfb1e10aac9bd⋯.png (122.56 KB, 1036x630, 74:45, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 66f4a05f92b58ce⋯.png (631.78 KB, 1408x792, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)




Note: Anon spend a lot of time reading and chasing up leads also taking in the narrative of the Guardian article - In a nut shell, the guardian made out that all the corruptions was in the past and historical, most people had their accounts closed and the bank did nothing wrong, they named the journalists who worked on the story putting their lives in danger and said of the B.I.S that it had set out the guidelines and so could not he held accountable. Utter crap, typical deflection whilst letting off the guilty and literally setting the assassins of the corrupt after those who worked on the leaked info from a insider of the suisse bank who remain anonymous.

There are multiple articles on this link but below is the link to it and will take a while to get to the details to post a summary.



Everything you need to know about the leak

Until now, Swiss bank accounts have been a closely guarded secret. But now an anonymous source has leaked a huge treasure trove of data from Credit Suisse to the SZ. For the first time it can be shown how kleptocrats, autocrats and criminals stashed their money there.


The source, who gave the "Süddeutsche Zeitung" internal bank data from Credit Suisse, criticizes the Swiss legal system - and sees the voters as having a duty.


The Suisse Secrets data was leaked to the Süddeutsche Zeitung more than a year ago via an anonymous digital mailbox . The anonymous source - it is unclear whether it is a man, a woman or a group - has explained their motivations in an accompanying text.

The source did not attach any content-related conditions to the transfer of the Suisse Secrets data. The SZ also did not pay for the data or provide or promise any other consideration. After examining the information, the SZ decided to share and evaluate the data with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and dozens of media houses from around the world - including the British Guardian , the New York Times and Le Monde in France . The document contained the heading "Why I did it ".

The SZ documents the statement of the source in excerpts:

"I believe that Swiss banking secrecy is immoral. The pretense of protecting financial privacy is merely a fig leaf to cover up the nefarious role of Swiss banks as collaborators with tax evaders. Even if the Common Reporting

Standard [ CRS, a procedure on international banking data exchange; Editor's note ] is a step in the right direction to prevent tax evasion, many developing countries are not covered by this agreement.Moreover, the CRS requirement of reciprocity places a disproportionate financial and infrastructural burden on developing countries, so that they remain excluded from this system for the foreseeable future.This situation makes corruption possibleand deprives developing countries of much-needed tax revenue. So these countries are the main victims of the Swiss inversion of the Robin Hood principle.

I would like to emphasize that the responsibility for this situation does not lie with the Swiss banks, but with the Swiss legal system. The banks are simply good capitalists and maximize their profits within the legal framework in which they operate. Put simply, the Swiss legislators are responsible for enabling financial crime, and the Swiss people have the power to do something about it because of their direct democracy. While I'm aware that banking secrecy is partly responsible for Switzerland 's economic success story , I firmly believe that such a rich country should be able to afford a conscience. (…)

I am aware that having a Swiss bank account does not necessarily indicate tax evasion or other financial crimes. I am sure that some of the accounts (…) exist for legitimate reasons or have been reported to the tax authorities in accordance with the relevant legislation. However, it is likely that a significant number of these accounts were established with the sole intention of hiding the account holder's assets from tax authorities and/or avoiding tax on capital gains."

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4d1bad  No.15691099

File: 65d944dec1c03a5⋯.png (148.67 KB, 588x464, 147:116, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 59a5c4c99dcc090⋯.png (58.17 KB, 580x275, 116:55, ClipboardImage.png)

From colleague Gillian Turner. Police around DC area have told Nat'l Guard that the trucker convoy intends to shut down the Beltway and major roads leading in and out of DC. The Nat'l Guard is scrambling to secure heavy tow trucks to haul away semis which may try to block roads


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4ed7ee  No.15691101

File: bf3b053a69f3937⋯.jpg (48.03 KB, 368x362, 184:181, Screenshot_20210729_120115….jpg)

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692a16  No.15691102

_muh little bun of little habbenings__

ATT killed 3G today

"Georgia is on verdict watch."

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2200ac  No.15691103


Peacekeepers to counter (DS hired) islamic terrorists who do sabotage missions in the Donbass region

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5e86bd  No.15691104

File: 65500ce80242caa⋯.jpeg (255.95 KB, 694x600, 347:300, 108EE46E_D09F_456A_A03D_8….jpeg)

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4d1bad  No.15691106

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e6db1b  No.15691107

File: 7e6546410334a62⋯.gif (2.18 MB, 480x260, 24:13, wellthereitis.gif)


>whole blood oranges could be the imagery in the Medici coats of arms

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2aba7a  No.15691108


You’re saying if Liz Harrington shares someone else’s Truth Social post on Twitter?

Yeah I guess that should be seen as mostly credible.

My point was anons posting truth social posts without sauce.

To me, anons should be skeptical of that.

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45a173  No.15691109


What happened to Mussolini?

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920a63  No.15691110


Everyone has condemned it.

suggest you modify your concept of someone

>YOU are the elites

>YOU are the News Now

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35f7c8  No.15691111

File: fb9b75fc00c5d60⋯.png (165.94 KB, 750x617, 750:617, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c6266  No.15691112

File: 5742d8b3f5124c6⋯.jpg (191.26 KB, 1024x2048, 1:2, IMG_20191008_141051.jpg)

File: 1a91438d382891d⋯.jpg (478.36 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20191008_190804.jpg)

File: c4a1832c79fe534⋯.jpg (307.37 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20191008_190840.jpg)

File: 3ecbfd9991025f8⋯.jpg (109.82 KB, 1027x466, 1027:466, IMG_20191013_205239.jpg)

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923797  No.15691113

File: 92766fd29d42a5a⋯.png (20.24 KB, 389x303, 389:303, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cd82435a53e878⋯.png (83.94 KB, 702x523, 702:523, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a45c3e7efa87834⋯.png (66.91 KB, 563x586, 563:586, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4940c13e0a7878⋯.png (296 KB, 720x546, 120:91, ClipboardImage.png)


Three-year Delta Q Post 2883


Feb 22, 2019 11:38:07 PM EST

(1) Info


(2) Remove Control from Gov't and provide to CA (who controls CA?)


(3) Significant Risk? Cover? Control?


Why would [HUSSEIN] transfer US Gov't control of the internet to a non-profit CA co?

You are the news now.


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692a16  No.15691114


The name Gillian just sends anon.

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4ed7ee  No.15691115

File: f80b7a5643dbca3⋯.jpg (93.62 KB, 586x702, 293:351, Screenshot_20210726_185045….jpg)

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16f8ac  No.15691116


It was posted yesterday fag

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82a273  No.15691117

Vermont Towns Open Voting to Foreign Nationals, Offering Ballots in Foreign Languages

A pair of Vermont towns are ready for their first local elections where foreign nationals will be allowed to vote, even offering ballots in foreign languages.

Montpelier, the state’s capital, and Winooski, located just outside of Burlington, are set to hold local elections where, for the first time, foreign nationals will be able to vote. In Montpelier, city officials said one foreign national has registered to vote while about eight foreign nationals have registered in Winooski.

In addition, Winooski is ensuring that non-English speaking foreign nationals have ballots in their native languages and is doing community outreach to get as many foreign nationals registered to vote as possible.

WCAX3 News reports:

Julienne Mugisha moved to Winooski from the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2018. The Winooski resident is registered to vote and spoke to us through an interpreter. She says she’s excited that this door is now open for her and other people who are not noncitizens [sic] and that it feels incredible to be able to vote for leaders and have support from the community. [Emphasis added]

Mugisha is one of just eight people who aren’t yet citizens but have registered to vote in Winooski so far. The city has an ongoing outreach program, including ballots in several different languages, to attract more people to register. [Emphasis added]

In June 2021, Democrats in the Vermont state legislature approved changes to the charters governing Montpelier and Winooski so that foreign nationals could vote in local elections.

Republican Gov. Phil Scott only vetoed the plan because it did not provide all foreign nationals across Vermont the right to vote. Legislators ultimately overrode his veto.

The Republican National Committee (RNC) is currently suing Montpelier and Winooski for allowing foreign nationals to vote, arguing that the policy violates Vermont’s constitution, which reserves voting rights for American citizens.



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951d75  No.15691118

File: 1541d4b3537ab0d⋯.png (78.18 KB, 1246x268, 623:134, Screen_Shot_2022_02_22_at_….png)

File: 4fc0ba42f4ebee7⋯.png (10.7 KB, 255x254, 255:254, bad8d86730d16e951c27c989fd….png)

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8c64c1  No.15691119


When Governments finally ‘go there’, unjustly making Redress (questions) “A Crime”… yes, that is the precipice of sticks and stones and bullets.

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b56e02  No.15691120

File: 7168442e4d98da0⋯.png (203.61 KB, 680x440, 17:11, ClipboardImage.png)


HONKfor freedom.HONKeverywhereHONKanywhereHONKfor life

HONKfor no more PedovoresHONKfor justice

HONKfor kindness

HONKfor decency

HONKto end allHONKing forever.

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787365  No.15691121


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584bd2  No.15691122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Russian Parliament Debating Military Use Abroad

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2aba7a  No.15691123


I’m not in the app yet.

Is there not a link to each post?

If so, that’s not good.

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160ed7  No.15691124


Another one to sue for defamation?

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920a63  No.15691125


I get it. I said last bread it's gonna be a big pain in the ass until we can all get on. I think we can get through it with proper discernment though. If 4 anons are posting the same screen cap with the same truth surrounded by 4 different phone screens and one somewhat reputable patriot on another platform also posts the same thing, it's likely real.

Same is true if any Trump insider posts one.

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edada2  No.15691126

File: bfcd539c31cb9b3⋯.png (580.52 KB, 720x450, 8:5, glossglitch2.png)


did you notice a baker died yesterday?

not a word from you

not a word about you either

let that sink in

you are not fam

you are banned and banned is banned

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9459fd  No.15691127


Imagine the terror going through the dark ones

A 6 year digital campaign that is taking them apart from every side

They can only lie to themselves

Yet they can feel the walls closing in

The playbook not working

Links in the chain missing everywhere

They are naked and afraid

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1c6266  No.15691128


8M+ (was this recent?)

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4ed7ee  No.15691129

File: 66b731b597329bb⋯.jpg (18.29 KB, 728x410, 364:205, 66b731b597329bb8dc5ba41278….jpg)

File: a1e5dd688e04642⋯.jpg (108.25 KB, 1033x775, 1033:775, a1e5dd688e046422fe2152c17d….jpg)

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6f2180  No.15691130


That's one of the "you must show them" things.

Normies can't even swallow the small pills, yet.

Try telling them that #133 is literal.

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a4fde2  No.15691131


Can confirm. It is 22 years and 222 days if you include the begin and end dates.

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40c269  No.15691132


That presents a problem, doesn't it?

>Sips more covfefe

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42b60c  No.15691133


thank you, anon

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b56e02  No.15691134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Intelligence agencies and the advertising industry have developed sophisticated mind control technologies over decades of research in quest of an engineered 100% complaint human being.

Individuals heavily exposed to MSM media content and/or MK / traumatic conditioning are trapped in a pseudo reality and often require therapeutic expertise to assist their recovery, due to the severe nature of the spiritual trauma and extensive alterations to the psyche.

As Wilson Bryan Key put it back in the 1980s, ‘‘‘ “In spite of the evidence presented, most Americans will still find it difficult to believe that their trusted, high-credibility information sources long ago betrayed them into the hands of profit hungry marketing executives who have quietly researched, developed and exhaustively applied a subliminal technology of communication that is now driving ever larger segments of the population to pathological behaviors.” ’’’

Repairing our common cognitive capacity means dealing with significant levels of damage to neurological function equivalent to trauma PTSD.

SEX and DEATH images perceived by the unconscious exert unseen influence, distorting our collective worldview and inhibiting discernment by the inappropriate linkage of emotion and symbols or ideas.

‘’’British psychologist Norman Dixon, in evaluating 500 separate scientific studies, concluded, ‘behavior can be determined by external events over which we can affect no conscious control.’ Dixon, Subliminal Perception, p 322’’’

1 Dreams

2 Memory

3 Conscious perception

4 Emotional response

5 Perceptual thresholds

6 Verbal behavior

7 Adaptation level or judgement values

8 Purchasing behavior

9 Psychopathology

10 Reproductive drive/sexuality

The list of subliminal effects demonstrates how humans are programmed into almost any group perceptual construction aka cultural perspective by those who control media.


Do not expose yourself or you family unnecessarily to MSM psyops running on all media of every cult platform.

’’’Media provide the system by which economic markets are controlled.” ’’’

The US public has had decades of exposure to subliminals and years of exposure to acute phase Information Operations conducted by the advertising-media complex for commercial and political ends.


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8d050d  No.15691135


As someone who has literally stood on the edge of the abyss, owing to Russian actions, it sounds like Vlad’s been into the funny mushrooms. 66 million.

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64e293  No.15691136

File: 309e1d2815990cc⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1334x750, 667:375, E45DB034_7B20_4DF9_B4C3_AB….png)

Dear Brothers of the planet! Earth! I am Ashtar Sheran!

It is with joy, always with joy, that I come to you today. We have been very present in your skies, (present I speak in physical form), where you can see us. This is happening all over the planet. We are preparing people, little by little, for our appearance. Of course, the vast majority still look on with mistrust and fear. But be assured that the moment we appear, everyone inside that ship emanates so much unconditional love for you, that this energy reaches the heart of everyone who sees us. And that fear, that fright, almost instantly turns into bewilderment and surprise. And this is how we are transforming the hearts of many.

Of course, those who still have the power of information on the planet, like to put catastrophes, like to put invasions, attacks by beings from outside, on the inhabitants of this planet, in a supposed war for power and domination. It would be very interesting if you all already knew, that this has already happened a long time ago. The only difference is that they didn’t arrive destroying everything, they undermined the planet little by little, making you the humanity you see today. I would say it was a mental invasion and totally planned, but we always like to point out that none of this happened, because you became simple puppets.

You have free will, and everything that was presented to you at one time seemed very good, seemed pleasant, brought you joy, brought you happiness; showing you that the rest was not important, the important thing was personal pleasure, no matter how that pleasure was achieved. So you were getting addicted, getting used to everything that was given, in the pursuit of this “supposed happiness and illusory pleasure”. It’s nobody’s fault (if there is a fault); it’s not the fault of those who put it all out there, because they saw in you the craving for it, they saw in you the craving to separate from Source, to separate from Source, and you made that choice. If you had not made the choice, everything would be different today; I would not be here talking, nor would the other Beings of Light, because you would have evolved a long time ago, or rather, I would say that you would not even have left the Fifth Dimension where you were.

So it’s not our place here to put all the blame on those who came here and brought the gifts. Those who wanted to, who resonated with those gifts, accepted the gifts. We understand easily, the difficulty you have to get rid of these addictions, to get rid of all this “supposed joy” placed by them, to get rid of those moments of total absence from the world, so that you don’t live your own problems. Believe me, we understand. But we have been telling you, and showing you, that there is another way for you to feel happy, joyful, and free from problems. It’s all about just one thing: “Believe that vibrations make their way. If you vibrate low today, you will reap the result tomorrow; likewise if you vibrate high, you will reap gifts.

So, we are placing for you a new choice, a New World, only that in this New World, the vices, the subterfuges, the thoughtless, dishonest, false attitudes, which you are used to, do not fit; only the attitudes of love, solidarity, friendship, love for your neighbor, love without expecting anything in return. For many of you this is impossible, and you take it as a truth: “it is impossible”. And I would say that this truth grows every day. Now, if you open your hearts and let all this love in, let this love that is inside bloom, it has not died; you all have this love inside, which is the spark of Father/Mother God. If you let it grow, you will live this love wonderfully and easily.

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9165ae  No.15691139

Anyone with the link to chrome walk though to get to TS?

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42b60c  No.15691140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



adding link:

Putin Asks Parliament for Right to Use Russian Military Abroad


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0f23ed  No.15691141


>FDA Expert Urges CDC to “Tell the Truth” and “Present the Data” After it Refuses to Publish Data on Booster Shot Effectiveness Over Fears of “Vaccine Hesitancy”

related to I think >>15690922

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64e293  No.15691142



Unfortunately, you can’t serve two masters; either you serve the light and start a journey of cleansing, of letting go of all the things that brought you those so-called joys, the addictions, the attitudes, or you stay in them. There is no serving both; you either serve the Light or you serve the Third Dimension. We have been doing this daily, minute by minute on our ships. Each one of us who is above your skies, is almost all the time focused, in a great egregore of love surrounding this planet. Our intention is that this egregore will suffocate all others, because love is the strongest and most resilient feeling in the universe, and it can destroy anything.

We didn’t leave, we are all here. Because exactly why, because we need to emanate so much love to this planet, we need a huge number of beings emanating this love. And I can tell you, that this egregore of love of ours has already encircled the planet. Unfortunately, it is quickly consumed by the negative grids that are there. But we keep going, and we don’t give up. So just think, if each one of you takes the path of love, the path of light, you may not be strong enough to generate a large egregore, but at least you won’t be inflating those negative egregores anymore, and that’s already a great achievement.

I wish we could emit a great ray and destroy all the negative grids on your planet; a great ray of love, but we cannot. Because you will have free will until the end, until the last human is in the Third Dimension. When he is gone, you will be in the Fifth Dimension, or wherever you are supposed to be, and then the free will is gone. But as long as there is the Third Dimension and you are in it, there is nothing we can do to encroach on your choices. Your soul choices are always respected at all times. We wish it were different, that we could step in and act in the way we think is right, but we can’t do that.

“Project Earth” is not over yet, Father/Mother God has not finalized the project of free will, so there is nothing we can do that is against your will. So it all depends on raising the consciousness of the planet. You are almost there, but you still oscillate a lot. When we think: “Now it goes!”, you fall again, you can’t keep yourselves elevated. But we hope that very soon you will reach this great potential of consciousness, so that we can start the new phase. A troubled phase, a difficult phase, but necessary, because it will be the phase that will uproot all the lies, all the falsehoods, all the bad things that have been presented to you and that you have enjoyed. And what will be the difference? You will realize what you have caused yourselves and the planet with every single gift you have been given.

Nothing has gone unnoticed, nothing has gone unreacted to, and it will be up to each one of you to choose: “I choose to continue as I am, since I am here, I will continue. Or those who will choose: “No, I want to change, I want to evolve” And then, yes, we will have a lot of work to absorb all these souls that will come thirsty for information, for energy, for treatment, for healing. And be assured that we are ready, each one of us, to do whatever it takes for each inhabitant of this planet to make his or her ascension.


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4d1bad  No.15691143

File: fbf8e914062c26e⋯.png (24.35 KB, 584x168, 73:21, ClipboardImage.png)



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8e7852  No.15691144


[Verse 1]

Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?

You give me somethin' I can hold on to

I know you think I'm like the others before

Who saw your name and number on the wall

[Chorus 1]

Jenny, I got your number

I need to make you mine

Jenny, don't change your number






[Verse 2]

Jenny, Jenny, you're the girl for me

Oh, you don't know me, but you make me so happy

I tried to call you before, but I lost my nerve

I tried my imagination, but I was disturbed

[Chorus 1]

Jenny, I got your number

I need to make you mine

Jenny, don't change your number







I got it (I got it), I got it

I got your number on the wall

I got it (I got it), I got it

For a good time, for a good time call


[Chorus 2]

Jenny, don't change your number

I need to make you mine

Jenny, I called your number







Jenny, Jenny, who can I turn to?


For the price of a dime, I can always turn to you








867-5309 (5309)

867-5309 (5309)


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40c269  No.15691145

Another poll to ponder progress of waking up the sleepiest sleepers.


Democrats overwhelmingly approve of Trudeau's crackdown on freedom protestors, freezing of bank accounts: Poll

Looking at Democrat likely voters alone, 65 percent said they favored Trudeau’s crackdown on the protestors, and 17 percent said they disapproved.

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8c64c1  No.15691146


I “get” the spirit of the effort… but if it hasn’t worked for the past 35 years to breakup the grip-of-lies held by Government/Media… would you please fucking try and change your approach. Good Lord?!?

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1c6266  No.15691147

File: 1b7dbd70711d3a3⋯.jpg (89.54 KB, 1023x630, 341:210, IMG_20200814_225223.jpg)


Kek right.

I posted it was fake & gay maybe they delete.

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2200ac  No.15691148


66 million was caused by the Bolsheviks during Stalins ruling

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4d1bad  No.15691149

File: 3195d53502f218f⋯.png (25.86 KB, 585x171, 65:19, ClipboardImage.png)


didnt take long kek



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929924  No.15691150

>>15690478 pb

Fifth Column - isand idea where the people amplify the message.

It is the same concept that the Seahawks fans call the 12th man



In addition to the stadium's design, the sports fans in the Pacific Northwest are passionate about football, and are known as the12th man. Seahawks fans come out in a full effort to make as much noise as possible to distract the other team during game day.

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e6db1b  No.15691151


>Putin Asks Parliament for Right to Use Russian Military Abroad

ho boy

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08d2ae  No.15691152


Let my people go.

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2ab30e  No.15691153

File: 65a3946f0392b1d⋯.jpeg (334.03 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, 3FBB6C01_4159_479E_BAF0_6….jpeg)

File: a7148d9e95421f7⋯.jpeg (422.16 KB, 1440x1440, 1:1, AC92013C_3F54_49AD_92EB_A….jpeg)

Triple vaccinated deaths Skyrocketed 495% in January. The plan Demic would already be over were it not for the vaccines.


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a6a09e  No.15691154

File: 7259706f2bf9bcc⋯.jpg (297.31 KB, 2058x1859, 2058:1859, 7259706f2bf9bcc3498b704ced….jpg)


Cannot confirm this info. Do not speak computer.

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40c269  No.15691156

File: 03b0cee88ecbbb3⋯.png (18.81 KB, 516x281, 516:281, ClipboardImage.png)




SS related.

Rest. Regroup. Reengage with patience.

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b71eca  No.15691158


Will you please post your real picture instead of a drawing of yourself?

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9165ae  No.15691159

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951d75  No.15691160

File: 70e75229ca61875⋯.png (495.3 KB, 750x762, 125:127, 70e75229ca61875bc550ea66ff….png)


Repost in red text for full effect. Chances are Q-team didn't know you were getting impatient, or they would have sped up.

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e30eff  No.15691161


He broke his weenie, now it doesn't work.

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45a173  No.15691162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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131f14  No.15691163

File: 42e253d0598c147⋯.png (561.05 KB, 651x665, 93:95, Screenshot_2022_02_22_at_0….png)


…Seent some strange humor, with that post.

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5e86bd  No.15691164





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82a273  No.15691165

Who is the puppet masters?


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e30eff  No.15691167

File: 18ccfecbfaa680e⋯.jpg (70.6 KB, 600x710, 60:71, do_you_want_to_develop_an_….jpg)


We should develop an app.

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920a63  No.15691168


Thank you for your service.

Godspeed, patriot.


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56dad3  No.15691169

File: e0bf24c44533d46⋯.jpg (159.41 KB, 1500x1400, 15:14, wd.jpg)

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760fdd  No.15691170


You know the drill. TOGTFO.

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40c269  No.15691171

File: cb42aa5b8750ed6⋯.png (2.19 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Funny, this is the picture I had in mind when thinking about the pipeline thing earlier.


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e6db1b  No.15691172



buckle up!

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923797  No.15691173

File: 4310a3f20c150b4⋯.png (10.56 KB, 386x186, 193:93, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4cda1fb1dc4b0ba⋯.png (139.14 KB, 351x565, 351:565, ClipboardImage.png)


Three-year Delta Q Post 2884


Feb 22 2019 23:55:03 (EST)


Nothing to See Here.

You are the news now.

[VIDEO IS 404'd, but I have sreenshot of the tweet. This man spoke about being paid for being part of the resistance. He posts when Trump posts to keep patriots' posts from being seen.]

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0f23ed  No.15691174

Warroom guest while discussing Nevada, mentions something about what

Harry Reid and

George Soros

did in 2004

No sighs over Soros cash


05/09/2012 08:30 AM EDT

Jeff Zeleny has a great piece with on-record quotes from Sen. Harry Reid's top adviser that illustrate the split between some liberal donors and top party insiders over an announced move by the umbrella group Democracy Alliance to send up to $100 million toward GOTV and voter contact efforts instead of ads: - and which makes clear just how few sighs of relief there were over George Soros' $2 million contribution:

“The idea that these progressive groups are essentially re-creating the wheel is perplexing and troubling,” said David Krone, the chief of staff to Mr. Reid. “Why go off and build a redundant grass-roots and get-out-the-vote organization that the Obama campaign is clearly invested in?”

The Democratic officials were responding to an article in The New York Times on Tuesday that the financier George Soros and other major donors had decided to avoid a head-to-head confrontation in television advertising by pro-Republican groups and would instead spend money registering new voters and building stronger turnout organizations.

Mr. Krone, who is not involved in super PAC operations that are trying to keep the Senate majority in Democratic hands, and other advisers said television advertising was the most powerful way to win races. Democratic strategists have spent months trying to lure Mr. Soros and other donors into the fray of election spending.

At this point, according to multiple sources, the pro-Obama super PAC Priorities USA Action wasn't expecting any money from Soros, who has been sitting on the sidelines for months. But the group continues to struggle, as Republicans are gearing up with major, airwaves-flooding buys. The Obama campaign made clear this week where it wants the spending to go. And in general, the Democracy Alliance/Soros news was met with aggravation, not reilef, in Democratic circles.

As one Democratic operative put it, "If you need a more clear illustration of the dangers of not having a well-funded outside group able to support the president with paid media at this point in the cycle and certainly later, one can look no further than the campaign (having to do) a $25 milion ad buy in May…just because we can't keep up with (Republicans on TV) doesn't mean we shouldn't compete there."

To put it in some context, Soros' $2 million is money that he gives every year - and it remains about a tenth of therecord-setting cash he spent on voter-outreach activities in the 2004 presidential race. Relatedly, the 2004 method - focusing on GOTV, voter files and turnout instead as an optimal method - did not result in a win for John Kerry.

Soros aides said that part of his move is a stand against the Citizens United decision that paved the way for negative ad-producing super PACS. But there is some congitive dissonance in the position. HuffPo's Sam Stein cited Soros aides saying he is fascinated by the work of American Bridge, an outside group that he is giving $1 million to and which has already put together an impressive oppo research archive. But a large chunk of that archive is tracking videos and other kinds of video, which are used to…make ads.

On a basic level, as operatives on both sides will say, doing an outside field operation is much harder than doing an oustide TV effort. WIth field, because of coordination restrictions, it's very hard to know what the other side of the wall is learning, and whether expensive efforts are being duplicated. With TV, it's easy - a buyer for one group sees another group's ad reservations show up, and books accordingly.

It's too soon to say exactly how the $100 million figure Democracy Alliance will work, or where exactly it will go. But in terms of the significance that Democratic insiders see, there is somewhat less than meets the eye.

Maggie Haberman is senior political reporter for Politico


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2ab30e  No.15691177


Roger that!

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9f8e3e  No.15691178

File: e6c0765b0c01533⋯.png (552.33 KB, 767x611, 59:47, majority_dems_back_trudeau….PNG)


A majority of likely Democratic voters support Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s use of emergency powers to crack down on Freedom Convoy protesters last week.

A new poll from Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action and provided exclusively to The Daily Wire shows that 55% of likely general election voters disapprove of Trudeau’s handling of the protesters. Thirty-five percent approve of Trudeau’s heavy-handed tactics and 10% said they were unaware of what was happening north of the U.S. border.

Trafalgar Group surveyed 1080 likely general election voters from February 18-20 after Trudeau brought federal, provincial, and local law enforcement into Ottawa to forcibly clear out hundreds of protesters and dozens of vehicles from Parliament Hill and surrounding areas. The poll’s margin of error is 3%.

Democrats overwhelmingly favored Trudeau’s response with 65% approval to 17% disapproval. Republican responses were weighted even more heavily against Trudeau, however, with 87% of likely GOP voters disapproving to just 8% approving. Respondents who said they did not belong to either one of the two main parties cut against Trudeau’s crackdown with 74% disapproving versus 21% approving.

Aside from Democrats, the only other demographic areas identified in the poll that cut in Trudeau’s favor are the ages 65 and older category and among blacks and Hispanics. Every other demographic – men, women, Asian, white, younger age groups – disapproved of Trudeau’s handling of the protesters.

The largest difference in approval versus disapproval took place among 25 to 34-year-olds. In that age group, 100% of respondents disapproved of Trudeau’s tactics.

Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act on February 14 in what he called a “last resort” to break a group of protesters that had held ground outside of Canada’s Parliament since late January. The group of protesters, which began as the trucker-led Freedom Convoy, demonstrated against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and other regulations and restrictions.

Under the Emergencies Act, federal authorities went after the bank accounts and other financial assets of anybody even tangentially involved in the protest. Trudeau’s government threatened that any vehicle involved in the protest could lose its insurance. The bank accounts of protesters or anyone suspected of aiding the protesters could be frozen without a court order or due process.


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8fcda9  No.15691179


can confirm, works good like a hack.

was able to register last night.

see last nights notables for more info on this hack

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40c269  No.15691180

File: d1692aca886cb63⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1280x721, 1280:721, ClipboardImage.png)



Anon's got a point, Jenny.

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8c64c1  No.15691181


> they are actually bereft of meaningful hard skills. They do not build roads, keep the lights on, or grow food, and if suddenly tasked with doing so they would be in a near-hopeless position.

Well said, and i can hardly wait any longer for [them] to come face to face with real reality.

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15eeb7  No.15691183



look at the pic. CLOSELY.

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bd5663  No.15691184

File: c5fef809a896389⋯.png (669.52 KB, 875x499, 875:499, ClipboardImage.png)

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f41515  No.15691185


This faggot



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b43cc8  No.15691186

File: ee139ee281a8264⋯.png (2.73 MB, 1288x1781, 1288:1781, Fifth_Column_1_.png)

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8fcda9  No.15691188



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081f59  No.15691189

File: 6a933506649cb4e⋯.jpg (533.2 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 6a933506649cb4e21abc02a7c3….jpg)

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9459fd  No.15691190


They where prepared for all of this.

A saline Vax long prepared by Qforce

Does not eliminate the army

Warp speed Vax many potentials


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82a273  No.15691191



Politics and Policy

Jeffrey Zients (White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator since 2021, selected in 2003), Jeremy Howard (co-founder of lobby group “masks for all”, selected in 2013), California Governor Gavin Newsom (selected in 2005), Peter Buttigieg (selected in 2019, candidate for US President in 2020, US secretary of transportation since 2021), Chelsea Clinton (Clinton Foundation board member), Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton aide, selected in 2012), Nikki Haley (US ambassador to the UN, 2017-2018), Samantha Power (US ambassador to the UN, 2013-2017, USAID Administrator, since 2021), Ian Bremmer (founder of Eurasia Group), Bill Browder (US-British financier), Jonathan Soros (son of George Soros), Kenneth Roth (director of Human Rights Watch), Paul Krugman (economist, selected in 1995), Lawrence Summers (US Secretary of the Treasury, 1999-2001, selected in 1993), Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza (selected in 2020).


CNN medical analyst Leana Wen (selected in 2018), CNN chief medical correspondent Sanjay Gupta, Covid Twitter personality Eric Feigl-Ding (a ‘WEF Global Shaper‘ since 2013), Andrew Ross Sorkin (New York Times financial columnist), Thomas Friedman (New York Times columnist, selected in 1995), George Stephanopoulos (ABC News, 1993), Lachlan Murdoch (CEO of Fox Corporation, co-chair of News Corp.).

Technology and Social Media

Microsoft founder Bill Gates (1993), former Microsoft CEO Steven Ballmer (2000-2014, selected in 1995), Amazon founder Jeff Bezos (1998), Google co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page (2002/2005), former Google CEO Eric Schmidt (2001-2011, selected in 1997), Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales (2007), PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel (2007), eBay co-founder Pierre Omidyar (1999), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg (2009), Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg (2007).


Professor Devi Sridhar (a leading ‘zero covid’ proponent, selected in 2020/21), former British Prime Ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown (both selected in 1993), BBC World Service journalist Dawood Azami, Mark Leonard (founding director of the George Soros funded European Council on Foreign Relations), Lynn Forester de Rothschild (co-owner of The Economist), Nathaniel Rothschild (son of Lord Rothschild), historian Niall Ferguson (selected in 2005), William Hague (Foreign Secretary, 2010-2014), Charles Allen (CEO of ITV, 2004-2007; Chairman of EMI, 2008-2010).

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (since 2017, selected in 2014), Canadian Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland (selected in 2001; former managing director of Reuters). Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a WEF participant, but is not a confirmed Young Global Leader.



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a787b7  No.15691193

File: 9269df50bfa0166⋯.png (265.63 KB, 608x342, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


Yes, another fake lawsuit, lets go.


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d686b6  No.15691194


Can someone outline the steps please? You know, for those of us that are not techys!! ThanQ!!

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bda084  No.15691195

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.mp4 (591.05 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….mp4)


>but if it hasn’t worked for the past 35 years to breakup the grip-of-lies held by Government/Media

Hence my repetitive-posting &: warning (for some).

And yes, anon has had feed-back from :Chief that we are reaching many & to keep up the effort.

Funny what happens when a Free-Speech-Board gets so much attention… NCSWIC… btw.

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e824c9  No.15691196

File: 221df5ee71ed1fb⋯.png (605.54 KB, 750x792, 125:132, 8524ad60b7c152240116eca15c….png)

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64e293  No.15691197


Q’s Sky event?

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45a173  No.15691198


Was he alone?

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4fceec  No.15691200


She's skating on thin ice. First she shits on Ron Watkins' campaign because he dared to ask about a backroom deal with Karen Fann. Now she's crapping the bed on truth social.

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b56e02  No.15691201

File: f51fdea2fa5d62e⋯.jpg (85.28 KB, 500x460, 25:23, f51fdea2fa5d62e43acf157271….jpg)

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800cc6  No.15691202

File: 89e5c3c0452066d⋯.png (378.88 KB, 874x704, 437:352, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0d9dd0961258d0⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1458x1080, 27:20, ClipboardImage.png)

notable >>15687518 (pb) Britney Spears lands $15 million book deal: reports

A source close to the “Toxic” singer told CNN that the deal is worth more than$15million, adding that her decision to write a book was not in response to her sister Jamie Lynn Spears's memoir, "Things I Should Have Said."

Britney Spears has criticized her sister's book, which refers to the singer as "paranoid" and "erratic" at times.

"She was never around me much15years ago at that time. So why are they even talking about that unless she wants to sell a book at my expense??? REALLY???" Britney Spears tweeted about her sister's memoir.

The Grammy winner’s upcoming book deal comes after a judge in November ended her13-year conservatorship, which she had accused of repeated abuse.

"Britney as of today, is a free woman and she’s an independent woman," her attorney Mathew Rosengart said at the time. "And the rest — with her support system — will be up to Britney."

The conservatorship had been under the control of Britney Spears's father, Jamie Spears, after she publicly struggled with mental health. As part of the agreement, she was unable to marry, forced to undergo regular psychiatric evaluations and made to take birth control.


* * *


Occultists recognize what they regard as the immense inherent spiritual power of numbers. Astrology is highly mathematical, and its most important use is to clothe events in time. Occultists seek to plan and time events according to what they consider to be the most favorably disposed time...

The occultist believes"5" to be the Number of Death,and the greatest intensification of any number to be a triplicate, a"555" literally means "Highest Death"....

The number for Mankind is 555.5 + 5 + 5 = 15(i.e., 15 is a 555 proxy)



not sure how to interpret this COMMs. seems as if either Britney is planning to set up her satanic abusers for a highest death via exposure, or THEY are planning to sacrifice her before she blows the whistle. her IG occult art post makes anon suspect the former

other thoughts?

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6f2180  No.15691203



Thanks for the reminder.

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095e05  No.15691204


You GlowWeak division shill detected

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8fcda9  No.15691205

File: 96a9d5f4b8be579⋯.png (511.05 KB, 682x500, 341:250, 8482686e15c321566c86a100ce….png)


if u spent as much time fighting (((THEM))) on the net, then harassing anons and the board we might respect you again

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42b60c  No.15691206


Cute and wonderful!

Thank you very very much.


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5e86bd  No.15691208

File: 0ffa658a7d0743e⋯.jpeg (428.59 KB, 750x1018, 375:509, 4159B17E_E30F_47AD_864F_F….jpeg)


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3b80bd  No.15691209


Did I just count 17 of the letter R???

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4d1bad  No.15691210


like i give a fuck o7

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5e86bd  No.15691211


The gift that keeps giving

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40c269  No.15691212


Date posted. (Years) before? (Years) after?

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42b60c  No.15691213



Russian parliament grants Putin right to use military abroad

The Russian Senate has granted the authorization of the president’s request after discussing the situation in Donbass

The upper house of Russia’s parliament has granted permission for the country’s military to be deployed abroad, following a request on Tuesday from President Vladimir Putin.


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edada2  No.15691214

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8e7852  No.15691215

File: dfb35163b0502a8⋯.png (3.76 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, gay_slide.png)


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15eeb7  No.15691216


she can't even admit any wrong doing in how she ran this board. there will be no respect given. period.

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238be6  No.15691217

File: b68631c7dc6f3bc⋯.jpeg (70.01 KB, 567x567, 1:1, 62083EAB_164D_49BA_989F_F….jpeg)

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acfab3  No.15691219

File: 5c13ab258e98da1⋯.jpeg (14.59 KB, 255x180, 17:12, 393e45e21c1537db6ea52157b….jpeg)

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bda084  No.15691220

File: 0b7909c6bf86c5e⋯.pdf (591.05 KB, 0b7909c6bf86c5eae18c3a24d7….pdf)


For the MP4.

Right click, save to desktop

Change/rename the extension from .PDF to .mp4 for viewing/archiving.

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4d1bad  No.15691221

File: e45f9c1588494d6⋯.png (26.29 KB, 585x220, 117:44, ClipboardImage.png)

This has now shifted to 1 p.m.

>NEWS: BIDEN will speak at 2 p.m. about Ukraine/Russia


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72434a  No.15691222


Nope just disinfo meant to deceive and keep you from the True light.

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482112  No.15691223

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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47c48d  No.15691224

File: 7479ce5f3302a58⋯.jpg (168.5 KB, 597x720, 199:240, 20220221_231514.jpg)

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8d050d  No.15691225


That was simply the beginning of their reign of terror. It lasted until the USSR dissolved. And some of us have long memories.

Now, if Putin is for real, he is standing up to the NWO. And here we are, the good ole USA, doing their bidding. Seems we may not be the good guys in this equation.

Hard to know where to come down here, but for some reason, I trust Vlad more than Joe.

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131f14  No.15691226

File: db6412ee45a8d51⋯.png (81.21 KB, 405x270, 3:2, eatdicksaturn.png)


…This makes no fuckin' sense. Wasn't the number 15 associated with Saturn?

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9165ae  No.15691227

Sadly that walk around does NOT work for the ipad pro

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1d11c6  No.15691228


I don’t think Mizz Karin gwoin ta be which us much longer, Mizz Scarlett.

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704605  No.15691229


Psyops qnd Aquino?

QSG and psyops??

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be3263  No.15691230

File: 51fbaba21ed32bf⋯.jpg (136.11 KB, 804x402, 2:1, doublespeak.jpg)

File: b75fb814d33fd93⋯.jpg (72.31 KB, 384x385, 384:385, justice.jpg)

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40c269  No.15691231

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can you believe he prefers Tequila over other stuff? I mean, it'll do in the pinch, but, whew.

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78cb1b  No.15691232


>Individuals heavily exposed to MSM media content…..are trapped in a pseudo reality and often require therapeutic expertise to assist their recovery, due to the severe nature of the spiritual trauma and extensive alterations to the psyche.

So, because the Operation Mockingbird Double Plus Ultra has been allowed to run amok over the last half-century+, the White Hat Patriots are telling us that an extensive, Nationwide network of "deprogramming centers" will have to be created to treat the majority of the U.S. population in order for the Redpilling process to successfully wake America from its mass stupor?

If so, HOW could the White Hat Military have just sat back and allowed this mass programming and conditioning operation to continue for decades to the detriment of the American People? While at the same time allowing the perpetrators of the coup d'etat in Dallas just grow and amass unprecedented power and control over our Government?

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081f59  No.15691233

File: 516436883ac885e⋯.jpg (157.61 KB, 1169x855, 1169:855, Sisyphus_e1557869810488.jpg)

File: 609ad2ea07c746b⋯.png (683.1 KB, 660x876, 55:73, 09434093d7975ac4e474d8ae77….png)

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8c64c1  No.15691234

File: dcba19d9a821ea0⋯.gif (439.94 KB, 300x157, 300:157, D3CAC6EB_12CA_4DC3_AC11_9F….gif)

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72434a  No.15691235


Oops meant for >>15691197

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25f0e7  No.15691236

File: 0cff6a49dc97d12⋯.png (358.4 KB, 960x598, 480:299, 5359eaaa992db2e933496a3f4e….png)

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b71eca  No.15691237


Biden is a stupid lying piece of shit.

Go Vlad!

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2aba7a  No.15691238

File: 6dec06fcad34f47⋯.jpeg (265.84 KB, 828x594, 46:33, 19A39720_2AAA_4817_83E5_9….jpeg)

Can we have a serious discussion about these people?

I mean, wtf are we going to do about them?

How are we ever going to ascend to new heights with people like this keeping us down?

It’s very disheartening seeing shit like this bros.

I don’t know how much more of this I can take.


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9f8e3e  No.15691241

File: 849ec4e27888080⋯.png (448.53 KB, 598x316, 299:158, michael_obama.PNG)

File: 03f3c55c0f04e74⋯.png (272.12 KB, 297x355, 297:355, jacinda.PNG)

File: 71cd357c20e20a1⋯.png (246.82 KB, 355x350, 71:70, obama_hot_dog.PNG)

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ff3a1f  No.15691242



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08d2ae  No.15691243


Already escaped. As did Philip

Her understudy is handling the rest of the theater.

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9165ae  No.15691244


Don’t work for iPad Pro sadly

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bd5663  No.15691245


Is Biden on the list of people that he is going to sue?

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f7d42b  No.15691246

File: bfa8a9f0b9b4626⋯.jpeg (295.15 KB, 1241x1560, 1241:1560, 692D7E98_357A_4508_9219_0….jpeg)

Kyle’s handler is asking for donations so he can punish media. Grifting More!

Not A Good Look At All


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8fcda9  No.15691247

File: ede7409c39dc359⋯.jpg (249.71 KB, 750x1064, 375:532, b8643aa16ee3c0d84be94fa97c….jpg)


According to Q, you are (((them))) Inauthentic Anon.

oh so u speak directly with Q now.

try harder low lvl, try harder.

I have been given Q access and it just kills you dont it.

Raise your IQ and maybe we can talk.

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be3263  No.15691248

File: 476d9eaf6806418⋯.jpg (167.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, michelletricky.jpg)

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f41515  No.15691249

File: fc2810c3f9bd361⋯.jpeg (43.08 KB, 474x315, 158:105, D24138F4_32D9_467E_8FA7_B….jpeg)

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a57a77  No.15691250


Jim can do whatever he wants with his board. Thank you, Jim for making this board available to anons. Thank you for all you went through - when the servers were in your car - to find a suitable location and services to host the site. I'm sincerely sorry you have had to put up with this BS.

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1b8da3  No.15691251


Full blown 5G can't get here soon enough. Flip the damn switch already.

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be3263  No.15691253

File: cb8b0d7e74990d5⋯.jpeg (285.53 KB, 970x622, 485:311, clowns.jpeg)

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64e293  No.15691254

Anons need to meditate daily and focus on their inner Light. Growing the light. Transmute the remaining darkness inside each of us to light.

From darkness to Light

There is no darkness allowed where we are going to next.

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f36a6c  No.15691255



1. Open Chrome browser

2. F12 button or right click mouse Inspect

3. Console will open, select three dots on right side > More Tools >Network Conditions

4. Deselect/uncheck "Use browser default"

5. Under "Custom" enter TruthSocial/44 CFNetwork/1329 Darwin/21.3.0

6. Click arrow next to User agent client hints

7. Scroll to bottom and select update

8. Leave console open and paste in browser address bar https://truthsocial.com/login?redirect_uri=%2F

9. Sign up - wait in line

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Post last edited at

095e05  No.15691256


Where's Durham ??

The world is burning and Nero is fiddling.

When do the false Flag soldiers let in through our southern border start shooting up our cities and towns? In this anon's opinion we are less than 7 days away from a hot civil war breaking out.

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9f8e3e  No.15691257

File: bd53684881361ed⋯.png (344.95 KB, 475x359, 475:359, klaus_schwab_putin_3.PNG)

File: 24ef790954352ad⋯.png (326.01 KB, 536x368, 67:46, klaus_schwab_putin_7.PNG)

File: 359fa1215046220⋯.png (348.22 KB, 548x370, 274:185, klaus_schwab_putin_8.PNG)

File: d1d61d29cc9d4ac⋯.png (319.74 KB, 542x357, 542:357, klaus_schwab_putin_6.PNG)

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a4fde2  No.15691258


How many people actually believe 55% of anything backs Turdeau's authoritarian crackdown on the right to protest? Really?

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f0d9e8  No.15691260

Hedge Fund Managers, using the massive illegally accumulated wealth from Big Pharma and the Military Industrial Complex, are punishing America and it's allies in the West by using their immense holdings on Wall Street to manipulate markets and cause mayhem.

How dare the American Public say no to war and no to killer vaccines?

Why does President Trump want to outlaw Hedge Fund trading? This is why.

Dow falls 250 points as Wall Street assesses rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine


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a787b7  No.15691261

File: eaf1a33718488e0⋯.png (277.42 KB, 497x342, 497:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b153bb536f5c2da⋯.png (201.03 KB, 542x411, 542:411, ClipboardImage.png)

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e30eff  No.15691262

File: fb61d614d187d82⋯.gif (490.37 KB, 220x334, 110:167, GifMeme_01112021222708.gif)

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8fcda9  No.15691263


seethe more low lvl

I was chosen for a reason.

and it aint for low lvl line fagging

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237ba7  No.15691264


We can condemn it all we like. I was pointing out that no LEADERS have condemned it - cute sentiment, though

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be3263  No.15691265


did he get bought up after his 15 mins? Did they hope to set him up to be found guilty?

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e6db1b  No.15691266

File: 98d9e8c26fd9630⋯.png (674.75 KB, 1150x646, 575:323, ClipboardImage.png)


Fun! Someone's messing with audio

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edada2  No.15691267


her cray is beyond redemption

hold on to yours

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a2cb30  No.15691268

File: 589a2f86d1ff715⋯.png (107.59 KB, 351x319, 351:319, 1589842209.png)


You're awesome

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6f2180  No.15691269


You did.

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9459fd  No.15691270


The strings have been cut

They now only have the og script

No access to revisions/changes

New Zealand is a micro example

Canadian emergency/poof Truckers gone

Trudeau left looking like an imbecile/dictator

At this point it's like listening to speech impaired parrots

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160ed7  No.15691271


Recent exchange on telegram :

You know you're in clown world when Russia is the free-est country on earth.

What's wrong with that?

I don't live in Russia.

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f36a6c  No.15691272

File: cd325c656c4c7a2⋯.jpg (30.96 KB, 543x511, 543:511, 45S77MMSMJ.jpg)


>ain't clickin

Good see you in a month or so then

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9165ae  No.15691273


Ty fren but I’m on an iPad pro

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5e86bd  No.15691274

File: 33b08a2ddf6c775⋯.jpeg (402.29 KB, 750x761, 750:761, 0D315529_9F9B_40A0_86A0_5….jpeg)

File: f28c04cfc065e85⋯.jpeg (380.41 KB, 750x801, 250:267, F4E3B48C_21DE_48B7_B88F_A….jpeg)


Wat the faq

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a30f41  No.15691275

File: 12755f70d0447ec⋯.jpeg (258.95 KB, 2214x1440, 123:80, 293D51E0_D6F3_4DA2_ADB3_8….jpeg)


Ship them to Canada.

Yellowknife would be good.

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08d2ae  No.15691276


How many think the media might be the puppetmaster controlling your destruction?

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8fcda9  No.15691277

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bd5663  No.15691278


Here's what I don't understand.

The left supports LGBTQ+ yet the elites who are homos and trans stay in the closet.

Why isn't the Left upset about this?

You would think the Left would want them out of the closet and being proud of their perversions.

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be3263  No.15691279

File: 92035e56b1f8206⋯.jpg (125.51 KB, 737x639, 737:639, gavinwould.jpg)

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e6db1b  No.15691280

File: 98ed646010b17ba⋯.png (377.83 KB, 823x680, 823:680, wellhesdeadso.png)


What are you doing?

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095e05  No.15691281


Well our liberal idiots in this country don't look past their favorite media outlets for the news and what opinion they should have. So not unexpected. Let's not discount our prepper brethren already bunkered up, listening to am broadcast radio only, also only getting a very biased view. The majority in the middle needs to get going soon or we will be pushed into either subjugation or a hot civil action.

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15eeb7  No.15691282


can anyone make out what is written on the whiteboard?

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bd5663  No.15691283


Instead of trying to hide them.

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8fcda9  No.15691284



>>15690717 Baker (@AGB1776) passed away this morning. TYB! God Bless Him (all PB) >>15688045, >>15688057, >>15688139

>>15690695 BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

>>15690762, >>15690888, >>15690899 Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer

>>15690810 Nordstream was halted under PDJT with Russian cooperation because "long game" Re: (PB) >>15690661

>>15690831, >>15690886 #TheDropWontStop

>>15690979 KLAUS SCHWAB Question CANCELLED in CANADIAN Parliament




>>15691041 Anon Locked out of his 24/7 Po box



>>15690939, >>15691113 Three-year Delta Q Post 2872

>>15691122, >>15691140, >>15691149 Russian Parliament Debating Military Use Abroad

>>15691145 Another poll to ponder progress of waking up the sleepiest sleepers.

>>15691154 How to register on TruthSocial atm (Hax)

>>15690760 Kyle is Aiming High - Media you are on the block.

>>15687518 (pb) Britney Spears lands $15 million book deal: reports

>>15691255 TruthSocial Hack Walkthrough

>>15691256 Where's Durham ??

>>15691260 Dow falls 250 points as Wall Street assesses rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine

gona need a check on this post

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704605  No.15691285


Bounty statuses?

QSG and Q connected?

Feed back?



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5e86bd  No.15691286

File: ffb482c3144a574⋯.jpeg (194.8 KB, 750x732, 125:122, 7AFDB5D4_1502_452C_AA4B_9….jpeg)

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e824c9  No.15691288

File: 4eca0e3785a2519⋯.jpg (53.86 KB, 500x524, 125:131, 6669b1.jpg)

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6f2180  No.15691289


So I have to download google chrome to access Q+ site?

The irony……

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9f8e3e  No.15691290

File: 8c6d3da322cda48⋯.png (1.05 MB, 962x600, 481:300, stephen_speilberg_kevin_sp….PNG)

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8fcda9  No.15691291


Media - #1 Enemy of the People

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576be4  No.15691292


Guess it’s better than her squatting over a bucket of steaming water like Chrissy Teigen

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a787b7  No.15691293

File: c1b8fab672aa3b6⋯.png (649.17 KB, 605x628, 605:628, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 94bd3a0f2736762⋯.png (904.91 KB, 917x726, 917:726, ClipboardImage.png)

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584bd2  No.15691294

File: 2f45a38b701fcba⋯.jpg (44.12 KB, 795x314, 795:314, 3hoi9a2wt.jpg)


They actually referred to themselves as 'deep state' during this discussion.

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1d11c6  No.15691295


True Dat

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be3263  No.15691296

not buying a pillow

not buying a phone

not buying an app

not signing up

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f41515  No.15691297

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8c64c1  No.15691298


Like others, MSM is the shit on the end of a stick… but not the hand holding the stick.

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704605  No.15691299


Vid not working

Cloudfare doesnt like

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be3263  No.15691300

File: 3f7faa99da41469⋯.jpg (44.74 KB, 680x420, 34:21, obamatrudy.jpg)

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14b2e9  No.15691301


I'm with you on this.

Thanks for the post

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4d1bad  No.15691302

File: 6c021b469bd4802⋯.png (299.82 KB, 583x770, 53:70, ClipboardImage.png)

File: fa2d1e37db6406d⋯.png (290.81 KB, 635x656, 635:656, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Pres. Trump releases statement on Russia and Ukraine


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2a3bc7  No.15691303

File: c021daa7258c71c⋯.jpg (99.52 KB, 445x454, 445:454, queenfagit.jpg)


After she finishes shedding, she'll be doing backflips around Buckingham. Just you wait.

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23d184  No.15691304


Some of them will never see the truth and cry wolf until they die. Fortunately when we'll have enough woken people and when the plan will be far enough along we won't even hear them anymore, their discourse will be drown among ggreat ones.

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82a273  No.15691305

Justin Trudeau Crosses The Rubicon And Reveals The End Stage Of Fake “Liberal Democracy”

February 22, 2022 (1h ago)

One year ago, the Globalist American Empire flexed its muscle by more or less politically castrating the sitting US president while he was still in office. They banned President Trump from every social media service of note, shut down his email list, crushed entire websites like Parler, banned thousands of rank-and-file Trump supporters and linked groups from Twitter and Facebook, and turned reams of data over to Deep State law enforcement so as to enable “the largest manhunt in American history.”

It was an incredible overreach. At the time, it felt difficult to imagine what could come after. Mass deplatformings, undisguised censorship, the calculated destruction of an entire political faction and any companies seen as enabling it. What more, realistically, could they do?

A lot more, it turns out, and Justin Trudeau is pointing the way. Four days after granting himself emergency powers in response to the trucker protest against vaccine mandates, Trudeau sent in police to smash the protest. Along with the physical escalation of its crackdown, the Trudeau regime also used its emergency powers to freeze the bank accounts of anyone lending financial support to the Trucker Convoy.

But the “emergency” part of the response has already been exposed as a lie. Refusing to let a crisis go to waste, the Trudeau regime is now racing to make its “emergency” powers permanent.

Here's finance minister Chrystia Freeland announcing their effort to keep the surveillance power "on a permanent basis." She says it's a way to "increase the quality and quantity of intelligence…and make more information available to support investigations by law enforcement." pic.twitter.com/BuZLLbi6t0

— Nate Hochman (@njhochman) February 21, 2022

Not only that, but the Trudeau government is also mulling a bill that would let people be sued or criminally charged for thought crimes. Incredibly, the bill would allow people to be targeted for allegedly “contemplating” a “hateful” act or statement.

Moar at sauce


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5e86bd  No.15691306

File: 54535709a6bbacd⋯.jpeg (317.61 KB, 750x863, 750:863, B8A98759_1D4D_49FA_A0D3_E….jpeg)

Hello darkness, my old friend

I’ve come to talk with you again

Because a vision softly creeping

Left its seeds while I was sleeping

And the vision that was planted in my brain

Still remains within the sound of silence

In restless dreams, I walked alone

Narrow streets of cobblestone

‘Neath the halo of a street lamp

I turned my collar to the cold and damp

When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light

That split the night, and touched the sound of silence

And in the naked light I saw

Ten thousand people, maybe more

People talking without speaking

People hearing without listening

People writing songs that voices never shared

And no one dared disturb the sound of silence

“Fools,” said I, “You do not know

Silence like a cancer grows

Hear my words that I might teach you

Take my arms that I might reach you”

But my words, like silent raindrops, fell

And echoed in the wells of silence

And the people bowed and prayed

To the neon god they made

And the sign flashed out its warning

In the words that it was forming

And the sign said, “The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls and tenement halls

And whispered in the sound of silence”

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a4fde2  No.15691307

File: 088db719bb2c535⋯.jpg (66.4 KB, 670x1001, 670:1001, smexy.jpg)

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b44dc7  No.15691308


Rules are rules.

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ca98c8  No.15691309

File: e86d65a8cbfb070⋯.webm (1.24 MB, 438x240, 73:40, Pepe_band.webm)

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df8ff2  No.15691310

File: 080368c210954ca⋯.png (255.72 KB, 662x377, 662:377, would_not_hit3.png)

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a787b7  No.15691311

File: a372bb2c29dc113⋯.png (329.62 KB, 507x342, 169:114, ClipboardImage.png)


>1. Open Chrome browser

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be3263  No.15691313


"Deep State"





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920a63  No.15691314


what if there's no update option to click after entering… just x out?

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9e7790  No.15691315


All of your graphics and posts have not and do not prove what you claim. You can't respond with anything but copypasta and microprint nonsense graphics. Even if your shit did prove what you say, no one can follow your gobbledygook ramblings. It's hard, but you're going to have to embrace the idea that board admin is comped. Or leave. Same as everyone else had to do when you were calling everyone a kike and banning all wrongthink.. You can't control the board anymore. Time to accept it bro.

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8c64c1  No.15691316


Corrupt and lying media, to be clearer, is the #1 WEAPON being used against The People.

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e6db1b  No.15691317

I prefer our joint committee

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45a173  No.15691318


They are gonna need a mental hospital for a while

Pray for them

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bda084  No.15691319

File: 224bc11d2241762⋯.png (145.65 KB, 555x557, 555:557, 062ac31f93c37adbce8c1b1d7c….png)


:Q's-Post[ed]-Flags ARE :Russell-Jay: Gould's-Flag.


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f41515  No.15691320


High IQ post

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427f75  No.15691321

File: 566cc3f717ec8ac⋯.jpg (121.73 KB, 920x499, 920:499, trumpto.jpg)

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db877d  No.15691322

File: 1a9af9730a9a407⋯.jpg (708.91 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_112438….jpg)

File: 6e46123c9db2777⋯.jpg (674.6 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_112335….jpg)

File: cccec4319e8e7d8⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_112310….jpg)

File: 40bae326989f0da⋯.jpg (477.31 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_112751….jpg)

File: 5cb3e93ae2595df⋯.jpg (767.04 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_112554….jpg)

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3f0f16  No.15691323

File: 2efd1252ce9c079⋯.png (242.29 KB, 581x283, 581:283, ClipboardImage.png)


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925c23  No.15691324

So are we ever going to talk about that the second amendment has another meaning besides weapons?

Right and left arms right Masons?

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9165ae  No.15691325


Sadly most without insurance can’t go to a mental ward so they are left in the streets to rant like the lunatics they have become.

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d3dfda  No.15691328

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tamara Lich DENIED Bail Faces 10 YEARS for Criminal Charge Mischief, Truckers Freedom Convoy Canada

Feb 22, 2022


38.5K subscribers

BREAKING: Freedom Convoy leader Tamara Lich has been denied bail by an Ottawa judge. #cdnpoli

""There is a substantial risk you will continue these actions and will not abide by an order," the judge told Lich. "Your recent history in our city … satisfies me that you're detention is necessary for the safety and protection of the public."

The judge also said that Lich was being "guarded" and that her attitude was "almost to be obstructive."

Lich faces a charge of mischief, meaning she faces up to 10 years in prison.

"The accused is liable, upon conviction, a lengthy term of imprisonment," the judge said."


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8fcda9  No.15691329

File: 07d7918cdbb4325⋯.jpg (364.34 KB, 851x915, 851:915, debc57f2fe28448460225cf90d….jpg)


FTFY Low Lvl

You will always be lost in your own madness

good luck with that shillnon

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704605  No.15691331


What more can :(you) reveal?

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d2c218  No.15691332

"Archaeologists excavate Iron Age settlement with sacrificial dog burials"

"Archaeologists from the Poulton Research Project have discovered a large Iron Age settlement in Cheshire, England, where sacrificial dog burials were practised in exchange for prosperity."


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a787b7  No.15691333

File: 385de53fbe6d10b⋯.png (358.55 KB, 487x342, 487:342, ClipboardImage.png)

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f36a6c  No.15691334


>So I have to download google chrome to access Q+ site?

Or you have to own a crapple device.

May work on other chromium based browsers (Brave, Epic Privacy etc), have not tested fully.


Just a work around use it, or don't


Then you just go to app store and golden, sorry you have ipad. One day all computers will be linux.



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356f14  No.15691335


buy amc


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8fcda9  No.15691336


there is none, once u make it to the instance screen you are then able to login. back page for login. may have to reset pass

but it worked for me and i got confim email instantly

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692a16  No.15691337

File: 343dc12649f74c1⋯.png (289.14 KB, 579x433, 579:433, astro_kek.png)

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9ccda9  No.15691338

i can get to the login screen on truth social with the chrome trick, but where do i get the signup link?

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db877d  No.15691339

File: 0e5b5bbe006ae83⋯.jpg (525.75 KB, 1080x1896, 45:79, Screenshot_20220222_113654….jpg)

File: d89dab6b5ca0515⋯.jpg (450.82 KB, 1080x1872, 15:26, Screenshot_20220222_113705….jpg)

File: af369bef4fff946⋯.jpg (445.74 KB, 1080x1875, 72:125, Screenshot_20220222_113718….jpg)

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93c280  No.15691340


Those posts don't admit to posting a bomb threat.

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a4fde2  No.15691341


They're not going to give your freedom back. You will take it back, or you and your children will not be free.

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584bd2  No.15691342

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE: Putin holds press conference

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6f2180  No.15691343


I haven't figured it out on brave.

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dcda9b  No.15691344

File: b031eeb5582c6eb⋯.png (869.47 KB, 767x963, 767:963, ClipboardImage.png)



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9165ae  No.15691345


The Veterans admin at the hospital only gives laptops to the veterans in college now, rest of us get and ipad. I got the pro because I’m teaching my self to do 3 d rendering graphics.

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273734  No.15691346

File: a5faada7c5586ad⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1080x978, 180:163, 20220221_193836.png)

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f41515  No.15691347

File: 310592bac5fafdd⋯.jpeg (545.4 KB, 750x1091, 750:1091, 1BB71FC1_98B7_4E56_B84B_B….jpeg)


Pfizer plunge continues as well. Glorious.


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584bd2  No.15691348

Putin: Good should be able to defend itself. And that is our position.

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df8ff2  No.15691349

File: 0e2bc9d5953d479⋯.png (46.61 KB, 288x299, 288:299, pepe_maple_leaf.png)


Hmmm, I did this an there's only an option to "sign in", no place to create a new account.

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692a16  No.15691350


FARK! meant to short it

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bda084  No.15691351

File: 3ee98227739796a⋯.jpg (63.98 KB, 788x298, 394:149, Screen_Shot_2022_02_22_at_….jpg)


>>15691195 (You)

>For the MP4.

>Right click, save to desktop

>Change/rename the extension from .PDF to .mp4 for viewing/archiving.

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427f75  No.15691352

Walmart down?

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664b42  No.15691353

File: 6aafb988fbbd81a⋯.jpg (502.73 KB, 769x1024, 769:1024, 1645528873126.jpg)

>Shares the same bathroom with your daughter

Who radicalized you?

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f36a6c  No.15691354


I used a crapple when doing IT Risk assessment/penetration testing.

It's a techie thing to knock crapple because the company sucks

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0f23ed  No.15691355


needs sauce?

needs sauce

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db877d  No.15691358

File: a00295e6d8dd601⋯.jpg (349.55 KB, 1080x2041, 1080:2041, Screenshot_20220222_114038….jpg)

File: 3ab0cf2a8f1460c⋯.jpg (591.98 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_114002….jpg)

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f36a6c  No.15691359


> "sign in"

They may have fixed it. Worked for me yesterday after the guy on twatter posted it

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7e8522  No.15691360

Now with our own Freedom Convoys on route, I think America is next to try and go full commie like canada

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9165ae  No.15691361


I still have a working lap top from 12 yrs ago that I use. No updates on it since I got it KEK! Hate updates… but works fine, will try it with that

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acd7d6  No.15691362

File: f48d0ef1808faa3⋯.png (26.06 KB, 385x157, 385:157, You_All_Asked_For_Chaos.png)

File: 0520ee112e133c0⋯.png (282.09 KB, 1191x661, 1191:661, 8_Year_Movie.png)





>He's basically telling us this is an 8 year deal.

Who is 'Kek'?

Anons were given exactly what they asked for.

Everything old is new again...

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482112  No.15691364

File: 7096059adc8b371⋯.jpeg (819.84 KB, 1360x1500, 68:75, kek_pepe_original.jpeg)

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0f23ed  No.15691365





Bannon on warroom with naomi wolf reading her website address

dailyclout DOT DOT DOT .io

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7dae17  No.15691367

File: ef82eb61510bd05⋯.png (726.49 KB, 1024x970, 512:485, kyle.png)


I don't know what your fucking grift is but you are entirely FULL OF SHIT! This photo of Kyle as a kid holding a rifle looks NOTHING like Posner.


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131f14  No.15691368

File: 1888a92383e2c97⋯.jpg (589.4 KB, 1414x1414, 1:1, field4.jpg)


…Done during the 'dog days of Summer', I can only highly speculate. Corelates with Mars once referred to as the 'wolf star'. Totally not sirius.

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bda084  No.15691369


:Authorizations ARE with the :Russell-Jay: Gould.


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8fcda9  No.15691370



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cc132c  No.15691371


sure they do breh.

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df8ff2  No.15691372


Never mind. If you click the "Truth" image (top left), it takes you to a sign up page.

Thanks anon!

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8e7852  No.15691373


You can't mirror a whole whitehouse administration without two different administrations.

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9165ae  No.15691374


Now match his face to that of SH kid

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8fcda9  No.15691377




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920a63  No.15691378

File: 05ab3061f6e0cbf⋯.png (63.21 KB, 872x605, 872:605, ClipboardImage.png)

Hory sheet it worked!

thank you

I just left it open and went to /login and was able to sign up from there.

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704605  No.15691379


Supreme court?



Martial law EBS? Or only for :'s?

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bcba67  No.15691380


there are girls on interwebz? wtf

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5b7d1c  No.15691381

File: 7faaf13b6fee02c⋯.jpeg (56.52 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, B1A07F46_CE3E_4D16_A58C_7….jpeg)



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f0d9e8  No.15691382

File: a6e4f981c6cc0f1⋯.png (9.16 KB, 449x151, 449:151, q_1717.png)

File: c90ae14e2b125b4⋯.png (31.87 KB, 444x368, 111:92, Q_4.png)


Optics - You see why Q+ is out of the picture for now? The Donbas region is 80% + ethnic Russian and it was given to Ukraine in the Satanic Cult driven World Wars to have a point of contention later (drive wars and weapons spending). Think North/South Korea, North/South Vietnam, China/Taiwan/Hong Kong. We've been manipulated for decades with false country borders.

Q+ and Putin are removing all the reasons to have wars and it is PISSING ALL GENERALS OFF.

Q 2, 337, 1453, 1483, 1494, 1553, 1603, 1644, 1711

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58480b  No.15691384

File: 9f8db8d1d496b97⋯.png (6.87 MB, 4471x2459, 4471:2459, QClock_February_21_2022_Go….png)



QClock February 21, 2022

God Wins / Godwin's Clock

Originally, I left out post 2142 anc called it Wake Up.

Perhaps I sensed something I'm not presumptuous to assume that I did 100%, but I recall making the editorial choice.

I knew AGB from clocking and on telegram.

RIP Baker


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316f5f  No.15691385

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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7de372  No.15691386

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acd7d6  No.15691387

File: 8dafacf9d1b1208⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1592x921, 1592:921, Praise_Kek.png)

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bd5663  No.15691388

File: b3cd706ec7c29ae⋯.png (2.09 MB, 1600x1000, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 503d09989e42670⋯.png (289.97 KB, 535x471, 535:471, ClipboardImage.png)


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58480b  No.15691389


He passed away on the 21st.

how odd.

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f36a6c  No.15691390


>If you click the "Truth" image (top left), it takes you to a sign up page.



Add this post to notable please for the Truth Social Hack

Used to display sign up now must click Icon to go to sign up


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a4fde2  No.15691391

What happens on TruthSocial when people start posting the real truth? This should be interesting.

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316f5f  No.15691392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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40c269  No.15691393


>Laughs in "this is fucking hilarious".

I'm going to start fisking PDJT.

>If properly handled, there was absolutely no reason that the situation currently happening in Ukraine should have happened at all.

He's talking long ago. Ukraine/Russia has a history.

>I know Vladimir Putin very well, and he would have never done during the Trump Administration what he is doing now, no way!

Like, No way, dude!


>Russia has become very very rich during the Biden Administration,

Because yours truly, El Presidento, is the deal maker of the century. Maybe even ever!

>with oil prices doubling and soon to be tripling and quadrupling.

To demonstrate to the people of the world that are still very much sleeping the very important point of electing strong leaders that make good deals; unlike corrupt Joe and family.

>The weak sanctions are insignificant relative to taking over a country and a massive piece of strategically located land.

That wanted to break free from corrupt Ukraine and begged Russia to come help introduce stability in the region.

>Now it has begun, oil prices are going higher and higher, and Putin is not only getting what he always wanted,


>but getting, because of the oil and gas surge, richer and richer.

and stability.

>The U.S. was energy independent under the Trump Administration, an independence that we had never obtained before,

Petro dollar is dead, btw. You're welcome.

>and oil prices would have remained low. Now, what a mess our Country is in!”

Market corrections suck, but hang in there! It'll even out.

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68c8bc  No.15691394


You are keeping it's reply count high, that is his main purpose, to keep you distracted.

Everytime I see one of these replies I know who it is and have already filtered them, either with keywords or direct.

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925c23  No.15691395

File: 9a137a5205e7609⋯.png (89.26 KB, 241x240, 241:240, 9a137a5205e76091689e8a3464….png)

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15eeb7  No.15691396

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8fcda9  No.15691397

lets think this out OSS

I will unleash some hi IQ today for you.

Lets assume you are rigt and current admins planted a bomb threat then removed postings about it.

What do you think is going to happen?

do you thnk jim is going to hand you the board?

do you think Q is going to pat u on the back?

do you think anons are going to follow you?


We are here to fight the DS around the world, not anons on this board.

btw ur souce is lame at best.

going to have to notch it up a bit to impress me.

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2a3bc7  No.15691398

File: 72ed6c804bd1ed1⋯.jpg (197.58 KB, 903x1500, 301:500, flammenh.jpg)

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923797  No.15691400

File: 17c7d79dc560799⋯.png (388.4 KB, 720x758, 360:379, ClipboardImage.png)

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8fcda9  No.15691402

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15eeb7  No.15691403


you truly are insane.

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739535  No.15691404

File: 76d060d25c61a3c⋯.jpg (66.58 KB, 692x789, 692:789, redpill.jpg)

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083ba3  No.15691405


>What happens on TruthSocial when people start posting the real truth?

Snopes will expand?

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f0d9e8  No.15691406


Filtered for engaging in insanity with an insane person.

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8fcda9  No.15691407


I bake alone nigger, pretty sure i have been saying that since day 1.

u just dont fucking listen, cus ur stupid

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316f5f  No.15691408

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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64e293  No.15691409



Two’s day

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8fcda9  No.15691411


kek, filters the baker

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664b42  No.15691412


>I bake alone

While asking others to grab notes for you while you argue during your "bake"?

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68c8bc  No.15691413


>44 CFNetwork/1329 Darwin

Obama, Clinton Foundation Network, Darwin yourself.

No thanks. I can wait until they make it available in a legit form.

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925c23  No.15691414

File: 06b3e64d7d11f9a⋯.png (70.58 KB, 643x373, 643:373, ClipboardImage.png)


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316f5f  No.15691415

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0f23ed  No.15691416


Q !!mG7VJxZNCI 02/20/2019 21:57:03 ID: e7ef6b

Archive Bread/Post Links: 5294975 / 5295136

Direct Link: 5295136

Anonymous 02/20/2019 21:45:24 ID:adf50c

Archive Bread/Post Links: 5294200 / 5294864

Direct Link: 5294864


John Solomon

on Hannity

>>5294864 (/pb)

But, you knew that already.

Hence why [AS][SDNY][MW] are attempting to keep the ‘insurance’ scheme ongoing post Mueller.


The fun begins directly after.

Will make theSuper Bowl look like a puppy show.



>Dog Comms?:‘I'm Still in Shock': D



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65a3ac  No.15691417


> since day 1.

Been hearing that a lot but none of you who state that ever seem to have a description or proof of where you were on day one… so…

There's That…

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6d9f01  No.15691418


Not "gb." But you think everyone is a specific namefag.. You can call me (1). I'm just an Anon. We Anons have opinions and shit. We aren't all part of your kayfabe with BO

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e30eff  No.15691419

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cc132c  No.15691420

File: 8cb8f63e3e8ac50⋯.png (961.9 KB, 963x606, 321:202, ClipboardImage.png)

e17087 (4)

being totally irrelevant is really gettin' to ya

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5826e4  No.15691421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f0d9e8  No.15691422


Yep. Why are you talking to insane people and further trashing the board?

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316f5f  No.15691423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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9634a8  No.15691424


its not evenBOOMFriday yet!

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ecf57d  No.15691425


We will have to what and see what the "experts and fact checkers say", kek

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7de372  No.15691426

File: 4b695828a20b36b⋯.png (642.81 KB, 822x462, 137:77, Screenshot_2022_02_22_at_1….png)

Bidens DESPERATE Hail Mary on Ukraine Failed, Now the Legacy Media is in Damage Control Mode


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0e9b2a  No.15691427


none of these worked for me. got email confirmation but cant log in. says username taken to anything i give it. I thought I pre-registered month's ago through an RSBN early sign-up link. maybe thats why im having issues logging in.

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df8ff2  No.15691428

File: b7cdbe2db693296⋯.png (144.99 KB, 499x499, 1:1, pepe_1c.png)


[They] will try even harder to have it shutdown, under the guise of "insurrection planning" or "white supremacy and racism", same ole.. same ole.

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d0f11a  No.15691429

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a57a77  No.15691430


>this is an 8 year deal.

Written in 2019. Past two years = 2017. Next six years = 2025.

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316f5f  No.15691431

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a787b7  No.15691432

File: 2a6172cde6d9971⋯.png (245.43 KB, 400x270, 40:27, ClipboardImage.png)

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6f2180  No.15691433


The Great Awakening.




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40c269  No.15691434




Their plan? 16 years; death and destruction.

White hats plan? Condense theirs to 8 years with tweaks to wake the public up and avoid actual open war.

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19625b  No.15691435


She should have been burning, looting and killing. Examples are numerous.

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316f5f  No.15691436

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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f6e694  No.15691439

On 2/22/22 will be a once-in-a 248 year event. Pluto is going to conjunct (return to) the United States. The Last time this happened was on July 4th 1776, the exact founding day of America. Astrologically, Pluto brings Destruction and Rebirth. Rome fell when Pluto Returned.

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e30eff  No.15691440

File: 3ce4e319f95c0ca⋯.jpg (84.62 KB, 540x516, 45:43, ZomboMeme_18012021083156.jpg)

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8fcda9  No.15691441


asking others to grab notes while i fight the shills, u have a post on this anon or u blowing smoke up anons ass again

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68c8bc  No.15691442


When the population is successfully reduced, and the primary goals of the invaders have been met, will these "leaders" still be useful?

What will happen to them at that point?

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8fcda9  No.15691443


Oh u just wait anon, u just wait


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920a63  No.15691444


Putin condemned it.

Ex Iran President condemned it.

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db877d  No.15691445

File: a3981390dfad709⋯.jpg (521.7 KB, 930x1881, 310:627, Screenshot_20220222_115039….jpg)

File: c86da060e6c7611⋯.jpg (664.75 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_115231….jpg)

File: af22be56c389746⋯.jpg (813.12 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_115328….jpg)

File: 180e59a08f537a5⋯.jpg (810.75 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_115341….jpg)

File: 110bd39da35d673⋯.jpg (1.26 MB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_115401….jpg)

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3929bc  No.15691446


2024 is the year when Q's drops start to align with happenings. My sauce is the referenced Q drop "the past 2 years…. then 6 more years" which was dropped in 2018. Do the math! Till then…its all a movie!

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a787b7  No.15691447

File: 1654a473b71b1be⋯.png (388.93 KB, 497x342, 497:342, ClipboardImage.png)

There was never an awakening here, only avoidance.

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c17f8e  No.15691448


>grab notes while i fight the shills


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8fcda9  No.15691449


so fighting against tyranny is now trashing the board.

yeah not even impressed a bit on this posting.

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664b42  No.15691450


>asking others to grab notes while i fight the shills

Great job faggot.


>I bake alone

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39877d  No.15691452

File: e2b9faefe620071⋯.jpeg (18.42 KB, 400x225, 16:9, d7308e12e764f112.jpeg)


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9019d4  No.15691453

File: b50817a26492264⋯.png (359.73 KB, 474x574, 237:287, banana.png)



>Why isn't the Left upset about this?


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80a99a  No.15691454


Weird flex bro. Lots of us have been on 8kun since its day one.

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734fe5  No.15691457

Hardened, He did Not

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15eeb7  No.15691458


then you should probably leave his site. STAT.

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1c6266  No.15691459

File: 7efe2cc72521772⋯.png (240.25 KB, 512x512, 1:1, 7efe2cc725217721fdcf216cd0….png)


My "grift"?

Get bent broke dick & know what your talking about.

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8fcda9  No.15691461



>>15690717 Baker (@AGB1776) passed away this morning. TYB! God Bless Him (all PB) >>15688045, >>15688057, >>15688139

>>15690695 BREAKING: Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail

>>15690762, >>15690888, >>15690899 Kyle Rittenhouse To Sue Whoopi Goldberg, Other 'Celebrities, Politicians And Athletes' For Calling Him A Murderer

>>15690810 Nordstream was halted under PDJT with Russian cooperation because "long game" Re: (PB) >>15690661

>>15690831, >>15690886 #TheDropWontStop

>>15690979 KLAUS SCHWAB Question CANCELLED in CANADIAN Parliament




>>15691041 Anon Locked out of his 24/7 Po box



>>15690939, >>15691113 Three-year Delta Q Post 2872

>>15691122, >>15691140, >>15691149 Russian Parliament Debating Military Use Abroad

>>15691145 Another poll to ponder progress of waking up the sleepiest sleepers.

>>15691154 How to register on TruthSocial atm (Hax)

>>15690760 Kyle is Aiming High - Media you are on the block.

>>15687518 (pb) Britney Spears lands $15 million book deal: reports

>>15691255, >>15691372 TruthSocial Hack Walkthrough

>>15691256 Where's Durham ??

>>15691260 Dow falls 250 points as Wall Street assesses rising tensions between Russia and Ukraine


>>15691351 MP4 WorkAround

>>15691384 QClock February 21, 2022



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0f23ed  No.15691462


Peoples Convoy on Warroom now.

Assembling in Barstow today

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64e293  No.15691463

This is getting easy to see.

Shut down communications and blame Muh Russia.

Muh Russia

Muh Russia

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5b7d1c  No.15691464

File: 4c97abbb5722937⋯.jpeg (93.21 KB, 490x751, 490:751, 40E2E2AB_07C4_48DA_B059_3….jpeg)

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39877d  No.15691466

File: c6fb7065550fd8c⋯.png (1.21 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, 0023c784e3e1c442.png)

File: 33c143f3603dcbf⋯.png (140.6 KB, 411x388, 411:388, 61734dcf86274f3d.png)

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d3dfda  No.15691467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Moody Blues - Tuesday Afternoon (1970)


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e30eff  No.15691468

File: 33c5ce2d4211039⋯.jpg (49.77 KB, 540x288, 15:8, ZomboMeme_08042021174955.jpg)

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9019d4  No.15691470

File: 20a776b8216da8f⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 191x255, 191:255, 31df302477d94268e1733ee209….jpg)


Did Wendy get a food taster?

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690bf8  No.15691471

File: f7af323c8449749⋯.jpg (24.79 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 42HHGG.jpg)

File: 50ebd358ab3f66b⋯.gif (611.53 KB, 160x160, 1:1, burn_after_reading_pitt_de….gif)


>will these "leaders" still be useful?


>What will happen to them at that point?

pic2, can't be trusted. Were traitors once, may do it again.

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7de372  No.15691472

File: 8f6d06136ccf9ef⋯.png (231.13 KB, 658x360, 329:180, Screenshot_2022_02_15_at_1….png)

File: dc9df92401a2298⋯.png (433.45 KB, 566x800, 283:400, 819fc0f5b21e8d3a0faaab5c4b….png)

Trump won.

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d06030  No.15691476

File: aec40bd1c57312e⋯.png (812.62 KB, 1155x1474, 105:134, Capture_2022_02_13_16_49_0….png)

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b1bbaf  No.15691477

File: c36634046e5f5ef⋯.jpg (598.21 KB, 2834x2830, 1417:1415, il_fullxfull_2315692409_2i….jpg)


How's the bridge coming Anon?

24K or 100K gold?

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bda114  No.15691478

File: 859349ce5a9ad00⋯.png (606.35 KB, 1200x1088, 75:68, ClipboardImage.png)



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cc132c  No.15691479


>You've mentioned me 5200 times in 5 weeks

I know how that ego of yours needs to be fed

And how many times have you mentioned me?

I'll wait

sorry stale graphics don't cut it

You forgot you also tried to pin the Nashville one of me too.


Where is that graphic?

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f0d9e8  No.15691480

File: 2f2712f4c7a085e⋯.png (54.24 KB, 670x788, 335:394, dwac_vs_dow_jones.png)

What winning looks like

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a2d034  No.15691482

File: 3dc2dcd6aaaa51f⋯.mp4 (4.86 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, twitter_20220222_175844.mp4)


Is this defamation?

Left wing radicaliser Cenk Uygur claims that "deeply racist right winger" Kyle Rittenhouse only went to Kenosha to "kill black people"

I'd say it's worth seeking legal advice for this one.

#KyleRittenhouseTrial #KyleRittenhouse

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4d4651  No.15691483

File: a0c1742c12f567f⋯.jpg (143.38 KB, 720x385, 144:77, POSO_Muh_Chat_Logs.jpg)






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8fcda9  No.15691484



Q Research General #19841: You are going to need a bigger rope -Durham Maybe Edition




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4d1bad  No.15691485

File: 82c2bea4465dec8⋯.png (237.06 KB, 590x503, 590:503, ClipboardImage.png)

'Murica kek

Cardi B says she's "not really" on NATO or Russia's side amid Ukraine crisis


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bda114  No.15691486


Joe is not handling things properly…noted.

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2a3bc7  No.15691487

File: dacd302ecabb438⋯.jpg (47.55 KB, 463x353, 463:353, joeTRUMP.jpg)

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edada2  No.15691488


formatting is good

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734fe5  No.15691489




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a57a77  No.15691490

File: 3bf070b5d995629⋯.png (85.25 KB, 1286x634, 643:317, ClipboardImage.png)



>dropped in 2018.

Written July 2019.

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b9cf25  No.15691491

So is Putin invading or not? Seems like the media can't get it right, kek!

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db877d  No.15691494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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8fcda9  No.15691497

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d3dfda  No.15691498


Pulitzer prize winning reporting

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692a16  No.15691499



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7f8518  No.15691501

It’s Tyr’s Day you stupid fucking Jewish Christians

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f41515  No.15691502


Anon would love throat punching that faggot

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db877d  No.15691503

File: 9baf7e95369220e⋯.jpg (784.16 KB, 1080x2280, 9:19, Screenshot_20220222_111012….jpg)

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a787b7  No.15691504

File: f4d94955dfba801⋯.png (235.24 KB, 457x342, 457:342, ClipboardImage.png)

File: f0e1afbd4279c13⋯.png (221.88 KB, 318x310, 159:155, ClipboardImage.png)


>Peoples Convoy

You people crack me up.

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2a3bc7  No.15691505

File: 3e72136602fa4c6⋯.jpg (65.98 KB, 742x576, 371:288, fopdandyTOOB.jpg)


>Cardi B says she's "not really" on NATO or Russia's side amid Ukraine crisis

Amateur. I'll wait for Bono or Cher to tell me what to think

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15eeb7  No.15691506


funny how you don't show the source of those results. you are a lying cunt.

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729106  No.15691507


Aren't you posting about yourself multiple times every bread?

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bda114  No.15691509

Peace through Strength!

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4d4651  No.15691510

File: 77e94c5abc1ee96⋯.jpg (78.02 KB, 959x714, 137:102, _HesRightYouKnow.jpg)


>Look at that, Gerbil and GB working together.


>unfortunately FREEBAKER AKA GRAVEYARDBAKER AKA SWAMPFOX AKA FLINT AKA COMMSKAREN deleted all the evidence to protect (((GB)))

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1656c6  No.15691511


omg….a real non-faggot rainbow with seven colors

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d686b6  No.15691512

File: cc74cf4a140e088⋯.jpg (12.04 KB, 255x215, 51:43, 00a9e9c88b935dc9cf8892b1ab….jpg)


You're the best anon!!!

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25f0e7  No.15691514

File: 4878767d118ccf7⋯.png (70.32 KB, 245x170, 49:34, ClipboardImage.png)


But what does Ja Rule think?

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3929bc  No.15691515


And the CF doctor in Haiti just "passed away" the other day Dr. Paul FARMer.

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316f5f  No.15691516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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ae08e4  No.15691518


In other words, she has no idea what they are talking about.

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1656c6  No.15691520


normies are too dumb to get it

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692a16  No.15691521


FUCK chrome browser, pally.

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729106  No.15691522


>People's Republic of Convoy

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edd8ef  No.15691523


Putin just spoke again.

CNN spinning up…..

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bda084  No.15691524

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>July 4th 1776


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1656c6  No.15691526

File: 7e1cf62f71cbbac⋯.jpg (441.33 KB, 1080x1079, 1080:1079, 7e1cf62f71cbbac0fbe0bb0e2e….jpg)

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8e7852  No.15691529

File: ce2c232a7efc544⋯.jpg (20.05 KB, 345x210, 23:14, compare.jpg)


Clearly not the same kid. Kyle doesn't have dumbo ears for one, but his nose is bigger.

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8169db  No.15691530

File: 6e0c31c83ac94ca⋯.png (150.9 KB, 923x879, 923:879, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4143e2071bf1666⋯.png (181.46 KB, 918x750, 153:125, ClipboardImage.png)


Didn't Paul Farmer die yesterday? Connected.

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15eeb7  No.15691531











shall I go on?

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bda114  No.15691535

I'm hitting the fast forward button on this shit.

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3a9d07  No.15691539

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729106  No.15691540

File: 8f2610f2ca71ae6⋯.jpg (22.44 KB, 336x299, 336:299, IMG_20190814_163826.jpg)


Assisted suicide?

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15eeb7  No.15691541


the only time I've ever been "kicked off" here was when you banned me for being "gerbil"

you're fucking nuts bitch

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d8c100  No.15879127

File: 35bb53fa24287ce⋯.jpg (662.93 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening64.jpg)

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d8c100  No.15879129

File: 5d4d8ff6375de39⋯.jpg (923.59 KB, 1100x1470, 110:147, _Awakening17.jpg)

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d8c100  No.15879133

File: b47bb173a8bc975⋯.jpg (751.72 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening5.jpg)


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d8c100  No.15879136

File: d5b5ae703d85453⋯.jpg (614.18 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening54.jpg)

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d8c100  No.15879139

File: 199a955c3d0a64a⋯.jpg (743.96 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening21.jpg)

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d8c100  No.15879140

File: 1c3b8fd70943240⋯.jpg (617.4 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening60.jpg)

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d8c100  No.15879141

File: f93cb453b1440b6⋯.jpg (733.27 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening65.jpg)

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d8c100  No.15879144

File: d7fa3c739ae8b00⋯.jpg (677.67 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening66.jpg)

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d8c100  No.15879146

File: 1b42d4c6e49a14e⋯.jpg (612.64 KB, 1100x1471, 1100:1471, _Awakening45.jpg)

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