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9075ab  No.15383699[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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9075ab  No.15383706


Q Research General #19458: The Simpsons Predicted Everything But This - Edition

>>15382968 Duke of Westminister Passes after Short Illness - Yahoo News

>>15382971, >>15382983 More than $10M worth of masks, protective gear left in the rain outside Bay Area event center

>>15382985 Reid again calls denying medical care to unvaxxed - The Washington Pundit

>>15383001 One way to conduct a coup is to control who can run for elected office. Examples of this abound in autocracies and police states, with the most recent being China’s coup in Hong Kong (https://strategypage.com/on_point/2022011292850.aspx). America’s progressive left is attempting the same in this country, by targeting popular Republicans to make them ineligible for election. - The Washington Pundit

>>15383003, >>15383034, >>15383039, >>15383040, >>15383138, >>15383156, >>15383167, >>15383239, >>15383266, >>15383268, >>15383275, >>15383336, >>15383392, >>15383393, >>15383416, >>15383497, >>15383582, >>15383603,RALLY STREAMand Footage from Rally! - Various

>>15383008 LB Dan Decode?

>>15383023 Jim Watkins Telegrams: Interesting Data… ~ A Graph by @ninjastuntz on Graph Commons - J.Watkins, Telegram

>>15383041 Wendy Rogers Announces She is Officially Speaking at Tonight’s Trump Rally in Arizona - Media Right News

>>15383045, >>15383068 Hillary knows the country moved on without her a longtime ago but she still makes stupid comments about current Capitol Hill politics so she can appear relevant… Ends up looking STUPID. Schumer Also! - The Gateway Pundit, Fighting the Commies

>>15383049 Ronald Watkins Telegrams: "Operation False Start?" - R.Watkins, Telegram

>>15383064, >>15383123, >>15383127, Gain of Fauci Files - NY Post

>>15383069 Biden: History has never been kind to those who have sided with voter suppression over voters’ rights. And it will be even less kind for those who side with election subversion. - J.Biden, White House, Twitter

>>15383084 HIS NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN EVERY STATE, Especially states with Republican governors.

>>15383098, >>15383163 il Donaldo Trumpo: BOOOM!!! LOVE Mi DAN BONGINO ON SAVAGE MODE!!!! - PapiTrumpo, Twitter

>>15383117, >>15383146 "And although their young children don’t understand a pardon yet, they’ll be grateful someday for the governor’s action", Morrissey said. - Richmond, Telegram

>>15383121, >>15383228, >>15383368, >>15383448, >>15383508, >>15383530, >>15383596, >>15383623, >>15383638, >>15383640 LB Hostage situation Broadcast on FB LIVE from Texas Synogogue? Sounds like a setup… The gunman who is holding hostages inside a synagogue is demanding the Hostage Rescue Unit to allow him to meet his sister (Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani neuroscientist) who is in prison in the U.S. - reports - Disclosetv, Insider Paper

>>15383152, >>15383216 Sleeper Cells in Europe take note - According to RIA Novosti, Putin has declared war on Europe? Freedom from Communism?

Red Wave!? - RIA

>>15383177, >>15383187, >>15383196, >>15383224, >>15383276, >>15383349, >>15383365, >>15383438, >>15383612 COVID BUN For this Bread - Various

>>15383178 China Evergrande passes first onshore default - The BL, You Tube

>>15383189 ilDonaldoTrumpo: Today is Saturday January 15th, 2022 and Joe Biden is still nobody's President. - PapiTrumpo, Twitter

>>15383203 A deranged man allegedly shoved an Asian woman to her death in front of an oncoming subway train Saturday morning in Times Square, police and sources told The Post. - NY Post

>>15383207 Joe Rogan Speaks! - G.M.Flynn, Telegram


>>15383265, >>15383289, >>15383298, >>15383496, >>15383518, >>15383572 Allegations of the TONGA Situation - Opinion, Politico, Reuters, Space Weather

>>15383661 #19458\1

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9075ab  No.15383708


>>15383291 Anon like others has caught onto the Trends of the Deep State and their operatives. Having no fear they share whatever information that may have been considered by OPFOR in attempt to wake up the American people to this Gift WE ALL HAVE! - Opinion

>>15383302, >>15383352, >>15383647 Ankle Bracelets and Mismatch Shoes at the Saget Funeral? - Images

>>15383313, >>15383414, >>15383467, >>15383535 Youngkin sworn in as Virginia's Governor today. FTA: Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin started his term with a slew of executive orders Saturday to address key campaign issues. EPOCH, Citizens Response. - Fox News, Telegram, Washington Examiner, The Epoch Times, Twitter

>>15383323 Swedish Police Hunt for Drone Seen Flying Over Forsmark Nuclear Plant - US News

>>15383341 Withdrawing Federal Aid under Political\Private Interest Pre-Tense? Biden Admin Threatens to Rescind COVID-19 Funding From Arizona Over Anti-Mask Mandate Rules - NTD News

>>15383369 il Donaldo Trumpo: BOOOM!!! LOVE MI STEVE BANNON!!! DECERTIFY THAT RIGGED ELECTION!!! - PapiTrumpo, S.Bannon, Telegram, Twitter

>>15383378 Setup to FF on 8kun Board Website??

>>15383380 Glowfag Chyna stuff ~ Communist Takeover: Without Firing a Shot, China Seizes Control of America's Farmlands - Fair Foundation

>>15383382, >>15383384, >>15383531, >>15383625 Military: Biden’s Surgeon General is CGI - Real Raw News, Med Page Today

>>15383407 Russian media chatter indicative of the attitude manipulation being impressed on the Russian people about the coming Ukraine invasion… - RIA?, Twitter

>>15383455 California sheriff's deputies arrived at a suburban apartment complex Wednesday to find three dead children and their mother hanging on by a thread after a suicide attempt. - Fox News

>>15383464, >>15383498, >>15383513 MARTA Pushed in front of a train after a bad meeting? The MARTA Board of Directors grieves the shocking death of our GM/CEO Jeff Parker who has died by suicide,” Chairwoman Rita Scott said in a statement Saturday. “He was an outstanding leader and steward of MARTA whose passing leaves us all heartbroken. - AJC

>>15383504 STORMWATCH: The governor will hold a press conference at the South Carolina Emergency Management Division (SCEMD) Operation Center to provide updates on the winter storm… - H.McMaster, Twitter

>>15383586 Israel Dresner, a former Rabbi at Temple Beth Tikvah in Wayne and a figure in the civil rights movement with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., died Thursday at age 92 after decades protecting the liberties of others, often at his own peril, said his son, Avi Dresner. - North Jersey

>>15383593 Hasta la Vista, Brandon: 61% of Hispanics Disapprove of Biden - Trending Politics

>>15383616 #BakedThatShit, #RemovedThatShitFromNotabruhs Member that song Champions Anon, That's for you. Champion. Fight the good fight. 07

>>15383665 #19458\2

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9075ab  No.15383712

Q Research General #19457: Orange Magnum Edition

>>15382274, >>15382382 , >>15382722, >>15382805 Anon outlines specifically Subversion campaigns that have been waged against anons, and citizens across the world as well as means to recognize and combat them Deleted notes

>>15382163 #19456 07 Tyb LB

>>15382164, >>15382165, >>15382263, >>15382264 Remember who the REAL Nazis ARE, and Aren't - You Tube, The Gateway Pundit

>>15382176, >>15382177, >>15382273, >>15382278, >>15382287 Allegations of Split Bread?

>>15382224 Dough Update

>>15382237, >>15382248, >>15382261, >>15382259, >>15382270, >>15382289, >>15382293, >>15382345, >>15382378 , >>15382520, >>15382608, >>15382686 LIVE: Watching the water - Tsunami Advisory VOLCANO Tracking Aftermath/Fallout - You tube, IOC

>>15382230, >>15382231 NATO Warmongering with U.K.?

>>15382252 US citizen detained in Moscow over child sexual abuse accusation - RT

>>15382281, >>15382288, >>15382294, >>15382298, >>15382322, >>15382333, >>15382361, >>15382463, >>15382719, >>15382807, >>15382808, >>15382834 COVID Deaths Statistics AND COVID NEWS - CDC, Zerohedge, RT, NYT, ACI Health.Gov.au, The Epoch Times, The National File

>>15382302 The officer from the elite Egoz commando unit who mistakenly shot and killed two commanders last week will be questioned by the IDF’s Military Police on Sunday. - Jerusalem Post

>>15382306 Gov. Kristi Noem Releases Ad Falsely Claiming She ‘Never Backed Down’ From Protecting Women’s Sports - ?

>>15382320 German Government Considering Shutting Down Telegram; Report

>>15382326 IOG SABBATH DAY - 1/15/2022 - "MAN: Where Did He Come From, Heaven or the Ground?" - Spirituality

>>15382357 The reporter used to launder Trump-Russia conspiracy theories; Russian bounties in Afghanistan; and “Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation” has some new “very credible” news about Russia: - CNN

>>15382373 Mexican Drug Cartel Carpet Bombs Rivals With Drone - Zeroheadge

>>15382382, >>15382502 PapiTrumpo: Cue The FF! Anons in the know. - PapiTrumpo, Twitter

>>15382397 Synagogue in West Bank’s South Hebron Hills torched in apparent arson - Times of Israel

>>15382402 Andrew Giuliani hit in face with flower pot near Penn Station Thankfully Plastic and not Clay! - NY Post

>>15382407 Ex-NFL player Junior Siavii found dead in prison while awaiting trial -NY Post

>>15382410 Top bosses of Google and Facebook were directly involved in approving an allegedly illegal 2018 deal to cement their dominance of the online advertising market, US court documents revealed Friday - AFP, Business Times

>>15382425 Finance minister, Avigdor Liberman, Likud MK test positive for COVID The Times Of Israel, The Jerusalem Post

>>15382430 Treason: Former Danish Defence Minister Charged with Leaking State Secrets - Breitbart

>>15382440 Belgium Strips Residency of Imam of Largest Mosque Over Security Concerns - Breitbart

>>15382481 #ICYMI:Iowa man sentenced to 27 years for production of child pornography following Secret Service investigation. - SS, Twitter

>>15382482 “I Thought It Was Fabulous!” – Pelosi Praises Biden For Calling Americans Who Oppose Democrats’ Radical Election Overhaul ‘Domestic Enemies’ - Women Systems

>>15382505 Rocket ready. A @usairforce F-16 Fighting Falcon pilot assigned to the 480th Fighter Squadron at @Spangdahlem_AB, Germany, flies over Poland during a close air support exercise. - DOD, USAF, Twitter

>>15382521 USArmy: “The Army teaches boys to think like men.” –SGT Elvis Presley when asked about military service. - USArmy, Twitter

>>15382880 #19457\1

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9075ab  No.15383713


>>15382529 Israel said to ink secret deal to supply natural gas to Lebanon - Times Of Israel

>>15382554 Saudi royal family are descendants of Jews who fought Muhammad - Iranian general

>>15382556, >>15382595 Today is Dress Up Your Pet Day.Barnacle Bill and Blackoutboth served as mascots on U.S. Coast Guard vessels during WWII. Barnacle Bill learned to wear his hat at a jaunty angle while Blackout sported a miniature life jacket in case he had to abandon ship. #DressUpYourPetDay & … ICEMAN - USNI, Twitter

>>15382576 CIA Oversees Secret Training Program For Ukrainian Special Forces In U.S. – Report - South Front

>>15382596 Moar News from the Middle East - Various

>>15382603 Rio Tinto LITHIUM MINE planned for Serbia. Will DISPLACE thousands of people. They will all be forced out of their homes and land ~ Djokovic supports the protests in Serbia "I will not give up fighting for justice and truth, says Djokovic after opposing Rio Tinto’s deal" - Tennis Tonic, You Tube

>>15382706 Already 7 million viewers on Rumble Right Side Network - RUMBLE

>>15382708 Did Princess Diana Know Things, or Just Wanted to Go Underground? - Winter Watch

>>15382730 New Information Shows Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Was Intimately Behind the Insertion of Drop Boxes Across the Country - The Gateway Pundit

>>15382779 Mark Levin on MRC Business Study Exposing George Soros’ $2.3 Billion Education Behemoth: ‘A Great Service’ to ‘The Nation’ - News


>>15382785 Alaska Lawmakers: Biden's Energy Move Not Only Hurts Alaskans, It Could Be Illegal - The Western Journal

>>15382789 Myrtle Beach police playing classical music in several parks to prevent crime ~ After getting complaints about crime in some of the city's parks, Myrtle Beach Police have started implementing a solution of the musical variety. - WMBFNews, Twitter

>>15382795 Denial Of Natural Immunity In CMS Vaccine Mandate "Unprecedented In Modern History": Scott Atlas - Zerohedge

>>15382797, >>15382830 Il Donaldo Trumpo: BOOOM!!! ~ Virginia's new Attorney General has just fired the entire civil rights division of the AG office and announced that he ill prosecute criminal cases in jurisdiction where Soros DAs decline to prosecute - PapiTrumpo, Twitter

>>15382823 Wow - Retired BBC Panorama director, 76, found with 832 child abuse images gasps in shock as he avoids jail after judge said his 'poor health' would make prison 'particularly challenging' during pandemic

>>15382826 il Donaldo Trumpo YOU'RE WELCOME, @GlennYoungkin!!! NOW LET'S GET TO WORK!!! - Video

>>15382835 Further Proof it's not Trumps fault they were fucked up before he got into office. - Reuters

>>15382848 Violent Protestor arrested during the rally? Why be Violent what is wrong? - RSBN, Images

>>15382884 #19457\2

#19456: Bake To Bake Edition

>>15381353, >>15381364, >>15381455 NOW - Large protest against compulsory vaccination and Covid restrictions in #Vienna, Austria

>>15381365, >>15381377, >>15381380, >>15381397, >>15381400, >>15381421, >>15381443, >>15381445, >>15381447, >>15381462, >>15381469, >>15381493, >>15381516, >>15381538, >>15381543, >>15381919 It's about the break re: (PB) >>15381224, >>15381254, >>15381328 Dan 10:10 FB Post and (PB) >>15377124 129 Justice Tippy Top

>>15381366, >>15381423 Germany inadvertently admits the existence of terrorist enemies of humanity: nwo (by projection)

>>15381444, >>15381457, >>15381637, >>15381995, >>15382069 WATCH: PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP RALLY LIVE IN FLORENCE, AZ 1/15/22 (PB) >>15381171, >>15381247

>>15381451, >>15381464, >>15381526 Incredible images from the Tonga Volcano

>>15381621, >>15381685 Whitehouse Cam Live

>>15381752, >>15381829, >>15381872, >>15381882, >>15382049 WATCH: Tsunami from Tonga volcano eruption starting to cause minor flooding in Santa Cruz, California

>>15381769, >>15381787, >>15382063 Insurrection Narrative Completely DEBUNKED By Ray Epps Fiasco

>>15381837, >>15381862, >>15381909, >>15381940, >>15381950, >>15382074 Clockfag Reports

>>15381852 The most popular president EVER can’t even break 17 million followers… and that’s with all the bots.. give me a break

>>15381932 Downing Street 'held wine-time Fridays EVERY week' throughout the pandemic

>>15381959, >>15381973 Fauci’s Financial Disclosures Released: “Career Civil Servant” And Wife Worth $10.4 Million

>>15381996 Repeat Boosters Could Weaken Immune System Say European

>>15382100 #19456

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9075ab  No.15383714

Q Research General #19455: Back in the Bake

>>15380479, >>15380480, >>15380483, >>15380488, >>15380489, Babylon bee articles

>>15380523, >>15380548 California should abolish parenthood, in the name of equity / The Extreme Left Has Finally Admitted Their End Game for Your Children - redstate.com

>>15380525 #19454

>>15380532 After-school Satan club for elementary students launches in retaliation to ‘horrific’ - bizpacreview.com

>>15380535 How Fauci has profited from the pandemic: daily mail

>>15380547 DirecTV Cancels OAN after Joe Biden Orders Media Outlets and Tech Giants to Banish Voices that Deviate from the Regime’s Official Narrative - gwp

>>15380551 DeSantis won't enforce Biden's health-care worker mandate - wnd.com

>>15380568 >>15379026, >>15379027, >>15379233, >>15379259 CBS New York: The Passaic mayor tells @NickJCaloway the massive fire has spread to a chlorine plant

>>15380581, >>15380598, ITALY: Covid-19 injections researcher Domenico Biscardi found dead - twat

>>15380582 Fauci Approaches His End - briancates.substack.com

>>15380614 Official data suggests the Triple Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome at an alarming rate - thedailyexpose.uk

>>15380621 All part of the plan? – China is hiding the nature and spread of an Ebola/Marburg-like Virus that has struck the country - thedailyexpose.uk

>>15380639 high-profile-ontario-cabinet-minister-rod-phillips-to-resign-seat - nationalpulse.com

>>15380696 Arguably the biggest scandal in decades. This is what happens when science is corrupted by politics - twat

>>15380750 US Intelligence Warns of Russian False Flag to Provoke Invasion of Ukraine - zerohedge

>>15380761 House Distributes KN95 Masks Stamped 'MADE IN CHINA' in Surreal Moment - redstate.com

>>15380762 DeSantis Accuses Feds Of 'Massive Human Smuggling Operation,' Sending Border Crossers To Florida - youtube

>>15380813 Huge chemical fire’s smoke being detected by radar: reports - fox news

>>15380814 Due to the irregularity of this current 2020 Presidential Election, this is a crowdsourcing tool for organizing anomalies and legal issues - hereistheevidence.com

>>15380828 Anon points to Two great sites to learn about the most secure election in history.

>>15380854 Joe Biden was involved in a deal with a Chinese giant — and was expecting a 10 percent cut

>>15380883 A look back at "Checkmate"

>>15380916, >>15380965, >>15380997 Tsunami Monitoring

>>15381000, >>15381030, >>15381059, >>15381153 Protests - Paris / London / Hamburg

>>15381105 Let it Simmer for a Little While

>>15381137 California closes Christian pre-school and bans its director from EVER working with children again after she was unable to get kids aged two to keep masks on in class

>>15381150 Omicron Detected in Beijing as China Battles Covid-19 Clusters Ahead of Winter Olympics

>>15381171, >>15381220 Anons links to Livestreams President Trump AZ Rally

>>15381205 This May be the Most Important Speech I've ever made

>>15381269 #19455

Q Research General #19454: Friday Night Shift Ebake

>>15379730 Dr. Fauci lied to the American people - marshal.senate.gov

>>15379738 tucker on brett kavanaugh - mp4 video of youtube

>>15379791, >>15379800, >>15379815, >>15379847, >>15379938, >>15379942, >>15380129, >>15380135, >>15380163, >>15380168, >>15380185, >>15380189, >>15380198, >>15380216, >>15380218, >>15380294, >>15380281, >>15380301, >>15380409, >>15380323, >>15380423, >>15380442, tonga, fiji and tsunami volcano news mp4 and screen shots

>>15379855 Mass shooting reported at concert inside W.O.W. Music Hall in Eugene, Oregon - twat

>>15379883 #19453:

>>15379905 Three Down, Seven to Go! – 3rd Never-Trump RINO Who Voted to Impeach Announces Retirement – Update: President Trump Celebrates - gwp

>>15379916 Joe Biden Erects Concrete Security Wall Around White House — But Leaves US Border Wide Open -gwp

>>15379921 United Nations IOM hands out debit cards to aspiring US border crossers, about $800 a month. US paid 22% of the UN budget - twat

>>15379946, >>15379977, Boosters For Life? A Canadian Doctor Explains What The 3 Vaxx Shots Do To The Human Body -welovetrump.com

>>15379974 Dr. Zelenko On The Omicron Variant And Blocking The Common Pathway” Of All Variants an over-the-counter way to help people - protrumpnews.com

>>15379985 Editor-In-Chief Of Germany’s Top Newspaper Apologizes For Fear-Driven COVID Coverage - humansarefree.com

>>15379993 States With Highest Covid “Vaccination” Rates Also Seeing Highest Surge in Omi-Con Cases - noqreport.com

>>15380003, >>15380019, Wistleblower-Child Sex Traffining reported to Project veritus on proton mail emails.

>>15380252 Disfigurement and mutilation of children's bodies. twat ian miles cheong


>>15380508 #19454

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9075ab  No.15383718

#19453: HIGH ENERGY: Eric Trump Mike Lindell and Gen Flynn Edition

>>15378978, >>15377508, >>15377548, >>15377889, >>15378988, >>15379198, >>15379202 Dr. Fauci dishonest re disclosures readily accessible to public, why I am releasing

>>15379019 Enrique Tarrio, the leader of the far-right Proud Boys group, was released Friday after serving just over four months in jail

>>15379024 Save the Children will stop using font designed by disgraced paedophile artist Eric Gill in its branding

>>15379026, >>15379027, >>15379233, >>15379259 CBS New York: The Passaic mayor tells @NickJCaloway the massive fire has spread to a chlorine plant

>>15379041 Migrant's arrest under 'Operation Lone Star' ruled unconstitutional

>>15379055 WH press secretary Jen Psaki claimed Friday President Biden didn’t intend to offend senators by likening them to George Wallace, Bull Connor & Jefferson Davis

>>15379128 Students across the U.S. are planning walkouts to protest in-person learning amid a national spike in COVID-19 omicron cases

>>15379137 https://www.foxnews.com/us/june-sentence-set-ghislaine-maxwell-sex-traffic-case

>>15379178 Dan replied to the account pretending to be President Trump (Papi)

>>15379232, >>15379236 Moderna Tx dig re (all pb) ----> >>15375919, >>15375928, >>15376148, >>15376172 MODERNA IS THE CREATOR OF SARS-CoV2 ?

>>15379322, >>15379419 Former Obama-era acting DHS inspector general pleads guilty to scheme to steal gov’t software

>>15379325, >>15379033, >>15379244, >>15379340, >>15379391 Clockfag Report

>>15379328 Breakdown on agencies and their tac team capabilities.

>>15379356, >>15379369, >>15379380 Man who bought gun for Kyle Rittenhouse pleads no contest Man who bought gun for Kyle Rittenhouse pleads no contest

>>15379520 South Korea court exempts teens, supermarkets from vaccine passes

>>15379536, >>15379541, >>15379544, >>15379549, >>15379556, >>15379547, >>15379557 Eruption of Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai underwater volcano 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

>>15379558, >>15379612, >>15379622, >>15379640, >>15379667, >>15379629, >>15379643 Eruption of Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai underwater volcano 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM

>>15379561 Microsoft orders probe of Bill Gates harassment allegations

>>15379610 WATCH: @RepJimBanks calls for the House GOP to kick @Liz_Cheney and dinky @AdamKinzinger out of the Republican Conference.

>>15379648, >>15379660, >>15379695 Wow Crenshaw doubles down on NWO

>>15379883 #19453

Previously Collected

>>15378057 #19451, >>15378835 #19452

>>15375942 #19448, >>15376602 #19449, >>15377346 #19450

>>15373222 #19445, >>15374017 #19446, >>15376272 #19447

>>15370876 #19442, >>15371651 #19443, >>15372694 #19444

>>15368649 #19439/1, >>15369289 #19440, >>15370085 #19441

>>15367232 #19437, >>15368523 #19438, >>15368651 #19439/2

>>15364632 #19434, >>15365416 #19435, >>15366186 #19436

>>15363198 #19431, >>15363413 #19432, >>15363657 #19433

>>15362187 #19428, >>15360803 #19429, >>15362892 #19430

>>15360376 #19426\1, >>15360380 #19426\2, >>15362056 #19427

>>15356109 #19423, >>15357900 #19424, >>15358178 #19425

>>15353613 #19420, >>15355146 #19421, >>15355263 #19422

>>15351501 #19417, >>15351889 #19418, >>15352758 #19419

>>15349841 #19415, >>15349839 #19415, >>15350339 #19416

>>15348025 #19413, >>15348025 #19413, >>15349021 #19414

Aggregators: https://qnotables.com | https://anontimes.com/

>>15025958 Q Research Notables #10

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9075ab  No.15383728

File: 285b216975c5d75⋯.gif (1.99 MB, 350x346, 175:173, 285b216975c5d756b94275d0b8….gif)



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0acbed  No.15383738

File: 5b08d8a5ed892b6⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 333x299, 333:299, 5b08d8a5ed892b6edc5cb1657f….gif)

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b371f9  No.15383743

File: 31e951155fd629e⋯.jpeg (635.97 KB, 750x980, 75:98, DFD798BB_D9C9_45BD_8D3A_C….jpeg)


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b371f9  No.15383754

File: 80a96f142d27e83⋯.jpeg (252.43 KB, 750x634, 375:317, 36896FF6_4AF8_4825_82FC_2….jpeg)

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58137b  No.15383768

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hostage Situation at Colleyville, Texas Synagogue — APPEARS TO BE TERRORIST INCIDENT – SWAT Called to the Scene – A Pakistani?

(Developing) The police, SWAT, and FBI officials are responding to a hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel Synagogue in Colleyville, Texas this afternoon.

A Palestinian Pakistani is reportedly holding the congregation hostage

The man is reportedly Pakistani.

FBI Hostage Rescue Team has responded to Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, TX where a rabbi and three others are being held by a man claiming to be armed and claiming to be the sister of convicted Pakistani terrorist Aafia Siddiqui

— Aaron Katersky (@AaronKatersky) January 15, 2022

he gunman is reportedly holding 4 hostages including a rabbi.

WFAA reported:

Texas Department of Public Safety officials confirmed that state troopers are helping Colleyville police at the scene, but more information was not available. The FBI was also responding to the situation.

Footage from a witness showed several police vehicles and officers, including a SWAT truck, at the scene.

Police said all residents in the immediate area were being evacuated.


Is this part of those domestic terror exercises?

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8be21d  No.15383778

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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301f07  No.15383779

File: 2f0a8b8637919f0⋯.png (3.1 MB, 1125x2436, 375:812, 2C0BEEB6_5718_4426_A38F_D8….png)

Hey guys, feeling sick so I got a home test.

Can anyone read this thing?

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28fe36  No.15383780

>>15383755 lb

Haha loved it! Stay and fight for California, it’s more red than you’d think. Glad Trump invested in San Francisco, gives me hope for Our State. We love you PresidentT

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46d321  No.15383781

Cabal war by proxy:

'Release Saddiqui' => Hussein's boyfriend?

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5bfff4  No.15383782

>>15383716 pb

Kekistan in lieu of Kazakhstan

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4ccd3a  No.15383783

File: 10c57a87bcceea7⋯.png (540.14 KB, 836x502, 418:251, ClipboardImage.png)

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90d410  No.15383784

File: 165c3044207b31d⋯.mp4 (15.69 MB, 320x320, 1:1, trump_tribute_6.mp4)



rally bread video


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88d8ec  No.15383785

File: e85f7fe5812d9ee⋯.jpg (2.29 MB, 2312x3494, 1156:1747, infowars.jpg)

File: e32013e161a8d03⋯.jpg (3.94 MB, 1945x6485, 389:1297, Deception.jpg)

>>15383725 pb

>not blaming the "kikes" today faggot?

My blame of MOSSAD and their puppets will never stop, but just because I know who the perpetrators are doesn't mean I have ever implied anyone should use violence against them. Ever.

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275532  No.15383786

File: 60cd38d9f235638⋯.png (539.9 KB, 652x577, 652:577, orange_man.PNG)

File: 60cd38d9f235638⋯.png (539.9 KB, 652x577, 652:577, orange_man.PNG)

File: 60cd38d9f235638⋯.png (539.9 KB, 652x577, 652:577, orange_man.PNG)

File: 60cd38d9f235638⋯.png (539.9 KB, 652x577, 652:577, orange_man.PNG)


thanks baker

may the orange be wit u

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3757f8  No.15383787

Prayers,prayers and more prayers to keep us safe from all plots of the enemies, in Jesus' name

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7a7721  No.15383788


Pls have POTUS mention

1. Larry Bird

2. War drums

3. Orange finger Q

4. Tonga erection

5. Devolution

6. Tranny Manchelle


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5bfff4  No.15383789

File: d7239816ffac364⋯.jpg (123.3 KB, 749x584, 749:584, Covid_test_Fag.jpg)


results are in

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da87ea  No.15383790

File: 8cce486bfdd81fc⋯.png (431.4 KB, 508x704, 127:176, 8cce486bfdd81fc2476d76b5fa….png)

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a888f8  No.15383791

File: 66d84b09e9d9a4e⋯.jpeg (28.54 KB, 255x161, 255:161, 993F31EF_F3A8_4F43_99BC_5….jpeg)


I think there’s a clue on top of the building (pic related).

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cf98cf  No.15383792

File: 07ef0cfa92ebd9f⋯.jpg (97.26 KB, 685x960, 137:192, lefthand.jpg)

File: 1cc19e1fce96d73⋯.jpg (333.78 KB, 1875x1913, 1875:1913, gv.jpg)

File: 5d1f19ac6ec6a54⋯.jpg (69.12 KB, 850x400, 17:8, gvleft.jpg)

File: 7662cbc71f52422⋯.jpg (141.88 KB, 726x1000, 363:500, gvacc.jpg)

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5ce3c6  No.15383793


so does he shoot them all before, Trump speaks or during his speech? Or does he get shot before it. Sill have 4 hours to end this garbage.

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16235d  No.15383794

Hostage siituation in Texas at a synagogue.

Brother of Lady Al Quaeda => all eyes on terrorism. Shitskin terrorists on U.S. soil.

Trump rally in Texas two weeks from today.

Optics for Trump to condemn terrorism, open borders, and re-affirm his commitment to Jews around the world.

2 Trump rallies in January.

Done in 2 moves.


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fce61b  No.15383795

File: 013c20ed2953013⋯.png (1.65 MB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

Whenever a Paki takes a whole synagogue hostage and demands to speak to his sister, and MIT trained neuroscientist doing a life sentence for terrorist activity we must consider the possibility we are watching the clever ruse in the A Team movie.




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88d8ec  No.15383796

File: ea51da72578da20⋯.png (165.15 KB, 750x900, 5:6, ClipboardImage.png)

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bb2d7d  No.15383797


prolly flew over by bidan from Afghanistan

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4ccd3a  No.15383798

File: 333703c2c5696fe⋯.png (179.57 KB, 628x357, 628:357, ClipboardImage.png)

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da87ea  No.15383799


that would be a great find if true

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786f1b  No.15383800

File: 8275f8ac6595f9c⋯.png (893.92 KB, 1000x1549, 1000:1549, ClipboardImage.png)

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301f07  No.15383801

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1cc0a5  No.15383802

File: 3d136b5ce88992d⋯.jpg (2.32 MB, 4608x3456, 4:3, 20220115_145847.jpg)

File: 13563e49471eed0⋯.jpg (1.71 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 20220115_135028.jpg)

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cf98cf  No.15383803

File: c681b91bae27582⋯.jpg (292.08 KB, 720x597, 240:199, jackwilson_2.jpg)


is this a rerun?

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58137b  No.15383804

File: 1708e5e4733ecee⋯.png (582.59 KB, 475x645, 95:129, ClipboardImage.png)


Hello FBI

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67f482  No.15383805



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17a3ed  No.15383806

God bless the ALL on the board.

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88d8ec  No.15383807

File: 7f7c9714f496128⋯.png (419 KB, 2283x1072, 2283:1072, White_settlment.png)

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58137b  No.15383808



During he'll make demands

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ad24d8  No.15383809


7. Big Mikes massive cock

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faec63  No.15383810

File: 319fa130c7a585e⋯.jpg (707.16 KB, 4000x3027, 4000:3027, 077677_01_02_1595715324.jpg)


ty Baker

kinda like the old days here

by the time you read the notes the bread is over

so open the next bread, check the notes

bread over

flying supersonic breads>>>>>>>>>>>>>

We Love Our President

He's Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack

he never left

neither did we the people

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e93df5  No.15383811

File: 0e314a9dd282802⋯.png (327.32 KB, 800x600, 4:3, FILTER4.png)

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fce61b  No.15383812

File: 2ef8e50122ec421⋯.png (310.07 KB, 1022x576, 511:288, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf98cf  No.15383813

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center (BIDMC) is part of Beth Israel Lahey Health, a new health care system that brings together academic medical centers and teaching hospitals, community and specialty hospitals, more than 4,000 physicians and 35,000 employees in a shared mission to expand access to great care and advance the science and practice of medicine through groundbreaking research and education.

BIDMC is a world-class teaching hospital ofHarvard Medical Schooland is located in the heart of Boston.

We are passionate about caring for our patients like they are family, finding new cures, using the finest and the latest technologies, and teaching and inspiring caregivers of tomorrow. We put people at the center of everything we do, because we believe in medicine that puts people first.


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f88205  No.15383814

News in Germany..

Tsunami at the Westcoast?

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90b341  No.15383815

File: c35b0915e5879ac⋯.png (644.57 KB, 586x662, 293:331, siddiqui2.png)

Who is Aaifa Siddiqui?

Aaifa Siddiqui, also known as "Lady Al-Qaeda." was once identified as a member of Al-Qaeda, although it is not known if she is still with the group.

Born on March 2, 1972, Siddiqui is 50-years-old.

She has been linked to 9/11 ringleader Khalid Sheikh Mohammed according to foreignpolicy.com.

Reportedly, she is a Pakistani ex-past who lives in Boston. She studied at M.I.T. and received a doctorate from Brandeis according to the outlet.

She is also a mother of two. Her husband is reportedly an anesthesiologist at Brigham and Women's.

According to Boston Magazine, Siddiqui is deeply religious, and picks up Korans from a local mosque and distributes them to inmates in area prisons.

Does Aaifa Siddiqui have a criminal history?

Allegedly Siddiqui was arrested in 2008 in Afghanistan for "carrying sodium cyanide, as well as documents describing how to make chemical weapons and dirty bombs and how to weaponize Ebola," writes foreignpolicy.com

She has also been identified as having a hand in Africa's illegal diamond trade, which in earlier years was allegedly a convenient, hard-to-trace way of funding Al Qaeda's global terror operations reported Boston Magazine.

The FBI once named Siddiqui as a woman who has the "knowledge, skills, and intention to continue Al Qaeda's terror war in the United States and abroad."

Who are Aaifa Siddiqui's family?

Siddiqui is one of three children of Muhammad Siddiqui, a doctor trained in England, and Ismet, a homemaker.

Muhammed, her brother, is reportedly an architect who lives in Houston with his wife and children.

Fowzia, her sister, is a neurologist and Harvard graduate who worked at Sinai Hospital in Baltimore before she returned to Pakistan.


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eeedaf  No.15383816

File: cdda6cefe0ba86e⋯.png (750.25 KB, 1026x601, 1026:601, 789634156876.png)

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ad30d5  No.15383817


Why would a convicted terrorist be at Carswell AFB?

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4c3d1d  No.15383818

File: 0869b8f44db30ea⋯.jpg (185.58 KB, 964x1315, 964:1315, yheadredshield.jpg)



Here's one for sure from Q team.

The other one I believe I found on my own but couldn't swear to it

Been a while.

There is a Horn Ritual connect to Barry

The mentor of his Bio Dad, the cult leader

was named John

John G. Bennett (1897–1974) was a British intelligence officer, polyglot (fluent in English, French, German, Turkish, Greek, Italian), technologist, industrial research director, author, and teacher, best known for his many books on psychology and spirituality, particularly the teachings of Gurdjieff. Bennett met both Ouspensky and then Gurdjieff at Istanbul in 1920, spent August 1923 at Gurdjieff's Institute, became Ouspensky's pupil between 1922 and 1941 and, after learning that Gurdjieff was still alive, was one of Gurdjieff's frequent visitors in Paris during 1949. See Witness: the Autobiography of John Bennett (1974), Gurdjieff: Making a New World(1974), Idiots in Paris: diaries of J. G. Bennett and Elizabeth Bennett, 1949 (1991).


John Bennet was allegedly "stufent" of Guirdjieff, so they now say; But he was his promoter in the "West"

He created the Gurdjieff cult, was an intelligence officer for the British and was worked on developing energy supplies.

John Bennett was also the "mentor" of Barry's Dad, the cult leader of Indonesia who created the Subud Cult there.

Why does this connect with "Y" heads

Because in Gurdjieff's book 'Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson" and the very end there a description of a ritural where everyone bows to a Horned Deity.

It's written in a quirky manner, but it's there.

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5ce3c6  No.15383819


sorry no, wrong target just generally curious. Besides if i was the FBI i would already know, right?

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110938  No.15383820

File: aa844d7c5e6e820⋯.jpg (55.81 KB, 889x500, 889:500, kjhgfdsmnnj.jpg)

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b0c12f  No.15383821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fce61b  No.15383822

File: ad851a56e70485d⋯.png (649.89 KB, 804x540, 67:45, ClipboardImage.png)

in black at far left?

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7a7721  No.15383823



Pls have POTUS mention

1. Larry Bird

2. War drums

3. Orange finger Q

4. Tonga erection

5. Devolution

6. Tranny Manchelle

7. 4doorsmorewhores


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a0f9d0  No.15383824

File: e06a38cec3c0e33⋯.png (301.07 KB, 462x564, 77:94, ClipboardImage.png)


Tanks B

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cbe27d  No.15383825

File: 676f6ef638f4338⋯.png (258.74 KB, 596x580, 149:145, spose.png)


Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic


Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic

Did you know Dr. Fauci owns a stake in a San Francisco restaurant?

5:00 PM · Jan 15, 2022·

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c54457  No.15383826

File: 7da65b251c99736⋯.gif (50.53 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 1499618641848.gif)

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fce61b  No.15383827


NM found

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4513e0  No.15383828

File: 6b5fdcf9b1b67f0⋯.jpg (81.02 KB, 355x873, 355:873, FLOTUSorangeblue2.JPG)

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eca13a  No.15383829

File: 2dfa300915b1a1c⋯.jpg (55.97 KB, 479x569, 479:569, Screenshot_2022_01_15_il_D….jpg)

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7a7721  No.15383830

File: 5dc50fe82f02613⋯.gif (73.23 KB, 480x270, 16:9, tenor.gif)

Summoning Q be like…

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63c660  No.15383831

File: cd8ea9ee29fd570⋯.png (273.13 KB, 456x680, 57:85, ClipboardImage.png)

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63d781  No.15383832

File: 3cb3d18b44930f5⋯.png (812.98 KB, 1438x929, 1438:929, ClipboardImage.png)


anons diggin here


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cbe27d  No.15383833

File: fd474f3b29e6ee2⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1172x872, 293:218, prayer.png)


Youngkin is now leading a prayer


1:13 PM · Jan 15, 2022

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da87ea  No.15383834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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58137b  No.15383835

Virginia’s New GOP Governor Ends Vaccine Mandate for State Employees, Mask Mandates in Schools

Glenn Youngkin, the first Republican to win the state of Virginia since 2009, was sworn in as the state’s 74th governor on Jan. 15.

Within hours of his inauguration, he signed 11 executive actions including lifting the mask mandate in Virginia schools and “ending divisive concepts, including critical race theory, in public education.”

He also signed an executive directive rescinding the vaccine mandate for all state employees.

The 55-year-old former business executive, in his inauguration speech at Richmond, emphasized a “common path forward” with “our deep and abiding respect for individual freedom.” Youngkin vowed to strengthen and renew the “spirit of Virginia” associated with the history of the state as the home of American democracy. He credited Virginians with the spirit of tenacity, grit, and resilience.

Youngkin said he was “ready to lead and serve, starting on day one,” and it would start in the classroom to get Virginia’s children “career and college ready.” The crowd of an estimated size of 6,000 burst into a loud cheer upon hearing from Youngkin that he would “remove politics from the classroom.”

“Virginia is open for business,” Youngkin promised to create 400,000 new jobs and 10,000 new startups in the four years of his administration by reducing regulations and increasing job-related training.

According to him, residents of the commonwealth will see the “largest tax rebate in Virginia’s history.” In addition, he promised to “fully fund” and “return respect to” law enforcement.

‘Hope’ and ‘Optimism’

Voters echoed the sentiment of “hope” and “optimism” highlighted in Youngkin’s speech.

“I’m excited because we have somebody in here who’s willing to fight like we do, just on a higher level,” said Shirley Green while waiting to join the inauguration ceremony. Improving the school system was the first step she wanted the new administration to take. And she was “optimistic” that the Youngkin administration would deliver their campaign promise because of their “humility” and “passion for Virginians.”

Green grew up as a Democrat in the District of Columbia metropolitan area but became a conservative 13 years ago. She said she had found the Democratic Party having a different vision than “working for the people.”


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fce61b  No.15383836

File: 12e565631acfac9⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1333x882, 1333:882, ClipboardImage.png)

Stories about MIT trained neuroscientist Affia Siddqui


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a888f8  No.15383837



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a0f9d0  No.15383838

File: 209fbfd18b6e6b4⋯.png (239.5 KB, 492x530, 246:265, ClipboardImage.png)

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3456b8  No.15383839

File: 3194caaa2a29646⋯.jpeg (11.41 KB, 255x175, 51:35, 127b7cf9b390752c2367bb489….jpeg)

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9075ab  No.15383840

pleaase chgeck last bread notes before posting

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ebe6b0  No.15383841

File: 004b29becf71162⋯.jpg (34.46 KB, 600x444, 50:37, 004b29becf71162735e5e6ea3c….jpg)



rally anon in the house

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8e6cca  No.15383842

File: afaa2d0034130ec⋯.jpg (548.98 KB, 999x703, 27:19, handlo.jpg)


'color coded'

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764419  No.15383843

File: f7c38314336a207⋯.png (155.99 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Rally_Shift_min.png)

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fce61b  No.15383844

File: aa88e12e3e5103f⋯.png (1.05 MB, 708x1062, 2:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a7721  No.15383845



Pls have POTUS mention

1. Larry Bird

2. War drums

3. Orange finger Q

4. Tonga erection

5. Devolution

6. Tranny Manchelle

7. 4doorsmorewhores

8. Poppycock

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0d52b2  No.15383846

File: 5fda860a1f0c53a⋯.gif (921.87 KB, 500x280, 25:14, There_is_No_War_in_Ba_Sing….gif)

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275532  No.15383847

File: cb80953dba06f87⋯.png (294.42 KB, 532x562, 266:281, avigdor_leiberman_c19_pos_….PNG)

Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman says he has tested positive for COVID-19 and will self-isolate but continue working from home.

"I feel good and will isolate in the next few days," Lieberman said on Twitter.

Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tested positive on Monday.

On January 10, Lieberman posted a photo of himself receiving a fourth COVID-19 vaccination dose.


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e7c015  No.15383848


Didn't Q hint to us to look at Siddiqi WITHOUT facial hair? Maybe he didn't mean the same person, but his sister.

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faec63  No.15383849


tomatoe hornworm is bad

parasitic attackers are actually good

they reproduce while killing the hornworm

so the shills are both things in that pic

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4a73d3  No.15383850

File: 14e771fdfe4c05d⋯.jpg (220.69 KB, 576x512, 9:8, elephants_2.jpg)


8. pachyderms

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fce61b  No.15383851

File: 34f306267e62515⋯.png (1.6 MB, 1600x1155, 320:231, ClipboardImage.png)

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a0f9d0  No.15383852

File: bee7cf725a52d76⋯.png (257.41 KB, 449x515, 449:515, ClipboardImage.png)


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40ae64  No.15383853

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Snowin' here… listening to the Highwaymen just momma the pets 'n me.

Heard Willie sing this line… and felt comfy.

"From the day that I could walk he'd take me with him to a place called the Green Frog Cafe."

Waylon follows up with a line that hit home too…

"We just closed our eyes and dreamed us up a kitchen."

"And our lives were like some old western movie


Like desperados waiting for a train."

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301f07  No.15383854

File: 3f22d8fec8296f7⋯.jpeg (27.46 KB, 623x459, 623:459, D20042A2_E3FD_4109_A942_4….jpeg)




Fauci’s mic snafu moment seemed canned.

By canned I mean staged.

Shoulda already been public.

Not fake & gay, but def scripted.

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7a7721  No.15383855

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3757f8  No.15383856

File: 31568e1e413eb11⋯.jpg (54.22 KB, 506x493, 506:493, 592523.jpg)

Rally days

Rally Rally Rally days

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3c6643  No.15383857


"Royal Colors"

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ae34f6  No.15383858

File: 43869a473596e4d⋯.mp4 (855.68 KB, 406x360, 203:180, When_Fauci_was_spreading_l….mp4)

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58137b  No.15383859

File: cb7c0f7ac103f34⋯.png (1.98 MB, 800x864, 25:27, ClipboardImage.png)

Do volcanoes make perfectly round explosions?

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7a7721  No.15383860

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8e6cca  No.15383861


'pink' isn't

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e2e1d4  No.15383862

File: d9c4e56c06e02bf⋯.jpg (33.61 KB, 675x518, 675:518, photo_2021_06_08_20_02_05.jpg)

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90b341  No.15383863

File: 4db77fa6b0a0e60⋯.png (57.2 KB, 586x571, 586:571, siddiqui3.png)

File: c6f1652e82afc00⋯.png (51.47 KB, 583x454, 583:454, siddiqui3b.png)

Aafia SiddiquiSentenced in Manhattan Federal Court to 86 Years for Attempting to Murder U.S. Nationals in Afghanistan and Six Additional Crimes


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17a3ed  No.15383864

File: b90f691d9af7986⋯.jpg (34.16 KB, 380x257, 380:257, Screenshot_20220115_160628….jpg)

File: 84bc9166ffc2dea⋯.jpg (24.36 KB, 250x375, 2:3, Screenshot_20220115_160627….jpg)

File: 83fdef259a5a82b⋯.jpg (29.33 KB, 259x373, 259:373, Screenshot_20220115_155129….jpg)

It must happen.

Conspiracy no more.

Think of every post made.

It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?

What do they fear the most?

Public awakening.

If they ask.

They self destruct.

They know this is real.

See attacks.

The build is near complete.

Growing exponentially.

You are the frame.

You are the support.

People will be lost.

People will be terrified.

People will reject.

People will need to be guided.

Do not be afraid.

We will succeed.

Timing is everything.

Think Huber.

Think DOJ/FBI reorg.

Think sex/child arrests / news.

Think resignations (loss of control).

How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?

It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).

We are the majority (growing).


Sheep no more.



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4a73d3  No.15383865

File: b004cb2d9ff347d⋯.jpg (288.09 KB, 1038x794, 519:397, faucip.jpg)

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bb2d7d  No.15383866


>Allegedly Siddiqui was arrested in 2008 in Afghanistan

>Her brother, Muhammad Siddiqui has been identified as the perpetrator of the 2022 Dallas synagogue hostage crisis.


when was this shit updated yesterday

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fce61b  No.15383867

File: b1fe65d4a9fa322⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1480x833, 1480:833, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bfff4  No.15383868

File: 6cefbb6d264ae3a⋯.jpg (192.08 KB, 652x577, 652:577, Orange_Man_Chyna.jpg)

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bbfc1a  No.15383869

File: 99f641fe0226c8a⋯.jpg (77.57 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, ca479a93d85ed69d66afb1aa4c….jpg)

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3c6643  No.15383870


Looks like #FF0044 to me

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4ccd3a  No.15383871

File: a766d5070c3f6ce⋯.png (1.02 MB, 1067x800, 1067:800, ClipboardImage.png)

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b371f9  No.15383872

File: ef9801cd2bbb89e⋯.jpeg (515.13 KB, 750x1221, 250:407, D77A7F2C_A1F6_4D3C_A206_3….jpeg)

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2d43ae  No.15383873

Anon energy combined to get POTUS to say Larry Bird in his rally tonight, focus anons, we’ve got to make this happen.

I’d like him to tell a personal story about Larry, that would be fun

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dbc269  No.15383874

File: 8a7bb012beef195⋯.jpg (330.23 KB, 900x784, 225:196, capture_7484_15012022_1406….jpg)

File: 626a62aa4a6f5ee⋯.jpg (278.62 KB, 611x900, 611:900, capture_7483_15012022_1405….jpg)

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4a73d3  No.15383875

File: fa4506dadf7fab2⋯.gif (398.56 KB, 220x220, 1:1, kick.gif)

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1956bb  No.15383876

File: 6974e1d2e9394b7⋯.png (402.27 KB, 730x712, 365:356, 6974e1d2e9394b71cb58e03223….png)


Yep, you're pregnant.

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8e6cca  No.15383877


0bamas 'coat of arms' would be 'dog-black'

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730e06  No.15383878


No. Sometimes they make a rhombus. Rarely a paisley.

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5ce3c6  No.15383879


why larry bird, just because or is there a reason?

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4a73d3  No.15383880

File: e953aec78778f59⋯.jpeg (8.41 KB, 300x300, 1:1, horsehead.jpeg)

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3757f8  No.15383881


Ohno you're gay!

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764419  No.15383882

File: a27d2775e7b8b4e⋯.png (542.35 KB, 609x737, 609:737, art.png)



Museum of the Moon is coming to #ExeterCathedral! @lukejerram

's touring artwork, Museum of the Moon, is landing at Exeter Cathedral on 3 February and staying until 27 February. Tickets are now available #MuseumOfTheMoon @visitexeter



3:30 AM · Jan 15, 2022·Twitter Web App


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16235d  No.15383883

File: 56cef63f46be806⋯.png (632.88 KB, 1237x649, 1237:649, ClipboardImage.png)

Bannon and Navarro on now.

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fce61b  No.15383884

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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4ccd3a  No.15383885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Godzilla was born from something like that

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a888f8  No.15383886


Just because and it’s so specific there would be no doubt that real POTUS or someone in his inner circle lurks here.

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301f07  No.15383887


Did they know one another.

Bird seemed more of a flannel shirt leave me the fuck alone sort of guy. Polar opposite of Trump public persona.

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8be21d  No.15383888

File: d956010053f3b40⋯.gif (168.22 KB, 220x139, 220:139, indiana_jones_hmm.gif)

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a0f9d0  No.15383889

File: 186b057153b6544⋯.png (246.39 KB, 459x506, 459:506, ClipboardImage.png)

Happy Birthday Dan

Thanks for everything

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5ce3c6  No.15383890


ty. Perfect reason, so yeah will pray for that as well seems like something good to channel energy towards.

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bd0322  No.15383891


We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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b371f9  No.15383892



Make more macaroni pictures. That’s how you summon Q

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3757f8  No.15383895


Fuzzy naval

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faec63  No.15383896


that kinda looks like a Q kek

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b371f9  No.15383897



muh joo shill in Texas

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cbe27d  No.15383898

File: 17af86b8ef90a73⋯.png (168.29 KB, 425x315, 85:63, jim.png)


Midnight Rider Channel 🖕, [15.01.22 16:18]

[Forwarded from Jim Watkins]

[ Video ]


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e2e1d4  No.15383899

File: 592d8dfcbaab9fd⋯.png (1.01 MB, 768x960, 4:5, Fauci_VAIDS.png)

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212255  No.15383900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Who do we blame now?

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bd0322  No.15383901


War Room Live


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cbe27d  No.15383902

File: 02c1d9942358f54⋯.png (122.2 KB, 418x402, 209:201, brace.png)


The Epoch Times, [15.01.22 17:10]

North Carolina Braces for ‘Dangerous’ Winter Storm

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/north-carolina-braces-for-dangerous-winter-storm_4215652.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)

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a888f8  No.15383903


And I know he could find NS a clever way to casually mention Bird. Maybe like talking about someone else speaking at the rally and saying something like such and such “is one of the greats, like a Larry Bird of politics”. Probably something more clever than that though.

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b371f9  No.15383904

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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63d781  No.15383905

File: 5aaf0e43182af11⋯.png (687.26 KB, 584x685, 584:685, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d156f70311edad6⋯.png (253.38 KB, 251x555, 251:555, ClipboardImage.png)

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b09132  No.15383906

File: 36e7f0922f2a82f⋯.gif (2.7 MB, 480x480, 1:1, giphy_2_.gif)

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b8ad8e  No.15383907

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Godzilla was born from something like that


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e83992  No.15383908

File: f61ec096a3b85a1⋯.png (630.34 KB, 752x443, 752:443, ClipboardImage.png)

30+ Tsunami Buoys still in event mode


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8a067e  No.15383909

File: dcf7494fcd50d30⋯.jpeg (194.27 KB, 684x401, 684:401, 3BD8EF6E_71CC_4B38_9DF8_0….jpeg)

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0ed06e  No.15383910

File: 3a03cbc5e711abf⋯.jpg (24.47 KB, 474x296, 237:148, 4BAKER.jpg)


ty tard.

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cbe27d  No.15383911

File: 210b3be97c43edb⋯.png (118.5 KB, 425x672, 425:672, stre.png)


Chief Nerd, [15.01.22 17:09]

[ Photo ]

The Evaluation of Oxidative Stress in the Young Adults with COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Induced Acute Pericarditis- Myopericarditis

“The patients with myopericarditis had higher troponin I level, hsCRP, and D-dimer levels (troponin I level; 1600.00 ng/mL; D-dimer; 1.20 μg/mL, hsCRP; 3.0 mg/L, respectively; p < 0.05).”

The University of Washington’s Department of Laboratory Medicine (http://web.labmed.washington.edu/tests/chemistry/TROPIG) provides the following ranges for troponin I levels:

- Normal range: below 0.04 ng/ml

- Probable heart attack: above 0.40 ng/ml



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faec63  No.15383912

File: 16fc70e70e5e1ba⋯.jpg (289.8 KB, 1024x1144, 128:143, 91470021.jpg)


anyone with 4 8s in their ID has to be right

Wasn't buying it until I saw that

Larry Bird ffs kek

gonna do it

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36cee9  No.15383913

So is Russia being an NWO dick or are they saving Europe from Communism (which would be fucking hilarious)?

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a0f9d0  No.15383914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Keks' to self, in Madmen.

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e37502  No.15383915


Fauci's pathogen may or may not be in you. Test is inconclusive.

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12d27a  No.15383916

File: b2dda1e27a77ea5⋯.png (204.38 KB, 1746x834, 291:139, Ban2.png)

File: a60b97050459a4e⋯.png (37.94 KB, 731x655, 731:655, Ban1.png)


At a synagogue? Remember anons saying ex-BV was setting the board up for an anti-semitic attack?

Hey OSS if you're here remember when you banned me for not hating Jews and accused me of an IP hop that didn't happen?

Now you've been here "warning" about an attack? Interesting.

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5bfff4  No.15383917

File: 29bf11628d0af7a⋯.png (24.93 KB, 416x205, 416:205, ClipboardImage.png)


be afraid

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de5cbf  No.15383918


Not sure what it is but Federal Bureau Of Prisons has a facility there employeeing 160 people.


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110938  No.15383919

It's what's happening

Right here and now

Right now, it's right now

Tell me, what are you waitin' for?

Turn this thing around

-'Right Now', Van Halen

[playing inside rally]

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e3e2eb  No.15383920

I didn’t even know that Jews resided in Texas!

I guess all of those important people in politics and lawyers and business owners, etc ya know, all the good paying jobs, belong to Jews!

Even though their percentage of the population doesn’t jive with the stats, they always get the best jobs!

So what are they siphoning off from Texas?

Could it be the networks of illegals are filtered through the “synagogues” like the Catholics do? Exactly!

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cbe27d  No.15383921

File: 4fe5912c84eaa57⋯.png (10.37 KB, 421x82, 421:82, ron.png)


Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [15.01.22 17:00]

I'm out here at the Trump rally.

If you see me, come say Hi and ill give you a free poster while supplies last.

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112fbf  No.15383922


Knowingly played Lin(my ass hurts)Wood like a piano

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212255  No.15383923

Imagine you thought you were the queen six years ago, and I just now told you about palantir.

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8be21d  No.15383924

File: 1f1a11f39fe98be⋯.jpg (764.72 KB, 2000x1125, 16:9, movie_shit.jpg)


We need John McClane…

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5bfff4  No.15383925


where there's money…

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2d43ae  No.15383926


I posted a Larry Bird video this am, of his basketball greatness, anon got the idea ftom that i guess

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7a7721  No.15383927

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We got in.

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a888f8  No.15383928


Yeah it’s a pretty silly suggestion but, as I said lb, I would go absolutely apeshit if he actually says Larry Bird.

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e1e6b8  No.15383929

File: 5412d15e2f171b4⋯.png (424.67 KB, 677x605, 677:605, kamalawilly.png)

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8be21d  No.15383930

File: f5e07cb9770bed8⋯.png (573.13 KB, 1280x931, 1280:931, 068f34345618d1e7b257600018….png)

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fce61b  No.15383931

File: 304b943ad1dd64f⋯.png (682.72 KB, 1070x619, 1070:619, ClipboardImage.png)

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912cff  No.15383932


it's perfectly normal that 1-2% of the world's population runs the world. jUst ask Ukraine.

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0ed06e  No.15383933


look off the window, there is a shit reptoid ufo up there.

plus 2 shit greys vamp, sorry uap too.

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bd0322  No.15383934

File: 342d972eca0ec45⋯.png (26.61 KB, 897x156, 23:4, papi_tx.png)

Praying for Our Beautiful Families in Colleyville, TX.

2:20 PM · Jan 15, 2022


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7a7721  No.15383935

File: cedf67a14140420⋯.jpg (24.84 KB, 391x391, 1:1, IMG_20220115_172315_131.jpg)

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212255  No.15383936

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Lin(my ass hurts)

That's the last anybody should care about that situation.

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3c6643  No.15383937


Trip eights are irresistible!

Indy's gold statue looks like a dick head with ballz.

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5bfff4  No.15383938


>free poster

how many can 1 man carry?

He'll be up to his elbow in poontang today

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912cff  No.15383939


if you're circumcised, does that mean you're an honorary jew?

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0ed06e  No.15383940


windows, chip, gates want to save meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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e1e6b8  No.15383941


Anyone that was around knows tippy top came in a later speech because speech already written. So enough of this faggotry. And fuck Larry Bird.

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046959  No.15383942

File: e67558e40f4d055⋯.jpeg (1.47 MB, 2048x1462, 1024:731, 27149DB4_F7CC_40DB_9590_E….jpeg)

File: 33f347833455510⋯.jpeg (702.47 KB, 2048x731, 2048:731, 4DCCCDFF_DB93_41A6_B6A8_2….jpeg)

File: d958b73214ad5f0⋯.jpeg (921.03 KB, 1432x1436, 358:359, 5336426F_0281_4ADE_8B00_D….jpeg)

File: 4372bdebbe30770⋯.jpeg (253.37 KB, 1474x1078, 67:49, F6AA49AE_51E5_49AC_A029_8….jpeg)

>>15383727 LB

We would have never anticipated “Have a pleasant evening.” used in a foolish frame attempt.

Next we’ll here “antisemitism” aimed at this board.

‘Create a case’, right?

Enjoy the flash pedo coup dolts, that’s your ass.

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fce61b  No.15383943

File: 7c83a1be56b10e8⋯.png (47.4 KB, 452x679, 452:679, ClipboardImage.png)

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cbe27d  No.15383944

File: d8e189475b299b0⋯.png (135.9 KB, 422x441, 422:441, turn.png)


Pepe Deluxe ⭐⭐⭐, [15.01.22 16:31]


You're Fired 🔥

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5bfff4  No.15383945


you alright there anon?

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8be21d  No.15383946

File: 3feecca3b18fbb4⋯.jpg (26.04 KB, 448x252, 16:9, huuuh.jpg)

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a888f8  No.15383947


>fuck Larry Bird

Maybe that’s what he’ll say

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a0f9d0  No.15383948

Indictments are Coming

Arrest Warrants Issued

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212255  No.15383949

I have the best antibodies. Even if I am fired.

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5bfff4  No.15383950

File: 9cb04560322fee9⋯.jpg (319.03 KB, 1104x790, 552:395, What_if_I_told_you_sauce.jpg)

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cbe27d  No.15383951

File: b276ccfdd704a97⋯.png (474.23 KB, 459x694, 459:694, florence.png)

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5ce3c6  No.15383952

File: 14d0fbb6fc64608⋯.png (1.39 MB, 800x864, 25:27, explosion.png)

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4cd313  No.15383953

File: 0c60ea871063df1⋯.jpeg (107.57 KB, 750x729, 250:243, BCD62ADD_4538_4E2D_BBB2_7….jpeg)

May 2004

One day in March last year, Ismat Siddiqui left her grown daughter and grandchildren at her Karachi, Pakistan, home for a routine errand. When she came back a short time later, they had vanished.

They haven't been seen or heard from since.

Now, her youngest daughter, Aafia Siddiqui, 32, a former Houston resident and a neurological sciences expert, is the subject of a worldwide dragnet, wanted by the FBI as a terrorist recruited by al-Qaida to help attack the United States this summer.

Ismat Siddiqui refuses to believe it, insisting her daughter is a sweet, single mother who adores her children.

"The family does not have any knowledge that she helped anybody associated with al-Qaida," said Annette Lamoreaux, an American Civil Liberties Union attorney who represented Aafia Siddiqui's brother, Muhammad Siddiqui, when FBI questioned him last year in Houston about his sister's disappearance and possible connection to al-Qaida.

Lamoreaux said Muhammad Siddiqui, an architect living in Sugar Land, won't speak with the media, but he told her he is scared. He doesn't know what happened to his sister. He fears she could have been kidnapped by political extremists, Pakistani intelligence agents or even by her ex-husband, Mohammed Khan, who he said used to beat her.

"He and his family are very concerned about the well-being of his sister and her children," Lamoreaux said. "No one has heard from them for 15 months and they are very, very concerned."

Muhammad Siddiqui could not be reached Wednesday for comment.


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bd0322  No.15383954


VA AG fires massive numbers of VA Lawyers on the weekend. You know what that means? He just seized all their files and records and they have no way to go through them now.

Panic in Virginia.

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e1e6b8  No.15383955


Now that would be tippy top.

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fce61b  No.15383956

File: 68e950fe481d262⋯.png (225.19 KB, 712x610, 356:305, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a19a6d5bf436c43⋯.png (76.43 KB, 648x721, 648:721, Getty1.PNG)

File: 57a80463ef9c370⋯.png (38.02 KB, 584x427, 584:427, Getty2.PNG)

File: 23d24d546538847⋯.png (227.52 KB, 319x480, 319:480, 3f4f14d948171723f1f1ad503b….png)

satanists love the art, museum, foundation business - for good reason. Art can have any assigned value. An art market can be created overnight in a previously unknown artist like Keith Haring. This makes art/museums antiquities a perfect way to move money around, while, at the same time, promoting inventory or stock-in-trade, art, as a store of long-term value.

A painting is worth what you say it is if you're the Getty Museum, the Hammer, the Broad, the Norval, the Huntington or the whatever-cult-tycoon is pretending philanthropy and laughing at us as we reverently troop through their art gallery front operation. There's another good, valid and unholy reason satanic cult con artists like to use art galleries foundations and museum cover structures as operational fronts.

In the case of *art* we've been POWERFULLY conditioned never to seriously question art. Anyone who says "my kid could do that- " is culturally defined as an idiot. Only an ignoramus questions art. We’ve been taught this in movies and sitcoms, we've been told a hundred ways, a thousand times: only vulgar and uneducated people criticize art. Philistines. Prudes. Hicks. Yokels. Furthermore, we are taught that art is a specialist area, and if we aren't specialists or insiders, we couldn’t possibly have anything worthwhile to say and we ought keep our crude thoughts to ourselves and our boorish mouths shut around what we don’t understand; because art is sacrosanct; the sacred self-expression of the individual.

Decades of this powerful conditioning allowed Pedosta's fat brother Tony to pose for a multi-page spread in a glitzy DC magazine with his daemonic sculpture of a gilded homosexual torture victim and with pictures of abused children in bizarre ritual locations. ART. The same conditioning protects Marina Abramovic and the crowd of *stars” and *celebrities" photographed eating an *art* corpse soaked in honey at an *art* event. It’s ART. The pedovores are rightfully confident in the powers of our conditioning to protect them that they licensed photos of themselves with forks stuck into the honeyed *art* corpse to be published in *art* & fashion magazines, blogs and supermarket tabloids. The honeyed corpse is a gnostic occult ritual. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mellified_man

Why do satanist pedovores parade their pathology in front of us? When we see Tony Pedosta, John “Skippy” Pedosta’s brother's sculpture we do not understand consciously what we are seeing is a gold leaf covered model Dahmer’s homosexual torture victim. What effect does seeing something we don’t consciously understand or necessarily recall having seen have on us?

A lot. This is the “secret” of the effectiveness subliminal and subsonic embed programming. Words and images we don’t know that we’ve seen are perceived by the unconscious component of our minds. We know this because tests using subliminal embeds not consciously seen still raises our blood pressure, increases our pulse rate, and fMRI studies show that these unperceived influences activate portions of the brain associated with memory and emotional trauma. We *do* understand sex and death images unconsciously and traumatic images are retained in memory below the threshold of conscious awareness to influence our future behavior over time. Images of sex and violence in unconscious memory affect us like PTSD caused by real world exposure to rape, torture, child pornography or physical trauma.

Information War or IW operations target the unconscious mind. This “witchcraft” works best when we are *not* aware of images we’ve been exposed to subliminally or even that we are being targeted at all.

Sculpture of Dahmer’s torture victim is presented at galleries and in publicity as fashionable, highly sought after, rare and precious work collected by knowledgeable, prominent people like Tony and John Pedosta.

satanist’s social subversion/sabotage operations exploit our strongest social conditioning. Art world institutions, galleries and foundations are trumpeted as the highest form of philanthropy and criticizing them is not just foolish it’s ungrateful. Art is a satanist controlled industrial market. Since the days of Bernard Berenson art has been used to create and launder money to authenticate forgeries and to smuggle antiquities. Big art shows and exposition are used to emotionally prime us for coming events, to predispose individuals and groups to adopt preferred attitudes, practices or behaviors in a multitude of social dimensions; while, at the same, generating enormous profits, tax breaks and (through school outreach programs) providing access to children.




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5bfff4  No.15383957


Q must be God then, or God must be…

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2d43ae  No.15383958


We were supposed to get it here in GA too, DOT prepared for snow south of Atl and ice conditions north. Just cold sbd dreary right now

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3c6643  No.15383959


He has a PhD in Fear from Mt Doom U.

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8b1cd3  No.15383961

Tried to post, shows up as banned IP when I VPN in.

Figured there'd be a multitude of VPNs that I wouldn't have that issue, but apparent there's a lot of banned IPs.

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5ce3c6  No.15383962


talk about some 3 ptr's like larry bird a difficult shot maybe. Yeah i really like this Larry Bird idea.

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cbe27d  No.15383963

File: e3aff5fe8739406⋯.png (478.7 KB, 596x646, 298:323, 42.png)


And with a simple, sacred oath, @WinsomeSears

is now the 42nd LG of Virginia. May God guard and guide her always.


12:56 PM · Jan 15, 2022·

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58137b  No.15383964

File: e4c94e2427d0971⋯.png (819.06 KB, 692x681, 692:681, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3326075c8725fc5⋯.png (548.27 KB, 653x588, 653:588, ClipboardImage.png)

Thousands of anti-vaxx protesters take to the street in Sydney to rally against jabs for kids

Protesters gathered against the child vaccine rollout and Novak Djokovic's visa

United Australia Party leader Craig Kelly endorsed the protest against vaccines

People protesting Djokovic's second visa cancellation on Saturday joined in

Protest was attended by thousands without face masks in Sydney's city centre

In an unlikely duo anti-vaxxers against child vaccination and protesters for Novak Djokovic's freedom gathered in the thousands.

A protest endorsed by United Australia Party leader Craig Kelly started at Victoria Park in Sydney's CBD on Saturday to challenge child vaccination.

During the protests Mr Kelly called for an 'end to mandates and medical segregation' alongside waves of maskless protesters.


MSM using close shots to hide the true size of the crowd

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ff8ced  No.15383965

File: 31cf87f544b32c0⋯.png (163.77 KB, 470x341, 470:341, rallies.png)

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212255  No.15383966

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Tell them I'm praying for them. Please donate.

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a0f9d0  No.15383967

Keep an eye out for those Stepping Down from this Dimension

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fce61b  No.15383968

File: 3e2c23785a519e7⋯.png (386.68 KB, 900x507, 300:169, ClipboardImage.png)

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5a609e  No.15383969

File: a3525f5e4ddb8b2⋯.png (540.36 KB, 561x846, 187:282, ClipboardImage.png)

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e02d17  No.15383970

File: 10d688484fe9927⋯.mp4 (765.28 KB, 320x320, 1:1, tbzIwnIXPlHwahfO.mp4)


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5ce3c6  No.15383971


that would be funny.

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5adf19  No.15383972



Fuck you. The Bird is the fucking word.

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b30be9  No.15383973



How prophetic!

We are the Eloi being controlled by (((The Morlocks))).

Eloi can't read. They do not question. They only live in the present. No knowledge of the past and no care about the future.

However IF they are shown how to fight back; they will triumph!

IF! We could eliminate the MSM we might have a chane..

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d29434  No.15383974

>any eyes on?

>Hostage situation in Texas.

Rabi and 3 church goers. They were recording live Sabbath Church service.

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2d43ae  No.15383975


How about

Larry Bird could take a shot wherever he was on the court and hit the net, Bidan couldnt hit the net if it landed on his head! Kek

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b30be9  No.15383976


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5ce3c6  No.15383977


OK i will also accept if he comes out and dances to that song.

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3c6643  No.15383978


I think Jesus might say, "if you're a Christian you're an honorary Jew"?

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cbe27d  No.15383979

File: 1c45b7fda40057d⋯.png (548.91 KB, 710x800, 71:80, dhs.png)


Google Executive in Charge of ‘Tackling Disinformation’ Becomes DHS Senior Leader

Former senior advisor to ICE director calls the appointment 'suspect'

By Harry Lee

January 13, 2022 Updated: January 13, 2022

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dbc269  No.15383980

File: ec8a11289b0fce3⋯.jpg (193.26 KB, 723x816, 241:272, _covidtests_dot_gov_.jpg)

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912cff  No.15383981

File: 82f463d220f6fc2⋯.png (25.56 KB, 474x460, 237:230, 7S.png)

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8b1cd3  No.15383982

File: 34b1c6888d91dd0⋯.jpg (88.11 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, HIDE.jpg)

I've tried to ID shills, glowies and such, but am still sort of a newfag.

Why is it nonstop back and forth between anons instead of actual digging and psoting?

Seems things have changed considerably over the past handful of days…no? Am I off base here?

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8e6cca  No.15383983

File: 0ec1d887c765daf⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 320x230, 32:23, Jesus.jpg)

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e3e2eb  No.15383984

I didn’t even know that Jews resided in Texas!

I guess all of those important people in politics and lawyers and business owners, etc ya know, all the good paying jobs, belong to Jews!

Even though their percentage of the population doesn’t jive with the stats, they always get the best jobs!

So what are they siphoning off from Texas?

Could it be the networks of illegals are filtered through the “synagogues” like the Catholics do? Exactly!

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4ccd3a  No.15383985

File: 0cb526c89af1041⋯.png (805.11 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)


He was number 33

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cb6ed5  No.15383986

File: 998509346fa136d⋯.png (333.66 KB, 678x655, 678:655, Lambish_bread.png)


Immunity of the Lambs

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3c6643  No.15383987

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912cff  No.15383988

File: 1bbec11a82459b1⋯.jpeg (168.11 KB, 629x600, 629:600, hillarychil.jpeg)

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35fac1  No.15383989


What's the Buzz with LB 33?

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275532  No.15383990


Amen Donaldo

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ea2c42  No.15383991

File: 3190c1ce1ac0a27⋯.jpg (52.44 KB, 489x564, 163:188, 3190c1ce1ac0a2790f12dce7b5….jpg)


god bless her

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5a609e  No.15383992

File: 72c83bea713f319⋯.png (105.76 KB, 311x302, 311:302, ClipboardImage.png)


>Wash, rinse, repeat


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cbe27d  No.15383993

File: 049bceaf42a9e31⋯.png (258.45 KB, 875x539, 125:77, crush.png)


Democrats Moving Away From Lockdown Restrictions Over Fears Of Being Crushed Politically

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jan 15, 2022 - 04:30 PM


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63d781  No.15383994

File: 11c003de0f6c252⋯.png (302.89 KB, 608x342, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

Who the fuck is Larry Bird?

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75b2d5  No.15383995

File: 799c74e03669e97⋯.jpg (2.53 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 16422858847944624686937043….jpg)

File: b31bd10080dc74e⋯.jpg (2.36 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 16422859019857801776750595….jpg)

File: e9df011c82122fd⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 4032x3024, 4:3, 16422859253771096690382684….jpg)

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5adf19  No.15383996


Boppa eww mauw mauw Boppa ew mauw muh mauw

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eaa4bb  No.15383997

POTUS, Say: "Core of the Core"

F Larry Bird

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ee96be  No.15383998

File: d9b48a4423de95d⋯.png (7.85 MB, 2448x2448, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


You bought the wrong one.


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112fbf  No.15383999

File: 5a74c0111c52e09⋯.jpg (75.4 KB, 461x540, 461:540, Screenshot_2022_01_15_il_D….jpg)

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912cff  No.15384000


I'd like to see her blow the heads off some commies: Win Some Lose Some mutherfuckers

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81d911  No.15384001

File: 5e084bfe97761f4⋯.png (612.13 KB, 1013x572, 1013:572, 2de6ae7c4deddc1457512260c6….png)

File: 3e5eb79dbc024b7⋯.jpg (843.26 KB, 1600x1250, 32:25, 3e5eb79dbc024b7218e26e7294….jpg)

File: b04054fabea3c0c⋯.png (232.73 KB, 663x442, 3:2, 9709cd9294bdee48c58ac086d4….png)

File: 7a81d5410b46d6c⋯.png (333.9 KB, 861x832, 861:832, 55a22a0993f10f29eedc314151….png)

File: 550ac1dd2b0ff08⋯.png (556.15 KB, 680x677, 680:677, f72f0fa9714ce33f37e1049e81….png)


Thank you baker

May God bless 🍊

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5adf19  No.15384002



Greatest of all time

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f06318  No.15384003

File: 1e484f2c166cd0f⋯.jpg (104.83 KB, 997x562, 997:562, Joe_Biden_Possessed.jpg)

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1cbeeb  No.15384004



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58137b  No.15384005

Leaked Military Documents Suggest DARPA Created the Virus to Achieve TOTAL SURVEILLANCE State


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dbc269  No.15384006

File: 9858c6ef83d4119⋯.jpg (213.26 KB, 600x400, 3:2, _8kun_.jpg)

File: 069aa50731887e0⋯.gif (10.85 MB, 477x640, 477:640, _Q_plus_anon.gif)

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cbe27d  No.15384007

File: 58eb572e58fd799⋯.png (187.59 KB, 861x589, 861:589, un_press.png)


Denial Of Natural Immunity In CMS Vaccine Mandate "Unprecedented In Modern History": Scott Atlas

Tyler Durden's Photo

by Tyler Durden

Saturday, Jan 15, 2022 - 02:30 PM

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5ce3c6  No.15384008

File: 3ff954d907f3178⋯.gif (292.19 KB, 498x372, 83:62, peter_griffin_family_guy.gif)

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56ac0f  No.15384009


I love her 'Winsome' smile…way better than the fake wide eyed and mouth full of teeth Demonrats use to portray themselves!

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212255  No.15384010

Who needs to look out for spies when you're game is so tight on TV.

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fce61b  No.15384011

File: 73920a83f113e1d⋯.png (2.2 MB, 1024x1534, 512:767, 44a.png)

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16235d  No.15384012

File: 19313f8bef35646⋯.png (449.57 KB, 1237x649, 1237:649, ClipboardImage.png)


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9075ab  No.15384013

File: 17703cd55d45790⋯.gif (2.92 MB, 800x686, 400:343, HillaryPriceless.gif)


"What's tha buzz"

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5bfff4  No.15384014

File: 3c5352b48954ea0⋯.jpg (251.02 KB, 1920x1920, 1:1, Newfag_is_disappointed.jpg)


sorry newfag, we're just getting started.

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7a7721  No.15384015

We really need a before rally drop.

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a743f3  No.15384016


Too late, COMMS BROS

Youre fucked. you can gaslight and project but anons know

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912cff  No.15384017

File: 3c00aaf09893909⋯.jpeg (40.69 KB, 840x556, 210:139, circum.jpeg)

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9075ab  No.15384018

File: ed168bc7f7c763f⋯.jpg (1.56 MB, 1759x1384, 1759:1384, ed168bc7f7c763f64d2c95cc0e….jpg)

>>15383699 (OP)

>>15383728 Dough

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19459: All Orange Everything Edition

>>15383743, >>15383768, >>15383796, >>15383813, >>15383815, >>15383831, >>15383863, >>15383872, >>15383934, >>15383953, Alleged Pakistani Sibling to Aaifa Siddiqui Demands her release and last reported held Beth Israel Congregation Hostage until subdued or captured. - Various

>>15383802, >>15383828, >>15383898, >>15383921, >>15383970 Rally Hype! - Images, Video, Various

>>15383825, >>15383911 Gain of Fauci Files: Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic and COVID RELATED - Zerohedge

>>15383833, >>15383835, >>15383944, >>15383963, Virginia’s New GOP Governor Ends Vaccine Mandate for State Employees, Mask Mandates in Schools, Leads a Prayer and VIRGINIA RELATED - Image, Twitter, NTD News

>>15383847 Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman says he has tested positive for COVID-19 and will self-isolate but continue working from home. "I feel good and will isolate in the next few days," Lieberman said on Twitter. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tested positive on Monday. On January 10, Lieberman posted a photo of himself receiving a fourth COVID-19 vaccination dose. - Canberra Times

>>15383902 North Carolina Braces for ‘Dangerous’ Winter Storm - The Epoch Times

>>15383908 30+ Tsunami Buoys still in event mode - NBDC.NOAA

>>15383964 Thousands of anti-vaxx protesters take to the street in Sydney to rally against jabs for kids - Daily Mail

>>15383979 Google Executive in Charge of ‘Tackling Disinformation’ Becomes DHS Senior Leader ~ Former senior advisor to ICE director calls the appointment 'suspect' - The Epoch Times


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011757  No.15384019

File: 2cb8445ceb3bbcb⋯.jpg (405.61 KB, 720x1280, 9:16, Screenshot_20220115_162523….jpg)

Looks like a clover

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110938  No.15384020

Over 50,000 watching RSBN on rumble and youtube.

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da25b5  No.15384021

File: e346d759e837882⋯.png (245.11 KB, 552x908, 138:227, Screen_Shot_01_15_22_at_05….PNG)

Today is the last day to sign up…if anyone is interested!

Barack Obama


Tomorrow, January 15th is the last day to sign up for health care until the fall at http://HealthCare.gov. Make sure to get covered today.


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275532  No.15384022

File: cbbe594c06fc8f4⋯.png (178.33 KB, 250x258, 125:129, kabala_laugh_2.PNG)

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2d43ae  No.15384023


Hes so freakin funny

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4cd313  No.15384024

File: 20d78e69de9d634⋯.jpeg (164.82 KB, 750x1063, 750:1063, F7328193_B3BC_46E6_B321_B….jpeg)

When Siddiqui's brother, Mohammed, a pediatrician, moved to Texas in 1990, she followed him to complete her studies, attending the University of Houston. She then went to MIT, where she majored in biology, before beginning her Ph.D. at Brandeis in cognitive neuroscience. Her fellow students and teachers remember her as studious, soft-spoken and pious. It was during university that she became interested in radical Islam.


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63d781  No.15384025

File: 7f0c9b7b0be248c⋯.png (230.14 KB, 280x342, 140:171, ClipboardImage.png)



Can these niggers get anymoar obvious.

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3c6643  No.15384026

File: 51a7b5b311b4682⋯.png (589.49 KB, 888x464, 111:58, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d9e7f81f84e6faa⋯.png (97.59 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Saint James, also called James, The Lord’s Brother, (died AD 62, Jerusalem; Western feast day May 3), a Christian apostle, according to St. Paul, although not one of the original Twelve Apostles. He was leader of the Jerusalem Christians, who with Saints Peter and John the Evangelist is one of “the pillars of the church.”

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f06318  No.15384027

File: 98ae55310e545fe⋯.jpg (107.96 KB, 997x562, 997:562, Joe_Biden_Demon_Possessed_….jpg)



Fuggin Phone

Anyone else having their device keyboards constantly screwing up your typing? As if on purpose?

I fat finger stuff sure, but my devices have been switching stuff upon hitting Send or Enter…

Just an observation.

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8e6cca  No.15384028


that lady that told trudoo that they hang traitors [like him] to his face

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5adf19  No.15384029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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212255  No.15384030

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Let my niggas go.

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12d27a  No.15384031

File: 970ffd18b5d2010⋯.png (28.69 KB, 1651x143, 127:11, BV2.png)



Interesting wording.

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a888f8  No.15384032


From now on when someone posts “lb” I’m going to think Larry Bird instead of last bread.

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5f03e3  No.15384033


I wouldn't waste any time on them. Just post what you dig and it will find the right anons.

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2d43ae  No.15384034


We all would!

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a0f9d0  No.15384035

File: df05fd16850bb11⋯.png (4.34 MB, 2500x1667, 2500:1667, ClipboardImage.png)

Ride the Shockwaves

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58137b  No.15384036

File: a0aa33a54b68fd8⋯.png (255.98 KB, 517x606, 517:606, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a6c00c27ad3667b⋯.png (108.98 KB, 858x687, 286:229, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3814d83f008a34f⋯.png (253.17 KB, 878x901, 878:901, ClipboardImage.png)

Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic

Finally, after a handful of organizations tried suing Dr. Anthony Fauci in order to have them released, the good doctor's financials - along with those of his wife, who is the NIH's top bioethicist - have been disclosed in detail. And they were leaked by the same Senator who Fauci called a "moron" last week during a hot-mic moment.

We already knew that Dr. Fauci is the highest-paid federal government employee, earning an annual salary of more than $400K. His wife, Christine Grady, earns $176K as Chief of the Department of Bioethics at the NIH.

The records, published by Republican Roger Marshall, himself a doctor and also the junior US senator from Kansas, showed that the Faucis' have a combined net worth of more than $10MM.



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5adf19  No.15384037

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e1e6b8  No.15384038

File: 2ccf3386bf7c4ff⋯.jpeg (515.69 KB, 1200x770, 120:77, killkillkill.jpeg)

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212255  No.15384039


What color was Moses?

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8dcb8b  No.15384040



SARS-CoV-2 Recombinant COVID-19 Vaccine has shown to increase penis length by 3 inches in some individuals

Larry K. Nonga, Elver Galarga, Cura Melano, Monica Galindo, Alma Marcela, Teregalo Mitrozo, Jorge Nitales, Aquiles Castri, Dolores Delano, Paco Gerte, Lalo Onganiza, Maria Melo Machuca, Benito Camelo, Zoyla Alegria Delano, Memo Herdez, Zoyla Cerda, Maite Lometo, Mama Dora, Dr. KaKa Wate



In a recent meta-analysis of Covid-19 studies researchers identified that those that believed that COVID-19 was not real had a shorter penis by 2-3 inches. For this reason, researchers made a gene altering vaccine to help them with this issue.


We initiated a randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 1-2 trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of the rSARS-CoV-2 vaccine (in 5-g and 25-g doses, with or without Mattrix-M1 adjuvant, and with observers unaware of trial-group assignments) in 131 healthy adults. In phase 1, vaccination comprised two intramuscular injections, 21 days apart. The primary outcomes were reactogenicity: laboratory values (serum chemistry and hematology), according to Food and Drug Administration toxicity scoring, to assess safety: and IgG anti-spike protein response (in enzyme- linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) units). Secondary outcomes included unsolicited adverse events, wild-type virus neutralization (microneutralization assay) and T-cell responses (cytokine staining). IgG and microneutralization assay results were compared with 32 (IgG) and 29 (neutralization) convalescent serum samples from patients with Covid-19, most of them were symptomatic. We performed a primary analysis at day 35.


666 men who believed COVID-19 was a joke and that the vaccine had nano-particles in order to control their brain were vaccinated by their spouse while they were sleeping. Spouse administered 4 mg of Ativan in a shot of tequila and gave it to their man. Once the conspiracy theorist was sound asleep, the vaccine was injected in the middle cerebral artery after teaching them how to do in a pig. Of the 666 men who got the vaccine 667 had an enlargement of their penis by a total of 2.5 +/- .8 inches.

Spouses were very happy with the side effect of the vaccine


Conspiracy theorists with small penis will benefit from getting the vaccine as they will get a twofer.

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa202

The authors’ full names, academic degrees, and affiliations are listed in the Appendix. Address reprint request to Dr KaKa Wate

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58137b  No.15384041

File: ec097b18c8668a4⋯.png (408.83 KB, 629x473, 629:473, ClipboardImage.png)

Wonder which side they are assisting? Maybe both!!!

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ff8ced  No.15384042



>Conspiracy theorists with small penis will benefit from getting the vaccine as they will get a twofer.


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07220b  No.15384043


My meme maker sometimes just wipes out words or letters. Always have to double check.

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5a609e  No.15384044

File: 76d79b23855bff6⋯.png (508.18 KB, 1028x770, 514:385, ClipboardImage.png)


>Hey OSS

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212255  No.15384045

Don't die tonight alkidi

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301f07  No.15384046

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206c78  No.15384047

File: 9d0ec5f89622a98⋯.jpeg (36.71 KB, 480x488, 60:61, C99E7D0F_F7D2_4CA6_973E_7….jpeg)

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8b1cd3  No.15384048

File: ca9edfae765518e⋯.png (797.5 KB, 1920x1024, 15:8, silence_1715729_1920.png)


So infiltration is in full battle mode, huh?

Sort of guess that since RRN is now being cited as a legitimate source.

So much for truth based digs

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275532  No.15384049

wut time do i need to come back, when does Donald speak (eastern tiime)?

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5bfff4  No.15384050


valid question

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da25b5  No.15384051


>prolly flew over by bidan from Afghanistan

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bd0322  No.15384052

Breitbart is totally blacking out the Trump Rally, going instead with the FBI false flag in Texas. The Mercers are lying to Patriots and leading them in bad directions.

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907ab3  No.15384053

File: 10501aed0d2b3ce⋯.jpg (73.57 KB, 1200x865, 240:173, 10501aed0d2b3ce4cc72ee7205….jpg)

File: f9d4457df4ab320⋯.png (496.42 KB, 1080x625, 216:125, ClipboardImage.png)



Rally time?

==LIVE: President Donald J. Trump in Florence, Arizona

Donald J. Trump==

Published January 14, 2022 9,669 Views


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0ed06e  No.15384054



Aliens want to eat meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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5ce3c6  No.15384055


I am just retarded sometimes. Made more than my fair share of memes with grammar errors that have caught the eye of the kitty.

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212255  No.15384056

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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e3e2eb  No.15384057

File: 6af768e229c3f69⋯.jpeg (270.04 KB, 828x638, 414:319, 2928E8CE_4FF3_46AD_8D43_7….jpeg)

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ebe6b0  No.15384058

File: ca70a915925b0ff⋯.png (908.99 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_01_15….png)

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5ef5b1  No.15384059

File: bc9eeeb49b56ed4⋯.png (455.76 KB, 714x406, 51:29, Falcon.png)

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a888f8  No.15384060


BB has been comp’d for some time now. I, for one, never use them for sauce.

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17a3ed  No.15384061

File: 4b7aa7e7398867f⋯.jpg (14.88 KB, 174x295, 174:295, Screenshot_20220115_163228….jpg)

Then that.

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8f871d  No.15384062

File: 91e7fbe111b9bf8⋯.jpg (54.07 KB, 533x824, 533:824, 30629278_10155956161785845….jpg)

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8b1cd3  No.15384063


Thanks Anon. Seems the past days have thrown a wrench into what I thought I've figure out.

Shall continue on and try to be of some help.

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5bfff4  No.15384064


do your digs and let's review. It's not best practice to come on and start telling others what to do.

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ee96be  No.15384065

File: 62e5f9fbd3917ff⋯.png (147.49 KB, 438x438, 1:1, 53.png)


Shills are trying to give the "optics" of "back and forth" mostly focused on newfags that come here.

Red flags of this is anytime in re: board politics, any namefaging, obsessive red texting, constant use of screencaps of nonsense followed by moar nonsense should be your first clue.

Shills want to "blend in" with anons because "optics" is important to them.

The longer you spend time here, the moar "patterns" emerge and starts to get much easier to spot.

Anons DO dig, especially when important events pop up.

Otherwise we "shitpost" on occasion.

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0ed06e  No.15384066


I want to kill you.

Just put my fingers in your eyes.

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e3e2eb  No.15384067

File: 6af768e229c3f69⋯.jpeg (270.04 KB, 828x638, 414:319, 2928E8CE_4FF3_46AD_8D43_7….jpeg)


Why is wifey asking me if Q activated his trip code?

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63c660  No.15384068

File: 60f928a4876efb0⋯.png (241.88 KB, 593x588, 593:588, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5692532fdcc667b⋯.png (64.89 KB, 226x279, 226:279, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1e98956031bd0da⋯.png (69.3 KB, 283x359, 283:359, ClipboardImage.png)

File: db5b70187a546be⋯.png (62.7 KB, 268x291, 268:291, ClipboardImage.png)


kek, nahhhhhhh

The woman in these photos is allegedly one of many people who participated in the riots at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. If you know who she is, call 1-800-225-5324 or visit http://tips.fbi.gov to submit a tip. Remember to mention photo 510 in your tip.

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b4148a  No.15384069

File: 27687dc4071eed2⋯.png (162.32 KB, 474x474, 1:1, 1926a7621f92abdcc0ac4740f1….png)

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e1e6b8  No.15384070


He is more than that stashed in Swiss or bahamanian banks.

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cbe27d  No.15384071

File: 4ab9d78f40bbfa0⋯.png (155.63 KB, 653x623, 653:623, ruin.png)


Prince Andrew fears ‘complete financial ruin’ as legal costs mount: report

By Rich Calder

January 15, 2022 | 4:08pm

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7a7721  No.15384072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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dc3360  No.15384073

File: 8e50cfb5b5a3a33⋯.jpeg (75.42 KB, 302x418, 151:209, fungi.jpeg)


meet the Big Guy

he's a fungi

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847bc3  No.15384074


Aahhh…. Memmeries. They make the world go round.

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ebe6b0  No.15384075

File: dcc188c69b502ac⋯.png (841.9 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_01_15….png)


>Rally time?

RSBN is live.

Think Potus is on at 9 ish eastern

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212255  No.15384076

Like i even care.

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c2614c  No.15384077


Maybe he should learn to code.

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8c7af3  No.15384078


bring out the tissue box.

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8b1cd3  No.15384079


This anon appreciates the shitposting. I think I got wrapped up and slowed down by the back and forth.

Back to bizness!

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ba4fe2  No.15384080


I believe OAN said 9 EST

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1df1b3  No.15384081

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The destruction of trust in our institutions | James Lindsay joins Ezra Levant

Jan 15, 2022

Rebel News

1.52M subscribers

►http://www.RebelNewsPlus.com | Watch our full-length premium shows

On a recent episode of The Ezra Levant Show, Dr. James Lindsay joined Ezra for a wide range of discussions, including on the corrosion of trust in our institutions as they continuously prove to be replete with conspiracy and corruption.


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4cd313  No.15384082

File: bb4649d85d32f9f⋯.jpeg (84.67 KB, 750x664, 375:332, 7AB2A1CD_132B_4261_AF27_7….jpeg)

SARS has more than one meaning.

The newly obtained SARS documents filed by Fleet shed additional light on the federal government's effort to track Siddiqui and Khan's activities–and raise questions about possible links to other Saudis in the United States. As early as October 2001, long before Khalid Shaik Mohammed's capture, FBI and Treasury Department investigators were alerted to the couple's possible terror links in a series of SARS filed by Fleet. At the time, Fleet's Financial Intelligence Unit was trying to trace $70,000 in wire transfers on the same day, July 10, 2001, to two Saudis in the United States. One, for $50,000 from the Saudi Armed Forces Account at the Riggs Bank in Washington, D.C., went to a Saudi student at Clark University in Worcester, Mass. Two others, totaling $20,000 from the same Saudi military account, went to a Saudi national named Abdullah Al Reshood in Boston.


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bb2d7d  No.15384083


although it was noted he went to school in TX


>All three of the Siddiqui children were gifted students, and their parents encouraged them to complete their educations in the United States. Aafia's brother, Muhammad, led the way, becoming an architect in Houston.

so maybe he has lived there or was living there still

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dc3360  No.15384084

File: 117dc49ed1dea8d⋯.jpeg (95.56 KB, 504x369, 56:41, gregga.jpeg)

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046959  No.15384085

File: 8b0ad5662dada5d⋯.jpeg (535.28 KB, 2048x597, 2048:597, 74504580_1B8E_4A1D_8DD2_3….jpeg)

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d1ae56  No.15384086


This is a great speech ender..

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0b6416  No.15384087

File: 7146fdccc469c1d⋯.png (295.23 KB, 438x552, 73:92, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bfff4  No.15384088


No jab no job asshoe.

Have you seen the price of fuel? Of course not.

Welcome to the real world.

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e3e2eb  No.15384089


Remember! Godzilla isn’t real! A movie!

Not real!

Same as FakeNews, not real!

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a0f9d0  No.15384090

File: bc32d19dea8dbce⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1224x817, 1224:817, ClipboardImage.png)

Canceled Press Conference Rally Breads are the Best Breads

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907ab3  No.15384091




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e1e6b8  No.15384092


noice one of me ole memes back from the dead

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da87ea  No.15384093

File: 59b3e8db7162909⋯.png (58.3 KB, 1178x122, 589:61, Screenshot_2022_01_14_at_2….png)

File: d5f7347c6bae8e5⋯.png (39.2 KB, 1651x143, 127:11, 970ffd18b5d2010eebfe01b58a….png)

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b69a3a  No.15384094


Bullshit. They will keep pushing that garbage. They’ll extend the deadline month after month.

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5adf19  No.15384095


All the time. It's quite the phenomenon.

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3c6643  No.15384096


He could sell his crown jewels?

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0ed06e  No.15384097

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I want to have secs, W an alien girl.

You fuck!

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63c660  No.15384098


plenty of ditches need digging down in the carribean

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58137b  No.15384099

File: e9cdd5e3d886f89⋯.png (38.77 KB, 533x408, 533:408, ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb68d9721d9f26f⋯.png (471.04 KB, 553x839, 553:839, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e78df098b6d85db⋯.png (21.06 KB, 504x368, 63:46, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 39249dd4652c868⋯.png (21.06 KB, 513x358, 513:358, ClipboardImage.png)

Bennett on Texas synagogue standoff: ‘We pray for safety of hostages, rescuers’

Israeli consul-general in Houston heads to scene of apparent attack; FM Lapid, US envoy to Israel also say they are closely following events

Biden briefed on Texas synagogue hostage situation

US President Joe Biden is briefed on the hostage crisis at a synagogue in the Texas city of Colleyville.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki says Biden “will continue to receive updates from his senior team as the situation develops.”

“Senior members of the national security team are also in touch with federal law enforcement leadership.”

Bennett on Texas synagogue situation: ‘We pray for the safety of the hostages and rescuers’

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett says he is keeping close track of the apparent hostage crisis at a synagogue in the Texas city of Colleyville.

“We pray for the safety of the hostages and rescuers,” Bennett writes on Twitter.


watching the operation!

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b4148a  No.15384100

File: 754183a3ec504a8⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 105.5 KB, 317x324, 317:324, 375c1ca9cfba9302b96e39eaee….png)


>Remember! Godzilla isn’t real!

Are you sure?

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8eabd9  No.15384101

>>15382402I (PB)

What the absolute hell is the matter with you all?

I hope Karma comes back and stomps the hell out of you.

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ebe6b0  No.15384102

File: 83b88833fe3281e⋯.png (790.66 KB, 640x800, 4:5, rsbn.png)





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dc3360  No.15384103


saving Israel for last

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328134  No.15384104


So this is why the clockfags were under attack yesterday by board management, they didn't want us to predict this false flag

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301f07  No.15384105



This is somewhat common name.

I know a couple unrelated individuals with same name.

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58137b  No.15384106

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Narrative is Crumbling - 16 Reasons Why

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907ab3  No.15384107


Yes, 9pm Est

Its on the screen shot, I posted.

That was a statement framed as a question, to be cute.

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b371f9  No.15384108

File: 1c7de928a43ce39⋯.jpeg (411.67 KB, 715x749, 715:749, 7DBB78BE_9429_41D6_80AD_2….jpeg)

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5adf19  No.15384109


Thanks for the context, guy.

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7b9083  No.15384110


Larry Bird singing the national anthem.

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a78369  No.15384111

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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acf88c  No.15384112

File: d22f25a3f471187⋯.png (65.19 KB, 350x250, 7:5, oooo.png)


>complete financial ruin

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8eabd9  No.15384113


>>15384071 aaawww

so sorry about you fucking luck pedo!

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dc3360  No.15384114

File: 8b733cde5bcd0c7⋯.jpg (239.62 KB, 874x525, 874:525, faucimorell.jpg)

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17a3ed  No.15384115

File: 68ea56baa6a62fa⋯.jpg (23.33 KB, 228x222, 38:37, Screenshot_20220103_113059….jpg)

File: e229c540e786f77⋯.jpg (13.32 KB, 219x206, 219:206, Screenshot_20220103_113100….jpg)

File: cea0161c55ec6ab⋯.jpg (13.5 KB, 232x164, 58:41, Screenshot_20220103_113101….jpg)

W/ does it mean, to TAKE, a golden shower?

"As ‘re-volution’ or ‘re-evolution’, the spiral progression is symbolic of the transpersonal route to that higher level of consciousness which is sought by all esoteric and occult systems… the circumambulatory, as utilised in mazes and labyrinths; and oscillation, the movement back and forth between dualities…

The archetypal image of the spiral came to render itself in the idea of a path that could be climbed in stages to reach God, a notion fundamental to both the Kabbalah and exponents of magic down the centuries, and made concrete in the three- and two-dimensional initiatory mazes which existed in antiquity.It is believed that such mazes, or processional pathways, existed… Pilgrims would have entered the maze part way up the side of the hill and traveled first in a clockwise, then in an anti-clockwise, direction making their way to the holy summit, possibly by means of seven full circuits, absorbing the energy of the natural ‘power station’ as they went… The great ziggurat of Babylon, the original Tower of Babel, was called the Etemenanki, the ‘Temple of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth’, and its holy summit was reached by a spiral path ascending through seven tiers. The septenary spiral has been interpreted as the ‘world centre’ motif…Such places are indicative of the ‘prototypical sacred and spiral mountain’, and represent the symbolic World Mountain of old, the omphalos, where above and below, the sky opening and the underworld, conjoin. "


Cross_reference w/ Chris Steele's intel/cyber-security co, Walsingham Training, a subsidiary of Orbis.



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cbe27d  No.15384116

File: 36deea3ce2acac5⋯.png (137.5 KB, 426x772, 213:386, after.png)


The Library, [15.01.22 17:50]

[Forwarded from Lori's Place]

The government of Alberta says you are not allowed to see dis information

Alex Berenson

The Canadian province of Alberta has censored data showing a huge increase in Covid infections and deaths in people following their first Covid vaccine dose.

Yesterday I wrote a Substack highlighting the data, which were presented in chart form on the province’s official Website.


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b4148a  No.15384117

File: 1491d030cd26cad⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Unvaxxed_Sperm_cum_cow.mp4)


>Prince Andrew fears ‘complete financial ruin’ as legal costs mount

Should have stayed unvaxxed and sold sperm.

Anons will be the new royalty.

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b371f9  No.15384118


From here on out anyone talking about board drama I filter

Sick of it

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907ab3  No.15384119

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0ed06e  No.15384120


God bless Sri Lanka.

Fuck the rest.

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ebe6b0  No.15384121

File: e0b0cb5f9f09b81⋯.png (18.91 KB, 1020x652, 255:163, pepetardjail.png)


>Its on the screen shot, I posted.

>That was a statement framed as a question, to be cute.


off to tard jail.

I read it the other way

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a888f8  No.15384122


Maybe he’ll announce that he’s running in 2024 and Larry Bird is his choice for VP.

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0b6416  No.15384123

File: 21e17b555f06a0f⋯.png (374.02 KB, 598x599, 598:599, Screenshot_2022_01_15_at_1….png)

Daily Mail Online


Prince Harry threatens legal action against the UK Government and demands return of taxpayer-funded security



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328134  No.15384124



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f49651  No.15384125

I wish Trump would mention her tonight…


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5655dc  No.15384126


me too!

Good idea

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064ef3  No.15384127

File: 77c531bece77076⋯.png (762.15 KB, 1015x466, 1015:466, iih1.PNG)

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c87544  No.15384128


Warry Burd!

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63c660  No.15384129

File: cf7bb3e01570207⋯.png (270.97 KB, 397x750, 397:750, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2771b1d92275df4⋯.png (323.88 KB, 500x752, 125:188, ClipboardImage.png)

Apparently the suspect who is holding the rabbi (pictured) and three others hostage at a synagogue in Colleyville, TX is the brother of Aafia Siddiqui, who was convicted in New York of trying to kill US military personnel.


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112fbf  No.15384130

File: a6fdc601804d7ca⋯.jpg (36.72 KB, 360x202, 180:101, FBIHOMOS.jpg)

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5adf19  No.15384131



My dad coached every Parks and Rec or YMCA team I was on until jr. hi and he always made sure my shirt # was 33, because Larry was amazing.

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46d321  No.15384132

Know how I know patriots are winning?

After Resident Biden's demand that social media companies and other companies 'stop disinformation'…

The President could only get Directv to ban OANN.


Oh no! How will the people ever figure out how to visit the OANN website?

Or the zillion other streams of the rally tonight?

Tech entrenched on their controls didn't it?

Digital warriors are now mainstream…

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cbe27d  No.15384133

File: 0af857d8b9f1ada⋯.png (71.01 KB, 432x516, 36:43, apple.png)

File: 0059a34cd98b992⋯.png (663.25 KB, 841x532, 841:532, linux_exo.png)


We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [15.01.22 17:39]

[Forwarded from Red.Pill.Pharmacist ⭐️⭐️⭐️]

[ Photo ]

Color me shocked. 🙄

Apple Inc (AAPL.O) will require retail and corporate employees to provide proof of a COVID-19 booster shot, The Verge reported on Saturday, citing an internal email.

Starting Jan. 24, unvaccinated employees or those who haven't submitted proof of vaccination will need negative COVID-19 tests to enter Apple workplaces, the report said. The Verge said it was not immediately clear if the testing requirement applies to both corporate and retail employees.



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0ed06e  No.15384134



Marketing dir from pfeizer?

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2d43ae  No.15384135


A ton more! $10 million is nothing with corruption of 50 years, hes got a shit ton hiding. I’m not impressed with the NiH teleasing that report, when you look at open secrets its not required to ve specigic how much money politicians have. Plus they all have foundations, so most of Fauci’s pharma money was laundered to his foundation. They just say, I got lots of donations

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a0f9d0  No.15384136


We have the Narrative

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dc3360  No.15384137


hmm let's see if we get a Tarrant 6666 variant out of this one

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3898a1  No.15384138

File: cdc744b6923a994⋯.jpg (120.19 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Compy_Pepe.jpg)

I feel so comfy right now. Have 70's music on, playing Star Wars the Old Republic and body not hurting anywhere….hmmm

Seems weird. As I type this I wonder if it's because Trump will be talking in a few hours.

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1cbeeb  No.15384139


So fucking sad

Yet another "Handled"

suspect. This is how bad

these idiots are at controlling

the narrative. 10 bucks says that

more tune into rally than mossad

clown shoes hostage bullshit.

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907ab3  No.15384140

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ebdf54  No.15384141

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Bidan just confirmed the real POTUS resides at 'summer white house'


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dbc269  No.15384142

File: ca00cbba34bba27⋯.jpg (574.21 KB, 1060x946, 530:473, _Shiltz1_.jpg)

Scheiße in muh opinion but…swill away shillz!


Enjoy the rally!

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46d321  No.15384143


'member when Trump said Harry and his bad actress wife were 'going to have a hard time' years ago?

Harry got into bed with the cult I bet…

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da25b5  No.15384144


Why did he decide to do this at a synagogue? Is that odd?

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212255  No.15384145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b4b49b  No.15384146

Now what in the world would CNN give two sh!ts about the Pence bunny? Follow the White Rabbit.

There were books written about the bunny Marlon Bundo by Charlotte Pence and illustrated by her mother, Karen Pence. There may be comms in those books. Godfather III maybe?

Pence family's bunny Marlon Bundo dies


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acf88c  No.15384147

File: 4b5a123310ffd10⋯.mp4 (677.41 KB, 848x464, 53:29, WhiteHouseInFlorida.mp4)

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0b6416  No.15384148

File: cc4217bd87cf283⋯.png (237.26 KB, 797x536, 797:536, ClipboardImage.png)


>They openly call you SHEEP/CATTLE.

Do you think they invest in sewage collection because they are good people?

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e2e1d4  No.15384149

File: 9ddfa73b9c385d7⋯.jpg (647.54 KB, 905x1078, 905:1078, _Obama_GITMO_suits_him.jpg)


>January 15th is the last day…

comms sent>


12:31 PM · Jan 14, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

then this is plausible





last seen near


FRIDAY 14-JAN-2022

02:02PM EST

FRIDAY 14-JAN-2022

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5655dc  No.15384150

File: e46b84cdd84737b⋯.png (184.95 KB, 878x335, 878:335, POTUSnrallies.png)

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8eabd9  No.15384151



Hang the bastard

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5bfff4  No.15384152


can't get by without grifting the tax payer.

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a0f9d0  No.15384153

File: 268ebecb9ae9257⋯.png (73.18 KB, 255x180, 17:12, ClipboardImage.png)



A Change in the Comfy winds says I

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5adf19  No.15384154

File: 979111388edc9a5⋯.png (1019.85 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

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63c660  No.15384155


if i ventured to say he tied his own hands up would that make me a bad anon?!

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acf88c  No.15384156

File: ee70e9195111bff⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB, 640x360, 16:9, farkass.mp4)

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328134  No.15384157


kek if true

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8e6cca  No.15384158


if there is a 'white house', where is the 'black house'?

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cbe27d  No.15384159

File: 470768b571209e7⋯.png (59.89 KB, 608x390, 304:195, time.png)


How was the FBI not aware of this terrorist and his intentions beforehand?

He's the brother of one of the most famous terrorists in the world, he should have been tapped and followed 24/7.

Maybe they should have spent less time on January 6th and more time on Islamic terrorism.

5:53 PM · Jan 15, 2022·

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12d27a  No.15384160


Multiple meaning exist.

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c4ff70  No.15384161

File: 4683e257c45e984⋯.jpg (121.95 KB, 1020x1022, 510:511, hrc_iitgh.JPG)

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4f6ab5  No.15384162


It was posted on twitter yesterday. Not sure how that rumor got started.

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907ab3  No.15384163

File: fb7cce28ad3a5e3⋯.png (345.69 KB, 468x568, 117:142, 8a83c63e51b4a0342c729f29fc….png)


Get out of there!

No, you are right!

Could have phrased that better but didnt!


Happy Rally Day

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acf88c  No.15384164


weird situation bros

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5bfff4  No.15384165


good pointo

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58137b  No.15384166

File: f50ca532d4511f6⋯.png (823.74 KB, 564x564, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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b69a3a  No.15384167


Does that go for the slave labor in their China plants?

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112fbf  No.15384168

File: 622de4103b6b43d⋯.jpg (74.13 KB, 576x403, 576:403, yut.jpg)


>if there is a 'white house', where is the 'black house'?

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8e6cca  No.15384169

File: 8b613b99dd28391⋯.png (31.81 KB, 799x212, 799:212, briits.PNG)

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1cbeeb  No.15384170



Kind of like letting the

terrorists entire family

fly out of the country on

sept 11th,

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ebe71a  No.15384171

File: 987bff2e31d0efd⋯.png (936.88 KB, 1186x986, 593:493, ClipboardImage.png)

Aafia Siddiqui may have been an unfamiliar name to many before Saturday, before a man claiming to be her brother took people hostage at a Colleyville synagogue and demanded to speak with her.

Siddiqui became the first female terrorism defendant arrested after 9/11, and she was convicted on charges related to the attempted murder and assault of United States officers and employees in Afghanistan in 2008.

ABC News quoted a U.S. official as saying the hostage-taker in Colleyville claimed to be Siddiqui’s brother.

A member of the Pakistani government called for Siddiqui to be released from U.S. custody and returned to Pakistan, according to the Express Tribune, a daily English-language newspaper based in Pakistan.

Siddiqui was transferred to the Federal Medical Center-Carswell prison in Fort Worth for medical reasons in 2008. Carswell is the only federal medical facility for women in the U.S., and incarcerated women across the country who have medical needs are often transferred to the prison.


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847bc3  No.15384172



They tryin to rehabilitate Pence to be a leader of the RINOs?

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110938  No.15384173

File: 286bb00a44a4414⋯.jpg (33.73 KB, 609x397, 609:397, 3ivvc6783.jpg)

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5adf19  No.15384174


It was never "follow the white rabbit".

That's a Qanon insertion/cutout.

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ebe6b0  No.15384175


could be replay from this morning. bit I just heard sounded familiar

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1fe5a5  No.15384176

File: 244f0cb94fb0744⋯.jpeg (19.89 KB, 255x214, 255:214, 43848685_31BB_4FDA_8C6C_9….jpeg)

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5bfff4  No.15384177


what the fuck is this?

I hate riddles.

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8e6cca  No.15384178


my guess was 'camp david'

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acf88c  No.15384179

File: 7e982d3919dd114⋯.png (406.19 KB, 960x539, 960:539, 8022c5c24afd9e4808c771f86c….png)

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ebe71a  No.15384180



Siddiqui’s case is convoluted and filled with contradictions. A neuroscientist, Siddiqui graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In the ‘90s, she lived in the Boston area, and she moved back to Pakistan in 2002.

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0b6416  No.15384181


Federal Bureau of Inceptions

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212255  No.15384182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This nigger killed ubl just ask him

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5a609e  No.15384183


Aafia Siddiqui

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aafia Siddiqui

Born 2 March 1972 (age 49)

Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan

Nationality Pakistani[1][2]

Alma mater Massachusetts Institute of Technology (BS)

Brandeis University (PhD)

Height 5 ft 4 in (1.63 m)[3]

Board member of Institute of Islamic Research and Teaching (President)[4][5]

Criminal charge(s) Attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon

Criminal penalty Convicted; sentenced to 86 years in prison[6][7]

Criminal status Held in the FMC Carswell, Fort Worth, Texas, United States[6]

Spouse(s) Amjad Mohammed Khan

​(m. 1995; div. 2002)​

allegedly Ammar al-Baluchi, also known as Ali Abdul Aziz Ali (February 2003 – present)[8]

Children 3 including Mohammad Ahmed

Ambox current red Asia Australia.svg

This article may be affected by a current event. Information in this article may change rapidly as the event progresses. Initial news reports may be unreliable. The last updates to this article may not reflect the most current information. Please feel free to improve this article (but note that updates without valid and reliable references will be removed) or discuss changes on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

Aafia Siddiqui (Urdu: ; born 2 March 1972) is a Pakistani neuroscientist who was convicted of multiple felonies. She is serving an 86-year sentence at the Federal Medical Center, Carswell in Fort Worth, Texas.[9]

Siddiqui was born in Pakistan to a Sunni Muslim family.[3] For a period from 1990, she studied in the United States and obtained a PhD in neuroscience from Brandeis University in 2001.[10] She returned to Pakistan for a time following the 9/11 attacks and again in 2003 during the war in Afghanistan. Khalid Sheikh Muhammad named her a courier and financier for Al-Qaeda, and she was placed on the FBI Seeking Information – Terrorism list; she remains the only woman to have been featured on the list.[11][12][13] Around this time, she and her three children were allegedly kidnapped in Pakistan.[11]

Five years later, she reappeared in Ghazni, Afghanistan, and was arrested by Afghan police and held for questioning by the FBI. While in custody, Siddiqui allegedly told the FBI she had gone into hiding but later disavowed her testimony and stated she had been abducted and imprisoned. Supporters believe she was held captive at Bagram Air Force Base as a ghost prisoner, charges the US government denies.

During the second day in custody, she allegedly shot at visiting U.S. FBI and Army personnel with an M4 carbine one of the interrogators had placed on the floor by his feet. She was shot in the torso when a warrant officer returned fire. She was hospitalized, treated and then extradited to the US, where in September 2008 she was indicted on charges of assault and attempted murder of a US soldier in the police station in Ghazni, charges she denied. She was convicted on 3 February 2010 and later sentenced to 86 years in prison.

Her case has been called a "flashpoint of Pakistani-American tensions",[14] and "one of the most mysterious in a secret war dense with mysteries".[15] In Pakistan her arrest and conviction was seen by the public as an "attack on Islam and Muslims", and occasioned large protests throughout the country;[16] while in the US, she was considered by some to be especially dangerous as "one of the few alleged Al Qaeda associates with the ability to move about the United States undetected, and the scientific expertise to carry out a sophisticated attack".[11] She has been termed "Lady al-Qaeda" by a number of media organizations due to her alleged affiliation with Islamists.[17][18][19] Pakistani news media called the trial a "farce",[16] while other Pakistanis labeled this reaction "knee-jerk Pakistani nationalism". The Pakistani Prime Minister at that time, Yousaf Raza Gillani, and opposition leader Nawaz Sharif, promised to push for her release.[16]



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7a8941  No.15384184


Financial ruin to a royal family cabal member means only keeping the 75' yacht and only 5 vacation houses in various countries.

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8e6cca  No.15384185

File: 443886552062522⋯.png (442.43 KB, 600x1355, 120:271, satanic.png)


'satanic distractions' to 'move it along'

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733be7  No.15384186

File: 3cfb4b3042ccbc8⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1470x904, 735:452, mail_in_vote_duh.png)

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e2e1d4  No.15384187


>Maybe they should have spent less time on January 6th and more time on Islamic terrorism.

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a0f9d0  No.15384188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

We like to party.

It's a Curse and a Gift.

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da25b5  No.15384189

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ee96be  No.15384190

File: 1b47f514acb2094⋯.png (1.21 MB, 1020x999, 340:333, ClipboardImage.png)

DAN (retweet)

Livestream | 1/15/22 | 9:00pmE



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16235d  No.15384191


I thought Pandemic is only in the afternoon.

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907ab3  No.15384192

Looked at the numbers watching, while gathering these links and over 100,000 so far!!

President Donald J. Trump Rally in Florence, Arizona 2022 Links

Donald J. Trump Offfical Channel Rumble


Right Side Broadcasting Network Rumble


Right Side Broadcasting Network Youtube


The Desk Of Donald Trump Rumble


Real Americas Voice Rumble


Patriot News Outlet Live Rumble


Donald J. Trump Offfical Channel Rumble


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328134  No.15384193

File: 5ebc7d33b4cf986⋯.jpg (146.09 KB, 900x865, 180:173, glowniggers.jpg)


>actively deleting and shitting on clockfag posts

>deleting posts from OSS warning of a FF which was in 3 delta Qdrops and an il Donaldo tweet from yesterday in secret. Deleting posts after bread was locked then re-opening and getting anons to back fill like nothing happened.

>no mention of a possible FF in any notables from yesterday

comms is absolutely fucked now

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112fbf  No.15384194

File: eab673ad304065b⋯.jpg (45.58 KB, 349x262, 349:262, pentagon.jpg)


the black house

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046959  No.15384195

File: f35914b90ec6340⋯.jpeg (1.8 MB, 1536x1861, 1536:1861, 049A1CDE_1F55_4B8E_AF4F_9….jpeg)


Yup, lmfao!

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3757f8  No.15384196

File: cbbe6ef10da0c33⋯.jpg (28.03 KB, 348x242, 174:121, 20211220_120831.jpg)

And the word was made flesh

And dwelt among us

6. 12. 6.

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907ab3  No.15384197

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ee96be  No.15384198

File: c3ee873c69e7607⋯.jpg (104.78 KB, 655x527, 655:527, pepe_super_charged_researc….jpg)


…Have we ever considered the tweet post number as a means of comms?

Everything has meaning yes?

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8e6cca  No.15384199


that place could also be called 'camp' (((david)))

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aaebc8  No.15384200

File: b1bbaa5b7cb1686⋯.png (1.57 MB, 856x1500, 214:375, gitmo_jumpsuit_for_schifft….png)

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acf88c  No.15384201

File: b3ac6d8c6ec3d8a⋯.png (190.98 KB, 298x399, 298:399, ClipboardImage.png)


Arab media channel @AlHadath releases the photo of Texas synagogue gunman holding Jews hostage right now in Colleyville, Texas synagogue.

The FBI and local police are going into hour 5 of negotiations with the man.

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b0c12f  No.15384202

File: 4cd46aa29086edb⋯.jpg (12.49 KB, 474x248, 237:124, Dragon.jpg)

File: ac9f63061414e58⋯.jpg (62.83 KB, 500x420, 25:21, download_36_.jpg)

File: e1af1a8da87c0a7⋯.jpg (53.95 KB, 474x401, 474:401, statue.jpg)



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0b6416  No.15384203

File: 4025e47cf091c0f⋯.png (150.54 KB, 598x592, 299:296, Screenshot_2022_01_15_at_2….png)

Explosive volcano eruption is heard across Tonga before SECOND tsunami smashes into the Pacific island





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a0f9d0  No.15384204

File: c85cfcd6c4889a9⋯.png (149.44 KB, 456x329, 456:329, ClipboardImage.png)

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b69a3a  No.15384205


Do you know where you are? This place was created because of riddles kek

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8f871d  No.15384206

File: 9f5de86aaf5607f⋯.png (251.32 KB, 552x414, 4:3, a642b102f3562d3e3dd98912e5….png)

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12d27a  No.15384207


What if the "royal family" are all actors?

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4a73d3  No.15384208

File: 06262956a246097⋯.jpeg (191.57 KB, 1500x1000, 3:2, clockboy.jpeg)

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730e06  No.15384209


No. In five years of doing this, it literally never occurred to anyone. Great thinking, Anon.

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212255  No.15384210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Do you really think you could ever serve as a diplomat without adress this shit head on?

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0b6416  No.15384211

File: a2f59b6fa84edda⋯.png (438.55 KB, 685x685, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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eaa4bb  No.15384212

File: 7db36fc9329c771⋯.png (415.79 KB, 474x669, 158:223, ClipboardImage.png)


soon we will hear that the FBI had some sort of recent contact wit the Islamic Terrorist that's holding the Rabbi and 3 others hostage. Just like the FBI has had contact with every other shooter since GEOTUS was elected in 2016.

It's a very simple pattern to recognize.

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212255  No.15384213

I promise you can't.

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907ab3  No.15384214


Was looking at the wrong numbers, please disregard the 100,000 statement, ty

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328134  No.15384215



"Our" and "Beautiful" seem out of place though it does reflect how Trump speaks.

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9075ab  No.15384216

File: ad623c2f73c5821⋯.jpeg (958.31 KB, 1170x769, 1170:769, ad623c2f73c582117d69012d0….jpeg)

>>15383699 (OP)

>>15383728 Dough

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19459: All Orange Everything Edition

>>15383743, >>15383768, >>15383796, >>15383813, >>15383815, >>15383831, >>15383863, >>15383872, >>15383934, >>15383953, >>15384024, >>15384082, >>15384099, >>15384129, >>15384159, >>15384171, >>15384183, >>15384201 Alleged Pakistani Sibling to Aaifa Siddiqui, Mohammed, a Pediatrician, Demands her release and last reported held Beth Israel Congregation Hostage until subdued or captured. - Various

>>15383802, >>15383828, >>15383898, >>15383921, >>15383970, >>15383995, >>15384001, >>15384053, >>15384075, >>15384058, >>15384068, >>15384102, >>15384111, >>15384190, >>15384192, Rally Hype! - Images, Video, Various

>>15383825, >>15383911, >>15384036, >>15384040, >>15384116, >>15384133 Gain of Fauci Files: Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic and COVID RELATED - Zerohedge

>>15383833, >>15383835, >>15383944, >>15383963, Virginia’s New GOP Governor Ends Vaccine Mandate for State Employees, Mask Mandates in Schools, Leads a Prayer and VIRGINIA RELATED - Image, Twitter, NTD News

>>15383847 Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman says he has tested positive for COVID-19 and will self-isolate but continue working from home. "I feel good and will isolate in the next few days," Lieberman said on Twitter. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tested positive on Monday. On January 10, Lieberman posted a photo of himself receiving a fourth COVID-19 vaccination dose. - Canberra Times

>>15383902 North Carolina Braces for ‘Dangerous’ Winter Storm - The Epoch Times

>>15383908 30+ Tsunami Buoys still in event mode - NBDC.NOAA

>>15383964 Thousands of anti-vaxx protesters take to the street in Sydney to rally against jabs for kids - Daily Mail

>>15383979 Google Executive in Charge of ‘Tackling Disinformation’ Becomes DHS Senior Leader ~ Former senior advisor to ICE director calls the appointment 'suspect' - The Epoch Times

>>15383993 Democrats Moving Away From Lockdown Restrictions Over Fears Of Being Crushed Politically - Zerohedge

>>15384005 "Leaked Military Documents Suggest DARPA Created the Virus to Achieve TOTAL SURVEILLANCE State" - Bitchute

>>15384007 Denial Of Natural Immunity In CMS Vaccine Mandate "Unprecedented In Modern History": Scott Atlas - Zerohedge

>>15384071, >>15384123 Prince Andrew fears ‘complete financial ruin’ as legal costs mount: report And Other Royal Woes - Page Six

>>15384081 The destruction of trust in our institutions | James Lindsay joins Ezra Levant - Rebel News Plus, You Tube

>>15384141, >>15384147 White House In FLORIDA? xD - Video

>>15384146 Now what in the world would CNN give two sh!ts about the Pence bunny? Follow the White Rabbit. There were books written about the bunny Marlon Bundo by Charlotte Pence and illustrated by her mother, Karen Pence. There may be comms in those books. Godfather III maybe? Pence family's bunny Marlon Bundo dies - CNN

>>15384149 PF Reports

>>15384203 Explosive volcano eruption is heard across Tonga before SECOND tsunami smashes into the Pacific island - Mail Online


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764419  No.15384217

File: e261859c777e72e⋯.jpg (42.81 KB, 640x426, 320:213, cat_plane.jpg)

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1df1b3  No.15384218



Hussein couch guy?

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5adf19  No.15384219


Bc there's a new BO (supposedly. Not throwing shade, just have no way to confirm) andsome anons were asking about TC's, access to them, etc.

Why are you callig your wife "wifey"? gross.

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da25b5  No.15384220


Where do we find that at?

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c6bfa8  No.15384221

Bitchute embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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4ccd3a  No.15384222

File: 330121d40c3ea1f⋯.png (468.59 KB, 406x802, 203:401, ClipboardImage.png)

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0ed06e  No.15384223



You set your limits.

You comfy waiting for a traitor to tell you take the vaxx.

Imagine off world one telling you how great you are, and on the right track.

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0b6416  No.15384224

File: ce043856973cb3f⋯.png (401.29 KB, 598x594, 299:297, ClipboardImage.png)



Hell's Bottom.


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eaa4bb  No.15384225


>tweet post number

WTF is a tweet post number?

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ee96be  No.15384226

File: 292b5679523b73c⋯.png (309.37 KB, 893x380, 47:20, ClipboardImage.png)



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c6bfa8  No.15384227



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21ddbb  No.15384228

File: f21da56f7f496ea⋯.jpg (19.34 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 9b415828318ff3568a6e2055aa….jpg)

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5bfff4  No.15384229


they say SECOND tsunami, yet the entire article is full of yesterdays information.

Dubious re: SECOND

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eeedaf  No.15384230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Bird is the Word


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2d43ae  No.15384231


He almost akways mentions her, and remember its in the news she’s considering running again, and Papi said “don’t discourage her from running again”, so its a sure bet she’ll be mentioned mockingly

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f06318  No.15384232

File: bf19bbdd790d6fb⋯.png (718.5 KB, 1042x1078, 521:539, 1642286596442.png)

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764419  No.15384233

File: c6c16881fcaf59e⋯.png (48.07 KB, 893x531, 893:531, pentagon_began_911.png)

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acf88c  No.15384234

File: 429dfcfad166529⋯.mp4 (1.57 MB, 320x320, 1:1, Biden_talking_about_brain_….mp4)



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12d27a  No.15384235


Yeah interesting the attack is at a synagogue when OSS banned people for not hating jews and said it's time to "gas them", and oss was the one "warning" an attack was coming after getting the boot?

Yeah somebodies fucked alright.

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5bfff4  No.15384236


crossed my mind as I hit REPLY kek

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212255  No.15384237

File: 971d463b8c11dbf⋯.jpg (799.37 KB, 1080x2400, 9:20, Screenshot_20220115_170642….jpg)



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ee96be  No.15384238

File: be85b0014cd4ec1⋯.png (12.91 KB, 619x131, 619:131, ClipboardImage.png)

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8f871d  No.15384239

File: fdd1e7d376f0e85⋯.png (37.5 KB, 1122x215, 1122:215, mad_dr.png)

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0b6416  No.15384240


I missed it

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a0f9d0  No.15384241

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You give me everything thing I need

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212255  No.15384242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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907ab3  No.15384243


That is very Australian and sweet, always throw y at the end of any word and it automatically becomes lovely.

These people are stupid

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ebe6b0  No.15384244

File: 32a052d569f1c82⋯.png (193.18 KB, 746x503, 746:503, scavinoRallyQ.png)

File: 91c004da85ef573⋯.png (3.32 MB, 2048x716, 512:179, af1_rally.png)

File: 01363b0cef9587f⋯.png (196.36 KB, 549x500, 549:500, bidenHarrisRally.png)


>Happy Rally Day

love rally days

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a743f3  No.15384245


Dims/DS employ that tactic. Anons know what has gone on. And the internet is forever

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2d43ae  No.15384246


You guys are wacky and strange, thats why i love it here

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d29434  No.15384247


It's what they were made for.

Boobies, noice pic. All Natural, wouldn't have shown her face though.

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0ed06e  No.15384248



Just kiddin'……

You're stoopid.

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acf88c  No.15384249


>Aafia Siddiqui


ISIS have offered to trade her for prisoners on two occasions: once for James Foley and once for Kayla Mueller.

During the second day in custody, she allegedly shot at visiting U.S. FBI and Army personnel with an M4 carbine one of the interrogators had placed on the floor by his feet. She was shot in the torso when a warrant officer returned fire. She was hospitalized, treated and then extradited to the US, where in September 2008 she was indicted on charges of assault and attempted murder of a US soldier in the police station in Ghazni, charges she denied. She was convicted on 3 February 2010 and later sentenced to 86 years in prison, despite her defense noting that the nine government witnesses offered conflicting accounts of how many people were in the room, where they were positioned and how many shots were fired.

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a888f8  No.15384250

File: 5ece26795e2e869⋯.jpeg (121.6 KB, 960x720, 4:3, CE5258FC_1442_4B66_83D4_6….jpeg)

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046959  No.15384251

File: 57d6e62d21ca2c6⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 2048x1241, 2048:1241, D91E939A_FE9A_4207_B892_6….jpeg)

File: a24121e28a9beda⋯.jpeg (371.42 KB, 1295x1226, 1295:1226, 2A4D03BB_7234_4CFC_B302_7….jpeg)

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5bfff4  No.15384252

File: db9ac1cc87c753c⋯.png (81.72 KB, 348x202, 174:101, ClipboardImage.png)


not really laughing is she…

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4cd313  No.15384253

File: 82dbe902e75726f⋯.jpeg (92.48 KB, 750x757, 750:757, 7639F36A_089C_4788_BFE0_5….jpeg)

“In Pakistan, the response to her verdict and sentencing brought the predictable mass protests, burning of American flags and effigies of Obama and calls for Pakistan to repatriate Dr. Siddiqui. They know who the real criminals are and who should be in prison for life! At present, Hilary’s state department harps on about ‘soft power’ and diplomacy, but what better way to quell US distrust in the Muslim world than to try such cases with due diligence and integrity.

In the US, not many people know about this case. Obviously many people were Hope-notized by the millions of dollars poured into the Obama PR machine – and believed when he said that his administration would be more transparent and lawful than the outlaws of the Bush era.”


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8f871d  No.15384254

File: 1c9acd90d1de7bc⋯.png (75.27 KB, 865x879, 865:879, dr_dipshit.png)




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907ab3  No.15384255

File: a5ae25ce679bd15⋯.png (288.2 KB, 527x478, 527:478, af106c0a9eac2f608ef6d2d054….png)


KEK, the last one

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3757f8  No.15384256



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b8ad8e  No.15384257

File: 950be1b85317d3e⋯.jpg (147.99 KB, 1024x578, 512:289, 1024px_The_President_s_Hou….jpg)

File: 4952e4faa9ff6b7⋯.jpg (93.83 KB, 1200x564, 100:47, EZPahU_UcAEFYUd.jpg)

File: 5fb7ca05e076fd6⋯.jpg (231.59 KB, 1170x587, 1170:587, WASHINGTONCROSSING1.jpg)



>where is the 'black house'?

Maybe it should be when is the 'black house'?


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12d27a  No.15384258


Q told you multiple meanings, and yes what BV said is saved. We were told to save everything offline.

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da25b5  No.15384259


Okay, thank you, anon!

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cb6ed5  No.15384260

File: 9a45023866db296⋯.png (320.88 KB, 678x504, 113:84, Skin_scales.png)


They just have a bad case of green fungus eczema

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ad24d8  No.15384261

File: 86276d073ceaf8c⋯.png (118.6 KB, 1695x247, 1695:247, BVpost.PNG)


nothing to see here

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eaa4bb  No.15384262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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0ed06e  No.15384263



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3757f8  No.15384264



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764419  No.15384265

File: 149ff30bb5e7b7c⋯.png (1001.38 KB, 944x964, 236:241, bunny.png)

Pence family bunny Marlon Bundo dies

Published: Jan. 15, 2022 at 4:30 PM EST

(CNN) - Marlon Bundo, the beloved pet rabbit of former Vice President Mike Pence’s family, has died.

Charlotte Pence, the vice president’s daughter, made the announcement on Instagram Saturday, writing, “Rest in sweet peace, little bunny.”

The Pence family pet made the unusual journey from Craigslist to the Naval Observatory, inspiring multiple children’s books.

The books were written by Charlotte Pence, the vice president’s daughter and illustrated by second lady Karen Pence.

All proceeds went to charity, and there was also even a parody book by John Oliver that also became a hit.

Pundits nicknamed the rabbit “BOTUS” for Bunny of the United States.

Copyright 2022 CNN Newsource. All rights reserved.


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4c8241  No.15384266

File: f704455a1ae8d96⋯.png (174.83 KB, 362x252, 181:126, orange_you_glad.png)

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a888f8  No.15384267


Bunny comms incoming!

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6d6f75  No.15384268


A neuroscientist?


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212255  No.15384269

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328134  No.15384270

File: 99ea84fe7f5e3ff⋯.png (13.87 KB, 767x73, 767:73, Screenshot_2022_01_13_9_37….png)

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8e6cca  No.15384271


'takes a moment'

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acf88c  No.15384272


Back when a song's lyrics had meaning.


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a0f9d0  No.15384273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


We Built this Movement on Rock & Roll

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0ed06e  No.15384274


Take a dump.

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cbe27d  No.15384275

File: 98b106eec68342b⋯.png (261.46 KB, 306x462, 51:77, dove.png)

File: d6092d2f94369e2⋯.png (754.1 KB, 1013x469, 1013:469, dove_1.png)



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907ab3  No.15384276


>>15384190, >>15384226 Dan Scavino rumble link vsky8v Coincidence?

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b24598  No.15384277

Andy McCabe on CNN

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f76a89  No.15384278

File: f37ecf80354cc22⋯.jpg (290.01 KB, 800x600, 4:3, protect_the_children.jpg)

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8e6cca  No.15384279

File: a8517137a622025⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 534x667, 534:667, anubisstatuemet.jpg)

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5adf19  No.15384280

File: c2548765ce4dbad⋯.jpeg (6.24 KB, 200x200, 1:1, KhanSiddiqui.jpeg)



Who is this guy?

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ddc3f5  No.15384281

File: fa7b5193ebc6100⋯.png (262.68 KB, 617x474, 617:474, fauci_orc.png)


When's the rally?

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ebe6b0  No.15384282

File: 27a8fe1dfbf76bb⋯.jpg (128.16 KB, 1024x856, 128:107, His_Royal_KeknessO.jpg)


>KEK, the last one

top kek

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a888f8  No.15384283


Man I bet that’s exhilarating!

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4a73d3  No.15384284

File: e64fcf01e9922dd⋯.jpg (85.64 KB, 780x438, 130:73, charlottepence.jpg)

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f06318  No.15384285

File: 6f31760a267eda0⋯.jpg (106.44 KB, 600x477, 200:159, Leslie_Groves_TS_KEK_.jpg)



Leslie Groves handed America to the Jews, when he gave Oppenheimer INTERNAL SECURITY while he maintained EXTERNAL SECURITY for Top Secret Programs. Then they brought in the Nazis to be ran by Jews to create the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX aka DEEP STATE.

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eaa4bb  No.15384286


Pigeons are cool.

Baker is cool too.

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acf88c  No.15384287

File: 20882cd616bdce5⋯.mp4 (477.92 KB, 720x396, 20:11, letsgobrandon.mp4)

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ee96be  No.15384288

File: 0d658b8a21351bc⋯.png (268.51 KB, 925x886, 925:886, pepe_beer_cigs.png)


I dunno if that's notable


Just thinking out loud

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56ac0f  No.15384289

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


32,699 watching now

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63c660  No.15384290

File: bade3dd59950b44⋯.png (302.82 KB, 640x360, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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ddc3f5  No.15384291

File: 222597f316c517a⋯.jpg (60.78 KB, 615x932, 615:932, celebrity_salami.jpg)




autocorrect tries macabre

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5bfff4  No.15384292

File: b847298a8dc6328⋯.jpg (130.4 KB, 606x549, 202:183, Don_Jr_Dan_Scavino_LGB_I_a….jpg)

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4c8241  No.15384293

File: f73bbbc50c6928e⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1080x1009, 1080:1009, bloodsuckers.png)

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0ed06e  No.15384294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


like this????????????????

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b371f9  No.15384295


>muh Jim called me a faggot and told me to fuck off



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da25b5  No.15384296

File: 017a753d59688a0⋯.png (277.23 KB, 552x390, 92:65, Screen_Shot_01_15_22_at_06….PNG)

Dan's tweet from earlier….

45 in tweet and Vid Length :35

4+5+3+5 = 17


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8e6cca  No.15384297

File: 561e6fb95e17f84⋯.jpg (34.29 KB, 426x287, 426:287, kensington.JPG)

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8f871d  No.15384298

File: e574414d8c2dde5⋯.png (347.61 KB, 390x543, 130:181, pepe.png)



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112fbf  No.15384299


> in custody, she allegedly shot at visiting U.S. FBI and Army personnel with an M4 carbine one of the interrogators had placed on the floor by his feet.

Sounds about as believable as the 20yo guy being interrogated by 5 FBI agents after the Boston Marathon bombing.Claimed the dude overpowered them and grabbed one of their guns, so they had to shoot(kill) him

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d29434  No.15384300

Prayer starts in 45min

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5bfff4  No.15384301


what game is the from?

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acf88c  No.15384302

File: 674bbaa32b17fea⋯.mp4 (7.73 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, NEW_Greta_Thunberg_says_bl….mp4)

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8e6cca  No.15384303


'gain-of-fauci' is just loss for humanity

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ebe6b0  No.15384304

File: 2dd6852e49fe083⋯.png (974.18 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_01_15….png)

File: 0ece56c27584a5b⋯.jpeg (60.06 KB, 526x334, 263:167, watermark1.jpeg)



"currency grade ballots"

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12f85e  No.15384305


links for watching MAGAA RALLY


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e1e6b8  No.15384306


They were aware. Terror clown used and fbi clowns helped.

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cbe27d  No.15384307

File: bd6de16fd13de44⋯.png (158.67 KB, 663x330, 221:110, ride_off.png)

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ddc3f5  No.15384308


>We Built this City on Rock & Roll

They got the idea from My Dinner with Andre I believe.

New York - the new concentration camp - where the people are schizophrenically caught between being an inmate and being their own warden, unable to leave

Run, get out while you can: 1981

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acf88c  No.15384309

File: fed64079cdd2408⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, UK_Prime_Minister_Boris_Jo….mp4)

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b371f9  No.15384310

File: b9f3dd95b4053c6⋯.jpeg (350.47 KB, 750x778, 375:389, 08BF36C0_96F6_46D4_9DD6_E….jpeg)

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2d43ae  No.15384311

N GA got a lot of planes snd helos today, i hear them but cant see any of them. Really cloudy but very strange day again

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3757f8  No.15384312

File: 158ba50cb5735ef⋯.mp4 (2.6 MB, 848x464, 53:29, Ron_Watkins_CodeMonkeyZ_Te….mp4)

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328134  No.15384313

File: f3d75dfe4f8f4f3⋯.png (3.27 MB, 960x1280, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


Pray for us O Holy Mother of God

That we may be made worthy of the Promises of Christ

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0ed06e  No.15384314

File: 9ba7d2bd294668c⋯.mp4 (2.54 MB, 480x852, 40:71, Greta.mp4)

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acf88c  No.15384315

File: ce373030d61fdce⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Build_back_better_the_slog….mp4)

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dbc269  No.15384316

File: 4d9c81ea105aea2⋯.png (353.6 KB, 354x340, 177:170, capture_7419_15012022_1236….png)

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dc3360  No.15384317


is she malfunctioning?

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764419  No.15384318

File: 246483043694177⋯.png (415.19 KB, 826x959, 118:137, aa.png)


Several explosions and reports of gunshots in 3 cities of #Iran.

6:05 PM · Jan 15, 2022·Twitter for Android


Source Of Explosions, Gun Fire Heard In Western Iran Unclear

38 minutes ago



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ebe6b0  No.15384319

File: 9ba9986b276ce77⋯.png (3.85 MB, 2261x1540, 323:220, brandonIagreeFuckmeMemeMag….png)

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da25b5  No.15384320


This song right here.

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0b6416  No.15384321

File: 19d751201e88838⋯.png (285.56 KB, 392x490, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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3c6643  No.15384322

File: 8872cb33ae53dbd⋯.png (714.97 KB, 741x628, 741:628, Pepeinhand.png)

A prayer is never early, a prayer is never late; a wizard prays precisely when Our Almighty Father intends him to, and so…

Our Father who art in Heaven, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day, our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory,

Forever and ever,

Amen. Amen. Amen

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4c8241  No.15384323

File: d174265000c3e9c⋯.png (184.76 KB, 696x312, 29:13, crimes_.png)

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4c3d1d  No.15384324

File: 5257b38356906d8⋯.jpg (142.48 KB, 765x656, 765:656, johngbennettc1.jpg)

File: b4e82cfafc4acea⋯.png (141.02 KB, 1008x685, 1008:685, Beelzebubspg1076_Tales_f.png)

File: f38ee65a23b5f3b⋯.png (128.17 KB, 1018x666, 509:333, Beelzebubspg1077_Tales_f.png)

File: 1bd8ea802236420⋯.png (95.98 KB, 1051x576, 1051:576, Beelzebubspg1077b_f.png)

File: 9faf29b2f715cc1⋯.png (116.32 KB, 1077x609, 359:203, Beelzebubspg1078.png)


in Gurdjieff's book 'Beelzebub's Tales to his Grandson" at the very end of the book, the climax,~? there a description of a ritual where everyone bows to a Horned Deity.

John Godolphin Bennett

Sometimes spelled Benet

or Bennet ; he was a spy, after all?



JonBenet // John Benet



Just sayn' doesn't he look like a wizard?

mom used to say

walks like a duck , quacks like a … ?

he was an occultist, no doubt of that

And promoted cults along with his other tasks for the Empire.

is it likely Tolkien knew of him?

He was known to torture "the Natives" in Turkey, when he was stationed there, by several accounts.

Here's the Book online

I found the part about bowing down to the horned diety; who is represented as in fact an "angel" who got into trouble. And is of a different species of being as compared to the humans. The narrator calls the human "your friends" 'those you are interested in learning about? Since the tourist is from another world

"Beelzebub's Tales…"

https://www.holybooks.com/wp-content/uploads/Beelzebubs-Tales-to-His-Grandson-by-G-I-Gurdjieff.pdf <====

free download

It's been too many years since i read this book and I now remember after going over the horn ceremony at the end of the story (almost end 90% finished for more) I remembered the premise.

There's some alien being, from another world involved. He arrives and has to have our world explained to him. So the "Y Head' explanation is in the context of a traveler from another world being told "This is what the insane beings on this planet do"

there were also so choice bits I just saw describing the difference between "Aristocrats" and "Democrats"

Very funny. I ''l post it after this

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c6bfa8  No.15384325

File: b0622352d8bc545⋯.jpg (176.51 KB, 750x748, 375:374, Youngkin_s_first_day.jpg)

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12f85e  No.15384326

File: b4a1881de5493c4⋯.png (980.4 KB, 1201x739, 1201:739, 7pmESTdailyUAPS.png)


more meaningful every day

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cbe27d  No.15384327

File: 39a4619e8bf6643⋯.png (301.83 KB, 615x530, 123:106, card.png)


This US-bound Haitian in Tapachula, Mexico complains that the UN failed to make its January payment to him and now his UN debit card is empty…

11:51 AM · Jan 14, 2022

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12d27a  No.15384328


Jesus told you among those born to women there is none greater than John. She's not Gods mother. You've been lied to.

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a7144c  No.15384329

File: 42f9d299ede8742⋯.png (28.79 KB, 220x165, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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acf88c  No.15384330

File: 257cdd0aa9a07df⋯.mp4 (1.13 MB, 304x224, 19:14, DeliberateEvil.mp4)

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4c8241  No.15384331

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212255  No.15384332

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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907ab3  No.15384333


Its a notable, you've got it the wrong way round, bud

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5ce3c6  No.15384334


i had no clue they did that joke so many times.

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3757f8  No.15384335

Hello Pakistan

Yeah can you keep your distraction going til about 10?

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f4ebf7  No.15384336


“Way to go LARRY!”

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4c8241  No.15384337

File: cd512dc3420423c⋯.png (459.44 KB, 490x842, 245:421, prayer_storm_new_1.png)


more powerful too

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5ce3c6  No.15384338


so the UN is paying these fucks to storm the US> seems that they have over stayed their welcome and need to be kicked the fuck out of NYC.

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408dbc  No.15384339

File: d34813db55bf0e6⋯.jpeg (202.76 KB, 737x745, 737:745, EDBBE190_29DD_4F8B_A0EF_2….jpeg)

Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-VA) was sworn into office

& immediately signed executive orders

✔️Overturning mask mandate for public schools

✔️Ending critical race theory

✔️Rescinding vaccine mandate for state employees

✔️Investigating Loudoun County

✔️Combating human trafficking


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9075ab  No.15384340

File: e15321e1a05acb2⋯.jpg (147.36 KB, 750x759, 250:253, AmericaTheBeautiful.jpg)

>>15383699 (OP)

>>15383728 Dough

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19459: All Orange Everything Edition

>>15383743, >>15383768, >>15383796, >>15383813, >>15383815, >>15383831, >>15383863, >>15383872, >>15383934, >>15383953, >>15384024, >>15384082, >>15384099, >>15384129, >>15384159, >>15384171, >>15384183, >>15384201, >>15384253, >>15384254 Alleged Pakistani Sibling to Aaifa Siddiqui, Mohammed, a Pediatrician, Demands her release and last reported held Beth Israel Congregation Hostage until subdued or captured. - Various

>>15383802, >>15383828, >>15383898, >>15383921, >>15383970, >>15383995, >>15384001, >>15384053, >>15384075, >>15384058, >>15384068, >>15384102, >>15384111, >>15384190,) >>15384192, >>15384244, Rally Hype! - Images, Video, Various

>>15383825, >>15383911, >>15384036, >>15384040, >>15384116, >>15384133 Gain of Fauci Files: Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic and COVID RELATED - Zerohedge

>>15383833, >>15383835, >>15383944, >>15383963, >>15384325, Virginia’s New GOP Governor Ends Vaccine Mandate for State Employees, Mask Mandates in Schools, Leads a Prayer and VIRGINIA RELATED - Image, Twitter, NTD News

>>15383847 Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman says he has tested positive for COVID-19 and will self-isolate but continue working from home. "I feel good and will isolate in the next few days," Lieberman said on Twitter. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tested positive on Monday. On January 10, Lieberman posted a photo of himself receiving a fourth COVID-19 vaccination dose. - Canberra Times

>>15383902 North Carolina Braces for ‘Dangerous’ Winter Storm - The Epoch Times

>>15383908 30+ Tsunami Buoys still in event mode - NBDC.NOAA

>>15383964 Thousands of anti-vaxx protesters take to the street in Sydney to rally against jabs for kids - Daily Mail

>>15383979 Google Executive in Charge of ‘Tackling Disinformation’ Becomes DHS Senior Leader ~ Former senior advisor to ICE director calls the appointment 'suspect' - The Epoch Times

>>15383993 Democrats Moving Away From Lockdown Restrictions Over Fears Of Being Crushed Politically - Zerohedge

>>15384005 "Leaked Military Documents Suggest DARPA Created the Virus to Achieve TOTAL SURVEILLANCE State" - Bitchute

>>15384007 Denial Of Natural Immunity In CMS Vaccine Mandate "Unprecedented In Modern History": Scott Atlas - Zerohedge

>>15384071, >>15384123 Prince Andrew fears ‘complete financial ruin’ as legal costs mount: report And Other Royal Woes - Page Six

>>15384081 The destruction of trust in our institutions | James Lindsay joins Ezra Levant - Rebel News Plus, You Tube

>>15384141, >>15384147, >>15384224, >>15384257, >>15384312 White House In FLORIDA? xD - Video

>>15384146, >>15384265 Now what in the world would CNN give two sh!ts about the Pence bunny? Follow the White Rabbit. There were books written about the bunny Marlon Bundo by Charlotte Pence and illustrated by her mother, Karen Pence. There may be comms in those books. Godfather III maybe? Pence family's bunny Marlon Bundo dies - CNN

>>15384149, >>15384217 PF Reports

>>15384190, >>15384226, >>15384296 Dan "Glitch" Scavino rumble link vsky8v Coincidence? - D.Scavino, twitter

>>15384203 Explosive volcano eruption is heard across Tonga before SECOND tsunami smashes into the Pacific island - Mail Online

>>15384224, >>15384257 USNI Knows anyone can do this.

>>15384318 Gunfire and Explosions heard in 3 cities across Iran - Alert Channel, Iran Intl, Twitter

>>15384327 This US-bound Haitian in Tapachula, Mexico complains that the UN failed to make its January payment to him and now his UN debit card is empty… - Video, Twitter


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212255  No.15384341

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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a9f51f  No.15384342

File: 2c73e33539a92be⋯.png (1.22 MB, 978x1026, 163:171, ro.png)

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0ed06e  No.15384343

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You won the bread comm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ad24d8  No.15384344

File: 4a52df537b0151b⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 568x335, 568:335, hryk.jpg)

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4c3d1d  No.15384345

File: 70a65c499a862b3⋯.png (92.72 KB, 1041x561, 347:187, Beelzebubspg1079.png)

File: e6cff3567ec4c4c⋯.png (112.73 KB, 1018x604, 509:302, Beelzebubspg1080f.png)

File: 97b49b2fb54991b⋯.jpg (481.89 KB, 1003x1600, 1003:1600, John_Godolphin_Bennett.jpg)

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b8ad8e  No.15384346

File: c2c610621363276⋯.png (2.16 MB, 1853x1419, 1853:1419, DrFausti.png)

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a743f3  No.15384347



Sorry, dipshit. We know about comms from QAY the fuck back. It is all archived

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8b1cd3  No.15384348


Anon has had much air travel overhead, but not on radar. Planes, yes, helos-no.

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ddc3f5  No.15384349


>follow the white rabbit

wasn't this a thing before Q

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408dbc  No.15384350

File: abd629d3bce8fae⋯.jpeg (131.36 KB, 636x633, 212:211, 2152D7C3_8F63_48B4_B6D8_3….jpeg)



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a680c5  No.15384351

File: 99f45403b55bfc8⋯.png (410.19 KB, 526x526, 1:1, meme2.png)

Fucking normies

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8a0f44  No.15384352

File: e51ed1c561fcdb1⋯.jpg (346.58 KB, 1320x993, 440:331, Hanford_B_Reactor_Area_194….jpg)

Major Leslie Groves oversaw the day-to-day construction of the Pentagon. Major Groves was also put in charge of the Manhattan Project, which successfully developed the world’s first atomic bomb.


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907ab3  No.15384353


Bakes, can you do the rally links on their own?


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a0f9d0  No.15384354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I Am so High I can hear Forever

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63c660  No.15384355

File: ca010f659fc2f08⋯.gif (1.42 MB, 224x400, 14:25, gohome.gif)

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3757f8  No.15384356


'get a life'

John 45:20

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212255  No.15384357

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like this?

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5ce3c6  No.15384358


well they can enjoy the childhood diabetes and obesity also. Sucks but those kids wont make it to puberty.

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8a0f44  No.15384359


little one probably got that mask slapped back on his face- the gall of some kids

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8e6cca  No.15384360

File: 0442a57228dbc9b⋯.jpg (230.14 KB, 1125x750, 3:2, ukjews.jpg)

File: 505fab58c28d13c⋯.jpg (134.46 KB, 634x910, 317:455, jewdrew.jpg)

File: 7c0e6a831232a92⋯.jpg (20.3 KB, 159x374, 159:374, jewed.JPG)

File: 0ad87d58ea8bc10⋯.jpg (71.99 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, savilde.jpg)



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0ed06e  No.15384361

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm sniffing!!!!!!!!!!!

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eaa4bb  No.15384362

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c4ff70  No.15384363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a888f8  No.15384364


I’m as ready as I’m going to get. I hope it snows/sleets asshole deep to a giraffe, but it’ll probably just be a big nothingburger.

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ddc3f5  No.15384365


>✔️Investigating Loudoun County


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f06318  No.15384366

File: 9e1c05cbab61d35⋯.png (143.05 KB, 1080x722, 540:361, 1642289068379.png)

File: 54acedf22be2d1e⋯.png (380.57 KB, 665x997, 665:997, 1642287922246.png)


What about the AGA KHAN?

Leader of the Nizari Ismailis (Assassins)?

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94904b  No.15384367

File: 20c71be044b01e2⋯.jpg (356.39 KB, 1000x1214, 500:607, 36355107.jpg)

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112fbf  No.15384368

File: 716251a48e1809b⋯.jpg (66.71 KB, 720x810, 8:9, gaygoatgod.jpg)


>Prayer starts in 45min

And tonight's prayer is:

All powerful and gay goat overlord

please save our asses from bad orange man


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907ab3  No.15384369


fuck, those poor children, with parents like that

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3757f8  No.15384370


Filter this fool lest you fall with him

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acf88c  No.15384371

File: 6105545c0823132⋯.png (175.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


>get a life

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da25b5  No.15384372


Right! I'm ready!

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cbe27d  No.15384373

File: a45d5322a245922⋯.png (164.84 KB, 423x320, 423:320, while.png)


TeoAnon17, [15.01.22 17:52]

[ Video ]

Meanwhile on Fox News: "Satan is making a comeback and so is Hillary Clinton"🔥🔥🐸


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0cbd41  No.15384374

File: 825f39f5365eaf1⋯.mp4 (1.14 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, And_Here_I_Thought_The_Whi….mp4)



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212255  No.15384375



Both born retarded.

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5bfff4  No.15384376


he seems quite solid about that fact.

Not the dribbling lunacy we normally get

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6d6f75  No.15384377


8pm cst

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0b6416  No.15384378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Rally´s Playlist

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09a378  No.15384379


I think it says 'hopeless sheep'

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328134  No.15384380

File: 70c8626aee1761d⋯.png (50.28 KB, 1241x223, 1241:223, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9a5c04cab9e4d8a⋯.png (12.93 KB, 714x68, 21:2, ClipboardImage.png)


They use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times)

totally irrelevant chatter on the board with mostly two replies











>flooding the board during a FF

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b7ed0b  No.15384381

We Want Some BUTTS!



Why are George Soros, Bill Gates, Tony Fauci, Peter Daszak, Francis Collins, Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Big Pharma's fake Experimental immune system destroying mRNA Vax CEO's still free?

If the Republicans want to win in the midterms, they need to get off

their asses, grow a pair, use their brains and get a freaking backbone

and do it!

Fauci picked a fight with the wrong senator! ‘Moron’ publishes DC doc’s unredacted financial disclosures

U.S. Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS) has published Dr. Fauci’s unredacted financial records and is accusing him of being misleading when he claimed his financial disclosure forms were publicly available in Senate testimony.

Fauci’s financial disclosure documents were evidently not in the searchable database as other federal officials’ documents are. They can be requested from the National Institutes of Health which can refuse to provide them or delay handing them over. The disclosures are supposed to be available for review by the public and Fauci had insinuated that they were easily obtainable.

“Dr. Fauci lied to the American people. He is more concerned with being a media star and posing for the cover of magazines than he is being honest with the American people and holding China accountable for the COVID pandemic that has taken the lives of almost 850 thousand Americans,” Marshall remarked to Fox News Digital in a statement.

“Just like he has misled the American people about sending taxpayers dollars to Wuhan, China, to fund gain-of-function research, about masks, testing, and more, Dr. Fauci was completely dishonest about his financial disclosures being open to the public — it’s no wonder he is the least trusted bureaucrat in America,” the senator asserted.

“At the end of the day, Dr. Fauci must be held accountable to all Americans who have been suing and requesting for this information but don’t have the power of a Senate office to ask for it,” Marshall proclaimed.

Marshall’s office only received Fauci’s financial information after filing an Office of Government Ethics request with the National Institutes of Health (NIH). At that point, it was either release the documents or be guilty of an ethics violation and get exposed for blatant non-disclosure. To say that Fauci was being knowingly deceptive appears to be an understatement. Obtaining Fauci’s records from the NIH can take months.

For instance, the Center for Public Integrity submitted a request for Fauci’s financial disclosures to the NIH in May of 2020 but they did not receive the information until August. When the organization did receive the documents under the Freedom of Information Act, they were partially redacted. Again, transparency is an issue it would seem with Fauci.

OpenTheBooks.org is suing the NIH for the full disclosure of Fauci’s financial records.

When Marshall pointed out during a Senate hearing on Tuesday that Fauci’s financial disclosures were not publicly available online after the White House chief medical advisor claimed otherwise, Fauci lost his temper. A hot mic caught him calling the senator a “moron” and taking the Lord’s name in vain. He also called Marshall “so misinformed, it’s extraordinary.”


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ffc8b4  No.15384382

File: 53dcd86aaf8271f⋯.png (201.03 KB, 481x484, 481:484, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 28f3b023255d218⋯.mp4 (12.8 MB, 854x480, 427:240, az_audit_video_.mp4)

anon is on stand by, rally night are best nights.


az video

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e2e1d4  No.15384383

File: b941ff640767a1f⋯.jpg (392.4 KB, 1563x1238, 1563:1238, 3c1d5g.jpg)


how dare you…

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ddc3f5  No.15384384



=chinese fucking tires man.=

They are counterfeiting michelins.

Rubber goes rock solid below about 20F, zero fucking traction

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2d43ae  No.15384385


Strange day, really, every 10 minutes sometimes planes snd helis st the same time. Never saw them though

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212255  No.15384386

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you can't seel her, I'll buy.

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9075ab  No.15384387

>>15383699 (OP)

>>15383728 Dough

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19459: All Orange Everything Edition

>>15383743, >>15383768, >>15383796, >>15383813, >>15383815, >>15383831, >>15383863, >>15383872, >>15383934, >>15383953, >>15384024, >>15384082, >>15384099, >>15384129, >>15384159, >>15384171, >>15384183, >>15384201, >>15384253, >>15384254 Alleged Pakistani Sibling to Aaifa Siddiqui, Mohammed, a Pediatrician, Demands her release and last reported held Beth Israel Congregation Hostage until subdued or captured. - Various

>>15383802, >>15383828, >>15383898, >>15383921, >>15383970, >>15383995, >>15384001, >>15384053, >>15384075, >>15384058, >>15384068, >>15384102, >>15384111, >>15384190, >>15384244, Rally Hype! - Images, Video, Various

>>15383818, >>15384324, >>15384345 Been a while. There is a Horn Ritual connect to Barry The mentor of his Bio Dad, the cult leader was named John - Various

>>15383825, >>15383911, >>15384036, >>15384040, >>15384116, >>15384133 Gain of Fauci Files: Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic and COVID RELATED - Zerohedge

>>15383833, >>15383835, >>15383944, >>15383963, >>15384325, >>15384339, Virginia’s New GOP Governor Ends Vaccine Mandate for State Employees, Mask Mandates in Schools, Leads a Prayer and VIRGINIA RELATED - Image, Twitter, NTD News

>>15383847 Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman says he has tested positive for COVID-19 and will self-isolate but continue working from home. "I feel good and will isolate in the next few days," Lieberman said on Twitter. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tested positive on Monday. On January 10, Lieberman posted a photo of himself receiving a fourth COVID-19 vaccination dose. - Canberra Times

>>15383902, >>15384350 North Carolina Braces for ‘Dangerous’ Winter Storm - The Epoch Times

>>15383908 30+ Tsunami Buoys still in event mode - NBDC.NOAA

>>15383964 Thousands of anti-vaxx protesters take to the street in Sydney to rally against jabs for kids - Daily Mail

>>15383979 Google Executive in Charge of ‘Tackling Disinformation’ Becomes DHS Senior Leader ~ Former senior advisor to ICE director calls the appointment 'suspect' - The Epoch Times

>>15383993 Democrats Moving Away From Lockdown Restrictions Over Fears Of Being Crushed Politically - Zerohedge

>>15384005 "Leaked Military Documents Suggest DARPA Created the Virus to Achieve TOTAL SURVEILLANCE State" - Bitchute

>>15384007 Denial Of Natural Immunity In CMS Vaccine Mandate "Unprecedented In Modern History": Scott Atlas - Zerohedge

>>15384071, >>15384123 Prince Andrew fears ‘complete financial ruin’ as legal costs mount: report And Other Royal Woes - Page Six

>>15384081 The destruction of trust in our institutions | James Lindsay joins Ezra Levant - Rebel News Plus, You Tube

>>15384141, >>15384147, >>15384224, >>15384257, >>15384312, >>15384352 White House In FLORIDA? xD - Video

>>15384146, >>15384265 Now what in the world would CNN give two sh!ts about the Pence bunny? Follow the White Rabbit. There were books written about the bunny Marlon Bundo by Charlotte Pence and illustrated by her mother, Karen Pence. There may be comms in those books. Godfather III maybe? Pence family's bunny Marlon Bundo dies - CNN

>>15384149, >>15384217 PF Reports

>>15384190, >>15384226, >>15384296 Dan "Glitch" Scavino rumble link vsky8v Coincidence? - D.Scavino, Twitter


>>15384203 Explosive volcano eruption is heard across Tonga before SECOND tsunami smashes into the Pacific island - Mail Online

>>15384318 Gunfire and Explosions heard in 3 cities across Iran - Alert Channel, Iran Intl, Twitter

>>15384327 This US-bound Haitian in Tapachula, Mexico complains that the UN failed to make its January payment to him and now his UN debit card is empty… - Video, Twitter


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0bf7f0  No.15384388


Charlotte Pence was an intern for Jeffrey Toobin. Lubing Toobin.

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0b6416  No.15384389

File: 610f09ba6ad16dd⋯.png (158.03 KB, 358x239, 358:239, Screenshot_2020_07_14_capt….png)

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a0f9d0  No.15384390

File: 0ef6a9fb893a2a7⋯.png (645.05 KB, 1064x645, 1064:645, ClipboardImage.png)


Come at me Bro

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20da34  No.15384391

File: f6addf455f0cf58⋯.png (239.38 KB, 800x888, 100:111, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1d6b61605667dce⋯.png (4.51 KB, 259x87, 259:87, ClipboardImage.png)

+++ on Tonga Coat of Arms Underwater Nuke and Subsequent Tsunami removes Tonga.

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da25b5  No.15384392


Get it, anon!

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5ce3c6  No.15384393


here is another reply faggot. Fuck off.

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ddc3f5  No.15384394

File: e4ca3e4ab90def6⋯.png (2.98 KB, 583x94, 583:94, ClipboardImage.png)


>We Want Some BUTTS!

well clearly we hold all the power here, so I'm sure you'll get the butts you want

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b69a3a  No.15384395

File: cf1a13d28deed29⋯.jpeg (267.68 KB, 1125x1680, 75:112, 57D3384A_EC7B_4522_9464_0….jpeg)

File: 7274e0e326064e4⋯.jpeg (364.62 KB, 1242x1940, 621:970, 27B98D43_CC4D_4894_B35A_D….jpeg)


Actual convo w sonanon when I sent him a meme

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94904b  No.15384396

File: 050e945ab26a769⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1008x1113, 48:53, 837.png)

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a0cbcd  No.15384397

File: 1e2654bdd59a23c⋯.png (1006.82 KB, 836x842, 418:421, RallyDay.png)

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dbc269  No.15384398

File: 58cb4e21787ede0⋯.mp4 (6.58 MB, 360x360, 1:1, P_E_P_E_SHADILAY_Instrumen….mp4)


>rally night are best nights.

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a9f51f  No.15384399

File: ce86eabf971aaae⋯.png (834.53 KB, 656x774, 328:387, 100boo.png)

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5ca2c9  No.15384400

>>15382554 Saudi royal family are descendants of Jews who fought Muhammad - Iranian general

He's not wrong… I verified this myself years ago.

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63c660  No.15384401


I pray you find God.

And I also pray God gives me patience to not wanna slap the fuck out of you forever.

buh bye

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0ed06e  No.15384402


'We choose truths over facts!'

tow shotguns plus other 2, equal 5.

and you voted for him.


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8e6cca  No.15384403


'they've been circlin' around the town, like some feathered clown'

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8be21d  No.15384404

File: 9c6ec0eb5244916⋯.jpg (203.71 KB, 1400x1406, 700:703, jiijijh.jpg)

=RED TEXT= Cheese

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eaa4bb  No.15384405


thanks Hall Monitor.

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f4ebf7  No.15384406


In Texas? A regular church he would have been dropped at first sign of hostility.

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94904b  No.15384407

File: badd0df30a3c6de⋯.png (265.96 KB, 1080x911, 1080:911, Memeto_1636684684609.png)

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63c660  No.15384408


wait wut?

5 prong deez nuts

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a888f8  No.15384409


I had a set of Michelin “Destiny” tires on an old ‘06 Ford Fusion that went to almost 102,000 miles. I had tried to get the same set on another vehicle I had and the tire place said they quit making them. They had supposedly combined the Destiny and another tire to “improve” them, but that was BS. Those Destiny’s were too good so they had to water them down.

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9075ab  No.15384410

>>15384382 Meat @ Top? Or should anon continue. Would like a break until anon has something come up kek.

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e1e6b8  No.15384411



Kareem was 33 way before. So you love a muzzie American hater..kek Enough sportsball faggotry….faggots

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2d43ae  No.15384412


Really amazing

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ebe6b0  No.15384413

File: f0f50054144b845⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, Screenshot_from_2022_01_15….png)


everyone in AZ tonight

Ken Paxton TX AG

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b09132  No.15384414


An island will drift away?



oh my

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8e6cca  No.15384415

File: 69e29378734b9e8⋯.png (540 B, 270x270, 1:1, swiss.png)


'black roths'?

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5ce3c6  No.15384416


didn't that happen a year or two back a guy came in i think he shot one person before a bunch of parishioners lit him up.

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acf88c  No.15384417


>He's not wrong… I verified this myself years ago.


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6d6f75  No.15384418


She's right you know.

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a90670  No.15384419

Anybody hear any chatter about Russia getting ready to invade Sweden and Ukraine?

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df040c  No.15384420

File: 45df18e060fb503⋯.png (773.95 KB, 1063x673, 1063:673, 9f3f95657dc0938752cd3121b6….png)


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cb6ed5  No.15384421


read the notables in past breads

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f544db  No.15384422

File: 67ae6fae5cca364⋯.jpeg (41 KB, 400x400, 1:1, FF794AB4_015C_484D_B934_3….jpeg)

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17a3ed  No.15384423

Dec 17 20193714Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 48cd1c No.7537697 

Dec 17 2019 16:23:02 (EST)


"The frequency with which representations made by FBI personnel turned out to be unsupported or contradicted by information in their possession, and with which they withheld information detrimental to their case, calls into question whether information contained in other FBI applications is reliable."



Dec 6 20193650Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 No.91 

Dec 6 2019 15:17:21 (EST)ELGdSUSXYAMfvHN.jpg


















Thinking timing.


Mar 28 20193241Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 767183 No.5943096 

Mar 28 2019 12:03:33 (EST)


"Congressman Adam Schiff, who spent two years [knowingly] and unlawfully lying and leaking, should be forced to resign from Congress!"




Leaking investigations can lead to [forced] resignations.

[Knowingly] disseminating FALSE information is illegal.



Nov 2 201758Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147661332 

Nov 2 2017 15:40:27 (EST)

Anonymous ID: KC17sSpZ No.147661217 

Nov 2 2017 15:39:22 (EST)


The Clinton campaign is attempting once again to sweep important questions under the rug about top aide Huma Abedin, her family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and to Saudi Arabia, and her role in the ballooning Clinton email scandal.

Her mother, Saleha Abedin, sits on the Presidency Staff Council of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, a group that is chaired by the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.

Perhaps recognizing how offensive such ties will be to voters concerned over future terrorist attacks on this country by radical Muslims professing allegiance to Sharia law, the Clinton campaign on Monday tried to downplay Ms. Abedin’s involvement in the Journal and the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Clinton surrogate group Media Matters claimed predictably there was “no evidence” that Ms. Abedin or her family had ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, and that Trump campaign staffers who spoke of these ties were conspiracy theorists.

To debunk the evidence, Media Matters pointed to a Snopes.com “fact-check” piece that cited as its sole source… Senator John McCain. This is the same John McCain who met Libyan militia leader Abdelkarim Belhaj, a known al Qaeda associate, and saluted him as “my hero” during a 2011 visit to Benghazi.

>>147661217Senator McCain and others roundly criticized Rep. Michele Bachmann in 2012 when she and four members of the House Permanent Select Committee Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee cited Ms. Abedin in letters sent to the Inspectors General of the Department of Defense, Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, warning about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of the United States government.

Why is this relevant?

Who took an undisclosed trip to SA?

What was the purpose of a f2f v phone call?

Alice & Wonderland.

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e1e6b8  No.15384424


Hopefully Brits will be free. They have pretty bad Stockholm syndrome. Paying rich people so they dont have to spend their own money. ffs

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907ab3  No.15384425



>>15384380 Q post: Shills use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times)

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8e6cca  No.15384426


they have no reason to invade Sweden other than that there are cooler people in Sweden than in Russia to my knowledge

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99f908  No.15384427

File: 4760b04d8f0b3e4⋯.png (35.48 KB, 608x221, 608:221, ClipboardImage.png)

Anons lets get CMZ on RSBN right before Trump!

Do what you do best anons


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0b6416  No.15384428

File: 2dd5583d35283c0⋯.png (6.83 KB, 472x97, 472:97, ClipboardImage.png)

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5bfff4  No.15384429

File: c9f99f0242b3426⋯.png (33.25 KB, 377x322, 377:322, ClipboardImage.png)


quite the collection of symbols

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212255  No.15384430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I can relax now.

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907ab3  No.15384431

File: 1cfb1bff1e5bc87⋯.jpeg (37.71 KB, 477x498, 159:166, 1cfb1bff1e5bc87a16c19cbad….jpeg)



Baker also checking in

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a0cbcd  No.15384432

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ffc8b4  No.15384433

File: e7cc244ee425742⋯.gif (5.82 MB, 720x540, 4:3, FLYNN_AND_THE_ANONS_GIF.gif)


carry on anon, will collect and bring over to next bread,

just in the middle of doing some grub, can multi - task.

if you bake the next bread, that will be great.


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acf88c  No.15384434

File: 865906d9df04d38⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB, 640x360, 16:9, russia.mp4)


>Anybody hear any chatter about Russia getting ready to invade Sweden and Ukraine?

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90b341  No.15384435

File: 6219b0a6eebb713⋯.png (202.75 KB, 489x272, 489:272, muhlotto.png)

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a90670  No.15384436


I did, only saw a post about a drone over a Swedish power plant

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ff8ced  No.15384437


White Rabbit

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5bfff4  No.15384438


Sweden could do with some cleaning

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dbc269  No.15384439

File: cfa1e48c3e1794d⋯.jpg (86.19 KB, 600x622, 300:311, 20211030_220429a.jpg)

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f06318  No.15384440

File: 60ddf2c49d77a00⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 6_NSA_THE_TURNING_AWAY.mp4)

Obama tried to play Shadow President… He sucked harder than Monica Lewinsky going up for a promotion.

Trump can play too. Shall we play a game?


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34b5ce  No.15384441


>Fiji water got tsunami'd

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0b6416  No.15384442

File: c459fa7d8b80bbc⋯.png (342.12 KB, 598x564, 299:282, Screenshot_2022_01_15_at_2….png)

Hi Jim!


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8e6cca  No.15384443


what does a 'red plus' represent in this context if not a '6acrifice'?

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188f8b  No.15384444


Pence is a White Rabbit

Top Trafficker

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9075ab  No.15384445

File: ffd6d87fc7f99f4⋯.jpg (34.52 KB, 591x422, 591:422, ffd6d87fc7f99f4c97e19eb5a7….jpg)

>>15383699 (OP)

>>15383728 Dough

Notables Are NOT Endorsements

Q Research General #19459: All Orange Everything Edition

>>15383743, >>15383768, >>15383796, >>15383813, >>15383815, >>15383831, >>15383863, >>15383872, >>15383934, >>15383953, >>15384024, >>15384082, >>15384099, >>15384129, >>15384159, >>15384171, >>15384183, >>15384201, >>15384253, >>15384254 Alleged Pakistani Sibling to Aaifa Siddiqui, Mohammed, a Pediatrician, Demands her release and last reported held Beth Israel Congregation Hostage until subdued or captured. - Various

>>15383802, >>15383828, >>15383898, >>15383921, >>15383970, >>15383995, >>15384001, >>15384053, >>15384075, >>15384058, >>15384068, >>15384102, >>15384111, >>15384190, >>15384244, Rally Hype! - Images, Video, Various

>>15383818, >>15384324, >>15384345 Been a while. There is a Horn Ritual connect to Barry The mentor of his Bio Dad, the cult leader was named John - Various

>>15383825, >>15383911, >>15384036, >>15384040, >>15384116, >>15384133 Gain of Fauci Files: Leaked Fauci Financials Expose How Millionaire Doctor Profited From Pandemic and COVID RELATED - Zerohedge

>>15383833, >>15383835, >>15383944, >>15383963, >>15384325, >>15384339, Virginia’s New GOP Governor Ends Vaccine Mandate for State Employees, Mask Mandates in Schools, Leads a Prayer and VIRGINIA RELATED - Image, Twitter, NTD News

>>15383847 Israeli Finance Minister Avigdor Lieberman says he has tested positive for COVID-19 and will self-isolate but continue working from home. "I feel good and will isolate in the next few days," Lieberman said on Twitter. Foreign Minister Yair Lapid tested positive on Monday. On January 10, Lieberman posted a photo of himself receiving a fourth COVID-19 vaccination dose. - Canberra Times

>>15383902, >>15384350 North Carolina Braces for ‘Dangerous’ Winter Storm - The Epoch Times

>>15383908 30+ Tsunami Buoys still in event mode - NBDC.NOAA

>>15383964 Thousands of anti-vaxx protesters take to the street in Sydney to rally against jabs for kids - Daily Mail

>>15383979 Google Executive in Charge of ‘Tackling Disinformation’ Becomes DHS Senior Leader ~ Former senior advisor to ICE director calls the appointment 'suspect' - The Epoch Times

>>15383993 Democrats Moving Away From Lockdown Restrictions Over Fears Of Being Crushed Politically - Zerohedge

>>15384005 "Leaked Military Documents Suggest DARPA Created the Virus to Achieve TOTAL SURVEILLANCE State" - Bitchute

>>15384007 Denial Of Natural Immunity In CMS Vaccine Mandate "Unprecedented In Modern History": Scott Atlas - Zerohedge

>>15384071, >>15384123 Prince Andrew fears ‘complete financial ruin’ as legal costs mount: report And Other Royal Woes - Page Six

>>15384081 The destruction of trust in our institutions | James Lindsay joins Ezra Levant - Rebel News Plus, You Tube

>>15384141, >>15384147, >>15384224, >>15384257, >>15384312, >>15384352 White House In FLORIDA? xD - Video

>>15384146, >>15384265 Now what in the world would CNN give two sh!ts about the Pence bunny? Follow the White Rabbit. There were books written about the bunny Marlon Bundo by Charlotte Pence and illustrated by her mother, Karen Pence. There may be comms in those books. Godfather III maybe? Pence family's bunny Marlon Bundo dies - CNN

>>15384149, >>15384217 PF Reports

>>15384190, >>15384226, >>15384296 Dan "Glitch" Scavino rumble link vsky8v Coincidence? - D.Scavino, Twitter


>>15384203 Explosive volcano eruption is heard across Tonga before SECOND tsunami smashes into the Pacific island - Mail Online

>>15384318 Gunfire and Explosions heard in 3 cities across Iran - Alert Channel, Iran Intl, Twitter

>>15384327 This US-bound Haitian in Tapachula, Mexico complains that the UN failed to make its January payment to him and now his UN debit card is empty… - Video, Twitter

>>15384380 Q post: Shills use a 5 prong pre packaged injection (one post auto generates four more at random designated times)? - Dig?



Okay anons, thanks baking then.




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a90670  No.15384446


True, They could take a lesson from the Polish

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f06318  No.15384447

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)

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8ca7cb  No.15384448

File: 8e03da6fd960cd3⋯.jpg (18.74 KB, 255x255, 1:1, cdd198411e84c0afc7fb97d053….jpg)


you literally project what you are doing to the board on others.

Here is a pic that will make you SEETH.. kek

stupid faggot.

/TEAM/ sees all

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ebe6b0  No.15384449

File: 4d06f1244c7b013⋯.png (90.87 KB, 500x565, 100:113, kek.png)

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764419  No.15384450

File: 2c19b251cea8b51⋯.png (56.73 KB, 500x281, 500:281, happening_rp.png)

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5ce3c6  No.15384451


quad quads confirm possible role. It would actually make sense.

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acf88c  No.15384452

File: dd3dda31aa5c5a6⋯.jpg (211.49 KB, 609x676, 609:676, hmm.jpg)


>Rest in sweet peace, little bunny

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328134  No.15384453

File: dc6c364f5237da6⋯.png (574.23 KB, 693x360, 77:40, ClipboardImage.png)


>attacks our Lady at every opportunity

>doesn't understand that Jesus is a God-Man not a man

Be gone in the name of Jesus Christ comms-demon

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94904b  No.15384454

File: c9210b956184773⋯.jpeg (112.96 KB, 1440x810, 16:9, 1534036318.jpeg)

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8f871d  No.15384455

File: 16af712fcb1382b⋯.jpg (101.84 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 16af712fcb1382bfa41da9a805….jpg)

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f544db  No.15384456

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df040c  No.15384458

File: 21b62e868123d7f⋯.png (1.42 MB, 1240x744, 5:3, ClipboardImage.png)

‘It’s a mystery for us’: the puzzling death at sea of a Tongan fisheries observer

On the morning of Monday 27 September, a crew member on board the Hsinlong 1 fishing vessel went to fetch his friend Arnold Latu for breakfast.

Latu, in his mid-30s, was the monitoring officer of the Chinese-owned, Fiji-flagged vessel, employed by the Tongan government to check that the amount of fish caught on its three-week voyage was legal and correctly recorded.

The Hsinlong 1 had almost completed its work and was berthed close to Pangaimotu Island, off the shores of Nuku’alofa, awaiting the OK from local authorities to berth at the Tuimatamoana fishing wharf.

“We were just about to have breakfast and get ready for the vessel to go in to the wharf to berth and one of the crew members had gone to call Latu to come and have breakfast,” said a senior crew member onboard the vessel at the time, who did not wish to be named.

“The crew member shouted to us that Latu was not responding to his calls and was lying on his bed. We went in and touched his body which was already cold. We were shocked and did not know what to do.”


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764419  No.15384459

File: f94eb750762fdb6⋯.jpg (379.92 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, love_post.jpg)

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eeedaf  No.15384460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Did you want this version?

The Trashmen - Surfing Bird


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cb6ed5  No.15384462


1) Russian North Fleet has deployed to Baltic sea with fully loaded amphibious assault ships. 2) Sweden has responded by sending combat troops and mechanized armor to Gotland Island.

3) Russia considers Gotland strategically important to cut off the Baltic states (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia) from being defended by NATO.

you can keyword search the news sites for details

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94904b  No.15384463

File: e54a2d73e6376bd⋯.jpg (297.31 KB, 814x851, 22:23, 20210627_061856.jpg)



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b09132  No.15384465

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71c69f  No.15384466



Silencing attempt?

Cut out someones Tonga

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a0f9d0  No.15384467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Nice Digits

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112fbf  No.15384468

File: ef820fd84909241⋯.jpg (82.65 KB, 473x500, 473:500, pepemason2.jpg)

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8e6cca  No.15384470

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212255  No.15384471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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0cbd41  No.15384476

File: db28e4bd396fe3a⋯.png (1.24 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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6d6f75  No.15384477

File: 0270d64adae46c2⋯.png (352.89 KB, 447x413, 447:413, ClipboardImage.png)

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376c73  No.15384478

File: 4633b45f466485d⋯.png (64.27 KB, 1088x465, 1088:465, Screenshot_2022_01_15_at_1….png)




Jan 12

Replying to



The Ronald McDonald House is evicting a 4-year-old boy with cancer and his family because they are unvaccinated.

Contact the Vancouver Ronald McDonald House at (604) 736 2957 or info@rmhbc.ca to complain.

Maybe he's better off, knowing what we know about RMcD House


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f06318  No.15384479

File: 93a7c6290d2b4a2⋯.mp4 (12.76 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 4_DONT_TREAD_ON_ME.mp4)




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20da34  No.15384480

File: f89f0c399fb0cfe⋯.png (730.06 KB, 992x415, 992:415, ClipboardImage.png)

Yes Fiji water he drank with cuffs on as if jailed

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a9f51f  No.15384481

File: 5a332df122992ec⋯.png (1.63 MB, 880x1492, 220:373, booos.png)

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e9e052  No.15384482


My shitty tires leak 3lbs of pressure per day during Winter.

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0b6416  No.15384484

File: 02856e00df30fdc⋯.png (439.05 KB, 535x655, 107:131, Screenshot_2022_01_15_at_2….png)

File: 484b62e8ab00da3⋯.png (488.15 KB, 549x720, 61:80, ClipboardImage.png)


Rons holding up his CMZ Army sign at the Trump rally is starting his campaign.


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63c660  No.15384485


Please explain this bullshit


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5ce3c6  No.15384486


wow this almost seems like a waste of a post concern fag.

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17a3ed  No.15384487

File: 6e6020619af97ce⋯.jpg (8.91 KB, 428x294, 214:147, Screenshot_20211224_041023….jpg)

File: 73a1c6f114219a0⋯.jpg (69.57 KB, 389x401, 389:401, Screenshot_20211224_041030….jpg)

Ukrainians demand end to 66 years of N.Y. Times lying

Les Kinsolving By Les Kinsolving

Published June 14, 2003 at 1:00am

As a shareholder in the New York Times Company, I rejoiced to learn from the Associated Press: "Amid a devastating reporting scandal in which two top editors have resigned, the New York Times faces the possible loss of its 1932 Pulitzer Prize.

"Times reporter Walter Duranty won the award more than 70 years ago for his reporting on the Soviet Union under Josef Stalin's communist regime.

"In April, however, a Pulitzer committee launched a review of Duranty's work after Ukrainian groups worldwide complained he deliberately ignored the forced famine in the Ukraine that killed millions."

"In April, however, a Pulitzer committee launched a review of Duranty's work after Ukrainian groups worldwide complained he deliberately ignored the forced famine in the Ukraine that killed millions."

Actually, as detailed in the book "Stalin's Apologist," Duranty, New York Times Moscow correspondent emphatically denied any such Stalinist mass murders, for which British correspondent Malcolm Muggeridge called Duranty "the worst liar in the history of journalism."

That apparently has made much too little a difference to the New York Times Company.

At one shareholders' meeting I asked (then) publisher Arthur ("Punch") Sulzberger why this monumental liar Duranty's framed photograph is on the wall of the Times' hall of fame of Pulitzer winners. "Punch" was both courteous and concerned.

He arranged for me to tour the hall, and later told me that under Duranty's picture a plaque had been installed reading "Other writers in the Times and elsewhere have discredited this coverage."

That was surely not enough – that and the Times' counting Duranty among all their Pulitzer winners about which they annually brag.

When at a later Times shareholders' meeting, I asked about this again – of new publisher Arthur ("Pinch") Sulzberger – this young man was totally rude and resistant.

In the Pulitzer Prize's 86 years of existence, no prize has been revoked, the AP reported – although the Washington Post surrendered Janet Cooke's 1991 award after she admitted writing a series about an 8-year-old heroin addict who didn't exist. The Post failed, however, to fire editor Ben Bradlee who allowed these days of lies into the print of the Washington Post.

Michael Sawkiw Jr., president of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, said more than 15,000 post cards, and thousands more letters and e-mails, were sent to the Pulitzer board.

"Exactly like Jayson Blair, the heart of all this is journalistic integrity and ethics," said Sawkiw.

For denying Stalin's mass murder of Ukrainians, Duranty of the New York Times was given exclusive interviews with this dictator, and accompanied Molotov to Washington in 1933 when President Roosevelt extended diplomatic recognition to the Soviet Union.

That the New York Times has refused to repudiate Duranty's Pulitzer – as the Washington Post sent back their lying reporter Janet Cooke's Pulitzer – is a continuing American journalistic outrage.

If New York Times publisher "Pinch" decides not to repudiate Duranty's Pulitzer and stop the annual bragging with Duranty as one of the Pulitzer recipients, young Sulzberger should be forced to resign, just as he (finally) forced the resignation of editors Howell Raines and Gerald Boyd.

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0b6416  No.15384488




Think mirror



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dbc269  No.15384489

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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376c73  No.15384490

File: faa040b2785b1b9⋯.png (2.35 MB, 1732x1920, 433:480, Screenshot_2022_01_15_at_1….png)

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acf88c  No.15384491

File: 257d28ffc025007⋯.gif (2.82 MB, 414x382, 207:191, PenceNo.gif)


>Pence is a White Rabbit

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12f85e  No.15384493

prayer time always!

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ff8ced  No.15384494



A ‘tsunami’ of omicron variant COVID-19 cases are coming, WHO warns


Omicron tsunami confines PCR testing to those at high risk: Hinshaw


Covid: Omicron and Delta driving tsunami of cases - WHO


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188f8b  No.15384495

File: fa6a8c69bee5e0c⋯.jpeg (56.12 KB, 800x571, 800:571, diamond.jpeg)

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8e6cca  No.15384497


why do you only use the flags with the ugly emblem?

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a90670  No.15384498


Thanks good info, my first stop was here, then I was going to look it up. I had a buddy ask me, he's hearing stuff about Russian posturing and asked me.

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4c3d1d  No.15384499

File: 8e121c2adb2f971⋯.jpg (139.04 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, Gurdjieffonpolitics.jpg)

File: 6a8b62f5c0074a8⋯.jpg (129.99 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, Gurdjieffonpolitics2.jpg)

File: 375210abb3bc544⋯.jpg (127.19 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, Gurdjieffonpolitics3.jpg)

File: aa10ac3fb393d1c⋯.jpg (126.49 KB, 850x1100, 17:22, Gurdjieffonpolitics4.jpg)

File: 2d430594c13e6ab⋯.jpg (102.4 KB, 977x525, 977:525, edwardwallacedel.jpg)


I think Gurdjieff knew Bennett was dirty, but it's been covered up.

Here's what he tells about politics

and titles.

Here about the difference between Democrats and Aristocrats.

He also explains the "puppet shows" ie. simulations.

He says when democrats get into power it's like "the corns become the podiatrists"


'cows do not fly like pretty little birds"

He wonders "How do these terrestrial types seem to exist for so long?"

How their experiences are limited and they are incapable of ruling over others

He calls them "Jokes of Nature"

"Your favorites"


Check this out. The dopey guy on the Right, likely related to Bomba .. also married a "chick with a dick"?

What a coincidence

I see some resemblances there too.

He was friends with Adolf. I wonder why.

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b09132  No.15384500

File: b6d6e5c9a09d7c4⋯.png (8.83 KB, 258x195, 86:65, ClipboardImage.png)

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9075ab  No.15384501


idk someone explain it please.

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3d1a4a  No.15384502

File: fc48ab6ee2bda85⋯.png (316.86 KB, 598x807, 598:807, ClipboardImage.png)

You think he would have learned his lesson.

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5ce3c6  No.15384503


so if Trump announces running tonight. Like some think. I wonder if he will announce his VP as well? Won't be Penis Breath pence that is for sure.

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0cbd41  No.15384504

File: a80318c2a12dbc9⋯.png (1.17 MB, 1264x711, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

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212255  No.15384505



Airwaves. Not the same. I asked asked God to n remove the filter not too long ago. Let's see what happens.

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b8cb98  No.15384506



its old aflb copypasta

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acf88c  No.15384507

File: fb9d5a020c32c7e⋯.png (1.1 MB, 900x890, 90:89, ClipboardImage.png)

"So my mother (Patricia Taylor) was a costume designer. She made some costumes for Dolly Parton, and she once did the cover of Playboy, and somehow I guess she didn’t take that home. So we had it, and it was Halloween," he revealed.

He added, “So I put on the ear and the bustier. I wore sneakers with fishnet stockings and the bowtie. I had some pretty long hair, and I was Dolly Parton as a Playboy Bunny."

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63c660  No.15384508



You are complicit or dumb or both

Explain yourself

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dbc269  No.15384509

File: 48fb3afa8e68f0d⋯.jpg (183.75 KB, 640x560, 8:7, Bread_Filler.jpg)

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a0a652  No.15384511


Tap dancing Bee = Anons

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6d6f75  No.15384512

File: 7054528a44fbbf5⋯.png (801.51 KB, 1000x665, 200:133, ClipboardImage.png)


I think it's because it looks like a TRIDENT, if I am not mistaken.

Not sure why some Anons are obsessed with the Trident symbol?

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9075ab  No.15384513

File: 95cb476c557423f⋯.jpeg (205.64 KB, 1440x811, 1440:811, Anons_Are.jpeg)

Q Research General #19459: All Orange Everything Edition

>>15384445 #19459







Missed any? Please bring em forward.

Consistently there for some reason recently has been wierd lag type effects during the endcaps of breadz.


okay, can re-drop notes and re-bun next bread.

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4513e0  No.15384514

File: b14fd7ce73bd5e9⋯.jpg (252.22 KB, 1200x1582, 600:791, FLOTUSorangeskirt2.jpg)

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5654ef  No.15384515




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0ed06e  No.15384516

I want to kill those that put fluoride in the water and tooth paste.

Those that put GMO in food.

Those that put it chips in people.

Greada treaty.

Mk ultra.

Lies w/ MSM.

fbi, cia….

I want to kill a lot of people.

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20da34  No.15384517

File: 8ddc31084876840⋯.png (10.18 KB, 430x249, 430:249, ClipboardImage.png)

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acf88c  No.15384518

File: d72dd386ad8e050⋯.png (229.11 KB, 545x780, 109:156, trips.png)


>Not sure why some Anons are obsessed with the Trident symbol?

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56ac0f  No.15384519


Shame Ron didn't hook up with RSBN!

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e2e1d4  No.15384521

File: f28c9a50bbe69f5⋯.jpg (87.66 KB, 1108x1280, 277:320, photo_2022_01_15_16_40_15.jpg)

Rare Spinal Cord Condition Flagged as Potential Adverse Effect of COVID-19 Vaccines: EU Drug Regulator

“Transverse Myelitis is a rare condition that involves inflammation of one or both sides of the spinal cord. Symptoms can include weakness in the limbs, and tingling, numbness, pain or loss of pain sensation, or issues with bladder and bowel function.”


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212255  No.15384522

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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8e6cca  No.15384523


'I was Dolly Parton as a Playboy Bunny'

compartmentalization de 'Dolly Parton'?

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63c660  No.15384525

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a9f51f  No.15384526

File: 5701cc7c7a58b8b⋯.png (981.01 KB, 982x660, 491:330, offici.png)

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764419  No.15384527

File: 0c79a62761d131c⋯.jpg (68.25 KB, 673x960, 673:960, FB_IMG_1565022228277.jpg)

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0ed06e  No.15384528


Can you forgive me, God?

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8f871d  No.15384529

File: a34f309b78f522a⋯.png (996.62 KB, 1080x904, 135:113, shill_bakers.png)

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0b6416  No.15384530

File: 3380a76b14f257f⋯.png (5.04 KB, 315x35, 9:1, ClipboardImage.png)



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408dbc  No.15384531

File: bc36c1a0362221d⋯.jpeg (81.28 KB, 590x601, 590:601, 3DC5D9FA_DCD8_4570_BD89_F….jpeg)

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dbc269  No.15384532

File: efec89541000edc⋯.png (593.19 KB, 775x491, 775:491, _EugenistsAll_.png)

File: 6cb033778e9971f⋯.jpg (197.58 KB, 700x455, 20:13, _NCSWIC_.jpg)

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90b341  No.15384533

File: 25150a219f3ea70⋯.png (107.87 KB, 197x261, 197:261, zina.png)

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4513e0  No.15384534

File: e06cd4905a73fec⋯.jpg (18.93 KB, 300x300, 1:1, OD1.jpg)

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