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File: 2ca1bdf21b2af5b⋯.png (6.67 MB, 5760x3240, 16:9, 2ca1bdf21b2af5bdc6812f9b55….png)

6fb6ce  No.15240270[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."




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Q's Latest Posts

Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

688 posts and 372 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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2fec84  No.15242646











Q - portrait unavailable

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1eb625  No.15242647

File: 20764867c115a1e⋯.jpg (217.06 KB, 800x533, 800:533, SYRINGEp.jpg)

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5217ba  No.15242648

Naomi Wolf on warroom r n.. freaking out. She's reached the precipice.

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c7ba26  No.15242649





Q Research General #19281: Rotors are Good Sir! Edition


Welcome to the Party!


NOTES still collecting

a bit unorthodox but

muh catalog

The Nakatomi Index Crawl continues

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04eb26  No.15242650




The msm were calling it a viral blizzard earlier.

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ce7287  No.15242651

File: d8819905f07c5b8⋯.png (8.49 KB, 255x224, 255:224, pepe_kid_pot_on_head.png)

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26bb0a  No.15242653


no u.

Inventor of mRNA vaccine platform: omicron is a Christmas present to us


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d02024  No.15242654


I'm scared bros, hold me

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bf85dc  No.15242655


Tic toc

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d02024  No.15242656


Q: What do you want for Christmas?

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a2a5be  No.15242657


It's complicated.

This is an older bread that was numbered higher than the newer already completed bread.

Make sense in the usual QR 2021 Kitchen way?

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f07751  No.15242658


I feel like this could have some rather interesting significance when considering the differences between democratic society and centrally planned society.

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26da5e  No.15242659

File: 0b70727b6ef60ac⋯.png (509.8 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, JORDAN3.png)

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e0e141  No.15242660

File: 040351741a62f52⋯.jpeg (235.31 KB, 1124x2048, 281:512, divine_mercy_image.jpeg)

File: 0dd6a1988024ea0⋯.jpg (4.85 MB, 2400x3000, 4:5, our_lady_of_guadalupe.jpg)

File: 28c2df5a76ba259⋯.jpg (15.92 KB, 236x320, 59:80, st_john_of_kanty.jpg)

Pray the rosary! May St. John of Kanty, patron of teachers, students, priests and pilgrims, bless all you anons today, that we may pursue the truth in a spirit of humility and love, and in doing so, bring others to those same virtues we hope to achieve.

Jesus, I trust in You.

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09eddc  No.15242661



If you don't like what I say may I recommend you filter me.

Or is it much more important for you to undermine any threat to your control?

Here's a thought.

If you become irrelevant, maybe it's because you deserve to be irrelevant.

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c7ba26  No.15242662


5 & 5


at least the breads filled slow and everything has gone somewhat according to plan

The Plan proceeds as….Planned

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4ef59e  No.15242663

File: f0704d9c984cb44⋯.png (78.52 KB, 785x860, 157:172, Truth_Seeker.png)

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1eb625  No.15242664

File: 64ca5459bc51702⋯.jpg (113.38 KB, 800x533, 800:533, premed.jpg)

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3e4728  No.15242665

Total Super Immunity

What a Wonder Phrase

Thank you Mother Nature

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a686c3  No.15242667

File: 1acda992601f36b⋯.png (724.32 KB, 914x662, 457:331, clowns_in_da_house.png)


fuck off clown. was how you put. and right back atcha

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a2a5be  No.15242669


That's better than my double-plus good immunity.

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52cda0  No.15242671

File: 206e3f2a1960039⋯.jpg (25.31 KB, 385x385, 1:1, 206e3f2a1960039e7caa97cf56….jpg)


>older bread that was numbered higher than the newer already completed bread

need coffee…

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ab1971  No.15242672


Because i dont filter even if the person being an absolute faggot is a shill who is going to die like a coward. I will undermine any fucker who tries to split this bread and be a fucking nigger about it. I will also tell that cowardly scum fuck all the ways that pain and torment and suffering will come to them and their family for their treason. The only thing irrelevant is your life which is why when you kill yourself no one will care. Not a single sou will miss you or care or even weep for your loss.Because you matter so little in this life. Best you just end it now.

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c7ba26  No.15242673



#19280 Christmas Comet (19278)

>>15240525, >>15241348 From Dan the Man!!! Twitter / Extra Pic

>>15240759, >>15241390, >>15241625 US Secret Service: Nearly $100B stolen in pandemic relief funds

>>15240857 Biden meets wtih task force & ceo's about supply chain

>>15241229 Wealthiest Utah native resigns from the LDS Church

>>15241654 Trump's Pastor Is Running For Congress, And He's Endorsed By Mike Flynn

>>15241892 CNN Exclusive: US intel and satellite images show Saudi Arabia is now building its own ballistic missiles with help of China

>>15242190, >>15242354 Repost from Previous Bread - Anon on tech in building construction re: Dan Scavino Jr. 1994 tweet

>>15242292, >>15242299 German MP calls on police to assault anti-lockdown protesters, deletes tweet after backlash

>>15242353, >>15242389, >>15242473, >>15242519, >>15242531 Repost from Previous Bread - captures of video/timestamps from unknown video from nuked post Epstein related / videos included

>>15242386, >>15242403 Carjacked Pa. lawmaker championed replacing police with mental health professionals / DJTjr Aged Well Tweet

>>15242409 Clockfags Clock + Graphic Buckle Up Bucky Edition

>>15242418 WH Update from "Jen"…for the pinnalce of keks

>>15242466 Repost - Ivermectin as Cancer treatment articles

>>15242546 Can a dangerous microbe offer a new way to silence pain?

Deadly anthrax toxin blocks multiple types of pain in mice, study shows

>>15242553 Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted 'wonder' drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations

>>15242624 Key neural mechanism believed to support advanced cognitive abilities discovered

>>15242636 People with IBD have more microplastics in their feces

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a686c3  No.15242674

File: 430c0eaf3b8d341⋯.png (5.84 MB, 1545x2980, 309:596, our_new_republic.png)

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09eddc  No.15242675


Because true Anons, oldfags, autists and memers around the world need to know they don't need to put up with your totalitarian shitshow anymore.

Nice batch of Hitler memes there.

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a686c3  No.15242678

File: 10b50a48c4f5ec6⋯.png (154.83 KB, 340x336, 85:84, gay_jew_hiyler.png)


sure thing buddy

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94d7c0  No.15242679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you want to put asses in seats, you gotta come up with something new. The marks have seen this angle before. Double reverse turns don't work in this territory. The babyfaces are getting go-away heat from the crowd and security can't contain the little old lady in the front row from hurling her folding chair into the ring. The heels working under hoods have been exposed as the Mulkey brothers by the kid waiting outside the arena loading dock for autographs. Meanwhile the beer has gone flat at the concession stands and nobody can sell their t-shirts at the gimmick table because the marks spent all their money on the price of admission. The ghost of Gordon Solie hovers over the announce table silently weeping.

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09eddc  No.15242681


Too late clownfag.

Behaviors of BO and BV split this board.

I'm sure that's exactly what they were paid to do.


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3e4728  No.15242683

Nothing can Stop What is Coming

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7110cd  No.15242684


I keep 2 mid 90's jeeps for daily drivers. One Cherokee and one Wrangler. I hate airbags after being punched by one so I only drive older than 96 cars. Wifeanon gets the new shit.


Dumping in the Seirras right now. Rain below about 6000'. Has been going on all night. Rain gauge broke in the last freeze (damnit, that thing cost me $2.89) so I have no actual total now.

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a686c3  No.15242685

File: 615a9a25e85cb36⋯.png (67.5 KB, 255x255, 1:1, based.png)

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ab1971  No.15242688


HAHAHAH yup blame others, now who sound like a liberal fag, oh right you do.

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f2995a  No.15242689

File: 1acfdfec0eafe37⋯.png (475.89 KB, 425x480, 85:96, ClipboardImage.png)

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11083e  No.15242692


We'll played

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3e4728  No.15242693

These are the days you were deprogrammed for

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2fec84  No.15242694




This Anon found a Q Proof in Epstein's house evidence video. Notable.

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7110cd  No.15242696


But, but how will Q know where to post to find us all?

I'm not going anywhere unless Q says so.

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4a52a1  No.15242698

File: f602cdc9d071ebc⋯.jpeg (97.36 KB, 500x629, 500:629, f602cdc9d071ebc23de43c75c….jpeg)

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7b9283  No.15242700

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ab1971  No.15242701

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4ef59e  No.15242702

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9ef350  No.15242704


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3e4728  No.15242705


I see a death Staved Panda Eye Child.

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26bb0a  No.15242706


This is how sick, twisted and EVIL msn is.

In this video, Dr. Malone, inventor of mRNA vaccine, cited a study out of Hong Kong that shows Omicron is a CURE for covid. He said this is about as good an outcome as there can be, that if you believe in God it's like a Christmas present:

Watch the whole segment:


And yet look how msn portrays what Dr. Malone said:

"The doctor known for his work on the mRNA vaccine reveals just how infectious and deadly the omicron variant is on 'The Ingraham Angle."


That ISN'T what Dr. Malone said! He said the exact OPPOSITE.

msn is despicable. May they rot in hell.

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452606  No.15242707



>"major industrial accident"

yeah really. This image is from across a pretty wide river.


Powerful Blast at Indian Court Bldg.

These two types of attacks do not seem connected in any way.

I mean accidents

I mean….


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a686c3  No.15242708

File: cf945c918cd526a⋯.jpg (474 KB, 1122x584, 561:292, barry_code.jpg)

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5217ba  No.15242709

I have to go prep for Christmas (we celebrate on the 24th). Have a wonderful day anons. Love you all. May it be a Merry Christmas for you and your loved ones.

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4ef59e  No.15242710

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> K


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

c7ba26  No.15242711



Q Research General #19281: Rotors are Good Sir! Edition

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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