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File: 4c2ba2ff6cf4551⋯.png (32.77 KB, 255x143, 255:143, ClipboardImage.png)

6d3afa  No.14220936[Last 50 Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

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>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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19490c  No.14220938

File: b16519c45b91127⋯.png (132.86 KB, 450x509, 450:509, tell_me_y.PNG)


Vaccinated people continue to wear masks because they think it protects the unvaccinated.

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6d3afa  No.14220939


- 8Kun Owner:


- Board Owner:

FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

- Donald J Trump:

https://www.donaldjtrump.com/, https://www.45office.com/, https://rumble.com/c/DonaldTrump

>>14089443,MJ12/Babyfist/Ingersol Larpwood Exposure Thread

>>14137055,MJ12 scamming people.


>>14056718, >>14056728, >>14061958, >>14137055,MJ12 team $1000 larping conjob subscriptions. No wonder they want to take this board so bad.

>>14056282, >>14056297, >>14056336, >>14056472, >>14056545, >>14056587, >>14056630, >>14059295, >>14059460, >>14059665, >>14059749, >>14061470 Proof-positive shills are using a VPS/VPN to share IP addresses

* TOR posting is disabled and DNS fuckery/VANWA Origin issues on-going

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6d3afa  No.14220940

Post away…sorry not sure what I am doing. It is not working copying and pasting from previous breads.

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1c5d56  No.14220941

File: 65c2f21d15e5cde⋯.jpg (12.41 MB, 7136x4392, 892:549, SouthAfricaSatanists5.jpg)

File: 1c9b6622768970c⋯.jpg (67.4 KB, 783x1024, 783:1024, Dobbs.jpg)

File: 217b4777251bd27⋯.jpg (349.68 KB, 610x1227, 610:1227, Linda_Dobbs.jpg)

File: 4d275107dd9ce9c⋯.jpg (44.31 KB, 512x288, 16:9, linda_dobbs.jpg)

File: 1cae8494cc533d3⋯.jpg (113.15 KB, 627x582, 209:194, dobbs.jpg)

Tipoff regarding Dame Linda Dobbs.


The Dame often visits Cape Town, South Africa and used to stay over with Jorje Pringle and Mirko Manojlovic's house in Newlands Cape Town (11 Rose Avenue)

They are very good friends and she was also at Jorje's son's wedding.

Please see the Dame here at the wedding at the 4:00 Mark https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqVEa1aNBTw

Now this may seem perfectly innocent, but some questions remain:

1. Mirko Manojlovic has had many court cases against him since the 1990s up until recently. Here is one such case http://www.saflii.org/za/cases/ZAWCHC/2017/167.html

Mirko won this court case, but it was under very strange circumstances. He put a company into business rescue in order to avoid creditors.

Mirko also has a trust called THE HERMES TRUST which is at Investec Private Bank. Registered 1998 or 1999.

If you search for more on Mirko on Google, its all gone, but if you search on DuckDuckGo.com, you may find quite a bit of information on him. He has spent years having everything on him removed.

There is a large group of people whom he has scammed and stolen from over the years. It is easily 50 to 100 people. Many people out of jobs because of this thief.

2. Jorje Pringle is linked to Retired ex Brigadier General McGill Alexander.

This general became a diplomat and in the late 90s he was held hostage in Taiwan. This can be found on the internet

The general works with foster kids. But is this legit or is there something more sinister going on here?

The general posts strange things regaring Pizza (known pedo symbol) and spiral logo (another pedo symbol).

3. Why did many of the Dame's cases involve light sentences for child abuse?

4. Mirko, Jorje use many satanic type symbols.

One eye symbolism


Owl symbol


Sunesi snake

5. How did Jorjes' son drive at 180km/h and 250km/h on the highway and not get prosecuted?




Shandor posted these videos on Youtube himself. These are backups.

He since crashed the blue Subaru in a legal race in Knysna. So he is not such a good river as he makes out. Endangering lives for his thrill.

The dame is seen at the wedding at the 4:00 mark. This is the same guy - Shandor Hrabar (son of The good friend of the Dame).

Did the good friend, The Dame pull strings?

Is the General legitimate or was there more to this story about the hostage in Taiwan? Was Chen the hostage taker really innocent?

This information will be released to the press soon, but you are welcome to do a story on this.

I suspect that any of the above will cause huge chaos regarding the HBOS investigation which I believe is just a delay tactic to cover for the bank fraud.



Or is the Dame really a very bad judge of character? Is she an idiot? I doubt she is an idiot. Then she must know or be complicit? Either way she should not be investigating a billion pound HBOS matter.

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8cbd28  No.14220942

Shills btfo?

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afa234  No.14220944

File: fc39147c6a09a36⋯.jpg (4.88 KB, 255x141, 85:47, glow_person.jpg)

Shills detected

Anyone posting McAfee/McCafe/Countdown/Telegram GLOWS of Daily Beast and their ilk.

Notice how these shitheads were pushing that shit and all of a sudden here's a daily beast article:


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422499  No.14220945


Appreciate You e Baker

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1ae89b  No.14220946

File: c9506302bf90120⋯.mp4 (5.38 MB, 528x528, 1:1, antifajan6.MP4)

>>14220874 pb

good, thank you.

I'm not a Christian.

But what you write works for me on my own terms.

"If I have sinned against any being, through my words, my actions, my thoughts, deliberately or through negligence, though it is probably improper to ask, please forgive me, Fountain of Compassion to... theGod who showers good fortune and wisdom on His followers, who shines Grace on those who are devoted to Him.

CAll by whatever name you want, whatever is comfortable for you.? the great pure one Speaks all languages and best-knows the language of the heart.... it's the same God for everyone.

Here' s ANTIFA at 1/6

spread the word

They need to be caught/ exposed.

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422499  No.14220947

File: 85eb10838302135⋯.gif (3.42 MB, 600x450, 4:3, 23E578E4_02E0_4949_9E12_3A….gif)

Morning, Frenz

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afa234  No.14220950


The Creepy Far-Right Plot to Bring John McAfee Back From the Dead

A Texas deputy attorney general caught some heat after calling US Olympian…

110 mph chase ends after engine blows, child safely removed from the car

Bombastic software pioneer and sometimes-yacht-based fugitive John McAfee has been dead for more than a month. His widow, his lawyer, and the government of Spain, where McAfee died in a jail cell, all confirm that he has passed away.

Just don’t tell that to the more than 130,000 people who have followed a series of newly created Telegram accounts purporting to belong to a still-alive McAfee.

In life, McAfee was an anti-virus software entrepreneur who would later become involved in failed presidential bids on the Libertarian Party line, cryptocurrency evangelism, conspiracy theories, high-seas living, New Age healing, murder and sexual-assault allegations (he was not charged) and, according to prosecutors, millions of dollars in tax evasion. He died in a Spanish jail cell on June 23, of apparent suicide, while awaiting extradition to the U.S. on tax charges.

McAfee’s larger-than-life persona and some of his fringe stances made him a folk hero of conspiracy movements like QAnon, which McAfee even referenced during his life. Shortly after McAfee’s death, in fact, his Instagram account—which had been run by other people while he was in jail—posted a large “Q” image, sparking a frenzy of conspiratorial chatter.

The Instagram account was later removed. But beginning in mid-July, a trio of accounts on the Telegram platform have emerged, all purporting to be very-much-dead McAfee. Since then, those accounts have racked up followers by pushing QAnon-like ramblings and providing a countdown clock for revelations that—shockingly—never materialized. Now the fake McAfee accounts are sowing discord in the QAnon world, elbowing in on the audience of longer-running QAnon influencers.

SAUCE: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/the-creepy-far-right-plot-to-bring-john-mcafee-back-from-the-dead/ar-AAMH0Ge

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43ef3c  No.14220951

File: 926d026722007aa⋯.png (267.14 KB, 930x416, 465:208, ClipboardImage.png)


Time for landing?

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d6acde  No.14220952

File: 740aff287672f2a⋯.jpeg (21.09 KB, 255x168, 85:56, F661CEF2_7EA0_4193_8532_F….jpeg)

File: 337a06e81709879⋯.png (536.82 KB, 640x362, 320:181, 4538D6C6_F593_4F2D_A798_A0….png)

Not necessarily in this order.

People wake up to …

Food- chemicals, GMO’s

Government- Corruption, taxes

Money- Banking, interest

The last is always the hardest.


If you were taught it or told it, chances are you were lied to.

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83a36e  No.14220953

File: 0394093afc62c71⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1295x954, 1295:954, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 23d5363a2f4defd⋯.png (537.75 KB, 1152x920, 144:115, ClipboardImage.png)

After getting a covid jab in March, Bob Odenkirk (star of Better Call Saul) collapsed on the set of the show after 'heart related incident'.

Mar 27 2021:

‘Better Call Saul’ stars get COVID vaccine at Hispanic Cultural Center


July 28 2021:

Bob Odenkirk condition stable after 'heart related incident'


Odenkirk is an anti-Trump faggot so idgaf about his personal health but I think the jab enlarged his commie heart.

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6d3afa  No.14220955


Thank you! Good Morning Sam!

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c46a84  No.14220957

File: 87ecabdb2b3bcfe⋯.png (1.57 MB, 800x3500, 8:35, ebola_leone.png)

Don't forget this, got banned somehow

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14fea0  No.14220958

File: ef6bf2472a321a9⋯.png (990.86 KB, 1200x911, 1200:911, 353636.png)



you got the bread underway, good stuff

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afa234  No.14220959

File: 0abe2ad8ab62a3d⋯.jpeg (16.02 KB, 254x255, 254:255, pepe_middlefinger_3letter.jpeg)

File: 2550945289136fc⋯.jpg (76.94 KB, 1080x1066, 540:533, glow_do_terror.jpg)

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d6acde  No.14220960


Wasn’t this Bombed earlier this year or last summer? I can’t remember but a building was bombed over there??

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8c4bba  No.14220961


Sydney authorities have been blasted for “militarizing a public health crisis,” after the New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller requested the support of 300 soldiers to ensure greater compliance with Covid restrictions.

The five million residents in Sydney are currently in the fifth week of a city-wide lockdown that has been extended until the end of August but, so far, with sketchy compliance, it has failed to reduce new daily infections to zero.

To help New South Wales (NSW) police enforce the measures, the regional commissioner has asked the Australian Defense Force to deploy 300 troops to the streets “to boost its operational footprint” and ensure that residents there comply with the restrictions.

“With an increase in enforcement activity over the coming week, I have now made a formal request to the Prime Minister for ADF personnel to assist with [the Covid compliance] operation,” Fuller confirmed, in a statement released by NSW police.

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d6acde  No.14220963


That includes the BAR association.

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dedf84  No.14220964

File: d56416fd19b2e78⋯.mp4 (1.86 MB, 494x270, 247:135, antifaattackingjournalisti….mp4)


Does that mean the Muh Jew Haters who wield the Ban Hammer against dissenters reek of "Newsweek?"



Hugely Popular QAnon Telegram Account Goes on Antisemitic Tirade

Nearly Half of QAnon Followers Believe Jews Plotting to Rule the World


QAnon Telegram Account Is World's 'Largest Antisemitic Online Channel'




Hope the money (and whatever other perks) is worth it.

Onions not retiring, Just going incognito because of the flak

yeh, the authentic anon are angry.

And we see you.

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14fea0  No.14220965

File: c232ebeb62a02bd⋯.png (1.39 MB, 1024x768, 4:3, 425252.png)


It seems to be their (Gates, Fauci) modus operandi to try out their poisoned pharma in 3rd world countries first

Less regulation/dumber populace/easier to bribe officials, etc

These elites truly are evil

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d6acde  No.14220967


Oh fuck me. Go kiss your black girl and go to a Cinco De Mayo parade.

What is it with you melting pot Christians?

Anti white mutha fucka

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dedf84  No.14220970


WUT ur a joke

You don't know me

answer the question

Why is Onion is kahoots with Newsweek?

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43ef3c  No.14220971

File: 086c9217b5625e2⋯.png (1.16 MB, 1024x692, 256:173, ClipboardImage.png)


"Who Michael Fanone Wife?

Michael Fanone married Hsin-Yi Wang alias Victoria Wang aka Hsinyi Fanone on June 5, 2010 at St Mary’s Mother of God Church in North West Washington. Both are, however, no longer together."


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d6acde  No.14220972


Nigger you don’t know me.

When I don’t what to say I just call them CIA.

Have an answer nigger.

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26e64e  No.14220973

File: b63c0f6638a0e36⋯.jpg (50.33 KB, 716x536, 179:134, LT_2.jpg)



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dedf84  No.14220976

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this whole board GLOWS like hell

Mob hate / hysteria

Ur fucking liars. A Gang of Liars

You think people can't see that.

speaking of ADMin an Sock puppets.

Let all gang up and create some LARP mythology. Accuse others of what we do and tell the old skool anons to fuck off.

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eb8715  No.14220977

I wanna slip my fingers in someone's panties.

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43ef3c  No.14220978

File: 7e8b8c477521339⋯.png (730.77 KB, 500x614, 250:307, ClipboardImage.png)


>Michael Fanone

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eb8715  No.14220979


Candance, you here???

Cos this morans are already creating a line.

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6f0b52  No.14220981

File: 6523d8461ddca83⋯.png (4.49 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Angry_Pepe_wake_the_hell_u….png)

Bread was down for 30 minutes. Don't forget to thank your local no name anonymous hacker group for banning bakers, including ebakers.

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1f6963  No.14220982

File: 9404e8c385b4862⋯.png (388.95 KB, 1080x792, 15:11, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

File: 0466d66ef6eae8b⋯.png (65.31 KB, 888x390, 148:65, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

File: 66d2470430592b3⋯.png (91.56 KB, 870x514, 435:257, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

Morning anons…

Cabal83 and Cabal93 inbound…

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e1480e  No.14220983

File: 3bfbb7a67b4d26e⋯.png (1.61 MB, 690x1006, 345:503, ClipboardImage.png)

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d6acde  No.14220984


You say one thing about Jewish Jesus and the Bible Thumpers starting yelling CIA.

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90f61f  No.14220985

Good Eve anon

last bread



Not laid down, many time, more than 24

still not rested, have had somethin' to Et

Thinkin, the tsunami, earthquake, is a shake, We did that wonder twin ?

What happened with the pink rose ?

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eb8715  No.14220987


Is that Amazon right there????

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dedf84  No.14220988


loser.. Bible thumpers What the fuck are you blabbering about.

that's funny

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c84355  No.14220989

File: 698fb62e19c86ac⋯.png (2.07 MB, 684x1025, 684:1025, ClipboardImage.png)


Weird bread is better than no bread.

Just happy that a baker showed up.

Thanks Bakes.

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43ef3c  No.14220990

File: f9b8b7cf0eb9592⋯.png (155.45 KB, 288x288, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14217994 /pb

>Ukraine: Three Jerusalem Yeshiva #students - died in a fire after a light stunt aircraft crashed into the roof of a private villa.

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d6acde  No.14220991


You would know if you followed the fucking conversation.

Go take a knee. Dumb fuck.

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d243e7  No.14220992

File: bc1852c18e5b4e9⋯.mp4 (5.17 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, deadly_variant_or_politica….mp4)

Deadly variant or political "scariant"?

(Spoiler: Delta virus isn't going to hurt you)

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14fea0  No.14220993

File: 4d6175aa47d6a06⋯.png (362.08 KB, 679x616, 97:88, 3565758585599.png)


> New South Wales Police Commissioner Mick Fuller

His contract ends next year

He's a typical bone-head cop, who thinks the answer to everything is beating citizens with a truncheon

He'd be right at home in 1960's Alabama, lynching niggers

Australia is a Cabal testing ground to see what a "Western" nation will put up with: how the sheep will comply

Sydney is mostly pajeets, towelheads and chinks now anyway…

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dedf84  No.14220994



u crazy

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d6acde  No.14220995


Be Careful there are Christian CIA detectives in here and they don’t appreciate killings or hate. Only love for all people.

It’s pukey.

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90f61f  No.14220996


two of us anon

why can we not rest ? Whats been activated today?

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eb8715  No.14220997


You just don't know the best.

It is all or nothing, this is why this world it is like this.

You just happy w/ nothing.

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43ef3c  No.14220999


>Be Careful there are Christian CIA detectives in here and they don’t appreciate killings or hate. Only love for all people.

Shut the fuck up.

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d6acde  No.14221001


All I know is the News got way ahead of the Jan 6 testimony.

The feeds are up to 17,432. So they know we know.

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7a4f8c  No.14221003




Go and put that shit over there, not here.

————————————–——– Australia #17

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e1480e  No.14221004

File: eba6115af939ccf⋯.png (1.73 MB, 1061x773, 1061:773, ClipboardImage.png)


>Is that Amazon right there????

Um, no.

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eb8715  No.14221007

I'm horny.

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c97e21  No.14221008

File: 1d44cc0279ef171⋯.png (40.59 KB, 250x226, 125:113, seriously.png)


>Be Careful there are Christian CIA detectives in here and they don’t appreciate killings or hate. Only love for all people.

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dedf84  No.14221009


They think they win, without truth, with just money and #'s

They are so hyped up and angry they forget they are losing.

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eb8715  No.14221010


No one is wining, dear friend.

Only us.


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90f61f  No.14221012

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dedf84  No.14221013


You left out an "N"

Who is "us?"

Certainly not Dirty Onion and Gang?

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1f6963  No.14221014

File: 7bc82a146bdb1b0⋯.png (110.2 KB, 1282x488, 641:244, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

JUST IN - U.S. Senate voted 67-32 to advance the debate on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.17 Republican Senatorsvoting YES: Blunt, Burr, Capito, Cassidy, Collins, Cramer, Crapo, Graham, Grassley, Hoeven, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Risch, Romney, Tillis, Young

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5e9780  No.14221015

File: a7430f28d5dd17b⋯.jpg (402.56 KB, 1080x1639, 1080:1639, 20210729_054035.jpg)


Has this been posted yet?

8.2 magnitude earthquake hits Alaska, prompting tsunami warnings


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eb8715  No.14221016


Us that hate God, justice and beauty……

Take your N AND SGHOUT IT.

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c84355  No.14221018


How to control an entire population of people: Put them on house arrest under the guise of "for the public good"

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518c37  No.14221020


Roger Notable capped it as well

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07e6c3  No.14221021


>Dirty Onion and Gang?

Cornpop was a bad dude

And he ran a bunch of bad boys.

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b07a3a  No.14221022

File: 9ca44506179d70f⋯.jpg (346.2 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 1622506110950.jpg)

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dedf84  No.14221023

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38d084  No.14221024

>>14220982. 👀


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90f61f  No.14221025


yes last bread

We did that, connected to Angela trembles, I broke the German plate, cos he doesnt want to put his follish shepard costume back on, he was to be a cowboy

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7a4f8c  No.14221026

File: 3d6ea6f75a65c33⋯.png (607.48 KB, 810x1280, 81:128, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [29.07.21 05:06]

[ Photo ]

Maricopa audit is finishing up and winding down.

Cyber Ninjas released a transparency report showing how much money they received and from which groups.


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4c3df2  No.14221027

File: d2de8d3c2e49c15⋯.png (45.78 KB, 297x195, 99:65, eyeroll.png)


>Vaccinated people continue to wear masks because they think it protects the unvaccinated.

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f8149d  No.14221028


Just. Stop. Not the same guy and we know it. Keep digging on Fanone anons.

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c97e21  No.14221029

File: 5f69989ebd055ff⋯.png (145.26 KB, 331x341, 331:341, 2020_08_02_00_06_57.png)


>JUST IN - U.S. Senate voted 67-32 to advance the debate on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill.17 Republican Senatorsvoting YES: Blunt, Burr, Capito, Cassidy, Collins, Cramer, Crapo, Graham, Grassley, Hoeven, McConnell, Murkowski, Portman, Risch, Romney, Tillis, Young

The usual bunch of RINO trash.


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7a4f8c  No.14221030

File: aebe82a4dc75897⋯.png (570.79 KB, 1080x948, 90:79, ClipboardImage.png)

CodeMonkeyZ, [29.07.21 05:53]

[ Photo ]

Vaccinated people continue to wear masks because they think it protects the unvaccinated.


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dedf84  No.14221031

File: e35fce18f9e0e0f⋯.png (2.27 MB, 1626x1626, 1:1, antifaleaderhussainb.png)

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6f0b52  No.14221032


Yea, I'm sure it's temporary. Just saying it for the record and calling out those naively going along and buttkissing the enemy all the time. Of course realizing bkissers are prob part of their team.

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90f61f  No.14221033

*foolish even

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7a4f8c  No.14221034

@RealGenFlynn, [29.07.21 06:00]

Join me on GETTR @RealGenFlynn


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1d7ec7  No.14221036

File: febfed1db2ca644⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1696x1146, 848:573, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

Here's how Democrats deal with the homelessness they create.

They outlaw it!

The Los Angeles City Council gave final approval on Wednesday to an ordinance outlawing camping around parks, libraries and other facilities, over objections from critics who said it would punish people for living on the streets.

The measure, approved on a 13-2 vote, had been billed as a more humane way to clear the city’s sidewalks, alleys and open spaces, with outreach teams offering shelter and services before any enforcement takes place.

The ordinance now heads to Mayor Eric Garcetti, who plans to sign it. Whether the law will be heavily enforced, and how long it will take for the city to make substantive progress, is far from clear.


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9c568e  No.14221037


thank you improvised ebaker

(better than I could do if I wanted)

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eb8715  No.14221038




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f8149d  No.14221039


do we get a “V” brand or a “U” brand?

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43ef3c  No.14221040


>Michael Fanone


>Just. Stop. Not the same guy and we know it. Keep digging on Fanone anons.

You're right. Late to the dig. Different tats. Move along.

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6c34cd  No.14221041




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9c568e  No.14221042

File: a597a59f6574879⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210530_234323_101.jpg)

Friendly reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


You are very blessed and loved


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69b829  No.14221044

File: 95e6e5c1d13b067⋯.png (869.15 KB, 1280x800, 8:5, 3535356.png)




you seem to have a hard-on for CM posts

do you think he's an oracle ?

>fanbois faggot

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ebcf72  No.14221045

File: 09b9fbd7223bdec⋯.jpg (27.15 KB, 419x466, 419:466, toober.JPG)


Go to bed, Toober. You're drunk.

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f8149d  No.14221048


Feeling it.

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e588d0  No.14221049


G'Mornin' Sam… Another Day at the Office.

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90f61f  No.14221050


UV if you get lucky anon

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3739f2  No.14221051


Lot of room for kickbacks in a $1.2 trillion bill.

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c97e21  No.14221052

File: 3accdd5bb02f44f⋯.png (192.59 KB, 695x328, 695:328, first_they_came.png)


>Here's how Democrats deal with the homelessness they create.

>They outlaw it!

Dems are just a modern version of evil from times past.

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7a4f8c  No.14221054

File: 02008e363b27180⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1080x1073, 1080:1073, 02008e363b27180948dc1bcb7e….png)


I've contributed 4 helpful posts and all you can do is criticize someone's work.

FILTERED because I don't want anything to do with you.

And I've always hated tom cruise.

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38d084  No.14221056

File: e758cf7ac15cb8b⋯.png (417.32 KB, 636x626, 318:313, e758cf7ac15cb8bcd114c7037a….png)


o7 Baker

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c97e21  No.14221057

File: ce47f634c96e1ed⋯.mp4 (4.8 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, toobin.mp4)


>Go to bed, Toober. You're drunk.

Zoom later.


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1f6963  No.14221058


ty fren…

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83cd0a  No.14221059

Soft, bitching and pathetic grown boys on both sides.

Let them both burn and foster in their own rage.

Let them both taste of their own wrath.

Let them both come to me.

Hate the other, curse the other and with clenched teeth murmur.

Everyone waiting on grown boys to make a mistake and capitalize.

Men don't speak, they hold their silence.

They wait for the mistakes of grown boys to make.

Men cheer and encourage when they hear their thoughts spoken by grown boys and the grown boys feel like men.

Both sides armies of hate.

One raisins and the other prunes.

Let hate be in them all, they will fall.

Let hate be in just one, God will call.

Every book, every thought. It's all mine!

Stop writing, stop thinking.

Here have some wine.




All grown boys can do is wine.

Empires of costumes and toys. Fight! Fight! Put on this costume, play with this toy and FIGHT!

Careful now lonely old man, some grown boys believed your praise. There's not enough hate in this world to feed your armies now that you fed the boy God just called.

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c84355  No.14221060


>These elites truly are evil


They get where they are by agreeing to do the evil deeds.

Evil promotes evil.

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7a4f8c  No.14221061

File: 5971472858a44fc⋯.png (172.69 KB, 657x631, 657:631, ClipboardImage.png)


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dedf84  No.14221062

File: 3ea57a029c8d0c5⋯.mp4 (10.08 MB, 320x240, 4:3, qtimelinesmall.mp4)

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7a4f8c  No.14221063

File: ac61baeec2b7705⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, ClipboardImage.png)

⚡ 🇺🇸 Sidney Powell 🇺🇸 🗽, [29.07.21 02:11]

[Forwarded from The Professor's Record]


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64c564  No.14221064



This is not about R v D.

This is about preserving our way of life.

If America falls, the World falls.

Patriots on guard.


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2d0ba7  No.14221066

File: 8d63823bc2fe409⋯.mp4 (999.08 KB, 480x852, 40:71, Police_are_coming.mp4)

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c84355  No.14221067

File: 92f35b8fb245053⋯.png (10.09 KB, 577x114, 577:114, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a7d29adb870fe3f⋯.png (649.17 KB, 1000x667, 1000:667, ClipboardImage.png)

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7a4f8c  No.14221068

File: d835fff43389bd9⋯.png (898.76 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: de5f1af5378fadf⋯.png (1.63 MB, 1280x856, 160:107, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 521e0dc59d17a53⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 003a251d06d5e48⋯.png (1.75 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b68b179ca0216a2⋯.png (1.38 MB, 1200x800, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


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e6510e  No.14221069

File: 43752fa7aeb77bb⋯.png (744.13 KB, 737x784, 737:784, Untitled.png)

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64c564  No.14221072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c97e21  No.14221073

File: e243f3dae539531⋯.png (140.25 KB, 323x325, 323:325, 2020_08_12_20_51_24_copy.png)


>Lot of room for kickbacks in a $1.2 trillion bill.

Is there a game called 'Scramble For The Kickbacks' which teaches crooked politicians how to make the most out of their kickbacks?

Not for Sale to Taxpayers.

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2d0ba7  No.14221074

File: 416e25e263bd3f0⋯.mp4 (4.59 MB, 640x480, 4:3, ScotFree.mp4)

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7a4f8c  No.14221075

Of course you would choose Tom Cruise, that self righteous prick cheated on his wife when she was pregnant, divorcing her and making her miscarriage.

Nicole turned the other cheek and got the fuck on with her life.

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3739f2  No.14221076


Workfag works for a J&J subsidiary.

Expecting any day now they're going to foist this requirement on us.

Workfag will out of a job, then.

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7a4f8c  No.14221077


no surprised, they cant handle the truth either

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2d0ba7  No.14221078

File: 93ac14deb4db682⋯.mp4 (2.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, notwise.mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221079

File: c54f23063c29d57⋯.mp4 (4.1 MB, 720x1280, 9:16, GOTEEM.mp4)

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7a4f8c  No.14221080


Tell workfag to start looking now… So sorry.

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2d0ba7  No.14221081

File: 9eda4e92b0ee12c⋯.mp4 (8.41 MB, 614x586, 307:293, canadians.mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221082

File: 8fc8ab9b25b6dc9⋯.mp4 (7.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cortezstarwars.mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221083

File: 86fc17d3ffc42f4⋯.mp4 (447.69 KB, 480x270, 16:9, sniff.mp4)

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b07a3a  No.14221084

File: 51d3d9ac185c7ad⋯.png (585.15 KB, 1080x805, 216:161, Memeto_1624023563552.png)

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2d0ba7  No.14221085

File: d88dfd76d8926b4⋯.mp4 (4.61 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, DISGRACEFUL.mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221086

File: 2dd44835755b1a9⋯.png (457.19 KB, 425x703, 425:703, GoodTrouble.png)

File: 00e387ffa4e1a37⋯.png (281.47 KB, 444x444, 1:1, goodjobbuddy.png)

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48746d  No.14221087

File: 48d1ad9b20cd952⋯.jpeg (52.86 KB, 395x395, 1:1, 04017D47_89F7_4D19_826C_C….jpeg)

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2d0ba7  No.14221088

File: 14733c85f3bd3f0⋯.mp4 (7.33 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Joe_Biden_hypocrite_talkin….mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221089

File: ae3854623d3efbf⋯.mp4 (322.86 KB, 320x568, 40:71, GlobalWorldOrder.mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221090

File: 59074cc2d6fe63c⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 1344x720, 28:15, threats.mp4)

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83cd0a  No.14221091

File: 14c1da9fb3e4d56⋯.png (12.33 KB, 694x174, 347:87, Capture.PNG)

File: 2eba31cda3ca844⋯.jpg (74.48 KB, 650x434, 325:217, prunes.jpg)


Grapes ferment.

Prunes do not.

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1072b3  No.14221092

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90f61f  No.14221093




Dont drink anon, though you can buy mine.

Make love not War never sounded better

Oh dear G-d i'm getting wetter

Well the H–l

What in eye ?

So turned on strugglin' to rhyme.

Somethings up

Somethings weird

I dont even masterbate dear.

I cannot sleep

Cannot eat

Now head is full of flashes & lights

strokin' pettin', pussy my dear, my dear

has never been more clear

In honesty

through rhyme & rinse

wouldn't take much to convince

Somethings goin' on,

affecting the force

Not just random randiness of course

Loneliness is life, yes?

We've spoken of that before

These feelings now older anon, are more

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2d0ba7  No.14221094

File: 97bc26d50441cd3⋯.mp4 (2.39 MB, 960x720, 4:3, FLYNN_Maybe_I_ll_find_some….mp4)

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83a36e  No.14221095




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1f6963  No.14221096


There is a big divide being set up with this kind of rhetoric…(their) last stand will be to try to rally the vaccinated against the unvaccinated…

BTW..what do other anons think the REAL Jax numbers are? 30%? 35%? Might be less…

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2d0ba7  No.14221097

File: b1d1e61b9bcdc1f⋯.mp4 (3.7 MB, 1280x592, 80:37, Hunter_Clearly_Has_Problem….mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221099

File: d4dddafa931b7ea⋯.mp4 (280.93 KB, 652x360, 163:90, New_York_Gov_Andrew_Cuomo_….mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221100

File: 13bec081fc22242⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB, 1280x696, 160:87, CALIF_GOV_NEWSOM_It_s_a_ch….mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221101

File: f3721d980b866ce⋯.mp4 (650.73 KB, 720x720, 1:1, getvaxiNO.mp4)

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1f6963  No.14221102


keep posting it…we are getting CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE…

I would even argue tipping point was passed Saturday night as Q+ was AGGRESSIVE and changed the tone…

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c84355  No.14221103


But workfag will still be alive and there will be lots of job openings when the vaxed start dropping dead.

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1f6963  No.14221104

File: e86b091ece6deb1⋯.png (768.59 KB, 1390x708, 695:354, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

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3a2fe0  No.14221105

File: 021db430153c22c⋯.png (781.64 KB, 689x466, 689:466, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa876fa10cfca18⋯.png (21.45 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)

>>14218095 (pb)

Pretty sure South Korea has been involved as an Australia/US allied force in the Talisman Sabre exercises for a while. I'd like to hope its not a Chy-na flag and is their one…

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4c3df2  No.14221106


grief, they are so fucking lame– smfh

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7a4f8c  No.14221107

File: 89c14788a0c7150⋯.png (440.14 KB, 655x764, 655:764, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 865ef776a9a72d9⋯.png (690.7 KB, 1096x636, 274:159, ClipboardImage.png)

Joseph J Flynn


Michael Thomas Flynn son of Helen and Charlie Flynn …Public Enemy # 1….. They are scared shitless of him…..Brace yourselves !!!! Revolver News Exclusive: General Flynn discusses the deep state's conspiracy to destroy him


Revolver News Exclusive: General Flynn discusses the deep state's conspiracy to destroy him

Revolver News Published July 26, 2021 22,905 Views



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64c564  No.14221108

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

'… party affiliation ain't what it used to be'.


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7a4f8c  No.14221109


2-3% at best

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c97e21  No.14221110

File: ad28993dee2def9⋯.png (82.42 KB, 250x240, 25:24, 2020_08_10_22_48_27.png)


Even the leafies are waking up.

The sheep in America, not so much.

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a4b1e3  No.14221111

File: 7b8198e1ba778b5⋯.png (3.59 MB, 1502x1080, 751:540, FBC6CB9D_E9EA_455F_86C4_63….png)

Don’t eat any fast food

It contains Covid variant

Spouse anon and I never eat fast food, but yesterday she was running late and got McDonalds for lunch….this morning she is very sick with fever

We live in small county and I couldn’t figure out why new cases started going up out out of nowhere…..I know why now, prob how they spread it in the first place

Give up fast food…..make big evil fat cats pay

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1f6963  No.14221112


>Lot of room for kickbacks in a $1.2 trillion bill.

(they) have to pass a BIG WHOPPING infrastructure bill to rebuild all these burned out cities…every D city gets their BOON…

Prediction: IT WON'T PASS…

-17 republicans…

-Q+ rally AGAINST it…

-Some D's bailing already…


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1d7ec7  No.14221113


Good reminder, thx anon. Don't know why I phrased it that way since I believe there will be many D's against this law.

Previous laws such as "no feeding crowds in the park" have caused public outcry on both sides.Then there is the "no parking from 3-6 a.m." rule, clearly anti-homeless

People only think of the tent dwellers as the homeless, they forget the ones who are living in their vehicles. (17,000 in L.A. as of 2019, probably 50,000 now if I had to guess)

These people often still have jobs, cell phones, and gym memberships so they can shower, trying to hang on until things improve. I work with people who make a decent living but bike to work and have 2-3 roommates.

Anon is in the feels at the amount of human wreckage everywhere. God help us

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c84355  No.14221114


Why is she not wearing a mask while she is talking about the "science" of wearing a mask?

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2d0ba7  No.14221115


sooo many reactions!

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1072b3  No.14221116


sorry worlkag I accidentally hit send early.

You may have to lower expectations for a while. maybe a year, to get by.

Do whatever kind or work there is to get by.

A mandate is NOT a law. Businesses do not have to follow them. ANY kind of work you can find do it. Remember it will be temporary because when the overwhelming evidence, that people are dying or being permanently maimed by this thing jab, they will drop the vaxx program. The PEOPLE will go ballistic about the news.

I worked, for years, 2 or 3 jobs at a time, to get enough money.(not now)

You do whatever you have to do for work but do NOT get the jab. EVER.


Best of luck and prayers for you to find work. ANY kind of work.

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ed0148  No.14221117

File: 101c3e9d01e5ed6⋯.jpg (43.78 KB, 1086x568, 543:284, EAR7ac1XoAA_sHY.jpg)


>not being horny 24/7

>not thinking of women you want to fuck 24/7

>crying about it on an anonymous homemade bread makers forum

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2d0ba7  No.14221118

File: 75a5a434c96ec35⋯.mp4 (665.43 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, banclown.mp4)

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1f6963  No.14221119


I love me some ILDonaldo! Brostodomos!

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ea98a8  No.14221120


>Nearly Half of QAnon Followers Believe Jews Plotting to Rule the World

Wildly inaccurate… "Nearly half might believe Jews already rule the world" would be more probable.

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7a4f8c  No.14221121

File: ab5a2607b35a955⋯.mp4 (3.77 MB, 464x848, 29:53, 5118537f3898782eb11ccc640b….mp4)

Joseph J Flynn

Douchebag figures out he’s been duped by communists


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a4b1e3  No.14221122

File: 45b5f5081e2064b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 6D8418AA_96C8_4091_B685_D3….png)


Greedy politicians pushing “Pork spending” with high inflation is tranny

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ed0148  No.14221123

File: 7e8a1288970d1a0⋯.jpg (33.93 KB, 1000x544, 125:68, EwTKI_eWEAc8Sjb.jpg)


>Nearly half might believe Jews already rule the world

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1072b3  No.14221124


rmember you are watching a movie. This is a scripted narrative.

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eb8715  No.14221125



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2509e6  No.14221126

File: 3f52777402bf07e⋯.png (476.82 KB, 1018x660, 509:330, utc_time_Google_Search_202….png)


it's been 5 hours 1 minute now. Another few min now that I made a half-assed graphic.

If it were bad, Hawaii would know it by now, right?

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ea98a8  No.14221127

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07e6c3  No.14221128


You're doing capslock wrong

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1d7ec7  No.14221129


Something I can't get out of my head,

The unthinkable rumor that HT victims end up in McDonald's food via certain packing plants

The pet food industry does this with euthanized pets from veterinary hospitals, they go back into pet food, legally no more than 10% => have your pets cremated to avoid

Also digits chek'd

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249dd1  No.14221130

File: 43d860894715ce4⋯.png (564.29 KB, 1716x1380, 143:115, covid_death_rate_2_75_perc….png)

File: 3c32da189217423⋯.png (669.68 KB, 970x500, 97:50, ClipboardImage.png)

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83cd0a  No.14221131

File: cf88eeac4e68a21⋯.mp4 (1.94 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, cf88eeac4e68a21cf8171cc030….mp4)

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7a4f8c  No.14221132

File: a731e141494c7b8⋯.png (547.01 KB, 1280x1049, 1280:1049, ClipboardImage.png)

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64c564  No.14221133


Well, there should be dongers (containers) but the trick is ya can't make em like a labour camp. Remote beaches should still allow shacks. Congestion is the worst, but I recall you could house and feed the planet comfortably in Texas alone with no over reaching cabal control mechanisms. Principles are fundamental. Land management etc. is easy.

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26e64e  No.14221134


A hard, but smart, thing to do anon.

Unless you can make a lateral move, don't quit, make them remove you.


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ebcf72  No.14221135

File: 872fe721d04f73a⋯.png (906.43 KB, 789x606, 263:202, apollo.png)


>Give up fast food


And soda. And any "food" that comes in a box.

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1f6963  No.14221136

File: dbd03dbbc500633⋯.png (742.34 KB, 896x1168, 56:73, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

File: 32bc709a8ae1318⋯.png (629.98 KB, 1292x750, 646:375, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

No needle…


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eb8715  No.14221137


SO What?

he's the same shit with whatever caps i'll use.

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2d0ba7  No.14221138

File: 0b7fdc155f1d6a5⋯.png (395.21 KB, 563x613, 563:613, ClipboardImage.png)

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c84355  No.14221139




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ed0148  No.14221140


But I just said in the post you quoted that I think about having sex with women 24/7, not raping. If it's not consensual, without the included purpose of conceiving then I DON'T WANT IT

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9c568e  No.14221141

File: 77dae1a8e2c50c5⋯.jpg (832.01 KB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210728_191245_159.jpg)


I never stopped, only lowered the frequency of posting it, along with changes of image and text - so BV could not ban me for "spamming", or "posting for views" - which is actually true in the sense that new eyes should gain confidence if they view it - but it's not my channel & I don't monetise on anything I provide, I'm actually spending (relative) much money to be here.

ThanQ for your moral support

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b07a3a  No.14221142

File: 779f8fc1f82cfa6⋯.jpeg (211.1 KB, 1440x1564, 360:391, 1546433611.jpeg)

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ebcf72  No.14221143

File: dad2deba886f3f6⋯.gif (1.8 MB, 342x252, 19:14, thespian.gif)


Such actor! Big feels!

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ed0148  No.14221144

File: 14d44f37abdd3c9⋯.jpg (43.67 KB, 709x152, 709:152, gerv.jpg)



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ea98a8  No.14221145


Dangit quads messing up my Big Mac meals ;-)

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d2008d  No.14221146


I think all these graphs are bullshit.

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e55d0c  No.14221147


Thank you for your sacrifice, Anon.

God be with you.

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1f6963  No.14221149

File: 8565ee611676567⋯.png (1.34 MB, 1276x1194, 638:597, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

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eb8715  No.14221150


Who the fvck said 24/7?

I'm not a fvcking machine.

But 2,3 times w/ a lovely girl, mmmmmm.

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1d7ec7  No.14221151

File: ce429f3e0b04da4⋯.jpg (180.14 KB, 1172x1146, 586:573, EkbSDPqVMAA7kF0.jpg)


Similar situation. Praying for you, anon. Fog of war and troubling times. Fight!

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316e46  No.14221152

How is it not an example of a business practicing medicine without a license, when they still require masks??


Holding oneself out to the public as being engaged in:

(A) the diagnosis, treatment, correction, orprevention of any disease, ailment, defect, injury, infirmity, deformity, pain, or other condition of human beings;

If a business is holding themselves out to the public (they have a public facing website with Covid-19 guidelines), how are they not practicing medicine without a license??? That's the exact definition of practicing medicine without a license… Discrimination is out the window but still, how can these private businesses be giving medical requirements?? With no medical license??

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e6510e  No.14221153

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a4b1e3  No.14221154


Kek…..that’s what she ate

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03c6b1  No.14221155


he look like he on death's door

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ed0148  No.14221156


I'm telling you my own feelings, I don't give a fuck how your dumb faggot brain works

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e55d0c  No.14221157


Wish you and your Wife wellness in health and all things. Stay safe.

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38d084  No.14221158

File: d4a3903552ebb7f⋯.png (459.23 KB, 632x960, 79:120, Leaf_Angel.png)

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eb8715  No.14221159


What is that brain that you so often name it is?

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386b61  No.14221160


The psychological skullfucking has reached level-super-ultra:

Drive your own car,

Roll down your own window,

Stick out your own arm,

Receive mysterious injection under your skin…

Stick up your own thumb and post a proud pic of yourself for the whole world to see.

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a4b1e3  No.14221161


C_A obviously….they work with military often, why you think military is ok with chem trailing civilians

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c84355  No.14221162


Better Call Saul star Rhea Seehorn has responded to the health update on Bob Odenkirk.

On Tuesday (27 July), Odenkirk collapsed while filming a scene for Breaking Bad spin-off’s final season in Albuquerque, New Mexico.


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eb8715  No.14221163


Your brain is that shit that put this planet in this situation?

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2d0ba7  No.14221164

File: bb3a056b3b39370⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, compliant.png)


>The psychological skullfucking has reached level-super-ultra:

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ed0148  No.14221165



I'm a humble anon trying to save the world one post at a time

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7a4f8c  No.14221166

File: 4625e3bc938998b⋯.png (130.35 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

“It Needs To Be Hard For People To Remain Unvaccinated”: Making The Case For Covid Challenges

Dr. Leana Wen, CNN analyst and Distinguished Fellow at the Fitzhugh Mullan Institute of Health Workforce Equity at George Washington University, has caused a stir due to her recent declaration on CNN that “it needs to be hard for people to remain unvaccinated.” With France implementing a mandatory “health pass” and private companies like Morgan Stanley requiring vaccinations for employees to return to work, we can expect more protests and challenges around the world. Those cases are likely to focus on whether mandatory requirements are based on medical or political imperatives. Wen’s comment is likely to be repeated in many filings as another case of “saying the quiet part out loud.” She appears to advocate measures defined to coerce people to take vaccinations due to the continuing refusal of a sizable number of people.

Wen is a well-known medical analyst and the former head of Planned Parenthood. She is a visiting professor at George Washington University.

Wen made clear that health measures should be used to make life hard for people who refuse the vaccine so that they yield to public demands: “[b]asically, we need to make getting vaccinated the easy choice.” In the Washington Post, Wen also called for “Biden to make the case for vaccine requirements.”

There is already open pressure from the White House on private companies to require vaccinations. Morgan Stanley responded by doing just that this week. They can likely do so. The most serious challenges could come from those with religious objections. However, even if they are allowed to work remotely, Morgan Stanley CEO James Gorman stated in July that “If you want to get paid New York rates, you work in New York. None of this, ‘I’m in Colorado…and getting paid like I’m sitting in New York City. Sorry, that doesn’t work.” The message could not be clearer that working remotely will come at a penalty.

The Biden White House is clearly concerned that making vaccines mandatory will cause not just court challenges but a public backlash. However, such mandatory programs have been upheld. As I discussed in a column last year, there is a 1905 case where the Supreme Court upheld a state mandatory vaccination program of school children for small pox in Massachusetts. In Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905), the Court found that such programs are the quintessential state power rather than a federal power. It also held that “every well-ordered society charged with the duty of conserving the safety of its members the rights of the individual in respect of his liberty may at times, under the pressure of great dangers, be subjected to such restraint, to be enforced by reasonable regulations, as the safety of the general public may demand.” States are allowed to subject citizens to restraints to protect “general comfort, health, and prosperity of the State.”

The fear is that, as with social media companies carrying out censorship of political and social viewpoints, companies will now serve as surrogates for the state on vaccinations. The Administration would prefer to do precisely what Wen advocated: ratchet up the private penalties and difficulties for anyone who wants to remain unvaccinated.

The problem is when you have leading analysts arguing for such measures as coercive devices. While there is considerable deference on such matters, the courts could take note of such demands to make life hard on those who are not “getting with the program.”

As of July 11, a total of 159,266,536 Americans have been fully vaccinated. That is 48 percent of the country’s population. When you consider the extremely high rate of vaccination for those over 65, the percentage of adults under 65 is even smaller. Despite all of the press and bizarre reward systems, the government is clearly hitting a wall with many people declining the vaccines. (For the record, I took the vaccine and all of my family has been vaccinated).

That is a sizable number of voters and the Democrats are leery of openly forcing vaccines before the 2022 election. That is why the push is to make life more difficult through private companies. However, if these measures are viewed as designed to coerce, courts may be more scrutinizing of the public health necessity for the measures.


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192a64  No.14221167

File: 5c097c2651ffaa6⋯.png (3.16 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, 6982D8D6_4CA5_4D9D_AA4D_49….png)

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eb8715  No.14221168




I'll pass using it.

Cock is better, at least makes one happy.

You, using your brain, made us all sad.

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1072b3  No.14221169


Unfortunately dude, you are for about a month after being jabbed. THEN however, is the worst part of the scenario. The poison you allowed to enter your body, is spreading throughout your body and is slowly infecting every organ you have or at least what it comes in contact with.

Just because you helped them spread their word and their hate to others, did not keep you immune. You have ended up no better than the vast majority of the world.

Think not? think "go call saul" actor who is in hospital after a heart attack.

He got jabbed.

Do research, go to notables here and read articles, watch videos from Doctors who know.

Try to help others not take the jab. They want the world depopulated by many BILLIONS.

Even though you were useful to them at one time, now you are just another useless feeder that needs to become compost.

This is by design. They are trying to kill us all off.

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ed0148  No.14221170


Jesus if it's that big of a deal I'll just use my cock from now on!

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2d0ba7  No.14221171

File: a31b184a81764c3⋯.mp4 (7.34 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Gov_Andrew_Cuomo_announced….mp4)

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7a4f8c  No.14221172


This article claims 48% have been given a shot



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6d69aa  No.14221173

File: a33f29498ed546e⋯.jpg (5.08 KB, 180x244, 45:61, bruce444.jpg)

File: 8066f28bb6e35ee⋯.jpg (436.85 KB, 1160x773, 1160:773, dorfman_lede_getty_images_….jpg)

File: 1b21908de8939ee⋯.jpg (11.8 KB, 180x250, 18:25, portfolio_miller_richard00….jpg)


Special Agent Richard Miller traded the (LA regional FBI) office phone book for a blowjob from a Russian emigrant, Svetlana Ogorodnikov he was attempting to entrap in a complex cointel trap that may yet be sprung to the astonishment of all concerned.

In the meantime, Miller must suffer shame in the afterlife having been been unjustly, if not unfairly, convicted of espionage.

Dead or Alive, Miller deserves a pardon like a dandelion deserves to be yellow.

We call for POTUS Joe Biden to


"Everyone else was doing it."


Framed by his own agency for being a man who put penis above patriotism, his Mormon honor tarnished etc

"“Svetlana Ogorodnikov, who is being tried on charges that she recruited an F.B.I. agent to spy for the Soviet Union, burst into tears in court today when another former F.B.I. agent testified that she had invited him to have sex.

”Why you lie – liar!” Mrs. Ogorodnikov declared, interrupting the testimony of the former agent, John E. Hunt, who had been describing a dinner meeting he had with her in June 1982."

Genuine, Factual Truth Posts(tm) are sponsored by the Association of Seditious Intelligence Officers, Entity and Alien Equity Fund for Vanuatu, the Senior Executive Disservice and Huawei/SLOPES Foundation.

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eb8715  No.14221174



This planet has enough tards.

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e6510e  No.14221175

File: 752a5e5a58e3d62⋯.jpg (261.33 KB, 900x488, 225:122, orcorgke.jpg)


go speak to each other in mordor

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1072b3  No.14221176


Do you know so little English, that you place a question mark after a statement?


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26e64e  No.14221177

File: 1be2f7c0f7beb8a⋯.jpeg (80.12 KB, 800x563, 800:563, ronpopeil.jpeg)

Ron Popeil, inventor and king of TV pitchmen, dies at 86


Ron Popeil, the quintessential TV pitchman and inventor known to generations of viewers for hawking products including the Veg-O-Matic, the Pocket Fisherman, Mr. Microphone and the Showtime Rotisserie and BBQ, has died, his family said.

Popeil died “suddenly and peacefully” Wednesday at Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, his family said in a statement. He was 86. No cause of death was given.

Popeil essentially invented the popular image of the American television pitchman, whose novel products solved frustrating problems viewers didn’t know they had. He popularized much of the vernacular of late-night TV ads and infomercials, with lines like “Now how much would you pay?” and “Set it and forget it.”

Popeil, whose father was also an inventor-salesman, built his ability to sell things as a young man in the open-air markets of Chicago, where he moved as a teen in the 1940s after spending his earliest years in New York and Miami.

Building on an invention of his father’s, the Chop-o-Matic, he marketed the slicing-and-chopping machine he called the Veg-O-Matic, sold by the company he founded and named after himself — Ronco.

He would take the product-slinging style previously done at state fairs and Woolworth stores to television starting in the late 1950s, offering viewers a chance to skip stores and buy straight from the source with a simple phone call.

As his influence grew, he crafted an enthusiastic, guy-next-door presence that suffused the 1970s with commercials for such gadgets as the the Popeil Pocket Fisherman, a self-contained fishing apparatus, and Mr. Microphone, a then-groundbreaking wireless mic that was amplified through the nearest AM radio.

“But wait — there’s more,” he’d say in the ads.

Though Ronco Teleproducts went bankrupt in 1984, Popeil started from the bottom again and built himself and his company back up. By the 1990s, as the infomercial gained footing and cable television’s influence spread, he was doing full-length shows that evangelized about such devices as pasta makers, food dehydrators and “GLH” (Great-Looking Hair), which was commonly called “hair in a can.”

He appealed to consumers in part because he was a classic American showman, equal parts P.T. Barnum and Thomas Edison — an inventor and innovator, yes, but a popularizer as well, a man who saw consumers’ needs and then found accessible ways to entice them into making purchases.

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316e46  No.14221178



If a business doesn't serve you because it has asked you to wear a mask…that is okay.

However, if a business mandates a mask with the intention of stopping the spread of a virus, and they've got a publicaly facing website, stating the mask requirements are a part of stopping Covod-19- they are engaging in the prevention of a disease… Which they are legally not allowed to do. How are there not more cases for practicing medicine without a license???

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2d0ba7  No.14221179

File: 37c2cc63e499191⋯.mp4 (13.42 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Dr_Christine_Blasey_Fords_….mp4)

so brave

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7a4f8c  No.14221180



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a4b1e3  No.14221181


The “vax” sets off addiction response….euphoria feeling after being pricked is not good, reminds me of “the summer of crack” millions of people claimed they were addicted after first toke

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ea98a8  No.14221182


I just had one Monday, but only the Mac & fries, no drink. Still feel fine.

Maybe jar-headedness causes immunity?

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eb8715  No.14221183


Why do I need english?

I only use bing.

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ea399b  No.14221184

File: 23b182b8353732c⋯.png (1.73 MB, 2676x3540, 223:295, DemPlaybook2021.png)

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2d0ba7  No.14221185

File: 9449dca6945b29b⋯.mp4 (15.54 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, _katyperry_Katy_did_you_sa….mp4)

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a9d03d  No.14221186


Head like a hole, black as your soul

Bow down before the one you serve

You're going to get what you deserve

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ed0148  No.14221187


I'm only interested in making the people I love happy. Making you miserable feels almost as good

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f958f3  No.14221188

File: aedec09a7156c17⋯.jpg (318.46 KB, 1000x1378, 500:689, Cosmos.jpg)

File: fa16f86fdb69cfb⋯.png (1.81 MB, 1671x944, 1671:944, I_m_Yo_Fatha_Fucka_Youa.png)

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1f6963  No.14221189

File: a2466db7af79e08⋯.png (181.13 KB, 1950x978, 325:163, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)


HFCS = High fructose corn syrup…which is in EVERYTHING…

Metabolic syndrome is obesity/diabetes/heart issues…

Metabolism is basically taking master pre-cursors and chunking them up into lesser chemical mediators we need to run our body/vehicle…

You have 6 master precursors…

-saturated fatty acids

-monounsaturated fatty acids

-polyunsaturated fatty acids




From these you break down EVERY SINGLE CHEMICAL MEDIATOR you need to run yourself…

New science COMING and it will magnificent!

It is a DRUG and it effects your bodies ability to processes fatty acids which is how we should run.

You will RUN ON SUGAR = HFCS but you will suffer…

You SHOULD RUN off fats = everything you can stick on a triglyceride…

When we figure this out we will live much longer and be much healthier…


"HFCS consumption with chow diet did not induce weight gain compared to water, chow-only controls but did induce glucose dysregulation and reduced evoked dopa- mine release in the dorsolateral striatum. These data show that HFCS can contribute to metabolic disorder and altered dopamine function independent of weight gain and high-fat diets."

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2d0ba7  No.14221190

File: a8f6f00b9a6e579⋯.mp4 (4.18 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, WTH_A_man_said_he_got_oral….mp4)

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192a64  No.14221191


Please tell me his epitaph will say, “But wait, there’s more!”

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eb8715  No.14221192


That was a question, garbage.

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7a4f8c  No.14221193

File: cc8430d5f276b4e⋯.png (494.17 KB, 654x704, 327:352, ClipboardImage.png)

John Solomon


DoD to require everyone to wear masks regardless of vaccination status on Pentagon properties | Just The News

DoD to require everyone to wear masks regardless of vaccination status on Pentagon properties

The Department of Defense statement comes a day after the CDC recommended people wear masks indoors.

The United States Department of Defense announced Wednesday that everyone would be required to wear masks indoors at facilities "owned, leased or otherwise controlled by DoD in the Pentagon Reservation" regardless of vaccination status.

The DoD made the announcement in a statement after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Tuesday had updated its guidelines recommending that everyone, regardless of vaccination status, wear masks indoors as the new delta variant of the COVID-19 virus spreads.

"Effective immediately, in accordance with CDC guidelines and DoD direction, the Director of Administration & Management has directed that service members, federal employees, onsite contractor employees, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status, must wear a mask in an indoor setting in installations and other facilities owned, leased or otherwise controlled by DoD in the Pentagon Reservation," the statement read.

The DoD's announcement follows the recent trend of resuming COVID precautions in many government entities. Masks and other lockdown-related moves have been making a comeback, such as in cities like Los Angeles and St. Louis, which have already reinstituted mask mandates.



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a69c42  No.14221194


Cool ebonics bro.

Super persuasive.

Fucking idiot.

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2d0ba7  No.14221195


>“But wait, there’s more!”

Didn't the inventor of the pringles tube have his ashes interred inside of a pringles tube?

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1072b3  No.14221196

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ebcf72  No.14221197

File: 2bd9167ad1fc3c2⋯.png (186.71 KB, 456x353, 456:353, calMONKEY.png)


Advertising used to be entertaining. Another giant gone.

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709ca8  No.14221198

File: 51d47535a5d283a⋯.jpeg (253.43 KB, 640x828, 160:207, 8B92A276_94F6_4029_9FA3_E….jpeg)









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2d0ba7  No.14221199

File: 401f643182bda7c⋯.png (144.01 KB, 427x640, 427:640, ClipboardImage.png)


“My siblings and I briefly debated what flavor to use,” said son Larry, in conversation with TIME. In the end, his choice was inspired: “I said, ‘Look, we need to use the original.’”

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7a4f8c  No.14221200

File: ee5f0cc61405516⋯.png (88.83 KB, 302x360, 151:180, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 310c7624c36b507⋯.png (73.21 KB, 360x311, 360:311, ClipboardImage.png)

Rep. Jim Jordan Retweeted

Jim Banks




Here’s the story they didn’t want told: The Capitol Police Union Chairman Gus Papathanasiou blames 1/6 on a “disastrous collapse of leadership” that was “months and years in the making” because “the voices of the rank-and-file-officers had been ignored for years.”


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ea98a8  No.14221201


Good gravy they have run wild with my "drive-thru rehab" idea.

It was just a joke, people…

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b07a3a  No.14221202

File: 98dbd5f424a9a73⋯.jpg (53 KB, 1024x576, 16:9, 1618581106035m.jpg)

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64c564  No.14221203

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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2d0ba7  No.14221204

File: c2b09121f4bd167⋯.mp4 (4.03 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 9convert_com_Children_reci….mp4)

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a4b1e3  No.14221205


Prob random meals….too obvious if they infected everyone coming there

Lots of old people were being careful with Covid lockdown yet still got it, cuz many eat fast food

Governor of our state, specifically mentioned keeping track of new cases involving children, cuz they wanna vax them so badly

How do these sick fucks look at themselves in a mirror

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eb8715  No.14221207


You want to clean the road of snow, just crying?

Imagine if all of us will fvck and create a new generation…….

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7a4f8c  No.14221208

File: 080ed313edb5775⋯.png (45.96 KB, 640x439, 640:439, ClipboardImage.png)

Diamond and Silk®


Americans have been wearing Masks for over a year to slow and stop the spread, according to the science.

When will the Mask kick in to slow and stop the spread?

Quote Tweet


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1072b3  No.14221209


aahh memories!

good times eh?


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ed0148  No.14221210


>How do these sick fucks look at themselves in a mirror

They're on ridiculous amounts of klonopin

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2d0ba7  No.14221211

File: c8713556d607261⋯.png (61.85 KB, 428x119, 428:119, ClipboardImage.png)



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2509e6  No.14221212

File: b6e99eddc11cb0e⋯.png (34.04 KB, 535x358, 535:358, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b4485880dd8b466⋯.png (1.43 MB, 1080x720, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Was Saturday (pic related)?

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7a4f8c  No.14221213

File: c6b490847053812⋯.png (419.31 KB, 650x691, 650:691, ClipboardImage.png)

Diamond and Silk®


Do you think that America should remain open vs being locked down? Sign the Petition now.



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2d0ba7  No.14221214

File: 4a89922cd5f617e⋯.mp4 (3.66 MB, 600x336, 25:14, Joan_Rivers_Calls_Presiden….mp4)

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ed0148  No.14221215

File: abdad0bfcf14c87⋯.gif (3.39 MB, 314x293, 314:293, billary.gif)


>Imagine if all of us will fvck and create a new generation…….

Ready when you are KEK

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1f6963  No.14221216


>ThanQ for your moral support

We need to do it more for each other…

I am a long time anon, been at this for a good bit of my life. Have never been so motivated and hopeful of the future since when Q started posting. When the election was stolen, and allowed to be stolen, probably the lowest point for me as anon…I am a daily #morningcrew anon and actually stopped coming here for a good bit…

That video gave me enough hope to get over my disappointment and start being an anon again…I now see the need for the election fuckery and would have agreed that was a proper path for the plan if I were inside…

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da3174  No.14221217

File: 3e0c47eb637a299⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 675x518, 675:518, photo_2021_06_09_21_28_40.jpg)

Morning Clown's, Shills and Karen's! So question, how's you boy Joe doing? Enjoying the wonderful world he promised you? You got you vax, now you're told to mask back up and (You) are the super spreaders while Joe opens the boarders and buses the covid infested migrants into your town. Better put in for overtime, you've got all those illegals to support now, you won't be able to retire til your 75 now! Careful what you wish for!

Miss trump yet? Kek! Buckle up bittercups, you think it's crazy town now, it's only the beginning.

(We're gonna need a lot more pills ;-)

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2d0ba7  No.14221218

File: ce373030d61fdce⋯.mp4 (7.95 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, Build_back_better_the_slog….mp4)

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e70da3  No.14221219

File: 1479a34a1a83543⋯.jpg (65.09 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Killed_or_Be_Killed_3.jpg)

Or…or… With Netflix and Hollywood to Jump on Board with this shit… They die off, have no one to for for them, and they completely implode.


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1072b3  No.14221220


They are sociopaths and have no emotions as a normal person does. That is why it is so hard for us to fathom.

We couldn't even think up things they actually do.

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eb8715  No.14221221


My lovely babe inside me, will not accept it.

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7a4f8c  No.14221222

File: e4bef21483af484⋯.png (412.91 KB, 687x687, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

Pelosi Gets Wrecked By Archbishop For Citing Her ‘Devout Catholic’ Faith While Defending the Horrors of Abortion

Daily Wire reports that Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone brutally rebuked House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) over comments she made claiming to be a “devout Catholic” while defending taxpayer-funded abortions.

Cordileone said, “Let me repeat: no one can claim to be a devout Catholic and condone the killing of innocent human life, let alone have the government pay for it.”

He continued, “The right to life is a fundamental – the most fundamental – human right, and Catholics do not oppose fundamental human rights.”

“To use the smokescreen of abortion as an issue of health and fairness to poor women is the epitome of hypocrisy: what about the health of the baby being killed?”

Watch Pelosi cite her faith in defense of abortion:

.@SpeakerPelosi: "As a devout Catholic and mother of 5 in 6 years, I feel that God blessed my husband and me with our beautiful family" but taxpayer funded abortion "is an issue of fairness and justice for poor women in our country." pic.twitter.com/o6BbeuCKmJ

— Mary Margaret Olohan (@MaryMargOlohan) July 22, 2021

The Archbishop continued, “What about giving poor women real choice, so they are supported in choosing life? This would give them fairness and equality to women of means, who can afford to bring a child into the world. It is people of faith who run pro-life crisis pregnancy clinics; they are the only ones who provide poor women life-giving alternatives to having their babies killed in their wombs.”

He concluded, “I cannot be prouder of my fellow Catholics who are so prominent in providing this vital service. To them I say: you are the ones worthy to call yourselves ‘devout Catholics’!”

At a press conference, Pelosi reportedly stated that while she feels “blessed” to be a “devout Catholic” mother of five, she does not believe it is her place to prevent poor women from having abortions.

Pelosi added, “Because it’s an issue of health of many women in America, especially those in lower-income situations, and different states, and it is something that has been a priority for many of us a long time.”


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2d0ba7  No.14221223

File: 738db3555436da5⋯.png (231.06 KB, 594x447, 198:149, Gonna_block_out_the_sun.png)


>They are sociopaths and have no emotions as a normal person does.

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e70da3  No.14221225


*No one to work for them…

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ed0148  No.14221226


Okay, so I got dibs on next round then

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709ca8  No.14221227

None of the Mexicans around where I live ever wore masks they thought it all was a big joke Kek I guess they outsmarted us

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48a33b  No.14221228


Another Lockdown imminent

Must. Fight. Back

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6df00b  No.14221229

File: 37c5431c55b5464⋯.jpg (284.59 KB, 704x396, 16:9, maskboy.jpg)



Glad you are back, pop a squat and hang on to your butt, things are getting good. The line continues to hold.

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a4b1e3  No.14221230


Stopped eating high fructose corn sugar back in the 90’s

Spouse anon actually got it removed from Raisin Bran after they added it back then

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c84355  No.14221231


I can't even watch tv any more.

I used to love TV and movies.

The Left ruins everything.

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7a4f8c  No.14221232

File: 13fd143f0223159⋯.png (281.95 KB, 681x672, 227:224, ClipboardImage.png)

Former Detroit Police Chief Becomes Gretchen Whitmer’s Worst Nightmare — Publicly Announces ‘I’m Running’

Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig is fed up.

Craig is a former Democrat who has now turned Republican. He has “protected and served for 44 years.”

Craig went on Fox News and told Tucker Carlson about his upcoming plan to take down Whitmer: “I’ve got to tell you — I’m running, because when I look at what some politicians are doing across the country — you know, let’s talk about Gov. Whitmer, she follows different rules.”

“I’m gonna show the governor what leadership looks like,” he said. “We’re part of a movement. We’re going to take the state back.”

“We launched today the Chief James Craig For Governor Exploratory Committee,” Craig said. “We know what happened last year, you know, when other cities were burning — Portland, Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago — but Detroit did not burn.”

Michigan has greatly suffered under the failed leadership under Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Craig claims.

“I can’t help but think about the small businesses who are suffering through the pandemic — and now, you know, we want to give them handouts and businesses can’t even hire employees,” Craig said.

In response to taking on Whitmer and working in this new capacity for Michigan, Craig concluded, “Bring it. I’m ready for it.”

More from Western Journal:

During recent appearances, the former police chief has said Whitmer is ruining Michigan’s future with her stranglehold on power.

“Let’s face it, Democratic polices and Gretchen Whitmer hurt our children. The policies hurt our youth, the policies hurt our cities. Their policies hurt black people, brown people, young people, pretty much all people,” he said, according to WXMI-TV.

Michigan Legislature Takes Significant Step Toward Repealing Gov. Whitmer’s Emergency Powers

In a speech Monday, Craig said the Michigan governor was crippling the potential of future generations with her COVID lockdowns, according to the Detroit Free Press.

“Democrat policies had children sitting at home, rather than going to school,” Craig said.


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2d0ba7  No.14221233

File: 5fdab44d14a0be6⋯.png (422.1 KB, 1024x780, 256:195, cloakofpepe.png)


>taxpayer funded abortion "is an issue of fairness and justice for poor women in our country."

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1072b3  No.14221234


That makes me want to vomit.

All of them saying that mindless phrase. The great leaders of the world.

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2d0ba7  No.14221235

File: 949115223b2bc93⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB, 848x480, 53:30, maskdebate.mp4)

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a4b1e3  No.14221236


Phony religious people will burn for eternity

Do you hear me Zionist Jews……better repent

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005400  No.14221237


already happening in south africa and the fools are waiting in Q's like at a trump rally

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e70da3  No.14221238

File: b07f91b27237036⋯.mp4 (11.84 MB, 720x720, 1:1, Give_Yourself_a_Treat_Beef….mp4)




They're not just tired… they're DEM TIRED

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7a4f8c  No.14221239

File: 0dab84cec778d54⋯.png (69.02 KB, 633x641, 633:641, ClipboardImage.png)

Donald Trump Jr.


Shocked!!! Face with rolling eyesFace with rolling eyesFace with rolling eyes

It's almost like Biden's mask mandate never had anything to do with "the science," and is actually all about protecting the political power of leftwing Democrats who want to use COVID as an excuse to fundamentally transform America forever.


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1d7ec7  No.14221240

File: f18a0b6a6bbf178⋯.png (2 MB, 1566x1266, 261:211, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)


Anyone know if this guy took the shot? "Dies peacefully in his sleep" at age 46?

Is transverse myelitis deadly?


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e1480e  No.14221241


First they came for the Communists but I was not a

Communist so I did not speak out. Then they came

for the Socialists and Trade Unionists but I was

not one of them, so I did not speak out. Then they

came for the Jews but I was not Jewish so I did not

speak out.

Then all of sudden, things got better and better.

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d1aafb  No.14221242


Relatively speaking, the last 2 paragraphs are fair coming from a MSM site.

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26e64e  No.14221243


>Advertising used to be entertaining.

not "woke"

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ed0148  No.14221244

I love you Q!

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709ca8  No.14221245

File: 4f7bb7623b20e61⋯.png (63.54 KB, 229x235, 229:235, 8D76CEBF_FE63_406E_AE69_24….png)


>Is transverse myelitis deadly?

Ask Ashley Babbit

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a4b1e3  No.14221246

So I got a 24 hour ban on FB for responding “Dumbest post ever” to an idiot saying masks were safest way to prevent Covid

I told FB I was providing a public service by pointing out stupid people cuz how else are they gonna learn…..they were not amused

Nerds have no sense of humor

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709ca8  No.14221247


>I love you Q!

(No homo)

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2d0ba7  No.14221248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Joey Jordison, A Founding Member Of The Band Slipknot, Has Died At Age 46

Joey Jordison, a founding member of Slipknot, who drummed for the influential metal band in its most popular period and helped write many of its best-known songs, has died Monday at age 46, his family said.

"We are heartbroken to share the news that Joey Jordison, prolific drummer, musician and artist passed away peacefully in his sleep," his family said in a statement. "Joey's death has left us with empty hearts and feelings of indescribable sorrow."

No cause or place of death was provided.

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b07a3a  No.14221249

File: 104054a31113900⋯.png (362.85 KB, 1080x778, 540:389, Memeto_1618540340980.png)

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1d7ec7  No.14221250

File: b31cda73c7db30c⋯.jpg (70.92 KB, 820x658, 410:329, b31cda73c7db30c32346330d8e….jpg)


Once they are exposed, nothing will ever be the same. It will be better!

There is a huge demand for NOT SATANIC shows, kek

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ed0148  No.14221251



Right. No homo. Cause Q is a man

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709ca8  No.14221252

File: ca4d4867eed6bc3⋯.jpeg (67.24 KB, 604x340, 151:85, 501B909E_9AEC_46C4_A3C6_6….jpeg)

File: 759c1b5e8b468ff⋯.jpeg (62.98 KB, 631x947, 631:947, FCC2444A_9F27_4840_A30F_4….jpeg)


>I love you Q!

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e55d0c  No.14221253

File: a2cabed336dd13e⋯.png (919.64 KB, 1923x815, 1923:815, Untitled.png)


We have plenty.

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f958f3  No.14221254

File: cf8597332cb204b⋯.gif (847.34 KB, 772x418, 386:209, haha_walkthedog_or_takethe….gif)


>feels almost as good

Still not drugs the you looking for, try long time ago Dantooine.

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eb8715  No.14221255


You can also fight against svpidity by stop fvcking.

It works the same.

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c68566  No.14221256


Rip Joey .. 2 of the original 9 gone .. damn

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a4b1e3  No.14221257

File: 2c2760a149007b6⋯.jpeg (83.36 KB, 990x557, 990:557, 8DD9A95D_2ADF_482B_A00D_0….jpeg)


He made the evil heavy metal popular

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709ca8  No.14221258

File: 80d5b1a5bd1159b⋯.jpeg (292.92 KB, 577x586, 577:586, 801EC356_F4F8_463C_AD48_D….jpeg)

File: 6dc2fceefeda21b⋯.jpeg (370.78 KB, 538x673, 538:673, 66D28607_C7C9_4C39_843E_6….jpeg)

File: 8a8b954f0892b2f⋯.jpeg (102.77 KB, 412x350, 206:175, 6E83754F_23A9_4D15_B5A8_1….jpeg)

File: 369888439b6e1fa⋯.jpeg (206.24 KB, 640x830, 64:83, 24F9677E_0FF9_4BF9_A37A_C….jpeg)

File: e5e89083cfd51e5⋯.jpeg (151.11 KB, 580x403, 580:403, 878FDF2D_092C_4C25_A3AD_C….jpeg)


>Okay, so I got dibs on next round then

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1072b3  No.14221259


They want the majority of the western world out of the way first, so I think it is concentrated in those countries. They will probably have some sort of mass death planned for others, who have no means of protecting themselves.

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64c564  No.14221260



It's to protect the ladies while you're still here. kek.

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7a4f8c  No.14221261

File: 364fa237aea5383⋯.png (41.17 KB, 627x482, 627:482, ClipboardImage.png)

Theodosius Ambrosius


Vaccinations are the new Windows Update.

Insanity is trusting the same people again, and expecting a different result every time.

Quote Tweet

Auron MacIntyre


· 17h

Sorry sir, you passport says you’re only on your ninth vaccination and we don’t sell bread to racists


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4d7ce0  No.14221262


lmao thinking they died

How does one escape

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b07a3a  No.14221263

File: 6d511b4d2a05d51⋯.jpg (239.12 KB, 1080x471, 360:157, 20200107_120328.jpg)

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66d025  No.14221264


i stopped feeding my animals store bought pet food when a vet told me this. it's so fucked

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64c564  No.14221265

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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c84355  No.14221266


But getting rid of the Communists, Socialists and Trade Unionists are all good things.

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709ca8  No.14221267

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a69c42  No.14221268

File: 62874015d8ba8f1⋯.jpeg (137.71 KB, 828x753, 276:251, 88DC4EC1_FBAA_4D2B_AB5F_0….jpeg)

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ed0148  No.14221269


That little faggot knocked her up if I remember correctly

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a69c42  No.14221270



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eb8715  No.14221271


I don't like ladies…..

I mean I like them, but as people.

I prefer to fk whores, b/c they know how the job must be done.

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2d0ba7  No.14221272

File: 46ebc6955a586ba⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1395x930, 3:2, Screenshot_2021_07_27_at_1….png)

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e625c4  No.14221273


Does everyone spell like a a Roman Legionary in Rwanda, or is it just you?

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709ca8  No.14221274


>HT victims

What is that

What the fuck is that

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ed0148  No.14221275


You can say whore but you can't type out the word fuck?

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3a2fe0  No.14221276


>transverse myelitis

One would think so…

Sudden Onset of Myelitis after COVID-19 Vaccination: An Under-Recognized Severe Rare Adverse Event

Fitzsimmons W, Nance CS

Preprint from SSRN, 17 May 2021

DOI: 10.2139/ssrn.3841558 PPR: PPR342408


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a4b1e3  No.14221277


Killing off the vaxed and blaming the unvaxed…..sounds like something a Jew would do

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2d0ba7  No.14221278

File: e20d933f719f8f6⋯.mp4 (3 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Australian_military_now_co….mp4)

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a69c42  No.14221279

File: 87f580cf5b4508d⋯.jpeg (92.61 KB, 828x753, 276:251, CB3DB4C9_C28D_48A8_B801_6….jpeg)

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03c6b1  No.14221280


they have to keep pandemic going at least until 2022 midterms, to allow for the mail in voter fraud to continue

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d56a83  No.14221281


Human Trafficking

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709ca8  No.14221282


Is that on your resumé? Is that how you got the job at the FBI faggot?

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eb8715  No.14221283


I'm a special one.




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1d7ec7  No.14221284

File: 7bb3607310f65aa⋯.jpg (68.22 KB, 602x375, 602:375, 7bb3607310f65aa2aeffb29669….jpg)


Hillary and Hitler had something in common, they couldn't emote and had to practice in front of a mirror. She learned when to smile, and even tried to cry once, cringey AF anyone remember that?

The fact is we are all hybrids. Leaders like CM, IET, JOS are trying ever-so-carefully to redpill Christians that the whole "snake" thing in the bible…. led to a genetic event that persists to this day. The snake was the original psychopath.

The people we call psychopaths today have a higher concentration of this DNA

From what I gather anyway

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05e03d  No.14221285


who is monkey boy quoting?

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709ca8  No.14221286


>Human Trafficking

Well I thought my Big Mac tasted a little bit like cunt last time I ate there

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858f91  No.14221287

File: c26ffd1ca5f73e4⋯.png (1.14 MB, 1242x2211, 414:737, 3D42A510_C453_49CF_B800_0D….png)

Did hunter start selling his sportscard collection?

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ed0148  No.14221288


Hey come on, Lisa Page might take it up the ass but that doesn't exactly mean she's a whore

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b07a3a  No.14221289

File: 9f07ab0c4dbd618⋯.gif (2.74 MB, 498x249, 2:1, tenor.gif)

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7a4f8c  No.14221290

File: 6f3a87bb5cb0b64⋯.png (280.43 KB, 648x798, 108:133, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84b713ae0acb80b⋯.png (241.58 KB, 680x621, 680:621, ClipboardImage.png)

Stephen Coughlin


How do you know the transponder was cut off in violation of a court order, Guo Wengui’s (Miles Guo’s) 150-foot yacht Lady May turned off its transponder and crossed the Atlantic where it is now. Do you have a copy of the court order?


Stephen Coughlin


Is there a link to that case? And how did you know the transponder was turned off?


Stephen Coughlin


Hey, thank you!


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ed0148  No.14221291

File: dda267182902702⋯.gif (2.36 MB, 480x270, 16:9, tenor.gif)

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6df00b  No.14221292

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

some news out of New Mexico. State House Leader-Rep. Sheryl Williams Stapleton - a black democrat. Is now under investigation for Money Laundering and Racketeering and more, kek. Dumb Bitch.

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06a4ef  No.14221293


Money laundering. Did Hunter stop painting?

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7a4f8c  No.14221294

File: 44c87cab43c04fd⋯.png (406.28 KB, 647x729, 647:729, ClipboardImage.png)

Mccabe's Porsche on Blocks


I didn't watch the silly staged drama "hearing" yesterday, but when I finally did see a clip my head exploded. Why has this asshole balls deep in everything? He should be on jail, not repping fairytale drama queens.Angry face


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8e286e  No.14221295

File: 84d40ae2ccb1f86⋯.mp4 (3.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, antifa_dressed_up.mp4)

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8e286e  No.14221296

File: ad6596701ad8eb8⋯.mp4 (609.63 KB, 320x400, 4:5, police_handing_bats_to_ant….mp4)

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a4b1e3  No.14221297


What kind of gay millionaire spends all that dough on a trading card

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e1480e  No.14221298


>Cause Q is a man

Ergo ed0148 is a FemAnon. Carry on, soldier.

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eb8715  No.14221299

I was working at the FBI only in weekends.

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64c564  No.14221300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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7a4f8c  No.14221301

File: cdd77d17d703a74⋯.png (20.53 KB, 464x303, 464:303, ClipboardImage.png)

Israel's #COVID19 data dashboard provided by the Health Ministry apparently no longer shows breakdowns of hospitalizations and deaths by vaccination status.



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e8ade8  No.14221302


a gay pedo millionaire would.

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005400  No.14221303


gay and transgender

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eb8715  No.14221304


Guys made plenty arrests with shit planted.

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709ca8  No.14221305


>What kind of gay millionaire spends all that dough on a trading card

Hunter drew too much attention with his shady art deals so the cabal is using collectibles to launder money

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ed0148  No.14221306


No I'm a man. I just like to remind Q how much I care. Love is not always penising something

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709ca8  No.14221307

File: ca12b78371ac0ad⋯.jpeg (118.63 KB, 563x487, 563:487, FF9615F1_F067_4AD1_BD73_0….jpeg)

File: d9cd0e52f9127e1⋯.jpeg (232.07 KB, 640x699, 640:699, 7429DF10_5FC8_4547_8283_3….jpeg)


>I was working at the FBI only in weekends.

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1d7ec7  No.14221308


Excellent move. Animals fed that cheap store bought crap have runny eyes, skin conditions, ear infections and more due to the euthanol that is legally in the food.

If you don't know what a rendering plant is, don't look it up

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eb8715  No.14221309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


trust efbiai.

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709ca8  No.14221310

File: 8b630d480678888⋯.jpeg (311.92 KB, 640x734, 320:367, 19CB5281_374A_4BE4_9129_7….jpeg)


>Excellent move. Animals fed that cheap store bought crap

You two boomers should get a room or something

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1072b3  No.14221311


Hunter and his antics are a distraction when we should be talking the jab, the kill off od the population and the election fraud.

hunter is a pissant.

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e1480e  No.14221312


>have your pets cremated

Anon buries furry friends in the back yard in

loving remembrance of their companionship.

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ebcf72  No.14221313


>under investigation for Money Laundering and Racketeering and more

Has she cried "racism" yet?

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8e286e  No.14221314

File: 71244d9b97864fe⋯.mp4 (12.45 MB, 404x720, 101:180, 71244d9b97864fe87df52b6f1e….mp4)

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7a4f8c  No.14221315

File: f407fedf26e5cbf⋯.png (844.75 KB, 1073x572, 1073:572, ClipboardImage.png)

James Gilliland/Peter Slattery - As You Wish Talk Radio LIVE



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3a2fe0  No.14221316

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

The Clowns-In-Australia media we have spewing communist propaganda pressers…

These people need to end. asap.

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6bbb33  No.14221317


He's a fellow traveler. They do what they want. Rules, regulations, laws are not applicable to them.

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8e286e  No.14221319

File: f5bde718cb40a23⋯.mp4 (913.02 KB, 512x768, 2:3, 5CwGcfVI7Gu_7Tb.mp4)

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6d69aa  No.14221320

File: a9dcb27a06c8698⋯.jpg (122.39 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, richard_russell_2018_08_12….jpg)


some late night wonders

(National) Earl Schieb "I'll paint any car for 99.95"

Actually performed service claimed. Sold out long ago.


(national) Crazy Eddy aka Sam Antar

A bent CPA


(NYC) Jerry Rosenberg "Wuts the story Jerry?"

Gimmick: sold 'only to union members and their families'


Barry Minkowki ZZZZZZZ Best carpet cleaning

"17 year old boy genius" with OC partners


Former assistant from anons office netted 20 mill selling penis growth pills in late night ads.

Anon asked "What do you say when people as you if they work? "

"I say we have millions of satisfied customers," said he.

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64c564  No.14221321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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a4b1e3  No.14221322


Rephilim have extra DNA…leads to six fingers and other anomalies…[[they]] bred the giant gene out because they were easily spotted and killed…Hyksos warriors wore Rephilim hands around their necks as trophies

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05e03d  No.14221323

File: 4688192705f9e89⋯.png (281.87 KB, 438x373, 438:373, ClipboardImage.png)

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66d025  No.14221324


my father was a vet so i know some of the horrible things that are done to animals. i cook for mine or feed them a raw meal and they're doing great

i'd also advise against eating veal

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1d7ec7  No.14221325

File: 97c307c1b90101d⋯.png (2.34 MB, 1138x1508, 569:754, Screen_Shot_2021_07_18_at_….png)


Pets make life worth living

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8e286e  No.14221326

File: 76c017caa969a93⋯.mp4 (8.6 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 76c017caa969a933f9e3162b6e….mp4)

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e1480e  No.14221327

File: a521cf3fe2b4b9d⋯.png (403.53 KB, 498x291, 166:97, ClipboardImage.png)


> V

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6df00b  No.14221328


i almost would after being filmed like that. Kek. she embezzles all that money and she can't help but looking like a stereotype.

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1d7ec7  No.14221329


Oh dang any links?

I dig this shit

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5e9780  No.14221330


You're talking to the guy who spammed videos of himself in Africa and Israel for at least a year

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5e9780  No.14221331


'Heart attacks' can be deadly?

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861a83  No.14221332

File: e1efed5026f6a6a⋯.jpg (210.78 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, Australia.jpg)

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1f6963  No.14221333

File: 589fb0d80c718b2⋯.png (516.3 KB, 1840x628, 460:157, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

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8e286e  No.14221334

File: 075d40a87671f04⋯.mp4 (3.23 MB, 368x656, 23:41, NazGEfteVa7M88QW.mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221335

File: b5dc5dc5d897219⋯.png (344.25 KB, 620x595, 124:119, miles1.png)

File: 758950276462d09⋯.png (344.79 KB, 444x554, 222:277, miles2.png)

File: 9b27465dc9950e8⋯.png (1.88 MB, 750x1334, 375:667, miles3.png)

File: 292840718a83509⋯.jpg (57.86 KB, 406x800, 203:400, MilesGuo.jpg)

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8e286e  No.14221336

File: dcccd683b02d529⋯.mp4 (4.84 MB, 406x720, 203:360, Q8kv9f763NDa_small.mp4)

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d43ab5  No.14221337

File: 93c13c24389624c⋯.png (572.08 KB, 1014x566, 507:283, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)

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1072b3  No.14221338

>>14221235 KMAO!

I needed this!

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c84355  No.14221339


TV shows got really disgusting once they started the mandatory "homo moment" for every actor about 20 years ago.

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c97e21  No.14221340

File: 7b70716ccb2e0f3⋯.png (104.01 KB, 341x259, 341:259, 2020_08_15_19_21_43.png)


Why is there almost always a chYna woman standing next to these fukks?

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e5145c  No.14221341

File: 35cd67d51c411eb⋯.jpg (39.87 KB, 640x592, 40:37, rttgfhgjiiookjjhgjftjgbfdj….jpg)


rich dumb and used is the same as poor dumb and used "Superspreader"!

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1d7ec7  No.14221342


Holy fucking shit

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66d025  No.14221343


buried my dogs at their favourite stomping ground. i miss them all

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26e64e  No.14221344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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64c564  No.14221345

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Fk me did you arrange this guy?


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6df00b  No.14221346


reading some of the comments on the YT videos, i am seeing that she also called out for Trumps assassination on Twitter at some point, lots of comments are stating that. Don't have twitter to confirm but odds are she deleted them.

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2d0ba7  No.14221347

File: e13dab230926803⋯.jpeg (1.06 MB, 2160x2700, 4:5, the_rock.jpeg)

File: e3611d9bb31bc90⋯.png (305.14 KB, 393x390, 131:130, tulsi.png)

File: 673b9702d5ab7f9⋯.jpeg (70.84 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Awan.jpeg)

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e1480e  No.14221348


>Uniform and Grooming Standards — A USCP Police Officer will be required to wear a USCP-issued uniform while in duty status. Males must be clean shaven.


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9c568e  No.14221349

File: 8930992b8a06d4e⋯.jpg (2.82 MB, 3000x4000, 3:4, IMG_20210524_121056_676.jpg)



I can barely provide with digs and memes due lame lowtech.

But I'm always here lurking and collecting for offline storage.

And I try to boost morale of patriots and truthseeking anons by encouragement. No one here is above or below any other and every single digital fighter counts.

I can not prove it, but if this is a marathon of 42.x km then I am confident that we are closer to the end of it - like at km 35 or so - than at the start.

More people are waking up in the last couple of months than in the past four years before.

You are included in my prayers every day all day for support, protection, health, insight and all blessings required. And you are loved with no conditions attached.

Where. We. Go. One. We. Go. All.

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e55d0c  No.14221350


Reznor was speaking their plans in plain English years ago.

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1d7ec7  No.14221351

File: cf20a0da148b117⋯.png (941.71 KB, 1028x936, 257:234, Screen_Shot_2021_07_05_at_….png)


The gesture is too obvious.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks

Trust no one

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6df00b  No.14221352


lost my last one a month ago, his brother a year before, both were cremated and right next to me as they should be. Still hurts every fucking day but it was with the help of some anons that i got through it. This is why some of the people in here are just awesome individuals.

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c97e21  No.14221353

File: 2c307d2657b9d03⋯.png (86.04 KB, 250x250, 1:1, 2020_09_20_20_13_45.png)


If you have the time, follow each individual for the whole video.


Particularly the guy bottom left.

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26e64e  No.14221354

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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2554fc  No.14221355



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d7b576  No.14221356

tard, I'm using this site for 4 years, and this life for 45 years.

You will not scare me if pc gets blocked by you.

I laugh and restart,

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ed0148  No.14221357


We're good buds now

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1d7ec7  No.14221358


Losing a pet is probably only second to losing a child, distant second, but the innocence, the loyalty, the trust… I can't take it, all the pets I have lost are still open wounds

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2d0ba7  No.14221359

File: 355ad21ba8e50e9⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 720x720, 1:1, nice_1_.mp4)


the flak is always a good tell

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c84355  No.14221360


>HT victims end up in McDonald's food

I used to have a Black Lab who was a real chow hound but refused to eat McDonald hamburgers.

We used to laugh about that but now I wonder if the dog knew something that we didn't.

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cfd9ab  No.14221361


Anchor baby for the Ching-Chang-Chong spy.

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2554fc  No.14221363

"Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming" might have been a message for the traitors within Trump's ranks. Not a message for anons - but a message to discourage traitors.

We are in the tunnel now. Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming ;-)

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d7b576  No.14221364


Planet, tard.

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2554fc  No.14221365


>Planet, tard.

You are an enemy operative.

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1d7ec7  No.14221366

File: 2e56388a9058fc3⋯.jpg (70.91 KB, 992x558, 16:9, bush_funeral_laugh_ap_ps_1….jpg)


Kek. An oldie but goodie.

Old meaning like a year ago.

Fuck these are interesting times

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d7b576  No.14221367


This planet is going to the next level, moron.

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5e9780  No.14221368

So what if we looked at 'NCSWIC' as relates to COVID? Could Q have had the ability to see what was coming, but not the ability to stop it? Maybe the drops were based on random glimpses into the future (Looking Glass), and drops about a strategy to counter (coded) and meant for operators? Trump surely DID turn into the missile headed for us (vape bans an attempt to stop it due to not knowing the source?). Warp Speed was about more than the vaccines - maybe he couldn't stop them but he could fuck up the op by changing the timing. 4-6% lost forever could be those who won't make it after vaccine. Death rates do not reflect an actual pandemic - they just stole from Peter (flu) to pay Paul (COVID), so to speak.

Is it possible we might understand the drops better by viewing them through the lens of COVID.

Q DID say this isn't just another 4-year election. Maybe that was an attempt to steer us when we got to this point in time. News unlocks map - so what is in the news 24/7? Is it possible the drops would line up if matched with news?

I'm just spitballin. I can't shake the thought though - anyone else having the same …I dont know what to call it - recognition?

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ee29e9  No.14221369


Looks like she purged her twitter acct to Sept. 2017


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ed0148  No.14221370

Nom nom

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3e4f57  No.14221371

File: 713c299f0176596⋯.jpg (337.23 KB, 709x1210, 709:1210, Screenshot_20210729_072621….jpg)

File: 5e2204750cd9203⋯.jpg (222.88 KB, 707x1016, 707:1016, Screenshot_20210729_072339….jpg)

File: fd2c8d3bd619da6⋯.jpg (244.24 KB, 717x1024, 717:1024, Screenshot_20210729_072354….jpg)

File: 2dc515799a5a54d⋯.jpg (49.17 KB, 497x310, 497:310, 20210729_072432.jpg)

Gov. Abbott Issues Order Restricting Transportation of Illegal Immigrants

AUSTIN, TX – Governor Greg Abbott today issued an Executive Order restricting ground transportation of illegal immigrants who pose a risk of carrying COVID-19 into Texas communities.

The Executive Order also directed the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) to stop any vehicle upon reasonable suspicion of such violation and reroute such vehicles back to its point of origin or a port of entry. DPS also has the authority to impound a vehicle that violates the Executive Order.

"The dramatic rise in unlawful border crossings has also led to a dramatic rise in COVID-19 cases among unlawful migrants who have made their way into our state, and we must do more to protect Texans from this virus and reduce the burden on our communities," said Governor Abbott. "This Executive Order will reduce the risk of COVID-19 exposure in our communities."


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d7b576  No.14221372


I am the only one in here to save you!!!!!


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64c564  No.14221373


… it's biblical though, which is both exciting and scary.

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5e9780  No.14221374


Kek - better you than me, anon. Although - with everything going on in Africa, kinda makes you wonder

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ebcf72  No.14221375

File: 44c482b352b0fa1⋯.jpg (27.52 KB, 500x375, 4:3, mainway.jpg)


Don't forget the great Irwin Mainway

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0866b6  No.14221376

Too many anons ignore Qs most important post.

Those we are taught to trust the most………

That list includes





The media


But also includes

The military (uh oh)


Even God

We are waiting and watching the world burn.

Nothing can stop it


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c97e21  No.14221377

File: 0137d6d1e613acf⋯.png (141.38 KB, 578x356, 289:178, obummer.png)


>Hey come on, Lisa Page might take it up the ass but that doesn't exactly mean she's a whore

Well, …

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6bbb33  No.14221378


So, I wonder what the comms were on FB, Twittwat, Instasheit, telecommie etc…………..throw into the equation the comms from Pelosi, her staff, FBI, Capital Police, McConnell, his staff, democrat operatives, pantifa/blm. It's all sitting out there at the UDC. Just sitting there.

In the meantime our illustrious military generals are sitting on their fucking fat asses allowing every bit of this to take place unabated. By the way, who was the authority, person, who unmasked Tucker Carlson? Do they work in the White House?

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2d0ba7  No.14221379

File: 7d6872fe7cb064d⋯.png (127.33 KB, 469x806, 469:806, ClipboardImage.png)


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2554fc  No.14221380


Definately an enemy operative.

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1d7ec7  No.14221381

File: e61d311d34eb660⋯.jpg (24.38 KB, 600x338, 300:169, e61d311d34eb6607acbbee0487….jpg)


My dog is 100% psychic, totally growls at my money laundering strip-club owning landlord but gets all wiggly when good people come over. Kek

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3e4f57  No.14221382


Oops, wrong sauce

Correct sauce here vvvvv


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66d025  No.14221383



same here. it was much worse than losing some of my family members and my throat tightens up every time i think of them still

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f8aa48  No.14221384

File: 24c6cf65a9f4784⋯.png (74.93 KB, 890x362, 445:181, ClipboardImage.png)




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2554fc  No.14221385


I agree that COVID is part of the story - but I disagree that it is the whole story.

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2d0ba7  No.14221386

File: 188afd8b1655c15⋯.pdf (415.87 KB, edited_voting_methods_guid….pdf)

File: fbf336c893542f6⋯.pdf (181.5 KB, edited_audit_guidance_508_….pdf)


Justice Department Issues Guidance on Federal Statutes Regarding Voting Methods and Post-Election "Audits"

Today the U.S. Department of Justice announced the release of two guidance documents to ensure states fully comply with federal laws regarding elections, specifically federal statutes affecting methods of voting and federal constraints related to post-election “audits.”

“The right of all eligible citizens to vote is the central pillar of our democracy, and the Justice Department will use all of the authorities at its disposal to zealously guard that right,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The guidances issued today describe certain federal laws that help ensure free, fair, and secure elections. Where violations of such laws occur, the Justice Department will not hesitate to act.”

“The Department of Justice is committed to protecting the right to vote for all Americans and ensuring states are complying with federal voting laws,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “Whether through litigation or the issuance of official guidance, we are using every tool in our arsenal to ensure that all eligible citizens can exercise their right to vote free from intimidation, and have their ballots counted.”

The first guidance document, entitled “Guidance Concerning Federal Statutes Affecting Methods of Voting,” provides guidance regarding how eligible citizens cast their ballots. The guidance document addresses efforts by some states to permanently adopt their COVID-19 pandemic voting modifications, and by other states to bar continued use of those practices, or to impose additional restrictions on voting by mail or early voting. In addition, this guidance document discusses federal statutes the department enforces related to voting by mail, absentee voting and voting in person.

The second guidance document, entitled “Federal Law Constraints on Post-Election Audits,” provides information on the how states must comply with federal law when preserving and retaining election records and the criminal penalties associated with the willful failure to comply with those requirements. This guidance document also details the statutes that prohibit the intimidation of voters and the department’s commitment to act if any person engages in actions that violate the law.

Today’s announcements follow Attorney General Garland’s recent commitment to expand the Justice Department’s efforts to safeguard voting rights. For a list of the department’s actions to protect voting rights, click here.

More information about the Voting Rights Act and other federal voting laws is available on the Department of Justice’s website at www.justice.gov/crt/about/vot.

Complaints about discriminatory voting practices may be reported to the Voting Section of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division at 1-800-253-3931.

If jurisdictions have questions about the constraints federal law places on the methods of voting they are using or propose to use, or questions about the constraints federal law places on post-election “audits” regarding protections for voters and federal election records, they should contact the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division.

For the guidance document on methods of voting, click here.

For the guidance document on post-election “audits,” click here.

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828f9b  No.14221387

File: 901225a9afa5d15⋯.jpg (71.86 KB, 727x502, 727:502, BCBender.jpg)

File: 3dbf58a42759e8e⋯.jpg (61.68 KB, 615x406, 615:406, BCBenderII.jpg)

File: b3aed1747f86568⋯.jpg (51.95 KB, 584x428, 146:107, BCBenderIII.jpg)

File: bfd2802c6cbc2a0⋯.jpg (53.63 KB, 617x404, 617:404, BCBenderIIII.jpg)

File: c8f118f5778f48c⋯.jpg (75.99 KB, 500x510, 50:51, BCBenderIIIII.jpg)

>>14220964 ← Stupid fucking kike

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e5145c  No.14221388

File: 6036be7fd3e87f6⋯.jpg (416.99 KB, 1210x1517, 1210:1517, The_Gray_State.jpg)

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d7b576  No.14221389



When pain will come, you will say please forgive me.

So use to it……

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ea399b  No.14221390

File: caeb3ffea2ec871⋯.jpg (11.33 KB, 255x207, 85:69, LGBTsForTrump.jpg)

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64c564  No.14221391

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


'… met with swift action resonates'.


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d43ab5  No.14221392

File: 88c786ff91f780f⋯.jpg (223.48 KB, 1300x960, 65:48, gestapo_prison_small_fortr….jpg)

File: d1905b11c59d375⋯.jpg (295.15 KB, 1300x960, 65:48, gestapo_prison_small_fortr….jpg)

Theresienstadt Concentration Camp

411 55 Terezín, Czechia

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493a60  No.14221393


It is time to start the Revolution? Or should we let it roll another election cycle?

2nd part of Q 4620 (1 yr Delta, 2 days ahead)

C19 insurance plan _above fail

C19 installed [Impeachment termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].

C19 _stage 1: Inform POTUS [intel + CDC + WHO + S_advisor(s)] _nothing to fear _do not close travel _do nothing [the political ‘set up’]

C19 _stage 2: Inform POTUS of Dooms Day ‘inaccurate’ scenarios [models] predicting death count 1mm+ [the political ‘force’] _lock down [wipe economic and unemployment gains]

C19 _stage 3: Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide fear by presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground conditions [hospital [care-supplies] projections].

C19 _stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to spike ‘infected’ rate incline due to daily testing inc [the political ‘set up’] _controlled MSDNC failure to report death count [rates] proportional to ‘infected’ rate _deliberate miscounting of infected numbers [%] _change non_positive to positive _label death of non_C19 as C19 _etc.

C19 _stage 5: Eliminate / censor any opposing views [anti-narrative]

[Ready when needed] Activate4-yearBLM narrative 4x power [use as division + [2020] C19 infect rates to justify close-limit until Nov 3].

C19 calculated [D] political gain:

1. Eliminate record economic gains

2. Eliminate record unemployment gains

3. Shelter Biden from public appearances _limit public exposure of mental condition

4. Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure _narrative change _media focus C19

5. Shelter Biden from P_debates [requested demands due to C19]

6. Delay [D] convention _strategic take-over of nominee post conf

7. Eliminate_delay POTUS rallies _term energy

8. Eliminate ability for people to gather _ divide

9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]

10. Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method _bypass NSA election security [installed midterms +1].

11. Push state-bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items

12. Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position _regain leverage]

13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]

14. Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance

15. Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]

16. Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship

Who benefits the most?


China [CCP]?

Russia is the enemy.

China is our friend.

[MSDNC [social media] programming]

All assets deployed.

Everything seen yesterday, today, and tomorrow = calculated political moves/events designed and launched by [D] party in coordination with other domestic and foreign entities in an attempt to regain power over you.

Prevent accountability.





Your voice and your vote matters.

Patriots stand united.

Welcome to the Revolution.


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e55d0c  No.14221394


>Maybe that was an attempt to steer us when we got to this point in time

Future proves past. Isn't this the entire point of having Deltas?

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2d0ba7  No.14221395

File: 2bdf6278743495f⋯.png (314.15 KB, 690x893, 690:893, ClipboardImage.png)


Download Fact Sheet on DOJ Voting Actions.pdf


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0866b6  No.14221396


How cute

You believe that the pain isn't here already, and that it was meant for them.

Mirror that shit idiot

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e4b86e  No.14221397



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3e4f57  No.14221398

File: ec8248330f0a0f6⋯.jpg (280.01 KB, 719x1317, 719:1317, Screenshot_20210729_073031….jpg)

File: a1cd7bef710c757⋯.jpg (57.91 KB, 719x367, 719:367, Screenshot_20210729_073103….jpg)

Donate to the Texas Border Wall

Let’s work together to secure the border and provide Texans with the support they need and deserve. You can donate online now by credit card* or donate by mail by sending a check to the address below.


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c84355  No.14221399


NCSWIC, imo, was a warning to us.

Buckle up buttercup.

Get ready to fight, get ready to stand your ground.

The blackhats will fight to the death, they literally have trillions of dollars at stake. They aren't going to just give up and surrender all of that money, power & control, and their NWO dream.

They must be annihilated or they will just regroup and try again. The blackhats know that the whitehats know this.

Whitehats forced them out into the open and now they can't hide, they have to fight.

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2d0ba7  No.14221400

File: 8c63eebfd31a990⋯.mp4 (4.88 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, stopcounting.mp4)

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5e9780  No.14221401


I'm beginning to understand the value of repetition in the drops, as well as Q seemingly having posted random words, phrases, letters. Hardly a day goes by that I don't hear or see something in the news that dredges up some word or phrase from a Q post. It happens so often right now that I can't even keep track, and that is only the things I notice

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a4b1e3  No.14221402



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6df00b  No.14221403


oh its one of the worst thing i have ever felt. Human family, meh fuck them, my doggo family was the best. Miss each and every one of them i raised. Just the other day the vet sent me a card that there would be a tree planted in his honor at one of the forest preserves, could not stop crying and still do when i look at the card. It was a nice gesture for the vets to do.

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ea399b  No.14221404

File: 596840a24a181ef⋯.png (16.59 KB, 255x175, 51:35, Blacks4Trump3.png)

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1072b3  No.14221405



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0866b6  No.14221406


How cute

You believe that there are hat colors

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f7ac71  No.14221407

File: 1eeeac1ebb6ad00⋯.jpg (8.22 KB, 627x400, 627:400, 20210729_083454.jpg)

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b2f66d  No.14221408

File: a3e7b90428f9c04⋯.jpg (83.6 KB, 960x960, 1:1, photo_2021_07_29_00_37_27.jpg)


>political "scariant"

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51e81d  No.14221409


Anon doesn’t trust anyone. Not parents. Not anyone.

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2d0ba7  No.14221410

File: c25aeaad0cc2956⋯.png (816.48 KB, 1358x774, 679:387, ClipboardImage.png)


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0866b6  No.14221411


Cool story

Now what?

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2554fc  No.14221412


Makes sense.

We are stronger. Evil is weaker than good because it requires an army of slaves. Slaves don't fight as hard.

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a9d03d  No.14221413

File: c8b4c8e9cded7fc⋯.png (632.6 KB, 624x504, 26:21, xrde1.PNG)

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ea399b  No.14221414


[POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-attack].

Patriots knew 'their' playbook.

Therefore, they planned with that happening.

But not the way 'they' thought.



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2d0ba7  No.14221415

File: 02de2390ac7820b⋯.png (882.16 KB, 1358x774, 679:387, ClipboardImage.png)



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9a9942  No.14221416

File: 2e14d3563483729⋯.png (26.01 KB, 677x385, 677:385, ClipboardImage.png)



JUST IN - #COVID19 vaccination of the elderly population aged 60 and over with a third "booster" dose will begin on Sunday in Israel, Director General of the Ministry of Health announces (Kann)

7:26 AM · Jul 29, 2021·Twitter Web App


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2554fc  No.14221417


You are an enemy operative!!

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1f6963  No.14221418

File: f5150324d11a664⋯.png (1.15 MB, 998x656, 499:328, Screen_Shot_2021_07_29_at_….png)


>It is time to start the Revolution?

Agree we are close to that "torches and pitchforks" moment…

I would HOPE it doesn't come to that…that our GREAT military will intervene before that tipping point…if masks are mandated then that will be the tipping point…Q+ has said we won't mask our children again…LINE DRAWN…

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ea399b  No.14221419

File: 735f09ad0d6842f⋯.png (308.26 KB, 594x384, 99:64, Soon3.png)

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c84355  No.14221420


Black and White are not colors.

White is the presence of light.

Black is the absence of light.

Light vs Darkness

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7a4f8c  No.14221421


You don't come from money, with that attitude.

White trash is white trash.

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6df00b  No.14221422

File: e806c45d4ccebcb⋯.png (62.27 KB, 906x922, 453:461, Screenshot_2021_07_29_at_0….png)

File: 3d1748637e0118d⋯.png (821.2 KB, 870x810, 29:27, Screenshot_2021_07_29_at_0….png)

File: f5bf9220b4302a8⋯.jpg (80.62 KB, 541x600, 541:600, a01_jd_16dec_staple1_CMYK_….jpg)

a print article and link about the Democratic Criminal in Albuquerque.


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2554fc  No.14221423


It looks like you are over the target because you copped instant flak from that shill.

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c97e21  No.14221424

File: 03cc8034d73ea94⋯.png (78.65 KB, 1155x690, 77:46, 4whackd.png)

I just visited #WHACKD site for shits and giggles.

Haven't been following it.

What are the thoughts on this?

The moar people visit, the moar is revealed?

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1f6963  No.14221425


>Donate to the Texas Border Wall

Is the Bannon scam still active? Asking for a friend…

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f8149d  No.14221426


Enough white hats to ensure q phrases and words are out there to draw us back to Q drops here.

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0866b6  No.14221427


POTUS 45 insulated

POTUS 45 also ineffective

Knew the playbook

Did nothing

Great talk

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51e81d  No.14221428


Didn’t read that anons entire post. Was distracted. But… to answer… have no clue

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861a83  No.14221429

Homes, hospital evacuated as fire rages near southern Turkey town

Wildfire fanned by strong winds rages through a forest area near coastal province Antalya's Manavgat town, officials say, forcing evacuations in four neighbourhoods.

At least 62 people were reportedly injured including three victims who were treated for burns, another two for fractures and 57 others for exposure to smoke. More than 50 people were discharged after treatment.


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e8ade8  No.14221430


it's f&g

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a9d03d  No.14221431

File: 4639bb290310afd⋯.jpg (43.17 KB, 786x257, 786:257, pnc.jpg)

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5e9780  No.14221432


Well, that's the problem. I agree that deltas are important - but if we focus only on that we miss a lot (I believe). becaise some of what is happening aligns with Q drops but the delta concept doesn't fit in. Other times the delta is nearly precise.

And it would make sense for it to be random like that - it would be intentional to prevent patterns from emerging so much that 'they' could 'crack the code', so to speak. Not that we haven't already discussed this in the past - but like I said, this idea started out as a tiny hunch. but it keeps growing and im not able to ignore it. I was just wondering if it is happening to anyone else

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e4b86e  No.14221433

File: 5762cbee68175a9⋯.jpg (352.1 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, WIN_20210729_22_37_25_Pro.jpg)

Care to dance anon?

"They treated her with 'Hat' red "

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64deeb  No.14221434

rats running, breaking rank, eating each other

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1d7ec7  No.14221435


That's one theory, that Trump/Q chose the path with the least number of casualties. It totally makes sense in a regular war but…

Look at how joyful people like Trump, DJT, Flynn are. Telling us to enjoy the show, let's see what happens

Could Trump stand up there and be smiling and laughing knowing that HIS plan, Warp Speed, led to the deaths of so many humans?

I think there is a lot going on that we don't see. Let's see what happens.

P.S. Also this is a psyop. Don't forget to compare what you see/read on the screens to IRL. Yes people are suffering but is it as bad as they say?

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64c564  No.14221436


Heads up CNN.

* The Border Variant Crisis *

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e4b86e  No.14221437

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Stealth bombers

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0866b6  No.14221438


There are no hats along with there being no colors

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307e79  No.14221439

Biden once slipped and said he'd veto an infrastructure bill that was only 1 trillion.

Moar of the movie?


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3e4f57  No.14221440

File: ac40b8763678c69⋯.jpg (236.33 KB, 719x1199, 719:1199, Screenshot_20210729_073729….jpg)

File: 9beaf9e86772f23⋯.jpg (48.55 KB, 720x338, 360:169, 20210729_073954.jpg)

TEXAS - Damage Survey for Landowners

Has your home, property or business sustained damage due to unlawful immigration?


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a9d03d  No.14221441

File: a6bf8d001e506ac⋯.png (409.1 KB, 530x480, 53:48, gyfgmi61.PNG)

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1072b3  No.14221442


Nice. Needs to get out everywhere

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197d79  No.14221443

File: 91c1bb6e30f43f0⋯.jpg (91.54 KB, 1065x533, 1065:533, Screenshot_20210729_073641….jpg)

Soon, doing best. Be best.

Besties be blessed.

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e6460a  No.14221444


Kill Shot

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66d025  No.14221445


> there would be a tree planted in his honor at one of the forest preserves

that's a wonderful idea. i hear they are doing something similar for people in germany, they call them memorial forests instead of graveyards

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f7ac71  No.14221446

File: 0c335a32c5d7716⋯.jpg (264.24 KB, 661x1142, 661:1142, 20210728_195655.jpg)

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1f6963  No.14221447


Austin steinbart, webmaster…this is such a LARP…

McAfee was cabal…McAfee the FIRST tech EL…

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6d69aa  No.14221448

File: 1af9f98859c22f2⋯.jpg (51.78 KB, 548x640, 137:160, DeJ8MLSUQAA_zbo.jpg)

File: 1b864c6e6dc8375⋯.jpg (129.92 KB, 705x1390, 141:278, july_3_2001_k22314mr_paula….jpg)

File: fdbe82865052d1e⋯.jpg (208.53 KB, 1220x1390, 122:139, july_3_2001_k22314mr_paula….jpg)

File: 1fc82631ab44804⋯.jpg (179.19 KB, 595x575, 119:115, PaulaPoundstoneByPhilKonst….jpg)

Paula Poundstone is a comedienne who was caught drunk, eating the pussy of her 13 year old foster child, in the back of a car, on a public street, in Satan Monica.


She received 5 years probation, stay in rehabs. foster children returned.


MSM/NPR whitewash reputation.

"Relapses are expected in the first ten years"

SANTA MONICA, CALIF. — Comedian Paula Poundstone, serving five years' probation for endangering her adopted and foster children, was briefly jailed Tuesday after suffering a relapse during court-ordered drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

Poundstone was handcuffed by a bailiff and taken into custody at the direction of Santa Monica Superior Court Judge Bernard J. Kamins following a morning hearing.


She walked on it all, and has been making 1 m a year running mind control ops on NPCs.

The female PO who made the arrest was fired forced off the SMPD.

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f7ac71  No.14221450

File: 7ddaf63cf6940ab⋯.jpg (2.1 KB, 55x67, 55:67, 20210729_010015.jpg)

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6df00b  No.14221451


of course she did. Little does the bitch know anyone who helped her is going to get slapped with RIco. NCSWIC

could it bring the governor down though that is the question?

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6bbb33  No.14221452


Just now getting around to that uh Gov. Abbott? And only because these illeagl aliens are infected? Not because they are purposely overrunning our sovereign nation? Your sovereign state?

Good fucking grief. Day one this shit should have been done along with other measures. These china virus infected, illegal aliens are being flown to many red state areas. Every Governor, AG of these states should track these charter flights coming out of any military base on or near the border and be waiting on the aircraft when it lands. INform the pilots to refuel and exit the state. Easy as fuck to do.

So mask for thee but not for me? What is happening that virtually guarantees the continued spread of the china virus? You're going to mandate our children to wear mask in school, mandate citizens wear mask here, there, everywhere and in the same breath are allowing illegal alien invaders to just pour across our southern border and then transport those motherfuckers all over the United States with the infection? "Faithfully uphold and execute the laws of the United States?

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1072b3  No.14221453


aaww really? My artist supply of paints and crayons, even pastels, would beg to differ with you.

Mix black and white together and you get grey.

You can get a ton of different shades when using black and white with other colors.

How can you do that without them being actual colors?

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e55d0c  No.14221454

File: 53ebfae2d1a96c8⋯.jpg (68.68 KB, 529x800, 529:800, zuriel_angel_libra_zodiac_….jpg)



Pray faggots.

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e6460a  No.14221455

File: 8acdf42919c3288⋯.jpg (56.61 KB, 560x755, 112:151, 8acdf42919c32880ced734203c….jpg)

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a9d03d  No.14221456

File: cba863c0d306c2b⋯.png (593.23 KB, 860x616, 215:154, agnt1Capture.PNG)

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e8ade8  No.14221457


explain black light then.

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64c564  No.14221458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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2d0ba7  No.14221459

File: a8a96921296479b⋯.png (22.26 KB, 818x223, 818:223, ClipboardImage.png)


Mologic to become a ‘Social Enterprise’ after acquisition by social impact funders and investors

Social Enterprise set up by group of philanthropic funds led by George Soros’ Economic Development Fund, with support from Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

New York, USA, and Bedford, UK, 19 July 2021: A group of philanthropic funds and investors led by the Soros Economic Development Fund (SEDF), with support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, is today announcing the launch of Global Access Health (GAH), a social enterprise that will seek to expand access to affordable state-of-the-art medical technology through decentralized research, development, and manufacturing in and for the Global South.

The group has financed the acquisition of Mologic Ltd, a world leading innovator in the development of lateral flow and rapid diagnostic technologies including tests that can help combat tropical diseases such as dengue, bilharzia, and river blindness, as well as for COVID-19.

The members of GAH will invest at least £30 million ($41 million) in this deal.

The transaction is important in that it transitions a world-class for-profit company into a social enterprise and allows it to entirely reinvest its profits in pursuing these goals. This transformation will give it the ability to address gaps in the provision of global diagnostics in low-income communities and regions that profit-focused business has failed to address.

SEDF is the impact investment arm of the Open Society Foundations. Sean Hinton, SEDF’s Chief Executive Officer, said: “The COVID-19 pandemic has painfully demonstrated the fundamental inequities in global public health, and in particular the crucial importance of access in low- and middle-income countries to low-price, high-quality life-saving diagnostic tools. In this unique transaction, philanthropic funds and investors are working together with a skilled and visionary management team in a truly innovative way to address at least one part of that failure by enabling a cutting edge commercial business to focus all its resources on solving one of the world’s most pressing public health issues.”

Mologic was established in 2003 by Mark Davis and his father Professor Paul Davis, one of the original creators of ClearBlue, the world’s first home pregnancy test. Mologic’s technology has broad application across markets and disease states where rapid, accurate point-of-need testing can help make a significant difference in patient care and patient outcomes. Its extensive work in developing affordable testing for neglected tropical diseases has been supported by grant funding from a range of donors, and most significantly by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

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2d0ba7  No.14221460


Mark Davis, CEO of Mologic, welcomed the conclusion of the deal: “Mologic’s transition into a social enterprise is a deliberate, logical and natural step for a company focused on delivering affordable diagnostics and biotechnology to places that have been left underserved by the relentless pursuit of profiteering. With the support of our shareholders, donors and partners we have come a long way; we believe we have the people and the skills required for the challenges and opportunities ahead. And we hope this unique transaction will be an example for others to follow.”

“Testing, or diagnostics, are vital for every day public health needs, to enable doctors and medical professionals to provide patients with proper treatment as early as possible,” said Roxana Bonnell, a public health expert at the Open Society Foundations. “As we have seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, access to testing is absolutely essential when it comes to containing the spread of contagious disease—an issue that ultimately affects us all.”

As part of the transaction GAH will integrate both Mologic and a sister non-profit entity, Global Access Diagnostics (GAD), which was established by the founders of Mologic with support from SEDF, the UK’s DFID and others in April 2020. GAD is focused on low-cost manufacturing of diagnostic tests, and licenses Mologic’s technology in Africa and South Asia. Mark Davis will continue to serve as CEO of Mologic, with Paul Davis continuing as Chief Scientific Officer. GAD will continue as a separate non-profit entity, under CEO Mark Radford. Both will be wholly-owned and governed by GAH. A number of other philanthropic funds and investors are currently engaged in finalizing their participation in GAH to further the scope and ambition of the organisation.

The transaction involves the acquisition by the investing consortium of all Mologic’s existing shares, including those held by two private investment managers, Foresight Group LLP, and Calculus Capital.

SEDF’s investments in GAH and GAD are part of a portfolio of recent investments made in service of Open Society Foundations’ commitment to expand global access to affordable, quality public health products and technologies. These investments build on two decades of foundation support for improved access to medicines advocacy and policy making globally.

The Open Society Foundations, founded by its chairman George Soros, is the world’s largest private funders of human rights and social justice advocacy groups. The Soros Economic Development Fund, established in 1997, pursues impact investments that are aligned with Open Society’s broader mission, and currently holds 35 investments totaling c.$300m.

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06adc1  No.14221461



it's fucking retarded recycled crap.

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5e9780  No.14221462


Well the 'virus' itself didn't budge the death rate stats, so that part of the plan didn't hurt anyone.

And like it or not, Trump isn't superhuman. He can only do what he can - and that has been a LOT already. He is nowhere near done.

I'm saying COVID could have been a curveball of sorts - Q may have known something was coming without knowing precisely what/when/how. Moves/countermoves. Promise to counter.

Death occurs - daily - everywhere. No one can prevent that.

Trump/Flynn, etc would only ever exude confidence in the public eye - they have to. MSM/Dims/DS attempt to demoralize 24/7 - Trump & co have to counter with positivity and motivation or we would all give up/give in - go along to get along - as everyone had to do for thr 8 yr Obamination

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2d0ba7  No.14221463

File: e4b11aec166c9f1⋯.mp4 (335.19 KB, 426x240, 71:40, Trump_we_Caught_them_this_….mp4)

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2d0ba7  No.14221464

File: 960c819fe9b9b80⋯.mp4 (8.38 MB, 1280x592, 80:37, DebunkThis.mp4)

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a9d03d  No.14221465

File: 01b886f2e179a5f⋯.png (617.94 KB, 880x472, 110:59, gyfgmi57.PNG)

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1d7ec7  No.14221466

File: 682e17c7748ac7b⋯.png (2.55 MB, 1456x1518, 728:759, Screen_Shot_2020_06_14_at_….png)

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2d0ba7  No.14221467

File: 45cd3cebb2fb846⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1038x1280, 519:640, telegraph.png)

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a52841  No.14221468



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3e4f57  No.14221469


*he; him; disgusting pervert

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64c564  No.14221470

Media First!

Can I please have a skilled anon make me a meme. It would be special.

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e4b86e  No.14221471

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Michael, goodluck with your Revolution, not civil war

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e70da3  No.14221472

File: e90427fe9891641⋯.png (564.71 KB, 389x650, 389:650, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 70ad274741c4529⋯.png (30.28 KB, 230x472, 115:236, ClipboardImage.png)

File: bf2846d90c1a0b3⋯.png (13.11 KB, 297x113, 297:113, ClipboardImage.png)

Watch the Wassermans (Water Mans)

Dig James Wasserman, neck deep in fuckery.


Eureka! Springs, Arkansas

Passion Play










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6d69aa  No.14221473



Texas is bilingual now. wonderful.

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d1aafb  No.14221474

File: 6ba8275dc7722c6⋯.jpg (44.81 KB, 720x717, 240:239, SayYesToDrugs.jpg)

We've come a long way since Nancy Reagan.

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e70da3  No.14221475

File: 9ca10da98019783⋯.png (162.62 KB, 470x643, 470:643, ClipboardImage.png)

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e5145c  No.14221476

File: 320171fc12f0459⋯.gif (2.14 MB, 480x360, 4:3, 80754236666535988844447525….gif)

File: 5b3e0f6fc92a0b0⋯.gif (491.66 KB, 500x281, 500:281, 4700085233656985231.gif)

File: f17c2610ad637af⋯.gif (3.29 MB, 636x358, 318:179, 54445542355870005801.gif)

File: 6c7c0f7b5f05b59⋯.gif (4.66 MB, 537x300, 179:100, 570554369885221117.gif)

I was there to record the 1st step.

The antenna was to pick up fm radio which was jamming "Glass Onion" of The Beatles "The White Album".

I had to leave early but a friend on my crew stuck around to film the departure.

The last one is a blooper outtake we let fly because the public will believe anything anyhow. What's it been, 52 years now?

Some good 'ol days never cease.

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6bbb33  No.14221477


Democrat leaders are "Shocked and dismayed". Riiiiight. As one anon mentioned, she'll be screaming "Racism" here shortly.

The cancer runs wide and it runs deep. No area of our society is unaffected. Frankfurt School alum, Cloward-Piven, Saul, Huseein and the rest of the fellow travelers are very, very proud. Doing a bang up job. America will fall and the New Amerika will take it's place. Nice job.

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e70da3  No.14221478

File: 7532f5c0e03c8c1⋯.pdf (7.18 MB, Aleister_Crowley_s_Illustr….pdf)

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197d79  No.14221479

File: 64358007be31174⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 372x283, 372:283, Screenshot_20210729_074548….jpg)

Military moral boost

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c84355  No.14221480

File: da167dbd3d4d22c⋯.png (944.15 KB, 1080x697, 1080:697, ClipboardImage.png)

File: af83173ec14e136⋯.png (208.91 KB, 576x440, 72:55, ClipboardImage.png)


colors are just refracted light that we can see with our human eyes that have rods & cones.


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1d7ec7  No.14221482

File: 524ac47c7c50522⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1648x1242, 824:621, Screen_Shot_2020_10_04_at_….png)


Understood but it's clear that a WH got to the gain-of-funtion lab, as the virus is not deadly at all. FAIL– KEK



Patriots in control. Take it to the soon-to-be decentralized bank.

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3e4f57  No.14221483

File: 34c414a422cedc0⋯.jpg (175.04 KB, 717x735, 239:245, Screenshot_20210729_075341….jpg)

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64c564  No.14221484


* tamartiss & plug weekly meme award *

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2d0ba7  No.14221485

File: c4bbc96f22d54d8⋯.mp4 (601.21 KB, 750x416, 375:208, A_man_who_believes_he_s_a_….mp4)

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493a60  No.14221486

File: 1a2debd3d07adda⋯.jpg (77.41 KB, 759x482, 759:482, Snot_Bubbles.jpg)

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1072b3  No.14221487


Just say no to drugs… or is it know now?

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ea399b  No.14221488


Do you also notice 'their' (Q's enemies) code almost everywhere?

Presented in a 'deliberately flaunting it' way, as if they believe viewers are too stupid to notice, but it's like they must display that code in order for their 'control' (now lost) to have any impact?

So much of their evil code I see is presented so 'casually', from Washington Compost articles about parents encouraging their toddlers to cheer on half naked leather wearing BDSM practitioners, to Olympics 'committees' creating giant objects, 'symbols' that look like the covid virus, to always 'explaining' racism in stories with the same slant of specific races in specific racial conflicts, to commercials that always seem to cast husbands as dorky and clumsy while the wife is always rolling her eyes, to constantly pushing 'covid narrative' like out of 1984 'today's report is that covid has increased 0.004% in this particular city' while adding 'context' on the why, to DEMONIC Netflix programming, which when replaying older movies there is always some coding in them, carefully selected, to 'echo' a particular radical leftist agenda of today, to…and this is the whole point of all the above and a whole lot more, to seeing 'their' code repeated by your colleagues and neighbors and friends and family, whereby if anyone see through all the bullshit it's they who are supposed to feel wrong or abnormal because they're supposed to see themselves as in a small minority?

Do you see demonic/divisive code and do you see blessed/uniting code everywhere now?

I see where the war to end all wars is being fought.

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c97e21  No.14221489

File: 05cffc6649a7d47⋯.png (117.07 KB, 283x302, 283:302, 2020_08_31_16_43_23.png)


>Don’t eat any fast food

>It contains Covid variant

Stopped eating fast food like mcdonalds, burger king, etc. years ago.

When you try a fry or part of a burger later on, you realize how bad the shit tastes, let alone it's made of mystery meat and Bill Gates fukken potatoes.

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a9d03d  No.14221490

File: a68f25f6b559ac0⋯.png (880.72 KB, 1021x612, 1021:612, pnr.PNG)

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f7ac71  No.14221491

File: 644cb7b6e132ddf⋯.jpg (45.34 KB, 595x419, 595:419, 5hp39i.jpg)

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3e4f57  No.14221492


Excellent meme, anon

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197d79  No.14221493

File: 2f8bffab6941033⋯.jpg (18.56 KB, 354x252, 59:42, Screenshot_20210729_075040….jpg)

Max psi

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1072b3  No.14221494


Your basic shill spreading crap


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493a60  No.14221495

File: beae5f55a87ee6b⋯.jpg (36.39 KB, 490x387, 490:387, Say_no.JPG)

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e6460a  No.14221496

File: 918aa48a8111d76⋯.png (394.39 KB, 452x586, 226:293, 44dbb4f8a1906fb11afa73186c….png)

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a9d03d  No.14221497

File: a21ebbf7f89e9a8⋯.png (322.23 KB, 379x498, 379:498, sns.PNG)

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e70da3  No.14221498

File: 02900cf5547a089⋯.png (104.48 KB, 927x655, 927:655, ClipboardImage.png)

209 Hard to find Rituals and Freemasonry References/Books/Manuals/ect.


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64c564  No.14221499