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6c2798  No.13722494[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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6c2798  No.13722495


Donald J Trump https://www.donaldjtrump.com/desk - https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

All the cases that the Trump campaign filed for the election fraud http://wiseenergy.org/Energy/Election/2020_Election_Cases.htm

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

Arizona Audit - Volunteers Needed to Watch Arizona Audit Live Feeds https://t.me/ArizonaAuditLiveFeeds | https://azaudit.org/

Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

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6c2798  No.13722496

NOTABLES are not Endorsements


>>13721748 Arizona Audit Exposure MP4 Clip (Video)

>>13721752 Anons Know, Anons Show (Image)

>>13721764, >>13721811 Anthony Fauci Predicts Airlines, Universities Will Require Proof of Vaccination (Breitbart.com)

>>13721789 X factor Altiyan Childs Witchcraft Masonry Similarities (Video)

>>13721791, >>13721849 An anon "hacks the world" Then takes off their clothes? (?)

>>13721868 Epstein and Maxwell Answered toWHO?(?)

>>13721880 BV Working hard

>>13721886 Michelle Obama's former Secret Service agent says she 'could do nothing' when witnessing racist slurs directed at the former first lady (Insider.com)

>>13721899 Rand Paul speak TRUTH to constituents on COVID, Money & Constitution (Forbes.com, Video)

>>13721907 Ronald Babb: 57-year-old Syracuse man mocks “anti-vaxxers,” dead seven days after Johnson & Johnson shot (TheCovidBlog.com)

>>13721914, >>13722011 "You shouldn't be able to breathe": Disturbing video shows fatal police restraint in Tennessee jail (CBSNews.com)

>>13721916 Dave Mears: 58-year-old British man has leg amputated after bloody infection following AstraZeneca shot (TheCovidBlog.com)

>>13721925 Karen Tully: 59-year-old Scotland woman dead 48 hours after AstraZeneca shot (TheCovidBlog.com)

>>13721934, >>13721939 Jesse Hamm: comic book artist develops blood clots, dead after experimental Moderna mRNA shot

>>13721940 Democrats around the US race to meet Joe Biden's reopening deadline of July 4th. The "End" is Near! (Various)

>>13721945 Shaun Mulldoon: 43-year-old Canadian man has nearly seven feet of intestines removed after severe AstraZeneca “rare” blood clots (TheCovidBlog.com)

>>13721970 Dana Ottmann: 32-year-old German psychologist develops blood clots, dead 12 days after AstraZeneca shot (TheCovidBlog.com)

>>13721971 Singa Poor Lim Man

>>13721977 NaTalia Johnson: 37-year-old professional ballerina dead two weeks after experimental COVID-19 shot (TheCovidBlog.com)

>>13721988 Ellie Peacock: 18-year-old Australian nurse in training develops three blood clots after AstraZeneca shot (TheCovidBlog.com) Black Shirt…

>>13721994 They Thought You Would Follow The Stars…

>>13721995,USE CAUTION WHEN VISITING "ANONFILES" WEBSITEMake sure the files you are downloading are the ones you meant to.

>>13722033 "Republican policies work."(RNCResearch)

>>13722037, >>13722049 The Panama Papers Double Cross How a spy-for-hire got closely guarded dirt on the global elite. (NyMag.com)

>>13722053 Biden Holds News Conference with South Korean President Moon Jae-in (Youtube)

>>13722066 Dr. Janci Lindsay Sounds the Alarm: “Halt the Vaccine IMMEDIATELY” (TheGatewayPundit.com)

>>13722081 Baltimore State Attorney Marilyn Mosby Caught Lying About Flipping Off Constituent (TheGatewayPundit.com)

>>13722087, >>13722110, >>13722121, >>13722125, >>13722133, >>13722136 The first domino! “The results confirm the machine totals from the 2020 Election in Windham, NH were incorrect; the cause of the discrepancy remains under investigation.” NH WAS RED (ElectionWiz.com)

>>13722108, >>13722167 USNAVY Tweets: Bongu, Malta! The @USCG Legend-class national security cutter USCGC Hamilton (WMSL 753) arrived in Valletta, Malta, May 17 for a port visit, and is conducting exercises with the Malta Armed Forces in the #MediterraneanSea. @USNavyEurope & Busted Smugglers (Twitter)


>>13722111 Texas Judge Finds Biden Admin Engaged In Racial, Gender Discrimination In Pandemic Relief Program (JonathanTurley.org)

>>13722115 Chinese Communist Party-Backed Bitcoin Firm Invests Millions In Texas Crypto Center. (TheNationalPulse.com)

>>13722132 TikTok Parent Company Used Chinese Communist Party Official For Hiring Promotional Material. (TheNationalPulse.com)

>>13722142 Hundreds of protesters say Mayor Lori Lightfoot 'failed Chicago' at demonstration organized by BLM and teachers union outside her home (TheBlaze.com)

>>13722149 "Anon" Theory… but use a mirror.

>>13722153 South Carolina governor signs open carry bill into law (JustTheNEws.com)

>>13722163 Trust Barr… Trust Wray… Followup - Trump didn't fire Wray for not doing enough to investigate Obama's spying because Barr threatened to quit over it (Politico)

>>13722463 #17373\1

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6c2798  No.13722499


>>13722142 Hundreds of protesters say Mayor Lori Lightfoot 'failed Chicago' at demonstration organized by BLM and teachers union outside her home (TheBlaze.com)

>>13722149 "Anon" Theory… but use a mirror.

>>13722153 South Carolina governor signs open carry bill into law (JustTheNEws.com)

>>13722163 Trust Barr… Trust Wray… Followup - Trump didn't fire Wray for not doing enough to investigate Obama's spying because Barr threatened to quit over it (Politico)

>>13722181 "I NEED A WIPE"! Disgusting display of racism by Kamala Harris as she wipes her hand on her upper leg after shaking his hand. #StopAsianHate (Video)

>>13722191 A Word from Our POTUS

>>13722193 Pandemic riches: COVID-19 vaccine profits mint nine new billionaires (9News.com.au)


>>13722222 Fiji 6.8 Magnetude Earthquake (Quakes.GlobalIncidentMap.com)

>>13722191, >>13722373 For the keks: Beautiful Boeing 757, with possible decode RR

>>13722352 Evacuation underway in King County courthouse, Washington, amid reports of bomb threat

>>13722464 #17373\2

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6c2798  No.13722500


>>13720929 Singapore orders Facebook and Twitter to delete references to a “Singapore variant” (ReclaimTheNet.org)

>>13720942, >>13720956 WR "Digital Soldier Recruitment Centre" (Off Bread - Use Caution)

>>13720950, >>13720958, >>13721023, >>13721082, >>13721089, >>13721180, >>13721240, >>13721236, >>13721244, >>13721288, >>13721304, >>13721314, >>13721542, >>13721548, >>13721549 Things To Remember... (Various)

>>13720957 CALL TO DIG Repost from LB - "Tracking covid injuries telegram acct, ck this story out" (EMA.Europa.eu)

>>13720964 How Bill Gates' Carefully Curated "Tech Savior" Image Unraveled (Zerohedge.com)

>>13720967, >>13721008 Myanmar Considering Charging Former Leader San Suu Kyi, Other Party Leaders With Treason (Newsweek, AP)

>>13720968 Have You Taken The MAGNET Challenge Yet? Jim Stone just posted this. It's an unscientific survey but it is unlikely to be fake. There is something to this for sure. Jim thinks that this proves that 60% of the shots are saline. Text copied from Jim's site:

>>13720971, >>13720983, >>13721002, >>13721037, >>13721101, >>13721130, >>13721163, >>13721201, >>13721240 You Are Aware TYBV <0

>>13720984 Election Integrity ALERT! Republican Ballots Unable To Scan Run Out During Pennsylvania Local Races!! (WeLoveTrump.com)

>>13720992 Truth Bombs On INFLATION AND MONEY CREATION! (USC Marshall Business)

>>13720995 Teenagers to be offered vaccine in Germany (Yahoo)

>>13721006, >>13721537, >>13721552, >>13721578 "The Shot Heard Round the World...Just a Different Shot Different Herd". (Images)

>>13721007 Powerful 7.4 magnitude earthquake just hit #Qinghai in China following a 6.4 magnitude in Yunnan earlier today, according to Chinese state media. (Quakes.com, DiscloseTV, Gab)

>>13721010 FBI Analyst Arrested for Taking Home Classified Information (Washington Examiner)

>>13721030 White House cuts infrastructure proposal to $1.7 trillion in counter to GOP (Politico)

>>13721035 Musk eagerly agreed to speak at educational marathon New Knowledge, says Peskov (TASSAgency, Twitter)

>>13721039 From The UK adverse reaction reporting govenment website - Adverse reactions... (Assets.publishing.service.gov.uk)

>>13721040 Moscow: Al-Nusra terrorists with help of White Helmets plan to carry out provocative acts using toxic chemicals in Syria (Sana.sy)

>>13721044 :Symbolism. Whoa! Quantum Grammar 21.5.21 upload (Youtube)

>>13721060, >>13721242 Clockfag Justice 3:09 309 "Ty Anons" (Image)

>>13721071, >>13721103, >>13721121 Americans Arrested in Bangkok Kidnapping Case Deny Charges (Chiangraitimes.com)

>>13721073 PF Reports (Image)

>>13721085 52-year-old Dave Bautista says he's quitting 'Guardians of the Galaxy' over shirtless scenes (Yahoo)

>>13721087 Georgia Judge Unseals More Than 145,0000 Absentee Ballots For 2020 Election Fraud Investigation (TheFederalist.com)

>>13721114 BREAKING: Nigeria’s army chief, Ibrahim Attahiru, reportedly dies in plane crash (PremiumTimesng.com)

>>13721116 Former Hillsong member tells how she was targeted by married pastor who sent revealing photos of his manhood and claims church was aware of his 'lecherous' behavior but looked the other way (Domigood.com)

>>13721127 Russia assumed chairmanship in ArcticCouncil as well as symbolic hammer which was given toFlag of RussiaFM S.#Lavrov (Embassy of Russia, Twitter)


>>13721137 New Jersey Democrat Lawmaker Secretly Made $1 Million Investing in Medical Companies That Had a Stake in Covid Response (TheGatewayPundit.com)

>>13721148 Gov. Gavin Newsom fights recall effort with millions in donations from Netflix CEO, 49ers owner, and other wealthy elites (TheBlaze.com, Cal-access.sos.ca.gov)

>>13721151 Majestic 12 Telegram? Upload "Think for yourself" (Bitchute, Telegram)

>>13721659 #17372\1

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6c2798  No.13722502


>>13721161 Biden Is Keeping Migrant Kids In Horrible Conditions. Where Is The Outcry? (TheFederalist.com)

>>13721171, >>13721411 Mijo Had a Typo All Love In The Kitchen, Missing an N Pat! (Images)

>>13721178 Army Sat Ops Brigade Transfers To Space Force (BreakingDefense.com)

>>13721204 Seen in a Seattle neighborhood. Abolish Whiteness Scan the QR Code? (Image, Twitter)

>>13721212 Q3925 Review: [Shills Whine] {Patriots Grind} (Image)

>>13721217 Notice of Liability – Schools Canada (action4canada.com)

>>13721220 Better than the latter... 2 Elk Grove schools locked down over stapler first reported as gun (kcra.com)

>>13721235 Pompeo Reacts: And America is about to supply Iran with billions of dollars in sanctions relief to continue this. For America’s security, and for that of Israel, this is dangerous. DiscloseTV Reports - JUST IN - Hamas leader Haniyeh thanks Iran for supplying weapons to Gaza in a TV statement. (DiscloseTV, Twitter)

>>13721245 Boko Haram leader is DEAD after blowing himself up with a suicide vest to avoid capture by rival ISIS jihadists, Nigerian officials claim (DailyMail.com.uk)

>>13721255 Arizona's Top Elections Official Claims Machines Being Audited May Have Been "Compromised"… By Auditors (TheEpochTimes.com)

>>13721263 Seinfeld Writer Says "Kramer Would Be In Qanon Today" (nypost.com)

>>13721271 Actor Danny Masterson must stand trial on 3 rape charges (abcnews.go.com)

>>13721286 US Imposes Sanctions on 3 Russian Entities, 13 Vessels Involved in Construction of Nord Stream 2 (Sputniknews.com)

>>13721296 Israeli Intelligence Colludes with Facebook, Google to Censor Palestinian Voices (MintPressNews.com)

>>13721311 Biggest Navy Exercise in a Generation Will Include 25,000 Personnel Across 17 Time Zones (Military.com)

>>13721333 Twin Peaks Explained (Youtube)

>>13721341 ...FBI seized EIGHTEEN electronic devices during raid on Rudy Giuliani's home and office, newly unsealed court filings shows (DailyMail.co.uk)

>>13721350 Day5 - ALL HANDS ON DECK!!! This evenings prayer/intention manifestation will be held at 6pm PST / 9pm EST -At this time spiritual warriors will spend 30 seconds on the following: Scaaaaamdemic! (Prayer Warrior)

>>13721373 Contender for Liz Cheney's seat Anthony Bouchard made a 14-year old girl pregnant when he was 18 and she later committed suicide and the Wyoming Republican's son, 36, has been charged with sodomy by force (DailyMail.co.uk)

>>13721380 Awesome we know whoNOT to vote for... Paul Ryan Will Headline Fundraiser for Adam Kinzinger (Breitbart.com)

>>13721387 TEXAS: Abbott, Patrick, House Speaker Received $250K+ From Clinic That Chemically Castrates ‘Transgender’ Kids (NationalFile.com)

>>13721404 So the Shot Kills Plasma? or the Virus kill Plasma? If you’ve had the vaccine the Red Cross wants you to listen to this… (RedCrossBlood.org, Twitter)

>>13721406 Maskhole! Chris Cuomo wears face covering alone in convertible (Nypost.com, Twitter)

>>13721409 COMPROMISED: Harvard Subjects Students To Trips, Research Papers Authored By Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Front. (TheNationalPulse.com)

>>13721460 Obama-Appointed Judge Sides with Biden, Rules Private Christian College Must Allow Bioogical Men to Shower with Women (TheGatewayPundit.com)

>>13721482 The Gateway Pundit's MiniRailgun of Hard Facts (Images, TheGatewayPundit.com)

>>13721538 #QArmy on Frankspeech.com!!! (FrankSpeech.com)

>>13721560 New York AG has 2 lawyers working with DA on Trump probe (apnews.com)

>>13721622, >>13721635 The Mad Lobotomist: Freeman Performed Lobotomies On A Disproportionate Amount Of Women And African Americans

>>13721660 #17372\2

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6c2798  No.13722503

Previously Collected Notables

>>13719371 #17369, >>13720140 #17370, >>13720895 #17371

>>13718902 #17368, >>13719371 #17369, >>13720140 #17370

>>13716235 #17365, >>13717014 #17366, >>13717691 #17367,

>>13712887 #17362, >>13713805 #17363, >>13714621 #17364

>>13710295 #17359, >>13711206 #17360, >>13712115 #17361

>>13707879 #17356, >>13708696 #17357, >>13709478 #17358

>>13705436 #17353, >>13706248 #17354, >>13707057 #17355

>>13702981 #17350, >>13703380 #17351, >>13704629 #17352

>>13701535 #17347, >>13701339 #17348, >>13702067 #17349

>>13717972 #17344, >>13698709 #17345, >>13699602 #17346

>>13695403 #17341, >>13697020 #17342, >>13697133 #17343

>>13701922 #17338\2, >>13693779 #17339, >>13694574 #17340

>>13691541 #17336, >>13701696 #17337, >>13701919 #17338\1

>>13688992 #17333, >>13689704 #17334, >>13690498 #17335

>>13686717 #17330, >>13687296 #17331, >>13688239 #17332

>>13686744 #17327, >>13685880 #17328, >>13686699 #17329

>>13680637 #17324, >>13681448 #17325, >>13684097 #17326

>>13679893 #17321, >>13679133 #17322, >>13679932 #17323

>>13676378 #17318, >>13676807 #17319, >>13677575 #17320

>>13674642 #17315, >>13674689 #17316, >>13675205 #17317

>>13671189 #17312, >>13671825 #17313, >>13672753 #17314

>>13670463 #17309, >>13669504 #17310, >>13672834 #17211

>>13666182 #17306, >>13671590 #17307, >>13667832 #17308

>>13663826 #17303, >>13664591 #17304, >>13665310 #17305

>>13661670 #17300, >>13662438 #17301, >>13671417 #17302

>>13659215 #17297, >>13660506 #17298, >>13666192 #17299

>>13657402 #17294, >>13657651 #17295, >>13658461 #17296

>>13657612 #17291, >>13657520 #17292, >>13656042 #17293

>>13651961 #17288, >>13653436 #17289, >>13655467 #17290

>>13649696 #17285, >>13650533 #17286, >>13651380 #17287

>>13647478 #17282, >>13648226 #17283, >>13657543 #17284

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

*Search all posts from QResearch: https://qresear.ch/

>>13685931 Q Research Notables #7

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6c2798  No.13722510

QPosts Archives

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SCRIBD: https://www.scribd.com/document/419874308/Q-Anon-The-Storm-X-VII?secret_password=55SQ1tCYhuNR8ESzm50u

* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

* QPosts Archive, Searchable, interactive with user-explanations: qanon.pub qanon.app (Backup: qntmpkts.keybase.pub)

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

QResearch Search Engine

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* POTUS' Tweet Archive: trumptwitterarchive.com / thetrumparchive.com

* Twitter Video Downloader: http://twittervideodownloader.com/

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* Whats Tweeting https://onemilliontweetmap.com

* Check Hash Trends https://www.hashtags.org/

* Download Any Videos https://distillvideo.com/

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* Complete Listing Tools and Services: https://ghostbin.com/paste/I0F9k

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* Searchable Hussein WH visitor list: https://archive.org/details/WHvisitorlogs_2010-16_date

* Qcode Guide to Abbreviations: pastebin.com/UhK5tkgb

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* Updated All Google Search Operators: https://ahrefs.com/blog/google-advanced-search-operators/

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

* Baker Tools v0.7.4: https://controlc.com/aab605ea

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6c2798  No.13722511

Bread Archives (sites)

Board Archive - The main /research/ board archive: https://8kun.top/qresearch/archive/index.html

Offsite Archive - qanon.news/archives

Bread Archives (downloads)

MasterArchivist qarchives.gq | masterarchivist.github.io/qarchives/

Supplement to MA main spreadsheet, 2nd tab (labeled)

Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

Missing Catalog Bredz 10964-11007 https://pastebin.com/xT0PWKMf


Learn To Bake!

Simple Instructions: https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

Baker templates for formatting crumbs plus links: https://pastebin.com/36a1EXpR

Iwo Jima videos: https://youtu.be/5zezIBBxjEs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MLCupx1UExg

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6c2798  No.13722514

File: add0001640d7562⋯.png (29.74 KB, 1000x802, 500:401, Pepe_COOKIEBAKING.png)



And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall bless thy bread and thy water

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285339  No.13722524


Thank you, Baker.

You fooled the anons with the fake bread, kek.

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167e4f  No.13722531

I think there is more to this NY Trump probe than meets the eye. I wonder if (((they))) are unwittingly walking into a trap.

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6c2798  No.13722533


The Sacred Fool is about that journey.

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d05440  No.13722542

This is the real bread, do not visit the other bread, there is nothing to see.

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4593c7  No.13722545

File: 99bc84096146b8a⋯.png (245.93 KB, 656x526, 328:263, e9f79b3b33d8366de11fc692c8….png)


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98ff84  No.13722546





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d05440  No.13722547

as always, a real qresearcher obey every order of BV.

If you against BV, you are against /qresearch/

Trust BV like you would trust Jesus.


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45241e  No.13722548

File: 94db06013e76662⋯.jpeg (53.55 KB, 667x374, 667:374, 0C54BAFD_1B44_4BF0_810C_A….jpeg)


that was tight, bakes



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6c2798  No.13722550


I was too late to introduce this bread in the previous one.

I trust on the law of attraction.

Anons Are One!

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c1453d  No.13722555

File: a5ec170f411b539⋯.png (498.75 KB, 660x658, 330:329, Screen_Shot_2021_05_21_at_….png)


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502dff  No.13722556


It’s on!

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065ed2  No.13722561

File: 3ce4e319f95c0ca⋯.jpg (84.62 KB, 540x516, 45:43, ZomboMeme_18012021083156.jpg)

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564b2b  No.13722562

File: 39ffa2e7c58dd43⋯.jpg (49.02 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, photo_2021_05_21_18_23_12.jpg)

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37aa29  No.13722563


The other bread has better Notes from LB than this one does.

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01d38d  No.13722564

File: 3d76d8d04cffe76⋯.jpg (454.51 KB, 719x1284, 719:1284, Screenshot_20210521_183407….jpg)

And the sick story continues….

Deputy, dispatcher charged in child sex abuse case after Harris Co. Pct. 1 deputy commits suicide, constable says

Liberty County – Two more people have been charged in connection with several allegations of sexual abuse involving minors after a Harris County Precinct 1 deputy who was also being investigated died by suicide Wednesday, according to Harris County Constable Precinct 1.

On May 14, the investigation began when a dispatcher was being evaluated on their work performance, according to Pct. Constable Alan Rosen. He said during the evaluation, the dispatcher made an outcry about the child abuse allegations involving Precinct 1 Deputy Constable Robert Johnson.

Rosen said the allegations were reported to Internal Affairs and the investigation began. He said on Monday morning the department contacted the Houston Police Department to investigate the case, where investigators found out the incidents took place in Alvin. Rosen said HPD and CPS contacted the Alvin Police Department about the allegations. He said Alvin police tried to make contact with Johnson.

On Wednesday morning, Rosen said that the same dispatcher who made the outcry said she was with Johnson and that he was threatening to kill her and take his life. He said after an attempted traffic stop in north Liberty County, Johnson sparked a standoff with deputies and threatened to take his own life.

Alvin police said during the standoff, Johnson made several phone calls and confessed to the allegations of sexually assaulting minors. Police said he also implicated named other adults in the sexual abuse, including the dispatcher.

After several hours, police said Johnson took his own life.

Police said the sexual abuse allegations were being investigated by several agencies including the Houston Police Department, Alvin police, Texas Rangers, the FBI, and the Brazoria County District Attorney’s Office.


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afa513  No.13722565

File: 391a660b44f032e⋯.png (329.17 KB, 793x451, 793:451, NetFlixCEO_shellsOutMiilio….png)

Boycott Netflix

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d05440  No.13722566


It's off.

dude, trust me.

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cf2d82  No.13722569


good lookin bread, baker

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df9658  No.13722570

File: 6120b09c00f8364⋯.png (488.5 KB, 1200x1598, 600:799, WeHaveRules.png)

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afa513  No.13722572

File: 982daace0fdcd38⋯.png (815.49 KB, 1246x1315, 1246:1315, 15c3a0203bd0bb52.png)

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d38e3f  No.13722576

File: 3a7d199f2e11756⋯.jpg (83.29 KB, 624x493, 624:493, rain.JPG)

File: c7bce31efd26f7d⋯.jpg (58.76 KB, 621x434, 621:434, gates.JPG)

File: b28d93320c079f4⋯.jpg (87.8 KB, 993x531, 331:177, gatesnigeria.JPG)

>>13721114 (pb) BREAKING: Nigeria’s army chief, Ibrahim Attahiru, reportedly dies in plane crash (PremiumTimesng.com)

Bill Gates


Boko Haram



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afa513  No.13722578

File: e9fd5132442c14b⋯.png (273.49 KB, 699x407, 699:407, 604df23955bea2a4.png)

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d05440  No.13722579


Hey, i was about to say the same, its really a nice bread, isn't it?

Feel comfy and everything.

Such a great place, i love it.

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658a8c  No.13722580

File: f67823553a366b0⋯.mp4 (619.78 KB, 406x720, 203:360, f67823553a366b071c7fb41c5a….mp4)

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f57cfd  No.13722581

File: 9a66b9f271c1f7e⋯.png (302.57 KB, 720x406, 360:203, 20201006_164348.png)

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afa513  No.13722583

File: ce3a98c0c6f17d4⋯.jpg (30.15 KB, 720x405, 16:9, 8341042b3d7ecf16.jpg)

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367aaf  No.13722584


Wrong baker. Tranime fuckery a foot.

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dfac8e  No.13722586


As a jail mate he'd make Hannibal Lecter nervous.

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8121a4  No.13722588

File: c6638bfa2d1cf7e⋯.jpg (133.82 KB, 598x399, 598:399, feast.jpg)

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ec1569  No.13722589

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f57cfd  No.13722590

File: 429febeacb19600⋯.jpg (122.05 KB, 720x888, 30:37, 20210521_173443.jpg)

File: 15954e037b63efc⋯.jpg (182.32 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, 20210521_173416.jpg)

Kim Jong-un bans mullets, skinny jeans in North Korea


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d05440  No.13722592


Better notes? are we talking about the same bread?

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71ac36  No.13722595

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

This hour of 8kun is brought to you by your local McDonald's Restaurant.

Try our new new Mc'Soylent Green Burger today.

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df9658  No.13722597

File: 1c5b4baa398c568⋯.jpg (27.49 KB, 378x378, 1:1, mr_bill_oh_no_men_s_premiu….jpg)


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c1453d  No.13722598

File: 403d0c0986c4321⋯.png (220.88 KB, 270x390, 9:13, Screen_Shot_2020_03_03_at_….png)

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dfac8e  No.13722599

That's a lot of vitamin D right there.

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d40dd3  No.13722602


Get Nuremburg Code trending anons. That is our counter to “Papers Please”. The vax never went through full clinical trials, therefore its experimental, therefore requiring the jab in exchange for restored freedom is 100% illegal.

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826f22  No.13722604


this bread seems in a more jovial mood.

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658a8c  No.13722605

File: 17fe9620f9bbff2⋯.png (956.9 KB, 1152x1923, 384:641, ClipboardImage.png)




What Notes?

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091d3a  No.13722607

time of day : night

type of action : shift

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6b9aba  No.13722609

File: b366db03f61854a⋯.jpg (102.62 KB, 1024x819, 1024:819, E179nPcX0AEoEDL.jpg)



Anons deploying in the new bread.

On schedule and under budget


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e89060  No.13722610

File: 1947ce77f6dfd4a⋯.jpg (445.98 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 2tu5gy7fu6071.jpg)

Thank you, Baker!

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cf2d82  No.13722612


1000%, kek

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d05440  No.13722613


HA HA who is that punk down there, mega lol, didn't read.

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367aaf  No.13722614


This is getting good.

This will fuck them right in the face.

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953753  No.13722615

File: fc2e8c099909950⋯.png (8.68 KB, 548x192, 137:48, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 29ca7fb28612634⋯.png (207.72 KB, 582x287, 582:287, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5ef4b78f1b2af16⋯.png (4.46 KB, 468x101, 468:101, ClipboardImage.png)

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d05440  No.13722616

oh wait, thats me.

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d05440  No.13722618


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cf2d82  No.13722622

File: 794342396be22b6⋯.png (51.97 KB, 375x221, 375:221, wwg1wga_2.png)


pro-jovial anons, post here

tired of all the fighting and accusations



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5dce4f  No.13722624

File: e5defa64f4c445c⋯.mp4 (882.74 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, VM_8Mjz2RO3CEYf2.mp4)

Q is making her do this. Kamala's a dumb fuck but not that dumb.

Thanks Q!


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3c5fe0  No.13722625

File: c300dbf3b9dbecd⋯.png (315.77 KB, 500x345, 100:69, ClipboardImage.png)

This is not about White people not being racist against Blacks.

This is about Black people not being racist against Whites.

White people were taught to be color blind.

Black people were taught to hate Whites and to blame Whites for everything that went wrong in their lives.

In spite of 50 years of Affirmative Action giving Blacks every advantage over Whites.

And Whites being told that they are "White Supremacists" and have "White Privilege"

All the while watching Blacks & Jews take over every everything.


Whites aren't the ones who are Racist! Whites bend over backwards to try to prove that they are not racist. The goal of the NWO is to exterminate or "brown out" all Whites who aren't Ashkenazi Jews. And make all Blacks/Browns into their slaves.

No one wins in this scenario except for the Ashkenazi, Satan worshiping, Jews.

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285339  No.13722626

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Premier Ford of Ontario holds another CoronaHoax press conference. This is a farcical clown show. Are these people trained to be monotone or are they bored out of their minds? I watched the press conference a week ago and it was the same damn thing. The only difference this time is that they gave out the list of rules that the citizenry is expected to obey (7:10 to 10:30). Who gives a fuck about their rules? At 11:35, she says something really dumb: Problems with the second shot are far less than any problems with the first shot. If you can't see the failure in logic then you are dumber than she is. At 16:45, the premier literally begs us to get the vaccine. It's all about case counts and pressure to get the vaccine. At 26:40, Ford mentions the "death count" in Florida because Florida is not playing the clown game. Also, teachers in Ontario are just as lazy as their counterparts south of the border.

While there is nothing noteworthy about this conference, I think it is really interesting to watch because they go out of their way to control their demeanor and body language as they spit out their treasonous lies. They are dumb fucks speaking down to their dumb fuck constituents.

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3b8400  No.13722627

"NYC Marathon to Return This Fall at 60% Capacity With About33KRunners Participating"

"The iconic New York City Marathon will return this fall with a modified size of participating runners.

New York Road Runners (NYRR) announced Monday that it will host about 33,000 runners for the 50th running of the 2021 TCS New York City Marathon. The modified field size was determined in partnership with the State of New York and the Mayor’s Office of New York City.

“In 2019, the New York City marathon broke records to become the world’s largest marathon ever,” Gov. Andrew Cuomo said. “While canceling the race was the right choice in 2020, we are excited to welcome runners back to our beautiful city. New Yorkers worked hard to flatten the curve after the COVID-19 outbreak and it is that work that allows us to be able to take this step in bringing normalcy back to our state.”"


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f57cfd  No.13722629

File: 82e35ea74f3b9c0⋯.png (54.22 KB, 932x444, 233:111, 82e35ea74f3b9c0e3c04a8b3c3….png)

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4593c7  No.13722633

File: 73cda7861b46e81⋯.png (485.38 KB, 720x340, 36:17, _trump_movie.png)

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f57cfd  No.13722634

File: f3f565cade31305⋯.png (173.21 KB, 720x343, 720:343, redline2.png)

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658a8c  No.13722635

File: c2209000ed023fc⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 0ee42c6e757526af43b53b7089….jpg)




>>13722605 (You)

>HA HA who is that punk down there, mega lol, didn't read.

As if anon's wouldn't check and call them out on it.

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5dce4f  No.13722636

File: 7478891aa53c8d3⋯.jpg (71.47 KB, 750x500, 3:2, 7478891aa53c8d3767f87f2162….jpg)


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091d3a  No.13722638

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c1453d  No.13722639

File: b354969641508ac⋯.png (262.48 KB, 293x468, 293:468, Screen_Shot_2021_05_21_at_….png)

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6b9aba  No.13722640

File: 3d5828f31c05415⋯.jpg (21.83 KB, 498x372, 83:62, d6bc9ec67444e86b5c3020faee….jpg)

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98fdac  No.13722643

Real bread?

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01d38d  No.13722644


On a side note: ya'll ain't delivered on the Bidan calling Trump a nigger on national TV.

I'm sadly disappointed, OnePostAnonWhoPostedIt

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8025d8  No.13722646

surprised mr chatty bv hasn't locked one of breads by now

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74b9b4  No.13722648

File: 8434f1d13c0a6ab⋯.png (785.25 KB, 653x480, 653:480, ClipboardImage.png)

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065ed2  No.13722649

File: 6cf46248cb228b4⋯.jpg (79.95 KB, 540x580, 27:29, ZomboMeme_16042021203925.jpg)

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5dce4f  No.13722650

File: 4f9ff9b916ac3a1⋯.jpg (39.03 KB, 598x608, 299:304, 4f9ff9b916ac3a164873631ea5….jpg)

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f57cfd  No.13722652

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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367aaf  No.13722653


Maybe…this is the part where you discern for yourself.

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3b8400  No.13722654

File: b7cf3a22b7d7f21⋯.jpg (72.69 KB, 659x468, 659:468, masons_eew.jpg)

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c1453d  No.13722655

File: 1ff77b2492328d3⋯.jpeg (69.52 KB, 755x530, 151:106, 1ff77b2492328d33319064241….jpeg)

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cf2d82  No.13722657


that would be real work…..

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eb4d0a  No.13722659

File: 80b3c0a581fd565⋯.jpg (197.5 KB, 1080x1035, 24:23, 20210409_095356.jpg)

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d05440  No.13722661


shit, you found out, what am i going to do?

I hope BV is not going to make an image with all my postings and calling me out.


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98ff84  No.13722662

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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065ed2  No.13722664

File: b8205c6c95c485f⋯.jpg (427.6 KB, 988x1273, 52:67, Screenshot_20200701_172716….jpg)

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8025d8  No.13722666

File: 86416a57841ca5d⋯.jpg (276.77 KB, 1200x850, 24:17, 86416a57841ca5d0dcbd6b5db4….jpg)

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add145  No.13722668

Anons are things like freakin heating up like there’s no end in site?The tide is turning and I feel it. God Bless America, the land that we love!

A silly story: I was in my office today, the dishwashing was on with the tv that plays music all day, all I heard was Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump….I had to walk around to where the sound was coming from.It was the dishwasher. Either I’m crazy or that’s a sign, or maybe both. I’ve heard the dishwasher for 2 years, and never heard that before, it sounded like a dishwasher. So who to hell knows.

Btw I wasn’t go to tell this story for obvious reasons, but this board belongs to us and it’s a free speech board.

All I know definitively is that God Always Wins, and we are with God

Love you anons, no homo here!

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98fdac  No.13722669

File: d95eb3b62365d37⋯.png (116.81 KB, 282x284, 141:142, 20210521_185103.png)

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8c5f7c  No.13722671


suddenly i want this on a bumper sticker

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2cd41c  No.13722672

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

“Stand or Fall” Fitting lyrics for the situation. Those who know their 80s know this song.

An empty face reflects extinction

Ugly scars divide the nation

Desecrate the population

There will be no exhalation

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4593c7  No.13722673

File: 0ad1b2f4deff66c⋯.jpg (84.48 KB, 710x577, 710:577, 0ad1b2f4deff66cfc785e8c473….jpg)


Then why the DS lost their cool?

They are freaking out like hunted rabbits

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367aaf  No.13722674


They have all kinda disappeared…Kek

Peace is comfy.

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658a8c  No.13722675

File: b47a29d521df6d4⋯.gif (1.49 MB, 320x240, 4:3, some_people_are_really_fuc….gif)




>Q is making her do this. Kamala's a dumb fuck but not that dumb.

>Thanks Q!

I am pretty sure she is that stupid, quite honestly.

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6b9aba  No.13722676

File: bf563dffe8cc93e⋯.png (45.21 KB, 416x280, 52:35, Screenshot_2021_05_21_levi….png)

File: 74c5c070f6a291c⋯.png (381.73 KB, 600x419, 600:419, Screenshot_2021_05_21_00va….png)


That´s very anti semitic

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87b5cc  No.13722677


Even our Ford loves to blame Desantis. pathetic

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17d7ac  No.13722678

File: 7a728c281e6d672⋯.png (9.2 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, B03263B5_0FB7_49F7_8E63_8D….png)

The day the Cooperation died!

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add145  No.13722679



I kinda like my UID

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d05440  No.13722680


One day i will become researcher of women vaginas, than i will research all day long the vaginas of women. It will be great.

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dfac8e  No.13722681

New Hampshire Audit Confirms Voting Machines Results Unreliable

Nicole Bottai, Windham’s town clerk, said she was bewildered by the wildly wrong numbers. “It is strange,” she said.

The team’s job is to determine why Democrats were credited with more votes in an early machine-tallied vote than they received in a later hand recount, while Republicans were shortchanged.


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6c2798  No.13722682


Wise people don't feed it with any energy at all.

Without the proper energy, the idea dies out.

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ec1569  No.13722684

File: 2c6f0b6a175a628⋯.png (114.81 KB, 411x228, 137:76, xray.PNG)

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afa513  No.13722685

File: e8e153f4c3c6e57⋯.png (607.66 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ElectionFraudDNC.png)

File: f53973edf007464⋯.png (832.86 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ElectionFraud3.png)

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bd56b6  No.13722688

File: 3dc9aa6c3c59ba0⋯.png (44.25 KB, 862x244, 431:122, ClipboardImage.png)


Breaking: Maricopa County’s Attorney Office Writes Senate Leader Karen Fann – Requests ALL DOCUMENTS Regarding Deleted Election Database Directory

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87b5cc  No.13722689


great episode

The game of world domination played by two people who can barely run their own lives.

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17d7ac  No.13722690


You go do that. Start with Michael Obama’s puss.

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367aaf  No.13722691


First you must learn how to walk before you can run grasshoppa

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98fdac  No.13722692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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091d3a  No.13722694

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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6c2798  No.13722695

File: 4359002d91090e8⋯.png (813.47 KB, 685x960, 137:192, Thunderbirds_resized_.png)


Your perceptions seem to rise to new Heights.

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5dce4f  No.13722697

File: 93d84c5ee5ad130⋯.jpeg (208.06 KB, 717x411, 239:137, 93d84c5ee5ad1306cf26528c8….jpeg)


>quite honestly

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c1453d  No.13722698

File: 026950eb4910447⋯.png (522.1 KB, 661x537, 661:537, Screen_Shot_2021_05_21_at_….png)

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916d3b  No.13722699

CABAL MOVES (Many, Damaging) & White Hat runny bowel movements

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96a475  No.13722700

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thank you for the tasty bread Baker!

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4593c7  No.13722701

File: 00a57a9a6e42836⋯.png (57.43 KB, 255x200, 51:40, 00a57a9a6e428365b1d0db864c….png)


You know many of those got shitloads of money for unlawully arrested?

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98fdac  No.13722702


I have had my children, dont need to post boobs. Also posting boobs and stating here 24/7 definitely isnt going to get you laid.

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065ed2  No.13722703

File: c682dcd625ed835⋯.jpg (15.96 KB, 480x236, 120:59, c682dcd625ed83506153f37a5f….jpg)


Please no skinny jeans

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f058ea  No.13722705

File: a87ed67d9aa3033⋯.jpeg (146.64 KB, 382x410, 191:205, A47348C5_9120_4B20_A239_7….jpeg)

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6b9aba  No.13722706

File: b1d7b3496403a97⋯.png (144.14 KB, 438x335, 438:335, Screenshot_2021_05_21_why_….png)

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2f9186  No.13722707

File: 8d7dc4fc79b3fc7⋯.png (626.74 KB, 640x400, 8:5, ClipboardImage.png)

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afa513  No.13722708

File: 1048d0ae4569eeb⋯.png (809.99 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, ElectionFraudKnowingly.png)

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658a8c  No.13722709


Not for or over that Stupid Bitch, nor any of her ilk…

Sorry Kamel-Toe is fucking Stupid.

Wonder if she thinks she can laugh her way out of a Noose.

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f57cfd  No.13722710

File: 82ec33dd3083af0⋯.jpg (69.98 KB, 716x486, 358:243, 20210521_175607.jpg)


JUST IN - The two prison guards looking after Jeffrey Epstein have admitted they "falsified records" the night he died in a New York jail.

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98fdac  No.13722711

File: 97628459d49bd10⋯.png (273.09 KB, 534x406, 267:203, 20210521_173655.png)

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414a14  No.13722713

File: 984bdd0560ea2f4⋯.png (126.18 KB, 447x291, 149:97, Screenshot_2021_05_15_1124….png)


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cf2d82  No.13722715

File: 2cc3f3752806a78⋯.jpg (151.04 KB, 628x1320, 157:330, 2021_05_21_16_51_49.jpg)

sincerely hope this guy is wrong….


[Forwarded from Gregster]

📝 317 replies

All Vaccinated people will die within 2 years

Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier has confirmed that there is no chance of survival for people who have received any form of the vaccine.

In the shocking interview, the world's top virologist stated blankly: "there is no hope, and no possible treatment for those who have been vaccinated already. We must be prepared to incinerate the bodies."

The scientific genius backed claims of other pre eminent virologists after studying the constituents of the vaccine. "They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement. Nothing more can be said."




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6c2798  No.13722716


Moar sauce needed for notable!

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5dce4f  No.13722717



Falsified HOW exactly?

(incoming Jeffrey Epstein not dead but in witness protection..)

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8025d8  No.13722718


yeet, the physical attacks have intensified too.

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cf2d82  No.13722720


worth a dig….

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578f15  No.13722721


No party in back!

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3353db  No.13722724


By Michael Balsamo | AP

May 21, 2021 at 4:57 p.m. PDT

WASHINGTON — The two Bureau of Prisons workers tasked with guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself in a New York jail have admitted they falsified records, but they will skirt any time behind bars under a deal with federal prosecutors, authorities said Friday.



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658a8c  No.13722725

File: 86efed0b2c051e1⋯.gif (281.05 KB, 640x639, 640:639, spacedog.gif)



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2f9186  No.13722726



I wonder how. Faked it he's alive? Faked it they killed him?

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c1453d  No.13722727

File: c9fbc1ee90bf0c9⋯.png (472.19 KB, 647x365, 647:365, Screen_Shot_2021_05_21_at_….png)

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3b8400  No.13722728


No source…

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8025d8  No.13722730

File: 3a52e1ac262f2ce⋯.jpg (12.32 KB, 640x420, 32:21, hmm_lemme_see.jpg)



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96a475  No.13722732

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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cf2d82  No.13722734


lotsa comments but no sauce yet

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6b9aba  No.13722737

File: 2c5f4d8a0bfaf5d⋯.jpg (28.97 KB, 380x270, 38:27, apa.JPG)


Holy Moly

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add145  No.13722738

Gov. Ron DeSantis Rips the Left and Establishment: ‘I Have Only Begun to Fight’

Hannah Bleau21 May 2021

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) made it clear this week that he has no plans to submit to the radical left and their fake news narratives, telling a group of Republicans at Allegheny County’s annual Lincoln Day Dinner that he has “only begun to fight” and warning the GOP cannot revert to “the days of the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear.”

DeSantis, a rising star in the Republican Party, delivered a half-hour speech to hundreds of Republicans attending the event in Pittsburgh, speaking about the corporate media, big tech oligarchs, and Florida’s tried and true pro-freedom approach to the Chinese coronavirus pandemic.

“All I can say to any state that has not followed suit: Open your state, open your schools, end these mask mandates, let people live and thrive,” DeSantis said during the address. “When it came right down to it, we chose freedom over Fauci-ism.”

While the governor did not explicitly express any plans to run for president in the next election cycle, one of his lines has garnered a bit of attention from the establishment media.

“I can tell you this: in the state of Florida, with me as governor, I have only begun to fight,” DeSantis said, prompting many to ponder his future political plans beyond his intention to win reelection in the Sunshine State’s upcoming gubernatorial race.

He also warned Republicans against reverting back to the ways of the party establishment — a phenomenon that caught national attention with the ousting of now-former GOP conference chair Liz Cheney (R-WY).

“As we look forward to the fights ahead, we cannot, indeed we will not go back to the days of the failed Republican establishment of yesteryear,” DeSantis said. “We are not going to do that.”

The Republican governor also advised Republicans to steer from seeking approval from the establishment media and their allies — advice he has demonstratively followed himself, continuing to forge a pro-freedom path ahead in Florida in the face of constant criticisms and fake news narratives — one of which came to the national spotlight in April after 60 Minutes deceptively edited a segment making it look as though DeSantis failed to properly address accusations of pay-f0r-play in vaccine distribution.

“So what I would say to Republicans: Don’t seek approval from these people,” DeSantis cautioned. “They don’t like you. They will smear you. They will attack you. The way to win is to fight back and not take it anymore. Don’t let these people set the agenda for our party anymore.”

The 42-year-old governor urged Republicans to“stand your ground” and “hold the line.”

“Don’t back down,” he said, channeling the spirit of former President Donald Trump by vowing to fight on.

While former President Trump has dominated hypothetical 2024 primary polls, DeSantis has continued to round out the top choices, tying former Vice President Mike Pence for “second choice” in a hypothetical 2024 Republican matchup, according to a March survey.


"I Have Not Yet Begun to Fight," 1779

John Paul Jones in Battle

"I have not yet begun to fight!" This was the immortal retort of Captain John Paul Jones to a request to surrender as he and his crew engaged in a desperate battle with a British frigate off the northern coast of England during the American Revolution.

John Paul Jones

Born in Scotland in 1747, Jones went to sea at age thirteen and became Captain of his own ship by the time he was twenty-one. By 1775, he had emigrated to America where he volunteered for service in the fledgling American Navy and was given his own command. In 1777 he was dispatched to the European waters with orders to create whatever havoc he could accomplish including attacking British ships and sea ports.

September 23, 1779 he encountered a large merchant convoy escorted by two British naval vessels. The stage was set for John Paul Jones’s most famous naval battle.

"Has your ship struck? "

An observer aboard Captain John Paul Jones's ship describes his most famous battle:

"On the 23d of September, 1779, being below, I was roused by an unusual noise upon deck. This induced me to go upon deck, when I found the men were swaying up the royal yards, preparatory to making sail for a large fleet under our lee. I asked the coasting pilot what fleet it was. He answered:

'The Baltic fleet, under convoy of the Serapis of forty-four guns, and the Countess of Scarborough of twenty guns.'…


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dfac8e  No.13722739

Donald J. Trump

9:31pm May 19, 2021

A loan of $1.2 billion has closed on the asset known as the Bank of America Building (555 California Street) in San Francisco, CA. The interest rate is approximately 2%. Thank you!


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fc1f63  No.13722741


<<<They>>> are going to arrest him.

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3e3ad0  No.13722742

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d05146  No.13722743

File: 8eece98687a1147⋯.jpeg (367.85 KB, 1168x1665, 1168:1665, ADE.jpeg)


> "They will all die from antibody dependent enhancement.


Vax kills the immune system. Only way to survive is to keep getting vaxxed.

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74b9b4  No.13722745

File: 524b19ec06fe5a4⋯.png (315.77 KB, 543x384, 181:128, wood_epstein_ghislaine_bla….png)

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4593c7  No.13722746

File: 0b3ac89b236af94⋯.jpg (42.76 KB, 500x389, 500:389, 0b3ac89b236af94e00ad637afa….jpg)


Who of the so called capitol rioters are still in jail?

Can name over 5? Can name 1?

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6c2798  No.13722747

Epstein Guards to Skirt Jail Time in Deal With Prosecutors

The two Bureau of Prisons workers tasked with guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself in a New York jail have admitted they falsified records, but they will skirt any time behind bars under a deal with federal prosecutors.

By Associated Press

May 21, 2021, at 7:43 p.m.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The two Bureau of Prisons workers tasked with guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself in a New York jail have admitted they falsified records, but they will skirt any time behind bars under a deal with federal prosecutors, authorities said Friday.

The prison workers, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, were accused of sleeping and browsing the internet instead of monitoring Epstein the night he took his own life in August 2019.

They were charged with lying on prison records to make it seem as though they had made required checks on the financier before he was found in his cell Aug. 10. New York City’s medical examiner ruled Epstein’s death a suicide.

As part of the deal with prosecutors, they will enter into a deferred prosecution agreement with the Justice Department and will serve no time behind bars, according to a letter from federal prosecutors that was filed in court papers Friday. Noel and Thomas would instead be subjected to supervised release, would be required to complete 100 hours of community service and would be required to fully cooperate with an ongoing probe by the Justice Department’s inspector general, it says.


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f57cfd  No.13722748

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3353db  No.13722749











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17d7ac  No.13722750

File: efe7fcb358ff836⋯.jpeg (63.77 KB, 474x354, 79:59, 6A38D56A_DEB4_4408_B703_A….jpeg)

Anyone get the feeling that this is going away, along with the rest of the you know what’s?

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8025d8  No.13722751



can access vid anymoar does anyone hab an offline svd?

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6b9aba  No.13722753

File: 68c7d4e87b3d34a⋯.png (169.91 KB, 598x628, 299:314, Screenshot_2021_05_21_empt….png)

DOJ enters into non-prosecution agreement for the two prison guards whose neglect provided opportunity for Jeffrey Epstein to kill himself.





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658a8c  No.13722754

File: 905132d8ff7bd2a⋯.png (1.15 MB, 760x1547, 760:1547, ClipboardImage.png)




Yes… There's sauce.. WASHINGTON POST

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8c5f7c  No.13722755



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96a475  No.13722756

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You know what goes with Titties! MILK


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dbacce  No.13722757


Please do report back all your digs!

Good Luck!

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f0fd06  No.13722758


satanic gibberish

You're on your own.

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065ed2  No.13722760

File: 9e7af4b9177c3f7⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 890x534, 5:3, ZomboMeme_06012021181410.jpg)

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74b9b4  No.13722761

File: fb0919059fe2f14⋯.png (654.17 KB, 960x529, 960:529, potus_not_yet_begun_to_fig….png)

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98fdac  No.13722762

WASHINGTON — Efforts to strike a bipartisan deal on an infrastructure package are in jeopardy after Senate Republicans rejected a $1.7 trillion counteroffer Friday from President Joe Biden's administration exposing wide gaps that remained in negotiations.

The setback, following weeks of talks that accelerated in recent days, raises major doubts over Biden's goal to pass a sweeping infrastructure bill with support from both Democrats and Republicans. 

In his counteroffer cutting an original $2.3 trillion package, Biden proposed minor concessions to remove funding for research and development, supply chains, manufacturing and small businesses. Yet it would keep tax increases that Republicans have said they won't support under any circumstances.

Start the day smarter. Get all the news you need in your inbox each morning.

More: Biden pushes U.S. electric vehicle revolution — a sticking point in GOP infrastructure talks

Other changes in Biden's American Jobs Plan counterproposal include reducing $100 billion for broadband expansion to $65 billion, matching the amount outlined in a $586 billion plan from Senate Republicans, and reducing funds for roads and bridges.

"In our view, this is the art of seeking common ground," White House press secretary Jen Psaki said at Friday's press briefing. "This proposal exhibits a willingness to come down in size, giving on some areas that are important to the president … while also staying firm in areas that are most vital to building our infrastructure and industries of the future."


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61af58  No.13722763

File: b24c2df751e9357⋯.jpg (122.12 KB, 1151x941, 1151:941, Marks.jpg)

>>13681338 Old past bread - Epstein not dead in witness protection still in custody

>>13722710 JUST IN - The two prison guards looking after Jeffrey Epstein have admitted they "falsified records" the night he died in a New York jail.

Marks on the neck

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3e3ad0  No.13722764

File: cdb9d8aedd561bc⋯.jpg (91.64 KB, 779x483, 779:483, jeffrey_epstein_ghislaine_….jpg)

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c4308a  No.13722765

File: bbaacd78a44a226⋯.jpg (87.49 KB, 500x546, 250:273, 4t46pp.jpg)

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c1453d  No.13722766

File: e64e040492bd36a⋯.png (423.95 KB, 614x629, 614:629, Screen_Shot_2020_03_15_at_….png)

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3b8400  No.13722768


>Yes… There's sauce.. WASHINGTON POST

I was talking about the other post regarding Nobel Prize Winner Luc Montagnier

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dbacce  No.13722769

File: 2ba125f8d03ce18⋯.png (323.57 KB, 394x422, 197:211, E669A4F7_B4FF_468A_B5A2_4C….png)


Forgot this!

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98fdac  No.13722774

More fun in Baltimore, no one seems to care

Man critically injured in Downtown Baltimore shooting, police say



MAY 21, 2021 AT 4:53 PM

Baltimore police are investigating an incident that left a man critically injured from a gunshot downtown, police said Friday afternoon.

About 1:21 p.m., Central District patrol officers responded to the 200 block of W. Lexington St. for a report of a shooting, police said.

The injured man was taken to an area hospital, where he was listed in critical condition. Homicide detectives were also notified due to the man’s injuries, according to police.

Anyone with information is asked to contact detectives at 410-396-2100.


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c1453d  No.13722775

File: c46c0055a696a39⋯.png (773.01 KB, 1177x833, 1177:833, c46c0055a696a3928d9ebc219b….png)

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add145  No.13722776

Poll:Confidence in Anthony Fauci Has Decreased 42.2 Percent Among Americans in Past Year

Wendell Husebø21 May 2021

Even 42.2% is too high

Confidence in Dr. Anthony Fauci has decreased 42.2 percent among Americans in the past year, according to a Trafalgar Group survey.

Respondents were asked, “Has your confidence in Dr. Fauci gone up or down in the past year?” While 42.2 percent said confidence has gone down, 22.1 percent said it has increased, and 26.1 percent said it is unchanged.(leftists that love their jailer, Stockholm syndrome they are)

Twenty percent of Democrats’ confidence in Fauci decreased.

In contrast, in September 2020, KFF Tracking Poll found that 68 percent of Americans trusted Fauci to give reliable information about the coronavirus, only declining ten percent since April 2020.

The FiveThirtyEight pollster ratings, which are “calculated by analyzing the historical accuracy of each polling organization’s polls along with its methodology,” ranked the Trafalgar Group an A-.

The Trafalgar Group poll was conducted between May 16-18 with 1093 respondents of likely general election voters. The response rate was 1.46 percent, and the margin of error is 2.96 percent with confidence at 95 percent.


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3b8400  No.13722779


>Anyone get the feeling that this is going away, along with the rest of the you know what’s?

Not feeling Revelation

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6b9aba  No.13722781


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ad0af9  No.13722782


oh wow.. a bake that isn't completely fucked for once

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4593c7  No.13722783

File: 0bf5a479051e331⋯.png (32.28 KB, 500x447, 500:447, 0bf5a479051e331ef2e3018de6….png)


Arrested and let go after a few hours or a few days doesn't count

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98fdac  No.13722784

Epstein guards to skirt jail time in deal with prosecutors

MICHAEL BALSAMO, Associated Press

Updated: May 21, 2021 5:02 p.m.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The two Bureau of Prisons workers tasked with guarding Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself in a New York jail have admitted they falsified records, but they will skirt any time behind bars under a deal with federal prosecutors, authorities said Friday.

The prison workers, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, were accused of sleeping and browsing the internet instead of monitoring Epstein the night he took his own life in August 2019.

They were charged with lying on prison records to make it seem as though they had made required checks on the financier before he was found in his cell. New York City’s medical examiner ruled Epstein’s death a suicide.


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285339  No.13722785


Sorry, but you just fucked it.

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afa513  No.13722786

File: 64c450fae404928⋯.png (207.89 KB, 663x549, 221:183, fauciREquiresProffAirlines.png)


Students leaving college will die at home covering the universities and the airlines 2years after college and a flight from a Fauci airplane

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065ed2  No.13722787

File: 6e41a3c85ccfe98⋯.jpg (132.94 KB, 962x520, 37:20, ZomboMeme_20052021231650.jpg)

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091d3a  No.13722788


golden ?

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17d7ac  No.13722789


Someone get rid of this thing. Screwing his self and the entire movement.

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9d88ec  No.13722790

File: f4b959501753bb2⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1028x972, 257:243, transagendacadabra.png)

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b11bcd  No.13722791

File: 98adf1bd282968a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning01.png)

File: c1fa6371becb824⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning02.png)

File: e6047018d5f2076⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning03.png)

The bible hate is coming out of a week of intense j00h8 and CIrAn prepping this hivemind to assist their attacks against Israel.


This is warfare, they utilize owned assets to assist other operations - Multi-Domain Warfare.

(How did that go btw?)

>On Thursday, the IDF deployed infantry, artillery, and tanks on the Gaza border, leading Hamas to believe that Israel was about to begin a ground invasion. As a result, Hamas sent its fighters into its underground tunnel system beneath Gaza City

>On Thursday night, the IDF brought in 160 aircraft and dropped 450 bombs containing over 80 tons of explosives, hitting 150 terror targets in 35 minutes. Hamas’ underground city was hit with enormous force, and the IDF collapsed the terror tunnel system, on the heads of the terrorists hiding in the tunnels. During the attack, many kilometers of terror tunnels were destroyed. As of now, neither Israel nor Hamas is clear on the exact scope of the damage, but according to estimates, a large number of terrorists were buried in the sands beneath Gaza.”

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahah losers~

(Say, when did exbot start talking about fires in jerusalem? How far out do they plan their hivemind targeting real world events?)

This is why the CIA needed to control this board so badly.

They need the asset Q created



And if that information creates people who spread it, they need those people to be as disregarded as can be.

Agents flood this board with insidious vile corruption designed to eat away your constructive relation to anyone else.

To 'kill' the asset of an Informed Individual.

Unrestricted Warfare was engaged, Top Cover provided.

This is where (You) currently are.

This is Q research

Not j00search

Though this board is j00search, why is that?

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why j00search?

This is where (You) currently are.

This is about Q level Classified Information

Not zombo racial hate

Though this board is zombo-racial-hate, why is that?

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why zombo-racial-hate?

This is where (You) currently are.

This is about restoring the Republic of America

Not exbots love for anal traps

Though this board is exbots love for producing NPCs to rape

There are agents here, yes?

Specialized in behavioral changes.

So why NPCs?

This is where (You) currently are.


An occult concept of an autonomous psychic entity made up of, and influencing, the thoughts of a group of people.

A group of influenced people, that is to say, those whos Will have been weakened, and internal beliefs modified to remove your own interests that get in the way of the Egregores desires.

Can this be achieved with a drumbeat of subliminals?

With an imageboard deployment of mockingbird?

What are the goals of the Egregore, and what is it eroding in you to "make you a better battery/NPC"?

This is where (You) currently are.

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ad0af9  No.13722793


it was tight

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f0fd06  No.13722794


Well, yeah, probably why they spliced HIV into it.

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6c2798  No.13722795

Notables @200


>>13722564 Deputy, dispatcher charged in child sex abuse case after Harris Co. Pct. 1 deputy commits suicide, constable says

>>13722602 Get Nuremburg Code trending anons

>>13722681 New Hampshire Audit Confirms Voting Machines Results Unreliable

>>13722688 Maricopa County’s Attorney Office Writes Senate Leader Karen Fann – Requests ALL DOCUMENTS Regarding Deleted Election Database Directory

>>13722724, >>13722710, >>13722747, >>13722784 The two prison guards looking after Jeffrey Epstein have admitted they "falsified records" the night he died in a New York jail.

>>13722738 Gov. Ron DeSantis Rips the Left and Establishment: ‘I Have Only Begun to Fight’

>>13722776 Confidence in Anthony Fauci Has Decreased 42.2 Percent Among Americans in Past Year

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ec1569  No.13722796


>a deal

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101cfa  No.13722797

File: 07e53fb42d31b1a⋯.png (107.99 KB, 295x186, 295:186, ClipboardImage.png)

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96a475  No.13722798

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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367aaf  No.13722799


Already been handled.

Boomerangs can cause the source issues.

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7f3014  No.13722800


Segregation against people with vaccine discernment.

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3b8400  No.13722801

File: 0b27b73a400635d⋯.jpg (13.2 KB, 255x211, 255:211, 0b27b73a400635d92c62ae9c98….jpg)

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5bf003  No.13722803

Spit bread baker wars still going on or something else?

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98fdac  No.13722804

Biden gives conditions for meeting with Kim Jong Un and hopes Mideast cease-fire holds

During a press conference at the White House, President Biden answered a question from CBS News chief White House correspondent Nancy Cordes about his conditions for meeting with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The president also spoke about his relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and he expressed his hope that a cease-fire holds between Israel and Hamas. Watch Mr. Biden's responses.


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566a3e  No.13722806

Traffic reports should make it clear that Anons

do not give a shit who bakes, just bake a bread

so that we can post our research or findings.

99% of us filter anyone who has over 8 posts

per bread.

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6c2798  No.13722807


Real nice!


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564b2b  No.13722809


Military took him to the AFB in Germany.

It's regional, had to get the source.

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285339  No.13722810

File: f18b217c686e665⋯.jpg (57.62 KB, 700x671, 700:671, aliens_vs_predators.jpg)

Damn! Fake bread just got threadlocked.

Oh well, was good while it lasted.

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cf2d82  No.13722811


first article new, second from Nov 2019

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01d38d  No.13722812

File: 4c5cdd5cf4e3196⋯.jpg (69.7 KB, 600x346, 300:173, 20210521_190718.jpg)

File: 3852d6a6d72b088⋯.jpg (68.48 KB, 600x346, 300:173, 20210521_190513.jpg)

No meme farmer here. Saw the original meme to this on this board awhile back. Couldn't find it; made my own, but it's not as good as the original. Any anon have it?

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8025d8  No.13722814

File: b54569d71fa548e⋯.png (534.23 KB, 798x396, 133:66, pegasus_2.png)

File: e66776e4b0d9b21⋯.jpg (90.09 KB, 612x612, 1:1, pegasus_1.jpg)

File: 4c887c2a83df314⋯.png (2.03 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, D_C_players_mapping.png)

File: ff6cb8793c5d93b⋯.jpg (347.88 KB, 1561x908, 1561:908, inside.jpg)

File: cec58872a848e0e⋯.jpg (253.04 KB, 589x585, 589:585, JAhouse.jpg)

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f0fd06  No.13722815


Great advice, VPN shill. Will take that to heart.

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add145  No.13722816

European Union to Allow Entry for ‘Fully Vaccinated’ Travellers.

It’s a Seinfeld show

You know how this is going to end? 50% of travelers won’t travel and the freakin economy will shrink like a cold limp dick

Because there’s only 30% Max of leftists in the world and USA, and USA supplies their economy. My guess of course.


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cf2d82  No.13722817


yes, saw that

which leaves zero sauce unless vid can be found

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189ebd  No.13722818

Maricopa County’s Attorney Office Writes Senate Leader Karen Fann – Requests ALL DOCUMENTS Regarding Deleted Election Database Directory

This was just announced–

It appears the Maricopa County Attorney will weaponize her office and use it for a possible investigation of cyber forensics of America’s Audit cyber team.

Maricopa County officials have fought tooth-and-nail to prevent the Arizona Senate Audit from taking place. They have stalled the process at every turn.

On Friday they threatened the audit team with legal action.

What are they so scared of?

Local news KTAR broke the story on Friday evening.

Maricopa County officials are threatening Karen Fann and using bogus media reports to go after the audit team.

The far left mainstream media INCORRECTLY reported this week that the audit team backtracked on accusations of a missing database directory.

The audit team later came out and refuted the junk media reports.

The FILE DIRECTORY WAS DELETED! And they were able to restore it!

So the fake news was wrong again.

And, the Maricopa County Attorney used their false reports to threaten Senate Leader Karen Fann.

They sure are desperate!

Why is that?


Litigation Hold Letter to Senate President Fann


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285339  No.13722819


Nah. Just baker having some fun with us, kek.

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6b9aba  No.13722820

File: 62322e703dc321f⋯.png (443.91 KB, 598x600, 299:300, Screenshot_2021_05_21_The_….png)

AP fires Jewish journalist after pro-Palestinian tweets, prompting outcry


Every fucking time

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96a475  No.13722821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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caaca4  No.13722822



notable and sauce

Breaking: Epstein's guards didn't kill themselves; they copped a plea

so who is the next up the Chain of Command?

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e9ce41  No.13722823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


oh yes, that bread, well.

watch this video, it will explain everything.

anyhow, stay focues, fuck bv and enjoy shitpost in that other bread.

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566a3e  No.13722824

File: dfbffafecf92d0f⋯.png (31.31 KB, 200x191, 200:191, anon.png)


fuck you.

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bdf4af  No.13722825

File: f9b0a7c5209934a⋯.png (255.1 KB, 259x384, 259:384, ClipboardImage.png)

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98fdac  No.13722826

File: 394766e934e9462⋯.jpg (58.98 KB, 960x636, 80:53, 1621495572761.jpg)

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8c5f7c  No.13722827

File: c1ce099691b8785⋯.mp4 (14.88 MB, 854x480, 427:240, Bombshell_Nobel_Prize_Winn….mp4)



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8121a4  No.13722828

File: 6e1351fe89e80d4⋯.jpg (73.19 KB, 540x387, 60:43, 66_Sir_Terry_Pratchett_SGM.jpg)

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27820d  No.13722829

File: 94c628ab8ffc580⋯.png (125.73 KB, 628x483, 628:483, flynn.PNG)


True dat

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f57cfd  No.13722830

File: 80f8ed2392e8575⋯.mp4 (604.97 KB, 512x960, 8:15, JNeAzHuPhRRRHiU9.mp4)


Monday: "I’m going to continue to wear a mask in public and I’m going to encourage others to do so." - Lori Lightfoot


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cf2d82  No.13722831


>anons don't care who bakes

may be true, but anons should care

bc otherwise bread is easily compd by shills

(in case u didn't notice)

situational awareness on the part of anons is necessary for a viable board

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baa998  No.13722832

File: 1fcb8f0bb8e4e22⋯.png (408.24 KB, 570x586, 285:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0fd06  No.13722833


kk, VPN shill.

Don't post 8 times!

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2a8b73  No.13722834

File: 0061bea631698db⋯.png (687.73 KB, 550x415, 110:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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e9ce41  No.13722835


as it turns out

we did a no no, the shitpost thread was not allowed

GOD himself removed it, we have to thanks GOD for his work


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f13e69  No.13722836

And don't you forget it. Spite checks blow hot air concentrated force you all be on drugs and it did not help you win. Stone hearted some songs pour out how good are all of these versus literally the part where we almost died. I've been through the gauntlet. Pour out same drink deal the shimmering foil moderation face cards. Faces pressed up against. Screen door and ultra nuclear era what even is left exactly this approach. I wouldn't completely discount the subterfuge adjacency bloody skullshatterer. It comes in here with vise and rack and peanut brain diploma program eh. It won't avail you.

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baa998  No.13722837

File: 22ef04fb96c16b1⋯.png (376.74 KB, 570x586, 285:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0fd06  No.13722839


Love how spun out you are.

Keep it up!

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c94e82  No.13722840


Not sure I trust that guy…his wiki bio says he is a full-time professor at Shanghai Jiao Tong University in China. I'm more inclined to believe they intended for people to die within two years, but that their plan was thwarted.

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5dce4f  No.13722841

File: 4dc96efcdbfc6a9⋯.png (11.82 KB, 199x255, 199:255, c8fc85ee14db7b7f6634260526….png)


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d05440  No.13722842


see, that rule is totaley different in the shitpost univers, but hey,.

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b0e57a  No.13722843



>Falsified HOW exactly?

visitor logs?



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add145  No.13722844


Like he would meet with a dementia ridden patient. Kim loves Trump!

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67e2fa  No.13722845




I'll take No Notes over this Baker's Bloatables any day.

Hence the statement.

But if this is a legit Anon Baker not involved in any past/present/future Kitchen Fuckery then hallelujah.

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98fdac  No.13722846

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1e4d9c  No.13722847

File: 3f0c9418e872aaa⋯.png (1.86 MB, 1280x1171, 1280:1171, ClipboardImage.png)


Love it when our guys troll in these staged photos

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367aaf  No.13722848


>99% of us filter anyone who has over 8 posts

Who is we?

And where is your sauce for your projection?

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17d7ac  No.13722849

File: 54d34343617563d⋯.png (7.73 MB, 2001x1125, 667:375, EA306296_AFD2_4883_9083_10….png)

He thought he had a good life. As promised by the Devil. He wants to Vax you and your children. Watch next week, pregnant ladies are now recommended to be vaccinated, along with a special long needle that vaccinates the fetus.

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a84287  No.13722850

File: 189463dbd81c67a⋯.jpg (77.65 KB, 600x334, 300:167, Matrix_POTUS_Magnets.jpg)

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96a475  No.13722851

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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01d38d  No.13722852


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578f15  No.13722853

File: 22e161b77435ebb⋯.png (30.75 KB, 1836x918, 2:1, gotnuremberg.png)

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2f2e75  No.13722854


make a legit shitposting thread. i need that shit

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baa998  No.13722855


So the Red Cross plans to get their blood from the nonvaccinated? How is that going to work out? 99% will be in hospital because they have to keep getting vaccinations if they want to live? Massive revolving door medical crisis [like Aids] to keep Big Pharma profiting?

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a84287  No.13722856

File: 0077956616bdf48⋯.jpg (108.52 KB, 900x853, 900:853, Iceberg_Magnets.jpg)

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a84287  No.13722857

File: 869e201e6e6ed5e⋯.jpg (98.35 KB, 911x1014, 911:1014, Lisa_Wanna_Fight_Magnets.jpg)

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98fdac  No.13722858


Could you imagine Biden trying to walk into NoKo like Trump did, kek.

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a84287  No.13722859

File: eb94d1eb6e0e796⋯.jpg (114.57 KB, 823x900, 823:900, Harry_Is_Adjusting_Great_t….jpg)

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d8203b  No.13722860



"But he speaks 'facts'" his handlers made sure to be repeated through the msdnc fake news.

What happens when the people wake up to understand that information is logically economically a scarce resource no less than physical objects.

Dr. Fauci is like the 'Debbie Downer' character in SNL.

Yes, Debbie Downer talked about 'facts' too, but anyone with half a brain would know that this doesn't mean the world's population must all of a sudden repeat and think Debbie Downer 'facts' all the time.

All the other information, BETTER information that is logically consistent with a united concept of humanity, not an internally divided species of mutually exclusive by logic, subtle antagonisms in the structure of global information has a definite conceptual understanding that cannot be fully elucidated in the incomplete information SET that any observer of the information in this very set of sentences would seek to impose on the truthness of my own ability to know MORE than what is only received in the 'now', since when did human beings have to believe '5 senses' by narrative is the only senses we have?

If any information set, including the entirety of what is in the consciousness of any human being on Earth who ever lived and will ever live (hat tip to Godel), be necessarily incomplete if they are to be internally consistent which is necessary if anyone is to admit the presence of consciousness in BOTH sender of info and 'believer' adoption of that information which REDUCES EVER FURTHER the information set that is the good in me, and can come from the world's population by how we can all become ever better internally and unite faster and faster, which can treat pure opposite as real within information of HISTORICAL consciousnesses only and consuming itself to output LIGHT on intentional deception in pattern of one logic syntax as against another, it's an internally complete system, Gods not achieved though because it is necessarily internally inconsistent.

I started reading Kurt Godel and GEB, closely

Godel's logic.

The truth of its certainty and the certainty of its truth is unassailable because it is a language of languages, so any attempt to control this body the source of this information will necessarily if inclusive of deception against or from within, I want to add this consciousness is united enough to be either consistent but incomplete or complete but inconsistent, and oh wouldn't it be an interesting irony test whatever to think this logic wrong without being constructed by the very same what is logically always a 'complete' set of human beings worldwide, it is always the number of human beings counted using the natural numbers 1, 2, 3, … , ….population NOW at this time….right there, changes happening at rapid rate isn't it?

But what a nice thing to have awareness of self as a 'strange loop'…

All the reality that could possibly be…

All the information I could comprehend from anyone alive including me…we have a logical start to see everyone as they are the same as the self and this self is the same as every other human as self.

We have a choice.

We are either complete and internally inconsistent, if not inconsistent then incomplete.

Incompleteness of many selves when many selves are consistent…

I believe human beings have historically been overwhelmingly good.

I have been by good fortune had far more honesty than deception from within me, I admit I believed so much of what I heard was to be trusted in the pattern of the set by bandwidth 'commerically'…until age of digital openness.

The www allowed spying worldwide but humanity is overcoming the MASSIVE internal inconsistencies in all the 'complete' worldviews I for reasons better know were always pushing self away from incompleteness permanently by way of permanent deception/division/contradiction/inconsistent symbological devotion to completeness about anything or anyone or any 'destined' course of history, or, …

…if only I prevented the 'incoming' information to influence me in a way that was to be predictable in PM notation that with awareness of the internal division itself when addressing by informational attempts at …/interfacing/connecting/… with anything or anyone by how 'this' body is to direct its behavior vis a vis any other in what is always a complete set physical object we can drop the physical it remains the case in the informational.

The more I ignore Fauci as I have been if not for the kind anons who posted his latest '…/stay afraid/divided/…' set of 'complete' facts..

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5dce4f  No.13722862

File: 9d6f7513993dfb2⋯.png (314.52 KB, 625x415, 125:83, 83b96d0b750b8e6601e5d594a0….png)


Now we know from WP article that the false part was about not actually checking on him in certain intervals like required.

Still though, this is an interesting development. Could be laying the groundwork for him being still alive and ready to testify.

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d8203b  No.13722863



Here's an attempt at a new symbol/emoji/pic/icon/…

Languages of all possible existence have languages

When I write any string, I can add a





…a, b, c,…

or haha

… / a, b, c, /…

when things are fun in a way that you can just keep on writing oh wow..those are all the same those are all different.


This body now sees itself and a LOT of 'inconsistencies' have been accepted by my body …. , / … up until now …/

Morning walks in Princeton … /

What an amazing boost to eliminating internal inconsistency or adding to it by trust … , just cease trusting in a way that I admit the information was from within this same source, I see everyone the same as me and me the same as everyone else as including me and me including you who reads this, … , if I knew you knew I can't be what I am not and so narrative is inconsistent if complete, or not, haha, nothing I say everything I say matters anything I say I read I see I know there are infinite unique natural numbers and numbers have a language that talks about itself…/

New symbol for


for self to admit these strings can be added to with additional overlapping or anylapping in knowing…

Language about language is true about the ideas of any human who ever lived and ever will live, including you and including me, including everyone who could be.

It's not unreasonable when I remember there was an anon post that had the syntax of the 'symbols' of a DEGRADING/Oh this is fun/…life of this body and everyone else in world?…

Forever lockdowns…until…hold it nice and steady by adopted behavior haha…sick direction of self vis a vis me for ANY reason(s) that could ever be uttered?

The more I think but do not see evil, I see it for what it is.

Physical complete but is to be believed internally consistent?

Nope, that's not possible…these words are unassailable by any 'complete' targeted attack/hostility/manipulation/deception/…

What's the first symbol for /…


It's a fun game knowing something fun.

It has to be easy/fast/… to make

Or maybe none at all.

Don't need just one anymore, same truth remains even if but it starts with one person with the remainder of reality having different logics.

We are WAY MORE then the symbol of a virus, everyone.

I see you not as a potential carrier to suspect and distrust…

Why did the media work on anyone's mind but by what I believe is deception by intention to divide me and others from me where I live, by practising this sick ritual movie production of people getting poked and prodded.

Information is more powerful than I ever could realize.

Thank you giants of the mind.

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564b2b  No.13722864

File: f7c9880097481e7⋯.jpg (18.36 KB, 255x204, 5:4, ff0e776191459fa28345c06caf….jpg)

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a84287  No.13722865

File: 1211da540072c58⋯.jpg (70.27 KB, 648x876, 54:73, Glownigger_Spock_Magnets.jpg)

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cf2d82  No.13722866


no proper sauce yet either….NOT NOTABLE unless someone can track down the deleted vid.

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01d38d  No.13722868


>filter anyone with over 8 posts

This anon doesnt

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a84287  No.13722869

File: 77bcdc6c62f42a6⋯.jpg (84.59 KB, 811x643, 811:643, Epstein_Magnets.jpg)

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8025d8  No.13722870

File: 018ec94322ddd98⋯.jpg (157.61 KB, 1280x960, 4:3, 018ec94322ddd9807a19b77f83….jpg)

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566a3e  No.13722871

Research the shift from Rogers to Nakasome

The Amplification of the Cyber Security Service.

That is the agency nobody ever pays attention to.

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a84287  No.13722872

File: 857480d273bb62d⋯.jpg (113.41 KB, 950x712, 475:356, Sandnigger_Magnets.jpg)

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ec1569  No.13722873

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a84287  No.13722875

File: 8dbf71b1f49acdd⋯.jpg (78.33 KB, 1020x740, 51:37, Pepe_Magnets.jpg)

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27a864  No.13722876


ADE occurs when the antibodies generated during an immune response recognize and bind to a pathogen, but they are unable to prevent infection. Instead, these antibodies act as a “Trojan horse,” allowing the pathogen to get into cells and

exacerbate the immune response


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091d3a  No.13722877


death to tyrants

death to communists

long live patriots

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a84287  No.13722878

File: f9f5d7ae84c295f⋯.jpg (84.92 KB, 824x634, 412:317, POTUS_KASH_MAGNETS.jpg)

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add145  No.13722879


Yeah it was certainly strange….something is coming and it’s coming in fast

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a84287  No.13722880

File: 2878f9375379e89⋯.jpg (47.61 KB, 948x496, 237:124, McMagnets.jpg)

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1d2d39  No.13722881



imma fardding and shidding

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dfac8e  No.13722882


And as part of the deal they keep their mouths shut on what happened. What a joke. Remember when Barr said he was going to get to the bottom of this. Another magnanimous travesty of justice jammed down the American public's throat. And an ongoing probe up the American public ass.

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baa998  No.13722883


Nuremberg laws are racist! - cried the Vaccinated

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a84287  No.13722884

File: 28ec8bb8212e187⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 840x854, 60:61, Dont_Ever_Use_The_Word_Sma….jpg)

File: ac2062f47232711⋯.jpg (93.95 KB, 740x933, 740:933, Will_You_Shut_Up_Man_Magne….jpg)

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e89060  No.13722885




Is that you and your minions, BaVmorda? Call me what you want, I'm not playing your game.

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add145  No.13722886

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45241e  No.13722887

File: ab06026b88f4729⋯.jpeg (255.99 KB, 1350x1800, 3:4, D95C9009_229B_42EA_9A66_6….jpeg)


a deal, huh

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cf2d82  No.13722888


>filter anybody w/more than 8 posts

nope, that's dumb

look at content not quantity

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a84287  No.13722889

File: af2b3c1e6445b4b⋯.jpg (82.55 KB, 616x704, 7:8, JESUS_Magnets.jpg)

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6b9aba  No.13722890

File: f3aa50a2bea67f5⋯.gif (47.51 KB, 515x320, 103:64, a1594.gif)


Patrick Bateman is jew

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e9ce41  No.13722891






You want a legit META? Wonder why no meta? Wonder about wonders as much as you can wonder and maybe one day wonders become normal and than you learn to hunt the next big thing in search for more wonders.

one day.

or never.

i guess it is time, once again we have to embrase our shitpost to the heaven and beyond. Never stop anons, just keep pushing that little mile and see what happens,

why stop now?

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578f15  No.13722892


Even the dishwasher knows Trump won.

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a84287  No.13722893

File: 922c5e4510609b1⋯.jpg (86.54 KB, 676x801, 676:801, The_What_Magnets.jpg)

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a84287  No.13722894

File: 4702b08d242d038⋯.jpg (57.7 KB, 452x680, 113:170, Donald_Trump_Jrs_Book_Magn….jpg)

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5dce4f  No.13722895

File: 6f260a3e5073e72⋯.jpg (46.93 KB, 438x293, 438:293, 6f260a3e5073e724cded7c963c….jpg)

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285339  No.13722896

Channels that you can watch without going to Javascript-laden and ad-infested web sites

Use VLC or SMPlayer or any player that supports m3u8.

One America News (OAN): https://cdn.klowdtv.net/803B48A/oan_aws_ms/OAN.m3u8

Kara McKinney at 9PM and Natalie Harp at 10PM

Real America's Voice: https://content.uplynk.com/channel/26bd482ffe364a1282bc3df28bd3c21f.m3u8

Steve Bannon is on weekdays at 10AM and 5PM

NewsMax: http://nmxlive.akamaized.net/hls/live/529965/Live_1/index.m3u8

Also on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39WrSskl3XE

The First TV: https://d35j504z0x2vu2.cloudfront.net/v1/master/0bc8e8376bd8417a1b6761138aa41c26c7309312/thefirst/playlist.m3u8

Also on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMSvI_d3_4g

Fox News Now: https://lnc-fox-news-now.tubi.video/index.m3u8

Al Jazeera: https://live-hls-web-aje.getaj.net/AJE/index.m3u8

Press TV: https://live.presstv.com/liveprs/smil:liveprs.smil/playlist.m3u8

RT (Russia Today): http://rt-news-gd.secure2.footprint.net/1103.m3u8

Court TV: http://content.uplynk.com/channel/87c82188ea944bcb961c34236b9648b0.m3u8

Law & Crime: http://dai2.xumo.com/amagi_hls_data_xumo1234A-lawcrime/CDN/master.m3u8

Mike Lindell: https://frnksocial.mmdlive.lldns.net/frnksocial/0bae63f27d8944e3b4dc516a75e457f8/chunklist.m3u8

InfoWars 1: https://freespeech.akamaized.net/hls/live/2016712/live1/playlist.m3u8

InfoWars 2: https://freespeech.akamaized.net/hls/live/2016712/live2/playlist.m3u8

InfoWars 3: https://freespeech.akamaized.net/hls/live/2016873/live3/playlist.m3u8

InfoWars 4: https://freespeech.akamaized.net/hls/live/2016873/live4/playlist.m3u8

And if you're feeling masochistic, here's The Young Turks (kek):


Get all of this and more with Alleycat Player: https://archive.org/details/alleycat-player

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a84287  No.13722897

File: d3acb40365d2d94⋯.jpg (47.65 KB, 360x664, 45:83, Michael_J_Magnets.jpg)

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8025d8  No.13722899

human magnets never thought i'd see the day

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065ed2  No.13722900

File: 97e52df3d4f2031⋯.jpg (76.68 KB, 640x428, 160:107, ZomboMeme_13052021192720.jpg)

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a84287  No.13722901

File: ce32cad38e24389⋯.jpg (72.13 KB, 647x706, 647:706, You_Know_the_Rules_and_So_….jpg)

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6c2798  No.13722902

Notables @300


>>13722564 Deputy, dispatcher charged in child sex abuse case after Harris Co. Pct. 1 deputy commits suicide, constable says

>>13722602 Get Nuremburg Code trending anons

>>13722681 New Hampshire Audit Confirms Voting Machines Results Unreliable

>>13722688 Maricopa County’s Attorney Office Writes Senate Leader Karen Fann – Requests ALL DOCUMENTS Regarding Deleted Election Database Directory

>>13722724, >>13722753, >>13722710, >>13722747, >>13722784 The two prison guards looking after Jeffrey Epstein have admitted they "falsified records" the night he died in a New York jail.

>>13722763Side by side: Epstein not dead in witness protection still in custody

>>13722738 Gov. Ron DeSantis Rips the Left and Establishment: ‘I Have Only Begun to Fight’

>>13722776 Confidence in Anthony Fauci Has Decreased 42.2 Percent Among Americans in Past Year

>>13722820 AP fires Jewish journalist after pro-Palestinian tweets, prompting outcry

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fbc178  No.13722903


When he hangs…I want him to drop so hard that his head ends up in Rome!

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17d7ac  No.13722904


Can someone get rid of this stupid traveling asshole that is an idiot but doesn’t know he is an idiot?

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e9ce41  No.13722905


in minecraft

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3e3ad0  No.13722906

File: ec06c1d76a826c4⋯.png (338.06 KB, 412x450, 206:225, ClipboardImage.png)


Nice catch to whoever shot the video.

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ec1569  No.13722907


read between the lines

falsified records

they get a deal


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4593c7  No.13722908

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

LIVE - Reeeeee-hack normies minds techno

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cf2d82  No.13722909


>red text, capitol letters, negative message

think i'll pass

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a84287  No.13722911

File: 972ad8d6a3b4b74⋯.jpg (54.72 KB, 700x741, 700:741, Tom_Hanks_Golden_Globe_Gri….jpg)


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8c5f7c  No.13722912


>with Alleycat Player

will it make all my text purple?

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8025d8  No.13722913


it's really too bad about their upcoming suicides

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67e2fa  No.13722914


Ok, just to add a data point.

I'm on clearnet via muh ISP and made this post.

Step away for a bit saw replies then made this post


Got an unknown error trying at first so did a refresh.

Got a Captcha - solved and posted successfully.

New UID.

That hasn't happened to me in ages here.

Anyone else experience similar?

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6c2798  No.13722915


>>13722763,Side by side: Epstein not dead in witness protection still in custody

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a84287  No.13722916

File: b5e7ab2b8b20cf7⋯.jpg (75.34 KB, 840x806, 420:403, Be_a_Lot_Cooler_If_You_Did….jpg)

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5bf003  No.13722917



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367aaf  No.13722918



>look at content not quantity


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94b16c  No.13722919

moar epstein sauce


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a84287  No.13722920

File: b153e14a9fef07b⋯.jpg (65.31 KB, 722x727, 722:727, Sad_Will_Smith_Entanglemen….jpg)

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189ebd  No.13722921

File: 1de3589b62553d1⋯.png (527.52 KB, 876x493, 876:493, ClipboardImage.png)

Mother jailed for drugs, sex trafficking concerns around 3-year-old son

A Wichita Falls woman follows her husband to jail after CPS takes their three-year-old son over concerns of drug use, sex trafficking, and neglect.

Wichita County jail booking

Laquita Lamb was charged Thursday with child endangerment and jailed on a $25,000 bond.

The father, Brian Smith, was previously charged with the same offense.

Police say CPS had the boy and the parents tested and all tested positive for meth.

Wichita County jail booking

They said CPS began an investigation because of concerns over lack of supervision, knowledge of sex trafficking, and because Smith was allowing people to stay in the home who were not allowed to be there.

Smith has numerous arrests including for prostitution and harboring a runaway.


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285339  No.13722922


As purple as your face, anon.

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01d38d  No.13722923

One magnet to rule them all,

One magnet to find them,

One magnet to bring them all

And in the darkness bind them.

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8025d8  No.13722924


meme magic is proven real once again

jeffrey epstein didn't kill himself

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a84287  No.13722925

File: 321117fcaacd1ce⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 736x985, 736:985, Leonardo_DiCaprio_Laughing….jpg)

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ec1569  No.13722926


didn't realize you were going to spam 20 of them

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5dce4f  No.13722927

File: 8ea52af43ba59af⋯.png (641.85 KB, 850x850, 1:1, 8ea52af43ba59afbf5e8326f8f….png)

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e9ce41  No.13722928

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.












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8025d8  No.13722929


that ain't no mother. that's a witch.

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8025d8  No.13722930


i hate that i like some of them :(

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add145  No.13722932


They have, I feel it most days for the last 4 -6 weeks, hard to concentrate and do normal things. I have to extra focus. God bless Anons, we will be the sword of God, and God always wins.

It goes from totally pissed off to totally confused and then we have the times of complete victory. Strange cycle, but war on every level ain’t easy. Prayer is the only thing that keeps me going!

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3353db  No.13722933


Jeffrey is not a free man. Only free men can make deals. More like grabbed by the balls.

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98b971  No.13722934

Fake Freddy back posting. Split breads. The only thing missing is Q

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67e2fa  No.13722935


I wrist slapped him earlier.

Said put 5 per post if you're gonna post 'em all.

I'm becoming a Board Karen.

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285339  No.13722936


Your ISP rolled over your IP address?

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578f15  No.13722937

File: 37bf38ae85f50fc⋯.png (637.84 KB, 598x1280, 299:640, 1001.png)

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96a475  No.13722938

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Pretty White women have taste too!


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b0e57a  No.13722939


>Now we know from WP article that the false part was about not actually checking on him in certain intervals like required.

Were there other charges? That were dropped?

This alone does not seem worthy of a plea deal.

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5dce4f  No.13722940


>a deal, huh

Now you've got him.

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1d2d39  No.13722941


>>13722554 bawlyeeted

fookery abounds, lads

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b11bcd  No.13722942

File: 4fd69d4efa9b54b⋯.jpg (11.65 KB, 202x255, 202:255, YouBe.jpg)

File: 8c3860a7c8f246c⋯.png (92.59 KB, 200x255, 40:51, behindthepost.png)

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ec1569  No.13722943

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015c37  No.13722944

File: 05630bcc8c6b656⋯.jpg (103.08 KB, 800x503, 800:503, 05630bcc8c6b6562209adc149f….jpg)

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cef401  No.13722945

File: 865abc02068e11a⋯.jpeg (170.63 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 1591813069.jpeg)

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f0fd06  No.13722946


Then pray you realize that the sword of the Lord is the bible, the word of God, from the Word of God.

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17d7ac  No.13722947


I have a turtle that is more handsome and smart, in case Chicago wants a new Mayor. It wouldn’t even mess with your wants and needs. It only wants a couple worms each day.

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9f9536  No.13722948

File: 2f4f36b0246000e⋯.png (1.57 MB, 800x1021, 800:1021, ClipboardImage.png)


>And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and He shall bless thy bread and thy water

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e9ce41  No.13722949




Big tits are the best thing ever to happen to humanity! I love them with all my heart, they are the beauty of the women body and give me a happy feeling when ever i see them. i will not be ashamed into silence for loving big tits and i am proude about it to anouce it to the world here. So you better listen to what i have to say.

i love big tits.

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45241e  No.13722950

File: be36f7aaa7471c5⋯.jpeg (452.12 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 4B53443D_4B0C_480D_A7BC_6….jpeg)

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8025d8  No.13722951

File: 20d1fed21b64d1a⋯.jpg (113.23 KB, 640x468, 160:117, topkek.jpg)

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67e2fa  No.13722952



I'm just saying what happened to me just now.

My id did change and not because I IP Hopped deliberately.

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01d38d  No.13722953


Huh? The past few wks have been


The drip, drip has become a stream has become a river has become a deluge and the water is rising. YES!

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add145  No.13722954


Kekkity Kek Kek kek

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b0e57a  No.13722955

File: b4cdb3bcfbf2fd7⋯.jpg (144.94 KB, 500x714, 250:357, rep_id.jpg)


try calculating who gets whot % of whot

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091d3a  No.13722956


>falsified records"

logged they made rounds ?

instead they were snoozing

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cef401  No.13722957

File: 93f48a1d3bd2f41⋯.jpeg (75.96 KB, 1080x618, 180:103, 1587737965.jpeg)

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5dce4f  No.13722958

File: cf494097d325525⋯.png (466.54 KB, 872x583, 872:583, cf494097d3255259bdeb476141….png)


Remains to be seen.

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578f15  No.13722959

File: 24a06964d1b98d8⋯.png (790.03 KB, 770x427, 110:61, BoomThereItIs_3.png)

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8121a4  No.13722961

File: c3d062b997274e3⋯.jpg (417.61 KB, 547x842, 547:842, q_into_the_storm.jpg)

File: d93fff92015d88f⋯.jpg (89.65 KB, 520x468, 10:9, change_social_reality_4_go….jpg)

Watching Episode 5.

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d38e3f  No.13722962

File: 4e5a53b19f01ba9⋯.jpg (92.44 KB, 600x911, 600:911, fieldDominion.JPG)

File: 17fc7d0d1d46f30⋯.jpg (159.18 KB, 833x554, 833:554, woow.JPG)

File: 01e792a50e50439⋯.jpg (77.04 KB, 622x600, 311:300, wow.JPG)




"In 2009, Montagnier published two independently made, controversial research studies, one of which was entitled "Electromagnetic Signals Are Produced by Aqueous Nanostructures Derived from Bacterial DNA Sequences." Jeff Reimers of the University of Sydney said that, if its conclusions are true, "these would be the most significant experiments performed in the past 90 years, demanding re-evaluation of the whole conceptual framework of modern chemistry". The paper concludes that dilutedDNA from pathogenic bacterial and viral species is able to emit specific radio waves" and that "these radio waves [are] associated with ‘nanostructures’ in the solution that might be able to recreate the pathogen".

They were published in a new journal of which he is chairman of the editorial board, allegedly detecting electromagnetic signals from bacterial DNA (M. pirum and E. coli) in water that had been prepared using agitation and high dilutions, and similar research on electromagnetic detection of HIV RNA in the blood of AIDS patients treated by antiretroviral therapy.

On 28 June 2010, Montagnier spoke at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in Germany, "where 60 Nobel prize winners had gathered, along with 700 other scientists, to discuss the latest breakthroughs in medicine, chemistry and physics." He "stunned his colleagues … when he presented a new method for detecting viral infections that bore close parallels to the basic tenets of homeopathy. Although fellow Nobel prize winners – who view homeopathy as quackery – were left openly shaking their heads, Montagnier's comments were rapidly embraced by homeopaths eager for greater credibility. Cristal Sumner, of the British Homeopathic Association, said Montagnier's work gave homeopathy 'a true scientific ethos'."

When asked by Canada's CBC Marketplace program if his work was indeed a theoretical basis for homeopathy as homeopaths had claimed, Montagnier replied that one "cannot extrapolate it to the products used in homeopathy"."

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717f15  No.13722963

File: 64fa662679b5dac⋯.jpg (94.27 KB, 1024x512, 2:1, apu_reach.jpg)

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285339  No.13722964


Your ISP will change your IP address without notice.

Happened to me once right in the middle of a Quake game.

Till then, I thought they would monitor for inactivity first but apparently not.

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01d38d  No.13722966


Kill em all, Q. Leave none alive who have eaten a child.

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cef401  No.13722967

File: 44cff4ced125642⋯.png (507.53 KB, 1080x737, 1080:737, Memeto_1606865758636.png)

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96a475  No.13722968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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091d3a  No.13722969


I will not feel sorry for anyone who may have hurt my fren

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745fed  No.13722970

Donald J. Trump

6:17pm May 21, 2021

Many people have asked about the beautiful Boeing 757 that became so iconic during the Trump rallies. It was effectively kept in storage in Upstate New York in that I was not allowed to use it during my presidency. It is now being fully restored and updated and will be put back into service sometime prior to the end of the year. It will soon be brought to a Louisiana service facility for the completion of work, inspection and updating of Rolls-Royce engines, and a brand new paint job. When completed, it will be better than ever, and again used at upcoming rallies.


>#617 at 2018-01-27 08:06:14 (UTC+1)


Select news members / journalists are vital to delivering the message (as are YOU).

Imagine if these people were removed.

Total control re: MSM.

They represent a clear and present danger to the enemy.

Re-read past crumbs re: security.

Where is JS?

How do we truly protect those important to us?

[19] immediates [no longer with us].

Self-suicide if actioned.

Real life.


Mil Time

>#1817 at 2018-08-05 08:41:42 (UTC+1)

Be aware of your surroundings.

See something.

Say something.


Mirror Time

>#716 at 2018-02-10 12:14:17 (UTC+1)



>07.28.2010 07:30 PM

Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in 'Future' of Web Monitoring

The investment arms of the CIA and Google are both backing a company that monitors the web in real time — and says it uses that information to predict the future. The company is called Recorded Future, and it scours tens of thousands of websites, blogs and Twitter accounts to find the relationships between people, […]

104 Words

>#104 at 2017-11-06 01:49:15 (UTC+1)

Now is the time to pray.

We're operational.

God bless the United States of America.


Sentence Capital Letters


All Capital Letters


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4593c7  No.13722971

File: 0bd1126212c99f9⋯.jpg (11.78 KB, 224x255, 224:255, 0bd1126212c99f91ac29311d24….jpg)

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1d2d39  No.13722972



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2a8b73  No.13722973


Where's doodle?

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9f9536  No.13722974

File: 51b1721c8ae9061⋯.png (13.88 KB, 643x76, 643:76, ClipboardImage.png)



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45241e  No.13722977

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>they will skirt any time behind bars under a deal with federal prosecutors

the gourds are rappin

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f0fd06  No.13722978


Bad location.

Will split in half, and form a new sea, soon.

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b11bcd  No.13722979

File: 642ba9588c26d05⋯.jpg (574.39 KB, 800x1046, 400:523, cTKKYt.jpg)

File: 52191d24ebc503e⋯.jpg (488.55 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, KdCiAH.jpg)

File: ffdec45030a487f⋯.jpg (424.41 KB, 800x800, 1:1, YuoFzjId.jpg)

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d05440  No.13722980


what a coincidant






Thank you for telling me, and i thought we where lost, lol.

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96a475  No.13722981

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f13e69  No.13722983

The most reliable friends you could ever have.

Tanning leather cracked actors thought much of themselves without cause and that's mild.

That's without the blue cheese.

On behalf oh delightful. Put downs. Fucking down syndrome. Not as a casting aspersions though. Clear water. Children's ice cream mandrake. Scour these island hoppers hopped up on goofballs. That's the worst one you can call someone I came to find in the course of this dragging of the feet. Hell, look at all of this plus value killed off idiots you got out of this. With a mild mannered push towards making those orders. A la carte. Drawn up.

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45241e  No.13722984

File: 93d7a18d9016732⋯.jpeg (386.51 KB, 1054x1568, 527:784, D8CA82C3_ADD8_4EC8_99E5_5….jpeg)


hear hear

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67e2fa  No.13722985


Ok, that's good just a burp.

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ec1569  No.13722986

File: 10aa7dc75d0abe4⋯.png (102.96 KB, 179x229, 179:229, keks.PNG)

that's okay

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17d7ac  No.13722987


Serious. China credit score algorithm puts this thing 6 feet down.

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622412  No.13722988


Well that’s disco pants and haircuts out of business then.

Gonna have to watch the blues brothers again now.

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578f15  No.13722989

File: 79c73a70b444f6d⋯.png (465.96 KB, 679x470, 679:470, HTL_0221_2.png)


Hold the line?

That's our specialty.

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d05440  No.13722990


a lot places the BV has.

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6b9aba  No.13722991

File: 5d3d94340cc26ce⋯.jpg (179.07 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, E18Zb6iWQAEwKbv.jpg)

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065ed2  No.13722992

File: 9ace5ede9b2a528⋯.jpg (568.98 KB, 952x1240, 119:155, Screenshot_20210518_212548….jpg)

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1ef169  No.13722993

File: a3501bbf77b2daf⋯.png (674.87 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_901.png)

File: e6310664fa492d1⋯.png (519.4 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_902.png)

File: 6a0d140cff4abcf⋯.png (521.77 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_903.png)

File: 53bea71c345d0b1⋯.png (560.09 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_904.png)

File: 1125c5266a7778a⋯.png (650.15 KB, 715x736, 715:736, IMG_905.png)

Release Tension; Aura Cleaned by Angels

Pray Beyond their False Idols

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a84287  No.13722994

File: 192a499979c0478⋯.jpg (43.75 KB, 400x600, 2:3, Mirror_Magnets.jpg)

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fd600e  No.13722995


Thank you, anon!! I needed this!

My employer is not 'requiring' me to get the vax but, I will be branded forever with a permanent scarlet letter in the form of a mask for not getting the jab.

Now, I have a rebuttal that the law dept will have to address.

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4593c7  No.13722996

File: 024a660ad465da1⋯.png (2.06 MB, 1886x1165, 1886:1165, 024a660ad465da1db0b273dc20….png)

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96a475  No.13722997

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




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9f9536  No.13722998

File: 18bc3660be07d7b⋯.png (168.63 KB, 474x316, 3:2, ClipboardImage.png)


Our clients delivered the server exactly as it was kept by the Maricopa County Elections Department. Nothing was deleted, or added, from the server when we prepared it to be sent to the Senate pursuant to the Senate's subpoena.

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add145  No.13722999


Yeah something was really strange with Barrs disappointment like they didn’t have a 100 plants in that prison to protect him. It was a set up from the beginning to send him there.

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566a3e  No.13723000

Regardless of how smart you/we may be.

There are always those Anons who are able to discover

facts and info that haven't been evaluated before.

While you fight over bakers, the battle is being lost.

The Anons are in control over the content of the board.

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45241e  No.13723001

File: cfeefbda33a999c⋯.jpeg (33.27 KB, 620x465, 4:3, FC6B9E9B_6C43_4B2A_9C0C_F….jpeg)


moi aussi

yet again

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f05f79  No.13723002

File: 448a8f2a0938920⋯.png (290.81 KB, 474x315, 158:105, ClipboardImage.png)

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01d38d  No.13723003


And there be our heroes; God bless em

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1d2d39  No.13723004



its fookd mate

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a84287  No.13723006

File: 59835ad7399435b⋯.jpg (67.43 KB, 790x676, 395:338, Impossible_Perhaps_the_Arc….jpg)

Your first clue was Epstein's "Suicide".

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5dce4f  No.13723007

File: 72b173a633fe66d⋯.jpg (43.79 KB, 393x280, 393:280, Rd3bf1449ea9e3e69d82401ab1….jpg)

File: 26493bbc4a202df⋯.jpg (25.62 KB, 474x253, 474:253, Rbb14e271403ba057028aa505c….jpg)


No sauce handy but I recall an argument that the engines pulled from the Pentagon 9/11 attack were actually Rolls Royce engines and not typical passenger jet engines.

9/11 is coming back into the news again.

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065ed2  No.13723008


It's like these retards don't know what forensic imaging is. Admissible in court as evidence of the faithful contents of any electronic device

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4b4dd2  No.13723009


trips confirm

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add145  No.13723010


I know and I loved reading it, the guy is a patriot for sure, that’s probably why he left congress, too much compromise

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a84287  No.13723011

File: f0fc1d326d0892c⋯.jpg (64 KB, 734x686, 367:343, Samuel_L_Jackson_Stares_Ma….jpg)

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717f15  No.13723012

File: 3d1400198116420⋯.jpg (74.74 KB, 640x455, 128:91, shark_week.jpg)

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8025d8  No.13723013


this is very interesting because who is epsteins mother?

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c1a69f  No.13723014


Nah fred

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a84287  No.13723015

File: 72025f721ca1b83⋯.jpg (170.23 KB, 940x968, 235:242, Mekanik_Magnets.jpg)

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67e2fa  No.13723016


Yeah, but you opened the DOAR.

You're a namefag now like it or not.

You crossed the Rubicon, Willow.

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a84287  No.13723017

File: 4da25f1b1320ae9⋯.jpg (73.14 KB, 828x816, 69:68, A_Blessing_From_The_Lord_M….jpg)

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96a475  No.13723018

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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f0fd06  No.13723019

File: 0b772428a6b0b87⋯.png (145.41 KB, 263x192, 263:192, ClipboardImage.png)

Choose this day whom you will serve.

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065ed2  No.13723020


That's a pancake you gigantic oozing pustule of moran.

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add145  No.13723021


Yep they did, John Paul Jones reincarnated

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a84287  No.13723022

File: a48917fc67c83c3⋯.jpg (54.12 KB, 530x738, 265:369, Ellen_Degeneres_Crying_Mag….jpg)

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189ebd  No.13723023

File: e28479cb598277b⋯.png (192.75 KB, 730x683, 730:683, ClipboardImage.png)

Get Ready for a Massive Increase in IRS Enforcement Personnel

Joe Biden is about to overturn the Trump administration’s efforts to actually shrink the size of the federal government.

Mind you, Trump did not shrink the budget or make any effort to control spending. But the estimated 2.1 million civilian workforces of the federal government is about to explode.

Biden has submitted a preliminary $1.5 trillion budget for the executive branch. It directs billions of dollars into hiring to deal with “climate change” and “restore enforcement of environmental and workplace laws, and expand safety net programs in housing, education, public health and veterans’ health,” according to the Washington Post.

Some programs that are crucial to Biden’s agenda are so short-staffed that his administration can’t yet fully implement his policies, among them enforcement of fair-housing and workplace safety laws. A number of decisions by the Trump administration, including the relocation of key economic research and land management offices, are proving hard to reverse.

The annual list of troubled federal programs, released in March by the Government Accountability Office, is longer than ever, a shift workforce experts attribute to vast areas of the government the Trump administration ignored. Auditors spotlighted “high-risk” areas vulnerable to waste, fraud, abuse or mismanagement, ranging from oversight of the federal prison system to the Department of Health and Human Services’ leadership and coordination of public health emergencies.

As we’ve seen, cutting the workforce did little to cut the real size of government. Trump’s sledgehammer approach to cutting government personnel didn’t save a single penny of taxpayer money and may have cost citizens an increase in waste and abuse.

But the concept is sound even if it was poorly executed.

Despite Trump’s pledge to “cut so much your head will spin,” the largest government departments — Defense, Veterans Affairs and Homeland Security — grew during his presidency, leaving the bureaucracy 3.4 percent larger overall than when he became president, according to an analysis of federal personnel data by The Washington Post. That compares with 3.6 percent growth in President Barack Obama’s first term and 1.3 percent in his second, the data shows.

But that masked a plunge in staffing in a majority of Cabinet agencies Biden inherited, prompted by Trump reshaping the permanent workforce in a contraction long sought by conservatives.

oming soon: A massive increase in IRS personnel.

In a $1.8 trillion Biden administration spending plan separate from its preliminary budget and covering domestic priorities, the IRS would get an extra $80 billion to revive enforcement against wealthy tax cheats, whom Biden has vowed to target. The enforcement staff would grow by 15 percent each year over a decade.

If the massive increase in personnel would mean a better, more efficient, more competent government, it might be defensible. But this is payback for interest groups and it’s an open question whether government employees will work any harder or any better.


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17d7ac  No.13723024

File: 013215a1c72120f⋯.jpeg (40.11 KB, 474x355, 474:355, 75464F77_C460_49F7_A024_0….jpeg)

You know she died that day.

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9f132e  No.13723025

File: c56a61ca905fa93⋯.png (2.78 KB, 474x264, 79:44, 061baf09e4ae659434eadb2301….png)

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add145  No.13723026

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a84287  No.13723027

File: 9c519047417cb45⋯.jpg (40.89 KB, 534x376, 267:188, Obama_Magnets.jpg)

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f0fd06  No.13723028


Willow - Dwarf - Hotwheels?

Asking for a fren.

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a84287  No.13723029

File: 5508e4bd65f16ab⋯.jpg (171.54 KB, 901x1024, 901:1024, Tumbleweed_Keanu_Reeves_Ma….jpg)

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e9ce41  No.13723030


checked, true.

they fear it when someone disturb their narrative, their story teller of each bread.







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f13e69  No.13723031

We have got them.

Up on the ropes.

They wanted to have a war I guess we'd oblige them.

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f0fd06  No.13723032


I think that's AI trying to learn from us. Absolutely bizarre.

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f97b7d  No.13723033


POTUS told us the vaccines were OK

but "actually" everyone will die from them in less than 2 years

and the sauce is 4chan


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9f9536  No.13723034

File: 249b37210ef93b1⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1114x742, 557:371, ClipboardImage.png)


>Choose this day whom you will serve.

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9f132e  No.13723036



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96a475  No.13723037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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a84287  No.13723038

File: 76505814d9bb16a⋯.jpg (73.39 KB, 512x647, 512:647, Alien_God_Looks_Down_at_Lo….jpg)

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189ebd  No.13723039

Guards Looking After Jeffrey Epstein When He Killed Himself Reportedly Admit To Falsifying Records

The late American financier and convicted sex offender, Jeffrey Epstein, died in his jail cell, with medical examiners ruling that his death was a suicide. However, some have expressed scepticism with regard to the true cause of his death.

Prison guards who were charged with watching Jeffrey Epstein and who currently face accusations of sleeping on the job have cut a deal to dodge jail time while admitting to falsifying records, according to a report by New York Daily News published on Friday.

“After a thorough investigation, and based on the facts of this case and the personal circumstances of the defendants, the Government has determined that the interests of justice will best be served by deferring prosecution in this District,” Assistant US Attorney Jessica Lonergan wrote, cited by the outlet.

Tova Noel and Michael Thomas will reportedly complete 100 hours of community service and be under pretrial supervision for six months under an agreement they reached with prosecutors. The deal is yet to be approved by the judge.

Under the reported agreement, Noel and Thomas also admitted that they falsely filled out forms saying that they had made rounds checking on inmates on the night when Epstein reportedly killed himself in the Special Housing Unit of a federal Metropolitan Correctional Center.

They have reportedly admitted that they "willfully and knowingly completed materially false count and round slips regarding required counts and rounds".

The report noted that both officers were captured on surveillance footage in neglect of their duties.

Jeffrey Epstein, a late American financier and convicted sex offender, died behind bars on 9 August 2019, with medical examiners ruling his death was a suicide. Some, however, are sceptical towards the ruling, given that all criminal charges against Epstein were dismissed following his death.




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e89060  No.13723041

File: 74b9cfd36f8ea36⋯.png (271.17 KB, 600x579, 200:193, comfy.png)


Never started being personally attacked and given a name until I started talking about Operation Warp Speed being the counter to the derp state COVID operation. Interesting how that happens after all this time.

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a84287  No.13723042

File: fd597c81e220ced⋯.jpg (148.09 KB, 912x670, 456:335, Iraq_Magnets.jpg)

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f0fd06  No.13723043


I've maintained that it's the double they threw into the van.

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717f15  No.13723044

File: 163c52a924443fa⋯.jpg (985.76 KB, 2350x1463, 2350:1463, Milkies_Chuck.jpg)

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157533  No.13723045

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a84287  No.13723046

File: 3a42a7bca96d88c⋯.jpg (54.43 KB, 828x450, 46:25, Trump_Covid_19_Magnets.jpg)

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673c9c  No.13723047

File: 83df06f3577ff34⋯.webm (2.98 MB, 368x656, 23:41, 1621312291446.webm)

File: 3450c04910009a8⋯.webm (1.96 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, 1621469034128.webm)

File: e462342ad0efcfd⋯.webm (1.34 MB, 640x640, 1:1, 1620849089756.webm)


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2a8b73  No.13723048


Shut up stupid.

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a84287  No.13723049

File: 7df08f0af1b1eba⋯.jpg (150.74 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, Fauci_Magnets.jpg)

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a84287  No.13723050

File: b95b9b74aa55a5e⋯.jpg (72.23 KB, 680x381, 680:381, Armalite_Rifle.jpg)

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6c2798  No.13723051


Lurk moar, saline injections

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5dce4f  No.13723052

File: 3cbbaba4f7301c5⋯.jpeg (37.76 KB, 707x353, 707:353, 53tnxa.jpeg)

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4593c7  No.13723053

File: 17d36c10fe85ecd⋯.png (77.9 KB, 255x205, 51:41, 17d36c10fe85ecdbf49180fc66….png)


Potus had media wise no other choice than go along andlay a net after

Same hebbened with the fake white helmet Syria gas attack

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f05f79  No.13723054

File: b1ad75e7bcaec31⋯.png (134.84 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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f0fd06  No.13723056


If Black Lives Mattered, Planned Parenthood would be out of business.

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a84287  No.13723057

File: b1c0c029b8e779c⋯.jpg (64.31 KB, 828x450, 46:25, Trump_Magnets.jpg)

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8025d8  No.13723058


that's a shill

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578f15  No.13723059

File: 57b51ec7b79c14e⋯.jpg (15.5 KB, 213x255, 71:85, grammar.jpg)

File: e6ac787638b784d⋯.png (282.78 KB, 500x515, 100:103, fuckcomma.png)

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d05440  No.13723060








never self cenor

if you see wrong

report it

and the god of qresearch will come down






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a84287  No.13723061

File: e6108b78f209dc5⋯.jpg (128.29 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, TOP_FAGGOT.jpg)

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eb4d0a  No.13723062

File: e25e5899b300713⋯.gif (273.09 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 2zRN6HW.gif)


Looks like a fast helicopter to me

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414a14  No.13723063



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f0fd06  No.13723064


Could you sperg out a little more interestingly, please?

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5bf68b  No.13723065



What kind of deal could they have made?

Either they were paid to falsify the records and they made a deal to turn on the person who paid them, or they made a deal to keep their traps shut about something they knew. Can't imagine the guards had anything that important to bargaining with. Unfortunately we will never know.

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a84287  No.13723066

File: 36244a549281016⋯.jpg (109.31 KB, 540x682, 270:341, Feces_Dairy_Queen.jpg)

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ec1569  No.13723067


Don't know of any significance. Pauline. Died in 1991.

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d05440  No.13723068


why do his eyes say


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fc1f63  No.13723069


Annnnnd muted

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8025d8  No.13723070


unrelated to this shit fight completely but i don't trust anything pence was in charge of

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a84287  No.13723071

File: 1803936c00136ca⋯.jpg (91.03 KB, 618x410, 309:205, HEDGEHOG.jpg)

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496772  No.13723072

File: fbe51d62be345e2⋯.png (280.75 KB, 576x720, 4:5, ClipboardImage.png)

COVID-19 Vaccine Makers Are Looking Beyond the Spike Protein

It’s time for more weapons in the shots-versus-virus arms race.


In the race to build the world’s first round of coronavirus vaccines, the spike protein—the thorny knobs that adorn each of the pathogen’s particles—was our MVP. Spike is a key ingredient in virtually every one of our current pandemic-fighting shots; it has been repeatedly billed as essential for tickling out any immune response worth its salt. “People put all their eggs in the spike basket,” Juliet Morrison, a virologist at UC Riverside, told me. And it undoubtedly paid off.

In recent months, though, it’s become clear that the coronavirus is a slippery, shape-shifting foe—and spike appears to be one of its most malleable traits. Eventually, our first generation of spike-centric vaccines will likely become obsolete. To get ahead of that inevitability, several companies are already looking to develop new vaccine formulations packed with additional bits of the coronavirus, ushering in an end to our monogamous affair with spike. The potential perks of this tactic run the gamut: More vaccine ingredients could help the body identify more targets to attack, and loop in untapped reservoirs of immune cells that have no interest in spike. Multifaceted shots also up the ante for the virus, which can alter only so many aspects of its anatomy at once. “It’s like diversifying a portfolio,” William Matchett, a vaccinologist at the University of Minnesota who’s researching reformulated COVID-19 vaccines, told me.

To be clear, setting our sights on spike has served us well. The vaccines we’ve built against the coronavirus continue to be astoundingly effective shields against disease largely because the protein is such an excellent teaching tool for an immune system that’s readying itself to duel. Spike, which helps the virus unlock and enter human cells, is one of the pathogen’s most salient and dangerous features, certainly among the first that will be spotted by immune cells and molecules on patrol.


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6b9aba  No.13723073

File: 18c23f0d20eda87⋯.png (262.18 KB, 598x652, 299:326, Screenshot_2021_05_21_Al_A….png)

Romanian authorities confiscated 1,452 kilograms of #heroin, allegedly from #Iran, at a Black Sea port in one of the biggest seizures of the drug in the European Union in recent years, according to officials.


bye bye CIA

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1e4d9c  No.13723074

File: aa9e4c7af7cb343⋯.png (5.81 MB, 4470x2459, 4470:2459, QClock_5_20_21_Microsoft_I….png)

QClock May 20, 2021

Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Invisible Enemy, Infiltration instead of Invasion

*Open in new tab to zoom…

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091d3a  No.13723075


freedom device

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673c9c  No.13723076

File: 24dc8bb0bede106⋯.jpg (57.83 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, mf.jpg)


>If Black Lives Mattered, Planned Parenthood would be out of business.


If you care about black lives you would let them get all the abortions so less blacks kill each other.

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a84287  No.13723077

File: bf37b7bdba9610f⋯.jpg (135.86 KB, 733x865, 733:865, BP5.jpg)

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b80478  No.13723078


>I'm just an innocent agent deleted and subverting, please don't pick on me goyim, I'm the victim.

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add145  No.13723079


I want him to retract every lie publicly first and every citizen of the world is required to hear it. And every doctor and organizations that backed up his bulls shit is destroyed forever, and the true righteous doctors can speak the truth, and then your idea is perfect

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67e2fa  No.13723080


dunno - I only knew Willow by meme recognition and post style when this week started.

BV FlyingOnions is confirming/disproving all kinds of things.


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17d7ac  No.13723081

BV, filter the black guy that posts pics and comments of his visits to Israel. We know he is black. We know he visited Israel. We know Israel kicked him out.! Let’s not see it anymore.

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cf2d82  No.13723082


here is a genuine story about Prof. Luc Montagnie with a clip to validate it.


Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals - Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants'

Prof. Luc Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE).

Prof. Montagnier referred to the vaccine program for the coronavirus as an “unacceptable mistake”. Mass vaccinations are a “scientific error as well as a medical error,” he said. “It is an unacceptable mistake. The history books will show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the variants,” Prof. Luc Montagnier continued.

The prominent virologist explained that “there are antibodies, created by the vaccine,” forcing the virus to “find another solution” or die. This is where the variants are created. It is the variants that “are a production and result from the vaccination.”

Prof. Montagnier said that epidemiologists know but are “silent” about the phenomenon, known as “Antibody-Dependent Enhancement” (ADE). In the articles that mention ADE, the concerns expressed by Prof. Montagnier are dismissed. “Scientists say that ADE is pretty much a non-issue with COVID-19 vaccines,” an article at Medpage Today reported in March.

Prof. Montagnier explained that the trend is happening in “each country” where “the curve of vaccination is followed by the curve of deaths.”


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157533  No.13723083

Who gave the okay to Capitol Police to allow protestors in and wave them in on Jan 6th?

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45241e  No.13723084

File: 41230c6dfc2a312⋯.jpeg (149.98 KB, 1440x1800, 4:5, 39AA340B_86CD_4228_8718_3….jpeg)

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9f9536  No.13723085

File: 4d41945bb91092a⋯.png (642.89 KB, 960x960, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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cf2d82  No.13723086

File: b3284c805b764de⋯.jpg (68.16 KB, 631x599, 631:599, 2021_05_21_17_33_15.jpg)

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a84287  No.13723087

File: 52b223a8ceb6088⋯.jpg (66.06 KB, 512x737, 512:737, BP6.jpg)

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717f15  No.13723088

File: 4b0ae9e5b96bca8⋯.png (469.48 KB, 778x480, 389:240, gretch_pillows.png)

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8025d8  No.13723089


where's the fly kek

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9f9536  No.13723090

File: e14383a5a46b97d⋯.png (381.83 KB, 760x507, 760:507, ClipboardImage.png)

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5dce4f  No.13723091


Amazing how it never occurred to me at the time - I live in Washington DC at the time.

But there's no way a passenger jet gets that low to hit the side of the Pentagon. Especially when the alleged pilot only trained and never flew until 9/11.

Fucking scary shit how I failed to see it then thanks to the brainwashing MSM.

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a84287  No.13723092

File: e25d55bc8c7fd5a⋯.mp4 (2.4 MB, 720x720, 1:1, WuzKangs.mp4)

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d05440  No.13723093


actually, no.

I call it some form of art, its an old art developed by anonymouse over the era of shitpost, hidden in the old scripts of kekkus.

Did you know, the very first shitpost happened in the roman empire on the backside of an old toilet hous?

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8025d8  No.13723094


pelosis son

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529a40  No.13723095

File: 868aa73a8f283ab⋯.jpg (338.94 KB, 700x1050, 2:3, 868aa73a8f283ab1ac43c5ea3f….jpg)

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6b9aba  No.13723096

File: ee4ee38e8aa098f⋯.png (270.42 KB, 1148x285, 1148:285, Screenshot_2021_05_21_mege….png)



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17d7ac  No.13723097



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529a40  No.13723098

Previously Collected Notables

>>13716969 #17365

>>13712887 #17362, >>13713805 #17363, >>13714621 #17364

>>13710295 #17359, >>13711206 #17360, >>13712115 #17361

>>13707879 #17356, >>13708696 #17357, >>13709478 #17358

>>13705436 #17353, >>13706248 #17354, >>13707057 #17355

>>13702981 #17350, >>13703380 #17351, >>13704629 #17352

>>13701535 #17347, >>13701339 #17348, >>13702067 #17349

>>13717788 #17344, >>13698709 #17345, >>13699602 #17346

>>13695403 #17341, >>13697020 #17342, >>13697133 #17343

>>13701922 #17338/2, >>13693779 #17339, >>13694574 #17340

>>13691541 #17336, >>13701696 #17337, >>13701919 #17338/1

>>13688992 #17333, >>13689704 #17334, >>13690498 #17335

>>13686717 #17330, >>13687296 #17331, >>13688239 #17332

>>13686744 #17327, >>13685880 #17328, >>13686699 #17329

>>13680637 #17324, >>13681448 #17325, >>13684097 #17326

>>13679893 #17321, >>13679133 #17322, >>13679932 #17323

>>13676378 #17318, >>13676807 #17319, >>13677575 #17320

>>13674642 #17315, >>13674689 #17316, >>13675205 #17317

>>13671189 #17312, >>13671825 #17313, >>13672753 #17314

>>13670463 #17309, >>13669504 #17310, >>13672834 #17211

>>13666182 #17306, >>13671590 #17307, >>13667832 #17308

>>13663826 #17303, >>13664591 #17304, >>13665310 #17305

>>13661670 #17300, >>13662438 #17301, >>13671417 #17302

>>13659215 #17297, >>13660506 #17298, >>13666192 #17299

>>13657402 #17294, >>13657651 #17295, >>13658461 #17296

>>13657612 #17291, >>13657520 #17292, >>13656042 #17293

>>13651961 #17288, >>13653436 #17289, >>13655467 #17290

>>13649696 #17285, >>13650533 #17286, >>13651380 #17287

>>13647478 #17282, >>13648226 #17283, >>13657543 #17284

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a84287  No.13723099

File: 6d08d85f2cac545⋯.mp4 (1.59 MB, 720x540, 4:3, MN_NIGGER_FARM.mp4)

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9f9536  No.13723100

File: c81a9631c382caf⋯.png (110.73 KB, 776x330, 388:165, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5bec99bee618921⋯.mp4 (35.72 KB, 480x360, 4:3, kek.mp4)

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e89060  No.13723101

File: 5b09ab5b0560754⋯.jpg (8.44 KB, 229x220, 229:220, smokingpepe2.jpg)

Interesting the amount of gaslighting going on in regards to me. This is a fascinating new tactic being used.

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45241e  No.13723102

File: 9e7dbd18179093d⋯.jpeg (91.93 KB, 1527x1521, 509:507, 0B8B6C36_98E9_4FB3_BECE_1….jpeg)


those guards better have better guards

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f05f79  No.13723103

File: 85f24a4561dd81f⋯.png (80.11 KB, 230x150, 23:15, ClipboardImage.png)

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285339  No.13723104


Nancy Pelosi. She is supposed to be in charge of the Capitol Hill Police.

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ec1569  No.13723105


I'm guessing it was our dentally challenged speaker or a minion.

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189ebd  No.13723106

File: 1ec10eedf57fc87⋯.png (421.25 KB, 500x294, 250:147, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aeabecbb24b59fa⋯.png (283.37 KB, 979x915, 979:915, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 333721e6b908f8f⋯.png (457.16 KB, 990x894, 165:149, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 731d06c21f4da50⋯.png (12.97 KB, 982x94, 491:47, ClipboardImage.png)

They're Really Sinking Their Teeth Into Us Now As The 'Tinfoil Hat Wearing Conspiracy Theorists' Are Proven Right Once Again

- Vaccine Passports, Social Credit Scores And 'The Great Reset' Being Unveiled Before Our Very Eyes

With the 'big news' out of Europe that 'fully-vaccinated' Americans are once again free to travel to there, with Europe approving Covid-19-vaccine passports for those who've had all their 'vaccines', as the top-voted comment on this Daily Mail story reporting on the roll out of 'vaccine passports' for Europe pointed out:

And yet again the 'tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists' are proven 100 percent correct.

Referring to the fact that many within the independent media had been warning of vaccine passports being rolled out for many months now, some of the other top-voted comments on that DM story warned of more medical tyranny ahead.

Here comes the Great Reset. You've been warned but you all foolishly called us "tin foil hat conspiracy theorists". Oh and btw, this is another con to try and coerce people into taking this experimental gene therapy (sorry Gates' depopulation jab). Travelling is now for the rich only. Wake the f#$k up.

Pharma approved travel may commence… They are really sinking their teeth into us now arent they…

This is literally social credit scores. It rewards or punishes if you dont get the shot. If you dont get it, you have to quarantine and a vacation is pointless. Its literally the same system.

And the migrants? I guess they're ok. Just like the ones surging the American border.

We see that those commenters believe we're being herded closer and closer to the complete rollout of something that reeks of tyranny no matter how hard the globalists try to dress it up.

Rolling out 'big pharma approved travel', the 'experimental jab' and something quite akin to China's social credit scores all in one fell swoop, what comes next, a vaccine passport needed to get into a grocery store? Thankfully, around here at least, such a beast is quite far away with the businesses we use but as Brandon Smith over at Alt Market had reported in this recent story, 'vaccine virtue signaling and the cult of woke' are alive and well among the American left. From this Daily Mail story before we continue.

The European Union has approved the beginnings of a vaccine passport system that will allow tourists to visit without needing to test or quarantine.

The move allows unrestricted entry for arrivals who have had their final dose of an EU-approved vaccine at least two weeks beforehand.

It will allow fully vaccinated American tourists to enter the EU for the first time since the pandemic began, when all but essential travel from the US was banned.

Until a uniform EU digital passport has been set up then countries should be able to 'accept certificates from non-EU countries based on national law.'

(ANP NEEDS YOUR HELP: Donations and ad revenue are all that keep ANP online, so please consider donating to ANP to help keep us in this fight for America's future at this critical time in US history. With 'slow-Joe' Biden occupying the White House, and at a time of systematic, 'big tech' censorship and widespread Democrat corruption, truthful media and alternative views are crucial.)


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673c9c  No.13723107

File: d02d198992e4603⋯.jpg (110.83 KB, 769x1024, 769:1024, 1621564516715.jpg)

I'm a very young and beautiful lady. I just signed up for the military to help defend tranny rights 1,000's of miles away from my home.

These hormone pills give me super powers such as, less hair, more emotions, not as strong to scare the enemies.

The Chinese are scared of me. Especially when I show them my nonexistent penis.

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ec1569  No.13723108



hive strikes again


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673c9c  No.13723109

File: 8d13f64f4a009ef⋯.png (1.52 MB, 1080x1082, 540:541, 1621450587041.png)



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b80478  No.13723110


>I'm just an innocent agent subverting and deleting shit, stop picking on me goyim

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add145  No.13723111

File: 267effb8d6dded0⋯.jpeg (24.03 KB, 458x570, 229:285, 77A3E0CF_3BF6_443D_B4A9_5….jpeg)

File: cb6b89b8acfd502⋯.jpeg (15.46 KB, 236x173, 236:173, C0709591_FE35_4665_A505_3….jpeg)

File: 51a817dbe45e522⋯.jpeg (14.04 KB, 236x176, 59:44, 449215A4_2011_4098_B3A2_3….jpeg)

File: 7f000d1103e9e83⋯.jpeg (13.3 KB, 203x240, 203:240, BC95ABD7_5140_484C_A2E4_9….jpeg)


Is that real, is her face or mask melting? Her twin or her soul mate

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17d7ac  No.13723112


Let me prove I am a faggot. Click link.

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74b9b4  No.13723113

File: 650aa7f6177fa39⋯.png (228.8 KB, 351x480, 117:160, ClipboardImage.png)

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baa998  No.13723114

File: 50bb2ad1b4dde3e⋯.png (349.05 KB, 680x522, 340:261, ClipboardImage.png)

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5dce4f  No.13723115

File: 4e2f937824e09d7⋯.png (6.61 KB, 170x255, 2:3, 77abe1c2fdf7599e1c69d55f38….png)


>regards to me

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157533  No.13723116


>but they will skirt any time behind bars under a deal with federal prosecutors, authorities said Friday.


>Jeffrey Epstein not dead but in witness protection

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a84287  No.13723117

File: a7c4b34acc37e0f⋯.gif (1.23 MB, 720x480, 3:2, COMFY_AF.gif)

File: 1e13927dd4a895d⋯.gif (4.94 MB, 512x288, 16:9, Poseidon_Joe_You_.gif)

File: 81d99a0119d872c⋯.gif (6.87 MB, 480x269, 480:269, K_K_IN_SWASTIKA.gif)

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f0fd06  No.13723119

File: 749226060c4e1e7⋯.png (2.74 MB, 1072x1440, 67:90, ClipboardImage.png)

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dfac8e  No.13723120


By that logic anyone who ever got a vaccine should be dead. The story and the author need to be taken out back and shot.

Antibody-dependent Enhancement (ADE) and Vaccines


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8025d8  No.13723121


the significance is i don't know any of his family history and i think that is probably important kek

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cef401  No.13723122

File: d10ad9bcc562dba⋯.png (242.18 KB, 1080x648, 5:3, Memeto_1615237714617.png)

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a84287  No.13723123

File: 161b2c5a9770ea8⋯.gif (1.55 MB, 480x198, 80:33, NCSWIC.gif)

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6c2798  No.13723124

Notables @500


>>13722564 Deputy, dispatcher charged in child sex abuse case after Harris Co. Pct. 1 deputy commits suicide, constable says

>>13722602 Get Nuremburg Code trending anons

>>13722681 New Hampshire Audit Confirms Voting Machines Results Unreliable

>>13722688 Maricopa County’s Attorney Office Writes Senate Leader Karen Fann – Requests ALL DOCUMENTS Regarding Deleted Election Database Directory

>>13722724, >>13722753, >>13722710, >>13722747, >>13722784 The two prison guards looking after Jeffrey Epstein have admitted they "falsified records" the night he died in a New York jail.

>>13722763,Side by side: Epstein not dead in witness protection still in custody

>>13722738 Gov. Ron DeSantis Rips the Left and Establishment: ‘I Have Only Begun to Fight’

>>13722776 Confidence in Anthony Fauci Has Decreased 42.2 Percent Among Americans in Past Year

>>13722820 AP fires Jewish journalist after pro-Palestinian tweets, prompting outcry

>>13722970 Researcher @ work: CIA Invest in 'Future' of Web Monitoring. The company is called Recorded Future

>>13723023 Joe Biden is about to overturn the Trump administration’s efforts to actually shrink the size of the federal government.

>>13723072 COVID-19 Vaccine Makers Are Looking Beyond the Spike Protein

>>13723074 QClock May 20, 2021: Microsoft, Internet Explorer, Invisible Enemy, Infiltration instead of Invasion

>>13723082 Bombshell: Nobel Prize Winner Reveals - Covid Vaccine is 'Creating Variants'

Requesting Handoff



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529a40  No.13723125

File: 9247f77f2f66333⋯.jpg (15.64 KB, 255x192, 85:64, 9247f77f2f66333d24fd2a8344….jpg)


Yes, you made the list, congratulations.

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8563c6  No.13723126

File: 21660a9a108e411⋯.png (3.49 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 3D117C36_D415_4F19_B783_1F….png)

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189ebd  No.13723127

File: d3eaf00cce1917d⋯.png (283.52 KB, 619x471, 619:471, ClipboardImage.png)


White House advisor Andy Slavitt:

"We have finally found the one thing that makes us all more attractive: a vaccination."

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f13e69  No.13723128

This is fine.

Some parts of it slice of as less than and that's all I draw back recoil shooting sideways.

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065ed2  No.13723129

File: 9929fb6e936b7cf⋯.jpg (43.94 KB, 302x338, 151:169, Screenshot_20210122_121351….jpg)

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091d3a  No.13723130

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add145  No.13723131


God almighty, can you imagine if your Mom looked like this!!!! Yikes, evil incarnate

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367aaf  No.13723132


Greatest thing about me … is its all about me…BTW what do you think of me?

Anons are anon for a reason if can be identified …you are not anon. You are playing a role of ego.

Anons check iden and ego at the door.


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6248fc  No.13723133

File: fb59a0d6aa51fcf⋯.png (928.09 KB, 900x787, 900:787, M_787.png)

10.3 / ACTIVATED ………..

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dfac8e  No.13723134

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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17d7ac  No.13723135


Why do it take dumb dumbs so long?

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f0fd06  No.13723136


Well, what do you know.

The bible was right all along.

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157533  No.13723137


So she okayed the Capitol Police to allow them in, and now wants a commission to find out what happened that day?

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cf2d82  No.13723138

File: bcbf456dd401a2e⋯.jpg (114.72 KB, 490x806, 245:403, 2021_05_21_17_41_26.jpg)


This article is from The Atlantic

wouldn't trust em as far as i could throw em

<<<< here's a search on "qanon the atlantic"

Soros, Soros, Soros….

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189ebd  No.13723139


some dude fucked it

let that sink in

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3672a7  No.13723140

>>13721849 An anon "hacks the world" Then takes off their clothes? (?)

Apparently 4 images per the post in the notable.

The actual post has everything removed.

What did they delete, anons?

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a84287  No.13723141

File: aed7e856f907627⋯.jpg (172.6 KB, 2048x1366, 1024:683, aed7e856f9076277c5019df489….jpg)

File: 70ee1cd1c0abb10⋯.mp4 (14.58 MB, 480x270, 16:9, 3_TREASON_INFERNO_DANTE_MI….mp4)


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529a40  No.13723142


Meet you at the top?

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6b9aba  No.13723143

File: e7520427901b256⋯.png (574.1 KB, 770x470, 77:47, Screenshot_2021_05_21_img_….png)

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dfac8e  No.13723144


The current state of the world explained in 5 minutes.

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ec1569  No.13723145


his brother doesn't believe the story apparently


his deceased parents seem less important to me than his lifelong contacts, thought

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add145  No.13723146


That’s true too because I’m still alive and so are anons! God wins

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8025d8  No.13723147


i was wondering that, anyone know??

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ed15a0  No.13723148




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f0fd06  No.13723149

File: 603f994fded264b⋯.png (51.57 KB, 220x165, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

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5dce4f  No.13723150

File: b7d6071a3047502⋯.png (700.47 KB, 680x505, 136:101, b7d6071a3047502d6d8f7d23f7….png)

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f05f79  No.13723151

File: 3ae2d8b7230769b⋯.png (228.32 KB, 1280x731, 1280:731, ClipboardImage.png)

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f13e69  No.13723152

I don't think I'll ever understand and I don't plan to sweat it to the old crimers' slimeway recognize it as exactly that.

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9f9536  No.13723153

File: 5a67144041d623b⋯.png (216.26 KB, 500x229, 500:229, ClipboardImage.png)


>the water is rising

The ship beneath you is not a toy. And sailing's not a game.

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658a8c  No.13723155

File: 9a38e309e30d81b⋯.jpg (123.99 KB, 472x1014, 236:507, 1534923478.jpg)


This anon was taking the notes this time about last night for a bread…

Then came back to witness al the BV and idiocy when anon returned.

May just learn to bake after that, but get lost digging and would miss posting notes too often, way to ADHD.

Hours on board rotate so seeing a lot of the current fuckery.

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a84287  No.13723156

File: 9810e4b12e2d4f7⋯.gif (360.28 KB, 500x323, 500:323, I_See_What_You_Did_There_a….gif)

File: 0f45bafef11abba⋯.png (183.12 KB, 408x510, 4:5, Death_Penalty_Pepe.png)

File: 04c0c6690a9e050⋯.png (319.28 KB, 469x532, 67:76, Orange_Secret_Squirrel_Cle….png)

File: 85d84290d76904e⋯.mp4 (13.21 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, DEATH_BY_FIRING_SQUAD_1080….mp4)

What is the penalty for Treason?

Y do they fight so hard?


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4593c7  No.13723158