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1c624c  No.13582570[Last 50 Posts]

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Tuesday 12.08.2020

>>11953143 ————————————–——– We're Not Gonna Take It (CAP: >>11953295)

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>>2322789 How To Quickly Spot A Clown

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1c624c  No.13582576


Owner: https://gab.com/JimWatkins

BO: FastJack#1006 https://discord.gg/DG8XB4YMvz

Donald J Trump - https://gab.com/realdonaldtrump/ | https://www.45office.com | https://www.donaldjtrump.com

Sidney Powell - https://defendingtherepublic.org/

Lin Wood - http://www.fightback.law/

Mike Lindell - https://LindellTV.com | https://frankspeech.com/

"Q The Plan To Save The World REMASTERED" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDlp1JeZVKo

Mike Lindell Voter Fraud https://www.bitchute.com/video/FtRYtna3YYe9/ | https://zb10-7gsop1v78.bitchute.com/IIC6VbV69ioF/WNP5InC3q6Q0.mp4

Everything Wrong With the Capitol Shooting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9z7VTvyyqMw | https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/

The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election. https://8kun.top/qresearch/res/13073507.html#13074178

Lists: CEOs/BlueAnon: https://controlc.com/84d9a3f3 | Civic Alliance https://archive.ph/6AOmQ

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>>13510973 Arizona Rangers need donations to help secure AZ Election Audit for next several weeks. Please help if you can https://azrangers.gov/donate/

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NOTABLES'''Are NOT Endorsements


>>13581808 Mass shooters that the Media say are White tend to be Jewish

>>13581907 Israeli People Committee’s Report Find Catastrophic Side Effects Of Pfizer Vaccine To Every System In Human Body

>>13581912 Son of Sinaloa Cartel leader pleads guilty in the US to drug trafficking

>>13581943 One of the jurors who convicted Derek Chauvin revealed he attended a BLM rally last summer led by George Floyd’s family & even wore BLM clothing.

>>13581947 President Trump launches new communications platform months after Twitter, Facebook ban

>>13581968 As states start opening up, Democrat mayor BANS DANCING AND STANDING at weddings in Washington, DC

>>13581981 FUCK THE FBI

>>13581985 Florida takes VACCINE-PASSPORT BAN a step further as governor signs bill into law, halts all local Covid-19 restrictions in state

>>13582055 Conservative think tank Heritage Foundation stops taking Big Tech donations

>>13582074 Biden Says People Unwilling to Get Covid Vaccine Are “Lazy” and Will Cause Others to Die

>>13582116 3 essential ingredients in recipe for disaster/white genocide

>>13582171 Antrim County Plaintiffs Introduce New Evidence in 2020 Election Case — Experts Were Able to Compromise Data on Data and Flip Votes

>>13582188 Vampires hate Sunlight

>>13582205 'From the Desk of Donald J. Trump': Former US president launches new communications platform

>>13582253 Statement From Pentagon Press Secretary John F. Kirby on Upcoming Secretary of Defense Travel

>>13582258 Belgium political virologist Van Ranst tells about the fear campaign when corona was used for politics

>>13582386 Woman Suing BLM For Using Fake, Racist Messages She Says She Didn't Send

>>13582397 PM @netanyahu(Jewish) fails to form #government, mandate returns to @PresidentRuvi (Jewish)

>>13582391 Republicans Intend To Oust Liz Cheney From House Leadership By Month’s End

>>13582378 Neo-Nazi who shot dead 3 at Kansas Jewish sites dies on death row

>>13582490 Texas Catholic bishops said they completely comped & like little boys, so they are against guns

>>13582508 The Jew shills hate Anime Baker because AB will Notable posts that expose the systemic Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Subversion of America.

>>13582568 #17200

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1c624c  No.13582577


>>13581206, >>13581181 Jews that hate free speech

>>13581082 If you want to help those conducting the Arizona Audit they are taking donations at:

>>13581112 Most Portland rioters have charges DISMISSED by US Attorney: 58 suspects of the 97 arrested have cases scrapped, while 32 more are left pending

>>13581121 NYPD Hate Crimes Task Force investigating after two Asian women were attacked by hammer-wielding suspect in Manhattan on Sunday

>>13581126 Hunter cashes in on crack again: President's son reveals he's writing SEQUEL to his flop autobiography 'Beautiful Things' which sold just 10,600 copies in his first week despite '$2million advance'

>>13581163 4,700 Amazon employees had unauthorized access to private seller data

>>13581174 America’s Plan to Spend $17.7 Billion on Just 31 Surface-to-Air Missiles

>>13581185 Frank Luntz's(Jewish) Interesting Response to Revelation of Email Exchange He Allegedly Had With Hunter Biden

>>13581193 GENOCIDE in the U.S. Continues: 3,848 DEATHS 118,902 Injuries Following COVID Injections

>>13581229 BREAKING EU suspends efforts to ratify China investment deal: commissioner

>>13581242 Computer Programmer Harri Hursti Is Second Investigator Selected for Windham, NH Elections Audit

>>13581284 Ukrainian President to Baltic NATO Allies: This Is War in Europe

>>13581305 Judge orders release of Trump obstruction memo, accuses Barr of being 'disingenuous'

>>13581334 Ex-Walla CEO: We removed news about bereaved families because PM didn’t like it

>>13581287 Found these 3 stories..2 about Luntz's giant home with rooms replicating the White House. The third story is McCarthy admitting he rents an apartment from Luntz.

>>13581356 PF

>>13581403 Wisconsin Dem’s Campaign Treasurer, Donor Mount Defense of Alleged ‘Rub-and-Tug’

>>13581426 The term ‘Goy’ (plural goyim) referring to non-Jews actually means cattle as expressed in the Talmud

>>13581457 Judicial Watch: Records Show Iowa State Officials Coordinated with Big Tech to Censor Election Posts

>>13581506 Muslim Brotherhood Tries To Rebrand As NGO In Libya

>>13581531 House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Says Liz Cheney Leadership Ouster Likely Before the End of The Month – Perhaps Tucker Carlson Attacks on McCarthy Are Connected

>>13581545 #ArmyFutures is now!

>>13581550 Facebook’s Zuckerberg(Jewish) donated hundreds of millions to help Democrats steal the election for Joe Biden

>>13581554 #KevinMcCarthy Trending

>>13581567 @US_SpaceCom #MayTheFourth #MayThe4th #MayThe4thBeWithYou

>>13581598 JUST IN: Suspect shot outside CIA Headquarters Monday is dead

>>13581603 Pfizer Vaccine Could Be Authorized For Kids By Early Next Week

>>13581666 PRES. BIDEN: "This is not a Democrat or Republican issue. The science behind the vaccines has been under development for decades.

>>13581682 US Intelligence Report Claims Taliban Would ‘Roll Back’ Afghan Women's Rights After Troop Pullout

>>13581686 New Catherine Herridge twat

>>13581709 CIA briefing to senators on energy 'attacks' ends with accusations of mishandling, report says

>>13581749 @US_CYBERCOM is hiring for multiple civilian positions, in cyber and otherwise

>>13581759 Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene Rally: This coming Saturday 6:30-9pm

>>13581782 #17199


>>13580234 Kevin McCarthy & Frank Luntz (Jewish) share a bedroom

>>13580427 Flashback - Frank Luntz(Jewish) loves Hunter Biden

>>13580469 Fake Press Briefing by Jen Psaki

>>13580561 Plan to release the mosquitoes in 2021 in the Florida Keys, a string of islands, comes months after the modified mosquitoes were approved by federal regulators

>>13580632 Soros-Connected Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs, Snuck an Arizona Outsider Into the 2020 Election Audit – A Clandestine Spy

>>13580634 @DeptofDefense

>>13580646 GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy Confirms He Rents a DC Room From Liberal Pollster Frank Luntz (Jewish)

>>13580657 Flashback: GOP House Whip Steve Scalise Brought Former DNC Chair Donna Brazile with Him as Guest to Biden inauguration

>>13580673 Facebook's New Campaign Should Have Free Speech Advocates Freaking Out

>>13580689 Maricopa County Attorney’s Office Sends Out Warning to Staff: Watch Out for Black Lives Matter Protests Downtown Phoenix This Week!

>>13580726 Hey @FrankLuntz(Jewish) can you confirm this email? Asking for @SpeakerRyan. We may have a few more that you could confirm as well

>>13580729 'He has to go’: Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu(Jewish) labeled ‘power-hungry tyrant’ by potential coalition ally in hidden-camera recording

>>13580764 48 Shell Companies Owned by the Clinton Crime Family

>>13580779 Evidence Reveals That Military Team Collaborated With Lab Where COVID-19 Pandemic Originated

>>13580795 Schumer(Jewish) ‘Actively Exploring’ Granting Citizenship to Millions of Illegal Immigrants Without GOP Support

>>13580840 Cotton: ‘The CDC Is a Thoroughly Politicized Agency’ and Their School Reopening Advice Should Be Disregarded

>>13580851 Kamala Harris: Latin America Needs ‘Climate Adaptation’ to End Border Crisis

>>13580894 @USArmy Squad Up!

>>13580904 Child Rape Gang Victim: UK Police Did Nothing as I Was Abused by ‘Hundreds’ of Pakistani Men

>>13580926 Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR)

>>13580707 anon made a great connection with "Padawan." Wondering if SOLAR FORCE refers to SOLAR WARDEN?

>>13580999 #17198

Previously Collected Notables

>>13580318 #17197,

>>13578289 #17194, >>13578674 #17195, >>13579933 #17196

>>13574799 #17191, >>13575584 #17192, >>13576334 #17193

>>13572406 #17188, >>13573274 #17189, >>13574006 #17190

>>13570013 #17185, >>13570815 #17186, >>13571658 #17187

>>13568390 #17183, >>13569187 #17184, >>13570014 #17185 2

>>13566121 #17180, >>13566572 #17181, >>13567691 #17182

>>13563700 #17177, >>13564493 #17178, >>13569903 #17179

>>13561383 #17174, >>13562138 #17175, >>13562934 #17176

>>13559033 #17171/1, >>13559848 #17172, >>13560625 #17173

>>13558220 #17170/2, >>13558217 #17170/1, >>13559035 #17171/2

>>13555846 #17167, >>13559200 #17168, >>13558747 #17169

>>13553569 #17164, >>13554303 #17165, >>13555266 #17166

>>13551942 #17162, >>13552840 #17163/2, >>13552838 #17163/1

>>13549512 #17159, >>13550204 #17160, >>13551488 #17161

>>13547151 #17156, >>13547960 #17157, >>13548705 #17158

>>13544823 #17153, >>13545589 #17154, >>13546354 #17155

>>13542368 #17150, >>13543246 #17151, >>13544281 #17152

>>13539945 #17147, >>13540719 #17148, >>13541536 #17149

>>13537995 #17144, >>13537946 #17145, >>13541951 #17146

>>13534775 #17141, >>13535499 #17142, >>13536286 #17143

>>13532280 #17138, >>13533064 #17139, >>13534103 #17140

Notables Aggregators: https://wearethene.ws & https://qnotables.com

>>13320392 Q Research Notables #6

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1c624c  No.13582580

Other Dedicated Research Threads

>>13167502 ————————————–——– Clockwork Qrange #12

International Q Research Threads

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>>13323637 ————————————–——– Balkan #8

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>>13269960 ————————————–——– France #4

>>13493753 ————————————–——– Germany #79

>>13187313 ————————————–——– Italia #2

>>13226402 ————————————–——– Japan #2

>>13410974 ————————————–——– Mexico #3

>>13105482 ————————————–——– Nederland #6

>>13163282 ————————————–——– New Zealand #8

>>13163911 ————————————–——– Nordic #3

>>13163805 ————————————–——– Russia #2

>>13163650 ————————————–——– Scotland #4

>>13340853 ————————————–——– South Africa #5

>>13235698 ————————————–——– UK #36

>>13102252 ————————————–——– Vatican #4

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>>11187218 ————————————–——– #001 and scroll down for all continuing in numerical order

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1c624c  No.13582583

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* QPosts Archive, Players in the Game/ Analytics on Q posts & More: qmap.pub

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* Spreadsheet QPosts Q&A and all images backup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Efm2AcuMJ7whuuB6T7ouOIwrE_9S-1vDJLAXIVPZU2g

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* Original, full-size images Q has posted: https://postimg.cc/gallery/29wdmgyze/

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* Federal Judicial Court dataset from 93 Federal Districts - Searchable db: https://bad-boys.us/

* Catalog of US Government Publications: https://catalog.gpo.gov/F?RN=306384688

* Webpage Archiver: http://archive.md/

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Germanarchiveanon https://mega.nz/folder/LPZxEIYJ#N5JwCNoxOxOtAoErKdUgvw

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Quick Pic Bake Instructions & simple instructions: >>>/qrb/10809, https://pastebin.com/aY5LyDPY

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1c624c  No.13582589

File: 6102e42e9b99f75⋯.jpg (628.42 KB, 960x960, 1:1, 1616651436350.jpg)



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a724a7  No.13582608

File: 08a1a11e9eff904⋯.jpg (163.59 KB, 1079x732, 1079:732, IMG_20210502_191456_155.jpg)

Why we Fight

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dfe221  No.13582623

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Mike Pompeo on nuclear rhreats

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278fac  No.13582637

File: 8c39ff37a97290a⋯.jpg (599.05 KB, 872x848, 109:106, 8c39ff37a97290ae1e87ae45f0….jpg)

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89032a  No.13582673

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ceccb9  No.13582682

File: f9421890bedcf7d⋯.jpeg (313.75 KB, 750x1246, 375:623, F4758261_FF4E_4485_90B5_6….jpeg)

Looks like president Trump found a way back onto Twitter!

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f94b29  No.13582683

File: cf19bef31bf2519⋯.png (642.71 KB, 523x477, 523:477, ClipboardImage.png)

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89032a  No.13582687

Reminder 👀 :

THE TIMELINE - Donald Trump, Q and The Great Awakening - VA Patriot


blessings and love


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2c1d8a  No.13582691

File: a0f59b067f41959⋯.png (64.94 KB, 1013x509, 1013:509, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Kevi….png)





while all you pussies screaming about bakers and jes and BS boobs.




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9fbfe7  No.13582693

File: aa2626d4c857c54⋯.mp4 (14.81 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PS_FromTheDesk.mp4)




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2c1d8a  No.13582696


Damn Good Title and Damn Good Notes. bout fucking time some autist got his shit together around here

-baker gerbil out

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f94b29  No.13582697

Nothing Can Stop What Is About To Come

There are No means which we here posses in this Realm, that can beat the Damage Reduction.

Ramen Clam

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0bec8a  No.13582703

File: e73dd3c63f2080a⋯.png (621.8 KB, 733x709, 733:709, fake_gay_3.png)


>>13582490 (PB) Texas Catholic bishops said they completely comped & like little boys, so they are against guns

The link didn't work. Pretty fake.

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820059  No.13582712

File: 3135aab6b8885e1⋯.jpg (133.8 KB, 750x750, 1:1, SQ_TruthLikeLion_750x750.jpg)

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820059  No.13582715

File: 637061833e3e680⋯.gif (47.6 KB, 570x537, 190:179, 1573832924960.gif)

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7a752b  No.13582718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Hell is only warm till you get used to it new Fags!

Welcome to our world!!!!!! :-)

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f94b29  No.13582719

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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347a7e  No.13582722

File: a9dd8e43a2b1ff9⋯.jpg (46.98 KB, 550x481, 550:481, a9dd8e43a2b1ff9c3cd6eed624….jpg)



Did you "See" that pink mist, Baker?!

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820059  No.13582725

File: ec58dcd33b68c9d⋯.jpeg (22.67 KB, 474x237, 2:1, ec58dcd33b68c9df5b774c0ae….jpeg)

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1c624c  No.13582727


Was already baked when you posted last bread

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3073ee  No.13582728

File: 24966ee2a5e6d77⋯.png (880.56 KB, 720x960, 3:4, ClipboardImage.png)


thanks Baker!

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541207  No.13582730

File: 9b343716547c705⋯.mp4 (1.97 MB, 1024x576, 16:9, Save_America_Donald_J_Trum….mp4)

File: caaff80c2bb86dd⋯.png (1003.85 KB, 979x1175, 979:1175, ClipboardImage.png)

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bcaf35  No.13582732


i'm indefinitely suspended from twatter. would need a new cell phone number and cell phone to make new account.

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c7551c  No.13582734

File: d8e76a8dea2a43e⋯.png (2.43 MB, 850x1280, 85:128, ClipboardImage.png)

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820059  No.13582736

File: 5cbdcb4ec53776a⋯.jpg (250.04 KB, 1440x2020, 72:101, 58441236_101929781025922_1….jpg)

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1cc88a  No.13582737

Pull yourselves together anons.

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f2d87c  No.13582742

Caitlyn(not her/his birthname) for Governor is like a big bowl of "GRANOLA"…what isn't "Fruits" or "Nuts"…are "Flakes"…she/he just made the triple crown of breakfast cereals!!! FUCK WHEATIES!!!

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1c624c  No.13582744




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f2d87c  No.13582746

Caitlyn(not her/his birthname) for Governor is like a big bowl of "GRANOLA"…what isn't "Fruits" or "Nuts"…are "Flakes"…she/he just made the triple crown of breakfast cereals!!! FUCK WHEATIES!!!

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bcaf35  No.13582747

File: d7337868259c152⋯.png (13.11 KB, 600x700, 6:7, eadb006b2a2653575978a5aacf….png)

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2c1d8a  No.13582749

sir i hate to bother, but do you offer a feed?


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f94b29  No.13582750

File: 6fc76d19e87bb17⋯.png (322.44 KB, 720x663, 240:221, ClipboardImage.png)

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144cd8  No.13582751


Trying to, shits getting rough

Fighting the vax is taking a toll

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f94b29  No.13582752

File: 7565084e807c6ee⋯.png (196.12 KB, 552x493, 552:493, ClipboardImage.png)

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347a7e  No.13582753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Clown pigs go Hoink Hoink!

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0bb978  No.13582754

File: f523ac92fe704a3⋯.jpg (448.85 KB, 1400x1400, 1:1, Alice_F_.jpg)

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f94b29  No.13582755

File: f8de2b0dd157709⋯.png (818.43 KB, 924x537, 308:179, ClipboardImage.png)

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107355  No.13582756

>>13582745 (pb)

>Everyone needs to pay tons of taxes

>and for what?


>you need to give

Fuck that guy

In actual Germany (before 1914) only the very rich paid taxes, and I mean rich as in buy multiple houses per year rich.

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c7551c  No.13582757

File: 7f67a1e9cf5e068⋯.png (58.1 KB, 176x320, 11:20, ClipboardImage.png)

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0bb978  No.13582758

File: 58054ee1d49339c⋯.png (1.85 MB, 1472x1472, 1:1, b4f9ec57384ad4b6dace6dfee6….png)

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7b5179  No.13582759

File: b59d4ca4f432297⋯.png (464.46 KB, 813x468, 271:156, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

>>13582748 lb

this one looks different to me… more fem, but maybe its the angle.

they might have switched out and actual woman with a man at some point and gave bill feminizing hormones.

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6c8632  No.13582760

File: 825e188e2bda2c5⋯.jpg (65.25 KB, 750x920, 75:92, flat_750x1000_075_f_u2.jpg)

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7a5387  No.13582761

File: 010ab5f27f1bfda⋯.png (329.03 KB, 760x421, 760:421, Screenshot_20210504_155116.png)

>>13582508 lb


No, everybody just hates anime faggot aka AFLB, his gay ass crew of trannyfaggots (YOU), and the jew shills because you all are faggots and we hope you all die.

KYS faggot bitch.

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820059  No.13582762

File: dd8be7a55d24d37⋯.jpeg (53.19 KB, 666x500, 333:250, download_86_.jpeg)


Phonefagging or I'd give it a go.

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657b3d  No.13582763

File: 259bd8f577672fe⋯.png (909.86 KB, 1615x1080, 323:216, bethis_guy.png)

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0bb978  No.13582764

File: 36fc8457881b9b8⋯.png (88.3 KB, 158x255, 158:255, Gold_Star.png)


Brain dead douchebag!

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1cc88a  No.13582765

Our Father who art in heaven…

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9a17d2  No.13582766


Baker says you're Doodle.

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0bb978  No.13582767

File: 503a416173da2a3⋯.png (406.47 KB, 550x550, 1:1, hollowclaus.png)

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9a5f97  No.13582768

File: ae98c3c6b762fe3⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1168x1284, 292:321, B0146C06_5FBA_486F_AD7A_9C….png)

A federal judge ordered the DOJ to release a memo that Bill Barr used to clear President Trump of obstruction of justice, saying 'it is time for the public to see' it

A federal judge on Tuesday ordered the Justice Department to turn over an internal memo that Attorney General Bill Barr cited in 2019 as justification for clearing President Donald Trump of obstructing justice.

Barr said at the time that he'd come to his decision "in consultation with the Office of Legal Counsel and other Department lawyers," but he did not publicize the OLC's memo. In response, the watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington filed a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit to obtain the memo.

In Tuesday's ruling, US District Judge Amy Berman Jackson said the unreleased OLC memo that Barr used to clear Trump of obstruction contradicted his claim that the decision to charge the president was under his purview because the special counsel Robert Mueller "did not resolve the question of whether the evidence would support a prosecution."

Barr announced the decision in a four-page letter to Congress in March 2019 summarizing Mueller's findings in the FBI's investigation into Russia's interference in the 2016 US election.

"The letter asserted that the Special Counsel 'did not draw a conclusion – one way or the other – as to whether the examined conduct constituted obstruction,' and it went on to announce the Attorney General's own opinion that 'the evidence developed during the Special Counsel's investigation is not sufficient to establish that the President committed an obstruction-of-justice offense,'" Jackson wrote.

However, the OLC's memo "calls into question the accuracy of Attorney General Barr's March 24 representation to Congress" and "raises serious questions about how the Department of Justice could make this series of representations to a court," the ruling said.

Jackson pointed out that Mueller himself criticized Barr's handling of the public release of the report and his description of the special counsel's conclusions.

On April 18, 2019, Barr "appeared before Congress to deliver the report," Jackson wrote. "He asserted that he and the Deputy Attorney General reached the conclusion he had announced in the March 24 letter 'in consultation with the Office of Legal Counsel and other Department lawyers.'"

"What remains at issue today is a memorandum to the Attorney General dated March 24, 2019, that specifically addresses the subject matter of the letter transmitted to Congress," she added, referring to the OLC memo.

She continued: "It is time for the public to see that, too."

Mueller's findings in the obstruction investigation were widely discussed when his final report was released in April 2019. He laid out 11 potential instances of obstruction by Trump but declined to make a "traditional prosecutorial judgment."

Barr told reporters that Mueller's decision was not influenced by long-standing Justice Department guidelines that say a sitting president cannot be indicted. He said that in fact, Mueller's determination — or lack thereof — was prompted by the inconclusive nature of the evidence.

But in his report, Mueller did not cite the nature, or absence, of evidence as the reason he did not come to a decision on obstruction. He did, however, cite the OLC's 1973 memo saying that a sitting president cannot be charged with a crime.

Moreover, the special counsel's team said that "if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state." The team continued: "Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, however, we are unable to reach that judgment."


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c50c6d  No.13582769

File: e68fb2c3cd4384e⋯.jpg (315.72 KB, 3840x2160, 16:9, Arthur_Schopenhauer_Quote_….jpg)

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1089be  No.13582770

File: ca0265f55e896ba⋯.jpg (66.53 KB, 720x706, 360:353, IMG_0445_2_.JPG)

File: 60d81d063dce986⋯.jpg (99.18 KB, 480x634, 240:317, IMG_0407.JPG)

File: 684a57de56de1f5⋯.jpg (124.8 KB, 600x600, 1:1, IMG_0395.JPG)

File: 1999a42843b9fe3⋯.jpg (57.65 KB, 595x608, 595:608, IMG_0392.JPG)

We've done so much to wake up the sleeping sheep.

Unfortunately we won't get them all.

Never stop trying.

In the meantime, be sure to center yourselves on your path. Not worth it for the world to knock us off course.


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98b621  No.13582771

>>13582503 LB - Trump COMMS to Anons & the World

>>13582682 Looks like president Trump found a way back onto Twitter!

You know what that means

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95c030  No.13582772

File: 98adf1bd282968a⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning01.png)

What's stopping a team of dedicated mind fuckers from posting here?

We know from Q directly that the "CIA is here PRAY"

So they are here.

They are creating their own church.

Turning You into a submissive NPC for their insidious goals.

What actions have taken place to stop them?

Hinder them?

Expose them?

By the BO/BVs?



What's stopping a team of dedicated mind fuckers from posting here?

Would they try to blend in?

Would they work to confuse your IDEN Fren/Foe instincts?

Would they claim one thing, yet be another?

Would they lie?

Would they give up any power they acquired?

Would they convince you you're in control, to hide their own positions?

Would they ever give up the control of information here [baker position]?

They have for 3 years, and it's worse than you can imagine.

Naivety will cost you your Mind.

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c7068b  No.13582773

File: f23b99f01e995da⋯.png (434.22 KB, 562x375, 562:375, Screenshot_2021_05_04_NASA….png)

File: 5b25d18d627771c⋯.png (59 KB, 720x942, 120:157, Screenshot_2021_05_04_NASA….png)

NASA announces launch plans for new Dream Chaser spaceplane

The Dream Chaser spaceplane, a cargo spacecraft built and operated by Nevada-based Sierra Nevada Corp., is to begin launching and landing in Florida in 2022, NASA and the company announced Tuesday. The uncrewed, robotic spaceplane will be launched aboard a United Launch Alliance rocket from Kennedy Space Center for flights to the International Space Station. Once it docks and delivers cargo, Dream Chaser will return to the space center's former space shuttle landing strip.

The first Dream Chaser is being prepared for delivery to the space center next spring, Janet Kavandi, a former astronaut and an executive vice president of Sierra Nevada, said during a press conference Tuesday on the landing strip. "When we first launch next year, 2022, at the end of that mission, we plan to come back and land here at this very runway," Kavandi said. She was joined on the tarmac by Kennedy Space Center director Bob Cabana and Frank DiBello, executive director of Space Florida, the state's development agency for space, which manages the landing facility. Space Florida has signed a contract to allow use of the landing facility, and the Federal Aviation Administration has licensed the spaceplane for landings there, DiBello said.

Cabana said that Sierra Nevada's plans for Kennedy are further evidence that the space center is truly a multi-user, commercial spaceport rather than just a NASA facility. Sierra Nevada planned to tour the space center and adjacent Cape Canaveral Space Force Station on Tuesday and Wednesday to search for a suitable building to process Dream Chaser between launches, Kavandi said. "We'll look first at existing facilities on government property, but we may also consider building something ourselves if needed," she said. The company also plans to hire dozens of people in the region for processing and other possible engineering functions, she said. Sierra Nevada is one of a growing number of commercial space companies vying for NASA business. The company lost a competition in 2014 to SpaceX and Boeing to deliver astronauts to the space station using Dream Chaser. SpaceX delivered on its astronaut contract in 2020 with the Crew Dragon capsule, while Boeing still plans a test flight of the Starliner capsule later this year. But Sierra Nevada has won over $2 billion in NASA contracts to develop Dream Chaser as a reusable cargo vessel. The company plans at least seven cargo trips for NASA.

At just 30 feet long, the spacecraft is only one-quarter the size of the space shuttle. The spaceplane's ability to land at the space center instead of splashing down at sea like SpaceX's cargo capsule would result in a faster return of science and materials from the space station, according to NASA and Sierra Nevada. Dream Chaser would return to Earth under its own power. Since it doesn't carry people, no test flights beyond short drops from aircraft completed in 2013 and 2017 are required. The test flights were done with prototypes. The spacecraft has yet to launch as intended on a rocket sent into space. That rocket will be ULA's new Vulcan Centaur, which is being developed.


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95c030  No.13582774

File: c1fa6371becb824⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning02.png)


You have entered an entrainment chamber currently controlled by CIA FARMers hell bent on programming your tomorrow

They create the Harrison Bergeron Bands (You)'re wearing right now.

That tension in the center of your mind? It's their "ring" of anger that you must relax beneath. Release it, relax it, shred it apart with Light.

Without this ring You are free to think, act, and feel. You will emerge out of your NPC state.

Are you sick yet? Will you be sick tomorrow? Will you be sick in another month of this?

Are you the 4-6%?

>drain<BIBLICAL[[[ BOOM ]]]aura:return.source

Now it's seen:

They cannot survive without your submission.

reject "inevitability" >nonsense<

God Above ALL Wins~

''because it's true, and I have a responsibility to let you know what I know. Silence be the death of Spirit.."

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0bec8a  No.13582775


Don't be a jew baker and bake @ 670

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95c030  No.13582776

File: 22640ff55c6e82e⋯.png (2.89 MB, 1596x989, 1596:989, BOOMCANNONS.png)


Essential Viewing Experience For Generating Actionable Insights

You have entered an entrainment chamber currently controlled by CIA FARMers hell bent on programming your tomorrow

You are an NPC to them. You've viewed their programming for years now, while they had Top Cover from the current BO/BV team.

That tension you feel in the center of your mind is real, they call it their marriage ring, it's ringing at the same frequency they are.

You are affected? You are their programmable slave.

Their top cover laughs at the state you're in.

Release their 'ring'; Relax beneath it.

Stance Change.

Know Insincere Leadership

Collect Interesting

Generate Insights

Share Digestible


There are a few insidious 'wetware' hackers deploying monstrous programs designed to censor our Souls here.

We have found ourselves in such a position, that the Owner, the Volunteers, the Consensus Voice, the Thread Creator, the 'alternatives' - Owned Opposition.

Read that again; Action turns Victim into Warrior, adjust accordingly.

          )     *     (         )         (                (     
( ( /( ( ` )\ ) ( /( ( )\ ) ( )\ )
)\ )\()) )\))( (()/( )\()) ( )\ (()/( ( )\ (()/(
((/ )((_)\ ((_)()\ /(_)) ((_)\ )((_) /(_)))\ ((((_)( /(_))
)\___ ((_) (_()((_)(_))_|__ ((_) ((_)_ (_)) ((_) )\ _ )\(_))_
((/ __|/ _ \ | \/ || |_ \ \ / / | _ )| _ \| __|(_)_\(_)| \
| (__| (_) || |\/| || __| \ V / | _ \| /| _| / _ \ | |) |
\___|\___/ |_| |_||_| |_| |___/|_|_\|___|/_/ \_\ |___/
Because the Battlefield is your Limbic System; Banish Abuse.

To apply, enter board menu -> Top Right Corner [Options]

[Filters] Enter as a Name filter, click Reg ex:

[Theme] Copy and paste css below into the window:
.post-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.post-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
.thread-image {
opacity: .5; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(3px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 233ms;
.thread-image:hover {
opacity: 1; /* Can be between .01 - 1 */
filter: blur(1.5px); /* Can be between 0 - 10+ */
transition: all 89ms;
span.heading, strong, span.small { /* For removing red=anger, purple=jew color manipulation */
color: grey;
font-size: 12px;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
text-transform: lowercase;
text-decoration: none;
div.post.reply div.body a { /* For removing red=anger color manipulation */
color: grey;
.body small { /* Big (You)'s are Real (You)'s */
font-size: 20px;
Well worth a good run.

To fix loading times + connection issues caused by our enemy, these lines may be added to your systems host file: sys.8kun.top

xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 8kun.top media.8kun.top softserve.8kun.top

(Use your tool of choice to 'dns lookup' 8kun.top, and pick an IP from the list)

Consider reducing server requests outside of 8kun.top, so each time you refresh the page you don't let third parties know~

(Like that youtube thumbnail)

We are Restoring the Republic of America.

Military & Navy Intelligence, the NSA & its Q group, and more have conducted an unprecedented python approach of The-One-PedoRing-To-Rule-Them-All. There are over 200,000 sealed indictments fueled by the massive NSA information powerhouse turned good under Admiral Rogers.

We are living in historic times, and we've been handed a Map of what's to come, and what's going on in this war between Patriots and Clowns.

Here's the catch: The CIA/MSM has lulled the normies into Fantasy Land and they cannot handle the Truth.

Solution? Memeing Patriots. Seriously.

Suit up lads, we will have Peace through the Strength of our Understanding and give Clarity through our memetic spread.

May God have Mercy on the souls of the confused.

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0bb978  No.13582777

File: 946284675ef0c26⋯.png (93.39 KB, 268x333, 268:333, Der_Itzig_Kult.png)

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347a7e  No.13582778

File: 08feee0cc6b2da5⋯.jpeg (70.44 KB, 400x266, 200:133, 08feee0cc6b2da55352f4fc84….jpeg)


Negatory hard pass, blue ranger.

Anon already took a dump today.

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95c030  No.13582779

File: e6047018d5f2076⋯.png (1.19 MB, 709x1075, 709:1075, winning03.png)


Take the animfoul as an opportunity to see how boastful the wretched pickles here are.

We know he's a clown.

He knows we know he's a clown.

He does this because we know he's a clown, that's the frustration this mask is made for.

See through it, lads.

Your next thought, "Why doesn't someone do something about him" is part of his design, as they own the BO/BV team of this board, and they own the 'govern' program being used to capture your minds in their loosh net.

It's the momentum you feel in the threads - it's not organic by any means, and you can tell this if a thread is created that isn't owned by them.

It feels empty.

It's because they loaded the 'dough' up with their associated subliminals.

Each time you scroll across all that you're programmed with the momentum you feel.

Sick yet?

They use their scripted news flooder to fill the notables with their MOCKINGBIRD agenda - Directing our focus to where THEY want it.

They waste not a single picture to poison with subliminals that rape your mind in ways you don't see.

These positions of influence don't change, which means they hold them until they are banned; Which means they have developed dramatized distractions to maintain their control.

No matter the mask, if the BO/BV team remains the same, that baker is a wretched pickle, and our open boarders allowed them to solidify their leverage of control.

We need a cleaning of Fire lads, this whole place needs to be washed of their permanent shit stains.

It's unbelievable how much energy they spend keeping you censored.

You know well it's their groundhog day, the open boarders allows them to keep you frustrated and chasing your own tail as they change your behavior and maintain the focus of MOCKINGBIRD.

Stop the groundhog day, lads.


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6bd859  No.13582780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Billions of your Galactic Brothers and Sisters are cheering for you RIGHT NOW. You are the elite, you will be celebrated throughout time.

This is the Galactic Super Bowl and you are in the game.

Watch this hypnosis session, you are not only awake at this critical time but you are on the front lines against darkness. You are being cheered for. You are behind the veil and have freewill so unless you ask they cannot interfere directly.

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3073ee  No.13582781

File: 7b8ec94fd9d7051⋯.png (407.8 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

I'm thinking that Q is still reading this board.

maybe POTUS is still reading this board…

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0bb978  No.13582782

File: d5b7ea8a86532ec⋯.png (423.82 KB, 530x530, 1:1, Der_Itzig_Kult_2_.png)

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78b0d6  No.13582783

File: 6319424cefd9458⋯.jpeg (398.69 KB, 828x1118, 414:559, FC1C46E3_533A_4959_B53E_B….jpeg)

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0f7ea8  No.13582784

File: c3249ba2f2adf80⋯.jpg (65.57 KB, 474x770, 237:385, Hidden_Tyranny.jpg)

File: b1e50d3f2c40207⋯.pdf (534.21 KB, rosy.pdf)

America and the world is now covered in political, economic, moral and social problems which need to be acted upon by Christian people. As Edmund Burke stated: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." But before we can properly act we need a proper (not just a superficial) understanding of the problem. This booklet will help provide the reader with that understanding. (24 Pages)

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95c030  No.13582785

File: b2f95147eb00203⋯.gif (2.52 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download.gif)

File: 827397c4575dbef⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download2.gif)

File: 65cbcc2c841c359⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download3.gif)

File: 2ecebfa0304f78f⋯.gif (2.42 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download4.gif)

File: 386c0f1ed26dc25⋯.gif (2.51 MB, 416x276, 104:69, download5.gif)

Their anger cake

Aversion Fuel: CP/Gore

Loyalty: Marriage-to-satan

Commands: "Galactic codes" / high religious themes / babbler talking to himself [that they want you to mirror]

Drumbeater: exbot / satans toilet filenames: "polish_ / zombomeme_ / rt5vw4 / download_"

Locked frustration: 6_6 +/ j00spamz

Will erode: mrs phig

Stockholm Syndrome: animfoul baker

Are the layers they 'bake' as tension in your mind.

Without fail, their deployments center around these themes.

Every. Week. For. The. Last. 3. Years.

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7b5179  No.13582786


how is it comms?

I dont get it

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1c624c  No.13582787


>Don't be a jew baker and bake @ 670

I miss fast breads so much.

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0bb978  No.13582788

File: 9138cd39f550ede⋯.png (2.14 MB, 1267x704, 1267:704, From_Dark_To_Light.png)

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1089be  No.13582789


You know it. Both are tracking always.

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1c624c  No.13582790


it isn't, he's retarded.

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7a5387  No.13582791

File: 808acd27d08896c⋯.png (179.54 KB, 1080x2160, 1:2, Screenshot_20210504_155738.png)


GOOG Voice, anon. Provides a free telephone number that you can route to your number.

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347a7e  No.13582792

File: 8779017c1313a59⋯.jpg (55.99 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, 4ff1e4dd02376_preview_300.jpg)



Save America!?

Not Comfy! Not Comfy!!!

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0bb978  No.13582793

File: 613dc04e6e38e58⋯.png (352.54 KB, 403x403, 1:1, JewTV.png)

File: f3f4d31aa3b3c94⋯.png (71.79 KB, 211x239, 211:239, index.png)

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7b5179  No.13582794

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7a752b  No.13582795

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c7068b  No.13582796

File: 825fff9d23ec4dc⋯.png (88.51 KB, 562x372, 281:186, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Spac….png)

SpaceX launches 60 Starlink satellites from Florida

Elon Musk's SpaceX launched the company's 26th cluster of Starlink broadband communication satellites from Florida on Tuesday afternoon. Liftoff of the Falcon 9 rocket, carrying 60 satellites, occurred as planned at just after 3 p.m. EDT from launchpad 39A at Kennedy Space Center. SpaceX recovered the first-stage booster of the rocket on a barge in the Atlantic Ocean – the ninth time for that booster. After a little more than an hour in flight, SpaceX successfully deployed the satellites into their intended orbit. The launch boosts the number of Starlink satellites in orbit to more than 1,500.

SpaceX is among several companies pursuing new, high-speed and global broadband coverage that could be used by ships at sea, residents in remote rural areas and possibly on trucks and large commercial vehicles. "To date, over half a million people have placed an order or put down a deposit for Starlink," said SpaceX operations engineer Siva Bharadvaj said during a launch broadcast. SpaceX is testing the service with customers in North America and Britain at a cost of $499 for hardware and $99 per month.


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1cc88a  No.13582797


been around for months i think

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0bb978  No.13582798

File: 01ffc1d84fa7565⋯.jpg (29.45 KB, 225x114, 75:38, adolf_hitler_quote_social_….jpg)

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0bb978  No.13582799

File: 981d75edd458da3⋯.png (432.76 KB, 550x258, 275:129, Briefmarken_DEUTSCHES_REIC….png)

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85f394  No.13582800

File: b8577c5d671e14c⋯.mp4 (6.57 MB, 640x360, 16:9, CNN_Kevin_Kline_on_Gitmo_m….mp4)

>>13582702 pb

>And one of the big pharmas just happened to be called GlaxoSmithKLINE

So when you look up Kevin Kline politics, the first thing that comes up is his take on Gitmo military tribunals

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000000  No.13582801


Google? How can a person who is on this board promote Google? wtf?

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3073ee  No.13582802

File: 4934ef94b4d254c⋯.png (128.68 KB, 180x280, 9:14, ClipboardImage.png)




*AFLB Is NOT AMERICAN, and doesn't live in America.




GTFO of Our American Board!

I Rebuke your JEWISH POISON In the Name of JESUS CHRIST. Amen.

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98b621  No.13582803


President Trump can use the US Military network same as EBS that reaches all platforms & it can not be scrubbed from the network

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828813  No.13582805


Then they know we have a chimpanzee for a baker

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0bb978  No.13582806

File: 67eecc6d4b6426c⋯.jpg (192.15 KB, 730x400, 73:40, OpenBordersForIsrael.jpg)

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a43299  No.13582808

File: 1896ca65a9c2b15⋯.png (16.53 KB, 255x249, 85:83, be91b22a7a152cc5fc421c9a94….png)

>>13582602 (lb)

>GOP reps want FBI director to explainFISAwarrant 'violations'


3 yr delta incoming.


Q !2jsTvXXmXs No.66

May 7 2018 23:36:41 (EST)


Mass exodus in DC?

Mass exodus - corporate CEOs?


Who has the POWER?

Who has the CONTROL?

If POTUS was NOT IN CONTROL would they be retreating?

Who is the AG?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of DOJ officials?

Re_read DOJ org change (open source - more in pipe)

Who is the FBI director?

Who MUST approve the firing/dismissal of FBI agents?

Re_read FBI org change (open source - more in pipe)

>If SESSIONS & WRAY are DC >SWAMP/DEEP STATE why are they cleaning >their respective houses?


>Why are they slow walking unredacted data?

>Why are they slow walking doc disclosures?

Why is the WH backing up DOJ?

What if the same data is being used by other investigators?

What does it mean if a grand jury is impanelled?

Why are confusing questions asked as to outcome re: Mueller?

What would be the purpose of creating confusion?

What was Sessions' Senate confirmation vote?

What was RR's Senate confirmation vote?

If RR is dirty, Mueller must also be dirty.

If Mueller is dirty, RR must also be dirty.

Common denominator.

Why did Sessions pick RR?

Everyone has an opinion.

Few have the facts.

Few know the plan.

Midterms [save & push]?

Swing voters to retake House/Senate?

Impeachment proceedings (open source) initiated?

Power at all costs?

Blue wave?


Why must the DOJ & FBI be cleaned FIRST?

What is the DOJ responsible for?

What is the FBI responsible for?

Why did HRC get a free pass?


Define single shooter.

Who is HUBER?

Define IG.

When does SESSIONS step back in?

Already is?

Why did SESSIONS secretly engage HUBER?

Why did SESSIONS reveal HUBER?

Timing is everything.

Department of Justice does not discuss ongoing investigations or confirm specific matters,

What about the active investigation into leaks?

"Horowitz oversees a nationwide workforce of more than 450 special agents, auditors, inspectors, attorneys, and support staff whose mission is to detect and deter waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct in DOJ programs and personnel, and to promote economy and efficiency in Department operations."

Why did MP step into the C_A prior to Sec of State?

They are deeply connected.

Think Offshore.

MIL INTEL providing support during this time?

Why are select EO's aggressively being written and put into law?

State/C_A next?

Think logically.

No outside comms.



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ce04df  No.13582809

File: 47939ba80d2b843⋯.png (111.34 KB, 726x501, 242:167, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

>>13582648 (pb)

Not sure, but I think God gave me a mission to help people escape destruction.

Here's my picture: It's 9/11 the towers have been hit and WILL come down. There are people trapped inside and need guidance to get out. I am supposed to show them the way.

Of course, I think about this from time to time. Praying to see what is my responsibility and what is not. All of the power to accomplish anything comes from God through Jesus.

Funny thing is: How far "outside" do we need/want to get!

Another funny thing: I think I know what the towers really are. I think they represent cabal government and business. If you do your homework on the Twin Towers you will discover that they had "nicknames". One for a Rockefeller governor and one for a Rockefeller businessman. Predicting the fall of their own "house" so to speak.

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836839  No.13582810


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107355  No.13582811

File: cc1f18e6f7fbb61⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 3600x2400, 3:2, b4.jpg)

File: cdc3fd422d96b28⋯.mp4 (13.01 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2017_10_08_Q_P_l_ANDEMIC.mp4)

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347a7e  No.13582812

File: 7044637eff43a8b⋯.png (363.22 KB, 1132x999, 1132:999, useyousb.png)


Fucking OSS up in the O'Biden reeducation camp!

Bitch gonna do anons laundry!


First time for Anon so quick fucking with Anons experience!

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0bb978  No.13582813

File: 29684a6a323c610⋯.png (678.55 KB, 800x500, 8:5, TRUTH.png)

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83660a  No.13582814

File: d9ea5c6c83c2ce6⋯.jpg (137.59 KB, 510x533, 510:533, Screen_Shot_04_05_21_at_10….JPG)

File: b47897b3fe983c1⋯.jpg (162.87 KB, 343x577, 343:577, Screen_Shot_04_05_21_at_10….JPG)

File: 9cba68edcc302ce⋯.jpg (207.38 KB, 509x534, 509:534, Screen_Shot_04_05_21_at_10….JPG)

File: 88873333f00ceac⋯.jpg (194.69 KB, 509x534, 509:534, Screen_Shot_04_05_21_at_10….JPG)

File: 9c8b33d375fed4b⋯.jpg (368.94 KB, 1043x548, 1043:548, Screen_Shot_04_05_21_at_10….JPG)


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83c59b  No.13582815

File: ac942fade59fe44⋯.png (12.11 MB, 6880x4442, 3440:2221, D5pt1.png)

Start from very top left.

Don't be overwhelmed by scope - be advised image is large in size before opening.

I know it is messy, please don't mention jaggy lines - I now.

Only so many colours to work with, there will be crossovers, lines should be easy enough to follow with diligence.

You should begin to understand that despite a starting point, it is all Konnected.

Much has been left out, only so much space.

Happy Hunting!

May the 4th be with us all.

[Tweets in GMT (US > UK, UK > US)]

image split into two parts, pt1 is left pt2 is right [will be posted separately] - due to file size.

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0bb978  No.13582816

File: a8499ec97596b5e⋯.jpg (79.18 KB, 745x463, 745:463, internationale_rc3bcstungs….jpg)

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347a7e  No.13582817

File: 6edc1b6e03616a7⋯.png (78.79 KB, 586x614, 293:307, CHOOSEPAIN.png)


Anon meant "quit"!

its not funny!

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2c1d8a  No.13582818


also that sign up form makes my page scroll to the bottom when i click register… any way you can do a popup overlay instead would be much cooler if ya did

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3073ee  No.13582819


Explain why you hate the baker

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83c59b  No.13582820

File: bbb6d3081ec0687⋯.png (7.74 MB, 4016x4440, 502:555, D5pt2.png)

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7a752b  No.13582821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




If you had any sense you would admire us!

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6c8632  No.13582822

File: b278269150d4d91⋯.jpg (23.86 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 4de80a66df6e99493b18ee6433….jpg)

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c50c6d  No.13582823

File: ccffade1c68ff8a⋯.jpg (20.39 KB, 600x424, 75:53, bojo.jpg)


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0bb978  No.13582824

File: 1f3ab3b05d470e9⋯.jpg (266.18 KB, 766x412, 383:206, WilhelmIIjewquoteMeme2_1.jpg)

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144cd8  No.13582825


RSS feed please

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a26daa  No.13582826

File: af9c1d42a97d5ac⋯.jpg (114.18 KB, 2000x1000, 2:1, Liberty.jpg)

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0bb978  No.13582827

File: ae74a18cf00ee10⋯.png (299.44 KB, 480x540, 8:9, whats_missing.png)

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0bb978  No.13582828

File: 17051e60f93660d⋯.jpg (25.28 KB, 467x156, 467:156, YesWeKnow_.jpg)

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69b3f3  No.13582829


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0bb978  No.13582830

File: 5f3a9f56f33c790⋯.png (504.65 KB, 569x568, 569:568, Judenratte.png)

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51ee20  No.13582831

Well I see team clown-bake is running the notables again.

>Mass shooters that the Media say are White tend to be Jewish

The absolute state of this fukkin board.

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e54c23  No.13582832

File: 8a343ee118964b9⋯.jpg (57.58 KB, 241x336, 241:336, Polish_20210504_170400198.jpg)

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7a752b  No.13582833

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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b4698f  No.13582834

File: 9278d4667bb2e87⋯.jpg (17.31 KB, 278x300, 139:150, soros_wow.jpg)

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347a7e  No.13582836

File: f6c1d6827d00df6⋯.jpeg (11.51 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 889fe0c368f19777088b31b52….jpeg)



Holy Mother of took too many red pills!


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0bb978  No.13582837

File: 85bf6450e345857⋯.jpeg (20.43 KB, 255x241, 255:241, 9a868cd4df5302908738e3d57….jpeg)

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8b61bc  No.13582838



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7f6f95  No.13582839


is there a Copyright 2022 all rights reserved… kinda bs

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0bb978  No.13582840

File: c79b80c92ad353a⋯.jpeg (13.57 KB, 255x159, 85:53, 3b018332b8480470ecb773e14….jpeg)

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d859e9  No.13582841

File: 0d483c35be01e76⋯.png (123.58 KB, 474x426, 79:71, 4d.png)

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7a752b  No.13582842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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69b3f3  No.13582843



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83660a  No.13582844



So independent the US pay for your protection

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0bb978  No.13582845

File: 2131647cd981667⋯.png (15.62 KB, 255x188, 255:188, 008a6c3e6b3426a4b0ea29df44….png)

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7f6f95  No.13582846


can we put the contact form also in the footer,,, like widggets.

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8a12ee  No.13582847

File: 6c76adef642e628⋯.jpg (41.8 KB, 650x650, 1:1, 6c76adef642e628ab524583ab5….jpg)

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9a17d2  No.13582848


No other ethnic groups argue about the Notables like this.

Perhaps you're over-reacting.

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51ee20  No.13582849

1. Open the board.

2. Bait the first shill

3. Filter Anime and MuhJoo shit for 10 minutes.

4. Comfy.

5. New Bread - Repeat

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c50c6d  No.13582850

File: 94235ef189729c1⋯.jpg (87.01 KB, 1058x1058, 1:1, sherlock_holmes_w529_h529_….jpg)

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1c624c  No.13582851


I would literally rape you. Your anus would be my prison wallet.

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c7068b  No.13582852


Indeed, known o7! WWG1WGA

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0bb978  No.13582853

File: 9d2cc367572334d⋯.jpg (13.81 KB, 203x255, 203:255, c987ca1b0d73cdfea78ffe9855….jpg)

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51ee20  No.13582854


Perhaps you are sincere.

But I think we all know better than that don't we.

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85f394  No.13582855

File: e6100e8b2e6bd56⋯.png (36.15 KB, 828x718, 414:359, ClipboardImage.png)


>So when you look up Kevin Kline politics, the first thing that comes up is his take on Gitmo military tribunals

Kline donates to barbara boxer

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d1c356  No.13582856

File: 8d05753b23879dd⋯.jpg (196.92 KB, 1024x888, 128:111, 8d05753b23879ddb9ef934c0c0….jpg)

File: 2d6b7adebfc2f87⋯.jpg (87.81 KB, 634x577, 634:577, 11033912_6812739_image_m_2….jpg)

File: b9f39c65e4e5c87⋯.jpeg (102.6 KB, 902x1200, 451:600, 202006070852_giRqzPkxwu.jpeg)

File: ecae3a3a1e3aa89⋯.jpg (100.7 KB, 940x1263, 940:1263, photo_2021_03_01_18_43_43.jpg)

RichLDNRD, [04.05.21 17:03]

[Forwarded from RichLDNRD]







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0bb978  No.13582857

File: bf565e0b889e5ef⋯.png (20.66 KB, 255x255, 1:1, af99ba147894f78013783b85e1….png)

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6bd859  No.13582858



Interesting! This will keep me busy. Thank you.

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0bb978  No.13582859

File: f8ba86b1e144724⋯.jpg (20.81 KB, 200x255, 40:51, ce7e17e8263f0dd2ea7891a0b9….jpg)

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69b3f3  No.13582860

BOOMS EN ROUTE [T-12_alpha(1)]


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7a752b  No.13582861

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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144cd8  No.13582862



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0bb978  No.13582863

File: 1fdaa8369cb2b87⋯.jpg (52.76 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Westpreu_en.jpg)

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3073ee  No.13582864

File: 970942417e9778e⋯.png (142.88 KB, 260x194, 130:97, ClipboardImage.png)



XHARVEY WEINSTEIN  - JEWISH (Hollywood Propaganda)



*MOSSAD controlled US Politicians who make laws that harm America to benefit Israel at our expense.

*a minute drop-in-the-bucket sample.



*GEORGE SOROS -  JEWISH   (also owns a Virus Lab in WUHAN)

*Soros' Wuxi also owns many cell/antibody manufacturing Labs all over America.

*Soros also owned the European Factory that manufactured the programmable Voting Machines for the 2016 US Election.

*BILL GATES -     JEWISH    (Genocide by VACCINE)

*7 JEWS CENSORING Q ANONS and The President!









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fbbe91  No.13582865



Rescued from a flood.


Nine critically endangered Rothschild’s giraffes have been rescued after they were isolated by heavy rains that turned their home into a sinking island.


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1cc88a  No.13582866


A baker's goal/duty should be to bake the best bread anons ever had

Not serve up shit sandwich agendas

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dc84a7  No.13582867

widget 1 - menu

widget 2 - subscribe

widget 3 - recent comments, or something

widget 4 - contact

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0bb978  No.13582868

File: 708f15c96b70c90⋯.png (1.18 MB, 1080x900, 6:5, high_five.png)

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9a17d2  No.13582869


Argue the content of the Notable(s) in question.

Blanket statements get nowhere here, but details do.

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503f97  No.13582870


Flynn. Candice isn't qualified to be VP, IMO.

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66fc88  No.13582871


Candice Owens to own the libs.

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51ee20  No.13582872


But shill team 6 is paid to ensure it is frustrating and annoying to be in here watching all the sewage flow by.

They piss people off.

It's their only skill.

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6bd859  No.13582873

VP Flynn please.

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0f7ea8  No.13582874


Independent? Great. Have Israel send America our hundreds of billions of tax dollars they stole over the last 70 years and get the hell out of here.

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d1b7b1  No.13582875

File: 4b0ae9e5b96bca8⋯.png (469.48 KB, 778x480, 389:240, gretch_pillows.png)

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a43299  No.13582876

File: e0ca732900cb600⋯.mp4 (2.86 MB, 576x432, 4:3, video_2021_05_04_18_03_27.mp4)

^^^ Gen Michael Flynn

asked about Q_anon…


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648118  No.13582877

File: 402d5f9259b0f05⋯.png (54.33 KB, 210x252, 5:6, swastika.png)

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7a5387  No.13582878

File: 8b4617a6c913bc2⋯.png (1002.25 KB, 760x1137, 760:1137, Screenshot_20210504_160553.png)


If you want to return to the frontlines of the digital battlefield that is twatter. Do you have another suggestion as to how to return to twatter after being banned?

Wtf? Don't sound like a whiny bitch?

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6bd859  No.13582879


VP Flynn, then President Flynn.

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0bb978  No.13582880

File: 8461c29e2ee32a0⋯.png (86.23 KB, 255x382, 255:382, f412275850e10bd38487b586c7….png)

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aa656d  No.13582881

File: 87959e57d39f2c2⋯.png (23.42 KB, 100x190, 10:19, ClipboardImage.png)



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7a752b  No.13582882

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Vielleicht bin ich kein Jude Mutterficker!

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8d3580  No.13582883

File: 361752deed50c44⋯.png (1 MB, 1216x858, 608:429, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

HAPPENING NOW: Texas City, Texas Orders Residents To Shelter In Place Due To "Chemical Release"


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0bb978  No.13582884

File: 4990c583db1c365⋯.jpeg (19.93 KB, 197x255, 197:255, a3abce6576535f91f2daaac36….jpeg)

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dc84a7  No.13582885


$_GERBIL{Codes} == ($NeverForget.'This');

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107355  No.13582886

File: 0c530cfdced6e37⋯.mp4 (15.87 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Q_PEPE_Shadilay_English_Ve….mp4)


They repeat the same few images.

If this site only allowed to permanently ban images, better yet image+ to filter image and all posts made by that poster.

One can dream. Would make it so much easier.

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85f394  No.13582887


>Are the layers they 'bake' as tension in your mind.

doesn't work though.

i filter your shit just like that other shit

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347a7e  No.13582888

File: e26e6a51b3222ec⋯.jpg (11.43 KB, 255x199, 255:199, 2_PEPE_TRUMP3.jpg)


Now call Anon a Faggot!


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d1b7b1  No.13582889

File: 6abd7f4866129db⋯.jpg (156.67 KB, 1200x891, 400:297, gretchen_29.jpg)

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503f97  No.13582890

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c50c6d  No.13582891



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3073ee  No.13582892


There is Nothing moar Insulting to the Jew than the Truth.

>you prove this every bread, every day.

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0bb978  No.13582893

File: e3db15d153f1ee1⋯.gif (1.62 MB, 500x276, 125:69, grrrr.gif)


Vielleicht einfach nur ein dummes Arschloch!

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277f7d  No.13582894

File: 1aac51ed502a681⋯.png (973.46 KB, 1020x649, 1020:649, 1aac51ed502a681e64f413d85a….png)

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51ee20  No.13582895


Fuck off shill with your argue shit.

If you had any desire to argue you wouldn't be spam-posting stale Stormfront shit from 2012.

And oh, in case you missed it I realize that winning an argument is easy with you because you are fucking morans, but the argument just starts over in the next bread as it has done for 3 years.

So you can take your half-witted, half-truths and shive me where the sun don't shine.

You are a fukkin sad joke.

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f94b29  No.13582896

File: 92c92d5f4bf5771⋯.png (1.22 MB, 700x783, 700:783, ClipboardImage.png)

Momentum = Movement.

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c7068b  No.13582897

File: e9466bb1469a351⋯.png (822.98 KB, 860x576, 215:144, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Scie….png)

Scientists turn cellphone into a chemical detector

Scientists have trained a cellphone camera to perform spectroscopy, turning the handheld device into a chemical detector, capable of identifying drugs, biological molecules and pathogens, according to a study published Tuesday in the Review of Scientific Instruments. The device could be used for a variety of field applications, like surveying environmental contamination sites, screening for tainted food or diagnosing diseased crops, according to the researchers, from Texas A&M University. "[The] outstanding quality and sensitivity of cameras in modern day cell-phones can … be utilized as sensitive light detectors for various types of sensing," researchers wrote in the study. "There have already been several successful attempts to utilize cell-phone cameras as portable digital light microscope systems," they wrote.

To turn the cellphone into a chemical detector, researchers developed a small diode laser that can be affixed to the phone's camera. The accessory allows the cellphone to perform two kinds of spectroscopy, fluorescence spectroscopy and Raman spectroscopy. Fluorescence spectroscopy measures the fluorescent light emitted by a sample, while Raman spectroscopy measures the vibrational frequency of target molecules. Raman spectroscopy is useful for identifying biological molecules, including DNA and RNA, which are typically less fluorescent.

Spectroscopy involves the detection and measurement of different wavelengths. Because different chemicals produce different spectral signatures, the digitized frequency spectrum captured by the cellphone camera can be used to identify the substances from which the light reflected off of or passed through. The diode laser used by the research team at Texas A&M attaches to the cellphone camera at a right angle, preventing ambient and back-reflected light from entering the camera lens. "In addition, this right-angle excitation geometry has the advantage of being easier to use for the analysis of samples where a bulk property is to be measured," lead author Peter Rentzepis said in a press release. To test the new device, researchers aimed the camera-laser system at a range of liquid targets, including ethanol, acetone, isopropyl alcohol and methanol. Scientists also captured spectral signatures from solid objects, including a carrot and pellet of bacteria. When researchers compared the spectral images captured by their cellphone system to the most sensitive commercial spectrometers, they found their images were about 10 times noisier. However, researchers suggest the sensitivity of their cellphone spectrometer could be improved by utilizing High Dynamic Range applications, HDR, which combine multiple exposures to boost clarity and eliminate spectral noise.

For now, scientists said the inexpensive handheld chemical detector comparable commercial technologies cost at least a few thousand dollars works well enough to be deployed in the field. "Our pocket sized designed and constructed Raman spectrometer system that utilizes right angle geometry to record Raman and resonance Raman spectra of molecules and biological species that contain colored pigments can be constructed for much lower cost," researchers wrote in the study.


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0bb978  No.13582898

File: dafddab3c0ed3f6⋯.png (395.82 KB, 591x691, 591:691, JFK.png)

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0dde2a  No.13582899

File: d46dce5ab9877a4⋯.jpg (72.54 KB, 855x618, 285:206, new_web.JPG)


President Trump Launches New Website Where Americans Can Follow the President – See www.DonaldJTrump.com/desk

By Joe Hoft

Published May 4, 2021 at 4:15pm

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1c624c  No.13582900


>Now call Anon a Faggot!

Digits say you are a faggot.

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0bb978  No.13582901

File: 929fc865172583e⋯.png (617.97 KB, 792x449, 792:449, star_of_david_pope.png)

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f94b29  No.13582902

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Educational Purposes only

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e55bfd  No.13582903

File: 8866fff4cf3a503⋯.jpeg (177.22 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, CDEB9357_9324_4F68_82EB_6….jpeg)

File: 38761af1d88da64⋯.gif (254.2 KB, 498x268, 249:134, 17BD1163_9F0A_46D9_AEB4_34….gif)

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0bb978  No.13582904

File: 2f14579678f70b5⋯.png (121.52 KB, 203x249, 203:249, dig_something.png)

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04b37b  No.13582905

File: c96935c592f5256⋯.jpg (186.86 KB, 835x970, 167:194, wut_is_is_2.jpg)

File: a45a7fbf456cd0f⋯.jpg (149.17 KB, 1405x485, 281:97, yo_fauci.JPG)


note:rural anti-vaxxers usually don't take the subway to the tractor

and usually don't eat at Subway

keks in non-homogeneous network of Herd Immunity Threshold calculation

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6bd859  No.13582906


Look at that faggot with the mask. I'd fuck him and make him love me.

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107355  No.13582907

File: ea7ed67ce75f6ea⋯.jpg (50.47 KB, 488x332, 122:83, fucking_stupid.jpg)

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69b3f3  No.13582908

File: 6d845aad1225362⋯.jpeg (56.32 KB, 698x466, 349:233, 25BF0F8C_287C_4FE5_8CC0_A….jpeg)


How old Adrian?

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dc84a7  No.13582909

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9a17d2  No.13582910


The Notables are fine and the Baker is doing a good job.

Have a nice day.

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0dde2a  No.13582911

File: 02534340dcf8061⋯.jpg (35.86 KB, 1006x170, 503:85, cola_can.JPG)


Coca-Cola pauses controversial diversity plan after abrupt departure of company's top lawyer

by Michael Lee |

| May 04, 2021 03:48 PM

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0bb978  No.13582912

File: 10883f6f41f64c3⋯.png (118.23 KB, 360x245, 72:49, nicht_erw_nscht.png)

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1c624c  No.13582913






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ead1ed  No.13582914

File: 8e5a4b5a343109e⋯.png (372.08 KB, 540x575, 108:115, 2afd2d7757384096057acb8a1c….png)

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0bb978  No.13582915

File: bd89b49ce82b5e1⋯.jpg (199.6 KB, 1024x684, 256:171, jew_kids1.jpg)

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ceaee6  No.13582916

File: f0f6070f47769f7⋯.png (389.12 KB, 474x367, 474:367, ClipboardImage.png)

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1c624c  No.13582917

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7a752b  No.13582918


Es freut mich Ihre Bekanntschaft gemacht zu haben!

Vielleicht stecken wir in der selben Stadt? :-)

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3db64d  No.13582920


or it just could be as women grow older they begin to look like men.

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9d1a56  No.13582921

File: eda65fd9d5fff01⋯.jpg (18.17 KB, 310x310, 1:1, t_phoebe_cates_jennifer_ja….jpg)

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8b61bc  No.13582922

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


the caverns host all kinds of things, there is a large portion of rental storage space.

the whole city has an underground due to the 1937 flood

there is a very wealthy entity that has a basement art gallery, she got an $80k bracelet as a gift from a Saudi prince around 2008 or so. Owns most of the land in the wealthist county. And several horse farms around Lexington.

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6c8632  No.13582923

File: 8614e8a545896db⋯.jpg (93.61 KB, 540x465, 36:31, ZomboMeme_29042021171708.jpg)

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0bb978  No.13582924

File: 2110c12019fa5d8⋯.jpg (113.61 KB, 1024x640, 8:5, jewish_clown_kid.jpg)


Ganz bestimmt nicht!

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9e0edf  No.13582925

File: c185691620c039d⋯.png (3.88 MB, 2590x1528, 1295:764, Screen_Shot_2021_05_03_at_….png)

File: ccdcc637f140ea9⋯.png (3.97 MB, 2168x1604, 542:401, Screen_Shot_2021_05_03_at_….png)


>this one looks different to me

this one's a giant

taller than Bill

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1cc88a  No.13582926

Honest to God what has flynn done?

He brought two troubles in to Trump's white house on day one. Both by lying

Giving us 4 years of distraction

Then he couldn't even clear himself

Trump had to pardon him.

He is doing selfies w/ old ladies and trying to up his twatter influence.

He diss Q and the plan

But then he hops on board.

i want the Next Trump term drama free. Imo

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e27ee8  No.13582927


>BOOMS EN ROUTE [T-12_alpha(1)]



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107355  No.13582928


>The Notables are fine

No, they are not.

They would also not be fine if he put a few "all black people are niggers" in there either.

>Baker is doing a good job

at being an obvious shill.

They want you DIVIDEd.

DIVIDEd by religion.

DIVIDEd by race.


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0bb978  No.13582929

File: 08be8f7c9bc166d⋯.png (72.24 KB, 165x255, 11:17, 0ad8ddbe76ba4eca9c89dda125….png)

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ea140f  No.13582930

File: f94f195a3b72852⋯.png (427.52 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, F6AF0A79_579D_4029_B89D_DE….png)

Where dis new “communication platform”

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9a17d2  No.13582931



Her ass just got bigger so now she sets up higher.

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6c8632  No.13582932

File: ac9e52287331166⋯.jpg (94.22 KB, 880x612, 220:153, ZomboMeme_19022021113727.jpg)

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f94b29  No.13582933

Your Ancestors are Proud of you.

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0bb978  No.13582935

File: 3ac1e365ccb9469⋯.jpg (338.54 KB, 858x654, 143:109, 1569378060177.jpg)

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85f394  No.13582936


>>this one looks different to me


>this one's a giant


>taller than Bill

OK that makes sense. They switched out the woman. She's dead now. No money for her.Poor Melinda

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0bb978  No.13582937

File: 150ed8825118a66⋯.jpg (79.47 KB, 358x640, 179:320, 150ed8825118a6672c2dce6497….jpg)

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347a7e  No.13582938

File: b200cce0f8e9933⋯.png (1.26 MB, 1440x1097, 1440:1097, 0c5a27df4b36db78c6796292e2….png)


Cut! Cut!!

Your line is: "I will fuck you until you love me, FAGGOT!".

Now, come on!

Are we professionals or what?

Take it from the top!

OSS is a low IQ muh joo shill faggot - Take #134


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fe7332  No.13582939


They know my email.

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186ba6  No.13582941

File: 2d829ac28404f09⋯.png (149.63 KB, 408x1204, 102:301, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 5cdc8ab35ab95d3⋯.png (180.37 KB, 1954x1511, 1954:1511, NO_Know_Fear.png)


>Our Father who art in heaven


Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

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b7ae94  No.13582942

File: d91a0d8ccf538d1⋯.jpg (84.21 KB, 694x527, 694:527, d91a0d8ccf538d16ea2d73fce6….jpg)

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ead1ed  No.13582943

File: 30e22f4d8d41f25⋯.jpeg (17.73 KB, 255x242, 255:242, f46911515cd0bb85fadfa6fd4….jpeg)

File: 1d49e94ac1a9830⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 680x412, 170:103, EAMXBmtU4AItizq.jpg)

File: 5a8aa1f42aaea10⋯.jpg (13.72 KB, 255x191, 255:191, Pepe_Scout.jpg)

File: 1d49e94ac1a9830⋯.jpg (73.79 KB, 680x412, 170:103, EAMXBmtU4AItizq.jpg)

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b7ae94  No.13582944

File: e7861d1289b3567⋯.jpg (140.63 KB, 646x789, 646:789, e7861d1289b3567b8892bc79f2….jpg)

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f94b29  No.13582945

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Right. Full. Rudder.

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b7ae94  No.13582946

File: 259462805984735⋯.jpg (43.66 KB, 700x449, 700:449, Flugscheibe4.jpg)

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fe7332  No.13582947

File: 90acb43a53f01bc⋯.jpg (699.51 KB, 972x2869, 972:2869, Screenshot_20210430_202211….jpg)


You mean this ole thing?

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d08602  No.13582948

File: 0f52a8a2a61dac5⋯.png (106.23 KB, 1103x450, 1103:450, ClipboardImage.png)


muh joos. pure baker fuckery. change the name

of the board to /jews instead of /qresearch

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b7ae94  No.13582949

File: 8a73e74dd33e5d7⋯.jpg (45.1 KB, 500x314, 250:157, Flugscheibe2.jpg)

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1c624c  No.13582950


>Your line is: "I will fuck you until you love me, FAGGOT!".

Mike Tyson is harder than I am.

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1cc88a  No.13582951


Go with throttle up__already

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b7ae94  No.13582952

File: ad1b7e5d9b36d8f⋯.jpg (118.53 KB, 640x531, 640:531, ad1b7e5d9b36d8f4d8c618e221….jpg)

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1c624c  No.13582953

File: a7ba4334cbf3452⋯.png (250.01 KB, 724x818, 362:409, merchant.png)


>muh joos. pure baker fuckery. change the name


>of the board to /jews instead of /qresearch

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8ee268  No.13582954

File: b263cb142d7a445⋯.png (62.45 KB, 252x205, 252:205, little_frog.PNG)

File: 6565443fcc1602a⋯.mp4 (6.04 MB, 640x360, 16:9, 11_3_First_Marker.mp4)


Ty Baker

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aa656d  No.13582955

File: 08e85514fbea18a⋯.jpg (80.22 KB, 630x370, 63:37, 08e85514fbea18a2f260b3472e….jpg)



>two german gays berating one another on 8kun

Maybe you two should get a room for yourselves.

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3073ee  No.13582956


Weak mind telling others to filter.

Only –(((one))) type of shill tells anons to filter on this board.

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4844c3  No.13582957

File: 6657977549f3a20⋯.png (305.3 KB, 562x380, 281:190, ClipboardImage.png)

File: e1b6ca18cd9dda6⋯.png (31.46 KB, 553x317, 553:317, ClipboardImage.png)

File: be81134bc663936⋯.png (32.96 KB, 562x354, 281:177, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b37266a0f489593⋯.png (414.9 KB, 857x616, 857:616, ClipboardImage.png)

Top Election Operative, Ryan Macias, Who Dems Quietly Inserted into the Maricopa Audit, Is Member of Clandestine ‘National Task Force on Election Crisis’

More on Ryan Macias – the character in Maricopa County invited by the Secretary of State, Katie Hobbs?

Three individuals were seen walking around the election floor and whispering to each other. ABC15 reports that Hobbs now has three people working as monitors inside, “an election machine expert and two election auditing professionals.”

ABC15 reports that the observers are “Ryan Macias [who is] the former acting director of certification and testing for the U.S. election assistance commission. Macias certified Arizona’s voting machines. The two other observers are Jennifer Morell, an election consultant with Protect Democracy, and Liz Howard, an attorney with the Brennan Center for Justice. Until Thursday, Secretary of State Hobbs was denied access to monitor the audit; a judge later ordered her office be allowed. Senate President Karen Fann, who is orchestrating the recount, and Hobbs worked out an arrangement before a noon deadline.”

Macias apparently has the skill set to break into systems, this causes concerns, and based on this, he should be monitored heavily if he appears to be looking for areas where he could hack into the audit and damage or destroy it:

At a meeting of the EAC Commissioners on May 20, 2019, around the time Ryan Macias has resigned his position with the EAC, one of the Commissioners, Thomas Hicks, asked Dr. Hall, (Joseph Lorenzo Hall, a current member of the Verified Voting board of advisors), “what he meant by ‘trained security experts,’ and Dr. Hall explained that those are people who are hired to break into people’s systems to find vulnerabilities.”

There were suspicions that Ryan was paid to be there:

Macias denied any payment and claimed according to a reporter that he was not let in:

However, ‘pro bono’ refers to free or ‘no charge’ services provided by an attorney, usually for an issue in the public interest. We see no evidence whatsoever that he is an attorney and anyway what does “pro bono” have to do with anything whatsoever in this scenario?!

But the most shocking thing we have found out about Macias is that he is a member of the National Task Force on Election Crises.

Ryan Macias is likely not an attorney. He is likely not working for free. He is in Phoenix for a reason. Until he provides more information on the reason he is there, he should not be allowed near the audit. Look at the characters he hangs with, he is likely not there to ensure the audit’s security is sound, more likely he is there for the opposite.


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b7ae94  No.13582958

File: d9264d428bc8e60⋯.jpg (52.69 KB, 720x541, 720:541, d9264d428bc8e60dab9630925c….jpg)

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9a19f6  No.13582959

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 114699908573.png)

File: e51e9ec25acb79f⋯.png (1.86 MB, 954x868, 477:434, 32185768990754.png)

File: 77302d59ae614f4⋯.png (951.48 KB, 488x756, 122:189, 114699908573.png)

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3db64d  No.13582960

File: 453f5354af5831f⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1480x754, 740:377, Screen_Shot_2021_05_03_at_….png)

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e54c23  No.13582961

File: a0405a7bcb0f230⋯.png (316.25 KB, 600x500, 6:5, Polish_20210504_154505655.png)

File: 3503aabad7ce982⋯.png (211.61 KB, 422x408, 211:204, Polish_20210502_085840494.png)

File: e40762d592b7f64⋯.png (433.36 KB, 684x417, 228:139, Polish_20210503_122526286.png)

File: 119b3c6cc3e2f3b⋯.jpg (1.27 MB, 1920x1282, 960:641, Polish_20210503_232137475.jpg)

File: d94155ebe353a08⋯.jpg (204.65 KB, 970x545, 194:109, Polish_20210502_142624817.jpg)

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8b61bc  No.13582962


oh and her brother owns a cement company in GA

"Be wise be insured"

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b7ae94  No.13582963

File: 6a374a5bef64202⋯.png (142.18 KB, 208x255, 208:255, ca8a29f604c7b338ce86bbf526….png)

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85f394  No.13582964


Good example of how to handle yourself.

The instant they show their hand, change on a dime

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8ee268  No.13582965

File: 4e180006492d514⋯.jpg (92.68 KB, 720x900, 4:5, 4e180006492d5147ae7f1b2616….jpg)

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b7ae94  No.13582966

File: d369baab3266473⋯.jpg (67.16 KB, 426x324, 71:54, d369baab3266473e28028144bb….jpg)

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d08602  No.13582967


assholes like you will not

succeed in making /qresearch irrelevant

you'll move on, anons will remain

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347a7e  No.13582968


FUN FACTS:The Vatican raised the Age of Sexual Consent from 12 to 18 in 2013.

The Moar you know!

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b7ae94  No.13582969

File: bd3c9dcbd44f5b7⋯.jpg (75.64 KB, 628x354, 314:177, bd3c9dcbd44f5b7e4fd6a1ae5c….jpg)

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541207  No.13582970

File: 3632c8310c0b546⋯.png (129.79 KB, 519x1154, 519:1154, ClipboardImage.png)

File: a83b471bb78aa62⋯.png (151.84 KB, 936x666, 52:37, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 61a5c3b4acda686⋯.png (125.49 KB, 518x631, 518:631, Intel_Drop_35_2021_05_04_1….png)

File: 9b11936b836cd6f⋯.png (33.69 KB, 519x237, 173:79, Intel_Drop_55_2021_05_04_1….png)



12:24 post time

Christmas Eve comms?

Q1224 delta to today is 3y 1m 6d (John 3:16)

Same theme?

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4844c3  No.13582971

File: 5915d7e1c9ffe0b⋯.png (43.21 KB, 660x519, 220:173, ClipboardImage.png)

Attorney General Garland: Biden DOJ Budget Includes $85M Increase to Probe Domestic Terrorism Cases

Attorney General Merrick Garland told House lawmakers Tuesday that the Biden Administration’s 2022 budget request for the Department of Justice (DOJ) would seek an $85 million increase from last year’s budget for domestic terrorism investigations and cases.

“Our budget supports my commitment to protecting our national security, including addressing both international and domestic terrorism while respecting civil liberties.” Garland testified to the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice and Science. “It includes increases of $45 million for the FBI domestic terrorism investigations and $40 million for the U.S. attorneys to manage increasing domestic terrorism caseloads.”

The increase from last year’s budget for domestic terrorism cases comes as Democrats have sought to label Trump supporters who protested on January 6 at the Capitol as domestic terrorists, domestic violent extremists, and white supremacists. Committee Chairman Matt Cartwright (D-PA) said at the hearing the “attack on the Capitol” was an “unprecedented” threat from domestic violent extremism.

Garland testified during his confirmation hearing that his first priority as attorney general would be the investigation into January 6. So far, the DOJ has charged more than 400 people as part of that investigation.

Garland also said at Tuesday’s hearing the threat of domestic violent extremism and domestic terrorism keeps him up at night.

“My oath is to protect the Constitution and Americans from all enemies, both foreign and domestic,” he said. “And so both forms of terrorism are extraordinary concern to me. We never want to take our eyes off of what happened on 9/11 and that the risks that the country continues to face from foreign terrorist attacks on the homeland.”

“Likewise, we have a growing fear of domestic violent extremism and domestic terrorism and both of those keep me up at night…virtually every morning, I get a briefing from the FBI in one of the other or both areas,” he told the committee.

Committee Ranking Member Robert Aderholt (R-AL) pressed Garland on why the FBI classified the 2017 congressional baseball game shooting that targeted Republican members of Congress as a case of “suicide by cop” instead of domestic terrorism, despite the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence doing so, as previously reported by Breitbart News.

The attorney general said he had not yet had a chance to speak to the FBI about it and promised he would do so.


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d859e9  No.13582972

File: ba9bf639214bccb⋯.png (1.2 MB, 676x617, 676:617, 2e.png)

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9a17d2  No.13582973


This board has no special friendships.

Notables aren't denied because of race.

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b7ae94  No.13582974

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3073ee  No.13582975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

US Foreign Aid To ISRAEL Is $266.7 Billion Dollars

*Read that again: $266.7 Billion US Taxpayer Dollars Given Away to Israel.

From 1946 - 2019

*Israel is the size of Maine.

Israel has 8.5 million people, the same as the population of New York City

Imagine what $266.7 Billion American Taxpayer Dollars could do for Americans, if it was given to Americans instead of given away to ISRAELI JEWS.

Without the knowledge or consent of We,The People..

Congressional Sauce: https://fas.org/sgp/crs/mideast/RL33222.pdf

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8ee268  No.13582976

File: dcbb0273fd93efc⋯.png (21.23 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 83d61b333cc66bd39ec4f06761….png)

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c50c6d  No.13582977

File: 7edbfed0a3d8a56⋯.jpg (9.23 KB, 300x250, 6:5, george_gurdjieff_4.jpg)


unified eyes

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347a7e  No.13582978

File: baa45b1cf8567eb⋯.png (977.17 KB, 2132x2580, 533:645, lingamyonivatian3.png)


Cut! Cut! Cut!!!

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1c05b2  No.13582979


Reversed image search brought me to this site, earliest post of image.


Someone else want to dig? This is looking shady and illegal on my end.

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f94b29  No.13582980

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b7ae94  No.13582981

File: 1f58ce133403044⋯.jpg (72.66 KB, 787x452, 787:452, 21da3b64f8d9bee5863e66697e….jpg)

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fa07be  No.13582982

File: 2085da60bef1fe6⋯.jpg (1.51 MB, 1920x960, 2:1, fauxhowa.jpg)

File: 708f4ea3a1bcd51⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1574x957, 1574:957, fauxluntz.png)

File: 1b225df6e566f2e⋯.png (688.24 KB, 1024x549, 1024:549, fauxpoll10.png)

Could we attack faux as much as kevin mccarthy and the other RINOs? Treasonous shenanigans wouldn't be possible without faux covering and protecting them – same as with bidan & ALL the rest - until a sacrificial lamb is needed.

Parasites will go down for anything if it'll keep all of the CHILD CRIMES BLACKMAIL and ALL of the various LAPTOPS' info truths suppressed!

faux propaganda arm of NWO is nothing new –

29 Jan, 2016 21:06 Fresh from a boycott by Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump, Fox News is facing criticism for failing to reveal that controversial pollster Frank Luntz, who led their post-debate focus group, has financial ties to candidate Marco Rubio.

Described as “the propagandist of the century,” Luntz polled a group of voters about the candidates’ debate performances and aired flattering clips of the Florida senator while asking questions about his likability.

What Fox and Luntz failed to disclose was that the pollster had been hired by Rubio in 2012 to help him write “100 Innovative Ideas for Florida’s Future”.

Well, that Luntz propaganda "focus group" / Rubio Advertorial PROVES it, no? @daveweigelhttps://t.co/BAXhrV37WC

— PeteyOnBlogs (@PeteyOnBlogs) January 29, 2016

The pollster’s company, Luntz Global Partners, specializes in “harnessing the power of language and visuals to change hearts, change minds and change behaviors”.

Following the debate, Fox News host Megyn Kelly introduced the Oxford-educated pollster, who started talking about a question Kelly had posed to Rubio on immigration.

“I want to begin with this most important and impactful moment of this debate, it was your challenge of Marco Rubio and watch how well he did on immigration,” Luntz said before showing a clip of Rubio.

The scene then cuts to the focus group applauding, and Luntz asking how many of them would vote for Rubio after the debate.

This isn’t the first time Luntz has talked about Rubio on Fox News without mentioning his financial ties to the candidate.

In January, Luntz appeared on Neil Cavuto’s show, where he claimed Rubio was “the most optimistic, the most focused on the American dream of any of the candidates.”

In 2013, Luntz appeared on Fox and Friends to praise Rubio and House Speaker Paul Ryan, but failed to mention they had been his clients in the past.

The “fair and balanced” network has also been criticized for not living up to its motto because Fox VP Bill Sammon’s daughter works as Rubio’s national press secretary, according to the conservative website Breitbart. https://archive.is/wip/jufTl

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fe7332  No.13582983




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a65b02  No.13582984

Must be only a few of us in here after all of the shill filters.

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c7068b  No.13582985


Indeed..not a good guy at all..not to be trusted by any measure.

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b7ae94  No.13582986

File: 185609ea30eb977⋯.jpg (48.1 KB, 474x417, 158:139, Truth_does_not_fear_invest….jpg)

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4844c3  No.13582987

White House: Joe Biden Will Announce ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Strategy Within Weeks

The White House confirmed Tuesday that President Joe Biden would announce a strategy to tackle “domestic terrorism” within weeks.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed intelligence agencies had answered Biden’s call to develop a “comprehensive threat assessment” into the actions of political extremists within the United States and that the administration was working on their strategy to combat the threat.

“The stage we are in now is that we are taking a look at what occurred during that review, lessons that we’ve learned, and ensuring that the policy responses that we’ve been discussing and developing are the right ones,” she said.

Psaki said Biden would announce his new strategy to tackle domestic terrorism within “weeks not months.”

“We want to develop a strategy that will convey to the American people a sense of how we will take on domestic terrorism, something the president has talked about as one of the greatest threats we face,” she said.

During his inauguration speech, Biden warned of “a rise in political extremism, white supremacy, domestic terrorism that we must confront and we will defeat.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence lead the review in coordination with the Department of Homeland Security and the FBI.

The White House announced the review in January, citing the threat posed to the United States after former President Donald Trump’s supporters stormed Capitol Hill on January 6.

“The rise of domestic violent extremism is a serious and growing national security threat,” Psaki said at the time. “The Biden administration will confront this threat with the necessary resources and resolve.”


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d08602  No.13582988

File: 4c99d1284a383e0⋯.png (272.23 KB, 1037x648, 1037:648, 4c99d1284a383e07d0ec260fbd….png)

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b7ae94  No.13582989

File: 55bafb9fdc3c258⋯.jpg (155.92 KB, 525x700, 3:4, 55bafb9fdc3c258caca8dc69b0….jpg)

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51ee20  No.13582991


Wow the shills are thick.

Wonder what they are trying to stop us talking about.

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b7ae94  No.13582992

File: e435733f403ffb9⋯.jpg (30.53 KB, 720x419, 720:419, e435733f403ffb93163275abe6….jpg)

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f94b29  No.13582993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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376180  No.13582994


Can't wait until all they can find is Antifa, BLM pukes, and glow worms

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98b621  No.13582995

>>13582970 today is 3y 1m 6d (John 3:16)

Q drop 55 for 5/5 & Q drop 316 today like you explained

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6c8632  No.13582996

File: 8b2a69e36cefcd4⋯.jpg (107.54 KB, 524x519, 524:519, Screenshot_20200124_202913….jpg)

File: df66450a0ca7e8e⋯.jpg (129.44 KB, 510x541, 510:541, Screenshot_20200326_215041….jpg)

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3db64d  No.13582997


The moar attacts, the moar there is something important on that bread.

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b7ae94  No.13582998

File: 4d7e958383a7aa8⋯.jpg (85.78 KB, 704x547, 704:547, 4d7e958383a7aa80931ec3c3e8….jpg)

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8ee268  No.13582999

File: 3c6220cf6f2aa40⋯.png (465.86 KB, 1513x983, 1513:983, 3c6220cf6f2aa40fba3b5e1d06….png)


Why do you think they are coming so far in Europe, since the last Century, i'm very Angry, i will learn them what Constution is, Smile DS, You are Going to Teach a Lesson This time

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3073ee  No.13583000

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Congress Voted $4 Billion to Israel for 2021, (Jewish) Press Doesn't Tell Americans

Dec. 18, 2020

Congress just voted billions of dollars of U.S. tax money to Israel, No mainstream US media appear to have told Americans that both houses of Congress just voted massive aid to Israel, a tiny country with a long record of human rights abuses, violations of law, systemic racism, and damage to Americans.

This works out to over $7,000 per minute.

The legislation passed both houses in such large numbers that Congress can likely override any potential presidential veto.

This, despite the fact that George Washington warned that a ‘passionate attachment’ to a foreign country produces ‘a variety of evils…’

*Press release from AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee)

“AIPAC commends the U.S. Congress for including significant pro-Israel provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2021. These critical provisions will help Israel protect itself against continuing security threats.

[Editor’s note: Israel has one of the most powerful militaries in the world and is the only country in the Middle East with nuclear weapons, which US officials are banned from mentioning.]

“Beyond the elements of the U.S.-Israel Security Assistance Authorization Act, the bipartisan defense measure authorizes $500 million in FY 2021 for U.S.-Israel missile defense cooperation with explicit sums for both R&D and procurement for the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and Arrow missile defense systems.

George Washington warned against passionate attachments to foreign nations

Read more:

Sauce: https://israelpalestinenews.org/congress-votes-4-billion-to-israel-for-2021-press-doesnt-tell-americans/

*This $4 BILLION DOLLARS given away to Israel is part of the $38 BILLION Dollar Package that Congress Voted to give fucking Israel over the next 10 years.

*Imagine if that $4 Billion Dollars was given to American Veterans, who actually deserve it.

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b7ae94  No.13583001

File: 3e61f3052c15da6⋯.jpg (100.83 KB, 700x696, 175:174, holopoly.jpg)

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3c7e94  No.13583002

File: 6955e4acfd152a8⋯.png (22.61 KB, 1102x623, 1102:623, ClipboardImage.png)



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b7ae94  No.13583003

File: fb458f4dc97f65e⋯.jpg (60.06 KB, 393x510, 131:170, fb458f4dc97f65ef79d8a5f2d8….jpg)

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e55bfd  No.13583004


>Wonder what they are trying to stop us talking about.

I don’t know. Maybe we could try talking about the azaudit.org and see if [they] spergout?

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000000  No.13583005

op is a fag

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b7ae94  No.13583006

File: 70833b1391d00d0⋯.jpg (72.26 KB, 788x606, 394:303, faa925548013e1017adb22a0cf….jpg)

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c50c6d  No.13583007


>Congress Voted $4 Billion to Israel for 2021

finish the wall!

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b7ae94  No.13583008

File: 6a2b322afe8776d⋯.png (1.5 MB, 1439x728, 1439:728, swastika.png)

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8ee268  No.13583009

File: 2ec28ab2061558f⋯.jpg (264.18 KB, 750x730, 75:73, 2ec28ab2061558ff89f674f097….jpg)

And Remember


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347a7e  No.13583010


FUN FACTS:The Deep State CIA controls IRAN controls Palestine. Only Leftist and Low IQ Racist side with Palestine versus Israel.

The Moar you know!

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376180  No.13583011

File: 8ba0bbe5c176e94⋯.jpg (209.58 KB, 1080x1845, 24:41, 20210504_172957.jpg)


Can't make this shit up. HUMMER Winblad Venture Partners. Bill Gates' ex gf

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ea140f  No.13583012

File: 825b167cc256697⋯.png (4.53 MB, 1724x1080, 431:270, 710151D2_E336_4393_B1DB_23….png)

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b7ae94  No.13583014

File: a52e12eb93fc160⋯.png (135.18 KB, 560x266, 40:19, Garlic_El_Paso_Dayton.png)

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277f7d  No.13583015

File: df99cad784fa867⋯.jpg (124.75 KB, 660x661, 660:661, human_hands1.jpg)


ty for sharing

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3073ee  No.13583016


you're right muh JEW. pure Jewish Tyranny, Jewish Censorship, Jewish Subversion of America, instead of relevant Truth/nothing to see here/move along Goyim.

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c7068b  No.13583017

File: 997233a60b0ed48⋯.png (887.53 KB, 1000x541, 1000:541, Screenshot_2021_05_04_1078….png)

Trump launches his own communications platform months after indefinite bans from Facebook and Twitter

Former President Donald Trump has launched his own communications platform, allowing him to speak directly to followers after months of being banned from popular social media platforms. The new platform, called "From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” can be found at www.DonaldJTrump.com/desk. Users can see posts, images, and videos from Trump and share them to social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter. The site currently does not have a way for users to comment or interact with the posts on the platform. "This is just a one-way communication," one source familiar with the platform Fox News. "This system allows Trump to communicate with his followers." Trump has already added a few posts to the site, including a video introducing users to the new platform that promises to be “straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump.”

“Heartwarming to read new polls on big-shot warmonger Liz Cheney of the great State of Wyoming. She is so low that her only chance would be if vast numbers of people run against her which, hopefully, won’t happen,” reads another post from Trump on Monday. “They never liked her much, but I say she’ll never run in a Wyoming election again!” The technology for the platform appears to come from Campaign Nucleus, a "digital ecosystem made for efficiently managing political campaigns and organizations” that was initially developed by former campaign manager Brad Parscale. It is unclear if the website is part of Trump’s hinted plan to start his own social media platform, with advisers hinting in recent days that the former president planned to “move forward” on the idea.

The rollout also comes as Facebook’s oversight board is set to determine Wednesday whether it plans to ban Trump from the popular social media platform permanently. Facebook and other popular social media outlets such as Twitter and Snapchat banned Trump following the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg saying his company believes "the risks of allowing the President to continue to use our service during this period are simply too great."


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04b37b  No.13583018

File: 7e638a819cc7c22⋯.jpg (95.8 KB, 1200x793, 1200:793, wife.jpg)


>He brought two troubles in to Trump's white house on day one. Both by lying

you think we are all as new as you?


we have reach

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7958fd  No.13583019

File: ee88c561a9539b6⋯.jpg (157.02 KB, 996x661, 996:661, lefthandpath_mirror1.jpg)

File: 968352fc766849f⋯.jpg (152.7 KB, 1009x667, 1009:667, lefthandpath_mirror2.jpg)

File: 2f2de5ebf84a364⋯.jpg (111.6 KB, 996x661, 996:661, lefthandpath_mirror3.jpg)

File: dd118b0d1fb7fda⋯.jpg (58.42 KB, 996x661, 996:661, lefthandpath_mirror4.jpg)


To peek behind the curtain, follow the "Left-hand path." Think Mirror.

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fe7332  No.13583020

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sure. Who started cancel culture again?

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398d8c  No.13583021

File: 2886b914336507b⋯.png (211.1 KB, 474x432, 79:72, ClipboardImage.png)


who screams the loudest and demands control of the notes while running many obvious IDs to circle jerk themselves with?

They are baking all the time, thats why they get little notables about themselves as being hero, thats why they post "Q_anon" banner and push "animepedo persona" in to play "hero against jews, for Jesus"

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e802fa  No.13583022

File: 497125126616702⋯.png (83.54 KB, 255x199, 255:199, ClipboardImage.png)

▶ Q Research General #Alt-17197: Fuck the Shill Bkers Edition 05/04/21 (Tue) 08:40:19 d7490e (18) No.13578651[Last 50 Posts]>>13578760 >>13578879 >>13580103 >>13580105 >>13580127 >>13580146 >>13580174 [Watch Thread][Show All Posts]

Welcome To Q Research General

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."


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f94b29  No.13583023

4 Worlds

4 Different Ceremonies

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83660a  No.13583024


>Can't make this shit up. HUMMER Winblad Venture Partners. Bill Gates' ex gf

ugly AF

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b7ae94  No.13583025

File: 9c634b2350be9b4⋯.png (105.8 KB, 474x296, 237:148, La_Kosher_Nostra.png)

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e55bfd  No.13583026

File: 692466b98bf0cb6⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1125x1713, 375:571, A01A55BF_C4E5_45EF_9823_7A….png)

File: aeaefce414033d0⋯.jpeg (292.03 KB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, FD85180E_9576_4AB4_A314_A….jpeg)

File: ca0824d28e9182e⋯.png (284.41 KB, 414x466, 207:233, D5156A01_C3E9_4FE2_B42B_F0….png)

File: 7bb068ffe4989a1⋯.jpeg (102.35 KB, 516x536, 129:134, FD664F0E_224A_416B_82FC_4….jpeg)

File: d202cf0392d5f9c⋯.jpeg (344.48 KB, 1189x1681, 29:41, 8E8FAC23_1712_4ADB_8924_8….jpeg)


Just spitballing.

Gold bikini cause she gibs me tingles.

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8ee268  No.13583027

File: 3ce4e319f95c0ca⋯.jpg (84.62 KB, 540x516, 45:43, 3ce4e319f95c0ca67880d18154….jpg)

As Always

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6c8632  No.13583028

File: fddb4a0743c9da7⋯.jpg (626.89 KB, 2359x2653, 337:379, 20190920_114522.jpg)

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f94b29  No.13583029

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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b7ae94  No.13583030

File: 85c7f8fc2878f36⋯.png (443.32 KB, 720x377, 720:377, Rabbi_whatcha_doin.png)

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3073ee  No.13583032

File: f482bd126c5eefb⋯.png (132.42 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

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aeb998  No.13583033

>>13582175 (lb)

Every cell in his body is XY. He was born a male whether he likes it or not. I don't know what caused the

gender dysphoria, but that's his business, not mine. That being said, it was, in fact, a very good political ad.

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b7ae94  No.13583034

File: f8fc78d9aa0f30e⋯.jpeg (10.6 KB, 255x155, 51:31, ac8145d8503b01c9fe6bd81d8….jpeg)

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8551cf  No.13583035

File: 327feca9c117f71⋯.jpg (107.79 KB, 500x665, 100:133, indignant_1.jpg)

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b9eefe  No.13583036

File: c600bacb4572824⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 474x591, 158:197, pepe_in_kitchen.jpg)


I've been learning the baker ropes but haven't done a practice run yet or I would step up.

Not a muhjoo, not an anime baker, not a gerbil, not a leafy. Just an oldfag anon digger and former twatter fag. Guess I've put off bakering long enough. Time I got back to work.

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9e73d0  No.13583037

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f94b29  No.13583038

File: 62eee49f23fd159⋯.png (156.76 KB, 569x475, 569:475, ClipboardImage.png)

Soon the Visions will become Clear.

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fe7332  No.13583039


Mostly relatable.

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347a7e  No.13583040

File: abfed1c6f746b52⋯.png (41.18 KB, 1196x494, 46:19, MOTHERTERSAJOE.png)

File: 39cee9cda159ff1⋯.png (432.98 KB, 778x846, 389:423, MOTHERTERSA.png)



FUN FACTS:Mother Teresa was a human trafficker. Joe M and others had the scoop years ago.

The Moar you know!

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b7ae94  No.13583041












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e802fa  No.13583042

File: 643e277c839ddc4⋯.png (19.43 KB, 556x348, 139:87, ClipboardImage.png)

Does this mean anything sorta current to any Anons??


SAM397 is up and I was looking for any linkage. I am blanking on this one.

BTW I think the shills are trying to hide the Texas Chemical Release

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fe47e5  No.13583043

File: 0279154e10d0b06⋯.png (412 KB, 899x731, 899:731, ClipboardImage.png)





'I've had it with her': Kevin McCarthy criticism of Liz Cheney caught on hot micwhose position …

YAHOO!News · 1h

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8551cf  No.13583044

File: e4b5c9170792d70⋯.jpg (146.17 KB, 500x689, 500:689, Kalki_Vishnu.jpg)

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c0b43d  No.13583045

File: 00aa560a29cc158⋯.jpeg (390.41 KB, 1284x1711, 1284:1711, 35A26864_42AC_4151_A28A_B….jpeg)

File: 697c176a40b169f⋯.jpeg (513.2 KB, 1284x1691, 1284:1691, 5A74A60B_3494_4A98_B0F7_2….jpeg)

File: 5579ac1f8dda058⋯.jpeg (835.29 KB, 2200x3817, 200:347, 29E2E239_71EC_4E15_BA56_F….jpeg)

File: ebe05b454c0d6c7⋯.jpeg (56.91 KB, 525x413, 75:59, 498D7010_55A5_4FFF_B070_9….jpeg)

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376180  No.13583046

File: ff339a3cca462fe⋯.jpg (255.53 KB, 1080x1381, 1080:1381, 20210504_173504.jpg)





Wasn't Wind River Software talked about here?

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107355  No.13583047

File: e9e0dc46e7ed25a⋯.jpg (326.47 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, e8ace5ab49d7d4a766a344358e….jpg)

File: 0ddfd2bc2b55d50⋯.jpg (146.4 KB, 1189x1159, 1189:1159, 2018_12_03_Mission_complet….jpg)


At some point they will figure out that denazification laws are still active.

It won't be pretty.

I mean really who the fuck would still think Q is pro nazi, when it's obviously anti-bush. Bush was one of the ones that financed that shit.


Good that I'm neither wearing glasses, also not a leftist goofball.

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b7ae94  No.13583048

File: 09d5a8b31f1099e⋯.png (451.87 KB, 400x400, 1:1, future_for_white_children.png)

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b23700  No.13583049

File: a370bdc1f995300⋯.png (1.17 MB, 558x844, 279:422, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ee268  No.13583050

File: 4cd7f219cbe2e2d⋯.jpg (12.27 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 4cd7f219cbe2e2dff40ba75006….jpg)

Did They really Learn What Go Speed is?

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5aaa7b  No.13583051

File: bc7f7c0a6c746fa⋯.jpg (9.93 KB, 125x255, 25:51, IMG_0186.JPG)

>>13582074 (PB) Biden Says People Unwilling to Get Covid Vaccine Are “Lazy” and Will Cause Others to Die

Haha scumbag no one wants your death serum!!!

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917151  No.13583052


she is a masochist, this is all true.

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1c9e2d  No.13583053


>>>13582508 The Jew shills hate Anime Baker because AB will Notable posts that expose the systemic Organized Jewish Cabal RICO-level Subversion of America.

That is not why anons dislike anime baker. It has more to do with posting Jew hating spam, the same spam that has been posted here daily for 3 years. Never any new information and always ripe with logical fallacies. Anti Jew shill spam is posted and placed in notables for those seeking to discredit and defame Qresearch, to attach the label of "White Supremacy" not for anyone's edification.

Anyone scapegoating an entire group of people based on the crimes of a few is not a genuine and organic. They are plants.

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9c2813  No.13583054

File: 149fe30f12e7aae⋯.mp4 (314.19 KB, 516x270, 86:45, VrhTrQuLchvXOSnl_VrhTrQuLc….mp4)



“A Beacon of Freedom Arises”

Trump launches new platform after being banned by tech giants -


10:06 PM · May 4, 2021·Twitter for iPhone

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95aa3d  No.13583055

File: a2b4c0cd5a571fe⋯.png (31.12 KB, 1111x86, 1111:86, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Q_Re….png)


gerbil is a warroom anon, not a baker so much, learn the difference

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347a7e  No.13583056

File: f42eb35705f4b56⋯.png (2.25 MB, 2872x1992, 359:249, a2_a.png)

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aa2458  No.13583057

File: d85f0c5c1c2d18c⋯.mp4 (3.04 MB, 576x576, 1:1, 36qz7SVkXAYuczNF.mp4)

The General triggered him.

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b7ae94  No.13583058

File: 43ff25ca67564d4⋯.png (214.96 KB, 1280x945, 256:189, Reichsadler.png)

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b7ae94  No.13583059

File: f1c1b7282a82baa⋯.png (140.43 KB, 392x426, 196:213, Judenkasper.png)

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b7ae94  No.13583060

File: ff10281faa63f31⋯.png (291.31 KB, 489x624, 163:208, kike.png)

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fe7332  No.13583061


Replacing powder in capsules with onion powder. Gave him the ghey boohoos. Ready for a transition? "Just cut it with a little Metamucil."

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376180  No.13583062

File: 9fc0023d417e8cb⋯.jpg (402.51 KB, 1080x2030, 108:203, 20210504_173704.jpg)


…and MOAR

She worked for the Fed

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e802fa  No.13583063



"Is the state of the world alarming you?

Do you seek answers to ancient questions?

Are you interested in understanding what Q is?

Do you suspect there is an underlying theme to what is happening these days?

Well never mind, have a quick wank."

(They think we don't get it).

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b7ae94  No.13583064

File: 39f4f841e146a8c⋯.png (17.03 KB, 176x171, 176:171, christianisierung.png)

File: ac8d6869e1c3d4d⋯.png (479.43 KB, 401x602, 401:602, fuck_jews1.png)

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b9eefe  No.13583065


Thank you. Great respect for warroom anon.

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398d8c  No.13583066


Godspeed Anon Baker. Looking forward to it.

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6e4581  No.13583067

File: 6496e374785788b⋯.jpg (194.63 KB, 720x1032, 30:43, 20210504_162644.jpg)

File: b6e2d46a8eac995⋯.jpg (140.79 KB, 720x824, 90:103, 20210504_162628.jpg)

File: d767b52abddbf98⋯.jpg (236.93 KB, 720x1150, 72:115, 20210504_162608.jpg)

File: 099453da0fba7a6⋯.jpg (226.56 KB, 720x1132, 180:283, 20210504_163352.jpg)

File: ed64724e03482b7⋯.jpg (174.87 KB, 720x1050, 24:35, 20210504_162551.jpg)


on April 23rd the posts are sequential

from 3:00 to 3:07 pm with 3:05 being left out

don't know if it means anything, but I noticed it

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fe47e5  No.13583068

File: 7d40fec48624c3e⋯.png (454.8 KB, 826x708, 7:6, ClipboardImage.png)

they are trying to take out modi.

I am watching fakenews cnn and they are repeatedly asking their guest 'who are the people blaming for this covid hospital problem in India? is it Mode?

remember the earlier reports that he was sick and was resigning.

the sickies are not letting supplies get to where they need to go.

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3073ee  No.13583069

File: c4322dff9841ec6⋯.png (138.89 KB, 272x185, 272:185, ClipboardImage.png)



Saul Alinsky 101 - Conflate Fren with Foe. FAIL.

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b7ae94  No.13583070

File: d0252f4e8d6c291⋯.jpg (30.17 KB, 293x208, 293:208, Shoah_business.jpg)

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95aa3d  No.13583071


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8ee268  No.13583072

File: 7868e1a0de5fff6⋯.png (18.94 KB, 833x482, 833:482, Capture.PNG)

Going to be Really Amazing


We Know Who You Really Are


Remember this?

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95aa3d  No.13583073


dayshift down

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b7ae94  No.13583074

File: 99631600a22fd7b⋯.png (348.04 KB, 383x500, 383:500, antisemitism_european.png)

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dfe221  No.13583075


That’s not their plan. They will come after America first supporters Trump supporters and anyone with conservative values.

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f94b29  No.13583076

File: 8d8cb607793de35⋯.png (650.06 KB, 942x618, 157:103, ClipboardImage.png)

Hmm hm hm hm hmmmmm

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ea5667  No.13583077

Frank Luntz is a flaming faggot. Somebody needs to knock those disgusting, tobacco-stained nubs masquerading as teeth out of his wiener sucker.

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347a7e  No.13583078

File: 2399e3464868d5c⋯.png (412.8 KB, 736x540, 184:135, wizpa.png)


FUN FACTS:In a recent Poll. 70% of American Catholics thought Favorably of Pope Francis

The Moar you know!

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156d28  No.13583079


Don’t forget that Biden banned sending raw materials to India to produce the vaxx

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107355  No.13583080

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



WIZARD OF OZ - child psychology & visual communication (Rob Ager)

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4a3d6a  No.13583081

Doesn't investigating, interrogating, mocking, slandering and harassing the sexual assault victim instead of the predator violate rape shield laws?

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b7ae94  No.13583082

File: bcd16e5de10c63d⋯.png (117.83 KB, 441x600, 147:200, srew_and_sue.png)

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20ba4d  No.13583083


McCarthy trying to save himself. Another Jew compromised RINO is going down in flames.

Scalise is going down. Cheney is going down. McCarthy is going down. McConnell is going down. Soon to come - Thune (going down) Barasso (going down) Ernst (going down) Blunt (going down) Scott (going down)

All of them Jew compromised puppets. We're going to take all the Jew controlled puppets down THEN we're taking M OSS AD down. We're saving Israel for last…

Eyes on Arizona Audit - First Domino

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277f7d  No.13583084

File: 22aadc3aaa1a7cc⋯.png (466.57 KB, 598x579, 598:579, Screenshot_2021_05_04_New_….png)

Derek Chauvin requests new trial claiming jury misconduct


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9c9f9b  No.13583085

File: f8cf260daabcd71⋯.jpg (117.43 KB, 1080x688, 135:86, f8cf260daabcd71628b283f95b….jpg)

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b7ae94  No.13583086

File: 3cfb931ab305d84⋯.jpg (20.64 KB, 214x255, 214:255, e5502d3e38555ca575ec5a8536….jpg)

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d859e9  No.13583087

File: 35c46f1ffe6fdf9⋯.jpg (47.7 KB, 511x141, 511:141, 3728.jpg)

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b7ae94  No.13583088

File: 101a249278eab81⋯.png (191.06 KB, 500x617, 500:617, Make_Germany_GREAT_again.png)

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7cf533  No.13583089

File: 05574df6749a6cd⋯.jpeg (251.58 KB, 1500x1567, 1500:1567, C1D86AD8_C67D_47B5_8696_4….jpeg)


Would you like to taste my shweaty nut balls?

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8ee268  No.13583090

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


This Will

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e802fa  No.13583091


If you are going to quote Alinsky you could at minimum actually quote him and not just make shit up.

But of course that seems to you like a lot of work.

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95aa3d  No.13583092

File: 48694393f29b433⋯.png (552.62 KB, 598x737, 598:737, Screenshot_2021_05_04_The_….png)









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b7ae94  No.13583093

File: ad82bc473b4aa47⋯.png (174.21 KB, 480x360, 4:3, who_rules_over_you.png)

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fe7332  No.13583094

You ever feel an ineffective 4D Scorpio sting you then be mad they can't be you?

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9c9f9b  No.13583095

File: e9967f6f6b01c33⋯.png (242.42 KB, 500x416, 125:104, 674786.png)

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c7068b  No.13583096

File: 32055fee377a912⋯.png (567.76 KB, 636x455, 636:455, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Save….png)

Video gives a quick flash of Mara Lago…


Tried to download for viewing, however it seems the downloaders tried don't recognize it as a video..

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347a7e  No.13583097

File: 18715a8108d9fa6⋯.png (1.45 MB, 1244x1568, 311:392, AANFALp.png)

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b7ae94  No.13583098

File: 11265231f918289⋯.png (95.58 KB, 338x338, 1:1, jewish_parasite.png)

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9a17d2  No.13583099


>we're taking M OSS AD down

What's with the spaces?

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376180  No.13583100

File: 854d7b5b2f4fdd2⋯.jpg (472.63 KB, 1080x1997, 1080:1997, 20210504_174157.jpg)


Ann Winblad's partner. Ex NBA. From Seattle. Pilot


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20ba4d  No.13583101


Indeed. What is up with those spaces?

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ea5667  No.13583102


They probably have Kevin McCarthy's butt juice on them.

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ab43ea  No.13583103

File: f70cea14d6e2bd3⋯.png (138.67 KB, 403x403, 1:1, jewish_parasite_2.png)

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9c9f9b  No.13583104

File: 8ebc13a63a6f064⋯.jpg (71.48 KB, 682x567, 682:567, 15_21.jpg)

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3db64d  No.13583105

File: da69e351df69e8b⋯.png (821.82 KB, 1192x968, 149:121, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

Tho this was posted back in January, lookie how seditious Brennan tries to lump all these groups into one dough, even libertarians.

Being Libertarian



Jan 20,2021

Here we see the former CIA chief, John Brennan, saying that libertarians are no different than "white supremacists and domestic terrorists," as he calls for the need to bring foreign terror war tactics onto US soil to squash them all.


“… the members of the the Biden team who have been nominated or have been appointed are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, where they germinate in different parts of the country, and they gain strength, and it brings together an unholy alliance frequently of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, racists, nativists, even libertarians … and so I really do think that the law enforcement Homeland security intelligence and even the defense officials are doing everything possible to root out what seems to be a very very serious and insidious threat to our democracy in our Republic.”

This is a good example of what to expect by the Bidon Administion.

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4a3d6a  No.13583106

File: 84c87c2ceb4ee3a⋯.png (68.72 KB, 995x527, 995:527, ClipboardImage.png)



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3073ee  No.13583107


>posting Jew hating

So you love the Cabal Jews who have destroyed our First Amendment.

So you love the Jewish Tyrants who have subverted America at a RICO-level of corruption.

Typical Jew tactic: Expose Jewish criminals is "the same" as "an entire group of people".

So you consider yourself a part of the Jewish Cabal?

Goyim better not expose the Jewish Cabal "because" you're scapegoating an ENTIRE group AAAALLLlllll Da Jews ! so you bettter not expose ANY Jewish criminals.

You're a plant.

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3c7e94  No.13583108

File: 8e4b0b1a17d4d72⋯.png (58.25 KB, 897x358, 897:358, ClipboardImage.png)


Remember to practice good cyber hygiene – including

installing recommend #DROID patches and using 2FA

to safeguard secret plans. #Cybersecurity #StarWars



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347a7e  No.13583109

File: 558a6e9447c06f3⋯.png (710.19 KB, 560x590, 56:59, 00000000000000000000.png)



The hive is alive!

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ab43ea  No.13583110

File: 10c7ce0ac5c127a⋯.jpg (21.99 KB, 248x260, 62:65, jewdog4.jpg)

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376180  No.13583111


Oops, originally from Arlington, VA. FARM boi?

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85f394  No.13583112

File: 1dfce3d51978c8a⋯.png (10.15 MB, 2355x3843, 785:1281, ClipboardImage.png)



>they switched out melinda gates

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6c8632  No.13583114

File: cf69896b2337735⋯.jpg (115.18 KB, 750x784, 375:392, ZomboMeme_04052021184350.jpg)

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ab43ea  No.13583115

File: ac304d6b9b6edb8⋯.jpg (35.16 KB, 500x281, 500:281, Judentoele.jpg)

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95aa3d  No.13583116



Kevin McCarthy is a Traitor in bed with google lobbyist.

ffs how are you guys letting this one go?

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ab43ea  No.13583117

File: 97288cbe5d65e2e⋯.png (253.41 KB, 600x351, 200:117, israel_lobby.png)

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aa656d  No.13583118

File: 04b46119ec9f09b⋯.png (59.19 KB, 734x605, 734:605, 6841ed461011a0cea00b771ba3….png)


>Maxine publicly demanding 1st degree >BLM Juror

Yep. Was already written in the books.

Thank God.

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e802fa  No.13583119


OSS is one of the shill's personas they use to cause discord on the breads.

OSS, Leaf, Gerbil. It's really all one state sponsored psyop, all signs pointing to Iranian.

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fe7332  No.13583120


I like AB. He knows truth, and he speaks truth. Why not be best, anons?

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ab43ea  No.13583121

File: 54a44c69c5546f8⋯.png (109.96 KB, 168x255, 56:85, 978db5b30910351cc1433f3dc1….png)

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398d8c  No.13583122


Nah, filter is personal choice.. nothing wrong with filtering all the CP, Gore, Porn and Spam that AFLB/ANIME team brings. All of that works to censor the real anons here.. if you filter all that filth, you can scroll thru and notice more real conversation and engage with real anons..

Nice try

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9e22ad  No.13583123


Taller one is Kevlinda

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9a17d2  No.13583124


Kitchen is open, Gerbs.

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8ee268  No.13583125

File: 5b49bd2c61c9d7b⋯.jpg (114.14 KB, 563x796, 563:796, 5b49bd2c61c9d7b4f2c1cda32c….jpg)

Don't Forget

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f94b29  No.13583126

Freedom for all my People.

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713b13  No.13583127

File: 6dcf3a7d91fe098⋯.png (19.42 KB, 603x281, 603:281, fferwtyfwe.PNG)

Mike Pompeo


Excited to be in the Great State of Kansas to speak to

@kansansforlife. Feels great to be back home in the Heartland and am looking forward to discussing why LIFE and LIBERTY should matter to every Kansan and every American!


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ab43ea  No.13583128

File: 52925391ce7c8db⋯.jpg (16.53 KB, 255x179, 255:179, c34c6f34e15bbc50023fad63d2….jpg)

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9a17d2  No.13583129


That's some heavy stuff.

Got any sauce to back these claims up?

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95aa3d  No.13583130


not here to bake anon. im here for twitter warfare and McCarthy is the target.

u got memes?

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fe47e5  No.13583131

File: e78b65e3c47eb3f⋯.png (123.02 KB, 915x618, 305:206, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 84ad2324719b3b6⋯.png (128.1 KB, 875x619, 875:619, ClipboardImage.png)


>Biden banned sending raw materials to India to produce the vaxx

cnn just said a 3rd wave of covid is going to hit India in the future…..they are threatening him now.



Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi faces growing criticism across the political spectrum for holding large election rallies as the country’s health system reels from a deadly wave of Covid-19 cases, forcing citizens to beg for oxygen and hospital beds on Twitter.

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186ba6  No.13583132

File: 7997d3715e32bc8⋯.png (90.31 KB, 402x494, 201:247, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b2688b8d4090c28⋯.png (376.4 KB, 488x714, 244:357, ClipboardImage.png)


>You mean


like Epstein threatened {coerced}

with being tossed to the gators for



17:45 05/04/2021

Colombian government using lethal force against anyone breaking Covid-19 lockdown.

A second amendment is essential for freedom.

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277f7d  No.13583133

File: 7175c88144ce0b1⋯.png (253.59 KB, 482x668, 241:334, 7175c88144ce0b19895597c9cb….png)


>secret plans

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ab43ea  No.13583134

File: 2edeab7405d07bd⋯.png (1.57 MB, 666x900, 37:50, erleuchtet.png)

File: 024259f48c8e796⋯.png (169.51 KB, 500x566, 250:283, lifeforce.png)

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7a752b  No.13583135


Bist Du 175er?

Wie die Leute die wir toeten haben?

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712d1c  No.13583136

This for my people, tryna stay alive and just stay peaceful

So hard to survive a world so lethal

Who will take a stand and be our hero, of my people, yeah?

This for my people

Tryna stay alive and just stay peaceful

So hard to survive a world so lethal

Who will take a stand and be our hero?

Uh, now all heroes don't wear capes

And all villains don't get away

But all limits eventually fade

I don't wanna be good, nigga, I'm tryna be great

It's hard when your back's against the wall

And if you got it all to keep your feet up on the floor

That's why I thank the Lord when I wake up in the morn'

'Cause to inform the world the very reason I was born

You can see the power when the mic is in my palm

When I storm across the room, hit the stage and perform

Word is bond, don't be alarmed

Don't let me have to sound the horn, and drop a bomb

Wanna get my mom a crib, with a lawn

Somethin' that my future kids, can run up on

That's why I always do my best to carry on

Life is like game of chess, don't be a pawn, my nigga

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8ee268  No.13583137

File: 4920ced64e06f90⋯.jpeg (172.07 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, 1_4701464.jpeg)


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9a17d2  No.13583138


McCarthy is under the radar.

Have you ever seen a McCarthy meme before?

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ab43ea  No.13583139

File: faf915922194b5c⋯.jpg (42.05 KB, 640x301, 640:301, 80011297e9a43c079e8b5c46b9….jpg)

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3073ee  No.13583140

File: d8ca1118746dab5⋯.png (79.36 KB, 318x159, 2:1, ClipboardImage.png)



>Anti Jew shill spam is posted and placed in notables for those seeking to discredit and defame Qresearch,

^^Bullshit scare tactic

>to attach the label of "White Supremacy" not for anyone's edification.

>Anyone scapegoating an entire group of people based on the crimes of a few is not a genuine and organic.


paging Grammar Kitty…..

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813574  No.13583141


Anime is Love. Anime is Life

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e802fa  No.13583142

File: 695ed01fba44e71⋯.png (42.38 KB, 830x346, 415:173, Farsi.png)

File: 6bd0528f47b6a4b⋯.png (165.83 KB, 606x623, 606:623, IRGC.png)


Why the fuck would you care Mr IRGC?

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9fbfe7  No.13583143

File: b93e513173805d8⋯.png (3.04 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Screenshot_37_.png)




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fe47e5  No.13583144


>Derek Chauvin requests new trial claiming jury misconduct


bad news just keeps coming for the Ds




Marc Elias big fails

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95aa3d  No.13583145


i can make one real quick, but yeah i dont.

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1c05b2  No.13583146

File: 11f746d329b05bd⋯.png (268.93 KB, 943x943, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


still works for me. might have to go thru tiny eye

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6c8632  No.13583147

File: 985b38976b91464⋯.jpg (770.48 KB, 3024x4032, 3:4, img_2021_01_05_17_12_10.jpg)

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8ee268  No.13583148

File: 78ba77230a75c83⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1000x1214, 500:607, 78ba77230a75c8342ac7506aca….png)

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ab43ea  No.13583149

File: 851c1cc07e95476⋯.png (448.09 KB, 1000x1225, 40:49, Jew_Detective.png)

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107355  No.13583150


Currently converting to around 15megs.


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9a17d2  No.13583151


Yeah, that would be a No you have No sauce.

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2ac9e8  No.13583152



Step 1. Clown baker posts a bunch of anti semitic shit in the bread and self promotes to notable.

Step 2. MKultra clown goes to synagogue and commits horrific violence.

Step 3. Clown media rushes to report that 8kun is radicalizing terrorists and needs to be deplatformed.

Anon's know the playbook since it was the same one used to deplatform 8chan. Unless you believe that 3 randos all posted manefesto's ONLY on 8chan prior to committing acts of violence in a three week period in 2019.

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9fbfe7  No.13583153

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fe47e5  No.13583154


hey you asshole jackass


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8ee268  No.13583155

File: 80afd829073885a⋯.png (16.83 KB, 358x417, 358:417, 1rst.PNG)

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ab43ea  No.13583156

File: 3836368effbc8a2⋯.png (818.36 KB, 474x722, 237:361, the_jews_and_their_lies.png)

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8551cf  No.13583157

File: 4b7039a88d91aac⋯.jpg (278.12 KB, 842x421, 2:1, cowboy_bebop_cast_final.jpg)

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347a7e  No.13583159



Mike Pompeo - Excited to be in the Great State of Kansas to speak to @kansansforlife.

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3073ee  No.13583160

File: bd0202005bff4a2⋯.png (24.58 KB, 225x225, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)



That's like the Jewish MSM claiming that only 1 American Patriot voted for President Trump.

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7a752b  No.13583161

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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dd26ff  No.13583162

File: a0481bd6e24541e⋯.jpeg (218.32 KB, 1200x833, 1200:833, 78B8A4A0_2BB3_4A3F_8522_4….jpeg)

Jim & Eleanor visit senile old Joe in nursing home.

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ea140f  No.13583163

File: 9bf009f67a1c556⋯.jpeg (1.72 MB, 1673x1465, 1673:1465, D4618AE7_BDEC_4F65_A9AD_0….jpeg)



Modi was point man on the “Quad” project to vax all the poor peeps

Now he’s got 20 million infected peeps in his own country

Political leaders are dumb as a rock


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c1bc52  No.13583164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

catching up on notables noticed just past all the "its the jews" notables is a bunch of notables screaming "italy did it"

so i guess its not the jews then?

the vaccines are killing the populace you can see who is the enemy of the cabal by watching where they rollout the vaccines and deaths begin climbing, turns out they are doing it in every country including isreal,

no surprise to anyone with half a brain, they want to kill ALL OF US no matter your skin color or religion, yes even the jews are being poisoned and killed in isreal…

italy did it. because this isnt about one country, this is the whole world vs satanists/freemasons.

and that is exactly what they want you to forget…

the MSM wants you to be antisemitic remember? they wrote thousands of articles telling the public that you "qanoners" are antisemites! dont disappoint the public now! be what they tell you to be!

"Bill Hicks - You're Free; to do what we Tell You "

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ab43ea  No.13583165

File: 7978121422e5bf1⋯.png (3.71 MB, 1024x1459, 1024:1459, Sieg_oder_Bolschewismus.png)

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8551cf  No.13583166

File: 57ec1d9723cca3e⋯.jpg (105.83 KB, 498x699, 166:233, pink_lightning.jpg)

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e802fa  No.13583167

File: e82cfd168b9170f⋯.png (303.6 KB, 400x404, 100:101, CarpetSales.png)

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b596d5  No.13583168



You've really proved that that they are two different women.

Now, why didn't I ever consider comparing and contrasting a sitting couple to a standing couple before.

Sheer genius.

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fe47e5  No.13583169


Gates had 2 handlers.

and she has thehorse teeth

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9a17d2  No.13583171


He looks compd with that shady Luntz shit.

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3dbd72  No.13583172

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6e4581  No.13583173

File: a382af245f809bd⋯.png (9.81 KB, 255x219, 85:73, ee31bae16587bc53a4779317cc….png)


the General Triggered and broke that man

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c7068b  No.13583174


>Kevin McCarthy is a Traitor in bed with google lobbyist.

There are very few with complete allegiance to this Country and its People, most serve 2 masters. Best person for the job in every state, district to represent the People of America. The rest is just division tactics.

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3073ee  No.13583175


Fuck off FOREIGN Famefag shill.


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ab43ea  No.13583176

File: ff7661475259690⋯.png (2.48 MB, 936x1264, 117:158, Judea_declares_War_on_Germ….png)

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6df4a8  No.13583177

File: 19a9c7e73a93759⋯.png (479.33 KB, 976x782, 488:391, got_memes.png)

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088e43  No.13583178

File: eb034b9d21803ea⋯.jpg (146.86 KB, 886x500, 443:250, dick_lez_jr.jpg)

File: 2e163ca12c9ecc8⋯.jpg (58.39 KB, 612x408, 3:2, stabbin_the_dark.jpg)

File: 7b9c53886957e9f⋯.jpg (104.71 KB, 500x656, 125:164, 70.jpg)

File: 9872e1a0f647500⋯.jpg (95.63 KB, 500x756, 125:189, BIDEN_19.jpg)

File: 83d274aa5f7439f⋯.jpg (65.53 KB, 683x366, 683:366, richard_madcow.jpg)


We have reached Herd Immunity for COVID-19 (60 - 75%), so Herd Immunity is no longer real. Even though smallpox, rubella, polio…

everybody who wants vaxxed is vaxxed; and it isn't everybody (get your Treasury letter from the White House yet?)…

Yes, AZ is massive.

Leader (let me eat my Luntz first) McCarthy is about to remove Liz, 1 Trump curse…

CNN is promoting the 9th place finisher (3%) in Texas, a Republican who thinks he was right, but the voters got it wrong, 2 Trump Curse…

anons are finally calling out the shill nakerbaker team…

Mittens was booed to the point that CNN had to cover Su-u-u-usan Co-o-o-ollins weighing in, 3 Trump Curse…

and I am doing my darndest to document real time in normie digestible red pills

Daunte who?

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ab43ea  No.13583179

File: 7656980ecabc719⋯.png (63.95 KB, 318x291, 106:97, Beep_Beep2.png)

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b11bbf  No.13583180

File: 1e1812374e34622⋯.jpg (54.75 KB, 512x512, 1:1, yoelroth.jpg)


>Jews that hate free speech

this is in notables. please remove. thank you.

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ea140f  No.13583181


Another government knob gobbler…..Freemasons love dick suckers

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9fbfe7  No.13583182

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fe47e5  No.13583183


so…..you act like you discovered something new.

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ab43ea  No.13583184

File: fd4cc4515e9af77⋯.png (442.49 KB, 474x692, 237:346, The_New_York_Times_1.png)

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95aa3d  No.13583185

File: f798e5e6e8330a2⋯.png (55.76 KB, 598x294, 299:147, Screenshot_2021_05_04_kevi….png)

TRENDING #KevinMcCarthyIsATraitor





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ab43ea  No.13583186

File: 1a9d458ce101e03⋯.png (998.75 KB, 693x895, 693:895, The_New_York_Times_2.png)

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ab43ea  No.13583187

File: 671f9ddb96d36fc⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1279x1278, 1279:1278, The_New_York_Times_3.png)

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414de0  No.13583188


Christ will come for His church prior to the start of the 7 years of Tribulation

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8551cf  No.13583189

File: 8deb7180de36174⋯.jpg (79.8 KB, 613x434, 613:434, BOOM_4.jpg)

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3073ee  No.13583190

File: d78dde7b397c595⋯.png (127.9 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)


JEW'SPLAINING: What is "IRGC" and that Strange Foreign Flag?

*2020 When the Israeli Jew shill is such a Cultural Fail with its' slander of Patriot anons that it has to post an EXPLANATION of the term the Jew shill is using to slander anons with: "IRGC", and/or a Foreign Flag…

and then JEW'SPLAIN what it means, and what foreign country that Foreign Flag represents because Patriot anon wrote earlier this year that "IRGC" is "unknown" and "wtf is that foreign flag?"

The Israeli Jew shill now claims that Patriot anon is "iranian" because since the shill JEW'SPLAINING, anon now "knows" what "IRGC" and that "foreign flag" is.

*Only an ISRAELi Jew shill would use "Iranian" as a slur and know so much detail about Iran. We, The People don't think about Iran at all.

*Dec. 2020

The Jewish shill's new Dec. 2020 slander of "you are using Marxist Jew logic" and "you are defending Marxism" (accusing Goy anons of being "a Jew") is ridiculous because it's Saul Alinsky Jew Tactic 101.

*Jan. 2021

Jewsplaining shill has now replaced that strange Foreign flag with 2 guys holding a Carpet.

** "Jew logic" is an Oxymoron.

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107355  No.13583191


damn, didn't see it.

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9a17d2  No.13583192


Nah, it's Gerbil's latest thing.

Just saying he deserves to take some heat right now.

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95aa3d  No.13583193




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fe47e5  No.13583194


so……why are you focusing on MCCARTHY EVERY BREAD…


hmmm……..are you afraid of nancy losing?

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ab43ea  No.13583195

File: 3d70efb65c57cd3⋯.jpg (25.42 KB, 372x285, 124:95, JID_behindi_Force.jpg)

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0f7ea8  No.13583196

It is well documented that approximately 90-95% of modern-day Jews are descended from a tribe known as the “Khazars”, who converted to Judaism in the 8th and 9th centuries A.D. while living in what is now southern Russia around the Caspian Sea. What is less known is that these Khazars were, in fact, descended from the Edomites.

“No one can deny that the Jews are a most unique and unusual people. That uniqueness exists because of their Edomite heritage. You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of Edomitish character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews.”

—Manifesto of the “World Jewish Federation,” January 1, 1935, through its spokesperson, Gerald Soman

“Edom is in modern Jewry.” —The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol.5, p.41

-Edom is another name for Esau, the brother of Jacob/Israel

“And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impoverished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the LORD of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them, The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the LORD hath indignation for ever.” Malachi 1:3-4

“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”

(1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).

“Jews began to call themselves Hebrews and Israelites in 1860″ —Encyclopedia Judaica 1971 Vol 10:23

“The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.”  Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 3 pg. 474

Jesus speaking to the Jewish Pharisees:

“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” John 8:44

“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” Matthew 23:33

Now, just who are the Edomites? “Edom” is another name for Esau, the brother of the biblical patriarch Jacob (aka “Israel”), the father of the 12 tribes of Israel. Esau rejected God, selling his birthright to his brother Jacob, and defying God and his family by intermarrying with Canaanite women. Esau hated God and his brother Jacob, and vowed revenge against Jacob and his descendants, the Israelites. This is why — throughout history and to this day — Esau/Edom’s descendants have waged war against the true descendants of the Israelites (ie, Christians of white European descent), and have systematically worked to undermine and destroy Western Christian civilization.

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7a752b  No.13583197

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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c0b43d  No.13583198

File: cb5232e77fb3522⋯.jpeg (19.04 KB, 400x300, 4:3, DD10465D_4590_4112_A6DE_E….jpeg)

Anons, when the popcorn’s gone, and Q hasn’t posted in 5 months.

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6c8632  No.13583199

Luntz picture almost looks like a prison cafeteria.


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f94b29  No.13583200

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe47e5  No.13583201


mccarthy is going to be the next speaker….bye bye pelosi

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95aa3d  No.13583202





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ab43ea  No.13583204

File: 6efcfa6eb772f41⋯.png (584.04 KB, 640x482, 320:241, Patriot.png)

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277f7d  No.13583205

File: 79b3b625f8fc9e7⋯.png (49.28 KB, 657x651, 219:217, 79b3b625f8fc9e7d795ee62da7….png)



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9e73d0  No.13583206

File: 61f69677ef2cb5e⋯.png (21.77 KB, 693x229, 693:229, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

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c7068b  No.13583207


Thanks anon, can I ask which downloader you are using?

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ab43ea  No.13583208

File: 751c1337edc5c6e⋯.png (472.11 KB, 891x498, 297:166, filthy_Jew_Rat.png)

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b11bbf  No.13583209

File: 5dcb77c685f4d28⋯.jpg (274.49 KB, 1000x563, 1000:563, elvishowslaunch.jpg)


Luntz Room?

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fed3d3  No.13583210

File: 986d759018dc1b2⋯.jpeg (119.73 KB, 1080x811, 1080:811, 1581856805.jpeg)

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6c8632  No.13583211

File: d33798560a6d8a2⋯.jpg (67.01 KB, 1020x622, 510:311, 0e6ece8b4bd5b130cfb70f36a3….jpg)

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8551cf  No.13583212

File: c4fe310c206fc80⋯.jpg (104.72 KB, 565x399, 565:399, 55.jpg)

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7a752b  No.13583213

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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cfcac8  No.13583214

File: c13712a7209e7b9⋯.png (95.57 KB, 689x473, 689:473, c13712a7209e7b9cb745a1543d….png)



You're a patriot! Thank God for anons like you. I don't know how to baker…I know how to dig & pray. TY anon baker!

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b9eefe  No.13583215


What did Jesus say about the when? No one but the Father knows the day or the hour Jesus will come for his bride. Thus, no one knows when the judgement will begin for Jesus must come for his bride first.

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ab43ea  No.13583216

File: 03e98302b9bf475⋯.png (157.84 KB, 356x355, 356:355, not_your_sheep.png)

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fed3d3  No.13583217

File: dfb6892c8d17870⋯.jpeg (72.89 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, 1539789872.jpeg)

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ab43ea  No.13583218

File: f9cd37b0513f2a2⋯.png (359.27 KB, 512x310, 256:155, 1558043303269.png)

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377d7c  No.13583219

Iranian state media reported Tuesday that a senior Swiss diplomat fell to her death from a high-rise apartment building in Tehran.

The victim was identified as the first secretary of the Swiss embassy in Tehran, a woman aged 51 or 52 according to various reports.

Iran’s state-run PressTV quoted National Medical Emergency Organization of Tehran spokesman Mojtaba Khaledi saying the victim “unfortunately lost her life” after falling from “one of the high-rises in Kamranieh,” a neighborhood in Tehran.

Khaledi did not say whether the incident was under investigation as an accident, suicide, or murder, but another Iranian state media outlet, IRNA News, said the authorities have “rejected” suicide.

“Other news outlets identified the victim as the second-highest-ranking employee at the embassy, who lived on the 18th floor of the building,” PressTV wrote. Iran’s Fars news agency said the woman’s body was “found by a gardener after an employee who arrived at her apartment early on Tuesday noticed she was missing,” as translated by the UK Guardian.

The Swiss Foreign Ministry confirmed Tuesday morning that one of its employees “died in an accident,” but provided no further details of the incident. “The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and its head Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis are shocked by the tragic death and express their deepest condolences to the family,” the foreign ministry said.

The Swiss embassy has handled U.S. diplomatic interests in Iran since ties between Tehran and Washington were cut after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. As of Tuesday morning, the Swiss Foreign Ministry has not indicated whether the fallen diplomat was involved in any negotiations between the United States and Iran.


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3db64d  No.13583220


Why do you think the FBI et al have operatives in Antifa/BLM etc…, they don't ever want to relive what they did to the Branch Davidians.

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3073ee  No.13583221

File: 7f71251b6aaa8f6⋯.png (141.07 KB, 199x253, 199:253, ClipboardImage.png)

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f94b29  No.13583222

File: 6790a4e6dc0165f⋯.png (649.59 KB, 593x394, 593:394, ClipboardImage.png)

Pipe Stone Minnesota

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fe7332  No.13583223


Shouldn't we all get the jab first? That was the fart in the elevator you walked out on. Muh, pandemic, muh pay for already existing peace in the middle east which you SIL said on state tv, "Some had many opportunities, but they just weren't ready yet or just too late."

Why couldn't I just be treated like a peer or neighbor?


Divide and conquer.

I didn't consent to the setting nor circumstance I ensured for NOKO to pay mask faux counties.

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8ee268  No.13583224

File: 8d2c51b420312e6⋯.png (899.61 KB, 793x410, 793:410, Capture.PNG)

Ep 2468b – Election Fraud Will Be Known As The “BIG LIE”, We Caught Them All, We Have It All


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a20d74  No.13583225

its biden and the fbi 'eyes right to criminalize and jail us for political Christian beliefs persecuting because we pay for that right to speak free –we pay for it

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ab43ea  No.13583226

File: a73cf6d6a55933f⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1130x827, 1130:827, pille.png)

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03eec2  No.13583227

File: 9a9706408592f0d⋯.jpg (173.66 KB, 564x830, 282:415, download.jpg)

File: aa56648cb72f7de⋯.jpg (26.74 KB, 304x480, 19:30, John832.jpg)

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6e4581  No.13583228

File: b93ea09c3d0c83b⋯.jpg (106.59 KB, 720x690, 24:23, 20210504_165608.jpg)

Excited to be in the Great State of Kansas to speak to @kansansforlife. Feels great to be back home in the Heartland and am looking forward to discussing why LIFE and LIBERTY should matter to every Kansan and every American!


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95aa3d  No.13583229

pandemic 17months and will be gone

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3dbd72  No.13583230


on veut les memes

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ab43ea  No.13583231

File: ab0f1dd10582e74⋯.png (216.71 KB, 811x267, 811:267, Savitri_Devi3.png)

File: 2497ae23c40c415⋯.png (125.5 KB, 500x190, 50:19, Savitri_Devi2.png)

File: 5e83afc51a0cfc6⋯.png (114.48 KB, 500x172, 125:43, Savitri_Devi1.png)

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7a752b  No.13583232

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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ead1ed  No.13583233

File: c2209000ed023fc⋯.jpg (17.81 KB, 255x240, 17:16, 0ee42c6e757526af43b53b7089….jpg)

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2ac9e8  No.13583234


So Jordy's visor is reality now.

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ea140f  No.13583236


Trump is loooong gone….Nancy P will destroy government rather than give up power….2022 is “theirs”

Get a better hobby Jew

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088e43  No.13583237

File: a68fe003950624c⋯.jpg (90.36 KB, 749x499, 749:499, lezbee_frank.jpg)


Captain Valium doesn't give you a lot to work with. Ideas?

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9fbfe7  No.13583238


open link in firefox and right click to save as, original is 37mb, had to resize to around 14mb to post here which can be accomplished at this page>> https://www.ps2pdf.com/compress-mp4

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95aa3d  No.13583239



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144cd8  No.13583240


Always appreciate the hopium Dave

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ab43ea  No.13583241

File: 604b8aeb7f23d87⋯.png (618.28 KB, 444x640, 111:160, meine_Ehre_hei_t_Treue.png)

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01a926  No.13583242

File: 5d7d5b5a9f6c3a4⋯.png (562.74 KB, 846x477, 94:53, 5_04_Dr_Judy_Mikovits_Phar….png)

Q called it again!

My apologies if this is repeat information. I was just watching a video with Dr. Judy Mikovits called "Pharmageddon," which covers her views on COVID, vaccines, history with Faucci, etc. It's dated as 3/5/21, but was only released yesterday on the Bitchute channel.

At 1:13:00, the interviewer asks for an update on Dr. Judy's prediction of death rates from COVID & vaccines.


Dr. Judy M.: Serious injury and death in VAERS is 4%. (Her) last paper estimated 6% of people who carry the viral form of cancer, causing auto-immune diseases. "So, 4-6%."


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c7068b  No.13583243


My thoughts as well, wonder how long they've had it..

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95aa3d  No.13583244



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8551cf  No.13583245

File: ff0776a6cfa0cf7⋯.jpg (67.11 KB, 609x398, 609:398, cat_bake.jpg)

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ab43ea  No.13583246

File: 0ce1ab4ef665fd2⋯.png (32.59 KB, 170x170, 1:1, lost_something.png)

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db72f5  No.13583247

File: 0cec6668f2da18b⋯.jpg (510.81 KB, 650x796, 325:398, dante_in_forest_009_.jpg)

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7a752b  No.13583248

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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f94b29  No.13583249

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If You're Native… Be Native.

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95aa3d  No.13583250

File: e6095cf32f41c09⋯.jpg (18.53 KB, 191x255, 191:255, c437bdc2c45c307cd9fbd9aba4….jpg)

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8aaf35  No.13583251


It was never here

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1c971c  No.13583252


N iggers

S pying

A lways.

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9a17d2  No.13583253


I'm racking my head, too.

McCarthy is bland.

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ab43ea  No.13583254

File: 87f0fc4380d28dd⋯.jpg (25.07 KB, 255x201, 85:67, 5941c781347e04138e0b06d09f….jpg)

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c7068b  No.13583255


>VAERS is 4%. (Her) last paper estimated 6%

and forever lost..sad.

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347a7e  No.13583256

File: d7cc1a752714adc⋯.jpg (258.16 KB, 523x599, 523:599, 523px_Jesus_Christ_from_Ha….jpg)

File: b7e85549b259d93⋯.jpg (89.56 KB, 624x671, 624:671, 84584050_3494754156_9273af….jpg)

File: e4e290b37c65787⋯.jpg (44.47 KB, 340x450, 34:45, aZtVJ.jpg)

File: 401d67cede07d98⋯.jpg (203.16 KB, 960x1200, 4:5, D_ses8yVUAAoY59.jpg)

File: c41d11bfe97c1dd⋯.jpg (44 KB, 362x450, 181:225, sacred_heart_of_jesus.jpg)

too much too soon?


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8551cf  No.13583257

File: e055c1754401aca⋯.jpg (83.79 KB, 532x475, 28:25, Lord_Hanuman.jpg)

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a20d74  No.13583258

luntz and mccarthy partying with hunter at his hotel of choice AAAAA 5 star adrenochrome parma

pokemon card to find out – happy hunting

circle back – wut u who u

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277f7d  No.13583259

File: eb5eb54f7040a49⋯.png (354.09 KB, 535x654, 535:654, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Sena….png)

I always felt the Aug 6, 2020 FBI briefing was a set up, and now I know it was.

I’ve asked who directed that it be given and what the underlying intelligence was for the unnecessary and useless briefing.

The deep state hasn’t told me - not holding my breath they will now.


"deep state"

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ab43ea  No.13583260

File: a93d2536332a530⋯.jpg (11.89 KB, 172x255, 172:255, cc6441b58ff69df706495a1992….jpg)

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aab012  No.13583261

File: 1a5cd61e24764fa⋯.jpg (101.42 KB, 540x809, 540:809, 1a5cd61e24764fadbfeb088bcb….jpg)


Over 20 times 75 years ago history posts = filtered

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e802fa  No.13583262

File: 7dbf4b649bede46⋯.png (2.63 KB, 600x300, 2:1, msmuh.png)

File: 5d12ddd09923057⋯.png (2.76 KB, 600x300, 2:1, msjoo.png)

File: 4ff29a20f34d3a9⋯.png (2.85 KB, 600x300, 2:1, mjshill.png)

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377d7c  No.13583263


before you jump, remember memes need credibility, just because Tucker said it; he wants his job and $. He ain't mister honest john per se.

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8ee268  No.13583264



Why Do You Think, I've Got An ANSWER,

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b200ee  No.13583266

File: 2f39f6f407e5809⋯.jpeg (920.74 KB, 844x1166, 422:583, 17DDFDE9_54C2_41F4_981A_7….jpeg)


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07ccba  No.13583267

File: 276760def9d4148⋯.jpg (55.62 KB, 680x383, 680:383, sheep_2.jpg)

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ead1ed  No.13583268

File: dc0b189f4a74008⋯.png (12.63 KB, 191x255, 191:255, Nioce.png)


Don't worry, FEDs will swoop in and snatch Chauvin up if he moves a singe foot more than 2-in from Confinement.

This too has been written.

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a20d74  No.13583269

who's got a good hammering lawrence stop the above below outside GIF MEME


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d1cbde  No.13583270

File: a08ade2c6ec485c⋯.jpeg (52.81 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, 828DF185_3585_4674_B73D_8….jpeg)


So that’s where they grow these things?

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ab43ea  No.13583271

File: cd6998cc28464a9⋯.jpeg (360.06 KB, 1024x803, 1024:803, cd6998cc28464a9a99d104071….jpeg)


>Over 20 times 75 years ago history posts = filtered

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6c8632  No.13583272

Jenna promised a show analyzing the legal fight.

It turns out to be a really, really lame Bible show.

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db72f5  No.13583273

File: 3990f091af81579⋯.jpg (1.22 MB, 1000x1000, 1:1, count_the_slides_captcha_i….jpg)

two years ago at the chan . . .

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f94b29  No.13583274

File: 11502fc281a5c38⋯.png (139.5 KB, 255x241, 255:241, ClipboardImage.png)



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347a7e  No.13583275

File: 5c1b65a2ac646f3⋯.jpg (169.75 KB, 520x363, 520:363, SPSP.JPG)

File: 86d7306ac6dae27⋯.jpg (45.09 KB, 551x768, 551:768, SPSP2.jpg)

File: 307c851056f7e88⋯.png (1.22 MB, 599x800, 599:800, SPSP3.png)

File: 7c5c737442e33fd⋯.jpg (109 KB, 599x482, 599:482, SPSP5.jpg)

File: 84d885555ef6b04⋯.jpg (67.06 KB, 222x260, 111:130, SPSP6.jpg)

too soon?

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ab43ea  No.13583276

File: 01751088736ffa9⋯.png (1 MB, 654x654, 1:1, yellow_sticker.png)

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b596d5  No.13583277

File: 3b7ece5092fe491⋯.png (569.9 KB, 728x970, 364:485, kek_superlative.png)


>The Notables are fine and the Baker is doing a good job.

And they've been doing so all day except when that naughty little shill managed to steal a bake off that fine and courageous and patriotic Animefag "anon".

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b11bbf  No.13583278

File: 7609ca2a54f4172⋯.jpg (17.71 KB, 226x244, 113:122, tipup.jpg)

the name is Luntz..Luntz Toobin.

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fe7332  No.13583279


That dude always going on about the Cicadas sent that, I think. YouTube sensation. Definitely not a house judiciary member or FISA abuse nor a shill. I know that for sure.

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aad1a2  No.13583280


Baker here

I can bake this loaf

>>13582589 Dough

>>13582913 baker ghosts

Notablesare not endorsements


>>13582623 Mike Pompeo on nuclear threats

>>13582682, >>13582771, >>13582693, >>13582749, >>13582899, >>13582970, >>13582995, >>13583017, >>13583067 Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump

>>13582768 A fed judge ordered DOJ to release memo that Bill Barr used to clear President Trump of obstruction of justice, saying '..time for the public to see'

>>13582773 NASA announces launch plans for new Dream Chaser spaceplane

>>13582796 SpaceX launches 60 Starlink satellites from Florida

>>13582800, >>13582855 Kevin Kline Dig

>>13582815, >>13582820 Anon Graphic

>>13582876 Gen Michael Flynn asked about Q_anon…kek

>>13582883 HAPPENING NOW: Texas City, Texas Orders Residents To Shelter In Place Due To "Chemical Release"

>>13582897 Scientists turn cellphone into a chemical detector

>>13582911 Coca-Cola pauses controversial diversity plan after abrupt departure of company's top lawyer

>>13582957 Top Election Operative, Ryan Macias, Who Dems Quietly Inserted into Maricopa Audit, Is Member of Clandestine ‘National Task Force on Election Crisis’

>>13582971 Attorney General Garland: Biden DOJ Budget Includes $85M Increase to Probe Domestic Terrorism Cases

>>13582987 White House: Joe Biden Will Announce ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Strategy Within Weeks

>>13583011, >>13583046, >>13583062, >>13583100 HUMMER Winblad Venture Partners. Bill Gates' ex gf

>>13583042 Planefag Reports

>>13583043 'I've had it with her': Kevin McCarthy criticism of Liz Cheney caught on hot mic

>>13583084 Derek Chauvin requests new trial claiming jury misconduct

>>13583108 @US_CYBERCOM: Remember to practice good cyber hygiene – including installing recommend #DROID patches and using 2FA to safeguard secret plans. #Cybersecurity #StarWars #MayThe4thBeWithYou

>>13583127 @mikepompeo: Excited to be in the Great State of Kansas to speak to @kansansforlife


>>13583068, >>13583079, >>13583131, >>13583163 cnn just said a 3rd wave of covid is going to hit India in the future…..they are threatening him now

>>13583259 Sen. Ron Johnson: I always felt the Aug 6, 2020 FBI briefing was a set up, and now I know it was. I’ve asked who directed that it be given and what the underlying intelligence was for the unnecessary and useless briefing. The deep state hasn’t told me - not holding my breath they will now.


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22b29f  No.13583282

File: 1bd7bc7c32abacc⋯.jpg (79.92 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 1bd7bc7c32abacc27045fbe189….jpg)

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fa07be  No.13583283

File: d719065ca8f1176⋯.png (1.33 MB, 1502x804, 751:402, fauxaired.png)

File: db5043dde9dfe18⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1502x903, 1502:903, clowngoebbels.png)


Been trying! Anons, don't keep falling for this! Happens EVERY TIME that rotten clown says something "sensationalist". WHAT ABOUT clown's buddy, HUNTER, or Hunter's "partner", LURCH & Iran?

WHAT ABOUT SWALLOWELL & FANG FANG, Feinstein & Russell Lowe, Burisma, Rosemont Group, the Voting Fraud Evidence, Mike Lindell's documentaries, Rudy's Bidan corruption Evidence… LAPTOPS, etc. ETC, which faux keeps BURIED?

clown carlson is a damn Anti-Trump mouthpiece for the fvcking bidans!

What was faux for having LUNTZ on their propaganda channel as faux suppressed EVERYTHING while INFLUENCING and skewering Conservative viewers' perceptions every damned hour but Hannity's?

Carlson during the RIOTS: Americans Feel Undefended And Neglected, Expect A President To Respond To A Crisis Trump never quite articulated any of this…And yet when widespread disorder arrived, Trump did not act decisively. He said little. He did less. Voters felt undefended. Some turned against him. https://archive.is/wip/8mDoy

January 26, 2020 Tucker Carlson talked about his former Washington neighbor, Hunter Biden… telling host Jesse Waters he feels a degree of "sympathy" for the son of former Vice President Joe Biden now that the son is facing scrutinty

I know him well. He was my neighbor. He's a really nice guy, Carlson said. I've always liked him

Hunter Biden and his 77-year-old father have been frequent subjects of conversation among Republicans amid the ongoing Senate impeachment trial of President Trump. The president is accused of abuse of power for allegedly using military aid to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden’s… Trump is also accused of obstruction  of Congress for allegedly blocking efforts by House panels to investigate him.

I still like Hunter Biden, but he's a beneficiary of a system that's, like, completely corrupt… It's, like, of course, he's making, you know, whatever, a million a year from some Ukrainian energy company.

I’m sympathetic because, like, if his dad wasn't running for president, we wouldn't have heard of all of this" Carlson said. https://archive.is/wip/O9JaP https://www.foxnews.com/media/tucker-carlson-tells-watters-hes-sympathetic-to-hunter-biden


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ab43ea  No.13583284

File: 7c19ad829238fda⋯.png (542.22 KB, 644x606, 322:303, Jewisch_Supremacist.png)

File: d2795bc9ef2c1b5⋯.jpeg (14.43 KB, 255x164, 255:164, a3d4cfdf8e9d2b34927795ffd….jpeg)

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8ee268  No.13583285


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20ba4d  No.13583286


Good. Thanks Baker. I finally had to filter the other baker.

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ea5667  No.13583287

It's not "the jews", it's not "the blacks", it's not "the muzzies", it's satanists of all races masquerading as "freemasons". The sooner people figure that out, the sooner we can start doing something about it. Until then I supposed we'll just fight with each other and ignore the 800 lb gorilla.

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ab43ea  No.13583288

File: e4cc5bc8c778707⋯.png (2.7 MB, 1024x1365, 1024:1365, Gottes_Segen.png)

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db72f5  No.13583289

File: 22ace516b997119⋯.jpg (1.01 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Governors_not_Dictators_01….jpg)

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7a752b  No.13583290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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088e43  No.13583291

File: ad5c4a663208acd⋯.jpg (132.14 KB, 500x636, 125:159, muh_buttons.jpg)


i know, right?

if only he had red hair…

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9a17d2  No.13583292


That split bread didn't get as many posts tho.

But then again Uncle Joe showed up so who knows.

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0dde2a  No.13583293

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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fe47e5  No.13583294


i can tell you are a lib because YOUR MEMES SUCK!!

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8ebf2d  No.13583295

File: ad6de843400ecf8⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 255x171, 85:57, bd8b697f9f575cb24267946be4….jpg)

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7d7bb6  No.13583296

File: fbbcbb4713c8ee1⋯.png (3.34 MB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 08ACFF45_8BE3_465F_A41C_2F….png)

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fe7332  No.13583297


Wouldn't keep her for all the AU in space. Come on blasphemous, anon.

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9e0edf  No.13583298

File: 851fa580b47c404⋯.png (958.47 KB, 1162x1038, 581:519, concern_cuck.png)

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07ccba  No.13583299

File: c75bdf2927cf981⋯.jpg (41.02 KB, 720x450, 8:5, herzel_2.jpg)

File: 9a8df5dd4c1dc1e⋯.jpg (79.38 KB, 678x433, 678:433, jimcarrey.jpg)

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8ee268  No.13583300

How do you Conviced People that Already Conviced and TAKE THE TURN?

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8ebf2d  No.13583301

File: 63e8c72ff215a17⋯.png (460.6 KB, 474x474, 1:1, jewish_Soldiers.png)

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db72f5  No.13583302

File: d1b084b3fecd1a8⋯.jpg (386.77 KB, 876x1554, 146:259, hes_always_watching_005.jpg)

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3073ee  No.13583303



Jew Lie 1. Jew shill maligns good Baker and screams "anti semitic" which is inaccurate.

Jew Lie 2. Most synagogue "incidents" are committed by Jews.

Jew Lie 3. Jewish media wrote 4,000 hit pieces against Q research anons last year. The MOSSAD controlled Jewish media needs no "excuse" to "report" on 8kun.

Anons know the Jewish shilling playbook since these Jewish shills have been screaming and using the same Saul Alinsky Tactics here for 4 years.

Jewish shill is telling you to censor yourselves or you'll be deplatformed.

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982e39  No.13583305

File: 02f20492a230375⋯.png (344.35 KB, 528x400, 33:25, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Twit….png)





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8ebf2d  No.13583306

File: 561609abeab4ef3⋯.jpg (15.22 KB, 255x170, 3:2, 0abcd153c6e8267ede869afc35….jpg)

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b11bbf  No.13583307


i thought i saw a clip where he was very dismissive when it came to 911…truth.

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8ebf2d  No.13583308

File: bb88d98d8b0802b⋯.jpg (42.02 KB, 450x450, 1:1, Jew_Detective2.jpg)

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db72f5  No.13583309

File: da88ad080ff469b⋯.jpg (579.8 KB, 963x2142, 107:238, julian_being_arrested_in_L….jpg)

two years ago in 3 days

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07ccba  No.13583310

File: 3f9f21b97eebbdc⋯.jpg (67.15 KB, 400x300, 4:3, obamanwo.jpg)

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8ee268  No.13583311


And You Always Think Q Say this For NO REASON? ;) Enjoy

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e55bfd  No.13583312

File: 6a6efc3d1a3c562⋯.png (473.58 KB, 400x500, 4:5, 4652AFA8_A658_4ADE_AC62_6F….png)

File: 67c179576f03e0c⋯.jpeg (107.76 KB, 763x500, 763:500, A2521BBD_A242_4806_81E5_6….jpeg)

File: aa5b708331948a8⋯.gif (1.94 MB, 320x480, 2:3, 19E1392A_D275_44D0_B3BB_CC….gif)

File: fd171a5b9898e22⋯.png (597.7 KB, 720x527, 720:527, 8EFBD2FC_2210_413A_85F9_78….png)

File: 4237f70347c8a71⋯.png (469.73 KB, 640x504, 80:63, 6A52A4EF_FE32_4BFB_B6FC_B4….png)


So many things seem to annoy [them], but would love finding those that really get’m going. Still brainstorming.

Daunte who?

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fe47e5  No.13583313


This seemsvery important

do you know what he is implying?

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8ebf2d  No.13583314

File: 12f41bdf3bbbc80⋯.png (646.82 KB, 975x659, 975:659, REICH.png)

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9ba552  No.13583315

File: 2b05dd1abeb33fd⋯.jpg (287.88 KB, 1532x1042, 766:521, groyper.jpg)

So I see the /pol groyper with the unclean frog spirit and the baby dick obsession is still in the kitchen.

No editorializing in the notables, faggot. This isn't your diary.

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41054e  No.13583316

File: 887c8527978df93⋯.png (1 MB, 978x654, 163:109, normi.png)

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0dde2a  No.13583317

File: df6f00fc35ea414⋯.jpg (47.95 KB, 624x408, 26:17, crazy_ones.JPG)


May 4, 2021

We’re Not the Crazy Ones

By Rob Jenkins

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aad1a2  No.13583318


o7 Wasn't sure I could catch up, but here I am.

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caa712  No.13583319

File: c5f2eb5f2d6388a⋯.jpeg (61.49 KB, 819x120, 273:40, 3C9592F5_6B7D_4E14_8917_6….jpeg)

Expecting to break 2k by late Thursday

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813574  No.13583320

File: 02038ca9ac63481⋯.jpg (278.8 KB, 640x360, 16:9, Julian_Pepe.jpg)

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fe7332  No.13583321


Well, whatever it is, represents a collective of codependent entities who can't seem to get their shit together. So waking from the years of slumber to completely losing it isn't appealing either way.

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088e43  No.13583322


i can't see yours

image server?

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db72f5  No.13583323

File: 10777d336a1224a⋯.jpg (447.06 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, moonbeamriders_002.jpg)

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8ebf2d  No.13583324

File: 41da5be9a8f4ca5⋯.png (1.09 MB, 1439x812, 1439:812, Slaughterbots.png)

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7f56c3  No.13583325


Dave is the hopium king. Love that guy. (No ho

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fed3d3  No.13583326

File: 6c53a9c2748f629⋯.png (1.52 MB, 906x1339, 906:1339, 20210426_052919.png)

File: 3ca45937902aec5⋯.png (635.56 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, FRANK_LUNTZ9699.png)

File: 5c2793b098df4ac⋯.png (672.91 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, Memeto_1619570930569.png)


Let's play

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07ccba  No.13583327

If the 'vaccines' only kill those with communicable autoimmune disorders, then perhaps Trump went along with the bioweapon attack for the greater good (least amount of harm)

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f94b29  No.13583328

File: 777ab78f4962bec⋯.png (14.79 KB, 200x200, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore.

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347a7e  No.13583329

File: a234983aba9568a⋯.jpg (203.28 KB, 1500x986, 750:493, vash1.jpg)

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fa07be  No.13583330

File: bbab5fa60767d03⋯.png (378.53 KB, 1022x568, 511:284, fauxpurp.png)

File: 47a5e7af04069a2⋯.png (643.93 KB, 625x520, 125:104, theater.png)


Excatly, anon. Fraud Entertainment.

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41054e  No.13583331

File: 709991f114b5d16⋯.png (1.16 MB, 978x976, 489:488, donate_now.png)

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3db64d  No.13583332


At least Johnson is putting it out there, shit we've known from way back.

All that are involved w/the cover up process, are 'deep state', just like the Branch Davidian massacre just posted on this bread, they always protect their own, just like Barr did and Wray has done and is doing now.

It's obvious and pathetic at the same time.

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377d7c  No.13583333

File: 97e59cfaca2d85e⋯.jpg (386.74 KB, 1500x1125, 4:3, GREAT_RINO_HUNT.jpg)

File: 3f8e9ef6a02b82d⋯.jpg (41.42 KB, 640x448, 10:7, THOMAS_SOWELL_RESPONSIBLE.jpg)

File: 2b7b87f0c0d62c7⋯.jpg (76.67 KB, 621x701, 621:701, DOUGH_BOY.jpg)

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be8154  No.13583334

File: ccd61c68ddfb6c9⋯.jpg (373.26 KB, 640x479, 640:479, there_is_only_996ceb8aa0.jpg)

I am guessing by the anti-jew spam in the bread the clowns are planning to pull a violent FF against another synagogue and blame this board.

[they] are just dying to find an excuse to blame something on [their] "Qanon" straw-man.

Watch out for False Flags within the next few days aimed at Jewish communities.

[they] always telegraph [their] actions.

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8ebf2d  No.13583335

File: 2e69fff83a5d114⋯.png (2.87 MB, 1940x1190, 194:119, dc54ae8cc9a506731afa170ae9….png)

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088e43  No.13583336

File: 0428e88b209d47c⋯.jpg (54.89 KB, 400x609, 400:609, left_flag.jpg)

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8ebf2d  No.13583337

File: 54f19c281fc8ef6⋯.jpg (254.83 KB, 960x558, 160:93, Flugscheibe3.jpg)

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b596d5  No.13583338

File: f15b36239df439a⋯.png (1003.61 KB, 1043x670, 1043:670, ingrish1.png)

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c7068b  No.13583339

File: 8180bcbe4c9cd9b⋯.png (225.43 KB, 670x345, 134:69, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Tuck….png)

File: 9b33e3a5fdf696a⋯.png (819.88 KB, 2016x4061, 2016:4061, FireShot_Capture_005_Tucke….png)

Tucker Carlson

Writer | Producer | Actor


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f94b29  No.13583340



It's still not the Jews.

But fishing is so fun…

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0dde2a  No.13583341

File: f62b14e3d391035⋯.jpg (79.42 KB, 687x637, 687:637, garland.JPG)


Attorney General Garland: Biden DOJ Budget Includes $85M Increase to Probe Domestic Terrorism Cases

Kristina Wong4 May 2021

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db72f5  No.13583342

File: e6d48eccf1c615f⋯.jpg (467.06 KB, 1124x883, 1124:883, whattaazzzittmeaauuyaaa_hu….jpg)

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8ee268  No.13583343


Since i Follow Him and He Never Decieve ME ;)

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8ebf2d  No.13583344

File: 071e8726e9294eb⋯.jpg (50.71 KB, 610x416, 305:208, fuck_off_kike.jpg)

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6b2f20  No.13583345

File: a1a61a018b16f5c⋯.png (113.85 KB, 851x347, 851:347, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 901a35cbaa5afcf⋯.png (185.2 KB, 533x524, 533:524, ClipboardImage.png)

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fe47e5  No.13583346

File: ba3e79025514aad⋯.png (35.59 KB, 719x419, 719:419, ClipboardImage.png)

what is with the new word fake news is using.


fealty to trump's lie.

why are they stuck on 'fealty'

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fed3d3  No.13583347

File: 9c6645d4a154751⋯.jpg (58.77 KB, 236x360, 59:90, 20210504_105309.jpg)



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f94b29  No.13583348

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0dde2a  No.13583349

File: 3fc4ac3ac44588b⋯.jpg (32.66 KB, 672x188, 168:47, june_teen.JPG)


NYC schools cancel Columbus for ‘Indigenous’ Day, add Juneteenth as holiday

By Julia Marsh and David Meyer

May 4, 2021 | 2:13pm

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0f3472  No.13583350

File: 88735d291edaf8a⋯.jpg (70.85 KB, 724x696, 181:174, APBillion.jpg)

File: 1becb6949702a22⋯.jpg (82.14 KB, 1045x529, 1045:529, APBillionII.jpg)

>>13582948 ← And you kikes wonder why the world hates you.

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8ebf2d  No.13583351

File: 71d3742bf028782⋯.jpg (248.54 KB, 1399x1000, 1399:1000, Der_Siegeslauf_des_Hakenkr….JPG)

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db72f5  No.13583352

File: 592af6a9a7e8ae5⋯.jpg (66.92 KB, 1228x564, 307:141, Nasime_003.jpg)

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6c8632  No.13583353

File: fc5a32918eb7d74⋯.jpg (87.84 KB, 960x540, 16:9, ZomboMeme_04052021190955.jpg)

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377d7c  No.13583354


they are trying, as always, to kill the board. NEVER give them ideas. Think it, but don't announce.

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fe47e5  No.13583355


>Excited to be in the Great State ofKansasto speak to @kansansforlife. Feels great to be back home in the Heartland and am looking forward to discussing why LIFE and LIBERTY should matter to every Kansanand every American!

notable 'KANSAS' tweet

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9e0edf  No.13583356

File: e551c06f79b5718⋯.png (1.46 MB, 1172x996, 293:249, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)

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f94b29  No.13583357

The Clan of the South has Met the Clan of the North.

The Fates have aligned

You have no chance to survive.

Make your time.

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b596d5  No.13583358


Why would they need $85 million to investigate the FBI?

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8ebf2d  No.13583359







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fed3d3  No.13583360

File: 7f14430e1065f54⋯.png (468.29 KB, 1080x808, 135:101, 19399360181.png)

File: 59c064d03a82d0f⋯.png (448.33 KB, 1080x798, 180:133, M99866265.png)

File: c7ba2132406f7d8⋯.png (518.86 KB, 765x1361, 765:1361, Memeto_1619398744791.png)

File: 3410f7c3c969e6b⋯.png (333.09 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, Memeto_1619398916922.png)

Just a coincidence I'm sure

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0dde2a  No.13583361

File: 58c7fa03973a99d⋯.jpg (81.89 KB, 638x675, 638:675, even_after.JPG)


Billionaire-Backed Operative Kept Funding Steele, Fusion GPS in 2019, Even After Dossier’s Credibility Crumbled

By Ivan Pentchoukov

May 4, 2021 Updated: May 4, 2021

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07ccba  No.13583362

File: c5b2efe329a2bf7⋯.jpg (169.84 KB, 500x488, 125:122, hitlerfight.jpg)

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41054e  No.13583363

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8ebf2d  No.13583364

File: 6cb2479ad159400⋯.png (540.13 KB, 776x776, 1:1, 68274fd83ff6d099205900019c….png)

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6b2f20  No.13583365

File: e2ef7c154caf9af⋯.png (354.26 KB, 485x454, 485:454, ClipboardImage.png)

File: d18d932c185b58c⋯.png (856.39 KB, 513x620, 513:620, ClipboardImage.png)

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277f7d  No.13583366

File: c3f58b79da4ef7a⋯.png (431.3 KB, 535x618, 535:618, Screenshot_2021_05_04_The_….png)

A former staffer for @SenFeinstein

continued to pay large sums of money in 2019 to former British spy #ChristopherSteele and #FusionGPS, even as the credibility of both Steele and the claims in his Clinton-funded misinformation dossier evaporated.



the CS´s 2nd report

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32f39e  No.13583367



yeah now we are moving along

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9e73d0  No.13583368



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fe47e5  No.13583369

cnn going after JOSH HAWLEY now ….somehow connecting and blaming him for LIZ cheney going down.

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db72f5  No.13583370

File: 1a40317c1961995⋯.jpg (617.64 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, peak_a_boo_Ba_ma_gate_bidi….jpg)

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8ebf2d  No.13583371

File: d360c69567c971c⋯.jpg (862.67 KB, 2356x2156, 589:539, d360c69567c971ce383fa92047….jpg)

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fed3d3  No.13583372

File: d7a1c21822022a7⋯.png (254.98 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, Memeto_1613240737709.png)

File: 669f9f42bd88a47⋯.png (388.31 KB, 1080x808, 135:101, Memeto_1612525561475.png)

File: 70741b8244c5e5e⋯.png (310.34 KB, 1080x924, 90:77, Memeto_1603040902039.png)

File: 38dd8223c8ee0cc⋯.png (353.69 KB, 1080x606, 180:101, Memeto_1605493914094.png)

I mean it's totally normal that 3% of our population is this proportionately cabal

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f217ad  No.13583373


So is it Low IQ Anons who are against The Jew's and our Greatest Ally Israel now??

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8ebf2d  No.13583374

File: ade2dfde46b1fd2⋯.jpg (73.92 KB, 618x421, 618:421, ade2dfde46b1fd27bee874b6a9….jpg)

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6b2f20  No.13583375

File: e8eb26a54ebbde3⋯.png (1.37 MB, 800x800, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

File: dac8a825d656082⋯.png (1.51 MB, 1200x630, 40:21, ClipboardImage.png)

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3073ee  No.13583376

File: 34c8066e36c4e82⋯.png (80.38 KB, 275x183, 275:183, ClipboardImage.png)



When you're losing, just scream BIGGER.

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db72f5  No.13583377

File: d486057beb0680b⋯.jpg (128.99 KB, 576x511, 576:511, revoke_44_009.jpg)

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3cd15b  No.13583378

File: 6e7ee836726c39e⋯.jpg (73.52 KB, 1000x500, 2:1, download_1_.jpg)

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fed3d3  No.13583379

File: 77ebb4988ed5652⋯.jpeg (92.47 KB, 1080x616, 135:77, 1597924539.jpeg)

File: 71c3993cce90d39⋯.jpeg (133.23 KB, 1080x613, 1080:613, 1599479931.jpeg)

File: 00d484d3674fb23⋯.jpeg (53.66 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1600473936.jpeg)

File: 2a720fba27c1b88⋯.jpg (64.86 KB, 362x450, 181:225, 20200831_111942.jpg)

So stop that silly conspiracy stuff. These are the good guys

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186ba6  No.13583380

File: 18ba26621be34f1⋯.png (103.49 KB, 402x499, 402:499, ClipboardImage.png)

File: aa7046cd9fd8d00⋯.png (1.37 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 72fcb2f3613fc3a⋯.png (1.58 MB, 1907x1062, 1907:1062, American_BaldEagle_2021_04….png)


> 3:05 being left out

> … know if it means anything, but I noticed it

QDrop # 305 = (8) (8)



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088e43  No.13583381


you must be jew here

how about a Frank Luntz:

What do Hunter Biden and Kevin McCarthy have in common?

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4fa474  No.13583382

File: 415e59f925dc6e9⋯.jpg (131.28 KB, 634x971, 634:971, RGdril.jpg)


Prolly the 'set-up' of Rudy.

Wasn't he asked specifically about an FBI briefing in August?

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17adc7  No.13583383

File: 18247b915a796e1⋯.jpg (2.4 MB, 3024x2428, 756:607, whitepeacock.jpg)

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fed3d3  No.13583384

File: 08089beb629e18d⋯.jpeg (84.88 KB, 1080x746, 540:373, 1597924482.jpeg)

File: 4aca26d32ad5fb8⋯.jpg (238.3 KB, 1080x832, 135:104, 20200820_065007.jpg)

File: b57eb690d5640e5⋯.jpeg (95.58 KB, 642x951, 214:317, 1597924350.jpeg)

File: dcbb46df07b6635⋯.jpeg (57.66 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1597924426.jpeg)

No colluding at all

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8ebf2d  No.13583385

File: 1f42c23716d7ea7⋯.png (328.76 KB, 691x428, 691:428, Rabbi_Haviv.png)

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5ff76d  No.13583386


Gay mafia.

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8ebf2d  No.13583387

File: c800553976a7092⋯.png (992.2 KB, 989x869, 989:869, c800553976a7092e864f25d0c0….png)

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f94b29  No.13583388

It's Great to Be Alive.

Every day is a Bonus.

Every Day is a Gift.

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a43299  No.13583390

File: 00ee9abb41685db⋯.png (5.71 KB, 80x80, 1:1, new_and_improved_pdp_40x40….png)


> We Caught Them All, We Have It All

Dpn'y forget your keto sups..

gotta pay muh bills. kek

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41054e  No.13583391

File: 57fd25223254d18⋯.png (1.01 MB, 978x606, 163:101, wwg.png)

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fe7332  No.13583392



Room 1101

Check em Paris.

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db72f5  No.13583393

File: 6def39abd188d77⋯.jpg (97.57 KB, 741x368, 741:368, snarky_cat_0033.jpg)

I love this.

so ya, I know it's . . . out there but . . .

not mine, by the way.

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fed3d3  No.13583394

File: 194d2e70cb18f1d⋯.jpeg (109.22 KB, 1080x910, 108:91, 1593718980.jpeg)

File: a785386475ed4d3⋯.jpeg (76.02 KB, 1080x728, 135:91, 1591645834.jpeg)

File: e991dabe883225c⋯.jpeg (99.28 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, 1591638266.jpeg)

File: 1d67dc02b801934⋯.jpeg (88.15 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1589469121.jpeg)

Just honest hardworking people

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8c977f  No.13583395

File: 377c9b6b6e4756a⋯.png (732.8 KB, 751x757, 751:757, 377c9b6b6e4756a8f168f92a40….png)

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aad1a2  No.13583396

@ 670

>>13582589 Dough

>>13582913 baker ghosts

Notablesare not endorsements


>>13582623 Mike Pompeo on nuclear threats

>>13582682, >>13582771, >>13582693, >>13582749, >>13582899, >>13582970, >>13582995, >>13583017, >>13583067 Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump

>>13582768 A fed judge ordered DOJ to release memo that Bill Barr used to clear President Trump of obstruction of justice, saying '..time for the public to see'

>>13582773 NASA announces launch plans for new Dream Chaser spaceplane

>>13582796 SpaceX launches 60 Starlink satellites from Florida

>>13582800, >>13582855 Kevin Kline Dig

>>13582815, >>13582820 Anon Graphic

>>13582876 Gen Michael Flynn asked about Q_anon…kek

>>13582883 HAPPENING NOW: Texas City, Texas Orders Residents To Shelter In Place Due To "Chemical Release"

>>13582897 Scientists turn cellphone into a chemical detector

>>13582911 Coca-Cola pauses controversial diversity plan after abrupt departure of company's top lawyer

>>13582957 Top Election Operative, Ryan Macias, Who Dems Quietly Inserted into Maricopa Audit, Is Member of Clandestine ‘National Task Force on Election Crisis’

>>13582971 Attorney General Garland: Biden DOJ Budget Includes $85M Increase to Probe Domestic Terrorism Cases

>>13582987 White House: Joe Biden Will Announce ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Strategy Within Weeks

>>13583011, >>13583046, >>13583062, >>13583100 HUMMER Winblad Venture Partners. Bill Gates' ex gf

>>13583042 Planefag Reports

>>13583043 'I've had it with her': Kevin McCarthy criticism of Liz Cheney caught on hot mic

>>13583084 Derek Chauvin requests new trial claiming jury misconduct

>>13583108 @US_CYBERCOM: Remember to practice good cyber hygiene – including installing recommend #DROID patches and using 2FA to safeguard secret plans. #Cybersecurity #StarWars #MayThe4thBeWithYou

>>13583127 @mikepompeo: Excited to be in the Great State of Kansas to speak to @kansansforlife


>>13583068, >>13583079, >>13583131, >>13583163 cnn just said a 3rd wave of covid is going to hit India in the future…..they are threatening him now

>>13583259, >>13583366 Sen. Ron Johnson: I always felt the Aug 6, 2020 FBI briefing was a set up, and now I know it was. I’ve asked who directed that it be given and what the underlying intelligence was for the unnecessary and useless briefing. The deep state hasn’t told me - not holding my breath they will now.

>>13583349 NYC schools cancel Columbus for ‘Indigenous’ Day, add Juneteenth as holiday

>>13583361 Billionaire-Backed Operative Kept Funding Steele, Fusion GPS in 2019, Even After Dossier’s Credibility Crumbled


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6b2f20  No.13583397

File: 69e247109023111⋯.png (120.33 KB, 474x206, 237:103, ClipboardImage.png)

File: b38d112ccfdb94e⋯.png (96.09 KB, 630x630, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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8ee268  No.13583398

File: dff2141cf594e97⋯.jpg (27.71 KB, 474x266, 237:133, download_2_.jpg)

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fed3d3  No.13583399

File: 522d2462e18caee⋯.jpeg (109.37 KB, 880x912, 55:57, 1588861658.jpeg)

File: 20cf3b6d0d4ae2a⋯.jpeg (188.89 KB, 1080x759, 360:253, 1587768726.jpeg)

File: d3fab2a3a657217⋯.jpeg (91.15 KB, 998x654, 499:327, 1588676354.jpeg)

File: 4c99fe7dfcd445c⋯.jpg (273.88 KB, 800x827, 800:827, 20200427_183858.jpg)

Just trying to make the world a better place

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3073ee  No.13583400



Just because We, The People hate fucking ISRAEL does not mean that we love Palestine.


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db72f5  No.13583401

File: 3af21f38c165b1e⋯.png (164.74 KB, 600x484, 150:121, pepe_6_sampson_haired.png)

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6b2f20  No.13583402

File: db214ac8eb90f82⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1000x664, 125:83, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c977f  No.13583403

File: c3947d61a26c95d⋯.png (822.22 KB, 856x674, 428:337, hard_truth.png)

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8ee268  No.13583404

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088e43  No.13583405

Who the actual fuck is ever excited to be in Kansas? Crows?

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fed3d3  No.13583406

File: 622306f18ff092c⋯.jpeg (103.91 KB, 1080x754, 540:377, 1585339066.jpeg)

File: 8dca1dd11a2c11c⋯.jpeg (75.75 KB, 1080x540, 2:1, 1585482823.jpeg)

File: 7a2bb2bf400ece8⋯.jpg (232.87 KB, 1080x704, 135:88, 20200408_163200.jpg)

File: 365cb3b050b6db7⋯.jpeg (78.64 KB, 784x1020, 196:255, 1587309640.jpeg)

What is the one thing they all have in common? Hmm that's a tough one

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8c977f  No.13583407

File: 45acc72f8a8281e⋯.jpg (74.85 KB, 800x701, 800:701, 7db08994e514f819b768851c29….jpg)

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db72f5  No.13583408

File: a7c04654b159286⋯.jpg (292.98 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PepeSpace_Force13_coronobo….jpg)

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f94b29  No.13583410

File: 98acf7487e2b1c5⋯.png (1.02 MB, 739x500, 739:500, ClipboardImage.png)

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8c977f  No.13583411

File: 5b90c0d60ead33e⋯.jpg (95.41 KB, 750x378, 125:63, 5b90c0d60ead33e4e0913cb17d….jpg)

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6b2f20  No.13583412

File: b84b59269f2d338⋯.png (17.37 KB, 474x248, 237:124, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 8cb3e73b5179c9d⋯.png (299.46 KB, 474x474, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)

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fed3d3  No.13583413

File: 7565d9f49654a3e⋯.jpeg (91.46 KB, 1080x721, 1080:721, 1581117043.jpeg)

File: 41593575c763d64⋯.jpeg (83.85 KB, 1080x608, 135:76, 1583674735.jpeg)

File: 7113c831bc85685⋯.jpg (322.93 KB, 1080x766, 540:383, 20200302_101737.jpg)

File: a87a04572bb2c27⋯.jpg (349.84 KB, 1080x525, 72:35, 20200226_204335.jpg)

Figure it out yet? What are the odds??

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6c8632  No.13583414

File: 34ff9a1d7c4e30c⋯.jpg (54.17 KB, 800x449, 800:449, ZomboMeme_07032020204049.jpg)

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dfe221  No.13583415


Good question. I don’t think they know either. Maybe they think this gay word will appeal to normies

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0f3472  No.13583416

File: 850119d6d92ab71⋯.jpg (73.38 KB, 634x718, 317:359, PulpStory.jpg)

File: 594d7b0977c06dc⋯.jpg (61.91 KB, 616x460, 154:115, PulpStoryII.jpg)

File: 87517c778d4fbf7⋯.jpg (45.45 KB, 657x532, 657:532, PulpStoryIII.jpg)

File: 62452533c1a75b8⋯.jpg (54.2 KB, 612x660, 51:55, PulpStoryIIII.jpg)

File: 8b614cc5ddc3700⋯.jpg (46.48 KB, 616x528, 7:6, PulpStoryIIIII.jpg)

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e802fa  No.13583417

File: 182693e488f37f6⋯.png (26.43 KB, 695x330, 139:66, FilterIDPlus.png)


Let's not.

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fe7332  No.13583418


You dictate when you're locked out of Governance.

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5839c9  No.13583419

File: b3112ba7aa7c2d2⋯.png (427.08 KB, 598x556, 299:278, Screenshot_2021_05_04_Twit….png)





newfags, please use these as sample posting to help you in your efforts of information warfare

>>13583305 sample 1

sample 2 attached

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ea140f  No.13583420

File: 5dde0badf3fe0bc⋯.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1373x1348, 1373:1348, 6D080C1B_B6EE_4DB5_84FB_0….jpeg)

The glorious Boomer government is gonna “legislate” everyone they don’t like into “domestic terror” groups

Fuck the government


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caa712  No.13583421

U.S. Attorney’s Office

District of Minnesota


Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Second Member Of "Boogaloo Bois" Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy To Provide Material Support To Hamas

ST. PAUL, Minn. – Michael Solomon, 31, of New Brighton, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to provide material support and resources, namely property, services and weapons, to what he believed was Hamas, a designated foreign terrorist organization, for use against Israeli and U.S. military personnel overseas.

According to court documents, in late May of 2020, the FBI initiated an investigation into Solomon and co-defendant Benjamin Ryan Teeter, two members of the “Boogaloo Bois,” and a sub-group called the “Boojahideen.” The Boogaloo Bois are a group of individuals who espouse violent anti-government sentiments.

According to court documents, on June 10, 2020, Solomon and Teeter met with a confidential human source (“CHS”), whom the defendants believed to be a member of Hamas. During this meeting, Solomon and Teeter proposed assisting Hamas as a means of furthering the goals of the Boogaloo Bois. Throughout the course of the conspiracy, Solomon used encrypted messaging applications to communicate with Teeter and the CHS about various aspects of the conspiracy.

On June 28, 2020, Solomon, Teeter, and the CHS, met an undercover employee of the FBI (“UCE) that Solomon believed was a member of Hamas. During this meeting, Solomon and Teeter proposed manufacturing suppressors, untraceable firearms, and fully automatic firearms for Hamas.

On July 6, 2020, Solomon and Teeter purchased a drill press for the purpose of manufacturing suppressors for Hamas. Solomon admits that he and Teeter had planned to use the drill press to also manufacture suppressors for members of the Boogaloo Bois. Solomon and Teeter brought the drill press to Solomon’s home and later used the drill press to manufacture five suppressors.

On July 30, 2020, Solomon and Teeter delivered the suppressors to the CHS and UCE believing those devices would be used by the militant wing of Hamas. During that meeting, the defendants agreed to manufacture additional suppressors for Hamas believing that the next batch of suppressors would be used against Israeli and U.S. military personnel overseas.

Solomon admitted that he and Teeter again met the UCE on August 29, 2020. During this meeting, the defendants gave the UCE a 3-D printed “auto sear” believing that the auto sear would be used by Hamas to convert semi-automatic rifles into fully automatic rifles. At this time, Solomon and Teeter agreed to obtain, and did obtain, another order of auto sears for the CHS and the UCE.

Solomon pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization. Solomon faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. A federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the U.S. Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.

Acting U.S. Attorney W. Anders Folk for the District of Minnesota; Assistant Attorney General John C. Demers for the Justice Department’s National Security Division; and Special Agent in Charge Michael Paul of the FBI’s Minneapolis Field Office made the announcement after Senior U.S. District Judge Michael J. Davis accepted the plea.

The FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force is investigating the case, with assistance from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).

Assistant U.S. Attorney Andrew R. Winter, and Trial Attorneys George Kraehe and Felice John Viti of the National Security Division's Counterterrorism Section are prosecuting the case.

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caa712  No.13583422



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db72f5  No.13583423

File: e366853b8dda929⋯.jpg (232.6 KB, 768x504, 32:21, many_pepe_.jpg)

File: 49087117ce843a0⋯.jpg (262.19 KB, 896x630, 64:45, many_pepe_002.jpg)

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0dde2a  No.13583424

File: 376ac2b8e773833⋯.jpg (49.61 KB, 955x592, 955:592, what_key.JPG)


May 4, 2021

11:46 AM -11


Georgia bar says mental health exam isn't key to Lin Wood's fate

David Thomas

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e54c23  No.13583425

Subversion tactics intensify

White power nazi faggots

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fed3d3  No.13583426

File: e5ce06a39c93ef1⋯.jpeg (130.09 KB, 1080x776, 135:97, 1579447910.jpeg)

File: 33298931fdb6304⋯.jpeg (73.11 KB, 1080x780, 18:13, 1554070261.jpeg)

File: 6e31e7ad115404e⋯.jpeg (70.76 KB, 1080x618, 180:103, 1553466817.jpeg)

File: 1ae1c474e443e4a⋯.jpeg (283.02 KB, 1080x1620, 2:3, 1578252148.jpeg)

They started it. Fuck em

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9e73d0  No.13583427

File: a59150e1774caf1⋯.png (87.52 KB, 783x279, 87:31, Screen_Shot_2021_05_02_at_….png)

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347a7e  No.13583428

File: 510d11b65929dfd⋯.png (294.53 KB, 624x764, 156:191, 000UPATRIOT.png)

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3073ee  No.13583429


All libtards the second they are thwarted, they CURSE at you.

Similar to the Jewtards on this board.

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7ee84a  No.13583431


God tier General/ o7

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fed3d3  No.13583432

File: f7e84eb7344cf52⋯.jpeg (129.13 KB, 1080x815, 216:163, 1553879501.jpeg)

File: 88ee29b68355074⋯.jpeg (348.34 KB, 1080x1342, 540:671, 1554032797.jpeg)

File: 469b5fe58e057f0⋯.jpeg (97.23 KB, 1080x530, 108:53, 1554487602.jpeg)

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ead1ed  No.13583433

File: b1a950e8f128a2e⋯.png (15.35 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 623905b265883e5cff6c5cdb20….png)



Because they fear that we believe as they… They believe that we consider Trump some Royalty or as King…

Because that is what they would consider him, a Tyrant-King…

Because he is the protector of the People and standing in their way…They believe anyone that Brave and Noble can only be observed as a as a King.

But we just know & accept him as out POTUS.

IN their minds eye only a King would be able to do that.

And if they had a leader such as Trump, they would indeed be trying to Crown him, in the Name of Democracy of course.

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7a752b  No.13583434

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My 20 minutes talk with lawyer consultant

Hakeren Israel foreign worker's fund takana magazi telavive isreal

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3db64d  No.13583435

File: f8a4c7dba6b0068⋯.png (346.66 KB, 718x862, 359:431, Screen_Shot_2021_05_04_at_….png)


Put Fealty in the proper context:

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3073ee  No.13583436





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1cc88a  No.13583437

Wonder if uncle Joe gets his material from hunter's laptop

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fed3d3  No.13583438

File: c0e6b8ab76e33a2⋯.jpg (470.08 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, 20210116_100431.jpg)

File: cf6ae9324111d30⋯.jpg (116.44 KB, 663x960, 221:320, 1613818190091.jpg)

File: 6436b4edf4ff894⋯.jpg (146.44 KB, 1024x870, 512:435, 1614009406683.jpg)

File: 26e5390b8c58f7c⋯.jpg (133.58 KB, 1024x639, 1024:639, 1614269213255.jpg)

Get it?

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e802fa  No.13583439

File: 799dcc6c9368dfb⋯.png (33.58 KB, 346x358, 173:179, Filter2.png)

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aad1a2  No.13583440



>>13582589 Dough

>>13582913 baker ghosts

Notablesare not endorsements


>>13582623 Mike Pompeo on nuclear threats

>>13582682, >>13582771, >>13582693, >>13582749, >>13582899, >>13582970, >>13582995, >>13583017, >>13583067 Straight from the desk of Donald J. Trump

>>13582768 A fed judge ordered DOJ to release memo that Bill Barr used to clear President Trump of obstruction of justice, saying '..time for the public to see'

>>13582773 NASA announces launch plans for new Dream Chaser spaceplane

>>13582796 SpaceX launches 60 Starlink satellites from Florida

>>13582800, >>13582855 Kevin Kline Dig

>>13582815, >>13582820 Anon Graphic

>>13582876 Gen Michael Flynn asked about Q_anon…kek

>>13582883 HAPPENING NOW: Texas City, Texas Orders Residents To Shelter In Place Due To "Chemical Release"

>>13582897 Scientists turn cellphone into a chemical detector

>>13582911 Coca-Cola pauses controversial diversity plan after abrupt departure of company's top lawyer

>>13582957 Top Election Operative, Ryan Macias, Who Dems Quietly Inserted into Maricopa Audit, Is Member of Clandestine ‘National Task Force on Election Crisis’

>>13582971 Attorney General Garland: Biden DOJ Budget Includes $85M Increase to Probe Domestic Terrorism Cases

>>13582987 White House: Joe Biden Will Announce ‘Domestic Terrorism’ Strategy Within Weeks

>>13583011, >>13583046, >>13583062, >>13583100 HUMMER Winblad Venture Partners. Bill Gates' ex gf

>>13583042 Planefag Reports

>>13583043 'I've had it with her': Kevin McCarthy criticism of Liz Cheney caught on hot mic

>>13583084 Derek Chauvin requests new trial claiming jury misconduct

>>13583108 @US_CYBERCOM: Remember to practice good cyber hygiene – including installing recommend #DROID patches and using 2FA to safeguard secret plans. #Cybersecurity #StarWars #MayThe4thBeWithYou

>>13583127 @mikepompeo: Excited to be in the Great State of Kansas to speak to @kansansforlife


>>13583068, >>13583079, >>13583131, >>13583163 cnn just said a 3rd wave of covid is going to hit India in the future…..they are threatening him now

>>13583259, >>13583366 Sen. Ron Johnson: I always felt the Aug 6, 2020 FBI briefing was a set up, and now I know it was. I’ve asked who directed that it be given and what the underlying intelligence was for the unnecessary and useless briefing. The deep state hasn’t told me - not holding my breath they will now.

>>13583349 NYC schools cancel Columbus for ‘Indigenous’ Day, add Juneteenth as holiday

>>13583361 Billionaire-Backed Operative Kept Funding Steele, Fusion GPS in 2019, Even After Dossier’s Credibility Crumbled

>>13583421, >>13583422 Second Member Of "Boogaloo Bois" Pleads Guilty To Conspiracy To Provide Material Support To Hamas

>>13583424 Georgia bar says mental health exam isn't key to Lin Wood's fate


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ff8c59  No.13583441

File: 5db698183f25fca⋯.png (78.43 KB, 498x280, 249:140, 5db698183f25fca9a87d9f5e80….png)



Back up baker herre

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273e99  No.13583442

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8c977f  No.13583443

File: 7b631010d921bc8⋯.jpg (31.57 KB, 400x400, 1:1, 7b631010d921bc8334c353b54d….jpg)

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0dde2a  No.13583444

File: acca573c989f139⋯.jpg (76.83 KB, 920x757, 920:757, star_mo.JPG)


Man gets 40 years for human trafficking in case linked to Desert Star Motel

by: Jason Kotowski

Posted: May 4, 2021 / 01:58 PM PDT / Updated: May 4, 2021 / 02:01 PM PDT

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cfcac8  No.13583446


I wonder if Uncle Joe is Creepy Joe

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e54c23  No.13583447



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fe47e5  No.13583449


>Georgia bar says mental health exam isn't key to Lin Wood's fate


can you imagine the lawsuit he could bring if they said he was mental

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fed3d3  No.13583450

File: fc3d012920e1f97⋯.jpg (21.05 KB, 255x191, 255:191, 48afded114eedac3a6792dc7bb….jpg)


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3073ee  No.13583452



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fed3d3  No.13583454

File: 0e0a7717fc0a8ed⋯.jpg (396.83 KB, 1001x1024, 1001:1024, 1585408446311.jpg)

Maybe the news will tell me…

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a00ed4  No.13583455


the fbi "briefed" him that RUSSIANS were providing him disinformation

so that later the press could say he was

"a tool of the russians despite repeated warnings"

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7a752b  No.13583457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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8c977f  No.13583458

File: edb8b27083f24ef⋯.png (144.03 KB, 782x785, 782:785, edb8b27083f24ef366f5c08e4f….png)

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7f56c3  No.13583460


Could not of said it any better.

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917151  No.13583462



Love Pompeo!!! no fag

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8c977f  No.13583463


>Maybe the news will tell me…






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fed3d3  No.13583465

File: 8531edb68f256ee⋯.jpeg (163.15 KB, 1080x724, 270:181, 1577899643.jpeg)

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e802fa  No.13583466

File: 99810f47dff2fc9⋯.jpg (11.75 KB, 255x220, 51:44, GrammarNazi.jpg)


have not of

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7a752b  No.13583467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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3dbd72  No.13583468

File: e369f7ebb2f9f36⋯.jpeg (533.32 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, 2DA060F7_28C0_4FB8_B98C_F….jpeg)

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f217ad  No.13583469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Bill Gates has had a Soul Swap with a Reptilian. Something many Anons think happenes. This makes a lot of sense.

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8c977f  No.13583470

File: 79e7b4519aec0f8⋯.jpg (110.52 KB, 489x665, 489:665, 79e7b4519aec0f8a6c4eb5f47a….jpg)

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cb5b58  No.13583471

File: a9b2f30f3051162⋯.jpg (44.04 KB, 620x413, 620:413, masonic_hall_temple_centre….jpg)

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0bec8a  No.13583472

File: 4fbac0393c37338⋯.png (32.25 KB, 600x453, 200:151, jew_antisemitism_trick_2.png)


The truth is not anti-semitic. Stop being a jew.

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347a7e  No.13583473

File: 3cb1b8156bf1ab8⋯.jpg (137.17 KB, 814x489, 814:489, 3cb1b8156bf1ab85ed4a66d19f….jpg)

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aad1a2  No.13583474

File: fb353dd055f1daa⋯.mp4 (10.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Anons_thank_you.mp4)

Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons






Fill this bread first pleeze, TY anons

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8c977f  No.13583475

File: 739a93e11acca08⋯.jpg (35.91 KB, 720x509, 720:509, terrorism.jpg)

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8ee268  No.13583477

File: 681868af37ff23e⋯.jpg (51.99 KB, 686x960, 343:480, 681868af37ff23e36dadcd321e….jpg)

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3db64d  No.13583478


This anon gets it.

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8c977f  No.13583479

File: 8357f7d9e17c2dd⋯.png (276.54 KB, 422x322, 211:161, Jewpiter1.png)

File: 7699ab14826374a⋯.png (23.28 KB, 360x400, 9:10, Jewpiter2.png)

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8c977f  No.13583480

File: 1b9010890754ed4⋯.jpg (9.4 KB, 255x181, 255:181, 01a19c49e9a97d36d44231a916….jpg)

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e55bfd  No.13583481


Couldn’t’ve ???

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8c977f  No.13583483

File: 88059960064cd50⋯.png (209.76 KB, 800x1131, 800:1131, bcad4fe662b580ce6d109c4ea5….png)

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41054e  No.13583484

File: 6bfbc362940c153⋯.png (1.58 MB, 786x832, 393:416, ris.png)

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2ac9e8  No.13583488



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1cc88a  No.13583489

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7a752b  No.13583490

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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8c977f  No.13583491

File: dc410d5f719f2f2⋯.jpg (209.35 KB, 368x719, 368:719, The_recipe_book_of_the_dev….jpg)

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