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000000  No.13352766[View All]

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701 posts and 498 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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d2092b  No.13353586

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242a8c  No.13353587

File: 4a4c295c19cb96a⋯.jpg (12.59 KB, 255x255, 1:1, 2ca0a2f79216bc2309ed9c0b2a….jpg)


Was not being sarcastic anon. Jesus you faggots have gotten so touchy over the years. Must be all the jerking off to trap porn. Oh well.

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25af57  No.13353588

File: 48a5c06da40afa4⋯.png (1.84 MB, 1391x906, 1391:906, Opera_Snapshot_2021_04_03_….png)


btw do you have a permit for that large capacity magazine?

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621ace  No.13353589

File: c64059f8b543fda⋯.png (1.27 MB, 2103x2146, 2103:2146, 000matrixxx6.png)

File: c963ca5c9102c6c⋯.png (2.94 MB, 3808x4720, 238:295, 000matrixxx8.png)

File: ea053b94a8979f1⋯.png (156.21 KB, 786x1624, 393:812, 000matrixxx9.png)

File: c14c2ffbcaf0be6⋯.png (1.25 MB, 1400x1478, 700:739, 000matrixxx10.png)

File: 88385bc3aaf336e⋯.png (8.03 MB, 9704x2744, 1213:343, 000matrixxx11a.png)


Anon has concluded that Jeffy/INTHEMATRIXXX is not an Idiot and so P = Payseur is Disinfo and Jeffy knows it.

There are Two clear cut choices for Anons yet the second choice contains an "OUT" for Jeffy:

#1: Jeff is an Idiot rookie researcher grasping for straws anywhere he can find them.

#2: Jeff knows full well that Springmeier is a Grifter and the P = Payseur "theory" is bullshit.

#2a: Jeff is an Agent of the Vatican.

#2b: Jeff is Necessary Disinfo because otherwise MOST Catholics would be appalled and turn away from Q because of what the drops suggest that [P] =.

Apologies yet Anon does not feel that the majority here need to suffer because some CATHOLICS cannot handle what certainly appears to be the truth as presented by THE DROPS.

If Jeff's P = Payseur is part of the Plan then it is part of the PLAN that Anon strongly disagrees with and until Tippy Top Anon explains this major discrepancy to Anon, Jeffy is [JEFFY].

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874885  No.13353590


I don't see the CDC as anything more than a vaccine company, but [they] consider it a federal agency. It's one of many entities that must have any connection to the government totally severed. Their logo may not be a 'seal', but apparently the law covers it as the same.

"Furthermore, specific U.S. law prohibits the reproduction of designated logos of U.S. government agencies without written permission. Certain works, particularly logos of government agencies, while not copyrightable, are still protected by other laws similar in effect to trademark laws, protecting indicators of source or quality."


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1b2b21  No.13353591


I can't find the one you're referring to but I know I got it somewhere around here. Sorry bout that. I'll keep looking.

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242a8c  No.13353592

File: efade5c27f74c1e⋯.jpg (26.15 KB, 400x400, 1:1, efade5c27f74c1e2fa607b9bb6….jpg)



Ah. You good then. My b

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b16828  No.13353593


dat's special.

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d2092b  No.13353594


It's my reasoned response vs their sour tantrums e'er time lol

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5f4f04  No.13353596


>it's really

>all about pedos and human sacrifice.

they need to be rounded up and deaded

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621ace  No.13353597

File: ceabdb20ad33477⋯.png (2.43 MB, 3480x2032, 435:254, smallmap1130.png)


Difficult Truths…

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242a8c  No.13353599


Don't worry about it. If you happen to find it while looking for another meme in the next few breads then post it

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d2092b  No.13353600


>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Same poster?

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d2092b  No.13353601


>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Same poster?

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621ace  No.13353602

File: 36a2857df8049ee⋯.png (609.17 KB, 1080x729, 40:27, pkl.png)

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9c3a6e  No.13353603

File: c4d7c70c01e4f5d⋯.png (30.51 KB, 482x314, 241:157, slowdrip.png)


Is this the slow drip?

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d2092b  No.13353604



>think of all the young minds i am leaving an impression upon!

>an impression that tells their better senses that [you] are fucking evil as you… are fucking evil!

>can [you] say "KEK"? :D

>Muh faithful Traitors who would sell america's soul to muh church in a NY second!

>gosh you have those pretty memes and all I have are Q DROPS AND NEWS STORIES…

Same poster?

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7d893a  No.13353605



Q has helped restore my mind from old trauma bonds. I'm sending faith to all here

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23ac83  No.13353609

File: 0072a19269f993e⋯.png (420.39 KB, 600x586, 300:293, ClipboardImage.png)

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f1f726  No.13353613



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7d893a  No.13353616


Thanks. Good sense of smell

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9c3a6e  No.13353618

File: 7e4501dcf4c537f⋯.png (57.32 KB, 327x232, 327:232, aoc2.png)

File: d6fc569aa696562⋯.png (6.48 KB, 87x48, 29:16, aoc1.png)

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d2092b  No.13353619

Your done posting, now post something witty and think yourself king~

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1b2b21  No.13353620

File: 37eef5a21eb2044⋯.png (1.3 MB, 1576x2160, 197:270, 37eef5a21eb204406387e851ca….png)

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25af57  No.13353621

File: 0d86f015f330e4c⋯.png (886.73 KB, 1880x939, 1880:939, Opera_Snapshot_2021_04_03_….png)


dat's right - AFSOC.

AFSOC C-32B callsign ANON departed North Island Commifornia heading ENE towards Kansas. Currently approaching Oklahoma panhandle.

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789a59  No.13353623


I say the latest FF at the capitol, that dude did not die. Look at the picture they showed of him sprawled all over that stretcher. That was so fucking obvious!

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31ed40  No.13353625


If that happened, who/what else would vanish?

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242a8c  No.13353627

File: 776ff5c5e2f3971⋯.png (373.22 KB, 720x734, 360:367, ClipboardImage.png)

Based Vigano.

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d2092b  No.13353629

Fred spent this thread deploying ~6 meme + news flooders and varied support making you believe these agents here today are religious.

They are anything but, and you know it.

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b72c7c  No.13353631

File: 9dd11273fee06e1⋯.png (3.97 KB, 494x72, 247:36, ClipboardImage.png)


The more you know anon!

Pic related.

If you answer someone but don't click the message No, NOBODY knows who the fuck you are responding to!

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7d893a  No.13353633



Oh boy

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8ae569  No.13353634

File: 05754d0c29a2058⋯.jpg (58.13 KB, 700x780, 35:39, EslUMIUW8AElvxH.jpg)

File: 80039ff5ec4f7b9⋯.jpg (63.37 KB, 624x569, 624:569, Ej6XiCAXcAAByWl.jpg)

File: b8bc6957df6d674⋯.jpg (95.29 KB, 548x619, 548:619, EcvcdF7XYAEfsUm.jpg)

File: 643c8600de93fd6⋯.jpg (136.15 KB, 1148x600, 287:150, EXDqp1VWAAItWal.jpg)


Thanks for the info.

P definitely ain't Payseur. P isn't even human. P is for PERUN aka 'Satan', Zeus, Odin/Thor, Adversary (As told in the Bible), Storm God, etc.

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c08a02  No.13353636


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000000  No.13353638


I have come to the point that I no longer believe anything.

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7d893a  No.13353640


We must reach the land of certainty.

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665b1f  No.13353641

File: 32eb152c4720140⋯.png (1.04 MB, 1100x734, 550:367, shills.png)

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6ae7c3  No.13353644


Pindar >Pope

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5f4f04  No.13353645

podesta is the first arrest, isn't he?

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000000  No.13353646


That is just fantasy.

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0f2630  No.13353647

Oh yay. Now we get to have the P slide again

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7d893a  No.13353648

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6ae7c3  No.13353649


Black ops hair follicle test

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1b2b21  No.13353650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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31ed40  No.13353651

File: d2be074b621904b⋯.jpeg (166.33 KB, 700x700, 1:1, toddler_slide.jpeg)

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567268  No.13353652

>>13353615 Fresh Bread

>>13353615 Fresh Bread

>>13353615 Fresh Bread

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4dc766  No.13353654


That is exactly the goal of Soviet Style Demoralization. Soon you will become numb and obedient and have zero-fucks to give, the perfect tool of the Bolsheviks. They do the same thing to Boot-recruits in the MIL. All the same program to create slaves.

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7d893a  No.13353655


Sorry i really dont want to be a disinformation agent.. or a pawn. I want a better future for humanity.


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d2092b  No.13353656


Even follows the same bad habits of not linking to the OP~

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567268  No.13353657

>>13353615 Fresh Bread

>>13353615 Fresh Bread

>>13353615 Fresh Bread

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ca593e  No.13353658

File: b77269d74929e4a⋯.jpg (222.38 KB, 2048x1457, 2048:1457, b77269d74929e4abaf698a89bd….jpg)

File: 27cb54c715b65bc⋯.jpg (101.59 KB, 978x698, 489:349, 27cb54c715b65bccb7a6e1e4ac….jpg)

File: 15fe07b9d493871⋯.png (90.39 KB, 255x244, 255:244, 48cc370ef7beff33330413fb80….png)





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