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File: 4ccf9c5158e71ea⋯.jpg (121.19 KB, 726x564, 121:94, 1610583798256.jpg)

f7d936  No.12828299

Stop following a false prophet and the false messiah behind him. You idiots are literally worhshiping the antichrist. Jared Kushner is the antichrist is was leaked in a thread in 2008 on David Icke's forum.


This Purple Anon explains Kushner is the one behind Q and is using it to create a Trump death cult. Donald Trump betrayed everyone so that stupid spoiled whore Ivanka could be president one day. Kushner is the evil puppet master.























http://archive.vn/QgJjh ( he is not OP Purple is 3Kj1VXr3)

That last archive anon rips open the child tunnels hoax.

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f7d936  No.12828306

File: 4d31900f5a08336⋯.png (428.47 KB, 1406x1726, 703:863, Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

File: fd85479477f1f43⋯.png (895.56 KB, 1205x2997, 1205:2997, 1557383620215.png)

File: 0fa5611cb0f6c25⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1932x1998, 322:333, GRRzB7w.png)

File: f2539ce2cc1b6c2⋯.png (98.48 KB, 2058x218, 1029:109, PMU7IOk.png)

File: 7c0c539ef6c8f3d⋯.png (1.9 MB, 970x9998, 485:4999, 1550787238997.png)

Purple knew it would be Biden and Kamala 2 years ago. He knew location of all our assets in Syria, about airstrikes, embassy raids, military exercise. He knew what the inside of classified government buildings looked like. He is a very legit anon but more research is obviously required which is why I have come here.

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f7d936  No.12828318

File: 462466a0cb2607f⋯.png (144.23 KB, 2558x308, 1279:154, Screen_Shot_2021_01_19_at_….png)

He also was the one who organized the defeat of the antichrist's puppet Donald Trump.

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59144f  No.12828475


Ivanka is a liberal retard, and Kushner is a little twerp faggot but i still believe something is in the plans. no way in hell we can just let some shithead cheat and win presidency. I refuse to believe that.

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59144f  No.12828491

All your pots are retarded garbage.


Post your nose.

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859a11  No.12828529

Your obsessive behavior is not only unhealthy it is ungodly. It is clear that you are taking Q way to seriously. It's as if are compelled to create a boogeyman in your own mind. And then you are going out of your way to show how holy and righteous you are by opposing the boogeyman THAT YOU CREATED. YOU ARE A DECEIVER AND A FRAUD. You belong in the hall of false prophets and idol worship. You idolize yourself you fraud. Q isn't worth the trouble kid. Grow up.

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859a11  No.12828541

Your obsessive behavior is not only unhealthy it is ungodly. It is clear that you are taking Q way to seriously. It's as if you are compelled to create a boogeyman in your own mind. And then you are going out of your way to show how holy and righteous you are by opposing the boogeyman THAT YOU CREATED. YOU ARE A DECEIVER AND A FRAUD. You belong in the hall of false prophets and idol worship. You idolize yourself you fraud. Q isn't worth the trouble kid. Grow up.

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