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File: 6268f09e9233453⋯.jpg (145.4 KB, 1795x1017, 1795:1017, _JPG.jpg)

a41bbd  No.11006623[View All]

Welcome To Q Research General

We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

We are researchers who deal in open-source information, reasoned argument, and dank memes. We do battle in the sphere of ideas and ideas only. We neither need nor condone the use of force in our work here.




Q's Latest Posts

Friday 10.09.2020

>>11004505 ————————————–——– Threats, blackmail, and bribes. (Caps: >>11004545, >>11004564)

>>11001484 rt >>11001375 ———–––——–— Wasn't referring to Kansas' statement re: Clinton emails. Wasn't referring to Kansas' statement re: Clinton emails.

>>11001321 ————————————–——– Don't believe everything you read (Cap: >>11001361, >>11001393)

>>11001092 ————————————–——– Who is most susceptible? (Cap: >>11001735)

>>10992542 ————————————–——– Keep firing, Nancy.

>>10992356 rt >>10992104 ———–––——–— Why did Brennan endorse? Why did POTUS select as Dir? Buckle up.

>>10992094 rt >>10992036 ———–––——–— Who was DNI? Who was AG? CIA leads to the top?

>>10992036 ————————————–——– What happens if CIA was actively involved in domestic targeting and surv of US person(s) [direct _indirect]? (Cap: >>10992437)

Thursday 10.08.2020

>>10989210 rt >>10989031 ———–––——–— Did you notice the missile within the drop re: 25th amendment? (Cap: >>10989571, >>10989585)

>>10988977 ————————————–——– Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned? Was it expected POTUS would be in a critical [health] state re: C19?

>>10988514 rt >>10988446 ———–––——–— (Cap: >>10988446)

>>10988475 rt >>10988470 ———–––——–— (Cap: >>10988470)

>>10988277 ————————————–——– Nothing is random. Everything has meaning. (Cap: >>10988199)

Wednesday 10.07.2020


>>10975152 ————————————–——– Why did Paul Ryan refuse [block] all subpoena requests by R committee chairs? What is the going rate for THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE to obstruct Congressional investigations for the purposes of delaying and/or eliminating its findings? [protect]

>>10974758 ————————————–——– How much was McCain [>McCaine Institute] paid to peddle the Steele dossier? What is the going rate for a UNITED STATES SENATOR to [knowingly] push false unverified intel to the FBI [lend credibility]?

>>10974416 ————————————–——– Do you remember when they told you this was a helicopter? (Caps: >>10974890, >>10974857)

>>10974299 ————————————–——– Mountain collapse? China seeking NK commitment to fire short[long]-range ballistic missile(s) pre_election?

>>10973330 ————————————–——– Can music be healing? Q

>>10973205 ————————————–——– Joe 30330 Arbitrary? What is 2020 [current year] divided by 30330? Symbolism will be their downfall.

>>10972934 ————————————–——– "This Executive order shall remain in effect until November 3, 2020." Was this ever about the virus? (Cap: >>10973031)

>>10970198 ————————————–——– Combat tactics, Mr Ryan. (Cap: >>10969992)



>>10967370 ————————————–——– WOULD CHINA OWN AND CONTROL THE WHITE HOUSE?


>>10967161 ————————————–——– How many people in DC does Clinton have dirt on?

>>10966994 ————————————–——– Threats, bribes & blackmail being deployed @ unseen levels?

Tuesday 10.06.2020 >>10979212

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701 posts and 442 image replies omitted. Click reply to view. ____________________________
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e63be8  No.11007425


Remember when Q told DTT to "pick up the phone"??

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c2b165  No.11007427

File: 80e491f818c311e⋯.png (871.68 KB, 1338x668, 669:334, Screen_Shot_2020_10_09_at_….png)

File: c1200d6db521d9e⋯.png (148.92 KB, 402x302, 201:151, Screen_Shot_2020_10_09_at_….png)

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6990a2  No.11007428

they got slim to nothing*

fucking brian goes faster than the digits sometimes.

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0992a9  No.11007429


Got high income. Got no phone.

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0fc4e8  No.11007430



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ea8b4b  No.11007431

File: 9691070def274b3⋯.jpg (198.4 KB, 1070x665, 214:133, Screenshot_20201010_152419….jpg)

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feba8c  No.11007432



He really lost his shit. Guy's brain is broken.

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6422b4  No.11007433

File: 1142af20698cae1⋯.jpeg (23.75 KB, 255x255, 1:1, trippy_pep.jpeg)


i keep forgetting how crazy this is….looks like a pirate ship ; Jimi said the only thing about Woodstock was that he wanted to play last ; it rained,. and got delayed and he went on in the morning and all the trippy types were still there to be blessed

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0668ee  No.11007434

File: 3742df40eca9afe⋯.jpg (737.74 KB, 1118x946, 13:11, Bedtime.jpg)


>That's why I just post killbox letters anon

no datefagging.


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b6324e  No.11007435



Thank you.


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186c03  No.11007436


And that is why I am so depressed. Trump needs divine intervention to win and even then I'm not sure. Either Trump has to get a high turnout in his favor on the third or we are going to have to start defending ourselves in the streets because the left wants us dead.

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41c67a  No.11007437

File: dd429b925d93293⋯.jpeg (39.37 KB, 800x984, 100:123, unknown_1.jpeg)



Happy 10/9 to all glorious biblefags.

Revelation 10:9

So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, "Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but 'in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.'"



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5b7bfa  No.11007438


Krugman was "Qanoned" before the media picked up on Q. Incredibly suspicious.

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f13fc6  No.11007440


Thx I'll check it out

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e75dcd  No.11007441

File: 7c199494ed710c4⋯.gif (1.97 MB, 400x332, 100:83, 7c199494ed710c454179d14a26….gif)

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b94c49  No.11007442

File: 3dff5066dc124e3⋯.jpg (160.69 KB, 787x877, 787:877, lynette_20392_2.jpg)


Cropped to not cause distraction.

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b6324e  No.11007443



Anons operating at a high-rate of hooah tonight.


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7faa6d  No.11007444

File: e202224f2eb94d1⋯.jpg (225.48 KB, 778x771, 778:771, e202224f2eb94d190ff05bf2ae….jpg)

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02bae6  No.11007445


Zumba Secrets!

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bbb559  No.11007446


She felt the need to say this now.

She wants people to know they're voting for Harris and not Biden.

After NO ONE voted for Harris in the primaries and they torpedoed Bernie…twice.

Everything is manipulated. No votes matter.

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e2fb3a  No.11007447

File: fb11f6a7c401e12⋯.png (119.65 KB, 300x168, 25:14, ClipboardImage.png)

File: 9171e26f52c4ded⋯.png (1.1 MB, 714x919, 714:919, ClipboardImage.png)

Jews Kicked Out Of 132 Countries, 1,030 Times Over 2,000 Years of History

Page 13 of 44 -*Thanks to the research anon who posted the Sauce material.

1392 A.D. – Catania, Italy – Jews Expelled for “backsliding” Marranos (C. Roth, ‘The History ofthe Jews of Italy, p. 248)1392 A.D. – Trapani, Italy – Jews Expelled for “backsliding” Marannos (C. Roth, ‘The History ofthe Jews of Italy, p. 248)1392 A.D. – Syracuse, Italy – Jews Expelled for “backsliding” Marannos (C. Roth, ‘The Historyof the Jews of Italy, p. 248)1392 A.D. – Palermo, Italy – Jews Expelled again (C. Roth, ‘The History of the Jews of Italy’, p.248)1392 A.D. – Berne, Switzerland – Jews Expelled (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/berne)

1393 A.D. – Pisa, Italy – Jews Expelled; houses sacked for Usury

(C. Roth, ‘The History of theJews of Italy’, p. 132)1394 A.D. – Germany – Jews Expelled (P.E. Grosser/E.G. Halperin, ‘Anti-Semitism: Causes andEffects, 1978)1394 A.D. – Venice, Italy – Jews Expelled (http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/venice-italyjewish-history-tour)

1394 A.D. – Mestre, Italy – Jews Expelled due to Banking complaints

(C. Roth, ‘The History ofthe Jews of Italy’, p. 185)1394 A.D. – France – Jews Expelled by King Charles VI (William C. Jordan, ‘The FrenchMonarchy and the Jews: From Philip Augustus to the Last Capetians’, p. 180; Bell andBurnett, ‘ Jews, Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany’, p. 33)

1396 A.D. – Fermo, Italy – Jews Expelled when the Ghibellines sacked the town (C. Roth, ‘TheHistory of Jews of Italy’, p. 142)1397 A.D. – Basel, Switzerland – Jews Expelled (B. Booker, ‘The Lie: Exposing the Satanic PlotBehind Anti-Semitism, Ch. 4)1403 A.D. – Marsala, Italy – Jews Expelled (C. Roth, ‘The History of the Jews of Italy, p. 248)1411 A.D. – Taranto, Italy – Jews Expelled after pogrom (C. Roth, ‘The History of the Jews ofItaly’, p. 271)1413 A.D. – Polizzi, Italy – Jews Expelled (C. Roth, ‘The History of the Jews of Italy, p. 248)1414 A.D. – Goslar, Lower Saxony, Germany – Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ‘ Jews,Judaism, and The Reformation in Sixteenth Century Germany’, p. 433)1415 A.D. – Vizini, Italy – Jews Expelled (C. Roth, ‘The History of the Jews of Italy, p. 248)

1416 A.D. – Mineo, Italy – Jews Expelled/Put into prison for “conspiracy against royal business”

(C. Roth, ‘The History of the Jews of Italy, p. 248)

1418-1419 A.D. – Trier, Germany – Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ‘Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany’, p. 35)

1419 A.D. – Padua, Italy – Jews Expelled for being “social pariahs” and “prostitutes”

(C. Roth,‘The History of the Jews of Italy’, p. 161)

1420 A.D. – Lyons, France – Jews Expelled

1420 A.D. – Vienna, Austria – Jews Expelled (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vienna)

1420 A.D. – Austria – Jews Expelled by Albrecht V

(Bell and Burnett, ‘Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany’, p. 35)1421 A.D. – Regensberg, Germany – Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ‘Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany’, p. 36)1422 A.D. – Wurzgurg, Germany – Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ‘Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany’, p. 35)1422 A.D. – Bamberg, Germany – Jews Expelled (Bell and Burnett, ‘Jews, Judaism, and TheReformation in Sixteenth Century Germany’, p. 35)

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448c6c  No.11007448

File: 7d66d052840e053⋯.png (65.35 KB, 610x521, 610:521, tweet_zBjb.png)


>>gehy eschaton suspense homoerotica intensifies


>gehy eschaton prophecized getting framed on twitter

gehy eschaton releases buttjews floods online

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50df41  No.11007449

File: e694668f6cfcaa2⋯.gif (361.32 KB, 360x240, 3:2, Panic.gif)

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f19871  No.11007450

File: 680c78fee8dabae⋯.jpg (365.78 KB, 2048x1397, 2048:1397, 8Kun_gold.jpg)

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7faa6d  No.11007451

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02bae6  No.11007452

File: 55bca5a2c56dd7a⋯.jpg (55.84 KB, 660x449, 660:449, atoast.jpg)

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62b62a  No.11007454

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d86415  No.11007456

My McAfee firewall suddenly blocked 8kun and another Qanon site tonight. I had to unblock the port.

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50e9f0  No.11007457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Wild Honey (Remastered)


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6422b4  No.11007458

File: f1c9842155f7fec⋯.jpg (157 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, krud.jpg)

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fc8c9a  No.11007459


People connect to the truth. Mostly because they don't get enough of it. Except in their own minds. It's nice to have company.

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fcbdba  No.11007460

File: 2075794fb29bf45⋯.mp4 (3.2 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, trudeau_eyebrows.mp4)


You're losing it. We can see it coming off.

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cfa3e3  No.11007461



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0893d1  No.11007462


As will no amount of denial make him dead.

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83da42  No.11007463

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

since you al;l hate 3minem.

this is for you.

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3ec696  No.11007464



Read Q and you'll understand his significance to our current situation.

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34a1c7  No.11007465

File: 29465163e2747ac⋯.jpeg (345.38 KB, 828x1290, 138:215, EF7B5200_5BC2_488C_82B0_1….jpeg)

File: 0da0b31a404185c⋯.jpeg (193.15 KB, 828x565, 828:565, 6A139F5A_92B9_44D9_8909_5….jpeg)

File: fed0b783bd2fb8c⋯.jpeg (185.47 KB, 828x1007, 828:1007, 8C8B18C6_A3B4_4983_87D7_D….jpeg)















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b78916  No.11007466


You mean like exercise??? kek!

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dbdfbd  No.11007468


WTF is that supposed to mean?

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a51a0d  No.11007469

File: b83fedf128371cf⋯.jpeg (21.89 KB, 585x336, 195:112, Exorcist_Pepe.jpeg)

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30fb0d  No.11007470


Nobody wants to see her in yoga pants?

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ac4e52  No.11007471


They'll never understand.

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468ded  No.11007472

File: f3be6a23d2642ad⋯.png (117.19 KB, 455x267, 455:267, digits_confirm_bt.PNG)

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0992a9  No.11007474

I love President Trump. I feel bed for him surrounded by dorks all the time. No one wants to hang out with dorks.

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c4da21  No.11007475


Good question.

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1271b7  No.11007476


Distracted now because I have to do a reverse image search… At least the boobs distracted for only a second… or 2.

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84e55e  No.11007477

File: 3f21d9efd0260ae⋯.gif (2 MB, 448x316, 112:79, SkateThruDoor.gif)

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0a6ff3  No.11007479

File: e122ca75a10eb3b⋯.png (830.61 KB, 720x541, 720:541, ClipboardImage.png)


"Thank you."

An electronic female voice. Then it hung up.

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b78916  No.11007480


Maybe it's time for McAfee to go, kek

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751096  No.11007481

File: d3915b60647351b⋯.jpeg (35.89 KB, 225x255, 15:17, D86CFF35_5288_456E_A069_D….jpeg)

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