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/qnotables23/ - ===Q Notables 2023===

Anon Curated Notables 2023 Edition
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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,959aa48db85568aa251d0625eb….jpg)

e4f8b0 No.24580 [View All]


Re-Posts of notables

659 posts and 725 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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b6df00 No.41315

File: 961a578821b3799⋯.png (3.77 MB,1600x1237,1600:1237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817186 (082229ZMAY23) Notable: Why are they so clean after marching 1000s of miles?

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Stephen Miller Retweeted

Border Patrol’s reporting that there were 18,600+ known gotaways at the border last week is a concerning number.

That means a population size equivalent to an approx full capacity AT&T Center (San Antonio Spurs) was able to sneak into the U.S. without capture in a *single week*.

4:38 PM · May 8, 2023·69.2K Views


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b6df00 No.41316

File: 9d273aab2220101⋯.png (459.4 KB,684x442,342:221,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817192 (082229ZMAY23) Notable: Brett Favre Stands With Tucker, Calls for Fox News Boycott

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NFL Legend Brett Favre Stands With Tucker, Calls for Fox News Boycott

Legendary NFL quarterback Brett Favre took to Twitter and called for Americans to boycott Fox News

Favre in a tweet shared a video of Megyn Kelly saying many conservative Americans will cave and still watch Fox News despite the network attempting to silence Tucker Carlson.

In the video, Kelly stated “You’re gonna tune in to the Fox News primetime, you lap dogs. It’s what you always do. It’s how they have billions.”


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b6df00 No.41317

File: aba209b9be9db2a⋯.png (753.32 KB,1024x683,1024:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817203 (082232ZMAY23) Notable: Texas preparing to send ‘thousands more’ migrants to NYC, Chicago and other sanctuary cities this week

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Texas preparing to send ‘thousands more’ migrants to NYC, Chicago and other sanctuary cities this week

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is preparing to send “thousands more” migrants to the Big Apple, Chicago and other sanctuary cities “in the coming days,” as the border is besieged ahead of Title 42 ending this week.

Abbott, a Republican, slammed President Joe Biden for failing to act as states bordering Mexico prepare for the end of the federal policy which has allowed for the fast ejection of immigrants from the US since it went into place in 2021.

Even before its end, the border has been swarmed with 81,000 people attempting to cross into the US in the last 10 days.

“With the Biden Administration ending Title 42 this Thursday, President Biden is laying down a welcome mat to people across the entire world, saying that the United States border is wide open and it will lead to an incredible amount of people coming across the border illegally,” Abbott told reporters during a Monday press conference, as Texas National Guard members were deployed to the US-Mexico border.

The end of Title 42 — introduced during the pandemic as a public health measure — Abbott said, would likely “cause a catastrophic disaster in the United States.”


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b6df00 No.41318

File: dfacc0e1a079667⋯.png (43.96 KB,564x530,282:265,Clipboard.png)

File: ef07fe0ba3dfaba⋯.mp4 (10.61 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817204 (082232ZMAY23) Notable: Citizen Journalist Investigates Four Residences in New York and Uncovering More Victims of @actblue linked Donation Scheme

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O’Keefe Media Group


NEW: Citizen Journalist Investigates Four Residences in New York and Uncovering More Victims of @actblue linked Donation Scheme

“So they are using our name then” #FollowTheMoney

3:21 PM · May 8, 2023 ·

50.8K Views 935 Retweets 33 Quotes 1,804 Likes 23 Bookmarks


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b6df00 No.41319

File: 7827bad20d14a11⋯.png (462.25 KB,607x842,607:842,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817207 (082233ZMAY23) Notable: Florida recently implemented E-Verify and it has caused its construction sites to stop.

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Lauren Witzke


Florida recently implemented E-Verify and it has caused its construction sites to stop.

Its time to deport them all.

Glad to see excellent new job opportunities and higher wages opening up for American citizens.

7:22 AM · May 8, 2023




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b6df00 No.41320

File: dab63a1de8fc776⋯.png (70.53 KB,609x688,609:688,Clipboard.png)

File: 53f97b447ea9221⋯.png (327.85 KB,628x519,628:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817234 (082238ZMAY23) Notable: In Plainview ISD (Plainview South Elementary School in in Plainview, Texas), a first grade little girl was sexually assaulted by multiple boys in her classroom, with the teacher in the room. It was filmed on a school iPad.

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See new Tweets


Sarah Fields



May 6


In Plainview ISD (Plainview South Elementary School in in Plainview, Texas), a first grade little girl was sexually assaulted by multiple boys in her classroom, with the teacher in the room. It was filmed on a school iPad.

If you’re wondering why you have not heard about this,… Show more

You Retweeted

Sarah Fields


Update on Plainview ISD - A protest is arranged. The event will take place on May 18th at the Plainview ISD complex during the school board of trustee meeting. We will be gathering to show our support for a family whose first-grade child was sexually assaulted in class by a group of boys and to demand justice and change. We encourage everyone to come out and show their support, and to help spread the word about this important cause. Please let us know if you have any other questions, and we hope to see you there!

Teacher and staff are being told to be quiet or they will be fired. The family is being treated by the school as if they caused this and that this is their fault. We will not be quiet and we will not sit down.

The time of tyranny from these schools and their abuse of children and parents is OVER. If you don’t stand up for children then you stand for NOTHING. #PlainviewISD #DirtySanchez #HiddenInPlainview

7:19 AM · May 7, 2023




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b6df00 No.41321

File: 29dd3669e0e1c4b⋯.jpg (32.38 KB,780x521,780:521,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817272 (082251ZMAY23) Notable: #23095

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b6df00 No.41322

File: 934bef8169a9dc8⋯.png (90.32 KB,822x439,822:439,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817284 (082253ZMAY23) Notable: RIP John Roland, a great and preeminent Newscaster in New York City

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RIP John Roland, a great and preeminent Newscaster in New York City

Donald J. Trump·4m

John Roland, a great and preeminent Newscaster in New York City for many years, passed away this morning. With John, there was no Fake News. He was a professional and very high quality individual with many friends, and very few enemies. My warmest condolences to his family. John will be greatly missed!

May 08, 2023, 6:43 PM


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b6df00 No.41323

File: d6c1eb21c6aae4a⋯.png (65.55 KB,768x329,768:329,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817291 (082254ZMAY23) Notable: Hero employee loses life after hiding shoppers while shooter kills nine

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b6df00 No.41324

File: d5c6c9681ff138b⋯.png (84.38 KB,798x452,399:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817299 (082257ZMAY23) Notable: Ordinary people challenge battery plant with ties to CCP

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b6df00 No.41325

File: 4faa20c125335d1⋯.png (58.9 KB,654x585,218:195,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817305 (082259ZMAY23) Notable: What is a WHITE HISPANIC?

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politically correct learning moment here



get with it you guys


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b6df00 No.41326

File: ae5b8b2703497b9⋯.png (222.92 KB,424x380,106:95,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817314 (082300ZMAY23) Notable: In 2015, RFKjr said those opposing global warning narrative should be "punished"

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U.S. presidential candidate Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. said in an interview in 2015 that he wished there was a law to "punish" people who were skeptical of or denied global warming. 🔴 A classic Charlatan who raised his name in the fight against a false pandemic, there are a lot of them now. But the Internet remembers everything.


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b6df00 No.41327

File: c2b53feca5db2a2⋯.png (51.61 KB,565x633,565:633,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c4285ff72305d0⋯.png (69.1 KB,563x821,563:821,Clipboard.png)

File: ab4ff31b23226b6⋯.png (41.37 KB,572x548,143:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817317 (082301ZMAY23) Notable: NIH renews grant to organization that funded coronavirus experiments in Wuhan

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NIH renews grant to organization that funded coronavirus experiments in Wuhan

May 8, 2023 - 5:48pm


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b6df00 No.41328

File: 9e4190463009800⋯.png (57.2 KB,810x656,405:328,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817325 (082303ZMAY23) Notable: Is WHO planning for 10 years of pandemics (2020 to 2030)?

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Maybe when people say "Trust the Plan" we should be thinking "mirror" or "disinformation is necessary". Video is a year old.


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b6df00 No.41329

File: def0f5e4cbb8030⋯.png (63.44 KB,944x650,472:325,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817326 (082303ZMAY23) Notable: Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs

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Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs

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b6df00 No.41330

File: 48ef4d345130b8f⋯.png (818.94 KB,1046x903,1046:903,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817332 (082305ZMAY23) Notable: NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty is Arrested During Berkshire Shareholder Proposal Presentation

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NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty is Arrested During Berkshire Shareholder Proposal Presentation

by NLPC Staff | May 8, 2023 | Corporate Integrity Project, Featured News |

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b6df00 No.41331

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817344 (082307ZMAY23) Notable: EndoftheRoad News on Tora3

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https://tora3.com/EndOfTheRoadNews only news exclusively on qresearch and tora3 ONLY…


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b6df00 No.41332

File: b20b1dffdc2e056⋯.png (320.75 KB,600x594,100:99,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817353 (082310ZMAY23) Notable: Who Are the 9 Secret Intel Officials Who Signed on to Hunter Biden Laptop Disinfo Letter “Who Cannot Be Named Publicly”

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The Gateway Pundit


Who Are the 9 Secret Intel Officials Who Signed on to Hunter Biden Laptop Disinfo Letter “Who Cannot Be Named Publicly”


Who Are the 9 Secret Intel Officials Who Signed on to Hunter Biden Laptop Disinfo Letter "Who…

During the second presidential debate in 2020, Joe Biden and hack reporter Kristen Welker teamed up against President Trump.

3:05 AM · May 8, 2023




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b6df00 No.41333

File: efaf80c450c6452⋯.mp4 (3.85 MB,854x470,427:235,Clipboard.mp4)

File: 68842eae7549c05⋯.png (340.15 KB,838x679,838:679,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817355 (082310ZMAY23) Notable: Kari Lake for AZ Governor - Lake is not giving up

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Kari Lake for AZ Governor·15m

Reminder: ⤵️


(I'm not just going to knock that house of cards over, We ARE Going to Burn it to the Ground.)

May 08, 2023, 6:48 PM


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b6df00 No.41334

File: 24e223fc8760029⋯.png (754 KB,609x916,609:916,Clipboard.png)

File: 79d4c7d2553c71c⋯.jpg (82.43 KB,512x640,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

File: adc093b715db92b⋯.jpg (279.82 KB,512x640,4:5,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817356 (082311ZMAY23) Notable: Germany surrendered today in 1945

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On this day in 1945, in Berlin, at 16 minutes after midnight, Germany's unconditional capitulation was signed, formally ending the Second World War in Europe.


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b6df00 No.41335

File: 55900b38530a128⋯.png (20.34 KB,603x245,603:245,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817361 (082311ZMAY23) Notable: Poso: to Hayden, Remember when you signed the Hunter laptop letter, you piece of human shit?

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Jack Poso 🇺🇸


Remember when you signed the Hunter laptop letter, you piece of human shlit?

Quote Tweet

Gen Michael Hayden



May 7

F*** you. twitter.com/nathaliejacoby…

8:37 PM · May 7, 2023




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b6df00 No.41336

File: 38a08091addac41⋯.png (179.99 KB,564x540,47:45,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817372 (082314ZMAY23) Notable: Musk confirms Twitter to purge inactive accounts, warns users of follower drops

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(is Trump going to tweet?)

Musk confirms Twitter to purge inactive accounts, warns users of follower drops

Former President Donald Trump has not tweeted from his @realDonaldTrump account since Jan. 8, 2021.


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b6df00 No.41337

File: 2806ad6531ac909⋯.png (240.97 KB,426x487,426:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817403 (082320ZMAY23) Notable: WV Sec State says 2020 election was fraudulent - the first of many?

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WV Sec State says 2020 election was fraudulent.

Perhaps the first of many?


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b6df00 No.41338

File: faa6a225926c945⋯.png (199.93 KB,721x582,721:582,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817404 (082320ZMAY23) Notable: RE male-to-female transitioning: if they got periods (ouch), would end the trend within 28 days

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just a tid bit of info

women have a higher tolerance to pain then men

if a man where to give birth, it would kell him

>have a nice day

A human body can bear only up to 45 del (unit) of pain. Yet at time of giving birth, a mother feels up to 57 del (unit) of pain. This is similar to 20 bones getting fractured at a time.


>45 dels of pain

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b6df00 No.41339

File: 1274daffdde6108⋯.png (490.86 KB,595x585,119:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817415 (082322ZMAY23) Notable: per LIFENEWS: Chinese atheists create chimera; blends between species.

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Scientists Want to Grow Babies in the Womb for 40 Days and Kill Them for Research


Scientists Want to Grow Babies in the Womb for 40 Days and Kill Them for Research - LifeNews.com

A recent news story describing how scientists in China generated the first human-monkey chimeric embryos (unborn monkeys with human body parts)—a deliberate and unnatural crossing of species—sent…

1:20 PM · May 7, 2023




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b6df00 No.41340

File: d987b91d29a8104⋯.png (94.27 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817432 (082326ZMAY23) Notable: New weapon ‘changing course’ of Ukraine conflict – Telegraph

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8 May, 2023 19:03

New weapon ‘changing course’ of Ukraine conflict – Telegraph

Russian glide bombs are complicating Kiev’s plans for a grand offensive, the UK outlet said

Russia is using bombs fitted with wings to bypass Ukraine’s air defenses and pummel forces assembling for the much-heralded spring offensive, The Telegraph reported on Sunday. Kiev is citing this new development to once again demand F-16 fighters from the West.

“Russia’s newest weapon is changing the course of Ukraine war,” the Telegraph headline proclaimed, referring to glide bombs such as the FAB-500. Kiev officials have estimated that the Russian Air Force is using at least 20 such bombs per day.

Ukrainian Air Force spokesman Yury Ignat said the weapon has been used “intensely” for the past month, and described it as a “serious threat.”

According to Ignat, the use of glide bombs means Moscow is “running low” on cruise missiles after “failing to take control of the skies over Ukraine.” The Telegraph explained that the bombs outrange Ukrainian tactical air defenses, which have been moved to the frontline to support the much-anticipated offensive.

Ignat told reporters last week that Kiev was powerless to stop the bombs and pleaded for the US and its allies to send F-16 fighters. He repeated that plea to The Telegraph on Sunday.

“Just one or two would be enough to deter them, because the Russians would see that a couple of these things are in the air and they would avoid approaching,” he said.

For several days in a row now, Russia has used cruise missiles and drones in waves of strikes on Ukrainian railheads, fuel and ammunition depots, and troop concentration areas for several days. Tactical drones have also been reported picking off Ukrainian air defenses along the frontline. Several US military experts have also noted the increased use of glide bombs recently, predicting increased Russian aerial superiority as Ukraine’s air defenses continue to deteriorate.

This poses a challenge to Kiev’s plans for a spring offensive, according to Justin Crump of the British intelligence consultancy company Sibylline. The troops and tanks brought up to the front line for the anticipated attack need to be scattered to avoid damage from the airstrikes, but would have to assemble very quickly once it is time to advance.

“Dispersion and rapid concentration of force is vital in this environment,” Crump told the Telegraph.

According to Western officials, Ukraine has put together at least nine NATO-trained brigades and several hundred armored vehicles provided by the US, UK, Germany and France, in preparation for a massive attack, speculated to be aimed at Crimea. Kiev has repeatedly postponed the offensive, however, citing weather concerns and equipment shortages, while Western governments have sought to manage expectations in case of its failure.


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b6df00 No.41341

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817436 (082326ZMAY23) Notable: Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan arrives in Moscow

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As Putin launches waves of strikes against Ukraine cities, a prelude to his cherished Victory Day holiday marking the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany, Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan arrives in Moscow ready to play his part in Putin’s theatre of power.

6:03 PM · May 8, 2023


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b6df00 No.41342

File: 312ef45029b485b⋯.mp4 (3.88 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817440 (082327ZMAY23) Notable: ActBlue scandal continues – Okeefe

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Both together need to go viral so normies get it.

Money Laundering.


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b6df00 No.41343

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817448 (082328ZMAY23) Notable: Florida lawmakers pass bill allowing radioactive material to be built into Florida roads

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Florida lawmakers pass bill allowing radioactive material to be built into Florida roads

Conservation groups across the Southeast United States are urging Gov. DeSantis to veto a bill that would allow the use of radioactive fertilizer waste in road construction across the state.

The bill passed by legislators permits the use of toxic phosphogypsum in “demonstration” road projects in Florida. Critics said this is the first step in a phosphate industry push to eventually use the waste in roads nationwide.

The Environmental Protection Agency prohibits using the toxic phosphate waste in roadway construction because it poses an unacceptable risk to road construction workers, public health and the environment.

The bill would require the Florida Department of Transportation to complete a study on the feasibility of using phosphogypsum as a material for road construction, with a short timeline and completion date of April 1, 2024.

“The only way Gov. DeSantis can assure Floridians he’s serious about protecting them from this radioactive waste is to veto this reckless bill,” said Ragan Whitlock, a Florida-based attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity. “This dangerous plan to pave Florida’s roads with toxic phosphate mining waste is an egregious handout to an industry that has a lengthy history of damaging the environment and putting public health at risk.”

The EPA currently requires that phosphogypsum be stored in piles called “gypstacks” that are hundreds of acres wide and hundreds of feet tall.

More than 1 billion tons of radioactive waste are already stored in 25 stacks in Florida.

According to a news release from the organizations opposing this bill, “The industry has a demonstrated history of inadequate management when it comes to phosphogypsum waste. The stacks are prone to spills and sinkholes - like the breach at Piney Point and sinkholes at New Wales - that threaten Tampa Bay and the Floridan Aquifer.”

“No environmentally conscious or ‘green’ governor worth his salt would ever sign a bill into law approving roadbuilding with radioactive materials,” said Rachael Curran, an attorney with People for Protecting Peace River. “Even the fast-tracked ‘study’ contemplated by this industry-sponsored bill would create harm because that study involves a full-scale road project that would have very real, very detrimental impacts to the environment and health of Floridians, especially road-construction crews.”

In 2020 the Trump-era EPA approved the use of phosphogypsum in roads. Following a lawsuit and petition by the Center and other conservation, public health and union groups, in 2021 the agency withdrew that approval.

Putting radioactive phosphogypsum in roads would let the fertilizer industry off the hook for safely disposing of the millions of tons of dangerous waste it creates each year while generating another cash stream for industry giants, the release stated.


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b6df00 No.41344

File: d1aedd99bb32566⋯.png (266.72 KB,354x613,354:613,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817454 (082329ZMAY23) Notable: There are 3,457 active Starlink satellites at this moment.

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There are 3,457 active Starlink satellites at this moment.

World of Engineering

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b6df00 No.41345

File: 4e81154c4f9662e⋯.png (80.74 KB,280x157,280:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817462 (082330ZMAY23) Notable: Italy urges citizens to leave Ukraine

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8 May, 2023 21:30

Italy urges citizens to leave Ukraine

The Italian Embassy in Kiev has warned Russia is launching “increasingly heavy missile attacks” in the city

Italy’s foreign ministry in Kiev has advised its citizens to leave Ukraine immediately, citing “increasingly heavy missile attacks” from Russia in a message posted to the Viaggiare Sicuri website on Monday.

“Compatriots still in Ukraine are strongly advised to use the means still available, including trains, toleave the country immediately, at times when the curfew is not in force,” the message reads, warning that missile attacks have been recorded both “in Kiev and throughout Ukraine.”

“Extreme caution is advised. All travel to Ukraine, in any capacity, is strongly discouraged,” it added. Viaggiare Sicuri is operated by the Crisis Unit of the Farnesina – Italy’s foreign ministry.

The country recalled its non-essential staff from the Ukrainian embassy last year when Russia began its military operation, pointedly urging Italians to avoid the Donetsk and Lugansk regions and Crimea.

Donetsk and Lugansk have since been incorporated into Russia following referendums, while Crimea voted to become part of the country in 2014.

Ukraine reported several Russian drone and missile attacks early Monday morning, claiming it shot down 35 kamikaze drones over Kiev, while Russian Air Force bombers reportedly launched eight missiles in the direction of Odessa Region. Explosions in Chernigov and Dnepropetrovsk Regions – as well as the city of Zaporozhye – have also been reported.

While Ukraine prepares to launch a much-touted counteroffensive, itsallies are reportedly concerned about Russian retaliation for attacks on Crimea, with some Western politicians reportedly suggesting Kiev leave the peninsula alone. Ukrainian drones have reportedly struck several targets there in the last week.

(Things ramping up, the drones at the Kremlin didn't help Ukraine)


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b6df00 No.41346

File: b28e7d74c3d714b⋯.mp4 (14.32 MB,480x854,240:427,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817473 (082331ZMAY23) Notable: Children removed from home in Virginia, Terrant County TX Bass family implicated; call to dig

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

b6df00 No.41347

File: c0f21b3815d018c⋯.png (702.59 KB,605x837,605:837,Clipboard.png)

File: e7478059f817dbb⋯.jpg (572.83 KB,1892x2048,473:512,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817501 (082336ZMAY23) Notable: Victory Day celebration today; Russia use to be our ally against NAZI. What changed?

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Jackson Hinkle 🇺🇸


Soviet & American troops pictured on a Soviet tank in Griebo, Germany - May, 1945

Happy Victory Day!


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b6df00 No.41348

File: 6b9fc82a12a435b⋯.png (416.55 KB,721x1110,721:1110,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817558 (082345ZMAY23) Notable: Shooter story gets questioned by Elon and "Redheaded libertarian on Twit

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Someone needs to teach Elon to say spoopy.

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b6df00 No.41349

File: 2f9077ccd07a2d2⋯.png (383.62 KB,598x549,598:549,Clipboard.png)

File: c3aa026c1642134⋯.jpg (144.07 KB,960x960,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817571 (082348ZMAY23) Notable: Red Cross Society warehouse blown up in Odesa per "Defense of Ukraine" twit

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b6df00 No.41350

File: af45fd082d4c227⋯.jpg (192.8 KB,720x1196,180:299,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 558f5e883666030⋯.mp4 (9.13 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817602 (082354ZMAY23) Notable: Prepper warns of border invasion - Migrant invasion appears to be a fighting force.

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This is a fighting force coming across in full effect, all young men. When do these soilders get armed up and start running and gunning thru American neighborhoods? That's my worry


Listen to a man from El Paso:

“I’ve never seen refugees with brand new Jordans, I’ve never seen refugees with cameras taking videos and TikTok’s, I’ve never seen refugees smoking vapors.”

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b6df00 No.41351

File: eb1aa6af8012533⋯.png (21.28 KB,613x226,613:226,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817612 (082355ZMAY23) Notable: Liz Robbins memorial at creepy St. John the Divine Cathedral NYC, per Hillary Clinton twit.

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Hillary Clinton


Hundreds of friends and fans gathered today at St. John the Divine in NYC to remember the life of our friend Liz Robbins— trailblazer, political activist, philanthropist, and world-class friend. We’ll miss her so!

6:01 PM · May 8, 2023


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b6df00 No.41352

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817624 (082356ZMAY23) Notable: Prepper warns of border invasion - Migrant invasion appears to be a fighting force.

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Lock your Doors

Think about Barricading your doors

Clear your Camera and phone memory for fresh recording

Get Water and Food for several days

Prepare for Defending your Loved ones

Pull the Children from school

Lock it down

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b6df00 No.41353

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817728 (090017ZMAY23) Notable: #23094 in #23095

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>>41304, >>41311 White House bans media from Biden event as Hunter indictment looms

>>41284 'Life and death situation’: Unvaccinated mum challenges hospital’s ‘no jab, no heart’ policy

>>41285 Report: IRS Whistleblower’s Lawyers Meet with Congressional Investigators on Hunter Biden Tax Probe

>>41286 Zelensky signs decree on celebrating Europe Day instead of Victory Day on May 9 in Ukraine. On May 8, Ukrainian President proposes to celebrate the Day of Remembrance and victory over Nazism in World War II

>>41287, >>41288 ‘Snow ISIS’

>>41289 'Excess deaths' in UK rise

>>41290 [Alphabet Company] has failed to comply with a subpoena related to federal government officials working with technology firms to censor content.

>>41301 US Virgin Islands can't find Google co-founder Larry Page to subpoena him in a lawsuit against JP Morgan Chase for 'enabling Epstein's sex-trafficking ring' - as prosecutors try to reach him through parent [Company Alphabet]

>>41291 @RonFilipkowski The German Army in WWII had 150,000 soldiers of Jewish descent. Hitler personally approved 77 senior officers who were Jewish, including 25 Generals.

>>41292, >>41295, >>41296, >>41315 Why are they so clean after marching 1000s of miles?

>>41293 Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks on assassinations of his uncle and father

>>41294 Chilean Right Triumphs In Key Vote On Attempt To Impose 'World's Most Progressive' Constitution

>>41297 Sidney Powell - Defending The Republic Newsletter

>>41298 The Psyche & Philosophy Behind Mind Control w/ Justin Deschamps

>>41299, >>41302, >>41310 Special Coverage: Kari Lake Status Conference, BACK IN COURT 17th @9AM

>>41300 DOJ seeks 25 years in jail for Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes

>>41303 TX pol Dade Phelen stalls on "Family Friendly" drag show ban, hires twitchy lawyers to bury facts.

>>41305 Joe Biden Accuser Tara Reade Declares ‘I Am Not Suicidal’ After Invite to Testify to Congress

>>41306 Ex-prosecutor approached DOJ in 2018 with witness who claimed Joe Biden involved in 'bribery'

>>41307 Biden’s Border Chief Says He 'Can’t Explain' Border Rush

>>41308 A new EU sanctions package calls for sanctions against more than 35 companies from Iran, China, Armenia and more because they allegedly support the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation - Bloomberg

>>41309 ICYMI: Truth by Donald J. Trump “Crooked Joe Biden has still not visited the incredible Patriots of East Palestine, and Mayor Pete couldn’t get out of there fast enough. But that’s ok — our movement will be their voice, and we will NEVER forget them.”

>>41312, >>41313 TURBINES OF DEATH

>>41314 bill gates and cdc funded the national pta?

>>41316 Brett Favre Stands With Tucker, Calls for Fox News Boycott

>>41317 Texas preparing to send ‘thousands more’ migrants to NYC, Chicago and other sanctuary cities this week

>>41318 Citizen Journalist Investigates Four Residences in New York and Uncovering More Victims of @actblue linked Donation Scheme

>>41319 Florida recently implemented E-Verify and it has caused its construction sites to stop.

>>41320 In Plainview ISD (Plainview South Elementary School in in Plainview, Texas), a first grade little girl was sexually assaulted by multiple boys in her classroom, with the teacher in the room. It was filmed on a school iPad.



>so organic

I've got an organic boot for your ass

come closer




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b6df00 No.41354

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817735 (090018ZMAY23) Notable: Gag order on Trump out of (NY Southern District?) Manhattan criminal case regarding Smarmy Daniels

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Gag order on Trump for Manhattan criminal case

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b6df00 No.41355

File: d1aec097344b858⋯.png (396.4 KB,992x769,992:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817742 (090021ZMAY23) Notable: Gag order on Trump out of (NY Southern District?) Manhattan criminal case regarding Smarmy Daniels

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No more horseface.


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b6df00 No.41356

Rumble embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817805 (090031ZMAY23) Notable: Kash Patel: Intel pros who lied to give Country to Biden, lawyer-up; "MARK ZAID represents 9 of the guys who signed the 51 intel letter"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Bannons War Room

2 hours ago

Kash Patel: "Mark Zaid represents 9 of the guys who signed the 51 intel letter"


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b6df00 No.41357

File: 75bd7f5e5d55283⋯.mp4 (12.28 MB,426x240,71:40,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817809 (090031ZMAY23) Notable: academic who specializes in Eco-Green issues calls out Anarchists for Pedophilia

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>you had 1 job ffs

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b6df00 No.41358

File: 7093b373c1e3873⋯.png (322.43 KB,607x710,607:710,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817837 (090035ZMAY23) Notable: RFK jr., survivor of Deep State relentless attack on his family, remembers wisdom of POTUS JFK

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr


Here is a picture of me with my uncle, whose wisdom affected me profoundly. Today, these words of his are especially relevant: “A nation that is afraid to let its people judge truth and falsehood in an open market is a nation that is afraid of its people.”

4:33 PM · May 8, 2023


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b6df00 No.41359

File: 5ea0e3917df18ff⋯.png (234.28 KB,822x537,274:179,Clipboard.png)

File: b7b426f0a6bc707⋯.png (200.93 KB,585x629,585:629,Clipboard.png)

File: f67f2b76e9273ff⋯.png (126.13 KB,732x714,122:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817872 (090042ZMAY23) Notable: Operation Shield and Arrow: IAF assassinates Islamic Jihad officials in Gaza

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Here we fucking go

Operation Shield and Arrow: IAF assassinates Islamic Jihad officials in Gaza

Communities within 40 km of Gaza have been placed under restrictions by Home Front Command.

The IDF assassinated a number of senior officials in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terrorist movement in airstrikes in the Gaza Strip early Tuesday morning, including the commander of the al-Quds Brigades in the northern Gaza Strip, an official responsible for terrorist activities in the West Bank and a military secretary in the movement.

At least nine Palestinians were killed in the strikes, according to Palestinian reports, with a number of sites in Gaza City and Khan Yunis targeted, among other locations.

Schools and roads closed, shelters opened in southern Israel

Defense Minister Yoav Gallant declared a special situation in the home front, issuing a series of restrictions on communities in southern Israel.

The Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) announced the closure of the Erez and Kerem Shalom crossings between the Gaza Strip and Israel after the strikes began.

The Home Front Command has directed residents of communities in southern Israel to stay near shelters and banned any gatherings in open places of over 10 people and in closed buildings of over 100 people. All schools in communities in the Lachish region, in communities near the Gaza border and in the western and central Negev will be closed on Tuesday as well.


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b6df00 No.41360

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817877 (090043ZMAY23) Notable: New York judge bars Trump from discussing certain evidence in DA Bragg prosecution

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New York judge bars Trump from discussing certain evidence in DA Bragg prosecution

Trump's team had argued that such an order would violate his First Amendment rights.

A New York state judge has barred former President Donald Trump from posting about some evidence on social media pertaining to an ongoing prosecution from Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Bragg is pursuing charges against Trump in connection with a 2016 payment his then-personal attorney, Michael Cohen, made to Stormy Daniels. Trump has pleaded not guilty.

Judge Juan Merchan on Monday issued an order that prevents Trump from posting "any materials and information provided by the People to the Defense in accordance with their discovery obligations" and asserts that said materials "shall be used solely for the purposes of preparing a defense in this matter," NBC News reported.

Merchan further barred anyone with access to the evidence from giving the materials to third parties without the court's consent. Trump himself may only review some materials in the presence of his attorneys.

Bragg had previously sought such an order from the judge, pointing to Trump's history of attacking witnesses and investigators, which the DA said could compromise their safety.

Trump, Bragg's team wrote, "has a longstanding and perhaps singular history of attacking witnesses, investigators, prosecutors, trial jurors, grand jurors, judges, and others involved in legal proceedings against him."

Trump's team had argued that such an order would violate his First Amendment rights.

The former president has not publicly commented on the development as of press time.


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b6df00 No.41361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817892 (090045ZMAY23) Notable: NIH renews grant to organization that funded coronavirus experiments in Wuhan

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NIH renews grant to organization that funded coronavirus experiments in Wuhan

The organization confirmed that it had "revised" the aims of its experiments amid "ongoing concerns by removing all on-the-ground work in China and all recombinant virus culture or infection experiments."

The National Institutes of Health have renewed a grant to EcoHealth Alliance, an organization that funded experiments in Wuhan at a facility identified as the possible origin point of the COVID-19 pandemic.

EcoHealth announced the renewal on Monday, noting that the grant had been suspended in April of 2020 "due to concerns about continuing collaborative laboratory research with the Wuhan Institute of Virology." EcoHealth's experiments involved on-site work at the WIV and involved the study of coronaviruses.

Formerly maligned as a conspiracy, the notion that the pandemic emerged as the result of a lab leak has increasingly gained traction among federal agencies such as the Department of Energy and the FBI. "The FBI has for quite some time now assessed that the origins of the pandemic are most likely a potential lab incident in Wuhan," FBI Director Christopher Wray said in April.

EcoHealth has come under repeated scrutiny for its failure to disclose taxpayer-funded grants and faced criticism from the NIH itself for its "failure to comply with several elements of the terms and conditions of grant awards." Conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch in April obtained records from the Department of Health and Human Services showing that the NIH had approved grants to EcoHealth to conduct experiments at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Those projects sought to study interspecies transmission of coronaviruses and to create "mutant" strains of the virus.

The organization confirmed that it had "revised" the aims of its experiments amid "ongoing concerns by removing all on-the-ground work in China and all recombinant virus culture or infection experiments." Those aims include:

(1) identifying high-spillover risk bat SARSr-CoV sequences in southern China and assessing drivers of recombination; (2) conducting community- and clinic-based surveillance of archived pre-COVID-19 human samples to identify SARSr-CoV spillover events, routes of exposure, and potential public health consequences; and (3) characterizing SARSr-CoV binding, ability to evade therapeutics/vaccines, and identifying spillover hotspots.

They further acknowledged that they had agreed to additional oversight by the NIH and would collaborate solely with the Duke-National University of Singapore Medical School.

The White Coat Waste Project, a watchdog group that monitors federal spending on animal experimentation, excoriated the grant renewal.

"The batty taxpayer-funded grant that bankrolled EcoHealth Alliance’s dangerous animal experiments in Wuhan that probably prompted the pandemic should be de-funded, not re-funded," said WCW Senior Vice President Justin Goodman in a statement. He went on to assert that EcoHealth had "violated a federal ban on gain-of-function research, repeatedly broke transparency law, and obstructed investigations into COVID’s origins."


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b6df00 No.41362

File: 222f27cde60fe02⋯.png (760.4 KB,696x522,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: fc15451ffee0e0c⋯.png (29.37 KB,741x290,741:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817910 (090049ZMAY23) Notable: India: ethnic clashes in Manipur, at least 55 dead and 260 injured

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India: ethnic clashes in Manipur, at least 55 dead and 260 injured

According to doctors and staff at hospitals in the city, where most of the injured people were hospitalized, the most common injuries are from firearms

At least 55 people have died and another 260 have been hospitalized after clashes broke out earlier this week in the northeastern state of Manipur between members of the Kuki and Meitei ethnic groups. This was reported to "CNN" by hospital sources in the city of Imphal, where the violence broke out. According to doctors and hospital workers in the city, where most of the injured people were hospitalized, the most common injuries are due to firearms, data also confirmed by the Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, from the similar facility in Jawaharlal Nehru and Churachandpur district hospital. "Most of the patients arrive with severe bullet wounds or have been hit on the head with sticks," added Dr. Mang Hatzow of Manipur's Churachandpur District Hospital.

The government authorities in the state of Manipur nor the leaders of the Indian army have commented on the violence, during which hundreds of people poured into the streets of Imphal and many vehicles were set on fire. Earlier in the week the governor of Manipur state, Anusuiya Uikey, issued the order to shoot "on sight" in extreme cases, in an attempt to dissuade the most violent from taking to the streets. The violence erupted on Tuesday when thousands of indigenous people took part in a demonstration organized by the Manipur Tribal Students Union to protest the potential inclusion as a tribe of the Meitei, the majority ethnic group in Manipur. The Meitei community applied for recognition to the state government and the Manipur High Court on April 20 ordered the executive to consider the application within four weeks. Contesting the eventual status of recognized tribe are above all the Kuki. The dispute, however, degenerated into attacks on houses and villages, with fires and looting. The government has imposed curfews in several districts: Imphal West, Kakching, Thoubal, Jiribam, Bishnupur, Churachandpur, Kangpokpi and Tengnoupal.

The northeastern state of Manipur, with the capital Imphal, was established in 1972 and has a population of just under three million. The Meitei constitute the main ethnic group; their language, Manipuri, of Burmese stock, is the official language alongside English, as well as the lingua franca of the state, inhabited by various peoples, including the Kuki and the Naga, who speak a variety of Sino-Tibetan languages. Hinduism and Christianity are the predominant religions, each with a share of about 40 percent. The economy is based on agriculture, forestry and trade, being Manipur, through the border city of Moreh, the "Gateway to the East", i.e. the neighboring Myanmar and other Southeast Asian countries. The main tourist attractions, especially naturalistic ones, are Imphal, Loktak Lake, Kaina Hill, Dzukou Valley and Keibul Lamjao National Park. The riots in Manipur, part of a wider phenomenon extending to all of North-East India, combine separatism and ethnic conflicts.


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b6df00 No.41363

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817948 (090056ZMAY23) Notable: COVID Tests Declared Unsafe, Mass Recall Issued

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COVID Tests Declared Unsafe, Mass Recall Issued

Recall Notice - SD Biosensor, Inc. Requests Discontinuation of Use and Disposal of Specific Pilot™ COVID-19 At-Home Tests in the United States Due to Microbial Contamination in the Liquid Buffer Solution


Company Announcement Date:

May 04, 2023

FDA Publish Date:

May 05, 2023

Product Type:

Medical Devices

Reason for Announcement:

Due to microbial contamination in the liquid buffer solution.

Company Name:

SD Biosensor, Inc.

Brand Name:


Product Description:

COVID-19 At-Home Test

Company Announcement

SEOUL, South Korea, May 4, 2023 /PRNewswire/ – SD Biosensor, Inc. today is requesting that consumers stop using and dispose of specific Pilot COVID-19 At-Home Tests in the United States because potentially harmful bacteria were found in the tube with liquid inside (pouch 2 of the kits).

The affected tests can be identified by the lot number on the outer packaging and should be appropriately discarded. Dispose of the entire test kit in the household trash. Do not pour the liquid down the drain.

Direct exposure to the liquid in the tube through misuse or spillage could potentially lead to serious illness.

To date, no such illness has been reported. If the liquid in the tube contacts your skin and eyes, flush with large amounts of water and if irritation persists, seek medical attention.

The affected test kits were distributed by Roche Diagnostics to distributors and retailers in the U.S. Product images, lot information and follow-up actions are available at go.roche.com/pilottestExternal Link Disclaimer or by contacting the Roche Customer Support Center at 1-866-987-6243 and selecting option 1.


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b6df00 No.41364

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/18817981 (090102ZMAY23) Notable: #23095

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notables are not endorsements

#23095 >>41321

>>41350 Migrant invasion appears to be a fighting force.

>>41322 RIP John Roland, a great and preeminent Newscaster in New York City

>>41323 Hero employee loses life after hiding shoppers while shooter kills nine

>>41324 Ordinary people challenge battery plant with ties to CCP

>>41325 What is a WHITE HISPANIC?

>>41326 In 2015, RFKjr said those opposing global warning narrative should be "punished"

>>41327 NIH renews grant to organization that funded coronavirus experiments in Wuhan

>>41328 Is WHO planning for 10 years of pandemics (2020 to 2030)?

>>41329 Deceased COVID-19 vaccine recipient payments and funeral costs

>>41330 NLPC Chairman Peter Flaherty is Arrested During Berkshire Shareholder Proposal Presentation

>>41331 EndoftheRoad News on Tora3

>>41332 Who Are the 9 Secret Intel Officials Who Signed on to Hunter Biden Laptop Disinfo Letter “Who Cannot Be Named Publicly”

>>41333 Kari Lake for AZ Governor - Lake is not giving up

>>41334 Germany surrendered today in 1945

>>41335 Poso: to Hayden, Remember when you signed the Hunter laptop letter, you piece of human shit?

>>41339, per LIFENEWS: Chinese atheists create chimera; blends between species.

>>41343 Florida lawmakers pass bill allowing radioactive material to be built into Florida roads

>>41344 There are 3,457 active Starlink satellites at this moment.

>>41336 Musk confirms Twitter to purge inactive accounts, warns users of follower drops

>>41337 WV Sec State says 2020 election was fraudulent - the first of many?

>>41338 RE male-to-female transitioning: if they got periods (ouch), would end the trend within 28 days

>>41340 New weapon ‘changing course’ of Ukraine conflict – Telegraph

>>41341 Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan arrives in Moscow

>>41342 ActBlue scandal continues – Okeefe

>>41345 Italy urges citizens to leave Ukraine

>>41346 Children removed from home in Virginia, Terrant County TX Bass family implicated; call to dig

>>41347 Victory Day celebration today; Russia use to be our ally against NAZI. What changed?

>>41349 Red Cross Society warehouse blown up in Odesa per "Defense of Ukraine" twit

>>41348 Shooter story gets questioned by Elon and "Redheaded libertarian on Twit

>>41351 Liz Robbins memorial at creepy St. John the Divine Cathedral NYC, per Hillary Clinton twit.

>>41352 prepper warns of border invasion

>>41354, >>41355 Gag order on Trump out of (NY Southern District?) Manhattan criminal case regarding Smarmy Daniels

>>41356, Kash Patel: Intel pros who lied to give Country to Biden, lawyer-up; "MARK ZAID represents 9 of the guys who signed the 51 intel letter"

>>41357, academic who specializes in Eco-Green issues calls out Anarchists for Pedophilia

>>41358 RFK jr., survivor of Deep State relentless attack on his family, remembers wisdom of POTUS JFK

>>41359 Operation Shield and Arrow: IAF assassinates Islamic Jihad officials in Gaza

>>41360 New York judge bars Trump from discussing certain evidence in DA Bragg prosecution

>>41361 NIH renews grant to organization that funded coronavirus experiments in Wuhan

>>41362 India: ethnic clashes in Manipur, at least 55 dead and 260 injured

>>41363 COVID Tests Declared Unsafe, Mass Recall Issued


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