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/qnotables21/ - ===Q Notables 2021===

Anon Curated Notables 2021 Edition

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ae0ba8 No.41 [View All]

12FEB21 to 14FEB21


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 746 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ae0ba8 No.23504

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924284 (141655ZFEB21) Notable: Anon Opines: "What's next?" (Thoughts?)

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I've been doing some thinking on "What's next?"


Our mission here has been to 'dig, meme, pray' but to ultimately spread that shit far and wide. Right?

I believe this past week was the turning point that was needed. The 'must see' that needed to happen.

Everyone needed to see the blatant and obvious corruption, at the highest levels, and how it was merely shrugged off.

I think most, if not all, of us can agree to that. If not, please tell me what your 'must see' turning point is, because anything beyond this must be literal physical war again the people. I digress.

I believe there is a common agreement that there is a person supported by a group known as 'Q,' and that whatever this 'Q' is has ultimately been communicated through us.

I don't believe we have come to agreement this 'Q' movement has ended because Trump is not in office. However, what IS this movement NOW?

Are we meant to sit by and wait? Wait for what? Trump to come back in to office, if so how?

The current options seem, very reasonably, at minimum, two years away before he can have any office. Right?

Do we wait that long? Blow air in to 'Q' balloon for 3+ years, only to wait 2 more to pop it?

That feels way off, right? Did we miss something? Are we overlooking what the next step could and/or should be?

So, what IS next? What do we, that people, want? How do we get it?

'Q' told us that they have it all, and that we have more than we know.

GREAT! But this is the result?

Right now, how many hit pieces and anti-qanon rants are out there? All the deprogramming shit?

Please stop and think about our 'training' here.


They are trying to get AHEAD of the story here. If Trump and Qanon are over, why keep beating the dead horse? Is there any gain, if it's dead? Why are they doing it? To get as far ahead of it as possible to discredit it when it really comes forward.

What if we KNOW who 'Q' is? Really. Not Trump, not some military keyboard ninjas. No doubt they are part of it though.

I mean THE single person. The ONE person that started this ball rolling, all those years ago.

Do we doxx?

How do we go forward with that knowledge?

Legitimately. Do we doxx for the greater good at this point?

Thinking about how many people are now aware of 'Q,' globally, and how hard the media is starting to fight NOW, not when it started, NOW. Why now?

Do we doxx? Do we doxx to protect those of us not in power from those who are?

Everything we know of 'Q' tells us we are protected and safe, right? I FULLY BELIEVE THAT. 100%

However, it feel like the attack against us is only just beginning.

How does the next phase start? Do we wait?

Or, if we legitimately know who THE person is, do we awaken the world with that knowledge.

please spare me the don't doxx q hurr durr, we are way beyond that.

Thanks for your thoughts, anons.

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ae0ba8 No.23505

File: 40e8e985ff8cd41⋯.jpeg (27.72 KB,255x254,255:254,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924296 (141658ZFEB21) Notable: In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media (Redstate)

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     What is impossible in 5th generation warfare when you have a 5th column in your country?

How many politicians know the truth?

How many politicians know the truth more than truthseekers know?

How many truthseekers know more truth than politicians?

How many msm followers know the truth?

How many politicians follow Cranial Nurotic Numbskull news shows, like it were a daytime soap drama, beliving as if msm is truthful?

But how can politicians follow msm as truth, when they should know all the secrets/ truths?

So either politicians are compromised or are under the untruthful narrative spell of msm AND colleagues.

Who controls the information they receive?

Who does the hiring?



If you are a crook with a plan working in recruiting, would you hire more crooks?

Does fresh blackmail come with a promotion/ hiring?

How far back in a life can blackmail reach?

If you have all the dirt on everyone, (think illegal spying) you can pick and choose who you want in a position or office. If you cheat the elections, you can install your lapdogs throughout the country all the way down to local elections folks. And when they're compromised, there is no saying "Well, it's gone too far, I must speak out now." That will never happen without repercussions. Their honest actions end up as unwanted assisted susicide. Where ever they can get away with it.

     How many politicians are kept compartmentalized to the truth?

i.e. Graham/no name relation.

Who had who's ear?

Compromised or gullible to a false truth/narritive?

How many politicians know the truth?

How many politicians know the real truth?

Intelligence isn't what it used to be.

What I'm getting at is that the so called people in positions of power, who we are taught from birth to trust the most, are working together without your best intrest in mind. Not to the bennifit of American ideologies, nor your American hating ideologies taught to you in school nowadays. Most of us who are fighting each other are the ones who feel are the most wronged by the "system" that was set up to manipulate us to fight each other in the first place. And not for the reasons they tell you. It's all used to break us down as a sovereign country. To defeat ourselves so they can do away with the Constitution and have total control over us and install a worldwide super power. And, since we are too much energy (think work production) for them, they want to reduce their worker slave population down to just enough energy to keep themselves living like the kings and queens they believe themselves to be. These people are sick. Now you just go on and keep avoiding the truth and get that vaccine shot in your arm and come talk to me in a year, if you can.



Go learn what 5th generation warfare and 5th column terms mean if you don't know already. We have been at war within our borders for a while. Honestly, if you don't see the real truth by now, then you will be included within the enemy ranks against Americans and American values. C'est la vie'.

Instead, face it head on.

Learn the truth.

And unite to take down the real enemy in your lives.

Join us.

Leave the Democrats.

Leave the Republicans.

A two party system is only meant to divide.

We're going after the whole kit-n-kaboodle. The left and the right. Right here at home and abroad. Wherever traitors, those who are against the freedom loving people of the world, lurk. No matter what tag they hide behind. We're comming for them. You have to realize we don't live in Mayberry anymore, and you need to wake up to your surroundings. That includes politics if you're not already. If you never thought a year like 2020 could happen, you don't think the powers that be couldn't be so corrupt?

What is impossible in 5th generation warfare when you have a 5th column in your country?


You don't even know you're under attack, until it's too late, or you heed my warning now.

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ae0ba8 No.23506

File: ed665e99894510d⋯.jpg (204.81 KB,1002x543,334:181,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924321 (141701ZFEB21) Notable: Conflict of Interest? Business of Kamala Harris' Niece Raises Eyebrows in White House, Report Says

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Conflict of Interest? Business of Kamala Harris' Niece Raises Eyebrows in White House, Report Says


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ae0ba8 No.23507

File: 5b1b06de25d0450⋯.jpg (12.69 KB,600x276,50:23,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924327 (141702ZFEB21) Notable: Sen. Richard Burr Openly Admitted That He Violated the Constitution By Voting to Impeach Trump

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Sen. Richard Burr Openly Admitted That He Violated the Constitution By Voting to Impeach Trump


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ae0ba8 No.23508

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924342 (141704ZFEB21) Notable: notablesMini Bun for #16495 ALL PB!

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ae0ba8 No.23509

File: ae5039b8149dc97⋯.jpg (147.45 KB,793x445,793:445,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924343 (141704ZFEB21) Notable: Trump’s Lawyer Says Hillary Clinton Could Be Impeached Under New Precedent

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Trump’s Lawyer Says Hillary Clinton Could Be Impeached Under New Precedent


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ae0ba8 No.23510

File: b12621a9a1d0f7d⋯.png (4.87 MB,1242x2688,207:448,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ccc097018c269f⋯.jpeg (271.07 KB,1241x1655,1241:1655,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924347 (141705ZFEB21) Notable: Nancy Triggered - This is GLORIOUS

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Someone please post this video from twitter, Nancy having a shit fit

Kekking pretty hard in this one.


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ae0ba8 No.23511

File: 9c46e694865faad⋯.jpg (46.15 KB,730x487,730:487,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924356 (141706ZFEB21) Notable: Trump Delivers a Very Trumpian Response to Acquittal, Dem House Managers Left in Tears

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Trump Delivers a Very Trumpian Response to Acquittal, Dem House Managers Left in Tears


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ae0ba8 No.23512

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924359 (141706ZFEB21) Notable: Just a little warning (Cap)

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I think Trump isn't worried about becoming president again because as he's pointed out, the whole system is corrupt.

I also don't think Trump will directly bring them down. I think Trump and Q showed us who was connected in all of this, but once truth starts emerging, it will be them to bring themselves down as they start pointing fingers to save themselves. That's why Q wanted us to see the connections between them all. The politicians, wives, leaders, media, celebrities… they're all connected, and by one thing. Crime. Once the crime comes out, they'll have no one to point to except each other, but, they're all equally guilty. They will tear and destroy each other right before our eyes.

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ae0ba8 No.23513

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924368 (141707ZFEB21) Notable: “What If Bill Gates Disappeared?”

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“What If Bill Gates Disappeared?” – CREEPY Kids Video Praises Bill Gates as the Defender of the Earth’s Climate from Those Evil Fossil Fuels

What are our children being fed?

The below video is being pushed out to our children on YouTube:

At the 3:29 mark of the Children’s video below, the creators of this children’s video share propaganda about Bill Gates and global warming. [Of course, they assume many things.]

The video asks, ‘What if Bill Gates Disappears?’ right after asking the same for Batman or Superman.

The storyline states that Gates will be missed by millions because he is rich.

Then the video shares that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is the largest private charitable foundation worldwide and if he disappeared, philanthropy will take a large hit.

hen the video suggests that Bill Gates is a leader in the climate change initiative and if he disappears this would take a large hit.

Then they share that fossil fuels may make a comeback if Gates disappears, insinuating fossil fuels are bad.

This goes on and on.

This video is simply shocking:


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ae0ba8 No.23514

File: ccf3a9714d8b15b⋯.jpeg (331.76 KB,1241x1541,1241:1541,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 7d7c3936f14873e⋯.jpeg (242.6 KB,1241x827,1241:827,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924375 (141708ZFEB21) Notable: Another black and white moment for the losers 'Democrats'

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Another black and white moment for the losers


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ae0ba8 No.23515

File: d60619d79cc1bb2⋯.png (218.76 KB,768x1586,384:793,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924376 (141708ZFEB21) Notable: Just a little warning (Cap)

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The only insider prediction that came true outta all this

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ae0ba8 No.23516

File: c6711a116e0b4a5⋯.png (81.59 KB,891x730,891:730,Clipboard.png)

File: e8dde40fac818af⋯.png (117.51 KB,872x736,109:92,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924390 (141709ZFEB21) Notable: Bitcoin Hits $49,700 As Institutions Now Own 3% Of The Circulating Supply

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Bitcoin Hits $49,700 As Institutions Now Own 3% Of The Circulating Supply

Less than a week after Bitcoin soared on Tesla's announcement that Elon Musk had purchased $1.5BN in the cryptocurrency on behalf of his company, overnight bitcoin hit a new all time high just shy of $50K, rising as high as $49,700 before reversing modestly.

There was no specific catalyst behind Sunday's move higher, which appeared to be the result of profit-taking rotation out of various smaller altcoins - which had soared in the past few days - into bitcoin. In other words, it now appears that retail investors are getting bored with pennystocks and instead are flooding into "pennystock" cryptos (those trading below $1.00) and other less liquid altcoins, and ramping them up before converting profits to bitcoin.

Additionally throughout the past several days, as Bitcoin’s consolidated in the mid $40,000s, analysts pinpointed the continuous increase in stablecoin inflows. According to data from CryptoQuant, a data analytics platform, the Stablecoin Supply Ratio (SSR) rose significantly as Bitcoin rallied from the mid-$30,000 region.

The SSR indicator shows the ratio of the market cap of Bitcoin relative to the aggregated market cap of stablecoins. When the price of Bitcoin rises in tandem with the SSR ratio, then it means it is likely being driven by sidelined capital re-entering the market.


3% my ass

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ae0ba8 No.23517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924400 (141711ZFEB21) Notable: Washington and Seoul to resume drill simulating war with North Korea after break due to Covid-19 and Trump-Kim talks – media

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Washington and Seoul to resume drill simulating war with North Korea after break due to Covid-19 and Trump-Kim talks – media

The US and South Korea will bring back their annual military exercise aimed at defense from the North, reports say. The drill was suspended due to Donald Trump’s talks with Kim Jong-un, and, later, because of the pandemic.

The allies will conduct a computer-simulated command-post drill in mid-March, South Korean media reported on Sunday.

The Korea Herald newspaper cited sources saying that a nine-day war game will simulate combat operations against Pyongyang. The event will be the first US-South Korean drill during Joe Biden’s administration.

The two countries are still in talks about the size and schedule of the exercise, and will meet to “finalize the decision,” reports said. The allies are reportedly mulling whether to conduct a test to determine whether Seoul is capable of retaking operational control of South Korean troops from the US during a war.

South Korea controls its armed forces in peacetime, but the US would take over during a conflict.

The annual US-South Korean springtime exercise was suspended last year due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The drills have been halted or downsized since 2018 to bolster the efforts by then-president Donald Trump to negotiate with Kim Jong-un.

North Korea has long protested against such drills, arguing that they are rehearsals for an invasion. Washington and Seoul insist the exercises are defensive in nature.


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ae0ba8 No.23518

File: b3f4e00d45422cd⋯.png (360.75 KB,857x794,857:794,Clipboard.png)

File: 341a81a04c5ba39⋯.png (89.8 KB,816x728,102:91,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d5067b9c721c40⋯.png (74.05 KB,838x582,419:291,Clipboard.png)

File: f1e58e99d090c4a⋯.png (103.72 KB,859x745,859:745,Clipboard.png)

File: c4e5a312d03a938⋯.png (259.12 KB,862x587,862:587,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924430 (141715ZFEB21) Notable: Auditors Selected by Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Send Message to Observers

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Auditors Selected by Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Send Message to Observers: “F@#$ You”

The audit professionals selected by the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors’ (MCBOS) to perform the audit of the Phoenix area 2020 election results, were first identified as being not certified, despite the MCBOS’s claims that they were.

Now, these same auditors were observed while performing their audit, not adhering to numerous activities they themselves should be auditing, and then they were involved in the most profane action you can imagine.

We reported previously that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS), the body that oversees elections in the Phoenix area, finally agreed to have audits performed of their 2020 election results after suing the Arizona Senate to prevent the audits from taking place. The MCBOS finally agreed but only if they could choose the auditors. The auditors they chose they claimed were certified but we found out that they were not. Within hours of our reporting, the governing body in Washington D.C. certified these entities. We have no idea what information the governing body used to make this change.

Pro V&V was one of the firms selected by the MCBOS. Not only were they NOT certified when selected, they apparently are not very professional as well.

A local group of Pheonix IT specialists decided to observe the Pro V&V team performing their audit in Maricopa County. Surveilance was available per public access to surveillance cameras at the location the audit was being performed. The observers were able to review the activities going on inside the auditee’s location. Many actions caused the observers concern.

One observer, Ryan Hartwig, signed an affidavit where he explained that he was concerned about the audit being performed because the nest cams (cameras set up to film the work being performed) in the tabulation center were not working properly and the auditors there often looked at the cameras, used their phones in the facilities, and left the door to the facility open, which indicates a lack of knowledge of, or contempt for, proper access controls. (Access controls are those controls that prevent unwelcomed access to a facility or network. Ensuring doors are locked, ensuring proper access to a facility through passwords or keys, ensuring property access to machines and networks through the use of adequate passwords, prevention of intrusion through the Internet, etc. would be types of access controls.)

On the evening of the 5th, after observing the auditors for a week, Ryan and some members of his IT group decided to drive to the location where the audit was taking place and review the location for improper system and building access. He observed, as noted in his affidavit below:

I left my home and drove to the MCTEC, getting there around 10:20pm. I opened an app on my android phone named Wifi Analyzer (made by VRem Software Development) and saw that there was a network with the name of MCPublic that was an open network. When Aaron got there and ran a scan, he told me he saw an Apple TV, Xbox, and a Wii on the public county network. Where we were at, there weren’t that many other buildings nearby. Aaron also scanned and said he saw a 3Com device on the network, which he told me is vulnerable to hacking.

What were the auditors doing? Playing video games? Then the professionalism of the auditors came shining through per Ryan’s Affidavit:

At one point, Aaron told me he saw one of the networks change names to “f$$kyou” [see picture below]. I looked over at his laptop and saw the WiFi name “f$$kyou”, and I took a picture of his laptop showing that. I then used The WiFi Analyzer on my phone and also saw the same network “f$$kyou” on my phone as well. I took a screenshot of that on my own phone. The Wifi Analyzer shows distances and I looked on my phone and saw that it said that the MCPublic network was at approximately 195.3m and the “fuckyou” network was at approximately 193.3m from my position.


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ae0ba8 No.23519

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924453 (141719ZFEB21) Notable: The most powerful magical spell that nobody wants you to know about #BeBest

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The most powerful magical spell that nobody wants you to know about

It’s doing something good for no reason whatsoever

Doing good for no credit

Doing good for no reward

Doing good when nobody knows and nobody sees

It’s a long story and I could get into Kabbalah or Enochian or Golden Dawn or Rosicrucian or whatever….but the shorter story is that doing good creates a little Spark like thingy that resonates or is the stuff that Creator creates cosmos with.

Anyways how about this

Instead you all just stop being lazy nigtards and go out and DO GOOD to your fellow man.

Stop waiting for your church to give you a title

Just do good

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ae0ba8 No.23520

File: ab74689c0307212⋯.jpeg (392.87 KB,1241x2032,1241:2032,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a66b5ecd9f4853c⋯.png (68.25 KB,655x497,655:497,Clipboard.png)

File: 0349b50581d2a89⋯.jpeg (134.16 KB,985x635,197:127,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924465 (141720ZFEB21) Notable: The Pentagon refused the 10,000 NG guards, was that Miller making that decision?

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The Pentagon refused the 10,000 NG guards, was that Miller making that decision?

It was Miller, no wonder he was so in love with Pence


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ae0ba8 No.23521

File: ca55bba4d95d2bb⋯.png (126.95 KB,1332x856,333:214,Clipboard.png)

File: 2c83f8920b9c3d2⋯.png (91.78 KB,583x745,583:745,Clipboard.png)

File: fef1c8b39a2e475⋯.png (691.99 KB,781x739,781:739,Clipboard.png)

File: f43a12f254b6d3a⋯.png (21.33 KB,796x237,796:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924477 (141722ZFEB21) Notable: Caps (Optics)

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ae0ba8 No.23522

File: cd694b51d151a13⋯.png (111.97 KB,937x875,937:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 41ae743b101e1d5⋯.png (94.4 KB,900x408,75:34,Clipboard.png)

File: 156c546068d80af⋯.png (408.2 KB,1107x821,1107:821,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924501 (141725ZFEB21) Notable: Caps (Optics)

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ae0ba8 No.23523

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924519 (141727ZFEB21) Notable: #16496

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>>>/qresearch/12923737 @500


>>23458, >>23479, >>23476 "India activist Disha Ravi arrested over 'toolkit'" (Greta Connected)

>>23459 Putin Announces Total Independence from ‘Rothschild-Controlled’ US Dollar


>>23461 Recent Natalie Portman comments shine light on film's sexualization of underage 'Lolita' character"

>>23462 What is an Innovation Zone? (Caps)

>>23464 States stealing Fed dollars, it’s in many states and want more Fed dollars

>>23463 Anon reqst PG rated Notables Please

>>23465, >>23466, >>23467 Money laundering, no mistake made by these states

>>23468 Billion years of Earth's tectonic plate movement in just 40 seconds

>>23471 Anon: If a bread does not have notables collected it needs to be labeled an E-BAKE

>>23472 I before e except after c, kek (It's all Science)

>>23469, >>23473 Rudy Giuliani, Witness 301 (So Far)

>>23470 Ted's got [Q]uestions

>>23474 Chart Report: 428 deaths by AGE. Also made a pie chart for number of deaths per vax manufacturer.

>>23475 Plane Report

>>23477 ‘Traitor’ spray-painted outside of home of Trump’s impeachment attorney ( 100 death threats )

>>23478 J Ducklo, Biden's Dep. Press Sec, resigns.

>>23480 #MarkWalker for NC

>>23481 Reminder, Trump lawyer — ‘You want witnesses, then I’m going to subpoena Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris!’

>>23482 Here’s Why the Democrats Didn’t Want Trump’s Legal Team to Call in Pelosi to Testify in Sham Impeachment Trial

>>23483 Michigan Senate Majority Leader Says Capitol Takeover Was ‘Staged’ and a ‘Hoax’ in Secretly Recorded Convo

>>23484 POTUS’s and Our very existence is a Bain to them

>>23485 Pelosi Crashes House Impeachment Managers Presser, Melts Down Over Acquittal and Blames McConnell

>>23486 Media Rage over Democrats’ Decision Not to Call Witnesses in Impeachment Trial

>>23487 Today, @POTUS signing an executive order “reestablishing the White House Office of Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships,

>>23488 Lindsey Graham Floats Idea of Republicans Impeaching Kamala Harris If They Retake House

>>23489, >>23491 Anon has Clues

>>23490 In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media

>>23492 EXCLUSIVE: Three 300,000 Biden Vote Dumps Late on Election Night in Virginia Cannot Be Adequately Explained or Tied to Final Results

>>23493 Biden White House Plan to Keep Occupying Troops in DC Through End of Year

>>23495 Trump impeachment acquittal is a victory for ‘white supremacy’… according to liberals crying over ‘sad day in America’

>>23496, >>23494 Anon Opines Stalin

>>23497 As fears rise over San Francisco-area attacks on elderly Asians by black assailants, leftists find the real culprit: WHITE PEOPLE

>>23498 U.S. Space Force Dumps Northrop and Blue Origin in Favor of Boeing, Lockheed, and SpaceX

>>23499 Seattle Leader Who Called For Defunding Police Wants VIP Treatment From Police Over Threats

>>23500 "Power Bills To The Moon": Chaos, Shock As Electricity Prices Across US Explode (It's True)

>>23501 Democrats Prepare To Gut Medicare And Farm Subsidies With Billions In Cuts

>>23502 Biden concession to the Trump campaign? (For Larps)

>>23503 Ted Cruz Reveals Submitted Questions Not Asked: ‘Can We Build Keystone Pipeline if We Add Hunter Biden to the Board?’

>>23504 Anon Opines: "What's next?" (Thoughts?)

>>23505 In Must-Watch Clip, Trump Attorney "Michael van der Veen, Citizen" Destroys Media (Redstate)

>>23508 notablesMini Bun for #16495 ALL PB!

>>23506 Conflict of Interest? Business of Kamala Harris' Niece Raises Eyebrows in White House, Report Says

>>23507 Sen. Richard Burr Openly Admitted That He Violated the Constitution By Voting to Impeach Trump

>>23509 Trump’s Lawyer Says Hillary Clinton Could Be Impeached Under New Precedent

>>23510 Nancy Triggered - This is GLORIOUS

>>23511 Trump Delivers a Very Trumpian Response to Acquittal, Dem House Managers Left in Tears

>>23513 “What If Bill Gates Disappeared?”

>>23514 Another black and white moment for the losers 'Democrats'

>>23512, >>23515 Just a little warning (Cap)

>>23516 Bitcoin Hits $49,700 As Institutions Now Own 3% Of The Circulating Supply

>>23517 Washington and Seoul to resume drill simulating war with North Korea after break due to Covid-19 and Trump-Kim talks – media

>>23518 Auditors Selected by Arizona Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Send Message to Observers

>>23519 The most powerful magical spell that nobody wants you to know about #BeBest

>>23520 The Pentagon refused the 10,000 NG guards, was that Miller making that decision?

>>23521, >>23522 Caps (Optics)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae0ba8 No.23524

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924576 (141733ZFEB21) Notable: Incoming SEC Chair Gary Gensler Could Be Worth Up To $119 Million

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Incoming SEC Chair Gary Gensler Could Be Worth Up To $119 Million

President Joe Biden’s nominee to be chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission, Gary Gensler, who we profiled here and is referred to as "the sheriff", could have a net worth between $41 million and $119 million.

Gensler was previously the chairman of the CFTC and a partner at Goldman Sachs. He disclosed his net worth as part of disclosures he had to file with the Office of Government Ethics, Bloomberg noted on Friday. A majority of his money was made at Goldman, where he joined in the late 1970's after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania. He became one of the youngest partners in Goldman Sachs history.

Gensler's largest holding is a stake worth $25 million and $50 million in the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF. He also disclosed that he had between $50,000 and $100,000 in capital gains from holding shares of Tesla, the only stock that is listed individually on his disclosures. He has since sold the position.

He also disclosed that he will participate in a benefit plan from Goldman Sachs which is expected to pay out $977 per month starting at age 71.

Recall, we wrote about Gensler's nomination in mid-January.

His arrival will likely be a stark difference from the last 4 years of Jay Clayton, as Gensler's resume includes going to war with major financial titans when he was head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission - and winning. Financial lobbyists sometimes simply called him "the enemy" during the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act battle.

Justin Slaughter, a consultant at Mercury Strategies, said: “The sheriff is coming to the preeminent financial regulator in the world. It means regulation and enforcement are about to get much tougher.”

When he arrives at his post, Gensler will not only have to deal with a Fed-induced stock market mania, but also tensions with China and the growth of private equity.

Graham Steele, who served as an aide to Senator Sherrod Brown of Ohio, said: “He developed a reputation for being adversarial to Wall Street because he came from the industry and understood the business so he could push back against their arguments when they were hollow.”

Ian Katz, an analyst at Capital Alpha Partners in Washington, commented: “What’s really unnerving to a lot of people is that it’s pretty clear that he doesn’t need them. He doesn’t need to go back there for a job, he’s made his money. He’s not terribly interested in who he ticks off or not and that’s very powerful.”


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ae0ba8 No.23525

File: 00cd8119156053e⋯.png (2.05 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924595 (141736ZFEB21) Notable: Anon calls for Optics (FBI connected)

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They also "selected" which DC Capitol Police would be there.

Look at the background and intentions of all those involved.

Look at the "stage" setup with cameras and "their" reporters.

Look at all the communication devices and obvious real time coordination.

The population is awakened. Fooled no more. Fools are the ones who think they have power over us and they don't. They think they can deceive us and they can't.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae0ba8 No.23526

File: 2c64b9fbd00305f⋯.png (195.26 KB,593x538,593:538,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924601 (141737ZFEB21) Notable: Biden uses 3rd anniversary of Parkland shooting to demand gun control

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Biden asks Congress to ban ‘weapons of war on our streets’ as he uses 3rd anniversary of Parkland shooting to demand gun control

President Joe Biden has released a statement allowing a closer look at what his “commonsense” policy on gun laws will be, demanding, among other things, that Congress pass universal background checks and ban “assault weapons.”

“Today, I am calling on Congress to enact commonsense gun law reforms,” Biden said in his Sunday statement. The timing matched the third anniversary of the Parkland shooting, which saw a gunman open fire at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 and wounding another 17.

Biden has long promised to put his weight behind stricter gun laws if he were elected president and his ideas run down the list of common demands gun-control advocates often push for. The president is calling for universal background checks on all gun sales, banning high-capacity magazines, an “assault weapons” ban, and “eliminating immunity for gun manufacturers who knowingly put weapons of war on our streets.”

“We owe it to all those we’ve lost and to all those left behind to grieve to make a change. The time to act is now,” Biden said.

Though he is calling on Congress to act, Biden promised his administration will “not wait for the next mass shooting” to take action.

With Democrats holding a majority in the House and an even split in the Senate leaving Vice President Kamala Harris as the tie-breaking vote, Democrats find themselves in a slightly favorable position when it comes to potential new gun laws.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki said last week that Biden is “personally committed” to pushing new “gun safety measures” while in office.

Leaders of gun-control advocacy groups also recently met with Susan Rice, who leads the White House Domestic Policy Council, and Cedric Richmond, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, and walked away confident new gun laws will be pushed through, not only via Congress but by executive action as well.

“President Biden is committed to taking executive action and working with Congress to put in place reforms that will keep this country’s kids and communities safe,” Peter Ambler, head of the gun-control group Giffords, said after the meeting.


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ae0ba8 No.23527

File: 08803ebcb4d6453⋯.png (44.61 KB,940x202,470:101,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924605 (141738ZFEB21) Notable: San Antonio native who worked as Trump aide arrested in Washington D.C. on child porn charges

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San Antonio native who worked as Trump aide arrested in Washington D.C. on child porn charges

According to the public document, Verastigui also told the person he was "into" raping babies and that babies were his "absolute favorite." The pair also exchanged a video file showing an adult having anal sex with an infant, according to the allegations in the report.


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ae0ba8 No.23528

File: 77b3344472dfa48⋯.png (364.88 KB,556x624,139:156,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dec463a69cdfef⋯.png (364.34 KB,579x628,579:628,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924606 (141738ZFEB21) Notable: UK foreign sec says Covid vaccine passports ‘under consideration’ just days after vaccine minister calls idea ‘discriminatory’

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UK foreign sec says Covid vaccine passports ‘under consideration’ just days after vaccine minister calls idea ‘discriminatory’

UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab revealed that domestic Covid-19 vaccine passports – which would allow only vaccinated Brits to enter shops and other establishments – haven’t been ruled out, despite their controversial nature.

After being asked by LBC radio host Tom Swarbrick whether a “domestic vaccine passport, where you have to show a bit of paper to go into a supermarket” will be implemented by the government, Raab replied, “Well, it’s something that hasn’t been ruled out and it’s under consideration.”

The minister added, however, that it has to be “workable”, and that a key factor of such a system being successful would be for the passports to show a reliable vaccine status.

Raab’s claim that the government is still considering a vaccine passport is contrary to what Covid-19 Vaccine Deployment Minister Nadhim Zahawi said just last week, when he called the concept “discriminatory”.

Asked on Sky News whether the government was considering such a system, Zahawi claimed, “No, we are not.”

Zahawi explained that the government is not considering domestic vaccine passports because, on top of being discriminatory, they do not stop a fully vaccinated individual from still spreading the virus.

“I think the right thing to do is to make sure that people come forward and be vaccinated because they want to, rather than it being made in some way mandatory through a passport,” he said.

UK Transport Secretary Grant Shapps also denied just days ago that the government was working on a domestic vaccine passport, saying the idea was “not on the cards”. Shapps did hint that a vaccine passport system could be used for international travel, however.

Seemingly, the majority of Brits on social media opposed the idea of a domestic passport, calling Raab’s comments “shameful”, “insane”, and “worryingly dystopian”, and questioning which minister was telling the truth.

“How can you seriously consider not letting people into a supermarket based on their vaccine/ health status, literally denying them access to food!”questioned one shocked Brit. “This government has completely lost its mind!”

A petition against the government implementing a Covid-19 vaccine passport system received over 100,000 signatures this week.


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ae0ba8 No.23529

File: 968226f7c51abab⋯.jpg (32.53 KB,609x338,609:338,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924609 (141739ZFEB21) Notable: Anon, How to Wield the Power of Speech.

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I've come to the realization that we have more POWER than we could possibly imagine, but we have yet to WIELD it.

We all know the importance of freedom of speech, that's why it's in the FIRST amendment. Frankly, where we stand today, the enemy does not need to abolish freedom of speech because they have all of the tools necessary to dictate the words they want everyone to see and hear. They own cable and print news. They own all of the social medias that banned DJT. But in those social medias is where I drew my frustration and my realization.

Memes are ammo and I've made my own and popped off a few rounds, but does it matter when I get no likes and no retweets from my lowly base of followers? I call out the hypocrisy of blue checkmarks, but get drowned out in the comments. Even patriots with a strong follower base are only speaking to the bubble that evil has cornered us in.

(Pic related) DJT told us we "will have a GIANT VOICE long into the future." We just haven't learned how to use it yet. We've seen the POWER of organization like when a million patriots show up in DC. Like when a bunch of retards buy up the most shorted stock on the market. We are already organized here, but we're only talking to each other in a bubble.

Now is the time. They silenced DJT. They can silence one man, but they can't silence all of us when we speak with one GIANT VOICE. Now is the time that here, we organize the messages that WE want to send to the corrupt political establishment and to the entire WORLD. The hashtag is our tool. Trending is our new weapon. We will commandeer Twitter algorithms for ourselves. We can only send messages to the world a few words at a time, but we can get our point across nonetheless.

I envision that we find a way to utilize the board to coordinate messages to hashtag and tweet. Messages that tell the world how we truly feel. Messages that refute the false narratives spread by the media. Messages that show support for true patriots. This is how we go from red-pilling one person at a time, to red-pilling the masses. This is how we do it. This is how we take control of the narrative. This is how we make our GIANT VOICE heard. This is OUR TIME.

I'm excited to hear ideas from fellow anons how to coordinate the board and how to stick to the most important topics. And may I recommend our first test run:


I look forward to seeing it trending. We've come this far. What do you have to lose at this point?

Goodnight and God bless,


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae0ba8 No.23530

File: 7fcf6a6a5635794⋯.png (23.64 KB,592x420,148:105,Clipboard.png)

File: 605d110a34ae5a3⋯.png (35.19 KB,699x723,233:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 16bef5f584973d8⋯.png (12.83 KB,583x237,583:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 06f5ffeb5445367⋯.png (23.93 KB,745x315,149:63,Clipboard.png)

File: 40c12001c0ec64f⋯.png (24.35 KB,660x327,220:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924618 (141741ZFEB21) Notable: Liberal Hollywood celebrities suffer complete meltdowns over Trump's acquittal, deem Republicans as 'traitors'

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Liberal Hollywood celebrities suffer complete meltdowns over Trump's acquittal, deem Republicans as 'traitors'

Bette Midler, Debra Messing, Rob Reiner, Rosie O'Donnell, Alyssa Milano went on unhinged rants

The Senate voted to acquit former President Donald Trump on a charge of incitement of insurrection for the Capitol riot on Jan. 6. Liberal Hollywood celebrities suffered complete meltdowns over the results of the impeachment trial.

All of the Democratic senators and seven Republicans voted to convict Trump, resulting in a 57 to 43 vote, 10 short of the 67 votes needed to secure a conviction against Trump.

The hashtag #43Traitors trended on Twitter after Trump's acquittal, which was full of rage toward the 43 Republicans who voted to acquit the former president. In the U.S., traitors who are convicted of treason are subject to "suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years."

Twitter reactions by several left-wing celebrities labeled the 43 Republican lawmakers who voted to acquit as "traitors."

"Frozen" voice actor Josh Gad quote-tweeted a "list of traitors up for election in '22."

Rosie O'Donnell responded to a tweet from the official Senate GOP Twitter account by ranting and raving, "well f*** u all - traitors - cult members - reality deniers u have no shame - u tossed ur legacy in with his - the nation will not forget ur betrayal - he tried to kill mike pence for gods sake - what will it take - damn it #TrumpIsGuilty."

O'Donnell also directed her venom toward Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), "spare us mitch - u voted NOT guilty so shut the french toast #43traitors."

Comedians Wanda Sykes, Jim Gaffigan, and actor Jeffrey Wright also spewed contempt toward McConnell.



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ae0ba8 No.23531

File: 138df2c991e450e⋯.png (73.83 KB,1100x1100,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924624 (141742ZFEB21) Notable: Remember y'all #ItalyDidIt

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Thank you baker.

Anon assumes that with a bred title such as this, @GenFlynn must be lurking in this Sidney Powell's Q Research thread.

And, with March Madness approaching, perhaps @SidneyPowell1 can appreciate a few coincidences on this valentine's day.

Remember y'all



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ae0ba8 No.23532

File: 08020cd327a0df3⋯.jpg (38.19 KB,640x452,160:113,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 88f11f32a6e5c2f⋯.jpg (71.16 KB,501x500,501:500,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 299513cdec4598f⋯.png (59.53 KB,500x422,250:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 9c2dd521925451b⋯.jpg (59.81 KB,960x926,480:463,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924625 (141742ZFEB21) Notable: Residents of Laredo have lost the right to assemble

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Use covid to report illegal aliens. It has to be this way.


The Laredo, Texas Police Department announced Friday that residents of Laredo have lost the right to assemble due to 206 hospitals patients testing positive for a cold/flu virus.

The authoritarian notice, dressed up like a cute valentine, clarifies that restaurants will remain open, and that a “snitch hotline” has been established to report any unauthorized after-parties.

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ae0ba8 No.23533

File: 471248f0045e8d4⋯.png (1019.58 KB,786x445,786:445,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924627 (141742ZFEB21) Notable: WHO ‘ramping up readiness’ for new Ebola outbreak dubbed ‘EPIDEMIC’ in Guinea

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WHO ‘ramping up readiness’ for new Ebola outbreak dubbed ‘EPIDEMIC’ in Guinea

The World Health Organization (WHO) is heightening its readiness and response to an Ebola outbreak in the West African nation of Guinea after eight infections and at least four deaths were linked to the deadly disease there.

The Guinean officials on Sunday sounded the alarm over the new outbreak, with National Health Security Agency Chief Sakoba Keita calling the problem an “epidemic situation.”

The cases appear to be connected to a burial of a nurse who died a few weeks ago, soon after becoming ill. Keita claimed that “among those who took part in the burial, eight people showed symptoms: diarrhea, vomiting, and bleeding,” while “three of them died and four others are in hospital.”

One of the hospitalized patients had also allegedly “escaped” from quarantine, but was later caught.

Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, the World Health Organization’s Regional Director for Africa, said the organization was “very concerned” by the Ebola deaths in Guinea, and is “ramping up readiness & response efforts to this potential resurgence” of the virus in West Africa.

World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus announced on Saturday that the organization was performing “confirmatory testing” in the region.

It is the first time in five years that Ebola has been linked to deaths in Guinea.


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ae0ba8 No.23534

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924629 (141742ZFEB21) Notable: Anon calls for Optics (FBI connected)

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A Twitter thread by “@amuse” does an excellent job of breaking down the FBI agent’s report who arrested John Sullivan, the extreme BLM/Antifa activist that CNN referred to as a “left-wing activist,” during a post-Capitol breach interview.

For the sake of convenience, we have transcribed each tweet with the image “@amuse” provided, with the exception of his first tweet, where he suggests that Sullivan “goaded” Ashli Babbit into climbing through the window before she was shot and killed by Capitol Police. We have no evidence to prove his claim, nor do we have evidence to disprove his claim; therefore, we have decided not to include his first tweet.

The FBI alleged that moments before breaching the Capitol’s security John Sullivan told a crowd of disguised counter-protesters, “we about to burn this shit down, we got to rip Trump out of office, fucking pull him out of that shit, we ain’t waiting until the next election…

Trending: WATCH: Trump Attorney Gives Damning One-Word Answer To Question By 4 Republican Senators: “Does a politician raising bail for rioters encourage more rioting?”

…we about to go get that mother fucker; it is time for a revolution.” Shortly afterward, Sullivan could be heard goading Ashli Babbitt to jump through a window as he filmed her being shot and killed by law enforcement.

According to the FBI Sullivan was charged with rioting and criminal mischief during a BLM riot in July in which another civilian was shot and injured. The case is still pending.

Despite Sullivan’s claims to the contrary the video footage he provided to the FBI showed that he was clearly inciting the protesters exclaiming, “Let’s go! This shit is ours! Fuck yeah! We accomplished this shit! We did this together! Fuck yeah! Let’s burn this shit down!

According to the FBI the video also shows Sullivan helping protesters climb the wall.

Once inside the Capitol, according to the FBI, Sullivan could be heard encouraging the protesters suggesting, “We gotta get this shit burned! It’s our house motherfuckers! We are getting this shit.”

Next, a crowd of protesters and Sullivan approach another locked door protected by law enforcement and Sullivan tells the protesters he has a knife but the protesters ignore him.


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ae0ba8 No.23535

File: d13a8a6778f6de8⋯.png (340.58 KB,862x715,862:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924633 (141743ZFEB21) Notable: Incoming SEC Chair Gary Gensler Could Be Worth Up To $119 Million

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Incoming SEC Chair Gary Gensler Could Be Worth Up To $119 Million

President Joe Biden’s nominee to be chairman of the Securities & Exchange Commission, Gary Gensler, who we profiled here and is referred to as "the sheriff", could have a net worth between $41 million and $119 million.

Gensler was previously the chairman of the CFTC and a partner at Goldman Sachs. He disclosed his net worth as part of disclosures he had to file with the Office of Government Ethics, Bloomberg noted on Friday. A majority of his money was made at Goldman, where he joined in the late 1970's after graduating from the University of Pennsylvania. He became one of the youngest partners in Goldman Sachs history.

Gensler's largest holding is a stake worth $25 million and $50 million in the Vanguard Total Stock Market ETF. He also disclosed that he had between $50,000 and $100,000 in capital gains from holding shares of Tesla, the only stock that is listed individually on his disclosures. He has since sold the position.

He also disclosed that he will participate in a benefit plan from Goldman Sachs which is expected to pay out $977 per month starting at age 71.


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ae0ba8 No.23536

File: 0c8693e36570400⋯.png (42.77 KB,740x249,740:249,Clipboard.png)

File: 189324147db329a⋯.png (51.19 KB,740x245,148:49,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d57488d0f73053⋯.png (74.05 KB,740x423,740:423,Clipboard.png)

File: b11b72d4e44a6d6⋯.png (203.06 KB,740x336,185:84,Clipboard.png)

File: b15438176383d33⋯.png (48.64 KB,740x281,740:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924641 (141745ZFEB21) Notable: FBI Report On Violent Activist John Sullivan Is Damning…Why Did CNN Interview Him Immediately After The Capitol Seige? (CAPS)

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

ae0ba8 No.23537

File: 7b8c01a7eca48c0⋯.png (562.36 KB,566x662,283:331,Clipboard.png)

File: b9ff2550209514d⋯.png (114.13 KB,516x543,172:181,Clipboard.png)

File: bb9ce18a39188a0⋯.png (330.52 KB,546x588,13:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924645 (141745ZFEB21) Notable: VIDEO: Seattle Antifa Builds ‘Snow Wall’ To Keep Police, Emergency Vehicles From Leaving East Precinct

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VIDEO: Seattle Antifa Builds ‘Snow Wall’ To Keep Police, Emergency Vehicles From Leaving East Precinct

Seattle Antifa used snow to keep powerless police officers from leaving the building, potentially hindering emergency response.

A group of Seattle Antifa members, who organize on the chat messaging system Discord, build a “snow wall” that successfully kept emergency vehicles from responding last night. They claimed it was simply a “snowball fight” on public property, and refused to leave when police asked them to.

In one video, a group of shrill female voices mocks the police, telling them that Antifa is aware they cannot arrest individuals without committing “violent offenses.” As the police leave, Antifa members proceed to throw a snow ball at a police vehicle.

Another clip reveals the Antifa members built a “snow wall” that appears to be between 3′ and 4′ high. A police cruiser, potentially leaving the precinct building to respond to an emergency somewhere in the City of Seattle, gets stuck on the wall, prompting cheers and jeers from the Antifa members.

Once the vehicle became stuck in the snow, the Antifa member began pelting it with snowballs.

Screen shots reveal that the Antifa cell organized their actions on Discord, which has become notorious for banning individuals for “hate speech”, including the apolitical Wall Street Bets server.

“Antifa snowball fight?” wrote one user. “I’m thinking east precinct is the spot”.

Another added, “Theoretically down. Lil scared to drive in the snow and idk if I’m winter clothes ready, but f*ck it.”

The person who seemingly organized the activity on Discord wrote, “psst 6pm, pass it around Bloc,” referring to the leaderless “black bloc” organizational structure Antifa members use to avoid being arrested by police.

At one point the police left the building to ask the Antifa members to immediately stop attempting to trap and attack emergency vehicles with snow.

“I am giving you orders, do you understand?” One officer commanded, “You cannot block police from exiting, via police vehicle, a precinct.”

Members of Antifa mocked the police officers, asking if they do not own a snow plow.

In another video, an Antifa member appears to hold a snowball against a police officer’s chest as she argues with him. The police eventually left the area, and allowed it to become blocked by Antifa members.

It is unclear if these are the same Antifa members who burned American flags and rioted throughout the city as Joe Biden was inaugurated on January 20.

During that January 20 riot, Antifa members attacked an historic Seattle courthouse that was named for a Japanese-American who was detained by the U.S. Government and placed into a camp during World War II.


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ae0ba8 No.23538

File: 07db0ebc4583268⋯.mp4 (2.07 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924650 (141746ZFEB21) Notable: Nancy MeltDown (VID)

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An anon asked for this lb. Don't know if another has posted it yet, having conn. issues…

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ae0ba8 No.23539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924651 (141746ZFEB21) Notable: #prosecutehousemanagers

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We need to push accountability for doctoring evidence In Impeachment and of course with dank memes

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ae0ba8 No.23540

File: 5c950b52572d154⋯.png (383.86 KB,633x478,633:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924652 (141747ZFEB21) Notable: CDC director Rochelle Walensky: Too early for states to lift mask mandates

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CDC director Rochelle Walensky: Too early for states to lift mask mandates

The new director of the CDC warned Sunday that it’s “absolutely” too soon for states to begin lifting mask mandates.

Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that the country is still grappling with case numbers “more than two and a half fold times what we saw over the summer.”

“It’s encouraging to see these trends coming down but they’re coming down from an extraordinarily high place,” Walensky told NBC anchor Chuck Todd on “Meet the Press.”

When asked about whether it was too soon for states to forgo mask requirements, Walensky replied, “Absolutely.”

“We need to all take responsibility to decrease that community spread, including mask-wearing so that we can get our kids and our society back,” she continued.

Walensky said that following public health measures is critical as the country faces an outbreak of the new UK variant believed to be 40 to 50 percent more contagious.

“That means we’re likely to have more cases and more deaths from this,” she said, adding that data has indicated there might be “increased morbidity and mortality.”

“It, all of it, is really — wraps up into we can’t let our guard down. We have to continue wearing masks. We have to continue with our current mitigation measures. And we have to continue getting vaccinated as soon as that vaccine is available to us,” she added.


(((another one)))

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ae0ba8 No.23541

File: eb1cbb41870b69d⋯.jpeg (23.3 KB,245x255,49:51,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924653 (141747ZFEB21) Notable: Anon ask, What comes after 301? (302)

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What comes after 301?

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ae0ba8 No.23542

File: 7a216acd7d82499⋯.mp4 (2.58 MB,482x270,241:135,Clipboard.mp4)

File: f6f6e49baea9fdf⋯.png (359.01 KB,597x375,199:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924659 (141748ZFEB21) Notable: Jim Jordan - reacts to happenings

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Jim Jordan - reacts to happenings



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ae0ba8 No.23543

File: 4458d01700987e9⋯.png (565.84 KB,782x448,391:224,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924663 (141748ZFEB21) Notable: Russian & Chinese vaccines are necessary to win ‘world war’ against Covid-19 – Macron

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Russian & Chinese vaccines are necessary to win ‘world war’ against Covid-19 – Macron

The world needs vaccines developed in Russia and China to win the war against Covid-19, French President Emmanuel Macron said, calling the global effort a race against time as the virus causing the disease is constantly mutating.

“We must work with the Chinese and the Russians so that the vaccines developed by their scientists fit into this great multilateral effort against the pandemic – once they have been the subject of the necessary certifications by the WHO,” Macron told Le Journal du Dimanche.

Macron was referring to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ACT-Accelerator, which was launched last April to ensure that access to tools necessary to fight Covid-19 are available globally and equally.

The world needs vaccines developed in Russia and China to win the war against Covid-19, French President Emmanuel Macron said, calling the global effort a race against time as the virus causing the disease is constantly mutating.

“We must work with the Chinese and the Russians so that the vaccines developed by their scientists fit into this great multilateral effort against the pandemic – once they have been the subject of the necessary certifications by the WHO,” Macron told Le Journal du Dimanche.

Macron was referring to the World Health Organization’s (WHO) ACT-Accelerator, which was launched last April to ensure that access to tools necessary to fight Covid-19 are available globally and equally.

Saturday’s online ceremony was led by WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus and joined by numerous dignitaries, including Macron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen.


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ae0ba8 No.23544

File: c3443809dbb6cda⋯.jpeg (377.93 KB,640x974,320:487,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924669 (141748ZFEB21) Notable: Start digging for dirt on this guy. (#BillCassidy)

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Start digging for dirt on this guy.


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ae0ba8 No.23545

File: 589eebb77368e80⋯.png (342.71 KB,580x405,116:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924672 (141749ZFEB21) Notable: New Zealand puts largest city into lockdown over 3 positive COVID-19 cases

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New Zealand puts largest city into lockdown over three positive COVID-19 cases

New Zealand put its largest city into lockdown Sunday — after just one family tested positive for COVID-19.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern ordered the three-day lockdown for Auckland after a couple and their daughter tested positive in the nation widely hailed for virtually eliminating the spread of the contagion.

The new community cases make just four in the last three months — with the lockdown the first in New Zealand in six months.

“We have stamped out the virus before and we will do it again,” Ardern told a news conference in the capital, Wellington.

The level 3 restrictions require everyone to stay home except for essential shopping and essential work. It will also force a delay in America’s Cup sailing regatta.

“Three days should give us enough time to gather further information, undertake large-scale testing and establish if there has been wider community transmission,” Ardern said. “That is what we believe the cautious approach requires and its the right thing to do.”

Airlines were alerted because the woman in the infected family works for an airline catering company, LSG Sky Chefs, where she mostly works in laundry facilities, officials said. She had not been going aboard planes.

see also

These 11 countries have completely escaped COVID-19

Her unidentified family was the first confirmed infection since a traveler returning from Europe tested positive on Jan. 24, which was the first case in two months.

New Zealand, with a population of 5 million, has reported a total of just over 2,330 cases and 25 deaths since the pandemic started.

Scientists are carrying out genome sequencing to see whether they are variants, and also to see whether they match with any infected passengers, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said.

“New Zealand has kept COVID-19 contained better than almost any other country,” Hipkins said of the nation that closed its international borders and introduced strict social distancing early in the pandemic.

“But as we have kept saying, there is no such thing as no risk.”


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ae0ba8 No.23546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924701 (141754ZFEB21) Notable: Israel Will Face 'Toughest Response' If It Crosses 'Red Lines' in Syria, Iran Warns

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Israel Will Face 'Toughest Response' If It Crosses 'Red Lines' in Syria, Iran Warns

Over the past few years, Israel has reportedly carried out a number of airstrikes on Syria, which Tel Aviv says are aimed at countering the alleged Iranian military presence in the Arab republic. Damascus condemns such attacks as violations of Syria's national sovereignty.

Ali Asghar Khaji, a senior aide to the Iranian Foreign Minister, has warned Israel against crossing "red lines" in Syria, in an apparent reference to the Jewish state's alleged ongoing air raids on Syrian soil.

The diplomat described "the nature of the Zionist entity" as "aggressive and hostile towards the region, the Palestinians, and neighboring countries".

"While the Syrian government is fighting terrorists, Israel supports them. Our presence in Syria is aimed at combating ISIS [Daesh*] and other terrorist groups, but if Israel wants to cross the 'red lines', it will face the toughest response, which will make them regret their actions", Khaji argued.

Syria Pens Letters to UN Over Alleged Israeli Attack on Hama

The statement comes a few weeks after the Syrian Foreign Ministry sent letters to United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the Security Council, and the UN Human Rights Council in the wake of the latest alleged Israeli air attack on the war-torn country.

"Israel committed […] new aggression on the Syrian Arab Republic's territories in the surrounding of Hama, which claimed the lives of two parents, two children, and injured four members of the same family, in addition to destroying a number of houses", the letter reportedly read.

According to the Ministry, last month's airstrike was one of over fifty attacks carried out in the space of less than a year, with other strikes also purportedly claiming the lives of civilians and destroying their property. These ongoing strikes are a "clear violation" of Syrians' human rights and of international law, and an attack against Syrians' right to live in peace and security, Damascus stressed.

Syria Shouldn't Be Turned Into Battlefield for Israel and Iran, Lavrov Says

Last week, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov warned Israel that Syria should not be turned into a battlefield between Tel Aviv and Tehran, and asked the Israeli government to give Moscow any information on any perceived threats instead of using the military option.

"Our dear Israeli colleagues, if you have facts that your state is facing threats from Syrian territory, report them urgently and we will take every measure to neutralise the threat", Lavrov stressed.

While Israel usually doesn't comment on the matter, the Syrian governnment has repeatedly attributed the missile attacks, which, in particular, targeted armament depots in Syria, to the work of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). Tel Aviv insists that Tehran is providing weapons to Damascus as a means of attacking Israel.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivers a statement at the Knesset (Israel's parliament) in Jerusalem, December 22, 2020.


Netanyahu Says Israel Not to Allow Pro-Iranian Armed Groups to Gain Foothold in Syria

Damascus and Tehran condemn the airstrikes, urging the international community to take steps to prevent further raids. Iran denies having a military presence in the Arab Republic apart from advisers sent in at the request of Damascus to help the Syrian government fight terrorist groups.

Relations between Israel and Iran remain frozen, with Tehran denying the Jewish state's right to exist and constantly vowing to destroy it.


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ae0ba8 No.23547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924710 (141755ZFEB21) Notable: Paedophile Convicted of Sexually Abusing Sister, 8, Says Charges Motivated by Racism

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Paedophile Convicted of Sexually Abusing Sister, 8, Says Charges Motivated by Racism

A 23-year-old man convicted of sexually abusing his 8-year-old sister during the Wuhan virus lockdown claims the charges were brought due to the colour of his skin.

The Liège Correctional Court sentenced the man to just six years in prison after finding him guilty of sexually abusing his younger sister from the period between April and May of last year during Belgium’s lockdown.

The 23-year-old had returned to live with his mother during the lockdown and at the same time the 8-year-old victim developed symptoms of a sexually transmitted disease, Sudinfo reports.

A doctor reported the incident to the police after discovering that the young girl had also suffered injuries of a sexual nature and tests were initiated on all of the family members to determine who else had the sexually transmitted disease.

The 23-year-old was found to have the disease and was taken into custody. He claimed he felt no symptoms but a second test produced the same result.

In several countries, reports of child abuse have surged during lockdowns. In the United Kingdom, the Internet Watch Foundation reported a nearly 50 per cent rise in reports of child abuse images in just eleven weeks in 2020.

The National Sexual Assault Hotline in the United States also reported a 22 per cent increase in calls from minors reporting abuse, with 67 per cent stating that the abuse came from a family member in March of 2020.

Camille Cooper, vice president of public policy for the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), told broadcaster NPR: “So a lot of the kids that were coming to the hotline were feeling pretty vulnerable and traumatized. And it was a direct result of COVID-19 because they were quarantined with their abuser. The abuser was now abusing them on a daily basis.”

Sweden, despite having much more lax coronavirus restrictions than many other countries, also saw a surge of child rapes in 2020, with rape of underage victims driving the overall increase in rapes last year.


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ae0ba8 No.23548

File: faae170a5adc348⋯.png (502.59 KB,979x665,979:665,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924722 (141757ZFEB21) Notable: CDC director Rochelle Walensky: Too early for states to lift mask mandates

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>Dr. Rochelle Walensky said that the country is still grappling with case numbers…

February 12, 2021 4:34PM ET

Cuomo Aide Admits State Released Inaccurate Nursing Home Covid-19 Death Data

by Peter Wade

“We now need a full accounting of what happened,” New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said of the news….


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ae0ba8 No.23549

File: 7e1c05d1a3ea2a4⋯.png (42.99 KB,754x563,754:563,Clipboard.png)

File: d0133f4c0f1d8dd⋯.png (31.88 KB,766x541,766:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924734 (141758ZFEB21) Notable: Google adds 12 new types of manual action penalties (Site Related)

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Google adds 12 new types of manual action penalties that can censor websites and make them disappear from search results

Google has escalated its control over what people see when they use the big tech company’s market-dominating search engine. It has added 12 new types of “manual action penalties,” or topics where human moderators are allowed to manually penalize websites and suppress them, preventing them from showing up in search results.

This marks the first time that a website could potentially receive a manual penalty for violating Google News and Google Discover policies. Previously, manual actions could only be applied for violation of Google Search policies. (Related: Google’s monopoly on power allows it to weaponize data against its political opposition.)

As its name suggests, a manual penalty is issued by a human moderator at Google. It is applied after a Google reviewer determines that a site’s content is not in compliance with the corporation’s guidelines. Before this change in policy, any violations in Google News and Google Discover were handled by automated action.

Google has not mentioned what the penalty would be for violating News and Discover’s new policies. Historically, a manual penalty results in pages or sites receiving a lower ranking in a search result. Offending websites might even be removed from the result entirely. Since penalties are handled at the discretion of Google’s moderators, there’s no way to know for certain what punishment a site with supposedly offending content would receive.

Furthermore, Google’s help page does not indicate whether pages would be demoted or removed only from News and Discover, or if this penalty would be extended to Google Search.

Listen to this special Situation Update breaking news episode of the Health Ranger Report, a podcast by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as he talks about how American corporations like Google are now treating their loyal customers as “the enemy.”

Here are the nine manual penalties that are shared between News and Discover:

Harassing content – Content that involves threats, bullying or harassment.

Sexually-explicit content – Content that involves explicit sexual videos or imagery intended to cause sexual arousal.

Medical content – Content that aims to provide medical treatment, or to help give advice or a diagnosis regarding medical concerns for commercial purposes.

Violence and gore content – Content that incites or glorifies violence, or content that is purposefully extremely graphic for the sake of eliciting a reaction of disgust.

Dangerous content – Content that could cause serious and immediate harm to animals or people.

Terrorist content – Content that is related to terrorism, terrorist organizations and acts of terrorist extremism. This includes content that is intended to recruit people, incite violence or celebrate terrorist actions.

Vulgar language and profanity – Content that includes “gratuitous” use of profanities or obscenities.

Manipulated media – Video, image or audio content that has been manipulated with the goal of misleading, defrauding or deceiving.

Hateful content – Content that is intended to “incite hatred.”


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ae0ba8 No.23550

File: 7c6b0819f672f51⋯.png (682.2 KB,608x454,304:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924738 (141759ZFEB21) Notable: 18 Trash Bags Full of Human Remains Found near Mexican Soccer Stadium

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18 Trash Bags Full of Human Remains Found near Mexican Soccer Stadium

Authorities in Mexico found 18 trash bags filled with what appear to be severed human remains in the coastal state of Jalisco. The discovery took place near a large sporting complex where one of Mexico’s top professional soccer teams play.

The gruesome discovery took place this week in the town Zapopan, near the Akron Stadium in the Guadalajara metropolitan area. According to information released by the Jalisco Attorney General’s Office, a group of local police officers was patrolling the streets when they spotted what appeared to be a human leg on one of the avenues near a soccer stadium. The location of the discovery is just a few yards away from Akron Stadium, where the Mexican soccer team Chivas de Guadalajara plays.

The local cops called state investigators who began a search of the area. Police found a shallow pit near an overpass that passes by Bosques de la Primavera Avenue and Periferico. In that pit, authorities found 18 trash bags filled with various human remains. It remains unclear how many bodies were inside the trash bags.

As Breitbart Texas reported, there have been numerous mass graves discovered in recent months in the state of Jalisco — an area controlled by Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion who uses extreme violence and social media videos to spread fear. In 2020 authorities found more than 185 bodies in three separate mass graves in the town of Tlajomulco.

In December, a group of hitmen assassinated the former governor of Jalisco, Jose Aristoteles Sandoval, in a ritzy bar in the tourist resort town of Puerto Vallarta, Breitbart Texas reported. The triggerman was able to reach the politician and shoot him even though he had a squad of bodyguards and police officers to defend him. That crime is also believed to be linked to the struggle between cartels for control of the region.


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ae0ba8 No.23551

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924767 (141802ZFEB21) Notable: Anon, The "baker" is ignoring anons, and just scraping every single spam bot news post. (WE ARE THE NEWS)

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why even bother? the "baker" is ignoring anons, and just scraping every single spam bot news post.

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ae0ba8 No.23552

File: d124e06890e4949⋯.png (64.26 KB,836x802,418:401,Clipboard.png)

File: 4003c636f0f1827⋯.png (487.94 KB,827x924,827:924,Clipboard.png)

File: e228e67107cdae1⋯.png (44.87 KB,795x661,795:661,Clipboard.png)

File: e0f4b930aaa4c29⋯.png (528.64 KB,831x918,277:306,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cd7e8666c9bdf9⋯.png (532.01 KB,827x915,827:915,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12924783 (141804ZFEB21) Notable: Secret bat cages at Wuhan lab where researchers planned to breed animals for virus experiments

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Secret bat cages at Wuhan lab where researchers planned to breed animals for virus experiments - despite denials of British scientist on the WHO team 'investigating' the origins of Covid

The Chinese laboratory at the centre of suspicion over the origins of the coronavirus pandemic was awarded a patent for cages to hold live bats for testing just months before the virus started spreading.

The revelation comes after the World Health Organisation last week backed Beijing's line, saying that a leak from the institute was 'highly unlikely', while giving credence to theories that the virus had entered the country via frozen meat.

The team included Peter Daszak, a British-born zoologist whose organisation EcoHealth Alliance has studied bat-borne viruses with Wuhan lab scientists for 15 years, and who has categorically denied that researchers keep the mammals for testing.

However, The Mail on Sunday has established that the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) filed an application in June 2018 to patent 'bat rearing cages' which would be 'capable of healthy growth and breeding under artificial conditions'.

The patent, which has been seen by this newspaper, was granted in January 2019 – 11 months before Beijing reported that the first cases of the virus in the city had broken out just a few miles from the institute.

A separate patent, filed by the institute on October 16, 2020, relates to the 'artificial breeding method of wild bat'.

The patent discusses cross- species transmission of SARS- CoV from bat to humans and other animals, saying: 'Bats infected with the virus naturally or artificially have no obvious clinical symptoms, and the mechanism is unknown'.

It explicitly states that the method is for breeding bats for scientific experiments: 'The invention aims to provide an artificial breeding method of wild bat predators, which aims at overcoming the defects in the prior art, and the wild bat predators are artificially domesticated, bred and passaged to establish an artificial breeding group, thereby providing a brand-new model experimental animal for scientific research.'

Responding to a question over whether researchers were keeping live bats, Mr Daszak tweeted in April last year: 'The researchers don't keep the bats, nor do they kill them.

'All bats are released back to their cave site after sampling. It's a conservation measure and is much safer in terms of disease spread than killing them or trying to keep them in a lab.'

And in December he appeared to repeat the claim by stating the labs he had worked with for 15 years – such as the one in Wuhan – 'DO NOT have live or dead bats in them. There is no evidence anywhere that this happened'.

The cloak of secrecy with which the Chinese government has enveloped the institute makes it hard to establish the extent to which the patents were translated into practice, but an online biography of the lab's work also states that researchers have the capacity to keep 12 bat cages, along with 12 ferret cages.

Last week, Mr Daszak, who has faced fierce criticism over his research and funding connections to the Wuhan lab, also took aim at US intelligence which has pointed to a lab leak being the 'most credible' source of the virus, in the words of the US State Department.

Mr Daszak was part of the investigating WHO team which swung its weight behind the Chinese government's attempts to dent any responsibility for the spread of the virus. Their findings were based on interviews with staff at the WIV, which has strong links to the Chinese army.

This newspaper revealed last year that the WHO had allowed China to vet scientists taking part in the probe, while also appointing Mr Daszak to its ten-strong team – despite the British charity chief's funding for research on bat viruses at the Wuhan laboratory having been previously stopped on safety grounds.



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ae0ba8 No.23553

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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