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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

88f732 No.216423 [View All]

19SEP24 to 21SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 676 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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88f732 No.228771

File: 1206e1aff54dc65⋯.png (1.23 MB,1024x682,512:341,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633091 (211139ZSEP24) Notable: Hollywood stars are ‘scared to death’ to speak out about Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ sex-trafficking case

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Dr. Interracial 🇺🇸


I wonder if diddy’s bosses are threatening them. 🤷🏾‍♂️

I hope y’all know this goes higher than diddy.


New York Post




Hollywood stars are ‘scared to death’ to speak out about Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ sex-trafficking case: expert



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88f732 No.228772

File: 7b7a061244b9fc5⋯.png (806.48 KB,602x849,602:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633100 (211142ZSEP24) Notable: @elonmusk Very important to read this book The Parasitic Mind Gad Saad

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Elon Musk


Very important to read this book


Gad Saad



Sep 20

The mind vaccine is being administered to tons of people!


10:11 PM · Sep 20, 2024




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88f732 No.228773

File: 9b880ca3bf7638c⋯.png (174.42 KB,717x745,717:745,Clipboard.png)

File: b276d1220a61361⋯.png (542.93 KB,693x567,11:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633102 (211143ZSEP24) Notable: Trump is set to make his way back to Wilmington on Saturday afternoon

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After inclement weather kept him away in April, Donald Trump is set to make his way back to Wilmington on Saturday afternoon.

The former president and Republican presidential nominee is expected to speak around 2 p.m. during a campaign rally at the Aero Center near Wilmington International Airport. Trump is running against the Democratic nominee and Vice President Kamala Harris.

As of about 6:15 a.m. Saturday, there were already 100 people in line with vendors setting up at the event.

The rally is being held on the grounds of the Wilmington International Airport at the Aero Center, located at 1830 Flightline Road, Wilmington. Doors are scheduled to open at 10 a.m.


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88f732 No.228774

File: a2bbe78de19ac18⋯.png (396.5 KB,836x641,836:641,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633131 (211155ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD DECLARE ANY INSURRECTION ICYMI: Report confirms Trump authorized 10,000 troops for Jan. 6 Destroys Democrat claims of 'insurrection,'

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BOMBSHELL! Report confirms Trump authorized 10,000 troops for Jan. 6

Destroys Democrat claims of 'insurrection,' as no one would call in opposition soldiers if such a scheme was under way


Bob Unruh

September 20, 2024

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88f732 No.228775

File: 13d00b33a818556⋯.jpeg (935.67 KB,1158x1902,193:317,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d54767ecd8c3e4c⋯.jpeg (589.4 KB,1153x1474,1153:1474,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: fb61fb267b33a18⋯.jpeg (1014.12 KB,1620x1953,180:217,Clipboard.jpeg)


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88f732 No.228776

File: f4e5a70ca99a441⋯.png (438.36 KB,768x432,16:9,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633184 (211209ZSEP24) Notable: NHS Director Blows Whistle - Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

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BREAKING: NHS Director Blows Whistle – Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

By The Exposé on September 21, 2024

Before Covid, four types of pneumonia added together were the highest cause of death in the UK. In a newly implemented Medical Examiner System to certify deaths, the Medical Examiner was certifying all types of pneumonia deaths as COVID-19 deaths, a former Director of End-of-Life Care has said.

On Saturday, Sai, a former NHS Director of End-of-Life Care, wrote a Twitter thread which, amongst other things, gave a personal account of the changes to the system of reporting deaths implemented in the NHS:

“When four different diseases [are] grouped and now being called covid-19, you will inevitably see covid-19 with a huge death rate. The mainstream media was reporting on this huge increase in COVID-19 deaths due to the Medical Examiner System being in place.


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88f732 No.228777

File: 0507bc9748727dc⋯.png (2.71 MB,2944x1438,1472:719,Clipboard.png)

File: e0e26787cb7a9ce⋯.png (1.32 MB,2944x1438,1472:719,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633191 (211211ZSEP24) Notable: @TomFitton Jeffrey Veltri-FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office ANTI TRUMPER

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PB #21599533 at 2024-09-16 03:00:05 (UTC+1)

Q Research General #26456: 9 Lives Edition

Tom Fitton@TomFitton

The FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office, Jeffrey veltri. ==A whistleblower reportedly told Congress that he is anti-

@RealDonaldTrump and was ordered to scrub anti-Trump social media posts last year before he could get promoted.==


6:46 PM ? Sep 15, 2024

https://x.com/TomFitton status/1835450105467388202

Jeffrey Veltri

Put just his last name into a search engine and constrained the search to Sep 20, 2020 - Sep 21, 2021.

Up pops an article from July 2021:

n the suit filed last week against US Attorney General Merrick Garland as head of the agency, FBI Supervisory Special Agent Karen Veltri alleges she was sexually harassed by two supervisors — then retaliated against for reporting the abuse to several oversight bodies.

Veltri eventually reported the harassment in an email to FBI Director Christopher Wray, states the suit filed in Nevada federal court, which seeks unspecified damages.

The harassment began when — after stints at the Newark field office and FBI headquarters in Washington — Veltri was transferred to the Las Vegas Division in November 2019, the suit states.

Veltri worked under Assistant Special Agent in Charge Francis Cucinotta, who she claims tried to have a sexual relationship with her and made several inappropriate comments to her.

What are the odds of having two F_I Special agents, embroiled in controversy, with a shared last name????

Went to archive the article, and it was already done. Love when that happens. Kek every time.



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88f732 No.228778

File: a3a42363cb11eef⋯.png (15.18 KB,602x237,602:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633225 (211220ZSEP24) Notable: Interesting to note that some of the titles on Barack Obama's summer, 2024 reading list are; 'Headshot' 'Martyr!' 'Help Wanted'

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DeAnna-Barry Stanton!


Interesting to note that some of the titles on Barack Obama's summer, 2024 reading list are;



'Help Wanted'

4:57 AM · Sep 16, 2024




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88f732 No.228779

File: c96f629b90c2386⋯.png (526.88 KB,626x663,626:663,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633241 (211225ZSEP24) Notable: How QAnon Continues to Shape Views on Ex-POTUS’ Fight Against a 'Global Elite'? For the keks!

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Donald Trump Shock: How QAnon Continues to Shape Views on Ex-POTUS’ Fight Against a 'Global Elite'?

Monday, September 16, 2024 4:04 AM UTC

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88f732 No.228780

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633284 (211235ZSEP24) Notable: LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

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LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

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88f732 No.228781

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633378 (211257ZSEP24) Notable: If you only do one thing today, pray for POTUS

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Anons Q+ truth @ 8:40 the Q has caps THREAT.

If you only do one thing today, pray for POTUS

I know God will protect him. Patriots are in control and more importantly God is in control. But danger is no less real and prayers are no less important. Prayer changes the course of reality. God told us to pray. Q told us to pray. Prayer is our version of DEWs (so much more advanced than anything the evil has).

You know the situation with NC rallies. PRAY. GBU.

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88f732 No.228782

File: e6aeddf62aa5014⋯.png (434.38 KB,602x494,301:247,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633385 (211258ZSEP24) Notable: Democrat Chair Admits She Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “All the Way to the End”

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Democrat Chair Admits She Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “All the Way to the End”

From lifenews.com

1:57 AM · Sep 21, 2024

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88f732 No.228783

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633393 (211300ZSEP24) Notable: #26494

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#26494 >>228735

>>228780 LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

>>228736, >>228737 Trump can now deploy ex-Democrat 'power rangers' RFK Jr., Musk and Gabbard to prod bigger exodus

>>228738 One liberal teen vs 20 Trump supporters

>>228739 Update: Bitcoin dig on Operation Chokepoint

>>228740 Why didn’t Oprah run in 2016- Gutfeld: skeletons in her closet … she eats humans - skeletons in her closet

>>228741 Anthony Albanese has become the first foreign leader invited to Joe Biden’s private home ahead of a Quad leaders summit

>>228742 Facebook’s ‘Race Blind’ Algorithm Backfires In Their Face: Finds 90% Of ‘Hate Speech’ Was Directed Toward White People And Men

>>228743 Kash on @jasonaldean shutting down the hwy on your way to a Trump Force 47 even in Reno/Tahoe

>>228744, >>228745, >>228745, >>228746, >>228747, >>228748, >>228749, >>228750, >>228767 "The US Economy is Basically Fine" (not quite…)- video & anon discussion

>>228751 US marines: Maj. Daniel Shipley speaks to marines about the Battle of Peleliu

>>228752 Pizza comms? re Katy Perry

>>228753 Rachel Maddow is having a meltdown over Georgia’s new rule that requires hand counting ballots in the 2024 Election.

>>228754 Advent of Trump & launch of Q celebrated

>>228755 Thousands of Brits Left Disabled After COVID Shots

>>228759 Webchat RSS feed: recent news

>>228762, >>228768 Remember When GOP Poll Challengers Were Kicked Out Of The Absentee Ballot Counting Room In Detroit One Day After The 2020 Election?

>>228756, >>228757, >>228758, >>228761, >>228766 Possible connections between the two assassination attempts on President Trump?? DIG CALL

>>228765 Trump Shooter Ryan Routh Pictured With High-Profile Democrat Donor celeb chef Jose Andres Honored by Pelosi THIS YEAR.

>>228763 A Secret Service counter sniper sent an email Monday night to the entire Uniformed Division (not agents) saying he will not stop speaking out until "5 high-level supervisors (1 down) are either fired or removed from their current positions."

>>228760 Vax-injured Alexis Lorenze UPDATE

>>228764 Guess Who's Buying Firearms Now? on KH gun ownership and mandatory buyback position

>>228769 WAPO: Where we stand on Earth's climate re mean surface temperature (hint: global warming is NOT a problem)

>>228770 Allegations Surface That Springfield Ohio Mayor Rob Rue is Profiting Off Renting Out Properties to Haitian Immigrants

>>228771 Hollywood stars are ‘scared to death’ to speak out about Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ sex-trafficking case

>>228772 @elonmusk Very important to read this book The Parasitic Mind Gad Saad

>>228773 Trump is set to make his way back to Wilmington on Saturday afternoon

>>228774, TRUMP WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO COULD DECLARE ANY INSURRECTION ICYMI: Report confirms Trump authorized 10,000 troops for Jan. 6 Destroys Democrat claims of 'insurrection,'


>>228776 NHS Director Blows Whistle - Hospitals Fabricated Cause of Death to Inflate COVID Pandemic Numbers!

>>228777 @TomFitton Jeffrey Veltri-FBI official who just spoke at the press conference regarding the latest Trump assassination attempt today is the head of FBI Miami Field Office ANTI TRUMPER

>>228778 Interesting to note that some of the titles on Barack Obama's summer, 2024 reading list are; 'Headshot' 'Martyr!' 'Help Wanted'

>>228779 How QAnon Continues to Shape Views on Ex-POTUS’ Fight Against a 'Global Elite'? For the keks!

>>228781 If you only do one thing today, pray for POTUS

>>228782 Democrat Chair Admits She Supports Abortions Up to Birth: “All the Way to the End”


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88f732 No.228786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633412 (211304ZSEP24) Notable: #26495

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Baker ballers call it

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88f732 No.228787

File: 5d936855a020a19⋯.png (597.63 KB,876x1280,219:320,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633475 (211331ZSEP24) Notable: Sunken superyacht believed to contain watertight safes with sensitive intelligence data

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Specialist divers surveying the wreckage of the $40 million superyacht that sank off Sicily in August, killing eight people including British tech tycoon Mike Lynch, have asked for heightened security to guard the vessel, over concerns that sensitive data locked in its safes may interest foreign governments, multiple sources told CNN.

Italian Prosecutors who have opened up a criminal probe into multiple manslaughter and negligent shipwreck think the 56-meter (184-foot) yacht, the Bayesian, may contain highly sensitive data tied to a number of Western intelligence services, four sources familiar with the investigation and salvage operation said.

Lynch was associated with British, American and other intelligence services through his various companies, including the cyber security company he founded, Darktrace.

That company was sold to Chicago-based private equity firm Thoma Bravo in April. Lynch, whose wife’s company Revtom Limited owned the vessel, was also an adviser to British prime ministers David Cameron and Theresa May on science, technology and cyber security during their tenures, according to British government and public Darktrace records.

The sunken vessel, lying on the seabed at a depth of some 50 meters (164 feet), is thought to have watertight safes containing two super-encrypted hard drives that hold highly classified information, including passcodes and other sensitive data, an official involved in the salvage plans, who asked not to be named, told CNN. Specialist divers with remote cameras have searched the boat extensively.

READ (https://www.cnn.com/2024/09/21/europe/bayesian-yacht-watertight-safes-intl/index.html) | XPOST (https://x.com/dotconnectinga/status/1837483970390355973?s=61&t=BdBkJAWYzheOiIIylkbO1g)

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88f732 No.228788

File: 7003597ae2758a9⋯.png (658.19 KB,763x1000,763:1000,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633483 (211332ZSEP24) Notable: The true communist/fascist goal to divide children from their parents

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The true goal of this is the communist/fascist goal to divide children from their parents.

Children read these BOOKS and trust them as truth, and inevitably parents, who did not undergo this op mockinbird psychological warfare still adhere to actual truth.

Result is children and parents having conflicting ontological views of reality. This in turn results on children detethering from their own parents as a source of truth, which sets the children up to become tethered to a…different source of truth….one that seeks to do harm and control them not for their own good, but for the sake of good of those who profit off lifelong mental and physiological "treatments".


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88f732 No.228789

File: 205403f5fefa837⋯.png (243.69 KB,592x643,592:643,Clipboard.png)

File: 458fa1ca0aa09e9⋯.png (665.44 KB,583x680,583:680,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633525 (211342ZSEP24) Notable: President Trump, more Amish people would be able to attend to your Lancaster rally if it’s on a Saturday

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President Trump,

I don’t know if you’ll see this, but I spoke to an Amish man last night that really wants you to come to Lancaster, PA.

He said more Amish people would be able to attend to your rally if it’s on a Saturday.

He also suggested to advertise in the local newspaper, so the Amish will be able to read about it.

Democrat Governor Shapiro & the Dept. of Agriculture are waging a war on raw milk, farmers, & the Amish.

By doing a rally in Lancaster — connecting w/ the Amish — you could very well win Pennsylvania.

CC: @realDonaldTrump

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88f732 No.228790

File: 80f655f063f56ac⋯.jpeg (261.29 KB,1284x653,1284:653,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633531 (211344ZSEP24) Notable: Starting up the Covid Fuggery before the election

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(Pushing Bullshit, My question is why release it now before the election?)

21 Scientists Ask Journal to Retract New Paper Claiming COVID Originated in Wuhan Market==1/3

The authors of a paper published Thursday by leading proponents of the “zoonotic” theory of the origin of COVID-19 claim to have pinpointed the specific section of the Wuhan, China, market where they say the virus jumped from animals to humans.

word "retract", covid spike protein and question markby Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D. September 20, 2024

A paper published Thursday by leading proponents of the “zoonotic” theory of the origin of COVID-19 doubles down on the theory — with the authors claiming to have pinpointed the specific section of the Wuhan, China, market where they say the virus jumped from animals to humans.

Leading virologists and scholars have already criticized the paper, which NPR described as “controversial.”

Twenty-one researchers signed a letter to the editors of Cell, asking them to issue an editorial expression of concern for the paper and launch an investigation that could lead to the paper’s retraction.

The authors themselves, in an interview with NPR, conceded the paper “doesn’t prove by any meansthat there were infected animals at the market” even if the authors believe it is “the most likely hypothesis.”

Published in the journal Cell, the paper presents the results of what CNN called an “in-depth analysis of the genetic material from hundreds of swabs taken from the walls, floors, machines and drains inside the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market” in Wuhan, which the paper calls an early epicenter of COVID-19’s spread.

According to NPR, the new study “shows with unprecedented granularity — down to the individual market stall — that coronavirus-susceptible wildlife and the SARS CoV-2 virus were mingling, along with human beings, in a very specific part of the Wuhan market.”

CNN reported that while the study “doesn’t prove that the animals were infected by the virus … their DNA was found very near the virus, sometimes on the same swab. That means it’s a strong possibility the animals were infected at the market.”

Animals “known to be susceptible to Covid-19 infections,” such as raccoon dogs and rabbits, were present at the market, CNN reported. The study claims the virus was present at the market between mid-November and mid-December 2019, “at the same time as the virus from the larger pandemic.”

Michael Worobey, Ph.D., head of the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Arizona and a co-author of the paper, told NPR, “We now have … a much richer record of what happened in this case than we do for HIV or the Spanish flu or even the 2009 H1N1 influenza epidemic.”(HIv and Spanish Flu were man made)

Kristian Andersen, Ph.D., director of infectious disease genomics at the Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California, told CNN the method used in this study is “basically carbon-dating viruses.” Andersen said scientists have never before had information available to them in such detail for any prior pandemic.

Key scientists point to conflicts of interest, ‘serious issues’ with the paper

But other key scientists and researchers took issue with the paper and its conclusions, pointing to other studies and news reports suggesting COVID-19 was a product of controversial gain-of-function research conducted at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that the virus subsequently leaked from the facility.

In February 2023, a U.S. Department of Energy report concluded COVID-19 emerged as a result of such a lab leak.

Rutgers University molecular biologist Richard Ebright, Ph.D., an outspoken critic of gain-of-function research, told The Defender, “The paper presents no new data and no new analysis and draws unsound conclusions.”

Ebright pointed out that four of the authors — Andersen, Robert Garry, Edward Holmes, and Andrew Rambaut — were accused of fraudulently claimingSARS-CoV-2 couldn’t have originated in a lab in a paper they published in 2020.


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88f732 No.228791

File: c0dee34f2948330⋯.jpg (143.11 KB,720x1081,720:1081,Clipboard.jpg)

File: efa31b5c6731404⋯.mp4 (5.28 MB,480x566,240:283,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633535 (211345ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy dirt

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Sean Combs (P Diddy), wasn't Stupid… When he started feeling the heat, he started Dropping names in the guise of his B-day Party Guest List…

He started Ratting People out before he even got arrested..

It's no Coincidence because there's No Coincidences….

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88f732 No.228792

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633538 (211346ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy dirt

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Sean Diddy Combs and Lawyer Tried to Silence this Freak Off & Hollywood Cabal Whistleblower

Video shining light on Johnathan Oddi who eerily claimed accurately P Diddy's Freak Offs and that Oddi himself was a sex slave.

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88f732 No.228793

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633553 (211349ZSEP24) Notable: Starting up the Covid Fuggery before the election

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That paper — “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2,” widely known as “Proximal Origin” — was published in Nature Medicine in March 2020.Researchers, media and the U.S. government widely cited the paperearly in the pandemic to support the zoonotic theory of COVID-19’s emergence.

However, a congressional report released in July 2023 foundthat Dr. Anthony Fauci, then-director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, andDr. Francis Collins, then-director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH)exerted “extensive influence” on the paper, its “flawed analysis” and its conclusions.

According to the report,the “Proximal Origin” paper was used to “downplay the lab-leak hypothesis” and label as “conspiracy theorists”anyone who suggested the virus may have leaked from a lab.

The report suggested Fauci and Collins were involved in the conceptualization, drafting and publication of “Proximal Origin,” and that the scientists involved were pressured to reach the conclusion that COVID-19 had a zoonotic origin.

Other reports have indicated that Fauci was personally aware of risky NIH-funded gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab, which may have led to the development of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

‘Clear basis to infer the paper may be a product of scientific misconduct’

Ebright and Stanford University professor of Health Policy Jay Bhattacharya, M.D., Ph.D., were among the 21 researchers who wrote to the editors of Cell.

The letter calls attention to “serious issues” with the paper, arguing it “has unsound premises, has unsound conclusions, and may be a product of scientific misconduct.”

According to the letter’s signatories, “Compelling evidence has been presented that four of the authors [of the paper] committed scientific misconduct, publishing conclusions they knew to be invalid, on a previous paper on the same subject,” referring to the “Proximal Origin” paper.

The letter states:

“Private email and Slack communications of authors Andersen, Garry, Holmes, and Rambaut — made public through a Congressional inquiry — establish that Andersen, Garry, Holmes, and Rambaut knew the premises and conclusions of their paper were invalid at the time the paper was drafted, at the time the paper was submitted for publication, and even at the time the paper was published. …

“When a paper … has unsound premises and conclusions and has authors who committed scientific misconduct on a previous unsound paper on the same subject and may have committed scientific misconduct on subsequent unsound papers on the same subject, there is clear basis to infer the paper may be a product of scientific misconduct.”

Writing on Substack, research scientist and author James Lyons-Weiler, Ph.D.,said “The paper suffers from numerous flaws,” including “weak assumptions on zoonotic origins,” “overdrawn conclusions about genetic tracing,” “speculative correlation of animal and viral data,” “logical gaps in interpretation of environmental samples” and “speculation on geographic origin.”

“It is worth noting that the credibility and reputation of many of the authors depend on society accepting their conclusions —yet the paper includes no mention of this major conflict of interest,” Lyons-Weiler wrote.


(Doubling Down, No Wonder a major part of the public do not believe or respects Scientists and Doctors.)

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88f732 No.228794

File: 6047d8c6fc1e7b9⋯.png (90.34 KB,929x616,929:616,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633564 (211351ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

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Diddy's lawyer (Marc Agnifilo) wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo. Eyes on the wifey. This bitch is part of the group that is after Trump.

A public servant for nearly three decades, Karen Friedman Agnifilo left the government as the Chief Assistant District Attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, a role she held from 2014 through 2021. As number two in the office, Ms. Friedman Agnifilo served as Acting District Attorney when the DA was out of the jurisdiction. She also supervised all complex and high-profile matters in the office and managed a team of 1,500 people with a $120–million budget, giving her the experience and judgment to manage complex, high-stakes cases. While with the Manhattan DA’s office, Ms. Friedman Agnifilo was also integral to creating the office’s Human Trafficking Unit, Hate Crimes Unit, Antiquities Trafficking Unit, Terrorism Unit, and its Cyber Crimes Bureau.

Before her final role with the Manhattan DA’s office, Ms. Friedman Agnifilo served as the office’s Executive ADA and the Chief of its Trial Division from 2010 through 2014. Her other work in the Manhattan DA’s office includes four years as the Deputy Chief of the Sex Crimes Unit. Ms. Friedman Agnifilo has also served as General Counsel to the New York City Mayor’s Office’s Criminal Justice Coordinator where she worked for Mayor Mike Bloomberg on transforming New York City’s criminal justice policy.



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88f732 No.228795

File: 455d2bb9dd5c9c0⋯.png (436.04 KB,592x574,296:287,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633578 (211354ZSEP24) Notable: Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy

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LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

Square profile picture



LIVE: Pres. Trump to Hold a Rally in Wilmington, NC on Jobs, Inflation, and the Economy - 9/21/24

1:27 AM · Sep 21, 2024




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88f732 No.228796

File: ecb2dfaf06df038⋯.png (1.26 MB,1024x771,1024:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633580 (211354ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space Stuff

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NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day

September 21, 2024

Sunrise Shadows in the Sky

The defining astronomical moment of this September's equinox is at 12:44 UTC on September 22, when the Sun crosses the celestial equator moving south in its yearly journey through planet Earth's sky. That marks the beginning of fall for our fair planet in the northern hemisphere and spring in the southern hemisphere, when day and night are nearly equal around the globe. Of course, if you celebrate the astronomical change of seasons by watching a sunrise you can also look for crepuscular rays. Outlined by shadows cast by clouds, crepuscular rays can have a dramatic appearance in the twilight sky during any sunrise (or sunset). Due to perspective, the parallel cloud shadows will seem to point back to the rising Sun and a place due east on your horizon on the equinox date. But in this spectacular sunrise skyscape captured in early June, the parallel shadows and crepuscular rays appear to converge toward an eastern horizon's more northerly sunrise. The well-composed photo places the rising Sun just behind the bell tower of a church in the town of Vic, province of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.


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88f732 No.228797

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633584 (211354ZSEP24) Notable: Starting up the Covid Fuggery before the election

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Jamie Metzl, Ph.D., a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council and a faculty member of NextMed Health and is known as the “original whistleblower” of COVID-19 origins told NPR the new paper’s findings are questionable.

“What they did is to say we’re going to prioritize our sampling in a specific section of the market.It’s circular logic to say, well, we have more positive samples concentrated on the western side of the market when, according to the Chinese sources, that was where they were doing most of their sampling,” Metzl said.

According to NPR, the paper’s“analysis relies on an imperfect set of data gathered by Chinese scientists, which has left this research open to criticism by some researchers — in particular, those who argue a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology is a more likely source of the virus’s spread.”

Authors concede paper ‘doesn’t prove’ zoonotic origin of SARS-CoV-2

Some co-authors of the new paper appear to hedge when asked whether their findings definitively conclude that SARS-CoV-2 had a zoonotic origin.

“It doesn’t 100% prove that those animals had SARS-CoV-2, but it shows that you can justsay goodbye to the idea that these [coronavirus-susceptible] animals weren’t even thereat the time the pandemic started,” Worobey told NPR. The animals “were observed there in November [2019] by Chinese colleagues,” he added. (That's stupid, the animals have been there as many years the market existed)

But Metzl questioned this conclusion. “These same authors are once again trying to promote a false consensusabout science that is at very least debated,” Metzl said. “It’s just not the case, as these guys would have you believe, that this is science and the other side are a bunch of crazy people with agendas. This is disputed science.”

NPR cited a 2021 study in Molecular Biology and Evolution placing the start of the outbreak at September or October of 2019, “which would complicate the market-origin hypothesis,” and a 2023study by Jesse Bloom, Ph.D., an evolutionary biologistat the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center in Seattle,finding that no particular species of mammal at the Wuhan market correlated with the presence of SARS-CoV-2.

“What the new study does not show is that any given animal at the market was infected with SARS-CoV-2, meaning it cannot rule out that all the viral samples collected came from humans,” NPR reported.


(Big Question: who paid and put them up to releasing this sham study and why?Is Fauci and Collins involved because they arestill doing gain of function to release another pandemic? Right after Trump is elected again.Is Fauci working behind the scenes with WHO, the UN and Bill Gates?)

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88f732 No.228798

File: 653615a07dca6ae⋯.png (472.49 KB,908x745,908:745,Clipboard.png)

File: 9814f29ccdb07ae⋯.png (232.84 KB,1212x643,1212:643,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633607 (211358ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy dirt

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After Oddi was apprehended, he wanted to speak to anybody from the Feds. His claims seem to be so off the wall.

One person for sure got the full story on this guy.

It was Judge Mindy S. Glazer.

Looky looky!

Who's the judge that oversaw the Johnathan Oddi case at Trump golf course?

Judge Mindy S. Glazer

Which judge took a lot of flak from the liberal MSM for throwing out Trump's documents case?

Judge Mindy S. Glazer



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88f732 No.228799

File: 62779455252b573⋯.png (533.03 KB,723x736,723:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633634 (211402ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

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Karen Friedman Agnifilo writes for this liberal rag called the Meidas News. One of her articles explains why it was so important to prosecute Trump.


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88f732 No.228800

File: 353161af6bf35d0⋯.png (353.19 KB,966x966,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633642 (211403ZSEP24) Notable: @FLOTUS unveils 2024’s Limited Edition Ornament series, “Merry Christmas, AMERICA!”

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To all of my passionate collectors, I am thrilled to unveil 2024’s Limited Edition Ornament series, “Merry Christmas, AMERICA!”

Each unique piece captures the magic of the holiday season. Let these ornaments inspire cherished memories & bring warmth to your entire family. Happy collecting!



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88f732 No.228801

File: a3cd7f9f554dd46⋯.png (47.83 KB,775x397,775:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633651 (211405ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

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She approves of park duck killing for blacks.


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88f732 No.228802

File: 270bc5a0f15f2c9⋯.png (594.89 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

File: 05c07a7494a1be5⋯.png (1.17 MB,970x546,485:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633701 (211413ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space Stuff

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Europe's Hera probe to launch Oct. 7 to inspect asteroid NASA smacked in 2022

September 21, 2024

Europe's highly anticipated Hera mission to catalog the wreckage of the asteroid Dimorphos has arrived at its Florida launch site for final checks ahead of its planned liftoff early next month.

The main Hera spacecraft and its two partner cubesats, named Milani and Juventas, are set to launch atop a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket on Oct. 7 at 10:52 a.m. EDT (1452 GMT) from Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

They'll arrive at Dimorphos in late 2026, on a mission to study the aftermath of NASA's planetary defense test, which intentionally smashed a spacecraft into the asteroid in September 2022, shortening its orbit by 33 minutes and permanently altering its shape.

"We're very excited to go back and see what it looks like," Patrick Michel, Hera's principal investigator, said at the Europlanet Science Congress on Friday (Sept. 13) in Berlin.

Hera will assess the size and depth of the crater on Dimorphos created by NASA's DART (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) spacecraft, and determine whether the impact did indeed reshape the rubble-pile asteroid, as early simulations indicate.

Once deployed, the two cubesats will for the first time assess Dimorphos' internal structure, surface minerals as well as gravity, data that will help scientists correctly reproduce the asteroid's final structure in their computer models, Michel said at the conference.

Such models will then inform future planetary defense missions that similarly aim to deflect asteroids headed toward Earth.

Hera and its two cubesats arrived at their launch site in Florida in early September following a transatlantic flight from Germany, with a stop in Ireland.

The mission's launch window opens on Oct. 7 and closes on Oct. 27, according to the European Space Agency (ESA).

Hera has a date with Mars in March next year; it will receive a gravity boost from the Red Planet to put it on course toward Dimorphos.

During the maneuver, Hera will swing past the Mars moon Deimos and test onboard science instruments and its main camera.

"It gives us another chance to calibrate our instruments and potentially to make some scientific discoveries," Michael Kuppers, who is Hera's project scientist at ESA, said of the Mars flyby in a previous statement.

If all goes to plan, the spacecraft will arrive at Dimorphos in late 2026 and inch closer to the asteroid's surface through repeated flybys until it ends up less than 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) away, Kuppers said at the conference.

The mission is expected to gather at least six months of close-up observations of the asteroid, which at 525 feet (160 meters) wide is about the size of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Dimorphos' surface will be more visible at that point than it was in the immediate aftermath of the DART collision; the rocks and dust blasted into space by the smashup have since floated away, likely on their way to spark meteor showers on Mars and possibly Earth.

Hera's images of Dimorphos will also help determine whether DART's crash indeed knocked the asteroid out of alignment such that it now wobbles back and forth, as scientists have suggested.

"Dimorphos might also be 'tumbling,' meaning that we may have caused it to rotate chaotically and unpredictably," Derek Richardson, a professor of astronomy at the University of Maryland and a DART investigation working group lead, said last month in a university statement.

"One of our biggest questions now is if Dimorphos is stable enough for spacecraft to land and install more research equipment on it."

That answer might arrive at the end of Hera's mission, when its two cubesats Milani and Juventas will attempt to land on Dimorphos.

Hera itself might land on Didymos, Dimorphos' larger companion — both spacecraft orbit a common center of mass — although the specifics of end-of-mission scenarios are still under discussion, Kuppers said on Friday.


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88f732 No.228803

File: 4fdca1a96aa4787⋯.png (282.59 KB,361x780,361:780,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633742 (211418ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

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She has a hand in the Weinstein case too.


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88f732 No.228804

File: 1e1e2de51b6411d⋯.png (329.01 KB,538x580,269:290,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633751 (211420ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH -Good Morning Everyone- Launching Official TRUMP COINS

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88f732 No.228805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633764 (211423ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

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Karen Friedman Agnifilo Joins CNN as On-Air Legal Analyst

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88f732 No.228806

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633773 (211424ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy's lawyer wife is named Karen Friedman Agnifilo she is part of the group that is after Trump

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>Karen Friedman Agnifilo Joins CNN as On-Air Legal Analyst

Attorney Karen Friedman Agnifilo is joining CNN as an on-air Legal Analyst, the network announced today. Agnifilo previously served as Chief Assistant District Attorney in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office under Cyrus Vance Jr. In that capacity, she oversaw an office of approximately 500 lawyers and managed all aspects of the Office’s work including cases, policy and personnel and was the Acting District Attorney when DA Vance was out of the jurisdiction.

Agnifilo rejoined the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office in 2010 as Executive ADA and Chief of the Trial Division, leaving her position as General Counsel to the New York City Mayor’s Criminal Justice Coordinator. In that role, she managed multi-agency criminal justice policy initiatives and projects and helped shape New York City’s criminal justice legislative and policy agendas. Agnifilo previously served for 14 years as an Assistant District Attorney in Manhattan, including four years as Deputy Chief of the Sex Crimes Unit. She also served in the Homicide Investigation Unit, the Family Violence and Child Abuse Bureau, and the Asian Gang Unit. Agnifilo is also a host of the podcast “Legal AF byMeidasTouch”. Agnifilo is a graduate of the University of California, Los Angeles and a 1992 graduate of Georgetown University Law Center.

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88f732 No.228807

File: 2ef37fd3b9be286⋯.png (61.46 KB,817x384,817:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633785 (211425ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy dirt

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Brafman family connections


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88f732 No.228808

File: a747e38ae357410⋯.png (1.94 MB,1247x702,1247:702,Clipboard.png)

File: 49cbdcdde593e45⋯.png (3.49 MB,2000x1172,500:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 85c45e34bd2f6d6⋯.png (2.82 MB,2000x1151,2000:1151,Clipboard.png)

File: 834401fc2518a16⋯.png (4.44 MB,2000x1083,2000:1083,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633795 (211426ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space Stuff

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NASA ventured into the Valley of 10,000 Smokes, a forbidding land

September 21, 2024

Imposing bears teem in Alaska's Katmai National Park and Preserve. But few dare enter its Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.

In 1912, a volcano was born here. It erupted for nearly three days. Its ominous ash clouds left the town of Kodiak, 100 miles away, in profound darkness, nearly obscuring lanterns held at arms' length.

The valley itself was suffocated by a gargantuan load of up to nearly 700 feet of grainy volcanic ash. That ash remains there today. The once verdant land was transformed into a desolate moonscape.

For years, potent columns of steam rose from the hot rocky ash, the "smokes" that lent the region its name.

It was the biggest volcanic eruption of the 20th century.

"I'm in awe of how large that event was," Patrick Whelley, a NASA geologist, told Mashable. "What a drastic change in landscape."

This year, Whelley co-led an expedition into the valley with a team of scientists.

They investigated how this land reflects similar environments on other planets, like Mars, and the harsh, seemingly unlikely, places that might harbor life on other worlds.

Such a journey isn't for the meek.

"Wind blows abrasive ash that irritates the eyes and lungs. Your food, no matter how carefully prepared, always seems to be gritty," Mike Fitz, a former Katmai ranger who often ventured into the valley, told Mashable.

"Pumice and ash always threaten to get into your footwear where it can abrade your skin raw."

Exploration of the valley has a price. But it comes with unmatched rewards.

"On a calm day, the silence is immense," Fitz, now a naturalist for the wildlife livestreamers explore.org, said.

"I've experienced natural quiet so great on calm days at Novarupta [the volcano that erupted in 1912] that the sound of a zipper on a jacket or tent seems like an intrusion."

"The land is wild and raw and fascinating," he said.

Amid the heated 1960s Space Race, NASA sent astronauts to the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes.

They encountered wasted land, blanketed in volcanic rock, somewhat like the moon. (Indeed, upon later stepping foot on the surface of the moon, Buzz Aldrin marveled: "Beautiful, beautiful. Magnificent desolation." )

In the valley, the future moon explorers collected geologic samples, and learned how to convey their finds to scientists.

Over half a century later, in June, NASA geochemist Heather Graham entered this remote Alaskan realm to scour the environment for the types of life that may exist on worlds beyond ours — planets and moons.

Except Graham isn't searching for familiar signs of life, like strands of genetic material. Rather, Graham seeks the chemical activities that could support life — particularly life elsewhere that might create energy and thrive in ways different from organisms on Earth.

"We're really thinking about life as we don't know it," Graham told Mashable.

That's why Graham, and NASA's Goddard Instrument Field Team, or GIFT, endeavor to such places.

They're remote, largely untrammeled, and are the closest environments approaching something extraterrestrial on our planet.

"Look out your window," said Graham. "There's literally life everywhere. The whole point of me going to the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes is it's so hard to get away from life."

Indeed, from its cataclysmic inception, the valley seemed a harsh, untamed, unearthly realm.

"This Valley appeared to be on another planet that was in the process of formation," wrote Robert F. Griggs, a scientist who discovered and documented the steaming Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes on a National Geographic Society expedition in 1916.

(While we were not granted permission to show Griggs' historic images here, they are available to see on Katmai National Park and Preserve's website and this Park Service publication.)


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88f732 No.228809

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633797 (211426ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space Stuff

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When Novarupta blew in 1912, it pressed the restart button in the valley. Even water vaporized.

So it's a rare place to sleuth for effects that life could have had on this new environment.

Could such microbes have left clues that they harnessed energy using these fresh geologic ingredients, brewed deep inside Earth?

To find out, Graham, as shown below, inspected now-quiet fumaroles — vents where hot volcanic gasses are emitted.

Graham assessed these features to see if any materials are different (and potentially altered) from the fresh rock blown out of the volcano.

She looked for the presence of accumulated microorganisms, collected samples, and sent them to a microbiologist to see who it is. (We'll have to wait to find out; the results are pending.)

Ultimately, the search for these hints of life inform astrobiologists like Graham — who investigate the possible origins and existence of life beyond Earth — about how we should look for life on other worlds.

After all, all life needs an energy source. If something dwells in the oceans of Enceladus, a Saturnian moon that shoots plumes from a subsurface ocean into space, it might exploit chemicals in ways far different than most life on Earth.

Or in ways we can't yet imagine.

"The possibility space for life is much greater than our sliver of biology," Graham said.

Often, NASA's Goddard Instrument Field Team can drive relatively close to field sites. But in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes, there are no roads.

A lifted school bus, capable of driving through rivers, ferried them to the foot of the valley.

But then the scientists were on foot. "It's an intimidating landscape," Whelley, the NASA geologist who co-led the trip, said.

A party of 12 hiked some 16 miles to get near Novarupta, which required fording wild, at times unpredictable rivers, including the River Lethe, an ash-filled waterway.

"Drowning in them is statistically the most dangerous thing about the Valley," Fitz, a former Katmai ranger, noted. (Writer's note: I have forded this river multiple times; half the time, amid a vigorous and high current, we were forced to turn back; Alaska doesn't play games.)

Electric fences, to discourage the rare valley bear, encircled their tents. And anyone sleeping there at night is surrounded, literally, by volcanoes, some steaming.

On such an eight day trip, the scientists had survival roles to play — like water collection.

But the payoff was conducting science in a place where Earth's surface has been remade.

The untrammeled valley can reveal what's transpired on other worlds. Places on Mars, for example, may have experienced similarly sized or larger volcanic eruptions, which blanketed mighty Martian glaciers in rocky ash, Whelley said.

Scientists brought a ground-penetrating radar and other instruments to the valley to see how Novarupta's blast hid some large glaciers — and to demonstrate how similar events may have transpired on Mars.

Another team investigated how clays could form following such a volcanic eruption — which could explain how such soils developed on Mars.

We can't go to Mars today; but we can at least approximate desolate and extreme Martian environs.

"We need to find these places to do our work," Whelley explained. "They haven't been developed yet."

NASA's field team has explored volcanic landscapes in Iceland, lava tubes in Hawaii, remnants of an ancient supervolcano in California, and beyond.

But time is running short in the Valley of Ten Thousand Smokes. A new world, composed of fresh rock, minerals, and chemicals, won't stay virgin forever.

The willows are creeping in. Now that the ground isn't steaming, even some bears traverse the valley's edge.

This June, flowers popped up near Graham's tent. "We're always in a race against life and time," she said.


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88f732 No.228810

File: cb0a61bf929e60f⋯.jpg (87.22 KB,601x400,601:400,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 79c6ad325437f9e⋯.mp4 (6.39 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633811 (211428ZSEP24) Notable: Very strange arrival footage. Barrack Obama Receives 2024 Sylvanus Thayer Award

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Very strange arrival footage.

President Obama Receives 2024 Sylvanus Thayer Award

September 20, 2024


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88f732 No.228811

File: 6f874493f2ec57b⋯.png (260.58 KB,1208x1170,604:585,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633860 (211436ZSEP24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH - Bill Maher is really having a hard time coping with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME

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The ratings challenged Bill Maher, on his increasingly boring show on HBO, is really having a hard time coping with TRUMP DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. He is a befuddled mess, sloppy and tired, and every conversation, with B and C list guests, seems to start with, or revert back to, ME! This week he had “dumb as a rock” bimbo Stephanie Ruhle, from MSDNC, on the show, along with a Trump hating loser, Bret Stephens, who seemed totally confused and unsure of himself, very much like Maher himself. Steven’s should find himself another line of work because I am driving the FAILING New York Times absolutely crazy, and it is very hard, perhaps impossible, for a writer to write well of me without suffering the wrath of the degenerate editors who, with a push from the top, have gone insane. They apologized to their readers in 2016 for their complete and total MISS, and they’ll do it again in November. The FAILING New York Times is a badly run “newspaper” that has totally lost its way. Put it to sleep!


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88f732 No.228812

File: 4532189b70273e6⋯.png (267.65 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633893 (211442ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space Stuff

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Moonquakes could 'pose a possible hazard' to Artemis moon missions, study finds

September 21, 2024

New research indicates that potential landing sites at the moon's south pole for robotic landers and crewed Artemis missions are susceptible to quakes and landslides.

Science results published early this year in the Planetary Science Journal point to a group of faults located in the moon's south polar region, making use of data on moonquakes recorded by seismometers set up by Apollo moonwalkers over 50 years ago.

"The potential of strong seismic events from active thrust faults should be considered when preparing and locating permanent outposts and pose a possible hazard to future robotic and human exploration of the south polar region," the research paper explains.

The installation of habitats, landing pads, equipment shelters, tall towers on the moon could be off to a shaky start, suggests Nerma Caluk, an intermediate designer and lunar specialist for Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, an architecture and structural engineering firm in San Francisco, California.

As public and private entities are seeking to establish building infrastructure on the lunar surface, a need for lunar design criteria will be more apparent with time, said Caluk. Unlike terrestrial building codes, the lunar building codes are non-existent, she observed.

To wrestle with this issue, a Space Engineering and Construction committee, part of the American Society of Civil Engineering (ASCE) Aerospace Division, is developing a guideline document.

"One of the crucial sections of this guideline document is the seismic design criteria," Caluk said, "in which information such as site-specific requirements, minimum design force, fatigue and service considerations will be addressed."

That criteria work is currently being undertaken as part of a NASA Small Business Technology Transfer program grant, during which Skidmore, Owings, & Merrill, Slate Geotechnical Consultants, and Colorado School of Mines are addressing the concerns of the lunar seismic hazard on a variety of structural systems.

Caluk said that terrestrial engineering practices and codes "will need to be re-imagined" to address the factors that are not present on Earth. And one of those factors is moonquakes.

The uniqueness of lunar seismic activity imposes new challenges, said Caluk.

"Additionally, applying statistical models developed for earthquake recordings could lead to uncertainties in the lunar environment due to the limited information on geological and tectonic processes that drive the lunar seismic activity."

Caluk recalls that, during the Apollo missions, five seismic stations were deployed on the lunar surface.

Each of the seismic instruments was equipped with three long-period seismometers, originally aligned to measure all three components of the ground displacement vectors, and one short-period seismometer, with capability of only measuring vertical ground motion.

Even though over 13,000 seismic events were charted during the 7-year recording period, the limitations of the on-site Apollo instruments were recognized, said Caluk.

However, based on the seismic events mapped on the moon, "the main difference between the terrestrial and lunar seismicity is their duration.

It takes between half an hour to several hours for the lunar seismic energy to completely dissipate during an event," Caluk advised.

Among four identified types of lunar seismic events, shallow moonquakes were found to present the highest amplitude and energy release per event.

Albeit they are estimated to have smaller magnitudes than high-impact earthquakes, if large enough — with the epicenter being close to a south pole site — they could damage lunar infrastructure, said Caluk, "potentially causing fatigue-induced cracks, affecting their serviceability and operation."

Moonquake effects on future lunar structures in the low-gravity environment, that will possess unique structural material properties, could significantly differ from known, terrestrial cases, Caluk emphasized.

Adaptive resilient-based seismic systems that mitigate seismic damage have made significant advancements in recent years and must be refined for lunar structures, she said.

Existing data can be used for initial estimations, Caluk said, narrowing the knowledge gap in the seismic analysis for lunar structures.

That's possible by using a shallow moonquake waveform database to develop a Lunar Ground Motion Model (LGMM).


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88f732 No.228813

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633894 (211442ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space Stuff

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"In order to properly design for such lateral loads, data on the seismic activity from the actual base camp site, in this case being the lunar south pole, is required," said

Caluk. "This data currently does not exist since the seismometers of the Apollo missions are placed at the equatorial regions."

The ongoing NASA-funded work is intended to provide for initial estimations and assumptions that are a result of limited knowledge on moonquakes, their effect on structural systems and potential need for seismic protection systems.

But there's more work to be done, Caluk said. More data can be gleaned from future lunar seismometers.

One extra outcome of the on-going work on moonquakes is perhaps instigating a need for additional instrumentation onboard NASA Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) public-private missions to collect the missing data for local site conditions.

"As NASA returns to the lunar surface through the Artemis program, establishment of structurally safe and permanent building infrastructure is needed," Caluk concluded.

"Terrestrial structural and civil engineering experience must be incorporated to accelerate the development of lunar infrastructure and building systems."

As for moonquakes, "designers need to factor them into any design of structures requiring a stable foundation," said Sam Ximenes, a space architect, founder and CEO of XArc Exploration Architecture Corporation and Astroport Space Technologies headquartered in San Antonio, Texas.

"Yes, this is getting very real," Ximenes said, with work underway developing patent-pending regolith solidification technologies for lunar infrastructure construction using 3D printing and autonomous robotics, with an initial focus on lunar landing pad emplacements.

"The natural progression is toward the cislunar economy, where we are now starting to see industry alliances forming for enabling a supply chain infrastructure encompassing lunar surface in-situ resource utilization," Ximenes told Space.com.

Honeybee Robotics is working with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) on a lunar architecture study to develop and integrate its tall tower concept.

The concept is dubbed the LUNARSABER, space shorthand for the lengthy title: Lunar Utility Navigation with Advanced Remote Sensing and Autonomous Beaming for Energy Redistribution.

This towering capability is projected by Honeybee Robotics to be nearly 330 feet (100 meters) tall, but could be scaled to over 650 feet (200 meters) in height above the lunar landscape to boost its service range.

Vishnu Sanigepalli is Honeybee's principal investigator of LUNARSABER on the DARPA LunA-10 effort.

"We are actively evaluating the impact of moonquakes on tall infrastructure, including deployable towers like Honeybee's LUNARSABER, and designing them to ensure they remain stable and won't tip over," Sanigepalli tells Space.com.

Unlike Earthquakes, which last only a few seconds, moonquakes can persist for hours, Sanigepalli pointed out, raising risks about long-term effects, such as material fatigue, structural durability, and service degradation.

"For towers, habitats, and other infrastructure, moonquakes pose a challenge, especially because the moon's regolith is much less stable than Earth's," Sanigepalli added.

"This means we must be more rigorous in our site selection to ensure that infrastructures are built on terrain capable of withstanding seismic activity for long-term stability," Sanigepalli concluded.


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88f732 No.228814

File: de094a465c71792⋯.jpeg (883.23 KB,1125x1762,1125:1762,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 5c1a8107f3fe414⋯.jpeg (163.27 KB,1125x558,125:62,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633896 (211442ZSEP24) Notable: The time 30 people looked like hundreds? another Walz rally Allentown Pa

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88f732 No.228815

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21633918 (211447ZSEP24) Notable: Very strange arrival footage. Barrack Obama Receives 2024 Sylvanus Thayer Award

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Fuck, all events seem like the Movie is ramping up to climax, again, no pun intended. Kek


>Very strange arrival footage. >President Obama Receives 2024 >Sylvanus Thayer Award

September 20, 2024

Sylvanus Thayer Award

Set up as great character, awarded by military, the BOOM, diddydildodna

What a great, timely setup for massive humiliation.


The Sylvanus Thayer Award is an honor given annually by the United States Military Academy at West Point to an individual whose character and accomplishments exemplifies the motto of West Point. The award is named after the "Father of the Military Academy", Colonel Sylvanus Thayer. The awardee is selected by, and the award is endowed by, a committee formed from the West Point Association of Graduates. It has been awarded annually since 1958 and is the closest recognition West Point has to granting an honorary degree.





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88f732 No.228816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21634025 (211503ZSEP24) Notable: Diddy dirt

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Kim Kardashian's lawyer hit me with a cease and desist after I posted a video where someone suggested she might be under FBI investigation for blackmail, drugging men, and possibly being involved in the infamous Diddy tapes.

Their threats and intimidation are pointless—nothing can stop what's about to unfold.

Let me be clear: if I suddenly go silent, I am not suicidal.

I’ve now become a target of Balenciaga’s most powerful partner.


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88f732 No.228817

File: eaa169285e31581⋯.png (442.14 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21634041 (211506ZSEP24) Notable: Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX for $15 million over U.S.-Mexico border land dispute

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Cards Against Humanity sues SpaceX for $15 million over land dispute

September 20, 2024

Cards Against Humanity has just filed a $15 million lawsuit against SpaceX.

The Chicago-based Cards Against Humanity (CAH) — the company behind the bestselling adult party game in which players use cards to create either wonderfully clever or hilariously disturbing strings of phrases — distributed a statement on Friday (Sept. 20) blasting Elon Musk and SpaceX for allegedly encroaching upon and damaging land that CAH purchased in 2017.

This land is located along the U.S.-Mexico border, and CAH bought it as part of a movement to thwart former President Donald Trump's plan of building a lengthy border barrier.

According to the release, Cards Against Humanity's lawsuit blames SpaceX for "trespassing, destruction of property, and brand damages" due to "unpermitted storage of construction materials and equipment" on the game company's parcel of land.

If the court case is heard and leads to a successful outcome for the plaintiff, the entertainment firm promises to re-distribute any monetary gains among original supporters of its 2017 land purchase.

Back in 2017, CAH bought this chunk of land near Brownsville, Texas as a component of its Cards Against Humanity Saves America campaign, in which 150,000 customers paid the corporation $15 each to ensure the land would be protected from construction of Trump's notorious "wall."

The land is near Starbase, SpaceX's lead site for the development and testing of its new Starship megarocket.

In 2024, Musk "snuck up on us from behind and completely destroyed that land with gravel, tractors, and space garbage. How did this happen?"

Cards Against Humanity wrote in its press release. "After we caught him, SpaceX gave us a 12-hour ultimatum to accept a lowball offer for less than half the land's value."

Cards Against Humanity vehemently declined the offer.

"While this isn't enough to compensate our fans for the anguish they've experienced witnessing Elon Musk defile their once-verdant land — where wild horses galloped freely in the Texas moonlight — we think it's a pretty good start," the statement reads.

"We promised we'd use every legal tool at our disposal to protect this land from bullies like Trump and Musk.

If we don't take action now, why would anyone ever trust us again?"

Cards Against Humanity's lawsuit against SpaceX is one of a few allegations the rocket company has been dealing with.

On Tuesday (Sept. 17), for instance, the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration announced that it plans to fine SpaceX $630,000 because two launches that occurred last year used modified procedures before those requested modifications had been approved.

And on June 12, eight former SpaceX employees filed a lawsuit against Musk and SpaceX due to alleged sexual harassment they experienced during their time at the company, as well as claimed whistleblower retaliation.



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88f732 No.228818

File: c762fd00e2046a8⋯.png (266.68 KB,678x627,226:209,Clipboard.png)

File: f06fa8137b525bb⋯.mp4 (528.07 KB,320x320,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21634065 (211512ZSEP24) Notable: Italian PM Meloni: “From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

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Mario Nawfal



Italian PM Meloni:

“From now on, if you enter Italy illegally, you will be immediately deported!”

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88f732 No.228819

File: 539414b25e5dd1b⋯.jpeg (401.44 KB,1179x1377,131:153,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21634073 (211514ZSEP24) Notable: Agents have boarded vessel owned by same company that collapsed Key Bridge

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I’s ON


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88f732 No.228820

File: db28400afa0ad0a⋯.png (370.59 KB,650x366,325:183,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21634077 (211515ZSEP24) Notable: NASA & Related Space Stuff

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What the 1st analysis of China's Chang'e 6 lunar far side samples revealed

September 21, 2024

We finally have a glimpse of the first-ever samples collected from the far side of the moon.

The first paper on the samples collected from China's Chang'e 6 lunar probe reveals that the specimens differ in some ways from those collected from the moon's near side.

Thus, they could provide fresh insights and lead to new theories about the moon and its evolution.

China launched its complex, 53-day-long Chang'e 6 lunar far side sample return mission in early May.

A lander scooped and drilled for samples inside an area known as Apollo crater before sending them into lunar orbit on an ascent vehicle. In lunar orbit, the samples were transferred to a waiting moon orbiting craft.

A reentry module delivered 4 pounds and 4.29 ounces (1,935.3 grams) of lunar material to Earth in late June.

The samples were initially taken to specially developed facilities for storage, analysis and eventual distribution for research.

And now, a new study published in National Science Review has given us our first insight into the precious material.

Li Chunlai and fellow researchers studied the portion of the samples collected by robotic scoop.

They found the collected samples have a lower density compared to previous lunar samples, which were retrieved from the lunar near side.

More specifically, the far side samples indicate a looser and more porous structure than the near side samples.

The "sample is quite loose and would be even fluffier in its 'natural' state on the lunar surface," the researchers wrote.

The soil also contains more light-coloured particles like feldspar and glass compared to the samples collected by the 2020 Chang'e 5 near side mission.

This, and other insights into composition, suggests a higher presence of materials delivered to the sampling area from afar.

This occurs, for example, when impact events (such as an asteroid hit) leads to ejecta spraying upward and outward from the impact area.

The composition of the basaltic rock at the site of the sampling is thought to be mixed with ejecta from non-basaltic regions.

The samples also hold a lower concentration of KREEP, a rock signature short for potassium (chemical symbol K) enriched rock, rare‐earth elements (REE) and phosphorus (chemical symbol P), which is more abundant on the near side.

This asymmetry could partially explain why the far side is so different from the near side of the moon.

The researchers assert that the samples could advance the understanding of several key aspects of lunar science.

This includes the moon's early evolution, how volcanic activities differed between the near side and far side, the impact history of the inner solar system, the galactic activity record preserved in the lunar weathering layer, and the composition and structure of the lunar crust and mantle.

"These insights are expected to lead to new concepts and theories regarding the origin and evolution of the moon," the researchers conclude.

The Chang'e 6 samples are likely to yield these new insights as the material is made available to Chinese researchers in the near future.

International researchers are expected to be able to apply for samples after a period of two years.



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88f732 No.228821

File: 9622e080c8474d7⋯.png (148.02 KB,1170x578,585:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21634081 (211517ZSEP24) Notable: Deltas - MUSIC IS ABOUT TO STOP + ENJOY THE RALLY @ THE 'Q' TONIGHT!

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one of TODAY'S DELTAs:


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88f732 No.228822

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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