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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

543c8d No.210862 [View All]

10SEP24 to 12SEP24


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 679 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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543c8d No.220531

File: 63e425171445110⋯.png (300.27 KB,660x496,165:124,Clipboard.png)

File: 519a09bdb28d54f⋯.png (806.15 KB,1200x514,600:257,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574581 (120230ZSEP24) Notable: Secret Service declares Jan. 6, 2025, day of Certification of Electoral Votes, a 'National Special Security Event'

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BREAKING: Secret Service declares Jan. 6, 2025, day of Certification of Electoral Votes, a 'National Special Security Event'

6:46 PM • Sep 11, 2024


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543c8d No.220532

File: 087facdda134d59⋯.png (224.73 KB,585x668,585:668,Clipboard.png)

File: e7d29c8ab35a35e⋯.mp4 (9.99 MB,320x568,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574586 (120230ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield, Ohio resident claims she saw Haitians catching and cooking wildlife in the park, and leaving the place trashed

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I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸




Springfield, Ohio resident claims she saw Haitians catching wildlife in the park, gutting farm animals, cooking them, and leaving the reservoir completely trashed.


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543c8d No.220533

File: cc5e7c072459f3f⋯.png (52.67 KB,879x364,879:364,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574588 (120231ZSEP24) Notable: Yesterday, a group of Angel Moms testified to Congress blaming Harris and her open border policies for the deaths of their kids

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Trump Jr. | The Fake News will erase dead American kids to protect Kamala!

Donald Trump Jr.


Yesterday, a group of Angel Moms testified in front of Congress blaming Kamala Harris and her open border policies for the deaths of their kids, yet the @nytimes

and other corporate media outlets refused to cover it.

The Fake News will erase dead American kids to protect Kamala!

7:23 PM · Sep 11, 2024


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543c8d No.220534

File: 1601a350c8a8685⋯.png (670.24 KB,700x350,2:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574619 (120238ZSEP24) Notable: Another top ranking member of the NYPD has been revealed to be a CCP sleeper agent

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Another top ranking member of the NYPD has been revealed to be a CCP sleeper agent. It’s really starting to seem like maybe communist China has been running NYC for years…

REPORT: Another Top NYC Official w/ Ties to NYPD, Eric Adams Accused of Chinese Spying

(Headline USA) A little over a week after a former top aide to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul was arrested for spying on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, another New York government employee was found to have close ties to the CCP. Lin Gui’an, the assist…


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543c8d No.220535

File: b18a99d4fada6fc⋯.png (644.16 KB,768x427,768:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574629 (120240ZSEP24) Notable: Ohio city faces 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux

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what could go wrong? from July 11, 2024: Springfield, OH city manager explains 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux- if you can't house them, how are you going to feed them?

LOCAL NEWS: Ohio city faces 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux

Large numbers of people entering or living in America illegally are exacerbating the housing crisis, including in areas like Ohio far from the border.


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543c8d No.220536

File: de6d2b41ed16436⋯.png (83.91 KB,799x261,799:261,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574653 (120245ZSEP24) Notable: US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any intl agreement on pandemic preparedness be subject to Senate ratification

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US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any international agreement on pandemic preparedness to be subject to Senate ratification. "This is huge. Miracles can happen. 2 years ago these bills were nonstarters," says the article.

Here is what passed: HR1425, introduced by Rep. Tom Tiffany:


To require any convention, agreement, or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reached by the World Health Assembly to be subject to Senate ratification.”

Senate ratification requires a 2/3 vote. 49 Senators went on record in May as being against the IHR amendments (which passed the World Health Assembly on June 1) and against the proposed WHO pandemic treaty, which is being negotiated this week.

The bill needs to pass the Senate, where its companion is S444, introduced by Senator Ron Johnson and sponsored by every one of the 49 Republicans in the Senate. It has a good chance. Would Kamala’s handlers dare for her to cast the deciding vote against it before the election? Against US sovereignty over health?



September 11, 2024



Today, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 1425, the No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Approval Act, that will ensure the White House does not enter into any agreement with the WHO on pandemic preparedness without first getting the constitutionally required advice and consent from the U.S. Senate.

The legislation, sponsored by Representative Tom Tiffany (R-WI), is an essential step in protecting the sovereignty of the United States. The World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization is attempting to become the global authority on pandemic responses by adopting a Pandemic Preparedness treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations. Eagle Forum believes that both documents should be considered treaties and be subject to the constitutional requirement of Senate approval.

“We thank the House of Representatives for passing this important legislation. The Biden-Harris Administration has refused, to date, to submit these international agreements to the Senate, despite the clear language of our constitution,” explained Kris Ullman, President of Eagle Forum.

“Considering the WHO’s record of handling the COVID-19 pandemic, they should not be allowed to move forward with any treaty or agreement that gives them more power over our lives and livelihoods. Americans lost their freedoms because of the WHO’s ‘voluntary’ guidance on lockdowns, masking, school closures, travel restrictions, and vaccine mandates. Now the WHO is attempting to make their failed policies mandatory with these new treaties. Congress must stand up for their right to weigh in before the United States joins these international power grabs. Passage of H.R. 1425 is a step in the right direction.”

The Senate companion bill, S. 444, is supported by every Republican Senator. In addition, on August 29th, twenty-six Republican governors came together to state that they would not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one world control over health policy saying, “Put simply, Republican Governors will not comply.”

H.R. 1425 passed the House by a vote of 219-199. Four Democrats crossed the aisle to support the legislation.

It will only be a miracle if the Senate passes it. Fingers crossed!

Pray that there are enough brave legislators willing to stand up against enormous pressure and possible personal consequences.


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543c8d No.220537

File: 80481207323eb51⋯.mp4 (4.82 MB,640x480,4:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574668 (120247ZSEP24) Notable: DJT on akshual date of 9/11

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543c8d No.220538

File: 1a24ca593e1575a⋯.png (488.15 KB,658x722,329:361,Clipboard.png)

File: 05ad4e0a175d0a2⋯.mp4 (934.15 KB,720x406,360:203,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574673 (120248ZSEP24) Notable: A Taylor Swift fan just told CNN she's voting Trump after Taylor endorsed Kamala

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🚨A TAYLOR SWIFT FAN JUST TOLD CNN SHE'S VOTING TRUMP AFTER TAYLOR ENDORSED KAMALA! "The last four years have been insanely hard on everybody and it's not getting cheaper." WE THE PEOPLE LOVE TRUMP! Kamala definitely wouldn't want you to share this!

Bo Loudon



"The last four years have been insanely hard on everybody and it's not getting cheaper."


Kamala definitely wouldn't want you to share this!

6:14 PM • Sep 11, 2024


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543c8d No.220539

File: a3ced0f46366f58⋯.png (306.73 KB,592x865,592:865,Clipboard.png)

File: b5741fa85dfc032⋯.mp4 (1.87 MB,720x720,1:1,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574692 (120251ZSEP24) Notable: You just activated my trap card…

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Dylan Allman @DylanMAllman

The woman in this video just won her primary for a house of representatives seat in New Hampshire.

"Can you guarantee our government will never become tyrannical? No? Then the gun control debate is over."


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543c8d No.220540

File: 79afca3807e55a1⋯.png (1.88 MB,1080x2336,135:292,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574749 (120301ZSEP24) Notable: GREAT news for Trump: he’s killing it with White Evangelical Protestants

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JUST IN: GREAT news for Trump: he’s killing it with White Evangelical Protestants. Pew Research just released figures showing he’s up 82%_16%.


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543c8d No.220541

File: 80c389b1bf2b0bf⋯.png (718.82 KB,868x1293,868:1293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574812 (120314ZSEP24) Notable: Kamala required her entire campaign to take the vax

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Loomer DESTROYS Kamala: "You just required everyone on your campaign to take the COVID vaccine. You don’t even allow your own campaign staffers to make decisions about their own bodies."


Saw Loomer beefing with MTG recently, but this is on point.

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543c8d No.220542

File: a357b2faec4948e⋯.jpg (150.72 KB,602x548,301:274,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574823 (120316ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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543c8d No.220543

File: db61fcc214fe9ec⋯.png (126.78 KB,350x219,350:219,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574835 (120320ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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543c8d No.220544

File: 6115eaa82e0f751⋯.png (445.21 KB,737x692,737:692,Clipboard.png)

File: a8b4ef87ed56a5f⋯.png (51.93 KB,739x436,739:436,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ef3a019fbb41f5⋯.png (452.26 KB,736x858,368:429,Clipboard.png)

File: d7f184b0b6cb5d3⋯.jpg (409.02 KB,2088x1400,261:175,Clipboard.jpg)

File: da1fffa4f27d5b1⋯.png (763.36 KB,1024x1661,1024:1661,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574845 (120322ZSEP24) Notable: Wuhan Institute may have leaked the polio virus before leaking COVID-19

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A leak of polio from a research facility is indicated by a poliovirus genome sequence generated from a sample collected in 2014 in China by the Wuhan Institute of Virology

The sequence is 99 % identical to that of a polio strain from 1954 🧵




Hmmm…The Wuhan Institute of Virology may have leaked the poliovirus before they got around to leaking COVID-19.


The day after Fauci's secret teleconference, Ron Fouchier, one of the godfathers of gain-of-function experiments, warned/threatened everyone on the call that if the public became aware that Covid came out of the Wuhan lab, they would begin to question other outbreaks.


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543c8d No.220545

File: f59b437cf13bffb⋯.png (514.08 KB,768x512,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574863 (120325ZSEP24) Notable: National Youth Advocate Program: One of the orgs bringing in the Haitian migrants to Ohio

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Meet one of the organizations being paid HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of your tax dollars to traffic murderous invaders into small-town Ohio

Come meet one of the organizations being paid hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to traffic illegal immigrants into small-…

As Springfield, Ohio, is being crushed under the weight of 20,000 Haitian migrants, a government contractor called the National Youth Advocate Program is raking in $160 million per year to settle these migrants.



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543c8d No.220546

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574874 (120328ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield, Ohio resident speaks about the Haitian situation

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illegal Haitians migrants.

There is a issue with ohio but they are eating local wildlife.


Springfield, Ohio Migrant issue not FAKE NEWS.


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543c8d No.220547

File: 54793567bbbf82a⋯.png (1.38 MB,1170x1408,585:704,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574878 (120329ZSEP24) Notable: AG of Ohio official website news release

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>keking REAL yo

AG of Ohio official website news release

Spread this shit far and wide to any doubters


This insane migrant surge has millions all across the nation (and western Europe) enraged.

The globalist media must be held to account for their repeated lies and deceptions and the political elite must be sent packing.

there it is lying debate 'moderators' mocking Americans and Trump … "stealing livestock" and "killing wildlife"


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543c8d No.220548

File: 1204a96677cc83c⋯.png (367.46 KB,893x1376,893:1376,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574884 (120331ZSEP24) Notable: 42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media

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here's a cap.

42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media

In a move that's undoubtedly going to be used to justify more censorship, 42 state and U.S. territory attorneys general are urging Congress to mandate Surgeon General warnings on algorithm-driven social media platforms, aiming to combat the growing mental health crisis among America's youth. The group, representing 39 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, sent a letter on September 9 to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA), Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY), and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY.), calling for swift federal action to address the harmful impact of social media on young people.

The push follows U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy’s call in June for such labels, which would serve as a reminder that social media has not been proven safe for youth. Murthy pointed out that warning labels on products like tobacco have successfully raised awareness and changed behavior, suggesting similar potential benefits for social media platforms.

“We, the attorneys general of the 42 undersigned states, write in support of the United States Surgeon General’s recent call,” the letter stated. "Young people are facing a mental health crisis, which is fueled in large part by social media." (and not vapid millennial parents who have no idea what they're doing)…

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543c8d No.220549

File: 612f325898df1d6⋯.png (1.52 MB,1080x1347,360:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574887 (120331ZSEP24) Notable: John Kirby slammed over accidental email declaring there’s ‘no use in responding’ to veteran concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal

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White House official slammed over accidental email to reporter declaring there’s ‘no use in responding’ to veteran concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal



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543c8d No.220550

File: a8de6f3a6446515⋯.png (71.41 KB,615x342,205:114,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574902 (120334ZSEP24) Notable: Trump wins one of the largest X debate performance polls, with 303,000 votes cast

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Trump wins one of the largest X post polls, with 303,000 votes cast. Trump won it 61%.

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543c8d No.220551

File: ab39a5f8b37275d⋯.png (18.3 KB,634x149,634:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574943 (120341ZSEP24) Notable: Norfolk Southern railroad says it has ousted its CEO for inappropriate relationship with an employee

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Insider Paper

@TheInsiderPaper 4h

BREAKING - Norfolk Southern railroad says it has ousted its CEO for inappropriate relationship with an employee - AP

Sep 11, 2024 · 11:27 PM UTC


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543c8d No.220552

File: 81a7598dd65a8b5⋯.png (1.53 MB,1002x9173,1002:9173,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574949 (120342ZSEP24) Notable: 42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media

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September 9 2024

The Honorable Mike Johnson

Speaker of the House

568 Cannon House Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20515

The Honorable Chuck Schumer The Honorable Mitch McConnell

Senate Majority Leader Senate Minority Leader

322 Hart Senate Office Bldg. 317 Russell Senate Office Bldg.

Washington, D.C. 20510 Washington, DC 20510

==Re: Requiring a Surgeon General’s Warning Label on Social Media


letter attached.

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543c8d No.220553

File: e60eeee6f15b038⋯.mp4 (2.05 MB,1460x1080,73:54,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574972 (120347ZSEP24) Notable: Seattle, Washington, thousands of people are experiencing a massive, widespread power outage affecting several parts of the city

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Currently underway in Seattle, Washington, thousands of people are experiencing a massive, widespread power outage affecting several parts of the city. Over 200,000 customers are without power, and the cause of the outage remains unknown at this time. City officials and utility crews are actively investigating the issue to determine the source of the disruption. This is a developing situation


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543c8d No.220554

File: cf59b1c8b498e9e⋯.png (267.13 KB,623x435,623:435,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574983 (120348ZSEP24) Notable: Australia's Nine Entertainment CEO Mike Sneesby to step down

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@Reuters 2h

Australia's Nine Entertainment CEO Mike Sneesby to step down


Sep 12, 2024 · 1:40 AM UTC


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543c8d No.220555

File: 508af59d63be081⋯.png (869.69 KB,1920x1011,640:337,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21574989 (120349ZSEP24) Notable: Planefag

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Last week it was gangs taking over. Right now it's eating pets. Next week it will be something else. they are gradually ratcheting up the intensity in an effort to find the edge of the envelope. The point at which they can hold short. Just shy of all out rebellion. That is their goal. To usurp the republic at peak efficiency. Staying just below the level where the citizenry actually starts picking up pitchforks.

Nightly illegal immigrant airline report. Free passage to those holding house pet culinary credentials.


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543c8d No.220556

File: c40cfea7938bcf3⋯.png (382.87 KB,754x1477,754:1477,Clipboard.png)

File: 37e271ce38e8545⋯.mp4 (13.8 MB,480x852,40:71,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575023 (120357ZSEP24) Notable: Wuhan Institute may have leaked the polio virus before leaking COVID-19

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543c8d No.220557

File: 6231ee209a1b06b⋯.png (626 KB,1920x1014,320:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 65a0b4b9e41f9b7⋯.png (384.68 KB,1386x885,462:295,Clipboard.png)

File: 67b486e1cd44078⋯.png (401.25 KB,1364x886,682:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 0223a6c759b758b⋯.png (319.36 KB,1397x883,1397:883,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575034 (120400ZSEP24) Notable: Planefag

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Call sign Camber. U.S. Transportation Command.





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543c8d No.220558

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575061 (120408ZSEP24) Notable: Trump wins one of the largest X debate performance polls, with 303,000 votes cast

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Who won tonight's Debate?





7:47 PM • Sep 10, 2024


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543c8d No.220559

File: 0d2a751cca15f1f⋯.png (786.45 KB,1080x1106,540:553,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575068 (120409ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: She lost the debate last night - she lost it because the onus is completely on her

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She lost the debate last night! She lost it because the onus is completely on her.


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543c8d No.220560

File: b5a65c4b232957a⋯.png (875.33 KB,1080x1224,15:17,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575094 (120413ZSEP24) Notable: DJT: People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE

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People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE. The Voters and Voter Polls showed it, but the Fake News Media wasn’t giving the credit that was due. Now they are seeing the results with independent Voters, Evangelicals, and more - and saying, WOW!


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543c8d No.220561

File: f62fd835c3ca8f5⋯.png (526.36 KB,640x335,128:67,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575130 (120420ZSEP24) Notable: Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Chair: ABC Moderators ‘Bent Backwards to Help’ Harris, Were ‘Worst’ I’ve Seen

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Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Chair: ABC Moderators ‘Bent Backwards to Help’ Harris, Were ‘Worst’ I’ve Seen

On Wednesday's broadcast of Newsmax TV's "The Record," Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Founder and Co-Chair Frank J. Fahrenkopf Jr., who also was


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543c8d No.220562

File: 11b5f6cd6be2958⋯.png (344.59 KB,600x320,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575141 (120422ZSEP24) Notable: 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

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'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted.

ABC should be prosecuted for an illegal corporate donation to the Kamala Harris campaign for president.


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543c8d No.220563

File: 713dde522d8b445⋯.mp4 (482.22 KB,460x276,5:3,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575188 (120431ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

543c8d No.220564

File: 04142723af653f4⋯.jpeg (96.65 KB,627x680,627:680,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575223 (120439ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

543c8d No.220565

File: 0a4c463278eea79⋯.png (387.5 KB,400x400,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575225 (120440ZSEP24) Notable: Memes

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

543c8d No.220566

File: c42d142b786f414⋯.jpeg (865.85 KB,1353x1211,1353:1211,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575242 (120445ZSEP24) Notable: Springfield OH: 22-year-old Haitian migrant men are reportedly being enrolled as freshmen in high school

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Springfield OH: 22-year-old Haitian migrant men are reportedly being enrolled as freshmen in high school.


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543c8d No.220567

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21575291 (120500ZSEP24) Notable: #26428

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notables FINAL

#26428 >>220503

>>220504, >>220510 ABC moderator Linsey Davis from last night is sorority sister of Kamala Harris in Alpha Kappa Alpha

>>220505 Tim Walz's flip-flopping on 2nd amendment rights

>>220506 Blinken hints US will lift restrictions on Ukraine using long-range arms in Russia

>>220507 Trump's closing statement has soared to almost 12 million views, one million likes, and thousands of comments supporting him

>>220508 Company responds to theory Harris wore audio earrings at debate: 'The resemblance is striking'

>>220509 Taylor Swift lip sync audio fail exposes how terrible a singer she is

>>220511 Veritas undercover: DOJ immigration attorney says "Democrat Megadonors Control Border"

>>220512 Kamala lie counter from last night

>>220513 JD Vance interview with Shawn Ryan

>>220514, >>220524 Candace Owens: Israeli Citizens were Warned of the 9/11 Attack Two-Hours Before it Happened

>>220516 Here's Joy Behar trying to get Usher to say he’s voting for Kamala, and he basically says "no thanks"

>>220517 James O'Keefe Confronts Google Growth Strategist on "Coordinating" with the Kamala Campaign

>>220518 Canton woman caught torturing, killing and eating a cat not properly being investigated by MSM

>>220519, >>220527, >>220529 Governor of Ohio: Mike DeWine

>>220520 Tuberville blocks promotion of Ronald Clark, top aide to Lloyd Austin

>>220521 Charleroi, Pennsylvania, a low-income town of just 4,000, immigrant population has increased by 2,000% (almost all Haitians)

>>220522 It's not just Ohio; Animal sacrifices on the rise in Queens, New York with chickens, pigs being tortured in ‘twisted’ rituals

>>220523 ICYMI: Cannibalism still exists in akshually modern times

>>220528 @COVIDSelect held former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo accountable for his disastrous pandemic-era policies

>>220525, >>220526 Red October? US government shutdown: What closes, what stays open?

>>220531 Secret Service declares Jan. 6, 2025, day of Certification of Electoral Votes, a 'National Special Security Event'

>>220532 Springfield, Ohio resident claims she saw Haitians catching and cooking wildlife in the park, and leaving the place trashed

>>220533 Yesterday, a group of Angel Moms testified to Congress blaming Harris and her open border policies for the deaths of their kids

>>220534 Another top ranking member of the NYPD has been revealed to be a CCP sleeper agent

>>220535 Ohio city faces 'significant housing crisis' due to migrant flux

>>220536 US House Passes Bill to Require Senate Approval of any intl agreement on pandemic preparedness be subject to Senate ratification

>>220537 DJT on akshual date of 9/11

>>220538 A Taylor Swift fan just told CNN she's voting Trump after Taylor endorsed Kamala

>>220539 You just activated my trap card…

>>220540 GREAT news for Trump: he’s killing it with White Evangelical Protestants

>>220541 Kamala required her entire campaign to take the vax

>>220544, >>220556 Wuhan Institute may have leaked the polio virus before leaking COVID-19

>>220545 National Youth Advocate Program: One of the orgs bringing in the Haitian migrants to Ohio

>>220546 Springfield, Ohio resident speaks about the Haitian situation

>>220547 AG of Ohio official website news release

>>220548, >>220552 42 Attorneys General Demand Surgeon General Warnings On Social Media

>>220549 John Kirby slammed over accidental email declaring there’s ‘no use in responding’ to veteran concerns over Afghanistan withdrawal

>>220550, >>220558 Trump wins one of the largest X debate performance polls, with 303,000 votes cast

>>220551 Norfolk Southern railroad says it has ousted its CEO for inappropriate relationship with an employee

>>220553 Seattle, Washington, thousands of people are experiencing a massive, widespread power outage affecting several parts of the city

>>220554 Australia's Nine Entertainment CEO Mike Sneesby to step down

>>220555, >>220557 Planefag

>>220559 DJT: She lost the debate last night - she lost it because the onus is completely on her

>>220560 DJT: People are just starting to give me credit for having a GREAT DEBATE

>>220561 Commission on Presidential Debates Co-Chair: ABC Moderators ‘Bent Backwards to Help’ Harris, Were ‘Worst’ I’ve Seen

>>220562 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

>>220566 Springfield OH: 22-year-old Haitian migrant men are reportedly being enrolled as freshmen in high school

>>220515, >>220530, >>220542, >>220543, >>220563, >>220564, >>220565 Memes


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543c8d No.220570

File: 1f81a840973394d⋯.png (354.57 KB,639x432,71:48,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e763300aa82427⋯.png (107.68 KB,470x662,235:331,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576138 (121209ZSEP24) Notable: #26430

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morn'n baker requesting handoff

gotta wurkfag soon

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543c8d No.220571

File: 1f3a866f60b344e⋯.mp4 (8.06 MB,640x360,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

File: e1263cc5540f7d8⋯.png (265.21 KB,629x509,629:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576150 (121217ZSEP24) Notable: Live Think analytics of the debate. Very interesting data on real time opinion

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Kenny Wayne Shoeshh🤫


Live analytics of the debate. Very interesting data on real time opinion🤫

8:56 PM · Sep 11, 2024





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543c8d No.220572

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576225 (121237ZSEP24) Notable: 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

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>>220562 'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecutedPN

'It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution': New push for ABC to be prosecuted

Bob UnruhSeptember 11, 2024

ABC should be prosecuted for an illegal corporate donation to the Kamala Harris campaign for president.

That's according to columnist Beth Brelje, an award-winning investigative journalist and electionscorrespondent for the Federalist, who wrote the ABC debate this week was a "90-minute ambush to boost Kamala Harris."

"Working as a team, ABC hosts David Muir and Linsey Davis propped up Harris andrepeatedly tried to vanquish Trump by talking over him, cutting him off, and asking bizarre questionsthey did not ask Harris. At one point, Davis jumped in for Harris and offered a rebuttal to one of Trump's comments on abortion, amove beyond the scope of a moderator," she explained.

"It was not a debate, but a campaign contribution. That's not a big surprise from either moderator, as Muir hosts the most Trump-negative network news evening broadcast and Davis has a long track record of promoting Democrat talking points including stolen election claims from Hillary Clinton."

She cited their focus on Jan. 6, 2021, and their decision to essentially ignore the economy, which is the top voter issue.

"Not once did the moderators acknowledge the attempted assassination of Trump. Nor did they question Harris about the lax security the Biden-Harris administration provided for Trump on the campaign trail that contributed to the shooting," she said.

That leaves the formula simple: "In broadcasting, where advertising is sold by the second, time really is money. A 30-second commercial in the February Super Bowl cost $7 million. CBS charged $225,000 for a half-minute ad during a 2016 debate between former President Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. CNN sold ad packages for the June 27 debate between Trump and President Joe Biden for a minimum of $1.5 million per package, which included two 30-second ads, plus a few online ads."

Should ABC be prosecuted for an illegal campaign contribution with its presidential debate?

While ABC's charges weren't known right away, assuming a "lowball" figure of $225,000 for half a minute, the 90-minute campaign promotion"comes to a contribution to the Harris Walz campaign of at least $40.5 million."

The Federal Election Commission(FEC) might consider it an "in-kind contribution," which is a non-monetary contribution to a campaign. It also could review it as a "coordinated communication," or even at "independent expenditure," which advocates for a candidate.

Any of those options, however, find the network exceeding contribution limits. "Plus, corporations are barred from making such contributions," she noted.

Further, she suggested ABC "should face scrutiny from the Federal Communications Commission, whichrequires television and radio broadcasters to provide equal opportunities to opposing candidates in federal elections."


PDJT has another lawsuit to file.He should include charges of misinfo, disinfo and malinfo. When he is president things will change. All the things they accuse him of they do.

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543c8d No.220573

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576258 (121243ZSEP24) Notable: Producer Price Index News Release summary - AUGUST 2024

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Producer Price Index News Release summary

Transmission of material in this release is embargoed until 8:30 a.m. (ET) Thursday, September 12, 2024


The Producer Price Index for final demand increased 0.2 percent in August, seasonally adjusted, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Final demand prices were unchanged in July and rose 0.2 percent in June. (See table A.) On an unadjusted basis, the index for final demand advanced 1.7 percent for the 12 months ended in August.

The August rise in the index for final demand can be traced to a 0.4-percent increase in prices for final demand services. The index for final demand goods was unchanged.

Prices for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services advanced 0.3 percent in August, the same as in July. For the 12 months ended in August, the index for final demand less foods, energy, and trade services moved up 3.3 percent.


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543c8d No.220574

Tora3 embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576343 (121301ZSEP24) Notable: Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/12/2024

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Ahoy! The Ship Show & Extra Gravy - 09/12/2024



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543c8d No.220575

File: fd5bd9a3dbdec18⋯.png (144.97 KB,801x880,801:880,Clipboard.png)

File: 5312cfa4e817844⋯.png (232.04 KB,1053x868,1053:868,Clipboard.png)

File: 373d74fd5bf4e70⋯.png (54.77 KB,652x237,652:237,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576370 (121307ZSEP24) Notable: #ANONNEWS BACK CHANNEL IS KICKING ASS THANK YOU ANONS!!!

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Have setup a kun crosspost for the normies, may be easier to go to them, then bring them here.

Please take a moment to crosspost anything Russia/Israel/China related.

dank memes accepted also o/


I have also set an intro message that links out to the most latest Notable Bun.

>News Recap shorturl/EyXSA



Am also running the Watkins RSS feed. A bit slow, not much runs through, but what does run through is hella top news!!!. thank you ron


*vpn, proxies allowed


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543c8d No.220576

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576420 (121320ZSEP24) Notable: Swamp events

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9:30 AM EDT

House Democrats News Conference on Abortion Care Resolution

Democratic Whip Clark (MA) and other House Democrats speak with reporters about an abortion care resolution.


9:30 AM EDT

Hearings to Examine the Nominations of Lieutenant General Steven S. Nordhaus, USAF, To Be General and Chief of the National Guard Bureau, and Vice Admiral Alvin Holsey, USN, to Be Admiral and Commander, United States Southern Command, Both of the Department of Defense

Senate Armed Services Committee




A Senate Armed Services Committee hearing at 9:30 a.m. EDT considers the nominations of Air Force Lt. Gen. Steven S. Nordhaus to be general, and chief, National Guard Bureau; and Navy Vice Adm. Alvin Holsey to be admiral, and commander, U.S. Southern Command, Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C. The hearing will be livestreamed on Defense.gov and broadcast on Channel 2 in the Pentagon.

Department of Defense




9:35 AM EDT

Navy Recruit Training Command Graduation

Navy boot camp graduation from Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois. Feed begins at 9:45 a.m. EDT.


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543c8d No.220577

File: 05581d6dee09660⋯.jpeg (399.92 KB,1149x1303,1149:1303,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576423 (121320ZSEP24) Notable: Artist behind fake Kamala Harris Eagles posters doesn't know how they ended up at Philadelphia bus stops

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Artist behind fake Kamala Harris Eagles posters doesn't know how they ended up at Philadelphia bus stops

'I don't know how it ended up at bus stops in Philadelphia' the artist said

September 10, 2024 6:32pm EDT

A poster that featured Kamala Harris in Eagles gear with a caption that read, "Kamala, official candidate of the Philadelphia Eagles," was spotted at a Philadelphia bus stop and later proven to be forged last week.

An incredible value.

The artist who took credit for the piece, Philadelphia native Winston Tseng, released a statement on Monday claiming the poster was supposed to be a satirical piece and never meant to be put up in a public space. He denied any knowledge of how it ended up there.

"The absurd poster of Kamala Harris wearing an Eagles helmet is my artwork, but I don't know how it ended up at bus stops in Philadelphia," Tseng wrote.

Tseng claims that the piece was not meant to be promotional for the Harris campaign when he designed it.Instead, it was meant to satirize the concept of celebrity or sports entities giving endorsements of political candidates as a whole.

"My work uses brands and advertising to communicate societal issues. On one level, the poster is a parody of the ads we see along I-95 promoting the ‘official beer’ or the ‘official accounting firm of the Philadelphia Eagles.’ But the title of this work is ‘Political Endorsement,’ and that’s the issue at hand," Tseng said. "Why the f— do we care who Hulk Hogan or some corporation endorses? Yet here we are, and I think the strong reaction we’ve seen to this satirical endorsement is a reflection of our times."

The posters were initially spotted during the first two days of September on 16th and Spring Garden streets, 18th Street and JFK Boulevard, and 34th and Walnut streets in Philadelphia. The poster pictured below at 16th and Spring Garden streets was later removed last Monday afternoon.

However, the posters also had a URL printed underneath the caption, which directed to an Eagles voting website that shows past Pennsylvania and New Jersey primary election voting deadlines from the spring. It also provided links for first-time voters, polling locations, and guidelines on voting registration and requesting a ballot.

Meanwhile, the Harris Eagles posters came just one week before the presidential debate between Harris and Trump, at the National Constitution Center Tuesday night in Philadelphia, which will be broadcast on ABC.

The posters garnered a strong reaction out of one Philadelphia resident, identified by FOX 29 as Joe from South Philly.The man took it upon himself to cover up the bus station posters with printed-out screenshots of the Eagles' official statement decrying the posters as counterfeit.

"My concern here is not that someone is expressing an opinion, which everyone is entitled to do, but this person is lying to everyone that comes and uses this stop. That’s what I’m very concerned about — the fact that they’re spreading lies that the Philadelphia Eagles endorsed Kamala Harris as a candidate for president in the United States," Joe said. "We all know that Philadelphia’s the battleground for Pennsylvania, and these types of lies are things that prevent honesty in the election process."

A city spokesperson told NBC Philadelphia that someone must have broken into a contained space where bus station posters are stored, and replaced the ones that were in there with the counterfeit Harris endorsement posters.

"This was not a digital breach; whomever is responsible for the illegally placed posters, broke into the securely covered shelter ad space and somehow put the posters in the space. Intersection has advised the City’s Office of Transportation and Infrastructure Systems (OTIS) that they plan to conduct a full inventory tomorrow of all bus shelters, and remove any illegal posters. The City has a process to review all bus shelter ads but this, again, was not a digital ad."


Kamala's team cheating and lying again

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543c8d No.220578

File: d383b6eb4b07948⋯.jpeg (112.3 KB,1095x645,73:43,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576458 (121328ZSEP24) Notable: News photographers slam Harris for reduced access

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News photographers slam Harris for reduced access

Alex Thompson

, Sara Fischer

White House News Photographers Association president said Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign team has engaged in an "unprecedented reduction in access" to the news media, according to an Aug. 28 letter from the association (WHNPA) to the Harris team obtained by Axios.

Why it matters: It adds to a growing frustration among the press corps about limiting access to leaders at the top of the Democratic Party.

That includes Harris, who has yet to do a solo TV interview and has avoided unscripted moments since she entered the race on July 21.

Driving the news: Jessica Koscielniak, president of the WHNPA, wrote to Harris' top aides last month protesting that"the four independent news photographer seats have been downgraded to one."

Koscielniak added: "The WHNPA strongly calls on the Harris campaign toreconsider the number of media seats allowed on Air Force 2."

The WHNPA wrote that the group heard the number of seats had to be reduced for security reasons and proposed either adding a "chaser plane" for additional media or the White House Correspondent Association (WHCA) reorganizing who gets a seat.

Zoom in: In an email, Koscielniak said that the WHNPA "did not receive a response and the situation has not improved."

The letter was addressed to Harris' top communications aides and the head of the WHCA.

The WHCA pushed the Harris team for weeks for more seats on the plane or a chase plane, a person familiar with the matter said.

Doug Mills, a veteran White House news photographer speaking in his personal capacity, told Axios that "the current situation puts the still photographers at a distinct disadvantage on every trip."

He added: "It's essential to us for people to understand the importance of having a full photographer pool. Every photographer sees each event differently. "

The intrigue: The vice president's office responded to the WHNPA late Wednesday after Axios reached out for comment, according to a copy of the email.

Harris' office wrote to the association that they explored adding more seats on Air Force Two and a chase plane and "learned both suggestions are not viable given available resources, including personnel and aircraft."

Asked why representatives did not respond to the WHNPA until after Axios reached out, the Vice President's office said they had "been in constant communication with the Chair of the White House Correspondents' Association as the Office worked to explore solutions to increase press access."

"It's very disappointing," Koscielniak told Axios in responding to the letter. "This is the smallest number of media to travel for a presidential race in my memory. When Vice President Harris became the presidential nominee, it should have been negotiated by the WHCA that the full 13 member travel pool be on her plane."

Reality check: The Harris team is trying to navigate an abrupt surge in media interest since Biden dropped out in July.Axios stop making excuses for this faker


Does she have body doubles? Is that what they are trying to hide?

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543c8d No.220579

File: 58ceee2fc6428a1⋯.jpeg (176.53 KB,1284x1090,642:545,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: a32530827772e45⋯.jpeg (312.74 KB,1284x1097,1284:1097,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: d7eb89f0635fe06⋯.jpeg (239.7 KB,1284x1091,1284:1091,Clipboard.jpeg)

File: 42e694235a55128⋯.jpeg (178.97 KB,1284x1143,428:381,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576478 (121332ZSEP24) Notable: Afraid of needles? Jab-free and nasal vaxes could soon become reality

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==Afraid of needles? Jab-free vaxes could soon become reality

An Australian invention that delivers vaccines without a jab is ready for clinical trials. This is how you can help.==

The Australian invention has tiny prongs that give a vaccine dose directly to immune cells below the skin surface.

The tiny skin patch delivers the vaccine jab-free to the immune cells below the skin surface. Image: Supplied.

The tiny skin patch delivers the vaccine jab-free to the immune cells below the skin surface. Image: Supplied.

If clinical trials are successful it could be an alternative to the traditional method of an injection into a muscle and may even offer a way to give multiple vaccines at the same time.

Potentially it could even deliver multiple vaccines needle-free to babies, helping to reduce the number required to protect children under the age of five.

Called High-Density Microarray Patch (HD-MAP) technology, it is being developed by Australian biotech company Vaxxas with studies funded by the US Government.

Vaxxas chief executive David Hoey. The company is helping to bring the Australian invention to market. Picture: John Gass

Vaxxas chief executive David Hoey. The company is helping to bring the Australian invention to market. Picture: John Gass

The company’s CEO David Hoey said global pandemic threats required the world’s health organisations to have better and more accessible vaccine delivery options.

Doherty Clinical Trials’ chief medical officer James McCarthy is leading the bird flu vaccine trial in Victoria.

He described the device as having microscopic prongs just visible to the human eye, with the vaccine coated on the end of each prong.

“The prongs are pushed into the skin with a simple device and, over two minutes, they deliver the vaccine into the tissue just under the skin,” Professor McCarthy said. “It stings a little, but is not as painful as using a needle and syringe.”

Doherty Clinical Trials’ chief medical officer Professor James McCarthy is leading the Victorian trial. Image: Supplied.

Doherty Clinical Trials’ chief medical officer Professor James McCarthy is leading the Victorian trial. Image: Supplied.

He said it was exciting technology that offered a lot of advantages globally including against a future pandemic where the technology could enable a faster and broader vaccination response.

“It is also being investigated to see if it can avoid the need for expensive and complex cold-chain delivery,” Professor McCarthy said.

“That’s the long-term possibility, that it could even be mailed to people to use in the home so that’s a great advantage.

“Vaxxas is also looking at putting more than one vaccine on these patches.

“So although the bird flu vaccine we’re testing at the moment is exciting, there will also be the possibility of combining different vaccines together eventually.”

Clinical trials in Queensland are already testing the skin patch as a vaccine for seasonal flu, Covid-19 and measles and rubella with “promising” results.

The device is half the size of a postage stamp and is being tested in Melbourne to deliver a vaccine for bird flu. Image: Supplied.

The device is half the size of a postage stamp and is being tested in Melbourne to deliver a vaccine for bird flu. Image: Supplied.

To join this trial at Doherty Clinical Trials participants must be aged between 18 and 50 years, in good health and available to visit its East Melbourne facility for nine visits over 13 months.

Volunteers will have a medical examination by doctors, including a physical examination, measuring vital signs and conducting blood tests.

The University of Melbourne subsidiary, Doherty Clinical Trials was established by the Doherty Institute to accelerate the development of novel medicines and vaccines through bespoke early phase clinical trial solutions.

For details of the trial email info@dohertyclinicaltrials.com or call 1300 620 399.


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543c8d No.220580

File: 2063da97eea1aaf⋯.jpeg (335.07 KB,1283x1813,1283:1813,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576500 (121337ZSEP24) Notable: Afraid of needles? Jab-free and nasal vaxes could soon become reality

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China’s Wuhan virology institute creates nasal Covid-19 vaccine for ‘future pandemics’

Published: 9:00pm, 11 Sep 2024

Researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China have developed a nanovaccine candidate that could offer universal protection against all major Covid-19 variants – as well as protect against future coronavirus mutants with pandemic potential.

The institute – which has engaged in bat coronavirus research for years – has in recent years been embroiled in controversy, and scrutiny from countries including the United States, over accusations that the Covid-19 pandemic originated from a lab leak at its facilities.


Oh Hell No

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543c8d No.220581

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21576509 (121340ZSEP24) Notable: Scam emails include your name and photo of your house

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Alert — Scam emails include your name and photo of your house.

Posted by Kane on September 12, 2024 9:30 am

Reports of this scam happening nationwide

It's a new email scam that may be in your inbox. High-tech thieves prey on your emotions, hoping you'll fall for it. Even members of the Local 4 team have been targeted.


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543c8d No.220582

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

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