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Anon Curated Notables

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File: 959aa48db85568a⋯.jpg (71.01 KB,800x442,400:221,Clipboard.jpg)

dda7f7 No.184094 [View All]

22JUL24 to 23JUL24


Re-Posts of notables

701 posts and 656 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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dda7f7 No.193204

File: e6b581d6d63ea58⋯.png (136.27 KB,940x482,470:241,Clipboard.png)

File: 71aec5f75d24211⋯.png (396.07 KB,470x1449,470:1449,Clipboard.png)

File: 3f51378615114ba⋯.png (62.65 KB,481x576,481:576,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276496 (231753ZJUL24) Notable: TRUMP TRUTH Bibi correction

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16min 13sec



Did Q+ just tell the world the FBI was involved in the 187 attempt?



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dda7f7 No.193205

File: 24a53704d410ba4⋯.webp (52.07 KB,576x680,72:85,Clipboard.webp)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276498 (231753ZJUL24) Notable: Kamala and Biden both snub Netanyahu so he will meet with President Trump tomorrow @MAL

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JUST IN: After @KamalaHarris and @JoeBiden both refused to meet with Israel’s prime minister @netanyahu ahead of his address to Congress tomorrow, President Trump said he will be meeting with Netanyahu at Mar a Lago tomorrow! President Trump is our real President. #MAGA

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dda7f7 No.193206

File: ef999ab596224d8⋯.jpeg (679.98 KB,1125x1434,375:478,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276507 (231755ZJUL24) Notable: Proof of life for the conspiracy theorists kinda sorta

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Proof of life for the conspiracy theorists . Vid at link.

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dda7f7 No.193207

File: ef2a233281ad948⋯.jpeg (251.17 KB,1125x776,1125:776,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276513 (231757ZJUL24) Notable: Menendez will resign his Senate seat effective Aug 20.

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dda7f7 No.193208

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276516 (231757ZJUL24) Notable: daily reminder - SUPPORT 8KUN -

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Anons, there are about9more days before Jim probably has to pay the next set of server fees. As you can see at the top of the page we've only brought in 20% of what is necessary to pay (although it hasn't moved in a few days). If you are a poorfag you should still be able to afford the $60 per year ($5/mo) proto pass. If you are a workfag and have a real job, you should pony up. Jim has already sold his car (at least so I heard from one of his friends), do not expect him to be able to keep it up very much longer.

If you really really want to prevent this, then you really need to start posting the links below to other sites, because you don't have that much time left, and people are pretty much ignoring it, thinking the problem will go away.

Support The Watkins Project #8KUN

Follow The Owner: Jim Watkins x.com/thejimwatkins/

Advertise Here: ads@isitwetyet.com

Buy Merchandise: (Coin Accepted)

https://shop.isitwetyet.com/ (proto levels / donations)

https://shoppers.isitwetyet.com/ (misc.)

https://www.p2pprinting.com/8kun (clothing)

https://goodstuffcoffee.com/8kuncoffee/ (covfefe)

Donate Bitcoin: 1KiJD44WeWKaDb4Newr7bDXadtGn21ACqY

Proto Membership: https://shop.isitwetyet.com/p/Proto-membership/ (Coin Accepted)

Send Anonymous Money Orders: Is It Wet Yet, Inc at 2118 Wilshire Blvd #403 Santa Monica, CA. 90403 new

Jim just added the requested DONATE button on the top banner DONATE

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dda7f7 No.193209

File: 312ed45cb97d005⋯.png (253.22 KB,980x653,980:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 6567944a3d626f2⋯.mp4 (3.49 MB,576x1024,9:16,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276517 (231757ZJUL24) Notable: Strange Things Falling Out of the Sky in Amarillo Caught on Video

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Strange Things Falling Out of the Sky in Amarillo Caught on Video

July 23, 2024

Amarillo has a beautiful sky, so much so that songs have been written about the Amarillo Sky.

However, when you see strange things in the sky of Amarillo you have to ask questions.

Recently, something appeared in the sky in the Amarillo area.

It wasn't anything hovering, it wasn't a plane, but it was something falling out of the sky.

*Cue Chicken Little*

Someone on I-40 caught something falling out of the Amarillo sky. It is hard to tell what is falling, but it's strange all the same.

Could this have been a plane descending? The object looks to be falling straight down. Could it have been a meteor? It's possible because meteors do fall to the Earth all the time.

Could it have been space junk? Was it a satellite dropping out of the sky?

Maybe, but I'm sure it would have been all over the local news, and we haven't heard anything.

So what is this weird object falling out of the sky?

After checking the American Meteorite Society events page, no meteorite was spotted in the Texas Panhandle on or near this date.

This isn't the first time we've seen weird things floating in the skies of Amarillo.

Hmm…Maybe the object was a Transformer coming from Cybertron? Let's hope it's an Autobot and not a Decepticon.

Maybe, it was just a reflection of the condensation trail of an airplane?

It's not all that strange to hear about UFO sightings. Who knows what was falling out of the sky? Maybe it was a UFO.


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dda7f7 No.193210

File: 2342532d40cbea4⋯.png (27.82 KB,76x214,38:107,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276522 (231758ZJUL24) Notable: Proof of life for the conspiracy theorists kinda sorta

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there it is

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dda7f7 No.193211

File: 708a4365e83c7be⋯.mp4 (4.06 MB,1280x720,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276526 (231759ZJUL24) Notable: Proof of life for the conspiracy theorists kinda sorta

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dda7f7 No.193212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276531 (231800ZJUL24) Notable: LIVE COVERAGE Homeland Security Hearing on Assassination Attempt

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>Homeland Security Hearing on Assassination Attempt

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dda7f7 No.193213

File: 9b2c9020eefee04⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB,598x338,23:13,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276535 (231800ZJUL24) Notable: [Homeland Security Hearing on Assassination Attempt] Crooks house clean like a medical lab?

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>Crane [Homeland Security Hearing on Assassination Attempt]: Did your team make entry and conduct any investigation at the suspect's home?

>Colonel Paris [Commissioner, Pennsylvania State Police]: I believe we had people that participated in that, securing of it; there were bomb assets that we provided.

>Crane: Did you get any reports from any of your agents of anything fishy at the home? Was there any silverware found in the home, or trash?

>Paris: I have nothing in the briefing that I was given.

>Crane: Was it extremely clean, almost like a medical lab? Were you given any of those reports?

>Paris: I was not given any of those details.

>Crane: That's what I'm hearing. Interesting.

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dda7f7 No.193214

File: 184b1c681afb65d⋯.png (43.67 KB,1000x282,500:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276549 (231802ZJUL24) Notable: Kamala and Biden both snub Netanyahu so he will meet with President Trump tomorrow @MAL

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1:26 PM · Jul 23, 2024



>>>/qresearch/21258826 (me), >>>/qresearch/21258629, >>>/qresearch/21271179

>As Vance was taken to Mar e Lago to kiss the ring in forgiveness, so will Bibi.

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dda7f7 No.193215

File: 60dbe878ddffc15⋯.png (807.29 KB,640x482,320:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276552 (231803ZJUL24) Notable: Poll: Just 37% Say Kamala Harris Should Be Democrat Nominee

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Poll: Just 37% Say Kamala Harris Should Be Democrat Nominee


Just 37 percent of respondents said Vice President Kamala Harris should be the Democrat nominee in place of President Joe Biden, a YouGov survey taken July 21, the day President Joe Biden announced that he is not seeking reelection, found.

The survey asked, “Who should Democrats nominate as their new candidate for president?”

Just 37 percent, overall, said that Democrats should nominate Vice President Kamala Harris. Over one-third, 35 percent, said “someone else,” and over a quarter, 27 percent, said they are “not sure.”

Independents are not in favor of Harris, as a plurality, 36 percent, said the Democrat nominee should be “someone else.” Another 30 percent said it should be Harris, and 34 percent are “not sure” as well.

Notably, 60 percent of Democrats said Harris should be the nominee, but another 40 percent total either think it should be someone else or they are not sure. Of that 40 percent, 21 percent said it should be “someone else,” and 19 percent remain unsure.

The survey was taken among 2,048 U.S. adults.

YouGov also asked respondents that same day if they even approve of Biden’s decision not to seek reelection, and a majority, 71 percent, said they either strongly or somewhat approve. Among Democrats specifically, 70 percent either strongly or somewhat approve as well.

They survey comes as major Democrat players begin to rally behind Harris after Biden threw his support behind her.

“My fellow Democrats, I have decided not to accept the nomination and to focus all my energies on my duties as President for the remainder of my term. My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President,” Biden said after his initial announcement, praising it as the “best decision I’ve made.”

“Today I want to offer my full support and endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats — it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

Other major Democrats have since come out in support of Harris, including North Carolina Gov. Roy Cooper (D), Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Hillary Clinton, who described Harris as a “brilliant prosecutor.”

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dda7f7 No.193216

File: 1cdb667e9d6af3d⋯.png (55.16 KB,656x321,656:321,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276553 (231803ZJUL24) Notable: Kamala Harris' great great great great grandfather was a notorious Irish slave owner

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dda7f7 No.193217

File: ce5ad550172b95a⋯.png (47.9 KB,438x625,438:625,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276562 (231804ZJUL24) Notable: At the request of Bibi Netanyahu, we have switched this meeting to Friday, July 26th at Mar-a-Lago

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Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump 07/23/2024 13:57:30

ID: Not Available

Truth Social: 112837096247654677

At the request of Bibi Netanyahu, we have switched this meeting to Friday, July 26th at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida!

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dda7f7 No.193218

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276565 (231805ZJUL24) Notable: At the request of Bibi Netanyahu, we have switched this meeting to Friday, July 26th at Mar-a-Lago

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dda7f7 No.193219

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276568 (231805ZJUL24) Notable: Kamala Harris' great great great great grandfather was a notorious Irish slave owner

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dda7f7 No.193220

File: 45a423fd862218c⋯.png (108.58 KB,1405x559,1405:559,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276570 (231805ZJUL24) Notable: At the request of Bibi Netanyahu, we have switched this meeting to Friday, July 26th at Mar-a-Lago

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Trump posted 3 times about it. First saying it will happen Wed ("tomorrow"), then Thursday, then Friday. it's probably just a coincidence

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dda7f7 No.193221

File: a2fa71b523eab8d⋯.jpeg (1.7 MB,1620x2121,540:707,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276574 (231806ZJUL24) Notable: Space Force set to install 24 satellite jamming stations

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Space Force!



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dda7f7 No.193222

File: 56f1bdab3a225c7⋯.png (194.56 KB,940x825,188:165,Clipboard.png)

File: 7ab6643a04eb1f6⋯.png (186.4 KB,470x964,235:482,Clipboard.png)

File: 20f7005918dcc17⋯.png (61.94 KB,481x521,481:521,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276580 (231807ZJUL24) Notable: At the request of Bibi Netanyahu, we have switched this meeting to Friday, July 26th at Mar-a-Lago

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Delta 17min 49sec

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dda7f7 No.193223

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276589 (231809ZJUL24) Notable: Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security Heads Reportedly Refuse to Testify on Day Two of Trump Assassination Inquiry

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Top Security Chiefs Snub Congress: Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security Heads Reportedly Refuse to Testify on Day Two of Trump Assassination Inquiry

“The House, Homeland Security Committee, is holding the second Congressional hearing, looking into the attempted assassination of former President Trump. But for today’s hearing, heads of the Secret Service, FBI, and Homeland Security have all declined to testify. We are listening to it. We will bring you the news from it as it,”


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dda7f7 No.193224

File: f0dd71daa4821d1⋯.png (1.44 MB,1812x967,1812:967,Clipboard.png)

File: 4dbca0d7cccbac4⋯.jpg (63.79 KB,500x500,1:1,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276590 (231809ZJUL24) Notable: PF

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Byedan C-32A 09-0015 empty callsign near Easton en route JBA

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dda7f7 No.193225

File: 3a6098b2935c83e⋯.png (57.63 KB,493x597,493:597,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276592 (231809ZJUL24) Notable: At the request of Bibi Netanyahu, we have switched this meeting to Friday, July 26th at Mar-a-Lago

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34min 2sec delta

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dda7f7 No.193226

File: 5d2e9b74c42f805⋯.png (5.08 MB,1860x1046,930:523,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276601 (231810ZJUL24) Notable: Analyzing the Reddit UFO whistleblower disclosure

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Analyzing the Reddit UFO whistleblower disclosure

23 JULY 2024

The species that survive aren’t the strongest species, nor are they the most intelligent, but rather the ones who best adapt to change.

(Charles Darwin)

May 2024: a mysterious UFO whistleblower came forward with a gripping statement on Reddit that has since been deleted.

However, I read the original disclosure, and with some help from my UFO Twitter (X) Space friend FullStackLogan, I meticulously compiled what is quite possibly the only verbatim transcript in existence of the chilling declaration.

In a recent exploration of this post, CJ Dearinger and I honed in on the sections on the enigmatic world of non-human intelligence (NHI, aka aliens).

In particular, we examined 1) what they are, and 2) where they are from. Our analysis offered a compelling look at the intricacies of NHI, the possibility of living in a simulation, and the broader implications of these ideas.

Unpacking the whistleblower’s claims: what are they?

The Reddit whistleblower's post from May 2024 (which has since been deleted), posited that the concept of multiple NHI species was a deliberate misinformation campaign by certain security teams.

Despite extensive time spent within the agency, the whistleblower suggested that there were still undisclosed divisions whose true purposes were veiled in secrecy.

They acknowledged the possibility that some researchers might indeed have been exploring different species, yet they remained skeptical about the overall narrative.

“The main reason you'll never see organized disclosure is because nobody can agree on what to say. We simply don't know enough, namely the NHI's intentions,” explained the whistleblower.

“This lack of consensus and conflicting biological reports contributed to the ongoing compartmentalization within the research community.

This deliberate fragmentation ensured that no single entity had a complete understanding of NHI, thus preventing coherent public disclosure.”

The UFO whistleblower pointed out these additional thoughts on what aliens might be:

NHI potentially experiment on us and definitely experiment on animals. We have no idea why.

The Anthropology department believes the NHI are controlled by an intelligence that is beyond our current understanding of how life works.

The Biology department’s reports conflict with this, which is why things can't be decompartmentalized.

The Simulation Theory: were we in a constructed reality?

A significant tangent in our discussion was the Simulation Theory—the hypothesis that our reality might be an artificial construct.

I find this theory particularly intriguing, since certain scientific principles, such as the speed of light, seem to support the idea of a simulated universe.

“In real life, we know that we can accelerate particles toward the speed of light. As far as we know, they can never reach it.


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dda7f7 No.193227

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276610 (231811ZJUL24) Notable: Analyzing the Reddit UFO whistleblower disclosure

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To me, this is mind-blowing that there can be a number that regulates and contains what you are capable of achieving.

It's just there, very much like parameters on a computer program or a video game,” I elaborated.

“This (the whistleblower’s post) drew striking parallels between the limitations we observed in our universe and the boundaries set within a video game environment, where characters could only explore certain areas before hitting an invisible barrier, such as in the Legend of Zelda.”

The enigma of NHI origins: where are they from?

In the now-deleted Reddit UFO disclosure post, the origins of NHI remained one of the most pressing and elusive questions.

If the government were to disclose information about NHI, it would need to present a unified and coherent narrative, which was currently lacking.

“We also have no idea where they are from. So, not only do we not know what they are, but we don't know where they're from either,” the post noted.

This uncertainty was compounded by the multitude of theories that existed, ranging from NHI being interdimensional beings to ancient travelers from other parts of the universe who became stranded on Earth through wormholes.

I drew a parallel to ancient religious texts, suggesting that these entities might be akin to the angels, archangels, and demons described in the Bible.

“They seem to take a form that we can interact with, which seems to conflict with notion that maybe they are flesh and blood, but then again, maybe they're not,” I mused.

This comparison underscored the idea that NHI could be far beyond our current understanding, possibly governed by higher powers or existing in forms we could not yet fully comprehend.

Star seeds and the potential for disinformation

Adding another layer to the discussion was the concept of Pleiadian star seeds—individuals who believe they originated from other worlds.

This notion, while intriguing, was also fraught with the potential for disinformation. I cautioned that some suspected the idea of star seeds might be a deliberate attempt to obscure darker truths.

“We know there's a lot of that going on, and that maybe some people are fed this notion of Pleiadian star seed goodness to cover up a darker secret,” I warned.

Could the narrative around star seeds could be a diversionary tactic, designed to distract from more sinister realities?

Conclusion: the ongoing quest for truth

The analysis of the Reddit UFO whistleblower's post provided a fascinating glimpse into the complex and often contradictory world of NHI research.

Whether exploring the bounds of our reality through the lens of simulation theory or grappling with the enigmatic origins of NHI, it is evident that much remains to be uncovered.

Deliberate compartmentalization and disinformation campaigns further complicate the quest for truth.

As we embark on this journey, will we find ourselves poised to continue pushing the boundaries of our understanding?

Disclosure underscores the importance of rigorous inquiry and open-minded exploration in unraveling the mysteries that have long eluded humanity.

The dialogue sparked by the Reddit whistleblower serves as a reminder of the profound questions that remain unanswered and the relentless pursuit of knowledge that drives us all forward.


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dda7f7 No.193228

File: 643d2245b885fce⋯.mp4 (7.57 MB,480x270,16:9,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276630 (231815ZJUL24) Notable: Secretary Blinken on President Biden's Decision to Step Aside and VP Harris' Foreign Policy Experience

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Secretary Blinken on President Biden's Decision to Step Aside and VP Harris' Foreign Policy Experience

10:06 AM

Secretary of State Antony Blinken speaks to reporters about President Biden’s decision to not seek reelection. He also speaks about Vice President Harris' candidacy and her foreign policy experience on the world stage.


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dda7f7 No.193229

File: d58628a808a6875⋯.png (251.36 KB,723x673,723:673,Clipboard.png)

File: a3c0a4a22ae710f⋯.png (351.76 KB,754x636,377:318,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276632 (231816ZJUL24) Notable: Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns

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Now hang the bitch for Treason

Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle Resigns

US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle has resigned, one day after a contentious session with House lawmakers over security failures that facilitated the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13, both NBC and ABC News report.


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dda7f7 No.193230

File: 25f96d6cef40527⋯.png (1.84 MB,1920x984,80:41,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276644 (231818ZJUL24) Notable: PF

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09-0015 C-32A on finals for JBA


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dda7f7 No.193231

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276645 (231818ZJUL24) Notable: Trump Confirms Netanyahu Meeting At Mar-A-Lago

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Trump Confirms Netanyahu Meeting At Mar-A-Lago

Update(1359ET): After earlier in the week Prime Minister Netanyahu requested a private meeting with former President Donald Trump while he's in the US to address Congress, Trump has finally confirmed the meeting will happen Thursday.

The two will meet at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida, according to breaking reports, and this will be the same day that Biden hosts Netanyahu for a meeting at the White House (assuming that it does proceed).

Netanyahu is likely eagerly awaiting the day that Trump retakes the White House, given the Republican nominee is seen as most staunchly supportive of Israel. Meanwhile, Biden reemerges after a week of not being seen in public:


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dda7f7 No.193232

File: ead41a138246436⋯.png (476.74 KB,1600x729,1600:729,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276648 (231818ZJUL24) Notable: PF

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Gitmo express returning to base after visiting Lauderdale…


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dda7f7 No.193233

File: caca937ee88ce7f⋯.jpeg (797.48 KB,1544x1934,772:967,Clipboard.jpeg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276654 (231819ZJUL24) Notable: Space Force set to install 24 satellite jamming stations

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dda7f7 No.193234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276674 (231824ZJUL24) Notable: The uncounted Gaza victims: Why hundreds of thousands are being allowed to die

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The uncounted Gaza victims: Why hundreds of thousands are being allowed to die

Israeli attacks have likely killed many more than the nearly 40,000 people reported, and even more will yet perish

Earlier this month, the Lancet published an article estimating that the total number of Palestinian civilian deaths caused directly and indirectly by Israeli attacks since October 2023 could be nearly five times higher than the official death toll, and could reach “up to 186 000 or even more.”

It noted that “this would translate to 7.9% of the total population in the Gaza Strip.”

According to the piece, the latest available count of Palestinians killed – 37,396 – is far too low, based on the fact that it is still unknown how many more lie under the rubble, how many are missing but not accounted for among the dead, and how many will perish due to starvation, dehydration, or diseases.

“Even if the conflict ends immediately, there will continue to be many indirect deaths in the coming months and years from causes such as reproductive, communicable, and non-communicable diseases,” it noted.

However, even this Lancet estimate of nearly 200,000 dead might be only half the actual number of Palestinians killed, according to some counts.

Norwegian Dr. Mads Gilbert, who has worked extensively from Gaza over the years – notably during times when Israel was waging wars on the Palestinian enclave – recently outlined the manifold preventable conditions which contribute to such “indirect” deaths, estimating the number dead or soon to die could be over 500,000.


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dda7f7 No.193235

File: 3bd05505e32e236⋯.png (442.98 KB,1185x629,1185:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 38709e803324948⋯.png (196.59 KB,1185x735,79:49,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276676 (231824ZJUL24) Notable: Iskander strike targets foreign instructors in Ukraine (VIDEO)

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23 Jul, 2024 17:02

Iskander strike targets foreign instructors in Ukraine (VIDEO)

The strike destroyed a temporary deployment point housing Western instructors and mercenaries, the Russian Defense Ministry has reported

A missile strike has destroyed a temporary deployment point housing Western instructors and mercenaries, the Russian Defense Ministry reported.

The Russian Defense Ministry has shared a video apparently showing a missile strike on a temporary deployment center near the city of Kharkov in Ukraine that supposedly housed Western “instructors and mercenaries.”

Some 50 foreigners are said to have been killed in the ballistic missile strike, which was conducted using an Iskander-M system, the ministry said, noting that the facility was located in Dergachi, a town in Kharkov region.

The strike comes asMoscow has repeatedly warnedthat any foreign military personneloperating in Ukraine are considered legitimate targetsfor Russian strikes and would be relentlessly eliminated.

Last month, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov reiterated the threat as France hinted at officially sending its soldiers to Ukraine.“The fact is that any instructors who are involved in training the military of the Ukrainian regime do not have any immunity,” Peskov told reporters at the time, noting that “it doesn’t matter whether they are French or not.”

Earlier this month, Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) declassified a report in which an agent claimed the French army was “concerned about the increased number of Frenchmen killed in the Ukrainian theater of military operation.”

Moscow’s forces had reported destroying another temporary deployment center for foreign fighters in Kharkov in January,killingwhat Paris reportedlyestimated to be “dozens” of French citizens.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has also recently stated thatWestern military trainers have “long been present” in Ukraine “under the guise of mercenaries” and has emphasized that they represent a legitimate target for Russia’s armed forces.


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dda7f7 No.193236

File: 0f3a3c3e74dfe1e⋯.png (62.32 KB,1129x602,1129:602,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276678 (231824ZJUL24) Notable: DELTAS [Bob]

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Todays Delta

Be Ready

Who is Bob?

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dda7f7 No.193237

File: 4c63faa55ed9d38⋯.png (96.2 KB,696x769,696:769,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276685 (231825ZJUL24) Notable: DELTAS [Bob]

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Todays Delta

The spider web connects those most trusted.

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dda7f7 No.193238

File: 8e110b95b9db065⋯.png (273.77 KB,520x383,520:383,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276694 (231827ZJUL24) Notable: Secretary Blinken on President Biden's Decision to Step Aside and VP Harris' Foreign Policy Experience

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Blinken Dubiously Hails Harris As A 'Leading Voice' Of US Foreign Policy

At a moment President Biden hasn't been seen by anyone - or even photographed - in about a week, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday is seeking to assure the public that the president will remain "intensely focused" on work that remains in the next since months, chiefly foreign policy issues.

Blinken cited Biden's work on "bringing peace to the Middle East and dealing with Russia's ongoing aggression" - though we can imagine the reality is that admin officials and a teams of staffers, and not Biden himself, will be handling these things.

"Blinken, speaking to reporters, said Vice President Kamala Harris has been a leading voice for U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy, adding that she was a very strong, effective and deeply respected voice for the United States around the world," as cited in Reuters.

This begs the question: is she a "deeply respected voice" around the world? A clip of Harris previously weighing in on the Ukraine crisis from 2022 has resurfaced and is going viral. We should look no further than this…


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dda7f7 No.193239

File: 14ac9d31dbf33be⋯.png (14.18 KB,570x148,285:74,Clipboard.png)

File: 0ec2e4a17ecac46⋯.png (415.89 KB,605x852,605:852,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276699 (231827ZJUL24) Notable: DELTAS [Bob]

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Todays Delta

Change we can believe in

The illusion of choice

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dda7f7 No.193240

File: d313c5e19cf62d6⋯.png (37.15 KB,398x516,199:258,Clipboard.png)

File: d300e260751546b⋯.png (24.07 KB,592x216,74:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276700 (231827ZJUL24) Notable: DELTAS [Bob]

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Rod+bob being watched by B-2 for several delta days

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dda7f7 No.193241

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276715 (231830ZJUL24) Notable: DOJ Magically Finds 117 Pages Of Biden Transcripts

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DOJ Magically Finds 117 Pages Of Biden Transcripts

The Department of Justice admitted to a federal judge on Monday that it has located 117 pages of transcripts it previously denied having, related to President Joe Biden's interviews with a biographer which played a role in the recently completed criminal investigation of his handling of classified material before he became president.

The investigation from special counsel Robert Hur found concluded that while Biden likely mishandled classified info, no reasonable prosecutor would bring charges against him for coming off as "a well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."

What followed was a flood of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from news organizations and conservative groups seeking information - including audio recordings of Biden's interviews with Hur - which the DOJ refuses to release over fears that they could be used to create 'deepfakes' of the president. The groups, meanwhile, maintain that the DOJ is covering up Biden's severe cognitive decline.

It’s unclear whether his exit from the race will affect the handling of Hur’s materials by the Justice Department, which has argued that the release of audio of Biden’s interviews with Hur would violate the president’s privacy, lead to potential abuse — such as deepfakes — and deter other witnesses from agreeing to recorded interviews. Biden asserted executive privilege over the audio recordings of his interviews in a bid to head off House Republicans’ effort to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress for refusing to release the recordings. -Politico

At one hearing last month, the DOJ told US District Judge Dabney Friedrich that it would be 'highly time-consuming' to process other audio files containing Biden's interviews with biographer Mark Zwonitzer, which apparently consist of some 70 hours of recordings that the DOJ says is far more difficult to review and process than written material.

"We don’t have some transcript that’s been created by the special counsel that we can attest to its accuracy," said DOJ attorney Cameron Silverberg in a June 18 hearing in front of Friedrich, in a suit brought by the Heritage Foundation, Politico reports.

On Monday, however, Silverberg admitted in the Monday filing that the department had "in the past few days" confirmed that Hur's office had created transcripts of Biden's discussions with Zwonitzer for memoirs published in 2007 and 2017.


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dda7f7 No.193242

File: 9f17e927a9ed15e⋯.png (232.38 KB,540x302,270:151,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276719 (231831ZJUL24) Notable: EU state issues €6.5bn ultimatum to Ukraine

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23 Jul, 2024 17:22

EU state issues €6.5bn ultimatum to Ukraine

Hungary is moving to punish Kiev for its blockade of oil deliveries from Russia

Budapest will block funds the European Union has earmarked for Ukraine until Kiev resumes the transit of Russian crude oil to Hungary and Slovakia, Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto has said.

Ukraine stopped the flow of oil through the Druzhba pipeline last week, citing its sanctions against Russian energy giant Lukoil, thus depriving the two EU members of an estimated 30-40% of their needs.

“As long as this issue is not resolved by Ukraine, everyone should forget about the payment of the €6.5 billion of the European Peace Facility compensation for arms transfers,” Szijjarto announced on Tuesday.

“Ukraine’s decision to not allow Lukoil to transit oil supplies through Ukraine poses a fundamental threat to the security of energy supplies to Hungary and Slovakia,” Szijjarto said, describing Kiev’s move as “unacceptable and incomprehensible,” as well as incompatible with its aspirations to join the EU.

Szijjarto also reminded the EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell that Hungary – along with Slovakia and Poland – came to Ukraine’s aid in early July, sending enough electricity to stabilize Kiev’s energy system.Hungary supplied 42% of Ukraine’s electricity in June, Szijjarto noted.

According to unconfirmed reports from Ukrainian local media, Ukraine stopped receiving electricity from Slovakia and Romania as of midnight on Tuesday.

Kiev has had to resort to imports after Russian air and missile strikes disabled most of its domestic generation capabilities. Moscow has described the strikes as reprisal for Ukrainian attacks on Russian civilian infrastructure.

Poland has already protested Hungary’s move, saying that it would deprive Warsaw of €2 billion it needs to modernize its armed forces. “This is a huge disappointment for me,” Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has said.

Kiev’s official explanation for embargoing oil deliveries was that Lukoil revenue could be used to support the Russian military.One Ukrainian lawmaker, however, suggested to Politico that the blockade has a secondary purpose, to pressure Hungary into changing its policy on arming Kiev.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long refused to send Ukraine any weapons, train any Ukrainian troops, or allow the use of Hungarian territory for EU or NATO arms shipments, insisting that Kiev should sue for peace with Moscow as soon as possible.


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dda7f7 No.193243

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276729 (231832ZJUL24) Notable: Department of Defense to Give Troops ‘Economic Hardship’ Bonus of $20 Per Month

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Department of Defense to Give Troops ‘Economic Hardship’ Bonus of $20 Per Month

The Biden Administration’s Department of Defense (DOD) has announced that it will begin handing out “economic hardship bonuses” to members of the military, amounting to a mere $20 every month.

“The monthly bonus amounts, on average, will total approximately $120 [over the six months] … and they’re based on the funding Congress has made available,” said the official.


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dda7f7 No.193244

File: 5371f43313034e1⋯.png (357.6 KB,611x464,611:464,Clipboard.png)

File: f066fda8442cd51⋯.jpg (28.17 KB,625x417,625:417,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276741 (231834ZJUL24) Notable: Kamala Harris' great great great great grandfather was a notorious Irish slave owner

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Daily Mail Online



Kamala Harris' great-great-great-great grandfather was 'notorious' Irish slave owner who bought Jamaican plantation and travelled to London to fight abolition, historian claims


Jul 23, 2024 · 12:55 PM UTC


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dda7f7 No.193245

File: 8e1ded36b92d01a⋯.png (375.63 KB,679x474,679:474,Clipboard.png)

File: 9a0316aaccf195a⋯.png (66.56 KB,743x463,743:463,Clipboard.png)

File: 993bc7f8d5dc643⋯.png (90.5 KB,726x585,242:195,Clipboard.png)

File: af3466e8878658e⋯.png (590.54 KB,738x548,369:274,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276760 (231836ZJUL24) Notable: AI Mass Surveillance Put In Place For The 2024 Olympics Is Here To Stay

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AI Mass Surveillance Put In Place For The 2024 Olympics Is Here To Stay

In the lead up to this year's Olympic games the French parliament used the excuse to pass a slew of new legislation expanding the use of artificially intelligent mass surveillance, but the risks the spyware poses will remain in place long after the games have ended.

The 2024 Paris Olympics is drawing the eyes of the world as thousands of athletes and support personnel and hundreds of thousands of visitors from around the globe converge in France. It’s not just the eyes of the world that will be watching. Artificial intelligence systems will be watching, too.

Government and private companies will be using advanced AI tools and other surveillance tech to conduct pervasive and persistent surveillance before, during and after the Games. The Olympic world stage and international crowds pose increased security risks so significant that in recent years authorities and critics have described the Olympics as the “world’s largest security operations outside of war.”

The French government, hand in hand with the private tech sector, has harnessed that legitimate need for increased security as grounds to deploy technologically advanced surveillance and data gathering tools. Its surveillance plans to meet those risks, including controversial use of experimental AI video surveillance, are so extensive that the country had to change its laws to make the planned surveillance legal.

The plan goes beyond new AI video surveillance systems. According to news reports, the prime minister’s office has negotiated a provisional decree that is classified to permit the government to significantly ramp up traditional, surreptitious surveillance and information gathering tools for the duration of the Games. These include wiretapping; collecting geolocation, communications and computer data; and capturing greater amounts of visual and audio data.

I am a law professor and attorney, and I research, teach and write about privacy, artificial intelligence and surveillance. I also provide legal and policy guidance on these subjects to legislators and others. Increased security risks can and do require increased surveillance. This year, France has faced concerns about its Olympic security capabilities and credible threats around public sporting events.

Preventive measures should be proportional to the risks, however. Globally, critics claim that France is using the Olympics as a surveillance power grab and that the government will use this “exceptional” surveillance justification to normalize society-wide state surveillance.

At the same time, there are legitimate concerns about adequate and effective surveillance for security. In the U.S., for example, the nation is asking how the Secret Service’s security surveillance failed to prevent an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump on July 13, 2024.


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dda7f7 No.193246

File: 7d5c4217f4d4a56⋯.png (999.18 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276775 (231839ZJUL24) Notable: PF

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>Proof of life for the conspiracy theorists . Vid at link.

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dda7f7 No.193247

File: 51cbfd58a33abc7⋯.png (175.68 KB,495x277,495:277,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276777 (231839ZJUL24) Notable: Trump Confirms Netanyahu Meeting At Mar-A-Lago

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23 Jul, 2024 13:34

Netanyahu requests meeting with Trump – Politico

The Israeli prime minister is in Washington to meet with President Joe Biden and deliver a speech to the US Congress

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has requested a meeting with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump while on an official visit to Washington this week, Politico reported on Monday, citing sources familiar with the discussions.

The Israeli leader is expected to meet with President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and other top US officials during his trip. He is also scheduled to deliver a speech in front of Congress on Wednesday, addressing the ongoing war in Gaza. According to Politico’s sources,Netanyahu’s team has also been in contact with Trump, attempting to schedule a face-to-face meeting, potentially in Florida.

Trump, who has become increasingly critical of the Israeli prime minister in recent years, has not yet agreed to the meeting but has not rejected it outright either, the outlet reported. While the former president has been a staunch supporter of Israel, he had a falling-out with Netanyahu after the Israeli leader congratulated Biden on winning the 2020 US election.

Trump has also been critical of Netanyahu’s handling of the situation in Gaza and the failure of Israeli intelligence on October 7, when Hamas militants launched an attack on Israeli territories, killing over 1,200 people and taking several hundred hostage.

Last week, Trump even threatened the Israeli leadership* over its failure to return US hostages from Gaza, stating during the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee that “they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price.” (*He wasn't threatening Israel, he was warning Hamas and Iran, this is real BS there. Politico seems to want to create a division between US and Israel.)

The Biden administration has been a staunch supporter of Netanyahu throughout the conflict. However, Washington paused a delivery of 3,500 bombs to Israel in early May amid calls for West Jerusalem to scale back its assault on the densely-populated city of Rafah in southern Gaza.

Netanyahu described the move as “inconceivable” and publicly criticized Washington for “withholding weapons and ammunition to Israel.”


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dda7f7 No.193248

File: 0a6620851b0cc60⋯.mp4 (4.16 MB,848x452,212:113,Clipboard.mp4)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276794 (231842ZJUL24) Notable: There were 8 shell casings found near the dead body?

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Sen. Ron Johnson to


: "There were 8 shell casings found near the dead body … Former director Cheatle would not answer that question."


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dda7f7 No.193249

File: 467d3dcfb9d6031⋯.png (379.52 KB,750x375,2:1,Clipboard.png)

File: de08aab28d1b078⋯.png (65.06 KB,602x649,602:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 83a5c92965a07f6⋯.png (141.2 KB,595x554,595:554,Clipboard.png)

File: eb71910ceef01db⋯.png (61.57 KB,603x618,201:206,Clipboard.png)

File: c1be28de8ca88a2⋯.png (338.09 KB,586x631,586:631,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276800 (231844ZJUL24) Notable: Kamala’s Secret Freemason Police Scandal: Here’s What We Know

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Kamala’s Secret Freemason Police Scandal: Here’s What We Know

Weird stuff, man

Democrat Kamala Harris has a Freemason problem. Archived records obtained by NATIONAL FILE show that Harris worked directly with a shadowy Masonic group in California through her staffer Brandon Kiel, who got arrested for his involvement in a secret Masonic police department. The Masonic police force claimed to be directly descended from the Knights Templar and it planned to operate in 33 different states besides California, according to the group’s long-buried literature, which NATIONAL FILE is presenting below.

Then-Kamala Harris staffer Brandon Kiel got arrested back in 2015 and he was charged with multiple counts of “impersonating a peace office.” Two other people got arrested, including Masonic Grand Master David Henry, aka David Inkk Henry aka David Henry X. David Henry X, who wore a top hat around, also happened to be Brandon Kiel’s father-in-law.

At the time, Kiel was serving as California attorney general Kamala Harris’ deputy director of community affairs. Harris’ office put Kiel on leave and actually tried to distance Kamala from Kiel, saying, “Kiel didn’t interact with the AG on a regular basis.” Kiel’s charges got dropped in 2016 on the very same day that 47-year old Masonic Grandmaster David Henry died of a pulmonary embolism. The bizarre news item disappeared quickly from the media headlines (until now…)


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dda7f7 No.193250

File: 70605541c5fe6c3⋯.png (341.36 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276809 (231845ZJUL24) Notable: PF

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Someone on way back from London

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dda7f7 No.193251

File: 4344bff94ef9381⋯.png (365.96 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: d795c2fc0a013c1⋯.png (624.94 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

File: cb5d430156e95df⋯.png (625.82 KB,1366x768,683:384,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276826 (231848ZJUL24) Notable: PF

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>Someone on way back from London

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dda7f7 No.193252

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/21276838 (231849ZJUL24) Notable: Bureaucrats slaughter millions of chickens amid “bird flu” fakedemic

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Bureaucrats slaughter millions of chickens amid “bird flu” fakedemic

Colorado Gov. Jared Polis is spreading fear by declaring an "emergency disaster" in response to reports about the alleged spread of highly pathogenic bird flu in northeastern Weld County.

Polis "verbally" declared the disaster after "an avian flu outbreak in a commercial poultry facility in Weld County," reads an official statement from Polis' office on July 8. The statement does not name the facility that was allegedly impacted by H5N1.

The emergency disaster declaration allows Polis and his regime to use emergency powers to "take all necessary and appropriate state actions to assist with response, recovery, and mitigation efforts."

The Colorado Department of Agriculture (CDA) confirmed that 1.78 million chickens were "impacted" by the bird flu strain, which of course means that the food fowl were slaughtered to keep everyone "safe."

On July 3, CDA announced that a dairy worker in northeastern Colorado supposedly became infected with H5N1 after having "direct exposure" to cattle supposedly sick with the virus. The worker's only symptom was mild conjunctivitis, also known as "pink eye."

"He has recovered," the agency said in a follow-up statement about the worker. "This case is an employee at a dairy farm in northeast Colorado who had direct exposure to dairy cattle infected with avian flu. To protect patient privacy, additional details are not being provided."

Bird flu: the new COVID

Early on, it seemed as though the powers that be (TPTB) were going to try to hawk up monkeypox, also known as mpox, as the new Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic." Since monkeypox is primarily an LGBT disease, it seems they switched to H5N1 instead.

H5N1 has "not adapted to spread from person to person," the establishment still claims. However, H5N1 can supposedly now transfer from animals to humans, which is why (or so they say) government bureaucrats are slaughtering food animals like chickens with haste.

"Right now, the most important thing to know is that people who have regular exposure to infected animals are at increased risk of infection and should take precautions when they have contact with sick animals," said Colorado state epidemiologist Rachel Herlihy.

Already, we are hearing calls for people exposed to animals, i.e., farm workers, to slap on a mask, wear eye protection and gloves, and live in fear that they might catch a bird flu virus from their flocks and herds.

Over the past month, Colorado reported that about two dozen commercial dairy herds were impacted by H5N1, this after no cases being reported all throughout 2023. In 2022, eight commercial poultry flocks are said to have been impacted by H5N1.

So far in 2024, three dairy workers in multiple states, including Texas and Michigan, are said to have become infected with bird flu, this after one became infected in Colorado back in 2022. Two of the cases resulted in pink eye while one saw a cough, eye discomfort and a "watery discharge."

Michigan, like Colorado, is trying to scare its residents about bird flu. Another prominent dairy state, Michigan has allegedly seen 26 herds affected by H5N1. Authorities there are urging farms not to share equipment and to also take other mitigatory measures, i.e., masking, to keep farm workers "safe."


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dda7f7 No.193253

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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