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ba506f No.105429 [Last50 Posts]

09DEC20 to 22MAY24

/qresearch/ Scotland

Re-Posts of notables

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639b4d No.106796

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11966030 (091953ZDEC20) Notable: PMQS: Blackford and Johnson on Scotland, UK and Brexit

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PMQS: Blackford and Johnson on Scotland, UK and Brexit

Ian Blackford said the government admits Northern Ireland would be “getting the best of both worlds” with access to the EU’s single market and customs union.

But the SNP's leader in Westminster said Scotland was suffering from “double dealing” and asked the prime minister why that was fair.

Boris Johnson said Scotland, and the rest of the UK, would benefit from “substantial” devolved powers, the “regaining of money, borders and laws” and “control of colossal quantities of fish”.

Coverage of PMQs in text, images and video available at:


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639b4d No.106797

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/11996922 (121802ZDEC20) Notable: Anon's research on Scottish voting machines (cgi.com link)

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Hey fellas,

Thought some of my research may interest you regarding Scottish election voting machines.


CGI/IDOX = https://www.scytl.com/en/partners/idox-elections/

What do you think the chances are the elections are fixed in the UK?

Smartmatic have the contract for the London Mayoral Election of 2021.


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639b4d No.106799

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12027609 (142300ZDEC20) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun / 30 Sept 2020

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tried to embed a video which is a meeting of the Education and Skills Committee from the 30th of September 2020.

Topics being discussed include;

>Education and Skills Committee

>September 30, 2020 10:17

>Duration: 2 hours 12 minutes 6 seconds

>1. Decision on taking business in private: The >Committee will decide whether to take agenda >items 3 and 4 in private.

>2. Redress for Survivors (Historical Child >Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee >will take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

>Donald Henderson, Deputy Director, Redress >Relations and Response Division, Paul >Beaton, Unit Head, Redress Relations and >Response Division, Lisa McCloy, Bill Team >Leader, Redress Relations and Response >Division, and Barry McCaffrey, Lawyer, >Scottish Government Legal Directorate, >Scottish Government;

>>and then from—

>Dr Maeve O'Rourke, Lecturer in Human >Rights Law and Programme Director, BCL >Law and Human Rights, National University of >Ireland Galway.

>3. Redress for Survivors (Historical Child >Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee >will consider a list of candidates for the post of >adviser in connection with the forthcoming bill.

>4. Review of evidence: The Committee will >consider the evidence it heard under agenda >item 2.

Point to note is No'1 which is for having points 3 and 4 discussed in private (meaning you, the public/taxpayer, who is paying for it all don't get to hear those ones)

I will post 2 subsequent meetings of theirs after this one.

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639b4d No.106801

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12027730 (142306ZDEC20) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun / 7 Oct 2020

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video here…


sorry struggling to work out how to embed this one.

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639b4d No.106804

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12027890 (142314ZDEC20) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun / 7 Oct 2020

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Education and Skills Committee hearing from Ocober 7 2020 meeting here:


Again, apologies for being unable to work out how to embed it, please feel free if you are more capable of working out how to do so for all 3 videos.

>Education and Skills Committee

>October 07, 2020 08:45

>Duration: 2 hours 59 minutes 31 seconds

>1. Decision on taking business in private: The >Committee will decide whether to take items 3 >and 4 in private.

>2. Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse >in Care) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will >take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

>Kim Leslie, Representative of the Association of >Personal Injury Lawyers (APIL) and a partner >at, Digby Brown LLP;

>Una Doherty QC, Faculty of Advocates;

>Iain Nicol, Solicitor and Convenor of Civil >Justice Committee, Law Society of Scotland;

>and then from—

>Joanne McMeeking, Head of Improving Care >Experiences, CELCIS;

>Judith Robertson, Chair of the Commission, >Scottish Human Rights Commission (SHRC);

>Gaynor Clarke, Chair of Historical Abuse >Practice Network, Social Work Scotland (SWS) >and Programme Manager at, Aberdeen City >Council;

>Janine Rennie, Chief Executive, Wellbeing >Scotland.

>3. Work programme: The Committee will >consider its work programme.

>4. Review of evidence: The Committee will >consider the evidence it heard earlier.

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639b4d No.106805

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12027992 (142320ZDEC20) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun / 28 Oct 2020

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Education and Skills Committee meeting from October 28 2020


Content includes:

>Education and Skills Committee

>October 28, 2020 11:01

>Duration: 1 hour 48 minutes 1 second

>1. Decision on taking business in private: The >Committee will decide whether to take item 6 in >private.

>2. Declaration of interests: George Adam will be >invited to declare any relevant interests.

>3. Subordinate legislation: The Committee will >take evidence on the Children’s Hearings >(Scotland) Act 2011 (Children’s Advocacy >Services) Regulations 2020 [draft] from—

>Maree Todd MSP, Minister for Children and >Young People, and Tom McNamara, Head of >Youth Justice and Children's Hearings, Scottish >Government.

>4. Subordinate legislation: Maree Todd, Minister >for Children and Young People to move—>S5M-22706—That the Education and Skills >Committee recommends that the Children’s >Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 (Children’s >Advocacy Services) Regulations 2020 [draft] be >approved.

>5. Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse >in Care) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will >take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—

>David Whelan, and Harry Aitken, Former Boys >and Girls Abused in Quarriers Homes;

>Flora Henderson, Future Pathways;

>Helen Holland, and Simon Collins, In Care >Survivors Service Scotland (INCAS).

>6. Review of evidence: The Committee will >consider the evidence it heard under agenda >item 5.

>Most Recent Archived Meetings

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639b4d No.106807

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12028224 (142332ZDEC20) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun / 28 Oct 2020

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Again I note that all videos are having private discussions, not open to the public…..there could be many reasons for this, including the extradition and arrest of John Watt Q.C. The retired SCOTTISH Judge extradited for trial on charges of child abuse of 3 girls and one boy. One of the girls (all are now adults in their 40's or 50's) was the daughter of one of John Watt's colleagues Suzie Henderson on which I have posted quite a few times on the previous board.

I won't comment on these for the moment except to say that the Redress Bill which they are discussing will not be implemented in this Parliament and this anon believes it was never intended to be: which is why, I believe the "waiver" of rights to further court action was included, so that it would not pass, and would have plenty of objections to ensure that there would never be enough time to implement it, each bill has to pass 3 stages before it can be passed and this is only stage 1.

It was always meant to fail; to push the can down the street a little bit and waste more time………..

…….TIME IS THEIR GREAT ALLY as I have said often in my comments on articles posted.

String it out long enough and there will be no-one around to share the truth of any matter, neither victim or abuser–and it is the abusers they are protecting

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639b4d No.106808

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12028705 (150002ZDEC20) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun / 28 Oct 2020

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>>5. Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse >in Care) (Scotland) Bill: The Committee will >take evidence on the Bill at Stage 1 from—


>>David Whelan, and Harry Aitken, Former Boys >and Girls Abused in Quarriers Homes;


>>Flora Henderson, Future Pathways;


>>Helen Holland, and Simon Collins, In Care >Survivors Service Scotland (INCAS).

Little Flora was drafted in from Canada, another country under the Crown and with its own fair share of paedophiles in power allegedly with none other than their Prime Minister Justin Trudeau one of the higher ranking ones.

Yes she was drafted in at approximately 120,000 a year salary to a newly started up company called "Future Pathways" which was given £15 million of taxpayers cash to distribute in aid of victims of Historic Child Abuse and I can assure you they done everything they could to drop the cost of everything a victim asked for.

"Future Pathways" started with 3 victim support staff when the first award of 5 million was made and their staff increased to around 30 in time for that cash award being upped to £15 million.

All of those support workers were on around 80,000 per annum and some of those higher up the ladder getting more, with Flora reported to have been drafted in to front this newly formed company ( it didn't exist before the inquiry, it only started up in time to get the huge cash handout, allegedly for support of victims….

…as if

There were at the last personal count ( around a year ago ) 26 victim support agents on around 80,000/year = 2 million and 80 thousand, per year in wages, add Flora's 120 grand in to the mix it's 2.2 million plus office rental for 2 plush offices (one in Glasgow and another in Edinburgh) plus other staff including office staff, secretaries etc and you must be pushing on costs of 3 million/year probably not including expenses or the cost of all the new smart phones/tablets etc for staff.

Let's just settle on 3 million per year in costs, then expenses for staff………..anyway let's just for the sake of argument call it 3 million/year and believe this anon when I tell you they are very miserly with abuse victims and when they do allocate some monies for victim needs they try to give you the cheaper options and chop you down more. I've seen all this first hand.


Little Flora doesn't give a shit about victims of that you can be sure, however if I wasn't attached I'd certainly give her the sausage…..she's a hot little minx in the flesh and has a trim little bod……she reminds me of one little chick from my past who was really in to S&M, loved being spanked, If I was still available she'd be on a spanking.

I had considered some negative commentary on some of the other panel members for this meeting of the Education and Skills Committee, but as they seemed to some extent to redeem themselves I will hold fire, unless I see them slip backwards. Everyone deserves an opportunity for redemption.

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639b4d No.106810

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12041556 (152124ZDEC20) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun / Discussing the "waiver" aspect of the redress scheme 30 Sept 2020

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Discussing the "waiver" aspect of the redress scheme….

I have to say I am impressed particularly with Alex Neil and Ian Gray, neither was given enough time to speak and make their point/s.

I don't vote in elections as a rule, but if I were ever to vote these 2 gentlemen seem to have some substance.


Again can't seem to embed the link, if anyone can do so I'd be obliged, and if so perhaps a lesson on embedding links from there would help for future ref.


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639b4d No.106813

File: b8a2b080af0d272⋯.pdf (717.46 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12062908 (170730ZDEC20) Notable: A dig: The hidden meaning of Operation Warp Speed (pdf attached)

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A dig: The hidden meaning of Operation Warp Speed

Page 2 starts with a one page opinion piece on what Covid-19 really is, then followed by 12 pages dissecting Operation Warp Speed from a slight biblical perspective. 10-15 minute read. If you appreciate the work please download the .pdf and share. Peace

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639b4d No.106814

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12106033 (201912ZDEC20) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Covid-19 in Scotland: Show us the data on new virus strain, demand scientists

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Covid-19 in Scotland: Show us the data on new virus strain, demand scientists

Leading academics have demanded more data on the new strain of coronavirus after Christmas celebrations were curtailed without consulting the wider scientific community.

Devi Sridhar, a member of the Scottish government’s Covid-19 advisory group, said that raising the alarm over a new strain without wider peer review had stoked “unhelpful” rumours about an increased risk to children.

Linda Bauld, chair of public health at Edinburgh University, said that experts around the country had not been shown any data to support the claim from UK government scientists that the new strain was up to 70 per cent more virulent than existing strains.



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639b4d No.106816

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12106105 (201920ZDEC20) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Police Scotland to double its presence in border areas but no checkpoints planned

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Police Scotland to double its presence in border areas but no checkpoints planned

Chief Constable Iain Livingstone today announced the presence of officers would hopefully ‘deter’ anyone who might be considering breaching travel restrictions.

Edinburgh Evening News logo Police Scotland to double its presence in border areas but no checkpoints planned

Chief Constable Iain Livingstone today announced the presence of officers would hopefully ‘deter’ anyone who might be considering breaching travel restrictions.

a person riding on the back of a truck © Police Scotland to double its presence in border areas as new restrictions are put in place.

It came as the British Transport Police confirmed increased officers at major transport hubs across tier 4 regions as well as the wider network.

Yesterday Police Scotland insisted people should take ‘personal responsibility to do the right thing’ and that enforcement would only be used ‘as a last resort’.

Mr Livingstone said: “I’ve completely underlined my compassion and concern for everyone affected by the highly restrictive measures which are, unfortunately, absolutely necessary to control the spread of the virus and, ultimately, protect life.

"Following the announcement by the First Minister, there can be no doubt that, other than for the most essential journeys, people should not be travelling between Scotland and other parts of the UK.

"Today, I have authorised the doubling of out operational presence in the Border areas of Scotland.

"These highly visible patrols will be proactively deployed on our road networks to continue our operational activity to ensure drivers and vehicles are in a fit condition to drive.

"The patrols will also deter anyone who might be considering breaching the coronavirus travel restrictions.”

On Saturday, Ms Sturgeon said travel between Scotland and the rest of the UK would be banned.

This came after a surge of cases of a new coronavirus strain was identified.

The Chief Constable continued: “It is the consent of the public from which policing in Scotland draws its legitimacy.

"As our communities expect, where officers encounter wilful, persistent or flagrant breaches we will act decisively to enforce the law.”

British Transport Police Assistant Chief Constable, Sean O’Callaghan, said: “The advice is clear, and we are confident that the large majority of people will abide by the restrictions in place.

“As has been the case throughout the pandemic, officers will be supporting rail staff through high-visibility patrols across England, Scotland and Wales, ensuring those on the network are safe. Our policing method remains the same – officers will engage with passengers and only use enforcement if absolutely necessary.

John Lamont, Scottish Conservative MP for Berwickshire, Roxburgh and Selkirk, said:

“The Scottish Government and Police Scotland need to ensure clarity around travel restrictions to avoid any public misunderstanding.

"Clearly this virus does not respect borders but a range of exemptions have always been in place to allow safe and necessary travel for valid reasons, and we need to know if that has changed.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Willie Rennie said:“The police have been rightly commended for their proportionate response to the travel restrictions.

"The guidance has a range of exemptions so we need the police to act in a sensitive and helpful fashion.

"That proportionate response should not just apply to the English border but across Scotland.

"There is a significant difference in the infection rate between the Highlands and central belt so that will need attention too but in an intelligent way.

"Police Scotland should resist pressure to adopt a heavy handed approach whether it is on the English border or across Scotland.”


That "consent of the public" part has me wondering when the Public was asked for consent

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639b4d No.106819

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12106613 (202012ZDEC20) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Check Point secures and streamlines management of NHS Scotland's sensitive health data in the public cloud

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Check Point secures and streamlines management of NHS Scotland's sensitive health data in the public cloud, and gives hyperscalability to support rapid roll-out of Covid-19 related apps and vaccine management systems

EDINBURGH, Scotland, Dec 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via COMTEX) EDINBURGH, Scotland, Dec. 17, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) Check Point(R) Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP), a leading provider of cyber-security solutions globally, has announced that it has been chosen by NHS National Services Scotland, the publicly funded healthcare service in Scotland to secure and streamline the management of its public cloud data, and provide complete threat prevention for vital public services such as Scotland's 'Test & Protect' and vaccine management services.

NHS Scotland provides public health and social care services to the country's population, and has been transitioning healthcare data and services to Microsoft's Azure public cloud for the past 18 months. The start of the Covid-19 pandemic highlighted the need for security that seamlessly expands on demand to hyperscale capacity. NHS Scotland's cloud infrastructure powers the country's 'Test & Protect' services, which has over a million users, as well as the 'Protect Scotland' proximity app, so it was critical these services were completely secured against threats and attacks. The organization is also developing systems for scheduling and managing Covid-19 vaccinations in Scotland as the vaccines become available.

"Check Point's CloudGuard has been key in enabling us to add new cloud workloads and services without needing to constantly review or deploy new security infrastructure. This means we can focus on the critical public-facing tasks where we can add real value, such as developing and running Scotland's 'Test & Protect' services," said Deryck Mitchelson, Chief Information Security Officer, NHS Scotland. "Right now we are building our vaccination management systems, and our cloud-first approach gives us the agility and scalability we need to roll it out nationally while being sure that data and services are secured."

As it runs multiple essential healthcare systems, NHS Scotland also needs to have full visibility of who is accessing data, where it is being shared and how it is used to comply with GDPR and national data security legislation. To secure its healthcare data and services to the public cloud, NHS Scotland has implemented:

CloudGuard IaaS which delivers the same advanced threat prevention and data security in public clouds as the organization's on-premises security gateways, through the same management interface

Check Point Maestro orchestration delivers the hyperscale features that NHS Scotland requires, enabling it to seamlessly expand the capacity of existing security gateways to meet growing demands

"Health data is probably Scotland's most valuable asset, so it's essential that it remains absolutely secure wherever it is being stored or accessed. We now have much more visibility than we had before we implemented the Check Point solutions," added Mitchelson. "We can really understand where the data is and who is accessing it, from where, and ensure it is protected at every point of entry."

NHS Scotland also uses a Security information and event management (SIEM) solution. "One of the things I liked with Check Point is its integration with the SIEM vendor we're working with," said Mitchelson. "That means that we don't have to go and actually start writing and creating configurations, it just links to the SIEM system and automatically starts to work, giving us the information we need in a single console."



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639b4d No.106820

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12160418 (242000ZDEC20) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / The five key events in the fake pandemic

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Originally UK #27 >>>/qresearch/12157723

The five key events in the fake pandemic

by Jon Rappoport

This article is a summary. I’ve written extensively on each of the five key events.

ONE: The false claim that a new virus was discovered and isolated.

No true isolation has been performed. The so-called genetic sequencing of the virus was actually a concoction, a cobbling together of pieces of data referencing segments of RNA. These segments were PRESUMED to be parts of the new virus—but researchers didn’t have the virus, so their presumptions amounted to fraud.

TWO: The erecting of a diagnostic test (PCR) for the virus they didn’t have. Obviously, no such test has meaning. It is built on the same sorts of absurd assumptions that led to the fictional discovery of the virus. However, strategically speaking, the test has produced millions of “positive results,” which are taken to mean “infected by the virus.” On this foundation of sand, the lockdowns were declared.

THREE: The Chinese lockdown of 50 million citizens, for no medical reason. This unprecedented event provided the model for other governments, and for the CDC and the World Health Organization. Now it was “acceptable” to imprison the global population and wreak economic devastation across the planet.

FOUR: The absurd computer prediction of 500,000 deaths in the UK and two million in the US, made by historically failed modeler, Neil Ferguson. His institute at the Imperial College of London is bankrolled by Bill Gates. Ferguson’s predictions were used to convince Trump and Boris Johnson that states of emergency and lockdowns were necessary.

FIVE: The forced premature deaths of millions of elderly people across the world—which were falsely called “COVID-19 deaths.”

These people were and are suffering from multiple long-term health conditions, made far worse by decades of medical treatment with toxic drugs. Terrified by a COVID diagnosis, then isolated from family and friends, they give up and die.

There are other important events, to be sure, but these are the key five.

The underlying fact that needs to be understood: what is called COVID-19 is not one condition. It is a variety of illnesses and effects stemming from different traditional causes RE-PACKAGED under the label, “COVID.”

Where authentic new conditions and causes may be involved, independent investigators need to look closely at such clusters of people, where they live. For example, the investigators should find out whether toxic vaccine campaigns were initiated in a community or region prior to declaration of the “COVID outbreak.”

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639b4d No.106821

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12228821 (292303ZDEC20) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Moderna 2018 prospectus

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Originally Balkans #2 >>>/qresearch/1222809

Here is the preliminary prospectus for MODERNA, Inc.

They were aiming to raise $500,000,000 in 2018. They must have a crystal ball. The preliminary prospectus explains the vaccine (they are planning) and their thought process on how they plan to present the product to raise the money.


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639b4d No.106832

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12245090 (310246ZDEC20) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / JAG DRAG Coronavirus Scotland: Frontline medics still waiting for vaccine as ‘non-clinical staff get jag’, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: actress_in_sun_online_fake_vaccine_uptake_photograph.png, comments_in_sun_online_section_pointing_out_fake_vaccination_of_NHS_worker.png

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Scottish sun newspaper online headline.

JAG DRAG Coronavirus Scotland: Frontline medics still waiting for vaccine as ‘non-clinical staff get jag’


Comments on the story pointing out the fakery of NHS "non-clinical staff" story, highlighting the blue safety cover on the needle.

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639b4d No.106834

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12245165 (310250ZDEC20) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Catherine Austin Fitts || Planet Lockdown

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Catherine Austin Fitts || Planet Lockdown


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639b4d No.106835

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12286607 (022334ZJAN21) Notable: Sturgeon tells EU to "leave a light on" in tweet

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We will be back soon, Scotland's Sturgeon says as the UK exits the EU's orbit

31 December 2020

LONDON (Reuters) - Scotland’s First Minister Nicola Sturgeon told Europe that Scotland would be back soon, just as the United Kingdom completed its transition period out of the bloc.

“Scotland will be back soon, Europe,” she said on Twitter at 2300 GMT. “Keep the light on.”


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639b4d No.106837

File: d25b52fde5a5fd2⋯.png (14.4 KB,255x255,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12303686 (040335ZJAN21) Notable: Sir Brian Urquhart, who helped establish the United Nations, dies aged 101, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 380b03b18ae56e252158cfe9e8057379ed9ed6e22b723d645ddf4945faca5e35.png

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Washington Post and others are carrying the story as well

Sir Brian Urquhart, who helped establish the United Nations, dies aged 101


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639b4d No.106839

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12311908 (041816ZJAN21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Sturgeon to Scottish Parliament on "British virus" and lock downs

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In her address to the Scottish Parliament on Monday (January 04), Sturgeon said the remarkable transmissibility of the new and potent Covid-19 strain – popularly referred to as the “British Virus – means that Scotland’s current Tier 4 restrictions may no longer be enough to bring the “R number” (the rate at which coronavirus spreads) below one.

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639b4d No.106843

File: 642afa2194e8655⋯.jpg (1.77 MB,2480x3504,155:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: e85c1e0022a0fb8⋯.jpg (1.98 MB,2480x3504,155:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: fcccefc4769c1be⋯.jpg (2.19 MB,2476x3504,619:876,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f443c7638f58f39⋯.jpg (2.01 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12356781 (062201ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Slow pace of Lady Smith's Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry upsets survivors

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Here is the statement received from Michael Russell, find attached the first 4 of 42 pages from that statement with added comments


the past Minister for "Education and Lifelong Learing", by Lady Ann Smith (Are you really a lady Ms Smith?). She is the Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry - still ongoing, supposedly though it rarely sits and takes evidence as you can see from the following Times on Sunday article bearing the following headline:

Slow pace of Lady Smith's Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry upsets survivors

I am sorry I cannot show the whole article, I haven't even read the whole article as I do not have a sub to their online paper. If anyone can reply to this post with a full copy of the article that would be much appreciated.

As you can see from the attached screenshot of the article (part of) up until the date of publication of the article (sept 15 2019) the inquiry had only took evidence for 50 days of that year until mid-September. This woman is on a salary of approx £250,000 and up until September of 2019 out of around 250 days they only sat taking evidence for 50 of them.

Does anyone think this right?

I fucking don't…

The secretariat to the inquiry is (I am led to believe, but cannot myself confirm so assistance by others to prove or refute the claim would be helpful) none other than the daughter of Lord Cullen, who headed the Dunblane Inquiry into the shooting of children in a primary school by a man named Thomas Hamilton. The findings of that inquiry have been put under lock and key for 100 years (At the time this period of 100 years was unprecedented, usually anything until then that was removed from the public through secrecy acts and legislation was for 30 years, what was in their findings that they have hidden it from you all for 100 years?) by the Establishment, because it covers up for child abuse by the very same establishment-they did so using the services of Lord Cullen. These people are not conducting a "public" inquiry at all, they decide what to publish on their website and tell you so

>"We can decide what facts are established."

…conversely they can also decide which facts are not established and can withold anything they want from the public…

>"We are a public inquiry. Where possible, >hearings will be held in public. In some >situations the Chair may decide to hold a >hearing in private or in a way which keeps >private the identity of the witness."

When any information is withheld from the public in a "public inquiry" can it still be termed a public inquiry? They can and do decide what to allow to be heard there, my very good friend has still never been invited to give his evidence or many others like him, who have been tortured by the state as children.

Statement from Michael McMahon to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).


Link to Michael McMahon's Statement from the previous board


5 pages from his statement on that post followed by another 3 pages of his statement, all with comments by this anon included on this link >>>/qresearch/11928693

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106845

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12357567 (062231ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / References to Scotland #1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Post >>>/qresearch/11928693 is contained in Scotland #1. It is archived at https://qanon.news/archives/x/10843151 but I got the 404 unavailable message when I tried to see the images. I'd have to suggest going through the Q Research search engine https://qresear.ch/ which is also listed at the top of this bread under the International Threads list

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106846

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12357978 (062254ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / References to Scotland #1

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yes that is correct as was post >>106741

I too was unable to see the attachments which is a bitter pill to swallow as I had posted much good info there………….what is going on that it is unavailable?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106848

File: a57c7af38891b27⋯.jpg (2.11 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 02167a4996832f2⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,2484x3504,207:292,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f89acbe969906cf⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 2c647c7bd0f066c⋯.jpg (1.89 MB,2480x3504,155:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: dfb962280d86814⋯.jpg (2.15 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12361813 (070125ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Pages 5-9 of Michael Russell's statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry as past Minister

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Pages 5-9 of Michael Russell's statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry as past Minister for "Education and Lifelong Learning"

I'll try to find the time tomorrow to continue posting on some of the other pages (42 in total) . I'm tired and wondering what is the point of posting here if there is no copy of board 1. What a waste of time and effort to post at all if it just disappears into the ether….there seems to be little interest and few visitors according to the baker from the last board.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106849

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12420423 (090809ZJAN21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Scottish police use lockdown powers to storm into a home and violently arrest the family

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


What happened next?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106850

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12426194 (091727ZJAN21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Scottish police use lockdown powers to storm into a home and violently arrest the family

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


There is more context at link. Apparently the girl filming had tried to commit suicide and had been given anxiety and sleeping tabs just before this happened. Assuming the Nazi wannabe who made the call is still alive. So disappointed in the Scottish.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106851

File: ab2bf4336ba59bd⋯.jpg (2.38 MB,2476x3504,619:876,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c9540d664a2eec1⋯.jpg (1.84 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: ba9b6ff2220adf3⋯.jpg (1.99 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 78ae246d7073dbe⋯.jpg (1.54 MB,2472x3504,103:146,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8203bff081e3a55⋯.jpg (1.97 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12448330 (101948ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Continuation of the statement of Michael Russell

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Continuation of the statement of Michael Russell to Lady (are you really a Lady Ms Smith?) Ann Smith, chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) to determine why it took so many years for such an inquiry to be ordered. Pages 10-14 with comments.



>Slow pace of Lady Smith's Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry upsets survivors


>I am sorry I cannot show the whole article, I haven't even read the whole article as I do not have a sub to their online paper. If anyone can reply to this post with a full copy of the article that would be much appreciated.


>As you can see from the attached screenshot of the article (part of) up until the date of publication of the article (sept 15 2019) the inquiry had only took evidence for 50 days of that year until mid-September. This woman is on a salary of approx £250,000 and up until September of 2019 out of around 250 days they only sat taking evidence for 50 of them.


>Does anyone think this right?


>I fucking don't…


>The secretariat to the inquiry is (I am led to believe, but cannot myself confirm so assistance by others to prove or refute the claim would be helpful) none other than the daughter of Lord Cullen, who headed the Dunblane Inquiry into the shooting of children in a primary school by a man named Thomas Hamilton. The findings of that inquiry have been put under lock and key for 100 years (At the time this period of 100 years was unprecedented, usually anything until then that was removed from the public through secrecy acts and legislation was for 30 years, what was in their findings that they have hidden it from you all for 100 years?) by the Establishment, because it covers up for child abuse by the very same establishment-they did so using the services of Lord Cullen. These people are not conducting a "public" inquiry at all, they decide what to publish on their website and tell you so


>>"We can decide what facts are established."


>…conversely they can also decide which facts are not established and can withold anything they want from the public…


>>"We are a public inquiry. Where possible, >hearings will be held in public. In some >situations the Chair may decide to hold a >hearing in private or in a way which keeps >private the identity of the witness."


>When any information is withheld from the public in a "public inquiry" can it still be termed a public inquiry? They can and do decide what to allow to be heard there, my very good friend has still never been invited to give his evidence or many others like him, who have been tortured by the state as children.


>Pages 5-9 of Michael Russell's statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry as past Minister for "Education and Lifelong Learning"


>I'll try to find the time tomorrow to continue posting on some of the other pages (42 in total) . I'm tired and wondering what is the point of posting here if there is no copy of board 1. What a waste of time and effort to post at all if it just disappears into the ether….there seems to be little interest and few visitors according to the baker from the last board.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106852

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12453545 (110030ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Michael Russell statement to the Scottish child abuse inquiry…pages 15-19

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Michael Russell statement to the Scottish child abuse inquiry…pages 15-19




> the past Minister for "Education and Lifelong Learing", by Lady Ann Smith (Are you really a lady Ms Smith?). She is the Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry - still ongoing, supposedly though it rarely sits and takes evidence as you can see from the following Times on Sunday article bearing the following headline:


>Slow pace of Lady Smith's Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry upsets survivors


>I am sorry I cannot show the whole article, I haven't even read the whole article as I do not have a sub to their online paper. If anyone can reply to this post with a full copy of the article that would be much appreciated.


>As you can see from the attached screenshot of the article (part of) up until the date of publication of the article (sept 15 2019) the inquiry had only took evidence for 50 days of that year until mid-September. This woman is on a salary of approx £250,000 and up until September of 2019 out of around 250 days they only sat taking evidence for 50 of them.


>Does anyone think this right?


>I fucking don't…


>The secretariat to the inquiry is (I am led to believe, but cannot myself confirm so assistance by others to prove or refute the claim would be helpful) none other than the daughter of Lord Cullen, who headed the Dunblane Inquiry into the shooting of children in a primary school by a man named Thomas Hamilton. The findings of that inquiry have been put under lock and key for 100 years (At the time this period of 100 years was unprecedented, usually anything until then that was removed from the public through secrecy acts and legislation was for 30 years, what was in their findings that they have hidden it from you all for 100 years?) by the Establishment, because it covers up for child abuse by the very same establishment-they did so using the services of Lord Cullen. These people are not conducting a "public" inquiry at all, they decide what to publish on their website and tell you so


>>"We can decide what facts are established."


>…conversely they can also decide which facts are not established and can withold anything they want from the public…


>>"We are a public inquiry. Where possible, >hearings will be held in public. In some >situations the Chair may decide to hold a >hearing in private or in a way which keeps >private the identity of the witness."


>When any information is withheld from the public in a "public inquiry" can it still be termed a public inquiry? They can and do decide what to allow to be heard there, my very good friend has still never been invited to give his evidence or many others like him, who have been tortured by the state as children.


>Pages 5-9 of Michael Russell's statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry as past Minister for "Education and Lifelong Learning"


>I'll try to find the time tomorrow to continue posting on some of the other pages (42 in total) . I'm tired and wondering what is the point of posting here if there is no copy of board 1. What a waste of time and effort to post at all if it just disappears into the ether….there seems to be little interest and few visitors according to the baker from the last board.


> Continuation of the statement of Michael Russell to Lady (are you really a Lady Ms Smith?) Ann Smith, chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) to determine why it took so many years for such an inquiry to be ordered. Pages 10-14 with comments.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106853

File: 1b898a9e02ca863⋯.jpg (2.06 MB,2480x3504,155:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 9cb97f98b6339d3⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,2480x3504,155:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c324280b3c231b5⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,2488x3504,311:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 25eda764f4aea04⋯.jpg (1.57 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: b8062287367922e⋯.jpg (1.69 MB,2416x3040,151:190,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12454581 (110125ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / More Michael Russell statement

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


I hope so>The board is archived, might be just my configuration won't allow me to get the images.


>Scotland #1: https://qanon.news/archives/x/10843151

Thanks, I hope you are right.


>>>106843 (You)


>Pretending to save the world

I'm not pretending to do anything JJ, I am merely fulfilling an obligation to do my part to put the world right…..I surely done my bit over the years to turn it in to what it is now.

as you say…..often…..the last act of rebellion against a system you know to be wrong is to be a good man.

Thanks for your input, others may not appreciate your posts but I find them very informative. I can't keep up … time is in short supply, so much to do, so many others to consider. I promise to try to work harder. ;)


>The satanic ritual child abuse in Scotland is more pervasive than in any other country inthe world.

The Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) appears to be key to me anyway….not just to Scotland. It doesn't seem to be progressing under the present Chair Lady (are you really Ann?) Smith and I don't like the smell of Lord Cullens' daughter overseeing and reporting back to daddy……..lots of Lords involved in the cover up, far too many for my liking!!

I like my lords and ladies to be on the side of truth and protection of innocents. Protection of all, not just their wealthy and powerful peers.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106854

File: 8a95e2390e59a79⋯.png (77.46 KB,731x736,731:736,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12482682 (121756ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Info on Lady Ann Smith, Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry SCAI and 2 others, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: definition_of_secretariat_showing_use_over_time.png, explanation_of_ariat_to_show_secretariat_means_keeper_of_secrets.png, screenshot_of_SCAI_website_info_on_chair_and_secretariat.png, 2nd_screenshot_of_aricle_explaining_slow_pace_of_SCAI_under_lady_smith_gordon_blackstock_of_the_Times.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What is a Secretariat?

Definition of Secretariat:


Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2






Was anyone able to find out if the Secretariat for the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) is the Daughter of "Lord" Cullen?

Does she have something to do with someone keeping secrets?

>sēcrētārius -> sēcrētāriātus ‘having to do with someone who has to do with secrets’

Is it just me? Should there be a place in a "Public Inquiry" for a "keeper of secrets"?

Allegedly the daughter of a Lord no less, one who committed a previous Inquiry (Dunblane) and its findings to a 100 year "Government Secrecy" order?

Info on Lady (are you really Ann?) Smith, Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry SCAI and 2 others, the secretariat and the "Solicitor to the Inquiry".

Screenshot 3


This screenshot shows that they decide what is put in front of the Inquiry, and conversely, that which is not…

Screenshot 4

….which may explain the slow pace of the Inquiry to date, evidenced by the final screenshot with the headline

Slow pace of Lady Smith's Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry upsets survivors


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106855

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12519539 (142008ZJAN21) Notable: Richard Leonard quits as Scottish Labour leader after three years in charge, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 83d486d801966ec6d770a6813239faf107110121bfff4801d2e302e634fe51e1.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Originally UK #29 >>>/qresearch/12516552

Richard Leonard quits as Scottish Labour leader after three years in charge


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106856

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12525801 (150216ZJAN21) Notable: Education and Skills Committee meetings bun

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Education and Skills Committee meetings bun

>>106799 30 Sept 2020

>>106801, >>106804 7 Oct 2020

>>106805, >>106807, >>106808 28 Oct 2020

>>106810 Discussing the "waiver" aspect of the redress scheme 30 Sept 2020

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106857

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12527364 (150405ZJAN21) Notable: Fisheries minister didn’t read Brexit bill because she was “organising the local nativity trail”, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 9595a23fa4645b52964360daaa52631740fef39b97d2db3eaaab68a1f55018a3.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Originally UK #29 >>>/qresearch/12514561

This level of incompetence and arrogance cannot be possible… unless you add the 'blackmail and control' element into the mix.

If our politicians are blackmailed and controlled, the treaty signed is void in my opinion.

Fisheries minister didn’t read Brexit bill because she was “organising the local nativity trail”

Fisheries minister Victoria Prentis has confessed to not reading the post-Brexit trade deal with Brussels when it was agreed because she was too busy organising the local nativity trail.

Appearing in front of the Lords EU environment subcommittee as the UK fishing industry is plunged into disarray Prentis admitted to letting festive cheer get in the way of her scrutinising the deal on Christmas Eve.

Asked if her jaw had dropped when she saw the deal with the EU she said: “No, the agreement came when we were all very busy on Christmas Eve, in my case organising the local nativity trail.

“We had been waiting and waiting, it looked like it was coming for probably four days before it actually arrived.

“I, for one, had gone through, as I’m sure members of this committee had, a gamut of emotions over those four days.”

Scottish seafood left to rot

The comments came as significant amounts of Scottish seafood was left to rot as exports were tangled in Brexit bureaucracy.

Industry groups have warned that a “perfect storm” of factors has led to long delays before lorries carrying fresh seafood can leave Scotland – partly down to the paperwork now required to send goods to Europe.

Under post-Brexit rules, vets must sign off on consignments and provide an export health certificate – which is needed for wild fish and farmed salmon since Britain left the EU customs union last week.

The Scottish Seafood Association said exports to the EU are being hindered by “red tape” delays in Scotland and France.


The SNP’s Brexit spokesperson, Philippa Whitford, said: “Due to Brexit-induced bureaucracy, Scotland’s fishing communities are already experiencing severe disruption and cannot get their produce to their customers in the EU market on time.

“For the Tory government’s fisheries minister to then admit that she did not even bother to read the details of the damaging deal because she was too busy is unbelievable and makes her position untenable.”



Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106858

File: 18c35e002be13f6⋯.png (10.37 KB,255x170,3:2,Clipboard.png)

File: 188b944b0339a28⋯.png (15.91 KB,219x255,73:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 351bc136b232332⋯.png (9.89 KB,255x136,15:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12541569 (160121ZJAN21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Urgent recall issued on hand sanitiser being sold in the UK as analysis reveals gel contains 'highly toxic banned substance', MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 7f1d68ae15ee05953f83ea63619e4e0a8b6cdf7347db8ff90aa9198c5bfe8fa8.png, bb6e8002c3b7b5424cb9beef5e8d2073438beaf0af7dff122c9ccc7ff2d88110.png, 989defa791dd3a0da83f9ca417b4fc73ad7cafb239282446866c1166d2acbff9.png

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Originally General Research #16011 >>>/qresearch/12540579

Urgent recall issued on hand sanitiser being sold in the UK as analysis reveals gel contains 'highly toxic banned substance' that can lead to BLINDNESS if ingested

The Trading Standards has issued a recall for two hand sanitiser gels

One gel called 'lbcccndc Instant Hand Sanitiser' was found to contain methanol

Methanol can cause a range of side effects if ingested, including blindness

The other gel, Yucky Hands, was recalled after tests showed it did not contain sufficient levels of ethanol to kill germs, such as the Covid-19 virusSince the coronavirus pandemic kicked off last year, hand sanitisers have become staple items in most people's bags.

But a new report has warned that some hand sanitiser products available to purchase online may be unsafe to use.

Trading Standards has issued a recall for two hand sanitiser gels being sold on Amazon and eBay, which were found to pose serious health risks to the public.Worryingly, one of the gels was found to contain 37 per cent methanol - a highly toxic banned substance that if ingested, can lead to blindness and death.

Methanol is currently on The Cosmetic, Toiletry & Perfumery Association's list of banned ingredients allowed in any hand sanitisers in the UK.

The gel, which was sold in the UK on AliBaba and Ebay, was found to contain 37 per cent methanol - a toxic alcohol that is used industrially as a solvent, pesticide, and alternative fuel source.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), methanol can can cause a range of nasty side effects if ingested.

The CDC said: 'Methanol's toxicity is due to its metabolic products. The by-products of methanol metabolism cause an accumulation of acid in the blood (metabolic acidosis), blindness, and death.'

Methanol is on the UK's list of banned ingredients for hand sanitisers, and has been call 'unacceptable' by the FDA.

The FDA said: 'Methanol is not an acceptable ingredient for hand sanitisers and must not be used due to its toxic effects. FDA’s investigation of methanol in certain hand sanitisers is ongoing. The agency will provide additional information as it becomes available.'

Ibcccndc Instant Hand Sanitiser was also found to contain insufficient levels of ethanol (7 per cent) to kill germs, such as the Covid-19 virus.

Meanwhile, the second hand gel to be recalled was called Yucky Hands, despite the fact that its US-based producer, YuckyGroup, claimed the gel was 'FDA & WHO approved'.

While this hand sanitiser did not contain methanol, an analysis revealed that it only contained an alcohol volume of 42.3 per cent, which is considered insufficient to effectively kill viruses.

Natalie Hitchins, Head of Home Products and Services at Which?, said: 'It's really worrying that hand sanitisers that at best fail to protect and at worst could cause serious harm to someone's health continue to be found readily available on online marketplaces.


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106859

File: dab93f68d7e7b5b⋯.jpg (2.49 MB,2484x3504,207:292,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12573229 (172308ZJAN21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Page 20 of Michael Russell's statement to the public inquiry

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Page 20 of Michael Russell's statement to the public inquiry….did not appear on previous post for some reason.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106860

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12589282 (182042ZJAN21) Notable: UKColumn News - Alex Salmond malicious attack by Nicola Sturgeon

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Originally UK #29 >>>/qresearch/125855836

UKColumn News - Alex Salmond malicious attack by Nicola Sturgeon

UK Column News today (18th Jan 2021) featured a fascinating insight to the Alex Salmond saga that has been playing out for quite a while. David Scott excellently summarises the extraordinary events that has led to the exposure of deep state / New World Order control of the political and judicial system in Scotland

I urge everyone to watch this fascinating insight into what is brewing up to be one of the most explosive exposures of political corruption in history which includes the criminal use of the justice system for political ends.

Start at 0h:40m:31s https://youtu.be/UGhr9Lv7h-g?t=2431

Apologies, could not get the video to embed, is available at the original UK post

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106861

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12655106 (212101ZJAN21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Scotland Extends Virus Lockdown Until at Least Mid-February

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Scotland Extends Virus Lockdown Until at Least Mid-February

By Rodney Jefferson

January 19, 2021, 9:52 AM EST

Scotland extended its lockdown until at least the middle of February as the rate of coronavirus infections puts severe pressure on the health service.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the current restrictions, including the closure of schools and non-essential stores, will be reviewed again on Feb. 2. She told the Scottish Parliament in Edinburgh that it’s still unclear whether a phased return of school children can be announced then.

“Our reluctant judgment is that community transmission is too high and is likely to remain so,” she said.

The Scottish government, which has control over health policy, put much of the country into lockdown after Christmas along with the rest of the U.K. as a new strain of Covid-19 spread rapidly. It has also shut borders to non-essential travel and all arrivals must quarantine.

ase numbers have stabilized and even declined in some areas, which shows the lockdown is having an impact, Sturgeon said. But just under 2,000 people are in hospital, 30% more than the last peak in April.

Sturgeon defended the rollout of a vaccine program after criticism over supply in some areas and promised that in three months time, 3 million people will have received their first dose of the vaccine. The rest of Scotland’s 5.5 million people will receive theirs “as quickly as supplies allow.”

“This phase is on a downward trajectory, but we need to be realistic that it’s because we are staying at home,” she said.


{Excuse me, but what areas exactly have this huge pressure of cases and why are no Field Hospitals being set up or other measures taken?}

(99.6% Recovery Rate in Scotland right?)

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639b4d No.106862

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12684903 (231917ZJAN21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Nicola Sturgeon admits Covid vaccine wastage in Scotland following rollout

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Nicola Sturgeon admits Covid vaccine wastage in Scotland following rollout

Claire Anderson

23 Jan 2021

Nicola Sturgeon explained that there is an assumption up to five percent of the Covid vaccine could be wasted as the supply chain is disrupted. She went on to reveal that one percent of the vaccine in Scotland has been wasted. Speaking in Scottish Parliament, Jackie Baillie MSP asked: "Last week the Government published the COVID-19 deployment plan which allowed for five percent of Covid vaccines to be wasted.

"Can I ask the First Minister, can she tell us how many doses of vaccine have been wasted since rollout began?"

Ms Sturgeon replied: "There is an international standard on wasted assumptions on a programme of this scale.

"Five percent is a planning assumption; what it is there to do is just make sure we're factoring in the possibility of some large scale breakdown in the supply chain.

"A big freezer might malfunction or something else happens that disrupts a siginficant supply.

"There is not five percent wasted in practice."

"The wastage rate is around one percent and there are huge efforts to get that even lower."

It comes as Ms Sturgeon said future generations will learn lessons which will emerge from the Government's handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

The First Minister insisted that as Scotland and other countries remain in the grip of the "crisis", her Government is focused for now on dealing with it.

But she also stressed the importance of learning from what has happened in the 10 months since coronavirus arrived in Scotland last March.

The Scottish Government has come under fire over some of the decisions it has made - such as transferring elderly patients from hospital to care homes in the early part of the pandemic without first testing them for Covid.

"We've got things wrong, and I have tried never to shy away from this," Ms Sturgeon said on Friday.

"Some of that will be relatively small things in the grand scheme of things, some of that might be bigger."


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639b4d No.106863

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12685762 (232036ZJAN21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Coronavirus in Scotland: 76 more deaths in the last 24 hours as 1,307 more people test positive

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Coronavirus in Scotland: 76 more deaths in the last 24 hours as 1,307 more people test positive

Beth Murray

23 Jan 2021

In the last 24 hours, 76 more people have died from coronavirus and 1,307 new cases were reported in Scotland.

159 people are in intensive care with recently confirmed coronavirus and 2,085 people are in hospital.

380,667 people have received their first dose of the coronavirus vaccination and 5,188 have received their second dose.

1,307 new cases of coronavirus were reported in the last 24 hours, which brings the total number of people who have tested positive for the virus since the start of the pandemic to 171,006.

With the 76 deaths recorded today, the death toll under this measure, of people who first tested positive for the virus within the previous 28 days, rose to 5,703.


(Article originated from The Scotsman)

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639b4d No.106864

File: 9e75a96546d2b07⋯.png (10.19 KB,132x255,44:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 78134e903ba4c92⋯.png (1.08 MB,837x686,837:686,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12688910 (240122ZJAN21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Pressure piles on Crown Office & Inquiry demands evidence held back from Salmond court case, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Pressure_piles_on_Crown_Office_Salmond_Inquiry_Scottish_mail_Saturday_23rd_January_2021_by_Michael_Blackely.png

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2 stories from today's newspapers.

Saturday 23/01/2021

One from the Scottish Mail and the other from the Times (Scotland).

Scottish Mail headline reads..

Pressure piles on Crown Office

Scottish mail Saturday 23rd January 2021 by Michael Blackely (Scottish Political Editor).

Holyrood…>”has taken steps to compel the Crown Office to hand over key documents.”

>“MSPs on the inquiry committee have invoked >special powers which can force the release of >correspondence.”

>The notice to the crown office says it (The >Crown Office) “may hold documents relevant >and necessary for the committee to fulfil its remit.”

>”The committee wants WhatsApp messages >between a senior SNP official, Susan Ruddick, >and Scottish ministers, special advisers or civil >servants sent between August 2018 and >January 2019 that may be relevant to the >inquiry to be released.”

>”The Crown office was given until 5pm on >January 29 to respond to the notice.”

It occurs to me that those same powers could be used to compel similar evidenciary material in relation to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry from senior SNP MSP's in relation to their dialogue with "special advisers or civil servants" which always seemed to end up "against" an Inquiry in to such State abuse of children; like this one (advisor, not in favour of child abuse inquiry, due to "time" constraints) in my previous post >>>/qresearch/12572072 >>106859

>Page 20 of Michael Russell's statement to the public inquiry

Dracula, Lord Brian Gill, as an advisor suggested by none other than fatty arbuckle himself (Salmond) to Michael Russell; to seek legal council from regarding a potential Child Abuse Inquiry.

The 2nd story I've uploaded is the same subject matter, covered by

Kieran Andrews (Scottish Political Editor) for the Times Scotland 23/01/2021

Inquiry demands evidence held back from Salmond court case.

>It is the first time that Holyrood has used the >powers of section 23 of the Scotland Act, >which can force an individual “to produce >documents, concerning any subject for which >any member of the Scottish Government has general responsibility”.

This writer also drawing attention to the demand for

>“…release of the legal advice from external council…”

He quotes Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour’s interim leader as saying

>“Enough is enough—the secrecy must end.”

Yes Jackie. It does.

Section 23 of the Scotland Act has to be used immediately by Lady (are you really?) Smith, chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) to demand material evidence of correspondence between MSP’s and “special advisors and civil servants” which always resulted in the advice being to refuse an inquiry, by Lords and Genteelfolk (what-what?)

The hand holding up the Mail article belongs to His Boggley-eyed(ness) the Chief Guinnea-pig, who is still awaiting being called up to give "pub lic" evidence at the Public Inquiry, into State abuse of children in care over a lengthy period probably since the 2nd world war; but only allowing those abused after 1964 to obtain Legal aid to bring it to light.


>>>>/qresearch/12573071 (You)


>You can’t even write English

You are probably right. I confess to only ever having finished primary school.

I dodged school in secondary and was expelled eventually mid-way through 4th year, having spent very little time there productively. I have no qualifications from that time whatsoever.

I've never paid income tax and I'm knocking on a bit.

Who the fuck would want to pay for their own enslavement?

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639b4d No.106865

File: 155b623052ba1b9⋯.png (12.64 KB,255x202,255:202,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12699497 (242204ZJAN21) Notable: Scottish Labour leadership contender Anas Sarwar accepted £4000 donation from firm owned by convicted paedophile, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: anas_sarwar_gordon_brown_and_johann_lamont_dailly_record_article_sarwaar_accepting_donation_from_convicted_paedophile.png

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an article from dailyrecord.co.uk


Scottish Labour leadership contender Anas Sarwar accepted £4000 donation from firm owned by convicted paedophile


"Scottish Labour leadership contender Anas Sarwar accepted a £4000 political donation from a company owned by a convicted paedophile.

The MSP was given the money by Ali Najafian’s A&G Investments Ltd to fund his successful campaign to be party deputy.

Iranian businessman Najafian admitted a catalogue of sex offences against young girls in 1992.

A 12-year-old victim was so traumatised she tried to take her own life three times and had to undergo psychiatric counselling.

Anas Sarwar will compete against Monica Lennon for the role of party leader after Richard Leonard stood down earlier this month

Related Articles

Najafian – who has 18 company directorships – instructed lawyers to threaten to go to court and get a gag order preventing us from revealing details of his past and his cash gift.

The 64-year-old property tycoon owns A&G Investments with brother Gholam.

He has been at the centre of controversy several times over the years – including a cramped labour camp filled with Eastern European workers being found on his land.

As well as the donation in 2011, Najafian’s firm has given £8000 in total to Scottish Labour – a further £2000 went to its Glasgow Central branch in 2010 months before Anas took over the seat from his dad Mohammad Sarwar – along with £2000 to the wider party.

A spokeswoman for the Electoral Commission confirmed it is the responsibility of political parties and individuals to check if donations come from a permissible source.

There is no suggestion that Sarwar broke any electoral rules.

Married dad-of-three Sarwar, 37, is running against Monica Lennon to become Scottish Labour’s next leader after Richard Leonard stepped down earlier this month.

He admitted having met Najafian at party events and knowing his nephew but claimed he was unaware of the convictions.

Sarwar said: “I had no knowledge of these abhorrent revelations from 30 years ago about a director in a company which donated to the Labour Party and my campaign a decade ago.

“I am angry about this and any insinuation that I would have ever accepted this donation with that knowledge is deeply distressing.

“It is also upsetting, and I feel not a coincidence, to see this surfacing in the week I have launched my campaign to reunite the country – but that only makes me more determined to change our politics and rebuild our nation.”

Despite calls for Najafian to pay compensation to his victims in 1992, the taxpayer paid the bill for a criminal injuries award after his appearance at Hamilton Sheriff Court.

He was sentenced to complete 200 hours of community service and one year’s probation.

In 2005, a site housing Polish labourers in cramped conditions was uncovered by firefighters at a farmhouse which was owned by Najafian at the time.

Some 30 workers – five to a room – were lodging in portable cabins on Greenfield Farm, near Eaglesham, Renfrewshire.

Ali Najafian's farmhouse in 2005

Firefighters found the squalid digs after being called to a blaze at the property and a local authority probe was launched over claims the accommodation block had been erected without permission.

At the time, Najafian said he had rented the farm to a German firm and had no idea it was being used for accommodation.

In 2006 Najafian was again at the centre of controversy over plans to pull down a play park on land he owned.

He had bought the plot in Barrhead five years earlier – while the play equipment was owned by East Renfrewshire Council.

The businessman closed the site because talks aimed at giving him an alternative piece of land broke down and he wanted the council to pay him rent.

When we contacted Najafian on Friday he said: “Please please, I swear to God I have never done anything wrong in my life, I have got a daughter, I have got corona.”

The sex offender appeared in the Sunday Mail after admitting a catalogue of horrendous offences against young girls

His legal team said they planned to take the Sunday Mail to the Court of Session within 24 hours in a bid to have our revelations blocked via an interim interdict.

However, they later climbed down and dropped the threat.

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639b4d No.106866

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12858560 (081022ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Holyrood inquiry session with Salmond called off

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Holyrood inquiry session with Salmond called off

Alex Salmond will not appear at the Holyrood inquiry on the government's handling of harassment complaints on Tuesday as had been planned.

The former first minister is locked in a dispute with the committee over what material can be published.

A spokeswoman for the parliament said Mr Salmond had "raised a number of issues for clarification, and that Tuesday's session would not go ahead.

She said the committee would continue to have talks with his representatives.

MSPs took more evidence from SNP chief executive Peter Murrell on Monday morning, and will discuss the issue of Mr Salmond's appearance afterwards.

Some members had called for an emergency meeting of the committee on Friday, with Lib Dem MSP Alex Cole-Hamilton saying the group was "in crisis".

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639b4d No.106867

File: fcb727c2819234b⋯.jpg (12.71 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12858564 (081023ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Could Alex Salmond bring down Nicola Sturgeon?, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: _116598087_adec334c_8dd0_46fb_ae00_26b7bc6d5875.jpg

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Could Alex Salmond bring down Nicola Sturgeon?

In the next few weeks, the two most prominent figures in SNP history are expected to give evidence at a Holyrood inquiry into how the Scottish government handled harassment allegations against the former Scottish first minister Alex Salmond.

Mr Salmond has accused Nicola Sturgeon of misleading the Scottish Parliament and breaching the ministerial code.

Ms Sturgeon's spokesman has accused Mr Salmond of spinning false conspiracy theories.

The row could have significant implications for Scottish politics.

"He's trying to bring the house down."

That was the conclusion of one of Ms Sturgeon's close allies shortly after it emerged Mr Salmond was publicly accusing her of misleading the Scottish Parliament and breaking the ministerial code.

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639b4d No.106868

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12858572 (081024ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Did Nicola Sturgeon break the ministerial code?

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Did Nicola Sturgeon break the ministerial code?

Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon is facing questions after her predecessor Alex Salmond accused her of "repeatedly" misleading parliament and breaking the ministerial code.

Ms Sturgeon has rejected the accusations, but has referred herself for an independent investigation. What exactly are the claims, who will adjudicate and what could it all mean?

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639b4d No.106869

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12876053 (100306ZFEB21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds

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Originally General Research #16435


CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds…State, Local Governments Must Act

100 Percent Fed Up reports – Throughout the election, Donald Trump was battered by CCP Virus statistics in order to hurt the American economy and his political campaign. We know that it was shamelessly wielded as a political weapon to prevent President Trump and his supporters from rallying as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burned progressive poor and minority neighborhoods to the ground throughout the entire year. Now that Biden has been installed into the office of president, he promises to increase Covid lockdown measures and extend them further into your ability to travel and force unscientific mask-wearing for at least 100 days.

But, a new peer reviewed study has been released that finds the CDC numbers to be so wildly unsupported as to be pure propaganda that is based on wholly unscientific practices that were needlessly created on-the-spot.

The National File Reports

“The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) stands accused of violating federal law by inflating Coronavirus fatality numbers, according to stunning information obtained by NATIONAL FILE.

CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge. The study, “COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective,” was authored by Henry Ealy, Michael McEvoy, Daniel Chong, John Nowicki , Monica Sava, Sandeep Gupta, David White, James Jordan , Daniel Simon, and Paul Anderson.”

The study is 25 pages long with over 100 citations. However, the main main points can be summarized.

A major point is that testing inaccuracies and unreliability combined with unscientific procedures and methods resulted in demonstrably massive false-positive spikes:

“The CDC is now legally requiring red-blooded Americans to wear face masks on all public transportation as globalists try to push the concept of “double-masking” on the populace. Since the election, the World Health Organization admits that PCR tests are not totally reliable on the first try and a second test might be needed. This corresponds with CDC’s quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold. Hospitals in Florida had so many accuracy complications that Orlando Health had to admit that its 9.4 percent positivity rate got recorded at 98 percent. (READ: The TRUTH About Fauci and Gates And NIH Owning A Stake in the Vaccine).”

There are also profound legal implications raised by the study that need to be dealt with in courts around the country if America is to ever be free again. The data you have been spoonfed by the CDC for a year raises serious legal issues. Much like the 2020 election, massive changes in rules for reporting and collecting data were instituted exclusively for Covid which resulted in a 1600% inflated number of fatalities:

“The groundbreaking peer-reviewed research…asserts that the CDC willfully violated multiple federal laws including the Information Quality Act, Paperwork Reduction Act, and Administrative Procedures Act at minimum. (Publishing Journal – Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge / Public Health Policy Initiative) Most notably, the CDC illegally enacted new rules for data collection and reporting exclusively for COVID-19 that resulted in a 1,600% inflation of current COVID-19 fatality totals,” the watchdog group All Concerned Citizens declared in a statement provided to NATIONAL FILE, referring to the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge study.

“The research demonstrates that the CDC failed to apply for mandatory federal oversight and failed to open a mandatory period for public scientific comment in both instances as is required by federal law before enacting new rules for data collection and reporting. The CDC is required to be in full compliance with all federal laws even during emergency situations. The research asserts that CDC willfully compromised the accuracy and integrity of all COVID-19 case and fatality data from the onset of this crisis in order to fraudulently inflate case and fatality data,” stated All Concerned Citizens.”


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639b4d No.106870

File: dc640da0f32fd04⋯.png (11.85 KB,255x188,255:188,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12887130 (110237ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Full text: Alex Salmond’s submission to the Hamilton inquiry, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: feba842a9f5117e666b2502805e20aeadebcfb45058554b9b19168a8964da9ad.png

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Originally UK #32 >>>/qresearch/12879808

Sturgeon is evil, what is unfolding in Scotland will hopefully be her downfall.

Full text: Alex Salmond’s submission to the Hamilton inquiry

This is Alex Salmond’s submission to the Hamilton Inquiry, in which he accuses First Minister Nicola Sturgeon of misleading parliament and breaching the ministerial code.


1. This is a submission to James Hamilton at his repeated request to assist in his examination of possible breaches of the Ministerial Code by the First Minister.

2. I have also shared this submission with the Parliamentary Committee as it is relevant to Phase Four of their Inquiry into complaints handling by Civil Servants, Government Ministers and Special Advisers.

3. The Whatsapp messages between myself and the First Minister were provided to the Parliamentary Committee by the First Minister and published by them. Therefore, I do not enclose them here, save for the inclusion of the message of 13th July 2018 in unredacted form referred to below. (Appendix A)

Continued at sauce (Its not massively long):


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639b4d No.106871

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12893752 (111945ZFEB21) Notable: Farage: We Are Fast Becoming a Police State

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Originally midnightriders #260 >>>/qresearch/56174

Farage: We Are Fast Becoming a Police State

Brexit leader Nigel Farage has criticised Health Secretary Matt Hancock for being “drunk on his own power” after introducing a law making it a criminal offence to lie about having travelled from a coronavirus ‘red list’ nation, which could result in ten years in prison.

The health secretary announced the new measures on Tuesday, putting the potential sentence on a par with prison terms handed out for serious crimes such as poisoning or making threats to kill.

Reform UK leader Nigel Farage reacted to the remarkable development in Britain’s coronavirus strategy, saying: “The Coronavirus Act allows ministers to take the most draconian decisions without due process or a vote in parliament. It is a threat to civil liberties.”

10 years in prison for going on holiday?

The government has gone too far this time.

Power without accountability. pic.twitter.com/rp4dh48OHr

— Nigel Farage (@Nigel_Farage) February 10, 2021

Mr Farage reminded Britons during a YouTube broadcast on Wednesday that he had warned the government was “taking far too much power” and eroding Britons’ liberties for several months, but that “all of this went a step too far” following Hancock’s “diktat”, saying the health minister had become “completely drunk on his own power”.

“We are fast becoming a police state,” Mr Farage later remarked.

Former Supreme Court Justice Jonathan Sumption had also warned that government ministers’ ability to force through new measures and police expanded powers to enforce it made Britain increasingly look like a “police state”.

Farage further criticised the government’s hypocritical approach to border control, where that while last year “they couldn’t care less about our borders” and allowed 18 million people to arrived unchecked in the three months up to the first lockdown, Britons are now ordered to quarantine in hotels for ten days if they have come from any of the dozens of “red list” nations at a cost of £1,750 per person for accommodation, travel, and testing.

Minister Says UK Govt Discussing ‘Internationally Recognised’ Corona Passport for Global Travel https://t.co/CARmcCK7aa

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 11, 2021

He also remarked on the complete lack of parity in treatment between legal arrivals — threatened with costly hotel confinement or arrest — and illegal aliens who continue to arrive across the English Channel to be put up at taxpayers’ expense.

“There is one exception to all of this: if you come into the UK illegally by dinghy across the English Channel on the next calm day, the fact that you’ve got no documentation, the fact you’ve not had a PCR coronavirus test in the previous three days, none of that will matter. You will still get put into a hotel. The difference is: nobody will charge you £1,700 for the privilege.

“If ever there was a moment to start dealing with illegal immigration, surely it’s now. If we’re going to get tough with our borders, is this not the moment to say, ‘We will not accept people coming criminally into the United Kingdom and posing a massive coronavirus risk’?” he said.

The Reform UK leader also said that while he could understand the government providing documentary proof of vaccination so that Britons could use it to enter foreign countries demanding it, “what I don’t want, is for us to finish up with people in the street being stopped asked to produce their papers to prove they’ve been vaccinated. With this government as out of control as it is as we’ve seen in the last 24 hours, I think any of these things are possible.”

“This is about our liberties. This is about our freedoms. The more power central government takes, the more difficult it is to get those freedoms back,” he warned.

Delingpole: Ten Years’ Jail for Lying About Your Holiday? This Is Pure Fascist Insanity https://t.co/ehcdbZWsgb

— Breitbart London (@BreitbartLondon) February 11, 2021


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639b4d No.106872

File: 7a44fd8f3707454⋯.jpg (1.8 MB,2492x3476,623:869,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c28c93a39563bc8⋯.jpg (872.13 KB,1276x1752,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 0651118bef8b1cc⋯.jpg (1021.93 KB,1276x1752,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12939739 (160100ZFEB21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Pages 21-23 of Michael Russel's statement plus CELSIS screenshot and LEECH attatchment

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>Page 20 of Michael Russell's statement to the public inquiry


I seem to be having problems posting anything…

If this posts up, the first 3 attachments are pages 21-23 of Michael Russell's statement to the Chair of the SCOTTISH CHILD ABUSE INQUIRY (SCAI), with comments from a clown with nought but a primary school education! Apologies for the coffee stains, but still readable.

the 4th one is a screenshot from CELSIS (fucked if I can be bothered checking to see what it stands for, it's populated by cunts in the pockets of Government…as JJ keeps posting"it is hard to understand something when your salary DEPENDS on you NOT understanding it") "about us" page, an organisation set up to receive public funds (YOUR BLOOD, SWEAT AND TEARS-TAXATION, FINES ETC) for the deliverance and services to those who were abused as children dating back to the 50's and beyond by the STATE and religious organisations. Most of their funding went on their own salaries, those and other organisations, including FUTURE PATHWAYS.


The final attachment is the content of the "about us" from the LEECH organisation called Celcis's website, with comments.

>Page 20 of Michael Russell's statement to the public inquiry







All the other links are here in the bun



I can't resist putting the links to our old pals Gill and Carloway, just to show you what total and utter wankers are governing you.

I wouldn't have employed either of these fucks, even to lick my arse clean after a severe bout of the shits, not even the height of the CONVID propaganda when they kidded you all on there was a bog-roll shortage and supposing I'd completely run out of toilet paper!

Grow some fucking balls … all of you.

Scotland the brave? my arse. A nation of compliant clowns. When will you all get it? Will you wait until the government or the health service order you to eat your own shite because "it cures convid"?

If they said that publicly there are no end of you who will comply in great, greedy handfuls. Some of you will wear nappies to catch the shite, some will trade in it, some will fight over who gets to eat the shite………….cos let's face it, you have all been eating up the Governments shite for the last year.

I don't even know why I bother trying to inform you all, perhaps you are all just the "useless eaters" the government think you are?

I have never been so embarrassed to be a Scot, I have never been so embarrassed to be human. The world is full of fucking morons swallowing all these blatantly obvious lies about virus's. How come a CUNT like me with no education can see it is all pish and all of you are walking about like zombies complying with this crap?


Anybody complying with any of this shit is aMORON

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639b4d No.106873

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/12939830 (160110ZFEB21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun / Carloway and Gill (video)

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Sorry forgot to add links to carloway and gill, two absolute tadgers who are among those who RULE OVER YOU!



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639b4d No.106874

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13034471 (240016ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / The crown office has intervened in the removal of the private submissions by Alex Salmond to the convener of the Scottish Parliament, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: case_study_4_foreword_lady_anne_smith.png, peter_murrell_perjury_allegations_scotsman_newspaper.png, alex_salmond_submissions_redacted.png

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Foreword of case study 4 in attachments

A pic of Lady Anne Smith chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).

I do like the look of her. I don't know why, all I know is I feel hopeful looking at her. Time will tell.


4th case study by the Inquiry…all in total vindication of survivors…the same survivors who have taken part in an ongoing inquiry (SCAI), which in Lord Gill's view, should not be allowed on the basis "…it would take too long. His experience of inquiries was that an inquiry was not the right way to proceed with an issue such as historical abuse of children in care because it would not "satisfy people."

"He was one of the people who felt that if we went down that route we would be sucked into a swamp."

From page 20 of Michael Russell’s statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry here…………


Newsflash from His Boggley-eyed(ness), the Grand Chieftain of the Guinea-pigs, who himself was tortured as a child with ECT and subjected to drug trials, by people claiming themselves to be “Health Authorities" while under the "care" (they didn't care) of the STATE…

“The crown office has intervened in the removal of the private submissions by Alex Salmond to the convener of the Scottish Parliament. Those submissions were made public last night the 22nd of Feb. 2021 by the Scottish parliament committee led by Linda Fabiani, Convener of the committee investigating the Salmond/Sturgeon affair, they were withdrawn this afternoon 23/2/2021, at the request of the Lord Advocate, James Wolfe QC at around 2:30PM. He apparently suggested it would not be in the public interest for them to be made publicly available on the Scottish Parliament website. Alex Salmond’s legal council have advised the committee that they and Mr Salmond will not be turning up tomorrow as scheduled to give evidence, in protest of his submissions being disallowed.”

Any anon with an ability to find those submissions on a way back internet thingummy bob and submit them here would be appreciated.if they exist…the chief test subject, his boggley-eye(ness) believes the submissons to have been published yesterday, I myself am not sure, I certainly did not see them, or read them.

The following from today’s news, probably “Reporting Scotland”, which I heard over the telephone this evening…

Nicola Sturgeon, described the Aberdien meeting as "fleeting" but, didn't tell government officials till 2 months later, while claiming it to have been an SNP Party meeting, which would not require minutes to have been taken; in contrast with a Government meeting where minutes “would” have to have been taken!

Her husband, Peter Murrell, told a quite different version of events when he was questioned in Parliament 3 weeks ago, when he said he felt it (the meeting between Mrs Murrell aka Nicola Sturgeon and Geoff Aberdein) looked like Government business and didn't intervene.

BBC Scotland covered it, just finished…heard it on the phone, I don't have bbc…I don't have tv tbh…not sure what it was called but around 11pm…if someone could post a link to it that'd be great.

2nd attachment scotsman newspaper article regarding murrell testimony from 8th February 2021


3rd attach

Alex salmond redacted, daily record 50 second newsclip at url:


All this talk of the crown, which is not the queen, it is an institution, it is not Her Majesty, who I somehow feel is going to be one of the good guys when all has been said and done.

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639b4d No.106875

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13034821 (240109ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Alex Salmond Submission (four parts)

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Part One

This is Alex Salmond’s submission to the Hamilton Inquiry, in which he accuses First Minister Nicola Sturgeon of misleading parliament and breaching the ministerial code.


1. This is a submission to James Hamilton at his repeated request to assist in his examination of possible breaches of the Ministerial Code by the First Minister.

2. I have also shared this submission with the Parliamentary Committee as it is relevant to Phase Four of their Inquiry into complaints handling by Civil Servants, Government Ministers and Special Advisers.

3. The Whatsapp messages between myself and the First Minister were provided to the Parliamentary Committee by the First Minister and published by them. Therefore, I do not enclose them here, save for the inclusion of the message of 13th July 2018 in unredacted form referred to below. (Appendix A)

The Terms of Reference

4. Mr Hamilton wrote to me on 8th September, 29th October, 16th November, 4th and 19th December. I replied on 6th and 17th October, 23rd November and 23rd December. I finally agreed under some protest to make this submission.

The reason for my concern is that the remit drawn up for Mr Hamilton focuses on whether the First Minister intervened in a civil service process. As I have pointed out to Mr Hamilton, I know of no provisions in the Ministerial Code which makes it improper for a First Minister to so intervene.

5. To the contrary, intervention by the First Minister in an apparently unlawful process (subsequently confirmed by the Court of Session) would not constitute a breach precisely because the First Minister is under a duty in clause 2.30 of the Ministerial Code to avoid such illegality on the part of the Government she leads.

6. Further, to suggest intervention was a breach would be to ignore and contradict the express reliance of the procedure on the position of the First Minister as the leader of the party to which the former minister was a member in order to administer some unspecified sanction.

7. It will accordingly be a significant surprise if any breach of the Ministerial Code is found when the terms of reference have been tightly drafted by the Deputy First Minister to focus on that aspect of the First Minister’s conduct.

8. By contrast, I have information which suggests other related breaches of the Ministerial Code which should properly be examined by Mr Hamilton. I have asked that he undertake that investigation. I have drawn his attention to the apparent parliamentary assurance from the First Minister on 29th October 2020 that there was no restriction on Mr Hamilton preventing him from doing so.

9. Mr Hamilton has failed to give me a clear response as to whether these related matters relevant to the Ministerial Code, but outwith the specific remit, are going to be considered. However, in his letter of 4th December he did indicate that he was inclined to the view that such matters could be considered and will take into account arguments for their inclusion. It is on that basis I make this submission.

10. In doing so, I would note that it does not serve the public interest if the independent process of examination of the Ministerial Code (which I introduced as First Minister) is predetermined, or seen to be predetermined, by a restrictive remit given by the Deputy First Minister.

11. A restricted investigation would not achieve its purpose of genuine independent determination and would undermine confidence in what has been a useful innovation in public accountability.

12. I would accordingly urge Mr Hamilton to embrace the independence of his role and the express assurance given to the Scottish Parliament by the First Minister that he is free to expand the original remit drafted by the Deputy First Minister and to address each of the matters contained in this submission.

Breaches of the Ministerial Code.

13. Beyond the terms of the remit set for Mr Hamilton by the Deputy First Minister, there are other aspects of the conduct of the First Minister which, in my submission, require scrutiny and determination in relation to breaches of the Ministerial Code.

14. I was contacted by phone on or around 9 March 2018 and further the following week by Geoff Aberdein, my former Chief of Staff. The purpose of the contact was to tell me about meetings he had held with the First Minister’s Chief of Staff, Liz Lloyd, at her request.

15. In the second of these meetings she had informed him that she was aware of two complaints concerning me under a new complaints process introduced to include former Ministers. She named one of the complainers to him. At that stage I did not know the identity of the other complainer.

16. On receipt of the letter from the Permanent Secretary first informing me of complaints on 7th March 2018 I had secured Levy and McRae as my solicitors and Duncan Hamilton, Advocate and Ronnie Clancy QC as my counsel.

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639b4d No.106876

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13034844 (240112ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Alex Salmond Submission (four parts)

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Part Two

17. Even at this early stage we had identified that there were a range of serious deficiencies in the procedure. There was no public or parliamentary record of it ever being adopted. In addition it contained many aspects of both procedural unfairness and substantive illegality.

There was an obvious and immediate question over the respect to which the Scottish Government even had jurisdiction to consider the complaints. In relation to former Ministers (in contrast to current Ministers) it offered no opportunity for mediation. The complaints procedure of which I was familiar (‘Fairness at Work’) was based on the legislative foundation of the Ministerial Code in which the First Minister was the final decision maker.

I wished to bring all of these matters to the attention of the First Minister. I did not know at that stage the degree of knowledge and involvement in the policy on the part of both the First Minister and her Chief of Staff.

18. Mr Aberdein had been asked by Ms Lloyd to be her contact with me and they jointly arranged a meeting with the First Minister in the Scottish Parliament on 29th March 2018. This meeting was for the purpose of discussing the complaints and thereafter arranging a direct meeting between myself and the First Minister.

There was never the slightest doubt what the meeting was about. Any suggestion by the First Minister to the Scottish Parliament (Official Report, 8th October 2020) that the meeting was ‘fleeting or opportunistic’ is simply untrue.

It was agreed on the 29th March 2018 at the meeting in the Scottish Parliament attended by Mr Aberdein and the First Minister [REDACTED] that the meeting between myself and the First Minister would take place on 2nd April at her home near Glasgow. Self-evidently only the First Minister could issue that invitation to her private home.

19. In attendance at the meeting on 2nd April 2018 were Mr Aberdein, Mr Hamilton, Ms Lloyd and myself. The First Minister and I met privately and then there was a general discussion with all five of us. My purpose was to alert the First Minister to the illegality of the process (not being aware at that time of her involvement in it) and to seek an intervention from the First Minister to secure a mediation process to resolve the complaints.

20. I was well aware that under the Ministerial Code the First Minister should notify the civil service of the discussion and believed that this would be the point at which she would make her views known. The First Minister assured us that she would make such an intervention at an appropriate stage.

21. On 23rd April 2018, I phoned the First Minister by arrangement on WhatsApp to say that a formal offer of mediation was being made via my solicitor to the Permanent Secretary that day. In the event, this offer was declined by the Permanent Secretary, even before it was put to the complainers.

22. By the end of May, it was becoming clear that the substantial arguments my legal team were making in correspondence against the legality of the procedure were not having any impact with the Permanent Secretary. My legal team advised that it was impossible properly to defend myself against the complaints under such a flawed procedure. They advised that a petition for Judicial Review would have excellent prospects of success given the Government were acting unlawfully.

However I was extremely reluctant to sue the Government I once led. I wanted to avoid the damage both to the Scottish Government and the SNP which would inevitably result. To avoid such a drastic step, I resolved to let the First Minister see the draft petition for Judicial Review. As a lawyer, and as First Minister, I assumed that she would see the legal jeopardy into which the government was drifting. I therefore sought a further meeting.

23. On 1st June 2018 the First Minister sent me a message which was the opposite of the assurance she had given on the 2nd April 2018 suggesting instead that she had always said that intervention was “not the right thing to do”.

That was both untrue and disturbing. On 3rd June 2018 I sent her a message on the implications for the Government in losing a Judicial Review and pointing to her obligation (under the Ministerial Code) to ensure that her administration was acting lawfully and (under the Scotland Act) to ensure that their actions were compliant with the European Convention.

24. The First Minister and I met in Aberdeen on 7th June 2018 when I asked her to look at the draft Judicial Review Petition. She did briefly but made it clear she was now disinclined to make any intervention.

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639b4d No.106877

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13034854 (240113ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Alex Salmond Submission (four parts)

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Part Three

25. My desire to avoid damaging and expensive litigation remained. My legal team thereafter offered arbitration as an alternative to putting the matter before the Court of Session. That proposal was designed to offer a quick and relatively inexpensive means of demonstrating the illegality of the procedure in a process which guaranteed the confidentiality of the complainers.

It would also have demonstrated the illegality of the process in a forum which would be much less damaging to the Scottish Government than the subsequent public declaration of illegality.

I was prepared at that time to engage fully with the procedure in the event my legal advice was incorrect. In the event, of course, it was robust. I explained the advantages of such an approach to the First Minister in a Whatsapp message of 5th July 2018.


27. On 18th July 2018 the First Minister phoned me at 13.05 to say that arbitration had been rejected and suggested that this was on the advice of the Law Officers. She urged me to submit a substantive rebuttal of the specific complaints against me, suggested that the general complaints already answered were of little consequence and would be dismissed, and then assured me that my submission would be judged fairly.

She told me I would receive a letter from the Permanent Secretary offering me further time to submit such a rebuttal which duly arrived later that day. As it turned out the rebuttal once submitted was given only cursory examination by the Investigating Officer in the course of a single day and she had already submitted her final report to the Permanent Secretary.

My view is now that it was believed that my submission of a rebuttal would weaken the case for Judicial Review (my involvement in rebutting the substance of the complaints being seen to cure the procedural unfairness) and that the First Minister’s phone call of 18th July 2018 and the Permanent Secretary’s letter of the same date suggesting that it was in my “interests” to submit a substantive response was designed to achieve that.

28. In terms of the meetings with me, the only breaches of the Ministerial Code are the failure to inform civil servants timeously of the nature of the meetings.

29. My view is that the First Minister should have informed the Permanent Secretary of the legal risks they were running and ensured a proper examination of the legal position and satisfied herself that her Government were acting lawfully.

30. Further once the Judicial Review had commenced, and at the very latest by October 31st 2018 the Government and the First Minister knew of legal advice from external counsel (the First Minister consulted with counsel on 13th November) that on the balance of probability they would lose the Judicial Review and be found to have acted unlawfully.

Despite this the legal action was continued until early January 2019 and was only conceded after both Government external counsel threatened to resign from the case which they considered to be unstateable. This, on any reading, is contrary to section 2.30 of the Ministerial Code.

31. Most seriously, Parliament has been repeatedly misled on a number of occasions about the nature of the meeting of 2nd April 2018.

32. The First Minister told Parliament (see Official Report of 8th,10th & 17th January 2019) that she first learned of the complaints against me when I visited her home on 2nd April 2018. That is untrue and is a breach of the Ministerial Code.

The evidence from Mr Aberdein that he personally discussed the existence of the complaints, and summarised the substance of the complaints, with the First Minister in a pre arranged meeting in Parliament on 29th March 2018 arranged for that specific purpose cannot be reconciled with the position of the First Minister to Parliament.

The fact that Mr Aberdein learned of these complaints in early March 2018 from the Chief of Staff to the First Minister who thereafter arranged for the meeting between Mr Aberdein and the First Minister on 29th March to discuss them, is supported by his sharing that information contemporaneously with myself, Kevin Pringle and Duncan Hamilton, Advocate.

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639b4d No.106878

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13034860 (240114ZFEB21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun / Alex Salmond Submission (four parts)

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Part Four

33. In her written submission to the Committee, the First Minister has subsequently admitted to that meeting on 29th March 2018, claiming to have previously ‘forgotten’ about it. That is, with respect, untenable.

The pre-arranged meeting in the Scottish Parliament of 29th March 2018 was “forgotten” about because acknowledging it would have rendered ridiculous the claim made by the First Minister in Parliament that it had been believed that the meeting on 2nd April was on SNP Party business (Official Report 8th & 10th January 2019) and thus held at her private residence.

In reality all participants in that meeting were fully aware of what the meeting was about and why it had been arranged. The meeting took place with a shared understanding of the issues for discussion – the complaints made and the Scottish Government procedure which had been launched.

The First Minister’s claim that it was ever thought to be about anything other than the complaints made against me is wholly false.

The failure to account for the meeting on 29th March 2018 when making a statement to Parliament, and thereafter failing to correct that false representation, is a further breach of the Ministerial Code.

Further, the repeated representation to the Parliament of the meeting on the 2nd April 2018 as being a ‘party’ meeting because it proceeded in ignorance of the complaints is false and manifestly untrue. The meeting on 2nd April 2018 was arranged as a direct consequence of the prior meeting about the complaints held in the Scottish Parliament on 29th March 2018.

34. The First Minister additionally informed Parliament (Official Report 10th January 2018) that ‘I did not know how the Scottish Government was dealing with the complaint, I did not know how the Scottish Government intended to deal with the complaint and I did not make any effort to find out how the Scottish Government was dealing with the complaint or to intervene in how the Scottish Government was dealing with the complaint.’

I would contrast that position with the factual position at paragraphs 20 and 27 above. The First Minister’s position on this is simply untrue. She did initially offer to intervene, in the presence of all those at the First Minister’s house on the 2nd April 2018.

Moreover, she did engage in following the process of the complaint and indeed reported the status of that process to me personally.

35. I also believe it should be investigated further in terms of the Ministerial Code, whether the criminal leak of part of the contents of the Permanent Secretary’s Decision report to the Daily Record was sourced from the First Minister’s Office.

We now know from a statement made by the Daily Record editor that they received a document. I enclose at Appendix B the summary of the ICO review of the complaint which explains the criminal nature of the leak and the identification of 23 possible staff sources of the leak given that the Prosecutor has “sympathy with the hypothesis that the leak came from an employee of the Scottish Government”.

My reasoning is as follows. The leak did not come from me, or anyone representing me. In fact I sought interdict to prevent publication and damage to my reputation. The leak is very unlikely indeed to have come from either of the two complainers.

The Chief Constable, correctly, refused to accept a copy of the report when it was offered to Police Scotland on August 21st 2018 by the Crown Agent. It cannot, therefore have leaked from Police Scotland.

Scottish Government officials had not leaked the fact of an investigation from January when it started.

The only additional group of people to have received such a document, or summary of such a document, in the week prior to publication in the Daily Record was the First Minister’s Office as indicated in paragraph 4.8 of the ICO Prosecutor’s Report. In that office, the document would be accessed by the First Minister and her Special Advisers.

I would be happy to offer further information on this submission.

Rt Hon Alex Salmond

31st December 2020

Written byAlex Salmond


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639b4d No.106879

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13049465 (260230ZFEB21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / UK looks set to embrace World Economic Forum's idea of immunity passports

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Originally Midnight Riders #289 >>>/qresearch/63254

UK looks set to embrace World Economic Forum's idea of immunity passports

The system they said would never happen appears to be arriving soon.

“Don’t forget your passport,” the World Economic Forum recently tweeted - promoting the idea of people having to show documentation to enter gyms, restaurants, and bars.



One country that likes the sound of the idea is the United Kingdom.

UK’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson hinted that Brits might require vaccine passports domestically, to access public venues such as pubs and theaters. The UK government has previously adamantly denied it was working on the so-called vaccine passports.




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639b4d No.106880

File: a845aea21e04bcc⋯.jpg (546.61 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13068812 (281544ZFEB21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / Larkhall, South Lanarkshire now has a testing center dedicated to testing only people with NO symptoms

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Larkhall, South Lanarkshire now has a testing center dedicated to testing only people with NO symptoms… (they have this clearly stated at the site n went to get pics but they seem to have shut shop today) can this get any more retarded?

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639b4d No.106881

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13078017 (011241ZMAR21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / 31 Reasons Why I Wont Take the Vaccine, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: a_rabbis_31_reasons_for_not_taking_the_vaccine_part_1.png, a_rabbis_31_reasons_for_not_taking_the_vaccine_part_2.png, a_rabbis_31_reasons_for_not_taking_the_vaccine_part_3.png, a_rabbis_31_reasons_for_not_taking_the_vaccine_part_4.png, a_rabbis_31_reasons_for_not_taking_the_vaccine_part_5.png

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A Rabbi's 31 reasons for not taking the vaccine.

31 Reasons Why I Wont Take the Vaccine

The following list was created by the Israeli rabbi Chananya Weissman.

Originally published by Baron Bodissey, Feb. 2, 2021. By Narrow Gate on Feb. 9th.

No racial or religious group is responsible for the shape of our existing world. There would, it appears, seem to be people from all groups, racial, religious or otherwise who are intent on causing upheaval to the whole of mankind; many more from all groups fail to take issue with "one of their own" and contribute to the failings of their own particular group/s by failing to challenge things that are plainly unacceptable and detrimental to the majority.

Most God fearing people are good, no matter what their religion or skin tone.

I have been down the Jewish rabbit hole, the Catholic rabbit hole and many others in the last 40 odd years. I find that those who truly believe in God fear Him. Those who fear Him are motivated to put others first and try and see life from their eyes; empathy as opposed to apathy.

Thank you Rabbi Weismann for taking the time to write down what many of us are in agreement with but, perhaps fail to articulate as well as you have.

God bless you Sir.

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639b4d No.106882

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13078023 (011244ZMAR21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun / 31 Reasons Why I Wont Take the Vaccine

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Forgot to add the source.


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639b4d No.106883

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13099115 (022244ZMAR21) Notable: Final Covid 19 Bun

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FinalCovid 19 Bun

>>106767 Mystery illness in India, one year delta from first covid case (BBC video)

>>106769 Ninety year-old woman from Northern Ireland first to recieve Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine outisde clinical trials

>>106770 Health and care workers get first vaccine in Wales

>>106771 Coronavirus Scotland: £185m business support 'too little too late'

>>106814 Covid-19 in Scotland: Show us the data on new virus strain, demand scientists

>>106816 Police Scotland to double its presence in border areas but no checkpoints planned

>>106819 Check Point secures and streamlines management of NHS Scotland's sensitive health data in the public cloud

>>106820 The five key events in the fake pandemic

>>106821 Moderna 2018 prospectus

>>106832 JAG DRAG Coronavirus Scotland: Frontline medics still waiting for vaccine as ‘non-clinical staff get jag’

>>106834 Catherine Austin Fitts || Planet Lockdown

>>106839 Sturgeon to Scottish Parliament on "British virus" and lock downs

>>106849, >>106850 Scottish police use lockdown powers to storm into a home and violently arrest the family

>>106858 Urgent recall issued on hand sanitiser being sold in the UK as analysis reveals gel contains 'highly toxic banned substance'

>>106861 Scotland Extends Virus Lockdown Until at Least Mid-February

>>106862 Nicola Sturgeon admits Covid vaccine wastage in Scotland following rollout

>>106863 Coronavirus in Scotland: 76 more deaths in the last 24 hours as 1,307 more people test positive

>>106869 CDC Exposed: Inflated Covid Deaths By 1600% Throughout The Election, “Violated Multiple Federal Laws” Peer-Reviewed Study Finds

>>106879 UK looks set to embrace World Economic Forum's idea of immunity passports

>>106880 Larkhall, South Lanarkshire now has a testing center dedicated to testing only people with NO symptoms

>>106881, >>106882 31 Reasons Why I Wont Take the Vaccine

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106884

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13099118 (022245ZMAR21) Notable: Final Education and Skills Committee meetings bun

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Final Education and Skills Committee meetings bun

>>106799 30 Sept 2020

>>106801, >>106804 7 Oct 2020

>>106805, >>106807, >>106808 28 Oct 2020

>>106810 Discussing the "waiver" aspect of the redress scheme 30 Sept 2020

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639b4d No.106885

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13099121 (022246ZMAR21) Notable: Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun

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Final Systemic Abuse in Scotland bun

>>106843 Slow pace of Lady Smith's Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry upsets survivors

>>106845, >>106846 References to Scotland #1

>>106848 Pages 5-9 of Michael Russell's statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry as past Minister

>>106851 Continuation of the statement of Michael Russell

>>106852 Michael Russell statement to the Scottish child abuse inquiry…pages 15-19

>>106853 More Michael Russell statement

>>106854 Info on Lady Ann Smith, Chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry SCAI and 2 others

>>106859 Page 20 of Michael Russell's statement to the public inquiry

>>106872 Pages 21-23 of Michael Russel's statement plus CELSIS screenshot and LEECH attatchment

>>106873 Carloway and Gill (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

639b4d No.106886

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13099125 (022247ZMAR21) Notable: Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun

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Final Salmond and Sturgeon bun

>>106860 UKColumn News - Alex Salmond malicious attack by Nicola Sturgeon

>>106864 Pressure piles on Crown Office & Inquiry demands evidence held back from Salmond court case

>>106866 Holyrood inquiry session with Salmond called off

>>106867 Could Alex Salmond bring down Nicola Sturgeon?

>>106868 Did Nicola Sturgeon break the ministerial code?

>>106870 Full text: Alex Salmond’s submission to the Hamilton inquiry

>>106874 The crown office has intervened in the removal of the private submissions by Alex Salmond to the convener of the Scottish Parliament

>>106875, >>106876, >>106877, >>106878 Alex Salmond Submission (four parts)

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3f5c8b No.107510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13101595 (031506ZMAR21) Notable: COVID-19 2nd wave variant neutralises itself (video)

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Originally South Africa #3 >>>/qresearch/13101316

“COVID-19 2nd wave variant neutralises itself: Nzimande”- https://youtu.be/AusedwprJEw

“It's been revealed those infected with the newest COVID-19 variant are not only protected against this variant in future but also against earlier ones. The announcement was made by Higher Education Minister Blade Nzimande [SACP].”

How convenient.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

3f5c8b No.107511

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13105113 (042107ZMAR21) Notable: Dr. Sam Bailey: there has been no virus isolation (video)

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Originally UK #34 >>>/qresearch/13104953


Interdasting video on the fact that there has been no virus isolation.

Dr. Sam Bailey

210K subscribers


•2 Mar 2021

Censorship, Isolation of SARS-CoV-2, Lateral Flow Tests, Great Reset & Ivermectin.

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3f5c8b No.107512

File: de82a9bfa1d3979⋯.png (10.32 KB,255x207,85:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13105668 (042307ZMAR21) Notable: The Sturgeon case exposes the fatal flaw in Scottish devolution, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 83d2f0d3ab7411c0a5f58068495e5bf4c84e2ba3a16d98f8e157c5212ddfa438.png

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Originally UK #34 >>>/qresearch/13105368

Devolution has ended up giving Scotland a new establishment even more powerful - and less accountable - than the old one. Leading article in the new Spectator

The Sturgeon case exposes the fatal flaw in Scottish devolution

The campaign for a Scottish parliament was rooted in the notion of a ‘democratic deficit’. Scotland kept voting Labour but the UK kept getting Conservative governments. Devolution, so the logic ran, would give Scotland a more responsive government. Two decades on, a new democratic deficit is emerging: the chasm between the minimum accountability demanded by the parliament and the maximum Nicola Sturgeon’s government is prepared to give. A new establishment has taken root in Edinburgh, more powerful and less accountable than the old one.

The Alex Salmond inquiry, which began as a recondite tale about a failed attempt by Sturgeon’s government to probe sexual misconduct claims against the former Scottish National party leader, has narrowed to three stark questions. Did Sturgeon lie to parliament about what she knew and when? Did she break the ministerial code in failing to inform civil servants of a secret meeting with Salmond at her private home until two months after the fact? And is there any credence in Salmond’s incendiary accusation that people around Sturgeon, including her husband, the SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, conspired to have him imprisoned?

The investigation of these questions has exposed where power really lies in Scotland. The Lord Advocate, James Wolffe QC, a member of Sturgeon’s cabinet and head of the Crown Office prosecution service, this week gave evidence to a Holyrood committee investigating the Salmond affair. Wolffe started off reminding Holyrood politicians that — unlike MPs — they are ‘punishable’ under the law for statements they may make in parliament. The doctrine of parliamentary privilege, a cornerstone of Westminster’s democracy, does not exist in Scotland.

But when Wolffe was asked if his fellow government ministers are punishable under the law, he had far less to say. What would happen, he was asked, if (as Salmond alleges) ministers refused to hand over a cache of documents, despite being subject to a search warrant? Would this be illegal? ‘I am not going to make any comment in the abstract on what might or might not be a criminal offence,’ he said. It is hard to imagine an attorney general refusing to be drawn on such a fundamental point of law before parliament and remaining in post.

Obstruction has been a constant theme of the Salmond inquiry. Legal advice twice demanded by the Scottish parliament and twice denied by the Scottish government was released only after Sturgeon’s deputy was threatened with a motion of no confidence. The documents proved that Sturgeon’s government proceeded with costly legal action against Salmond long after being advised by lawyers that the case would fail.

It was against this backdrop of secrecy and intrigue that The Spectator went to the High Court to secure the right of the inquiry and the public to see all relevant evidence — specifically Salmond’s written testimony accusing Sturgeon of breaking the ministerial code. No sooner had the High Court made clear that there were no obstacles to parliament publishing whatever it wanted than the Crown Office pressured the Scottish parliament to censor Salmond’s testimony. This testimony did not (as was absurdly claimed) jeopardise the anonymity of the complainants. We should know. We published it in January and it remains on Spectator.co.uk now.

More at:


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3f5c8b No.107513

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13170844 (081711ZMAR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Corona: After the death of a nurse in Austria, thousands of AstraZeneca cans end up in the garbage

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Originally Germany #76 >>>/qresearch/13170824

(translated by Yandex)

Corona: After the death of a nurse in Austria, thousands of AstraZeneca cans end up in the garbage

Covid-19 vaccine: AstraZeneca batch withdrawn in Austria

According to ORF, 6,000 doses of vaccine had to be withdrawn. Around 37,000 doses of the batch have already been inoculated. The precautionary stop for the batch ABV 5300 of the AstraZeneca vaccine has been in place since Friday evening. On Sunday, the state of Carinthia announced that vaccine doses of this batch had been delivered. "The Red Cross, the hospitals and the Medical Association - the sponsoring organizations that had been supplied with this batch - were immediately informed.“

How oe24.at according to reports, the said batch included one million doses. It had been distributed throughout Europe. Austria had received around 43,000 doses of the vaccine. Where exactly the remaining 6,000 doses are is still unclear. On Sunday, according to media reports in Carinthia, the exhibition center in Klagenfurt was locked up. Only vaccine doses from the affected batch were available to the state capital. A hotline for those affected has been set up.


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3f5c8b No.107514

File: a4d1b620e3e6213⋯.png (12.64 KB,235x255,47:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13177506 (100613ZMAR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Australian Health Minister hospitalized, "in serious condition", day after receiving Covid, Astra-Zeneca, Vaccine, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 26d4f0302826d43be3fb0ef7c69259f663709e77717caf65737008566b800c3a.png

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Originally Midnight Riders #306 >>>/qresearch/69015

Rocco Galati @roccogalatilaw

Australian Health Minister hospitalized, "in serious condition", day after receiving Covid, Astra-Zeneca, Vaccine.


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3f5c8b No.107515

File: 9a145f6600e8e72⋯.png (18.5 KB,192x255,64:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13183432 (110212ZMAR21) Notable: British Nursing Candidates Rejected as UK Govt Prioritised Cheaper Migrants: Think Tank, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 888aac66a3a4026b81e5c06bb68c47b7fae336add2f635979e438031cb4d1f30.png

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Originally UK #34 >>>/qresearch/13183226

British Nursing Candidates Rejected as UK Govt Prioritised Cheaper Migrants: Think Tank

Hundreds of thousands of native British nursing candidates have been rejected over the past decade, while the government made it easier to bring in cheaper nurses from abroad, a report from Migration Watch UK has claimed.

The report, which was seen by Breitbart London, said that even during the Chinese coronavirus pandemic last year, over 23,000 British applications for nursing courses were rejected, despite the government offering 1,200 fast-tracked Health and Care Worker visas to foreigners during the same time.

Since 2010, over half of the nearly 650,000 UK-based nursing course applications were rejected, with 348,000 applicants in Britain being turned away, Migration Watch UK reported.

In recent years, the British government has sought to recruit tens of thousands of foreign nurses under the premise of a “shortage” of NHS staff. In 2016, for example, nurses were placed on the shortage occupation list — making it easier to hire from abroad — despite 36,200 Britain-based applications being rejected during the same year.

At the time, Migration Advisory Committee chairman Sir David Metcalfe said: “There is no good reason why the supply of nurses cannot be sourced domestically.”



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3f5c8b No.107516

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13186725 (111649ZMAR21) Notable: Mark Thompson, CEO of the pedovore protectin' New York Times is the former CEO of BBC

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Originally Mexico #2 >>>/qresearch/13186362

New York Times

"Where the pedovores roam"

Mark Thompson, CEO of the pedovore protectin' New York Times is the former CEO of BBC - the British Broadcasting Corporation where the satanist pedophile Jimmy Savile worked for 30 + years, raping 10s of 000s of children, some of them in hospitals, others in the studios on premises owned by the BBC.

Thompson engineered the BBC Savile cover up then jumped ship to become CEO of the NY Times. Thompson continues to protect the satanist pedovore cultists who rape and sacrifice children.







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3f5c8b No.107517

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13186935 (111756ZMAR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Covid-19: Several European countries suspend AstraZeneca vaccinations over blood clot fears

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Originally Midnight Riders #308 >>>/qresearch/69398

Covid-19: Several European countries suspend AstraZeneca vaccinations over blood clot fears

Seven European countries – Denmark, Norway, Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxembourg – have suspended all or part of their AstraZeneca vaccine roll-out as a precaution while they investigate concerns relating to blood clots.

Danish health authorities on Thursday suspended all AstraZeneca vaccinations for two weeks after a 60-year old woman who had been vaccinated formed a blood clot and died.

The move "follows reports of serious cases of blood clots among people vaccinated with AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine", the Danish Health Authority said in a statement.

But it cautiously added that "it has not been determined, at the time being, that there is a link between the vaccine and the blood clots".

Norway soon followed suit, supending all AstraZeneca vaccinations.

Austria earlier announced it had suspended the use of a batch of AstraZeneca vaccines after a 49-year-old nurse died of "severe blood coagulation problems" days after receiving an anti-Covid shot.

Four other European countries – Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxembourg – have also suspended the use of vaccines from this batch, which was sent to 17 European countries and consisted of one million jabs.

Spain said Thursday that it has not registered any cases of blood clots related to AstraZeneca's Covid-19 vaccine so far and will continue administering the shots.

Spanish Health Minister Carolina Darias said she had been informed of cases of blood clots among recently vaccinated people in Austria, but added that "so far, no causal relation between the vaccine and the blood clot events has been established", and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) was evaluating the situation.


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3f5c8b No.107518

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13188147 (112331ZMAR21) Notable: The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill passed stage 3 in the Scottish Parliament today

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The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill passed stage 3 in the Scottish Parliament today. The "waiver" of rights of victims passed alongside and will remain in the new legislation, it will only apply to institutions that made "fair and meaningful financial contributions"; effectively putting some pressure on the institutons to do so, no contribution means they can still be sued. The sad thing is that for most of these institutions there is a reliance on Government (tax payer) issued largesse for their survival, which means you still pay, the tax-payer that is, in both instances; the government contribution will come from you and once the institutions recieve their new and improved handouts they will use that taxpayer funded treasure to make "fair and meaningful contributions"


>Survivors who were abused before 1964, or for other reasons cannot, or do not want to, raise an action in civil court, will now have an opportunity to receive financial redress through an alternative route.

>Survivors who currently have the right to raise a civil action in respect of their abuse, will continue to have that option. The Bill provides a choice for them on whether or not they want to accept a payment through the redress scheme or pursue litigation. If they choose to accept the payment, they will be required to sign a waiver. The waiver only will apply to the organisations that have made fair and meaningful financial contributions to the redress scheme, the amounts of which will be published. Organisations who do not contribute will not be included in the waiver. In the absence of the waiver where an organisation does not participate in the scheme, survivors will be able to receive their redress payment and still retain the option to raise legal action against the organisation.

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3f5c8b No.107519

File: b5b889baa3508dd⋯.png (10.44 KB,255x171,85:57,Clipboard.png)

File: 099c21c3144671a⋯.png (11.56 KB,255x193,255:193,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13188178 (112340ZMAR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / Salmond and Sturgeon evidence in full (two links), MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Alex_salmond_harrassment_complaints_evidence.png, nicola_sturgeon_evidence_on_salmond_harrasment_inquiry.png

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Alex salmond evidence in full.


Nicola Sturgeon evidence in full.

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3f5c8b No.107520

File: 3a936a7a9107100⋯.png (12.15 KB,148x255,148:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13193473 (122109ZMAR21) Notable: In Scotland, you can now be arrested for what you say at the dinner table in your own home., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: dabf35e792c9a156e68934abec8a565f5204d3a88a63e7b728d051e36ddb532e.png

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Originally UK #34 >>>/qresearch/13190966

Scotland sinks further into the swamp.

In Scotland, you can now be arrested for what you say at the dinner table in your own home.

Just think about that for a minute.


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3f5c8b No.107521

File: 915303a2df6da8a⋯.png (10.31 KB,145x255,29:51,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13203473 (141525ZMAR21) Notable: Victims of historic child abuse can now secure gagging payments in return for a waiver of rights to pursue civil legal action, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: scottish_sun_scottish_child_abuse_victims_cant_sue_beasts_if_they_accept_goernments_cash_for_silence_compensaton_payouts.png

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/>Scotland sinks further into the swamp.


>In Scotland, you can now be arrested for what you say at the dinner table in your own home.


>Just think about that for a minute.



What we have to do is revert to Common Law; long forgotten in favour of Civil Law. That is the only legal solution to all this corruption/perversion in high places.

I wonder why this story…


…isn't being given as much media attention?

Victims of historic child abuse can now secure gagging payments of up to £100,000 (sounds better than it actually is; the hoops victims would have to jump through for this 100k are practically insurmountable) in return for a waiver of rights to pursue civil legal action (does it prevent pursuit through common law though) against the perpetrators of their abuse. This waiver would allow the churches and charities who carried out the abuse to evade any kind of censure, in return for "fair and meaningful contribution" to the fund. The only thing is…all the money these churches and charities get from the public will be used (and no doubt increased) to cover these contributions.

>“Nothing should be taken from a survivor unless it is replaced with something better. That won’t happen with these redress plans.”

>The Scottish Government is currently consulting on how the scheme — which was demanded by campaigners for years — would work in practice.

>A new document published by Deputy First Minister John Swinney suggests that if a payment is made, a “waiver” would have to be signed by the victim to “give up their right to raise an action in court”.

>Specialist abuse lawyer Kim Leslie has spoken out to warn victims about the payment scheme's planned 'waiver' clauseCredit:

>It adds: “Many redress schemes in other countries have required applicants to choose between accepting a redress payment and pursuing remedies in the civil courts.

>“We are proposing to take the same approach. In other words, an applicant should find out how much they would receive by way of a redress payment and take legal advice before deciding whether to accept it — or reject it and pursue an award in the civil courts instead.

>“This will commonly require the signing of a waiver at the point of accepting a redress payment, which means the applicant would give up their right to raise a court action in respect of their experience in care.”

>A document published by Deputy First minister John Swinney suggests victims will have to sign a 'waiver'Credit: Getty Images - Getty

>But Ms Leslie, a partner at Digby Brown Solicitors, warned: “My overwhelming concern is the redress payment scheme will force an opt-out of any civil damages claim when a far fairer process would be that it would be in addition to, or offset against, any future damages.

>“The only parties who would benefit from these proposals are individuals and organisations who could dodge the shame and costs of legal actions.”

>The consultation is due to close on November 25 and draft legislation will be tabled next year, with the law set to be passed in early 2021.

We told last week how more than 250 child abuse victims had already claimed £10,000 in compensation in just six months under an advance Government scheme for people who are terminally ill or over 70, to provide “recognition of the harm done”

>The wider redress scheme is being set up in parallel with the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry, which is examining historical allegations of the abuse of children in care.

>The probe began in 2016 and is currently focussing on abuse perpetrated by male religious orders.

>Tonight a Scottish Government spokeswoman said: “We have made no judgments or conclusions as to how the redress scheme should be established or operate.

>“We would encourage as many people as possible to respond to the consultation. Their views will help inform this hugely important work.”


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3f5c8b No.107522

File: b902ecf800b3ab8⋯.png (12.42 KB,255x132,85:44,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13243525 (171626ZMAR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Boxing was in mourning on Saturday night after the shock death of one its all-time greats, Marvin Hagler, at just 66, after he reportedly suffered side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 66c4b36b3cde5b5af32507b3982320602623a9c1c9005de1ab5eb762e2c3df84.png

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Originally Midnight Riders #317 >>>/qresearch/71067

Boxing was in mourning on Saturday night after the shock death of one its all-time greats, Marvin Hagler, at just 66, after he reportedly suffered side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine.

The American boxer - born in Newark, New Jersey - dominated the sport's middleweight scene, which he was champion of between 1980 and 1987.

He was also named as the Fighter of the Decade for the 1980s by Boxing Illustrated magazine and won the Ring Magazine Fighter of the Year award twice.

The man who was floored officially only once in his incredible brutal career ­- and that was actually a slip - finally took the count.


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3f5c8b No.107523

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13250069 (181731ZMAR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Tanzania's Covid-denying president, John Magufuli, dies aged 61

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Originally South Africa #4 >>>/qresearch/13248884

“Tanzanian President John Magufuli dies at 61” - https://youtu.be/gQyaLN1mpBY

“Tanzania's Covid-denying president, John Magufuli, dies aged 61”


Tanzania’s president, John Magufuli, one of Africa’s most prominent Covid-19 deniers, has died after a two-week absence from public life that prompted speculation that he had contracted the disease.

Magufuli’s death was announced on Wednesday by the country’s vice-president, Samia Suluhu, who said the president died of heart failure. He was 61.

“The president of the United Republic of Tanzania, the honourable Dr John Pombe Joseph Magufuli … [has] died of a heart condition, at hospital Mzena in Dar es Salaam, where he was receiving treatment,” she said on state broadcaster TBC.

Magufuli, a divisive figure who won a second term in October in an election marred by violence and allegations of fraud, had not been seen in public since 27 February, leading many to believe that he was sick and possibly incapacitated. He had a history of heart problems and wore a pacemaker.

But the number of deaths of people experiencing breathing problems reportedly grew and, earlier this month, the US embassy warned of a significant increase in the number of Covid-19 cases in Tanzania since January. Days later, the presidency announced the death of John Kijazi, Magufuli’s chief secretary.

Soon after, the death was announced of the vice-president of the semi-autonomous island region of Zanzibar, whose political party had earlier reported that he had Covid-19.

Evidence suggests Tanzania was hit hard by a recent surge of infections across southern and parts of eastern Africa brought on by the spread of a new and more transmissible variant of the virus from South Africa. [They forget that the South African variant works better than the vaccines, “COVID-19 2nd wave variant neutralises itself: Nzimande”- https://youtu.be/AusedwprJEw]

Keep in mind.

“Tanzania’s President John Magufuli has dismissed the coronavirus test kits after they had returned positive results on samples taken from a goat and a pawpaw.” https://guardian.ng/life/goat-sheep-and-paw-paw-test-positive-for-coronavirus-in-tanzania/]

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3f5c8b No.107524

File: 16fba50ae6229ef⋯.png (13.55 KB,184x255,184:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13251840 (182305ZMAR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / NICOLA Sturgeon misled parliament over the Alex Salmond affair, MSPs have concluded, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: sturgeon_misled_parliament_heraldscotland.png

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Calls for Nicola Sturgeon to resign.

"NICOLA Sturgeon misled parliament over the Alex Salmond affair, MSPs have concluded.

The Holyrood inquiry into the affair found the First Minister gave "an inaccurate account" of her actions and so misled the cross-party investigation.

However it stopped short of saying she did so "knowingly", the threshold for resignation under the Scottish Ministerial Code.

It is understood the inquiry split down party lines 5-4 on the issue earlier today, and decided Ms Sturgeon broke the code on the balance of probabilities, with only SNP MSPs clearing their leader.

The decision is likely to increase pressure on Ms Sturgeon to stand down before May's election.

The Scottish Tories have said they wil bring forward a vote of no confidence in Ms Sturgeon before Holyrood breaks for the election on March 25.

The First Minister's spokesman said she "told the truth" in her eight-hour evidence session a fortnight ago, and accused opposition MSPs of "partisan and selective briefing" ahead of the full inquiry report coming out.

But the opposition parties scented blood. "

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3f5c8b No.107525

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13252582 (190103ZMAR21) Notable: The Scottish government gave a 575 million pound guarantee to Greensill Capital group in 2016

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Originally Midnight Riders #319 >>>/qresearch/714522

Italy guaranteed 86 mln euro Greensill loan to Gupta steel arm, filing says

The Italian government guaranteed an 86 million euros ($102 million) loan from Greensill Bank, part of the collapsed Greensill Capital group, to one of steel magnate Sanjeev Gupta’s firms, according to accounts filed with the Italian corporate registry in recent weeks.

The firm, Liberty Magona SRL, secured a guarantee from SACE SpA, Italy’s state-controlled export credit agency, for the loan under measures to help companies navigate the coronavirus crisis, according to Liberty Magona’s accounts for a period from Jan. 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020 which include information on material post-yearend events. Piombino-based Liberty Magona, which makes galvanized steel, said the three-year loan was taken out in late August last year to strengthen its finances at a time when it was facing weaker demand for its products due to the pandemic. The Italian Ministry of Economy and Finance did not immediately respond to a request for comment. GFG Alliance and Greensill declined to comment on the loan. The German financial regulator has filed a criminal complaint against Bremen-based Greensill Bank.

Greensill Capital group filed for bankruptcy protection in Britain and Australia this month, citing a $5 billion exposure to Indian-British businessman Gupta’s GFG Alliance. It said Gupta’s firms had begun to default on its obligations. GFG, an umbrella company for Gupta’s network of steel, aluminium and energy companies, said last week it was looking to secure additional working capital facilities to help it weather challenging market conditions but was also operationally strong and benefiting from buoyant steel markets. GFG Alliance employs 35,000 people across 30 countries, according to its website. In Britain, the opposition Labour Party has said the government should consider nationalising the company if it cannot secure the financial backing it is trying to attract. Italy is not the only country to have provided guarantees to Gupta’s firms. The Scottish government gave a 575 million pound guarantee to the group in 2016, Reuters reported in 2019, citing people familiar with the matter.

UK media have reported that the London government has also guaranteed hundreds of millions of loans to GFG Alliance or connected companies under Coronavirus loan schemes.


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3f5c8b No.107526

File: 0071a40ad9e82d0⋯.png (10.18 KB,255x133,255:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13262561 (201615ZMAR21) Notable: Covid Bun / CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 792acd4a5785f6636b455d3590e7f01a16103f327aab550e1cd1b826a1eacfad.png

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CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines

VAERS data released today showed 38,444 reports of adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries since Dec. 14, 2020.

By Megan Redshaw

Data released today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on the number of injuries and deaths reported to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) following COVID vaccines showed 38,444 reports of adverse events since Dec. 14, 2020.

On March 8, The Defender contacted the CDC with questions about how the agency is investigating reports of deaths and injuries after COVID vaccines. We provided a written list of questions asking the status of investigations on deaths reported in the media, if autopsies are being done, the standard for determining whether an injury is causally connected to a vaccine and the known issues with VAERS — namely whether healthcare providers are reporting all injuries and deaths that might be connected to the COVID vaccine, and what education initiatives are in place to encourage and facilitate proper and accurate reporting. We asked for a reply within two days.

As of today, 11 days later, the CDC has not answered our questions. Instead, when we call them, they respond saying, “they have received our email, they will escalate it and it is in the system.” When we asked if we could speak with the person reviewing the email, we were told that information could not be provided. When we emailed them to follow up, we received no response.

Every Friday, VAERS makes public all vaccine injury reports received by the system as of Friday of the previous week. The 34,444 adverse events reported between Dec. 14, 2020, and March 11 include 1,739 deaths and 6,286 serious injuries.

This week’s data included reports of 478 cases of Bell’s Palsy. Of those, 66% of cases were reported after Pfizer-BioNTech vaccinations — almost twice as many as reported (36%) following vaccination with the Moderna vaccine.

The first Johnson & Johnson (J&J) COVID vaccine was administered in the U.S. on March 2. As of March 11, nine anaphylactic reactions associated with J&J’s vaccine had been reported to VAERS. As The Defender reported earlier this month, the J&J vaccine contains polysorbate 80, known to trigger allergic reactions, The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines contain polyethylene glycol (PEG), also known to trigger anaphylactic reactions.

In the U.S., 98.2 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered as of March 11.

VAERS is the primary mechanism for reporting adverse vaccine reactions in the U.S. Reports submitted to VAERS require further investigation before a causal relationship can be confirmed.

For the most part, today’s data reflect trends that have emerged since The Defender first began tracking VAERS reports related to COVID vaccines.

This week’s VAERS data show:

Of the 1,739 deaths reported as of March 11, 30% occurred within 48 hours of vaccination, 21% occurred within 24 hours, and 46% occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of being vaccinated. By comparison, during the same period, there were only 85 deaths reported following flu vaccines.

Nineteen percent of deaths were related to cardiac disorders.

Fifty-three percent of those who died were male, 44% were female and the remaining death reports did not include gender of the deceased.

The average age of those who died was 77.9 and the youngest death was an 18-year-old.

More at:


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3f5c8b No.107527

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13291443 (242251ZMAR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / Alex Salmond to take Scottish government to court again

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Alex Salmond to take Scottish government to court again

Alex Salmond is to take fresh legal action over the conduct of the Scottish government's top civil servant.

The former first minister said Permanent Secretary Leslie Evans had failed to take responsibility for the botched handling of harassment complaints against him.

He said he had instructed his lawyers to bring proceedings in the Court of Session.

Mr Salmond previously won a judicial review case against the government.

That case forced the government to pay Mr Salmond's legal fees of more than £500,000 after its investigation into complaints by two female civil servants was found to have been unlawful.

While the precise basis of his latest legal bid is not clear, the BBC understands the ex-SNP leader intends to sue the Scottish government for an unspecified amount in damages.

Mr Salmond also said he would also be making a formal complaint to the police over the leaking of details of the allegations against him to the Daily Record newspaper.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has said she still has confidence in Ms Evans as permanent secretary, and that the government "made a mistake in the course of trying to do the right thing".

Ms Evans had her contract extended by the first minister last year. It is due to expire in 2022.

The Scottish government said it would be "inappropriate to comment on a hypothetical legal action or on any matter Mr Salmond may raise with the police.

On Tuesday, a Holyrood inquiry concluded that the government's handling of the two harassment complaints against Mr Salmond in 2018 was "seriously flawed".

MSPs on the inquiry committee were critical of the way the new complaints process was drawn up and applied, and of the government's conduct in defending the judicial review proceedings brought by Mr Salmond.

The report was critical of Ms Evans, saying there had been an "individual failing" on her part over the judicial review and that she should have known that the "multiple roles" she played in the process represented "a significant organisational risk".

A separate inquiry by a leading Irish lawyer concluded that Ms Sturgeon's involvement in the saga had not breached the ministerial code.

The first minister has since said she would have resigned if she had been found to have done so.

Mr Salmond said the permanent secretary should consider her position after the court case in 2019, and renewed this call while giving evidence to the inquiry last month.

In a statement released on Wednesday, the former SNP leader said: "More than two years later, and despite the most damning condemnation from a committee in the history of the modern Scottish Parliament, the permanent secretary still refuses to accept real responsibility."

He said he had taken legal advice and would "shortly be instructing my lawyers to bring proceedings in the Court of Session arising as a direct result of the conduct of the permanent secretary".

Mr Salmond was acquitted of 13 charges of sexual assault in a separate High Court trial in March 2020.



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3f5c8b No.107528

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13297971 (252129ZMAR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / Former British ambassador was found guilty of contempt of court by Scottish tribunal on Thursday for articles he had published about trial of former First Minister Alex Salmond

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Originally General Research 16845 >>>/qresearch/1297799

The former British ambassador was found guilty of contempt of court by a Scottish tribunal on Thursday for articles he had published about the trial of former First Minister Alex Salmond.

Craig Murray, an ex-British ambassador and blogger, was found in contempt of court by a tribunal in Scotland on Thursday for articles he had written that the court says helped identify accusers of former First Minister Alex Salmond of sexual abuse.

Murray faces up to two years in jail as well as a fine. The sentencing is set for May 7.

Murray was charged with contempt of court for allegedly revealing the identity of four anonymous accusers indirectly; of writing about the exclusion of two jurors in violation of a court order and of allegedly prejudicing the case in Salmond’s favor. There was no pronouncement of guilt on the latter two charges. Salmond was acquitted at trial of 13 sex charges in March 2020.

The judgement against Murray was leaked to the Scottish newspaper, The National, on Monday. On the same day Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was cleared by a cross-party inquiry of lying to Parliament about the Salmond affair. The inquiry looked into whether SNP officials, including possibly Sturgeon, conspired to arrange anonymous civil servants to level the sexual assault and attempted rape charges against Sturgeon’s political rival Salmond.

Murray reacted on Twitter that day.


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3f5c8b No.107529

File: fec58e6be507e68⋯.png (9.56 KB,255x210,17:14,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13305777 (270042ZMAR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / Former SNP leader Alex Salmond launches new political party, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: alex_salmond_new_independence_party_alba.png

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Former SNP leader Alex Salmond launches new political party

>Former SNP leader Alex Salmond has announced the creation of a new pro-independence party which will contest the Scottish Parliament election.


>The former first minister said he would be among the candidates who will stand for the Alba Party on regional lists.


>Mr Salmond said the aim was to build "a supermajority for independence" at Holyrood after the election in May.


>Other parties described Mr Salmond as "discredited" and questioned his suitability for public office.


>The announcement came at the end of a dramatic week at Holyrood.


>What does Salmond's new party mean for the election?

> What is the Salmond and Sturgeon row all about?


>On Wednesday, Mr Salmond said he would take fresh legal action over the conduct of the Scottish government's top civil servant.


>A report by MSPs on Tuesday described the government's handling of harassment complaints against Mr Salmond as "seriously flawed".


>The previous day, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon was cleared of breaching the ministerial code over her involvement in the Alex Salmond saga.

They really don't give a flying fuck do they? Any of them I mean. Self serving is the name of the game in politics…isn't it supposed to be the opposite?

Thankfully I never vote, it only encourages them to think they rule over me……..THEY DON'T.

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3f5c8b No.107530

File: 4b689782bd610d2⋯.png (11.3 KB,192x255,64:85,Clipboard.png)

File: 916cb2eb5e94067⋯.png (12.59 KB,206x255,206:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13311278 (272321ZMAR21) Notable: Elite school 'rape culture' scandal: Whitehall launches national investigation, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: ELITE_SCHOOL_RAPE_CULTURE_SCANDAL_TELEGRAPH_NEWSPAPER.png, newschant_com_elite_school_rape_culture_whitehall_launches_investigation.png

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I just posted this on uk board 36 and I'm posting it here to tie it in to this article about Salmond's new party because, Salmond was one of those "Government officials" who most certainly did conspire to prevent a Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) with amongst others, Lord Brian Gill…..

==Elite school 'rape culture' scandal: Whitehall launches national investigation

Officials from Home Office and Department for Education leading cross-Government response with senior officers==

>Britain's elite schools are at the centre of a major Whitehall investigation involving over their handling of the emerging "rape culture" scandal among pupils….

I'm not sure I'd hold out much hope here, after all how many "police chiefs, government officials" have been involved in not only the cover up of child abuse, but in many cases it is alleged police chiefs and government officials were actually involved in the abuse….along with the Judiciary, particularly in Scotland, where at least one senior retired Judge is currently being held in solitary confinement in a Scottish police station; not in a prison where others of lower social standing would be held if remanded for the same or similar charges of child sexual abuse.

I have no sub for the telegraph newspaper, here is an alternative for much the same info I presume…if another anon could post the full telegraph article from the telegraph I'd apreciate it.


Revised authorities recommendation on sexual violence and sexual harassment between youngsters in faculties and faculties is now being drawn up and can be in pressure in time for the subsequent educational year in September, The Telegraph can disclose.

Government sources stated a cross-Whitehall group of officers is predicted to fulfill minsters within the coming weeks. A supply added: “We take all allegations and considerations about sexual abuse or violence extraordinarily severely and are working with multi-agency safeguarding companions to make sure the protection of all youngsters in all faculties, together with in impartial faculties.

“Where schools do not meet the strict safeguarding standards that we have in place, we will always take action. If it becomes clear that there are current failings in any school’s safeguarding practice, we will immediately ask Ofsted or the Independent Schools Inspectorate to conduct an inspection. If a school is found to not be meeting the required safeguarding standard, we will make sure it either improves or closes.”

The Metropolitan Police launched an investigation on Friday evening after saying it had obtained a number of reviews of offences, with officers reviewing dozens of distressing accounts on Everyone’s Invited by ladies of the harassment, abuse and assault they face from male pupils.

Scotland Yard stated officers had been establishing whether or not any potential victims in London may very well be inspired to report crimes, with a number of already coming ahead. A hyperlink can also be now accessible on the web site to report crimes on to Scotland Yard.

Chief Constable Simon Bailey, the National Police Chiefs Council’s lead for little one abuse and investigation, stated on Saturday that “thousands of children and young people have come forward to report allegations of sexual offences within schools” because of the work of Everyone’s Invited.

He added: “We will now work at pace with Everyone’s Invited and partners, including the Home Office and Department for Education, to progress a joint response. If victims wish to report sexual abuse to the police, they can be confident that they will be believed and treated with compassion and respect before a thorough investigation is undertaken.”

An Ofsted spokesman vowed to conduct “surprise” inspections of faculties the place “safeguarding issues” come up.

On Saturday evening, Soma Sara, a former personal school lady and sexual abuse survivor who arrange the web site, requested to fulfill senior Government ministers. She instructed The Telegraph: “Everyone’s Invited would very much like to meet with ministers in the coming days to discuss the best way forward in eradicating rape culture.”

They are already trying to soften the sound of child abuse by calling it rape culture…it is rape culture of course, but if you leave out "of children" it doesn't sound quite so harsh.

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3f5c8b No.107531

File: 5a38f7b2c4dfcad⋯.png (7.98 KB,255x143,255:143,Clipboard.png)

File: dc5692d4517868a⋯.png (5.76 KB,255x88,255:88,Clipboard.png)

File: 36ef8ac6499b3b3⋯.png (8.42 KB,255x129,85:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 84615ba196c9035⋯.png (6.74 KB,255x120,17:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13315259 (281601ZMAR21) Notable: Dig on Gupta name, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: origin_of_the_family_name_gupta.png, gupta_family_history_ancestrydotcom.png, meaning_of_chandra.png, chandra_god_of_the_moon_wikipedia.png

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>I wonder if there's a relation other than a name?


>We know how they like their dynasties

gupta seems to suggest "secret" and "protected". Great empires were founded by chandraguptas.

>" from Sanskrit gupta ‘secret’, ‘protected’. This is a well-known name of ancient India; the two greatest empires of ancient northern India were both founded by persons named Chandragupta (see also Chandra). The founder of the Maurya empire in the 4th century bc was Chandragupta Maurya. In the 4th century ad, the Gupta empire was founded by another Chandragupta, and a long line of Gupta kings ruled India for about 200 years.

>Source: Dictionary of American Family Names ©2013, Oxford University Press"

Here is also a wikipedia link to "chandra" as suggested by ancestry.com


Chandra it would seem is the "god of the moon" and gupta means "secret" and "protected"

chandragupta … the secret, protected god of the moon.

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3f5c8b No.107532

File: e84ae6755660227⋯.png (7.81 KB,163x255,163:255,Clipboard.png)

File: 47db9a2ccf1f99a⋯.png (49.34 KB,479x639,479:639,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b69a1299b20c04⋯.png (17.07 KB,250x255,50:51,Clipboard.png)

File: c3a156230c97137⋯.png (7.9 KB,135x255,9:17,Clipboard.png)

File: c5c2adb85b84567⋯.png (9.92 KB,184x255,184:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13357728 (041407ZAPR21) Notable: Inquiry judge right to issue media ban, Court of Session hears, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: john_halley_pinned_tweet_twitter.png, crown_office_to_be_investigated_by_child_abuse_inquiry.png, lord_boyds_ruling_on_lady_ann_smiths_censorship_of_john_halleys_employment_tribunal.png, lord_boyds_ruling_on_lady_ann_smiths_censorship_of_john_halleys_employment_tribunal_part_2.png

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Here is a bit of an update on John Halley QC, who I have mentioned several times, on previous Scottish boards….

John Halley was the last of Susan O'Brien's team that headed the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI), prior to Lady Ann Smith, the current chair.

1st attachment is the pinned tweet from John Halley's twitter feed, and shows a large part of his public statement, made on 3rd may 2019, best defined by the following quote from it…

>In order to ensure necessary safeguarding of our children going forward, Scotland and our

survivors of child abuse require the truth


The full content of Mr Halley's public statement from May 2019 can also be found here…


…see 2nd attachment.

Personally I would love to be able to read that 17,500 word "note" to the new chair: That however will be unlikely as the chair has the ability to restrict disclosure or publication of any document given, produced or provided to the Inquiry, under section 19(1)(b) of the Inquiries Act 2005. This power to withhold information from the public (in the process of a "public" Inquiry) I have noted on previous Scotland boards and attached the relevent screenshots from the SCAI website.

3rd attachment is in recognition of the effect John Halley's public statement has made, with the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) now "likely" to be investigated regarding their failures regarding child abuse.


>The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) is likely to be investigated over alleged failures as part of an inquiry into historical child abuse, The Sunday Times reports.

>The Crown Office said it anticipates being part of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry’s (SCAI) investigation.

>“It is anticipated that future stages of the inquiry will require the institutions charged with the investigation and prosecution of crime to face up, candidly and critically, to the practices and policies of years gone by,” said a Crown Office spokesman.

>“In understanding and acknowledging the deficiencies of the past, lessons can be learnt for the future.”

>The disclosure from COPFS comes after a lawyer appointed to the inquiry brought up concerns that young people in care were being let down by a prosecution policy that did not capture sexual exploitation through prostitution.

>John Halley, an advocate and part-time sheriff, submitted a report to Lady Smith, chairwoman of the inquiry, detailing his concerns.

>Mr Halley cites a number of cases that never made it to court – despite evidence of sexual abuse and trafficking of children in care.

>He questions in his report whether cases were dropped as part of a prosecution policy introduced in 1991 that found it was not in the public interest to pursue clients of male prostitutes, some as young as 16, who had engaged in homosexual acts.

>He argues this may have facilitated the trafficking of young people in care.

>“I will not be complicit in, nor tolerate, cover ups and failure to report or to investigate systemic failures, including prosecution policy failures, which appear to have perpetrated injustice on vulnerable young people in care in Scotland,” Halley wrote in a statement on Twitter.


Inquiry judge right to issue media ban, Court of Session hears

I believe that the content of the 17,500 word "note" is the real reason John Halley has once again been silenced! That and his public statement of may 2019.

How, in the process of a "public inquiry" can ANY information be hidden from the public; especially on such an important topic such as child abuse? The cover up continues under the lies of CONVID 19, during which time the inquiry has largely been closed and continues to avoid any scrutiny whatsoever of State crimes against humanity. Read the public statement again…

> I will not permit the serious

allegations, detailed in my Note, of past child exploitation, and failures to report suspicions of

child exploitation, by lawyers, judges, public figures and others, to be ignored

Serious allegations have been made of child exploitation, as well as failure to report on such matters, of lawyers, judges, public figures and others and all detailed in the "note".

Lord Boyd of Duncansby has just ruled, 1st April 2021. The full content of Lord Boyd's opinion on the matter can be found here…


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3f5c8b No.107533

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13371196 (061431ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

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Originally Canada #16 >>>/qresearch/13369284

US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

The National Institutes of Health has “systematically thwarted” government oversight of dangerous pathogen research, Rutgers University professor of chemical biology Richard H. Ebright told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The P3CO Review Framework was created in 2017 after a three-year pause on government funding of research that intentionally makes pathogens more deadly or transmissible.

An NIH grant that involved the modification of bat-based coronaviruses and the transfer of $600,000 to the Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the pandemic bypassed P3CO review because the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, led by Anthony Fauci, didn’t flag the project for review.

An oversight board created to scrutinize research that would enhance highly dangerous pathogens did not review a National Institutes of Health grant that funded a lab in Wuhan, China, to genetically modify bat-based coronaviruses.

Experts say the NIH grant describes scientists conducting gain-of-function research, a risky area of study that, in this case, made SARS-like viruses even more contagious. Federal funding for gain-of-function research was temporarily suspended in 2014 due to widespread scientific concerns it risked leaking supercharged viruses into the human population.

Federal funding for gain-of-function research was resumed in late 2017 after the Potential Pandemic Pathogens Control and Oversight (P3CO) Framework was formed within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The review board is tasked with critically evaluating whether grants that involve enhancing dangerous pathogens, such as coronaviruses, are worth the risks and that proper safeguards are in place.

But the NIH subagency that awarded the grant to the nonprofit group EcoHealth Alliance to study Chinese bat coronaviruses opted against forwarding it to the P3CO committee, an NIH spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation, meaning the research received federal funding without an independent review by the HHS board.

“This is a systemic problem,” Rutgers University professor of chemical biology Richard H. Ebright told the DCNF, referring to the loophole in the review framework.

Ebright said the offices of the director for the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) — the subagency that funded EcoHealth — and the NIH have “systematically thwarted–indeed systematically nullified–the HHS P3CO Framework by declining to flag and forward proposals for review.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci leads the NIAID and Dr. Francis S. Collins heads the NIH.

An NIH spokesperson said its subagency did not flag the EcoHealth grant for independent review by the HHS review committee.

“After careful review of the grant, NIAID determined research in the grant was not gain-of-function research because it did not involve the enhancement of the pathogenicity or transmissibility of the viruses studied,” the spokesperson told the DCNF.



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3f5c8b No.107534

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13398364 (101836ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Scientists Now Say Vaccination Isn’t Good Enough — Push For New Vaccination Every Single Time We Travel

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Originally General Research #16971 >>>/qresearch/13398203

Scientists Now Say Vaccination Isn’t Good Enough — Push For New Vaccination Every Single Time We Travel

Scientists at Oxford University have suggested that people may need to have a coronavirus vaccination not once, not twice, but EVERY time they want to travel out of their home country.

The scientists published a report in the Royal Society Journal last week that acknowledged there is little data on how efficient or long lasting the current vaccines are, and so it is likely that countries will require a recent vaccination.

Having endless vaccinations when there is no indication of how effective they are, or what long term side effects there may be sounds absolutely mental, but that is what is being suggested.

Speaking to the London Telegraph, Epidemiologist Christopher Dye, a leading author of the reports stated “If we thought that the duration of protection was just a matter of months, then the sort of criteria that might be introduced – we’re not saying they should be – is that when one travels internationally for a short trip, going on vacation for example, that one is vaccinated each time on that occasion for that particular trip.”

The scientists also stated that vaccine passports are “feasible,” but only when global standards can be agreed upon.

“An effective vaccine passport system that would allow the return to pre-Covid activities, including travel, without compromising personal or public health, must meet a set of demanding criteria,” said Dye.

Other co-authors of the study wanted that the covid passports, which the government’s vaccines minister has repeatedly said are not going to be used domestically, “need to be fully explored.”

Professor Melinda Mills warned that such a system “could inadvertently discriminate or exacerbate existing inequalities,” adding “The intended use will have significant implications across a wide range of legal and ethical issues.”

“Is it literally a passport to allow international travel or could it be used domestically to allow holders greater freedoms?” Professor Mills further questioned.

“We need a broader discussion about multiple aspects of a vaccine passport, from the science of immunity through to data privacy, technical challenges and the ethics and legality of how it might be used,” Mills added.


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3f5c8b No.107535

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13418704 (132124ZAPR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / Decriminalisation is key to ending Nicola Sturgeon’s drugs death ‘disaster’, says campaigner Peter Krykant

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The Scotsman 2021 Election Hustings: Decriminalisation is key to ending Nicola Sturgeon’s drugs death ‘disaster’, says campaigner Peter Krykant

By Conor Marlborough

Tuesday, 13th April 2021, 8:40 pm

The prominent drugs reform activist, who is standing as an independent in Falkirk East at next month’s election, made the comments at The Scotsman’s virtual hustings on Tuesday – and took aim at the drugs policies of other parties.

Mr Krykant, who won plaudits for converting a minibus into the UK’s first mobile Overdose Prevention Centre in Glasgow last year, said the statistics behind Scotland’s drugs crisis were “shameful”.

He said: “We currently have the highest drug death rates in the EU – 15 times the EU average. That is drastic … and it comes from our lack of investment and our local community.

“The SNP Government for the first time on the 20th of January, when Nicola Sturgeon addressed the Scottish Parliament, took some responsibility for the absolute disaster that they've overseen in the last 14 years in power in Scotland.”

Mr Krykant said the SNP cut the funding for alcohol and drug partnerships in 2015, despite a record 614 drug deaths in Scotland in 2014.

“They were warned across the chamber in Holyrood that if they did that, it would lead to more deaths,” he said.

"And in the six years since then, drug deaths have more than doubled. They continue to rise through the pandemic.

“Some of the most vulnerable people in our society are left without help. We're going to see more people turning to drugs and alcohol to cope coming out of the pandemic, with the mental health issues that are being created.”

Former MP Neil Gray, who is standing for the SNP in Airdrie and Shotts, admitted there was “no hiding” from his party’s failure on drug deaths.

He told the hustings that he agreed with the First Minister’s assessment of the crisis as “a national disgrace”, but said it was also now a “priority” of any future SNP government.

“We've committed £250 million to rehabilitation services and are going to obviously be looking at a number of other areas,” he said.

Mr Gray said he was personally in favour of drug consumption rooms as a “short-term measure”, but added more needed to be done to address the “underlying reasons for why people have turned to drugs at all”.

Asked whether his party would support decriminalisation, Scottish Conservative candidate Haroun Malik said simply: “No, we wouldn’t.”

The criminal defence lawyer said: “In Scotland, we almost have decriminalisation within the courts. You don't see low level drug defence is going through a court anymore – and there's no opportunity for the courts to intervene because from the SNP, this is not a priority.”

He claimed the SNP “don't care about drug deaths,” adding: “They've had 14 years to do something about it. Why would we trust them again?”

Responding to Mr Malik’s comments, Mr Krykant said he was “absolutely astounded” a criminal defence lawyer did not support decriminalisation.

“It's absolutely horrendous,” he said.

"I believe that you should speak to some of your colleagues like Aamer Anwar, the former Rector of Glasgow University, … and really get informed about the underlying trauma and poverty-stricken conditions that lead people to take drugs in the first place.”


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3f5c8b No.107536

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13418758 (132132ZAPR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / Nicola Sturgeon is blasted by rivals for her 'divisive' plans for new Scottish independence vote that would 'reopen old wounds'

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Nicola Sturgeon is blasted by rivals for her 'divisive' plans for new Scottish independence vote that would 'reopen old wounds' in Scottish election TV debate - while all ignore Alex Salmond's new Alba party

First Minister accused of trying to 'reopen old wounds' with independence push

Sturgeon maintained her pledge to hold a fresh vote if her party wins election

But Labour, Conservative and Lib Dem leaders slammed her plans as 'divisive'

By James Robinson for MailOnline

Published: 16:15 EDT, 13 April 2021 | Updated: 17:10 EDT, 13 April 2021

Nicola Sturgeon was tonight blasted by her political rivals over plans to pull Scotland out of the United Kingdom, as she stood firm on her pledge for a fresh independence vote.

The First Minister was accused of attempting to 'reopen old wounds' by opposition leaders in a lively television debate ahead of next month's Scottish election.

The SNP leader has pledged to hold a new independence referendum if her party wins the election - with or without the consent of the UK parliament.

But the leaders of the Conservative, Liberal Democrat and Labour tonight took aim at her plans, branding them as 'divisive'.

All three of the leaders instead insisted the focus should remain on the country's recovery efforts in the aftermath of the Covid pandemic.

More than 7,000 people in Scotland have died of the virus, while more than 220,000 cases have been recorded.

However the nationalist leader hit back at the suggestions, as she urged Scots to back its independence bid with their votes.

Taking a swipe at Westminster politicians, she said she wanted the country to build back 'in its own image', rather than 'that of Boris Johnson and his band of Brexiteers'.

The Green party meanwhile backed Ms Sturgeon's referendum calls - as it stood firm on its desires to return Scotland to the EU.

However there was no mention from the leaders of Alex Salmond - whose Alba party will contest Holyrood seats at the upcoming election.

Despite facing criticism from the majority of her rival leaders, Ms Sturgeon remained firm on her pledge to hold a new independence referendum.

She led with her offer of 'continued strong leadership to steer the country through the pandemic', adding that 'when the crisis is over' Scots should have 'the choice of a better future with independence'.

But she was accused of spreading division by Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie, who said: 'You are determined to open the wounds of the country.

'This is reckless. What you should do is focus on making people's lives better.'

Conservative leader Douglas Ross also hit out at the plans, which he described as 'reckless' and 'divisive'.

Labour's Anas Sarwar meanwhile showed his opposition to the independence vote, as he urged a focus on recovery in the wake of the Covid pandemic.

The Labour leader also joined Mr Rennie in taking a swipe at Ms Strugeon's seven years as First Minister.

Mr Rennie said Ms Sturgeon had been in charge as the country's drug death rate soared to the highest in Europe, as he tackled her on her healthcare record.

Ms Sturgeon admitted taking her 'eye off the ball' over Scotland's drugs deaths.

In 2019, 1,264 people died of drug misuse - taking the drugs death toll to its highest level on record in Scotland for a sixth year in a row.

The figure was double of that in 2014, and means Scotland now has the worst drugs death rate in Europe and is about three and a half that in England in Wales.

She said: 'I think we took our eye off the ball on drugs deaths, and I've said as much to the Scottish Parliament.

'I've set out what we will do to try to turn that around.

'I set out at the start of this year a £250million investment programme to build up rehabilitation services, including residential rehabilitation to make sure we give more support to community services, to make sure we provide faster access to treatment and we have a taskforce working on all of that.'

Mr Ross meanwhile accused the First Minster of failing to meet promises made in key areas.

The Tory leader told her: 'You have made promises on the attainment gap, victims' rights, broadband, ferries, income tax and the treatment time guarantee.

'You have delivered your promises on none of them. You have let down Scotland for the last 14 years.'

He continued his attack by saying: 'Now in an economic crisis, you want to wreck Scotland's recovery.'

Ms Sturgeon said 'progress' had been made in tackling the attainment gap in schools and NHS waiting times had been reducing before Covid-19 hit.



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3f5c8b No.107537

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13425432 (141957ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Denmark Totally Bans AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Amid Reports of Blood Clots

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Originally General Research #17005 >>>/qresearch/13424623

Denmark Totally Bans AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Amid Reports of Blood Clots

Denmark became the first country in Europe to totally abandon the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, coming after the country and more than a dozen other European Union nations suspended its usage.

Denmark’s health agency director, Soren Brostrom, said Denmark will not use the shot as part of its vaccination campaign—despite the World Health Organization (WHO) and EU’s European Medicines Agency (EMA) saying that the benefits of using the AstraZeneca jab outweigh the negatives amid reports of rare blood clots.

“Overall, we must say that the results show that there is a real and serious side effect signal in the vaccine from AstraZeneca,” said Brostrom in a statement. “Based on an overall consideration, we have therefore chosen to continue the vaccination programme for all target groups without this vaccine.”

Noting that it is has been a “difficult decision” to make, Brostrom said the “upcoming target groups for vaccination are less likely to become severely ill from COVID-19,” and officials “must weigh this against the fact that we now have a known risk of severe adverse effects from vaccination with AstraZeneca, even if the risk in absolute terms is slight.”

Danish officials previously said that two people who had received the vaccine against the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus suffered from severe blood clots. One of them died, they said last month.

The CCP virus, also known as the novel coronavirus, is the virus that causes COVID-19.

In March, most of the countries that stopped using the AstraZeneca vaccine ultimately resumed using it.

On April 7, the EMA said that there is a “possible link” between rare blood clots and the vaccine, adding it “is reminding healthcare professionals and people receiving the vaccine to remain aware of the possibility of very rare cases of blood clots combined with low levels of blood platelets occurring within 2 weeks of vaccination.”

The statement continued: “So far, most of the cases reported have occurred in women under 60 years of age within 2 weeks of vaccination. Based on the currently available evidence, specific risk factors have not been confirmed.”

The decision to not use AstraZeneca’s shot will push back the scheduled conclusion of Denmark’s vaccination scheme to early August from July 25, Danish officials said. Denmark also uses the U.S.-made Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, which requires two shots.

Denmark was also the first nation to stop using the vaccine in March.

The Epoch Times has contacted AstraZeneca for comment.


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3f5c8b No.107538

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13425713 (142052ZAPR21) Notable: Amazon continues to pull books critical of transgender ideology

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Originally Canada #17 >>>/qresearch/13425555

Amazon continues to pull books critical of transgender ideology


Online retail giant Amazon has pulled a book critical of transgender identity theory, after calls to ban the book flooded social media. It is the second book Amazon has banned that is critical of the contentious topic.

Amazon removed Maria Keffler’s Desist, Detrans, & Detox: Getting Your Child Out of the Gender Cult. The new book sold fewer than 100 copies across three platforms and earned fewer than a dozen reviews before it was banned, according to Partners for Ethical Care (PEC), of which Keffler is a co-founder.

The organization says that Amazon provided “no contact, no warning, no reason” for removing the book.

According to the Daily Wire, PEC is a nonprofit organization co-founded by Keffler and is designed to raise awareness and support efforts to stop the unethical treatment of children by schools, hospitals and healthcare providers under the banner of “gender identity affirmation.” Keffler’s book is about that exact subject.

Amazon banned the book just weeks after it removed Ryan T. Anderson’s When Harry Became Sally, which is about the trans youth movement that has become in vogue over the past few years.

Despite banning all books critical of the transgender identity movement for apparent hate speech, Amazon continues to sell books like Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf. Amazon has set up a new policy that bans any books that attempt to classify transgenderism or other new identities as mental illnesses, according to Brian Huseman, Amazon’s vice president of public policy.

“As a bookseller, we provide our customers with access to a variety of viewpoints, including books that some customers may find objectionable,” Huseman said in response to Republican Sens. Marco Rubio of Florida, Mike Lee of Utah, Mike Braun of Indiana and Josh Hawley of Missouri in a March letter. The group of senators complained to the retailer when it banned Anderson’s book.

“Amazon works hard to ensure customers have a great shopping experience, and access to the widest and most diverse cross-section of written and spoken word in retail today,” Huseman added. “That said, we reserve the right not to sell certain content. All retailers make decisions about what selection they choose to offer, as do we. As to your specific question about When Harry Became Sally, we have chosen not to sell books that frame LGBTQ+ identity as a mental illness.”

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3f5c8b No.107539

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13432759 (151854ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Healthy 43-Year-Old Man Suffers Stroke From Blood Clot Hours After Receiving J&J Vaccine

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Originally Canada #17 >>>/qresearch/13432370

Healthy 43-Year-Old Man Suffers Stroke From Blood Clot Hours After Receiving J&J Vaccine

A Mississippi man remains in critical condition, can’t walk, talk and is paralyzed on one side of his body after suffering a stroke hours after being vaccinated with Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine. Family believes “without a doubt” the vaccine caused the stroke.

A healthy 43-year old man in Mississippi suffered a stroke hours after being vaccinated with Johnson and Johnson’s (J&J) COVID vaccine. Brad Malagarie, father of seven, had received the vaccine a little after Noon and was found unresponsive by co-workers at his desk, WSAZ News Channel 3 reported.

“They called me and said he had that vaccine and something is wrong, we think it’s a stroke,” said Celeste Foster O’Keefe, Malagarie’s aunt and boss.

Malagarie was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with a stroke after a blood clot had lodged in his left middle cerebral artery. O’Keefe said the family believes without a doubt that the vaccine caused the stroke.

“He’s a young, healthy 43-year-old, and I immediately thought it, and I said be sure to tell the doctors he took that J & J vaccine and that, to me, is what caused his stroke,” she told WSAZ.

O’Keefe said her nephew’s only health issue before the vaccine was high blood pressure, which was controlled with medication. One week after receiving the vaccine Malagarie remains hospitalized at Ochsner’s Medical Center in New Orleans and is in critical, but stable condition.

“He can’t talk now and he can’t walk. He’s paralyzed on the right side. He knows who we are and he will just cry when he sees us,” O’Keefe said.

Doctors don’t know Malagarie’s prognosis for recovery yet but said it will likely take at least a year of rehab after he leaves the hospital, the local TV station said.

On Tuesday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) paused J&J’s vaccine after rare blood clots were reported in those recently vaccinated.

All six reported cases in the U.S. occurred among women aged 18-48 with symptoms developing six to 13 days after vaccination, according to a statement issued by the FDA and CDC.

One vaccine recipient died and her death is being investigated by the CDC, Virginia state officials said in a statement Tuesday. Another woman is in critical condition. A CDC official said two of the six patients have been discharged and three remain hospitalized.

Wednesday, J&J disclosed two more cases of blood clots — one that occurred in a 25 year-old-man who suffered a cerebral hemorrhage during a clinical trial and another case of deep-vein-thrombosis in a 59-year-old woman.

According to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System or VAERS, 49 reports of blood coagulation disorders from the J&J vaccine have been reported through April 1 and 972 reports from all three vaccines combined, including Pfizer and Moderna through April 1.

The CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices met Wednesday and decided to postpone a vote on whether to lift the pause on the J&J’s COVID vaccine, effectively extending the pause pending further analysis of data relating to blood clots in people who received the vaccine. The committee said they would meet again in one week to 10 days to vote on whether or not to lift the pause.

Full article:


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3f5c8b No.107540

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13440309 (161823ZAPR21) Notable: The Orkney 1991 satanic abuse case., MISSING MEDIA/FILES: p_txt.jpg

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The Orkney 1991 satanic abuse case.

I only found out abt this recently, was too young to remember it at the time but the story gained attention around the world.

On Febuary the 27th 1991 at the crack of dawn police and social workers took 9 children from their homes. They believed the children were victims of SRA (satanic ritual abuse) and took them to the mainland for questioning. After 5 weeks, Sheriff David Kelbie said the case was "fundamentally flawed" and sent the children home before it even went to court.

The main family at the center of all this was "The W family" (Willshers). The Father of this family had already been sent to prison in 1986 for abusing his children.

The children claimed they were made to participate in ceremonies at a quarry with dozens of adults where abuse would take place, led by Rev. Morris McKenzie (see pic). "The social workers were told that a group gathered at a local quarry to chant, dance and have sex with 'The Master' (the Rev. Morris McKenzie) who would be wearing a black cloak and a black mask, and who would hook them out of the dancing circle with a crook"

If you read the media's version of it, the children simply made it up, fuelled by the evil social workers n police who manipulated them into giving false information to authorities. They basically say that SRA is a fantasy and doesn't exist in today's world. I beg to differ.

So let's look at the facts…

- police and social workers (trained proffesionals) felt they had enough evidence to remove 9 children from their families due to allegations of SRA.

- A sheriff dismissed the case before it even went to court.

- police and social workers were villianised for the whole ordeal.

- Objects suspected of being used in Satanic rituals were seized.

- The case resulted in having a huge impact on the Children (Scotland) Act l995 making it much harder for authorities to remove children from suspected SRA situations.

This story has fuckery written all over it. Did the police n social workers actually stumble upon an organised satanic abuse ring? Was the whole thing fabricated to introduce new laws to protect satanic abusers in the future?

Here's some links on the subject.






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3f5c8b No.107541

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13441695 (162209ZAPR21) Notable: Facebook faces mass legal action over data leak

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Facebook faces mass legal action over data leak

21 April 2021

Facebook users whose data was compromised by a massive data leak are being urged to take legal action against the tech giant.

About 530 million people had some personal information leaked, including, in some cases, phone numbers.

A digital privacy group is preparing to take a case to the Irish courts on behalf of EU citizens affected.

Facebook denies wrongdoing, saying the data was "scraped" from publicly available information on the site.

Antoin Ó Lachtnain, director of Digital Rights Ireland (DRI), warned other tech giants its move could be the beginning of a domino effect.

"This will be the first mass action of its kind but we're sure it won't be the last," he said.

"The scale of this breach, and the depth of personal information compromised, is gob-smacking."

He added: "The laws are there to protect consumers and their personal data and it's time these technology giants wake up to the reality that protection of personal data must be taken seriously."

DRI claims Facebook failed to protect user data and notify those who had been affected.

The data leak was first discovered and fixed in 2019, but was recently made easily available online for free.

DRI said individual users who take part in the legal action could be offered compensation of up to €12,000 (£10,445) if it is successful - based on what it says are similar cases in other countries.

Domino effect

"If successful this could well set a precedent and open the door to further class action down the line," Ray Walsh, a digital privacy expert at ProPrivacy, told the BBC.

"Big Tech might then find that being made to compensate individual users is a strong reminder to work harder on privacy compliance," he added.

On Thursday, the Irish Data Protection Commission announced its decision to launch an investigation into the leak.

It will assess whether any parts of the GDPR or Data Protection Act 2018 were infringed by Facebook.

If found to be in breach, the social media giant could face fines of up to 4% of its turnover.

Responding to DRI's legal case, a Facebook spokesman said: "We understand people's concerns, which is why we continue to strengthen our systems to make scraping from Facebook without our permission more difficult and go after the people behind it."

He also pointed to other firms involved in similar recent leaks.

"As LinkedIn and Clubhouse have shown, no company can completely eliminate scraping or prevent data sets like these from appearing. That's why we devote substantial resources to combat it and will continue to build out our capabilities to help stay ahead of this challenge," he said.


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3f5c8b No.107542

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13455224 (181847ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Over 10,000 Deaths Caused by COVID Vaccines Reported by the CDC and EMA

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Originally General Research #17035 >>>/qresearch/13448115

Over 10,000 Deaths Caused by COVID Vaccines Reported by the CDC and EMA

More than 10,000 people died shortly after COVID-19 vaccination in December, US and European authorities said. Deaths include more than 7,100 in Europe, according to the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and 3,005 reported by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC), LifeSiteNewsreports.

As of Tuesday, EudraVigilance, the EMA’s database of adverse drug reports, reported 4,036 “fatal results” after vaccination with Pfizer, as well as 1,922 and 1,234 deaths after vaccines given by Moderna and , by AstraZeneca.

EudraVigilance also reported 20 deaths from the COVID-19 vaccine developed by Johnson & Johnson. The database revealed more than 200,000 injuries, possibly related to the four vaccines, of which tens of thousands of cases considered “serious”. The US government also reported 3,005 deaths and more than 56,869 side effects after the April 12 coronavirus vaccinations.

The injuries in the United States are being tracked by VAERS, a surveillance system overseen by the CDC and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Among the adverse reaction reports for the COVID-19 vaccine published by VAERS, 42% of deaths occurred in people who became ill within 48 hours of inoculation. “Vaccination campaigns, apparently, often take place in nursing homes without ensuring in advance that the person affected has not already contracted an infection,” said Dr. Frank Gunter, a German medical expert, who indicated the“ insufficiently researched long-term consequences ”of vaccines.

“I have never seen such a large number of side effects of a vaccine,” said Parisian infectious disease specialist Prof. Eric Caumes last year. “No, really, it’s too much, maybe there’s a problem,” he told Le Parisien. The conclusion of LifeSiteNews is that all healthy people who contract the Covid virus survive, especially with certain treatment schemes.

Speaking of vaccines and herd immunity acquired through mass vaccinations (forget about mRNA genetic therapy, which is experimental and very weird), 70% of people already have T-cell immunity from other infections. Children have near 100% immunity due to the many early childhood infections they get. T-cell immunity lasts 15-20 years, and in some cases a lifetime.

The body never forgets how to make antibodies, however due to age and other things like toxins and injury cause the immune system to be less effective.

Always remember:




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3f5c8b No.107543

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13461968 (191625ZAPR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun / 'Look at the facts!' Ridge rattles Sturgeon as she rips into hopes for independence

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'Look at the facts!' Ridge rattles Sturgeon as she rips into hopes for independence

SOPHY RIDGE took Nicola Sturgeon to task over her plans to lead an independent Scotland, as the Sky News host pointed to her failures in power.

By Oli Smith

PUBLISHED: 09:46, Sun, Apr 18, 2021 | UPDATED: 10:51, Sun, Apr 18, 2021

Sophy Ridge tore into Nicola Sturgeon's hopes of leading an independent Scotland ahead of the upcoming May elections. The Sky News host pointed to the SNP's "record in government" as she reeled off a number of Ms Sturgeon's failures in power. At one point, Ms Ridge told Ms Sturgeon to "just look at the facts".

Ms Ridge said: "I've been keen in this interview to look back at your record in government because it matters.

"You are asking the Scottish people to trust you to lead an independent Scotland.

"You are clearly an exceptional communicator and have strong approval ratings.

"But, just look at the facts: record drug deaths after 14 years of an SNP government, still big inequalities when it comes education, the highest rate of care home deaths from Covid in the UK."

Ms Ridge asked: "Why should people trust you to lead an independent Scotland?"

Ms Sturgeon struggled to respond, as she took responsibility for the scale of the drug crisis in Scotland.

She added that there had been "big improvement" in education, although inequalities remain.

On care homes, Ms Sturgeon said: "Sorry, Sophy, the number of care home deaths is far too high and it shouldn't be a statistical competition.

"I have to challenge that. The number of excess deaths in care homes in England has been much higher than in Scotland.

"We have recorded more of them as Covid deaths."

Later in the interview, Ms Sturgeon accused Alex Salmond's Alba Party of jeopardising Scottish independence by attempting to "bulldoze" forward in a way that is "contemptuous" of the voters.

Nicola Sturgeon promised to provide a "transformational" increase in NHS funding if the SNP wins the election.

Speaking as she launched the SNP's manifesto this week, Ms Sturgeon said frontline NHS spending would increase by at least a total of £2.5bn.

The SNP leader repeated her call for an independence referendum to be held within the next parliamentary term.

The manifesto also promises a £10bn investment programme in NHS facilities, and a minimum 25 percent rise in mental health spending.

Earlier this week, the Scottish First Minister became flustered during an awkward interview over Scottish independence.

A Channel 4 News reporter confronted the SNP leader on its economic cost, prompting Ms Sturgeon to claim all the forecasts were "completely out of date".

Viewers branded the interview a "complete car crash" from the SNP's perspective, pointing out the party leader appeared to "become flustered even by a gentle interview".


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3f5c8b No.107544

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13482443 (220014ZAPR21) Notable: EU outlines new regulations for dealing with expanding AI

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Originally Midnight Riders #349 >>>/qresearch/76907

LONDON (AP) — Risky uses of artificial intelligence that threaten people’s safety or rights such as live facial scanning should be banned or tightly controlled, European Union officials said Wednesday as they outlined an ambitious package of proposed regulations to rein in the rapidly expanding technology.

The draft regulations from the EU’s executive commission include rules for applications deemed high risk such as AI systems to filter out school, job or loan applicants. They would also ban artificial intelligence outright in a few cases considered too risky, such as government “social scoring” systems that judge people based on their behavior.

The proposals are the 27-nation bloc’s latest move to maintain its role as the world’s standard-bearer for technology regulation, as it tries to keep up with the world’s two big tech superpowers, the U.S. and China. EU officials say they are taking a four-level “risk-based approach” that seeks to balance important rights such as privacy against the need to encourage innovation.

“With these landmark rules, the EU is spearheading the development of new global norms to make sure AI can be trusted,” Margrethe Vestager, the European Commission’s executive vice president for the digital age, said in a statement. “By setting the standards, we can pave the way for to ethical technology worldwide and ensure that the EU remains competitive along the way.”

To be sure, the draft rules have a long way to go before they take effect. They need to be reviewed by the European Parliament and the European Council and could be amended in a process that could take several years, though officials declined to give a specific timeframe.

Previous EU tech regulation efforts have been far reaching and influential, earning it a reputation as a pioneer. Vestager, also the bloc’s competition chief, filed aggressive antitrust challenges against Silicon Valley giants like Google years before such action became fashionable. The EU was also early to the data privacy battle with stringent rules known as General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, that became the de facto global standard.

However, results have been mixed: Google still retains its online dominance and EU privacy cases against global tech companies are backed up. Officials are also working on updating the EU’s digital rulebook to protect internet users from harmful material or rogue traders.

Under the AI proposals, unacceptable uses would also include manipulating behavior, exploiting children’s vulnerabilities or using subliminal techniques.

“It can be a case where a toy uses voice systems to manipulate a child into doing something dangerous,” Vestager told a media briefing. “Such uses have no place in Europe and therefore we propose to ban them.”

The proposals include a prohibition in principle on controversial “remote biometric identification,” such as the use of live facial recognition to pick people out of crowds in real time, because “there is no room for mass surveillance in our society,” Vestager said.

There will, however, be an exception for narrowly defined law enforcement purposes such as searching for a missing child or a wanted person or preventing a terror attack. But some EU lawmakers and digital rights groups want the carve-out removed over fears it could be used by authorities to justify widespread future use of the technology, which they say is intrusive and inaccurate.

More: https://apnews.com/article/technology-business-government-and-politics-artificial-intelligence-data-privacy-5226382bb316f8aad4cbc5637f03a44c

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3f5c8b No.107545

File: 48e72c938b647f0⋯.png (9.26 KB,160x255,32:51,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13497149 (232121ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / Scots mum left with horror rash and ‘burning inside’ after Covid jab, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: blotchy_skin_after_vax_the_scottish_sun.png, cool_daisy_chain_tatt_on_blotchy_skin_after_vax.png

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==BAD REACTION Scots mum left with horror rash and ‘burning inside’ after Covid jab – and her autistic son is too scared to look at her


Ewan Mowat

19 Mar 2021, 9:28Updated: 19 Mar 2021, 17:27==


>As well as struggling with the reaction of her son to her condition, Leigh has had serious concerns over her health - but revealed she was contacted by someone who had a similar reaction, who has been able to support her.

>She said: "I wish I'd just been taken care of properly, put in a room and monitored. I've been worried about dying because of this.

>"But another woman has reached out to me privately [since I posted about it on Facebook]. She had patches of a rash like mine but not all over.

>"She's told me that she's three weeks clear of it and starting to feel better.

>"She's given me the confidence that I can get through that and that I'm not going to die.

>"That has helped but I do feel like I was let down at every level by the hospital."

>Despite her reaction to the vaccine, Leigh does not want to put people off from getting the important jag, but she did have a warning.

>She said: "Please be aware that there is going to be side effects.

>"And if you feel unwell, don't just shove it under the carpet as that might make it worse. Go and get help."

>NHS Lanarkshire said they were unable to discuss individual patients.

How much more farcical can convid get?

Being told anal swabs are on the way, watching handoncock laughing his way through waffled pish about step grandad and all manner of other shite for well over a year now, and all manner of other laughable ineptitudes and still the majority of the planet is obeying the "authorities".

Who the very fuck are these people who claim authority over any of you, or I?

Words by their very nature seem to have magical qualities when committed to paper, for those who aspire to rule you and treat you as their cattle: It should be obvious to most of you looking on at world events with an open mind exactly why.

Cattle, to be herded. Herd immunity, it's not by chance they use such language, you are their cattle.

Why are unelected health workers suddenly in power over you all? Why does the SNP think bribing you to vote for them on the promise of another 2.5 billion £ to the corrupt as fuck NHS seem like a good idea?

Get this whole rotten structure to fuck. Corruption and greed every fucking where.

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3f5c8b No.107546

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13503389 (241921ZAPR21) Notable: Climate is the new Covid

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Originally Canada #17 >>>/qresearch/13502708

Climate is the new Covid



The “public health policies” allegedly in place to fight Covid19 are being rebranded as “saving the planet”.

Yesterday was Earth Day. The traditional day environmental hashtags temporarily trend across all social media sites. This year was no different, with the exception of the stronger than usual whiff of agenda.

The narrative of the “deadly viral pandemic” is slowly losing momentum. Whether this is through the public having “post viral fatigue”(as it were), or a deliberate shift in media talking points is unclear. But there’s certainly less energy in the story than at this time last year.

That said, it’s also perfectly clear that governments around the world are in no mood to give up their newly acquired “emergency powers”, and that alleged “anti-covid measures” are not going away anytime soon.

Especially lockdowns, which are being freshly marketed as “good for the planet”.

The narrative that locking down the public was “helping the Earth heal” actually dates back to last March, when it was reported all across the world news that only a few weeks of lockdown had cleared up the water in Venician canals so much there were dolphins swimming through the city.

This story later proved to be completely untrue, but that didn’t stop dozens of outlets from picking up the story and running with it.

At various times in the intervening year, Covid has been sold as a having an environmental silver-lining. Including potentially “saving the planet”.

Just last month, the Guardian published a story with the headline…

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3f5c8b No.107547

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13510980 (251826ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / French drug assessment center says all four Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, should be pulled off the market

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Originally Canada #17 >>>/qresearch/13504436

French drug assessment center says all four Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, should be pulled off the market

(Natural News) The Centre territorial d’Information indépendante et d’Avis pharmaceutiques (CTIAP), a regional independent drug assessment center in France, has published a report showing that none of the four Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccinations” currently being administered are safe or effective because all of them received emergency use authorization (EUA) with insufficient clinical testing.

The jabs are all problematic because the manufacturing processes used are new, as are the excipients they contain, which a team of experts from the Cholet public hospital in the west of France say “should be considered as new active substances.”

Led by Dr. Catherine Frade, a pharmacist, the research team worked with public data released by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in relation to the injections released by Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, AstraZeneca, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). All four of these injections only have temporary authorization based on perceived need, as opposed to approval based on clinical evidence of safety and efficacy.

All of the jabs are also still subject to studies that extend out to 2024 – three years from now – and beyond. Very little is known, at this point, about the long-term side effects of the injections, though we are seeing short-term side effects in the form of serious blood clots and death.

According to the CTIAP, all four Chinese Virus injections were released for public administration before “proof of quality for the active substance and the finished product” was verified. All of the labs where the jabs are produced also obtained future deadlines to submit associated studies.

What this means, of course, is that every person who takes a Wuhan Flu shot is a human guinea pig participating in a mass pharmaceutical experiment. How vaccine recipients fare moving forward remains to be seen.

In the coming months and years, the research team warns, “variabilities, which impact the very core of the product, could even invalidate any clinical trials conducted.”

“Prudence would even dictate that, in all countries where these vaccines against COVID-19 have been marketed, all the batches thus ‘released’ should be withdrawn immediately; and that these MAs that have been granted should be suspended, or even canceled, as a matter of urgency until further notice,” they say.


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3f5c8b No.107548

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13521641 (270342ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun / As much of the world continues to hunker down, a New Zealand band plays to 50,000 fans

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As much of the world continues to hunker down, a New Zealand band plays to 50,000 fans

By Nick Perry, Associated Press

26 April 2021

AUCKLAND, New Zealand —

Singer Matiu Walters grinned as he gazed out over 50,000 damp but delirious fans and said those magic words: "So, what's up Eden Park?"

While much of the world remains hunkered down, the band Six60 has been playing to huge crowds in New Zealand, where social distancing isn't required after the nation stamped out the coronavirus. The band's tour finale on Saturday night was billed as the largest concert in the world since the pandemic began.

Equally momentous for a band which met while playing rugby at university was getting to play the first concert ever held at the storied Eden Park rugby stadium. And finding themselves at the apex of world music came as a twist for Six60, which has enjoyed unparalleled success in New Zealand but whose forays abroad have ended without the breakthroughs they sought.

Saturday's set by the five-piece band included powerful cameos by military musicians ahead of the nation honoring its war dead on Sunday, and Maori performers who stretched across the stage while the band switched to singing in the Indigenous language.

One fan, Lucy Clumpas, found it a surreal experience to be surrounded by so many people after she spent last year living through endless lockdowns in Britain.

"It's very important for us as humans to be able to get together and sing the same songs together," she said. "It makes us feel like we're part of something,"

Walters, the lead singer, said they desperately want their musician friends around the world to be able to play live shows again.

"We know what it's like to be in lockdown. It sucked. And we didn't know if we'd be able to play gigs again," he said in an interview before the show. "But we are fortunate, for a few reasons, here in New Zealand."

Guitarist Ji Fraser said the reception they received while on the road for their summer tour had been incredible.

"It was amazing to see how fanatical people were, and excited about being out and seeing live music, and seeing something to drag them out of a long, brutal year," he said. "It was very special."

Walters said they did worry that something could have gone wrong — that their gigs could have turned into super-spreader events. But he said there was not much to do other than play by the rules and follow the government guidelines.

The band formed 13 years ago after they started jamming in their rugby changing rooms, making their concert at the hallowed ground of the nation's All Blacks rugby team feel like completing a circle.

The band had pushed for changes to civic rules to allow concerts at Eden Park, but not all the neighbors were happy.

One who objected was former Prime Minister Helen Clark, who said at the time that the concerts would represent a "home invasion" of noise.

"But the people wanted it. And the people spoke," Walters said. The singer added that Clark would have been welcomed at the concert. "Six60 is for everyone. And maybe if she came and enjoyed herself, she'd have a change of heart."



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3f5c8b No.107549

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13525085 (271728ZAPR21) Notable: Covid Bun

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Covid Bun

>>107513 Corona: After the death of a nurse in Austria, thousands of AstraZeneca cans end up in the garbage

>>107514 Australian Health Minister hospitalized, "in serious condition", day after receiving Covid, Astra-Zeneca, Vaccine

>>107522 Boxing was in mourning on Saturday night after the shock death of one its all-time greats, Marvin Hagler, at just 66, after he reportedly suffered side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine

>>107517 Covid-19: Several European countries suspend AstraZeneca vaccinations over blood clot fears

>>107523 Tanzania's Covid-denying president, John Magufuli, dies aged 61

>>107526 CDC Ignores Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths, Injuries Reported After COVID Vaccines

>>107533 US Grant To Wuhan Lab To Enhance Bat-Based Coronaviruses Was Never Scrutinized By HHS Review Board, NIH Says

>>107534 Scientists Now Say Vaccination Isn’t Good Enough — Push For New Vaccination Every Single Time We Travel

>>107537 Denmark Totally Bans AstraZeneca COVID-19 Vaccine Amid Reports of Blood Clots

>>107539 Healthy 43-Year-Old Man Suffers Stroke From Blood Clot Hours After Receiving J&J Vaccine

>>107542 Over 10,000 Deaths Caused by COVID Vaccines Reported by the CDC and EMA

>>107545 Scots mum left with horror rash and ‘burning inside’ after Covid jab

>>107547 French drug assessment center says all four Covid-19 vaccines are dangerous, should be pulled off the market

>>107548 As much of the world continues to hunker down, a New Zealand band plays to 50,000 fans

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3f5c8b No.107550

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13525088 (271729ZAPR21) Notable: Salmond and Sturgeon Bun

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Salmond and Sturgeon Bun

>>107519 Salmond and Sturgeon evidence in full (two links)

>>107524 NICOLA Sturgeon misled parliament over the Alex Salmond affair, MSPs have concluded

>>107527 Alex Salmond to take Scottish government to court again

>>107528 Former British ambassador was found guilty of contempt of court by Scottish tribunal on Thursday for articles he had published about trial of former First Minister Alex Salmond

>>107529 Former SNP leader Alex Salmond launches new political party

>>107535 Decriminalisation is key to ending Nicola Sturgeon’s drugs death ‘disaster’, says campaigner Peter Krykant

>>107536 Nicola Sturgeon is blasted by rivals for her 'divisive' plans for new Scottish independence vote that would 'reopen old wounds'

>>107543 'Look at the facts!' Ridge rattles Sturgeon as she rips into hopes for independence

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3f5c8b No.107551

File: 33b4a5082980a17⋯.png (15.31 KB,255x195,17:13,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13525897 (271940ZAPR21) Notable: The Parents Liason Committee, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Lord_Gill_past_commissioner_of_Queen_Victoria_School.png

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Apologies, it seems whenever I try to combine a mix of pics and vid in a post, only the vid (singular) will post and the pic will fail to be added.

Here is the pic with this reference


>sec1:50 page (52 of 60)


>see screenshot

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3f5c8b No.107552

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13552195 (302117ZAPR21) Notable: Extinction Rebellion activists blockade Faslane nuclear base in Scotland

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Extinction Rebellion activists blockade Faslane nuclear base in Scotland

by Ella Glover

Fri, April 30, 2021, 1:29 PM

Anti-nuclear and climate activists have blockaded the Faslane nuclear base in Scotland.

Members of the climate justice group Extinction Rebellion and peace activists Trident Ploughshares have attached themselves to giant plant pots at the north gate of the base on the Gare Loch in Argyll and Bute.

The action, which Extinction Rebellion said is part of the Peace Lotus Campaign which celebrates the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, is being used to demand a future safe from the “threat of nuclear weapons and environmental destruction,” the activists said.

Ella Glover

Fri, April 30, 2021, 1:29 PM·2 min read

<p>Activists placed three giant plant pots, filled with plants and flowers, on the road on Friday morning</p> (PA)

Activists placed three giant plant pots, filled with plants and flowers, on the road on Friday morning


Anti-nuclear and climate activists have blockaded the Faslane nuclear base in Scotland.

Members of the climate justice group Extinction Rebellion and peace activists Trident Ploughshares have attached themselves to giant plant pots at the north gate of the base on the Gare Loch in Argyll and Bute.

The action, which Extinction Rebellion said is part of the Peace Lotus Campaign which celebrates the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, is being used to demand a future safe from the “threat of nuclear weapons and environmental destruction,” the activists said.


HM Naval Base Clyde, known as Faslane, is home to the UK’s nuclear deterrent. Police officers are present at the scene, Police Scotland said.

The all-female activists placed three giant plant pots, filled with plants and flowers, on the road on Friday morning. An Extinction Rebellion protester is locked on to each one so that they cannot be moved.

The plant pots, which are painted with the words “Safe”, “Green”, and “Future”, are blocking access to the base, except for emergency vehicles that can still access the site via the South Gate.

Ella Glover

Fri, April 30, 2021, 1:29 PM·2 min read

<p>Activists placed three giant plant pots, filled with plants and flowers, on the road on Friday morning</p> (PA)

Activists placed three giant plant pots, filled with plants and flowers, on the road on Friday morning


Anti-nuclear and climate activists have blockaded the Faslane nuclear base in Scotland.

Members of the climate justice group Extinction Rebellion and peace activists Trident Ploughshares have attached themselves to giant plant pots at the north gate of the base on the Gare Loch in Argyll and Bute.

The action, which Extinction Rebellion said is part of the Peace Lotus Campaign which celebrates the anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War, is being used to demand a future safe from the “threat of nuclear weapons and environmental destruction,” the activists said.


HM Naval Base Clyde, known as Faslane, is home to the UK’s nuclear deterrent. Police officers are present at the scene, Police Scotland said.

The all-female activists placed three giant plant pots, filled with plants and flowers, on the road on Friday morning. An Extinction Rebellion protester is locked on to each one so that they cannot be moved.

The plant pots, which are painted with the words “Safe”, “Green”, and “Future”, are blocking access to the base, except for emergency vehicles that can still access the site via the South Gate.

The plant pots, which are painted with the words “Safe”, “Green”, and “Future”, are blocking access to the base, except for emergency vehicles that can still access the site via the South GatePA

The plant pots, which are painted with the words “Safe”, “Green”, and “Future”, are blocking access to the base, except for emergency vehicles that can still access the site via the South GatePA

Sarah Krischer, 28, an archaeologist and Extinction Rebellion (XR) Scotland activist, said: “Nuclear weapons are an existential threat to the entire world.

“Stockpiling weapons with the ability to wipe out all life in order to appear tough does nothing to keep either the UK or any other country safe.

“The ongoing environmental degradation caused by uranium mining and nuclear testing continues to be felt, particularly among Pacific island nations that are also the most threatened by climate change.

“We must come together to build a safe, more just future for all.”



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3f5c8b No.107553

File: d28da893ee8f896⋯.png (1.54 MB,1090x1294,545:647,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13556321 (011116ZMAY21) Notable: A great patriot has passed away but we will continue her fight!, Mrs. Narqie

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Hi Frens, I was the first baker to make the first 4 buns for the Netherlands. i have a sad announcement. Last April 28, a great Dutch patriot passed away. Our Mrs.NarQie. She was a patriot of the first hour and my buddy for the past 5 years. She did not miss a rally of her hero, Donald J. Trump. We both sat up nights to take in every word and image. Furthermore, this patriot co-owns a website, a forum , discord channel, Covfefe Reports and several Telegram channels. All this to bring the citizens of the Netherlands out of a coma. To tell people the other side of the story about vaccines and testing. About the fact that little by little our freedoms are taken away and gave as an example The Great USA. We have had some setbacks like many of us. Removed from YT, FB, Twitter and more. But each time we stood up to fight the fake news again and our Mrs. NarQ was a great warrior in that. So was her incredible fight to bring to light the crimes against children worldwide. Just remember your call back then: #DisneyGate. I could go on for hours about what actions have been started to wake up the Dutch citizens. But I think this is enough.

Mrs Narqie always spoke with admiration about you anons and autistics. About how quickly you could debunk stories and always had to laugh terribly at the meme's you make. We certainly nicked a lot of them. ThanQs

Mrs.NarQie has made many posts on your buns and was all smiles when she read that her comment got into the notables.

Now we as Team Six have a tribute to our MrS. NarQie. I am including the link and is on telegram channel Covfefe Report. It is of course in Dutch but when you look at it you will see the meaning and purpose of it. https://t.me/covfefereport

Anyway, we are going to miss her terribly and question to you is, do you want to share this massively on Social Media or wherever you can. It would also be for Mrs. NarQie if this would also be in the notables. She would say, Yeah Kek!

A great patriot has passed away but we will continue her fight!


Mrs. NarQie o7

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3f5c8b No.107554

File: fbf19121e04dce1⋯.png (15.67 KB,177x255,59:85,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13720358 (211737ZMAY21) Notable: Hospital patients were unlawfully discharged into care homes in Scotland, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: 9d38f9ef48d6c02cd321cabd5e1efcb72d94f720867d822c1335de7b402072a4.png

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Originally UK #38 >>>/qresearch/13712913

Hospital patients were unlawfully discharged into care homes in Scotland, which experienced a disproportionate loss of life during the coronavirus pandemic.

The revelations come following an investigation by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, a statutory body which “monitor[s] the Mental Health (Care & Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003 and the welfare parts of the Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000”, among other duties.

For its report, titled Authority to Discharge, the Commission took a 457-patients sample of the thousands of people who were discharged from hospitals into care homes in the early stages of the pandemic, often without being tested, and found that a score of them were unlawful, spanning 11 separate Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) areas across Scotland.

“Lack of understanding of the law, lack of understanding of good practice, confusion over the nature of placements, misunderstanding over power of attorney. These findings are very disappointing and may mean that many more moves were made without valid legal authority,” lamented Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland chief executive Julie Paterson in comments reported by the Telegraph.



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3f5c8b No.107555

File: 6404590f6266e46⋯.jpg (851.08 KB,1240x1752,155:219,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8b3752e425efa11⋯.jpg (750.96 KB,1242x1752,207:292,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 15c9f2aa6a908ae⋯.jpg (523.8 KB,1276x1752,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 4e13a2937e912f8⋯.jpg (19.97 KB,172x255,172:255,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 00e3197f8f83795⋯.jpg (286.45 KB,868x1224,217:306,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13730644 (230003ZMAY21) Notable: Copies of some of the flyers collected yesterday 22/05/2021 at George's Square Glasgow, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Booklet_handed_out_George_Square_Glasgow_23rd_may_2021_published_by_Christian_Information_Service_Bente_and_Abel_Struksnes_vestrumsbygda_Norway.jpg

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Copies of some of the flyers collected yesterday 22/05/2021 at George's Square Glasgow during the Unite for Freedom rally.

Thanks to all participants for giving their time to try and awaken the Scots.

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3f5c8b No.107556

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13743043 (241629ZMAY21) Notable: DEATH PROBE Second ‘Glasgow paedo ring’ death as gran accused of raping young child found dead

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DEATH PROBE Second ‘Glasgow paedo ring’ death as gran accused of raping young child found dead

>A GRAN accused of being part of an alleged paedophile ring has been found dead - the second suspect to die since arrests were made.

>The body of Maureen McLellan - also known as Goudie - was found last week in unexplained circumstances at a property, understood to be in Maryhill, Glasgow.

>Cops launched a probe into the sudden death of the 50-year-old, who was on bail and facing five sex offence charges - including the rape of a young child.

>A death report was submitted to prosecutors after the mother-of-two was discovered on Thursday, May 13 - six months after she was fully committed for trial at Glasgow Sheriff Court.

>She made no plea when she appeared in person on October 21 with another female co-accused, 49, who is facing the same sex abuse allegations.

>A source said: “Maureen hadn’t been seen for a few days and there were concerns for her welfare.

full story here:


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3f5c8b No.107557

File: 3f8afa20c2a89f5⋯.png (16 KB,255x198,85:66,Clipboard.png)

File: a6ef94f74746043⋯.png (17.3 KB,255x185,51:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13810416 (020215ZJUN21) Notable: Nicola DELAYS Scotland's roadmap: Sturgeon heaps pressure on Boris by putting the brakes on Scottish unlocking, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: c42dd627577339b125f408f5f3f813ebcaef042511ae164adf82d7ce015005ed.png, a7dc295a191c52c72add8a0e2bde9c2368544006f580d763d54d5e8450fb62b7.png

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Originally General Research #17482 >>>/qresearch/13809957

Nicola DELAYS Scotland's roadmap: Sturgeon heaps pressure on Boris by putting the brakes on Scottish unlocking as scientists demand he puts June 21 freedom day back a MONTH to contain Indian variant 'volcano'

Nicola Sturgeon has delayed Scotland's unlocking to 'err on the side of caution' heaping pressure on the PM

Boris Johnson is urged by scientists to delay decision on whether to fully lift lockdown in three weeks' time

British Medical Association warns UK is at 'pivotal moment' in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic

Scientists have urged the Prime Minister to stick to his word that he would be guided by 'data not dates'

Two-week targeted and enhanced testing programme for asymptomatic people begins in Canterbury, Kent

Nicola Sturgeon heaped pressure on Boris Johnson today by putting the brakes on Scotland's unlocking as scientists warned he will have to 'carry the can' for a 'bad decision' to press ahead with June 21 'freedom day'.

As the UK recorded no new deaths for the first time in 10 months, Ms Sturgeon told MSPs that vaccinations do appear to be 'weakening' the link between cases and serious illness, and she hoped that in future the virus can be dealt with in a 'less restrictive' way.

But she warned that we are 'still not quite there yet' and must 'err on the caution' until more of the population has had both jabs - saying that some areas of Scotland will not go down to the lowest level of restrictions next week as planned.

Ms Sturgeon insisted that a tentative approach now would mean there is more chance of 'staying' on the path to a full unlocking.

The intervention came as the PM was assailed by a queue of experts warning against the full unlocking - with Prof Adam Finn among those entreating him to recognise that the UK is still 'vulnerable' and the 'job is not done'.

Prof Ravi Gupta, a member of the government's Nervtag advisory panel, suggested the timetable should be pushed back 'at least a few weeks, probably a month' so more data are available and schools have started summer holidays.

The British Medical Association insisted the battle against the disease is at a 'pivotal moment' and Mr Johnson must stick to his promise of being guided by 'data not dates'. One consultant respiratory physician referred to 'mini Covid volcanoes' erupting at hospitals around the country, which are threatening to 'explode'.

However, others have said it is still too early to be sure what can happen, with the government not committed to making any final choices until June 14.


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3f5c8b No.107558

File: 4a592efdf7a4633⋯.png (7.03 KB,255x164,255:164,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13933444 (182241ZJUN21) Notable: Ex-police chief to head redress body for survivors of historical sexual abuse, MISSING MEDIA/FILES: Former_Deputy_Chief_Constable_Johnny_Gwynne_.png

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Ex-police chief to head redress body for survivors of historical sexual abuse

By Gina Davidson

Wednesday, 16th June 2021, 5:21 pm


Wednesday, 16th June 2021, 5:38 pm


>A former Deputy Chief Constable of Police Scotland has been appointed to lead Redress Scotland, the new public organisation that will make decisions on the levels of financial compensation to be awarded to survivors of historical child abuse in care.

>Johnny Gwynne, who is also a past director of the UK National Crime Agency with responsibility for tackling child exploitation, will be chair of the body to which survivors can apply for redress payments of up to £100,000 as well as therapeutic support and an apology.

>The Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Act 2021, passed by the Scottish Parliament, received Royal Assent in April and the scheme will be open for applications before the end of this year.

>He said: “Some children in residential care in Scotland were failed by those entrusted to look after them, often with catastrophic results. Scotland is taking steps to face up to those failings by establishing this financial redress scheme for survivors.

>“In leading the establishment of Redress Scotland, Johnny is resolutely committed to building the type of independent and transparent organisation which is capable of delivering justice for survivors. To do so, he will work from the outset to instil a trauma-informed culture right across the organisation.

>“I am in no doubt that he will bring the needed leadership and empathy to this key strategic role. The scheme will have embedded within it the principles of dignity, respect and compassion.”

>Survivors will be able to apply for a fixed rate redress payment of £10,000, or an individually assessed redress payment.

Appointed by John Swinney on Wednesday. He will be paid £560/day for his services. One wonders how one falls into ones position? Do they advertise these kinds of jobs? By my reckoning you could do the job 4 times more efficiently if you paid 4 people £140/day. I know tons of people would be happy as a pig in shite to find a job paying 140/day.

Anybody know anything about Former Deputy Chief Constable Johnny Gwynne? What in his resume made him suitable for this job? Was the job advertised? Is there not some legislative mumbo-jumbo that says Government jobs should be publicly advertised?

If not, there should be.

Why should we trust any policeman where child abuse victims are concerned, especially one of such rank; when there were many in high office within the police who were so instrumental in the cover up of said abuse over a number of decades(at least)?

I'll repeat again, when is the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) going to investigate the torture and human experimentation done within the "health services"?

Drug trials on little children and Electro-convulsive therapy? This is fact, but the public won't know until the Inquiry investigates it.

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3f5c8b No.107559

File: 2c4d27421b6eac5⋯.png (2.72 KB,225x225,1:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13958538 (221917ZJUN21) Notable: Fulford/Rockefeller Bun

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Summer Solstice Turning Point As Military-Industrial Complex Takes On Medical Industrial Complex

Benjamin Fulford 6/21/2021 Part 2

Putin also made clear Russia was not interested in joining a G7 cold war against China saying things like:

“Over the last few decades, we have developed a strategic partnership relationship between Russia and China that previously had not been achieved in the history of our nations, a high level of trust and cooperation in all areas: in politics, in the economy, in the area of technology, in the area of military and technical cooperation. We do not believe that China is a threat to us…It has not declared us an enemy, as the United States has done.” http://en.kremlin.ru/events/president/news/65861

So much for the official view.

Off the record, our various intelligence sources had different versions of what really went on. The P3 Freemasons and MI6 both said an agreement had been reached to establish a World Federation to replace or enhance the existing international governance infrastructure.

However, a Russian FSB source said the secret war for the planet was still raging. Their intelligence from Geneva is that the Octagon group plans are as follows:

“They will cancel cash in about two to five years. Also, all rich people will lose everything they have.Small businesses will be bought up by large semi-governmental corporations. Big business and government will merge. But actually, there will be no government, the people will become slaves.”

The FSB proposed a stealth strategy to put an end to these horrific plans. However, since we do not want to give the enemy a heads up what the counter-strategy is, we are unable to tell our readers about it at this time. Nonetheless, clearly a part of it means striking at the head of the octopus instead of fighting with its various arms.

Let us look now at how the war against the various arms of the Octagon is raging. The first thing to note is that “In Europe, as of June 5, 13,867 people have died and 1,354,336 injured following a COVID-19 ‘vaccine.’”


MI6 says most of the vaccine deaths will happen three to five years from now as the prions they contain do their damage.

In any case, there is now a rash of disclosure about how the entire justification for this vaccination campaign was criminal. Here is an example:

“Former CDC head Robert Redfield said of the World Health Organization (WHO), which ‘investigated’ the origins of the pandemic in what was nothing more than political theatre conducted by a highly conflicted group – one of whom, Peter Deszak of NGO EcoHealth Alliance, worked with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and was funded to the tune of millions of dollars by Anthony Fauci’s NIH.”


Sauce: benjaminfulford.net

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3f5c8b No.107560

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/13958562 (221923ZJUN21) Notable: Fulford/Rockefeller Bun

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Canada is on the trail of the Fulford

Fulford/Rockefeller Bun

>>>/qresearch/13958194 Fulford & Rockefeller: The Japan Interview part 1 (video)

>>>/qresearch/13958206 Fulford & Rockefeller: The Japan Interview part 2 (video)

>>>/qresearch/13958220 Letter Of Apology To David Rockefeller

>>>/qresearch/13958262 Benjamin Fulford – Who is he working for?

>>>/qresearch/13958269 George Taylor Fulford

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037c4f No.153953

File: c4efbd6fb17b268⋯.png (590.6 KB,831x899,831:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 66673db68891a4a⋯.png (369.94 KB,566x595,566:595,Clipboard.png)

File: 03406bc21adf8aa⋯.png (205.24 KB,552x452,138:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20069807 (132157ZDEC23) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / Five men charged with historic sex abuse at Edinburgh Academy which spanned 24 years

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>>>104462 Historic Abuse Bun Part Two


Five men charged with historic sex abuse at Edinburgh Academy which spanned 24 years

Edinburgh Academy has been the subject of hearings at the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry this year and now five men, aged between 69 and 90, have been charged with serious offences

Mark Connor

13 DEC 2023

Five men have been arrested in connection with historic abuse at one of Scotland’s most prestigious private schools. Aged between 69 and 90, the men have been charged over alleged incidents at Edinburgh Academy spanning 24 years.

A sixth man, aged 74, will also be reported to the Procurator Fiscal. The abuse incidents are alleged to have taken place at what is one of Scotland’s top fee-paying schools between 1968 and 1992.

Edinburgh Academy has been the subject of hearings at the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry this year. Former pupils who suffered sexual and physical abuse shared their experiences in person and in witness statements.

Broadcaster Nicky Campbell was one of those who has spoken out about the abuse he suffered. He has formed the Edinburgh Academy Survivors group last year with 39 former pupils.

The Edinburgh Academy hearings follow similar inquiries into other leading Scottish schools including Fettes College and Loretto. Campbell previously alleged he was abused while at the school by former maths teacher and rugby coach Iain Wares, who also taught at Fettes College and now lives in South Africa.

Wares, 84, faces more than 80 charges of historic abuse relating to more than 40 victims aged as young as nine. He also faces separate charges of sexual misconduct in Cape Town.

A South African court approved a UK extradition request in 2020 but the process has been delayed by an appeal against the decision.

Detective inspector Colin Moffat said: “We would like to thank everyone who has come forward and assisted our enquiries to date. While the investigation of child abuse, particularly non-recent offences, can be complex and challenging, anyone who reports this type of crime can be assured that we will listen and we will investigate all reports, no matter when those offences occurred or who committed them.

“If you have suffered abuse, or you know anyone who may have been the victim of child abuse then please call Police Scotland on 101.”

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037c4f No.153954

File: 0638a2e925b695e⋯.png (651.2 KB,812x890,406:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 53c80df8d92e947⋯.png (267.72 KB,591x502,591:502,Clipboard.png)

File: fc581865368514a⋯.png (555.08 KB,543x865,543:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 70472b7751480ea⋯.png (206.43 KB,599x547,599:547,Clipboard.png)

File: acfb1e5692dd846⋯.png (251.25 KB,795x452,795:452,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20069882 (132217ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP government puts justice system at risk through changes which 'have little evidence'

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


SNP government puts justice system at risk through changes which 'have little evidence'

The Scottish Government want to make a string of reforms to the criminal justice sector, including axing the not proven verdict but this has been blasted by leading defence lawyers.

David Walker

13 DEC 2023

The Scottish Government's proposed criminal justice changes were torn apart by leading defence lawyers who accused the SNP of failing to undertake proper research before trying to make wholesale reforms in the sector. Holyrood heard from those in the industry who will be severely affected by the plans.

A number of differences have been put forward by the SNP Executive which would change the legal system in Scotland. This includes the axing of the Not Proven verdict, and reducing the number of jury members from 15 to 12.

Scotland's criminal justice sector is one of the most unique in the world, but the tweaks would put it more in line with England. And it has led to a huge outcry from the legal profession who claimed that it could impact on the fairness of trials, and the "innocent until proven guilty" aspect of law.

Stuart Murray, who is the President of the Scottish Solicitors Bar Association, claimed that the current eight out of 15 was not suitable either as the system "should be stronger than that." He added: "There should be more built in protections.

"It has to be unanimous in most states in America, it's unconstitutional to have anything less than unanimity. I would suggest that the figures required for a verdict in Scotland should be raised from eight to perhaps 10.

"The problem is that the research isn't in place to come to any of your conclusions. And I think that the Scottish Government have made a number of proposals to make landscape changes in the criminal justice system with a lack of research, and that has to change."

He was asked what research he wanted, and he was even more critical as he said "well some research. Quite frankly, there's been very little in Scottish Government research. Looking at the jury system, and the pilot scheme for removing juries in rape and attempted rape cases in the High Court, the research which has been carried out is almost non-existent."

Another controversial aspect of the criminal justice reforms is a pilot for running rape trials with only a judge, with campaigners claiming that some juries believe rape myths. The government also wants to improve the conviction rate for the crime.

Ronnie Renucci KC, who is the Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Advocates, described the evidence, which consists of mock jury results, as not viable as it did not showcase what actually happens in rape trials. He said: "Our criticism is that we should not be changing our whole legal system based on mock research.

"Research with mock jurors which really didn't mirror in any way what actually happens in the court. My understanding is that the mock trial lasted an hour. I have conducted between 200 and 300 rape diets in my career, I've never had one lasting only a day.

"So therefore, to say that this is good research, and we are asking you to change our criminal justice system on that basis, I think we should really hesitate before making major decisions based on that type of information."

Mr Murray added that the amount of wholesale changes being made at one time means that key tenets of the justice system "unadulterated access to justice and the rights of the accused of being innocent until proven guilty" was at "substantial risk.

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037c4f No.153955

File: 6809b598e39ee9b⋯.png (88.79 KB,572x858,2:3,Clipboard.png)

File: bfe27b6e1875d9a⋯.png (303.26 KB,923x865,923:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 5e538ba9308ae1b⋯.png (104.43 KB,654x880,327:440,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cf51e011606cfd⋯.png (80.34 KB,624x639,208:213,Clipboard.png)

File: 389d44bf2e7c6b3⋯.pdf (100.98 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20076245 (150228ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / A couple of good book reviews for John Halley in the U.S

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>>>104348 Updated John Halley Advocate Bun


>>>104461 Updated Historic Abuse Bun Part One


>>>104462 Historic Abuse Bun Part Two

A couple of good book reviews for John Halley in the U.S

Image 1


A Hero’s Stand for Justice: A Critical Review of “A Judicial Monstering” by John Halley

Image 2,3 and 4


Unmasking Legal Shadows: John Halley’s “A Judicial Monstering” Unleashes a Heroic Tale of the Fight Against Corruption

pdf 4


SCAI Summary - Child Trafficking Through Prostitution-FINAL

September 2023

In book: A Judicial Monstering: Child Sex Abuse Cover Up And Corruption In Scotland (pp.Pages 161-195)Publisher: Amazon


John Halley

Faculty of Advocates, Scotland; Judiciary of Scotland

The rule of law is fundamental in a democratic society. What happens when the rule of law becomes the rule of lawyers? Read my account of the Kafkaesque manipulation of the law and the truth in order to cover up the urgent need to investigate longstanding concerns about organised child sexual abuse in Scotland.

Chapter 17 of John Halley's book. (IN FULL)


The 17,500 word note sent to Lady Ann Smith the chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).

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037c4f No.153956

File: 026320f2d9504cb⋯.pdf (242.71 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089527 (172033ZDEC23) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / "THE NOTE" The 17,500 word note sent to Lady Ann Smith the chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) (pdf)

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>The 17,500 word note sent to Lady Ann Smith the chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).

>pdf 4



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037c4f No.153957

File: f915cf47a1dd240⋯.pdf (235.95 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089650 (172106ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Chapter 8: Cancer Diagnosis and Disability Discrimination (pdf)

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>>>104348 Updated John Halley Advocate Bun


>>>104461 Updated Historic Abuse Bun Part One


>>>104462 Historic Abuse Bun Part Two


A Judicial Monstering: Child Sex Abuse Cover Up and

Corruption in Scotland



Chapter 8: Cancer Diagnosis and Disability Discrimination


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037c4f No.153958

File: 7c2cd8c36b8e950⋯.pdf (121.42 KB,Clipboard.pdf)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20089715 (172120ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Introduction to the book (pdf)

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Here's the introduction to the book. Probably good to read the intro and progressing toTHE NOTEbefore reading Chapter 8.

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037c4f No.153959

File: 244cc75354c65f5⋯.png (452.06 KB,809x873,809:873,Clipboard.png)

File: f322b6fba9c8df1⋯.png (188.14 KB,564x512,141:128,Clipboard.png)

File: d2131f728774daf⋯.png (417.77 KB,565x863,565:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 31e44e7e9b68221⋯.png (386.18 KB,571x862,571:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20090161 (172248ZDEC23) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Scottish Covid Inquiry should be stopped until Nicola Sturgeon's WhatsApps mystery is solved, demands bereaved son

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>>>104463 Updated Covid Bun


Scottish Covid Inquiry should be stopped until Nicola Sturgeon's WhatsApps mystery is solved, demands bereaved son

Exclusive: William Jolly gave evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry last week and has insisted that the Scottish one has been 'compromised' by the alleged deletion of WhatsApps by Scottish Government figures.

David Walker

16 DEC 2023

Demands have been made for the Scottish Covid Inquiry to be paused completely because it has been "compromised" by the Scottish Government's WhatsApp scandal. William Jolly, who was a member of the Scottish Covid Bereaved group, believes that the mystery surrounding the deletion of correspondence by the likes of Nicola Sturgeon needs to be solved first.

The former First Minister has refused to confirm or deny whether she wiped her phone of crucial messages related to her decision-making during the pandemic. A number of other prominent figures, including clinical director Jason Leitch, have also been accused of doing similar.

This row broke out back in October with Humza Yousaf being forced to apologise for his failure to hand over key documents which the UK Covid Inquiry asked for. This includes tens of thousands of WhatsApps from government officials and cabinet secretaries.

It has still not been resolved, with SNP ministers not scheduled to give evidence to the Scottish Covid Inquiry until well in 2024. But Mr Jolly believes that the furore is overshadowing the probe, and that it should be shelved until Ms Sturgeon tells the truth about her correspondence.

He lost his dad during the pandemic, and gave evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry last Friday. He hit out at the care home's treatment of his father as he claimed the boss lied about being by his side when he died.

Mr Jolly was a member of the Scottish Covid Bereaved group but is now longer part of it following a political disagreement. He told the Scottish Daily Express: "I don't understand how we can have a Scottish Covid Inquiry, an open forum where the party that are being investigated are openly accused of, and not denying, not keeping appropriate records, deleting records, deleting WhatsApps.

"The thematic approach of the Inquiry is all wrong, its the wrong way round, all those who have been found to have deleted correspondence, WhatsApps, emails should be questioned right now, and the inquiry should have them questioned to find out the truth and whether they have compromised the inquiry.

"We cannot have an inquiry where this is happening, it's been fatally flawed by the reporting that people like Nicola Sturgeon and others have deleted messages.

"The Scottish Inquiry has been seriously compromised and should be stopped until those responsible in the SNP for allegedly deleting vital evidence are investigated. These people should be called to explain to the public and the bereaved why they have not kept record, why they've deleted, why they have altered them, because if they don't do that soon, it's too late and it makes the inquiry false."

Ms Sturgeon has insisted that she has "nothing to hide" from the inquiry but refused to confirm or deny she had deleted WhatsApps when asked by journalists. She said: "I have nothing to hide - I am committed to full transparency to this inquiry and to the Scottish inquiry when it takes place, and I'm committed to that in the interests of everybody across this country who was affected by COVID.

"I gave my all to the management of the pandemic. Transparency for the families affected, by everybody affected by the pandemic, matters really a lot to me."

The Scottish Covid Inquiry was approached for comment.

Just a reminder


SNP 'burner' phones, luxury pens and even a fridge being probed by cops as crisis deepens

I think we know where the WhatsApp messages went?

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037c4f No.153960

File: 70d2b25ff2363a0⋯.png (630.66 KB,805x899,805:899,Clipboard.png)

File: d5ebe567a3e5402⋯.png (645.2 KB,544x855,544:855,Clipboard.png)

File: f6bf144d82b16e4⋯.png (453.05 KB,776x798,388:399,Clipboard.png)

File: c9369c3db372d70⋯.png (114.52 KB,855x434,855:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20090498 (172338ZDEC23) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / SNP 'burner' phones, luxury pens and even a fridge being probed by cops as crisis deepens

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SNP 'burner' phones, luxury pens and even a fridge being probed by cops as crisis deepens

Operation Branchform is looking into money raised for a second Scexit referendum and has already seen the arrest of Peter Murrell and Colin Beattie

Douglas Dickie

23 APR 2023

Officers probing the SNP's finances are searching for burner phone-style sim cards as part of the investigation, it has emerged. Luxury pens, designer pots and pans, and even a fridge freezer are also being looked at as part of Operation Branchform.

It follows revelations last week that jewellery formed part of the investigation while a campervan bought by the party seemingly to fight the 2021 Scottish elections has been seized by officers. It is the latest blow to the Nats, who have had to endure the arrest of former chief executive and husband to Nicola Sturgeon Peter Murrell and treasurer Colin Beattie MSP in the last fortnight.

It has been reported that officers are looking for information from the sims which are commonly used in untraceable phones. They are usually used to stay anonymous and protect the usage and identity of the person who has it.

A source with knowledge of the investigation told the Sunday Mail: "Something police are looking for is sim cards used in unregistered mobile phones. They want to know the numbers connected with these cards which could also contain numbers called and text messages.

"It's not uncommon for people to have unregistered mobile sim cards which can be bought from any shop, there's nothing wrong with having a so-called burner phone, but police want a record of these phones in the SNP."

A second source told the paper: "There is an extensive list of items the police are interested in which will probably be surprising some people. It is mostly high-value items - expensive pens, pots and pans, jewellery, but also a fridge freezer. This is a very extensive inquiry and clearly absolutely no stone is being left unturned."

Both Murrell and Beattie - who has since quit as treasurer and been replaced by Stuart McDonald MP - were released without charge pending further inquiries. Speculation is now mounting that Ms Sturgeon could be next to be questioned as part of the operation, which focuses on over £600,000 of money raised in 2017 that was supposed to be 'ringfenced' for a second Scexit referendum.

Scottish Conservative Party chairman Craig Hoy said: "It is crucial the SNP cooperates fully with the police investigation and gives the public the answers they deserve to questions that remain unanswered. Humza Yousaf must also finally suspend the senior SNP MSPs - including Nicola Sturgeon - who are associated with the investigation."

Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie said: "These details raise deeply worrying questions about practices at the heart of the SNP. This arrogant and sleaze-ridden party needs to start operating with some much-needed transparency and consistency - the people of Scotland deserve nothing less."

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: "It looks like Humza Yousaf and his new treasurer have got a hell of a mess to get to the bottom of. I wish SNP politicians were focused on our urgent public service crises like the fact that one in seven Scots are now on an NHS waiting list."

The Nats are also facing a race against time to employ new auditors ahead of a July 7 deadline after Johnson and Carmichael quit last year. We told on Saturday that senior sources are not confident new ones will be installed.

Both Police Scotland and the SNP declined to comment on the Sunday Mail story.

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037c4f No.153961

File: 07d230625e59291⋯.png (586.75 KB,847x839,847:839,Clipboard.png)

File: ad388df3aa63f2a⋯.png (513.59 KB,807x633,269:211,Clipboard.png)

File: 6d228f2187cb30d⋯.png (646.65 KB,550x865,110:173,Clipboard.png)

File: 5cf9f28ae9ede59⋯.png (667.59 KB,543x865,543:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20090876 (180023ZDEC23) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Operation Branchform cops investigating Peter Murrell's £95k electric Jaguar

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>>>104460 Updated Operation Branchform Bun


Operation Branchform cops investigating Peter Murrell's £95k electric Jaguar

The I-Pace SUV was registered in October 2019, two years before the former SNP chief executive was seen attempting to sell a similar Jag at a We Buy Any Car office in Glasgow

John Ferguson & Ben Borland

10 DEC 2023

The purchase of a luxury £95,000 Jaguar is being investigated by police as part of the fraud probe into SNP finances. Peter Murrell is alleged to have purchased the electric I-Pace SUV from a dealership in Edinburgh.

A top-of-the-range motor fitting the description of the Jaguar – which was registered in October 2019 – was photographed in the driveway of the Glasgow home the former SNP chief executive shares with his wife, Nicola Sturgeon, in March 2021.

The revelation in the Sunday Mail heaps pressure on Mr Murrell, 59, and the former first minister, who have both been arrested and questioned as suspects by Operation Branchform detectives. The car has since been sold – understood to be via popular car buying firm, We Buy Any Car.

It's the second vehicle to be looked at as part of the fraud probe since a camper van was seized earlier this year. A source told newspaper: "Police have interviewed at least one worker at the dealership about the sale. This is an extremely high end vehicle, one of the most expensive electric SUVs on the market.

"The basic price start at around £80,000 and optional extras can get you up to £95,000 if you are going for all out luxury. It goes without saying that it is completely outwith the price range of most people, especially in a cost of living crisis."

The Jaguar is fully electric and goes from 0-62mph in just 4.8 seconds with a top speed of 125mph. A separate source has told the Sunday Mail that late in 2021, Mr Murrell was spotted attempting to arrange to sell an I-Pace at a We Buy Any Car office close to his home in Glasgow.

The registered keeper of the vehicle pictured on his driveway changed in February 2022 and the registration plate was replaced a month later before being switched back earlier this year.

The source said: "I was driving into the We Buy Any Car offices and I was surprised to see Peter Murrell driving out in a very high spec electric Jaguar. I asked the boy working at the desk and he said Murrell had been looking to sell the car."

Operation Branchform was launched in July 2021 following seven complaints that more than £600,000 of "ring-fenced" donations to pay for a second independence referendum campaign were missing from the SNP's accounts.

In August 2021, leaked video footage reveals that a clearly furious Ms Sturgeon told a meeting of the party's NEC not to talk about the finances.

She said: "Just be very careful about suggestions that there are problems with the party's finances because we depend on donors to donate. There are no reasons for people to be concerned about the party's finances and all of us need to be careful about not suggesting that there is."

But police are now investigating more than 1000 alleged instances of fraud as part of their huge probe. A £110,000 luxury camper van was seized from Mr Murrell's mother's driveway in April.

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037c4f No.153962

File: 2ab06328cabc9e8⋯.png (152.3 KB,597x850,597:850,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20090884 (180024ZDEC23) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Operation Branchform cops investigating Peter Murrell's £95k electric Jaguar

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On the same day, Mr Murrell was arrested and questioned as police began a two-day search of the couple's home. Officers also raided the SNP's HQ in Edinburgh and removed boxes of documents.

Former party treasurer Colin Beattie was later arrested before the arrest of Ms Sturgeon herself in June. All three individuals were released without charge and Ms Sturgeon has vehemently denied any wrongdoing.

Scottish Labour Deputy Leader Jackie Baillie said: "This latest revelation demands answers from the SNP. The allegations are incredibly serious and, quite frankly, the whole situation stinks. Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon have driven trust in Scotland's politics into a ditch.

"Only by booting out this whole rotten SNP government can we get decency and integrity back into our politics."

'Top lawyer Stuart Munro has been engaged'

Money left to the SNP in wills is also being investigated as well as the purchase of everything from pots and pans to luxury pens, jewellery and other household items including a fridge freezer. An Amazon account used to buy everyday purchases forms part of the inquiry.

Police were also seeking burner phones and SIM cards at various stages in the investigation, while First Minister Humza Yousaf has admitted he has seen a list of items on a warrant.

Earlier this year outgoing Police Scotland Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone revealed the probe had grown beyond the initial allegation of fraud. He hinted it had expanded to look at "potential embezzlement" and the "misuse of funds" since being launched two years.

The SNP has said it is not paying legal fees for Mr Murrell. But the party is understood to have engaged lawyer Stuart Munro, whose expertise includes "white collar crime" and who represented the former administrator of Rangers FC in a major fraud prosecution.

A Police Scotland spokesman said: "As the investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further."

An SNP spokesman said: "We cannot comment on a live police inquiry."

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037c4f No.153963

File: cd7b7ded1aa45be⋯.png (673.76 KB,834x897,278:299,Clipboard.png)

File: 362bb155b0a5bf8⋯.png (332.02 KB,854x545,854:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ed777b92897ed6⋯.png (624.29 KB,806x858,31:33,Clipboard.png)

File: 3934ebfcbcf93ff⋯.png (425.19 KB,778x611,778:611,Clipboard.png)

File: 3aca495863fe8a9⋯.png (276.61 KB,771x419,771:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20102042 (200215ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Court hands brutal ruling to SNP amid Nicola Sturgeon FOI transparency row

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Court hands brutal ruling to SNP amid Nicola Sturgeon FOI transparency row

SNP ministers have been told by a panel of senior judges that they attempted to avoid being an 'open and transparent government' in a severe dressing down for the Government

Jessica North

19 DEC 2023

SNP ministers attempted to put up a “technical barrier” that would have defeated “open and transparent government”.

This is according to a panel of senior judges who made the scathing ruling at the Inner House of the Court of Session following efforts to conceal key findings in an investigation into Nicola Sturgeon in 2019.

The Scottish Government was told their reasoning behind withholding evidence gathered during an investigation into a breach of the ministerial code was not valid, at a separate court case earlier this month.

This session heard the government lawyer argue that ministers did not hold the information requested. However, in their most recent statement, judges said: "There should be no scope for the introduction of technicalities and unnecessary legal concepts calculated to over-complicate matters," and added minister's arguments "defeat the objective of open and transparent government".

In 2019 Ms Sturgeon referred herself to independent adviser James Hamilton following concerns that she failed to record meetings and phone calls she had with her predecessor Alex Salmond and his former chief of staff after he was the subject of complaints from two civil servants.

Mr Hamilton investigated and issued a report in March 2021 in which he determined Ms Sturgeon did not breach the code. Mr Harrop asked Scottish ministers two weeks later to be provided with all written evidence gathered by Mr Hamilton during his investigation.

However, shortly after Mr Hamilton's findings were published in March 2021 an FOI request to the government sought the publication of all evidence gathered by him.

The judges said: "Such an approach would be liable to restrict the disclosure of information in ways that run counter to the clear legislative policy."

The ruling continued: "Whether information is or is not held by a public authority is fundamentally a question of fact. Sophisticated legal analysis of the meaning of the concept of ‘holding’ information is neither necessary nor appropriate.

"It is clear from his decision that the Commissioner fully understood the law on what was intended by the concept of holding information and that he correctly applied the law to the facts and circumstances of the case.

"He recognised, in particular, that the issue did not revolve around an interpretation of the arrangements made for Mr Hamilton’s independence from the Scottish Government, but turned instead on the narrower question of whether the information was held by the Scottish Ministers."

It added: "The Ministers’ submissions seek to attach disproportionate weight to Mr Hamilton’s independence; they fail to acknowledge the wider context in which the investigation took place. The context was the operation of a system designed to ensure compliance with the Scottish Ministerial Code. Mr Hamilton’s role was essentially that of an adviser to the Scottish Ministers.

"It is also significant in considering whether an appropriate connection exists to recall that the information was held on the Scottish Government’s IT systems.

"In this connection it is notable that in their written submissions the Ministers accept that they (or their officials) could gain access to the information. They acknowledge that some of the email accounts of secretariat members had permission settings which allowed team members access and they accept that those inboxes were accessed on one occasion.

"The Ministers’ argument comes to this. They are entitled to rely on access restrictions which they unilaterally created and which they could unilaterally retract. Such an approach would in effect permit them to construct a technical barrier between them and the information with a view to putting the information beyond the reach of the freedom of information regime.

"This would defeat the objective of open and transparent government."

Scottish ministers will now have to go back to the original freedom of information request and abide by transparency rules.

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037c4f No.153964

File: 41aed85f0d6fcb8⋯.png (709.08 KB,836x892,209:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 1edd6eae6e26527⋯.png (282.68 KB,564x590,282:295,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20107108 (210212ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP Government 'lose' phone with vital Covid messages on it in latest 'unacceptable' Inquiry scandal

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>>>104463 Updated Covid Bun


>>>104468 Updated SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun


SNP Government 'lose' phone with vital Covid messages on it in latest 'unacceptable' Inquiry scandal

The Scottish Government has claimed it cannot find key civil servant Andrew Slorance's phone and can't access his laptop despite potentially vital messages about its Covid pandemic response being on them.

David Walker

17 DEC 2023

The Scottish Government have become entangled in yet another Covid scandal as officials claimed that they had lost a phone which could contain key pandemic messages. Already, SNP ministers have been rebuked by the UK Covid Inquiry for failing to hand over all the correspondence which was asked for.

Now, it has been reported that a mobile device which could contain messages between a civil servant and key members of the coronavirus response team is missing. Bureaucrats said they could not locate the phone of Andrew Slorance after his widow handed it to them last summer.

Humza Yousaf and Shona Robison have already fought off a vote for them to refer themselves for breaching the ministerial code after being accused of lying to MSPs about the instructions they received from the UK Covid Inquiry. Both the first minister and his deputy claimed that the inquiry had only requested all WhatsApp messages, including from groups as recently as September.

This was later contradicted by a written statement from Ms Robison which confirmed the inquiry had requested “key communications and significant correspondence, including WhatsApp messages” in February. Nicola Sturgeon and her health secretary were accused of deleting their correspondence.

Scottish Government officials also claimed that they were unable to access any material from Mr Slorance's laptop as he has not been switched on since his death in December 2020. His wife Louise told the Sunday Mail: "It says a lot about the level of information governance at the Scottish Government that this has been allowed to happen.

“It’s incredulous to think the Government can’t access vital information on a laptop just because it hasn’t been switched on for three years.”

Dad-of-five Andrew, 49, was a key member of the Covid response team but died from the virus while awaiting a bone marrow transplant at Glasgow's Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. His death has caused a scandal of its own, with Louise claiming she has been let down by the SNP Executive.

She said that her husband was in regular communication with the likes of Ms Sturgeon, ex-health secretaries Mr Yousaf and Jeane Freeman and national clinical director Jason Leitch. If his devices can't be found/turned on, vital evidence may not be passed to the inquiries.

Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie said: "It is simply unacceptable for the SNP to withhold information from the Covid inquiries. For vital information stored on mobile devices to have gone missing without explanation beggars belief."

The Scottish Government was unable to say why the phone had been lost or laptop inaccessible but said it had "now handed all relevant retained messages to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry".

Ms Slorance previously accused the SNP Executive of playing "fast and loose" with information from the last months of her husband's life. In a statement, she said: "The laptop should contain much of the basis for government decision-making during 2020, from emails to documents and from planning to final policy.

"As a shielder, Andrew was not in the office for the most part up to his death in December 2020, 'water cooler conversations' could not happen. His work mobile could provide insight into that type of chat."

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037c4f No.153965

File: 5bf4ae26d562a20⋯.png (727.2 KB,837x899,27:29,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20107433 (210342ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / I took a Christmas shopping trip to Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow and it's just beggars and bargain shops

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


I took a Christmas shopping trip to Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow and it's just beggars and bargain shops

What was once Glasgow's favourite thoroughfare is now a shadow of its former self and pales into comparison with the likes of nearby Buchanan Street

Douglas Dickie

20 DEC 2023

Less than a week until Christmas and Glasgow city centre was packed with shoppers. Buchanan Street and Argyll Street were full of people out grabbing their final gifts as they look to get prepared for December 25.

But on Sauchiehall Street and the situation was quite different. Once the jewel in the Glasgow shopping town, it looked a shadow of its former self on what was admittedly a rather dreich winter's night.

The street hit the news again this week due to a council project that has left shoppers squeezing past fenced-off parts of the road. The dug-up pavements hardly scream winter wonderland, but the truth is, even with the full street accessible, Sauchiehall Street pales in comparison to its neighbours.

In the immediate vicinity of the Buchanan Galleries, it isn't too bad. But cross Renfield Street and it takes on a rather grim guise.

Bargain shops dominate while many of the shop alcoves, at least on my visit, had homeless people sitting in them, trying to keep warm and looking for any scarps of change passers-by could throw them.

It was a sad indication of the poverty that still exists in this city and perhaps a timely reminder of how many of us should feel lucky this Christmas. The presence of the unfortunate can be seen in many Glasgow streets, but it was perhaps a symbol of the journey Sauchiehall Street had been on.

What was once the richest street in Glasgow was now a painful vision of what has happened to the city over the past 20-odd years. I'm not for a second blaming the homeless for being there - it isn't their fault - but I could see how it might feel intimidating to some if they are out after dark on the street - especially given how few people were actually around.

Not that there's nothing on Sauchiehall Street. At my third attempt I was able to locate an item in Boots and the Waterstones remains a shop you can get happily lost in. Bargain shops certainly have their place and they are much better than a boarded-up unit. But there is no doubt it all added up to a rather depressing scene.

Just a few yards away, plush Buchanan Street was alive and even the Buchanan Galleries - seemingly destined to be torn down - seems to have the edge over the street that gave the facility its name. The project that's caused much consternation is part of a £5.7 million makeover.

But it feels like Sauchiehall Street needs a lot more than a few trees cut down. The problems go much deeper and if it is to compete with the likes of Buchanan Street then Glasgow City Council needs to show some real ambition and make it fit for the 21st century.

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037c4f No.153966

File: 2b290b3d78d9723⋯.png (704.5 KB,812x899,28:31,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20114446 (221347ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Michelle Mone breaks silence to deny wrongdoing and say: 'I'm sick and tired of the lies about me'

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>>>104466 Michelle Mone Bun


Michelle Mone breaks silence to deny wrongdoing and say: 'I'm sick and tired of the lies about me'

The former bra tycoon, 52, says she is receiving treatment for her mental health and says most people would see her as a 'horrible person. A liar, a cheat, a thief' – but insists she will win the 'cruel and nasty' court fight over PPE contracts

Ben Borland

10 DEC 2023

Michelle Mone has dramatically broken her silence over the PPE contracts scandal, insisting she has done nothing wrong. And the Tory peer said she and her husband, Doug Barrowman, were "sick and tired of reading all the lies every single day in the media".

Lady Mone did admit she had made an "error" by repeatedly denying any link to a firm awarded contracts worth £200million during the early months coronavirus pandemic. The couple only acknowledged their involvement in PPE Medpro last month.

PPE Medpro is being investigated by the National Crime Agency (NCA). It is also being sued by the UK Government for £122m plus costs for "breach of contract and unjust enrichment".

The Scottish businesswoman recommended the firm to ministers in 2020 and it won lucrative contracts to supply surgical gowns and masks. Last week, a court heard the sterile gowns "failed dismally" and are still in storage costing the taxpayer around £3.2m a year.

In a new online documentary, which was funded by PPE Medpro, Lady Mone admitted she "may indirectly benefit" as Mr Barrowman's wife, but insisted: “It's not my money." Her husband was the chairman and leader of the PPE Medpro consortium.

Lady Mone, 52, also revealed that she is struggling with her mental health. "I am a very, very strong woman," she said. "I'm seeing a doctor and on medication and everything else, which I'm very against, but yeah, I needed it."

She insisted she never hid her involvement in the company and denied attempting to defraud the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC), she said: "Absolutely not. How can I defraud them when they knew I was involved? There's over 1,400 emails and communication on WhatsApps and phone calls. How can they say they didn't know I was involved? They knew everything."

Asked if she will win the legal fight, she said: "Yeah, we will win, because we did nothing wrong, and it's cruel and it's nasty, but we will win."

Lady Mone said she put PPE Medpro forward, but those behind the firm "got the contracts on their own merits". She also denied any suggestion she received favourable treatment by the government because she is a Conservative peer.

She said she was "a conduit" and "a liaison person", adding: "I brought it all together. I wanted the guys to succeed. I wanted the NHS to succeed. I wanted a win-win situation for everyone. Both myself and my husband declared our interest, and if they had any issue with that whatsoever, when they knew of my involvement and my husband's involvement, why did they ever give the contracts in the first place? They must have been satisfied, and they knew everything."

'I didn't lie whatsoever. Why would I lie?'

Lady Mone denied allegations by former UK health secretary Matt Hancock that she was aggressive and threatening as she sought to help PPE Medpro win Covid contracts.

She said she had spoken to Mr Hancock about "a completely different subject", adding: "I can sometimes come across feisty. It's just part of me. But I'm certainly not aggressive, I wasn't abusive, and I think he's gotten that completely wrong. To be honest with you, I'm not a fan of his anyway."

Asked if she had lied or told untruths at any point during her communications with the government and the DHSC, she said: "Never, absolutely no. I didn't lie whatsoever. Why would I lie?"

Lady Mone also said she did not know about the existence of a VIP lane for suppliers "until I read about it in the newspapers myself".

Put to her that she had lied to the press by saying she had no involvement in PPE Medpro, she said: "I made an error in what I said to the press. I regret not saying to the press straight away ‘yes, I am involved’, and the government knew I was involved, and the emergency Cabinet team knew I was involved. The government, DHSC knew that I was involved, the NHS, all of them knew I was involved. The legal team advised myself and my husband not to comment and not to say of my involvement in PPE Medpro.

"What I did say to them was ‘I'm not a shareholder’, which was true. I'm not a director, which was true, I am not financially benefiting directly, which is true. But I didn't want to start speaking to the press about it, and I didn't want the pain for my family again through the media."

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037c4f No.153967

File: c12e7734a099616⋯.png (558.66 KB,780x899,780:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116631 (222330ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Raging Michelle Mone fumes at Rishi Sunak as Scots baroness 'no longer a Tory Party member'

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>>>104466 Michelle Mone Bun


Raging Michelle Mone fumes at Rishi Sunak as Scots baroness 'no longer a Tory Party member'

The Scots peer admitted lying to the press about her involvement with PPE Medpro, a consortium led by her billionaire husband Doug Barrowman

Douglas Dickie

18 DEC 2023

Baroness Michelle Mone has launched an attack on UK Ministers and Rishi Sunak as the row over her involvement with a PPE firm deepens. The Scots peer has faced calls to resign from the House of Lords after admitting she lied about her links to PPE Medpro, a consortium led by her billionaire husband Doug Barrowman.

And on Monday it emerged she is no longer a member of the Conservative Party. She was made a peer by David Cameron in 2015 but has been on a leave of absence from the Lords and without the Tory whip for a year.

She has dug into the row by hitting out at Rishi Sunak after he said he was taking the issue "incredibly seriously". PPE Medpro made millions of pounds in profits from a government deal to supply personal protective equipment during the Covid pandemic after she recommended it to ministers.

Sir Keir Starmer said she should be expelled from the Lords as he urged the Government to "come clean" about the scandal he described as a "shocking disgrace". The Labour leader piled pressure on ministers to answer "serious questions" about what they knew, including who started the conversations with Lady Mone in the first place.

On the BBC’s Sunday With Laura Kuenssberg programme, Lady Mone's first major broadcast interview since the controversy emerged, she admitted she did not tell the truth about her connection to PPE Medpro, while insisting that she and her husband have "no case to answer". She conceded she stands to benefit from contracts worth more than £200 million to supply gowns and face masks.

She had said she made the denial to protect her family from press intrusion. The Glasgow-born businesswoman, who famously made her fortune from selling bras, also took part in an online 'documentary' aimed at telling her side of the story.

Mr Sunak told reporters during a visit to Scotland on Monday: "The Government takes these things incredibly seriously, which is why we’re pursuing legal action against the company concerned in these matters." Reacting to his remarks, Lady Mone tweeted: “What is @RishiSunak talking about?

"I was honest with the Cabinet Office, the Government and the NHS in my dealings with them. They all knew about my involvement from the very beginning."

This was rejected by Tory former health minister Lord Bethell, who replied that she "wasn’t ‘honest’ about her financial interest to me". "She didn’t explain ‘from the very beginning’ about her financial ‘involvement’," he said, adding that it was not in her register of financial interests as a member of the House of Lords.

Lady Mone’s interview saw her name-check Michael Gove, saying she contacted the then-chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster at the start of the pandemic to offer help. On Monday, she accused the Cabinet minister and Department of Health official Sir Chris Wormald of overseeing a "huge waste in PPE contracts".

Sir Keir said: "This is a shocking disgrace from top to bottom. And, as every day goes past, there are more questions that need to be answered.

"There’s now suggestions there was early private contact with members of the Cabinet that may have started this unhappy story in the first place. So the Government needs to come clean.”

He urged Mr Gove to make a statement in the Commons. Asked if Lady Mone should be expelled from the Lords, the Labour leader said: "I don’t think she should be in the Lords. I think the Government should be held to account for this."

Tory ministers echoed the calls for the lingerie entrepreneur not to return to the upper chamber. Energy efficiency minister Lord Callanan told Sky News he hoped she would "see sense" and "would not be coming back to the House of Lords".

And Energy Secretary Claire Coutinho told LBC Radio: "At the moment she’s on leave, and I think considering everything that has come out she’ll want to consider that position very carefully."

The Government last December issued breach of contract proceedings against PPE Medpro over the 2020 deal on the supply of sterile gowns. The firm is defending the legal action. The company is also being investigated by the National Crime Agency into suspected criminal offences in the procurement of PPE contracts.

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037c4f No.153968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116653 (222335ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Michelle Mone interview: Baroness tells Laura Kuenssberg that lying over PPE contracts ‘not a crime’ (video)

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Michelle Mone interview: Baroness tells Laura Kuenssberg that lying over PPE contracts ‘not a crime’

Evening Standard

258K subscribers

86,807 views Dec 17, 2023

Baroness Michelle Mone has admitted she did not tell the truth about her links to PPE firm Medpro, but insisted that she and her husband have “no case to answer”.

The company is currently being investigated by the National Crime Agency (NCA), while the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) has since issued breach of contract proceedings over a 2020 deal on the supply of gowns.

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037c4f No.153969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116660 (222338ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Baroness Mone hits back at PM over PPE MedPro scandal (video)

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Baroness Mone hits back at PM over PPE MedPro scandal

Sky News

7.25M subscribers

46,043 views Dec 18, 2023 #skynews #labour #sirkeirstarmer

Baroness Michelle Mone has hit out at the prime minister after he insisted he took the scandal surrounding a PPE company she was linked to "incredibly seriously".

The Tory-appointed peer and her husband, Doug Barrowman, have been embroiled in a row over their associations with PPE MedPro after it was awarded multi-million-pound contracts by the government for personal protective equipment during the pandemic.

The pair continually denied any involvement with the firm, but leaked documents showed she had recommended PPE MedPro to Cabinet Office ministers.

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037c4f No.153970

File: bb2f211af4340f0⋯.png (696 KB,836x899,836:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20116700 (222348ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Michelle Mone PPE deal is NOT a 'great scandal', says Nigel Farage as peer urged to pay back money

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Michelle Mone PPE deal is NOT a 'great scandal', says Nigel Farage as peer urged to pay back money

Fresh from his stint in the Australian jungle on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out Of Here!, the former UKIP politician reckons there are bigger issues relating to the pandemic

Douglas Dickie

19 DEC 2023

Baroness Michelle Mone's links to a PPE deal with the UK Government is NOT a 'great scandal', at least according to Nigel Farage. The Scots peer, 52, admitted at the weekend that she had lied about her links to PPE Medpro, which was awarded Covid contracts of over £200 million from UK Ministers in 2020 to supply personal protective equipment such as face masks and gowns.

Lady Mone's husband Doug Barrowman, 58, stands to make a profit of around £60m as part of the deal after she recommended Medpro. The pair are being probed by the National Crime Agency on suspicion of fraud and bribery while Medpro is being sued by the Department of Health and Social Care for breach of contract for allegedly supplying non-sterile gowns.

The Glasgow-born businesswoman, who was handed a seat in the House of Lords by David Cameron in 2015, has insisted she has done nothing wrong. She and Barrowman appeared in an interview with Laura Kuenssberg on Sunday to tell their side of the story, but the car-crash appearance, which included her saying she didn't "honestly see what we've done wrong", appears to have backfired.

On Monday, Lady Mone hit out at Prime Minister Rishi Sunak after he said he was taking the scandal seriously. But despite the widespread public attention, Farage, fresh from his stint on I'm A Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here!, reckons it is not a big deal in the grand scheme of things.

Instead, he said government waste was a bigger issue. Speaking on GB News, he claimed around £10 billion worth of purchased PPE had been "written off, destroyed or lost". Of Lady Mone's involvement, he said: "... on the face of it, this looks like the great scandal to come out of the pandemic, but folks, it really isn't."

He added: "There were over 14,000 companies that applied for PPE contracts, many people making very, very big profits out of it. And yes, of course there was a high priority lane, where those that were known to government ministers had a much better chance of getting the orders and, of course, Baroness Mone was a part of that."

Meanwhile, pressure is mounting on Lady Mone and Barrowman to pay back the money they made from the Medpro deal. Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar said there were "huge questions" for the UK Government to answer.

He accused the Tories of using the Covid crisis to help allies "make millions" and added: "It's absolutely disgusting that Michelle Mone seems to think that she's the victim when, in actual fact, the victims here are the health care professionals or patients who required quality PPE but weren't able to get it. The victim here is the taxpayer who expected the money to be spent protecting families from the pandemic.

"And the victims in the longer term are those that require money from the government to support the most vulnerable. That's why it's disgusting and that's why we need to get our money back."

Lady Mone famously made her name as the head of lingerie company Ultimo. She and businessman Barrowman, who founded the Knox Group of Companies, married in November 2020.

Asked about the scandal on Monday, the PM said: "The Government takes these things incredibly seriously, which is why we're pursuing legal action against the company concerned. That's how seriously I take it and the Government takes it. But it is also subject to an ongoing criminal investigation. And because of that, there's not much further I can add."

The comment prompted Lady Mone to post on social media: "What is Rishi Sunak talking about? I was honest with the Cabinet Office, the Government and the NHS in my dealings with them. They all knew about my involvement from the very beginning."

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037c4f No.153971

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20119735 (231630ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Ferguson Marine ferries fiasco is a monument to SNP incompetence; Turkish shipyard set to launch new ferry after just two years of construction

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Ferguson Marine ferries fiasco is a monument to SNP incompetence that looks set to keep getting bigger – Scotsman comment

Opinion by Scotsman comment • 11h

Ferguson Marine shipyard warns that ‘supplier issues’ mean the two ferries being built for CalMac could be delayed by up to two months

After the week the SNP have had – dominated by a chorus of justified outrage and condemnation of the Scottish Budget – they must have been looking forward to a break from it all over Christmas. However, ministers didn’t manage to make it to the end of the week before they were hit by another piece of bad news.

Once again, for the umpteenth time, we learned that the two over-budget and much-delayed CalMac ferries being built at the state-owned Ferguson Marine shipyard face yet more delays. As a reminder, these ferries were commissioned in 2015 and were supposed to have been in service in 2018. They were supposed to cost £97 million, but the current estimate is now £337 million.

In a letter to MSPs, Ferguson Marine chief executive David Tydeman revealed that “supplier issues” could cause up to two months’ delay. And, what’s more, the shipyard plans to review the current completion “dates and budgets” on January 25. Given the consistent direction of travel, that can surely mean only one thing – even more taxpayers’ money and an even longer wait for these much-needed ferries.

Neil Gray, the Well-being Economy Secretary, said news of the review was “extremely concerning”, adding that he had recently “impressed upon” Tydeman that the Scottish Government was facing “significant challenges... in terms of spending” and that “he should exercise every possible mitigation over potential overspend”.

The Scottish Government thinks that its recent decision to increase the top rate by 1p will raise an extra £82 million, or expressed in ferry terms, about half of one. However, the sum raised may well be less as higher earners take steps to cut their bills. High taxes already appear to be putting people off moving to Scotland and there are fears a “brain drain” could gather pace.

So ministers' calamitous handling of the ferry project may well have prompted them to take a step that is causing serious damage to the Scottish economy. Ferrygate is not quite the disastrous Darien scheme – not yet anyway – but it is, without doubt, a monument to SNP incompetence.


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037c4f No.153972

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20126259 (250108ZDEC23) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / Beneath the Magic Circle (video)

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HD Documentary

170 subscribers

126 views Oct 6, 2023

A Scottish lawyer is convicted on historic child abuse charges, BBC Disclosure speaks to his victims and explores how he hid his crimes for decades. Reporter Myles Bonnar also revisits a 30-year-old scandal that rocked the legal establishment. For the first time on camera, members of the police, press and judiciary look back on the so-called 'Magic Circle Affair' and its major players. We ask whether there was a dark circle of criminality operating beneath this scandal. DISCLOSURE BBC

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037c4f No.153973

File: 35b364e1e82e319⋯.png (183.5 KB,473x678,473:678,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20129215 (251928ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Edinburgh crime: Advocate John Mayer caught with haul of 500 child abuse images jailed for a year

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Edinburgh crime: Former top lawyer John Mayer facing jail after downloading hundreds of child abuse pictures

He downloaded more than 500 images of children being sexually abused.

Alexander Lawrie

21st Dec 2023

A former High Court lawyer is facing a jail sentence after he was found guilty of possessing indecent images of children on his laptop.

Retired advocate John Mayer downloaded more than 500 horrific pictures depicting the sexual abuse of children aged between 12 months and 14 years old. Mayer, 70, deleted the shocking collection of images and was found to have used computer cleaning software in a bid to hide his online activity.

Mayer, who turned to writing crime novels after retiring from his legal career, was caught when police officers seized several electronic devices during a raid on his home at Duddingston in Edinburgh in January 2021.

The lawyer denied any knowledge of the pictures but was found guilty of possessing the depraved images by a jury following a three day trial at Edinburgh Sheriff Court this week.

The trial heard from forensic computer analyst David McGowan who was working with Police Scotland as a cyber crime officer at the time of Mayer’s arrest on January 28, 2021.

Mr McGowan told the jury he was tasked with examining Mayer’s laptop seized during the police raid and said he found documents including an application for Mayer to become a part time sheriff. Mr McGowan, 35, said he also discovered thumb nail images on the hard drive which had been left behind on the device after the original files had been deleted.

He said the images showed children aged between one and 14 being “subjected to sexual posing and non-penetrative sexual activity with other children and adults”. Mr McGowan said the most serious images showed children engaged in “penetrative sexual activity with other children and adults”. The court was told the pictures were categorised as 117 at Category A, 193 Category B and a 201 at Category C.

The expert also told the jury the laptop contained the ADB Shredder programme that is used to permanently delete computer files.

Mayer told the trial he was a retired advocate who had acted in High Court trials, worked with the International Criminal Court at The Hague and had specialised in fighting international child abuse and abduction. Mayer said he had bought the laptop while living in Greece in 2018 and used the device to write his novels and for storing personal documents.

He told the jury he also used the device to download TV programmes and movies from the Pirate Bay website and at times the content he been corrupted with conspiracy themed material.

Mayer said he had allowed his wife, a cousin and a team of Albanian builders at his Greek home to access his laptop while he was not present. He told the court he had never seen the child abuse images on his laptop and denied ever accessing them online.

He said: “I have never seen these images. I didn’t know they were there. I would have been crazy to have something illegal on my laptop that the authorities look for.”

Following the evidence, the jury deliberated for around four hours before returning a majority guilty verdict of Mayer possessing indecent images of children between August 9, 2019 and January 28, 2021. The jury also him convicted of a charge of taking, or allowing to be taken, indecent images of children at his Edinburgh home between the same dates.

Sheriff Iain Nicol said: “Having regard to the verdict of this jury I am going to defer sentence for a criminal justice social work report and a restriction of liberty order assessment. It is fair to forewarn you that a custodial sentence is a possibility.”

Mayer was placed on the Sex Offenders Register and sentenced was deferred to February next year.

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037c4f No.153974

File: b6fe0095659c04d⋯.png (500.81 KB,808x878,404:439,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20150767 (300149ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP 'can't be trusted' with housing crisis as more than 16,000 children were left homeless last Christmas

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


SNP 'can't be trusted' with housing crisis as more than 16,000 children were left homeless last Christmas

Edinburgh had the highest number of children and adults who were forced to apply for homes

PA & Jessica North

24 DEC 2023

The SNP "cannot be trusted to tackle this issue" said an MSP in response to figured highlighting the prevalence of homelessness.

Figures provided by the Scottish Government in response to a parliamentary question from the party found that there were 28,154 live homelessness applications on December 25, 2022 - an 11% increase on the 25,458 in 2021.

The data showed 32,749 adults and 16,493 children were in temporary accommodation on Christmas day last year.

Edinburgh has the highest number of live applications, with 6,128 covering 7,465 adults and 3,902 children.

That was followed by Glasgow, with 4,863 covering a combined 9,394 individuals.

In Fife, 3,259 individuals were homeless on Christmas, followed by 2,634 in West Lothian and 2,260 in South Lanarkshire.

It means 49,242 people in Scotland were without a permanent home on Christmas 2022.

Earlier this month, it was revealed that 9,500 children - and 15,000 families - face the festive season without a permanent home

Liam McGarry, housing spokesman for the Scottish Lib Dems, is using his own experience of being made homeless at 16 to urge ministers to take action.

The party is urging the Scottish Government to build 60,000 affordable homes to address homelessness, while bringing forward legislation that would strengthen the duties on public bodies to prevent the crisis.

Mr McGarry said: "At Christmas time, most of us will have the security of a roof over our heads, but we now know that tens of thousands of Scots are not so lucky.

"A lack of availability, skyrocketing prices and poor-quality housing are all playing a part in making life miserable for far too many.

"Temporary council accommodation is stretched to breaking point, pushing people into unstable situations, sofa-surfing or even living on the streets.

"Scottish Liberal Democrats want to build more homes of every kind, re-establish social renting as a viable option and strengthen our commitment to ending homelessness across Scotland."

The Scottish Government has been asked for comment.

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037c4f No.153975

File: ee474831b622473⋯.png (681 KB,836x899,836:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154627 (302118ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP Government destroy massive batch of files after Alex Salmond legal defeat

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>>>104384 Alex Salmond suing the Scottish Government for £3m following 'unlawful' sexual misconduct probe


SNP Government destroy massive batch of files after Alex Salmond legal defeat

The latest transparency revelation comes amid ongoing legal battles between Alex Salmond and the SNP Government he used to lead

Jessica North

27 DEC 2023

The SNP has been told to "urgently come clean" after it was revealed that hundreds of official records were destroyed following a legal battle with Alex Salmond.

During the month that followed the 2019 judicial review defeat at the hands of the former First Minister and now Alba leader at the Court of Session, a total of 1,058 files were deleted. Tory MSPs are calling it "very suspect".

The day after the case ended on January 9, 2019, 251 records were destroyed. Mr Salmond is now expected to use this new information in his new legal case against the Scottish Government.

Earlier in the year he lodged a petition at the Court of Session alleging “misfeasance” by various past and present officials at the SNP led government.

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy told the Daily Mail: "This massive batch of deletions looks very suspect and the SNP must urgently come clean over this staggering number of files that were wiped in a single day.

"The public will be asking serious questions about why this decision was taken only a day after they bowed to the inevitable and conceded the Alex Salmond judicial review.

"The murkiness at the heart of the SNP government only continues to grow. With almost a quarter of the entire files that they deleted that year being wiped on one date, they cannot try and typically cover this up."

Mr Salmond's lawyer, Gordon Dangerfield, accused the Scottish Government of previously withholding documents from the judicial review case and the parliamentary inquiry into the handling of complaints about the former First Minister.

He added: "It is too early to say whether this latest cache is part of that litany of deception or just a coincidence of dates."

The latest controversy follows a landmark transparency case that rules against the Scottish Information Commissioner who sought to withhold evidence into Nicola Sturgeon's ministerial code investigation during the Salmond saga. The deleted documents were not able to be submitted as evidence in this instance.

Details released by the Scottish Government in response to a freedom of information request showed that among the first 251 files was a document from the human resources (HR) team about guidance and procedures from 2005 onwards. Other files included correspondence with an HR helpdesk and details of 'special bonus' payments to staff in 2007 and 2008.

In the whole of 2019, some 1,096 files were deleted, with nearly a quarter of them destroyed the day after Mr Salmond's legal victory and the vast majority removed in the same month as the case concluded. In its FOI response, the Scottish Government said the records were destroyed in line with its agreed "record retention schedule" in 2019.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "Information saved in line with the Scottish Government's record management plan is subject to formal retention schedules that results in deletion after a set period of time, in common with other governmental bodies and organisations.

"Scottish ministers and special advisers do not have direct access to the electronic record and document management system used by the Scottish Government and have never requested the deletion of any records."

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037c4f No.153976

File: 6dc4414f6d3d1cb⋯.png (612.51 KB,816x898,408:449,Clipboard.png)

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File: 3e413504ad056bd⋯.png (371.04 KB,796x778,398:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154754 (302146ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Kate Forbes admits the SNP's overseas offices promote Scotland as separate to the UK

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Kate Forbes admits the SNP's overseas offices promote Scotland as separate to the UK

The £7.8million-a-year network of 'pretend embassies' are using 'soft power' to promote 'Scottish Government values' and send a message that 'Scotland wants to align with the EU'... but they aren't getting involved in politics, of course!

Ben Borland

29 DEC 2023

MSPs at Holyrood recently heard from three of the leading lights of the SNP's so-called 'Foreign Legion', as they described how they use "soft power" to promote "brand Scotland" across the globe.

The network of nine 'overseas' offices has been given a bumper budget of more than £7.8million next year, despite growing concern at the Scottish Government running a 'shadow' foreign affairs strategy at odds with that of the UK. There is also frustration in Whitehall at SNP ministers using foreign trips to promote Scottish independence.

Some suspect the plush offices in some of the world's major capital cities – dubbed 'pretend embassies' – are a key part of this long-term effort to portray Scotland as 'ready-made state in waiting' that is already semi-detached from the UK.

Kate Forbes, one of the most influential figures in the SNP, did little to correct this impression when she said "obviously, I would not ask you to comment on political matters" before adding that it was "fascinating to see people relate to Scotland as an entity in and of itself rather than one that is subsumed within the wider United Kingdom".

Her comments came at a meeting of the Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee shortly before Christmas. It heard from Chris Thomson – the outgoing head of the Washington DC office – along with Katrine Feldinger and Catriona Radcliffe, the heads of the Copenhagen and Beijing offices.

They all said their role involved the use of "soft power" through cultural events such as Burns Suppers, St Andrew's Day dinners, concerts and ministerial visits in order to give a positive impression of "brand Scotland".

SNP Depute Leader Keith Brown also brought up the subject of politics, despite the fact that civil servants are supposed to be scrupulously neutral. He described recent attempts by Scottish Secretary Alister Jack and Foreign Secretary David Cameron to stop the Scottish Government setting its own agenda on foreign affairs as "a cross between a juvenile huff and some control freakery".

Mr Thomson – whose office is based in the British Embassy in Washington and whose successor will earn £83,000 a year – said: "Things can happen at home, and in the political sphere, that will have an impact on what we do but, as officials, our job is to get the work done."

He added: "The situation is really positive. We watch the politics and try to stay as far from them as possible, but we work well with our colleagues. That is not something that you will find me complaining about. I do not have to wear a hard hat at work and we do not have any fights in the office; it is genuinely very positive."

Ms Feldinger added, somewhat cryptically: "We are, of course, all aware of the context that we operate in and we have conversations about how best to manage that because, as Chris said, that is our job. So far, that is going very well."

Discussing Brexit and the Scottish Government's relationship with the EU, she declared that "Scotland... still wants to be part of the EU's work". Ms Feldinger added: "We still get a very friendly welcome, and it is incredibly important that we maintain that during the next decade to ensure that Europe is still aware that Scotland wants to align with it. There is a lot of global and geopolitical instability, and wanting to be part of something stable sends a really strong message."

Ms Radcliffe also appeared to suggest there was a political side to her role, when she spoke about External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson's recent visit to China. She said: "We posted on our social media channels every day at the end of each visit to update people on what the cabinet secretary had done, what he had said and who he had met, and to share Scottish Government values in relation to what we do here."

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037c4f No.153977

File: bc676b944ad3914⋯.png (662.64 KB,827x897,827:897,Clipboard.png)

File: 502223efd1807df⋯.png (217.25 KB,788x524,197:131,Clipboard.png)

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File: 528daaed29271fb⋯.png (343.31 KB,585x779,585:779,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154866 (302211ZDEC23) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's 'Foreign Legion' expands to 54 - more than the budget, tax or strategy teams!

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Humza Yousaf's 'Foreign Legion' expands to 54 – more than the budget, tax or strategy teams!

There are now nearly five times as many staff working in the SNP's network of overseas offices as there are in the 'Directorate for Propriety and Ethics'... which maybe won't come as a surprise to many people!

ByBen Borland

28 DEC 2023

The SNP Government has given a detailed breakdown of the number of staff working in its controversial network of 'overseas' offices. The headcount now stands at 54, with many of those on the top salary bands.

Seven of the nine offices in Beijing, Washington DC, Ottawa, Paris, Dublin, Berlin and Copenhagen have a Head of Office supported by a Deputy Head. Although their pay grades are not given, the new Head of Office in the States will be paid a salary of £83,000 a year.

The civil servants in charge of the 'Scotland House' offices in Brussels and London are paid at Director and Deputy Director level, which is understood to be in excess of £90,000 a year.

Of the 54 employees in the international offices, some 36 are employed directly by the Scottish Government with the remaining 18 recruited by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office in each country.

Remarkably, the headcount is now larger than the Directorate For Propriety And Ethics (12 staff), the Directorate For Offshore Wind (23 staff), the Directorate For Tax And Revenues (26 staff), the Directorate For Strategy (27 staff), the Directorate For Budget & Public Spending (37 staff), the Directorate For Digital Health And Care (43 staff), and the Directorate For Chief Nursing Officer (53 staff).

There are now as many people working in the SNP's overseas offices – dubbed the 'Foreign Legion' by cynics who believe the money could be better spent at home – as there are in the Directorate For Culture And Major Events (54 staff).

The budget for maintaining the nine offices is set to rise by nearly 12 per cent next year, soaring from £7,004,000 in the current year to £7,824,000 in 2024/25. This increase is despite the swingeing cuts imposed on other parts of the public sector by Finance Secretary Shona Robison.

Earlier this year, the Scottish Daily Express revealed the number of staff working in the foreign 'embassies' had increased just eight in 2016/17 to its current record high. And there are plans to further expand the network with another office due to open in Warsaw before the end of the parliamentary term in 2026.

At the time, Alexander Stewart MSP told the Scottish Daily Express: "This huge expansion in overseas staff will dismay the public, particularly given the SNP Government are imposing swingeing cuts on essential services."

The Scottish Government said the international office budget represented just 0.02 per cent of the overall spending plans, adding: "This is an investment which has delivered outsized benefits, connecting to the global Scottish diaspora, boosting trade and investment, and sharing Scotland's distinctive voice on the global stage."

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037c4f No.153978

File: 2944158e64a4795⋯.png (655.04 KB,814x897,814:897,Clipboard.png)

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File: 9c72688e113d866⋯.png (170.84 KB,537x505,537:505,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20154983 (302236ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Fury as SNP overseas office spending to rise by 12 per cent while public services suffer

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Fury as SNP overseas office spending to rise by 12 per cent while public services suffer

Exclusive: The budget allocation for the SNP's 'pretend embassies has increased by over £1million in just two years, despite swingeing cuts to services at home in Scotland

Jessica North

21 DEC 2023

The Scottish Conservatives say taxpayers will be "furious" to hear that spending on the SNP's overseas offices will increase while other budgets are set to be slashed.

The SNP/Green Government has increased the budget for its controversial network of nine hubs – dubbed 'pretend embassies' by critics – by more than £1million in the space of just two years.

In 2022-23, the figure was £6,823,000 which then rose to £7,004,000 in the current year. Now it is set to soar to £7,824,000 for all nine offices, an increase of £820,000 when compared to last years – a rise of nearly 12 per cent.

"It's very telling that while SNP ministers impose swingeing cuts to essential services, they have increased their spending on overseas offices by a whopping £800,000," said Tory deputy spokesman for the constitution, external affairs and culture Alexander Stewart.

Meanwhile, Shona Robison's budget saw tax hikes and cuts to rail services and energy transition funds, as well as frontline services like housing, social justice and child poverty schemes.

Mr Stewart added: "Scottish taxpayers, who are being squeezed even more by Shona Robison's brutal budget, will rightly be furious. The millions being lavished on these offices highlight that the SNP’s priorities will always be skewed towards promoting their independence obsession in any way they can.

"The millions being lavished on these offices highlight that the SNP's priorities will always be skewed towards promoting their independence obsession in any way they can."

Pretend embassies... and you're paying

The nine offices are located in Beijing, Washington, Ottawa, Paris, Copenhagen, Brussels, Dublin and Berlin – as well as another so-called 'overseas' base at Scotland House in London. Only Paris has seen its budget reduced for next year.

The offices in Brussels, the US and China were opened under Scottish Labour, before the SNP launched a huge expansion programme under Nicola Sturgeon. The Scottish Government has opened six offices in almost seven years with another in Warsaw due to be opened by the end of this parliamentary session.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “International offices are maintained by all devolved governments and Scotland’s network has served and been supported by Ministers from a range of administrations for decades.

“Scotland’s international network attracts investment and creates domestic opportunities and benefits for the people of Scotland. We will continue to work with our friends and partners in Europe and beyond to reaffirm diplomatic ties, improve our global networks and unlock new economic and trading opportunities.

“Scotland has long benefitted from the inward investment our international network has helped to secure. As EY reported earlier this year, Scotland remains the most attractive place in the UK to invest after London, and outpaced the UK for foreign direct investment for a second year running, with a record 126 inward investment projects secured last year.”

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037c4f No.153979

File: 062bff057040dc6⋯.png (526.55 KB,798x898,399:449,Clipboard.png)

File: a4cf7e5a68bd7f8⋯.png (346.23 KB,806x463,806:463,Clipboard.png)

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File: 073d5b87d8c7388⋯.png (328.45 KB,820x585,164:117,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155166 (302311ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Poll hammer blow for SNP as support for independence DROPS in 2023 despite claims

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Poll hammer blow for SNP as support for independence DROPS in 2023 despite claims

Exclusive: Analysis of every independence poll using the 'yes/no' question in 2023 shows support for leaving the UK has actually dipped compared with 2022

Douglas Dickie

29 DEC 2023

Support for Scexit dropped in 2023 despite Nationalist claims it is on the rise, the Scottish Express can reveal. With hopes of a second independence referendum dashed, the SNP has been pushing alternative ways to break up the UK, including using the next UK general election as a "de facto" plebiscite.

But analysis of every poll using the 'yes/no' question asked to voters in 2014 shows support for independence has actually decreased over the past 12 months. The average 'yes' percentage out of the 47 polls taken in 2023 is 43.3 per cent.

That is down from almost exactly 45 per cent in the 26 surveys conducted during 2022. And support for the Union has risen slightly over the past 12 months.

In 2022, it averaged 45.9 per cent. But that has risen to 46.9 per cent in 2023. If don't knows were excluded, the corresponding result in a referendum would be 53.5 per cent for the union and 46.5 per cent for breaking up the UK.

The figures will be a hammer blow to the nationalist movement which has insisted for months that support for Scexit was rising. Others have . Just six polls in 2023 gave independence a lead - less than 13 per cent of the survey conducted. In comparison, there were seven polls with a 'yes' lead in 2022 - 27 per cent of all those conducted.

Three of this year's 'yes' leads were in polls carried out by Find Out Now with two being conducted by Ipsos Mori. The other was carried out by Opinium. It comes with the SNP struggling in the polls ahead of the next general election. Other polling also suggests a heavy bias towards 'yes' in the question, with the gap even wider if a 'remain/leave' question is asked.

Reacting to the data, Scottish Conservative deputy constitution spokesman Alexander Stewart said: "For all the SNP’s spin, Scots have repeatedly made it clear they are sick and tired of their independence obsession. They want Humza Yousaf and his colleagues to be focused on their real priorities, rather than aiming to turn the next General Election into a proxy referendum.

"The SNP should be spending time and resources on issues such as reducing NHS waiting times and restoring educational standards in Scotland’s schools." It comes as Alex Salmond took a pop at his former party, saying Scotland had endured a "decade of drift" under the SNP.

Mr Salmond, who quit the SNP in 2018, claimed the "foundation" of the case for independence had been the apparent competence of the government that he had led, this had been "badly eroded" under his successors. He also went on to accuse the SNP, now led by Humza Yousaf, of having "given up the ghost on presenting a coherent independence strategy".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153980

File: af3dfa2fc36e1f9⋯.png (637.32 KB,841x894,841:894,Clipboard.png)

File: aff0d583c8f3e85⋯.png (836.11 KB,808x864,101:108,Clipboard.png)

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File: 4c9504e4039c054⋯.png (176.41 KB,587x448,587:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155226 (302327ZDEC23) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scotland's top prosecutor welcomes US court date for Libyan accused of being the Lockerbie 'bomb maker'

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Scotland's top prosecutor welcomes US court date for Libyan accused of being the Lockerbie 'bomb maker'

As memorial services to the 270 people murdered on this day 35 years ago take place on both sides of the Atlantic, a court in Washington DC has set a date for the start of the second Lockerbie trial

Ben Borland

21 DEC 2023

The Lord Advocate has welcomed the fixing of a trial date for the man suspected of building the bomb which brought down a plane over Lockerbie as she paid tribute to the victims.

Libyan Abu Agila Masud, 72, is to go on trial in Washington DC on May 12, 2025 facing three charges which he denies. He is alleged to have helped make the bomb which killed all 259 passengers and crew on board the jumbo jet bound to New York from London 35 years ago on December 21, 1988.

Another 11 people were killed in Lockerbie when wreckage destroyed their homes in what remains Britain’s deadliest terrorist attack. Former Libyan intelligence officer Abdelbaset al-Megrahi is so far the only man convicted in relation to the bombing.

Speaking on the 35th anniversary of the atrocity, Dorothy Bain KC said: “For 35 years now the families of the 270 people murdered on the night of December 21 1988 have borne their losses with huge dignity and my thoughts are with them.”

The Lord Advocate, who is attending a memorial service at Arlington National Cemetery in the US, added: “The court in Washington DC has now fixed a date of May 12 2025 for the Masud trial. I welcome this development and am encouraged with the progress in the court process.

“Scottish and US authorities have worked together since 1988 to bring those responsible for this atrocity to justice. That work continues as a dedicated team of Scottish prosecutors and officers from Police Scotland support the US Department of Justice and the FBI in this prosecution.”

After he was found guilty in 2001 by three Scottish judges sitting at a special court in the Netherlands, Megrahi was sent to prison in Scotland but was controversially granted compassionate release in 2009 after being diagnosed with terminal cancer, returning home to Libya where he died in 2012.

Police Scotland’s Deputy Chief Constable Malcolm Graham is also the 35th anniversary service in Washington, which he said was a “great honour”. “Time is no barrier to justice and Police Scotland remains committed to bringing those responsible for this atrocity to justice,” he added.

Kara Weipz, from a group representing 400 US relatives and friends, also welcomed the court date, saying: “It’s finally justice in this country and it’s something that members of the group have waited a very long time to see. It’s what we’ve wanted. We’ve wanted justice, and it’s coming. Hopefully.”

The mood in the town is 'sombre'

A further memorial was held at Tundergarth Church outside Lockerbie, which sits opposite the field where the nose cone of the plane fell to the ground. The service was led by Jeff Brown, Moderator of the Presbytery of Annandale and Eskdale, who said: “We remember all those taken in a senseless act of violence 35 years ago.”

Wreaths were also being laid at Rosebank Crescent, which became the site of a huge crater, and Sherwood Crescent, where houses were also destroyed. Later, a minute’s silence was held at the Garden of Remembrance at Dryfesdale cemetery just outside Lockerbie.

Pupils from Lockerbie Academy gave readings and a piper played as the wreaths were laid. Local MP David Mundell, a former Scottish secretary, was among those attending and described the mood as “sombre” as the town marked the anniversary.

He said: “I wasn’t in the town that night but obviously I remember it very, very well as news unfolded as to what had happened, I think everybody can remember where they were, obviously I had lots of friends and family still here. I remember vividly the days afterwards.

“But it’s always been about the stoicism people here displayed when that event happened, the way they stepped up to the mark and helped not just the victims but the armed forces, police, the emergency services who were involved afterwards, it was a remarkable effort by the community.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153981

File: 5d2c797f12ecca5⋯.png (676.05 KB,840x884,210:221,Clipboard.png)

File: 44eb7cee77d21af⋯.png (279.06 KB,583x542,583:542,Clipboard.png)

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File: 0283cdc05e0b0f4⋯.png (410.98 KB,560x867,560:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155328 (302353ZDEC23) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Glasgow's 'botched' low emission zone blamed for 20 per cent drop in business

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>>>104464 Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun


Glasgow's 'botched' low emission zone blamed for 20 per cent drop in business

The controversial car ban is due to hit other big cities next year despite backlash in Glasgow from local businesses who say the impact is 'alarming' for businesses struggling to get back on top after the pandemic

Jessica North

18 DEC 2023

Glasgow's businesses have reported a 10 per cent drop in footfall due to the council's Low Emission Zones (LEZ) with some saying they are experiencing a 20 per cent drop in business.

Leon Thompson from UK Hospitality said "still very fragile" businesses have been hit by a "marked spike in the downturn of footfall into the city centre" since the rules were introduced back in June. The hospitality boss also took aim at the poor provision of late-night public transport.

Speaking on BBC Good Morning Scotland he said: "We really need to have our businesses to be able to trade at their optimal level and at the moment, that's proven to be a challenge. And if you look at Glasgow City's performance against other cities and in Scotland, it really is trailing and that's obviously a concern for cities who will have the experience at least coming in next next summer."

Scottish Conservative shadow transport minister Graham Simpson MSP said: "These stark remarks from the hospitality industry highlight yet again the deeply damaging impact Glasgow's botched low emission zone has had since it was imposed by the SNP-Green council six months ago."

The SNP-led local authority became the first to implement restrictions on older vehicles being driven into the city centre with Edinburgh, Dundee and Aberdeen in line for similar schemes to be enforced next year.

Mr Thompson said: "The issue that we have with the scheme is that there's really no evidence that it's doing much more than that threatening the viability of businesses in Glasgow City Centre."

He added: "Footfall has been reported as being down 10 per cent. Some businesses are saying that they're 20 per cent down on their own business, which is really quite alarming, particularly at this point, when hospitality businesses need to be trading at an ultimate level to to try and break even, so it just another burden and difficulty for our businesses right now."

Addressing the other challenge for late-night venues, he said public transport plays a role. "A lot of it is about how long the services run for that because if you look at most affected parts of the hospitality industry, it's the late-night elements."

He added: "And that's because bus services finish earlier, the underground stops, trains, sisters cease to run. So really, it's about opening up public transport so it's available for much longer. into the evening than it currently is."

Mr Simpson said the SNP "cannot ignore that businesses are openly saying it is threatening the economic viability of the city2.

"While everyone wants to improve the air quality in the city, this scheme was rolled out in the wrong manner at a time when businesses were still struggling after Covid and with rising bills due to the global cost-of-living crisis," he added.

"Glasgow is now lagging behind other cities in terms of economic performance and Leon Thompson is right to urge the council to get on with improving public transport options.

"Coupled with the low emission zone, that is putting many people off coming into the city centre, which is a double whammy for businesses. Other cities who are planning their own low emission zones must learn lessons from the major errors made by the SNP-Green council in Glasgow."

The city council say it will be some time before the benefits of the LEZs can be reported particularly as the main expected benefit relates to the long-term average pollution concentrations.

They state "this is a statutory process we're monitoring and reporting on the effectiveness of any Scottish LEZ" adding that "the council will follow the process and report back to our new transport strategy that has a substantial focus on improving bus travel."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153982

File: 77524d100a24a3b⋯.png (645.51 KB,823x899,823:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 22efb18c9099d7b⋯.png (273.79 KB,775x475,31:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155676 (310054ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nationalist MP admitting he uses fake quote to boost separatist argument shows how low they'll go

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Nationalist MP admitting he uses fake quote to boost separatist argument shows how low they'll go

Neale Hanvey reckons Tories ignore a quote by Margaret Thatcher - probably because it's made up. But the Nat penchant for fake news is a very real problem

Douglas Dickie

29 DEC 2023

The SNP setting up its own rebuttal unit to tackle fake news has emitted many a laugh from anti-Nationalists. Given the independence movement's penchant for just making things up, there was a definite feeling of 'pot kettle black' about the whole thing.

But perhaps we shouldn't dismiss Nats' use of fake news with a roll of the eyes and shrug of the shoulders. This isn't just confined to the fringes of Scexit supporters, it is a very real problem among elected politicians.

The use of fake energy statistics was a fantastic example. Trumpeted by the likes of 'Air Miles' Angus Robertson to big up the independence cause abroad, anyone correcting it was met with accusations of 'talking Scotland down'. Humza Yousaf casually throws around untrue facts and figures at FMQs yet responds without a hint of humility when this is pointed out to him.

The situation came to mind again this week when Alba MP Neale Hanvey admitted to using a fake Margaret Thatcher quote to push his argument. He was responding to a meme on social media featuring the completely debunked quote from the former PM that the SNP sending a majority of Scottish MPs to Westminster was grounds for breaking up the UK.

Hanvey, who faces electoral humiliation at the next general election after jumping into bed with Alex Salmond's motley crue of has-beens and never-weres, responded to a comment asking if the Tories still stood by Thatcher's words. He said: "They ignore it. I have asked them repeatedly in debate. This is the one thing she was right about, and they know it."

There's a good reason they ignore it. Most of us tend not to offer much of an opinion on completely made-up quotes.

Only Mr Hanvey knows if he's aware the meme is a lie - although he should do now with many people correcting him. Does it even matter to him? It's true in the mind of Nationalists, and that's all that matters.

And while Mr Hanvey represents Alba, he has company. We've previously told of how the SNP's deputy leader Keith Brown used the fake quote in his party conference speech a few months ago. We've pointed this out to the SNP. Twice. Yet, it remains on their website to this day.

A new Yes website launched by the SNP is littered with factual inaccuracies. It includes infographics Nats can use online that feature out-of-date information, and yet it was heralded by Humza Yousaf.

The SNP, Alba and independence movement in general have a major dishonesty issue. They inhabit the world of 'post truth' they would claim to rally against. It exposes the utter sparseness of their argument that they are reduced to taking things out of context or simply inventing them to further their cause.

It proves that they will stoop to any low in their pursuit of breaking up the UK. And it begs the question if we can trust anything they say given lying seems to be second nature to them.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153983

File: b8a49372dedbc11⋯.png (622.16 KB,827x899,827:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d06c1d890bd63b⋯.png (223.37 KB,589x567,589:567,Clipboard.png)

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File: 0fe3d68bac28452⋯.png (326.87 KB,579x752,579:752,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20155767 (310110ZDEC23) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Secretive SNP Government refuse to reveal what Humza Yousaf spoke about in controversial meeting with Icelandic Prime Minister

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Secretive SNP Government refuse to reveal what Humza Yousaf spoke about in controversial meeting with Icelandic Prime Minister

Exclusive: The First Minister was rebuked by then-foreign secretary James Cleverly for meeting the Icelandic Prime Minister without a Foreign Office diplomat present and his government have refused to reveal what was said in that summit.

David Walker

30 DEC 2023

The Scottish Government have been caught up in a new secrecy row after officials refused to reveal what Humza Yousaf spoke about in his controversial meeting with Icelandic Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir. The pair's summit in New York came under scrutiny after the First Minister refused to allow a UK Government diplomat to sit in on it.

It is the rules that a Foreign Office official must be present when SNP ministers meet with foreign politicians but this has been breached numerous times by the nationalists. Most recently, Mr Yousaf was rebuked by Lord Cameron after chatting with Turkish President Erdogan without being accompanied by the UK Government.

But a similar row broke out in October when it was claimed that the First Minister blocked a Foreign Office representative from his meeting with the Icelandic PM at New York's Climate Week. It provoked an angry reaction from then-foreign secretary James Cleverly who threatened to pull his department's support for these summits.

He warned the SNP that his officials will "communicate to host governments that we do not judge it appropriate for them to meet" with Scottish Government ministers unless a diplomat is present. He penned a letter to Angus Robertson where he expressed his disappointment that they had contravened "longstanding" guidance.

This guidance applies to both the Westminster and Holyrood administrations and states that a senior Foreign Office official must be present at all meetings between devolved governments and foreign diplomats. The UK Government have accused the nationalists of attempting to undermine UK-wide messages, including on Brexit and Scexit.

Mr Cleverly added that if SNP ministers continue to prevent attendance by UK diplomats he will instruct Foreign Office officials to "withdraw from facilitating meetings between Scottish government ministers and ministers of foreign governments".

The Scottish Daily Express asked the SNP Executive for minutes from the meeting between Mr Yousaf and the Icelandic PM but were rebuffed, as they cited a loophole in the freedom of information rules. They claimed it would affect section 32, international relations.

This legislation states: "Its disclosure under this Act would, or would be likely to, prejudice substantially— relations between the United Kingdom and any other State; relations between the United Kingdom and any international organisation or international court; the interests of the United Kingdom abroad; or the promotion or protection by the United Kingdom of its interests abroad."

A briefing note for the meeting was provided though, which highlighted that the two politicians would be discussing on and offshore wind projects. And the SNP even offered to give advice to the Icelandic government when it comes to climate change.

The First Minister was told to ask Ms Jakobsdóttir whether Iceland has "considered providing funding on Loss and Damage?" If not, his officials were "happy to provide advice/support on this. We could have a briefing ready for your Climate Minister to consider ahead of the COP28 meeting in Reykjavik."

Mr Yousaf was forced to plead with the UK Government not to shut his international embassies after Lord Cameron was furious when he met Turkish President Erdogan without a UK diplomat present. He called the former Prime Minister "petty" despite him not following the rules.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153984

File: 820202212219630⋯.png (646.22 KB,826x898,413:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 320f0d790de6a2b⋯.png (258.41 KB,589x531,589:531,Clipboard.png)

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File: b5d976499a98e65⋯.png (728.09 KB,792x863,792:863,Clipboard.png)

File: b6c7074d81feab4⋯.png (161.36 KB,562x489,562:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20162088 (010334ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Shona Robison jets off to exclusive ski resort frequented by George Clooney and Kylie Minogue days after clobbering Scots with tax hikes and funding cuts

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Shona Robison jets off to exclusive ski resort frequented by George Clooney and Kylie Minogue days after clobbering Scots with tax hikes and funding cuts

The Scottish Government finance secretary enjoyed a festive break to Chamonix, an exclusive resort in the French Alps, just days after subjecting Scots to one of the worst budgets since devolution.

David Walker, John Ferguson & Hannah Rodger

31 DEC 2023

Shona Robison has been blasted after it was revealed she jetted out to an exclusive ski resort frequented by celebrities just days after presenting a brutal budget which included tax hikes and funding cuts. The finance secretary spent Christmas in a luxury spa hotel in the French Alps, where rooms cost up to £520 a night.

The four-star Heliopic Hotel and Spa is based in Chamonix which is a favourite winter retreat for huge names such as George Clooney and Kylie Minogue. And the SNP minister was pictured enjoying drinks and dinner at the Michelin-recommended Ashokan restaurant where a £78 three-course menu includes foie gras, black truffle and scallops.

Her lavish getaway came just days after she presented a budget which "clobbered" Scots due to more tax hikes and refusal to hand over business rates cash. Mental health and housing funds were also slashed to fill a £1.5bn black hole.

The Sunday Mail reported that "eyebrows were raised" when she announced she would be flying out to Chamonix after delivering the bad news. A source told the the paper: "For the vast majority of families struggling through the cost of living crisis a skiing holiday is a completely unattainable dream.

“Many will be having to think whether they can afford to turn the heating on this winter never mind go to a luxury Alpine spa. A decade ago part of the appeal of the SNP was that they seemed to understand what ordinary people were going through compared with Westminster elites. But after all these years in power it now feels like they are out of touch and drunk on power.”

Her budget was described as a "tax and axe" one, with experts warning that it could destroy jobs and devastate public services. Councils were not given enough money to fund a council tax freeze, and high earners were battered with another tax hike a year after the last one.

The source added: “Ironically it is businesses like Scotland’s ski resorts at Glencoe and Aviemore that are finding it tough at the moment due to Robison’s failure to introduce rates relief available in England.”

A number of other big celebrities also holiday in Chamonix including singer Katy Perry and actors Penelope Cruz and Michael Fassbender. The resort the SNP minister enjoyed her time in is at the foot of Mont Blanc and is classed as one of Europe's best spas.

Luxurious rooms rocket in price over Christmas and the hotel also offers a swimming pool, ice cave, Japanese bath and a jacuzzi with stunning mountain views. On the hotel’s website it says guests can “ski through immaculate snowy landscapes” in one of the “most beautiful ski resorts in the Alps”.

The children’s menu at the Ashokan costs £39 while the plush hotel bar serves Jeeper and Domaine Frank Verlet champagnes for up to £112 a bottle along with £14 cocktails and £34 glasses of cognac. Guests can also enjoy luxury spa treatments at the Nuxe basement spa which offers massages for up to £125 and deluxe anti-ageing facials for £160.

A spokeswoman for Robison said: “Ms Robison had a short, three-night family break over Christmas.”

Scottish Conservative MSP Annie Wells said: “The thought of Shona Robison living it up at an elite ski resort will stick in the craw of Scots clobbered by her devastating budget. While politicians, like everyone else, are entitled to a holiday, it’s tone deaf of the finance secretary to jet off on a luxury break just days after hiking taxes on hard-working Scots and imposing eye-watering cuts on key public services.”

Her fellow Tory MSP Murdo Fraser described the situation as "all a bit Marie Antoinette" referencing the late French queen who enjoyed luxury while the French people toiled in poverty.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153985

File: 70d722abb035aa0⋯.png (538.01 KB,835x881,835:881,Clipboard.png)

File: 594bef1929a25a1⋯.png (251.35 KB,568x541,568:541,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e7e1a71ad9477f⋯.png (547.11 KB,552x871,552:871,Clipboard.png)

File: ef77b104e6a7d16⋯.png (368.64 KB,566x859,566:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20165408 (012024ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf humiliatingly snubbed by Scottish Government who rejected request to publicise his Time magazine front cover

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Humza Yousaf humiliatingly snubbed by Scottish Government who rejected request to publicise his Time magazine front cover

Exclusive: The First Minister proudly asked his administration to share the Time magazine on their social media but was told this could not be done due to the article mainly focusing on the SNP.

David Walker

30 DEC 2023

Humza Yousaf faced a humiliating snub by his own government after he tried to make them publicise his Time magazine front page. The First Minister was proud to appear on the cover of the prominent international publication as he was lauded as the country's first Muslim leader.

In the puff piece, the journalist for the article was given unrivalled access to the newly crowned SNP leader back in August when they accompanied him on a number of photoshoots, including in Largs and at a Ukrainian flower-laying ceremony. They declared him as one of TIME's Next Generation Leaders, which was rubbished by critics.

This front page became a familiar sight on the SNP's social media as they boasted about him being chosen for this article. But now the Scottish Daily Express can reveal that the Scottish Government were not quite so keen on the entire ordeal.

A lot of preparation work went into the magazine article, with a number of photo shoots taking place, including on the balcony in his office. The actual article lavished praise on him, describing him as "the first Muslim politician ever elected to lead a Western democracy" – although in fact he is merely the leader of a devolved administration.

In emails seen by this website, the First Minister instructs his office to ask the Scottish Government to publicise the front page on their social media accounts. One of his private secretaries emails the SNP Executive to say "The First Minister had asked that our comms teams do some follow up when this is live please?"

The article is then published on October 5, but his request is rebuffed by the civil servants working within the administration. They write: "Just to flag that the Time Magazine feature has now published. Time have shared a link to the article on Twitter here which the FM may wish to share to his personal account: TIME on X: "Meet the newest class of Next Generation Leaders: 10 trailblazers shaping our future.

"Unfortunately given the party political content and focus throughout the article it’s not one we are able to post to SG social channels. Apologies."

This humiliating rejection came due to the fact that the article focuses massively on Mr Yousaf's dreams of breaking up the UK, and also on the turmoil which had engulfed the SNP during his short reign at the top. It covered Scexit, gender reforms and also the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election which ended in a thrashing for the nationalists.

He told Time that if he can get independence support to a consistent high- so far an impossible feat despite more than 16 years in power for the Nats- then "it'll be impossible for the UK government" to continue to say no. But this has culminated in a plummeting support for the SNP.

The First Minister also added: "Being attached to this unequal union is what is holding us back and I believe that weaves its way through every single issue that people are grappling with today."

Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy was scathing in his assessment of the interview at the time. He said: "He's chosen to defend the worst errors of his predecessor and ignore Scotland's real priorities by continuing to focus on separatist obsessions. He may not have long to enjoy his exposure in publications such as Time magazine before the electorate call 'time' on his leadership."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153986

File: 8b8a29813a11c10⋯.png (610.94 KB,820x899,820:899,Clipboard.png)

File: f21f2ed73db7b9c⋯.png (301.72 KB,578x526,289:263,Clipboard.png)

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File: 9dc5def59b27b1a⋯.png (322.22 KB,553x864,553:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20165784 (012208ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf hits out at 'cronyism' in Honours system weeks after ex-SNP president handed plum role as 'impartial' government adviser

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Humza Yousaf hits out at 'cronyism' in Honours system weeks after ex-SNP president handed plum role as 'impartial' government adviser

The First Minister was quick to criticise the fact Liz Truss gets to appoint new peers but his comments come weeks after Michael Russell was appointed as Chair of the Scottish Land Commission (SLC), a taxpayer-funded impartial role.

David Walker

30 DEC 2023

Humza Yousaf has moaned about the long-standing Honours tradition, describing it as "naked political cronyism at its worst." He comments came after former Prime Minister Liz Truss was allowed to nominate 11 of her allies for honours, despite only lasting 49 days in office.

This list included Tory donor Jon Moynihan, her deputy chief of staff in Number 10 Ruth Porter and former chief executive of the Vote Leave Brexit campaign Matthew Elliott, with all three being recommended for peerages. Two Conservative MPs were also honoured, with Alec Shelbrooke receiving a knighthood and Jackie Doyle-Price becoming a dame.

Novelist Shirley Conran was the only non-political figure on the list as she became a dame for services to mathematics education as founder of the charity Maths Anxiety Trust. Ms Truss's list was published at the same time as the King's New Year honours and over a year after she left office.

The announcement has annoyed the SNP, despite one former adviser wanting the nationalists to start accepting positions in the House of Lords. The First Minister took to social media to outline his anger as he said: "The Honours system isn't fit for purpose.

"Naked political cronyism at its worst. We should have a system that rightly recognises the excellent contribution people make to their communities and to trailblazers in their respective fields. Not political donors & cronies.'

But some social media commentators highlighted that cronyism is something which is rife within the nationalist party as well, as evidenced by the appointment of former president Michael Russell to an apparently impartial Scottish Government adviser role. He stepped down from his job to take on the role of Chair of the Scottish Land Commission (SLC).

This is a taxpayer-funded job which is meant to be unbiased but concerns were raised about Mr Russell as he has previously labelled non-Nats as "enemies" and "anti-Scottish." He will be expected to advise ministers about land reform in Scotland, and may need to be critical.

His appointment was voted through at Holyrood in the last week before recess, with the SNP and Scottish Green majority ensuring he won. But opposition critics blasted this as "jobs for the boys" pointing out how volatile the former MSP was to anyone outwith his own party.

Scottish Tory rural affairs spokeswoman Rachael Hamilton said: “The last thing the Scottish Land Commission needs is an SNP yes man, but that is exactly what Mike Russell is. He will do anything for independence, but the evidence is clear he cannot be independent in this role. Mike Russell has called political opponents enemies and anti-Scottish.

“Only last month he ludicrously blamed my party for Michael Matheson’s iPad scandal. He is beyond repair and his judgement is skewed. As we are about to embark on important land reform, Mike Russell’s uncompromising and entrenched views will undermine that work.

“Jobs for the boys will only compromise land reform, not facilitate it. Mike Russell will only act in the SNP’s interests at every turn, rather than acting in Scotland’s interests as the new chair of the SLC.”

Scottish Tory MSP Roz McCall responded to Mr Yousaf and said: "Like giving the former SNP President one of the top jobs at the Scottish Land Commission you mean?"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153987

File: 92e75e6de52083a⋯.png (621.15 KB,816x898,408:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 5483fa5b8560e88⋯.png (233.52 KB,806x543,806:543,Clipboard.png)

File: 02186e409ee25d0⋯.png (454.57 KB,570x746,285:373,Clipboard.png)

File: 524f0d60557902c⋯.png (313.23 KB,514x749,514:749,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20166060 (012317ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Michael Russell suddenly steps down as SNP president weeks after being re-elected

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Pretty sure I posted this on the last board, but will re-post...


Michael Russell suddenly steps down as SNP president weeks after being re-elected

The nationalist grandee confirmed that he was quitting as president of the party as he is taking on a new role with the Scottish Land Commission.

David Walker

1 DEC 2023

SNP grandee Michael Russell has announced his shock resignation as president of the party, just weeks after he was re-elected to the role. The former Scottish Government minister claimed that he was taking on a new job in land reform meaning he can't commit his time to his role within the nationalists.

At the SNP's October conference he fought off a coup attempt as Graeme McCormick, who compared the party's independence plans to flatulence in a trance, attempted to unseat him but was thrashed quite soundly. But now the role will be vacant once again.

Pro-indy newspaper the National reported that he has sent his resignation letter to Humza Yousaf, explaining that he is in the process of taking on a new job in land reform with the Scottish Government. He spoke about an "unprecedented year for the SNP".

He wrote: "As a result as president of the party I have been called upon to undertake a whole range of unexpected tasks - which I was glad to do - and I hope my contribution over the last nine months has helped to steady the ship. I am glad to see you now firmly in the vanguard of a whole new SNP generation which has taken over the key positions of responsibility in Government, Parliament, council chambers and the party.”

Mr Russell is expected to become the new chairman of the Scottish Land Commission and will need to dedicate his time to this job instead. He also added that February will mark 50 years since the first time he voted SNP and May will mark 50 years of membership.

He said: "Given that, and the fact that I am now 70, I had thought to step away from my party responsibilities at some stage over the next year but the timescale for fulfilling that intention has now been accelerated by circumstances.

“Weighing on my mind was the fact that this might well be the last opportunity I had to make a significant contribution to both the issue and (although land reform is an urban as well as rural issue and is needed Scotland wide) especially to the communities in the Highlands and Islands with whom I have worked, and where I have lived, for many years."

Mr Russell has been known to write madcap columns for the National as well, including accusing the Scottish Tories of destroying democracy because they were holding Michael Matheson to account for him falsely claimed £11k data roaming bill.

He served as an MSP from 2011 to 2021 and held numerous cabinet positions, including education and the constitution. The SNP’s former Westminster leader Ian Blackford said: “I have had the privilege of working with @Feorlean over many decades in @theSNP.

“He is a man of diverse talents and I am sorry he is stepping back from being party president although I am happy for Michael that he will be using his considerable talents on land reform. Good luck my friend.”

However, Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy said: “It speaks volumes for the state of the feuding, scandal-ridden SNP, that Mike Russell would want to desert a sinking ship in favour of a cushy job with a Scottish government quango.

“But many people will question whether someone so partisan and tribally devoted to Humza Yousaf’s party is the right person to lead the Scottish Land Commission.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153988

File: 631a3f5e051ea02⋯.png (624.7 KB,828x899,828:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 460b43bdfeda575⋯.png (442.5 KB,547x866,547:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20166380 (020008ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP Government kept eye on cronyism row after it handed £405k to Islamic group linked to Humza Yousaf

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SNP Government kept eye on cronyism row after it handed £405k to Islamic group linked to Humza Yousaf

New documents released by the National Records of Scotland showed that Alex Salmond's cabinet were kept up-to-date on the scandal surrounding the handing of taxpayer cash to the Scottish Islamic Foundation which included his former aide as chief executive and the now First Minister as a director.

David Walker

1 JAN 2024

Alex Salmond's SNP government kept a close eye on a cronyism row involving an Islamic group with links to Humza Yousaf. He handed the Scottish Islamic Foundation (SIF) £405,000 in grants to help it run events which never actually came to fruition.

This caused a scandal back in 2008 as the organisation had no track record of being able to put on events of the scale it promised, and its founding chief executive was the now First Minister's cousin Osama Saeed who was a former aide to Mr Salmond and stood as an SNP candidate in the 2010 general election.

Ministers in the cabinet were kept abreast of the row surrounding this cash as they were updated on a growing number of parliamentary questions and freedom of information requests about the SIF. This is shown in newly released papers published by the National Records of Scotland (NRS).

The SNP government were told that Mr Salmond's special advisers were helping to field queries from rival MSPs due to the high "media interest" surrounding the group and the payment. Mr Yousaf himself was a director of the SIF from May 2008 until September 2009 with his then girlfriend Gail Lythgoe being a director from June to December 2009.

They were later married before divorcing, with the First Minister now wedded to Nadia El-Nakla. At the time of the scandal, he was a parliamentary assistant to SNP MSP Bashir Ahmad, while Ms Lythgoe was the national secretary of SNP Students.

The SIF claimed it would hold the country's biggest ever celebration of Islamic culture in Glasgow in June 2009 and labelled it IslamFest. However, the project collapsed and the group had to repay £128,000 after spending £72,000 on development, with Mr Salmond predicting that it would be an "enormous event" for the city and Scotland.

It also failed to hold an Islamic financial event called Etisal which it pencilled in for November 2009 but this also never happened. Half of the original £400,000 in grants was withheld.

The SIF was included in a Scottish Cabinet Analysis of News and Current Events (SCANCE) report on 19 August 2008. It said: “A number of media reports over the past month have claimed that Scottish Government funding has been provided to the Scottish Islamic Foundation because their chief executive (Osama Saeed) has strong links to the SNP.

“A total of just over £400k has been provided: £200k (of an estimated £1.4m) for IslamFest; £190k for a partnership project to develop and promote education and personal development for young Muslims and encourage greater community involvement; and small amount for set up costs for the organisation.

“All grants were subject to normal funding processes and scrutiny. Political and media interest remains high, with 20 Parliamentary Questions and 16 Freedom of Information requests due to be answered.

“Audit Scotland is reviewing the grant assessment and payment process at the request of George Foulkes MSP and Frank McAveety MSP has written to ask for an independent inquiry.”

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037c4f No.153989

File: d6c76906e392f28⋯.png (456.3 KB,556x676,139:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bc38b251536bd6⋯.png (153.81 KB,541x501,541:501,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20166409 (020011ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP Government kept eye on cronyism row after it handed £405k to Islamic group linked to Humza Yousaf

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The SIF was discussed again two weeks later in the SCANCE report for 2 September. This said: “Following media reports over the past months claiming that Scottish Government funding had been provided to the Scottish Islamic Foundation (SIF) because its chief executive (Osama Saeed) has strong links to the SNP, the Scottish Government has received 26 Parliamentary Questions (PQ) and 21 Freedom of Information requests (FOI).

“Audit Scotland has been asked by George Foulkes MSP to review the grant assessment / payment process for some of the monies paid to SIF. Frank McAveety MSP has also written to the First Minister with a series of questions and calling for an inquiry. Audit Scotland's reply to Mr Foulkes will issue on Monday, 1 September.

“Correct procedures were followed in providing the grants and it is expected that this will be reflected in the response. Outstanding PQs/FOls will issue concurrently, followed by the response to Mr McAveety.

“Special Advisers were involved in preparing the responses to the PQs/FOls and it is believed that the information going into the public domain will be uncontroversial. However, media interest remains high. Communications Health will be provided with lines and briefing has been put forward for the legislative programme statement and FMQs.”

The SIF collapsed in January 2013 after spending £203,000 in government grants, with Mr Saeed quitting as chief executive in March 2010 following a damning audit report which showed that it went almost £5,000 into the red in its first year. Auditors reported “significant doubt” about its ability to continue as a going concern.

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037c4f No.153990

File: 2615e06e1301b65⋯.png (550.46 KB,832x867,832:867,Clipboard.png)

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File: fe78229c699e7b0⋯.png (570.87 KB,814x866,407:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20166834 (020120ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Departing SNP MP Philippa Whitford blames bad press headlines for Humza Yousaf's poor performance as First Minister

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Departing SNP MP Philippa Whitford blames bad press headlines for Humza Yousaf's poor performance as First Minister

The Central Ayrshire MP also admitted that the sudden resignation of Nicola Sturgeon, and lack of natural successor for her, had been a mistake and could have prompted the party's collapse in the polls.

David Walker

30 DEC 2023

A departing SNP MP has blamed the Scottish press for the shockingly poor start to Humza Yousaf's reign as First Minister. Dr Philippa Whitford is one of eight Nat MPs who are retiring at the next general election amid an exodus following the resignation of Nicola Sturgeon.

And she claimed that newspapers in Scotland were having a negative impact on the Scottish Government, despite numerous mistakes from Mr Yousaf himself building up his poor reputation. In his nine months in Bute House, he has become embroiled in a number of scandals.

These range from Operation Branchform, which saw the arrest of Peter Murrell, Ms Sturgeon and Colin Beattie to his deputy Shona Robison being forced to correct the record on Covid WhatsApps after falsely claiming that the UK Inquiry had only asked for correspondence in September.

He has also refused to sack his good friend Michael Matheson who lied to journalists and MSPs about why he racked up a £11k data roaming bill in Morocco. He claimed there was no personal use after his kids admitted to him they had watched Scottish football games while abroad using his data.

Despite this, Ms Whitford claimed that it is the press's fault that Mr Yousaf has not had a good time as First Minister, while also admitted that Ms Sturgeon's resignation also had a big impact. She told the National: "I think the loss of Nicola was significant.

"I think people are very impressed at how Humza is speaking about the war in Israel and Palestine. His nuance and his humanity are showing through. But his initial time, including the leadership election, was overshadowed with the police investigation into party finances which is still hanging there.

“What we have that is very noticeable in Scotland is relentless headlines that are always pitched in a negative way, instead of actually [for example] the Scottish NHS, while struggling post-pandemic, is outperforming the other three, or we are making progress at the end of secondary in closing the attainment gap.

“Nothing in Scotland is ever reported positively, and so I think all of that builds up, but it [the SNP dipping in the polls] started from losing Nicola and particularly the police investigation.”

We previously told how pollster Sir John Curtice said how the resignation of Ms Sturgeon had prompted the collapse in the polls for the SNP. He described how Mr Yousaf was much more unpopular than his predecessor and this was a key reason why support for the party had plummeted from 43 per cent to 36 per cent.

Ms Whitford also hit out at the fact that the SNP had not groomed a successor to the former First Minister, causing the fractious leadership contest and ending with the elevation of a failed health secretary. She said: “I think maybe a weakness of the party was, with the strength and also the relatively young age of Nicola, there hadn’t been any succession planning.

“When Alex Salmond stood down, albeit very suddenly, Nicola had been deputy first minister and she had clearly been groomed as a strong successor and I don’t think we had a field of people that were already in that sort of position. Therefore for any of them to be elected, frankly, it was going to be a big step up."

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037c4f No.153991

File: f26f978410160d5⋯.png (490.74 KB,660x871,660:871,Clipboard.png)

File: ae6968ff594439d⋯.png (652.54 KB,456x877,456:877,Clipboard.png)

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File: f1b82f2722a5c8a⋯.png (479.67 KB,465x607,465:607,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20177972 (032324ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Michelle Mone & billionaire hubby launch £80m sale of luxury villa, jet & yacht after accounts frozen in PPE probe

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>>>104466 Michelle Mone Bun


BRA-GAIN HUNT Michelle Mone & billionaire hubby launch £80m sale of luxury villa, jet & yacht after accounts frozen in PPE probe

It was reported the bra tycoon discovered the freeze on her accounts when her card was declined at a petrol station just before Christmas.

Harry Williamson

3 Jan 2024

MICHELLE Mone and her billionaire husband Doug Barrowman are selling their luxury house, private jet and superyacht worth £80m at slashed prices.

Baroness Mone had her bank accounts frozen by the National Crime Agency amid a probe into the PPE firm MedPro.

The NCA is said to be investigating claims of fraud and bribery surrounding PPE Medpro.

The firm, run by Barrowman, got more than £200 million in government contracts during the pandemic.

It was reported the bra tycoon discovered the freeze on her accounts when her card was declined at a petrol station just before Christmas.

Tory peer Mone and Barrowman are now flogging luxury items for millions.

A six-bedroom villa on the Caribbean island of St Barthelemy belonging to Barrowman has been on the market since 2021 but the price tag has been slashed from £63m to £41m, the Daily Record reports.

Barrowman's luxury yacht, the Lady M, has been up for grabs for over a year.

But the 39-metre vessel is now on sale for a reduced price of just under £7million.

The megarich couple are also understood to have sold their £7.5m Cessna private jet, a £7million villa in Portugal's Algarve and their London townhouse for £19million.

A spokesperson for Barrowman told The Daily Record: “The media’s ridiculous ­obsession with every tiny detail of Michelle and Doug’s personal life continues to reach desperate levels.

"They have both been very successful in business for decades, so if they plan to write about every asset that they own, might be buying or could be selling, ­journalists would be writing for a very long time.

"This is a futile attempt to distract from Doug Barrowman’s robust ­fightback against the PPE Medpro allegations over the last few weeks.”

Last month, we told how Baroness Mone owned up to personally benefitting from a £200m PPE contract after lying to the press for months about her involvement.

In an interview with the BBC, Baroness Mone admitted she had lied about her links to PPE firm Medpro, but insisted that she and her husband have "no case to answer".

Lady Mone insisted that lying to the media is "not a crime", but that it had been an “error”.

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037c4f No.153992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20178308 (040011ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Michelle Mone & billionaire hubby launch £80m sale of luxury villa, jet & yacht after accounts frozen in PPE probe

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Michelle Mone and billionaire husband launch £80m fire sale of luxury homes, jet and superyacht

Daily Record

55.5K subscribers

Jan 3, 2024 #DailyRecord #michellemone #ppe

Tory peer Michelle Mone and her billionaire husband Doug Barrowman are having an £80million fire sale of their luxury houses, private jet and superyacht.

It comes as Baroness Mone revealed her bank accounts have been frozen during a two-year NCA police investigation.

The couple’s PPE Medpro business faces a £133million High Court claim from the Department for Health over gowns rejected by the Government.

The Record can reveal that the couple have slashed the price of some of their prized assets, owned through a string of offshore companies.

As well as the yacht – named Lady M – there is a £7.5million Cessna Citation CJ4 private jet and a £41million six-bedroom villa on the Caribbean holiday island of St Barts.

Barrowman’s spokesman attacked the “media’s ridiculous obsession with every tiny detail of Michelle and Doug’s personal life”.

Last month, PPE Medpro funded a 70-minute documentary released on YouTube and the couple appeared on Laura Kuenssberg’s BBC politics show. On New Year’s Day, Barrowman issued a statement complaining that he and his wife had been made “scapegoats”.

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037c4f No.153993

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213193 (091655ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SCOTTISH BUDGET: New 45% tax band for higher earners (video)

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SCOTTISH BUDGET: New 45% tax band for higher earners

The Scottish Sun

232K subscribers

14,377 views Dec 19, 2023 #scotland #snp #shonaRobison

A new tax band of 45p in the pound will be created in Scotland, the Deputy First Minister has announced.

Shona Robison said in her Budget statement at Holyrood on Tuesday that the “advanced” band will apply to those earning between £75,000 and £125,140.

The top rate of tax, levied against those earning above this figure, will rise by 1% next year to 48p in the pound.


In other areas of tax, the three lowest rates will see no increase to their rates while the starter and basic rate bands will increase by the level of inflation.

The changes will bring in another £1.5 billion to Scotland’s finances next year, Ms Robison said.> If they are dedicated to serving the Public then what a great way to prove it

Good idea using ZOOM or something to negate the "need" for 2nd homes. The only problem is that they don't want to serve anyone other than self.

Yours would be an idea for the future for sure. Right now we need people to stop paying tax as a priority- to close down governments and for people to come together under Article 61 of the Magna Carta and seize all crown properties, all lands given or sold to corporations foreign or domestic and any personality from any foreign land. We have to do that across the world. Nobody should be able to own any part of any nation belonging to any other people.

It's time for this crap to end. There should be enough people questioning the legitimacy of governments by now surely for the numbers to be available?

We can't have individuals buying up housing and renting back to the people. That really needs to end. Why should the native of any land have to pay rent to live in the lands of their forefathers?

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037c4f No.153994

File: 59fb9eb57643bac⋯.png (587.63 KB,826x899,826:899,Clipboard.png)

File: e4eea961773ad3c⋯.png (333.39 KB,844x540,211:135,Clipboard.png)

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File: cad15bdc6ab12e1⋯.png (338.68 KB,586x737,586:737,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213313 (091713ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Why Nicola Sturgeon can dodge SNP's 45 per cent income tax rate when she finally finishes her book

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>>>104467 Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Four


Why Nicola Sturgeon can dodge SNP's 45 per cent income tax rate when she finally finishes her book

The former First Minister signed a £300,000 book deal with Pan Macmillan but will only need to pay 19 per cent tax on any profits after setting up her own company

Douglas Dickie

8 JAN 2024

Nicola Sturgeon could dodge paying the SNP's new 45 per cent income tax rate on any profits relating to her new book. Instead, the former First Minister would be liable to pay just 19 per cent while hard-working Scots are hammered by her friend Shona Robison.

The Finance Secretary announced increases in income tax for middle and high earners at last month's Scottish budget. But Ms Sturgeon need not worry after she set up her own private limited company to manage the income from her memoirs.

The former SNP leader signed a book deal with publishers Pan Macmillan last year worth up to £300,000. As a backbench MSP, Ms Sturgeon currently earns £67,662 - below the new £75,000 tax rate.

But even if the profits from the book take her above that, she would be liable to pay just 19 per cent after creating the company on September 7. Speaking to the Sunday Mail, tax adviser at the Chartered Institute of Taxation Chris Thorpe said: "If you ask people why they’re doing it most would say it’s for tax reasons if they’re being honest about it but there are some good commercial reasons too.

"That’s rarely the only reason, I’d say tax is the biggest reason why people do it but sometimes people need to set up a company for regulation reasons or in order to get work if it's public sector contracts." He added: "With a limited company you’re taxed on your profit - 19 per cent corporation tax - but you are only then taxed as an individual on whatever you take out.

"So you can sort of choose then how much to take out. People can also pay themselves through dividends which is a lower rate of tax than income tax and they don’t pay National Insurance on this as well.

"You’ve got that flexibility with the company. I’d say you’ve got this double bonus in Scotland whereby you’re subject to not only a lower dividend tax rates but you’re also subject to UK bands and corporation tax levels."

Ms Robison introduced a new advanced rate of 45 per cent for income between £75,000 and £125,140 together with the increase in the top rate to 48 per cent when she set out her spending plans in December.

Ms Sturgeon is the sole shareholder and director of Nicola Sturgeon Limited, which is registered in Kinghorn, Fife. Her MSP Register of Interests states she holds an ordinary £1 share in the company which "does not yet have any income, but future book and related earnings will be made to it".

It also confirms she received £75,000 from Pan Macmillan in August, the first of four installments as part of the deal. She states she will work on the book for around 10-15 hours a month.

Pan Macmillan claims the book will be a "deeply personal and revealing memoir from one of Britain’s most significant political leaders of recent times".

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037c4f No.153995

File: 926e2f0d9680906⋯.png (514.4 KB,851x878,851:878,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213565 (091802ZJAN24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Police Scotland exodus as THIRD top cop to quit crisis-hit organisation in less than a year

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>>>104414 Police Scotland loses another senior officer as former interim chief constable stands down


>>>104054 Police Scotland Chief Constable Sir Iain Livingstone to retire after five years in job


Police Scotland exodus as THIRD top cop to quit crisis-hit organisation in less than a year

Deputy chief constable Malcolm Graham has become the third top cop after Sir Iain Livingstone and Fiona Taylor to announce their retirement amid a funding crisis in the force.

David Walker

8 JAN 2024

A third top cop is set to quit Police Scotland, joining an exodus of experienced staff from the crisis-hit organisation. Deputy chief constable Malcolm Graham has announced his intention to retire from policing in just three months' time, after almost 30 years' service.

He joins fellow deputy chief constable Fiona Taylor and former chief executive Sir Iain Livingstone in exiting the force in just under a year. Sir Iain retired back in August last year, while Ms Taylor will also be hanging up her uniform next month.

The exodus of top staff comes as Police Scotland faces a funding crisis and a new leader, with Jo Farrell joining from Durham Constabulary. But her reign got off to a bumpy start when she was forced to apologise for making an on-duty cop drive her home to Northumberland from Edinburgh after trains were cancelled due to Storm Babet.

Mr Graham was a candidate to replace Sir Iain as the country's top cop but lost out to Ms Farrell and has now decided to exit the force as well. He leads the Local Policing portfolio, and notified the Scottish Police Authority on Monday and will leave Police Scotland on April 8.

He said: “After almost 30 years in policing, including more than 11 as a chief officer, I have decided the time is right to leave Police Scotland and take up new challenges. It has been a privilege to serve the people of Scotland as a police officer and I hope to be able to do so in some other capacity in the future. I want to thank my colleagues and friends in Police Scotland, in partner agencies, and in communities across the country, for the support they have given me throughout my career.”

Chief Constable Jo Farrell said: “I want to thank Malcolm for his outstanding leadership throughout a distinguished career defined by integrity and commitment. Malcolm has driven high standards of compassion and professionalism in Police Scotland, establishing our Major Investigations Team and enhancing our response to Violence Against Women and Girls. He played a vital role in the policing response to the Covid pandemic and following the death of Her Majesty The Queen."

Mr Graham announced last month that the force was looking at closing 29 police stations across the country, including two busy stations in Edinburgh and one in Glasgow city centre. A recruitment freeze was also put in place over the festive period to free up cops to help out in communities over the busy time.

Cops are also investigating Scotland's governing party over alleged embezzlement and misuse of funds, with Operation Branchform leading to the arrest of Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murrell and Colin Beattie. Police Scotland have been criticised for the alleged glacial pace of the operation, with no charges brought since the probe started in summer 2021.

Mr Graham became Deputy Chief Constable in 2019 and took on the remit of Crime and Operational Support, where he was responsible for specialist policing functions including major crime investigations and major incident response. He also led the policing response to the Covid=19 pandemic and the policing operation for the funeral of Her Majesty The Queen.

The Scottish Police Authority is currently recruiting to replace Ms Taylor, with the Authority now being forced to consider whether a separate process is necessary to fill the vacancy caused by Mr Graham's retirement.

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037c4f No.153996

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20213630 (091819ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP Nicola Sturgeon has a very dubious past. This is old news but not widely known (video)

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SNP Nicola Sturgeon has a very dubious past. This is old news but not widely known.

Craig Houston Talks To

7.79K subscribers

43,288 views Jan 8, 2024

For more info on this incredible incident click link below


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037c4f No.153997

File: 400968dc24694ef⋯.png (735.37 KB,812x899,28:31,Clipboard.png)

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File: eb8c9765bc7f194⋯.png (575.48 KB,554x863,554:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20215117 (092301ZJAN24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scottish Epstein victim claims sex tapes were filmed of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Richard Branson

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Scottish Epstein victim claims sex tapes were filmed of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Richard Branson

The bombshell – and strenuously denied – allegations by Sarah Ransome, who grew up near Inverness and went to school in Grantown-on-Spey, were revealed in the latest tranche of court documents to be unsealed in New York

Josh Payne, PA Chief Reporter

8 JAN 2024

A Scottish victim of Jeffrey Epstein claimed sex tapes were taken of the Duke of York, former US president Bill Clinton and billionaire businessman Sir Richard Branson, court documents have disclosed.

Sarah Ransome, who gave a victim impact statement ahead of the sentencing of British socialite Ghislaine Maxwell for sex-trafficking, appeared to write communications claiming the three were filmed by the paedophile financier.

On behalf of Mr Branson, a Virgin Group spokeswoman said: "In a New Yorker report published in 2019, Ransome admitted that she had 'invented' the tapes. We can confirm that Sarah Ransome's claims are baseless and unfounded." The extracts were flagged by a firm representing Epstein's lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, to demonstrate Ms Ransome "manifestly lacks credibility".

Ms Ransome's father is Lord Gordon Macpherson, the second baron of Drumochter, and she moved from South Africa when she was a teenager to live with her aunt and uncle in the Highlands. They lived just south of Inverness and she attended grammar school in Grantown-on-Spey.

Andrew stepped down from public life after the furore over his friendship with Epstein, and paid millions to settle a civil sexual assault case with Virginia Giuffre, a woman he claimed never to have met. He was cast out of the working monarchy and no longer uses his HRH style after Ms Giuffre, who was trafficked by Epstein, accused him of sexually assaulting her when she was 17. The duke strenuously denies any wrongdoing.

A US judge ordered hundreds of documents to be unsealed as part of Ms Giuffre's previously settled civil claim against Maxwell, which was filed in 2015. Images were also released as part of the latest tranche of documents, including a resurfaced photo of former Labour minister Lord Mandelson with Epstein on his private island, Little St James.

Other pictures, all taken on the island in 2006, included one of Maxwell with disgraced French model scout Jean Luc-Brunel and various girls posing for photos. Also accused in the email extracts from Ms Ransome was former US president Donald Trump who, according to the Epstein victim, "liked flicking and sucking" her friend's nipples "until they were raw".

Ms Ransome wrote: "They looked incredibly painful as they were red and swollen and I remember wincing when I looked at them. I also know she had sexual relations with Trump at Jeffery's NY mansion on regular occasions."

Addressing the claims about Andrew and Mr Branson in the document released as part of another tranche published on Monday, Ms Ransome wrote: "When my friend had sexual intercourse with Clinton, Prince Andrew and Richard Branson, sex tapes were in fact filmed on each separate occasion by Jeffrey.

"Thank God she managed to get a hold of some footage of the filmed sex tapes, which clearly identify the faces of Clinton, Prince Andrew and Branson having sexual intercourse with her. Frustratingly enough Epstein was not seen in any of the footage but he was clever like that!

"When my friend eventually had the courage to speak out and went to the police in 2008 to report what had happened, nothing was done and she was utterly humiliated by the police department where she went to report what had happened with Epstein, Clinton, Branson and Prince Andrew."

'Ms Ransome... manifestly lacks credibility'

In the letter from Emery Celli Brinckerhoff & Abady LLP to the court, the firm said allegations against Mr Dershowitz were categorically false. The firm said: "Her (Ms Ransome) testimony was fabricated from whole cloth. Ms Ransome's testimony also contains a slew of other incendiary claims concerning the sexual proclivities of Donald Trump, Bill Clinton and other prominent individuals.

"The emails are a necessary antidote to Ms Ransome's deposition misstatements because they demonstrate she manifestly lacks credibility."

The email extracts from Ms Ransome also saw her take aim at Hilary Clinton, with one saying: "I will make sure that neither that evil bitch Hillary or that paedophile Trump gets elected. I will also make sure that everyone on the God damn planet see's [sic] that footage and photo's [sic] and will release them to Wiki leaks by Sunday."

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037c4f No.153998

File: ba7dcc6031f2270⋯.png (477.42 KB,628x854,314:427,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20215123 (092302ZJAN24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scottish Epstein victim claims sex tapes were filmed of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Richard Branson

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Ms Ransome, who has written a memoir about her ordeal called Silenced No More: Surviving My Journey to Hell and Back, also appeared to say she had "reached out to the Russians for help" after claiming her emails had been hacked.

Epstein was found dead in his cell at a federal jail in Manhattan, New York, in August 2019 while he awaited trial on sex-trafficking charges. The death was ruled a suicide.

Maxwell has been imprisoned since July 2020 despite attempts by her defence counsel to have her released on bail. She was sentenced to 20 years in prison at the federal court in the Southern District of New York in June 2022.

The socialite indicated her desire to appeal shortly after her conviction, with her lawyers claiming victims had "faded, distorted and motivated memories". Her appeal is scheduled to be heard in November next year.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.153999

File: fb54b5ebba5b026⋯.png (693.93 KB,832x899,832:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20221564 (102235ZJAN24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scots aristo who made dubious Prince Andrew 'sex tape' claims was trapped on 'Epstein Island' by shark-infested waters

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Scots aristo who made dubious Prince Andrew 'sex tape' claims was trapped on 'Epstein Island' by shark-infested waters

Sarah Ransome has previously said she made up the sex tapes to protect herself from 'harm' by Jeffrey Epstein... but that does not discount her harrowing story of rape and abuse at his hands in New York and the Caribbean

Ben Borland

9 JAN 2024

Sarah Ransome, the Scottish Epstein victim at the centre of the latest claims to emerge in the case, once told how she tried to escape his notorious island by swimming through shark-infested waters.

Court documents have disclosed that she previously alleged that sex tapes were taken of Prince Andrew, former US president Bill Clinton and billionaire businessman Sir Richard Branson during visits to the shamed financier's private island, Little St James in the Caribbean.

On behalf of Sir Richard, a Virgin Group spokeswoman said: "In a New Yorker report published in 2019, Ransome admitted that she had 'invented' the tapes. We can confirm that Sarah Ransome's claims are baseless and unfounded." According to the interview, Ms Ransome told the New Yorker that "she had invented the tapes to draw attention to Epstein's behavior, and to make him believe that she had 'evidence that would come out if he harmed me'."

In previous testimony, however, she told how she spent was repeatedly raped and abused by Epstein – who died in prison awaiting trial in New York in 2019 – and others before trying to make her dramatic escape from Little St James by racing away from his compound on a quad bike and jumping off a cliff.

Ms Ransome's father is Lord Gordon Macpherson, the second baron of Drumochter, and she moved from South Africa when she was a teenager to live with her aunt and uncle near Grantown-on-Spey in the Highlands. She says she was introduced to Epstein aged 22 in 2006 after being approached by a woman named Natalya Malyshev in a nightclub in New York, shortly after dropping out of university in Edinburgh and moving to the US.

In a victim impact statement provided to assist with the sentencing of Epstein's 'fixer' and girlfriend, Ghislaine Maxwell, she said: "Over the next seven to eight months, I became, against my will, nothing more than a human sex toy with a heartbeat and soul for the entertainment of Epstein, Maxwell and others. Sometimes I was subjected to sexual predation multiple times per day, both in his New York mansion and on his private island, St Little James in the US Virgin Islands.

"On one visit to the island, the sexual demands, degradation and humiliation became so horrific that I tried to escape by attempting to jump off a cliff into shark-infested waters, but was caught by Maxwell and company moments before jumping. At the time, the extremely risky escape seemed more appealing than being raped one more time."

Speaking outside court in New York in 2022 after Maxwell was jailed for 20 years for sex trafficking, Ms Ransome said she had spent the "past 17 years in her own prison". She told Sky News: "I've been to hell and back."

Her statement added: "In several instances, Ghislaine by her own hand forced me into Epstein's room to be raped. Epstein and Maxwell were masters at finding young, vulnerable girls and young women to exploit. Upon targeting a vulnerable girl/young woman, they would ingratiate themselves to her, giving her compliments and small gifts, telling her how special she was.

"They would tell her that Epstein was a very wealthy, generous man whose primary purpose was to help the less fortunate. He and Maxwell were sophisticated, worldly adults with deep ties to important people, world leaders and institutions who could give her the lifeline she needed to make her dreams reality.

"However, soon after lulling me and others into a false sense of comfort and security, they pounced, ensnaring us in their upside-down, twisted world of rape, rape and more rape. Like Hotel California, you could check into the Epstein-Maxwell dungeon of sexual hell, but you could never leave."

The latest release also includes photos of Ms Ransome on the island that were used in evidence when she sued Epstein, Maxwell, and other suspected co-conspirators in the year 2017 under the alias 'Jane Doe 43'. However, a firm representing Epstein's lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, said the sex tape claims show Ms Ransome "manifestly lacks credibility".

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037c4f No.154000

File: 60bde44c4a9a194⋯.png (672.85 KB,855x899,855:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c28a043ba8d2966⋯.png (366.28 KB,813x539,813:539,Clipboard.png)

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File: cd0eb8ddcdddb08⋯.png (148.87 KB,581x483,83:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20222461 (110108ZJAN24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Police Scotland shambles as complaint lodged against beleaguered new top cop Jo Farrell

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Police Scotland shambles as complaint lodged against beleaguered new top cop Jo Farrell

The Scottish Police Authority have been caught up in a new secrecy row after refusing to confirm or deny whether a probe has been launched into new chief constable Jo Farrell.

David Walker

10 JAN 2024

Police Scotland's top brass is suffering another crisis as an official complaint has been made against the new Chief Constable Jo Farrell. Her time in the hot seat has been beset with issues, and the latest has sparked concerns about infighting within the centralised force.

It is understood that deputy chief officer David Page, who is the force's top civilian staff member, has lodged a grievance against her which dates back to October. He is currently on leave while this is investigated.

Ms Farrell was forced to apologise publicly after demanding to be driven home to Northumberland from Edinburgh after trains were cancelled during Storm Babet. Her and another English-based cop were taken down south by an on-duty police officer in a patrol car.

And now her conduct is being investigated after Mr Page lodged a complaint just weeks after she officially started her job in October. He is a former army intelligence officer and earns around £200,000 a year for his top job at Police Scotland, where he oversees departments such as finance, procurement, and estates.

The Scottish Police Authority refused to confirm or deny the existence of this probe, leading to a secrecy row. Mr Page is said to have been angered by Ms Farrell's move to bring in a senior official from her former Durham Constabulary, Gary Riddell, to advice on issues such as finance. He was the cop given a lift home to England.

Sources confirmed that Mr Page had been off work for several months and that he felt undermined due to the new appointment. Two of Scotland's most senior cops have already confirmed that they will be seeking retirement in the next few months, with deputy chief constables Fiona Taylor and Malcolm Graham quitting.

Ms Farrell has already provoked bad headlines due to her "error in judgement" in getting an on-duty traffic officer give her a lift home on a 120-mile trip where they also dropped Mr Ridley off at his home in Gateshead, Tyneside.

Scottish Conservative justice spokesman Russell Findlay said: “Since being created by the SNP government a decade ago, Police Scotland has often been accused of lacking transparency, which is unhealthy, unhelpful, and undermines public confidence. All public bodies have a duty to be candid about such important issues, and I would urge ministers, Police Scotland, and the SPA to come clean about exactly what is going on.”

Police Scotland said: "Any enquiries of this nature about chief officers should be directed to the Scottish Police Authority." But the Scottish Police Authority refused to comment about the incident. A spokeswoman said: "The Authority does not confirm or comment on this type of enquiry. Any complaints or concerns of that nature would be confidential."

Ms Farrell became the first woman to be appointed to lead Police Scotland last year when she won the race to replace Sir Iain Livingstone who also retired last year. Deputy chief constable Malcolm Graham is understood to have also been a candidate but lost out.

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037c4f No.154001

File: a63eb21c04d37cc⋯.png (515.66 KB,821x835,821:835,Clipboard.png)

File: 45748ed88567b9c⋯.png (529.66 KB,782x855,782:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 6fbea4c707a19e0⋯.png (665.15 KB,996x855,332:285,Clipboard.png)

File: e2249c126422e6e⋯.png (287.57 KB,558x860,279:430,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20222886 (110221ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Secretive SNP Government sat on news about new Chief Constable’s police taxi home to England for three weeks

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Secretive SNP Government sat on news about new Chief Constable’s police taxi home to England for three weeks

Scottish Government justice secretary Angela Constance confirmed to Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay that officials found out about Jo Farrell's police ride home to England three weeks before it was published in the press.

David Walker

12 DEC 2023

The “secretive” SNP Government has been blasted after it was revealed that ministers knew about the scandal surrounding the new Chief constable being given a lift home by a on-duty cop three weeks before it became public. Jo Farrell was forced to apologise after she was driven back to England by a patrol car in October.

This was just months into her reign as Scotland’s new top cop and was labelled a misuse of police resources by critics. The £249,000 role was vacated by Sir Iain Livingstone in August, with Ms Farrell joining from the Durham force.

She was slated after getting an on-duty traffic cop to take her and a male colleague - also from her former Durham force- 120 miles from Edinburgh to the north of Edinburgh. This was during Storm Babet when cross-border train services were cancelled due to bad weather.

Now, the Scottish Sun reports that the Scottish Government actually found out about this October 20 incident on November 1, but kept it under wraps until it was reported by various papers on November 23. It sparked an outcry of anger and forced Ms Farrell to give a public apology.

(in-)Justice Secretary Angela Constance answered a number of parliamentary questions about the scandal, but also stonewalled attempts to publish correspondence between her and the chief constable about the “taxi” home. She confirmed that they were “notified about this matter by the Scottish Police Authority on the 1st November 2023.”

She added: “This was for information only as the governance and scrutiny of Police Scotland is for the authority and not ministers. No engagement with Police Scotland was required.”

Scottish Tory Justice spokesman Russell Findlay also asked about the Durham cop who reportedly accompanied Ms Farrell on the trip. He was told: “It is good practice for police organisations to share their knowledge and experience. Police Scotland routinely collaborates and works in partnership with police forces across the UK and beyond.”

But the SNP minister refused to answer other questions from the Conservative MSP, including whether she would provide details of “any discussions that it has had with Police Scotland, including the Chief Constable” about the journey.

Mr Findlay hit out at Ms Constance for keeping the entire scandal a secret for so long. He said: “This confirms that the SNP government knew for weeks about the chief constable’s use of a police car as a private taxi but decided to keep a lid on it.

“This smacks of secrecy and suggests that they hoped that the Scottish public and police officers would never find out. Frontline officers deserve to know the full circumstances of what happened yet the SNP justice secretary continues to stonewall me with non-answers to a series of important questions.

Ms Farrell apologised for her actions and admitted to an “error of judgement” for taking the trip. It was claimed that the traffic cop that escorted her home was one of just two on shift in the east of Scotland that night.

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037c4f No.154002

File: 27de25f429da08c⋯.png (669.4 KB,840x859,840:859,Clipboard.png)

File: fae78f35699d03d⋯.png (342.74 KB,881x525,881:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b9b76697414d02⋯.png (510.19 KB,784x865,784:865,Clipboard.png)

File: b3ebc5f33ce3d99⋯.png (174.56 KB,592x509,592:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20228123 (112359ZJAN24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Joanna Cherry raises Salmond affair and Operation Branchform as MPs prepare to strip Lord Advocate of dual role

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>>>104328, >>104329 SICK OUTBURST Former top sheriff admits making sexual & racist comments after forgetting to turn mic off on video call


>>>104460 Updated Operation Branchform Bun


Joanna Cherry raises Salmond affair and Operation Branchform as MPs prepare to strip Lord Advocate of dual role

The SNP in Edinburgh has failed to act for years and years to tackle the conflict of interest in the role held by Dorothy Bain – who is both a member of the government AND the country's top prosecutor

Ben Borland

11 JAN 2024

The Scottish Government is to be finally forced to act to split the dual role of the Lord Advocate – after years of the SNP "sitting on the hands" over what many see as a clear conflict of interest.

One of the main flaws in the devolution set-up is the fact that the Lord Advocate acts as both the head of Scotland's prosecution service, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, and the Scottish Government's top legal adviser, which is a ministerial role with a seat in Cabinet meetings.

Despite promising reforms, the issue was never dealt with by Alex Salmond or Nicola Sturgeon during their time in office – and Humza Yousaf equally showed no desire to tackle the problem. Now rebel SNP MP Joanna Cherry has acted to force the decision with the full backing of cross-party MPs at Westminster.

She has introduced a private member's Bill which would allow Holyrood to split the role of Lord Advocate into "two separate jobs. One as head of Scotland's prosecution service, and the other as a minister of the Scottish Government and its chief legal adviser."

Speaking at Westminster on Wednesday, Ms Cherry said: "Concern about potential conflicts in the role of the Lord Advocate has increased in recent times because of some high-profile cases, including the Scottish Government’s handling of complaints against Alex Salmond, the malicious scandal in relation to prosecutions over the takeover of Rangers football club, and the police investigation into SNP finances."

She added that it was not a new problem, with the previous Labour executive under Jack McConnell, Henry McLeish and Donald Dewar also running into issues surrounding the Lockerbie trial. "There was considerable disquiet back in 2000 that the Lord Advocate was performing the role of politician, prosecutor and judge-maker," the MP added.

That triple role was removed in 2002 and judges in Scotland are now appointed by an independent panel. But Scotland remains almost unique in Europe in having a chief prosecutor who is also a member of the government. EU rules say that members states must have "prosecution systems [that] are seen to act independently of Parliament and Government".

Ms Cherry added: "Elsewhere in the UK and in the Republic of Ireland, the two roles are held by different people, which avoids any possible conflict of interest or the perception of one. In England, there is an Attorney General, who is a member of the Government of the day, and, quite separately, a Director of Public Prosecutions, who is appointed by a public appointment process completely independent of Government.

"Of course, there is the third office of the Lord Chancellor, who performs some constitutional functions. The experts advising the Scottish Government might want to think about something akin to that third role for some of the Lord Advocate's functions under the Scotland Act."

The Edinburgh South West MP said both Scottish and UK ministers have accepted there is a case for separating the two roles, while her Bill has cross-party support. The Bill was introduced with support from members of all parties including the SNP and Alba as well as Scottish Secretary Alister Jack and his Labour shadow Ian Murray.

Ms Cherry added: "I hope that the existence of cross-party support means that this private Member's Bill has a chance of becoming law, leaving the final decision on the role of Scotland’s Law Officers where it should be: with the Scottish Parliament."

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037c4f No.154003

File: 66b3f8373d39d93⋯.png (587.03 KB,847x816,847:816,Clipboard.png)

File: a616e03314d0b2b⋯.png (251.29 KB,808x488,101:61,Clipboard.png)

File: f6ec6d66ac14122⋯.png (456.58 KB,554x867,554:867,Clipboard.png)

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File: 612f6e07e55ef21⋯.png (128.84 KB,562x423,562:423,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20228372 (120035ZJAN24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Dorothy Bain has attended 40 Cabinet meetings during Operation Branchform

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Dorothy Bain has attended 40 Cabinet meetings during Operation Branchform

The revelation has sparked further calls for the Lord Advocate's dual role to be split, with the head of Scotland's prosecution service also serving as a member of the government

Ben Borland

30 MAY 2023

The Lord Advocate has attended 40 Cabinet meetings during the ongoing police investigation into SNP finances.

Dorothy Bain's seat at the top political table has been branded "conflicting" and further calls have been made for her unique dual role to be broken up.

Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie said: "The fact that our most senior law officer and prosecutor is not independent from the government has been an ongoing cause for concern and the need to change this has been clear.

"If we are to truly have confidence in the outcome of the investigation into the SNP, the Lord Advocate must not be seen to be compromised in any way."

And Scots Tory MSP Jamie Greene said: "This revelation underlines the need for the dual roles of the Lord Advocate to be split. It's not right - and unfair on Dorothy Bain herself - that the Lord Advocate is both a member of the cabinet and head of the Crown Office.

"The current probe into SNP finances - like the Alex Salmond case before it - highlights how compromised and conflicting the twin roles are."

Ms Bain, who took up her post as Lord Advocate after the 2021 Holyrood election, is head of the Crown Office as well as being a minister and chief legal officer in the Scottish Government.

Police Scotland launched a fraud investigation in 2021 into claims that around £600,000 in 'ringfenced' donations to the SNP to pay for an independence campaign had vanished from the accounts.

The Daily Record reports that a freedom of information request reveals that Ms Bain has attended Cabinet 40 times, mostly when Nicola Sturgeon was in charge.

Cabinet met 24 times in 2021 following her appointment and the Lord Advocate was there on 17 occasions. In 2022, she attended 18 of 41 Cabinet meetings and was at five of 14 this year.

In total, she has been at over half of Cabinet meetings since becoming Lord Advocate. Her deputy, the Solicitor General, has attended Cabinet 14 times in the same time period.

Former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, who is married to Ms Sturgeon, and one-time party treasurer Colin Beattie, were arrested this year as part of the investigation.

Both men were later released without charge pending further enquiries.

Although the Lord Advocate and the Solicitor General have played no role in the SNP police investigation, the Crown Office has faced scrutiny of its actions during the probe.

Police asked the Crown Office for a search warrant for Nicola Sturgeon's home during the SNP leadership race in March, but only got approval after the contest ended.

The Crown Office were made aware of the request on March 20, but it wasn't until April 3 that they gave the green light to the warrant bid and sent it to a sheriff.

'The SNP have been slow to do anything about it'

Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur said: "Scottish Liberal Democrats have long argued that the Lord Advocate role should be split.

"The current role increasingly feels like an anachronism. An independent director of prosecutions would go some way to ending the perception of conflicting loyalties that the current set up seems to invite."

And Ms Baillie added: "During the parliamentary inquiry into the Scottish Government's Handling of Sexual Harassment complaints, the Committee recommended that the role of Lord Advocate should be separate from the Scottish Government. Whilst appearing to accept this, the SNP have been slow to do anything about it."

A spokesperson for the Lord Advocate said: "The independence of the Lord Advocate is explicitly protected by law.

"The Lord Advocate exercises their authority independently of political pressure, and indeed of any other person.

"As is standard practice in any matter regarding politicians, Operation Branch form is being dealt with by independent prosecutors without the involvement of the Lord Advocate or Solicitor General."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154004

File: 23e5bb85daca62e⋯.png (890.95 KB,799x899,799:899,Clipboard.png)

File: e540c28a1b7875b⋯.png (484.22 KB,568x865,568:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 3826e3cd3a30179⋯.png (349.28 KB,563x866,563:866,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20228475 (120051ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP ministers accused of 'sitting on their hands' over pledge to reform powers of Scotland's top law officer

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SNP ministers accused of 'sitting on their hands' over pledge to reform powers of Scotland's top law officer

The role Scotland's Lord Advocate has been under the spotlight after the Alex Salmond scandal and malicious prosecutions linked to the Rangers takeover saga

Richard Percival

23 MAY 2022

SNP ministers have been accused of "sitting on their hands" over moves to curb the powers of Scotland's prosecution chief.

The Scottish Government had agreed to consult on splitting the Lord Advocate’s dual role into a separate legal adviser to the government and head of Scotland’s prosecution service.

Currently, the person in the office acts as the Government's top legal adviser and a Cabinet member.

But the current layout of the position came under fire after the Alex Salmond scandal and malicious prosecutions linked to the Rangers takeover saga raised possible conflicts of interest.

Former Lord Advocate James Wolffe QC advised Scottish ministers over the government's botched probe into harassment claims against Mr Salmond, who was cleared following a court trial.

However, almost a year on, UK Scottish Secretary Alister Jack said he hadn't had any representations on the issue as changes to the role would require altering the Scotland Act.

Dorothy Bain QC, replaced Wolffe as Lord Advocate last year.

Kenny MacAskill, former Scottish Justice Secretary said the centuries-old dual role was "unfit for modern society" and called for urgent changes.

Speaking a year on after the initial pledge was made, the Alba Party MP told the Scottish Sun: “Cases such as the Rangers administrators and Alex Salmond never mind cover-ups in government show the urgent need to separate the roles of chief prosecutor and top government lawyer.

“Just because it's aye been, doesn't mean it's right."

Mr MacAskill continued: "It's clear blame for delay rests with the Scottish, not UK, Government.

"It's perverse when they're willing to change the Scotland Act that the Scottish Government sit on their hands. This needs changing, and fast."

In response, a Scottish Government spokesperson said: "We intend to publish a consultation.

"The First Minister has made clear it's vital to take time to get it right."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154005

File: d741c2777582c00⋯.png (654.2 KB,805x818,805:818,Clipboard.png)

File: 3360e30cef134c4⋯.png (242.01 KB,558x456,93:76,Clipboard.png)

File: 63e4b46547a9d14⋯.png (228.72 KB,558x729,62:81,Clipboard.png)

File: 179bac8a1adeab8⋯.png (192.89 KB,550x481,550:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20228765 (120144ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Lord Advocate refuses to say if Nicola Sturgeon home search was delayed in new twist to 'murky saga'

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These older stories posted to show this issue up for the festering sore that it is....and is the Scottish Judiciary by and large. John Halley's book A Judicial Monstering goes in to some detail on this along with the connections of individuals involved in the cover up of establishment child abuse and prostitution rings. Some chapters been posted here in pdf and are well worth looking at. I'll try to comment on the content of those chapters in the coming weeks.




Lord Advocate refuses to say if Nicola Sturgeon home search was delayed in new twist to 'murky saga'

Dorothy Bain KC was questioned by reporters as she left Humza Yousaf's Cabinet meeting at Bute House... and stayed silent on reports the Police Investigation was held up until after the SNP leadership contest

Ben Borland

16 MAY 2023

The Lord Advocate today refused to comment on reports the Crown Office had delayed the police search on Nicola Sturgeon's home in Glasgow.

Police Scotland reportedly requested a warrant on March 20 when the SNP leadership contest was still in full swing. However, they were not granted until April 3.

Dorothy Bain KC was approached by Sky News after leaving Humza Yousaf's Cabinet meeting at Bute House on Tuesday. She refused to answer when asked if the delay had been "deliberate".

Scottish Conservative MSP Russell Findlay said: "There appears to be no evidence of any undue influence or interference in this process.

"However, the lack of answers to these question only serves to fuel public concerns about the decision-making taking place behind closed doors.

"There have already been seen some crass and unacceptable interventions from the SNP camp about the legitimacy and integrity of Police Scotland’s investigation.

"The whole murky saga brings into sharp focus the untenable dual role of the Lord Advocate, both as head of the prosecution service and the Scottish government’s most senior lawyer with a place at the Cabinet table."

The two-day search of Ms Sturgeon's home in Uddingston was part of Operation Branchform, the long-running investigation into allegations of fraud relating to £600,000 'missing' from the SNP's accounts.

Her husband Peter Murrell, the SNP's former chief executive, was arrested and questioned by officers before being released without charge. Officers also searched the SNP's HQ in Edinburgh and removed boxes of documents from both premises.

Two weeks later, the SNP's former treasurer Colin Beattie was also arrested, questioned and released. At the weekend, it emerged that detectives are looking at 1,000 individual transactions through an Amazon account.

Also on Tuesday, former SNP justice secretary Kenny MacAskill called for a judge-led inquiry into the role of the Crown Office in the investigation.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154006

File: 8d37f43e6900305⋯.png (575.21 KB,804x871,12:13,Clipboard.png)

File: fb2164447d24eaa⋯.png (286.02 KB,572x525,572:525,Clipboard.png)

File: 3790a53398130a9⋯.png (996.79 KB,531x865,531:865,Clipboard.png)

File: bb31a85c42692f0⋯.png (229.06 KB,555x751,555:751,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ae3a9e0f30cea5⋯.png (135.85 KB,566x469,566:469,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231616 (121635ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf requested meeting with Turkish President Erdogan and had 'ample' time to inform Foreign Office about summit

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Humza Yousaf requested meeting with Turkish President Erdogan and had 'ample' time to inform Foreign Office about summit

The First Minister was forced to plead with Lord Cameron not to shut down his Scottish 'embassies' as he claimed that a Foreign Office official did not attend the meeting at Cop28 due to it being rearranged at short notice.

David Walker

10 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf's excuse for breaking UK Government protocols during his meeting with Turkish President Erdogan was blown apart after it was revealed that there was an hour-and-a-half window where the Foreign Office could have been told about the summit. And it was the First Minister who requested the controversial meeting.

The SNP leader claimed that a UK Government official could not attend as it had been arranged with "just a few minutes' notice." The lack of Foreign Office diplomat sparked a row between Lord Cameron and the SNP executive as he accused them of breaching guidance once again.

But the Herald reports that there was plenty of time for Mr Yousaf's entourage to organise for this to happen, as a meeting was confirmed as "possible" at 1.19pm that day, with this being relayed to the Foreign Office at 2.46pm through an email which read: "Turkey is happening now."

The First Minister also went into the meeting without a proper briefing as it was “never finalised” and “was not cleared by senior officials or used to brief the First Minister ahead of his meeting with President Erdoğan." He also reached out in the first place on November 30 by getting in touch with the Turkish consulate in Edinburgh.

Lord Cameron accused the Scottish Government of breaching protocols as a Foreign Office official needs to sit in on any meetings a SNP politician holds with foreign diplomats. He threatened to shut down the Scottish embassies if breaches happen again.

A Holyrood government source claimed that a Foreign Office official had been told in person about the Erdogan meeting but were not around when it happened. The summit was criticised by many in Scotland, including Nationalist councillor Roza Salih who claimed that the Turkish President "killed Kurds" and that she was disgusted by it.

Mr Yousaf claimed that the meeting had been "rearranged at short notice by the Turkish president’s team." He told PA: "The FCDO official chose not to stay with the Scottish delegation the whole day, and because of that they ended up missing the meeting. Nothing was discussed that hadn’t been discussed at other meetings, such as the climate crisis, and in this particular meeting the issue of the Israel-Gaza conflict.”

Critics blasted his original excuse. Scottish Conservative shadow secretary for constitution, external affairs and culture Donald Cameron said: “Despite protestations to the contrary, this shows there was ample time for Humza Yousaf’s entourage to have a Foreign Office official present at his meeting with Turkey’s president.

“One-and-a-half hours is not most people’s definition of ‘a few minutes’ notice’, so it seems the First Minister was determined not to follow protocol for a reserved policy area. This FOI vindicates Lord Cameron’s response to the SNP Government and proves that Humza Yousaf was wilfully freelancing at COP on a policy area for which he’s not responsible.”

A UK Government spokesman said: “Foreign affairs is reserved under the Scotland Act and in such turbulent times, the need for the UK to speak on the world stage with one consistent voice is more important than ever. Our embassies and high commissions overseas have a strong track record of working collaboratively with the Scottish Government to promote the interests of the whole UK.

“We hope that we can resolve this without the need for further action, including the possibility that we no longer host Scottish Government offices in UK Government posts.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The First Minister met a number of world leaders at COP28 to discuss issues of shared interest, this meeting was no different. Due to late notice of this meeting, the brief was not cleared in advance by senior officials or used by the First Minister and he was instead briefed by officials and advisors in person on the day of the meeting.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154007

File: 6282c6128a0ea21⋯.png (613.97 KB,816x899,816:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231777 (121716ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / David Cameron threatens to close SNP's 'pretend embassies' after Humza Yousaf's Erdogan meeting

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David Cameron threatens to close SNP's 'pretend embassies' after Humza Yousaf's Erdogan meeting

The furious Foreign Secretary says it is vital that 'we speak with one voice' on foreign affairs after the First Minister met the Turkish president without a minder – and discussed calls for a ceasefire in Gaza

Ben Borland

10 DEC 2023

Foreign Secretary David Cameron has threatened to close the SNP’s network of ‘pretend embassies’ after Humza Yousaf met with Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

The First Minister met the Turkish president at COP28 in Dubai without a UK official present and discussed calls for a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas.

In a letter to External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson, seen by the Scottish Daily Express, Lord Cameron said that was a clear breach of the protocol agreed by the Scottish and UK governments.

He wrote: “It is critical that the UK presents a consistent message to our international partners and that the devolution settlements are respected. We must ensures that UK foreign policy, a reserved matter, is coherent and that we speak with one voice to the international community.

“I remain open to discussing a constructive way forward. However, any further breaches of the protocol... will result in no further FCDO facilitation of meetings or logistical support. We will also need to consider the presence of Scottish Government offices in UK Government posts.”

It comes amid ongoing tensions between Westminster and Holyrood over SNP ministers meeting foreign officials. The Nats are accused of straying beyond the boundaries of devolved politics to discuss issues such as Scottish independence and foreign affairs.

In his letter, Lord Cameron said the Scottish Government had assured the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) that it would give “sufficient advance notice” of the meeting with Mr Erdogan. He said this was to allow one of his officials to attend the meeting and “was not done”.

Lord Cameron’s predecessor James Cleverly also warned Mr Yousaf after he met the Icelandic prime minister in August, again without UK diplomats. The rules were introduced after Mr Robertson held a number of meetings where the UK constitution was discussed.

But Whitehall sources said the new foreign secretary was keen to take a tougher line with the SNP over their “meddling” in reserved matters.

The SNP Government has a network of eight overseas costing the taxpayer more than £9million a year to run. Most of them are based in British embassies and are understood to be largely rent-free. The executive also has a base in London described as being ‘overseas’, despite the fact it is in the UK capital.

A UK Government spokeswoman said: "Foreign affairs is reserved under the Scotland Act and in such turbulent times, the need for the UK to speak on the world stage with one consistent voice is more important than ever.

"Our embassies and high commissions overseas have a strong track record of working collaboratively with the Scottish Government to promote the interests of the whole UK. We hope that we can resolve this without the need for further action, including the possibility that we no longer host Scottish Government offices in UK Government posts."

Israel has withdrawn diplomats from Turkey over comments

After his meeting with Mr Erdogan and the Lebanese prime minister, Mr Yousaf tweeted that they had discussed “the humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza”. He added: “An immediate & permanent ceasefire is needed now.”

The Turkish president has accused Israel of acting like a “war criminal”, prompting Tel Aviv to respond by withdrawing diplomats from Turkey.

The meeting between Mr Yousaf and Mr Erdogan had already proven controversial within the SNP. Glasgow councillor Roza Salih said she was “disgusted” by the meeting, as Turkey had stepped up attacks on Kurdish groups in Syria. The Kurdish-born politician was elected in 2022 and became the first councillor to have moved to Scotland as a refugee.

A spokesman for the first minister said a UK official was aware of and invited to the meeting, and that the same arrangements were in place for Mr Yousaf’s engagements with other world leaders.

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037c4f No.154008

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20231790 (121718ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / David Cameron threatens to close SNP's 'pretend embassies' after Humza Yousaf's Erdogan meeting

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They added: “The nature of events such as COP is that timings can change at the last minute, and the FCDO representative was elsewhere at the time it was convenient for the Turkish president to meet. Any threat by the UK government to curtail the Scottish Government’s international engagement is misguided and would work against Scotland’s interests.”

A Scottish Government source said Lord Cameron’s letter was a “gross overreaction”, adding: “You can hardly say to a president, ‘Can you wait a second while we find our chaperone?’”

The Express says

THE SNP Government have been reminded – repeatedly – that foreign affairs is reserved to Westminster. Yet the Nats pay no attention to the rules, as evidenced by Humza Yousaf’s meeting with Turkish president Recep Erdogan.

In the past, globetrotting Holyrood ministers have been keen to talk up the supposed benefits of breaking up the UK. Now, however, the First Minister has gone too far by discussing the war in Gaza with one of Israel’s most outspoken opponents.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron is right to reprimand the SNP leader for straying out of his lane. And while the SNP may wail about the threat to close their network of overseas offices, many Scots will be delighted.

These ‘pretendy embassies’ are nothing more than a vanity exercise conducted at great expense to the taxpayer. Shut them down, Lord Cameron – and force the SNP to put our money to better use at home.

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037c4f No.154009

File: 40ee2e2e50d1fd4⋯.png (684.3 KB,837x896,837:896,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20232598 (121957ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's wife Nadia El-Nakla admits Turkish government helped her family leave Gaza

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I can't help but feel this story about a Turkish firm providing a ferry to Scotland belongs with these other stories. It has a very strong stench coming from it. Scotland is a ship-building nation for fuck sake.


'Astonishing humiliation' for the SNP as Turkish shipyard set to launch new ferry after just two years of construction

CMAL announced that Cemre Marin Endustri would be launching its MV Isle of Islay ferry in March and that it would be setting sail in October while the two Ferguson Marine ships have been languishing at the Port Glasgow shipyard since 2017.

David Walker

12 JAN 2024

The SNP have been left "humiliated" after it was revealed that a CalMac ferry being built in Turkey will be launched just two years after being ordered. This was compared to the two over-budget and five-years late vessels being built at Ferguson Marine in Port Glasgow.

In 2022, the Scottish Government announced that Cemre Marin Endustri beat out the nationalised shipyard to construct two boats for Scotland's west coast routes. And now the first of those ferries is being launched on March 16, it has been confirmed.

The MV Isle of Islay is scheduled to arrive in Scotland in October this year and will serve Islay and Jura. It has been a quick turnaround as the contract for the vessel was only awarded in March 2022.

At Ferguson Marine, the Glen Sannox and Glen Rosa should have been built and serving passengers in 2019 but remain unfinished. The budget for them has also sky-rocketed from £97m to £360m and could cost the public purse even more, with the shipyard being nationalised after plunging into administration.

The overall cost of the new Islay ferries project is £91m, with two being handed over in the next year and a half. A further two ferries are also being built in Turkey. The Isle of Islay's sister ship Loch Indall is estimated to be ready by February 2025, with both vessels having the capacity for up to 450 passengers and 100 cars.

They will be followed by two as-yet unnamed boats in June and October next year. Jim Anderson, director of vessels at CMAL, said the announcement of the Isle of Islay's launch in March marked a "major milestone" in its commitment to providing new ferries for islanders. He said: "Work at the Cemre shipyard continues to progress well, with the project coming in on time and on budget."

Transport minister Fiona Hyslop said delivering six new vessels to serve Scotland's ferry network by 2026 was a priority for the Scottish government. She added: "People will welcome a more resilient and modern ferry service for Islay and Jura, and further vessels will soon bring similar and highly-anticipated improvements for island communities across Scotland."

But the Scottish Tories pointed out the shambolic handling of the boats being built on the Clyde as they labelled it "an astonishing humiliation for the SNP's original ferries strategy". The procurement process for Ferguson Marine has been roundly criticised due to the waste of taxpayer cash, with Nicola Sturgeon handing the contract to nationalist pal Jim McColl.

Scottish Conservative transport spokesman Graham Simpson said: “While this is great news for islanders, it is an astonishing humiliation for the SNP’s original ferries strategy, which still hasn’t delivered two vessels that are six years late and hugely over budget.

“I predicted that when the Turkish shipyard was awarded the contract to build the ferries that they may well be ready before the ill-fated ones being built at the Ferguson yard. That is, sadly, turning out to be the case. I only hope that no SNP minister is anywhere near the launch. Their very presence may hex the project.”

The Glen Sannox was launched by Ms Sturgeon back in November 2017 but became infamous for having painted on windows as it was nowhere near completion. It has still yet to set sail six years on.

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037c4f No.154010

File: 4d36be3d59733a4⋯.png (705.98 KB,805x855,161:171,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20233450 (122308ZJAN24) Notable: A chip off the old block? Pete Wishart calls for 'lost' splinter to be reunited with Stone of Destiny (video)

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>>>104239 Coronation Bun


A chip off the old block? Pete Wishart calls for 'lost' splinter to be reunited with Stone of Destiny

After it emerged that the 'very, very small' fragment of the Stone of Scone has now turned up in a cupboard at SNP HQ (although the party insists it was never lost), there are calls to put it back where it came from

Neil Pooran & Ben Borland

9 JAN 2024

A "missing" fragment of the Stone of Destiny found at the SNP's headquarters should be taken to Perth Museum when the artefact is relocated there later this year, an MP has said.

The SNP's Pete Wishart said the ancient stone should be "displayed in its entirety" when it moves from its current home in Edinburgh Castle. The fragment is said to be a "very, very small" chip from the sandstone block, which has been used in ceremonies to crown Scottish and British monarchs for centuries.

Recently released archive papers revealed that, in 2008, former first minister Alex Salmond was given a chip from the stone by the late Sir Neil MacCormick. Sir Neil's father, John MacCormick, was among a group of nationalist students who famously stole the stone from Westminster Abbey in 1950.

After Mr Salmond faced calls to return the ancient piece of sandstone, he revealed that he'd left it in the keeping of the SNP – and on Monday it emerged the fragment had been "found" in a cupboard.

Mr Wishart, who represents Perth and North Perthshire, said: "The Stone of Scone is undoubtedly one of Scotland's most iconic artefacts, and its arrival at Perth Museum will mark the first time it has returned to its home region in over 700 years. This will be a huge moment for Perthshire, not just symbolically, but economically too."

He added: "In order to maximise the opportunity that the museum presents for the city, and to honour the stone's long awaited return to the region, it is important for it to be displayed in its entirety. As such, I very much hope that the missing piece can be given to the museum ahead of its opening in March."

Back in 1950, the Stone spent several months being moved around various nationalist hideaways in Scotland before being dumped at Arbroath Abbey in two parts. The chip is said to have been created then but the SNP says its provenance has not been completely established.

The First Minister's official spokesman was also asked about the fragment. He said that in 2008 civil servants had advised there was no need to return the "very, very small fragment" to Historic Scotland, the keepers of the artefact, as they had not requested it. As a result, it has apparently stayed in a cupboard in the SNP's HQ in Edinburgh.

The stone was associated with royal inaugurations at Scone, at nearby Perth, before it was taken to Westminster Abbey in London as war loot by King Edward I. The Stone of Destiny was moved to Edinburgh Castle in 1996 and was used in the coronation of King Charles last year.

When the artefact was moved south to be installed in the Coronation Chair, it was piped out of Edinburgh Castle in a special ceremony organised by the Lord Lyon, King of Arms.

The SNP said the party's chief executive, Murray Foote, would respond to a letter from Mr Wishart in due course. A spokeswoman said: "The SNP has a small stone chip in storage. The fragment - gifted to the party by Professor Sir Neil MacCormick - has been held securely by the SNP for the past 15 years and has never been considered lost at any point."


>>>104274, >>>/qresearch/19769042 Protester who bit police officer in bizarre bid to 'seize' Edinburgh Castle under Magna Carta walks free

All hail King Richard the Lionheart. We would be better "served" by this man. King sausage fingers isn't the guy for us, neither is his sprog or grand sprog. If they're even his.

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037c4f No.154011

File: 6afd010d9181b5d⋯.png (591.57 KB,826x866,413:433,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20233760 (130002ZJAN24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / The five key questions Dorothy Bain MUST answer in relation to Horizon Post Office scandal

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The five key questions Dorothy Bain MUST answer in relation to Horizon Post Office scandal

The Lord Advocate will be grilled by MSPs at Holyrood and Scottish Conservative justice spokesman Russell Findlay has set out the key details that must be addressed - including Humza Yousaf's actions as justice secretary

Douglas Dickie

12 JAN 2024

Dorothy Bain KC has been told she has five key questions to answer in relation to the Horizon Post Office scandal. The Lord Advocate will appear in front of MSPs to explain the Crown Office's role in wrongfully prosecuting subpostmasters in what has been described as the biggest miscarriage of justice in UK history.

Hundreds of people across Britain were prosecuted because of a dodgy computer system with the UK Government now working at exonerating those involved. While in England, the Post Office was the prosecutor, the cases were taken forward by the Crown Office in Scotland.

Ms Bain, who sits in the Scottish cabinet, confirmed she will appear at Holyrood to be grilled after Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross raised the issue at First Minister's Questions on Thursday. Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay has now written to Ms Bain, who is Scotland's top law officer, setting out the questions she needs to answer.

Among the queries is when the Crown Office first became aware of issues with the Horizon computer system. It follows claims it knew there could be a problem as early as 2013.

Mr Findlay also wants to know if the Crown Office reviewed any cases that had already been prosecuted after learning of these problems, how many people were prosecuted after the Crown Office learnt of the issues relating to Horizon, whether the Crown Office contested any of the appeals from wrongfully convicted sub-postmasters, and if the Lord Advocate will publish all correspondence between Scottish Government ministers and the Crown Office relating to the scandal?

Mr Findlay said that while the scandal predates Ms Bain's time in the role it was "imperative" that she "provides answers to Scottish victims of this appalling miscarriage of justice". He added: In Scotland it was the Crown Office, rather than the Post Office, that was entirely responsible for all Horizon prosecutions, so they must explain and be held accountable for their actions.

"We know the Crown Office dropped a case against a sub-postmaster because of ‘issues with Horizon’ which they knew about in January 2013, yet it was September of that year before guidance was issued warning against reliance on Horizon for evidence – and 2015 before prosecutions stopped. Those who were wrongly branded as thieves and had their reputations trashed and lives ruined are owed an explanation for these – and other – delays, discrepancies and failings."

He added that victims, who were wrongly accused of stealing money from the Post Office, deserve "full transparency". Mr Findlay believes that would include "all correspondence between the Crown Office and SNP justice secretaries, including Humza Yousaf, on this subject".

The Crown Office, which has been approached for comment, has queried the 2013 date put forward by the Tories. A spokesman said: "COPFS has provided a statement to the Public Inquiry which details the timeline of awareness we had of issues with the Horizon software, and the action we took to preserve the proper administration of justice.

"We are committed to public understanding of the role of Scotland’s prosecutors in these cases, and will provide information when it is appropriate to do so, respecting the ongoing legal processes. The Lord Advocate intends to make a statement to the Scottish Parliament and it would be inappropriate to comment further ahead of that."

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037c4f No.154012

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20233845 (130017ZJAN24) Notable: A chip off the old block? Pete Wishart calls for 'lost' splinter to be reunited with Stone of Destiny (video)

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Penny Mordaunt mocks SNP for finding missing Stone of Destiny piece

The Scottish Sun

235K subscribers

49,528 views Jan 11, 2024 #politics #snp #pennyMordaunt

At Westminster today Penny Mordaunt got chuckles from the MPs present as she congratulated the SNP for finding a missing piece of The Stone of Destiny.

The lost fragment was found in a cupboard at SNP HQ.

Ms Mordaunt also managed to mock the SNP on the state of the Scottish budget, saying: 'It is easy to lose things, I know, like a couple of billion quid from your budget.'

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037c4f No.154013

File: 50f108ef9a61273⋯.png (573.14 KB,830x887,830:887,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20233952 (130041ZJAN24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Post Office acted 'like the mob' in Scotland as Inverness postmaster 'menaced' into handing over cash amid Horizon scandal

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Post Office acted 'like the mob' in Scotland as Inverness postmaster 'menaced' into handing over cash amid Horizon scandal

The Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain confirmed that she would be providing a statement about the Crown Office's role in the Horizon scandal next week, and would take questions from MSPs.

David Walker

11 JAN 2024

The Post Office was accused of acting "like the mob" in Scotland after one Inverness sub-postmaster was "menaced" by two security officers into handing over money he allegedly owed them. Peter Worsfold described how two staff members showed up at his house and told him he needed to refund the cash or face criminal charges.

In evidence he gave to the Horizon Post Office Inquiry in 2022, he said that the two people told him that they "had the same jurisdiction as the police" and that they "cautioned" him and said he was being "charged with false accounting, theft and fraud" which "worried and devastated" him.

They told him that if he signed a statement "admitting to false accounting" and if he paid the shortfalls then "the other charges would be dropped." They warned that he could be imprisoned unless he managed to come up with the money, forcing Mr Worsfold to ask his family and friends for cash, which he combined with his funds and gave to the two security officers after they gave him two hours to round it up.

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar mentioned this evidence as he demanded that Humza Yousaf make sure victims like Mr Worsfold are given the chance to clear their name and get compensation. He said it was “behaviour reminiscent of the mob.”

He added: “These stories show that the Post Office behaved like a private police force and showed little regard for the law in Scotland. Sub-postmasters were pressured into accepting accusations of false accounting and forced to hand over thousands of pounds that day or face imprisonment.

“If any other organisation had behaved like this in Scotland we would expect to see criminal investigations into their conduct.”

Mr Worsfold signed the document provided to him by the Post Office staff in a panic without being given access to a lawyer. He told the Inquiry: "After 22 years we continue to struggle due to paying back the losses incurred through the failure of the Post Office and the accounting system Horizon."

We previously told how the First Minister admitted that the Crown Office have urgent questions to answer about how it dealt with Horizon prosecutions as it convicted up to 100 postmasters wrongly on evidence provided by the Post Office. He said he empathised in the "strongest way possible with the harrowing tales that we’ve heard from subpostmasters and subpostmistresses right up and down the country.”

The Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain confirmed that she would face MSPs to explain its role in the scandal after calls were made for her to do so. She released a statement on Thursday which said that she was finalising timings with parliamentary authorities to make a statement, after which she will take questions from MSPs.

It said: “The Lord Advocate is willing to make a statement to the Scottish Parliament on the Horizon IT prosecutions. She hopes to come to an agreement with parliamentary authorities about the timing of this at the earliest possible opportunity.”

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037c4f No.154014

File: da19d75d9149fe9⋯.png (665.48 KB,822x899,822:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20252427 (161733ZJAN24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Humza Yousaf faced with empty SNP seats at FMQs as he admits Crown Office has questions to answer over Horizon scandal

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Humza Yousaf faced with empty SNP seats at FMQs as he admits Crown Office has questions to answer over Horizon scandal

The First Minister faced questioning by Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross over the Crown Office's role in the scandal as demands were made for Lord Advocate to face a grilling from MSPs.

David Walker

11 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf was forced to admit that Scotland's Crown Office has pressing questions to answer over its role in the Horizon Post Office Scandal. Calls were made by Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross for Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain to be grilled by MSPs on the situation.

The First Minister was faced with swathes of empty seats at First Minister Questions as more than a dozen SNP MSPs dodged the flagship interrogation of their leader. And he faced tough queries about the Scottish Government's position on the scandal which has gripped the nation.

It was pointed out that the Crown Office prosecuted innocent postmasters due to the dodgy Fujitsu system, with about 100 being wrongly convicted of stealing money. This is different to England and Wales where the Post Office acted as the prosecutor.

Mr Ross pointed out that there were important questions that the Crown Office needed to answer publicly as he demanded that Ms Bain appear in front of MSPs. She has yet to publicly state her position on the scandal, except for a doorstep interview with Sky News.

He said: "The Horizon Post Office scandal is a horrendous miscarriage of justice that ruined hundreds of lives. Politicians of all parties will rightly reflect on what they should have done sooner. The UK Government has now acted to overturn the wrongful convictions of innocent victims. In Scotland however, prosecutions were handled by the Crown Office, not the Post Office.

"Blame starts with the Post Office but people are understandably looking at what others could have done. Scotland’s Crown Office were made aware of concerns with the Horizon system in 2013, more than 10 years ago. The actions of the Post Office were despicable and probably criminal. But the actions of the Crown Office here in Scotland should trouble us greatly.

"There was a sudden spike in cases involving people who were some of the most trusted in their communities. But the Crown Office proceeded anyway. That was until 2013. Suddenly, they decided not to proceed with a case in the Gorbals."

Mr Yousaf claimed that the Crown Office found out about the Horizon issues in September 23 2013, but Mr Ross pointed out that on January 29, the procurator fiscal refused to go ahead with a case due to “issues with Horizon.” He added: "As soon as the Fiscal became aware of concerns about the reliability of Horizon, that should have been disclosed.

"Does the First Minister agree Scotland’s Crown Office has serious questions to answer here? The Crown Office must be transparent. Prosecutors were aware of issues with the flawed Horizon system more than ten years ago. We don’t need meetings or briefings from the Lord Advocate, we need her here in Parliament to answer questions about this scandal."

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar also called on Mr Yousaf to make sure that those wrongfully convicted get justice as he called on him to explain his role as justice secretary at the time. The First Minister explained that it would be "wholly inappropriate" for him to ask to see evidence about the Horizon prosecutions as a minister, and confirmed that he would be working with the UK Government over exonerating them.

He also said that the Lord Advocate is willing to answer questions from MSPs about the Crown Office's role in the scandal.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154015

File: 172b04fac027e9f⋯.png (679.7 KB,806x899,26:29,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20252739 (161838ZJAN24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Lawyer says SNP and Crown Office have been 'very slow indeed' in dealing with PO Horizon scandal

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Lawyer says SNP and Crown Office have been 'very slow indeed' in dealing with PO Horizon scandal

Stuart Munro, Convener of the Law Society of Scotland's Criminal Law Committee, was scathing about the pace of the justice system under the Nats when he appeared on the Today programme on Monday

Ben Borland

15 JAN 2024

One of Scotland's top lawyers – who has overturned one of only two convictions quashed in court so far – has said the Crown Office has been "very slow indeed" in tackling the Post Office Horizon miscarriage of justice scandal.

Stuart Munro, managing director at Livingstone Brown, also called for the Scottish Government to provide more resources for Scotland's courts and the rest of the justice system to deal with the scandal (and other miscarriages of justice) in a more timely fashion.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme on Monday, he said: "I think its fair to say that Scotland has been very slow indeed in correcting these wrongs. The position really began when the English courts looked at first of all the Mr Bates civil case and then criminal appeals that followed on from that, that led the SCCRC to carry out an investigation, they identified six cases that they referred back to the High Court in November 2022.

"There was a lengthy process in part because the Crown required time to consider whether or not to challenge the conviction appeals and eventually two appeals, including one of the client I represented, were granted at end of September 2023. Two more were granted administratively last week and two which remain contested by the Crown have been set down for full appeal hearings in February and March. So really, out of around 100 cases involving Horizon prosecutions, Scotland has been pretty slow in only getting to the point of having four of those convictions overturned."

At the High Court in Edinburgh in September, Susan Sinclair, now 58, who was previously a sub-postmaster in Peterhead, Aberdeenshire, saw her conviction for embezzlement quashed. She was sentenced to 180 hours of community service following a trial in 2004.

At the time, a statement from Livingstone Brown said: "This is the first such successful appeal in Scotland. She should never have been accused of any wrongdoing, far less convicted. Lessons must be learnt from this national scandal to ensure that these events never happen again. But the question remains as to why it has taken so long to get to this point, four years after the High Court in England issued a damning verdict on the Horizon computer system."

On the Today programme, Mr Munro said that Ms Sinclair had always maintained her innocence – but added that people who had pled guilty or admitted guilt faced a more difficult challenge to overturn convictions in Scotland.

He said: "There are people who supposedly made admissions in interview and accepted doing something wrong, albeit given what we've heard about the way in which some of these interviews took place, one wonders how reliable that can be seen to be, or they have pled guilty... again that could be because they were guilty or it might be they were advised or led to believe that accepting responsibility they would face a lesser sentence or something of that nature."

The mass exoneration announced last week by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is yet to be replicated north of the Border, although Mr Munro added that he expected people will still need "to demonstrate they were convicted on the back of Horizon evidence".

He continued: "Part of the problem is some of these cases go back 20 years, case papers aren't necessarily available and I just wonder this will place very significant pressures on individuals to come within the criteria. Another way of doing it frankly would be to resource our current system better, to have a proper understanding of the number of cases involved, to support our CCRCs to urgently review those cases and to resource the court to deal with these cases quickly.

The Crown Office told the Today programme it had provided a statement to the public inquiry including a timeline adding: "We're committed to public understanding to role of Scotland's prosecutors in these cases." It added that Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain intends to make a statement to the Scottish Parliament this week.

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037c4f No.154016

File: 9ad781a72827470⋯.png (582.97 KB,991x899,991:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 1461f55137f4854⋯.png (190.17 KB,967x812,967:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20254257 (162334ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law arrested after man falls from flat in Dundee

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Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law arrested after man falls from flat in Dundee

A 36-year-old and 41-year-old woman were arrested in connection with the incident on Morgan Street earlier this month

Scottish Express reporter & Douglas Dickie Content editor

16 JAN 2024

Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law has been arrested after a man fell from a block of flats in Dundee. A 36-year-old man was discovered with serious injuries on Morgan Street in the city on January 10. He was taken to hospital for treatment.

Police Scotland confirmed Mr Yousaf’s brother-in-law, 36, a 50-year-old man and 41-year-old woman were yesterday arrested in connection with the incident. They have since been released pending further enquiries.

Officers said enquiries were still ongoing. A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Two men, aged 50 and 36, and a 41-year-old woman were arrested on Monday January 15 in connection with an incident on Morgan Street, Dundee, on Wednesday January 10. Around 8.20am on January 10, officers received a report that a man had fallen from a flat.

"The 36-year-old man was taken to hospital with serious injuries. Inquiries are ongoing to establish the full circumstances.”

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037c4f No.154017

File: 2b6e3b67ce0eb09⋯.png (563.93 KB,808x865,808:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 1467bc589ee7a0e⋯.png (355.52 KB,802x532,401:266,Clipboard.png)

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File: 69f8e29f14cd758⋯.png (379.14 KB,559x863,559:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20254454 (170005ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP to raid pockets of tourists in latest tax wheeze as visitors to be charged for visiting Scotland

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SNP to raid pockets of tourists in latest tax wheeze as visitors to be charged for visiting Scotland

The Scottish Government passed the Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill through at Holyrood which will give councils the power to charge tourists for staying overnight in cities and towns.

David Walker

16 JAN 2024

The SNP is now targeting the pockets of tourists as MSPs passed through legislation which allows councils to bring in a tourist tax. The Visitor Levy (Scotland) Bill passed stage one at Holyrood on Tuesday, despite protests from critics that it would damage the industry which brings in millions each year for the economy.

A number of European countries already have a similar mechanism with tourists charged a sum of money when they stay overnight in hotels in some cities. Now, cash-strapped Scottish local authorities will receive the power to introduce the punitive charge which rises for every night a person stays in the region.

But if any council chooses to go ahead with this, it will be forced to wait 18 months before it can start collecting to allow businesses time to set up how to collect it on its behalf. And the cash will have to used to promote the area, with Edinburgh and Glasgow already considering bringing this in.

There will be no set fee across the country, and exemptions will vary as well due to the uniqueness of the landscape. But critics believe that this will have "damaging" consequences for tourism in Scotland, with less money spent on attractions, restaurants and bars.

Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy described it as a "bad law" which is aimed at "making up for SNP mishandling" as local authorities have been starved for cash. He added that he thinks it may be used as "backfill for SNP cuts" as the party "taxes more and delivers less."

He added that it would have an impact on "overall spend" as often tourists come to Scotland on a "fixed budget" with this tax removing even more money from them that now won't be spent at restaurants or bars, who are already struggling with high taxes and a lack of support from the Scottish Government.

His party colleague Miles Briggs said: “Scotland’s tourist sector is world class. It is estimated to be worth £4.5bn to the Scottish economy and directly supports over 250,000 jobs across the country – including rural and island communities.

“Many tourism businesses have not fully recovered from the pandemic and in recent years have had significant additional costs, thanks to this SNP-Green government. Many fear that this Bill – as with the botched the short term lets legislation – will lead to unintended harm.

“If this legislation is passed, it’s important there are exemptions, for example for people visiting family members in hospitals or prisons, business travellers, or those staying for work purposes. That’s why the Scottish Conservative will propose amendments to provide clarity and limit the costs.

“Our Scottish tourist sector already faces one if the highest tax burdens anywhere in the world. A visitor levy should not be used to cover up the SNP government’s underfunding of councils, or for services that should be provided as a matter of course.”

But public finance minister Tom Arthur defended the proposals. He said: "21 out of 27 EU countries have some kind of visitor levy and they are commonplace in other locations throughout the world. I strongly believe that a visitor levy can be a force for good, supporting the visitor economy and bringing benefits to visitors, residents, and businesses. It offers councils this opportunity to use the proceeds to invest in their local economy, bringing benefits to residents and visitors alike."

Due to the SNP/Green majority, the bill passed by 86 votes to 30.

Total joke. Having squandered all of your money (predominantly on themselves) government now wants to tax visitors, but don't worry ¯_(ツ)_/¯ it's for you the taxpayer they are doing this. They are going to spend it on your dilapidated villages, towns and cities that until now have prioritised themselves and "New Scots" for grants, housing and all manner of other services. The humble Scot pays all the tax and gets nothing in return, except the promise of more tax and fewer services.

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037c4f No.154018

File: 5de859e15cc3df3⋯.png (596.67 KB,801x898,801:898,Clipboard.png)

File: 47d44e736d7efc5⋯.png (187.03 KB,546x816,91:136,Clipboard.png)

File: d657d41cfab1bbb⋯.png (234.72 KB,788x463,788:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20254535 (170015ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf branded the 'First Minister of Gaza' by Leo Kearse who says Nat leader 'doesn't care' about Scotland

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Humza Yousaf branded the 'First Minister of Gaza' by Leo Kearse who says Nat leader 'doesn't care' about Scotland

The SNP leader's wife Nadia El-Nakla, a Dundee councillor, has family in the war-torn Palestinian exclave with the couple wanting Israel to stop its assault on Hamas

Douglas Dickie

15 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf has been branded the "First Minister of Gaza" by comic Lea Kearse, who accused the SNP leader of caring more about the Palestinian exclave than Scotland. Kearse accused the First Minister of "tweeting about Gaza all day long" during a segment on GB News.

Mr Yousaf has called on Israel to stop its assault on terror group Hamas since war broke out in October. His wife, Dundee councillor Nadia El-Nakla, has family in the strip and her parents had been visiting when the conflict was triggered by Hamas attacks on Israel.

Over 20,000 people have died in the fighting, according to Hamas. Kearse was discussing a story that broke on Sunday that Ms El-Nakla's brother had been charged in connection with alleged drug offences.

He said she had become a "prominent figure in recent months, regularly appearing in the media" since the war started. And turning on Mr Yousaf, he said: "Humza just tweets about Gaza all day long.

"You would think he's the First Minister of Gaza rather than the First Minister of Scotland." Kearse added: "Scotland has got escalating drug deaths, there's 1400 babies born addicted to drugs in Scotland, we've got record levels of drug deaths, they've just been soaring over the past few years under the SNP and I thought Humza had just taken the eye off the ball in Scotland because he just doesn't care, he cares about Gaza more."

Ms El-Nakla last week called for a re-settlement scheme, similar to that for Ukrainian refugees, to be set up for those fleeing Gaza for the UK. Her sister-in-law has taken refuge in Turkey with the couple’s four children, who are aged between six months and nine years.

But she said her brother’s name was removed from the list provided by the Turkish administration – meaning the emergency doctor must remain in the war-torn region alongside his 93-year-old grandmother, who requires round-the-clock care. Ms El-Nakla said: "The Ukrainian resettlement programme saved so many lives.

"Gazans should also have that opportunity, especially those with family in Britain. I feel like a second-class citizen in my own country, because I don’t have the right to bring my own brother to stay in my own home.

"I can see people across the street hosting Ukrainian families, and rightly so, But I can’t host my own brother, to me that feels beyond upsetting."

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037c4f No.154019

File: ba2bc80ff45c878⋯.png (648.94 KB,842x899,842:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 8c87515f77673d8⋯.png (314.17 KB,855x551,45:29,Clipboard.png)

File: ea61b0f3e62328d⋯.png (609.47 KB,532x863,532:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 059190938651704⋯.png (244.04 KB,588x822,98:137,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20257068 (171127ZJAN24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Scotland's Lord Advocate apologises to victims of the Horizon Post Office scandal but Rangers prosecution parallels pointed out

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Scotland's Lord Advocate apologises to victims of the Horizon Post Office scandal but Rangers prosecution parallels pointed out

Dorothy Bain was told by MSPs that the Crown Office still have pressing questions to answer about why it has taken so long to clear potential victims of 'miscarriage of justice.'

David Walker

16 JAN 2024

Scotland's Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain apologised to Scots who were victims of the Horizon Post Office scandal but failed to answer key questions about the Crown Office's role in prosecuting sub-postmasters. She confirmed that 73 cases were being reviewed but that the process could be long.

But opposition critics asked why it took so long for the public to be told about concerns with the Fujitsu system amid claims concerns were first raised in 2013. Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay compared the situation to the Rangers prosecution scandal where the Crown Office claimed not to be at fault before compensating those wrongly arrested.

Ms Bain said at Holyrood that she wanted to apologise to those who "suffered a miscarriage of justice” and "acknowledge the harm caused to the people in these cases who have suffered a miscarriage of justice”. She also revealed that she was looking at whether to remove Post Office as a reporting organisation in the country.

She said: "The wrongly accused and convicted subpostmasters and postmistresses are due an apology from those who have failed them, and I do that today as head of the system of criminal prosecution in Scotland. The Post Office is part of that system and I apologise for the failures of those in the Post Office who were responsible for investigating and reporting flawed cases.”

But the Lord Advocate claimed that not every case she was looking at would be a "miscarriage of justice" due to Scotland's "corroboration" rules. This is why they could not offer a blanket exoneration to every Scot who was convicted due to evidence from Horizon.

Mr Findlay said: "While the Crown's apology will be welcomed, many questions remain unanswered. The Post Office Horizon scandal is a disgraceful mass failure of justice, innocent people branded thieves, hounded, wrongly convicted, some going to their graves, reputations destroyed.

"Every single Scottish prosecution was undertaken by the Crown Office. We know in 2013 Crown prosecutors refused to put at least one suspect in the dock due to concerns about Horizon evidence. But it was two years later before they abandoned all prosecutions.

"When the full extent of the scandal emerged, the Crown had the legal duty to disclose this to victims, but they did not. The public should also have been alerted to the damage inflicted on innocent Scots. They were not.

"This is the same Crown Office which denied wrongdoing over the Rangers prosecutions only to then compensate victims with more than £60m of taxpayer money. During both these scandals, the Lord Advocate was Frank Mulholland. Why did the Crown not come clean as soon as they discovered the Horizon evidence was fundamentally flawed, and should Frank Mulholland also face MSPs?"

Ms Bain rejected suggestions that the Crown Office was not up front about these issues, pointing out that it stopped prosecuting cases by 2015 and that officials had been "misled" by the Post Office who provided independent evidence which confirmed there was no "systemic" issue with Horizon.

And she also refused to admit that her organisation had "completely failed those wrongfully convicted sub-postmasters" as it was unaware of issues with the Horizon system due to a lack of disclosure from the Post Office.

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037c4f No.154020

File: f588553f345bcc5⋯.png (736.46 KB,824x885,824:885,Clipboard.png)

File: b32ef84f6f35548⋯.png (247.98 KB,591x498,197:166,Clipboard.png)

File: bf2b12ab6075aa3⋯.png (212.19 KB,540x676,135:169,Clipboard.png)

File: 257c74f75dd6d44⋯.png (169.21 KB,553x519,553:519,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20257090 (171140ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP 'standing by' as thousands more Scots predicted to become homeless in next two years

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SNP 'standing by' as thousands more Scots predicted to become homeless in next two years

'We can't just sit back and watch as more people are forced onto the streets, to sleep in cars or garages, or spent months or years trapped in emergency accommodation'

Ben Borland

17 JAN 2024

SNP ministers are accused of being "bystanders" as Scotland's homelessness epidemic in the next two years. Research for the charity Crisis suggested the number of households experiencing "core homelessness" could rise by 33% by 2026.

In 2022, some 18,400 Scottish households were homeless and the report by Heriot-Watt University projected the total would increase by 6,100 by 2026. The core homelessness figure – sleeping rough, in hostels or in temporary accommodation – has gone up by 11% since 2020.

Scottish Conservative shadow housing secretary Miles Briggs called for the Scottish Government to declare a "national housing emergency", following similar declarations by Glasgow, Edinburgh and Argyll and Bute councils.

He said: "Scotland is in the grip of a housing emergency, yet the SNP are bystanders as homelessness soars and more and more people become trapped in temporary accommodation. The SNP have refused to prioritise housing and failed to meet their own housebuilding targets, despite the desperate shortage of homes.

"Thousands of vulnerable people have been left languishing in temporary accommodation – including thousands of children – due to the SNP starving local councils of essential funding to tackle the spiralling problem of homelessness.

"Glasgow, Edinburgh and Argyll and Bute have already declared housing emergencies. Too many lives have already been lost due to homelessness. We need urgent action from the SNP Government before this crisis deepens – starting with them declaring a national housing emergency."

Scottish Labour housing spokesman Mark Griffin added: "This damning report lays bare the impending catastrophe Scotland is facing. Homelessness is already at record levels, and without action it will soar by a third – but the SNP and the Greens insist there is no housing emergency."

Matt Downie, chief executive of Crisis, said the Scottish Government could "stop that future from becoming reality" by investing in homelessness services and pushing on with adequately-resourced plans to prevent homelessness.

He said: "The risk of a significant rise in homelessness over the coming years should worry us all. We can't just sit back and watch as more people are forced onto the streets, to sleep in cars or garages, or spent months or years trapped in emergency accommodation that just isn't fit for their basic needs. It doesn't need to be that way. Scotland has proven good policy can make a difference in the past, and it can do it again."

Housing Minister Paul McLennan welcomed the report and said: “We have already committed to many of these measures in our homelessness strategy.” He added: “The UK Government should heed the calls from Crisis to increase Housing Benefit and other working age benefits. It is also concerning that another Local Housing Allowance freeze is on the horizon.”

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037c4f No.154021

File: 19c7c4b7fae0379⋯.png (499.19 KB,843x848,843:848,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cce69ff19f8b10⋯.png (208.52 KB,832x489,832:489,Clipboard.png)

File: 5944b548c2d05af⋯.png (628.32 KB,561x857,561:857,Clipboard.png)

File: de080cdd38aa96e⋯.png (150.74 KB,552x454,276:227,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20257121 (171202ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP government forks out £4m of taxpayer money on 'diversity officers' despite huge public spending cuts

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SNP government forks out £4m of taxpayer money on 'diversity officers' despite huge public spending cuts

The number of officers being used by the SNP administration has skyrocketed in the past year from 42 to 74 with some being paid almost £118,000 a year

Douglas Dickie

15 JAN 2024

Scotland's nationalist government is under fire amid reports it is spending more than £4 million a year on equality, diversity and inclusion officers. The spend comes against a backdrop of huge spending cuts, with public services set to be badly affected.

SNP Ministers have complained about the lack of funding from Westminster. But the new figures have raised questions on whether Scots are getting the best value for money.

According to a report in The Times, the number of employees in these roles has increased from 42 when they were collated last year, to at least 74. The figure includes directors of equality and inclusion who receive annual salaries of almost £118,000.

The true number of these officials may be even higher as the figure does not include other public bodies like the Crown Office. Based on a maximum salary, spending on the roles will have almost doubled from £2.3m in 2022 to £4.3m this year.

The scale of spending has been questioned by the Scottish Conservatives. The party's deputy leader Meghan Gallacher said: "While the principle of equality, diversity and inclusion is vital, many people will question the scale of government spending on this area at a time when eye-watering cuts are being made by SNP ministers to essential public services, due to their gross mismanagement of Scotland’s finances.

"The SNP Government must ensure they allocate money and civil service resources in line with the most pressing priorities." The Scottish Government is also said to take part in three workplace diversity schemes at a cost of £9,210 a year.

That includes over £3,000 for controversial LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall which has been criticised for its extreme stance on transgender issues. The likes of Police Scotland, the House of Commons and the BBC have left the scheme.

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said: "The figures referred to include policy work such as addressing health inequalities. We are committed to ensuring civil servants receive every opportunity to upskill and attend training courses to better serve the people and interests of Scotland."

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037c4f No.154022

File: 2cb227a5ca73086⋯.png (493.03 KB,851x899,851:899,Clipboard.png)

File: fdc3fcd84549b7f⋯.png (325.21 KB,870x534,145:89,Clipboard.png)

File: ef063cc10ecf7a1⋯.png (770.8 KB,535x861,535:861,Clipboard.png)

File: b8c8a574c49a4f2⋯.png (389.27 KB,564x868,141:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20257141 (171217ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP 'higher taxes for free tuition' boast in tatters as less Scots to be accepted on university courses due to budget cuts

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SNP 'higher taxes for free tuition' boast in tatters as less Scots to be accepted on university courses due to budget cuts

The Scottish Government was blasted after it was revealed that ministers plan to cut funding handed to universities to allow Scottish students free places, meaning less space for them at prestigious establishments.

David Walker

16 JAN 2024

The SNP's boasts about higher taxes paying for free university tuition has been left in tatters as ministers are set to slash places reserved for Scottish students due to massive budget cuts. Humza Yousaf used his speech on Friday to claim that his "progressive" tax system pays for "tens of thousands of young people attending some of the world’s finest universities right on their doorstep without paying a penny."

But it has been revealed that hidden in Shona Robison's budget documents was a cut of £48.5m of financial support in the 2024/25 budget. This is the second year of damaging cuts to the sector.

Education chiefs are already struggling to fund places for Scottish youngsters to attend universities, so they are increasingly looking to overseas students for funding. And this issue could be set to get worse due to plans by SNP ministers to remove more cash in order to balance the budget.

Bombshell government documents revealed buried notes from officials which outlined the need for "additional" savings to be made in the [higher education] sector including from reducing first year university places." Free tuition is one of the Nats most treasured policies despite not being the architects of it.

Former First Minister Alex Salmond once proclaimed that "rocks will melt with the sun" before his party would take away the right to free tuition for Scots. This has led to widespread criticism from rivals who pointed out that Scots were already struggling to get into top universities, with current education secretary Jenny Gilruth facing criticism over this decision.

Scottish Conservative education spokesman Liam Kerr said: "The SNP need to be fully upfront about these cuts, buried deep within their disastrous Budget. Scotland's university sector is already facing huge challenges thanks to the failures of SNP ministers to support it, and this would be another hammer blow.

"It would also be deeply damaging for many young people - who are already facing barriers to university entry due to the SNP's arbitrary cap on student places - if even fewer places were available. The SNP need to urgently explain why university places are set to bear the brunt of cuts when they've wasted so much money elsewhere on their own pet projects."

Mr Yousaf and Ms Robison have claimed that widening the tax divide with England for anyone in Scotland earning about £28,500 is to pay for policies specific to the country, including free university tuition, prescriptions and the Scottish child payment.

The Scottish Government pays for funded places at universities so Scots students are not charged fees. This means that further education establishments need to make money from students from around the world who pay to attend, including from England.

Ms Robison's budget reduced funding to support "core teaching activities" at universities by six per cent, with Universities Scotland, the umbrella body for the sector, saying that proposed cuts equate to a reduction of £48.5m in funding for teaching Scottish students.

The SNP did legislate to scrap the graduate "endowment" when it came to power in 2007 but universities in Scotland are said to have only £7,610 a year available to educate each Scot. This comprises a teaching grant which works out at £5,790 per pupil plus a 'shadow' tuition fee (paid by the Scottish Government rather than the student) of £1,820 a year.

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037c4f No.154023

File: 1f488d1fdab7f01⋯.png (297.22 KB,555x819,185:273,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20257142 (171218ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP 'higher taxes for free tuition' boast in tatters as less Scots to be accepted on university courses due to budget cuts

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Students from the rest of the UK pay annual fees of up to £9,250 in Scotland, with this cash going into its coffers. Opposition critics blasted the decision, with Scottish Tory MP Andrew Bowie saying: "When the SNP tell Scots they're paying higher taxes to 'protect free education...' But fail to mention there are fewer places for Scots at Scottish Universities than ever before. (Oh & if you're from a deprived background you're now more likely to get to university in England).

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr added: "One of the retorts the SNP will provide to accusations of rampant uselessness is 'Well we're providing free tuition.' Yes, but to a diminishing number of Scottish students. Now to diminish even further."

The Scottish Government said the "most challenging Budget' under devolution had 'allocated nearly £2billion to universities and colleges" in 2024-25. A spokesman added: "Our student support offering and policy on free tuition supports more than 120,000 students every year and we have seen record numbers of full-time first degree entrants to universities coming from the most deprived communities in Scotland."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154024

File: beafa651e69532e⋯.png (553.26 KB,820x899,820:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c79713a1358e401⋯.png (761.82 KB,560x827,560:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 4230482740596b0⋯.png (781.18 KB,543x860,543:860,Clipboard.png)

File: efeb81bda9a5169⋯.png (246.72 KB,565x755,113:151,Clipboard.png)

File: 75031679031433d⋯.png (151.86 KB,537x534,179:178,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20257160 (171228ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Shona Robison blames UK Government Covid cuts for SNP's plans to axe 1,200 free tuition places for Scots students

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Shona Robison blames UK Government Covid cuts for SNP's plans to axe 1,200 free tuition places for Scots students

The Scottish Government's finance secretary confirmed that more than a thousand Scots students will miss out on places at Scotland's universities.

David Walker

16 JAN 2024

Shona Robison confirmed that there would be 1,200 fewer places at universities for Scottish students as funding has been cut by the SNP Government. And she faced claims that this would mean that the country would struggle to keep high-earning graduates due to an influx of foreign students.

We previously told how the Scottish Government was blasted after slashing the budget for universities by £28.5m, meaning that the establishments will need to bring in money in other ways. Foreign students need to pay up to £9,250 to be taught north of the border, with this helping to sustain finances.

The finance secretary was giving evidence at Holyrood on Tuesday and confirmed that an estimated 1,200 places for Scottish students would be cut next year, and claimed that this is because the UK Government took away Covid funding two years ago which helped fund this.

Scottish Labour MSP Michael Marra had suggested that 3,800 less local spaces would be offered, but Ms Robison claimed that the Scottish Funding Council did not have any estimates, before then saying that there would be 1,200 that they can no longer fund. She underlined that the Scottish Government was providing a "substantial investment" to universities in £2bn.

The SNP Executive created an extra 1,200 places during the Covid pandemic in the wake of improved school leaving grades due to no exams taking place. Ms Robison said: "If you go back to the origins of this, essentially during Covid, due to the assessment processes put in place for assessing Highers.

"At the time of Covid, if you remember, they became a different process of continual assessment and therefore there was a big spike in those who were gaining university entrance. We used some of the Covid monies to fund those additional 1200 places for universities in order to address that spike.

"We've maintained those places for two years without the Covid funding available, so that Covid funding ended from the UK Government, and we've managed to keep those places going for two years, but the position is not a sustainable one. So that spike in places due to Covid is going to have to return to the pre-Covid levels of university places."

She refused to admit whether this would lead to fewer Scottish students attending university, and claimed it was up to universities to create that space. And she added that it was up to the government to persuade graduates to remain in Scotland after they leave.

But she did say that the SNP had warned Westminster about not leaving a funding cliff edge once it stopped providing extra cash to deal with the pandemic. She could not confirm whether there would be even less spaces available for Scots at universities, saying these details had to be thrashed out by the Scottish Funding Council.

She said: "The only number I am aware of is the 1,200 Covid places which is the bubble we have sustained funding for out of Scottish Government funding, we kept them going for two years. but can no longer sustain that, There is no figure agreed with the university sector, it is all about what can they deliver."

Speaking afterwards, Scottish Labour Finance Spokesperson Michael Marra said: “The Deputy First Minister’s lacklustre appearance before Finance Committee this morning was a new low from this chaotic government and its shambolic budget. Despite the Government’s own budget document outlining a plan to reduce first year university places, the Deputy First Minister could not say how many places would be cut.

“The fact is that this is an SNP government mired in incompetence and economic illiteracy that is simply making it up as they go along. The ineptitude of this SNP Government has serious consequences for people’s lives and livelihoods. Every day this SNP-Green government reaches a new low. For the sake of our country, they need to get a grip.”

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037c4f No.154025

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20282961 (221619ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law arrested after man falls from flat in Dundee

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Man who fell from window in Dundee dies after Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law was arrested in connection

Ramsay El-Nakla. Stephen Stewart and Victoria McGowan were all arrested in connection with an incident which saw a man fall from a window in Dundee. Police have confirmed the male has now died

Mark Connor

18 JAN 2024

A 36-year-old man who fell from a flat in Dundee has died a week after the incident. The fall led to the arrest of the first minister’s brother-in-law in connection with the incident.

His death comes a week after police were called to the block of flats on Morgan Street, Stobswell. Emergency services raced to the scene last Wednesday morning and the man was taken to Ninewells Hospital, where he died a week later.

First Minister Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law, Ramsay El-Nakla, is one of three people who have been arrested in connection with the incident. El-Nakla, 36, Stephen Stewart, 50, and Victoria McGowan, 41, were all arrested in relation to the matter.

All three made no plea and will appear in court again at a later date.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 8.20am on Wednesday January 10, we received a report a man had fallen from a block of flats in the Morgan Street area of Dundee. A 36-year-old man was taken to Ninewells Hospital for treatment to serious injuries, where he died on Wednesday January 17.

“The death is being treated as unexplained, and officers are supporting his family as an investigation continues to establish the full circumstances. Two men, aged 50 and 36, and a 41-year-old woman were arrested on Monday in connection with the incident and later released pending further inquiries.”

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037c4f No.154026

File: f113fdef76acc4e⋯.png (580.44 KB,857x889,857:889,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20283152 (221659ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP wants to 'empty prisons' as Angela Constance admission exposes 'weak justice agenda'

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SNP wants to 'empty prisons' as Angela Constance admission exposes 'weak justice agenda'

The Scottish Conservatives' Russell Findlay have blasted the Justice Secretary for comments she made to a penal reform group

Douglas Dickie

21 JAN 2024

The SNP has been accused of wanting to "empty Scotland's jails" after bombshell comments from the justice minister emerged last night. Angela Constance said the country had to "stop sending more people to prison" in a conversation with a penal reform group.

And minutes from the meeting show she was "exploring a range of actions" in a bid to reduce the prison population. The comments have been slammed by the Scottish Conservatives, who obtained the documents through Freedom of Information legislation.

Justice spokesman Russell Findlay said it exposed the SNP's "weak justice agenda, which puts criminals first". Ms Constance met with Howard League Scotland on August 16 last year to discuss "key issues relating to justice within Scotland" including the prison population, which rose by over 600 last year.

The minutes record Ms Constance "highlighted that the crux of the problem is we need to stop sending more people to custody". She is also minuted as having said "there are range of actions we are doing for prison population and looking at short-, medium- and long-term solutions".

Mr Russell said: "This memo reveals the SNP’s real agenda when it comes to criminal justice. In public, they claim to be on the side of victims.

"But in private, they admit their true intention, which is to empty Scotland’s prisons and put criminals back on our streets. The justice secretary’s confession behind closed doors will come as no surprise to crime victims or the law-abiding majority of Scots who suffer the impact of the SNP’s pursuit of weak justice, which puts criminals first."

Data suggests there were 7,303 people in Scottish prisons at the end of last year. This rose steadily and peaked on December 1 when 7,981 inmates were recorded. The number has subsequently fallen to just above 7,900.

Despite the rise, the proportion of criminals being sent to prison plummeted to a seven-year low in 2020.21 with just 14 per cent handed a custodial sentence.

The Scottish Government and SNP-created Scottish Sentencing Council have faced accusations of being soft on crime. Data released earlier this month suggests a record number of criminals are avoiding any type of punishment for committing crimes.

Criminal Justice Social Work statistics showed 4,784 people were handed diversion from prosecution referrals while over 30 per cent of those sentences to community payback orders actually carried out any work.

And in four years between 2018 and 2022, 1,400 convicted criminals were handed an absolute discharge from court, including 17 thugs found guilty of serious assault and attempted murder and 12 convicted of sexual assault. Over 60,000 recorded crime warnings have also been handed out injust three years as yobs are let off with a "slap on the wrist".

Sentencing guidelines have also been implemented to ensure more lenient punishments for those under the age of 26.

Ms Constance said her opinion on the use of prisons was "crystal clear". She added: "They are necessary in society to punish, to protect, and to rehabilitate and reduce reoffending.

"It is clear that action is needed to address Scotland’s high prison population. Community interventions are more effective than short prison sentences at addressing offending behaviour and breaking the cycles of reoffending.

"The removal of an offender’s liberty must always be available for our independent courts. To reduce reoffending we will continue to invest in our prisons as well as justice in the community, ultimately shifting the balance between custody and community."

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037c4f No.154027

File: 1ea301d934b6184⋯.png (435.71 KB,835x895,167:179,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20283715 (221843ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Scotland's chief medical officer Sir Gregor Smith told colleagues to delete WhatsApp messages daily (video)

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>>>104463 Updated Covid Bun


Scotland's chief medical officer Sir Gregor Smith told colleagues to delete WhatsApp messages daily

Sir Gregor Smith was questioned by KC Jamie Dawson at the UK Covid Inquiry and claimed that he followed Scottish Government guidance to regularly delete his 'informal' messages, joining Jason Leitch, Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney in doing so.

David Walker

22 JAN 2024

Scotland's chief medical officer Sir Gregor Smith admitted that he deleted his WhatsApp messages regularly, and advised his officials to do the same during the Covid pandemic. He becomes the latest high-profile Scottish Government figure to confess to not keeping correspondence while the deadly virus was active.

We previously told how Nicola Sturgeon, Jason Leitch and John Swinney all wiped their messages, with the UK Covid Inquiry confirming this last week. And now evidence has been presented that Mr Smith done similar as he protested that this was due to government guidance on informal messaging.

He replaced Catherine Calderwood during the early days of the pandemic after she was caught visiting her second home despite lockdown rules. UK Covid Inquiry lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC presented messages from a weekly WhatsApp group where Mr Smith is joking with a colleague about freedom of information requests.

Graham Ellis asks him "hope this isn't FOI able" to which the chief medical officer responds "delete at the end of every day..." Mr Ellis then comments with a sideways crying emoji and a thumbs up emoji.

Mr asked Mr Smith if it was his "practice to delete messages at the end of every day?" He replied: "The Scottish government advice in relation to this was not to retain information for longer than was necessary."

He added that he made sure that any information that was pertinent to decisions was kept on the corporate record, with his practice being to make sure that any information which was important was captured in e-mail form. He said: "My practice was when information was no longer useful it should not be retained."

Mr Dawson asked Mr Smith to expand on his definition of pertinent, and whether this meant a decision, to which the chief medical officer said: "Once a consensus has been achieved, what that consensus was." He says he would delete his messages frequently, if not every day.

He then explained that there was advice given to Scottish Government employees which specifically dealt with informal message and the need to delete messages on a regular basis. He said: "There was also advice we were given in discussion with the then director general, reminding us that official business shouldn't be done within these mediums and there should be regular deletion, partly for security purposes and that it shouldn't be seen as a secure medium."

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037c4f No.154028

File: 9f1752cd5a2ccf1⋯.png (201.86 KB,737x790,737:790,Clipboard.png)

File: 7fee999d7241b16⋯.png (292.73 KB,814x487,814:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20283742 (221847ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Scotland's chief medical officer Sir Gregor Smith told colleagues to delete WhatsApp messages daily (video)

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The top doctor then said that informal communications were usually used to arrange meetings and that any information thought to be pertinent would be captured in e-mail form. Questions have been raised about why government officials got to decide what information was relevant.

Mr Smith was also asked about the credibility of the expertise of Scotland's clinical advisers. He, Mr Leitch and Ms Calderwood were compared to England's Dr Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, who both have extensive careers in public health which hey could rely on.

Mr Dawson added that there had been commentary about the fact that he was a GP, Mr Leitch and dentist and Ms Calderwood an obstetrician, meaning they were not experts in public health or infectious diseases. Mr Smith claimed that this wasn't an issues that was raised at all due to public confidence in messaging from "authentic" clinical leaders being "very, very high".

Scottish Conservative Chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: “Scots will be appalled that senior figures in the Scottish Government were effectively sneering at them during the Covid crisis. This shows the contempt those in charge felt towards ordinary people.

“We know this shocking culture of cover-up, and edicts to delete messages, came from the very top – Nicola Sturgeon and her senior SNP ministers. The nod-and-a-wink sniggering that went hand in hand with the industrial-scale deletion of messages points to the incriminating or embarrassing content contained within them.

“The SNP government were shamefully pre-occupied with covering their own tracks through the deletion of messages, rather than focusing on protecting people from a deadly virus. Those responsible for such decision-making cannot continue to remain silent and must urgently explain their shameful, secretive and scandalous behaviour."

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said: "While families grieved, the Scottish Government destroyed evidence of what was going on behind the scenes and behind the decisions which gripped all of our lives.

“It's disturbing to see some of Nicola Sturgeon’s closest advisers and officials joking about transparency and how to dodge it in the remnants of WhatsApp groups. From the First Minister downwards, there was a pattern of people covering their own backs and limiting what would be available to the inquiries everyone knew would follow.

“At Nicola Sturgeon’s helm, bereaved families may forever be denied the understanding, the justice and the closure they deserve. There are major questions for her to answer, and I hope that she will agree to make a personal statement in Parliament to address them.”

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037c4f No.154029

File: 2153ef33e928b59⋯.png (564.27 KB,827x887,827:887,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20283866 (221916ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon breaks silence on Covid WhatsApp scandal as she insists she 'acted properly'

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Nicola Sturgeon breaks silence on Covid WhatsApp scandal as she insists she 'acted properly'

The former first minister insisted she followed Scottish Government guidelines at all times but admitted messages had 'not been retained on my own device'

Douglas Dickie

20 JAN 2024

Nicola Sturgeon has broken her silence on the Covid WhatsApp scandal as she insisted she acted in "line with Scottish Government policy". The former first minister has faced criticism after it emerged she had not been able to submit WhatsApp messages or written notes to the UK Covid Inquiry.

She insisted the Inquiry does have access to "messages between me and those I most regularly communicated with through informal means". She claimed she was "able to obtain copies which I submitted to the Inquiry last year" even though they had "not been retained on my own device".

But Ms Sturgeon was accused of taking the Scottish public for "fools". Scottish Conservative party chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: "The former First Minister appears to have deliberately and repeatedly deleted her WhatsApp messages and she must have done so for a reason.

"Rather than apologising to the country, she is cynically seeking to deflect attention from the mass deletion of key messages by top ministers and officials. If there are no minutes of key Covid meetings, no notes and no messages, how were any decisions made? How are any inquiries supposed to understand the motives, disagreement and discussion behind them?

"Saying there's no decisions sent by WhatsApp does not inform the public at all. This statement is just another instalment in the unravelling of the SNP. The addiction to spin and secrecy must come to an end now."

In a statement on social media, the former SNP leader said: "To be clear, I conducted the Covid response through formal processes from my office in St Andrews House, not through WhatsApp or any other informal messaging platform. I was not a member of any WhatsApp groups.

"The number of people I communicated with through informal messaging at all was limited. Also, any handwritten notes made by me were passed to my private office to be dealt with and recorded as appropriate. Throughout the entire process, I acted in line with Scottish Government policy."A policy they created to cover up in advance

Ms Sturgeon claimed she "did my level best to lead Scotland through the pandemic as safely as possible". She said she "did not get every decision right" but was " motivated only, and at all times, by the determination to keep people as safe as possible".

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037c4f No.154030

File: 3fd80c1561a00d4⋯.png (553.04 KB,850x844,425:422,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20284131 (222003ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon deleted ALL her WhatsApp messages and texts during the pandemic

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Nicola Sturgeon deleted ALL her WhatsApp messages and texts during the pandemic

The UK Covid Inquiry hears the former first minister's messages were 'deleted in routine tidying up of inboxes or changing of phones' while John Swinney and Jason Leitch also routinely cleared out their phones – leaving us in the dark about Scotland's pandemic decision makers

Ben Borland

19 JAN 2024

Nicola Sturgeon deleted her pandemic WhatsApp messages, despite being told to retain them by the UK Covid Inquiry. This is despite her promise in August 2021 that all messages would be handed over.

The bombshell evidence was heard at the inquiry's hearings in Edinburgh on Friday and ends weeks of speculation over what had happened to the former first minister's texts and messages. She has so far refused to confirm or deny reports that she had routinely deleted her WhatsApps.

Disclosing evidence received from the Scottish Government, lead counsel to the inquiry Jamie Dawson KC said: "Under the box marked Nicola Sturgeon, it says that messages were not retained, they were deleted in routine tidying up of inboxes or changing of phones, unable to retrieve messages."

Grilling top civil servant Lesley Fraser, the director-general of corporate, he asked if it was correct that "Nicola Sturgeon had retained no messages whatsoever in connection with her management of the pandemic"? Ms Fraser replied: "That is what that indicates to me."

The Scottish Government has also been unable to retrieve any of her messages from the corporate record, with Mr Dawson asking: "Does that mean that we have no access to the former first minister's messages in connection with her management of the pandemic?"

With the former SNP leader due to give evidence in the coming days, Ms Fraser said "Ms Sturgeon will be able to explain that much better..." before she was interrupted by Mr Dawson, who said: "I think that's just a matter of logic."

The inquiry team had requested Ms Sturgeon's informal messages between January 20, 2020 and April 30, 2022. In its reply to say there were none, the SNP administration added that "all substantive issues were recorded by Private Office emails." and claimed that "auto delete was not active" on her phone.

It also emerged that former Deputy First Minister John Swinney also deleted his messages. The submission states: "During the period communicated via WhatsApp, text and/or telephone with Nicola Sturgeon, Jeane Freeman and Humza Yousaf for the purposes of raising urgent information and preparing for formal meetings. Messages would have been deleted by auto-delete functions or by themselves manually deleting them as they do on a regular basis."

'WhatsApp deletion is a pre-bed ritual'

Ken Thomson, the former director general for constitution and external affairs and manager of the Covid Co-ordination Directorate of the Scottish Government, was the next to face questioning.

Mr Thomson said the use of electronic messaging grew "very rapidly" at the start of the pandemic as people switched to working at home but he insisted that all major decisions were taken in Cabinet meetings, which are formally minuted. Mr Thomson said: "The first minister did not take a decision in informal messaging. It would be very rare that she would message me at all, never mind to make a decision."

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037c4f No.154031

File: db2ea9d077a73d4⋯.png (382.69 KB,798x792,133:132,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20284142 (222004ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon deleted ALL her WhatsApp messages and texts during the pandemic

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However, Mr Dawson turned the 'Covid outbreak group' which included Deputy Chief Medical Officer Nicola Steedman and the National Clinical Director Jason Leitch, and shows Mr Thomson calling for messages to be cleared.

The inquiry is shown a series of WhatsApp group exchanges from 13 May 2021 in which Mr Thomson posts: "I feel moved at this point to tell you that this chat is FOI-recoverable." He includes an emoji with a zipped mouth. Two minutes later, Prof Jason Leitch responds: "WhatsApp deletion is a pre-bed ritual."

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: "Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney have huge questions to answer over their conduct in the wake of this devastating revelation. By deleting all their WhatsApp messages, they defied the inquiry’s clear instructions from June 2021 that all relevant messages had to be retained.

"Their actions may be illegal and beg a very simple question: what were they trying to hide? Shamefully and outrageously for families of those who died during the pandemic, we may never know. Nicola Sturgeon’s reputation, which has been tarnished by a series of scandals in the last year, now lies in tatters.

"Secrecy and evasion were the hallmarks of her government – and this shameful cover-up, which amounts to a digital torching of vital evidence, is the most scandalous example of it. Both Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney must urgently answer questions in parliament on this."

Dame Jackie Baillie said the news was "nothing short of horrifying" and a "shocking betrayal". She added: "Despite giving assurances to keep all correspondence, Nicola Sturgeon has completely broken her promise to the people of Scotland."

A spokeswoman for Ms Sturgeon said: "In the interests of everyone who has been impacted by the Covid pandemic, Nicola is committed to full transparency to both the UK and Scottish Covid inquiries.

"Any messages she had, she handled and dealt with in line with the Scottish Government's policies. Nicola has provided a number of written statements to the UK inquiry - totalling hundreds of pages - and welcomes the opportunity to give oral evidence to the inquiry again this month when she will answer all questions put to her."

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037c4f No.154032

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20284228 (222021ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / ScottishSun: Nicola Sturgeon DELETED all Covid WhatsApp messages, UK inquiry reveals (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon DELETED all Covid WhatsApp messages, UK inquiry reveals

The Scottish Sun

245K subscribers

29,873 views Jan 19, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolasturgeon

NICOLA Sturgeon deleted all of her WhatsApp messages from during the pandemic, the UK Covid Inquiry's lead council has confirmed.

Jamie Dawson KC referred to a rundown from the Scottish Government about what WhatsApp messages it could provide to the probe.

He said: “Under the box ‘Nicola Sturgeon’, it says that 'Messages were not retained, they were deleted in routine tidying up of inboxes or changing of phones … Unable to retrieve messages'.

“So, what that tends to suggest is at the time that request was made Nicola Sturgeon, the former First Minister of Scotland, had retained no messages whatsoever in connection with her management of the pandemic.”

The confirmation of the mass deletions comes after reports in October that Ms Sturgeon and other senior Scottish Government figures had wiped messages, sparking anger at the time from Covid bereaved families and opposition politicians.



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037c4f No.154033

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20284363 (222051ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / DailyRecord: Nicola Sturgeon deleted all WhatsApp messages relating to covid pandemic, inquiry told (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon deleted all WhatsApp messages relating to covid pandemic, inquiry told

Daily Record

57.6K subscribers

18,416 views Jan 19, 2024 #DailyRecord #covid #nicolasturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of a "shocking betrayal" over the deletion of all her WhatsApp messages during the pandemic.

Jamie Dawson KC, counsel to the UK Covid Inquiry, told the probe the former First Minister had retained no messages "whatsoever”.

At a hearing today, Dawson said: “Under the box ‘Nicola Sturgeon’, it says that messages were not retained, they were deleted in routine tidying up of inboxes or changes of phones, unable to retrieve messages.

“What that tends to suggest is at the time that request was made Nicola Sturgeon, the former first minister of Scotland, had retained no messages whatsoever in connection with her management of the pandemic.”

Lesley Fraser, the director general corporate of the Scottish government, agreed saying: “That’s what that indicates to me.”

Sturgeon, who led Scotland through the pandemic, has previously refused to say whether her messages were deleted.

Sturgeon has been under huge pressure after it was reported last year her WhatsApp messages during the pandemic had been deleted.

The messages are believed to be crucial in gaining a full understanding of why key pandemic decisions were made.

Original Article: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/po

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037c4f No.154034

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20284523 (222122ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Jason Leitch deleted messages in ‘pre-bed WhatsApp ritual’ during pandemic exposed (video)

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Jason Leitch deleted messages in ‘pre-bed WhatsApp ritual’ during pandemic exposed

The Scottish Sun

245K subscribers

38,799 views Jan 19, 2024 #scotland #politics

DAMNING screenshots have exposed Jason Leitch's "pre-bed ritual" on WhatsApp during the coronavirus pandemic amid a row over SNP secrecy.

It emerged during today's UK Covid Inquiry hearing that Nicola Sturgeon's pandemic official prof encouraged everyone to DELETE their WhatsApp messages before going to bed each night.

In October, Prof Leitch was blasted for going to ground over the deleted Covid messages scandal, as anger mounted amid reports Ms Sturgeon and her national clinical director were among around 70 Scottish Government figures who wiped pandemic-linked WhatsApps.

The following month, counsel Mr Dawson revealed at an earlier hearing that “generally very few messages appear to have been retained” by around these 70 key figures.

And now damning messages have exposed the Scottish Government for planning to delete their messages to prevent them from being recovered.



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037c4f No.154035

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20284750 (222203ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Scotland's chief medical officer Sir Gregor Smith told colleagues to delete WhatsApp messages daily (video)

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Scotland’s chief medic told Covid officials to wipe messages ‘every day’ amid cannabis banter

The Scottish Sun

245K subscribers

Jan 22, 2024 #scotland #politics #gregorSmith

SCOTLAND's Chief Medical Officer told fellow pandemic officials to wipe messages "at the end of every day" amid banter about cannabis in a Scottish Government WhatsApp group.

CMO Professor Sir Gregor Smith’s remark was shown on screen at the UK Covid public inquiry today, amid mounting anger about ministers’ and civil servants’ deleting potential evidence.

Taking to the stand at today’s hearing, Sir Gregor - knighted for his service during Covid - admitted routinely wiping messages, days after it was confirmed Nicola Sturgeon had done similarly.



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037c4f No.154036

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20285623 (230018ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Covid Inquiry - STUC General Secretary on BBC1 (video)

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Covid Inquiry - STUC General Secretary on BBC1

Scottish Trades Union Congress STUC

129 subscribers

48 views Jan 17, 2024


This cow takes on a whole new level of cuntishness with her big gripe being that the government didn't make kids wear masks in school to protect their members fast enough. CUNTS like her should never be allowed in any job representing any group of people. This woman is a fucking idiot.

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037c4f No.154037

File: 561ab24bdd2adcc⋯.png (504.83 KB,562x877,562:877,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20285989 (230122ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Six months on, drivers STILL paying £350,000 a month in Low Emission Zone fines

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>>>104464 Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun


Six months on, drivers STILL paying £350,000 a month in Low Emission Zone fines

Paul Drury For The Scottish Mail On Sunday 22:13 20 Jan 2024

* Motorists punished for driving into centre of Scotland’s biggest city

Motorists were last month hit with fines worth an astonishing £350,000 for driving into the centre of Scotland’s biggest city.

Latest figures show that during December, Glasgow City Council issued 3,471 penalties for breaching the country’s first Low Emission Zone (LEZ).

Yesterday drivers staged a protest against the LEZ, with many waving placards describing the scheme as ‘Highway robbery’.

The LEZ was introduced in June last year – banning certain older diesel and petrol vehicles from a square mile of the city centre.

Similar schemes are set to be introduced this year in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee.

The stated aim is to reduce pollution levels. When the Glasgow LEZ was set up, officials rejected claims it was money-making scheme for the council.

However, six months after it was first enforced, figures show that motorists are still paying a heavy price – with a total of 3,471 fines handed out last month, worth around £349,020.

Incredibly 98 drivers in December were hit with the maximum possible monthly fine of £960 –which is imposed only if a motorist breaches the LEZ on five separate occasions, with each breach attracting an ever greater penalty.

In November only 60 drivers received the maximum penalty.

Yesterday dozens of placard-waving protesters gathered at Glasgow Green to show their objection to the LEZ.

Some urged ‘Do not comply’, while others complained about the council, stating ‘Public servants are now tyrants’.

Another sign suggested LEZ should stand for ‘Local Exclusion Zone’.

Recent figures suggest the LEZ may have affected the number of shoppers in Glasgow.

The Scottish Retail Consortium reported that the number of people hitting the shops at Christmas had fallen across Scotland by 2.2 per cent – but had dropped 9.6 per cent in Glasgow.

Spokesman David Lonsdale said it was too early to assess what impact the first LEZ Christmas had on shop visits but the council should reconsider if its policies are making city centre visits less attractive.

He said: ‘Our figures show shopper footfall in Glasgow remains over a tenth below pre-pandemic levels.

‘Councils needs to consider carefully the overall economic impact of policies which might make their city centres less accessible and more costly to visit, and whether the potential revenue raised from new congestion levies measures up against the likely impact on retail and hospitality businesses trading in the city.’

He added: ‘One in every six stores in Scotland is lying vacant, so the focus should be on measures to bring the energy and footfall back into our larger cities rather than deterring people further from coming back.’

Many motorists escaped fines in October and November because of a tribunal ruling which said penalty notices should be sent by recorded delivery.

As a result, more than 1,300 drivers dodged LEZ fines after they had to be written off by Glasgow City Council. During the transition from non-tracked to tracked post, 1,388 fines ‘timed out’ as they were not served within 28 days of the LEZ breach.

These fines were then not issued but a council spokesman said there was no obligation to refund penalties that have already been paid.

All LEZ fines are now sent by tracked post, the council said, making them legally enforceable.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154038

File: 23ebc8c93b9fb99⋯.png (589.17 KB,839x899,839:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: e9342639bc31d8b⋯.png (193.99 KB,542x861,542:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20288374 (231422ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / NHS campaigners question whether Jason Leitch was qualified for Covid pandemic role

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>>>104463 Updated Covid Bun


NHS campaigners question whether Jason Leitch was qualified for Covid pandemic role

The National Clinical Director – who has previously admitted he felt like a 'fraud' due to his lack of experience – took part in unminuted 'Gold Command' meetings with Nicola Sturgeon to discuss policy

Ben Borland

19 JAN 2024

A leading NHS campaign group has written to the Scottish Covid Inquiry to raise questions about the role of Professor Jason Leitch in advising Nicola Sturgeon during the pandemic.

At the UK public inquiry hearings in Edinburgh this week, it emerged that Ms Sturgeon and her deputy John Swinney frequently gathered to discuss policy before the weekly Cabinet meetings. No minutes were taken at these gatherings, which were dubbed 'Gold Command meetings'.

The Action for A Safe and Accountable People's NHS (ASAP-NHS) has now written to Scottish Inquiry, along with advocate Dr Claire Mitchell KC who is representing bereaved family members, to say this raises issues that must be explored at future hearings. The letter – released exclusively to the Scottish Daily Express – quotes the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidance on 'Managing Epidemics', which states that "pre-training" of "skilled" health professionals is "essential".

The campaigners say: "From the early days of the Covid 19 pandemic, it soon became clear that even those with infectious diseases knowledge, training and experience in their relevant fields, had to draw upon and share every ounce of their authoritative expertise in the effort to save lives : indeed nothing less than a 'gold standard' of well honed, medical/scientific and other skills were required to meet the WHO 2018 directive.

"With no mention in Jason Leitch's public biography of professional skills and experience in the realm of infectious diseases or epidemic planning, it was of some concern, when in March 2020, former First Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, appointed National Clinical Director, as Senior Clinical Covid Advisor."

During 2020, ASAP-NHS attempted to find out more about Prof Leitch's qualifications for the role and was told by the Scottish Government that "it held neither information on the infectious disease training or experience of the senior, clinical advisor appointed to lead Scotland's pandemic response nor that it deemed it a business requirement to do so".

The letter states that this "can only be viewed with total incredulity". It goes on to say: "Although during the last 18 months or so, Jason Leitch has been at great pains to distance himself from the Covid decision making, there is plenty of evidence from his earlier boasts, which confirm a pivotal role in 'Gold Command' eg. re. leadership/lockdown, 'I was in the room when that decision was made. I gave the advice with which to make the decision.'

"In Parliament, May 2020, the First Minister dismissed an MSP's claims with regard to criticism of her senior clinical advisor's series of Covid misjudgments, as an 'unwarranted, invidious attack', affirming her reliance on Jason Leitch for the 'life and death decisions' she took.

"Jason Leitch has also made some shock admissions about feeling a 'fraud' and not being 'equipped for the role', which must raise questions about why he was ever entrusted with senior clinical advisory responsibilities... while Covid was raging and so many dying?"

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154039

File: 32c1c0ddc3f56a7⋯.png (81.63 KB,876x246,146:41,Clipboard.png)

File: 85e5fc78c7fe5f3⋯.png (110.91 KB,573x493,573:493,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20288377 (231423ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / NHS campaigners question whether Jason Leitch was qualified for Covid pandemic role

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'I'm a dentist... who did public health as a hobby'

The Scottish Inquiry is running in tandem with the UK inquiry, although it is only investigating policy areas under the control of the Scottish Government. The campaigners are now asking "whether or not [Prof Leitch] informed the FM that he felt so out of his depth".

According to ASAP-NHS, Prof Leitch "has no medical qualification, is not GMC registered, has no licence to practise medicine or to give medical advice. He has no known scientific qualification in infectious diseases or pandemic management. All his UK qualifications lie within the field of dentistry/GDC registration: a dentist with post-grad qualification in oral surgery ie licence limited to perform oral cavity surgery".

In 2021, Prof Leitch told Holyrood magazine: "After all, I'm a dentist who then became a surgeon who then did public health as a hobby so I genuinely do feel a bit of a fraud in that environment, which is why we've got a public health leader at Public Health Scotland, who's the clinical lead for that bit.

"All the public health leaders in the country also come together, and we’ve got a national group too. I just happen to have become like one of the familiar faces of that public health response. But I'm not stupid, I understand where my limits are, but I think it is the moment for public health to give the best advice it can and if I can be part of that in communicating those messages effectively, then all to the good."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154040

File: 421311be102e9db⋯.png (451.29 KB,825x899,825:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 85cde197d2d778b⋯.png (362.13 KB,846x509,846:509,Clipboard.png)

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File: 81ef7a3ac5cae17⋯.png (261.42 KB,557x803,557:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20288620 (231517ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon wanted to use Covid pandemic to 'reboot' Scexit campaign, 'bombshell' evidence reveals

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>>>104463 Updated Covid Bun


Nicola Sturgeon wanted to use Covid pandemic to 'reboot' Scexit campaign, 'bombshell' evidence reveals

Senior Scottish Government officials considered using the crisis to restart its campaign for a second independence referendum - on the same day the former FM angrily denied she was playing politics

Douglas Dickie

21 JAN 2024

Nicola Sturgeon's Scottish Government wanted to use the Covid crisis to reboot its push to break up the United Kingdom, bombshell new documents have revealed. With restrictions in place and hundreds of Scots already having died from the virus, the paper reveals Sturgeon's top team looking to restart a push for a second independence referendum.

Ironically, it was discussed on the same day Ms Sturgeon spikily insisted she was only focused on dealing with the pandemic. But the revelations cast new doubt on how focussed the Nationalist executive was on the coronavirus in June 2020.

Scottish Tory MSP Murdo Fraser said: "It is hard to imagine Nicola Sturgeon's star falling any lower than it has, but we are still in the early days of this inquiry. People were dying, the NHS was on the verge of collapse, care homes were on their knees, and this is what the SNP were more concerned about."

It comes after it also emerged the UK Covid Inquiry had not been handed 'informal' messages relating to the pandemic from Ms Sturgeon and senior civil servants. Ms Sturgeon insists she did present information but concedes it did not exist on her devices.

The Scottish Government minutes from June 2020 were referred to by Jamie Dawson KC in an exchange with former civil servant Ken Thomson during the Inquiry, which is currently sitting in Scotland. He said: "It says that cabinet agreed that consideration should be given to restarting work on independence and a referendum with the arguments reflecting the experience of the coronavirus crisis and developments on EU exit.”

The discussion took place at a time Scots faced stringent restrictions on their liberties, although the rules had been eased slightly. That day, Ms Sturgeon had reacted angrily to a question about the politics behind her reluctance to ease restrictions compared with Boris Johnson.

She said: "Your last question was an accusation that I had been somehow divisive in language I used. I want to just come back to basics here. We're not dealing with politics at the moment.

"We are dealing with a virus, a virus that we know poses a real risk to health and to life." She added: “Frankly, anybody who is trotting out political or constitutional arguments is in the wrong place completely and has found themselves completely lost.”

Mr Fraser added: "This damning memo proves the SNP ignored tragedy to further their separation obsession - and then belittled journalists who cottoned on to that. One advantage of the former first minister's almost-daily Covid briefings is that the SNP's dishonesty can now almost be pinpointed to the minute. In the weeks and months ahead, there will almost certainly be more of this scandal to come."

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex-Cole Hamilton said it was a "bombshell revelation" after it was flagged by think tank These Islands. He added "People were dying and one of their first thoughts was political advantage."

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "The Scottish Government is committed to responding to both the UK and Scottish Covid-19 inquiries, as learning lessons from the pandemic is vital to prepare for the future. It would be inappropriate to comment on any matters being considered by the UK Covid Inquiry while hearings are ongoing."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154041

File: 6691352018f4236⋯.png (523.37 KB,843x899,843:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20288761 (231543ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / The league of shame: All those present when SNP restarted Scexit push at height of Covid

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The league of shame: All those present when SNP restarted Scexit push at height of Covid

June 30, 2020 – when we were still getting to grips with this terrifying new disease that had changed our world – was the date when SNP ministers and civil servants decided to get back to work on breaking up the UK

Ben Borland

22 JAN 2024

At 9.30am on Tuesday, June 30, 2020, the SNP Cabinet held at meeting at Bute House in Edinburgh. In the four months since March 1, there had been 4,173 deaths registered in Scotland with Covid-19 on the death certificate.

The front page headline in the Scottish Daily Express that day read, 'I can't rule out quarantine for English visitors'. It was a report based on a press conference given by Nicola Sturgeon the previous day, at which she insisted she did not view the pandemic "through the prism of Scottish politics or the Scottish constitutional debate".

The following day's paper also carried the story on page 1, under the headline 'Tourists say they'll snub Scotland' as Sturgeon warned she may have to take "really tough and unpopular decisions". She pledged that if quarantining English visitors was "necessary we won't shy away from doing it".

Lurking behind all this unpleasant sabre-rattling, however, was the conclusion agreed by the First Minister and her Cabinet that this was the perfect time – in the earliest months of a devastating global pandemic – to restart the campaign for Scottish independence and a second Scexit referendum.

We know that now, thanks to the UK Covid Inquiry, which obtained and published the Cabinet minutes. They state that Cabinet "agreed that consideration should be given to restarting work on independence and a referendum, with the arguments reflecting the experience of the coronavirus crisis and developments on EU exit".

In other words, from that day forward – June 30, 2020 – every single thing the Scottish Government did or said was with the aim of furthering the cause of breaking up the United Kingdom. Remember this was months before the vaccine roll-out began, when it still seemed possible that a second wave of Covid might have a death toll far more terrifying than the first.

We have recorded the names of all those who were present at that meeting – both politiicans and civil servants – and have no hesitation in publishing them here.


Rt Hon Nicola Sturgeon MSP - First Minister

John Swinney MSP - Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills

Aileen Campbell MSP - Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government

Roseanna Cunningham MSP - Cabinet Secretary for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform

Fergus Ewing MSP - Cabinet Secretary for Rural Economy and Tourism

Kate Forbes MSP - Cabinet Secretary for Finance

Jeane Freeman MSP - Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport

Fiona Hyslop MSP - Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Fair Work and Culture

Michael Matheson MSP - Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity

Michael Russell MSP - Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, Europe and External Affairs

Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP - Cabinet Secretary for Social Security and Older People

Humza Yousaf MSP - Cabinet Secretary for Justice

In attendance:

Leslie Evans - Permanent Secretary

Rt Hon James Wolffe QC - Lord Advocate

Graeme Dey MSP - Minister for Parliamentary Business and Veterans

Dr Gregor Smith - Interim Chief Medical Officer

Jennie Barugh - Director, Performance and Strategic Outcomes

Dominic Munro - Director, Exit Strategy

David Rogers - Director of Constitution and Cabinet

Shirley Rogers - Director, Organisational Readiness

John Somers - First Minister's Principal Private Secretary

Tim Ellis - Head of Performance and Outcomes

James Hynd - Head of Cabinet Secretariat

Mairi Macpherson - Deputy Director, Creating Positive Futures

Ewan Crawford - Special Adviser

Liz Lloyd - Special Adviser

Colin McAllister - Special Adviser

Stuart Nicholson - Special Adviser

Aileen Easton - First Minister's Official Spokesperson

REDACTED - UNCRC Bill Team Leader

Peter Creevy - PS/Special Advisers

REDACTED - Head of Children's Rights

Chris Mackie - FM Covid Briefing Unit

REDACTED - Economy Covid Hub

REDACTED - First Minister's Policy and Delivery Unit

Kieran Watson - Head of Intelligence and Analysis for Negotiations

REDACTED - Cabinet Secretariat

REDACTED - Cabinet Secretariat

What's with the redactions?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154042

File: 661c718e80d6080⋯.png (626.82 KB,816x899,816:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20288956 (231617ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Humza Yousaf must come clean over his role in 'scandalous' SNP Government pushing for Scexit at height of Covid pandemic

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Humza Yousaf must come clean over his role in 'scandalous' SNP Government pushing for Scexit at height of Covid pandemic

The First Minister has been urged by rivals to explain why the Scottish Government under Nicola Sturgeon wanted to restart its Scexit conversation during the first few months of the Covid pandemic, with him being the justice secretary at the time.

David Walker

22 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf has been urged to explain his role in the Scottish Government's "scandalous" decision to push for independence at the height of the Covid pandemic. We previously told how bombshell documents published by the UK Covid Inquiry showed that during a Cabinet meeting, ministers and officials discussed restarting work on breaking up the UK.

Retired civil servant Ken Thomson was confronted with this evidence during a hearing on Friday and failed to answer when quizzed about whether the SNP executive had attempted to politicise the deadly virus. In Cabinet minutes from June 2020, officials "agreed that consideration should be given to restarting work on independence and a referendum with the arguments reflecting the experience of the coronavirus crisis and developments on EU exit".

The current first minister was justice secretary at the time and has now been urged to explain this "shameful" decision and whether he was involved in it. Scottish Tory shadow constitution secretary Donald Cameron submitted a Topical Question to the Scottish Parliament's Presiding Officer about this scandal.

He has called on Mr Yousaf to come clean about what was discussed at the meeting, why, and whether he voiced any concerns about “scandalous decision to focus on SNP political objectives during a public health emergency”. He said: “This astonishing and shameful revelation from the UK Covid inquiry explains why Nicola Sturgeon and many of her senior colleagues were so keen to delete their WhatsApp messages.

“If a discussion on pushing their independence obsession was talked about around the cabinet table, we can only imagine the extent of the SNP’s crass constitutional opportunism on private messaging. The Scottish people are entitled to know why a government that assured us public safety was its sole focus was gaming its push for another independence referendum while the death toll mounted.

“Humza Yousaf was a senior figure around the cabinet table at the time. Did he voice any objections to this disgracefully skewed priority? If not, why not? I have this morning submitted a Topical Question on this. If it’s selected, I would urge the First Minister, in the interests of his own credibility and integrity, to respond on behalf of his government.

Ms Sturgeon is also facing growing pressure to explain her actions during the pandemic and her decision to delete her WhatsApps dating from that time period. She insisted that all relevant information has been passed to the Inquiry, but admitted wiping her messages.

And her involvement in attempting to restart the conversation about breaking up the UK despite hundreds of people dying due to coronavirus daily will also be scrutinised in the coming weeks. She is scheduled to give evidence to the inquiry next week.

On the day that the cabinet discussed Scexit, the then-first minister reacted angrily to a question at her daily briefings about whether politics was behind her reluctance to ease restrictions compared with Boris Johnson. She said: "Your last question was an accusation that I had been somehow divisive in language I used. I want to just come back to basics here. We're not dealing with politics at the moment.

"We are dealing with a virus, a virus that we know poses a real risk to health and to life." She added: “Frankly, anybody who is trotting out political or constitutional arguments is in the wrong place completely and has found themselves completely lost.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The Scottish Government is committed to responding to both the UK and Scottish Covid-19 inquiries, as learning lessons from the pandemic is vital to prepare for the future. It would be inappropriate to comment on the detail of evidence being considered by the UK Covid Inquiry while hearings are ongoing.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154043

File: 1e9b218b1ad4a78⋯.png (651.38 KB,848x899,848:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 4ac491735842f29⋯.png (156.02 KB,570x508,285:254,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20289066 (231633ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / BBC Scotland news broadcast got just 200 viewers as station bosses obsess over the SNP

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BBC Scotland news broadcast got just 200 viewers as station bosses obsess over the SNP

The figures have prompted claims that bosses at Pacific Quay are wasting licence fee payers' money on 'parochial' coverage of Scotland and the 'SNP's political ambitions'

Ben Borland

15 JAN 2024

The BBC in Scotland has been accused of a "deplorable waste of money" as its flagship news programmes lose viewers. The Seven, a 15-minute news programme, only pulled in 200 viewers last Sunday.

Meanwhile, the station's hour-long news show The Nine reached just 1,700 people, which was about 0.1% of those watching television at the time. It pulled in 750,000 viewers for its 2019 launch but had only 8,200 viewers on its most successful day this year, Monday, January 8.

Viewers of the BBC Scotland channel, which last year cost the BBC £35million to run, declined by a quarter between 2021 and 2023. Figures also suggest the broadcaster's evening news show Reporting Scotland has also been struggling. STV News at Six was watched by about a third of viewers on the average day in 2023, compared with around a quarter for Reporting Scotland.

Former BBC editor and academic Professor Tim Luckhurst told The Times: "The viewing figures for The Seven and The Nine are atrocious. Indeed, BBC Scotland appears to be spending licence fees on output that achieves a statistically insignificant reach. It should stop. The pursuit of non-existent viewers is a deplorable waste of money."

He added: "BBC Scotland's commitment to news output for which there is no public demand suggests that senior staff may be paying too much attention to the SNP's political ambitions and too little to their licence payers' interests. The BBC's UK leaders should pay close attention to these figures... Scots are interested in UK and international affairs. The parochial audience the BBC has targeted is an expensive fiction."

Donald Cameron, the culture spokesman for the Scottish Conservatives, said: "While the BBC continues to enjoy a strong reputation among many Scots, these viewing figures will give bosses some cause for concern. As Scots continue to grapple with the global cost of living crisis, the BBC must ensure that their output is representing them and delivering value for money.

"Resources are stretched for BBC Scotland, but they should endeavour to continue investing in quality programming in Scotland to attract more viewers going forward."

A BBC spokesman said: "Against a background of declining audiences for all linear channels in recent years, the BBC in Scotland continues to provide market-leading services. The BBC Scotland channel continues to reach more viewers than any other digital channel in Scotland — its weekly reach in 2023 was 13.5 per cent or 701,000.

"The channel was launched as a multi-platform service, and we have seen considerable growth in iPlayer viewing of BBC Scotland content. It has risen from 1.6 million weekly requests to 2.4 million, a growth rate of 45 per cent year on year. During 2023, Reporting Scotland’s bulletins had a weekly TV reach of 1,575,000 — which is ahead of other commercial news providers in the country.

"The Nine had a weekly reach of 106,000 between January and November 2023 and its journalism extends beyond the nightly show into other parts of our news output. And consumption of BBC news on digital platforms by Scottish audiences continues to grow. BBC Scotland news online has 5.6 million unique visitors each week, a year on year rise of 18 per cent."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154044

File: 416c7fb617aca43⋯.png (678.17 KB,847x899,847:899,Clipboard.png)

File: cffd0708a16633c⋯.png (329.69 KB,823x517,823:517,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d8beac0af3b18e⋯.png (170.63 KB,595x563,595:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20289152 (231652ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / BBC boss defends 'atrocious' viewer numbers for Scotland's flagship news shows

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BBC boss defends 'atrocious' viewer numbers for Scotland's flagship news shows

The viewing figures were last week described as 'atrocious' but the BBC boss has come out to say it is unfair to view figures 'in isolation'

Mark Connor

18 JAN 2024

Low viewing figures for some programmes on the BBC Scotland channel should not be taken in isolation, the corporation’s director north of the border has insisted. Steve Carson was questioned by MSPs on “really low” TV audiences for news shows The Seven and The Nine, which are both broadcast on BBC Scotland.

It comes after it was revealed The Seven attracted an audience of just 200 viewers on Sunday January 7 while one episode of The Nine - the channel’s flagship news programme - had just 1,700 people watching. With the BBC Scotland director appearing before MSPs on Holyrood’s Culture Committee, Tory Donald Cameron asked: “Those figures showing really quite a low reach, do they not worry you?”

Mr Carson said: “Figures like 200 being quoted in isolation don’t represent the actual performance of those titles.” He stressed the importance of not “putting things in isolation” as he added average audience figures for the programmes were higher.

Mr Carson insisted taking viewing figures for one show at a “certain timeslot, a certain period of the year, doesn’t represent the totality of the view”. While he claimed that “audiences vary from show to show”, Mr Carson said: “The Nine reaches over 100,000 viewers every week and The Seven reaches over 20,000 every week.

“On its own, that puts news on the Scotland channel ahead of any other news provider on digital TV in Scotland. The average audience for The Seven is about 8,000. The Nine can get some low figures of 1,700. I think on Monday night it was 23,000.”

Last week, former BBC editor and academic Professor Tim Luckhurst told The Times: "The viewing figures for The Seven and The Nine are atrocious. Indeed, BBC Scotland appears to be spending licence fees on output that achieves a statistically insignificant reach. It should stop. The pursuit of non-existent viewers is a deplorable waste of money."

He added: "BBC Scotland's commitment to news output for which there is no public demand suggests that senior staff may be paying too much attention to the SNP's political ambitions and too little to their licence payers' interests. The BBC's UK leaders should pay close attention to these figures... Scots are interested in UK and international affairs. The parochial audience the BBC has targeted is an expensive fiction."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154045

File: 443dcd51dfb4ba9⋯.png (704.52 KB,862x899,862:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 29c2659ee78e001⋯.png (442.45 KB,805x533,805:533,Clipboard.png)

File: 71fb0e1aa684b91⋯.png (445.5 KB,554x827,554:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d77449386fb64b⋯.png (360.05 KB,572x825,52:75,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20290494 (232119ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP soft touch justice blasted as more criminals than ever before avoid any punishment

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SNP soft touch justice blasted as more criminals than ever before avoid any punishment

Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay blasted the Scottish Government's for its over-reliance on using diversion from prosecution on criminals.

David Walker

16 JAN 2024

The SNP's soft touch approach to justice was blasted after it was revealed that a record number of criminals are avoiding any type of punishment for committing crimes. The Scottish Government was accused of failing victims as the number of yobs being "diverted from prosecution" hit the highest level since records began.

This is usually given to younger criminals who are convicted for the first time for smaller crimes such as theft or assault. But it has also been used for some accused of sexual assault, although this was paused after an intervention by the Lord Advocate following complaints from alleged victims.

According to new Criminal Justice Social Work statistics published on Tuesday, 4,784 people were handed diversion from prosecution referral, which is higher than any other year since at least 2007-08, which is as far back as published statistics go. It is a small bit higher than 2021-22 where 4,776 were recorded.

The figures also revealed that nearly a third of all community sentences fail to impose any work requirement on criminals, with only 68.4 per cent of those sentenced to a community payback order being required to carry out "unpaid work or other activity" as punishment.

Pre-Covid pandemic, at least seven in 10 cons had to go to work in the community. Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay also pointed out that there was a lack of drug and treatment testing orders handed out in Scotland, with only 301 being directed, the lowest number given out since 2013/14.

He said: “These statistics lay bare the reality of the SNP’s relentless weakening and under-funding of Scotland’s criminal justice system with a record number of criminals dodging justice, to the dismay of victims. “n cases where there was a conviction, victims may question why one in three criminals are not required to do unpaid work as part of their community sentences.

“The low number of Drug and Treatment Testing Orders is also concerning, given that they should be a critical in tackling Scotland’s drug deaths crisis.”

In other figures, the number of community payback orders (CPOS) issued by Scottish Courts increased by a fifth on the previous year, with 14,700 of them commencing. The figure is up 20% from 2021-22 when 12,200 were issued. However, pre-pandemic years from 2013-14 to 2019-20 saw figures ranging between 16,500 and 19,500.

Of the CPOs issued, 68% were for unpaid work, compared to 67% as supervision requirements. The official data also showed that 1,100 bail supervision cases commenced last year – the highest in the last decade.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Community Payback Orders (CPOs) are a robust and credible community sentence which make individuals pay back to the community or fulfil other requirements decided on by the court, while addressing the underlying causes of their offending behaviour, helping to prevent further crime and victimisation and keeping our communities safer.

“The reconviction rate for those given CPOs in 2018-19 was 30% compared to 52% for those completing custodial sentences of one year or less.”

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037c4f No.154046

File: 25e4a38359573ee⋯.png (614.77 KB,820x879,820:879,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20290936 (232235ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP soft touch justice Scotland as just 51 fly-tippers prosecuted despite almost 300,000 incidents being reported

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SNP soft touch justice Scotland as just 51 fly-tippers prosecuted despite almost 300,000 incidents being reported

The Scottish Lib Dems demanded that the Scottish Government get tougher on people who dump their rubbish and household items in public places.

David Walker

13 JAN 2024

The SNP's soft touch justice was highlighted by the Scottish Lib Dems who revealed that just 51 fly-tipping cases were sent to prosecutors despite almost 300,000 incidents being reported since 2019/20. The party urged Scottish Government ministers to introduce a restitution order.

New fly-tipping rules came into force from Monday which could see culprits receive on-the-spot of fines of up to £500 which is more than double the previous £200. But communities spokesman Willie Rennie believes that this move is not enough to curb the plague of dumped rubbish.

Figures showed that local authorities received 284,762 reports of illegal rubbish dumping since 2019-20. However, only 51 were referred to the procurator fiscal, while 3,317 fixed penalty notices were issued.

Glasgow City Council received the highest number, with 88,357 reports across the four-year period – but just 335 fines were issued. And cases were only passed to the procurator fiscal in seven local authorities, with convictions obtained in just two – East Dunbartonshire and North Lanarkshire.

Mr Rennie welcome the fine increase, but said Scottish Government ministers must now introduce a new rule ordering offenders to contribute to the clean-up, with the money then put towards a national fund to help farmers. He said: “Fly-tippers are increasingly brazen. From back lanes to main roads, most communities across Scotland are blighted by other people’s rubbish.

“It’s ugly, dirty and smelly, yet only a tiny fraction of cases ever result in a fine or a trip to court. I am relieved that, after years of pressure from my party, the government has finally increased the level of fines available.

“However, there is still a fundamental unfairness in the system which leaves farmers and other owners with the responsibility for clearing up waste dumped on their properties. More needs to be done to clamp down on this disgusting behaviour and to ensure that repeat offenders feel the full force of the law.

“Alongside a robust fixed penalty system, Scottish Liberal Democrats want to see the introduction of a new restitution order, enabling the courts to require contributions from offenders to cleaning up their mess. These contributions could then go towards a national fund which would help support farmers and all those who bear the brunt of fly-tipping.”

The Scottish Government has been asked for comment.

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037c4f No.154047

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294017 (240941ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / SNP Government should 'sack' Jason Leitch as nationalists accused of 'mocking' Scots behind the scenes of Covid pandemic

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SNP Government should 'sack' Jason Leitch as nationalists accused of 'mocking' Scots behind the scenes of Covid pandemic

Deputy first minister Shona Robison was torn apart at Holyrood as Nicola Sturgeon's government was accused of 'shameful' behaviour during the pandemic and she refused to apologise to the Covid bereaved.

David Walker

23 JAN 2024

Calls have been made for Jason Leitch to be sacked as national clinical director as the SNP Government was accused of "mocking" Scots "behind the scenes" of the Covid pandemic. His damning evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry was described as "inappropriate."

We previously told how Professor Leitch was forced to defend his deletion of messages, and even gave Humza Yousaf advice on how to dodge face mask rules in a social setting. Messages from WhatsApp groups also revealed he had been joking about how deleting WhatsApps was a "pre-bed routine."

The Scottish Government was quizzed about the evidence given at the UK Covid Inquiry, with deputy first minister Shona Robison refusing to apologise to bereaved Scots who have outlined their anger over revelations over the past few days. Scottish Labour health spokesperson Jackie Baillie said: "Ken Thomson, the man who drafted the Scottish Government's records management policy was advising people on how to avoid complying with it."

She was referencing the evidence shown on Friday where the former deputy director of the government advised his colleagues in WhatsApp groups to wipe their messages. He told others to "delete this thread" and in a separate message wrote: "Just to remind you (seriously), this is discoverable under FOl. Know where the ‘clear chat’ button is.”

Ms Baillie added: "The national clinical director Jason Leitch, who helped shape the Covid regulations, was advising the current First Minister how to avoid the rules. And Nicola Sturgeon, who promised transparency has, alongside John Swinney and senior civil servants, deleted WhatsApp messages on an industrial scale. No lessons learned there.

"Deputy first minister, whether messages were deleted nightly or weekly, it is clear that Jason Leitch wiped his messages completely and seemed to find the period during the pandemic quite funny. Judging from the messages we have seen, this isn't just a matter for the Inquiry, it's a matter for the Scottish Government to see if the Scottish Government agrees that Jason Leitch was inappropriate, is it not time he was sacked?"

Scottish Tory health spokesman Dr Sandesh Gulhane demanded that Ms Robison apologise for her administration's behaviour during the pandemic, and he added: "The shameful culture of secrecy came from the very top, with Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney deleting all their messages, the same Nicola Sturgeon who stood at the daily briefings with a pretence of moral superiority.

"And yet behind the scenes it is clear that the Scottish Government was mocking us, believing none of this would ever come to light. The government is shameful." His colleague Graham Simpson asked whether Police Scotland should be investigating "the activities of the message deleting Covid cabal."

Ms Robison rejected all these notions, and claimed that MSPs must allow the Inquiry to "do its job in scrutinising all of the decision-making" during the pandemic, including the deletion of messages. She claimed that any deletion was in line with the government's policy.

The Scottish Covid Bereaved group gave a press conference following Prof Leitch's evidence, with member Margaret Waterton blasting his comments, saying "there is nothing flippant about the death of my mother and my husband from Covid." This referenced his claim that his "pre-bed ritual" deletion of WhatsApps was just a flippant text.

She said: "It is quite clear that messages were deleted and therefore we have no real idea about the context or the nuance around the critical decisions being made by our senior clinical advisers and our Government ministers during the height of the pandemic. This is not what we expect from our senior politicians and clinicians."

Caroleanne Stewart, who lost her brother to the disease in 2020, told journalists: “I would just like to say he (Prof Leitch) was a very confident man, but when he left, he wasn’t so confident because he was caught out, not only by King’s Counsel and the judge, and we are very grateful for that.

“I would like him to be answering: why are people still dying from Covid in hospitals (and) in care settings? If he’s still in that job, let him answer that question: what is he doing now to stop the death from Covid-19?”

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037c4f No.154048

File: 9f798c489ebc223⋯.png (736.31 KB,851x899,851:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294062 (241020ZJAN24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Crown Office yet to consider Operation Branchform case despite two-and-a-half year probe into the SNP

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>>>104460 Updated Operation Branchform Bun




Crown Office yet to consider Operation Branchform case despite two-and-a-half year probe into the SNP

Police Scotland have been probing the SNP since July 2021 when a complaint was made about whether the nationalists had illegally spent about £600k of ring-fenced Indyref2 cash.

David Walker

22 JAN 2024

The Crown Office have yet to even look at whether charges should be brought in Operation Branchform despite the probe being ongoing since summer 2021. The SNP have been under investigation by cops for two-and-a-half years but it has yet to be passed to prosecutors.

Social media rumours insisted that there would be new action within the probe but this has been shot down by the Crown Office. There has been no public arrests since June when Nicola Sturgeon was grilled by detectives looking into whether about £600k of ring-fenced Indyref2 funds have been spent elsewhere illegally.

Her arrest came hot on the heels of her husband Peter Murrell and former SNP treasurer Colin Beattie also being taken into custody. All three were released without charge, with police also raiding Sturgeon's marital home, as well as the Edinburgh HQ of the nationalist party in April, the week after she officially exited Bute House.

A luxury motorhome costing about £110k was also seized during the series of raids, with this being in the driveway of Mr Murrell's elderly mother's home in Dunfermline. The SNP claimed that this vehicle was purchased for campaigning purposes but it was never insured or used.

The Crown Office confirmed in a new statement on Monday that it had yet to even assess a potential report of criminality from Police Scotland. A spokesman said: “We haven’t received a Standard Prosecution Report from police in this investigation so the question of if there should be a prosecution has not been considered.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson added: "As the investigation remains ongoing we are unable to comment further." The probe was launched in July 2021 after Scexit campaigner Sean Clerkin reported that £600k of ring-fenced Indyref2 funds had apparently disappeared from the party accounts.

This cash was raised through a number of campaigns where it was claimed that it would be spent on a second independence referendum which has never happened. The whereabouts of this money is part of a number of issues detectives are probing.

Former Police Scotland chief constable Sir Iain Livingstone suggested last July that cops were also looking into "potential embezzlement" and "misuse of funds." He said: “It’s moved beyond what some of the initial reports were, and that’s not uncommon in investigations such as this.

“Investigations into the finances of an organisation, the finances of an individual are often complex. Investigations around fraud, or investigations around potential embezzlement, investigations around the misuse of funds take time.”

The arrests of Ms Sturgeon, Mr Murrell and Mr Beattie sent shockwaves through the political world and ensured Humza Yousaf's reign as First Minister got off to the rockiest of starts. He had repeatedly defended his predecessor, but admitted that the ongoing probe has had a damaging impact on the SNP's polling, with support plummeting since the turn of 2023.

The former first minister has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing and made a number of media appearance to cement the fact she believes she is innocent, including an appearance at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. But Mr Murrell has not been in the public eye since his arrest.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154049

File: aed9aa558afa68b⋯.png (600.66 KB,820x896,205:224,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294106 (241108ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf facing growing SNP criticism for promoting relationship with China as Scotland 'too heavily reliant' on country

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Humza Yousaf facing growing SNP criticism for promoting relationship with China as Scotland 'too heavily reliant' on country

Glasgow South MP Stewart McDonald attacked the First Minister for attempting to boost trade links with China as he pointed out that its value do not match Scotland's like its support for Vladimir Putin in Russia.

David Walker

22 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf was attacked by one of his own MPs as criticism grows about his approach to foreign policy. The First Minister faced criticism for promoting Scotland's links with China despite the country's poor human rights record.

The SNP leader already stoked a diplomatic row through his secret summit with Turkish President Erdogan during Cop28 which happened without a UK Government official in attendance. He was forced to deny claims that the meeting had anything to do with Turkey helping his wife Nadia El-Nakla's family flee Gaza, and had to defend inviting the politician to Scotland.

And now he faces pressure from inside the nationalists after glad-handing a Chinese diplomat and inviting him to Bute House. We previously told how he faced questions after posting on social media about a meeting with Zhang Biao, the Chinese consul general in Edinburgh.

This raised eyebrows within the SNP, with senior MP Stewart McDonald urging him to row back on his trade relationship with China as Scotland is becoming too heavily dependent on the country. This is despite the state "actively promotes a vision of the world diametrically opposed to our own".

Internal criticism of Mr Yousaf's foreign policy has already built up due to his relationship with Erdogan, with one councillor, Roza Salih, publicly calling the COP28 meeting "disgusting." When quizzed, the first minister claimed that all countries were on a "human rights journey."

Writing for the Times, Mr McDonald re-iterated his pleas for the Scottish Government to "work on a national strategy to de-risk our economic relationship with China" as he said it had "fallen on deaf ears." He added: "The Chinese government makes no secret of the fact that its vision of the world is anti-democratic, repressive and authoritarian.

"From covertly monitoring dissidents, seeking to suppress anti-Chinese Communist Party sentiment, to pledging a 'no-limits friendship' with Vladmir Putin as he wages his illegal war of colonial conquest in Ukraine, its words and deeds could not be more strongly at odds with the Scottish government's desire to be a good global citizen."

He also urged the SNP Executive to follow the lead of Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission, in its relationship with China. She made a speech at the World Economic Forum where she criticised China and said: "Freedom in business relies on the freedom of our political systems. This is why I believe strengthening our democracy and protecting it from the risks and interference it faces, is our common and enduring duty."

Her speech followed the Chinese premier Li Qiang who was said to have made a sales pitch to multinational companies to invest in the Chinese economy. Mr McDonald called on Mr Yousaf to have the same "clear-eyed" approach to China that he displayed in a speech earlier this month on industrial policy for Scotland.

We previously told how the Glasgow South MP was mocked after comparing this speech to famed political titans Winston Churchill and Harold Wilson. Concerns have been raised about the financial situations at Scottish universities who rely heavily on fee-paying Chinese students and they may be withdrawn if the Scottish Government publicly pull away from China.

Mr McDonald added that Scotland was "more heavily reliant on China than any government should be comfortable with" across multiple sectors, including education and energy. But the Scottish Government said its position on China "is resolute and in keeping with the values of Scotland".

A spokeswoman added: "Like the UK government, the Scottish government considers that China's global importance and impact means it is essential we maintain economic, political, cultural, educational and social relationships with the people of China. A key focus for this work is engaging constructively on global priorities such as tackling climate change and biodiversity loss, but also addressing areas of concern, such as human rights."

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037c4f No.154050

File: f708b2e65331a9f⋯.png (627 KB,864x899,864:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294134 (241140ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf meets with Chinese diplomat about 'trade and tourism' amid fears over human right abuses in China

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Humza Yousaf meets with Chinese diplomat about 'trade and tourism' amid fears over human right abuses in China

The First Minister boasted about welcoming a Chinese diplomat into Bute House in Edinburgh and was asked if he was as vocal about human rights abuses in the communist country as he was about issues in the Middle East.

David Walker

17 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf has been urged to be as vocal about alleged human right abuses in China as he is about events in the Middle East as he revealed he met a Chinese Diplomat on Tuesday. The First Minister welcomed Zhang Biao, the Chinese Consulate General in Edinburgh to Bute House.

China's relationship with the UK has been rocky in recent years, with the UK Parliament issuing a report last July which warned that the Westminster government had been slow to come to terms with the security risks from Beijing. It said: "It appears that China has a high level of intent to interfere with the UK government, targeting officials and bodies at a range of levels to influence UK political thinking and decision-making relevant to China.

A parliamentary researcher was also one of two men arrested in September for allegedly spying for China, which led to calls for the country to be categorised as a threat. These accusations were rebuffed by China, who called it "malicious slander".

But Mr Yousaf boasted on social media that he had "welcomed" Zhang Biao to Bute House for their first meeting. His account added: "They discussed ways to build on the valuable relationship between Scotland and China, specifically in the areas of education, tourism, climate change and trade."

Opposition rivals have queried this summit and urged him to reveal what else had been discussed, including whether human rights abuses reported in China had been talked about. This includes a civil right crackdown in Hong Kong and the imprisonment of democracy campaigner Jimmy Lai.

Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton told the Scottish Daily Express: "The First Minister has been vocal about the situation in the Middle East. I hope that he used this meeting to be equally vocal about the horrific abuses taking place in Xinjiang, the imprisonment of prominent democracy campaigner Jimmy Lai and the intimidation of pro-Hong Kong activists in Scotland.

"It's right that the First Minister engages with international partners but reducing this relationship to trade and tourism is to sell human rights down the river. Last year I led the first Scottish Parliament debate on Chinese state surveillance, because I believe that it is time for a comprehensive investigation into the reach of the Chinese state in Scotland to take place."

Mr Yousaf has been outspoken on a number of worldwide issues, including the war between Israel and Hamas. He has repeatedly demanded that Rishi Sunak call for a ceasefire, and attacked the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, accusing him of going "way beyond a legitimate response" to the October 7 atrocities.

He has also attacked the UK Government for launching air strikes on the Houthis in Yemen without consulting him, after the rebels threatened UK trade ships. He added: "The UK's record on military intervention, particularly in the Middle East, is not a good one."

Scottish Government constitution secretary Angus Robertson headed out on a trade trip to China late last year where he was wined and dined by Beijing politicians. He was labelled a "useful idiot" by one expert and he was also urged to condemn the human rights abuses in China.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The First Minister discussed ways to build on the valuable relationship between Scotland and China, specifically in the areas of education, tourism, climate change and trade. He also raised concerns about human rights.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154051

File: effd3fe644e126c⋯.png (599.95 KB,823x885,823:885,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294164 (241155ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf defends inviting Turkish president Erdogan to Scotland and denies asking about getting family out of Gaza

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Humza Yousaf defends inviting Turkish president Erdogan to Scotland and denies asking about getting family out of Gaza

The First Minister invited the Turkish President to visit Scotland when he met with him at Cop28 and claimed that he would raise human rights violations with him if he did so.

David Walker

18 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf defended inviting the controversial Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Scotland as he denied claims that he discussed helping his relatives flee Gaza during their meeting at Cop28. Questions were raised about the nature of their discussions after the UK Government rebuked him for undertaking them without a Foreign Office official present.

A readout from the summit was published by the Scottish Government which revealed that the First Minister urged his counterpart to visit the country next time he is in the UK. This is despite the human rights abuses which the Turkish politician has been accused of, including killing Kurds.

Mr Yousaf was forced to defend this invite at Holyrood on Thursday where he also faced accusations that the discussions prompted Turkey to agree to take his wife's family in as refugees from Gaza. Nadia El-Nakla revealed her sister-in-law and her children were now in Turkey, but that her brother-in-law remains in Israel.

He said: "I said next time he is in the UK, why not come up to Scotland? Turkey is a Nato ally, why would we not wish to have a Nato ally here in Scotland? The UK Government regularly engages with Turkey as a Nato ally and as an important regional player.Why would Scotland not seek to engage with a Nato ally, and of course with someone we seek to do business with?”

Journalists then asked him whether he would raise concerns about human rights violations in Turkey if Erdogan does come north of the border to which he responded: "Yes, I would raise human rights, as I tend to do whenever I have meetings with international leaders, but I should say we do that in a way that recognises we are on a human rights journey, as are other countries.”

He denied claims put to him by journalists that the meeting had been about getting his relatives out of Gaza. His wife met the president's wife Emine Erdogan during a First Ladies and Spouses of Leaders Summit on Gaza in Turkey, with Ms El-Nakla confirming that Turkey had provided a haven to her family who were stuck in Gaza.

The minutes disclosed by the government detailed the invitation which was extended to Erdogan and notes that the pair discussed the ongoing Israel-Hamas war. Mr Yousaf told the Turkish president about his in-laws' ordeal after being trapped in Gaza when the war broke out, saying it had been a “frightening time given the lack of communication”, but reassured the president they were “safe at home and recovering”.

During the meeting, the First Minister also reiterated his calls for an immediate ceasefire in Israel and the pair discussed what could be done to resolve the situation. The note reads: "If the two state solution were to remain alive, both sides needed to prioritise lives of civilians.

"The FM said that the attacks on October 7th were unacceptable. He called for an immediate ceasefire as too many innocent civilians had already been killed in Gaza. FM mentioned that war not only destroys lives and communities but also the environment and biodiversity – what could be done to resolve the situation?"

But there were also a number of redactions, with the government citing the international relations loophole, so the full conversation between the pair has been kept secret.

Scottish Conservative shadow external affairs secretary Donald Cameron said: "The public will question if Humza Yousaf’s invitation to President Erdogan to visit Scotland overstepped the mark, especially given his record on a number of topics. We already know that Scottish Government officials dithered in informing the Foreign Office about the First Minister’s meeting at COP, and now it appears he was freelancing even further.

“He should be fully up front as to why he invited a head of state to a part of the United Kingdom without Foreign Office officials present, and what purpose he intended this meeting to serve.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154052

File: b3e1fa0c583e524⋯.png (159.09 KB,570x525,38:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294167 (241156ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf defends inviting Turkish president Erdogan to Scotland and denies asking about getting family out of Gaza

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Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: "The First Minister has been vocal about the situation in the Middle East. I hope that he will be equally vocal about President Erdogan's oppression of his Kurdish minority and his use of the tools of state to initiate baseless investigations, prosecutions and convictions against human rights defenders, journalists and opposition activists.

"It's right that the First Minister engages with international partners but he must be careful not to turn a blind eye to human rights abuses. One way of reassuring people that this is not simply a bid to play the international statesman for the cameras would be to publish a list of occasions on which he has previously raised human rights concerns with foreign dignitaries."

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037c4f No.154053

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294221 (241219ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Covid Inquiry: Jason Leitch denies deleting WhatsApps daily and kept no informal pandemic messages (video)

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Covid Inquiry: Jason Leitch denies deleting WhatsApps daily and kept no informal pandemic messages

Daily Record

57.9K subscribers

950 views Jan 23, 2024 #DailyRecord #covidinquiry #jasonleitch

Scotland’s national clinical director did not retain any informal, one-to-one messages relating to management of the pandemic but denies deleting WhatsApps daily in a “pre-bed ritual”, an inquiry has heard.

Professor Jason Leitch told the UK Covid-19 Inquiry that he deleted WhatsApp messages in line with the Scottish Government’s policy on the use and retention of informal messaging.

He also told the inquiry that the idea that deleting WhatsApp messages was a “pre-bed ritual” was a “flippant exaggeration” and that he did not do so every day.

He is appearing at the inquiry amid a storm over WhatsApp messages after it emerged that the messages of former first minister Nicola Sturgeon and her deputy, John Swinney, were among those whose messages were not retained.

Related Article: https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/po...

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037c4f No.154054

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20294942 (241530ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jason Leitch secretly advised Humza how to bend Covid rules in WhatsApps (video)

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Jason Leitch secretly advised Humza how to bend Covid rules in WhatsApps

The Scottish Sun

246K subscribers

6,818 views Jan 23, 2024 #scotland #politics #jasonLeitch

TOP pandemic official Jason Leitch advised Humza Yousaf how to "exempt" himself from Covid mask rules while Health Secretary - by clutching a drink while standing up.

The National Clinical Director was forced to deny giving the now First Minster a “workaround” for laws that ordinary Scots were ordered to follow by the Scottish Government.



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037c4f No.154055

File: 5f2ee3b200cb52e⋯.png (589.58 KB,808x885,808:885,Clipboard.png)

File: ecf126b1260160f⋯.png (395.9 KB,819x579,273:193,Clipboard.png)

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File: eb1a5d0aa259f58⋯.png (124.22 KB,569x448,569:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20295869 (241909ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP plans for juryless rape trials may bring 'chaos, delay and disaster', lawyers warn

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SNP plans for juryless rape trials may bring 'chaos, delay and disaster', lawyers warn

MSPs at Holyrood heard the 'strength of feeling is unprecedented' in Scotland's legal profession over the plan to move to judge-only rape trials, with a boycott now looking even more likely

Rebecca McCurdy, PA Scotland Political Reporter & Ben Borland

24 JAN 2024

Plans to pilot juryless rape trials could lead to "chaos, delay and disaster" if more defence lawyers leave the profession, a Holyrood committee has heard.

Senior lawyers have again warned the proposal to move to judge-only trials for rape offences set out in the Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill could lead to counsel refusing to take part in the pilots. Some lawyers have already threatened to boycott the trials, with the Scottish Solicitors Bar Association (SSBA) adding they were prepared to ballot their members if the pilot proceeds.

Tony Lenehan KC, president of the Faculty of Advocates Criminal Bar Association, told the Criminal Justice Committee his members could not officially boycott but said some may be uncomfortable with the arrangement. "I can't think of anything which has caused greater disquiet within the profession than the question of moving towards juryless trials in rape cases," he said.

"If Parliament decides to implement something that is so widely unpopular there's bound to be a practical consequence. It's a struggle just now to resource the courts that are currently sitting. As people are driven out of the profession that's a reality, so you've got to be super careful with massive changes that what you don't do is, with the best intentions, deliver chaos, delay and disaster through people just not wanting to do the job."

Sheila Webster, president of the Law Society of Scotland, said the organisation had not adopted the position of boycott. However, she said there was "high risk" of one taking place. She said: "I think the strength of feeling across the profession there is a very strong sense of concern, specifically about the single-judge pilot."

The panellists also raised specific concerns that the proposals had not been clear on how long a potential pilot would run for, and refuted claims it would make a difference to outcomes for victims and accused.

In evidence, MSPs heard concern around appointing a single judge to make a decision over a jury due to the "predominately male" make-up of the sector. The committee earlier heard from leading law academics who highlighted rape myths that can be held by jurors.

In its written submission to the committee, the SSBA said unconscious biases were just as likely to exist among judges. It said: "If we accept the premise that everyone has unconscious biases then the best way to compensate ... are to have a group of 12 or 15 members of society, from all backgrounds."

'The pilot is dead in the water without us'

Speaking to the PA news agency prior to the committee meeting, the SSBA confirmed it would ballot members with a view to boycott the entire pilot if the plans are given the go-ahead. Vice-president Simon Brown said: "There's a strength of feeling about this that is unprecedented."

He added: "If we boycott it, unless the Scottish Government want to implement wholescale changes to the criminal justice system ... then the pilot is dead in the water without us."

Alongside the proposal for a juryless trial pilot, the committee is scrutinising plans to scrap the not proven verdict and reduce the size of juries in other cases. The Scottish Government has been asked for comment.

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037c4f No.154056

File: 4b8b0ce5b36128e⋯.png (755.39 KB,846x898,423:449,Clipboard.png)

File: d02c98c5bec3d55⋯.png (150.72 KB,588x512,147:128,Clipboard.png)

File: 46e58e10d13f7c3⋯.png (391.03 KB,543x860,543:860,Clipboard.png)

File: abdeffbfb7c4198⋯.png (759.07 KB,551x864,551:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20295956 (241927ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Scots lawyers set to boycott juryless rape trials leaving the SNP's controversial plans in disarray

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Scots lawyers set to boycott juryless rape trials leaving the SNP's controversial plans in disarray

The Scottish Solicitor Bar Association says the extraordinary proposal to ditch juries will increase the risk of miscarriages of justice and undermine confidence in the criminal justice system, explaining why the conviction rate in murder trials is so much higher

Ben Borland

23 JAN 2024

Scotland's defence lawyers preparing to formally boycott any pilot scheme for juryless rape trials leaving the Scottish Government's controversial plans in chaos.

The Scottish Solicitor Bar Association (SSBA) is set to ballot members on the proposal in the new Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill. With the pilot only able to go ahead with the consent of the accused, the SNP's flagship scheme to drive up rape convictions now looks in doubt.

In a statement, reported by The Herald, the SSBA, said it remained “fundamentally opposed” to the change. The body, which represents criminal defence lawyers, said it would be tantamount to professional misconduct for a lawyer to let a client take part in the test trial.

It said the pilot scheme would increase the risk of "accused persons suffering a miscarriage of justice, deliver no discernible benefits for either the justice system or wider society and undermine the public’s confidence in our criminal justice system".

The statement continued: "For the avoidance of any doubt, despite the huge financial pressures currently being faced by Scottish solicitors and the consequential decimation of our numbers, this is not and has never been a question of fees. We are not prepared to take part in this scheme."

The statement comes after the SSBA was snubbed by MSPs sitting on Holyrood's Criminal Justice Committee, who have not asked the association to give evidence when the draft legislation is scrutinised on Thursday.

The pilot for a single-judge trial was suggested in a review by Scotland's second most senior judge, Lady Dorrian, and then enthusiastically taken up by Nicola Sturgeon and her successor Humza Yousaf. In the most recent figures, conviction rates for rape and attempted rape were at 51%, compared to 91% for all other crimes.

However, the SSBA said there are "particular evidential reasons for this anomaly". It points out that those facing murder charges – the only other offence that is exclusively the purview of the High Court of Justiciary – often "face a number of different incriminatory pieces of evidence" ranging from eye witness testimony, CCTV evidence, forensic evidence and "nearly always a dead body that requires an explanation".

That is rarely true of rape cases where "forensic and medical evidence often proves penetration" leaving the jury "to consider evidence relating to consent which often involves witnesses, who have consumed alcohol and/or other substances potentially affecting their reliability".

One of the reasons the Scottish Government is keen on the plan is because of what it describes as compelling evidence that jurors are influenced by rape myths which prejudice how they regard the complainant. Those myths can include expecting a genuine victim would try to fight off or escape an attacker, or that they would immediately report the crime to the police or that they would become emotional when giving evidence in court.

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037c4f No.154057

File: 163c1f8b3a06340⋯.png (158.52 KB,801x448,801:448,Clipboard.png)

File: aca283ce950538a⋯.png (150.78 KB,564x435,188:145,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20295962 (241929ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Scots lawyers set to boycott juryless rape trials leaving the SNP's controversial plans in disarray

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The SSBA said juries were now directed specifically in relation to rape myths and there was "no evidence to suggest that juries are acting in contravention of their oath to try the accused on the evidence in line with their directions". It said the Scottish Government was "trying to solve a problem that does not, in fact, exist".

'Prejudicial and false beliefs held by jurors'

The Justice Committee will hear from Professor James Chalmers, Professor Vanessa Munro, and Professor Cheryl Thomas KC, whose research into rape trials was pivotal to Lady Dorrian's recommendation.

In their written evidence, submitted ahead of their appearance, they the "evidence to justify a pilot exists" and that there is "overwhelming evidence that prejudicial and false beliefs held by jurors about rape affect their evaluation of the evidence and their decision making in rape cases"

The three academics add: "It is perfectly possible to hold the view that juries are a valuable component of our criminal justice system but that they might not be the most appropriate way of determining sexual offence cases."

Responding to the SSBA comments, a Scottish Government spokesman said: "Running a time-limited pilot of judge-only rape trials was a recommendation of the review carried out by Lady Dorrian, Scotland's second most senior judge, on improving the justice system in the way it responds to serious sexual offending and is a key part of the Victims, Witnesses and Justice Reform (Scotland) Bill.

"It is disappointing that some criminal defence lawyers have pre-empted the opportunity for debate, scrutiny and collaboration on the Bill’s proposals before Parliament has even had a chance to scrutinise them."

A spokesman for the Scottish Parliament told The Herald: "The committee is hearing from a range of witnesses representing the legal profession including the Law Society, the Scottish Criminal Bar Association, and a leading KC. The SSBA was invited to provide a written submission."

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037c4f No.154058

File: a331216828384b4⋯.png (656.13 KB,856x844,214:211,Clipboard.png)

File: fb59a043dd98c01⋯.png (286.86 KB,567x520,567:520,Clipboard.png)

File: 66416920a18c5c7⋯.png (274.37 KB,579x851,579:851,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20296421 (242058ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon's SNP is like an organised crime group that has gone beyond the Line of Duty

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Nicola Sturgeon's SNP is like an organised crime group that has gone beyond the Line of Duty

The country has been run by this rule-breaking cabal with no regard for the law for so long that most of us have forgotten what it was like to have people in charge who don't behave like cheap gangsters from a TV crime show.

Ben Borland

24 JAN 2024

It has been evident to me and many others that Scotland has been run for some years by a group that resembles a criminal cabal, an organised crime group posing as a political party.

The scandal over the deleted WhatsApp messages is just the latest evidence of this disturbing trend. It is not merely the greatest betrayal of the Scottish people in years, it is also potentially a breach of the law. Lawyers acting for the Scottish Covid bereaved are preparing a criminal complaint to the police.

Whether or not this will result in any meaningful action in Scotland is another matter, of course. Most OCGs have a few bent coppers on the payroll, this one has the head and the deputy head of the Crown Office attending Cabinet meetings and swanning around in ministerial cars.

According to the independent Crown Prosecution Service in England and Wales, organised crime is "planned and co-ordinated criminal behaviour and conduct by people working together on a continuing basis. Their motivation is often, but not always, financial gain."

The Scottish Government's motivation is simple and obvious – to achieve the break-up of the United Kingdom. Is this for financial gain? Well, those in positions of power in the OCG certainly wouldn't lose financially from such an outcome, although the rest of us would stand to lose our shirts (not to mention our pensions and our life savings).

As for 'working together on a continuing basis', well, the nationalist cohort led by Nicola Sturgeon and subsequently her chosen 'continuity candidate' Humza Yousaf has been following this course ever since she seized power from Alex Salmond in the wake of the Scexit referendum.

It's not just the SNP, you see... the 'people working together' in this enterprise also include elements in the civil service and across the public sector, the voluntary and charity sector, even the media – all the 'elite' of Scotland who believe they stand to gain most from rising to the top of a new state.

The WhatsApp deletion scandal is the latest example of the disregard for their own Covid rules, as shown by Jason Leitch advising Yousaf how to get around the mask-wearing regulations forced upon the rest of us in such uncompromising fashion. Sturgeon herself was spoken to by the police for failing to wear a mask in an East Kilbride barber's shop, and also apologised for failing to wear a mask at a funeral.

As we revealed a long time ago, she even joined a group of family and friends for a mask-free photograph at a cousin's surprise 40th birthday party in November 2021, when Scots were being advised to wear them at all times indoors unless exempt. This is only one example but there are several others.

And what of the draconian law which said that people in Scotland must remain in their council areas at all times on pain of criminal prosecution? Well, of course the politicians and civil servants decided they were exempt and so paid it no mind at all, jogging off to Holyrood whenever they fancied a trip to Edinburgh. And we will never know the full extent of where Sturgeon went during the pandemic because the Scottish Government is refusing to release details of her ministerial car use.

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037c4f No.154059

File: 0199891eec34034⋯.png (677.65 KB,837x867,279:289,Clipboard.png)

File: 09ee5a75506a01c⋯.png (187.49 KB,539x484,49:44,Clipboard.png)

File: 20d02a6a8512cec⋯.png (337.44 KB,537x841,537:841,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20296546 (242126ZJAN24) Notable: Huge double blow for royals as King Charles AND Princess Kate in hospital at same time

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>>>104239 Coronation Bun


Huge double blow for royals as King Charles AND Princess Kate in hospital at same time

Both the monarch and Princess of Wales will be away from the public eye for a period of time, in Kate's case until after Easter after she underwent abdominal surgery

Douglas Dickie

17 JAN 2024

The royal family has been dealt a huge double blow with the news that King Charles and Princess Kate are facing stays in hospital. It was confirmed on Wednesday that the Princess of Wales was in hospital after undergoing surgery, with the future Queen set to be away from the public eye until after Easter.

And soon after, Buckingham Palace announced the King, 75, was going to be treated for an enlarged prostate, with his engagements having to be scrapped for a period. In a statement, the Palace said: "In common with thousands of men each year, The King has sought treatment for an enlarged prostate.

"His Majesty’s condition is benign and he will attend hospital next week for a corrective procedure. The King’s public engagements will be postponed for a short period of recuperation."

Meanwhile, Princess Kate underwent successful abdominal surgery on Tuesday, Kensington Palace announced. The 42-year-old, who was last seen in public on Christmas Day, was admitted to The London Clinic for the planned procedure. She is expected to remain in hospital for between 10 to 14 days before continuing her recovery at home.

It is not clear what the nature of the surgery was, but Kate is not expected to return to public duties until April based on current medical advice, the Palace said. A spokesperson said: “The Princess of Wales appreciates the interest this statement will generate.

"She hopes that the public will understand her desire to maintain as much normality for her children as possible; and her wish that her personal medical information remains private. Kensington Palace will, therefore, only provide updates on Her Royal Highness’ progress when there is significant new information to share.

"The Princess of Wales wishes to apologise to all those concerned for the fact that she has to postpone her upcoming engagements. She looks forward to reinstating as many as possible, as soon as possible."

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037c4f No.154060

File: 334792ea8e3562b⋯.png (602.15 KB,845x824,845:824,Clipboard.png)

File: 322de03c294a955⋯.png (282.79 KB,562x527,562:527,Clipboard.png)

File: c2784c914b0cb91⋯.png (15.84 KB,584x370,292:185,Clipboard.png)

File: 68ab9d833a3f1db⋯.png (17.12 KB,621x208,621:208,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20296584 (242136ZJAN24) Notable: The early signs of skin cancer as Duchess of York speaks of 'shock' at her diagnosis

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The early signs of skin cancer as Duchess of York speaks of 'shock' at her diagnosis

Sarah Ferguson has become the third royal in a week to undergo hospital treatment but said she is hopeful that her cancer has been caught early

Mark Connor

22 JAN 2024

The Duchess of York has spoken of her “shock” at being diagnosed with malignant melanoma, but says she is in “good spirits”. In an Instagram post, Sarah Ferguson said she was “grateful for the many messages of love and support”.

The melanoma was discovered following the removal of a cancerous mole during treatment for breast cancer. The duchess had several moles removed and analysed while having reconstructive surgery.

The duchess is the third royal to announce a medical procedure this week. “I have been taking some time to myself as I have been diagnosed with malignant melanoma, a form of skin cancer,” she said on Instagram on Monday.

It was her second cancer diagnosis within a year after being diagnosed with breast cancer in the summer and having undergone a mastectomy and reconstructive surgery. “Naturally another cancer diagnosis has been a shock, but I’m in good spirits and grateful for the many messages of love and support,” she added.

Last year, she had a diagnosis of breast cancer, following a routine mammogram screening. The duchess was very public about her treatment, urging other women to get checked and using her podcast to raise awareness about breast cancer, wanting it to be a positive message to save others.

She went on to have a single mastectomy at King Edward VII hospital in London, a private clinic used by senior royals.

The 64-year-old was married to the disgraced Duke of York, Prince Andrew, for 10 years before they divorced in 1996. They continue to share a home at Royal Lodge - a property owned by the Crown Estate at Windsor Great Park.

They have two daughters - Princess Beatrice, 35, and Princess Eugenie, 33 - and three grandchildren.

What is melanoma?

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer that can spread to other parts of the body. The main cause is ultraviolet light, which comes from the sun or sunbeds.

Factors such as age, pale skin, a large number of moles, and a family history of skin cancer can increase an individual’s chances of developing melanoma. Signs to look out for include a new mole, a change in an existing mole, large moles, and even moles that are either an uneven shape or a mixture of colours.

The NHS says people who notice new moles, changes to existing moles, moles that are painful, itchy, or bleeding are encouraged to contact their GP. Individuals can lower their chances of developing melanoma by covering arms and legs when exposed to the sun and wearing sunscreen.

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037c4f No.154061

File: 5963be0c06ea572⋯.png (541.94 KB,841x892,841:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 881f62fd5b31be0⋯.png (350.47 KB,797x519,797:519,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f83e89a071c519⋯.png (22.92 KB,563x329,563:329,Clipboard.png)

File: 963e8fcc3587ac6⋯.png (237.68 KB,558x775,18:25,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20296694 (242158ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Liz Lloyd and Nicola Sturgeon controlled the 'badly organised' daily TV Covid briefings

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>>>104463 Updated Covid Bun


Liz Lloyd and Nicola Sturgeon controlled the 'badly organised' daily TV Covid briefings

The former first minister and her chief of staff could 'decide' who got to appear on the briefings, with even senior ministers such as Kate Forbes being kept 'out of the loop'

Ben Borland

24 JAN 2024

Nicola Sturgeon and her chief of staff Liz Lloyd had the final say over the televised daily Covid briefings that became such a feature of life in Scotland during the pandemic.

The former first minister was frequently criticised for turning the briefings into "an SNP party political broadcast" and using them for "party political point-scoring" against both the UK Government and her opponents in Holyrood. She stubbornly resisted calls to give updates in the Scottish Parliament chamber, where she could be scrutinised by MSPs.

Instead, she appeared to enjoy the relatively tame questions from political journalists. Those reporters who did ask awkward questions – such as the former Scottish Daily Express political editor Tom Martin – were usually left right to the end of the broadcast and often berated publicly by Ms Sturgeon.

Now the UK Covid Inquiry has revealed a glimpse of how the Scottish Government organised the briefings, which were shown live on the BBC. It came courtesy of a WhatsApp exchange from June 2020 between National Clinical Director Jason Leitch and then finance secretary Kate Forbes.

Professor Leitch, who became a household name thanks to the briefings, was asked by Ms Forbes – clearly irked after a Friday slot was changed to a Monday – how she could find out more information about the schedule.

In a series of messages, she wrote: "You know more than I do... How do I get this info?... Information is power."

Prof Leitch replied: "It's actually not easy to get. It's not very well organised. Basically Liz L and FM decide... And it changes at short notice."

Asked about the exchange by lead counsel to the inquiry Jamie Dawson KC, he described the 'not very well organised' comment as a "flippant remark" that was "probably not fair".

He added: "However, there is some truth in the fact that we didn't always know which week which clinical advisers were going to do and we sometimes switched them around at short notice. Partly our fault, partly the fault of the communications team who were organising it."

On X, formerly Twitter, think tank boss Sam Taylor from These Islands said: "This appears to be Jason Leitch joking with Kate Forbes about how out of the loop she was in June 2020. Interesting."

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037c4f No.154062

File: 07b93a25de9f221⋯.png (720.48 KB,842x899,842:899,Clipboard.png)

File: b0c3efdd6e260ec⋯.png (259.52 KB,824x466,412:233,Clipboard.png)

File: 95feee7a04ff20b⋯.png (393.12 KB,554x842,277:421,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dbfcad453ea733⋯.png (191 KB,543x665,543:665,Clipboard.png)

File: be77f51c3324870⋯.png (269.68 KB,821x400,821:400,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20296924 (242235ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jason Leitch's mask 'workaround' has exposed SNP mandate as the political sham many knew it was

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Jason Leitch's mask 'workaround' has exposed SNP mandate as the political sham many knew it was

The National Clinical Director's advice to Humza Yousaf has exposed the pointlessness of the face covering rules that Nicola Sturgeon insisted on keeping in Scotland for longer than the rest of the UK

Douglas Dickie

24 JAN 2024

Jason Leitch probably wishes everyone in Scotland was being forced to wear a mask again. For a start, he'd be able to enjoy a period of relative anonymity after his brutal UK Covid Inquiry evidence.

Plus, even if he was recognised, he wouldn't be able to make out what people were mouthing at him. It would unlikely to be a compliment.

The National Clinical Director's reputation has been dragged through a hedge in the past few days. And he's got no-one to blame but himself. Well, no-one to blame but himself and a political party hell-bent on using a global pandemic to feed its own propaganda machine.

His deleted WhatsApp messages have been well covered, although not the "bed time ritual", he claims. Instead it was his advice to Humza Yousaf on mask-wearing rules in November 2021 that have created the biggest headlines.

Leitch told the then-health secretary that he could avoid wearing a mask at a dinner event if he had a drink in his hand at all times when standing up and talking to people. In a WhatsApp exchange, partially redacted in true Scottish Government style, Yousaf had asked: "I know sitting at the table I don’t need my mask. If I’m standing talking to folk need me mask on (sic)?"

Leith had responded: "Officially yes. But literally no one does. Have a drink in your hands at ALL times. Then you’re exempt. So if someone comes over and you stand, lift your drink."

There are several questions that arise from this little nugget. Firstly, why was the health minister having to be educated on his own rules? And why was the National Clinical Director giving him advice on how to circumvent - at the very least - the spirit of the rules?

Leitch has denied he offered Yousaf a "workaround". But even if you take that at face value, the exchange unwittingly reveals something else about the Scottish Government's Covid strategy - it was used by Nicola Sturgeon, ironically no stranger to breaking her own mask rules, and the SNP to ferment division in the UK.

Leitch acknowledged that "literally no one" was following the rules. This is false. I know plenty of people, especially older people who were doing their best to stick to every regulation while Yousaf was handed a get-out clause.

But regardless, despite believing the rules weren't being followed, Leitch was happy to go along with the mask mandate. What's more, in telling Yousaf to keep a drink in his hand so he talk to people, he is giving the game away that the mandate probably wouldn't work anyway, at least in hospitality settings, despite claims it would save lives.

There may have been justification for masks in certain circumstances such as public transport, but they were never going to work in pubs and restaurants. It was just a nonsense. Yet the SNP couldn't miss an opportunity to create the image of Scotland being different from England, even if a vital industry suffered in the process. So a party that was at pains to say the virus did not recognise borders were happy to create the illusion that it recognised the difference between someone walking to the toilet and someone sitting down with a drink.

We know the SNP would sink to using Covid to push their independence agenda. That's because documents referred to by the Inquiry confirm Sturgeon's cabinet was looking at that as early as the summer of 2020.

Funnily enough, it was around this time that Sturgeon started to diverge from the rest of the UK. It had been Boris Johnson who put us all into lockdown in March 2020, not Sturgeon. Yet after that, she decided, no doubt with the words of Devi Sridhar sitting in her personal SNP email inbox, to furrow her own path in Scotland.

More often than not, this included tiny alterations to UK Government guidance, but occasionally it meant keeping Scots under strict lockdown rules for longer. And, of course, keeping face coverings long after they had been ditched elsewhere in the UK.

Jason Leitch may well have been an advocate of mask-wearing for the right reasons. But he turned out to be a handy front for the SNP government's true target - breaking up the UK.

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037c4f No.154063

File: 7fe1bfb394af7cb⋯.png (633.81 KB,809x849,809:849,Clipboard.png)

File: 3329a728c0b2192⋯.png (299.9 KB,808x471,808:471,Clipboard.png)

File: 35732e2f7143ee6⋯.png (412.03 KB,562x861,562:861,Clipboard.png)

File: 73f99dc07b08529⋯.png (201.37 KB,567x506,567:506,Clipboard.png)

File: 64e6c2935c37d62⋯.png (144.3 KB,573x419,573:419,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20297565 (250038ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / UK Covid Inquiry has exposed Nicola Sturgeon, Jason Leitch and Devi Sridhar as a parcel of rogues

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UK Covid Inquiry has exposed Nicola Sturgeon, Jason Leitch and Devi Sridhar as a parcel of rogues

Robert Burns would surely agree those supposed to lead the country through Covid have been found out - and it's hard to believe the Scottish probe would have been so forensic

Douglas Dickie

23 JAN 2024

It is ironic in a week we celebrate Robert Burns that a modern-day 'parcel of rogues' has been exposed. Scotland's national bard famously used that term to describe those who signed up to the Union in 1707, although Burns' own relationship with Britain was complex and he is one of the few figures from Scottish history not to have suffered from the increasing polarisation of our politics.

The current crop of scoundrels are also politicians - although not all of them. They include a dentist and an American personal trainer, along with a few others. They are all intelligent people, which makes their glaring miscalculations all the more baffling.

But then arrogance can often blind people to what is right. And arrogance simply drips from Nicola Sturgeon, Jason Leitch and Devi Sridhar.

Professors Leitch and Sridhar have been giving evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry. And to say it has been 'bombshell' is to massively understate it. I initially felt the derision placed on Leitch's dental background was unfair when evaluating his role as Scotland's National Clinical Director.

In the early days of the pandemic he seemed an apolitical voice of reason. But the persona quickly wore off. Behind the scenes he was mopping up his WhatsApp messages to ensure there would never be any critique of them in the public eye.

Leitch and the rest of the Scottish Government team were handed huge power over our everyday lives, yet he wanted to dodge scrutiny and hide behind claims no decisions were made through informal channels. But deleted WhatsApps have already been surpassed as the biggest scandal to come out of the UK inquiry, at least in Scotland.

Leitch's admission that Humza Yousaf didn't even know his own Covid rules probably doesn't come as much of a surprise. Yousaf never has seemed the sort it would be hard to confuse.

But his advice on how to circumvent the rules should spark outrage. Leitch claims telling Youaf to keep a drink in hand so he didn't need to wear a mask at a dinner might not have been a loophole to break the rules - but it was certainly against the spirit of the rules.

Leitch claims there was a "nuance" about the directives at the time. Yet that was never transmitted to the public. Throughout the pandemic Sturgeon and Leitch had been clear that these laws had to be followed, quite often by a claim they would save lives. But in giving out advice on how to stretch the guidance, Leitch has exposed much of Scotland's Covid response as a total sham.

There are very serious potential consequences of this. Any future pandemic may merit a similar response to Covid, but will people trust those dishing out the regulations? After all, there might be "nuance" to them.

Next up was Sridhar, who famously launched a second career as a physical trainer, even offering her services to Sturgeon. As a private citizen, she is not subject to the same examination as civil servants, although she was part of the government's Covid Advisory Group along with 19 others, including the likes of Linda Bauld.

Yet her influence over Sturgeon - and general dislike of the UK - was obvious throughout and merely confirmed when it emerged the former first minister had handed over an SNP email to Sridhar, in the process making sure any messages between the pair remained out of the clutches of a freedom of information request. As a result, Sridhar's true influence during the pandemic will likely remain as mysterious as Sturgeon's WhatsApps.

The fact we're aware of any involvement is a testament to the UK Covid Inquiry which has been rigorous in looking to hold those who made the decisions to account. It is hard to believe the Scottish inquiry, looking increasingly like a box-ticking exercise, would be quite so forensic.

Thankfully, Sturgeon, Leitch, Sridhar and the rest have not been given an easy ride. And the contempt they held for the country has been exposed at last.

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037c4f No.154064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20298092 (250209ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / STV: Analysis: Should Jason Leitch be sacked after Covid Inquiry evidence (video)

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Analysis: Should Jason Leitch be sacked after Covid Inquiry evidence #news #debate #covid

STV News

49.1K subscribers

7,651 views Jan 24, 2024

The UK Covid Inquiry has come to Edinburgh to examine how the Scottish government handled the pandemic.

The spotlight shone on the nation's clinical director Professor Jason Leitch. The senior adviser was pilloried last week after the revelation that, during the Covid crisis, he had told officials that deleting his WhatsApps had become a "pre-bed ritual".

This evidence session gave him a chance to respond to that, and also to the suggestion that he offered tips to Humza Yousaf to 'work-around' mask-wearing rules.

Scotland Tonight weighed up Professor Leitch's evidence with the health journalist Pennie Taylor and the political editor of The Scottish Sun Conor Matchett.

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037c4f No.154065

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20308189 (262142ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf and his minister Angus Robertson WERE involved in wife Nadia El-Nakla's 'personal' visit to Istanbul

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Humza Yousaf and his minister Angus Robertson WERE involved in wife Nadia El-Nakla's 'personal' visit to Istanbul

The First Minister wrote that his wife should 'do the call' with Turkish first lady Emine Erdogan showing the Scottish Government helped to facilitate the visit to the peace summit

Ben Borland

23 JAN 2024

Bombshell new documents prove the First Minister was directly involved in setting up his wife's controversial trip to Istanbul for a conference on the crisis in the Middle East.

Nadia El-Nakla raised eyebrows when she flew to the 'One Heart for Palestine' event last November following an invitation from Emine Erdogan, the wife of President Erdogan. She spoke alongside the wives of leaders from 15 countries including Qatar, Turkmenistan and Libya.

At the time, the Scottish Government insisted she attended the event in a "personal capacity" and she was accompanied by an SNP press officer. However, it has now emerged that ministers and officials were involved in setting up the trip after the Turkish consulate-general approached the external affairs department on November 6.

Emails released to The Times show that a request was made to set up a call between the Turkish first lady and El-Nakla, who is a Dundee city councillor, which would include an invitation to a "meeting she plans to host... on the crisis in Gaza".

The head of European relations at the Scottish Government then wrote to Humza Yousaf and External Affairs Secretary Angus Robertson, recommending a holding response while "officials seek further information about the event from the Turkish consulate-general".

The following day Yousaf said that his wife should "do the call" but agreed that further information on the event was needed. On November 8, Emine Erdogan rang El-Nakla on her personal phone. An official said that the call took place "unexpectedly and unsupported", suggesting that no prior briefing was given and no official listened in to the call, which is the usual protocol for official calls.

The following Monday, Robertson's office said that it had received a letter from the Turkish consulate. Yousaf's principal private secretary replied to say: "Please be advised that the first minister's wife intends to take up the invitation to attend the event in Turkey in a personal capacity. The invitation is therefore not to be managed in a government space. Can you let me know if you are still receiving approaches from the consulate?"

The Foreign Office in London was informed of the invitation but, after being told that El-Nakla was attending in a personal capacity, decided that "no official assistance was being given to her".

The First Minister has been criticised for accepting the offer a "new year phone call" for talks with Erdogan after inviting him to Scotland when they met at the Cop28 climate conference in Dubai. Erdogan has been condemned for his treatment of Kurds in his own country.

El-Nakla, 39, whose parents were trapped in Gaza for almost a month before escaping on November 3, used the event at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul to call for an "immediate ceasefire". Other delegates at the summit were from the likes of the United Arab Emirates, Uzbekistan, Egypt and Palestine.

The Scottish Government said: "The Scottish Government was not represented at the meeting in Istanbul hosted by the first lady of Turkey. The first minister's wife attended the meeting in a personal capacity."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154066

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20308318 (262200ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / BBC blasted for turning damning inquiry revelations into a 'puff' piece for foul-mouthed Nicola Sturgeon

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BBC blasted for turning damning inquiry revelations into a 'puff' piece for foul-mouthed Nicola Sturgeon

The coverage of the UK Covid Inquiry has focused on the 'expletive-laden' language used by the former first minister to describe Boris Johnson... although the BBC admit 'nobody in the SNP will be bothered about that'

Ben Borland

26 JAN 2024

Critics on social media have lambasted the BBC for its coverage of the latest damning revelations in the UK Covid Inquiry. The headline on the website read: 'Nicola Sturgeon called Boris Johnson a 'clown', inquiry hears'.

The report didn't say that she had in fact called the then Prime Minister a "f***ing clown" in WhatsApp messages exchanged with former chief of staff Liz Lloyd on her government phone. Instead, the BBC reported that she had typed "He is a (expletive) clown" and described his speech to the nation as "(expletive) excruciating".

On the BBC News at Ten, however, newsreader Jane Hill issued a warning about "very strong language that you may find offensive". Scotland editor James Cook then read out the "expletive laden" messages in full... including the word "fucking" said twice live on television with no bleeping.

On X, Jamie Blackett, the former leader of George Galloway's anti-nationalist All For Unity alliance, said: "@BBCNews contrives to turn evidence of Nicola Sturgeon's unfitness for public office into an opportunity to reinforce its own prejudices about Boris Johnson."

Former Sky News and GB News journalist Colin Brazier added: "Amazing and depressing coverage from BBC. Couldn't believe the 'line' they took. Somehow managing to turn something damning into a 'puff' piece for Sturgeon."

In his online analysis for the BBC, Cook wrote: "The tight relationship between Liz Lloyd and Nicola Sturgeon is reflected in the blunt language Ms Sturgeon used in a message to her then chief of staff, describing Boris Johnson as a clown. No one in the SNP will be bothered about that – it's not far from the former first minister's publicly-expressed view."

All of the BBC coverage played down the fact that Ms Sturgeon – who has not retained any WhatsApp messages – has always insisted that she didn't use the messaging app for conducting government business, a claim which is undermined by the reams of messages she exchanged with Ms Lloyd.

Frustratingly for those who would rather focus on the damning evidence about Ms Sturgeon's handling of the pandemic, her "blunt language" dominated the headlines on social media as well as in Thursday evening's TV reports and Friday morning's newspaper headlines.

The pro-SNP newspaper The National even had a front page headline declaring: 'Messages say what we were ALL thinking' while SNP MP Pete Wishart tweeted: "Wait till you see what the Tories were calling him..."

Alastair Grant, political editor of The Scotsman, noted: "For many in Scotland, the revelation that Nicola Sturgeon described Boris Johnson as a 'f***ing clown' during the height of the coronavirus pandemic won't put much of a black mark against her name."

Blogger and economist Kevin Hague added that he doesn't "care if Sturgeon called the PM a 'f***ing clown - anybody focusing on that as the issue is only helping distract from what actually matters here".

Meanwhile, many nationalists and other liberal admirers of Ms Sturgeon were even celebrating fake reports that she had used other insulting, derogatory and offensive terms to describe Tory ministers.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154067

File: 146e2ae6b977a9d⋯.png (359.5 KB,845x856,845:856,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20308448 (262219ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Scotland's top doctors made 'sneering' and 'shameful' comments about Lanarkshire Covid outbreak

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Scotland's top doctors made 'sneering' and 'shameful' comments about Lanarkshire Covid outbreak

National Clinical Director Jason Leitch and Chief Medical Officer Gregor Smith were urged by the Scottish Tories to apologise to Lanarkshire residents over jokes made in a Covid Outbreak WhatsApp group.

David Walker

24 JAN 2024

Scotland's top doctors made "sneering" and "shameful" comments about a Covid outbreak in Lanarkshire as the Scottish Government is under growing pressure to take disciplinary action against them. National Clinical Director Jason Leitch and Chief Medical Officer Gregor Smith made jokes about the virus infecting a number of people in the region.

Messages from a WhatsApp chat named Covid Outbreak Group were revealed in evidence to the UK Covid Inquiry. Members of it were leading figures in the country's response to the deadly disease, including chief nursing officer Fiona McQueen and deputy chief medical officer Nicola Steedman.

Dr Smith and Professor Leitch are already facing criticism for deleting their correspondence during the pandemic, although both insist this was done to follow Scottish Government guidance. The latter is facing calls to resign as he advised then-health secretary Humza Yousaf how to dodge face mask rules while he was at an event.

In the chat, an outbreak in Lanarkshire in August 2020 is discussed, with an unnamed official listing that there were four positive cases who had 18 contacts and attended one house party and one Japanese restaurant. Dr Jim McMenamin, who was Public Health Scotland's Strategic Incident Director at the time, responded by writing: "The Clelland [sic] case managed to go to 11 different locations in the one night including the restaurant!"

Dr Smith replies "that's Lanarkshire for you. Hardcore." Professor Leitch adds: "Only 11. #slacker" and Dr McMenamin replies with a laughing emoji.

A few hours later, Dr Smith messages the chat to say "Just a wee reminder - sure everyone is already on this - to regularly delete conversation and make sure any recordable decisions / info are captured in email form." A number of members responded to confirm they will do this.

The Scottish Tories demanded that those involved in the damning chat apologise to Lanarkshire residents. Deputy leader and local MSP Meghan Gallacher said: "This shameful and sneering exchange once again exposes a rotten culture at the heart of the SNP Government. My constituents in Lanarkshire will be appalled that senior medical advisers were joking in the face of a Covid outbreak in the area.

“In what world did Jason Leitch and others think sending private messages like this was appropriate in the face of a deadly virus? If this is the sort of messages that are coming to light, then we can only imagine what messages senior figures have consigned to history, especially in light of Gregor Smith asking people to do just that during this conversation.

“Those involved in these messages owe families an urgent apology. There is simple no excuse for this contemptuous behaviour at a time when their full focus should have been protecting public health, rather than sniggering away in private about how Covid was being spread.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The Scottish Government is committed to responding to both the UK and Scottish Covid-19 inquiries, as learning lessons from the pandemic is vital to prepare for the future. It would be inappropriate to comment on the detail of evidence being considered by the UK Covid Inquiry while hearings are ongoing.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154068

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20308758 (262301ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon's government being probed by elite detectives amid alleged Alex Salmond leak

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Nicola Sturgeon's government being probed by elite detectives amid alleged Alex Salmond leak

Police Scotland is currently investigating how news about sexual misconduct complaints against the former first minister was leaked to the media and whether the Scottish Government was involved.

David Walker

25 JAN 2024

Nicola Sturgeon's government is being probed by a squad of elite detectives amid allegations that it leaked information about sexual misconduct complaints against former first minister Alex Salmond. Details of the government inquiry into the Alba Party leader was given to the press back in 2018.

News that two female civil servants complained about his behaviour first appeared in the Daily Record in August 2018, with investigations launched by the Scottish Government and the Information Commissioner failing to establish how the paper got hold of the details.

In 2021, Mr Salmond referred this matter to Police Scotland, with the probe being codenamed Operation Newbiggin. He won a court case against the SNP Executive after a judicial review concluded the investigation into him had been unlawful, unfair and "tainted by apparent bias" and ordered them to pay him more than £500,000 in legal costs.

The Scottish Daily Mail reports that detectives from the Specialist Crime Division of Police Scotland at the Scottish Crime Campus in Gartcosh, Lanarkshire are questioning potential witnesses. This premises houses the Organised Crime and Counter-Terrorism Unit.

Scottish Tory MSP Russell Findlay posted on social media that he was asked for a statement by cops looking into Operation Newbiggin. He tweeted: "Police Scotland organised crime unit investigating Nicola Sturgeon government's alleged leaking of confidential info about Alex Salmond have asked me for a statement. Happy to help, but unsure if I can add much to particular SNP crime probe [Operation Newbiggin]."

It is understood that he was asked about a story he had written about Ms Sturgeon when he was a journalist in 2018, which was shortly before news of a government probe against Mr Salmond came to light. The SNP are currently the focus of three criminal probes, including Operation Branchform about alleged fraud within the party's finances, and a Crown Office investigation into claims of possible perjury at the former first minister's criminal trial.

He was cleared of charges of sexual misconduct, including attempted rape, and this has led to a court battle between him and Scottish ministers. He alleges that Ms Sturgeon is guilty of "misfeasance" while other government figures, including former permanent secretary Leslie Evans, were accused of acting in "bad faith" to harm him.

The Alba Party leader is understood to be seeking damages and loss of earnings of more than £3m. But Ms Sturgeon has said she "utterly refutes" the claim against her. Asked about Operation Newbiggin, a Police Scotland spokesman said: "Inquiries are ongoing."

Mr Salmond told the Daily Mail: "I am aware that Operation Newbiggin is ongoing and interviewing people with regard to the criminal leak of information from inside the Scottish Government to a newspaper. However, beyond that I cannot comment on an ongoing police inquiry." A spokesman for Ms Sturgeon said: "It would not be appropriate to comment on a live police investigation."

The SNP have been under investigation by Police Scotland for an allegedly missing £600k of ring-fenced Indyref2 cash being spent elsewhere since 2021, as well as Operation Newbiggin going on for the same amount of time.

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037c4f No.154069

File: 2407a970c9c7c36⋯.png (654.83 KB,828x899,828:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20309275 (270020ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Fraser Nelson exposes how the SNP's 'McMafia' have subverted weak Holyrood and corrupted the Edinburgh civil service

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Fraser Nelson exposes how the SNP's 'McMafia' have subverted weak Holyrood and corrupted the Edinburgh civil service

The editor of The Spectator says the SNP establishment now has 'more in common with gangsterism than government' as the damning revelations from the UK Covid Inquiry continue to send shockwaves through Scotland

Ben Borland

26 JAN 2024

A blistering takedown from the editor of The Spectator has detailed how the SNP has used devolution to push the cause of Scottish independence and in doing so tarnished both the Scottish Parliament and the once-independent civil service.

Fraser Nelson, who reported on Scottish politics in the early 2000s, said a Nationalist MSP once "explained the the thinking to me", adding: "In a devolved Scotland, any crisis could be turned to their advantage. If say, there was an earthquake in Armenia, Scottish aid could take off from Edinburgh airport flying the Scottish flag. Small steps but, for the SNP, this was the mission."

The veteran journalist said it now seems "naive" to imagine that Holyrood would bring "more scrutiny, more open-ness and more accountability". Although Scottish Labour "hoarded" power in the early years, the SNP "made centralisation worse" with the creation of Police Scotland and the unpopular "Curriculum for Excellence".

The Covid pandemic saw the apogee of this as Nicola Sturgeon "made herself the face of the crisis response" and ordered officials to find comparisons with England that "showed Scotland in a better light". Thanks to the UK Covid Inquiry, we know that ministers agreed to restart work on Scexit on June 30, 2020.

The "civil service in Scotland was also deeply complicit", writes Nelson, citing Jason Leitch's infamous claim that deleting WhatsApp messages was a "pre-bed ritual" and his advice to Humza Yousaf on how to dodge the (unnecessary and ineffective) face mask rules. "Have a drink in your hands at all times," he said.

Gregor Smith, the chief medical officer, and Ken Thomson, one of Scotland's top mandarins, reminded colleagues to clear their messages, while Thomson boasted that "plausible deniability are my middle names".

Nelson writes: "Thomson was once the right-hand man of the straight-playing Donald Dewar, regarded as the father of devolution. To see him talking like an SNP hit man, adopting a modus operandi that has more in common with gangsterism than government, is indicative of the deeper decay with which Scots are all too familiar."

Boom! Mic drop.

But the takedown doesn't stop there. To illustrate how far the civil service has fallen, Nelson highlights the "near-total absence of 'ministerial directions' since the SNP came to power". These are issued when ministers need to override objections from top civil servants about a particular policy. There have been 52 issued to Whitehall departments since 2010 but none at all in Scotland since August 2007, three months after the Nats came to power.

The "weak legislature" at the Scottish Parliament (where there is no second chamber, committees have fewer powers and MSPs do not have the protection of parliamentary privilege) has also been exploited by the SNP, allowing ministers to railroad through "inept and error-strewn" laws that are then challenged and often thrown out in the courts.

Nelson concludes: "The clique that now runs Scotland is unable to distinguish between the objectives of a political party and the proper conduct of government. In the next election, perhaps both Labour and the Tories will promise Scots a form of constitutional repair – some steps to restore civil service neutrality, giving Holyrood more powers to hold the Scottish government to account."

We live in hope, although the next election isn't until 2026 and still seems a LONG way off.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154070

File: b75db4142eae8cd⋯.png (409.72 KB,821x899,821:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20309488 (270058ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Lockdown bombshell: Nicola Sturgeon told 'there was pretty much zero benefit in keeping us indoors'

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Lockdown bombshell: Nicola Sturgeon told 'there was pretty much zero benefit in keeping us indoors'

The former first minister's 'empty rhetoric' on Covid-19 was slammed at the UK Covid Inquiry in a brutal assessment from a professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh

Richard Elias

25 JAN 2024

A professor has given a brutal assessment of the Scottish Government's response to the outbreak of Covid. In a withering attack, Mark Woolhouse, who was part of Holyrood's advisory group during the crisis, slammed the decision to shut schools a second time, while also labelling the stay-at-home rules "never necessary".

The shocking analysis came as the UK Covid Inquiry continued its three-week stint in Edinburgh. Prof Woolhouse was a member of the Scottish Government Covid-19 Advisory Group during the pandemic.

But yesterday he slammed the then-first minister Nicola Sturgeon for her "empty rhetoric" when she spoke about Covid deaths. Prof Woolhouse gave evidence to the inquiry - chaired by Baroness Heather Hallett - claiming that hundreds of people may have died unnecessarily after being told not to "bother" the NHS.

He continued that, in his opinion, when Scotland went into lockdown, the Scottish Government did not have "the faintest idea how long we would be in it for". The professor stated that another of Holyrood's Covid orders that Scots should stay at home was "never necessary".

He explained that this was because the 'R' number - a measure of the disease's reproduction rate - was already decreasing before such measures were put in place in March 2020.

Prof Woolhouse said that it had been clear from early on in the pandemic that there was "very good evidence" Covid transmitted "very poorly" outdoors. He added: "There was pretty much zero public health benefit to keeping us indoors. That wasn't required at all - we never needed to do that. There are caveats like, if people are outdoors and being intimate, that's something.There was never any need for that."

Another of his criticisms related to rules prohibiting people going on solo hillwalks during lockdown as "utterly absurd". He added: "It devalues the whole idea of social distancing. Anyone can see this is nonsense. We had very good evidence coming back from China that the novel coronavirus transmits poorly outdoors - very poorly."

The expert said other lockdown rules were equally unnecessary. He continued: "Another good example that was an absolute outcry in the summer of 2020 was that people were going to beaches. There was never an outbreak of Covid anywhere in the world linked to a beach. It was fine."

In May 2020, Ms Sturgeon had told MSPs that she felt like "crying" after watching hundreds of people gathered at beaches across the country.

'It wasn't necessary and we did it anyway'

Prof Woolhouse admitted that during the first lockdown school closures were "justifiable" but said it "quickly became apparent" schools were contributing "so little" to the spread of the disease. He claimed there was "essentially no danger" that re-opening schools would take infection rates past any key "tipping point".

He added: "Closing schools, I accept, essentially, as a precautionary measure of the first lockdown because, let us face it, people had to be panicking at that stage. It was necessary or justifiable. But we should have realised much more quickly - based on the evidence from around the world - this was not an essential element of our lockdown."

Referring to the announcement of school closures during the second lockdown, the professor said: "It wasn't necessary and we did it anyway."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154071

File: 43d66cdf86d849d⋯.png (475.44 KB,568x861,568:861,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20309496 (270100ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Lockdown bombshell: Nicola Sturgeon told 'there was pretty much zero benefit in keeping us indoors'

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Prof Woolhouse was then asked about Holyrood's general approach to tackling the pandemic. He replied: "I have to say I didn't really understand the Scottish Government strategy over the summer of 2020. The emphasis was on a very, very cautious relaxation from lockdown and it seemed to be important to the politicians that it was more cautious than the one in England."

The professor went on: "So they were emphasising that, but they did not articulate in any way that I understood what they thought the public health benefit of this caution actually would be, given what we said about a second wave.

"And this segued into this idea that, actually, the falling cases would somehow continue and we could end up with zero Covid. So that to me was, in a polite way of putting this, not consistent with the evidence that has been available since February 2020."

In one email, sent by the witness in January 2020, he warned that the health system would become "completely overwhelmed" within a year if action was not taken. He claimed that Scotland's then chief medical officer, Dr Catherine Calderwood - who later was forced to stand down after admitting breaching Covid rules - had not been "listening" to his concerns.

The inquiry lead counsel, Jamie Dawson KC, asked the witness whether "the medical advisers of the government [had] at least the ability to do the basic epidemiology and arithmetic, but are you suggesting that, given the number that came up, they rather froze?" Prof Woolhouse replied: "Yes."

Referring to Ms Sturgeon's statement that "no Covid death was acceptable", Prof Woolhouse described this as "empty rhetoric" which "devalues non-Covid deaths".

He added: "It misleads everybody. It misleads the public. No Covid death was acceptable, but other kinds of deaths apparently are and they rose. It gives an entirely false impression of what the future holds, how this pandemic is going to look."

People died because the 'focus' was on Covid

Prof Woolhouse said the only way to achieve the "no Covid death acceptable" policy would have been to implement a "zero Covid" plan, consisting of "indefinite" lockdown. But he stressed such measures were "never deliverable".

The witness went on claim that the Scottish Government's advice "not to bother the NHS" during the pandemic unless it was absolutely necessary led to "probably hundreds" of deaths in Scotland as hospital admissions "fell off a cliff".

He explained: "Most of the hospitals in Scotland had their quietest time in living memory during the first lockdown because no one else was going to hospital. And a lot of those people should have been going to hospital. They died because the focus of the government was on preparing the NHS in Scotland for Covid."

Last night, a Scottish Government spokesman said: "(We are) committed to responding to both the UK and Scottish Covid-19 inquiries, as learning lessons from the pandemic is vital to prepare for the future. It would be inappropriate to comment on the detail of evidence being considered by the UK Covid Inquiry while hearings are ongoing.

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037c4f No.154072

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20309524 (270105ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Mark Woolhouse on the Scottish government's Covid approach (video)

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Mark Woolhouse on the Scottish government's Covid approach



I have to say I


didn't understand the Scottish


government strategy over the the summer




20120 the emphasis was on a very very


cautious relaxation from


Lockdown and it seemed to be important


to the politicians that it was more


cautious than the one in England so they


were emphasizing that they didn't




in any way that I understood what they


thought the public health benefit of


this caution actually would be and given


what we said about a second wave and


then this segued into this idea that


actually the the falling cases in


Scotland would somehow continue and we


could end up in zero covid so that to me




um I'm trying to think of a polite way


of putting this


uh this was not consistent with the


evidence that had been available since


February 2020

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037c4f No.154073

File: 58e325ead74056b⋯.png (457.83 KB,812x899,28:31,Clipboard.png)

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File: 050c345a48ef2f5⋯.png (122.27 KB,540x463,540:463,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20309628 (270127ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Damning Liz Lloyd evidence showed Nicola Sturgeon DID make decisions on WhatsApp as she bemoaned lack of credit for Covid response

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Damning Liz Lloyd evidence showed Nicola Sturgeon DID make decisions on WhatsApp as she bemoaned lack of credit for Covid response

The former first minister has claimed that she did not do 'government by WhatsApp' hence the deletion of correspondence but evidence from the UK Covid Inquiry showed that her and a key adviser DID discuss key decisions on the messaging app.

David Walker

25 JAN 2024

Damning evidence put to Nicola Sturgeon's closest ally Liz Lloyd revealed that the pair did discuss Covid decisions on WhatsApp during the pandemic, shedding doubt on the former first minister's claims that she did not "do government by WhatsApp." The ex-SNP leader claimed that she deleted her correspondence because there was no decision-making on it.

But the UK Covid Inquiry showed evidence that the two women did talk about strategies to deal with the virus, and also shared ideas to cause a "public rammy" with the UK Government. Ms Sturgeon also bemoaned the fact that she wasn't getting enough credit for how she dealt with the public health disaster.

Ms Lloyd was confronted with WhatsApp messages by junior counsel Usman Tariq who asked her about correspondence between the pair about restrictions on wedding numbers on September 22 2020. The former first minister wrote that "we haven't thought about weddings."

The adviser suggests that the Scottish Government should stick to 20 guests despite the UK Government reducing their rules from 30 to 15. She said that they should "just leave it."

Mr Tariq asked: "Is this not an example of a decision that was made very much at the last minute over WhatsApp between you and Nicola Sturgeon?" But Ms Lloyd claimed that this was a decision that was made at cabinet level and said: "“The First Minister has a strong enough mind that if she felt my advice was not the right advice, she would have said so and acted on that.

“I am advising and sought to get the correct information on a factual basis to give that advice, but the decision is very much hers [Nicola Sturgeon].” Another WhatsApp exchange was shown between the pair which dated from during former prime minister Boris Johnson's public conference in October 2020 to announce a second national lockdown.

The pair were extremely critical of Mr Johnson and Ms Sturgeon complained about the lack of credit she believed she was getting from the public. She wrote: "Comms is beyond awful. We’re not perfect but we don’t get enough credit for how much better we are.

“This is f***ing excruciating, their comms are awful. His utter incompetence in every sense is now offending me on behalf of politicians everywhere. He is a f*ing clown.”

Ms Lloyd was then confronted with more messages between her and Ms Sturgeon and was accused of using the pandemic to create public spats with the UK Government. In the messages, which were about ending furlough, the adviser said: "My reason for setting a timeline for them to answer us on furlough is purely political - especially as we expect the answer to be no, it looks awful for them, and creating that kind of pressure could possibly result in a yes (though agree we shouldn't bank on it).

"I think I just want a good old-fashioned rammy [with the UK Government] so I can think about something other than sick people. She was asked to explain these words and said: "This is an expression of frustration that we were not able to manage the pandemic at this point in time in the way we wanted. Good old-fashioned rammy’ is language I would rarely use, actually.

“There were a lot of things in Covid the UK Government did or didn’t do and we just let it go. I felt the issue of furlough was materially important to the handling of the pandemic, it was a hindrance to our ability to handle the pandemic.

“I was angry it had blocked our ability to do what we wanted to do, and that expresses that frustration bubbling over a bit.” She said this was “looking for a public spat for a purpose” as it could deliver results.

Mr Tariq put it to Ms Lloyd that she was setting a "political trap for the UK Government" as if it refuses to extend the furlough scheme to Scotland "it looks awful for them and strengthens the argument for independence." She disputed that there was "any issue of independence in this."

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037c4f No.154074

File: 9a0f9063ed2fbf1⋯.png (619.71 KB,847x899,847:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 50487276c4db1b9⋯.png (239.49 KB,592x553,592:553,Clipboard.png)

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File: 2a59ecd7bd13f1b⋯.png (313.6 KB,561x788,561:788,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20309765 (270146ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Michelle Mone has £75m of assets including Glasgow homes frozen by court order

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Michelle Mone has £75m of assets including Glasgow homes frozen by court order

Assets including nine properties in Glasgow's Park Circus linked to Conservative peer and her husband have been frozen or restrained as the National Crime Agency investigates fraud allegations

Ben Borland

26 JAN 2024

About £75million of assets linked to Conservative peer Michelle Mone and her husband have been frozen or restrained as part of a National Crime Agency (NCA) investigation into alleged PPE fraud.

A court order revealed by the Financial Times on Friday blocks Mone and her Isle of Man-based financier husband, Douglas Barrowman, from selling some of the assets and places restrictions on others.

It covers nine properties in Glasgow's upmarket Park Circus, as well as a six-bedroom townhouse in London's Belgravia and a country estate on the Isle of Man. Under the order, the Glasgow properties – which are said to be owned through a company based in the Isle of Man – cannot be sold but rental income from them is not restrained.

The Glaswegian businesswoman and lingerie entrepreneur has been at the centre of a scandal relating to the sale of allegedly faulty personal protective equipment during the Covid-19 pandemic. PPE Medpro, owned by a consortium led by Barrowman, won government contracts worth more than £200m in May 2020.

It later emerged the company had been placed in a "VIP lane" for Covid contracts by ministers after recommendations from Mone. The NCA opened an investigation in May 2021 into "suspected criminal offences" committed in the procurement of the PPE contracts.

In December, Mone told The Sunday Times she was being "treated like Pablo Escobar" after having her bank accounts frozen. The order revealed by the FT also covers 15 accounts at Coutts, C Hoare & Co and Goldman Sachs International.

The NCA is investigating Mone and Barrowman in relation to "allegations of conspiracy to defraud, fraud by false representation, and bribery, which they both categorically deny", according to a recent documentary funded by PPE Medpro.

The UK Government is also suing PPE Medpro, claiming a breach of contract in relation to £122m worth of "inadequate" protective gowns. PPE Medpro has denied that the goods were faulty and is contesting the lawsuit.

A spokesman for Mone and Barrowman told the FT the December court order was "a result of a consensual process" following negotiations with the Crown Prosecution Service.

"It allows the wider businesses and assets of the Barrowman family to operate normally and free from any restrictions or uncertainties," he added. "Doug and Michelle did not contest the application and were happy to offer up these assets, which means they can begin the task of proving their innocence more quickly."

The Belgravia residence, which features a sauna and steam room, and a purple-carpeted cinema room, has been on the market for £25m, the FT revealed earlier this month.

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037c4f No.154075

File: 3e51e3c500897b4⋯.png (955.36 KB,895x894,895:894,Clipboard.png)

File: ce546a93bc0df1b⋯.png (17.73 KB,615x152,615:152,Clipboard.png)

File: 1aab7ab234f8ae4⋯.png (122.9 KB,558x840,93:140,Clipboard.png)

File: f43440a336c4669⋯.png (51.77 KB,563x769,563:769,Clipboard.png)

File: c1f23360441f6a3⋯.png (662.18 KB,601x853,601:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20312480 (271555ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / UK Covid Inquiry: Humza Yousaf says Nicola Sturgeon kept him and other ministers in the dark

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UK Covid Inquiry: Humza Yousaf says Nicola Sturgeon kept him and other ministers in the dark

The UK Covid Inquiry has uncovered bombshell after bombshell about the way the Scottish Government behaved during the pandemic, with a further dramatic day of evidence in store in Edinburgh

Ben Borland

25 JAN 2024

Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf is due to give evidence to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry amid ongoing scrutiny over messages exchanged by ministers and officials during the pandemic.

The hearings in Edinburgh have already heard that his predecessor in Bute House, Nicola Sturgeon, did not retain ANY of her WhatsApp messages, while her deputy John Swinney had his phone set to auto-delete.

Professor Jason Leitch and Dr Sir Gregor Smith, the national clinical director and chief medical officer, also deleted their messages routinely. They even appeared to make light of this destruction of records, with Prof Leitch describing WhatsApp deletion as a "pre-bed ritual".

Thursday's hearings get underway with Liz Lloyd, a pivotal figure in the Scottish Government as Ms Sturgeon's chief of staff and yet somebody who is almost entirely unknown to the Scottish public.

Anticipating today's events, SNP MP Joanna Cherry tweeted: "As #BBCGMS said this morning Liz Lloyd wielded immense power & influence behind the scenes in Nicola Sturgeon’s administration. It will be healthy for our democracy to see her step out of the shadows today to be questioned about some of that. #CovidInquiry"

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037c4f No.154076

File: 7ebb9575fcf21b4⋯.png (68.04 KB,637x875,91:125,Clipboard.png)

File: ca6b9940a6b5cfb⋯.png (101.79 KB,688x783,688:783,Clipboard.png)

File: 163837e362bb4ed⋯.png (51.12 KB,611x711,611:711,Clipboard.png)

File: 33d9638ef14c052⋯.png (200.04 KB,629x806,629:806,Clipboard.png)

File: dd8c2fe9c00629d⋯.png (200.69 KB,696x763,696:763,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20312487 (271557ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / UK Covid Inquiry: Humza Yousaf says Nicola Sturgeon kept him and other ministers in the dark

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037c4f No.154077

File: 6afa2be566c285f⋯.png (55.28 KB,601x799,601:799,Clipboard.png)

File: 472737b6eac57c7⋯.png (52.41 KB,605x728,605:728,Clipboard.png)

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File: f3f3b7984149ecd⋯.png (286.49 KB,624x815,624:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20312492 (271558ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / UK Covid Inquiry: Humza Yousaf says Nicola Sturgeon kept him and other ministers in the dark

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..........................................................................................................................................................................3. continued..............................................................................................................................................................

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037c4f No.154078

File: fd76c259dde5150⋯.png (274.95 KB,517x692,517:692,Clipboard.png)

File: c8a5c47c9ca7800⋯.png (63.01 KB,542x851,542:851,Clipboard.png)

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File: d2eff17383d635a⋯.png (85.47 KB,574x715,574:715,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20312497 (271600ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / UK Covid Inquiry: Humza Yousaf says Nicola Sturgeon kept him and other ministers in the dark

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..............................................................................................................................................................................3. continued...................................................................................................................................................................

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037c4f No.154079

File: 96bd0b06a9960cf⋯.png (183.5 KB,701x601,701:601,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20312510 (271601ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / UK Covid Inquiry: Humza Yousaf says Nicola Sturgeon kept him and other ministers in the dark

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037c4f No.154080

File: 2c33a56eb2959cb⋯.png (480.51 KB,820x899,820:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f23d1d51a698e9⋯.png (179.2 KB,565x567,565:567,Clipboard.png)

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File: f7855eb475d9b80⋯.png (383.28 KB,564x859,564:859,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20312954 (271755ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Demands made for Nicola Sturgeon's 'shifty clique who betrayed' Covid bereaved to be held to account by MSPs

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Demands made for Nicola Sturgeon's 'shifty clique who betrayed' Covid bereaved to be held to account by MSPs

Scottish Tory MSP Murdo Fraser has urged the Scottish Parliament to reconvene its Covid-19 committee so it can grill the likes of the former first minister, Liz Lloyd, Jason Leitch and Gregor Smith following their UK Covid Inquiry admissions.

David Walker

26 JAN 2024

Demands have been made for Nicola Sturgeon's "shifty clique who betrayed" Scotland's Covid bereaved to face MSPs at Holyrood. The Scottish Tories are calling for the return of the Scottish Parliament's Covid-19 committee so that it can hold the SNP Executive to account.

Revelations from the UK Covid Inquiry sitting in Scotland have shocked the country, with accusations made that the nationalists attempted to "politicise" the pandemic. This was shown by Liz Lloyd writing that she wanted to create a "rammy" with the UK Government.

Other evidence provided included senior medical figures Sir Gregor Smith and Jason Leitch urging officials to delete messages at the end of every day, and former senior civil servant Ken Thomson claiming "plausible deniability" was his middle name. Ms Sturgeon and her deputy John Swinney also wiped their WhatsApps and claimed this was due to government guidance and that no decisions were made on the platform.

However, correspondence between the former first minister and her right hand woman Ms Lloyd revealed that they did talk about decisions during the pandemic, including how many people can attend weddings. The messages also showed that Ms Sturgeon was "reluctant" to follow Boris Johnson's advice.

Scottish Conservative MSP Murdo Fraser has written to Holyrood's presiding officer Alison Johnstone to request the re-establishment of the Covid-19 committee, which he served on as deputy convener, in the wake of the damning evidence heard this week.

The UK Covid Inquiry will hear from Ms Sturgeon next week, along with her health secretary Jeane Freeman, Mr Swinney and Kate Forbes. Mr Fraser accused the SNP of systemic deletion of WhatsApp messages, along with taking decisions for "purely political" reasons.

He claimed that "debased motives" underpinned their actions and the "concerted effort to thwart the inquiry” meant MSPs should get a fresh opportunity to hold to account the “shifty clique who betrayed bereaved families”. He said: "I have today written to the Presiding Officer, and the SNP’s parliamentary business manager, requesting the Covid-19 Committee be reconvened to enable MSPs to hold to account those at the top of the Scottish Government.

“The last week has exposed as a cynical charade the notion that Nicola Sturgeon’s government was motivated by the best interests of the Scottish people. Liz Lloyd’s words and the minutes of the June 2020 cabinet meeting reveal the toxic truth.

“We now know that this was a government intent on exploiting the pandemic to foster division with the UK Government, and then prevent their debased motives being exposed through the industrial-scale deletion of messages.

“Because of their concerted effort to thwart the inquiry, the shifty clique who betrayed bereaved families should be held to account by MSPs on the Covid Committee. The shameful cover-up and politicisation of a deadly pandemic must be interrogated at Holyrood.”

In messages displayed by the UK Covid Inquiry, Ms Lloyd and Ms Sturgeon complain about Boris Johnson's handling of the pandemic, with the former first minister labelling him a "f**king clown" and bemoaning the fact that people don't give her enough credit.

A Scottish Parliament spokesperson said: “Any Member can request the establishment of a committee. This would be considered by the Parliamentary Bureau. If agreed, the Bureau would recommend the establishment of the committee, including its membership, remit and duration. The Bureau’s motion would then need to be agreed by a vote of Parliament.”

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037c4f No.154081

File: 4efae1ac5269bbb⋯.png (442.12 KB,865x897,865:897,Clipboard.png)

File: 48ede7dc5c9a48c⋯.png (364.82 KB,819x705,273:235,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f7fa34bed7c746⋯.png (498.32 KB,544x864,17:27,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20313162 (271908ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Secretive SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's 'unorthodox' pay deal

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Secretive SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's 'unorthodox' pay deal

Exclusive: The National Clinical Director has worked for the Scottish Government since 2007... except he hasn't, as he is on secondment from NHS Tayside and therefore his salary and financial interests are not disclosed

Ben Borland

27 JAN 2024

The Scottish Government has been told to release details of under-fire National Clinical Director Jason Leitch’s “unorthodox” contract arrangements, including his salary and financial interests.

He became the face of the Covid pandemic in Scotland alongside Nicola Sturgeon, appearing regularly on the First Minister’s daily televised briefings and the BBC radio football show On The Ball.

However, calls are growing for him to resign or be sacked after the UK Covid Inquiry revealed damning evidence about his “flippant” attitude to record-keeping and his disparaging comments about opposition MSPs.

Now it can be revealed that despite working for the Scottish Government since 2007, he is not a government employee. Instead, he remains on secondment from NHS Tayside – meaning his salary and financial interests are not disclosed alongside other senior civil servants.

Giving evidence to the inquiry's hearing at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Tuesday, he made no reference to these unusual arrangements when it was put to him that he had a “unique role”.

Prof Leitch replied: “I think the title is unique but the role isn’t quite so unique... The closest English comparison is probably the medical director of NHS England, but it is not a direct comparison because I work for the government, we don’t have a separate NHS structure like they would have in England.”

In fact, campaigners have been trying to discover more about the medic’s contract for a number of years with numerous freedom of information requests submitted to the Scottish Government.

Asked for details of his renumeration, officials said in November 2023: “The National Clinical Director is employed on standard NHS Consultant terms and conditions by NHS Tayside and works for the Scottish Government under a Service Level Agreement.”

And in October 2020, an attempt to discover his financial interests received the following response: “Professor Leitch is not a Scottish Government employee and not required to register his personal financial interests with the Scottish Government, although may choose to do so.”

'Yet another attempt to keep the public in the dark'

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: “Jason Leitch’s unusual employment arrangements will raise eyebrows among the public. As a high-ranking SNP government advisor – and one we know played a huge part in government decisions during the pandemic – it is vital that Professor Leitch is subject to the same transparency requirements as other civil servants.

“Yet this unusual arrangement seems to allow him to dodge public scrutiny over his taxpayer-funded salary and any potential conflicts of interest. After Covid Inquiry evidence showed Jason Leitch deleted Covid WhatsApp messages as a ‘pre-bed ritual’, the public will inevitably question whether his unorthodox employment arrangement is yet another attempt to keep them in the dark.”

In previous interviews, Prof Leitch has told how he was working as a dental surgeon in the west of Scotland in 2005 when he was offered the chance to attend the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) in the USA.

This not-for-profit private healthcare firm now plays a huge role in the NHS in Scotland, while Prof Leitch is a regular at IHI conferences around the world – most recently in Orlando, Florida, in December 2023.

He said the experience “turned my career on its head” and after completing a Masters at Harvard he returned home to join the Scottish Executive alongside the incoming SNP health secretary – Nicola Sturgeon.

His biography on the gov.scot website states: “Jason has worked for the Scottish Government since 2007.”

It is not clear at what point he began working for NHS Tayside and there appears to be no record of the secondment or details of his salary and interests in NHS Tayside’s annual reports and accounts.

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037c4f No.154082

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20313166 (271909ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Secretive SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's 'unorthodox' pay deal

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Campaigners from the Action for a Safe and Accountable People’s NHS (ASAP-NHS) group have now written to Holyrood’s health committee calling for it to examine “Jason Leitch’s ‘divided loyalty’, his frequent jet-setting and his acceptance of hospitality, which raise conflict of interest questions about relationships and obligations, which might have arisen”.

When the Scottish Sunday Express asked for details of Prof Leitch’s salary, we received a carbon copy of the previous FOI response: “The National Clinical Director is employed on standard NHS Consultant terms and conditions by NHS Tayside and works for the Scottish Government under a Service Level Agreement.”

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037c4f No.154083

File: efda65f2cd0656f⋯.png (147.85 KB,524x453,524:453,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20313172 (271910ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Secretive SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's 'unorthodox' pay deal

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154084

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20313210 (271919ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Scottish Covid Bereaved lawyer rips into 'shameful' SNP for destroying evidence (video)

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Scottish Covid Bereaved lawyer rips into 'shameful' SNP for destroying evidence

The Scottish Sun

248K subscribers




















































































































































Jan 27, 2024 #scotland #politics #humzaYousaf

Scottish Covid Bereaved group lawyer, Aamer Anwar ripped into the Scottish government outside the the UK Covid-19 Inquiry, where Humza Yousaf had been giving evidence.

Mr Anwar said: 'WhatsApps, whilst announcing an external review to the handling of WhatsApps by the government.

The covid bereaved regard the first minister's statement as too little and too late.

The damage has been done, the evidence has been destroyed and today was nothing more than a shameful 11th hour scrambling to sort out a mess created by his government and predecessors.

Critical evidence was destroyed on an industrial scale.

My clients are angry at the circling of the wagons around Nicola Sturgeon, which has meant that the focus is not been on the thousands who died from Covid.

It's time that the first Minister, Hamza Yusuf, stop acting like a cheerleader for his former boss Nicola Sturgeon.

He has failed to take control.

His government has been dragged into disclosing evidence to the public inquiry on a slow drip feed WhatsApp during the critical period of the pandemic.

For the first eight months of 2020 between Les Lloyd, the chief of staff, and Nicola Sturgeon prior to September 1st 2020 no longer exist.

How very convenient the Scottish Covid Bere fought for this inquiry in December.

Families who lost loved ones during the Covid-19 pandemic have said they were “scunnered” with First Minister Humza Yousaf’s evidence to the inquiry on Thursday and said it had given them “no answers”.

The First Minister gave evidence to the UK Covid-19 inquiry on Thursday where he made an “unreserved apology” to families over the Scottish Government’s handling of WhatsApp messages exchanged throughout the pandemic.

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037c4f No.154085

File: 3b4e20925fc7efa⋯.png (465.59 KB,635x899,635:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20314308 (272303ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / BBC 'misrepresented' Covid risk to boost lockdown support, says top scientist

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>>>/qresearch/20297456 ???


BBC 'misrepresented' Covid risk to boost lockdown support, says top scientist

Corporation accused of reporting rare deaths as the norm during pandemic

Simon Johnson

25 January 2024

The BBC was allowed to “misrepresent” the risk posed by Covid to most people to boost public support for lockdown, the UK Covid Inquiry has heard.

Prof Mark Woolhouse, an eminent epidemiologist and government adviser, lambasted the corporation for having “repeatedly reported rare deaths or illnesses among healthy adults as if they were the norm”.

He said this created the “misleading impression” among BBC News viewers at the start of the pandemic that “we are all at risk” and “the virus does not discriminate”.

In reality, he said it was known at the time that the risk of dying from Covid was 10,000 times higher in the over-75s than the under-15s.

But Prof Woolhouse told the Covid Inquiry the BBC did not correct its reporting, saying: “I suspect this misinformation was allowed to stand throughout 2020 because it provided a justification for locking down the entire population.”

He said further evidence of this was provided by a briefing dated March 22 2020 by a sub-group of the UK Government’s Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) that focused on the public’s behaviour.

This stated that “a substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened; it could be that they are reassured by the low death rate in their demographic group ... the perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging”.

Prof Woolhouse said the “misperception” created by the BBC’s coverage that everyone was at risk was a “barrier to targeting interventions at the vulnerable minority who truly were at high risk from Covid”.

In his written submission to the inquiry about the impact north of the Border, he said: “I fear that Scottish Government’s pandemic response was compromised as a result.”

He also concluded that lockdown had been “least effective at protecting the most vulnerable precisely because of their need to have contacts with health care and social care workers — self-isolation was not an option.” The expert added: “This should have been recognised from the outset.”

‘Climate of fear’ in BBC during pandemic

Prof Woolhouse is professor of infectious disease epidemiology at the University of Edinburgh and was an adviser to the Scottish Government during the pandemic, although his submission said his advice was often not heeded by Nicola Sturgeon.

He also sat on the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling, which was another sub-group of SAGE.

The submission was published after he gave evidence to the inquiry on Wednesday. It is sitting in Edinburgh to examine the Scottish Government’s handling of the pandemic.

The Telegraph spoke last year to current and former BBC journalists who described a “climate of fear” existing in the corporation during the pandemic, with experienced reporters “openly mocked” if they questioned the wisdom of lockdowns, or called “dissenters”.

Some complained to senior managers about the BBC’s blinkered stance, but were ignored. Others communicated via secretive WhatsApp groups to share their frustrations, like members of a resistance movement.

Prof Woolhouse said the public was “not given accurate information” about Covid in the early stages of the pandemic.

“Some media sources — notably the BBC television news — did repeatedly misrepresent the risk posed by Covid,” he said.

“One example is that they gave the impression that hospitals were being overwhelmed during the first wave. Some (mainly in London) were, but overall hospital bed occupancy was at an all-time low during that period.

“A second example is that they routinely reported deaths of healthy young adults, thereby giving the impression that these were common. In reality, such deaths were extremely rare; the great majority of Covid deaths occurred in the elderly, frail and infirm.”

He concluded: “Possibly, this kind of coverage was an attempt to back up government public health messaging; for example, the hugely misleading claim that ‘we are all at risk’.”

The BBC was approached for comment.

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037c4f No.154086

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20314411 (272317ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Covid inquiry: BBC INFLATED risk to Brits to IMPOSE lockdown measures (video)

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Covid inquiry: BBC INFLATED risk to Brits to IMPOSE lockdown measures


1.16M subscribers

10,611 views Jan 25, 2024 #gbnews #uknews #covidinquiry

The Telegraph: BBC "misrepresented" Covid risk to boost lockdown support, inquiry told'

The Headliners panel react to a story in the Telegraph about the BBC inflating the risk of the Covid-19 virus.

#gbnews #uknews #covid19 #coronavirus #bbc #covidinquiry

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037c4f No.154087

File: 95c28ef6919c5f4⋯.png (660.74 KB,811x899,811:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20320891 (290041ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Stephen Flynn distances himself from Nicola Sturgeon and Ian Blackford amid 'lost trust' claim

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Stephen Flynn distances himself from Nicola Sturgeon and Ian Blackford amid 'lost trust' claim

The SNP Westminster leader urged the former first minister to regain the trust of angry Scots and rejected a call by his predecessor to allow nationalist politicians into the House of Lords.

David Walker

25 JAN 2024

The SNP's Westminster leader attempted to distance himself from two of the nationalist old guard as he urged Nicola Sturgeon to "win back the trust" of Scots. Stephen Flynn also hit out at his predecessor Ian Blackford for claiming that the party should start sending people to the House of Lords.

With the former first minister facing growing criticism over her handling of the Covid pandemic, including deleting her messages, the Aberdeen South MP still refused to outright criticise his ex-leader. But he did move away from outright support for the under-fire MSP.

Speaking to ITV Borders, Mr Flynn was asked whether he thought the public outcry against Ms Sturgeon will mean the SNP will take a hit in the polls at the next general election. The Covid Bereaved group have been outspoken about how their trust in the former first minister had evaporated due to evidence given at the UK Covid Inquiry.

He said: "I trusted the judgement of the First Minister during that time, I trusted her openness and honesty with the public that was rewarded in the 2021 election in the Scottish Parliament. And as I say, when Nicola comes in front of the inquiry, hopefully she can regain the trust of those people who feel that they no longer do so.

Mr Flynn was then asked whether he thought that he and his colleagues could lose a few seats at the next general election due to this scandal and "a loss of trust" from voters. Recent polling has put the SNP behind Scottish Labour, which would be a crushing loss for the nationalists.

The MP said: "I think that the general election is very much fought on the cost of living crisis, the economy, energy policy, the constitution, even migration on the basis of some of the decision that have been taken down here {at Westminster}. In relation to the Covid Inquiry, the former first minister will be able to have her say and hopefully that reassures those who perhaps doubt her in a way they didn't before."

Ms Sturgeon faced criticism from the families of those who lost their lives due to Covid following revelations that senior government figures deleted WhatsApp messages. Caroleanne Stewart, whose brother died from Covid-19(no he didn't)in 2020, said: "“I was once one of the ones sat at home, listening to the podium every morning and saying: ‘Oh my god, thank god we’re not in England’.

“I trusted them, I felt him and Nicola Sturgeon were honest and trying to be open with us and to find out that was all just a facade, I don’t understand how they can hold their head up high. I don’t understand how they are still in a job. That’s our money. We voted (for) these people and they shouldn’t be there, none of them should be there.”

Mr Flynn also rebuffed Mr Blackford's claim that the SNP should start sending people to the House of Lords, as it is a second scrutiny chamber for legislation. He said: "The House of Lords is a corrupt institution which is an archaic one, which rewards people based upon in some instances simply who they were born to. There will be no SNP MPs entering into the House of Lords or indeed any SNP members entering the House of Lords on my watch."Nor on mine

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037c4f No.154088

File: 64f02402d148034⋯.png (691.22 KB,835x898,835:898,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20321048 (290119ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon's halo slips as dark and ugly dogmatism of the SNP is finally revealed to UK's liberal left

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Nicola Sturgeon's halo slips as dark and ugly dogmatism of the SNP is finally revealed to UK's liberal left

Political expert MATTHEW GOODWIN says the Covid Inquiry has exposed the true face of Scottish nationalism to the progressive cheerleaders down south who hailed Saint Nicola for so long



ByMatthew Goodwin, Professor of Politics, Kent University

28 JAN 2024

Sometimes, in politics, the curtain is pulled back so that everybody can finally see things for what they well and truly are. And this is exactly what happened last week with Nicola Sturgeon.

Not that long ago, Saint Nicola was lauded – by an alliance of liberals, left progressives, and fawning BBC journalists – as the brave and honourable leader who would steer them to their socially liberal, if not radically woke, paradise north of the border.

They hated Brexit. They hated Boris. They hated the Tories. And I’d go even further – more than a few probably hate the British people, who since Brexit they routinely denounced as racists, bigots, Gammons, and more.

This is why Sturgeon was routinely held up by this political, media, and cultural elite as the alternative to Boris Johnson, a man they truly loathed, not least because he outflanked them all at the 2019 general election. But in recent months, especially after evidence given this week at the Covid Inquiry, which has decamped to Scotland to look at the response north of the border, it’s now become crystal clear this cult-like worshipping of Saint Nicola has left many in the McChattering classes looking utterly ridiculous.

Consider what we learned last week. It’s nothing short of remarkable. While Sturgeon and her cronies spent recent years proclaiming themselves as the morally righteous, virtuous ones, we now see things for what they are.

They deleted critical records. They laughed and insulted political leaders, including Boris Johnson, who were trying their best to contain the virus. And they’ve been accused of a “deliberate cover-up” after ministers discussed crunch policy decisions on WhatsApp only to later delete the messages.

They were also constantly on the lookout to politicise the pandemic in the hope it would help the cause of Scotland’s independence – a cause many on the left in England cheer because they want our great Union to collapse. And this is not just about Covid. Saint Nicola, these elites forget, was forced to leave public office before she was pushed out.

After failing to turnaround Scotland’s dismal record in education and health, Sturgeon was arrested after hundreds of thousands of pounds in the SNP allegedly went missing. She was released without charge, but the whole thing stinks and looks like a scandal you’d expect to find in a banana republic – not a regime led by somebody who has continually claimed she is cleaner than clean.

Johnson might have attended a party or two, but I cannot remember a giant blue evidence tent being erected in front of his home as police looked for evidence of criminality.

Contrary to the once fashionable claim among liberal progressives, that devolution would produce a democratic and ruthlessly efficient paradise in Scotland, the opposite has happened. Scotland has the worst health inequalities in western and central Europe, and among the highest drug death rates and lowest life expectancy in all Europe.

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037c4f No.154089

File: a15794e5be4f560⋯.png (30.41 KB,574x330,287:165,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20321053 (290120ZJAN24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon's halo slips as dark and ugly dogmatism of the SNP is finally revealed to UK's liberal left

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'Voters have been turning away from the idea of Scexit in droves'

Much of this, as we were reminded at the Covid inquiry, came with a dark and ugly dogmatism on the part of the SNP – a tendency, like many on the left, to bully, harass, block, and insult anybody who gets in their way. Repeatedly, critics of Sturgeon, university vice-chancellors, charities and others said they were “gagged” under the SNP, which appeared to be running an authoritarian one-party state rather than a healthy, liberal democracy in which all views are heard.

So glaring have Sturgeon’s political failures been that it’s become impossible not to notice them. This dismal report is precisely why support for both the SNP and Scotland’s independence have been crashing in recent months.

While Labour look set to make considerable gains in Scotland at the next election at the SNP’s expense, voters have also been turning away from the idea of Scexit in droves, no doubt influenced by what a shambles the SNP has made of Scotland. But that’s the thing with cults. You look over the inconsistencies and all evidence to the contrary because to accept them would demolish your entire belief system, your entire world view.

And now, I suspect, there is even worse to come. With the Covid inquiry continuing in Scotland, I suspect it’s only a matter of

time until more of Sturgeon’s failings come to light. This is why, whatever Saint Nicola says, her fate is now sealed. Like the leaders of almost every religious cult, her personal project is now crashing head-first with reality.

Soon, there will be nothing left at all, just a distant memory of a leader who promised her followers the world but then completely failed to deliver.

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037c4f No.154090

File: d7e2183c6faed8a⋯.png (733.28 KB,853x899,853:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20321144 (290140ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Homicide cops investigating Covid deaths to look into Nicola Sturgeon and WhatsApp deletion scandal (video)

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Homicide cops investigating Covid deaths to look into Nicola Sturgeon and WhatsApp deletion scandal

EXCLUSIVE: Detectives from Operation Koper are to take a new statement from campaigner Lesley Roberts after she said it is now clear that SNP ministers 'have lied to the public since the beginning of the pandemic'

Ben Borland

28 JAN 2024

Police officers looking into thousands of Covid-19 deaths in Scotland are to speak to health campaigners to take an additional statement on the latest revelations regarding Nicola Sturgeon.

Officers from the Unresolved Homicide Investigation Team - West are searching for pandemic criminality as part of Operation Koper, which was set up to look into Scottish care home deaths in 2020. Many of those fatalities could have been avoided if elderly hospital patients were tested and properly isolated before being rushed into social care, it is alleged

Last year, campaigners Lesley Roberts, Rab Wilson and Roger Livermore made a complaint to Police Scotland claiming that Ms Sturgeon and former SNP health secretary Jeane Freeman may be guilty of corporate manslaughter. They later signed statements and submitted evidence to support the allegations.

In an email to Police Scotland, Ms Roberts says: "However, since signing off the statement it has become even more obvious that the Government and particular these two individuals have lied to the public since the beginning of the pandemic. Therefore, given what is now in the news and therefore in the public domain, we the complainers are requesting to add further material to our original complaints that we feel must be investigated fully by Police Scotland."

In the original complaint, the trio alleged that the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007 had been broken by the Scottish Government. Ms Roberts now says that both the Public Inquiry Act 2005 and the Data Protection Act 2018 may have been breached.

She writes: "In relation to the WhatsApp messages and other correspondence, I am genuinely appalled that those in senior roles were deleting messages and correspondence in their quest to try to evade FOI requests. I also believe that there is a the potential that this is contravening the laws surrounding the public inquiry (Public Inquiry Act 2005) and these actions were done intentionally in a deliberate effort to prevent the disclosure of essential information to the C19 inquiry and the public.

"We also believe that there was industrial scale lying and misleading of the public going on and those involved are more interested in protecting the names of those in senior roles than telling the truth to the public. By doing so there is the potential that the Data Protection Act 2018 has been breached."

The Scottish Daily Express has seen a copy of an email response from a member of the Unresolved Homicide Investigation Team - West. The officer writes: "I am happy to meet with you in order to note an additional statement regarding the points below."

Ms Roberts also questions the timeframe of the police investigation, noting that it is now "almost 11 months down the line since [we] submitted our original complaint". And she also raises further questions regarding the death of her mother, Letitia, who passed away in December 2021.

'My mother was simply deemed to be expendable'

In her email to police, she says: "My mother was also transferred from hospital to a care home in the summer of 2020. Due to a suffering a pneumonic type illness, she subsequently died. I now feel as though I was completely betrayed by the government in relation to my late mother. Instead of adhering to the Equality Act 2010, I feel she was simply deemed to be expendable."

Speaking to the Scottish Daily Express today from her home in Inverclyde, Ms Roberts said: "They are coming back down to the house to take another statement and I'm happy to do it because I want to see justice done."

She was a senior nurse with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde at the outset of the pandemic. Her original complaint centres on three main allegations – that ministers and officials broke the law by enforcing the infamous policy to clear space in hospitals by transferring elderly and infirm patients into care homes; that ministers and officials knew there were concerns about the efficacy of PPE including face masks, which didn't provide adequate protection for NHS and social care workers; and that there was an increased use of Do Not Resuscitate orders(MURDER), leading to unnecessary deaths and suffering.

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037c4f No.154091

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20321190 (290151ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Homicide cops investigating Covid deaths to look into Nicola Sturgeon and WhatsApp deletion scandal (video)

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BREAKING - Murder Detectives Investigating Deleted Whatsapps!

Silver Fox Hot Takes

10.1K subscribers

2,491 views Jan 28, 2024 RAUNDS

Nippy in the Deep Brown Stuff!



hi and welcome to a very quick episode


of hot takes with me the Silver Fox and


there is some stunning breaking news it


seems that the operation Cooper


detectives these of course are the


homicide detectives who are


investigating all the deaths in the Care


Homes they're traveling around Scotland


going to every fre Care Home questioning


management staff and of course the


residents who were there at the time uh


and this of course was at the behest of


our friend Leslie Roberts who did such a


brilliant job and provided so much


evidence that the police were obliged to


go and do this well those detectives


have now widened their inquiries as part


of this homicide


investigation or potential homicide


investigation should we keep it as they


are now going to be looking at Nicholas


sturgeon's deleted


whatsapps that is stunning and that


means they can easily go to uh meta get


those uh what's apps released have a


look at them and this will be


devastating for sturgeon because you


don't know what will come up as well as


anything to do with the murder inquiry


of course there's all the other stuff


that's going to come out many many


crimes may be revealed more later I'll


do the full story in the morning this is


only fresh news now but I'll do the full


story tomorrow but thanks for watching


and by God is this not good news anyway


till then bye

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037c4f No.154092

File: 5c5a935abd60ef9⋯.png (710.45 KB,823x899,823:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20323655 (291433ZJAN24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Operation Branchform cops probing forgery claims amid fake SNP signature mystery

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Operation Branchform cops probing forgery claims amid fake SNP signature mystery

SNP FINANCE PROBE LATEST: A source close to the police investigation has revealed that a person whose name is on documents relating to financial transactions has made it clear they did not write their signature

Ben Borland

28 JAN 2024

Claims that signatures were forged on documents are being investigated by detectives as part of the Operation Branchform probe into SNP's finances.

In its latest dramatic revelation about the police probe, the Sunday Mail reported that officers have paperwork showing a name which the person denies having written themselves or having any knowledge of.

A source told our sister newspaper: “There has been signatures on documents which the person named has made clear they did not write. It is one of a number of many strands to the investigation which remain under scrutiny. The documents are in relation to financial transactions which are being probed over the potential for fraud.”

Police have arrested and questioned former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, his wife and former SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon, and former party treasurer Colin Beattie. They were all released without charge.

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: “These are deeply shocking allegations. The longer the investigation into the SNP’s finances goes on, the murkier this shameful scandal seems to become. From their party finances, to deleted government WhatsApps, it’s becoming crystal clear that a toxic culture of secrecy exists at the heart of the SNP.”

Operation Branchform was launched in July 2021 following seven complaints about more than £600,000 of “ring-fenced” donations missing from the SNP’s accounts.

Last month, it emerged that police are probing the purchase of a luxury £95,000 Jaguar as part of the investigation. The top-of-the-range electric I-Pace SUV is alleged to have been bought by Mr Murrell from a dealership in Edinburgh.

A car fitting the description of the Jaguar, which was registered in October 2019, was photographed on the couple’s driveway in March 2021 but has since been sold. It’s the second vehicle to be investigated in the probe – a £110,000 campervan was seized in April last year.

It was taken from the driveway of Mr Murrell's mother's house in Fife at the same time as officers searched the home shared by the SNP power couple in Glasgow's eastern suburbs, removing a number of boxes of documents and other items. The party's headquarters in Edinburgh was also searched at this time.

In his latest report, Sunday Mail political editor John Ferguson quotes an SNP source saying: “Things appear to have gone quiet for some time, but the investigation is continuing behind the scenes. Nobody knows when there will be a significant development and that is a problem for the party because we cannot really move on until this is over.

“Internally, senior people are furious that it is not being resolved one way or another and there is a fear that things could suddenly blow up in the middle of a general election campaign for example. The police have been clear that they will move at their own pace and that they are not going to be rushed or take political factors into consideration.

“But the fact is this is having a huge impact on Scotland’s politics and democracy even if that is not the police’s intention. There are things Humza Yousaf could do to distance his administration from Nicola Sturgeon’s time as First Minister but he is clearly determined to stand by her, which does not make things easier.”

Police are also investigating more than 1000 alleged instances of fraud. An Amazon account used to buy everyday items is being probed and several rounds of interviews with a number of witnesses have been carried out.

The SNP said it would not comment on an ongoing police inquiry.

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037c4f No.154093

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20323957 (291535ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Covid Inquiry must shed light on Scottish care home 'atrocity', says Anas Sarwar

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Covid Inquiry must shed light on Scottish care home 'atrocity', says Anas Sarwar

With Jeane Freeman, John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon all due to give evidence in the coming days, the SNP's former leadership trio has been told they must 'end the culture of secrecy and cover-up and come clean'

Ben Borland

29 JAN 2024

The public deserve answers on Covid care home "atrocity", Anas Sarwar has said ahead of Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon's appearances at the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

Evidence heard so far has sparked a series of political scandals and laid bare a worrying culture of secrecy and cover-up across the Scottish Government – but it has provided little clarity for those bereaved in the pandemic.

For example, there has been few answers provided on the decision to discharge untested and Covid-positive patients into care homes in the spring of 2020. Official figures from the National Records of Scotland show there were 2,656 Covid deaths in Scottish care homes in 2020 – including 1,817 in April and May alone.

As the former health secretary and former first minister come before the inquiry this week, the Scottish Labour leader has said that their evidence must provide answers on this "catastrophic" policy. The UK Government introduced testing rules on on April 15, 2020, with SNP ministers not following until April 21.

Mr Sarwar said: "At the heart of this inquiry are the people who lost their lives and lost their loved ones – and so far they have been badly let down by the SNP circus playing out. One of the worst atrocities of the pandemic was the SNP government's decision to allow untested and Covid-positive patients to be discharged into care homes.

"Thousands of vulnerable people were put at risk and lives have been lost – we need to know the truth about how and why this catastrophic decision was made. Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon were responsible for this decision and this week they will have the opportunity to give families the answers they deserve.

"Every single person who made sacrifices and suffered losses during the pandemic deserve answers from this inquiry – the SNP must end the culture of secrecy and cover-up and come clean."

Ms Freeman is due to give evidence at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre on Monday afternoon, following an appearance by Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove in the morning.

Tuesday will bring former finance secretary Kate Forbes and former deputy first minister John Swinney, before a full day has been scheduled for Ms Sturgeon's appearance on Wednesday.

She is expected to be grilled on the mass deletion of her WhatsApp messages, as well as the relationship between the Scottish and UK governments and their varying approaches to the crisis.

Scottish Conservative MSP Craig Hoy said: "If she tries her usual routine of 'I can't recall', 'I would have to check' and 'I wasn't at that meeting' then the public will rightly draw their own conclusions."

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037c4f No.154094

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20324769 (291839ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / SNP were thinking 'politically' in their Covid response says Michael Gove (video)

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SNP were thinking 'politically' in their Covid response says Michael Gove

The Scottish Sun

249K subscribers

Jan 29, 2024 #scotland #politics #snp

Michael Gove said it would be “naive” not to be aware that “highly skilled politicians” might “well see political advantage” in certain points throughout the day-to-day management.

He was being asked about whether the Scottish Government’s approach to managing the pandemic was “politically motivated”.

Jamie Dawson KC asked Mr Gove if there was a “completely dysfunctional” relationship between the UK and Scottish Governments “at times”.

Mr Gove disagreed and said: “No, I don’t believe they are politically motivated in everything they do. I think, I have great respect for the professionalism with which many Scottish Government ministers conducted themselves. I do believe their overwhelming motivation was to protect the people of Scotland from a virus.

“However, there are and were occasions when the Scottish Government was thinking politically, as we can see, and of course it is the case the SNP has a political mission to achieve Scotland’s independence, i.e. destroy the United Kingdom and it would be naive not to be aware that highly skilled politicians including those at the top of the Scottish Government might well see what they perceive to be political advantage at certain points.

“But I think it’s important to note that while that did happen at certain points, the day-to-day management of the pandemic preoccupied them as it did other ministers.

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037c4f No.154095

File: d89cb52e1e4ebf0⋯.png (429.29 KB,827x894,827:894,Clipboard.png)

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File: 348c08f8f721e4f⋯.png (201.26 KB,786x355,786:355,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20325087 (291944ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Michael Gove claims Nicola Sturgeon wanted 'political conflict' during covid pandemic

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Michael Gove claims Nicola Sturgeon wanted 'political conflict' during covid pandemic

Gove said text messages published by the UK Covid Inquiry revealed the then SNP leader had pursued different covid policies to "advance a particular political agenda".

Andrew Quinn

29 JAN 2024

Michael Gove has claimed that Nicola Sturgeon searched for "political conflict" during the covid pandemic in 2020 and 2021, an inquiry has heard.

The Tory minister said that messages between the then First Minister and her former chief of staff, Liz Lloyd, showed "there was a desire to pursue differentiation for the sake of advancing a particular political agenda".

Speaking at the UK Covid Inquiry today, Gove also said that former Finance Secretary and ex-SNP leadership hopeful Kate Forbes had been "one of the most constructive" ministers in the Scottish Government.

Aberdeen-born Gove worked as a go-between for Westminster and Holyrood for over a year when the pandemic broke out.

It emerged last week that Lloyd had messaged Sturgeon saying she wanted a “good old-fashioned rammy” with the UK Government so she could “think about something other than sick people”.

Lloyd had also told Sturgeon she had “set a timetable” for the UK Government to answer the Scottish Government on furlough as a “purely political” move in the messages between herself and the former first minister on November 1, 2020.

On top of this, Sturgeon branded former Tory PM Boris Johnson a “f**** clown”.

Gove said these examples proved the Scottish Government was trying to use the pandemic for political gain.

He said: "I think that the evidence that was discussed in this inquiry last week, with the former first minister's former chief of staff and special adviser, would lead a fair minded person to conclude that the words, 'good old fashioned rammy', suggest that there was a search for political conflict rather than simply a divergence in policy conclusions."

He continued: "It is possible to have in the Scottish Government both a commitment from people who are public servants first, seeking to do their best for their fellow citizens.

"But also, given the cause to which they've devoted their lives, then the temptation of course to seek political advantage is clearly there.

"And I think that the language used, the desire to have 'a good old fashioned rammy' with the UK Government, and some of the other language used which I shan't repeat now, does lead me to believe that at that point, there was a desire to pursue differentiation for the sake of advancing a particular political agenda."

Gove also said Forbes was easier to work with than others.

He said: "In my experience, there were people in the Scottish Government who were sometimes much more constructive than one or two others."

When asked who he was referring to, Gove said: "I think the person who was undoubtedly one of the most constructive was Kate Forbes."

He added: "In all conversations with Kate Forbes, she would [leave out]any political point-making and concentrate on the business in hand.

"There were sometimes some other ministers who, even as we could come to a satisfactory conclusion, would sometimes preface their points with some political point-making."

Sturgeon will appear at the UK Covid Inquiry on Wednesday.

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037c4f No.154096

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20325881 (292258ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jeane Freeman 'regrets' deaths in care homes as she claims deadly discharge guidance was 'all that could be done'

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Jeane Freeman 'regrets' deaths in care homes as she claims deadly discharge guidance was 'all that could be done'

The former Scottish Government health secretary appeared at the UK Covid Inquiry and was forced to defend the care home guidance which allowed elderly patients to be transferred into care homes without being tested for the virus.

David Walker

29 JAN 2024

Scotland's former health secretary admitted that she will "regret" the deaths of thousands of care home residents due to Covid as she claimed that the deadly discharges were "clinical" decisions. Jeane Freeman also claimed that the fatalities were a "complex issue" which could not be solely blamed on her guidance.

Ms Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon have been accused of corporate homicide for their policy of transferring hospital patients to care homes without testing them for the virus in the early stages of the pandemic. This was only changed by the Scottish Government on April 21 when testing capacity was ramped up.

Ms Freeman admitted responsibility for the guidance which Scottish Care director Donald MacAskill claimed led to hundreds of "unnecessary" deaths. But she insisted that while the policy was a factor in the deaths, it was not the biggest issue that led to the mass fatalities in care homes.

She was giving evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry and was grilled by lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC about the controversial guidance, with the lawyer pointing out that 50 per cent of deaths in the first wave were in those resident settings and involved elderly people.

Patients ill in hospital were discharged to care homes without being tested until April 21 when this policy was changed, leading to the virus running rampant in some of the premises. It has been labelled a mistake by experts,(It wasn't a mistake, it was a culling of the elderly and was 100% deliberate)with Ms Freeman admitting responsibility for it.

She said: “I would like to say that this point, I have said it before, but I want it read into the record here, that I was personally very concerned about our care sector, both our residential care sector and the care at home sector for adults and regret very much and will do for the rest of my life, any deaths that occurred there because of action that the Scottish Government didn’t take or did take but could have done better.”

When pressed about why the policy was to allow patients to be transferred into care homes without a test, Ms Freeman, who stepped down as health secretary in April 2021, claimed that it had to do with a lack of testing capacity, and bristled at accusations that more could have been done beforehand. She said: "I'm not sure I agree with you.

"You cannot magic out of thin air, appropriate buildings, appropriate kits and skilled individuals. A lot of effort was put into increasing our capacity for testing. Because even if I hadn't understood the vulnerabilities in the care homes and other closed setting I understood the vulnerabilities of those caring for individuals in terms not only of PPE but of knowing whether or not whether they themselves were infectious and posing a risk not only to themselves, their families but also to those they cared for.

"I believe we moved as quickly as we could actually to increase our testing capacity. In April, we were able to introduce testing for admission, but the whole issue of transmission and health and death and care homes is a complex issue."

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037c4f No.154097

File: a93e6cdde6a9b11⋯.png (403.02 KB,551x863,551:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 0378c61615ea449⋯.png (146.13 KB,607x577,607:577,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20325889 (292259ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jeane Freeman 'regrets' deaths in care homes as she claims deadly discharge guidance was 'all that could be done'

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She went on to explain that out of 1084 care homes, 843 of them had discharges from hospital, with 348 of them having Covid outbreaks, and then 321 of them having deaths. She added: "What that tells us is that some care homes that receive discharges from hospital during this time did not have outbreaks.

"This issue is a complex one, not complex in terms of professionalism, the commitment or the care of care home staff, but complex in terms of the size of care homes, as well as the availability of PPE and so on. I am not, and I need to be clear, I am not saying that those discharged from hospital without a test into care homes had no impact.

"What I am saying is that this was one of the factors, but the size of the care home was a more significant factor. She was then questioned about whether she thought the "Scottish Government's response to the care home crisis and the need for people who were vulnerable and elderly to be protected was completely inadequate."

She said: "It was not as adequate as I would have wished it to be. I believe it was all that could be done with the resources available to us at that point, and that improved as time passed."

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy said: “While Jeane Freeman expressed regret at the SNP Government’s catastrophic decision to discharge from hospitals to care homes elderly patients who had not been tested for Covid, she stopped short of a full apology – and some of her answers were less than convincing.

“Her claim the advice was ‘categorical’ in the early weeks of the pandemic that there was no asymptomatic transmission of the virus simply doesn’t stack up. We’re also no further forward as to what caused the then-health secretary to miss the vital Exercise Nimbus summit on 12 February 2020, when parliament was in recess and records show she had no ministerial engagements that day.

“It’s clear, as Jeane Freeman was forced to concede, that the SNP Government’s handling of the Covid crisis in relation to care homes was woefully inadequate.”

Scottish Labour Health spokesperson Jackie Baillie said: “This was a chance to shed some much needed light on what went so tragically wrong during the pandemic, but it has provided few answers. It is clear that the Scottish Government was woefully unprepared for Covid and made a number of serious mistakes.

“However, today brought no clear answers about the tragic decision to discharge untested and Covid-positive patients into care homes. Jeane Freeman’s remarks will be cold comfort to those bereaved during the pandemic. It is essential that families get the answers they deserve over the course of this Inquiry.”

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037c4f No.154098

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20330212 (301748ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Humza Yousaf gives evidence at Covid inquiry (video)

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#Live - Humza Yousaf gives evidence at Covid inquiry #news #update #covid #politics

Liz Loyd first up at 13:28 to 53:10

Resumes at 2:26:20 for Humza Useless until a break is called for at 3:38:44

.....Resumes again with Humza at 3:55:25 until ending at 5:14:50

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037c4f No.154099

File: 2c1e74b30c808c3⋯.png (452.14 KB,840x899,840:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20331416 (302202ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon faces questions over deadly five day care home Covid testing delay

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Nicola Sturgeon faces questions over deadly five day care home Covid testing delay

The former first minister has been urged to explain why the Scottish Government took five days to follow UK Government in implementing new guidance forcing hospital patients to be tested for Covid before they were discharged into care homes.

David Walker

30 JAN 2024

Nicola Sturgeon is facing urgent questions about why the Scottish Government delayed Covid testing for patients being discharged from hospitals into care homes. This proved to be a deadly decision, with hundreds of elderly residents dying due to the virus running havoc in residential premises.

Then-health secretary Jeane Freeman gave evidence about this situation at the UK Covid Inquiry on Monday, and insisted that she will "regret for the rest of her life" the number of people who died in care homes due to decision-making by the SNP executive. But she claimed that discharging people in this way during the early days of the pandemic was the only option due to a lack of testing capacity.

Now, questions have been asked of the former First Minister about this same policy as the Scottish Government only started testing in Scotland five days after England. April 21, 2020 was when the guidance was changed north of the border as testing was ramped up.

Care home boss Robert Kilgour has called on Ms Sturgeon to explain this five day delay which likely cost lives in care homes. The executive chairman of the Renaissance Care Group also condemned her lack of action from media briefing podium to actually implementing what she announced.

He told the Scottish Daily Mail: "We need to know what was the scientific evidence, or the scientific advice, that meant the Scottish Government brought this in five days after the UK Government in England. Because that delay will have cost lives. We also need to know why was it done and who made the decisions to allow hospital discharges without testing."

Mr Kilgour, who is likely to give evidence to the inquiry, also questioned why it took so long for weekly care home testing to be implemented. He said: "There was also a complete disconnect on weekly care home testing between the podium promise early May and the frontline delivery in late June.

"She didn't say in early May they were going to do it but it would be several weeks before it was in action; she said "we are doing this", like it was happening. It ended up being too little too late because by the time it was introduced, the first wave was already over."

Mr Kilgour claimed that he had been pushing for weekly testing of all care home staff from as early as mid-March 2020 but the then-first minister failed to accept warnings about how asymptomatic people can spread the virus. He added: "The families and friends that lost loved ones during the pandemic deserve the truth, as do the amazingly hardworking and brave frontline social care heroes. Anything less would be a grave insult to those who tragically lost their lives."

Ms Freeman claimed at the Inquiry that Scotland did not have the capacity to test all outgoing patients, and admitted that the reaction to the care home crisis was "not as adequate as I would have wished it to be." She added: "I believe it was all that could be done with the resources available to us at that point, and that improved as time passed."

NHS England announced new guidance to test patients for Covid before they were discharged to care homes "with immediate effect" on April 16, with the Scottish Government only following suit on April 21.

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037c4f No.154100

File: 9688569983948ee⋯.png (729.22 KB,857x899,857:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20331757 (302308ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Mystery around Jason Leitch's employment deepens as Michael Matheson refuses to say whether he is a civil servant

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Mystery around Jason Leitch's employment deepens as Michael Matheson refuses to say whether he is a civil servant

The national clinical director is under growing pressure to resign but Scottish Government health secretary Michael Matheson defended his role at Holyrood.

David Walker

30 JAN 2024

The Scottish Government refused to say if Jason Leitch qualified as a civil servant as the mystery surrounding his employment deepens. The national clinical director is paid out of the public purse, but is legally employed by NHS Tayside but is on a permanent secondment to act as an adviser to SNP ministers.

We previously told how his "unorthodox" employment contract came under scrutiny following calls for him resign over his WhatsApp messages during the Covid pandemic. This involved him insulting opposition MSPs, despite being meant to be an impartial adviser.

How much he is paid and details of his job have been kept under wraps by the Scottish Government, but it is known he is officially an employee of NHS Tayside. This has provoked anger among campaigners who are seeking an inquiry in disgraced doctor Sam Eljamel as Mr Leitch was understood to be involved in the preparation work.

A question about his role was asked at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, with health secretary Michael Matheson claiming that he was not "directly involved" in the probe into Eljamel. But he refused to answer a query about whether he need to abide by the civil servant code.

Scottish Labour MSP Daniel Johnson asked: "This case has highlighted Professor Leitch's employment status as a secondee. Can I ask if he is regarded from a management perspective as a civil servant and is he subject to the civil service code?"

The national clinical director faced claims that he could have breached this code through his comments about Mr Johnson and Scottish Tory MSP Edward Mountain, as he called the former a "smartarse" and said the latter was "rude." The code says that officials must "act in a way which deserves and retains the confidence of Ministers, while at the same time ensuring that you will be able to establish the same relationship with those whom you may be required to serve in some future Government."

But Mr Matheson refused to confirm or deny if he was a civil servant. He said: "In terms of details, I'm sorry I can't give you that information because its an operational matter within the civil service rather than for ministers but the employment arrangements for Professor Leitch are exactly the same as they are for other clinical experts the Scottish Government bring in.

"Employees of the NHS will come in on a service level agreement to undertake work and provide advice for us. In terms of how the civil service code is applied is a matter for the civil service themselves. Of course, anyone who has undertaken civil service responsibilities, I would expect there to be an appropriate mechanism be in place for that, but that’s not a matter for ministers directly.”

Prof Leitch works under the same Scottish Government directorate - Healthcare Quality and Improvement - that is investigating Eljamel but Mr Matheson claimed he was “not one of the officials undertaking this work”. However, he was told that there is still pressing questions to answer on this.

Scottish Conservative Liz Smith MSP said: “Given that Jason Leitch has been employed by NHS Tayside since 2012, we need full disclosure on his involvement, even if it is indirect, in the Eljamel case. The victims of Eljamel are rightly angry and astonished about reports of Professor Leitch’s involvement in this, particularly in light of the damning revelations about the national clinical director that have emerged at the Covid inquiry in recent days.

“Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary for Health appeared to confirm that Jason Leitch had, at one stage, had conversations with Professor Craig White about the Eljamel case. For the purpose of transparency, the former patients need to know exactly what that involved."

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037c4f No.154101

File: e0c84e4021163ed⋯.png (283.85 KB,583x842,583:842,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20331820 (302322ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jason Leitch role in Eljamel investigation downplayed after backlash

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Jason Leitch role in Eljamel investigation downplayed after backlash

Officials said the national clinical director was not “directly involved”, even though staff from his department have a key role.

Justin Bowie

January 26 2024

he Scottish Government is downplaying senior adviser Jason Leitch’s role in setting up investigations into disgraced surgeon Sam Eljamel after a patient backlash.

The Courier revealed this week that the under-fire national clinical director was assigned to organise a sweeping review of all the former NHS Tayside surgeon’s cases.

It also emerged Prof Leitch is heading up efforts by his department to establish a long-awaited public inquiry into the scandal.

But the government insists he is not “directly involved” with this work, even though some of the health officials responsible answer to him.

It also says the leaders of both major investigations will be fully independent of parliament and the Tayside health board.

Prof Leitch is facing widespread calls to quit his high-ranking role after damning evidence emerged during this week’s Covid inquiry in Edinburgh.

Angry Eljamel campaigners do not have any faith in him and say he should not be involved with work connected to the inquiry or patient reviews.

Patient Jules Rose, from Kinross, raised further concerns over Prof Leitch’s suitability for the role after texts showed he joked with Humza Yousaf about “winging it” during the Covid pandemic.

She said: “Jason Leitch is clearly involved regardless whether this is directly or indirectly.

“It appears the Scottish Government isn’t content with the devastation caused to all victims, but is happy to subject more trauma given the revelations uncovered.

“The latest revelations completely strengthens our concern with Mr Leitch’s apparent involvement.”

Ms Rose said earlier this week: “Appointing Mr Leitch to oversee the long-awaited clinical one-to-one reviews would only continue the government’s legacy of secrecy, and their inability to understand the word transparency.”

Asked whether Prof Leitch was still involved, a government spokesperson said: “The situation has not changed.

“Scottish Government officials working in the directorate co-led by the national clinical director are progressing the necessary work to establish the independent clinical review and public inquiry.

“Once established, these will be carried out and chaired independently of both the Scottish Government and NHS Tayside.”

The spokesperson later added: “Professor Leitch has not been directly involved in this work.”

The national clinical director was criticised earlier this week after texts showed him telling Mr Yousaf, who was health secretary at the time, how he could dodge Covid mask rules.

It’s understood SNP health chief Michael Matheson said Professor Craig White, the government’s associate director for health, has been asked to set up the clinical review.

He told patients that Prof Leitch would play a key role in overseeing this process.

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037c4f No.154102

File: 3a816bfd2a9913f⋯.png (638.41 KB,819x899,819:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332023 (310012ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman purchased 'burner' phones at start of 2020 Covid lockdown

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>SNP 'burner' phones, luxury pens and even a fridge being probed by cops as crisis deepens




>SNP 'burner' phones, luxury pens and even a fridge being probed by cops as crisis deepens


>Operation Branchform is looking into money raised for a second Scexit referendum and has already seen the arrest of Peter Murrell and Colin Beattie



Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman purchased 'burner' phones at start of 2020 Covid lockdown

Exclusive: Both the two key figures at the top of the SNP's response to the pandemic bought cheap prepaid mobile phones and top-up cards in March 2020, despite having access to official communication devices

Ben Borland

30 JAN 2024

The Scottish Daily Express can reveal that Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman purchased cheap mobile phones and prepaid top-up cards during the early months of the Covid pandemic.

The discovery – buried in the records of MSPs allowances – raises further questions about how the two key SNP ministers were communicating with each other during the once-in-a-century health emergency. Neither had a government issued mobile phone during their time in office.

On Thursday, March 19, 2020, Ms Sturgeon purchased a Nokia mobile phone from Amazon for £18.16. Devices available for a similar price are 2G only, although texts, WhatsApps and emails should still go through without any large attachments. The then first minister also purchased £18 worth of SIM card top-ups.

The phone was bought three days after former prime minister Boris Johnson said "now is the time for everyone to stop non-essential contact and travel" but before the UK was formally put into lockdown.

Ms Freeman, who was then health secretary, bought two £29.95 mobile phones from a branch of ScotMid on the first full day of lockdown on March 24, 2020. She later charged the phones, along with two £10 top-up cards, to her Holyrood expenses.

MSPs can claim back the cost of staff mobile phones, but neither Ms Sturgeon nor Ms Freeman submitted their expenses under that category – suggesting that either the claims were submitted incorrectly or the phones were for their own use.

Around a dozen other MSPs also purchased pay-as-you-go handsets during that period, as millions of Britons were forced to switch to home working amid chaotic and unprecedented scenes of chaos up and down the country. Several of the other handsets were marked for staff use in the Holyrood expenses system, however.

The following year, 2020/21, Ms Freeman claimed back £180 for EE mobile phone top-ups – this time under the expenses heading 'incidental and ancillary employment cost provision', rather than the more obvious 'staff mobile phones'. Again it is not clear from this who was using the devices.

Ms Sturgeon bought a second prepaid phone in 2020/21, costing £24.98 from Amazon, along with four £6 GiffGaff top-up cards. She claimed the money back on expenses under the same 'incidental and ancillary' heading.

Freeman 'couldn't find a way to recover' text messages to Sturgeon

On Monday, Ms Freeman told the UK Covid Inquiry that she and the former first minister did not use WhatsApp but did communicate regularly by mobile phone call and text – none of which have been retained.

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037c4f No.154103

File: f487168645a1805⋯.png (114.76 KB,566x834,283:417,Clipboard.png)

File: e20d294101afcb4⋯.png (280.54 KB,784x502,392:251,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332028 (310014ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman purchased 'burner' phones at start of 2020 Covid lockdown

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She said: "Ms Sturgeon and I were in each other's company everyday, and so most of the business we conducted between us was conducted verbally, or by telephone call on occasion, and those text messages I couldn't find a way to recover those but I do know that they would be very short and they were usually operational, inasmuch as me confirming to her that something she had asked to be done I had done it, or something that she was concerned about had now been fixed or resolved."

She also said she used a Scottish Parliament issued phone and not a Scottish Government device "because I didn't want to have more than one mobile phone that I was using". This phone was handed back to the Holyrood authorities when she stepped down as an MSP in May 2021.

Ms Sturgeon is due to give evidence to the inquiry today. Last week, the inquiry heard that she told her friend and adviser Devi Sridhar to send advice to her private email account. She said: "Don't worry about protocol – tackling the virus is more important than that and I’ll handle any issues on that front."

Last year, it emerged that police investigating claims of fraud within the SNP accounts were hunting for a number of 'burner' phones and SIM cards. The prepaid devices are often used by people who want to stay anonymous.

A source close to Operation Branchform said: "They want to know the numbers connected with these cards, which could also contain numbers called and text messages. It's not uncommon for people to have unregistered mobile SIM cards, which can be bought from any shop. There's nothing wrong with having a so-called burner phone, but police want a record of these phones in the SNP."

An SNP spokesperson said: "Like many MSPs, mobile phones were purchased to allow Nicola and Jeane's constituency staff to work from home and assist constituents – during the most difficult time our country had faced in recent memory."

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037c4f No.154104

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332043 (310018ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Police search for BURNER PHONE sim cards in SNP investigation (video)

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9 months ago


Police search for BURNER PHONE sim cards in SNP investigation


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037c4f No.154105

File: 9eebe9be3d4d709⋯.png (720.58 KB,849x899,849:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332219 (310049ZJAN24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / What were Nicola Sturgeon's shadowy 'Gold command' meetings that shunned Kate Forbes?

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What were Nicola Sturgeon's shadowy 'Gold command' meetings that shunned Kate Forbes?

The former finance secretary and one-time SNP leadership hopeful said she wasn't even aware of the small summits that may have had a huge impact on Scotland's Covid response

Douglas Dickie

30 JAN 2024

The UK Covid Inquiry is continuing in Edinburgh and the bombshells just keep coming for the SNP. Kate Forbes, who was finance minister through the darkest days of the pandemic, was in Edinburgh to give evidence on Tuesday.

Not the biggest fan of the current Nat leadership, she no doubt took some pleasure in delivering a few doozies of her own. Perhaps the biggest one was the fact she wasn't invited inside Nicola Sturgeon's inner sactum despite holding the second most important brief in government.

As finance secretary., Ms Forbes held the purse strings throughout the crisis. But she admitted on Tuesday she had never been privy to the so-called 'Gold command' meetings.

The defeated SNP leadership hopeful said she wasn't "even sure I was aware they existed". She added: "I would have expected to be invited to any meeting where there were significant financial implications."

It has bolstered claims Ms Sturgeon ruled the government with an iron fist and took key decisions with little input from her team. The Gold command meetings - also known as Gold or Goldtype meetings - were secret chats between the former first minister, deputy first minister John Swinney and other cabinet secretaries with policy advisors. They would typically take place over a weekend or on the Monday before the Cabinet met on a Tuesday.

Despite their importance, no minutes or records were kept from the meetings meaning what was discussed - and potentially decided - at them will likely never be revealed. They took place in 2020 and 2021 and it has been confirmed Humza Yousaf did attend some of the summits.

Others likely to have been invited include Jeane Freeman, who was health secretary at the start of the pandemic. Looking to defend the meetings, Mr Yousaf had said: "There were times when the former first minister needed a tighter cast list, and wanted to make a decision on a very specific issue," although messages from the now FM to national clinical director Jason Leitch suggest there was frustration about the small nature of them.

Whatever was discussed seems certain to remain a mystery with no notes surviving despite the importance of the gatherings.

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037c4f No.154106

File: 10db49cc488a1d8⋯.png (495.35 KB,878x899,878:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332404 (310138ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon shut schools during Covid pandemic despite lack of evidence

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John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon shut schools during Covid pandemic despite lack of evidence

The then-deputy first minister defended his decision to close schools during the early stages of the Covid pandemic as he was grilled by the UK Covid Inquiry, but admitted it was done based on evidence from England.

David Walker

30 JAN 2024

John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon decided to shut schools in Scotland during the Covid pandemic without any real evidence to support this, the UK Covid Inquiry heard. And the former deputy first minister was rebuked by lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC for refusing to answer why he had not listened to advice about reopening schools in April/May.

Professor Mark Woolhouse previously gave evidence to the inquiry where he supplied correspondence which showed he told the SNP Executive to reopen schools in May due to the lack of spreading from these sites. But this was ignored by nationalist ministers, as they were closed until after the summer holidays.

Mr Dawson repeatedly asked about why Mr Swinney failed to listen to this, and was forced to interrupt him as he failed to answer why he had not considered this advice. The then-education secretary said: "I didn't have that advice from the advisory sources that were advising the Scottish Government.

"I did not have advice in front of me saying I could bring schools back earlier." He was asked if his decision not to put schools back was because they were aiming for Zero Covid, as advised by Devi Sridhar, but denied this was the case.

Mr Swinney admitted that it was just him and Ms Sturgeon who had decided to close schools in early March, using data from England and not Scottish-specific information. And they did so despite advice from advisers telling them that doing so would not slow the the transmission of the disease “to a great extent.”

A paper submitted to the cabinet on March 17, advisers said there would be no great effect caused to the transmission of the virus, and it could in fact cause greater risk to older people seeing their grandchildren.

This confession about Ms Sturgeon and him making a final decision was made despite him claiming throughout the session that Cabinet were always involved in pandemic decisions.

Evidence was shown that during the second wave of the virus the SNP cabinet delegated responsibility to the then-first minister in responding to the alpha variant. But Mr Swinney denied that this showed that she bypassed collaborating over any final decisions being made.

He pointed out that if one member of the cabinet did not agree with the policies being put forward, they could resign, but no one did this during the pandemic. On schools, he relied on advice from Sage to take the decision, with Mr Dawson asking if this reliance was appropriate given that the situation in London at that point was worse than in Scotland.

The SNP MSP said: "I think it was because I think it was pretty clear that what was happening in London was coming our way, and it would be coming our way pretty shortly thereafter." He claimed he and Ms Sturgeon had to make this decision because "events were moving at an absolutely ferocious pace".

Mr Dawson asked why this was done despite there not yet being scientific evidence to back it up, and claimed that there was data showing a declining number of staff and students attending schools due to Covid. "We were in danger of operating an unsafe situation," he said.

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037c4f No.154107

File: 88abcf46ced9cd4⋯.png (155.69 KB,599x597,599:597,Clipboard.png)

File: 64f623f016eb13d⋯.png (221.67 KB,819x458,819:458,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332413 (310139ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon shut schools during Covid pandemic despite lack of evidence

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The veteran nationalist then admitted that the Scottish Government did not carry out any equality impact assessment on children’s learning and development if schools were closed. He said: “At that moment we did not have the time or the opportunity to carry out the assessment.”

Mr Dawson asked: “Does that mean none?” Mr Swinney said: “That’s correct, yes.” There was also no impact assessment into kid's mental health due to the school closures, and he did not consider any alternative to shutting them completely.

He was asked by inquiry chair Lady Hallett if they had ever considered any alternatives. He said: “Not at that moment, my lady, because we felt that the situation we were facing was at such a magnitude. We did consider all of those questions at later stages for the return of pupils to blended learning.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said: “This was a government within a government. Under Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney, Cabinet was expected to like it or lump it, utterly ignored on decisions as serious as shutting schools.

"Even the minister in charge of the economy was totally in the dark about the existence of key Gold Command meetings until she was belatedly invited to one. Now, the Scottish Government is refusing to explain the absence of minutes under the false pretence that the Inquiry is ongoing. It is treating families with contempt.

“Bereaved families may never get the full picture that they are fighting for. Nicola Sturgeon has major questions to answer tomorrow.”

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037c4f No.154108

File: 60a80dda0f2ed97⋯.png (379.33 KB,1013x899,1013:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332657 (310232ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / John Swinney admits manually deleting messages with Nicola Sturgeon during Covid pandemic

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John Swinney admits manually deleting messages with Nicola Sturgeon during Covid pandemic

The former deputy first minister faced a tough grilling at the UK Covid Inquiry as he was confronted with evidence he was in Covid group chats after his statement claimed he was not in any.

David Walker

30 JAN 2024

Scotland's former deputy first minister John Swinney has admitted that he "manually" deleted all WhatsApp messages he shared with Nicola Sturgeon during the Covid pandemic. And he was forced into a grovelling apology after being confronted with evidence that he wiped correspondence that the UK Covid Inquiry wanted to see.

He originally told officials that he was not a member of any Covid WhatsApp groups, but lead counsel Jamie Dawson highlighted that information they gathered showed he was actually in three different chats. This led to a stuttering answer from the veteran SNP MSP who insisted he did not define them as group chats but as a "channel of communication" with his officials.

But the most damning confession was when he admitted that he had deliberately wiped all messages he shared with his boss Ms Sturgeon during the pandemic, and claimed he was following advice given to him in 2007. This is despite the new data retention policy being put in place in 2021.

Mr Dawson pointed to evidence from his witness statement which claimed that he and the first minister's contact "tended to be in-person conversations or by telephone and there would be likely be a text message exchange to arrange a conversation. I do not believe we ever communicated by WhatsApp."

He asked: "Are those text messages with Nicola Sturgeon still available to you?" To which Mr Swinney replied "They're not available" and when pressed on why, he admitted that he had deleted them "manually."

Asked why he deleted them, the former deputy first minister said: "I was always advised by my private office that I should not hold info relevant to government official record on ungoverned sources. I think it's consistent with the ministerial code which indicated if a civil servant is not present for a conservation involving a minister any relevant information should be placed on official record and done through dialogue with my private office."

He indicated it was guidance when he took office in 2007 which had led to this mass deletion of messages. When asked about any WhatsApps with Humza Yousaf, which he had retained, he claimed he couldn't "recall" how many messages he had sent his colleague.

Mr Dawson then moved onto questioning about group chats and scrutinised Mr Swinney's claim that he was not in "group chats." He pointed to evidence provided by the Scottish Government that this statement was false, as he was in three which the inquiry had been given access to.

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037c4f No.154109

File: e7c8486e717d25b⋯.png (197.88 KB,721x866,721:866,Clipboard.png)

File: cc990d40eb6afda⋯.png (203.3 KB,807x873,269:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 1cf8db9c5d981cc⋯.png (113.38 KB,555x430,111:86,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20332666 (310234ZJAN24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / John Swinney admits manually deleting messages with Nicola Sturgeon during Covid pandemic

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When pushed on this, the SNP MSP said: "I think I was answering a specific question, which was what group chats was I apart of? What I will say is that there were a small number of group chats that were established to provide me with a channel of communication with officials during parliamentary committee sessions where I would ordinarily have officials sitting with me to be able to pass me notes with relevant information.

"So these were group chats that were established and designed to provide me with that information." Mr Dawson questioned why he thought that this was not a group chat as defined and asked for by the inquiry.

Mr Swinney said: "My apologies, I didn't consider them to be passing that test, these were technical information feeds of relevant answers and were not discussing developments of the pandemic."

Lady Hallett then grilled the former deputy first minister about why he did not question the policy of deletion once he found out about the inquiry, to which he replied: "I took the view that the approach that I had been advised to take all throughout my ministerial career was the appropriate one because nobody had ever said to me to the contrary.

"I believe that I was furnishing the record with any relevant information in relation to Covid planning. Could I perhaps take this opportunity to say that if I have misunderstood the Scottish Government policy in this respect then I would apologise unreservedly for doing so because my intention was never to do anything other than make sure the official record was furnished with all the of the information that you asked me for?"

Mr Dawson pointed out that it is "entirely possible" that the true defect was within the policy, and not his "implementation" of it. To which Mr Swinney responded: "That may well be the case."

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy said: “John Swinney’s admission that he manually deleted his text exchanges with Nicola Sturgeon during this crisis, when he already knew that an inquiry was bound to follow, is astonishing. Equally breath-taking was his assertion that destroying records and avoiding accountability was par for the course during his time in office.

“When asked whether he should have deviated from this dubious practice with an inquiry into a global pandemic looming, the former Deputy First Minister played the daft-laddie card.

“He claimed he may have misunderstood the SNP’s message deletion policy and never thought to challenge its ‘defects’ – but this faux-naivety is fooling no one. He was a senior minister complicit in coordinated efforts to cover the SNP Government’s tracks."

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037c4f No.154110

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20334954 (311444ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Kate Forbes and John Swinney give evidence at Covid inquiry (video)

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#Live - Kate Forbes and John Swinney give evidence at Covid inquiry #Scotland #news #covid

STV News

49.3K subscribers

Streamed live on Jan 30, 2024

Scotland’s former finance secretary Kate Forbes and former deputy first minister John Swinney will give evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry on Tuesday.

The hearings will take place in Edinburgh, with Forbes appearing in the morning, followed by Swinney who will continue to give evidence into the afternoon.

The hearings are examining core UK decision-making and political governance in Scotland.

Kate Forbes from start until break at 1:10:05

Resumes at 1:24:15 again with Kate Forbes in the hotseat until 2:12:12

John Swinney(Chief Establishment Child Abuse Cover-upper)Next up at 2:13:00 until a break at 2:40:10

Resumes 3:37:35 again with CECAC until 4:53:22 for another break and resuming again at 5:07:07 until the end at 6:21:25

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037c4f No.154111

File: 483a846fdb44a42⋯.png (672.6 KB,820x899,820:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20335925 (311810ZJAN24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf 'wines and dines' London financiers as he is accused of selling off Scotland's land

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Humza Yousaf 'wines and dines' London financiers as he is accused of selling off Scotland's land

The First Minister was blasted for forging close relationships with the City of London who want to promote the sale of Scotland's green spaces to international organisations, despite the Scottish Land Commission warning against this.

David Walker

30 JAN 2024

Humza Yousaf is enjoying a taxpayer-funded jaunt to London to "wine and dine" London financiers in an attempt to strengthen the relationship between Scotland and the City. But he has been accused of using the trip to promote selling off more of the country's nature and green space.

The First Minister is spending a few days in the capital where he will meet the Lord Mayor of London, Michael Mainelli, and meet with EU ambassadors. He attended a belated Burns Night supper on Monday night with his visit intended to boost links between the two areas, including on shared priorities such as green and sustainable finance, financial inclusion and social mobility.

It has involved a new partnership agreement being signed by the Scottish Government and the City of London Corporation, which included a line about potential purchasing of the country's green spaces. This is described by some critics as greenwashing, as it allows big companies to plant trees to offset their carbon footprint.

The agreement reads: "Through this agreement, we will promote and strengthen Green Finance and ESG principles within the Financial Services sector and support collaboration across this area to strengthen the UK's position at the forefront of this market."

But this position has been blasted by land campaigner and former Scottish Greens MSP Andy Wightman, who claimed that Mr Yousaf should not be seeking investment by financiers. He wrote on social media: "FM travels to London to dine with the City of London Corporation (!!) and deepen the financialisation of nature in Scotland. Where is the parliamentary scrutiny of where this is going and what this is delivering?

"As FM wines and dines the City of London to promote the rise of finance capital in the Scottish land market, a ScotGov agency, the Scottish Land Commission, is busy advising him and his Govt how to counteract the impacts of the phenomenon.

"The Scottish Government is actively promoting Scotland as a place to be bought up by City of London financial interests. Is this in the interests of the people of Scotland?" Alba Party general secretary Chris McEleny added: "Bought and sold for City of London gold."

The Scottish Land Commission, now chaired by former SNP President Mike Russell, released a report warning about these issues last year. It read: "Scotland’s rural land market is experiencing significantly increased demand but the amount of land coming to market has remained largely the same.

"The report finds that the Scottish land market is experiencing exceptionally high demand and low supply, with non-farming investors playing an increasing role. This includes growing demand for smaller farms as lifestyle holdings, interest from investors in plantable land for forestry and established forestry, and corporate interest in estates."

It warns that communities in remote parts of Scotland feel disconnected from some huge green areas which are owned by an international organisation and this could result in land going to waste.

Mr Yousaf said: "Scotland has much to gain from strengthening our relationship with the City of London – by providing access to global investors and collaborating on shared initiatives, we can reap the benefits of a thriving financial services industry for our centres of excellence.

"Outside of London, Scotland both has the UK's largest financial services centre and is the most attractive location in the UK for foreign direct investment. By working with the City of London Corporation towards shared goals, we can continue to drive that investment, and grow our economy.

"This latest partnership agreement is enhanced in terms of the scope and focus of our ambition, and will ensure our priorities continue to align with those of businesses in the financial sector."

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037c4f No.154113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20335969 (311822ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon gives evidence at the UK Covid inquiry (long video)

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#Live - Nicola Sturgeon gives evidence at the UK Covid inquiry #politics #live #news #covid

STV News

49.4K subscribers

Streamed live 7 hours ago

Former first minister Nicola Sturgeon will be questioned over key decisions her government made during the Covid pandemic.

Coverage starts at 04:55 continuing to a break at 1:17:38 returning at 1:35:35.

A further break at 2:53:15 and returning for a 2nd time at 3:49:55 before another final break at 5:05:50 before returning for the final session at 5:21:31.

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037c4f No.154114

File: c1262e4507c7118⋯.png (412.82 KB,844x885,844:885,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20336041 (311840ZJAN24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Who is Jamie Dawson KC, the Covid Inquiry lawyer who is knocking down SNP figures like skittles

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Who is Jamie Dawson KC, the Covid Inquiry lawyer who is knocking down SNP figures like skittles

The advocate is said to be 'relaxed, well prepared and relishing the limelight' as he prepares to take on Nicola Sturgeon during a marathon all-day session at the UK Covid Inquiry

Ben Borland

30 JAN 2024

You line 'em up and I'll knock 'em down. This is fighting talk, heard everywhere from boxing press conferences to Hollywood movies. In 2017, Floyd Mayweather Jr scoffed: "You line 'em up, and I knock 'em down like bowling pins." Conor McGregor spat back: "You haven't knocked nobody out in about 20 years."

But perhaps nobody has ever embodied this phrase more than Jamie Dawson KC, the polite, well-mannered lead counsel to the UK Covid Inquiry over the past few weeks. One by one, the SNP's top politicians of the past 10 years (not exactly a stellar period, to be fair) have been lined up and knocked down.

The procession of KOs has also seen civil servants and political aides dispatched with ruthless efficiency, to leave the Edinburgh International Conference Centre metaphorically bloodied and battered and with their careers and reputations in utter ruins.

Jason Leitch, Gregor Smith, Ken Thompson, Liz Lloyd, Devi Sridhar, Humza Yousaf, Jeane Freeman, Kate Forbes, John Swinney... they have all tried and failed to stand up to the laser-like scrutiny of the lawyer from Ampersand Advocates in Edinburgh. On Wednesday, it will be Nicola Sturgeon's turn to climb through the ropes... and few would bet against her being floored (metaphorically, of course).

But who is he? According to the Ampersand website, Dawson studied at Oxford and Edinburgh universities before he was called to the Bar in 2004 and took silk in 2020. He is a public inquiry specialist and represented the Scottish infected at the Infected Blood Inquiry.

Ahead of the big showdown on Wednesday, the Sunday Times reported that "Dawson's friends say he is relaxed, well prepared and relishing the limelight."

Dawson was born in Morningside, Edinburgh, in 1977. At the age of 11, he watched his father act as lead counsel to the inquiry into the explosion on the Piper Alpha oil platform in the North Sea. His father went on to become Lord Dawson, a judge of the Supreme Courts of Scotland in 1995.

The report says that Dawson is a "convivial and droll", a popular figure in Edinburgh's legal circles. During his years of advocacy training he was often seen enjoying a lunchtime pie and a pint at the Bow Bar in Victoria Street or a drink at the Jinglin' Geordie in Fleshmarket Close.

Observers have also noted the difference in style between Dawson – and his talented junior Usman Tariq – and Hugo Keith KC, who has been leading the way in the inquiry hearings down south. In The Spectator, Fraser Nelson wrote: "The verbose, preening Hugo Keith has been replaced by Jamie Dawson, a more incisive KC. What he has uncovered has been a revelation."

Dawson's friend and colleague David Thomson KC said: "He is enjoying the opportunity to run this himself, rather than the Hugo Keith show that has been under way in London." "Advocates and barristers each have their own styles of courtroom performance," he added. "It might fit into some national stereotypes."

No doubt Sturgeon and the rest of her motley crew would rather have faced Keith... in fact, they would probably rather be taking on Mayweather or McGregor in a UFC/boxing crossover title bout.

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037c4f No.154115

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20337847 (010102ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Tearful Nicola Sturgeon says she felt ‘at times felt overwhelmed’ by pandemic (video)

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Tearful Nicola Sturgeon says she felt ‘at times felt overwhelmed’ by pandemic

Guardian News

3.46M subscribers

5,448 views Jan 31, 2024 UNITED KINGDOM

Former Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon was visibly moved during her testimony at the Covid inquiry, telling the inquiry that there were moments during the pandemic when she 'felt overwhelmed'.

Reflecting on her time as first minister during the outbreak of the virus, Sturgeon said: 'There's a large part of me that wishes I hadn’t been first minister when the pandemic struck,' but defended her record, adding that 'wanted to be the best first minister she could be during that period'.

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037c4f No.154116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20337876 (010106ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon reveals she wanted to save Catherine Calderwood after she broke lockdown rules (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon reveals she wanted to save Catherine Calderwood after she broke lockdown rules

The Scottish Sun

250K subscribers

4,407 views Jan 31, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolaSturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon feared the “disruption” that could be caused by the resignation of former chief medical officer Dr Catherine Calderwood.

Dr Calderwood left the role after it emerged she made a trip to her holiday home in Fife, breaching lockdown regulations.

The former first minister told the inquiry she had initially tried to keep Dr Calderwood in post.

“I was mindful of how disruptive it would be to suddenly in those circumstances lose a chief medical officer,” she said.

Ms Sturgeon said she initially wanted to achieve two things; quell public anger and retain the “very valuable expertise” of Dr Calderwood.

Over the course of the day after the story broke, however, it became clear to both Ms Sturgeon and Dr Calderwood that she would have to resign.

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037c4f No.154117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20337901 (010110ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon tearily apologises for 'every bereaved person' (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon tearily apologises for 'every bereaved person'

The Scottish Sun

250K subscribers

Jan 31, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolaSturgeon

Lead counsel to the Covid-19 Inquiry Jamie Dawson KC asked if “the story of Covid in Scotland is the story of the hubris of Nicola Sturgeon”?

The former first minister said: “No. I do not believe that to be the case.

“I am in the fortunate position of not having lost anyone to Covid.

“I wish with every fibre of my being that the decisions my government had been able to take could have reduced the number of people in Scotland who did lose someone to Covid.

“I am deeply sorry to each and every bereaved person, and each and every person who suffered in other ways.

“I did my best, my government did our best and people will judge that, but I know that every day I tried my best and those working with me tried their best to steer this country through the Covid pandemic in the best way we could.”

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037c4f No.154118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20337939 (010115ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon admits knowing messages were destroyed when publicly saying she would not do so (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon admits knowing messages were destroyed when publicly saying she would not do so

The Scottish Sun

250K subscribers

29,266 views Jan 31, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolaSturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon admitted that when she said all material would be handed over to a inquiry into the pandemic she knew her messages were being destroyed.

Ms Sturgeon told the inquiry: “I operated from 2007, based on advice, the policy that messages, business relating to government should not be kept on a phone that could be lost or stolen and insecure in that way, but properly recorded through the system.

“I would want to again underline that communication was extremely limited and would not relate it to matters of substantive government decision-making.”

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037c4f No.154119

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20337977 (010120ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApp messages row explained

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Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApp messages row explained

Channel 4 News

3.17M subscribers

Channel 4 is a British public broadcast service. Wikipedia

Jan 31, 2024

Nicola Sturgeon has admitted deleting WhatsApp messages during the pandemic - despite once promising bereaved families nothing would be off limits.

Ciaran Jenkins explains how a question he asked in 2021 is at this heart of the row

Nicola Sturgeon says she deleted messages in line with official advice, and that “salient” points were all recorded on the corporate record.

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037c4f No.154120

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20338023 (010125ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' get no sympathy | Tory MP: 'SNP's no better than criminals' (video)

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Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' get no sympathy | Tory MP: 'SNP's no better than criminals'


1.16M subscribers

Jan 31, 2024 #gbnews #uknews #Tory

Tory MP Lee Anderson joins Patrick Christys to discuss Nicola Sturgeon's appearance at the Covid inquiry and the results of Brexit, four years on from Britain's departure from the EU.

#gbnews #uknews #Tory #Covid

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037c4f No.154121

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20338056 (010131ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon regrets not locking down Scotland earlier, defends her record to UK Covid Inquiry (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon regrets not locking down Scotland earlier, defends her record to UK Covid Inquiry

Channel 4 News

3.17M subscribers

Channel 4 is a British public broadcast service. Wikipedia

Jan 31, 2024

Nicola Sturgeon has said that regrets over some of the decisions she took during the pandemic will be with her as long as she lives - as she defended her government's record to the UK Covid inquiry.

She admitted there was a "large part" of her who wished she hadn't been Scotland's First Minister during the pandemic - but said it was up to others to judge how well she'd done.

Most of today's questions focused on the Scottish government's strategy and decision making - including the use of Whatsapp messages.

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037c4f No.154122

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20340491 (011436ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' get no sympathy | Tory MP: 'SNP's no better than criminals' (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon 'could cry from one eye' blasts Alister Jack

The Scottish Sun

250K subscribers

Feb 1, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolaSturgeon

After watching Nicola Sturgeon’s emotional evidence to the inquiry on Wednesday, Alister Jack said he “didn’t believe it for a minute”.

Jamie Dawson KC asked Mr Jack: “Did your pre-existing assumptions result in you failing to believe she could do that (set aside political convictions about independence)?”

He replied: “I watched that evidence from yesterday and I didn’t believe it for a minute.

“I think Nicola Sturgeon could cry from one eye if she wanted to.”

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037c4f No.154123

File: e31ded5beae305a⋯.png (422.07 KB,845x884,65:68,Clipboard.png)

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File: 1bceafb7b15a2d2⋯.png (132.28 KB,578x480,289:240,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20340659 (011453ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' get no sympathy | Tory MP: 'SNP's no better than criminals' (video)

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Alister Jack in scathing putdown of Nicola Sturgeon tears as he insists she could 'cry from one eye if she wanted to'

The Scotland Secretary told the UK Covid Inquiry and lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC that he did not believe the evidence given by the former first minister, or that she was really getting emotional when discussing the pandemic.

David Walker

1 FEB 2024

Alister Jack was scathing in his criticism of Nicola Sturgeon crying at the UK Covid Inquiry as he insisted that he did not believe her evidence, and accused her of being able to "cry from one eye if she wanted to." The former first minister was close to tears at least three times on Wednesday during her grilling on the pandemic.

But this was labelled "crocodile tears" by some critics, including Scots who lost a loved one to the deadly virus. The Scotland Secretary was quizzed on his relationship with the Scottish Government during that time period and was damning about his dealings with the SNP Executive.

Lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC questioned Mr Jack about whether the way the governments interacted during this "unprecedented medical emergency" was "tit for tat or children squabbling with each other." Mr Jack disagreed with this definition and said: "No I don't think that's fair.

"But I think what it characterised was that as you said at the beginning my job is to gradually strengthen the United Kingdom and sustain the United Kingdom. I do that every day of my working life.

"The First Minister's job, and I've said this at the despatch box and other occasions, Ms Sturgeon's job as leader of the nationalist government is to break up the United Kingdom. That's what the Scottish National Party exists to do. And so it was inevitable that there will be tensions, and there always are in government.

"Devolution works very well, but it works very well when governments want to work together. But one government wants to destroy the United Kingdom and destroy devolution. There are tensions and so these tensions existed before the pandemic."

Mr Dawson then asked the Scotland Secretary about Ms Sturgeon's evidence and described it as "emotional" and put to the witness her claims that she put aside independence during the pandemic. But Mr Jack was scathing in his response as he said: "I watched that yesterday, and I saw that passage and I didn't believe it for a minute.

"I looked at that passage and I thought back at my experiences, and I looked at her performance and I thought she could cry from one if she wanted to." Mr Jack also claimed that the Scottish Government made different choices during the pandemic just "for the sake of it."

He added: "I don't think it was achieving anything , that it was successful in suppressing the virus, it was just to appear different." He was then asked about John Swinney's evidence that Mr Jack had "done little to help" during the pandemic and whether this was "an accurate reflection."

In response, the Scotland Secretary pointed out that he was "not on the Christmas card list" of both the then-first minister and deputy first minister and highlighted that he "ended up in court with them three times and won on all occasions."

He added that the real issue was that they "don't like my powers or the Scotland Office" as he also sowed doubt on Mr Swinney's claims he did not have issues with his predecessor David Mundell. He said: "My predecessor experienced the same as me and when I took over he made it clear so I'm not sure he would agree that his position was respected by the Scottish Government or the SNP at that time."

Mr Jack did admit that he also deleted "all of his WhatsApp" messages during the pandemic, similar to what the SNP and government officials confessed to.

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037c4f No.154124

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20340688 (011456ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Douglas Ross blasts the SNP for using Covid travel ban to further Scottish Independence cause (video)

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Douglas Ross blasts the SNP for using Covid travel ban to further Scottish Independence cause

The Scottish Sun

250K subscribers

Feb 1, 2024 #scotland #douglasRoss #humzaYousaf

At a rowdy FMQs today Douglas Ross questioned Humza Yousaf about the SNP using the covid pandemic to push their Independence cause by opening a travel 'corridor' with Spain.

Mr Ross ripped into the First Minister and the Scottish government for deleting WhatsApp messages during the Covid-19 pandemic, as Mr Yousaf slammed Alister Jack for deleting his WhatsApp messages.

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037c4f No.154125

File: 7a5029856d14681⋯.png (463.08 KB,866x886,433:443,Clipboard.png)

File: 60e1fa249fad647⋯.png (296.24 KB,743x868,743:868,Clipboard.png)

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File: 27f9e7fcf49aca5⋯.png (292.5 KB,591x761,591:761,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20341101 (011604ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Andrew Neil compares Nicola Sturgeon to Richard Nixon as he highlights 'real' reason for her tears

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Andrew Neil compares Nicola Sturgeon to Richard Nixon as he highlights 'real' reason for her tears

The veteran former BBC broadcaster clashed with the ex-first minister on various occasions and claimed she was only crying at the UK Covid Inquiry cause she knew her political career was at an end due to the WhatsApp scandal.

David Walker

1 FEB 2024

Nicola Sturgeon's evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry has been torn apart by veteran political reporter Andrew Neil who compared her to a scandal-hit former American president. The former BBC politico claimed that she was similar to Richard Nixon, as both their high-flying careers were ended by a "cover up."

We previously told how the Scottish Lib Dems had compared the situation in Scotland, where the former first minister and her government deleted their pandemic WhatsApp messages, with Watergate, which took down Nixon's administration and ended his time in office.

Ms Sturgeon, her deputy John Swinney and her two main health advisers Jason Leitch and Gregor Smith all admitted they had wiped their correspondence, citing Scottish Government policy which has been disputed. The two SNP politicians have apologised for misinterpreting requests from the inquiry, while insisting there was nothing to see in the missing messages.

Mr Neil has revelled in the downfall of his old rival, who he often clashed with during interviews about independence and her reign as first minister. And he enjoyed rubbing it in on social media following her appearance at the UK Covid Inquiry, where she was grilled for hours and left tearful a number of times.

The veteran broadcaster wrote: "Nicola Sturgeon is the Richard Nixon of Scottish politics. Wins by a landslide then humbled and discredited forever by a career-destroying cover up. Two matters need underlining: 1. When she haughtily told the Channel 4 reporter that of course she would submit her WhatsApp messages to the inquiry she was ALREADY deleting them. Doesn’t get worse than that.

"2. She says she was following government guidelines by deleting — her phone could fall into wrong hands etc. We’ve never seen these guidelines or discovered who told her to follow these protocols. But it’s a nonsense anyway since it would surely mean the emails and other messages on her phone should have been deleted too for that sort of security risk. They weren’t. Her reputation is now in tatters. She knows that. That’s why she cried."

Ms Sturgeon choked back tears as she was asked if she thought she was the right person to lead Scotland through the pandemic as she admitted that some days she did not want to be in the role. She also got visibly emotional during questioning about whether she used the deadly virus to push for independence.

But she was accused of "crocodile tears" by families of those who lost a loved one during the pandemic as she failed to explain why she deleted WhatsApps after promising the bereaved that she would retain all of her messages. She apologised for this during her evidence session.

Mr Neil then commented about her role during the public health crisis as he said: "Throughout the pandemic she never gave up agitating for separation. Indeed she used the pandemic to further that cause, by constantly seeking points of differentiation and friction with Westminster. To claim otherwise is fantasy."

Ms Sturgeon was confronted with minutes from her own cabinet meetings which stated they should reconsider starting the Scexit push during the pandemic in 2020, and used their response to it to show why the break-up of the UK should happen.

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037c4f No.154126

File: 59b25e99046f4ef⋯.png (653.8 KB,860x893,860:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d8affd09306b2c⋯.png (252.81 KB,885x524,885:524,Clipboard.png)

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File: e8e0b4f25151198⋯.png (619.93 KB,943x782,41:34,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20341236 (011633ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon compared to Stan Laurel as commentators unimpressed with 'Oscar-winning performance'

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Nicola Sturgeon compared to Stan Laurel as commentators unimpressed with 'Oscar-winning performance'

The former first minister has become a diminished figure with one expert sayng 'no fair-minded person can defend the decision by Sturgeon and her inner circle to delete their WhatsApp messages. during Covid'

Douglas Dickie

1 FEB 2024

Nicola Sturgeon's appearance at the UK Covid Inquiry has been heavily criticised by political commentators, with one comparing her to Stan Laurel. The former first minister endured a miserable Wednesday as she gave evidence to the inquiry.

Among the subjects covered were her care home policy, deleted WhatsApps and evidence that suggested her government sought to use the pandemic for political gain. Ms Sturgeon fought back tears on several occasions as she was grilled by Jamie Dawson KC in one of the most dramatic days in Scottish political history.

While much of the evidence had already been in the public domain, it proved to be a fascinating watch as the one-time SNP leader struggled to set out her side of the story. The press reaction has been telling, with many writers unimpressed with what they saw.

The Scottish Daily Express ran with the headline "Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' at Covid indy grilling" after members of the Scottish Coviod Bereaved Group questioned how genuine her tears were - or who they were for. In the Daily Mail, which ran with the headline "The humbling of Sturgeon", columnist Stephen Daisley said she was "no longer the Nicola Sturgeon she once was".

He added: "The aura of power that radiated from her has fizzled out. When high office goes, so goes the status. But there was something else: she looked smaller than before. It was hard to believe this was the same woman who, almost four years ago, held the nation rapt as she looked down a camera lens and told us our lives were about to be turned upside down."

Elsewhere in the Mail, critic Quentin Letts evoked memories of one half of the legendary comic duo Laurel and Hardy. He wrote: "We had a Stan Laurel moment at the Covid inquiry when Nicola Sturgeon started blubbing.

"She didn't quite remove her bowler hat and start scratching her head the way Stan would after being biffed by Oliver Hardy but it was a close-run thing. All simply because a barrister asked knuckleduster Nicola if she felt she was the right person to have been first minister of Scotland."

He added: "She presents herself as a retired Mother of the Nation, but despite references to Gold Command meetings, private offices, 'underpinning rationales', the use of 'action' as a verb and endless 'salient points', it all felt terribly Trumpton."

In The Times, Alex Massie reckons her explanation for deleting WhatsApp messages was "hogwash". He wrote: "Sturgeon insists that the dry detail of the decisions taken is all that counts. But the inquiry is also interested in the context in which those choices were made and the reasons for them.

"Much of that is missing from the record. Sturgeon's position is akin to arguing that historians can gain little useful knowledge from private diaries or correspondence and should instead content themselves with the state papers. This is an absurd proposition but it is one Sturgeon demands."

Looking back on a key moment from the hearing, Massie added: "Did Nicola Sturgeon delete her records? To which the only possible answer was, in fact, the one she gave: 'Yes'."

Chris Musson, associate editor of the Scottish Sun, said Ms Sturgeon's "holier-than-thou personality has melted away in the eyes of many people" and described her appearance as an "Oscar-winning performance". He added: "Yesterday we got it complete with an apology, tears, soundbites, and deliberately vague talk of 'carrying regrets' with her forever more.

"There was also a seemingly heartfelt 'sorry' to families who lost loved ones. But Ms Sturgeon wants to have her cake and eat it. She can't make an apology to the bereaved and then try to wriggle out of the very criticisms being made by the Scottish Covid Bereaved group, one of the inquiry's core participants."

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037c4f No.154127

File: fe8a13fa2ed04a1⋯.png (335 KB,590x734,295:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20341241 (011635ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon compared to Stan Laurel as commentators unimpressed with 'Oscar-winning performance'

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Daily Record political editor Paul Hutcheon said Ms Sturgeon's "legacy has crumbled". He added: "No fair-minded person can defend the decision by Sturgeon and her inner circle to delete their WhatsApp messages. during Covid.

"Sturgeon tried to hide behind the rules but she was responsible for the rules. Inquiry KC Jamie Dawson demolished Sturgeon by establishing secrecy as the theme of her Covid response.

"Her government kept quiet news of the first outbreak in Edinburgh. Minutes of Gold Command meetings were not minuted - an inexplicable lapse. The WhatsApp scandal is Sturgeon's partygate and has damaged the inquiry.'s attempt to get at the truth. It also raises the question of the legacy of Scotland's longest-serving first minister."

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037c4f No.154128

File: 0a9844cd08ad65b⋯.png (467.51 KB,850x885,170:177,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20341345 (011723ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / If you think Nicola Sturgeon didn't politicise pandemic, I have some magic beans you can buy

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If you think Nicola Sturgeon didn't politicise pandemic, I have some magic beans you can buy

The former first minister was put through the ringer by Jamie Dawson KC and while much of the evidence was already in the public domain, it was still uncomfortable viewing for those who put so much faith in her


Douglas Dickie

31 JAN 2024

In the end, it wasn't quite the blockbuster event that had been expected. Jamie Dawson KC had used up much of his bombshell material last week at the UK Covid Inquiry.

But make no mistake, the way he forensically dismantled Nicola Sturgeon will be no less devastating in the long run for her reputation. Mr Dawson took on the role of silent assassin, not letting her off the hook as she tried to rabble her way out of trouble.

Ultimately, Sturgeon was skewered by her own words. She proclaimed that using the pandemic for political reasons would have been a betrayal to the Scottish people. She said she had not thought “less” about politics and independence than she did during the Covid-19 pandemic.

And yet, she didn't not think about it. We know this because the evidence is there. We know her Cabinet agreed in June 2020 to look at using Covid to push for a second referendum. The minutes from that meeting left Sturgeon flustered.

She claimed if someone had 'considered' it, she would have said no. But ended up all over the place when she was interrupted by Lady Hallet who pointed out it had been "agreed" at cabinet. On the same day, Sturgeon angrily hit back at a question on that topic in one of her daily briefings.

And we know she used Boris Johnson's visit to Scotland that summer to tweet about Scottish independence. And we know she spoke about independence at the SNP's virtual conference on November 30, linking it directly to the Covid crisis. We also know, from Liz Lloyd's evidence, that they were looking for fights with the UK Government during Covid. And her right-hand man John Swinney wanted Spain placed on a travel exemption list over concerns about an independent Scotland joining the EU.

This is just a snapshot of what was discussed. The majority of Nicola Sturgeon's informal discussions throughout the pandemic have been destroyed, despite her claim they had merely not been retained. So we'll never get the full picture of how Nicola Sturgeon's government truly tackled the pandemic.

We'll never know if Sturgeon's deleted communications would have backed her up, or made things worse. That in itself creates a massive issue for the one-time darling of the Nationalist movement, and one her reputation will likely not recover from.

In the court of public opinion, it will be hard to imagine the messages would have been unavailable had they exonerated her. And it's entirely fair for the Scottish public to take that view as none of the evidence presented to us contradicts that. The secretive nature of the Scottish Government leaves it up to others to fill in the blanks. And if you still think she didn't seek to play politics, then you probably fall for the joke about 'gullible' being taken out the dictionary.

Sturgeon was always going to come out fighting. At one point she seemed on the verge of tears, something that will no doubt - and luckily for her - dominate the headlines. But beneath the emotion, her administration has been dismantled over the past two weeks. She said she sometimes wished she had not been first minister, and on that, many will agree with her.

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037c4f No.154129

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20341389 (011737ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Sturgeon's 'desperate and cynical attempts' to 'refute compelling evidence' (video)

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Sturgeon's 'desperate and cynical attempts' to 'refute compelling evidence'


1.16M subscribers

30,918 views Jan 31, 2024 #covid #nicolasturgeon #inquiry

Conservative MSP, Miles Briggs, slams Nicola Sturgeon's response to the Covid inquiry after she admitted to deleting WhatsApp messages.

#covid #nicolasturgeon #inquiry #pandemic

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037c4f No.154130

File: 3a8ce9d40f3b39b⋯.png (360.83 KB,832x880,52:55,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20345454 (021435ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / John Swinney Covid WhatsApp deletions claim torn apart by startling claim by former boss Alex Salmond

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John Swinney Covid WhatsApp deletions claim torn apart by startling claim by former boss Alex Salmond

The former deputy first minister was a long-standing member of the Scottish Government between 2007 and 2023, and claimed he was advised to delete all his informal messages when he first joined the cabinet.

David Walker

31 JAN 2024

John Swinney's claim that he deleted Covid WhatsApps due to advice he was given back in 2007 to get rid of informal messaging has been torn apart by his former boss. The long-serving SNP politician was giving evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry and faced interrogation over why he did not provide his pandemic correspondence to the probe.

He admitted that he "manually" wiped all the correspondence between him and Nicola Sturgeon despite them regularly speaking and organising meetings digitally. He told Jamie Dawson KC that since entering government in 2007, he had "deleted material after I have made sure any relevant information was placed on the official record of the government, and that was the approach I was advised to take."

Mr Swinney claimed that this approach was never "questioned" in his long stint in the executive and was also "consistent" with the ministerial code. He also apologised to the Inquiry if he was found to have deleted messages which they wanted to see.

The former deputy first minister said: "I took the view that the approach that I had been advised to take all throughout my ministerial career was the appropriate one because nobody had ever said to me to the contrary.

"I believe that I was furnishing the record with any relevant information in relation to Covid planning. Could I perhaps take this opportunity to say that if I have misunderstood the Scottish Government policy in this respect then I would apologise unreservedly for doing so because my intention was never to do anything other than make sure the official record was furnished with all the of the information that you asked me for?"

But his former boss Alex Salmond disputed his claim as he mocked "honest John" and confirmed that his ministers were never told to delete their messages. Speaking on LBC, he said: "Things are emerging that is certainly an unforgiving light which has been shone on the Scottish Government and the mass deletion, industrial deletion, the comprehensive deletion of messaging and WhatsApps has been one of the key aspects.

"Honest John, as John Swinney used to be called, said he was doing this manually and that he said he was doing it since 2007, as first minister between 2007 and 2014 can I assure everyone that no such policy was in existence in these years and John was doing it off his own back."

Mr Salmond was asked why he thought they were deleting messages and pointed out that there was be "extraordinarily" damaging texts due to the public scandal SNP ministers knew would come following their confessions. He said: "The key deleted messages between March and September 2020 in particular must be very damaging indeed.

"She gave a public commitment, the commitment was given under false pretences and that's very bad. If she deleted them afterwards, in the full knowledge that the public inquiry expected to have such messages, then that's even more serious and could have serious repercussions.

"I think there must be something more than their maladministration of Covid policy, there must be more remarks about your colleagues." Scottish Covid Bereaved lawyer Aamer Anwar suggested that the prosecution of Mr Salmond and Operation Branchform may be reasons behind the deletions.

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037c4f No.154131

File: 4f90ee8e78307d4⋯.png (523.46 KB,814x899,814:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20345506 (021458ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon gave the mobile she used in 2020 to a 'family member whose phone had broken'

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Nicola Sturgeon gave the mobile she used in 2020 to a 'family member whose phone had broken'

The former first minister upgraded her phone just before the second wave of the virus struck in December 2020, giving her old handset – which she had been using to run the country – to a relative

Ben Borland

1 FEB 2024

Nicola Sturgeon said she upgraded her mobile phone in December 2020 and gave the old handset to "a family member whose own phone had broken".

The UK Covid Inquiry released written evidence yesterday following the former first minister's dramatic day of testimony on Wednesday, where she admitting deleting all her WhatsApp messages.

In the submission, dated November 16, 2023, Ms Sturgeon says: "The mobile phone I used prior to upgrading around December 2020 is not in my possession. Having transferred to my new phone, I later gave the old handset to a family member whose own phone had broken."

She acknowledged that had been using the phone "to conduct Government business, such as matters relating to the management of the pandemic in Scotland", including calls, texts and WhatsApps. It is not clear whether Ms Sturgeon sought any security clearance before handing over the device.

She also told lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC that the prepaid mobile she purchased in March 2020 and then claimed back on expenses was for staff use only.

And Ms Sturgeon insisted she had received advice from Scottish Government officials that text of WhatsApp messages removed from a device could only be retrieved for a period of up to 30 days.

Sturgeon was running 'a government within a government'

Meanwhile, her successor Humza Yousaf said officials are "urgently" looking for minutes of the pandemic 'Gold Command' meetings to hand over to the UK Covid inquiry. Key players including Ms Sturgeon, national clinical director Jason Leitch and select SNP ministers used the gatherings to discuss strategy and options to tackle the virus.

But no minutes of the meetings have been shared with the inquiry, with both Mr Yousaf and Kate Forbes telling the inquiry that the meetings should have been minuted. Ms Forbes, who was then finance secretary, revealed that she hadn't even known about the existence of the summits, which often took place before Cabinet meetings.

Ms Sturgeon told the inquiry she didn't know the meetings had been named 'Gold Command' and claimed that email summaries of what was discussed should be available.

Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said they were like meetings of a "secret central committee" and accused the SNP of running a "government within a government".

He added: "Humza Yousaf saw all of this and yet, did nothing. So why is he now standing in the way of a ministerial code investigation into gold command record keeping – something only he can instruct?"

In response, the First Minister said "the government is urgently examining and exploring and will hand over to the inquiry any notes that we have on gold command minutes".

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037c4f No.154132

File: 2abf9d5ff4f321f⋯.png (550.63 KB,821x898,821:898,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20347385 (022222ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Andrew Neil slams 'compromised' BBC and 'North Korea-like' STV in coverage of Nicola Sturgeon and SNP

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Andrew Neil slams 'compromised' BBC and 'North Korea-like' STV in coverage of Nicola Sturgeon and SNP

The veteran broadcaster has been unimpressed with some media outlets for having 'too close an association' with the Nationalist party

Douglas Dickie

1 FEB 2024

Andrew Neil has said sections of the Scottish press have been "compromised" in their coverage of Nicola Sturgeon. And the veteran broadcaster turned his ire on the BBC having previously described an STV feature as like being something from North Korea.

Paisley-born Neil, 74, was responding to analysis by BBC Scotland political correspondent Kirsten Campbell. Referring to Ms Sturgeon crying as she gave evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry on Wednesday, Campbell said the "emotion on display gives a real insight into the pressures she felt and still feels about the Covid pandemic".

She went on to say: "I believe she feels insulted by the suggestion that she viewed the pandemic as a political opportunity." The piece has been widely criticised with one social media user branding it "fawning dribble".

And Neil was also unimpressed, calling it: "Exhibit A, m’lud, on how so much Scottish media has been compromised by too close an association with the SNP." The BBC has previously been accused of being too pre-SNP although Nationalists claim it is pro-Union.

Campbell's piece said: "It's rare for Nicola Sturgeon to lose her composure in public. The emotion on display gives a real insight into the pressures she felt and still feels about the Covid pandemic. She admits to feeling a bit overwhelmed when the pandemic hit. The tears began to flow when she confessed that there had been times she wished she hadn’t been first minister at that stage.

"I believe she feels insulted by the suggestion that she viewed the pandemic as a political opportunity, when she says she saw it as a threat, a risk, a catastrophe. She insists she was just doing her job, but there is a sense that she wonders if her critics have given her enough credit for how challenging a job it was."

Last month, Neil had also taken aim at STV after a clip re-emerged of a segment in which the broadcaster had children 'thank' Ms Sturgeon for seeing the country through the pandemic. He said it was "the day Scotland morphed into North Korea, with a complicit media acting as the arm of the SNP's broadcasting propaganda". The montage has been widely derided on social media.

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037c4f No.154133

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20347448 (022239ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon at the Covid Inquiry and where does it leave her legacy? (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon at the Covid Inquiry and where does it leave her legacy? | Planet Holyrood

Daily Record

59K subscribers

5,821 views Feb 1, 2024 #DailyRecord #NicolaSturgeon #SNP

Nicola Sturgeon, who led the Scottish Government response to the global health crisis, answered questions for several hours at the UK Covid Inquiry this week.

She admitted her biggest regret from the pandemic is not having introduced lockdown sooner. The former First Minister went on to deny the decisions she took during the pandemic were done for political reasons, adding she had not “thought less” about politics in her life than she did during the pandemic.

But will the implications of what was revealed about her conduct affect her legacy and wider trust in politics?

The Daily Record's political editor Paul Hutcheon speaks with the Sunday Mail's Hannah Rodger and Douglas Dickie of the Scottish Daily Express.

The Planet Holyrood audio link content from last part of previous article.

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037c4f No.154134

File: 666591d5a7250c7⋯.png (604.15 KB,853x899,853:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: cff8f5b75b56038⋯.png (175.42 KB,570x482,285:241,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20347664 (022322ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / 'Showbiz Sturgeon' started writing a diary in 2018… despite what she told Covid Inquiry

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'Showbiz Sturgeon' started writing a diary in 2018... despite what she told Covid Inquiry

The former first minister told an audience at a book festival she had started keeping a 'fairly comprehensive diary' ... but in her written statement to the inquiry she said she it had 'never been my practice' to do so

Ben Borland

1 FEB 2024

Nicola Sturgeon said in September 2018 that she had written a "comprehensive diary over most of this year" and joked that she would maybe publish it "one day".

However, the former first minister told the UK Covid Inquiry that she had never done so. In her written statement, she said: "It has never been my practice to keep contemporaneous diaries, notebooks or notes, and I did not do so in relation to the management of the pandemic."

This statement – signed in November 2023 – appears at odds with her comments at the Wigtown Book Festival just over five years previously during a question and answer session with the author Damian Barr.

Asked by Barr if she had ever kept a diary, she replied: "I don't write a diary, or I haven't written a diary as religiously, or as systematically, as I wish I had over the past 10 years... but I have started! Earlier this year I decided to try and do that, I wouldn't say I've managed to do it every single day but I've kept pretty much a fairly comprehensive diary over most of this year."

Asked if she would ever publish it, she replied: "Not immediately, no, but maybe one day." Barr quipped that the "noise you can hear outside is publishers tripping over themselves to come and get it".

Last year, Ms Sturgeon signed a £300,000 deal with publisher Pan Macmillan to write a memoir covering both her childhood in North Ayrshire and her career in politics. It is due to be published in 2025.

She said: "I aim to chronicle key events of the past three decades of Scottish and British politics and take the reader behind the scenes to describe how it felt to be ‘in the room’, who else was there, the relationships involved and how decisions were arrived at."

However, without any "contemporaneous diaries, notebooks or notes" it will rely on the former SNP leader's notoriously sketchy memory. Her hazy recollection of relatively recent events was highlighted in 2021, when she was appearing before a committee of MSPs examining her role in the Scottish Government's handling of sexual harassment complaints against Alex Salmond.

Most notably, she claimed to have forgotten about a meeting when Mr Salmond's aide, Geoff Aberdein, came to her office in Holyrood to say that her former boss and mentor wanted to speak to her about the complaints.

Writing in The Spectator, Euan McColm said: "Nicola Sturgeon’s memory is a fascinating and frustrating thing. At times, the former First Minister of Scotland’s powers of recall are quite remarkable. No detail escapes Sturgeonian examination, no nuance goes unnoticed. On other occasions, it fails her completely."

During the Wigtown Book Festival event, she also told the audience: "I'd love, love, love to think I could write a novel, but I'm not sure I've got it in me."

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037c4f No.154135

File: 10191a31850b091⋯.png (659.88 KB,961x899,31:29,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20347673 (022324ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / 'Showbiz Sturgeon' started writing a diary in 2018… despite what she told Covid Inquiry

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From previous board maybe?

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037c4f No.154136

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20347707 (022329ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / 'Showbiz Sturgeon' started writing a diary in 2018… despite what she told Covid Inquiry

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037c4f No.154137

File: 03f5a3e7a77c2ef⋯.png (550.22 KB,840x895,168:179,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20348355 (030114ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Bitter Nats vow to boycott Have I Got News For You after hilarious tweet about Nicola Sturgeon's 'fake' tears

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Bitter Nats vow to boycott Have I Got News For You after hilarious tweet about Nicola Sturgeon's 'fake' tears

The long-running satirical politics show tweeted that the former first minister 'narrowly misses out on the Oscars deadline' after she blubbed at the UK Covid Inquiry

Ben Borland

1 FEB 2024

Outraged nationalists have once again shown they are unable to take a joke after a tweet from the Have I Got News For You triggered fury. Many vowed they would never watch the long-running BBC satirical show ever again.

The post on X read: "Disappointment for Nicola Sturgeon after her emotional performance at the UK Covid Inquiry narrowly misses out on the Oscars deadline, though insiders say don't rule out a TV Choice award."

It came after the former first minister was close to tears on several occasions while giving evidence at the inquiry hearings in Edinburgh on Wednesday. Families of those who died during the pandemic accused her of shedding "crocodile tears", while the overwhelming consensus was that Ms Sturgeon was upset because her failures had been exposed.

However, that was not how the dwindling handful of Sturgeon loyalists saw it... and they were quick to vent their frustration on social media at the tweet from HIGNFY. Since it began in 1990, most viewers would agree that the Conservatives have been the primary targets for its scathing political satire.

Broadcasting Scotland, which describes itself as "Scotland's independent broadcaster" but is not Ofcom regulated, tweeted: "Metro-centric elite w***ers trying to make fun of someone who is clearly upset."

Another person said: "Last time I'll be watching you after this cheap comment. If you were in Scotland you saw her every single day giving us updates, and dealing with aggressive journalists with an agenda from their unionist masters. No partying in Scotland. She behaved impeccably throughout."

Another said: "Cheap post, not funny on any level. You should be after #CorruptTories 24/7. They have no emotions, they just want to drain every UK Asset into their personal troughs."

One saw a dark conspiracy theory in the coverage and said: "If the fact that Nicola Sturgeon has pushed Putin and his war with Ukraine into second place on the 10 o clock news Doesn't tell you that the BBC are terrified of Scottish independence then nothing else will."

Another TV critic declared: "I see many comments saying you could do better than this, but this is the level you've sunk to. The show hasn't been relevant for years now."

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037c4f No.154138

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20348535 (030153ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / How Sturgeon broke devolution -- Alex Salmond vs Fraser Nelson (video)

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How Sturgeon broke devolution – Alex Salmond vs Fraser Nelson | SpectatorTV

The Spectator

333K subscribers

26,743 views Jan 30, 2024

Fraser Nelson speaks to former first minister of Scotland Alex Salmond in the week Nicola Sturgeon gives evidence at the Covid Inquiry and the UK reflects of 25 years of Scottish devolution. Has the legacy of the SNP's mafia-style governance, Covid cover-ups and, dodgy finances led people to believe that devolution was a mistake? And what's left of the campaign for independence?

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037c4f No.154139

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20348575 (030159ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / "Those Who Lost Loved Ones Are SPITTING BLOOD!" - Alex Salmond On Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApps (video)

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"Those Who Lost Loved Ones Are SPITTING BLOOD!" - Alex Salmond On Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApps


758K subscribers

69,711 views Jan 26, 2024

Nicola Sturgeon branded Boris Johnson a “f** clown” in a series of messages during the then prime minister’s “f** excruciating” announcement of a second national lockdown for England, an inquiry has heard.

Humza Yousaf has apologised “unreservedly” for the Scottish Government’s handling of requests for messages from the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

It came as the Scottish First Minister began giving evidence to the inquiry, sitting in Edinburgh, on Thursday afternoon.

He described his Government’s handling of inquiry requests as “frankly poor” and offered an apology.

Jamie Dawson KC, lead counsel to the current module of the inquiry, put it to Mr Yousaf that it is “important” for the messages to be retained so proper lessons can be learned.

Mr Yousaf said: “I apologise unreservedly to the inquiry and to those mourning the loss of a loved one.”

The First Minister, who was Scottish health secretary from May 2021 until March 2023, said he believes there were times that decisions made during the pandemic by his predecessor Nicola Sturgeon were not “cascaded” to the rest of the cabinet.

Former first minister of Scotland, Alex Salmond joins Mike Graham to discuss the outcomes of the inquiry.

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037c4f No.154140

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20348604 (030203ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Covid 19 inquiry: John Swinney told inquiry he deleted messages with Nicola Sturgeon manually (video0

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Covid 19 inquiry: John Swinney told inquiry he deleted messages with Nicola Sturgeon manually

Evening Standard

276K subscribers

3,527 views Jan 30, 2024

John Swinney “manually” deleted messages between himself, Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf in a practice which could date back to 2007, the UK Covid-19 Inquiry has heard.

The former Scottish deputy first minister said he rarely spoke to his then boss Ms Sturgeon by text message or other informal means, saying texts were generally only used to set up a phone call.

These messages, he told the inquiry, were deleted in accordance with Scottish Government guidance.

With the current occupant of Bute House, however, the inquiry heard there was some 18 pages of WhatsApp messages between the two men.

Mr Swinney had deleted the messages, which were recovered from an old handset of Mr Yousaf’s and subsequently submitted to the inquiry.

The former deputy first minister – who also held roles overseeing education, Covid recovery and finance in his time in Government – defended his lack of retention of messages, which he said was in line with guidance from the Scottish Government, issued in 2021.

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037c4f No.154141

File: a70b7e12050c52c⋯.png (451.93 KB,849x899,849:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20351063 (031646ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Former Holyrood boss Ken 'Plausible Deniability' Thomson quits new role over Covid Inquiry row

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>Thomson boasted that "plausible deniability are my middle names".


> "Ken Thomson, the man who drafted the Scottish Government's records management policy was advising people on how to avoid complying with it."


Former Holyrood boss Ken 'Plausible Deniability' Thomson quits new role over Covid Inquiry row

The former Scottish Government director general for strategy and external affairs faced heavy criticism after urging colleagues to delete their messages during the Covid pandemic.

David Walker

1 FEB 2024

A former high-ranking member of the Scottish Government has quit his new job after less than a month after being engulfed in a row surrounding the UK Covid Inquiry. Ken Thomson served as the SNP Executive's director general for strategy and external affairs during the pandemic.

However, damning evidence revealed by the inquiry left him open for criticism after he advised his colleagues to delete messages so they couldn't be made public and he also boasted that "plausible deniability are my middle names." He was installed as chairman of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland's (ICAS) regulatory board on January 1.

But he has now exited this role for "personal reasons" with the organisation confirming he had left with immediate effect from January 31. The Edinburgh Reporter suggested that ICAS has received angry complaints from grieving relatives.

The row involving Mr Thomson revolves around his evidence session at the inquiry when messages he shared with colleagues were publicly displayed. In one message to deputy chief medical officer Lesley Steedman, he said: “Just to remind you (seriously), this is discoverable under FoI [freedom of information]. Know where the “clear chat” button is…”.

In the correspondence, the former senior civil servant used the phrase “this information you requested is not held centrally”, which is a stock excuse that the Scottish Government uses when refusing FOI requests. He denied that this advice was an attempt to hide from scrutiny when he was grilled about it.

ICAS confirmed that Mr Thomson quit the role after he was publicly criticised by opposition MSPs for this behaviour. In a statement, the organisation said: "ICAS will shortly begin the process of appointing a chair of the regulation board.

“This follows Ken Thomson’s resignation as an ICAS public interest member of council and chair of the ICAS regulation board, for personal reasons. His resignation has been accepted with effect from 31 January 2024.”

One angered Scot told the Edinburgh Reporter: "ICAS’s code of ethics claims that upholding high standards and promoting ethical leadership is at the heart of everything they do and quite frankly continuing with Mr Thompson as its regulatory chief is laughable. I am glad ICAS has acted swiftly on this important issue but really they had little choice given the evidence which emerged at the Covid Inquiry.”

Mr Thomson was praised by the ICAS CEO Bruce Cartwright when he was appointed to the job at the start of January as he said he was "a valuable addition to the regulation board and brings with him a wealth of experience." He added: “Upholding high standards and promoting ethical leadership is at the heart of everything we do at ICAS. I know Ken will play an instrumental role in maintaining and enhancing our efforts.”

The former senior civil servant was also heavily praised by Nicola Sturgeon during her marathon evidence session at the inquiry on Wednesday as she defended his messages, saying that the controversial discussion was "light-hearted." She said: "Ken Thomson is somebody I’ve worked with throughout my time in the Scottish Government and he is a civil servant, as I say, of the utmost integrity and the utmost professionalism."

Mr Thomson was a long-serving senior member of the Scottish Government as he was director general for strategy and external affairs for 12 years, and oversaw Operation Unicorn which was the process following the death of the Queen at Balmoral.

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037c4f No.154142

File: 236c63d82d6e8b9⋯.png (461.65 KB,887x838,887:838,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20351423 (031817ZFEB24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Young dad becomes fifth person to die at police station probed over Sheku Bayoh death

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Young dad becomes fifth person to die at police station probed over Sheku Bayoh death

Scott Hooper, 35, who passed away suddenly on January 22, is the fifth person to die in police custody in Kirkcaldy since 2015.

Sarah Vesty

3 FEB 2024

A young dad has become the fifth person to die at a Scots police station whose officers were probed in connection with the death of Sheku Bayoh.

An investigation has been launched after Scott Hooper, 35, dad died in police custody after becoming unwell while detained at Kirkcaldy police station on Monday, January 22.

Emergency services were called to the scene but Scott was pronounced dead a short time later. He is the fourth man to die in custody in the Fife town since 2015.

Prosecutors have ordered the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner (PIRC) to examine the circumstances of his death.

PIRC confirmed they will report their findings to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in due course.

A spokesperson said: “We have been directed by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) to investigate the circumstances of the death of a 35-year-old man while in custody at Kirkcaldy Police Station on 22 January 2024.

"Once the investigation is concluded, a report on our findings will be submitted to the COPFS.”

Mr Hooper, who has been described as a “loving dad” and “much loved son”, will be laid to rest on February 20.

Sheku Bayoh, 31, whose death is currently being probed at a public inquiry, lost his life after coming into contact with officers in Fife in May 2015.

He was pronounced dead in hospital after being restrained by six officers who had been called to reports of a man behaving erratically with a knife.

The inquiry is examining the circumstances of his death, how police dealt with the aftermath, the subsequent investigation and whether race was a factor.

Marc Hamilton, 36, was found dead in his cell by cops at Kirkcaldy station at around 10.30am on September 18, 2020.

He was due to appear in court that day after allegedly stabbing someone.

Stephen ‘Spike’ Campbell, 50, passed away on February 23, 2022, after taking unwell in the cells at the station.

He is understood to have suffered a medical episode while waiting to be questioned by officers over an alleged robbery.

Joseph Sneddon, 37, died at the town’s Victoria Hospital after being restrained by police and medical staff for up to three hours during a mental health crisis on April 8, 2022.

His family previously demanded answers after receiving a heavily redacted post mortem report detailing his cause of death as “sudden death in a man with a significant acidosis following a prolonged period of struggling and restraint”.

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037c4f No.154143

File: fe933e137fd52c7⋯.png (127.52 KB,610x567,610:567,Clipboard.png)

File: 593703eddd67ec2⋯.png (144.14 KB,573x425,573:425,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20351428 (031819ZFEB24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Young dad becomes fifth person to die at police station probed over Sheku Bayoh death

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The report added: “Mr Sneddon appears to have been restrained for a 2.5 to 3 hour hour period and during this entire time had been very agitated and was extensively fighting against the restraints”.

He was found to have 36 separate injuries including cuts and bruises on his head, body, legs, arms and face.

His loved ones, who are being represented by solicitor Aamer Anwar, met with Scotland’s justice chief Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC in February last year.

A Police Scotland spokesperson added: “A 35-year-old man became unwell while in custody at Kirkcaldy Police Station on Monday, 22 January, 2024.

“Emergency services attended, however, he was pronounced dead at the scene. The death is currently being treated as unexplained and enquiries are ongoing.

“A report has been sent to the Procurator Fiscal. As is standard procedure the matter has been referred to the Police Investigations and Review Commissioner."

A spokesperson for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service: "The Procurator Fiscal has received a report in connection with the death of a 35-year-old man while in custody at Kirkcaldy Police Station on 22 January, 2024.

"The investigation into the death is ongoing and the family will continue to be kept updated in relation to any significant developments."

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037c4f No.154144

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20352651 (032333ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon argues she didn't have a zero covid policy even though she used the term ZERO COVID (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon argues she didn't have a zero covid policy even though she used the term ZERO COVID

The Scottish Sun

251K subscribers

Feb 3, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolaSturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon said the Scottish Government had a “maximum suppression” strategy as she denied she had a 'zero covid policy' even though that phrase was used at the time.

She told the UK Covid-19 Inquiry that the Scottish Government’s strategy was to suppress the virus to the “lowest possible level”.

She said ministers used phraseology like “zero Covid” and elimination colloquially, but she said “emphatically” not eradication, which she said was a “very different concept”.

She added: “At no point was my belief that we would get Covid to a level where it was eliminated and went away.”

Total shite. Anybody with a brain by now knows that there was no virus, the jabs were what killed people...that and the NIL BY MOUTH orders and the DNR's and the toxic drug coctails in hospitals and care homes (midazolam/morphine), and yet here they are still talking about virus's and variants. A variant of a fake virus is still a fucking fake virus for fuck sake!"

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037c4f No.154145

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20353175 (040121ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon argues she didn't have a zero covid policy even though she used the term ZERO COVID (video)

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5:27 in to this...question from the chair.

"can i just check that we got the notes correct?"

"'Cos that is what I understood you to say!"

"Did you say elimination and eradication are different things?"

Answer bizzare and Orwellian use of language culminatiing in the old excuse "but forgive me I'm not an epidemiologist."

Response from chair:

"No, neither am I...but it sounds as if people are playing fast and loose with the language, but...(laughs)"Which is a bit of a laugh for me when I consider all this legalese bullshit the judiciary have been pulling on us for generations.

Pot calling the kettle black anyone?

Anyway, good call by the Lady in charge, seems like a nice soul but who knows, especially when you take into consideration the one in charge of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI).

Followed by some "dupers delight" by auld fishy knickers herself.

Jamie up next and following on from the chair's lead has this to say:

"Language in this regard is of course is important Ms Sturgeon isn't it?"

the reply along the lines of "I always tried to be as precise as I could in my language, hence..." followed by explanations for being vague and imprecise


"Because the language of zero covid ... and eh ... elimination or eradication permeated ... the em ... the, the public's understanding of what the objective ... eh ... was didn't it?"

Sturge on logic?

"I think the level of understanding of the public at that time was very sophisticated and "I" think there was an understanding of ...of ... what was being talked about, what was meant...............language is really important ... eh ... but sometimes ... eh ... ... you know I ... one of the things I ... I think I was, perhaps criticised for it....." more waffle about lockdown when the prime minister (BJ) wouldn't call it lockdown.... was that "they"meaning her and her croniesthat they had to communicate with people ... meaning the rest of us sheeple....that "they" meaning we could understand...

Kinda like saying we don't understand stuff like her magnificence so they had to modify language for us to be as understanding of it as their graciousnesses up high like her....looking down at us poor souls. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Sir Jamie.....

"The language is important Ms Sturgeon because the language of elimination or eradication rather than "maximum suppression which is a phrase you're using just now ...eh...gave people the impression that covid is over didn't it?"

Sturge on....

"...eh, eh...I...I...I siiss..."genuinely and very firmly" don't believe that was the impression at any point in Scotland over that period"

I beg your pardon CUNT. I was very much of that opinion as were many others of us out in the streets telling people not to take the snake oil.

a bit more "dupers delight" follows. This CUNT really thinks everybody is daft and even if they don't believe her, her clever use of language will see her triumph over all the rest of us affected by her lust for fame and fortune. She'd hang every other cunt so in all honesty if the people demanded it she'd deserve her fate.

When do we get to the real meat of the whole scam and see what "investments they have in pharma related stocks and shares?

...more duper's delight delight all the way through with this CUNT and with all of these other fucks.


Duping Delight


115 subscribers

11,745 views Oct 5, 2018

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037c4f No.154146

File: a9e5ba02ef830a9⋯.png (526.2 KB,830x858,415:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 7bdc3ff2b6350c4⋯.png (462.84 KB,558x673,558:673,Clipboard.png)

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File: dd78f43004aa830⋯.png (114.81 KB,550x405,110:81,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20355678 (041457ZFEB24) Notable: Scots charity boss resigned over naked snaps to what he thought was girl aged 13

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Scots charity boss resigned over naked snaps to what he thought was girl aged 13

Scott Howie, 53, a director of Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus (SBH) Scotland, sent images of his face, naked torso and two sexual pictures to the profile on WhatsApp.

Mike McQuaid & Kevin McKenna

4 FEB 2024

A charity boss resigned after he was caught sending naked snaps of himself to what he thought was a 13-year-old girl.

Scott Howie, 53, a director of Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus (SBH) Scotland, sent images of his face, naked torso and two sexual pictures to the profile on WhatsApp.

But “Emily” turned out to be a a decoy set up by a member of an online child protection group who had created the fake social media profile and received a message from Howie.

The former Boys Brigade officer and charity fundraiser was then confronted by a Scottish vigilante team after they were passed his details from the Welsh group and called the police.

Married Howie, who has spina bifida and uses a wheelchair, resigned a day later as a chief at SBH.

The pervert, from Cumbernauld, appeared at Airdrie Sheriff court and admitted communicating indecently with a person he believed to be a child on April 11 last year.

Prosecutor Lauren Cole told the court: “The decoy identified herself as being a 13-year-old girl. Howie acknowledged her age and said, ‘You’re very young. I should not be talking to such a young girl. I got excited that you wanted to chat.’

“He asked her to switch the conversation to WhatsApp and provided his phone number. The conversation continued in a sexual manner until 11.15pm that evening. He admitted a male in an online profile photo was him. He stated that he knew the person he communicated with was 13 and he should have stopped. The police were then contacted.”

The fiscal told the court that when Howie’s shocked wife asked him why he’d become involved with the “girl” he replied: “I don’t know why. Boredom.”

Defence solicitor Ian Smart said Howie had co-operated with the investigation and pleaded guilty at an early stage.

He added: “There are catastrophic consequences for him.”

Sheriff Fergus Thomson deferred sentence on Howie for background reports. Howie, who works as a housing administrator, has been a high-profile member of SBH Scotland for more than three decades. The charity declined to comment on his conviction.

The Boys Brigade was approached for comment.

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037c4f No.154147

File: b397ce8cc6469ee⋯.png (789.77 KB,829x899,829:899,Clipboard.png)

File: ae8233c31693261⋯.png (334.8 KB,571x594,571:594,Clipboard.png)

File: d82a69a74a786b6⋯.png (190.88 KB,569x679,569:679,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ab10d5d3de8c49⋯.png (164.19 KB,555x461,555:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20355805 (041522ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Scottish Government slammed for racking up £7.6m taxpayer bill on 'doomed' court cases

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Scottish Government slammed for racking up £7.6m taxpayer bill on 'doomed' court cases

New figures show SNP ministers have shelled out huge numbers on controversial cases, such as a Supreme Court battle on independence and employment law disputes

Mark Connor

4 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government has been slammed for racking up a multi-million pound bill on “doomed” court battles. It has been revealed that taxpayers have been left with a £7.6 million legal bill due to a series of failed battles launched by SNP Ministers.

Figures obtained by the Mail on Sunday show the huge sums shelled out as the Scottish Government looked to push through a raft of controversial policies. The statistics only include cases where legal costs topped £50,000, meaning the actual bill is likely to be even higher.

The final tally also doesn’t include how much money Ministers spend on their own in-house legal advisers. The millions spent on court cases comes as the cash-strapped NHS is swamped by huge waiting lists while Scottish councils claim they are on their knees financially due to the lack of funding from Holyrood.

Last night critics slammed the SNP for wasting taxpayers’ cash on political vanity projects rather than on much-needed public services. Tory MSP Donald Cameron said: “These eye-watering figures demonstrate the extent to which the taxpayer is being fleeced by the SNP government for often needless legal bills.

“Much of this £7.6 million has been racked up on self-indulgent and ultimately doomed SNP cases – such as the Supreme Court bid to hold another independence referendum, defending the reckless and over-reaching gender self-ID bill and the challenge over the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.” He added: “This money would have been far better spent on key public services – which are facing brutal cuts under the SNP’s budget – instead of being squandered on picking legal fights with the UK Government.”

Data released under freedom of information laws shows the SNP Government spent £7.6 million on legal costs in the last five financial years. In 30 cases legal advice was sought which led to fees of more than £50,000 being racked up.

The largest spend was on employment law disputes – totalling more than £1.2 million. Lawyers were also drafted in after the Scotch Whisky Association challenged the Minimum Unit Pricing policy. Fees for that case, which ended up at the Supreme Court, totalled £493,927.

Meanwhile, fighting against feminist group For Women Scotland’s judicial review over gender reforms cost Ministers £197,069. The figures also show a total of £131,900 went towards defending the ‘Continuity Bill’, a legal mechanism passed by MSPs in defiance of the Brexit Bill.

Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon pushed ahead with the legislation in March 2018, despite Holyrood’s Presiding Officer at the time, Ken Macintosh, advising it was beyond the parliament’s remit. The UK Government took the case to the Supreme Court, which ruled the Bill was outwith the powers of Holyrood.

SNP Ministers also spent £251,728 on their legal bid to hold a second referendum with Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain representing the Scottish Government at the Supreme Court in October 2022. In a unanimous decision a month later, judges ruled Holyrood cannot hold an independence referendum without Westminster’s approval.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The Scottish Government is necessarily involved in litigation given the range and importance of its responsibilities. The outlays incurred in litigation are subject to rules about public finance decision-making and accountability.”

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037c4f No.154148

File: 183b777a03dc632⋯.png (630.09 KB,838x899,838:899,Clipboard.png)

File: e16644636adfa5f⋯.png (226.09 KB,574x543,574:543,Clipboard.png)

File: b39309ef8aa7881⋯.png (202.08 KB,573x645,191:215,Clipboard.png)

File: 92bf58dada344ac⋯.png (155.45 KB,544x500,136:125,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20355877 (041539ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP in new secrecy row after whistleblower claims he was ordered to delete message about sick kids' hospital

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SNP in new secrecy row after whistleblower claims he was ordered to delete message about sick kids' hospital

The former lawyer said he was told to delete an important message in case it became eligible to be handed over via a Freedom of Information request

Mark Connor

4 FEB 2024

A whistleblower has accused Scottish civil servants of an “institutional paranoia of secrecy” and claimed officials believe they have a duty to protect the government from the press. Edward Soden-Bird, a policy adviser on a temporary contract, said that he was ordered to delete an important message about the legal approval for Edinburgh’s new Sick Kids hospital in case it became the subject of a freedom of information request.

The former lawyer has handed over evidence, seen by The Sunday Times, to a formal inquiry into the construction of the facility, which has been dogged by ventilation problems. Senior Scottish and UK politicians and their officials have been under fire recently for deleting WhatsApp messages during the pandemic which had been sought by the UK Covid inquiry.

Soden-Bird’s remarks echo claims of a “culture of secrecy” in Scotland made last week by Louise Slorance, whose husband Andrew, a civil servant, died from Covid in another hospital where he was being treated for cancer.

Soden-Bird wrote an email two years ago saying he and colleagues had been unable to find evidence that the Scottish government’s Capital Investment Group had formally approved the full business case for the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People, better known locally as the Sick Kids, in 2015. He said he was told to delete the email but refused to do so and reported the senior official under civil service procedures.

In his complaint, Soden-Bird said that he had been told to delete the message because “nothing should be put in writing in case there might be an FOI [freedom of information] request”.

The official, he said, told him “there was no true difference between asking not to put something in writing or asking me to delete the email”. He was told by the official in February 2022 that he should not have put the results of the search in writing, that it “was legitimate for the government to have regard to reputational risks” and that the government had to “protect itself from the press”.

An inquiry is examining whether ventilation problems at the Sick Kids and clinical neurosciences department in Edinburgh and at Glasgow’s Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, where Slorance died, put patients at an increased risk of deadly infections. Soden-Bird alleged that an official told him that “it had not been decided what ‘narrative’ the Scottish government would decide on” about the hospital’s approval process or if the issue would be disclosed to the inquiry.

“In 2022 I wrote that this case revealed the institutional paranoia of secrecy, and what happens to whistleblowers,” he said in a statement. “The modus operandi is secrecy and concealment.”

Soden-Bird added: “The recent evidence from the Covid inquiry of officials subverting FOI laws, vindicates everything I said and wrote to the permanent secretary over 18 months ago. My crime was to put something in writing? which would become part of the official record. Even worse, I then formally reported the senior official who had asked me to delete the email.”

A Scottish government spokeswoman said: “We do not comment on individual staffing matters. The Scottish government has fully complied with all requests from the Scottish hospitals inquiry to provide all relevant material as part of its extensive evidence gathering and scrutiny undertakings. Any allegations being made that Scottish government officials have purposefully withheld any information are untrue.”

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037c4f No.154149

File: 9e1fdbce1295f5e⋯.png (551.51 KB,827x886,827:886,Clipboard.png)

File: 5d3be1dd699bdea⋯.png (301.7 KB,576x592,36:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 16b039db3919070⋯.png (272.45 KB,584x860,146:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20356119 (041636ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Information commissioner launches investigation into Scottish Government's WhatsApp use

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Information commissioner launches investigation into Scottish Government's WhatsApp use

The information commissioner has previously expressed 'concern' at the amount of messages that were being deleted and has now formally launched a probe

Mark Connor

4 FEB 2024

Scotland’s information commissioner is launching an investigation into the Scottish Government’s use of WhatsApp and informal messages. David Hamilton said evidence revealed at the UK Covid Inquiry raised “significant practice concerns” around the retention of informal communications from the pandemic.

Mr Hamilton is former chairman of the Scottish Police Federation (SPF) – an organisation whose leadership Humza Yousaf branded a “disgrace” in a frustrated message exchange from June 2020 which was shown to the inquiry. Mr Yousaf, who was justice secretary at the time, was exchanging WhatsApp messages with fellow minister John Swinney where he “vented” his anger about the SPF’s approach to the pandemic, saying “they have shown an arrogance and retrograde thinking”.

During Lady Hallett’s inquiry, it emerged a number of ministers – including former first minister Nicola Sturgeon – and senior officials deleted WhatsApp messages from the pandemic. They said they were acting in line with Scottish Government guidance, though current First Minister Humza Yousaf has ordered an external review into the use of informal messaging.

The information commissioner, whose remit is to enforce freedom-of-information law, has previously said he was “concerned” about the deletion. Mr Hamilton said: “My office has launched an intervention into the Scottish ministers’ practices in relation to the retention of informal communications.

“The evidence disclosed during module 2A of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry hearings over the last few weeks raises significant practice concerns which warrant further investigation by my office. The failure to retain or even record a complete set of the decision-making processes has not only deprived the inquiry of information, but also frustrated the public’s right to request information and generally undermined the spirit of freedom of information.

“It is critical that public officials retain information which allows the public to understand how decisions are reached, for both record-keeping requirements and to maintain public confidence.” He continued: “Understanding how decisions are reached is how public trust in decisions are secured and lessons learned for the future.

“It is evident from this week’s events that the use of informal communication channels presents risks to transparency and accountability within government. My intervention will review current practices as well as identifying actions to be taken to ensure improvements are made in relation to how officials and ministers use and retain informal communications in future.”

Scottish Conservative chairman, Craig Hoy said: “I welcome the Scottish Information Commissioner’s investigation into the Scottish Government’s use of WhatsApp, and I know the public will share my relief that the SNP could now finally be held accountable after trying so hard to evade scrutiny.

“The Covid Inquiry has exposed how key SNP figures engaged in jokey exchanges as people died, used the pandemic to further independence and stoke constitutional grievances and even admitted they were ‘winging it’ – and those are just the messages that hadn’t been deleted.

“Nicola Sturgeon promised grieving families that she would be completely transparent and assured journalists her messages would be handed over yet despite that pledge she deleted them. Her actions denied the public of the answers and closure the families of those who died deserve.

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037c4f No.154150

File: 5ad68eb8e122a03⋯.png (36.32 KB,558x446,279:223,Clipboard.png)

File: f07d07de3c2cae1⋯.png (247.02 KB,792x438,132:73,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20356129 (041638ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Information commissioner launches investigation into Scottish Government's WhatsApp use

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“For too long the SNP have misled the public and tried to avoid accountability. They have disgracefully betrayed bereaved families and I hope this investigation exposes the serious failings and secrecy at the heart of the SNP.”

Mr Yousaf announced the Government would seek an external review after conceding the handling of requests for WhatsApp messages had not been its “finest hour”.

'We will respond and co-operate'

However, he has rejected accusations from opposition parties that the Scottish Government made pandemic decisions for political reasons. On Thursday, he defended Ms Sturgeon’s handling of the pandemic, saying he is is “very pleased” she had been in charge during the “darkest days” of the pandemic.

On Friday, the UK Government’s Scottish Secretary Alister Jack told the inquiry he had deleted “all” of his WhatsApps in November 2021 in order to free up space on his phone. The information commissioner’s office said its “intervention” would be separate to any activity announced by the Scottish Government.

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: “We have not yet received the notice from the Scottish information commissioner, when we do so we will respond and, of course, co-operate with the commissioner as required. The Scottish Government has a well-established and overarching records management policy in accordance with the Public Records (Scotland) Act 2011 and assured by the keeper of the records of Scotland.

“The First Minister has commissioned an externally-led review into the use of mobile messaging apps and non-corporate technology in the Scottish Government. This will take particular account of government interaction with statutory public inquiries.

“Scotland has the most open and far-reaching FOI legislation in the UK and the Scottish Government remains committed to our statutory obligations to ensure openness and transparency.”

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037c4f No.154151

File: 4b8e7cb8ca9a835⋯.png (614.68 KB,838x890,419:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 512413657525da0⋯.png (326.73 KB,801x527,801:527,Clipboard.png)

File: a4c1860cfe3f8dc⋯.png (584.33 KB,554x825,554:825,Clipboard.png)

File: 635fd0bd4e67663⋯.png (166.84 KB,568x471,568:471,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20360336 (051318ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Andrew Neil: Devolution has delivered 'next to nothing' for Scotland as he compares MSPs to Soviet bureaucrats

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Andrew Neil: Devolution has delivered 'next to nothing' for Scotland as he compares MSPs to Soviet bureaucrats

The veteran broadcaster and political commentator was responding to polling that suggested support for Holyrood had dropped after 16 years of SNP rule

Douglas Dickie

5 FEB 2024

Andrew Neil has said the Scottish Parliament has delivered "next to nothing" for Scotland as he delivered a withering verdict on devolution. The TV presenter and political commentator also compared MSPs to Soviet-era bureaucrats who have "buried their beaks deep in the Holyrood trough".

He was speaking after a new poll suggested over a quarter of Scottish voters felt devolution had been bad for the country. While 50 per cent backed devolution, the survey suggests support for Holyrood is dropping among the population.

A similar poll in 2009 showed 70 per cent of people thought it had been a good thing, indicating 16 years of SNP government had seen confidence in the institution erode. Paisley-born Neil, 74, said he was "surprised" more people hadn't thought devolution had been bad.

The broadcaster said: "New poll finds a quarter of Scots believe that devolution has been bad for Scotland. Given it’s delivered next to nothing to equip Scotland for the challenges of the 21st century but largely just feathered the nests of the political nomenclatura who’ve buried their beaks deep in the Holyrood trough with pay and perks they couldn’t hope to match without devolution, I’m surprised it’s not higher."

The nomenklatura were government officials in the Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc countries who held key administrative positions granted exclusively by ruling communist parties. The analysis was conducted by Norstat, formerly Panelbase for the Sunday Times to mark the 25th anniversary of the Scottish Parliament later this year.

The previous poll in 2009 was to mark the 10th anniversary and suggested opposition to Holyrood was just 18 per cent. Of those polled this time, 26 per cent said it had been a bad thing, 50 per cent a good thing with 24 per cent either did not know or would not say.

Former Labour MP Baroness Hoey of Lylehill and Rathlin also said devolution had "been a mistake". She added: "Huge amounts of money spent with little benefit. Give more powers to local Councils with adequate funding and increase number of MPs and the unity of the U.K. would be strengthened immediately."

Last year, over 16,000 people signed a petition to the UK Ministers to abolish Holyrood. The UK Government said it was "committed to devolution and believes the settlement strikes the right balance".

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037c4f No.154152

File: 9ce66b7ba508eff⋯.png (739.4 KB,819x896,117:128,Clipboard.png)

File: e5cf19b089e3bb6⋯.png (277.79 KB,564x534,94:89,Clipboard.png)

File: 32525dbdbdc6b4b⋯.png (322.49 KB,552x853,552:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20360500 (051357ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun / Glasgow taxi boss says only 12 of his black cabs will be allowed to enter the LEZ after May 31

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Glasgow taxi boss says only 12 of his black cabs will be allowed to enter the LEZ after May 31

Thistle Taxis has only a dozen black cabs that comply with the LEZ rules as the end of the 12-month exemption for taxi operators looms large in just four months

Ben Borland

5 FEB 2024

A Glasgow taxi boss has blasted the city's low emission zone (LEZ) as the deadline for black cabs looms closer. Brian O'Hara said he has managed to get only 12 vehicles to comply with LEZ rules.

His firm, Thistle Taxis, once had 100 cabs but that number is now down to 30. Speaking at last week's Glasgow's licensing and regulatory committee, Mr O'Hara said: "It is a struggle. We are fighting our way through. It is a tough time but we are trying to keep going."

Under the LEZ rules, older petrol and diesel vehicles were banned from the city centre from June 1, 2023. However, taxi operators could apply for a 12-month exemption to May 31, 2024 to give them more time to pay for a new vehicle or retrofit their existing cab.

More than 600 black cabs were granted an exemption from 1383 registered in the city, with a report last September revealing that only 118 were waiting to be retrofitted. This was expected to take several years, as many of the cabs were having to be sent down to a garage in Chester for the work to be carried out.

Mr O'Hara said Covid and the lockdowns had also impacted the trade and the ability to get credit but added: "We are getting somewhere now." He also believes some taxi drivers are having to quit the trade.

Responding to his determination to keep going, committee chair councillor Alex Wilson, of the SNP – the same party that introduced the LEZ – said: "I commend you on that."

Around £3million of retrofit Scottish Government funding has been made available to support taxi operators get their vehicles ready, although there have been complaints about the system.

Diesel vehicles registered after September 2015, petrol vehicles registered from 2006 onwards and buses, coaches and HGVS registered from January 2013 will meet the required LEZ standards.

Speaking last September, Unite Glasgow (Hackney) Taxi Branch secretary Steven Grant warned the LEZ was creating an existential crisis for black cabs in the city. Mr Grant said: "Despite the council granting a one-year exemption for retrofitting cabs, it is clear that the LEZ is still going to force hundreds of cabs off the road by June next year."

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037c4f No.154153

File: 5b70e64f8f80953⋯.png (676.1 KB,823x899,823:899,Clipboard.png)

File: fb75a48682af8cf⋯.png (273.3 KB,828x453,276:151,Clipboard.png)

File: a23cb0e92d1aeeb⋯.png (226.88 KB,575x744,575:744,Clipboard.png)

File: 804fa7bb52662b1⋯.png (126.19 KB,576x489,192:163,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20368407 (062149ZFEB24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / Scottish Parliament refuses to say if Michael Matheson has seen findings of his data bill probe

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Scottish Parliament refuses to say if Michael Matheson has seen findings of his data bill probe

The disgraced Health Secretary referred himself to the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) in November when he blamed his teenage sons for the eye-watering expense claim

Mark Connor

4 FEB 2024

The Scottish Parliament has refused to say if Michael Matheson has seen the initial findings of Holyrood’s probe into his £11,000 data roaming bill. The disgraced Health Secretary referred himself to the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) in November when he blamed his teenage sons for the eye-watering expense claim.

In a statement, released following a meeting in December, the SPCB said their provisional findings would “likely be provided to the Member in January 2024”. However, neither Holyrood nor Mr Matheson would confirm if this had happened.

The Tories said it was “high time we got a resolution to this matter”.

Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy said: “The public were assured that this report would be given to Michael Matheson in January. Now that we’ve reached that point, with the discredited health secretary still in his job, it’s high time we got a resolution to this matter.

“Hard-working Scots will rightly expect answers about why this claim on taxpayers’ money was ever made. It’s about time they were given them and for this murky affair to come to an end.”

The SPCB had pledged to investigate whether “an improper claim was made by the Member in respect of the charges (or any part of them) within the terms of the Reimbursement of Members’ Expenses Scheme”. This states that all claims must be made in “good faith” and that MSPs are only entitled to the “reimbursement of expenses which have been incurred only for the purpose of carrying out parliamentary duties”.

They also make clear that an MSP should be “open and transparent as respects expenses claimed under the Scheme”. Minutes from December’s meeting show that the members of the SPCB — Maggie Chapman from the Greens, Tory Jackson Carlaw, Labour’s Claire Baker and the SNP’s Christine Grahame — were keen to progress the investigation “expeditiously”.

They also agreed that “in line with fair and due process, the Member would also be provided with a copy of a draft statement of provisional findings, together with copies of any material relied upon in making those findings”. Mr Matheson “would then have an opportunity to make further representations to be considered by the SPCB before finalising its findings and concluding the investigation”.

The expectation was that a period of up to two weeks would again be necessary in the investigation’s timeline for Mr Matheson to respond.

When asked for an update, a Scottish Parliament spokesperson told The Herald on Sunday: “The SPCB previously said its initial statement of provisional findings would likely be provided to the Member in January 2024. Work continues apace and the SPCB will provide an update once it is appropriate to do so.

“In the interest of fairness to all, the SPCB has made clear it will not provide a running commentary on the investigation. The SPCB remains committed to openness and transparency and will release all material it can, when it can, in line with its legal obligations.”

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037c4f No.154154

File: 6bf94e4712c87f3⋯.png (469.49 KB,856x899,856:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20368616 (062225ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / SNP Government and officials are STILL deleting WhatsApps and informal messages despite two probes lingering over it

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SNP Government and officials are STILL deleting WhatsApps and informal messages despite two probes lingering over it

Humza Yousaf announced his own external probe into SNP ministers and civil servants use of informal messages, as did the information commissioner but Scottish Government staff will continue to follow guidance to delete them while this is ongoing.

David Walker

6 FEB 2024

Scottish Government ministers and officials are STILL being told to delete all their informal messages and WhatsApps despite two probes being launched into this behaviour. The SNP Executive have been in hot water this year after being accused of operating a culture of "secrecy and cover-up."

Revelations at the UK Covid Inquiry compounded these accusations after Nicola Sturgeon, John Swinney and her two health advisers Jason Leitch and Gregor Smith confirmed that they wiped their messages regularly as they claimed it was official guidance to do so.

This policy was introduced by the Scottish Government in November 2021, which was in the midst of the pandemic and after Ms Sturgeon promised the world that she would keep all of her relevant messages after a UK Covid Inquiry was announced. It spells out new rules for the use of informal messaging systems such as WhatsApp.

Officials and ministers are allowed to use these apps to conduct business but the guidance reads that "you must transcribe the salient points of any business discussions and/or decisions in a mobile messaging app into an email or text document". This should then be saved centrally.

It was a point argued repeatedly by SNP ministers who appeared in front of the Inquiry, with leading counsel Jamie Dawson getting guarantees from witnesses that "all salient" messages were saved centrally. But questions were raised about why Scottish Government officials should be able to decide what correspondence is relevant and what isn't.

Some of the messages provided to the probe proved damning, as senior civil servants encouraged fellow officials to regularly wipe messages, with former director for strategy and external affairs Ken Thomson being collared for writing: "Just to remind you (seriously), this is discoverable under FoI [freedom of information]. Know where the “clear chat” button is…”.

In the correspondence, the former senior civil servant used the phrase “this information you requested is not held centrally”, which is a stock excuse that the Scottish Government uses when refusing FOI requests. He denied that this advice was an attempt to hide from scrutiny when he was grilled about it.

These concerning messages sparked the Scottish Information Commissioner to officially launch his own probe into whether the SNP Executive were attempting to circumvent freedom of information rules. David Hamilton said that the evidence he heard "raises significant practice concerns which warrant further investigation by my office."

Mr Yousaf also announced another external probe into use and deletion of messages hours before he appeared as a witness at the Covid Inquiry. But a spokesman for him revealed that "the policies that are in place are in place" confirming that officials will still be deleting informal messages despite the concerns surrounding it as the investigations have yet to start.

This led to criticism from opposition parties. Craig Hoy MSP, Scottish Conservative chairman, told the Scottish Daily Express: “The past week has laid bare the SNP’s culture of secrecy and unaccountability, to widespread outrage and condemnation. So it’s appalling that they should confirm that they are persisting in their policy of routinely deleting messages.

“As a result of the SNP’s furtive behaviour, families of those who died will never receive answers about how senior ministers took decisions during the pandemic. They will find this disgusting and scarcely credible.”

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037c4f No.154155

File: 04a14f2eb2d5adb⋯.png (678.98 KB,840x891,280:297,Clipboard.png)

File: fd6bd0efeaa37f4⋯.png (294.98 KB,905x605,181:121,Clipboard.png)

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File: f9c04aca5f34927⋯.png (364.03 KB,552x802,276:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20369026 (062340ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / SNP Government and officials are STILL deleting WhatsApps and informal messages despite two probes lingering over it

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SNP-led council rack up £863k bill by paying staff who had already left organisation in 'beyond belief' revelation

Highland Council was rebuked by auditors after it was revealed it had continued to pay over 500 staff members after they had left their roles as officials did not keep track of current and former employees.

David Walker

6 FEB 2024

An SNP/independent council wrongly spent almost £1million of taxpayers' money by continuing to pay individuals after they had left organisation. A "beyond belief" auditors report found that Highland Council made 602 over-payments to 593 people after they had quit their roles, racking up a huge £863,000 bill.

The report into its 2022/23 found that the local authority is not checking "to confirm the existence of its staff." The highest amount paid to one individual was £57,067 in gross pay or £42,272 net.

Highland Council is the largest local government area in the UK and is governed by an SNP/independent coalition, with a Nationalist council leader in Raymond Bremner. The latest cash confession will prove to be a further blow for the local authority which has to cut £60m from its budget due to constraints and Scottish Government underfunding.

Auditors discovered that “there are currently no checks being done within the council to confirm the existence of its staff” and also blamed a “failure by departments to provide timely information to HR/Payroll” for the significant overpayments. This means that some who left the organisation were overpaid.

The watchdog recommended that "an establishment check for the whole council should be done to verify the existence of staff on the council’s payroll” and in future that should be done once a year “to ensure the validity and existence of staff”. They stated: "During the audit and through discussions with the strategic lead (corporate audit and performance), we found there were issues with leavers and how these were being notified and subsequently recorded on the council’s systems.

“Management have responded and are actively reviewing this area with a target date of March 2024 for completion. To date, the total number of payroll overpayments identified by the council is 602 with a value of £863,000. A payroll briefing, including key messages, has been provided to executive chief officers and reiterated to managers. New procedures and processes are being built into the system as a result.”

The overpayment of £863,000 would cover all but £26,612 of the entire pay of the chief executive and senior executives at the council, according to the Inverness Courier. This news was blasted by local Tory MSP Edward Mountain.

He said: "This is beyond belief. We all look after our own money but it appears when we give that money to the council they are incapable of doing the same. Frankly, those who are responsible for these overpayments should bear a proportion of the costs.”

Other concerns raised by auditors was that the local authority issues more than 1,500 "costly" physical cheques a year. These amounted to payroll payments of "approximately £1m." When queried by auditors, they were advised that some staff do not have a bank account or that the pay run occurs prior to the staff member being added to the system or there is a timing difference.

But the auditors found that there was "no evidence to suggest that the council were reviewing these manual payments with a view to moving staff to direct debit payments instead.” They added that "the process of issuing manual cheques is costly for the council and an additional unnecessary administrative burden” and stated it “poses a risk” to ensuring payments “are made only to genuine staff”.

The council said: “It is anticipated that the internal audit will make recommendations which will be implemented to improve practices and prevent or mitigate the risk of overpayments in the future.”

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037c4f No.154156

File: 822bdcefba76cf9⋯.png (273.97 KB,695x872,695:872,Clipboard.png)

File: b0fa102e599a796⋯.png (377.78 KB,480x574,240:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 29cb9e65b74c131⋯.png (141.23 KB,451x873,451:873,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20369218 (070003ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry costs SURGE to almost £13million as probe rumbles on

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PRICEY PROBE Scottish Covid Inquiry costs SURGE to almost £13million as probe rumbles on

Costs had already risen to £8,945,000 by last September


4 Feb 2024

THE cost of the Scottish Covid Inquiry has surged to almost £13million.

Figures show probe outlays in the last three months of 2023 were £3,871,305.

That takes the tally since it officially opened in May 2022 to £12,816,305.

Costs had already risen to £8,945,000 by last September.

The probe is only investigating policy areas under the control of the Scottish Government.

The UK Covid Inquiry is much broader as it covers the impact of the pandemic and decisions taken by Westminster affecting all the home nations.Are we going to have another inquiry into covid "vaccines" or is this a whitewash which won't touch the issue?

The Scots inquiry - chaired by Lord Brailsford - was paused while UK inquiry hearings take place north of the border. Its health and social care impact hearings are due to resume on March 12.

An inquiry spokesperson said: “The cost of establishing and running Scotland’s biggest and most wide-ranging public inquiry is substantial, however the Chair has a legal duty to avoid unnecessary expenditure and financial governance procedures are in place to minimise the cost to the taxpayer.

“Costs incurred to date include staffing and infrastructure, such as IT systems, equipment, premises, and resourcing the legal, policy and other teams required to investigate the devolved strategic response to the pandemic.”

They said the response to the Covid pandemic involved both Scottish and UK authorities.

The Scottish Inquiry’s Terms of Reference cover the period from 1 January 1 2020 to December 31 2022.

But the UK Inquiry’s Terms of Reference cover the period up to, and including, June 28, 2022.

They added: “When the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry begins its decision-making hearings, it will have the benefit of having already listened to evidence from people affected by those decisions, as well as Scottish politicians, officials, and other decision-makers in Scotland during the UK Covid-19 Inquiry’s public hearings.

"Evidence recovered and published by the UK Covid-19 Inquiry will also be available to be taken into consideration by the Scottish Inquiry.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154157

File: 180c890fa2d8b98⋯.png (183.13 KB,1130x650,113:65,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20369559 (070056ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry costs SURGE to almost £13million as probe rumbles on

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I strongly suspect that they'll use "cost" as a factor in this CONVID inquiry which will turn out more of a con than the fake virus itself. They used "cost" as the mitigating factor in the refusal of calls for a Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry(SCAI) for 13 years.


Michael Russell statement to the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry for Case Study no'6 ==Yet another whitewash to be followed I expect by the CONVID inquiry to absolve themselves (judiciary, government) from any real inquiry hitting mainstream. They keep talking about the "pandemic" when we all know it was a plandemic. It won't even look at vaccine injuries I'd wager.

Lord Brian Gill as you know is a CUNT! Instrumental in a large part of the 13 years of delay.

They probably all apologised so ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Page 20 of the pdf link, paragraphs 77-78 The file is too large to attach it would seem.


"Obtaining external advice from Lord Gill"

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037c4f No.154158

File: d5171b5a9ee1f1f⋯.png (510.06 KB,453x875,453:875,Clipboard.png)

File: 83e36a7a8beeb58⋯.png (235.67 KB,466x552,233:276,Clipboard.png)

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File: 558ea899834d788⋯.png (32.39 KB,443x461,443:461,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20369626 (070115ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / 'BREAKDOWN' Humza Yousaf opens up about his mental health struggles

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'BREAKDOWN' Humza Yousaf opens up about his mental health struggles

The First Minister's troubles with mental ill health came around the same time as a brush with the law

Lewis Mckenzie

5 Feb 2024

HUMZA Yousaf has said he was on the verge of “a state of breakdown” as he struggled to cope with the end of his first marriage and the difficulties of his role in government.

The First Minister opened up about his mental health struggles to Alastair Campbell and Rory Stewart on The Rest is Politics podcast, as he recalled a period around 2016 when he “didn’t move” from the sofa.

Mr Yousaf, who was dealing with bad weather in Scotland in his government role at the time, said he felt he did not have anyone to turn to at the time.

The SNP leader spoke out as he underlined the importance of men reaching out to get the support when they need it.

Mr Yousaf said: “I remember the day that I knew I needed help. I was Transport Minister, my first marriage had broken down, a really tough time I was having.

“I remember it was the middle of difficult weather, Transport Minister’s always a difficult job and yeah, I didn’t really feel I had anybody to turn to.

“And I remember actually just a whole day passing, I literally did not move from the right hand side of my settee.

"For a whole 24 hours, I didn’t move, didn’t get up to drink water, didn’t go to the toilet, didn't eat anything.

“I remember just almost being in a state of breakdown, crying and upset, and not really understanding what I was upset at, but then at that point, 24 hours later, knowing I needed help.

“And actually the first person I saw wasn’t actually somebody to help with counselling, it was a friend who is a psychiatrist, and I called him, and he said, ‘look, I think instead of talking to me, you need to go talk to somebody who can really talk through the issues that you’re dealing with’.

I never spoke to Nicola about it, never spoke to any of my colleagues about it.”

Mr Yousaf said he felt there was a stigma around mental health as a senior political figure, which meant he chose not to disclose how he was feeling at the time.

The Glasgow Pollok MSP was married to ex SNP aide Gail Lythgoe between 2010 and 2016 before remarrying in 2019, and has a daughter with SNP councillor Nadia El-Nakla, and a stepdaughter.

He said the incident was an “honest mistake” and said it was “the result of my personal circumstances” during his separation from his first wife.

He said: “I actually thought if they know about it, I’ll not be in a job. Now, I don’t think that would have been the case, I think Nicola would have been perfectly understanding, as would my government colleagues, John Swinney who I’ve always been close to, I think these people would have been very understanding.

“But it was just, you didn’t hear about ministers with mental health challenges. If they did have mental health challenges, they left the job and I didn’t feel like I wanted to necessarily leave at that point.

“But, yeah, I didn’t tell anybody actually, and family, nobody actually knew about it.”

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037c4f No.154159

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20369672 (070123ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon tearily apologises for 'every bereaved person' (video)

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And the OSCAR goes to...............


10.4K subscribers

20,012 views Feb 4, 2024

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037c4f No.154160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20371709 (071221ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon tearily apologises for 'every bereaved person' (video)

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>And the OSCAR goes to……………




>10.4K subscribers




>20,012 views Feb 4, 2024

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037c4f No.154161

File: e6d3855d326b7ba⋯.png (672.73 KB,837x899,27:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 872b81e4023be15⋯.png (374.54 KB,817x594,817:594,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20371870 (071308ZFEB24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Calls made for Police Scotland boss Jo Farrell to give public update on Operation Branchform

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>>>104391, >>104394 New police chief Jo Farrell under fire after ordering officer to drive her from Edinburgh to England


>>>154000 previous bread.




Calls made for Police Scotland boss Jo Farrell to give public update on Operation Branchform

A former SNP activist has called for Police Scotland to give a public statement about the progress made in the investigation into the party's finances after Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murrell and Colin Beattie were arrested last year.

David Walker

7 FEB 2024

Calls have been made for Police Scotland to provide a public update on the progress of Operation Branchform. The probe into the SNP finances exploded into life last spring and summer when Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murrell and Colin Beattie were arrested.

But since then, there has been a lack of public action with some critics now hitting out at the length of time it has taken. Two lawyers have previously spoken about how this could be perceived as a "cover-up" due to the "protracted period of time" it has taken so far.

Cops launched the probe in summer 2021 after a number of complaints were made about the whereabouts of £600,000 raised by the SNP specifically for a second independence referendum. This money then did not appear to be in the accounts, leading to concerns it had been spent illegally elsewhere.

A former SNP activist who made one of these complaints has now called for Chief Constable Jo Farrell to give a public update on the status of the investigation. He donated sums of cash through a Scot Ref website in 2017/18 for a second referendum to be held but spoke to police after this did not happen.

Speaking to The Herald, he said: "I would like to see the chief constable give the public an interim report telling us where the are with the investigation and what they have discovered so far. If it is indeed that they have uncovered other things and need more time then that is fine. But it would be good to know why it is taking so long.You would think anyone who can read accounts could get to the bottom of it.

"Some people who donated money have now passed away. They will never know what happened. It needs to be resolved as quickly as possible."

The Crown Office has confirmed that it had yet to receive a report from Police Scotland on Operation Branchform. The latest update came several months ago from former chief constable Sir Iain Livingstone who confirmed that the probe had been expanded to look at alleged misuse of funds and fraud.

Cops raided the marital home of Mr Murrell and Ms Sturgeon last April, and arrested the SNP's former chief executive the same day. He was questioned and released without charge. Former party treasurer Colin Beattie was taken into custody a few weeks later, and then then ex-first minister was also grilled under caution in June.

The Nats' HQ in Edinburgh was also searched by detectives who took away a number of items for investigation. A motorhome was seized from the driveway of Mr Murrell's mother's home in Dunfermline, and his Jaguar SUV is also being scrutinised, which he reportedly sold to WeBuyAnyCar.

There is frustration among the SNP figures about how long the probe has taken as it lingers over Humza Yousaf's premiership. He himself has refused to speak about it, as he said it will end when it ends. Last year, it emerged that Police Scotland had spent £1 million on its investigation into SNP finances, more than the alleged £600,000 which was reported missing.

A spokesman for the Crown Office said: "The situation remains that COPFS has not received a standard prosecution report in this matter." A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "As the investigation remains ongoing we are unable to comment further."

Look who just resigned from Chairman's position at the... >>154141

>Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland's (ICAS) regulatory board on January 1.


>But he has now exited this role for "personal reasons" with the organisation confirming he had left with immediate effect from January 31

How will that affect "BRANCHFORM"?

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037c4f No.154162

File: ab2c59abf8c50bb⋯.png (698.59 KB,821x889,821:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 868038e6f353954⋯.png (297.88 KB,822x529,822:529,Clipboard.png)

File: 03a650109a2bb19⋯.png (90.61 KB,540x860,27:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 321dca1dba95162⋯.png (345.07 KB,565x844,565:844,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20377761 (081343ZFEB24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / Michael Matheson FINALLY quits as health secretary after iPad data roaming scandal

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Michael Matheson FINALLY quits as health secretary after iPad data roaming scandal

The SNP minister has finally quit his Scottish Government role after an independent probe was launched into his £11k data roaming bill, with Humza Yousaf left embarrassed after refusing to sack him.

David Walker

8 FEB 2024

Michael Matheson has finally quit his role as health secretary over his iPad data roaming bill scandal. It is another embarrassment for Humza Yousaf who repeatedly refused to sack his close friend despite growing calls to do so.

An independent parliamentary probe was launched into the SNP minister after he attempted to charge taxpayers £11k for a data bill he racked up while he was on a festive holiday to Morocco. For days he claimed that it was all on parliamentary business, but was forced to humiliatingly admit that his kids had used his data to watch Scottish football.

We previously told how the investigation had produced "damning" new evidence adding further pressure onto him, and he has now quit. He put out a statement on social media confirming this news, and thanking Mr Yousaf for the opportunity to serve in his cabinet.

Mr Matheson faced claims that he lied to journalists over the incident, as he told them just days before confessing his kids used it that there was "no personal use" while on holiday. The Parliament's governing Corporate Body ordered an internal investigation at the height of the row, with this being given to him this week.

The resignation will leave the first minister with an added headache as he is the second member of the administration to quit this week. Drugs and alcohol minister Elena Whitham left her brief on Tuesday citing post-traumatic stress, with no one yet lined up to replace her.

Mr Matheson was set to speak at Holyrood on Thursday to outline the government's position on updating the minimum unit pricing, but this will now fall to someone else. He was only going to do it because Ms Whitham had stepped down, with a reshuffle of Mr Yousaf's top team expected imminently.

In his resignation letter, he claimed that he had not yet received the report from the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body but that it was "in the best interest of myself and the government for me to now step down to ensure this does not become a distraction to taking forward the government's agenda".

Questions will be raised about the judgement of the first minister for refusing to sack or ask him to resign before now, with the NHS lurching into chaos over the winter as the probe lingered over the top of Mr Matheson's head. Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie said: “While I welcome the news that Michael Matheson has finally gone, the fact is the First Minister has big questions to answer over his lack of judgement.

“While our NHS is in crisis, Humza Yousaf has shown his weakness by putting the SNP before our NHS. Now more than ever we need a health minister focused on the crisis at hand. It’s clear that the First Minister has no plan to save our NHS and that shuffling the SNP deckchairs will make no difference - it’s time for change."

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader and health spokesperson Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said: “Our health service is on its knees. Patients are waiting an age for treatment and staff are overworked on every shift. They all deserve better than an SNP minister who has lost their trust and could no longer focus on the day job.

“From Humza Yousaf to Michael Matheson, our NHS has known only crisis, soaring vacancies and ever longer waits. Their NHS Recovery Plan has failed. Only the Scottish Liberal Democrats have set out plans to fix the NHS, tackle staff burnout, save NHS dentistry and deliver the world-class mental health services we deserve.”

Mr Yousaf praised his friend for his work in the government over the past decade, and added: "It is right that, having requested that the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body review your data roaming charges from last year, that you fully engage with that process as it comes to its conclusion.

"I agree that it is therefore best for you to now step down to ensure you are able to give the Parliamentary process the attention it deserves without it becoming a distraction to taking forward the Government's agenda."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154163

File: 2e56cc6b235a478⋯.png (633.4 KB,825x898,825:898,Clipboard.png)

File: 15ca871a12ecb52⋯.png (388.21 KB,801x538,801:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 4217448866f5177⋯.png (246.61 KB,546x735,26:35,Clipboard.png)

File: dcd377c5b6c292c⋯.png (175.08 KB,574x561,574:561,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20377852 (081406ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP drugs and alcohol minister stands down due to 'post traumatic stress'

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SNP drugs and alcohol minister stands down due to 'post traumatic stress'

Elena Whitham, 49, said she has 'experienced a series of events in the past year' that have left her unable to continue in her role tackling Scotland's drug deaths crisis

PA Reporters & Ben Borland Editor

6 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government's drugs and alcohol policy minister Elena Whitham has resigned for health reasons. The SNP minister said that over the last year she had "experienced a series of events leading to post traumatic stress".

She was appointed to her current role in Humza Yousaf's administration in March last year, with a brief to tackle the country's drug deaths crisis. Ms Whitham due to make a statement on minimum unit pricing of alcohol on Thursday and this will instead be carried out by Health Secretary Michael Matheson.

In her resignation letter to the First Minister, the 49-year-old said: "Over the last year I experienced a series of events leading to post traumatic stress which has impacted my wellbeing greatly and for which I am receiving treatment. I have sought to undertake my role in your Government diligently and with the passion and focus that it requires.

"Sadly, after much soul searching, it is apparent to me that I must regrettably resign from my ministerial role so that I am able to look after my wellbeing and ensure my constituents of Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley continue to be represented assiduously."

In her resignation letter to the First Minister, Ms Whitham, who has previously worked for Women's Aid, added: "It is imperative that we strive with all of our might to continue our efforts to save and improve lives as we have lost far too many of our folk to wholly preventable deaths."

Serving as a minister, first in the community safety brief and then her promotion to the key drugs and alcohol portfolio, had been the "greatest honour", she said, adding: "Both of these roles are areas I am passionate about having been a Women's Aid worker and someone who supported people dealing with multiple and complex needs including problematic substance use.

"I have been privileged to meet folk up and down the country who are working collectively to address the great harm Scotland is experiencing due to alcohol and other drugs…none more so than those with lived and living experience who have sought to speak truth to power. I am grateful to them and to all of the family members and organisations who took time to speak with me this last year."

Her replacement will be the third SNP MSP to hold the post since it was created in December 2020, when Joe Fitzpatrick stepped down as public health minister over the release of record annual drug deaths figures. He said he had "agreed" to quit after talks with Nicola Sturgeon and with a no-confidence motion looming at Holyrood.

The new ministerial post was held by Angela Constance for three years before she was promoted to Justice Secretary in March. She will hold the drugs and alcohol brief until a permanent successor is found.

Annemarie Ward, CEO of Glasgow drugs recovery charity FAVOR, said she wished Ms Whitham well and sent her "good wishes for a speedy recovery". However, in a scathing post on X, she added: "As we brace for the appointment of yet another minister for drugs policy, our experiences with the previous three ministers compel us to temper expectations. Each predecessor, while initially engaging with us, ultimately engaged in what amounted to lip service, ticking boxes without effecting substantial change or addressing the deep-seated challenges within the addiction recovery sector."

Mr Yousaf responded, saying: "I am greatly saddened to hear that due to your personal ill-health you feel you cannot continue to give the role the focus that you would wish to. I wanted you to be aware of how greatly I have valued your efforts to tackle alcohol and drug-related deaths - not least the work to take forward proposals for reviewing drug laws."

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037c4f No.154164

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20377896 (081417ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Nicola Sturgeon admits she 'shouldn't have' given out SNP email address that dodges scrutiny (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon admits she 'shouldn't have' given out SNP email address that dodges scrutiny

The Scottish Sun

252K subscribers

11,414 views Feb 7, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolaSturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon said she “perhaps shouldn’t have” given Professor Devi Sridhar an SNP email address.

The inquiry saw messages between the pair where Ms Sturgeon gave Prof Sridhar an SNP email address as well as a Scottish Government email address.

Messages were exchanged between Ms Sturgeon and Prof Sridhar via SNP email address as well as a Scottish Government email address.

Critics have complained as party email addresses are not covered by freedom of information laws, unlike government ones, raising the possibility of secrecy issues.

Ms Sturgeon said: “On reflection perhaps I shouldn’t have done that."

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037c4f No.154165

File: 31fb9f1b39f94b4⋯.png (482.83 KB,845x899,845:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: ea1dd1e3781efe8⋯.png (301.65 KB,534x846,89:141,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20385637 (091959ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / SNP minister claims he doesn't use WhatsApp for government business - as he is interviewed using the app in car crash chat

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SNP minister claims he doesn't use WhatsApp for government business - as he is interviewed using the app in car crash chat

Scottish Government minister for parliamentary business George Adam took part in an 'embarrassing' and 'patronising' interview with BBC Scotland as he leapt to Nicola Sturgeon's defence

David Walker

5 FEB 2024

An SNP minister has been accused of being "patronising" and "embarrassing" after he took part in a car crash interview about his government's ongoing transparency scandal. And information minister George Adam even claimed he did not use WhatsApp for government business - while being interviewed using the app.

The Paisley MSP was on BBC Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland and was quizzed about his administration's torrid last few weeks, which has seen prominent nationalist figures admitting deleting informal messages about the Covid pandemic. Nicola Sturgeon and her health advisers all admitted wiping correspondence, claiming it was policy at the time.

However, this guidance has been called into question as former first minister Alex Salmond claimed he never signed off on any such policy. And Mr Adam also claimed that his government believed in "openness and transparency" despite these revelations.

The SNP minister also insisted that any complaints about the freedom of information system, which revolves around significant redactions and requesters being told that the information "isn't available or confidential" was actually the fault of those requesting it, and not the officials tasked with looking for it.

We previously told how the Information Commissioner has launched a probe into the government's handling of requests following concerns about how much data is being deleted, as he suggested that no informal communications should be deleted unless there is a valid reason for doing so.

Mr Adam was also asked about this and said: "The First Minister has announced that we'll have a full review of the Scottish Government's use of digital platforms. When you look at WhatsApp in general, one of the things the government is being strong on is the fact that it was not being used as our decision-making process."

In terms of FOIs, he added: "Since I've been in post, I've made sure that we've been very proactive and getting as much information as possible out there to those who have requested it. Will there be times where journalists and members of the public will be upset by not getting information? Well it's inevitable.

"A lot of this with FOI is a misunderstanding about what the question is actually asking. Some individuals will ask a huge ranging question that will get all the information, but it'll be too much and they'll think it's not given them that answer.

"So a lot of the time it is just making sure that we get the detail, I've said to journalists in the past, explain to me exactly what you're looking for and we'll try and get the answers that you're looking for. Because the most important thing is the Scottish Government does believe in openness and transparency."

But Mr Adam was then asked why he has the auto-delete function on his WhatsApps, when he has just boasted about a transparent administration. He claimed that he "doesn't use WhatsApp for parliamentary business in any shape or form." Earlier, presenter Graham Stewart had said they were speaking to him via a WhatsApp call.

His comments were blasted by the Scottish Tories, who said it was "embarrassing and telling" that he was forced to admit that he automatically deletes his messages. Chairman Craig Hoy added: "At the same time, he insisted, presumably with a straight face, that his party and government are committed to openness and transparency.

“Like Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney, he claimed that social media is never used for decision-making purposes – something which the Covid inquiry exposed as simply untrue.

“Nicola Sturgeon insisted that there was a message deletion policy in place throughout her time in government even though her predecessor refuted this, and Nicola Sturgeon herself was able to retrieve her messages for the Alex Salmond inquiry. Even if such a policy had been in place, she could and should have lifted it – but chose not to, to cover her tracks.

“George Adam was equally unconvincing in responding to journalists’ complaints over the SNP Government blocking Freedom of Information requests. His defence that requests need to be worded more clearly or that sometimes ministers provide so much information that journalists can’t find what they’re looking for was patronising and laughable.

“The Information Commissioner is right to launch a probe into the shameless culture of secrecy and cover-up that’s embedded in the SNP Government.”

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037c4f No.154166

File: 1ec75e5d35ef7b2⋯.png (464.58 KB,817x893,43:47,Clipboard.png)

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File: eabf8cec07252d7⋯.png (352.12 KB,547x865,547:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20385969 (092106ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Huge blow for Humza Yousaf as third of Scots consider leaving Scotland and a majority believe public services are not worth it

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Huge blow for Humza Yousaf as third of Scots consider leaving Scotland and a majority believe public services are not worth it

David Walker

7 FEB 2024

Humza Yousaf's planned income tax hikes are facing a huge backlash after damning polling found that a third of Scots would consider leaving the country if they are hammered by further rises. And a majority of people believe that the current tax regime is poor value for money as public services are not worth it.

The "high tax" first minister has refused to u-turn on plans to increase the tax burden for thousands of Scots with the tax divide growing even further with the rest of the UK. The SNP has repeatedly insisted the system is fair and helps fund the likes of free prescriptions.

But new polling has revealed that 57 per cent of people believed that public services were not worth the money when they considered their outgoings, with only 28 per cent believing that the high level of personal tax did provide value for money across the likes of the NHS and road repairs, while 14 per cent said they didn't know.

Research, carried out by Survation for advisory firm True North, also found that 33 per cent of people would consider moving to another part of the UK to pay less tax, with 55 per cent the opposite, and 12 per cent being unsure. Businesses have warned that they may struggle to recruit due to the tax divide.

Anyone making over £28,850 in Scotland pays more tax than their English counterparts, with finance secretary Shona Robison confirming more hikes in the budget. A new 45p tax band is being introduced on earnings above £75,000, with the top rate above £125,140 increasing by 1p to 48p, and the higher rate threshold being frozen at £43,663.

Higher taxes mean someone earning a £35,000 salary will pay £61 more in Scotland than the rest of the UK, rising to £442 at £45,000, £1,696 at £55,000, and £2,096 at £75,000.

Public services in Scotland have long been struggling, with figures published on Tuesday showing that the number of Scots waiting longer than four hours in A&E hitting the second highest level on record, while the number of cops on the beat dropped to its lowest level for more than 15 years.

The Times reports that 46 per cent of SNP voters thought they were getting poor value for money when it came to services. True North analysed the findings and said there already appeared to be "substantial resentment among middle and higher earners, increasing numbers of whom are falling into higher tax bands as wages rise" about the high taxes.

Sandy Begbie, chief executive of Scottish Financial Enterprise, said: "The next generation of talent is crucial for the future of our industry and these findings suggest many Scots are increasingly looking beyond Scotland for job opportunities due to our tax environment.

"This is a highly mobile section of the cots unhappy with tax rises population, and the threat of them leaving is a genuine cause for concern for our longer-term economic prospects."

Almost half (46 per cent) of 16 to 24-year-olds said they would consider moving, while that figure was 37 per cent for 25 to 34-year-olds. The self-employed and business owners were the most likely to think about a shift, with 47 per cent saying they would consider relocating.

Mr Begbie pointed out that financial services have the potential to add between £4bn and £7bn to the Scottish economy over the next five years but a "stable, measured and predictable tax policy" is required to enable such a return. A spokesman for Mr Yousaf said: "Our social contract delivers relief for households with the cost of living, while asking the top 5 per cent of taxpayers to pay a bit more."

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037c4f No.154167

File: 47d5ad580da9b99⋯.png (702.18 KB,819x889,117:127,Clipboard.png)

File: b2fe7d030b636b3⋯.png (242.34 KB,561x512,561:512,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20386146 (092136ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Most nurses in the SNP's Scotland have thought about leaving the profession, shock study finds

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Most nurses in the SNP's Scotland have thought about leaving the profession, shock study finds

Almost a quarter of nurses in Scotland have gone without food or skipped meals, according to a new survey from the Royal College of Nursing released ahead of a debate on the SNP's budget

By Neil Pooran, PA & Ben Borland Editor

7 FEB 2024

Most NHS nurses have thought about leaving the profession due to cost-of-living pressures in the past year, a survey from the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Scotland suggests.

Some 60% said they had considered leaving nursing altogether due to financial concerns. The survey also suggested 21% had difficulties managing their finances or missed bills in the last year, while 23% had gone without food or skipped meals.

Meanwhile, 91% said financial concerns had some impact on their mental health and 43% said they had worked longer than their contracted hours. Asked if it is likely or very likely they will leave the profession in the next five years, 49% said yes.

About 1,000 RCN members took part in the survey during January. Ahead of the stage one Scottish Budget debate later this week, the union says it is concerned by potential recruitment freezes from health boards looking to save money due to SNP funding levels in the health service.

They also called on the Scottish Government to implement recommendations from the most recent pay review for NHS staff. Colin Poolman, RCN Scotland Director, said: "These results are really concerning. I feel for all nursing staff who, at the same time as they try to hold together services under extreme pressure and provide high quality care, are struggling to stay afloat financially.

"Since the pandemic, we have seen growing numbers of staff quitting nursing altogether. Our results show that those numbers could rise even more steeply. That's a trend health and social care services cannot afford to see with nursing vacancy rates already at stubbornly high levels."

Mr Poolman also called on the SNP executive to boost the support package for nursing students. He added: "While budgets are tight right now, this is not the time to be pulling resources from the nursing workforce. We believe there are solutions but they require investment now."

The Scottish Government said nurses north of the Border "remain overall the best paid in the UK" and had received a one-off payment to help with the cost-of-living crisis "of between £387 and £939 depending on banding".

A spokesman added that "eligible nursing and midwifery students" can apply for "non-repayable, non-means tested bursary support... at £10,000, as well as reimbursement of expenses and a range of allowances".

He added: "However, we are working closely with key partners, including the RCN, as part of the nursing and midwifery taskforce to explore what more can be done to attract and retain more people into nursing and midwifery, and will recommend a workplan of actions to support longer-term workforce sustainability in due course.

"The Health Secretary is meeting with trade unions this month to discuss the outcome of the Agenda for Change review."

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037c4f No.154168

File: 7502d6e7d523253⋯.png (775.12 KB,857x898,857:898,Clipboard.png)

File: fb69d5c91f932ef⋯.png (241.84 KB,579x557,579:557,Clipboard.png)

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File: 25e7857fef4ed5a⋯.png (167.37 KB,576x456,24:19,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20386283 (092156ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Scotland's potholed roads are so bad that women are now afraid to drive alone after dark

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Scotland's potholed roads are so bad that women are now afraid to drive alone after dark

Exclusive: A former NHS Scotland nurse says that a 'lone woman driver could sustain dangerous damage to the car and be left in an appalling situation whilst waiting for the RAC/AA'

Ben Borland

3 FEB 2024

A potholes campaigner has told MSPs that she no longer drives in the dark, the wet or the snow because she is so worried about the state of Scotland's cratered roads.

Lesley Roberts, who is calling for an action plan to tackle potholes and ring-fenced funding to help cash-strapped local councils repair their roads, is a former nurse with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. She said that a number of former colleagues have also expressed concerns about driving at night due to potholes.

Her petition has been under consideration for nearly two years, with no sign of any progress from the SNP Government. The UK Government has set up a £700million Pothole Repair Fund, resulting in Barnett consequentials for Scotland, but none of that additional money has been ring-fenced.

In her latest submission to Holyrood's petitions committee, Ms Roberts writes: "I find as a lone woman driver I no longer drive in challenging conditions. By that I mean the dark, the wet or the snow. Unfortunately, you cannot see the damage on the road which lies under the car.

"I feel that a lone woman driver could sustain dangerous damage to the car and be left in an appalling situation whilst waiting for the RAC/AA. Anything could happen to that woman and yet that, once again, has been brought to this petition committee attention time and time again. Instead of taking it on board and doing something progressive about the roads, nothing changes."

The submission, which has not been published online yet but was shared with the Scottish Daily Express, adds: "The police and other public bodies have stated that the condition of the roads have had a serious impact on health and safety and yet the problems continue. The longer it goes on the worse it becomes and our cars and lives cannot sustain such deflection.

"I believe the SNP have allowed the roads to deteriorate to absolute breaking point. The partnership with the Scottish Greens has not assisted and if anything it has made things much worse. Whilst I understand that the Net Zero matters to the planet and therefore all of us who live in the planet, I also believe that the health and safety of those who are left living on the planet is imperative and yet it is something that is significantly ignored."

Jack Cousens, head of roads policy with the AA, said: "Certainly if people don't feel safe on the road for one reason or another it is another valid reason why road maintencance should be higher up the agenda at all levels of government.

"Scottish drivers may look over the border somewhat enviously at England where they have decided to deliberately set aside funding for local councils to spend on road maintenance. The Scottish Government should be mindful of that given the strength of feeling about potholes."

He added: "Potholes can happen to anybody at any time, they don't pick and choose. That's why it's best if drivers drive slowly and sensibly when they are unsure of the road conditions."

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "As set out in the Scottish Budget, investment in safely operating and maintaining the trunk road network will rise to over £668 million in 2024-25 - an increase of 31%. The increased budget for trunk road network safety, adaptation, operation and maintenance will enable us to meet all our contractual and legal commitments as well as support our wider commitments on road safety, air quality and climate change adaptation.

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037c4f No.154169

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20386309 (092201ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Scotland's potholed roads are so bad that women are now afraid to drive alone after dark

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"We will focus our investments on the highest priority safety critical maintenance of our trunk road network, ensuring resilience to severe weather events and to deliver on our commitment to maintain a safe and reliable trunk road network. Through our trunk road operating companies we are responsible for the strategic trunk road network, including motorways.

"Defects on roads, including potholes, can appear as the result of a number of factors, and it is up to roads authorities to maintain the roads they are responsible for. Operating Companies are required to complete regular safety inspections and safety patrols. Their inspection teams are on the network to identify defects, including potholes, prioritise them based on the potential risk to road safety and where possible repair them or call for back-up. All identified potholes are fully funded for repair within those contractual timescales."

“The local road network is the responsibility of local authorities and they will allocate resources on the basis of local priorities. The vast majority of funding to local authorities from the Scottish Government is provided via a block grant. It is therefore the responsibility of each local authority to manage their own budget and to allocate the financial resources available to them on the basis of local needs and priorities, having first fulfilled their statutory obligations and the jointly agreed set of national and local priorities.”

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037c4f No.154170

File: 3a48633f631de97⋯.png (721.59 KB,859x899,859:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 0526fc47454191a⋯.png (233.51 KB,597x499,597:499,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20386417 (092219ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Scotland's pothole explosion with 18,000 in Glasgow alone - and more are on the way

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Scotland's pothole explosion with 18,000 in Glasgow alone - and more are on the way

New data suggests the number of road craters increased by nearly 50 per cent in 2023 with climate change and Shona Robison's budget cuts tipped to make the situation worse

Douglas Dickie

16 JAN 2024

Scotland has experienced a pothole explosion over the past 12 months with numbers soaring by 50 per cent. And cold weather this month will likely lead to even more craters opening up on our roads over the coming weeks.

Over 132,000 were recorded in the first 11 months of 2023 across 24 of Scotland's 32 councils - meaning the actual figure will be a lot higher. Glasgow City Council recorded the most with 17,898 while Dumfries and Galloway was second with around 16,000.

The data was compiled by campaign group Round Our Way and was released on National Potholes Day on Monday. The 132,642 holes in Scotland was a 47.7 per cent increase on the same period in 2022 when 89,787 were recorded.

Roger Harding, director of Round Our Way said: "Potholes are the bane of many of our lives and put drivers, cyclists and even pedestrians at risk of serious injury. The weather extremes that climate change brings are sadly creating many more of them at a time when cuts mean repairs are already not keeping up.

"No-one should have to risk injury or breakdown to get from A to B locally. More investment is needed in repairs and new materials, but we also need politicians to get serious about tackling the climate change that is increasingly causing potholes in the first place."

It comes amid warnings that stretched council budgets and climate change could make the situation worse. And cold weather over winter has led to fears potholes will be more common than daffodils as we enter spring.

The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) said Shona Robison's recent budget announcement was likely to make the situation worse. A spokesman told The Herald: "...budgets don't make it easy to respond to local priorities, when funding for policies such as teacher numbers and social care is directed by the Scottish Government.

"The recent budget will put more pressure on services such as roads maintenance, as ringfencing and direction continues. In addition, climate change and increasing weather events such as flooding is only going to make the situation worse, which is why the significant cut proposed to capital investment in the budget is such a concern for councils."

A Glasgow City Council spokesman said: "Potholes can appear suddenly at any time and will be caused by environmental factors such as heavy rain or flooding, ice, snow and the impact of traffic on the road surface. Last winter, Glasgow experienced its lowest road surface temperatures in 12 years, followed by long periods of rainfall, which is a damaging combination for road surfaces.

"In January last year, there was sharp rise in the rate of pothole reporting as a result, but the council doubled its carriageway maintenance budget to £12m for the year to help address issues with road conditions. Our responsibility is to ensure we have in place an appropriate system of road safety inspections and repairs that tackles the most dangerous faults as a matter of priority.

"We always seek to undertake first time permanent repairs wherever possible, but modern materials can provide an immediate and durable solution that helps ensure road safety. The roads network is inspected on an ongoing basis, but we urge people to report any road faults to us directly so they can be properly assessed and included in an appropriate repair programme."

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037c4f No.154171

File: b9a1314df1f247e⋯.png (511.04 KB,844x899,844:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20386686 (092310ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / John Swinney encouraged 'continuity candidate' Humza Yousaf to stand as SNP leader

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John Swinney encouraged 'continuity candidate' Humza Yousaf to stand as SNP leader

The former deputy first minister was heavily involved in getting the now first minister to put himself forward to replace Nicola Sturgeon and advocated for him publicly during the SNP leadership contest.

David Walker

9 FEB 2024

Humza Yousaf's reputation as the SNP's "continuity candidate" has been enhanced after he revealed that John Swinney encouraged him to stand as First Minister. He became the pick of the nationalist establishment to replace Nicola Sturgeon, and was backed by a number of prominent figures.

He stood on the platform of continuing with his predecessor's plans and policies, including the disputed deal with the Scottish Greens. Despite the backing of the likes of Angus Robertson and Neil Gray, he still struggled to get over the line in the contest, winning by 52% to 48% against Kate Forbes, with supporters of the former finance secretary pointing out that "the top brass would much prefer an establishment transfer of power – to carry on with the status quo – rather than allowing our membership the freedom to make a healthy democratic choice."

The first minister has also refused to criticise his former boss during his time in Bute House, and has been accused of acting like a "human shield" for her, especially after the Covid Inquiry revelations about deleted messages. He outlined what happened after he found out about her resignation on another podcast appearance, this time on the Pod Save The UK podcast hosted by Nish Kumar and Coco Khan.

He explained that after she called him on Valentine's Day to tell him of her plans to step down, he then phoned her deputy Mr Swinney who told him it was the start of a “new phase and era” and encouraged him to enter the leadership contest. He also detailed the conversation between him and Ms Sturgeon.

The first minister said that he "remembered the day very, very well" and that he thought it was a "bit strange" getting a call from his boss on Valentine's Day. He added: "It was late at night, I think it was about quarter to ten I think when she gave me a call.

“I think most of us probably thought Nicola is likely to resign ahead of 2026, that’s when the next Scottish elections are due to take place, but many of us thought it would be probably years down the line.

“So, completely out the blue. I mean the first sentence she said to me I knew what she was going to tell me. I said, ‘how are you,’ and she said, ‘I’m okay but you’re not going to like what I’ve got to say to you’. And I said well don’t say it and she then decided to say it and tell me and there was a bit of profanity from my end.”

He also attempted to curry sympathy for his former boss by claiming that she was "working her socks" off during the pandemic and was focused solely on protecting Scots. He added: “I would look at Nicola some days and she would look absolutely exhausted, I could see she had lost weight, I was talking to her and she wasn’t sleeping. This was just constant. She was nothing but dedicated to that.”

Mr Yousaf did confess that the Scottish Government didn't get everything right during the public health crisis and insisted that her "integrity" was beyond doubt. He also discussed independence with the hosts, and was asked if he had “lying on the side of a bus” to promote Scexit.

This provoked laughter from the first minister, and said: "Has anybody ever tried that before and how did it end? Honestly, it’s good to be honest as much as you possibly can with people. If I sat here and said to you Nish, independence is going to resolve every problem we’ve ever had, there’ll be no more challenges with the NHS, or education will be the top of the international league tables, you just wouldn’t believe it and neither should you.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154172

File: 24c5e1dcbef2aea⋯.png (482.48 KB,670x868,335:434,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20386755 (092325ZFEB24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / ROAM FREE Shamed SNP minister Michael Matheson’s £12.7k ‘golden goodbye’ will be tax free amid calls to hand back cash

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ROAM FREE Shamed SNP minister Michael Matheson’s £12.7k ‘golden goodbye’ will be tax free amid calls to hand back cash

The disgraced Health Secretary paid back nearly £11,000 after anger over a dodgy expenses claim for roaming charges, but will net £12,700 tax free for resigning.

Conor Matchett

9 Feb 2024

DISGRACED ex-Health Secretary Michael Matheson’s £12,700 golden goodbye will be paid to him tax free, it can be revealed.

The severance will comfortably cover the £11,000 iPad roaming charges he eventually paid back to taxpayers amid anger about the bill racked up on a family holiday to Morocco.

The perk emerged after the scandal-hit ex Health Secretary finally quit over his expenses shame.

But Mr Matheson has given no indication he is set to turn down the severance cash, paid under parly rules for any minister leaving government after serving for more than 90 days.

The ex-cabinet secretary - who remains an MSP on £72,195 from April - will receive a quarter of his final ministerial bolt-on salary, or £12,712, after he quit on Thursday ahead of the findings of a parly probe into the issue being handed to him.

In November, the Falkirk West MSP coughed up £10,935.74 of his own cash to pay back Holyrood officials and the taxpayer for the roaming bill, which he later claimed was caused by his children watching football while on holiday.

Originally, parliament officials said he'd given them "written assurances" that the mobile bill was due to constituency work he'd carried out while on holiday with his family in Morocco at Christmas and New Year, 2022-23.

Mr Matheson's resignation also means he will not pay the SNP's new “advanced” 45p tax band for those earning over £75,000 introduced by Humza Yousaf at the Holyrood Budget, despite being set to pocket at least £87,000 in the next year.

Craig Hoy, Scots Tory party chairman, said it would be “outrageous” for Mr Matheson to keep the cash.

The Conservative MSP added: “At a time when many Scots are struggling, and the government is making savage cuts, it is ridiculous that improper behaviour by ministers should be rewarded in this way. Mr Matheson should turn the payment down.”

Mr Matheson has so far been silent on whether he will accept the payout, and the SNP have not responded to requests for comment.

A Scottish Parliament spokesperson said: “Legislation states that after a 90 day period, the equivalent of three months’ salary is payable on ceasing to hold a Ministerial position.”

There were questions yesterday after the severance emerged about whether Mr Matheson would be liable to pay tax on it.

But today parliament bosses confirmed that the payout was effectively a redundancy payment, so falls under rules where the first £30,000 of severance cash is tax free.

Mr Matheson had come under huge pressure in November and December over his £11,000 MSP iPad bill for holiday roaming charges and amid a Holyrood probe after he gave false assurances to parly bosses.

The ex-health secretary later appeared to lie to the public about the issue in media interviews, before claiming that the charges were due to his sons’ streaming footie during the family holiday.

But in a briefing after First Minister’s Questions yesterday, Humza Yousaf’s official spokesperson admitted that the results of the parly probe - expected to set out a timeline of events and what Mr Matheson said in relation to the scandal - were central to his decision to quit.

MSPs on Holyrood’s corporate body agreed the draft findings of the probe into the ex-health secretary on Wednesday, minutes show.

Mr Matheson was set to be provided with the report this week, along with key information supporting the findings of the probe and be given two weeks to respond.

However, he made the decision to resign before seeing the results, claiming he did not want to become a “distraction” for the government.

The First Minister's spokesman told reporters there was “clearly a very strong possibility” that the issue would go to Holyrood’s standards committee - potentially leading to a suspension from Parliament for Mr Matheson or the MSP being banned from claiming expenses.

MSPs are currently on £67,662 but have received a 6.7 per cent pay rise, taking effect on April 1, meaning they will get at least £72,195.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154173

File: 701046fe725fc19⋯.png (721.16 KB,848x899,848:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c937eb72cf7d99⋯.png (176.69 KB,548x562,274:281,Clipboard.png)

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File: 34b18c1c316a773⋯.png (160.34 KB,576x415,576:415,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20386905 (092351ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP MP accepts lavish ski freebie as she joins Liz Truss and Tory MPs on holiday in Davos

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SNP MP accepts lavish ski freebie as she joins Liz Truss and Tory MPs on holiday in Davos

Exclusive: Glasgow North West MP accepts nearly £3k worth of freebies as she and three others joined in the winter jollies on the 68th Annual British-Swiss Parliamentary ski week in the Swiss Alps

Ben Borland

9 FEB 2024

A Glasgow SNP politician joined a group of Conservative MPs including former prime minister Liz Truss on a five-day skiing holiday to the upmarket resort of Davos in the Swiss Alps.

Carol Monaghan joined the "68th Annual British-Swiss Parliamentary ski week" where she accepted two free ski passes and free ski guides as well as a lavish formal dinner and reception for four people. She also got a 50% discount on two more ski passes for the slopes at the Davos Klosters Mountains.

The latest MPs' register of interests states that the total value of the freebies was £2719 with Ms Monaghan paying "all other costs". It is not known who joined the Glasgow North West MP on the ski trip from January 2-6, although she is married to SNP Glasgow councillor Feargal Dalton and they have three children.

The other MPs on the trip were all Conservatives: Sara Britcliffe (Hyndburn); Damian Collins (Folkestone and Hythe); Ben Everitt (Milton Keynes North); Andrew Griffith (Arundel and South Downs): Sally-Ann Hart (Hastings and Rye); Tim Loughton (East Worthing and Shoreham); Sir Alok Sharma (Reading West); and Elizabeth Truss (South West Norfolk).

Après-ski drinks might've been a bit awkward, as Ms Monaghan has had some harsh words to say about Ms Truss in the past. She described her as being "completely out of touch" and accused her of showing a "a real lack of grace" in the Commons. When she resigned as PM after just 45 days, her newest ski buddy tweeted: "Strong and stable my arse. Absolute total car crash."

The British-Swiss Parliamentary Ski week is said to be the longest-running sporting event for parliamentarians in the world, having started in 1957. A programme for this year's event – obtained by the Scottish Daily Express – includes lunches and boozy get-togethers, as well as a "Ski Party and Sing Song at Restaurant Höhenweg" following the parallel slalom ski race between British and Swiss parliamentarians.

Guests got to watch the Cross-country World Cup finals and there was also a giant slalom race and a prize-giving ceremony hosted by the British Embassy, as well as "Optional Night Skiing on Rinerhorn" and "Zigi-Zagi" to start each day in the lobby of the Hotel Seehof.

The visit took place just a few weeks before the World Economic Forum in Davos, when the world's elite descended on the Swiss town for a major summit. The exclusive resort is also a firm favourite with the Royal Family, with Princess Beatrice and Princess Eugenie attending this year's Forum.

Ms Monaghan – whose constituency includes some of the most deprived areas of the UK – has been an outspoken critic of the UK Government's handling of the cost-of-living crisis.

Just a few weeks before the ski trip, she joined food bank volunteers in Maryhill Tesco and said: "Today it is absolutely freezing cold even when inside so it makes you think of the struggle some people are facing. It is so important we keep this initiative going but it is disgraceful that we need food banks in the 21st century in a developed country."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154174

File: 8d2de2dcacf7484⋯.png (629 KB,849x899,849:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 1fd29ce2b1ba4dd⋯.png (416.3 KB,553x757,553:757,Clipboard.png)

File: bf2c1ca24d98d0c⋯.png (328.58 KB,559x863,559:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20387064 (100017ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon blasted for causing 'human rights catastrophe' through Covid care home decision

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Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon blasted for causing 'human rights catastrophe' through Covid care home decision

The former first minister and her health secretary were attacked for their actions during the pandemic by former Labour MSP Neil Findlay who pointed to various fatal mistakes the Scottish Government made.

David Walker

9 FEB 2024

Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon were accused of presiding over a "human rights catastrophe" affecting elderly people during the Covid pandemic. And the pair were slated for "attacking" one former Labour MSP who pleaded with them to stop their policy of sending patients from hospital to care homes without testing them for the deadly virus.

The former first minister and her health secretary are already facing a police probe into alleged corporate manslaughter due to allowing the disease to run rampant through care homes. And now Neil Findlay has claimed that they refused to accept they were in the wrong until after the 2021 Holyrood election.

A former Labour MSP, he stepped down in 2021 but was brought back to the forefront of politics due to evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry. Messages between Humza Yousaf and national clinical director Jason Leitch showed them calling him an "a***hole" and a "tt."

But Mr Findlay pointed out that he was proud of this as it meant he was asking the right questions, with his elderly mum being in a care home at the time of his questioning. He outlined a number of mistakes made by the SNP government, and said he was shut down when he attempted to correct them.

Writing for Holyrood magazine, he said that he was being told from staff in the care sector that they "had no access to essential PPE" but Mr Leitch and Ms Freeman denied this was an issue. He highlighted the cover-up of the Covid outbreak at the Nike Conference calling the secrecy surrounding this "alarming."

He wrote: "As those grim days passed, families of care home residents got in touch to tell me about the virus running wild through care homes. The decision to discharge people from hospital untested was an unmitigated disaster causing many unnecessary deaths. For those who survived they found Do Not Resuscitate notices(...and nil by mouth. i.e. no food or water)had been put on their records without their knowledge.

"As many hospitals lay empty, elderly people were denied inpatient treatment. What a way to treat the people that gave my generation so much.

"Scotland’s treatment of our elderly people during the pandemic was a human rights catastrophe and those who were supposed to have ministerial responsibility for policy impacting on the elderly were nowhere to be seen. When I raised this in the Scottish Parliament I was abused, and outside of the chamber a government whip attempted to physically confront me."

He went on to claim that he "pleaded" with Ms Sturgeon and Ms Freeman to end untested discharges "but instead of showing humility they went on the attack (aided by their social media trolls) claiming that I did not care about people in care homes and that I was only interested in political point-scoring. This despite the fact they knew my elderly mum was a care home resident. "

And in a startling revelation he said that he repeatedly asked the pair to admit their "monumental mistake" but was refused every time until a week or so after the 2021 Holyrood election. He said: "In the safe knowledge there would be no parliamentary scrutiny of her, Freeman later admitted to the BBC’s Nick Robinson that the care home discharge policy had indeed been a mistake."

When giving evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry, the former health secretary defended the policy, saying it was the only option due to a lack of testing capacity at the start of the pandemic. But she added that she will "regret" any deaths for the rest of her life.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154175

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20387485 (100137ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated Humza Yousaf Bun | Updated Michelle Mone Bun

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Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun

>>153965 I took a Christmas shopping trip to Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow and it's just beggars and bargain shops

>>153981 Glasgow's 'botched' low emission zone blamed for 20 per cent drop in business

>>154037 Six months on, drivers STILL paying £350,000 a month in Low Emission Zone fines

>>154152 Glasgow taxi boss says only 12 of his black cabs will be allowed to enter the LEZ after May 31

Updated Humza Yousaf Bun

>>153977 Humza Yousaf's 'Foreign Legion' expands to 54 - more than the budget, tax or strategy teams!

>>153985 Humza Yousaf humiliatingly snubbed by Scottish Government who rejected request to publicise his Time magazine front cover

>>153986 Humza Yousaf hits out at 'cronyism' in Honours system weeks after ex-SNP president handed plum role as 'impartial' government adviser

>>153990 Departing SNP MP Philippa Whitford blames bad press headlines for Humza Yousaf's poor performance as First Minister

>>154006 Humza Yousaf requested meeting with Turkish President Erdogan and had 'ample' time to inform Foreign Office about summit

>>154007, >>154008 David Cameron threatens to close SNP's 'pretend embassies' after Humza Yousaf's Erdogan meeting

>>154009 Humza Yousaf's wife Nadia El-Nakla admits Turkish government helped her family leave Gaza

>>154016, >>154025 Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law arrested after man falls from flat in Dundee

>>154018 Humza Yousaf branded the 'First Minister of Gaza' by Leo Kearse who says Nat leader 'doesn't care' about Scotland

>>154049 Humza Yousaf facing growing SNP criticism for promoting relationship with China as Scotland 'too heavily reliant' on country

>>154050 Humza Yousaf meets with Chinese diplomat about 'trade and tourism' amid fears over human right abuses in China

>>154051, >>154052 Humza Yousaf defends inviting Turkish president Erdogan to Scotland and denies asking about getting family out of Gaza

>>154065 Humza Yousaf and his minister Angus Robertson WERE involved in wife Nadia El-Nakla's 'personal' visit to Istanbul

>>154111 Humza Yousaf 'wines and dines' London financiers as he is accused of selling off Scotland's land

>>154158 'BREAKDOWN' Humza Yousaf opens up about his mental health struggles

>>154171 John Swinney encouraged 'continuity candidate' Humza Yousaf to stand as SNP leader

Updated Michelle Mone Bun

>>153966, >>>/qresearch/20104450 Michelle Mone breaks silence to deny wrongdoing and say: 'I'm sick and tired of the lies about me'

>>153967 Raging Michelle Mone fumes at Rishi Sunak as Scots baroness 'no longer a Tory Party member'

>>153968 Michelle Mone interview: Baroness tells Laura Kuenssberg that lying over PPE contracts ‘not a crime’ (video)

>>153969 Baroness Mone hits back at PM over PPE MedPro scandal (video)

>>153970 Michelle Mone PPE deal is NOT a 'great scandal', says Nigel Farage as peer urged to pay back money

>>153991, >>153992 Michelle Mone & billionaire hubby launch £80m sale of luxury villa, jet & yacht after accounts frozen in PPE probe

>>154074 Michelle Mone has £75m of assets including Glasgow homes frozen by court order

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154176

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20387489 (100137ZFEB24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One

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Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One

>>153954 SNP government puts justice system at risk through changes which 'have little evidence'

>>153963 Court hands brutal ruling to SNP amid Nicola Sturgeon FOI transparency row

>>153964 SNP Government 'lose' phone with vital Covid messages on it in latest 'unacceptable' Inquiry scandal

>>153971, >>154009 Ferguson Marine ferries fiasco is a monument to SNP incompetence; Turkish shipyard set to launch new ferry after just two years of construction

>>153974 SNP 'can't be trusted' with housing crisis as more than 16,000 children were left homeless last Christmas

>>153975 SNP Government destroy massive batch of files after Alex Salmond legal defeat

>>153976 Kate Forbes admits the SNP's overseas offices promote Scotland as separate to the UK

>>153978 Fury as SNP overseas office spending to rise by 12 per cent while public services suffer

>>153979 Poll hammer blow for SNP as support for independence DROPS in 2023 despite claims

>>153982 Nationalist MP admitting he uses fake quote to boost separatist argument shows how low they'll go

>>153983 Secretive SNP Government refuse to reveal what Humza Yousaf spoke about in controversial meeting with Icelandic Prime Minister

>>153984 Shona Robison jets off to exclusive ski resort frequented by George Clooney and Kylie Minogue days after clobbering Scots with tax hikes and funding cuts

>>153987 Michael Russell suddenly steps down as SNP president weeks after being re-elected

>>153988, >>153989 SNP Government kept eye on cronyism row after it handed £405k to Islamic group linked to Humza Yousaf

>>153993 SCOTTISH BUDGET: New 45% tax band for higher earners (video)

>>153994 Why Nicola Sturgeon can dodge SNP's 45 per cent income tax rate when she finally finishes her book

>>153996 SNP Nicola Sturgeon has a very dubious past. This is old news but not widely known (video)

>>154001 Secretive SNP Government sat on news about new Chief Constable’s police taxi home to England for three weeks

>>154004 SNP ministers accused of 'sitting on their hands' over pledge to reform powers of Scotland's top law officer

>>154005 Lord Advocate refuses to say if Nicola Sturgeon home search was delayed in new twist to 'murky saga'

>>154017 SNP to raid pockets of tourists in latest tax wheeze as visitors to be charged for visiting Scotland

>>154020 SNP 'standing by' as thousands more Scots predicted to become homeless in next two years

>>154021 SNP government forks out £4m of taxpayer money on 'diversity officers' despite huge public spending cuts

>>154022, >>154023 SNP 'higher taxes for free tuition' boast in tatters as less Scots to be accepted on university courses due to budget cuts

>>154024 Shona Robison blames UK Government Covid cuts for SNP's plans to axe 1,200 free tuition places for Scots students

>>154026 SNP wants to 'empty prisons' as Angela Constance admission exposes 'weak justice agenda'

>>154040 Nicola Sturgeon wanted to use Covid pandemic to 'reboot' Scexit campaign, 'bombshell' evidence reveals

>>154041 The league of shame: All those present when SNP restarted Scexit push at height of Covid

>>154042 Humza Yousaf must come clean over his role in 'scandalous' SNP Government pushing for Scexit at height of Covid pandemic

>>154043 BBC Scotland news broadcast got just 200 viewers as station bosses obsess over the SNP

>>154044 BBC boss defends 'atrocious' viewer numbers for Scotland's flagship news shows

>>154045 SNP soft touch justice blasted as more criminals than ever before avoid any punishment

>>154046 SNP soft touch justice Scotland as just 51 fly-tippers prosecuted despite almost 300,000 incidents being reported

>>154055 SNP plans for juryless rape trials may bring 'chaos, delay and disaster', lawyers warn

>>154056, >>154057 Scots lawyers set to boycott juryless rape trials leaving the SNP's controversial plans in disarray

>>154058, >>154058 Nicola Sturgeon's SNP is like an organised crime group that has gone beyond the Line of Duty

>>154068 Nicola Sturgeon's government being probed by elite detectives amid alleged Alex Salmond leak

>>154069 Fraser Nelson exposes how the SNP's 'McMafia' have subverted weak Holyrood and corrupted the Edinburgh civil service

>>154087 Stephen Flynn distances himself from Nicola Sturgeon and Ian Blackford amid 'lost trust' claim

>>154088, >>154089 Nicola Sturgeon's halo slips as dark and ugly dogmatism of the SNP is finally revealed to UK's liberal left

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154177

File: 6547644d190bc01⋯.png (80.31 KB,912x508,228:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 8831c675490a0ad⋯.png (568.6 KB,400x532,100:133,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20387781 (100231ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon blasted for causing 'human rights catastrophe' through Covid care home decision

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Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon blasted for causing 'human rights catastrophe' through Covid care home decision

The former first minister and her health secretary were attacked for their actions during the pandemic by former Labour MSP Neil Findlay who pointed to various fatal mistakes the Scottish Government made.

David Walker

9 FEB 2024

Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon were accused of presiding over a "human rights catastrophe" affecting elderly people during the Covid pandemic. And the pair were slated for "attacking" one former Labour MSP who pleaded with them to stop their policy of sending patients from hospital to care homes without testing them for the deadly virus.

The former first minister and her health secretary are already facing a police probe into alleged corporate manslaughter due to allowing the disease to run rampant through care homes. And now Neil Findlay has claimed that they refused to accept they were in the wrong until after the 2021 Holyrood election.

A former Labour MSP, he stepped down in 2021 but was brought back to the forefront of politics due to evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry. Messages between Humza Yousaf and national clinical director Jason Leitch showed them calling him an "a***hole" and a "tt."

But Mr Findlay pointed out that he was proud of this as it meant he was asking the right questions, with his elderly mum being in a care home at the time of his questioning. He outlined a number of mistakes made by the SNP government, and said he was shut down when he attempted to correct them.

Writing for Holyrood magazine, he said that he was being told from staff in the care sector that they "had no access to essential PPE" but Mr Leitch and Ms Freeman denied this was an issue. He highlighted the cover-up of the Covid outbreak at the Nike Conference calling the secrecy surrounding this "alarming."

He wrote: "As those grim days passed, families of care home residents got in touch to tell me about the virus running wild through care homes. The decision to discharge people from hospital untested was an unmitigated disaster causing many unnecessary deaths. For those who survived they found Do Not Resuscitate notices(...and nil by mouth. i.e. no food or water)had been put on their records without their knowledge.

"As many hospitals lay empty, elderly people were denied inpatient treatment. What a way to treat the people that gave my generation so much.

"Scotland’s treatment of our elderly people during the pandemic was a human rights catastrophe and those who were supposed to have ministerial responsibility for policy impacting on the elderly were nowhere to be seen. When I raised this in the Scottish Parliament I was abused, and outside of the chamber a government whip attempted to physically confront me."

He went on to claim that he "pleaded" with Ms Sturgeon and Ms Freeman to end untested discharges "but instead of showing humility they went on the attack (aided by their social media trolls) claiming that I did not care about people in care homes and that I was only interested in political point-scoring. This despite the fact they knew my elderly mum was a care home resident. "

And in a startling revelation he said that he repeatedly asked the pair to admit their "monumental mistake" but was refused every time until a week or so after the 2021 Holyrood election. He said: "In the safe knowledge there would be no parliamentary scrutiny of her, Freeman later admitted to the BBC’s Nick Robinson that the care home discharge policy had indeed been a mistake."

When giving evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry, the former health secretary defended the policy, saying it was the only option due to a lack of testing capacity at the start of the pandemic. But she added that she will "regret" any deaths for the rest of her life.>>>/qresearch/20387329

>I wonder what the eligibility requirements are? Non-binary omnisexual with pronouns "zippy" and "zoid" that is at least 25% black and 25% Pacific Islander?

"........and must be willing to sell your soul and fuck the rest of humanity for a few extra shillings or shekels. "

Thanks as always for all the baking. I must spend a lot of time posting here with this old PC that runs like a pig. Where do we find the time?

How much more corruption can the people take before they say enough?

When will a light start to shine within the tumbleweed?

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154178

File: 8d2de2dcacf7484⋯.png (629 KB,849x899,849:899,Clipboard.png)

File: cc4a53b3b46bd74⋯.png (165.83 KB,562x545,562:545,Clipboard.png)

File: 1fd29ce2b1ba4dd⋯.png (416.3 KB,553x757,553:757,Clipboard.png)

File: bf2c1ca24d98d0c⋯.png (328.58 KB,559x863,559:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20387800 (100234ZFEB24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon blasted for causing 'human rights catastrophe' through Covid care home decision

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154179

File: ba2d0d88a103935⋯.png (608.79 KB,819x899,819:899,Clipboard.png)

File: fa52589d92322de⋯.png (523.9 KB,561x861,187:287,Clipboard.png)

File: a6896c6a0b53058⋯.png (48.66 KB,559x675,559:675,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f049d60b286405⋯.png (172.82 KB,544x556,136:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20395144 (111317ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Top Nicola Sturgeon official who urged WhatsApp deletion was given an honour after pandemic scandal

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Top Nicola Sturgeon official who urged WhatsApp deletion was given an honour after pandemic scandal

EXCLUSIVE: Ken Thomson has been called on to hand back the gong in light of the criticism he has faced.

Paul Hutcheon

6 FEB 2024

One of Nicola Sturgeon’s top civil servants was given an honour after repeatedly urging colleagues to wipe their covid WhatsApp messages.

Ken Thomson was recognised by the King two years after his “disgraceful” role in the mass deletion scandal.

Labour MSP Monica Lennon said: “For Mr Thomson to receive an honour after sending these appalling messages is another insult to the covid bereaved and campaigners. The very least he must do is send it back to the King.”

The UK Covid Inquiry last month heard how Sturgeon, former deputy first minister John Swinney and top civil servants deleted their WhatsApps during the pandemic.

Messages retrieved by the Inquiry revealed the enthusiasm for deletion by Thomson, who used to be Director General for Strategy and External Affairs.

He told colleagues in a WhatsApp group called ‘Covid Outbreak’ in 2020: “Just to remind you (seriously) this is discoverable under FOI. Know where the “clear chat” button is.”

He added: “Plausible deniability are my middle names. Now clear it again!”

Thomson later mockingly used a phrase used in rejection letters for freedom of information requests: “The information you requested is not held centrally.”

The senior civil servant also wrote in 2021: “I feel moved at this point to remind you that this channel is FOI recoverable.”

He accompanied this message with a zipped mouth emoji.

Thomson was asked at the Inquiry whether the messages showed him encouraging people to delete messages to “defeat” FOI requests.

He replied: “No.”

He added: “I'm reminding my colleagues that this channel is discoverable under FOI, which I think is correct, and then I'm saying in an informal way that my understanding of our approach to these groups is that messages should not be kept - other than in relation to salient points, as we've just discussed, these messages should not be kept and should therefore be deleted.”

Thomson retired late last year and was given a CBE in the New Year’s Honours List.

Lennon said: “Ken Thomson urging his Scottish Government colleagues to delete their WhatsApp messages was disgraceful.

"His so-called joke that “plausible deniability” were his middle names betrayed contempt for openness and transparency during the pandemic.

“As Labour’s shadow health and social care spokeswoman in the early years of covid, I saw at first hand how key groups like Care Home Relatives Scotland struggled to receive basic information from the Government. Nicola Sturgeon failed to meet with the families despite repeated requests.

“The culture of secrecy went to the very top of government and bereaved relatives and others fighting for answers have been betrayed. It’s impossible to fully learn lessons from a crisis if vital information and government records are destroyed.”

Thomson became chair of the regulation board of Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland after his retirement, but stood after only a few weeks for “personal” reasons after the WhatsApp row broke.

He was a civil servant for decades and had been principal private secretary to former Labour First Minister Donald Dewar.

During her appearance at the Inquiry, Sturgeon said of Thomson’s "plausible deniability" line:

“I would read that as him reminding people of the need to be professional on WhatsApp even when discussing light-hearted things.”

Thomson could not be reached.

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037c4f No.154180

File: 79534086784e4d4⋯.png (568.53 KB,851x899,851:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20395257 (111354ZFEB24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / Michael Matheson report finds MSP lied to top official about £11k iPad bill after learning reason

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Michael Matheson report finds MSP lied to top official about £11k iPad bill after learning reason

SUNDAY MAIL EXCLUSIVE: The report into the former Health Secretary's conduct contains a 'damning trail' of evidence about his knowledge of the £11k bill and what he told parliamentary bosses.

Hannah Rodger

11 FEB 2024

Michael Matheson quit his ministerial job because the government probe into his £11,000 iPad scandal shows that he lied to Holyrood’s Presiding Officer AFTER finding out his children had racked up the bill.

The Sunday Mail can reveal that the report, yet to be made public, sets out how the former Health Secretary told Alison Johnstone in a meeting he had no idea why the charges were so high.

Yet the disgraced MSP had been told days before by his wife that his sons had ran up the data charges watching football matches during their family holiday in Morocco.

We understand he faces being suspended by parliament and/or forced to apologise in the chamber when he is referred to either Holyrood’s standards, procedures and public appointments or the Ethical Standards Commissioner.

Matheson, 53, said he found out on November 9 that his children had used the iPad data to stream an Old Firm game but didn’t tell the public until November 16.

Between those two dates he met with Johnstone where he was asked to explain the reason for the huge bill but failed to inform her about streaming football matches. Days later he did confess the real reason to First Minister Humza Yousaf.

A source said: “There is a paper trail which doesn’t show him in a good light whatsoever. He has lied flat out to the presiding officer after he found out his kids had used the iPad. He was asked about it and he didn’t mention his kids using it whatsoever. It was an extensive meeting”.

They said the internal report, by the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body (SPCB), contained “exchanges where he was resisting telling the truth (LIED) about the data usage and the reason for the bill”.

It’s unclear what other excuse he gave the Presiding Officer, although it’s expected to be revealed when the report is made public later this month.

When the scandal emerged on November 8, the MSP for Falkirk repeatedly denied that he had used his work iPad for personal reasons and insisted the bill was “a legitimate parliamentary expense”.

First Minister Humza Yousaf learned the truth on November 14 - two days before the public found out - but continued to back his health secretary and refused to sack him despite growing frustration. He continued as health secretary until February 8 - earning an extra £12,712 in his cabinet office role than he would if he quit in November and just took his £67,000 MSP salary.

Last week, members of the public and fellow politicians were left puzzled over why Matheson chose to quit his £118,000-a-year job before apparently knowing if the report would exonerate him or not.

In his resignation statement he said: “I have still not received the findings of their review, however, it is in the best interest of myself and the Government for me to now step down to ensure this does not become a distraction to taking forward the Government’s agenda.”

But the Sunday Mail understands his lawyer had been passed the document before he quit and is likely to have told him what it said.

A source close to Matheson said: “He was right in saying he had not received the report because he hadn’t, but of course he knew what was in it otherwise he wouldn’t have resigned. I think he should have just admitted that he knew the report wasn’t going to look good for him.

"Instead he’s done another bizarre thing by saying he hadn’t received it but he was going to step down anyway. His behaviour throughout this whole scandal has been very unlike the Michael we’re used to and it’s hard to understand how and why he managed to mess this up so badly.”

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037c4f No.154181

File: ea4aa11c1532fbc⋯.png (61.35 KB,574x725,574:725,Clipboard.png)

File: 25e66755b5cb6fa⋯.png (260.28 KB,611x670,611:670,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20395263 (111356ZFEB24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / Michael Matheson report finds MSP lied to top official about £11k iPad bill after learning reason

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Holyrood’s standards, procedures and public appointments or the Ethical Standards Commissioner could be asked to look at his conduct and decide on sanctions including having to apologise to parliament or be suspended for a certain period of time.

Currently there is no mechanism for removing MSPs from their seats if they refuse to quit. Tory MSP Graham Simpson has been developing a bill for the last three years which he hopes will make it easier for the public to get rid of their MSPs if their behaviour doesn’t live up to expectations.

He started work on the plans after former Finance Secretary Derek Mackay claimed a salary and expenses but failed to turn up to Holyrood for months after he was found to have sent hundreds of texts to a 16-year-old boy.

Simpson said: “The bill is looking to introduce a recall system, which kicks in if a member is banned from parliament for a particular period - in our case by the standards committee. It would then be for the voters to decide if there should be a recall vote as happened with Margaret Ferrier.

“As far as I know the standards committee has not yet received a report about Michael Matheson and it has not taken a view on what should happen to him. So this could be the sort of case which could be covered by my bill, depending on how they proceed.

“It is clear to me, however, that his behaviour falls far short of what people expect and are entitled to expect of their MSPs. His explanation so far of what he did has been preposterous.”

Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie MSP said: “It’s very clear that Michael Matheson lied to the parliamentary authorities and made an entirely inappropriate claim for expenses.

“This also demonstrates the poor judgement of Humza Yousaf, putting the interest of the SNP before the interests of the NHS. Michael Matheson was distracted from doing his job and should have been sacked months ago.”

Matheson was contacted for comment.

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037c4f No.154182

File: 6fc6f17b6960965⋯.png (690.82 KB,848x897,848:897,Clipboard.png)

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File: 6e746d00f8ac3e0⋯.png (123.91 KB,529x454,529:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20395409 (111431ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf 'squanders' £28k of public cash to pay for 'high profile' meeting with John Kerry to discuss Scexit

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Humza Yousaf 'squanders' £28k of public cash to pay for 'high profile' meeting with John Kerry to discuss Scexit

Exclusive: The Scottish Government utilised £28k to fund a Beyond Borders event in Edinburgh with the former presidential candidate, with officials claiming it was a good opportunity for the first minister to 'to present Scotland’s climate credentials'

David Walker

9 FEB 2024

Humza Yousaf has been slated after it was revealed he utilised £28k of taxpayer cash to organise an event so he could have a "high-profile" meeting with an American politician. And the first minister was accused of "straying into reserved policy areas" as he discussed independence with John Kerry.

The Scottish Government was proud to boast about the SNP leader speaking at a Beyond Borders event with the US special envoy back in August. He even used the occasion to donate more public cash to countries hit by the climate crisis, with £8m each going to three aid agencies to help with work in Rwanda, Malawi and Zambia.

But what the SNP Executive did not mention is that it supplied £28,800 of funding to the event in Edinburgh in the first place to give Mr Yousaf a "high-profile" moment to proclaim what the Scottish Government is doing about climate change. This is despite his administration failing on a number of environmental issues.

The Scottish Daily Express can reveal that officials recommended that the money be paid to give the first minister the opportunity to also speak to Mr Kerry ahead of Cop28. The pair had a meeting where they discussed independence, despite this being a reserved policy, and could be in breach of UK Government guidelines.

A ministerial submission was put forward by officials which revealed that Beyond Borders sought a grant of £28,800 to "assist with some costs of the event." This money was taken from the International Climate Change Division and was used to pay for "external communications and press coverage of the speech, and reception hospitality as well as Beyond Borders staff costs."

In order to substantiate why this cash was needed, officials wrote that it was "on the road to Cop28" and was "an opportunity for the First Minister to present Scotland’s climate credentials and showcase Edinburgh’s convening power at a time when the Festival is drawing the world’s attention."

They added that it "presents a high profile moment for Scotland to position itself as a leading non-Party government advocating for greater inclusion of devolved governments, states and regions within international climate processes. During his speech, the FM can announce the launch of the £24m Climate Just Communities programme that will be starting in August to support communities in Rwanda, Malawi and Zambia respond to climate change."

A meeting with Mr Kerry was also highlighted as a reason why the cash needed to be spent, with the pair meeting before the event. Minutes from this summit showed that the first minister spoke about his ambition to break up the UK, an issue which the UK Government has said cannot be discussed with foreign diplomats because it is a reserved topic.

The minutes read: "The US Special Envoy asked about the constitutional position of Scotland, including independence, in the context of Scotland’s climate and net zero objectives. The First Minister set out the Scottish Government’s position on independence and the Scottish Government’s view of how this can be taken forward."

This spend and the discussion about Scexit was blasted by the Scottish Tories, who said there was "no justification" for Mr Yousaf "squandering thousands of taxpayers’ cash just to bend the ear of foreign politicians on his plans for another referendum." Constitution spokesman Donald Cameron added: "This is further evidence that he is ignoring the public’s real priorities – growing Scotland’s economy and fixing ailing public services – in favour of his independence obsession.

“The public will rightly question if Humza Yousaf has again overstepped the mark by straying into reserved policy areas. Humza Yousaf should be focusing on what matters to Scots, rather than banging the drum for separation.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry is a well-respected and influential politician and climate diplomat, whose leadership on climate change is well documented. His decision to speak in Edinburgh on this issue recognises Scotland’s reputation as a climate leader.

“The First Minister’s meeting with John Kerry was an opportunity, 100 days from COP28, to share our respective climate priorities and to reaffirm Scotland’s commitment to tackling the climate crisis.”

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037c4f No.154183

File: 4eb874534ee9cb2⋯.png (674.02 KB,840x874,420:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b950e9a6ccd44d⋯.png (282.61 KB,567x504,9:8,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7f286b43d79c4d7⋯.png (237.51 KB,564x582,94:97,Clipboard.png)

File: 38e6bd094d69395⋯.png (146.22 KB,523x441,523:441,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20395821 (111604ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP's 'Scexit team' of civil servants £16k taxpayer-funded 'credit card' spend includes London restaurants and 'luxury' hotels

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SNP's 'Scexit team' of civil servants £16k taxpayer-funded 'credit card' spend includes London restaurants and 'luxury' hotels

THE EXPRESS INVESTIGATES: Scottish Government staff raked up the bill in just six months, and enjoyed two stays at a spa hotel overlooking the sea in Jersey

Douglas Dickie

11 FEB 2024

Civil servants working to try and break up the United Kingdom for the SNP spent over £16,000 on taxpayer-funded 'credit cards' in the first six months of last year. And the actual number could be even higher with the Scottish Government only publishing details of purchases over £500.

The total included splashing out at a restaurant in one of London's swankiest districts as well as stays at a luxury hotel in the Channel Islands. It follows a scandal last year when it was revealed government staff went on a £14.2 million splurge over three years.

The Scottish Government publishes monthly details of spending over £500 using the electronic Purchasing Cards (ePC). It shows that on February 8, 2023, the 'Directorate for Constitution' - which reports to Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson and Minister for Independence Jamie Hepburn - spent £679.35 for the catering costs of an external event at The Jones Family Kitchen in London's upmarket Belgravia district.

It is located in the refurbished Eccleston Yards and specialises in steak dishes. Other spending includes two entries for the L'Horizon Hotel on the island of Jersey.

According to the records, £800 was splashed out on accommodation fees on May 3. And they must have enjoyed themselves as a further £1,755 of public money used at the hotel on June 7.

According to the hotel's website, it "has a hint of the Mediterranean yet boasts an unmistakably British vibe". The 106-room facility has a spa with six treatment rooms, a relaxation area, a pedicure and manicure area, and a sleep room. Built in 1850, it is located overlooking the popular St Brelade's Bay on the island's south-west coast.

Other big spending includes £3,243.30 to promote an "external event" in March. This was paid to www.hotline.co.uk, a company that adds company and organisational logos to everyday items such as t-shirts, mugs and pens.

In April, £2,310 was spent at a company called Code Enigma which offers "development, hosting and support services for websites and web applications". Over £1,500 was spent on stationary at 4Imprint Direct Ltd in April, a month after £1,373.98 had been spent with the same company.

Get Branded was paid £1,281.60 for "office equipment". The other transactions were £546 at Edinburgh Printers, £750 on an external training course at the University of Coventry, £781 at Booking.com, £524.58 at travel agency Lmnext Uk Ltd, and £730.44 with a company called Senl Events as fees for an "external event".

Controversy over 'constitution' team and ePC spending

It emerged last year that public cash had been spent on 'away days' to the likes of Edinburgh Zoo, crazy golf and laser tag. Items such as yoga classes, nail polish, sun tan lotion, pregnancy test kits, black pudding and even a Scottish Government-branded T-shirt for a bee inspector were also bought with the cards, which can be used for purchases over £5,000.

Almost 60,000 purchases were recorded, a figure that included six copies of a book of Nicola Sturgeon's speeches. Ms Sturgeon even used her card to pay for nearly £10,000-worth of VIP treatment at airports for herself and staff.

Humza Yousaf ordered a review into the practice but let permanent secretary John-Paul Marks, the government's most senior civil servant, conduct the audit. Less than 200 transactions were reviewed.

Taxpayer spending on the constitution team has proved controversial. Around 20 civil servants have been deployed to make a case for Scotland leaving the UK despite it being a reserved matter, leading to accusations the civil service is being politicised by the SNP.

The team, which has a yearly salary cost of around £1.4 million, has produced 10 'independence prospectuses' to make the case for Scexit, costing over £150,000 so far.

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037c4f No.154184

File: fd015f37ba0cadc⋯.png (764.04 KB,815x899,815:899,Clipboard.png)

File: ffaef6abe93773d⋯.png (172.32 KB,570x468,95:78,Clipboard.png)

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File: 3f27e1c931294f8⋯.png (184.25 KB,570x481,570:481,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20401603 (121521ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Taxes for taxis! Scottish health boards fork out £45 MILLION on private transport

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Taxes for taxis! Scottish health boards fork out £45 MILLION on private transport

Scottish Labour's Jackie Baillie reckons the SNP government needs to support health boards to help prevent costly taxi journeys to transport staff and material

Douglas Dickie

12 FEB 2024

Scottish health boards are forking out millions of pounds in taxpayer cash every year on taxis, according to new figures. The country's regional authorities have spent £45.7m since 2018 on private transportation.

And the actual figure is likely to be higher with only 13 of the 14 boards responding to a Freedom of Information request - and taxi costs for patients not included. NHS Lothian had the biggest tab, having forked out almost £9m.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde spent nearly £8m. The figures were obtained by Scottish Labour, who called a breakdown of the reasons for use "alarming".

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lothian spent £3.8m between them transporting staff. And both boards have spent around £4 million on ferrying medical equipment, drugs, patients’ notes, bloods and specimens and even laundry.

Labour has called on the SNP government to "support hard-pressed health boards so that unnecessary and expensive spend on taxis is ended". The party's health spokeswoman Jackie Baillie added: "With Scotland’s NHS under severe pressure thanks to savage SNP cuts, eyebrows will rightly be raised over the amount of money being spent on taxi services.

"While taxi journeys will be necessary in some circumstances, and patient safety should always be paramount, we cannot allow the costly use of private transportation to paper over the cracks of SNP under-investment and mismanagement. NHS services are under increasing strain and the failure of the SNP to address the workforce challenges, especially in rural areas, means that the cost of transporting patients will keep increasing."

The third biggest bill was accumulated by NHS Highland, which has spent £7.4m between April 2018 and the start of this year. NHS Ayrshire and Arran spent £4.7m and NHS Grampian has spent £4.43m.

A Scottish Government spokesman said taxi spend was "a matter for individual NHS boards". He added: "We will continue to work closely with Boards to ensure the best possible patient care. The 2024-25 Scottish Government Budget provides funding of over £19.5 billion for NHS recovery, health and social care – giving our NHS a real terms uplift in the face of UK Government austerity."

A spokesman for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde said: “NHSGGC has a Business Travel Policy in place that is continually reviewed to ensure the most cost-efficient travel for its patients, staff and medical related transport. In some cases, the usage of taxi’s is the most efficient, fastest and accessible way of transport to ensure patients, staff and materials are transported safely.”

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037c4f No.154185

File: 22db67137d8c6fc⋯.png (728.91 KB,853x888,853:888,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c8d1c6f8e30702⋯.png (261.04 KB,573x564,191:188,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20401672 (121552ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Crisis-hit NHS Scotland 'wastes' millions on diversity tsars despite soaring waiting lists and winter chaos

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Crisis-hit NHS Scotland 'wastes' millions on diversity tsars despite soaring waiting lists and winter chaos

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr blasted the Scottish Government for its spend on equality and diversity roles when the health service is suffering from a variety of issues, including delayed discharge.

David Walker

29 JAN 2024

NHS Scotland has been slated after it was revealed that health bosses are spending millions on diversity tsars, with the bill sky-rocketing in recent years. The crisis-hit and cash-strapped health service is splashing out more than £2.3m per year on 50 workers in dedicated equality, diversity and inclusion (ED) roles across the country.

But one Tory MSP has accused the organisation of wasting this substantial about of money on "flimflam and mumbo-jumbo" and called on this cash to be reinvested in more important issues, such as reducing huge waiting lists for operations and cutting the amount of time patients are waiting in A&E.

The Daily Telegraph reports that the headcount for EDI staff at NHS Scotland has risen by more than 40 per cent in the last five years. Spending on this area has expanded at the same time as chaos has been reported in hospitals, with ambulances being forced to wait outside with patients due to a lack of beds.

Money has also been an issue for the health service as all building projects were paused for at least two years last week due to cash shortages brought about by the Scottish Government's budget, which has raised doubts over the future of new national treatment centres which had been promised to tackle treatment backlogs.

Major infrastructure projects in the likes of Aberdeen and the Highlands were delayed inevitably, despite the need for upgraded services there. Former SNP leadership contender Kate Forbes blasted her own government for axing the replacement for crumbling Belford Hospital in Fort William.

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr attacked this spending on EDI, labelling it "bonkers" as he urged SNP ministers to focus on the frontline instead. He said: "The thousands of people in Scotland waiting to see someone in a hospital will be despairing at the priorities of the SNP Government.

"They are wasting millions on flim-flam and mumbo-jumbo rather than focussing 100 per cent of their energy and resources on front-line services. Thanks to the SNP's catastrophic mismanagement of the NHS, Scotland has the lowest cancer survival rates in Europe.

"A&E waiting times are the worst ever. Hospital staff are leaving the NHS because of the intolerable workload and stress. And yet, the SNP chooses to spend millions on roles that do nothing to increase capacity and cut waiting times."

The number of EDI staff has increased to 50 across Scotland, which is up from 35 in 2019. Some of the most senior of these roles pay more than £80,000, with this funded by the taxpayer.

In addition,the Scottish Government also spends a substantial amount on these roles as well, with a more than £4m bill, which includes three directors on annual salaries of £117,800.In NHS Lothian,the equality and diversity department recently launched a programme of "reparations" to make amends for historic links to slavery at the health board.

It is also organising a dedicated equality and diversity conference next month as part of its drive to become an "anti-racist organisation". There is also a wide disparity in which health boards employ EDI staff, with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde employing 10 at a cost of more than £500,000.

Asked about the spending, a Scottish Government spokesman said: "There is no place for discrimination of any kind in the NHS, or in Scottish society as a whole, and this needs support and commitment ... fostering an inclusive culture in the NHS and supporting people from all backgrounds is key to improving patient care and staff experience."

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037c4f No.154186

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20403594 (122320ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / 'Look me in the EYE!' - Rishi Sunak HOUNDED by FURIOUS audience member 'left to ROT' (video)

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'Look me in the EYE!' - Rishi Sunak HOUNDED by FURIOUS audience member 'left to ROT'


1.17M subscribers

Feb 12, 2024 #rishisunak #politics #news

Rishi Sunak felt the rage of a live audience member at the GB News People's Forum.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154187

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20403628 (122327ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Exclusive: Reform UK commits to COVID vaccine INQUIRY, after Sunak confronted by furious voter (video)

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Exclusive: Reform UK commits to COVID vaccine INQUIRY, after Sunak confronted by furious voter


1.17M subscribers

Feb 12, 2024 #gbnews #covid #vaccine

Leader of Reform UK, Richard Tice, has confirmed exclusively on GB News that Reform UK will commit to holding a public inquiry over vaccine harms and excess deaths. This comes after a furious audience member confronted Rishi Sunak in the GB News People's Forum.

#gbnews #covid #vaccine #vaccineharms #reformuk

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037c4f No.154188

File: f106c30101a0b6d⋯.png (266.63 KB,530x899,530:899,Clipboard.png)

File: f11bebbe5bd5b4f⋯.png (545.18 KB,551x812,19:28,Clipboard.png)

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File: dacebc32dd28c24⋯.png (61.46 KB,551x487,551:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20404120 (130144ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / >>2040138, Moment Rishi Sunak is confronted over the Covid vaccine as man who suffered drastic side effects tells him 'to look into his eyes and see his pain' (video)

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Moment Rishi Sunak is confronted over the Covid vaccine as man who suffered drastic side effects tells him 'to look into his eyes and see his pain' in fiery exchange on GB News Q&A sessions

Olivia Christie

12 February 2024

This is the moment Rishi Sunak was confronted by a furious man who demanded that he look him in the eye and give him a straight answer over harm caused by the Covid-19 vacine.

The Prime Minister faced a live TV grilling from voters on issues ranging from the NHS to his Rwanda plan on GB News tonight.

An audience member, who suffered serious side effects from the vaccine, used the opportunity to tell Mr Sunak to see the 'pain, trauma and regret' in his eyes.

The Covid vaccine has been monitored by the independent Medicines and Healthcare products Regulator Agency (MHRA) who says that it is safe and side effects are very rare.

The audience member said: 'I have so much to say but such little time. My name is John Watt and I am one of the Covid vaccine injured in this country.

'I want you to look into my eyes Rishi Sunak and I want you to look at the pain, the trauma and regret that I have in my eyes.

'We have been left with no help at all. I am not the only vaccine injured – there is another man over there whose life has been ruined by the Covid-19 vaccine.

'I know people who have lost legs- amputations, people with heart conditions like myself Rishi Sunak.

'Why have I had to set up a support group in Scotland to look after the people that have been affected by that vaccine.

'Why are the people who are in charge who told us all to do the right thing, have me and the tens of thousands of people in this country to rot.

'Rishi Sunak look me in the eye- when are you going to start to do the right thing.

'The vaccine damage payments scheme is not fit for purpose. In Scotland right now there are over 30,000 people who have had an adverse reaction to that vaccine.

'It's time for you to start doing the right thing Mr Rishi Sunak.'

The Prime Minister replied: 'I am very sorry to hear about your personal circumstances and you said someone over here has suffered by a similar thing.

'I don't know about the individual circumstances that you are in.'

Mr Watt then interjected: 'We have been silenced, Rishi, silenced.'

Mr Sunak added: 'There is a vaccine compensation scheme in place. Obviously it is difficult for me to comment on anyone's individual case.

'I'm sure you will appreciate that. I'm very saddened and shocked to hear you have been silenced.

'Of course you should be able to speak about what has happened to you and we have a compensation scheme in place for that.'

The Prime Minister, who was also asked on the show why traditional voters should back his party and not the Nigel Farage-linked Reform UK

He told one questioner he could 'completely appreciate your frustration'.

'It's been a tough couple of years,' he said.

'When we go through the things that we've been through as a country, energy bills more than doubling again, (but) starting to come down, the economic strain that's put on all your family budgets, the impact of Covid on NHS backlogs waiting for appointments, all of those things are real things that will cause you and everyone else an enormous amount of frustration.

'I can completely understand that, but I think fundamentally, what you want and what I want are the same.'

The question and answer session was part of a 'people's forum' run by GB News with the station gathering a cross-section of voters in County Durham.

Mr Sunak defended his tenure heading into a general election later this year, as he addressed a roomful of voters.

Switching between attacking Labour and defending the Tories' record, he warned 'undecided voters' that choosing to vote Labour will be going 'back to square one'.

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037c4f No.154189

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20404198 (130159ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP mocked for being 'transparent' as investigation into 'informal communications' revealed (video)

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SNP mocked for being 'transparent' as investigation into 'informal communications' revealed

The Scottish Sun

254K subscribers

14,852 views Feb 12, 2024 #scotland #snp #humzaYousaf

At FMQs Tory Craig Hoy mocked SNP Keith Brown's claim that they are “the most transparent party in Scotland” to chuckles in the Chamber.

Mr Hoy was highlighting a new investigation into the Scottish government's retention of informal communications.

The First Minister was asked his response to the Scottish Information Commissioner’s intervention into its use and retention of informal communications, in light of the United Kingdom Covid-19 Inquiry.

Mr Hoy finished by asking the FM to 'confirm who breached his Government’s record management rules—Nicola Sturgeon or Humza Yousaf?'

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037c4f No.154190

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20404224 (130203ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Nicola Sturgeon quizzed on why she purchased multiple phones during pandemic (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon quizzed on why she purchased multiple phones during pandemic

The Scottish Sun

254K subscribers

46,238 views Feb 10, 2024 #scotland #politics #nicolaSturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon used a personal mobile phone to conduct her business as First Minister, rather than the more secure and better encrypted the UK Covid Inquiry revealed.

Ms Sturgeon was asked by Jamie Dawson KC about several mobiles and sim cards that she bought during covid that her expenses had revealed.

The news sparked yet more fears over SNP transparency and security at the heart of the Scottish government, and worries that Ms Sturgeon may have been using a 'burner' phone.

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037c4f No.154191

File: 508e43f4869cc5f⋯.png (421.35 KB,856x899,856:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 956da007b62ffa8⋯.png (193.61 KB,588x572,147:143,Clipboard.png)

File: 51a84c7b572f18c⋯.png (493.05 KB,568x860,142:215,Clipboard.png)

File: ab2e9671ea5e296⋯.png (285.88 KB,538x824,269:412,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20404362 (130229ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / SNP Government deployed extra civil servants to help 'support' UK Covid Inquiry witnesses including Nicola Sturgeon

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SNP Government deployed extra civil servants to help 'support' UK Covid Inquiry witnesses including Nicola Sturgeon

Exclusive: Humza Yousaf ordered an internal review of the Scottish Government's criticised response to the UK Covid Inquiry requests, with permanent secretary JP Marks revealing that the department responsible for supplying messages may have been understaffed at the time.

David Walker

10 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government deployed extra civil servants to "support" those called to give evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry, including former first minister Nicola Sturgeon. A number of former officials were interrogated by the probe, including ex-special adviser Liz Lloyd and Ken Thomson, who served as director for strategy and external affairs for a number of years.

Savvy social media users suggested that some of those called in to testify had been "coached" due to similarities in the way they answered questions. Now, the Scottish Daily Express can reveal that bureaucrats were drafted in to help out witnesses.

A letter from permanent secretary JP Marks to Humza Yousaf disclosed some of the ways the Scottish Government responded to criticism about the way it handled requests from the UK Covid Inquiry. Counsel Jamie Dawson KC publicly rebuked the SNP administration for refusing to hand over thousands of messages from WhatsApp groups and informal chats.

It led to both the first minister and his deputy Shona Robison apologising publicly for the way it acted, and the SNP leader claimed that the government had interpreted the request "too narrowly." In response, he ordered an internal review of how officials dealt with the inquiry, to be undertaken by solicitor general Ruth Charteris and the permanent secretary, with the details now shared with this website.

Mr Marks wrote that "additional colleagues" had been signed up for the Covid Inquiries Response Directorate due to the "complexity and increasing number of requests." This suggests that the Scottish Government were underprepared for the probe into the pandemic.

He said that from November 2023, the team had "increased capacity" which "is intended to help respond to the volume of requests and, in particular, ensure all witnesses participating in the Module 2A oral evidence sessions of the UK Covid-19 Inquiry in January 2024 are directly supported."

Mr Marks also "commissioned a review of the handling practice set out in the corporate Records Management Policy, and all attributed guidance, to ensure it remains fit for purpose. Given the breadth of work required to do this thoroughly, including consultation with other devolved administrations, conclusions are expected in mid-2024."

This means that the controversial policy brought in by Nicola Sturgeon in 2021, which included guidance to delete all informal messaging, is being looked at. It is also the subject of two more probes, one by the Information Commissioner, and another externally which is yet to be announced.

In terms of legal obligations to the UK Covid Inquiry, Mr Marks claimed that legal advice had been offered by internal lawyers at all stages. But he admitted that "it will ultimately be for the Inquiries to take a view on the Government’s compliance with the requests made of it.

Mr Dawson argued with Scottish Government figures about their records retention policy, as he insisted that it was not up to them to decide what "salient" points should be kept and what information should be deleted. He said he would compare the messages kept with some of the saved messages that were wiped by the likes of Ms Sturgeon and John Swinney.

Mr Marks also confirmed that "guidance and dedicated support was available to all Ministers and Scottish Government colleagues, current and former, allowing them to respond within the timescales set out by the UK Inquiry." To conclude he said that he can "assure" Mr Yousaf "that the Scottish Government will do everything we can to support the UK and Scottish Covid-19 Inquiries, consistent with your clear expectations for openness and transparency, responding as effectively and as fully as possible."

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037c4f No.154192

File: 41691a2790dbde2⋯.png (659.75 KB,833x899,833:899,Clipboard.png)

File: fcd443d9b07a527⋯.png (220.5 KB,599x549,599:549,Clipboard.png)

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File: e4f1b2d30356c32⋯.png (302.64 KB,557x790,557:790,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20404463 (130251ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Police begin questioning care home staff and families of Covid death residents as Operation Koper hots up

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Police begin questioning care home staff and families of Covid death residents as Operation Koper hots up

Police Scotland are questioning staff members and families of residents who died of Covid at Fullarton Care Home in Irvine, North Ayrshire, as Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon remain accused of 'corporate manslaughter.

David Walker

12 FEB 2024

Police Scotland have officially announced the start of questioning of care home staff and families of dead residents as part of Operation Koper. The Scottish Daily Express exclusively revealed last year that cops were talking to staff and bereaved Scots while they investigate alleged corporate manslaughter complaints against Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman.

The Crown Office announced during the height of the Covid pandemic that it would be looking into the sheer number of fatalities in the country's care homes. The deadly virus ravaged some premises with it being alleged that this could have been avoided if elderly patients had been tested at hospitals before being discharged into residential homes.

Campaigners have accused the then-first minister and her health secretary of causing these deaths and have reported her to the cops. Officers from the Unresolved Homicide Investigation Team - West are searching for pandemic criminality as part of Operation Koper.

And now Police Scotland has confirmed that the Crown Office has asked them to officially talk to care home staff and the family members of residents as they attempt to establish any criminality. Assistant chief constable Bex Smith said: “We understand how upsetting and difficult this is for the many families who lost loved ones as a result of the Covid pandemic.

“Police Scotland is supporting the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) review into deaths in care homes. While we continue to gather information, a number of investigations have now commenced at the request of COPFS. As the investigations are ongoing it would be inappropriate to comment further.”

One of the care homes under scrutiny is Fullarton Care Home in Irvine, North Ayrshire, which was one of the worst hit facilities in Scotland. A total of 22 residents died there after the virus spread across the premises.

Cops are speaking to the families of those 22 people as they seek to find out more information about the circumstances of their deaths. A Care Inspectorate report issued in May 2020 had raised issues around hygiene, infection control and inconsistent use of PPE in Fullarton Care Home.

Now the Crown Office's dedicated Covid-19 Death Investigation Team has instructed police officers to look more deeply into the care home. A total of 474 care homes reported deaths of residents with Covid.

A spokesperson for Fullarton Care Home said: “Our thoughts and sympathies remain with all those who lost loved ones during the pandemic. Police Scotland, on the instruction of the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, are investigating all deaths that occurred in all care homes across Scotland during this time, and we are cooperating fully and openly in line with this national review.”

Following investigations, prosecutors will determine if any of the deaths in care settings across Scotland should be subject to a fatal accident inquiry or prosecution, with campaigners including former NHS nurse Lesley Roberts believing that the Scottish Government should face blame for its decisions during the pandemic.

Mr Freeman previously revealed that she will "regret" any deaths caused due to her policies for the rest of her life, but defended the care home discharges by claiming it was the only option due to a lack of testing capacity at the start of the pandemic.

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037c4f No.154193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20406802 (131702ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / First Minister & Deputy 'contradictory timelines' breach ministerial code over Covid Inquiry info (video)

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First Minister & Deputy 'contradictory timelines' breach ministerial code over Covid Inquiry info

The Scottish Sun

254K subscribers

Feb 13, 2024 #scotland #politics #jackieBaillie

Back in November Douglas Ross led a debate for an independent investigation into the First Minister and Deputy First Minister as they should refer themselves to the independent adviser for a breach of the Scottish Ministerial Code.

This comes after Humza Yousaf admitted the Scottish Government had interpreted requests from the inquiry for WhatsApp messages sent during the pandemic “too narrowly”.

However Scotland’s First Minister rejected claims from opponents that he had deliberately misled Holyrood about the timeline of his Government’s dealings with the inquiry.

And now it has come to light that the Scottish Information Commissioner is looking into the SNP's use and retention of informal communications, in light of the United Kingdom Covid-19 Inquiry.

Here Jackie Bailie's blasts the SNP 's pattern of behaviour' to withhold evidence and information when requested.

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037c4f No.154194

File: 1c70d34149e8171⋯.png (289.72 KB,625x757,625:757,Clipboard.png)

File: 6770311b1160fa4⋯.png (218.45 KB,631x766,631:766,Clipboard.png)

File: ca08e1893d0058f⋯.png (31.49 KB,561x412,561:412,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f85efdb74332d4⋯.png (441.2 KB,608x703,32:37,Clipboard.png)

File: 3831fe7b41d1c08⋯.png (20.16 KB,633x310,633:310,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20411960 (141527ZFEB24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Edinburgh crime: Advocate John Mayer caught with haul of 500 child abuse images jailed for a year

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Edinburgh crime: Retired High Court advocate caught with child abuse images jailed for 12 months

The former Edinburgh lawyer attempted to hide his depravity.

Alexander Lawrie

13th Feb 2024

A retired High Court advocate who was caught with a shocking haul of child abuse images on his computer has been jailed for 12 months.

John Mayer downloaded more than 500 pictures depicting the sexual abuse of children, with some victims as young as 12 months old, between August 2019 and January 2021.

Mayer, 72, attempted to hide his depravity by deleting the images and was also found to have used computer cleaning software in a bid to hide his online activity.

The former lawyer - who turned to writing crime novels following his retirement - denied the offences but was found guilty by a jury following a three day trial at Edinburgh Sheriff Court in December.

Mayer, who has since moved from Edinburgh to Exeter in Devon, returned to the dock for sentencing today, Tuesday, February 13. Sheriff Iain Nicol said he had to impose a sentence that would be “a deterrent to those who are, or are, thinking about getting involved in this abhorrent practice”.

The sheriff said: “I do accept the number of Category A images is at the lower end and is a low number but I cannot simply ignore the Category B and Category C images.

“The custody threshold has undoubtedly been met and I can see no reason to depart from the guidelines. I consider a custodial sentence is the most appropriate sentence.”

Mayer was jailed for 12 months and was placed on the Sex Offenders Register for 10 years. Solicitor Pat Campbell, defending, said his client “continues to assert he is not guilty of the offence but accepts the verdict of the jury”.

Mr Campbell told the court Mayer has suffered “personal and professional harm” due to his conviction and he “readily recognises offences of this type are serious”. Mr Campbell also said Mayer had recently been forced to reject an offer from film producers who were keen to dramatise one of his novels. Mayer is author of the Parliament House series of crime novels that feature the character Brogan McLane QC who fights against injustice.

An online biography states Mayer studied Law at the University of Edinburgh before becoming an Advocate in the Supreme Courts of Scotland.

The trial heard from forensic computer analyst David McGowan who was working with Police Scotland as a cyber crime officer at the time of Mayer’s arrest on January 28, 2021. The expert told the jury he discovered thumb nail images on a device belonging to Mayer after the original picture files had been deleted.

He said the images showed children aged between one and 14 being “subjected to sexual posing and non-penetrative sexual activity with other children and adults”.

Mr McGowan said he also found more serious images depicting children engaged in “penetrative sexual activity with other children and adults”.

The court was told there were 511 indecent images on the computer which were rated as 117 at Category A, 193 at Category B and 201 at Category C.

The expert also said the laptop contained the ADB Shredder programme that is used to permanently delete computer files.

Mayer told the jury he was a retired advocate who had acted in High Court trials, worked with the International Criminal Court at The Hague and had specialised in fighting international child abuse and abduction.

He claimed he had never seen the child abuse images on his laptop and denied ever accessing them online. But the jury failed to believe his lies and after deliberating for four hours found him guilty by majority of two charges of possessing indecent images of children between August 9, 2019 and January 28, 2021.

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037c4f No.154195

File: 687b1c6e35d68fc⋯.png (589.78 KB,583x899,583:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 3042570f1a079a5⋯.png (55.16 KB,568x475,568:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20412168 (141617ZFEB24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Edinburgh crime: Advocate John Mayer caught with haul of 500 child abuse images jailed for a year

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From previous board

>>>104328, >>>104329

>SICK OUTBURST Former top sheriff admits making sexual & racist comments after forgetting to turn mic off on video call





Advocate caught with haul of 500 child abuse images jailed for a year

Alexander Lawrie

13 February 2024

Same article, same author...different newspaper.

Nothing on tv that I was able to find, as with Duff. Few newspapers covering the story and certainly not finding it on the BBC.

This one guilty of viewing child porn but Alistair Duff for the same thing manages a fine for a "breach of the peace" charge or something ridiculous.

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037c4f No.154196

File: d335676a3d4890f⋯.png (590.66 KB,849x898,849:898,Clipboard.png)

File: 78a82223d72cb4e⋯.png (259.38 KB,561x551,561:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 3e674b95d5886ce⋯.png (540.5 KB,560x863,560:863,Clipboard.png)

File: d6e44ceb9cf58ee⋯.png (319.28 KB,545x849,545:849,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20418744 (151720ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf and Nadia El-Nakla fly out to Qatar as they escape SNP and family woes

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Humza Yousaf and Nadia El-Nakla fly out to Qatar as they escape SNP and family woes

The first minister and his Dundee councillor wife reportedly flew out to the Gulf State at the weekend as they escape troubles within the Scottish Government and the SNP, including the sudden resignation of Michael Matheson.

David Walker

12 FEB 2024

Humza Yousaf and his wife Nadia El-Nakla are understood to have flown out to Qatar for a short break while the Scottish Parliament in recess. The holiday comes at a difficult time for both of them, with SNP woes leading to a reshuffle.

The Herald reports that the First Minister and the Dundee councillor flew out to the Gulf State from Edinburgh on Saturday to enjoy a few days in the sunshine. The average cost of a return flight for one person is about £750.

SNP politicians have often spoken out against flying, with Rishi Sunak usually criticised for using a private jet to get to appearances in the UK. Long-distance travel is also frowned upon by environmentalists who complain about the amount of carbon which gets released to the atmosphere.

Deputy First Minister Shona Robison will be covering Mr Yousaf's duties while he is on holiday this week, with the Scottish Government confirming this. It said: "The First Minister is on leave during the parliamentary recess this week, with the Deputy First Minister covering his duties. For security reasons, the First Minister's travel arrangements are not made public."

The break for the couple comes during a tough period in their private and public lives. Just last week, shamed Michael Matheson, who is a close ally of the First Minister, resigned as Health Secretary amid a parliamentary probe into his £11k data roaming fee.

This forced the Nationalist administration into a mini reshuffle, with Neil Gray taking on the tough role. Mr Yousaf faced growing criticism from even those within his own party for his steadfast refusal to sack Mr Matheson last November when the huge expenses bill came to light.

Instead, he clung onto his role before finally resigning by himself shortly before he received a parliamentary report which is understood to have found that he had misled Alison Johnstone, Holyrood’s presiding officer, and David McGill, parliament’s chief executive.

If this is confirmed, Mr Matheson will face calls to completely resign as an MSP, which would prove to be a further blow to Mr Yousaf's authority. His resignation came following a horrendous first year for the First Minister since he took office.

He has faced criticism over the secretive administration formed by Nicola Sturgeon after she and members of her inner circle deleted Covid WhatsApp messages despite the Inquiry warning that they must be kept. He leaped to the defence of his former boss, with this doing negative things to his popularity.

In a recent poll for The Sunday Times, Mr Yousaf returned a net trust score of minus 25 with Ms Sturgeon ranked at minus 19. The SNP have also slumped when it comes to voting intentions, with some polling predicting a huge loss of more than 20 seats at the general election.

Personally, it has also been a tough few months for the El-Naklas. Nadia's brother Ramsay was arrested and charged by cops in relation to allegations of dealing drugs in Dundee.

Her other brother is currently still working at a hospital in Gaza, with her close relationship with the Turkish government coming under scrutiny after they allowed his wife and children to flee to Turkey. This came a few months after she attended an event with President Erdogan's wife in the country.

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037c4f No.154197

File: 81efe347b64f3a5⋯.png (701.1 KB,827x899,827:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 0e966e600dcd13e⋯.png (270.63 KB,602x562,301:281,Clipboard.png)

File: e80e9dac3e07d64⋯.png (646.14 KB,556x817,556:817,Clipboard.png)

File: c7d24875ae6f9e8⋯.png (522.8 KB,804x603,4:3,Clipboard.png)

File: 457355ca617eb5f⋯.png (144.31 KB,593x509,593:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20420045 (152200ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / SNP MP Tommy Sheppard writes to Lord Cameron about Turkish human rights concerns - despite Humza Yousaf cosying up to Erdogan

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SNP MP Tommy Sheppard writes to Lord Cameron about Turkish human rights concerns – despite Humza Yousaf cosying up to Erdogan

The First Minister invited Turkish President Erdogan to Scotland and his wife Nadia El-Nakla attended a summit in Istanbul as the SNP power couple forged closer links with the country.

David Walker

JAN 2024

A veteran SNP MP has written to the UK Government's Foreign Secretary to air his concerns about human rights abuses in Turkey despite his boss previously cosying up to the Turkish President. Tommy Sheppard demanded that Lord Cameron take action to free a Kurdish leader from solitary confinement.

But his letter comes mere months after Humza Yousaf met with Recep Tayyip Erdogan at Cop28 and even invited him to come and visit Scotland. The summit caused a diplomatic row as Westminster accused him of breaching guidance after the pair met without a Foreign Office official in attendance.

The First Minister claimed that he would raise human rights concerns if this visit to Scotland ever happened as he defended this invite when confronted by reporters at Holyrood. Asked about the invitation, he said: "I said the next time he's in the United Kingdom why not come up to Scotland."

He added: "Why on earth would Scotland not look to seek to engage with a Nato ally and of course with somebody we would seek to do business and trade with." When quizzed on the human rights concerns, he said: "But I should say of course we do that in a way that also recognises we're on a human rights journey as are other countries."

Mr Sheppard claimed in his letter that he had been contacted by worried constituents about the Kurdish leader Abdullah Ocalan who has been "held in solitary confinement on the island prison of Imrali for almost 25 years." He urges Lord Cameron to discuss this case with the Turkish government.

The mistreatment of Kurds by the Turkish executive was mentioned by SNP councillor Roza Salih who is Kurdish herself and fled to Scotland as a refugee. She blasted the first minister for meeting Erdogan when he posted the picture on social media.

She wrote: "I am disappointed and disgusted by this image @HumzaYousaf. Erdogan kills #Kurds in Turkey & does not respect human rights. Our politicians & half of the population are imprisoned by him and you shake his hand. I did not expect this from a FM that says he respects human rights."

Mr Sheppard describes how the solitary confinement of Mr Ocalan "is contrary to several judgements of European Court of Human Rights which have found the manner of his detention to be in violation of the statues to prohibit torture." He adds that "the case does great damage to Turkey's reputation and is an egregious breach of human rights law.

Mr Sheppard describes how the solitary confinement of Mr Ocalan "is contrary to several judgements of European Court of Human Rights which have found the manner of his detention to be in violation of the statues to prohibit torture." He adds that "the case does great damage to Turkey's reputation and is an egregious breach of human rights law.

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037c4f No.154198

File: b08f8640d5ae281⋯.png (729.4 KB,845x899,845:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d71348f324692f⋯.png (224.13 KB,592x584,74:73,Clipboard.png)

File: ceea33c26461c7f⋯.png (400.38 KB,552x868,138:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b2a9dc1df3e37a⋯.png (413.56 KB,566x867,566:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20426417 (170046ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP Glasgow council leader Susan Aitken's 'lavish' Dubai Cop28 trip cost hard-pressed taxpayers thousands

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SNP Glasgow council leader Susan Aitken's 'lavish' Dubai Cop28 trip cost hard-pressed taxpayers thousands

Exclusive: While the nationalist council leader's trip to the United Arab Emirates was paid for by Bloomberg Philanthropies, hard-pressed Glaswegians footed the bill for two other Glasgow City Council officials to also head out to the climate summit.

David Walker

13 FEB 2024

Susan Aitken's taxpayer-funded trip to Dubai cost thousands of pounds as she was accompanied on the junket by two Glasgow City Council officials. The SNP council leader's appearance at Cop28 was criticised when it was announced at the time as she had no formal role there.

She did host Cop26 in Glasgow and went out to Egypt the following year to pass over the torch to the new host city. But she once again flew out to the climate summit as it was held in the United Arab Emirates.

The nationalist councillor left behind Scotland's biggest city in November at the time where complaints were being made about rubbish piling up in the streets, and rat infestations. Her local authority also need to consider budget cuts and potential service closures for the upcoming financial year.

Now, it can be revealed that hard-pressed Glaswegians paid out £3,635 for the trip to Dubai, although this cost was only for two officials who accompanied her. A freedom of information request revealed that Bloomberg Philanthropies footed the bill for Ms Aitken's flights and accommodation.

The true cost was for two council employees who traveled with her, with the nationalist local authority stumping up £1838.80 in flights and £1797.93 in accommodation for them. It was claimed that they had their own business at the climate summit and were not just there as the councillor's "entourage."

But the Scottish Tories blasted the significant chunk paid out for the trip, with Glasgow suffering a litany of issues, including dozens of shops shutting down and cuts to museum services. Local Scottish Conservative MSP Annie Wells told the Scottish Daily Express: “Hard-pressed Glaswegians will question how on earth the city council can justify these lavish expenses.

“At a time when frontline services across Glasgow are being cut to the bone due to savage SNP cuts, there is simply no justification for the council leader to have had a taxpayer paid entourage alongside her in Dubai.

“While convention dictated Susan Aitken’s presence at COP in 2022 – after Glasgow hosted the summit in 2021 – there was no need for her to be there two years on. The SNP-led council must urgently explain why they sanctioned these costs when Glasgow residents are paying more, but getting less.”

But a spokesman for the local authority dismissed the claims from the Scottish Tories, and claimed that the two officials were needed in Dubai on business. He said: "It is simply incorrect to say these officers attend COP28 to accompany the leader.

“They are senior staff with responsibility for attracting green investment and securing sustainable benefits for Glaswegians in the transition to a low carbon economy. The decision to send the council leader to COP28 was taken by a cross-party committee, with no objections from any group.”

It is understood that both the officials did not travel with Ms Aitken to the climate summit, and also did not stay in the same part of the campus. They also had their own itineraries.

Humza Yousaf also flew out to Cop28 alongside a number of Scottish Government staff members and net zero secretary Mairi McAllan. The costs they racked up have yet to be published by the government.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154199

File: 4a84a79a8bf56ae⋯.png (554.72 KB,843x899,843:899,Clipboard.png)

File: d101b69cd7a54b7⋯.png (307.65 KB,581x586,581:586,Clipboard.png)

File: 03aad5f83fc9d69⋯.png (221.02 KB,568x867,568:867,Clipboard.png)

File: a9281e6bf5b8067⋯.png (670.15 KB,569x857,569:857,Clipboard.png)

File: e61874bc9fe21a0⋯.png (361.62 KB,564x852,47:71,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20429044 (171415ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Covid bereaved sister who slammed Nicola Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' says 'she couldn't even look at us'

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Covid bereaved sister who slammed Nicola Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' says 'she couldn't even look at us'

Exclusive: Pamela Cameron, who has discovered some alarming facts about the death in hospital of her brother James, believes that thousands of similar cases could have been 'covered up' by the authorities

Ben Borland

15 FEB 2024

A woman whose brother died in hospital after contracting Covid-19 has claimed there is a "cover-up" over avoidable deaths during the pandemic. Pamela Cameron fears there could be "thousands" of similar cases and urged anyone who lost a loved one to request a copy of their medical records.

She made headlines across the UK last month when she accused Nicola Sturgeon of shedding "crocodile tears" at the UK Covid Inquiry. Ms Cameron said she stood by her comments "100%" but expressed frustration that so much time was taken up on deleted WhatsApps and missing minutes – and not on the way people were treated.

Her brother James, 41, died in Ninewells Hospital, Dundee, in October 2021, with Covid-19 listed as the only cause of death. However, Pamela saw him before he died and he was almost "unrecognisable" due to his badly swollen face. The family were also told that he had suffered a cardiac arrest.

After requesting his medical records, Pamela discovered James had been given an experimental drug, called tocilizumab, which has been linked to fatalities in Covid patients in the US. Studies have suggested it can increase the likelihood of infection, and his family say James – who was allergic to penicillin – would never have consented to the trial.

The records also showed that James had contracted a hospital-acquired infection, likely to be a strain of MRSA, which can be fatal and in some cases can result in "flesh-eating" infections where the bacteria rapidly destroys human tissue. It could've been the infection or an allergic reaction that caused James's face to swell.

The family requested a post-mortem but say they were refused permission by the Crown Office, with prosecutors deciding there was no need to investigate James's death any further. His is not among the deaths being probed by Police Scotland officers as part of Operation Koper.

In an interview with the Scottish Express, Pamela said the family can't understand why there is a public inquiry and a corporate homicide probe into infection deaths at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow – but not even the most basic investigation into what happened to James.

She said: "We all had Covid at the same time, all of us in the family, what was so different that he died? The only difference is that he went to hospital and he never came out again. There could be thousands of similar cases. I'm not looking to sue for one penny, no amount of money can compensate for my brother's death, I just want the truth. The whole of Scotland, the whole of the UK needs the truth."

On the day of Ms Sturgeon's emotional appearance at the Covid Inquiry, Pamela – who is a member of the Scottish Covid Bereaved campaign group – said: "Crocodile tears aren't washing with me."

Speaking to the Scottish Express, she insisted: "I stand by what I said 100%. She couldn't even look in the direction of the Covid bereaved, she didn't look at us in the public gallery. The whole carry on about deleting WhatsApps and gold command meetings, none of that helps us get to the truth."

Pamela believes that some people in positions of power in Scotland are "corrupt" and "liars", adding: "It's certainly not transparent, nothing about the whole situation is transparent. Its been like a nightmare that we've been living in, it's not been real.

"My advice to every single person who lost a loved one during Covid: Get hold of medical records and make sure everything is above board. I believe there was a lot of wrongdoing and mistakes within hospitals and my experience is that it has been covered up by the NHS and the Crown Office."

A spokesperson for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service said: "We recognise the grief that Mr Cameron's family are suffering following his tragic death. The procurator fiscal carried out a full and thorough independent investigation into the circumstance of his death before concluding that no action was required. The family have been informed of this decision."

A spokesperson for NHS Tayside said: "Our clinicians have been in contact with the family directly on a number of occasions to respond to their concerns in great detail. They have also been given information on what steps to take next if they have remaining concerns."

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037c4f No.154200

File: 5aec2901f421c14⋯.png (740.3 KB,852x899,852:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 56a45c331fca875⋯.png (123.2 KB,608x465,608:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20429149 (171453ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Antisemitic attacks double in Scotland with country emerging as hate hotspot as Jews face new 'pogrom'

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Antisemitic attacks double in Scotland with country emerging as hate hotspot as Jews face new 'pogrom'

Figures from the Community Security Trust show a surge in anti-Jewish incidents since the Hamas terror attack on Israel on October 7 with one leading figure saying the true picture will be even worse

Douglas Dickie

15 FEB 2024

Scotland has emerged as a hate hotspot with antisemitic incidents doubling in a year. New figures from the Community Security Trust (CST) recorded more than 4,000 incidents involving racism against Jews across the UK.

The all-time high figure has been put down to an explosion in attacks since the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7. The vast majority were recorded in London (2,410) while Manchester (555) also recorded a high number.

But Scotland was also in the top five for hate incidents with 68 - exactly double the 34 recorded in 2022. And one Scottish Jewish figure says the actual number will be much higher as people do not bother reporting incidents because they have become so used it it.

It is understood the vast majority of Scottish incidents were examples of abusive behaviour. Four were physical assaults, three desecrations of property and one incident of antisemitic leaflets being posted to a synagogue in Glasgow.

Speaking to BBC Scotland's Good Morning Scotland programme on Thursday, Ephraim Borowski of the Scottish Council of Jewish Communities said Jews in Scotland were facing a new "pogrom". These were violent riots in the 19th and 20th centuries in mainland Europe aimed at exterminating or expelling Jews.

He said he "can't say (the figures) were unexpected" and the Jewish community was "aware of what's been happening, particularly since October 7". He added: "One of the things that concerns me is that this has become normalised and to quote David Baddiel, 'Jews don't count'.

"We have politicians who are actually saying that antisemitism isn't a form of racism. We've had people saying the Holocaust wasn't racism because it was, quote, 'just a spat between two lots of white Europeans'. Now that's appaling and if that's how people frame that in their own minds, then it's not surprising that there are people who have less of a conscience about it."

CST, which monitors antisemitism and provides security for the Jewish community in Britain, said there were a total of 4,103 antisemitic incidents in the UK in 2023, up from the previous annual record of 2,261 incidents which had been reported two years previously. Its report, published on Thursday, stated: "This record total is due to the sheer volume of antisemitism perpetrated across the UK following Hamas’ attack on Israel on 7 October 2023.

"Of the 4,103 instances of anti-Jewish hate reported, 2,699 (66%) occurred on or after 7 October. This figure alone exceeds any previous annual antisemitic incident total recorded by CST, and marks a rise of 589% from the 392 instances of antisemitism reported to CST over the same time period in 2022."

The charity said the week following October 7 saw 416 antisemitic incidents reported to CST, which it said was higher than for any subsequent week. Its report said: “The speed at which antisemites mobilised in the UK on and immediately after 7 October suggests that, initially at least, this increase in anti-Jewish hate was a celebration of the Hamas attack on Israel, rather than anger at Israel’s military response in Gaza."

Scottish Conservative MSP Jackson Carlaw said: "It is deeply concerning that there has been such a sharp increase in antisemitic attacks across Scotland since Hamas’ barbaric attacks on October 7. These incidents are completely unacceptable and Jewish people should never be left feeling that they are unsafe in our communities. The police must be given the resources to deal with the rise in antisemitic attacks and ensure that Jewish communities – including those I represent – are free from these vile attacks."

Several pro-Palestinian marches have taken place in Glasgow where antisemitic messages and chanting have been reported. And just this week, a man was arrested in connection with antisemitic graffiti on the Glasgow Cenotaph.

Meanwhile, pro-Palestinian activists have staged a blockade at a defence company’s shipyard in Glasgow. More than 100 demonstrators blocked entrances to the BAE Systems site in Govan, Glasgow, from around 5am on Thursday.

They are taking action in response to a call from Palestinian trade unionists for workers around the world to disrupt the flow of arms to Israel. They are calling for a halt to arms exports to Israel, an end to air strikes on Yemen, and an immediate ceasefire in Gaza.

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037c4f No.154201

File: aa2c58267b7f603⋯.png (581.46 KB,847x952,121:136,Clipboard.png)

File: e3180b997da525c⋯.png (226.97 KB,819x563,819:563,Clipboard.png)

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File: 2147e112c9052de⋯.png (211.17 KB,719x623,719:623,Clipboard.png)

File: e3bd311e5df09b6⋯.png (142.37 KB,668x449,668:449,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20429551 (171638ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / John Swinney held shadowy 'clear the air' talks with the Greens on the day Nicola Sturgeon stepped down

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John Swinney held shadowy 'clear the air' talks with the Greens on the day Nicola Sturgeon stepped down

Exclusive: Then Deputy First Minister held a video call with Patrick Harvie, Lorna Slater and the Green MSPs to discuss the Bute House Agreement on the same day Nicola Sturgeon announced her surprise resignation

Ben Borland

14 FEB 2024

Further questions are being asked about the Scottish Greens' influence over the SNP as it can be revealed that John Swinney held a meeting with the party's MSPs on the same day that Nicola Sturgeon announced her resignation.

The meeting to discuss the Bute House Agreement was not disclosed at the time and it does not appear that SNP ministers, MSPs or MPs were offered any similar sort of formal reassurance about the future of the administration following the shock announcement.

The former First Minister's press conference on the morning of February 15, 2023 took many by complete surprise, although rumours about her future had been circulating for some time. The day before, the Scottish Daily Express published a spoof resignation letter that turned out to be uncannily accurate.

A press conference at Bute House was organised at short notice, with Ms Sturgeon's Senior Private Secretary sending an email to her communications team at 5.19pm on February 14. Along with her Special Advisors (Spads), the only politicians in the "magic circle" at that point were Mr Swinney – then Deputy First Minister – and SNP depute leader Keith Brown.

According to correspondence published by the Scottish Government, Scottish Greens co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater were also given special treatment as part of the hastily-arranged exit plan.

They were formally told of Ms Sturgeon's plans along with the Cabinet Secretaries in a phone call from the Spads 30 minutes before the 11am press conference. All the other junior ministers were not told about it until they received an email at 10.55am.

Others to be informed in advance included King Charles, the SNP's Westminster leader Stephen Flynn and party president Mike Russell. Welsh First Minister and key Sturgeon ally Mark Drakeford was also called, but Prime Minister Rishi Sunak was not. The SNP's MSPs and MPs were only informed in an email sent at 11am.

Also that day, it can now be revealed, Mr Swinney and the SNP's parliamentary business minister George Adam held a video call with the Green Party Group to discuss the Bute House Agreement. According to their ministerial diaries, Mr Harvie and Ms Slater were both on the call.

It is not known what was discussed, but within a few days the Scottish Greens made it clear they would walk away from the coalition if Kate Forbes or Ash Regan were to win the SNP leadership contest. This boosted Humza Yousaf's chances as the 'continuity candidate' who would ensure Ms Sturgeon's legacy.

Two days later, Mr Swinney ruled himself out of the leadership race to "create the space for a fresh perspective to emerge". He later endorsed Mr Yousaf's campaign "because he will strengthen the SNP as a force for progressive change in Scottish politics".

The Greens are seen as hugely influential in the Scottish Government, with the prospect of them collapsing the Bute House Agreement and forcing a snap Holyrood election likely to terrify the SNP leadership given the party's lowly position in the polls.

The Scottish Daily Express has revealed the handful Green MSPs are more likely to be granted a meeting with SNP ministers than MSPs from any other party, while Mr Harvie and Ms Slater frequently attend Cabinet meetings despite their junior status.

Scottish Tory MSP Annie Wells told the Scottish Daily Express: "It's clear that the anti-growth Greens hold far too much sway over Humza Yousaf – far more than they had even under Nicola Sturgeon."

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037c4f No.154202

File: 95559a7c53e762a⋯.jpg (1.85 MB,2552x3508,638:877,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20429654 (171706ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Word is getting out

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A guy gave me one of these cards in Glasgow the other day as he walked by. I didn't look at it till I was down the street a little. Couldn't find him after I saw the content.

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037c4f No.154203

File: e3180b997da525c⋯.png (226.97 KB,819x563,819:563,Clipboard.png)

File: c12bac2529a6d86⋯.png (215.56 KB,732x828,61:69,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20429668 (171708ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / John Swinney held shadowy 'clear the air' talks with the Greens on the day Nicola Sturgeon stepped down

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037c4f No.154204

File: 7f90d5cca44ce71⋯.png (493.11 KB,834x899,834:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a4d6bfcf1155c5⋯.png (421.89 KB,558x859,558:859,Clipboard.png)

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File: cc0d62b0b6f8fce⋯.png (137.09 KB,627x448,627:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20429823 (171752ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Who was in the 'Magic Circle' told about Nicola Sturgeon's resignation in advance?

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Who was in the 'Magic Circle' told about Nicola Sturgeon's resignation in advance?

A select group of friends and allies were informed a few hours in advance about the former First Minister's decision to step down... but it didn't include most of her MPs or MSPs!

Ben Borland

14 FEB 2024

The plans surrounding Nicola Sturgeon's shock resignation on February 15, 2023 were apparently thrown together at the last minute, with just a select group of people being told in advance.

The First Minister's Senior Private Secretary sent an email on her behalf at 5.19pm the previous day, telling her communications team that she wanted to hold an unscheduled press conference at Bute House the following morning.

Twenty-two minutes later, Ms Sturgeon's chief of staff Colin McAllister sent an email to top special advisers (Spads) Emily Mackintosh and Callum McCaig copying in his predecessor Liz Lloyd – who was then acting as a "strategic adviser on long-term projects" – and Ms Sturgeon's then principle private secretary Chris Mackie.

It read: "As of 1700, the magic circle will be those on this copylist plus: [Redacted], Mackie, [Redacted], JP, DFM, Ross I and Keith."'JP' is thought JP Marks, the Permanent Secretary and head of the civil service in Scotland,the Deputy First Minister at the time was John Swinney. 'Ross I' is thought to be Ross Ingebritsen, who has served as a Spad to three First Ministers, and 'Keith' is likely to be SNP depute leader Keith Brown.

According to the plan set out by McAllister, the calling notice for the press conference went out to media organisations at 9am on February 15. It said: "No silly exclusions. We will speak to BBC and Sky in advance to encourage Live coverage. This may lead to leaks but FM comfortable with this."

The 'silly exclusions' comment is a reference to the previous Bute House resignation press conference on the day after the SNP were defeated in the 2014 independence referendum, when the Scottish Daily Express was among a handful of titles excluded by Alex Salmond.

McAllister added that Sturgeon had written her speech that afternoon, adding: "She will take (some) edits, I am sure but this is one she wants to largely craft herself (unsurprisingly)."

On the key subject of advance notice, the email states: "The FM wishes key people to be aware in advance, albeit perhaps only a few hours (or even minutes) in advance."

These included King Charles, with Mackie calling Buckingham Palace to inform the monarch. McCaig was tasked with ensuring that all the Cabinet Secretaries would be called 30 minutes in advance, along with Scottish Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater.

McAllister said he would inform Commons leader Stephen Flynn, SNP president Mike Russell and Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford, noting by each name: "I will call in the morning." Meanwhile, the rest of Sturgeon's ministers were sent an email at 10.55am and her MSP and MP groups got an email at 11am.

In a mysterious twist, McAllister adds: "In addition to above, I will make [Redacted] aware first thing along with [Redacted]." It is understood that this does NOT refer to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak or any other member of the UK Government, who were deliberately kept in the dark.

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037c4f No.154205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20430009 (171824ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon 'running out of excuses' after recording 'zero' WhatsApp messages on covid (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon 'running out of excuses' after recording 'zero' WhatsApp messages on covid

Daily Record

60.4K subscribers

15,215 views Feb 15, 2024 #nicolasturgeon #DailyRecord #snp

Nicola Sturgeon has been urged to explain why "zero" of her WhatsApp messages sent during the coronavirus pandemic were transcribed to the official record.

A Freedom of Information request asked the Scottish Government how many text messages sent or received by the then first minister from January 1 2020 onwards were transferred to its electronic records and document management (eRDM) system.

But in a response published yesterday, a civil servant revealed: "Under our duty to advise and assist, I can confirm the answer is zero."

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037c4f No.154206

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20430041 (171831ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / >>2040138, Moment Rishi Sunak is confronted over the Covid vaccine as man who suffered drastic side effects tells him 'to look into his eyes and see his pain' (video)

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>>154202Magic Circles all over the place.




'This is a scandal BIGGER than the Post Office' | Vaccine injury victim give exclusive TV interview


1.18M subscribers

164,835 views Feb 13, 2024 #gbnews #vaccine #covid19

John Watt confronted Rishi Sunak at the GB News People's Forum, about an inquiry and compensation for people with injuries relating to the COVID vaccine.

The latest NHS guidance on the Covid-19 vaccine: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/covid-1...

Safety and side effect information for the Covid-19 vaccine: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/covid-1...

#gbnews #covid19 #vaccine

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037c4f No.154207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20430048 (171833ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / >>2040138, Moment Rishi Sunak is confronted over the Covid vaccine as man who suffered drastic side effects tells him 'to look into his eyes and see his pain' (video)

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forgot to add link.

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037c4f No.154208

File: 06718b1e6386dab⋯.png (430.6 KB,834x899,834:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 968983db05fa009⋯.png (162.81 KB,680x507,680:507,Clipboard.png)

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File: 4fba7e4067b1681⋯.png (217.72 KB,642x523,642:523,Clipboard.png)

File: 9131254bf481c27⋯.png (127.65 KB,619x489,619:489,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20430753 (172051ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / New Nicola Sturgeon WhatsApp riddle as Scottish Government admits none were transferred to official system

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New Nicola Sturgeon WhatsApp riddle as Scottish Government admits none were transferred to official system

The former SNP leader said anything relevant from informal messaging would still have been officially recorded after admitting destroying messages relating to the pandemic

Douglas Dickie

14 FEB 2024

Nicola Sturgeon's Covid WhatsApp scandal looks to have opened up again after evidence emerged the Scottish Government did not hold any information relating to messages sent on the social media app by the former first minister. The ex-SNP leader finally admitted to destroying information relating to the pandemic when she appeared at the UK Covid Inquiry last month.

She insisted any relevant information would have been passed on to the government's electronic Records and Document Management (eRDM) system. However, new information suggests nothing was passed to the executive.

Sam Taylor of the think tank These Islands has been battling the government to release the number of WhatsApp messages sent by Ms Sturgeon to the eRDM during the pandemic. He was finally told on Wednesday the government held none.

He had asked for a "monthly breakdown" of WhatsApps "sent or received by former first minister Nicola Sturgeon which were transferred to the Scottish Government's eRDM system" between January 1, 2020 to the present date. After initially being told the government did not have that information, Mr Taylor appealed and although it was not upheld, the government did confirm: "Under our duty to advise and assist, I can confirm the answer is zero."

Reacting to the revelation, Mr Taylor said: "For some time I’ve been asking how many of Sturgeon’s WhatsApps are in Scot Gov’s eRDM (Electronic Records & Document Management) system.

"Today, finally, they confirm the number is zero. They knew this all along, of course. But refused to say so until the pretence was untenable."

Reacting to the FoI response, Scottish Labour East Renfrewshire candidate Blair McDougall said: "Sturgeon’s defence has been that all relevant WhatsApp messages were transferred to official records. The SNP Government covered up the number of WhatsApp messages in response to FOI requests?

"Why? Because the number is zero. Zero messages were added to eRDM. Lies piled on lies."

At the Inquiry, Ms Sturgeon had said her communication via 'informal' messaging apps had been "extremely limited". She added: "I operated on the basis that I would ensure that anything in communications of that description were otherwise recorded on the Scottish Government system, if there was anything of that nature."

Scottish Labour Deputy Leader Jackie Baillie said: "The culture of secrecy and cover up at the heart of the SNP government is becoming more stark by the day. Nicola Sturgeon defended wiping her WhatsApp messages by claiming important information was retained on the record – but now it seems there isn’t a trace of any of them.

"This SNP government still has huge questions to answer, including why it failed to live up to its promise of transparency. Ms Sturgeon and the SNP were approached for comment but have so far not responded.

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037c4f No.154209

File: 7862b6254c91e4c⋯.png (713.15 KB,853x899,853:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 3804849c4f1e8ea⋯.png (171.06 KB,622x558,311:279,Clipboard.png)

File: 608532e52e253d9⋯.png (371.67 KB,580x683,580:683,Clipboard.png)

File: f35179be08b4ce8⋯.png (317.65 KB,546x680,273:340,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20430862 (172110ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP ministers don't have to pay car tax on ministerial limos amid hypocrisy claim

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SNP ministers don't have to pay car tax on ministerial limos amid hypocrisy claim

Exclusive: Car specialists the AA hit out at the news that Scottish Government ministers such as Humza Yousaf and Shona Robison don't have to pay car tax on their ministerial limos.

David Walker

17 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government have been accused of hypocrisy after it was revealed that ministers don't have to pay car tax on the ministerial limos they use to be carted about the country. The SNP Executive are frequent users of the service, with some even using it for a lift home, including independence minister Jamie Hepburn.

In fact, almost every nationalist member of cabinet and ministerial team used the cars for a lift back to their personal address from the Scottish Parliament. But despite this frequent use of the £1.3m taxpayer-funded fleet of vehicles, no one who utilises them has to pay any car tax.

There were 29 cars at last count in 2023, meaning that a total of £180 a year for each vehicle is being saved. And critics have savaged this news, pointing out that SNP ministers have allowed a number of anti-car policies to be pushed through, including workplace parking levies, where employers could be forced to charge employees for using their car park.

This power has been given to councils, although none have actually implemented it, with Edinburgh and Glasgow closest to this. Other anti-car measures proposed by the Scottish Government include low emission zones, and the potential creation of congestion zone.

The Scottish Daily Express asked how much the government pays each year for car tax and was told: "All Scottish Government fleet vehicles are owned and operated under the “Crown Vehicle” Vehicle Excise Duty (VED) exemption; therefore, no costs have been incurred during 2021, 2022 and 2023.

This is the same loophole which the Royal Family are allowed, as well as some police cars. But road charity the AA claimed that every motorists should have a level playing field when it comes to car tax

Spokesman Luke Bosdet told the Scottish Daily Express: "Just as everyone is equal before the law, all vehicle owners should be obliged to pay motoring taxes regardless of their position. The irony of a government elite not paying motoring tax while at work will be clearly understood by teachers, council workers and other civil servants who face workplace parking levies.”

Edinburgh City Council will need to undertake a number of lengthy consultations with the people in the city before it will be allowed to put a workplace parking levy in place. The results of the first survey are due in early 2024.

A survey of teachers from across Scotland already confirmed that they would refuse to pay the costs of parking at schools if the council attempted to force this on them. It is part of the SNP's plans for car-free city centres in most of the big cities across the country.

The Scottish Government has been approached for comment.

Let's not be kidded by the headline, if "they" had to pay road tax on their limos that would mean that you the taxpayer would be paying their tax...on expenses like you pay for EVERYTHING else.

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037c4f No.154210

File: cb448d95900a403⋯.png (494.38 KB,904x892,226:223,Clipboard.png)

File: 947d6817c5dbfe3⋯.png (177.44 KB,631x547,631:547,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20431881 (172341ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / 'Secretive' Humza Yousaf blocks independent probe into secret 'Gold Command' Covid meetings

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'Secretive' Humza Yousaf blocks independent probe into secret 'Gold Command' Covid meetings

The Scottish Lib Dems attacked the first minister for refusing to commission an independent probe into whether Nicola Sturgeon and her Scottish Government cabinet breached the ministerial code for failing to record Covid discussions.

David Walker

17 FEB 2024

Humza Yousaf has been caught up in another row surrounding SNP secrecy after blocking attempts to probe why the Scottish Government refused to take notes at Covid "Gold Command" meetings. The First Minister claimed it would not add "to the existing scrutiny of the judge-led statutory inquiries.”

Nicola Sturgeon's administration was blasted at the UK Covid Inquiry after it was revealed she met with senior officials and ministers about the pandemic and no notes were taken. They were labelled "Gold Command" summits, and involved discussions about policy.

But no minutes from these meetings were submitted to the independent probe, with the former first minister insisting notes from them were sent round, although her finance secretary Kate Forbes disputed this. It caused an uproar among the Covid bereaved, who claimed it was a "betrayal" of their trusts.

Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton wrote to Mr Yousaf to ask him to refer the scandal to the independent adviser to the ministerial code to see whether it had breached the rules. But he refused to do so, as he is embroiled in "secrecy and silence."

The Scottish Ministerial Code states that meetings below the level of cabinet which involve discussions between two or more ministers should be minuted. It also adds that ministers are committed to uphold the seven principles of public life (the Nolan principles), one of which is openness.

It reads that: “holders of public office should act and take decision in an open and transparent manner.” But due to Scottish Parliament rules, only the First Minister can trigger these probes, unless it is self-referred.

But Mr Yousaf used the ongoing UK Covid Inquiry as an excuse not to do this, as he said that "it is difficult to see” how a ministerial code investigation “could add to the existing scrutiny of the judge-led statutory inquiries.” This response angered Mr Cole-Hamilton who hit out at the Scottish Government's secrecy.

He said: "Humza Yousaf is the only one who can decide if there should be an independent probe into whether the SNP government broke the Ministerial Code and he is standing in the way of full disclosure. The Ministerial Code could not be clearer- these meetings should have been minuted. By refusing to investigate this, Humza Yousaf is doing everything he can to dodge questions and keep grieving families in the dark.

“It is simply wrong and incredibly bold for the First Minister to suggest an investigation would not help the inquiry. An investigation would only work in tandem with the public inquiry. It would provide the inquiry with the full picture that ministers have sought to undermine through their chaotic record-keeping and mass deletion of WhatsApp messages. It would also inspire more trust, rather than simply allowing the government to investigate itself as the First Minister proposes.

“Bereaved families deserve far better than a government more interested in covering its tracks than providing answers. From their refusals to their deletions, from their omissions to their obfuscations, this government is hardwired to secrecy and silence. The pernicious arrogance at the heart of that is breathtaking.”

In Mr Yousaf's response, he claimed that it would "not be appropriate" for him to "pre-empt the findings of the Inquiry in anyway." He added: "The Inquiry is considering all issues relating to management of the Covid-19 pandemic in detail and I am not going to offer a running commentary on issues currently being considered.

"There are, of course, lessons to be learned. We are listening to all the evidence and opinions expressed in the Inquiry carefully in order to learn, and to save lives and prevent harm in any future pandemic. We will await their conclusions and respond as appropriate."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154211

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20438069 (190226ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon reported to Met Police over her deleted WhatsApp messages

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Nicola Sturgeon reported to Met Police over her deleted WhatsApp messages

Officers from Scotland Yard in London – and not Police Scotland or the Crown Office – will now consider claims the former First Minister has 'lied under oath' at the UK Covid Inquiry

Ben Borland

18 FEB 2024

Nicola Sturgeon has been reported to the Metropolitan Police over claims she lied to the UK Covid Inquiry in her evidence about WhatsApp messages.

The former First Minister was finally forced to confirm that she had deleted all her informal communications from the pandemic. But she told the hearings in Edinburgh that any "salient points of substance" would have been "reflected and recorded" in government systems.

She told the lead inquiry counsel Jamie Dawson KC on January 31: "I'm absolutely sure that you would be able to take messages and go to the corporate record, go to the public statements that were made at the time and see all of that reflected."

But a Freedom of Information (FOI) request submitted by the pro-UK think tank These Islands and published last week by the Scottish Government revealed there to be "zero" messages recorded in the Electronic Record and Document Management System (eRDM).

A police report submitted to the Met and seen by the Sunday Mail has called for an investigation into the apparently conflicting statements. It states: "Giving evidence to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry when it sat in Edinburgh last month, Ms Sturgeon confirmed she had deleted her WhatsApp messages though she stressed this was in line with official advice and she said all salient points were placed on the corporate record.

"However it has been revealed by FOI that she did not transfer any messages to be placed on the corporate record. This can mean nothing other than Ms Sturgeon lied whilst under oath at the UK Covid-19 inquiry when giving evidence on 31st January 2024 - this is an offence that should be investigated."

Scottish Conservative Chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: "This very serious complaint highlights just how concerned and angry many Scots are about the actions of the former First Minister – and how desperate they are for answers. Despite promising 'transparency', Nicola Sturgeon engaged in the mass deletion of her WhatsApp messages, despite having promised to make them public and her credibility now lies in ruins.

"She should now commit to a full statement to parliament on this scandalous situation. If she remains unwilling to share the truth about her government's decision-making during the pandemic, grieving families will be left with no other choice but to escalate the situation to get the answers they deserve."

Met Police confirm it has received complaint

The FOI from Sam Taylor, Chief Executive of These Islands, asked for a "monthly breakdown of the number of WhatsApp messages sent or received by former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon which were transferred to the Scottish Government's eRDM system".

The response revealed that "zero" Whatsapp messages had been recorded from Sturgeon, her successor Humza Yousaf, former deputy First Minister John Swinney, former health secretary Jeane Freeman or the former finance secretary Kate Forbes.

During the Covid inquiry Sturgeon stressed that she did not use informal messaging to make decisions and said: "Informal communications were not in any sense an extensive or a meaningful part of how I conducted government business in any way, but certainly not to reach decisions, and I would say that in relation not just to Covid but to government generally."

The Scottish Information Commissioner has launched a probe into Scottish Government use of informal messaging. Commissioner David Hamilton said failing to keep a full record of decision-making has "subverted the principles" of FOI.

A spokeswoman for Ms Sturgeon said: "The obligation is to ensure that any salient points from messages are recorded on the corporate record. This was done. The fact that the messages themselves are not held does not mean that relevant or salient information within them was not properly recorded."

The Metropolitan Police confirmed it had received the complaint.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154212

File: f8e23aea63db5c7⋯.png (663.71 KB,838x896,419:448,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20438150 (190242ZFEB24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Liz Lloyd's evidence shows Nicola Sturgeon DID discuss pandemic strategy over text and WhatsApp

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Liz Lloyd's evidence shows Nicola Sturgeon DID discuss pandemic strategy over text and WhatsApp

The WhatsApps reveal that 'salient points of substance' on vaccine shortages, lockdown easing and Christmas mixing WERE discussed by the former First Minister... without being transposed to the official record

Ben Borland

18 FEB 2024

Nicola Sturgeon is under further pressure to give a statement to MSPs after evidence submitted by her former chief of staff appeared to further contradict her testimony to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry.

The former First Minister said under oath that she didn't use "informal messaging" such as texts and WhatsApps to "conduct government business" during the pandemic. But she added that any "salient points of substance" would be transposed onto the Scottish Government's official record.

It has since emerged that there are "zero" records held of this nature, from Ms Sturgeon or any other senior SNP minister, with the Met Police in London now looking into claims that public inquiry law may have been broken.

Last month, the inquiry published WhatsApp exchanges between former top aide Liz Lloyd and her then boss. She had retained the messages (unlike Ms Sturgeon, who has deleted everything) and they clearly show that government business was being discussed, rather than just "routine exchanges".

On March 15, 2021, Ms Sturgeon wrote: "Jeane [Freeman, then the SNP's health secretary] just sent me an alarmist text about vaccine supply -suggesting mid April might be in doubt."

The text refers to a shortage of around 450,000 AstraZeneca vaccines and adds: "We're querying some of this and I'm in touch with [Matt] Hancock but this may, may delay our mid April target for 1-9." This refers to the date when Scotland's stay-at-home order was lifted at the end of the second national lockdown.

The pair also discuss in detail the complex plans for allowing pubs to reopen and for people to mix indoors in groups of four and six from two or three households – and the exchange appears to show that decisions were being made.

At one stage, Ms Lloyd wrote: "So in pubs etc it's 4/2 in April, 6/2 in may ...and then in June it should go to 6/3 and we allow you to meet in your own home." Ms Sturgeon replies: "We should bring indoor houses to mid may."

In a message sent on December 23, 2020, Ms Sturgeon wrote: "I've just had a really irritating and unhelpful note from Jeane on Xmas - which I've replied to quite firmly. But it has annoyed me."

The pair also appear to be using WhatsApp for decision making, with Ms Lloyd writing: "I am increasingly leaning to just one other household after seeing the poll. But I'm also a grinch about Christmas." Ms Sturgeon replies: "I am too - but on this I (reluctantly) think there's merit in uk wide position. Let's see the proposal."

However, none of these details have been retained on the Scottish Government's official record. Despite this, Ms Sturgeon told the hearing on January 31: "I am absolutely firmly of the view that there is nothing, and the Inquiry has seen some of these messages, in any informal messaging that I would have been party to that could not have been seen and understood through the formal systems."

Scottish Conservative party chairman Craig Hoy said: "These latest damning revelations once again totally undermine Nicola Sturgeon's claims that WhatsApp was not used for formal decision making. Her reputation lies in tatters and Scots deserve better than her continued cover-up and secrecy over issues like this.

"We now know that Nicola Sturgeon may have misled the inquiry with her contradictory evidence, and has failed to upload WhatsApp messages to the government's records system, as she promised to do. Nicola Sturgeon should come clean with a personal statement in Holyrood over her use of WhatsApp and be upfront what decisions regarding vaccine supply for Scots were taken on that platform, as well as any other key decisions."

In response to calls to make a statement to MSPs, a spokesman for Nicola Sturgeon said: "Any messages Nicola had, she handled and dealt with in line with the Scottish Government's policies."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154213

File: c05a0e3f1430572⋯.png (440.02 KB,653x896,653:896,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20442838 (192353ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / All new NHS building projects in Scotland put on hold

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All new NHS building projects in Scotland put on hold

10 hours ago

Feb 19 2024

By Andrew Picken

Plans to build new hospitals, surgeries and a network of treatment centres in Scotland have been put on hold.

At least a dozen NHS construction projects across Scotland have been delayed or paused for up to two years as a result of budget pressures.

Health boards were told by the Scottish government that no money was currently available for the building schemes.

The Scottish government said a revised NHS infrastructure plan would be unveiled in the spring.

In the meantime, addressing essential maintenance issues would be prioritised.

The latest Scottish budget had to address an estimated £1.5bn funding shortfall.

Independent experts warned it was unlikely NHS Scotland would "survive" without extra funding this year.

The biggest project facing delays is a network of 10 treatment centres across Scotland.

This network is intended to deliver at least 40,000 additional elective surgeries, diagnostics and other procedures per year by 2026.

Last week, Health Secretary Neil Gray said these treatment centres were part of his "overriding mission" to increase capacity in Scotland's NHS.

But soaring construction costs, material shortages and the impact of meeting tougher ventilation standards have impacted the cost of all recent building projects.

NHS projects paused or facing delays:

Lothian - New cancer centre and eye hospital in Edinburgh, and a national treatment centre in Livingston.

Ayrshire & Arran - National treatment centre at Carrick Glen Hospital in Ayr.

Tayside - National treatment centre at Perth Royal Infirmary.

Highland - Replacement hospital in Fort William, revamps of Caithness General Hospital and the maternity ward at Raigmore Hospital in Inverness. Relocating two GP practices to Cowal Community Hospital in Dunoon.

Lanarkshire - Replacement for Monklands Hospital in Airdrie and national treatment centre in Cumbernauld.

Grampian - National Treatment Centre in Aberdeen, MRI scanner for Dr Gray's Hospital in Elgin and a refurbishment of the mental health ward at Dr Gray's.

In recent years, waiting lists for a range of treatments on the NHS have been growing amidst warnings that staffing levels are "dangerously low".

The Scottish government said NHS staffing was at record levels thanks to its investment, which also included record pay increases last year.

NHS boards were told by Scottish government officials that building work on new projects could be paused for two years as a result of the spending squeeze.

'It's like walking in to your granny's house'

The 1930s cottage that houses Kincardine Health Centre reached the "end of its economic life" in 2016 when NHS Fife announced plans to build a replacement.

"The outside has had a lick of paint but the inside has not," says Donald Campbell, chairman of the Fife village's community council.

"It is like walking in to your granny's house, but it's been condemned and is just not fit for purpose."

One of the challenges for patients is dealing with the practice's single phone line to book appointments.

But they also have to regularly travel outside of the village for services, such as physiotherapy sessions, which modern health centres do on site.

Advanced plans to build a replacement health centre in a nearby park have now been paused.

NHS Fife was told by Scottish ministers that the money was now unlikely to be made available until 2026 at the earliest.

"How can you say you can't have a new health centre when it has been condemned? It is a ridiculous state of affairs," Donald said.

While construction of the new medical centre is on hold, elsewhere in the village of about 3,000 people, there are plans to build hundreds of new homes.

Donald says this "simply does not compute" with having such a small medical facility.


Dr Iain Kennedy, chair of BMA Scotland, told the BBC's Good Morning Scotland programme the delays did not come as a surprise.

He said: "We have been saying for some time that the NHS in Scotland does not have he resources to be sustainable in the future."

Dr Kennedy added too many hospitals were "getting a bit crumbly" and warned waiting lists were only going to get longer.

Asked if radical reform was needed he told the programme the health service should be "free at the point of delivery" but needed to modernise.

Dr Kennedy said: "We can't have a free buffet for all, where it is an all you can eat buffet.

"We definitely need to prioritise and say what we will provide and what we won't provide."

'Another hammer blow'

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037c4f No.154214

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20442841 (192354ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / All new NHS building projects in Scotland put on hold

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Scottish Conservative health spokesman Sandesh Gulhane described the move as "another hammer blow for Scotland's NHS" and urged the government to come clean over its plans.

The practising GP also said the health service was "hopelessly overstretched" and accused the SNP of "financial mismanagement".

He added: "Humza Yousaf's flimsy Covid recovery plan rested on new treatment centres being built across the country to reduce waiting lists.

"If some of these are to be mothballed, it will be devastating."

A Scottish government spokeswoman described the capital funding position as "extremely challenging".

She added: "The UK government did not inflation-proof its capital budget which has resulted in nearly a 10% real-terms cut in the Scottish government's capital funding over the medium-term between 2023-24 and 2027-28.

"Our emphasis for the immediate future will be on addressing backlog maintenance and essential equipment replacement.

"As a result of the cut in our capital budget, a revised infrastructure investment plan will be published in the spring and all due consideration will be given to what projects can be included within that revised plan."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154215

File: bd966296b98e323⋯.png (451.1 KB,676x899,676:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20442876 (200004ZFEB24) Notable: Scotland urged to use cruise ship to house asylum seekers

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Scotland urged to use cruise ship to house asylum seekers

11 hours ago

Feb 19 2024

Home Secretary James Cleverly has urged the Scottish government to use a cruise ship and other large sites to accommodate more asylum seekers.

Mr Cleverly said that for dispersal and initial accommodation alone, Scotland houses eight asylum seekers for every 10,000 people.

This compares to nine in Wales and 16 in England.

The Scottish government said the country had "consistently played its part in supporting asylum dispersal".

And a spokesperson said Scotland was offering sanctuary to "more than double" the displaced Ukrainians per head of population than any other part of the UK.

Last summer the leader of the City of Edinburgh Council warned plans to use the MS Victoria in Leith to house asylum seekers could turn it into a "floating prison".

The cruise ship was used by the Scottish government to temporarily house Ukrainian refugees from July 2022 until July 2023.

In a letter to First Minister Humza Yousaf, Mr Cleverly has warned the practice of housing asylum seekers in hotels was both "unsustainable and costly".

He also said it was vital to "grow our asylum accommodation estate".

After highlighting the dispersal figures, he added: "I know that you and your colleagues take this issue seriously and there are many instances where you have signalled that the Scottish government is willing to house more people."

The letter goes on to quote pro-migration comments by SNP politicians including Westminster leader Stephen Flynn and Mr Yousaf.

The home secretary said he was now asking for their support in "rapidly increasing the asylum accommodation estate".

He added: "I believe that in order to achieve this, the use of large sites in Scotland, of which there are currently none, may need to be factored in.

"We should revisit options in Scotland, such as our plans last summer to use MS Victoria in Edinburgh, which unfortunately we could not obtain agreement on.

"This was despite the fact the Scottish government had used it to house Ukrainian refugees."

The Scottish government said the Home Office was responsible for the provision of asylum accommodation, including hotels.

A spokesperson said: "Ministers have been clear that the UK government needs to respect the important role of local authorities in asylum dispersal and should provide more financial support for them as it presses ahead with plans to close asylum hotels.

"Scotland has consistently played its part in supporting asylum dispersal since it was introduced over two decades ago.

"We are committed to supporting people to integrate into our communities and to providing the safety and security they need as they begin to rebuild their lives."

The spokesperson added that Scotland was offering sanctuary to more than 39,000 Ukrainians.

They also said all 32 local authorities participated in the the Ukrainian and Syrian resettlement programmes.

The spokesperson said: "Scotland stands ready to offer refuge and sanctuary for those who are displaced."

Dr Peter William Walsh, of the University of Oxford's Migration Observatory, said it was "helpful to take a broader view" of the statistics.

He told BBC Radio's Good Morning Scotland programme asylum seekers were those who reached the UK "under their own steam" and sometimes without authorisation.

As a result, this excludes Afghans and Ukrainians.

Dr Walsh said: "If we look overall at all the categories of displaced people that are hosted - that's Ukrainians, Afghans, and asylum seekers - what we find is quite interesting.

"England host four people per 1,000 of its resident population and Scotland six.

"So, per capita, Scotland hosts 50% more than England."

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037c4f No.154216

File: 68efffce7bd2f36⋯.png (304.24 KB,557x648,557:648,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20443176 (200112ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / No STONE left unreturned: SNP chiefs told to hand over piece of Stone of Destiny to its official keepers

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NO STONE LEFT UNRETURNED SNP chiefs told to hand over piece of Stone of Destiny to its official keepers

The chunk was supposedly found in an SNP cupboard.

Oliver Norton

17 Feb 2024

The Commissioners for the Safeguarding of the Regalia have written to Nats execs, saying: “An appropriate course would be for the fragment to be passed to the commissioners to be held on behalf of the nation.”

The Scots coronation stone was seized in 1296 and held in Westminster Abbey before being nicked, then returned and put on show at Edinburgh Castle.

It was used for King Charles’ crowning last year.

Government papers said ex-First Minister Alex Salmond received a chip from the block in 2008.

It was feared lost but was later uncovered in a cupboard at the SNP’s Edinburgh HQ.

Tory MSP Murdo Fraser said: “Considering the fragment has spent the last few years in a cupboard in an SNP office, it’s time they hand it back.

"We need to get this important piece of Scotland’s history on display for the public to see.”

The SNP said yesterday it “has received a request to test the geological properties of the fragment, and we agree”.

A Scottish Government spokesman added: “The Commissioners will decide where the fragment should be kept following this assessment.”

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037c4f No.154217

File: cc4c0b7ac589396⋯.png (377.14 KB,487x873,487:873,Clipboard.png)

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File: 208ee55d60cf1bc⋯.png (175.89 KB,500x571,500:571,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20443246 (200126ZFEB24) Notable: Building back Trust: Judge Labour on handling of economy, says Anas Sarwar - as Scots leader pledges to spark housing boom

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BUILDING BACK TRUST Judge Labour on handling of economy, says Anas Sarwar – as Scots leader pledges to spark housing boom

Mr Sarwar launched a pre-conference charm offensive in Glasgow

Conor Matchett

16 Feb 2024

ANAS Sarwar yesterday insisted Labour should be judged on their handling of the economy and vowed to regain voters' trust by kickstarting a housing boom.

The Scottish Labour leader launched a pre-conference charm offensive as figures revealed the UK had slipped into a recession.

It means his party is set to inherit an economic crisis if polls are correct and Sir Keir Starmer seizes No10 at the next General Election, expected later this year.

As figures showed two straight three-month periods of negative growth, Mr Sarwar told The Scottish Sun in an exclusive interview: "We have to be judged on growing our economy.

"How we use the fruits of our economy to reform our public services, particularly health and social care. To demonstrate we can do politics differently."

Despite the challenging picture from economists, Mr Sarwar was buoyed by predictions Labour could dislodge a clutch of Nats MPs at the next Westminster vote and even grab back power at the 2026 Holyrood elections.

Polling puts Labour and Nats virtually neck and neck in terms of vote share and number of seats, leaving results in Scotland on a knife-edge.

Ahead of Scottish Labour's three-day conference getting underway in Glasgow today, he vowed not to repeat the mistakes of former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who quit last year.

After pledging to put schools front and centre of her agenda, she was criticised for failing in a highly ambitious promise to wipe out the attainment gap.

Instead, Mr Sarwar was seen making final tweaks to his speech on stage at the Scottish Event Campus in Finnieston and claimed Labour would only make promises it could keep.

Polling puts Labour and Nats virtually neck and neck in terms of vote share and number of seats, leaving results in Scotland on a knife-edge.

Ahead of Scottish Labour's three-day conference getting underway in Glasgow today, he vowed not to repeat the mistakes of former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who quit last year.

After pledging to put schools front and centre of her agenda, she was criticised for failing in a highly ambitious promise to wipe out the attainment gap.

Instead, Mr Sarwar was seen making final tweaks to his speech on stage at the Scottish Event Campus in Finnieston and claimed Labour would only make promises it could keep.

"I want us to back the immediate end to fighting and immediate ceasefire.

"And a pathway to a two-state solution and the immediate release of hostages."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154218

File: 57e8fbb77c444e5⋯.png (394.16 KB,653x878,653:878,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20443379 (200202ZFEB24) Notable: Around 42,000 North Sea jobs ‘risk being wiped out’ under Labour plans for an oil and gas windfall tax

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WAVE BYE TO OIL JOBS Around 42,000 North Sea jobs ‘risk being wiped out’ under Labour plans for an oil and gas windfall tax

It is feared £26 billion of economic value could also be lost

Conor Matchett

18 Feb 2024

AROUND 42,000 North Sea jobs risk being wiped out under Labour plans for an oil and gas windfall tax, industry chiefs warned tonight.

Sir Keir Starmer’s party faced a backlash as he closed Scottish Labour’s conference by bigging up his vision for a transition to clean energy.

But the planned profits levy has sparked crisis talks in the sector.

Offshore Energies UK chief executive David Whitehouse said: “If we can’t get companies to invest here, there are no jobs.

"It’s that simple.”

It comes days after hundreds of businesses wrote to the party urging them to ditch the policy.

It is feared 42,000 jobs and £26billion of economic value could be lost under the plans.

Labour wants to end a current tax break where firms can cut how much they pay if they reinvest profits.

While not directly addressing the criticism in his conference speech in Glasgow, UK leader Sir Keir Starmer set out his vision for Scotland’s move away from oil and gas.

He added it was a transition we “have to make”.

But Mr Whitehouse said: “I’m already hearing from our supply chain and producers that these proposals would deliver a hammer blow.”

Industry chiefs are also worried about Labour’s vow to ban new fossil fuel drilling licenses.

Tory MSP Craig Hoy said: “Labour’s vow to switch off the taps in the North Sea immediately along with their windfall tax would devastate energy firms, their employees and the North East economy.”


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037c4f No.154219

File: 8ccd0c8dc5bc169⋯.png (702.97 KB,864x899,864:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 18aaa4a9dca993b⋯.png (162.89 KB,632x553,8:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20447958 (202218ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Fewer Scots will attend university in Scotland due to SNP cuts, think tank says

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Fewer Scots will attend university in Scotland due to SNP cuts, think tank says

A study has also shown funding for students per year of study had fallen by 19 per cent in real terms since 2013-14, leaving Scottish universities “increasingly reliant on international student fees”

Mark Connor

20 FEB 2024

Fewer Scots will be able to go to university because of SNP and Green cuts to funding and the refusal to charge tuition fees, a think tank has said. A new study by the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) also highlighted that less money was being made available by the SNP government to support teaching but that students could take on more debt, underwritten by Westminster.

It also showed that funding for students per year of study had fallen by 19 per cent in real terms since 2013-14, leaving Scottish universities “increasingly reliant on international student fees”.

Under the SNP government’s policy of free tuition, universities are given a set amount from Holyrood’s budget to fund Scottish students. But the IFS said this did not cover the full cost. The policy also means there is a cap on the number of Scottish-domiciled students.

The sustainability of the policy was questioned in January when it was disclosed that a line buried in the Scottish budget document conceded that cuts meant there were “additional savings to be made in the [higher education] sector including from reducing first-year university places”.

Michael Marra, Scottish Labour’s finance spokesman, has suggested his party will need to examine models to reintroduce charges in some form. He said at the weekend: “We are not talking about tuition fees but we are talking about having to find a new formula, a new away of addressing that system. There’s lots of models across Europe. So there’s post-hoc in terms of after the event, things that we had previously whether it be graduate taxes, whether it be endowments.”

The IFS report said the Scottish government’s budget would cut funding for higher education by 3.6 per cent in cash terms once in-year savings are taken into account. Kate Ogden, a senior research economist at the IFS, said: “This will reduce further the per-student resources universities receive and also mean fewer places for new Scottish students.”

Fees for teaching students from outside Scotland were worth about £1.4 billion to Scottish universities in the 2021-22 academic year, accounting for about 30 per cent of their income.

A spokeswoman for the Scottish government said free tuition ensured that “access to university in Scotland remains based on the ability to learn and not the ability to pay”. She added: “That is why we are seeing a record number of Scottish students being accepted to our universities, a record number of full-time first degree entrants from our most deprived communities and why Scotland has the lowest student debt levels in the UK.”


>So are these attacks coming from actual Scots of the bolshevik type or the "migrants?"

I'm not sure there's any truth to it to be honest. The tone of the headline suggests propaganda to me. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


>Hmmm, if only they would test out such an idea, I'm sure the homeless on the streets would volunteer time to try out a cruise ship

Excellent idea anon. I'll volunteer myself.


>Yeah, right

Definitely smells off doesn't it?

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037c4f No.154220

File: 59c9cae9bf61f72⋯.png (511.99 KB,894x899,894:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 536a1c58976d106⋯.png (224.04 KB,610x581,610:581,Clipboard.png)

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File: b5babc209c35f36⋯.png (262.76 KB,572x793,44:61,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20448906 (210050ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP launch new campaign to attract more international students to Scottish universities as they cut places for Scots

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SNP launch new campaign to attract more international students to Scottish universities as they cut places for Scots

The Scottish Government want to use its international offices, known as 'embassies' by rivals, to push more foreign students into Scottish universities despite Shona Robison confirming plans to axe the number of free spots for Scots.

David Walker

7 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government has launched a new campaign to attract more international students to universities, despite cutting the number of funded places for Scots. The SNP Executive published its "International Education Strategy" on Wednesday.

But concerns have been raised that higher educational establishments are now becoming over reliant on funding from foreign students as income from them has now surpassed that from domestic ones. Chronic underfunding from the government has led to universities seeking money from further afield.

SNP finance secretary Shona Robison confirmed earlier this year that there would be 1,200 fewer spaces for Scots students to attend university and blamed the UK Government for this cut. But some experts believe that the true figure could be more like 3,800 as £28.5m is being cut from that budget.

The Scottish Government's publication on its new education strategy does not mention this funding crisis, and instead focuses on what it can do to help attract more international students to Scotland. Its main aim is to "work with our universities and colleges to attract students, staff, and researchers from outside the UK; to help diversify our international student population; and support them to maximise their contribution to Scotland."What about the contributions of Scots to their own lands?

There is a "cap" on the amount for eligible Scottish students who get "funded places" at university with the money for this being supplied by the Scottish Government. Meanwhile, those coming from the rest of the UK need to pay up to £9,250 a year, and international students get charged much more.

It is a long-term SNP boast that the Scots get free tuition at university but this is coming under threat by under-funding. Over the past eight years, the number of students from the rest of the world has increased by 65% while the number coming to Scotland from the rest of the UK has grown by 24%. The number of Scots studying in Scotland over that period has risen by a more modest 19%.

There were about 83,000 foreign students enrolled at Scottish universities in 2021/22 which is 27.5% of the total, with the SNP aiming to increase this further. There were 183,030 Scottish domiciled students, 60.7% of the total.

In the new strategy, the government claim it will use its "international network of offices" to help boost foreign numbers even further. This will include even more taxpayer funded trips by SNP ministers to the likes of China and Germany to promote this new policy.

The Scottish Lib Dems raised concerns that the higher education sector is relying too heavily on international cash. Education spokesperson Willie Rennie said: "For the first time, the income from international students surpassed that from domestic students and both research and teaching is now subsidised by the fees of international students. This leaves Scottish higher education open to shocks in other parts of the world, whether that be economic, security or otherwise.

“The Scottish Government’s strategy is not only delayed but doesn’t sufficiently recognise the risk faced by Higher Education as a result of over exposure. We have already seen this year a reduction in student numbers from some countries like China where economic issues have impacted applications.

"If there were to be more dramatic shocks such as, for example, military conflict between China and Taiwan, the impact on Scottish universities would be huge. This should have been addressed much more effectively by the new strategy.”

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037c4f No.154221

File: 0287a530f5bfd22⋯.png (689.77 KB,906x893,906:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 613025c59c6238c⋯.png (133.27 KB,634x577,634:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 52171fdf58ea14a⋯.png (603.36 KB,576x865,576:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 4cf453407e1dbbd⋯.png (393.39 KB,589x819,589:819,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20449110 (210134ZFEB24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's surge in meetings with foreign dignitaries as SNP leader tries to make himself a statesman

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Humza Yousaf's surge in meetings with foreign dignitaries as SNP leader tries to make himself a statesman

EXPRESS INVESTIGATES: The number of meetings attended by the First Minister on 'international relations' rose by 900% in Mr Yousaf's first five months in office compared with Nicola Sturgeon's final six months in the role

Douglas Dickie

17 FEB 2024

Humza Yousaf has overseen a huge surge in meetings with foreign dignitaries since becoming First Minister, we can reveal. The SNP leader has faced criticism for blurring the lines between devolved and reserved areas over the past year, with international relations reserved to Westminster.

But in the first five months after taking over at Bute House, the number of meetings attended by the First Minister on the subject of foreign relations rose a whopping 900% compared with the final six months of Nicola Sturgeon's reign. Between April and August last year, Mr Humza attended 20 meetings under the subject 'international relations', according to analysis of Scottish Government records.

In comparison, Ms Sturgeon attended just two from October 2022 until March 2023. Mr Yousaf's most prolific month was June 2023 when 10 meetings in his diary were scheduled for talks with foreign dignitaries or on the subject of international relations. They all took place over two days when Mr Yousaf spent time in Brussels trying to schmooze with EU officials.

Among those he met on the trip was fellow separatist and head of the Flemish Government Jan Jambon, with the pair signing a Memorandum of Understanding on trade, research, culture and the environment. Mr Yousaf took the opportunity to declare Scotland a "European nation" during the visit, and also met with New Zealand's UK Ambassador Carl Reaich, Ireland's Ambassador to the EU, Tom Hanney, David McAllister MEP and European Commission's Vice President for Interinstitutional Relations, Maroš Šefčovič.

The visit included dinner with five members of the European Parliament's Friends of Scotland group. August was another busy month with Mr Yousaf attending seven international relations meetings - a figure that doesn't include a 'climate' meeting with former US presidential candidate and special envoy John Kerry, when the pair discussed independence.

On August 9, he met with Australian High Commissioner Stephen Smith and gushed about a free trade deal between the country and the UK. Among the others he met that months were Katrin Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland, Ukrainian Ambassador Vadym Prystaiko, and Dr Amjad Saqib, founder of Akhuwat, an Islamic charity and interest-free loan provider.

Mr Yousaf also attended a service to mark Pakistan indepdence day and a memorial service on Ukraine independence day. He also met with the US ambassador on August 4. Two other international relations meetigs were held in April 2023 and one took place in July.

The Scottish Government records only goes up to August last year, meaning Mr Yousaf will likely have attended many more since. Among those to take place since was a controversial discussion with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in November.

Foreign Secretary David Cameron had threatened to intervene after Mr Yousaf met Erdoğan without a UK diplomat present. The SNP's roster of 'pretend embassies' have also proved controversial with many branding them a waste of taxpayer money.

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037c4f No.154222

File: 1b73a563cea903f⋯.png (495.87 KB,939x1039,939:1039,Clipboard.png)

File: 56a2bcfecbbb349⋯.png (223.61 KB,671x577,671:577,Clipboard.png)

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File: ae3b931367a3fc4⋯.png (375.01 KB,804x867,268:289,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20453379 (212231ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Infection manual overseen by Nicola Sturgeon and Jason Leitch was adopted across the UK during Covid

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Infection manual overseen by Nicola Sturgeon and Jason Leitch was adopted across the UK during Covid

Exclusive: The National Infection Prevention and Control Manual was introduced under the SNP Government in 2012 and later formed the basis for the UK's infection guidelines in the NHS and social care during the pandemic

Ben Borland

18 FEB 2024

Calls are growing for the Scottish and UK Covid inquiries to examine the role played in the pandemic by a set of NHS guidelines launched when Nicola Sturgeon was SNP health secretary.

The National Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM) was first published in 2012, in the wake of the Vale of Leven Hospital C. diff scandal and several other infection outbreaks in Scottish hospitals.

It was updated and expanded and later adopted by the NHS in both England and Wales. As fears over Covid grew in January 2020, the UK Infection Prevention Control (IPC) Cell was established with top health leaders from all four home nations. Its role was to provide advice and guidance for the NHS and social care.

The IPC measures rolled out across the UK were "underpinned" by the Scottish NIPCM. And the guidance is now coming under fire from campaigners, politicians and doctors as having been inadequate, both for the NHS and the social care sector – in particular, care homes.

In its written submission to the UK public inquiry, the British Medical Association specifically cites NIPCM as a cause for concern and states that the "lack of a precautionary approach had major consequences for healthcare workers".

The BMA says: "And while aerosol transmission is now widely recognised as a significant route of infection, the provision of adequate protective equipment for healthcare workers and IPC guidance (which throughout the pandemic was set by the four-nation UKIPC Cell ... ) has not been realigned and remains inadequate."

This is because the NIPCM recommends "fluid resistant surgical masks rather than FFP2/3 respirators for healthcare workers", despite widespread evidence showing they were not effective against an airborne virus. (Government is the real virus!)

The NIPCM also played a part in the disastrous death rate in Scottish care homes, with NHS Scotland chief executive Caroline Lamb telling the inquiry last month that the guidelines in March 2020 didn't include "worked examples for care home settings".

She said that further updates to the manual were issued in April and May, although inquiry lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC asked: "But by the time this guidance starts coming in, people are already dying at a high rate in care homes, aren't they?"

Ms Lamb replied: "It wasn't that there was no guidance there before, there was guidance there in the National Infection Prevention Manual, which had been in place since 2012, the health and social care pandemic flu plan was clear about the additional risks in care home-like environments for elderly people and the increased infection prevention and control measures that need to be followed. But I think what wasn't there was guidance and, you know, worked examples that were relevant to – more relevant to care homes."

Former SNP health secretary Jeane Freeman, who took the fateful decision alongside Ms Sturgeon to rapidly move hundreds of elderly patients from hospitals to care homes to free up beds, appeared to blame care home staff for not following the NIPCM.

During her evidence, she said: "One of the presumptions that I made, and I regret this, is that the national manual for basic infection prevention and control was widely understood and practised. I think, again for reasons I've indicated and with no criticism at all of individual staff, that was not consistently the case."

Although the first edition was signed off by former chief nursing officer Ros Moore, it is understood that national clinical director Jason Leitch played a role in creating the NIPCM through his position at the time as the head of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme.

In 2019, following a number of infection deaths at the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital campus in Glasgow, Ms Freeman was asked at Holyrood if there were "any plans to review and update the 'National Infection Prevention and Control Manual', which was published in 2012?"

She replied: "I have asked our national clinical director and [Healthcare Improvement Scotland] to review our current measures to see whether we can make other improvements to particular steps, in the light of current knowledge."

'NIPCM showed how to spread the virus'

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037c4f No.154223

File: 88935f85f95ab4f⋯.png (230.92 KB,832x829,832:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20453383 (212232ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Infection manual overseen by Nicola Sturgeon and Jason Leitch was adopted across the UK during Covid

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Calls for a full investigation into the NIPCM and the role played by Prof Leitch are being led by the Action for a Safe and Accountable People's NHS group, set up by campaigners Roger Livermore (a former health and safety Crown prosecutor) and Rab Wilson (a former NHS Ayrshire and Arran nurse and whistleblower).

In an email from Mr Livermore, seen by the Scottish Express, he states: "As the lead for patient safety Leitch had overseen the 2012 Infection Prevention and Control Manual (NIPCM) this did not meet Control of Substances Hazardous to Health or PPE regs for dangerous pathogens (group 3 and 4) such as SARS-CoV-2.

"We had no plan for such a virus nor any facilities for handling patient with it. The nearest being in Newcastle. This explains the rapid spread and slow response in Scotland. NIPCM showed how to spread the virus, not control it."

He adds: "During the pandemic the homicidal Scottish NIPCM was adopted across the UK. This was via the secretive IPC Cell - Infection Prevention Control Cell. 4 Nations. No members listed and no minutes. Yet it was a group that had vast impact..responsible for spreading the virus and causing a great many of deaths."

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037c4f No.154224

File: 590ec53afa08740⋯.png (127.78 KB,1135x899,1135:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a8fcb128540df1⋯.png (240.33 KB,771x842,771:842,Clipboard.png)

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File: e3588288a9ab413⋯.png (104.54 KB,509x815,509:815,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20454393 (220235ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / New Halley tweets

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Just got on to Halley's twitter for the first time in a long time and been able to scroll down his tweets. Letting me go back to the end of September only but will post what has been said there until it refreshes and locks me out again.

It's been suggested that John will be at Edinburgh High Court this coming June, and if so is in stark contrast to around 2 years it took to bring John Watt QC to court after his extradition from Oklahoma in the US, and Sheriff Alistair Duff. In the case of Duff strings were pulled and he had all sexual content dropped from the charge which implicated him in watching kiddie porn with his pal who he was talking to online supposedly. He didn't go to court for almost 2 years with a year and a half of that not even making the charges publicly known.

I'll keep looking for verification of him being cited for June.

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037c4f No.154225

File: 736b5dfd1a5cb2f⋯.png (139.22 KB,586x855,586:855,Clipboard.png)

File: b8a028a1f09f52f⋯.png (107.95 KB,570x830,57:83,Clipboard.png)

File: 023263fc6d73b3b⋯.png (231.9 KB,703x856,703:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a65f3afe22db1d⋯.png (120.15 KB,889x723,889:723,Clipboard.png)

File: cba7e4516194531⋯.png (240.09 KB,651x853,651:853,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20454442 (220242ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / New Halley tweets

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Bed for me. Zzz

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037c4f No.154226

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20456993 (221451ZFEB24) Notable: Scotland’s Fuel Binge Offers Glimpse of Future Without Refinery

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Scotland’s Fuel Binge Offers Glimpse of Future Without Refinery

By Alex Longley and Jack Wittels (Bloomberg) — February 21, 2024

A boom in Scottish diesel imports offers a glimpse into the country’s future energy security ahead of the potential closure of its only oil refinery.

Imports to a key port on the east coast surged to the highest in at least eight years in January, data from analytics firm Vortexa Ltd. show. Usually, much of the nation’s diesel is processed from crude at Petroineos’s Grangemouth plant, which may close as soon as next year after losses over the past decade.

The sudden flurry of imports highlights why the potential closure of the refinery outside Edinburgh has become a political hot potato. The site accounts for about 13% of the UK’s fuel production and contributes to about 4% of Scotland’s economy, while also supplying fuel into northern England and parts of Northern Ireland. A shutdown would increase Scotland’s reliance on imports.

“Grangemouth is of strategic importance to the economy, not just of Scotland, but of the whole UK,” Neil Gray, who was the Scottish energy secretary until early February, wrote in a letter to the UK government last month.

A senior Petroineos executive told a Scottish government committee last year that it wants to close the refinery partly because it incurred losses of more than $1 billion in the last decade. He also said that a key diesel-producing unit had been offline for several months due to operational issues, and that its restart was vital for the viability of the refinery’s business.

Much of the infrastructure at the site, which began operating about a century ago, is far older than swaths of new capacity being brought online in the Middle East and China. Petroineos plans to turn the site into a fuel-import terminal and retain its chemicals operations there.

Recent Imports

The precise cause of January’s import boom is hard to pin down, but the Grangemouth refinery — and a pipeline that serves it — have seen some curtailments since last year, and some fuel-making units have been taken out of operation this month.

There was a leak last month at a key crude pipeline that feeds the terminal from the west coast. In the days after, a local fuel station had no gasoline and diesel for almost a week, citing issues at Grangemouth.

Part of the decision to plan for the site’s closure stems from a £40 million ($50.4 million) cost to get a license by mid-2025 to keep it open, Iain Hardie, Petroineos’s head of legal and external affairs, said in a parliamentary committee meeting in December.

That has sparked debate about whether the government should step in to protect hundreds of jobs that risk being lost if the refinery closes.

At a meeting last month, Energy Minister Graham Stuart said the government would consider any requests for support, but that it had received no such claim from Petroineos. The company said it hadn’t made a claim based on feedback from the government.

When Petroineos last year announced the planned closure and conversion of the plant into a fuel-import site, the UK government said it was confident about the country’s supplies.

“Grangemouth is critical national infrastructure, it’s big news in any context,” Petroineos’s Hardie said in December. “What we are doing now is putting in place the enabling infrastructure so that we can continue to play the role of a fuel supplier in Scotland, but not as a manufacturer.”


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037c4f No.154227

File: d4eadcd1ddd621a⋯.png (695.36 KB,972x899,972:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c712fcdd6b47179⋯.png (225.38 KB,693x563,693:563,Clipboard.png)

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File: 5e04b4f13dbb1f9⋯.png (756.85 KB,619x798,619:798,Clipboard.png)

File: 4a75bbf72e327c2⋯.png (161.33 KB,598x481,46:37,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20459135 (222332ZFEB24) Notable: Prince William already planning Coronation changes as he prepares for the throne

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>>>>104239 previous board.


>>Coronation Bun



Prince William already planning Coronation changes as he prepares for the throne

The Prince of Wales, whose wife Princess Kate is recovering from major surgery, is taking on a more active role while his father King Charles undergoes treatment for cancer

Douglas Dickie

22 FEB 2024

Prince William is already planning for life as King as he looks to make wholesale changes to the monarchy. The heir to the throne, 41, is said to have already consulted on alterations he wants to make to modernise the institution.

King Charles, 75, is currently undergoing cancer treatment and although the nature of his condition is unknown, thoughts have turned to his successor. The King continues to work on paperwork and is said to be in good spirits although he has cancelled public engagements for now.

William, whose wife Princess Kate is also recovering from a major operation, will take a more active role. It comes with him still estranged from his brother Harry.

The Prince of Wales, who courted controversy this week with comments about Israel's war with Hamas, is keen to safeguard the future of the royal family in the 21st Century. According to the Daily Mail, sources say he wants to make "substantial changes" to the accession process, coronation and role of the monarchy in the UK.

It is reported he has "consulted relevant parties" but has been advised it would be best to wait until after the general election - and likely change in prime minister - before pushing ahead with them formally. The Ephraim Hardcastle column predicts "change is in the air" but the "pace won't be as leisurely as anticipated a few weeks ago".

Estimates suggest King Charles's coronation in May 2023 cost around £100 million and William could be looking at trimming that down. He may also need to make a final decision on Harry and Meghan Markle's links to the royal family. With Charles reluctant to strip their titles, William may have no such qualms.

It comes as William faced criticism for wading into the debate on Gaza, with many commentators accusing him of breaking protocol by commenting on politics. He called for fighting to end "as soon as possible" and increased humanitarian support for Gaza.

In a statement ahead of visits to recognise the human suffering caused by conflict in the Middle East and the global rise in antisemitism, William said he was "deeply concerned" about the "terrible human cost" since the Hamas terror attack, and added there was a "desperate need" for increased humanitarian support for Gaza.

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037c4f No.154228

File: b96048b4e937f44⋯.png (737.93 KB,944x900,236:225,Clipboard.png)

File: 2a42186611869a5⋯.png (283.19 KB,630x524,315:262,Clipboard.png)

File: 16ec717ad3a3faa⋯.png (496.85 KB,580x868,145:217,Clipboard.png)

File: 4440c18c0fc54fa⋯.png (181.28 KB,570x593,570:593,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20459301 (230005ZFEB24) Notable: BBC Scotland ditches The Nine after miserable viewer figures as broadcaster revamps politics coverage

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BBC Scotland ditches The Nine after miserable viewer figures as broadcaster revamps politics coverage

The broadcaster will also extend Reporting Scotland regularly throughout the year as well as increasing the run of Debate Night ahead of the general election

Douglas Dickie

20 FEB 2024

BBC Scotland has ditched its flagship news show in a bid to revamp its politics and news coverage in a general election year. The Nine was launched in February 2019 on the BBC Scotland channel but has failed to grab the attention of viewers.

Only 1,700 viewers tuned into The Nine on January 10, about 0.1% of those watching television at the time. And The Seven, a 15-minute bulletin which airs on weekends, pulled in just 200 viewers on January 7. As many as 80 journalism jobs were created for The Nine, and more than 750,000 people tuned in for its launch in 2019. Speaking to MSPs last month, Steve Carson, director of BBC Scotland, said “we’re not complacent” and admitted that “The Nine can get some low figures”.

It is part of a range of changes the broadcaster will take forward in an election year. A new 30-minute news programme will instead be shown from 7pm, subject to Ofcom approval, while Reporting Scotland on BBC One Scotland will be extended 'regularly' throughout the year into one-hour specials.

Also getting ditched are Seven Days and The Edit from the BBC Scotland channel. Instead, the broadcaster will launch a new topical current affairs series that will be published as a podcast on BBC Sounds and also be available to audiences on BBC iPlayer, BBC Scotland channel and BBC One Scotland. It will run four times a week in this election year.

The series run of Debate Night will be increased from 24 to 30 while BBC Scotland has vowed to increase the "frequency of ‘live’ online reporting and explanatory articles on the News website and News App". On the radio, Martin Geissler will join the Drivetime team as well as continuing with The Sunday Show.

The SNP’s Culture Secretary Angus Robertson claimed the changes will cut the annual news content on BBC Scotland from 250 to 150 hours. He said he will seek a meeting with Corporation bosses and tweeted: “Extremely disappointing BBC decision to downgrade news output in Scotland. Decision runs counter to growing success of screen and TV sector in Scotland. I am seeking earliest possible meetings with BBC Director General Tim Davie and @Ofcom to discuss.”

Gary Smith, head of news and current affairs at BBC Scotland, said: “It’s going to be a busy year for news with a UK election, an American election, and Scotland’s trip to Germany for the Euros. We need to make sure we keep changing our output as audience habits change so that we provide the best possible service for our audiences in the formats and on the platforms they want.

"I’m very proud that The Nine has produced such great journalism and developed such great talent over the past five years, and I’m confident that our new offer to audiences will continue to meet those high standards." Steve Carson, director of BBC Scotland, added: “In launching new shows and developing our digital services, these changes play to our strengths as an innovative broadcaster that delivers high quality journalism to audiences across all our platforms – from TV and Radio to online news, iPlayer and Sounds."

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037c4f No.154229

File: a0f317d9a65bd5f⋯.png (740.65 KB,963x899,963:899,Clipboard.png)

File: a364857778a3fbf⋯.png (246.25 KB,680x551,680:551,Clipboard.png)

File: 478c5d437d86414⋯.png (501.8 KB,724x681,724:681,Clipboard.png)

File: 7dedeb82ef056d5⋯.png (365.16 KB,595x807,595:807,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20459392 (230020ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP MSP John Mason branded 'anti-semitic' for Holyrood rant as he claims it's acceptable to 'criticise the Jews'

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SNP MSP John Mason branded 'anti-semitic' for Holyrood rant as he claims it's acceptable to 'criticise the Jews'

The Glasgow Shettleston politician is a devout Christian and was criticised for comments he made during a Holyrood debate on Gaza where he suggested it was OK to "criticise the Jews."

David Walker

22 FEB 2024

A controversial SNP MSP has been branded "antisemitic" after he ranted in Holyrood about how it is acceptable to "criticise the Jews." John Mason has been caught up in another religious row for the comments he made during a debate about Gaza at the Scottish Parliament on Thursday.

The Glasgow Shettleston representative is a devout Christian and has sparked outrage previously for supporting protests against abortion outside hospitals. He has even taken part in some himself, which he called "prayer vigils."

And now he has provoked anger again by claiming people are allowed to criticise "the Jews" as part of a speech condemning the Israeli government's actions in the Middle East. He has been urged to apologise for the comments he made during the debate where he discussed the Bible as well.

He said: "Clearly, antisemitism is not the same as valid criticism of Israel, but neither are the two completely distinct and unconnected. Most of the Jews I know in Scotland, and in England as well, have family and friends in Israel.

"It is the only Jewish state in the world and according to the Bible, is the land which God gave his chosen people. Now, having said that, it does not mean that we cannot criticise the Jews or Israel. God himself is hugely critical of his people in much of the scriptures, not least when he punished them by exiling them to Babylon and elsewhere.

"So, it is not antisemitic for some to say that the present Israeli offensive has been over the top and has possibly crossed the line from defence to revenge."

Mr Mason has been outspoken in his beliefs about abortion, claiming that they were like a "conveyer belt" for young women who wanted to get rid of a baby. He has taken part in "prayer vigils" outside hospitals, and is adamantly against the incoming Buffer Zone ban which will be discussed by MSPs.

Scottish Tory MSP and party chairman Craig Hoy said: “This is an appalling antisemitic comment from an SNP MSP that has no place in a mainstream political party. John Mason’s slur could not be more explicit – or ignorant. He must apologise immediately for the gross offence he has caused and Humza Yousaf must take action against his colleague.”

Speaking after FMQs, the First Minister's spokesperson told reporters: "I haven't heard it until obviously you've just mentioned it. I don't want to comment on it specifically but it's important in the context of the conflict in Gaza and Israel that people take great care to mind their language."

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037c4f No.154230

File: 801923350f09eb7⋯.png (484.79 KB,961x888,961:888,Clipboard.png)

File: a95c4196ea87cc2⋯.png (241.61 KB,704x555,704:555,Clipboard.png)

File: 1da846960e898c9⋯.png (195.68 KB,574x866,287:433,Clipboard.png)

File: f005d8993d2b45e⋯.png (193.68 KB,587x802,587:802,Clipboard.png)

File: 3092411443aa6fa⋯.png (255.51 KB,645x869,645:869,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20459480 (230040ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Andrew Neil told Scots now a minority on university courses as he attacks SNP/Green funding cuts

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Andrew Neil told Scots now a minority on university courses as he attacks SNP/Green funding cuts

After the veteran journalist criticised the SNP's 'free' tuition policy, he was inundated with replies from furious Scots who have seen for themselves how difficult it can be for talented youngsters to get a place at uni

Ben Borland

20 FEB 2024

Andrew Neil got more of a response than he bargained for when he tweeted about the latest Institute for Fiscal Studies analysis of the SNP's budget cuts. The IFS said this will will result in fewer places for new Scottish students at Scottish universities.

The veteran journalist tweeted: "Fewer Scots will be able to go to university north of the border because of SNP/Green Coalition cuts to funding and the refusal to charge tuition fees, says the IFS."

This comes as no surprise to tens of thousands of Scottish youngsters who have worked their socks off at school to get glowing results in their Highers, in some cases recording five or six As, only to be told there's no space at their chosen university.

Since posting his comments on X, the former Paisley Grammar School boy who studied politics at Glasgow University (and edited the student newspaper) has been inundated with comments from furious Scots who are living with the consequences of the SNP's commitment to 'free tuition'.

Mark Conway replied: "Within the ideology of the SNP/Scottish Greens, the IFS data that shows fewer Scottish young people can go to university is not what matters, what does matter to them is that Scotland's funding model is different to England’s and that in itself makes it morally superior and fairer."

And Calum Miller offered an employer's perspective when he said: "Hiring any these overseas students is a paperwork nightmare for SMEs. Scottish Universities are educating a foreign workforce to compete with us."

Several people provided their own personal insight into how the system works. One X user replied: "My youngest will be applying next year. Be interesting to see if these much vaunted 'free places' actually materialise."

Another said: "My granddaughters at Glasgow and the only Scottish student in most of her lectures."

Alan Morrison added: "Even if a prospective student has the brains, talent and enthusiasm to go to uni there isn't an option to self fund. Left on the scrap heap at 18 years old!"

However, some Cybernats accused Neil of "orchestrating" a "right wing pile on" and even said Westminster was to blame for the lack of places for Scots at Scottish universities. And one person with an SNP badge on their profile even declared: "Getting into university and getting a degree is not necessarily a good thing and can in fact be extremely damaging for the public health!!!"

According to the IFS, the Scottish Government spends around "£900million year on tuition for Scottish undergraduates who stay in Scotland to study, equivalent to £30,000 per student over their whole degree. This is similar to funding per student in England, where degrees are typically a year shorter".

Kate Ogden, Senior Research Economist, wrote: "Given the challenging financial position the Scottish Government faces, it is important to recognise that the Scottish Government's commitment to free tuition comes with trade-offs. The Scottish Government spends around £28,700 more per student than it would if it were to adopt English arrangements for higher education funding and keep its four-year degrees. It is worth noting that around £4,900 of that spending benefits UK taxpayers, instead of Scottish graduates, through reducing UK government loan write-offs."

One X user suggested: "Perhaps they could look at making their degrees 3 instead of 4 years and teenagers continuing in 6th form college? Or perhaps just take out the costs of the first year and apply it to the secondary education budget."

In response to previous criticism of its 'free' tuition policy, the Scottish Government said: "Every child growing up in Scotland should have an equal chance of attending university, regardless of their background and circumstances. Latest official statistics show we have a record number of students from Scotland's most deprived communities entering university. That is progress which should be welcomed."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154231

File: 7b5e4335ce43d54⋯.png (613.65 KB,886x899,886:899,Clipboard.png)

File: bfd88304262622d⋯.png (515.82 KB,644x865,644:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 81231391e786547⋯.png (614.67 KB,603x857,603:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 62ad2fec91a9e08⋯.png (24.51 KB,594x293,594:293,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20459547 (230058ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / We don't talk about Peter Murrell: SNP refuse to discuss mysterious former boss as Operation Branchform targets staffers

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We don't talk about Peter Murrell: SNP refuse to discuss mysterious former boss as Operation Branchform targets staffers

The former SNP chief executive has been missing in action since his arrest by Police Scotland last April, with Nicola Sturgeon's inner circle claiming they do not discuss him, much like Bruno in the Disney film Encanto.

David Walker

21 FEB 2024

The whereabouts of shamed former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell is a mystery, as senior members of the party claimed he is no longer discussed. Nicola Sturgeon's husband has kept a low profile since being arrested by cops investigating Operation Branchform.

He was interrogated for hours last April as his marital home near Glasgow was searched by detectives. It came just a month after he was forced to step down after lying to journalists about membership figures.

The SNP's HQ in Edinburgh was also raided, and a motorhome was seized from Mr Murrell's elderly mother's driveway in Dunfermline. Cops are looking into whether £600k of ring-fenced Indyref2 funds had been spent elsewhere by the party, and whether this was illegal.

But since his arrest, he has barely been seen in the public, and the Times reports that even those in Ms Sturgeon's inner circle are unclear about his whereabouts or what he has been up to in the last 10 months. One SNP figure said: "Nobody talks about him, nobody has seen him, nobody knows where he is."

Another nationalist source said there had been "not a dickie bird" about Mr Murrell and that MSPs and staffers had stopped asking about their former boss. The other two arrested SNP MSPs, Colin Beattie and Ms Sturgeon, have remained visible in public life, including at Holyrood.

It was also revealed that detectives investigating the SNP's finances are now asking to re-interview staff who work at the party's headquarters. These include workers who were not in place when the inquiry began in July 2021, but have been asked to provide evidence anyway.

Mr Murrell served as chief executive with his wife as first minister, with this issue being deemed a problem afterwards by Humza Yousaf who promised that this would never happen again. It meant the pair had tight control over the finances and other abilities of the party.

Police have been criticised over how long they have taken with the probe, which will be ongoing for three years this summer. The force previously confirmed that it had widened from the original £600k probe to now to look at potential fraud and misuse of funds.

If it remains hanging over the head of the SNP ahead of the next general election and is damaging their prospects. Recent polling has seen the nationalist vote plummet, with Labour looking either neck and neck with them, or winning more seats at the Westminster polls.

Mark Diffley, founder and director of the Diffley Partnership, undertook analysis of 27 polls conducted since Ms Sturgeon quit and found that middle class voters are abandoning the party, with the police probe one reason behind this. He said: "Attitudes seem to have changed most significantly in the spring and early summer of 2023, coinciding with the aftermath of the resignation of the former first minister and news of the police investigation into SNP finances."

A spokesman for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service said: "Senior professional prosecutors from COPFS and an advocate depute are working with police on this ongoing investigation." The SNP was asked to comment.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154232

File: 23747426846e10a⋯.png (599.15 KB,915x812,915:812,Clipboard.png)

File: 36a79eeb4369d7c⋯.png (194.49 KB,684x528,57:44,Clipboard.png)

File: d925c54d5738300⋯.png (62.01 KB,666x843,222:281,Clipboard.png)

File: f533fc0ffa88ebb⋯.png (370.17 KB,618x567,206:189,Clipboard.png)

File: e1b5f59be00690b⋯.png (159.11 KB,579x497,579:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20459646 (230128ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Wind farm hailed by Humza Yousaf in October has ALREADY been paid £50m to switch off

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Wind farm hailed by Humza Yousaf in October has ALREADY been paid £50m to switch off

The First Minister was delighted to welcome Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm in October 2023... but the grid can't always handle the huge amounts of energy it can produce, so consumers have to pay for it to stay offline

Ben Borland

20 FEB 2024

Scotland's largest offshore wind farm welcomed by Humza Yousaf amid massive fanfare in October 2023 has already been paid nearly £50million to switch off.

The Seagreen Offshore Wind Farm boasts 114 giant turbines fixed to the bed of the North Sea some 17 miles off the Angus coast. The 1,075MW wind farm can supply enough electricity to power almost 1.6 million homes.

However, when the powerful winds out in the North Sea are blowing at the wrong times of day, then the National Grid cannot handle all the power generated by Seagreen – and the operators are paid to switch the turbines off.

These so-called 'constraint payments' already adds up to a colossal £49.8m as more than one million megawatt hours of electricity has been turned back from the grid. The cost of the payments is ultimately added to energy bills across the UK.

Seagreen is a joint project between SSE Renewables and TotalEnergies. It began operating in July 2023 and was officially opened three months later, with the First Minister hailing it as a "fantastic example of the work being done to unleash Scotland's renewable potential".

In a rare sign of agreement between the governments in London and Edinburgh, UK Energy Security Secretary Claire Coutinho added: "Offshore wind is a resounding British success story and Seagreen becoming fully operational is yet more proof of our world-leading status."

The 2023/24 storm season has been one of the wildest in recent years, with Storm Babet in October resulting in a red weather warning for Angus as heavy rain and strong winds blasted the east coast. During that month alone, Seagreen was paid £15.7m to keep its turbines offline.

The figures were highlighted by Andrew Montford, the Director of the pressure group Net Zero Watch. He also pointed out the vast sums paid to another Scottish offshore wind farm – Moray East, located in the Moray Firth. It became fully operational in April 2022 and can generate 950MW of power.

Moray East has also been hailed by both Scottish and UK governments, with former Prime Minister Boris Johnson visiting in August 2021. It is a joint venture between British, Spanish, French and Chinese renewable energy firms.

It received £42.9m in constraint payments in 2023, with a further £12.6m following in the first two months of this year. Between them, Seagreen and Moray East accounted for more than a quarter of the £309m paid out in wind farm constraints in the UK in 2023.

In his latest column, Mr Montford writes: "Regular readers will know that I have long been concerned over the extraordinary level of payments to wind farms to switch off. These so-called 'constraint payments' are deemed necessary when the wires in the transmission grid have inadequate capacity to get a generator's power to market. When that happens, the wind farm (and it is always a wind farm) is paid to switch off, and a gas-fired power station is paid to switch on so that the end user of the electricity is not left short.

"This is particularly a problem for wind farms in Scottish waters, because there is relatively little transmission capacity running across the border to England, where most of the power users are found."

All the data is taken from the Renewable Energy Foundation. He added: "Moray East’s constrained volume is 590 GWh, which will represent something like 20% of its output. Seagreen's is 759 GWh, which will be somewhat higher.... In summary then, the rip-off continues, and indeed is getting worse."

Seagreen set a new record as the world's deepest fixed-bottom offshore wind farm, with its deepest foundation installed at 58.7 metres below sea level. At the launch, Stephen Wheeler, Managing Director, SSE Renewables, said: "This makes Seagreen a pioneer for future developments in deeper waters so they can be built faster and more efficiently, accelerating the clean energy transition."

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037c4f No.154233

File: 2003a975f0ce576⋯.png (739.16 KB,898x893,898:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c1c4e542aa54e4⋯.png (287.68 KB,639x518,639:518,Clipboard.png)

File: 9dad727e47ef115⋯.png (546.24 KB,608x671,608:671,Clipboard.png)

File: 6394bf921b1bcb4⋯.png (604.93 KB,617x825,617:825,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20459805 (230158ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Furious victims of 'brain butcher' Eljamel blast the SNP as 'stronger for cover-ups'

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>disgraced doctor Sam Eljamel




Furious victims of 'brain butcher' Eljamel blast the SNP as 'stronger for cover-ups'

The health secretary at least ventured outside Holyrood to speak to protestors who say the dither and delay over the public inquiry into the shamed neurosurgeon cannot continue

Rebecca McCurdy, PA Scotland Political Reporter & Ben Borland Editor

21 FEB 2024

Hoping for progress on the inquiry into a disgraced neurosurgeon is "not good enough", Health Secretary Neil Gray was told as he desperately sought to reassure campaigners.

Dozens of Professor Sam Eljamel's former patients gathered outside the Scottish Parliament on Wednesday to demand a chair is appointed to allow the inquiry to progress. Mr Gray attended the funeral-like protest to tell Prof Eljamel's victims he hopes progress will be made within "weeks".

But Karen Ogg, a former nurse who was given a botched spine operation by the former NHS Tayside neurosurgeon – dubbed the 'brain butcher' – told the minister: "You hope you're making progress - or you are making progress. Hope isn't damn good enough anymore."

Protesters carried a coffin to symbolise the victims of Prof Eljamel who will not live to see the completion of the inquiry or its subsequent recommendations. They also brandished banners saying 'They dither we die' and 'Stronger for cover-ups', a play on the SNP slogan.

A public inquiry was announced by shamed former health secretary Michael Matheson in September but lead campaigner Jules Rose - who was Prof Eljamel's final victim - said 166 days was too long to wait for any further timeline.

Ms Rose, who had a healthy tear gland removed by the surgeon instead of a brain tumour, said: "The Government are dithering and meanwhile time is running out. We are going to be dying by the time they appoint a chair. The patients are understandably angry, they're frustrated and in chronic pain. We want to get this action moving."

Her remarks came after Mr Gray told those gathered he hopes a chair will be in place "in very short order". Speaking to journalists after the protest, Mr Gray said: "I wanted to offer my support to the victims of Sam Eljamel to let them know that we are making progress on the establishment of a public inquiry as soon as possible.

"I am hopeful that we can make a positive announcement in terms of the appointment of a chair in due course and I understand the need for answers in these cases because, as we are hearing so powerfully, people's lives have been ruined and we've lost lives in the interim and people deserve to have answers."

Prof Eljamel worked at NHS Tayside from 1995 until he was suspended in 2013, and the Patients' Action Group for Eljamel Public Inquiry estimates 172 people are known to have been harmed by him. He is now believed to be operating in Libya, with ministers previously hinting the disgraced surgeon could eventually be extradited back to Scotland.

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037c4f No.154234

File: f71ff7d99640a78⋯.png (648.73 KB,915x899,915:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 59726cc27ce0a44⋯.png (229.23 KB,664x544,83:68,Clipboard.png)

File: ad3da3e09086678⋯.png (449.91 KB,826x745,826:745,Clipboard.png)

File: 757d267d42787c4⋯.png (142.24 KB,598x433,598:433,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20465804 (240213ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / New secrecy battle over Nicola Sturgeon report as key details are STILL redacted… despite court defeat

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New secrecy battle over Nicola Sturgeon report as key details are STILL redacted... despite court defeat

After ministers refused to lift the redactions from even one single word from James Hamilton's report, the Scottish Information Commissioner has now been asked to review YET AGAIN whether Freedom of Information law is being complied with

Ben Borland

22 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government is facing a new secrecy battle after refusing to publish any new details from the infamous report into whether Nicola Sturgeon had broken the ministerial code, despite the defeat at the Court of Session.

James Hamilton said the former First Minister had given an "incomplete narrative of events" to MSPs investigating the handling of sexual misconduct allegations against her predecessor Alex Salmond. He was later cleared of all charges in court and the Scottish Government's internal probe was found to be "biased".

However, because Ms Sturgeon had not "deliberately" misled MSPs – most notably, she told them she had completely forgotten about a key meeting that took place in her office at Holyrood – Mr Hamilton found she had not broken the code. However, he admitted he was frustrated that his report contained so many redactions.

A member of the public, Benjamin Harrop, used Freedom of Information legislation to request an unredacted copy of the report, with ministers refusing to comply on the basis that they did not "hold" the information. The Information Commissioner disagreed and after a long secrecy battle, the case ended up at the Court of Session in December.

In a humiliating defeat, judges didn't even retire to consider their verdict and threw out the Scottish Government's case – which had cost the taxpayer £30,000. The court agreed with the Information Commissioner that their argument was "wholly unrealistic".

A number of new FOI requests were then submitted asking for a copy of Mr Hamilton's full report, including by the Scottish Express, with ministers once again refusing to release any further details. Every word that was redacted in the original report will remain redacted, officials said.

Now The Herald newspaper has appealed to David Hamilton, the Scottish Information Commissioner. He could order the Scottish Government to review the report yet again and lift some of the redactions.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "The Court of Session did not instruct the Scottish Government to release material. In line with the Court's judgment in December, we have reviewed the material held and responded in compliance with FOI legislation, applying statutory exemptions as appropriate. The Scottish Information Commissioner has confirmed the requirements of the decision notice have been complied with."

The SNP administration – which is regarded by many as highly secretive and untrustworthy – said that "disclosure of the evidence" would likely "deter individuals from providing free and frank evidence in such investigations in future".

It added "there is a credible risk that officials, particularly those in more junior grades, may feel inhibited in contributing to such investigations if they believe their evidence would be disclosed, other than through the final report prepared by the independent advisers".

The Scottish Information Commissioner's office said the appeal would be reviewed in due course.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154235

File: f0ea0a1b45005d2⋯.png (731.2 KB,955x899,955:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 4ce4e6495f99203⋯.png (184.65 KB,695x532,695:532,Clipboard.png)

File: c31eee54c08e794⋯.png (232.88 KB,639x543,213:181,Clipboard.png)

File: 23e0ffa206a916c⋯.png (146.45 KB,587x497,587:497,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20468213 (241648ZFEB24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / Desperate Michael Matheson asks for more time to respond to damning Holyrood iPad report

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Desperate Michael Matheson asks for more time to respond to damning Holyrood iPad report

The former SNP health secretary was given two weeks to respond to the report about the data roaming scandal that ended his ministerial career... but he has now asked for more time

Ben Borland

21 FEB 2024

Shamed former SNP health secretary Michael Matheson has asked for an extension ahead of the looming publication of a report into his £11,000 iPad bill, it was reported tonight.

The veteran Nat resigned from the Cabinet earlier this month after months of pressure over the huge data roaming charge, racked up by his sons watching Scottish football – apparently without his knowledge – on a family holiday to Morocco.

The Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body (SPCB) has been carrying out a probe into the spending, with Mr Matheson given a copy of its initial findings two weeks ago. It is understood to contain "damning" evidence that suggests he misled officials over the bill when he submitted his expenses.

He was given a fortnight to make representations. It is understood he has asked for an extension to the process, however the reasons behind this are not clear. A spokesman for Mr Matheson said: "Questions on process are a matter for Parliament."

The cost of the data roaming charge was initially picked up by the taxpayer, but Mr Matheson agreed to reimburse it after an outcry. He initially blamed an out-of-date SIM card for the extraordinary bill and insisted he had only used the iPad for constituency work in December 2022.

But in an emotional statement in Holyrood in mid November, he blamed his teenage sons and said they had used the parliamentary device as a hotspot to watch football. Mr Matheson said he had only discovered the truth the week before and had kept quiet to protect his children.

However, he was accused of misleading journalists after denying there was any personal use of the device. At the time, First Minister Humza Yousaf gave Mr Matheson his full backing and described him as a man of integrity and honesty, who had made a mistake.

The Falkirk West MSP is entitled to £12,712 in severance pay following his resignation. He remains an MSP and has not commented on whether he intends to keep his tax-free golden goodbye, which will more than cover the cost of the roaming charge that he eventually agreed to repay.

A Scottish Parliament spokesman said: "For reasons of fairness to all, and confidentiality of process, we will not comment while the parliamentary investigation is ongoing. The SPCB remains committed to openness and transparency and will release all material it can, when it can, in line with its legal obligations."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154236

File: f13036d9c540273⋯.png (480.82 KB,895x899,895:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 944280f485f1863⋯.png (224.47 KB,678x540,113:90,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f992d31d86b6ee⋯.png (449.94 KB,671x812,671:812,Clipboard.png)

File: d06068be210ba26⋯.png (141.14 KB,628x465,628:465,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20468401 (241720ZFEB24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / Disgraced Michael Matheson nabs 10-day extension for response to damning Holyrood iPad report as he 'shamefully stalls for time'

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Disgraced Michael Matheson nabs 10-day extension for response to damning Holyrood iPad report as he 'shamefully stalls for time'

The former SNP minister resigned in disgrace two weeks ago after attempting to force taxpayers to pay for his £11k data roaming bill, which he then admitted his kids had racked up on holiday in Morocco.

David Walker

22 FEB 2024

Disgraced former SNP minister Michael Matheson nabbed himself a big 10-day extension to come up with a response to a report on whether he misused parliamentary expenses. The ex-health secretary has now seen a copy of the publication, which is believed to have led to his resignation two weeks ago.

A draft version of the document was handed to him on Thursday, February 8 by the Scottish Parliamentary Corporate Body who invited him to make comments and representations within 14 days. It is likely to say he breached parliament rules by lying to the presiding officer and officials about his £11k data roaming bill.

He racked up the huge charges while on holiday in Morocco, and initially claimed it was solely down to constituency work when confronted in November last year. But he was forced to make a humiliating u-turn a few days later after lying to reporters and saying there was "no personal use."

During a personal statement at Holyrood, he tearfully admitted that his children had used his data to watch Scottish football, but he had not been told about this for over a year. He submitted himself for an independent report, which led to him eventually resigning so he is "not a distraction" to the Scottish Government.

But the report has also left his long-term career as an MSP hanging by a thread as it is likely he will referred to either Holyrood’s standards, procedures and public appointments or the Ethical Standards Commissioner and could be at risk of being suspended as an MSP.

The Scottish Parliament has revealed that Mr Matheson did request an extension for the 14 days on Valentine's Day, and this was accepted by them. The SCPB "noted its responsibility to ensure that the Member was afforded a fair process, including the opportunity to obtain advice if necessary and to ensure that the report was complete and accurate. The SPCB also noted the public interest in discharging its functions under the Code of Conduct promptly. "

It agreed an extension of 10 days. A Scottish Parliament spokesperson said: “For reasons of fairness to all, and confidentiality of process, we will not comment while the parliamentary investigation is ongoing. The SPCB remains committed to openness and transparency and will release all material it can, when it can, in line with its legal obligations.”

The Falkirk West MSP is entitled to £12,712 in severance pay following his resignation. He remains an MSP and has not commented on whether he intends to keep his tax-free golden goodbye, which will more than cover the cost of the roaming charge that he eventually agreed to repay.

Humza Yousaf repeatedly refused to sack his ally despite calls from within his own SNP. This will prove to be a further embarrassment for the first minister if he is found to have broken ministerial or parliamentary rules.

Scottish Conservative Chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: “The disgraced Michael Matheson is now shamefully trying to stall for time. The public who were rightly outraged by his repeated lies will be asking serious questions as to what more he needs to think over.

“We know the former health secretary has some brass neck given how long he took to eventually resign, but asking for this extension takes some special nerve. Michael Matheson should stop trying to hope this goes away, and accept the report’s findings as quickly as possible, as well as any possible punishment that will be coming his way.”

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037c4f No.154237

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20468656 (241812ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Shona Robison to withhold UK Government cash from councils who don't back SNP policy

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Shona Robison to withhold UK Government cash from councils who don't back SNP policy

The Finance Secretary says councils that do not freeze the council tax will not receive additional Barnett consequential funding from the Scottish Government

Douglas Dickie

23 FEB 2024

Shona Robison will refuse to hand over UK Government to hard-pressed Scottish councils who do not back the SNP's council tax policy. The Finance Secretary is prepared to withhold nearly £68 million in Barnett consequentials if local authorities don't freeze council tax.

It comes despite claims from councils that the funding offered by Scottish Ministers will not cover a freeze. One Scottish council has already defied the SNP, with Argyll and Bute raising tax by 10%, amid claims the Scottish Government is trying to bully local government.

Humza Yousaf announced the policy at the SNP's party conference in October. At the time, it was uncosted and the full implications were not known while councils have also hit out at central government meddling in their affairs, with the levy supposed to be set by councillors, not MSPs.

Ms Robison outlined her spending plans in December as she looked to plug a £1.5bn black hole in Scotland's public finances. She initially set aside £147m and insisted it was fully funded before eventually committing to a further £45m expected from Westminster and another £17.7m.

Chiefs at local government umbrella group COSLA are said to be angry that the additional funding is dependent on them agreeing to a council tax freeze, reports the Daily Record. In a letter to the Finance Secretary, they said: "It has now been confirmed by civil servants that any council which does not implement a freeze will not receive any of the funding, which will in fact mean a financial sanction (counter to Scottish Government’s previous public position).

"We would ask that this additional funding of £62.7m is allocated to all councils flexibly, no matter what their decision in relation to the council tax freeze." However, Ms Robison has confirmed she will only hand it over to local authorities who follow the Nat line.

In her response, she said: "I confirm that as set out in my letter of February 21 the offer of a £62.7 million increase in the General Revenue Grant is contingent on agreement to freeze the Council Tax. I am pleased that the majority of councils which have set their budgets to date have chosen to accept the additional funding and freeze council tax in 2024-25."

She added: "I hope that all other councils yet to make their decision also freeze their council tax now that we have offered this compromise."

Scottish Conservative shadow secretary for finance and local government, Liz Smith MSP said: "Shona Robison is clearly resorting to desperate measures to try to force councils to agree a flagship SNP policy. That is no way to treat local authorities who have already suffered years of savage cuts from SNP ministers. They were promised in the Budget Statement that the council tax freeze would be fully funded but Shona Robison’s letter to councils earlier this week makes it plain that that was just not true.

"Humza Yousaf’s flagship pledge – which he announced to get a much needed cheer at SNP conference –is in danger of lying in tatters now Argyll and Bute have announced a ten per cent rise. Our cash-strapped councils should not be bearing the brunt of the SNP’s financial incompetence. Shona Robison should drop this threat and instead listen to councils’ concerns.”

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037c4f No.154238

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20468841 (241841ZFEB24) Notable: Parents up in arms at 'mind-bogglingly brainless' anti-racist indoctrination in Scottish schools

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Parents up in arms at 'mind-bogglingly brainless' anti-racist indoctrination in Scottish schools

Critical race theory is now embedded in every subject under the SNP's new 'anti-racism' programme, even maths where pupils are taught about how the Nazis or slave owners used statistics

Ben Borland

24 FEB 2024

A Scottish education conference is to hear alarming details about the extent of anti-racist "indoctrination" in universities, schools and even nurseries under the SNP. Teachers are told that "critical race theory should be embedded in every subject".

Alka Sehgal-Cuthbert, Director of Don't Divide Us, will be among the speakers at the Scottish Union for Education (SUE) gathering in Glasgow on March 9. She was cancelled by an education conference in London last year to protect the "psychological safety" of other attendees.

The billing states: "SUE is increasingly receiving reports from parents and teachers about how the new 'anti-racism is prevalent in more than just a few rogue schools. Critical Race Theory (CRT) has become embedded in the curriculum that teaches white children that they are privileged and complicit in oppression."

The Scottish Government's Race Equality and Anti-Racism in Education Programme, rolled out nationwide in 2021, states: "Scotland's schools and early learning environments will promote and embed racial equity, anti-racism and global citizenship through their systems, leadership and curriculum drawing from a critical race theory framework."

Ahead of the event, SUE chairman Stuart Waiton spoke to the Scottish Daily Express about the woke ideology. He said: "Critical race theory must now be embedded in every subject, even maths, so you get examples of how statistics were used by the Nazis or slave owners. That's how you use maths as an opportunity to talk about racism.

"It is mind-bogglingly brainless, a forced desire to put anti-racism at the heart of everything. Across Scottish education and the Scottish Government itself, white privilege and systemic racism is just accepted as an absolute fact."

He added: "There is no evidence that the people who manage education in Scotland have any respect or love for subject knowledge, its all about values and creating citizens with the 'right' values. Subjects such as history become incredibly one-dimensional, because they are not interested in any of the gains from western and European civilisation, ideals such as freedom, democracy and equality."

Dr Waiton, a sociologist and criminologist at Abertay University in Dundee and well-known social commentator in Scotland, said the use of CRT in schools "actually recreates racial division, because it is taken as a fact that every white person is privileged and every black person is oppressed, regardless of their background".

He added: "This is across the board at every Scottish school and every university, where you have lecturers decolonising the curriculum and looking at everything through the framework of white guilt."

Critical race theory has also influenced the disciplinary approach taken by schools, with SUE hearing reports that white pupils are being recorded as 'racist' without any proper investigation of the facts.

Dr Waiton said: "The most recent one was two five year olds at a school in Glasgow who were defined as racist after using terms such as brown or black, without any malice, just for using the words. We heard from another parent of a boy aged about 11 who was being bullied by a group of Muslim boys. They told the teacher that he was being racist and it was automatically accepted and recorded as fact. Or there's the school in Edinburgh where a support group has been set up that is exclusively for black parents. How is that helpful in 2024?"

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037c4f No.154239

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20470420 (242223ZFEB24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Scottish Government 'spoke about cutting all the ethics crap' to use AI during Covid pandemic

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Scottish Government 'spoke about cutting all the ethics crap' to use AI during Covid pandemic

THE AI FILES: Artificial intelligence used for contact tracing and surveillance, mapping the spread of the virus and predicting new variants – and some in the Scottish Government didn't want 'ethics' getting in the way

Ben Borland

24 FEB 2024

Senior figures in the Scottish Government "spoke about cutting all the ethics crap" and introducing artificial intelligence systems to help tackle the Covid pandemic.

It comes after the UK Covid-19 Inquiry heard about the widespread deletion of WhatsApp messages and other correspondence and the failure to keep records of what was discussed during crucial meetings. Civil servants joked about having "plausible deniability" while political aides deliberately set out to stir up division with the UK Government.

The latest revelation comes in a new academic study looking at the use of AI by the SNP administration in Edinburgh. A researcher from the University of the West of Scotland carried out 12 anonymous interviews with civil servants, public sector employees and AI and tech experts.

One section looked at "ethical obstacles", such as the fear that people's health records would be "monetised" by private companies following data scandals such as Cambridge Analytica. It says the Scottish Government had taken steps "soften up" the public to "the usage of AI and Big Data".

The report continues: "Some interviewees, however, described their perceptions of how transparency and openness were not always realised even within the Scottish Government. For example, at certain moments during the Covid-19 pandemic some in the Scottish Government 'spoke about cutting all the ethics crap' to allow for speedier responses to the crisis."

The comment was made by a public sector employee, although the full interview is not published with the study. A civil servant also admitted that ethics is often regarded as a "tickbox exercise rather than as something that can make their project better".

Scottish Lib Dem justice spokesman Liam McArthur said: "Comments like this do little to reassure people that the Scottish Government can use AI and other developing technologies in a sensible and proportionate manner.

"The UK Covid Inquiry has already exposed a cavalier attitude to record-keeping and data management by this SNP government. No government should ever allow technological leaps to run ahead of civil liberties. Scottish Liberal Democrats will continue pressing ministers to ensure that the use of technology is properly regulated, that meaningful safeguards are in place and that data is used and stored appropriately."

AI technology played a huge role in the pandemic, helping to accelerate research on vaccines and treatments, predicting new variants and mapping the spread through surveillance and contact tracing. An OECD report published in April 2020 states: "Before the world was even aware of the threat posed by the coronavirus, artificial intelligence systems had detected the outbreak of an unknown type of pneumonia in China."

'A history of IT failures'

Returning to the UWS study, one civil servant admitted the Scottish Government has a "history of IT failures", which goes some way to explaining why ministers are "generally risk-averse with regards to AI".

According to the author, Hartwig Pautz: "One of the tasks of organisations such as the AI Alliance is to 'soften up' the public to the usage of AI and Big Data, while the AI Register is to address concerns around algorithmic transparency."

The AI Alliance, launched in 2021, is a partnership between the Scottish Government and innovation quango The Data Lab. It is charged with "delivering Scotland's AI Strategy", which saw the launch of the AI Register last year. One of the first projects on the register, as revealed by the Scottish Daily Express, is a proposal to use AI to identify children at risk of sexual exploitation.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "We can categorically say that Scottish Ministers endeavour to ensure that use of Artificial Intelligence in Scotland is trustworthy, ethical and inclusive at all times."

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037c4f No.154240

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20470553 (242253ZFEB24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / SNP Government looking at Artificial Intelligence to hunt for children at risk of sexual exploitation

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SNP Government looking at Artificial Intelligence to hunt for children at risk of sexual exploitation

Exclusive: The Scottish Children's Reporter Administration is looking at using a computer algorithm to search for children who have fallen victim to grooming gangs... but critics warn that it is a 'risky approach'

Ben Borland

18 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government has been working on a "risky" artificial intelligence (AI) system that "could be used to support the identification of Childhood Sexual Exploitation".

The 'intelligent' computer programme – called the Indication System for Sexual Exploitation Risk (ISSER) – would sift through the records of all children referred to the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration and compare them against "a set of 35 risk factors" associated with child abuse and grooming. (What? Is that to continue the process? Will Scotland's No'1 groomer John Swinney be running this one too?)

Last year, some 10,981 children and young people were referred to the SCRA for a variety of reasons. Under the proposals, the ISSER would "search for key words and phrases that would indicate whether each of the individual risk factors for CSE were present or absent".

The plan states: "After completing the searches, the AI would present Reporters with an overall CSE risk score, in addition to indicating whether each risk factor was present or absent." The SCRA adds that it is "critically important to note that the AI system would be aimed at enabling and assisting human decision-making by skilled and experienced Children's Reporters, not replacing it".

However, Scottish Lib Dem justice spokesman Liam McArthur warned against entrusting such an important task to a computer algorithm. He said that even one error could "ruin lives", adding that the SNP's track record on data protection and the roll-out intrusive new technologies was poor.

"Even although this is still very much a hypothetical and has a human taking the final decision, I am concerned by the risky approach underpinning these proposals," he said. "Lives could so easily be ruined by just a single error. These cases are often incredibly complex, contain nuanced facts and circumstances and require detailed interpretation.

"At present, it is unclear as to whether an algorithm can successfully process all of this. Ministers have a long history of jumping on board with new technologies such as facial recognition without putting in place proper safeguards. I have a hard time believing that they will be any more careful with AI."

The SCRA has been working with the Scottish Government and Finnish AI firm Saidot "to undertake a series of consultations exploring the key ethical, privacy and rights-based issues that might exist". It adds: "The findings of these consultations will be used to shape future decisions about whether, and how, AI could be used within the Children's Hearings System."

According to the SCRA, "CSE is often poorly recognised, even where there is already significant level of involvement from health and social care services". Among the risk factors that would be considered by ISSER would be "identifying children who frequently ran away from home or went missing overnight".

The majority of referrals to the SCRA each year are made by police (7,949 in 2022/23), followed by social work (2,283) and schools (961). Other youngsters are referred by a relative (162 last year) or a health workers (143).

Most referrals relate to a 'lack of parental care' (3,208 referrals in 2022/23), an 'offence' committed by the young person (2,590) or a 'close connection with a person who has carried out domestic abuse' (2,036). Other grounds for referral include 'conduct harmful to self or others' (1,177) or 'failure to attend school without a reasonable excuse' (738).

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037c4f No.154241

File: c001b1d3727a4e5⋯.png (212.57 KB,594x858,9:13,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20470568 (242255ZFEB24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / SNP Government looking at Artificial Intelligence to hunt for children at risk of sexual exploitation

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Charities say that child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a specific type of sexual abuse, which "happens when a child or young person is coerced, manipulated or deceived into sexual activity in exchange for things that they may need or want like gifts, drugs, money, status and affection".

Since it was added as a new category to the Child Protection Register in Scotland in 2016, official figures show that CSE has been raised as a concern by social workers on 595 occasions. In 2022, it featured in 3% of all cases of children on the register (84 out of 9,274).

AI will 'act purely as an aid to decision-making'

A spokeswoman for the SCRA said: "Our work on exploring whether Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help support the decision making of Children's Reporters, is at a very early stage. We know this technology can be transformational, but we are also aware that it can bring risks and concerns. Ethics and rights are hugely important to us in our work."

The agency added that it is about to embark on an "extensive piece of research" with children, their families and "other key stakeholders" to "explore whether AI has a place in the Children's Hearing System". The work will be carried out between May-December this year.

The spokeswoman continued: "The research will gather perceptions on using AI within the Children's Hearings System and views on the ethical, legal and rights-based implications of using AI within the Children's Hearings System. The research will also gather views on a range of potential ways that AI could be used, including the identification of children and young people at potential risk of sexual exploitation. The difficulties in all agencies identifying the risk factors for children is clearly understood and has been subject to research."

She added: "We would like to provide reassurance that any such tools adopted by SCRA in the future will act purely as an aid to support decision-making undertaken by our highly skilled Children's Reporters."

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "No software has been developed, and no decision to introduce this technology will be made unless agencies are satisfied that the evidence base is sound, and the ethical issues can be safely addressed."

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037c4f No.154242

File: a2ab5b80ac0191f⋯.png (628.34 KB,915x898,915:898,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20478400 (261247ZFEB24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Operation Branchform costs soar to £1.3 million as officers continue probe into SNP finances

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Operation Branchform costs soar to £1.3 million as officers continue probe into SNP finances

Police Scotland has a team of 20 staff working on the probe which started in 2021 after allegations of fraud surrounding £600,000 raised to fight a second independence referendum

Douglas Dickie

23 FEB 2024

The cost of a police probe into SNP finances have risen to £1.3 million, according to reports. Operation Branchform was set up to investigate allegations of fraud relating to £600,000 raised by SNP activists to fight a second independence referendum.

Its scope has been expanded since starting in the summer of 2021. Nicola Sturgeon, Peter Murrell and Colin Beattie have all been arrested and questioned in relation to Branchform.

No one has been charged so far. We previously reported that the cost of the investigation had reached the £1m mark. And now pro-Scexit newspaper The National is reporting that the cost to the public purse has risen to £1.3m.

The paper reports a Freedom of Information request confirmed the figure. It also reports that, as of January 20, a team of 20 police staff were working on the probe. They include a detective chief inspector and detective inspector, three detective sergeants, 10 detective constables, and five support staff.

One other detective sergeant spent time on the team during part of 2023. Police Scotland estimates the salary cost up to January 31, 2024 to be £1,222,301. A further £79,596 had been spent on overtime pay along with £929.89 on vehicle costs. It brings the total estimate to £1,302,826.89.

It is unclear when Operation Branchform will conclude. The police will present their findings to the Crown Office who will decide if charges will be brought. Police Scotland said it was unable to comment on an ongoing investigation while the SNP said the costs will "obviously increase when the inquiry has been running as long as this".

Murrell, who is married to Sturgeon and stood down as SNP chief executive during the leadership contest last year, was arrested in April last year. The house he shares with the former first minister was raided by cops along with SNP HQ in Edinburgh.

Beattie, a former SNP treasurer, was arrested around a fortnight later. Sturgeon, who maintains she has done nothing wrong, was later interviewed in June. We reported recently that none of the trio had been spoken to be police since their arrests. It emerged this week that SNP staffers were to be re-interviewed by officers.

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037c4f No.154243

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20486416 (280009ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Scottish Budget voted through with tax hike for high-earning workers (video)

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Scottish Budget voted through with tax hike for high-earning workers

Daily Record

61K subscribers

Feb 27, 2024 #DailyRecord #Scotland #Budget

SNP and Green MSPs have voted through the Scottish Government Budget for the year ahead which includes a tax hike for high-earners.

Shona Robison, the Finance Secretary, claimed today the creation of a new 45 per cent "advanced" rate of income tax for Scots earning between £75,000 and £125,140 would help fund the NHS.

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037c4f No.154244

File: b42197bd443656e⋯.png (576.82 KB,894x899,894:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20486585 (280039ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP and Scottish Greens vote through budget which hammers businesses and leaves Scots in a 'state of despair'

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SNP and Scottish Greens vote through budget which hammers businesses and leaves Scots in a 'state of despair'

Finance secretary Shona Robison managed to push through her widely derided budget, meaning cuts for housing, ScotRail and enterprise organisations but increases for benefits and social security, as well as higher income taxes for thousands of Scots.

David Walker

27 FEB 2024

The SNP and Scottish Greens combined to vote through a universally damned Scottish Government budget which will "hammer" Scots and leave businesses and organisations in "a state of despair." It means cuts to various sectors, including affordable housing, ScotRail, enterprise quangos and mental health.

And it also solidifies tax hikes for all Scots who earn over £43,662 due to a new tax band being introduced for those who make £75,000 and fiscal drag forcing the likes of nurses, teachers and cops into a higher tax band when they get pay rises. Councils were also told that if they don't freeze council tax then they will not receive millions of pounds in funding.

Despite the Scottish Greens speaking out against this freeze, their MSPs followed the SNP in voting it through anyway. As did nationalist rebels including Fergus Ewing and Kate Forbes who have previously criticised the increased tax burden on Scots due to the negative impact on the economy.

The Scottish Tories quoted the words of businessman Sandy Begbie, chief executive of Scottish Financial Enterprise, who said that Scotland was becoming a "dangerous place to be rich or create wealth." Entrepreneurs and businesses have all spoken out negatively on the budget, pointing out that it would not deliver sustainable growth.

Liz Smith, Scottish Conservative shadow finance secretary, highlighted that businesses were left in "a state of despair" at the Scottish Government's refusal to listen to them. She added: "This SNP budget does nothing to stimulate jobs, investment, economic growth or encourage aspiration, but instead offers higher taxes and reduced public services.

“Virtually every business group has condemned Shona Robison’s plans, which will hammer Scottish workers, the majority of whom pay more tax than they would in the rest of the UK. And for the second year in a row, they have failed to pass on UK funding for business rates relief. That prevents the economic growth we desperately need to pay for essential services. If Scottish growth had matched the rest of the UK’s since 2017, we would have £6billion more to spend in this budget.

“The SNP’s mismanagement means that instead Scots will face savage cuts while paying more. Yet while the NHS, education, housing, enterprise, agriculture and tourism are being hit, the SNP can still find money for its divisive independence ministry.”

Finance secretary Shona Robison blamed the UK Government for its "failure to invest in public services and infrastructure." She called on chancellor Jeremy Hunt to not cut taxes for Brits in his Spring budget and to "increase the capital funding available to Scotland."

She claimed that she had "taken decisions in this budget which prioritise funding in the areas which have the greatest impact on the quality of life for the people of Scotland. This is a budget which stays true to our progressive values and what it means to call Scotland home: protecting the vulnerable, investing in services, growing our economy, and tackling the climate emergency."

But this was disputed by Scottish Labour finance spokesman Michael Marra who labelled it a "chaotic and incompetent budget" which has been "damned under scrutiny by cross party committees" as it "fails the government's own tests, it betrays their own rhetoric and their own spin and it is not a budget for growth or public service."

He pointed out that the SNP were using income tax to "plug the hole left by their failure to grown the economy" and that it is a budget "that hikes taxes for nurses struggling with their mortgage." Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton described the government ministers as being "completely out of ideas about how to spark growth, drive innovation, or enlarge the tax base sustainably."

He then insisted that it has a "habit of making costly blunders" before listing them off: "Ferries; the botched deposit return scheme; independence papers; selling Scotland’s prize seabed on the cheap; and next in their sights is the clueless billion-pound bureaucratic ministerial takeover of social care.

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037c4f No.154245

File: 83b913ed0a83069⋯.png (166.46 KB,559x531,559:531,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20486596 (280040ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / SNP and Scottish Greens vote through budget which hammers businesses and leaves Scots in a 'state of despair'

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In the business sector, director of the Scottish Retail Consortium David Lonsdale blasted the "significant flaws" within the "guddle of a budget." He added: "It remains an inadequate response to the task at hand of delivering a coherent plan to lift economic growth and private sector investment. With Scotland’s economy in the doldrums regrettably this Budget seems set to make things more challenging.

“Higher incomes taxes for some will leave pay packets lighter and dent consumer spending. 4,550 stores operating from medium-sized and larger premises will pay considerably more in business rates from April. These stores underpin the vitality of our town and city centres yet face the biggest annual uplift in rates since the advent of devolution. This will see the business rate soar to a 25-year high for these shops."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154246

File: 37f6cf7979ea072⋯.png (490.58 KB,890x899,890:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 85755c1162eb5c9⋯.png (200.18 KB,626x577,626:577,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f2352486de052f⋯.png (290.97 KB,571x864,571:864,Clipboard.png)

File: 2f2032c372e8f2e⋯.png (394.3 KB,597x770,597:770,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f47bb6f1fca2e2⋯.png (174.89 KB,569x565,569:565,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20486676 (280058ZFEB24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Jenny Gilruth mocked for 'beggars belief' claim she has not seen notorious 'Traitors' front page in car crash BBC interview

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Jenny Gilruth mocked for 'beggars belief' claim she has not seen notorious'Traitors' ==front page in car crash BBC interview

The Scottish Government's education secretary claimed she had not seen the infamous Press & Journal front page which labelled Scottish Labour traitors for its plans for an oil and gas windfall tax.

David Walker

26 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government education secretary Jenny Gilruth has been mocked over her claim that she's not seen a notorious newspaper front page which compares Scottish Labour to "Traitors." Her comments "beggars belief" according to rivals as a number of her SNP colleagues all shared the image.

She made the claim during a car crash interview with BBC Scotland's Sunday Show where she also said she had not read a damning violence in schools report from Aberdeen. A publication put out last week showed that a third of the 800 teachers surveyed in the Granite City had been attacked in their classrooms.

Ms Gilruth said she had not seen the front cover of the Press and Journal that branded Scottish Labour "traitors" due to the party's attempts to increase the windfall tax in the North Sea. Critics in the industry have claimed that this could cost 100,000 jobs and is a betrayal of the sector.

As a north-east paper, the TV show Traitors was filmed in the Highlands, hence the play on words. It has been criticised for inflaming politics which is leading to death threats against some politicians. Ms Gilruth cautioned BBC about using inflammatory language when discussing school violence, and was asked whether this should also be told to Humza Yousaf who called his opponents "traitors" at FMQs.

She said: "I’m not going to comment on the specifics of a newspaper headline I haven't seen." She then added: "I think we all need to carefully think about language, whether we're talking about behaviour of our children, young people in schools, or whether we're talking about our political opponents."

But opposition critics have called this statement a "cop out" considering how many SNP politicians all shared the front page in recent days. Scottish Lib Dem MSP Willie Rennie said: "Our politics has become a tinderbox so it is on everyone to turn down the heat.

“It’s a cop out for Jenny Gilruth to demand people dial back criticism of her government’s policy failures while her own party leader goes after others in a personal and inflammatory fashion. Both she and Humza Yousaf should know better.”

Scottish Labour deputy leader Jackie Baillie added: "That Jenny Gilruth claims to have not seen the front page repeatedly shared on social media by SNP figures including the First Minister beggars belief. The uncomfortable truth is that the dangerous language used and parroted by the SNP is a glimpse into the way they view their political opponents.”

Mr Yousaf was asked about the row on Monday, and said: "I thought it was a very important front page from the P&J, a very good front page from the P&J because what it did of course was point out the fact that Labour has completely turned its back on the north-east due to their plans which would effectively mean 100,000 jobs in the north-east would be put at risk, I would never apologise for standing up for the north-east. If you have any issues with the front page of the P&J, you should probably ask the P&J."

An SNP spokesperson said: “Mr Yousaf was citing a headline carried by the Press & Journal newspaper to describe Labour letting down people in the North East of Scotland, which itself was a play on the name of a recent popular television programme.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154247

File: b66541ac85411ef⋯.png (639.12 KB,974x899,974:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 5b9b3e9c3594bd9⋯.png (241.89 KB,629x537,629:537,Clipboard.png)

File: 8296438cb304970⋯.png (514.41 KB,574x863,574:863,Clipboard.png)

File: b038e0f203c35d5⋯.png (353.23 KB,573x860,573:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20491543 (282229ZFEB24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP minister Angela Constance announces wholesale justice review which could lead to less jail time for criminals

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SNP minister Angela Constance announces wholesale justice review which could lead to less jail time for criminals

The Scottish Government will launch an external review into its sentencing and prison policy due to overcrowding reports in jails, with this including less short spells in custody for offenders.

David Walker

27 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government have announced a review into sentencing and prison policy in a bid to lower the number of criminals being jailed. SNP justice secretary Angela Constance confirmed that the plan would be to bring in more community measures to cut down on offenders being handed short spells in custody.

Her announcement came at a time when jails in Scotland are becoming increasingly overcrowded, with the population set to rise to more than 8,000 later this year. If it reaches 8,500, prison bosses have warned that cons will need to be released early without any restrictions for safety reasons.

Critics pointed out that the SNP Executive have failed to build new institutions to house prisoners, and are instead being forced to use Victorian-era premises which are not suited for modern day. HMP Glasgow and HMP Inverness have been delayed, with the costs spiralling.

Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay did praise Ms Constance for committing to not releasing inmates early, but highlighted that her government had failed to deal with the growing issue of overcrowding in jails. He said: "It's important to note that each and every prisoner is behind bars due to the outcome of a robust and independent judicial process.

"I'm sure that people will share my relief today that this statement did not include some plan to conduct a mass release as we saw during the pandemic, that would have been a mistake, prisoners released en mass and without support would again have resulted in significant re-offending.

"Part of the problem is the SNP government has failed to build adequate prison capacity. HMP Glasgow will be years late, and cost at least £400m. The government talks about alternatives to custody but fails to deliver them.

"The cabinet secretary spoke about robust community service alternatives, take alcohol monitoring technology as an example. This equipment precisely detects if the wearer has consumed alcohol in breach of bail or parole conditions. This smart technology has been used successfully across the rest of the UK but the SNP are still thinking about it, I would like to see action on this.

"I also note that the cabinet secretary says that yet another review is being instructed, words that fill most of us I'm sure with dread. I'd like to know what is the exact purpose of this review and who will be on it? This can’t be used as an excuse to empty our prisons. It’s vital that they listen to victims’ voices and don’t prioritise the needs of criminals.”

Ms Constance said the Government could not build its way out of the problem, but later confirmed the government remained committed to HMP Barlinnie's replacement. This is because they had no choice but to do so, because the current jail holds one in eight of the country's prisoners.

She confirmed that she would look at the alcohol monitoring technology but insisted that more community interventions were needed. She said: "Protecting victims and the public from harm is my absolute priority and prison will always be necessary as part of that.

"However, we must recognise that, while appropriate in many cases, short prison sentences are often not the best way to reduce reoffending, with those released from short custodial sentences re-convicted nearly twice as often as those sentenced to a community payback order.

“Therefore an externally led review of sentencing and penal policy will allow us to re-visit the fundamental question of how imprisonment and community-based sentences are used. We must do more to develop community interventions with increased breadth and depth, so that the courts have a greater selection of options to deal robustly and constructively with the individuals before them."

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037c4f No.154248

File: 560e23f0d1bf0d5⋯.png (638.11 KB,976x899,976:899,Clipboard.png)

File: b2eb6e6e78a25dd⋯.png (314.99 KB,695x629,695:629,Clipboard.png)

File: 377cadde0274d9b⋯.png (218.8 KB,640x870,64:87,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c28156bf27118a⋯.png (361.07 KB,596x865,596:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20491709 (282300ZFEB24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Shona Robison to withhold UK Government cash from councils who don't back SNP policy

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Shona Robison branded 'financially illiterate' as Westminster urged to block SNP's plans to withhold cash from councils

The Scottish Government finance secretary confirmed she was 'committed' to council tax reform promised by the SNP 17 years ago, as a Labour council leader wrote to Michael Gove asking for direct funding to stop the nationalists withholding cash from local authorities.

David Walker

28 FEB 2024

Shona Robison has been branded "financially illiterate" over her council tax freeze plans as calls were made for the UK Government to step in and prevent the SNP from withholding money from local authorities. The Finance Secretary indicated that councils who fail to obey orders from the Scottish Government would not get extra cash from Westminster.

She also gave an interview to Scotland Tonight where she was mocked for claiming that she was working on plans to replace council tax, with this being 17 years in the making as Alex Salmond was elected as First Minister in 2007 on a platform of doing just that.

The row between the SNP and councils deepened after a Labour council leader wrote to Michael Gove to urge him to step in and fund local authorities directly. It comes as the Scottish Government threatened to withhold £45m of Barnett Consequentials if a council tax freeze was not passed through.

Already, Argyll and Bute Council have refused to do so, hiking up the tax by 10 per cent and potentially losing its share of the £147m previously announced by the nationalist executive to cover this. The extra £45m is expected to come from increases in spending in England on adult social care, but will not go to local authorities if they don't listen to the SNP.

Stephen McCabe, leader of Inverclyde Council, has contacted Mr Gove and asked him to bypass the Scottish Government. The Daily Record reports that he wrote: "You will be aware from press reports that the Scottish Government’s Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance Shona Robison MSP has advised Scottish Councils that they will only receive a share of the estimated £45m of Barnett consequentials from the UK Government if they agree to freeze Council Tax.

“I am seeking your urgent intervention to ensure that all Councils in Scotland receive a share of this additional funding, should it be allocated by the Chancellor in next week’s UK Budget.”

He previously labelled Ms Robison "financially illiterate" due to her appearance on Scotland Tonight where she was quizzed about the SNP's failure to axe council tax as promised back in 2007. She said: "Everybody acknowledges that there's problems with the council tax, so what can we do about it and how can we make sure we get a reformed system that's going to stand the test of time.

"There's a lot of changes we have already made to the council tax, things like second homes and empty homes, giving local government additional powers, all of which are good. But I think everybody would acknowledge there's a more fundamental reform of council tax which is required. We're committed to that now."

Mr McCabe wrote in response: "She is financially illiterate. She claims the Council Tax freeze money is being invested in public services. It is actually just substituting for money lost by not increasing Council Tax. If she had given the money and allowed Councils to increase tax there would be fewer cuts."

South Lanarkshire council leader Joe Fagan added: "There's no better illustration of how this government has run out of ideas than the DFM reassuring the nation they're still committed to "fundamental reform" of Council Tax 17 years after promising to scrap it." Labour MSP Carol Mochan said: "You were committed to it in 2007. Entire species have gone extinct in that time."

And Scottish Lib Dem MP Alistair Carmichael wrote: "The SNP promised to abolish council tax seventeen years ago. The promise to abolish council tax is now itself old enough to vote in Holyrood elections."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154249

File: e23b2512c6bdeb6⋯.png (675.43 KB,907x899,907:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 75c050de54c4507⋯.png (189.89 KB,652x501,652:501,Clipboard.png)

File: 2bfac6fdf0b913f⋯.png (284.49 KB,621x803,621:803,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20500738 (011949ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Death of transgender prisoner Tiffany Scott being treated as 'unexplained' by police

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Death of transgender prisoner Tiffany Scott being treated as 'unexplained' by police

Scott was convicted of stalking a 13-year-old girl while known as Andrew Burns in 2013 and had requested to be moved to the female prison estate early last year

Mark Connor

1 MAR 2024

The death of a transgender prisoner in custody is being treated as “unexplained” by police. Convicted stalker Tiffany Scott, 32, of HMP Grampian, died on Thursday after becoming unwell and being taken to hospital.

He was convicted of stalking a 13-year-old girl while known as Andrew Burns in 2013 and had requested to be moved to the female prison estate early last year. The 32-year-old became ill on Wednesday night and died in Aberdeen Royal Infirmary the following day.

The death is being treated as “unexplained”, according to police. A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Around 10.50pm on Wednesday February 28 we were made aware of a 32-year-old woman taking unwell at HMP Grampian.

“She was taken to Aberdeen Royal Infirmary where she died. The death is being treated as unexplained and a report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.”

A Scottish Prison Service spokesperson said: “Tiffany Scott, 32, of HMP Grampian, has died on February 29. With each death in custody, Police Scotland are advised and the matter reported to the procurator fiscal. Fatal accident inquiries are held in due course.”

The revelation that Scott could be moved to the female estate prompted a row around the handling of transgender prisoners last year, when the Scottish Government was urged to make a statement to clarify its position on housing transgender prisoners.

Then justice secretary Keith Brown denied Scott would be moved to the female estate and announced an urgent review into the handling of transgender prisoners, which also included double rapist Isla Bryson.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154250

File: e9feb80887d2cfb⋯.png (635.03 KB,954x899,954:899,Clipboard.png)

File: dbd9efb08d71f0f⋯.png (306.36 KB,634x572,317:286,Clipboard.png)

File: d39d2f40cc0cec4⋯.png (332.02 KB,596x838,298:419,Clipboard.png)

File: 08e66d7475ac31d⋯.png (499.15 KB,563x806,563:806,Clipboard.png)

File: ac9cbca0c36d9fa⋯.png (162.79 KB,643x507,643:507,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20501370 (012133ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Anger as SNP ministers spent taxpayer cash on 'coaching' Scottish Government officials ahead of UK Covid Inquiry appearances

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Anger as SNP ministers spent taxpayer cash on 'coaching' Scottish Government officials ahead of UK Covid Inquiry appearances

The likes of national clinical director Jason Leitch, former health secretary Jeane Freeman and chief medical officer Gregor Smith were all given sessions with a legal firm ahead of appearing at the UK Covid Inquiry.

David Walker

29 FEB 2024

SNP ministers spent taxpayer cash on a top legal firm to "coach" Scottish Government officials and former politicians ahead of their appearances at the UK Covid Inquiry. A number of key figures received legal assistance, including national clinical director Jason Leitch and ex-health secretary Jeane Freeman.

The nationalist administration were roundly criticised for some of the evidence provided to the probe, which included messages about deleting all chats. The likes of Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney routinely wiped their WhatsApps which they claimed was in line with government guidance.

But the revelation that taxpayer cash was spent on hiring an outside legal firm to give advice to officials before they were grilled has been met with anger by opposition critics who claimed that they tried to "evade proper scrutiny" through their actions. Morton Fraser MacRoberts was hired by the government to give assistance to those who were called onto give evidence.

The Scottish Daily Express previously revealed that extra civil servants were deployed to help those giving evidence, but an outside legal firm was also brought in. Former strategy director Ken Thomson, chief medical officer Gregor Smith and Dr Audrey MacDougall, chief social researcher, were given time with the experts. All three spent 90 minutes with the legal team, as did Ms Freeman, but Mr Leitch got two-and-a-half hours with the lawyers.

The Herald reported this data following a freedom of information request, with the cost of the sessions not included. Other officials called to give evidence were assisted in-house by the Scottish Government Covid Inquiries Response Directorate and the Scottish Government Legal Directorate.

Figures such as Mr Thomson were blasted over revelations during the Inquiry, including him boasting to colleagues that "plausible deniability are my middle names." He also told colleagues "just to remind you (seriously), this is discoverable under FOI. Know where the 'clear chat' button is."

He also used the phrase "this information is not held centrally" which the SNP Executive regularly deploys to refuse FOI requests, and warned members of a group chat that its contents were "FOI-recoverable" and sent an emoji face with a mouth zipped shut. He left his new role as chairman of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland's (ICAS) regulatory board amid the scandal.

Calls were also made for Mr Leitch to resign from his role as national clinical director after his WhatsApps were shared with the inquiry, including him claiming that "WhatsApp deletion is a pre-bed ritual." He claimed that this was an "exaggeration" but that he did regularly wipe his informal messaging.

Rivals blasted the news about legal "coaching" for government officials. Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: “The idea that top SNP Government officials were effectively coached in how to give evidence to the Covid Inquiry will rightly infuriate those who lost loved ones during the pandemic.

“Coupled with the shameful orchestrated deletion of WhatsApp messages, it points to the lengths they went to cover their tracks and evade scrutiny. And that’s before we consider the public money expended on legal fees to the firm in question.”

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton added: "I hope that these sessions were purely about making sure witnesses understood the nature and gravity of the sessions they were to take part in.

"The Covid inquiry should be about giving a full and transparent account of decisions made during the pandemic to provide answers for all those who sacrificed and lost so much. There is a real risk that those who lost loved ones never get a full accounting of the decisions that left them bereft."

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: "We have a responsibility to offer appropriate support to those asked to present their evidence to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry in relation to their role in the Scottish Government's response to the pandemic. This support was offered via the Scottish Government Legal Directorate or their outsourcing partners, in this instance Morton Fraser MacRoberts."

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037c4f No.154251

File: b846c14f909ed34⋯.png (325.12 KB,522x871,522:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 0fcff61c01abf9b⋯.png (382.88 KB,487x829,487:829,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20501554 (012157ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Ex-SNP council leader Jordan Linden charged over ‘sex offences’

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SEX ABUSE CHARGE Ex-SNP council leader Jordan Linden charged over ‘sex offences’

Police launched a probe into the sex abuse allegations in May last year

Laura Paterson & Paige Beresford

29 Feb 2024

A FORMER SNP council leader has been arrested and charged in connection with alleged sex offences.

Jordan Linden resigned as the leader of North Lanarkshire Council in July 2022 after reports of alleged sexual harassment emerged.

And it led to the collapse of the SNP administration in the area.

Police Scotland said the arrest is in connection with alleged "non-recent sexual offences" at various places in Scotland.

Mr Linden stepped down from the council and left the party earlier this year.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "A 28-year-old man has been arrested and charged in connection with a number of non-recent sexual offences committed at various locations in Scotland.

"A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal."

In May last year, SNP leader Humza Yousaf went out campaigning in Bellshill ahead of the by-election triggered from Mr Linden's resignation.

The First Minister said at the time that his party would investigate how it handled complaints as he admitted the SNP's issues in the area "could have been handled better".

He said: "We've got a great local candidate here.

"We're absolutely holding our hands up - I, as First Minister and leader of the party, say that things of course could have been handled better.

"That's why we'll do the investigation.

"What we've got here now in North Lanarkshire is a Labour council propped up by, frankly, the Conservatives, and that's not serving the people of this area well at all."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154252

File: d38e5e3a696648d⋯.png (734.41 KB,908x851,908:851,Clipboard.png)

File: bea53c7e9761924⋯.png (422 KB,543x725,543:725,Clipboard.png)

File: a0e47de4b8072f9⋯.png (462.86 KB,545x714,545:714,Clipboard.png)

File: 3608a78faf2998c⋯.png (28.48 KB,561x401,561:401,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20501739 (012235ZMAR24) Notable: Thomas Kingston cause of death confirmed as Lady Gabriella Windsor in mourning

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Thomas Kingston cause of death confirmed as Lady Gabriella Windsor in mourning

He married Lady Gabriella at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, among the guests.

Rod Minchin & Jon Hebditch

1 MAR 2024

Thomas Kingston, the husband of Prince and Princess Michael of Kent’s daughter Lady Gabriella Kingston, died from a “catastrophic head injury” with a gun being found near his body, an inquest heard.

Gloucestershire Coroner’s Court heard Mr Kingston, 45, died on February 25 at his parents’ home in the Cotswolds.

Mr Kingston, a financier, married Lady Gabriella at St George’s Chapel, Windsor Castle, in 2019 with Queen Elizabeth II and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, among the guests.

Katy Skerrett, senior coroner for Gloucestershire, outlined the circumstances of Mr Kingston’s death during a short hearing at the court in Gloucester.

“I can confirm I have received evidence of identification of the deceased in written format, which complies with Rule 23 of the Coroner’s Rules 2013,” she said.

“That evidence is sufficient for identification and I can thereby confirm the deceased is indeed Thomas Henry Robin Kingston, 45, whose home address is in London.

“I have received evidence of the brief circumstances surrounding this tragic incident also in written format, which complies with Rule 23 of the Coroner’s Rules 2013.

“These brief circumstances are as follows. Mr Kingston was visiting his parents’ home in the Cotswolds.

“On February 25 2024 he ate lunch with his parents. His father went out to walk the dogs. On his return Mr Kingston was not in the house and after approximately 30 minutes his mother went to look for him.

“His father forced entry on a locked-out building when no reply could be gained. He found Mr Kingston deceased with a catastrophic head injury. A gun was present at the scene.

“Emergency services were called. Police are satisfied the death is not suspicious.

“A post-mortem has been undertaken by Dr Jones, a consultant histopathologist, and a provisional cause of death has been given as a traumatic wound to head. Having been satisfied with identification, initial cause of death and the brief circumstances surrounding Mr Kingston’s death, I can formally open this inquest.

“I now adjourn it to a date to be fixed.”

No members of the Kingston family were present although an official from the royal household attended, as did several members of the media. Lady Gabriella paid tribute to her husband in a joint statement with his family, describing him as an “exceptional man who lit up the lives of all who knew him”.

They described his death as a “great shock to the whole family”.

The King and Queen sent their “most heartfelt thoughts and prayers” to Lady Gabriella, who is known as Ella, and Mr Kingston’s parents and siblings.

A statement released on behalf of Lady Gabriella, Mr Martin and Mrs Jill Kingston, Mrs Joanna Connolly and Mrs Emma Murray, said: “Tom was an exceptional man who lit up the lives of all who knew him. His death has come as a great shock to the whole family and we ask you to respect our privacy as we mourn his passing.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154253

File: c7eee4883b9bc5a⋯.png (38.54 KB,577x548,577:548,Clipboard.png)

File: acdd429af3b5a95⋯.png (152.82 KB,668x431,668:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20501747 (012236ZMAR24) Notable: Thomas Kingston cause of death confirmed as Lady Gabriella Windsor in mourning

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Lady Gabriella released a personal photo she took of her husband, showing him smiling and dressed in a casual pink shirt as he stood near a stretch of water in the sunshine.

A Buckingham Palace spokesperson said: “The King and the Queen have been informed of Thomas’s death and join Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and all those who knew him in grieving a much-loved member of the family.

“In particular, Their Majesties send their most heartfelt thoughts and prayers to Gabriella and to all the Kingston family.”

Lady Gabriella is the King’s second cousin. They are both great-grandchildren of King George V.

Mr Kingston was a director of Devonport Capital, which specialises in providing finance for companies in “frontier economies”.

The Bristol University graduate had also worked in Baghdad, Iraq, working to procure the release of hostages after joining the Diplomatic Missions Unit of the Foreign Office.

He was a close friend of Pippa Matthews – the Princess of Wales’s sister – and the pair were said to have dated in 2011.

Lady Gabriella, who has worked as an arts and travel director for a brand company, is a writer and contributing editor.

She is also a singer-songwriter and released two bossa nova-inspired tracks in 2020 to raise money for charity.

Although Lady Gabriella is not a working member of the royal family, she and Mr Kingston’s family are being supported by the royal household.

No funeral plans have been released so far.

Prince and Princess Michael of Kent attended a service for the late King Constantine II of Greece on Tuesday in St George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle.

Constantine was Lady Gabriella’s godfather and attended her wedding.

The Prince of Wales, also a godchild of the former Greek monarch, pulled out of attending at the last minute but his absence was because of a personal matter and was understood not to be connected to news of Mr Kingston’s death.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154254

File: eae1aaaef0a7b3b⋯.png (679.59 KB,985x895,197:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 8265bcd3a24f741⋯.png (189.9 KB,599x574,599:574,Clipboard.png)

File: beeed59e471a670⋯.png (409.15 KB,576x859,576:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 5c79cef275b2f5d⋯.png (214.45 KB,609x410,609:410,Clipboard.png)

File: 536262663c1ab8e⋯.png (167.13 KB,621x448,621:448,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20508689 (030235ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / 'Shady' SNP push through 'reckless' £1.2bn national care service plans despite stark criticism

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'Shady' SNP push through 'reckless' £1.2bn national care service plans despite stark criticism

The Scottish Government managed to force through its hated national care service bill which could cost the public purse more than £1bn, with the legislation remaining mostly incomplete.

David Walker

29 FEB 2024

The Scottish Government were accused of being "shady" after pushing through "reckless" national care service plans despite concerns about it becoming majorly changed through secondary legislation. The whole process has been predicted to cost more than £1bn, and has been criticised by councils, unions and users of the service.

It will centralise the adult social care system, but what it will look like remains a mystery due to the SNP Executive using the process of "co-design" to create it, with a framework Bill being passed on Thursday. The details of it will be fleshed out in secondary legislation which means that there is a lack of clarity on how much it will cost and how it will work.

The plans have also been plagued with delays amid major changes to tweak the governance structure of the service, with local authorities now retaining responsibility for social care staff and assets, while the regional care boards originally proposed instead becoming a single national one.

Opposition parties combined to vote against the bill, but the SNP got it through thanks to help from the Scottish Greens. Many believe that the substantial amount of money could be spent elsewhere on improvements, with Holyrood committees slating the legislation for missing information.

Scottish Conservative shadow health secretary Dr Sandesh Gulhane MSP said: “The SNP’s plans for a centralised care service were doomed to fail from the very beginning. Instead of diverting much needed resources towards cash-strapped local care services which are in crisis on the SNP’s watch, ministers are determined to continue throwing money at their reckless centralised care proposals.

“The concerns of carers and those who rely on them are very different depending on where they are in Scotland, which is why a local approach towards care must be the way forward, rather than this one size fits all approach. The shady SNP are keeping the public and MSPs in the dark to the point it is difficult to know what we are debating.

“Being asked to vote on this bill without knowing exactly what we are voting on is like buying a car without knowing the make, model or colour."

The majority of unions also refused to back the bill due to issues with how it will actually work. Unison Scotland claimed that “a vote to approve this Bill would be bad not only for those who need a properly functioning care system, but also a bad day for parliamentary democracy.”

There is so little detail on what the Scottish Government is planning that the union believes that the Parliament is being asked to buy what amounts to “a pig in a poke.” Regional secretary Lilian Macer said: "Passing this Bill wouldn’t just be bad for those needing a properly functioning care system. It would be a bad day for democracy. MSPs are being told to vote for plans they haven’t even seen, far less asked anyone about. It’s treating Parliament, and everyone else with contempt, MSPs deserve better.”

Social care minister Maree Todd defended the plans as she said: "The National Board will give us a level of transparency that is not possible in the current system. It will let us understand where people’s experiences are inconsistent across Scotland, build on good practice and tackle challenges.

"And it will reflect the approach we have already taken to building the National Care Service by ensuring we listen to the voices of the real experts: people who use community health and social care, their unpaid carers, and the staff who provide it.

"In concluding, I want to repeat that the status quo is not an option. We must make change and invest in the future. The NCS is our vehicle to do that. I believe that it can make a real difference to those who so urgently need the change."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154255

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20511681 (031848ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Douglas Ross says he's worried about his own kids' futures under Humza Yousaf's 'failing' SNP

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Douglas Ross says he's worried about his own kids' futures under Humza Yousaf's 'failing' SNP

Exclusive: The Scottish Tory leader also claimed that his party could experience success in Scotland similar to the 2017 general election where they won 13 seats.

David Walker

1 MAR 2024

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross confessed that he was worried about the future of his own children under the "failing" Humza Yousaf administration. And he hit out at a full year of "controversy and scandal" which has "scunnered" Scots and distracted the Scottish Government from the real issues in Scotland.

He also labelled the Covid WhatsApp scandal surrounding Nicola Sturgeon and her administration as one of the biggest since devolution as he said that the "scale of secrecy was on an unparalleled level." He was speaking as his party geared up for its annual conference in Aberdeen.

The Scottish Conservatives are quietly confident that they will be able to keep hold of its six seats won in 2019, and maybe even get to 13 MPs like they did in 2017. The party is targeting rural areas where they claim that locals believe that they are being ignored by an SNP with "central belt bias."

But as a father of two young boys, it is education that Mr Ross is most concerned about. The 41-year-old lives in his Moray constituency with wife Krystle and their sons Alistair, four, and James, two. He pointed to plummeting school rankings to suggest they will not receive as good an education as he did when he was growing up in the area.

He told the Scottish Daily Express: "I think Scots are scunnered with the SNP. They are absolutely fed up with the wastage they see from the Scottish Government, that excessive spending on the wrong priorities and the failure to enact any positive change. I'm worried about my two boys education that they will get in Moray, which at the moment looks like it will be significantly less than the education that I got in Moray.

"I'm worried for family members and constituents and people in every part of Scotland who are facing excessive waits on the NHS. I'm worried for our businesses that don't get the support from the Scottish Government, even though the SNP/Green government have been given additional funding to help businesses in hospitality, leisure and tourism.

"It's now two years in succession that the SNP government have failed to pass on the benefits of the business tax rates reduction for these purposes in those sectors, and that's inexcusable. People are rightly angry, annoyed and just fed up with this government.

"There is no doubt that Scotland was a world leader in education and we have fallen down the rankings, my sister is a teacher in Moray at the money and I know how difficult it is for teachers right now, so for Jenny Gilruth to say she has not even read a report about violence in schools, it shows they are not taking the issue seriously."

Mr Ross also suggested that the general election could go exactly like 2017 when "SNP voters were fed up of Nicola Sturgeon and sent a message to her." This led to the Tories gaining 12 seats in Scotland, with all of them coming at the expense of the nationalists.

He said: "I think we can have an election result in Scotland this time where the Scottish Conservatives have a good night, we hold on to what we've got, we make gains, and they will be at the expense of the SNP. And that could be the difference between a bad night and a terrible night for Humza Yousaf and the nationalists.

"There is a stench of secrecy and cover-up within this Scottish Government, with the mass deletion of messages, and the constant changing story from Michael Matheson. These are all issues Humza Yousaf has been intrinsically involved in which he could have showed leadership on but the stench of secrecy he inherited from Nicola Sturgeon has continued in his reign.

"It's been year of failure for Humza Yousaf who is failing the entire country as first minister. He has made it clear that he wants to make Scotland Tory-free which reminds people that up and down the country, many battles are between us and the SNP, and by uniting behind us, people can send the strongest possible message to him that he's got the wrong priority, focusing on independence and obsessing about separation when the attention needs to be on the priorities of people in communities the length and breadth of Scotland."

The SNP has been approached for comment.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154256

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20512151 (032102ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scottish Tories call for a 'Victims' Veto' to block soft-touch sentencing guidelines

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Scottish Tories call for a 'Victims' Veto' to block soft-touch sentencing guidelines

Exclusive: Shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay wants to reform the Scottish Sentencing Council after it was embroiled in a row over a rapist avoiding prison due being under-25.

David Walker

1 MAR 2024

Demands have been made for major reforms to sentencing guidelines in Scotland with a bigger focus on the victims of crimes. This includes the introduction of a 'Victims' Veto' meaning that those who suffer at the hands of criminals can block new soft-touch justice guidelines.

The Scottish Tories will debate this policy at their conference this weekend where shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay will advocate for changes to the Scottish Sentencing Council (SSC). This will include holding SNP ministers to account for any controversies involving the guidance.

A row began over the SSC's guidance last year when an alleged rapist avoided a prison sentence because he was under-25. The charges against Sean Hogg were later dropped following an appeal, but there have been further examples of criminals dodging jail due to their age.

Hit and run driver Brian Buchanan was handed a community sentence despite killing a teenager by speeding, and having previous convictions for careless driving and speeding. Other cases include a 16-year-old who battered a firefighter and left him disfigured and a bank worker who embezzled thousands from elderly customers.

The guidelines were introduced by the SSC in 2022 and recommended that custodial sentences should only be handed out to young people as a last resort. It says this is due to brain maturity and a greater capacity to change compared to those over 25.

There are three key reforms the Scottish Tories want to introduce, including making sure that victims represent half of the SSC's membership. Currently only one person out of the 12 members is a "victims expert."

Another change is making the body accountable to parliament, as under current legislation, it must consult with Scottish ministers about draft guidelines, but this would be tweaked so that the Scottish Parliament were asked about it instead. And the major difference would be the introduction of "victims veto" on all new sentencing guidelines.

This means that if the current victims member of the council disagrees with the guidance, it cannot proceed, which the party claim would empower those who have suffered from crime. Mr Findlay told the Scottish Daily Express: "Crime victims across Scotland often say they feel ignored and sidelined by the criminal justice system. Our proposed reforms intend to put that right.

“We believe that it’s reasonable for at least half the Scottish Sentencing Council membership to be made up of those who have direct experience of crime. It is essential that their views are finally heard and that the SSC is made accountable to the Scottish Parliament.

“Since being created by SNP ministers, it has imposed under-25 sentencing guidelines which treat adult criminals like children, causing devastation, anger and additional trauma to victims. Introducing a ‘victims veto’ on all new guidelines is likely to prevent such soft-touch policies in future.”

The under-25 sentencing guidelines were introduced even though the organisation's own research showed that 71 per cent of people disagreed with them. When nationalist ministers were asked about these issues, they pointed to the independence of the SSC.

A spokesperson for the Scottish Sentencing Council said: “The views of all parties with experience of the justice system - including victims - are taken into account in a number of ways throughout the development of sentencing guidelines before they are submitted to the High Court for consideration.

“The Council follows a robust process when developing guidelines, drawing on a wide range of evidence from a variety of sources. This includes regular research with victims and others with experience of, or expertise in, sentencing and, importantly, full public consultation on all draft guidelines."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154257

File: 719892f357b54f7⋯.png (711.93 KB,1020x899,1020:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20512521 (032229ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Scottish Government told to hand over 'dossier of evidence' into WhatsApp probe

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Scottish Government told to hand over 'dossier of evidence' into WhatsApp probe

The Scottish Information Commissioner David Hamilton has written to the head of the Civil Service in Scotland asking him to provide all message retention policies that apply to Scottish Ministers

Mark Connor

3 MAR 2024

Investigators probing the Scottish Government’s use of WhatsApp during the pandemic have demanded it hand over a dossier of evidence, amid concerns that Ministers deleted messages in defiance of freedom of information (FOI) laws.

The Scottish Information Commissioner David Hamilton has, according to the Mail on Sunday, written to the head of the Civil Service in Scotland asking him to provide all message retention policies that apply to Scottish Ministers.

Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, her then deputy John Swinney and Scotland’s health chief Professor Jason Leitch are among senior officials who were revealed to have destroyed key correspondence during the health crisis. Evidence from the UK Covid-19 Inquiry indicated they all erased messages - despite Ms Sturgeon claiming in 2021 that she would supply relevant material.

Two weeks ago it was reported that Professor Leitch was accused of taking part in an ‘orchestrated cover-up’ amid fresh revelations that he changed his phone five times since the start of the p(l)andemic.

The furore over deleted WhatsApp messages propelled Mr Hamilton to launch a formal investigation. Now he has written to Permanent Secretary John-Paul Marks to ask for reams of documents, which had to be submitted by Thursday last week.

These included the government’s ‘overarching FOI policy statement’ and ‘current policy with regard to the use of informal communications along with all policies or guidance on the use of informal communications which predate the current policy... from January 1, 2018, onwards’.

Mr Hamilton added that details of action to address concerns relating to informal communications should be given to him.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “The Scottish Government has a well-established and overarching records management policy. The First Minister has previously commissioned an externally-led review into use of mobile messaging apps and non-corporate technology in the Scottish Government.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154258

File: 83b2c3bf6d23092⋯.png (682.54 KB,940x899,940:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20513046 (040032ZMAR24) Notable: Cash-strapped SNP Glasgow City Council want to spend thousands sending councillors and officials to New York

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Not really LEZ this one but the revenue from it will likely help pad out their expenses for the New York trip and for the china trip, and all the others.


Cash-strapped SNP Glasgow City Council want to spend thousands sending councillors and officials to New York

Despite the local authority hiking up and extending parking charges to plug a budget black hole, officials want to send the Lord Provost and deputy council leader to the lavish Tartan Week in the USA.

David Walker

1 MAR 2024

Cash-strapped Glasgow City Council wants to spend thousands to send two councillors and two officials to New York to take part in lavish Tartan Week celebrations. The bid comes just a week after the SNP-led local authority hiked up parking charges in the city, and extended them to 10pm at night.

Thousands of people signed a petition to attempt to force the council to scrap the parking charge changes, with businesses concerned that it will stop customers from coming to the city centre. Currently, you must pay if you park in street spaces between 8am and 6pm, but this is being extended to 10pm as councillors attempt to claw back cash to fill a budget blackhole which will reach £108million.

Despite these money issues, councillors have been asked to approve a trip to the Big Apple next month for the Lord Provost and deputy leader of the local authority so they can attend Scottish Week. Officials wrote that this will promote Glasgow, connect with the city diaspora and highlight the upcoming 850th anniversary of the city celebrations.

They want to use some of the budget to pay for the trip between April 4 and April 7, and costed it at £1,700 per person, including two officials. That means the total bill for taxpayers is £6,800, a significant sum during a cost-of-living crisis.

The SNP Lord Provost Jacqueline McLaren and deputy leader Richard Bell have been invited to take part in several events, including one hosted by Glasgow University, City of Glasgow College and the Scottish Government. The SNP Executive is also expected to use public money to send MSPs to the lavish week of celebrations.

They will also attend the famous Tartan Day Parade through the streets of New York. A council report states: “Former Lord Provosts have attended Scotland Week in 2013 and 2018 attending events and taking the opportunity to promote the city. Enjoyed by millions of people for decades, the annual Scotland Week celebrations in North America have become a must-see event.

“Each year the very best of Scottish theatre, art, music and design descends on the USA and Canada, as more than 15 million North Americans celebrate their Scottish heritage. The highlight of the week is the now iconic Tartan Day parade, which takes place in New York each year.”

Famous Scots including Billy Connolly and Karen Gillan have previously led the parade, with Crime actor Dougray Scott doing so this year. Council officials believe that the visit can sell Glasgow's business story to the world and bring back some former residents to the city for the 850th anniversary in 2025.

However, struggling Glaswegians may disagree with spending taxpayer cash on the jolly considering the brutal cuts being introduced on the city at the budget last week. This includes 450 teaching jobs being axed as part of a plan to save £27.8m.

The council is also advertising for the job of chief executive on one of the biggest town hall salaries in the UK, with the chosen candidate netting a whopping £200,000+ pay check, which is more than the Prime Minister and the First Minister makes. The contract is just for 35 hours of work a week, meaning pays out£100 a day.

£200,000 divided by 52 weeks is £3,846/week and some change, divide that by your 35hours/week and it gives you 11 pence short of £110/hour. not per day as the article has mistakenly printed.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154259

File: 4351396535e234c⋯.png (661.93 KB,1056x899,1056:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20513178 (040109ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP Government spend £16k of taxpayer cash on lavish events in China to 'woo' 'hostile and regressive regime' on Angus Robertson junket

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The china trip


SNP Government spend £16k of taxpayer cash on lavish events in China to 'woo' 'hostile and regressive regime' on Angus Robertson junket

Exclusive: The SNP minister was previously labelled a 'useful idiot' for heading out to Beijing, and now it has been revealed that he splashed out taxpayer cash on a number of luxury events while there.

David Walker

3 MAR 2024

The Scottish Government forked out £16k of taxpayer cash on lavish events in China in a bid to "woo" the "hostile and regressive regime." The money was splashed out during Angus Robertson's controversial junket to the country as he spent a week there to "support Scotland's links with Beijing."

But the true cost of the expensive trip has been kept hidden by the secretive SNP Executive as it claimed it would publish the full expenses within the next three months. The external affairs secretary was labelled a "useful idiot" for heading to China last November due to the strained relationship between the country and the UK Government.

It was the first time a Scottish Government minister visited Beijing since 2019 and was hailed as a trip to improve trade and tourism links. But in the last four years, China and the UK have clashed repeatedly over a civil rights crackdown in Hong Kong, spying and espionage in the UK and China's support for Russia's invasion of Ukraine. There are also fears the US and China are heading inexorably towards an armed conflict over Taiwan.

And Mr Robertson and his officials were not shy about splashing the cash in China, as he spent £16,014.96 just on hosting or organising lavish events. This includes a £6,566.86 spend on an "Alumni Scottish Connections" event and £8,576.96 on a St Andrew's Ball.

Smaller sums of money was spent on Kunming Botanic Garden Climate and Biodiversity Dual Crisis summit (£81.40) and an "Alumni and Global Scots – Scottish Connections Reception (£789.74). The spend has been criticised by rivals.

Scottish Tory deputy Shadow Cabinet Secretary for the Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Alexander Stewart MSP told the Scottish Daily Express: “The SNP seems happy to indulge Angus Robertson’s endless globetrotting while neglecting real priorities at home. Scots struggling with a cost-of-living crisis and the SNP’s savage tax-and-axe budget will wonder why their money is being spent on this jaunt to a hostile and repressive regime.”

Meanwhile, Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton, who has raised repeated concerns about the influence of China on Scotland and the UK, urged the nationalist minister to "spell out exactly" how the trip benefited the country. He said: "If taxpayers' money is to be spent wooing China, then Angus Robertson will need to spell out exactly what benefit came from the trip that would not have been there otherwise.

“Let’s not forget that the SNP government previously let a Chinese company with connections to human rights abuses and gross corruption sign a bogus £10 billion agreement with Nicola Sturgeon that even the man who organised the deal described as ‘all bollocks.’

“I hope that Angus Robertson also used this trip to raise the incarceration of Hong Kong freedom campaigner and journalist Jimmy Lai, the persecution of Uyghur Muslims and all other human rights abuses China has been implicated in. But given that the Scottish Government press released this trip without any mention of human rights or security issues, I have my doubts.

“In the meantime, Scottish Liberal Democrats will continue pressing ministers to conduct an immediate strategic audit of the reach of China’s interests and influence in our country.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The External Affairs Secretary experienced a productive visit to China last year to support Scotland’s links with Beijing, Kunming and Shanghai.

“As the first Scottish Government Minister to visit China since 2019, he promoted Scotland as an open, connected and outward-looking country with a long history of intellectual, cultural and economic exchange with China. China is one of Scotland’s most important trade and investment destinations, and is our fastest growing inbound country for tourism.

“During the visit, the Cabinet Secretary signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on culture and tourism, met key businesses on science, technology, energy and green transition and supported the renewal of the long-standing research partnership between Kunming Institute for Botany and Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154260

File: 1618b06c381b94a⋯.png (538.68 KB,482x873,482:873,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20514955 (041241ZMAR24) Notable: Trevor Kavanaugh: George Galloway’s shock return is clear sign Gaza conflict has changed public mood… Keir Starmer now faces stark choice

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TREVOR KAVANAGH George Galloway’s shock return is clear sign Gaza conflict has changed public mood… Keir Starmer now faces stark choice

Pro-Palestine marches have been hijacked by Islamist and political extremists on both the far left and far right

Trevor Kavanagh

3 Mar 2024

“DO you have anywhere to go?” I was asked last week.

The question had nothing to do with my social life.

It was posed by an old friend with knowledge of UK security and community relations after a chat about Gaza and the October 7 massacre in Israel.

This was my first inkling of the way Middle East politics has so deeply affected the public mood here in Britain today.

Amid MI5 warnings of increased terror threats, friends and acquaintances have begun to inquire about migrating to Canada, New Zealand or Australia, where I once lived.

A sensible and politically astute mother of two tells me she has thought about moving her family to the tropical island of Dominica.

Dubai has been suggested as another safe haven.

These are straws in the wind, casual conversations, and maybe not to be taken too seriously.

But they indicate how the Gaza conflict — perhaps more than the invasion of Ukraine and the threat from Kremlin tyrant Vlad Putin of nuclear war — has unsettled many ordinary people.

Ex-Soviet Ukraine was a faraway place of which we knew little.

Gaza may be 2,000 miles distant as the crow flies but its fallout is here and now on the streets of London and across the UK every single weekend.

People are genuinely alarmed that tens of thousands of protesters are allowed to intimidate and indeed terrify other law-abiding citizens, as they did again on Saturday.

The shocking return to Parliament of serial mischief-maker George Galloway underlines concern that everything has changed — and won’t change back again any time soon.

Pro-Palestine marches have been hijacked by Islamist and political extremists on both the far left and far right.

Galloway’s disinterment from the political graveyard is applauded by ex-British National Party leader Nick Griffin.

But Griffin’s fascist following is dwarfed by rentamob Trots who have seized the pro-Hamas banner.

PM Rishi Sunak spoke for millions on Friday, warning the demos were an attempt to “impose mob rule on democracy”.

“We cannot allow this pattern of increasingly violent and intimidatory behaviour . . . to shout down free debate and stop elected rep-resentatives doing their job,” he said.

But the biggest challenge lies not with the Tories, but with Sir Keir Starmer, leader of the Labour Party and, if the polls prove right, our next PM.

The ex-human rights lawyer is deeply conflicted.

Stark choice

His wife is Jewish yet he served loyally under anti-Semitic Jeremy Corbyn while more principled shadow ministers walked out.

He is pro-Israel but, like Corbyn, has spoken publicly at far-left rallies for the Palestinian cause.

Starmer now faces a stark choice — to stand firmly by his statesmanlike support of Israel’s right to defend itself or cave in to the extremists who beat Labour in Rochdale and now, under Galloway, threaten 47 Labour-held seats with large Muslim populations.

Starmer last month caused uproar in the Commons by reportedly arm-twisting Speaker Lindsay Hoyle into a meaningless ceasefire motion so as to head off a revolt by 90 Labour MPs.

Now, following last week’s Rochdale humiliation, he risks losing seats in the North, the Midlands and across London unless he trims his sails in favour of the protesters.

He enraged hardliners in an interview with LBC’s Nick Ferrari when he agreed Israel “does have that right” to cut off food, water and electricity to Gaza.

Starmer backtracked furiously under a storm of criticism, but is now blamed, alongside the Tories, for having “blood on his hands”.

This leaves him in a double bind.

Broken promises

He can carry on supporting Israel, the only genuine democracy in the Middle East, in its battle for survival.

Or he can add to a string of broken promises, call for Israel to surrender by laying down their arms and sealing his reputation for unscrupulous U-turns and back-flips.

Finally, in answer to my friend, yes, I do have somewhere to go.

I have Australian citizenship. But I’m going nowhere.

Britain is where I was born and I will not be driven out by a rabble of faceless fanatics waving the flag of a troubled land where most have never set foot.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154261

File: 8562a6414b10cbf⋯.png (492.12 KB,523x873,523:873,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20515582 (041533ZMAR24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon accused of showing ‘no interest’ in Post Office scandal after it was flagged to her four years ago

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POSTED MISSING Nicola Sturgeon accused of showing ‘no interest’ in Post Office scandal after it was flagged to her four years ago

The former first minister and Justice Secretary Angela Constance have been criticised

Conor Matchett

3 Mar 2024

NICOLA Sturgeon has been accused of showing “no apparent interest” in the Post Office Horizon scandal as it emerged the matter was flagged directly to her four years ago.

The Scottish Government has admitted the ex-first minister was emailed in January 2020 about the matter, with new information suggesting little or no action was taken at the time.

Details emerged in a Holyrood written answer from Justice Secretary Angela Constance, weeks after SNP ministers finally agreed to act on a raft of wrongful prosecutions of sub postmasters due to a glitchy Fujitsu Horizon system rolled out from the late 1990s.

There have been questions about why politicians UK-wide were so slow to intervene until January’s ITV drama on the widespread miscarriages of justice.

And in a parly written question, Scottish Tory shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay asked when the SNP government first became aware of concerns.

Ms Constance’s reply said that issues about Horizon were “in the public domain from 2009” - when journalists lifted the lid on the scandal.

But she said the first time it was flagged directly to ministers was in an email to Ms Sturgeon in January 2020.

The written answer from the Justice Secretary indicates the Scottish Government may have argued in response that the matter was the UK Government’s responsibility.

This is despite Scotland having a separate legal system and SNP ministers now considering a law to push through mass exonerations after public outrage snowballed following ITV’s Mr Bates vs the Post Office.

The written answer from Ms Constance said: “The first record the Scottish Government has of any official or minister being made directly aware of any concerns regarding the Post Office’s Horizon IT system, is in an email from a member of the public dated 23 January 2020 addressed to the then First Minister.

“This email related to calls for a Public Inquiry into the Horizon IT system, a matter which is reserved and falls into the responsibility of the UK Government.”

Ms Constance’s reply said now-First Minister Humza Yousaf was also told in September 2020 - when he was Justice Secretary - that the Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission would write to 73 convicted postmasters to encourage them to get in touch.

Conservative MSP Mr Findlay said the two SNP chiefs “appear to have done nothing” when faced with the details of the scandal.

He said: “Victims might wonder why they showed no apparent interest in this mass miscarriage of justice, which was entirely prosecuted by the Crown Office in Scotland and was already widely reported in the media.”

We revealed this month how Crown Office bosses insisted they did not brief ministers on Horizon glitches until January 2024 - 15 years after the scandal broke, and despite holding meetings with Post Office bosses in 2013 over the issue.

Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain KC - a Scottish Government minister as well as Crown Office chief - has raised concerns about mass overturning of convictions, fuelling fears exonerations in Scotland could take longer than in England where a fast-tracked law is expected by summer.

Ms Constance says she wants UK-wide legislation but could bring in Scottish law if needed.

The Scottish Sun asked Ms Sturgeon for comment and an SNP spokesperson said: “Scotland does not have powers over the Post Office so could not carry out an inquiry. It’s clear this whole injustice lays at the hands of Westminster and successive UK governments from start to finish.”

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037c4f No.154262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20515609 (041537ZMAR24) Notable: George Galloway says Rishi Sunak is playing “very dangerous game” as he hits back at election ‘lie’ (video)

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George Galloway says Rishi Sunak is playing “very dangerous game” as he hits back at election ‘lie’

Daily Record

61.5K subscribers

66,891 views Mar 2, 2024 #DailyRecord #rishisunak #georgegalloway

George Galloway has said the Prime Minister was playing a “very dangerous game” that could drive young Muslims on to the “rocks of extremism” after his speech on Friday.

Rishi Sunak said Mr Galloway’s resounding victory in the Rochdale by-election on Thursday was “beyond alarming” during an address to the nation from Downing Street.

The Conservative Party leader said Mr Galloway “dismisses the horror of what happened on October 7” during Hamas’s raids on Israel, and claimed he “glorifies Hezbollah”, the proscribed Lebanese military outfit which is involved in frequent skirmishes with Israel.

In his by-election victory speech, Mr Galloway — a former Labour and Respect MP, who now leads the Workers Party of Britain — announced that his win was “for Gaza” after a feisty and chaotic campaign dominated by the Middle East conflict.

Responding to Mr Sunak’s latest remarks, Mr Galloway said his win in the Greater Manchester seat, in which he secured almost 40% of the vote in a constituency that has a strong Muslim population, had the main political parties “panicking a bit”.

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037c4f No.154263

File: 5a89ee5e959cc26⋯.png (388.83 KB,481x873,481:873,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20521034 (051542ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP ministers set out plans for spies in an independent Scotland

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AYE SPY SNP ministers set out plans for spies in an independent Scotland

Nats chiefs suggest creating a new security agency

Lewis Mckenzie

4 Mar 2024

NATS ministers have suggested that spies in an independent Scotland would snoop in line with “Scottish values”.

The claim came in the SNP Government’s latest paper on how a breakaway state would work, sparking ridicule and a fresh backlash from pro-UK rivals over the rising cost of the reports, now totalling £180,000.

Political rivals mocked the idea as they hit out at the cost of the indy papers.

The “National Security and Intelligence” section of the eleventh Building a New Scotland document, launched by Constitution Secretary Angus Robertson, said: “Scotland’s needs in this area would be met by the establishment of a single Scottish Security and Intelligence Agency.

“This new body would support Scotland’s role as a good global citizen, contributing to national security whilst promoting and protecting human rights, the rule of law and democratic values.

“As in all other aspects of an independent Scotland, national security would be delivered in line with Scotland’s values.”

The document also pledges to removing nuclear weapons from Scotland and to only take part in military action overseas that is lawful and has been backed by both ministers and Holyrood.

It also states that Scotland would seek to join Nato, as well as the United Nations and the European Union as soon as possible in the event of a vote for independence.

Despite promises to set up new defence and security agencies, no costings were provided in the document as to how much it would cost to do so.

And despite the pledge to remove nuclear weapons from the Clyde, no timescale was given as to when that would happen.

Mr Robertson said: “We firmly believe that the challenges of the 21st century are best faced through more, not less, co-operation and I look forward to engaging with as many people as possible on the opportunities highlighted in this paper as we look to Scotland’s future.”

But, political opponents slated Nats ministers for splashing out on the papers while making cuts to public services and slashing funding for local authorities.

Hitting out at the latest proposals, Scottish Lib Dem MSP Willie Rennie said: “Not content to play dress up diplomat, now it seems like Humza Yousaf wants to play at being James Bond too.

"The average Scot would much rather he got on with cutting waits for a GP, than wasted time coming up with plans for an imaginary spy agency."

Last month, we told how Nats chiefs were ridiculed for launching their tenth indy paper on the same date as Groundhog Day.

Figures released by the Scottish Government show that the latest paper cost taxpayers at least £16,000 to produce.

Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy said: “These propaganda papers, designed only to further the nationalists’ plan to break up the United Kingdom, are a scandalous misuse of civil servants’ time and money.

“Angus Robertson seems to be masquerading as the SNP’s answer to John Le Carre.

"Civil servants’ time and resources should not be wasted on his obsession with trying to put a kilt on everything.”


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037c4f No.154264

File: 3f91aeedbf3cb4d⋯.png (748.64 KB,889x892,889:892,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f1c8ef286a8b31⋯.png (294.08 KB,697x527,41:31,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20537541 (082014ZMAR24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two / Shona Robison to withhold UK Government cash from councils who don't back SNP policy

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The finance secretary met with Inverclyde council leader Stephen McCabe in a showdown over council tax but ended up coming out of the meeting empty-handed.

David Walker

8 MAR 2024

Shona Robison has been left humiliated after showdown talks with a rebel local authority over a council tax freeze ended in failure for the Scottish Government. The finance secretary met with Inverclyde council leader Stephen McCabe on Friday with hopes of thrashing out a deal to save the SNP's blushes.

Humza Yousaf boasted about how his party would ensure the tax was frozen for all Scots at his party conference despite not actually having the power to do so. It has led to two town hall chiefs announcing a rise instead, with Argyll and Bute also hiking it up.

These decisions have been due to severe underfunding from the Scottish Government to local authorities which have caused widespread cuts for public services. Ms Robison has threatened to withhold millions in pounds of funding if councils refuse to obey her.

At the Inverclyde budget setting last week, councillors agreed to increase council tax by 8.2% in 2024/25 and then six per cent in 25/26 to minimise job losses and service cuts. It declined a funding offer from the SNP Executive but offered a compromise by giving locals a rebate which would be the same as a freeze.

This proposal was rejected by Ms Robison, but Mr McCabe warned that he would still be seeking the extra cash which will be withheld. A total of £62.7m was offered as a sweetener to local authorities from consequentials from the spring budget.

He said: “I was pleased to have the opportunity to meet with the Deputy First Minister, but I am deeply disappointed that she continues to disrespect the Council’s democratic decision to raise Council Tax, which we believe is in the interests of the residents of Inverclyde. I am also disappointed that she has rejected the eminently reasonable compromise I put forward of a one-off Council Tax discount for 2024/25, which would effectively achieve a freeze for the next 12 months.

“I will now pursue the Council’s share of the £62.7m of the funding the Deputy First Minister has now confirmed is available following the UK Spring Budget through COSLA. All Councils should be entitled to a share of this funding irrespective of the decision they took on Council Tax.”

The council had initially been facing an estimated £12.5m funding gap over the next two financial years but are utilising the council tax hike to plug this. Mr McCabe has written to Michael Gove in a bid to get the money being supplied by the UK Government handed directly to local authorities and bypass SNP ministers.

Humza Yousaf and his administration have been hostile towards town hall chiefs who have failed to obey their orders, claiming that they will have to explain to voters why they have made this choice during a cost-of-living crisis. But the SNP have also criticised Jeremy Hunt for cutting National Insurance so that Scots can take home more pay.

Ms Robison said: “I can see no rational financial or economic reason for the administration to increase the council tax by 8.2% in the middle of a cost of living crisis. The council are aware that if they freeze the council tax in Inverclyde they would have been provided with the same amount of money they are hoping to raise from their 8.2% hike. Instead, it will sadly be the people of Inverclyde who will have to literally pay the price of the council administration’s imprudent decision."

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037c4f No.154265

File: e1afe03d74748ee⋯.png (596.69 KB,973x899,973:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 7b4db783bd91519⋯.png (214.75 KB,664x555,664:555,Clipboard.png)

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File: 4c89d53bb28adf3⋯.png (405.62 KB,608x860,152:215,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20537879 (082143ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Good day for criminals! Police Scotland to no longer investigate all crimes across the country in 'dangerous' cost-cutting measure

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Good day for criminals! Police Scotland to no longer investigate all crimes across the country in 'dangerous' cost-cutting measure

The Scottish Tories have attacked the Scottish Government for allowing cops to push forward with a new policy where minor crimes like bike or garden theft will no longer be properly investigated.

David Walker

7 MAR 2024

Police will no longer investigate every crime which happens in Scotland as part of a new cost-cutting measure. Titled a "proportionate response to crime," a pilot was initially rolled out in the north-east which saw cops not probe any incidents where there was no line of inquiry, i.e no CCTV or witnesses.

But the policy has been branded "dangerous" by some critics, and was highlighted as "SNP surrendering to criminals." It means that the likes of bike or garden thefts, where there is no one to give evidence, will not be looked into by cops unless new information comes to light.

It was originally kicked off in Moray, Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen in September 2023 and has been labelled a "success" by Police Scotland. When first announced it was part of plans to free up man hours due to a lack of funding from the Scottish Government, and a plummeting number of bobbies on the beat.

A report on how this went has been published ahead of a Scottish Police Authority meeting next week, with officials confirming the go-ahead for it to be rolled out across the country. Investigations into reports of petty theft and minor property damage were among those abandoned by cops.

Police said that during the 12-week trial, five per cent of crimes reported in A Division (Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire and Moray) were filed for no further enquiry, freeing up 2657 police officer hours. But this left victims of crime without a conclusion to their cases. If this was repeated across the country, an estimated 25,000 crimes would not be properly looked into.

Examples were included in the report, with one caller's car bumper being damaged in a car park, but with no CCTV present or note left. Their case was abandoned, as was one person who returned home after four weeks away to find two garden ornaments missing.

Another complainer had a delivery of a parcel confirmed only for it to go missing when they got home. Due to a lack of CCTV, this was also earmarked for closure.

The Scottish Tories hit out at these plans, labelling the policy "dangerous." Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay MSP said: “The rollout of this dangerous scheme formalises the SNP’s surrender to criminals as official policing policy. That is not what hard-working officers signed up for.

“Savage SNP cuts and their weak justice agenda already means that officer numbers are at their lowest since 2008 and most crimes are not even reported Doing nothing in response to thousands of crimes betrays law-abiding Scots. This is a good day for criminals and can only result in even more crime on our streets.”

Assistant Chief Constable Emma Bond said: “The Proportionate Response to Crime process is not a policy of non-investigation – we are committed to investigating crime. Taking a proportionate response to crime is not a new concept but we’ve never had a national process or standard across Scotland.

“Our evaluation recommends this process is rolled out across the rest of the service and we intend to do this on a phased basis with ongoing engagement and evaluation. Every crime report is subject of individual assessment of threat, harm, risk, vulnerability and for proportionate lines of investigation and evidence, and that won't change.

“If there are no lines of enquiry that can be pursued, then we should be clear about that with the person who has contacted us. The public will be informed about the progress of their report more quickly, rather than waiting days for officers to make contact to inform them of the same outcome."

SNP Justice Secretary Angela Constance said: “Police Scotland have consistently stated that officers in the north-east will continue to investigate all reported crimes, with every case fully assessed and given a proportionate response based on threat, harm and risk. Building and maintaining public confidence remains key to any change in approach.

“Despite deeply challenging financial circumstances due to the UK Government settlement, our Budget for next year includes record police funding of £1.55 billion – an increase of £92.7 million. Scotland continues to have more police officers per head of population than England and Wales and recorded crime is at one of the lowest levels since 1974.”

'Years of devastating cuts under the SNP'

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037c4f No.154266

File: dfb4a4eb701567b⋯.png (343.47 KB,539x863,539:863,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20537885 (082144ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Good day for criminals! Police Scotland to no longer investigate all crimes across the country in 'dangerous' cost-cutting measure

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The Scottish Police Federation aired concerns about the new policy. They said: "In response to the announcement of Police Scotland to a proportionate response, the SPF remains concerned that these decisions are being made relative to financial constraints and not for a better service to the public.

"It is understandable that the police service and the Chief Constable have to look at ways at doing more with less however the harsh reality is that we are now doing less with less. We police by consent in Scotland and whatever policing model Police Scotland adopt has to be to give a better service not less.

"We will be scrutinising the results of the pilot, the announcement and be consulting with our membership regarding how this policy will stand or fall not just for police officers but for the communities of Scotland."

Scottish Labour Justice spokesperson Pauline McNeill said: “Years of devastating cuts under the SNP have hollowed out Police Scotland and put communities at risk. Thousands of crimes are now set to be given a free pass because policing is so dangerously overstretched – it is utterly scandalous that things have reached this point."

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037c4f No.154267

File: 67f5922dee74622⋯.png (696.28 KB,946x899,946:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b5d847672e77ea⋯.png (215.99 KB,654x575,654:575,Clipboard.png)

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File: 38c4ef2e9dc235e⋯.png (357.88 KB,587x812,587:812,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20538414 (082343ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf praises Police Scotland's plans not to investigate all crimes as a 'sensible' approach

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Humza Yousaf praises Police Scotland's plans not to investigate all crimes as a 'sensible' approach

The first minister is backing the scheme which will see more than 24,000 crimes not be investigated by cops, leaving thousands of victims of offences without a conclusion.

David Walker

8 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf has hit back at criticism of Police Scotland's plans not to investigate all crimes across the country, claiming that this is a "sensible" approach. This is despite the fact that more than 24,000 offences a year will now no longer be probed by cops, leaving some victims of crime without answers.

The move to roll out the "proportionate response to crime" across the entire country has been blasted by critics, with officers to no longer properly look into the likes of garden shed and bike thefts. Any incident which has no CCTV, witnesses or lines of enquiry will just be shut down.

It has been branded a "surrender" to criminals who may become more emboldened to commit crimes due to the increased chance they will never be caught. The first minister was asked about this on Friday and was quick to back the decision, which is also a cost-cutting measure.

He described the surrender comments as "ludicrous hyperbole from the Conservatives." He added: "Of course, the north-east pilot is similar to what is done by police forces right across the entire UK. That of course is where there are no proportionate lines of inquiry, there's no threat, no harm, no vulnerability then police won't necessarily investigate that crime any further.

"About five per cent of crimes in the north east fell into that bracket. If there's no proportionate lines of inquiry, no threat, no harm, what on earth do the Conservatives expect to happen? I think it's a proportionate approach, a sensible approach, and of course we are investing record amounts into Police Scotland."

But the new policy will mean the likes of garden theft and car vandalisms will now not be looked into. These were examples given in the police report on the "success" of the scheme which also disclosed that more than one in five of those taking part said they would no longer feel confident reporting a crime.

Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay said: "The rollout of this dangerous scheme formalises the SNP's surrender to criminals as official policing policy - that is not what hardworking officers signed up for.

"Savage SNP cuts and their weak justice agenda already mean that officer numbers are at their lowest since 2008 and most crimes are not even reported. Doing nothing in response to thousands of crimes betrays law-abiding Scots. This is a good day for criminals and can only result in more crime on our streets."

Police Scotland insisted that the strategy is not a "new concept" and it allows officers to spend time dealing with more serious crimes, or following lines of inquiry. The force claimed that the new system was not being introduced to save money - but admitted it was not on the table prior to a £50million budget cut in 2023-24.

The UK Government clamped down on petty crime last year when it announced that every theft would be properly investigated, with the opposite now the case north of the border. Case studies of the minor crimes which were 'directly filed' in the pilot included a report of a vandalised car and another in which a caller reported finding a smashed window on returning home to their property.

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037c4f No.154268

File: 4584d9f4a2a2569⋯.png (527.41 KB,929x899,929:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 9735b2f3b642069⋯.png (265.83 KB,687x525,229:175,Clipboard.png)

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File: adb5935de2b2e25⋯.png (153.08 KB,621x457,621:457,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20538489 (082359ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / More misery for Humza Yousaf as SNP slump to THIRD in Glasgow by-election

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More misery for Humza Yousaf as SNP slump to THIRD in Glasgow by-election

The Scottish Greens won the seat despite Labour winning most first preference votes as the Nat leader oversaw a 10th by-election defeat in a row

Douglas Dickie

8 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf's miserable run of by-elections continued on Thursday as the SNP slumped to third in Glasgow Hillhead. It came amid a surge in support for Labour, who took the most first preference votes but lost the seat to the Scottish Greens.

Labour were technically defending the seat but the single transferable voting system used in Scottish council elections can often skew the picture. But in terms of first preference votes, it suggests it is all to play for in Glasgow ahead of the general election.

The result will likely see the SNP pressure their Green allies to step aside in Glasgow seats, a move that would threaten to destroy the Greens' credibility as a serious political party. The Labour vote increased by almost 10% as the party's candidate Ruth Hall won 31.9% of the votes cast.

But with the Greens picking up second preference votes from SNP supporters, Seonad Hoy secured the party's first ever by-election victory at any level with 31.5% of first preference votes. SNP candidate Malcolm Francis limped home in third with 24.9%.

Glasgow Hillhead by-election result

Ruth Hall, Scottish Labour: 1298 (31.9%, +9.7)

Seonad Hoy, Scottish Green: 1284 (31.5%, -4.7)

Malcolm McConnel SNP: 1015 (24.9%, -3.7)

Faten Hameed, Scottish Conservative: 217 (5.3%, -1.4)

Alistair McConnachie, Independent Green Voice: 133 (3.3%, new)

Daniel O'Malley, Scottish Liberal Democrats: 106 (2.6%, -2.8)

Ryan McGinley, Independent: 22 (0.5%, new)

Both the Green and SNP vote share was down. The Greens will be delighted to have scored bagged the win, and the SNP may be privately pleased that their vote was only down by 3.7%.

Cllr Hoy said: "I am absolutely delighted to have been elected to represent the people of Hillhead alongside the marvellous Martha Wardrop. This was a real team effort from the Glasgow Greens. Every single one of our activists worked to make this happen and I can’t thank them all enough.

"But now the hard work really begins. I look forward to bringing that same energy and enthusiasm that saw the Scottish Greens win our first ever by-election to my role as councillor in Hillhead."

But the wider picture ahead of the UK vote later this year confirms a Labour resurgence in its former heartlands. Incredibly, it was the 10th by-election defeat at local and UK level for the SNP since Mr Yousaf became leader in March last year.

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037c4f No.154269

File: 3bc0a70c96517c7⋯.png (627.49 KB,931x899,931:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 22becfe74cee546⋯.png (259.1 KB,666x574,333:287,Clipboard.png)

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File: e33edfd2e7a1ea1⋯.png (157.87 KB,625x434,625:434,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20538657 (090032ZMAR24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Angela Constance admits Scottish Post Office Horizon victims face longer wait for justice than England and blames Westminster

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Angela Constance admits Scottish Post Office Horizon victims face longer wait for justice than England and blames Westminster

The Scottish Government's justice secretary insisted that the UK Government could legislate in Scotland to help exonerate victims of the scandal, but this has already been ruled out by Whitehall.

David Walker

8 MAR 2024

Scottish victims of the Post Office Horizon scandal have been warned that they may face longer waits for justice and compensation than their English and Welsh counterparts. And the Scottish Government's justice secretary blamed Westminster for this as it is refusing to legislate on behalf of Holyrood.

Despite previous complaints from the SNP about the UK Government overreaching and "destroying devolution" by interfering in Scottish laws, Humza Yousaf pleaded with UK ministers to help deal with those who faced criminal convictions due to the faulty Post Office computer systems.

But there are stark differences in how victims were prosecuted north of the border, as the Crown Office dealt with the cases unlike in England and Wales where the Post Office itself has historic powers of prosecution. It means that the UK Government would struggle to legislate in Scotland.

Fast-tracked legislation is being introduced in the House of Commons to clear the names of those who were wrongly convicted and pay them compensation, but this would only apply in England and Wales. It has led SNP justice secretary Angela Constance to hit out at this as "unclear" and confess that Scottish sub-postmasters may be forced to wait even longer for justice.

She insisted that she knew best and that having a single Bill applying across all of the UK would be the "best way to ensure that there is a quick, fair and equal solution for all affected sub-postmasters”. Her comments came after Post Office minister Kevin Hollinrake confirmed that the legislation would not cover Scotland or Northern Ireland.

Within the SNP administration and the Crown Office there is a row brewing over the legality of pardoning every victim, as Lord Advocate Dorothy Bain insisting that it should be done on a case-by-case basis, while Mr Yousaf wants a blanket pardon. Scottish Government officials will now need to come up with their own legislation.

About 100 sub-postmasters in Scotland were convicted after being wrongly accused of embezzling money, with Ms Constance confirming in a letter to Holyrood's Criminal Justice Committee that she is “currently working to develop equivalent legislation to be introduced in the Scottish Parliament to reverse the convictions of sub-postmasters convicted in the Scottish courts”

She added that this would “ensure that they are not disadvantaged if the UK Government does not change its position on this matter”. To help with this, she said she had asked the UK Government for a copy of its proposed Bill, so that “equivalent legislation” could be “introduced in the Scottish Parliament as quickly as possible”.

Ms Constance stressed this was important in “minimising any delay in Scottish sub-postmasters having their convictions reversed”. She told committee convener Audrey Nicol: “It is worth noting, however, that some delay may be inevitable as any legislation would have to be passed after the UK Bill has been passed, to ensure full compatibility with UK legislation and access to the UK compensation scheme for wrongly convicted sub-postmasters, in which the Scottish Government and Parliament have no locus.

“This is a clear reason why UK-wide legislation would be best and this may be a particular issue if the UK Bill is not passed until after the Scottish Parliament has gone into summer recess.”

Mr Hollinrake said in February that as prosecutions in both Scotland and Northern Ireland were carried out by the “relevant authorities” in these areas, it was for the Scottish Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly – which have responsibility for holding these bodies to account – to introduce their own legislation.

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037c4f No.154270

File: 08f870fa2dd5ce1⋯.png (700.19 KB,983x883,983:883,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20547269 (101746ZMAR24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / SNP-led Glasgow City Council face low emission zone mutiny as workers to refuse to pay penalty

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SNP-led Glasgow City Council face low emission zone mutiny as workers to refuse to pay penalty

Town hall chiefs in Glasgow face a war with their own employees over a farce which has seen workers be forced to come into the city centre in banned vehicles, and pick up a £60 fine for doing their job.

David Walker

10 MAR 2024

The SNP-led Glasgow City Council is facing a mutiny among its employees as scores of staff members are refusing to pay low emission zone fines. The environmental policy has descended into a farce after the local authority penalised its own workers for breaking the rules for driving in it while undertaking their job.

Since being introduced last summer, the policy has been incredibly unpopular, with many city centre businesses blaming it for a fall in footfall. It bans all the most polluting and older vehicles from entering the zone, with £60 fines sent out to those who ignore this.

But furious council staff have insisted that they will not be paying these tickets after being forced into the LEZ on work time and driving a work vehicle. Dozens of punishment letters have been issued to those driving the likes of older bin lorries, minibuses taking pupils to additional support learning placements and a van transporting offenders to carry out community service.

The skint local authority has shelled out hundreds of thousands of pounds of taxpayer cash on hiring replacement vehicles, but still use older ones for jobs outside the city centre. It has resulted in a war between the unions and the council over who should be paying out, with the latter insisting that individual workers will be pursued for the money.

One union organiser told the Scottish Mail on Sunday: "Drivers were doing their jobs and acting in good faith. These fines will not be paid." It was revealed that fines of more than £2,000 in total have been issued to council drivers, with the local authority claiming they have warned them that they would be liable for fines if they enter the LEZ.

Chris Mitchell, of the GMB union, said: "I am aware of fines, including the case of a driver who was following instructions to empty a street litter bin at High Street, just inside the LEZ, in a non-compliant vehicle. He carried out his work as instructed and got a letter telling him he was being fined. It then doubled to £120.

"I took this up with management and the driver will not be paying the fine. You now have drivers having to take detours, racking up more miles, using more fuel, to do a journey. It makes no sense whatsoever, but little makes sense with the LEZ."

A LEZ is set to be introduced this summer in Edinburgh, Aberdeen and Dundee despite complaints that they are not needed as nitrogen dioxide levels are within legal limits. But the SNP/Green policy is still being put in place, with those councils needing to upgrade a number of vehicles or risk fines themselves.

Glasgow City Council has spent more than £700,000 hiring replacement motors, including box vans, pick-ups and tipper trucks, to do the jobs of older vehicles which are banned from the zone. Scottish Conservative transport spokesman Graham Simpson said: "Getting the council's own vehicles compliant with the new rules should have been Glasgow City Council's top priority but instead they botched its introduction."

A council spokesman said: "The council driver is responsible for a fine if a non-compliant vehicle is driven into the zone area. All unpaid LEZ fines will be pursued for payment."

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037c4f No.154271

File: a000c0b42ff25b3⋯.png (610.73 KB,967x899,967:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 8a1256825f14fc6⋯.png (217.85 KB,648x531,72:59,Clipboard.png)

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File: a1c584b6a3033b5⋯.png (125.87 KB,637x509,637:509,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20548091 (102125ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf reacts furiously to reports government funding to terrorist-linked aid agency broke ministerial rules

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Humza Yousaf reacts furiously to reports government funding to terrorist-linked aid agency broke ministerial rules

The First Minister has accused the Daily Telegraph of printing a 'smear' over its report that he overruled Scottish Government officials to send £250,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) a day before his wife Nadia El-Nakla's parents were allowed to leave Gaza.

David Walker

9 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf has reacted furiously to claims that he overruled Scottish Government officials to send £250,000 to a terrorist-linked aid agency and that this was a conflict of interest. We previously told how he was accused of breaching the ministerial code due to his in-laws being trapped in Gaza at that time.

A day after he publicly announced that the cash would be going to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA), his wife Nadia El-Nakla's parents were allowed to escape Israel through the Rafah corridor. They had been stuck in Gaza after visiting relatives when the October 7 massacre happened and the borders shut.

The first minister was urged by officials to send money to Unicef who were working in the region but dismissed this, instead finding an un-budgeted £250,000 to send to the UNRWA. Most major countries have stopped donating to the organisation after some of its workers were accused of being involved in the October 7 attack, with 12 of them sacked.

Funding was announced on November 2, with his in-laws escaping Gaza the next day. This story featured on the front page of the Daily Telegraph, but has infuriated Mr Yousaf who took to social media to accuse the paper of "smears" and a "continuation of Islamophobic attacks."

He said: "I don't usually respond to smears against me or my family, but this story is so outrageous it requires a response. Most of my political life, I've battled insinuations from sections of the media desperate to link me to terrorism despite campaigning my whole life against it.

"The latest smear from the Telegraph is just a continuation of these Islamaphobic attacks. To be clear, the Scottish Government gave money to Gaza, like virtually every Government in the West, because of the unarguable humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded there.

"Whether funding was given to Unicef or UNRWA, both of course UN agencies, it was always for the people of Gaza. Funding to UNRWA was deemed the most flexible way of ensuring money got to where it was needed. Hence why so many governments, including the UK, gave millions to them."

He then went on to claim that UNRWA "had nothing to do with in-laws being able to leave Gaza" with this being attributed to "the hard work of the crisis team at the FCDO, like every other British national."

He added: "The FCDO can of course confirm this. To suggest otherwise is a flat-out lie & smear. I can not tell you the trauma my family suffered, particularly during the weeks my in-laws were trapped there. To peddle far-right conspiracies in a newspaper is outrageous & will only encourage a further pile-on of vile abuse my family & I have suffered throughout this period.

"Due to my faith & race, there will always be those, particularly on the far-right, who will desperately try to 'prove' my loyalties lie elsewhere. That I am a fifth columnist in the only country I call home, the country I love and the country I have the privilege of leading.

"For the Telegraph to give oxygen to these smears is depressing. It will not stop me from raising my voice for the plight of the people of Gaza or for continuing to call for the immediate release of hostages. Aid must go to the people of Gaza suffering unimaginable horror."

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr has claimed that the first minister has "questions to answer" about whether he breached the ministerial code which states that ministers "must ensure that no conflict arises, or could reasonably be perceived to arise, between their public duties and their private interests, financial or otherwise".

He also hit back at Mr Yousaf's claims as he said: "You are FM and are accountable to the Parliament and people of Scotland. This is about the use of public funds, no one, not even the FM, can spend this money carte blanche. Ministerial and official advice was discarded and these comments are a deflection and gross over-reaction."

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037c4f No.154272

File: 218c1738e77df70⋯.png (614.44 KB,863x899,863:899,Clipboard.png)

File: b809032073b8237⋯.png (264.61 KB,624x569,624:569,Clipboard.png)

File: 8aa13752f07db7a⋯.png (808.88 KB,583x849,583:849,Clipboard.png)

File: 56854c8c02251f2⋯.png (422.21 KB,600x868,150:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20548419 (102243ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf faces ministerial code break claim after sending £250k to Hamas-linked aid agency with his in-laws escaping Gaza the next day

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Humza Yousaf faces ministerial code break claim after sending £250k to Hamas-linked aid agency with his in-laws escaping Gaza the next day

The first minister is under pressure after it was revealed that he demanded extra unbudgeted cash be handed to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) and this was a conflict of interest as his wife's Nadia El-Nakla's parents were allowed to leave Gaza the next day, although he has denied it was linked.

David Walker

9 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf is facing accusations that he breached the ministerial code after overruling Scottish Government officials and demanding £250,000 be sent to a Hamas-linked aid agency. The donation to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) was announced publicly just a day before his in-laws were allowed to escape Gaza.

The first minister has been heavily involved in the war in the Middle East due to his extended family living in Gaza. His wife Nadia El-Nakla's parents became trapped in the city after the borders were shut when terrorist group Hamas attacked, killing over a thousand people.

But now Mr Yousaf has been accused of a conflict of interest after demanding that £250k of taxpayers cash was given to UNRWA instead of £200k being handed to Unicef who provide humanitarian aid in Gaza. He told officials that since he was about to meet with the aid agency "we should just announce an extra £250k to them".

The UNRWA were forced to sack a dozen workers earlier this year after they were accused of being involved with Hamas, who raided Gaza and kidnapped a number of woman, and also killed 1,200 people. Donations to the organisation have been paused by major countries including the USA and the UK.

On November 2 last year, the SNP Executive's £250k donation was publicly announced, the same day the first minister met a delegation of senior UNRWA officials in Edinburgh. Then, his mother and father-in-law were given safe passage out of Gaza via the Rafah crossing the next day.

Mr Yousaf denied to the Daily Telegraph that this cash was in any way connected to the release of his family. A spokesman for him said: "UNRWA had no role in the situation regarding the First Minister's extended family and any suggestion of a conflict of interest in this matter would be completely untrue."

But he is still facing accusations that his interference in the allocation of aid money was a conflict of interest and could have breached the ministerial code. This states that ministers "must ensure that no conflict arises, or could reasonably be perceived to arise, between their public duties and their private interests, financial or otherwise".

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr sits on Holyrood's standards and procedures committee and believes that the first minister has a case to answer. A report has been made to the Metropolitan Police's anti-terrorism hotline, and a submission is being prepared to send to Audit Scotland.

Mr Kerr said: "The First Minister has some serious explaining to do starting with why he overrode officials to take money away from the vital Unicef water programme and assign it to UNRWA. It looks as if the money was not budgeted and that the First Minister was prepared to bend the rules and not follow procedure.

"Humza Yousaf has a clear conflict of interest in the awarding of aid to Gaza. Clearly the fact that so many members of his family are either living in Gaza or are involved with Palestinian organisations raises significant questions about what his motivation is for using taxpayers' money in the area."

He also pointed out that the first minister "may very well have broken the code by failing to recuse himself when he has family connections to Gaza and Palestinian organisations here in Scotland. If he cannot give a satisfactory answer to questions about the decision-making behind this payment by the Scottish Government, then Parliament must set up an independent investigation into this matter."

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037c4f No.154273

File: 71fd361899c8629⋯.png (219.52 KB,635x649,635:649,Clipboard.png)

File: 50461a285f9fb52⋯.png (104.75 KB,576x471,192:157,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20548426 (102245ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf faces ministerial code break claim after sending £250k to Hamas-linked aid agency with his in-laws escaping Gaza the next day

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The Scottish Government has given £750,000 in total to UNRWA since the October 7 massacre, with the first tranche of £500,000 announced on October 14. Mr Yousaf sent an "urgent commission" to officials for "funds/supplies for water supplies to a charity or aid organisation" in Gaza 10 days later.

He was told that £100,000-£200,000 to Unicef was the "preferred option" and that there were no available funds for general humanitarian aid in Gaza. Internal correspondence shows that Mr Yousaf was told by officials: "We have considered various options to provide humanitarian support for civilians in Gaza, including access to wider SG [Scottish Government] budgets but this is not currently available to us."

But the first minister demanded that cash be found as he was meeting UNRWA. Douglas Ross, the Scottish Tory leader, said Mr Yousaf had "questions to answer" over why he "went against official advice and chose to give public money to UNRWA rather than Unicef."

He added: "It's important the First Minister is fully transparent, especially given it appears that a Scottish Government fund ringfenced for other charities was raided for this donation, and the allegations that have since emerged about UNRWA workers."The information was revealed by YouTuber Craig Houston.

A spokesman for Mr Yousaf said: "UNRWA had no role in the situation regarding the First Minister's extended family and any suggestion of a conflict of interest in this matter would be completely untrue. The record shows the First Minister's actions were consistent with his obligations towards openness and honesty in the Scottish Ministerial Code.

"The decision not to restrict funding to water supplies was based on advice from officials, following discussions with UNRWA, Unicef and the British Red Cross."

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037c4f No.154274

File: 9a0fb418631c38d⋯.png (658.04 KB,968x899,968:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 216c25235f92ace⋯.png (279.58 KB,659x549,659:549,Clipboard.png)

File: 4534b52c16df7bd⋯.png (493.89 KB,574x869,574:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 33492683d8ffac0⋯.png (346.37 KB,581x768,581:768,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20548619 (102327ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf 'overreacted' to Gaza criticism as row over funding to terrorist-linked aid agency rolls on

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Humza Yousaf 'overreacted' to Gaza criticism as row over funding to terrorist-linked aid agency rolls on

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr appeared on BBC Scotland's Sunday Show where he refused to back down over his claims the first minister could have broken the ministerial code after overruling Scottish Government officials to send money to UNRWA.

David Walker

10 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf has been accused of "overreacting" to criticism of his decision to hand funding to a terrorist-linked aid agency instead of Unicef. The first minister reacted furiously to allegations that he breached ministerial code by overruling Scottish Government officials to give money to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA).

A day after he publicly announced that £250k would go to the organisation, his wife Nadia El-Nakla's parents were allowed to escape Gaza after being trapped there while visiting their family when the October 7 attacks happened. Mr Yousaf claimed that his detractors were pushing "Islamophobia" and it was a "smear."

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr was quoted in the piece as he indicated that the first minister has urgent questions to answer over whether he breached the ministerial code due to making the decision to give funding to UNRWA when he had close family links to the war in Israel.

He said: "The First Minister has some serious explaining to do starting with why he overrode officials to take money away from the vital Unicef water programme and assign it to UNRWA. It looks as if the money was not budgeted and that the First Minister was prepared to bend the rules and not follow procedure.

"Humza Yousaf has a clear conflict of interest in the awarding of aid to Gaza. Clearly the fact that so many members of his family are either living in Gaza or are involved with Palestinian organisations raises significant questions about what his motivation is for using taxpayers' money in the area."

On BBC Scotland's Sunday Show, Mr Kerr was asked if he regretted these comments considering the reaction of the first minister and various nationalist politicians to the story. But he doubled down on his criticism by insisting that the SNP leader had "overreacted" in his response.

He said: "There are questions about how it came about that £200,000 has been allocated to Unicef for the water project was overnight on one email pivoted and redirected. It's not an unreasonable thing to ask what exactly happened, and why was that decision made? That is all that we're asking.

"It is the ability of a member of parliament, whether at Westminster, Holyrood, to scrutinise the operation of government and to hold the government to account. There is nothing unusual about asking questions about how decisions are made and why they were made.

"And the reaction of the First Minister I felt was an overreaction. Now listen, I happen to agree with him on some if the things he said about the nature of politics and the identity politics and all of that stuff in his social media points. But that's not the point. That is not the point I'm trying to make here about his motivation, we have a ministerial code that protects ministers on issues of conflict of interest."

Funding to the UNRWA has been paused by a number of major countries due to a number of staff members being allegedly members of Hamas, who perpetrated the October 7 attacks which killed 1,500 people. The Scottish Government has handed £750k to them.

Mr Yousaf reacted furiously to suggestions that there was any impropriety involved in the decision. He said: "I don't usually respond to smears against me or my family, but this story is so outrageous it requires a response. Most of my political life, I've battled insinuations from sections of the media desperate to link me to terrorism despite campaigning my whole life against it.

"The latest smear from the Telegraph is just a continuation of these Islamaphobic attacks. To be clear, the Scottish Government gave money to Gaza, like virtually every Government in the West, because of the unarguable humanitarian catastrophe that has unfolded there."

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037c4f No.154275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20548670 (102336ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / GBN: Humza Yousaf OVERRIDES officials to give £250,000 of tax payer money to 'Hamas linked' UN agency (video)

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Humza Yousaf OVERRIDES officials to give £250,000 of tax payer money to 'Hamas linked' UN agency


1.2M subscribers

37,590 views Mar 8, 2024 #uknews #gbnews #SNP

'The life expectency is actually lower in Glasgow than it is in Gaza for men.' - Leo Kearse

Yousaf in row over £250,000 Gaza cash | Telegraph

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037c4f No.154276

File: 3df4ca4d13afa27⋯.png (587.8 KB,922x899,922:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 39b4594ebb1e3a7⋯.png (467.97 KB,672x863,672:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 98ede0f357a7aef⋯.png (433.48 KB,698x598,349:299,Clipboard.png)

File: e5fe51d0d628447⋯.png (238.31 KB,669x447,223:149,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20548824 (110007ZMAR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Nicola Sturgeon's rage video defending SNP finances is under scrutiny from Operation Branchform cops (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon's rage video defending SNP finances is under scrutiny from Operation Branchform cops

Detectives investigating the SNP's finances are quizzing witnesses about the video of the former first minister warning members not to publicly air concerns about the party accounts.

David Walker

10 MAR 2024

Operation Branchform cops are scrutinising a controversial video involving Nicola Sturgeon raging about SNP members airing concerns about the finances of the party. It has been revealed that witnesses are being quizzed over the footage which could link the former first minister to fraud claims and detail whether she had access to the accounts being investigated.

Detectives have been probing the accounts of the nationalist party since 2021 after complaints were made about whether it had illegally spent £600k of cash which was meant to be ring-fenced for a second independence referendum. It has led to the arrest of Ms Sturgeon, her husband Peter Murrell and former treasurer Colin Beattie.

Now, the Sunday Mail have reported that cops are focusing on a video which involves the former first minister hitting back at financial claims made about the SNP. She raged that the party finances have "never been stronger" and added: "There are no reasons for people to be concerned about the party's finances and all of us need to be careful about not suggesting that there is."

The video was from a National Executive Committee meeting in March 2021 and her angry statement came after three members of her finance and audit committee resigned in protest because they were refused access to the books. Newly appointed treasurer Douglas Chapman also quit over similar concerns.

Just a few months later the first few police complaints about missing money were made, and cops launched an investigation into this. Now, officers are asking detailed questions about the tape and whether it can shed light on whether Ms Sturgeon had full knowledge of the accounts.

This revelation comes on the back of the reports that police were also re-interviewing witnesses for a fourth time as they attempt to get to the bottom of the scandal. All three nationalist figures who have been arrested have denied all wrongdoing.

The marital home of Mr Murrell and Ms Sturgeon was raided by police who are also looking at hundreds of purchases believed to have been made with party cash. A source told the Sunday Mail: "The line of questioning has been about what people knew of various purchases, who would have been able to make purchases, and who could reasonably have known about purchases and who would have had access to accounts and spending information.

"The video is of significant interest because detectives have referred to it repeatedly, wanting to know what people who were on the NEC ruling body took from what Nicola Sturgeon was saying. They want to get to the bottom of whether it is proof she had access to and did, in fact, access accounting information or whether she was merely speaking to what she believed to be the case about the accounts."

Operation Branchform is focused on how cash raised in 2017 and 2019 as part of a referendum appeal has been spent, with concerns being raised when SNP accounts showed that there was less than £100,000 in the bank at the end of 2019, despite £600,000 being donated.

Cops are looking into expensive purchases made by senior members of the party, including a £95,000 Jaguar I-Pace SUV which was allegedly bought by Mr Murrell. It has since been sold after being pictured in his driveway in March 2021. A £110,000 campervan was also seized from his mother's drive in Dunfermline.

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037c4f No.154277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20548861 (110013ZMAR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Nicola Sturgeon's rage video defending SNP finances is under scrutiny from Operation Branchform cops (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon leaked video shows her furious defence of SNP finances

Daily Mail

3.34M subscribers

25,054 views Apr 18, 2023 SCOTLAND

New video footage released revealed Nicola Sturgeon claimed in a 2021 meeting that the SNP's finances had 'never been stronger'. It shows then Scottish First Minister warning members to be 'very careful' about suggesting there are 'problems' with the party's finances.

#NicolaSturgeon #SNP #PeterMurrell #SNPFinances #Scotland #FirstMinister

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037c4f No.154278

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20549129 (110106ZMAR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Nicola Sturgeon's rage video defending SNP finances is under scrutiny from Operation Branchform cops (video)

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Sturgeon's Rage Video Under Investigation!

Silver Fox Hot Takes

11.7K subscribers

12,214 views Mar 10, 2024 RAUNDS

Branchform cops are looking into the rage video and questioning all relevent people about it!

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037c4f No.154279

File: d47fc60874d73c0⋯.png (714.11 KB,757x874,757:874,Clipboard.png)

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File: b946d04ccb231ea⋯.png (43.28 KB,504x870,84:145,Clipboard.png)

File: 6571356360bf824⋯.png (551.45 KB,488x877,488:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20551697 (111545ZMAR24) Notable: Theresa May to stand down as MP at next election as former Prime Minister says ‘it’s been honour & privilege to serve’

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MAY STANDS DOWN Theresa May to stand down as MP at next election as former Prime Minister says ‘it’s been honour & privilege to serve’

The former Prime Minister has revealed what she will be focusing on going forward

Summer Raemason

8 Mar 2024

THERESA May has announced she will be standing down as an MP at the next General Election.

The former Prime Minister, who has been an MP for 27 years, said it had been an "honour and a privilege" to serve her Maidenhead constituents.

She made the "difficult" decision to step down to focus on causes close to her heart which "have been taking an increasing amount of my time".

Announcing the news to her local newspaper, the Maidenhead Advertiser, May said: “Since stepping down as prime minister I have enjoyed being a backbencher again and having more time to work for my constituents and champion causes close to my heart including most recently launching a Global Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

“These causes have been taking an increasing amount of my time.

“Because of this, after much careful thought and consideration, I have realised that, looking ahead, I would no longer be able to do my job as an MP in the way I believe is right and my constituents deserve.

“I have therefore taken the difficult decision to stand down at the next General Election.”

She added: “I have served as Home Secretary and Prime Minister but none of that would have been possible without the people of Maidenhead and the constituency which I have been proud to call my home.”

May has been a Conservative MP since 1997, having been elected to the Berkshire seat seven times.

She served as Home Secretary under David Cameron from 2010 to 2016 before taking over his role at Number 10 after he resigned in the wake of the Brexit vote.

A snap election in 2017 saw May lose her majority, but she remained in power thanks to a deal with the DUP.

She spent the following two years negotiating a Brexit deal with the EU but was forced to resign in 2019 after failing to get it through Parliament.

Announcing her resignation on May 24, 2019, May delivered an emotional speech outside Downing Street in which she described her time in the role as "the honour of my life".

In her statement, the Maidenhead MP said it had been "an honour and a privilege to serve everyone in the Maidenhead constituency".

She added: “Being an MP is about service to one’s constituents and I have always done my best to ensure that I respond to the needs of local people and the local area."

Almost 100 MPs have announced they will not fight their seats at the next election, including 64 Conservatives and former Conservatives.

This is the highest number of Tories to retire from Parliament since May entered the Commons in 1997.

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037c4f No.154280

File: fe18ef16c77e0d1⋯.png (453.15 KB,806x726,403:363,Clipboard.png)

File: a5e792720104e4e⋯.png (281.36 KB,570x551,30:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 58bf3a207385349⋯.png (126.31 KB,570x628,285:314,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20551890 (111642ZMAR24) Notable: Explicit sex show backed by Government quango facing funding investigation

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Explicit sex show backed by Government quango facing funding investigation

Creative Scotland are “aware of concerns” about the project.

Paul Hutcheon

10 MAR 2024

Creative Scotland is investigating a decision to award almost £85,000 of public funds to a film project involving explicit sex scenes.

In the January round of the public arts body’s National Lottery Open Fund, £84,555 was awarded to director Leonie Rae Gasson for the Rein development.

The projects website describes it as a 45-minute art installation which pays those who take part a fee of £270 per day to take part in “non-simulated” sex, including “hardcore” acts.

The recruitment advert states actors must be over the age of 18, with those with previous sex work experience – “particularly in porn contexts” – encouraged to apply.

The public funding allocation has come under fire, particularly at a time the arts sector struggles to recover from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Creative Scotland told the Sunday Post it is “aware of concerns” and will investigate the project.

Scottish Conservative deputy leader Meghan Gallacher said: “Given the concerns raised here, Scottish Government ministers must make clear that robust processes were followed before handing over taxpayers’ money for the show.”

The Scottish Government said funding decisions are made independently by the arts body.

A Creative Scotland spokesperson said: “We are aware of concerns being raised about this project and we are investigating. We will say more in due course.”

In Ms Gasson’s description of the project, she said: “If you are selected to be in the cast, our intimacy co-ordinators will support you to more clearly identify your detailed needs and boundaries with the sexual aspects of the work.

“This is a pro-sex and pro-sex worker project, so, even if your character does not engage in sex, you will be around those that do.”

Ms Gasson has been asked for additional comment.

Feminist campaigners For Women Scotland told the Scottish Sun: “At a time when genuine arts projects struggle to find funding, it seems that Scottish Government-supported bodies are eager to splash the cash on projects that dehumanise women and promote unhealthy and dangerous relationships.”

The group has demanded to know who “signed off” on the decision to fund the project through the “public purse”.

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037c4f No.154281

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20551994 (111708ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP MSP tells parents teacher numbers are a 'luxury we can no longer afford'

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SNP MSP tells parents teacher numbers are a 'luxury we can no longer afford'

EXCLUSIVE: A leaked email has revealed John Mason defending the prospect of a fall in teacher numbers on Scotland's largest local authority.

Paul Hutcheon

9 MAR 2024

Gaffe-prone SNP MSP John Mason has been condemned after claiming teacher levels in Glasgow are an unaffordable “luxury”.

He also said it would be unfair to keep teacher numbers at current levels and disputed claims of an “emergency” in education.

Labour MSP Pam-Duncan Glancy said: “The SNP’s mask has well and truly slipped with these unbelievable comments.

“Parents across Glasgow will be horrified to hear that the SNP now considers their children’s teachers to be an extravagant luxury.

“The SNP’s mismanagement of Scotland’s once-world class education system is nothing short of a disgrace.”

SNP-led Glasgow Council is under fire over plans to make £27.8m of cuts over three years, which could include the loss of up to 450 teaching posts.

Mason, the MSP for Glasgow Shettleston who has a track record of embarrassing his colleagues, has mounted a defence of cuts to teaching jobs.

“I would agree with you that in an ideal world we should be pushing for more teachers and smaller class sizes, as there seems to be widespread agreement that children benefit from that.

“However, pupil numbers have been falling in Glasgow over a number of years while teacher numbers have been kept constant. This means that class sizes have been reducing on average and our staffing levels have been higher than strictly required.”

He added: “Sadly this is a luxury we can no longer afford. Police, NHS, local councils, and other sectors are all having to trim staff at a time of severe financial pressure.

“Therefore, I am afraid it is just not possible or fair that teacher numbers should be kept at historic levels.”

He accepted there are “challenges” facing schools, but insisted: “I do not accept that it is an ‘emergency situation’.”

Mason then offered his view on tax: “I am struggling to see an alternative that would be acceptable to the public e.g serious increases in taxation.

“The UK (including Scotland) has relatively low tax rates - we pay about 38% of GDP in tax whereas France pays 50%. So if the public continue to want low taxes, I am afraid that the result will be limited public services.

“Just this week I watched a film on Denmark where most people accept higher taxes in order to get better schools and other services.”

Mason’s comments contradict SNP Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth who has urged councils to maintain teacher numbers.

Specific funding has also been provided to town halls to avoid teacher cuts.

A spokesperson for the EIS trade union said: “This is a remarkably ill-informed comment, which seems to display a wilful ignorance of the essential work that our schools are doing in supporting all pupils and in attempting to mitigate against the devastating impacts of poverty on young people.

"Mr Mason should be reminded that the Scottish Government has a longstanding commitment to maintain teacher numbers, and has provided specific funding to local authorities for this explicit purpose.

"We need more teachers in our classrooms to meet the many demands placed upon schools and to ensure that the educational needs of all young people can be met. Comments like these from Mr Mason are both profoundly unhelpful and entirely unacceptable.”

Mason was disciplined by party bosses at Holyrood in 2022 after defending anti-abortion protests outside hospitals.

He received a written warning after being accused of causing women “great distress” for his remarks on abortion rights and buffer zones outside clinics.

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037c4f No.154282

File: 4ad53669da9fce0⋯.png (345.47 KB,595x794,595:794,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20552003 (111709ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP MSP tells parents teacher numbers are a 'luxury we can no longer afford'

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A Scottish Government spokesperson said:

“The Scottish Government is determined to close the poverty related attainment gap and ministers are clear that this will not be achieved by councils employing fewer teachers in our schools. To that end, we are providing local authorities with £145.5 million in next year’s budget to protect teacher numbers.

“We have also informed councils that we will look to protect teacher numbers next year through issuing this funding in the form of grants. Local authorities will be required to commit to maintaining teacher numbers as part of these conditions.

“Councils have statutory obligations in respect of education, and have a shared commitment with the Scottish Government to deliver the best outcomes for people and communities under the Verity House Agreement.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154283

File: 5449a8ad3851521⋯.png (585.98 KB,1010x899,1010:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20552165 (111742ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Scotland's controversial hate crime bill to finally come into force next month

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Scotland's controversial hate crime bill to finally come into force next month

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in March 2021 but it has been one of the most controversial pieces of legislation debated by MSPs in the last few years.

Andrew Quinn

11 MAR 2024

The Scottish Government's new controversial hate crime law will finally come into force next month.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act was passed by MSPs in March 2021 but it has been one of the most controversial pieces of legislation debated by MSPs in the last few years

It created new offences of “stirring up” hatred - which previously applied only to race - by extending it protected characteristics such as disability, race, religion and sexual orientation.

Critics feared the initial proposals could have a chilling effect on freedom of speech and the Government faced a backlash.

In the final debate before its passage, First Minister Humza Yousaf – then serving as justice secretary – said no-one would be found to have stirred up hatred “for solely stating their belief – even if they did so in a robust manner”.

Ahead of the legislation taking effect, the Scottish Government has launched a public awareness campaign aimed at highlighting the impact of hate crime.

In a statement on Monday, community safety minister Siobhian Brown said: “For those impacted by hatred and prejudice, the results can be traumatic and life-changing.

“While we respect everyone’s right to freedom of expression, nobody in our society should live in fear or be made to feel like they don’t belong, and the Scottish Government is committed to building safer communities that live free from hatred and prejudice.

“Hate crime is behaviour that is both criminal and rooted in prejudice. It can be verbal, physical, online or face to face.

“The new law will give greater protections to those who need it and helps to form the basis of understanding about the type of behaviour that is not acceptable in our society.

“We must do all we can to give victims and witnesses the confidence to report instances of hate crime, which is why we have launched a new campaign, Hate Hurts.

“The campaign is informed by lived experience and explains what a hate crime is, the impact it has on victims and how to report it.”

Chief Superintendent Faroque Hussain, the hate crime prevention lead for Police Scotland, said: “Hate crime is vile and wrong.

“To target a person, a group or a community because of who they are, how they look or how they choose to live their lives undermines freedoms and rights we are entitled to enjoy as human beings.

“We know it can be hard for people to report a hate crime, and in some cases to even recognise or acknowledge that they have been a victim.

“We want everyone targeted by hate crime, or those who witness it, to have confidence to come forward.

“They can be assured they will be treated with dignity and respect, and that the circumstances they report will be fully investigated.”

Figures released by the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) last year showed a two per cent drop in hate crimes in Scotland in 2022-23.

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037c4f No.154284

File: 4ca318d3473c230⋯.png (615.15 KB,988x894,494:447,Clipboard.png)

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File: c4b5b1abd270958⋯.png (125.82 KB,642x515,642:515,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20552231 (111756ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf 'reneged' on Hate Crime Act promise as fears grow that feminists like JK Rowling could face arrest

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Humza Yousaf 'reneged' on Hate Crime Act promise as fears grow that feminists like JK Rowling could face arrest

Trans activists are now calling for JK Rowling to face arrest in Scotland... and after Humza Yousaf's new Hate Crime crackdown is enforced after April 1, there is growing concern that this could be a new 'chilling' reality

Ben Borland

11 MAR 2024

A leading campaign group has accused Humza Yousaf and the Scottish Government of going back on a promise to engage with stakeholders on the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act.

The controversial legislation was passed in 2021 when the First Minister was Justice Secretary despite fears that it would criminalise people for making statements that merely cause others to be offended or upset.

It creates the new offence of "stirring up hatred" and at the time, campaigners warned that gender critical feminists such as JK Rowling could be prosecuted for expressing concerns about trans women being allowed access to all-female spaces.

The legislation is due to be enforced from April 1, just as the Harry Potter author has been reported to police for describing broadcaster India Willoughby – a trans woman – as a man. Northumbria Police dismissed Willoughby's complaint but trans activists are now trying to have Rowling arrested in Scotland.

In response, legal policy group Murray Blackburn Mackenzie (MBM) has written to Holyrood's Criminal Justice Committee to raise their concern ahead of the new Hate Crime legislation being enforced from Easter Monday.

They say: "Many women are concerned that some people who object to women talking in plain language about how sex can't be changed, and why and when this matters to them, will make complaints to the police, using the stirring up hatred provisions. During debates on the Bill, the then Cabinet Secretary [Yousaf] sought to provide reassurances that it was not the intention of the government ... to draw people into the criminal justice system simply for making statements that other people disagreed with or found offensive."

However, since that time there has been no update from Police Scotland on how it will deal with hate crime complaints that might be viewed as "trivial, malicious or irrational" – despite similar measures being introduced to protect freedom of expression in England and Wales.

In the letter, MBM points out that under current policy "officers will be required on the one hand to regard all reports of 'hate' as subjectively true on the perception of the complainer" while at the same time applying a "high threshold" to hate crime reports. The group adds that it has been trying to meet with the force since Christmas to discuss this "clearly contradictory" approach.

Police Scotland has cancelled two meetings with MBM, although a third is now scheduled for Tuesday, March 12. The group also states that Yousaf promised that "concerned stakeholders, including ourselves" would have input into the 'Explanatory Notes' setting out how the new laws would be applied.

The letter states: "The Scottish Government did not honour that promise, despite repeated assurances over the following months that it would. Instead, it told us a year later that it had finalised the Explanatory Notes."

In conclusion, MBM is urging the committee to "seek urgent reassurances from Police Scotland" about how it plans to avoid "a chilling effect on lawful freedom of expression". It adds: "We would also ask that the Committee seeks an explanation from the Scottish Government as to why it reneged on the undertaking made to the Parliament by the now First Minister to engage further with stakeholders concerned about the Act, after it was passed."

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037c4f No.154285

File: 9fa9740816a97b3⋯.png (649.81 KB,908x899,908:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20552303 (111813ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / It must be April Fool's Day in the SNP's Scotland when calling a male person a 'man' becomes illegal

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It must be April Fool's Day in the SNP's Scotland when calling a male person a 'man' becomes illegal

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Bill has been lurking in the shadows for three years but it is now going to come into effect from April 1, meaning that 'misogyny' and 'stirring up hatred' will be recorded as a criminal offence



By Ben Borland Editor

11 MAR 2024

It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen. George Orwell's famous opening to 1984 couldn't be more appropriate as Scotland prepares to enter a dystopian universe where Big Brother is always watching and hate crime is simply saying something that another person doesn't like.

The Scottish Government confirmed today that the Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act will take effect on April 1, bringing with it some of the most draconian curbs on freedom of speech and expression in any free democracy on earth. It has taken 40 years longer than Orwell predicted... but we have finally arrived in the totalitarian nightmare that he feared.

Incredibly, the first test case of these new SNP restrictions may well come via the billionaire author JK Rowling, whose Harry Potter books have brought light and happiness into the lives of countless children. She was recently reported to the police in England for describing the trans woman broadcaster India Willoughby as a 'man'.

Northumbria Police were reassuringly quick to tell Willoughby that no crime had been committed but it remains to be seen what will happen in Scotland if a similar remark were to be reported after April 1. Rowling, whose Ministry of Magic was another literary example of how easily state powers could be subverted, could find herself in a plot too far-fetched even for her own fertile imagination.

In another horrendous irony, the police will begin enforcing this new and dangerous legislation – which will also make misogyny a hate crime – at around the same time as a cost-cutting new policy is rolled out nationwide which will mean that around one in 20 actual crimes are no longer investigated.

If somebody breaks into your garden shed and steals your bike, for example, or if your car is vandalised, then no action will be taken unless there is a witness or other evidence such as CCTV footage. However, if you were to say that you wouldn't want an adult transgender female with male genitalia to share a changing room at the swimming pool with your daughter, then you may risk prosecution.

The Hate Crime Act was pushed through the Scottish Parliament by the current First Minister Humza Yousaf during his stint as Justice Secretary, although much like almost everything else he has ever been involved with (barring his deeply held convictions over Israel and Gaza) it wasn't actually his idea.

Indeed, it was the brainchild of his predecessor Nicola Sturgeon, who hoped to leave as a "legacy" the Gender Recognition Reform Act that would allow people in Scotland to legally change their gender after just three months and without any medical grounds for doing so.

Thankfully, this madness was torpedoed by the Isla Bryson/Adam Graham scandal when a convicted double rapist was sent to a female prison and blocked by the Scottish Secretary Alister Jack, with his actions later fully upheld by the courts. Unfortunately, the Hate Crime Act was passed as long ago as March 2021 and there is now nothing to stop this legislation from taking effect on April 1 and crushing our cherished freedoms like an out-of-control steamroller.

Unlike in England and Wales, there is no provision for Police Scotland to ignore "trivial, malicious or irrational" complaints and all reports of hate crime MUST be recorded, no matter how nonsensical they are. This could – in theory – even see the new book in which the Loch Ness monster depicted as a male (traditionally, Nessie is regarded as a she-monster) recorded on police systems for 'misgendering'.

Before the Bill came into force in March 2021, the Scottish Parliament's Criminal Justice Committee took steps to allay fears over freedom of expression with the former convener Adam Tomkins – who is much missed as a Conservative MSP after stepping down later that year – said: "In particular, it must be widely understood that, just because one is offended, hurt or upset by something that someone has said about an aspect of one's identity, that does not mean that a hate crime has been committed."

It remains to be seen whether Mr Tomkins and his colleagues did enough to insert safeguards into the Bill that was so recklessly passed by SNP and Green MSPs... or whether we are to start a new chapter of life in the SNP's Orwellian Scotland.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154286

File: 739058539d73008⋯.png (616.76 KB,982x896,491:448,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20553573 (112249ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Keith Brown loses the rag with BBC presenter in car crash interview about Humza Yousaf UNRWA row

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Keith Brown loses the rag with BBC presenter in car crash interview about Humza Yousaf UNRWA row

Douglas Dickie

11 MAR 2024

Keith Brown MSP lost the plot with a radio presenter as he blasted the BBC Scotland for covering the controversy surrounding Humza Yousaf's handing of public cash to the alleged Hamas-linked United Nations Relief and Works Agency. The SNP deputy leader refused to accept there were legitimate questions being asked about the use of public funds.

However, he also admitted he had no idea if his boss had overruled officials, who wanted money to go to Unicef instead. And he also refused to condemn Mr Yousaf referring to his political opponents as "traitors" despite criticising the use of inflammatory language in politics.

Mr Brown clashed with presenter Gary Robertson several times in the car-crash interview as he branded the original story in the Daily Telegraph a "disgrace". He also called for Scottish Conservative MSP Stephen Kerr, who led his party's response to the scandal, to be ditched as a candidate for Angus and Perthshire Glens at the upcoming general election.

He said Mr Yousaf had been subjected to racist abuse due to the story, telling Mr Robertson to "go on social media and check some of the comments". But asked if Mr Yousaf overruled officials, Mr Brown said: "Let's stick to what I know. It is absolutely right that the Scottish Government takes that decision.

"Of course the First Minister can take a decision which is different from that recommended by officials, if that was the case. I don't know that it was."

Asked if he had spoken to his boss about it, Mr Brown replied: "Of course I've not. I have no problem with the Scottish Government providing support." Mr Brown was then told he was supposed to be on the show to "defend the situation" but he merely repeated his argument that he had no issues with the cash being given to UNRWA.

He then bizarrely said it would have been acceptable for the Tories to raise the issue at Holyrood but not a newspaper. When that contradiction was pointed out to him, Mr Brown responded: "I've already explained that to you, Gary.

"Look at the article. Look at the consequences of the article. Look at what Stephen Kerr's done. Look at him smirking on TV yesterday knowing exactly the reaction that he was going to get in relation to this. I think it's a despicable way to go about business."

He claimed voters would find the story "unremarkable" and he found it "absolutely incredible" that the story was being "portrayed in the way that it is". Presented with Mr Yousaf's own support for a headline in the Press and Journal that referred to SNP opponents as "traitors", Mr Brown claimed he hasn't "seen the First Minister describing anyone as a traitor".

But pushed further, he fumed: "He's referred to an article in a newspaper and you're trying to draw an equivalence between that and what has just happened in relation to the deal. I reject that completely. I think we should stick to the focus here which is the idea that we are stoking racism and hatred and division."

When Mr Robertson pressed home the point, Mr Brown tried to dismiss him saying: "Is this where the BBC is going with? After highlighting this attack from the Daily Telegraph and Stephen Kerr, this is where you're ending up. Why can't we focus on the issue here?"

Mr Brown's performance was criticised on social media with Tory MSP Murdo Fraser saying: "Humiliating interview for the hapless @KeithBrownSNP on GMS - so focused on having a pop at @RealStephenKerr that he can’t answer simple questions about the First Minister’s decision making. The second serious error from him in a week - SNP colleagues are already furious with him."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154287

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20553625 (112257ZMAR24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One

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Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One

>>154036 Covid Inquiry - STUC General Secretary on BBC1 (video)

>>154038 >>154039 NHS campaigners question whether Jason Leitch was qualified for Covid pandemic role

>>154047 SNP Government should 'sack' Jason Leitch as nationalists accused of 'mocking' Scots behind the scenes of Covid pandemic

>>154053 Covid Inquiry: Jason Leitch denies deleting WhatsApps daily and kept no informal pandemic messages (video)

>>154054 Jason Leitch secretly advised Humza how to bend Covid rules in WhatsApps (video)

>>154061 Liz Lloyd and Nicola Sturgeon controlled the 'badly organised' daily TV Covid briefings

>>154062 Jason Leitch's mask 'workaround' has exposed SNP mandate as the political sham many knew it was

>>154063 UK Covid Inquiry has exposed Nicola Sturgeon, Jason Leitch and Devi Sridhar as a parcel of rogues

>>154064 STV: Analysis: Should Jason Leitch be sacked after Covid Inquiry evidence (video)

>>154066 BBC blasted for turning damning inquiry revelations into a 'puff' piece for foul-mouthed Nicola Sturgeon

>>154070, >>154071 Lockdown bombshell: Nicola Sturgeon told 'there was pretty much zero benefit in keeping us indoors'

>>154072 Mark Woolhouse on the Scottish government's Covid approach (video)

>>154075, >>154076, >>154077, >>154078, >>154079 UK Covid Inquiry: Humza Yousaf says Nicola Sturgeon kept him and other ministers in the dark

>>154080 Demands made for Nicola Sturgeon's 'shifty clique who betrayed' Covid bereaved to be held to account by MSPs

>>154081, >>154082, >>154083 Secretive SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's 'unorthodox' pay deal

>>154085 BBC 'misrepresented' Covid risk to boost lockdown support, says top scientist

>>154086 Covid inquiry: BBC INFLATED risk to Brits to IMPOSE lockdown measures (video)

>>154093 Covid Inquiry must shed light on Scottish care home 'atrocity', says Anas Sarwar

>>154094 SNP were thinking 'politically' in their Covid response says Michael Gove (video)

>>154095 Michael Gove claims Nicola Sturgeon wanted 'political conflict' during covid pandemic

>>154096, >>154097 Jeane Freeman 'regrets' deaths in care homes as she claims deadly discharge guidance was 'all that could be done'

>>154098 Humza Yousaf gives evidence at Covid inquiry (video)

>>154099 Nicola Sturgeon faces questions over deadly five day care home Covid testing delay

>>154100 Mystery around Jason Leitch's employment deepens as Michael Matheson refuses to say whether he is a civil servant

>>154101 Jason Leitch role in Eljamel investigation downplayed after backlash

>>154106, >>154107 John Swinney and Nicola Sturgeon shut schools during Covid pandemic despite lack of evidence

>>154110 Kate Forbes and John Swinney give evidence at Covid inquiry (video)

>>154113 Nicola Sturgeon gives evidence at the UK Covid inquiry (long video)

>>154114 Who is Jamie Dawson KC, the Covid Inquiry lawyer who is knocking down SNP figures like skittles

>>154115 Tearful Nicola Sturgeon says she felt ‘at times felt overwhelmed’ by pandemic (video)

>>154116 Nicola Sturgeon reveals she wanted to save Catherine Calderwood after she broke lockdown rules (video)

>>154117, >>154159, >>154160 Nicola Sturgeon tearily apologises for 'every bereaved person' (video)

>>154121 Nicola Sturgeon regrets not locking down Scotland earlier, defends her record to UK Covid Inquiry (video)

>>154128 If you think Nicola Sturgeon didn't politicise pandemic, I have some magic beans you can buy

>>154129 Sturgeon's 'desperate and cynical attempts' to 'refute compelling evidence' (video)

>>154131 Nicola Sturgeon gave the mobile she used in 2020 to a 'family member whose phone had broken'

>>154133 Nicola Sturgeon at the Covid Inquiry and where does it leave her legacy? (video)

>>154144, >>154145 Nicola Sturgeon argues she didn't have a zero covid policy even though she used the term ZERO COVID (video)

>>154156, >>154157 Scottish Covid Inquiry costs SURGE to almost £13million as probe rumbles on

>>154174,>>154177, >>154178 Jeane Freeman and Nicola Sturgeon blasted for causing 'human rights catastrophe' through Covid care home decision

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154288

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20553632 (112258ZMAR24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Updated John Halley Advocate Bun | Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun

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Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun

>>153965 I took a Christmas shopping trip to Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow and it's just beggars and bargain shops

>>153981 Glasgow's 'botched' low emission zone blamed for 20 per cent drop in business

>>154037 Six months on, drivers STILL paying £350,000 a month in Low Emission Zone fines

>>154152 Glasgow taxi boss says only 12 of his black cabs will be allowed to enter the LEZ after May 31

>>154270 SNP-led Glasgow City Council face low emission zone mutiny as workers to refuse to pay penalty

Updated John Halley Advocate Bun

>>153955 A couple of good book reviews for John Halley in the U.S

>>153957 Chapter 8: Cancer Diagnosis and Disability Discrimination (pdf)

>>153958 Introduction to the book (pdf)

>>154202 Word is getting out

>>154224, >>154225 New Halley tweets

Updated Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun

>>154011 The five key questions Dorothy Bain MUST answer in relation to Horizon Post Office scandal

>>154013 Post Office acted 'like the mob' in Scotland as Inverness postmaster 'menaced' into handing over cash amid Horizon scandal

>>154014 Humza Yousaf faced with empty SNP seats at FMQs as he admits Crown Office has questions to answer over Horizon scandal

>>154015 Lawyer says SNP and Crown Office have been 'very slow indeed' in dealing with PO Horizon scandal

>>154019 Scotland's Lord Advocate apologises to victims of the Horizon Post Office scandal but Rangers prosecution parallels pointed out

>>154261 Nicola Sturgeon accused of showing ‘no interest’ in Post Office scandal after it was flagged to her four years ago

>>154269 Angela Constance admits Scottish Post Office Horizon victims face longer wait for justice than England and blames Westminster

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154289

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20553643 (112259ZMAR24) Notable: Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two

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Updated Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Two

>>154102, >>154103 Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman purchased 'burner' phones at start of 2020 Covid lockdown

>>154104 Police search for BURNER PHONE sim cards in SNP investigation (video)

>>154105 What were Nicola Sturgeon's shadowy 'Gold command' meetings that shunned Kate Forbes?

>>154120, >>154122, >>154123 Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' get no sympathy | Tory MP: 'SNP's no better than criminals' (video)

>>154124 Douglas Ross blasts the SNP for using Covid travel ban to further Scottish Independence cause (video)

>>154125 Andrew Neil compares Nicola Sturgeon to Richard Nixon as he highlights 'real' reason for her tears

>>154132 Andrew Neil slams 'compromised' BBC and 'North Korea-like' STV in coverage of Nicola Sturgeon and SNP

>>154134, >>154135, >>154136 'Showbiz Sturgeon' started writing a diary in 2018… despite what she told Covid Inquiry

>>154137 Bitter Nats vow to boycott Have I Got News For You after hilarious tweet about Nicola Sturgeon's 'fake' tears

>>154138 How Sturgeon broke devolution -- Alex Salmond vs Fraser Nelson (video)

>>154147 Scottish Government slammed for racking up £7.6m taxpayer bill on 'doomed' court cases

>>154148 SNP in new secrecy row after whistleblower claims he was ordered to delete message about sick kids' hospital

>>154151 Andrew Neil: Devolution has delivered 'next to nothing' for Scotland as he compares MSPs to Soviet bureaucrats

>>154163 SNP drugs and alcohol minister stands down due to 'post traumatic stress'

>>154164 Nicola Sturgeon admits she 'shouldn't have' given out SNP email address that dodges scrutiny (video)

>>154167 Most nurses in the SNP's Scotland have thought about leaving the profession, shock study finds

>>154168, >>154169 Scotland's potholed roads are so bad that women are now afraid to drive alone after dark

>>154170 Scotland's pothole explosion with 18,000 in Glasgow alone - and more are on the way

>>154173 SNP MP accepts lavish ski freebie as she joins Liz Truss and Tory MPs on holiday in Davos

>>154183 SNP's 'Scexit team' of civil servants £16k taxpayer-funded 'credit card' spend includes London restaurants and 'luxury' hotels

>>154189 SNP mocked for being 'transparent' as investigation into 'informal communications' revealed (video)

>>154190 Nicola Sturgeon quizzed on why she purchased multiple phones during pandemic (video)

>>>/qresearch/20420074 'Spectacular failure!' Nicola Sturgeon's legacy lies in 'tatters' as she's told to stand down as an MSP

>>154198 SNP Glasgow council leader Susan Aitken's 'lavish' Dubai Cop28 trip cost hard-pressed taxpayers thousands

>>154201, >>154203 John Swinney held shadowy 'clear the air' talks with the Greens on the day Nicola Sturgeon stepped down

>>154204 Who was in the 'Magic Circle' told about Nicola Sturgeon's resignation in advance?

>>154209 SNP ministers don't have to pay car tax on ministerial limos amid hypocrisy claim

>>154216 No STONE left unreturned: SNP chiefs told to hand over piece of Stone of Destiny to its official keepers

>>154219 Fewer Scots will attend university in Scotland due to SNP cuts, think tank says

>>154220 SNP launch new campaign to attract more international students to Scottish universities as they cut places for Scots

>>154229 SNP MSP John Mason branded 'anti-semitic' for Holyrood rant as he claims it's acceptable to 'criticise the Jews'

>>154230 Andrew Neil told Scots now a minority on university courses as he attacks SNP/Green funding cuts

>>154231 We don't talk about Peter Murrell: SNP refuse to discuss mysterious former boss as Operation Branchform targets staffers

>>154232 Wind farm hailed by Humza Yousaf in October has ALREADY been paid £50m to switch off

>>154233 Furious victims of 'brain butcher' Eljamel blast the SNP as 'stronger for cover-ups'

>>154234 New secrecy battle over Nicola Sturgeon report as key details are STILL redacted… despite court defeat

>>154237, >>154248, >>154264 Shona Robison to withhold UK Government cash from councils who don't back SNP policy

>>154243 Scottish Budget voted through with tax hike for high-earning workers (video)

>>154244, >>154245 SNP and Scottish Greens vote through budget which hammers businesses and leaves Scots in a 'state of despair'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154290

File: 30c80f6f61cd047⋯.png (653.07 KB,947x817,947:817,Clipboard.png)

File: 86696115bfb35f7⋯.png (285.83 KB,761x554,761:554,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20558247 (122020ZMAR24) Notable: Explicit sex show backed by Government quango facing funding investigation

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Angus Robertson passes the buck over public funding for hardcore sex cave 'art' project

The Culture Secretary said the controversial decision was down to arts quango Creative Scotland... but he stopped short of demanding the organisation under his directorate publish the funding application

Rebecca McCurdy & Ben Borland

12 MAR 2024

The SNP's Culture Secretary has been accused of "passing the buck" after he criticised Creative Scotland's decision to award public money for an explicit sex film.

The public arts body came under scrutiny at the weekend after the Sunday Post revealed £84,555 was awarded to the Rein project in January, which recruited actors to participate in "non-simulated" and "hardcore" sex scenes.

In Holyrood on Tuesday, Angus Robertson was quizzed about the decision and said: "I share the concerns that have been raised, including by Creative Scotland itself. I can see no way where what has been described should be in receipt of public funding.

"As members are aware, the Scottish Government has no role in the decisions of Creative Scotland for the funding of individual projects. However, Creative Scotland, I understand, are rapidly reviewing this allocation as they have been clear what has been reported simply does not meet what the funding was applied for."

But Scottish Conservative MSP Alexander Stewart said: "Angus Robertson appears happy to pass the buck to Creative Scotland but serious questions remain over this use of taxpayers' cash. There is no excuse for the initial funding application not being published in full and for the SNP's Culture Secretary to demand that the organisation do so.

"It is crystal clear that it was deeply inappropriate that public money was awarded for this film. As part of their review, Creative Scotland must urgently guarantee that this sort of award will never happen again."

Director Leonie Rae Gasson's project was described as a 45-minute art installation which pays those who take part a fee of £270 per day to take part in "non-simulated" sex, including "hardcore" acts. She said: "This is a pro-sex and pro-sex worker project, so, even if your character does not engage in sex, you will be around those that do."

The project website adds that the event will end with a secret cave sex party and then describes several sexual terms that will be "exploding onto the screens".

Scottish Labour MSP Neil Bibby used a topical question to raise concerns that the project, which offered £270 per day to actors, could take advantage of "vulnerable" people. Mr Bibby called for the arts body to release the funding application in full after the project "attempted to recruit vulnerable people, including the disabled, at £300 a day to participate in sex acts so extreme they would be provided with psychological aftercare".

He added: "I ask (Mr Robertson), does he agree that all money distributed should be clawed back? Creative Scotland has also stated it didn't know how explicit the project was to be. So in order for the public to have confidence in their funding processes, does the Cabinet Secretary agree with me that the original funding application should be published in full?"

A Creative Scotland spokeswoman said at the weekend: "We support freedom of expression and artists being able to push the boundaries of radical performance. However, the project, Rein, is considerably more explicit in its execution than was indicated in the application received to our Open Fund.

"As such, we are reviewing this award and will be discussing next steps with the applicant and with the other partners in the project."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154291

File: fc0ca0f8c0c2344⋯.png (785.16 KB,882x899,882:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: b8c75882669eb15⋯.png (286.83 KB,579x781,579:781,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20558658 (122209ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / 'Bloated' Scottish civil service DOUBLES in 10 years under SNP amid 'bureaucratic empire building'

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'Bloated' Scottish civil service DOUBLES in 10 years under SNP amid 'bureaucratic empire building'

Staff numbers at the Scottish Government, which costs nearly £700 million to operate, has reached record levels with the Nats branded 'out of control'

Douglas Dickie

12 MAR 2024

Scotland's civil service has almost doubled under the SNP over the past decade, according to new figures. It has led to claims the size of the Scottish Government machine had become "bloated" under Nationalist rule at a time vital services like Police Scotland were facing huge cuts.

The latest Scottish Government Workforce Information document was published on Tuesday, March 12. It shows the number of government staff has been steadily rising since 2013.

In June that year, there were 4,681 permanently employed civil servants on the Scottish Government's books. However, the most recent figures for December 2023 show the figure has risen to 8,757 - a rise of over 87 per cent and the highest figure ever recorded.

The total number of people working for the government, including those on temporary contracts, is 8,824, the second highest on record. The figure was blasted by Scottish Conservative Central Scotland MSP Stephen Kerr.

He said: "It is utterly ridiculous that the ever-increasing size of the SNP Scottish Government passes without any comment. For it to have doubled since 2012 shows an out-of-control, bloated government addicted to spending more and more taxpayers' money on bureaucratic empire building.

"For all these employees and the increasing wage bill, nobody would say that Scotland is better run, with worse results in healthcare, education and a justice system that simply can’t cope. Maybe they should get rid of a few civil servants and spend the money on some more police for our streets."

The new data also shows record levels of absence among government staff. In December 2023, 3.6% of working days were lost, the joint highest on record for the second month in a row.

The SNP has faced criticism for an apparent politicisation of the civil service, led by permanent secretary John-Paul Marks, in Scotland. Government staff are routinely used to push the party's bid to break up the UK despite the Supreme Court confirming it is a reserved matter.

Calls have been made to rein in spending on Scexit projects by publically-funded staff. The figures have been released in the same week it emerged the government was forking out £200,000 to psychologically test senior officials.

The Scottish Government budget papers claim the increase in the size of its staff "reflects the changing nature of its business, the addition of new powers and responsibilities and addressing the practical implications of EU exit". It also confirmed the total operating cost of the government was £696.1 million.

A Scottish Government spokesman claimed the figures "show that the Scottish Government is continuing its gradual decrease in headcount this financial year". He added: "We continue to progress public sector reform, and workforce numbers are regularly and carefully reviewed to ensure that we are delivering for the people of Scotland as efficiently and effectively as possible."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154292

File: c188dca1225464e⋯.png (302.79 KB,380x858,190:429,Clipboard.png)

File: 3cc8399e2ca1cfd⋯.png (372.95 KB,511x872,511:872,Clipboard.png)

File: 293a0fc7527cc7f⋯.png (301.08 KB,472x812,118:203,Clipboard.png)

File: 44667256d316aaa⋯.png (9.44 KB,484x144,121:36,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20558894 (122303ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / STEPPING DOWN Jason Leitch QUITS as Scotland’s National Clinical Director weeks after damning WhatsApp messages came to light (video)

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STEPPING DOWN Jason Leitch QUITS as Scotland’s National Clinical Director weeks after damning WhatsApp messages came to light

Controversy surrounded his WhatsApp messages at the UK Covid Inquiry

Zoe Phillips

12 Mar 2024

PROFESSOR Jason Leitch has announced he will leave his role as National Clinical Director at the end of April.

He said he has decided to look for "new challenges" across health and care after a break.

Arrangements for the post will be set out in due course.

The Scottish Government said Mr Leitch will also leave his post at NHS Tayside.

The health boss has been under pressure after it emerged he advised Humza Yousaf how to "exempt" himself from Covid mask rules.

The National Clinical Director was forced to deny giving the now First Minster a “workaround” for laws that ordinary Scots were ordered to follow by the Scottish Government.

Mr Leitch's comments sparked an outcry, with some calling for him to be sacked by the Scottish Government.

Messages were shown during the UK Covid inquiry which showed Mr Leitch instructed the First Minister, who was then Health Secretary - to clutch a drink while standing up.

It also emerged that the prof encouraged everyone to DELETE their WhatsApp messages before going to bed each night.

Professor Leitch said: “It has been an enormous privilege to carry out this role and work closely with colleagues across the health and care sector in service of the patients, their families and carers.

"The NHS and social care system does remarkable work every day, and I am immensely proud of the teams I have had the privilege of being part of.

“The ongoing success of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme is globally recognised and has significantly improved the safety and reliability of care in many ways.

"The Covid pandemic was an unprecedented challenge for all countries and I am proud of my colleagues inside and outside Government for their incredible work.

"It was a privilege to be able to communicate with the public so directly and be part of that co-ordinated response, and I will forever be grateful for the public’s attention and willingness to follow the guidance - it saved lives.

"I have decided to look for new challenges across health and care after a break, and to spend more time with the charities I work with. I wish colleagues well for the future."

First Minister Humza Yousaf said: "Jason Leitch has made a fantastic contribution to the health of the nation, leading work to reduce hospital acquired infections and improve the quality of care in the NHS.

"The enduring success of the Scottish Patient Safety Programme is testament to his work. He played a huge role in helping me and fellow Ministers navigate the Covid pandemic by providing advice to help reach the best decisions, and by communicating so well with the public. I of course wish him every success in the future."

Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the prof was a "key part" of the Scottish Government's Covid response.

She wrote on X, formerly Twitter: "Wishing Jason Leitch all the very best for the future.

"I always valued the advice and support he gave me, first as Health Secretary and then FM - not least during Covid when he was a key part of the Scottish Government team and a reassuring presence for many across the country. His contribution to government will be missed."

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross said: "Jason Leitch's position was clearly untenable following revelations that he treated deleting his WhatsApps as a "pre-bed ritual".

"Serious questions still remain for Humza Yousaf over why ministers and senior officials deleted their pandemic messages, despite promising not to."

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037c4f No.154293

File: e32c1cf00f4cc3c⋯.png (426.06 KB,805x874,35:38,Clipboard.png)

File: bdbb1cd22634e44⋯.png (317.3 KB,558x869,558:869,Clipboard.png)

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File: de83a745462bdc6⋯.png (139.47 KB,479x820,479:820,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20559192 (130008ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / >>205559240, CASH PROBE New details emerge of how Humza Yousaf overruled officials on Gaza donation- as SNP chief blasts Tory at centre of storm

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CASH PROBE New details emerge of how Humza Yousaf overruled officials on Gaza donation- as SNP chief blasts Tory at centre of storm

Information from an FOI revealed key details of the overruling

Chris Musson

11 Mar 2024

FURTHER details emerged today on how Humza Yousaf overruled officials on a controversial aid donation to Gaza - as an SNP chief said a Tory at the centre of the row should be blocked from running for election.

A newspaper report on the First Minister's decision to award £250,000 to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees - or UNRWA - sparked a furious backlash from the SNP leader at the weekend.

The article told how the money had been paid to UNRWA in November despite Scottish Government officials recommending £100,000 or £200,000 went instead to UN children's organisation Unicef.

And Tory MSP Stephen Kerr said Mr Yousaf had "some serious explaining to do" and had a "clear conflict of interest" as members of his wife's Nadia's family were trapped in Gaza at the time.

Mr Yousaf branded the article a "smear" and a "continuation" of "Islamaphobic attacks" on him.

And today SNP deputy leader Keith Brown urged Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to step in to block MSP Mr Kerr from running as a candidate in the next General Election.

It came as more details emerged of internal Scottish Government communications showing how the aid decision was reached.

A 49-page freedom of information response - seen by The Scottish Sun - confirms Mr Yousaf overruled his officials' recommendation and said £250,000 of funds should be paid to the UNRWA, rather than a smaller amount being given to children's aid organisation Unicef.

Mr Yousaf's instruction came on October 30, three days ahead of a November 2 meeting with a top UNRWA official in Edinburgh - the day the funding was ultimately announced.

The First Minister said in a short email to officials: "If I am meeting UNRWA this week we should just announce an extra £250k to them, taking our total to £750k.

"It will need to be a budget pressure we carry forward."

The decision came a fortnight after the Scottish Government had provided £500,000 of "unrestricted" aid funds to UNRWA around October 14, the day after Israel said it was to mount a ground offensive in the Gaza Strip.

And it came three months before the UK Government and others paused funding to UNRWA on January 27 over allegations amid claims staff were involved in the October 7 attack on Israel.

On January 28, Mr Yousaf said the Scottish Government had "not paused or withdrawn aid" to the UNRWA but had "provided as much as we can within our financial constraints".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154294

File: c5b013ef004fb4e⋯.png (209.44 KB,465x879,155:293,Clipboard.png)

File: 8aedb70eef05bdf⋯.png (619.26 KB,471x877,471:877,Clipboard.png)

File: 419664a04b46a23⋯.png (763.13 KB,500x875,4:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20559246 (130018ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / >>205559240, CASH PROBE New details emerge of how Humza Yousaf overruled officials on Gaza donation- as SNP chief blasts Tory at centre of storm

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And Mr Yousaf posted on X/Twitter on Saturday: "UNRWA, of course, had nothing to do with my in-laws being able to leave Gaza.

"They were able to leave Gaza due to the hard work of the crisis team at the FCDO, like every other British national.

"The FCDO can of course confirm this. To suggest otherwise is a flat-out lie & smear."

Tory Central Scotland MSP Mr Kerr claimed the First Minister had a "clear conflict of interest" in awarding aid to Gaza given members of his wife's family had been trapped in the territory.

SNP deputy leader Mr Brown told BBC Radio Scotland today: "I don't think Stephen Kerr is fit to be a candidate at the Westminster election.

"The Prime Minister should condemn the article and make sure Stephen Kerr is not allowed to stand as a Westminster candidate."

Asked if the First Minister should make clear the process behind the decision to award the aid, Mr Brown said: "It is clear - the Scottish Government provided £250,000 of support, they sought to take it through the UN, as many other governments did. What is the objection to that?"

He added: "Most people will see on TV the situation that there is in Gaza right now with people being killed, with huge crises in terms of people being fed, and they will be rightly concerned that the Scottish Government provides that support quickly.

"That seems to be a straightforward and decent thing to have done and it's now being besmirched, both by this article in the Telegraph and by Stephen Kerr."

A spokesman for the Scottish Conservatives said: "The First Minister has questions to answer over why he chose to override official advice on which agency to award this public money to - especially as Keith Brown was unable to shed any light on it.

"As the SNP deputy leader himself said, it's legitimate for these issues to be raised in parliament, which is why the Scottish Conservatives have requested a ministerial statement on the decision-making process."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154295

File: d0bba2f43e3e291⋯.png (311.74 KB,520x797,520:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 83c232724198b15⋯.png (15.38 KB,517x228,517:228,Clipboard.png)

File: ff5eabccdb0212f⋯.png (27.77 KB,544x397,544:397,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20559291 (130028ZMAR24) Notable: FRAUD AWFUL Holyrood’s welfare agency receives nearly 8,000 fraud allegations in last two years

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FRAUD AWFUL Holyrood’s welfare agency receives nearly 8,000 fraud allegations in last two years

The rise in IT equipment being stolen could also impact claimants

Lewis Mckenzie

10 Mar 2024

HOLYROOD’S welfare agency has received nearly 8,000 fraud allegations — including an “alarming” 70 per cent spike in the last two years.

Questions are also being asked about an almost six-fold surge in suspected cases since 2020, which far outstrips the rise in benefit claimants.

But only one case has so far been reported to prosecutors.

And in a further blow to the public purse, we can reveal £38,000 worth of IT kit was nicked from Social Security Scotland.

Tory shadow social justice secretary Miles Briggs warned: “This alarming rise in fraud cases, as well as expensive IT equipment being stolen, could mean vulnerable people missing out on vital money.

“The SNP boasted about doing things differently on social security yet the systems have not changed.”

He added the lack of reports to prosecutors suggested people could be “getting off with crimes”.

The MSP said: “Ministers must outline robust measures to protect taxpayers’ money.”

Figures obtained via freedom of information revealed the Dundee-based quango Social Security Scotland received 2,062 allegations of fraud in 2022.

That soared to 3,509 from January to November last year, up 70 per cent. The 2023 figure is an almost-sixfold increase on the 626 cases that were flagged in 2020.

When 825 allegations in 2019 and 848 in 2021 are included, the total is 7,870.

Bosses put it down to the rise in people claiming benefits over the same period.

But stats from independent forecasters show the hike in alleged cons appears far higher than the increase in claimants.

The Scottish Fiscal Commission say 1.778million got devolved benefits in 2023-24 — not even double the 2020-2021 figure of 1.058million.

Social Security Scotland’s annual report revealed that overpayments totalling £60.7million were handed out to Scots due to fraud and error.

An agency spok­esman told The Scottish Sun: “We have robust control measures and a zero-tolerance approach to fraud. The standard of proof required to achieve a reasonable prospect of successful prosecution is high.

“So some investigations lead to a decision to amend or stop ongoing benefit award but do not meet the standard for crime reporting.”

The Crown Office said: “Only one fraud-related charge has been rep-orted by Social Security Scotland.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154296

File: 527a249e6cc8d4a⋯.png (500.07 KB,754x871,58:67,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ae1675d6474f61⋯.png (162.89 KB,481x687,481:687,Clipboard.png)

File: 653d16218867d76⋯.png (257.48 KB,511x541,511:541,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20559372 (130041ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / 'INCITING HATRED' First Minister Humza Yousaf brands Conservative party ‘institutionally Islamophobic’ after latest comments (video)

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'INCITING HATRED' First Minister Humza Yousaf brands Conservative party ‘institutionally Islamophobic’ after latest comments

The First Minister hit out amid fury over comments reportedly made about Labour MP Diane Abbott

Conor Matchett

12 Mar 2024

HUMZA Yousaf today claimed the Conservative Party "is not just riddled with Islamophobia, but institutionally Islamophobic".

The First Minister hit out amid fury over comments reportedly made by party donor Frank Hester about Labour MP Diane Abbott.

Mr Hester in 2019 is alleged to have said Ms Abbott, Britain's longest-serving black MP, made him "want to hate all black women" and that she "should be shot".

The First Minister was asked about the remarks today following a speech he made on the economy at London School of Economics.

Mr Yousaf said: "Those comments from Hester are not just racist, they are not just sexist, they are inciting hatred which is completely and utterly unacceptable.

“If the Conservative Party had any moral principle then they would return every single penny and tell him where his money should go.”

“There is simply no doubt in my mind that the Conservative Party is not just riddled with Islamophobia but is institutionally Islamophobic.

“How can it not be when you hear the comments from Suella Braverman, when Lee Anderson who was a senior member of the Conservative Party up to a few days ago, was able to make the comments he made about Sadiq Khan and not a single senior Conservative including the Prime Minister was able to call it Islamophobic.

“That is of course the party who also elected a leader that described Muslim women as bank robbers because of the way that they look.

“The Conservative Party in my mind is undoubtedly institutionally Islamophobic.”

Earlier, the Prime Minister's official spokesman said the reported comments were "clearly unacceptable" but refused to say whether they were racist.

Rishi Sunak's official spokesman, asked about what Mr Hester reportedly said, told reporters: "I wouldn't usually comment on alleged words, second-hand accounts, etc.

"But, as minister Stuart said this morning, what is alleged and reported to have been said is clearly unacceptable."

He refused to be drawn on why they were unacceptable, adding: "I don't have anything to add beyond what minister Stuart said this morning."

The Conservatives have been asked for comment.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154297

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20559462 (130054ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / 'INCITING HATRED' First Minister Humza Yousaf brands Conservative party ‘institutionally Islamophobic’ after latest comments (video)

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Humza Yousaf brands Tories "institutionally Islamophobic"

The Scottish Sun

264K subscribers

Mar 12, 2024 #politics #humzaYousaf #snp

HUMZA Yousaf today claimed the Conservatives Party is not "is not just riddled with Islamophobia, but institutionally Islamophobic".

The First Minister hit out amid fury over comments reportedly made by party donor Frank Hester about Labour MP Diane Abbott.

Mr Hester in 2019 is alleged to have said Ms Abbott, Britain's longest-serving black MP, made him "want to hate all black women" and that she "should be shot".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20563628 (140004ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf 'flees the scene' as he ignores drug death crisis for more independence campaigning

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Humza Yousaf 'flees the scene' as he ignores drug death crisis for more independence campaigning

The First Minister will give a speech in London about Scexit on the same day it emerged drug deaths in Scotland rose by 10% in 2023

Douglas Dickie

12 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf has been accused of 'fleeing the scene' as he prepares to give a speech promoting independence on the same day it emerged drug deaths in Scotland had skyrocketed. The First Minister is in London where he will address an event at the London School of Economics.

He is expected to claim spending on Scotland’s public services would be £1.6 billion higher if the UK was still in the EU - although that figure is disputed. But his statement comes as shock new statistics suggested drug deaths rose by 10% in Scotland last year.

Police Scotland said there were 1,197 suspected drug deaths between January and December 2023 - 105 more than during 2022. While it is still lower than the peak of 1,339 in 2020, it blows apart the SNP government's claim it is focussed on tackling the crisis.

Mr Yousaf is now under pressure to ditch his Scexit obsession and focus on devolved issues. Pamela Nash, chief executive of Scotland in Union, said the timing of the drug death figures and Mr Yousaf's speech "sums up this SNP government perfectly".

She added: "There are devastating problems at home, yet Humza Yousaf wants to instead bang the drum for the break-up of Britain. The SNP’s constitutional obsession has come at the price of every devolved responsibility.

"The NHS is in crisis, education is struggling badly and the cost-of-living crisis shows no sign of abating. A responsible First Minister would put addressing these at the top of their priority list. Instead, he’s fled the scene to talk about the only thing the SNP really cares about."

The drug death figures were described as "utterly appalling and heartbreaking" by the Scottish Conservatives. Scotland has by far the highest death rate in Europe despite the government's 'national mission' to improve the lives of those impacted by drugs.

Mr Yousaf is expected to tell guests at Tuesday's event that Scottish independence would result in a return to the European Union for Scotland and an increase in living standards. He will also quote research from the National Institute for Economic and Social Research (NIESR) on the impact of leaving the EU.

But NIESR deputy director Stephen Millard confirmed his £1.6bn figure was "a little high". Scottish Conservative shadow finance and economy secretary Liz Smith said: "As usual, Humza Yousaf is looking for any excuse to cover up the failings of the SNP Government.

"The reality is that if economic growth in Scotland had matched that of the rest of the UK, the SNP would have had billions more to spend on public services – and we would have been spared Shona Robison’s disastrous tax-and-axe budget." Mr Yousaf is expected to say: "A combination of the economic powers that come with independence together with EU membership will be a powerful driver of better living standards and a fairer, stronger Scottish economy.

"In Scotland, I believe there is broad public agreement that Brexit has damaged the economy and public services, and that it should be reversed. Yet at Westminster there is agreement between Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer that the UK should stay out of both the EU and the huge European single market – whatever the cost."

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037c4f No.154299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20563729 (140030ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / 'LUDICROUS legislation' sparks RAGE as Humza Yousaf 'rushes through' hate crime laws (video)

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'LUDICROUS legislation' sparks RAGE as Humza Yousaf 'rushes through' hate crime laws


1.2M subscribers

44,529 views Mar 13, 2024 #hatecrime #SNP #law

Former SNP Glasgow City Councillor, Austin Sheridan, and Director of Case Operations at the Free Speech Union, Dr Benjamin Jones, share their thoughts on new hate crime legislation to be passed by the SNP.

Images not uploading but video links are still operating

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037c4f No.154300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20563761 (140036ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / STEPPING DOWN Jason Leitch QUITS as Scotland’s National Clinical Director weeks after damning WhatsApp messages came to light (video)

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Analysis: Jason Leitch stands down as Scotland's national clinical director #news #debate #politics

STV News

50.4K subscribers

665 views Mar 13, 2024

Professor Jason Leitch is to step down next month from his role as Scotland's national clinical director.

He says he now wants to look for new challenges across health and care. Recently he ran into controversy when it emerged that he had deleted his WhatsApp messages during the Covid pandemic.

Scotland Tonight spoke to health journalist Pennie Taylor about the news and what could be next for Leitch.

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037c4f No.154301

File: 0874b87a3953f98⋯.png (348.68 KB,586x797,586:797,Clipboard.png)

File: 81b01c4fc05a01f⋯.png (499.3 KB,574x810,287:405,Clipboard.png)

File: ae15396b3eaa60b⋯.png (245 KB,676x503,676:503,Clipboard.png)

File: cb49e4091373139⋯.png (748.1 KB,905x898,905:898,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20565344 (140945ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf 'flees the scene' as he ignores drug death crisis for more independence campaigning

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037c4f No.154302

File: 3402b6b4752abbd⋯.png (330.69 KB,700x871,700:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 07c3ea75d21f59c⋯.png (289.39 KB,690x877,690:877,Clipboard.png)

File: df25e8cc6b184f2⋯.png (269.95 KB,660x762,110:127,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20568577 (150009ZMAR24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / SNP’s Michael Matheson breached MSP code over £11k iPad bill

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IPAD CODE BREACH SNP’s Michael Matheson breached MSP code over £11k iPad bill

The former health secretary was forced to resign following the scandal.

Conor Matchett

14 Mar 2024

SHAMED ex-health secretary Michael Matheson has been found to have broken parly expenses rules and could be suspended from Holyrood after a probe into his £11,000 iPad bill.

The former SNP minister was found by parly chiefs to have breached two parts of the MSP code of conduct, including on “improper use” of the expenses system.

The Falkirk MSP faced calls to quit before Christmas over his £11,000 MSP iPad bill for holiday roaming charges and amid a Holyrood probe after he gave false assurances to parly bosses.

The ex-health secretary later appeared to lie to the public about the issue in media interviews, before claiming that the charges were due to his sons’ streaming footie during a family holiday in Morocco.

Mr Matheson then resigned from his position as health secretary earlier this year and will have been entitled to a £12,700 tax-free golden goodbye.

But today parliament bosses confirmed they had upheld three complaints against Mr Matheson.

And they found he had breached parts of the MSP code of conduct on the use of parliament’s expenses system.

The complaint will now be handed over to parly's Standards Committee, which will consider whether to punish the ex-minister further.

This could see Mr Matheson suspended from Holyrood, or could see the MSP unable to claim back costs from parliament.

Taxpayers will have to wait to read the full findings of the investigation after Holyrood chiefs said they would only publish it after the Standards Committee finish their probe into the findings.

Minutes of the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body’s meeting on Thursday morning state: “The SPCB decided that, based on the evidence presented in the Investigation Report and its findings in fact, Mr Matheson had breached sections 7.3 and 7.4 of the Code of Conduct and thereby upheld the three complaints within the SPCB’s remit.”

It went on to say it would refer the findings to the Standards Committee, which is a group of sitting MSPs who rule on potential misconduct by their colleagues.

The SPCB also said it had made “no recommendation” to the Standards Committee on removing Mr Matheson’s access to Holyrood’s expenses scheme.

This leaves open the possibility of a more serious punishment, such as a suspension from parliament.

And parly chiefs added it was important for the public to “continue to have confidence” in the so-called “Nolan Principles” of standards in public life - a set of rules elected representatives are expected to follow.

Scottish Labour deputy leader Dame Jackie Baillie said “The conclusion of this long running investigation is to be welcomed – but the findings pose serious questions for the First Minister and the SNP government.

“The fact is that Humza Yousaf and senior ministers were complicit in Michael Matheson’s attempt to mislead the parliament.

“This is a serious error of judgement. Appropriate action must be taken against Mr Matheson.”

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037c4f No.154303

File: db506c0f7554e62⋯.png (447.19 KB,667x871,667:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 301a30a0ad55a0b⋯.png (360.42 KB,473x874,473:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 860f0f055eddc99⋯.png (159.65 KB,485x653,485:653,Clipboard.png)

File: 75e1801588f4422⋯.png (208.26 KB,604x637,604:637,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20568706 (150031ZMAR24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / SNP planned to blame Michael Matheson’s £11K iPad bill on Brexit - but he wasn’t in Europe

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EU MUST BE JOKING? SNP planned to blame Michael Matheson’s £11K iPad bill on Brexit – but he wasn’t in Europe

Screenshots only. Too tired.

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037c4f No.154304

File: d6653025d3b3313⋯.png (637.67 KB,960x891,320:297,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b745e7c8caa9de⋯.png (237.96 KB,635x538,635:538,Clipboard.png)

File: 6c60794f984acc0⋯.png (461.96 KB,595x830,119:166,Clipboard.png)

File: 08f064eebcad93d⋯.png (491.05 KB,569x856,569:856,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20568899 (150116ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf looks miserable as the Stone of Destiny leaves Edinburgh Castle in the pouring rain

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Humza Yousaf looks miserable as the Stone of Destiny leaves Edinburgh Castle in the pouring rain

The Stone of Scone may be heading back to Perthshire after more than 700 years... but the torrential weather in Edinburgh left those dignitaries on the castle esplanade feeling a bit soggy!

Ben Borland

14 MAR 2024

More than 700 years after it was seized by Edward I, the Stone of Destiny is finally on its way back to Perthshire. It has been used in the coronation of Scottish, English and British monarchs for centuries, most recently King Charles III last year.

A special ceremony was held at Edinburgh Castle today to mark a new chapter in the long and storied history of the ancient sandstone block.The artefact, also known as the Stone of Scone, is heading to Perth Museum where it will be at the centre of a £27million redevelopment.

Guests from around the country gathered in the great hall of the castle, where the block sat on a plinth. The Stone was then carried to the castle esplanade, where soldiers from Scottish battalions of the British Army beat the retreat in the pouring rain.

First Minister Humza Yousaf – who appeared to be rather glum and soggy – attended in his role as one of the Commissioners for the Safeguarding of the Regalia. Scottish Secretary Alister Jack and Major General Alastair Bruce, the governor of Edinburgh Castle, were also part of the grand event.

Before he went outdoors to brave the weather, Mr Yousaf told the guests in the great hall: "This will be the first time that the Stone will return to Perthshire in over 700 years. And it will form the magnificent centrepiece of the fantastic new Perth Museum - with the stone being free for all to visit."

There was also a "people's procession" representing different parts of Scotland and organisations like charities and schools accompanied the royally-appointed officials. The Stone of Destiny has been on display at the castle since 1996, when it was formally returned to Scotland with crowds lining the streets as it made its way up the Royal Mile.

The 152 kilo slab of pinkish sandstone has a plain, battered look but carries enormous symbolism and historic significance. Originally kept at Scone Abbey near Perth, Scottish kings and queens were crowned while sitting upon the Stone.

Some believed it to be 'Jacob's Pillow' from the Old Testament, brought to Scotland via Ireland, and the rock was said to possess mystical powers. It was taken by King Edward I of England as war loot in 1296 and taken to London, where it was incorporated into the coronation chair at Westminster Abbey.

The Stone was left entirely undisturbed until the modern era, when a group of students carried out an audacious raid to return it to Scotland and advanced the cause of independence. It was later found on the site of the High Altar at Arbroath Abbey and it was used in Queen Elizabeth's coronation three years later.

Stories suggest it may have been a forgery, however, with the original said to be hidden in various places around Scotland – often pub cellars. Others maintain that Edward was fooled by fake and that the true Stone never left Perthshire at all.

Ahead of the ceremony, the Lord Lyon Joseph Morrow told the PA news agency some aspects of Scottish history were best left "a wee bit mysterious". Mr Morrow said: "We live in a world where theories are actually rife all over the place, and I just think we need to enjoy this symbol of our nationhood. What we do know is that the sandstone it's made of is actually similar, in geological terms, to that around about Scone and Angus."

I don't think Edward got the real one. I don't think what they'll put on display is the real one, might be the real one stolen by students. It's probably in Edinburgh castle sticking out like a sore thumb in the courtyard for the one destined for it. All of the last few years have been all about sitting someone on that stone. Corona virus was always about the Crown. They could have used some other deadly sounding virus, but they chose the common cold. Perhaps the one destined to sit there is "common" or a commoner?

Seems pretty obvious?

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037c4f No.154305

File: e299a64cab8024e⋯.png (619.06 KB,902x874,451:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c1d3c6aeb18ae4⋯.png (263.62 KB,642x474,107:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 752d104ce91b674⋯.png (377.14 KB,597x778,597:778,Clipboard.png)

File: e60ba6bc88b1990⋯.png (170.43 KB,617x416,617:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20571288 (151406ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Police Scotland will investigate EVERY complaint of hate crime under 'dangerous' new law

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Police Scotland will investigate EVERY complaint of hate crime under 'dangerous' new law

Despite a new policy that will see around one in 20 'traditional' crimes such as theft and vandalism go uninvestigated, officers have been told they MUST probe every single 'deplorable' hate crime report

Ben Borland

13 MAR 2024

Police Scotland has insisted that every single complaint made under Humza Yousaf's new hate crime law will be investigated – despite taking no action on thousands of traditional crimes.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act will be enforced from April 1, some three years after the controversial legislation was passed at Holyrood. Police have received additional training and a nationwide network of 'hate crime reporting centres' has been created.

Bizarrely, these sites include a mushroom farm, a salmon supplier and even a sex shop in Glasgow, although a force spokesman said similar venues had been in use "for a number of years" adding that "we constantly review these alongside the Scottish Government".

He added: "Any business or organisation can volunteer to be a Third Party Reporting Centre, and they reflect the diverse nature of our local communities. Staff are trained to ensure they can assist victims or witnesses. Hate crime and discrimination of any kind is deplorable and entirely unacceptable and we will investigate every report."

It comes as police bosses are rolling out a new policy where around one in 20 crimes will not be investigated when there is no witness or CCTV evidence or other obvious lines of inquiry. The 'Proportionate Response to Crime' policy is likely to impact offences such as theft or vandalism.

Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay MSP said: "Law-abiding Scots will be astonished to hear that while Police Scotland will no longer investigate every crime, they intend to devote precious officer time on every single alleged hate incident. Humza Yousaf's dangerous hate crime law risks harming free speech and should not be a priority for a police service which has suffered years of damaging SNP cuts."

Critics pointed out that many hate crime reports will be anonymous and based on allegedly offensive comments on social media sites such as Facebook, X and Instagram. This will effectively mean that police will spend even more time attempting to track down faceless online trolls and even bot accounts.

Posting on X, Scots Law expert Scott Wortley said: "Does this apply to other crimes? "Discrimination of any kind is deplorable". What do they mean by discrimination? Is "discrimination" really a police matter?"

Third Party Reporting Centres for people to report hate crimes without the need to speak to a police officer were introduced in the wake of the Met Police failures identified by the Stephen Lawrence inquiry in London and many were already in place when Police Scotland was formed in 2013.

In 2021, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland found there were 242 centres registered, although in many cases inspectors "found they had either closed, had moved, or staff did not know they were meant to be providing this function". There are now more than 400 listed on the Police Scotland website.

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037c4f No.154306

File: 9e042f4e2d19329⋯.png (663.09 KB,894x899,894:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 9bc74a52f94f0bc⋯.png (308.83 KB,606x539,606:539,Clipboard.png)

File: 09647ef28c999fd⋯.png (239.53 KB,610x675,122:135,Clipboard.png)

File: ce31720730baf37⋯.png (158.48 KB,631x473,631:473,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20571376 (151426ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Police Scotland will investigate EVERY complaint of hate crime under 'dangerous' new law

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Made a real cunt of that, 2 different articles...apologies. Here's the correct screenshots.




>Police Scotland will investigate EVERY complaint of hate crime under 'dangerous' new law


>Despite a new policy that will see around one in 20 'traditional' crimes such as theft and vandalism go uninvestigated, officers have been told they MUST probe every single 'deplorable' hate crime report


>Ben Borland


>13 MAR 2024


>Police Scotland has insisted that every single complaint made under Humza Yousaf's new hate crime law will be investigated – despite taking no action on thousands of traditional crimes.


>The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act will be enforced from April 1, some three years after the controversial legislation was passed at Holyrood. Police have received additional training and a nationwide network of 'hate crime reporting centres' has been created.


>Bizarrely, these sites include a mushroom farm, a salmon supplier and even a sex shop in Glasgow, although a force spokesman said similar venues had been in use "for a number of years" adding that "we constantly review these alongside the Scottish Government".


>He added: "Any business or organisation can volunteer to be a Third Party Reporting Centre, and they reflect the diverse nature of our local communities. Staff are trained to ensure they can assist victims or witnesses. Hate crime and discrimination of any kind is deplorable and entirely unacceptable and we will investigate every report."


>It comes as police bosses are rolling out a new policy where around one in 20 crimes will not be investigated when there is no witness or CCTV evidence or other obvious lines of inquiry. The 'Proportionate Response to Crime' policy is likely to impact offences such as theft or vandalism.


>Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay MSP said: "Law-abiding Scots will be astonished to hear that while Police Scotland will no longer investigate every crime, they intend to devote precious officer time on every single alleged hate incident. Humza Yousaf's dangerous hate crime law risks harming free speech and should not be a priority for a police service which has suffered years of damaging SNP cuts."


>Critics pointed out that many hate crime reports will be anonymous and based on allegedly offensive comments on social media sites such as Facebook, X and Instagram. This will effectively mean that police will spend even more time attempting to track down faceless online trolls and even bot accounts.


>Posting on X, Scots Law expert Scott Wortley said: "Does this apply to other crimes? "Discrimination of any kind is deplorable". What do they mean by discrimination? Is "discrimination" really a police matter?"


>Third Party Reporting Centres for people to report hate crimes without the need to speak to a police officer were introduced in the wake of the Met Police failures identified by the Stephen Lawrence inquiry in London and many were already in place when Police Scotland was formed in 2013.


>In 2021, HM Inspectorate of Constabulary in Scotland found there were 242 centres registered, although in many cases inspectors "found they had either closed, had moved, or staff did not know they were meant to be providing this function". There are now more than 400 listed on the Police Scotland website.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154307

File: e299a64cab8024e⋯.png (619.06 KB,902x874,451:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 3c1d3c6aeb18ae4⋯.png (263.62 KB,642x474,107:79,Clipboard.png)

File: 752d104ce91b674⋯.png (377.14 KB,597x778,597:778,Clipboard.png)

File: e60ba6bc88b1990⋯.png (170.43 KB,617x416,617:416,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20571446 (151439ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Crown Office responds to Alex Salmond criticism as government 'leak' probe comes to an end

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Here's the story for these ones


Crown Office responds to Alex Salmond criticism as government 'leak' probe comes to an end

The former SNP leader blasted prosecutors for saying no report had been received from Police Scotland as he dubbed the body 'unfit for purpose'

Douglas Dickie

15 MAR 2024

The Crown Office has insisted it has not received a report from Police Scotland in relation to an alleged leak of a government investigation into sexual harassment claims against Alex Salmond. It was confirmed on Thursday that the probe into the issue had ended with no further action being taken.

But the former First Minister and SNP leader accused the Crown Office of 'lying' when claiming no report had been handed to it from officers. He insists two reports were submitted as part of Operation Newbiggin, one before Christmas and one after.

In a report in the Daily Record, the Crown Office insisted no report had been received. That provoked a furious response from Salmond, who said the statement was "another lie".

He added: "The police have confirmed that they submitted reports to COPFS on Newbiggin before and after Christmas. Nor is there any doubt that a criminal leak took place - that’s the basis of the two-year investigation."

He added: "This latest Crown Office blunder underlines that they are an organisation unfit for purpose and any root and branch reform of criminal justice in Scotland should not start with an attack on juries but in putting a proper distance between the government and the prosecutorial service."

But responding to the claims, a Crown Office spokesman told the Scottish Express: "It is standard practice that any case regarding politicians is dealt with by prosecutors without the involvement of the Law Officers. All Scotland’s prosecutors act independently of political interference.

"We do not provide details of investigations. However, we confirm when police submit a standard prosecution report (SPR) for the purposes of consideration of a prosecution. No SPR was submitted for this police investigation."

The row relates to claims of sexual harassment made against Mr Salmond in 2018. The allegations were reported to the police and an internal government investigation took place, destroying the relationship between Mr Salmond and his protege Nicola Sturgeon.

Salmond has always maintained his innocence and was cleared in court in March 2020. A court later ruled the government probe had been unlawful and "tainted by apparent bias".

Operation Newbiggin was later launched to investigate allegations of a leak within the Scottish Government. A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Our enquiries are now complete and no further action is being taken. Should further information become available this will be considered."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154308

File: 03198e723b85849⋯.png (626.05 KB,1020x899,1020:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f4afd14ecdfad4⋯.png (601.66 KB,582x868,291:434,Clipboard.png)

File: f54e5ea4b5f67bf⋯.png (386.83 KB,590x651,590:651,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20571944 (151701ZMAR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / BBC presenter describes horrific injuries allegedly inflicted on him at private school in Edinburgh by 'sadistic' teacher

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BBC presenter describes horrific injuries allegedly inflicted on him at private school in Edinburgh by 'sadistic' teacher

Nicky Campbell described how his teacher, John Brownlee, would use a wooden paddle to inflict painful beatings as he gave evidence at an examination of facts hearing against the 'sadist'

Mark Connor

13 MAR 2024

BBC presenter Nicky Campbell has told a hearing how he was physically abused by a “sadist” teacher at one of Scotland’s top private schools. The Radio 5Live presenter said former Edinburgh Academy teacher John Brownlee smashed his neck and skull.

Mr Campbell also described how the teacher would use a wooden paddle to inflict painful beatings. He gave evidence at an examination of facts hearing after Mr Brownlee, now 89, was deemed unfit to stand trial.

Mr Campbell, 62, was a pupil at the fee-paying school between 1966 and 1978, from when he was aged five until he was 17. He told the hearing at Edinburgh Sheriff Court that Mr Brownlee was his form teacher, and he initially liked him, finding him funny and charismatic.

According to the BBC, he said the physical abuse began when he was about 11 years old, describing the teacher as an “arbitrarily violent” man whose mood could turn very quickly. The presenter described an incident when he was forced to the ground in a corridor while Mr Brownlee performed a “knuckle dance”, pummelling his neck and skull for about 20 seconds.

He said the teacher then walked away without saying anything, and he had no idea what he had done wrong. Mr Brownlee was a “pathetic little man, a pathetic little sadist”, he told the hearing.

Mr Campbell also told how he and other pupils were often made to bend over the teacher’s desk and were struck with a wooden paddle called a clacken, which is used in a ball game at the school.

He said he struggled with mental health challenges in later life as a result of the abuse he suffered. In his evidence, he also described an incident when Mr Brownlee was unable to find a clacken - which can be up to 18in (46cm) long.

Instead, he inflicted a beating using a table tennis bat which did not hurt as much.

Last November Mr Brownlee was deemed medically unfit to stand trial for allegedly mistreating 38 pupils over a 20-year period from 1967 to 1987. So an examination of the facts hearing is being held without a jury, which gives the Crown and defence the opportunity to present evidence.

At the end the judge may rule that the accused man carried out the charges, or may acquit him.

I'm happy to point out that this guy throughout 13 years of denial by the Scottish Government and Judiciary NOT to hold an inquiry into historic child abuse, that this guy was nowhere to be seen or heard speaking out about the subject. In fact he only appeared recently with accusations after another former pupil sued and was awarded £450,000 in damages. This guy I hear is looking for £1 million though can't confirm. He could have used his celebrity profile years ago to help other victims.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154309

File: 5203d698635b90f⋯.png (589.18 KB,906x899,906:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bcc9bece02d727⋯.png (174.07 KB,596x495,596:495,Clipboard.png)

File: 530e358d4f9af8e⋯.png (739.04 KB,641x866,641:866,Clipboard.png)

File: 04b5dc19c60747a⋯.png (265.2 KB,586x659,586:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20573862 (152338ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Fears SNP's Hate Crime Act will make Scotland 'most hateful place on Earth' and pave way for more free speech curbs

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Fears SNP's Hate Crime Act will make Scotland 'most hateful place on Earth' and pave way for more free speech curbs

The legislation was championed by the now-First Minister in 2021 and will be enforced from April 1 this year with critics attacking it as a draconian law

Douglas Dickie

13 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf's Hate Crime Act could turn Scotland into "one of the most 'hateful' counties on earth" and pave the way for more stringent curbs on freedom of speech, it has been warned. The legislation will come into effect on April 1 having been passed by Holyrood in 2021.

It was pushed through by Mr Yousaf when he was Justice Secretary and creates a new crime of stirring up hatred. Critics have described it as an attack on free speech while concerns have been raised about resources being used to police the legislation.

And Calum Steele, the former general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, has now raised fears about the use of 'data' in relation to the Act. He said one of the "biggest issues" of implementing the Hate Crime provision "will be reliability of data".

He said with hundreds of third party reporting vehicles available, "data confidence will be nigh on impossible to be derived". He added: "I suspect that within a very short period of time we will have 'data' suggesting Scotland to be one of the most 'hateful' counties on earth.

"This Jackanory data will be used to justify an endless drive to deliver a Pygmalion utopia." Dozens of new reporting centres will be set up to support the legislation.

These will be linked to charities, council offices, housing associations and even a LGBT+ sex shop in Glasgow's Merchant City. The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act will also extend the number of "protected characteristics" in Scotland and will now include age, race, religion, disability, transgender identity and sexual orientation.

In a statement on Monday, community safety minister Siobhian Brown said: "For those impacted by hatred and prejudice, the results can be traumatic and life-changing. While we respect everyone’s right to freedom of expression, nobody in our society should live in fear or be made to feel like they don’t belong, and the Scottish Government is committed to building safer communities that live free from hatred and prejudice.

"Hate crime is behaviour that is both criminal and rooted in prejudice. It can be verbal, physical, online or face to face. The new law will give greater protections to those who need it and helps to form the basis of understanding about the type of behaviour that is not acceptable in our society."

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037c4f No.154310

File: f495aa0c6be36b6⋯.png (698.19 KB,910x895,182:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 89c09325f7f8f58⋯.png (244.15 KB,636x502,318:251,Clipboard.png)

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File: 881231ccbf29e11⋯.png (354.51 KB,618x765,206:255,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20573996 (160012ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Skint SNP government spending £200k of YOUR cash on 'psychological' testing for civil servants

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Skint SNP government spending £200k of YOUR cash on 'psychological' testing for civil servants

It is the latest row surrounding the use of taxpayer cash by the nationalist government following Humnza Yousaf's £250k for UNRWA and Creative Scotland handing cash to a sex show

Douglas Dickie

11 MAR 2024

The SNP is forking out £200,000 for senior civil servants to undergo psychological testing, it has emerged. Despite pleading poverty at Holyrood, Humza Yousaf's government is splashing out to rate the intelligence, abilities, potential and personality of bureaucrats.

The contract tender was published weeks before SNP and Green MSPs backed millions of pounds worth of cuts in the Scottish budget, reports the Daily Record. The spend has been criticised by opponents, who have called on the nationalist government to explain the reasoning.

It is the latest row over the use of public funds embroiling the SNP in the past few days. Humza Yousaf is facing questions over whether he overruled his own officials in awarding £250,000 to a UN agency based in Gaza while Creative Scotland is investigating after £84,000 of taxpayer money was handed to a sex show.

The contract for "psychometric" testing was put out in February with the SNP/Green administration pushing through swinging cuts at the end of the month. The tests will be used by employers to assess intelligence, abilities, potential and personality and will cost around £200,000.

Scottish Conservative finance spokeswoman Liz Smith said: "Scots suffering at the hands of the SNP’s disastrous tax-and-axe budget will be asking significant questions about the cost of this contract. While it is important to carry out due diligence when hiring people to work at the heart of the civil service, this flies in the face of the SNP squeeze on the public purse.

"Ministers must justify why they think it was appropriate to spend £200,000 of taxpayers’ cash on this contract." It comes at a time senior civil servants have found themselves in the headlines.

Many were heavily criticised during the UK Covid Inquiry after it emerged they joked about the pandemic and deleted messages to avoid transparency laws. The Government’s unlawful probe into sexual harassment claims against former First Minister Alex Salmond was another scandal to engulf the civil service.

Alba Party general secretary Chris McEleny said: "Whoever wins the contract for psychological testing may want to check on the ability of senior civil servants to forget key information when it is required by an inquiry, their ability to correct the record when it’s pointed out they didn’t answer questions truthfully and of course their ability to follow simple instructions such as not to delete their WhatsApp messages."

But in a statement, the Scottish Government defended the spend, saying: "Senior civil servants manage performance and delivery, and ensure the Scottish Government achieves its goals. They bring exceptional expertise and progress the government’s ambitious plans for delivering on its Programme for Government.

"In line with UK Cabinet Office and Civil Service Commission expectations, using a range of assessment methods has a long history in supporting effective decision-making for senior roles. The Civil Service has used psychological assessments alongside other forms of assessment for informing selection decisions for a number of years."

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037c4f No.154311

File: f821fe73892ab97⋯.png (721.68 KB,890x899,890:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 2ea9f27661977c2⋯.png (248.93 KB,622x542,311:271,Clipboard.png)

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File: d4eadcd1ddd621a⋯.png (695.36 KB,972x899,972:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20574128 (160054ZMAR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / Prince Andrew's hopes of royal return in tatters as new Jeffrey Epstein bombshells to be released

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Prince Andrew's hopes of royal return in tatters as new Jeffrey Epstein bombshells to be released

The Duke of York has harboured hopes of a return to frontline royal duties but even with the King and Princess of Wales out of action, there seems to be no chance of that

Douglas Dickie

15 MAR 2024

Prince Andrew's hopes of a return to public life are lying in tatters after it emerged more revelations about Jeffrey Epstein will be released in the USA. The Duke of York has harboured hopes of becoming a working royal once more as The Firm faces a personnel crisis with King Charles and Princess Catherine out of action.

That is despite his links to paedophile Epstein which have seen him kept away from royal business by his brother. Andrew has also been accused of wrongdoing himself, although he strenuously denies the claims and has never been convicted of any crime.

Court documents relating to Epstein named the Prince among a host of celebrities who had visited the sex offender's private island, bringing further embarrassment to Andrew. And Florida governor Ron DeSantis has confirmed further papers will be released relating to Epstein's sex trafficking will be released, reports the Daily Mail.

It is unclear if Andrew will be included, but his reputation risks a further battering with the Epstein scandal set to make headline news once more. Announcing the move, Mr DeSantis said: "The public deserves to know who participated in Jeffrey Epstein's sex trafficking. Nobody should be protected from facing justice due to their wealth or status."

While Andrew will play a part in family events, commentators reckon the chances of him getting back into frontline royal life are all but ruined by the feed of stories about Epstein. Even if he is not named in these documents, it simply highlights the issue once more.

Last year, Andrew paid out £12million to sex-trafficking victim Virginia Giuffre who claimed she had been forced to have sex with him after being trafficked by Epstein. Financier Epstein killed himself in a jail cell while awaiting trial in 2019.

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037c4f No.154312

File: f8dde5bbd79b13d⋯.png (784.31 KB,932x899,932:899,Clipboard.png)

File: ee0b46b2febfd62⋯.png (201.59 KB,623x510,623:510,Clipboard.png)

File: 3447d731a1dd76d⋯.png (349.76 KB,579x614,579:614,Clipboard.png)

File: 70e013c63973d2d⋯.png (124.83 KB,596x538,298:269,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20575716 (161033ZMAR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Taxpayer billed for £3,700 on chauffeured rides for Jason Leitch and Liz Lloyd to UK Covid Inquiry

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Taxpayer billed for £3,700 on chauffeured rides for Jason Leitch and Liz Lloyd to UK Covid Inquiry

Eleven people with links to the SNP executive gave evidence at the Inquiry in January with the public purse footing the bill for travel

Douglas Dickie

15 MAR 2024

Scottish taxpayers helped pay for thousands of pounds worth of chauffeured rides for government figures to give evidence at the UK Covid Inquiry. Eleven witnesses with links to the SNP executive gave evidence in front of Lady Hallet over two weeks in January.

The hearings unveiled a series of bombshells about the government's handling of the crisis. Public servants were found to have routinely deleted vital WhatsApp messages while joking about it among themselves.

SNP Ministers were also found to have used the crisis to start a new push for independence while Professor Jason Leitch, the country's national clinical director, gave Humza Yousaf a 'workaround' so he wouldn't need to wear a mask at a dinner. According to the Daily Mail, £3,674 was spent ferrying the witnesses to and from the evidence sessions in Edinburgh.

And the actual figure is likely to be much higher with officials refusing to provide details of car journeys taken by Nicola Sturgeon and Mr Yousaf. The government maintains this is due to police advice although we previously reported Police Scotland has no record of this.

The government said it had a "responsibility to support those presenting evidence to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry" that included "arranging transportation for witnesses to ensure they were able to arrive and leave safely and on time". But the Scottish Tories reckon ordinary Scots would raise an eyebrow.

MSP Sue Webber said: "Hard-pressed Scots will be keen to know how these journeys were undertaken and if they represented best value for taxpayers." Other to give evidence included Ms Sturgeon's former right-hand woman Liz Lloyd and former Health Secretary Jeane Freeman.

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack also gave evidence from a UK Government perspective. The spend was revealed in the same week Professor Leitch announced he was standing down after nine years in the role.

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037c4f No.154313

File: ba44cbda6b86a8a⋯.png (382.13 KB,566x879,566:879,Clipboard.png)

File: 85cf3701361bdf8⋯.png (502.81 KB,517x874,517:874,Clipboard.png)

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File: 2ed5bdb5d59fa56⋯.png (170.32 KB,492x877,492:877,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20575824 (161132ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / SNP chiefs release 106 pages of WhatsApp messages two years after claiming NONE existed

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WHAT'S UP? SNP chiefs release 106 pages of WhatsApp messages two years after claiming NONE existed

Ministers were first asked for the messages more than two years ago in December 2021 but repeatedly claimed they did not have a single WhatsApp

Conor Matchett

15 Mar 2024

NATS chiefs were today forced to publish more than 100 pages of WhatsApps from ministers - despite initially claiming none existed more than two years ago.

Critics said SNP ministers were treating Scots like they were “buttoned up the back” over the scandal.

The embarrassing climb down follows Nicola Sturgeon admitting she deleted all her WhatsApps from the Covid pandemic, and amid fury from families of the Covid bereaved.

And ministers only released them after being taken to Scotland's information watchdog by this newspaper in what is a major transparency victory for The Scottish Sun.

Messages released include one from Ms Sturgeon as she was grilled over the SNP’s handling of sexual harassment complaints against one of its MPs, Patrick Grady.

In a message to her chief of staff, Liz Lloyd, the former SNP leader complains: “I am reaching my outer limits of being able to put up with stuff.”

Another shows the First Minister and then Health Secretary Humza Yousaf, admitting he was behind on government papers, flippantly adding “story of my life”.

And in a WhatsApp sent to Ms Sturgeon on the day she was found to have misled the Scottish Parliament on her knowledge of harassment complaints made to the government about Alex Salmond, Mr Yousaf says: “Keep your head up (as difficult as it must feel at times) you are on the side of truth and only every [sic] taken the principled stand.

“All of us are behind you”.

Ex-health secretary Jeane Freeman is also revealed to have angrily complained to the chief executive of NHS Scotland, Caroline Lamb, about “game playing” by officials.

In one message in March she states: “I’m afraid some of your directors are being exceptionally precious and causing my private office way too much grief”.

In a later message, she adds: “There is a great deal of game playing going on that is truly unacceptable”.

And in another message, a special adviser can be seen complaining about officials “squabbling” about the response to Afghanistan’s fall to the Taliban.

However many remain heavily redacted as ministers continue to attempt to cover-up how they use the encrypted messaging system.

Other ministers who can now be revealed to have used WhatsApp for government business include ex-deputy first minister John Swinney, ex-finance secretary Kate Forbes, the then-social justice secretary and now deputy first minister, Shona Robison, and then-education secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville.

A handful of junior ministers were also part of the info dump.

Ministers were first asked for the messages more than two years ago in December 2021 but repeatedly claimed they did not have a single WhatsApp.

The timeframes cover two sensitive periods of the year.

March 2021 included the height of the Salmond Inquiry when Nicola Sturgeon was found to have misled parliament over her knowledge of complaints against Alex Salmond.

And August 2021 was when senior SNP figures such as John Swinney were negotiating the coalition deal with the Scottish Green party after the election earlier in the year.

In December that year, SNP ministers claimed they had sent and received no WhatsApp or text messages during those two months.

Opposition parties at the time said this was “stretching credibility to breaking point” and labelled it “dubious”.

Government figures attacked the criticism “ridiculous” and said opposition MSPs “used to criticise ministers for using WhatsApp - now they criticise them for not using WhatsApp”.

However in a fresh response following an appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner, they were forced to disclose more than 100 pages worth of messages.

This is despite senior figures such as Nicola Sturgeon telling the UK Covid Inquiry they had deleted all of their WhatsApp messages from the pandemic.

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037c4f No.154314

File: 939c6446c20d705⋯.png (61.62 KB,496x769,496:769,Clipboard.png)

File: e2ac0e3ff1886e5⋯.png (312.94 KB,474x467,474:467,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20575848 (161140ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / SNP chiefs release 106 pages of WhatsApp messages two years after claiming NONE existed

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Ministers claimed the messages could only now be shared due to the “extensive range of evidence” gathered for the Covid inquiries leading ministers to “identify WhatsApps” which were considered “not in scope” or “previously deleted”.

Scots Tory party chairman Craig Hoy said the SNP were treated Scots like they are “buttoned up the back” and that the public had seen through “ludicrous” claims government business was not done on WhatsApp.

He added: “This sudden u-turn on releasing a mammoth number of messages only confirms that.

“Scots deserve better than senior government figures misleading them over the widespread use of messaging apps and this development reeks of the SNP’s addiction to secrecy.

“These messages yet again expose that even before he failed upwards into Bute House, Humza Yousaf was happily winging it when in charge of key public services during the pandemic.”

Scots Lib Dem MSP, Willie Rennie, said Scots will be “disappointed” to be “misled” by Ms Sturgeon over WhatsApps.

He said: “The former First Minister has been insistent she didn’t really use WhatsApp for government business. But this confirms the opposite.

“The public have been misled about the biggest crisis the country has faced in a generation.”

Jackie Baillie said: “This blows the defence of the SNP government and several current and former ministers that government business is not done on WhatsApp to shreds.

“It is clear for all to see that senior politicians and civil servants have had lengthy important discussions on WhatsApp and that there has been a deliberate attempt to hide the truth.

“The public deserve full transparency but they have been completely failed by politicians - including Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf - who have sought to mislead the people of Scotland.

The Scottish Government, said: "We are committed to transparency, best practice in handling Freedom of Information requests and to learning lessons from the UK Covid Inquiry evidence sessions.

“The very extensive range of the evidence being gathered for submission to the Covid Inquiries on WhatsApp and text messages has supported current and former Ministers to identify messages that were thought not to be in scope previously, or for them to access messages previously deleted via other individuals who hold messages.

“The First Minister has commissioned an external review into the use of mobile messaging apps and non-corporate technology in the Scottish Government. An announcement will be made on this soon.

“We are co-operating fully with the intervention opened by the Scottish Information Commissioner’s office into the use of informal communications.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154315

File: 560397c55c8ba7d⋯.png (614.03 KB,535x874,535:874,Clipboard.png)

File: fe0b7bf985bcdd6⋯.png (497.61 KB,465x665,93:133,Clipboard.png)

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File: f1d4997bf45a4f4⋯.png (802.08 KB,505x874,505:874,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20575896 (161154ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Cops include kinky sex shop on list of safe havens where hate crime victims can report their ordeal

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CUFF JUSTICE Cops include kinky sex shop on list of safe havens where hate crime victims can report their ordeal

Police have been urged to drop the kinky store as a hate crime reporting centre

Graham Mann

13 Mar 2024

HATE crime victims are being encouraged by cops to report their ordeal at a SEX SHOP, it has emerged.

Victims nervous about approaching bobbies are being urged to visit the city centre store that sells X-rated sex toys and kinky undies.

The Luke and Jack outlet in Glasgow city centre is among a network of third party reporting centres included on an official list compiled by Police Scotland.

An online blurb promoting the scheme says it’s made up of a “range of housing associations to victim support offices and voluntary groups.”

Examples include Victim Support Scotland, Scottish Refuge Council, LGTB Youth Scotland, New Gorbals Housing Association, Glasgow Women’s Library and dozens of buildings linked to Glasgow Housing Association.

But also included on the near 100-strong list is the kinky retailer that offers an array of items designed to spice up punters’ sex lives.

The store’s social media channels are awash with cheeky pictures promoting gear for enhancing their customers’ colourful bedroom adventures.

One image posted on Instagram shows a laptop computer surrounded by rubber toys with the caption: “Just another day at the office.”

But one stunned web user said: “Glaswegians, if you don’t feel comfortable reporting a hate crime to the police, Police Scotland suggest you might prefer to pop into your local sex shop ‘Luke and Jack’ where specially trained staff will help.”

Scottish Conservative MSP Annie Wells said: “Serious questions must be asked as to who thought a sex shop was an appropriate setting to report a hate crime.

“The SNP’s act is flawed enough without asking people to relay their experiences in this sort of outlet in the heart of the city centre.

“Glaswegians will rightly be wondering what the thinking behind this decision. Police Scotland should drop this shop from their reporting centres as a matter of urgency.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “Police Scotland has used Hate Crime Third Party Reporting Centres for a number of years.

“In some cases, victims and witnesses of a hate crime may not feel comfortable approaching the police directly. Third Party Reporting Centres provide them with a safe space to make a report, and we constantly review these alongside the Scottish Government.

“Any business or organisation can volunteer to be a Third Party Reporting Centre, and they reflect the diverse nature of our local communities. Staff are trained to ensure they can assist victims or witnesses.

“Hate crime and discrimination of any kind is deplorable and entirely unacceptable and we will investigate every report.”

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037c4f No.154316

File: c2cc4e72d6d2e50⋯.png (711.73 KB,1024x887,1024:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 877c1557b36e729⋯.png (146.69 KB,632x513,632:513,Clipboard.png)

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File: ff4764daf4927b4⋯.png (154.91 KB,602x450,301:225,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20576178 (161318ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Fears SNP's Hate Crime Act will make Scotland 'most hateful place on Earth' and pave way for more free speech curbs

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'We've seen some shoddy SNP legislation but Humza Yousaf's Hate Crimes Bill is in a league of its own'

Scottish Conservative deputy leader MEGHAN GALLACHER says the 'profoundly illiberal' law set to be enforced from April 1 is 'unclear, contradictory and almost certain to lead to ridiculous cases'

Comment opinion

Meghan Gallacher

16 MAR 2024

If only the Hate Crimes Bill, one of Humza Yousaf’s wheezes from his times as Justice Secretary, was just an April Fool prank.

But no. After much delay, this terrible idea is actually becoming law on April 1, even though almost everyone has pointed out that it’s one of the shoddiest bits of legislation ever devised.

That’s an astonishing accolade, given the SNP government’s track record on coming up with laws that fall apart, sometimes even before they’re introduced – just think of the gender reform fiasco or the deposit return shambles. But this one’s in a league of its own.

There’s the obvious point that it’s an attack on freedom of speech, profoundly illiberal and has the potential to criminalise all sorts of harmless things, from dinner table chit-chat to stand-up comedy.

In the final debate on it, back in March 2021, Humza Yousaf said that no one would be accused of stirring up hatred for “solely stating their belief”, but the fact is that the law is capable of being applied in just that kind of absurd way.

The three-year delay in bringing it in is a clue to its biggest problem, though. The reason the bill hasn’t been activated has been attributed to Police Scotland’s need for “training, guidance and communications planning”.

That’s one way of saying that it’s a dog’s dinner, and that there’s every reason to think that it will be used in exactly the way that the First Minister assured us it wouldn’t.

We’ve already seen people attempting to drum up totally spurious grievances – like the recent attempt to report JK Rowling to the police for not using the “right” pronouns. You can be sure there will be a rash of that kind of nonsense, citing this new law as an excuse.

Police Scotland aren’t doing themselves any favours with their ludicrous “Hate Monster” campaign, and their promise to investigate every perceived “hate” incident – at the same time as they’re going to stop investigating lots of actual crimes because of SNP cuts.

Police officers will be dragged into trivial spats

But the confusion that is bound to follow the introduction of this law isn’t really their fault. The law itself is unclear, contradictory and almost certain to lead to ridiculous cases. The police are likely to be dragged into all sorts of trivial spats that no one would seriously think important – let alone a matter for criminal investigation.

It’s typical of the SNP’s approach. They have bad ideas to begin with, brush aside any objections or suggestions for improvement, and then push through measures that are almost bound to lead to unintended consequences.

Then they’re astonished when the problems that everyone had told them would be created duly arrive. Unfortunately, this ill-conceived law looks set to repeat that dismal trend.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154317

File: 0418313ea5080fa⋯.png (693.97 KB,938x892,469:446,Clipboard.png)

File: 2fc6256e5ebd99a⋯.png (221.91 KB,656x542,328:271,Clipboard.png)

File: 6ba1efc15566b83⋯.png (362.98 KB,598x865,598:865,Clipboard.png)

File: 32174a05346c1d5⋯.png (296.94 KB,567x865,567:865,Clipboard.png)

File: e1fa771a28190be⋯.png (315.78 KB,619x771,619:771,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20576320 (161401ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP candidate in 'narrow-minded bigots' rant after school pupils object to explicit poem

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SNP candidate in 'narrow-minded bigots' rant after school pupils object to explicit poem

Exclusive: A parent says it is 'despicable behaviour' for an electoral candidate to attack pupils who said they didn't feel comfortable studying an explicit poem with 'unwanted and inappropriate sexual content'

Ben Borland

16 MAR 2024

Pupils who spoke out against sexualised literary content being pushed on them by teachers have been warned they may become "narrow-minded bigots" by Orkney's SNP candidate.

In a social media post, Robert Leslie criticised children – and parents – who don't want sexually explicit poems to be a part of their higher English studies at Kirkwall Grammar School.

When given the poem 'Passing', by the award-winning Staceyann Chin, some S5 pupils expressed discomfort at the detailed references to sexual acts. Their concerns were shared with parents, and when a complaint was made to the school the poem was removed.

Speaking to Orkney's newspaper The Orcadian, the local authority said they had decided to remove the poem from the required reading list hoping it would be seen as "respecting both sets of views".

But in response to the row, Mr Leslie posted on Friday, March 7: "Reading should be a pleasure, but also challenging. Here's a poem that some folk have found particularly challenging recently apparently. For myself, I would fear that sheltering folk from words like this might lead to the production of a generation of narrow-minded bigots."

The comments were made on his personal Facebook page, rather than his official SNP candidate page. When another user replied "might lead?", Mr Leslie responded: "I was trying to be generous."

The poem was chosen by the teacher for study by S5 Higher English pupils at the school. Chin, 51, is a spoken-word poet and LGBT rights activist who lives in Brooklyn. She has appeared on the Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss her experiences growing up gay in Jamaica.

Following the complaints, an Orkney Islands Council spokeswoman said: "The Scottish Curriculum is designed to allow teachers a degree of choice over which pieces of work they cover, and in this case the poem had been selected because of the over-arching themes of race, LGBTQ+ prejudice, and societal pressure to confirm.

"While a very small number of pupils and parents were uncomfortable with the poem choice, many other pupils, supported by their parents, were keen to explore the piece of work further. Respecting both sets of views and moving forward, those pupils who wish to continue studying 'Passing' will be able to do so, but there is no requirement for those who don't to continue studying this piece of work."

One local parent told the Scottish Express: "A pupil expressing discomfort at overly sexualised content being presented to them at their school is deeply concerning. Speaking up and asking for help often requires extraordinary bravery, and can be a difficult thing to do, especially for children. They need all the support we can give."

When the parent (who does not wish to be identified) read Mr Leslie comment on Facebook, he was shocked. "How Robert Leslie – or any other adult – interprets, enjoys or feels about this poem is irrelevant," he said. "It was school pupils who initially reported being made uncomfortable at objectively explicit content. And what Robert Leslie has done is send a message to these children – and likely many silent others – that you need to keep your discomfort and worries about unwanted and inappropriate sexual content to yourself, or you are a 'narrow-minded bigot'."

He continued: "Rather than support the vulnerable pupils who have evidenced and real concerns, a local political candidate has instead called them names. This is despicable behaviour for anyone, never mind someone in his position."

Mr Leslie, who works at Orkney Housing Association and lives in Kirkwall, is standing for the Orkney and Shetland constituency for the second time against Lib Dem MP Alistair Carmichael. The Northern Isles have been a Liberal and Liberal Democrat stronghold since the 1950s, with Mr Carmichael holding a majority of 2,507.

An SNP spokeswoman said: "SNP spokesperson said: "This is a personal view from Mr Leslie about not censoring art and it is for the school to decide what materials are used.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154318

File: 99f0b72c9e5d403⋯.png (531.95 KB,499x874,499:874,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20584862 (181225ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP want seized £110k campervan back from police to use during general election (video)

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MOTORHOME ROW SNP want seized £110k campervan back from police to use during general election

Nats chiefs claimed they wanted to use the campervan when it was bought in 2021 as a Covid election battle bus, but these plans were supposedly ditched as pandemic restrictions eased

Conor Matchett

17 Mar 2024

HUMZA Yousaf yesterday scampered away from the media to avoid answering questions on why his party wants back the £110,000 campervan at the heart of the police investigation into SNP finances.

Police officers last year seized the motorhome which was discovered at the home of former party chief executive - and husband of Nicola Sturgeon - Peter Murrell’s mother.

Reports at the weekend claimed senior figures in the SNP want to get the vehicle back from police to use either during the upcoming election or to sell for cash.

But the SNP leader refused to stop to answer questions from reporters.

Asked about the reports the First Minister as he walked to his car, Mr Yousaf said the party “don’t comment on live police investigations, as you know.”

And asked whether he would remove the whip from shamed ex-health secretary Michael Matheson after he was found to have broken the MSP code-of-conduct, Mr Yousaf said: “see you later on guys.”

Nats chiefs claimed they wanted to use the campervan when it was bought in 2021 as a Covid election battle bus, but these plans were supposedly ditched as pandemic restrictions eased.

But the request to have it handed back by cops prompted mockery from internal opponents to the First Minister, but some party insiders suggested they simply wanted their assets back.

One SNP MP claimed to The Scottish Sun that it could be the party knows the campervan won’t “hold value”.

They added: “What’s the point of holding onto it if it can’t be used?”.

Another senior Nats figure joked referencing the upcoming Euros: “That’ll be Germany digs sorted though.”

And a SNP MSP allied with defeated Nats leadership contender Kate Forbes added: “It is hilarious. I have no sympathy for them.”

Scots Tory party chairman Craig Hoy said SNP figures shouldn’t be “begging” the police for access to their campervan.

He added: “Members of the public will be shocked at the brass neck of the SNP’s high command who should be letting the force do their job.”

Mr Murrell, Ms Sturgeon, and ex-SNP treasurer Colin Beattie were arrested in connection with the probe last year, but were later released without charge.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “As the investigation remains ongoing we are unable to comment.”

On the campervan, a senior SNP source said: “Why wouldn’t we want an asset back?”

The row over the campervan overshadowed a fresh attempt by the SNP to boost their electoral fortunes.

In a speech to the SNP’s “campaign council” in Perth on Saturday, Humza Yousaf attacked Labour for pledging to continue “Tory policies, Tory ideas and Tory values”, whether delivered by a “blue rosette or a red rosette”.

And he urged voters to back the SNP to make Scotland “Tory free”.

The SNP leader attacked Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar for heading a party “willing to sell out its founding values for a sniff of po(d)wer”.:)

He added: “And the more Tory policies they adopt and the more right wing rhetoric they use, it is becoming clearer that they actually believe this.”

“For Keir Starmer and Anas Sarwar, this is who they really are. The Labour leadership believe in the same failing orthodoxies, the same narrow Westminster view of the world as the Tories.”

Mr Yousaf also sought to brand Mr Sarwar as weak, saying it was “ridiculous” to believe the Labour leader would “stand up to anyone”.

He raised the Gaza vote and Scottish Labour-led Inverclyde council’s decision to raise council tax, despite opposition from the leader.

He said: “Anas Sarwar isn’t going to stand up for Scotland – he would bend the knee to Sir Keir Starmer.”

And Mr Yousaf warned voters a future UK Government - whether Tory or Labour - “intends to sell off the NHS piece by piece”, labelling such a policy as a “national betrayal”.

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037c4f No.154319

File: 977d2e50b2c1e1e⋯.png (430.57 KB,522x856,261:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 0202e6e0fad78f1⋯.png (52.66 KB,500x875,4:7,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20584879 (181233ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP want seized £110k campervan back from police to use during general election (video)

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SNP Deputy FM joked about a motorhome holiday with Nicola Sturgeon cops seized secret luxury campervan

DEPUTY First Minister Shona Robison joked about going on a motorhome holiday with Nicola Sturgeon - weeks before cops seized a luxury campervan secretly owned by the SNP.

The new Scottish Government No2’s suggested the two pals should embark on a road trip in the style of movie pair Thelma & Louise - who ended the film by driving off a cliff.

Her comments came in a BBC interview recorded before the cop raid on Ms Sturgeon’s marital home on April 5, 2023.

Many senior figures in the party - including First Minister Humza Yousaf - are said to have been unaware the party owned the vehicle before it was seized.

Speaking about what may come next for Ms Sturgeon and her, Ms Robison - one of the ex First Minister’s closest friends and allies - suggested the pair should embark on an impromptu adventure like in the 1991 movie starring Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon.

Ms Robison said: “I’ve got a motorhome ... So I was going to suggest to her a sort of Thelma & Louise road trip.”

In a later interview for the podcast, carried out on March 14, presenter Glen Campbell raised the Thelma & Louise suggestion with the ex First Minister.

She laughed and said: “Me and Shona on a Thelma & Louise type trip. Yep, that would be one we'd probably want to keep out of the eyes of the media.”

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037c4f No.154320

File: 771e03ec6ab45f4⋯.png (375.31 KB,492x873,164:291,Clipboard.png)

File: 580ddae264b158f⋯.png (192.32 KB,501x680,501:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 982a995319945d1⋯.png (18.29 KB,502x229,502:229,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20585329 (181501ZMAR24) Notable: Cash-strapped Police Scotland pay out £1.5m to informants

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MONEYBLABBERS Cash-strapped Police Scotland pay out £1.5m to informants

Police addressed the figures after fears were raised

Thomas Brown

17 Mar 2024

COPS paid informants almost £1.5million in five years, we can reveal.

The bill includes £321,419 forked out by skint Police Scotland to grasses in 2023.

Sources told how inside knowledge provided by Covert Human Intelligence Sources, or CHIS, has often proved crucial in bringing major hoods to justice.

Figures obtained under freedom of information laws show they were paid £277,027 in 2019, £264,607 a year later, £305,588 in 2021 and £288,850 in 2022, bringing the total to £1,457,493.

It’s understood the cash goes through payment plans instead of lump sums, which could arouse suspicion among gangland figures.

Bungs can range from less than £100 for tips in more minor cases to many thousands of pounds for helping to fight organised crime.

But last night a source told how rank-and-file officers will be “annoyed” at the size of payouts in the midst of a financial crisis.

They said: “I can understand we need to pay informants but I’m not convinced it truly achieves the end goal of reducing crime. If a drug dealer gets taken off the streets, they’re replaced in hours.

“A lot of cops will be annoyed that so much is being paid for information when Police Scotland is facing major cutbacks.”

A force spokesman said: “The use of Covert Human Intelligence Sources is a successful, highly regulated and independently scrutinised tactic which supports officers to keep people safe.”

It comes as it emerges police are keeping callers hanging on for more than six minutes as they try to report a crime, figures show.

Members of the public dialling the non-emergency 101 number are facing a rise in waiting times — up by an average of almost two minutes.

Top brass have linked the slower response to a 15 per cent spike in 999 calls which take priority.

The figures, from April to December last year, emerged after Police Scotland announced that some low-level crimes will no longer be investigated to free up resources.

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037c4f No.154321

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20585357 (181512ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP want seized £110k campervan back from police to use during general election (video)

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No way! The SNP was brutally rejected as Humza yousaf wanted to seize campervan back from police

ST You News

1.66K subscribers

2,696 views Mar 17, 2024 #STYouNews

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037c4f No.154322

File: af49256bb736933⋯.png (587.35 KB,964x899,964:899,Clipboard.png)

File: fa938bd9b5687fe⋯.png (609.71 KB,570x866,285:433,Clipboard.png)

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File: 8b149c0f5c90bc9⋯.png (250.6 KB,647x552,647:552,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20590587 (191522ZMAR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Operation Branchform: 'Police must issue update' on state of probe into SNP finances three years on

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Operation Branchform: 'Police must issue update' on state of probe into SNP finances three years on

Sean Clerkin made the initial complaint in March 2021 but the investigation into £660,000 raised to fight an independence referendum shows no signs of concluding

Douglas Dickie

17 MAR 2024

Police Scotland should issue a statement on Operation Branchform, according to the man whose complaint triggered the probe into SNP finances in the first place. This month marks three years since Sean Clerkin first raised concerns with officers about alleged fraud relating to money raised for an independence referendum.

Despite the high-profile arrests of Nicola Sturgeon, her husband and former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell and the party's former treasurer Colin Beattie, no-one has ever been charged in relation to the investigation. The cost of the operation is now over £1.3 million.

Mr Clerkin says Chief Constable Jo Farrell should provide an update when she addresses the board of the Scottish Police Authority in Edinburgh on Thursday. Speaking to the Sunday Herald, he said: "We need to know which way the case is going and whether it's going to proceed to prosecution or not.

"Three years is long enough. I think she has a duty to inform the Scottish public about the full range and depth and what exactly is being explored, because at the end of the day it's taxpayers paying for this.

"The cost is now standing at £1.3 million. For transparency and full accountability, there has to be a complete and comprehensive explanation of where Operation Branchform is and where it will go, and what the timelines are for making decisions.

"We live in a democracy and there has to be accountability." Chief Constable Farrell's predecessor Sir Iain Livingstone gave an update on Branchform in an interview last summer, BBC Radio 4 that it had extended its scope to consider "potential embezzlement" and "misuse of funds".

Mr Clerkin lodged his initial complaint on March 26, 2021 at Barrhead Police Station where he claimed £660,000 raised to fight Indyref2 had been spent on other things. A formal investigation was launched in July 2021.

Ms Sturgeon and Mr Murrell's house - along with SNP HQ - was raided by cops in April last year when Mr Murrell was arrested. Mr Beattie was arrested two weeks later with Ms Sturgeon quizzed in June.

Officers seized a variety of paperwork and other items, including a campervan bought by the party to fight the 2021 Scottish election. It emerged this week senior SNP figures want it back to help with their general election push.

Mr Clerkin was backed by former Health Secretary Alex Neil, who said: "I realise that she can't go into detail but I think she should give some indication of when it is likely that this inquiry will be completed one way or the other. Because there's a real danger the police and the Crown Office will start to lose credibility if they don't do something or make a decision soon about where this is going.

"Quite frankly, it's not fair to the people involved. It's dragged on now for a long, long time. Jo Farrell needs to reaffirm that it will be based on the timetable required to complete the inquiries and reach a conclusion, and won't be driven by any political considerations."

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "As the investigation remains ongoing we are unable to comment."

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037c4f No.154323

File: 77a1b595cb5b003⋯.png (620.15 KB,951x899,951:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20590906 (191641ZMAR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Chief Constable ignores Operation Branchform in key report despite calls for update amid rising costs

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Chief Constable ignores Operation Branchform in key report despite calls for update amid rising costs

Jo Farrell had been urged to provide the public with an update on the probe into SNP finances three years after the initial complaint

Douglas Dickie

19 MAR 2024

The Chief Constable of Police Scotland has not given an update on Operation Branchform in a key report, despite the rising costs of the probe. Jo Farrell will report to the Scottish Police Authority (SPA) board on Thursday, March 21.

However, there will be no mention of the investigation into SNP finances. Instead, she will focus on the Emma Caldwell case and public inquiry, changes to frontline policing, and inclusion within the force.

We reported at the weekend that the man whose complaint in March 2021 triggered Branchform says the SPA meeting was the perfect opportunity for the public to be informed about the state of play. Sean Clerkin raised concerns over alleged fraud relating to over £600,000 raised to fight a second independence referendum.

He claims the money should have been ringfenced but has instead been spent elsewhere. Police eventually launched an official investigation in July that year.

Chief Constable Farrell's report to the board was published on Tuesday, March 19. However, it makes no mention of Branchform.

Other issues raised will be Tasers, policing in a digital world, enhanced CCTV in Aberdeen, and updates on staffing levels and the Police Scotland budget. Convictions for the murder of Brian Maley, drugs recoveries, county lines, Operation Aversa, Project Shield, equestrian education, road safety and corruption are also included in the report.

There is no mention of the murder investigation into the death of Brian Low in Aberfledy. On the conviction of Ian Packer for the murder of Emma Caldwell, the Chief Constable says: "I want to reaffirm policing’s apology to the family of Emma Caldwell following the conviction of Iain Packer at the end of February.

"Emma Caldwell, her family, and many other victims were let down by policing in 2005. I am sorry.

"I am grateful that I was able to meet Emma's family and for the opportunity to offer that apology directly and to listen to their perspective and experience and I pay tribute to their dignity and strength in the years since her death. It is important that Emma’s family and the public get answers to the many questions they have."

It recently emerged the cost of Operation Branchform had increased to £1.3 million. Nicola Sturgeon, her husband and former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, and former Nat treasurer Colin Beattie MSP have all been arrested in relation to the probe, but were all released without charge.

Speaking at the weekend, Mr Clerkin had said: "The cost is now standing at £1.3 million. For transparency and full accountability, there has to be a complete and comprehensive explanation of where Operation Branchform is and where it will go, and what the timelines are for making decisions."

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037c4f No.154324

File: 18d3dd20acf91eb⋯.png (219.8 KB,484x876,121:219,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20591404 (191840ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Sick Scots child rapist who set up international paedophile network & shared vile footage given life sentence

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DEPRAVED BEAST Sick Scots child rapist who set up international paedophile network & shared vile footage given life sentence

The court heard that it was 'one of the worst cases of its kind'

Dave Finlay

19 Mar 2024

A SICK paedophile who sexually abused children as young as two and filmed and distributed footage of his vile crimes was given a life sentence today.

Benjamin Young sexually assaulted 10 children and subjected one victim to rape on dozens of occasions during a catalogue of prolific offending.

A judge told Young: "This, in my view, is one of the worst cases of its kind to come before the High Court."

Lord Arthurson said at the High Court in Edinburgh: "Your offending has plumbed the very abyss of depravity."

Young, 43, earlier pled guilty to 32 offences on an indictment which originally contained 102 charges against him.

The offences he admitted included rape, multiple sex assaults and possession, taking and distribution of indecent images between January 2021 and December 2022.

Nearly all the offending occurred in Argyll and Bute.

Cybercrime experts discovered that Young was active on the Dark Web where he created and moderated online private chat rooms to facilitate the exchange of indecent images.

He also induced others to commit sexual offences against children and accepted indecent images of youngsters in exchange for entry to online private chat rooms.

After his home was raided and mobile phones were seized almost 20,000 indecent images and videos were found.

The court heard that Young, who was assessed as posing a high risk, told an expert who prepared a report on him that he was thinking constantly of abusing children.

Lord Arthurson imposed an Order for Lifelong Restriction on Young and ordered that he must serve a minimum term of 12 years imprisonment.

Under the indeterminate sentence, Young will only ever be released if the Parole Board decides it is no longer necessary for the protection of the public that he remains in prison.

The judge said Young's crimes were of the "utmost gravity" and he had inflicted abuse on the most defenceless members of society.

Lord Arthurson told Young that when he is released, if ever, was a matter for the parole authorities.

Advocate depute Kath Harper earlier told the court: "The case involves extensive and prolonged sexual offending by Benjamin Young against 10 child complainers, all aged under 13 years at the time the offences were committed, and one adult (female) complainer".

"The accused's offending encompasses, but is not limited to, voyeurism, sexual assault and rape involving young children.

"It also includes the creation and distribution of indecent videos and images of children, including videos of the accused raping and sexually abusing children."

She said that in December 2022 Police Scotland received intelligence from the National Crime Agency that someone at Young's address had distributed indecent images of children to a paedophile in Denmark.

The material featured girls aged between one and six.

Police seized two mobile phones during searches which were found to have a wealth of incriminating material.

The advocate depute said that because of the volume of images on one of the phones, examination of the device was carried out for three months.

She said that some of the images showing child sexual exploitation were deemed to be "at the worst end of the spectrum".

Young, a chef, was arrested on December 23, 2022, and taken to Greenock police station.

He was interviewed but maintained complete silence throughout.

Defence counsel Ronnie Renucci KC said a report prepared on Young made a "rather grim reading" and indicated he has a number of complex and long-standing psychological issues and conditions.

He said: "He recognises the severity of his offences and the consequences of these offences to his victims.

"He recognises he has significant problems."

The court made non-harassment orders banning Young from contacting or attempting to contact victims.

He was placed on the sex offenders' register indefinitely.

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037c4f No.154325

File: edc519d333c2ee2⋯.png (32.64 KB,469x685,469:685,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20591408 (191841ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Sick Scots child rapist who set up international paedophile network & shared vile footage given life sentence

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Police release statement on Young's sentence

POLICE called Young's offending 'truly appalling'.

Detective Inspector Adrian Ure, National Child Abuse Investigation Unit, Police Scotland said: "The nature and significant extent of Benjamin Young’s sexual offending was truly appalling.

“Young is directly responsible for creating demand which contributes to the dreadful sexual abuse and suffering of the children in the images and videos he was creating and sharing.

"Detectives worked tirelessly during what was an extensive investigation, and as a direct result Young will now rightly face a custodial sentence and the consequences of his actions.

“The OLR is a unique sentence. It is made up of a minimum period of time of imprisonment called the punishment part – and a lifelong risk management.

"The OLR is a true lifelong sentence designed to protect the public from risk of serious harm.

"Any form of child sexual abuse is a serious criminal offence and is a priority for Police Scotland.

"We encourage anyone with concerns about a child at risk of abuse, or a potential victim, to contact Police Scotland immediately.”

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037c4f No.154326

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20591704 (191943ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / GBNews: 'Everyone will be guilty!' - SNP's 'ridiculous' hate crime law prompts fears of police overwhelm (video)

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'Everyone will be guilty!' - SNP's 'ridiculous' hate crime law prompts fears of police overwhelm


1.2M subscribers

Mar 18, 2024 #woke #hatecrime #scotland

One of tomorrow's top stories.

#snp #scotland #hatecrime #culture #humzayousaf #woke

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037c4f No.154327

File: 64d8e048d5db93e⋯.png (385.06 KB,1049x899,1049:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20598834 (210047ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Is the 'Hate Monster' dead? Police Scotland deny campaign has been scrapped after webpage disappears

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Is the 'Hate Monster' dead? Police Scotland deny campaign has been scrapped after webpage disappears

The Hate Monster was introduced last year by Police Scotland and has been linked to the controversial hate crime bill but has already been relegated by the force following widespread mockery.

David Walker

MAR 2024

Police Scotland have denied that its controversial "hate monster" is no more after the webpage linking to the campaign disappeared. The force were widely mocked last week after the bizarre character came to light months after the campaign was launched.

It introduced a red fuzzy figure which apparently lives inside of people, most likely white men between 18 and 30, and commits hate crimes. But it was likened to a "pound shop version of a Sesame Street character" by some critics.

The campaign went down like a lead balloon among Scots who were quick to mock the creation of the "hate monster." The force elicited even more anger when it suggested that the made-up figure "'grows' as someone becomes angry and commits an apparent hate crime before shrinking again.

Police Scotland's website also included a statement that stated that the monster usually lives in "young men aged 18-30", particularly those from "socially excluded communities who are heavily influenced by their peers". A short video was also released involving a Glaswegian voiceover.

It claims the Hate Monster feeds "aff the emotions" whenever someone feels "insecure or angry". He'll get "bigger and bigger until he's weighing ye doon" and will "make you want to have a go at somebody" and "vent your anger just because folk look or act different fae you".

But the Hate Monster has now gone missing from its main webpage on the force's website, as the first Google link takes you to a 404 page. It reads: "I'm afraid the page you are looking for either isn't available or doesn't exist."

An archived version of the page still exists, which shows that the entire Hate Crime Monster campaign has been downgraded on Police Scotland's official website. However, it is still included on the campaigns page but not with its own tab anymore.

A spokeswoman for the force highlighted this when the Scottish Daily Express asked about where the page had gone but it is still a significant downgrade from before. The news was mocked by Scots on social media, with columnist Susan Dalgety writing: "Come on @PoliceScotland this is not how the internet works. Deleting a campaign landing page because you're embarrassed is so 1990s. Scotland loves the Hate Monster. "

Scottish Tory MSP Stephen Kerr added: "The Hate Monster has been cancelled." The unofficial Hate Monster X account wrote: “Police Scotland have deleted my page, which hurts my feelings and is therefore a hate crime.”

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: “The campaign, which is not connected to the new legislation, was developed by Police Scotland using recognised industry practice and ran for six weeks in spring 2023. The campaign material is still on our website."

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037c4f No.154328

File: 6c632249b0f6688⋯.png (585.57 KB,939x863,939:863,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20598888 (210056ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP government splash out £30k to send cabinet 'travelling' across Scotland but only visit two places

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SNP government splash out £30k to send cabinet 'travelling' across Scotland but only visit two places

Humza Yousaf and his band of SNP ministers travelled to Argyll and Bute and East Lothian to hold cabinet meetings outside Edinburgh... and charged the taxpayer almost £30,000

David Walker

20 MAR 2024

The Scottish Government splashed out £30,000 of public cash to take Humza Yousaf's cabinet travelling round Scotland, although they only managed to make it to two different locations. And questions have been raised if the SNP administration netted value for money through this project.

In a bid to make Holyrood more inclusive of the rest of Scotland and not too central belt-based, the First Minister and their ministers occasionally head out of Edinburgh and on the road to towns and cities across the country. This is funded by the taxpayer, and was paused for three years due to Covid.

But Mr Yousaf brought it back when he took over from Nicola Sturgeon, and he and his cabinet headed to Inverary and Haddington to discuss both local and national issues. In Argyll, the first minister faced tough questions on short-terms lets and the SNP's focus on "identity politics."

The trip to Haddington, East Lothian coincided with the final budget discussions amongst ministers as they struggled to agree on tax-and-spend plans for the next financial year. Shona Robison's eventual effort was widely derided in the business community.

Now, the Scottish Government has published the full costs of their two junkets, and the bill came to £29,187. More than half of this expense was described as "Incidentals (Van/Car hire and Audio visual)," while booking venues and refreshment cost £4,757.60.

Travel and accommodation for ministers was the cheapest part of the bill, at £1,199.40, while the same expense for officials hit a huge £7,936.34. The SNP Executive claimed that these travelling cabinets "give local people the opportunity to pose questions to Ministers on a wide range of local and national issues that matter most to them and their communities." It added that over 276 people attended the public meetings.

The Scottish Tories have called into question the cost of these trips, and asked whether Scots demanded less of a focus of Scexit while ministers met them. Scottish Tory constitution, external affairs and culture spokesperson Meghan Gallacher told the Scottish Daily Express: “At least by getting to different parts of the country, Humza Yousaf and his colleagues will hopefully have heard how Scots are sick and tired of their independence obsession and want them to focus on the real issues facing them.

“However, it is little wonder senior SNP figures are looking to get their controversial camper van back with these costs for Cabinet away days. On any future such trips, ministers must ensure that they are delivering value for money for hard-pressed Scots.”

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “Travelling Cabinet events give people the opportunity to question Ministers on a wide range of local and national issues that matter most to them and their communities. Since 2008, there have been 52 meetings across Scotland. The Scottish Government ensures all events deliver value for taxpayers’ money.”

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037c4f No.154329

File: 182bb5e70540ac4⋯.png (565.92 KB,956x899,956:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20604042 (212350ZMAR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / SNP Ministers 'dismissed' evidence about airborne transmission of Covid, say furious nursing leaders

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SNP Ministers 'dismissed' evidence about airborne transmission of Covid, say furious nursing leaders

The Royal College of Nursing say health and social care workers paid the 'ultimate sacrifice', with these two professions accounting for one in eight Covid deaths in Scotland's working population

Sarah Ward & Ben Borland Editor

20 MAR 2024

The Scottish Government "dismissed" concerns about the airborne transmission of Covid during the pandemic, an inquiry has heard.

Colin Poolman, director of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) in Scotland, also paid tribute to the "ultimate sacrifice" made by health workers who lost their lives in the pandemic. The latest figures show that 55 health care workers and 96 social care workers died with Covid-19 on the death certificate in 2020-23, from an in-work death toll of 1248.

Mr Poolman told the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry that attempts were made from 2020 by the RCN to raise concerns about airborne transmission with the SNP administration, due to considerations about personal protective equipment (PPE) and ventilation.

The virus was eventually deemed to be airborne by the World Health Organisation (WHO), however Mr Poolman said the concerns were "dismissed in favour of droplet transmission", despite evidence. Mr Poolman told the inquiry: "That remains an area of dispute between ourselves and the Scottish Government."

Senior figures from the RCN told the inquiry the "inadequacy of PPE was staggering", but alleged an email sent by the chief executive of one NHS health board declared it was "impossible" for medics to get Covid at work due to PPE.

The RCN had called for FF3 masks to be used to protect against airborne risks, and presented a specialist report to the Scottish Government in February 2021 which was "critical" of the guidance at the time, the inquiry heard. Mr Poolman said he felt "vindicated" when the WHO deemed the virus to be airborne.

He said the RCN is currently dealing with 35 personal injury claims related to long Covid as well as being contacted for support from nurses who face losing their jobs due to the illness, and he called for the nursing profession to be included in pandemic planning in future. Mr Poolman said: "The inadequacy of PPE was staggering. Members of staff used to reuse PPE that wasn't designed to be reused."

The inquiry heard that pre-pandemic, there were 6,000 nursing vacancies in Scotland and many staff were drafted into new areas during the crisis and given masks which failed a "fit test".

Mr Poolman said: "The evidence absolutely supported airborne transmission. This was too late for those who caught Covid as a result of inadequate PPE. Nursing is a predominantly female profession and many nurses were not passing the fit test of what types of masks were available."

On the health workers who died, he added: "I think it is really important for us never to forget what people gave, individually and collectively."When the truth comes out the people won't forgive, neither will they forget.

Staff given 'essentially repurposed binbags' as aprons

Meanwhile, RCN Scotland associate director Norman Provan told the inquiry he received a letter from the chief executive of an NHS board claiming it was "impossible" for nurses to get infected with Covid at work.

Mr Provan said he wrote to every NHS board in Scotland warning of risks of infection at work, and received a letter back which said: "We're giving people PPE so it's impossible for them to get it at work."

However he told the inquiry PPE was variable with some medics handed "essentially repurposed binbags" to use as aprons. He cited an example of Forth Valley Royal Hospital, where medics in the intensive care unit all had "full PPE" including FF3 masks. Mr Provan said: "There was only one member of staff off sick with Covid."

He also told the inquiry it was a regret that concerns over airborne infection "weren't listened to" during the crisis. The inquiry, taking place before Lord Brailsford in Edinburgh, continues.

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037c4f No.154330

File: f8e532f95d197a3⋯.png (686.83 KB,973x840,139:120,Clipboard.png)

File: f329d71dc7c59f8⋯.png (600.47 KB,851x822,851:822,Clipboard.png)

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File: 7f120357d3f61d5⋯.png (542.07 KB,640x860,32:43,Clipboard.png)

File: 2820fd1b746a41e⋯.png (130.36 KB,719x466,719:466,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20604594 (220121ZMAR24) Notable: Shamed Scots water boss handed taxpayer-funded £80K golden goodbye after quitting over expenses scandal

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Shamed Scots water boss handed taxpayer-funded £80K golden goodbye after quitting over expenses scandal

Alan Sutherland, former CEO of the Water Industry Commission for Scotland (WICs) pocketed £80,000 of public cash when he quit his role after his organisation was accused of running up lavish expenses without telling the Scottish Government.

David Walker

21 MAR 2024

The shamed former boss of a Scottish Government-funded quango pocketed £80,000 of taxpayers cash when he quit his role after becoming embroiled in an expenses scandal. Alan Sutherland abruptly resigned as CEO of the Water Industry Commission for Scotland (WICS) in December after the organisation was rebuked by Audit Scotland.

Despite not working his six month notice, he still received the substantial golden goodbye which is worth half of your year salary. The watchdog failed to confirm how much he was making, but at last estimate, it was believed to be between £165k to £170k.

Expenses run up by WICS were scrutinised by MSPs in a heated Holyrood session where Scottish Government officials were slated as well as staff from the organisation which ensures Scottish Water is abiding by rules and regulations. Auditors released a damning report which said it was "poor governance" of public money.

Officials splashed out £77,350 for a training course at Harvard Business School in the US, which included business class flights for chief operating officer Michelle Ashford. This was not cleared first with the SNP Executive, and neither was the £2,600 being claimed to provide every staff member with a £100 gift card for Christmas.

When the Audit Scotland report came out, Mr Sutherland resigned with immediate notice but still pocketed a substantial amount of money, which was criticised by the Scottish Tories.

Scottish Conservative MSP Graham Simpson said: “It’s extraordinary that the former CEO who was at the head of the commission when there was a culture of such lavish spending was allowed to leave with six months money. The attitude to splashing the public’s cash was simply jaw-dropping.”

We previously told how the Scottish Government, when informed about the expenses, reassured Wics that the money did not need to be handed back. This was mentioned at Holyrood, with committee convener Richard Leonard being visibly angry when he accused Jon Rathjen, deputy director for water policy who made the comments about the expenses, of being "complicit" in the taxpayer cash being wasted as he did not challenge the spending.

Mr Rathjen accepted he “made an error of judgment” in relying on an assurance from the WICS chief executive officer. He said WICS had approached the Scottish Government to approve the spending retrospectively and refusing it would not have achieved anything.

Another lavish expense was also criticised as a £402.41 meal at the Champany restaurant in Linlithgow, West Lothian was charged to the taxpayer, with Mr Sutherland dining with an official from the New Zealand government in October 2022. No itemised receipt was provided for this as it was covered by an office credit card.

Mr Simpson said: “It’s unbelievable nobody thought to question it.” He added sarcastically later: “It’s nice work if you can get it.”

Addressing MSPs at the start of the meeting, Donald MacRae, chair of the board at WICS, said there had been a “change of culture and focus on value for money” since the Audit Scotland report. He accepted that the restaurant bill did not show value for money and new controls had been put in place to prevent similar situations in future.

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton MSP said: "When I first heard reports of this spending I was gobsmacked. It sounds as if the commission was spraying public money around like a fire hose.

“Sewage was dumped at least 14,000 times last year, blighting our rivers and beaches. In the face of that scandal we need sober and effective watchdogs that are able to hold the government-owned water company to account. Instead we have a commission which has been dragged before parliament in embarrassment."

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037c4f No.154331

File: eb23bc2ab68a431⋯.png (590.12 KB,928x899,32:31,Clipboard.png)

File: efb9751b76cf889⋯.png (636.25 KB,848x862,424:431,Clipboard.png)

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File: 3a3451fd8b54995⋯.png (137.59 KB,671x691,671:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20604749 (220151ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Police Scotland detectives looking into Nicola Sturgeon's deleted Covid WhatsApps

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Police Scotland detectives looking into Nicola Sturgeon's deleted Covid WhatsApps

Former nurse Lesley Roberts says the deletion of messages and 'industrial scale lying' was in breach of the Inquiries Act 2005 and her signed statement has now been accepted into evidence by officers

Ben Borland

21 MAR 2024

An NHS whistleblower has submitted a statement to Police Scotland regarding the "industrial scale lying" exposed by the UK Covid-19 Inquiry. It includes the deletion of WhatsApp messages and other correspondence and the failure to keep minutes of the so-called 'Gold Command' meetings.

Officers from the 'Unresolved Homicide Investigation Team' who are looking into thousands of pandemic deaths in care homes and other public settings have now added the statement to the mass of evidence already gathered as part of the sprawling Operation Koper inquiry, which falls under the remit of the Crown Office.

It is now 12 months since healthcare campaigners Lesley Roberts, Roger Livermore and Rab Wilson made 'corporate manslaughter' allegations against Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman due to government negligence. Although frustrated at the slow pace of the investigation, Ms Roberts said that individual detectives have been taking their complaints very seriously.

She has now signed off an addition to her original statement, which takes in many of the revelations raised during the inquiry hearings in Edinburgh in late January. Ms Sturgeon has already been reported to the Met Police for an alleged breach of UK inquiry law while the Scottish Information Commissioner is looking into the deletion of records.

In her statement, Ms Roberts says: "In relation to the WhatsApp messages and other correspondence, I am genuinely appalled that those in senior roles were deleting messages and correspondence in their quest to try to evade FOI requests. I also believe that there is the potential that this is contravening the laws surrounding the public inquiry (Public Inquiry Act 2005) and these actions were done intentionally in a deliberate effort to prevent the disclosure of essential information to the C19 inquiry and the public."

She adds that the "2005 Inquiries Act must supersede any [Scottish Government] policy and protocol that was being used as a tool to rid themselves of whatever was on those messages".

Ms Roberts, who was an infection control link nurse with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde at the start of the pandemic, also refers to the 'Gold Command' meetings involving Ms Sturgeon and other senior figures. Their existence only emerged during the inquiry hearings.

She said: "I believe that when you consider the fact that senior members of the 'Gold Group' can't produce any minutes for meetings it must illustrate serious secrecy and cover-ups. Given the time of those meetings and what was going on around us at this time, it is unthinkable to think that those in charge of making serious decisions that ultimately would affect whether the population were to live or die, is seriously unthinkable.

"I believe that the Government and those supporting the Government knew exactly what they were doing and the messages were deleted intentionally to prevent the inquiry, the public and potentially a criminal investigation being able to scrutinise them. Given the terms of the Inquiries Act 2005, they should be seen to be illegal and therefore should be investigated by the Police and the Crown."

'Inappropriate to comment on any live investigation'

Speaking to the Scottish Daily Express, Ms Roberts – who was also a trade union health and safety representative in the UK's largest health board – said she has now submitted more than 60 productions and more than 100 emails in support of her extended statement.

She said: "I'm pleased that they are looking at this, hopefully something will come of it. The detectives have been extremely helpful but they have told me they are collating all the evidence, which will then be looked at on a national level.

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037c4f No.154332

File: 3a3451fd8b54995⋯.png (137.59 KB,671x691,671:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20604757 (220153ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Police Scotland detectives looking into Nicola Sturgeon's deleted Covid WhatsApps

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"It doesn't all fit within Operation Koper, which is about deaths in care homes, so I don't know if at some stage they will try and separate it out. It's now a year since Roger, Rab and myself turned up at Cowcaddens police station and my concern is that they will close it down after I spent three years putting this all together."

A Scottish Government spokesman said: "The Scottish Government's sole focus and intention was to protect the people of Scotland from the harms of Covid-19. The Scottish Government is committed to responding to both the UK and Scottish Covid-19 inquiries, as learning lessons from the pandemic is vital to prepare for the future.

"More than 19,000 documents and almost 28,000 messages have been given to the UK Inquiry. It would be inappropriate to comment further on any live investigation, including that of the independent Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service's Operation Koper."

Detective Chief Superintendent Paul Livingstone said: "We understand how upsetting and difficult this is for the many families who lost loved ones as a result of the Covid pandemic. Police Scotland is supporting the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) review into deaths in care homes.

"While we continue to gather information, a number of investigations have now commenced at the request of COPFS. As the investigations are ongoing it would be inappropriate to comment further."

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154333

File: 0b0dea617804c21⋯.png (626.27 KB,889x847,127:121,Clipboard.png)

File: be95b51d4425aa2⋯.png (299.27 KB,571x861,571:861,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20609913 (222328ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's 'friendship' with Aamer Anwar and other nuggets from SNP cabinet's register of interests

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Humza Yousaf's 'friendship' with Aamer Anwar and other nuggets from SNP cabinet's register of interests

Cricket clubs and nuclear disarmament are among the interests registered by Nationalist Ministers as we take a deep dive into the list

Douglas Dickie

16 MAR 2024

The Scottish Government has published its latest list of Ministerial interests following Humza Yousaf's Cabinet reshuffle in February. The First Minister re-arranged his team in the wake of Michael Matheson's resignation.

The list gives an insight into the lives of politicians beyond the Holyrood floor. The Ministerial Code states that "ministers must ensure that no conflict arises, or could reasonably be perceived to arise, between their public duties and their private interests, financial or otherwise".

The very first entry is Humza Yousaf declaring a "personal friendship" with human rights lawyer Aamer Anwar. Ironically, Anwar has spent much of the last few months attacking the Scottish Government in his role representing Scotland's Covid bereaved at the UK and Scottish inquiries into the pandemic.

He has certainly held no punches in taking the executive - and former First Minister - Nicola Sturgeon to task. The entry in the register states: "While the First Minister takes an active role in relation to the Scottish Government’s response to the Covid inquiries, policy responsibility for the Covid Inquiries sits with the Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Finance, who will retain final decision-making authority in relation to any decisions that relate directly to matters pertaining to dealings with Mr Anwar and the Scottish Covid Bereaved Families."

Mr Yousaf also declares a potential conflict of interest when it comes to the Stone of Destiny. As Commissioner for the Safeguarding of the Regalia, he has recused himself from any "decisions relating to the fragment of stone held by the SNP thought to be part of" the relic.

Ministers are also required to list potential conflicts in relation to their partners or spouses. Mr Yousaf's wife Nadia El-Nakla is listed as a therapist and owns a rental property in Dundee. Mr Yousaf also said he "has taken steps to recuse himself from any decisions relating to Ward 3 in Dundee City Council" due to his wife being a councillor there.

Ms El-Nakla's controversial trip to Turkey to meet with the first lady of Turkey, Emine Erdoğan is also listed. It confirms the costs were met by the Turkish Government.

Deputy First Minister Shona Robison's list is much shorter. The Dundee City East MSP has simply recused herself from decisions relating to the Dundee (Airport) to London PSO route "given her constituency interests".

Justice Secretary Angela Constance is Honorary President of the West Lothian Family History Society. According to the group's website, it was "formed in November 2000 to assist those researching family history and genealogy". It is also noted that HM Prison Addiewell is in her constituency and her husband "has a registered company which owns property, one of which the Cabinet Secretary uses periodically at weekends or during recess".

Education Secretary Jenny Gilruth's register relates mainly to her former work as a teacher. She has recused herself from decisions impacting teacher pensions and remains a registered teacher. Her wife's list is a little longer. Former Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale is involved in numerous bodies including the oversight board of “The Promise”, the John Smith Centre, and the Economic and Social Research Council’s strategic advisory network.

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037c4f No.154334

File: a3024c19500d00a⋯.png (511.39 KB,636x860,159:215,Clipboard.png)

File: c48d126e4890ea0⋯.png (220.59 KB,630x763,90:109,Clipboard.png)

File: aee45e2e9a4d775⋯.png (106.75 KB,653x478,653:478,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20609934 (222331ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's 'friendship' with Aamer Anwar and other nuggets from SNP cabinet's register of interests

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Ms Gilruth, once accused of breaking the Ministerial code by not declaring a conflict of interest while transport minister, also has a close family member who works at St Andrew's University and one who is a teacher.

Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs, Land Reform and Islands Mairi Gougeon MSP has just one entry. She is a trustee of Brechin Buccaneers, a cricket club in her hometown.

Fiona Hyslop has a number of declarations due to her new Transport brief. She has been involved in campaigns for works to link the M8 with Falkirk and Grangemouth A801, the village of Newton being used by traffic rather than the M9 route to and from the Queensferry Crossing, for a Park and Ride at the new junction 4A on the M8 at the Heartlands, and for a Park and Ride at a new junction in Winchburgh.

She has also been a "long standing campaigner" for a train station at Winchburgh. Ms Hyslop has been "active in representing constituency concerns in the previous Air Space expansion plans for Edinburgh Airport and is currently representing constituents concerns about the airport's latest proposals to expand its airspace". She will also recuse herself from decisions relating to McGill’s Buses' plans to withdraw bus services from West Lothian due to her constituency issues.

Mairi McAllan is a member of the Scottish Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, so she might not be overly happy with her government's desire for an independent Scotland to join Nato. As Minister for Wellbeing Economy, Net Zero and Energy, she has declared her husband Iain Renwick's role as farmer and the fact he has "from time to time been approached in respect of marginal aspects of surrounding local renewable energy projects".

She also declares a family member is a senior Scottish Government official. Mary McAllan is currently the Director of Covid Recovery and Public Service Reform.

Angus Robertson is the managing director and sole shareholder of two companies. ASCR Ltd is a management consultancy firm while Progress Scotland Ltd is involved in market research and opinion polling.

As Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture, Mr Robertson acknowledges a "heavy concentration of cultural venues, organisations and festivals in the Edinburgh Central constituency" and "has recused himself on decisions on support for the Edinburgh Festivals". He has also recused himself from decisions relating to the Centre for Moving Image (CMI) and King’s Theatre in Edinburgh.

He has recused himself from "day to day decisions" about the national collections. The register also states Mr Robertson's wife "is the Managing Director of a PR company Spey which has a significant number of clients in the food and drink sector" so he stays clear of decisions relating to the alcohol industry within his brief.

Shirley-Anne Somerville's spouse works for Citizens Advice Scotland and is a board member for MND Scotland. The Social Justice Minister has recused herself from decision that "directly benefit Citizens Advice Scotland".

The final member of the cabinet Neil Gray's register is being "reviewed" after his move to the health brief. You can read the full list of interests here.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154335

File: 1d462c8ec83ec10⋯.png (592.42 KB,947x899,947:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e1f0762b2f76b5⋯.png (710.61 KB,833x867,49:51,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f40bc8914d3734⋯.png (294.85 KB,552x823,552:823,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20610170 (230013ZMAR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Ex-top cop rejects calls for SNP to get back £110k camper van before Operation Branchform is done

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Ex-top cop rejects calls for SNP to get back £110k camper van before Operation Branchform is done

Sir Iain Livingstone retired as Police Scotland's chief constable last summer and defended his force's investigation into the SNP, including the raid on the marital home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon.

David Walker

20 MAR 2024

Scotland's former top cop has hit back at calls from the SNP to hand them back their £110k camper van as he insisted it should be kept by police until Operation Branchform is finished. Sir Iain Livingstone also robustly defended the long-running probe into the party's finances.

We previously told how senior Nationalist figures wanted the motorhome back to either help with election campaigning or to sell to raise funds. Westminster leader Stephen Flynn joked that he wanted to repurpose it for Scotland fans at the Euros, while Humza Yousaf refused to comment on it.

Sir Iain, who retired as Police Scotland's Chief Constable last summer, was asked if the vehicle should be returned and told the Herald: "I don't think anything should be happening until there is a decision from the Crown Office." He was in charge when the probe exploded into life last April when the marital home of Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon was raided by cops and the ex-SNP chief executive was questioned by cops.

The lavish motorhome was seized by detectives from the driveway of Mr Murrell's elderly mother and remains in police custody. Sir Iain also defended the length of time the investigation has taken so far, following accusations that it has gone on too long.

He said: "We have always acted in the interests of justice and the rule of law. The political circumstances are around us at all times. I know we have acted with due process. But I have been retired a matter of months now and the matter of Branchform is no longer a matter for me."

Sir Iain also defended his comments in July last year when he said: "the sooner Operation Branchform is over the better for everyone" as he said he "still believed that." He added: "The police have always worked very very closely with prosecutors, the Crown Office and the fiscal service and I am sure that is continuing."

And he refused to give any advice to his successor Jo Farrell who has faced demands to provide a public update on the investigation. He said: "That is not a matter for me to give advice to Jo Farrell.

"I would always be here on a personal, confidential basis, to speak with Jo. She's got many challenges ahead and I want her to do really well, for the force to do well. So I wouldn't publicly give Jo Farrell any advice. I think that would be inappropriate."

When in post, he faced criticism from SNP figures like Murray Foote that the original search operation was heavy handed as the search of Ms Sturgeon and Mr Murrell's home involved a blue tent and numerous cops, with the SNP chief executive labelling it "grotesque."

Sir Iain said: "I think it was proportionate and necessary, as I said at the time, and I still believe I would have been in neglect of duty had we not acted as we did. A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "As the investigation remains ongoing we are unable to comment."

A spokesperson for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service said: “Senior professional prosecutors from COPFS and an Advocate Depute are working with police on this ongoing investigation.

“It is standard practice that any case regarding politicians is dealt with by prosecutors without the involvement of the Law Officers. All Scotland’s prosecutors act independently of political interference. As is routine, to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations, we do not comment in detail on their conduct.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154336

File: c14ad2cb566baa3⋯.png (645.98 KB,965x899,965:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 9490e926cc83172⋯.png (268.41 KB,619x722,619:722,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20610246 (230026ZMAR24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Initial Hate Crime Law Bun / Glasgow residents to speak out against restrictions on 'driving and free movement' in the city

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Glasgow residents to speak out against restrictions on 'driving and free movement' in the city

A public forum on Bath Street will hear concerns about the Low Emission Zone, as well as parking restrictions and blanket 20mph limits and the push for 'Low Traffic Neighbourhoods'

Ben Borland

20 MAR 2024

More than 200 residents, business owners and concerned citizens are coming together at a public meeting for an open discussion about the future of the city.

Their concerns centre around Glasgow City's Council's plans for 'Low Emission Zones' (LEZ), 'Liveable Neighbourhoods' (also known as 'Low Traffic Neighbourhoods'), and '20-minute Neighbourhoods'.

Following the implementation of Glasgow's LEZ, city centre parking restrictions and planned blanket 20mph limits, as well as the controversy similar schemes have caused around the country, groups of Glasgow citizens have been organising to ensure their voices are heard and not ignored by the SNP-run council.

Speakers at the meeting will include Donald MacLeod MBE, Glasgow’s entertainment and club guru, Penny Lewis, Architecture and Urban Planning lecturer at the University of Dundee, and Stef Shaw AKA 'The Glasgow Cabbie', who will address "the impact of anti-driver policies on the local cab trade and economy"

The public forum has been organised by local people who have been meeting monthly to discuss concerns about increasing restrictions on driving and free movement and the impact they are having on the people, businesses and communities of Glasgow and others with a connection to the city.

It also features the Together grassroots campaign, which was set up to protect civil rights and freedoms and to campaign against future lockdowns. Co-founder Alan Miller, who will also speak at the event, said: "Across the UK we have seen local authorities impose a variety of measures commonly termed 'Low Emission Zones' as part of the 'Liveable Streets' initiative. Yet time after time these measures have not been discussed properly and openly with residents and businesses. Where are the cost benefit analyses? What of the impact to local businesses and families?"

Mr Miller added: "Why when our air is cleaner than ever before? Why are the provisions of services to constituents not front and centre, yet zones, surveillance, bollards and fines being pushed so rapidly? We need to debate this out in the open. The public needs to be heard. It's vital we do this together."

Another speaker, Ben Pile, of Climate Debate UK, declared: "Local councils throughout Britain have committed to radical policies without anything that resembles a democratic process. These far-reaching changes to the way we live are based on dodgy science and lobbied for by organisations that most people have not even heard of. But the solution is straightforward: it just takes enough people to say no to these attacks on our freedoms."

The meeting will be held at Adelaide Place Baptist Church on Bath Street on Tuesday, March 26 from 7pm-9pm. Tickets are available here: https://togetherdeclaration.org/glasgow

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037c4f No.154337

File: 01dc102543176f9⋯.png (607.91 KB,980x899,980:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20610480 (230059ZMAR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Jeane Freeman and the SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's qualifications

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Jeane Freeman and the SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's qualifications

Exclusive: The former SNP health secretary described her ex-colleague as a 'maxillofacial surgeon' but critics say this is incorrect, adding that she is still 'misinformed' about his qualifications

Ben Borland

22 MAR 2024

Former SNP health secretary Jeane Freeman has been urged to correct her claim that Jason Leitch is a "public health specialist and maxillofacial surgeon" by an NHS campaign group.

The National Clinical Director will step down next month amid a storm of controversy over his actions during the Covid pandemic, when he admitted to deleting correspondence, ridiculed elected politicians and advised Humza Yousaf on how to get around face mask rules.

There are also questions about Professor Leitch's unusual working arrangements, as he has been on secondment from NHS Tayside ever since joining the Scottish Executive in 2007. He has held a number of roles with huge influence over the NHS, with critics often questioning his qualifications.

This was amplified during the pandemic, when he was arguably the second most influential person in Scotland behind Nicola Sturgeon and played a key role in imposing unprecedented public health restrictions. Ironically, at the start of the outbreak he argued against a lockdown.

In an interview with the Sunday Times last week, Ms Freeman declared: "It always used to annoy me when it was derisory to refer to him as a dentist. First of all, that's a specialised skill but he is also a public health specialist and maxillofacial surgeon."

In response to these claims, the Action for a Safe and Responsible People's NHS (ASAP-NHS) has written to the former Nat minister to say: "There is and has always been widespread misunderstanding by the general public, the media, other professionals including yourself, about Jason Leitch's actual qualifications and experience. Despite your close working relationship with him, in your former role as, Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing you still appear to be misinformed about this.

"All Jason Leitch's UK qualifications lie within the field of General Dental Council [GDC] registration. He has a GDC, post-graduate qualification in oral surgery and his scope of practice, as defined by the GDC, is limited to surgery of oral cavity. He is not a maxillofacial surgeon : maxillofacial surgery is a dual medical/dental surgery speciality, requiring both General Medical Council [GMC] and GDC registration. Jason Leitch has no medical qualification, ergo, not GMC registered to perform maxillofacial surgery."

ASAP-NHS claims that Prof Leitch's Masters in Public Health from Harvard University was "fast-tracked" during his time in the USA in 2005 and 2006. The letters states: "With neither previous nor subsequent public health experience, crediting him with 'expertise' in the field... is totally illusionary, disingenuous and a danger to the public, particularly with regard to Covid."

The Scottish Government disputed the ASAP-NHS claim that Prof Leitch studied for his Masters during two seven-week summer school courses in the USA. He was also a 2005-06 Quality Improvement Fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), a Harvard-based non-profit firm that has played a major role in NHS and social care reforms in Scotland over the past two decades.

On March 16, 2020, Leitch made headlines thanks to an on-air spat with Piers Morgan on Good Morning Britain after the broadcaster questioned why mass gatherings were still allowed in the UK despite being banned across Europe. He criticised the decision to allow some events, such as a Lewis Capaldi concert in Aberdeen, to go ahead over the previous weekend.

After his guest insisted "I would've gone myself", Morgan – who never wavered as a fierce advocate of tough measures – said: "Really, so even as the rest of the world locks down, you as a public health official in the UK think it's perfectly okay to go to mass gatherings?"

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037c4f No.154338

File: 75ce5914e7d142f⋯.png (168.79 KB,611x858,47:66,Clipboard.png)

File: 2802e6a15b99791⋯.png (131.63 KB,605x871,605:871,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20610510 (230103ZMAR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Jeane Freeman and the SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's qualifications

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Leitch replied: "I do for public health reasons..." before he was interrupted by the incredulous host, who wailed: "How does any of that make sense?" The Scot responded: "I'm not sure where your masters in public health came from Piers but public health is not as straight forward."

His remarks were praised on social media at the time as "delicious" and the "mother of all take-downs", while the pro-independence National website said he had made Morgan "look very stupid". The SNP MSP James Dornan declared on Twitter: "Go @jasonleitch" with three clapping hands emojis.

Within seven days, the UK was put into full lockdown and the general consensus is now that thousands of lives could've been saved if the UK and Scottish governments had acted sooner.

Summarising the exchange, Dee McHaffie on behalf of ASAP-NHS, said: "His 'slapdown of Piers Morgan', was shameless grandstanding; a self-promoting of a level of skills in epidemiology, which he did not possess."

The letter concludes: "It is interesting, that Jason Leitch took the opportunity when giving evidence to the UK Covid-19 Inquiry to re-frame his role as that of a communicator rather than being involved in providing clinical advice to the Scottish Government himself. This would suggest that he is aware [or has been made aware] of his previous failure to correct widely held misunderstandings regarding his role and qualifications. It is disappointing that the Scottish Government persists in doing nothing to provide clarity in this matter."

'If he was chocolate he would eat himself'

As well as Ms Freeman, the Sunday Times interviewed colleagues who praised his work on patient safety in the NHS and his communications skills during the pandemic. Anna Dominiczak, regius professor of medicine at Glasgow University, said: "I do not fully understand the reasons, but I am sad that someone with such talent has gone."

However, one doctor told the newspaper: "Like many, he probably got too close to the senior politicians … and during Covid started to believe his own hype and get drawn into the celebrity and the politics rather than the clinical issues."

Another colleague said: "Jason is a bit of a pain in the arse and that’s the worst you could say about him. If he was chocolate he would eat himself but he was f****ing good at his job. How he has been treated has made him thoroughly miserable." The article, which was headlined 'How Jason Leitch became a scapegoat for the SNP', also quoted a senior NHS insider who asked: "How useful is he to ministers now he comes with baggage?"

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: "Professor Leitch is a highly qualified and internationally recognised clinical leader who has been the National Clinical Director since 2015. Prior to his full-time work for the Scottish Government he was a clinical academic at the University of Glasgow and an Honorary Consultant Oral Surgeon in Glasgow. He was fully qualified for all of these posts."

Ms Freeman was contacted for comment.

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037c4f No.154339

File: 7ea8013b2f228f3⋯.png (415.63 KB,971x898,971:898,Clipboard.png)

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File: d26c3434a8d17e0⋯.png (126.04 KB,684x483,228:161,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20615422 (232323ZMAR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon Covid Whatsapp deletion scandal sparks SNP government external probe

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Nicola Sturgeon Covid Whatsapp deletion scandal sparks SNP government external probe

The former first minister and her deputy John Swinney were accused of presiding over a 'culture of secrecy and cover-up' when they deleted all informal messages about the Covid pandemic, and blamed government guidance for doing so.

David Walker

22 MAR 2024

Nicola Sturgeon's WhatsApp deletion scandal has sparked an external probe into ministerial use of the messaging app and other informal means of communication. The SNP Executive announced it had hired former Channel Islands data protection commissioner Emma Martins to lead a review into this.

The investigation will also look at usage of personal mobiles and device to conduct government business, with the former first minister admitting she used her own phone to discuss issues with her advisers and other ministers. It will also recommend potential updates to the deletion policy which has been widely criticised.

During the UK Covid Inquiry it was revealed that civil servants and key medical figures including Chief Medical Officer Gregor Smith and National Clinical Director Jason Leitch regularly wiped informal messaging, with the latter even joking it was a "pre-bed routine."

Former Deputy First Minister John Swinney and Ms Sturgeon insisted it was government policy to do so, although Humza Yousaf and Kate Forbes kept their correspondence. It sparked accusations of a cover-up and "culture of secrecy" being created "that goes from the first minister down."

Counsel to the UK Covid Inquiry Jamie Dawson publicly berated the Scottish Government for failing repeatedly to hand over a cache of messages, and had to take legal action for this to happen. It was found that Ms Sturgeon "had retained no messages whatsoever in connection with her management of the pandemic”.

Mr Yousaf apologised to Covid bereaved families over this, and admitted it had "not been the government's finest hour" as he commissioned an external review into the use of WhatsApps and informal communication. And now this probe is set to begin.

The review will look at whether update are required to both the ministerial code and the Scottish civil service guidance and focus on how the government deals with statutory public inquiries. It will also examine whether ministers should be able to use WhatsApp and other messaging services to conduct government businesses, what information should be retained if they are to be used, and whether separate guidance on interactions with ministers on messaging apps is required.

It could lead to a ban on the use of informal messaging to discuss policy, and also the use of non-work phones to do the same. Minister for Parliamentary Business George Adam said: “We are committed to openness and transparency and constantly seek to maintain and improve our performance in this area which is why the First Minister commissioned this important external review.

“It will consider how mobile messaging apps and personal devices are used in government in line with the principles of digital ethics, records management, freedom of information, and human rights. It is hugely significant then that someone with Ms Martins' impeccable credentials has been appointed to lead this independent, externally-led review which will further enhance our robust processes.

“She will bring a wealth of experience to the review process and has worked in the data protection field for 25 years. I have no doubt her impartial expertise will prove vital in further strengthening our approach to the use of informal communications as technology increasingly integrates into all our lives.”

Emma Martins said: “I am grateful for this opportunity to support the Scottish Government as they reflect on recent events and seek to learn from them. In delivering this external review, I will look carefully at the current practices of government with the objective of producing appropriate, meaningful and deliverable recommendations for them going forward.”

Scottish Conservative Chairman Craig Hoy MSP said: “SNP ministers must ensure this much needed review does not just amount to an exercise in lip service or box ticking. The SNP have a brass neck claiming they are committed to transparency when the Covid inquiry exposed the industrial scale deletion of crucial messages during the pandemic. Their actions amounted to an unforgivable betrayal of bereaved families.

“This review must also deliver full clarity for Scots who have been subjected to wholly contradictory messages from senior SNP figures about their use of WhatsApp since they have been in power. It is clearer than ever that the SNP are addicted to cover-up and secrecy and the public will be rightly be concerned that this review is merely a cosmetic exercise.”

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037c4f No.154340

File: cc622fce444b134⋯.png (355.34 KB,926x899,926:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 19eba8074a7e633⋯.png (340.04 KB,913x602,913:602,Clipboard.png)

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File: 0383335a479a351⋯.png (181.26 KB,753x649,753:649,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20615651 (240014ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Frustrated copper mocks Police Scotland's garbled response to Hate Crime crackdown

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Frustrated copper mocks Police Scotland's garbled response to Hate Crime crackdown

Scots police officers on social media – who have to stay anonymous – are debating the Hate Crime Act and it seems they don't like it any more than the rest of us!

Ben Borland

22 MAR 2024

Police Scotland's press office has been working overtime this week as it attempts to deal with the fall-out from Humza Yousaf's Hate Crime Act.

On Tuesday, the national force declared that performers such as stand-up comedians and actors would not be "targeted" after April 1 following a report in the Herald. However, the response acknowledged that live shows had been included in training for officers among a "range of scenarios where such offences might take place".

The statement drew a withering response on X from one serving officer, who posts as 'Reasonable Cop'. They said: "Police Scotland having some difficulty here so let me explain what is being said in my opinion 'Hate crimes might take place on stage, but…like….don't TARGET comedians just be aware they need to be erm…considered…specifically…as does this general list…of specific people."

One person replied: "Thank you. This renders their absolute gibberish into an approximation of opaque mud." Another said: "I think Police Scotland have difficulty with the English language."

Reasonable Cop – whose bio includes the description "UK Polis" – responded to another X user who joked that they would be "dobbing in" Frankie Boyle with a crossed fingers emoji.

The police response was also mocked by Calum Steele, former general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, who said: "Developing training based on guidance and not the actual law is an interesting approach. The service's response here stands apart from its silence on the ridicule heaped on its frankly idiotic hate monster campaign."

Meanwhile, Reasonable Cop also tweeted about the infamous Hate Monster, which was removed from the Police Scotland website amid widespread mockery before apparently being reinstated on a different page. They said: "THE HATE MONSTER HAS GONE?!?!!! WTF?!?!? Nooooooooo!!!!!!!"

In another post, the officer said: "Mark Rowley; two tier policing is a bit of a myth peddled by bad faith actors in the media. Police Scotland: 'hold my beer…' 'Have you met the Own Goal Monster?'"

However, another cop – who posts on X as 'Beardy McPolis' and is a frequent critic of Police Scotland cuts and policy – dismissed the Herald report. He said: "When were we told this? Did I miss that part of the briefing?"

Another officer, posting as 'Davie', referenced Police Scotland's internal training website, Moodle, and replied: "Probably on a moodle".

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037c4f No.154341

File: ea7e4220761c14c⋯.png (637.08 KB,1023x899,33:29,Clipboard.png)

File: 9751372e7f96df7⋯.png (744.8 KB,826x863,826:863,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20618588 (241526ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Police were set to arrest prime suspect in Nairn banker murder… then halted at last minute

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Police were set to arrest prime suspect in Nairn banker murder... then halted at last minute

The 30-year-old's family were told that an arrest was due to take place on May 15 last year... and Police Scotland's head of major crime later lied to them by saying that no date had been identified

Ben Borland

24 MAR 2024

A prime suspect in the 20-year unsolved murder of Nairn banker Alistair Wilson was due to be arrested last year before the operation was scrapped at the last moment, it has been reported.

After years of painstaking investigation into one of the most infamous crimes in Highland history, detectives from Police Scotland's Major Investigation Team were set to move on May 15. However, the arrest was cancelled after police bosses and Crown Office prosecutors decided there should be further inquiries.

The astonishing details were revealed today by the Mail on Sunday after a string of complaints from Mr Wilson's family were upheld, with Police Scotland apologising to relatives of the father-of-two earlier this month.

The force's internal watchdog ruled that Detective Chief Superintendent Paul Livingstone, Police Scotland's head of major crime, lied to the family afterwards by denying that a specific date had been identified for the arrest.

The professionalism and assurance department also found that there had been a "disregard for the emotional wellbeing"of Mr Wilson's widow, Veronica. A third upheld complaint confirmed that Mrs Wilson "received no update when the decision was taken not to progress the arrest".

Mr Wilson's family declined to comment to the newspaper. However, a source close to them said: "Alistair's family were left in a state of extreme distress at the way this was handled. They are desperate for a breakthrough and thought it was coming. It is difficult to overstate the distress and disappointment they felt when it was scrapped at the last moment.

"They are not naive and realise an arrest might only have been the beginning of a new stage in the inquiry, and that it didn't mean charges would definitely follow. However, they believed, and still do, that it would have helped move things forward and that it was absolutely necessary in order to formally question the suspect.

"All they want is for the killer to be caught. To do that, they believe this man should have been arrested and questioned, in order that he is ruled out or otherwise."

Mr Wilson, 30, a business manager at the Bank of Scotland, was shot dead on his doorstep in Nairn in 2004. His wife had answered the door to a man who asked for Alistair by name. Her husband went to speak to the man and was handed a blue envelope with the word 'Paul' on it. He went back inside his house briefly, before returning to the door, where he was shot dead.

The gun used to kill him, a Haenel Suhl pocket pistol from the 1930s, was found in a drain ten days later. Officers had been unable to identify suspects or even establish a motive. However, a flurry of police activity last year led to renewed hopes that the killer could be brought to justice.

'An arrest was to take place on May 15'

Detectives made renewed appeals for information and a possible motive, a row over decking being built near Mr Wilson's house, was also established. The Mail on Sunday reports that the Wilson family became aware in 2022 via their sources, including members of the local community, that a possible suspect had been identified.

Contacting police, they were told that the man would be arrested, for interview, if he could not be eliminated by "conventional inquiries". As the probe progressed, the family were informed by a senior detective, who has since retired, that an arrest was to take place on May 15.

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037c4f No.154342

File: 5a799cc59a2b6bf⋯.png (412.64 KB,733x641,733:641,Clipboard.png)

File: 02709d2bb22e558⋯.png (125.13 KB,726x434,363:217,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20618592 (241528ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Police were set to arrest prime suspect in Nairn banker murder… then halted at last minute

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The family contacted police at 8.30am that day for an update, only to be left in shock after they were called back by a family liaison officer who told them the arrest had been "halted". Further attempts by the family for more information met with no success. They were told later that day that Mr Livingstone would only speak to them at a prearranged meeting to take place nine days later.

When the family complained, Mr Livingstone denied being aware that a date had been identified for the arrest. The force's probe this month found he was "incorrect" when he told the family he was not aware that a date had been set. A complaint by the Wilson family that he lied to them was upheld.

Temporary Assistant Chief Constable Stuart Houston issued an "unreserved apology" to the family stating there had "been clear failings" in the way things had been handled around the time of the proposed arrest. Mr Houston said: "I am satisfied that the inquiry team proposed to arrest a suspect on May 15, 2023."

Upholding the family's complaint, Mr Houston said: "Please accept my sincere apologies. I recognise that incidents such as these severely impact the trust and confidence members of the public have in the police. I would like to reassure you that this matter will now be referred for assessment within the Professional Standards Department."

A police spokesman said: "We responded to a complaint and following new information have provided a further response. The investigation into the murder of Alistair Wilson remains ongoing.'

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037c4f No.154343

File: 105342aea4679f5⋯.png (615.51 KB,939x899,939:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 41121ed2122bdb5⋯.png (554.32 KB,872x866,436:433,Clipboard.png)

File: 4bb0ea40fac2210⋯.png (137.01 KB,631x683,631:683,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20618733 (241558ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Hate Crime in the classroom as Scottish pupils encouraged to report each other to police

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Hate Crime in the classroom as Scottish pupils encouraged to report each other to police

Campaigners warn 'the potential for criminalising children based on unsubstantiated complaints in school is breathtaking' while university lecturers fear being reported by their own woke students

Ben Borland

22 MAR 2024

Serious concerns have been raised about the impact the Hate Crime Act could have on children, with some schools already encouraging pupils to report all "hate crimes" to Police Scotland.

Humza Yousaf's hugely controversial law will be enforced from April 1, with a new crime of "stirring up hatred" on the basis of disability, race, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and age. This can include "expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule or insult" towards any of those "protected characteristics" (except religion).

Police have already said that every report will be investigated and the perception of the person reporting the alleged "hate crime" should be taken as the deciding factor. Critics from across the board are warning that this will have a "chilling" effect on freedom of speech and expression.

Now the Scottish Union for Education (SUE) has made a major intervention on behalf of school pupils and college and university students. Parents support worker Kate Deeming said: "The potential for criminalising children based on unsubstantiated complaints in school, is breathtaking.

"This is likely to act as a new form of severe punishment and threat to children. Instead of schools dealing with incidents themselves in a mature and balanced way, we appear to be moving towards a police state where even young children end up facing police intimidation for what are likely to be minor behavioural issues that schools should really be able to deal with."

She added that various school anti-bullying handbooks in Edinburgh already state that "all hate crimes should be reported to Police Scotland". SUE is urging parents across Scotland to check their local authority high school policies to see if hate crimes are included.

The group said: "We are worried that this law will criminalise schoolchildren or place a ‘non-crime hate crime incident’ on their records." Although children under 12 cannot be arrested in Scotland, pupils aged 12-16 can be arrested and taken to the police station without their parents if they cannot be contacted. They can also face court for "serious crimes".

Meanwhile, the impact in the further and higher education sectors could be even more draconian, SUE fears. Many university students already face discrimination due to their gender-critical views or other beliefs that do not fit the mainstream opinion on campus.

SUE warned that university student associations are among the list of 'Third Party Hate Crime Reporting Centres' that will operate across Scotland, allowing people to make anonymous complaints without even speaking to a police officer.

Abertay University lecturer and chairman of SUE, Stuart Waiton, said: "There is now a serious danger that lecturers will be reported to the police for simply expressing ideas that some students don't agree with or like. We could even find students like Lisa Keogh, who was taken to a disciplinary for arguing that women don’t have penises, ending up with a police record, as every complaint is recorded by the police. This is likely to create a chilling atmosphere in universities."

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037c4f No.154344

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20619290 (241752ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Joe Rogan show Scotland hate crimes (video)

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Joe Rogan show Scotland hate crimes #trending #joerogan #comedy #love #podcast 


10 subscribers

7 views Mar 22, 2024

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037c4f No.154345

File: 86c00e4f8227009⋯.png (598.83 KB,957x899,33:31,Clipboard.png)

File: b2d8359f14fbc55⋯.png (409.01 KB,994x581,142:83,Clipboard.png)

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File: f7212f507c18806⋯.png (97.06 KB,652x409,652:409,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20620245 (242122ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf accused of misleading parliament over lifting of Spain travel ban during Covid

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Humza Yousaf accused of misleading parliament over lifting of Spain travel ban during Covid

The First Minister said it was a 'fantasy' to the suggest the July 2020 'travel corridor' decision was taken on political grounds.. but now emails PROVE that Scotland's relationship with Spain was a factor

Ben Borland

24 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf has been accused of "misleading parliament" after new emails came to light regarding travel to Spain during the pandemic. The damaging claim by Douglas Ross represents a major new threat to the First Minister.

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry revealed that a senior Scottish Government civil servant warned that failure to lift a travel ban in July 2020 would hamper a separate Scotland's chances of joining the EU. This evidence added weight to claims that officials at St Andrew's House have "gone native".

At First Minister's Questions, Mr Yousaf told the Scottish Conservative leader the decision to exempt Spain from the tough restrictions was taken for "purely epidemiological reasons". However, explosive new emails show there WAS a "political" element to the move.

Responding to the story in the Mail on Sunday, Mr Ross said: "Those who lost loved ones will rightly be appalled that, even at the height of the pandemic, the SNP were still gaming their independence obsession."

He continued: "Humza Yousaf has some serious explaining to do. It would appear from this explosive email chain that the First Minister misled parliament when he assured me at First Minister's Questions that the decision to exempt Spain was taken for 'purely epidemiological reasons'.

"These messages reinforce what we learned at the UK Covid Inquiry – that the SNP Government were influenced by the political ramifications of maintaining a travel ban, rather than solely public safety."

The original message highlighted by the inquiry was from Scott Wightman, the director of internal affairs. He wrote to former director-general for strategy and external affairs, Ken Thomson, on July 19, 2020 to complain that "Spain is now being held to a much higher level of scrutiny and performance than other countries".

He continued: "It won't matter how much ministers might justify it on health grounds, the Spanish government will conclude it is entirely political; they won't forget; there is a real possibility they will never approve EU membership for an independent Scotland as a result."

Pressed on the implications of this message at FMQs, Mr Yousaf openly scoffed at the Scots Tory leader. "To suggest that the decision on Spain was made for any other reason than epidemiology is, I am afraid, a fantasy," he said. "When the situation [in Spain] worsened considerably, just a matter of days later, all the UK nations decided to take it off the exempt list. Again, we made the decisions for purely epidemiological reasons."

It was Mr Yousaf himself, as justice secretary, who announced the opening of a 'travel corridor' to Spain on July 20, 2020. At 1.24pm the same day, it can now be revealed, Mr Wightman sent another email stating: "What has to be decided and notified to Parliament today is the need for maintaining the regulations; and politically a decision on Spain."

He was responding to an official Scottish Government note explaining the decision, which said that both "people's freedom of movement" and "Scotland's external relationships, including with Spain" were being "adversely impacted" by the travel restrictions.

However, a ban on travelling to Spain was reintroduced just six days later amid growing concern at Covid numbers. At the time, Mr Yousaf said there was a "very worrying" picture of a "rapid rise" in cases.

The Scottish Government said: "The decision to add Spain to the exemption list and the subsequent decision to remove it from the list were both based on the UK Government's data."

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037c4f No.154346

File: 10d29b76c4dd391⋯.png (555.02 KB,906x899,906:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20633163 (270018ZMAR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf facing fresh questions over Gaza donation with cash coming from 'Malawi fund'

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Humza Yousaf facing fresh questions over Gaza donation with cash coming from 'Malawi fund'

EXCLUSIVE: The Scottish Government has confirmed the money came from the International Development Fund which is usually used to back projects in Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia and Pakistan

Douglas Dickie

25 MAR 2024

Humza Yousaf is facing fresh questions over £250,000 of taxpayers money given to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) to support its work in Gaza. The First Minister has already been criticised for his decision to overrule official advice that the money should have gone to Unicef.

SNP leader Mr Yousaf made the call to give the money to the UNRWA in November last year. The Scottish Express can now reveal the donation was taken from the Scottish Government's International Development Fund (IDF).

According to the government website, the "main aim" of the £10 million pot is "to support and empower our partner countries". These are Malawi, Rwanda, Zambia and Pakistan.

The money is used to develop programmes and on capacity-strengthening initiatives between institutions in Scotland and the four nations. Other projects include commercial investment initiatives and projects working with partner agencies such as Comic Relief. Initiatives in non-partner countries can also be supported when a Scottish charity is involved or if the money or for an investment opportunity.

It has raised questions over whether it was appropriate to use money from that funding stream for the Gaza project. It is unclear under what criteria the government chose the IDF although it insists the pool has been used in the past to support projects in non-partner countries.

Scottish Conservative MSP Stephen Kerr said: "Humza Yousaf and his SNP colleagues must come clean over this decision-making process. Significant – and serious questions – remain for him to answer as to why this funding was paid through this particular fund, when it would appear to not fall in line with their own rules."

The Scottish Express has seen evidence from the freedom of information request that confirms the money came from the IDF with £750,000 given to the UNRWA in total. In the correspondence, sent after an initial FoI failed to clarify which pot the money came from, officials said consideration was given to using the Humanitarian Emergency Fund (HEF) but this was "dismissed".

The HEF is used to "provide effective assistance to reduce the threat to life and wellbeing of a large number of a population face with a humanitarian emergency," according to the government website. The fund has £1 million committed to it each year.

The press release issued to confirm the UNRWA donation makes no mention of what fund the money came from, although previous announcements have made clear what pot was used. Mr Kerr added: "They should have been fully transparent about this in the first place, rather than this having to be uncovered under Freedom of Information legislation.

"I have written to the First Minister on this issue previously but he is still to respond. I urge him to do so as soon as possible so Scots get the answers they deserve." Mr Yousaf decided to give the UN agency the money at a time when his in-laws were trapped in Gaza under the Israeli onslaught.

He has furiously denied a conflict of interest and even accused critics of racism for raising the donation. The UNRWA was later linked to Hamas with many countries, including the UK, suspending aid to the body, although some have restarted funding.

The Scottish Express asked the government for details on why the IDF was used instead of the HEF for the Gaza donation. We also asked why the IDF was not mentioned on the press release announcing the donation.

A spokesman responded: "International Development Fund allocations are guided by a rigorous process to ensure complete transparency and accountability in our international development efforts. While the fund primarily supports projects in partner countries, funding has been made available to address urgent humanitarian needs in other countries such as Ukraine, Pakistan, Türkiye, Syria and Gaza in recent years.

"In February, Ministers provided £500,000 from the International Development Fund to help contain a cholera outbreak in Zambia, following an emergency Red Cross appeal." The government also said it will respond to Mr Kerr's letter "in due course".

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037c4f No.154347

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20633460 (270109ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / GBNews: Scotland's NEW Hate Crime Law: 'Intended to PREVENT freedom of speech, thought and belief' (video)

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Scotland's NEW Hate Crime Law: 'Intended to PREVENT freedom of speech, thought and belief'


1.21M subscribers

15,374 views Mar 24, 2024 #scotland #uknews #gbnews

'The way this Act has been constructed is deliberately intended to prevent freedom of speech, thought and belief.'

Neale Hanvey MP discusses Scotland's new Hate Crime law and its impact on freedom of speech.

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037c4f No.154348

File: 90994540d0285cc⋯.png (283.55 KB,405x881,405:881,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20636865 (271738ZMAR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / Pervert history teacher stalked four schoolgirls & demanded sex vids as he bombarded them with creepy messages

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PERV IN THE CLASS Pervert history teacher stalked four schoolgirls & demanded sex vids as he bombarded them with creepy messages

Details of his twisted behaviour towards his teen victims emerged in court

Details of his twisted behaviour towards his teen victims emerged in court

Bart Dickson

27 Mar 2024

A TEACHER has admitted he stalked teenage pupils while employed at a secondary school in Lanarkshire.

Fergie Robson, 56, contacted four girls 'without professional cause to do so' over a nine month period.

Robson, of Carluke, Lanarkshire, appeared at Lanark Sheriff Court where he admitted four charges linked to incidents between March and November 2022 at a number of locations across Lanarkshire.

Prosecutors said he repeatedly contacted one 15-year-old by email and text message, sent symbols of affection and demanded she send footage of a 'sexual nature' to him.

He also repeatedly contacted a 16-year-old girl, provided her with gifts and encouraged her to read 'material of a sexual nature'.

Robson, a history teacher, admitted a third charge of stalking a 17-year-old girl and uttering inappropriate and sexual remarks towards her as well as repeatedly contacting her by text and email.

He further admitted repeatedly contacting another 15-year-old and sending symbols of affection.

All of the offences were in breach of section 39(1) of the Criminal Justice and Licensing (Scotland) Act.

Sheriff Siobhan Connelly deferred sentence on Robson until May and called for background reports.

Robson's bail was continued and full details of the incidents will be disclosed at the next hearing.

A source said: "This has sent a massive shock right through the school.

"Robson had disappeared last year but no one seemed too sure what was going on.

"He had been on the pupil support team and had been pretty popular.

"But then it emerged he had been facing court for his behaviour. The place has been awash with talk of it and people are disgusted and angry."

South Lanarkshire Council has been approached for comment.

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037c4f No.154349

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20636911 (271744ZMAR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Craig Houston: SNP Branchform Investigation appears to be heating up. Up to 6 could face charges soon (video)

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SNP Branchform Investigation appears to be heating up. Up to 6 could face charges soon.

Craig Houston Talks To

15.3K subscribers

26,111 views Mar 4, 2024

Join this channel to get access to perks:

/ @craighoustontalksto

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037c4f No.154350

File: b40e8be6cb01aef⋯.png (559.97 KB,750x874,375:437,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20637024 (271802ZMAR24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun / Disgraced Michael Matheson insists he won’t quit as an MSP despite £11K iPad bill scandal

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SHAMELESS SAGA Disgraced Michael Matheson insists he won’t quit as an MSP despite £11K iPad bill scandal

The former Cabinet minister is refusing to quit parliament

Lewis Mckenzie

26 Mar 2024

SHAMED ex-Health Secretary Michael Matheson today insisted he won’t quit as an MSP - despite breaking Parly expenses rules in racking up an £11,000 iPad bill.

The SNP MSP attended a party group meeting at Holyrood in his first appearance at the parliament since quitting Humza Yousaf’s Cabinet on February 8.

It comes after Nats chiefs last week claimed Mr Matheson was “unwell and unable to work”, despite him attending multiple events in his Falkirk constituency.

When asked by journalists after the meeting if he would resign as an MSP, he said: “No. As you know, there is a standing orders process at the present moment and I’m going to respect the confidentiality of that process, and I look forward to the process being completed shortly.”

When pressed on why he had not attended parliament for several weeks and whether he had been lying over his reasons for not turning up, Mr Matheson walked away from reporters and refused to give an answer.

Back in February, Mr Matheson quit his post as Health Secretary amid a probe into taxpayers being charged £11,000 for roaming charge costs he racked on his parly device during a family holiday to Morocco.

And earlier this month, he was found to have breached two parts of the MSP code of conduct, including for "improper use" of the expenses system.

The complaint has now been handed over to Parly's Standards Committee, which will consider whether to punish the ex-minister further.

It could mean that Mr Matheson is suspended from Holyrood, or may see the MSP being unable to claim back costs from parliament.

Hitting out, Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross said: “As he has done throughout this scandal, Michael Matheson smirked as he avoided answering key questions over the lies he told and his attempts to get the taxpayer to foot the bill for his data charges.

“It’s telling that, despite weeks of evading scrutiny, the only question he chose to answer was the one confirming that he won’t do the decent thing and resign as an MSP.

“Throughout this whole sorry saga, self-interest and self-preservation have been his guiding principles. Nothing changes.

“Michael Matheson only found himself being doorstepped by journalists, after an SNP group meeting, because Humza Yousaf lacks the backbone to remove the party whip from his disgraced colleague.”

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037c4f No.154351

File: 903e496e381c143⋯.png (438.75 KB,539x875,77:125,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20637722 (272031ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Ferry fiasco chief sacked from £205k post as over-budget ships face even MORE delays

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FERRY FARCE Ferry fiasco chief sacked from £205k post as over-budget ships face even MORE delays

Two ferries being built at the yard are over-budget and delayed

Lewis Mckenzie

26 Mar 2024

THE boss of the Scottish Government’s crisis-hit shipyard was sacked today just weeks after it emerged one of two long-overdue ferries being built there would be further delayed.

Ferguson Marine said it had terminated the contract of its £205,000-a-year chief executive, David Tydeman, who took up the job in February 2022.

Scots taxpayers are facing a bill of around £400million for the vessels, despite them having initially been due for delivery in 2018 at a cost of £97million.

Ferguson Marine chair Andrew Miller said: “Ferguson Marine needs strong leadership to ensure its long-term future.

"The board recognised that action needed to be taken to restructure the current leadership team and it has taken these steps to address this.

“Our focus is on the completion of Glen Sannox and hull 802, and the implementation of a robust business plan to improve the commercial viability of Ferguson Marine.

“With this new senior management team in place and a full complement of board members, we have the breadth and depth of experience and capability to drive forward these plans.”

Mr Tydeman was on a basic salary of around £205,000 a year and received almost £40,000 in bonuses in 2022-23 alone.

It is understood that his sacking comes ahead of a further two-month delay expected to be confirmed later today.

However, the decision was not taken by the board because of that.

Scottish Labour’s transport spokesperson, Alex Rowley, said: “This sudden overhaul raises serious questions and the public deserve transparency about what has happened.

“The skilled and dedicated workers at this yard have been badly failed by successive leaderships and by this incompetent SNP government. The new board must do right by them and secure a thriving future for the yard.

“Workers, islanders and taxpayers have all been failed throughout this fiasco.

"It is essential that this new leadership gets things back on track and delivers these lifeline ferries with no more delays and overruns.”

Back in 2022, a number of Ferguson Marine workers who took part in an informal meeting with MSPs praised Mr Tydeman’s leadership and compared him favourably to the shipyard’s previous management, saying he “talked sense”.

He had recently sought to highlight progress on the Glen Sannox, praising its performance in sea trials earlier this year.

But it emerged last month that costs for the vessel will rise to between £145.5m and £149.1m.

Wellbeing Economy Secretary Mairi McAllan said the sacking of Mr Tydeman is a matter for the Ferguson Marine board.

She added: “I am focused on the Scottish Government’s priorities of completing the two ferries, ensuring FMPG drives down on costs, and securing a sustainable future for the yard and its skilled workforce.

“While the yard had previously stated that the delivery date for Glen Sannox was planned for late May, we are aware that, in the last week, the outgoing CEO intimated further delay was likely.

“That is unacceptable. I know the board are intent on doing everything they can to ensure that delay does not happen.

“I will be stressing to the new interim CEO and the board the importance of the ferries entering service to our island communities as soon as possible.”

Alex Logan, the union’s convener at the yard, said: “Whoever is to blame for the problems with these ferries, it is categorically not the workers.

“They are skilled, committed and have endured years of unfair criticism and ongoing uncertainty about the future of their yard.

“Given the opportunity and the right leadership, this workforce can build a far brighter future for Ferguson Marine.

“We wish the new leadership of the yard well, but they must be given every possible support from the Scottish Government to urgently build and deliver a business plan that will secure contracts, protect skills and sustain jobs.”

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037c4f No.154352

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20638843 (280016ZMAR24) Notable: Scotland's climate change targets branded 'no longer credible' (video)

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#Analysis: Scotland's climate change targets branded 'no longer credible' #politics #climatechange

STV News

50.8K subscribers

1,544 views Mar 21, 2024

In the battle against climate change, the Scottish Government has adopted what's it's hailed as "world-leading" targets.

But are they now in danger of becoming pretty meaningless? Today the independent Climate Change Committee concluded it's no longer credible that Scotland will meet the goal of reducing emissions by 75% by 2030. The environmental experts also say there is no comprehensive strategy to de-carbonise towards Net Zero, which ministers want to get to by 2045.

The Cabinet Minister in charge of Scotland's climate change policies is Mairi McAllan, who spoke to STV's Political Editor Colin Mackay

Well there's an oddity here in Scotland......a woman from the SNP that guys might consider playing "hide the sausage" with? ;)

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037c4f No.154353

File: 41ed6d4c67c77f2⋯.png (584.37 KB,999x899,999:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20639164 (280102ZMAR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / SNP accused of 'lying to the public' as we reveal secret list of Recorded Police Warning crimes

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SNP accused of 'lying to the public' as we reveal secret list of Recorded Police Warning crimes

Exclusive: Thousands of these soft-touch warnings are dished out as an alternative to prosecution every year but – until now – it has never been state just which crimes and offences are eligible

Ben Borland

27 MAR 2024

The Scottish Daily Express has obtained a list of crimes that can be dealt with under Scotland's soft-touch Recorded Police Warning (RPW) system. The list was leaked by a serving Police Scotland officer who is disgusted at the SNP's Hate Crime Act.

Holyrood opponents said the revelation shows SNP Ministers had "lied to the public" when they repeatedly said RPWs – an alternative to prosecution which critics describe as a "free pass" for criminals – would only be used for "very minor offences".

Although the warnings have been in place since 2016, the rules around their use and application have always been kept a closely-guarded secret. However, we can reveal the list of "permitted crimes/offences" includes assault, fraud, fire-raising, shop-lifting and threatening or abusive behaviour.

The whistleblower said the scope was expanded under new guidance from the Lord Advocate last year, adding: "Keep in mind, any crime that features an aggravation for the new protected characteristics can't be disposed of by the way of an RPW and must be reported to the procurator fiscal."

Under the Hate Crime Act, age, gender, religion, sexual orientation and transgender status are now protected characteristics alongside race. The officer said: "Example one - Jim (victim) John (perpetrator). Jim walks down the street and gets punched in the face by John - John is eligible for an RPW. Example two - John walks down the street and says 'Good morning sir' to Jim. Jim identifies as a female and reports to police. John is not eligible for an RPW and must be reported to the procurator fiscal."

Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay MSP said: "When the SNP government introduced RPWs, they told the people of Scotland they'd only be used for 'very minor offences'.

"But those who inflict violence, along with thieves, fraudsters and fire-raisers are being given a free pass. This leaked list of crimes are far from minor, confirming that the public were lied to. Ministers need to apologise and explain. Even by the pitiful standards of SNP weak justice, this is extraordinary."

According to the Police Scotland insider, the new guidance states that shoplifting offences can be dealt with by way of an RPW if the value of good stolen is below a certain amount. The officer said: "The neds all know this now and actively value their shoplifting loot to a value under £X".

The Scottish Daily Express is not revealing the sum for obvious reasons. Another concerning issue is the fact that Police Scotland's list of "permitted crimes/offences" clearly states that common law assault must be "non injury only" if it is be eligible for an RPW.

Feminist campaigner left with a black eye

Last year, the system came under scrutiny after a woman was assaulted during a rally in Aberdeen. Julie Marshall said she was punched in the arm and head at an event organised by Women Won't Wheesht in the city's Duthie Park. Responding to well-wishers on social media, Ms Marshall said she had been left with "a badly bruised arm and black eye".

However, the man responsible only received an RPW. Police later defended the decision and they were acting "in line with the Lord Advocate's guidelines".

The leaked list is NOT a comprehensive total of all the crimes that are eligible for an RPW. The latest figures show that in 2021/22, police officers dished out 20,093 Recorded Police Warnings. The highest totals were for threatening and abusive behaviour (5,704), followed by drug possession (5,551), common assault (2,675) and shoplifting (1,303) and vandalism (785).

Worryingly, the annual total also shows that RPWs were used in two sex crimes, two drink driving offences, two cases of weapons possession and three cases of supplying drugs.

Chief Superintendent Nicola Russell, Criminal Justice Services Division, said: "Recorded Police Warnings are a tool available to police officers to deal with specified offences where it is proportionate and justifiable. Guidance on their use is issued by the Lord Advocate and the scheme permits officers, in appropriate circumstances to resolve offending behaviour at the time.

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037c4f No.154354

File: b3c6ec352130e4b⋯.png (484.77 KB,794x875,794:875,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20648373 (291800ZMAR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson steps down after being charged with historical sex offences (video)

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MP ARREST DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson steps down after being charged with historical sex offences

The party confirmed the MP has been suspended following a criminal investigation

Holly Christodoulou, Digital Court Editor

29 Mar 2024

SIR Jeffrey Donaldson is stepping down leader of the Democratic Unionist Party after being charged with historical sex offences.

The MP, 61, was suspended from the party today pending the outcome of a criminal investigation.

It comes after PSNI confirmed a 61-year-old man had been charged with "non-recent sexual offences".

A 57-year-old woman has also been charged with aiding and abetting in connection with the alleged offences.

The pair were both held on Thursday and are due to appear at Newry Magistrates' Court on April 24.

In a statement the DUP said: "The Party Chairman has received a letter from Sir Jeffrey Donaldson MP confirming that he has been charged with allegations of an historical nature and indicating that he is stepping down as Leader of the Democratic Unionist Party with immediate effect.

"In accordance with the Party Rules, the Party Officers have suspended Mr Donaldson from membership, pending the outcome of a judicial process.

"The Party Officers have this morning unanimously appointed Mr Gavin Robinson MP as the Interim Party Leader."

Sir Jeffrey's social media accounts, including X, were deleted overnight.

The MP is the longest-serving in Northern Ireland after he was first elected in 1997.

His career started with the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) but his relationship with former leader David Trimble broke down when he led a walkout of the 1998 peace talks.

He became leader of the DUP in July 2021 after first joining in 2004.

Before working in politics, Sir Jeffrey followed his family by becoming a member of the Orange Order, and later followed in the footsteps of his late dad Jim by joining the Ulster Defence Regiment (UDR).

He spoke out about how the Troubles affected his family after his cousin Samuel Donaldson became the first police officer to be blown up by the IRA in the conflict.

Sir Jeffrey was recognised by the Queen in her 2016 Birthday Honours and was given a knighthood.

How Sir Jeffrey rose to prominence

Sir Jeffrey kicked off his 40-year political career as a constituency agent for the South Down MP Enoch Powell in the mid-1980s.

He went on to work as a personal assistant to the former Ulster Unionist Party leader James Molyneaux.

In 1997, after Mr Molyneaux retired, he succeeded him to take the Lagan Valley seat.

In 2003, amid his opposition to the Good Friday Agreement and the leadership of David Trimble, he left the UUP and signed up with the DUP alongside Arlene Foster.

Sir Jeffrey was appointed to the Privy Council, an advisory body to the Royal Family, in 2007.

His leadership saw him steer the party's two-year boycott of Northern Ireland's political institutions in protest over post-Brexit trading arrangements.

The shock announcement comes just weeks after he made the decision to bring the party back to powersharing in Northern Ireland.

After protracted negotiations, the DUP agreed to return to Stormont in February following the agreement of a new deal and a series assurances around Northern Ireland's constitutional position within the UK.

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037c4f No.154355

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20648447 (291813ZMAR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson steps down after being charged with historical sex offences (video)

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“This Is A MAJOR Embarrassment” | Donaldson steps down as DUP leader Amid Charges


840K subscribers

Mar 29, 2024 #talktv #talkradio #donaldson

Sir Jeffrey Donaldson has quit as leader of the Democratic Unionist Party after being charged with historical sex offences.

The 61-year-old politician is due to appear in court in Newry, Co Down, on April 24, having been arrested and charged in relation to non-recent sexual allegations.

A 57-year-old woman has been charged with aiding and abetting additional offences in relation to the same police investigation.

Journlaist Ken Murray and TalkTV’s chief political commentator Peter Cardwell join Cross Talk to report further on the development.

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037c4f No.154356

File: 9063dffc6a82be0⋯.png (440.4 KB,892x899,892:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20648803 (291916ZMAR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / Prison death probe of notorious Scots sex beast who tried to lure girl into paedophile ring

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Prison death probe of notorious Scots sex beast who tried to lure girl into paedophile ring

A Fatal Accident Inquiry in May will examine the circumstances of 62-year-old Alistair Findlay's death while in custody at HMP Barlinnie.

Sarah Vesty

28 MAR 2024

The death of a serial Scots sex beast who tried to lure a girl into a paedophile ring is set to be probed in court.

Alistair Findlay was jailed for life after preying on five vulnerable youngsters at a residential home in Glasgow in the 1970s and 80s.

The 62-year-old was ordered to serve a minimum of four-a-half-years behind bars as part of the lifelong restriction order handed down at the High Court in Glasgow.

He was just two years into the term when he died at HMP Barlinnie in February 2021.

The circumstances of his death are now set to be examined during a Fatal Accident Inquiry at Glasgow Sheriff Court on May 10.

Findlay was initially prosecuted - and then cleared - in 1984, following allegations made by residents of the Park Lodge children’s home in the Newlands area of Glasgow.

In 2018 police launched a new investigation into abuse claims at the home, which closed in 2008. He was found guilty of seven charges after a trial.

Twisted Findlay was jailed for six years in 1999 for trying to lure a ten-year-old girl into a paedophile ring. He was sentenced to three years for having indecent images of children in 2004.

In 2016 he was imprisoned for two years for abusing boys during swimming lessons. He was branded an “odious individual” by police following his most recent conviction in June 2019.

Police Scotland Inspectors James McLauchlan also praised the courage of the people who gave evidence against their abuser.

He said: "Findlay is an odious individual who preyed on vulnerable young people who should have been safe in his care.

"I welcome his conviction and sentence and am grateful to the victims who somehow found the courage, even after their horrific ordeals, to come forward and provide the information which allowed us to bring him to justice."

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037c4f No.154357

File: 400a360e0d508a8⋯.png (597.12 KB,899x899,1:1,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20649172 (292044ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / "Vast majority" of Scots in favour of assisted dying law for those with terminal illnesses

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Vast majority of Scots in favour of assisted dying law for those with terminal illnesses

The proposals would enable mentally competent adults with a terminal illness to be legally provided with assistance to end their lives if they wish to do so.

Chris McCall

28 MAR 2024

More than three-quarters of Scots are in favour of assisted dying legislation, a major poll has found.

A survey by campaign group Dignity in Dying found at least a two-thirds majority in every constituency in Scotland, with a 78 per ent average overall support.

It comes as the Assisted Dying for Terminally Ill Adults Bill is published in the Scottish Parliament today.

The proposals, put forward by Lib Dem MSP Liam McArthur, would enable mentally competent adults with a terminal illness to be legally provided with assistance to end their lives if they wish to do so.

The poll, conducted for campaigners by Opinium, surveyed 4,132 Scottish adults between February 9 and March 15.

It showed 15 per cent of respondents were against the proposals.

Support was joint highest in the Orkney constituency, with 82 per cent in favour, alongside Shetland.

Significant support was also found in North East Fife and Banff and Buchan at 80 per cent, while Moray, mid Fife, Inverness and Nairn reported 79 per cent support.

Opponents of the proposals state the poll does not reflect the change in attitudes to assisted dying once the dangers are highlighted.

Scottish Parliament constituencies across Glasgow had the lowest level of support, with Glasgow Shettleston recording 66 per cent.

Humza Yousaf’s Glasgow Pollok constituency was also among the lowest, at 67 per cent, equalling support in his predecessor Nicola Sturgeon’s Glasgow Southside seat.

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar’s Glasgow region had 69 per cent support for the Bill, according to the poll.

Both Yousaf and Sarwar have expressed concerns about the Bill.

McArthur said: “It has been clear for many years that an overwhelming majority of the public support a change in the law to allow more choice for dying people at the end of life.

“This latest polling certainly underscores that, while also confirming that this support is to be found right across the country.

“It is increasingly clear that the current ban on assisted dying is failing too many dying Scots at the end of life, despite the very best efforts of palliative care.

“Too often, it leaves patients facing difficult and traumatic deaths that impact not just them, but those they leave behind. We can and must do better.

“In keeping with similar laws we see operating successfully in the US, Australia and New Zealand, my proposals would be robustly safeguarded to ensure the process works as intended."

Speaking his concerns over the bill, Sarwar previously told the Record: "I'm yet to be convinced this is the right approach. I'm struck by my colleague Pam Duncan-Glancy, the first MSP to be a permanent wheelchair user, who argues we actually need to give people a right to live, not just the right to die.

"For many people across the country, particularly those with disabilities, they don't feel they have that right to live."

Sarwar added: "It will be a free vote, it will be a conscience vote, but I'm not currently minded to support it."

alotta pish

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037c4f No.154358

File: 683a1de523db7a4⋯.png (613.38 KB,960x899,960:899,Clipboard.png)

File: b0cc16f5e1bd220⋯.png (742.87 KB,624x858,8:11,Clipboard.png)

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File: 1eeac4f1a2e54cf⋯.png (130.35 KB,603x543,201:181,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20649264 (292110ZMAR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Dame Esther Rantzen hails 'historic' Holyrood assisted dying law in lung cancer battle

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Dame Esther Rantzen hails 'historic' Holyrood assisted dying law in lung cancer battle

The veteran broadcaster has said she is considering heading abroad for an assisted death.

Katrine Bussey & Rory Cassidy

28 MAR 2024

Dame Esther Rantzen has hailed "historic" assisted dying legislation set to be introduced at Holyrood today. The TV presenter was diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and has revealed she is considering travelling to Switzerland for an assisted death.

Speaking ahead of today's Bill being published, the veteran broadcaster said those who are terminally ill should have the "right to choose" when they die.

Liberal Democrat MSP Liam McArthur said he is "absolutely convinced" the "long-overdue reform" will become law. His Scottish Parliament bill, if passed, will allow people living in Scotland with a terminal illness to be given help to end their life.

Dame Esther said: "I want to congratulate the Scottish Parliament for prioritising this debate so that they can carefully consider this crucial issue and scrutinise this historic assisted dying Bill.

"The current law is cruel, complicated and causes terrible suffering to vulnerable people. I have received dozens of letters from people describing the agonising deaths of those they loved.

"This is literally a life and death issue, and I believe terminally ill patients like me need and deserve the right to choose this option if our lives become intolerable."

Former nurse Patricia Donoghue is amongst those who have spoken in favour of Mr McArthur's Assisted Dying For Terminally Ill Adults (Scotland) Bill.

The 69-year-old, from Glasgow, was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after watching her husband Kevan die from cancer eight years ago.

He was told he had a rare form of bile duct cancer 18 months before that, with the disease leaving him unable to eat or drink in his final three weeks of life.

Mrs Donoghue said her husband, who had worked in social care prior to retiring, had been in constant pain. She told the PA news agency: "He accepted death, but why did he have to suffer like that for three weeks?

"I know if assisted dying were an option, he would have wanted it. He would have said 'I've tried. I've had enough, I've done enough. I want to go'. We think of Britain as being advanced, but we are not.

"Leaving people to suffer in the final stages of their life is far from advanced – it's cruel. I can't change what happened to Kevan, but I want it to change for others in the future.

"People are suffering and having a horrible time of it, all being made worse by this cruel law. You can't sit on the fence with this issue, it needs to change."

Sarah Wootton, chief executive of Dignity in Dying, said the legislation is an "important milestone towards terminally ill people in Scotland having the choice at the end of their lives that is so urgently needed".

She added: “It is a historic day for Scotland and for those who have campaigned tirelessly for a safer, more compassionate law, many having felt the devastating effects of the status quo first-hand.

"It also parks the issue of assisted dying firmly on Westminster's doorstep." Mr McArthur's Bill marks the third time MSPs will have considered the issue, with previous attempts to change the law by independent MSP Margo MacDonald.

She later died as a result of Parkinson’s disease, and Green MSP Patrick Harvie also failed to secure enough votes to proceed. But the Liberal Democrat MSP has said he believes the "political mood has changed" since the issue was last before Holyrood in 2015.

His Bill would require two doctors – including one with no prior relationship with the patient – to confirm the person is terminally ill and also has the capacity to request an assisted death.

In addition, there would be a waiting period of two weeks before a patient could be given the medication needed for an assisted death, which they would have to be able to take themselves.

Doctors and others opposed to the procedure would be able to exempt themselves from being involved, and there would also be a requirement for anyone requesting an assisted death to have lived in Scotland for at least a year beforehand.

The Bill is being introduced at Holyrood a week after proposals for an assisted dying law were published in Jersey, the largest of the Channel Islands and a self-governing dependency of the United Kingdom.

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037c4f No.154359

File: 4f5f1b81f38ea0b⋯.png (627 KB,946x899,946:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 0f3402088af5d5b⋯.png (742.85 KB,850x856,425:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 9b84dd8f234524a⋯.png (315.35 KB,673x1067,673:1067,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20653348 (301844ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Republican Stephen Flynn given plush exclusive royal role as he is appointed privy counsellor

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Republican Stephen Flynn given plush exclusive royal role as he is appointed privy counsellor

The SNP's Westminster leader has joined the likes of fellow nationalist politicians Nicola Sturgeon and Ian Blackford as a privy counsellor for King Charles despite being 'sympathetic' to a republican Scotland.

David Walker

29 MAR 2024

The SNP's Westminster leader Stephen Flynn, who has backed a republican independent Scotland, has been appointed to a plush new royal role. The MP for Aberdeen South was sworn in as a privy counsellor for King Charles, with the announcement made on Thursday.

His fellow nationalist politicians Nicola Sturgeon, Alex Salmond, Ian Blackford and Humza Yousaf are already on the privy council, which is a special group of advisers who give advice to the monarch, and also play a key role in the likes of Coronation services.

They are also informed about personal royal family business, such as the recent cancer diagnoses of Kate Middleton and King Charles. Mr Flynn has previously indicated that he was "sympathetic" to a republican Scotland if the SNP ever succeed in breaking up the UK.

His appointment was announced in the latest batch of new appointees, which also included Lord Armstrong and Lord Beckett, judges in the Supreme Courts of Scotland, Vaughan Gething, the new first minister of Wales, Gavin Robinson, the deputy leader of the Democratic Unionist Party, and SNP MP Owen Thompson, who is a member of the Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament.

The initiation ceremony for newly appointed privy councillors is held in private and typically requires kneeling on a stool before the monarch and then kissing hands. According to The Royal Encyclopaedia: "The new Privy Counsellor or Minister will extend his or her right hand, palm upwards, and, taking the Queen's hand lightly, will kiss it with no more than a touch of the lips."

Privy councillors who advocate republicanism can choose to not do this, with Tony Benn claiming that he kissed his own thumb rather than the Queen's hand, while Jeremy Corbyn reportedly did not kneel. Mr Flynn made his own thoughts on the monarch clear last February during an interview on the BBC.

He was asked about film star Hugh Jackman's comments about how he thought it was "inevitable" Australia will become a republic in the future. He told the BBC: "I think Australia will become Republican at some point. It feels natural. It feels like something that is, I would guess inevitable, and I guess would be a natural part of an evolution of a country. You know?”

Asked if an independent Scotland would be a republic or if they would keep the monarchy, he said that Mr Jackman had said that through an evolutionary process that may come to pass and that "I would probably be quite sympathetic to a similar evolution in Scotland in time."

Asked further on The BBC One politics programme Sunday with Laura Kuenssberg if the position on keeping the monarchy had changed since the last referendum, he said: "No, no, no, no. I'm quite happy with what's the status quo as it stands. But over time, it may well be that the people of Scotland decide for an alternate version, but that'll be for the people of Scotland to determine."

The SNP's position on the monarchy after independence is to keep it, but Mr Yousaf has hinted that a vote may be held on this.

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037c4f No.154360

File: 0e1f81ade14d225⋯.png (510.07 KB,1062x899,1062:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 6bc9142862e9298⋯.png (347.8 KB,870x866,435:433,Clipboard.png)

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File: 9b84dd8f234524a⋯.png (315.35 KB,673x1067,673:1067,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20653434 (301910ZMAR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / STV's Bernard Ponsonby snubs Nicola Sturgeon during answer about the best politicians of his career

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STV's Bernard Ponsonby snubs Nicola Sturgeon during answer about the best politicians of his career

The veteran broadcaster has covered Holyrood throughout the devolved era but he says the current crop of politicians represent "quite a drop in quality" in a deliberate snub to Sturgeon, Yousaf and Co

Ben Borland

27 MAR 2024

Scottish TV stalwart Bernard Ponsonby has announced he is stepping down after 34 years on the nation's screens. The veteran journalist was STV's political editor for 19 years from 2000 before becoming a special correspondent.

Looking back on his long career on Tuesday evening, he was asked by anchorman John Mackay which politicians had impressed him the most... and he deliberately overlooked Nicola Sturgeon, Humza Yousaf and the entirety of the current SNP leadership in his lengthy reply.

Ponsonby said the late Labour FM Donald Dewar "certainly had the biggest hinterland of any first minister, intellectually, he wasn't the best politician, the best politician of the devolved era has been Alex Salmond, because he's taken the SNP from a period opposition to government, and then busting the electoral system, and then within a swing of five percentage points that would've brought the country to independence".

Warming to his theme, he went on to describe former Tory Scottish Secretary Michael Forsyth as the "bete noir of the Scottish left, he was tough to interview, because if any of your questions were remotely sloppy he was straight down your throat, and rightly so, because journalists should know their stuff if they are interviewing the people who are running the country".

Mackay tried again, asking who had been the most challenging politicians to interview. Ponsonby listed a number of Scottish Labour figures from the 1990s, "Donald Dewar, George Robertson, Bruce Mirren, John Smith, Robin Cook, Gordon Brown". He added: "On the SNP side, Alex Salmond, Gordon Wilson, a much under-rated thinker" before naming three "pugilistic" Tories from that era in "Malcolm Rifkind, George Younger, Michael Forsyth".

He said: "These were big figures and you had to be on your toes, because if you weren't on your toes, they would be after you."

Clearly unimpressed with the current generation at Holyrood, Ponsonby said that looking at "the bigger picture, of the top politicians, I'm afraid there has been quite a drop in quality. The danger at the moment for Scottish politics is a zone where nobody offers any serious narrative and any serious thought about how you deal with some of the big issues facing the country."

The Glasgow-born journalist joined STV in 1990 and he said: "My 34-year tenure has afforded me a ringside seat as history unfolds. It has been a privilege to do a job that has broadened horizons, not least in examining closely the personalities who shape how we live our lives.

"Post STV, I will do some writing and look to publish – it will help keep the brain active. I will do some punditry for whoever thinks my experience might enhance what they are doing. I would like to thank all my colleagues. From day one to the final day, STV has been a remarkable family. And to our viewers and readers, thanks for the support."

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037c4f No.154361

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20663293 (012140ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Scotland Imposes Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law, Those Found Guilty Face Seven Years in Prison

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Canada #56 >>152076

Scotland Imposes Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law, Those Found Guilty Face Seven Years in Prison

by Ben Kew Apr. 1, 2024

Scotland’s fascist “hate crime” law has gone into effect today, meaning the government will be able to freely prosecute individuals they deem to be running afoul of the rules.

The bill, approved by the country’s Muslim and openly anti-white First Minister Humza Yousef, represents one of the broadest and most shameless crackdowns on free speech in the Western world:

Sky News reports:

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into force on Monday 1 April and aims to provide greater protection for victims and communities. It consolidates existing legislation and introduces new offences for threatening or abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred based on prejudice towards characteristics such as age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.

The new provisions add to the laws on the statute book for race, which have been in place UK-wide since 1986. Sex has been omitted from the act as a standalone bill designed to tackle misogyny is expected to be laid before the Scottish parliament at a later date.

Among those criticizing the law is Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who argued that it would be used to protect trans activists from criticism.

As Gold Prices Hit Record Highs, One 12-Page Pamphlet Tells the Story of God, Gold and Glory

“Scotland’s Hate Crime Act comes into effect today,” she wrote. “Women gain no additional protections, of course, but well-known trans activist Beth Douglas, darling of prominent Scottish politicians, falls within a protected category. Phew!”

Scotland’s Hate Crime Act comes into effect today. Women gain no additional protections, of course, but well-known trans activist Beth Douglas, darling of prominent Scottish politicians, falls within a protected category. Phew! 1/11 pic.twitter.com/gCKGwdjr5m

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 1, 2024

Elon Musk has also weighed in on the issue, describing it as an “example of why it is so important to preserve freedom of speech.”

An example of why it is so important to preserve freedom of speech https://t.co/xcuZLR1VX5

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) March 19, 2024

The legislation was proposed and supported by the Scottish National Party (SNP), a far-left outfit that supports independence from the United Kingdom. Those found guilty of violating the laws face a maximum penalty of seven years behind bars.

Speaking to Sky News, First Minister Yousef said that “strong action” was required to crack down on “acts of hatred.”

“In terms of acts of hatred, I think anybody would recognize in the last few years… hatred has been far too pervasive in our society,” he said. “We have to take strong action against it. We have to have a zero-tolerance approach to it.


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037c4f No.154362

File: 540ad047941fe1f⋯.png (447.52 KB,919x899,919:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20664326 (020107ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Inside the hate crime law protest at the Scottish Parliament

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Inside the hate crime law protest at the Scottish Parliament

By Ross Hunter

A PROTEST has been held outside the Scottish Parliament to mark “the end of free speech in Scotland” as the Hate Crime and Public Order Act comes into force.

A PROTEST has been held outside the Scottish Parliament to mark “the end of free speech in Scotland” as the Hate Crime and Public Order Act comes into force.

.......somebody sent me this and it's got a paywall. Will look for something without a troll hiding under the bridge.

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037c4f No.154363

File: 61e63b2ed415e8b⋯.png (296.88 KB,548x899,548:899,Clipboard.png)

File: fa590b75d6f228d⋯.png (1.08 MB,635x860,127:172,Clipboard.png)

File: d0aa459861613ad⋯.png (950.31 KB,669x858,223:286,Clipboard.png)

File: 02d939f1f5bec70⋯.png (188.22 KB,658x830,329:415,Clipboard.png)

File: ef8a7b62bf6f596⋯.png (375.04 KB,507x743,507:743,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20667410 (021858ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

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Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

By Dan Grennan

1 April 2024

Furious protesters have staged a rally outside the Scottish Parliament in opposition to the SNP's controversial new hate crime laws.

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into force today and aims to tackle the harm caused by hatred by providing greater protection for victims and communities.

However, critics say the laws could be used to stifle free speech and that gender-critical activists could be jailed for using the wrong pronoun for a transgender person.

Earlier today it was revealed by Scottish minister Siobhian Brown that people 'could be investigated' for misgendering someone online. It means a person could be arrested for calling a trans woman 'he' if the police decided to do so.

And JK Rowling unleashed fury when she sarcastically told her followers on X, formerly Twitter, to 'respect the pronouns' of trans woman and double rapist Isla Bryson.

In another post, she ridiculed the new legislation by referring to Katie Dolatowski, a transgender paedophile, who assaulted children in supermarket toilets, as 'fragile flower' who was 'rightly sent to a women's prison in Scotland'.

The new laws sparked a furious response by concerns Scots out their national parliament, with many holding up gender critical slogans.

Some of the signs read, 'a man can't become a woman. simple', 'we hate the Hate Crime Laws' and 'the SNP are the Hate Crime Monsters'.

The protesters also held up placards signs that read, 'truth is not hate speech', 'keep trans ideology out of our schools' and 'Scotland says no to Humza's hate crime bill.'

Others at the demonstration had tape over their mouths which had the SNP logo on it.

Rowling also highlighted other trans women who had been convicted of crimes.

She said Samantha Norris - a transgender charity worker who was jailed for possessing thousands of 'abhorrent' child abuse images - was 'still a lady to me'.

In other posts she scoffed at those who had been given high-profile roles to represent women, such as UN Women selecting Munroe Bergdorf as its first ever UK champion. She wrote: 'What makes a woman 'a woman' has no definitive answer, says Munroe. Great choice, UN Women!'

Rowling said in a lengthy statement on X: 'The re-definition of 'woman' to include every man who declares himself one has already had serious consequences for women's and girls' rights and safety in Scotland, with the strongest impact felt, as ever, by the most vulnerable, including female prisoners and rape survivors.

'It is impossible to accurately describe or tackle the reality of violence and sexual violence committed against women and girls, or address the current assault on women's and girls' rights, unless we are allowed to call a man a man.

'Freedom of speech and belief are at an end in Scotland if the accurate description of biological sex is deemed criminal.'

The author said that while she is out of the country, her series of tweets this morning 'qualifies as an offence under the terms of the new act'.

She added: 'I look forward to being arrested when I return to the birthplace of the Scottish Enlightenment.'

Her comments come as feminist campaigners warned that the new bill could 'havoc' and gag free speech on gender rights issues.

Asked whether misgendering someone on the internet was a crime under the new law, Scotland's minister for victims and community safety Siobhian Brown told Radio 4's Today programme: 'It would be a police matter for them to assess what happens.

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037c4f No.154364

File: 3db019d53b98847⋯.png (509.57 KB,394x859,394:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 0a669403a2fec39⋯.png (316.31 KB,533x861,13:21,Clipboard.png)

File: 0b17870099a23bd⋯.png (618 KB,460x864,115:216,Clipboard.png)

File: 96ecca32b36676c⋯.png (627.22 KB,460x868,115:217,Clipboard.png)

File: a11f481126403d9⋯.png (561.51 KB,488x867,488:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20667445 (021906ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

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'It could be reported and it could be investigated - whether or not the police would think it was criminal is up to Police Scotland.'

The Ayr MSP added: 'There is a very high threshold which is in the Act which would be up to Police Scotland, and what would have to be said online or in person would be threatening and abusive.'

When quizzed on why women were not included in the legislation the minister said they will be 'going for further the protection of women through our misogyny Bill, which will be laid down in Parliament'.

Yet human rights campaigner Peter Thatchall slammed the decision not to include women under the new law calling it an 'astonishing exclusion'.

He said: 'The big flaw in this Bill is it does not protect women against hate.'

Mr Thatchall went on to criticse the new law for allowing third-party reporting: 'With anonymity being granted, this could open the door to vexatious and malicious complainants who will go after people and use the third-party centre as a way of getting back at people.'

A stirring-up offence on the basis of race has been on the statute book in Scotland since 1986 but the legislation has raised concerns about a potential chilling of free speech.

Prominent critics include podcaster Joe Rogan and Elon Musk, the owner of X - formerly Twitter.

The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents (ASPS) also warned of the risk of vexatious complaints.

In a letter to Holyrood's Justice Committee, they said the law could be 'weaponised' by an 'activist fringe' across the political spectrum.

Rob Hay, president of the Association of Scottish Police Superintendents, said: 'Our concern is that it could impact through a huge uplift, potentially, in reports – some of those potentially made in good faith but perhaps not meeting the threshold of the legislation, or potentially in cases where people are trying to actually actively use the legislation to score points against people who sit on the other side of a particularly controversial debate.'

Ch Supt Hay warned that public trust in police could be harmed. He told BBC Radio Scotland's The Sunday Show: 'If you have hopes of the police intervening at a particular level and actually the criminal threshold isn't met then potentially you are going to be disappointed and lose trust in the police.

'And at the other side of that, if you know fine well that something you have said does not meet the criminal threshold and yet it is reported to police and the police come and investigate you, then you in turn might feel that you've been stifled, you've been silenced.'

First Minister Humza Yousaf said on Friday: 'I would say to anybody who thinks they are a victim of hatred, we take that seriously, if you felt you are a victim of hatred, then of course reporting that to police is the right thing to do.

'If you're thinking about making a a vexatious complaint, if you're thinking about making a complaint and there's no merit in that, then do know that the police will take that serious in terms of tackling vexatious complaints, and so I would urge you not to do it.'

The law was passed in 2021 and – after three years of wrangling – finally takes effect today.

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037c4f No.154365

File: ad23b20aa3112ed⋯.png (543.74 KB,482x870,241:435,Clipboard.png)

File: 4c8c626efe6d9a7⋯.png (626.52 KB,480x875,96:175,Clipboard.png)

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File: dc74d8be43fbad3⋯.png (367.45 KB,497x869,497:869,Clipboard.png)

File: 8dfcb8b720de297⋯.png (797.14 KB,479x864,479:864,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20667462 (021910ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

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The First Minister has repeatedly said there is 'disinformation' being spread about the Bill and what it entails, claiming there is a 'triple lock' of protection for speech.

This includes an explicit clause, a defence for the accused's behaviour being 'reasonable' and that the Act is compatible with the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Scottish Police Federation (SPF) has claimed training for officers is not adequate.

The Act has been a running sore for the SNP-led government in recent years, with a number of changes having to be made before it was passed and the three-year gap before it came into effect.

Critics, many of whom including the Harry Potter author hold gender-critical views, have said it would be weaponised against them.

SNP MP Joanna Cherry has previously said being under police investigation could be a punishment in itself.

Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay - who along with his party has been an ardent opponent of the law - said: 'Officers would rather tackle real crimes and keep communities safe, rather than having to investigate malicious and spurious complaints.

'Humza Yousaf should bin his Hate Crime Act and instead divert resources towards frontline policing which is at breaking point.'

Police Scotland Chief Constable Jo Farrell, speaking at a meeting of the Scottish Police Authority board, said the force would apply the Act 'in a measured way'.

She added there would be 'close scrutiny' of how the legislation is being enforced as well as what reports are being received.

What changes are being made by Scotland's new hate crime laws?

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 has come into force on April 1, 2024.

It creates a new crime of 'stirring up hatred' relating to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex - and the maximum penalty for offending is a jail term of seven years.

The act says a person can be found guilty if they communicate material or behave in a way 'that a reasonable person would consider to be threatening or abusive', with the intention of stirring up hatred based on the protected characteristics.

Britain's Public Order Act 1986 already criminalises stirring up hatred based on race, colour, nationality or ethnicity.

But the new Scottish law is said to set the bar lower for finding offence, as it includes 'insulting' behaviour and says prosecutors need only prove that stirring up hatred was 'likely' instead of 'intended'.

A dedicated team within Police Scotland is said to include 'a number of hate crime advisers' to help officers in determining what action to take against suspected offenders.

Summary convictions dealt with in magistrates' courts will be able to carry prison terms of up to 12 months as well as fines, while more serious offenders who are indicted and handled in crown courts could be jailed for as many as seven years while also facing potential fines.

Stirring up hatred over race, religion or sexual orientation by threatening behaviour is illegal in England and Wales.

There has been criticism of the new Scottish act for not covering hatred of women.

The Scottish government has promised to introduce a new bill specifically targeting misogyny.

What is the Hate Crime Act?

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act, passed in 2021, followed a review of hate crime legislation by Lord Bracadale.

There has been a statutory offence of incitement to racial hatred since 1965 but the 2021 Act creates other offences of 'stirring up' hatred in several other categories.

These are called 'protected characteristics': age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and 'variations in sex characteristics' (relating to 'physical and biological characteristics of the body').

What does 'stirring up' hatred mean and how can you break the law?

It is conduct which encourages others to hate a particular group of people.

To fall foul of the law, you would have to behave in a manner that a 'reasonable person' would consider to be threatening or abusive – or, in the case of racial hatred, insulting.

The law also applies to communication of material – for example on social media – in addition to comments or behaviour.

Other crimes, such as assault, can be 'aggravated' by offences under the Hate Crime Act, if a motivation of 'malice and

ill-will' can be shown towards someone with 'protected characteristics' – for example if someone is assaulted because of their race or disability.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154366

File: 1904de79cd9fe0f⋯.png (99.35 KB,501x865,501:865,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20667480 (021914ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

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What is a 'reasonable person'?

A 'reasonable person' is an ordinary citizen, famously referred to by Lord Devlin as the 'man on the Clapham omnibus' – and it is a test used in other areas of the law.

The test is intended to be objective so a police officer

or prosecutor has to put themselves in the position of a 'reasonable person' to make a judgment about potentially unlawful comments or behaviour.

What are the possible penalties?

Someone convicted of stirring up hatred under the Act after a jury trial could be jailed for seven years, or be hit with a fine, or both.

For a less serious offence – tried by a sheriff sitting without a jury – they could be jailed for a year, or fined, or both.

Is there any legal defence to a charge under the Act?

Yes – it is a defence to show your behaviour or commun-ication was 'reasonable' in the circumstances.

When considering reasonableness, there must be 'particular regard' to the importance of the right to free speech – even when it is offensive, shocking or disturbing.

Under the Hate Crime Act, the threshold of criminal liability is not that a victim feels offended but that a reasonable person would consider the perpetrator's action or speech to be threatening or abusive.

Do all minorities covered by the Act have the same legal protection?

No, there are differences. 'Race' includes nationality and citizenship as well as colour and ethnicity.

The offence of stirring up racial hatred can be committed not only where behaviour or communication is threatening or abusive, but also where it is insulting.

This is not the case for sexual orientation, transgender identity, age or disability.

For these categories, it is not an offence if actions or speech are merely insulting – they would have to be threatening or abusive and intended to stir up hatred.

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037c4f No.154367

File: 48653cfe2f55f30⋯.png (96.94 KB,481x868,481:868,Clipboard.png)

File: 33bb6e0d06b2ad9⋯.png (32.07 KB,498x300,83:50,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20667487 (021916ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

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What about religion?

'Discussion or criticism' of religion is permitted under the Act – together with 'expressions of antipathy, dislike, ridicule or insult'.

Stirring up hatred on religious grounds is an offence, but the threats or abuse 'would have to be truly outrageous before the criminal law was interested', according to legal expert Professor Adam Tomkins, a former Tory MSP.

Ridiculing or even insulting someone's religion might be unwelcome – but it would not be criminal under the Hate Crime Act.

Does the law apply only in public?

No – it also applies to private homes, not just to comments or behaviour in public, raising the possibility that dinner party conversations could be criminalised.

Critics say this level of state intrusion is unjustifiable and Lord Bracadale, who carried out the review which led to the new law, was opposed to the move.

Professor Tomkins, a legal expert at Glasgow University, backed the broad principles of the Act – but ultimately voted against it while an MSP over the extension of its reach to people's homes.

Will it undermine artistic freedom?

Police Scotland insists it will not 'target' actors and stand-up comedians who take part in productions or make jokes which could be considered to contravene the Act.

But it has said that all complaints about alleged hate crimes will be investigated – so if a spectator contacted police about a joke by Frankie Boyle, for example, it would be taken seriously.

The Scottish Police Federation (SPF), representing rank-and-file officers, has warned that the Fringe festival in Edinburgh could be 'busier than normal' this summer, as officers may have to question comedians who are the subject of hate crime complaints.

What have the police said about the Act?

The Association of Scottish Police Superintendents has warned that activists could seek to 'weaponise' the new legislation.

Officers could be swamped with vexatious complaints – at a time when Police Scotland has said it will no longer investigate minor crimes.

It also warns that public trust in the police could be damaged if the service is drawn into online spats – taking officers away from investigating more serious crime.

The SPF has said officers have not received adequate training – and believes that not all of them will have been trained in enforcement of the new legislation by today.

Will 'misgendering' be a criminal offence under the Act?

Women's campaigners say no explicit safeguards have been written into the law to protect those who insist that (for example) people cannot change sex, or that only women can be lesbians.

First Minister Humza Yousaf claims that 'if you were to say a trans man is not a real man or a trans woman is not a real woman, you would not be prosecuted' – as long as you did not intend to stir up hatred.

JK Rowling has said she will not delete social media posts which could breach the 'ludicrous' law after she was embroiled in a misgendering row with transgender broadcaster India Willoughby.

What is a 'hate incident'?

The recording of 'non-crime hate incidents' pre-dates the Hate Crime Act – but there could be more of them as a result of its implementation.

Officers can log an incident where no criminality has been proven to build up a picture of the prevalence of racial tension, for example, in the community, and reports can be made by third parties – such as someone who overhears a remark and believes it could be a hate crime.

Tory MSP Murdo Fraser revealed last week he was the subject of a non-crime hate incident after a trans activist reported him over a tweet critical of SNP Government non-binary policy.

Mr Fraser is threatening legal action against Police Scotland to have the policy scrapped.

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037c4f No.154368

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20669769 (030212ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Initial Hate Crime Law Bun

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Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun

>>153965 I took a Christmas shopping trip to Sauchiehall Street in Glasgow and it's just beggars and bargain shops

>>153981 Glasgow's 'botched' low emission zone blamed for 20 per cent drop in business

>>154037 Six months on, drivers STILL paying £350,000 a month in Low Emission Zone fines

>>154152 Glasgow taxi boss says only 12 of his black cabs will be allowed to enter the LEZ after May 31

>>154270 SNP-led Glasgow City Council face low emission zone mutiny as workers to refuse to pay penalty

>>154336 Glasgow residents to speak out against restrictions on 'driving and free movement' in the city

Initial Hate Crime Law Bun

>>154283 Scotland's controversial hate crime bill to finally come into force next month

>>154285 It must be April Fool's Day in the SNP's Scotland when calling a male person a 'man' becomes illegal

>>154305, >>154306 Police Scotland will investigate EVERY complaint of hate crime under 'dangerous' new law

>>154309, >>154316 Fears SNP's Hate Crime Act will make Scotland 'most hateful place on Earth' and pave way for more free speech curbs

>>154315 Cops include kinky sex shop on list of safe havens where hate crime victims can report their ordeal

>>154326 GBNews: 'Everyone will be guilty!' - SNP's 'ridiculous' hate crime law prompts fears of police overwhelm (video)

>>154327 Is the 'Hate Monster' dead? Police Scotland deny campaign has been scrapped after webpage disappears

>>154340 Frustrated copper mocks Police Scotland's garbled response to Hate Crime crackdown

>>154343 Hate Crime in the classroom as Scottish pupils encouraged to report each other to police

>>154344 Joe Rogan show Scotland hate crimes (video)

>>154347 GBNews: Scotland's NEW Hate Crime Law: 'Intended to PREVENT freedom of speech, thought and belief' (video)

>>154353 SNP accused of 'lying to the public' as we reveal secret list of Recorded Police Warning crimes

>>154361 Scotland Imposes Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law, Those Found Guilty Face Seven Years in Prison

>>154362 Inside the hate crime law protest at the Scottish Parliament

>>154363, >>154364, >>154365, >>154366, >>154367 Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154369

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20669782 (030215ZAPR24) Notable: Initial Law and Disorder Bun | Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun

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Initial Law and Disorder Bun

>>153973, >>154194, >>154195 Edinburgh crime: Advocate John Mayer caught with haul of 500 child abuse images jailed for a year

>>153980 Scotland's top prosecutor welcomes US court date for Libyan accused of being the Lockerbie 'bomb maker'

>>153995 Police Scotland exodus as THIRD top cop to quit crisis-hit organisation in less than a year

>>153997, >>153998 Scottish Epstein victim claims sex tapes were filmed of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Richard Branson

>>153999 Scots aristo who made dubious Prince Andrew 'sex tape' claims was trapped on 'Epstein Island' by shark-infested waters

>>154000 Police Scotland shambles as complaint lodged against beleaguered new top cop Jo Farrell

>>154142, >>154143 Young dad becomes fifth person to die at police station probed over Sheku Bayoh death

>>154249 Death of transgender prisoner Tiffany Scott being treated as 'unexplained' by police

>>154256 Scottish Tories call for a 'Victims' Veto' to block soft-touch sentencing guidelines

>>154265, >>154266 Good day for criminals! Police Scotland to no longer investigate all crimes across the country in 'dangerous' cost-cutting measure

>>154307 Crown Office responds to Alex Salmond criticism as government 'leak' probe comes to an end

>>154324, >>154325 Sick Scots child rapist who set up international paedophile network & shared vile footage given life sentence

>>154340 Frustrated copper mocks Police Scotland's garbled response to Hate Crime crackdown

>>154341, >>154342 Police were set to arrest prime suspect in Nairn banker murder… then halted at last minute

>>154357 "Vast majority" of Scots in favour of assisted dying law for those with terminal illnesses

>>154358 Dame Esther Rantzen hails 'historic' Holyrood assisted dying law in lung cancer battle

Updated Michael Matheson Scandal Bun

>>154153 Scottish Parliament refuses to say if Michael Matheson has seen findings of his data bill probe

>>154162 Michael Matheson FINALLY quits as health secretary after iPad data roaming scandal

>>154172 ROAM FREE Shamed SNP minister Michael Matheson’s £12.7k ‘golden goodbye’ will be tax free amid calls to hand back cash

>>154180, >>154181 Michael Matheson report finds MSP lied to top official about £11k iPad bill after learning reason

>>154235 Desperate Michael Matheson asks for more time to respond to damning Holyrood iPad report

>>154236 Disgraced Michael Matheson nabs 10-day extension for response to damning Holyrood iPad report as he 'shamefully stalls for time'

>>154302 SNP’s Michael Matheson breached MSP code over £11k iPad bill

>>154303 SNP planned to blame Michael Matheson’s £11K iPad bill on Brexit - but he wasn’t in Europe

>>154350 Disgraced Michael Matheson insists he won’t quit as an MSP despite £11K iPad bill scandal

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154370

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20669790 (030216ZAPR24) Notable: Updated SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun

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Updated SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun

>>153959 Scottish Covid Inquiry should be stopped until Nicola Sturgeon's WhatsApps mystery is solved, demands bereaved son

>>154027, >>154028, >>154035 Scotland's chief medical officer Sir Gregor Smith told colleagues to delete WhatsApp messages daily (video)

>>154029 Nicola Sturgeon breaks silence on Covid WhatsApp scandal as she insists she 'acted properly'

>>154030, >>154031 Nicola Sturgeon deleted ALL her WhatsApp messages and texts during the pandemic

>>154032 ScottishSun: Nicola Sturgeon DELETED all Covid WhatsApp messages, UK inquiry reveals (video)

>>154033 DailyRecord: Nicola Sturgeon deleted all WhatsApp messages relating to covid pandemic, inquiry told (video)

>>154034 Jason Leitch deleted messages in ‘pre-bed WhatsApp ritual’ during pandemic exposed (video)

>>154067 Scotland's top doctors made 'sneering' and 'shameful' comments about Lanarkshire Covid outbreak

>>154073 Damning Liz Lloyd evidence showed Nicola Sturgeon DID make decisions on WhatsApp as she bemoaned lack of credit for Covid response

>>154084 Scottish Covid Bereaved lawyer rips into 'shameful' SNP for destroying evidence (video)

>>154090, >>154091 Homicide cops investigating Covid deaths to look into Nicola Sturgeon and WhatsApp deletion scandal (video)

>>154108, >>154109 John Swinney admits manually deleting messages with Nicola Sturgeon during Covid pandemic

>>154118 Nicola Sturgeon admits knowing messages were destroyed when publicly saying she would not do so (video)

>>154119 Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApp messages row explained

>>154126, >>154127 Nicola Sturgeon compared to Stan Laurel as commentators unimpressed with 'Oscar-winning performance'

>>154130 John Swinney Covid WhatsApp deletions claim torn apart by startling claim by former boss Alex Salmond

>>154139 "Those Who Lost Loved Ones Are SPITTING BLOOD!" - Alex Salmond On Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApps (video)

>>154140 Covid 19 inquiry: John Swinney told inquiry he deleted messages with Nicola Sturgeon manually (video0

>>154141 Former Holyrood boss Ken 'Plausible Deniability' Thomson quits new role over Covid Inquiry row

>>154149, >>154150 Information commissioner launches investigation into Scottish Government's WhatsApp use

>>154154, >>154155 SNP Government and officials are STILL deleting WhatsApps and informal messages despite two probes lingering over it

>>154165 SNP minister claims he doesn't use WhatsApp for government business - as he is interviewed using the app in car crash chat

>>154179 Top Nicola Sturgeon official who urged WhatsApp deletion was given an honour after pandemic scandal

>>154205 Nicola Sturgeon 'running out of excuses' after recording 'zero' WhatsApp messages on covid (video)

>>154208 New Nicola Sturgeon WhatsApp riddle as Scottish Government admits none were transferred to official system

>>154211 Nicola Sturgeon reported to Met Police over her deleted WhatsApp messages

>>154212 Liz Lloyd's evidence shows Nicola Sturgeon DID discuss pandemic strategy over text and WhatsApp

>>154257 Scottish Government told to hand over 'dossier of evidence' into WhatsApp probe

>>154292, >>154300 STEPPING DOWN Jason Leitch QUITS as Scotland’s National Clinical Director weeks after damning WhatsApp messages came to light (video)

>>154313, >>154314 SNP chiefs release 106 pages of WhatsApp messages two years after claiming NONE existed

>>154331, >>154332 Police Scotland detectives looking into Nicola Sturgeon's deleted Covid WhatsApps

>>154339 Nicola Sturgeon Covid Whatsapp deletion scandal sparks SNP government external probe

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154371

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20673564 (032055ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / OUSTIE GOES TO HOLYROOD & there was plenty there protesting against Humza Yousaf SNP Hate Crime Law (video)

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HOUSTIE GOES TO HOLYROOD & there was plenty there protesting against Humza Yousaf SNP Hate Crime Law

Craig Houston Talks To

16.3K subscribers

42,512 views Apr 1, 2024

Today at Holyrood there was a mass protest against SNP new Humza Yousaf led Hate Crime Scotland Laws.

Join this channel to get access to perks:

/ @craighoustontalksto

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037c4f No.154372

File: ad727bd98494ac0⋯.png (391.11 KB,926x899,926:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20677814 (041730ZAPR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / New Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApp revelations raise 'serious questions' as she failed to remember Inquiry requests

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New Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApp revelations raise 'serious questions' as she failed to remember Inquiry requests

Exclusive: The former first minister asked Scottish Government officials if she had definitely seen warnings from the UK Government not to delete her informal pandemic messages, with these letters sent repeatedly in 2021 and 2022.

David Walker

4 APR 2024

"Serious questions" have been raised about Nicola Sturgeon and her Covid WhatsApps following new revelations that she failed to remember when the Inquiry asked her to not delete her chats. The former first minister provoked fury earlier this year when it was revealed she wiped all of her informal correspondence surrounding the pandemic.

She did this despite promising bereaved families and all of Scotland on a televised briefing in August 2021 that she would keep all of her emails, WhatsApps and private emails related to her government's response to the virus. But she had already been deleting them at this time.

And now the Scottish Daily Express can reveal that Ms Sturgeon claimed to Scottish Government officials that she was not sure whether she had seen any of the demands made by the UK Government to keep ahold of all relevant materials, despite them asking for this repeatedly.

In emails between the former first minister and civil servants involved in preparatory work for the UK Covid Inquiry, she asked for "clarification of whether any of the communications mentioned in this bullet point were shared with me?" She referenced letters sent to the SNP Executive by Westminster's Permanent Secretary in June 2021, February 2022 and October 2022.

These requested that "information of potential relevant to a forthcoming Inquiry be retained." An official wrote back to her to say that "it is unlikely you would have seen the Perm Sec letters although I cannot confirm that 100%. But you would have seen an update from the Inquiry team in February 2022 – I have copied you this submission for your awareness."

But during Ms Sturgeon's evidence to the inquiry, it was revealed that she had already wiped a substantial amount of her messages before she proclaimed on live TV that she would hand them over to any probe which would take place. She has repeatedly stated that no government business took place on the likes of WhatsApp.

However, other evidence gathered during the inquiry found that this was actually not true, with decisions being discussed between her and her chief adviser Liz Lloyd, including about how many people should be allowed at weddings during the pandemic.

Herself, her deputy John Swinney and numerous key civil servants, including national clinical director Jason Leitch and chief medical officer Dr Gregor Smith, insisted that it was government policy to delete all informal messages, and ensure decisions were logged in a central database.

But her former finance secretary Kate Forbes disputed this during her evidence sessions, as she had kept all of her relevant correspondence and was not aware of this policy. The SNP Executive came under fire for its secrecy surrounding its decision-making during the pandemic.

Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy insisted that these revelations raised "further serious questions about Nicola Sturgeon’s use of WhatsApp and her broken promises to bereaved Covid families." He told the Scottish Daily Express: " Those betrayed families will be demanding why the former First Minister needed any clarification on keeping crucial messages when she had already publicly committed to doing so.

“Her credibility lies in ruins following the industrial scale deletion of vital digital messages. To add insult to injury it now incredibly appears Nicola Sturgeon was turning a blind eye to what the inquiry wanted from her.”

A spokesperson for Nicola Sturgeon said: “As Nicola made clear when she gave evidence to the inquiry, she did not manage the Scottish Government’s response to the pandemic through WhatsApp - any messages Nicola had, she handled and dealt with in line with the Scottish Government’s policies.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154373

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20679271 (042219ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / (Canada #56) Police Scotland Deluged With Nearly 4,000 Complaints As New Hate Crime Law Is Weaponized

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Canada #56 >>152171

Police Scotland Deluged With Nearly 4,000 Complaints As New Hate Crime Law Is Weaponized

Authored by Paul Joseph Watson via Modernity.news Thursday, Apr 04, 2024

As predicted, Police Scotland was deluged with nearly 4,000 complaints in the first day alone after the passage of an absurd new hate crime law, proving the legislation is being weaponized by activists.

Under the new legislation, anyone deemed to have been verbally ‘abusive’, in person or online, to a transgender person, including “insulting” them could be hit with a prison sentence of up to seven years.

Transgender activists have been busy making lists of people they are waiting on to make such comments, including Harry Potter author JK Rowling herself.

Although it was announced yesterday by police that Rowling wouldn’t be investigated, the mere fact that she has been reported could create a ‘hate incident’ file on her that will remain in perpetuity.

“Calum Steele, the former general secretary of the Scottish Police Federation, said he understood that around 3,800 cases had been lodged over the previous 24 hours,” reports the Telegraph.

That figure is likely to now be almost doubled as deranged shitlibs feverishly report anything they deem offensive via an online form and a 101 non-emergency number.

Authorities are now being swamped with vexatious complaints exactly as the legislation’s critics predicted, with resources that would have been available to tackle real crime directed elsewhere to patrol speech.

Indeed, as we previously highlighted, Police Scotland admitted that the new law could create “additional demand”and create a “resource implication” for police.

This followed a trial of a separate program set to be implemented across the country to stop investigating crimes like theft and criminal damage, which authorities acknowledge will help criminals.

When it was put to her that she wasn’t at risk due to her profile, Rowling responded that she would defend anyone who was targeted.

If they go after any woman for simply calling a man a man, I'll repeat that woman's words and they can charge us both at once. pic.twitter.com/s9OcsgHr5j

— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) April 2, 2024

“If they go after any woman for simply calling a man a man, I’ll repeat that woman’s words and they can charge us both at once,” said the author.

As we highlighted yesterday, odious Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf, who seemingly has a problem with there being a lot of white people in Scotland, ludicrously asserted the law was needed because some offensive graffiti was discovered near his home.


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037c4f No.154374

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20679915 (050026ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Evidence of Government Fraud (video)

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EXPLOSIVE Evidence of Government Fraud

Richard Vobes

201K subscribers

111,495 views Mar 9, 2024 #fraud #exposed #government

Former policeman, Gary Waterman, joins me to expose a huge government fraud surround illegal practices at Company House and the registration process, and how this makes the tax system unlawful.


Contact Gary by email: garythetruthsetsusfree@gmail.com

Gary's YouTube Channel: / @garytruthsetsusfree

Great research from this former Police Constable. We need some of the serving Police Constables now to step up. Mark Sexton is another former cop who is doing great work in the UK on behalf of the people. His research is moving in to links to Virgin, Epstein and Maxwell so I'll post another one or 2.

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037c4f No.154375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20679953 (050032ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Evidence of Government Fraud (video)

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The Biggest Fraud Exposed!

Richard Vobes

201K subscribers

53,022 views Apr 2, 2024 #scandal #fraud #trafficking

Fornmer policeman, Gary Waterman, joins me for an update on how the exposé of the biggest fraud is going.

Previous interview about Companies House: • EXPLOSIVE Evidence of Government Fraud


Contact Gary by email: garythetruthsetsusfree@gmail.com

Gary's YouTube Channel: / @garytruthsetsusfree

TikTok: @lisa.waterman

Download load the evidence: https://mega.nz/folder/MiszUIxb#AzAhR...

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037c4f No.154376

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20679979 (050036ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Evidence of Government Fraud (video)

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NSPCC / Childline / The Virgin Foundation - Links to International Fraud and Child Trafficking


7.52K subscribers

3,323 views Mar 30, 2024

There are still mounting concerns regarding this decades long International Government fraud and its very close links to a huge child trafficking network and our Politicians. You will see from this video that even the NSPCC and Childine are closely linked to this.

Despite being a former Police Officer and contacting numerous organisations and almost 650 Members of Parliament, none are responding as they should, if at all. This is only highlighting the concerns even further.

I urge you to increase the pressure on the your local councils and our national Government to address this as a matter of urgency. It really is the cause of most of the problems on the planet.

These people are appearing to be an increasingly imminent and serious risk to us all, particularly if cash is removed from society as appears to be their intention. This may mean we cannot withold tax as a peaceful form of protest to any criminality they are involved in.

I have attached a link to a tutorial on evidence gathering regarding this fraud so that you can consider building your own evidential documents:


Document file link:


Documents will be being added to this file as things progress. Please let me know if any of the links or documents do not work.

Here is a link to a recent Interview:


More interviews to come.

Your help and support in this is appreciated more than you know.

Where possible please save the documents and videos to an external hard drive and share the document links far and wide.

There are signs that there may be an impending staged cyber attack over this.

I can be contacted on:


Truth, Transparency and Trust must prevail.

God bless you all

Kind regards


Just the first few comments


arnie boy

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5 days ago

This has to be the biggest story in the world. When I see the NSPCC and Childline implicated it shows the depth of depravity and evil in this world. How can government and enforcement ignore this. It sickens me to the core.




4 days ago

They ignore it because there involved in it, up to there necks in it!!




17 hours ago

The government are this !




2 days ago

If more people would take a stand against evil it would help.I will spread the word as best I can.




5 days ago

Why do you think Esther had phone line so when the kids name there abuser and she can stop them telling the truth now she's back trying to put end of life policy in place Evi women just like mother Teresa




5 days ago

Who is this Esther ? The one involved in Dying with Dignity?




3 days ago

she's not trying she's done it if your christian in this country you get a do not resuscitate on your medical notes




5 days ago

bloody disgusting Gary what can we do to help?

the goverment and country are corrupt

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037c4f No.154377

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20679995 (050040ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Scottish leader inundated with more hate crime complaints than JK Rowling (video)

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Scottish leader inundated with more hate crime complaints than JK Rowling

Sky News Australia

3.99M subscribers

Apr 5, 2024

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf has been inundated with more hate crime complaints than JK Rowling after the country’s new laws passed.

“The new hate speech laws over in Scotland where you can get locked up for seven years for calling someone a boomer or having a go at someone about being transgender,” Sky News host Caleb Bond said.

He said police received nearly 4,000 complaints within 24 hours.

“Well, it turns out the majority of those complaints are for, wait for it – the First Minister of Scotland.

“How delicious to see this.”

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037c4f No.154378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20680057 (050053ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / GBNews: 'Rant AGAINST white people!' - Humza Yousaf branded 'biggest LOSER' as hate crime complaints rack up (video)

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'Rant AGAINST white people!' - Humza Yousaf branded 'biggest LOSER' as hate crime complaints rack up


1.22M subscribers

127,157 views Apr 3, 2024 #politics #news #comedy

One of tomorrow's top stories.

#politics #news #comedy #humzayousaf #snp #hatespeech #freespeech

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037c4f No.154379

File: 4d4f23d17419759⋯.png (566.79 KB,968x897,968:897,Clipboard.png)

File: 47ffcb9d2869bf4⋯.png (532.04 KB,897x789,299:263,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20682199 (051450ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Glasgow 'Beastie House' paedophile gang avoid sentencing due to risk report delays

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Glasgow 'Beastie House' paedophile gang avoid sentencing due to risk report delays

The seven depraved child abusers are facing life sentences but judge Lord Beckett said the court is facing the 'unusual challenge of finding so many risk assessors at the one time'

Connor Gordon

5 APR 2024

A court was told that only two risk assessment have been carried out on a depraved child sex ring which could see them hit with life sentences.

Iain Owens, 45, Elaine Lannery, 39, Lesley Williams, 42, Paul Brannan, 40, Scott Forbes, 50, Barry Watson and John Clark, both 47, were back in the dock on Friday at the High Court in Glasgow.

They are due to be sentenced having been convicted of horrific abuse in a case mainly involving three youngsters at a flat in the city known as the 'Beastie House'.

Lord Beckett had stated at the previous hearing he was considering getting full assessments on the risk each poses before finally dealing with them. However, the hearing was told that only Williams and Brannan have been risk assessed.

Ian Duguid KC, defending Williams, said: "It is an extensive report and there is no intention to seek additional information or a supplementary report in light of the risk assessment available."

Graeme Brown, defending Brannan, told the hearing that he is seeking his client's report to be critiqued. The judge formally ordered that the outstanding risk assessments take place before sentencing in June.

It could see all or some of the seven hit with strict Order for Lifelong Restrictions also involving a jail-term known as a "punishment part" that they must serve before being considered for parole.

Lord Beckett told the seven: "I said when I made the risk assessment orders that the court knows this sentence will not likely proceed at this hearing as it has turned out. The risk assessors made that plain. The court is presented with an unusual challenge of finding so many risk assessors at the one time.

"It is regrettable for those who are awaiting sentencing to be passed - the accused themselves and others with an interest in the case. It is regrettable but not unavoidable. The court has no option but to adjourn until June and the accused will be remanded in custody. As I have indicated, all time on remand will be taken into account when sentencing is passed whatever it turns out to be."

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037c4f No.154380

File: d7eceb4a9b33fd5⋯.png (598.57 KB,936x899,936:899,Clipboard.png)

File: d36ff6a4610e7e8⋯.png (562.99 KB,875x860,175:172,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d955e15a85aa3b⋯.png (558.6 KB,656x863,656:863,Clipboard.png)

File: 189389fa47fdd7f⋯.png (565.83 KB,665x847,95:121,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20682291 (051514ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Nicola Sturgeon now a 'part-time' MSP as she has barely spoken at Holyrood since police raid on her marital home (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon now a 'part-time' MSP as she has barely spoken at Holyrood since police raid on her marital home

The former first minister has kept a low profile since quitting Bute House as she has become embroiled in a number of scandals, including Operation Branchform and deleting her Covid WhatsApps.

David Walker

5 APR 2024

Nicola Sturgeon has been branded a "part-time MSP" as she has only spoken four times at Holyrood since her marital home was raided by cops. The former first minister promised to be an active back-bencher when she suddenly quit Bute House in March last year.

However, she has so far failed to do this, with her post-FM career being riddled with scandal, leading to her taking a substantial amount of time out of heading to the Scottish Parliament. This includes weeks missed after the police arrested her husband Peter Murrell, and when it was revealed she deleted her Covid pandemic WhatsApps.

In the Holyrood chamber, she only spoke twice last year during debates, and twice so far this year, although one of those moments was to announce that her voting system was not working. It has led to accusations that she is no longer properly representing her constituents in Glasgow Southside.

Ms Sturgeon is also spending a substantial amount of time penning her autobiography after she signed a £300,000 deal with Pan Macmillan to publish it. According to her parliament renumeration, she is spending "around 10-15 hours per week" writing it.

The Holyrood statistics date between March 29 last year, the day she stepped down as first minister to March 28 this year. A week after she officially left office, on April 5, her home near Glasgow was searched by police as part of Operation Branchform, the investigation into the SNP's finances.

This became headlines worldwide as a blue tent was erected at the property she shares with husband Peter Murrell, and he was arrested as well. It prompted her to only speak in the chamber twice, once during a debate about the programme for government and then during a climate justice discussion in October.

After that, it was revealed she had deleted her Covid pandemic WhatsApps despite promising not do so, leading to more absences from parliament as she dodged scrutiny. She has spoken twice in 2024, during First Minister Questions on January 11, and six days later she made a point of order to say her voting app was not working.

These damning statistics have been blasted by opposition critics. Scottish Conservative Glasgow MSP Annie Wells said: “Nicola Sturgeon seems more focused on writing her memoirs, rather than representing her Glasgow Southside constituents in Holyrood.

“Since leaving Bute House, she has become a part-time MSP and is failing to participate in crucial Parliamentary business. Typically it is taxpayers’ who have been left to pick up the tab for her extremely limited contributions. The former First Minister needs to raise issues on behalf of her constituents, many of which stem from her overwhelming failings while in government."

Dame Jackie Baillie, Scottish Labour’s deputy leader, added: “As chaos and division engulfs the SNP, Nicola Sturgeon’s constituents have been left without the representation they deserve.”

Scottish Lib Dem MSP Willie Rennie, who topped the list for most contributions by MSPs with 158, said: "I can understand why Nicola would want to keep a low profile but she does have a job to do on behalf of her constituents and she is paid to do that job by hard-pressed taxpayers.”

Her former deputy first minister John Swinney has made 64 contributions since he stepped down, with ex-finance secretary Kate Forbes notching up 46. Among her rivals, Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay has spoken 80 times, and ex Scottish Labour leader Richard Leonard has 55.

A spokesman for Ms Sturgeon said: “Since being elected in 1999, Nicola has always been a very active MSP for the people she represents and regularly holds surgeries, meets with constituents, visits local businesses and engages with community organisations.”

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037c4f No.154381

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20682308 (051517ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Nicola Sturgeon now a 'part-time' MSP as she has barely spoken at Holyrood since police raid on her marital home (video)

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'Part-time' Nicola Sturgeon has spoken only FOUR times in parliament since March 2023

The Scottish Sun

271K subscribers

Apr 5, 2024 #nicolasturgeon #politics #snp

NICOLA Sturgeon was last night accused of becoming a “part-time MSP” — one year on from the sensational police raid on her home.

Rivals slammed the ex-First Minister as it emerged she has made just four contributions at Holyrood in 12 months — during which she signed a £300,000 deal to write her autobiography.

- Contents of video: -

00:00 - Nicola's App didn't work

00:11 - Ms Sturgeon asks Humza Yousaf about The Promise

01:05 - Climate Justice debate

06:18 - 1st speech since stepping down as First Minister


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037c4f No.154382

File: 239de1767b0edcd⋯.png (424 KB,706x868,353:434,Clipboard.png)

File: 8f21ef1ea967655⋯.png (686.11 KB,501x851,501:851,Clipboard.png)

File: dd7311a0d304a69⋯.png (404.03 KB,502x856,251:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 544362177648ef9⋯.png (317.83 KB,556x870,278:435,Clipboard.png)

File: 58cf33ddfc9af18⋯.png (57.55 KB,530x862,265:431,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20682451 (051550ZAPR24) Notable: Prince Andrew disgraced family with ‘most serious’ part of interview - one royal is not happy about drama, expert says

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ROYAL SHAME Prince Andrew disgraced family with ‘most serious’ part of interview – one royal is not happy about drama, expert says

Expert reveals what could be most 'harful' for royals

Jane Matthews

5 Apr 2024

PRINCE Andrew embarrassed his family with the "most serious" part of his trainwreck Newsnight interview, a royal expert claims.

And now that disgraceful moment has been immortalised in Netflix's new film Scoop - which hit screens this morning.

The new show, which stars Rufus Sewell and Gillian Anderson, tracks Andrew's disastrous Newsnight interview with the BBC's Emily Maitlis in November 2019.

During the notorious sit down, Andrew told Maitlis that he could not have had sex with 17-year-old Virginia Giuffre because, on the day she alleged it happened, he was at Pizza Express in Woking for a kids’ party with daughter Beatrice.

He also insisted that he could not have “sweated profusely”, as was claimed, due to a medical condition he said he developed while serving in the Falklands War as a Navy helicopter pilot.

Andrew also defended his relationship with Epstein, saying that knowing the financier had "some seriously beneficial outcomes", but added that his reason for meeting him in 2010 was to "put an end to the friendship".

And Royal expert Richard Fitzwilliams claimed this was the "most serious" part of the entire interview.

And there's one member of the firm who it's said to have hit extra hard, the commentator said.

Richard told The Sun: "A serious, serious part of it, of course, was the fact that he expressed absolutely no remorse for the victims of Epstein.

"When asked if he regretted his association with the deceased Peter Jeffrey Epstein. He answered that he didn't.

"He met such interesting people. He'd forgotten that he'd lost his job special representative of British trade because of his friendship with Epstein.

"This will be very embarrassing, and it won't be helpful for the Royal Family."

The expert said he'd heard there was one royal close to Andrew who was "not happy" about the film - and that was one of his daughters.

Richard continued: "The reports are that Princess Beatrice is certainly not happy with it, apparently she features.

"And maybe it will tell us a bit more about what, if anything, she had to do with it?"

The Duke of York broke cover just hours after the film started streaming.

He smirked as he rode a horse near Windsor Castle, waving at people has he made his way around the grounds.

Expert Richard had previously revealed Andrew's "terrifying" trait would be exposed in the show.

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037c4f No.154383

File: ccead768d3ec462⋯.png (279.14 KB,501x874,501:874,Clipboard.png)

File: 9e1bea740b53a7f⋯.png (113.8 KB,484x563,484:563,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20682455 (051551ZAPR24) Notable: Prince Andrew disgraced family with ‘most serious’ part of interview - one royal is not happy about drama, expert says

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He said: "He has this terrifyingly entitled streak... and I think you'll find millions tuning in again to see a depiction of it."

Richard said the public would also be reminded of "how horrendous" the Newsnight interview truly was.

He added: "Scoop is part of Netflix, and I think you'll find a lot of people, I think they'll watch it on Friday, because there's been so much publicity.

"I think it will be very harmful."

The Duke had sat down with Maitlis for a wide-ranging interview, and discussed his relationship with convicted paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.

Sam McAlister, who produced and arranged the TV chat, had previously said that she had to "set my face to frozen throughout", and there were several occasions where she "couldn't believe" what she was hearing.

“It quickly became clear that Andrew was performing a masterclass on how to destroy your own life. And it was also clear that he thought it was going swimmingly," she said.

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037c4f No.154384

File: 3000514baa9595f⋯.png (636.02 KB,924x899,924:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 2be69539d923136⋯.png (477.33 KB,875x864,875:864,Clipboard.png)

File: 9cac9232781a577⋯.png (188.17 KB,892x556,223:139,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20684368 (052244ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scots social worker jailed after he raped women then threatened to have their children removed

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Scots social worker jailed after he raped women then threatened to have their children removed

The predator raped one woman while she was in hospital and attacked another after she drank water laced with an unknown substance.

Heather Campbell

3 APR 2024

A social worker has been jailed after being convicted of raping and sexually assaulting several women over almost two decades.

Thomas Proctor was charged with raping two women and sexually assaulting another while employed as a social worker in Alloa, Clackmannanshire between January 2002 and August 2019.

The 43-year-old from Maryhill, Glasgow, was found guilty by the High Court in Glasgow of 11 charges.

The charges include raping one woman while she was in hospital and assaulting another woman after she drank water with an unknown substance in it.

Proctor, who denied the accusations, was also found to have raped and made threats towards the first woman in a flat in Lanarkshire.

He was also convicted of raping and making threats to a third woman in Fife and Lanarkshire.

The vile social worker was also found to have threatened to remove the children of two of his victims from their care.

Proctor was handed to an 11-year extended sentence, with Judge William Gallacher declaring that eight of the years would be behind bars and the final three would be under supervision.

Gallacher described Proctor's actions as "simply disgraceful."

He added: "It is difficult to figure out the appropriate sentence due to the level of abuse carried out over a period of time. I will impose a significant penalty.

"You will have grasped that because of the gravity of this case, there is only one thing I can do."

Prosecutor Alan Parfery declared in his closing speech that Proctor was "calculated in a predatory fashion".

Parfery said to Proctor in reference to one of his victims: "You told her that you held such a job and how the system worked.

"That she should be intimate with you if she wanted to keep her child. The cruellest of cruel threats."

Mr Parfery later added that there was "only one person" who knew which words to use "for a clear and devastating outcome".

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037c4f No.154385

File: 4fb36579cc81c9d⋯.png (614.48 KB,1008x899,1008:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 48af22b406a50f2⋯.png (851.3 KB,918x856,459:428,Clipboard.png)

File: 1caee092759bc45⋯.png (743.82 KB,897x868,897:868,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20684611 (052329ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Ex top cop involved in Emma Caldwell murder inquiry at centre of complaint over 'prostitute use'

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Ex top cop involved in Emma Caldwell murder inquiry at centre of complaint over 'prostitute use'

SUNDAY MAIL EXCLUSIVE: Police Scotland confirmed it is examining a report from a woman who said he threatened her with jail unless she provided sex for free.

Jennifer Hyland

31 MAR 2024

A former senior officer who was involved in the Emma Caldwell murder inquiry is at the centre of a police complaint over claims he abused a prostitute.

Police Scotland confirmed it is examining a report from a woman who said he threatened her with jail unless she provided sex for free.

The officer – who investigated sex worker Emma’s 2005 death – cannot be named for legal reasons.

But the complaint has come from Amanda Hainey, who worked on the streets of Glasgow alongside Emma in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Last night, Police Scotland said its inquiry was ongoing.

Former sex worker Amanda said: “It wasn’t until I saw his photograph recently that I recognised him again.

“I was a sex worker, I had clients but you remember the bad ones. I remember how small and ­powerless he made me feel.

“Last week, I made a complaint to the police because I feel he used his power over me.

“It’s exploitation. I was a prostitute, he was a policeman. I was so vulnerable and he tried to use his job over me for sex.”

The revelation comes after we told how victims of Emma killer Iain Packer have accused police of covering up his crimes over fears he could reveal the lurid activities of serving officers.

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037c4f No.154386

File: c9e5de7cc41d3a2⋯.png (147.91 KB,744x860,186:215,Clipboard.png)

File: b26cf49835f59fa⋯.png (358.75 KB,851x865,851:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20684637 (052333ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Ex top cop involved in Emma Caldwell murder inquiry at centre of complaint over 'prostitute use'

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A Sunday Mail investigation gathered accounts from current and former sex workers who have told how police were regular clients on the streets of Glasgow before and after Emma’s death in 2005.

They include officers taking women to hotels for sex, threatening to fine girls unless services were given

for free and a sergeant who was a regular customer of Emma and others.

Amanda, 41, who has waived her right to anonymity, has claimed the ex-officer abused his power by demanding sexual services for free at a point between 2001 and 2003.

Describing the incident, she said: “I was standing there and a silver car pulled up. I thought he was just a regular punter, so jumped in.

“He had his police shirt, trousers and boots on.

“He wanted it for free and told me, ‘I’m a polis and you’ll do what you’re told. You can give me sex or you’ll get the jail’.

“I had clients who were police officers, we all did.

“You learned to read people doing what we did and I believed he was a copper. I knew he was, you could always tell. I said I wasn’t doing it for free, I needed the money.

“He took two pound coins out of his pocket and threw them at me and said, ‘Well, here’s two pounds, that’s a start for your bag tonight’.

“Two weeks later I saw him again. He was in a meat wagon sitting in the front passenger seat. He saw me and smirked, then put his head down. I was standing at the same bus stop where he had seen me weeks earlier. He remembered me and I remember him.”

Amanda, from Glasgow, added: “It still makes me angry how some police officers would abuse their power over you.

“It’s only now that I have the confidence to speak up. But then, who was going to believe me? No one.

“I was a heroin addict, standing on the streets selling sex for money.

“They didn’t believe us over Packer. They weren’t going to believe me that I was being blackmailed by a police officer.”

The Sunday Mail put the claims to Police Scotland. Last night, a spokesman for the force said: “We have received a complaint and our inquiries are ongoing.”

In Scotland, buying or selling sex is legal but associated activities including running a brothel, kerb crawling or trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation are illegal.

Previously, it was sex workers who were arrested or fined.

Earlier this month, the Scottish Government granted an inquiry into Emma’s case but her mum Margaret Caldwell has called for a criminal investigation.

Newspaper reports from the late 90s also identified police officers who were using sex workers in Glasgow.

Amanda, who was attacked and sexually abused by Packer and gave evidence against him at his trial, said she believes police tried to cover up for other officers, which hindered the murder hunt.

Packer, 51, had picked up Emma, 27, in Glasgow in April 2005 and drove her 41 miles to Limefield Woods in Biggar, Lanarkshire, where he strangled her.

Her body was found the following month by a dog walker but her killer was not brought to justice until 19 years later because of botchedinvestigations by Strathclyde Police, which focused on other suspects despite the overwhelming evidence pointing to Packer.

Packer was questioned by police six times in connection with Emma’s murder but as a witness, not a suspect.

Instead, the force focused on four Turkish men. After a bungled ­operation costing £4million, that case collapsed.

Packer was finally jailed for life last month.

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037c4f No.154387

File: 2dcb78c5f07f610⋯.png (240.54 KB,737x853,737:853,Clipboard.png)

File: f387562c5410a24⋯.png (118.21 KB,720x545,144:109,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20684642 (052335ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Ex top cop involved in Emma Caldwell murder inquiry at centre of complaint over 'prostitute use'

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Two weeks ago, we revealed that an investigation has been launched to find a “beware book” which contained a list of dangerous clients of prostitutes around the time of the Emma’s murder.

It was said to include the names of police officers and high-profile powerful clients but went missing from a drop-in centre which helped sex workers in the east end of Glasgow.

Packer began soliciting sex acts from Amanda when she was just a teenager and over an eight-year period, he repeatedly asked to take her out of Glasgow to the place where he had killed Emma.

Eighteen months after killing Emma, he was still picking up Amanda for sex and wanting to take her to what he called an hour’s drive to a remote spot.

Meanwhile, a former detective constable was ordered to stop investigating the murders of sex workers over fears it would expose officers, lawyers and politicians as their clients, his daughter has claimed.

The ex-Strathclyde officer said he was told by bosses to stop following certain lines of inquiry when investigating a spree of sex worker murders in the 1990s because the girl’s clients didn’t want their identities revealed.

The woman, who has asked to remain anonymous, said her dad was left furious at being prevented from carrying out his role, before retiring in the early 2000s.

She said: “He retired from the force after 30 years just before Emma died.

“It was only when he was retiring that he told me he had been told to stop investigating the cases.

“He didn’t give names but he would tell me, ‘It’s people in power who are on the client list. People in the news’.”

The woman, whose dad was based in Glasgow over his 30-year career with the force, also claims his colleagues were put under pressure to keep silent.

She said: “There were lots of good coppers who really cared and wanted to protect the public.

“My dad was a good copper and was very dedicated. He said all the girls deserved justice no matter what they did for a living.”

The woman added: “My dad died a few years ago but after seeing the Sunday Mail coverage, I know he would have come forward to speak out.”

Two weeks ago, we revealed that an investigation has been launched to find a “beware book” which contained a list of dangerous clients of prostitutes around the time of the Emma’s murder.

It was said to include the names of police officers and high-profile powerful clients but went missing from a drop-in centre which helped sex workers in the east end of Glasgow.

Packer began soliciting sex acts from Amanda when she was just a teenager and over an eight-year period, he repeatedly asked to take her out of Glasgow to the place where he had killed Emma.

Eighteen months after killing Emma, he was still picking up Amanda for sex and wanting to take her to what he called an hour’s drive to a remote spot.

Meanwhile, a former detective constable was ordered to stop investigating the murders of sex workers over fears it would expose officers, lawyers and politicians as their clients, his daughter has claimed.

The ex-Strathclyde officer said he was told by bosses to stop following certain lines of inquiry when investigating a spree of sex worker murders in the 1990s because the girl’s clients didn’t want their identities revealed.

The woman, who has asked to remain anonymous, said her dad was left furious at being prevented from carrying out his role, before retiring in the early 2000s.

She said: “He retired from the force after 30 years just before Emma died.

“It was only when he was retiring that he told me he had been told to stop investigating the cases.

“He didn’t give names but he would tell me, ‘It’s people in power who are on the client list. People in the news’.”

The woman, whose dad was based in Glasgow over his 30-year career with the force, also claims his colleagues were put under pressure to keep silent.

She said: “There were lots of good coppers who really cared and wanted to protect the public.

“My dad was a good copper and was very dedicated. He said all the girls deserved justice no matter what they did for a living.”

The woman added: “My dad died a few years ago but after seeing the Sunday Mail coverage, I know he would have come forward to speak out.”

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037c4f No.154388

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20689919 (070101ZAPR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf Interview: The campervan & the SNP legacy (video)

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HUMZA YOUSAF INTERVIEW: The campervan & the SNP legacy

The Scottish Sun

271K subscribers

Apr 6, 2024 #thescottishsun #humzaYousaf #politics

Humza Yousaf marked his first year as SNP leader, giving an exclusive interview with the Scottish Sun.

The First Minister covered a range of topics as we pressed him about Education, winning elections, where is Peter Murrell and do the SNP want THAT campervan back?

- Contents of video: -

00:00 - An honour to be First Minister

02:16 - Why is SNP falling in the polls

05:04 - Are you the problem?

06:49 - Humza Youseless

11:59 - Clearing up Sturgeon's mess

17:00 - People are going to roll their eyes

21:17 - Where is Peter Murrell

22:50 - Do you want the campervan back


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037c4f No.154389

File: f9b3b1c66c56591⋯.png (565.23 KB,999x899,999:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20690000 (070122ZAPR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Scottish Covid deaths scandal as police to probe alleged fraudulent Do Not Resuscitate forms (video)

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Scottish Covid deaths scandal as police to probe alleged fraudulent Do Not Resuscitate forms

Operation Koper, set up by the Crown Office to investigate Covid deaths in care homes, will also look at whether Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) forms were illegally signed for elderly and disabled people.

David Walker

6 APR 2024

Police Scotland look set to probe the allegedly fraudulent use of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) during the pandemic in the latest scandal related to the Covid pandemic. And criminal proceedings could be raised over this, with one witness claiming it seemed like the infirm "were not worth saving."

It is understood that these investigations will be rolled into Operation Koper, which is looking at deaths in care homes, with Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman's decision-making being scrutinised. Nicknamed the "Shipman sisters" by some nurses, their decision to send Covid-infected patients to nursing homes proved fatal for some residents.

More than 6,000 fatalities due to the virus are being reviewed by the Crown Office, which is the biggest death investigation in its history. Evidence at the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry revealed a raft of cases where DNR procedures seemed to depart from government guidelines.

This has included allegations of forged signatures and of GP surgeries calling to urge infirm patients to sign forms which denied them access to intensive care units, it has been claimed. Operation Koper will be looking at these accusations, with possible criminality being investigated.

Lawyer Aamer Anwar, who is representing the Scottish Covid Bereaved group, told the Daily Mail: "My understanding is that any allegations of criminality, including DNR forgeries, will be looked at." He described how the allegations pointed to a "cynical practice" which treated old people as "expendable."

He added: "These are very serious allegations which must be the basis of any criminal investigation into care homes." One witness to the inquiry, Gillian Grant, claimed that she found her name in the signature strip of a DNR form for her grandmother even though she had never seen or signed it.

She said: "I had never given permission for the DNR and I am very shocked and upset that this has my name on it." She insisted that the writing was "not my signature at all."

Her 91-year-old grandmother, whose name is subject to reporting restrictions, was the first of 15 residents of Mavisbank Care Home in Bishopbriggs, East Dunbartonshire, to die from Covid. The Inquiry also heard from a care home manager who claimed they had been told to ensure DNRs were in place for all residents.

Glasgow Disability Alliance's Tressa Burke claimed that GP surgeries had called her members out of the blue and urged them to sign DNRs, with this making them feel they were "not worth saving." The Scottish Government has repeatedly said there was no change to DNR guidelines during the pandemic.

Peter McCormick, managing director of Randolph Hill Nursing Homes, disputed this as he told the inquiry that he believed NHS Scotland quietly took a decision that restrictions would be placed on people in care homes receiving hospital treatment. Hospitals struggled to cope with a huge influx of patients during the early stages of the pandemic.

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service said: "The pandemic resulted in over 6,000 Covid deaths being reported to the Procurator Fiscal since 2020. This is the single most significant and challenging death investigation we have ever undertaken.

"Prosecutors continue to work with partner agencies to collate information from care homes, employers, NHS and the Scottish Government for investigation. Decisions on further action are to follow."

A spokesman for Mavisbank said: "While it would not be appropriate for us to comment on the specific medical details of individual residents, it is important to note that DNRs are a medical decision taken by doctors. Care homes do not have the authority to make this decision."

The Scottish Government said that it is "committed to responding to both the Scottish Covid-19 and UK Covid inquiries, as learning lessons from the pandemic is vital to prepare for the future."

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037c4f No.154390

File: db52797b3ca00c8⋯.png (551.06 KB,1003x899,1003:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20693501 (071939ZAPR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / Turkish President Erdogan gatecrashed Humza Yousaf meeting at Cop28 as officials prepared for his climate minister

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Turkish President Erdogan gatecrashed Humza Yousaf meeting at Cop28 as officials prepared for his climate minister

Exclusive: Scottish Government officials at Cop28 created a briefing note for the first minister meeting with a lower ranked Turkish politician before president Erdogan requested a summit.

David Walker

6 APR 2024

Turkish President Erdogan gatecrashed his controversial meeting with Humza Yousaf at Cop28 as Scottish Government officials were preparing for a chat with one of his ministers instead. It meant that the first minister was not briefed before he held talks with the contentious politician.

We previously told how the SNP leader faced questions from within his own party after holding discussions with Erdogan at the climate summit back in November. Kurdish nationalist councillor Rosa Salih was "disgusted" by this as the Turkish government is alleged to have killed Kurds in the Middle East.

The country also has a dodgy human rights record but this didn't seem to bother progressive Mr Yousaf as he still invited him to Scotland despite this. When questioned by journalists about this, he claimed that everyone is on a "human rights journey."

Now, the Scottish Daily Express can reveal that his officials at Cop28 prepared a briefing for a meeting with another Turkish politician. A dossier was created for Mehmet Özhaseki who is Turkey's Minister of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change, and not the president himself.

However, the government confirmed that this document "is still in a draft state" as "it was never finalised, it was not cleared by senior officials nor used to brief the First Minister ahead of his meeting with President Erdogan." The summit was also blasted by the UK Government because a foreign office official wasn't there.

In correspondence reported previously by the Herald, Mr Yousaf's officials went back-and-forth about the potential of meeting Erdogan, and had to rush back to the Cop28 centre in order to meet him. The pair spoke about the war in Gaza ,and Mr Yousaf's parents-in-law, who were trapped in Gaza for several weeks. and the first minister invited the politician to Scotland, a decision which was blasted by the country's Kurdish community.

He was forced to deny that the summit had anything to do with his wife Nadia El-Nakla's brother's family being allowed to flee the war-torn region into Turkey weeks later after being added to a list by the Turkish government. He was questioned about this and said: "Why on earth would Scotland not look to seek to engage with a Nato ally and of course with somebody we would seek to do business and trade with?"

The briefing note for the Turkish government meeting is almost fully redacted, including the sections about "internal country politics" with this being kept secret to not affect the international relations between Scotland and Turkey. Information about Israel and Palestine was also redacted.

It did include lines such as "we are grateful for the incredible contribution of the Turkish community in Scotland." And "we particularly appreciate the work of the Turkish Consulate General in Edinburgh, for example, in promoting exchange and collaboration on renewable energy, trade, tourism, culture and people to people links."

The Yousafs seemingly formed a close relationship with the Erdogans after Nadia attended an event in Istanbul classified as a "United for Peace in Palestine” in November which included appearances from numerous world leaders' spouses. This trip was paid for by the Turkish government, with an SNP press officer accompanying her.

The brother in law is a drug dealer, heroin is imported predominantly from Afghanistan and Pakistan and Turkey a major trading route for it. Shouldn't take too much efffort from anyone in the police or military intel to connect the dots.

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037c4f No.154391

File: f352b369d963ca6⋯.png (666.48 KB,915x899,915:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: fac1bb3c5cadcf1⋯.png (604.37 KB,733x773,733:773,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20694537 (080111ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Operation Branchform appoints new officer to oversee probe as more senior SNP figures are questioned

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Operation Branchform appoints new officer to oversee probe as more senior SNP figures are questioned

The Police Scotland probe into the SNP's finances has been ongoing since summer 2021, but new revelations confirmed that leading former Scottish Government figures have been questioned by cops.

David Walker

7 APR 2024

Operation Branchform has appointed a new officer to oversee the investigation, with more senior SNP figures being questioned. The probe into the SNP's finances has been ongoing since the summer of 2021, but no report has been submitted to the Crown Office yet.

And now it has been reported that a different senior cop has been brought in to run a "fresh pair of eyes" over the evidence gathered so far ahead of potential charges being brought against suspects. Nicola Sturgeon, her husband Peter Murrell and former party treasurer Colin Beattie have all been arrested so far, but released without charge.

The Mail on Sunday reports that there has been a change of guard at the top of the investigation as cops get close to finishing off a report to hand to prosecutors. Concerns have been raised that this must be done before the general election kicks off later this year.

Detectives have also now questioned some of Ms Sturgeon's most senior cabinet ministers as part of the probe. A handful of members of her former leadership team have been grilled in a bid to understand a possible culture of secrecy within SNP HQ.

It is understood that this includes figures from her first ever Cabinet in 2014. Cops have been probing the nationalist party's finances for almost three years now, and have rebuffed calls to give a public update on the current state of their inquiries.

A source told the Mail on Sunday: "A new Senior Investigating Officer was put in charge about three or four months ago to have a proper read across everything. There has been a lot of to-ing and fro-ing between the police and the Crown Office.

"If police think, based on the sufficiency of evidence, that senior SNP figures should be charged and the Crown Office think they shouldn't be, for example, Police Scotland would make their thoughts known. There have been interviews done with former Cabinet Ministers who were in position to when Ms Sturgeon took over."

Every few months there are rumours which take hold in Holyrood that charges are being brought imminently but these fade away after no action is taken. But one source claimed that a decision will need to either be made before the general election or afterwards.

Interviews with SNP figures have been a bedrock of the probe so far, with HQ staff questioned repeatedly about the allegedly missing £600k of cash which was meant to be spent on a second independence referendum. But this money disappeared from the accounts.

Former cabinet ministers who served under Ms Sturgeon have been grilled about whether there was a long-term culture of secrecy surrounding the running of the party. It has been almost exactly a year since Operation Branchform kicked into a higher gear when Mr Murrell was arrested on April 5, and his marital home raided by cops.

Detectives also searched the SNP's headquarters in Edinburgh on the same day and seized some items. The former party chief executive was released without charge on the same day.

A motorhome was also seized from outside the home of Mr Murrell's elderly mother in Dunfermline, with this lavish vehicle being worth £110,000. It remains impounded, but SNP figures have called for it to be released back into their custody so it can either be used for election campaigning or sold off to raise much-needed funds.

An SNP spokesman said: "These issues are subject to a live police investigation. The SNP have been co-operating fully with this investigation and will continue to do so. However, it is not appropriate to publicly address any issues while that investigation is ongoing." Police Scotland said: "As the investigation remains ongoing we are unable to comment."

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037c4f No.154392

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20698270 (082052ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / (Canada #56) Women Gather in Scotland to ‘Test’ New Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law Surrounded By Screaming, Hostile Trans Activists

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Canada #56 >>152240

Women Gather in Scotland to ‘Test’ New Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law Surrounded By Screaming, Hostile Trans Activists

by Margaret Flavin Apr. 7, 2024

On Saturday, Let Women Speak (LWS), an organization defending biological women from the radical trans agenda, held a rally in Edinburgh, Scotland.

The rally was led by LWS founder Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull, who said her purpose was to “test the law” to see how the police would handle gender-critical chants in light of Scotland’s new hate crime legislation.

Speaking to the crowd, Keen-Minshull described transitioning children as “profound abuse” and called Scotland’s hate crime laws “preposterous.”

The fascist “hate crime” law went into effect on April 1.

Sky News reports:

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act came into force on Monday 1 April and aims to provide greater protection for victims and communities. It consolidates existing legislation and introduces new offences for threatening or abusive behaviour which is intended to stir up hatred based on prejudice towards characteristics such as age, disability, religion, sexual orientation and transgender identity.

The new provisions add to the laws on the statute book for race, which have been in place UK-wide since 1986. Sex has been omitted from the act as a standalone bill designed to tackle misogyny is expected to be laid before the Scottish parliament at a later date.

During the rally, LWS faced vocal opposition from various pro-transgender groups.

Edinburgh News:

While Ms Keen publicly thanked Police Scotland “for keeping women safe at the event”, many among her supporters were left angry and frustrated. Several complained about being “corralled” into too small a space while being surrounded on three sides by trans activists hurling abuse at them throughout the two-hour event.

They were labelled “Nazis” by mega-phone wielding trans activists close to where the women were gathered and at one point officers “contained” the section of trans activists as they shouted and chanted insults at the women. Many women told of their anger and anxiety at being “kettled” and encircled by a hostile crowd with whistles, sirens, mega phones and horns in a bid to drown out the women’s event.

While angry, masked men with loudspeakers, sirens, & abusive signs hung over the barriers to intimidate, antagonise and silence women, @policescotland put hands on women to physically move them at the demand of trans activists.

#LetWomenSpeakEdinburgh#LetWomenSpeak pic.twitter.com/6IC4neZpaN

— Emily Wilding Davison (@Wommando) April 7, 2024



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037c4f No.154393

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20698370 (082117ZAPR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Scottish Covid deaths scandal as police to probe alleged fraudulent Do Not Resuscitate forms (video)

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The DNR Scandal Should be Headline News


188K subscribers

27,934 views Apr 7, 2024

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037c4f No.154394

File: 3ac5a9aa989ce77⋯.png (742.3 KB,692x873,692:873,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20699520 (090135ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / BINSANITY Thousands of Scots face fines as council staff trained to rake through your rubbish

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BINSANITY Thousands of Scots face fines as council staff trained to rake through your rubbish

Local authorities will soon be given more power to fine people who don't use their bins correctly

Paige Beresford

7 Apr 2024

THOUSANDS of Scots face getting slapped with a fine for putting the wrong rubbish into their recycling bins.

Bin collectors are now being specially trained to go through rubbish - and report households who put items in the wrong bins.

According to The Sunday Post, new legislation will give local authorities the power to fine homeowners who break the rules with their rubbish.

The crackdown is part of the Scottish Government's Circular Economy Bill, which was published last year, that aims to help the country's environmental performance.

And it is set to pass through Holyrood before it is introduced as law across the different Scottish councils.

New guidelines are also being drawn up which will outline the "reasonable enforcement" that local authorities should use for those who break the rules.

This includes a household being issued with warning letters and then fines before a threat of prosecution.

A person is considered to have broken the rules if they put items in the wrong bin, for example putting garden waste into a general waste bin or glass bottles into the bin for plastics.

Anyone who does this can be hit with a fixed penalty notice.

Other measures include charges for single-use items, for example, the latte levy on throwaway coffee cups.

New fines are also being introduced for anyone who is caught throwing rubbish from their cars.

It comes after recent figures showed that almost a fifth of recycling rubbish picked up by bin collectors is actually non-recyclable.

Speaking to The Sunday Post, Lorna Slater said: "Guidance on the approach to enforcement will be created in consultation with local authorities to indicate reasonable enforcement steps local authorities must take, and scenarios for when written warnings, penalty charges, and/or penalty notices may be issued."

Exact details of how this would be carried out were not provided, however, it was hinted that it would follow guidance [provided to councils in England.

This involves a number of steps to be taken before any penalties can be issued, including written warnings and a final notice.

Ms Slater added that these powers should be used "after other options to engage with householders have been attempted".

She said: "The primary focus is to make the right choices easier for households and to support and enable householders to make positive changes to behaviours".

As it stands, Section 46 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 states homeowners must ensure rubbish goes into the correct bin.

And bin collectors are ordered not to collect rubbish that is put in the wrong bin and instead are told to put a sticker on the bin.

This means homeowners have time to fix the problem, but can't have their bins emptied until their next collection date.

The new Bill will allow any "authorised officer of a waste collection authority" to look through the rubbish and issue fines to those who are in breach of Section 46.

Local authorities around the county have told The Sunday Post that they plan to wait until it is introduced before it implements the new rules.

However, bosses at Glasgow City Council have confirmed that it is introducing "a contamination policy" in the meantime.

This will see bin collectors trained to "detect and record contamination of recycling bins".

But Scottish Tories has warned that the new bill comes with flaws that could see homeowners unfairly prosecuted.

For example, if someone puts the wrong rubbish in someone else's bin that is sitting out.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “We want to create a circular economy, in which resources are kept in use for as long as possible.

"The Circular Economy Bill will establish the legislative framework to support that, including giving Ministers the powers to introduce statutory targets that would help achieve our goals.

“The Bill is currently at Stage 2 and Ministers are working closely with Parliament and stakeholders, including local authorities, to ensure that it delivers effectively on its principles, which have received wide support.

"At such time as policies come into effect we will work with local authorities to ensure that any new requirements for householders are communicated widely.”

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037c4f No.154395

File: 87db34e9e2fb1ae⋯.png (625.66 KB,896x899,896:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20701861 (091629ZAPR24) Notable: Prince Andrew files may have been destroyed as Scots biographer warns of cover-up

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Prince Andrew files may have been destroyed as Scots biographer warns of cover-up

The Duke of York earned the nickname 'Air Miles Andy' during ten controversial years as Britain's globetrotting trade envoy... but there is no trace of ANY of the memos, emails and cables relating to his role

Ben Borland

8 APR 2024

Mystery surrounds the whereabouts of official UK Government documents that could shed light on Prince Andrew's controversial role as Britain's trade envoy.

The Duke of York served as a roving trade ambassador from 2001 until 2011, earning the nickname 'Air Miles Andy' due to his frequent expenses-paid trips. But officials have now admitted that memos, emails and cables sent between officials about his foreign visits "may no longer be retained".

Royal biographer Andrew Lownie used the Freedom of Information Act to request copies of the documents. He asked for details bout the people who accompanied the duke on his trade trips, his work schedule and any correspondence between officials and the duke's private office.

The author, whose full title is Andrew Lownie of Largo, was told by the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) that it did not hold the information. Under the UK Government's retention policy, any documents of "historical importance" must be sent to the National Archives in Kew, south-west London.

But Dr Lownie, who was educated at Fettes College and Edinburgh University, and later became a literary agent in the Scottish capital, said he cannot find any trace of the documents in the National Archives. He told the Daily Mail that a failure to answer the questions may result in the appearance of a cover-up, adding: "I think there are a lot of questions."

The newspaper said the DBT was refusing to say whether the documents had been destroyed, despite "repeated requests" to explain what might have happened to them. And the Information Commissioner's Office, which probed how officials responded to Dr Lownie's request, said that even if such information previously existed "it may no longer be retained".

Former diplomat Simon Wilson, who was involved with a number of Andrew's trade envoy visits while at the British embassy in Bahrain in the early 2000s, said: "The Duke of York was directly employed by the Government and details of his visits should be in the public domain."

The duke stepped down as Special Representative for International Trade and Investment in 2011 when details of his friendship with the disgraced US financier and paedophile Jeffrey Epstein first emerged. However, the ten years he spent in the unpaid role after leaving the Royal Navy were dogged with controversy.

He had lunch at Buckingham Palace with a "notorious" member of the former Tunisian regime, went on holiday with a Libyan gun smuggler and faced claims that he used an official trip to try to find a buyer for his home in the UK.

The DBT said: "The department has complied with our obligations under the Freedom of Information Act, and this was confirmed by the Information Commissioner's Office."

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037c4f No.154396

File: 53ce93b24d3f756⋯.png (562.76 KB,490x876,245:438,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20701926 (091649ZAPR24) Notable: PAY DAY Edinburgh council firm boss given bigger bonus than any other UK local authority worker

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PAY DAY Edinburgh council firm boss given bigger bonus than any other UK local authority worker

Marshall Dallas was handed a whopping bumper payment of £72,280 on top of his £158,711 annual salary

Lewis Mckenzie

9 Apr 2024

THE boss of an Edinburgh venue owned by the city council was handed a larger bonus than any other local authority worker in the UK last year, it has emerged.

Marshall Dallas, chief executive of the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, received £72,280 on top of his £158,711 annual salary.

The Edinburgh International Conference Centre is fully owned by City of Edinburgh Council, but operates commercially as an arms-length company.

According to the firm, the payment was made due to its new 350-bed hotel and hotel school development which is being built at Haymarket, as well as the “operating performance” of the EICC.

The eye-watering sum has sparked criticism from councillors in Edinburgh, with £80million having been slashed from the council’s budget last year.

Council leader and Labour group chief Cammy Day said he does “not agree with bonuses like this in arms’ length companies”.

However, fellow Labour councillor and chair of the EICC, Lezley Marion-Cameron, defended the payment during a meeting of the council.

She said: “I would remind colleagues the EICC is a limited company, it’s very different from the council and it’s proven highly successful over the years. And it’s delivering huge economic and other benefits for this city.”

Taxpayers’ Alliance chief executive John O’Connell said: "Local authorities provide crucial services and residents will want to make sure they are getting bang for their buck with their ever-increasing bills.

“Residents can use these figures to ask whether precious funds are really going towards front-line services, or whether town hall bosses can get better value for money.”

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037c4f No.154397

File: 4a2e21bfa52ae41⋯.png (575.56 KB,895x899,895:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: bc6872e0c02e427⋯.png (236.3 KB,646x671,646:671,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20702112 (091741ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Why Scotland should lead the fight against compulsory ID cards and tell the 'jackbooted Wombles' to get stuffed

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Why Scotland should lead the fight against compulsory ID cards and tell the 'jackbooted Wombles' to get stuffed

Political commentator ALAN GRANT calls on freedom-minded Scots from all parties to rediscover their contrarian roots and stand up to this latest attempt to transform Britain into a 'papers please society'



By Alan Grant

8 APR 2024

If political issues were songs, the debate about compulsory ID cards would be on Britain’s greatest hits album. We can rely on it, it gets people up on their feet, everyone knows the tune, and we’ve got the lyrics burned into the collective memory by now.

As if doing the bidding of some unseen stage manager, Lord Blunkett, former Labour Home Secretary, was good enough to tune up the band and give us our cue for another rendition of this classic recently.

The sides have lined up as one would very much expect. Lord Blunkett argues that ID cards can be used to reduce illegal immigration (“stop the small boats” is the frustratingly simple parlance de jour). He is cheered on by earnest folks like Observer columnist Martha Gill who argues that the old, state-averse liberal Britain no longer exists and we are in fact a, “papers please, society.”

Meanwhile, a smattering of liberals, libertarians, and Starmer-ites, the latter aware that this issue could prove damaging to their attempt to change Sir Keir’s mailing address to include a number ten and the former concerned with the impact on individual liberty, have lined up against the idea.

It’s a familiar old ditty and, quite frankly, oddly comforting in the Brave New Political World in which we find ourselves. Like flicking over to BBC Radio 2 after hours of incessant, incomprehensible, and baffling noise flooding from Radio 1; an analogy I fully concede that one must be over thirty to full grasp. Time comes for us all, and it’s cruel.

But what of Scotland? In a debate that is normally centred on other parts of the United Kingdom, what would, and should, Scots want from another go around on this thorny subject?

Not much has been said so far on it, from a uniquely Scottish perspective. We’ve had tangentially related debates. The SNP’s disastrous Named Person scheme was, effectively, a human ID card for kiddies while their attempt at digital ID management has gone the way of the deposit return scheme and other flawed ideas. That is to say down, with a gurgle and a flush.

However, it should be robustly considered in Scotland. Not just because forcing Scots to carry an ID card, the purpose of which is for it to be shown to be authorities on demand, would impact life here but it would also provide another wedge for those who wish to break up the United Kingdom to use in their demented crusade.

As sure as main course follows the starter, nationalists would either frame ID cards as Westminster imposing a useless policy on Scots (and be coincidentally right) or would insist that the Scottish Government is the proper authority to do so, or would do it better. For unionists, like Lord Blunkett, giving the Nats this room of stage to play to their cheap seats would be a mistake.

We are at our best when we're being awkward

However, there is also a deeper and more important point of principle at stake here. Scots are rightly proud of our history and tradition of dissent, contrarianism, and obstructiveness. We like a good stairheid rammy, even if it’s just for practice but also for good reasons too. Being awkward and puncturing overly-inflated and self-important ideas is when we are at our best, from greats like Tam Dalyell and Michael Forsyth to modern examples like Willie Rennie and Donald Cameron, sticking in a contrary view is when the saltire shines brightest.

How better to live up to this legacy of telling administrators, nosey-parkers, and busy-bodies to get stuffed than for Scotland to become the spiritual and political home of the fight against creating a “papers please” society?

Fighting ID cards is also an issue that can unite freedom-minded people from all parties in telling an incoming presumptive Labour UK Government just how far it can go and that it is better off not listening to its more traditional yesterday’s men like Lord Blunkett.

The traditional Scottish bristling against intrusion into our private lives has taken a bit of a knock of late. The hate crime act threatens to criminalise jokes told around the family dinner table and Lorna Slater seems intent on despatching an army of jackbooted government Wombles to dob you in for putting an empty can in the wrong bin. We’ve accepted more and more interference and been shamefully meek and deferential about it.

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037c4f No.154398

File: 1370d051f05e3aa⋯.png (126.8 KB,656x464,41:29,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20702116 (091743ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Why Scotland should lead the fight against compulsory ID cards and tell the 'jackbooted Wombles' to get stuffed

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But, now that ID cards, a license to be in civil society and the ultimate sign of grasping politicians, are back in the conversation, maybe we can fix things? They won’t stop illegal immigration, only the police, border force, and home office can do that, but they can make us less free, less trusting, and less resistant to authority.

If ever there was a cause that deserved to be accompanied by the proud skirl of bagpipes, defeating compulsory ID cards once and for all would be it.

Defeating corruption in government, judiciary, media, health, law enforcement and everywhere else should be the bog standard minimum expected of my downtrodden brethren here in Scotland. Anything else isn't a victory...it's a postponement of the inevitable tyranny. There's a reason the old maxim of "ignorance of the law is no excuse”, it's because the law of the land was simple and even an idiot could grasp it. Do no harm, cause no loss, keep the peace and honour your contracts...that's it. It didn't apply to all these relentless ACTS of parliament that nobody other than the odd savant knows in its entirety.Why Scotland should lead the fight against compulsory ID cards and tell the jackbooted Wombles to get stuffed

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037c4f No.154399

File: 09cd69672780cf2⋯.png (628.32 KB,1019x899,1019:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 9563c8fc60d1c3b⋯.png (233.62 KB,533x836,533:836,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20702154 (091801ZAPR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / SNP leader's brother-in-law charged with abduction and extortion linked to Dundee window fall death (video)

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Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law charged with abduction and extortion linked to Dundee window fall death

Ramsay El-Nakla, the brother of the first minister's wife Nadia, is set to appear at Dundee Sheriff Court after being in charged in connection with the death of Ryan Munro.

David Walker

9 APR 2024

Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law has been arrested and charged with abduction and extortion following an incident when a man died after falling from a block of flats in Dundee. The 36-year-old is set to appear in court on Tuesday to face the charges.

Ryan Munro plunged from a window on Morgan Street in Dundee on Wednesday 10 January. He was rushed to Ninewells Hospital but was pronounced dead a week later.

We previously told how three other people were arrested and charged following the same incident, and all appeared at court last week. Now, Ramsay El-Nakla, 36, is set to appear at Dundee Sheriff Court on Tuesday, with a report being submitted to the Procurator Fiscal.

Jennifer Souter, 38, appeared at Dundee Sheriff Court last Thursday charged with culpable homicide. Souter, of Dundee, did not enter a plea and was remanded in custody to appear in court again in eight days.

Stephen Stewart, 50, and Victoria McGowan, 41, appeared at the same court charged with abduction and extortion. They did not enter a plea and were both released on bail.

A Police Scotland statement read: "A 36-year-old man has been arrested and charged with abduction and extortion following an incident where a man fell from a block of flats on Morgan Street, Dundee on Wednesday, 10 January. He died a week later in hospital.

"Three others were previously arrested and charged following the same incident. The 36-year-old man is due to appear in Dundee Sheriff Court today, Tuesday, 9 April, 2024. A report will be submitted to the Procurator Fiscal."

Tributes were paid to Mr Munro following his death in January. Ryan's heartbroken brother Mark described him as a "great guy" and his "best friend". Mark told The Courier: “We are still so incredibly numb after everything that has taken place in recent days. Ryan was a great guy, a great father and he was my best friend. We can't speak highly enough of the staff at Ninewells Hospital for their incredible support during this time – it’s actually been humbling.

"He'd previously agreed to donate his organs after he passed. Ryan's heart is still beating and his liver is with someone else now. We have found some comfort that Ryan’s organs have given someone else the gift of life."

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037c4f No.154400

File: b8bccd598802a9b⋯.png (596.57 KB,881x899,881:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 01644f7e68dd842⋯.png (531.5 KB,809x827,809:827,Clipboard.png)

File: 96f84a8f6caee07⋯.png (37.83 KB,637x454,637:454,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20702181 (091809ZAPR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / SNP leader's brother-in-law charged with abduction and extortion linked to Dundee window fall death (video)

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Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law appears in court on abduction and extortion charges in window fall death case

Ramsay El-Nakla appeared in private at Dundee Sheriff Court on Tuesday after being held overnight in custody. He made no plea before Sheriff Tim Niven-Smith and was released on bail

Gordon Currie

9 APR 2024

The First Minister's brother-in-law has appeared in court accused of the abduction and extortion of a man shortly before he plunged to his death from a block of flats.

Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law Ramsay El-Nakla has been accused of acting along with the woman accused of killing Ryan Munro and two others. El-Nakla appeared briefly in private at Dundee Sheriff Court on Tuesday after being held overnight in custody. He faces charges of abduction Mr Munro and extorting money from him.

The petition alleges firstly that he was acting alongside Jennifer Souter, Stephen Stewart and Victoria McGowan and abducted Mr Munro at 11 Morgan Street, Dundee. It is alleged that between 9 and 10 January this year the quartet abducted Mr Munro and placed him in a state of fear and alarm by making threats of violence and intimidation and detaining him against his will.

The second charge alleges that El-Nakla - while acting with the other three - extorted money from Mr Munro at the property during the same time period. That charge alleges that they acted with the intention of menacing Mr Munro and putting him in a state of alarm and apprehension of intimidation and loss of liberty. They are alleged to have made threats of violence and extorted money from him by threats.

El-Nakla, Baxter Park Terrace, Dundee, made no plea before Sheriff Tim Niven-Smith and the case against him was continued for further examination. He was released on bail.

Ryan Munro was seriously injured after sustaining head injuries in a 30 foot fall from a flat window in Morgan Street, Dundee, on 10 January. He died in hospital a week later. Jennifer Souter previously appeared in court charged with killing Mr Munro by menacing him before he fell to his death from a second-storey window.

El-Nakla, 36, was initially questioned along with Victoria McGowan and Stephen Stewart about the death of Mr Munro earlier this year. McGowan, 41, and Stewart, 50, appeared on a petition at Dundee Sheriff Court last Thursday alleging involvement with Mr Munro prior to his death. They appeared on the same petition as alleged killer Souter, 38, Arbroath Road, Dundee.

Souter appeared briefly in private to face a petition alleging she assaulted and abducted Mr Munro at a flat in Morgan Street, Dundee, on 10 January this year. She is alleged to have threatened, intimidated and detained him against his will with a view to extorting money from him and placing him in a state of fear and alarm.

Souter is alleged to have committed culpable homicide by putting Mr Munro in fear for his safety and causing him to fall from a second floor window, resulting in fatal injuries. She made no plea or declaration and was remanded in custody by Sheriff John Rafferty after a brief hearing in private.

'His heart is still beating and his liver is with someone else now'

McGowan and Stewart also appeared in private to face a charge each on the petition alleging the abduction and intimidation of Mr Munro at the Morgan Street property between 9 and 10 January. Neither made any plea to the charge against them and they were both granted bail.

Mr Munro sustained serious head injuries when he fell around 30 feet into the street below and landed on a vehicle parked outside the flat. Workmen who were in the street tried to administer first aid at the scene, but Mr Munro was taken to Ninewells Hospital and succumbed to his injuries seven days later.

His brother Mark paid tribute: "We are numb. Ryan was a great father. He had previously agreed to donate his organs. His heart is still beating and his liver is with someone else now. We have found some comfort that Ryan's organs have given someone else the gift of life."

El-Nakla's sister, psychotherapist Nadia El-Nakla, is the wife of First Minister Humza Yousaf and is a councillor on Dundee City Council, where she sits on the Scrutiny Committee. She is the city's drugs spokesperson.

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037c4f No.154401

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20702359 (091909ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / SNP in 2018 launched a Ministerial Code process which requires complaints to be addressed to the FM (video)

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SNP in 2018 launched a Ministerial Code process which requires complaints to be addressed to the FM

Craig Houston Talks To

17.3K subscribers

Apr 9, 2024

Only in Scotland could we have a system whereby complaints about the First Minister (Humza Yousaf SNP) must be sent to the First Minister.

Amazingly in 2018 Nicola Sturgeon launched a new Ministerial Code process which she described as a new level of transparency.

It turns out, when you make a complaint to the Ethical Standards Commissioner about First Minister, any Ministers or high ranking Civil Servant then they are unable to investigate and refer you to make a complaint via the ministerial code addressed to the First Minister.

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037c4f No.154402

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20708118 (102144ZAPR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / SNP leader's brother-in-law charged with abduction and extortion linked to Dundee window fall death (video)

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SNP leader's brother-in-law charged with abduction and extortion

Sky News

7.56M subscribers

85,844 views Apr 9, 2024 #humzayousaf #skynews #scotland

The brother-in-law of Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf has been charged with abduction and extortion, in a case linked to a man who died falling from a window in Dundee.

Ramsay El-Nakla, the brother of Mr Yousaf's wife Nadia El-Nakla, will appear in private in Dundee Sheriff Court. Three others were previously arrested and charged following the incident, where a man fell from a block of flats on Morgan Street on 10 January - the man died a week later in hospital.

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037c4f No.154403

File: e55ccbcd909f82b⋯.png (564.09 KB,939x899,939:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c87612fd506dde6⋯.png (358.57 KB,869x623,869:623,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20713317 (112155ZAPR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / Celtic boys' club sex abuse action could end in months with 'millions' to be paid out

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Celtic boys' club sex abuse action could end in months with 'millions' to be paid out

Solicitors representing the survivors have said 'significant progress' has been made of late which could result in a settlement

Mark Connor

9 APR 2024

Solicitors say “significant progress” has been made towards Celtic settling legal claims of historical abuse for what could be millions of pounds. More than 20 former players have launched a US-style class action against the club for damages.

Celtic indicated it was seeking to settle the cases in September. Thompsons Solicitors has now said the valuation of all cases has progressed in the last six months.

A spokesperson added: “We do not yet have all necessary evidence to commence settlement negotiations and so the court has granted a further short list of four months to allow opportunity to do so given the complexities of this task.”

In recent years several former coaches and officials at the club have been convicted of sexual offences against teenage players spanning decades. Last year a judge gave the go-ahead for a US style “class action” group litigation to proceed against Celtic for alleged abuses at Celtic Boys Club.

The boys’ club was established as a feeder team to the senior Celtic side in 1966 and the two clubs had close ties, sharing players, officials and premises. Celtic had always insisted that it wasn’t responsible because the boys’ club was an “entirely different organisation.”

Lawyers acting for the former players argue the boys club and Celtic were “intimately connected” and the senior club was “vicariously liable” for assaults carried out. The litigation relates to historical claims of sexual assault by convicted paedophiles Jim Torbett - the founder of the Boys Club - and Frank Cairney, a former coach.

More recently Celtic said it was continuing discussions with the victims’ lawyers.

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037c4f No.154404

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20716211 (121442ZAPR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / 20716225, Man claims more than 50 children were sexually abused by 'paedophile' catholic monks on UK holy island in scandal as bad as 'Jimmy Savile' as new probe launched

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Man claims more than 50 children were sexually abused by 'paedophile' catholic monks on UK holy island in scandal as bad as 'Jimmy Savile' as new probe launched

* EXCLUSIVE: Welsh island of Caldey has been rocked by child abuse scandal

* Survivors of the abuse, allegedly perpetuated by monks, are fighting for justice

A community of Catholic monks on a reputably 'holy island' off the coast of Wales is at the centre of a major child abuse scandal going back more than 50 years.

Thousands of tourists visit Caldey off the Pembrokeshire coast each year unaware of its dark history of sex abuse against infants as young as three.

Visiting children, who have now grown to adults, say they were raped in the historic abbey, sexually abused in the ornate gardens and threatened that they would go to hell if they breathed a word to anyone back on the mainland.

This week, The Caldey Abbey estate has appointed Independent Safeguarding Consultant and former Assistant Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales, Jan Pickles OBE to lead a 'thorough review' into historical claims of child abuse.

Speaking to MailOnline, Victim Kevin O'Connell, 61, just 10 when he was raped, claims he witnessed the 'industrial abuse' of children, some as young as three.

He put out an appeal on social media urging others to come forward to help his lifelong fight for justice.

So far 50 people, aged between 45 and 65 and from all corners of the globe, have responded saying: 'It happened to me.'

None of the brotherhood of Cistercian monks have been convicted and a call for a Public Inquiry was ignored, apparently because one of the paedophile monks is dead.

The allegations were reported to Operation Hydrant, a nationwide police investigation into historic child abuse in the wake of the Jimmy Savile sex abuse scandal, however at the time, nothing happened.

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037c4f No.154405

File: 01aa5d52a58fa0b⋯.png (862.92 KB,465x871,465:871,Clipboard.png)

File: 045ef4ca43ec59e⋯.png (402.74 KB,488x820,122:205,Clipboard.png)

File: a24a2ee7f130126⋯.png (868.14 KB,507x871,39:67,Clipboard.png)

File: bb75dea0d584f54⋯.png (465.62 KB,464x855,464:855,Clipboard.png)

File: 94c8cc1fd04832f⋯.png (332.24 KB,485x847,485:847,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20716234 (121448ZAPR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun / 20716225, Man claims more than 50 children were sexually abused by 'paedophile' catholic monks on UK holy island in scandal as bad as 'Jimmy Savile' as new probe launched

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Father Thaddeus Kotik died in 1992 without facing any criminal charges into claims he abused children on the holy island.

In recent weeks, the island has appointed safeguarding officer Maria Battle, former chair of the Howell Dda University Health Board in Wales.

She is a director of the Caldey island Estate Company Ltd which has led the anti-abuse campaigners to question her independence.

Since her appointment a page has appeared on the island's website saying Caldey operates under the Catholic Safeguarding Standard Agency.

This week, she announced that the Abbey has appointed Independent Safeguarding Consultant and former Assistant Police & Crime Commissioner for South Wales, Jan Pickles OBE to lead a 'thorough review' into historical claims of child abuse.

According to Battle, Mrs Pickles' review will be entirely independent to the CICS - but will consider the allegations of Kevin O'Connell.

The abbey is now under new leadership in the form of Fr Jan Rossey, who says he is committed to fostering openness and transparency within the monastery.

'In common with many other organisations, Caldey Abbey has, in the past, received disclosures and allegations involving members of the monastic community about their behaviour towards children', stated Father Jan.

'We take these allegations very seriously and, in order to uphold our commitment to safeguarding, we have commissioned a leading Independent Safeguarding Consultant, Jan Pickles OBE, to conduct a thorough review.'

'This review is about taking responsibility, learning from the past, and building a safe environment for everyone.'

Mail Online visited the island at Easter, a few days after the ferry boats started running visitors to the 540-acre island a mile from the seaside resort of Tenby.

A visiting choir from Ireland was on the first boat along with young children and their parents, unaware of Caldey's secret history of child abuse.

For years the monks ran a profitable sideline making perfume from rare wild flowers growing on the windswept island. It stopped due to the 'ageing monastic community'.

The island shop stocks Isle of Caldey chocolate along with souvenirs including tea towels, table mats and slightly creepy teddy bears in black monks robes.

Caldey's Post Office doubles up as a museum with ancient relics on display along with a photograph of the 15 monks living on the island some years ago.

There is no caption giving the names of the brothers in the dark brown and cream robes they wear on the religious retreat, a 15-minute boat ride from Tenby.

Latest figures show 60,000 people visit Caldey every year to tour the Abbey, walk to the lighthouse and get an insight into island life for the 40 residents unconnected to the Cistercian Abbey.

Day tripper Kelly Jones, 38, from Blackwood, South Wales, said: 'I didn't know about the child abuse until the night before I visited.

'Someone told me that I was going to an island where dozens of children had been sexually abused. I was shocked. I still don't know what to make of it - there were monks involved. It doesn't bear thinking about.'

Mother-of-two Lynne Jones, 45, of Swansea, who was visiting the island with friends, said: 'It's disgusting what went on here and just wrong that it was covered up because of the power of the Catholic Church.

'It's a beautiful and peaceful place, you have to close your mind to some of the horrors that children were put through. You'd never know it visiting the island, there's no mention of it anywhere.'

Mr O'Connell has vowed to continue his fight for a full Public Inquiry into the child abuse that has wrecked so many lives - but it isn't going to come soon.

'If any new information has come to light about alleged abuse this needs to be reported to the police and/or the local authority for the area where it took place.'

A Dyfed-Powys police spokeswoman said: 'All investigations have been concluded. There are currently no police investigations ongoing.

'While we cannot prosecute persons who are deceased, all victims were asked to provide an account to police in order that any other persons linked to the offence could be investigated fully.

'Each victim was offered a referral to appropriate support agencies and alongside the criminal investigation a safeguarding review was also undertaken.

'Given the overall circumstances, Dyfed-Powys Police is satisfied that appropriate inquiries have been conducted.

'All reports of sexual abuse are taken extremely seriously,and specially trained officers are appointed to investigate and support victims of non-recent abuse.'

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037c4f No.154406

File: 4b6e5fd76a6058c⋯.png (604.51 KB,967x899,967:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 07a4324f6839fc3⋯.png (537.73 KB,837x856,837:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 48daac2c8ead651⋯.png (511.32 KB,608x865,608:865,Clipboard.png)

File: c10ea744a1c4f50⋯.png (125.04 KB,608x470,304:235,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20716554 (121618ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Why Scotland should lead the fight against compulsory ID cards and tell the 'jackbooted Wombles' to get stuffed

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>>>103969 >>>104235 >>>104235 (PB)






Cass Review: SNP urged to halt use of puberty blockers after expert calls for 'extreme caution'

Dr Hilary Cass has spent four years looking into the gender services in England – but there has been no similar review carried out here in Scotland and the Nats have refused to listen to evidence

Ben Borland

10 APR 2024

The SNP/Green Government was urged to undertake a review of gender services on the NHS in Scotland after a major report south of the border urged "extreme caution" in the use of puberty blockers.

Dr Hilary Cass, who has been compiling a 400-page independent probe of gender identity services for children and young people in England for the last four years, warned that patients were being caught in the crossfire of the "exceptionally toxic" debate.

She said children have been let down by a lack of research and evidence on medical interventions in gender care and called for "a holistic assessment" of youngsters referred to gender clinics, including screening for neurodevelopmental conditions such as autism, and a mental health assessment.

After a huge increase in the number of young people accessing gender services in recent years, Dr Cass also said teenagers are "falling off a cliff edge" in their care when they reach 17. In response, NHS England has promised a review of adult gender care.

Her report urged a review of the current policy on giving children masculinising or feminising hormones in the form of testosterone or oestrogen from the age of 16, urging "extreme caution". Dr Cass, a retired consultant paediatrician, said there "should be a clear clinical rationale" for giving hormones before someone turns 18. Last month, NHS England said it would end the "routine prescription" of puberty blockers.

She said: "I think it's definitely the case that ideology on all sides has directed care, rather than care being directed by normal principles of paediatrics and mental health. I mean, certainly professionals are afraid to do the things that they would normally do in any other consultation with a young person, and that can't be right."

Welcoming the review, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said: "The wellbeing and health of children must come first." In Scotland, by contrast, there has been no similar work carried out by an independent expert such as Dr Cass.

Meghan Gallacher, deputy leader of the Scots Tories, has been calling for action for months. She said: "Despite repeated calls from medical experts, campaigners and the Scottish Conservatives, the SNP Government refused to undertake a review of gender clinics here in Scotland.

"Instead, the SNP have rushed into significant gender reform, ignoring the wellbeing and health of children seeking medical care for significant issues like gender dysphoria. While there is a lot of information to digest in this report, one of the most damning conclusions is that children have been let down. This is simply unacceptable.

"If the SNP won't heed the recommendations made by the Cass review then they must urgently undertake their own evaluation so that we can protect the wellbeing of young people, especially children, accessing these services, starting with pausing the use of puberty blockers."

Ms Gallacher has also written to First Minister Humza Yousaf calling on him to "publish all the evidence that your government has that confirms that puberty blockers are safe for children to take".

NHS England said it was "very grateful to Dr Cass and her team for their comprehensive work on this important review", and that it would "set out a full implementation plan following careful consideration of this final report and its recommendations".

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154407

File: e3eff3c005181e1⋯.png (639.84 KB,1015x872,1015:872,Clipboard.png)

File: 52cf0464e73154e⋯.png (435.89 KB,884x864,221:216,Clipboard.png)

File: b435fc4c0fd17f2⋯.png (39 KB,679x442,679:442,Clipboard.png)

File: 632790c28285bd9⋯.png (127.06 KB,666x472,333:236,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20716586 (121641ZAPR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Cass review shows why the 'tartan Tavistock' clinic in Glasgow must be shut down

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Cass review shows why the 'tartan Tavistock' clinic in Glasgow must be shut down

Dr Jenny Cunningham, who was a paediatrician in Glasgow for more than 30 years, fears Scotland will become an outlier if it fails to follow Hilary Cass's recommendations for gender care for children and young people in England

Mary Wright

12 APR 2024

A leading Scottish paediatrician today called for the "tartan Tavistock" clinic to be "dismantled" in the wake of the Cass Report, which found that transgender medicine was "based on shaky foundations".

The Scottish Government has said it will consider the findings of the Cass review, which was set up in 2020 and is being led by Hilary Cass, a former president of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health, but has not committed to implementing its findings. Ministers are also refusing to make a public statement.

The report advises that children should not be rushed into gender treatment and concludes that children who think they are trans are more likely to have mental health issues, a difficult family situation or have suffered abuse. It suggests that these children need counselling to tackle these problems holistically, rather than being put automatically on a path to change gender.

The Cass review, which said gender medicine is "built on shaky foundations", is set to inform the future for transgender care in England and the rest of the UK, making Scotland an outlier if it fails to follow suit.

Now retired, Dr Jenny Cunningham, was a Glasgow-based community paediatrician for over three decades, and insists the city’s Sandyford gender clinic "must be closed".

She said: "The Cass report is the most thorough inquiry into the subject and is a damning indictment of clinicians who have bowed to trans activists’ influence in a rush to affirm and medicalise a child’s expression of gender confusion. The publication of the Cass report on gender services in England should remind us of clinicians’ obligation to 'first do no harm'."

According to Dr Cunningham, the conclusions of the Cass report on the treatment of gender-confused children in England are "damning" and apply equally to failures in the treatment of the young patients at Scotland’s Sandyford gender clinic.

She said: "Scottish children deserve the same level of care and protection as those in England. Sandyford’s gender service must be dismantled and replaced with evidence-based treatment focused on underlying psychological and social conditions, free from the influence of trans activist groups.

"Like the disgraced Tavistock clinic in England, Scotland’s Sandyford gender clinic must be closed. Its patients and those on waiting lists must be seen by practitioners who will investigate and treat their underlying psychological and social conditions rather than putting them on the fast track to damaging hormones and mutilating surgeries. The Cass report on gender services in England shows that medical evidence must prevail over the influence of trans activist groups."

'Ministers must heed the damning conclusions'

Dr Cunningham, who is a board member of the Scottish Union for Education campaign group, added: "We must note that the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland failed to act on the preliminary report into gender services in England by eminent paediatrician Dr Hilary Cass. Scotland’s Sandyford gender clinic remains open, while England’s discredited Tavistock gender service is closed. Ministers and NHS bosses now must heed the damning conclusions in Dr Cass’s full report.

"Scottish children who express discomfort with their sex have the same needs as their English peers - evidence-based treatment of the underlying psychological and social causes of their distress, rather than the dangerous hormones and mutilating surgeries endorsed by the trans activists who influence NHS policies."

Last year, Dr Cunningham wrote a pamphlet explaining what was wrong and potentially harmful about the promotion of transgender ideology in schools which was sent to every school in Scotland and is to be sent again in the coming weeks.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: "We have been consistently clear that the Cass review’s final report and findings will be closely considered by both the Scottish Government and NHS Scotland, in the context of how such healthcare can be best delivered here in Scotland.

"The Scottish Government is already supporting NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS National Services Scotland to consider how best to provide national specialist young people’s gender care in NHS Scotland in the future. Together with NHS Scotland, we are also engaged with NHS England on its planned study into the use of puberty blockers in young people’s gender identity healthcare and discussions are ongoing to determine what future engagement is appropriate."

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037c4f No.154408

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20717508 (122056ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Police Scotland call handlers given pre-written answers to deal with Humza Yousaf Hate Crime complaints

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WHAT'S THE SCRIPT? Police Scotland call handlers given pre-written answers to deal with Humza Yousaf Hate Crime complaints

The email offers call handlers a list of explanations to use in response to complainers

Iona Brownlie & Chris Musson

12 Apr 2024

POLICE call handlers have been given a script to defend Humza Yousaf amid a flurry of Hate Crime complaints.

Hundreds of complaints were made about the First Minister's speech in 2020 in Holyrood when the new laws came into force.

As first reported by the Telegraph, Police Scotland issued an email to call handlers of lines to say to people complaining about a speech made during the Black Lives Matter movement in the summer of 2020.

Mr Yousaf was Justice Secretary at the time and had spoken of the race of numerous high-profile figures in Scottish public life pointing out that each of them was white.

And the SNP leader said in 99 per cent of meetings he was "the only non-white person in the room".

He also said Scotland "has a problem of structural racism".

Police were bombarded with complaints over the speech when new Hate Crime Laws came into place on April 1.

And now the force's diversity unit has issued a guide on "form of words" to recite when people complain about the speech.

The email, with the subject line “Form of words re Humza Yousaf Speech”, tells all staff and officers in the C3 roles - Contact Command and Control - how to respond to people who complain about Mr Yousaf.

It says the issue was raised in a “GRIP meeting” where the “implementation” of the new Hate Crime Act was discussed.

GRIP usually stands for ‘Greater Results In Partnership’ - meetings involving Police Scotland and outside agencies.

In the email, Police Scotland repeatedly misspell Yousaf as “Yousef”.

The email out an “approved response" to be used by all C3 staff and any officers dealing with enquiries relating to First Minister Humza Yousaf's speech in 2020”

In a section marked “background”, it sets out how Mr Yousaf’s speech took place during a Scottish Parliament debate titled "Showing Solidarity with Anti-racism".

The email says: “During this debate, then Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf made a speech, in the context of the debate, where he made reference to his own personal experience of racism.

“He also pointed out that there was a lack of representation of people of colour within, not only the Scottish Parliament but also across the criminal justice sector as a whole where all of the top jobs were occupied entirely by white people.

“An excerpt of this speech was made and posted online by a group called ‘End Wokeness’ alleging that Humza Yousef 'openly despises white people'.

"This was thereafter picked up by the US business person, and now owner of Twitter/X, Elon Musk, who retweeted it to his followers accusing Mr Yousef [sic] of being a ‘Blatant Racist’.”

Under a section marked “Police Scotland decision”, the email suggests that following the Elon Musk flare-up - last October - “a number of complaints were received by Police Scotland alleging that Humza Yousef had committed a hate crime”.

It adds: “These were investigated at the time and found to not meet the threshold of a crime for a number of reasons.”

A list of bullet points justifying the decision are then given for staff to tell complainers.

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037c4f No.154409

File: 12ccc90339b8425⋯.png (75.16 KB,488x874,244:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 1f746877e53e708⋯.png (195.41 KB,480x778,240:389,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20717512 (122058ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Police Scotland call handlers given pre-written answers to deal with Humza Yousaf Hate Crime complaints

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The email says: “Nothing contained in the speech was threatening, abusive or insulting”, “When directly referencing 'white people', in the context of the speech, this was pointing out a matter of fact”, “There was no malice or ill will displayed towards any person or group displayed in anything said and so does not meet the threshold to be recorded as a non-crime hate incident”, and “The context, content and intent of the speech are protected by Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights - Freedom of Expression”.

It adds: “The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 covers complaints relating to incidents which occurred after midnight on 1 April 2024.

"Complaints relating to incidents which occurred prior to this date will be dealt with under previous legislation.”

Last week, cops confirmed the First Minister would not be subject to a non-hate crime report following the string of complaints.

According to Police Scotland's national Hate Crime guidance, a hate incident is recorded based on the perception of the individual making the complaint.

In the first week of the new laws, nearly 8,000 complaints were made.

There were 7152 "online hate reports" received and a further 430 "police incidents" with a hate crime tag.

And Police Scotland call centres dealt with 34 calls vis 101 or 999 and 141 from emails - making a total of 7757 in seven days.

And the controversial laws were blasted by high profile figures including JK Rowling, Elon Musk and podcaster Joe Rogan.

Police Scotland’s justification for not recording the incident as a “non-crime hate incident” is likely to come under scrutiny as it appears it may contradict the force’s own policy for recording such incidents.

The force email states the incident “does not meet the threshold to be recorded as a non-crime hate incident” because “there was no malice or ill will displayed towards any person or group displayed in anything said”.

However, the definition of a “hate incident” in Police Scotland’s Hate Crime

National Guidance does not mention any threshold, and says a hate incident is “any incident which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated (wholly or partly) by malice and ill-will towards a social group but which does not constitute a criminal offence (non-crime incident)”.

Police Scotland today refused to answer questions from The Scottish Sun about whether it was still following its Hate Crime National Guidance, whether hate incidents were being recorded according to the force’s perception, not the person reporting - in apparent contradiction of its own policy.

The force instead referred The Scottish Sun to a previous statement, which says: “We have received a number of complaints in relation to a speech in the Scottish Parliament on 10 June, 2020.

“Earlier complaints regarding this matter were assessed at the time and it was established no crime was committed and no further action was required.”

Sharon Dowey, the deputy justice spokesman for the Scottish Tories, said: “It’s a measure of how farcical Humza Yousaf’s hate crime law is that police officers have effectively been given a script on how to respond to the flood of complaints made against the First Minister under the very legislation that he piloted and introduced.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “Police Scotland statistics showing there were 240 hate crimes recorded in just one week demonstrate how vital it is that marginalised and vulnerable communities most at risk of hatred and prejudice are protected in law.

“Police Scotland has been clear that demand continues to be managed within its contact centres and the impact on frontline policing has been minimal.”

The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act has fully kicked in - three years after being passed.

It includes an offence of “stirring up hatred” - which previously only applied only to race - covering “protected characteristics” of age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity and “variations in sex characteristics”.

The key strand of the 2021 Act - punishable by up to seven years in prison - did not come into force straight away amid fears of a lack of police training and IT systems.

There has been criticism after Police Scotland pledged to "investigate every report" made

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037c4f No.154410

File: 922785128ac07cf⋯.png (600.71 KB,922x899,922:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: d954342b12735e0⋯.png (71.91 KB,605x861,605:861,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20718591 (130109ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Sleazy cop flashed work badge before sexually touching three women on boozy night out

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Sleazy cop flashed work badge before sexually touching three women on boozy night out

Shamed Detective Inspector Nick Bellamy has been sacked after a misconduct panel found he touched the inner thigh of a woman, the breast of another, and the bottom of a third.

Ryan O'Neill, Conor Gogarty & Sarah Vesty

12 APR 2024

A sleazy senior police officer flashed his official work badge before sexually touching three young women during a boozy night out.

Shamed Detective Inspector Nick Bellamy has been sacked after a misconduct panel found he touched the inner thigh of a woman, the breast of another, and the bottom of a third.

Bellamy, of South Wales Police's economic crime unit, told one of his victims "you've got nice chunky legs" before resting his hand on the backside of another for at least three seconds.

His harassment - which was caught on CCTV - happened during a drinking session where he was out socialising with colleagues, WalesOnline reports.

The gross misconduct began after Bellamy approached a woman - referred to as Miss A - who was out with her friends. She told the panel she had drunk "two or three" beers by the time Bellamy came over and showed off his police badge.

She said the detective was "all over the place" and "more gone" than she was. He sat down next to her and placed his hand on her right thigh. She said he began "stroking the inside of it with his hand", leaving her shocked and not knowing what to do.

Miss A pointed out Bellamy's behaviour to one of her friends - referred to as Miss C - who then brought her away onto the dancefloor. Later in the evening Bellamy approached Miss A again and said she had "nice chunky legs" as she walked away.

She said she told a female colleague of Bellamy what had happened but allegedly received the reply: "Just ignore him, he's like that all the time." At another point in the evening, Bellamy was sitting next to another woman, referred to as Miss B.

The panel heard he "kept putting his arm around her", touching her hand, knee, thigh and left breast, all within a minute or two of meeting her.

There was also sexual touching of Miss C, who was sitting next to Bellamy when he leaned in and moved his hand onto her lower arm, then her shoulder, and then her buttocks, before she leaned away and he moved his hand back to the seat.

The three victims eventually left the pub because they wanted to get away from Bellamy, said Miss A.

Natalie Holly Smith, a financial investigator who resigned from South Wales Police in 2023 but remains a special constable with the force, told the panel she witnessed Bellamy touching one of the women on the thigh.

But she said she felt this was more of a "friendly, social" gesture rather than groping or stroking. She added that she felt "quite taken aback" by the complaint based on what she had witnessed.

She claimed that while she knew of Bellamy she would not describe them as close friends but had never had any issues with him.

Miss C said she had "no recollection" of physical contact from Bellamy but when she watched the footage she came to the conclusion that she leaned away because of the position of his hand on her backside.

She added: "I personally did not feel uncomfortable but do not want to dismiss what Miss A and B felt on that evening." Miss B had texted her partner telling him she felt uncomfortable because of the inappropriate contact, Miss C told the panel.

CCTV footage from the pub showed an interaction between Bellamy and his line manager. Giving evidence Bellamy accepted the video showed his colleague "trying to attempt to usher me away [from the women]".

He also admitted having seven or eight pints as well as white wine before he arrived at the bar. He said he did not remember much of what happened at the bar and although he "spent some time in the company" of Miss C he had "no recollection of interacting" with Miss A or Miss B.

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037c4f No.154411

File: 68ba6ec914956db⋯.png (145.68 KB,677x683,677:683,Clipboard.png)

File: 7f766f32b5f576c⋯.png (109.18 KB,703x426,703:426,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20718596 (130110ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Sleazy cop flashed work badge before sexually touching three women on boozy night out

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After the CCTV was played to the hearing Bellamy claimed he had been "leaning over Miss A to listen to what Miss C is saying". And he claimed that when he had his arm around Miss C he was "leaning in to communicate". He said he was sorry for his "overfamiliarity", "invasion of their personal space and just general overly tactile behaviour".

He added he was "pretty much horrified" by his behaviour, which "didn't truly reflect my values", but insisted he was trying to be "friendly". He denied his actions were sexual or predatory. Asked about saying Miss A had "nice chunky legs" Bellamy replied: "If I did say that I'm hugely sorry and embarrassed and regretful for saying that."

John Beggs KC, representing the force's professional standards department, asked Bellamy: "You have chosen, I accept in drink, to rest your hand on [Miss C's] bottom haven't you?" Bellamy accepted he had done this for at least three seconds. He admitted misconduct but felt he was not guilty of gross misconduct as he claimed there was no sexual motivation behind his actions.

A bundle of references praised Bellamy's character and his distinguished career. But Mr Beggs told the panel: "This is not a case of whether DI Bellamy is a good police officer he clearly is. This is also not a case of whether he is a bad person he is clearly not." The barrister said the footage made clear that Bellamy had carried out "a succession of unhappy acts" which "went beyond 'leaning in'."

Bellamy's barrister Kevin Baumber described his client as having been "a fool, not a threat". He said Bellamy was a good person who had made "a one-off error" and should be allowed to keep his job. But the panel chairman Andrew Clemes said the detective had shown a "low level" of insight into his own actions despite "some remorse".

The panel found Bellamy committed gross conduct through unwanted sexual touching and harassment in which he "targeted three young females" who had gone out to enjoy themselves. Mr Clemes added: "There was abuse of these young women. Members of the public would be offended and surprised if the officer was not held to account."

The suited detective looked downwards as the panel ordered he be dismissed without notice and placed on the police barred list.

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037c4f No.154412

File: f6e9c9f38eaa349⋯.png (478.13 KB,953x899,953:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20722699 (132328ZAPR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Humza Yousaf and Jeane Freeman ordered to explain widespread use of DNR orders during pandemic

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Humza Yousaf and Jeane Freeman ordered to explain widespread use of DNR orders during pandemic

The two former SNP health secretaries are expected to be questioned under oath about the use of Do Not Resuscitate orders in Scotland, after bombshell allegations of forged signatures and blanket use

Ben Borland

12 APR 2024

The UK Covid-19 Inquiry has ordered Humza Yousaf and Jeane Freeman have been ordered to explain the widespread use of Do Not Resuscitate orders in Scotland during the pandemic.

Lawyers have issued so-called Rule 9 requests to the two former SNP health secretaries ahead of hearings in the autumn which are set to probe the impact of the virus on the NHS and social care systems.

The orders, which were sent north by Lady Hallett's inquiry team last month, typically seek documentation and a witness statement. Both the First Minister and Ms Freeman are now expected to be questioned under oath.

Concern has been mounting for several years about the use of Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) orders, also known as Do Not Attempt CPR (DNACPR). During the separate Scotland-only inquiry, Lord Brailsford has heard allegations of forged signatures on certificates and orders imposed on people.

Gillian Grant told the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry she found her name in the signature strip of a Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form for her grandmother, even though she had never seen or signed it. She said: "I had never given permission for the DNR and I am very shocked and upset that this has my name on it."

Evidence has also been heard from care home managers who said they were told to ensure DNRs were in place for all their residents. One managing director said he believed NHS Scotland quietly took the decision that restrictions would be placed on people in care homes receiving hospital treatment.

And Tressa Burke, of Glasgow Disability Alliance, told the inquiry that GP surgeries had called her members out of the blue and urged them to sign the orders.

The demand for evidence from Mr Yousaf and Ms Freeman comes as the UK inquiry moves into its third phase, which will investigate the pandemic's impact on all nations of the UK. Rule 9 requests have also been sent to other pandemic ministers including Matt Hancock and Sajid Javid.

One focus is the "decision making about the nature of healthcare to be provided for patients with Covid-19, its escalation and the provision of cardiopulmonary resuscitation', including the 'use of Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation instructions (DNACPRs)"

The hearings in London will investigate "communication with patients and their loved ones about patients' condition and treatment, including discussions about DNACPRs".

The Scottish Government said: "It would be inappropriate to comment while hearings are ongoing. In setting the terms of reference for the Scottish inquiry, the Scottish Government(The Scottish Government setting terms of reference for inquiries implicating them in crimes?)included the delivery of end-of-life care and the use of




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037c4f No.154413

File: 4c140e33d289c20⋯.png (136.14 KB,683x543,683:543,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20725481 (150104ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP spent £5.3m on free bike pledge but barely any poor kids have got one

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SNP spent £5.3m on free bike pledge but barely any poor kids have got one

SUNDAY MAIL EXCLUSIVE: The latest figures show barely any of Scotland's children living in poverty have received a free bike despite a promise by the SNP to give them all one by 2026.

Hannah Rodger

14 APR 2024

AN SNP manifesto pledge to give free bikes to every child who can’t afford one is set to fail as new figures show just three per cent have received one.

Data obtained by the Sunday Mail shows the 2021 promise has cost about £700 per bike, with £5.3million spent so far.

Just 6814 bikes have been given out in the last three years, with the majority of Scotland’s 250,000 kids in poverty yet to receive one.

The government has also admitted Transport Scotland, which funds the scheme, has made no assessment of when all children unable to afford a bike will get one.

The SNP promised to fulfil its pledge by 2026.

Critics said the money would have been better spent on anti-poverty programmes and have urged the government to ditch the scheme.

Scottish Labour’s children and young people spokesman, Martin Whitfield, said: “Yet another election pledge by the SNP has been left in tatters.

“The SNP must drop the empty promises and doomed gimmicks and set out a real plan to support struggling families and give children and young people opportunities.”

An Alba spokesman said: “Public trust in politicians is at an all-time low and it isn’t helped by making manifesto promises that there was never any intention to meet.”

Scottish Conservative transport spokesman Graham Simpson described it as “yet another [Green MSP] Patrick Harvie flop”.

The scheme was announced by the SNP ahead of the 2021 Holyrood election as part of a £6billion package of spending.

Alongside free bikes were plans to give all schoolkids a laptop or tablet and to renew every playpark.

The scope of the playpark scheme has since been “revised”, according to leaked government documents, while the laptop scheme was quietly dropped due to funding cuts.

A Transport Scotland spokesman said: “The total costs reflect not only the cost of the bikes but the total administration of nine separate pilots using various delivery models, alongside the provision of safety equipment, security devices and cycle training.

“The pilot schemes have tested a variety of delivery models to ensure future best value and inclusivity for this important commitment, which is aimed improving the lives of some of the most disadvantaged young people in Scotland.”

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037c4f No.154414

File: 54d9d167460d20a⋯.png (561.77 KB,934x899,934:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 0b089fa377418e2⋯.png (128.85 KB,631x490,631:490,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20730220 (152349ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP Government to spend £45m on 'bonkers' 20mph speed limits as Scots face gridlock on majority of roads in Scotland

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SNP Government to spend £45m on 'bonkers' 20mph speed limits as Scots face gridlock on majority of roads in Scotland

Exclusive: The Scottish Government has outlined a huge spend on restricting speeds on the majority of Scotland's roads to just 20mph, despite fears of traffic jams as Humza Yousaf and the Scottish Greens were accused of a 'war on motorists.

David Walker

16 APR 2024

The Scottish Government has been blasted after it was revealed that it plans to spend £45m of taxpayer cash on implementing 20 mile per hour zones on thousands of roads across the country. Scots will face gridlock and traffic jams on a daily basis as the majority of routes will be converted to become slower.

As part of the Bute House Agreement, the Scottish Greens demanded a blanket change to all 30mph areas, the current average speed limit, in the country. SNP ministers have reduced this down to areas in built-up parts of the country, including beside schools and in town or city centres.

But the restrictions will be put in place on 35,929 sections of roads, the majority of the network across the country (excluding trunk roads and motorways). The current deadline for this is to have it done by 2025, but the SNP Executive will need to release significant funding to councils.

The Scottish Daily Express can reveal that two options were discussed by government officials, with the first involving the creation of secondary legislation to push through the 20mph speed limits. This was rejected in favour of doing it council by council, but this will need approximately £45.6m as there needs to be an agreement signed by local authorities and ministers to implement them.

A similar policy has already been rolled out in Wales but has been subjected to criticism as it has caused traffic jams in some places. The devolved Labour government brought it in, but it has even been slated by a party MP, with Chris Bryant calling it "bonkers" in some areas, and said it was causing difficulty for buses and care workers.

In Wales, the 20mph limit applies on all restricted roads which are defined as roads with lampposts placed not more than 200 yards (about 180m) apart. These are typically located in residential and built-up areas of high pedestrian activity.

A similar plan is being adopted in Scotland, except councils will need to decide which routes are suitable and which are not. But the proposals have been labelled another example of the SNP/Greens "war on motorists" joining low emission zones and plans for congestion zones.

Scottish Conservative shadow transport minister Graham Simpson MSP told the Scottish Daily Express: “We warned the Greens that this blanket roll-out of 20mph zones was an utterly flawed proposition, and the exorbitant cost of doing so should make it a complete non-starter.

“To hammer Scots with a £45million bill to enforce their latest anti-car policy would be ridiculous, when they are already reeling from the SNP-Greens’ savage tax-and-axe budget. It should be for each council to decide where these 20mph zones are required, not Nationalist ministers, who clearly have not fully considered the full implications of a blanket roll-out, such as the possibility of greater emissions.

“Rather than furthering their war on our motorists, the SNP-Greens’ focus should be on ensuring our cash-strapped councils have the funds they need to repair our roads and impose the safety measures they see fit as we head towards Net Zero.”

A Transport Scotland spokesman said: "It’s important to remember that if you hit someone at 30mph then they are 7 times more likely to die than at 20mph. We are committed to implement 20mph speed limits on those roads, where it is appropriate to do so, by the end of 2025.

"More 20mph speed limits will improve road safety – keeping people safe, while at the same time making it easier for people to choose walking, wheeling and cycling for everyday journeys. The 20mph task group explored the most effective way of achieving that commitment in Scotland, which included local authorities identifying the number of roads on their own network which would be suitable for a speed limit of 20mph through a road assessment.

"A delivery sub group made up of local authorities and Transport Scotland will oversee the implementation of 20mph speed limits, this will include actual costs to deliver as well as a detailed programme to meet the 2025 deadline.” It is understood that the £46m is an estimate, but that more discussions are needed on how much it will cost in the end.

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037c4f No.154415

File: 85d27aecc7f635b⋯.png (174.08 KB,553x897,553:897,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20730312 (160006ZAPR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Bombshell emails show a top Fauci aide used his personal Gmail to 'intentionally' HIDE discussions about COVID origins… and would delete anything 'incriminating'

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I see the British press are now reporting on Fauci and co using private email accounts to avoid the scrutiny of FOI's.


Bombshell emails show a top Fauci aide used his personal Gmail to 'intentionally' HIDE discussions about COVID origins... and would delete anything 'incriminating'

*Rep. Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, revealed new documents from a whistleblower Thursday regarding federal official's communications on the origins of COVID-19

*They show that a senior advisor to Dr. Anthony Fauci tried to hide correspondence by using a Gmail account

*'I will delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times,' the Fauci advisor previously told Republicans

*READ MORE: Sen. Rand Paul says Fauci had secret 'off the books' trips to the CIA before COVID-19

Michael Raasch, Political Reporter On Capitol Hill, For Dailymail.Com

11 April 2024

New documents show that Dr. Anthony Fauci's top U.S. health aide intentionally tried to hide his discussions about the origins of COIVD-19 by using his personal email.

Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman Brad Wenstrup, R-Ohio, claimed a whistleblower provided him new bombshell materials obtained by DailyMail.com.

The unnamed whistleblower revealed emails showing that Dr. David Morens - Fauci's top aide at the National Institutes of Health - allegedly used his personal Gmail account to discuss the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 to skirt federal transparency laws.

At the time, Morens' official government work email would have been subject to Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that could have publicized his day-to-day communications.

Wenstrup says that Morens used Gmail to 'intentionally [subvert] federal transparency laws to shield discussions related to the origins of COVID-19.'

The whistleblower-provided emails show Morens using an '@gmail.com' account to correspond with Dr. Peter Daszak, head of EcoHealth Alliance, a research nonprofit, apparently regarding a government research grant.

Republicans previously revealed that EcoHealth and the Wuhan Institute of Virology, in partnership with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), submitted a proposal to federal officials seeking funding to create a novel coronavirus in 2018.

And Wenstrup has accused EcoHealth of using taxpayer dollars 'to fund dangerous gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.'

'These emails raise serious concerns about federal health officials potentially covering up the pandemic’s origin,' Wenstrup stated Thursday.

The subject line of one of the messages between Morens' personal email and EcoHealth's Daszak includes a reference to a National Institute of Health (NIH) grant proposal that provided $661,980 for a 2019 project titled 'Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.'

Another subject line from his personal email reads 'COVID-19 update (312): China, SARS-CoV2 origin, animal reservoir, WHO mission,' indicating the two were discussing the origins of the disease.

A third email from Morens had a subject line that referenced 'our suspended R01,' possibly indicating that funding for the bat coronavirus research project was stopped at some point.

However, during his transcribed interview with the Select Subcommittee in January, Morens 'denied deleting any federal COVID-19 origins records,' according to the lawmaker.

Morens also admitted previously to the committee in a closed interview that 'I will delete anything I don’t want to see in the New York Times.'

'I always try to communicate over gmail because my NIH email is FOIA’d constantly,' Morens told the committee at the time.

Morens' admission that he intentionally hides his communications prompted Wenstrup to send a letter to Boston University Professor Dr. Gerald Keusch, who was mentioned in the emails.

Wenstrup is requesting the production of any documents and communication related to Keusch's correspondence with Dr. Morens, the committee stated.

That includes any emails with 'other individuals and entities with knowledge of and access to COVID-19 origins material.'

'This letter continues our investigation into the potential cover-up of COVID-19 origins information by America’s public health authorities,' Wenstrup writes.

The Republican requested Keusch turn over his communications with a number of federal officials by April 25.

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037c4f No.154416

File: 6e13a493dd461f9⋯.png (442.45 KB,465x864,155:288,Clipboard.png)

File: 93eb85e1254be09⋯.png (341.48 KB,474x603,158:201,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20730322 (160008ZAPR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two / Bombshell emails show a top Fauci aide used his personal Gmail to 'intentionally' HIDE discussions about COVID origins… and would delete anything 'incriminating'

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Earlier this week, Sen. Rand Paul announced that at least 15 government agencies, including NIAID and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), had information regarding the Wuhan Institute of Virology's proposal.

And despite these officials knowing that EcoHealth, the Wuhan Institute and NIAID wanted to create a disease similar COVID-19, they did not reveal to the public the labs intentions.

Further muddying the waters are allegations from Paul that Fauci could have been involved in influencing decisions made surrounding the origins of COVID-19, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention still says likely came from bats and not a Chinese lab.

'We also have stories, rumors and innuendo that Fauci was a frequent visitor off the books to the CIA.'

Paul says Fauci's secretive trips are important because 'the CIA officially still says [COVID-19 is] probably from animals.'

Paul pointed to how the CIA disagrees with findings from the Department of Energy and FBI that have said the the pandemic likely originated from a leak at a Wuhan, China, lab.

And that though an initial CIA assessment found the lab leak theory was likely, senior officials in the agency overruled their findings.

That means, according to Paul, Fauci almost certainly knew about the Chinese labs' desire to create a novel coronavirus, as NIAID was a partner on the proposal.

'So in January and February of 2020, instead of Anthony Fauci piping up and saying 'Oh, wow, they briefed us on this. It looks like they ended up doing what they briefed us on' instead of saying that, he commissioned people to say the opposite,' Paul told DailyMail.com.

'It makes me think there's really something there that they're hiding.'

Dr. Peter Daszak, meanwhile, is set to testify publicly before the House on May 1.

EcoHealth and Dr. Morens did not return a request for comment.

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037c4f No.154417

File: 34ef560334e8465⋯.png (656.52 KB,1036x899,1036:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 94b1a468c16302c⋯.png (359.92 KB,895x834,895:834,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20744652 (182350ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun / Humza Yousaf's 'chilling' hate crime law to continue as MSPs vote against repealing 'clype's charter'

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Humza Yousaf's 'chilling' hate crime law to continue as MSPs vote against repealing 'clype's charter'

The Scottish Tories urged fellow MSPs to call for the hate crime act to be axed as it has transformed Scotland into 'a place of sinister police billboards instructing people to snitch on those who hurt their feelings, where contentious discussions and disagreements in your home can result in a knock on the door from police.'

David Walker

17 APR 2024

Humza Yousaf's "chilling" hate crime law is set to continue in Scotland, unchanged, after SNP and Scottish Greens MSPs voted against repealing it. The Scottish Tories secured a debate at Holyrood to urge politicians to axe the legislation after its shambolic launch on April 1.

Police Scotland has been inundated with anonymous complaints about alleged hate crimes, with more than 9,000 reports being made out. Out of these, only about 450 actually got investigated, with a number of them being described as "vexatious."

It has meant already overworked officers need to chase every single complaint, with a huge overtime bill being racked up in order to do so. Confusion has also reigned due to the legislation, with even SNP ministers misquoting what the actual law is, despite a huge £400k advertising campaign.

Scottish Tory shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay opened the debate on the bill, as he stated that "Humza Yousaf’s hate crime law chills free speech and has turned Scotland into a place of international mockery. It must be scrapped." He said: "Three years ago, Humza Yousaf was standing over there, lapping up the applause, basking in the adulation having delivered the hate crime act.

"What he described it at the time was it being 'truly transformative' and Humza Yousaf was indeed right, it was transformative, just not in the way he thinks it was. From April Fools Day it has transformed Scotland into a place of international mockery.

"It has transformed the birthplace of the Enlightenment into a place where free speech has been debased and devalued. A place of sinister police billboards instructing people to snitch on those who hurt their feelings, where contentious discussions and disagreements in your home can result in a knock on the door from police.

"Where every single complaint, no matter how groundless or absurd, is subjected to police investigation while despairing officers are being told not to pursue real crimes. Welcome to Scotland, home of Humza Yousaf's hate crime law, aka the clype's charter.

"The Scottish Conservatives and many others warned this disastrous legislation would be weaponised, yet Labour and the Lib Dems blindly backed the SNP."

But the motion ultimately failed, with an SNP amendment removing the word "repeal" passing with 64 MSPs voting yes, 29 voting no and 25 abstentions from Labour, the Lib Dems and SNP rebel Fergus Ewing.

Mr Ewing criticised the hate crime law but confirmed he would not be voting to repeal it. He said he regretted voting for it back in 2021, when he was bound by collective responsibility, and called for it to be reformed, criticising the non-crime hate incidents.

He said that he didn't remember this being voted on, and added: "Is it not even more insidious, actually, that you can have a black mark in your name without even knowing about it? I mean, in what sort of democracy are we living in here?

"I used to read serious novels – I don’t any longer – but I remember reading Franz Kafka, and that’s the name that springs to mind here, because this is not a feature of western democracy where the right to a free trial is a cornerstone, a pillar, of our system. It’s an abnegation of that. And why are we tolerating it?”

Community safety minister Siobhian Brown accused her opposition MSPs of "regularly regurgitating misinformation" but failed to give any examples of this when grilled about it by Mr Findlay. Fellow Nat Alasdair Allan also made similar accusations but again did not provide evidence of this.

She also insisted that the act "does not prevent people expressing controversial, challenging or offensive views, as this has clearly been demonstrated, nor does it seek to stifle criticism or rigorous debate in any way." She added that "the right to freedom of expression has specifically been built into this act."

Scotland's Secretary of State Alister Jack also blasted the act as he said: "It is a truly awful piece of legislation. It will place unnecessary pressure on our already overstretched police force and it will have a chilling effect on freedom of speech. Scotland is famous for an irreverent sense of humour and a love of robust debate. I fear these great traits of ours will be crushed by this authoritarian Nationalist administration."

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037c4f No.154418

File: 2aef962b5ee6dcc⋯.png (655.24 KB,1020x899,1020:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 29540f465e8efdd⋯.png (622.25 KB,820x864,205:216,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20744724 (190010ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Timeline of SNP finance investigation that has led to re-arrest of Peter Murrell

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Timeline of SNP finance investigation that has led to re-arrest of Peter Murrell

All the twists and turns of Operation Branchform, from the start of the investigation to the present day

Ben Borland

18 APR 2024

The events leading up to the re-arrest of former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell began in the summer of 2017. At time time, the SNP were flying high in the polls in the wake of the vote to leave the EU.

In this febrile atmosphere, many people thought it likely that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon – then at the peak of her political powers – would be successful in her demands for a second independence referendum. Indeed, many commentators thought it likely that Brexit would lead to the break-up of the United Kingdom.

As it has turned out, the reality has been somewhat different. Here is a summary of how we got from there... to here:

March 2017 - Sturgeon launches Indyref2 campaign: the First Minister urged supporters to sign a pledge "to support Scotland's referendum" and to make a donation to the SNP's independence fighting fund. Monthly sums of £5, £10, £25, £50 and £100 were suggested next to the message: "Your contribution will greatly benefit the campaign."

June 2017 - General Election: unable to get her Brexit deal through the Commons (thanks in part to the efforts of the SNP), Prime Minister Theresa May calls a snap election. It went badly for the Tories and Ms May, who lost her working majority, but it was a complete disaster for Ms Sturgeon and the SNP, as Scots sent a clear message that they were not ready for yet another constitutional vote as the Nats lost 21 seats.

June 2017 - SNP deny cash claims: almost immediately, claims emerged that some of the referendum money had been used to pay for the election campaign. Labour strategist James Kelly called it a "a major scandal engulfing the Nationalists, which could have lasting consequences". An SNP spokesman said: "Money raised on ref.scot is ringfenced for the purpose stated on the website - and we haven’t been actively raising money on that website since the election was called in April."

January 2020 - Wings Over Scotland sounds alarm: the pro-Scexit blogger claimed that the SNP's published accounts for 2018 did not contain enough money to cover the ring-fenced sums that were said to have been raised, around £660,000.

October 2020 - SNP has £97k in the bank: the Electoral Commission published the SNP's 2019 accounts. These did not list the referendum campaign funds separately and showed the SNP had around £97,000 to hand. Treasurer Colin Beattie says £593,501 was held in a separate 'referendum fighting fund'. He is later replaced by Dunfermline MP Douglas Chapman.

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037c4f No.154419

File: aaf5df0c7ae2b9d⋯.png (331.48 KB,629x862,629:862,Clipboard.png)

File: c127fd751e25294⋯.png (44.48 KB,635x518,635:518,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20744733 (190012ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Timeline of SNP finance investigation that has led to re-arrest of Peter Murrell

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March 2021 - Complaint to the police: the pro-independence activist Sean Clerkin makes a complaint to the police about the allegedly missing money. In the same month, three members of the SNP's Finance and Audit Committee resign over lack of access to the accounts.

May/June 2021 - More resignations: Mr Chapman quits his role after just six months, followed by fellow MP Joanna Cherry. Both claim they are being kept in the dark over the SNP's books.

July 2021 - Investigation launched: Police Scotland launch an investigation into potential criminality in the SNP's fundraising into after several complaints. It is later named Operation Branchform.

December 2022 - Murrell loan: it emerges that Ms Sturgeon's husband, the then SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, had made a loan of £107,620 made to the SNP in June 2021. The Electoral Commission were informed of the loan in August 2022. The SNP said the loan was to assist with cash-flow.

February 2023 - Sturgeon stands down: Nicola Sturgeon stuns the political world by announcing her decision to stand down as First Minister, just weeks after saying she had "plenty left in the tank". Also this month, it was reported that Police Scotland were planning to speak to central figures in the case.

March 2023 - Yousaf elected SNP leader: Humza Yousaf comes out on top of a bitter leadership contest ahead of Kate Forbes and Ash Regan, who later quit to join the Alba Party. He is portrayed as the 'continuity candidate' to Ms Sturgeon, with the full backing of the party machine. During the contest, Mr Murrell is forced to quit as chief executive after it emerged he had lied to the media over membership numbers.

April 2023 - Murrell and Beattie arrested: Peter Murrell was arrested and questioned for 12 hours, before being released without charge. Officers searched the Glasgow home he shares with Ms Sturgeon, along with SNP HQ in Edinburgh. A motorhome was seized from his mother's house in Fife. Two weeks later, Colin Beattie was also arrested, questioned and released without charge.

June 2023 - Sturgeon arrested: Nicola Sturgeon is arrested and questioned for around seven hours at Falkirk Police Station, before being released without charge. She says: "To find myself in the situation I did when I am certain I have committed no offence is both a shock and deeply distressing."

June 2023 - Yousaf refuses to suspend Sturgeon: following Ms Sturgeon's arrest, Ms Regan and SNP MSP Michelle Thomson both called for the 52-year-old to resign the party whip. However, the First Minister said there was no pressure for his predecessor to resign. The SNP group later buy her a bunch of flowers.

August 2023 - Livingstone steps down: Police Scotland chief constable Iain Livingstone retired, to be replaced by the force's first female chief, Jo Farrell. She assumed the role in October 2023.

October/November 2023 - Mr Yousaf's tenure is rocked by a succession of policy disasters, political U-turns and plummeting poll ratings, with the SNP trounced by Labour in the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election and the revelation that Health Secretary Michael Matheson had falsely claimed an £11k data roaming bill on his parliamentary expenses.

January/February 2023 - the misery goes on for the SNP, with the UK Covid Inquiry's Edinburgh hearings proving particularly devastating for Ms Sturgeon who was forced to admit deleting all her WhatsApp messages despite promising to hand them over. Mr Matheson is eventually forced to resign.

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037c4f No.154420

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20744747 (190015ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Timeline of SNP finance investigation that has led to re-arrest of Peter Murrell

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Nicola Sturgeon's husband re-arrested in police probe into SNP finances

Times Radio

780K subscribers

7,651 views Apr 18, 2024

Peter Murrell has been re-arrested in a police probe into SNP finances.

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037c4f No.154421

File: 01e1494a370a52e⋯.png (526.86 KB,964x899,964:899,Clipboard.png)

File: dc4df9ae503bb11⋯.png (613.09 KB,887x860,887:860,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20747503 (191522ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Timeline of SNP finance investigation that has led to re-arrest of Peter Murrell

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Peter Murrell re-arrested as part of Operation Branchform: All you need to know

The former chief executive of the SNP, and husband of ex-first minister Nicola Sturgeon, was taken into police custody by cops investigating the party's funding and finances.

David Walker

18 APR 2024

Peter Murrell, the SNP former chief executive, has been re-arrested by cops investigating the finances of the nationalist party. The husband of ex-first minister Nicola Sturgeon was taken into custody on Thursday morning to grilled as part of Police Scotland's Operation Branchform.

The force confirmed that a 59-year-old man had been taken to a police station to answer questions about the funding and finances of Scotland's governing party. He was previously arrested as a suspect over a year ago on April 5, and now on April 18 he was lifted at 9.13am.

Police Scotland said in a statement: “A 59-year-old man has today, Thursday, April 18, 2024, been re-arrested in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party. The man, who was previously arrested as a suspect on April 5, 2023, was taken into custody at 9.13am and is being questioned by Police Scotland detectives.

“The matter remains active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media. As the investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further at this time.”

What happened in April 2023?

Scotland was rocked on April 5 2023 when police raided the marital home Mr Murrell shares with Ms Sturgeon, and took him into custody. Detectives searched the house, near Glasgow, for almost two days and seized a number of objects, with a blue tent erected in the garden to give them privacy.

This has been a long-running probe into an allegedly missing £600k of funding raised by the SNP which was meant to be ring-fenced for campaigning for a second independence referendum. However, the money was not in the accounts in 2021, leading to a number of complaints to the cops.

On the same day last April, detectives raided the SNP HQ in Edinburgh and also took away a number of items. Police also seized a camper van from outside the Fife home of Mr Murrell’s mother. Former SNP treasurer Colin Beattie was later arrested before being released without charge.

Ms Sturgeon was also taken into custody in June 2023 before being released, and she has repeatedly stated her innocence, but failed to speak for her husband when she did this. Calls have been made for an update to Operation Branchform due to a lack of action in a year until today.

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037c4f No.154422

File: 3e61f3f72e99752⋯.png (656.17 KB,972x899,972:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 35c384c511e28e6⋯.png (536.71 KB,823x867,823:867,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20747664 (191554ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Nicola Sturgeon having 'incredibly difficult time' after husband Peter Murrell charged in SNP finance probe (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon having 'incredibly difficult time' after husband Peter Murrell charged in SNP finance probe

The former First Minister was seen leaving her house near Glasgow just hours the former Chief Executive of the SNP was arrested and charged by Police Scotland.

Ruth Suter

19 APR 2024

Nicola Sturgeon has admitted it has been 'incredibly difficult' after her husband Peter Murrell was charged by police over the SNP's finances.

The former First Minister was seen leaving her house near Glasgow just hours the former Chief Executive of the SNP was arrested and charged by Police Scotland.

Sturgeon left her marital property on Friday and got into a car saying: "It's an incredibly difficult time for me, but that's not the main issue here. So I can't say anything more. I won't say any more if you don't mind.

"I'm now going for a quick walk if that's alright with you. I know you've a job to do but I ask you maybe to give my neighbours peace. There's nothing going to be happening here."

Last night Murrell was charged in connection the with embezzlement of funds from the party.

It comes as part of Operation Branchform, which is investigating possible fundraising fraud within the SNP.

A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "A 59 year old man has today, Thursday, 18 April, 2024, been charged in connection with the embezzlement of funds from the Scottish National Party.

"The man, who was arrested at 9.13am today and had previously been arrested as a suspect on 5 April, 2023, was charged at 6.35pm after further questioning by Police Scotland detectives investigating the funding and finances of the party.

"A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service in due course. The man is no longer in police custody.

"As this investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further.”

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037c4f No.154423

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20747833 (191638ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Nicola Sturgeon having 'incredibly difficult time' after husband Peter Murrell charged in SNP finance probe (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon says things are 'incredibly difficult' after husband charged with embezzlement

The Telegraph

5.5M subscribers

7,174 views Apr 19, 2024 #scotland #crime

Nicola Sturgeon said her husband Peter Murrell being charged by police in connection with embezzlement of funds from the SNP had been “incredibly difficult”.

Speaking to reporters outside her Glasgow home, the former first minister of Scotland was asked how the development had impacted her.

She said: “It has been incredibly difficult but that is not the main issue here.

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037c4f No.154424

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20747848 (191641ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun / Nicola Sturgeon having 'incredibly difficult time' after husband Peter Murrell charged in SNP finance probe (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon's 'incredibly difficult time' as husband Peter Murrell charged in SNP finance probe

Daily Record

65.2K subscribers

66 views Apr 19, 2024 #DailyRecord #SNP #ScottishGovernment

Nicola Sturgeon has admitted it has been 'incredibly difficult' after her husband Peter Murrell was charged by police over the SNP's finances.

The former First Minister was seen leaving her house near Glasgow just hours the former Chief Executive of the SNP was arrested and charged by Police Scotland.

Sturgeon left her marital property on Friday and got into a car saying: "It's an incredibly difficult time for me, but that's not the main issue here. So I can't say anything more. I won't say any more if you don't mind.

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037c4f No.154425

File: daa14457e635109⋯.png (423.83 KB,832x875,832:875,Clipboard.png)

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File: 574925234551192⋯.png (204.62 KB,482x876,241:438,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20757714 (212147ZAPR24) Notable: GENDER SCANDAL Shock as former head of discredited NHS clinic claims kids as young as four choosing their gender was ‘step forward’

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GENDER SCANDAL Shock as former head of discredited NHS clinic claims kids as young as four choosing their gender was ‘step forward’

Under Dr Carmichael’s tenure, the Tavistock clinic in London was rated as 'inadequate' and shut up shop

Julia Atherley

13 Apr 2024

A SHOCK video shows the depths of gender ideology at a now-discredited NHS clinic that happily handed out hormone drugs to children.

Its former head is seen claiming kids as young as four choosing their gender was a “step forward”.

Dr Polly Carmichael also said she “totally” supported using the drugs despite admitting there was “very little data” on their long-term impact.

This week, a landmark report at last struck a blow for common sense when it warned that youngsters questioning their gender should be steered away from medical treatment.

It added the “rationale was unclear” for controversial puberty blockers.

But in 2016 Dr Carmichael — director of the NHS’s Gender Identity Development Service at the Tavistock and Portman NHS Foundation Trust, which has now closed its doors — sang the praises of the controversial policy at an Amsterdam conference on transgender health.

A clip now posted on YouTube shows her discussing coverage of trans issues in the British Press, including a Sun front page story from that April.

She said: “So the theme now is shock and horror that we are teaching four-year-olds about gender.

“And then ‘kids, aged four, told to choose gender’.

“But I mean, you know, I think this is a step forward and actually perhaps is quite positive because maybe four-year-olds ought to be taught about gender.”

She added: “You know, many of the young people we meet talk about how they’ve always known they’re different, but it takes a TV character or something in the Press where they put it all together and say, ‘That explains my feelings’.

“So I think perhaps if we start earlier, if there are people who are missing out on earlier treatment, if that’s appropriate, they’ll be more able to express that.”

Under Dr Carmichael’s tenure, the Tavistock clinic in London was rated as “inadequate” by inspectors in 2020 and shut up shop in March after initially being told to close in 2022.

Critics have claimed its treatment for children was little more than experimental.

And in the 2016 speech, five years after joining the Tavistock, Dr Carmichael confessed to being unsure if the hormone blockers her team were prescribing to kids were completely reversible.

Yet, shockingly, she backed their use anyway.

She insisted: “I think we all feel the blocker and physical treatments are crucial and have been the biggest step forward for young people.

“And certainly their use, which was pioneered in Holland, has been incredibly successful.

“But actually the Dutch are the only team really who have published long-term perspective studies about this. So there is very little data available.

“And also, the data we have is on very wide age ranges.

“I guess I was surprised to see, but it makes sense, that very recently in 2015 an excellent paper looking at the views of young people aged between 13 and 18 was concluding that there is yet no consensus.

“So I think around the world we are practising very differently.”

She went on: “In terms of our service, we’ve had 44 young people in our early intervention project who were part of a research project, but we’ve now had 162 young people go forward for early hypothalamic blockers.”

At the time, only two kids had stopped taking the blockers since starting the treatment.

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037c4f No.154426

File: 554e98c4f6fa167⋯.png (47.13 KB,493x668,493:668,Clipboard.png)

File: 3d2bbe6141ad96f⋯.png (30.86 KB,481x475,481:475,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20757722 (212148ZAPR24) Notable: GENDER SCANDAL Shock as former head of discredited NHS clinic claims kids as young as four choosing their gender was ‘step forward’

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Dr Carmichael said: “I totally support this treatment. But I think it is about how we conceptualise it and the framework in which it is offered.”

She said that all young people who were put on the hormone blockers by her team were “resoundingly thrilled” and had not wanted to stop.

In a separate interview in 2016, Dr Carmichael said she prescribed puberty blockers to children as early as 2011.

It is understood she is in line for a payout of at least £80,000 following the clinic’s closure.

"I think this is a step forward and actually perhaps is quite positive because maybe four-year-olds ought to be taught about gender"

Dr Polly Carmichael

It is not known where she is currently working.

Sir John Hayes, chairman of the Conservatives Common Sense Group, said: “You can’t have four-year-old children, who are clearly not capable of taking decisions themselves, being put in positions where things could be said on their behalf by people like this.

“It’s more than irresponsible. It’s deeply disturbing and sinister.”

Puberty blockers are no longer routinely available as part of the NHS children and young people’s gender service following recommendations in a four-year review by consultant Dr Hilary Cass.

But concerns were raised after Tavistock staff were thought to have been given key roles in the new programme.

Dr Cass concluded doctors should exercise extreme caution when giving children hormones to help with their desire to transition.

And she warned the debate around trans issues had become toxic, leading to health professionals being unable to speak their minds.

She had been commissioned by ministers in 2020 to look into how the NHS should deal with the rapid rise in gender-questioning children.

Dr Cass said: “For most young people, a medical pathway will not be best to manage their gender-related distress.”

PM Rishi Sunak welcomed her review, saying: “We simply do not know the long-term impacts of medical treatment or social transitioning.”

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037c4f No.154427

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20757754 (212200ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun

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LEADING MAN Who is Peter Murrell? Nicola Sturgeon’s husband and former SNP Chief Exec

The ex-Nats chief is being investigated over the party's finances

Lynn Kernan

19 Apr 2024

PETER Murrell is former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon's husband.

But he was also a leading figure in the SNP in his own right.

And before he stepped down earlier this year, he was a stalwart of the party for more than 20 years.

How old is Peter Murrell?

Murrell was born in Edinburgh in 1964 and attended Craigmount High School in the city before studying at the University of Glasgow. He is now 58 years old.

He worked his way through the ranks in politics and at one point worked for the office of Alex Salmond, the former party leader and Sturgeon's predecessor, in the Banff and Buchan area.

Eventually he replaced Michael Russell as Chief Executive of the SNP in 1999.

During his stint the party rose to prominence and he was partly credited with the success at the 2007 elections.

When did he meet Nicola Sturgeon?

Peter Murrell married his long-term partner Nicola Sturgeon in Oran Mor in Glasgow in summer 2010.

He had been at the helm of the SNP for more than a decade while she was Deputy First Minister to Salmond at the time.

The pair had first met in 1988 at an SNP youth weekend but didn't become a couple officially in 2003.

They didn't have any children and Sturgeon recently said she thought she would have been taken less seriously as a politician if she'd had kids.

She also previously spoke out about suffering a miscarriage when she was 40, shortly before the 2011 Scottish parliamentary election campaign.

Why did he step down as Chief Executive?

He was forced to dramatically resign as SNP chief executive amid claims of lies and vote-rigging in the leadership contest.

After Sturgeon stepped down, the race was on to find her replacement.

The public and press called for the SNP to reveal its membership figures.

The party’s national executive committee agreed to publish the figure, which was 72,186 as of February 2023, down from 104,000 members in 2021.

Murrell quit in disgrace after the Nats HQ - which he ran for 24 years - fibbed about the plummeting membership numbers, with the party losing 30,000 members in a matter of months.

Has Murrell been arrested?

Yesterday, Peter Murrell was charged with embezzlement in connection with an investigation into the handling of Scottish National Party finances.

Mr Murrel was previously arrested last year and quizzed as officers searched a property belonging to the couple — even checking inside a barbecue.

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037c4f No.154428

File: 27805e87c3336c6⋯.png (532.17 KB,948x899,948:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20757784 (212208ZAPR24) Notable: Our children have been failed by the SNP's ignorance and obfuscation on gender services

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Our children have been failed by the SNP's ignorance and obfuscation on gender services

Scottish Conservative deputy leader MEGHAN GALLACHER says this issue is too important for the SNP to continue to bury their heads in the sand or play cross-border constitutional politics with


By Meghan Gallacher

20 APR 2024

I have been raising concerns about puberty blockers for quite some time. Last month, I asked the First Minister if the Scottish Government would follow NHS England's lead and stop them from being prescribed to children. And, back in 2022, I raised the issue with his predecessor, Nicola Sturgeon.

But instead of offering their unequivocal support for protecting our young people, the SNP Government ducked, weaved and insisted it was solely a matter for clinicians. Essentially, their message has been: “Nothing to do with us, guv”.

It’s simply not good enough for Humza Yousaf to pass the buck to the Sandyford clinic in Glasgow, when the methods and practices it has followed on gender issues have been condemned by the Cass Review.

According to Dr Hilary, the long-term effects of the treatments being administered by these clinics are unknown. In fact, prescribing puberty blockers to children could change the complete course of their sexual and gender identity development and wreak havoc on their mental health.

Alongside increasing their risk of anxiety and depression, we are forcing confusing and complex discussions on young people before their minds and bodies have fully developed. This is completely wrong, and the SNP Government should acknowledge it as such.

While the UK Government conducted this review and have responded positively to it, the SNP have dithered and obfuscated by suggesting that, because the report was for NHS England, it had limited relevance in Scotland. This is totally disingenuous, given Sandyford adheres to many of the same policies and practices as the now-shut Tavistock in London.

This week, I have been thwarted at every turn by the Scottish Parliament and the SNP Government in my attempts to get answers, via ministerial statements and Urgent and Topical Questions. On Thursday we learned – via the Sandyford website – that puberty blockers are no longer to be prescribed to new patients under the age of 18. This is a welcome development, but still no one from the SNP Government has fronted up to explain the sudden change of heart.

We still have dither and delay over their response to the other Cass recommendations. The cynic in me suspects this is down to Humza Yousaf’s coalition partners, the Scottish Greens, pushing back against Cass because it exposes the failings of the gender ideology to which they are wedded.

The Scottish Government have allowed transgender activists to influence official NHS policy, while preventing leading medical experts such as neuropsychologist Sallie Baxendale from providing much-needed experienced advice. Children accessing our gender services have been failed by their ignorance.

That’s why the SNP should urgently implement the Cass recommendations, rather than continuing to bury their heads in the sand. Our young people should not be failed by a lack of evidence or research when something as important as their health and wellbeing is concerned.

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037c4f No.154429

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20757820 (212217ZAPR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun / SNP: Humza Yousaf responds to Peter Murrell arrest (video)

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SNP: Humza Yousaf responds to Peter Murrell arrest

50,494 views Apr 5, 2023 #humzayousaf #nicolasturgeon #petermurrell

Scotland's First Minister Humza Yousaf has said he was told about Peter Murrell's arrest this morning and called it a "difficult day" for the SNP.

Asked if it was the real reason behind the resignation of former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, Mr Yousaf said, "no I believe Nicola Sturgeon absolutely that she had taken the party as far forward as she possibly could."

#humzayousaf #nicolasturgeon #petermurrell

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037c4f No.154430

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20767437 (232140ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP accused of appeasing Greens over The Cass Review reaction (video)

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>Scotland will let pupils change gender aged FOUR without their parents' consent - and tells teachers not to question a child's request to choose a new name or use a different toilet


SNP accused of appeasing Greens over The Cass Review reaction

2,698 views Apr 23, 2024 #politics #cassreport #snp

The Scottish Government's Public health minister Jenni Minto delivered a statement in Holyrood on Tuesday after two health boards – NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Lothian – said they would halt the treatment while the recommendations of Dr Hilary Cass’s review into services in England.

But Ms Minto faced criticism from opposition MSPs over the “lack of substance” amid accusations the statement was made to appease the Scottish Greens after the party announced it would hold a vote on the future of the Bute House powersharing agreement.

It comes as the Alba Party submitted a motion of no confidence in Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie after he refused to say whether he accepted the findings of the review.

In her statement, Ms Minto said the Scottish Government was taking time to consider the findings of the Cass Review and whether they were “relevant” to Scottish gender identity healthcare.

She said her statement was being used to address the families directly impacted by the pause in puberty blockers.

- Contents of video: -

00:00 - SNP stalling for more time

02:35 - Lack of substance

04:19 - Will minister ditch Bute House agreement

05:04 - Time is needed

06:15 - SNP sitting on the fence

07:13 - Concerns need to be resolved

08:57 - De-transitioning

11:20 - Sandyford clinic legal action possibility

12:01 - Nicola Sturgeon's comments on gender reform

13:04 - Ash Regan blast SNP


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037c4f No.154431

File: b49592604cdebd3⋯.png (611.61 KB,926x899,926:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20769361 (240859ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / Alison Thewliss refuses to say if she accepts Cass report and defends deal with 'science denying' Greens

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>Scotland will let pupils change gender aged FOUR without their parents' consent - and tells teachers not to question a child's request to choose a new name or use a different toilet


Alison Thewliss refuses to say if she accepts Cass report and defends deal with 'science denying' Greens

The SNP's home affairs spokeswoman at Westminster struggled when put on the spot during an interview with Good Morning Scotland

Douglas Dickie

23 APR 2024

Alison Thewliss has refused to say whether she accepts the findings of the Cass review which has questioned the use of puberty blockers in children. The SNP's Westminster home affairs spokeswoman also said it was for others to decide if the Scottish Greens were "science deniers".

It follows the SNP's coalition partners co-leader Patrick Harvie questioning the Cass review. The report was commissioned by NHS England in 2020 with Dr Hilary Cass publishing her findings earlier this month.

Its recommendations were endorsed by the NHS down south with two health boards in Scotland also pausing the use of puberty blockers in the aftermath. The SNP government has been criticised for dodging the issue and refusing to say if it backs the findings of the review.

However, Mr Harvie, a government minister, has had no such qualms, claiming it was not a "valid scientific document". And Ms Thewliss, MP for Glasgow Central, squirmed when put on the spot during an interview with Good Morning Scotland on Tuesday.

Asked outright by host Laura Maxwell if she accepted the findings of the Cass report, Ms Thewliss said: "I think the Cass report covers the healthcare service in England. I think the Scottish Government wants to look and see if there is any relevance for services in Scotland and that's for them to do."

She added: "What I have had in my inbox is people who are deeply concerned about the implications of this review for trans health care and I think that those people who are in the system, who use the system and desperately need it, their rights and needs should be considered."

Her refusal to back the report was described as "shocking" by Scottish Conservative Deputy Leader Meghan Gallacher MSP. She added: "Alison Thewliss’ defence of claiming that time is needed to decide whether the report is relevant to Scotland won’t wash with people living here.

"Her party have had to be dragged kicking and screaming into giving a statement to Parliament, after repeatedly kicking the issue into the long grass. While we know the gender zealots in the Greens are wedded to their ideological position on this issue, it should have been simple for this SNP MP to give a straightforward answer and reassure people she supports Dr Cass’s findings.

"The fact that she could not will be deeply alarming for those worried about the future wellbeing of our young people." Ms Thewliss was speaking against a backdrop of the Scottish Greens considering their position in the Scottish Government.

As well as the trans issue, the SNP ditching key climate targets has also driven a wedge between the partners. Mr Harvie's comments about the Cass review have led to accusations he is a science denier. Asked what she thought of that, Ms Thewliss took a long pause before saying it was "for everybody to make up their own minds".

She added: "I don't believe this is a part of the Bute House Agreement. The Greens have their opinion on that, other people have their opinion on that. We need to look at the evidence, we need to support people within the system.

"I think it's deeply regrettable some of the discourse that has emerged which has made a vulnerable group in society feel even more vulnerable. And I think trans people should be supported as best possible within the healthcare system."

Asked if SNP should also have their say on the Bute House Agreement, the MP said that was for party members to decide. She also said she had not felt a "huge groundswell" for a vote and claimed the partnership had been a "positive thing".

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037c4f No.154432

File: 32463391d074d82⋯.png (650.31 KB,928x899,32:31,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20769377 (240918ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / 'Shameful' Patrick Harvie doubles down on Cass Review criticism as Lorna Slater also 'dismisses' evidence

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'Shameful' Patrick Harvie doubles down on Cass Review criticism as Lorna Slater also 'dismisses' evidence

The Scottish Greens co-leaders both appeared on BBC radio to dispute the findings of the report on transgender healthcare for children as they were accused of being 'wedded to dogma.'

David Walker

22 APR 2024

"Shameful" Patrick Harvie has doubled down on his criticism of the Cass Review as he refused five times to say whether he accepted the findings of the damning publication. And his Scottish Greens co-leader Lorna Slater also failed to back the recommendations in the report.

Both Scottish Government ministers were accused of being "so wedded to dogma" that they are refusing to listen to "evidence-based findings of an expert clinician." We previously told how Mr Harvie was told he was not suitable for being in a decision-making role in Scotland due to his outright denial of the report into transgender healthcare for children.

Dr Hilary Cass published her long-awaited review into this issue two weeks ago, with the SNP Executive being urged to consider some of her recommendations. NHS Scotland did pause puberty blockers for those under the age of 18 after the clinician found that there was little evidence to support their use.

Otherwise, the government have refused to comment publicly on this, rebuffing requests for topical questions and ministerial statements, however one is expected to take place this week. But they are under pressure to reveal if they back the opinion of the Scottish Greens.

Mr Harvie told BBC Scotland's Sunday Show that he did not believe the Cass Review was a "valid scientific document" as he has "seen far too many criticisms of it so far to be able to say that." This led to accusations he believed trans activists over Dr Cass.

And he doubled down on these comments during an appearance on the Today Show as he refused five times to say whether he accepted her findings, instead hitting out at people allegedly "politicising and weaponising" it. He said: "That report, whether its intended that way or not, has been politicised and weaponised by those who are trying to attack and undermine transgender people's very existence in our society.

"Even the report itself says that puberty blockers should be available for young people and in fact that the general age at which they're prescribed, 15, is too old to get the benefit for those patients who need them. The report is being politicised and weaponised by those with an agenda to attack transgender people in the most horrific way."

On Good Morning Scotland, Ms Slater hit out at people "cherry-picking" from the report, before doing exactly this by saying she agreed with some of it, like the conversion therapy aspect, and also refused to say if she agreed with it.

The Scottish Tories blasted both Scottish Greens ministers for their "deflection and evasiveness" calling it "shameful." Deputy leader Meghan Gallacher added: “It is extraordinary that they continue to refuse to accept the findings of the Cass report and instead hit out at anyone who dares to disagree with their viewpoint.

“Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater are so wedded to dogma that they are dismissing the evidence-based findings of an expert clinician. The Cass report was damning on how vulnerable young people have been let down. Last week I was blocked at every turn in the Scottish Parliament to get answers from SNP-Green ministers. The promised ministerial statement this week must deliver those answers– not only for MSPs – but most importantly for the wellbeing of our young people.”

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037c4f No.154433

File: f7fb5abcf874fd5⋯.png (590.36 KB,932x874,466:437,Clipboard.png)

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File: 5a7510cf1b6ad94⋯.png (124.12 KB,632x476,158:119,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20769482 (241026ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three / SNP's long-awaited Cass Review statement flops as party accused of appeasing Greens rather than helping kids

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SNP's long-awaited Cass Review statement flops as party accused of appeasing Greens rather than helping kids

The Scottish Government finally gave a ministerial statement about gender care for children but Jenni Minto failed to announce anything except another working group as the SNP were accused of placating the angry Scottish Greens through inaction.

David Walker

23 APR 2024

The Scottish Government's long-awaited statement on the Cass Review flopped after public health minister Jenni Minto failed to announce anything except another working group to deal with the report. She was accused of appeasing the Scottish Greens to keep the Bute House Agreement in place rather than helping gender confused children.

Instead, she said that the SNP Executive need more time to read the 400-page report and discuss the 32 recommendations in it. Puberty blockers prescribed to those under the age of 18 has already been paused in line with the review, which provoked anger within the Greens grassroots members.

This provoked anger within the chamber, especially from Scottish Tory deputy leader Meghan Gallacher who repeatedly requested a ministerial statement last week but this was rejected. She said: “This sorry excuse for a ministerial statement will offer no comfort to families who have been failed by gender care services in Scotland – because the Scottish Government’s direction of travel on this vital issue remains as clear as mud.

“As well as passing the buck to the health board for the decision to pause puberty blockers to new patients, this statement does not confirm whether the government will implement any of the 32 Cass review recommendations, nor does it address the cut to gender care services.

“This nationalist coalition claims that it supports young people experiencing gender distress, yet members of its own government have publicly dismissed the findings of an evidence-based, expert report. Today’s exercise in kicking the can down the road and stalling for more time, shows that the SNP are more concerned with holding together their fragile pact with the dogmatic Greens, than the healthcare of vulnerable young people.

“Parents and young people need a meaningful response to Cass, and an assurance that ministers will follow the science, rather than ideology.” Scottish Labour MSP Carol Mochan also blasted the statement, pointing out that "sitting on the fence to protect the stability of the Bute House Agreement is a terrible position."

Deputy leader of the party Jackie Baillie was equally as scathing as she said: "The Cass report is a four-year long piece of work that is evidence-based, informed by expert clinicians and those with lived experience so it deserves to be treated seriously. Yet this statement feels more like a sop to the Greens to keep the Bute House Agreement alive."

Ms Minto was asked repeatedly if her government agreed with Patrick Harvie who disputed the results of the review, claiming there was "too much criticism" of it, but refused to answer the questions. She instead outlined plans for senior medical officers to consider the clinical recommendations in the report.

She said: "A multi-disciplinary clinical team within the Office of the Chief Medical Officer in the Scottish Government, including paediatric, pharmacy and scientific expertise, will assess the clinical recommendations and engage with the relevant clinical community and leadership in Health Boards in relation to those recommendations. The CMO will provide a written update to Parliament on the outcome of that clinical consideration process before the Summer Recess.

"It’s important to note that in Scotland, we are already making progress in a number of aspects of gender identity healthcare highlighted in the Cass Review. So let me be clear – work has already begun, and I will remain engaged throughout.

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037c4f No.154434

File: 0bb9ad41eb12212⋯.png (472.93 KB,984x858,164:143,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20769588 (241121ZAPR24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun / Humiliation for Humza Yousaf as Post Office 'fib' earns him TWO community notes on X

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Humiliation for Humza Yousaf as Post Office 'fib' earns him TWO community notes on X

The SNP leader claimed he was 'utterly furious' about a UK Government decision not to extend legislation clearing subpostmasters to Scotland - despite the different legal system

Douglas Dickie

24 APR 2024

Humza Yousaf faced the indignity of earning TWO community notes on social media as users looked to correct his claims about the Post Office Horizon scandal. The SNP leader tried to stoke another grievance with Westminster when it emerged the UK Government would not extend legislation exonerating subpostmasters to Scotland.

The First Minister described it as "outrageous". But critics have been quick to point out the legal differences between Scotland and England - and the fact the Scottish Government's top legal advisor Dorothy Bain previously warned against a blanket exoneration.

In an interview with LBC, Mr Yousaf said he was "utterly furious" about the decision. But X users were unimpressed with his grandstanding as they looked to clarify the situation.

The clip was shared by LBC's Alan Zycinski but a community note was added reading: "A Freedom of Information Request (FOI) from Sam Taylor revealed that Humza Yusaf knew of the Horizon scandal in 2020 and he also knew that the prosecutions were under Scotland's separate legal system. So any legal redress would be conducted separately from rUK."

As if that wasn't embarrassing enough for the Nat leader, a second note then appeared on one of Mr Yousaf's own tweets in which he seemed to confuse Post Office with Royal Mail and called on a re-think. It read: "Humza Yousaf is confused between The Royal Mail and The Post Office which caused the scandal. Scots law has always been separate and is a devolved matter in Scotland. This is his responsibility as he is aware as former Justice secretary and now FM of Scotland."

Kemi Badenoch was among those to critice Mr Yousaf. The UK Government's Secretary of State for Business and Trade urged the Scottish Government to get a move on with clearing subpostmaster who were wrongly convicted due to a glitch in the Horizon system.

She said: "Scotland has a different legal system to the rest of GB. The SNP want independence but are too lazy to do the work. They have powers to get justice for the postmasters. They should stop whining and get on with it! Mr Yousaf has also confused Royal Mail with the Post Office".

Scottish Conservative MSP Stephen Kerr pointed out Mr Yousaf had previously displayed anger when he felt Westminster was involving itself in devolved affairs. And he added: "How big a fib do you need to tell to get Community Noted TWICE in one go?"

The Scottish Government is to bring forward its own legislation to exonerate subpostmasters who were wrongly convicted because of the faulty Horizon software. But Holyrood ministers have claimed it would be simpler if the UK Government’s legislation could instead be expanded to also cover Scotland.

But Post Office minister Kevin Hollinrake said Scotland was a "historically separate legal jurisdiction", noting prosecutions had not been carried out by the Post Office, but by the Lord Advocate. He added: "It remains the UK Government’s view that it is more appropriate for the Scottish Government to bring forward proposals to address prosecutions on this matter in Scotland, and for these to be scrutinised by the Scottish Parliament."

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037c4f No.154437

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771484 (241851ZAPR24) Notable: Final Historic Abuse Bun

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Final Historic Abuse Bun

>>153953 Five men charged with historic sex abuse at Edinburgh Academy which spanned 24 years

>>153956 "THE NOTE" The 17,500 word note sent to Lady Ann Smith the chair of the Scottish Child Abuse Inquiry (SCAI) (pdf)

>>153972 Beneath the Magic Circle (video)

>>154240, >>154241 SNP Government looking at Artificial Intelligence to hunt for children at risk of sexual exploitation

>>154308 BBC presenter describes horrific injuries allegedly inflicted on him at private school in Edinburgh by 'sadistic' teacher

>>154311 Prince Andrew's hopes of royal return in tatters as new Jeffrey Epstein bombshells to be released

>>154348 Pervert history teacher stalked four schoolgirls & demanded sex vids as he bombarded them with creepy messages

>>154354, >>154355 DUP leader Sir Jeffrey Donaldson steps down after being charged with historical sex offences (video)

>>154356 Prison death probe of notorious Scots sex beast who tried to lure girl into paedophile ring

>>154403 Celtic boys' club sex abuse action could end in months with 'millions' to be paid out

>>154404, 20716225, >>154405 Man claims more than 50 children were sexually abused by 'paedophile' catholic monks on UK holy island in scandal as bad as 'Jimmy Savile' as new probe launched

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154438

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771485 (241851ZAPR24) Notable: Final Operation Branchform Bun

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Final Operation Branchform Bun

>>153960, >>153961 SNP 'burner' phones, luxury pens and even a fridge being probed by cops as crisis deepens

>>153961, >>153962 Operation Branchform cops investigating Peter Murrell's £95k electric Jaguar

>>154002 Joanna Cherry raises Salmond affair and Operation Branchform as MPs prepare to strip Lord Advocate of dual role

>>154003 Dorothy Bain has attended 40 Cabinet meetings during Operation Branchform

>>154048 Crown Office yet to consider Operation Branchform case despite two-and-a-half year probe into the SNP

>>154092 Operation Branchform cops probing forgery claims amid fake SNP signature mystery

>>154161 Calls made for Police Scotland boss Jo Farrell to give public update on Operation Branchform

>>154242 Operation Branchform costs soar to £1.3 million as officers continue probe into SNP finances

>>154276, >>154277, >>154278 Nicola Sturgeon's rage video defending SNP finances is under scrutiny from Operation Branchform cops (video)

>>154322 Operation Branchform: 'Police must issue update' on state of probe into SNP finances three years on

>>154323 Chief Constable ignores Operation Branchform in key report despite calls for update amid rising costs

>>154335 Ex-top cop rejects calls for SNP to get back £110k camper van before Operation Branchform is done

>>154349 Craig Houston: SNP Branchform Investigation appears to be heating up. Up to 6 could face charges soon (video)

>>154391 Operation Branchform appoints new officer to oversee probe as more senior SNP figures are questioned

>>154418, >>154419, >>154420, >>154421 Timeline of SNP finance investigation that has led to re-arrest of Peter Murrell

>>154422, >>154423, >>154424 Nicola Sturgeon having 'incredibly difficult time' after husband Peter Murrell charged in SNP finance probe (video)


Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154439

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771494 (241853ZAPR24) Notable: Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

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Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

>>154184 Taxes for taxis! Scottish health boards fork out £45 MILLION on private transport

>>154185 Crisis-hit NHS Scotland 'wastes' millions on diversity tsars despite soaring waiting lists and winter chaos

>>154186 'Look me in the EYE!' - Rishi Sunak HOUNDED by FURIOUS audience member 'left to ROT' (video)

>>154187 Exclusive: Reform UK commits to COVID vaccine INQUIRY, after Sunak confronted by furious voter (video)

>>154188, >>>/qresearch/2040138, >>154206, >>154207 Moment Rishi Sunak is confronted over the Covid vaccine as man who suffered drastic side effects tells him 'to look into his eyes and see his pain' (video)

>>154191 SNP Government deployed extra civil servants to help 'support' UK Covid Inquiry witnesses including Nicola Sturgeon

>>154192 Police begin questioning care home staff and families of Covid death residents as Operation Koper hots up

>>154193 First Minister & Deputy 'contradictory timelines' breach ministerial code over Covid Inquiry info (video)

>>154199 Covid bereaved sister who slammed Nicola Sturgeon's 'crocodile tears' says 'she couldn't even look at us'

>>154200 Antisemitic attacks double in Scotland with country emerging as hate hotspot as Jews face new 'pogrom'

>>154213, >>154214 All new NHS building projects in Scotland put on hold

>>154222, >>154223 Infection manual overseen by Nicola Sturgeon and Jason Leitch was adopted across the UK during Covid

>>154239 Scottish Government 'spoke about cutting all the ethics crap' to use AI during Covid pandemic

>>154312 Taxpayer billed for £3,700 on chauffeured rides for Jason Leitch and Liz Lloyd to UK Covid Inquiry

>>154329 SNP Ministers 'dismissed' evidence about airborne transmission of Covid, say furious nursing leaders

>>154337, >>154338 Jeane Freeman and the SNP Government urged to come clean over Jason Leitch's qualifications

>>154389, >>154393 Scottish Covid deaths scandal as police to probe alleged fraudulent Do Not Resuscitate forms (video)

>>154407 Cass review shows why the 'tartan Tavistock' clinic in Glasgow must be shut down

>>154412 Humza Yousaf and Jeane Freeman ordered to explain widespread use of DNR orders during pandemic

>>154415, >>154416 Bombshell emails show a top Fauci aide used his personal Gmail to 'intentionally' HIDE discussions about COVID origins… and would delete anything 'incriminating'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154440

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771497 (241853ZAPR24) Notable: Final Hate Crime Law Bun

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Final Hate Crime Law Bun

>>154283 Scotland's controversial hate crime bill to finally come into force next month

>>154285 It must be April Fool's Day in the SNP's Scotland when calling a male person a 'man' becomes illegal

>>154305, >>154306 Police Scotland will investigate EVERY complaint of hate crime under 'dangerous' new law

>>154309, >>154316 Fears SNP's Hate Crime Act will make Scotland 'most hateful place on Earth' and pave way for more free speech curbs

>>154315 Cops include kinky sex shop on list of safe havens where hate crime victims can report their ordeal

>>154326 GBNews: 'Everyone will be guilty!' - SNP's 'ridiculous' hate crime law prompts fears of police overwhelm (video)

>>154327 Is the 'Hate Monster' dead? Police Scotland deny campaign has been scrapped after webpage disappears

>>154340 Frustrated copper mocks Police Scotland's garbled response to Hate Crime crackdown

>>154343 Hate Crime in the classroom as Scottish pupils encouraged to report each other to police

>>154344 Joe Rogan show Scotland hate crimes (video)

>>154347 GBNews: Scotland's NEW Hate Crime Law: 'Intended to PREVENT freedom of speech, thought and belief' (video)

>>154353 SNP accused of 'lying to the public' as we reveal secret list of Recorded Police Warning crimes

>>154361 Scotland Imposes Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law, Those Found Guilty Face Seven Years in Prison

>>154362 Inside the hate crime law protest at the Scottish Parliament

>>154363, >>154364, >>154365, >>154366, >>154367 Furious protesters stage rally outside Scottish Parliament in anger at SNP's new hate crime laws - as JK Rowling dares police to arrest her for calling trans women 'men'

>>154371 OUSTIE GOES TO HOLYROOD & there was plenty there protesting against Humza Yousaf SNP Hate Crime Law (video)

>>154373 (Canada #56) Police Scotland Deluged With Nearly 4,000 Complaints As New Hate Crime Law Is Weaponized

>>154377 Scottish leader inundated with more hate crime complaints than JK Rowling (video)

>>154378 GBNews: 'Rant AGAINST white people!' - Humza Yousaf branded 'biggest LOSER' as hate crime complaints rack up (video)

>>154392 (Canada #56) Women Gather in Scotland to ‘Test’ New Fascist ‘Hate Crime’ Law Surrounded By Screaming, Hostile Trans Activists

>>154401 SNP in 2018 launched a Ministerial Code process which requires complaints to be addressed to the FM (video)

>>154408, >>154409 Police Scotland call handlers given pre-written answers to deal with Humza Yousaf Hate Crime complaints

>>154417 Humza Yousaf's 'chilling' hate crime law to continue as MSPs vote against repealing 'clype's charter'

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154441

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771499 (241853ZAPR24) Notable: Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun

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Final Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun

>>154011 The five key questions Dorothy Bain MUST answer in relation to Horizon Post Office scandal

>>154013 Post Office acted 'like the mob' in Scotland as Inverness postmaster 'menaced' into handing over cash amid Horizon scandal

>>154014 Humza Yousaf faced with empty SNP seats at FMQs as he admits Crown Office has questions to answer over Horizon scandal

>>154015 Lawyer says SNP and Crown Office have been 'very slow indeed' in dealing with PO Horizon scandal

>>154019 Scotland's Lord Advocate apologises to victims of the Horizon Post Office scandal but Rangers prosecution parallels pointed out

>>154261 Nicola Sturgeon accused of showing ‘no interest’ in Post Office scandal after it was flagged to her four years ago

>>154269 Angela Constance admits Scottish Post Office Horizon victims face longer wait for justice than England and blames Westminster

>>154434 Humiliation for Humza Yousaf as Post Office 'fib' earns him TWO community notes on X

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154442

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771513 (241855ZAPR24) Notable: Final Humza Yousaf Bun

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Final Humza Yousaf Bun

>>153977 Humza Yousaf's 'Foreign Legion' expands to 54 - more than the budget, tax or strategy teams!

>>153985 Humza Yousaf humiliatingly snubbed by Scottish Government who rejected request to publicise his Time magazine front cover

>>153986 Humza Yousaf hits out at 'cronyism' in Honours system weeks after ex-SNP president handed plum role as 'impartial' government adviser

>>153990 Departing SNP MP Philippa Whitford blames bad press headlines for Humza Yousaf's poor performance as First Minister

>>154006 Humza Yousaf requested meeting with Turkish President Erdogan and had 'ample' time to inform Foreign Office about summit

>>154007, >>154008 David Cameron threatens to close SNP's 'pretend embassies' after Humza Yousaf's Erdogan meeting

>>154009 Humza Yousaf's wife Nadia El-Nakla admits Turkish government helped her family leave Gaza

>>154016, >>154025 Humza Yousaf's brother-in-law arrested after man falls from flat in Dundee

>>154018 Humza Yousaf branded the 'First Minister of Gaza' by Leo Kearse who says Nat leader 'doesn't care' about Scotland

>>154049 Humza Yousaf facing growing SNP criticism for promoting relationship with China as Scotland 'too heavily reliant' on country

>>154050 Humza Yousaf meets with Chinese diplomat about 'trade and tourism' amid fears over human right abuses in China

>>154051, >>154052 Humza Yousaf defends inviting Turkish president Erdogan to Scotland and denies asking about getting family out of Gaza

>>154065 Humza Yousaf and his minister Angus Robertson WERE involved in wife Nadia El-Nakla's 'personal' visit to Istanbul

>>154111 Humza Yousaf 'wines and dines' London financiers as he is accused of selling off Scotland's land

>>154158 'BREAKDOWN' Humza Yousaf opens up about his mental health struggles

>>154166 Huge blow for Humza Yousaf as third of Scots consider leaving Scotland and a majority believe public services are not worth it

>>154171 John Swinney encouraged 'continuity candidate' Humza Yousaf to stand as SNP leader

>>154182 Humza Yousaf 'squanders' £28k of public cash to pay for 'high profile' meeting with John Kerry to discuss Scexit

>>154196 Humza Yousaf and Nadia El-Nakla fly out to Qatar as they escape SNP and family woes

>>154197 SNP MP Tommy Sheppard writes to Lord Cameron about Turkish human rights concerns - despite Humza Yousaf cosying up to Erdogan

>>154210 'Secretive' Humza Yousaf blocks independent probe into secret 'Gold Command' Covid meetings

>>154221 Humza Yousaf's surge in meetings with foreign dignitaries as SNP leader tries to make himself a statesman

>>154267 Humza Yousaf praises Police Scotland's plans not to investigate all crimes as a 'sensible' approach

>>154271 Humza Yousaf reacts furiously to reports government funding to terrorist-linked aid agency broke ministerial rules

>>154272, >>154273 Humza Yousaf faces ministerial code break claim after sending £250k to Hamas-linked aid agency with his in-laws escaping Gaza the next day

>>154274 Humza Yousaf 'overreacted' to Gaza criticism as row over funding to terrorist-linked aid agency rolls on

>>154275 GBN: Humza Yousaf OVERRIDES officials to give £250,000 of tax payer money to 'Hamas linked' UN agency (video)

>>154284 Humza Yousaf 'reneged' on Hate Crime Act promise as fears grow that feminists like JK Rowling could face arrest

>>154286 Keith Brown loses the rag with BBC presenter in car crash interview about Humza Yousaf UNRWA row

>>154293, >>>/qresearch/205559240, >>154294 CASH PROBE New details emerge of how Humza Yousaf overruled officials on Gaza donation- as SNP chief blasts Tory at centre of storm

>>154296, >>154297 'INCITING HATRED' First Minister Humza Yousaf brands Conservative party ‘institutionally Islamophobic’ after latest comments (video)

>>154298, >>154301 Humza Yousaf 'flees the scene' as he ignores drug death crisis for more independence campaigning

>>154299 'LUDICROUS legislation' sparks RAGE as Humza Yousaf 'rushes through' hate crime laws (video)

>>154304 Humza Yousaf looks miserable as the Stone of Destiny leaves Edinburgh Castle in the pouring rain

>>154333, >>154334 Humza Yousaf's 'friendship' with Aamer Anwar and other nuggets from SNP cabinet's register of interests

>>154345 Humza Yousaf accused of misleading parliament over lifting of Spain travel ban during Covid

>>154346 Humza Yousaf facing fresh questions over Gaza donation with cash coming from 'Malawi fund'

>>154388 Humza Yousaf Interview: The campervan & the SNP legacy (video)

>>154390 Turkish President Erdogan gatecrashed Humza Yousaf meeting at Cop28 as officials prepared for his climate minister

>>154400, >>154399, >>154402 SNP leader's brother-in-law charged with abduction and extortion linked to Dundee window fall death (video)

>>154429, >>154429 SNP: Humza Yousaf responds to Peter Murrell arrest (video)

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154443

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771516 (241856ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun

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Final Law and Disorder Bun

>>153973, >>154194, >>154195 Edinburgh crime: Advocate John Mayer caught with haul of 500 child abuse images jailed for a year

>>153980 Scotland's top prosecutor welcomes US court date for Libyan accused of being the Lockerbie 'bomb maker'

>>153995 Police Scotland exodus as THIRD top cop to quit crisis-hit organisation in less than a year

>>153997, >>153998 Scottish Epstein victim claims sex tapes were filmed of Prince Andrew, Bill Clinton and Richard Branson

>>153999 Scots aristo who made dubious Prince Andrew 'sex tape' claims was trapped on 'Epstein Island' by shark-infested waters

>>154000 Police Scotland shambles as complaint lodged against beleaguered new top cop Jo Farrell

>>154142, >>154143 Young dad becomes fifth person to die at police station probed over Sheku Bayoh death

>>154249 Death of transgender prisoner Tiffany Scott being treated as 'unexplained' by police

>>154256 Scottish Tories call for a 'Victims' Veto' to block soft-touch sentencing guidelines

>>154265, >>154266 Good day for criminals! Police Scotland to no longer investigate all crimes across the country in 'dangerous' cost-cutting measure

>>154307 Crown Office responds to Alex Salmond criticism as government 'leak' probe comes to an end

>>154324, >>154325 Sick Scots child rapist who set up international paedophile network & shared vile footage given life sentence

>>154340 Frustrated copper mocks Police Scotland's garbled response to Hate Crime crackdown

>>154341, >>154342 Police were set to arrest prime suspect in Nairn banker murder… then halted at last minute

>>154357 "Vast majority" of Scots in favour of assisted dying law for those with terminal illnesses

>>154358 Dame Esther Rantzen hails 'historic' Holyrood assisted dying law in lung cancer battle

>>154379 Glasgow 'Beastie House' paedophile gang avoid sentencing due to risk report delays

>>154384 Scots social worker jailed after he raped women then threatened to have their children removed

>>154385, >>154386, >>154387 Ex top cop involved in Emma Caldwell murder inquiry at centre of complaint over 'prostitute use'

>>154394 BINSANITY Thousands of Scots face fines as council staff trained to rake through your rubbish

>>154397, >>154398 Why Scotland should lead the fight against compulsory ID cards and tell the 'jackbooted Wombles' to get stuffed

>>154410, >>154411 Sleazy cop flashed work badge before sexually touching three women on boozy night out

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037c4f No.154444

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771520 (241856ZAPR24) Notable: Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three

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Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three

>>154246 Jenny Gilruth mocked for 'beggars belief' claim she has not seen notorious 'Traitors' front page in car crash BBC interview

>>154247 SNP minister Angela Constance announces wholesale justice review which could lead to less jail time for criminals

>>154250 Anger as SNP ministers spent taxpayer cash on 'coaching' Scottish Government officials ahead of UK Covid Inquiry appearances

>>154251 Ex-SNP council leader Jordan Linden charged over ‘sex offences’

>>154254 'Shady' SNP push through 'reckless' £1.2bn national care service plans despite stark criticism

>>154255 Douglas Ross says he's worried about his own kids' futures under Humza Yousaf's 'failing' SNP

>>154259 SNP Government spend £16k of taxpayer cash on lavish events in China to 'woo' 'hostile and regressive regime' on Angus Robertson junket

>>154263 SNP ministers set out plans for spies in an independent Scotland

>>154268 More misery for Humza Yousaf as SNP slump to THIRD in Glasgow by-election

>>154281, >>154282 SNP MSP tells parents teacher numbers are a 'luxury we can no longer afford'

>>154291 'Bloated' Scottish civil service DOUBLES in 10 years under SNP amid 'bureaucratic empire building'

>>154310 Skint SNP government spending £200k of YOUR cash on 'psychological' testing for civil servants

>>154317 SNP candidate in 'narrow-minded bigots' rant after school pupils object to explicit poem

>>154318, >>154319, >>154321 SNP want seized £110k campervan back from police to use during general election (video)

>>154328 SNP government splash out £30k to send cabinet 'travelling' across Scotland but only visit two places

>>154351 Ferry fiasco chief sacked from £205k post as over-budget ships face even MORE delays

>>154359 Republican Stephen Flynn given plush exclusive royal role as he is appointed privy counsellor

>>154360 STV's Bernard Ponsonby snubs Nicola Sturgeon during answer about the best politicians of his career

>>154374, >>154375, >>154376 Evidence of Government Fraud (video)

>>154380, >>154381 Nicola Sturgeon now a 'part-time' MSP as she has barely spoken at Holyrood since police raid on her marital home (video)

>>154406, >>154407 Why Scotland should lead the fight against compulsory ID cards and tell the 'jackbooted Wombles' to get stuffed

>>154413 SNP spent £5.3m on free bike pledge but barely any poor kids have got one

>>154414 SNP Government to spend £45m on 'bonkers' 20mph speed limits as Scots face gridlock on majority of roads in Scotland

>>154430 SNP accused of appeasing Greens over The Cass Review reaction (video)

>>154431 Alison Thewliss refuses to say if she accepts Cass report and defends deal with 'science denying' Greens

>>154432 'Shameful' Patrick Harvie doubles down on Cass Review criticism as Lorna Slater also 'dismisses' evidence

>>154433 >>154433 SNP's long-awaited Cass Review statement flops as party accused of appeasing Greens rather than helping kids

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

037c4f No.154445

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771525 (241857ZAPR24) Notable: Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun

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Final SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun

>>153959 Scottish Covid Inquiry should be stopped until Nicola Sturgeon's WhatsApps mystery is solved, demands bereaved son

>>154027, >>154028, >>154035 Scotland's chief medical officer Sir Gregor Smith told colleagues to delete WhatsApp messages daily (video)

>>154029 Nicola Sturgeon breaks silence on Covid WhatsApp scandal as she insists she 'acted properly'

>>154030, >>154031 Nicola Sturgeon deleted ALL her WhatsApp messages and texts during the pandemic

>>154032 ScottishSun: Nicola Sturgeon DELETED all Covid WhatsApp messages, UK inquiry reveals (video)

>>154033 DailyRecord: Nicola Sturgeon deleted all WhatsApp messages relating to covid pandemic, inquiry told (video)

>>154034 Jason Leitch deleted messages in ‘pre-bed WhatsApp ritual’ during pandemic exposed (video)

>>154067 Scotland's top doctors made 'sneering' and 'shameful' comments about Lanarkshire Covid outbreak

>>154073 Damning Liz Lloyd evidence showed Nicola Sturgeon DID make decisions on WhatsApp as she bemoaned lack of credit for Covid response

>>154084 Scottish Covid Bereaved lawyer rips into 'shameful' SNP for destroying evidence (video)

>>154090, >>154091 Homicide cops investigating Covid deaths to look into Nicola Sturgeon and WhatsApp deletion scandal (video)

>>154108, >>154109 John Swinney admits manually deleting messages with Nicola Sturgeon during Covid pandemic

>>154118 Nicola Sturgeon admits knowing messages were destroyed when publicly saying she would not do so (video)

>>154119 Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApp messages row explained

>>154126, >>154127 Nicola Sturgeon compared to Stan Laurel as commentators unimpressed with 'Oscar-winning performance'

>>154130 John Swinney Covid WhatsApp deletions claim torn apart by startling claim by former boss Alex Salmond

>>154139 "Those Who Lost Loved Ones Are SPITTING BLOOD!" - Alex Salmond On Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApps (video)

>>154140 Covid 19 inquiry: John Swinney told inquiry he deleted messages with Nicola Sturgeon manually (video0

>>154141 Former Holyrood boss Ken 'Plausible Deniability' Thomson quits new role over Covid Inquiry row

>>154149, >>154150 Information commissioner launches investigation into Scottish Government's WhatsApp use

>>154154, >>154155 SNP Government and officials are STILL deleting WhatsApps and informal messages despite two probes lingering over it

>>154165 SNP minister claims he doesn't use WhatsApp for government business - as he is interviewed using the app in car crash chat

>>154179 Top Nicola Sturgeon official who urged WhatsApp deletion was given an honour after pandemic scandal

>>154205 Nicola Sturgeon 'running out of excuses' after recording 'zero' WhatsApp messages on covid (video)

>>154208 New Nicola Sturgeon WhatsApp riddle as Scottish Government admits none were transferred to official system

>>154211 Nicola Sturgeon reported to Met Police over her deleted WhatsApp messages

>>154212 Liz Lloyd's evidence shows Nicola Sturgeon DID discuss pandemic strategy over text and WhatsApp

>>154257 Scottish Government told to hand over 'dossier of evidence' into WhatsApp probe

>>154292, >>154300 STEPPING DOWN Jason Leitch QUITS as Scotland’s National Clinical Director weeks after damning WhatsApp messages came to light (video)

>>154313, >>154314 SNP chiefs release 106 pages of WhatsApp messages two years after claiming NONE existed

>>154331, >>154332 Police Scotland detectives looking into Nicola Sturgeon's deleted Covid WhatsApps

>>154339 Nicola Sturgeon Covid Whatsapp deletion scandal sparks SNP government external probe

>>154372 New Nicola Sturgeon Covid WhatsApp revelations raise 'serious questions' as she failed to remember Inquiry requests

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

81d5e5 No.201175

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20771997 (242057ZAPR24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Top Scots cop claims police shouldn't be dealing with 'hurt feelings' in latest Hate Crime criticism

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> Initial Hate Crime Law Bun


Top Scots cop claims police shouldn't be dealing with 'hurt feelings' in latest Hate Crime criticism

Chief superintendent Gordon McCreadie claimed that there should be more frontline policing in communities, but in order to do this there either needed to be more cops on the street, or take them off dealing with 'hurt feelings.'

David Walker

APR 2024

A top Scots cop has hit out at Humza Yousaf's Hate Crime shambles as he insisted that officers should not be dealing with "hurt feelings." Chief superintendent Gordon McCreadie pointed out that if this was the case then the force needs more officers on the beat so that crime can be dealt with as well.

The new law was brought in on April 1 and led to a huge influx of complaints, with Police Scotland inundated with more than 7,000 in just the first week. The vast majority of these were not taken any further than the initial report, with only just over 200 dealt with under the legislation.

It has meant that already overworked officers need to investigate every single complaint, with overtime bills being racked up in their thousands. Concerns were also raised that it would take bobbies away from dealing with other crimes such as assault or theft.

Ch Supt McCreadie made the comments on Twitter in response to a complaint from a user that there is no longer a visible force in communities to deter criminals in the first place. He is also the local policing commander in Renfrewshire and Inverclyde and posted originally about his Friday night spent on the frontline.

He wrote: "Our response officers are one of the most important facets of policing. On Friday night I joined them and saw them tackling a range of challenging & dangerous incidents with partners, from knife carriers (below) to flat fires, missing children and bar fights.

"Being out on Friday night across Paisley, Renfrew and Johnstone absolutely affirmed the incredible and RELENTLESS work our response and community officers do protect communities. Thanks too to all our partners I saw deployed."

A social media user responded to him by airing his concerns about a lack of community policing: "Let’s get back to highly visible routine patrols and community policing. Responding quickly to a call is one thing but being a visible deterrent in the first place is better."

Ch Supt McCreadie replied: "Completely agree. Something has to change though as the maths simply don’t work. From what I saw and hear one of two things is needed: A) We need to stay in our lane. Prevention first and tackling crime and the upper tariff of wellbeing (not hurt feelings) B) More officers."

The number of cops in Scotland has reduced massively in recent months, despite a vow from the Scottish Government to keep them at steady levels. The Scottish Police Federation claimed that it has fallen to below 16,000, although this has been disputed by Police Scotland.

And they now need to deal with reports from people claiming that a hate crime has been committed, with advertising claiming that if you perceive this to happen, then you should report it to cops. The Scottish Tories are calling for the legislation to be repealed, and welcomed Ch Supt McCreadie's comments.

Scottish Conservative shadow justice secretary Russell Findlay MSP told the Scottish Daily Express: “Out-of-touch SNP ministers believe that everyone else is wrong in their blind defence of Humza Yousaf’s hate crime law which could be scrapped. They need to start listening to the testimony of experienced officers like this who understand that effective policing involves the presence of officers in our community and a focus on tackling real crimes, not hurt feelings.”

A Scottish Government spokeswoman said: “Scotland’s police officers do an outstanding job to keep communities safe, with recorded crime at one of the lowest levels since 1974 and down 39% since 2006-07.

"Despite deeply challenging financial circumstances due to the UK Government settlement, our Budget for next year includes record police funding of £1.55 billion – an increase of £92.7 million. This enables Police Scotland to retain police numbers of around 16,500-16,600. Scotland continues to have more police officers per capita than England and Wales and higher pay ranges for officers at all ranks.”

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

81d5e5 No.201176

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20772472 (242234ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Operation Branchform Bun / Top Scots KC says any Peter Murrell embezzlement trial unlikely to happen until 2026

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>>>154438 Final Operation Branchform Bun


Top Scots KC says any Peter Murrell embezzlement trial unlikely to happen until 2026

Ben Borland

19 APR 2024

One of Scotland's top advocates said a potential embezzlement trial involving Peter Murrell would be unlikely to happen until 2026 at the earliest. This raises the potential of a clash with the next Scottish Parliament election.

Thomas Ross KC told BBC Scotland News he did not know whether the case, if it did go to court, would be held at the sheriff or the high court. But he added: "Clearly if the case was at the high court they already have trials there in August 2025.

"It is not unusual for a case to take a year to get to the high court for its first appearance and then to take another year for the trial. So, if we work on that basis that a charge has only just been brought and the case is just about to be reported to the procurator fiscal, then it could easily be two years before the case gets to court."

After Mr Murrell was charged with embezzlement of SNP funds on Thursday evening, the next step will be for Police Scotland to submit a standard prosecution report (SPR) to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service. It will be for the COPFS to decide whether or not to move ahead with a criminal trial.

The procurator fiscal must consider if the police have gathered sufficient evidence to prove a crime has been committed – and that the accused is the person responsible for that crime. They will also decide whether it is in the public interest to prosecute, with the huge sums spent on Operation Branchform likely to be a factor.

The next Holyrood election is due to be held on Thursday, May 7, 2026. As things stand, Mr Murrell's wife, Nicola Sturgeon, has said she intends to carry on as MSP for Glasgow Southside until at least that date – although there have been calls for the former SNP leader to quit politics.

She has barely spoken at the Scottish Parliament since standing down as first minister last year and is currently working on a "deeply personal and revealing" memoir, which is due to be published in 2025.

Although still more than two years away, the opinion polls suggest the SNP is on course to lose power in 2026 with Scottish Labour likely to be the biggest party. This would give Anas Sarwar the first bite at forming a coalition government with the Lib Dems or even the Greens.

However, the first big electoral test for Humza Yousaf will come much sooner with the UK general election looking increasingly like it will be a make-or-break event for his faltering leadership of the Nats.

Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

81d5e5 No.201177

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20772584 (242252ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Operation Branchform Bun / Crown Office hasn't received Peter Murrell embezzlement charge report five days after his re-arrest

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Crown Office hasn't received Peter Murrell embezzlement charge report five days after his re-arrest

The former chief executive of the SNP, and Nicola Sturgeon's husband, was officially charged by Police Scotland last week but prosecutors have yet to receive a standard prosecution report.

David Walker

23 APR 2024

Scotland's Crown Office has still not received a report from Police Scotland about former SNP chief executive Peter Murrell, almost a week since he was charged by cops. Prosecutors have not caught sight of a charge sheet involving Nicola Sturgeon's husband, who is accused of embezzling from his former party.

Cops have yet to send a standard prosecution report to the procurator fiscal which could mean a number of things, including that further charges in relation to an individual or the overall investigation are still being considered. The former first minister and ex-party treasurer Colin Beattie are still suspects in Operation Branchform.

A spokesman for the Crown Office told the Scottish Daily Express: “Senior professional prosecutors from COPFS and an Advocate Depute are working with police on this ongoing investigation. It is standard practice that any case regarding politicians is dealt with by prosecutors without the involvement of the Lord Advocate or Solicitor General. All Scotland’s prosecutors act independently of political interference.Not according to Roger Livermore.

“As is routine, to protect the integrity of ongoing investigations, we do not comment in detail on their conduct.” It is understood a report has not been sent to prosecutors to consider whether to take the case to court or not.

Mr Murrell was re-arrested by cops on Thursday morning and grilled for around nine hours at Falkirk police station before being charged with embezzlement as part of the police's long-running probe into the finances of the SNP. Operation Branchform launched in the summer of 2021 to look at whether £600k of ring-fenced funds donated for independence referendum campaigning had been illegally spent elsewhere.

Former Police Scotland chief constable Sir Iain Livingston suggested before he stepped down that the probe had been expanded to look at allegations of fraud, misuse of funds and embezzlement. Cops raided the marital home shared by Ms Sturgeon and her husband in April 2023 and seized a number of items.

We previously told how senior figures in the SNP feared that more charges would be brought against members of the party, in addition to the single charge brought against Mr Murrell. It has caused turmoil within the party as well, with Humza Yousaf's leadership questioned as he failed to distance himself from the former chief executive.

Mr Murrell refused to comment on the issue when he returned home on Thursday evening before it was revealed that he had resigned his membership of the party he served as chief executive for more than two decades. Ms Sturgeon revealed it was a "difficult" time for her.

She has now cancelled her appearance in front of MPs next week, where she was due to be grilled about her time in Bute House. However, she will now need to reschedule this.

Speaking to journalists last week, she said: "There is absolutely nothing I can say given the circumstances. I'm now going to go a walk if that's alright with you. I know you’ve got jobs to do but can I ask you to maybe give my neighbours some peace.

“There is nothing going to be happening here. It’s incredibly difficult, but that’s not the main issue. I can’t say anymore, I’m not going to say any more. I hope you can appreciate I’m quite a new driver, try not to distract me while I’m driving away.”

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81d5e5 No.201178

File: f4c5e111db0264a⋯.png (542.55 KB,899x867,899:867,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20773053 (250013ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP MSPs tired of 'f***ing cranks' like Patrick Harvie holding Humza Yousaf to 'ransom'

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SNP MSPs tired of 'f***ing cranks' like Patrick Harvie holding Humza Yousaf to 'ransom'

Scottish Green members are set to vote on the future of the Bute House Agreement and some in the SNP are hoping they will decide to end the deal

Douglas Dickie

24 APR 2024

A groundswell of feeling that the SNP should ditch the Bute House Agreement is growing among Nationalist MSPs, with one politician saying they were being dictated to be "f***ing cranks". The future of the deal is hanging in the balance with Scottish Green members becoming disillusioned with the arrangement.

Agreed by Nicola Sturgeon in 2021 to prop up an SNP government, the coalition handed ministerial roles to Scottish Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater. Initially backed by party members, relations are now strained after the Scottish Government ditched a key climate target.

Arguments over the response to the Cass review into transgender healthcare has also highlighted differences, with the Greens accused of being anti-science by refusing the accept the report. Calls are now growing for Humza Yousaf to give his party members a say on the future of the Bute House Agreement.

While the First Minister backs it, others have said it has led to a drop in SNP support in the polls. And one MSP was quoted by political columnist Euan McColm as asking how the party "ended up with a leader being held to ransom by f***ing cranks".

Writing in The Scotsman, McColm said there was a growing feeling within the backbench ranks that the time had come to end the deal. Another MSP said: "We've been pathetic on the Cass stuff. It was bad enough Humza ignoring it for days but then to have Harvie out there rubbishing it is intolerable."

McColm quotes another source saying things had changed since Ms Sturgeon secured the backing of the Green group. They said: "Is Humza really going to wait for weeks to see whether a bunch of Green members give him what he wants? Are we really letting these people dictate to us? He should give us back some dignity and end the Bute House Agreement now."

We reported on Wednesday that a poll in the pro-Scexit The National suggested almost two-thirds of independence supporters wanted the deal scrapped. But despite the pressure, Mr Yousaf has continued to back his partners.

Spaking earlier this week, he said: "I hope that cooperation agreement will continue and I hope that Greens members will also see the benefit of that cooperation."

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81d5e5 No.201179

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20773124 (250022ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Alex Salmond on the CORRUPT SNP

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Alex Salmond on the CORRUPT SNP


363 subscribers

27,594 views Apr 20, 2024 #humzayousaf #Peter #motivation

#news #motivation #humzayousaf #snp #alexsalmond #nicolasturgeon #Peter Murrell

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81d5e5 No.201180

File: c6ad717f7fc0155⋯.png (530.26 KB,922x932,461:466,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20776285 (251324ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Why the Bute House Agreement has ended and what happens to Humza Yousaf's government now

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Why the Bute House Agreement has ended and what happens to Humza Yousaf's government now

Humza Yousaf has dumped Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater after three years in government together - and it has not gone down well with the Scottish Greens

Douglas Dickie

25 APR 2024

The Bute House Agreement that had propped up the SNP in government has come to an end - and it has proved to be an acrimonious split. Humza Yousaf might have told Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie, "it's not you, it's me", but the Green duo still reacted with all the fury and bitterness of a scorned lover.

Hailed by Nicola Sturgeon in 2021 as an example of "doing politics and governance better" when she signed the deal after the Scottish election, it has proved to be a controversial arrangement with dissatisfaction growing on both sides.

Things have come to a head in recent weeks with Green members especially becoming upset with the agreement. On the SNP side, Yousaf and his allies were bigging up the deal just hours before he scrapped it but criticism, was growing among his backbenchers.

So what changed to bring this partnership to an end? And crucially, what happens next?

Cass review and puberty blockers

Gender issues have cast a shadow over Scottish politics since the Greens entered government. Fervent supporters of making it easier to legally change gender, they were the driving force behind the controversial Gender Recognition and Reform Bill, which passed Holyrood in December 2022.

It was blocked by the UK Government over concerns with the Equality Act and was widely seen to have played a part in Nicola Sturgeon's resignation. The issue was thrust back into the spotlight this month when the Cass review into transgender healthcare was published.

While the report only covered England, the SNP government found itself under pressure to implement its recommendations. Key to this was stopping the prescribing of puberty blockers to children. Humza Yousaf tried to dodge the issue and passed the buck to clinicians to make the call - which they duly did, with two health boards announcing a pause.

The move, and the SNP's unwillingness to prevent it, angered many Greens. Patrick Harvie was scathing in his judgement of the Cass report, questioning its legitimacy. It led to accusations from SNP MSP Michelle Thomson that he was a science denier. Harvie's criticism left many SNP politicians uneasy with one saying he was a "f***ing crank".

Mairi McAllan ditches key climate pledge

The Cass fallout had already driven a wedge between the two nationalist allies. But Mairi McAllan's announcement last week that the Scottish Government was ditching a key climate pledge proved to be the straw that broke the camel's back.

The SNP had committed to cutting carbon emission by 75% by 2030 - a target they were repeatedly told was too ambitious. The u-turn was a humiliation and McAllan was left trying to spin it as a restructuring of the Net Zero plan. The eight Green MSPs at Holyrood failed to call out the government, but members were less impressed.

Green EGM and Yousaf takes the plunge

Member anger led to the Scottish Green Party confirming an EGM would be held on the future of the Bute House Agreement. It led to growing voices in the SNP that the deal should be put to their members as well.

As late as Wednesday, Yousaf was extolling the virtues of the deal. But as the prospect of being dumped by the Greens increased, he had a change of heart on Wednesday evening and called an emergency cabinet meeting. Just before it, he invited Harvie and Slater to Bute House to sack them.

What happens now

With 63 MSPs, the SNP remains the biggest party at Holyrood. But that leaves them two short of a majority.

The Greens had allowed first Sturgeon and then Yousaf to pass their budgets through parliament. Many expected the Greens would still back their nationalist allies given they both support independence rather than risk the future of a pro-Scecit majority.

But the anger from Harvie and Slater on Thursday was clear. They savaged Yousaf, saying he could no longer be trusted and questioning his ability to lead.

It leaves him in danger of becoming a lame duck FM if he cannot get others on board. The sole Alba Party member Ash Regan, who defected from the SNP, could offer one route, and minorities have operated at Holyrood before, but given the Nats have spent much of the past few years fomenting division, it is unlikely they have many friends left elsewhere in the chamber.

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81d5e5 No.201181

File: 486605d9a9efbd3⋯.png (504.55 KB,1010x869,1010:869,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20776389 (251344ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP MSPs tired of 'f***ing cranks' like Patrick Harvie holding Humza Yousaf to 'ransom'

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Humza Yousaf running a 'zombie' government as SNP held hostage by the Scottish Greens

Fears have been raised that the first minister and his administration may be scared to introduce legislation over the next month to not scare off the Scottish Greens.

David Walker

24 APR 2024

Humza Yousaf is now running a "zombie government" it has been claimed while the SNP await the results of the Scottish Greens' Bute House Agreement vote. It means that the nationalist administration will struggle to push through any legislation and will be looking to placate the environmentalists.

This was shown on Tuesday when the first minister's flagship justice reforms barely made it through the first stage of debate with only 60 MSPs voting for it, compared to 62 abstaining. It included a mini rebellion of Nat MSPs, as Kate Forbes, Fergus Ewing, Annabelle Ewing, Michelle Thomson, Ivan McKee and Christine Grahame all refused to vote for it.

And the Scottish Government was blasted over its response to the Cass Review as it failed to announce anything of something substance, with rivals suggesting this was to placate the Greens whose grassroots membership raged about the pause on puberty blockers to those under-18.

Now, concerns have been raised that Mr Yousaf's administration will be in a state of "paralysis" until a decision is made on the Bute House Agreement. The first minister outright refused to give his own party a vote, telling journalists on Wednesday it was "not needed or wanted" despite growing calls from some Nats for this to happen.

Opponents have accused him of creating a vacuum which will have an impact on the current administration as it will be too worried to put forward anything controversial. Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy said: "Scotland can't afford to endure weeks of a zombie government while Green members decide on the future of their pact with the SNP.

"This coalition of chaos has been a disaster for Scotland and it's a measure of how painfully weak Humza Yousaf is that he's now at the mercy of another party's vote. If he had any backbone, he'd be pulling the plug on the Bute House Agreement himself rather than leaving the country in limbo while others determine whether he leads a majority or minority government.

"The anti-growth Greens should never have been invited into government in the first place and so long as the First Minister is desperately trying to placate them - as he did with the vacuous ministerial statement on the Cass review - Scotland is in a state of paralysis."

Many commentators have claimed that it would be another humiliation for Mr Yousaf to have agreement collapse around him without him even being involved. He has yet to show leadership since being appointed, failing to distance himself from Nicola Sturgeon despite the scandals embroiling her.

Scottish Labour business manager Martin Whitfield said: "Any shred of credibility the Scottish Greens had left has been abandoned with Scotland's 2030 climate targets." Former SNP minister Ash Regan lodged a no confidence motion in Mr Harvie due his failure to accept the Cass Review, but it is unlikely to even be debated due to a lack of support from other parties.

A Scottish Government source told the Daily Mail: "The Scottish Government was urging calm, and for people to use the time and space between last week and the Green vote in May to consider the issue in a dispassionate manner: more light, less rushing to judgment in the heat of the moment. I'd say it's important not to make the end of the BHA a self-fulfilling prophecy."

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81d5e5 No.201182

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20776409 (251348ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP scraps its government relationship with the Greens (video)

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BREAKING: SNP scraps its government relationship with the Greens

5 hours ago....

Sky News

7.63M subscribers

6,986 views Apr 25, 2024 #snp #scotland #skynews

Scotland's SNP has scrapped its government relationship with the Greens, Sky News understands.

Humza Yousaf's administration will now run a minority government.

Sky's Connor Gillies reports on this developing story.

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81d5e5 No.201183

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20776440 (251353ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / 'Political COWARDICE': Scottish Government collapses with dramatic end to Scottish Greens coalition

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An hour ago........


'Political COWARDICE': Scottish Government collapses with dramatic end to Scottish Greens coalition


1.24M subscribers

5,121 views Apr 25, 2024 #SNP #scotland #humzayousaf

GB News Scotland Reporter, Tony McGuire, and GB News Political Correspondent, Katherine Forster, discuss Humza Yousaf deciding to end the coalition between the SNP and the Scottish Greens.

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81d5e5 No.201184

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20776703 (251450ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP ends Scotland's power-sharing agreement with Scottish Greens | FULL CONFERENCE (video)

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SNP ends Scotland's power-sharing agreement with Scottish Greens | FULL CONFERENCE

The Mirror

164K subscribers

76 views Apr 25, 2024 #TheMirror #Politics #Scotland

Yousaf hails ‘new beginning’ after terminating powersharing deal with Greens - full press conference

Credit: BBC.

Scotland’s First Minister Humza Yousaf announces that he has told the Scottish Green co-leaders he is terminating the Bute House Agreement with immediate effect, as he said it marked a “new beginning” for his SNP minority Government.

Continue reading at The Mirror:

Scotland's power-sharing deal collapses after SNP hold emergency meeting

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81d5e5 No.201185

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20776779 (251507ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP ends Scotland's power-sharing agreement with Scottish Greens | FULL CONFERENCE (video)

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"I'm Going To See If There Is Any Champagne In The Fridge!" SNP Scrap Deal With Green Party


870K subscribers

2,784 views Apr 25, 2024 #scotland #snp #greenparty

The SNP's power-sharing deal with the Scottish Green Party has been scrapped.

Scottish Greens co-leaders Lorna Slater and Patrick Harvie were seen walking out of Bute House before an emergency cabinet meeting. The Greens said the SNP had "sold out future generations".

It follows the Government's decision to scrap key climate targets and a pause on the prescription of puberty blockers for under-18s.

The SNP will now form a minority government.

First Minister Humza Yousaf said he had formally notified Ms Slater and Mr Harvie that the Bute House agreement - which was signed by the two parties following the Holyrood election in 2021 - had been terminated.

TalkTV's Julia Hartley-Brewer is joined by Scottish editor of the Daily Telegraph Alan Cochrane who says he is “delighted” with the decision.

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81d5e5 No.201186

File: 1a3e9a76fb6203a⋯.png (605.79 KB,873x886,873:886,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790953 (282023ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf in 'humiliating' act of desperation as he puts out begging bowl to save his career

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>>>154442 Final Humza Yousaf Bun


>>>154444 Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three


Humza Yousaf in 'humiliating' act of desperation as he puts out begging bowl to save his career

The First Minister has sent letters to all parties begging for them to meet with him at his office ahead of this week's no confidence vote

Mark Connor

27 APR 2024

Humza Yousaf has been branded ‘humiliating and embarrassing’ after saying it would be ‘disappointing’ if the Scottish Greens voted against him in a vote of no confidence just days after he sacked them from his government. It comes as the Alba Party, whose sole MSP Ash Regan could hold a vote crucial to Mr Yousaf’s future, were holding an emergency meeting to discuss the way forward.

The First Minister has put out the begging bowl to political leaders at Holyrood, inviting them to talks at his official residence, in a desperate bid to save his career. He hopes to hold separate meetings with each group at Bute House in Edinburgh to discuss how they can “contribute constructively”, while acknowledging that there are “strong feelings” about the upcoming confidence votes.

Letters were sent to the Scottish Conservatives, Scottish Labour, the Scottish Greens, the Scottish Liberal Democrats and the Alba Party on Friday night. Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross quickly dismissed the letter.

He said: “This is a humiliating and embarrassing letter, in which Humza Yousaf is begging to be allowed to keep his job. His belated abandonment of the Bute House Agreement with the toxic Greens – which he was backing just two days before he finally decided to pull the plug – does nothing to undo the immense damage it has caused.

“Our NHS, schools, police and public services have all been profoundly hit by the spectacular mismanagement of the SNP-Green government under his leadership, and his last minute U-turn offers nothing to repair that. Humza Yousaf now talks about delivering “substantial benefits for people, communities and businesses right across the country”, and only wants to discuss “concerns and… priorities” now that his job is on the line.

“It is his abject failure to have prioritised these issues that has led to a complete lack of confidence in his leadership across the parliament. He should now accept that his time in power is over, and finally offer his resignation as First Minister. If he doesn’t do so before the Scottish Conservative vote of no confidence in him next week, his future as First Minister rests on a vote that is currently so finely balanced that his credibility as a leader will be utterly destroyed, whatever the result.”

Mr Yousaf terminated the powersharing deal between the SNP and Scottish Greens on Thursday, leading to the smaller pro-independence party announcing it would back the motion of no confidence in his leadership.

Mr Yousaf spoke to Sky News on Saturday, saying he hoped to hear from the other Holyrood leaders soon.

It was put to Mr Yousaf that given the lack of support from the Greens, Ms Regan could be crucial to his political survival.

He said: “That would be really disappointing if that is the Greens’ position. As I say, I’ve reached out to them, they are saying publicly that they’re going to support a Conservative motion against – a First Minister, an independence government.

“I think that would be, I think, a poor choice to make. So of course I have written to Ash Regan, as well. I look forward to speaking to her too.”

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81d5e5 No.201187

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790972 (282031ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon spotted partying without her wedding ring as the SNP falls apart

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>>>154444 Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three


Nicola Sturgeon spotted partying without her wedding ring as the SNP falls apart

While the party implodes and just days after her husband Peter Murrell was charged with embezzlement, Nicola Sturgeon managed to enjoy herself at a glitzy bash in London

Mark Connor

27 APR 2024

Nicola Sturgeon was pictured at a glitzy awards ceremony on Friday night without her wedding ring - just days after her husband was arrested over SNP finances.

Despite the potential prosecution of her spouse, and the SNP falling apart in recent days, she seemed in good spirits as she arrived at the red carpet event. She was spotted partying with pals Val McDermid, Joanne Sharp, and Hannah Bardell at last night’s bash, which is part of Lesbian Visibility Week.

The 53-year-old was pictured alongside Bardell, the SNP MP for Livingston, crime writer McDermid, and her girlfriend, Jo Sharp, on the red carpet. She was also pictured alongside Publisher Linda Riley, who started the DIVA magazine in 1994, and launched the annual awards to celebrate the achievements of LGBTQIA women and non-binary people in 2017.

The event was held at the De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, on London’s Great Queen Street, where Sturgeon sported a fuchsia pink suit. She was clutching a black handbag in her left hand, with photographs showing that she appeared to be missing her wedding ring.

It comes after officers charged her husband, Peter Murrell, over allegedly embezzling funds from the ruling party, where he served as chief executive for 22 years. On April 18, he was arrested and taken to Falkirk Police Station, where he was grilled by detectives as part of Operation Branchform - Police Scotland’s probe into the SNP’s finances.

He then became the first and only person to be charged in connection with the investigation. The probe began in 2021 following concerns being raised over how £600,000 of cash earmarked for independence campaigning had been spent.

The former First Minister was herself arrested over the same police probe last year and released without charge. Last night was also the second time in a week she’d enjoyed a public outing with McDermid, Sharp and Bardell.

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81d5e5 No.201188

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20790994 (282036ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon 'still under investigation' after husband's embezzlement charges (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon 'still under investigation' after husband's embezzlement charges | John Boothman

Times Radio

793K subscribera

37,838 views Apr 21, 2024

“The long shadow of that police investigation is really hanging over them”.

Senior figures in the SNP are “worried about the prospect of further arrests” after Nicola Sturgeon’s husband Peter Murrell is charged with embezzlement of SNP funds says The Times's John Boothman.

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81d5e5 No.201189

File: ed9089857e8406e⋯.png (852.48 KB,736x877,736:877,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791697 (290010ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / ECK NO Humza Yousaf rejects Alex Salmond’s Indy pact ultimatum as he clings to power as First Minister

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>>>154442 Final Humza Yousaf Bun


ECK NO Humza Yousaf rejects Alex Salmond’s Indy pact ultimatum as he clings to power as First Minister

A spokesperson for the First Minister dismissed the demands as 'fantasy'

Conor Matchett

27 Apr 2024

HUMZA Yousaf rejected demands to sign up to an electoral pact with Alex Salmond's Alba party in order to survive as First Minister.

Mr Salmond said a "top line" for any deal with Mr Yousaf would see the two pro-independence parties agree a deal ahead of the Holyrood election in 2026.

But a spokesperson for the First Minister dismissed the demands as "fantasy".

They said: "This is fantasy. There is no possibility of the First Minister agreeing any deal like this with Alex Salmond."

Mr Salmond - who set up Alba in 2021 amid the parliamentary inquiry into the Scottish Government's handling of sexual harassment complaints made against him - told The Times the price of his party's support would be a partial pact at the next Holyrood election.

He also demanded Mr Yousaf accept all recommendations of the Cass review into gender healthcare for children, and an "independence convention".

The Alba party leader said: "If you remember the Scotland United idea from last year which Humza just ignored, which was very popular with the Yes groups and amongst SNP supporters.

"It would be difficult to revive it in full now because obviously candidates have been selected, but it could be revived in part, or there could be an understanding for the Scottish elections in two years time.

"So a discussion along these lines, so its a menu of independence options."

He added these demands were "not impossible" and "not out of reach", and could include additional investment in closure-threatened oil refinery Grangemouth.

But there are understood to be concerns from inside the SNP about cozying up to Ms Regan.

One minister told the Scottish Sun: “Ash is to quality what Liz Truss is to economics.”

But a senior Scottish Government source said: “The Greens are not for shifting.

“Alex Salmond is playing it a bit cannier than the Greens. He is playing his cards over the weekend and into the week. It’s unlikely there will be white smoke soon.”

Left-wing activists in the SNP also promised to fight against any move to the right by Mr Yousaf in a warning shot about any potential deal with Alba.

In a letter attacking the failure to go to SNP members about the decision to ditch the

Bute House Agreement, the SNP Socialists said they would “organise against” any “shift to the right”.

It came amid warnings Scotland could face an “accidental” snap election as Mr Yousaf fights to cling to power and Holyrood descends into turmoil, a top pollster said.

Sir John Curtice also warned that Scottish Labour could clean up at the looming Westminster vote as the SNP faces months of chaos.

His stark prediction came as the First Minister sent “begging” letters to his political opponents on Friday night in a desperate bid to shore up support ahead of no confidence votes this week.

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81d5e5 No.201190

File: dbdd54a363c19f2⋯.png (82.71 KB,497x680,497:680,Clipboard.png)

File: 22c6ecca1fd1f5b⋯.png (122.02 KB,483x843,161:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791710 (290014ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / ECK NO Humza Yousaf rejects Alex Salmond’s Indy pact ultimatum as he clings to power as First Minister

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If the Nats leader loses, a Holyrood election could be sparked if no replacement is found within 28 days.

Meanwhile a senior Scottish Tory source revealed a July election was “nudging into the favourite territory” amid gossip of an announcement by Rishi Sunak on Monday.

This could see both Scotland and the UK go to the polls within days of each other. Sir John, politics professor at Strathclyde University, said the escalation to votes of no confidence made a snap election more likely as no-one is in control of what happens next.

Referring to the move by the Scottish Tories and Scottish Labour to lodge votes of no confidence, the pollster said: “[Politicians] are making moves and they don’t necessarily appreciate the consequences of the move they make.

“Nobody’s in charge of this process now. Whether we end up with an accident of an early election is not really directly in anybody’s control.”

And the polling guru added the chaos for the SNP is good news for Scottish Labour.

He said: “If there’s six months of chaos between now and the general election, [Scottish Labour] will be delighted because they think it will improve their chances of maximising seats at Westminster at the election.”

Mr Yousaf now faces a nervous wait to see if any of his fiercest critics in Holyrood are willing to work with him to save his skin.

And speaking while on a campaign visit in Cupar, he said it was up to his main political opponents to decide if they wanted to “contribute constructively” and find “common ground”.

The SNP leader said it would be “really disappointing” if the Scottish Greens refused to engage with him ahead of the confidence vote.

He said: “I’ve reached out to them, they are saying publicly that they’re going to support a Conservative motion against - a First Minister, an independence government.

“I think that would be, I think, a poor choice to make.”

And he added it was up to Scottish Green co-leaders Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater, and Alba MSP Ash Regan “what button they push” next week.

Any meetings between opposition leaders and Mr Yousaf are likely to take place on Monday or Tuesday.

And a senior Scottish Government source later insisted the offer to speak to opposition parties was genuine.

They said: “The parliament is going to have to find a way to work, so there is a serious conversation to have and that is a conversation we are willing to have.

“Whether the other parties are up for having it is perhaps less likely.”

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81d5e5 No.201191

File: d205fb02224d442⋯.png (65.88 KB,472x859,472:859,Clipboard.png)

File: 99a16ea6328cef7⋯.png (8.49 KB,511x150,511:150,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791718 (290015ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / ECK NO Humza Yousaf rejects Alex Salmond’s Indy pact ultimatum as he clings to power as First Minister

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Asked whether they believed Mr Yousaf could survive next week, the source said: “There is plenty of road here. There are many moving parts, let’s see where we get to on Thursday.”

But Scots Tory leader Douglas Ross attacked the “begging” letter as being “humiliating and embarrassing” for the First Minister.

He added: “His belated abandonment of the

Bute House Agreement with the toxic Greens - which he was backing just two days before he finally decided to pull the plug - does nothing to undo the immense damage it has caused.”

And Scottish Labour pointed to comments from Anas Sarwar on Friday where the leader said he was “happy to engage” with all parties.

However he added: “It is clear that Humza Yousaf is out of time. He is leading a chaotic and divided political party and an incompetent government that is failing the people of Scotland every single day, and one conversation isn’t going to change that.”

Alex Cole-Hamilton, leader of the Scottish Lib Dems, will set out his party’s response to the letter.

However, all three leaders of the unionist parties in Holyrood have previously committed to voting against the First Minister in a confidence vote. That position will not change.

The Scottish Greens - who reacted with fury to being dumped out of government on Thursday and committed to voting against Mr Yousaf - said they would consider the letter from the First Minister and respond in “due course”.

It remains unclear whether they will vote against the government in the second vote of no confidence - which if lost would legally require the resignation of Mr Yousaf and potentially spark an election.

But leadership contender Kate Forbes - who lost narrowly to the SNP leader in the vicious contest last year - backed her old foe.

The SNP MSP Ms Forbes - who has orchestrated several rebellions against Mr Yousaf since he became leader - said you find out what “real loyalty looks like” when times are tough.

She said: “It is easy to be loyal to a party when times are good and the party is ahead in the polls.

“But you find out what real leadership is - and what real loyalty looks like - when times are tougher and that is why I will back the SNP and the First Minister through next week’s fight and I urge everyone in our party and everyone who cares about Scotland to do the same.”

And in a thinly veiled pitch to for the leadership, Ms Forbes said she hoped the Scottish Greens would work with her in the future.

She said: “The question therefore isn’t whether my world is big enough to embrace the Greens – it is. The question is whether their world is big enough to embrace me. I hope and believe it is.”

Fellow rebellious SNP MSP Ivan McKee - who initially ran Ms Forbes’ leadership campaign - insisted Mr Yousaf would have to resign if he lost the confidence vote.

He said: “If you lose a vote of no confidence then clearly you don’t have the confidence of the parliament.”

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81d5e5 No.201192

File: 22c6ecca1fd1f5b⋯.png (122.02 KB,483x843,161:281,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791731 (290018ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / ECK NO Humza Yousaf rejects Alex Salmond’s Indy pact ultimatum as he clings to power as First Minister

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No confidence votes explained

By Chris Musson, Associate Editor (Politics), The Scottish Sun

Tories have lodged a motion of confidence in the First Minister.

Labour then lodged a motion of confidence in the Scottish Government.

Parliament bureau is not due to meet until Tuesday and usually there is two days' notice of a confidence vote (meaning vote next Thurs). It's possible they could meet ahead of this and/or timetable could be accelerated.

If there is a vote of no-confidence in the FM it would be up to the First Minister how they responded once the will of the Parliament had been made clear.

If there is a vote of no-confidence in the Government both the FM and Ministers are required to resign. In that case the Parliament is not automatically dissolved, instead the Parliament has 28 days to choose a new FM (by simple majority) (Section 46 of the Scotland Act). If it cannot do so, Parliament is dissolved.

A vote of no confidence in a Minister, the First Minister or even the Government as a whole requires only a simple majority in the Parliament for it to be agreed.

A simple majority in relation to votes of no confidence in Ministers or in the Government requires only the number of members voting 'for' to be greater than those 'against' - no account is taken of any members who abstain.

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81d5e5 No.201193

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791752 (290024ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf pact with Alex Salmond’s Alba party ‘is not on the table’ (video)

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Humza Yousaf pact with Alex Salmond’s Alba party ‘is not on the table’ | Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh

Times Radio

793K subscribers

23,460 views Apr 28, 2024

“An electoral pact is certainly not on the table, not something that we're discussing.”

The Alba party’s only MSP Ash Regan will be going into talks with the Scottish first minister "in the interest of all people of Scotland”, says chair of the Alba Party Tasmina Ahmed-Sheikh.

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81d5e5 No.201194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20791763 (290027ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Alex Salmond 'prepared to assist' Humza Yousaf in no confidence vote (video)

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Alex Salmond 'prepared to assist' Humza Yousaf in no confidence vote

Sky News

7.65M subscribers

23,132 views Apr 28, 2024 #alexsalmond #hamzayousaf #scotland

Humza Yousaf will refuse to enter an electoral pact with Alex Salmond's party that could have seen the SNP step aside in some Scottish seats, Sky News understands.

The Alba Party, headed by Mr Salmond, is likely to have the deciding vote in a key vote of no confidence in the SNP first minister at Holyrood this week.

Mr Salmond told Sky News' Trevor Phillips his party would be "prepared to assist" Mr Yousaf in a no-confidence vote "as long as independence is restored as the key priority of the Scottish government".

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81d5e5 No.201195

File: 790ea089bf81993⋯.png (485.81 KB,930x895,186:179,Clipboard.png)

File: 3bea1c669ef86b2⋯.png (368.92 KB,888x737,888:737,Clipboard.png)

File: 0c7c42498b2417e⋯.png (117.86 KB,598x392,299:196,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20794111 (291222ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Ian Blackford causes fury within SNP as he approaches Sir Keir Starmer for place in House of Lords

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>>>154444 Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three


Ian Blackford causes fury within SNP as he approaches Sir Keir Starmer for place in House of Lords

The former Westminster leader has refuted the allegations but a number of sources have said that Blackford has approached the Conservatives and Labour for a nomination

Mark Connor

28 APR 2024

The SNP’s former Westminster leader, Ian Blackford, has sparked fury within the party over an audacious bid to enter the House of Lords. The MP for Ross, Skye and Lochaber - who recently dumped his loyal wife of 24 years for his childhood sweetheart - has approached both Labour and the Tories to ask them to nominate him for a peerage, despite the SNP’s fierce opposition to the Lords, according to the Mail on Sunday.

A number of sources close to Mr Blackford have confirmed that he has privately met Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer and the Conservative Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack, in a bid to secure a nomination. They fear that his manoeuvres, in flagrant defiance of the SNP’s policy to abolish the Lords, also informed his decision to abstain on a vote of no confidence in Commons speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle amid the Gaza furore earlier this year.

Concerns were raised that he failed to vote with his own party in a bid to impress Sir Keir.

Mr Blackford - a former banker who once described himself as a simple crofter - has denied having the meetings. However, sources insist that he has.

Now his future as a Nat politician is hanging in the balance as he could face losing the whip. He is to stand down as an MP at the next general election. One source told The Mail on Sunday: “Trying to get a peerage is completely at odds with the SNP’s stance on the unelected House of Lords. [Westminster leader] Stephen Flynn has stated that no SNP MP will enter the House of Lords under his watch.”

Another senior insider, who confirmed Mr Blackford’s conversation with Mr Jack and expressed incredulity at his shameless attempts to continue his life in Westminster, added: “What Ian Blackford is doing is so wrong. He should lose the whip.”

A third source said: “He asked Sir Keir Starmer to include him on his honours list, but Sir Keir was incredulous and responded saying, “Why would I nominate you instead of a Labour MP?’ He is desperate for a peerage despite constantly denying it.

“He even went to Alister Jack to ask the Tories to list him, but Jack said “no chance”. It is pretty pathetic.”

In January, Mr Blackford reportedly told an event for student journalists that he would not rule out accepting a place in the upper chamber if he was offered one.

Mr Blackford said on Saturday night: “The House of Lords is an archaic and undemocratic institution - I wholeheartedly support the SNP’s longstanding position.”

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81d5e5 No.201196

File: c7076ed2ed89a45⋯.png (669.76 KB,935x899,935:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c54824e65c8831b⋯.png (274.11 KB,850x701,850:701,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20794165 (291233ZAPR24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / Fury as SNP spend £3.5m installing heat pumps in building valued at just £275k in 'lunatic' scheme

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Fury as SNP spend £3.5m installing heat pumps in building valued at just £275k in 'lunatic' scheme

The SNP's own Fergus Ewing branded the spend 'utterly ludicrous' as he demanded the First Minister halt the heat pump scheme

John Ferguson & Mark Connor

28 APR 2024

The Scottish Government has spent £3.5million “decarbonising” a property valued at just £275,000. The tax-funded upgrade electric saw heat pumps fitted and insulation improved at Elgin’s small procurator fiscal’s office where gas bills are an average of £2500 a year.

The refurbishment, which will take 1,000 years to recoup in energy savings, was ordered by the Crown Office despite the cost engulfing the value of the premises. SNP MSP Fergus Ewing said he was horrified and demanded the First Minister call a halt to similar plans for public buildings.

He said: “It beggars belief anyone would spend £3.5million doing up an old tenement worth only £275,000. That’s 13 times the value of the property. This shows Scotland cannot afford to decarbonise its public buildings and private flat owners can’t afford it either.

“I’m writing to ask Humza if he’ll apply the brakes on this lunatic scheme, where according to the auditor general £1.8billion will be spent by the Scottish Government out of a total estimate of £33billion to decarbonise the public estate. Surely we should use this money on our health service buildings or roads such as the A9 or A96?”

It was revealed in January how builders were ripping out the office’s gas boiler to replace it with a heat pump as part of the SNP/Green governments plans. Even then it was branded “utterly ludicrous” by Ewing after it emerged the estimated annual energy cost saving is just £3885 - meaning it would take a millennium to pay for itself.

The Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service said: “The money spent on this project will benefit the Moray economy and provide prosecutors with an expanded modern, environmentally friendly base from which they can continue their work.”

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81d5e5 No.201197

File: c29cac99dd415fc⋯.png (425.09 KB,973x889,139:127,Clipboard.png)

File: 61212c0bc35f325⋯.png (308.78 KB,830x787,830:787,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20794179 (291239ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf QUITS as first minister as shambolic reign comes to an end before he faces humiliating no confidence vote

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>>>154442 Final Humza Yousaf Bun


Humza Yousaf QUITS as first minister as shambolic reign comes to an end before he faces humiliating no confidence vote

The long-suffering SNP leader has finally quit as first minister after a turbulent year in charges as Bute House Agreement axing is final blow to his career.

David Walker

29 APR 2024

Humza Yousaf has quit as first minister before he faced two no confidence votes in his leadership. It means the SNP are hunting for a new leader just over a year since a bruising contest to replace Nicola Sturgeon.

It has been turbulent time in office for Mr Yousaf in the last week as he brutally axed the Scottish Greens and the Bute House Agreement on Thursday in a hastily arranged press conference. But this has backfired majorly as it has led to Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater seeking revenge.

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross lodged a motion of no confidence in the first minister which would have been debated on Wednesday but is now unlikely to go ahead. The SNP leader struggled to find backing for his minority government despite sending "humiliating" begging letters to all major parties.

The Greens, Tories, Labour and Lib Dems all confirmed they would be voting against him, leaving Alba Party's only MSP Ash Regan with the deciding vote. But the thought of getting into bed with Alex Salmond, who outlined a list of demands at the weekend, has been unpalatable for the SNP.

Mr Yousaf announced he was quitting at a press conference at Bute House where he admitted that he could not keep a minority government together without trading his "principles and values" to stay in power. He will remain first minister until a new SNP leader is installed.

He became the second shortest serving first minister ever after Henry McLeish, and the shortest serving SNP first minister, following in the footsteps of Ms Sturgeon and Alex Salmond. It leaves a huge chasm in the nationalist leadership as the party needs to regroup to retain control of the Scottish Government.

Former deputy first minister John Swinney is being backed as a temporary replacement for Mr Yousaf as he is mostly likely to bring the divided party together and negotiate with other parties. In the longer terms, Jenny Gilruth has emerged as one of the front-runners alongside Kate Forbes.

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81d5e5 No.201198

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20794349 (291317ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf resigns as Scottish first minister and SNP leader (video)

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>>>154442 Final Humza Yousaf Bun


Humza Yousaf resigns as Scottish first minister and SNP leader

Sky News

7.65M subscribers

21,747 views Streamed live 2 hours ago #HumzaYousaf #SNP #Scotland

Humza Yousaf has said he will resign as SNP leader and Scotland's first minister.

Mr Yousaf had previously said he would not resign, and he intended to win the confidence votes.

He was fighting for his political future after ending the powersharing deal between the SNP and Scottish Greens on Thursday.

He was facing two votes of no confidence - one from the Scottish Conservatives, and another from Scottish Labour, which has tabled one for the Scottish government as a whole

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81d5e5 No.201199

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20794507 (291402ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / The next leader of the SNP? John Swinney ‘OVERWHELMED’ by requests to make leadership bid (video)

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The next leader of the SNP? John Swinney ‘OVERWHELMED’ by requests to make leadership bid


1.24M subscribers

808 views Apr 29, 2024 #gbnews #uknews #scotland

‘I’ve been somewhat overwhelmed by the requests that have been made of me to do that.’

John Swinney has said he is taking ‘very active consideration’ over calls for him to be the next leader of the SNP and First Minister.

Will Scotland's No'1 groomer get the gig?

I do hope he's up next.

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81d5e5 No.201200

File: 8cb632a28c8f687⋯.png (466.12 KB,943x899,943:899,Clipboard.png)

File: f717ba5e15ca737⋯.png (571.31 KB,831x864,277:288,Clipboard.png)

File: a8dc9eefa0746d2⋯.png (215.42 KB,659x568,659:568,Clipboard.png)

File: b6173c42ec1efb2⋯.png (121.42 KB,667x460,29:20,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20795711 (292012ZAPR24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Kate Forbes giving 'serious consideration' to SNP leadership tilt as John Swinney backed by Nat establishment

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Kate Forbes giving 'serious consideration' to SNP leadership tilt as John Swinney backed by Nat establishment

The former Scottish Government finance secretary lost out to Humza Yousaf in the contest to replace Nicola Sturgeon last year, and is now set to throw her hat in the ring again.

David Walker

29 APR 2024

Kate Forbes is reportedly considering a second tilt at SNP leadership as allies fear a "Anyone But Kate" campaign is being orchestrated against her. The former finance secretary only narrowly lost out to Humza Yousaf last year in the race to replace Nicola Sturgeon.

The Highlands MSP has remained influential among Nat MSPs while on the back benches after she rebuffed attempts by her former rival to serve as rural affairs secretary. And she refused to be drawn on speculation when she posted about the first minister on social media.

She wrote: "As First Minister @HumzaYousaf cared passionately about Scotland. Few of us will forget his statesmanship and compassion on Gaza. He is an honourable man, who displayed dignity and humility today. I wish him and Nadia well with their impending new arrival in the summer."

But as the SNP start to make manoeuvres on who will replace the first minister, a number of big names have already backed former leader John Swinney. The likes of potential contenders Neil Gray and Jenny Gilruth have thrown their backing behind him, as has Westminster leader Stephen Flynn and predecessor Ian Blackford.

We previously told how he informed journalists that he would consider taking the top job and has been labelled as the only Nat politician who will be able to unite non-party MSPs behind a minority government. And now that SNP's "old guard" want to install him as well.

The same situation happened last year when Ms Sturgeon's close allies backed Mr Yousaf to replace her, and he eventually won the contest, only to resign just over a year later about a shambolic time in Bute House. And it looks like the SNP "old boys club" are aiming to do similar again.

According to the Scotsman's Alistair Grant, SNP MSP Michelle Thomson, who ran Ms Forbes' leadership campaign, says she understands that the former finance secretary is giving "serious consideration" to standing again. SNP MP Joanna Cherry hit out at the attempts to "stitch up" Mr Yousaf's replacement.

She said: "As Humza, who should be thanked for his service, will remain FM until we have a new leader there is no need for an unseemly rush by the (old) boys club to stitch up the succession. The leader of the SNP should be chosen by our members not by men in grey suits."

SNP veteran Fergus Ewing also backed his Highlands colleague: "Kate Forbes has the biggest majority of any MSP. If any other candidate is chosen because the Greens say they won’t work with Kate Forbes – we’re actually allowing the Green party to determine who the next first minister will be, that’s surely absurd.

“Politicians should work together far more than they do. Most of the political agreements seem to be more about theatre than substance. There’s no doubt in my mind that the people in the leadership of the other main parties – Tory, Liberal and Labour – respect Kate Forbes. They will trust her, they will work with her.”

But supporters of the former finance secretary are concerned by the potential rebirth of the "Anyone But Kate" which was launched last year to help Mr Yousaf to victory, and was co-ordinated by the "SNP old guard" who were Sturgeonites.

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81d5e5 No.201201

File: 6b91e8e7e0574f0⋯.png (597.74 KB,955x850,191:170,Clipboard.png)

File: 448fb3eee3e34a4⋯.png (95.32 KB,853x326,853:326,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20795765 (292030ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Nicola Sturgeon reacts to Humza Yousaf resignation as she gushes over protege

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Nicola Sturgeon reacts to Humza Yousaf resignation as she gushes over protege

The former first minister said she knows what a 'wrench' it is to stand resign the post

Mark Connor

29 APR 2024

Former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has broken her cover to gush over Humza Yousaf after he signalled his intent to leave his post on Monday. Sturgeon has been rarely seen in public in recent months after her husband Peter Murrell was charged with embezzlement as part of Operation Branchform.

She was, however, spotted on Friday night in London at an LBGTQ event with gal pals Val McDermid and co where she partied the night away without her wedding ring on. The fact that her party is crumbling to pieces does not seem have fazed her former SNP leader while she’s been seen in Holyrood just a handful of times since her own arrest.

But she finally broke her silence on Monday afternoon when she took to X, formerly Twitter, to say that she is ‘proud’ to call Yousaf a friend after watching his performance at Bute House.

It looked like he had taken notes from Sturgeon’s own resignation speech as he turned on the water works near the end and also said he will stay on until a successor was appointed.

She said: “I know how big a privilege being First Minister is, but also the toll it can take. I also know what a wrench it is to step aside, even when sure it is the right thing to do.

“Humza has conducted himself with grace, dignity and integrity - both as FM and in the manner of his leaving. I am and always will be proud to call him a friend.”

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81d5e5 No.201202

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20795773 (292033ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf Resigns - Public Opinion On His Performance (video)

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Humza Yousaf Resigns - Public Opinion On His Performance

Talk Of The Town News

46 subscribers

403 views Apr 29, 2024 #humzayousaf #thesnp #snp

#humzayousaf #thesnp #snp #scottishfirstminister #firstminister #scotland #politics #scottishpolitics #genderidentity #hatecrimebill #scotland #uk #fife #localnews #news #uknews #talkofthetownnews #buteagreement #resignation #resign #race #racecard #scottishgovernment #government

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81d5e5 No.201203

File: 28ac90af04d3266⋯.png (454.61 KB,997x899,997:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20796362 (292255ZAPR24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's £52,000 golden goodbye for 13 months of failure as first minister

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>>>154442 Final Humza Yousaf Bun


Humza Yousaf's £52,000 golden goodbye for 13 months of failure as first minister

The taxpayer will have to fork out half of the outgoing SNP leader's salary with the Glasgow Pollok MSP in line for a huge resettlement grant

Douglas Dickie

29 APR 2024

Humza Yousaf's 13 months as first minister don't seem so unlucky after all, with the hapless MSP in line for a whopping £52,000 pay off at the taxpayer's expense. The SNP leader signalled his intention to resign on Monday after it became clear he would be unable to govern at Holyrood.

His premiership collapsed after he sacked Scottish Green co-minister Patrick Harvie and Lorna Slater from government. It culminated in his resignation speech at Bute House during which he said he had "informed the SNP’s national secretary of my intention to stand down as party leader and ask that she commences a leadership contest for my replacement as soon as possible".

But if anyone was worrying about the Glasgow Pollok MSP potentially facing financial hardship, they shouldn't bother. The Scottish Express can reveal the outgoing FM is in line for a 'golden goodbye' of £52,292.

Under Scottish Parliament rules, ministers are entitled to a resettlement grant after leaving office. While most receive three months' salary, pensionable positions like the first minister and presiding officer get more.

A formula is used to work out exactly how much an individual receives. They are either entitled to 50% of their final salary or a percentage based on a calculation where the full number of years service in the role is divided by 12 and multiplied by 100.

Under the Scottish Parliamentary Pensions Act 2009, whatever figure is the highest is paid out. We've crunched the numbers and if Mr Yousaf's grant was calculated using the formula, he would receive only £8,860.

Instead, he will be entitled to half of his £104,584 first minister's salary after completing a just a year in the job as well as continuing ti pick up his MSPs salary of £72,196 plus expenses. That is only £12,000 less than his predecessor Nicola Sturgeon received after eight years.

We recently told how, combined with his MSPs salary, Mr Yousaf's FM's wage made him the highest paid elected politician in the UK. While whoever takes over will have to deal with an SNP civil war and a minority at Holyrood, they will certainly be well paid for the privilege.

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81d5e5 No.201204

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20800120 (301721ZAPR24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney 'best person we have' to take over as first minister - SNP Westminster leader (video)

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John Swinney 'best person we have' to take over as first minister - SNP Westminster leader

Sky News

7.66M subscribers

4,524 views Apr 30, 2024 #scotland #politics #uknews

Former SNP leader John Swinney is the "best person we have" to take over as first minister after Humza Yousaf quit, Stephen Flynn, the SNP's Westminster leader, tells Sky News.

"These are serious times, serious times deserve serious politicians and they don't get much more serious than John Swinney," he says.

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81d5e5 No.201205

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20800138 (301726ZAPR24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / Swinney to be crowned SNP leader with 'no contest', says Scottish Conservatives leader (video)

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Swinney to be crowned SNP leader with 'no contest', says Scottish Conservatives leader

Sky News

7.66M subscribers

6,771 views Apr 30, 2024 #snp #scotland #skynews

Douglas Ross, leader of the Scottish Conservatives, tells Sky News Humza Yousaf's departure was "inevitable" after his decision to "dump" the Greens out of government.

Asked if there is an SNP frontrunner his party fears the most, Mr Ross says there will be "no contest" with John Swinney likely to be crowned leader.

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81d5e5 No.201206

File: f94e7497a5846fd⋯.png (450.23 KB,781x713,781:713,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20805647 (012123ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney & Kate Forbes hold ‘secret talks’ to avoid SNP leadership bloodbath by striking power deal

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SECRET SUMMIT John Swinney & Kate Forbes hold ‘secret talks’ to avoid SNP leadership bloodbath by striking power deal

It comes amid a plan by senior Nats to install Mr Swinney as leader - uncontested

Chris Musson

1 May 2024

THE two contenders tipped to replace Humza Yousaf as First Minister have held secret talks about cutting a deal, The Scottish Sun can reveal.

Sources told how John Swinney and Kate Forbes met face to face amid a plan by senior SNP politicians and officials to install Mr Swinney as leader - uncontested.

An insider said that during the discussions, Ms Forbes did “not rule out” a deal where she takes a top job in a Swinney-led cabinet.

The secret summit took place at the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday, but no agreement was reached, The Scottish Sun understands.

An insider close to talks said both camps were keen not to be seen to be briefing against each other, but confirmed the pair did talk about whether a deal could be done.

And the source said: “A deal has not been ruled out.."

On Wednesday evening a spokesman for Ms Forbes confirmed the meeting took place.

He added: “We can confirm Kate spoke to John yesterday. It was a purely informal meeting.

"Kate is continuing to weigh up whether to run and is grateful for the growing outpouring of support.”

The Scottish Sun revealed earlier today how Ms Forbes was being urged to strike a deal with Mr Swinney in order to avert a “bloodbath” battle to succeed Mr Yousaf.

The First Minister quit suddenly on Monday after a crisis triggered by his unceremonious ditching of the Scottish Greens from the Scottish Government power-sharing pact known as the Bute House Agreement.

I'd suggest his resignation is more down to the work of Roger Livermore as evidenced by Silver Fox.



We revealed how party chiefs want the ex-Holyrood Finance Secretary to roll in behind stalwart former Deputy First Minister Mr Swinney and give him a clear run at becoming First Minister.

On Tuesday, a source said: “The hope is that Kate takes a job offered by John, and we can get on with governing. The last thing we need now is a bloodbath contest.”

Neither Mr Swinney nor Ms Forbes have yet declared they will run ahead of the nominations deadline on Monday at noon.

A snap poll for Ipsos suggested Forbes is the most popular candidate to succeed Mr Yousaf among the public - but Mr Swinney is better liked among SNP voters.

Ipsos Scotland's Emily Gray said Mr Swinney “does look better placed to unite the party” but said: “When you look at both candidates appeal to the wider electorate in Scotland, there Kate Forbes has a six-point lead over John Swinney.

"So she is a little more popular among the wider public when it comes to who might be the best first minister for Scotland."

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81d5e5 No.201207

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20806663 (020108ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP blasted with Nicola Sturgeon's own words over ANOTHER unelected leader

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SNP blasted with Nicola Sturgeon's own words over ANOTHER unelected leader

The Scottish Sun

284K subscribers

10,764 views May 1, 2024 #humzaYousaf #anasSarwar #fmqs

Scotland needs “credible and effective leadership” to deal with crises in the economy and the NHS, Mr Sarwar said.

“Now more than ever, our country needs credible and effective leadership, and stable and competent government, to take on the twin crises facing our nation – an economic crisis and an NHS crisis,” he said.

“I have no confidence in the SNP’s ability to deliver that and that is why I am bringing this motion to Parliament today.”

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81d5e5 No.201208

File: 4cd051781bbeb54⋯.png (438.77 KB,903x887,903:887,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20808262 (021104ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP council to impose 20mph limit on thousands of Glasgow streets… but what about the potholes?

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>>>154444 Final Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part Three


>>>154368 Updated Glasgow LEZ Bun | Initial Hate Crime Law Bun


SNP council to impose 20mph limit on thousands of Glasgow streets... but what about the potholes?

Over the next 18 months, the cash-strapped city council will spend £4.5million on reducing the speed limit from 30mph to 20mph on more than 3,800 streets across the Dear Green Place

Paul Cargill, PA Scotland & Ben Borland Editor

1 MAY 2024

Thousands of streets across Glasgow are set to have the speed limit lowered from 30mph to 20mph as part of a £4.5million project. The proposed changes would see speeds reduced on 3,868 streets over the next 18 months.

The move is aimed to make roads safer and encourage more walking and cycling in quieter and less congested neighbourhoods. However, critics have hit out at imposing a blanket 20mph limit while others say the money would be better spent fixing the city's potholes.

City leaders from the SNP-run administration agreed a policy in 2020 to make 20mph limits the standard for all residential streets, the city centre, other main shopping areas or where there are high levels of walking, wheeling or cycling.

Alongside capital funding, the scheme is being supported by a £2.5million taxpayer-funded grant from 'Places for Everyone', an active travel infrastructure fund backed by Transport Scotland and administered by Sustrans.

Councillor Angus Millar, city convener for climate and transport, claimed: "A city-wide 20mph speed limit will bring Glasgow in line with many other UK cities and help to create safer streets and communities for all of us, reducing the risk of accidents and the severity of injuries sustained.

"Reducing the impact of traffic on communities will also contribute to the wider shift needed towards more sustainable forms of transport which is vital if we are to achieve our target of Glasgow becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

"We know that many other cities have a 20mph speed limit and the evidence that's been gathered shows a minimal impact on the journey times for cars and buses. Reduced speed limits on local roads can help create a safer environment for children and other vulnerable road users, while encouraging more people to walk, wheel and cycle."

Consultants assessed more than 5,700 streets across Glasgow, concluding the 1,400 streets – some 288km – that already have a 20mph limit should remain at that speed. Only 472 roads will be allowed to stay with a 30mph limit, with the council saying the "majority" of the city's residential streets will be 20mph.

"Moving to 20mph is a technically complex undertaking and the council has been working with national partners to identify the best mechanisms to take this work forward," said Cllr Millar. "Now that the roads assessment is complete, the necessary legal, technical and logistical work required to implement the new 20mph speed limit can start.

"We will also be engaging with stakeholders and will continue to raise awareness of the mandatory speed limit to encourage drivers to lower their speeds in line with the new limit."

'Taking this step will help create safer, fairer streets'

Karen McGregor, Scotland director at Sustrans, said: "Sustrans is delighted to support Glasgow City Council and communities across the city with making this positive change. Time and time again, the evidence has shown that lowering speed limits in our built-up areas creates neighbourhoods that are safer for everyone - and that this makes the biggest positive difference for our most vulnerable people such as children, older people and those living with disability.

"60% of Glasgow residents surveyed for the 2023 Walking and Cycling Index said they would find more streets with 20mph speed limits useful to walk or wheel more. Taking this step will help create safer, fairer streets which give everyone more freedom and choice in how they make their journeys."

How long before they ban driving, walking or even just taking a shite?

Fucking farcical. Mandatory, so applies to nobody that does not accept the mandate.

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81d5e5 No.201209

File: 807ceccd548f1be⋯.png (608.24 KB,902x899,902:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20808343 (021131ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Scottish Government survives motion of no confidence after Greens refuse to vote in favour

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Scottish Government survives motion of no confidence after Greens refuse to vote in favour

Anas Sarwar said Scots were "crying out for change" and demanded a Holyrood election be called.

Chris McCall

1 MAY 2024

The Scottish Government has survived a motion of no confidence after Green MSPs refused to vote in favour.

Labour tabled the vote last Friday before Humza Yousaf confirmed he would step down as First Minister on Monday.

MSPs voted 70-58 today against the motion brought by Anas Sarwar - meaning all government ministers can stay in their jobs.

Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie said the motion was “chaos for the sake of chaos” as his party voted against it.

A separate motion brought against Yousaf himself was withdrawn earlier this week by the Tories following his resignation announcement.

Moving the vote against the Government today, Sarwar told MSPs: "Now more than ever our country needs credible and effective leadership and stable and competent government to take on the twin crises facing our nation - an economic crisis and an NHS crisis.

"I have no confidence in the SNP’s ability to deliver that and that is why I am bringing this motion to Parliament today.

"And this motion of no confidence in this SNP Government is based on two principal arguments.

"First - it is now clear that the SNP as a political party is so chaotic, divided and dysfunctional, that it can’t deliver competent government and is failing Scots every day.

"I don't believe changing the face at the top is going to change that."

But Yousaf - who will step down as First Minister when his party has chosen a replacement - defended his Government's record.

He told MSPs: "We choose progressive taxation, we choose to launch a ten year just transition fund to support Scotland's drive to net zero - where of course, Labour choose to ditch their £28bn green energy pledge.

"Where Keir Starmer refused for months to call for an immediate ceasefire even failing to condemn the collective punishment of the people of Gaza, I and the government I lead chose to be a voice of peace and humanity in the world."

Harvie said: "This proposal portrays the true motives of others: chaos for the sake of chaos.”

The Greens co-leader added: “Let’s just consider what would happen if it passed; a month to seek another government, then an election around the time that voters around the country were heading off on their summer holidays, a new government formed perhaps by August – leaving just a little more than a year-and-a-half until the legally required dissolution for the 2026 election.”

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81d5e5 No.201210

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20808537 (021302ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / SNP: John Swinney announces bid to succeed Humza Yousaf as Scotland's first minister (video)

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SNP: John Swinney announces bid to succeed Humza Yousaf as Scotland's first minister

Sky News

7.67M subscribers

1,120 views May 2, 2024 #humzayousaf #scotland #politics

John Swinney has confirmed he intends to stand as leader of the SNP for a second time.

The former deputy first minister stated his goals to create a more diverse, dynamic Scotland and unite SNP and Scotland for independence.

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81d5e5 No.201211

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20808558 (021308ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf denies rumours about why he stepped down as Scotland's first minister (video)

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Humza Yousaf denies rumours about why he stepped down as Scotland's first minister

Sky News

7.67M subscribers

9,492 views May 2, 2024 #humzayousaf #scotland #politics

Outgoing first minister Humza Yousaf has told Sky News the SNP and independence movement would be harmed by a toxic leadership contest.

Mr Yousaf, who this week announced he was standing down as SNP leader and Scotland's first minister, refused to be drawn on his party's future direction.

He said any suggestion of him being forced out of office to make way for John Swinney was "complete and utter rubbish".

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81d5e5 No.201212

File: 8cb70127a7aaea1⋯.png (565.53 KB,1006x925,1006:925,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20813293 (031158ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney's role in murky £586 million Gupta smelter deal sparks fresh inquiry calls

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John Swinney's role in murky £586million Gupta smelter deal sparks fresh inquiry calls

The SNP leader-in-waiting was Nicola Sturgeon's deputy when Scottish Government struck a controversial deal to sell the Lochaber aluminium smelter – and he even joined metals tycoon Sanjeev Gupta for a celebratory dinner at a 5-star hotel

Ben Borland

2 MAY 2024

John Swinney's bid to become the next SNP leader and First Minister has sparked fresh interest in his role in the controversial takeover of a Highlands smelting plant.

Entrepreneur Sanjeev Gupta, chief executive of Liberty Steel, acquired the Lochaber aluminium plant and two adjacent hydro power plants for just £5 in December 2016, with taxpayers financing the rest of the £330million deal. The Scottish Government provided a taxpayer-backed guarantee of £586m.

With the metal tycoon now under investigation for fraud, there have long been calls for a Holyrood inquiry into the affair and the Scottish Daily Express understands that rival parties are set to ramp up the pressure now that Mr Swinney has launched his leadership campaign.

The SNP veteran was Nicola Sturgeon's Deputy First Minister at the time the deal was agreed and he attended a lavish dinner with Mr Gupta and senior figures from his his Liberty Steel/GFG Alliance empire of companies near Oban on December 18, 2016.

The event took place at the five-star Isle of Eriska Hotel located on a private island at Benderloch, along with fellow SNP minister Fergus Ewing – who was then the Rural Economy Secretary. However, no minutes were taken to show what was discussed over drinks and dinner.

GFG Alliance acquired the loss-making venture from Rio Tinto with the help of a 25-year guarantee, with up to 2,000 jobs promised as as result of the takeover. Mr Gupta also acquired a Scottish hunting estate measuring 114,000 acres and including vast tracts of land around the lower slopes of Ben Nevis as part of the deal.

Speaking to the Scottish Daily Express, Lib Dem MSP Willie Rennie said: "In 2022 I wrote to John Swinney to raise concerns about the financial health of the Lochaber smelter after the publication of unaudited accounts which admitted to 'material uncertainties that cast significant doubt on the company's ability to continue as a going concern' amid multi-million pound losses.

"The government made flashy promises of 2,000 jobs and a new billet plant in exchange for hundreds of millions of pounds of government financial guarantees. Instead between 2016 and 2022, just 40 new jobs had been created. There are vast sums of taxpayers’ money at stake.

"John Swinney should take an early opportunity in parliament to explain whether he will accept calls for an inquiry into the Scottish Government's dealing with Sanjeev Gupta."

'We have preserved industrial capacity and supported livelihoods'

GFG Alliance is the subject of alleged fraud and money laundering investigations. The company has denied any wrongdoing and Mr Gupta returned to the UK for the first time in more than two years in autumn 2023. Last year, after the UK Government withdrew guarantees on £400m of loans to the firm, the SNP Government was urged to follow suit.

Ironically, Mr Swinney's potential leadership rival – Kate Forbes – has also come under scrutiny over her links to GFG Alliance after she accepted a rugby ticket worth £600 from the firm in 2018. She has been the MSP for Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch since 2016, and previously served as public finance minister and later Finance Secretary.

The Scottish Government said: "The dinner on 18 December was an informal event designed to mark the occasion of the conclusion of the purchase by the GFG Alliance of the Lochaber business assets of Rio Tinto and, as such, no notes, minutes or action points were recorded."

In response to Mr Rennie's call for a statement in parliament, a spokesman said: "The businesses at Lochaber continue to operate well and support highly skilled jobs in the region. The guarantee has not been called and the Scottish Government continues to earn the expected income in the form of guarantee fee payments from the GFG Alliance."

The SNP and Mr Swinney's office have also been contacted for a response.

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81d5e5 No.201213

File: 9b7b7ede9d99b76⋯.png (655.39 KB,884x899,884:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20813366 (031226ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / Secretive SNP almost fully redact key documents involving Sanjeev Gupta and Dalzell Steelworks

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Secretive SNP almost fully redact key documents involving Sanjeev Gupta and Dalzell Steelworks

The Scottish Lib Dems blasted the Scottish Government for refusing to be open about their dealings with troubled steel tycoon Sanjeev Gupta as a FOI document was almost completed redacted.

David Walker

17 FEB 2023

The secretive SNP Government has been blasted after they published key documents surrounding Sanjeev Gupta and Dalzell Steelworks- but redacted almost all of the information.

And the Scottish Lib Dems, who originally made the request, are appealing to the Scottish Information Commissioner in regards to the lack of transparency around the issue.

They have been campaigning for a long time for the SNP to be more open about their "shady" deal with troubled steel tycoon Mr Gupta who bought Dalzell Steelworks from the Scottish Government in 2016.

Scotland's last active steel plant was originally bought by the government for £1 from Tata and then sold on to Liberty Steel which continues to operate it now.

But questions have been asked about the viability of the deal after it was revealed that the agreements may have breached state aid rules.

In a bid to find out more information on the deal, a freedom of information request was made asking for a copy of the due diligence carried out by Ernst and Young in 2016 on Liberty’s financial standing and business plan to take over the Dalzell Clydebridge Steelworks.

It was published on the government website on Thursday but most of the 66-page document has been redacted, with only the most basic of information left in.

The importance of the document is that it should reveal if ministers had properly considered the financial viability of selling the steelworks to Liberty considering the money crisis the company is going through now.

Mr Gupta is currently under investigation by the Serious Fraud Office and had his offices raided by them. This is due to his role in the collapse of Greensill Capital.

It has led to accusations that the Scottish Government may have risked millions of taxpayers money by loaning him cash, as they handed him £7m in 2017 to help with running Dalzell.

They also signed a controversial deal with Mr Gupta's GFG Alliance who own a Lochaber smelter which guarantees the power purchase obligations of the smelter from the nearby hydroplant at a potential cost of £568m to the taxpayer.

Scottish Liberal Democrat economy spokesperson Willie Rennie MSP blasted the Scottish Government for refusing to be transparent with a subject which could cost hundreds of jobs.

He told the Scottish Daily Express: "This was an FOI request submitted by the Scottish Liberal Democrats. It has been incredibly difficult to get the government to be open about the consequences and risks of its high-profile investment in Mr Gupta’s companies.

“We will appeal to the information commissioner about this latest block. Transparency matters because millions of pounds, skilled jobs and the credibility of the SNP Government’s industrial strategy are all at stake.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: ““FOI responses are issued in line with the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act and Ministers remain committed to transparency.

"The Scottish Government acted at pace in 2016 to support a transaction involving Tata Steel and Liberty House to ensure steel communities in Scotland had a future.

“This saved the Dalzell and Clydebridge steel works, rescued more than 100 jobs and retained steel plate production in Scotland. Subsequently, ministers were advised that one specific part of the contract arrangement may not comply with state aid rules.

“This finding was reported promptly to the Scottish Parliament and means in the unlikely event of the indemnity ever being called upon, no money would legally have to be paid out by the Scottish Government.”

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81d5e5 No.201214

File: ac73fe6bd3af1f8⋯.png (345.86 KB,895x892,895:892,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20816169 (032354ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Coronation chicken! 'Caretaker John' becomes second unelected FM in SNP leadership carve-up

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Coronation chicken! 'Caretaker John' becomes second unelected FM in SNP leadership carve-up

The shady stitch-up between John Swinney and Kate Forbes leaves the Scottish electorate facing another two years with no say in who is running the country. How can that be democracy?



Ben Borland Editor

2 MAY 2024

So, that’s it then. Scotland is to get its third first minister in just over a year and the electorate aren’t going to get a say in who it should be.

Humza Yousaf was elected SNP leader in March last year by around 50,000 SNP members, although you could hardly get a cigarette paper between him and Kate Forbes when the ballots were counted.

This time around, it seems the next leader of both party and devolved government has been selected by shadowy figures pulling strings in the darkness, desperate to avoid another "bloodbath" leadership contest.

Did Stephen Flynn push Humza Yousaf to jettison the Scottish Greens and rip up the Bute House Agreement? And when that backfired, did Nicola Sturgeon instruct him to spurn the lifeline from Alex Salmond’s Alba Party?

For that matter, who twisted John Swinney’s arm to stand for the leadership, when this time last year he was happily declaring that he was looking forward to retirement from frontline politics?

And what were the terms of the backroom deal he struck with Ms Forbes in order to dissuade her from standing again? We are unlikely to get the answers to these or many other pressing questions, at least in the short term.

Instead, Mr Swinney is to return to the job he held with no great distinction at the turn of the century. Only this time, its not just the SNP he is danger of running into the ground, but the whole of Scotland.

Quite frankly, the country deserves better than this shady stitch-up and the Nats have shown that they do not have the courage of their convictions. They screamed for a General Election when Boris Johnson was replaced by first Liz Truss and then Rishi Sunak.

Now all you can hear at Holyrood is the popping of Champagne corks from behind closed doors as the SNP celebrate clinging on to power for two more years.

Truth be told...everyone sitting in that parliament (so called) is a fraud upon the people and must surely know the tipping point is coming when they are all shown the door? They are, all of them, SNP or other, absolutely relieved that they'll squeeze another 2 years out of you voting, tax-paying, bawbags. It's all you fucking morons that are keeping the rest of us trapped in this asylum!

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81d5e5 No.201215

File: 10d57c37f7a5990⋯.png (458.04 KB,880x899,880:899,Clipboard.png)

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File: 91554bde3239eb9⋯.png (479.92 KB,658x840,47:60,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20816274 (040059ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Caretaker John Swinney's worst catastrophes and cover ups as failed Nat leader takes up reins once more

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Caretaker John Swinney's worst catastrophes and cover ups as failed Nat leader takes up reins once more

Scandal has never been far away from the former deputy first minister despite SNP claims he is a 'steady hand'

Douglas Dickie

4 MAY 2024

John Swinney will be anointed SNP leader without a contest next week, marking a remarkable turnaround for the Perthshire North MSP. It will be his second stint in the job having spent four years as leader between 2000 and 2004.

He performed so badly back then he was ousted for the returning Alex Salmond. While that had little impact on Scots' lives, this time the role comes with the keys to Bute House with Mr Swinney set to become first minister.

His backers - which seemingly now includes every Nat MP and MSP - have painted him as a steady pair of hands, someone the trust to take control in a crisis. He certainly has plenty of experience having spent 16 of the last 17 years in government and spending almost nine years as deputy first minister under Nicola Sturgeon.

But experience doesn't equate success and Swinney's track record at Holyrood actually makes grim reading. While he has his fingerprints on every scandal from the Sturgeon days, here's his top five catastrophes and cover ups as a government minister...

'Worst education minister in Holyrood history'Mainly because he's Scotland's No'1 groomer

Mr Swinney's performance in the education brief has seen his dubbed the worst to ever hold the role. Given Jenny Gilruth is the current incumbent, that seems harsh, but his performance was littered with disasters.

Appointed by Nicola Sturgeon in 2016, he oversaw a spectacular drop in standards during his tenure as Scotland tumbled down international league tables. By the time he left the office in 2021, the attainment gap had not been bridged and had actually widened in some areas. Swinney faced a vote of no confidence in 2020 when the system used to score pupils during Covid led to children from poorer areas being penalised. He survived thanks to support from the Scottish Greens.

Alex Salmond cover up

In 2021, Swinney faced another no confidence vote in relation to the Alex Salmond inquiry. As minister in charge of liaising with the Committee on the Scottish Government Handling of Harassment Complaints, Swinney was ordered to publish legal advice requested by the committee.

However, he twice refused the request leading to accusations of the government cover up. He eventually relented when faced with the prospect of the no confidence vote, which was again unsuccessful.

Named persons law

Swinney was the architect of the hated Named Person law which eventually had to be ditched by the SNP government under intense pressure in 2019. Introduced in 2016, it would have seen every child under the age of 18 allocated a 'named person' as a point of contact between the child and authorities.putting children at risk of child abuse from John's pals

It was dubbed a 'snooper's charter' by critics and was even found by the Supreme Court to breach human rights laws. Swinney eventually withdrew the bill, with the u-turn branded a "complete humiliation".

Edinburgh tram controversy

The public inquiry into the cost of the Edinburgh tram project was scathing in its assessment of the SNP government. While no one came out of it well, Swinney came in for a particularly hard time.

He was the finance secretary who took on the project in 2007 with the inquiry finding he had 'pulled strings' and meddled behind the scenes. He told Transport Scotland to leave the project in 2007 only for it come back on board in 2011 to sort it out. Despite the criticism, Swinney insists he would not have done anything differently.He'd even still appoint Lord Andrew Hardy himself named by Suzie Henderson at the trial of John Watt as another one of her abusers when she was just a small girl wouldn't you John? I wonder if he'd have made Hardy a "named person" to get close to children? All above board guv' I'm a Lord don'tcha know?

Deleted Covid messages

Given his boss Nicola Sturgeon had deleted hers, it didn't really come a shock to learn Swinney hadn't kept hold of his Covid WhatsApp messages either. He appeared in front of the UK Inquiry earlier this year. He claimed he was acting on advice from 2007 but his former boss Alex Salmond questioned that.

The now-Alba leader said: "Honest John, as John Swinney used to be called, said he was doing this manually and that he said he was doing it since 2007, as first minister between 2007 and 2014 can I assure everyone that no such policy was in existence in these years and John was doing it off his own back."John is, as it turns out...a total CUNT!

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81d5e5 No.201216

File: f26ea552c049193⋯.png (652.9 KB,895x899,895:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c33610a5795c3f7⋯.png (831.69 KB,844x862,422:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 9ab3282d93ae412⋯.png (694.03 KB,586x857,586:857,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20816366 (040118ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Furious Nats are raging at a newspaper cartoon showing SNP leaders hanging from a noose

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Furious Nats are raging at a newspaper cartoon showing SNP leaders hanging from a noose

The cartoon by the award-winning Peter Brookes has sparked an angry reaction from the likes of Pete Wishart, Kelly Given and even Kirsten 'Decapitate Terfs' Oswald

Ben Borland

3 MAY 2024

SNP politicians and high-profile supporters have called for a cartoon published in The Times to be "taken down" and an apology issued by the newspaper.

The satirical take by Peter Brookes CBE, who has won British Press Awards cartoonist of the year eight times, shows Alex Salmond, Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf hanging from a noose fashioned from the SNP logo. John Swinney is walking into frame, saying: "I'm the continuity candidate."

As we reported earlier, Scots journalist Andrew Neil praised the 'toon on X as "brilliant" – and if he was hoping for a reaction from the SNP, then he got one. Veteran MP Pete Wishart replied: "This is the level of unionist discourse just now. Absolutely disgusting and we deserve so much better than this."

SNP member Kelly Given, who is frequently called on to defend the party on BBC Scotland, responded: "Not brilliant. So many activists and elected politicians recieve[sic] daily threats to their safety and security, and at times, threats to their life. This is distasteful and should be removed and an apology issued."

Former SNP Westminster leader Ian Blackford also chimed in, tweeting: "Satire and cartoons are part of our political life and of course this can be edgy. However this crosses a line, it is offensive and does nothing to foster respectful debate. I am surprised by @thetimes who should both withdraw and apologise for this."

And East Renfrewshire MP Kirsten Oswald also called for The Times to somehow remove the cartoon from the Internet. She tweeted: "This is horrific. So far beneath the bottom of the barrel. Should never have been published. Needs taken down now."

However, several critics called her out for her lack of contrition when appearing at a pro-trans rally in Glasgow last year when she was pictured in front of a sign reading 'Decapitate Terfs' with a crude drawing of a guillotine.

Scottish Daily Express commentator Alan Grant said: "Personally, I'm ok with both. But then I'm not an insipid hypocrite who only pretends to believe in free speech when it suits me."

Brookes posted the image on his own X account, leading to a flood of complaints with dozens of people saying they had reported him to the press watchdog Ipso. One person even tagged in Police Scotland.

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81d5e5 No.201217

File: 3c5310f0a8ce52f⋯.png (615.46 KB,970x887,970:887,Clipboard.png)

File: 151b122902f5ccb⋯.png (668.78 KB,842x862,421:431,Clipboard.png)

File: 723e6c6fd27d82e⋯.png (333.19 KB,652x836,163:209,Clipboard.png)

File: a10df3829583a30⋯.png (650.24 KB,595x862,595:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20816747 (040246ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / The Anniesland Assassination: Did Stephen Flynn and Kate Forbes plot Humza Yousaf's downfall at this Glasgow bowling club?

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The Anniesland Assassination: Did Stephen Flynn and Kate Forbes plot Humza Yousaf's downfall at this Glasgow bowling club?

THE EXPRESS INVESTIGATES: As rumours swirl about an SNP stitch-up to remove Humza Yousaf and install John Swinney as the caretaker leader without a damaging 'bloodbath', we reveal three of the key players in this shadowy Nationalist drama met just days beforehand

Ben Borland

3 MAY 2024

Questions are being asked about an SNP event where Stephen Flynn, Kate Forbes and Stewart McDonald got together just five days Humza Yousaf tore up the Bute House Agreement.

The alleged plotting is said to have taken place in the low-key setting of Scotstounhill Bowling Club in the Glasgow suburb of Anniesland on the evening of Friday, April 19. The event was held to endorse Carol Monaghan as the Glasgow West candidate.

Ms Forbes and Glasgow South MSP Mr McDonald were advertised as special guests several months in advance, along with Anniesland MSP Bill Kidd. But Mr Flynn, who represents Aberdeen South, was only added on April 16. On social media, one person suggested it was a "last minute line-up change to plot Humza's downfall".

It came as the simmering tensions between some SNP politicians and the Scottish Greens were about to boil over, brought to a head by the Cass Review into gender services for children and the decision to ditch net zero targets. Just hours before the get-together in the bowling club bar, the Greens had announced a vote on ending the Bute House Agreement.

Mr Flynn was already known to be quietly fuming at the deal, with Green opposition to the North Sea oil and gas industry causing huge damage the SNP's electoral chances across the North-East. Like Ms Forbes, he is ferociously ambitious, relatively young (she is 34, he is 35) and likely to spend years at the top of the party.

Two days after the Anniesland gathering, Patrick Harvie gave the extraordinary BBC interview in which he repeatedly refused to accept the findings of Dr Hilary Cass and her team of medical experts, who spent four years putting together their report. This may have been just the trigger the plotters had been waiting for...

By Wednesday, April 24, Mr Flynn was in Edinburgh for a meeting with the First Minister. He is said to have urged Mr Yousaf to chuck the Greens out of government before the party's lentil-munching members could vote to terminate the BHA, arguing that failing to do so would make him look weak.

The SNP leader ended the coalition the following morning – fatally underestimating the spiteful response from Mr Harvie, Lorna Slater and Ross Greer. With the eight Green MSPs threatening to support a vote of no confidence, Mr Yousaf was forced to turn to Alba's Ash Regan in order to save his political career. However, for reasons that are yet to be fully explained, he then rejected her offer of support and instead decided to resign on Monday, April 29.

It has now been revealed that Ms Forbes and John Swinney held discussions about the party leadership on the day BEFORE Mr Yousaf's resignation. The Times reports that Mr McDonald and the SNP MP Ian Blackford acted as proxies for the pair, with Ms Forbes eventually agreeing to stand aside in exchange for a plum cabinet post.

'I think she's going to have an incredibly bright future'

Meanwhile, Mr Flynn – who is now being tipped for a switch to Holyrood in 2026 – showered Ms Forbes with praise even as he publicly urged her not to stand against Mr Swinney. Hinting at a future leadership contest between them, he said: "So, I've got a huge amount of respect for Kate, I think she's phenomenally talented and she's going to have an incredibly bright future. But one of the reasons I'm not putting myself forward is because I'm 35 years old and I've got a lot of experience still to gain."

Suggestions of a plot to topple Mr Yousaf – also involving Nicola Sturgeon, who still wields huge influence in the SNP and is said to have torpedoed any alliance with Alex Salmond and the Alba Party – have been swirling around in nationalist circles all week. Some have even claimed that the outgoing FM's strong stance on the war in Gaza (not to mention his dalliance with Turkish leader Erdogan) was the motivation for "the powers that be" to act against him.

There are even extraordinary claims that the political manoeuvres in Glasgow and Edinburgh were in some way connected to the British-American Project, which is run from the US Embassy in London. It seeks to strengthen links between the US and the UK and counter anti-American sentiment among the British left.

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81d5e5 No.201218

File: 259d36b1de3ff2d⋯.png (268.3 KB,609x810,203:270,Clipboard.png)

File: 30c1f34e6f18306⋯.png (134.49 KB,635x644,635:644,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20816753 (040247ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / The Anniesland Assassination: Did Stephen Flynn and Kate Forbes plot Humza Yousaf's downfall at this Glasgow bowling club?

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Ms Forbes is a fellow of the BAP (along with Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar) and both Mr Flynn and Mr McDonald are said to have links to the organisation. Its conferences are held under Chatham House Rules (similar to the Bilderberg Group, where participants are free to use information without revealing its source) and there are claims it is sometimes used as a front for the CIA.

Denise Findlay, a prominent nationalist who quit Alex Salmond's Alba Party in a row over gender, is among those promoting the idea of a plot. She tweeted: "Why on earth has Humza been stitched up. What happened makes no sense. Is it possible his stance on Gaza meant [The Powers That Be] decided he had to go?"

In response, one like-minded nationalist asked: "Why on 16/4 did Flynn decide to go to Anniesland on 20/4 to meet Forbes, McDonald also in tow, all British-American Project associates?" However, another X user scoffed: "So it was MI5 at play again Denise? Better buy some more bacofoil before you run out."

While suggestions of MI5 and CIA involvement seem unlikely in the extreme, the fact remains that Ms Forbes – who represents Ross, Skye and Lochaber and lives in the Highlands with her husband and their infant daughter – was in Glasgow with both Mr Flynn and Mr McDonald on a Friday evening just days before Mr Yousaf's extraordinary self-destruction.

'Clearly far more going on behind the scenes'

If there was a plot to topple the First Minister (who seems genuinely relieved to be out of the hot seat and back in Broughty Ferry with his own young family), it wouldn't be Mr Flynn's first involvement in such skullduggery. He is said to have orchestrated Mr Blackford's downfall, together with members of the so-called 'Tuesday Club' of MPs (named after their regular Tuesday night 5-a-side football and curry sessions in London).

This coup (Mr McDonald was another Tuesday Club member) in December 2022 came just over two months before Ms Sturgeon herself unexpectedly stepped down. Although the Isla Bryson scandal and developments in Operation Branchform were the prime motivators, insiders say her loss of control at Westminster should not be underestimated.

Ms Sturgeon is said to have fought tooth and nail to keep her ally Blackford in place. Writing in the Daily Mail at the time, former Glasgow Labour MP Tom Harris – who maintains impeccable Whitehall connections – described Mr Blackford's removal "as the beginning of the end of the Sturgeon era".

In response to the latest plotting, one political observer said: "Clearly, there's been far more going on behind the scenes than we have been led to believe and it looks as though the planning for Humza's downfall began not hours but days in advance. Could it be that Flynn and Forbes agreed to sit this one out ahead of a proper leadership contest between the pair of them at some stage in the not-too-distant future?"

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81d5e5 No.201219

File: 00849eaffe7d65c⋯.png (440.04 KB,874x899,874:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 3924a1d4ff7c1e4⋯.png (412.09 KB,926x781,926:781,Clipboard.png)

File: 24063bfe707208b⋯.png (209.95 KB,855x428,855:428,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20824227 (051848ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney says he is 'making a personal sacrifice' to stand for SNP leader

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John Swinney says he is 'making a personal sacrifice' to stand for SNP leader

The incoming SNP leader said he had taken a few days to decide whether he wanted to join the contest because of family circumstances.

Andrew Quinn

2 MAY 2024

John Swinney has said that he is "making a personal sacrifice" to stand to be SNP leader and first minister.

The former finance secretary said he had taken a few days to decide whether he wanted to run because of his family circumstances.

The Perthshire North MSP has a teenage son and his wife has multiple sclerosis.

He confirmed on Thursday morning that he was running to replace Humza Yousaf.

It looks likely that he will be crowned SNP leader and first minister next week after Kate Forbes ruled herself out.

Swinney had said he did not want to stand last year because he expected to wind down his political career.

He told ITV Border: "I am making a personal sacrifice to stand for leader of the SNP today.

"I thought a year ago that I had done my bit. I'd had a long government career, 16 years as a senior minister, and I thought the time was right for me to move on.

"Times and circumstances change. The SNP is in a difficult position just now. It's not as cohesive as it needs to be.

"It needs to be brought back together again and I think I've got the skills and the attributes to make sure that can happen."

When asked if it was a difficult decision because of his wife's medical condition and his son's age, Swinney replied:

"That's why I've taken some days to come to this decision.

"I was under media pressure almost immediately [after] the First Minister announced his decision as to whether I would stand.

"I've had to take time to speak with my wife and with my son to make sure that we can manage our way through this, because this will involve challenges for us, for all of us.

"And I'm deeply grateful to my wife and my son for the encouragement they've given [me] to do this.

"They know how much I am devoted to the SNP. They know how much I am concerned about where we are as a party, and they recognise that I've got something to do to help sort that.

"That involves personal sacrifice but I am prepared to do that."

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81d5e5 No.201220

File: 28b6c85d6319e9a⋯.png (660.03 KB,907x899,907:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 940d43f70457361⋯.png (763.18 KB,938x921,938:921,Clipboard.png)

File: e1437c308cd17b0⋯.png (204.67 KB,658x646,329:323,Clipboard.png)

File: f1a384c9514851f⋯.png (137.41 KB,582x678,97:113,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20824325 (051914ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / Scots cops probe dodgy data claims at firm as council hands company £1.8bn contract

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North Lanarkshire council, currently held by Labour party


Scots cops probe dodgy data claims at firm as council hands company £1.8bn contract

Mears was awarded the £1.8bn deal amid chaotic scenes at North Lanarkshire Council.

Hannah Rodger

5 MAY 2024

Police have been asked to investigate dodgy figures at a repairs firm which has just been handed millions in public cash.

Mears is now at the centre of a complaint to officers over concerns they were manipulating data for work at North Lanarkshire Council, the Sunday Mail can reveal.

But despite the issues, councillors approved a new contract for Mears at a secretive meeting on Thursday night worth £1.8bn - the largest of its kind in Scotland.

The controversy over Mears led to chaotic scenes with some councillors from Progressive Change North Lanarkshire (PCNL) who spoke out against it branded "conspiracy theorists" in an angry speech by Labour council leader Jim Logue before they were thrown out of the chamber.

The Sunday Mail can reveal details of a report, hidden from the public, warning councillors they had no choice but to hand Mears the contract despite the firm having already been found to have amended its performance figures for potentially years while working on other contracts with the local authority.

The report states that if councillors didn't give Mears the contract the local authority had no other means of doing repairs to its tenants' homes.

It says there is "insufficient" resources in the council to manage contractors to do their own repairs across social housing and council buildings and if the contract isn’t given to Mears the firm could sue "given that they have met all the conditions for a successful award".

It adds that there would be a risk for future elections as "the council does not have the available human resource or expertise to operate the setting up of polling places, delivery of ballot boxes and management of inbound ballot boxes to the count centre."

The scandal of Mears unravelled when a whistleblower reported their concerns to Audit Scotland last year alleging the company had been manually changing its completion dates on repairs jobs to make it look as if they were finishing repairs faster than they actually were.

A probe by the council then confirmed the claims were accurate and the practice may have been going on for years.

Councillors from Progressive Change North Lanarkshire have been challenging the Mears deal for months and said it is unacceptable that the council has been forced to award this contract.

PCNL Deputy Leader Paul DiMascio said the situation was a "damning indictment of the catastrophic failure of this council to have protected council interests better."

He said: "We have no contingency plan for if the contract was awarded to anyone other than Mears; we don't own the management system which allows repairs to be scheduled, we don't have resources to deliver repairs on time.

"Councillors seem to be fine with this despite accepting the fact that important statutory data has been openly manipulated by Mears." Police Scotland has been asked to investigate Mears' dodgy data claims after a report was made two weeks ago.

It is not known whether council staff or councillors were aware of the police report when they voted to award the deal last week. A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Reports have been received and the information is being assessed."

A North Lanarkshire Council spokesman said: "The council agreed unanimously at a meeting this week to award the contract for housing and corporate property repairs to Mears Limited.

"This ensures that 37,000 council houses will receive routine and emergency repairs and that the corporate property estate will be maintained appropriately while achieving best value for tenants and residents.

"This followed a six-year procurement process which was approved at all stages by councillors, including by members of PCNL, until an unsuccessful amendment was proposed at the award stage in August last year." Mears declined to comment.

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81d5e5 No.201221

File: f0ee3036ee344df⋯.png (442.88 KB,894x861,298:287,Clipboard.png)

File: a3f45393fed2478⋯.png (360.06 KB,834x861,278:287,Clipboard.png)

File: 6e2d44f77c641ea⋯.png (126.82 KB,597x595,597:595,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20824975 (052151ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Cracks already showing in SNP 'unity' as government minister rages at 'senior sources'

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Cracks already showing in SNP 'unity' as government minister rages at 'senior sources'

John Swinney is supposed to be the man to bring the SNP together but instead insiders are already briefing the press that he is a mere caretaker keeping the seat warm for Stephen Flynn

Douglas Dickie

4 MAY 2024

Cracks are already starting to appear in the SNP's apparent new unified stance ahead of the coronation of John Swinney as party leader. Nats claim they have put the feuding of the past few years behind them and the Swinney premiership will trigger a reset.

Kate Forbes stepping aside meant the former deputy first minister has a clear run at the SNP leadership - a job that will likely take him all the way to Bute House and the first minister's office. But insiders are already briefing that the Perthshire North MSP is little more than a caretaker boss to get the party through the general election.

We reported that Holyrood insiders expect him to be a patsy for poor election results. And senior SNP sources at Westminster told the Independent that Stephen Flynn was already being lined up as the next leader in a desperate bid to stop Ms Forbes from ever becoming leader.

It was all too much for Shirley Anne-Sommerville, who is currently the social justice secretary in the Scottish cabinet. She took to social media site X to blast any SNP politician briefing the press.

She fumed: "That call for unity meant you too. Stop your secret wee quotes and get on with organising a canvassing session."

Tory MSP Stephen Kerr said the report had "certainly got under senior Nationalist’s skin" adding: "So there must be at least a grain of truth to it. It’s apparently not enough for the SNP to install two continuity leaders in two years.

"Now there’s a succession plan to crown another successor in 2026. That shows an absolute lack of respect for the electorate. Handily, voters have the opportunity to show the SNP they cannot be taken for granted - showing them the door in constituencies across Scotland, later this year."

Senior party figures are apparently keen to prevent former finance minister Ms Forbes ever becoming party leader despite her stepping aside to allow Mr Swinney, who was Ms Sturgeon's deputy first minister for nearly nine years, a free run at the leadership. The Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch MSP is expected to be handed a high-profile job in his cabinet in return for not standing for the leadership.

But her social views sit uneasily with the party establishment. It is suggested members loyal to Nicola Sturgeon will do everything they can to prevent Ms Forbes becoming leader.

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81d5e5 No.201222

File: a75f952462f4a86⋯.png (410.81 KB,922x874,461:437,Clipboard.png)

File: 2992f62ae3d1832⋯.png (509.29 KB,897x845,69:65,Clipboard.png)

File: 4997d2918d54aaa⋯.png (109.31 KB,598x410,299:205,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20825054 (052210ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney must 'make amends' to betrayed Covid bereaved after deleting messages

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>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two


John Swinney must 'make amends' to betrayed Covid bereaved after deleting messages

Scottish Liberal Democrat leader Alex Cole-Hamilton owes a full explanation after admitting to destroying all his WhatsApp messages relating to the pandemic

Douglas Dickie

5 MAY 2024

John Swinney has been told by the Liberal Democrats he must “make amends” to the Covid bereaved for deleting key WhatsApp messages if he is to become Scotland’s next First Minister. The former deputy first minister is the likely candidate to replace Humza Yousaf in the top job this week after other possibles ruled themselves out of the contest.

However, Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton urged the Perthshire North MSP, who served as Nicola Sturgeon’s deputy in the pandemic, to “overhaul government transparency” – if selected for the role. In January, Mr Swinney admitted to the UK Covid Inquiry that he “manually” deleted informal messages between himself and Ms Sturgeon, in accordance with Scottish Government guidance.

The Scottish Government has since said it is committed to learning lessons, with a review into the use of WhatsApp and other communications announced. However, Mr Cole-Hamilton has said: “When he set out his leadership bid, John Swinney said that his values are based on helping some of the most vulnerable people in our society. If he is serious about that then he must make amends to all those whose lives were ripped apart by Covid.

“It was John Swinney who deleted his pandemic messages, alongside Nicola Sturgeon and other members of her top team. By doing so, they undermined the work of both the UK and Scottish Covid inquiries and deprived all those who lost loved ones of the answers and understanding they are searching for.

“Lives and livelihoods hinged on the decisions that John Swinney acknowledged were happening ‘at an absolutely ferocious pace’. To erase the discussion that underpinned them smacks of a government that had little care for accountability and was covering its tracks.

“If John Swinney does become the next First Minister, he must explain to the Covid inquiries and to families how he will overhaul government transparency and record keeping to finally end the culture of secrecy that has existed for 17 years.”

A spokesman for Mr Swinney said: “Mr Swinney’s deepest sympathies are with all those who lost loved ones during the pandemic. Mr Swinney addressed the subject of message retention during an extensive evidence session at the Covid Inquiry.

“While giving evidence, Mr Swinney made clear that he acted in line with the existing Scottish Government policy at that point in time.”

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81d5e5 No.201223

File: 7ee96fccc76c9e0⋯.png (663.66 KB,959x867,959:867,Clipboard.png)

File: 8ada90050f71686⋯.png (120.61 KB,842x367,842:367,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20825091 (052221ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Operation Branchform Bun / Operation Branchform cops looking at 'stolen goods charges' in relation to SNP finances

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>>>154438 Final Operation Branchform Bun


Operation Branchform cops looking at 'stolen goods charges' in relation to SNP finances

The probe into over £600,000 of cash donated to the Nationalist party has been going for almost three years with Peter Murrell charged with embezzlement last month

John Ferguson & Douglas Dickie

5 MAY 2024

Officers involved in an investigation into SNP finances are considering charges of possession of stolen goods, according to reports. Operation Branchform detectives are now looking at whether the crime of 'reset' could have been committed as part of the three-year probe.

The inquiry relates to around £660,000 of donations to the SNP, alleged to have been spent fraudulently. One person has so far been charged in relation to the probe.

Nicola Sturgeon's husband and the SNP's former chief executive Peter Murrell was charged with embezzlement last month. Sturgeon herself was arrested last year, as was former party treasurer Colin Beattie, although neither have been charged.

The Sunday Mail reports a source close to the investigation saying: "More charges could come at any time. This is a wide-ranging inquiry and the fact that a report has not yet been sent to the Procurator Fiscal by police suggests the police are not finished."

Reset is the crime of possessing property knowingly acquired by theft – or by robbery, fraud or embezzlement – and intending to retain it. It can be committed by being privy to or being involved in the retention or keeping of property which you know to be stolen.

The first allegations against the party were made in March 2021 and a formal investigation was launched in July that year. The home Sturgeon and Murrell share near Glasgow was searched along with SNP HQ. A campervan bought by the party officially to fight the 2021 Scottish election was also seized by cops.

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81d5e5 No.201224

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20827399 (061336ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney to be Scotland's First Minister (video)

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John Swinney to be Scotland's First Minister

The Mirror

166K subscribers

674 views May 6, 2024 #TheMirror #Politics #Scotland

John Swinney confirmed as new SNP leader and likely first minister

The Perthshire North MSP was the only candidate standing for leader when the nominations closed at noon on Monday.

Continue reading at The Mirror:

John Swinney to be Scotland's First Minister after challenger quits SNP leadership race

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81d5e5 No.201225

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20827407 (061338ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney wins SNP leadership contest and is set to become Scottish first minister (video)

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BREAKING: John Swinney wins SNP leadership contest and is set to become Scottish first minister

Sky News

7.7M subscribers

1,561 views May 6, 2024 #SNP #Scotland #UK

John Swinney has won the SNP leadership contest and is set to be named as Scotland's new first minister, replacing Humza Yousaf.

Posting on X, Mr Swinney said: "I am deeply honoured to have been elected as leader of the SNP. I will give all that I have to serve my party and my country."

The nominations for the party's leadership contest closed at 12pm on Monday, with Mr Swinney confirmed as the sole nominee.

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81d5e5 No.201226

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20827469 (061357ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / Swinney: Party 'knows the outcome' of leadership contest (video)

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Swinney: Party 'knows the outcome' of leadership contest

Sky News

7.7M subscribers

20,442 views May 5, 2024 #localelections #politics #snp

John Swinney has told Trevor Phillips it would be better for the SNP if the party did not go through a leadership contest.

He said any contest, which would last three weeks, would delay "the ability for the SNP to start its rebuilding".

The SNP was put into turmoil after Humza Yousaf was forced to resign following his decision to end a power-sharing agreement with the Greens.

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81d5e5 No.201227

File: d12c1cfafc483a2⋯.png (325.58 KB,784x948,196:237,Clipboard.png)

File: 839bb222d28b8fd⋯.png (50.53 KB,667x681,667:681,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835343 (080124ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / Corrupt Scotland: John Swinney and the Crown Office

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Corrupt Scotland: John Swinney and the Crown Office

David Scott

7th March 2021

Scottish public life is currently mired in corruption. Comparisons are being made to tin-pot, third-world dictatorships and banana republics. There are calls to drain the swamp.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney has faced, and will again face, a vote of no confidence in the Scottish Parliament over his decision to block the release to the Salmond Inquiry of information embarrassing to the regime.

The present Lord Advocate, James Wolffe QC, the most senior law officer in Scotland, has been called upon to "consider his position", which means to resign, by the former First Minister Alex Salmond, due to the failure of his leadership in the Crown Office — Scotland's state prosecutor.

Against this background, we feel compelled to release the following item of information into the public domain. It forms part of a large, vitally important case which involved a good man and loving father having his disabled son removed from his care by state officials in what we can only describe as an abduction. The details of this case are currently the subject of discussions with Police Scotland and other state agencies and must remain, for the moment at least, out of the public eye.

As Mr Swinney had been involved for many years in the case and had previously assured the family of his support, they called him as a witness in the guardianship case concerning the young man.

Mr Swinney refused to attend.

The family therefore cited him to attend and had the necessary notice served on him at his parliamentary premises, Holyrood.

The following is their description of the events in court on the day when John Swinney, Member of the Scottish Parliament, Education Secretary for Scotland and Deputy First Minister, was due to give evidence as a witness for a family fighting to keep their son.

What can we conclude from this courtroom drama?

Frank Mulholland, when Lord Advocate, contacted the lawyer representing a local government body in a civil case. He then attempted to alter the witness list for the applicant in this case, without that party’s knowledge or consent. This interference in a court case seems to have been undertaken to satisfy the wishes of a fellow cabinet minister, John Swinney. After all, the Lord Advocate is not just the Scottish Government's chief legal officer but is also a member of the executive that runs the country.

This is disturbing and leaves us with further questions.

Does Frank Mulholland (now Judge Lord Mulholland) make a habit of interfering with court cases and tampering with witness lists?

Does John Swinney, or for that matter Nicola Sturgeon or any other Scottish cabinet minister, routinely use the Lord Advocate to influence the conduct of court cases which they feel to be inconvenient, bothersome or personally threatening?

Just what is the relationship between the present and previous Lords Advocate and the Scottish National Party administration? How close is it? Is there any separation of powers at all?

At the opening of the Case, on the morning of the 3rd December 2015, Mr. Adam Heath (Solicitor for Perth and Kinross Council) called for a "Point of Order", which was approved by Sheriff Wood. Mr Heath stated that he had received a phone call from a third party asking him if he could assist in getting one of the witnesses out of giving evidence. When asked who this witness was, he said he was one of the witnesses for the parent attempting to recover the son.

When asked who the third party was, [the solicitor] stated that it was the Lord Advocate for Scotland, Mr Frank Mulholland. Finally, when asked a second time who the witness was, Mr Heath said it was Mr John Swinney, Deputy First Minister of Scotland.

The Sheriff stated that this action would not be allowed in his Court but also prevented the recording of the Point of Order by the Verbatim Reporter.

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81d5e5 No.201228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835400 (080136ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney to become Scotland's new first minister after Holyrood vote (video)

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10 hours ago.....

John Swinney to become Scotland's new first minister after Holyrood vote

Sky News

7.7M subscribers

5,240 views May 7, 2024 #snp #scotland #holyrood

Following his victory in the SNP leadership race, John Swinney MSP has faced a vote at the Scottish parliament to confirm him as Humza Yousaf's successor.

The Scottish Greens abstained from the vote, with Mr Swinney able to fend off challenges from Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross, Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar, and Scottish Liberal Democrats leader Alex Cole-Hamilton.

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81d5e5 No.201229

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835441 (080143ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney elected First Minister of Scotland after Holyrood vote (video)

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8 hours ago.....


John Swinney elected First Minister of Scotland after Holyrood vote

STV News

52.3K subscribers

829 views May 7, 2024

John Swinney elected First Minister of Scotland after Holyrood vote

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81d5e5 No.201230

File: ba140f38e5bdef6⋯.png (556.03 KB,946x849,946:849,Clipboard.png)

File: bc50ff4bcfbe4f0⋯.png (579.84 KB,823x858,823:858,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835562 (080211ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / King Charles warned he must not appoint another 'unlawful' First Minister or risk a constitutional crisis

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>>>154059 (You) Huge double blow for royals as King Charles AND Princess Kate in hospital at same time


King Charles warned he must not appoint another 'unlawful' First Minister or risk a constitutional crisis

EXCLUSIVE: With Holyrood's Presiding Officer Alison Johnstone set to ask King Charles to appoint John Swinney, campaigners are warning the monarch 'is being placed in an unconstitutional and exceptionally unacceptable position'

Ben Borland

6 MAY 2024

Political leaders in London and Edinburgh have been warned – again – of the "major constitutional and legal problem" in asking King Charles to appoint John Swinney as First Minister.

Campaigners say there is a major flaw in the devolution settlement which has gone unchecked in 25 years; namely that there is no real separation of powers in Scotland. The UK Supreme Court states: "The doctrine of the separation of powers requires that the principal institutions of state – executive, legislature and judiciary – should be clearly divided in order to safeguard citizens' liberties and guard against tyranny."

Critics say that because the Lord Advocate and the Solicitor General are also Cabinet ministers, the Scottish Government is not separate from the prosecution service. In a further flaw, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service is in charge of both prosecutions and investigations of deaths.

All these issues have been highlighted many times by legal and constitutional experts, including SNP MP Joanna Cherry KC and members of the the Action for a Safe and Accountable People's NHS (ASAP-NHS) campaign. The campaigners say: "This is now an urgent matter requiring attention at the top. The King is being placed in an unconstitutional and exceptionally unacceptable position."

Over the years, ASAP-NHS has repeatedly found its calls for investigations and prosecutions relating avoidable hospital deaths stymied – and the group believes this is because the Scottish Government can effectively decide "who is prosecuted and who is not".

The constitutional conflict of interest has manifested itself in multiple other ways, such as the alleged failure to properly investigate Covid deaths during the pandemic, the Rangers FC malicious prosecution scandal, the handling of sexual harassment complaints against Alex Salmond and the Operation Branchform investigation into the SNP's finances.

Roger Livermore, a former Crown prosecutor in England, wrote to the King's Private Secretary in March 2023 to notify him of the group's concerns before Humza Yousaf was appointed First Minister. Now, with Mr Swinney set to become the next unelected occupant of Bute House, he has written to Prime Minister Rishi Sunak to set out the ASAP-NHS position once again.

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81d5e5 No.201231

File: fc1f004d75bb912⋯.png (224.64 KB,676x891,676:891,Clipboard.png)

File: 2b66e45f5b00549⋯.png (113.63 KB,681x468,227:156,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835569 (080212ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / King Charles warned he must not appoint another 'unlawful' First Minister or risk a constitutional crisis

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The Scottish Express has obtained a copy of his letter, which has been copied to figures such as Cabinet Secretary Simon Case, Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle, Scottish Secretary Alister Jack and all the Holyrood party leaders. Mr Livermore writes: "With the absence of the separation of the powers in Scotland, this should be guaranteed to be a major constitutional and legal problem for Scotland and the UK.... It has severe consequences for both government and justice in Scotland, and also for the UK.

"Imminently the Presiding Officer of the Scottish Parliament the Rt Hon Alison Johnstone MSP should be asking the King to appoint a new Scottish First Minister, the head of the Scottish Government who would as it stands be outside the King's Law and the law of the land. This would be highly unconstitutional, and by constitutional law highly unlawful."

He adds: "Ever since devolution and the Scotland Act 1998 there has remarkably been the absence of the rule of law in Scotland. A vital part if democracy has been missing in Scotland. We are dealing with the most basic legal and constitutional errors." And Mr Livermore continues: "The Scottish Government is unlawfully outside the law. Without the constraints of the law, the current SNP Government is free to ignore the law, and it does so constantly."

ASAP-NHS is calling for the "error-strewn Scotland Act to be amended", adding: "The control of judicial processes must be removed from Scottish Government control. The prosecution system must be independent such as it is with DPP/CPS. The system of investigating deaths must likewise be an independent system such as the HM coroner system."

In conclusion, Mr Livermore writes: "In comparison with western countries, the Scottish system of government and justice treat life as cheap."

'At the very least, there is a perception of a conflict of interest'

In January, SNP MP Joanna Cherry lodged a Bill to amend the Scotland Act 1998 to allow the Scottish Parliament to separate the twin roles of Lord Advocate into two new jobs – one as head of the prosecution service and the other as Minister and chief legal adviser to the Scottish Government.

Arguing that "reform is long overdue", Ms Cherry said: "The present Lord Advocate performs both roles, and both legal scholars and politicians are becoming increasingly concerned that that may give rise to a conflict of interest, or at the very least a perception of a conflict of interest."

The Scottish Government has agreed to review the current set-up and Ms Cherry's Bill is supported by SNP, Alba and Lib Dem MPs, as well as Tory backbencher Sir David Davis. Both Mr Jack and Labour's Shadow Scottish Secretary "agreed there is a case for separating the two roles".

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81d5e5 No.201232

File: 6e9c0fc3e0ab0c1⋯.jpg (4.52 MB,2220x3492,185:291,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 14b72fcdef5479b⋯.jpg (4.53 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835613 (080224ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / ASAPNHS to Mr. Evans re: Chief Constable Livingstone's breach Section 5 Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 (first 4 pages)

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Just found on telegram.........

............More to follow apparently.

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81d5e5 No.201233

File: 9abcc3237d2e4a8⋯.jpg (4.94 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 3d8cf85583ad55a⋯.jpg (4.83 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835621 (080225ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / ASAPNHS to Mr. Evans re: Chief Constable Livingstone's breach Section 5 Police and Fire Reform (Scotland) Act 2012 (first 4 pages)

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Will check tomorrow and see if any more are added.

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81d5e5 No.201234

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20835638 (080229ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / King Charles warned he must not appoint another 'unlawful' First Minister or risk a constitutional crisis

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The following was added to the posted emails...

"Will post the emails to Sturgeon and Iain Livingstone tomorrow once you've had a chance to digest the gravity of this. Sturgeon was emailed on the 19th January 2023 the same as this one, along with Livingstone Chief Constable police Scotland (retired).

She announced her resignation on February 15th 2023 and tendered the same on the 28th of March 2023 and her role as First Minister was terminated the following day on the 29th of March 2023.

Iain Livingstone announced his retirement on Feb 23rd 2023 at a Scottish Police Authority (SPA) meeting in Glasgow. He retired on 10th of August 2023.

It took Sturgeon just short of a month to vacate the role of FM and just over a month for Livingstone to announce his retirement.

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81d5e5 No.201235

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20839798 (090022ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / IN FULL: Humza Yousaf resignation statement (video)

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>>>154442 Final Humza Yousaf Bun


IN FULL: Humza Yousaf resignation statement

The Mirror

167K subscribers

1,351 views May 7, 2024 #TheMirror #Scotland #Politics

Yousaf officially steps down as first minister as King accepts resignation. Humza Yousaf gives his resignation statement to the Scottish Parliament.

6:37 - Sturgeon's face like fizz ;)

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81d5e5 No.201236

File: 3edad3a24dbbef0⋯.png (656.41 KB,917x899,917:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 2d645e6ce5ba07e⋯.png (300.89 KB,919x864,919:864,Clipboard.png)

File: 7112f18656134d5⋯.png (232.49 KB,668x751,668:751,Clipboard.png)

File: ae3da1eab0aefe6⋯.png (127.83 KB,627x480,209:160,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20839902 (090046ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney keeps Humza Yousaf's 'continuity' and 'chaotic' cabinet - and adds extra £112k-a-year role for Kate Forbes

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John Swinney keeps Humza Yousaf's 'continuity' and 'chaotic' cabinet - and adds extra £112k-a-year role for Kate Forbes

The new First Minister has acted like the old First Minister by keeping in place the majority of his predecessor's Cabinet, only adding an extra role in Gaelic and Economy for Kate Forbes.

David Walker

8 MAY 2024

John Swinney has been slated as "uninspiring" after announcing a "continuity" Cabinet which will remain almost exactly the same as Humza Yousaf's, except for an extra taxpayer-funded £112k role for Kate Forbes. The former SNP leadership contender has been appointed Deputy First Minister with responsibility for the economy and Gaelic.

But otherwise the "continuity" First Minister has stuck by the nine figures who led Scotland under Mr Yousaf, the second shortest-serving First Minister of all time. It means that Shona Robison remains Finance Secretary, but now with responsibility for local government.

Mr Swinney claimed that the "new" Scottish Cabinet will "help drive real and urgent progress in eradicating child poverty, driving economic growth, and tackling the climate emergency." He has already angered the Scottish Greens through his promotion of Ms Forbes to a senior role.

Jenny Gilruth remains on Education, Angela Constance keeps her Justice brief, Mairi McAllan has a shortened role of Net Zero and Energy, Fiona Hyslop is still Transport Secretary, Neil Gray is on Health, Shirley-Anne Somerville remains Social Justice Secretary, "Air Miles" Angus Robertson can continue to enjoy his trips abroad as Secretary for Constitution, External Affairs and Culture and Mairi Gougeon keeps the Rural Affairs brief.

It means the number of Cabinet members has increased to 11, the largest of all time. Critics have blasted the failure of Mr Swinney to show any initiative by going with new blood, with the rest of his ministers set to be confirmed "in due course."

And former coalition partner Patrick Harvie also outlined his distaste for the new Deputy First Minister, posting a tweet showing a sigh which said "no right turn" at jibe at Ms Forbes centre right views. He added: “There will be many people across our country who will be very concerned and who will want to know that this Scottish Government remains committed to a greener and more equal future for Scotland.

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross mocked Mr Swinney as he said: "John Swinney doesn’t want to be labelled the continuity First Minister but he has just spent hours reappointing the entire cabinet he inherited Humza Yousaf to the same posts they failed in before."

Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy called it "Humza Yousaf’s cabinet with a different figurehead." He added: "The return of Kate Forbes is a desperate attempt by both John Swinney and his new deputy to gloss over the huge splits in the SNP and fixate on independence."

He also pointed out that the First Minister and Ms Forbes traded barbs last year during the leadership election, as he questioned whether she was an "appropriate individual" to lead the party, and that the former Finance Secretary claimed that "continuity won't cut it."

Mr Hoy added: “This uninspiring cabinet is further evidence that John Swinney as First Minister will just mean more of the same. His fingerprints are all over the failed SNP policies that have damaged Scotland, while he’s already doubled down on the SNP’s independence obsession, instead of focusing on the public’s real priorities such as fixing our ailing public services and growing the economy."

Scottish Labour deputy leader Dame Jackie Baillie dubbed it a "continuity cabinet that cannot be trusted to fix the chaos and instability they have created." She added: "With two of the former Finance Secretaries responsible for trashing public finances now in the top jobs, more SNP chaos lies ahead. Scotland needs change and the people of Scotland know continuity won’t cut it – we need an election."

Scottish Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton said: "“We need ministers that won’t make empty promises but will get the basics right. Relying on all the same ingredients is a recipe for disappointment. This parade of familiar faces proves that nobody in the SNP ever pays the price despite 1 in 7 Scots being stuck on NHS waiting lists, sewage dumping in our rivers reaching record levels, and islanders waiting forever for ferries.

Mr Swinney claimed that he had selected a team that "blends experience and energy, with a strong focus on the priorities my government will pursue – eradicating child poverty, driving economic growth, meeting climate obligations and investing in our vital public services."

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81d5e5 No.201237

File: ab56e224d77c224⋯.png (591.36 KB,958x865,958:865,Clipboard.png)

File: a773067d36f6214⋯.png (614.8 KB,857x868,857:868,Clipboard.png)

File: e21d4d0120f303b⋯.png (315.26 KB,601x865,601:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20839970 (090059ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney and Kate Forbes plotted shady backroom deal BEFORE Humza Yousaf resignation

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John Swinney and Kate Forbes plotted shady backroom deal BEFORE Humza Yousaf resignation

Ian Blackford and Stewart McDonald were said to have played key roles in smoothing the path for the former deputy first minister to become Nat leader without a contest

Douglas Dickie

3 MAY 2024

Discussion between John Swinney and Kate Forbes to carve up the SNP leadership contest started even before Humza Yousaf had announced his resignation. Mr Swinney will take the reins 20 years after being ousted from the role after Ms Forbes announced she would not enter the race on Thursday.

While nominations remain open until Monday, no other candidate is expected to come forward. Mr Swinney's coronation will pave the way for him to become first minister on Tuesday, bringing to an end the chaotic 13-month premiership of Mr Yousaf.

The outgoing Nat leader saw his position become untenable after sacking the Scottish Greens from government last week. He faced a no confidence vote at Holyrood and spent the weekend desperately trying to save his job.

However, by Monday morning it became clear he would not enjoy the support of parliament while his authority over his own party was in tatters. It has now emerged the Swinney and Forbes camps had started communicating over the weekend in an attempt to avoid a bruising leadership battle.

The Times reports proxies for the pair opened talks on Sunday. Discussions continued with the party's former party leader at Westminster Ian Blackford and former defence spokesman Stewart McDonald seemingly playing key roles in smoothing the path to Mr Swinney's coronation.

Civil servants were told on Wednesday to prepare for a new first minister next week, a clear indication that SNP bosses were confident a contest would be avoided. Ms Forbes was physically absent from much of the main events on Thursday after her young daughter had a minor accident on Wednesday and had to go to hospital.

Sources close to the Forbes camp say the Skye, Lochaber and Badenoch MSP believed she could have won a contest with Mr Swinney. However, she was aware a second defeat in little over a year could be fatal to her hopes of ever leading the party.

An insider said: "She reckoned she could have given it a good go and could have won. But given the scale of the challenge to the party she didn't feel it was the right time. It's time to unify." Other sources have said she would have run against anyone else by Mr Swinney, who spent over eight years as deputy first minister under Nicola Sturgeon, and was playing a "slightly longer game".

Critics accused Ms Forbes of 'caving in' to pressure from the Nat establishment not to stand. Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross said: "Kate Forbes famously warned that ‘continuity won’t cut it’ when it came to Humza Yousaf, yet she’s now urging the SNP to go back to the future by imposing John Swinney – a failed former leader, tied at the hip to Nicola Sturgeon – as First Minister.

"Scotland deserves better than someone whose fingerprints are all over 17 years of SNP failure and secrecy. John Swinney has confirmed, via his campaign slogan, that he will ignore the public’s real priorities to obsess about independence yet again."

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81d5e5 No.201238

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20839988 (090103ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / John Swinney sworn in as Scotland's first minister (video)

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John Swinney sworn in as Scotland's first minister

Guardian News

3.56M subscribers

9,411 views May 8, 2024 SCOTLAND

John Swinney became Scotland's seventh first minister on Wednesday after taking his oath at a formal ceremony at the Court of Session in Edinburgh.

Swinney, 60, is a Scottish National party veteran, with more than two decades as a member of the Scottish parliament and a decade an a half as a cabinet member.

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81d5e5 No.201239

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20840008 (090107ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Kate Forbes: 'I wasn't under pressure not to stand for SNP leadership' (video)

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Kate Forbes: 'I wasn't under pressure not to stand for SNP leadership' #politics #news #interview

STV News

52.3K subscribers

14,797 views May 2, 2024

Kate Forbes says she wasn’t put under pressure to stand aside in the SNP’s leadership contest.

The former finance secretary announced on Thursday she will not run against John Swinney despite being seen by many as his main rival to become the party’s next leader.

Nominations for the position do not close until Monday, but her decision could pave the way for Swinney to replace Humza Yousaf unopposed and save the SNP from another lengthy, public leadership battle.

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81d5e5 No.201240

File: 4a9c5d0ada85b72⋯.png (494.6 KB,955x899,955:899,Clipboard.png)

File: c24011703cf3dd6⋯.png (610.5 KB,857x846,857:846,Clipboard.png)

File: 55d7e627489f875⋯.png (345.5 KB,603x862,603:862,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20842052 (091442ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / 'Desperate' John Swinney fails to answer questions on education as he has only been in role for 48 hours

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'Desperate' John Swinney fails to answer questions on education as he has only been in role for 48 hours

The new First Minister faced MSPs for the first time since taking over from Humza Yousaf but excused himself from answering questions in full due to only taking on the role this week, despite being in government for 16 of the 17 years the SNP have been in charge for.

David Walker

9 MAY 2024

John Swinney was accused of utilising the "same old excuses" as he refused to answer a question four times about whether he will live up to a SNP promise of adding 3,500 extra teachers. He warned that the country faced a "very significant financial pressures in Scotland in our public finances."

The new First Minister faced his first FMQs since being parachuted in to replace Humza Yousaf and described how the last two weeks was a "traumatic" time for the party. However, he parroted the same lines about "success" the nationalists have had in education, as his "indefensible" record as Education Secretary was highlighted.

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross highlighted the hundreds of teacher jobs being cut by cash-strapped SNP-led Glasgow City Council, and asked Mr Swinney to dissuade fears that the flagship teacher vow would be dropped four times but was rebuffed each time.

The new First Minister even used the excuse that he had only been in the job "48 hours" for failing to answer questions about the state of schools and education in Scotland. Mr Ross called him out for offering the "same old excuses" as his predecessors.

He said: "John Swinney’s record in education is one of broken promises. He introduced a flagship education bill that could have improved standards - then abandoned it. He promised a free laptop for every child - that hasn’t happened. Three years ago, the SNP said Education Scotland would be reformed - nothing has happened. The government he served in promised the SQA would be replaced - but it’s still here.

"John Swinney served as education secretary from 2016 to 2021. During that time, education was supposed to be the SNP’s top priority. They wanted to be judged on their education record. When John Swinney was in charge of Scotland’s schools, results fell to record lows in the OECD’s PISA rankings. These tests measured performance for maths, reading and science.

We have however managed to convince kids into chopping off their sexual organs in their droves.

"John Swinney is not being straight with the public on whether he agrees or not with his own promise to increase teacher numbers. But we know already they are falling under this SNP Government. For 16 years, John Swinney has been at the heart of a government that has let down pupils, parents and teachers. Now he’s the head of the government, what’s going to change?"

Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie also blasted his former coalition partners for bringing in Kate Forbes to the government, claiming that many LGBT people were now worried due to this. He also urged him to continue with "progressive taxation" rather than dropping income tax rises.

Mr Swinney claimed that he was not fully on top of the issues due to not "being on the front bench for 12 months or so." But his excuses were called out by rival politicians.

Scottish Tory MSP Murdo Fraser wrote: "don’t see the line from @johnswinney that he’s only been FM ‘for 48 hours’ working as a defence, when he’s been in this Government for 16 out of the last 17 years." Jamie Halcro Johnston added: "When failing to answer straightforward Yes/No questions from @Douglas4Moray, 'I’ve only been FM for a few days' excuses himself an FM who’s been a key figure in the SNP government for 16 of the last 17 years. It’s desperate stuff.

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81d5e5 No.201241

File: 216daddf337823c⋯.png (550.38 KB,942x920,471:460,Clipboard.png)

File: 35641ad903baa87⋯.png (596.92 KB,859x864,859:864,Clipboard.png)

File: 8abe46b0b592b6b⋯.png (282.22 KB,604x834,302:417,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20843810 (092256ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Anger as 17 million trees chopped down in SNP's Scotland to clear way for wind farms

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Anger as 17 million trees chopped down in SNP's Scotland to clear way for wind farms

A Scottish Government quango has commissioned the destruction of more than 17 million trees in the last 24 years in order to build wind farms on public land.

David Walker

9 MAY 2024

The Scottish Government has been blasted after it was revealed that more than one million trees have been chopped down on publicly owned land in just a year to make way for wind farms. This mass cutting down of trees came despite the SNP and Scottish Greens claiming environmental credentials.

Communities in rural Scotland have complained about massive turbines blighting their landscapes, with even more planned in areas such as Aberdeenshire and Moray. And now it has been revealed that a SNP quango is getting rid of healthy trees in order to make space for them.

According to new statistics, more than one million trees were chopped down on public land, which is the equivalent to 2,700 per day. Critics described this as "appalling" and warned that the rising number of wind farm developments are causing “irreparable damage” to the countryside.

In a freedom of information request, the Scottish Government estimated that 17.05 million trees had been cut down since 2000 in areas that are currently managed by public agency Forestry and Land Scotland (FLS). This is based on a figure of 8,503 hectares, using an average number of trees per hectare of 2,000.

According to analysis, it means that around 1.3 million more trees have been felled since last year when the figure stood at 15.7 million. There are also currently 24 wind farms in operation on FLS managed land, with three currently in construction, 13 at pre-construction stage and five in planning.

Alexander Burnett, Scottish Tory MSP for Aberdeenshire West, hit out at the government for causing "irreparable damage" to Scotland's "spectacular countryside at a rapid rate of knots." He added: “It’s appalling that in the space of a year, more than £1 million trees have been chopped down without any community consent.

“The sheer size of these developments and the damage which is being caused are making many areas inhabitable for people. Having met residents whose communities have been tarnished and are now dominated by wind farms, I’ve heard first-hand how their lives have been impacted on an industrial scale.

“The Scottish Government cannot continue to knock down trees at this substantial level otherwise, not only will areas of historic importance be jeopardised, but both residents and tourists will abandon these once wonderful places.”

A spokesman for Forestry and Land Scotland said: “Renewable energy generated from windfarms is a key element in Scotland’s response to the Climate Emergency and the shift towards Net Zero and the infrastructure on land that we manage generates enough power for 600,000 homes.

“The trees felled to accommodate this infrastructure were productive conifer that would in any event have been harvested at some stage. All our harvesting activity is subject to the normal approval processes, which includes consultation with stakeholders such as local and affected communities.

“As we have clarified on previous occasions, the quantity of trees felled to make way for renewable energy infrastructure since the year 2000 equates roughly to our annual harvesting programme. Over the same period, FLS has planted around 25 million trees every year - productive conifer and new woodland creation – which amounts to over 500 million trees.”

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81d5e5 No.201242

File: 1228a88aaa36634⋯.png (413.09 KB,901x889,901:889,Clipboard.png)

File: 496af821302122c⋯.png (217.13 KB,814x650,407:325,Clipboard.png)

File: b6870608c238142⋯.png (332.9 KB,633x665,633:665,Clipboard.png)

File: e5f6e2083a0ccf9⋯.png (125.51 KB,610x487,610:487,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20843839 (092304ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Profits from Scotland's renewables flow abroad as SNP fails to claim stake in operating firms

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Profits from Scotland's renewables flow abroad as SNP fails to claim stake in operating firms

The Scottish Government losing out on profits with no shares in the companies involved in the offshore wind projects

Paula Murray

5 MAY 2024

The Scottish Government is selling the nation’s renewables to foreign companies with most of the cash flowing abroad.

Japan and Italy are in line for millions of pounds from plans for the world’s largest floating wind farm in the Highlands.

But Scotland stands to lose out on profits to foreign interest from the Green Volt site off Aberdeenshire coast.

It will be Europe’s first commercial scale floating wind farms and one of two joint venture between Flotation Energy and Norwegian offshore wind company Vårgønn.

They secured the project under Crown Estate Scotland’s Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round to provide low-carbon electricity to oil and gas platform.

Foreign ownership

Vårgønn is owned by Italian energy firm Eni Plentitude with the nation’s government holding around 30 per cent share and HitecVision, which has offices in Norway, UK and Italy.

And Flotation Energy’s parent company is Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings which is owned by the Government of Japan.

It has been reported the Scottish Government has no stake in any of the companies involved and has failed to create a state-owned energy firm to reap financial benefits.

It is thought the ability to sell electricity from 17 offshore projects from the ScotWind leasing round and retain operating profits could have boosted Holyrood’s coffers by up to £5.5billion a year.

The SNP has repeatedly claimed the UK Government has depleted its fortunes from the oil and gas industry but has failed to guarantee profits from the renewables sector stay in the country.

Ministers continue to over-rely on foreign investment with eye-watering levels of wealth loss.

The Chinese government has an interest in two of Scotland’s offshore wind farms, including the 84-turbine Beatrice off the coast of Caithness.

It has a 25 per cent stake in the operation, which has made total profits of close to £200million over the three years since it was switched on.

The Chinese also has control of Red Rock Power Limited which co-owns the 72-turbine Inch Cape being built off the Angus coast with Irish energy firm ESB.

Despite not being operational yet, it churched out close to £3million profit in 2021.

Other governments with a stake in energy firms operating off Scotland’s coast include the United Arab Emirates, France and Sweden while privately-owned companies in Germany, Spain, the Netherlands and Japan also have a slice of the profitable renewables cake.

'Renewables given away'

Amanda Burgauer, director of the think tank Common Wheel tracking Scotland’s financial performance, told The Herald on Sunday: “The Scottish Government keep boasting about the strength of our renewable sector, while they keep giving it away.

“When it is owned overseas, Scotland's wealth gets exported to the ultimate shareholders. If we give 30-year licences, we give away 30 years of your wealth in one go. Unless we keep this wealth somewhere in the Scottish economy we just keep undermining ourselves."

The devolved administration insists offshore wind farms will help with the nation’s net zero ambitions creating thousands of jobs and establish the country as a major exporter of renewable energy.

Outgoing First Minister Humza Yousaf hailed the approval of Green Volt as a “significant milestone” placing Scotland at the forefront of floating wind technology.

A spokesman for the Scottish Government said INTOG and ScotWind are expected to deliver over £950million in revenues for the public purse from the initial awards, paid or pledged by developers.

He told the newspaper: "We are investing these revenues in our journey to net zero, and the Scottish Budget sets out the multi-million-pound investment in 24/25 to ensure the Scottish workforce, businesses, and communities all benefit from the offshore renewables revolution.

"The type of high-quality investment we are seeing across our burgeoning renewables sector is supporting our domestic supply chains, improving productivity, and providing thousands of well-paid, skilled jobs.”

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81d5e5 No.201243

File: 8b7b0d6768d13b1⋯.png (506.61 KB,946x898,473:449,Clipboard.png)

File: 9f8649d5f79f0a1⋯.png (587.23 KB,832x794,416:397,Clipboard.png)

File: b3a70de56a5b76e⋯.png (188.11 KB,651x681,217:227,Clipboard.png)

File: e86d4127c1891cd⋯.png (131.1 KB,644x490,46:35,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20847244 (101557ZMAY24) Notable: Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun Part One / Scotland's Lord Advocate urged to come clean on whether she agrees with blanket exoneration of Horizon Post Office victims

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Scotland's Lord Advocate urged to come clean on whether she agrees with blanket exoneration of Horizon Post Office victims

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross has written to Dorothy Bain to demand she makes a statement at Holyrood on whether she backs the Scottish Government's plans for mass exoneration of Scots Horizon Post Office victims.

David Walker

10 MAY 2024

Demands have been made for Scotland's Lord Advocate to appear in front of MSPs and come clean about whether she backs Scottish Government legislation which will exonerate all victims of the Horizon Post Office scandal. It has been claimed that there has been "mixed messaging" from the SNP Executive on their position on the issue.

Dorothy Bain told Holyrood earlier this year that she believed every case should be looked at individually, while former First Minister Humza Yousaf raged after the UK Government refused to extend their blanket exoneration law to Scotland. The legal system north of the border is much different to the one in England and Wales.

It has meant that Justice Secretary Angela Constance and her officials are writing up their own legislation which should clear all sub-postmasters of guilt and allow them access to the UK-wide compensation scheme. But the Lord Advocate has yet to say if she agrees with this process.

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross has now written to Ms Bain to urge her to make a statement to parliament on this issue to clear up the government's "mixed messaging." She previously defended the slow process currently ongoing to exonerate Horizon victims.

She told MSPs: "‘The process that we have in place is the right one. There should be due process, in recognition of the fact that, as I have said, not all Horizon cases will result in a finding of a miscarriage of justice. In some cases, there was other evidence that indicated a reasonable basis for a finding of guilt.’

Mr Ross wants clarity on whether this is still her position and whether she disagrees with the principles underline the bill. It was confirmed this week that stage one of the Post Office Offences Bill is scheduled to be debated on May 21 at Holyrood.

In his letter he writes: "As head of the prosecution service in Scotland, you already have the power to expedite the process of exonerating sub- postmasters and confirmed this to the Scottish Parliament on 16th January 2024. You stated that you have not used this power ‘for reasons of sound public policy’.

"This heavily implies you oppose the principle which will now be enshrined in a piece of legislation that you will have been consulted on. It is clearly in the public interest to know, ahead of this important legislation coming before Parliament, if you as Lord Advocate and someone who attends the Scottish Cabinet still believes it would be wrong to allow the mass exoneration of sub-postmasters. Crucially sub-postmasters who have fought for so long to right the wrong of their convictions deserve a clear answer from you and the Scottish Government on this."

Mr Ross also accused SNP ministers of "gagging" the Lord Advocate and instead spearheading "weeks of confected outrage" due to the UK Government not extending its legislation. He added: "What undermines their argument most is that the Lord Advocate is apparently opposed to the principles underpinning a bill that SNP ministers wanted to apply here, and which they are now largely replicating.

“Scottish victims of this appalling miscarriage of justice need to know if the person who is both head of the Crown Office and the SNP Government’s legal advisor actually believes in their bill, or if she rejects blanket exonerations. I have written to the Lord Advocate urging her to make a statement to parliament to clear up the mixed messaging we’re hearing from John Swinney’s government.

“It’s imperative she does so, given that stage one of the bill is just 10 days away and the presiding officer has confirmed there is absolutely no obstacle to her doing so.”

A spokesman for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service confirmed that Ms Bain was willing to make a statement. He said: “The Lord Advocate is fully supportive of her accountability to Parliament and is willing to make another statement. When she appeared in January the Lord Advocate said the Crown is continuing to use the existing mechanisms to address miscarriages of justice in Scotland.

“She rejected the proposition that she had the authority to facilitate an approach to blanket exonerations through the court. She did not comment on convictions being set aside by legislation as that is a matter for politicians and Parliament. She hopes to come to an agreement with Parliamentary authorities about the timing of this statement at the earliest possible opportunity.”

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81d5e5 No.201244

File: 2023a33c5b0dd56⋯.jpg (5.04 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1bd00109f3f45b4⋯.jpg (4.66 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20847311 (101610ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Livermore emails to Sturgeon and retired Chief Constable of Police Scotland Iain Livingstone.

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Livermore emails to Sturgeon and retired Chief Constable of Police Scotland Iain Livingstone.

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81d5e5 No.201245

File: a98b4188448c0dd⋯.jpg (5.05 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 256c9c3be05604c⋯.jpg (4.73 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: f20394744d236c1⋯.jpg (5.24 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20847320 (101612ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Another batch of emails

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

81d5e5 No.201246

File: 4cca60983ff6ee8⋯.jpg (4.95 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 8ee339dfffd3f4b⋯.jpg (5.09 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20847327 (101614ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Even more of the emails

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81d5e5 No.201247

File: debd2d025da2a7e⋯.jpg (4.75 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: c7e31c9f890c134⋯.jpg (5.12 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20847333 (101616ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Still more of the emails

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

81d5e5 No.201248

File: 392be9a2a583086⋯.jpg (4.88 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 1f75eda9dda842f⋯.jpg (4.89 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 167de25f7d1bd48⋯.jpg (4.74 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20847460 (101648ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Emails included a reminder to "Bear in mind that Sturgeon stood down as FM less than a month after receiving this email and Iain Livingstone announced early retirement around a month afterwards too." Bain email attached

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Emails included a reminder to

"Bear in mind that Sturgeon stood down as FM less than a month after receiving this email and Iain Livingstone announced early retirement around a month afterwards too."


"...email to Dorothy Bain in full next"

Bain email attached.

I don't know how to attach a direct link to the telegram posts.

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81d5e5 No.201249

File: 37f787081f058d7⋯.jpg (5.2 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a1db942ffb3b20e⋯.jpg (4.96 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ebc4311ee34923⋯.jpg (5.06 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20847464 (101650ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Three more pages of emails

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Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.

81d5e5 No.201250

File: 37f787081f058d7⋯.jpg (5.2 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: a1db942ffb3b20e⋯.jpg (4.96 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 5ebc4311ee34923⋯.jpg (5.06 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20849812 (110054ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Last of Lord Advocate Bain email

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Last of Lord Advocate Bain email. All other stuff I think also forwarded to her?

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81d5e5 No.201251

File: 51b73d25f463158⋯.png (615.04 KB,936x857,936:857,Clipboard.png)

File: 7c96f7d088f9b60⋯.png (435.94 KB,857x856,857:856,Clipboard.png)

File: 6f7d4909669111a⋯.png (359.54 KB,588x659,588:659,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20849886 (110104ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / Dorothy Bain's place at John Swinney's first Cabinet meeting shows why Scotland needs reform NOW

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So much of this stuff crosses over.


Dorothy Bain's place at John Swinney's first Cabinet meeting shows why Scotland needs reform NOW

The conflict of interest created by the Lord Advocate's dual role as government minister AND the country's chief prosecutor has to stop – and this cheesy Bute House photo op is just rubbing our faces in it



Ben Borland Editor(I like this guy Borland, he was writing about the SCAI when few were/would. Scottish Express is the better and still free online paper, which is why I post their articles so much.)

10 MAY 2024

The first Cabinet meeting of the Swinney era looked very much like the last one, thanks to the bold decision by 'Continuity John' to keep all of his predecessor's picks in place.

The only substantial change – and it is one that has infuriated the freedom of speech-hating misogynists in the Scottish Greens – is the addition of Kate Forbes as Economy and Gaelic Secretary. The 'Presbyterianism Pin-up' also inherits the job of Deputy First Minister from Shona Robison.

Bizarrely, Robison will continue as Finance Secretary despite her having all the fiscal know-how of a Speak and Spell machine – and the fact that both Swinney and Forbes would have a far greater degree of competence in the role. Perhaps the next budget will simply be given to Shona to read out, with all the big words written phonetically.

There was also another new face in the shape of grinning loon Jamie Hepburn, whose previous 'job' as independence minister has been axed. He replaces George Adam as parliamentary business minister, meaning he gets to attend Cabinet and presumably fetch tea and biscuits for the others.

But who's this, sandwiched between Hepburn and Permanent Secretary John-Paul Marks? Why, it's none other than Dorothy Bain KC, whose dual role as Lord Advocate involves being both the head of Scottish prosecution service AND the chief legal adviser to the Scottish Government.

This means she faces allegations of conflict of interest, as have all her predecessors in the role since the start of devolution when this crucial bit of any modern democracy (ie separation of powers) was somehow overlooked. However, none of the previous Lord Advocates have had quite as much carnage to deal with as Ms Bain, who had to sit in Cabinet alongside Nicola Sturgeon when the police were investigating the SNP's finances.

Previous issues over conflict of interest include the Covid investigation into avoidable deaths; the Rangers malicious prosecution scandal; the cover-up of evidence for the Salmond Inquiry.... a long list that goes all the way back to the Lockerbie bombing trial. Indeed, whenever political and potentially criminal issues collide, there is a problem for the Lord Advocate.

Even relatively minor matters such as the decision not to charge Sturgeon with a breach of Scotland's face mask rules during the pandemic can end up looking like a fix, when in most cases they are no such thing.

Even today, Bain was hit with a new demand to come to Holyrood to explain her position on the Post Office Horizon IT scandal; as Lord Advocate, she has spoken against a blanket quashing of all fraud convictions while at the same time the government (of which she is a senior minister) is legislating for that very outcome.

It's enough to make anyone head spin, even if you are a top lawyer with the brain the size of a small planet. The Scottish Government has promised to look at the role of Lord Advocate during this parliament, but they seem in no great hurry to do so with just a couple of years left.

Meanwhile, the SNP MP Joanna Cherry has brought forward a Members' Bill that would amend the Scotland Act 1998 to create two new roles – one as head of the Crown Office and another as minister and chief legal adviser to the government. She has cross-party support but again there seems to be no urgency at Westminster to fix the mess they created.

Hopefully, this will be the last Cabinet she is part of

Indeed, some experts even believe the entire Scottish Government is both unconstitutional and unlawful as a result of the failure to ensure separation of powers, creating a "major constitutional and legal problem for Scotland and the UK".

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81d5e5 No.201252

File: 08dcbc282736244⋯.png (120.87 KB,635x444,635:444,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20849890 (110105ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / Dorothy Bain's place at John Swinney's first Cabinet meeting shows why Scotland needs reform NOW

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Under Alex Salmond, the solution was to keep the Lord Advocate out of Cabinet as often as possible but this policy has been abandoned. Indeed, as Ms Cherry points out, it would put the government at a disadvantage if ministers didn't have a legal expert in the room to ask for advice.

The problem is, of course, as anybody with eyes in their head can see, is that it is OBVIOUSLY not acceptable for that legal expert to ALSO be the country's chief prosecutor. Hopefully, this will be the last Cabinet that Ms Bain is part of (and given the nitwits she has to listen to, I'd suggest she'd probably be delighted).

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81d5e5 No.201253

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20850245 (110215ZMAY24) Notable: Initial SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Sturgeon challenged over ‘husband’s WhatsApp messages’ (video)

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Sturgeon challenged over ‘husband’s WhatsApp messages’

STV News

52.3K subscribers

274,281 views Oct 1, 2020

Ruth Davidson challenges the First Minister over leaked messages purportedly from her husband and SNP chief Peter Murrell which suggest pressurising police over the Alex Salmond case.

Imagine all their whatsapp messages were released going back years and years........what would they find on that fat fucks messages? I'd imagine all sorts of nefarious stuff on there, Swinney too and Carloway and Gill and a rake of others. Will it ever happen? In my lifetime?

3 and a half years old this video== Seems even more relevant now considering all the deleted messages?

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81d5e5 No.201254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20850262 (110223ZMAY24) Notable: Initial SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon deleted all WhatsApp messages relating to covid pandemic, inquiry told (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon deleted all WhatsApp messages relating to covid pandemic, inquiry told

Daily Record

67.3K subscribers

23,482 views Jan 19, 2024 #DailyRecord #covid #nicolasturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon has been accused of a "shocking betrayal" over the deletion of all her WhatsApp messages during the pandemic.

Jamie Dawson KC, counsel to the UK Covid Inquiry, told the probe the former First Minister had retained no messages "whatsoever”.

At a hearing today, Dawson said: “Under the box ‘Nicola Sturgeon’, it says that messages were not retained, they were deleted in routine tidying up of inboxes or changes of phones, unable to retrieve messages.

“What that tends to suggest is at the time that request was made Nicola Sturgeon, the former first minister of Scotland, had retained no messages whatsoever in connection with her management of the pandemic.”

Lesley Fraser, the director general corporate of the Scottish government, agreed saying: “That’s what that indicates to me.”

Sturgeon, who led Scotland through the pandemic, has previously refused to say whether her messages were deleted.

Sturgeon has been under huge pressure after it was reported last year her WhatsApp messages during the pandemic had been deleted.

The messages are believed to be crucial in gaining a full understanding of why key pandemic decisions were made.

You'd catch them in every scam and deviance if they were all available

Inflated contracts and the toing and froing between them and corporate interests. The child sexualisation in schools, cover up of child abuse and the delay in investigating the same and the 13 years of delay to any inquiry.....one with a deliberately narrow remit to exclude the establishment.

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81d5e5 No.201255

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20850296 (110231ZMAY24) Notable: Initial SNP WhatsApp Scandal Bun / Nicola Sturgeon is challenged over 'deleted WhatsApps' during Covid Inquiry (video)

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Nicola Sturgeon is challenged over 'deleted WhatsApps' during Covid Inquiry

Evening Standard

290K subscribers

21,998 views Jan 31, 2024

Nicola Sturgeon said she will carry the impact of decisions she made throughout the Covid-19 pandemic will stay with her forever.

She said she wanted to ensure that “those who come after me in politics have the benefit of the learning, the things my government did right and the things that my government that were not right or with hindsight that we wish we had done differently.

“I cannot say strongly enough how important that is to me.

“These decisions were of a magnitude beyond what I had ever experienced, and that is true of decision makers everywhere and the impact of them I think about literally every day.

“I want this inquiry and the Scottish inquiry to scrutinise those decisions so that we can learn and future governments can learn lessons from them.”

The mind boggles at what will be the extent of all the corruption, going back many years too and previous governments?

Bed for me, fucked and half 3 in the morning already. These things all been saved in prior bread.

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81d5e5 No.201256

File: ea2fe60b2f6ae1b⋯.jpg (4.58 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20856220 (121354ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Livermore emails to Lord Brailsford chair of scottish covid inquiry and Lady Hallet chair of uk covid inquiry

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Livermore emails to Lord Brailsford chair of scottish covid inquiry and Lady Hallet chair of uk covid inquiry.

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81d5e5 No.201257

File: 56994bac0405bfd⋯.jpg (5.05 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

File: 6c70fc2eb690489⋯.jpg (4.59 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20856229 (121357ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / Livermore emails to Lord Brailsford chair of scottish covid inquiry and Lady Hallet chair of uk covid inquiry

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End of thread.

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81d5e5 No.201258

File: 1608a8a9d696f3f⋯.png (575.3 KB,911x899,911:899,Clipboard.png)

File: bb36d9fb701a9d4⋯.png (486.28 KB,844x862,422:431,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20856456 (121459ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / SNP ministers in 'conflict of interest' row over wind farms as they net almost £100m income from turbines on public land

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SNP ministers in 'conflict of interest' row over wind farms as they net almost £100m income from turbines on public land

Exclusive: Campaign group Scotland Against Spin have shed doubt on why the Scottish Government overturn so many wind farm rejections as they net a pretty penny from taxes and domestic rates from developers.

David Walker

10 MAY 2024

The Scottish Government have been accused of a "conflict on interest" in allowing huge wind farm developments to be built on publicly-owned land. SNP ministers want to increase the amount of turbines across the country in order to hit net zero climate targets.

However, it has been revealed that there is also a monetary reason for these plans, with the nationalist Executive netting almost £100m in income from wind farm companies in just a year. It has led to concerns that Scots are not being "given a voice" in how publicly owned land is being utilised.

We previously told how a SNP quango has chopped down 17 million trees in Scotland over the past 24 years in order to make way for renewable energy developments. This provoked anger in some rural communities who claim that their landscape has been blighted by massive turbines.

Aberdeenshire, Moray and rural Perthshire are all saturated with wind farms, with 19,000 planned to be built over the next six years to increase the amount of power generated by them. Statistics published last year showed that the government has overturned 50 per cent of appeals to stop wind farms being built.

Campaign group Scotland Against Spin want SNP ministers to adopt stricter rules around the building of more turbines, following the UK Government's footsteps where communities are allowed the final say, rather than civil servants. And they revealed the eye-watering amount of money raked in from developments.

At July 2022, an estimated £82.2m was anticipated to be raised in 2022/23 in non-domestic rates and £13.2m in rental income from wind farms and single turbines. This comes from all the public land which is used to build the renewable energy sources.

A spokeswoman for Scotland Against Spin pointed out that the Scottish Government is the biggest landowner in Scotland, but the "public are not being given a voice" in how the public land is being used. She told the Scottish Daily Express: "This is the biggest conflict of interest that could be imagined as Scottish Ministers are in charge of consenting s36 wind farms (big wind farms over 50MW) which will line their own pockets against the wishes of many local communities and local authorities, and the public who really 'own' that land.

"Some windfarm developers like Scottish Power Renewables are now applying for permanent planning permission on publicly owned land - that means the public never gets its land back , even if the political climate changes and communities/the public are given a say on how publicly owned land is used in future.

"It means, for example, that if the Whitelee Hydrogen project is consented (permanently) although this is not all on publicly owned land, that even if it does blow up or does cause downstream flooding, or other nuisance, there is nothing that can be done about it; it is there in perpetuity. "

There are a number of huge wind farm developments being considered by SNP ministers, including for the tallest turbines in the UK on Royal Deeside. The proposals for 16 massive turbines, which measure up to 656ft and twice the height of Big Ben, at Hill of Fare near Banchory have received over a 1,000 objections but it is up the government to decide on whether it goes ahead.

A Scottish Government spokesman said: “We need bold action to tackle the climate emergency and Scotland has extensive renewable generation capabilities with which to accelerate the just transition to net zero by 2045. We are clear that increasing renewable energy must benefit people across Scotland.

“Scotland has some of the most stringent environmental impact regulations anywhere in the world and our planning and consenting system ensures that local communities can always have their say. It is vital that local communities are fully engaged in and derive lasting benefits from any onshore wind development. A new sector deal, published last September, commits the industry to engagement at all stages of the project life cycle.”

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81d5e5 No.201259

File: 2fddbbb913751a9⋯.png (601.78 KB,951x868,951:868,Clipboard.png)

File: 1c99c292b304c4f⋯.png (412.25 KB,788x861,788:861,Clipboard.png)

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File: 786c0f30a8a7554⋯.png (105.72 KB,676x421,676:421,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20856771 (121711ZMAY24) Notable: Fergusen Ferry Scandal Bun / Fury as taxpayers fork out £3.5MILLION on crew wages for SNP ferry that has never carried a passenger

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Fury as taxpayers fork out £3.5MILLION on crew wages for SNP ferry that has never carried a passenger

The SNP Government hired 14 crew members to work on the MV Glen Sannox in 2022 – but two years later the vessel has still never entered service on the crisis-hit CalMac network

John Ferguson & Ben Borland

12 MAY 2024

Taxpayers have spent a staggering £3.5million paying the wages for crew on one of CalMac's delayed ferries despite it not carrying a single passenger.

The Scottish Government hired 14 staff to work on the MV Glen Sannox in 2022 when officials believed the massively over-budget vessel was six months from completion. It was originally due to set sail in 2018.

But two years on, the crew have yet to work on the job they were hired to do and have been paid the huge sum in wages, the Sunday Mail revealed. One despairing Holyrood MSP said "I have my head in my hands" at the latest extraordinary twist in the SNP's ferry fiasco.

Scottish Conservative shadow transport minister Graham Simpson said: "CalMac must have crew ready for these vessels. The problem, of course, is that they have taken so long to build. CalMac were doing the right thing but they have been let down, as have our islanders, by this whole fiasco. It is just another example of how money has been wasted during this flawed project."

The Glen Sannox has yet to enter service after a catalogue of construction delays. The price tag for the vessel, along with a second ship the Glen Rosa, has grown from an initial estimate of £97million to over £360million.

The total wage bill includes three captains and 11 engineers while a further five officers were taken on last year. And Scottish Lib Dem economy spokesman Willie Rennie questioned why CalMac had "pushed on" with recruitment despite the possibility of further delays.

"I have my head in my hands," he said. "Yet more money wasted on these dreaded ferries. We know there were discussions about possible construction delays when CalMac decided to employ the crew members, which makes it particularly troubling that they pushed ahead with recruitment regardless.

"Bills, delays and disruptions are all islanders and taxpayers have ever known from these ferries. As one of his first acts, John Swinney must get a grip of this never-ending ferry fiasco."

And Scottish Labour's transport spokesman Alex Rowley said "The SNP's woeful mismanagement of this ferry project has left islanders stranded and taxpayers picking up the tab. Workers on both the ferry and at the shipyard have been left in the lurch by this incompetent SNP government and the chaos it has created. There must be no more delays or added costs to the delivery of these lifeline ferries."

The ship is currently docked on the Clyde near Ferguson Marine shipyard at Port Glasgow. It is now afloat and has been undergoing sea trials, although drone footage obtained by the Sunday Mail shows very few workers aboard.

CalMac boss says crew have provided cover across the network

Duncan Mackison, interim CEO of CalMac, said normal procedure is for senior crew staff to be hired six months before a new ferry launches. He said: "A number of senior crew already recruited to operate MV Glen Sannox have been working hard on both preparing the vessel for service and supporting existing CalMac operations.

"Three Masters and 11 engineers joined CalMac in February 2022, at a time when MV Glen Sannox was scheduled to be delivered in July 2022. An additional five officer roles were filled in November 2023, at a time when delivery was expected between March and May 2024.

"Senior crew members for any new vessel are required to attend the yard where the vessel is being built. Roles such as masters and senior engineers play a critical part in getting vessels ready to enter service and have developed operating procedures, work instructions and vessel familiarisation for MV Glen Sannox.

"Time for all of this is factored into recruitment and the crew members we have recruited have spent a significant amount of time at Ferguson Marine. They have provided cover and relief on other major vessels in our fleet at various points, allowing us to maintain services across the CalMac network.

"The recruitment process for a new vessel's crew is staggered, beginning with senior positions approximately six months in advance and progressively filling other roles as the delivery and then deployment date approached. The full crew is typically only in place four weeks prior to delivery.

"CalMac looks forward to taking delivery of MV Glen Sannox and getting her operationally ready to enter service and improve the service we provide to and from Arran. We have not recruited any crew for MV Glen Rosa yet and will follow due process as we have done with MV Glen Sannox."

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81d5e5 No.201260

File: 818b107d5921a3b⋯.png (449.23 KB,888x871,888:871,Clipboard.png)

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File: d052398be32d1b1⋯.png (13.12 KB,629x167,629:167,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20858511 (130054ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon threatened to confiscate phones and snoop on emails as she raged about SNP leaks

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Nicola Sturgeon threatened to confiscate phones and snoop on emails as she raged about SNP leaks

The former First Minister is said to have warned that 'phones will have to be handed in and emails checked' as she fumed about leaks from the party relating to the SNP's finances

Ben Borland

12 MAY 2024

Nicola Sturgeon threatened to confiscate mobile phones from her SNP minions as she raged about "leaks" at a meeting where the party's finances were discussed.

The Scottish Mail on Sunday also revealed the former First Minister demanded access to email accounts amid concerns about members of the SNP's national executive committee breaking the strict code of secrecy and leaking information to the media.

Documents seen by the newspaper state that "phones will have to be handed in and emails checked". It came as former treasurer Colin Beattie was facing questions about where £600,000 raised for a second independence referendum had gone.

A meeting minute from June 1, 2019 - attributed to Ms Sturgeon - reads: "Cannot find words strong enough to deprecate leaking about party members. Most of the time people know who is responsible because of reasons for leaking... If there is an inquiry, phones will have to be handed in and emails checked, etc."

At that same NEC meeting, a finance report to members suggested that, because information was being handed to journalists, SNP top brass felt it "necessary to consider what financial information can be safely discussed at NEC".

Her warning to members was two years before she was captured on video furiously insisting the SNP's finances had never been stronger. She told the NEC in March 2021: "There are no reasons for people to be concerned about the party's finances and all of us need to be careful about not suggesting that there is."

The latest revelations come as Police Scotland confirmed Ms Sturgeon and Mr Beattie are still suspects in Operation Branchform, the probe into alleged SNP fraud. Both were arrested and questioned in 2023, before being released without charge.

Minutes from the June 1 NEC meeting show Midlothian MSP Mr Beattie presented a financial report, with the log reading: "Colin Beattie mentioned leaking and that this must not happen again. He is happy to individually discuss any issues with NEC members."

It then states: "In response to question from Norman MacLeod, Yes funds belong to the party and are ring-fenced for spending. [It] is sitting in [the] party books but not specifically broken down."

'At no point were any threats made'

At the "any other committee business" part of the meeting, Ms Sturgeon made it clear leakers would not be tolerated. The following day, Mr Beattie snubbed a request to discuss finances when one NEC member sought advice, according to emails handed to the newspaper.

The member wrote: "I had some questions at yesterday's NEC that for some reason it was stated only you could answer. I'm surprised that the financial operation of the party relies solely on you.

"I had asked how much the current Yes fundraiser had raised. Nobody at the meeting was able to answer this? I had asked what the final balance of the Scot Ref fundraiser was in 2017(?) and where exactly this money was, i.e. was it included combined with the current fundraiser or was it sitting in a standalone earmarked reserve?"

An SNP spokesman said: "It is entirely normal for the SNP to seek to protect the confidentiality of internal matters. And while the process of what a leak inquiry might entail was discussed, at no point were any threats made."

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81d5e5 No.201261

File: ae076ef9bc28d6f⋯.png (567.5 KB,1035x917,1035:917,Clipboard.png)

File: 7aae756e174286f⋯.png (399.76 KB,837x833,837:833,Clipboard.png)

File: 8b66eca823b8b05⋯.png (514.84 KB,612x728,153:182,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20858585 (130112ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Former nurse vows she will blow the SNP's Covid scandal wide open at the Scottish public inquiry

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Former nurse vows she will blow the SNP's Covid scandal wide open at the Scottish public inquiry

Lesley Roberts – who has led the campaign for justice, including a criminal complaint for corporate manslaughter against Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman – is to give evidence on May 22

Ben Borland

12 MAY 2024

Heroic ex-nurse Lesley Roberts is to give evidence at the Scottish Covid Inquiry over two sessions that promise to blow apart the Scottish Government's handling of the pandemic.

The whistleblower – who has endured threats and abuse for speaking out about what really happened on the Covid-19 frontline – has reported Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman to Police Scotland for corporate manslaughter.

She has been summoned by inquiry chair Lord Brailsford to the Scottish Land Court on George Street in Edinburgh on Wednesday, May 22 to give evidence over two sessions. Ms Roberts said: "It's a double dunter. I think it might be worth getting the popcorn in because I won't be holding back."

It can now be revealed that Ms Roberts has already met with inquiry officials to discuss three different areas:

the circumstances leading up to her mother Letitia's death in November 2021. She said: "I have an SPSO outcome which challenges Inverclyde HSCP on a number of behaviours."

her former job as an Infection Control Nurse with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and the impact the lack of adequate PPE and infection control processes had on patients and staff and the wider community. Ms Roberts said: "I also spoke about DNR orders and the NICE NG191 protocols which ended patients lives rapidly."

her role as an accredited Unite trade union rep. She said: "Called to discuss PPE and other issues including risk assessment, RIDDOR recording, hazard definition tables and other things which impacted on human life during the pandemic."

Speaking to the Scottish Daily Express, Ms Roberts said: "I'll be speaking about how basic infection control was ignored and how all the relevant protocols that would've kept infection in one place were thrown to the wind. Nurses were even taking their uniforms home to wash.

"I'll be speaking about how all the evidence on face masks was ignored. In some cases, the masks even arrived in boxes which said 'Warning, does not protect against coronavirus'. They did not protect against infectious aerosols, which is why they told us the virus was spread by droplets.

"That's why they are guilty of corporate manslaughter because they knew the masks weren't protecting the frontline workers. There was a lack of RIDDOR recording, they were in essence shredding the link between contacts so you could never trace a workplace infection back to the source.

"There was no direct link to show where a nurse or a care worker caught the virus and who they had been working with at the time. I'll be talking about [Do Not Attempt CPR], I'm going to showcase what was happening and say this is what was going on. Doctors were walking into the ward and anybody who fell under protected characteristics were getting deemed [Do Not Resuscitate]. They were showing people to their deaths, they were escorting them there."

'Anybody that's art and part needs to go to jail'

She also intends to raise her police complaint against Ms Sturgeon and Ms Freeman, which is still under investigation as part of Operation Koper – the long-running probe jointly led by Police Scotland and the Crown Office to examine avoidable Covid-19 deaths in care homes and other public settings.

Ms Roberts said: "At the end of the day that is who I think is to blame, Nicola Sturgeon, Jeane Freeman, Jason Leitch, even John Swinney, all that cabal of incompetence that deleted their messages and failed to keep minutes from their meetings. We will never know what they were discussing.

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81d5e5 No.201262

File: b150ad172625222⋯.png (73.64 KB,649x865,649:865,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20858598 (130113ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Former nurse vows she will blow the SNP's Covid scandal wide open at the Scottish public inquiry

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"I think that was covering up and that makes them art and part to corporate manslaughter at the very least and anybody that's art and part needs to go to jail. In a normal society anybody who's done what they've done would go to jail. But how can this investigation possibly be impartial with a Lord Advocate who sits as a government minister, I will be throwing that in for good measure."

Many of the issues surrounding the death of Ms Roberts' mother relate to the use of power of attorney. However, her daughter found a DNA CPR notice in a laundry bag containing her mum's soiled clothing after she was discharged from Inverclyde Royal Hospital in 2020.

Evidence explainer

Lack of suitable PPE: NHS and social care staff in Scotland (and across the UK) were issued with FFP2 masks, which must filter at least 94% of airborne particles, instead of FFP3 masks which offer a higher level of protection, with a minimum filtration efficiency of 99% for 0.3-micron particles.

DNA/DNACPR orders: There is widespread evidence that a 'blanket' approach was taken during the pandemic, especially against elderly patients or those with learning disabilities. The Scottish Government has insisted there was no change in the use of the orders. The initials stand for Do Not Resuscitate or Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation.

NICE NG191 protocol: The 'end of life' protocol from NICE, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, was issued to doctors and nurses across the UK on April 3, 2020 and remained in place until March 21, 2021. According to Ms Roberts and other campaigners, it told medics to prescribe a potentially lethal cocktail of drugs to patients with advanced Covid-19, which exacerbated their breathing difficulties.

RIDDOR recording: The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) is a statutory requirement under UK health and safety law. During the pandemic, it was paused by the Health and Safety Executive for cases involving "general transmission in the workplace".

Hazard Definition Tables: Under UK and Europe-wide regulations, Covid-19 was classed in Hazard Group 3 ("can cause severe human disease and may be a serious hazard to employees; it may spread to the community, but there is usually effective prophylaxis or treatment available") rather than Hazard Group 4 ("causes severe human disease and is a serious hazard to employees; it is likely to spread to the community and there is usually no effective prophylaxis or treatment available").

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81d5e5 No.201263

File: 29bfb2b63ad8c7f⋯.png (652.5 KB,734x870,367:435,Clipboard.png)

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File: e61108cacde4a73⋯.png (7.8 KB,522x144,29:8,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861523 (131835ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Operation Branchform Bun / TOP COP'S VOW Police probing SNP finances to submit report ‘in weeks’ says Chief Constable after Nicola Sturgeon’s husband charged

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TOP COP'S VOW Police probing SNP finances to submit report ‘in weeks’ says Chief Constable after Nicola Sturgeon’s husband charged

The significant step emerged as Scotland’s top cop gave her first major interview

Graham Mann

13 May 2024

COPS working on Operation Branchform - the probe into SNP finances - are expected to submit a report to prosecutors within weeks, we can reveal.

The significant step in the long-running investigation emerged as Scotland’s top cop gave her first major interview since taking office in October.

Chief Constable Jo Farrell would not be drawn on the details of the probe that saw former SNP chief Peter Murrell last month charged with embezzlement.

But she confirmed officers will soon pass to the Crown Office their findings into a probe centred around a £600,000 indy campaign donation to the Nats.

It will then be up to prosecutors to decide if court proceedings should follow.

Ms Farrell said: “We expect a report will be submitted within the next few weeks.”

It’s understood the force will deliver a “standard prosecution report” in relation to Mr Murrell, while investigations into his wife former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, 53, and ex-Nats treasurer Colin Beattie continue.

Details of the imminent move come weeks after Mr Murrell, 59, quit the SNP with an embezzlement charge hanging over his head.

We told how he had earlier been arrested by cops for a second time and quizzed for more than nine hours.

He attended a police station by appointment last month after leaving his home in Uddingston, Glasgow, just after 8am.

He was then arrested at 9.13am then charged at 6.35pm and released.

The bombshell came a year after he and Mr Beattie were both arrested, grilled by detectives and then released without charge - as was Ms Sturgeon on June 11 last year.

Police raided the couple’s home last April, with a forensics tent pitched in front and officers seen carrying out boxes of evidence.

Operation Branchform was launched in July 2021 after allegations were made about £600,000 of donations made to the party.

Ms Sturgeon previously said of her husband’s embezzlement charge - "It's incredibly difficult."

The ex-First Minister spoke outside the couple's Glasgow home as her successor Humza Yousaf also told of his "shock" at last month’s development.

After appealing for privacy, Ms Sturgeon, who denies all wrongdoing, said: "I can't say any more. I'm not going to say any more."

Scottish Tory chairman Craig Hoy said: “This is a very serious and complex case, which appears to be nearing its conclusion.

“It’s essential that all figures within the SNP cooperate fully with the police to enable them to complete the investigation into the party’s finances.”

An SNP spokesperson said: “It is not appropriate to comment on a live police investigation.”

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81d5e5 No.201264

File: 18ee5d4e281cb20⋯.png (532.52 KB,474x875,474:875,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861631 (131856ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / SNP leader John Swinney ‘ties himself in knots’ when asked to give definition of a woman

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'JUST SILLY' SNP leader John Swinney ‘ties himself in knots’ when asked to give definition of a woman

He said that a woman is 'an adult female born as a woman'

Conor Matchett

13 May 2024

JOHN Swinney was today accused of “tying himself in knots” over the definition of a woman - after giving a bizarre answer on the subject.

The First Minister has faced criticism for his previous reluctance to give his own definition amid fierce debate over controversial gender self-ID laws.

Earlier today he attempted to clear up his stance but his response sparked further concerns among women’s rights groups with one labelling it “just silly”.

Asked whether he believes a trans woman is a woman, Mr Swinney said a woman is “an adult female born as a woman”.

But added he “accepts that transgender women are defined as women.”

His answer comes after JK Rowling blasted the new First Minister shortly after his coronation as SNP leader when he refused to answer the same question.

The Harry Potter author said shortly after Mr Swinney’s coronation as SNP leader that he was “obfuscating and blustering” on the issue, and that it did not convince her that “the rights and protections of 51 per cent of the population are safe in their hands.”

Mr Swinney went on to insist he would do “nothing to threaten the safety of women and girls”, despite campaigners claiming the gender recognition reforms do exactly that.

But Scots Tory deputy leader, Meghan Gallacher, attacked the First Minister for his continued backing of the “dangerous” gender self-ID law.

She said: “John Swinney, like Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf, tied himself in knots over the definition of a woman because of the problems created by the SNP’s reckless gender self-ID policy.

“If he really wants to protect the safety of women and girls, he will reverse this dangerous policy which clearly compromises it.”

And the Alba Party - whose sole MSP Ash Regan quit as an SNP minister over gender self-ID - said Mr Swinney would be “quickly dropped” by voters if he did not “drop the gender politics” of the Greens.

Chris McEleny - the party’s general secretary - said: “John Swinney has attempted to come to two polar opposite positions at the same time - that is the position of sensible people in society that a woman is an adult female and at the same time he claims that trans women can be adult females.”

Dr Lucy Hunter-Blackburn, of policy analysts Murray Hunter Blackburn, also criticised Mr Swinney’s answer.

She said: “I see the Scottish Government is still behaving as if they think they can handle questions round the relevance of sex in language, policy and law as if this was just a word game scripted by Lewis Carroll. That stage is well past.”

And women’s rights campaigners For Women Scotland also blasted the position, saying: “This is just silly!”

The criticism comes as the SNP face pressure to commit to bringing in changes to how transgender children are treated in Scotland following a landmark report into gender identity services in England.

A four-year review by Dr Hilary Cass published last month warned that kids questioning their gender should be steered away from medical treatment.

The NHS England commissioned report also raised concerns that evidence for allowing children to change their gender is built on weak foundations and warned against the use of puberty blockers.

But Holyrood ministers have refused to commit to implementing it in full, instead saying it requires “thoughtful consideration”.

Mr Swinney’s potential closest Holyrood allies the Scottish Greens restated their belief that “trans women are women” but refused to criticise the SNP leader for his muddled stance.

A spokesperson for the party welcomed the First Minister’s support for the controversial gender self-ID reforms which were blocked by the UK Government last year.

They said: “Scottish Green MSPs will work with him in calling for a new UK government to lift the undemocratic Section 35 Order that blocked this important change”.

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81d5e5 No.201265

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861678 (131911ZMAY24) Notable: Anas Sarwar defends general election candidate selections from outside Scotland

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Anas Sarwar defends general election candidate selections from outside Scotland

The Scottish Labour leader told journalists he would not “turn my back” on candidates from down south who had a “connection” or “love” for Scotland.

Andrew Quinn

13 MAY 2024

Anas Sarwar has defended Labour's decision to select general election candidates from England in Scottish seats.

The Scottish Labour leader told journalists he would not “turn my back” on candidates from down south who had a “connection” or “love” for Scotland.

A councillor from Kent, Elizabeth Carr-Ellis, will represent the party in Angus and Perthshire Glens, with Eva Kestner, a London councillor, selected to contest the Caithness, Sutherland and Easter Ross constituency.

Melanie Ward, the chief executive of the charity Medical Aid for Palestinians, will fight the Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath seat despite living in London.

Speaking after he delivered a speech at the Royal Concert Hall in Glasgow, Sarwar told journalists: “There are people who have connections and ties to Scotland, who want to come and serve the Scottish people.

“I am not going to turn my back on someone that has a love for Scotland, history with Scotland or a connection with Scotland that wants to deliver for the people of Scotland.”

He added: “I’m proud of our candidates. We’re brimming with talent, we’re brimming with confidence and I can’t wait to elect a whole host of new Scottish MPs and a whole host of new Scottish Labour MSPs.”

Sarwar also defended the selection of Ward for the key seat in Kirkcaldy and Cowdenbeath.

She was selected after the previous candidate Wilma Brown was deselected following the discovery of offensive social media posts.

The Scottish Labour leader said Ward was a “phenomenal candidate”.

He added: “She is spending every minute of every day trying to get lifesaving supplies into the Gaza Strip, to save people’s lives, to get them the necessary treatment they need because of a completely broken health system.

“Nobody can tell me she is not a phenomenal candidate standing in a Scottish seat who would be a great champion for the Scottish Labour Party and deliver change for the Scottish people whilst also celebrating Labour’s internationalism to defeat poverty and injustice right around the world.”

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81d5e5 No.201266

File: b264dbb9f727856⋯.png (560.39 KB,878x858,439:429,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861756 (131930ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Scots want less migrants in Scotland in shattering blow to SNP's Scexit claims

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Scots want less migrants in Scotland in shattering blow to SNP's Scexit claims

The nationalist-led Scottish Government has released independence papers claiming that the country is more welcoming to immigration than the rest of the UK but a new report has suggested this is partially false.

David Walker

13 MAY 2024

Scots want less migrants coming north of the border, according to new research, blowing a massive hole in the SNP's independence claims. The nationalist party have based a number of their Scexit prospectuses on statements which indicate the Scotland is more welcoming to immigration than those south of the border.

SNP MP Kirsty Blackman even claimed that immigration to Scotland would be "unlimited" in the event of the break up of the UK. She said: "The whole idea of whole Rwanda scheme, all of this is built on a premise that immigration is bad, right? The whole idea, the whole trying to win votes on.

"This only works if you start from the premise that immigration is a bad thing, and that we shouldn't have it, and that we need to reduce it and that we need to stop people coming here." And Westminster leader Stephen Flynn has repeatedly insisted that targeting small boats and the Rwanda policy was "not Scotland's values."

But according to research from Migration Policy Scotland, support for immigration north of the border has cooled over the last year, with those wanting less immigration rising from 28% to 42%. Now, almost half of Scots want to reduce the flow of migrants, with this indicating that the Tories are right to be targeting illegal immigration.

Immigration in to Scotland has been rising since the turn of the century with about one in 10 people living here being born outside the UK. The SNP want to increase those numbers after Scexit in a bid to boost the economy and help with the ageing population.

The survey found that 25% of respondents wanted immigration reduced substantially and another 17% by "a little." This compared to 10% wanting immigration increased "a lot" and 21% wanting it pushed up by a "little" while the single biggest group, 26%, wanted levels to remain the same.

Sarah Kyambi, director of Migration Policy Scotland, wrote in the Times that views over immigration had "cooled" in the last year. She said: "John Swinney, Scotland's first minister, has called for more immigration to stimulate economic growth.

"Research from Migration Policy Scotland indicates that Swinney's view is better aligned with what the Scottish public want. Historically high-net migration figures could be interpreted as signalling time for greater restrictiveness. And this representative survey does find that Scottish views have cooled over the past 12 months. Yet the research also shows a clear if cautious pragmatism."

The think tank did discover significant differences in attitudes between supporters of different parties, with those who voted for the Tories in 2019 overwhelmingly supporting a reduction in immigration levels (68%), compared to 43% for Labour, 31% for Lib Dems and 28% for the SNP.

And Scottish nationalists are the most likely to back increased immigration at 48%. Scots remain more pro-immigration than the UK average. However, the gap is narrowing.

The report added: "For the UK as a whole, a majority (52 per cent) favour a reduction in immigration. While this is now also the most common response in Scotland, at 42 per cent it remains shy of a majority response. The gap in views between the Scottish and UK-wide surveys has shrunk across the board with the greatest alignment of views occurring in relation to the proportion of responses favouring a reduction - a 20 percentage point gap in 2023 has shrunk to a difference of 10 percentage points."

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81d5e5 No.201267

File: 07b1232253f0738⋯.png (474.87 KB,905x920,181:184,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861833 (132001ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Humza Yousaf Bun / Humza Yousaf's yearly £33,000 golden pension revealed despite 13 months of failure as FM

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Humza Yousaf's yearly £33,000 golden pension revealed despite 13 months of failure as FM

The former first minister will not be short of cash when he retires with the taxpayer footing a huge bill when he reaches the age of 65

Douglas Dickie

13 MAY 2024

Humza Yousaf will pick up a cool £33,000 every year from the taxpayer when he retires as details of his whopping pension emerge. The former SNP leader stepped down as first minister after 13 months last month having endured a miserable time in the role.

We previously reported that the Glasgow Pollok MSP is entitled to a £52,000 resettlement grant after resigning. And if that isn't enough for him, he has a huge pension to look forward to when he finally retires.

With 11 years behind him at Holyrood, almost all of it as a government minister, he would receive around £33,000 every year from the age of 65 even if he quit tomorrow. The PA news agency reported the figure after social media users wrongly suggested his pension would be £52,000 a year.

The scheme that would have resulted in that amount was actually scrapped in 2009. But Mr Yousaf, 39, will not find himself short when he finally does reach pension age, which is 65 under the Scottish Parliamentary Pension Scheme.

As well as a first minister's pension of over £2,000 a year, Mr Yousaf is also entitled to further retirement payments from his time as an MSP and as a Holyrood minister. A law introduced in 1999 said that "any person who has held the office of first minister or presiding officer shall, on ceasing to hold that office", be entitled to a pension.

It added that "the annual amount of a pension payable under this article shall be equal to one half of the salary". But in 2009 new legislation was passed that meant that anyone who became first minister after that date was no longer entitled to that type of pension.

The First Minister of Scotland is currently paid £176,780 per year, of which £72,196 is for their work as an MSP and would not be included in such a calculation. If these rules were still in place today then Mr Yousaf would have been entitled to a pension of £52,292, which is half of £104,584 – his additional pay for being the first minister.

MSPs have two pension options which mean they can contribute either a higher or a lower proportion of their salaries each year. If an MSP contributes the higher rate they are entitled to one 40th of their final annual salary as a pension. If they contribute the lower rate they are entitled to one 50th of their final salary as a pension.

Because Mr Yousaf served for just over a year as first minister, he will be entitled to a pension of either one 40th or one 50th of £104,584. That would equate to around £2,600 or £2,100 per year depending on which option he chose.

He will also be entitled to a pension for the years he serves as an MSP. Mr Yousaf was elected as a regional Glasgow MSP in 2011 and in 2016 became the Glasgow Pollok MSP, an office he still holds.

If he were to step down today after 13 years in Holyrood – assuming he had been paying the higher contribution for that entire period – he would be entitled to a little under £23,500 per year, which is added to his first minister pension. Mr Yousaf is also entitled to further pension payments from his various ministerial roles.

Mr Yousaf served as a minister for five years and nine months in the Scottish Parliament and then as a Scottish secretary of state for four years and nine months. Combined, these entitle Mr Yousaf to another pension pot of a little over £7,200. Assuming he has contributed the higher rate for all of his time as an MSP, Mr Yousaf is currently entitled to around £33,300 in yearly pension payments when he retires at, or beyond, age 65.

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81d5e5 No.201268

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861861 (132008ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Operation Branchform Bun / SNP finance probe heading to prosecutors 'within weeks' (video)

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SNP finance probe heading to prosecutors 'within weeks'

Sky News

7.71M subscribers

4,754 views May 13, 2024 #nicolasturgeon #scotland #politics

The police investigation involving Nicola Sturgeon's husband is "moving on" with prosecutors to receive a file within weeks, Scotland's most senior officer has told Sky News.

The former first minister and SNP leader's spouse, Peter Murrell, has been charged in connection with embezzlement of party funds.

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81d5e5 No.201269

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861869 (132011ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP taxpayer claims rubbished as out of date (video)

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SNP taxpayer claims rubbished as out of date

The Scottish Sun

289K subscribers

8,026 views May 13, 2024 #scotland #snp #politics

The SNP were pulled up for the 2nd time in one day for quoting figures that were out of date, regarding taxpayers moving to Scotland.

Jamie Green pointed out that the figures showing more taxpayers moved to Scotland than left, were 'four years out of date.'

Earlier in the day SNP MPs at Westminster used the same figures to make the same claim, which Alister Jack said the report the SNP referred to was from 2018 to 2019.

- Contents of video: -

00:00 - Income tax divergence impact

00:57 - Quoting figures 4 years out of date

02:55 - Taxpayers coming to Scotland


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81d5e5 No.201270

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861893 (132018ZMAY24) Notable: John Swinney Bun Part One / Do you believe that a trans-woman is a woman? John Swinney (video)

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Do you believe that a trans-woman is a woman? | John Swinney

Freedom Podcast

72 subscribers

12 views May 13, 2024

Do you believe a trans-woman is a woman ?

"I believe a woman is an adult female born as a woman, and I also accept that transgender women are defined as women."

Scotland’s First Minister John Swinney does not know what a women is

Credit to Laura Maxwell for asking the question on Good Morning Scotland today


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81d5e5 No.201271

File: 0f6148061e9694f⋯.png (692.4 KB,912x873,304:291,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20861984 (132037ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Police Scotland Chief Constable blasts the SNP's soft-touch justice system as 'very inefficient'

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Police Scotland Chief Constable blasts the SNP's soft-touch justice system as 'very inefficient'

In one of her first major interventions to stamp her authority on the national force, Jo Farrell has also said her officers must not spend so much time answering mental health distress calls

Police Scotland’s Chief Constable has blasted the Scottish judicial system as “very inefficient” compared to the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) in England and Wales.

The incendiary comments from Jo Farrell, who joined officers on patrol in Glasgow city centre on Friday night, risk a turf war between the police, the courts and the Crown Office.

Ms Farrell also pledged to cut the amount of time her officers must spend on mental health distress calls. And she vowed to return the focus to “frontline policing”, including probes into organised crime and measures to tackle fraud, cyber offences, and online sex abuse of children.

The Chief Constable said the cash-strapped force had been forced to spend up to £3million on overtime for officers to attend court over the past year – despite the majority not being required to give evidence.

She did praise efforts to speed up the system at Glasgow and Dundee sheriff courts, which she said were led by “very forward thinking” individuals, but warned that change was “not fast enough”.

The demands of court attendance are also placing a strain on officers’ family lives, she said, adding that victims often asked “why is this happening” due to repeated delays.

'The system is not joined up at all'

“Their lives have been disrupted and their lives have been put on hold,” she said. “What I’ve observed is a system that’s very inefficient. That is having a significant impact on policing, it is not joined up at all.”

The former Durham Chief Constable, who came up through the ranks in the Cambridgeshire and Northumberland, contrasted her first six months in Scotland with her experience with the CPS down south.

Another major bugbear for rank-and-file officers are mental health welfare calls, which can be as frequent as three or four per minute on a busy day, compared to domestic abuse calls once every eight minutes. Ms Farrell said such welfare checks were consuming time equivalent to 600 police officers per year, out of a service of around 16,000.

Asked if a Scottish Police Federation description of “reactive policing” was accurate, Ms Farrell told the Press Association: “I think they make a fair point. Some of the challenge that goes with it is partly in relation to mental health – every three to four minutes there’s a call of that nature coming into our control rooms.

“The other thing that I’ve been very surprised at is the amount of money time and resources we have to dedicate around officers going being called into court to give evidence.We spent £3m on overtime and I would estimate a third of those officers were on rest days or annual leave.

“When they call to court, and this is a conservative estimate, only 15% of them will give evidence and then they’ll be called again and again. This is happening to victims and witnesses and members of the public.”

'Reliant on police sharing evidence quickly'

In response, the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service (COPFS) and the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) said measures were already underway to transform the justice system.

These include the summary case management pilot, which is underway in Hamilton, Paisley, Dundee, Glasgow and Perth and has led to a 30% reduction in first citations. However, both organisations appeared to suggest that Police Scotland must take a share of the blame for any delays.

An SCTS spokesman said: “The pace of the rollout of Summary Case Management is heavily dependent on Police Scotland in sharing evidence quickly to support targeted evidence disclosure by COPFS.

“SCTS welcomes the recognition by the Chief Constable that system change is ‘not fast enough’ as we seek to achieve a national rollout which will benefit not only Police Scotland but many complainers, witnesses and accused persons. The success of these judicially led initiatives relies upon strong co-operation across the system.”

A COPFS spokesman said: “We work with Police Scotland, and the courts service who schedule trials, to have witness availability taken into account when trials are fixed. We also work with the police to ensure that cases are ready to proceed. COPFS believes effective case management has the capacity to transform the experience of witnesses in the justice system and reduce unnecessary attendance.”

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81d5e5 No.201272

File: 0dec17a459dd71d⋯.png (655 KB,947x899,947:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20862045 (132047ZMAY24) Notable: Newly released files suggest Scots Nazi fugitive was linked to UK intelligence services

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Newly released files suggest Scots Nazi fugitive was linked to UK intelligence services

Authorities needed help in 'pinpointing' troublemakers during the Miners' Strikes

Paula Murray

4 MAY 2024

A Nazi commander evaded prosecution after he was allowed to settle in Scotland with the blessing of UK officials, secret documents reveal.

Newly declassified files claim Lithuanian Anton Gecas was linked to the British intelligence services as he arrived in the country among Polish refugees in 1947.

Armed with a testimonial describing him a “fine officer with an outstanding character” Gecas, whose real name was Lieutenant Antanas Gecevicius, was actually in charge of a unit linked to the SS regiment which killed tens of thousands of Jews, communists and resistance fighters during the Second World War.

He landed a managerial position in a Midlothian mine allegedly to spy on the workers and avoided jail after the Crown Office ruled there was “insufficient evidence” he had committed war crimes.

Gecas died at the age of 85 in 2001 and The Times reports documents in the National Archives in Kew, in London, suggest his case was known to the UK intelligence officers.

Minutes of a meeting involving a British ambassador to Israel and the director of Simon Wiesenthal Centre (SWC) in Jerusalem - famous for pursuing Nazis - state his name had been in a list of suspected Lithuanian war criminals submitted to the British Consul in Los Angeles in October 1986.

But according to the minutes the British government had “appeared reluctant to deal with the issue” with the SWC believing Gecas “had some involvement with MI6 after the war”.

Dr Efraim Zuroff who was in charge of the organisation at the time, said they’d been told the Lithuanian was an anti-communist informant adding: "The British authorities were very concerned about the situation in the mining industry.

"They needed someone on the inside who was able to help them identify who the troublemakers were.”

A veteran who helped capture Gecas in 1944 reported him to the police after learning his former prisoner was stationed at Bilston Glen colliery, the site of clashes during the Miners’ Strike, but was told the foreigner had immunity.

The US office of Special Investigations also had the Nazi, who got his British passport in the mid 1950s, in their sight in 1981 and just over a decade later his vile past was exposed in a TV documentary.


Scottish authorities launched an investigation and received a huge file of documents from the SWC but did not proceed with the case because there was “too great a gulf between what we know and what we can prove for any prosecution to succeed”.

Dr Zuroff insisted dropping the case was inexcusable and added: “The evidence was there. It was clear and it was damning.”

Jon Silverman, who wrote Safe Haven outlining failures to prosecute Uk-based Nazi collaborators, said he had heard of suggestions Gecas had been an informant.

But the emeritus professor of media and criminal justice at the University of Bedfordshire added: “Until the various agencies release any files which they may hold on Gecas, which is unlikely, this will remain speculation.”

A spokesman for the Crown and Procurator Fiscal Office it was unable to comment because the age of the case means there is no record available given “our strict data retention policy”.

This is due to the age of the case and our strict data retention policy."

Just think of the probability of foreign men being used now against the interests of indigenous Brits now with so many here from all over the world...and many in government?

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81d5e5 No.201273

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20867741 (150057ZMAY24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scotland's chief constable on the challenges facing Police Scotland (video)

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Scotland's chief constable on the challenges facing Police Scotland #news #currentaffairs #politics

STV News

52.6K subscribers

428 views May 14, 2024

The first woman to lead Police Scotland, Jo Farrell has been the Chief Constable for the last seven months.

She inherited an array of challenges, including falling officer numbers, over-stretched resources and low staff morale. Added to that, has been the high profile inquiry into SNP finances and the recent implementation of the controversial Hate Crime law.

Gordon Chree sat down with her to reflect on the role the challenges she has faced so far.

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81d5e5 No.201274

File: c8a938d758c7d45⋯.png (659.03 KB,952x850,28:25,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20867769 (150106ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf to lose Holyrood seats amid Glasgow wipeout for SNP

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Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf to lose Holyrood seats amid Glasgow wipeout for SNP

Angus Robertson, Neil Gray and Mairi McAllan would also be relying on the regional list to hold on to their job if analysis of new polling is correct

Douglas Dickie

14 MAY 2024

Two former first ministers face the humiliation of losing their seat at the next Scottish election - assuming they even stick around for the fight. Nicola Sturgeon and Humza Yousaf would be among the victims of a Glasgow wipeout for the SNP, according to new analysis.

Polling by Savanta last week suggested Labour would overtake the Nats as the biggest party at Holyrood when the nation goes to the polls in 2026. Now, political data site Ballot Box Scotland has crunched the numbers to see how the political map would look.

Despite both Labour and the SNP being expected to win 35% of the constituency vote, the concentration of Labour support in the Central Belt will see Anas Sarwar's party emerge with many more constituency MSPs. The whole of Glasgow is expected to turn red, including Ms Sturgeon's Glasgow Southside constituency and Mr Yousaf's Glasgow Pollok seat.

Ms Sturgeon has yet to say if she will stand down at the next election having quit as SNP leader last year. However, she has been making moves towards a post-Holyrood career and the potential for an actual electoral fight may be enough to make the decision for her.

Mr Yousaf could stick it out at Holyrood but may need to rely on the regional list in order to win a seat. Elsewhere, First Minister John Swinney will also face an uncomfortable time with the Tories tipped to score a victory in his backyard.

The Conservatives are forecast to win Jim Fairlie's Perthshire South and Kinross-shire seat, right next to Mr Swinney's own Perthshire North constituency. Other high-profile Nat figures sweating over their seats include Neil Gray (Airdrie and Shotts), Angus Robertson (Edinburgh Central) and Mairi McAllan (Clydesdale).

Ballot Box Scotland predicts Holyrood will include 47 Labour MSPs compared with 35 for the Nats, down from the 64 they won in 2021. While that leaves Labour short of a majority, it will mean there will no longer be a nationalist majority at Holyrood for the first time since 2012.

The Tories would drop to 24 seats with the Lib Dems on 12 and the Greens on 11.

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81d5e5 No.201275

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20867787 (150110ZMAY24) Notable: Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun Part One / POST OFFICE SCANDAL: SNP dodge more pressure to make the Lord Advocate answer further questions (video)

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POST OFFICE SCANDAL: SNP dodge more pressure to make the Lord Advocate answer further questions

The Scottish Sun

289K subscribers

7,440 views May 12, 2024 #postofficescandal #scotland #snp

John Swinney sidestepped answering questions about bringing the Lord Avdocate to Holyrood to answer further questions over the procurator fiscal's roll in prosecuting subpostmasters.

Labour and the Conservatives blasted the Scottish government for not making the Lord Advocate come back to Holyrood to answer further questions

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81d5e5 No.201276

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20869755 (151527ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / 'Housing has been devolved 25 years!' SNP minister slated after blaming Westminster for Scotland declaring a housing emergency

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'Housing has been devolved 25 years!' SNP minister slated after blaming Westminster for Scotland declaring a housing emergency

Scottish Government Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville pointed the finger at the UK Government for the SNP being bounced into declaring a housing emergency as homelessness grows in the likes of Glasgow and Edinburgh

David Walker

15 MAY 2024

A Scottish Government minister has been slated after she attempted to blame Westminster for SNP plans to declare a housing emergency on Wednesday. The Nationalist Executive is set to hijack a Scottish Labour debate on housing to make this declaration, just six months after refusing to do so.

Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville laid the blame at the door of the UK Government, and even refused to accept any failings when pressed on Radio Scotland's Good Morning Scotland. The move comes amid fears that the SNP will lose a first major vote at the Scottish Parliament.

Five local authorities have declared housing emergencies in recent months, including Glasgow and Edinburgh, due to a lack of available homes and growing numbers of people declaring themselves homeless. The issues come amid the government cutting £200m from the affordable housing budget.

But Ms Somerville insisted it was not her fault and pointed to a lack of funding from Whitehall. She said: "I want to make sure we use the debate today to recognise the context which the Scottish Government is working in, for example 9% cut in our capital budget by the UK Government which inevitably has an impact on our plans going forward.

"To see what can do under our devolved powers. I think it's very important we do look at the context, the financial reality we are in, we have seen the cut in our capital budget at the same time as rocketing construction inflation because of Tory mismanagement of the UK economy, and of course building on austerity, that's not blaming someone, that's the context of the situation we are in."

She pointed out that they had boosted the sector with £80m, but this is over the next two years, meaning it will take five years for the cuts to be restored. And Shelter Scotland pointed out that the cut to the capital budget "didn't need to translate into a 26% cut to the housing budget."

Her comments were blasted by the Scottish Tories, with former leader Jackson Carlaw pointing out that "housing has been devolved for 25 years." His colleague Jamie Halcro Johnston added: "An SNP Government that slashed the housing budget by £200m+ has today been forced to declare a housing emergency while desperately trying to wash their hands of any responsibility."

And Murdo Fraser wrote: "SNP rent control plans have led directly to a collapse in investment in the build-to-rent sector. That’s nothing to do with Westminster and entirely down to decisions taken by inept politicians in Edinburgh."

Scottish Tory shadow housing secretary Miles Briggs claimed that the SNP "have had to be dragged kicking and screaming into this long overdue acceptance of reality." He added: "The Scottish Conservatives have repeatedly called for a national housing emergency to be declared, but these calls fell on deaf ears until now. SNP ministers have also ignored the calls from charities, as well as five local councils declaring emergencies in their own areas.

“This situation is entirely of the SNP’s making. Shirley-Anne Somerville has typically tried to blame Westminster but the SNP have received a record block grant and it is them who shamefully slashed £200 million from the affordable housing budget. They - along with Labour - also backed the Greens illogical rent freeze policy which has instead hit tenants with soaring rents and has put the pause on much needed housing developments.

“Finally declaring a housing emergency must be more than lip service from the SNP. We must see ministers now reverse their deeply damaging cuts and take the urgent action required – including bringing thousands of empty properties back into use – to tackle Scotland’s housing crisis.”

The UK Government said: "The Scottish Government receives around 25% more funding per person than equivalent UK government spending in other parts of the UK.”

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81d5e5 No.201277

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20869767 (151531ZMAY24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters in Glasgow (video)

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Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters in Glasgow

The Scottish Sun

289K subscribers

767 views May 15, 2024 #palestine #israel #propalestine

Police clash with pro-Palestine protesters outside the Thales factory in Govan, Glasgow where a demonstration erupted with activists calling for an end to arms sales to Israel.

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81d5e5 No.201278

File: 4e0043acd00ed32⋯.png (666.55 KB,864x885,288:295,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20870144 (151653ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / SNP declaring a housing emergency 'means absolutely nothing' as it 'self-congratulates' its own failure

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SNP declaring a housing emergency 'means absolutely nothing' as it 'self-congratulates' its own failure

The Scottish Government announced a housing emergency in Scotland, six months after claiming that there wasn't one, but were savaged by opposition parties for refusing to accept any responsibility for it.

David Walker

15 MAY 2024

The Scottish Government officially announcing a housing emergency "means absolutely nothing" sniped rivals as it refused to "take responsibility" for the 10,000 children in temporary accommodation, and the rising numbers of Scots declaring homelessness. Six months ago, SNP ministers refused to accept this was an issue, voting down Scottish Labour.

But now Social Justice Secretary Shirley-Anne Somerville confessed at the Scottish Parliament that the country faced a housing crisis and vowed to fix it. Her admission came about due to fears John Swinney was about to fall to a humiliating defeat in his first week in charge, as the Greens were set to vote with Labour.

She said: "It is clear that the Scottish Government has recognised there is a real and genuine challenge within the housing sector and we have done for some time... it is very important that we move past debating how we define the problem and move onto the solutions.

"That's why I am very happy that we do so today and that we all collectively declare there is a housing emergency because the important point is what we then do about it." She then called on all parties to work together on this, while hitting out at the UK Government again.

Her comments closing the debate for the SNP came just minutes after Housing Minister claimed that he was "proud" of his government's record in housebuilding. He said: "We are making available nearly £600 million this year towards the delivery of more unaffordable social homes...this includes a recent boost of £80 million over two years to facilitate the acquisition of existing properties".

He then compared Scotland to England and Wales, pointing out that there has been "40% more affordable homes delivered in Scotland, per head of population than in England and over 70% more than in Wales. But rivals blasted the SNP Executive for refusing to take responsibility for the crisis.

Scottish Lib Dem MSP Willie Rennie highlighted that this could have been declared six months ago, and that there was nothing being put forward by the government to fix the issue. He said that the declaration "means absolutely nothing" and added: "The speech the minister made was almost exactly the same speech he made last November except for the words "accepting the housing emergency has been added in, nothing else has changed.

"It was one defence after another in his contribution, and then blaming Westminster, which was exactly what he did last year. The Scottish Government has choices, it could do something different, one of those was a dramatic cut in the more homes budget.

"The problem has been building for years, this isn't going to be turned around overnight but we need to start to reverse the damage, so the acceptance of a housing emergency must mean something but from the Minister I'm afraid it means absolutely nothing."

Scottish Labour housing spokesman Mark Griffin described the motion from the Scottish Government as "self-congratulatory" and "blames everyone and everything" and that the government must "take responsibility for the fact there are 10,000 children in temporary accommodation, that not enough homes are being built, that far too many homes are lying empty, and to start to come up with solutions for that."

Scottish Conservatives shadow housing secretary Miles Briggs claimed the government has had to be "kicked dragging and screaming" to accept there is a housing emergency in Scotland. He added: "We must see ministers act and urgently outline to Parliament, what will change across all government portfolios and what fresh leadership will actually be brought to this housing emergency.

"Scottish ministers need to bring forward an urgent housing emergency plan. That is why I hope we will not just see this debate, but cross party talks."

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81d5e5 No.201279

File: 8ff2a95c4ae50cc⋯.png (468.75 KB,919x869,919:869,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20870291 (151733ZMAY24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Brute ex cop jailed for seven years after horror campaign of sexual and physical abuse

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Brute ex cop jailed for seven years after horror campaign of sexual and physical abuse

Christopher Wylie was sentenced for offences that took place in the Sutherland area between 2019 and 2021

Iona Young

15 MAY 2024

A disgraced former Highlands cop has been jailed for a catalogue of abuse and sexual offences spanning three years.

Christopher Wylie appeared at the High Court in Edinburgh on May 15.

The 47-year-old was jailed for several abusive and sexual offences that took place in the Sutherland area of the Scottish Highlands between April 2019 and December 2021.

Wylie throttled a woman and lunged at her while he was in possession of a knife during abusive conduct that spanned a 20 month period.

A judge told him at the High Court in Edinburgh: "Such behaviour is bound to attract a significant period of imprisonment."

Judge Michael O'Grady KC said Wylie carried out a course of conduct directed at the woman that was appalling, sustained and humiliating.

Wylie, who joined the police in 2009 and whose career in the force lasted about 10 years, had sex with the woman without her consent and offered another man intercourse with her in return for drugs.

He denied the offence at an earlier trial at the High Court in Inverness but was found guilty by the verdict of the jury.

Defence counsel Brian McConnachie KC said that Wylie was assessed as posing a low level of rsik of further offending.

He said that during his time in custody he has been transferred from Inverness jail to prison in Dumfries and added: "Given his previous employment as a police officer perhaps his period in custody will be more difficult for him than an ordinary person."

After the trial, Detective Constable Emma Ellis said: “I hope this sentence provides some measure of closure for his victim.

“Sexual abuse has no place in our communities and we would encourage anyone who is experiencing abuse, or know someone who is, to get in touch. We will take action no matter the timescale."

She added: “Anyone wishing to report this kind of crime can call Police Scotland directly on 101, or via our partner agencies. Reports will be robustly investigated.”

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81d5e5 No.201280

File: 44dc1d1c259b995⋯.png (644.22 KB,979x859,979:859,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20878165 (171358ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / Scotland seen as 'basket case' by global investors thanks to the SNP as billionaire brothers slate John Swinney

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Scotland seen as 'basket case' by global investors thanks to the SNP as billionaire brothers slate John Swinney

The Easdale brothers blasted the Scottish Government for pursuing 'financially illiterate policies' which has damaged the country's standing worldwide, including the push for independence.

David Walker

14 MAY 2024

John Swinney and the SNP have been blasted by Scotland's billionaire brothers who called into question the new First Minister's claims that he will "dedicate every fibre" to delivering economic growth for the country. The Easdales claimed that global investors regard Scotland as a "basket case" due to the nationalists pursuing "financially illiterate policies."

The pair, who run bus companies McGills, were particularly scathing about decision-making in Glasgow, highlighting a number of taxpayer-funded "vanity projects" which deserve to be scrapped. These include nationalising the bus network in the region, and the £15bn Clyde Metro initiative, with both potentially having a negative impact on the Easdales business.

Both projects are expected to cost billions of pounds over the next decade and make public transport in Glasgow and the surrounding areas easier. But the Metro project has been scheduled for years with barely any progress being made, with plans to link Glasgow Airport to the city centre already scrapped.

Mr Swinney blamed the UK Government for Scotland suffering a cost-of-living crisis last week in his first few interviews as First Minister, but he has been told to look closer to home for blame. Sandy Easdale said: "Mr Swinney said UK government policies were preventing the country from realising its full potential. We feel he needs to look closer to home. Try Glasgow for a start."

The Easdales claimed they had spoken to one of Europe's leading place branding consultants to ask how the government and local authority were doing attracting inward investment, and were told that there were key aspects that were looked at: political stability, high taxes, competence of local government and roads, street lighting and sewers.

They insisted that the consultants claimed that the push for independence and the current state of Glasgow would deter global investors. James Easdale said: "What financial investors are going to commit to £15bn which would probably end up as double that bearing in mind Scotland’s track record? Also, when they sit in their European offices and hear John Swinney saying that Scotland will be independent in five years, that raises so many red flags.”

Sandy Easdale added: “Glaswegians and folks in the neighbouring areas must wonder where all the money is coming from for these vanity projects. They need after-hours doctors and access to emergency hospital treatment, never mind getting the potholes fixed and the rat infestations cleared out.”

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81d5e5 No.201281

File: c4390f803ab1f9b⋯.png (257.89 KB,601x818,601:818,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20878171 (171359ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / Scotland seen as 'basket case' by global investors thanks to the SNP as billionaire brothers slate John Swinney

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The brothers also called into question the claims that Scotland's approach to attracting inward investment was paying off, following a report which showed that in 2021/22, 7,780 jobs were created or protected through this. Sandy Easdale said: "However, here’s the kick in the teeth. 98% of these jobs pay the real living wage of £19,305. I am not dismissing these jobs but come on, that’s no way to build a world-class economy. And when you see the phrase 'jobs were protected,' that simply means that an incentive was paid to current investors not to get rid of anybody."

The brothers concluded: “Glasgow and the rest Scotland cannot truly move ahead until financially realistic policies are adopted, taxation is normalised with the rest of the UK and John Swinney parks the independence debate for a generation. Otherwise, the global investment community will continue to regard Scotland, and in particular the west, as a basket case.”

A Glasgow City Council spokeswoman said: "Creating conditions that increase the attractiveness of public transport and support more people to travel sustainably in Glasgow is a priority for the council. Our new transport strategy has a substantial focus on improving bus travel, as a switch to more sustainable forms of transport is essential in the fight against climate change, whilst fewer car journeys can reduce congestion and increase the amenity of our city for everyone

“We have previously committed to exploring the bus governance powers in the Transport (Scotland) Act 2019 as set out in our Bus Governance Routemap - a move which also lends support to Clyde Metro as a transformational mass transit system, following its confirmation by the Scottish Government as a key priority for future transport investment.”

On inward investment, she added: “Industry experts recently named Glasgow Europe’s number one large city for attracting overseas investment – so it is hard to understand the reasoning behind this statement. Recent years have seen the emergence of significant sectors in technology, the green economy, the space industry, the creative economy, and advanced manufacturing - and these will all help to drive Glasgow's future growth and high-skilled jobs.

“Our Invest Glasgow team has helped attract overseas investment which has brought over 6,000 jobs in the past five years and a new investment strategy for Glasgow was launched last Autumn, responding to the changes in the investment landscape, impacted by Brexit and the pandemic. Taken with our recent ranking as the world's 61st best city for global investment attractiveness, Glasgow can take real encouragement from how the world increasingly sees us."

A Stratchclyde Partnership Transport spokeswoman added: "The Clyde Metro programme is a real opportunity to deliver a step-change in multi modal public transport across the greater Glasgow region, making the west of Scotland a well-connected place with active, liveable communities and accessible, vibrant centres facilitated by high quality, sustainable and low carbon transport shaped by the needs for all.

"The Strathclyde Regional Bus Strategy which sets out plans for bus franchising, is a bold ambitious plan aiming to deliver real opportunities for growth in our region as part of this multi modal network. Bus Franchising is a proven model for delivering local bus services, improving the network to achieve passenger growth, providing better accessibility for all, and delivers wider public policy outcomes.

"We are fully aware of the challenges we face and establishing both of these programmes will take time, investment, and a commitment from Government and leaders across many sectors to deliver but this is a time for ambition and for transformation. Doing nothing and hoping the status quo will continue is simply not an option.”

Investment Minister Tom Arthur said: “Despite the challenging backdrop of Brexit and Covid, the Scottish economy continues to make positive progress in comparison to the UK as a whole, with GDP growth per person of 10.8% in Scotland since 2007, compared to 5.6% in the UK.

“Scotland is open for business and the Scottish Government is committed to working hand-in-hand across sectors, and with public and private partners, to maximise the huge economic opportunities that lie ahead.

“This includes Glasgow, where we continue to invest through a series of targeted programmes. These include the City Region Deal, supported by £520 million from Scottish Government, and more recently, the establishment of Glasgow City Region as one of Scotland’s first Investment Zones, designed to deliver economic growth, high quality, well-paid jobs, and future opportunities for local people.”

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81d5e5 No.201282

File: c49e8fc0685ffc3⋯.png (489.93 KB,920x852,230:213,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20878724 (171704ZMAY24) Notable: Horizon Post Office Scandal Bun Part One / Dorothy Bain insists she 'shares collective position' of SNP ministers in rare Holyrood appearance

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Dorothy Bain insists she 'shares collective position' of SNP ministers in rare Holyrood appearance

The Lord Advocate finally appeared in front of MSPs at the Scottish Parliament to answer questions about the Post Office Horizon scandal and insisted it was never her position to oppose mass exoneration of victims.

David Walker

16 MAY 2024

Scotland's Lord Advocate has insisted that she "shares the collective position" of SNP ministers as she made a rare appearance at Holyrood to answer questions from MSPs. Dorothy Bain was called on to give evidence about the Crown Office's role in the Horizon Post Office scandal.

She spoke days after a new emergency bill was introduced at the Scottish Parliament which will see a mass exoneration of Scots sub-postmasters who were wrongly convicted due to faulty Horizon evidence. The Scottish Government became embroiled in a cross-border row after Westminster declined to legislate for them, citing the separate legal systems.

Ms Bain's previous public comments on the scandal also called into question whether she backed a blanket exoneration of victims which is what the new legislation will do. But she rejected that suggestion on Thursday, pointing out that as a member of the government cabinet she needs to support their policies.

Scottish Tory justice spokesman Russell Findlay welcomed the fact she had finally been hauled in front of MSPs but asked her a number of questions about the scandal. He said: "In her statement, the Lord Advocate said that she has not previously opposed mass exoneration as this bill proposes.

"Now that was the impression given by her previous statement in January, so I'd like to ask her to use this opportunity to be clear whether or not she agrees with her cabinet colleagues that mass exoneration is the right thing to do. It's also regrettable that the SNP has sought to turn this into yet another excuse to pick a constitutional fight with UK ministers.

"In their own words, the Scottish Government now recognises the need for standalone Scottish legislation. It's also regrettable that the Scottish Government now suggest that the passing of this bill can only happen after the UK law has passed, I'd urge the Scottish Government to have confidence in this parliament to commit to passing this legislation before summer, we have the power to do so."

Ms Bain pointed out that the government's bill reflects their position and that "like all ministers I share that collective position." She claimed that her comments previously "were taken out of context" as she was instead stating that she did not have the powers to grant a blanket exoneration.

She also gave an update on the current position on Scottish Horizon cases, with six being quashed so far, two currently before the Appeal Court and 10 more before the Scottish Criminal Cases Review system. She also announced that she had stripped the Post Office of its status as a specialist reporting agency "because of its fundamental and sustained failures" and added that it was "not fit to be a specialist reporting agency" meaning it can now no longer able to investigate and report allegations to the Crown."

And Ms Bain also addressed complaints that the Crown Office continued to convict using faulty Horizon evidence after a summit in 2013 where they were told about issues with it. She confirmed four cases have been identified which took place between 2013 and 2015 and involved Horizon data and guilty pleas, but blamed the Post Office for this.

Speaking afterwards, Mr Findlay insisted that the Lord Advocate still had questions to answer. He said: "Following multiple Scottish Conservative requests, the Lord Advocate rightly returned to parliament, but many questions remain unanswered. We still don’t know whether or not she believes in the legislation’s blanket exoneration of Horizon victims.

“Dithering SNP ministers also need to stop using the UK legislation as a phoney excuse to delay the Scottish bill. They need to get on with it, for the sake of the Post Office victims.

“Former Lord Advocate Frank Mulholland was in charge during this mass miscarriage of justice and it is only right that he should also come to parliament.”

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81d5e5 No.201283

File: 2c5d6c1ecb97ae0⋯.png (470.99 KB,920x899,920:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20878917 (171800ZMAY24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / 'Soft-touch justice' SNP set to release up to 500 criminals from jail early to ease overcrowding

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'Soft-touch justice' SNP set to release up to 500 criminals from jail early to ease overcrowding

The Scottish Government's Justice Secretary Angela Constance will ask MSPs to vote on releasing prisoners early after the number of cons exploded to almost record highs in prison.

David Walker

16 MAY 2024

The Scottish Government has outlined plans to release up to 500 criminals from prison early in a bid to solve "dangerous" overcrowding in jails. Justice Secretary Angela Constance will consult MSPs on this in the next two weeks, with the freeing of cons scheduled for after this.

And she also put forward two more "soft-touch" justice solutions to help deal with a bloated prison estate, with the number of people locked up at the second highest level on record. The population has risen sharply, from 7,948 on 18 March to 8,348 this morning.

MSPs will get the final say on whether criminals can be released into the public early, but this vote is expected to go the way of the minority SNP Government. Dangerous long-term prisoners could also be allowed automatic early release despite this being abolished almost 10 years ago.

It means that the SNP are using a brand new power it has created for itself through its Bail and Release from Custody Act, with this coming into force on May 26. Ms Constance claimed that she "hoped this would never need to be used."

She admitted that up to 500 cons would be freed early, with those serving under four years eligible, except for individuals who are behind bars due to domestic abuse or sexual offences. It is the second time this will happen, with a mass release also occurring during the Covid pandemic.

A total of 348 criminals were let out early, but almost half of them committed crimes afterwards. The SNP minister also wants to increase the period of time cons can spend on release under licence conditions. She told MSPs: "And be in no doubt, that is what we are facing. If our prisons are to remain functional and able to house the most dangerous offenders, we have no choice but to take urgent action to reduce pressure on the estate.

"On 26 May, we will bring into force section 11 of the Bail and Release from Custody (Scotland) Act 2023, which was scrutinised by Parliament last year and provides Ministers with a power to release prisoners in emergency situations. My hope was that this would never need to be used. However, as things stand today, my view is that we have reached the threshold for taking emergency action.

"The sudden and sharp rise over recent weeks, combined with an already high population, has significantly increased the risk to the health, safety and welfare of both prisoners and SPS staff, as well as to the security and good order of the prison estate. Serious concerns have been formally raised to me by the Chief Executive of SPS, His Majesty’s Chief Inspector of Prisons, and the Prison Governors Association.

"If the legal test for use of emergency release is satisfied when the provisions come into force on 26 May, I intend to bring forward a proposal for Parliament’s consideration as soon as possible within the following two weeks. Members will have the opportunity to scrutinise and debate the approach and, in this instance, we will not release a single prisoner without Parliament’s consent. I also want to work with Parliament to expedite that process."

All those released would be serving sentences of under four years, with no one serving jail time for sexual offences or domestic abuse being let out early, with a governor veto also available. She added: "This is not a decision I take lightly and I appreciate the concerns it will raise. But we must ensure the safety and wellbeing of SPS staff and those in their care, and that our prisons continue to function effectively to accommodate those who pose the greatest risk of harm."

But critics urged the government to ensure they protect the public safety, and that this doesn't become another "soft touch approach to justice." Scottish Tory justice spokeswoman Sharon Dowey said: "It is crucial that you ensure that individuals released from prison do not pose a risk to the public.

"And therefore if the government is going down this path they must ensure it's done in a way that public safety is not at risk, caution must be taken and safety checks must be carried out. It's not the time for the SNP to follow their soft-touch approach to justice." She also called on Ms Constance to be clear to the public what the criminals had been in jail for and how many are released.

It's probably fuck all to do with overcrowding in prisons, they'll be letting people out in the hope they don't sue for being imprisoned by an illegal, unlawful and unconstitutional government/judiciary... and it's all going to come out sooner, rather than later.

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81d5e5 No.201284

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20880188 (172300ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 1: The Impact of Lockdown (video)

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>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two


Scottish Covid Inquiry | Part 1 | The Impact of Lockdown

Freedom Podcast

158 subscribers

170 views May 14, 2024>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

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81d5e5 No.201285

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20880218 (172305ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 2: Do Not Resuscitate (video)

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>>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two


The Scottish Covid Inquiry | Part 2 | Do Not Resuscitate

Freedom Podcast

158 subscribers

1,945 views May 16, 2024

Evidence heard at the Scottish Covid Inquiry around the implication of blanket 'Do Not Resuscitate' orders for Care Home residents.

0:00 Introduction

0:15 not my signature

0:59 SKYE opening statement

2:10 Jeane Freeman letter

2:29 Peter McCormick ICHS

2:59 blanket DNACPR

3.18 DNAR form

3:28 anticipatory care

8:17 Covid-19 decision support tool

8:48 Paramedic toe-tagging

10:43 DNR for father

12:40 Part 3 coming soon

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81d5e5 No.201286

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20880534 (180001ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry Part 3: Midazolam (video)

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>>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two



The Scottish Covid Inquiry | Part 3 | Midazolam

Freedom Podcast

160 subscribers

379 views May 17, 2024 SCOTLAND

🎬| Scottish Covid Inquiry


Bereaved family members bear witness to the use of End-of-Life drug Midazolam with their loved ones in Care during lockdown.

We also hear Care Home Managers give evidence on the widespread use of End-of-Life protocol NICE NG163 on their residents during the 'pandemic'

The most shocking yet


Time Stamp

0:00 matt hancock

0:35 introduction

1:05 bill jolly

4:20 excess deaths

4:35 needle mark on thumb

5:38 i'll get you charged with murder

7:03 care home managers

7:29 just in case medication

7:58 gillian grant gran

10:49 credits

Thanks for watching. Please share 🙏

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81d5e5 No.201287

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20880645 (180022ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry Impact Hearings: Health & Social Care; Day 43; Care Home deaths (video)

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>>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two



Freedom Podcast

161 subscribers

36 views May 8, 2024 EDINBURGH


Scottish Covid Inquiry | Impact Hearing |Health & Social Care | Day 43 | Care Home deaths

Freedom Podcast

161 subscribers

36 views May 8, 2024 EDINBURGH

Erskine Home, Care Manager Duncan MacDonald gives evidence to the inquiry this week.

Residents denied access to GPs, Dentists, Podiatrists & Physiotherapists - Prisoners were treated better

Quality of life severely impacted during lockdown

Resident deaths misattributed to ‘COVID’

Testimony date: 7th May 2024

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81d5e5 No.201288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20880675 (180029ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry Impact Hearings: Breathtaking (video)

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>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two





Scottish Covid Inquiry | Impact Hearings | Breathtaking

Freedom Podcast

161 subscribers

472 views May 3, 2024 #Breathtaking

🎙“Sometimes the (ambulance) crews would turn up at a patients home & couldn’t actually do anything, because they didn’t have adequate PPE …”

Karen Leonard GMB

Scottish Covid Inquiry

Impact Hearing

Health & Social Care

Day 42



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81d5e5 No.201289

File: 901bcc5e65a057c⋯.png (568.96 KB,914x857,914:857,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20883133 (181539ZMAY24) Notable: Nicola Sturgeon & SNP Bun Part One / SNP DID keep part of Stone of Destiny in a cupboard as experts verify fragment

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SNP DID keep part of Stone of Destiny in a cupboard as experts verify fragment

The piece was given to Alex Salmond and has sat in a storage cupboard since 2008 but could now be reunited with the real thing

Neil Pooran & Douglas Dickie

17 MAY 2024

Experts have confirmed a fragment of stone kept for years at SNP headquarters did come from the Stone of Destiny. The revelation could pave the way for the 'missing' chip to be reunited with the ancient Stone of Scone at its new home in Perth.

Former first minister Alex Salmond was given the fragment by the son of one of the pro-independence students who famously stole the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey in 1950. However, until now its provenance had not been conclusively established and it had apparently resided in a cupboard at SNP HQ since 2008.

An analysis of the stone fragment was carried out by Historic Environment Scotland on behalf of the royally-appointed Commissioners for the Safeguarding of the Regalia – who are responsible for the preservation of certain important historic items. The scientific analysis determined beyond reasonable doubt that it was taken from the Stone of Destiny.

In March this year, the SNP requested that the small piece of stone be reunited with the rest of the block at Perth Museum, which received the Stone of Destiny as part of a £27 million redevelopment. The existence of the fragment was revealed in Scottish Government cabinet records which were published at the start of this year.

The Commissioners will decide on where the fragment will go. Scotland’s First Minister is appointed as one of the Commissioners for the Safeguarding of the Regalia when they take office.

But both John Swinney, and former first minister Humza Yousaf, have recused themselves on decisions about the fragment – as SNP leaders they wished to avoid any potential conflict of interest. The SNP’s longest-serving MP, Pete Wishart, had earlier called for the "missing" piece to be moved to Perth Museum.

The conclusion of the scientific tests adds a new chapter to the long story of the Stone of Destiny, which has been associated with the Scottish and UK monarchies for centuries. It was long used in the inauguration of Scottish monarchs.

However, in 1296, it was seized by King Edward I of England as war loot and taken to London. It was built into a Coronation Chair at Westminster Abbey and was used in the coronation ceremonies of Kings and Queens of England and, later, Great Britain after the Scottish and English crowns were united in the early 17th century.

In 1950, a group of students carried out an audacious raid to steal the stone from Westminster Abbey and returned it to Scotland to try and advance the cause of independence. The raid led to the sandstone block splitting in two – a possible source of the fragment which later found its way to the SNP.

The Stone of Destiny was used in Queen Elizabeth II’s coronation in 1953 and was also used in the coronation of King Charles last year. One of the students was John MacCormick and his son, Sir Neil MacCormick, gave the rock fragment to Mr Salmond in 2008.

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81d5e5 No.201290

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20883156 (181555ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / The Lesley Roberts Story (video)

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The Lesley Roberts Story!

Silver Fox Hot Takes

16.2K subscribers

1,318 views May 18, 2024 RAUNDS

Here it is, the full tale.

This is what happens when the State and all it's minions attempt to destroy one small woman!

And it is not over yet!


This story now gone from the Scottish Express website.

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81d5e5 No.201291

File: 50e2754e15b9e33⋯.png (127.8 KB,935x609,935:609,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20883158 (181555ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Former nurse vows she will blow the SNP's Covid scandal wide open at the Scottish public inquiry

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>>>201261 (You)


>This story now gone from the Scottish Express website.

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81d5e5 No.201292

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20883395 (181819ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Covid probe looks at nurse's claims after she accused Scots Government of corporate manslaughter

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Daily Record article is still up

Covid probe looks at nurse's claims after she accused Scots Government of corporate manslaughter

The Covid-19 National Death Inquiry Team are now looking at Lesley Roberts’ evidence as part of Operation Koper after she accused the government of corporate manslaughter.

By Vivienne AitkenHealth & Education Editor 11 APR 2023

A former nurse who reported the Scottish Government to the police for corporate manslaughter has been asked for more in-depth information.

The Covid-19 National Death Inquiry Team are now looking at Lesley Roberts’ evidence as part of Operation Koper and she has been asked for a fuller statement ahead of a formal police interview.

Lesley, along with other NHS campaigners, handed in a coronavirus dossier to police last month blaming the Scottish Government for around 10,000 deaths since the pandemic struck.

The evidence they have collated centres on deaths in care homes and hospitals and among healthcare staff.

Lesley, a nurse and union health and safety rep during the pandemic, said when the group – Action for a Safe & Accountable People’s NHS – initially approached the police they seemed “disinterested” in what they had to say.

She said: “So I wrote to the Lord Advocate, the Procurator Fiscal and Chief Constable Iain Livingstone. It was only after that I was contacted by the inquiry team.”

She continued: “I am glad someone is finally listening.”

Lesley was an eye-witness to what went on in Scotland’s hospitals at the height of the pandemic and was calling for action on masks and the use of Do Not Resuscitate orders “across the board” from the very beginning.

She said: “Someone has to be accountable for the lives lost and the blame rests with the Scottish Government and Nicola Sturgeon in particular.”


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81d5e5 No.201293

File: d4642944fb14a57⋯.jpg (4.2 MB,2488x3504,311:438,Clipboard.jpg)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20883556 (181905ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / More of Roger Livermore's emails have been posted on telegram

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>Daily Record article is still up

I wonder if the memory hole will claim that soon too?

Won't that stink to the constables on operation koper?

Will they be coerced into abandoning their investigation?

The police are also unconstitutional, unlawful and illegally according to Roger Livermore in his emails.

More of Roger Livermore's emails have been posted on telegram....These ones are unmarked unlike the previous ones.

These ones are primarily addressed to Humza Yousaf and the last one was sent to him on a Friday and on the following Monday he announced his resignation as First Monster.

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81d5e5 No.201294

File: 53ea945ad42f61d⋯.jpg (3.02 MB,2484x3504,207:292,Clipboard.jpg)

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File: 76b7c71c1eeac22⋯.jpg (2.84 MB,2488x3504,311:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20883576 (181912ZMAY24) Notable: Updated Livermore Emails Bun / More of Roger Livermore's emails have been posted on telegram

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>>>154439 Final Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part Two

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81d5e5 No.201295

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20887058 (191514ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Lesley Roberts. NEW INFO as ex nurse with damaging evidence against SNP leaders removed from inquiry (video)

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Lesley Roberts. NEW INFO as ex nurse with damaging evidence against SNP leaders removed from inquiry

Craig Houston Talks To

21.8K subscribers

13,693 views May 18, 2024 ✪ Members first on May 18, 2024

Lesley Roberts who was due to give evidence at Scottish Inquiry has been dismissed under suspicious circumstances

Nicola Sturgeon, John Swinney, Jason Leitch & other high raning SNP officials were to be mentioned under oath.


• The Lesley Roberts Story!

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81d5e5 No.201296

File: 81b05ce6f78d987⋯.png (636.42 KB,923x893,923:893,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20888794 (192330ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / 'Political meddling' SNP special adviser demanded Scottish Government civil servant blame Westminster for huge funding cut (video)

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'Political meddling' SNP special adviser demanded Scottish Government civil servant blame Westminster for huge funding cut

Exclusive: The SNP have been blasted for 'political meddling' and of attempting to stoke more 'constitutional grievance' after a special adviser demanded that the UK Government be blamed for Shona Robison's decision to cut funding for Clyde Gateway.

David Walker

18 MAY 2024

The SNP have been blasted for "political meddling" after a taxpayer-funded special adviser demanded a Scottish Government civil servant blame Westminster for a brutal funding cut. The media officer was told to include a line pointing the finger at the UK Government instead of admitting fault.

Critics have claimed that the nationalists attempt to "stoke constitutional grievance" was an attempt to distract from its own major financial failings. The row revolves around the removal of funding to Clyde Gateway, when a printing error was blamed for getting the organisation's hopes up.

The Sunday Mail reported that Clyde Gateway expected to get £5m in the government's 2024/25 budget, but were actually scheduled to get £500,000 with an error in the document blamed. It led to officials being lambasted by the Finance Secretary Shona Robison who demanded to know how this happened, with it eventually being put down to human error.

Numerous media organisations asked the government to comment on the situation, with the press officers outlining a draft response to send to them. But they were ordered to add in a line blaming the UK Government for the removal of funding.

The initial line which was sent to special advisers, who are brought in by the First Minister and utilised to advise on policy, at the cost to the public purse, said: "As a result of the extremely challenging financial context, there is currently no capital budget allocated to Clyde Gateway for the coming year.

"However we are working with Clyde Gateway and other partners to mitigate the impact of this as far as possible. We are also continuing to support place-based community-led regeneration in our most disadvantaged communities with £45.8m capital investment in 2024-25.”

But an unnamed special adviser rebutted this, and ordered an extra line to be added: "Can we explicitly mention the 10% cut to our capital budget from UKG please?" The fact they meddled in the situation has been blasted by the Scottish Tories.

Party chairman Craig Hoy MSP told the Scottish Daily Express: “This further exposes the SNP’s political meddling in the civil service. It is wholly unacceptable that a nationalist spin doctor ordered a government press officer to include a line in response to a media inquiry that was designed to deliberately stoke constitutional grievance.

“It is typical that the SNP were looking to deflect blame elsewhere for these cuts, rather than accept they have completely mismanaged the record funding they have at their disposal from the UK Government.” The SNP Executive were forced to apologise for the "printing error" to Clyde Gateway which is an urban regeneration organisation that promotes inbound investment and improvements for people in several towns, including Rutherglen.

Ms Robison's spending plans were published on December 20 and included the line about £5m to the project, when it should have been £0.5m, with then-Local Government Minister Joe FitzPatrick forced to apologise in person to Clyde Gateway Chief Executive Martin McKay who had outlined his disappointment at the original decision. Following a public outcry, the organisation did net £1m in capital funding a few months later.

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81d5e5 No.201297

File: 42ff3d81e112019⋯.png (493.26 KB,1045x875,209:175,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20888848 (192345ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney wanted STRICTER Covid restrictions on Scots during pandemic

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Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney wanted STRICTER Covid restrictions on Scots during pandemic

The former First Minister and her then-Deputy wanted tighter control in Scotland in 2021, and a potential return to lockdown-like conditions a full year after the pandemic first hit,.

David Walker

19 MAY 2024

Nicola Sturgeon and John Swinney wanted tighter control of Scots lives during the Covid pandemic as they threatened harsher restrictions on public transport and in shops, a year after the virus first hit. The pair were accused of "micromanaging" during the public health disaster in newly revealed documents.

Despite Scotland having some of the strictest rules in the UK, the former First Minister and her loyal deputy wanted to go even further, and complained about not being told about some menial changes at the Scottish Government HQ. Draconian restrictions lasted longer north of the border than in England.

At the UK Covid Inquiry, both leading SNP figures confirmed that they closed schools for a second time despite having no proper evidence to do so. Ms Sturgeon also decided to virtually lock the country down again during Hogmanay 2021 due to the Omicron variant which was found not to be as dangerous.

Now, the Scottish Sun reports some new insider details about the government's decision making during the pandemic, including the fact both Mr Swinney and his leader were angered by floor arrows being removed from the Scottish Government HQ. The former First Minister was also annoyed when talk of a potential circuit-breaker lockdown in 2021 was leaked to journalists.

Papers from a Gold Command meeting were revealed through freedom of information laws, months after minutes could not be supplied to the Covid Inquiry as they couldn't be found. It details how Ms Sturgeon discussed restrictions with a tight group of people, Mr Swinney, Chief Medical Officer Sir Gregor Smith, strategy chief Dominic Smith and Professor Jason Leitch, National Clinical Director.

Notes from August 26, 2021, reveal that Ms Sturgeon refused to rule out the return of stricter Covid restrictions after a huge number of infections were reported, with 6,835 recorded. She said she was "unable to rule this out" when asked if they would return to a lockdown-like state.

Mr Swinney moaned that ScotRail were "not enforcing face coverings" with Ms Sturgeon doubling down on this as she told him it was "worse than that as Lothian Buses had tweeted they weren’t enforcing face coverings as the Government don’t expect them to”. The current First Minister warned that they may have to "turn up the dial" on restrictions."

He added that he had been surprised by the removal of floor arrows in St Andrew's House in Edinburgh to show civil servants where to walk to restrict contacts, with his leader telling him the move had happened two weeks earlier and she was "not consulted." She added that she wanted to look "to get the sectors such as supermarkets to take hard actions”.

The notes added: “She expressed her annoyance that she had read in newspapers ‘someone close to SG planning’ leaked that the government is planning a circuit breaker.” Critics of the SNP pointed out that these notes showed that the pair wanted to control everything and shy away from transparency.

Scottish Tory MSP Murdo Fraser told the Scottish Sun: “These minutes confirm two of the former First Minister’s worst traits — her desire to micromanage everything and her aversion to transparency. The latter explains the shameful decision to delete all her pandemic WhatsApp messages despite having promised she’d retain them.”

Scots Lib Dem leader Alex Cole-Hamilton added: “Nicola Sturgeon and a tiny group of advisers took control of everything from lockdowns to floor arrows. There was no one who could push back when errors were made.”

A Scottish Government spokesperson said: “The Scottish Government is committed to responding to both the Scottish Covid-19 and UK Covid-19 inquiries, as learning lessons from the pandemic is vital to prepare for the future. It would be inappropriate to comment on the detail of evidence being considered by either Inquiry while hearings are ongoing.”

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81d5e5 No.201298

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20888936 (200004ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / 'Political meddling' SNP special adviser demanded Scottish Government civil servant blame Westminster for huge funding cut (video)

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SNP SPAD forces Scot Gov Civil Servant to blame Westminster for funding blunder

Craig Houston Talks To

21.9K subscribers

6,988 views May 18, 2024 ✪ Members first on May 18, 2024

A SNP Special Advisor made Scottish Government Civil Servants rewrite a press release to include lines blaming Westminster for a blatant mistake in funding budgets due to the Clyde Gateway project.

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81d5e5 No.201299

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20888946 (200006ZMAY24) Notable: Final Government Bloat, Waste, and Abuse Bun / 'Political meddling' SNP special adviser demanded Scottish Government civil servant blame Westminster for huge funding cut (video)

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>>>201296 (You)




>SNP SPAD forces Scot Gov Civil Servant to blame Westminster for funding blunder


> Craig Houston Talks To


>21.9K subscribers


>6,988 views May 18, 2024 ✪ Members first on May 18, 2024


>A SNP Special Advisor made Scottish Government Civil Servants rewrite a press release to include lines blaming Westminster for a blatant mistake

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81d5e5 No.201300

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20888960 (200009ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / 'People making life or death decisions did NOT have the experience' COVID Inquiry shock revelations (video)

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'People making life or death decisions did NOT have the experience' COVID Inquiry shock revelations


1.26M subscribers

28,738 views May 19, 2024 #gbnews #Covid #CovidInquiry

‘People who were making the decisions about likelihood of living or dying, didn’t necessarily have the experience to do that’ - Dr Clare Craig joins Jasmine Birtles and Neil Oliver to explain the incredible admissions at the COVID Inquiry.

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81d5e5 No.201301

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20888977 (200014ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish COVID Inquiry: ‘The Lies and Cover-Ups Are Non Stop and No One Is Reporting Our Story' (video)

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‘The Lies and Cover-Ups Are Non Stop and No One Is Reporting Our Story' | Scottish COVID Inquiry


1.26M subscribers

18,386 views May 19, 2024 #gbnews #Covid #CovidInquiry

'I can still hear the screaming to this day... He went in with dehydration and they told me he was going to die in the next two hours.'

Pamela Thomas has just given evidence to the Scottish Covid Inquiry, and speaks to Neil Oliver about her testimony and experiences.

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81d5e5 No.201302

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20888995 (200018ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Scottish Covid Inquiry: Neil Oliver finally joins the fight (video)

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Neil Oliver finally joins the fight | Scottish Covid Inquiry | GBNEWS Credit

Freedom Podcast

328 subscribers

12,660 views May 18, 2024

Clip taken from the Neil Oliver Show on GBNews

Broadcast on Friday 17/5/2024

Fair use of material.

Full video here 🔗⬇️

• The Neil Oliver Show | Friday 17th May

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81d5e5 No.201303

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20889320 (200134ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / A GP a Dentist and a Gynaecologist: Scotland’s medical experts during the COVID pandemic

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A GP a Dentist and a Gynaecologist | Scotland’s medical experts during the COVID pandemic

Freedom Podcast

328 subscribers

49 views May 11, 2024

Lead counsel Jamie Dawson KC interrogating Gregor Smith over the qualifications of the CMOs and the National Clinical Director, for dealing with a ‘pandemic

U.K. COVID Inquiry

Module 2A



Anon calls for "A GP a Dentist and a Gynaecologist" go in to a bar jokes

A GP, a Dentist and a Gynaecologist go into a bar...

"What will you be having lads?" says the barman.

"Well first of all" says the GP with some apparent distaste at the barman's assumption "...I identify as a man and am full post op female to male...now can I have a sex on the beach?"

The Dentist, also disgruntled at the presumptious barman's impudence snaps back at him "I'm a full post op male to female and can I have a bloody Mary?"

The Gynaecologist looks at them both, shakes his head in disbelief and orders a double whiskey.

He turns to the GP..........."You'll never be having sex on the beach with anyone mate and you'll have maggots growing out of that open sore you call a cunt in no time at all once the first fly lands on it."

".......and you" he says to the Dentist. "I've been a Gynaecologist for nearly 30 years and it's my job to examine cunts.....no matter how long you live for the one thing you'll never have is a bloody Mary."

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81d5e5 No.201304

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20893794 (210048ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts is removed from Covid inquiry due to Facebook post

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Whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts is removed from Covid inquiry due to Facebook post

A key witness to the Scottish public inquiry into the pandemic has had her invitation to give evidence withdrawn just days before she was due to address the hearings in Edinburgh

Ben Borland

20 MAY 2024

A crusading former nurse and healthcare union rep has been removed from giving evidence at the Scottish Covid-19 Inquiry due to comments she made on her personal Facebook page.

Lesley Roberts was due to speak at the probe in Edinburgh on Wednesday and says she is planning to appeal the decision. She has told of her shock that members of the inquiry team would be monitoring her social media.

The incident was triggered by a Scottish Daily Express story relating to Ms Roberts' evidence, headlined: 'Former nurse vows she will blow the SNP's Covid scandal wide open at the Scottish public inquiry'.

Although the information in the story was mostly already in the public domain, we accepted that the article could have breached a restriction order preventing publication of evidence submitted to the inquiry. As a result, the SDE agreed to remove the article from our website.

Ms Roberts told us she was frustrated at the decision. She said: "I stayed up late on Wednesday night and then on Thursday morning I put up a post on Facebook saying I didn't want anything to do with the inquiry. It was borne out of frustration and tiredness on my part, that was it.

"It was intended for friends and family, not for the inquiry. I had no idea they were monitoring my Facebook, they weren't tagged, they weren't contacted in any way. I had a busy day on Thursday and then I worked all through the night finalising my statement, which went in at 9am on Friday.

"Then I heard they had withdrawn me from the inquiry as a result of my post. They said Lord Brailsford had accepted my resignation. I shouldn't have put it up but I was of the view that it would only be seen by friends and family."

A brief statement was released on the inquiry website on Friday, stating: "Following Lesley Roberts' announcement on social media yesterday (16 May 2024) that she no longer intends to give evidence at the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, its Chair, Lord Brailsford, has withdrawn his invitation to her to appear at a public hearing.

"The independent Inquiry has always been keen to receive evidence from Lesley Roberts relevant to its Terms of Reference and will ensure the signed written statements she has provided will inform its investigations."

'I had no intention of pulling out'

Ms Roberts – who was an infection control link nurse with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and a Unite union rep at the outset of the pandemic – added: "I've been told I can appeal and I've already asked for permission to do so. I have deleted the post now but it said 'I don't want to give evidence, I'm disgusted' or words to that effect. But I put that up out of pure frustration, never thinking that anybody from the inquiry was on my Facebook page.

"After making the post, I continued working on the final version of my statement and went for 24 hours without sleep, so that must show that I had no intention of pulling out of the evidence session."

Ms Roberts has been at the forefront of efforts to expose what she sees as grave errors in the handling of the Covid pandemic by the Scottish Government. Her main complaints relate to the safety of face masks and other PPE given to frontline NHS and social care workers; the indiscriminate use of Do Not Resuscitate orders, especially for elderly and disabled people; and the infamous decision to release untested hospital patients into care homes in the early weeks of the outbreak.

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81d5e5 No.201305

File: bf32c9c7479fb7b⋯.png (394.48 KB,599x764,599:764,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20893806 (210051ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts is removed from Covid inquiry due to Facebook post

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Along with other campaigners, she made a report to Police Scotland claiming that former ministers, including Nicola Sturgeon and Jeane Freeman, are guilty of corporate manslaughter under UK health and safety law. Detectives have taken a lengthy statement which now forms part of the Operation Koper inquiry into avoidable Covid deaths in Scotland.

At various points, she has also raised concerns in the public domain – including in multiple previous Scottish Daily Express stories – about the use of 'end of life protocols' to hasten the deaths of Covid patients and the lack of health and safety recording which would've shown that healthcare workers caught the virus at work rather than 'in the community'.

The Scottish Daily Express has no knowledge of what evidence is contained within Ms Roberts' written statements and has not had sight of them.

'The Inquiry does not monitor private social media activity'

A spokesperson for the Inquiry said: "Following Lesley Roberts' announcement on her public Facebook page on 16 May 2024 that she no longer intended to give evidence at the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry, its Chair, Lord Brailsford, withdrew his invitation to her to appear at a public hearing.

"The independent Inquiry has always been keen to receive evidence from Lesley Roberts relevant to its Terms of Reference and will ensure the signed written statements she has provided will inform its investigations. Written statements carry the same evidential weight as an oral statement and form part of the Inquiry’s bank of evidence.

"As Scotland's biggest and most wide-ranging public inquiry, the Scottish COVID-19 Inquiry is the focus of significant public and media interest. Accordingly, the Inquiry monitors public references to its work, both in print and online, to ensure the Chair, counsel and investigative teams are aware of media reports and public discussions.

"The Inquiry only monitors public references to its work. It does not monitor individuals' private social media activity. Lesley Roberts used a public social media page to announce her intention not to give evidence to the Inquiry."

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81d5e5 No.201306

File: 3cecb71e56f17ca⋯.png (555.77 KB,916x873,916:873,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20893861 (210104ZMAY24) Notable: American troops land in Scotland to help train Highlands-based battalion on new technology

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American troops land in Scotland to help train Highlands-based battalion on new technology

US Army soldiers have arrived in the Highlands to help train the 3 Scots Royal Regiment of Scotland on new equipment which will help them work with Nato.

David Walker & Katrine Bussey

20 MAY 2024

US Army soldiers have travelled to the Highlands to help train a Scottish battalion on new communications technology which will reshape the way they engage on the battlefield. The third battalion of the Royal Regiment of Scotland, known as 3 Scots, have taken on a role which will see them operate as part of smaller, dispersed teams alongside Nato allies.

Its soldiers are now getting to grips with smartphone devices which flip down from the front of their body armour, offering new capabilities and enhanced security. An American team flew into Fort George, where 3 Scots are based, to pass on their knowledge of the system after using it in their own operations.

The lightweight smartphones aid situational awareness as they display live maps – enabling the soldiers to track where their own team, and allied teams, are. They also offer new, non-verbal ways of communicating as orders can be given over messages and waypoints can be directed via the maps in real time.

The British Army calls the system experimental dismounted situational awareness (EDSA) and it is designed to speed up decision-making on the battlefield, as well as allowing troops to mark hazards like minefields and enemy locations. Sergeant Dean Tudor, of 3 Scots, said: “When we’re out on the battlefield, we spend a huge amount of time reporting to each other about where we are and what we’re doing.

“These new smartphones will share a lot of this information with soldiers naturally, without any prompts needed, helping us to focus on the mission at hand. The impact of carrying less equipment, too, is not to be underestimated on longer operations.

“Good communication is of paramount importance and so we’re grateful to our partners in the US for taking the time to ensure we’re getting the best possible use out of this new kit.”

The Royal Regiment of Scotland has a partnership with the Washington-based 5th Security Force Assistance Brigade of the US Army. As part of the 11th Security Force Assistance Brigade, soldiers from 3 Scots will be working in dispersed teams alongside Nato allies.

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81d5e5 No.201307

File: 920a1103987f770⋯.png (625.46 KB,880x899,880:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896216 (211653ZMAY24) Notable: Scottish schools deploy pupils to quiz kids as young as four on their sexuality

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Scottish schools deploy pupils to quiz kids as young as four on their sexuality

LGBT Youth Scotland, which has received almost £1 million of taxpayer cash, urges schools to appoint 'LGBT Champions' to ask pupils if they are gay, lesbian or transgender

Douglas Dickie

18 APR 2024

Scottish schools are using pupils to quiz children as young as four about their sexuality, it has been reported. Primary schools are appointing so-called 'LGBT champions' to ask younger students whether they are gay, lesbian or transgender.

Institutions are signing up for a scheme run by LGBT Youth Scotland to set up LGBT clubs as well as 'gender and sexual orientation alliance groups', according to The Telegraph. The charity is also calling on head teachers to create gender-neutral toilets and mark events like Transgender Day of Remembrance on November 20.

LGBT Youth Scotland received almost £1 million in taxpayer cash in the financial year 2022/23. The biggest chunk of this - £450,000 - came from the Scottish Government with £340,000 from councils and a further £154,000 from NHS boards.

Over 200 secondary schools and 40 primary schools have signed up to its charter for education from every council area in Scotland. The news comes against the backdrop of the publication of the Cass Review which raised fears that the case for allowing children to change gender was built on weak evidence.

The Scottish Conservatives want the SNP government to implement the review in full. Miriam Cates, the co-chairman of the New Conservatives group of MPs, told the Telegraph: "We have seen from the Cass Review the appalling results of using children as pawns in adult political battles.

"Indoctrinating small children with sexualised ideologies is deeply unethical and breaks all established safeguarding principles."And Carolyn Brown, a retired educational psychologist, said: "Children of primary school age are very suggestible and are still at a very early stage of their psychological and emotional development.

"What we are seeing here is the product placement of gender ideology in schools which is potentially very harmful. Kids in primary school cannot possibly know if they are LGBT because biologically, psychologically and emotionally they will not yet have the capacity."

LGBT Youth Scotland charges between £850 and £2,000 for schools to sign up for membership. Staff must be trained by the charity and schools must appoint at least two pupils and two staff members to act as 'LGBT Champions' while schools wanting to obtain 'gold status' are urged to conduct a survey asking pupils about their sexuality as well as provide evidence of "LGBT safe spaces".

We previously reported that LGBT Youth Scotland referred itself to the police in relation to historical allegations of child grooming and sexual exploitation. A Scottish Government spokesman said: "We are committed to doing everything we can to make Scotland the best place to grow up for LGBTQI+ young people. This includes funding LGBT Youth Scotland to deliver a range of projects, such as the LGBT Charter programme."

The Scottish Express has approached LGBT Youth Scotland for comment. The organisation describes itself as "Scotland’s national charity for LGBTQ+ young people, aged 13-25" and claims to "support young people in all aspects of their lives through the provision of amazing youth work, and we support them to use their voice to create change in equality and human rights".

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81d5e5 No.201308

File: e3ef697b5d8aa28⋯.png (596.88 KB,844x854,422:427,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896246 (211700ZMAY24) Notable: Scots nurseries adopt guidelines claiming kids can 'come out' as transgender at any age

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Scots nurseries adopt guidelines claiming kids can 'come out' as transgender at any age

Glasgow City Council admitted that it signposted nurseries and pre-schools to Scottish Government guidance about gender, despite this being written up by controversial groups Stonewall and LGBT Youth Scotland.

David Walker

16 MAY 2024

Alarm has been sounded after it was revealed that Scots nurseries have adopted SNP guidelines which claim that children can "come out" as transgender at "any age." And nine of Glasgow City Council's 110 pre-schools have obtained "gender friendly nursery" status which means staff had been trained on “harmful impacts of gender stereotyping”.

It is the latest revelation about gender ideology being adopted in places of learning for children north of the border, with the Scottish Government being urged to rethink policies following the Cass Review. Most of the rules have been written up by controversial charity LGBT Youth Scotland.

Dr Hilary Cass's report into gender care for children in England is currently being analysed by a workgroup set up by SNP ministers, with the results due to be published before Holyrood's summer recess. She recommended that kids who think they are transgender should be given holistic care and not just rushed into treatment.

Scottish Government guidelines call on staff to "be affirming" and ask for a child's new name and pronouns when they say they identify as a member of the opposite sex. According to an FOI request reported by the Daily Telegraph, Glasgow City Council admitted that its nurseries were "signposted" to this guidance.

Activist groups such as LGBT Youth Scotland and Stonewall helped to write them, with the latter previously claiming that kids as young as two can “recognise their trans identity”. Scottish Tory deputy leader Meghan Gallacher called on new guidance to be written up for nurseries, which serve kids between two and five.

She said: "Parents will understandably be alarmed at this response from Glasgow City Council. While it’s important that all trans people get the support they need, pre-school kids are far too young to understand complex issues about their gender, when their minds and bodies are nowhere near fully developed.

“Parents want age-appropriate guidance to be provided to their children and – however good the intentions behind this are – this ‘signposting’ is not suitable for toddlers.”

Staff at "gender friendly" nurseries were told that gender was a "fluid, cultural concept" and that gender associations of pink and blue was a “relatively new thing” as pink was once “a shade of military red” and blue was seen as a colour for girls “as it was the colour of the Virgin Mary’s clothes”.

Scottish Government guidance also endorses social transition, meaning kids can change names, pronouns and physical appearance. The document says: "Transgender young people may recognise and discuss their gender identity at any age. Before puberty, any transition or change is limited to socially changing their name, pronoun and gender expression.”

In the FOI response, SNP-led Glasgow City Council said that in cases where a child "is presenting as a different gender" in nurseries, it asked that “wishes of the family and child are supported wherever possible”. The local authority also confirmed that pre-schools were "signposted to the Scottish Government’s publication ‘Supporting transgender young people in schools: guidance for Scottish schools’.”

A spokesman added: “The most important part of this learning is about instilling confidence and rights from a young age to expect equality and challenge discrimination of any kind.

“Staff in our schools and nurseries are supported in a variety of ways and this includes signposting to national advice – but that does not detract from every situation being dealt with on a case-by-case basis. All our schools and nurseries value and respect the needs and rights of every child.”

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81d5e5 No.201309

File: 0549842eb2c5bf8⋯.png (502.06 KB,959x899,959:899,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896297 (211716ZMAY24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scots sheriff axed after independent report finds 'serious concerns' with his 'character and integrity'

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Scots sheriff axed after independent report finds 'serious concerns' with his 'character and integrity'

The move follows an independent tribunal report which found that Jack Brown's 'misbehaviour' rendered him unfit for judicial office.

Iona Young

21 MAY 2024

A Scots judge is to be removed from office after an independent report found him unfit for his role.

Sheriff Jack Brown who sits in the Sheriffdom of Grampian Highlands and Islands will no longer hold the position from June 7 following orders from the First Minister.

In October 2018, Nicola Sturgeon launched a probe and report on whether Sheriff John Brown – known as Jack – was unfit to hold the office because of misbehaviour.

The hearing found that he had acted "entirely inappropriately" and had "failed to respect proper professional boundaries", but did not meet the test to justify removing him from office.

In January 2019 he was arrested and charged in relation to the allegations, but prosecutors dropped the case three months later.

During the police probe, a further two complainers, known as C1 and C2, also gave statements.

In March 2021, the Tribunal concluded that whilst Sheriff Brown acted inappropriately, he was not unfit to hold judicial office.

But a petition for Judicial Review was lodged and on 8 February 2022, the Tribunal’s decision was quashed by the Court of Session on the basis that the Tribunal had proceeded in ignorance of the availability of other evidence from other witnesses.

A fresh, independent tribunal was convened in September 2022 then on 28 March 2024. It reported that the judicial officeholder’s misbehaviour rendered him unfit for judicial office.

On May 21 the First Minister laid an order before the Scottish Parliament that will mean Sheriff Brown is now removed from service.

First Minister John Swinney said: “Given the nature and gravity of the tribunal’s findings, there are compelling reasons to remove Sheriff Brown.

"The tribunal has reported serious concerns as to his character and integrity, contrary to the standards of conduct and probity expected of anyone holding judicial office.”

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81d5e5 No.201310

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896452 (211812ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Difference in Scope: Scottish Covid Inquiry Vs UK Covid Inquiry (video)

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=-=Difference in Scope | Scottish Covid Inquiry | Vs | UK Covid Inquiry==

Freedom Podcast

375 subscribers

226 views May 21, 2024

A brief description on the Aims & Objectives of the Scottish Covid Inquiry

Also a short video on the difference in scope between the UK Inquiry and the Scottish Inquiry

The Scottish Inquiry is focusing only on matters devolved to the Scottish Government

The UK Inquiry looks at both reserved AND devolved matters associated with Scotland - from across both the parliaments in Holyrood and Westminster

0:00 Lord Brailsford intro

I'd definitely NOT leave a child alone in the same room as this man.

John Halley suggests he is tainted on page 151 of his book, A Judicial Monstering, with what I don't know, I'm guessing we'll have to wait on his next book, which no doubt he is working on

0:47 Inquiry summary

1:32 UK inquiry differences

2:05 terms of reference

2:27 health & social care

2:40 core participants

3:04 credits

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81d5e5 No.201311

File: 770f7ad017a69b9⋯.jpg (3.71 MB,2552x3504,319:438,Clipboard.jpg)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896671 (211933ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Whistleblowing nurse Lesley Roberts is removed from Covid inquiry due to Facebook post

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Brailsford, still has not appointed ASAP-NHS, the organisation Roger Livermore is part of, as core participant in the inquiry, and has also used messages from a witness's facebook as a pretext for removing her as a witness.

This horrible little cunt wants to tell you about the "approach" he "intends to take" and "establish the facts of" and "learn lessons from" the response to the convid plandemic. He emphasises that they "are not a court" and not there to "determine criminal or civil responsibilities.... and will do so in a "non-adversarial manner".

He's there to give it a coat of white paint and cover it all up as they always are/do.

I've been meaning to go through Halley's book for the the whole of last bread, just can't find the time. I'll see if I can find anything on his twitter of interest if I can (a) find some time and (b) last for more than 5 minutes without content being blocked.

Halley is still key to change, Roger Livermore is another good man and perhaps they should both be collaborating and exchanging knowledge if they are not already?

There's nothing to stop either posting here?>>201310

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81d5e5 No.201312

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896789 (212007ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / 'THOUSANDS' of whistleblowing NHS staff are being SILENCED as bosses spend MILLIONS covering scandal

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'THOUSANDS' of whistleblowing NHS staff are being SILENCED as bosses spend MILLIONS covering scandal


1.26M subscribers

37,416 views May 16, 2024 #Scandal #gbnews #NHS

'There are literally thousands of us out there who have suffered just for trying to do the right thing.'

Former Consultant Urological Surgeon, Peter Duffy, explains the extent NHS bosses are going to, to silence whistleblowers who are standing up for patient safety.

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81d5e5 No.201313

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896827 (212018ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / Lesley Roberts Interview Part One (video)

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Lesley Roberts Interview Part One!

Silver Fox Hot Takes

16.5K subscribers

640 views May 21, 2024 RAUNDS

Lesley joins us in a zoom call to give the latest updates as to what is going on!

Part 1 of 2, see Craig Houston for Part 2!

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81d5e5 No.201314

File: 4e1f53abd6f97e2⋯.png (479.83 KB,700x845,140:169,Clipboard.png)

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Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896974 (212050ZMAY24) Notable: Final Infected Blood Scandal Bun / Infected blood scandal: Children were used as 'guinea pigs' in clinical trials

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Infected blood scandal: Children were used as 'guinea pigs' in clinical trials

18 April

UK infected blood inquiry

By Chloe Hayward and Hugh Pym

Health producer and health editor, BBC News

The true scale of the number of medical trials using infected blood products on children in the 1970s and 80s has been revealed by documents seen by BBC News.

They reveal a secret world of unsafe clinical testing involving children in the UK, as doctors placed research goals ahead of patients' needs.

They continued for more than 15 years, involved hundreds of people, and infected most with hepatitis C and HIV.

One surviving patient told the BBC he was treated like a "guinea pig".

The trials involved children with blood clotting disorders, when families had often not consented to them taking part. The majority of the children who enrolled are now dead.

Documents also show that doctors in haemophilia centres across the country used blood products, even though they were widely known as likely to be contaminated.

A shortage of blood products in the UK in the 1970s and 80s meant they were imported from the US. High-risk donors such as prisoners and drug addicts provided the plasma for the treatments that were infected with potentially fatal viruses including hepatitis C - which attacks the liver resulting in cirrhosis and cancer - and HIV.

One blood product, known as Factor VIII, was seen to be highly effective for stopping bleeding but also widely known to be contaminated with viruses.

A public inquiry is under way into the scandal, external. The final report is due in May.

'Guinea pig'

Luke O'Shea-Phillips, 42, has mild haemophilia - a blood clotting disorder that means he bruises and bleeds more easily than most.

He caught the potentially lethal viral infection hepatitis C while being treated at the Middlesex Hospital, in central London, which was administered because of a small cut to his mouth, aged three, in 1985.

Documents seen by the BBC suggest he was deliberately given the blood product - which his doctor knew might have been infected - so he could be enrolled in a clinical trial.

The doctor wanted to find out how likely patients were to catch diseases from a new version of heat-treated Factor VIII. Though he had never been treated for his condition before, Luke was given heat-treated Factor VIII to stop his mouth bleeding.

A letter from Luke's doctor, Samuel Machin, to another expert in haemophilia, was submitted in evidence to the public inquiry into the infected blood scandal.

Writing to Peter Kernoff, at London's Royal Free Hospital, Dr Machin detailed the treatment of Luke and another boy, asking: "I hope they will be suitable for your heat-treated trial."

Months earlier, Dr Kernoff had called on fellow doctors in the field to identify patients suitable for clinical trials. Specifically, he said, they had to be "previously untreated patients", known as "PUPs" in the medical community.

They were also nicknamed "virgin haemophiliacs" - a term written on Luke's medical record by Dr Machin.

"I was a guinea pig in clinical trials that could have killed me,"Luke told the BBC. "There is no other way to explain it - my treatment was changed so I could be enrolled in clinical trials. This change in medication gave me a fatal disease - hepatitis C - yet my mother was never even told."

"To the scientific world, it was an incredible benefit being a virgin haemophiliac," he added. "To be a clean petri dish to understand science through, I was without question a part of that."


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81d5e5 No.201315

File: 4257388d13c0d05⋯.png (111.98 KB,768x899,768:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896991 (212054ZMAY24) Notable: Final Infected Blood Scandal Bun / 'Laboratory rats'

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In the following years, as the medical trial reached its conclusions, Luke had many blood tests. Doctors said they were monitoring him and, at the time, his mother, Shelagh O'Shea, was grateful.

In their findings, published in 1987, Dr Kernoff and Dr Machin concluded heat treatment had "little or no effect" in reducing the risk of hepatitis C.

Both Dr Kernoff and Dr Machin are now dead.

Before he died, Dr Machin gave evidence to the public inquiry, when he confirmed that Luke had been recruited to Dr Kernoff's study.

He denied this had been done without Luke's mother's knowledge. "This would have been discussed with his mother, although I acknowledge that standards of consent in the 1980's was quite different to what it is now," Dr Machin said.

However, Mrs O'Shea told the inquiry she was "absolutely not" told about the trial. "With an innocent child of three and a half I would not have considered such an action. I would never ever have allowed my child to be part of a trial - never," she added.Dirty lying CUNT!

Documents reveal doctors knew Luke had contracted hepatitis C as early as 1993, but he was not told until 1997. One medical record states a positive test result and says: "Have not discussed with patient or family."

Luke is now clear of the infection after successful treatment.

'Laboratory rats'

However, evidence of the clinical trials have raised wider concerns.

"A patient should always be given the best possible treatment and they should always have given informed consent - if those two factors haven't been achieved then a trial would be seen as very problematic," says Professor Emma Cave, Professor of Healthcare Law at Durham University.

Professor Edward Tuddenham, who was a haemophilia doctor at the Royal Free Hospital in the 1980s, confirmed these fears. When asked if he thought ethical standards had been met during clinical trials in the 1980s, he simply answered: "No."

The BBC's investigation has revealed that Dr Machin and Dr Kernoff were among a community of doctors with similar research ambitions.

A specialist school near Alton, in Hampshire, was attended by a large cohort of haemophiliac boys. The school for disabled children had an NHS haemophilia unit on site, so boys who had bleeds could be treated quickly and then return to lessons.* COMMENT ==("Schools" like this are what you might consider a petri dish, where they put in a bacteria and culture it. Get them all in the same place and treat them all diffently to see how long their poison takes to off them. We are all expendable to these loonies and the establishment who fund them.)

Their doctor, Dr Anthony Aronstam - who has also since died - used his "unique" cohort of boys for extensive clinical trials.One series of experiments considered whether using three to four times more Factor VIII than normally required by a child would help to reduce the number of bleeds he had.

This was preventative treatment, know as prophylaxis, and involved repeated injections with infected Factor VIII products and follow-up blood tests.The high concentrations of infected blood products were administered to the boys without their - or their parents' - consent.

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81d5e5 No.201316

File: 230c73f285e132a⋯.png (586.92 KB,742x885,742:885,Clipboard.png)

File: 30dd468c5ed64d0⋯.png (446.8 KB,686x691,686:691,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20896997 (212055ZMAY24) Notable: Final Infected Blood Scandal Bun / Of the 122 pupils attending Treloar's College between 1974-1987, 75 have so far died of HIV and hepatitis C infections

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Of the122 pupils attending Treloar's College between 1974-1987, 75 have so far died of HIV and hepatitis C infections.

"Despite knowing the product was riddled with hepatitis, they started a trial that required us to have way more of it than we needed," says Gary Webster, who was unknowingly enrolled.

Ade Goodyear, a pupil at Treloar's from 1980 to 1989, added: "We were treated like lab rats. There was a plethora of studies that we were all enrolled on for the decade we were at the school."

Controversially, another trial involved placebo treatments. This meant that some boys, who thought they had been given Factor VIII to prevent bleeds, had in fact been given a saline solution.

"When you think you've been given a treatment, this changes your behaviour," Gary said. "You run more, you play more rough in football. For a haemophiliac, you feel a bit invincible for a short window after a jab. But with a placebo you are just risking your life by changing your behaviour."

He told the BBC he was punished at school if he missed injections. "It would have meant their trials would have been flawed and so we, us kids, were made to toe the line."

Documents just released, external show the government in 1973 knew about the trials at Treloars and covered some costs.

Dr Kernoff's pursuit of clinical advancement through research was rigorous, as was his hunt for suitable subjects for trials - PUPs and virgin haemophiliacs -which led to those involved getting young and younger. A four-month-old baby was involved in a trial.

Among his studies was one that compared the infectiousness of another blood plasma product - Cryoprecipitate (Cryo) - to Factor VIII concentrates.

Cryo was used for treating mild blood clotting conditions. It contained the Factor VIII protein, but at lower concentrations and from fewer donors and was therefore thought to be less risky.

Dr Kernoff's search for suitable subjects led him to Mark Stewart, his brother, and his father, who all had very mild cases of von Willebrand's disease - another type of blood clotting disorder. Their usual treatment was cryo.

As part of his test, Dr Kernoff gave them all Factor VIII concentrates instead.

"Until we were given concentrates it would be once a month you'd have a little nose bleed, and you'd go up and have cryo and that was that." All three contracted hepatitis C.

Mark's brother and father have both died of liver cancer after the infection attacked the organ. Neither were told they had contracted the disease until it was too late for treatment.

"Angry is an understatement," Mark said. "Your dad is in the front carriage, your brother is in the second carriage and you are in the third carriage - so you know what is coming. It won't veer off that track. This is how hep C works. It will get you."

​A statement from Treloar's said: "We await the publication of the infected blood inquiry, which we hope will provide our former pupils with the answers they have been waiting for."

The inquiry into the wider infected blood scandal will conclude on 20 May.

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81d5e5 No.201317

File: 43a7d93f2d87524⋯.png (420.99 KB,726x880,33:40,Clipboard.png)

File: 0d5cf9571d27345⋯.png (404 KB,719x899,719:899,Clipboard.png)

File: 44390b8f93c5ebe⋯.png (20.06 KB,642x214,3:1,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20897042 (212104ZMAY24) Notable: Final Infected Blood Scandal Bun / Swinney apologises to victims of blood scandal

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Swinney apologises to victims of blood scandal

First Minister John Swinney has apologised to all those in Scotland affected by the infected blood scandal.

The SNP leader made a statement to parliament after a UK-wide public inquiry found authorities had exposed victims to unacceptable risks and covered up the NHS's biggest treatment disaster.

He said the government would learn the lessons of the report and take action to ensure "such a tragedy can never happen again".

Mr Swinney vowed to work constructively with the UK government on compensation.

It is estimated that about 3,000 people in Scotland were given infected blood in the 1970s and 1980s.

Many had received blood transfusions on the NHS, while others were being treated for haemophilia.

Hundreds have since died.

Mr Swinney said Scottish victims and their families had faced "decades of unnecessary heartache and pain".

He told MSPs: "The report states that governments and the health service failed both those with bleeding disorders and those who were transfused."

The first minister added: "On behalf of the Scottish government and as first minister of Scotland I apologise unreservedly to everyone who has been affected in any way by these events."


The UK government has reportedly earmarked £10bn for a compensation scheme.

Earlier, it was announced the Infected Blood Compensation Authority - an arms-length body - will administer compensation for victims across the country.

The UK government has already funded interim pay-outs of £100,000 each to survivors and bereaved partners in Scotland.

An estimated 600 people received the payments, administered by the Scottish government and NHS National Services Scotland.

The UK government said it expected the first payments from the new compensation scheme would be made before the end of 2024.

Further interim payments of £210,000 will be made within 90 days for those who were infected, with £100,000 to be paid to estates of victims who have died.

Mr Swinney urged Westminster to implement the Victim and Prisoners Bill "as quickly as possible" to allow victims to access compensation.

The first minister said the compensation scheme was long overdue and that he hoped Sir Brian Langstaff's final report would be a “step forward in the journey towards a semblance of justice".

He told Holyrood: “I will do everything in my power to ensure we learn the lessons from this report from the infected blood scandal and take all necessary steps so that no-one else had to endure the heartbreak and the suffering that so many families have had to face.”

Mr Swinney added that lessons had already been learned, telling MSPs "extremely high standards of blood safety" were now in place.

He urged anyone that can do so to donate blood as it “remains essential for thousands of patients”.

Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross said the inquiry delivered “absolute vindication” for victims, describing the scandal as a “stain on our nation”.

“This was a devastating and appalling by the British state,” he told MSPs.

Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar also issued an apology.

“We as a collective are truly sorry for the pain that people have suffered and for the failures of politicians, clinicians and the state to keep them safe over decades,” he said.

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81d5e5 No.201318

File: a114a3fac82062c⋯.png (384.94 KB,696x890,348:445,Clipboard.png)

File: 1812055e389c061⋯.png (86.09 KB,638x899,22:31,Clipboard.png)

File: 1ec110e22f4a905⋯.png (35.15 KB,570x380,3:2,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20897076 (212112ZMAY24) Notable: Final Law and Disorder Bun / Scots sheriff axed after independent report finds 'serious concerns' with his 'character and integrity'

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Sheriff accused of sexual harassment to be removed from office

Graeme Ogston

BBC Scotland News


7 hours ago

An Aberdeen sheriff accused of sexual harassment will be removed from office next month.

A tribunal said Jack Brown's behaviour towards two women amounted to "serious improper conduct".

It found that he had acted inappropriately towards a lawyer, known as D, in 2018 and another woman in 2001 or 2002.

Mr Brown, a former Dundee solicitor, has been suspended on full pay since the allegations came to light in 2018.

First Minister John Swinney laid an order before the Scottish Parliament on Tuesday that will remove Sheriff Brown, who sits in the Sheriffdom of Grampian, Highland and Islands, from office on 7 June.

The move follows an independent tribunal report, external which found Mr Brown's misbehaviour rendered him unfit for judicial office.

The first minister said: “Given the nature and gravity of the tribunal’s findings, there are compelling reasons to remove Sheriff Brown.

"The tribunal has reported serious concerns as to his character and integrity, contrary to the standards of conduct and probity expected of anyone holding judicial office.”

D's solicitor previously told BBC Scotland News that his client welcomed the tribunal's decision.

He added: "She is relieved that this process, which has taken over five years, is finally over and justice has been delivered."

An earlier fitness for office tribunal in 2021 found that Mr Brown had acted "entirely inappropriately" towards D.

However, it concluded that his conduct did not meet the test to justify removing him from office.

An order granting his anonymity in the judicial review hearing was lifted following a successful challenge by BBC Scotland.

The judicial review subsequently ruled the original tribunal had proceeded in "ignorance of the availability of other evidence".

D said evidence from two other women making similar claims should have been allowed at the first tribunal.

The fresh tribunal heard evidence, external from D and the two other women known as B and C.

It established that in 2018 Mr Brown touched D on the cheek and made an inappropriate remark to her.

It also found that he hugged her inappropriately causing his face to linger on her shoulder.

The tribunal found that Mr Brown kissed C on the lips in late 2001 or early 2002, and squeezed her buttocks in 2004.

The tribunal said it was not satisfied that an allegation that Mr Brown put his hand inside B's clothing at a party in 1999 and touched her breast had been established.

It said its findings raised "manifest and serious concerns as to the character and integrity" of Mr Brown.

'Unfit for judicial office'

The tribunal's chairman Lord Malcolm said: "They are wholly contrary to the standards of conduct and probity expected of anyone holding judicial office."

Regarding the new evidence heard from C, Lord Malcolm said the tribunal accepted that the passage of time since the assaults on C, and the fact that Mr Brown was not yet a sheriff, were "relevant factors."

He added: "However he was a mature adult at the time.

"The conduct reflects extremely badly on his character and trustworthiness, and if known of would surely have been an impediment to appointment."

Lord Malcolm concluded: "In our unanimous view (Mr Brown's) misbehaviour renders him unfit for judicial office and we report accordingly."

Mr Brown was arrested and charged in relation to the allegations in January 2019, but prosecutors dropped the case three months later.

He was appointed to the sheriffdom of Aberdeen in 2016.

Mr Brown set up his own legal practice in Dundee in 1996, and has been a sheriff since 2005.

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81d5e5 No.201319

File: 2efc34fe4920dc3⋯.png (440.1 KB,782x701,782:701,Clipboard.png)

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File: 12fcfe22248e5da⋯.png (470.31 KB,718x899,718:899,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20897176 (212136ZMAY24) Notable: Final Infected Blood Scandal Bun / Blood transfusion boss apologises over scandal

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Blood transfusion boss apologises over scandal

Lisa Summers

17 May 2024

The head of the Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) has apologised to the thousands of victims in Scotland who were infected by HIV or Hepatitis C through NHS blood products.

A UK-wide inquiry into the scandal began taking evidence in 2019 and will publish its final report on Monday.

Ahead of its publication, Prof Marc Turner acknowledged that in the 1970s and 80s, there were areas around donor selection and delays in the introduction of screening where SNBTS "could and should have done better".

He said he was certain "these types of mistakes won’t happen again".

About 3,000 people in Scotland were given blood infected with HIV or Hepatitis C in the 1970s and 80s.

Many became infected after receiving blood transfusions on the NHS, others through treatment for haemophilia.

Hundreds have now died.

Their families, and those who have survived to see the end of this inquiry, hope it will give them some closure after years of stigma, trauma, and living with loss.

They still have questions about who was responsible, whether there was a cover up, and how compensation might be paid.

When head of the inquiry Sir Brian Langstaff unveils his answers in London next week, it will be the end of a long journey, but for Scotland, the road has taken a different route from the rest of the UK.

Scotland’s blood supply

In Scotland, the vast majority of infections came from Scottish blood donations.

In the 1970s and 80s, the country was largely self-sufficient in blood products.

In addition to having adequate local donations for the populations needs, the Protein Fractionation Centre in Edinburgh had the capacity to process blood plasma to manufacture treatments for haemophilia or certain forms of immune deficiencies.

Unlike other parts of the UK, there was no need to rely on commercial products from America.

The Scottish Blood Transfusion Service has been criticised for not adequately screening donors and for taking donations from prisoners.

With a higher population of intravenous drug users, they were known to be at greater risk of infection.

The SNBTS continued this practice as late as March 1984, a year after England stopped and two years after warnings from the Medicines Inspectorate.

There were also delays to the introduction of screening for hepatitis C that could have prevented some infections.

Prof Turner accepted the SNBTS made mistakes on all of these fronts.

He said: "It was very clearly a tragic set of circumstances.

"I think It was a difficult time because there were emergent infections and at times there was considerable uncertainty.

"I think that there are some ways in which SNBTS performed in a satisfactory manner but clearly other ways in which we did not and for those failings we take responsibility, we apologise to the people affected and we will take all possible steps to make sure similar things cannot happen again."

Prof Turner said donor selection criteria were much more stringent now, with significant advances in testing and screening.

He said there continued to be a pressing need for blood donations which save lives.

Although most of the blood used in Scotland in the 1970s and 80s came from Scottish donations, the exception was Yorkhill hospital in Glasgow, where children were treated for haemophilia.

They regularly received plasma products sourced from paid donors in the United States that were known to be high risk.

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81d5e5 No.201320

File: b594487a4bbd4db⋯.png (433.75 KB,700x783,700:783,Clipboard.png)

File: d3cfd5f484f2ef1⋯.png (292.75 KB,628x893,628:893,Clipboard.png)

File: 5dca3d36a587342⋯.png (252.47 KB,575x574,575:574,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20897242 (212151ZMAY24) Notable: Final Infected Blood Scandal Bun / Bill Wright has lived with the consequences of being infected by concentrated blood products

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It's ok evrybuddy, honest John and this other wank stain have apologised. You can go on about your business now firm in the knowledge that the deceased got a post mortem apology from 2 useless cunts


Most of the children were infected with HIV or hepatitis C by the age of five.

Some went on to develop AIDS.

Their families want to know why clinicians chose American products ahead of Scottish blood and why there were delays to the introduction of heat treatment.

For almost 40 years, campaigner Bill Wright has lived with the consequences of being infected by concentrated blood products.

In 1986, he was given blood to help clotting after a minor injury.

Recommendations were already in place to avoid this treatment for mild haemophiliacs like Bill, but the junior doctor treating him feared the risks of internal bleeding. A week later he was told he had hepatitis C.

“I have gone through very angry periods but I have learned over the years that it’s been incredibly destructive," Bill said.

"Anger, frustrations, confusion, that element has wrecked people’s lives, almost as much as the physical effects."

Bill went on to become chair of Haemophilia Scotland and has campaigned on Scottish infected blood for more than 30 years.

However, he cannot travel to London for the publication of the long-awaited inquiry report as he is awaiting a liver transplant.

He was diagnosed with liver cancer in March this year, a direct result of the infection he was given by the NHS.

The first public inquiry

Sir Brian Langstaff 's inquiry has been following in the footsteps of Scottish judge Lord Penrose, who looked into the issue when Scotland became the first part of the UK to commission a public inquiry into infected blood.

It had been a key election pledge of the SNP government when they came to power in 2007.

But the Penrose inquiry lacked the full statutory powers to compel witnesses from outside of Scotland to give evidence, and until 1999 health policy had been controlled by Westminster.

In the end, after six years of investigation, at a cost of about £12m, the report made just one recommendation – that anybody who had a blood transfusion before 1991 should be screened for hepatitis C.

It was condemned as a "whitewash" by many of those affected. Some set fire to copies of it in the street.

Bill Wright remembers the publication of the report on 13 November 2015 as a "pretty tough experience".

"We’d campaigned for at least eight years and it was a disappointment," he said.

"People were shouting, they were angry but it did lead to better things in Scotland.

"We developed a better support scheme than had existed in the rest of the UK and there was a tiny wee light at the end of the tunnel."

Bill said Sir Brian’s public inquiry had taken a very different approach.

Those infected or affected have been given a voice right at the centre of this investigation.

Already it has led to interim compensation payments of £100,000, with further compensation recommendations set to be accepted by the UK government.

He says there are still outstanding questions, but he says he hopes it will be a time where all of those affected can feel some closure.

Bill said: "I actually feel pretty calm at the moment and one of the things I earnestly want for everyone involved in all of this is that they are able to find a place of peace and they can feel calm and they no longer feel that they have been cheated."

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81d5e5 No.201321

File: 39c7bd0a91b72cc⋯.png (48.58 KB,857x793,857:793,Clipboard.png)

File: c32458088821cae⋯.png (31.85 KB,783x792,87:88,Clipboard.png)

Originally posted at >>>/qresearch/20900136 (221501ZMAY24) Notable: Covid and other Pestilence Bun Part One / List of core participants for the Scottish Convid Plandemic inquiry. No mention of ASAP-NHS

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List of core participants for the Scottish Convid Plandemic inquiry.

No mention of ASAP-NHS

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81d5e5 No.201322

Follow-up thread



Follow-up thread

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