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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 6ad2af712d52bb8⋯.jpg (296.05 KB,632x723,632:723,1371140381168.jpg)

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 No.13567913 [Last50 Posts]

To all journalists and intrigued visitors

/pol/ is primarily about exposing the very real jewish presence behind the myriad evils which afflict the world and its peoples. Contrary to popular belief; we do not hate spics, niggers or even arabs; and near enough without exception are happy for them to live IN THEIR OWN LANDS. The only issue is them coming to our lands; but we do not BLAME THEM for that; we BLAME THE JEWS. The jews are the ones behind the immigration policies, the jews are the ones behind the welfare state that enables them to survive here, the jews are the ones behind the wars in the middle East that made them hate us and seek a new home, the jews are the ones who were the key players in the transatlantic (and for that matter islamic) slave trade that brought them here, the jews are the ones behind the various groups advocating for open borders, the jews are the ones behind the majority of the NGOs that give them boat trips or fund their migrations into our lands. The hapless foreigners themselves usually think that we WANT THEM, that there are JOBS FOR THEM, that they will have a GOOD LIFE; they are wrong on all accounts, but they too were deceived by the jews who told them such idiocy.

The jews are the ones who have pushed essentially everything we hate on the world. The jews are behind pornography; the jews are behind abortion; the jews are behind faggotry movements; the jews are behind the tranny movements; the jews are behind communism; the jews are behind usury.

If the jews are not mentioned by someone claiming to represent /pol/; then they are NOT from /pol/. Instead it is likely a FALSE FLAG orchestrated by jews to SHUT US DOWN for exposing their countless crimes against ALL HUMANITY. Already I'm sure you've seen countless jewish journalists demanding the 8chan be shut down. It really is quite obvious.

You can think we're crazy for that if you want, many of us would be happy to show you the ridiculous amounts of evidence for it if you do not believe. But whether you think we are crazy or not; YOU BETTER BELIEVE THAT IF THEY DON'T MENTION A JEW, THEY AIN'T FROM OUR 'CREW'.

>tl;dr: shootings done in the name of '8chan' or '/pol/' that do not mention the jews are 100% blatantly not from here

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The shooter was a jew himself dumbass, who the fuck are you even talking to? Who's claiming him as a fellow white nationalist other than the media?

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>who the fuck are you even talking to?

<To all journalists and intrigued visitors

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nu/pol/ thread

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File: f582618f4811cb0⋯.jpg (277.66 KB,860x2019,860:2019,glownigger_2_repost.jpg)

Reminder that /pol/ told this nigger to fuck off, no exceptions.

These anti gun patsies are not welcome here.

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File: 0154bcaec1808fc⋯.png (33.59 KB,703x333,19:9,Can't even get the 14 word….png)

Bump. These shooter manifestos are the least anti-Jew things I've ever read associated with 8chan.

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File: 9bc34bd010faf6d⋯.jpg (161.49 KB,800x1000,4:5,intelligence below average.jpg)

File: 7ea737d289222a2⋯.png (437.96 KB,474x665,474:665,ClipboardImage.png)


This moron keeps spamming threads. Hes an idiot. It makes ZERO sense to talk about jews when you are shooting up beaners and he knows it. He just wants to cause infighting and screw up a unified response to our newest hero.

8ch celebrates those who go to battle driving out the non-whites from our lands. The kid killed beaners, hes fighting on the right side.

Even Hitler let non whites fight for NatSoc Germany.

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>It makes ZERO sense to talk about jews















































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which shooter was this?

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Not an argument. Shooting beaners is a good thing. The walmart shooter did a good thing. Also he got his manifesto on the front page of boomer report. Even better because it talks about white genocide.

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File: 64dd25373eaa145⋯.webm (4.18 MB,1280x720,16:9,they are running the cara….webm)











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I doubt you have ever been to the southern united states. If you had ever been down here you would know its a fucking invasion. Killing beaners is a good thing. Theres a lot of them to kill and the sooner people get started the better.

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Tell me how you would call out Jews for anything without the entire media framing your manifesto as simply an anti-semitic low IQ bigot rant?

Tarrant did it best, with that subvert part he gave us a nod while if MSM wanted to cover that they would have to accept the notion that kikes are subverting us in the first place. Smoothbrains on the chans miss that tho

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There is definitely something to be said for having a short and sweet manifesto. The walmart shooter had a short one and it was full of information. Because it was so short, its on the front page of drudgereport.com right now.

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They never Name the Zogbot or White. It looks like we have to go back to the Democrats since they appear very "comfy" with their relationship with the Zogbot, despite Waco, the 1488 guy getting 60 years in the 80s.

I'm voting Democrat in 2020. I hope all anons realize the boad is full of "comfy" White Supremacists who never name the people putting them in prison or attacking them.

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>voting for anyone

why not just see how hard you can piss straight up into the sky

would be a hell of a lot more productive.

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>This moron keeps spamming threads. Hes an idiot. It makes ZERO sense to talk about jews when you are shooting up beaners and he knows it.

Such kike. It makes zero sense to shoot beaners when your real enemy is the jew, just like it makes zero sense to not name the jew when you are about to do something which means your life will be over.

Shills like you like to suggest that tarrant was dog whistling in his mossadifesto, like no one here is going to think about how fucking retarded that would be.


>which shooter was this?

As you can see from the first post (((someone))) took care to link it to crusius, the walmart patsy.

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regardless dude was a leftist from hell - you want to end this system? Then quit being idiots and quit participating in the system that's killing your brothers and destroying the future of any children you may have. You want to make an impact? Quit your job, quit allowing them to take your money in taxes and move to a homestead somewhere, grow your own food, produce your own water and energy and STOP PARTICIPATING IN THE VERY SYSTEM that's destroying your life - THAT'S how you make a difference. When enough ppl STOP PAYING FOR THEIR OWN DEMISE - THEN we can begin the real war for SELF DETERMINATION - because that's what this is ultimately about - US making our own decisions about OUR FUTURE as intended by the Founders.

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The enemy that is the most numerous in the united states is the beaner. They are getting close to 60% of the population in Texas. The wall failed, now its time for blood.

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>>13568000 (checked)

Just one redtext will do.


>Tell me how you would call out Jews for anything without the entire media framing your manifesto as simply an anti-semitic low IQ bigot rant?

<Suggesting they are holding his views in high regard now

Kike, your tricks are sad, your time is up.

Sage for double post.

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No I'm opposing you guys from this point forward, shills included.

You're no hiding behind the White Nationalist movement and using it to orchestrate what you want.

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You are still a voter, shows you are clueless and your opinion is worthless.

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If you are from /pol/ then you are well aware that immigration into Western lands is at the best of the jew and facilitated by the jew. Some random racist sperg that might define himself as a 'neo-nazi' but has never actually been on /pol/ or spent any time researching or learning about the issues might go rambo and murder some random spics or niggers and only mention them in his manifesto; but a /pol/ack would 100% inform his readers that the jews are the ones facilitating the invasion.

That is the big difference between /pol/ and some normie reactionary. /pol/ has identified that the muslims don't just random hate us; that the spics and niggers aren't just coming of their own volition; /pol/ knows and emphasises beyond anything else that it is THE JEWS who have fucked up the middle East, who have changed the immigration laws all over the West (notably in 1965 the jews managed to get non-white immigration laws passed in multiple Western nations, notably the US and the UK), it is the jews who push for open borders, it is the jews who fund their trips, it is the jews who are telling them to come and in many cases PAYING them to come.

A non-/pol/ack reactionary might decide to shoot up some non-whites as 'revenge' and write a manifesto that details their hatred of non-whites. A /pol/ack would go out of his way to explain that it is the jews who are behind the invasion. If jews are not mentioned in a manifesto; it is NOT from /pol/. It is NOT from 8chan.

>tl;dr: spics, niggers and muslims are only in the West because of jews. Without jews there would be no invasion. /pol/ is unanimous in its belief that treating the symptoms will never fix the problem; you must remove the cause. The jew is the cause.

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No I'm going to post pro-Democrat propaganda from now on. And show how you guys are morons.

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You're a fucking moron. You want us to drink the salt water from the floor of the boat instead of patching the hole in the hull. You want us to throw our bodies into harm's way while the perpetrators aren't even fucking named. And no, you know nothing about me, faggot. You're obviously not from here, so fuck off to wherever you came from.

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Democrat or republican they are both anti-white. You sound like a tourist because you are talking about anti-white parties as if we support them.

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>but a /pol/ack would 100% inform his readers that the jews are the ones facilitating the invasion.

I think I'll side with them now since you're not listening. That's one less white for you and gain for them. You're putting yourselves in danger.

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You sound like a retarded normalfaggot who stumbled in here without a clue. Please leave.

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You lost, faggot? >>>/reddit/

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People who pos on pol have consistently ignorde calling out the establishment who are doing this and implementing neoliberalism. YOU have to think about that, not me. You ignoring it, is YOUR fault and ON YOU. if you do ignore it *as you have done)

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I'm not going to tolerate ethnic losers either.

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>shooting beaners is bad because they didnt mention jews in a manifesto that may or may not be written by them

No, shooting beaners is ALWAYS a good thing.

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Big talker.

Filtered fedposter.

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This. I'm extremely suprised that not a single operative from anywhere has selected the correct target and done it successfully at least once. The correct targets are the (((elites))) and/or your local congressman who is likely a (((dual citizen))). Sure, its harder to find the whereabouts and sitrep the security detail of these targets that actually matter, but they are sure as hell not invincible. Some junkie literally broke Rand Pauls ribs in his own damn house a few years ago, until the hits really start adding up, theres likely no security on these guys most of the time at all. Cure the cause, and the symptoms will go away by themselves

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Filtered, coward poster.

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>>13568122 (checked)

Anyone else having trouble accessing this image. I'm getting 404's from (((cloudflare)))

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>we do not hate spics, niggers or even arabs

Speak for yourself, faggot. The overall gist of your post is correct, though.

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I had to refresh a few times before it showed up. 8chan always has trouble with their media servers

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We do not hate wolves as a whole for hunting our livestock, nor the crow for scavenging through our crops, for it is only in their nature. We only deal with them accordingly.

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File: 02032580c7048e6⋯.jpeg (127.03 KB,750x845,150:169,dk2237.jpeg)


> It makes ZERO sense to talk about jews when you are shooting up beaners


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>It makes zero sense to shoot beaners when your real enemy is the jew

One can do both; there's nothing intrinsically wrong with dispatching invaders. But the jew must be named as the root cause of the issues we face, without question, every single time. It's the only way to get the right message across.

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>A non-/pol/ack reactionary might decide to shoot up some non-whites as 'revenge' and write a manifesto that details their hatred of non-whites. A /pol/ack would go out of his way to explain that it is the jews who are behind the invasion. If jews are not mentioned in a manifesto; it is NOT from /pol/. It is NOT from 8chan.

You are not a /pol/ack and you don't speak for people here.

Nobody is falling for the PR meme here, beaners are non-white, same for jews.

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>the right message

So it's an advertisement campaign now?

What matters is whites killing invaders, jew included.

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That's retarded, so you don't hate jews, arabs and spics for raping your women and kill your children?

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File: 011d7eb2194043d⋯.webm (1.9 MB,480x360,4:3,anonimus.webm)


I, anonimus, hereby certify that this is true and correct.

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File: 36d632e784e29eb⋯.png (729.62 KB,1055x1005,211:201,469d4e460f02ba6abd1c8aca17….png)

Dead, non-white invaders is a good thing. Anyone who says otherwise is not pro-white.

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>sure as hell not invincible

I'm waiting here, when will you start your crusade?

Talk, talk, talk. Nobody wins chest by going to the king first.

Pawns are the first to go.

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>So it's an advertisement campaign now?

The public needs to know that the jews are responsible for what has been done to the country, and that people are taking action in response to a racial crisis brought upon us by jews.

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This is not a question of semantics kike

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Have sex, incel.

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>The public needs to know that the jews are responsible for what has been done to the country, and that people are taking action in response to a racial crisis brought upon us by jews.

You have been spammed memes about jews did it since 1933.

The world doesn't give a single fucking shit and openly celebrates it. The time for talking is over.

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I support this anon.

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Yes, it's not, kike.

I ask you do you hate arabs, jews, spics for raping your women and kill your children or not, kike?

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File: 054271e78af7947⋯.gif (1.94 MB,500x333,500:333,1c0c41e8de86fc59528eb9532e….gif)


>We only deal with them accordingly.

Yea you shoot them in the head like what happened in El Paso yesterday.

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>requires raep

Fuck off, Mr. Semantics

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Who are you quoting, kike?

And answer the question, do you hate arabs, jews, spics for raping your women and killing your children or not, kike???

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What about the jews! The jews! You must spare the innocent non-white invaders and focus on the jews, the jews!

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The only PR meme here is shills trying to make /pol/ seem like a one dimensional group of shallow racists. That poster didn't claim beaners are white, but you made that strawman anyway.

Not only does every anon recognise that the real enemy is the jew, we have also had to deal with your same 12 "clever tricks" for years upon years.

You blood sucking, organ stealing parasites should have taken the haavara deal. Now you're getting the gas. Kike.

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>The only PR meme here is shills trying to make /pol/ seem like a one dimensional group of shallow racists. That poster didn't claim beaners are white, but you made that strawman anyway.

Which strawman? Beaners and jews are both non-white.

And the world NEEDS "shallow" racism, that's the jew's worst weapons. If everyone is racist, no jews will ever take control.

>You blood sucking, organ stealing parasites should have taken the haavara deal. Now you're getting the gas. Kike.

Tough talk, kike, now will you do something or are you gonna bark all days?

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>The world doesn't give a single fucking shit and openly celebrates it.

The world, for the most part, is unaware of jewish power. Particularly in White countries where it matters most.

>The time for talking is over.

You're a literal retard. I already said that there's nothing wrong with dispatching invaders. My point is only that if one is going to go to the trouble of writing a manifesto, then that manifesto must draw attention to the jewish problem.

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>still requires raep

Again, fuck off kike. You are out of your depth.

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>The world, for the most part, is unaware of jewish power. Particularly in White countries where it matters most.

The world has been spammed jew memes ever since 1933, Facebook and twitter are full of it. And guess what it is, funny meme.

>You're a literal retard. I already said that there's nothing wrong with dispatching invaders. My point is only that if one is going to go to the trouble of writing a manifesto, then that manifesto must draw attention to the jewish problem.

Again, the jewish problem is a race problem.

As soon as people start recognizing invaders as a problem, jew or not-jew, they have to go.

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File: c5dfcdbfab1c534⋯.jpg (348 KB,827x1280,827:1280,2e4ad54745a04242ca03ef1745….jpg)


OP is a non-white who is scared.

Whites are not afraid of ethnic violence targetted towards non-whites.

OP is not white.

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Still cannot answer the question, this kike is a cuckold who enjoys his woman raped and his children killed.

Then again, knowing the kike, it probably has no children either ways.

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OP wants to focus on the jews so that his non-white ass can be spared for the time being.

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>Which strawman

<I'll try playing stupid, that's a good trick


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Which strawman? Beaners are white now?

Are beaners being non-white a strawman?

Bark more, kike.

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Can't comprehend English: confirmed.

You don't belong here, faggot.

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Funny how the one who blames the jews all days erry days all turn into some jewish schizos.

They know they are invincible in Israel so they don't want whites killing non-whites in their countries.

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>you can only hate them if they raep.

Fuck off faggot.

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>And guess what it is, funny meme.

A meme that would be taken far more seriously if it were attributed to numerous mass shootings.

>As soon as people start recognizing invaders as a problem, jew or not-jew, they have to go.

On this we agree completely.

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How is that NOT anti-jew?

Also, we are not just anti-jew, we are pro-white.

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imagine still believing its only 109 times


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>fell for basic selfquote bait

Fuckwit status: confirmed.

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>A meme that would be taken far more seriously if it were attributed to numerous mass shootings.

Said meme was taken seriously by the biggest conflict on the planet.

>On this we agree completely.

So quit being a fucking faggot and start your cleaning schedule instead of whining about jews on /pol/ all days.

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File: 3a27a5c0c468a47⋯.png (3.39 MB,1160x2048,145:256,3a27a5c0c468a47315fa658d50….png)


>How is that NOT anti-jew?

They have been spamming that shit since Tarrant cleaned up NZ. They wont say what makes it "pro-jew". Instead they just hurl insults at Saint Tarrant.

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Who are you quoting?

And again, not just RAPING but also KILLING. I thought you don't hate them?

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>They wont say what makes it "pro-jew". Instead they just hurl insults at Saint Tarrant.


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Who are you quoting? Fucking schizo man.


Tarrant has morphed into ISIS muslim Mossad jew plant gay into their mind, it's hilarious seeing how their schizo mind works.

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Jews from Israel and boomers from America, yes.






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>can't follow a thread

Moron status: Proven

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>You're a jew if you say the jew is the real enemy.

I am in awe of your level of intelligence.

>invincible in Israel

Invincible? Is that how you sleep at night? Try corralled in pissrael.

And there are cohencidentally far more jews in the US than anywhere else in the world.

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>double who are you quoting REEing

Absolute state: undeniable.

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So Aussiemutt, are you anti-government and anti-police? Are you willing to take down the neoliberal White esablishment?

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Rolling for American genocide, look at you all… Everyone on here is either a bot or kike talking to each other. Fucking germs that ruined the world along with pissrael.

Reply what ya want shrills and kikes, it's all invalid.

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LAWL, this faggot is just derailing now.


>I am in awe of your level of intelligence.

Yes, ONLY a jew would shed tears for non-white.

>Invincible? Is that how you sleep at night? Try corralled in pissrael.

Then bark less and shoot some kikes in Israel?

>And there are cohencidentally far more jews in the US than anywhere else in the world.

Israel has far more, no?

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Who are you quoting?


I'm anti-government and anti-police.

>Are you willing to take down the neoliberal White esablishment?

What? It's not fucking white, it's all shades of brown with goblin ears.

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You've been called out, cunt.

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Americans on /pol/ wouldn't do shit even if niggers come storming their houses.

The ones who do shit are incidental Mossad agents who force the pro-white government into confiscating their guns.

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Called out on what, kike?

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>Said meme was taken seriously by the biggest conflict on the planet.

That was then and this is now. The situation after ~80 years of jewish rule is completely different.

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Americans in a nutshell.

I wouldn't be surprised if the non-whites do more shit than americans.

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>Then bark less and shoot some kikes in Israel?


Ordnance, not bullets. It's almost time. Just keep pushing.

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File: 6901b73cc95370d⋯.png (94.49 KB,1000x766,500:383,1557456188620.png)

I want all boomers, schizos and cowards out.

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>That was then and this is now. The situation after ~80 years of jewish rule is completely different.

And what happens during these 80 years?

Non-stop spamming of the jew memes. Public gives no fucking shit.

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>I want all boomers, schizos and cowards out.

Me too brother.

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Oh, referring to Iran right?

Iran can just shoot right now, why wait?

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>still can't follow a thread

I'm starting to think that you believe no one here is aware of IDs or you're as dumb as a lefty subhuman bitch.

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>first post faggot post

First time ever. OP not a faggot

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>If it aint a jew

Is everyone here sure about this

Because it would have come out. Long ago or now.

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Ah, yes, muh ID. And no, I don't follow it. Try to argue that point if you care to respond to that stupid quote.

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I openly provoke you, NUKE ISRAEL!

I dare you to shell Israel, IRANIAN MUTT.

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You have no point you useless faggot. You're simply a mess od REEing autism that needs to go fucking back to 4chins. Come back when you can comprehend English.

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>no point

Actually, I do, answer the question: do you hate arabs, jews, spics for raping your women and killing your children or not, kike???

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>Public gives no fucking shit.

And only because the jew's voice is louder. Anyway, as others have pointed out you are a deflecting kike and I am done responding to you.

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>And only because the jew's voice is louder.

So you are playing shouting match with the jews who control the media and can censor you?

>Anyway, as others have pointed out you are a deflecting kike and I am done responding to you.

Lawl, yes, run away after you are done barking.

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Did I make the jew angry? Did you jump off the high chair and are now jumping up and down furiously in front of your computer? If you jump high enough you might get back on the seat without help.

Sampson option won't protect you or your gay missile shield.

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>still requires raep

You're a fucking nublet, son.

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Yes, you make a non-jew angry, now press the button and nuke Israel.

You make a non-jew angry by threatening to nuke Israel over 10 times but have never delivered.

>Sampson option won't protect you or your gay missile shield.

So what's holding you up, Iranian mutt? JUST DO IT!

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Let me clarify before this misinformation takes off.

I am not saying this is necessarily a false flag

I am saying that there is no way it came from a /pol/ack or 8chan if it did not mention the jews. The fact that someone would mention /pol/ or 8chan and NOT mention the jews makes it seem more likely that it is a false flag; as after the attack, many jewish journalists call for /pol/ and 8chan to be taken down claiming that it causes these shootings.

I am not defending spics. I am not saying the shooter isn't white (nor am I saying he is white). I'm not addressing the morality of the situation. I'm not addressing any of that.

All I am saying is that if the shooter was a /pol/ack or from 8chan, his manifesto would have mentioned the jews. The fact that it does not makes it certain that he is NOT from here. He might have posted his manifesto here because other shooters have in the past and he thought it might gain traction (which it didn't). He might have posted here because he was a false-flagging jew trying to shut this place down. He might have posted here for some other reason. I do not know.

What I do know is that if he was genuinely a /pol/ack or from 8chan, he would have mentioned the jews. He did not. Therefore he is not from here.

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So you can't read and can't answer a simple question, nice.

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This is why I hate everything about Jews and America fren… deceiving, double minded, push for their (((narrative))) and ect.

Can't stand my television today as it's all yank/juden crap, pushed onto me and my family. Time is coming when cunts are gonna snap and lay waste to all who have fucked us (which is Jews and America).

And Hitler/Rommel wanted Australia on their side… Not the Jewish Yanks or Jewish britfags, just good ol Anglo Aussies who've been treated bad their whole life and were still fighting strong.

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>still can not comprehend BASIC English

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Again, who gives a shit if the shooter is a /pol/ack or not?

/pol/acks are idiots like everyone else, just look at this thread, full of cowards and schizos.

Better one guy who does shit than millions of /pol/acks who whine about jews all days but never bite.

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Where is the part you don't comprehend?

The hate part?

Or the part when jews, spics and arabs rape your women and kill your children?

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>whine all days but never

English: D-

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Just ignore that kike. His only purpose here is to shit up the thread and direct attention away from jews.

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>who gives a shit if he is from 8chan?

The jews who want to silence all of us who expose them. /pol/ is opening a lot of eyes, and our opinions are spreading across youtube, kikebook, twatter and many other platforms. The jews want to silence the central hub which is /pol/.

That is why it is important to point out that we are not behind the shooting. That is why it is important to emphasise our position on the jews.

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Who are you quoting?

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Nobody cares what you are saying. You have proven yourself to not be white.

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>The jews who want to silence all of us who expose them.

Pretty sure the jews can already do that. There's nothing preventing 8chan or 4chan getting v8n.

So the question is why these sites are still on. They are for venting places.

If you can whine about jews on 8chan or 4chan, you will do anything.

>That is why it is important to point out that we are not behind the shooting.

What? On 8chan? Shouldn't you call CNN and clarify this out?

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>So what's holding you up, Iranian mutt? JUST DO IT!

You have to wait, though. Look at your ceiling. It could come at any moment. You wouldn't even get the "vey" out.


>What I do know is that if he was genuinely a /pol/ack or from 8chan, he would have mentioned the jews. He did not.

>Therefore he is not from here.

I agree with you however a /pol/ack, even if they were stupid, would have chosen a better target.

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>If you can whine about jews on 8chan or 4chan, you will do anything.

You will NOT do anything*

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You have no fucking idea or anything else to support the claim. You can't base any narrative on "he didn't do x". That’s retarded stupid commie/witch hunt tier of dumb. Therefore you are pushing some narrative, be it yours or not, it doesn't matter - it's worthless.

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As you are incapable of understanding simple English, allow me to type slower.

YOU: requires that kikes and muzzies are first classified as rapists and murderers to be classified as vermin

ME: kikes and moslems should be eradicated

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>You have to wait, though. Look at your ceiling. It could come at any moment. You wouldn't even get the "vey" out.

Oh more waiting? Alright, how long do I have to wait? Are you gonna bark some more while I'm waiting.

>I agree with you however a /pol/ack, even if they were stupid, would have chosen a better target.

LAWL, there is no better targets than invaders to make a point, retard.

Kill one politician and they will replace it. Kill invaders and keep killing invaders, that's how you fix the problems.

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Post your media credentials, Goldberg

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Huh? When did I say that it is REQUIRED for jews, arabs and spics to be rapists and killers for them to be classified as vermins?

Where did you pull that out? How many English classes have you taken?

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Agreed OP.

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children - no more, no less. As you say, the jew is doing all within his power to get rid of us, the world's smallest ethnic minority, due to jealousy and hate. His manipulation of the news media, advertising, movies/TV and, of course, politics is obvious for all to see. Israel is nobody's friend, dual-citizenship is an abomination. The cancerous jew does the same thing every time they are welcomed into a country , undermining its foundations, exploiting its weaknesses and shamelessly using other minorities (blacks, women, gays, children etc.) as their cannon-fodder golem.

How long will the lugenpresse allow the jews shameful exploitation of the Holohoax to prevent any attempt honest reporting and force them to keep pretending that all the untruths they propagate on the left, that do not stand up to even the slightest logical examination. somehow become true by repetition.

We are one of the last bastions of free-speech, where the best ideas rise to the top because they have been open to debate and criticism. You have all forgotten how essential this is in order to maintain a strong, cohesive society. The left and the controlled media appear to think that their progress based on illogical assumptions will continue forever, but history tells another story.

When we do fight back, the arrogant, parasitic jew is number one in our thoughts

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OK, 1488, NUKE St, ISRAEL.

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>you don't know

/pol/ is primarily concerned with exposing the jews. For years and years all we've been talking about are the jews. Every other piece of degeneracy has been traced back to the jews. The only thing we ever agree on is that the jews caused it.

There is no way that a /pol/ack would NOT mention the jews if he was going to shoot a place up. No matter how stupid he might be; some might say that all /pol/acks are peaceful, I'll admit we cannot say that. There might be people who think killing X or Y is a good thing (and FBI/NSA/GCHQ I am not saying that so no vans plz); but no matter how violent, stupid, smart, peaceable or whatever they might be; if they genuinely came from here and wrote a manifesto; IT WOULD MENTION THE JEWS.

There is no way around that fact. We are obsessed with the jews here before ANYTHING else. Everything comes back to the jews. It is not possible for a manifesto from a /pol/ack to not mention jews.

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Is this the "last bastion of free speech" or is this a venting place?

What's more important, the white race or 8chan?

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I read your posts. You're an unwitting apologist and at this point I have doubts that you have attained the age of 16.

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>Oh more waiting? Alright, how long do I have to wait?

Post your address if you're impatient.

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>/pol/ is primarily concerned with exposing the jews.

/pol/ is primarily concerned with killing non-whites in order to create an ethnostate.

Exposing the jews is just a step of that plan, NOT the goal.

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So you say you read my post but you can't provide a single evidence of me saying you just make up?

Answer the question: how many English glasses have you taken?

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See here >>13568442

I dare you to shell that address in Israel.

Can't wait.

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newfag status: Confirmed.

Come back after lurking.

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Not an argument, kike. Lurk moar, post less.

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It is both, but the most important things, above all else, is the White race

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I am glad you are enjoying my thread. But no, killing non-whites is not the primary concern of /pol/. Nationalism is inherent isolationist; we want everyone else to fuck and leave us alone, and in return we'll leave them alone.

Every single issue boils down to the jews. If we remove the jews; everything else is fixed. If we remove the jews we will no longer have people advocating for open borders and mass immigration. If we remove the jews we will not longer have films promoting faggotry and divorce. If we remove the jews we will no longer have doctors performing abortions or putting profits before healing people. The list goes on.

Removing the jew is the primary goal of /pol/. Exposing the jew is our purpose as we do not have the power to remove them ourselves; so we seek to expose them to everyone.

That is all. You are a liar. All /pol/acks seek to expose the jews before EVERYTHING else; because everything else bad comes from the jews. Dealing with the symptoms of the jews does nothing because they will just cause new problems; the cause must be dealt with. All of /pol/ understands this.~

If they don't mention the jews in their manifesto; they aren't from /pol/

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No, it is not both, especially when 8chan serves as place not to discuss things, but to vent upon.

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Show some recent proof of jews behind something.

In fact: it is the government that is and will equipped for this sort of thing. If not by bringing it under the attention, by a simple law suit.

Can't have to read a whole book. Do show pages.

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>you can't provide a single evidence


>you are playing shouting match

muzzie score: 8/10

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Nobody cares if hes a /pol/ack or not. What matters is that he killed beaners. He could be anti-beaner and never post on /pol/ and still be on our side.

He dumped his manifesto here because he knew it would be read and seen.

He was right.



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>But no, killing non-whites is not the primary concern of /pol/. Nationalism is inherent isolationist; we want everyone else to fuck and leave us alone, and in return we'll leave them alone.

No, killing non-whites is THE primary concern of /pol/. Nationalism is isolationism, doesn't mean we have to suffer non-whites in white states.

Regarding the jews, they are just another enemy to face. The greatest problem lies with white men's cowardice, who would rather blame jews rather than doing shit.

This is the biggest problem going on /pol/ and the world at large.

LESS barking at jews, MORE biting at them.

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So where's the evidence?

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>H-he told me to lurk so I will tell him to lurk

Come back later kid.

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The English

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/pol/ is limited hangout with dwindling numbers. I will take a single active non-/pol/ack over a whining /pol/ack every days.

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Get madder, kike and lurk more.


The English is the evidence? The language or the people?

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You aren't shutting it down chaim. Even normalfags know that /pol/ is obsessed with jews before ANYTHING else. They won't believe you pretending that the jews are "just another enemy".

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>doubles down

Maybe a lefty shitskin at that.

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>No, killing non-whites is THE primary concern of /pol/.

It's past your bedtime, son.

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>Even normalfags know that /pol/ is obsessed with jews before ANYTHING else.

Which is why /pol/ is a limited hangout with dwindling numbers.

>They won't believe you pretending that the jews are "just another enemy".

Yeah, they don't need to believe, CNN tells them so.

Happy defending 8chan on 8chan, LOL.

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>Our heroes always kill meaningless targets and never the jews, that's what makes them so based and fashy and most of all compatible with the jew led alt-right's depiction of white man

>Happy to kill anyone and everyone just not any important jews…

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What's next? Transgender faggot with down syndrome?



It's past your bedtime, kike. Go to bed and bark less.

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Invaders are enemies, jews are just another target.

What matters is whites killing invaders, not what kind of shitskins he kills.

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>What matters is whites killing invaders, not what kind of shitskins he kills.

Yeah, fuck strategy, who needs that anyway? Go to bed, kid.

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File: 649f2c9cedf8672⋯.webm (735.02 KB,220x274,110:137,auschwitz_chambers.webm)


Still prattling on like a D&C kike fuckwit.

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The strategy is killing invaders and make them scared of whites.

I'm surprised you don't know this since it's what you practice with the palestinian, kike.

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>when we do fight back

>screeches when someone does

Can't get more pathetic. If you think it will be done just by attacking kikes and not their footsoldiers, you are fucking retarded.


>just expose them, no need to do anything else

Yes, you are an useless cowardly lousy nigger.

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Who's the D&C?

The guy who celebrates invaders being killed?

Or the jew who spams muh Mossad false flags every times some non-whites being killed?


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>/pol/ is primarily about exposing the very real jewish presence behind the myriad evils which afflict the world and its peoples. Contrary to popular belief; we do not hate spics, niggers or even arabs; and near enough without exception are happy for them to live IN THEIR OWN LANDS. The only issue is them coming to our lands; but we do not BLAME THEM for that; we BLAME THE JEWS

100% agree with this.

Its JEWS who want us to fight with niggers & muzzies, to take the heat off (((themselves))).

Anyone disagreeing with OP in their thread is likely a JEW.

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Go back kid.

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This thread is hilarious.




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Yeah, it's the jews who want us to fight invaders, which include them.


Go to bed and bark less, kike.


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Regardless, venting is free-speech. You may not discuss things on here, but I do. Everything is open to be critiqued. If any member of the lugenpresse wants to come on here and defend mass immigration, trans children, the minimum wage, gay marriage, the holohoax, climate change, feminism etc. or, most importantly the NWO agenda for browning of Western countries and the jews role in it, they are free to post.

But you won't because they know that their ideas are built on foundations of sand and they do what they are told to do, fearing the wrath of their masters. So, for them, the only choice is to stop any discussion. But free speech exists specifically to protect us, not them.


>just by attacking kikes

your want cure a problem, fight the cause not the symptoms jew

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you're correct but sending them back or killing them is part of the solution

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>Regardless, venting is free-speech.

Yeah, you don't need to have free-speech to vent, that's the purpose of this board.

>You may not discuss things on here, but I do.

When's the last time you discuss things on /pol/ that isn't immediately being called a kike, jew, mossad shill, etc?

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File: d11a88b2fb9a8d4⋯.jpg (109.54 KB,358x640,179:320,d11a88b2fb9a8d457c30e9a025….jpg)

File: bec3c53173f9082⋯.jpg (150.58 KB,831x1080,277:360,bec3c53173f9082d3e0a01e724….jpg)

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>your want cure a problem, fight the cause not the symptoms jew


Some diseases, particularly fatal ones require you to cure the symptoms first before you cure the primary one.

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>S-someone t-told me to go t-to bed. Imma tell someone else to go to bed next time. That'll get 'em real g-good!

You need to go back.

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>The greatest problem lies with white men's cowardice, who would rather blame jews rather than doing shit.



I'm willing to bet those pathetic faggots screeched when Earnest or Bowers did their attack.


Again you stupid naive nigger, this doesn't work like that. Jewry always reign through proxy, and if you somehow imply or think that this war will be won without attacking such proxy, you are one award winning retard. It's a process, stop being illiterate. Also Hitler himself disagrees with you, read chapter X of Mein Kampf.

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Who are you quoting?

Now go to bed and stop shitting on the board, kike.

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Man, fuck the kike OP, I'm gonna play some vidya.

This board is a waste of time, OP has a better luck on sending an email to CNN to explain why St. Patrick isn't from /pol/ LOL

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>It says (You)

>W-who are you q-quoting?!??!!!

still doesn't understand how IDs work

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File: 054bc45e94a6e53⋯.gif (740.13 KB,500x304,125:76,0684d8f87244dc67ee07e0b1f3….gif)


So tired of all these coward poster faggots calling anyone who supports pro-white action as "glowing in the dark".

When someone does something that is pro-white you support them no matter what.

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>This board is a waste of time


Go play anarchist elsewhere, mutt fagboy.

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Good, fuck off. Then maybe we can actually have a discussion here without your kike ass derailing the thread.

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>muh illness comparison

Okay then. Let's see what the man himself said about that:

>"For the German people it must almost be considered a great good fortune that its period of creeping sickness was suddenly cut short by so terrible a catastrophe, for otherwise the nation would have gone to the dogs more slowly perhaps, but all the more certainly. The disease would have become chronic, while in the acute form of the collapse it at least became clearly and distinctly recognizable to a considerable number of people. It was no accident that man mastered the plague more easily than tuberculosis. The one comes in terrible waves of death that shake humanity to the foundations, the other slowly and stealthily; the one leads to terrible fear, the other to gradual indifference. The consequence is that man opposed the one with all the ruthlessness of his energy, while he tries to control consumption with feeble means. Thus he mastered the plague, while tuberculosis masters him.

>Exactly the same is true of diseases of national bodies. If they do not take the form of catastrophe, man slowly begins to get accustomed to them and at length, though it may take some time, perishes all the more certainly of them. And so it is a good fortune-though a bitter one, to be sure-when Fate resolves to take a hand in this slow process of putrefaction and with a sudden blow makes the victim visualize the end of his disease. For more than once, that is what such a catastrophe amounts to Then it can easily become the cause of a recovery beginning with the utmost determination."

- Mein Kampf, Chapter 10



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>When's the last time you discuss things on /pol/ that isn't immediately being called a kike, jew, mossad shill, etc?

Yesterday, Catholicism and its role in the US in the 20th century. had my prejudices questioned, researched and refined my opinion



Now my jewy-senses are beginning to tingle

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>what happened to Anonymous?


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>only attack the jews, ignore the millions of invaders actively outbreeding and killing your kind!

>only attack the invaders, ignore the kikes behind it all who import the invaders!

If only kikes are attacked, the invaders who depend on white gibs will not disappear even if all kikes are gone. They will outbreed us anyways and the kikes will have posthumously won.

If only invaders are attacked, the kikes will just import some more, and some more, forever and ever as the invaders breed like rabbits.

A multifaceted approach is needed. Stop being literal brainlets.

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You stupid nigger.

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>the jews are innocent


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And that's why Hitler put all the jewpets in camps and let the jews run free

I won't waste my time on someone with so little historical knowledge

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t. reading comprehension of an lobotomized gorilla.

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How fucking retarded one has to be to not understand the text so hard? Your parents were siblings or something?

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Have they only got the two of you on this thread. Too obvious boy, too obvious. Filtered

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>t. brainlet

Learn to read faggot

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>I don't have anything to say

>I will pretend you are not here

Okay retard.

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I can read very well.

To wit:

>They will outbreed us anyways and the kikes will have posthumously won.

Obvious bullshit is bullshit. If you need to reword it, then do so. Jews are a problem. Moslems are a problem. Nothing you say can convince a thinking man otherwise.

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Incapable of debate, one sentence answers, jew detected. Filtered

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>A multifaceted approach is needed.

This is what I tried to get across to that retard 65efc8, but he's just "no, fuck reason, or strategy, or a coherent message… just shoot shitskins indiscriminately."


You missed his point.

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I said in my initial post that the approach needs to be multifaceted. Aka shooting only niggers, or shooting only Jews is ineffective. But shooting both is not.

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>You missed his point.

No, I didn't. If the point was poorly worded then it should be restated correctly.

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>If only kikes are attacked, the invaders who depend on white gibs will not disappear even if all kikes are gone.

If there are no kikes there are no gibs.

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>that retard 65efc8

I mean da81e5. Now I'm the retard kek.

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That doesn't make the niggers magically disappear. Even without kikes they will still require gibs, and will commence chimpouts, or just outbreed us. Just because the kikes are gone and not able to hand out gibs and import more shitskins, does not make the niggers or their demands disappear.

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>The shooter is a jew according to my non-source

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You already said that. Do it already then so I don't have to suffer your double-digit retardation anymore, you lousy nigger faggot.


No, you obviously can't, if you produce this kind of post.

>Jews are a problem. Moslems are a problem

Yes, that's what he is saying you moron.

>Obvious bullshit is bullshit

What bullshit you retard? Let's say that some God bless us all and remove kikes tonight. All of them, from the existence. Great, we can finally breath free, but shit, there are still tens of millions of quickly-breeding shitskins. See? Removing kikes is only one part of the equation. It must be done but it won't solve the shitskin problem, which is another part.

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It is bullshit that "the jews win" regardless.

Fuck off with that nonsense.

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Without jews, whites would be able to enact any and all measures to protect our countries.

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File: 8ef54ec4fd285b4⋯.jpg (194.75 KB,1024x1024,1:1,heroesnomore.jpg)

Wow, so many jews in this thread attempting to derail it with petty name-calling and distractions. For the media browsing, take note, for this is what they fear

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File: 5635649da7a0949⋯.gif (440.46 KB,500x669,500:669,5635649da7a0949f661274fbe2….gif)


>the jews are just so powerful

Wrong. We out number them and the invaders, but not for long. Its time to start normalizing violence against non-whites.

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I agree with this. Less bullshit that is detrimental to western society. Hippy it up all you like until the point that some rat-nosed parasite kike weasels some way of making money out of some leftist "oppression" narrative.

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File: f121662a5d9ae5e⋯.jpeg (17.02 KB,316x211,316:211,Journalists be like.jpeg)

File: a6142b8be0ffce1⋯.jpg (213.68 KB,500x500,1:1,speak up.jpg)


OP tries to get through to (((journalists))) with an exactly truthly true truth. But can they hear him?

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Nice argument, moron. Look, let's try the basics. Kikes want us all gone, mongrelized race of goyslaves. That is clear. They decided to do that by shipping masses of shitskin invanders here. Invaders breed fast, whites breed slow. It's in their nature as well in ours, r/K selection theory in practice. Getting rid of Jewry will give us a breathing space, but it won't fix those legions of invaders who are ALREADY HERE. There are many western countries who are counting down their last decade in which white people are majority. In some countries like Germany, MAJORITY of young and children are nonwhite. Time is of the essence here. Anon said that this problem needs multifaceted approach and he is right - both must be resolved. You can't just do one and be done with it.

Whenever someone tells you to ONLY care about one OR another, he is either stupid, illiterate, uncaring or shill who want to use you. To acknowledge or resolve only one is false dillema fallacy of the greatest rank. They are both enemies and they both must go, at a same time. One can also be used against the other, especially consider that one group usually retaliates and that the Jewish power is only applicable in stable society.

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File: b957d005bc4536f⋯.png (528.55 KB,750x749,750:749,wooden doors.png)

no really, if it doesn't calmly explain why jews control all of our media, banks, and government… It's just a casually "forgotten" subject indicating it has nothing to do with this board, I like this board particularly for the inciteful book recommendations and latest breach of trust against the white American public being extrapolated. there are jokes, and there are offensive stances as this is an "unsafe space" for anyone that believes everything they are told. but the fact of the matter is: if it says nothing about Talmudic Zionism, it's essentially guaranteed to be bullshit.

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>b-but it won't fix anything


Your only option is simultaneously glass the planet.

Think before typing.

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>Whenever someone tells you to ONLY care about one OR another, he is either stupid, illiterate, uncaring or shill who want to use you.

Exactly this. I'm glad at least some anons can spot this bullshit when they see it.

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File: ec46db13bf6ac35⋯.png (651.96 KB,1272x579,424:193,purposeofpol.png)

OP gets it

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>Your only option is simultaneously glass the planet.

That's not even remotely what he's saying. Christ.

>Think before typing.

Good advice.

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>Your only option is simultaneously glass the planet.

Anon, be rational. If you have reading comprehension of an average chimpanzee, then don't fucking engage in debate. You are dumb as rocks, but you still can do good to your people, but don't try to debate things. You then produce complete misinterpretations and strawmen.

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>To all journalists and intrigued visitors


>who the fuck are you even talking to

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Agreed. OP gets it. The other handwaving faggots want the kikes to hang last.

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Hey trailer park boy, is it because they took your job?

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>you're a gorilla

You already tried that.


>h-he dindunuffin


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I'm actually quite amazed that this is even needed to be said. It's so obvious in my view. Same thing was repeated ad nauseam with Tarrant. But then again, I don't think this is actually a problem, I think the real crux of the problem is cowardice and looking for an alibi with these anons.


>I can't understand simple text

>it is your fault

Definition of brainlet.

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Yes, stormtards should be the ones to tell about the jews goy.

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The trouble is that no one is killing any jews, not ISIS, not any of these mossad agents being painted as hard right wingers and certainly not any jew-led aut-rightiste

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>more ad hominem

Go back and read the blackpill bullshit.

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Bowers and Earnest did. But oh wait, retards called that false flag too.



Jesus you really are a complete idiot, aren't you. My post is exactly the opposite of blackpill.

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WN will be never work, ever.

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>My post is exactly

Don't try that bullshit. This is what we're talking about:


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Yeah, to which you had no argument whatsoever. You are talking in circles. See >>13568635

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No, I pointed out that it was bullshit.

To wit: If we get rid of kikes, they win.

Fucking ridiculous.

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The goyim fear the chosen people.

I can't wait until every single one of you filthy subhuman gentile cattle gets bred out. Niggers and gentiles are all the same cesspool of the slave races. You don't even deserve my spit. 2% whites left? I can't wait until there are 0% whites left since your genocide can't go fast enough. Enjoy your last place on earth, which is a fringe shitlord website for spergy brainlet autist gentile burgerflippers. I am looking forward to fire a few of you from my company tomorrow. SHALOM.

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No, you did not. You screeched it is "bullshit" while providing exactly zero reasons why and then you shat out ton of strawmen, because you can't read simple fucking english text.

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>then you shat out ton of strawmen

English level: dropping.

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It needs to be a coordinated eradication. You don't take out 2 here and 3 there and expect to ever get anywhere.

Right now we are winning "hearts and minds" for a post-weimar cleansing on a global scale. The jew knows this and that is why they are trying to pin petty, meaningless shit on this board.

Very nice ID, BTW.

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File: 44d1f7f2842bf9d⋯.jpg (138.51 KB,800x522,400:261,AyToneHolohoaxChimney.jpg)

Ay Tone. People going crazy. Wonder why.

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>still no argument whatsoever

Okay, dummy.

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>you don't kill a snake by cutting off it's head

Okay, [insert ad hominem here]

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Yeah, you kill that snake good. But still doesn't change a fact that snake is now dead which is good, but you still have tens of millions of sandniggers in the country, walking, breeding and chimping against the whitey. How many times you need that repeated, you absolute drooling cretin? BOTH are problem that needs to be attended.

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Kikes like you are autist retards. you dont have a job much less owning a company.

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Correct. Now that the snake is gone it's children will eat each other while you only need to cull the fattened ones after their feast – rather than expending all your time and resources controlling the entirety of the enemy who will ally against you otherwise.

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If you seriously believe that the problem would solve itself, this is the point where I stop taking you seriously altogether. It's rare to see such a lack of attachment to reality.

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>the problem would solve itself

Clearly, that is not what I said.

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uber retarded gööber. what are you planning on doing to neutralise the sand niggers? become one.

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You said that you need to wait until they fuck each other. Look at the history of niggers in the USA or sandniggers in Europe. Chimping inwards is rather rare, they chimpout mostly against whites. Besides, that's not the fucking point. You need an organized effort to get them all gone, not giving them space until stepping in.

Quickest way how to get rid of Jewish power in society is destabilize that society, take away a proxy through which the Jew dictates. Shitskins can be used well enough for that.

Finally, what is your solution? How you gonna achieve jew-free society? How you gonna cut that snake's head?


>uses diaeresis with goober

>doesn't use it with uber

You are a fucking retard if I ever seen one.

>Become one

Yeah, complete fucking retard.

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>You said that you need to wait until they fuck each other

That is not what I said.

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>you only need to cull the fattened ones after their feast

Answer my previous questions.

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All this racist bullshit is retarded. Every one of you backwards racists assholes talking about “preserving our nation” or driving the “evil” from our land need to look no further than the mirror. For every one of you ignorant racist fucks there are 1,000 Americans who think normally and embrace differences. And for every one of you I bet I could find 1,000 migrants or people of color who contribute more to society and America than you. Stop wasting your time hating things, it’s not productive, it’s childish. Immigrants, Jews, and people of color alike happen to make up proportionately decent amounts of our Congressmen/ senators/ Supreme Court judges/ doctors and surgeons/ movie stars/ entertainers/ top lawyers/ bankers/ business moguls. We even had a black president in case you forgot. Elected by a 62% white america, so go fuck yourselves because nobody agrees with your pinhole view of the world and accompanying anger

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No problem, anon. Ask me anything without injecting kikery into it.

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Racism is inherent. Deal.

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>Finally, what is your solution? How you gonna achieve jew-free society? How you gonna cut that snake's head?

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Fuck the deals. Go easy on Iran. Let the desert sort the desert out.

A moslems enemy is another moslem. They're as capable as ghetto nigras if you look into history.

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start with their dicks. become a moel. then start sucking them. fking gööber.

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Quality b8.

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>ask question

>it answers something completely unrelated

You have no idea, do you.

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Are you suggesting that America will sort the jews out?

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I asked you very simple questions. I know you have no idea how to reply to them, so you try to squiggle around pretending you don't understand. Not only you are dishonest and retarded, you are also a coward who will never do anything on his own. I won't waste anymore time with you.

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Lol, isn't that accelerationists' whole plan? Do everything but attack the jew to beat the jew? And then actually believe their plan isn't completely kiked out?

Accelerationists are a blessing for the Jew, because they were running behind schedule. Thankfully 8chan is filled with useful idiots.

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>you have no idea

> you dumb

Logical fallacies aside, I have entertained your queries. Which part do you not understand about the moslem/jew dilemma?

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>Lol, isn't that accelerationists' whole plan? Do everything but attack the jew to beat the jew?

No, that is just your dumb strawman.

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And reality so far.

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Acceleration is nothing new. Only new thing about it is the shiny name. Acceleration is pretty much part of every single authentic revolution in history of mankind to some degree. If you don't understand something, then go read about it more, instead of making dumb strawmen which mark you as an idiot or shill.

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Also no, not reality. There were no benefit to kikes in any of these attacks.

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Accelerate the jew agenda to defeat the jew agenda. Good thinking


Tell that to NZ who have now taken their guns away. Let's be real here, you've only helped one group of people, and that's the jews

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/pol/ in a nutshell

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The amount of (((feds)))/(((media)))/JDF in here trying to pretend isnt all about the Jews is very interesting. There are a lot more of them that browse then even I originally thought.

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>jews want white armed insurrection

>jews want white ethnostates

Use that dumb nigger head of yours for something else than catching rain.


>Tell that to NZ who have now taken their guns away

Exactly opposite has happened, as kiwis were buying most guns in their history after the attack, to the point many shops reported being completely sold out. Including one from which Brenton bought his guns, which reported being sold out as one of the first. There was no gun grab. Their gun return was a complete failure and from few propaganda articles, we may theorize that even the buyback was failure, although we'll see that once someone will release real numbers. Also if you won't use those guns, you already lost. Tarrant only gave people chance to use them against the zog oppression.

>you've only helped one group of people, and that's the jews

Kek, imagine being this out of reality. No, it did not. In short, Tarrant action did:

>acceleration around the world. France, UK (600% rise in antimuslim "crime"), Sri Lanka and others.

>greatest spike in Google search history of "great replacement" and one of the greatest of "white genocide" - redpilling possibly hundreds of thousands

>motivated big-name Youtubers like ChuckyE who in exchange dropped massive redpills about Jewry and not only them to other hundreds of thousands (500k+ subs).

>great push of the Overton's window, as both zoomers and boomers openly praised the mass shooter everywhere - for the first time, afaik.

>further radicalization of many valuable groups and individuals

>at least two copy cats, one targeting solely the kikes and other shitskins.

If you view this as anything else as total loss for the Jewry, you are dumb. And I'm not even talking about the effect it had on white psyche, which is getting more radical now, from that deep rotting slumber.

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>Tell that to NZ who have now taken their guns away.

That was an inevitable outcome for NZ, just like it was inevitable for Australia. Neither country has a 2nd amendment like the US does. But Tarrant knew the impact would still be felt in the US. That was his whole point, after all.

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Little reminder that Saint Brenton did mention the jew and faggots like you still countersignaled him and cried patsy/falseflag/mossad/inside job supposedly because he didn't mention the jew enough.


You do get that the spics want you dead and won't stop working towards making that a reality until either you or they are, right? You do get that you can't just hold hands sing kum bah yah and have everything be fine.


> ethnic losers

> not being in denial of race makes you a loser

And with this, the cuckservative unveils himself. Fuck off back to /christian/


An actual solution can never not involve WN in some way. Only a kike or a boomer tier cuck would disagree.

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It's actually one of the rare points he missed - Kiwis reacted differently and the gov is fucked and will cuck out. They don't even have any way how to take the guns away, there are no lists of these guns whatsoever.

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Lot of words to try and justify you still haven't attacked any jews. jews have always wanted whites and muslims to fight each other, and you're doing their bidding, well done. you're just beating around the bush, good luck with that

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how many got killed in that synagogue? 1 old lady? lmao

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>Kiwis reacted differently and the gov is fucked and will cuck out.

I want to believe, but I've seen many articles to the contrary. I thought they were going hard on confiscation.

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They're just using kike double-speak, they live in a fantasy

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Half this thread are kikes and their allies. Its incredibly obvious. /pol/ at this point is atleast 30% JIDF. After this though it appears 50%

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>kiwis were buying most guns in their history

No, the Australian argument comes later, after the silt settles, following a leftist subservient government presenting as a moral authority for the purposes of propaganda.

They will get their guns back.

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Judging by your post history, I'm more interested in his response than I am yours.

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Not an argument you stupid retard. And yes, the Jews were attacked. By both Earnest (who is a direct disciple of Brenton) and previously by Bowers. You are wrong again and you can't even read.

>jews have always wanted whites and muslims to fight each other

No, Jews and Muslims are historically allies, see pics in >>13563883

Also for an useless retard who did absolutely nothing, you have plenty of strong words for men who actually did.


>I thought they were going hard on confiscation.

Their gov. had plenty of strong words, but nothing to back them up. They have no way how to do it, they don't even know who own guns like these. Hence, the massive shopping spree.

>I want to believe

Check this:






They have no way how to practically do this. Besides, using as argument something that MAY COULD happen is laughable. What about, you know, holding to your guns and not being so ready to take that zog dick?

>"There is no national registry for many of the weapons targeted by the ban, including the AR-15 — a semiautomatic rifle that has been used in mass shootings in the United States and is often at the center of American gun-control debates."


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I agree that killing beaners is a VERY good thing. They should be exterminated as inferior life forms. 53 IQ anons…you want that in your nation as a 'doctor' or 'engineer'?

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>Tell that to NZ who have now taken their guns away.

Actually less than 1% complied with the offer to buy back automatic weapons.

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>The shooter was a jew himself dumbass,

where you coming up with that? The last name is German so you assume all Germans are Jews?

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>Check this:


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>that entire OP and all of his posts

Who the fuck types like that? Holy shit what a faggot.

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Also check that last washingtonpost article, it explains why they are fucked. My theory is that they will cuck out and let it die down with time, but we'll see. It's an lose-lose scenario for the NZ gov.

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Faggot Lt Gov of Texas said it's video games causing this.

Nah, pretty sure it is people tired of kikes, niggers, Mestizo trash.

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>They have no way

The NZ legislature are not the purveyors of Law. Might want to hone those mad skills up on how parliament works, comrade.

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He is what, 21 years old? I don't know how about you, but I was cringy retard when in that age. Cut the guy some slack, in twenty minutes he removed more beaners than your president in two years.


>idiot can't understand that it's not about law but about the fact that they don't have any idea who owns those guns

Big surprise.

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That was the stat given out in the first month, is there something more recent? In any event they have until December and there is a committee looking at reviewing the law this month so many people are waiting to see what happens with that first.

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>post history

you must be the dumbest kike on here


None of you idiots know me or what i have done. Even if I did nothing but fapping all day, I would have done more than any of these shooters, at least I'm not accelerating the jew agenda like you goyim.

>Jews and Muslims are historically allies

Like in Palestine today? None of this changes the fact that your whole plan is to accelerate the jew agenda to defeat the jew agenda, inbreeding did a number on ur brain fag. Meanwhile whites and jews are working together more than muslims and jews have ever done. Not a lot of zionist muslims out there, zionist christians on the other hand…

Like i said, you guys are completely kiked out, and it's funny to read ur garbage. Good luck with your delusions

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>MAY COULD happen

One MAY COULD be given a ticket for littering, or one MAY COULD be not given a ticket if he isn't seen to be littering, your honor.

>Therefore littering is legal.

No, the Australian argument was thus:

"Fuck you, cunt. Here are some guns not on a registry, take them. And now I will purchase more than you have taken away from me.

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>Like in Palestine today?

>I won't look at your arguments, but I will make retarded strawmen out of them

You debate like a menstruating female, you stupid nigger. At least go read it before posting.

>jew agenda is white uprising in armed insurrection

>jew agenda is whites creating white ethnostates

this is how fucking retarded you are.


Stop trying, you are making yourself even worse idiot than I thought. Stop blabbering around, it changes nothing about the fact that NZ gov may have talk the talk, but can't physically walk the walk. How the fuck will you grab something when you don't know where it is or who owns it?

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>it's not about law

Because, you know, offenses are something else.

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because the jew is afraid of you and what you did in the past centuries. he is building up defenses around you.

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see wp link here you stupid lousy sub-nigger >>13568993

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You are smoke without fire. If you were playing Devil's Advocate then there would perhaps be a reasonable defense, or at least a fatherly shrug, to your ineptitude, but at this point I can only assume you are a millenial trying to find an axe to grind at the wrong blacksmith.

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you're not creating and uprising anything except the jew agenda and the police state, that's the whole problem. But you actually believe shooting randoms will somehow magically make ur country more white.

Accelerationist plan of action:

1. Shoot some non-jew randoms and accelerate the jew agenda

2. ????

3. We saved the white race.

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>like you goyim

I see.

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You’re a real piece of shit

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>muh jew agenda

I already proven you wrong on that, you idiot.

>you don't like my strawman? Here have more strawman

Literally nigger tier IQ. Go back to cuckchan.


>I have nothing to say, so I will produce absolutely useless fedora-tipping post

Time to stop posting, anon.

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>Time to stop posting, anon.

Oy vey!

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teh only thing you have proven is how deluded you are

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If they dont name the jew, thyre not in the crew

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You have no arguments whatsoever, you birdbrained faggotnigger.

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>birdbrained faggotnigger.

Does character count alone inhibit the ad hominem potential of this man?

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I've lived here all my life and it couldn't be more obvious these beaners and niggers that kill each other so frequently always get replaced by the kikes who brought them here in the first place. It doesn't matter how many invaders you kill if you haven't already dealt with the jews holding your gates open.

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The City of Troy agrees with this anon.

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Is it true that 8chan was started by a midget?

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No. Bugger off, pressfag.

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The cripplekike is real. And it gets better. Hotwheels sold out to a kike pigfarmer who had to move to the Phillipines. It's a sad, sad history of rampant debauchery and muttsluts that Shakesp[eare himself would have trouble with.

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>>13567913 thats y i love pajeet girls :D

her number ;) +919886886902

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File: 95c4969db573cc2⋯.png (2.05 MB,1920x1080,16:9,hotwheels is ready to go.png)


A crippled midget with a normal sized dick. His dick looks ridiculously large.

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This shooter states he is a white supremacist.

White supremacists of 8chan: “ nuhu he a Jew! I can tell! This is a trick to make us look bad!”

News alert: you make your selves look bad every day. No conspiracy needed to explode your hate and stupidity.

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We recorded the statement of a dead man and he spake thus: [things]

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>we can recognize falce flag becos shooters don't hate jews as much as we do

this is actually rather hilarious

bumping this tread for truth pills



I think we found our next "it's ok to be white" poster campaign

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/pol/ is a board of peace faggot.

Also normies are not yet ready to name the jew or kill the jew.

Which is why killing niggers, traitor Whites, spics, and other various shitskins is the right move.

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who cares what normalfags think? kill kikes and win the war on ZOG

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>t. chaim

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>normies live here

You'd better be drunk, son.

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File: 88d2eb943c2f5ae⋯.jpg (614.2 KB,1196x676,23:13,JIDF shill center.jpg)

File: f9be1af027f6bf6⋯.jpg (114.3 KB,640x480,4:3,kikekat.jpg)


we know post like this are from shills becos we all know post like these are exaclty the thing jews need to shut down this site, so even if we think like this, we wouldn't voice it in such a way that would put our shitposting hive in danger

CIA niggers are currently combing through these board cherry picking the most gas lighting post to borad brush the entire site with their most ad-hominomous, strawmanly, blanket statements


the only exception to this rule, would be commies wich are basically the same thing as jews most of the time

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File: e7af8888758811b⋯.jpg (68.79 KB,680x680,1:1,Smug_Wendy_ZCp8c0j.jpg)


> If they don't mention a jew; it ain't from our crew

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>the only exception to this rule, would be commies wich are basically

Exceptions aside, jewery is the bane of mankind.

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File: 53877f8592e98e7⋯.png (334.64 KB,706x399,706:399,D-Ffn7vWwAQaAEn.png)

File: 8110b71e78ad1e2⋯.png (204.75 KB,381x480,127:160,D-FgThYXoAAC0KQ.png)


amen, OP

the shear idea of mentioning 8chan when murdering a set of high-value kikes is assinine enough, let alone namedropping it and never naming the jew

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fuck you faggot

each race and culture has a right to preserve and empower their own culture. Many South American cultures have a rich history worth preserving and fighting for. Fuck this melting pot bullshit and fuck faggots like you kicking down other people under the hell of globalist kikes. Don't be a useful idiot and polarize so hard. There is a common enemy here and multiple cultures worth fighting for a preserving. The fact you boil down everything into "white" and "non-white" is you already falling for kike tricks.

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>gets btfo in everything thread

>keeps creating new threads to shill their narrative

So fake and gay.

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OP is akin to those moralizing boomer idiots so typical for old WN forums, no action is good enough for them, they will always put down those who are active. Fuck your purity spiraling, get lost.

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File: 0b84bc24a3ac0e8⋯.jpg (22.52 KB,446x336,223:168,(You) admiring your post.jpg)

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> from this point forward

> implying

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The jews are literally behind anything that contracts OP in this thread as well journo golems. Take note. If you're serious about investigative journalism, exposing the truth, etc you're in for a ride that will end with you losing your job as you guessed it, the jews run that too. Ample evidence as Op mentioned is available, but I'll sum it up with the endgame and conclusion: you can sell your soul, or keep it. Your choice.

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File: 6ad13a005318e8b⋯.pdf (17.84 KB,Welcome 01.pdf)

File: b5b710645b34495⋯.pdf (13.42 KB,Welcome 02.pdf)

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So would someone be so kind as to post some actual proof that jews are behind usury etc?

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>proof for jews being behind usury

Usury was (and is) forbidden to all Christians, and also Muslims for that matter. Jews are forbidden from practicing usury against one-another, but may practice it against non-Jews.( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Usury#Judaism ).

Baba Mezi’a 70b:


Baba Mezi’a 24a:

“Come and hear: If one finds therein a lost object, then if the majority are Israelites it has to be announced, but if the majority are heathens it has not to be announced”

Jews therefore started practicing usury and were known for it in both Christendom and the muslim lands. They were also kicked out of countless nations for it. Here you have an article from a jew itself admitting that the jews were drawn to it, and not forced into it.


What the jew doesn't say is that the reason is because jews do not believe they are supposed to work, they believe us goyim are supposed to be their slaves, and they think it is right and fair that we be manipulated and stolen from for their profit.

Thomas Aquinas:

“The Jews should not be allowed to keep what they have obtained from others by usury; it were best that they were compelled to worked so that they could earn their living instead of doing nothing but becoming avaricious.”

W. Hughs. Premier of Australia:

“The Montefiores have taken Australia for their own, and there is not a gold field or a sheep run from Tasmania to New South Wales that does not pay them a heavy tribute. They are the real owners of the antipodean continent. What is the good of our being a wealthy nation, if the wealth is all in the hands of German Jews?”

H.H. Beamish:

“The Boer War occurred 37 years ago. Boer means farmer. Many criticized a great power like Britain for trying to wipe out the Boers. Upon making inquiry, I found all the gold and diamond mines of South Africa were owned by Jews; that Rothschild controlled gold; Samuels controlled silver, Baum controlled other mining, and Moses controlled base metals. Anything these people touch they inevitably pollute.”


"I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These marranos go wherever there is money to be made… But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth."

Napoleon Bonaparte:

"The Jews are the master robbers of the modern age."

Hanz Liszt:

“The Jew continues to monopolize money, and he loosens or strangles the throat of the

state with the loosening or strengthening of his purse strings. ..He has empowered

himself with the engines of the press, which he uses to batter at the foundations of

society. He is at the bottom of… every enterprise that will demolish first of all thrones,

afterwards the altar, afterwards civil law.”

Nikolai I, Tsar of Russia:

"The ruin of the peasants in these provinces are the Zhids ['kikes']. They are full-

fledged leeches sucking up these unfortunate provinces to the point of exhaustion."

Maria Theresa, Queen of Hungary and Bohemia:

“Henceforth no Jew, no matter under what name, will be allowed to remain here without my written permission. I know of no other troublesome pest within the state than this race, which impoverished the people by their fraud, usury and money-lending and commits all deeds which an honourable man despises. Subsequently they have to be removed and excluded from here as much as possible.”

Pope Clement VIII:

“All the world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopolies and deceit. They have brought many unfortunate people into a state of poverty,”

Martin Luther:

“But the Jews are so hardened that they listen to nothing; though overcome by testimonies they yield not an inch. It is a pernicious race, oppressing all men by their usury and rapine. If they give a prince or magistrate a thousand florins, they extort twenty thousand from the subjects in payment. We must ever keep on guard against them.”

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Why do dweeby jewy looking nerd virgin weirdos keep posting their cheap Ted Kaczynski imitation manifestos on our Moroccan glass blowing forum?

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Every attack against the mighty Hebrew makes him stronger. Antisemitism is his elixir. So keep up the attacks quislings.

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hi rabbi

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If you can go for the king first, you most certainly do. as of right now, the board is positioned just right so that it can be done

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The Jew was far too smart not to understand even then

that the infamous campaign of robbery which he organized

against the German people under cover of the war societies

would, indeed, have to awaken opposition.

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"You lost?" As in, "are you lost?" Brainlet, look what he posted. He's using reddit-tier social tactics, fuck off with that, and you too, brainlet.

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File: ddcd913b6e1d5c7⋯.png (601.85 KB,1893x905,1893:905,Screenshot_2019-08-04 If t….png)


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>if you fight back, they win

/pol/ has always ever only discussed the truth

because we can

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You don't have to attack them for them to have a story of how they're persecuted, they'll make up one like the holocaust hoax.

>the jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

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