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File: c5bb4d9f5de25c7⋯.png (438.74 KB,768x997,768:997,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13562492 [Last50 Posts]


>/ourguy/ shoots up a walmart in El Paso

>kikes whining live


>dead spics, killcount potentially still rising

>livestream got trolled

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File: 62997d6b0776dd0⋯.png (124.87 KB,1248x913,1248:913,ClipboardImage.png)



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File: 5fbcaba5f1b57a7⋯.jpg (255.26 KB,900x1200,3:4,Elpaso.jpg)

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So shooting was real but motive is unknown?

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File: 2e6e65b83d1f9a0⋯.jpg (25.03 KB,298x470,149:235,I can't read this blurry s….jpg)


I downloaded this stock image just for you.

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File: 1d0a703aa2a4f67⋯.png (23.11 KB,255x86,255:86,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6cc65d76266978a⋯.png (41.96 KB,119x255,7:15,ClipboardImage.png)



>got called out as a kike immediately

Overtime must be a given

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Nice thumbnail you absolute fucking mong

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File: 7f61660239154a7⋯.png (2.35 MB,1444x1325,1444:1325,ClipboardImage.png)





I have to wonder how that could possibly work, given Juarez – which is a nightmarish 3rd world shithole above-and-beyond even the 'average' horrors of Mexihell – is right across the border.

There's gotta be something going on.

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>posting thumbnails

lmao fag

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thanks I made it for you

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File: 77d520118a266a2⋯.jpg (70.29 KB,720x540,4:3,1423449720044.jpg)

>gamers rise up

Really nigger?

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>downloading thumbnails

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You mean fedniggers freaked out immidiately and swirched IPs to spam shit?

Thread link:


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>clipboard ants

really nigger?


>they're naming him on social media already but we're going to wait until confirmation

how much you want to bet it's sam hyde?

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File: f83ad152a6e5cb9⋯.png (520.51 KB,640x1137,640:1137,b.png)

the shooter


DOB 7/27/98

lives in dallas texas


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and go do a flip

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File: 3b0f3a0b88af119⋯.png (414.59 KB,819x960,273:320,ClipboardImage.png)

File: eb4b47972a3d167⋯.png (89.68 KB,265x265,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1b9134b9410f191⋯.png (163.86 KB,1250x700,25:14,ClipboardImage.png)






This is his sister appearently


>sister of mc lovin


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It was an anon calling in you dumb ass. It's bullshit.

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>kiked first post

Can't you read? It says "KIKE FREE SHOOTING THREAD".Stick your false flag damage control narrative in your infected anus.

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Not too bad looking. She single?

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File: 7abc6566b0ff211⋯.png (422.96 KB,724x521,724:521,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6604b8671dd3fdb⋯.png (918.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)






>Nothing to say

Stop IP hoping Smith and get back to work

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You don't control the narrative anymore. More and more of us are waking up. Your days are numbered.

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>posting thumbnails like a fed boomer


You are glowing.

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File: 537c558d5c87b71⋯.png (928.76 KB,819x960,273:320,ClipboardImage.png)


I dunno

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Thats not him you stupid faggot, the only thing identical is the name




>he's jewish according to namefag qtard schizoboomer

Just fucking end your life, retard.

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File: 6fb48582d5d44a6⋯.png (342.09 KB,1280x443,1280:443,8chan.png)


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You need to stop getting BTFO'd by all these copy and paste's tbh

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File: 9c629adb7b2a83e⋯.jpg (409.79 KB,1536x2048,3:4,1564866110920.jpg)

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Stop phone posting you faggot.

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kek nice

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We don't know how many of the casualties are dead vs injured. Be sure to update with more accurate numbers.

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File: 159d064ef318307⋯.png (3.32 KB,206x266,103:133,d107c5d9881ee58372d0d43ac6….png)


>Nothing to say

How are we supposed to respond to screenshots that are literally illegible, niggerbrain?

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Stop using the face of that low t retard which isn't him, just look >>13562585

Are you faceblind? That guy has a larger skull, longer chin, wider face.

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Half chan says:

https://www.linkedin.com/in/patrick-crusius-360020109 (THEY TOOK IT DOWN)

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Stop redtexting you retarded subhuman

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Do not condone, do not condemn when unknowns do what is in our interest. Keep cards close to chest. You're willingly yelling 'yes please, It's me you retaliate against'

And if any serious '/ourguy/' does a thing, he would not implicate all he worked for and all he loves. He would leave behind ego and have his motive and reason be as mysterious to our adversaries as possible. The less control they have and you give, the better.

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File: 34610faf3b4e5af⋯.gif (163.68 KB,430x430,1:1,who_cares_i_planted_lol.gif)


>white shooters just let themselves politely get arrested

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It's just a prototype. Relax, Anon.

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What's his score? Was he targeting shitskins and jews?

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holy shit feds are fucking retarded

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The guy likely took it down himself since its not him, idiot.

>b-but he has the same name

Low IQ imbeciles

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>faceberg friends with niggers and jews

Is there an archive?

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Earnest must feel like shit for blowing it so hard

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File: 1db4833274601ae⋯.png (1.07 MB,796x480,199:120,ClipboardImage.png)

Dude rolled up in there with hearing protection on and an a Russian-made assault rifle 15.

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Too bad he didn't shoot you for redtexting like a retard.

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Is Patrick, dare I say it, /ourjew/?

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shapeshifters faked another one huh

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1>0, like that NW leftist fag or the guy that shot up that door in Texas.

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Aren't WASR's produced in Romania?

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This..why. You do not let the ZOG authorities get you. They are as complicit (as institutions and tools of the alien ZOG state) as any foreign scum. The 'authorities' are not our friends.

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mayor said three shooters in custody. witnesses say three shooters in all black. this is mossad or antifa, but I think antifa. they're memory hole-ing the three shooters thing quick

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Just go with the Russian-made assault rifle 15.

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Probably a century AK.

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Annnnnd reported for bullshit.

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His memefesto says a WASR-10

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Schizos are coming out again!

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So, why do none of /ourguy/s' name the jew in their manifestos? They seem to come to the same conclusions that I do, but missed the contribution of the jew. Goodness knows what they'd do if they had. Maybe they just missed nearly every thread on /pol/. It can happen I suppose. Again and again and again…

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Lurking two years minimum is great advice

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reported for being literally a fucking subversive kike on a jewish disinfo campaign. we all literally see right through you, rabbi

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File: 3035e3d7ff4a676⋯.png (543.3 KB,1080x1080,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)


He is a literal /pol/ack who was inspired by Brenton Tarrant and posted a manifesto here before he killed a dozen spics. Its safe to say he is /ourguy/

Also: New pilgrimage map?

Pic related

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To hide from your boomer tier attention grabbing posts.

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All newfags should follow this

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>So, why do none of /ourguy/s' name the jew in their manifestos? They seem to come to the same conclusions that I do, but missed the contribution of the jew. Goodness knows what they'd do if they had. Maybe they just missed nearly every thread on /pol/. It can happen I suppose. Again and again and again…

They know. Even normies basically know now. But these are guys who are blinded by rage. All they want to do is kill shitskins. Such anger shuts down ones thinking abilities.

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need actual proof

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Did anyone archive his faceberg page?

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4chan has entered the thread.

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Was he specifically targeting spics and niggers? What a lad if true.

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Century is a company faggot.

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I might.

Have to create one though

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File: 4957d31859fe329⋯.png (326.82 KB,804x507,268:169,Screenshot_2019-08-03 EBEf….png)


It's in the other thread. Screenshot of manifesto here.

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>we must address the gun violence problem

Well feel free to start addressing the issues leading to people wanted to shoot spics.

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The ladies voice in the back ground, is that the intercom, if so what's it say?


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One what?

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Century doesn't produce WASR-10s but they redistribute them.

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Too bad the kid and the spics didn't hit that fat nigger, looks like a massive target

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>"Run puta run, white man is back in business!"

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Video of arrest coming soon

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File: 8952a314f2fcc0c⋯.png (272.84 KB,2083x805,2083:805,ClipboardImage.png)


>niggers and spics killing each other in droves every single week

<i sleep

>one white guy shoots up a walmart full of spics in an 11% White border city


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an account

Here's her twitter but it has nothing on it https://twitter.com/artsy_emily

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did no one save the two pdfs?

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If you don't have the archive of his faceberg, its already gone. Too late to do it now.

Did anyone archive his faceberg?

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They take the time and effort to write manifestos which seem quite reasonable and thoughtful and yet are so blinded by rage they forget the jew.

Hmmmm,it could happen I suppose. Again and again and again…

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Low iq white incel schizo gonna get a needle in his arm. Good riddance to /pol/ garbage.

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lol global report

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File: f49dcb6afe8e06c⋯.png (128.71 KB,653x972,653:972,ClipboardImage.png)



The new measurement as to whether or not you were a success should be whether or not your score higher than Chicago the week of your attempt.

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Glendon Oakley shopper lel

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Globally reported for anti-semitism.

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File: 557601d40556d87⋯.png (576.98 KB,757x912,757:912,emcel vs incel.png)

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Streamable embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Oh look at my African-American

Are you the greatest?

You know what I’m talking about?

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Says leftypol. How is that antifa grandpa guy who tried to fire bomb a brick building going? You know, the guy who got 0 kills. Pathetic.

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I heard El Paso cop mention Donald Trump on a different radio


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Really sucks dick chat is disabled on jewtube. Made it easier to judge reactions and drop redpills.

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Why dont these people every try to hide their identity and attempt a escape after blowing a couple of idiots away.

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Follow Follow @Mike_Ikahihifo


UPDATE: El Paso police says this was gang related terroism. KFOX14 reports.

12:32 PM - 3 Aug 2019

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Because they realize they're in a Western city, which means thats extremely unlikely.

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No they said they are walking that shit back.

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Spoon feeding your lazy asshole >>13561613

Not sure if it's legit or not.

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File: d9a8e9cdb835337⋯.jpg (101.37 KB,534x460,267:230,d9a8e9cdb8353377ae227d58c0….jpg)




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File: 1a63a99dc74a42c⋯.png (63.29 KB,242x219,242:219,mfw.png)


>hat trick

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So that's at least 4 dead.

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Shhhhh, stop asking the obvious questions

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This is not a day of celebration you fucking spurgs. I know you just got here, but /pol/ is a board of peace, we only want critical analysization of an impartial truth founded on objective evidence here.

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in the 1st thread a journo said it was posted before the first 911 call though.

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File: d2f4f8ff6f65e58⋯.png (1.63 MB,1133x1496,103:136,ClipboardImage.png)


Its going to be hilarious if this turns out to be a spic gang-banger thing and these catladies have been kvetching about White gunmen lel

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Holy shit.

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Just be yourselves.

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No, it's been confirmed it's a white man

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File: 0c6146f20540842⋯.png (610.83 KB,885x1005,59:67,Screenshot_20190803_125818.png)

File: f1b3f5d4da78510⋯.png (707.04 KB,885x1005,59:67,Screenshot_20190803_125809.png)

File: a48114e1f4515cb⋯.png (700.48 KB,885x1005,59:67,Screenshot_20190803_125552.png)

File: 9d9d36356bb1aa4⋯.png (269.84 KB,934x909,934:909,Screenshot_20190803_125247.png)

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File: 77af2c3289cdac6⋯.png (35.8 KB,857x425,857:425,ClipboardImage.png)


archivings a no go for now


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this poor sperg who's getting falsely identified as the shooter kek

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I was hoping for so much more

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File: c6e3e0d9cff505e⋯.png (45.51 KB,870x556,435:278,ClipboardImage.png)

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File: 13bdcc437d8b855⋯.png (65.61 KB,1741x470,1741:470,ClipboardImage.png)


More like "white".

El Paso is 11% non-Hispanic White bro, yet the census says its 92% White.

You put the pieces together.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

the prank call's been uploaded to youtube, based diego

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At least 10 dead according to the source @kfox14

Read this thread


A few good videos there too

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File: 1adb6cd85eb6cdb⋯.png (40.64 KB,580x353,580:353,435345.png)


>supposedly from /pol/ (again)

>doesn't mention the jews (again)

cool story bro

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There are white spics who act just like the mongrels that make up the majority. When you live in spanish speaking parts you can't just assume white presenting = white.

Lets see how the story progresses (and changes) before jumping to conclusions.

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>3rd pic

So was is that his dad and the guy snapped?

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If it is that Crusius guy, he drove from Dallas. Still could be a spic though.

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He said himsself his manifesto wasn't great, still he delivered dead spics

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File: 570792fa1607464⋯.png (667.75 KB,829x813,829:813,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 2c6f1c83452498a⋯.png (421.87 KB,859x882,859:882,ClipboardImage.png)


friends with a few kikes…

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Drove from Dallas for gang-related terrorism?


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The sister is of little interest, I want his facebook archive.

Someone looked at it earlier, how the fuck do people not know to archive fucking everything?

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Anyone remember that leaked glownig document thread yesterday?

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thanks for the info, FED shill.

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I just rewatched it and lol'd again

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Any government official who help increase immigration has blood on his hands. Unfortunately I fear their hands will get more bloody in the coming decades.

To the hispanic that posted in the previous thread, if he's still here: It's unfortunate that it's coming to this, try to get your people to desire living amongst themselves and stop entering further into the country. The best way we could stop this is to repeal anti-discrimination laws so that your people and our people could legally set up homelands within this country that would bar other races. Perhaps, if necessary, even split the country up. Hopefully if both of our people, and Africans, begin to see things this way then we will be able to peacefully separate to prevent any more blood spilling.

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>He thinks it's gang related

He was out removing some pests in a high-density area.

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WHy did he post a whole manifesto on here? Or are we supposed to believe that beaner gangs LARP as WNs now??

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File: cfec1fda223a476⋯.jpg (2.72 MB,3810x5770,381:577,'White Hispanics' in One I….jpg)



But its good to know our resident spic modnigger is around.

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>direct jewtube

Kill yourself, nigger.

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The manifesto is in a previous thread. Go read it, it's only 4 pages.

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jews aren't white, kike.

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File: 7af926ea4d2ec3e⋯.png (835.89 KB,1466x925,1466:925,goblin genetics.png)


White is White. These assholes need to stop hating their fellow Whites assholes.

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I'm glad that political censorship and doxing prevented those attacks. Please censor and dox more right-wingers, leftists! It'll create more people who have nothing to lose

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>manlets all overshadowed by crosswalk button

Can someone make a trigonometry image from this?

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Stop muddying the waters, schizoboomer. Your baseless bullshit is getting cringier

>this guy who has the same name but looks completely different is friends with people who are kikes because i say so

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You do know there are literal beaner Nazi gang larpers right? NLR is one and most SouthWest states have no problem with interracial relations with mestizos.

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File: f2157c307044d66⋯.jpg (56.29 KB,497x469,71:67,umayyad-bro.jpg)


Nah, not for a very long time.

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File: b5e35a551ea7d59⋯.gif (4.56 MB,324x180,9:5,boredofpeace.gif)


Exactly, /pol/ is a board of peace

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I wonder if we could take this as far as the mohammadians do?

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CRIMINALS JUST COME HERE TO SAY "LOL GUYS IM FROM HERE LOL I'M LIKE YOU GUYS LOL LOL" but they're not from here. Their evil posers that are trying to gain internet popularity by committing evil illegal acts

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File: 6e079a01250f1ad⋯.jpeg (52 KB,475x356,475:356,30a (1).jpeg)


Anyone can write out a psyop and claim it's a manifesto. Same Hyde told me so.

Again, if it is real, this whole thing is fake and staged for 2020 as this guy didn't mention the Jews.

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>You do know there are literal beaner Nazi gang larpers right? NLR is one and most SouthWest states have no problem with interracial relations with mestizos.

Not the same thing as people who post manifestos here before imitating Tarrant. Not even close.

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pls dont associate me with these jew loving mossad good goys.

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We don't even know if he's a kike yet, what the fuck are you sperging about?

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>everything is fake


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Not sure what you're getting at but I see nothing pointing to mixed genetics. If you think Mexico is more than 5% actual European unmolested by mixing of native blood then you're full of shit. Perhaps as many as 10% could be white presenting when castizos are factored in.

Most of Latin/South America has the shittiest racial categorical standards on the planet where you can basically make up your race and its more of a status thing like in Brazil where people will identify as white and yet look straight up mixed.

The only reason the U.S. is different is because for the longest time and even today we go by the one drop rule. If you are mixed outside the race no matter the percentage you're considered mixed.

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But you can confirm he's white, right moshe?

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>redtext means its true



>he didn't mention the jews

Literally regurgitating shill talking points from the Brenton threads now, you deradicalization feds surely aren't creative

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I know there are journalists and leftists here, this guy is right. If you want to stop violence then you must allow people who disagree with you to speak or else they will see this as the only way to be heard. Of course you don't want to talk to this murderer or someone like Brenton, but have a sincere conversation with someone like Jared Taylor, let people see that these ideas are honestly being discussed so they do not feel they have to resort to killing.

I know you care about the victims, show that you do by discussing these ideas so no one else gets this desperate.

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Spics are here ruining the nation too. No reason to turn a blind eye to them.

No mercy.

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Patrick Crusius confirmed. He was taken in without incident, pointing to the fact the shooting was likely inspired by the martyr Brenton Tarrant, which also points to the manifesto likely being real.

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Agreed, when the perpetrator names the jew, I'll be on board 100%

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File: 056efa76e3d8a15⋯.jpg (540.96 KB,942x1071,314:357,1563819352338.jpg)


Did he say "Fuck Donald Trump"?

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>please believe the lie, goy!

>look, I can spell kike!

weird how neither of "ourguys" knew that word and this guy didn't even mention them, yet it's on the tip of every self-respecting poster here - even shills like you.

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I'm going on what they say at the press conference you nigger, calling someone a kike for actually having a legitimate source isn't a valid argument.

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Clean up

Isle 13

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File: 650a415d15724a7⋯.gif (494.96 KB,194x172,97:86,650a415d15724a7feb28e351fe….gif)


>Those goofy ass earmuffs

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>if things are exactly how i want them to be

nigger go do your own work. be the change you want to see in the world.

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Nothing wrong with hearing protection.

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>Russian made assault rifle 15

<thinking AR stands for assault rifle

<confusing a russian AK for a US designed AR

Most of you faggots getting on about DotR are either paid shills, glowniggers, or LARPers who have absolutely no weapons knowledge or proficiency.

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>weird how nothing is real unless it validates me

>everyone is a shill but me

go do something then faggot. show everyone how it's done.

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Wonder if he got the bluetooth version. Possible that he loaded up Tarrant's playlist to his phone and jammed to it.

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God put me on this planet to shitpost and rile up retards. That is my contribution and I'm pretty good at it

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Dillon Roof got free Burger king and was treated with dignity Why ..because he didn't act like a nigger when the cops came


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What's that 95 IQ like?

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Nah, let them double down even further.

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Great, not everyone can have a purpose.

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Killing spics is bad if you don't write an essay about the JQ in beforehand

>Killing spics is bad if you don't write an essay about the JQ in beforehand

Killing spics is bad if you don't write an essay about the JQ in beforehand

>Killing spics is bad if you don't write an essay about the JQ in beforehand

Killing spics is bad if you don't write an essay about the JQ in beforehand

Lets ignore that the shooter adressed the Great Replacement accurately

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You know they don't want us to live (other than some slaves), much less have a voice.

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>he doesn't get the obvious joke

You understand that autists like you are basically going to be target practice for us, right?

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File: f86383834e6cdba⋯.png (208.41 KB,1869x915,623:305,Screenshot (45575).png)


well well well

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He's committing mass murder, not hunting turkey


He could have but they just look like the cheap $10 He probably bought from that Walmart. He was mad they wouldn't refund them.

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File: ebaf29c75d9ed48⋯.jpg (14.12 KB,400x396,100:99,9f034e1eb9f53d95e9263ffe6d….jpg)

Why did the kike mods delete the thread where the manifesto was posted?

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File: 58282fc446b9f35⋯.png (545.58 KB,720x1440,1:2,Screenshot_20190803-142848.png)

File: 18c56d4ac470a09⋯.png (215.77 KB,720x1440,1:2,Screenshot_20190803-142735.png)

His Twitter? Last post was about an hour ago. Created on July 19th…

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Still waiting

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You know what they want us to do the least? Killing our enemies

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Sieg heil. Fucking keep it up then

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>He's committing mass murder, not hunting turkey

Loss of hearing is loss of Situational Awareness.

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This makes it even better.

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Sometimes you just gotta go with what you have. Maybe he had them for range practice and he grabbed them out of habit.

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Now that you mention it this is probably why he was subdued. He mentioned that he didn't want to be taken alive because of the hatred his family would feel for him. Most likely a spic cop tackled him from behind and he couldn't tell because of the muffs.

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>Literally regurgitating shill talking points from the Brenton threads now, you deradicalization feds surely aren't creative

Again, if I'm not creative and we all knew this from the Tarrant threads, why did yet another shooter not mention (((them)))? How hard is it? Jew. White genocide. Kalgiri plan. Kalergi plan. K-I-K-E-S. How hard is it to include the real culprits in a manifesto that may well be your last words?

Did I say we shouldn't do this? Did I disavow? No. I just don't believe this wasn't an op.


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File: 2159d0a73aec6c0⋯.jpg (85.36 KB,576x518,288:259,2159d0a73aec6c023f154cb3ca….jpg)


>Literally regurgitating shill talking points from the Brenton threads now,

Except Brenton actually did name the jew, just in a very subtle and shitposty way that all the midwits missed. This nigger brained memelord literally did not name the jew.

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File: ba4d0231ef764ca⋯.jpg (40.87 KB,376x300,94:75,Sqi4GhX[1].jpg)


Here's your (you) bitch.

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It’s not murder. He was openly armed and openly uniformed and took out an invading force. He acted alone and was therefore technically an unorganized militia in lawful combat defending from attack

There were no felonies here besides possible unlawful discharge of a firearm inside city limits

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>july 19

>only retweets Duke

If this is him he's fucking glowing like a nuclear reactor

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No it's so he could hear his instructions.

"oy vey Ernest we told you to wear a maga hat, no maga hat, no hill home in Golan. Where are you finding these idiots, Bibi, you said Jared had good contacts, oy vey such shame you bring on our people"

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>assault rifle 15

>15 posts by this ID

i thought this was the kike free thread?

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>(((news))) says another bad (((white))) guy is shooting up errbody

Fuck off yid.

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Only thing he's going to be aware of is getting shanked in TexMex prison.


He's not openly uniformed, hes wearing casual civ clothes. Firing into an occupied building is a felony.

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>My ideology has not changed for several years. My opinions on automation, immigration, and the rest predate Trump and his campaign for president. I putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. This is not the case. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric. The media is infamous for fake news. Their reaction to this attack will likely just confirm that.

>Statistically, millions of migrants have returned to their home countries to reunite with the family they lost contact with when they moved to America. They come here as economic immigrants, not for asylum reasons. This is an encouraging sign that the Hispanic population is willing to return to their home countries if given the right incentive. An incentive that myself and many other patriotic Americans will provide. This will remove the threat of the Hispanic voting bloc which will make up for the loss of millions of baby boomers.

>The Democrat party will own America and they know it. They have already begun the transition by pandering heavily to the Hispanic voting bloc in the 1st Democratic Debate. They intend to use open borders, free healthcare for illegals, citizenship and more to enact a political coup by importing and then legalizing millions of new voters. With policies like these, the Hispanic support for Democrats will likely become nearly unanimous in the future. The heavy Hispanic population in Texas will make us a Democrat stronghold. Losing Texas and a few other states with heavy Hispanic population to the Democrats is all it would take for them to win nearly every presidential election. Although the Republican Party is also terrible

>In short, immigration can only be detrimental to the future of America. Continued immigration will make one of the biggest issues of our time, automation, so much worse. Some sources say that in under two decades, half of American jobs will be lost to it. Of course some people will be retrained, but most will not. So it makes no sense to keep on letting millions of illegal or legal immigrants flood into the United States, and to keep the tens of millions that are already here. Invaders who also have close to the highest birthrate of all ethnicities in America. In the near future, America will have to initiate a basic universal income to prevent widespread poverty and civil unrest as people lose their jobs. Joblessness in itself is a source of civil unrest. The less dependents on a government welfare system, the better. The lower the unemployment rate, the better. Achieving ambitions social projects like universal healthcare and UBI would become far more likely to succeed if tens of millions of dependents are removed.


but he is redpilled on race at least.

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File: f0a9189071e0369⋯.png (450.05 KB,720x1440,1:2,Screenshot_20190803-142704.png)

File: 80d694e3019fd07⋯.png (536.54 KB,720x1440,1:2,Screenshot_20190803-142511.png)

File: b4b7c3573da0e43⋯.png (608.5 KB,720x1440,1:2,Screenshot_20190803-142342.png)

More that I could SS from his Twitter. This shit is all put together like a glownigger would.

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He's joined the ranks of the martyrs. What he put into the manifesto is his business. He's done more for liberation than anybody else in this thread.

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It was until you got here, retard.

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They did: https://8ch.net/pol/res/13561044.html

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Fake and gay, this very same shit popped up in Brenton and John Ernest threads already. Gtfo, faggot.

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He wasn’t firing randomly into a building. He fired at specific targets outside , entered and removed several invaders while happening inside a building

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He's 21.

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Ah yeah they deleted the John Ernest thread too. Fuck these cowards

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File: 2d481befb238193⋯.jpg (28.07 KB,243x350,243:350,(Jew) Undercover.jpg)

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It's not an usual /pol/ poster. It was a republican boomer. A conservative, not much of a white nationalist. MAGAtard

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No he has infinity KDR. 25 divided by 0

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File: e25ebc11d2fe00e⋯.webm (366.75 KB,640x360,16:9,terry_cia_niggers_glow_in….webm)


beep beep nigger

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And what would be the point of a glownigger putting that shit together, retard?

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If he was going to try to use the Geneva Convention like Tarrant did then he should have properly documented it. I'm sure standard uniform for combatants includes a camera.

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The police chief said it dumbfuck


>you're a jew hehe

no, John Earnest is a hero

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I think Tarrant was smart because his manifesto was well-thought out and he knew if he named the jew it would have prevented it reaching a wider audience (which it has) because it would have been written off as an anti-semitic rant, but the rest have no good reason

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True, BT did mention them, but he said he had not problem with them, didn't he?

I'll table Tarrant for the moment. I don't care about him since he's not the cudgel they're going to try to beat gun control and voting for democrats into our heads with.

Calling it now, they're going to try to make the spics think it's a race war and that Trump is to blame. They'll keep staging more shootings if needed. This isn't targeted at whites, this is targeted mainly at Hispanic voters. Look at the livestream that's on right now: mostly spic anchors, doing the hispandering pronunciations etc. They even have a literal Jew in some shots.

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Damn shame he got hit by a train.

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File: 1d8371ff64c899d⋯.webm (5.67 MB,1280x720,16:9,GEORGE NO.webm)

r8 my shitty webbum

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File: 91182d7824d713b⋯.png (439.62 KB,589x752,589:752,1564743008479.png)

How many deaths?

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He did. Our little bbq forum is kind of public now and there is a lot of free cc footage at that building inside and out.

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A 21 year old boomer? Nigger, you're too dumb to breathe on your own let alone post. Who's writing your script?

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File: 8268a346ef4cb9c⋯.png (4.38 MB,7768x7768,1:1,:pol:bood.png)


Acceleration intensifies.

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DOB: 1998

Kids: 3

Religion: Jewish

Ethnicity: Hispanic

Don't make me laugh, nigger kike. That is such contrived bullshit.

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>BT did mention them, but he said he had not problem with them, didn't he?

No. Your inability to understand a simple English sentence is amazing. He states that ONLY Jews he is okay with are those who a) live outside of white countries and b) do not try to harm or subvert white countries.

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Maybe they just followed his lead and copied his tactic? Ever thought about that?

Patrick said in the FIRST LINE of his manifesto that he supports Brenton Tarrant.

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File: 9414daaa51670a5⋯.webm (28.38 KB,1200x1200,1:1,out.webm)

File: 06fae9e417d67a1⋯.webm (784.78 KB,640x360,16:9,b.webm)



ffmpeg'd that for you

and isolated the trump part

can someone clean this up to see if he says "fuck donald trump"?

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File: f376630ac20a23a⋯.png (14.76 KB,589x97,589:97,JQ.PNG)


>he said he had not problem with them, didn't he?


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File: 35670259ebffaa5⋯.jpg (130.41 KB,1080x1071,120:119,35670259ebffaa5af7557fe609….jpg)


>but he said he had not problem with them

<as long as they stay in their own country and do not subvert my people

Speaking of midwits who completely missed the point. Jesus fucking christ, why is this still having to be spelled out in such an elementary way to you speds.

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>cops are literally speaking spanish to each other over comms

Yeah… I'm thinking this country is lost.

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File: e4ba95415a9790a⋯.jpg (1.76 MB,2544x4600,318:575,Mass Shootings Dont Matter….jpg)

File: f9ba902ec1df524⋯.png (980.96 KB,527x744,17:24,swiss2.PNG)









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god dammit.

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>USSR-made ass rail 15

you glowing fuck

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File: 3c5fd26e9ca21eb⋯.png (107.94 KB,500x399,500:399,war never changes.png)



Yes, I'll be a good goy and work without any other purpose in life :^)

>killing people in general will do nothing but give the government more reason to take everything away.

Killing latin-americans will make them scared of migrating to the US.

But maybe you're right about killing a bunch of nobodies. We should be killing the 0.1% of jews that actually own everything.

Let the government try. The point is to accelerate things and cause a civil war, let the civil war begin by the hands of the government then, all it has to do is to try and take people's guns, its gonna be the spark we are looking for.

>Did the Jews become prominent through violence?

Yes. Or do you want me to think that they got there through peaceful means?

What is war, revolutions, regime change, race genocide… They might not be the ones pulling the trigger, but they are killing.

Not us, it would require centuries of coordinated actions to replace them as owners of the world, and we might not be successful.

In the end, violence is the most (and maybe to us, the only) way to achieve actual significant change.

No I won't be a good goy, I will not work my ass of to give a good life and power to a stinking RAT, a Canaanite/Pharisee/Jew or whatever you want to call them.

White men's got nothing to lose, everything to gain for turning things violent, its all or nothing. Being passive and continue to work, vote and hope for change is putting a gun against the white race's head and pulling the trigger.

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They're shills not SpEds.

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>Are you an antisemite?


Again, tabling the Tarrant thing as it's OT, but shit, Anon.

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What is "framing" for 1000, Alex?

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What have they got to lose by naming the jew? If anything they would be lionized even more than Saint Tarrant and it would stop all the false flag/Mossad bullshit in an instant. Did they learn nothing from the responses on /pol/ to the Christchurch shooting?

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>NBC News reports there were at least 19 people killed in the August 3 shooting with a further 40 injured. The exact number of injuries and deceased victims has not been officially confirmed.

This is how you do this /pol/

Finally a successful shooting after one person killing nigger with a sword or killing one 60 year old jew and then spending rest of your life in jail.

Well done.

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File: 60ef904764463cb⋯.png (432.88 KB,720x1440,1:2,Screenshot_20190803-142448.png)

Look at his art that is linked from his Twitter page weird cat stuff


Also going back and looking on his Twitter, his tweets that were posted about an hour ago are now shoa'd

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Should he have said 'Yes' instead? lel

For an optics cuck, you sure have some weird preferences.

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File: 7b71b86ee4ce4d5⋯.png (6.53 KB,626x81,626:81,SO LONG AS THEY DO NOT SEE….png)


>I'm sure standard uniform for combatants includes a camera.

You're thinking of cops, not combatants.


>he said he had not problem with them, didn't he?

Wrong, cunt.

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Mass shootings don't matter unless fascists commit them, and thats not a meme. Political violence >>>>>>>>>>>> loon violence > nigger violence.

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Men of action don't blame others. Hence why the people actually effort posting don't blame the kikes.

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>being this fucking slow

wipe the drool from your chin and put on your helmet

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File: a2d1eba13e54a04⋯.jpg (254.43 KB,510x717,170:239,1346131665237.jpg)


Did anyone save his first pdf?

>P. Crusius notification letter

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You autistic retard. Lurk for two years. No exceptions.

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File: 74b21510cf31c0f⋯.gif (631.15 KB,512x481,512:481,74b21510cf31c0fd50fb101db5….gif)


So fucking fake. If this asshole had already decided why go shitpost on fucking twitter.

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And eye protection. Enhance the image

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I love this meme.

I haven't followed GayForThrones, is the lower one actually a virtuous lady? She does look the part. (In the show not IRL)

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Keep calm dude, i'm sure the next guy will name the jews.

Rolling for a synagoge.

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Turns out Wal-mart is a great place to shoot cattle.

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Meant for this

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>Imagine being so fucking retarded you can't even finish reading a simple sentence.

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We could have saved it if the kike mods didn't delete it.







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File: 6727889550a460c⋯.jpg (129.5 KB,639x794,639:794,Smiling Adolf Hitler.jpg)




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It was about intoxication at Collin College in Texas. What tipped some people off to a name. Said it was uploaded by mistake then put out the "real" manifesto.

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Security footage is often private and has to be released to the public, not the same as broadcasting live footage. There were probably security cameras at Christchurch but everyone watches the stream.

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ugh. fine, Tarrant was totally one of us. you've totally convinced me. Now why didn't this guy mention them?

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File: 007cb28e24431d3⋯.png (1.06 MB,1186x656,593:328,1.png)

Real patriots vote for Tulsi Gabbard

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He was nu/pol/

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File: dfbf86e8b5318a9⋯.png (119.89 KB,1416x827,1416:827,what you need to do emcel.png)


> is the lower one actually a virtuous lady?

Not really, no.

But that scene IS basically an Ashkenazi Jewish woman trying to convince a redheaded Northern European woman that she needs to bow to the Jew and the redhead basically tells her to go fuck herself kek

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literally all nu/pol/ talking points, except for replacement.

He still supported Trump

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I am unsure why you are defending the absence of them naming the jew. Naming the spic, nigger or sandnigger is okay, but naming the group with overall responsibility is somehow noble?

Nah, apart from Tarrant, I'm not buying it

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>why didn't some dude appease me!?

u gay nigga

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>real patriots vote

>vote goyim

Kys Shlomo

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>cops speaking spanish

America has become an empire with many nations inside of it. The only solution to this is legal boundaries within the empire, or dissolving the empire into multiple ethnostates. Anyone who wants to stop these meaningless deaths must work towards this, the longer we wait the more deaths will result due to ethnic conflict. Terrorism is not part and parcel of living in a city if we allow peoples to have their own cities and their own self-determination.

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shit i mad friends. hi cunts

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Gotcha. Thanks.

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>we'll kill whites who aren't good at detecting sarcasm

Gods, the absolute state of this place.

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clean yourself up yet?

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Exactly. Nobody besides us seems to give two shits about his Twitter page which is still up btw. Weird how his recent tweets from an hour ago have disappeared now. Check it out. Compare to the first SS.


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all better ty

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Well, you can mention the jews all you want in your pdf.

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Probably because it isn't him?

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>so red pilled he shot a bunch of spics



>He still supported Trump

That more than anything should convince you he's not one of us.

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Because jews aren't a big of a problem there as it is here you retards. the problem is mudslimes in that part of the world. It's almost like things are different in different parts of the world or something retards

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>muh spics

found the beaner

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File: 92a8c3a6c85dde2⋯.gif (143.05 KB,255x133,255:133,1418641818323.gif)



<one of us

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>so red pilled he shot a bunch of spics

Who in their right mind would defend non-whites?

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Other spics.

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>not getting accelerationism

The more Trump gets branded a racist the better

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b-but muh DACAryans!

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File: b33c91705b7c2da⋯.png (319.09 KB,1920x1328,120:83,They Didnt Read The Manife….png)

File: b08cbf531bd677c⋯.jpg (900.18 KB,1200x3136,75:196,And So The Meme War Went H….jpg)

File: 4c7049c109a3284⋯.jpg (888.95 KB,1405x2895,281:579,The Great Meme War.jpg)


That's not even the point, really.

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File: 89bcc73dcccc99e⋯.jpg (77.94 KB,659x588,659:588,2983r928u3495r8yu235h3h.jpg)




Literally a fucking strawman lmao

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Look at those white male criminals!

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>Because jews aren't a big of a problem there as it is here you retards.

really? you really don't know who's behind that mass muslim migration?


>the problem is mudslimes in that part of the world. It's almost like things are different in different parts of the world or something retards

it's almost like you're actually dumb enough to think that the reason american and european /pol/ hates the jews is because millions of jews are moving in to take er jerbs and it's jsut a different racial group doing that in NZ.

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File: 303add8458ce4ba⋯.png (105.58 KB,515x569,515:569,ClipboardImage.png)


multiple reports of multiple shooters



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Evidently this whole place is fedded. The whole point of shilling this idiotic shooting nonsense on this board is to wind up schizoid autists to do this shit. It's a fucking setup.

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File: f3237e7c0ce45c2⋯.jpg (18.96 KB,540x281,540:281,1560647843975.jpg)



I just don't fucking get this place anymore, it feels exactly like cuckchan

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Accelerationism doesn't work, it just makes things harder for people when/if they want to start the day of the rope

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board of peace struck again

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File: a96a3987d41744c⋯.jpg (47.89 KB,608x477,608:477,024ba4479627195035176489cd….jpg)

What a boring happening, even John Earnest's was better.

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it's almost like you faggots are just kikes who don't know shit about the world

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congrats, did you just realize that we have literal qtard boomers posting here as well?

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File: 63af6fce7910270⋯.png (569.54 KB,600x371,600:371,ClipboardImage.png)


>Evidently this whole place is fedded.

Anon, do you really not understand how deep the surveillance goes?

Every internet-capable device in your home is 'fedded'.

Welcome to the Sprawl.

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>I putting this here because some people will blame the President or certain presidential candidates for the attack. I know that the media will probably call me a white supremacist anyway and blame Trump’s rhetoric

> An incentive that myself and many other patriotic Americans will provide

He also blames the migration on corporations rather tha on the jews.

He said that he is against racemixing though and thinks that US should balkanize based on ethnic groups, which is not so nu/pol/ but is not race war either.

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When are the alphabet agencies 2020 budgets negotiated?

What would have been headline news tomorrow?

Why the fuck would somebody who expected to die not name the jew?

We have martyrs, we have Saints, but the God-throne still lies vacant

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File: 0f3f3ba8d2cce75⋯.gif (1.76 MB,500x281,500:281,sadtania.gif)


More boards for more niche people, aka non-anons and assorted normies.

Realization that 4chan is already compromised, so shilling goes further here.

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It is him. He's from Dallas born in 1998. That would make him 21 years old.

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>1 dead kike

Nah this is better there are even videos and shit

Link related



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suck a dick nigger

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How I know you're a jew

Not including the only one that killed Jews

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Mate it’s okay to have some blue light when the sun is up. Turn off flux

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>How dare you post in this thread goyim!!

Thanks rabbi

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File: 95224f2b436d0d0⋯.png (1.74 MB,1525x1184,1525:1184,1564869839848.png)

What's the official score?

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It's twitter. Anyone can make any account and edit the details. Use a little bit of skepticism.

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File: b94659f62e443de⋯.jpg (13.42 KB,222x227,222:227,muriga.jpg)

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the convincing argument argument for why he didn't name the jew yet. I said ugh. And you still don't have a fucking argument for why this guy is one of us.


>The more Trump gets branded a racist the better

I'm willing to entertain this argument, but it's just too coincidental. why not name the jew while you're doing it?


again, another great argument for why THIS guy didn't name the jew.

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Watch closely. Early on people in position. Then move. Then go back. So staged

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Paid members can alter bios on Mylife. Info from there is worth very little.

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>I don't understand what I criticize at all

>but I'm gonna criticize it anyway

Shut the fuck up you illiterate mongoloid faggot.

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Not yet known

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File: bcb5b420bef1d46⋯.png (92.07 KB,597x347,597:347,areyou.png)


He's right on corporations, but misses the mark that Jews help.

> Finally come out of economic bullshit caused by the jews (again)

> wages start growing as demand for goods and services start ramping up

> "OY VEY these increasing wages are KILLING us, it's anuddah shoa!"

> "We have to import immigrants for the jobs AMERICANS won't do! (for 2 dollars an hour)"

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Why not do something yourself if you have a particular goal?

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you're the one with the cuckchannel filename pal

welp the board of peace is done for

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Take your meds

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"Beto" giving his press statement now.

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Faces always blurred. Always. Frame by frame it’s obvious it was edited to blur out faces

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just an interesting post from jim stones website



>I did not even think about doing screen caps when it first

>"happened" because I never thought they'd morph the story so

>badly. The original story was that it was two Latinos, one aged

>19 and 1 dead 17 injured, who shot up several stores including

>Target with one still on the loose. Now it is a lone white

>computer geek age 21 with 18 dead AT WAL MART.

>The story cannot change that much, I call




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The eternal boomer


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>can't argue his points


.10c has been deposited in to your account

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0 jews, but I'll keep checking

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>white male

Admit it. He was a right wing terrorist probably radicalized by this very board you goddamn facists.

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File: c858b2733bce4e1⋯.png (1.11 MB,1272x1614,212:269,Demographics According to ….png)

File: 5d6f5ac7228370c⋯.jpg (98.55 KB,1258x306,37:9,'You Are Just A Nigger' Ki….JPG)

File: 5a2beb04a3cdc03⋯.jpg (769.98 KB,2672x2784,167:174,Compton - A Tale of Two Ra….jpg)


>Eric Garner was killed for selling cigarettes

No you stupid nigger, he was killed for fighting the police over being arrested for selling cigarettes.

Funny how when you don't fight the police trying to arrest you, you don't die!

Whats really funny though? That this nigger is complaining about a Jew making-good a bunch of spics, who have ethnically cleansed niggers out of most of the Southwest, lel

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File: fc24e30f1a0ba6c⋯.jpg (278.31 KB,1020x746,510:373,3Zg0tMO.jpg)

>19 killed



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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Eric Garner

Oh man that brings back memories.

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based schizos

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>everything is antifa

dumbass boomer

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shut up faggot

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fuck off, FBI

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Eye protection also

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File: 0342b5a72966a64⋯.png (622.24 KB,830x987,830:987,873248f3hgjkhsgdu4y34.png)


He isn't, and you aren't either.

I can't wait for the FOIA request and seeing a (You) pointing to your low effort posts

Ask your supervisor for VPNs faggot.


The shooting isn't a hoax, there's dead people.

The story might be, since there were stories about it being gang related at first.

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File: 43da34dafa81c43⋯.png (932.66 KB,1207x927,1207:927,ClipboardImage.png)


>maga hat

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Yeah I saw that

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File: d4ce0913994795a⋯.webm (3.77 MB,854x480,427:240,Sandyhook Didnt Happen.webm)


>there's dead people.

>isn't a hoax

Seems legit.

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It does have a monotonous sameness doesn't it? Shooter goes off, police try to suppress any photos and the name until they can scrub all traces the fucker ever left on the Internet, Anons try to use their autism to get there first and archive. Some info is saved, disinfo is usually mixed in, confusion reigns. New conspiracy their is born.


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Anyone planning to shitpost irl make sure you're arrested without incident if you can't get away. These niggers HATE it. Use your white male privilege.

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Lol. Seems legit. The glow on this

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Nigger, if you wouldn't be completely illiterate faggot gorilla, you would be well-aware that accelerationism is nothing new. Only new thing about it is the shiny name. Acceleration itself was a part of every single authentic revolution in history of mankind. It's a old political tool.

But then again, you know shit about it, but you decide to share your worthless faggot opinion anyway. Either go fucking read something or fuck off.

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suspect possibly saying "FUCK DONALD TRUMP"

multiple jew antifa shooters seems more and more likely

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File: 363df0b01af2226⋯.png (1.43 MB,1554x764,777:382,MIGA.png)

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forgot to add you to


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Who is this guy and why should I give a shit

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File: 292c2a824cdc586⋯.png (523.96 KB,1139x1063,1139:1063,Statistics.png)


> an attempt to remake the demographics

The fucking gall of this whore.


> No one would ever kill people to advance their aims

Kill yourself my man.

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File: 72b45be979a5b2a⋯.webm (5.56 MB,1280x720,16:9,ProTrump in Current Year ….webm)

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>Funny how when you don't fight the police trying to arrest you, you don't die!

>Yo Funny how when you don' fight da po-po trying ta arrest you, you don' die! what the fuck sup now?

Translated on the off-chance there's any niggers in the building. It seems so simple and yet they just can't get the hang of it

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File: ac249d25e4ebc09⋯.jpg (56.35 KB,689x523,689:523,timetoChose.JPG)



pic related you cunts

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>This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not I. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.

He was radicalized by extreme multiculturalism. The only way to avoid more attacks like this is to acknowledge that race is real and that it's okay to want to live with your own people, then setting up the empire so that people may legally live with only their own people if they desire.

Anyone who honestly wants to stop these shootings would work towards ensuring this outcome. Those who push for extreme multiculturalism will do nothing but cause more bloodshed.

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What makes you think the suspect is saying it among all the beaner talk?

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File: b22783f53de301d⋯.jpg (169.69 KB,1280x720,16:9,Microsoft-Flight-Simulator….jpg)


Trumpcucks have become the very thing they hate

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File: 5c1db8766db08c1⋯.png (9.09 MB,2688x1242,448:207,2379.PNG)

Don't worry, goys. These TWO JEWS just happened to be ready to rush over and wait in line to donate blood. And they just happened to be in the shot on the news.

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File: 177176ee2d7e5f2⋯.mp4 (5.37 MB,1106x606,553:303,20190803_170855.mp4)




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File: 3e19af089ac1dbd⋯.jpg (1 MB,1256x3344,157:418,Firearms - Founders, What ….jpg)

File: f85670da694e174⋯.jpg (3.3 MB,4152x7528,519:941,Firearms - Jefferson Drops….jpg)

File: cc00cb6f088c6e4⋯.jpg (143.33 KB,682x1798,11:29,US Firearms Ownership.jpg)


>> No one would ever kill people to advance their aims

Literally the opposite of what was being implied my dood, but good on you for hating niggers kvetching about demographics.

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>How I know you're a jew

>Not including the only one that killed Jews

Bowers did not post here you retard.

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Maximum Effort!

Yup, trying to survive means you are only wasting effort better spent on running up the score. Even if you escape the scene you won't remain loose very long with the modern panopticon focused on you. Once you accept the insanity of Clown World these things make a sort of sense.

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A cucked MIGA boomer

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File: fb74d46e7524daa⋯.gif (700.23 KB,256x256,1:1,ifsjgnbfo.gif)


>Acceleration itself was a part of every single authentic revolution in history of mankind!!!

>I'm not going to provide any evidence or proofs of my claims though!


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File: 21c2d6d39b277ab⋯.png (105.75 KB,1531x934,1531:934,2c11cf749f1b2b53f9b85d18b3….png)

So what is the final score?

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found that out so quick and yet we still don't have the full details of Las Vegas.

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File: c19e212553db5b3⋯.png (742.36 KB,700x656,175:164,ClipboardImage.png)


hahahaha dude people who take this kind of shit seriously are gullible as fuck

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Also, if you run, its more likely they're going to kill you en-route.

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File: 80f483fe6e05ff2⋯.jpg (77.29 KB,1080x1120,27:28,(you).jpg)

Is he one of the Master Race?:

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Yes, warriors deserve praise

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lol what? That fag actually did what a warrior does

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wtf I love jews now

no sorry, my mistake, I just love the thought of jews having all their blood extracted

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File: 0856d584e33f999⋯.jpg (288.89 KB,1236x1241,1236:1241,00a.jpg)

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Social Media

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File: 6dd986c4259d469⋯.png (41.25 KB,881x428,881:428,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3d4671c473d259a⋯.png (705.54 KB,1688x1022,844:511,10 Years.png)

File: 1a1552d4e88cf5c⋯.png (21.94 KB,1592x129,1592:129,ClipboardImage.png)

File: e9da9526df97fa8⋯.jpg (13.7 KB,454x295,454:295,foreveramazing.jpg)


>>Acceleration itself was a part of every single authentic revolution in history of mankind!!!

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Kill unnarmed people? Oh yeah, so brave.

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Same shit, different thread. Kikes scapegoating muds for ME wars =/= fascist combants waging war on partisan invaders

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That's because the (((lugenpresse))) has been targeting the chans since Trump and are trying to directly link it to terrorism and many fags aren't doing their due diligence in stopping it. They got it so fast because they're literally cryptos in here so the fags throwing around premature data whether true or not are being used to scapegoat. As if the jewish media needs any proof and not just some random asshole to screencap.

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Strap in fellas, boomers and liberal faggots inbound.

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File: c799d52cac12c3a⋯.png (285.56 KB,752x1001,752:1001,1564858555232.png)

Here's the first PDF that the shooter posted. Some faggot on cuckchan removed the names.

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Brave or not it was funny.

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>Cause warriors never did that before

LOL, oh here we go with the cuckchanners coming here

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File: 4a195b79471cbb2⋯.png (86.63 KB,524x316,131:79,fire.png)


Good infographics.

Just tired of 60 IQ fags calling hoax via 'blood bags' and 'fake wounds' instead of realizing it's easier to just actually shoot people and control the story afterwards.


Not if he was a glowing CIA asset let loose when his mental derangement hit its peak.

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Thats some random autists and not the shooter, try again.

Also, lolwut?


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File: 699c83abd1c56cf⋯.mp4 (6.6 MB,640x360,16:9,Crack that Whip.mp4)


Braver than you.

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Wow, how does it feel to be in top 100 most retarded persons on this board?

>Guise, let's do revolution

>okay, but how we get enough people on board apart from our propaganda?

>escalate the situation, force fence-sitters to join some or other group

If you lack scruples or time is of the essence because the situation is dire, then:

>deliberately make things worse so people are forced to take sides and fight

>continue until opening for more regular political solution is possible

>provide that political situation

Do you have any elemenetary education, you dumb faggot chimpanzee? That's how Soviets did it, that's how Jihadis do it in their shitholes, that's how revolutions are done. This is 1+1 politics. Fucking fix that bird brain of yours.

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File: ffe86440673e8cf⋯.png (1.26 MB,860x1841,860:1841,ClipboardImage.png)

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>Just tired of 60 IQ fags calling hoax via 'blood bags' and 'fake wounds' instead of realizing it's easier to just actually shoot people and control the story afterwards.

Wait til you realize the true depth of what we're up against…



>this stupid nigger doesn't realize what the point of that post even was


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>nigger lips

>curly hair

>somewhat wide nose for his head shape

he is possible jewish or nigger mutt

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>He isn't, and you aren't either.

>I can't wait for the FOIA request and seeing a (You) pointing to your low effort posts

>Ask your supervisor for VPNs faggot.

At least there's one genuine sperg itt. Thank you schizo-chan. Your baseless paranoia has given me the strength to go on.


>The shooting isn't a hoax, there's dead people.

I take it back. Leave, shill. Leave and take the false hope you gave me with you.

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File: 0d7466980fae29a⋯.png (406.66 KB,572x303,572:303,3df8b3fcd128de0749310fff25….png)

File: 3147ebb316b4a7f⋯.png (1.39 MB,680x630,68:63,3d153814c2f224edcd18e737c1….png)

File: 805170474899146⋯.png (1.3 MB,471x650,471:650,805170474899146f867f28c977….png)


Confirmed (((white))



Fucking this.

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Not letting a "tragedy" go to waste and using it as a chance to smear opponents. Nice move.

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Or a bad hair day and a fish-eye lens. But granted he won't get into the Aryan-Master-race VIP lounge

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This is true however to let acceleration work you need to have a leftycuck in power. If trump gets elected again it's highly likely the economy crashes and you have obama 2.0

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Chances are hes got a mix breed kid or grand kid.

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I'm enjoying all the dem candidates coming out to whine about it. They're going talk about it so much people are going to become desensitized.

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Naw he does not have kids… look at that face

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I'm Hispanic and while I endorse it I found out that one of my family members in El Paso lost a few friends there but she wasn't anywhere near the mall that day.

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19 dead, 40 injured? HOLY SHIT! Will he beat Tarrant!?

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If the economy crashes, even better. A wrecked economy is good fuel for revolution.

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cute girl


Saint Brenton got 51 muslims

Saint John got 1 kike

Saint Patrick got 19 so far

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File: dfcb99e8973970d⋯.png (189.83 KB,412x553,412:553,takeashit.png)


So another autistic redpilled faggot who's been stewing in the bullshit that is his life.

Just think: there's feds out there whose job is to watch hopeless men like this until they're ready to pop, just so they can advance their agenda.

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It was only called P.Crusius_notification.pdf

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Dude was seriously ill and no one gave a shit about him… Bets are his sister hasn't even talked to him in months.. She knows just how big of a piece of shit he is..

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File: 1bc7c9700cca5a2⋯.png (3.05 MB,2641x1430,2641:1430,ClipboardImage.png)

File: b6cea2469e9617e⋯.png (585.12 KB,2027x1353,2027:1353,ClipboardImage.png)



>childless unmarried boomer


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his sister's a kike

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>you need to have a leftycuck in power

No need, you just need either weak person or someone who is not really caring about rights and the nation of whom he is supposed to serve. That's 99% of today's politicians and I'm not afraid to say that last statesman who wasn't like that was Adolf Hitler.

>If trump gets elected again it's highly likely the economy crashes and you have obama 2.0

Then it will doing accelerationist work for you. Large part of acceleration is to just underscore already existing mistakes and errors made by others, especially by your enemy. There were revolutions in past which went live just by doing this.

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Not accelerationism


>no proofs

>uses adhoms

If you can't argue your points or any points in this case without sources and going straight to adhomms you lose. Pro tip: saying "EVERY _ in history did _, educate yourself!!" isn't helping you look educated my underage friend

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File: f786a8121afbeab⋯.png (2.44 MB,1789x1526,1789:1526,ClipboardImage.png)

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>he is possible jewish or nigger mutt

No, he's taken a selfie and mobile cameras have shit lenses that distort the image when used close up.

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>Not accelerationism

lel nice cope

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not a jew

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>muh dik

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He could have gotten a much higher killcount with some real preparation.

Just going to leave this here. Don't abuse the information given here, i repeat, don't abuse the information given here…


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File: 92bac3e03d83baa⋯.jpg (19.61 KB,209x241,209:241,I'm one of you Goy.jpg)

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>no proofs

I gave you few examples. If you can't for some reason go read about them, then refer my previous post: fuck off, you dumb retard.

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>lel nice cope

lel nice argument

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To be fair, I wouldn't use the Beer Hall Putsch as an example of accelerationism done right. I'd argue that Hitler still had to grind his way to the top both before the event and after, the Beer Hall Putsch made him more famous and gave him time to write his book though but if it had work like intended, then we would have had a Nazi Germany in the 20s.

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>ad homms again

You have to be 18+ to browse here

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File: f178b0e33090814⋯.png (373.61 KB,2500x2500,1:1,b5ac65c6b72bd93ca22ac0d0c5….png)

File: e3901c7e9d231a6⋯.jpg (190.06 KB,1600x1000,8:5,1450779558949.jpg)


>Acceleration intensifies.



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The kikes have fulfilled their agenda already. The masses support the multiculturalist ideology. The only way out is to destroy and kill until the masses distrust their leaders.

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File: 74f067a3124cfd1⋯.jpg (7.99 KB,225x225,1:1,74f067a3124cfd1db9010d3fc0….jpg)

Niggers just wait for the mugshot and we'll find out

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Hello this is CNN Reporter Ryan Wang

Who owns this website and how can I get in contact with the owner.

Please contact me r.wang@cnn.com

Best Regards


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Big if true

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Why do you fucking dumb niggers always assume it's from the shooter when it could be from anyone

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File: 650f23aa92814f8⋯.png (88.77 KB,1064x553,152:79,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 0e2583a664c52f0⋯.png (80.24 KB,1060x416,265:104,ClipboardImage.png)





>lel nice argument

lel nice cope

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>No, he's taken a selfie and mobile cameras have shit lenses that distort the image when used close up.

I know that.

When you take picture through mirror, it is more accurate I think

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I own the website. How can I help you?

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Ryan why is your last name literally a synonym for cock. Are you some kind of gay boy?

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And a ching chong nip nong to you, young lady.

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Hey Ryan, my Wang is currently bursting, can you pls send someone to relieve me?

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>Just tired of 60 IQ fags calling hoax via 'blood bags' and 'fake wounds' instead of realizing it's easier to just actually shoot people and control the story afterwards.

True. Remember, the US gov wanted to do actual mass shootings via Operation Northwoods.


>19 dead, 40 injured? HOLY SHIT! Will he beat Tarrant!?

and yet the livestream is only confirming 1 dead.


anyone want to look at this? I don't want whatever virus may be embedded in that pdf.

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File: 1ca1b569412dea8⋯.jpg (344.65 KB,1024x724,256:181,6b74b583c930c644a5611a84c9….jpg)


>That's because the (((lugenpresse))) has been targeting the chans since Trump and are trying to directly link it to terrorism and many fags aren't doing their due diligence in stopping it.

Who gives a shit nigger? Let the chans burn down. When there isn't an outlet for weirdos like us on the internet they will shoot up even more schools/walmarts/etc…

We must totally topple the current order, that involves destroying the chans too. Only through blood and chaos can the world be reborn.

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>To be fair, I wouldn't use the Beer Hall Putsch as an example of accelerationism done right

Well I did and do, so I don't really care what you would do bruv.

Attempting to take over the state by force – even though failing – was a HUGE STEP in accelerating things at the time and getting the NatSoc message out there.

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rolling for 1 and 19 more

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> owner

I can't wait for IPFS and other distributed protocols. It'll really blow yer mind m8.

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You guys realize you will be shut down if this keeps happening.

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>he doesn't even know about the boomer meme

That's suspicious.

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You can open it in your browser, imbecile

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Yes that's actually part of the plan you fucking imbecile lurk for 3 more years.

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So? It's the internet retard, there's plenty of places to go

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File: 44aef93b4cfcb42⋯.gif (1.86 MB,300x296,75:74,44aef93b4cfcb42c0565e71393….gif)


>using cope unironically

>no arguments

>no proofs

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Then 9ch==>10ch==>11ch==> and so on…

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>CNN Reporter Ryan Wang

I'd argue that the NatSoc message was already out there after the massive success of Mussolini's take over. If anything I'd say Hitler probably defined it better with Mein Kampf.

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File: 8bb93a3cba5dfe4⋯.jpg (44.67 KB,350x367,350:367,350px-Flagincharredcorpse.jpg)


Brenton Tarrant and Patrick "Cleanup on Aisle 1488" Crusius did nothing wrong


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Maybe people will stop just waiting for things to happen and do something against the kikes then

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>Only through blood and chaos can the world be reborn.

You only want excuses for killing people (which isn't wrong), confess it.

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File: 834a7ed3e6d3163⋯.mp4 (5.96 MB,854x480,427:240,(((Cultural Decline))).mp4)


The chans are basically fed-monitored pressure release valves.

Close them off and see what happens. I double-dog dare you glownigger Mossad faggots kek

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File: 95a1b3c0dc26e55⋯.jpg (74.1 KB,752x529,752:529,Quick Sound Da Shofar.jpg)

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>Patrick "Cleanup on Aisle 1488" Crusius


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File: 505770ba1de9c1e⋯.png (139.31 KB,395x572,395:572,505770ba1de9c1ed975ed9afb7….png)


The eternal boomer strikes again!

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File: bba39b6f89acae4⋯.png (542.47 KB,510x760,51:76,bba39b6f89acae4edead3a0160….png)


>being this new

Shutting down 4channel/8ch is part of our plan.

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lucky 7's speak truth

everyone here worth a .01 should be running a server

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Beer Hall was the breaking point in history of the Weimar. It was when everyone started taking them seriously and gave Hitler the massive international publicity.


>How Hydra works?


Fact is, you are just a coping cretin, Screeching for arguments while providing less than zero, come on you lazy lousy nigger.

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Kill yourself cowardly subhuman, your kind is the reason why there has not been a civil war yet

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When and where did Hitler write Mein Kampf bruv?

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I'm sorry for her and your loss. This is a war against the colonization and replacement of our people, and our own people will also die in the course of events. In the American Civil War people who might have been neighbors before the war had to kill each other. Death and war is a tragedy and should always be prevented if possible, but even worse is to live and die under a false peace.

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File: a1d88c9faf23d4a⋯.png (2.51 MB,970x1610,97:161,(You) made a post.png)


>I'm only pretending

Uh huh.

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What is this even in response to?

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It's not really acceleration as much as it is build up and tensions boiling over.

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Ignorance is not bliss

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>shot of the people donating blood

>they're all women

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Why are white males so dangerous?

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File: d39b932a0188dce⋯.jpg (78.71 KB,619x412,619:412,Cut My Head Off IDGAF.jpg)

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Because you're a parasite and White men are the cure.

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how do you know he's a chanfag ?


begone 4/pol/ shill

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one resisted the other one didnt, its not rocket science nigger

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File: 490edc7af4202b9⋯.jpg (20.38 KB,521x420,521:420,skull_fuck.jpg)


>Ryan Wang

rate this wang faggot

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File: fb282b3e5c79fe3⋯.jpg (175.9 KB,1280x720,16:9,murdochmurdoch-r_thedonald.jpg)


He's literally the r/thedonald civnat guy from murdoch murdoch personified.

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File: 79a881b6ec65f33⋯.png (104.69 KB,1455x790,291:158,ClipboardImage.png)


>already btfo

>still copeposting

>gets btfo again


Go back to 4chinz

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Kek, I remember that thread. Where the fuck all that time went.

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Because we're fed up with women's and subhuman's retardation.

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All your jew damage control.

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In prison after the Beer Hall Putsch, which was my point. But the actually putsch itself didn't really accelerate it, I'd say it was naturally growing either way. But I'd also argue that the Putsch itself is different to the Manifesto-shootings of today. I'll admit I'm wrong though if I am.


It's alright man, I understand why it happens. I've always been a support and aligned with the white race and the nation, it's just a shame that it has to be like this. All I can hope is for you guys to finally free yourselves from the chains of the (((oppressors))) and live a happy life from here on after, regardless to what happens to me or my family, in the hopes all is right in the end.

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>Patrick "removes this" Crusius

>Patrick "didn't do dis" Criusus

>Partrick "6 times a hat trick" Crusius


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File: 99a95248ff4e575⋯.png (394.9 KB,540x420,9:7,mystery meat.png)

Dear burgers, what is this woman's background? Hispanic? I know she's mixed, but what is the combo? For those not watching the video, it's a weather report during the story coverage.

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MAGA dude looks like a bitch to me, definitely not a Crusader like Saint Patrick

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>In prison after the Beer Hall Putsch

<But the actually putsch itself didn't really accelerate it

Yeah that international attention and 24 day trial did nothing to accelerate things, I'm sure

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Surprised he didn't squeeze in Soph after she said use me in your next manifesto.

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>you should be skeptical of what you read in situations like this is damage control

Too much fluoride this morning?

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Thats an average white american.

Thats some mayan/aztec cunt from south of the border.

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Then we'll go to a new site or scatter in the wind and sow our seeds everywhere.

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File: 294d0fe2db3ed63⋯.jpg (136.89 KB,946x780,473:390,what the fuck is this shit.jpg)

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I'd tap that then kill it.

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Patrick "Barcode Bandito" Crusius

Patrick "Blowout Sale" Crusius

Patrick "No Blacks Friday" Crusius

Patrick "Checkout to Hell" Crusius

Patrick "Build the Wallmart" Crusius

Patrick " Tacos on their Expiration Date" Crusius

Patrick "Shopping Spree" Crusius

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parasites are not people.

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During the trial he went from a national oddity to international star, which was only enforced when he was released later.

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>It's not really acceleration

I know, but some of the other retards on here don't.

>as much as it is build up and tensions boiling over

The kikes want this to happen, easier to take over when both sides are at each others throats.

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let me spread this fake news. saged and reported on all fronts. get gassed kike.

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Is that the feminist march in Russia a few years ago?

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>muh burrito

Get out.

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File: 5ef3e15682f4454⋯.jpg (48.7 KB,707x387,707:387,no regrets.JPG)

File: 58c0dbf4edd39e0⋯.jpg (88.53 KB,1486x886,743:443,With This, I Shall Teach Y….JPG)

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Not enough rabbi cock at temple last night?

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or you can just post pngs and stop being an aspie.

ot: ffs, how many mexicans does msnbc have reporting on this???

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Look at this dangerous white man getting arrested, what an animal



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No, I'd say it made people's eyes widen but my contention was more the contrast since the Beer Hall Putsch was a march on the capital and not the violent shootings of these manifesto killers. In terms of the actual putsch, well, your examples are about the aftermath which I don't think was Hitler's attention at all. I think he expected it to work which was why I didn't think it was a good example of accelerationism.

But again, if I'm wrong I'm wrong. I'm not going to make a fuss about it.

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He is not /ourguy/ when he implicate all of us, attack meaningless ants - rather than string pulling kikes abd rats - and he is not /ourguy/ if he leaves a manifesto explaining his motivations - which only helps ZOGovernments and other adversaries underatand and combat us. And he is certainly not /ourguy/ when he surrenders himself alive.

Violence is not the preferable option, but if it must be done, and at times it must, you make sure it outweighs the consequence/retalliation. This was a waste and will hurt more than it does good.

The best /ourguys/ will be the ones never identified as such, save by their deeds. Manifestos..imbeciles, reserve those for something profound.

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Can you niggers please stop giving twitter clicks and just post the webms ffs! JFC, show some agency.

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livestream still saying that cops have not given a death toll and are implying that other reports are fake news.

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I wonder what a MCI costs the locality in which it occurs.

>police overtime

>ems overtime

>hospital staff overtime

>lost business

Has to be at least few million dollars of drain on the system.


>posts nothing of substance in the thread

Here's your last one.

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File: db04d46e0559369⋯.jpg (62.91 KB,850x400,17:8,f1ae2a9d47d4686a8b04a543b5….jpg)

File: fce4a96450cf554⋯.jpg (45.13 KB,500x500,1:1,1461215203126.jpg)

File: 4cf99c2e21ae8af⋯.jpg (53.49 KB,600x395,120:79,1167ad4be44a675bd0694a8ff5….jpg)

File: 996b312c03cbd81⋯.jpg (214.71 KB,792x732,66:61,1388966724779.jpg)

File: 2d83b092d347503⋯.png (3.03 MB,2108x972,527:243,175264cde3a7f9a149cb38900e….png)

>>13563000 (Checked)

>He states that ONLY Jews he is okay with are those who a) live outside of white countries and b) do not try to harm or subvert white countries.



<anyone want to look at this?

>Ragnar's Big Book of Homemade Weapons: Building and Keeping Your Arsenal Secure


Here is a 3rd part link to the same book. Stop being such a newfag.

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File: e36eb6a6662cfca⋯.png (262.41 KB,480x357,160:119,hello nurse.png)


On the flipside, the nurse is cute.


I was asking because I had no idea and was curious. Not everyone lives in burgerland and keeps a detailed bestiary of your local fauna and their minute differences. This guy >>13563455 seemed to have the answer and I can see it, comparing some of the features.

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File: 44865055453887e⋯.mp4 (253.09 KB,108x192,9:16,walmart_shooting_witness.mp4)


here's the nigger witness twitter fwiw

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That means there's going to be a fuck load.

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Video of the arrest was like the cop was just giving him a ride to his memaw's for dinner

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>march on the capital and not the violent shootings of these manifesto killers

Nigger come on. They went on the streets with guns with plan to shoot everything red, kike or enemy. They would, if they would picked other targets than the military first. And even then they killed at least 4 and injured many. There was fucking civil war going on, SA guys were killing commies daily on the streets and commies returned in same. There were shooting, there were stabbing, there were all kinds of violence.

Only difference is that they were in group and organized, which is level above the lone wolves.

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>webm for ants

Why is he so calm?

Why is he walking?

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>just walking around

>middle of the aisle

>not by cover

>not ducking

>not avoiding wide corner turns

That is suspicious as fuck.

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>shooting going on

>nigger has to record himself talking about what a badass he would be if circumstances were different


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Lel, fearmonger boycott of wally world perpatrick stance?

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File: 7dc15f23b4e2c08⋯.gif (834.72 KB,350x200,7:4,Delicious.gif)


Stay mad moshe your kvetching is impotent.

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I got slammed just for talking back once…

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>nigger acting like a nigger

>this is suspicious

Did you get lost on your way to another board?

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Be be too gangstuh fo reelz.


He's glowing.

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File: 66c2878dcba945e⋯.jpg (155.79 KB,727x1000,727:1000,1401083194944.jpg)


It's not like that's going to stop the redpills from flowing.

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No I agree, man. That was just the contention I had was the lone wolves vs the pack of wolves.

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>kikes gathering in ny en masse to talk about antikikeism

>"/ouguy/" decides killing walmart nobodies will benefit the white race

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For a second I thought the nigger did it when I saw the thumbnail.

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File: fcd9c54ca4f9c66⋯.mp4 (3.19 MB,720x1258,360:629,walmart_shooting_arrest.mp4)



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something is glowing

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File: 179e5fad5ae5edc⋯.jpg (71.33 KB,396x594,2:3,8b152b350f92c97a4a458b6f28….jpg)


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No I realized it's a nigger as I had just hit "New Reply".

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Your mom's eyes when I show her muh dik, wyte boi.

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Pack is always better, that is very much given. But that takes time. People are group animals, the more pressure (=acceleration) there will be, more groups will begin to form. There are already many groups who are solely preparing for such eventuality.

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It's like a really boring version of Brenton's arrest

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The theory was the basis of Renaud Camus's 2011 book The Great Replacement (French: Le Grand Remplacement). It specifically associated the presence of Muslims in France with potential danger and destruction of French culture and civilisation. By 2019, in attempting to distance his works from the theory, Camus himself labelled the Great Replacement, and the white nationalist and supremacist movements globally adopting its doctrine, as a "nephew of Nazism".

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at least put some effort into it

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File: b5a08e1019ae66f⋯.jpg (743.85 KB,1000x976,125:122,1397707090134.jpg)


7 Stages of Empire

>The Age of Pioneers

>The Age of Conquests.

>The Age of Commerce.

>The Age of Affluence.

>The Age of Intellect.

>The Age of Decadence.

<The Age of Decline & Collapse.


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This post serves only to void your sage.

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Looks like cop is just wait here son I'll be right back and we'll get you home real soon..

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Imagine how taxed the resources would be if the jews decided to make a coordinated false flag at multiple locations at the same time.

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I wouldn't doubt it, my only question is how well organized and unified are they going to be when it happens. I know some white nationalists want a complete re-do of the Reich, others want to reform the US republic back to its pre-Civil War state mixed with the 50s, other want to keep the constitution but add on to it to prevent it from corrupting so that's going to be interesting to see form out.

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>the news interview with one of them (same guy?)

"I ran out, I saw dem keeeds, but I couldn't carry them cuz I had my bags and my son nd I had ta gets out. I hope dem keeeds were ok doe."

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That's so blatantly shifty, god dammit.

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Patrick "texas red" Crusius

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Decedance and degeneracy aren't alone in just one phase, they existed in the Age of Reason also

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Maybe they'll stop by Burger King and get him the Dylan combo meal on the way.

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It's just the start of open conflict, the sooner non-whites are genocided the sooner whites can rebuild and deal with the jew once and for all.

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File: ccd1a957df0ea09⋯.png (1.29 MB,1278x719,1278:719,ClipboardImage.png)

My biggest concern is for the white victims in El Paso.

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File: 5708376264731af⋯.jpg (603.09 KB,1793x540,1793:540,1457302459787-4.jpg)

File: 6c953df293adb26⋯.jpg (263.58 KB,1920x529,1920:529,1420481165949.jpg)

File: 8870514287ba939⋯.png (59.27 KB,590x324,295:162,1384382188407.png)

File: d167ef889031a37⋯.png (169.33 KB,999x442,999:442,d167ef889031a37e9ba8adcd2a….png)

File: 7c4546cbd0ccc05⋯.png (150.5 KB,794x379,794:379,7c4546cbd0ccc05bf138b7ccb2….png)


That's not how it works.

Energy must be expressed, close one gate and another fountain will form.

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8/pol is incel shooter central now. ImKikey should've never been removed.

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That is a valid point. But pressure and general mayhem has a way of unifying people under a common banner. Comfort and abundance does the opposite.

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File: 7a8afca33911dc5⋯.png (582.96 KB,732x720,61:60,7a8afca33911dc5fc15837233b….png)

>some kid removes more beaners in 20 minutes than Trump has in 3 years….

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The future of politics is terrorism.

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Literal 56% meme face

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File: 29c27bc78ebee10⋯.jpg (46.46 KB,400x414,200:207,a1418dd5387264a5000e432ea2….jpg)

File: c6889f72f163c45⋯.jpg (101.2 KB,680x830,68:83,8c5869eac1f117a8ec64721b44….jpg)




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File: 16b0a3a1b4f5802⋯.jpg (40.9 KB,438x600,73:100,1511742548139.jpg)

I believe that 8chan is being used by federal agents and intelligence organizations for their own purposes. They are hijacking you.

Not to criticize anybody here, your heart is in the right place. But notice how you are constantly attacking people on your own side, tearing into right wing e-celebs and organizations, rather than focusing on the left. Again, I won't fault you for doing this, these people are scum, but it's just curious that all your energy is being directed along this route.

Also, the emphasis on extreme radical violence. Who does this benefit? I mean how many Rothschilds have you killed so far? None, so you're accomplishing nothing. It's only a detriment to your own side. Again, I can't help but feel like this is being provoked because it benefits these intelligence agencies.

This is just my perspective. I love you guys, but I can't help noticing this.

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La creatura

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File: 50a2b36b2cc40a9⋯.gif (1.23 MB,331x299,331:299,spicer smug.gif)

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Trump has removed zero beaners because deportations do not work if you don't have border security, so this kid did infinitely better than Trump ever will

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>stop exposing the Judeo-Bolshevik ecelebs using the Right!

>just focus on the Left!

I don't think so. Do not violence, expose every Bad Actor.

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File: c2a94f0cf330353⋯.jpg (222.79 KB,1200x1600,3:4,thumbs_up.jpg)

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your gaslight is too bright

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It's said (I heard a Hungarian professor at Yale say this about the 1848 revolutions) that statistically people are less likely to commit suicide during violent political events.

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Trump is Jesus, you motherfucking retarded rabbi.

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File: 5826bf6f43bf189⋯.jpg (40.67 KB,599x601,599:601,5826bf6f43bf1898bbecf3304a….jpg)

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Yeah but unfortunately Trump-The-Jew is gonna shill even harder for spics cause that's his nature

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Geh sterben du braunäugiger Mamser.

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Why such shitty 4cuck tier posts?

Go back to cuckchan.

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>the nurse is cute.

Shes only cute because of her above average percentage of European blood.

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>how many Rothschilds have you killed

This exact talking point has been used over and over again by kike shills ever since Saint Tarrant kicked off the new age of white ultraviolence. KYS

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File: ccf86fb4d06493b⋯.pdf (353.84 KB,The Fate of Empires & Sear….pdf)


Source with proof;


>pdf related

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File: a2802f097234d33⋯.png (113.22 KB,409x341,409:341,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 3f5f2e04fe2316d⋯.png (226.24 KB,411x767,411:767,ClipboardImage.png)


CMF Global Risk is very kiked.

>cares about Israeli gangsters murdered in Mexico

>calls the Walmart shooter a white supremacist terrorist when it's obiously a kike.

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Cause cuckchan is here

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>it's obviously a kike

No, it's not.

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stop spreading fake news, nigger. reported for everything.

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hurr everyone is a kike

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File: a44da35b57459b0⋯.png (75.84 KB,233x255,233:255,smug.png)


Trumpniggers on suicide watch

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Good one. Go smoke another bowl.

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File: 225b86f1c6f0078⋯.jpg (62.1 KB,859x1024,859:1024,225b86f1c6f00787ea15dccde5….jpg)


beaner removal purge soon

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Police have confirmed only one death, but other reports are saying anywhere between 20-40 as well as additional casualties. Didn't we see at least 4 in the video of the parking lot?

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>Everyone is a jew because I say so

Jews don't shoot guns cause kikes have no warrior spirit in them

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reported for fucking everything. die chomo.

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Police doesn't want to confirm the reports of media outlets that there over a dozen deaths AT LEAST.

This means it has been a slaughterhouse in that shartmart.

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File: fcc3aa71259389c⋯.jpg (24.8 KB,700x700,1:1,fcc3aa71259389c49e8f118ef3….jpg)

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>Police have confirmed only one death

That's bullshit

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he never named the zogs

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Of salvia?

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File: 434c38289c878e1⋯.png (158.23 KB,730x800,73:80,angel.png)

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How do you know he even wrote it

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lol, I forgot about this oldie. I hope the next mass shooter takes a whip with him. Would be great to see some whipping action on some random thots between killing jews and niggers, all live streamed in 4K.

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It's pussy riot being typical women outside the Winter Olympics when they had them

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Whatever gets you there, bro.

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How do you know that you're not living in an illusion called the Matrix?

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That only one person died is bullshit, but police only confirming one death is accurate. They're covering, and I think it's because there are going to be more than people are expecting. There was a lot of shooting in the nigger's video. I could be wrong though.

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Probably because people feel like they can enact change in their lives, even if only a bit while a part of a much larget group rather than how people feel today rotting away in this dystopia.

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Yea I'm thinking the same thing. It's going to be a fucking nightmare for them to release the facts. That's why they were asking for blood.

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Gets me where? Wouldn't I need a car or can't I just walk?

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Women are pathetic

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That's a chunky mexican. It's harder to tell because she wisely is in all black, but yeah, that's what passes for a skinny mexican in Texas because they are all so short and fat. We call it "Houston Average" where I'm at.

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they confirmed nothing you motherfucking lying faggot.

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Trump already did he made a twatter post about muh poor dead beaners

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Sounds like shootings have a positive effect on potential suicide victims.

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Proof its not a false flag:

>media is silent about the motive (fascist combative action against invaders)

>media is silent about the death count

If it was a false flag, they would be screaming about ebul white nazies non-stop by now. But nothing. They are afraid.

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Just report botspam.

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this is one big stone-walled article that just says the same thing over and over again but worded differently. had this been a legitimate paper written by someone who read "the great replacement" or started attacking illegals just because they were illegals, this person would be dropping redpills about the blatant white genocide that is being "OKed" by our elite.

>attacking illegals because they're invaders

okay, and? did he attack them because they were being intrusive on our american values(sarcasm here)"because we're a big ol melting pot of diversity and inclusion"? Or did he attack them because they are basically replacing the ones who conquered this nation?

>muh jobs

>muh automation

>muh left-right dichotomy

This reads like a script from southpark, and in no way does it reflect any interest on the main reasons ==WHY== we're being replaced: white genocide

I'm saying false flag and a prepped script written by some interns after browsing here for a few months, taking what they can and not really bringing forth anything substantial.

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Of course he did, not surprised

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>its not a false flag cause it isn't a false flag

wew what logic. much brain.

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You have 47 posts itt all trying to argue it's not a false flag. (((You))) are heavily invested in perception management, Officer Kikenstein.

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File: 51da36b4865a89d⋯.jpg (231.73 KB,961x720,961:720,1fe104e8dacf8b3c47b139425f….jpg)


The fact that Stephan Ernst, an actual hero, received practically no respect or recognition here and that he isn't being aggressively used as the prime example to follow, while spergy nitwiths who shoot up malls are being lionized as ebin ween meme lords should be all you need to see to know that we are very intentionally being steered down the wrong path here.

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File: 34a70a47a2d363a⋯.jpg (26.43 KB,380x484,95:121,notYourAverageposter.JPG)


top kek

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I can't float. Nobody can do that.

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>There was a lot of shooting in the nigger's video.

There were 9 shots in total in the video. I wouldn't count that as a lot. No screams either which is quite odd.

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>s-s-stop talking about it, goyim!!

Back in the oven with your bearded overlords, glownigger.

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It wasn't a false flag retard. It was just some normal guy sick of seeing his country over run with beaners. Why is everything a false flag with you people? El Paso is 83% beaner

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It depends on your score. Ernst only killed a grandma jew.

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If it was a false flag, they would have prepared a narrative, just like they did for 9/11, shit for brains.


And you have (3) posts, but apparently read all my posts.

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It's funny because this would be prime material for them to start blaming Trump and his rhetoric, but at the same time they don't want people to get any ideas.

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Agreed Stephen Ernst did nothing wrong and if your ever going commit a shooting kill an actual person with power

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Why are white males so violent?

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You're pushing the narrative too hard causing you to glow. Just a heads-up.

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Screams expose your position, not that people are always rational in those situations.

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Different Ernst. The one in that pic is a German who killed a politician.

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Thats how you know this place is becoming cuckchan

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>jew written all over

>not false flag

much brain. many smarts.


>this leddit spacing

you have to go back.

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File: 8ddf51131f625ab⋯.jpg (186.95 KB,1199x751,1199:751,the_problem.jpg)

oh look another "4chan 8chan" criminal who does nothing of use and claims to love this website and doesn't even name the jew

my god cianiggers are retarded

>mfw they thought the gamer revolution was an actual armed insurrection and shit out their own shooter

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You're not even trying.

Put the pipe down. Have a ciagarette.

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File: 1881140e01d8a9b⋯.jpg (306.49 KB,1181x1200,1181:1200,5b3f362b-910b-4476-8c6e-e8….jpg)

The true incel uprising must be beginning. The Old Man would be proud.

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I'm not pushing anything, it's the opposite infact, false flag retards are always the ones mass spamming here

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File: dd4b3b69bd0d747⋯.png (87.18 KB,417x258,139:86,I have seen the gnashing o….png)


>he doesn't even know who I'm talking about.

Case in fucking point. Wrong Ernst, brainlet.

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Eh. Two points;

1) normies aren't ready to name the jew, let alone kill the jew

2) normies ARE ready to kill the spic, shitskin, nigger etc.

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>3 posts and you read all of mine

it's called lurking, some newfags still do it before posting, others like yourself just spout shit whenever you feel like just to derail a thread you don't like.

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Ernst didn't receive near enough coverage, he's not recognized because his crime was so localized.

Don't get me wrong now, Saint Ernst is my phone background, I recognize his deed fully.

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He received recognition, dude. That story is still relatively fresh too.


>grandma jew

He killed a traitor politician

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>nothing of use

Are you sure about that?

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I mean jesus christ just look at this fags post and tell me this isn't some retard straight from 4chan

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>not using a pipe to smoke tobacco

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File: 9d517ff91774439⋯.png (280.17 KB,647x363,647:363,39583e342eeb41b5e87ede9d8c….png)


>causing you to glow.


The people trying to discourage violence and the people who call other posters "glow niggers" are usually FBI/CIA deradicalization shills. The goverment is trying to PREVENT you from shooting the invaders.

The other explanation is they are simply cowards.

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Negates the claim than handguns are actually used for most crimes

>suspect taken alive with no police shots fired

Negates the good guy with a gun claim


Gun grabbers will claim gun laws are too lax and beaners were targeted

>white male

of course

They listened to the arguments and created a false flag that checks all the boxes for things they couldn't argue with.

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this TBH

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>I'm not pushing anything


Ok, officer.

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That's because this is a war of attrition, if we have a k/d of 1/1 then we will all die out before even putting a dent in the brown horde, if we get a k/d of 50/0 or 1, then we could cleanse entire cities in a matter of hours. And the entire world in a matter of months or years.

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Stephan Ernst, not John Earnest.

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And now you with (2) posts reply to me… nice proxy, chaim. Your asshurt is hilarious.

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19 people were killed and 40 injured!


(still archiving)


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>2) normies ARE ready to kill the spic, shitskin, nigger etc.

So they're at least purplepilled enough to defend themselves against the attack dog, but not yet redpilled enough to recognize the master holding the leash.

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File: 77cf20d5214f7e0⋯.jpg (6.79 KB,184x273,184:273,77cf20d5214f7e0bee46cce164….jpg)

File: e49efff4ce698e1⋯.png (35.44 KB,700x700,1:1,e49efff4ce698e191b5892df33….png)

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File: 35c3b9579225076⋯.jpg (193.51 KB,1200x1057,1200:1057,HH.jpg)


Yes I'm absolutely positively sure that nothing of use was done here besides more attempted branding of "8chan" as a "white power terrorist website." Fuckoff you retarded shlomo with the 30 fake accounts who always do this when your little fake attack happens to make this site look like aspies for hire.

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There was this other thread that is now gone. I planned on posting this.

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I don't think that's true either. The funny thing is that FBI/CIA don't actually post here, even if they might lurk.

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What about race war and ethnic cleansing?

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Wasn't Harold always against shootings, because he wanted to see those lads joining NWF instead?


You got it backwards. The fact Saint Ernst wasn't praised here too much is because it just has lower fallout than ventilating 50 sandniggs or something similar. This was reflected media even after the WWI, it's not something new. Finally, this is not A or B game, this is A AND B one.

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I've always thought people that have rendered support to our race and country should be allowed to stay, since we're just trying to stop the Jew run demographic replacement of our people. Some hardliners might disagree, but I think righteousness and loyalty to the cause, especially in these early days, makes a person honorary. It's something I wish more people would consider.

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>killing spics isn't useful

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File: 96db86aa43bc601⋯.jpg (65.06 KB,600x458,300:229,weev fbi tactics.jpg)


>the FBI, who entraps anons to commit violence, are the ones telling anons to not commit violence

seems legit

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>the funny thing is that FBI/CIA don't actually post here

t. FBI

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File: 2c5309eae8eb02a⋯.jpg (63.72 KB,564x423,4:3,8chan.jpg)


you were saying?

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How naive are you? The FBI doesn't catch terrorists, they create them.

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>no arguments

>posting like halfchan retard

Please leave.

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Not referring to a garlic festival.

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Advocating violence =/= trying to meet up to commit violence (honeypot)

Kill yourself you dishonest fednigger

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When you're at the point of killing yourself, you often feel many things, despairing at how your life feels like it's at the bottom of an unclimbable pit, how others could be better off without you, how your death could benefit others (with life insurance payouts, for example).

Some people manage to crawl out of that hole with friends and family, or end up killing their emotions with (((pharmaceuticals))) prescribed to them if they fail or end up being "helped". With an upheaval, instead, people can see change, maybe for the better, and that gives them hope, and that could be the push they need to lift themselves out, with or without help.

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File: f2f321bec6fac89⋯.jpg (33.57 KB,256x274,128:137,DL0Mjs4X0AAss72.jpg)

its kinda sad that all shootings are staged someone start some shit please

and please do name the jew this time

in fact shoot up jews instead of muslims

muslims want to kill jews too its kinda counter productive we can always shoot them later

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They don't do either.

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It will have to do, leave the jews to the likes of the modern SS, we need riflemen to fight the bulk.

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No, anon. It's the clowns who do that shit.

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File: 48b4e6c015ad1b2⋯.jpg (277.97 KB,1200x1596,100:133,1550616235691.jpg)


Oh look a juden scum thinks white people are retarded enough to think killing a dozen random members of a demographic has done something inspirational.

ffs just get a real job and stop being a subversive shitstain

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Feds advocate violence on /pol/ all the time hoping anons say something incriminating. There has been entire threads on this subject. Try not giving yourself a (you) this time, officer.

Do no violence, expose bad actors.

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Spic on spic violence, somehow this is /pol/ issues now.

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How is that retarded at all? It's clearly working. lol

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8chan is a board of peace!

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This is like the Brenton Tarrant threads all over again. I'm getting tired of that shit. Just filter all this vermin that suddenly crawled here shortly after more invaders got killed.

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>Tarrant was fake because he didn't targeted the kikes

>Earnest was fake because he targeted the kikes

>sandniggers are our friends, believe me, ignore they are replacing, murdering and killing us

>pls do it all for me while I sit at home

You are the most pathetic sad bag of dicks.

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>get a real job

kike, if you kill your enemies they die.

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You're thinking of Ernest, not Ernst. Ernst removed a German politician who pushed for the flood of muslim invaders.

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File: d3d7727efec38bb⋯.png (1.69 MB,1276x675,1276:675,ClipboardImage.png)

Attention whores show up to attention whore. This is the time you need a follow-up while the police manage the other situation.

>one shooter hits a soft target

>police get called

>wait for the crowed of signalers to show up

>shooter 2: electric boogaloo

Military used the same tactic when drone striking in Afghanistan.

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File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB,300x186,50:31,this.gif)

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>hoping anons say something incriminating

And what will be the outcome if they do?

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File: 312a26b256c6c88⋯.png (130.54 KB,720x900,4:5,Our mods.png)

Just got banned from 4chan for saying this is a mossad operation from 8chan, don't listen to shills who try to bring rift between the two /pol/. Some cuckchan mods are /ourguys/

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File: 0c1d79f7978aafa⋯.png (273.77 KB,640x223,640:223,mestizo.png)


Mexican Indian, Spaniard and a splash of converso jew.

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File: 7ac3f863c7ca6bf⋯.jpeg (269.87 KB,1024x707,1024:707,culture.jpeg)



they REALLY think white people are this retarded lol


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File: dbf7405fe91f778⋯.png (262.01 KB,322x360,161:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: dbf7405fe91f778⋯.png (262.01 KB,322x360,161:180,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 46a5553699be47b⋯.png (356.26 KB,360x342,20:19,ClipboardImage.png)

false flag tbh

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If violence comes from anyone on full chan, it would be the qtards. They are the most gullible and stupid people on the interwebs.

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We're told that after the war

The Nazis vanished without a trace

But battalions of fascists

Still dream of a master race

The history books they tell

But they all came out of the woodwork

On the day the Nazi died

They say the prisoner at Spandau

Was a symbol of defeat

Whilst Hess remained imprisoned

And the fascists; they were beat

So the promise of an Aryan world

Would never materialize

So why did they all come out of the woodwork

On the day the Nazi died

The world is riddled with maggots

The maggots are getting fat

They're making a tasty meal of all

The bosses and bureaucrats

They're taking over the boardrooms

And they're fat and full of pride

And they all came out of the woodwork

On the day the Nazi died

So if you meet with these historians

I'll tell you what to say

Tell them that the Nazis

Never really went away

They're out there burning houses down

And peddling racist lies

And we'll never rest again…

Until every Nazi dies…

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Personally I can assure you I am not derailing.

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>you're retarded for wanting a race war

Again, how is that retarded? It's clearly going to have to happen at some point if whites want to keep control.

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Caps niggers really need to be banned.

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File: 29c1198ef349e4e⋯.mp4 (5.31 MB,476x476,1:1,15ed9f1aa3a2da341cc8ccb57d….mp4)

>>13563780 the only reason why sand niggers are replacing us is because the jews openly let them

get the source first get the muslims to help you then we can kill the sand people

ever notice how they never shoot niggers and only muslims ? even though muslims collectivly killed more jews than anyone else

take the problem by the source then sweep out the remmenants fucking fed

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Good tactic. You might wanna start it off with explosives in minecraft, then start the shooting at creepers.

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what would be the benefit of such a false flag ? how does it compare to the implications of the attack being genuine ?

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>this narrative again

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Class War, not race war you fucking capitalist shill

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Doesn't sound like you're being honest.

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You are going to be shot by a white man you will never even see in the street, next to your comrades who are literally shitting themselves as you bleed out, abandoned in the street. Your corpse will be mangled as tanks with swastikas drive over you and your dead friends.

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why'd he change pants?

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File: fcc9b2525bc4ab8⋯.png (175.94 KB,415x352,415:352,purelycoincidence.png)


oh look, a timothy-mcvey-aged white male who yells about a "gamer revolution" like a retard brandishing a "russian" looking weapon who claims to love 8chan and doesn't even name the jew

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Nice murder fantasy anon. Where did you get it? Turner Diaries?

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>because the jews whites openly let them


They can't replace and kill you if they're dead.

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File: cdb6db5f67f99eb⋯.jpeg (29.75 KB,637x358,637:358,download.jpeg)

Psychic blades hunt down to the bone - seeking those that would kill. Be warned. Be hunted.

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Why is the sky falling?

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File: db6f1afa82844f9⋯.png (29.93 KB,419x259,419:259,2.PNG)

File: bc3386a8cce38da⋯.png (460.83 KB,1652x968,413:242,2222.png)

I am from and reside in El Paso. Ask questions or ask for proof and I will do my best to provide

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yeah this

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Low kill count. Do better next time.

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File: 92c89bbb761b5de⋯.png (1.3 MB,1274x706,637:353,ClipboardImage.png)

Thankfully this 16 year old white hispanic girl wasn't harmed.


>yells about a "gamer revolution"

Nigger did you believe the prank call?

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Fuck off with (((your))) D&C.

There are two and only two colored pills. It's red or blue.

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He was only visited because he contacted them first because he wanted good boy points for reporting the St. Tarrant thread.

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You can't murder someone who isn't human, commie.

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>announcing your filter

Almost like you're trying to downvote me or something.

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Cops now confirming multiple fatalities, not saying how many. At least 20 "victims" at area hospitals.

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Kike.poster confirmed.


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File: f95bb1f581cc7ef⋯.jpg (22.96 KB,226x239,226:239,3bbe26aee54f33a6086e09fc9b….jpg)

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Reposting this book because it pisses of the glowniggers ITT




Find more of this on /k/

We want YOU

to dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

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CNN already stated 19 dead and 25+ injured nigger

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I was going to make the same joke, except that Drumpf has apparently managed to deport some ~30 beaners – which, in fairness, is greater than ~20.

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File: 1be20bc8470bee9⋯.jpg (75.16 KB,2014x954,19:9,EA1rc17UcAAilcp.jpg)

im going to call false flag on everything that doesn't

1 mention the jews

2 thinks that shit like gamer revolution is serious

3 doesnt kill jews

4doesnt kill niggers

5 anyone that only kills muslims is a fucking jew psyop jews actually want muslims gone because muslims are like the only ones fighting jews right now

stand up fight for your life

he who desires but acts not breeds nothing but pestilence what are you waiting for? they will take you in alive if everyone starts shooting shit they wont know what to do

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>he contacted them first

No he didn't. He said something positive about Tarrant and got a nice little visit. Are you pretending the 100s of anons ITT are so new they weren't here for that? The video itself has the agents explaining why they contacted him. Who the fuck is hiring you guys? Need to be fired.

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>they got the cuck major on repeat

No, el paso isn't "the strongest place in the world", cucknigger

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Different news sources are reporting different numbers. NBC said they are only reporting on what the police are willing to confirm.

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>not posting the actual pdf ITT

links =/= files you stupid niggers.

Post the fucking file here or don't say anything.

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File: 2ec507815144ce7⋯.jpg (14.93 KB,504x350,36:25,eb13a608db0a5fa1ef5068d477….jpg)

I heard he's part of some weird neonazi LARPer group calling themselves Zeon and trying to wipe out the (((newtypes))).

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>gamer revolution

That was a prank call from the chans, you fucking retard. Filtered.

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Feel free to drop reading material into the /pol/ book thread of all sorts.

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>implying the video is real

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File: ff7f275ba679f66⋯.jpg (183.89 KB,497x1024,497:1024,1558222553537.jpg)

File: 214c75449216045⋯.png (243.79 KB,1683x646,99:38,On muslims and Jews.png)

Stop being illiterate American. You niggers always somehow seem to miss roughly last 1300 years of European x Sandshit conflict. Jews and Muslims are in it together, it's not like kikes are pushing otherwise poor and good muslims into this. They are both equally guilty. One by orchestrating it and other one by doing it. This is not A or B issue, this is A AND B issue, stop making false dilemmas. Both

And no you fucking illiterate, Muslims did not kill more Jews than anyone else. They however worked for centuries together against the Europe.

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He certainly had his time in the sun when it was first being reported and when he was arrested. I remember at least 2-3 dedicated threads on this board and him being discussed on other boards plentifully. But I agree, he should get more recognition Americans ruining everything as always

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@mods can we get a cyclical

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Both must go and both must go at the same time. One can also be used against the other.

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Your a /pol/fag who thinks that he is part of the "Master Race". The left is armed these days and we will massacre you in the civil war.

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i meant more so in general you jidf nigger >>13563880

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>literally thinks the prank call posted in this thread is real

God damn.

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Is there some logical reason why /pol/ should assume it's fake? Explain.

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>Having to put on a suit and tie, carry a briefcase

>To shitpost on a message board/honeypot

Sounds like a dream job, tbh fam

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Everything is fake.

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remember how brenton mentioned spyro 3 and the press took it seriously?

i was more so reffering to shit like that in general

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look up "fake FBI badge", it's actually against the law to impersonate a federal agent

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>Who the fuck is hiring you guys? Need to be fired.

You are one dense motherfucker, did you even watch the goddamned video you kikeposter? No, you fucking didn't, they contacted him in response to a report he filed with them!

Fuck, why won't you yid fucks just piss off?

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How is that evidence the video is fake? You aren't making any sense, officer.

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