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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: c5bb4d9f5de25c7⋯.png (438.74 KB,768x997,768:997,ClipboardImage.png)

 No.13562492 [View All]


>/ourguy/ shoots up a walmart in El Paso

>kikes whining live


>dead spics, killcount potentially still rising

>livestream got trolled

701 posts and 198 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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>this narrative again

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Class War, not race war you fucking capitalist shill

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Doesn't sound like you're being honest.

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You are going to be shot by a white man you will never even see in the street, next to your comrades who are literally shitting themselves as you bleed out, abandoned in the street. Your corpse will be mangled as tanks with swastikas drive over you and your dead friends.

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why'd he change pants?

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File: fcc9b2525bc4ab8⋯.png (175.94 KB,415x352,415:352,purelycoincidence.png)


oh look, a timothy-mcvey-aged white male who yells about a "gamer revolution" like a retard brandishing a "russian" looking weapon who claims to love 8chan and doesn't even name the jew

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Nice murder fantasy anon. Where did you get it? Turner Diaries?

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>because the jews whites openly let them


They can't replace and kill you if they're dead.

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File: cdb6db5f67f99eb⋯.jpeg (29.75 KB,637x358,637:358,download.jpeg)

Psychic blades hunt down to the bone - seeking those that would kill. Be warned. Be hunted.

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Why is the sky falling?

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File: db6f1afa82844f9⋯.png (29.93 KB,419x259,419:259,2.PNG)

File: bc3386a8cce38da⋯.png (460.83 KB,1652x968,413:242,2222.png)

I am from and reside in El Paso. Ask questions or ask for proof and I will do my best to provide

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yeah this

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Low kill count. Do better next time.

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File: 92c89bbb761b5de⋯.png (1.3 MB,1274x706,637:353,ClipboardImage.png)

Thankfully this 16 year old white hispanic girl wasn't harmed.


>yells about a "gamer revolution"

Nigger did you believe the prank call?

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Fuck off with (((your))) D&C.

There are two and only two colored pills. It's red or blue.

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He was only visited because he contacted them first because he wanted good boy points for reporting the St. Tarrant thread.

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You can't murder someone who isn't human, commie.

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>announcing your filter

Almost like you're trying to downvote me or something.

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Cops now confirming multiple fatalities, not saying how many. At least 20 "victims" at area hospitals.

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Kike.poster confirmed.


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File: f95bb1f581cc7ef⋯.jpg (22.96 KB,226x239,226:239,3bbe26aee54f33a6086e09fc9b….jpg)

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Reposting this book because it pisses of the glowniggers ITT




Find more of this on /k/

We want YOU

to dehumanize yourself and face to bloodshed

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CNN already stated 19 dead and 25+ injured nigger

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I was going to make the same joke, except that Drumpf has apparently managed to deport some ~30 beaners – which, in fairness, is greater than ~20.

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File: 1be20bc8470bee9⋯.jpg (75.16 KB,2014x954,19:9,EA1rc17UcAAilcp.jpg)

im going to call false flag on everything that doesn't

1 mention the jews

2 thinks that shit like gamer revolution is serious

3 doesnt kill jews

4doesnt kill niggers

5 anyone that only kills muslims is a fucking jew psyop jews actually want muslims gone because muslims are like the only ones fighting jews right now

stand up fight for your life

he who desires but acts not breeds nothing but pestilence what are you waiting for? they will take you in alive if everyone starts shooting shit they wont know what to do

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>he contacted them first

No he didn't. He said something positive about Tarrant and got a nice little visit. Are you pretending the 100s of anons ITT are so new they weren't here for that? The video itself has the agents explaining why they contacted him. Who the fuck is hiring you guys? Need to be fired.

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>they got the cuck major on repeat

No, el paso isn't "the strongest place in the world", cucknigger

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Different news sources are reporting different numbers. NBC said they are only reporting on what the police are willing to confirm.

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>not posting the actual pdf ITT

links =/= files you stupid niggers.

Post the fucking file here or don't say anything.

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File: 2ec507815144ce7⋯.jpg (14.93 KB,504x350,36:25,eb13a608db0a5fa1ef5068d477….jpg)

I heard he's part of some weird neonazi LARPer group calling themselves Zeon and trying to wipe out the (((newtypes))).

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>gamer revolution

That was a prank call from the chans, you fucking retard. Filtered.

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Feel free to drop reading material into the /pol/ book thread of all sorts.

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>implying the video is real

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File: ff7f275ba679f66⋯.jpg (183.89 KB,497x1024,497:1024,1558222553537.jpg)

File: 214c75449216045⋯.png (243.79 KB,1683x646,99:38,On muslims and Jews.png)

Stop being illiterate American. You niggers always somehow seem to miss roughly last 1300 years of European x Sandshit conflict. Jews and Muslims are in it together, it's not like kikes are pushing otherwise poor and good muslims into this. They are both equally guilty. One by orchestrating it and other one by doing it. This is not A or B issue, this is A AND B issue, stop making false dilemmas. Both

And no you fucking illiterate, Muslims did not kill more Jews than anyone else. They however worked for centuries together against the Europe.

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He certainly had his time in the sun when it was first being reported and when he was arrested. I remember at least 2-3 dedicated threads on this board and him being discussed on other boards plentifully. But I agree, he should get more recognition Americans ruining everything as always

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@mods can we get a cyclical

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Both must go and both must go at the same time. One can also be used against the other.

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Your a /pol/fag who thinks that he is part of the "Master Race". The left is armed these days and we will massacre you in the civil war.

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i meant more so in general you jidf nigger >>13563880

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>literally thinks the prank call posted in this thread is real

God damn.

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Is there some logical reason why /pol/ should assume it's fake? Explain.

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>Having to put on a suit and tie, carry a briefcase

>To shitpost on a message board/honeypot

Sounds like a dream job, tbh fam

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Everything is fake.

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remember how brenton mentioned spyro 3 and the press took it seriously?

i was more so reffering to shit like that in general

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look up "fake FBI badge", it's actually against the law to impersonate a federal agent

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>Who the fuck is hiring you guys? Need to be fired.

You are one dense motherfucker, did you even watch the goddamned video you kikeposter? No, you fucking didn't, they contacted him in response to a report he filed with them!

Fuck, why won't you yid fucks just piss off?

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How is that evidence the video is fake? You aren't making any sense, officer.

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