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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: 94967f6c2b295d0⋯.png (54.71 KB,606x618,101:103,Capture1.PNG)

File: b6a1702ba4a0db8⋯.jpg (513.63 KB,1920x1080,16:9,sun tzu.jpg)

 No.13566498 [Last50 Posts]


Or retards like the journalist in the picture are going to pressure Jim into deleting the board. second pic related: how the media will attempt to smear 8chan. Dear stormfags: If you want to post a manifesto do it on a TORchan, they won't delete your post, and after the fact some anon will screenshot it and the media will know.

ITT: we post alternative services for shooters post their "glorious" thoughts

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If this site still stays after this incident it fully confirms it is run by feds and we all know jimbo is a mason fednigger.This place will further become a tool during Trump's second term like the anonymous faggots in obongo nigger's second term.

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i'm pretty sure monkeychan or some pedochan would allow it because they have shit mods, but the issue is of course whether the file would get noticed at all or deleted. the mods here did a good job by deleting the manifesto immediately, but of course anons will try to recover the information.

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File: c58cf0785ef6b9e⋯.jpg (61.43 KB,500x384,125:96,f1b9e05c1ded9b613f21799209….jpg)

File: 7c1c7b73d28f9ff⋯.jpg (460.08 KB,1075x723,1075:723,d26bd1125427ed418d0da2e26f….jpg)

File: 4439a23a734cad5⋯.mp4 (6.86 MB,264x480,11:20,mexican brain bucket.mp4)

File: 10da2d436717c30⋯.jpg (44.45 KB,567x386,567:386,b7f2c26c09279760f86b361b97….jpg)


>the mods here did a good job by deleting the manifesto immediately,

Fucking kill yourself nigger. Fuck the mods for deleting it. Fuck you for supporting that bullshit.

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>Stupid checkmark chink gets the idea to fuck up our Cloudflare

>muh-hate speaches

>muh-violent propaganda

OP blames the Spic and Span Shooter.

OP is clearly a faggot.

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These are phony false flags, complete with 'planted' manifestos! Get a clue already!

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hold the fuck up, sauce?

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I can see your post history and this is the second post you have ever made on this website.

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You must be awfully bad at tracking people!

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Oh no, Jim will delete the board!?! Where else will we go to get banned by retarded mods?

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File: d9710077f063e52⋯.jpg (41.83 KB,234x400,117:200,dehumanize yourself.jpg)

This. You aren't going to out-shitpost an australian. Don't be a copycat.

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File: 9c3d88733ae3c21⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1536x2709,512:903,manifesto.jpg)


here you go

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the media has been smearing the chans since the mid 2000's and literally nothing has happened (except FBI). quit being such a fag.

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seriously stop doing this shit.

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Shooter looks like a literal deep fake or just a nerd virgin incel

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File: c64bd0b5d7b4474⋯.jpg (87.05 KB,720x900,4:5,c64bd0b5d7b44741b8a867eb98….jpg)

>oy vey shut it down!

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Their posting their “manifestos” here to shut down Qresearch.

Come at me abc niggers

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File: 7ed20e3e521afda⋯.jpg (117.52 KB,1145x680,229:136,shimamoto-h30-1018-sc-low.jpg)

Why is every shooter such a retard? They go for literally nothingburger targets. When will they realize that politicians and (((elites))) are the problem?

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That isn't his picture. Stop spreading misinformation moshie.


Nobody gives a shit about >>>/qresearch/ because its total bullshit. Get out boomer.

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>the shooter doesn’t look jewish goyim

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File: b2720e586bae1fa⋯.png (502.25 KB,507x477,169:159,ClipboardImage.png)


No, he looks like a mixed spic.

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does this mean if you post a manifesto on here the FBI will come talk to you. Even if its a bunch of fake satire bullshit?

damn thats pretty crazy to think about

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>trust me goy he isn’t Jewish

Over 20% of Mexicans have Jewish DNA, fednigger

This spic looks Jewish.

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>how the media will attempt to smear 8chan

They already hate this place and want to delete it.

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>This spic looks Jewish.

>nu/pol/ 2019

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imagine if this board got flooded with a few hundred fake manifestos per day, the FBI would never be able to do their job.


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Which stormfags are you advising this bullshit with faggot?

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==SUM TING WONG!==>>13566498

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Don't post manifestos here?

WTF else is 8chan good for???

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File: f1c0a99301cc6f6⋯.png (895.58 KB,1064x596,266:149,Palmdale_Shooter.png)


>Why is every shooter such a retard? They go for literally nothingburger targets. When will they realize that politicians and (((elites))) are the problem?

Genuinely good question. Pity it will be buried by the shills. Let me see if I can answer you.

What we are seeing, and what we have been seeing for some years now, is the tip of a huge iceberg. The conditions under which we live are intolerable to any thinking person, but taking direct action is extremely difficult for a variety of reasons.

The first and most serious reason is that we have been heavily conditioned to not act in the way we must to survive. First, we must see our race, then we must re-learn our history with us as the good guys, and finally we must cross the psychological threshold between blackpill despair and action that brings catharsis and real change to society.

Our schools, media and peers all work against this psychic journey, and it took us all a huge effort of the will to make the trip by ourselves. Easily 99% of /pol/ is currently inactive, shoot-wise, but we are the most prepared people on the continent for industrial scale genocide, which we will immediately do if somebody gives us the thumbs-up.

The shooters we've seen tend to be sociopathic losers because that's the exact personality that doesn't need permission. The inhibiting education and daily influences from all around us no longer work on them, and the reason the demoralizing propaganda no longer works on them is that they've become deranged. They were the first men to break, and the first symptom was the direct action of murder.

Unfortunately, the shooters' paradox is that the very limitations that make them bad receptacles for conditioning into peaceful extinction also make them generally poor leaders and lame target analysts. They still learn from each other, though. We've seen the seemingly random progression from office and school shootings to churches, liberal get-togethers, and then mosques and a synagogue. The shooters are learning from one another, each one thinking about how he would have done it better, and then doing it. Gradually, they are converging on the real targets; those who deserve every bullet and more.

When a sane, rational, very smart person with a lot to lose (family, career, house, etc.) gets a maintenance job in the Federal Reserve building so he can sabotage the fire suppression system, then he burns the building down and kills 10,000 Jews and their slaves – then we will know the Happening has Happened. When sane and prosperous men join the fight, it means the message of killing the enemy has filtered so deep into the volk consciousness that the conditioning is fully broken.

Looking forward to that day. Until then, it will be pure trial-and-error by nutbars. In their madness, they see through the even more mad lies we've been taught.


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Enjoy your visit from the FBI.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


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Because these are all staged or they’d be posting redpill after redpill about (((them))) in their manifestos.

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Even Jewish schools are heavily guarded by private security/probably mossad armed with full autos. Why don't they go after the elites themselves living in fortified compounds, cruising around in limos with bullet proof glass, watched 24/7 by their own heavily armed security team and instead prefer soft targets that will maximize the death toll and media outrage? Really?

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File: 24711c46fda3341⋯.jpg (14.96 KB,450x304,225:152,d95a044ff603429ef0c2ac3e7d….jpg)

File: 96c62644662edad⋯.jpg (26.04 KB,649x632,649:632,ebbe3549f7306970661e3beba0….jpg)

File: 44a3bb82da3d0dc⋯.jpg (181.4 KB,2048x1295,2048:1295,7dbf95331ce9832ba9c497c105….jpg)


Theres nothing illegal about writing up a document that outlines why you hate spics and feel like you are being replaced in your own country.

Theres nothing illegal about stockpiling tons of ammunition and firearms while you write it.

Thats literally the first two protected rights in the bill of rights.

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>Or retards like the journalist in the picture are going to pressure Jim into deleting the board.

Not going to happen. Breaking containment is the worst thing they can possibly do. Just like how censorship on social media is only making people more angry, and likely concentrating themselves on sites like this. Because this site have something social media doesn't, the ability to shitpost very controversial thoughts and ideas. Journalists who advocate for such things have no understanding of the long term implications. They're the kind of people who think if they can't see it anymore the problem has gone away magically.

As for manifestos being posted here, that's only going to escalate because /pol/ will be seen as the "go-to" place for them. If anything glowniggers would see this as being useful and would encourage this. Because it means consolidating information into an easy observable location. All the more reason this site will never disappear and only be superficially blocked at worst (serving as a ultra-normalfag filter).

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OP is a ZOG-faggot.

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Back to your hole JIDF

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You are the dumbest abc nigger on this board.

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It is customary to lurk for two years before posting.

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File: 6553577027b4f7a⋯.png (248.69 KB,652x367,652:367,ClipboardImage.png)


>>FBI pls don't FEDpost on our board

You don't get to make the rules here kiddo. That'd be the CIVUSNCIADINCWPNDIV(US) to decide what happens to you people.

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We must realize that our party's most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause.

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Awful lot of (((reddit spacing))) in here today

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You will know the shill by his attempt to discredit this post.

Yes, the civil war is coming. White men are slowly coming around. Remember the poem. "They were icy – willing to wait. Till every count should be proved, Ere the Saxon began to hate."

The first civil war took decades. The build up to 1933 was years and years. It won't be rapid. Some of us may not live to see it, but it will come.

And when it does, it's going to be the most spectacular conflict history will ever record. I almost feel bad for our enemies.

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Leddit spacing is a meme made to derail thread.

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Legible formatting is not "reddit spacing" you intolerable faggot.

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Understanding Jewry alone is the key to the comprehension

of the inner, the real, intention of Social Democracy.

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That isn't even needed really. All that matters is repairing our racial identity. Once we realize who is Us and who is Other, everything will fall into place naturally.

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He who knows this race will raise the veil of false concep-

tions, and out of the mist and fog of empty social phrases

there rises the grinning, ugly face of Marxism.

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>The shooters we've seen tend to be sociopathic losers because that's the exact personality that doesn't need permission. The inhibiting education and daily influences from all around us no longer work on them, and the reason the demoralizing propaganda no longer works on them is that they've become deranged. They were the first men to break, and the first symptom was the direct action of murder.

This part I disagree with after reading Tarrant's work. He really cared about Ebba and his people. Instead of being deranged, he saw clearly what to say and do to spread his message. He didn't break, but instead he broke the mental chains holding him down.

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on the one hand, the OP has a point. on the other, i'm really glad a bunch of subhuman spics were gunned down screaming :)

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they're never going to stop posting here. we stand for free speech and we're not going to shut down for the media's agenda

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The people in that video aren't mexicans, they're speaking Portuguese so they're probably Brazilians.

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That'd be the divorce court to decide what happens to you paycheck cuck

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Exactly. We're getting where we need to be.

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Tarrant and Crusius both targeted 'low hanging fruit' and gave you the reasons why. This invalidates the majority of your post so you clearly didn't read the manifestos.

>Remember: it is not cowardly to pick low hanging fruit. AKA Don’t attack heavily guarded areas to fulfill your super soldier COD fantasy. Attack low security targets. Even though you might out gun a security guard or police man, they likely beat you in armor, training and numbers. Do not throw away your life on an unnecessarily dangerous target. If a target seems too hot, live to fight another day.

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Today I would find it difficult, if not impossible, to say

when the word 'Jew* gave me cause for special thoughts for

the first time.

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lmao at all the other shootings happening today. like shutting down one website can stop it.

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i like the last pic

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I blame Soph…

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File: 78862f35b67aca8⋯.png (1.32 MB,1000x1425,40:57,666.png)


Ignore everything OP said but make sure to name the Jew don't be that guy

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They're a bit slow today. I guess the doors just opened in Tel Aviv

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File: 7f5c55b5dbc41a5⋯.jpg (212.43 KB,438x674,219:337,Emperor_Jimmu.jpg)


this place is run by the jews anyway, so who gives a fuck?

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Retard beta incels do America a favor and just kill yourselves like true Patriots.

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why is she in a bin?

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>targeting Muslims, Jews, and Latinos

She just feels left out.

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because she's trash lmao

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File: 4ef36d63a2d5c57⋯.jpg (262.29 KB,1439x699,1439:699,30f25b6b2300988346629b8073….jpg)

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Thats a bullshit website that anyone can edit. Stop spreading misinformation.

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People post and do bad shit on Facebook every day but there's no calls to shut down Facebook.

Websites have no control over their users on things like this where people can post whatever they want.

And we shouldn't have it any other way.

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People who actually post here regularly rather than glowniggers or larping jewcucks from reddit have no problem reading large blocks of text without double linebreaks like in almost every book ever written you fucking degenerate

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File: 75d8953999fda30⋯.png (179.96 KB,1867x933,1867:933,walmart patrick shooter di….png)

File: f465a9f244b059c⋯.png (205.16 KB,1879x923,1879:923,walmart patrick shooter di….png)


thats fake. anyone can edit that site

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If this ain’t the dumbest bullshit I’ve read all day. These white boys sure do talk a lot of shit. Bet their all faggots too. What about their white women and their polluted wombs, giving birth to opioid addicted babies. Guns and butter as y’all say! Get off your ass and be productive in society. Top spreading false lies and conspiracy theories. Who the fuck writes a manifesto?? Maybe a pussy white boy….

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The insults are hilarious. Sorry ass white boy needs a fat dick in his faggot mouth bet then he’d shit the fuck up and stop writing this bullshit.

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this is all very sad to see. all of it. if you have issues with our country or the direction things are going, there are so many more non-violent ways to go about it. it literally made me devastated to read someones "manifesto" about "why" they thought ending people's lives was the answer to the issues they believe we have as a country. choose positivity, choose public protest, choose standing on a rooftop and waving your message loud, but please please please always choose and respect life. we are all better than this as people. I hope this affects and changes some of the folks' on here's minds for the better and makes a positive impact on this world. As someone who never even knew this existed before seeing the news about it today, it's very troubling there are so many of you out there that feel like the only answer is violence. I wish and hope you can find peace, love and purpose in your lives without harming others. bless you.

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>Trying this hard to sound like you arent a visitfag


>Doesnt understand why their jewing doesn't work on pol

>Tries leddit cliched sarcasm


>Doesnt understand why their niggery doesn't work on pol

You've a lot to learn here newfag

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<Boomer normie shit

Pick up a gun and make us

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These shooters don't actually come from here do they? /pol/ would, hypothetically speaking in minecraft and not in real life, be more likely to shoot up a bunch of jews than a bunch of spics.

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Nothing you say can piss us off. You are like an insect trying to insult a human. The insect has no idea what its trying to communicate, or even how to attempt communication. Even if an insect could communicate with a human, nothing it would say would even phase the human.

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Or, you know, we could silence Julie

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File: c736dc66193cc50⋯.png (153.68 KB,500x593,500:593,violence2.png)


She needs a Manifesto, just for her.

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File: 7d8deb473e54d26⋯.png (536.32 KB,566x386,283:193,Untitled.png)

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A true hero

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Nobody here wants to hurt anyone where here to shit post fed

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File: 3618485a43b9bee⋯.png (52.79 KB,330x416,165:208,crazy_straws.png)


Nah, fuck that, we need to upload more manifestos. We need to have an entire team of fanfic-writing Hunter S Thompson motherfuckers just banging garbage out by the truckload on every topic imaginable, from polar bears to crazy straws to god damn teletubbies. We need fuckers reading the dumbest shit possible and trying to see if there's any real threat level involved in it. Keep them guessing until they get sick of mind games on the internet and just start patrolling like good cops should.

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File: 3b33aa83452f3fe⋯.jpg (84.49 KB,768x432,16:9,kaminaisnotimpressed.jpg)

Can we just have /pol/ seperated onto a different website? This is the only decent site on the internet that is pro free speech and I don't want it to be taken down because a bunch of violent sociopathic dipshits that happened to post here decided to shoot up some brown people. Have one website for hobbies/interests and another for retarded political bullshit.

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File: 9c2716c687388cd⋯.jpg (24.83 KB,307x463,307:463,9c2716c687388cde31f5868550….jpg)


>just ban the freespeech we don't like

Go back to cuckchan.

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File: 05762b11c6693f8⋯.webm (562.53 KB,1280x720,16:9,Gasp.webm)

I don't want to go back to 4chan /a/..

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The shooter's manifesto is hosted on the front page of Drudgreport.com right now one of the largest boomer conservative websites for news. If they take down 8ch they would have to take down drudge now.

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Why don't shooters post on resetera? "Journalists" post there, their shit would be seen by people that need redpilling and mods there would probably not know how to handle feds sniffing around.

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Because they would just delete it as "hatespeech". Like it or not 8ch is one of the only outlets left for unpopular opinions.

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Thank you. Someone had to say it. Fuck… take out a Hollywood Mogul for fucks sake.

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ackshully the shootings are happening IRL, not on 8chan

because the internet isn't real

someone should tell these retarded normies

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If you are so smart, then do it better.

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Our /a/ has a bunker, just use that if SHTF.

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>didn't name the jew

>gets captured anyway

What a LOSER

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Exactly, they'll plant it wherever we are posting, but they have to keep the game of whack-a-white going to justify their increased budget

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How the fuck we can get this fucking gore sick bastard banned? fucking bullshit i dont want to see his stupid ass gore i want to see the manifesto and kill some mexicans!

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you say that in one breadth but then you immediately deplatform anybody who tries to challenge your beliefs. i'm not saying i agree with the violence, but maybe this country had it coming. anybody who has views even remotely close to this shooter guys views are silenced, so i can understand how some sad, deranged people think there's no way to fix it.

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File: c62b37bb2df9a10⋯.jpg (123.31 KB,1024x789,1024:789,c62b37bb2df9a10e78a657060c….jpg)

>Stop using freedom of speech here

>We need to protect freedom of speech here

Having a website like this is protective to (((their))) interests, as long as anons can make posts about how much they hate jews and call everyone they disagree with shills, most of us will never move to taking direct, violent action. For some anons imageboards are the last thing preventing them from Face to Bloodshed.

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Don't be naive

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File: 01cb755d1515748⋯.png (78.52 KB,1770x480,59:16,0bd8513ac94f18d576a0c72ad6….png)

>Or retards like the journalist in the picture are going to pressure Jim into deleting the board

What if that's the plan all along? This place is a shithole and people refuse to leave it.

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They think because they shut down 8ch they would shut down hatred for jews. All it would do is make the other chans grow in number. Once you take the red pill and become a white nationalist you never stop being a white nationalist. There is no going back. At least they can watch us here.

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> i want to see the manifesto and kill some mexicans

That may get gory,so best to prepare yourself

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Did the manifesto mention the jewish problem or was it just another fashy based goy who is actually a jew who wants to kill everyone and anyone as long as it doesn't harm a hair from the head of a single jew again?

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>No mention of the jewish problem, wants to kill spics in accordance with the jewish medias desire to paint whites like cartoon nazis

It certainly looks like he's the hero the neocon jews who control this board gave you

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Why does everyone want to publish a manifesto anyway? Action can speak for itself. For example, had Merkel been shot or blown up after she opened the floodgates a few years ago, that would have sent a more powerful message than any stupid document.

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so its better to kill nobodies who will be replaced by even more nobodies with bonus of repression laws and pushing people to lefts embrace


they delete it here too. doesnt change the narrative

only confirms the shooters are brainded or flaggers

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>Washington DC sniper

Lest we forget

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I've never seem a woman use such an honest profile pic online.

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Show me where the DC sniper touched you anon

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Shutting down 8ch would be the best thing ever, because instead of a bunch of faggots shitposting on the net all day, you would have people that would actually do shit IRL. the kikes want to keep 8ch up to keep the white man from doing anything other than shitposting all day instead of killing ZOGs

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Every event like this is used as a Reichtag Fire against all of us. Unless we actually organise and get real people with good funding and organisational backing and security to remind people like this Julia Carrie Wong that what she is saying there goes against principles of liberal justice by implicating everyone for action of one and sue her for doing that in justice courts, this will keep on happening.

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( ( (sue) ) )

Sure thing big guy. We haven’t gotten any funding yet and obviously no one will fund us. This is what happens when anon does it for free , you get better more repeatable results rather than if there was payment involved.

Mark my words as soon as a large ( ( (donor) ) ) provides ( ( ( funding ) ) ) we would lose what precious butterfly warfare pee pee poo poo pissssssssss we have struggled to acquire for so long

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I doubt 8ch really has any significant effect. Most people are simply not going to go shoot up some ZOG, unless they've been personally wronged by them. But the fact that it exists gives zogbots the opportunity to easily watch everyone, because this all goes through cloudflare. So in that sense, it's a liability for anyone that's going to do any real action. I wouldn't be posting here if I was planning to.


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>I doubt an imageboard that keeps 1000s of radicals occupied has any significant effect

This site is just another bread and circus.

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So is the rest of Internet, video games, anime, movies, TV, porn, and so on. Instead of posting here, people would post elsewhere. There's nothing magic about this particular site.

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HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.



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I bet 80-90% of shitposters here are glownigs, you funny fuck.

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Since when didn't glownigs rule the chans? WTF

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>There's nothing magic about this particular site.

There is, you just cant see it because of your judaism.

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File: 7d269e8ccc60a9f⋯.jpg (153.75 KB,1000x750,4:3,EBAzMdWWkAA8MMb.jpg)


Note: any idiot with a Mylife account can edit others' profiles.

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>pressure Jim into deleting the board

Goyim knows. Shut it down.

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They already said in the news that Jim told the feds ahead of time the ip address of Patrick Crusius, but they couldnt get to him in time to stop him. So Jim obviously working for feds

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File: 5fef847fddf2815⋯.mp4 (6.36 MB,1172x660,293:165,bedchan.mp4)


>Or retards like the journalist in the picture are going to pressure Jim into deleting the board

Welcome, newfag. This has been a thing since before Jim.

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all shooters should always post any manifestos they want to post, on facebook. only false flags post their manifestos here in an effort to get the website shut down. if you knew what you were doing you would claim that you were radicalised on facebook and zuckerberg is your imam. anyone who isn't trying to destroy as much as possible would never associate their irl identity or actions with an ANONYMOUS website.

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This just goes to prove I'm smarter than anyone else. And don't not come and tell me i am a cynikel, because I took a IQ test online and scored over 300 Intelligence points!

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File: 1619274b65be10c⋯.png (425.81 KB,705x992,705:992,1619274b65be10c5868dce9ec8….png)


Oh yeah? What can't be done on any other chan that needs 8ch? And it's not like you have to use 4chan either, which has the google captcha on top of cloudflare. There's even a decentralized nntpchan that runs over Tor and doesn't have the Tor problems people experience here.

THe only thing "magic" about here is there's lots of traffic compared to other chans (4chan excepted). That also means it's under more scrutiny, which is quite easy for the feds thanks to cloudflare.

Now go back to watching your favorite anime Cloudflare: Fedshit is Magic.

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File: 41b545b870ef9ea⋯.jpg (141.84 KB,612x728,153:182,the boys are back ln town.jpg)

>man decides to sacrifice himself in the name of his country and fellow European Americans.


Daily reminder that these posters are nonwhites. Thank you for your service Patrick, I and the last few remaining European /pol/ posters salute you brother.

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go away JIDF




pick 1 faggot

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Hey son, you need to actually formulate a logical argument instead of just throwing a temper tantrum and shouting jidf anytime someone btfo's your sorry exxcuse for a post.

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you want to know how I know your BOTH american?

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Are false flag retards so lacking in hope that they can't imagine for a second that someone would fight back? Why do you even continue living?

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>they can't imagine for a second that someone would fight back?

shooting random spics isnt fighting back, if he had of killed a politician or a bunch of kikes THAT would be fighting back

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File: 19d8e5f8658f3c0⋯.jpg (100.22 KB,1080x1231,1080:1231,19d8e5f8658f3c0eb75822c0cb….jpg)


Nobody cares, and you're still not posting any real arguments. You accuse others of being jidf, but everything you post is misdirections and distractions.

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it IS fighting back, just not the way you want them to.

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sure, all these BASED­™ shooters targeting everyone BUT the jews and NOT mentioning them in their manifestos are fighting back against ZOG!!!

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take off the tinfoil. The guy wasn't necessarily a channer, he just was fed up with the destruction of his home. If normies can wake up like that there is hope. Expecting everyone to become redpilled and informed on everything overnight is just ignorant of reality and not really helpful.

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Reminder that Tarrant actually did name the Jew and you were still sperging about him and calling him a false flag anyway.

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you are glowing so hard I can barely see my screen.

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No he didnt, I read the manifesto and all he said was something along the lines of "i dont mind jews in their own homeland- as long as they dont interfere with whites or white countries"

He didnt call out kikes at all

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do you have those buzzwords in "guide to shill"?

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The guns are supposed to be a compensation for their tiny brain. Those guys are unable to achieve something with skills or their brain. That makes them hate themselves, project it onto others, and go mad.

White kids run amok and muslims kill to please allah.

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They're not false flags but definitely tourists who only use this site for convenience and are not actually lurkers. Just look how the faggot made his thread, no one on this entire site posted like that


Tarrant only mentioned them once and in that one and only instance said he had no problem with them. You're lying.

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>uses buzzwords himself

Here's your last (you) my nonwhite friend.

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sage isn't a downvote, redditbro.

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>targeting Muslims, Jews, and Latinos respectively

Doing God's work.

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this. fuck the shills trying to memory hole this

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fuck off fednigger

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I'm not going anywhere. You will be the one returning, Jose, dead or alive.

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>dynamic IPs don't exist

>post history goes beyond individual boards

I run a board and both of your assumptions are retarded. It's obvious you aren't from here.

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kek this guy just got BTFO by a jannie of all things.

Time to end your life, kiddo.

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>(1) and done op


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The fact that I cannot find anything inaccurate about his post makes me think hes not a deep fake

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Because they are kike false flags? How fucking new are you?

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straight outta tel aviv

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opinion disregarded, cuckchan

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It was only when I was fourteen or fifteen that I came

upon the word 'Jew' more frequently, partly in connection

with political discussions.

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We need to perm ban any potential shooters, this is one of the few places we can talk about politically incorrect stuff on the Jewternet.

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Why do kikes always make loud posts in redtext, as though that doesn't out them immediately?

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There were only a very few Jews in Linz.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>having a "manifesto"

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>look mom I posted it again

why do you think that you're clever?

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File: d080548179f1b61⋯.jpg (79.72 KB,610x726,305:363,mooo.jpg)


Isn't it hilarious that by not just firing the journos who fucked that ugly cow the SJWs initiated events which will lead to their extermination.

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They could have just used tinder. Though the fag service would probably be more appropriate for the pictured tranny.

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Good, maybe it will finally make enough anons rub their brain cells together to make a new board with better moderation.

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File: abd6ddd155eece7⋯.png (51.94 KB,542x512,271:256,1515420411414.png)

Someone post The Poway Manifesto

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Champions of miscegenation, Champions of cultural replacement, Champions of sodomy and debauchery.

White, brown, yellow, black, either way these people deserve a bullet.

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<Jews are white


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What is that tape on her middle finger and what is this case?

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Oh my fuck. The manifesto was posted after the shooting occurred. Why don't motherfuckers understand this. How can it be his manifesto if it was posted after he was arrested.

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Nigger it's been confirmed the feds lurk here, they accidentally exposed themselves a few months back

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In a nutshell what you're trying to say here, is that Sponge Bob is actually educational and it's trying to prepare children for /pol/ (Crusty Crab), that is under constant attacks from glowniggerkikes (Plankton) who nobody takes seriously anymore and will always lose and have to go back to reddit/twitter/facebook (Chum Bucket).


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Do you know how I know you are a russian vodka nigger?

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File: 21603d6d16dc63c⋯.png (519.16 KB,1269x575,1269:575,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 986e3a6ed5738f0⋯.png (128.23 KB,300x216,25:18,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 284fa4c85be97e5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1366x768,683:384,Israel.png)


JIDF is a real argument.


NOBODY should waste their time arguing with them, filter their IDs. They exist to KILL your time.

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> police read his manifesto before the shooting so obviously it was all a false flag

> also how could he post his manifesto after the shooting you should be asking questions

I do have a question: Can't you niggers even get your stories straight?

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> 5 simultaneous transparent anti-violence threads about the exact same shooting are left up

> thrr deleting muh posts!

Deleting one in six million posts is not shutting it down, do you have an ounce of self-awareness?

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Who cares. Get a grip dumb ass

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>brazilian brain bucket.mp4*

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Sort of does but he says unchecked corporations taking over government. He could have said Jews but normies can't make that connection. For them it's more clear to write (((unchecked corporations))) but /pol/ would pick that up anyway.

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>to pressure Jim into deleting the board.

Good. Once this board goes down, there will only be one option left.

The time for meekly whining on the internet must end.

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At the Realschule I became acquainted with a Jewish

boy whom we all treated with circumspection, but only

because experience had taught us not to trust him too much

on account of his reticence; neither I nor the others had

any particular thoughts in the matter.

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Only after settling down, when the confused pictures

began to grow clearer, did I look at my new world more

attentively, and then I also came upon the Jewish problem.

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but you faggots are the people the manifesto is supposed to be read by, remember? You think you can just radicalize people and get away with it? What a fucking faggot. This is the HOME OF THE WHITE MASS SHOOTER. 8chan, the most fucked up toilet on the internet. If all of you died, nobody would miss a single one of you cowards.

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Every Jewish defamation and every Jewish lie is an

honorary scar on the body of our fighters.

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File: 99c14f4b254b97d⋯.gif (13.2 KB,255x231,85:77,9bb5fd48304e652d096f927d74….gif)


You're trying so hard. It's cute.

You're still going to die for your crimes against the Aryan Race. Have a nice day, faggot.

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He who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning

without finding himself abused in it has not usefully applied

the previous day; for if it were so, he would be persecuted,

slandered, abused, cursed, and sullied by the Jew. And

only he who most successfully opposes this mortal enemy

of our nationality and of every Aryan people and culture

has the right also to hope for himself for the calumnies of

this race and thus for the attack of his people.

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Do that in WA, OR, CA etc and you might catch a red flag (ERPO) and get your guns confiscated. It has happened already. "Reasonable cause" is the standard. Lying/incorrect hearsay is allowed as evidence.

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bump for posterity

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heil'd for your truth anon

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"

This has been proved time and time again throughout history, but they think this time it will be different because they have the power and can silence those who rebel against their conditioning which is exactly what all the previous despots thought.

Their hubris built on their uncontrolled greed and unpunished crimes makes my mind ache

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File: f4cd1a9d0067208⋯.png (919.8 KB,1236x2191,1236:2191,Untitled.png)

File: 44c8a8f9bc27dca⋯.png (1.37 MB,1300x1200,13:12,watkins.png)

File: fb988a67e0ca4ee⋯.png (785.02 KB,1317x1572,439:524,Jim Mason.png)

Jim isn't going to delete the board. He knows what he's doing as he's an ex-army mason shill. And the El Paso shooter is a kike and has played right into (((their))) hands.

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i'm glad you asked

pastebin 6usfF8eb

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File: 553e670222e9645⋯.jpg (129.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1381082310616.jpg)

































































i've been online since 98

i will not be told what text file i can and cannot post

fuck jew

pastebin dot com slash 6usfF8eb

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more please

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The failure to ban accelerationists implies support, so yes, the sight should probably be shut down.

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Obviously because accelerationism is exactly what the jew wants.

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this. never stop the Alpenpop

hot wheels can die in a wheelchair crash.

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>Believing a false flag

A thread died for this

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File: 2a9a96ba3b23600⋯.jpg (77.7 KB,595x404,595:404,thing.jpg)


<more environmental ramblings like B-Mos4d-T

no one gets angry enough to commit such a crime and have the environment take up 1/4th of their gay blog post about it.

fake and fucking flagged

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File: 9b1b90cb4ddde84⋯.jpg (9.66 KB,205x246,5:6,images(6).jpg)


I want you and your kike buddies to stop posting Aryan fan fiction here ok?

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Eat a bullet kike lover

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Pure coincidece

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it just looks like a bad pic

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>if I shitpost on /pol/ spez will send me dick pics

Fuck off leftyfag

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False flagging kikes are tryign to destroy not only 2A but free speech on boards specifically like this because it addresses the JEWISH QUESITON. Nothing will stop them from posting false manifestos here to try taking down the site or doxing everyone who uses it via bullshit warrants.

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I almost cant tell if this is a joke

I disagree with harming people too

But if you think the literal pedophile overlords and the consumerist materialist hivemind is going to even break a sweat at your safe legal public protest you are a special kind of spiritual boomer

You are literally advocating non violent resistance against a system of violence . You dont need to be an advocate of violence to realize how stupid that is. Having said that, killing is rarely the answer today as it just gives the pedophiles bigger hurtboners.you just didnt suggest anything meaningful tho.

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what did anon mean by this statement?

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i completely disagree with this. if you're going to throw your whole life away, don't pussyfoot around. go all the way. be somebody who will be remembered. not someone who will just become another statistic. otherwise you're just a loser. if you fail then so be it. one day, someone will succeed.

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File: e13287109cf4c8a⋯.jpg (62.65 KB,502x369,502:369,1486064482657.jpg)

File: e3324e622a6fe68⋯.jpg (77.17 KB,491x799,491:799,(((facebook))).jpg)

File: 65c3646a8fbbd2e⋯.jpg (204.72 KB,512x661,512:661,the_calculus_affair.jpg)

File: bdac5bf8c36a773⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1500x2500,3:5,islam = Chaos-demons.jpg)

File: d4df3f1b17bd7a4⋯.jpg (52.59 KB,709x296,709:296,wieseltattoo.jpg)


thank you for this post of excellent quality.

4pol is my new home.

> hated more than infinitykun

> can post multiple redpills in one go

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Yeah guys, don't post things, jew, faggots and other subhumans don't like… fucking neck yourself, OP.

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Anyone can edit any site you fucktard.

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>We need to keep TALKING about the JQ

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JIDF kike detected. Please gas yourself.

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2 shootings, maybe more according to what others have said, in such a short amount of time and you think it isn't planned by some deep state terrorists? Cmon man!

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taking out one high level jew is worth 100 random spics at a walmart.

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I have no issue with them posting that shit here.

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Not really, because nobody truly cares and they're much harder to get to I would imagine.

More people are liable to care about the spics than the one 'high level' jew, all things considered.

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