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File: b6a1702ba4a0db8⋯.jpg (513.63 KB,1920x1080,16:9,sun tzu.jpg)

 No.13566498 [View All]


Or retards like the journalist in the picture are going to pressure Jim into deleting the board. second pic related: how the media will attempt to smear 8chan. Dear stormfags: If you want to post a manifesto do it on a TORchan, they won't delete your post, and after the fact some anon will screenshot it and the media will know.

ITT: we post alternative services for shooters post their "glorious" thoughts

181 posts and 34 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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What is that tape on her middle finger and what is this case?

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Oh my fuck. The manifesto was posted after the shooting occurred. Why don't motherfuckers understand this. How can it be his manifesto if it was posted after he was arrested.

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Nigger it's been confirmed the feds lurk here, they accidentally exposed themselves a few months back

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In a nutshell what you're trying to say here, is that Sponge Bob is actually educational and it's trying to prepare children for /pol/ (Crusty Crab), that is under constant attacks from glowniggerkikes (Plankton) who nobody takes seriously anymore and will always lose and have to go back to reddit/twitter/facebook (Chum Bucket).


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Do you know how I know you are a russian vodka nigger?

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File: 284fa4c85be97e5⋯.png (1.14 MB,1366x768,683:384,Israel.png)


JIDF is a real argument.


NOBODY should waste their time arguing with them, filter their IDs. They exist to KILL your time.

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> police read his manifesto before the shooting so obviously it was all a false flag

> also how could he post his manifesto after the shooting you should be asking questions

I do have a question: Can't you niggers even get your stories straight?

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> 5 simultaneous transparent anti-violence threads about the exact same shooting are left up

> thrr deleting muh posts!

Deleting one in six million posts is not shutting it down, do you have an ounce of self-awareness?

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Who cares. Get a grip dumb ass

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>brazilian brain bucket.mp4*

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Sort of does but he says unchecked corporations taking over government. He could have said Jews but normies can't make that connection. For them it's more clear to write (((unchecked corporations))) but /pol/ would pick that up anyway.

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>to pressure Jim into deleting the board.

Good. Once this board goes down, there will only be one option left.

The time for meekly whining on the internet must end.

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At the Realschule I became acquainted with a Jewish

boy whom we all treated with circumspection, but only

because experience had taught us not to trust him too much

on account of his reticence; neither I nor the others had

any particular thoughts in the matter.

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Only after settling down, when the confused pictures

began to grow clearer, did I look at my new world more

attentively, and then I also came upon the Jewish problem.

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but you faggots are the people the manifesto is supposed to be read by, remember? You think you can just radicalize people and get away with it? What a fucking faggot. This is the HOME OF THE WHITE MASS SHOOTER. 8chan, the most fucked up toilet on the internet. If all of you died, nobody would miss a single one of you cowards.

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Every Jewish defamation and every Jewish lie is an

honorary scar on the body of our fighters.

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File: 99c14f4b254b97d⋯.gif (13.2 KB,255x231,85:77,9bb5fd48304e652d096f927d74….gif)


You're trying so hard. It's cute.

You're still going to die for your crimes against the Aryan Race. Have a nice day, faggot.

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He who picks up a Jewish newspaper in the morning

without finding himself abused in it has not usefully applied

the previous day; for if it were so, he would be persecuted,

slandered, abused, cursed, and sullied by the Jew. And

only he who most successfully opposes this mortal enemy

of our nationality and of every Aryan people and culture

has the right also to hope for himself for the calumnies of

this race and thus for the attack of his people.

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Do that in WA, OR, CA etc and you might catch a red flag (ERPO) and get your guns confiscated. It has happened already. "Reasonable cause" is the standard. Lying/incorrect hearsay is allowed as evidence.

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bump for posterity

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heil'd for your truth anon

"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable"

This has been proved time and time again throughout history, but they think this time it will be different because they have the power and can silence those who rebel against their conditioning which is exactly what all the previous despots thought.

Their hubris built on their uncontrolled greed and unpunished crimes makes my mind ache

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File: fb988a67e0ca4ee⋯.png (785.02 KB,1317x1572,439:524,Jim Mason.png)

Jim isn't going to delete the board. He knows what he's doing as he's an ex-army mason shill. And the El Paso shooter is a kike and has played right into (((their))) hands.

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i'm glad you asked

pastebin 6usfF8eb

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File: 553e670222e9645⋯.jpg (129.17 KB,1024x1024,1:1,1381082310616.jpg)

































































i've been online since 98

i will not be told what text file i can and cannot post

fuck jew

pastebin dot com slash 6usfF8eb

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more please

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The failure to ban accelerationists implies support, so yes, the sight should probably be shut down.

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Obviously because accelerationism is exactly what the jew wants.

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this. never stop the Alpenpop

hot wheels can die in a wheelchair crash.

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>Believing a false flag

A thread died for this

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File: 2a9a96ba3b23600⋯.jpg (77.7 KB,595x404,595:404,thing.jpg)


<more environmental ramblings like B-Mos4d-T

no one gets angry enough to commit such a crime and have the environment take up 1/4th of their gay blog post about it.

fake and fucking flagged

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File: 9b1b90cb4ddde84⋯.jpg (9.66 KB,205x246,5:6,images(6).jpg)


I want you and your kike buddies to stop posting Aryan fan fiction here ok?

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Eat a bullet kike lover

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Pure coincidece

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it just looks like a bad pic

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>if I shitpost on /pol/ spez will send me dick pics

Fuck off leftyfag

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False flagging kikes are tryign to destroy not only 2A but free speech on boards specifically like this because it addresses the JEWISH QUESITON. Nothing will stop them from posting false manifestos here to try taking down the site or doxing everyone who uses it via bullshit warrants.

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I almost cant tell if this is a joke

I disagree with harming people too

But if you think the literal pedophile overlords and the consumerist materialist hivemind is going to even break a sweat at your safe legal public protest you are a special kind of spiritual boomer

You are literally advocating non violent resistance against a system of violence . You dont need to be an advocate of violence to realize how stupid that is. Having said that, killing is rarely the answer today as it just gives the pedophiles bigger hurtboners.you just didnt suggest anything meaningful tho.

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what did anon mean by this statement?

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i completely disagree with this. if you're going to throw your whole life away, don't pussyfoot around. go all the way. be somebody who will be remembered. not someone who will just become another statistic. otherwise you're just a loser. if you fail then so be it. one day, someone will succeed.

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File: e13287109cf4c8a⋯.jpg (62.65 KB,502x369,502:369,1486064482657.jpg)

File: e3324e622a6fe68⋯.jpg (77.17 KB,491x799,491:799,(((facebook))).jpg)

File: 65c3646a8fbbd2e⋯.jpg (204.72 KB,512x661,512:661,the_calculus_affair.jpg)

File: bdac5bf8c36a773⋯.jpg (1.18 MB,1500x2500,3:5,islam = Chaos-demons.jpg)

File: d4df3f1b17bd7a4⋯.jpg (52.59 KB,709x296,709:296,wieseltattoo.jpg)


thank you for this post of excellent quality.

4pol is my new home.

> hated more than infinitykun

> can post multiple redpills in one go

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Yeah guys, don't post things, jew, faggots and other subhumans don't like… fucking neck yourself, OP.

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Anyone can edit any site you fucktard.

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>We need to keep TALKING about the JQ

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JIDF kike detected. Please gas yourself.

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2 shootings, maybe more according to what others have said, in such a short amount of time and you think it isn't planned by some deep state terrorists? Cmon man!

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taking out one high level jew is worth 100 random spics at a walmart.

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I have no issue with them posting that shit here.

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Not really, because nobody truly cares and they're much harder to get to I would imagine.

More people are liable to care about the spics than the one 'high level' jew, all things considered.

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