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File: 6bcdd9f1f6b3799⋯.jpg (60.76 KB,720x405,16:9,Aloha.jpg)

8c11b7 No.13558175 [Last50 Posts]

Tulsi Gabbard has made some waves due to the grounded common sense she brings to the discussion. She doesn't want war.

Does anyone doubt that Tulsi stands for what she says? False-hearted politicians pale in comparison. Obviously, walking corruption the likes of Kamela Harris can't so much as respond to her challenge without labeling her as a Russian troll, which is pretty funny.

So, let's game this out abit, /pol/. Let's say /pol/ helps Tulsi win the Democratic nomination. She's already making surfing some serious political waves. Let's for a a moment say that Democrats reject the pablum being pandered to them, and actual lean towards Tulsi Gabbard. Just assume that for a second: who would the Jew vote for, /pol/?

Obviously both Trump and Gabbard pay the necessary homage to Pissrael, even though the Jews are afraid of both of them. Would the Jews split the Democratic party to go against Tulsi? Or would they hate Trump so much that they would back her?

It's a tough call for the Jew. This puts it in a real dilemna: anti-war candidate vs. ant-establishment candidate. For the Jew, perhaps it comes down to how badly they want their next war. They may be able to get Donald Trump to start World War 3 for them, but they probably can't get Tulsi Gabbard to do the same.

As for other stuff, more glaringly open borders vs. anti-immigration, President Trump has demonstrated a lack of substance in enforcing the immigration laws, despite the bombast, so that point is moot, isn't it? We either have an open borders candidate, or an open borders President.

But the (((prospects for war))), Trump can be manipulated, while Tulsi… she just won't go there.

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8c11b7 No.13558191

File: 35f5351e6e9c504⋯.jpg (281.32 KB,800x533,800:533,Tulsi surfs the Kali z.jpg)

Let's put some perspective on this: David Duke, aka the Devil himself, has endorsed Tulsi Gabbard for president.

He says that she will put America ahead of Israel. oi vey!


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de42eb No.13558202

She won't be, so empty question. But wait 8-12 years, and her time will come.

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8c11b7 No.13558203


And worryingly for the radical Leftists in the (((media))), prior to the 2020 race, she has been a "social conservative".


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d7710c No.13558205

File: 9dc599af0a542a3⋯.png (167.88 KB,569x535,569:535,2057b807cda25dbd4a172ac94b….png)

I would never vote for a woman, let alone a nonwhite one. Now fuck off, nigger lover.

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8c11b7 No.13558207

File: cdf61209c4337c2⋯.jpg (916.65 KB,2192x1920,137:120,Major Gabbard.jpg)


I'm beginning to wonder if the Democratic king-makers know they won't win the 2020 election no matter who runs, so they are just pushing the Overton window as far as possible.

If so, they may stretch their conversation as far towards Communism as possible, then fall back, ride on the coat-tails of a 'moderate' or semi-conservative like Tulsi, to actually add impact to their socialist agenda.

She has made Major in the National Guard.

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8c11b7 No.13558210


The average IQ of Pissrael is 94.

(((You))) are not smart enough to post here. Shoo!


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f7f2cb No.13558213


David Duke is getting senile

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8c11b7 No.13558218

File: 1df432b8253db93⋯.png (782.35 KB,1024x538,512:269,Paul Tulsi ticket.png)


Libertarians are swinging for Tulsi. That's no small thing.

And Ron Paul has endorsed her run for President.


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a2a0eb No.13558220

File: a61d1ce06639853⋯.jpg (250.5 KB,892x800,223:200,Science of Identity Founda….jpg)

>Tulsi Gabbard has made some waves due to the grounded common sense she brings to the discussion.

>Does anyone doubt that Tulsi stands for what she says?

>She's already making surfing some serious political waves.

I just puked on my keyboard you nonfigurative shill.

There is no way Trump will lose.

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8c11b7 No.13558224


read the thread

I'm not saying that Trump will lose. Far from it.

I'm asking how the Jew deals with Tulsi's influence upon the National conversation about war 'n peace.

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a2a0eb No.13558225


>Libertarians are swinging for Tulsi. That's no small thing.

If you're falseflagging as a Tulsi shill to actually cause anti-Tulsi sentiment, then I applaud you effort and especially your huckster language. If you're not…well good job anyway,

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f7f2cb No.13558229


>libertarians are swinging for tulsi

They are also swinging for nigger dick

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8c11b7 No.13558232


not anymore

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f7f2cb No.13558233


>libertarians are WNs


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40f2e0 No.13558234


She's not a nigger, dumbo.

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06ef24 No.13558235


>implying you can cast a vote that's not for ZOG

There is no peaceful solution.

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06ef24 No.13558237


And by that I mean there is no solution, as the US government can not be overturned by force at this point. Just clarifying for the glowniggers.

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6281ec No.13558238


You're an idiot who believes anything he reads here.

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8e1e1f No.13558242

The only reason the ZOG would let her win, is if they were getting desperate and afraid. I don't see that happening; the ZOG won't admit to themselves the Turner Diaries are in full swing until thousands of them are dead.

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f7f2cb No.13558244

File: fddb1771b7f7786⋯.png (60.21 KB,899x725,31:25,jewing.png)


>you're a big dumb meanie


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1df019 No.13558246

Who supports and commits toJews, of course.


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c5ac17 No.13558248


Wow. It's a damn shame she isn't white!

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5aecd3 No.13558250

File: 6916c7391487a80⋯.gif (1008.59 KB,390x219,130:73,6916c7391487a806833016de37….gif)

Realistically /pol/ needs to decide who its backing in the democrat primaries.

Remember if you can influence both sides of a debate then you can set the acceptable language of the debate.

If we can get an anti-immigration democrat into the nomination then we can push the discourse into heavily anti-immigration territory

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f7f2cb No.13558251


>acne scars

Ugly ass hoe

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06ef24 No.13558253


>do what jews want

>/pol/ is one person

Paid shill, allowed to post here.

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965aa0 No.13558254


The same way he endorsed Trump?


Ron Paul anyone?

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c5ac17 No.13558255


Just infect libertarians, Le Donald and Mudsharks with parasites that only kills dindus.

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f7f2cb No.13558257

File: c5ada4ca0b90e4e⋯.jpg (3.39 MB,2500x1500,5:3,kill.jpg)


>voting will help

Consider the rope, faggot

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5aecd3 No.13558262

File: 9b25b01d5bdb173⋯.gif (3.02 MB,500x500,1:1,neverbeenthiswrongbeforehu….gif)


We got on board with Trump because he pushed the overton window in a direction that fit our desires.

This had positive outcomes as now people are more comfortable openly stating wrongthink and as a consequence have realised that the majority hold these opinions.

We've caused our opponents to waste a phenomenal amount of time and resources on trying to combat this.

Trump is not enough on his own though. We need more.

So lets deny our enemies a haven of credibility by pushing a democrat in the nomination race who is acceptable to us.

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8c11b7 No.13558264

File: 130fc8cb8c0c9d6⋯.jpg (117.5 KB,610x398,305:199,Russia hacks election.jpg)


That's best (((you've))) got? That's as bad as announcing Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian working for Vladamir Putin.


The Jew hates Tulsi. That right there is reason enough to sit up and pay attention to what she can do to shake the (((narrative))), disrupting their drum beat to war.

"""The NBC News smear campaign relied on the discredited firm, New Knowledge, run by Democratic Party operatives, and using identical methodology (any social media account which they suspect as ‘Russian’ is thrown into a data set to “prove” Russian interference) to other US military and intelligence agency linked initiatives like Hamilton 68 Dashboard, the Atlantic Council’s DFR Labs, the UK government-funded Integrity Initiative, and various other dubious academic projects."''

- https://21stcenturywire.com/2019/02/04/nbc-news-and-new-knowledge-launch-smear-campaign-against-tulsi-gabbard-2020/

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8c11b7 No.13558266


How /pol/ exhibits clear-headed thinking.

despite the shills, not because of them, you rise above

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f03e63 No.13558267


I'm not American and don't know a great deal about Tulsi Gabbard except that she's more reasonable than most of the other candidates on the surface. I would like the irony though if she did manage to get elected, and then the (((media))) would direct their lefty golems to attack a wahmen of colour, even though that's what they've been wanting for the past 5-10 years at least.

Of course, she's a democrat, and if she did manage to gain a lot of popularity, and (((demonrat party))) didn't like her, they'd steal the nomination from her like they did from (((Bernie))).

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f7f2cb No.13558268


>the jews hate Tulsi

If that were the case, she would not be a presidential candidate of the demoncRATS.

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3f6c7b No.13558269



No one was ever pro-Trump here. Imkampfy (possibly you) banned everyone who wasn't pro-Trump and then got removed for it.

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1f1b07 No.13558271














Literally paid shilling thread.

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1f1b07 No.13558275


The nonwhite whore isn’t acceptable to us, you subhuman piece of shit. Kill yourself for supporting COMMUNIST WOMEN in politics.

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1f1b07 No.13558277


Are you me? That’s my line. Goddamn, it feels good not to be alone anymore. We’ll just have to be banned together, I guess.

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c5ac17 No.13558280


Don't vote, fellow goyim anon, don't vote! Voting makes no differences whatsoever!

Look at this thread, the Jewtin shills WANTS you to vote for her and Russian hackers helped her bend over Harris!

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5aecd3 No.13558283

File: 2d096c44465f606⋯.jpg (27.9 KB,233x306,233:306,14001112550205.jpg)


I'm not suggesting any one candidate.

We've already had people shilling other democrats here.


In general /pol/ fell into three camps during the 2016 election.

The pro-Trump crowd which also included a lot of newfags.

The anti-Trump crowd which also included a lot of newfags.

And the oldfags who generally saw a useful opportunity to push public debate in a particular direction and relished the fact that Trump back then was essentially trolling the establishment.

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d84779 No.13558287

Since demographic browning ensures a Democrat one-party system in the future, it does make sense to try and exercise some influence on the candidates in that party. Assuming you still give a shit about electoral politics, which you probably shouldn’t.

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79abe2 No.13558291


Wow, a good post on /pol/. I haven't seen one of those in months.

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284457 No.13558293


>voting for a woman

>voting non White

clown world.

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c65f5b No.13558294

Let's make one thing clear: in terms of actual policy, it DOES NOT MATTER who is elected, as ZOG as usual will continue unfettered unless there is some kind of Revolution or civil war.

However, the meta-political aspects of the race are very important. As mentioned before, pushing for Trump in 2016 accomplished a couple things:

>shifted the overton window in our direction. Tons of white people are now (quietly, amongst each other) very open about race and the rotten jews who control the media, academia, politics, etc.

>showed that there are millions of disaffected white people (all across the political spectrum) that LIKED the anti-immigration, nationalist message candidate Trump was giving

That said, I don't plan on voting, since the kosher sandwich of ZOG soaked in high fructose corn syrup will be served up either way. And if there is no candidate that even pretends to be pro-white or anti-ZOG, the best thing we can do is delegitimize this kike sham of "democracy" by not showing up to their fake "election". Especially since the "nationalist" Trump backstabbed tens of millions of white Americans in favor of muh based niggers, jews, and spics.

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8c11b7 No.13558295

File: b3bc1ab96f485ae⋯.jpg (627.92 KB,1080x1080,1:1,Truly Tulsi.jpg)



I was pro-Trump, and I still report to him on occasion re: the opinion of the conservative side of American politics. Now, however, I see a real opportunity here to back an anti-war candidate, not because anyone-but-Trump can win, but because she can bring the conversation more to where I want it to be. Tulsi Gabbard talks about things that make sense, whereas the other Democrats are afraid of their own shadows. I can see a real advantage to this.

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284457 No.13558298


People who have been to Hawaii will tell you the "aloha spirit" is intense hatred of Whites.

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0209da No.13558303

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8c11b7 No.13558304


D&C Jew.

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5aecd3 No.13558307

File: 28ba8a8e5400528⋯.jpg (123.83 KB,720x570,24:19,891233121.jpg)


Well no shit. They got taken over by the USA because they let foreigners/non-citizens vote and hold public office.

Yes that is literally how it happened.

The Kingdom of Hawaii is a great example of why you should not let non-citizens vote or hold public office.


Just getting her the nomination would be enough as it would reinforce the legitimacy of an anti-war message and force Trump to come out again and push an anti-war message.

This would make a war less politically appealing to him. Frustrating the attempts of the ruling class to get him to take the USA into a war

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c65f5b No.13558309


Does anyone have the original?

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f7f2cb No.13558310

File: 94b7a58fff6b956⋯.gif (2.92 KB,452x523,452:523,whocoulditbe.gif)


Voting only makes sense when it gives radicals access to money, like in Germany, where a party has to meer a vertain percentage of votes to get money for their political campaigns from the state. This way, radicals can recruit and organize better. Voting for a leftist non-white whore to move the overton window more towards anti-immigration rhetoric is fucking retarded, especially when the current president has spouted far more aggressive anti-immigration rhetoric than this whore ever will. Rhetoric is worthless though, because the lemming masses can be easily fooled into accepting fake solutions for the perceived problems (-> Trump), or they will simply be pacified with bread and circus. Voting in the hope of achieving system change is peak retardation. Only direct, radical action against the system will bring about system change.

TL,DR you're a kike.

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501d1e No.13558313

File: d0aef4959cb5a90⋯.png (361.66 KB,651x692,651:692,Bannon Epstein.png)


Bannon being "anti-Establishment" is such a retarded meme.

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284457 No.13558314

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


0/10 Here's a well known White who grew up there destroying your faggot response.

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3f6c7b No.13558315


Nice revisionist bullshit, imkampfy. No one was ever pro-Trump then or now. Your view was and never will be welcome here. You are a fucking joke.

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5aecd3 No.13558316

File: 0610b6c1db4f8d6⋯.png (301.89 KB,498x592,249:296,libertarian0.png)


He clearly disagreed with them on a number of fronts.

Remember the communists always wind up killing the people who put them in power and with good reason. You compromise to obtain power, associate with those you would rather kill.

Once you have power the time for compromise is over.

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3f6c7b No.13558318


You're bat-faith arguments are so fucking cringey. Fuck off.

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e6c943 No.13558320


Honesly, I would not a give a fuck. If the two opposing candidates are Zognald or a brown woman than might as well just let it all burn. Let's do a WW3, hopefully we die quickly in nuclear fire. As for conventional war, noone would show up, everybody would be too busy killing their "neighbours", because there is no society now, everybody is unhappy, people are forced to live too close to strangers, and evolutionary controls are abandoned for so long that most people do deserve a culling. Look around yourself and you see kike worshiping brainwashed morons, shitskin subhumans, skinny human refuse males, short people. Fuck them all, let WW3 start, drop the first nuke on me.

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0209da No.13558322


>communists always wind up killing the people who put them in power and with good reason.

Come on man!!!!!!!! The nazis are known for that. night of the long knives or sthg. D&Cing isn't good.

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8c11b7 No.13558325


This thread is NOT about voting. This is about moving the Overton window back to the right. And in so doing, exposing the (((radicalized Left))) that much more.

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3f6c7b No.13558329


>muh optics

>muh moving windows

The future of politics is terrorism.

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f7f2cb No.13558330


>muh overton-window


Fuck off faggot

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ab443f No.13558331

File: a835732ffb1b280⋯.mp4 (288.63 KB,480x360,4:3,Lies on the Internet.mp4)


feels become redpill

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e6c943 No.13558334


lol, retard. night of long knives were only against kikes. none of whom supported uncle Adolf. kikes were already waging open economic war against germany for years by that time…

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5aecd3 No.13558336

File: d77e389ded8eced⋯.webm (11.12 MB,480x360,4:3,Dialogue_between_Faust_an….webm)


Have you considered not being a summerfag?

I hear lurking moar will help with that.

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8c11b7 No.13558337



KYS, Jew.

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3f6c7b No.13558340


Just remember: nobody was ever pro-Trump, you just banned us all and then got removed for it.

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ea452a No.13558344


>nobody was ever pro-Trump

But that's wrong.

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0209da No.13558345


you can't be that ignorant. the assassinations came from nazis period, wtih documented cases. did communists assassinate hitler? no he assassinated communists. revisionism is bad. hitler is morally wrong on this, that's why communists have the upper ground and d& is stupid. Why do you think d&c is so good? I tell communists not to d&c or be neoliberals.

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e6c943 No.13558346


David Duke also endorsed Zognald.

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0209da No.13558348

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5aecd3 No.13558349

File: 3075367aab58cbb⋯.webm (7.46 MB,640x360,16:9,3075367aab58cbbeff8b85539….webm)


Not entirely. The SA also got purged during that night.

Because their leadership had started thinking of trying to take over themselves and weren't entirely onboard ideologically with the NASDAP program.


If you keep saying it enough then maybe one day it will be true.

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3f6c7b No.13558350


>If you keep saying it enough then maybe one day it will be true.

That's the mentality you apply when you spew your revisionism.

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e6c943 No.13558351


Communists cost Germany ww1, with their uprising on the homefront while the war was still ongoing. 90% of the communist leadership were jews. Communist jews always work together with capitalist jews. See how Wall Street kikes founded the bolsheviks. All of them deserve to die.

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ce9f49 No.13558354


The problem is, have any of the dems been advocating against immigration? Last I checked all of them were pro immigration

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3f6c7b No.13558358


No politician has been actually anti-immigration in this country for hundreds of years.

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5aecd3 No.13558360

File: 7d516dcb83ae267⋯.jpg (41.5 KB,500x509,500:509,butthurt1.jpg)


This is you.

You are butthurt because back then you likely supported Trump and bought into the newfag hype that he'd set everything right.

That he was somehow the second coming of Hitler.

But now you're disappointed. You couldn't have been wrong surely?

No you hated him all along, really just ignore and forget everything you said prior.


Dunno I haven't been following the dem primaries.

I know a few are anti-war/interventionism but thats about it.

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0209da No.13558361


>Communists cost Germany ww1, with their uprising on the homefront while the war was still ongoing. 90% of the communist leadership were jews. Communist jews always work together with capitalist jews. See how Wall Street kikes founded the bolsheviks. All of them deserve to die.

FFs man, his D&C you are ignoring me. I say it for a reason.

USSR had a ww1 evolution which weakened them, so it didn't really weaken germany because it weakened an enemy too.

they were in leadership probably because they could be entrusted to not counter-revolt.

Bolsheviks are one type. Nevertheless all your points are revisionist or mistaken.

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8c11b7 No.13558364


Beyond the words, President Trump has also been influenced to leave the borders open, for the sake of compassion. The point is moot.

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0209da No.13558366


>No you hated him all along, really just ignore and forget everything you said prior.

lol that's how these guys are. if they change a belief, "they always thought that" lol

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0209da No.13558371

these WNs are crazy. can imagine killers so paranoid they kill the enemy then say the enemy who are thei victims, are the killers? this is USA zogbot mentality.

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3f6c7b No.13558372


>you likely supported Trump

No, nobody but you, faggot. Only you were that stupid and now you're trying really hard to spin it as "moving windows" and "optics". You're just a stupid magapede who is butthurt he got screwed and will project the very same image on everyone else. You are so easy to read that it's said. Your problem is that you persistently argue in bad faith; nobody was pro-Trump like you were. We were banned by you and then you got removed. So who is butthurt?

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5aecd3 No.13558378

File: 80a91d530538416⋯.mp4 (9.55 MB,424x240,53:30,Les Miserables - Do you he….mp4)


Course he has.

Trump did everything we needed from him just by getting elected. Anything afterwards was irrelevant.

All we needed from him was for people to become comfortable voicing opinions that they would have kept quiet about out of fear.

Now do you hear the people sing? Well not quite but it's getting there.

People are willing to speak up again and get slapped down, but now we have the internet so widely available that every instance of them getting slapped down is widely spread and discussed with the reaction being that people are getting mad.

That's what we want, we want the populace angry.

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8c11b7 No.13558381

File: b964618eda8084f⋯.jpeg (54.85 KB,560x513,560:513,RT on Tulsi.jpeg)


Over Tulsi Gabbard, it's the Jew that's butthurt.

Presumably because the Zogmachine doesn't control her.

And she's solidly pro-peace, anti-war.

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3f6c7b No.13558382


>Trump did everything we needed from him

He was a fucking steam-valve that prevented white nationalism from becoming more extremism. You are fucking retarded.

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3f6c7b No.13558385



That doesn't sound like a race war.

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5aecd3 No.13558386


Oy gevalt Chaim. You need to do better or Mr Shekelstein will stop paying you to post here.

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e6c943 No.13558387


Germany were fighting on multiple fronts. Kikes also brough in the americans against them (when the Brits promised them Israel for it). There is no revisionism on my side. Kikes deserved everything they got, and should have been completely exterminated, if uncle Adolf was not such a fucking hippy to put them into holiday camps, instead of shooting them on sight. Non kike communists are just brainwashed idiots. I have no more time for your tardness. Only good communist is a dead communist, and remember, if you get tossed out of a flying helicopter, do a flip!

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8c11b7 No.13558389


not everything on /pol/ is evil

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3f6c7b No.13558390


Nice argumentation skills, Qtard.

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3f6c7b No.13558393


You are clearly lost.

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0209da No.13558394


wow look at that. compare it to now under the neoliberals. total cucks now.

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ce9f49 No.13558406



Point taken


>anti-war interventionist

Sad thing is that this may be the only thing both Republican and Democratic voters tend to agree on but any candidate who says they are against war and interventionism is either lying or will be stopped from any real progress when in office.


Trump's campaign and presidency's effects on white nationalism is a mixed bag on a whole; one the one hand I can confidently say it made our ideas more popular than they have been in a long time and some even made it in to the mainstream. On the other hand you are absolutely right that white nationalists had a lot more momentum and energy before he became president than after he did. No question that it had a terrible effect on here though, /pol/ is a shadow of its former self now

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0209da No.13558408


you have a bad attitude. hey, why aren't you ranting against the americans then? all this for the politically correct target of communists while the amerimutt is not target of your scornbad attitude. Nazis are the provable murderes in the german conflict. that should make you think again, persisting is lies.

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0209da No.13558413


Also if you don't like communists, then you should be hating on the elites at the time who were treating people badly. It's on them.

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3f6c7b No.13558415


>our ideas more popular than they have been in a long time

The only thing Trump has done is condemn those beliefs. If you see him in a positive light whatsoever it just proves how stupid or disingenuous you are.

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0209da No.13558421


Stop making it one against the other.

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ce9f49 No.13558423


I didn't say Trump endorsed them, I said his actions lead to the ideas becoming more popular

Learn to read nigger

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8c11b7 No.13558428


>if you get tossed out of a flying helicopter, do a flip!

If you jump high enough, you might get caught up in the rotors and bring the whole helicopter down with you.


>Sad thing is that this may be the only thing both Republican and Democratic voters tend to agree on but any candidate who says they are against war and interventionism is either lying or will be stopped from any real progress when in office.

Which is the real reason we need a civil war. In comparison to what the Jew would have us do, a last brother-war against Russia to drive us into (((world governance))), the fight over immigration is just a battle.

Yea, /pol/ is a shadow of what it once was, though. Too many newfags and teenage infiltrators larping as wrecksperts. From a place for wizards to come and share knowledge, /pol/ has been reduced to accelerating. Still, it's useful for that, if nothing else.

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7b4777 No.13558435


>oy vey, if you don't buy into (((my))) unsourced infographs and nonexistent arguments then you must be mad ecks dee

>free will is for Jews only, you fucking goyim, you're all the same

Why are you here? /pol/ has no absolute consensus on any topic except for the fact that we all disdain your subhuman desert barbarian kind.

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53300a No.13558436

File: d755db8851c376d⋯.pdf (1.47 MB,Against Democracy.pdf)

File: 773e28e0d0c7d93⋯.jpeg (23.39 KB,474x410,237:205,AD.jpeg)



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0209da No.13558445


>a last brother-war against Russia

See here anon?


>we all disdain your subhuman desert barbarian kind.

except when and if they got the neoliberals who are getting us.

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3f6c7b No.13558451


>his actions lead to the ideas becoming more popular

That's not even true though, he fucking neutered those beliefs. He replaced them with multiculturalism and faggot-acceptance and has since said "I want people to come into this country in the largest numbers ever" and "Take the guns first, due process later." If Hillary had won then our beliefs would have been far more popular, if we're even talking about the same beliefs and you're not a civic nationalist magacuck.

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3f6c7b No.13558454


I'm gonna have to read that.

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8c11b7 No.13558457


>except when and if they got the neoliberals who are getting us.

No, even then, /pol/ exposes the Jew. It runs for cover when /pol/ shows up and turns on the light. There is no other threat to humanity on Earth.

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170156 No.13558460

File: 027245fa0956808⋯.jpg (31.33 KB,480x253,480:253,411.jpg)


Voting is a LARP that one must engage in.

Because we live in a platonic republic, in which they maintain the illusion of representation.

If all whites were "too smart" to vote, and all browns were "so dumb" they go out & vote, guess what, they start thinking they're the only ones who exist, and expect further representation. The republic by definition, must APPEAR to meet this expectation.

TL;DR: Go show your fucking white face at the fucking line you lazy fucking faggot and vote for the least-shit candidates.

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0209da No.13558463


being a president is harder than we think. there's a lot who want to get to trump a slight move and he could be turned on.

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3f6c7b No.13558464


>you have to be a votecuck


Kill yourself.

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53300a No.13558467


Boomerposting is generally discouraged on /pol/.

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3f6c7b No.13558468


Oh shut the fuck up. He was never on our side, he's a generic neocon for crying out loud.

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170156 No.13558469

File: 70153318f828dd0⋯.jpg (234.35 KB,1280x856,160:107,fuku.jpg)


fuck you shill

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0209da No.13558470


i agree but i'm not going to take away that it's hard.

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3f6c7b No.13558472


What am I shilling? Coca-cola?

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3f6c7b No.13558475


That's not an excuse. Even suggesting that he was going to be anything other than what he has always been is fucking retarded.

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170156 No.13558486

File: 4a53c1919a88eb7⋯.png (302.2 KB,307x767,307:767,ClipboardImage.png)


yes you're sucking on the black coke shill

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5aecd3 No.13558493


The reason the momentum died down is because idiots who drank the kool-aid thought Trump would solve everything and that once he was in power we'd won.

An inevitable and unfortunate consequence of the campaign.

But becoming able to speak in public againwas worth it.

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3f6c7b No.13558513


>becoming able to speak in public againwas worth it

You were always able to you stupid faggot. Making excuses for the alleged utility of Trump is pathetic. He neutered nationalism.

He condemned white nationalism, and is importing spics, and giving billions to Israel, to say nothing of banning bump-stocks.

Your bad faith arguments are cringey as fuck.

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170156 No.13558516

File: 3365bde2f708fa2⋯.png (1.31 MB,850x1098,425:549,ClipboardImage.png)


>boomers acknowledge race

>boomers say "the least-shit candidates"

"Everyone I don't like is a boomer" - you make the meme then look at it & feel challenged by it, I'm not making a meme for you

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3f6c7b No.13558523


Just say it: "votecuck and proud."

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ef1799 No.13558527

File: 948899b4ab96a39⋯.jpg (46.08 KB,590x701,590:701,Yes_You_may.jpg)


>I'm not making a meme for you

Because you don't know how, because they didn't teach you to code in high school in 1966.

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8c11b7 No.13558529

File: c98d87f2afbf178⋯.jpg (135.5 KB,1088x748,16:11,don't VOTE.jpg)


Once more unto the breach, my friends!

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170156 No.13558533

File: d9beecac206b54c⋯.png (1.6 MB,1200x512,75:32,ClipboardImage.png)


Just say it: "I'm a moronic LARPer shitting my pants about muh racewar on the internet and encouraging the browning of voting day"

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3f6c7b No.13558542


>the browning of voting day

No politician will ever stop that. You are retarded for discouraging legitimate solutions, and the only practical solutions are the extremely violent ones.

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170156 No.13558543


posting that pic of May should be banned this is not a gore board

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170156 No.13558547


so go be extremely violent you assheaded fuck. you're currently talking shit on a chatboard.

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3f6c7b No.13558553


I'm not the one discouraging people from realistic solutions, faggot.

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8c11b7 No.13558554



This is a thread about Tulsi's impact on the National conversation: should we get into another war for Pissrael or not?

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ef1799 No.13558557


Why? Her arms have returned to normal.

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170156 No.13558560

File: 9f645cbd31bb635⋯.gif (473.21 KB,320x180,16:9,ding ding ding.gif)


>realistic solutions

>extremely violent

you're funny as fuck you really are.

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3f6c7b No.13558561


This is a votecucks thread about optics.

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5aecd3 No.13558562


It doesn't matter if we speak. We need the populace at large doing so.

That's what we got out of this. Normies are no longer afraid to voice hatefacts.

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3f6c7b No.13558566


There's nothing contradictory about that statement. Put up a counterargument, faggot.

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3f6c7b No.13558573


>no longer afraid to voice hatefacts.

First of all, you are a "normie", you're a magapede Qtard faggot. Secondly, since you ignored these points before:

Making excuses for the alleged utility of Trump is pathetic. He neutered nationalism.

He condemned white nationalism, and is importing spics, and giving billions to Israel, to say nothing of banning bump-stocks.

Your bad faith arguments are cringey as fuck.

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170156 No.13558574

File: e4983a808a15f7a⋯.png (179.63 KB,467x283,467:283,the politics of failure ha….png)


>Tulsi's impact on the National conversation

I have no idea I don't watch that crap, nor sit on twitter watching others who are watching that crap. I heard she said "no war". That's great. So did every other cunting fuck even the likes of Wilson who took us to WW1 for the Fed said "no war".

Fuck the shit it doesn't matter they all do what their fucking masters tell them now show your fucking face in the line and vote for the least shit one

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3f6c7b No.13558581


> vote for the least shit one


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06ef24 No.13558585


>Voting for a leftist non-white whore to move the overton window more towards anti-immigration rhetoric is fucking retarded, especially when the current president has spouted far more aggressive anti-immigration rhetoric than this whore ever will.


>This thread is NOT about voting. This is about moving the Overton window back to the right.

Notice how the sills don't even read posts, just respond to them

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5aecd3 No.13558590

File: 956d8e1c49df5a6⋯.jpg (102.2 KB,900x1357,900:1357,60c00c377139085143b3967087….jpg)


Is "bad faith argument" the new JIDF buzzword?

Because you use it like it is.

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3f6c7b No.13558593


So basically you have no counter-arguments. Sad!

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170156 No.13558598

File: 7e2e481b9ad2eac⋯.jpg (6.13 KB,236x157,236:157,chewie sucks teeth.jpg)


consider whatever the fuck you want faggot we could use some fresh gifs around here and a bunch of fresh new media about how whites are terrorists yeah that shit works great

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5aecd3 No.13558599


I've already done that. You ignored it because oy vey bad faith argument

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3f6c7b No.13558601


>muh precious internet pictures and gifs

Yeah your priorities are fucking stupid.

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170156 No.13558608

File: 83db24601255abb⋯.png (3.25 MB,1600x1009,1600:1009,ClipboardImage.png)


I tire of toying with you

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3f6c7b No.13558610


>projecting the fact that you ignored my arguments

All of your posts project the thing your doing on to the person you engage with. It's very idiosyncratic and easy to spot out.

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3f6c7b No.13558613


You're not toying with me, you are impotently raging about being a votecuck.

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318f20 No.13558622


Democracy isn't real. Our only objective should be to de-legitimize the democratic institution in its entirety.

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318f20 No.13558625



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f5abdb No.13558627

>non white


>anti gun




>gun moderate


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3f6c7b No.13558629


>gun moderate

You've got to be kidding.

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284457 No.13558634


> nazis

nobody says that here chaim.

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06ef24 No.13558635



The funniest part is that you both think policy matters at all when both parties are controlled by the same lobbyist kikes

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5aecd3 No.13558636

File: 7a3d9142144992f⋯.mp4 (6.22 MB,720x720,1:1,7a3d9142144992fa0647adc31b….mp4)


Perhaps go back and read them this time?

I get what you're doing. Trying to make me doubt my own memory.

But sweet innocent Chaim. Gaslighting doesn't work here.

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8c11b7 No.13558638

File: 9489c60a3219859⋯.jpg (126.88 KB,1280x720,16:9,Tucker 'n Tulsi.jpg)

File: e7f4ff6322ade6e⋯.jpg (93.52 KB,620x280,31:14,Tulsi goes to Syria.jpg)



The Jew hates Tulsi for a reason. What's she saying that pisses them off so?

I think it's because she's so obviously anti-war.

On the off-hand chance she gets into office, (((they))) may get her to declare war on Iran or Russia, to start World War 3 for them, she is a woman after all. But it would not be easy for them. She has openly, and without prompting, advocated for de-escalation of hostilities, which makes it much harder for the Jew to start wars. Idunno if Tulsi is a globalist or not, but I do know that her being part of the conversation, at the very least, makes war much less palatable.

And you can't play the 'muh patriotism' card on her because she's wrapped herself in the military. If they want her to start a war, they've gotta use some other lever, something (((they))) haven't resorted to before.

et voila: Acceleration!

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318f20 No.13558639




Retard alert.

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3f6c7b No.13558642


>Perhaps go back and read them this time?

More projecting the thing that you should be doing with my points.

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501d1e No.13558646


How does Bannon differ from the jewish establishment on anything other than embracing phony "populist" optics?

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318f20 No.13558648


>The Jew hates Tulsi for a reason.

No they don't you nupol retard. Everyone up on that stage was allowed to be on the stage. Every actor present in the democratic stage show was picked by the kike. You're using (((fox news))) as a support for your argument? Why the fuck do boomers think they're welcome here?

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06ef24 No.13558649





Hang yourself kike, and or kike lover.

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5aecd3 No.13558654


Generally speaking back then he seemed fairly opposed to the idea of global markets and deindustrialisation.

Which is good for us overall. As the world belongs to industrialised powers

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3f6c7b No.13558662

File: 8c7243e57047d25⋯.png (301.39 KB,1224x464,153:58,hethinksyouareaclown.png)

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3f6c7b No.13558665


More trump-apologist bullshit. Stick a dagger up your ass.

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424f58 No.13558666


Trump doesn't care one way or another about guns, no matter what spews out of his senile mouth. The NRA told him to ban bump stocks so he did. The NRA backed red flag laws and so did Trump. Simple as that.

Tulsi has backed AWBs and voted for them.

I'd rather have Trumpenstein in office to set their communist tools off even more.

One of them might finally grow some balls, go off script and give most Americans a reason to wipe them out.

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318f20 No.13558670


>I'd rather have Trumpenstein in office to set their communist tools off even more.


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3f6c7b No.13558671


>I'd rather have Trumpenstein in office

You don't have a choice you stupid votecuck.

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424f58 No.13558674


Of course it is, but those communist retards think that Trump actually is a nazi.

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3f6c7b No.13558676


That's not an excuse faggot.

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3f6c7b No.13558690


>implying the GOP are on the right

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318f20 No.13558691


Which is what they want. The main function of the electoral process is to get people to believe in the electoral process. Before 2016, after Obama's hope and change bullshit turned out to be bush 2.0, everyone was getting wise to the fact that it doesn't matter who is in office, they are both beholden to the same people. The "le outsider xD" trump character got both the right and left heavily invested in the democrat/republican dialectic. The best thing we can do it deligitmize the electoral process as a whole. I'll say it again because no one seems to understand it

The best thing we can do it deligitmize the electoral process as a whole.

>The best thing we can do it deligitmize the electoral process as a whole.

The best thing we can do it deligitmize the electoral process as a whole.

>The best thing we can do it deligitmize the electoral process as a whole.

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5aecd3 No.13558692

File: 026028c9d8ae7ab⋯.gif (454.31 KB,500x281,500:281,total fucking faggot.gif)


The poor child doesn't understand why the whole election thing is even done.

Ahh to be so young and ignorant.

Elections are not about us you are right. They're a way for the ruling class to squabble and fight amongst themselves without resorting to outright violence.

Where once they poisoned, schemed and warred to seize power they came up with a much more tame and safe approach that let them compete for power with zero risk, all while locking out potential challengers from outside their class.

Trump due to his money was able to reach beyond his class and compete on their stage because one faction in the ruling class hadn't tightened up their rules enough.

This is why they hate him, he is a pleb in their eyes who has dared to stand among them and talk to them.

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06ef24 No.13558694


>The poor child doesn't understand why the whole election thing is even done.

>Ahh to be so young and ignorant.

Go back to the boomer containment board.


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318f20 No.13558697


>Elections are not about us you are right. They're a way for the ruling class to squabble and fight amongst themselves without resorting to outright violence.

No it isn't kampfy you fucking suhuman faggot. It's away for the same group of kikes to pit the population against each other while they march on in their plans the same as always. Trump wasn't an outsider, he was a pick to re-legitimize the electoral system.

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3f6c7b No.13558698


>they hate him

Making excuses for the alleged utility of Trump is pathetic. He neutered nationalism. He condemned white nationalism, and is importing spics, and giving billions to Israel, to say nothing of banning bump-stocks.

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f5abdb No.13558699


>Retard alert.

please elaborate.



you mean heavily influenced. the party lines can be and have been broken/blurred on lower levels. same can happen in the higher levels but thats much more difficult.


trump is about as "pro-gun" as the average retarded boomer. which is moderate. where would you say he falls?

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318f20 No.13558703


>please elaborate.


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06ef24 No.13558704


>you mean

No, I mean exactly what I said you disgusting yid.

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3f6c7b No.13558708


>which is moderate


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f5abdb No.13558714


ok, so whats your plan to delegitimize the voting process? specifically.

and do you think all local elections are compromised as well and not worth voting in? or do you think federal level elections should just be omitted?


so youre saying the jews have the ability to directly control people? how do they do that?

you call me a yid because i dismiss your notion that the jews are not super-powerful and can be beaten?

think about that for a minute.


what do you think is a moderate gun policy in general? got an example?

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06ef24 No.13558717




Hang yourself, you disgusting yid.

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f5abdb No.13558721


>ask legitimate question

>get all caps red text reply implying i was suggesting any of it

you argue like a kike straight out of mein kampf. hitler described your debate technique as jewish.

do you know that?

i'll ask again and im not going to stop asking until you answer.

what is your plan to delegitimize the voting process?

do you think all local elections are compromised?

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318f20 No.13558724


>ok, so whats your plan to delegitimize the voting process? specifically.

What do you think the chans are? The only worth they have is in disseminating information. Instead of memeing about trump we need to be memeing about how useless the elections are. It should be pushed to the point that's its a given axiom for any discussions on here.

>do you think all local elections are compromised as well and not worth voting in?

Not worthless but not worth much. Local governments mostly have power over administration stuff.

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d17d65 No.13558727


I think Tulsi is sincere, unlike every politician. I think Trump's sincere in that he loves America and wanted to see Americans prosper before we're forever shackled to the yoke of subsidizing globohomo infinigger permawar for all eternity.

But Trump talked a good line, like Obama before him. Like Bush the Lesser, Clinton, Bush the Elder, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, and on and on, back through time. I'm sure every one of them thought that their vision of what America should be really was best for the country at the time they were elected, and that a majority of Americans agreed with them, seeing as they did get elected to the office.

But I think two things are what fucks everything up. The first is common sense and undeniable. The second is only a probability or an unconfirmed likelihood, but the evidence for it is pretty substantial.

1. A President can only do so much. A President doesn't write laws, he doesn't craft policy, he doesn't even set the tone for the economy. Congress does. If you elect the best person in the world as President, but give him a bunch of assholes in Congress to work with, what's ever going to get done? If you really need the answer to that, look at the last three years.

2. It's my own personal opinion that, on Inauguration Day, after all the hoopla is over, all the parties are over, and the newly elected President sits down in the Oval Office for the first time, some kike walks in and congratulates him, tells him his ideas and speeches were top notch, then sits down with him and tells him how things are actually going to go. And, of course, if he doesn't go along with it, maybe his grandkids die in a plane wreck, maybe he or his wife is the target of an assassination attempt, maybe a coup or nationwide riots, maybe this, maybe that. But it's going to be something horrible, and it's going to be something that each and every one of them would never want to face, because each and every one of them goes along with it.

How do you know? Because no matter who gets elected, no matter whether there's a D or an R next to their name, and no matter what shit they talked on the campaign trail, the globohomo infinigger permawar agenda marches on, unabated.

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318f20 No.13558733


>I think Tulsi is sincere, unlike every politician. I think Trump's sincere

Then you're wrong. No one that gets even close to that level of political power isn't 100% controlled.

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3f6c7b No.13558734


There's no such thing as a "moderate" gun policy. You either infringe on the Second Amendment or you don't. Every politician, Republican and Democrat has done so since fucking Lincoln and even before that. Technically speaking under the Bill of Rights, adult male citizens should receive paid military training, ammunition, rifles and be organized into state militias. Citizens should know how to drive fucking tanks and jets. Don't talk about a "moderate gun policy" faggot, there is none. Most average "conservative" types won't admit they've been getting fucked repeatedly for over a hundred years, they aren't a means by which you can measure gun policy, they will receive whatever they is commanded of them. As long as they get to keep their precious twelve guage for shootin' coyotes gettin' into the chicken coop of course.

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284457 No.13558735


I know banning silencers isn't moderate.

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8c11b7 No.13558740

File: 6eb76e7100c8bbb⋯.jpg (69.19 KB,600x400,3:2,Tulsi in DC.jpg)



So what have we got in this thread?

1. Tulsi is interesting because she shakes up the Democratic field. No one argues against this, though one or two point out her globalist familial roots. Everyone recognizes she's pro-peace.

2. Some actual faggots on this board don't like her, probably Jews, and so they've been trying to convince /pol/acks to give up on the political process entirely. They forget that this is in large part a political board, spiced up with colorful euphemisms to keep the clueless at bay. The "muh don't get involved" shit is easy to filter.

3. A few still like Donald Trump. Don't think anyone is saying that Democrats have a snowflake's chance in America of actually getting elected, including Tulsi Gabbard, but that wasn't the point of this thread. Were Tulsi to continue to be in the running, she does piss off the Jew that much more. Miss Kamela's non-response to her was precious. NBC's declaring her to be a Russian agent generated some much appreciated sensible chuckles. They're not standing by her anymore. It's mining the salt that I enjoy.


Fuck off and die you dry Jewish dikes

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318f20 No.13558743


>voting is real


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607eb2 No.13558747

File: 1c1229b876f4c2d⋯.png (615.96 KB,1462x605,1462:605,ClipboardImage.png)

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d17d65 No.13558760


I don't doubt you, but I don't think that every Senator and every Representative is necessarily controlled. And every Senator and every Representative is at that level of power.

Certainly, those in the important positions are controlled - the majority/minority leaders and whips, the committee chairs, probably even the entirety of the committees and panels themselves. People from the big, populous States - California, NY, etc. Because that's where agendas are set; that's where the laws and policy that affects us all is created.

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f5abdb No.13558764


> the chans

>disseminating information


hello newfriend, you should have lurked for longer. but i dont completely disagree with what youre saying. we often talk about how useless the presidential election is, but other elections are important.

>memeing about trump

thats reddit and 4cuck, do you know where you are?

but i will say this about local elections, something i know ALOT about, having been in local politics my entire life.

local governments have alot more power than you think. many times local governments hold enforcement jurisdiction over federal laws with few exceptions, this applied to drugs which was why the DEA was established for example.

just look at the role local governments played during jimmy carters plan to "integrate" niggers by force into every community. some fought it and lost, but most won.

the place i spent doing my work (dont want to dox myself) resisted this shit like crazy. took a ton of flak, and even had the feds file lawsuits against us. won judgements on federal levels… and you know what we did? didnt fucking pay them. fuck them.

local governments can resist low income housing grants, etc.

also, an elected sheriff can completely refuse to enforce gun laws in a local area.

want a civil war? its going to be a fracture between local government and big government. i would guarantee that.


>There's no such thing as a "moderate" gun policy. You either infringe on the Second Amendment or you don't.

so someone who wants to execute and arrest all legal gun owners is the same as someone who thinks only explosives and chemical weapons should be restricted?

look, you have to be 18 to post here. maybe you should look up what the term "moderate" actually refers to instead of just saying stupid shit.

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501d1e No.13558779

File: c115b514f5593bf⋯.png (986.24 KB,1452x643,1452:643,spic miga.png)

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318f20 No.13558784


>hello newfriend, you should have lurked for longer.

Shut the fuck up. Nothing I said makes me new you retard.

>thats reddit and 4cuck, do you know where you are?

Its worse on reddit and 4cuck, but we get our fair share of votecuck threads on here.

>but i will say this about local elections, something i know ALOT about, having been in local politics my entire life.

Ok then that's fine. Federal elections are still 100% controlled.

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1f7970 No.13558787

TIDF making threads like real people

>Does anyone doubt that Tulsi stands for what she says

only anyone who know's that shes a politician

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318f20 No.13558794


This. Imagine seeing candidate after candidate after candidate, all march to the same jewish drum, and still expecting someone else to be different.

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2f184c No.13558795


>trump loves beaners

Yeah no shit.

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f5abdb No.13558844


>Shut the fuck up. Nothing I said makes me new you retard.



not 100%, that would be supernatural.

its probably close to 40%. but thats still a massive control spike. that would mean someone would have to be supported by a like 90% landslide to even have a chance.

not that it matters, there is always a possibility that anyone can get in there thats disingenuous to the kikes.

thats the most likely scenario. after that its just a matter of the public support/education and we know who controls most of the media, and that is heavily influenced by that.

thats why moving the overton window is so important.

but i have a secret for you. most of the political world is full of useful idiots. just like the left. most of them genuinely believe the bullshit they were fed. the new generation doesnt understand that theyre supposed to be liars, they think theyre on the "good guys" side. jews have to keep that illusion, and the more they have to do in order to bend the odds in their favor, the more the useful idiots start to question.

cant be too blatant or they lose grasp/power, and the more they oppose public opinion, the more blatant theyre forced to become.

that is the entire concept behind a "release valve" to avoid the steam pipe from exploding. but if they let out too much… well, theres little difference between a broken pipe and an open pipe. the room is still full of steam and you cant put the steam back in the pipe.

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376473 No.13558865

Donate a dollar to keep tulsi in debates, anons.

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829a90 No.13558867

File: 46d2e216bac5ef6⋯.png (4.39 MB,2400x1818,400:303,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a84c02f04d2b32c⋯.png (317.17 KB,520x362,260:181,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 134ce4813030e40⋯.png (680.47 KB,640x427,640:427,ClipboardImage.png)




Hawaii is another Democrat run Shithole Failure; #1 Welfare State, Train to nowhere, meth, crime, poverty, loads ppl on dole, lots-o-homeless, natives hate whitey even though tourism, Hollywood constantly filming there to throw HI a bone, no exports any longer (shrimps, water and nuts are in the top 10), high cost of living, etc.



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376473 No.13558871


Is this a cuck or a hasabara?

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1f1b07 No.13558872







This paid shilling is allowed here.

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3f6c7b No.13558873


>you're underage because I'm a cuck on gun policy

Go make love to a knife.

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318f20 No.13558877


>hasbara wants you not invested in a kike control scheme

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318f20 No.13558882


>that is the entire concept behind a "release valve" to avoid the steam pipe from exploding. but if they let out too much

If Trump is just a useful idiot it makes no difference. He's worked wonders as a steam valve. The right is more toothless and placated than it ever was.

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cef616 No.13558893

File: b0909e494f4f337⋯.jpg (46.59 KB,782x785,782:785,bagOdicks.jpg)

Might as well cast your vote for pic related

'"They ALL suck'"

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8c11b7 No.13558895


Just outa curiosity, do you even get bathroom breaks?

A window? Do you get a window to occasionally look outside?

Free coffee or soft-drinks?

Any perks? Warm massages to ease those aching shoulders? Soft music and fresh air?

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1f1b07 No.13558898


>(((24))) spam posts shilling a nonwhite communist whore


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f5abdb No.13558910


>im not a kid!

>i just dont know what a moderate is!


youre a mess, kid.


the steam valve isnt a concept that only applies to trump or politicians. the release valve is a very broad concept.

the fact that we're technically given a voice is a release valve, for example. "you can say whatever you want so how can you say speech is controlled?"

but when wrongthink becomes too prevalent, and the speech gets too visible, they seek speech control.

and even leftist useful idiots are split unaware of what their leaders are actually plotting.

this shit shows no signs of getting under control anytime soon.

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071c15 No.13558915

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8c11b7 No.13558918

File: 43298c8409b0595⋯.jpg (58.17 KB,318x318,1:1,Jew.jpg)


IP-hopping circle-jerk

fellate a banana

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cef616 No.13558919

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bc1c3a No.13558920

File: 49a1a8d1ab1e546⋯.png (68.8 KB,616x481,616:481,hahahaha.png)



get a load of this guy

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3f6c7b No.13558927


>you don't agree with my cucked opinion on guns, therefore you are younger than me

You are a faggot.

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3f6c7b No.13558933


No, not "that".

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2dc4fe No.13558949

File: 64e352e38727ff5⋯.jpg (438.72 KB,1848x1080,77:45,Tulsi.jpg)

more of her feet

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b5539c No.13558973


Off yourself subhuman

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1f1b07 No.13558997



Paid shill confirmed.

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1cbba2 No.13559024

Who is the most absolute bat shit insane far left candidate? That’s who I’ll be (((voting))) for. #Accelerate2020

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f5abdb No.13559029


>cucked opinion on guns

learn how to read you illiterate nigger.

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786306 No.13559038


She won't win the nomination and votecucking has destroyed this board.

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786306 No.13559046

File: eee087c7149bd74⋯.png (69.66 KB,684x481,684:481,1564552855202.png)

File: 7c3317ec44b3dc9⋯.png (126.13 KB,698x881,698:881,1564552467169.png)

File: ee3cff928743e3e⋯.jpg (92.44 KB,582x1024,291:512,1564552439630.jpg)



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3f6c7b No.13559059


>you don't know how to read because you don't agree with me

You are a faggot.

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786306 No.13559071


I got banned for saying on here that I refused to vote for these anti white faggots btw.

GOP = anti white kikes

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f5abdb No.13559072


no, you dont know how to read because youre a nigger.

my stance on gun control, which is "shall not be infringed" was never stated. nor is it relevent to the definition of a "moderate"

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8db5c3 No.13559079

File: b5a6a580e8c180d⋯.jpg (25.95 KB,400x491,400:491,dd7nt3y-fullview.jpg)


>Indian Computer Expertise


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09aa26 No.13559097


There are no anti-immigration candidates so if you want a future in this country for the descendants of the Anglo colonists who built it and their European allies - then you need to start accepting you will have to pay with your life for that bill.

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1cbba2 No.13559103

File: 83b2c8fecec2029⋯.jpeg (386.37 KB,640x939,640:939,3B4032A3-906E-4B2C-8F4D-9….jpeg)




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b30e58 No.13559110


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a009e5 No.13559115


she must be literally one in a billion

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0d265f No.13559138


I've said it more times than I can count at this point and have been called a kike every time, but the majority of whites need to be exterminated for enabling this kind of shit. Our race will never improve until we rid our gene pool of those willing to submit themselves to kike interests and those who are easily manipulated by kike rhetoric.

>we need more "efficient" (slave) labor

>well uh hurr durr that makes sense cuz i'm not racist and chinks and poos are just soo much better than me


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f5abdb No.13559170


>the majority of whites need to be exterminated

literally the most bluepilled kosher statement in the thread.

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4c9ea7 No.13559177


>Gabbard wins the Democratic nomination, who would (((you))) vote for?

Accelerationism is still too naive. It assumes your vote matters, that you have some form of control or influence over the system. You don't. The collapse is coming, and you can neither stave it off nor do a rain dance and provoke it early. Now is the time to acquire practical skills, network with other white people, redpill friends and family, and do everything you can to move as far away from the cities as possible.

Just as right leaning candidates will be cucked by their corporate Jew masters, so too will any liberal candidate be brought to heel. A Hillary or Jeb presidency would have been no appreciably different from Trump's. We're still at war for Israel, Hillary isn't in jail, you're not getting a wall, more immigration and gun grabbing than ever before. What's different, exactly? Nothing. By the same token, a second Trump term will be no different from a Gabbard or Harris first. The candidates are simply window dressing for the corporatiins and banks who actually make policy. This world is ruled by money, and the money master is Jewish. Stop implying that the bread and circus show matters. It does not.

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786306 No.13559189


We have terms for that sort of thing. Shabbos goyim and race traitors.

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8c11b7 No.13559199

File: 9d266449b51b16f⋯.jpeg (455.82 KB,2290x1322,1145:661,not a nose.jpeg)


>Stop implying that the bread and circus show matters. It does not.

In fact, the hypnotic merry go-round does matter, quite alot. At no point before the DOTR are we absolutely 100% assured of civl war. It may be 99.87% likely, but there's always that .13% that could happen.

To whit: Tulsi Gabbard is against open-borders. She just doesn't know how to voice her concerns in a way that placates the sperging masses.


We can turn this situation around, if the political will is there to do it.

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a93254 No.13559205



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7a4ed4 No.13559220


Prove otherwise.

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4c9ea7 No.13559251


I never said anything about a civil war. I said a collapse, which will 100% happen and is completely unavoidable. No, the circus doesn't matter. Not at all.

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f5abdb No.13559252


dont worry kike, it'll be proved to you in time when youre swinging from a tree.

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3087b6 No.13559269


internet tough guy larp is absolutely cringe

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4c9ea7 No.13559276


The claim that a 'majority' of ethnic Aryans need to die is the extraordinary assertion here. It is you who needs to present evidence to support this stance. You childish fucking edgelord.

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7a4ed4 No.13559302


Nothing extraordinary about the truth. How many whites do you see standing up for themselves vs. the number of whites trying to import muds, suck kike dick, and act like typical degenerates? Time to take the real red pill. Majority of whites voted for Trump and continue to praise him for failing to build the wall, failing to deport beaners, importing more H1-B poos, giving more money to nigger colleges than ever, and, most importantly, moving the embassy to Jerusalem and give Israel more money than they've ever received.

Where is the extraordinary assertion?

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3f6c7b No.13559303


>the definition of a "moderate"

There's no such thing, faggot.

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8c11b7 No.13559333

File: 767241cab138a36⋯.jpeg (67.06 KB,1200x630,40:21,Surfer girl.jpeg)


>I never said anything about a civil war. I said a collapse, which will 100% happen and is completely unavoidable.

And what do you think happens in a (((mutlicult society))) 5 seconds after the collapse occurs?


In contrast with everyone else who's running, Tulsi Gabbard is not an Israel-firster. She may not be anti-Semitic enough, but at least she's not pushing for war on Israel's behalf. That sets her apart from all the other candidates. And the incumbent.


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8c11b7 No.13559336


And Patrick Buchanan's open letter to Trump is historic.


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c6520b No.13559338

File: 44715125178e477⋯.jpg (114.13 KB,1080x1350,4:5,katherina sisters.jpg)

File: 4d936c53f7499d5⋯.jpg (685.04 KB,1647x1227,549:409,the flashpoint of WW2 on t….jpg)


As long as the Dem isn't White (which would allow greater rusing of Whites) or Jewish (which would allow tons of Jewish memetic ammunition), I'm voting for them.

The US is dead and Trump is a pacifier for White outrage.

Fuck him.

You should hear the Boomers kvetch when I tell them I'm voting for Kamala Harris if she wins the nom, and that I'm doing it just to piss off other White people. The only thing better is when I tell them its their fault I've taken this position, because Trump doesn't help them and they're too stupid to realize it.


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9ac9b0 No.13559350

File: 8e414b564140f8c⋯.jpg (406.55 KB,800x702,400:351,proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg)

if Gabbard becomes president, CFR will be empowered. Expect if Gabbard is elected

A NEW 9/11

… at which point her "anti-war" stances become irrelevant

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c42e1e No.13559360

File: f98781af7c0c33e⋯.png (251.42 KB,502x282,251:141,Screen Shot 2019-08-02 at ….png)




>voting for that


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8c11b7 No.13559380


For a liberal, Tulsi Gabbard is pretty woke.


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af890e No.13559385

>If Tulsi Gabbard wins the Democratic nomination, who would (((you))) vote for?

this is a fucking retarded header

>what does /pol/ think of x?

i was banned last year for posting a thread asking the board how they felt about Ahed Tamimi getting jailed for assaulting a ZOG soldier on her private property. the fact that this thread is up after 200+ replies proves that glowniggers are moderating this board.

the answer to OPs question is "no"

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8c11b7 No.13559397


cry a river, faggot

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3c2b9c No.13559476


>but i will say this about local elections

this is an important point I want to highlight since people only talk about federal elections, Local is as or more important for the exact same reason this anon said, the feds tell the local government to do something, they can either tell them to fuck off with almost 0 recourse, or simply agree and then not do it with 0 recourse for the feds.


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b1ab19 No.13559713

File: f0335e719337715⋯.png (458.58 KB,770x720,77:72,smugsmile2.png)


>everyone who uses anime is kampfy

You're a tunnel-vision nigger who needs to die in a fire. Yes, nigger, there were many who were pro-Trump. Those of us who were actually here for the 2016 election backed Trump solely because he was useful for pushing certain mindsets. One being the mindset that being white wasn't bad in the minds of normies.The same for the anti-immigration question. That you keep trying to make people think you belong here and that you speak for the entirety of /pol/ outs you rather clearly to anyone with any semblance of intelligence. You don't speak for anyone but yourself.


Tulsi is good to back as she echoes the anti-war sentiment a lot of people have. That she's being blatantly censored by Google and their technocrat fuck buddies tells me of her legitimacy. If nothing else, she's good to push to continue the Left's own further spiraling into self-destruction while continuing to drive a bigger wedge between them. As it stands, AOC's little squad is apparently pushing for power amongst the Dems, and is now alienating even moderate leftists against the party. That they've resorted to the 'muh Russia' narrative again says just how scared they really are.

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26c7f5 No.13559723


It's definitely kampfy.

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b1ab19 No.13559728


>everyone is kampfy

Oh look, a nigger.

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c42e1e No.13559738


>AOC's little squad is apparently pushing for power

We should be helping that along. D&C works.

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ccd655 No.13559753


Brown and woman. No

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b1ab19 No.13559802


Agreed. They've never been more ripe for the picking than they are now.

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5cae1c No.13559806


Hindustanis are the gold standard because they combine crass materialism, anti-White sympathies, and a geopolitical inclination to oppose islam with military adventurism [which keeps the anti-White military slave system afloat and entrenched]. They must be violently resisted.

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c64a9d No.13559807


>rainbow ribbon

Did she check her privilege tactically?

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8c11b7 No.13559833

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


To hear Tim Pool speak of it, the Democrats treatment of Tulsi Gabbard's campaign is among the most important news in the cycle right now. After listening to Tucker/Hannity/Ingraham, I gotta agree with Tim Pool on this. The news is that America's business-as-usual political process is so corrupt, it's falling apart, grinding to a halt. Tulsi Gabbard is getting the same dismissals, name-calling, and wild mischaracterizations as Trump did in 2016.


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75af1d No.13559844


I always mix her up with Gabby Gifford. They should force them into Thunder Dome with the winner being named Gabby Gabbard. It would be a simple way to make the world a better place.

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8c11b7 No.13559895

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Tulsi's name is just too cool, IMO. It's another word for the herb, basil. And she's not that chatty. So… Tulsi fits.

Another youtube star talks about Tulsi Gabbard:


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cd417b No.13560050

Yeah, this bullshit worked so well last time. Hint: if they were worth voting for, they wouldn't be popular.

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7addcc No.13560166

> Trump is actually an open borders communist, lol, so what's the difference? Vote Tulsi

I will be voting for President Donald J. Trump

And there is nothing the brown mongrel NazBols posing as "accelerationists" can do to stop me.

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ecdbd5 No.13560380


>reverse psychology larping

It's as if I'm watching a modern comedy show which the presenters jokes are only about her vagina.

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7878d5 No.13560464

fuck Tulsi

Tulsi is a part of ISKCON, a hindu cult started by a guru named Prabhupada.

We all know that Prabhupada caught Bhavananda das in 1976 raping young boys in Mayapur. How did Prabhupada punish him? Prabhupada sent Bhavananda away for a few months but then less than a year later Prabhupada had made Bhavananda into one of the 11 gurus who would succeed him. Prabhupada was either a homosexual pedophile himself, or apparently saw nothing wrong with his top disciples raping young boys. Either way, he is not a "pure devotee of God" because a pure devotee would not tolerate or engage directly in raping young boys. Even normal humans understand that homosexual pedophilia is the most evil thing.

As Prabhupada said many times, "you judge the tree by it's fruit". If ISKCON's members and devotees are all pedophiles or supporters of pedophiles, then the conclusion is pretty obvious, is it not? Prabhupada himself was a homosexual pedophile. That may explain why Prabhupada, a man in his late 70s, surrounded himself with young 18 year old male disciples?

But what about Prabhupada's preaching efforts, you ask? None of us would be devotees of Krishna without his preaching efforts, you say.

WRONG. Absolutely wrong. If you have the transcendental karma of becoming a devotee in this life, it does not depend on any material condition. The more mature of us were devotees in the previous life and probably life before that too. We would have found our way back to Krishna with or without Prabhupada, or rather IN SPITE of Prabhupada's preaching efforts.

I haven't found a single good person in ISKCON because if someone is actually a good person, they would have left long ago. The only people who stay in ISKCON are the criminals, sociopaths, and child molesters.

I hope the poison theory was true. I hope Prabhupada suffered in absolute agony during the last year of his life, as the arsenic which his disciples like Bhakti Charu Swami and Tamal Krishna Goswami were giving him, ate out his organs and gradually shut down his body. That agony is probably nothing compared to the agony that around 2000 young boys experienced in ISKCON's gurukulas, the boarding schools, where they were raped by homosexual pedophiles like Bhavananda das, Kirtananda das, Nitaichand swami, and their henchmen.

This is the same Bhavananda das who Alfred Ford, the grandson of Henry Ford, demanded by the top manager of the construction of the 100 million dollar new temple in Mayapur, West Bengal, India. Everyone knows that Alfred Ford is a homosexual but he is also a homosexual pedophile too.

Anyway, Prabhupada is rotting in hell right now along with his disciples and followers who have died already. Remember, Prabhupada said that the disciples of a bogus guru will go to hell along with their guru. Do you want to go to hell? Then reject the monster known as Prabhupada, the homosexual pedophile known as Prabhupada, and sincerely seek out true vaisnava association. If you stay in ISKCON, you are going to hell and not even Krishna can save you. The real irony is that when Prabhupada was constantly ranting about bogus gurus, he was actually talking about himself, unknowingly. Actually, if you follow Prabhupada's absolutely sick, evil, hateful, and un-vaisnava-like teachings, you are already in hell in this lifetime. You don't have to die to see hell.

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5aecd3 No.13560499

File: 287106bb43efc46⋯.png (351.38 KB,711x822,237:274,1c23e26da15a8bd9de08af5735….png)


No I am kampfy

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8c11b7 No.13560795

File: 082c6fd72d425a4⋯.jpg (189.89 KB,1366x768,683:384,Tulsi runs.jpg)


For those who want more resources on the peace-monger Tulsi Gabbard, the following links might be of use:

official websites:

https://gabbard.house.gov - about her daily representation in Congress

https://www.tulsi2020.com - about her run for President

https://www.congress.gov/member/tulsi-gabbard/G000571 - bills she has sponsored/advocated for

social media outlets:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBTNyrZoiTweJ1PZsJgdWTA - the channel highlighting her run for President

https://twitter.com/tulsigabbard - her campaign's Twitter account

https://www.facebook.com/TulsiGabbard/ - her personal facebook page

https://www.facebook.com/RepTulsiGabbard/ - her official facebook page

https://www.instagram.com/tulsigabbard/?hl=en - her fave pics

what others say about her:

https://ballotpedia.org/Tulsi_Gabbard - an encyclopedic entry on Tulsi Gabbard

https://thehill.com/people/tulsi-gabbard - the Hill's Tulsi Gabbard page

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsi_Gabbard - Tulsi's wiki

https://www.politico.com/2020-election/candidates-views-on-the-issues/tulsi-gabbard/ - where she stands on key issues, interesting this one

https://www.politifact.com/personalities/tulsi-gabbard/ - considering the bias of politifact, this link is only listed for posterity

https://www.govtrack.us/congress/members/tulsi_gabbard/412532 - tracking how Rep. Gabbard has voted

https://www.opensecrets.org/2020-presidential-race/candidate?id=N00033281 - her funding sources

random stuff:

https://www.tulsigabbard.org - an apparent PAC website

https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-tulsi-gabbard-could-win-the-2020-democratic-nomination/ - a good article about Tulsi Gabbard

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06ef24 No.13560801


>I will be voting for a zionist

Ok, then why are you posting here?

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dc96c4 No.13560811



>based "military gal"

>doesn't want war

So either military service will become even more the unemployment benefits scheme than it already is or there will be a lot more people without a job and living on the streets.

TRUMP 2020

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ef1799 No.13560835


I know I'm responding to a shill, but I'll take the bait.

Don't think this system will live forever, cuck. Having this on your resume will get you in more trouble than you can handle someday.

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e74844 No.13560858


>If Tulsi Gabbard wins the Democratic nomination

Stop right there.


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5b88b7 No.13560863



Tulsi is certainly the best and most reasonable candidate, and for unknown reasons the Jew obviously fears her.

That said, surely /pol/ should support the most anti-white SJW candidate, and mass meme everyone about their ideas as that will:

1. Repulse the last remnants of white working class democrat voter base.

2. Lead to total annihilation of the party at the polls. (Ala Get woke go broke)

3. Which will Destroy SJW-marxism as a serious political force for good, pushing everyone to the Right.

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3f6c7b No.13560868


>being a votecuck on /pol/

get the fuck out

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add431 No.13560869


>boomer capitalists love muh shitskins

<ya but you need to prove why the boomer capitalists need to die

found the shitskin

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add431 No.13560877

also (((williamson))) has my vote, affirmative action + reparations = niggers paying lazier niggers gibs

if you're white and still not invested in cryptocurrency or code on the side or NEETBUX you should probably just kill yourself

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1f1b07 No.13560878


Spam thread still up because the (((moderators))) have publicly come out in favor of voting for jewish puppets.

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1f1b07 No.13560882


He has only made $1.65 on this thread so far.

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8c11b7 No.13560887



>Getting paid to shitpost on /pol/

It's a nice job, if you can get it. But then again, you'll fuck anything for a buck, huh?

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3f6c7b No.13560891


>VOTE FOR TULSI, #votecuckandproud

<you're a shill!

Pure projection.

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8c11b7 No.13560915



You've had 48 posts and counting, all decrying the political system, all trying to convince /pol/ to NOT engage the political system, all being asshurt over Tulsi Gabbard's play for the Presidency. You've had 48 posts, and counting, the make your position known. You've added nothing nothing to the conversation. You've only said in the most insulting ways you could, "Don't vote, /pol/! The system won't work for you. Don't vote. It hopeless. Don't vote. Just go crawl back into your hole and wait for the end of the world."

Jesus, you useless prick, why don't you take your own advice? Piss off.

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5b88b7 No.13560966

File: 49d8fd30b22b4cb⋯.jpg (52.8 KB,600x350,12:7,IDF-Computer-School.jpg)




Just another day in the office for (((42d714)))

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caea80 No.13560972


>women can't be manipulated into going to war

War is guaranteed, especially with women making the decisions.

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caea80 No.13560975


No shit, I bet their group meetings are really just support groups where they convince themselves of their bullshit and will use this post to go

>see this goyim is acting like he isn't effected by us, that proves we have deeply seeded his mind

because they are all schizo pathetic liars that slave under the curse of Empire.

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c5dbbf No.13560976

File: 98217efc1877330⋯.jpg (758.8 KB,1080x1920,9:16,1564836939207.jpg)


holy fuck no

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1f1b07 No.13560978


>oy vey goyim only jews say not to vote for jewish puppets

These paid shills are allowed to post here.

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8c11b7 No.13560998


>Oy vie! I'm not a bad person. I'm just doing my job.

> Oy vei! I'm just running interference for Israel. It's holy work. God's chosen.

That must be one confused mother fucker.

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5b88b7 No.13561020



If they blackpill, d&c, or are just plain obnoxious, they're probably JIDF, and definitely to be ignored.

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8c11b7 No.13561195

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Been hearing about this interview. Chris Cuomo interviewed the hot momma, Tulsi, and actually had to listen - for a moment. If you're following the political theater, this is worth a few minutes.


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b1ab19 No.13561258

File: 7949c10c36154e3⋯.png (1.41 MB,1232x1080,154:135,smug_504.png)

>>13559833 (check'd)

I actually saw that too. And he's right. It's what makes me think pushing her would work. When you see someone like Tim, who is adamantly anti-Trump, actually defending the president, it tells you how far things are going. But then again, I have to admire him as he does tend to be reasonable in his views. I don't agree with him on a lot of things, but there are instances I do.


>no me

No way nigger! I'm the turkroach!

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8c11b7 No.13561283

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


An even better interview with Tulsi Gabbard is Anderson Cooper's post-debate nit-pick. She sets Cooper straight, esp. regards (((al Qaeda))).


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3f6c7b No.13561288



That's a shill term.

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3f6c7b No.13561292


>to NOT engage the political system

Voting isn't a way to "engage the political system" at all, you just think you're "engaged". A violent overthrow of the government and a race war would be the practical way of "engaging the political system".

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8c11b7 No.13561293


not worth 2 cents

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5aecd3 No.13561294


The more I hear about this Tulsi bitch the more I think she might be useful. Sanders 2.0 for us in many ways.

Don't want her in power but want her front and centre in the democrat primary so as to cause further alienation between democrat supporters and democrat leadership when they inevitably dropkick her out of the primaries in the way they did Sanders.

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3f6c7b No.13561296


What's not worth 2 cents?

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8c11b7 No.13561297


fedposting on /pol/ is fun, but there's not much profit in it

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3f6c7b No.13561298


>politicians are useful

Blue-pilled faggot.

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3f6c7b No.13561299


>feds want you to overthrow them

You're not even making sense.

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8c11b7 No.13561300



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3f6c7b No.13561301

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1f1b07 No.13561302


You’d know. We will never support voting in the ZOG. We will never support nonwhites in government. We will never support women in government.

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7956a6 No.13561309

File: 88bf1f6cd3306e2⋯.jpg (68.45 KB,580x450,58:45,check my dubyas.jpg)



Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…

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5aecd3 No.13561314


We're not looking to use them inthe sense of them obtaining power.

We're trying to use them the same way we did Trump to push the overton window into a direction of our choosing. But also in this instance to create distrust towards our enemies in the populace.

Look what Trump has done for us in relation to the zog media.

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1f1b07 No.13561316


>we used trump

lol, you actually believe that.

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c7d526 No.13561317


That uniform is filthy.

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c7d526 No.13561323

File: 9b77ed729eb30b0⋯.jpg (70.52 KB,840x420,2:1,Speak Up.jpg)


He's made you fucks trip over your tzitzits left and right.

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3f6c7b No.13561326


>look at what trump has done for us

Ban bump-stocks, import millions of spics legally, give billions to Israel all the while condemning and mitigating the power of white nationalism, and riding on the coattails of it's sparks after the BLM riots?

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8c11b7 No.13561328



Again, that's really not the point of this thread.

This is a thread about how to use Tulsi Gabbard to further the a narrative that exposes the Jew as she rises upwards amid the Democratic melee.


To be sure, we did use Trump, just as he used /pol/.

The Clinton witch all but melted because of Pepe. She would have taken us directly to war with Russia. Then where would you be but kissing the ring of some liberal global government.

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3f6c7b No.13561329


You say that like it's a good thing.

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c7d526 No.13561333

File: e65704707fa437a⋯.jpg (116.74 KB,660x450,22:15,Angry Poo.jpg)

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7d913e No.13561334

/pol/ 2019

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3f6c7b No.13561335


You need to leave, mister.

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5aecd3 No.13561336


That was going to happen no matter who got in.

But now the normies are willing to speak about things that they would never have dared to do before.

Now normies no longer trust the zog media.

You got to take what victories you can. You can never win a war in a single battle.

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3f6c7b No.13561339


>the normies

You are a fucking "normie" you magapede faggot. He condemned white nationalism and neutered it. He pumped and dumped it. You're either a tool or a simpleton, or both.

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8c11b7 No.13561344



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7d913e No.13561345

File: 1c1a778c4521874⋯.png (1.54 MB,1131x849,377:283,1c1a778c45218740a9245c1fed….png)


>Trump didnt declare the first American Reich and made himself Führer so now vote for some shitskin hole pls

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3f6c7b No.13561347


Says the person shilling for the system jews want to keep in place . . .

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3f6c7b No.13561350


>lower your standards for neocons who hate you and condemn you

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5aecd3 No.13561355

File: 7729782931bf726⋯.jpeg (117.76 KB,1024x486,512:243,Pol.jpeg)


No you're a summerfag who started posting here recently and expected a quick easy victory over der juden because your brain is so addled with modernity you can't understand that not everything is instant gratification.

Lurk moar. You will learn.

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3f6c7b No.13561356


>you're new if you don't suck off neocons

could you be any more of a faggot?

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7d913e No.13561359


This is what a shill looks like everybody

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f36037 No.13561361


why vote its all in favor of kikes and niggers anyway

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3f6c7b No.13561364




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7d913e No.13561373


Overthrow it with what you fucking larping shill faggot?


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5aecd3 No.13561377

File: e218c30ef2f00ef⋯.png (1.17 MB,1039x988,1039:988,3291437ef6cf0dfc5014febf1c….png)


The problem is you don't understand what has been going on and what the general agenda is.

No revolution can survive without support from the masses.

So we need the masses to be malcontent. But more importantly we need them willing to speak, to realise they are not alone in their malcontent and unhappiness.

A key part of how the modern system works is by isolating people so they can't realise their unhappiness is shared by everyone else. So they won't organise.

With Trump we accomplished two goals by using him.

First the populace the normies started talking to each other again, they've realised that actually the opinions they've been hiding out of fear are widespread and that they are not abnormal/bad for thinking these things.

We've also weakened the power of the mainstream media a key piece of the brainwashing apparatus. Some parts of it are now outright broken.

As a bonus we even managed to radicalise a chunk of the democrat base by exploiting the shit out of sanders and keeping him relevant to the point they had to shoah his campaign so Hilary could run.

While there was hope Trump may be different. Our goals were accomplished just by getting him into office.

If anything his betrayal of his supporters works in our favour as it damages the legitimacy of the democratic process.

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378566 No.13561383

I would be very tempted to vote for her, because she seems anti-war. But who knows, she would likely swing for the jews the moment she tastes power. A woman in power is always a curse. I would hold my nose and still vote Trump.

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8c11b7 No.13561399


Nothing is (((as it seems))).

Nazi's have always been a peaceful, anti-war movement.


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f36037 No.13561407


trump sucks israeli cock just as much as your average candidate so vote for Ante Pavelic

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1f1b07 No.13561416


>I would hold my nose and still vote Trump.

Yes, because you're a jew.

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1f1b07 No.13561418


>retarded jew doesn't know that guns exist

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3f6c7b No.13561419


what am I fucking shilling for then? do people get paid to advocate for a race war these days? anons have always done it for free

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7d913e No.13561421


>retarded larper thinks a bunch of random unorganized militias are going to overthrow the USA government

>retarded larper doesnt even understand the speech I posted

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7d913e No.13561424


You are shilling to have some shitskin and/or whore elected, fuck you.

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3f6c7b No.13561426


>you don't understand, I'm a votecuck, there is no other way of doing things than being a tool for the system

You're one pathetic individual.


>even though he stamped out white nationalism and appropriated racism for his neocon agenda

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3f6c7b No.13561428


I am? I thought I was just advocating for the violent overthrow of the entire system, crashing this plane with no survivors.

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378566 No.13561430



What's the alternative? The only candidate I was ever sure about was Ron Paul; I couldn't believe how they erased him from polls and shit. There's no good candidates.

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3c8de1 No.13561435

they have whores like kamala in this race so people can side with tulsi instead

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3f6c7b No.13561436


Voting is no longer a real option, it's a fake option.

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7d913e No.13561440


You have no organization, no support, no adequate armaments, nothing yet you larp as some kind of (((revolutionary))) here, fuck off.

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3f6c7b No.13561443


Not an excuse to be a tool.

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8c11b7 No.13561444


Race war will flare up and down of it's own accord. If you really want to promote a self-destructive conflict, you don't need to push it along. That only hobbles your intended racewar by stripping its sincerity.

Which leaves you to fall back on getting involved in the political process. If you want to advocate for Trump, fine. Or Gabbard, fine. Or keeping your political intentions to yourself, fine. But convincing others to hollow out /pol/ silent gift to the world… is counter-productive.

You should listen to some of the adults in the room. You might learn something. Two years.

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7d913e No.13561450


Ironic statement

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3f6c7b No.13561455


>getting involved in the political process

Voting is not "getting involved", at all. It's to make you think you are involved you stupid tool. Terrorism is the only legitimate means of both being involved and dictating the political process. We are the political process faggot, not politicians and demagogues.

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3f6c7b No.13561458

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8c11b7 No.13561459


They don't consider the public to be that sophisticated.

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7d913e No.13561466


You are playing into the hands of your opposition, useful idiot that you are.

That or a liar and cheat.

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8c11b7 No.13561469


T. /leftypol/

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3f6c7b No.13561470



I don't think you understand what it means to get played, or maybe you do and you're weeping on your keyboard.

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3f6c7b No.13561472


Says the person shilling for a leftist.

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7d913e No.13561481


You are shilling for a leftist faggot.


And I dont think you have any idea how (((the game))) works, politics isnt wishful thinking and larping in uniforms, 2 years.

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3f6c7b No.13561494


>You are shilling for a leftist faggot.

I haven't shilled for anyone, at all, and my posts verify that.

>politics isnt wishful thinking

Neither is it giving into to stockholm syndrome, friend. Anyone who thinks they can vote their problems away is a mindless tool.

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7d913e No.13561508


So you encourage to strengthen your enemy in a way that will damage your interests, what an uneducated and cynical stance, fucking read something before posting faggot.

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4d5dd6 No.13561509


Not gonna happen OP, they’ll push Harris through so Trump can brutalize her in the election, and use that to incite blacks against whites. Biden would have an outside shot if there was any chance he could win but they know that none of their guys can win: get close enough to rig.

Tulsi’s great on Israel and war but she's a gun grabber and full of leftist ideas, you can see some in her criticism of Harris as a prosecutor.

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3f6c7b No.13561542


You talk about these people like they matter.

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3f6c7b No.13561546


>fighting your enemy directly is going to strengthen them

At least I would be living honestly and not like a cowardly faggot like you.

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8c11b7 No.13561553


Tulsi can easily make 5% if her name gets out there. She's young and vibrant and appeals to most everyone (except the Jew). And she will consistently keep the conversation on topic: no more wars for Pissrael.


You might want to read this, hot shit.


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3f6c7b No.13561557

File: 797b04abb62f70c⋯.jpg (100.28 KB,440x239,440:239,2ndAmendment.jpg)

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8c11b7 No.13561579


Is it your intention to conflate Tulsi Gabbard with armed insurrection?

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3f6c7b No.13561586


All current politicians are enemies of the public and must be treated as such.

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c7ed95 No.13561592




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8c11b7 No.13561607


My, my, aren't you spooky…

Why don't you dox yourself so we know where another antifa faggot lives?

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786306 No.13561860


The republican party was always anti white and you tornigger GOP shills can fuck right off.

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e2a903 No.13561902


She'd be another Obama. But I'll admit she'd be the most dangerous opponent for Trump out of the entire lot.

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378566 No.13562504

File: ebeed0f1ad4dcdd⋯.png (137.02 KB,660x509,660:509,FBI.png)


>start blowing things up, guys


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dc1c1a No.13562558


I bet her vagina smells of lightly singed peaches

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8c11b7 No.13562665


I'm hoping she would keep him honest. He did make all those anti-war promises in 2016.

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284457 No.13562717


Apparently aloha spirit also means jewish cum dumpster.

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3f6c7b No.13562737


Entrapment is against the law dumbass. You votecucks don't deserve freedom when you're too afraid to defend it.

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284457 No.13562799


>Entrapment is against the law

I get where you're coming from about defending freedom but pointing to the law as if any alphabet or any government department critters abide by it exemplifies ignorance/denial.

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1f1b07 No.13562812


>rule of law


lol, you’re stupid

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3f6c7b No.13562842

File: 7f85edaf04f63f4⋯.jpg (40.02 KB,850x400,17:8,771ed4de249a6114989ec01f03….jpg)


>as if any alphabet or any government department critters abide by it

They can't provide evidence of a crime that incriminates themselves in the process. You just need a source of fear to hide behind.


>implying that government agents don't abide by the laws they enforce

So then you suggest that you are being hunted by federal agents who will incriminate themselves? That's pretty stupid, especially when you didn't break the law.

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284457 No.13562894


Federal agents will lie, cheat, steal, frame you, kill you, make up a narrative, "evidence," etc, with you burned and with them scot-free to do it again. shown to be the case numerous times.

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26b9dd No.13562903

She's base is many ways but not white.

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3f6c7b No.13562906

File: c8dfad3985846c2⋯.jpg (42.46 KB,377x542,377:542,78d3d8d02c75d08f3fb1ebed71….jpg)


Show me actual proof then you lying coward.

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284457 No.13562914


ruby ridge.

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284457 No.13562917


ruby ridge.

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284457 No.13562922


female, not White, a bridge too far.

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284457 No.13562937

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3f6c7b No.13562941

File: a1eb65cdac23147⋯.jpg (113.77 KB,1200x630,40:21,thomas-jefferson-tree-of-l….jpg)


That's not proof that federal agents break their own laws. They were properly prosecuted under a court of law.

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284457 No.13562955


okay, we know where you're at, in denial fantasy land.

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3f6c7b No.13562983

File: 85dc54d9da38887⋯.png (40.39 KB,1920x1011,640:337,1920px-Official_Three_Perc….png)


Again, that's still not proof that federal agents break their own laws. They were also prosecuted in a court of law. lmao FBI agents do not engage in entrapment, you're just a pussy afraid of his own shadow. We are legally allowed to organize into militia units, faggot.


I'm not the one fantasizing about federal agents kicking down my door for not even breaking the law. kek

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1f1b07 No.13562987


Holy fuck, 80 posts of this paid shilling now.

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3f6c7b No.13562998


>he's a paid shill fro advocating the overthrow of government!

Who the fuck would even pay me to do that? I would like them to know I'm presently doing it for free.

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b395ef No.13563003

Trump is my choice. Fuck the poodles. Fuck the niggers. This is a goddamn white country.

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284457 No.13563012


you=full blown liar.


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3f6c7b No.13563047


>Trump is my choice

<"I want people to come into this country in the largest numbers ever"

>This is a goddamn white country

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284457 No.13563066


In case anyone gets tripped up by the period at the end.


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8c11b7 No.13563111

File: a84e04347e9d021⋯.jpeg (9.03 KB,299x168,299:168,maybe some Russians who a….jpeg)


The contention is that you are paid to distract /pol/ from consolidating a presence behind Tulsi Gabbard. She is very close to getting a chance to get her message out the third debate, and if she does, her message will carry far n' wide. I want to see her message, the message of peace, spread out across America. It will get America talking about the role Pissrael plays on the world geopolitical chessboard, the more so as a puppetmaster for American politicians.

You want to preemptively start an armed revolt against all politicians. Some have postulated that you are a Fed, urging /pol/ into something stupid so you can shut the conversation down. Others think you are a Jew, probably JIDF, mudding the waters so Pussrael can have their war. Others think you are just some stupid kid who ignores the admonition to lurk for two years, and read a book nigger, before posting. Whatever it is, you are a faggot, by very definition.

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3f6c7b No.13563128


>you are a faggot

You are an impotent votecuck, which is arguably much worse.

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8c11b7 No.13563348

Regarding the shooting in El Paso (which some dumbass tried to associate with /pol/), Tulsi Gabbard was asked to weigh in.

Rep. Tulsi Gabbard offered thanks to the first responders for putting their lives on the line to prevent more from being killed.


This doesn't demonstrate anything really, except that things are moving very fast now. Maybe in the next debate they'll bring up how angry people are at the open borders initiative - so angry that folks are resorting to violence. This won't cause the (((candidates))) to question the open borders policy, of course, can't do that, that would go against the wishes of the Jew. So maybe they'll talk about gun confiscation.

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3f6c7b No.13563356


>(53) posts, all shilling for some politician nobody cares about

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8c11b7 No.13563390


>85 posts, arguing the sum total of zilch

seriously, go away

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3f6c7b No.13563409


>go away


lol no

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8c11b7 No.13563422


LOL, filtered

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3f6c7b No.13563429


lol it's not a downvote because you aren't on reddit and have no means of expressing your contempt

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947eb8 No.13563486


You'll be swinging too, soon enough, kike

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1f1b07 No.13563493



This spam is allowed to remain up.

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3f6c7b No.13563511


>implying things not implied

Being scared of the people who protect your rights is not an excuse. You are legally allowed to form militias and organize for the express purpose of overthrowing the government so long as the government is obviously unjust in the eyes of the public.

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ae0124 No.13563512


>who would (((you))) vote for


>imblyign I'm a j00

Second, I'd vote for whomever'd produce the beast dank ebin meemeez, which would almost certainly be Trumpstein von #IsraelFirst.

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284457 No.13563659


With an illegal fed response that they will label as legal.

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c92d70 No.13563684

File: d203d3000872e69⋯.png (375.53 KB,750x496,375:248,D_3s1ZNX4AAVEXa.png)

>We have to vote!

<We have to prepare for race war!

Why not both? It doesn't cost you anything to vote, and it's probably a short drive to your polling station.

Register as Democrat online (if your state allows it), vote in your primary and (if we're lucky) the general for Tulsi. You can still do whatever the hell you want outside if that.

Shit, even if for some bizarre reason you still prefer Trump, why not ensure the Democrat you prefer be the nominee?

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9b61b7 No.13563742


Who are the kikes going hard against? Where is their money flowing? That's who you vote against.

fwiw they seem to really, really not like Tulsi.

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284457 No.13563755


jews "seem to not really like" trump either but the jewed results speak for themselves.

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5e3083 No.13563756


It demonstrates that you are not actually preparing and just listing yourself/keeping tabs on yourself for the government's sake. All it shows is weakness if you want to larp that you are "doing both." Voting is antithetical to the movement.

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2c1a3b No.13563757


If it costs you your life to show up to that line. And that cost becomes guaranteed. Will you still show up my friendly boomer cuck? really… when so many have rolled over and accepted commands from their 'elected' kings?

You still think this is about voice. The voice grows weary.

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7453d5 No.13563865


> When you see someone like Tim, who is adamantly anti-Trump

I've only ever heard him defend Trump, he just SAYS he's Anti-Trump - but doesn't actually criticize him. Trump is the best thing to ever happen to Tim, because it makes the left flip out and Tim can pretend to be a centrist making fun of "his own people" to pander to all the disaffected leftists of just a few years ago who are now being called literally Hitler.

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1b74c6 No.13564080

>Voting for woke brown woman because she criticized israel once.

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8c11b7 No.13564155


There's so much more to Tulsi Gabbard than a single incident. Check it out for yourself.

see >>13560795

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42630d No.13564201


Is this a joke? Nobody here is stupid enough to vote for a socialist.

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284457 No.13564215

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7453d5 No.13564221

File: 72f313110fa719e⋯.jpg (33.97 KB,600x524,150:131,230114_908223010.jpg)


>Nobody here is stupid enough

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918516 No.13564504

She is polling at 0.3%, she has no chance to win lol

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8c11b7 No.13564767

File: 36f75728b2316e6⋯.jpg (78.8 KB,531x675,59:75,here's another one.jpg)


The most searched-for candidate after the debates, now has to jump through some (((hoops)))

130,000 unique donors - surpassed


2% support in 3 out of 4 of the major polls - 2% was surpassed according to the Economist. The others are holding her at 1%. Given that the Jew hates her, they control the polls, and they never lie, that's gonna be difficult for Tulsi Gabbard.

That's where /pol/ comes in. False flags and all. How far will the Jew go to stop Tulsi Gabbard from presenting her arguments in the 3rd debate?


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1b74c6 No.13565512


Alright, I was wrong.

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a4d398 No.13565758


this. The democratic party won't accept her as the nominee, but causing friction in their party is a good thing overall. We want as many white democrats to like her over the others, then when the party crushes her, those voters will be discouraged and stay home or vote third party.


>Voting is no longer a real option, it's a fake option.

I'm so tired of this false dichotomy. Your balls don't fall off the second you step into a voting booth. I spend a lot of time working for our ends, and I vote. Just because voting will not save us does not mean voting is not tangentially useful to us. Even during the 2016 election I knew that voting for Trump wouldn't solve our problems.

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7d2dab No.13565840

While being anti-war, which is, without a shadow of a doubt, a good thing, she falls flat in literally every other aspect. She's anti-gun, anti-White, and is either unaware or uncaring to the cancer that is the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking. I love the memes, and will readily vote her into the office of Secretary of Milk but she's a bad option.

>but then who would you vote for?

Im over that. After Trump's failure, I realize voting by ballot wont do a god damned thing. I'll partake in these discussions, but you shouldnt take this process to heart. No matter who wins, our enemies win. At least, so long as we keep quiet and submissive.

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5c6d74 No.13565883

It will mean the election is cleared of absolute psychos who want my blood for absolutely no reason and I won't have to vote at all, just like it used to be.

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9bcae3 No.13565902

If she came out against gun control I'd vote for her.

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2dc4fe No.13566013

File: 26e52adbf177d3a⋯.webm (964.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,1471261434533.webm)


stay mad fag

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5c6d74 No.13566027


I may be naive but I think she's posturing in favor of gun control to appeal to the leftist voterbase.

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7869e4 No.13566104


>not white

>gun grabber

>raise taxes

>non white

The only redeeming quality is that she hates Israel. Also she isn't white.

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5c6d74 No.13566124


Nobody thinks she's white, and the anti-white gun grabber stance might be a ploy.

Either way, she's better to have against Trump than a literal psychopath who wants you to give your money to niggers.

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7869e4 No.13566161


>anti-white gun grabber stance might be a ploy.

She has stated before that she thinks that more gun control is needed and she wants to increase non white immigration.

>she's better to have against Trump than a literal psychopath

She won't win the primary but she is the best chance those retard have in beating Trump. As long as Trump doesn't throw the United States into wars with Iran, and continues to practice basic republican expectations on taxes, guns, etc… It's the best possible thing. Hopefully more millennials die to drugs and boomers die to cancer so we can get a real nationalist in office.

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5c6d74 No.13566191


She can state alot of things but it's probably just a ploy to keep with the anti-white voter base. I could be wrong but I don't want any of the other freaks to have a chance at winning the oval office due to rigging which will definitely happen no matter what. It already happened in 2016. Trump would have won the popular vote if they didnt look the other way and let illegals vote. Demographics are even worse now. She's preferable to any of the other lunatics and has the best chance of pivoting to the right once elected.

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5c6d74 No.13566200

I'm not somebody who believes that more power on the left is good acceleration for pro-whites. Once they take your tools to fight back with and flood the country with shitskins unchecked, how exactly are you going to fight?

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8c11b7 No.13566206

File: 0ddc49de25c0076⋯.jpg (157.59 KB,720x480,3:2,nother owl.jpg)


>She won't win the primary but she is the best chance those retard have in beating Trump.

It's so ironic, isn't it?

The Left doesn't like Pissrael, but it's leaders are (((sellouts))). And along comes Tulsi Gabbard. The Jew won't support her, but she's their literal best hope.

What a tangled web they've woven for themselves.

Who's gonna save them. Hillary? Like a thousand Keks.

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641021 No.13566214


I'd love to see her win the presidency. The GOP might actually become the GOP again.

People put way too much stock in the power of the office of presidency and forget how much shit happens in congress. A good dynamic for the US often is a dem president and GOP congress, and they tend to act like what everyone claims the GOP stands for.

Even if she were elected, she'd be killed quickly if she actually did try to end any of the "wars" we're in.

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5c6d74 No.13566221


Who's gonna save them? demographic shifts, google AI, other options to rig the election in favor of whoever does get the nomination.

We need to get used to the idea of Trump actually losing and prepare accordingly. Tulsi winning the nomination somehow is our best bet.

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8c11b7 No.13566234


Tulsi Gabbard is the one, single person I see who can hold our Nation together. That's it. No one else.

But Trump will win.

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8c11b7 No.13566945

A couple of interesting articles on Tulsi Gabbard:



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8c11b7 No.13569003

File: d87553725bcc85c⋯.jpg (707.58 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Tulsi rides.jpg)


What the New York Times has to say about Tulsi. Considering the source, it's not that bad.


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8c11b7 No.13570018

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Tulsi Gabbard is holding a town hall meeting in Las Vegas.


The best video of this series is probably:


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138f85 No.13570043

Tulsi is explicitly anti-white

Trump is implicitly pro-white

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3f6c7b No.13570048


>62 posts of VOTE FOR TULSI

Yeah, you're totally not a paid shill.

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8c11b7 No.13570106

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You, dear sir, are wrong.

Instead, Tulsi Gabbard advocates for respect for the indigenous societies. With a small push, maybe she can come to realize that white folks have a culture too, equally deserving of respect. If Tulsi is anything, it's thoughtful and fair.

An even better link to the town hall meeting in Las Vegas is here:


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96efe8 No.13570181

Tulsi is good because she brings America's foreign policies back to a nationalist level while supporting legislation to protect our working class from pedophile billionaire capitalists. Wig nats can make all of the complaints about her being mixed race and female that they want, but that won't move them closer to their goal of creating a third position state and neither will the neocon Trump administration.

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96efe8 No.13570238

File: 61fcc76f00bc655⋯.jpg (66.33 KB,750x375,2:1,5bc5fafcea92b111706ef993-7….jpg)

File: 7e0745cb6ce6650⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,2488x1659,2488:1659,trump_kanye.jpg)



>My good friend, Kanye West

>I say we have more people immigrate legally!

>We love Israel, our greatest ally

>"I love the Saudis"

You're trying so hard to shut out reality in order to protect this sad illusion that you have a savior in Trump. Someone should tie you up and piss on you like the little sub bitch that you are.

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8c11b7 No.13570477

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Tulsi revisits her assertion that Trump supports al Qaeda, which through PIssrael and the Saudi's, he does.

It's a short statement, short 'n sweet, yet it gets the message across.


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bcedbf No.13572925



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c9f5f5 No.13572965


she doesn't mention the saudi purge or trumps speach to the middle easterners about cracking down on extremism


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69a741 No.13572999


I'm a one issue voter, and that issue is the JQ, so yeah I'd vote for her over Trump

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47cdae No.13573005

She is the only one I have seen so far so clearly we should leave afghanistan. I like that. We;ve been there for nearly two decades and I don't know why. We went in there to get Bin Laden and Al Queda.. they are dead now.

Why should I give a fuck about bringing democracy and human rights to Central Asia? The locals don't even seem to want it.

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8c11b7 No.13573010


You do make a good point there, anon. I get the feeling that Tulsi is learning the art of diplomacy, which is only an art of advantage. It's not a balanced path, which is both where she's started, and what makes her an appealing candidate at this point in her life.

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69a741 No.13573025


Oh, the question was who the jews prefer. Clearly Trump he's literally their slave

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3f6c7b No.13573032


>65 posts of shilling for politicians and being a votecuck

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8c11b7 No.13573037


I'm grokking that, too.

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8c11b7 No.13573123

File: b17118b1b1e8d5d⋯.png (763.17 KB,1150x862,575:431,DNC nominee.png)


So, to spell it out for everyone

Trump should want Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to end up as the DNC nominee. He should be backing her.


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8c11b7 No.13574508

one last bump

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5db8f1 No.13574555


Yang 2020

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8c11b7 No.13574568


Tulsi is also backing some form of a UBI, though she hasn't given an amount.

It would probably be UBI for those who fall under a certain income.

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bcedbf No.13575313



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3c8624 No.13575473


Who the fuck keeps shilling for the batshit insane Hare Krishna here and on halfchan? She's just another Communist who wants to disarm white people, tax white people into poverty to pay for $300 billion in repa-ma-rations for niggers, throw the borders wide open, and give more special rights to the LGBTQPOMGWTFBBQ Mafia.

Everyone running with a D by his name is a Red, but she's the Reddest of them all. For a white man, voting for any of them would be like punching himself in the face.

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494095 No.13575609


I'd rather white people face a terrible loss, than let them be lulled back to sleep by a fake win.

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96fc3c No.13575631


>I'm a Republican who heard about this place during the 2016 election.

>I decided to stick around and show the anti-Semites the error of their ways and bring them back into the fold, because I believe I'm a good person and Israel deserves our support.

I wish you knew how much I hate you and want you to leave.

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3c8624 No.13575639


How terrible does the loss need to be? Will you be satisfied when we're all in concentration camps, or do you need us to be in mass graves too?


The only one talking about Jews here is you.

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b92bc7 No.13575641


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494095 No.13575668


We'll end up in the camps and/or in mass graves if we allow our people to keep getting lulled back to sleep by fake wins. People will not wake up, and will not be moved to act if they feel comfortable or at least feel like things are bearable.

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3c8624 No.13575693


Nothing's stopping you from going out and doing whatever it is you have in mind, that we won't talk about here.

Leave me and my kids out of it. My grandparents came to this country to escape these phenomena you're so enthusiastic about.

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96fc3c No.13575714


>The only one talking about Jews here is you.

Are you fucking serious? Lurk moar, or better yet, get the fuck out and don't come back.

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494095 No.13575821


I will not let you and our people live a faux-peaceful life, just so we can lose our country while still feeling like we are somehow winning. In 2016 Trump winning felt like a huge win, but it wasn't, and now millions of white people who would have woken up under a Hillary presidency were lulled to sleep thinking they won with Trump. So Trump cannot be allowed to win 2020 for the sake of our people. Will it suck? Absolutely. Will things get worse? Absolutely. Unfortunately this is the only way to make our people wake up to the reality that we are being displaced from our countries.

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7addcc No.13575853

i wouldnt vote for that zionist cock sucker drumpf

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cdc38a No.13575858

I'd vote Tulsi.

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0461f6 No.13575894

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