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File: 6bcdd9f1f6b3799⋯.jpg (60.76 KB,720x405,16:9,Aloha.jpg)

8c11b7 No.13558175 [View All]

Tulsi Gabbard has made some waves due to the grounded common sense she brings to the discussion. She doesn't want war.

Does anyone doubt that Tulsi stands for what she says? False-hearted politicians pale in comparison. Obviously, walking corruption the likes of Kamela Harris can't so much as respond to her challenge without labeling her as a Russian troll, which is pretty funny.

So, let's game this out abit, /pol/. Let's say /pol/ helps Tulsi win the Democratic nomination. She's already making surfing some serious political waves. Let's for a a moment say that Democrats reject the pablum being pandered to them, and actual lean towards Tulsi Gabbard. Just assume that for a second: who would the Jew vote for, /pol/?

Obviously both Trump and Gabbard pay the necessary homage to Pissrael, even though the Jews are afraid of both of them. Would the Jews split the Democratic party to go against Tulsi? Or would they hate Trump so much that they would back her?

It's a tough call for the Jew. This puts it in a real dilemna: anti-war candidate vs. ant-establishment candidate. For the Jew, perhaps it comes down to how badly they want their next war. They may be able to get Donald Trump to start World War 3 for them, but they probably can't get Tulsi Gabbard to do the same.

As for other stuff, more glaringly open borders vs. anti-immigration, President Trump has demonstrated a lack of substance in enforcing the immigration laws, despite the bombast, so that point is moot, isn't it? We either have an open borders candidate, or an open borders President.

But the (((prospects for war))), Trump can be manipulated, while Tulsi… she just won't go there.

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1b74c6 No.13565512


Alright, I was wrong.

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a4d398 No.13565758


this. The democratic party won't accept her as the nominee, but causing friction in their party is a good thing overall. We want as many white democrats to like her over the others, then when the party crushes her, those voters will be discouraged and stay home or vote third party.


>Voting is no longer a real option, it's a fake option.

I'm so tired of this false dichotomy. Your balls don't fall off the second you step into a voting booth. I spend a lot of time working for our ends, and I vote. Just because voting will not save us does not mean voting is not tangentially useful to us. Even during the 2016 election I knew that voting for Trump wouldn't solve our problems.

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7d2dab No.13565840

While being anti-war, which is, without a shadow of a doubt, a good thing, she falls flat in literally every other aspect. She's anti-gun, anti-White, and is either unaware or uncaring to the cancer that is the Federal Reserve and fractional reserve banking. I love the memes, and will readily vote her into the office of Secretary of Milk but she's a bad option.

>but then who would you vote for?

Im over that. After Trump's failure, I realize voting by ballot wont do a god damned thing. I'll partake in these discussions, but you shouldnt take this process to heart. No matter who wins, our enemies win. At least, so long as we keep quiet and submissive.

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5c6d74 No.13565883

It will mean the election is cleared of absolute psychos who want my blood for absolutely no reason and I won't have to vote at all, just like it used to be.

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9bcae3 No.13565902

If she came out against gun control I'd vote for her.

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2dc4fe No.13566013

File: 26e52adbf177d3a⋯.webm (964.2 KB,1280x720,16:9,1471261434533.webm)


stay mad fag

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5c6d74 No.13566027


I may be naive but I think she's posturing in favor of gun control to appeal to the leftist voterbase.

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7869e4 No.13566104


>not white

>gun grabber

>raise taxes

>non white

The only redeeming quality is that she hates Israel. Also she isn't white.

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5c6d74 No.13566124


Nobody thinks she's white, and the anti-white gun grabber stance might be a ploy.

Either way, she's better to have against Trump than a literal psychopath who wants you to give your money to niggers.

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7869e4 No.13566161


>anti-white gun grabber stance might be a ploy.

She has stated before that she thinks that more gun control is needed and she wants to increase non white immigration.

>she's better to have against Trump than a literal psychopath

She won't win the primary but she is the best chance those retard have in beating Trump. As long as Trump doesn't throw the United States into wars with Iran, and continues to practice basic republican expectations on taxes, guns, etc… It's the best possible thing. Hopefully more millennials die to drugs and boomers die to cancer so we can get a real nationalist in office.

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5c6d74 No.13566191


She can state alot of things but it's probably just a ploy to keep with the anti-white voter base. I could be wrong but I don't want any of the other freaks to have a chance at winning the oval office due to rigging which will definitely happen no matter what. It already happened in 2016. Trump would have won the popular vote if they didnt look the other way and let illegals vote. Demographics are even worse now. She's preferable to any of the other lunatics and has the best chance of pivoting to the right once elected.

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5c6d74 No.13566200

I'm not somebody who believes that more power on the left is good acceleration for pro-whites. Once they take your tools to fight back with and flood the country with shitskins unchecked, how exactly are you going to fight?

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8c11b7 No.13566206

File: 0ddc49de25c0076⋯.jpg (157.59 KB,720x480,3:2,nother owl.jpg)


>She won't win the primary but she is the best chance those retard have in beating Trump.

It's so ironic, isn't it?

The Left doesn't like Pissrael, but it's leaders are (((sellouts))). And along comes Tulsi Gabbard. The Jew won't support her, but she's their literal best hope.

What a tangled web they've woven for themselves.

Who's gonna save them. Hillary? Like a thousand Keks.

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641021 No.13566214


I'd love to see her win the presidency. The GOP might actually become the GOP again.

People put way too much stock in the power of the office of presidency and forget how much shit happens in congress. A good dynamic for the US often is a dem president and GOP congress, and they tend to act like what everyone claims the GOP stands for.

Even if she were elected, she'd be killed quickly if she actually did try to end any of the "wars" we're in.

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5c6d74 No.13566221


Who's gonna save them? demographic shifts, google AI, other options to rig the election in favor of whoever does get the nomination.

We need to get used to the idea of Trump actually losing and prepare accordingly. Tulsi winning the nomination somehow is our best bet.

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8c11b7 No.13566234


Tulsi Gabbard is the one, single person I see who can hold our Nation together. That's it. No one else.

But Trump will win.

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8c11b7 No.13566945

A couple of interesting articles on Tulsi Gabbard:



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8c11b7 No.13569003

File: d87553725bcc85c⋯.jpg (707.58 KB,2048x1366,1024:683,Tulsi rides.jpg)


What the New York Times has to say about Tulsi. Considering the source, it's not that bad.


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8c11b7 No.13570018

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.

Tulsi Gabbard is holding a town hall meeting in Las Vegas.


The best video of this series is probably:


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138f85 No.13570043

Tulsi is explicitly anti-white

Trump is implicitly pro-white

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3f6c7b No.13570048


>62 posts of VOTE FOR TULSI

Yeah, you're totally not a paid shill.

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8c11b7 No.13570106

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


You, dear sir, are wrong.

Instead, Tulsi Gabbard advocates for respect for the indigenous societies. With a small push, maybe she can come to realize that white folks have a culture too, equally deserving of respect. If Tulsi is anything, it's thoughtful and fair.

An even better link to the town hall meeting in Las Vegas is here:


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96efe8 No.13570181

Tulsi is good because she brings America's foreign policies back to a nationalist level while supporting legislation to protect our working class from pedophile billionaire capitalists. Wig nats can make all of the complaints about her being mixed race and female that they want, but that won't move them closer to their goal of creating a third position state and neither will the neocon Trump administration.

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96efe8 No.13570238

File: 61fcc76f00bc655⋯.jpg (66.33 KB,750x375,2:1,5bc5fafcea92b111706ef993-7….jpg)

File: 7e0745cb6ce6650⋯.jpg (1.29 MB,2488x1659,2488:1659,trump_kanye.jpg)



>My good friend, Kanye West

>I say we have more people immigrate legally!

>We love Israel, our greatest ally

>"I love the Saudis"

You're trying so hard to shut out reality in order to protect this sad illusion that you have a savior in Trump. Someone should tie you up and piss on you like the little sub bitch that you are.

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8c11b7 No.13570477

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


Tulsi revisits her assertion that Trump supports al Qaeda, which through PIssrael and the Saudi's, he does.

It's a short statement, short 'n sweet, yet it gets the message across.


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bcedbf No.13572925



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c9f5f5 No.13572965


she doesn't mention the saudi purge or trumps speach to the middle easterners about cracking down on extremism


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69a741 No.13572999


I'm a one issue voter, and that issue is the JQ, so yeah I'd vote for her over Trump

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47cdae No.13573005

She is the only one I have seen so far so clearly we should leave afghanistan. I like that. We;ve been there for nearly two decades and I don't know why. We went in there to get Bin Laden and Al Queda.. they are dead now.

Why should I give a fuck about bringing democracy and human rights to Central Asia? The locals don't even seem to want it.

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8c11b7 No.13573010


You do make a good point there, anon. I get the feeling that Tulsi is learning the art of diplomacy, which is only an art of advantage. It's not a balanced path, which is both where she's started, and what makes her an appealing candidate at this point in her life.

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69a741 No.13573025


Oh, the question was who the jews prefer. Clearly Trump he's literally their slave

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3f6c7b No.13573032


>65 posts of shilling for politicians and being a votecuck

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8c11b7 No.13573037


I'm grokking that, too.

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8c11b7 No.13573123

File: b17118b1b1e8d5d⋯.png (763.17 KB,1150x862,575:431,DNC nominee.png)


So, to spell it out for everyone

Trump should want Rep. Tulsi Gabbard to end up as the DNC nominee. He should be backing her.


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8c11b7 No.13574508

one last bump

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5db8f1 No.13574555


Yang 2020

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8c11b7 No.13574568


Tulsi is also backing some form of a UBI, though she hasn't given an amount.

It would probably be UBI for those who fall under a certain income.

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bcedbf No.13575313



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3c8624 No.13575473


Who the fuck keeps shilling for the batshit insane Hare Krishna here and on halfchan? She's just another Communist who wants to disarm white people, tax white people into poverty to pay for $300 billion in repa-ma-rations for niggers, throw the borders wide open, and give more special rights to the LGBTQPOMGWTFBBQ Mafia.

Everyone running with a D by his name is a Red, but she's the Reddest of them all. For a white man, voting for any of them would be like punching himself in the face.

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494095 No.13575609


I'd rather white people face a terrible loss, than let them be lulled back to sleep by a fake win.

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96fc3c No.13575631


>I'm a Republican who heard about this place during the 2016 election.

>I decided to stick around and show the anti-Semites the error of their ways and bring them back into the fold, because I believe I'm a good person and Israel deserves our support.

I wish you knew how much I hate you and want you to leave.

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3c8624 No.13575639


How terrible does the loss need to be? Will you be satisfied when we're all in concentration camps, or do you need us to be in mass graves too?


The only one talking about Jews here is you.

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b92bc7 No.13575641


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494095 No.13575668


We'll end up in the camps and/or in mass graves if we allow our people to keep getting lulled back to sleep by fake wins. People will not wake up, and will not be moved to act if they feel comfortable or at least feel like things are bearable.

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3c8624 No.13575693


Nothing's stopping you from going out and doing whatever it is you have in mind, that we won't talk about here.

Leave me and my kids out of it. My grandparents came to this country to escape these phenomena you're so enthusiastic about.

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96fc3c No.13575714


>The only one talking about Jews here is you.

Are you fucking serious? Lurk moar, or better yet, get the fuck out and don't come back.

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494095 No.13575821


I will not let you and our people live a faux-peaceful life, just so we can lose our country while still feeling like we are somehow winning. In 2016 Trump winning felt like a huge win, but it wasn't, and now millions of white people who would have woken up under a Hillary presidency were lulled to sleep thinking they won with Trump. So Trump cannot be allowed to win 2020 for the sake of our people. Will it suck? Absolutely. Will things get worse? Absolutely. Unfortunately this is the only way to make our people wake up to the reality that we are being displaced from our countries.

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7addcc No.13575853

i wouldnt vote for that zionist cock sucker drumpf

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cdc38a No.13575858

I'd vote Tulsi.

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0461f6 No.13575894

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