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File: 744b6fadd887b38⋯.jpg (933.21 KB,3820x2900,191:145,53e4965cd19e5d9c52b644d72f….jpg)


Finnish Master Race and the Sumerians

A couple of papers, one looking at the Uralic language element in Sumerian the other in Hattic/Minoan/Linear A.



The reasons for this has to be Uralic speaking Northern Eurasian migration into Anatolia at the end of the Last Ice Age some 13,000 years ago this being the population group of the core Neolithic region that expanded and developed into Northern Mesopotamian Halaf culture and then the Ubaid of Southern Mesopotamia and Iran, the Sumerian language that emerged from that containing Uralic and Dravidian elements as well as Northern Caucasian from NE Iranian groups.

The Hattic region of Anatolia then having been the core region for expansion into the Eastern Mediterranean and Mesopotamia.

The Hittite records have bi-lingual Hattic texts as well as the oldest recorded Indo-European Luwian/Hittite and Northern Caucasian/Hurrian as they were close neighbours, ethnic groups and languages having contracted into that region.

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Kike free. http://sumerianshakespeare.com/2701.html

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>looking at the Uralic language element in Sumerian the other in Hattic/Minoan/Linear A.

How is this possible if Linear A is undeciphered?

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The paper discusses a method to decipher and gives examples.

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>The Hattian pantheon of gods included the storm-god Taru (represented by a bull), the sun-goddess Furušemu or Wurunšemu (represented by a leopard), and a number of other elemental gods. Reliefs in Çatal Höyük show a female figure giving birth to a bull, i.e. the mother-goddess Kattahha (or Hannahanna) was mother to the storm-god Taru.

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Alright. I'll check it out but I am skeptical.

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Really makes you think

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Still reading the article and I will admit, I am impressed. I've read articles comparing Sumerian with PIE and modern IE languages and have been unconvinced. However this cognate comparison, at least at face value, seems compelling to me.

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File: c8f4fef4b2d32cd⋯.jpg (210.49 KB,797x459,797:459,ak58305cec.jpg)

File: 33eb02728b7087b⋯.jpg (94.31 KB,646x388,323:194,jb58305d55.jpg)

File: 977a63632de5d7a⋯.jpg (178.01 KB,881x417,881:417,sq58305d46 (1).jpg)


Yes it seems good and ties up a few loose ends, establishing the importance of Hatti land.

The standards and figurines, which represent some of the most elaborated metallurgical craftsmanship in Bronze Age western Asia,do not find comparison in contexts outside of north-central Anatolia

The forms may have been created to be consumed in the burials they were found in.The fundamental innovation at Alaca höyük is that metal forms had become imbued with sacred associations.

>Put another way, aesthetically embellished objects signal ritual contexts and ritual utilization. It is as if a nonmaterial or spiritual dimension is added to an object, committing it to a domain in which social and religious values prevail over economic ones

>Metal held a sacrificial value when it was displayed and deposited in these burials that contrasts sharply with the value regime observed in the archives of contemporary Ebla, where silver and gold were recorded in measured weights of shekel and mina

>The administrative elite of Ebla clearly perceived metal as a liquid commodity and used it as a fixed medium of priced exchange.


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There is no evidence from the archeogenetic record of Siberian related migrations into Anatolia from that period…BUT there is indeed evidence of Siberian related ancestry in Iranian neolithic farmers, which would indeed very likely be a population ancestral to Sumerians in all likelihood. What these Siberians spoke back then it's unknown for sure, but some form of proto-Uralic wouldn't be out of question I think.

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File: 0e045a57343f825⋯.png (224.3 KB,512x626,256:313,Neo-Sumerian Alabaster Bus….png)

Bump for Hiribu crimes in Sumeria.

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I don't know what it is with some of these Finnish and Estonian folks you see, parading around as National Socialists, but something seems seriously 'wrong' with them and their rhetoric. I get similar vibes from Hindus larping as 'true Aryanz', or even Nordicist clowns like Varg. It almost seems like a petty from of 'tribal glorification', rather than anything constructive, like genuine National Socialism. These folks seem to use National Socialism and similar ideologies as a vehicle to push their own childish beliefs in 'racial superiority', "Finno-Ugric master race" and other such nonsense. Certainly this doesn't apply to all or even a majority of Finnic nationalists, but those few rotten apples I have come across seem to be a loud and annoying minority.

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File: 9aaa671e415e95b⋯.png (269.11 KB,6000x4500,4:3,next.png)


>impyling that Estonians/Finns are not both Aryan and Finnic master race at the same time

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This blog is full of links between Hungarians and Sumerians. Hungarian of course being related to Finnish as well. The articles contain many occult references, but since you mention Sumer you can probably handle those.


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Reported for being anti-gringo

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File: f71aa373fe76a82⋯.png (499.35 KB,1000x413,1000:413,spurdo_nomad_raiders.png)

File: 607a2e4acbf4332⋯.pdf (9.55 MB,Uralic-Linear-A.pdf)

File: 67048ee5210dbc8⋯.pdf (3.48 MB,Uralic-Sumerian.pdf)


The PDF files are actually small enough to be uploaded here.

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>It almost seems like a petty from of 'tribal glorification', rather than anything constructive, like genuine National Socialism.

I hope you point it out when National Socialists proclaim that they're going to exterminate non-Germans from Europe and "push slavshits into Siberia or keep them as slaves"

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File: 0863f7820365243⋯.jpg (56.6 KB,576x341,576:341,Koryak cousins of Fingolia….jpg)


The shitty Fingolian gook language originates from Siberia. Pic related is Uralic speakers.

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Ah, you mean the circus that is contemporary 'National Socialism'? That being a den populated by Hollywood brainwashed Zogbots and freaks, who have the audacity to call themselves 'National Socialists'? Of course, they should be presented with the reality of National Socialist policy, but these people you speak of, they will continue spouting their anti slavic or anti whatever, until the very end, because they are brainwashed fools who are not aware of an ounce of actual NS policy.

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There is some;

>Mycenaeans had approximately 4–16% ancestry from a 'northern' ultimate source related to the hunter–gatherers of eastern Europe and Siberia


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>end of the last ice age

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You're right, of course. Ironic that those dweebs think that they're being rebellious by adopting the very image of National Socialism that the kikes created for them.

This board was better without them. The more /b/like this board becomes, the more of them I have seen.

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Based on how they have words directly from Proto-Germanic and the ancient phonetics, The Uralics are humanity's God language.

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Turnians walk all corners of Eurasia.

The Great Turian empire will once reign supreme on this Earth

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Americans are mutts, though. You are not white. Maybe once you were, but now...well, you might as well be 100% congolese.

But do carry on, it amuses me that amerifats larp as white.

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File: e70d6b3d2e251b3⋯.jpg (78.96 KB,500x400,5:4,dedication.jpg)


Nice. Got him.

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>we're shitskins

If you say so, nigger.

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First of all Koryaks have nothing to do with Finns.

Nenets and Nganasans are the most Asian of Fingolians.

Baltic Finns however have many loanwords from Indo-European languages and range from 3% (Estonia) to 8% (Finland) Gook. Scandinavians score about the same amount as Estonians. So do most Eastern Europeans.

Finns and Volga Russians, Karelians have about 6-8% of Gook DNA, while I am not sure about Southwestern Finns

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File: 154cf02536ad29f⋯.png (134.98 KB,512x590,256:295,Northpole.png)

Finns are good. Tho, many of their wahmen may be gommunist. Objective grok demo: Licorice, Pine Tar, Ice Swim and Sauna. They make breddy gud boats and sporting use of winter; also, excellent snow tires. Fought bolshies good, with HighQ. Building a young nation, like; New Zealand, Canada, Australia, South Africa and ol' rekt Rhodesia. Same mistake as others: not fight kikes hard enough.

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Finno-Ugric is not Indo-European and neither is Sumerian.

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Those artifacts you posted… how old are they?

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scythians lit kickstarted that shit if i am not mistaken… they kickstarted tons of shit

but they were indo, or kinda everything really.. so little is known about them this way

I am no expert but if I remember right, the were never united behind one language

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File: 4005475a63462a9⋯.jpg (71.5 KB,688x337,688:337,Madsebakke-Bornholm2.jpg)


and there it is again…

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File: 20c7cd194928066⋯.jpg (345.82 KB,710x400,71:40,628_e78e1.jpg)

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File: f64ba5ecbee95b0⋯.jpg (571.19 KB,1200x1600,3:4,Helleristning-gjernrup.jpg)

File: 087be2564beb77a⋯.jpg (2.09 MB,1616x1073,1616:1073,carne1.jpg)


the sunwheel is very very old though, ffs you find this in both north, middle and south america… that tells you a bit how old this symbol is… so that does not have to mean it came with these new people there, it was probably there from before too

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File: 13eba13b28d2103⋯.jpg (24.1 KB,410x300,41:30,006.jpg)

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File: 22de2d0ef105c68⋯.jpeg (4.23 KB,281x179,281:179,images.jpeg)




anon.. I….. I don't know where to start with this statement..

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This is obviously proto indo European ancestry, most likely the ancient North Eurasian component of it.

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Around 4.000 years old.


That is what they remind me of.


There may not have been much difference if they'd been living in close proximity with other ethnic groups for thousands of years, just the retention of language and some cultural traits, the region is noted as having been a genetic bottleneck.

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1 kike, his 3 IPs, and a slide thread.

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File: 158201aa65f8cc9⋯.png (47.6 KB,288x302,144:151,ClipboardImage.png)



Nice bread OP.

Here is a related article:

>Sumerian and Indo-European: a surprising connection


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They look native americans who probably speak american english.

Nice try jimbo

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He's totally right, the women in this place in general are very socialistic, pro-feminism, pro-egalitarianism, it's true that most as elsewhere do not know what anything in politics actually means and some significant percentage of them may well be mistaking socialism for social nationalism but to say that the finnish women of 21st century are traditional in anyway would be obviously false. As always pro-contemporary socialism = pro-communism even if the proponent of socialism is far too ignorant to make that sagely jump.

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