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File: 5de37b5f36df028⋯.jpg (261.41 KB,1420x1534,710:767,a7ff44a1fc9ad31a2545c23676….jpg)

 No.13548735 [Last50 Posts]


Rotherham Avenger edition.

Original video, manifesto and music:


More videos:



>post your OC

>post your memes

>post your video edits

>laugh at scared semites

>filter & report shills


<get in touch with his lawyers and see what we can do to help our lad

Secondary objectives:

<bombard the prison with calls and letters so they stop blocking his rights to receive mail

<irl propaganda for maximum butthurt from media

<make more memes and spread them

<organize further help for our lad


Brenton Tarrant Memetic Warfare Thread № XVI

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File: 36bf643f36de853⋯.jpg (209.52 KB,1280x960,4:3,36bf643f36de853d597722ac0f….jpg)

Earlier threads:

Memetic Warfare Thread XV


Memetic Warfare Thread XIV


Memetic Warfare Thread XIII


Memetic Warfare Thread XII


Memetic Warfare Thread XI


Memetic Warfare Thread X


Memetic Warfare Thread IX


Memetic Warfare Thread VIII


Memetic Warfare Thread VII


Memetic Warfare Thread VI


Memetic Warfare Thread V


Memetic Warfare Thread IV


Memetic Warfare Thread III


Memetic Warfare Thread II


Memetic Warfare Thread I


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File: 009ff57cc7a9228⋯.jpg (412.6 KB,847x853,847:853,809d17c81833a3da4bb2b21bcd….jpg)


Go have an energy drink, you'll get the next one.

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File: 187b3457e7be01f⋯.jpg (34.61 KB,680x339,680:339,34e9b98985e9931eab39e16e44….jpg)


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Fucking shills shitting up the ending of previous thread.

Archive of previous thread http://archive.is/TOiCN

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Daily reminder to report & hide shills. Do not engage and do not let them derail the thread.

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English hardsub:


Romanian hardsub:


Russian hardsub:


Czech hardsub:



They'll be back. And in greater numbers.




Like clockwork.

Here's the origin behind the sloppy job meme if anyone is interested:



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Crossposting from previous thread because it reached limit before I could post.

I am now downloading the zip from Brenton's faceberg archive and obtaining all the thumbnails of the pictures like >>13547995 suggested.

Do you want me to upload it somewhere to have a look?

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It's pretty obvious this guy's Mossad by the way kike mods here keep pushing him.

It's part of the pro-Trump psyops to get us closer to a gun ban.

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>moshe still spamming

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File: 092522e407360ab⋯.jpg (42.82 KB,1453x123,1453:123,pierce on muh false flags.jpg)


Have a (you) kike.

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Fug, I knew I forgot something. Thanks for the links, anon.

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stop responding to them you retarded niggers


Why was the version of the video with missing sound used?

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don't reply to them

report their posts and then hyde them, they are getting desperate and they will fuck shit up even more because of this.


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No problem. Bob Foote and his shitty memetics needs to be exposed for all anons to see.


It's the only version i've come across. Any sauce for the one with complete sound?

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I think this is the one will full sound:


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>all these shills

Yep, very organic indeed.

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don't even acknowledge them anon, they wouldn't be here if they thought we can't be influenced by their kikery

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they've been exposed in previous thread and looks like they are panicking

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File: e9e0b3ca74c53a4⋯.png (2.13 MB,1920x1086,320:181,whatabro.PNG)

I've always liked how these 2 cars seem to work together to let Brenton efficiently get through on his kebab removing crusade

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Ahhhh, there's you're problem!

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Holy shit, I tend to think I don't notice shills very often, but this it's just obvious ITT, I'm not even going to list their IDs in my post rn, but this is serious shilling.




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Yeah, they are in overdrive for some reason. Previous thread was the same, so the presence is obvious. Report them.

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stop acknowledging them and cluttering the thread for fucks sake. I'm thinking of filtering the next nigger that starts giving them attention

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What's your solution then, spicspam?

You've been shilling this retarded meme for MONTHS now. You should have had the time to come up with something by now?

No, you're a fucking nigger doing the only thing you know how.

Crawling up the Aryan Man's ass, searching for stink to cover yourself with so you can call yourself "White".

You're still shit, spicspam. You will always be shit.

Kill yourself, faggot.

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You are the psy-op, you obvious fucking niggers.

You change nothing.

You're still going to die.

Keep poking, you fucking mongs.

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Why aren't mods doing anything about shills derailing threads with spam? Already 60 replies, this is ridiculous.

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File: d1dad9df5810770⋯.jpg (13.56 KB,212x255,212:255,adf5085914384425599117eb29….jpg)


Reporting does no good. These fucking niggers are mods.

It's time to hunt them down IRL, and just end this shit.

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English subtitles with timestamps, for anyone who wishes to add a new translation:

00:00:06:03 - 00:00:08:26

Alright, let's get this party started.

00:00:31:10 - 00:00:34:29

Remember lads, subscribe to Pewdiepie.

00:03:07:03 - 00:03:08:19

Just double-checking to see if we're rolling.

00:03:10:11 - 00:03:11:13

Hello, lads.

00:04:22:07 - 00:04:22:28

Time's up.

00:04:22:28 - 00:04:37:25

This is for Ebba. This is for Bataclan. This is for Europe.

00:04:57:09 - 00:04:59:23

Is the car park full? Didn't fucking expect that.

00:05:30:15 - 00:05:32:05

This is some Austin Powers shit.

00:05:52:18 - 00:05:53:28

I'm gonna kill this bitch.

00:06:12:05 - 00:06:14:11

There goes the fucking Christ.

00:06:36:17 - 00:06:37:16

"Hello brother."

00:07:13:19 - 00:07:14:29

That didn't work.

00:08:50:13 - 00:08:51:04


00:09:25:09 - 00:09:26:09

Ah, shit.

00:09:37:25 - 00:09:38:23

Son of a bitch.

00:09:42:06 - 00:09:43:01

Fuck it.

00:10:15:13 - 00:10:18:02

Looks like we won't get the badge today, boys.

00:12:00:28 - 00:12:06:06

"Help me! Help me! Help me! Help me!"

00:12:35:15 - 00:12:37:13

Did not go as planned.

00:12:39:12 - 00:12:40:12

Fucking Christ.

00:12:55:14 - 00:12:57:15

What a motherfucking piece of shit.

00:14:16:00 - 00:14:17:10

Fucking shit.

00:14:18:18 - 00:14:20:13

Mags dropped out instantly.

00:14:21:12 - 00:14:25:29

Either pick retention or ease of access, if you pick ease of access you can fuck yourself.

00:14:45:03 - 00:14:49:22

Went too quick, should have stayed longer. There was time for the fuel.

00:14:52:00 - 00:14:54:20

Really wanted to burn that fucking mosque to the ground.

00:14:57:11 - 00:14:58:14

But, shit happens.

00:15:01:27 - 00:15:05:06

Left one full magazine back there for sure. Possibly more.

00:15:05:20 - 00:15:11:23

Had to run along in the middle of the firefight, and pick up the mag that fell out pretty much fucking instantly.

00:15:11:23 - 00:15:14:11

There wasn't any time to aim due to so many targets.

00:15:15:16 - 00:15:18:03

And there was so many people that the car park was full.

00:15:18:21 - 00:15:21:23

So there was no real chance to get through there.

00:15:45:02 - 00:15:46:10

Got some Need for Speed type shit, using other cars as cover.

00:16:07:01 - 00:16:14:21

A lot of them survived unfortunately, they all ran pretty quickly. I know I scared them, and the women weren't in yet, I guess the men go in first, probably a few minutes earlier.

00:16:23:23 - 00:16:24:20

What do we do here.

00:16:26:08 - 00:16:27:28


00:16:32:28 - 00:16:54:01

Ah Felix, I've done you a service for a sec.

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File: b98522650c7f215⋯.jpg (5.88 KB,158x186,79:93,01a7a1677917077abb5d097050….jpg)

File: 07bae10e5a0f76e⋯.jpg (19.05 KB,206x244,103:122,4fcd703d15c7625618c2d77111….jpg)

File: a8383d389c44c7b⋯.jpg (12.87 KB,206x296,103:148,6feae62a678129895da72c2813….jpg)

File: 3fc2e658d66abc1⋯.jpg (12.56 KB,206x206,1:1,18d89d8b0a5827dee13ce4cd41….jpg)

File: c5e0269c37835a3⋯.jpg (21.11 KB,276x206,138:103,38e7c0c6f4ffebbfde908b5c8d….jpg)

Ok, thumbnails of Brenton's faceberg pictures acquired.

Among the many memes he shared there are also these :^)


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>no no no dont kill towelheads! u must be mossad sloppy job1

You can see right through these idiots

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File: 80753b308d9d9ae⋯.jpg (11.96 KB,286x206,143:103,68a16e5fb1643d5165e963eb39….jpg)

File: 31303f4dd860c3b⋯.jpg (11.07 KB,206x369,206:369,282c371afa561d8f2c652b3437….jpg)

File: f68ee78efe51acc⋯.jpg (10.44 KB,206x206,1:1,681f56e55be3710b5c84ab595f….jpg)

File: c7e886e4da55542⋯.jpg (15.46 KB,274x206,137:103,1230bd9fb1998c07686aa1e51c….jpg)

File: e3ab92a9c0c1eb7⋯.jpg (15.81 KB,206x289,206:289,ec6a53779ffb2643c06d1cc614….jpg)



Mamy memes and so many pictures from his travels.

He's been everywhere except probably the Americas.

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File: f680f451e52e86d⋯.jpg (18.07 KB,255x239,255:239,a214b47fe88bc37777a6496a03….jpg)




Look how fucking scared these endangered yids are.


Keep putting Tarrant in their face every day, EVERYWHERE!

Keep them reminded daily what's coming.

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>Lezz get this pahty stahted

He's 100% pure Aussie. Based

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Do you have his "at least we are not speaking German" memes from his facebook?

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I like McVeigh, Bowers, Roof and all the others but Anders and Brenton would make such a good fucking duo I swear

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These subs seems to be the most accurate.

Except imo

>Looks like we won't get the badge today, boys.

I think he says "Looks like you won't get the virgins today, boys"

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you mean you want to see the thumbnail or are you searching for the proper picture?

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File: d52044734d1cbf2⋯.jpg (324.04 KB,1080x1080,1:1,TarrantEbba.jpg)


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Angry fucking kike or mohammed detected. Join your brothers in Hell.

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File: ae2a9be4167c103⋯.mp4 (1.61 MB,648x360,9:5,Tarrant4.mp4)

´´´E X P E D I T E´´´

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Both ideally. But if you got just one, I would really like it. I forgot to save it from last time.

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File: 2c0f9c680d1cd9f⋯.jpg (6.12 KB,255x143,255:143,da99dfd08cf87302c641e52000….jpg)


You will be removed. My dank may mays will remain, neanderkike nigger.

Just like real life.

We're coming for you.

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I never noticed this before but at 5:50 he gives a thumbs up to the muslim raghead guy going into the church and mumbles to himself "I'm going to kill this bitch."

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File: e6453a908a1c865⋯.jpg (14.47 KB,197x255,197:255,0e477238e44b8b419b10f4b3cf….jpg)


This never gets old

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There's definitely a "b" at the beginning of the word he says there. I think what he says is >looks like we won't get the burn today boys

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Why are we fighting muzzies while the Jews set up mass child trafficking rings.

Lol how fucking dumb are you lads.

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For god's sake stop fucking replying to them.


That's what I thought too as well as the original subtitle anon at first. But it had already been discussed that his pronunciation as well as the number of syllables he used indicated "badge," not "virgins."

"we won't get the badge today" meant that he wouldn't have to engage NZ police officers. You can tell he kept running back to the street and checking both ways for police lights.

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File: ac5c07e9bd34db8⋯.jpg (21.8 KB,234x255,78:85,4cbe9bed405623c01894c2da3c….jpg)


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File: 7c6935c6528282b⋯.png (1010.03 KB,7000x5000,7:5,1540827891696.png)


You are not fighting anyone, nigger.

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What makes you think it's one or the other?

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He definitely says "We won't get the bird today, boys."

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Wouldn't it make more sense in plural? Birds? As women part of mosque didn't arrived before the attack?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

St. Tarrant posted this on Twitter with the comment: "Coming soon to an immigrant suburb near you."

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File: 7096f730c0f8b32⋯.jpeg (4.9 KB,255x159,85:53,d6c6cb49105bd7811f56af5d1….jpeg)


Only you can't chew gum and walk at the same time, nigger.

Fuck your strawman bullshit, retard.

We do both, AND the niggers, bugs, and sodomites of all creeds and colors.

What the fuck do you think you're doing here?

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I've always thought that the G sound in that sentence sounds more like him slurring his speech while pronouncing the T in "today" from hyperventilating

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File: bd5881cc5598895⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,1268x1364,317:341,thank_god_we_saved_west.jpg)

File: 1198ca0592bfce7⋯.jpg (56.89 KB,720x347,720:347,churchill_quote.jpg)


Here are some of the pictures from my folder :^)

This are the ones Tarrant posted among the others, I can't find specifically the one about "at least we're not speaking German".

Tarrant shared identical memes as you and I have in our folders, there's a reason if we feel so close to him.

Who knows how many times we interacted with him online without knowing it?

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File: 0fd2abc75e7907b⋯.png (300.28 KB,578x521,578:521,1564353543501.png)


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raghead semite detected. kill yourself

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File: 394553a935e694e⋯.jpg (10.3 KB,255x191,255:191,098cd416bc5520cf443239fa94….jpg)


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Kek. Best part is the next one

>when he drives over the shitskin broad and his car bumps up and down like on a speedbump

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You fool no one, nigger

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Can't believe I missed that he said that. Thanks

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Yeah, yeah, it's definitely "birds." He later mentions near the end that "the women weren't in yet" which made it harder for him so that was what he was referring to.

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File: 46bc63b4de3c6ec⋯.png (361.95 KB,1063x332,1063:332,1111112222222233333.png)

So you want me to upload these thumbnails or not?

And where?

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File: da4141358afbb76⋯.png (760.04 KB,1088x731,64:43,920b73523b5f47436b145744f4….png)


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I am still convinced he said "virgins" very fast, and he was also out of breath.

It seems more logical and straightforward, since he was addressing the sandniggers, who he hates and probably hates even more their retarded religion.

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what do you think about


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I still think he says "virgins".

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Just fucking stop. You couldn't more obviously be a shitskin if you tried.

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It would be even better if all of you stopped replying to them, I have several (you)s at my posts from the mad kike shills, but I filtered so I do not have to endure their retardation.

Do the same, for Brenton's sake.

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>comments are disabled for this video

Is it like this because of Tarrant?

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Yes, YouTube even censored playlists that people made with Brenton's soundtrack.

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All of the songs have disabled comments. They were absolutely full of praise to Tarrant right after the attack, so Youtube shoah'd the whole section. Many reuploads then ended up the same.

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This is a really popular song that is on the radio too. Kek. Notice too that they didn't do this for "Walking on Sunshine" after Elliot Rodger's shooting but only for Tarrant. Makes you think…

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I just said this:



Is this also considered that way?

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Why not filter this guy.

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Why not the beginning of an end to all this jewing and niggering

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>FIRE (doo doo da dooo) YOU GONNA BURN

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It just doesn't make sense to me. I don't hear the G sound in the middle of that word. That sound is at the end of the word, or at the beginning of another word (I personally believe the latter).

Burn makes a lot more sense to me, he looks back at his car, realizes that there's not enough time for the petrol to burn the mosque down with, and says

>looks like we won't get the burn today boys

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Look at how Africa went so far. Sure did what you said. Now tell them they must fix it and the whole problem could get fixed.

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Africa did what is said here. Mostly. Or not?

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I don't know, it might be.

It depends on whether he was "talking" to the audience (in this case you are right) or to the muzzies hiding in the parking lot (in that case I might be right).

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Are there any points in the video where we know for sure he's talking to the muzzies?

We already know that he talks to the viewers at times like when he's in the car and driving.

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Ok, so hating niggers.

Wouldn't it work much better if solely critisizing them to fix Africa.

(It must be their culture, though they do not have to invent the wheel again. Like power to the people and some technologies)

So in practice?

Would it NOT feel better, work better, scare better, just more worthy, everything in general. Compared to what it is now?

It should, universally speaking.

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Reminder to newfags, if someone keeps making the same claim over and over and never actually posts any evidence, they are, in fact, deliberately acting in bad faith to shit up the board and make it look retarded.

Some shills are paid, some do it for free, but all of them are faggots.

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I have no niggers at hand at the moment. Or can already no longer reach them because of other reasons. They must fear me instinctively.

Could anyone try if you do have a nigger at hand? from a clean situation.

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as far as I remember he never talks to the muzzies.

taking this into account, probably the "burn" interpretation is the most correct one.

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He does wave at one at 5:50 but that is it.

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He's waving to tell him he can cross the road.

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Anyone remember that one egged Alt-Right poltician who blamed the muslims for the christ church shooting? To this day, still the most autistic thing I've ever heard. With this same logic, its the kids fault for going to school and getting killed by a school shooter, what a fucking clown.

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What are you even doing on this board? Did someone link to it from reddit?

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"No please, stop making valid points! I only want to circle jerk with the boys"

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He says

>I'm gonna have to kill this cunt

Immediately afterwards.

It's a shame we can't see his facial reactions, that'd be nice for context.

Do you lads think they'll allow him to transcribe the video during, before or after court?'


Just filter. It's not beneficial to give attention to cucks and shills, even if it's only to insult them.

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Where did you stumble in from? New fed on duty?

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Or they themselves get killed because of revenge. Even WWII by the allies.

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That video was banned from New Zeland. Even if it was transcribed, it's not going out to the public lel

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Where to reddit anyway?

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stop replying for fucks sake

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File: 5ebf50c61e68173⋯.jpg (360.64 KB,990x1278,55:71,the annual shoah !.jpg)

File: 9dba8ebc54ee91b⋯.jpg (375.22 KB,773x1532,773:1532,it was real in their minds.jpg)


It was real in your mind.

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>to reddit

Also for this


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Just testing. It's a bot.

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Guys, don't reply to the only person here using their brain. Lets just keep pushing our head further in sand and ignore logic, #MAGA

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I'm not a bot. How could I? Even thinking of reddit spacing.

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You know how american children all have guns? Well they probably too, they should've just shot him instead of sitting around enjoying the pain. If everyone has guns no one dies except the person who has guns

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Could be. But where?

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Now come one. I want my National Socialism.

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Just like everyone.


- There are no Le evil jews. As said here

- and more

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Jesus, the dumbasses in this board like Socialism too. No wonder.

I bet you guys thought hitler would get rid of all the blacks in your neighborhood too? Newsflash buddy, hitler wanted to get rid of EVERYBODY in your neighborhood. The only valid race was the German race, everyone else were to be shipped to the death camps.

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O responded to myself here.

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Report the spam bot.

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File: aab405783570d3b⋯.png (1.48 MB,1269x1286,1269:1286,disconnect_life_support.png)


Just this once I'll make an exception to the "don't respond to shills" rule.



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File: 4f80061a1950ac7⋯.mp4 (1.2 MB,648x360,9:5,Untitled_.mp4)

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File: a6f5fbd8e20e77d⋯.jpg (111.88 KB,1228x691,1228:691,Valhalla.jpg)


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Ow well I'm not a shill.

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File: e24296642654491⋯.jpg (66.03 KB,306x1135,306:1135,anton lundin satanic badge.jpg)


>Anton Lundin

Was he really a (((satanist))) or just larping for kek's ?

Nothing against him, since he removed 4 kebabs and show us that not all Swedes are cucked.

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This has to be bait

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Based on what I've read about his personal life I think he wanted to commit suicide by cop (he was severely depressed and made google searches about suicide before he did it) and take the opportunity to remove some kebab while he was at it.

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He was very nihilistic, that's probably where the satanism comes from. I doubt Brenton would have liked him personally but he did a good deed. Also bonus points for using a fucking sword

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Have you even read Siege or Liber 333?

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Why these SUPER EDGY SKELETON MASKS never remove some matzos like a St.Bowers did ?

The whole fucking paramilitary organisation can't do single shit for 4 years, when "/our boomer/ who taked too much redpills" did it absolutely alone.

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Forgot to mention that he only removed 3 kebabs. The other death was himself

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One Atomwaffen member actually converted to Islam and bombed a place. I wonder what he thinks about Tarrant.

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What is this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yihpFE6vrW4

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Possibly Brenton's accounts in the hands of the completely wrong person

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But his accounts are suspended. It shouldn't be possible to log into a suspended account. They show a password reset being done but they don't have his phone. Doesn't make sense

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Dailymotion embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Amd what you're gonna do about it, /leftypol/?

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yeah man id be interested how they'd feel if it was them and their family shot up by someone at the behest of an internet based ideology

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File: 8a6273dc9464a62⋯.png (465.37 KB,813x479,813:479,reddit.png)


Fuck off, cuck.

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File: 5386a5a67d176cb⋯.jpg (2.28 MB,2550x3300,17:22,0884b3509591c64188cad6123d….jpg)


Do something about it, nigger.

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Why can't boomers just die already.

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File: 20c9b4aaaa9b805⋯.gif (1000.88 KB,320x179,320:179,20c9b4aaaa9b805dd70cacd265….gif)



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File: 239c05fbd9e217f⋯.jpg (127.86 KB,755x1024,755:1024,Magazine.jpg)


They deleted private playlists. Think about that. Think about how weak, desperate and paranoid the enemy is to take such action. It's a great amusement.

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>Do you lads think they'll allow him to transcribe the video during, before or after court?'

For what purpose?

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If I post italian subs, will you uploaud it based subtitler?

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we should back up all the archive.is links we have in case the site ever decides to take them down

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Of course. It's hardsub though, which means processing and uploading an entirely new video file. It would be a wait.

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good idea

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File: 5909d3cba789de2⋯.png (325.81 KB,566x458,283:229,fb 2.PNG)

File: f04c310fbd93a66⋯.png (24.01 KB,544x326,272:163,fb 3.PNG)

kek, found another archive


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Accurate subtitles

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File: 9dad9626e289b04⋯.gif (876.28 KB,245x309,245:309,9dad9626e289b04ed973b6d8c3….gif)



Alright, here you go.

00:00:06:03 - 00:00:08:26

Bene, che la festa cominci.

00:00:31:10 - 00:00:34:29

Ricordatevi ragazzi, iscrivetevi a Pewdiepie.

00:03:07:03 - 00:03:08:19

Ricontrollo per vedere se stiamo girando.

00:03:10:11 - 00:03:11:13

Salve ragazzi.

00:04:22:07 - 00:04:22:28

Il tempo è scaduto.

00:04:22:28 - 00:04:37:25

Questo è per Ebba. Questo è per il Bataclan. Questo è per l'Europa.

00:04:57:09 - 00:04:59:23

Il parcheggio è pieno? Cazzo, non me l'aspettavo.

00:05:30:15 - 00:05:32:05

Questa è roba alla Austin Powers.

00:05:52:18 - 00:05:53:28

Lo uccido questo stronzo.

00:06:12:05 - 00:06:14:11

Ecco qua, Cristo.

00:06:36:17 - 00:06:37:16

"Ciao fratello."

00:07:13:19 - 00:07:14:29

Non ha funzionato.

00:08:50:13 - 00:08:51:04


00:09:25:09 - 00:09:26:09

Ah, merda.

00:09:37:25 - 00:09:38:23

Figlio di puttana.

00:09:42:06 - 00:09:43:01


00:10:15:13 - 00:10:18:02

Sembra che non riusciremo ad incendiare oggi, ragazzi.

00:12:00:28 - 00:12:06:06

"Aiuto! Aiuto! Aiuto! Aiuto!"

00:12:35:15 - 00:12:37:13

Non è andata secondo i piani.

00:12:39:12 - 00:12:40:12

Ma Cristo.

00:12:55:14 - 00:12:57:15

Che cazzo di figlio di puttana.

00:14:16:00 - 00:14:17:10


00:14:18:18 - 00:14:20:13

I caricatori sono scivolati immediatamente.

00:14:21:12 - 00:14:25:29

Puoi scegliere o una presa salda o la facilità di accesso, se scegli la facilità di accesso ti fotti.

00:14:45:03 - 00:14:49:22

Sono andato via troppo presto, sarei dovuto restare di più. C'era tempo per la benzina.

00:14:52:00 - 00:14:54:20

Avrei davvero voluto radere al suolo quella cazzo di moschea.

00:14:57:11 - 00:14:58:14

Sfighe che capitano.

00:15:01:27 - 00:15:05:06

Ho lasciato là un intero caricatore di sicuro. Probabilmente di più.

00:15:05:20 - 00:15:11:23

Sono dovuto correre indietro nel mezzo dello scontro a fuoco e raccogliere il caricatore che è caduto praticamente all'istante, cazzo.

00:15:11:23 - 00:15:14:11

Non c'è stato il tempo di mirare perché c'erano così tanti bersagli.

00:15:15:16 - 00:15:18:03

E c'era così tanta gente che il parcheggio era pieno.

00:15:18:21 - 00:15:21:23

Perciò non c'era una realistica possibilità di passarlo al setaccio.

00:15:45:02 - 00:15:46:10

Devo provare una roba alla Need for Speed, usando le altre macchine come copertura.

00:16:07:01 - 00:16:14:21

Sfortunatamente molti sono sopravvissuti, sono corsi via tutti piuttosto velocemente. So di averli spaventati, e le donne non c'erano ancora, immagino che gli uomini arrivino per primi, forse qualche minuto prima.

00:16:23:23 - 00:16:24:20

Che si fa qui?

00:16:26:08 - 00:16:27:28


00:16:32:28 - 00:16:54:01

Ah Felix, ti ho reso un servizio per un secondo.

Add the titles of the songs too. Thank you, have a cute Tarrant.

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File: da01710a5fa0d50⋯.mp4 (15.53 MB,500x500,1:1,Valhalla resized.mp4)


Good work, resized it for upload. What is the music?

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Should've included some of the pictures of young Brenton as well

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>jew nose

The irony

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File: bb5bc33e3878559⋯.jpg (31.17 KB,744x605,744:605,65040712_420211085374828_6….jpg)

reminder to report and filter all shill posts

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Don't be so harsh on yourself, Herschel.

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File: 2a364367c0eafe1⋯.jpg (11.26 KB,242x400,121:200,31Iip1ykMeL.jpg)

File: 1502b72c4759be1⋯.jpeg (7.84 KB,302x167,302:167,download (16).jpeg)

This is now a symbol

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File: ad3f918d38d0cb8⋯.png (243.15 KB,487x639,487:639,tree.png)


It quite is.

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>Car Fresheners: the new symbol of underground fascism

>Article written by Gloria Shekelstein

You know they're gonna do it

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Attention all men of good repute: The FBI and western elites are knowingly genociding white people.

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File: c8d534913f3ac16⋯.jpg (45.64 KB,629x470,629:470,6 gorillion.jpg)

File: c041d661ee22b26⋯.jpg (593.42 KB,2200x1157,2200:1157,6 gorillion in 1897.jpg)

File: b29bcf1575e45a9⋯.png (113 KB,948x1832,237:458,White genocide.png)


It was real in your mind.

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Just filter and ignore that shit. They thrive on attention, it's not like the FBI wouldn't be able to make simple observations, and those retards know that.

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File: cd1115bf6d8c16a⋯.jpg (60.73 KB,504x550,252:275,genocidical shower.jpg)

File: e8d3fcfc149a32d⋯.jpeg (124.44 KB,640x920,16:23,6_million_lice.jpeg)

File: cb23ba61a5b244a⋯.png (99.99 KB,523x265,523:265,photo-shoah.png)


It was real in your mind.

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File: e45248f4a9f8863⋯.png (1.62 MB,1369x1500,1369:1500,bt19.png)

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>Artist of the Year strikes again.

Just like always, top notch anon, top notch. Very happy you are still with us.

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Absolutely wonderful anon. You really own up to being the artist of the year!

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File: 1744dd22af7bc8a⋯.png (231.73 KB,688x853,688:853,tarrant_pepe.png)


Noise !

I rate it 1488/10.

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Reported and filtered.

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I can't tell if your retarded or a isrealie but im just going to tell you to kys

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fuck off siege is not fucking satanic you retarded nigger

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How do i backup archive.is links? Is it just the same as normal website backup with wget?

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On archive.is links there is an option if you look carefully, "download .zip". You can also use your browser's "print to PDF" to get a PDF instead.

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can someone post some asethic brentons? like the shooting with pictures of ebba and nice music? the murdoch murdoch overlay one was nice. maybe some terrorwave ones.

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Thank you all

I will draw more, of course

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Everything's added except for the song titles and video title.

>New Zealand Attack ( Italian Subtitles )

>Serbia Strong

>The British Grenadiers - Fife and Drum

>Fallschirmjäger - Bass Beats Remix

>The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - "Fire"

>Manuel - "Gas Gas Gas"

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You need to send him your drawings, he will like them too

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I have decided to try and archive as much of the Saint Tarrant memes as possible at https://neckbeard.xyz/kebabarchive, we have the pastebin i created for videos, so this is mainly intended for pictures, come with suggestions if you have ideas for other places they could be archived?

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Yes. You wouldn't believe how much support he had, for a while it read like a thread on here.

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DeviantArt. Their censorship isn't very strict

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File: 03193c7b92a8b8f⋯.jpg (138.41 KB,826x802,413:401,first.jpg)

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Is this a bot? Reads like poorly written ai. Makes no sense.

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File: 4cd12f652879ec0⋯.png (343.12 KB,1200x1200,1:1,perfect.png)


Sequel to La Follia

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Currently i have posted my entire gallery of Brenton memes, would it be acceptable to include Breivik and Adolf memes and quotes?

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All hail Tarrant, Allah’s omnipotent preserver, who makes the idiot westerners bow subserviently before our Creator!

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>still spamming "tarrant was a muzzie !!11!!!!" unproven shit

Why you so boring and pathetic ?

At least pull some effort into shilling.

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File: fbbcbc91669e6a2⋯.png (880.59 KB,1920x1080,16:9,Aussie Madlad italian flag….png)



It is done.


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Probably, yeah. Like a crappy text generation algorithm trained on random threads. A lot of them around. It's a bad one though, the thread isn't even about niggers, their keyword matching needs work.

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You sure you're not thinking of the O9A guy? I mean, same difference really.

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their germanic paganistic masks retard it basicly means your death or some shit

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Yes, we are very scared of the "action".

The only action happening has been underages making threads in 8chan claiming a race war is going on and to genocide everybody. Nothing actually happened after Brenton instead of maybe a few autistic twitter posts

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File: 3e6a85f491034e0⋯.jpg (43.29 KB,800x434,400:217,1564549110859.jpg)

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>its the kids fault for going to school and getting killed by a school shooter, what a fucking clown.

try to think, nigger - the kids belong in school, the muzzies don't belong in NZ

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Pretty sure he actually says "Looks like we won't get to burn it today boys"

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File: 1c16e8454b7851d⋯.png (58.46 KB,1119x564,373:188,brenton ferret.PNG)

reminder to stop being a fat faggot and get /fit/

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File: babad98a0039e65⋯.png (60.31 KB,1247x511,1247:511,brenton ferret 2.PNG)


direct order from the saint himself

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How do you know that's him? Did I miss something while I was away the last couple of weeks?

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that was fast

good job subtitler anon

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top kek



We should definitely try to send this art to our boy, these drawings are probably going to pass the prison staff's censorship, and they're very heartwarming

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If you're all so non-scared, why do you take the time to come here and leave useless comments? If these threads are of so little importance, why bother?


Your shilling is very bad.

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File: b7f2b1ccb12c589⋯.webm (14.13 MB,1280x720,16:9,Metamorphosis.webm)


can you help me mate? i compiled all the MM episodes into a 10 hour video that's 14gb (heiled) and uploaded it to bitchute. problem is that it's been 1 week now and the video is still processing? are there certain parameters to use that help process quicker? i don't know if it's me or bitchute being the nigger here. any help would be greatly appreciated. cheers.

also, going to be a faggot and repost my oc from the last thread. i don't have time to make more, unfortunately

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File: f5bff7b987fb7a2⋯.png (803.33 KB,695x900,139:180,fea06c84b018a807c97d7ccd87….png)



awesome work. saved.

can someone please make a postable version of


another based anon did so already for



if someone has some time but doesn't know how to do it, see below from previous thread.


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Note: please archive your memes at 8-booru.booru.org and redpill.booru.org

I am serious, you don't want mods to delete them all

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sorry I really don't know anything about video editing and everything related.

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Videos can get stuck in processing on Bitchute. Generally if a video takes long to process - significantly longer than the length of the video - then just cancel the upload and try again, several times if necessary.

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Very good, saved

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I feel compelled to check those digits.

All hail St. Brenton the prophet of kek, he who in the name of humanity dehumanized himself and faced to bloodshed.

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I hope you fucking Jews that are promoting this shit go to prison.

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File: 127d82969c1ced5⋯.jpg (118.13 KB,1280x720,16:9,1554262193964.jpg)



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don't feed the heeb anon

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All hail Brenton Tarrant, perfect scion of Allah’s plan!

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VANILLA OR CITRUS !?!?!?!?!????

also reccomend to hang them somewhere where they can loose their scent before putting ontoi the mirror, since that shit is not very healthy for inhalation

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File: 25fcd4194c08d2a⋯.jpg (475.67 KB,1024x574,512:287,Brenton_14.jpg)



What an absolute bro. Can someone break him out already? I don't want to wait 28 years to shake this man's hand.

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Cry more ahmed

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how can you be sure that it is his account?

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He puts his money where his mouth is as well, you can see how confident he is in the video, doesn't shake or hesitate once. A man without fear. Going to deadlift right now, if anyone is interested in my advanced forearm routine then I'll be happy to share, and happy to listen to anyone's own good routines for other parts.

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File: 567b5480855fe33⋯.jpeg (94.3 KB,1080x817,1080:817,USER_SCOPED_TEMP_DATA_orc….jpeg)

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dont forget powell

even though he didnt have a strong score

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poway shooter*

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What matters is the effort!

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He is not a mass murderer. He could kill at least 5 people, this means mass murder in american law.

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And I don't like that he turned himself in after shooting 1 (one) old Jew. If he left it that would be one thing but reporting yourself is a bit cucked.

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Fake meme. McVeigh wasn't a false flag, he really scared some important people, but all the names listed are false flags except maybe "Breivik".

And, "Mohamed Atta" what a false flag name for the Jews that did 9/11, "no goy, we had Mohamed Atta fly the plane, believe us goy, Mohamed Attack did 9/11." So fucking stupid.

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File: 2bf1069b3d8f216⋯.png (1005.16 KB,1319x650,1319:650,Gandalf-too-clever.png)


>You can have no nation goy, you're attempt to think for yourselves is why your stupid.

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>Roof was a false flag

>St. Tarrant was a false flag

>Bowers was a false flag

Go away.

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File: dad93060845a6ac⋯.webm (15.93 MB,576x320,9:5,SaintTarrantItalianVideoB….webm)


Dirty Thirty Dropping Some Dank

Nice work Fren, I reposted your video so it could fit on 8ch and show Tarrant frens how I did it.

In the last thread I posted some incorrect information about WEBM compression.

Sorry frens, let's fix that and talk about 2 main methods:

1) Targeting a specific filesize/dealing with a long video.

2) Constant Quality

Let's talk method 1 first frens:

Starting off, a formula so we can actually know how big the file will be.

16 MB limit on 8ch. Formula explained below:

The video in this post is 16:55 in length.

How big I want the file to be in KB times a Byte (8) divided by the number of seconds in the video.


Filesize *Byte/Seconds

16384 * 8 /1015

16384*8/1015 = 129K bitrate we can work with (rounded)

-b:v 129K



That's video ONLY. Remember audio takes up space too, the audio codec Opus does great for this.

I'll post a chart below showing why, basically Opus hits wide band at 16k, so I just used 24k. It's noticeable but

I'd rather have okay audio over shitty video. It's your bitrate, fill it how you want too.

I'll post another video below as well to show how trading audio bitrate for video bitrate can make a big difference.

I don't want to go over 16 MB, so I will pretend I have 124K to work with intead of 129k, and we rounded up a second earlier.


-tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 - Better decoding for the user.

Scrub a few KB so we can decode faster. I'll take off 5 and should still be under 16MB when done.


Okay Frens, let's Math.

124k to work with.

124k minus 24k for the Audio bitrate.

100k left for the Video bitrate.

Let's get this party started.


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 100k -maxrate 100k -bufsize 25k -pass 1 -threads 8 -deadline best -speed 0 -vf scale=576x320 -an -f webm NUL

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 100k -maxrate 100k -bufsize 25k -pass 2 -threads 8 -deadline best -speed 0 -vf scale=576x320 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -c:a libopus -b:a 24k output.webm


When you fire this rare pepe off, don't lose a finger. The bitrate won't be 125k flush, but -bufsize will keep it in check.


Keep -bufsize at 25% of your Video bitrate, round down.

-deadline best is normally defaulted to good. Leave this out and shave off more KB if you want faster encoding.

Most shitposts won't be over 20 min so it's okay to use and works with the math.

-vf scale=576x320 is all one option


Don't worry at first, Pass 1 mapped things out, by the end of your command you will see a pattern emerge and be under 16 MB.

Adjust slighty if you went over.

Don't change scale unless you absolutely have too. Looking at a low bitrate is better on a lower resolution and in this project it made sense.

In a previous thread I didn't have these: -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25

They will help with encoding and a lot with decoding. It really makes a difference when the person watching the video decodes it easier.

This also added to the filesize, part of the reason we took off a few KB on the bitrate.


I fucked up frens, we need to go back.


In a previous thread I posted something like:

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -b:v 600k -minrate 575k -maxrate 625k -crf 30 -pass 1 -an -f webm NUL

>Cunts fucked… having -b:v 0 looks way fucking better with -crf. No needs for -minrate -maxrate either.

If we are using -crf, then -b:v 0 should always be the case. NEVER set -b:v to anything but 0 if you are using -crf.

It will look way better if you leave it at 0, that's how it's intended to function.

If you want to use a specific bitrate, use the first method.

Looking for a specific filesize w/ the Bitrate Method 1

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 100k -maxrate 100k -bufsize 25k -pass 1 -threads 8 -deadline best -speed 0 -vf scale=576x320 -an -f webm NUL

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 100k -maxrate 100k -bufsize 25k -pass 2 -threads 8 -deadline best -speed 0 -vf scale=576x320 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -c:a libopus -b:a 24k output.webm

-crf Method 2

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 0 -crf 61 -pass 1 -threads 8 -deadline best -speed 0 -an -f webm NUL

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 0 -crf 61 -pass 2 -threads 8 -deadline best -speed 0 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -c:a libopus -b:a 64k output.webm

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File: 6a4046fa307ff97⋯.webm (14.43 MB,576x320,9:5,SaintTarrantItalianAudioB….webm)


Video is an example of why Higher Audio bit rate just isn't worth it in this long Webm.

In this version of the video, the audio is at 52k, Audio sounds great, but it's just not worth the loss in video bit rate.


ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 1 -b:v 58k -maxrate 58k -bufsize 29k -pass 1 -threads 8 -speed 0 -vf scale=576x320 -an -f webm NUL

ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -pass 2 -b:v 58k -maxrate 58k -bufsize 29k -pass 2 -threads 8 -speed 0 -vf scale=576x320 -tile-columns 6 -frame-parallel 1 -auto-alt-ref 1 -lag-in-frames 25 -c:a libopus -b:a 52k output.webm


I could have been better with getting close to 16 MB, but this was testing the video, and it took around 45 minutes to encode each one.

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stop giving them attention you nigger

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File: 7965a082a20d7a4⋯.png (683.37 KB,1920x1080,16:9,DirtyThirtyA.png)

File: 7b06f07a8b4db05⋯.png (758.5 KB,1920x1080,16:9,DirthThirtyB.png)

File: e459946ff2948f5⋯.png (123.38 KB,1280x948,320:237,Opussy.png)


Screenshot DirtyA is from Bitchute: 14.90MB

Screenshot DirtyB is from 8ch: 15.22MB

Both are streamed and I took a screenshot. Even though they have simliar size, DirtyB looks better for the user.

Almost a 6 minute video, 0.32MB won't help that much. VP9/OPUS codec, webm, better encoding and decoding show in the quality.

I even used a crf of 50 (no loss 0-61 most loss) on DirtyB, still looked clean. If it's -crf, ALWAYS -b:v 0. There's some funky stuff deeper into it later but it's for this method.

Screenshot Opussy is a chart.

It illustrates how the Audio Codec Opus holds up so well and why we can use a low bitrate and have those bits go towards video.

The following below is stuff I ran into that was useful as well:



ffmpeg -i input.webm -filter:a "volume=3" output.webm


Triple the volume on a file, will encode again.

-filter:a "volume=1" can also be appended as an option on the 2nd pass.



ffmpeg -i input.webm -ss 00:00:00 -to 00:01:30 -c:v copy -c:a copy output.webm


Make a copy with the first 1:30 only. Useful and no need to encode again.

All of my 8ch frens




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Thank you for the webm fren.

You are doing God's work.

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thx fren

*hands out snickerdoodle*

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Anyone have the edit with “the lion” speech in the background?

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check the OP's pastebin, it has a list with all the edits' links iirc

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Don't respond to them

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You should include the original thread


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All hail Tarrant, Saint of Allah, sacred liar! Hail the fight against western decadence! May the soft westernized muslims who betray our fight be cast before the judgment of the most high god!

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Reported and filtered you miserable peace of shit, fucking kill your self!

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What was the bomb reportedly defused? Was it just a rumour or the unused gasoline cannisters?

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My guess is all the gasoline.

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I forgot who Bowers was really, though I think he was a synagogue shooter.

Look, shooting Jews are temple ain't the way to save us, mind you that we are not organized and at war, yet.

Roof may have simply been MK Ultra'd, Tarrant looks like a Mossad asset if ever I saw one and why would he choose a fucking random muslim temple to attack the international money lenders / globalist? He wouldn't unless he's fucking got brain cancer or is a Mossad agent, it seems more realistic he should have attacked someone important to the cabal and the media never would have reported it.

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File: 2377776acb34f4f⋯.png (675.52 KB,800x528,50:33,1552731747496.png)


Filtered, vermin

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>please don't kill Jews goy

>please don't kill muslims goy

Wow! I've never looked at it that way before! You must have attended the Trudeau school of solutions.

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Reported, you disgusting nigger shill. Kill. yourself.

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Maybe he mixed some fertilizer in there to make it more potent, a firebomb basically. Although i couldn't see a fuse.

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Stop helping them derail the thread

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In the footage we see him going fast with his car while also hitting some bumps on the road. I am no bomb expert, but wouldn't fertilizer bombs be dangerous if shaken?

However in the footage itself only red gas canisters can be clearly seen.

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I went to the archive of a previous thread from only a month ago looking for a specific image that I had neglected to save, and only the thumbnails were saved. It's important to find other places to upload memes so they don't get lost and they get more distribution.

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The mass upload doesn't work.

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>wouldn't fertilizer bombs be dangerous if shaken?

No expert either, but I would assume so. It probably wouldn't detonate from hitting a pothole or speed-bump like touch-powder or something ridiculously sensitive to movement, but it's still probably not a good idea to juggle TNT in your minecart on the way to a village.

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Thanks anon, but is there a way were i get the full images and videos instead of just thumbnails?

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I don't know.

At least cuckchan has 4plebs where all the images can be found too.

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From Tarrant's archived FB account you mean? No, because his account is deleted and people only archived the photo gallery. But most of the memes he posted can be found in better resolution by reverse image searching them on Tineye or Google Images.

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No i want to archive these threads with the full quality images and videos.

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No he's asking for the memetic warfare threads archives with working links to images and videos posted.

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I see. Sometimes the full file is saved in the archives, sometimes only the thumbnail, I don't know why. That's why I wrote above that we should back up everything posted elsewhere.

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File: 2f6d00a21c78b26⋯.jpg (61.52 KB,630x472,315:236,1564616388033.jpg)

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Not the hero New Zealand deserves, but the one it needs.

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ADL thread

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how is he a bigger hero than the one who actually attacked a HIAS post?

I get why kikes like bt more, he liked their enemies and made us look bad to normies.

Hadjis and niggers are opportunistic infections to the European volk. Jews are the HIV virus that killed our immune system.

For instance the kike compromise in the new US immigration bill was ok we will stop importing these niggers from the south and start importing street shitters and rat people from India.

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>[Tarrant] made us look bad to normies

>but someone shooting up HIAS didn't

The state of shills these days.

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>imagine being shill so retarded, that you contradict your own post


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>hurr durr the shills

Whatever you say Mr Alinsky

No /pol/ack would disagree with that post. You’re saying Jews are not the problem.

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These Tarrant threads are pure kike.

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>argumentum ad populum


Only some award winning retardation can produce so much stupidity with a such a short text.


And shill shows himself in true colors. Report & filter.

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Calling Jews the immune virus doesn’t make someone a shill, or pointing out their role in our immigration (((system))). It’s the root belief of this board it’s totally documented and it’s been the West’s biggest/only problem for thousands of years.

You OTOH are calling the Jewish Problem a Muslim Problem. Ziocons have been ramming this down our throats since 911 when in reality all the Muslims that have caused us problems have been delivered to our doorstep by Jews and the 911 Arabs were Mossad agents taking the fall.

You’re a Jew and you’re paid to make these threads by other Jews, just like “Tarrant” was.

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Here you go bloodsucker


For reference

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Love keeping you people screaming in submission to this literal muslim. This place used to be troll central, now it’s just subservient, lol.

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>the Muslims are your problem goy

That’s funny the Dancing Israelis said the same thing.

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>Judge O'Driscoll said he wanted the Crown to present an estimate of how many people had viewed the material online. He had seen figures indicating up to 1.5 million had viewed it.


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Brenton Tarrant 2020

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File: 0307f1cd4c7ffb2⋯.png (955.9 KB,640x640,1:1,Tiwaz.png)


Robert Bowers isn't a boomer. Robert Bowers is gen x. ==SHUT THE FUCK UP BOOMER==

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File: 2c97b530f3dcb3b⋯.png (3.81 MB,2457x4857,819:1619,1557074230691.png)



will they arrest all of them?

I see there is a new wave of shills, let's bump.

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Thanks you very mush m88 for taking you time and going into details on this nightmare video encoder kek. I luv you and no homo here !

Still i'm gonna need to read it more than twice i feel to make the dream come true. Yeah all lad continu the great work. Keep it white bois.

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Remember, you love this guy forever and ever. :)

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File: 6803a0ff14e574b⋯.jpg (525.62 KB,1515x2000,303:400,Brenton.jpg)


This is for Ebba. This is for Bataclan. This is for you.

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Not the same person.

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Kek they don’t look anything like each other. You’d have to be retarded to believe this.

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Imagine believing this. Keep living in your fairy tale. This is why Whites can't accomplish anything and are being geographically replaced, Too many faggots like you worship and have glorified Jewish pawns who kill random Muslims which does nothing but remove your rights.

Goddamn low IQ 30-year-old boomers.

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>don't acknowledge the people who disagree with me Goy


>anyone who disagrees with me is a shill

Or you're just a fucking idiot

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>no job

>no career, ever

>tens of thousands of dollars worth of high quality ammunition and firepower

This is totally normal Goyim

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uninformed kike, no (You)s for you


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File: 772ef28005320ba⋯.jpg (18.7 KB,568x299,568:299,64621570_2423675044357298_….jpg)


Like it or hate it, these BT warfare threads are one of the best series in awhile…

Oc as fuck, pic not but kinda related.

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Out of curiosity I wonder what he ate?

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Sure thing rabbi

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>not knowing how to reply

Mossad isn't sending their best

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defiltered just to show you how retarded you are

Still not giving (You)s to (((you)))

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File: 0cf2452227044e4⋯.jpg (21.46 KB,751x418,751:418,plzcunt.jpg)


Just saying, I see some funny memes, cheers for another slide attempt kike too.

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I’ve seen this script many times on halfchan. They’re Israelis.


>tarrant in court is not the same Tarrant from the car

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>doesn’t know what a slide is

Thread keeps getting fishier.

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File: d3a2857b999d021⋯.png (133.03 KB,338x187,338:187,1559917161630.png)


Pic related Kill yourself you dumb faggot shill.


>high quality ammunition and firepower

Kek, stop larping you impotent loser noguns. He had shitty cheap civilian AR. And he inherited most of his money from his late father who got huge cash-out because of work-related cancer (asbestos). It's common knowledge. Kill yourself.


There was an article about it which said he kept strict diet, no processed food, only healthy stuff.

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Slightly off topic but thought you may be interested in it - more interested than in the schizophrenic shills that keep popping up, at least. Breivik's letter to his father is quite interesting: https://archive.is/rIrPf If you disregard the cold relationship between Breivik and his father you can see clearly why Tarrant looked up to him.

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Nice blurry, photoshopped picture you selected. Look how clear this one is


This guy is in his 20s


This guy is 40

They don’t look anything alike.

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File: fca1f574980d8fc⋯.png (1000.41 KB,850x1304,425:652,5ecd4acbc36f60d1828fe479fb….png)

So whats the next evolution of warfare going to be then? More livestreams and dank playlists? Or will somebody come up with a new memetic way to fight this infestation?

And the next question is,

Why isn't it you?

Truly this is the time to be alive.

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File: df474a493864840⋯.png (85.2 KB,306x288,17:16,(((youm8))).png)


Pardon me faggyJ as i've only been here since 2018 and still get chan lingo mixed up.

But kike, don't start ya crap, trying to DERAIL (better juden?) a thread by calling anons jews.

Fuck you anyway cunt, I shouldn't have to explain myself but i'm a polite goyim :)

And you just made me miss an episode of Swift and shift you absolute yid…

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Yeah, as if anyone still wondered if you are a shill. Stop lying you lazy nigger. One is from the livestream and one from the court video. If you can't for some reason understand how cameras work or god forbids how compression work, you should stop debating anything altogether and also give up your voting rights, you utterly braindead idiot.

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Come help us work on the new racecar meme


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Yep it's birds, been saying this from beginning.

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What’s it like to be such punching bags, anyways? What’s it like to submit yourselves to the abuse of a stranger on this site, and know you’ve let yourselves be trolled so hard you can’t ever let this thread slip? To be bound to the worship of some random criminal who couldn’t handle life anymore, because some other troll thinks it’s funny to encourage you? What’s that like, eh?

If you think I’m talking about myself, you must surely think this bump I give this thread expresses my drive to keep it in the spotlight.

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What do I do to give back the pride if the garden subservient? What do I do to repair the people who have submitted themselves so completely they have not any will to speak truth left? What do I do, my flock? I “make” you victimize yourselves…

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At this rate my toys will die of suicide eventually.

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File: 7016994b4bb713b⋯.jpg (195.08 KB,1265x903,1265:903,1cfc1127c99c4ff9221d06f8b0….jpg)


>you can’t ever let this thread slip

dude these generals have been going on for a while and for sure they won't stop any time soon.

you shills should get over it and change your tactics, this isn't cuckchan, we know who of you runs the show.

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The reason we can't win is because of cucks like you. The conservative and reactionary fags that get on their knees and ask the enemy to respect your rights and whine about your victimhood like sniveling jews. The only rights you have are those that can be maintained though the use and/or threat of force.

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He’s a muslim, the whole site sucks his dick, it’s hilarious. Nothing ever redpills 8ch’s /pol/. This place is programmed to obey.

It’s not like it matters if if was just a tactic. People who want to live forever don’t shatter violently all over mosques.

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Nigger nigger Africa needs you, pffthaha. Violent

ce only maintains shitholes.

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Reminder to report and filter all shills instead of letting them derail the threads…

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they're very angry since they've been exposed in previous thread.

I will be working on a specific infograph on the matter this afternoon.

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chillout spicspam or whatever they call you, the glowniggers are already aware of everything going on here.

filtered, reported and no (you)

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>no (you)

this probably upsets them more than anything

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File: 1689f0045d83345⋯.jpg (316.54 KB,1920x1080,16:9,1689f0045d833450bfa02f6398….jpg)


Probably has something to do with how they're paid, like jootoob views.

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How about an updated shill-bingo just on St Brenton? Those always get them even more assblasted.

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Ok I'll try

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Everyone knows where both of those scenes were. That doesn’t prove anything and you’re a lying kike to pretend it does or imply that wasn’t understood already.

The man in court in his 20s is not the forty year old in the livestream. >>13554786


>dude these generals have been going on for a while and for sure they won't stop any time soon.

These threads remind me of /HTG/ on halfchan hahaha tardanon and Frank made them everyday for months, posting random pics of google maps and proxyfagging, looking for the gentile “Globalists” Main Trafficking Center, which they insisted they would find by sperging out over map pics of regular businesses.

Everyone who made fun of them were le shills or Muslims. And the only normal posters who came there made fun of them. This repeated itself every day for hours, for months on end.

It was exactly like this.

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meanwhile I am at it gib suggestions pls

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>That doesn’t prove anything

Imagine coping this hard. No you dumb faggot, you can check for yourself, just watch the videos. It's two videos, how dense you are.

>X is not X because I've said so

>forty year old in the livestream

Now this is just zero effort shilling.

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Everything you say is scripted, canned response

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Reported and filtered, I won't waste anymore time on braindead shill nigger like you.

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>implying you’re not wasting time already

Nobody comes here but you and people who make fun of you.

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>I’m telling my mommy

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File: 1e29acb4acf979f⋯.png (703.12 KB,500x700,5:7,IRH1.png)

Should we try making /brentontarrant/ more active?

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I would keep it all here, no reason to divide attention. Especially since there are already quite a few great content makers in these threads.

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should be used as a back up for all the memes

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File: eb1d0349eb679e1⋯.png (75.43 KB,436x494,218:247,bingo.png)

Behold! Over 9000 hours in MS paint.


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> not putting read siege.

cmon atleast be a bit self aware.

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Top kek, that prettyy much sums it up.

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File: 53093b456d6fb32⋯.jpg (51.36 KB,648x720,9:10,96df304807330adb1247754da2….jpg)

File: 630d959735c7a10⋯.jpg (542.72 KB,1800x1900,18:19,c5fa729b2c20ba4db2cfe274ec….jpg)

File: 3111c72bb2977b1⋯.png (96.85 KB,1731x410,1731:410,they oracstrated the shoot….png)


Just feel like posting this to ruin your day shill

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File: 84efdd484d7f164⋯.jpg (3.43 MB,2510x2510,1:1,Pills for shills.jpg)

File: 01828b427937ed4⋯.png (435.91 KB,1890x519,630:173,Screenshot_20190323_020936.png)


>muh blue socks

Toplel, what a fucking moron. This one pic kills your retardation. Go shill somewhere else.

>defected to Israel

Pure lie from a literally fake website full of lorem ipsum filler. Not to mention it's not even online anymore. Who would have thought.

>muh gaza

Israel bombs Gaza on monthly basis, you idiot. They don't need nor ever covered it, because they own international society. They bombed it way way harder few weeks after the shooting and no "cover" whatsoever was provided there.

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Are you fucking retarded?That would be one of the things siege would want you to do well it was's go after big targets this was a big target so in the name of siege yes it would be corrcet he followed siege with killing the mussies so no retard it would not go on their.Read siege by james mason faggot.

saint tarrant did nothing wrong


> Muh socks

>muh Gaza

>muh suspects etc

fuck off shill nigger you have been disproven so many danm times you retarded nigger

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>first image

>keeps posting this as if it hasn't been debunked thirty times

kike tactic

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File: 2d643079aec3656⋯.jpeg (9.89 KB,259x194,259:194,derailment-status-FAILED.jpeg)


How will they ever recover?


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>posts another leftypol meme

>uses the word (((debunked)))

>they’re blue socks with white soles

>source: dude trust me

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>(((one post by this ID)))

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File: ccd01c0c3140ca9⋯.png (190.76 KB,477x768,159:256,0609 - FI4byyZ.png)


You actually made me laugh, dumbass.

Thank you very much, have a yellow star.

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they bomb gaza every other day

whats fucking new

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File: 7a66b8f803ca03c⋯.jpg (8.15 KB,284x284,1:1,166744_573096269368924_790….jpg)


All right folks, thumbnails pictures from Tarrant's Facebook uploaded.


You should be able to download the whole thing clicking "Download all"

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File: 5abee5367838194⋯.jpg (25.73 KB,328x471,328:471,1internet4u.jpg)



Shills are hysterical today, both here AND on cuckchan, I wonder why.

Didn't they get july paycheck?

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>hurr the shills

>the whole fking thread

>number 17

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File: d879ac57b8b86a9⋯.jpg (49.76 KB,500x333,500:333,1366585640326.jpg)


u wot m8

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File: 7e41ea887607356⋯.jpg (89.37 KB,400x399,400:399,frodo.jpg)


Why didn't Tarrant shoot up a synagogue?

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>needs a "source" for a thing he can see with a naked eye and can check himself

>using some random word means he is a member of group X

>"leftypol meme" used just as a triggerword

Yep Danny, that is a shill.


Only somewhat interesting thing is why that faggot wasn't banned yet.

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Read his manifesto.

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File: b8d5c1d88084c4e⋯.jpg (151.05 KB,868x781,868:781,disappointment.jpg)

Healthy reminder that Brenton would be extremely disappointed in those responding to shills instead of filtering them

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In this picture I can almost hear him thinking "You will swing from lampposts, lugenpresse" as he gazes across the room full of those parasites.

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File: d79022bf09bcca1⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB,1280x720,16:9,Ethnic Nationalism Spryo.mp4)

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File: d54a808e9cf1d71⋯.mp4 (3.45 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Ethnic Nationalism Spyro 2.mp4)

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Everyone's saying mossad - why not a KGB asset?

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File: 21949b50ee1a9e0⋯.png (290.79 KB,1000x1018,500:509,bt20.png)

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>Four days after a man killed 51 people at two mosques in New Zealand, court documents show a San Diego college student expressed regret in a text message that he missed watching the livestream video of the attack and praised the shooter’s writings as “spot on with everything,” and something everyone should read.


>Five days later, authorities say John T. Earnest set a mosque on fire in Escondido, north of San Diego, where seven people on a retreat were sleeping inside and escaped safely.


>A month later, they say Earnest opened fire during a Passover service at Chabad of Poway on April 27, killing one woman and injuring three people, including the rabbi.


>Federal authorities had previously released excerpts of Earnest’s online writings demonstrating his affection for Tarrant, but the search warrants give a detailed timeline showing how quickly the New Zealand attack turned his violent thoughts into action.


>On March 19, four days after the New Zealand massacre, Earnest sent a text message to a person, whose name was redacted from the documents, complaining none of the links to the livestream video of the massacre were working and added, “I could’ve seen it live damnit,” according to the search warrants.


>He went on to talk about Tarrant’s writings, saying “I’ve only read a little but so far he’s spot on with everything.”


>On March 20, investigators in the search documents said he sent another text about the writings saying, “I think it’s important that everyone should read it.”

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File: eff4666fdfd229a⋯.png (9.55 MB,1521x1643,1521:1643,TouchUp.png)


When I put in the symbols I had the right one higher than the left. I should have put it more even, I fixed that and added some blurring to the edges. Saint Tarrant will forgive me. I try to stay way from .jpg and use .png. If you have to make it smaller than just use GIMP which is free and export with compression which you can adjust.


kek! Based.

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What fucking advantage to Russia would that provide?

Holy shit, have you never heard the sacred words:


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Not enough hammer & sickles (since he was a communist cuck)

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RIP Ebba

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well done!

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>A new date may be set for the trial of a man accused of the Christchurch mosque attacks due to a clash with the holiest month of the Muslim calendar.


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You say it's Russia when you want liberals to be against something. For NatSoc's, you say it's MOSSAD.

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>Nazi bol bad goy!

Your such a faggot also to anyone that is going to yell at me nazibol is a meme but it's just nationalist communism

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He literally praises communism in his manifesto.

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File: 330c17d25f1c2b2⋯.png (56.65 KB,799x319,799:319,to communists.PNG)


The manifesto which you never read. Nice try though

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> athoratarian captalism is communism

eh both are bad

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I thought 7/7 was a false flag?

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Hey fellow muslim fans of Saint Tarrant, did you read about Ayman al-Zawahiri’s heart problem? I wish we had print organs. We might have saved the Saint’s padre if we could print lungs, and we could still save al-Zawahiri if we could print hearts. Let’s pray for the success of the researchers working in biofabrication that they will succeed soon and well.

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Why do you even post? no one will beleve what your saying.

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Ah yes, the one in which he explicitly states that Jews are not the white man's enemy.

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He states that jews that live outside Israel or that subvert or harm his people are his enemy. If all jews subvert, then by simple logic all jews are his enemy. Learn to read you absolute retard

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>7/7 false flag

100%. Haroon Aswat (5th bomber) was an MI6 asset, quietly dropped after initial reports he was involved

RIP DeMenezes

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These are so cute, might very well be used to subtle gain traction among younger zoomers.

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>only 4 kebabs


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Vanilla is the master scent.

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File: 274ca24f870a8ef⋯.jpg (12.52 KB,320x258,160:129,1360000.jpg)


Wow. Just wow.

So now justice system must conform to muh islamic religious needs, uh?

If NZ Judicial Office should concede at changing the date to appeal these rats' "sensitivity" it would only show how much of a clown world nightmare we are in.

No judge cared about the feelings of Ebba's family when they asked something to be done about the beasts desecreting her tomb.

In that goddamn article it also says next heaing will no longer be on friday August 16 but on thursday 15, is it to appease the muzzies who must "pray" on fridays? Don't they know august 15 is a Christian holiyday? How is it ok to set a court hearing on a christian holiday instead?

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File: ab352665b75fe3f⋯.jpeg (70.72 KB,671x372,671:372,brenton gangsta.jpeg)

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File: 760aaa66001f882⋯.jpg (7.23 KB,194x259,194:259,varg_stop.jpg)



That sounds like nigger shit

Saint Tarrant is not a "gangsta", he is a hero combatant.

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Like it did provided some benefit to Israel, you braindead moron.


This, dubs also confirm.


No he doesn't state that, not even remotely. Learn to fucking read, you drooling spastic. He calls for expulsion of all Jews from Europe and states that only Jew he doesn't consider his enemy is one who a) lives outside of white countries and b) do not try to subvert or harm white countries.

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File: dbfeecfa97b3388⋯.png (9.4 MB,1497x1643,1497:1643,GotEm.png)

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>Wow. Just wow.

Triggered much?

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Look at the number of shills and faggots in this thread - incredible. http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/221478250

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Eh, I missed that.

This one was kind of fun tho http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/221383393/our-lord-and-savior

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My take from this shitshow is a) it's fascinating how low quality cuckchan is and b) that the shills just gave up on the whole ridiculous "it was fake angle, while trying to push more vague mossad shittery.

I also would swear that few of those braindead drooling faggots were here too, the vocabulary is same.

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File: 3bb00241cb4eba1⋯.png (107.9 KB,526x437,526:437,0385 - id1ZbZ1.png)


Of course they are here.

They monitor multiple platforms the "mossad/false flag" angle can be found on various blogs and on youtube and bitchute too.

The moment we were onto something when we pinpointed one of their sources - that gayass Veterans Today site run by the glowniggers - the hysteria rose almost instantly, becoming highly virulent on cuckchan where several shill threads about Tarrant were opened at a highest pace in a few days.

They are getting desperate.

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I always wondered if Brenton truly believed in nationalism, or he had a hidden agenda (not stated in manifesto) where he wanted to genocide the muzzies in the ME too and conquer it with his possible allies.

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File: fe0b8d169b5ee28⋯.jpg (69.47 KB,800x600,4:3,64825762_2646762035334468_….jpg)


There's nothing hidden, if you read the manifesto you should already know well by know that what Tarrant wants is simple: for every nation with their own people to be left alone to thrive independently, and to end this forced melting pot nightmare once and for all.

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I guess I can take your word for it.

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You can check all that by yourself.

Go on Bitchute and type "Christchurch" or "Brenton Tarrant", and see what kind of "independent analysis" you can find.

Go to cuckchan's /pol/ archive and check how many Tarrant threads were opened by shills, some of them by Israeli flags to further their "sloppy job mossad" agenda.

Research the Veterans Today site and see what this is all about.

I am not the one making shit up here mate.

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File: cfd29704372a858⋯.png (350.66 KB,429x497,429:497,8418684564.png)


Sorry I thought you were quoting my other post, however again no, there's no need for you to take my word for it.

If you read the manifesto and research a minimun Tarrant's life path it will be as clear as a sunny day: there is no secret agenda, no false flags, nothing but a simple guy with an iron will who decided to do something on his own because he truly believes his ideas.

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Don't mind me, just stopping by to toast in this ebin bread.


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>inb4 airsoft

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This is a good post.

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According to some anon, don't know if truly ucrainian, they love Tarrant there.

I don't know how to feel about these ucrainian nazis, since they are simply used by NATO as a tool to poke Russia.

If anything, I hope that NATO loses control of them so that national socialist style battalions spread all over goddman Europe.

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This one works better

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A funny edit of that very thread


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File: 14c2f04b8f9c998⋯.png (319.9 KB,441x448,63:64,1564740807595.png)

Reminder to report and filter shills, avoid at all costs engaging with them.

Pic unrelated.

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Did anyone archive John Earnest's thread?

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File: 8cc6c8743e7eee4⋯.jpg (45.88 KB,510x755,102:151,MV5BMjAxODQ4MDU5NV5BMl5Ban….jpg)


shut the fuck up faggot nobody asked you anything.

>tarrant not being double agent bringer of diversity

this pathetic world, worshipping a worthless balding jew that didnt accomplish shit in his life.

how it works: your based savior victimizing muslim immigrants and as a result will cuck his own people into nonexistence and force them to accept more immigration and incompatible cultural adaptations. being unable to protect your borders and your country results in forcefull infiltration by the superior invaders which means that you were a failed race to begin with. killing them only proves how weak you are. white races breed less, are prone to alcohol abuse and frequently go gay/ts. the brownies do not participate like that. they have a solid 10 member family which will guarantee that they take over in 50 years.

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Ukraine in general is now one of, if not the, most natsoc friendly country on the planet. You have a large 2000+ people festival of natsoc music in center of Kiev every year, open-space concerts frequently, many good shops selling openly natsoc stuff and Azov house, which is HQ of the battalion, but also a cultural and political center, open to any visitor. Can't recommend it enough.

I visit frequently and last time I was there, they've been selling black sun patches for special price because of Tarrant and had his photo in the shop.

>they are simply used by NATO as a tool to poke Russia.

They are aware, that's why it's only defensive act from their side. The calls about "stolen revolution" and need for second one are loud there. Also Russia is not regrettably a good place for natsocs nowadays, government clamped on them hard (I mean early morning raid - prison without trial tier of hard) few years ago. Now the remainder of them is organized under White Rex, while those more militant ones are in Ukraine.

t. Slav.

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Does anyone else think it's strange how much shill activity there is today and in the past few days compared to the weeks before? What is going on? Both this thread and the preceding is almost ruined.

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Mods should start banning tarrant threads soon. We are getting sick of it. Just like b2, time for a /pol2/

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see >>13557873


Thank you.

I hope something good comes out of it, the Ukraine thing was a total shitshow imo.

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Yeah, it is. I think it has maybe something to do with this >>13557873

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Keep going forever, my broken toys.

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speak for yourself faggot

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don't reply to them

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He is trying to shill it in other threads as well, in case you didn't noticed he is a shill. For example:



Report and filter.

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It's not like the mods give a shit. Chodemonkey is a "trust the plan" Qtard after all.

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File: 78ec30a11155377⋯.gif (2.12 MB,320x240,4:3,1509478772919.gif)


I have also noted a proliferation of threads here trying to discredit accelerationism as bad for whites and bad for nationalism.

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File: 0f8cda36f250890⋯.jpg (168.89 KB,1920x1080,16:9,laughing-heavy.jpg)


>your borders

>your country

>superior invaders

>killing them only proves how weak you are

>white races breed less, are prone to alcohol abuse and frequently go gay/ts

Everyone point and laugh at this asshurt shitskin

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Tarrant niggers are cancer and their threads are (((FF’s))) on everyone who posts here.

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Because the Ukraine is infested with JEWS

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>Ukraine in general is now one of, if not the, most natsoc friendly country on the planet.

The president and prime minister are both Jews.

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And that changes exactly nothing about the existence of the local natsoc movement and general laziness and inability of the Ukrainian gov. to do anything about it, or with unwillingness to create conflict with Azov and Right Sector too. Stop derailing, you useless lousy nigger.


Kill yourself right now, you dumb shill faggot. Reported and filtered.

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>Kike PM and Kike president is no problem!

>you’re a shill if you don’t like it

These threads are POZZED they need to be DELETED AND BANNED

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It should be, this is working with foreign agents


Shill faggot Take your kike president and fuck off back to Israel

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File: 6feb3b3480ffc28⋯.png (728.9 KB,1200x812,300:203,ClipboardImage.png)


You might wanna speak to the manager of /pol/

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Kek they deleted that guy, Mossad must have reported him

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>mossad might have reported him

I reported him, and your kike ass too.

>oy vey this site advocates killing the enemies of the white race

>get the FBI to SHUT IT DOWN

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>Mossad brags about controlling 8ch

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>Mossad whines about not controlling 8chan

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Fascinating how this fucking turd wasn't banned yet.

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>it’s annudah Shoah

>remove this bad goy now!

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Your shitty FF thread is getting no traction at all it’s just you and your coworkers talking to each other and getting shat on by the rest of the board.

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Hey anon, Right now he's innocent, the court hasn't convicted him yet.

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We have to wait for the judges' decision

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>shills running complete amok

>derailing second thread

>not even trying anymore, just red text spam and muh mossad retardation

I guess good fucking job, janitors.

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Hey mods, why hasn’t this paid jewish shill been permanently banned?

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It's a good read actually, I haven't read Roofs' writings, anybody got them?

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File: 15e37f7756b109c⋯.jpg (93.18 KB,600x612,50:51,its_afraid.jpg)


pic related unfolding in this very thread

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Hi lads

blendernerd here. The tor server sucks. I'm thinking about making an anime-style movie about the holy saint brenton. Pic related. Plz upload.



I'm not sure, whether the shadow makes the pic better or worse, so I've uploaded two versions.


if you click on "Download original image", you'll receive a file with slightly better image quality.

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Did you guys take a look at his posts on Aussiestockforums.com?

He opened a few threads asking info about investments to make with the money he inherited.

Do you think he posted on /biz/ too back in the day?

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File: 25da1c941781c96⋯.png (1.3 MB,1620x1215,4:3,comic-04-2.png)

File: a11293e7b186de3⋯.png (1.65 MB,1620x1215,4:3,comic-05.png)

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File: 1ebde78c3c46757⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB,1276x720,319:180,mosqueprank.mp4)

anyone have the full video of pic related?

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File: 6ab681fc0af56d1⋯.webm (13.96 MB,320x240,4:3,Hotline_Christchurch.webm)


I have that one, but I do have similar ones.

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File: ec5efc575df18bf⋯.webm (14.54 MB,640x360,16:9,HOTLINE_MOSQAMI.webm)

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File: 9b75b5614a9db2a⋯.webm (13.36 MB,852x480,71:40,eye of the tiger christch….webm)


Plus extra.

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File: e03e7aeb2d12afc⋯.webm (14.28 MB,640x360,16:9,Counter_Stricke_1488.webm)

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File: acb95d87e0f39a2⋯.webm (4.09 MB,648x360,9:5,123.webm)

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File: 3587200f5897453⋯.webm (14.68 MB,568x320,71:40,FASHWAVEDITLOL.webm)

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He didn't "bombed a place" you retarded teenager. He murdered his roommates and then dimed on the the organization

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Great fucking music video, this should have been done earlier

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LOL the shots are synced at the beginning. Fitting song too

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File: a305d16bfaeb345⋯.jpg (302.27 KB,574x748,287:374,20190802_170229.jpg)

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Is that the new dabbing?

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Mr Bond - Holding Out For a Tarrant


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File: 7d66de99ff4069c⋯.png (232.25 KB,1026x1312,513:656,bt21.png)

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Pretty good, these should be shown at the bottom right of the board layout where that Trump weeb shit was in 2016, if anyone remembers that

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It was actually made quite a long time ago, and it's in the pastebin as well under MUSIC



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File: a7317ccc2469872⋯.jpg (181.38 KB,1024x576,16:9,pepe.jpg)



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File: b4792f1d8a23766⋯.jpg (120.53 KB,1276x822,638:411,thank you.jpg)

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>anime-style movie

I'm unironically down for this if we're talking Fist-of-the-North-Star anime-style or so.

Honestly though, could you elaborate more on what you mean by this? I'm not against it, but I'd like to understand what you mean more.

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>strategically spacing out the bumps so this garbage shill thread stays on page 1 all day

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Also, Tarrant banners for /pol/ would be nice if we don't have any already. I haven't noticed any.

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File: 3d8eb2363391943⋯.jpg (111.14 KB,1280x660,64:33,kebab removed.jpg)

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File: d1c802404055fb6⋯.jpg (218.1 KB,1280x720,16:9,sunrise.jpg)

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Keep reporting and filtering hysterical seething shills. If they don't get any response they will eventually give up.

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File: 0be00072737886d⋯.png (56.7 KB,800x800,1:1,1366754016889.png)


I love these and I love you anon.

No homo.

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Checked and AVE BRENTON

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This is probably my favourite.

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Lyrics by Skrewdriver "One in a Million"

Into battle, a fearless man

Been around since the struggle began

Saw it all through the worry and pain

Fought hard in every loss and gain

He did it all for his people

He stood and fought against the evil


One in a million, he battled so hard

One in a million, leader of the guard

One in a million, he battled for you

One in a million, his honour is true

'33 was the Order's start

Ten thousand to begin the guard

Clear the streets as the troopers march

Storm columns ready to start now

They marched from tyranny to freedom

The people with the hero there to lead them


instrumental break


Now they're ready to give their all

They can hear their forefathers' call

Death will march at their right hand

Victory will be the black bands'

Marching for a Europe of the people

And at their head their gallant leader


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File: 03e2c1c9e8fcf5c⋯.jpg (127.88 KB,816x827,816:827,best1.jpg)

File: aa4511309d04987⋯.jpg (116.44 KB,1024x568,128:71,Brenton_iron2.jpg)

File: ecdca2cb294d8f9⋯.jpg (114.46 KB,1024x568,128:71,Brenton_iron1.jpg)

File: f5a8a4cccd91948⋯.jpg (137.49 KB,1280x720,16:9,ironman-black.jpg)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Was listening to this song the other day, made me think of Brenton Tarrant and the others fallen or captured because they fought for our cause

Amon Amarth

Free Will Sacrifice

See them gathered on the plains now

See an army strong and vast

As long as one of us remains here

None of them will ever pass

Here they come, so raise the shields high

Like wolves, they show their teeth

None of us will ever yield now

To the scavengers beneath

We're outnumbered ten to one here

Still, I love the odds

We will sacrifice them one by one

Send them off, to the gods

Soon we will be gone

A free will sacrifice

As free men we are born

And free, we shall die

Here they come, ten thousand strong

Charging up the hill

This day will be both hard and long

They move in for the kill

Hold the line, don't let it break

Use your sword and spear

A glory death for all awaits

All who knows no fear

Hordes of men, they hit the shields

Like waves to break away

We face our woven destiny

And we won't fear the grave

Soon we will be gone

A free will sacrifice

As free men we are born

And free, we shall die

A free will sacrifice

As free men we are born

And free, we shall die

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File: 761b37a0c934cda⋯.jpg (83.77 KB,1279x720,1279:720,761b37a0c934cda1fac8c4b61e….jpg)


Brenton's father used to be an Iron Man athlete.

RIP Rodney, to you goes our eternal gratitude for breeding such a Hero.

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File: 3d63976d4f5b915⋯.jpg (298.9 KB,962x1772,481:886,wish.JPG)

The Genie's not going to get back in the bottle

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I really like this one. Also the numbers confirm his Sainthood.

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Is there a gallery of these lil cuties anywhere?

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very nice


not that I am aware of, I could dump the ones I have but I'll probably have difficulties in posting because some of them are already posted in this board already.

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Couldn't you just upload a zip file of all the images to anonfile? That might work

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ok I'll try

give me a sec

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File: 0e73dc515a404f4⋯.jpg (46.03 KB,850x400,17:8,quote-terror-is-nothing-el….jpg)

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eat dick sheep

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Very nice, thank you!

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File: 8d63a24358b94fd⋯.jpg (47.6 KB,634x423,634:423,11085806-6817733-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 0d3c78682fdc8d5⋯.jpg (90.24 KB,634x423,634:423,11085808-6817733-image-a-1….jpg)

File: dc4f987e1daea12⋯.jpg (59.18 KB,634x423,634:423,11085810-6817733-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 7a4e1efb0dc6b19⋯.jpg (57.56 KB,634x423,634:423,11085812-6817733-image-a-1….jpg)

File: 9f051ae08669a47⋯.jpg (49.22 KB,634x423,634:423,11085814-6817733-image-a-1….jpg)

Were these tabloid motherfuckers allowed to enter Brenton's house in Dunedin? Or are these pictures from the local estate agency?


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you're welcome fren

but the biggest thank you goes to the artist who made them.

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>I'm thinking about making an anime-style movie about the holy saint brenton.

>Honestly though, could you elaborate more on what you mean by this?

There's not much to elaborate. You've seen this picture: >>13559431

That's a rendered version of my model of saint brentons head. The model can be animated, this cell-shaded type of rendering is very fast, and it looks better than the more photorealistic stuff I've made. Of course, modeling, animating, and rendering heads is not the only thing one can do with blender. I could also blow up the kaaba, and stuff like that.

So, with a lot of work, it should be possible to make anime-style videos with what I already have, and I consider doing this. Of course, this will take forever, but I've got a few ideas. I could go for the easy kek, and just let him blow up the kaaba. Or I could get really artsy, and try to make something, that would be more mainstream, and therefore would be watched by many people. I kinda like the latter idea.

My stuff doesn't get a lot of traction on this board, even though, from a purely technical point of view, my images are better than most. You guys prefer pics made out of a few cut out faceshots, which are clearly recognizable, because they're always the same, while I make pics out of a 3d model, which is fairly acurate, but not so easily recognizable due to the variance in light and perspective. At least I assume, that my pics don't get much traction, because your brains don't recognize, who it is, that's depicted - maybe they're just bad and boring. However, the assumption, that people don't recognize who it is, they're seeing, could be used to spread the holy saints message.

Imagine a miniseries, of which the first episode is designed to be spread through mainstream channels and the artistic community, by obfuscating, that it's a series about the saint. Just character development in a fictional setting, and an cliffhanger in the end, made in the fashion of those minimalistic and philosophical animes. Hopefully something like this would get a few 100k normies interested.

After mainstream-people are interested, episode 2 would continue to explain the saints perspective in this fictional setting, and draw the first conclusions, generating sympathy and understanding for the perspective of the protagonist, but still without revealing, whose perspective it really is.

And finally, in episode 3 the more symbolic and fictional details are revealed to be just an obfuscation of reality. This episode would be about him writing his manifesto. This episode would try to convince people to shoot up mosques and kill their politicians, and accurately depicts, how this can be done in great detail. Think about it as a motivational as well as educational piece, of how to be a really effective lone-wolf terrorist, disguised as art. It would end with the saint entering his car in full combat gear, revealing the video of the mosque shooting as the final conclusion of the miniseries.

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I think those gonna be agency pictures. There was an article previously that stated he had literally no furniture other than bed and lived completely minimalist and spartan style of life. I also extremely doubt that police would leave his computer there, even less allowed anyone to switch it on.

By the way pretty nice place he had there.

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File: 27b9e5112e8050a⋯.jpg (65.83 KB,600x597,200:199,0565 - wxEW6Qn.jpg)


>tfw you will never chill out with Brenton cracking a couple of beers and playing videogames

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I love this fucking idea. I don't know what it could do, but I definitely see potential for it to cause a ruckus across every lemming's social media that thought it was a new indie anime project and reposted it with no second thought.

>the final words of the series are "Let's get this party started" before a cut to black and audio of the muzzies getting shot

I am completely down for this, m8. Any other anons in the thread on board, too?

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wtf this spam is in every thread

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What's "SNAP"?

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>wtf this spam is in every thread

>wtf this spam is in every thread of every board


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are the jannies fapping to furry porn?

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Like they ever did something else.

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File: f0cb2bc2c195154⋯.jpg (68.51 KB,960x960,1:1,1494829880530.jpg)

LMAO look at this: the chinks love Brenton Tarrant


>Elsewhere, on social network Weibo, many comments reflected the view that the shooting was a by-product of the West’s excessive political correctness, a perspective that has found increasing support on China’s internet in recent years as part of what’s known as the baizuo, or “white left” movement, a derogatory term used to describe Western progressives that is roughly analogous to the term “social justice warrior.”

>One Weibo user wrote, “This is a rare act of resistance from a white man. We need to find a way to prolong this and encourage white men to apply for all kinds of honors for the gunman, including a Nobel peace prize.” Another wrote that “this so-called ‘darkest day‘ is simply political correctness. A reminder to the greens: not everyone is willing to tolerate your outrageous actions."

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Early after the attack, there were some polls on Weibo and other chink social networks. Big ones mind you, tens of thousands voters. The result ranged from 70 to 90 and more percent being fans of Brenton. I should have screenshots somewhere, let me check.

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While the kike shills are a plague on this thread and humanity in general, I cannot help but get a raging hard on from the undiluted fear and panic sipping through these posts.

They have been here long enough to understand what will happen to them. Brenton is the manifestation of our collective hatred, the first major crack in the dam. They have been here long enough to understand our plans and too long to ever forget.

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I have the same feeling.

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Very well put.

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The digital cries and tears of our enemies are fitting decoration on a thread about St Brenton the Remover.

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You just gotta have a scene where he stops with a rental car at the site of the large gravesite with the white crosses, that'd be really neat.

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Based. Saint Tarrant has THOUSANDS of fans worldwide while living rent free in the heads pearl clutching mud apologists.

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File: 2ce1e40797fab92⋯.png (255.26 KB,540x592,135:148,wallpaper.png)

File: cc6cff80f135c5d⋯.jpg (2.96 MB,3993x2387,363:217,landscape.jpg)


>that wallpaper on the 3rd pic

So that's definitely not his computer? I remember saving this from one of the European Art threads a while back.

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File: d2e8bb07b6f802f⋯.png (161.06 KB,736x1030,368:515,TradingCard.png)

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File: bde5328161a0de7⋯.png (419.14 KB,744x372,2:1,imported labour.png)


probably them monitoring key spots already , getting a hold of increased activity pointing at a huge numbe rof people processing delicate information / getting a glimpse behind the curtains.

realizing with theit current assets they are unable to contain the spread.

seems they are trying to extinguish the wildfire by pissing at information-junctions and information-multipliers…

however it is to be expected they are working hard on a more systemic approach , i.e. limiters or filters for the (still unregulated) information distribution medias…

since the us is mostly set in terms of surveillance of the own populace one can learn a lot by checking the news in some eurocuck countries who are sometimes still having smaal news bits surfacing about inceasing levels of surveillance , be it in context of the immigrant situation or other false-flag incidents ( and by that i mean incidents where their three letter agencies were involved in memeing some goons into becoming an hero, or in general becoming useful for the abc's )

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We should make a /pol/ cardgame.

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A Deck filled with Jokers and they're all wild, you make new rules every time you play, and no one ever wins or gets anything done, or maybe holographic cards with impossible plans for building a timemachine which contain iris scanners to track the players staring deep into their starry glimmer.

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or just a deck where every card says:


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do you have a link to that article?

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Don't have it on hand, but I'll look. It was definitely in one of previous threads tho.

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File: 646ae63b960518f⋯.png (1.8 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1553065359023.png)



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File: 90cb27e83e1c3be⋯.jpg (29.21 KB,340x285,68:57,down but not out.jpg)



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Good eye but I doubt police let the journos fuck around the culprit's computer.

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Download links for those who need the original stream download of NZ shooting without any processing, should provide best quality available so far and full audio.

bsckol.mp4 - Size: 71717944 bytes (68 MiB) - SHA256: BFF3449B9A48714FED41BEF26F2B4F07DCEB1C85FE3910098F0B432F680C5142





Further info:

- Facebook video page was: https://www.facebook.com/brenton.tarrant.9/videos/2350426065176752/

- Facebook internal stream filename was: 10000000_776384872734713_506695528340258816_n.mp4

- GoPro name: 'Streamed from my GoPro with https -_live4.io_v #LIVE4gopro-2350426065176752.mp4'

- filename 'bsckol.mp4' comes from a file hosting site, uploaded shortly after the event, one of the most known uploads

- videos without full audio are from another stream download, which is missing sound from 3:09-3:37 (28s), video is the same

- bigger files are nothing but various re-encodes from YouTube etc. with worse quality or missing audio

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He's not dead, it could happen in the future.

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File: 9189be0700f2497⋯.png (1.06 MB,640x1137,640:1137,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 71e45c700233c2b⋯.png (1.27 MB,798x586,399:293,ClipboardImage.png)


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>>tfw you will never chill out with Brenton cracking a couple of beers and playing videogames

>tfw you can chill out with Brenton cracking muzzie skulls and playing MoonMan in Aussie RaHoWa

Always look on the brightside, anon.

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If not you may meet him in Valhalla…

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this is way better than the compressed piece of shit I had, thanks anon

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File: 1164577bece8cb1⋯.png (27.74 KB,150x150,1:1,c63571d05acce1927a398b4014….png)


I'm withholding judgement till more info comes out but this one seems fishy to me.

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File: d2e2e9c60f8b4b5⋯.png (330.87 KB,596x324,149:81,whew.PNG)

holy shit its so clear

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Can someone post Breiviks manifesto? I already have all the Tarrant stuff, and I'm interested to read it since he was actually mentioned in Tarrants manifesto.

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File: cda238cb3455059⋯.jpg (9.4 KB,225x225,1:1,0737 - IpIcL7q.jpg)



Is really going to happen guys?

I mean, what if now Trump will be forced to begin the gun grab and have his voter base of conservative whites turning back on him?

Is the civil war really going to start if this happens?

Is The Great Replacement a self fulfilling prophecy?

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Go to Breivik thread, someone already posted it there iirc

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Yes. I'm saying it from the day 1, Brenton was a breaking point. We are going straight to racewar-ville and this train has no brakes.

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I don't know guys, when I heard "white supremacist" on the (((news))) I couldn't stop smiling.

Many of us could end regretting this shit in a few years, but damn at the moment it feels good to know the retaliation might be starting for real.

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Holy SHIT 1500 pages? Thanks man. This isn't (((compromised))) though, is it?

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Take his manifesto with a bit of salt, he wrote some passages deliberately to fuck with media and make them attack various groups like cuckservatives and masons, etc. Check Utoya thread, there is a great deal info about it.

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There is some anti-Hitler stuff in there, but, it was put in to try and tie it closer to the usual bunch of cuckservatives to put some heat under their asses. He mentions that in one of the letters that he wrote from jail.

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Ok, but it's all what he wrote in the first place, right? i.e. not edited by the feds after the fact

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no it's not edited

go to page 1414 for the best part

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Good numbers.

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File: 604a85e01ffc6a4⋯.png (199.33 KB,650x818,325:409,christchurch_pepe.png)

It all starts now. If we can get more lads to do a Crusius and land between 10 - 20 points every few weeks, a Tarrant every few months and a Breivik every few years we could end up reversing 1945. Let us pray to Saint Brenton for such good tidings in the future.

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File: 774f2e4faf53ce3⋯.png (268.77 KB,625x353,625:353,c319a8d9c44cfcbbb65881cceb….png)


Walmart seems like a weird place to target.

I'm not one of those "lol he shot a bunch of nobodies" faggots, but with christchurch the mosque in question was previously linked to radicalizing sandnigger terrorists. Walmart is… a fucking wallmart.

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Directly linked to globalism and pushing clown world politics shit. Just because there is one in every town doesn't make that less un true, the opposite actually.

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"beaners are beaners no matter where they are" - Patrick Crusius

fake quote but it works

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Lone wolves are more difficult to prevent or stop, but the real shit begins when actual networks start to organize to plan more organic actions.

That's a big step tho, needs resources and skilled people, like soldiers or paramilitary.

Tarrant had resources that allowed him to organized something absolutely impressive, these copycats had both poor resources and training so we'll see where they'll end up.

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If you're gonna make up quotes, attribute it to Anon, don't be a faggot.


This, >>13562899 it's one of the many festering boils of greed and hedonism on our nation. Also, it's a (relatively) cheaper store in a city on the border where you can spend EBT, right after the 1st of the month. It'd be crawling with spics.

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You getting nervous, subhuman?

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it's pasta don't reply to it, kek

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>making jokes is now being a faggot


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I know it is, I'm just dabbing on the retard.

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I've been trying to brainstorm a 'power to the people' common man's weapon that can be created in minecraft by ANYONE with the will to do it. Some can't get guns due to their nation or wealth, so don't have the knowledge or resources to make explosives, and cold weapons are frankly too inefficient in most cases (but have utility for cleanup/backup/close quarters/stealth). If the average man could do his part well and achieve a high score in the game, then he is more willing. No one wants to sell his life for little. Also, your point about training is important, I think being able to remove the individual from the equation (so walk-away devices) would allow the untrained man to achieve great feats.

Up to now I can only think of a fuel bomb. A fougasse would be the next step but requires a bit of explosives.

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>"Actually the Hispanic community was not my target before I read The Great Replacement."

- Straight from lads manifesto

This is for all the useless niggers who claimed that Brenton didn't start anything. This is a second person motivated by St. Tarrant, that is unprecedented.

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I didn't realize it was a joke and "historians" and "journalists" and etc keep putting too many words in people's mouths which gets me irritated seeing people do it. My bad.

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Here is an article about his muscles being too big.


Select quotes so you don't have to view it:

>“He’s a stocky little guy, but you could see he had got leaner,” one male neighbour said.

>A Dunedin hotel manager, who knew Tarrant by sight, said he had seen the Australian-born man’s muscles increase in size over the first two months of this year.

>Justin also said he felt a “certain vibe” emanating from the 28-year-old.“I was wary of him,” he said.“I followed behind him a couple of times in the supermarket aisle and I felt something was not quite as it should be.

>“He didn’t do anything but I worried. I’m trained to look out for that sort of stuff and to me, he was ‘off’.”

>buffed up weirdo ready to explode

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that's the usual stuff people say to have the spotlight of the kike media on themselves for 5 minutes.

If I was arrested for bringing down the clown world, people would probably say the same bullishit about me, like "yeah he seemed nice but he liked being on his own too much", "yeah he was polite but not very outgoing" etc.

also your source is absolute garbage tier that would dig for the lowest shit to publish, meanwhile the people running at the top of the magazine and their masters snort coke and rape children in their mansions.

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Can't wait to see the final score. The higher the score, the more memes we'll get, just look at this thread, it's still going strong months after Tarrant shot 'em up

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File: 6b6f42612b1d5bf⋯.gif (4.1 MB,427x327,427:327,IRAManchester1996.gif)


We need a Tarrant-pilled PIRA or more Knights Templar larpers tbh. Towards a new society we march ever forwards

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File: b3ca430a6403b3e⋯.png (1.09 MB,1080x1620,2:3,155412625639.png)


what's interesting in this is that that house he lived in is probably gonna be hard to rent right now.

a bold kiwi should go for it, rent it/buy it and preserve the apartament as a sanctuay for Saint Tarrant's pilgrimage tours.

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I know it's shite. I expected them to plant CP on his computer or something, but the worst they can do is say he improved his physique. Proves further that he is a decent man.


That'd be an investment, can't wait for the blue plaque on the door! i think it'd be worth doing to search for any Tarrant memorabilia that slipped the clean up crew as well.

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File: 08e47b2f0acd6e1⋯.png (3.33 MB,2048x1359,2048:1359,1488 reich.png)

>15 minutes after reading mein kampf

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File: 1b4b44b9779d90b⋯.jpg (36.92 KB,437x352,437:352,example-3D-waifu.jpg)

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Bladespawn is inevitable. We seek retribution.

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name of the song please?

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Link to manifesto?

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The anti-Tarrant shills are using the same tactics against Crosius. Look at this wreck of a thread: https://8ch.net/pol/res/13564508.html

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Pro tarrant shills keep saying this

>up is down goyim

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File: e6ecd0f296afb6c⋯.jpg (116.29 KB,364x568,91:142,Hitler_1914_1918.jpg)


Pro Tarrant.. shills? Fucking disgusting projection.

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Nice try shlomo

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Currently 20 killed 26 wounded.


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I am translating Brenton's manifesto to PORTUGUESE.

Soon it will be finished

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>shift change

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File: 0a24ebe0acbf6d6⋯.jpeg (145.35 KB,815x651,815:651,Christchurch.jpeg)


the madlad answered the Christchurch call

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File: c3f187063a6e04e⋯.mp4 (1.91 MB,202x360,101:180,Good_Riddance_(For_Brenton….mp4)

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Love it, kek!

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The new shooter, like Tarrant, wrote a manifesto that doesn’t name the Jew.

What do you make of this, goyanon?

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File: 10c8949f7186b08⋯.jpg (71.95 KB,633x793,633:793,oswald.jpg)

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It's really long, something like 2100 pages. It was really interesting though especially the first and last book.


True good networks won't start forming until all weapons are banned in America and even then most people won't do anything because there tv still works and their fridges are stocked.

The small networks that do form after the weapons ban have to make live as uncomfortable as possible for the general population through the rules from the government.

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After you finish post it both here and in the /brentontarrant/ board

and in /translation/ board here 8ch.net/translation/res/142.html

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Fuck this degen looking kike goblin. Loyal Disciples of Saint Brenton gang

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Shut the fuck up you faggot boomernigger. Tarrant literally calls for total expulsion of all Jews from Europe and states that only Jew he doesn't consider his enemy is one who a) lives outside of white countries and b) do not try to subvert or harm white countries.

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File: 08e2c47d914e760⋯.jpg (9.76 KB,234x215,234:215,136697600721.jpg)

>tfw 10 days until next court hearing

Will he come out of his cell, lads?

Will his lawyers inform him of the current spicy situation of the outside world?

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I sure as hell hope he knows he already have two disciples.

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Hopefully some of the guards are giving him basic snippets of information. Maybe some of them know what's going on with invaders and agree with him on that but just not actually screwing optics and going in

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Bump! Don't forget Saint Tarrant!

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File: 627fbe5db94e9c4⋯.jpeg (24.03 KB,450x600,3:4,Patrick Cruisius 2.jpeg)


This one is a little better jej. You know they would find the shittiest picture and spread it. Don't make this Tarrant vs Crusius.

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Saint Tarrant now has two disciples. In mere months. This is unprecedented.

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File: cf353c9fd5f0e7c⋯.jpg (465.41 KB,900x636,75:53,dra9.jpg)


this is actually american art

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File: 2a5724b35406f1c⋯.jpg (16.19 KB,466x504,233:252,photo_2019-08-04_04-55-33 ….jpg)

File: a3789ac5ec343ff⋯.jpg (54.03 KB,720x960,3:4,school.jpg)

File: 1c22c5793f7a3b1⋯.jpg (63.62 KB,618x410,309:205,osha.jpg)

File: 73b78c764fcea3d⋯.jpg (784.3 KB,3956x1284,989:321,db744a6dc4e9114513a01e803a….jpg)

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>"The one thing I'll never forget is the way he walked into Walmart, very confident. He was on a mission"

>He later told investigators he wanted to shoot as many Mexicans as possible, two law enforcement officials told ABC News.


First words of his manifesto:

>In general, I support the Christchurch shooter and his manifesto. This attack is a response to the Hispanic invasion of Texas. They are the instigators, not me. I am simply defending my country from cultural and ethnic replacement brought on by an invasion.

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I really like how the Chad list is getting bigger and bigger. Also saved.

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File: 4054adf2cd0dc6f⋯.png (798.04 KB,576x616,72:77,s0xr6vzlllm21.png)


> Status: helped

I literally lol'd. Thanks for this anon.

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Address is spelled with two d’s, you illiterate nonwhite.

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Trump recently tweeted about Portland and another place being vermin infested shit holes, niggers on CNN and other places to that as a personal insult. Looks like thfee disgusting vermin are just smart enough to understand that what they are.

Their fear is intoxicating.

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Is the second picture real?

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>A multinational conglomerate which through communist (((tax))) policies in the US is leeching hundreds of billions of dollars a year out of White American citizens to give it to subhuman filth and jews subhuman filth


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what did earnest write?

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A brief manifesto.

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Oh (((you))).

Admins constantly ban people for promoting violence quoting a law that isn't being broken because (((reasons))).

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Apparently: https://twitter.com/erinjonesnews/status/1157808273036365824

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>riddle me this goyman


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He wuz a guud boi! Tryin' be a community cop to help the good bois in the communitiz!~

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CIA glow in the dark nigger

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For what exactly?

I'm not breaking a law until I make a detailed, specific, and actionable threat.

I can threaten a leader of a foreign country and post a plan, but if I have no way of actually pulling the plan off it's not actually a threat. Even the jewish law in the US understands larping.

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Someone posted an amazing edit with Brenton and Breivik with the song Heavy Drug by UNKLE and I forgot to save it, and now I can't even fucking find it. Did anyone save it or is the anon that made it here?

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File: 96ab63ae39026ac⋯.webm (2.24 MB,1280x720,16:9,DeusVult.webm)

Something simple.

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That's the one, and It's literally ITT, christ I'm inadequate sometimes

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with the flow of content and all the happenings it's normal to get confused

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You dumb niggers are going to get the site shut down. No way it's staying up after these events.

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Keep crying kike

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Cry me a river faggot.

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>muh website

Shut the fuck up you useless faggot, you cowardly shitters were saying exact same retardation after Saint Tarrant. Not only you are so fucking retarded to not understand that this would be literally useless (cut one and two new start) but also good (we finally could move on to onion chans en masse), you are also absolute idiot to even think this is somehow even remotely important.

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File: 6f6d03d29e3b3f0⋯.webm (15.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,OPSaintTarrantXV.webm)


Nice try, Cuck Prime.

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I'm a 34 year old, relatively fit, relatively well off, successful male. I got watery eyes for either of my Grandfathers' deaths. But every fucking time I see an Ebba recognition I full on have tears dropping down my cheeks.

Why do you do this to me anon?

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File: 54ac794ad5e8e8e⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,225x225,1:1,download.jpg)


We are not doing anything.

Pic related did.

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Its not confirmed that this is him, wait for the goddamn court hearing

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File: 5f43c58d1fb584a⋯.gif (450.59 KB,477x656,477:656,9f4eb9d57cd3b47e2c5715ecd3….gif)



It's to break the chains of the strong, enabling them plan and launch yet more successful operations to quicken the acceleration process. One madlad a year at most is not enough. Post-Christchurch, it is necessary, a nationalist's obligation, that more and more occur, each aiming to top eachother on the leaderboard.

Ebba is our Kitchener. She's a call to action as much to you as she was to Brenton.

Don't hold back.

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Exactly, only CIA niggers blame Jews for everything

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>Israelis who mind their own business are fine

This anon gets it

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File: 2f5818d24568f28⋯.png (597.66 KB,750x797,750:797,great-replacement-copy.png)


lel. that copy of the Great Replacement looks like mine. I'm into book binding, would it be a good idea to sell the book on my website?

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File: d99f4196384649f⋯.jpg (62.4 KB,598x720,299:360,5e524e2d28a8ddaa49e3786164….jpg)


If that's really one of the core motivators for choosing Walmart as a target, why not snipe one of the Waltons like a big brain nigger instead of poking a few ventilation holes in one of their bigbox shithouses?

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Stop being retarded faggot. Point is, there is exactly zero (0) of Jewish elites in Israel, who mind their own business. That is the whole main reason he put that sentence into his manifesto. It's hilarious how mentally challenged idiots here and MSM journos share this inability to understand this simple sentence and in turn share the reading comprehension of slightly retarded chimpanzee.

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>based Saint Tarrant

>writes entire book about the problems of the west

>one sentence about Jews, that you can see anyway you want to

>they’re alright if they’re Israelis



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Right, and those are the Jews the Tarrant give his freedom to defend, from armed NZ whites.

What a hero

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>writes entire book about the problems of the west

Short manifesto is not a book, you fucking monkoid.

>one sentence about Jews

No. See >>13568140

>that you can see anyway you want to

No, it's very simple and clear. There is no other way how to understand it, you dumb fucking nigger.

>they’re alright if they’re Israelis

Says nothing even remotely similar, kill yourself.

>Right, and those are the Jews the Tarrant give his freedom to defend, from armed NZ whites.

If you gonna make shit up, do it at least semi-real, dumb rat faggot.

And stop samefagging, no one is buying your retardation.

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File: 95abda368a37d48⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Actual pic of the shooter

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File: 576a82f7d335840⋯.png (301.44 KB,336x432,7:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Wait i think this is a better version

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>this much pilpul

Oy vei I guess you’re right

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Based Tarrant!

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Doesn’t look like the other tarrant pictures though

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Not an argument you dumb fat lousy nigger.

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Evolution is a lie.

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I’m not gonna pilpul with you, rabbi

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>say retarded shit

>get dunked on

>have nothing valuable left to say

>m-m-muh p-pilpul (word your dumb nigger chimpbrain learned few weeks ago and now is using it incessantly)

Actual real-deal shills must be salty that their narrative only struck a note with the most retarded elements of this site.

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File: f6b1679ef9c3557⋯.gif (3.98 MB,800x344,100:43,TarrantEbba.gif)

GIF that will fit on 4chan.

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Lol fail, sending this link to as many news outlets possible. This chan is going to be purged really soon

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>he actually thinks this will do anything

>he actually thinks it will do anything if this whole website gets deleted

Lmaoing on your moron ass. It will only make it ten times worse. You need to go back.

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If your pussy hurts, get some Vagisil.


They just don't get it fren :) it really will be 10 times worse. I'm only here because I got pissed off at censorship, next thing you know I'm firing off rare pepes and dealing with glowniggers.

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To delete this site would actually help the cause tremendously, since it would be finally possible to move en masse to som onion based chan or create new one there. And that's when the true magic starts.

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Fucking based!

Yeah that gif I posted above… the censors hate it lol

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is pic related real?

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>not available in your country


I'm in the US i am entitled to see everything.

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Reported and filtered

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>(((news outlets)))

>have any fucking sway at all


The trust level of any and all (((MSM))) is sub 10% or something retarded. Right above an average jew's IQ level.

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You guys need to take a chill pill

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Does anyone have that gif without the overlay? Either of them?

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We're having fun at all the disease being cured.

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Report and filter.

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Hey abdul. You fucking the goat or your sister tonight?

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>That pic

Weird lobster looking nigga pride

Weird lobster looking nigga pride

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