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File: 5de37b5f36df028⋯.jpg (261.41 KB,1420x1534,710:767,a7ff44a1fc9ad31a2545c23676….jpg)

 No.13548735 [View All]


Rotherham Avenger edition.

Original video, manifesto and music:


More videos:



>post your OC

>post your memes

>post your video edits

>laugh at scared semites

>filter & report shills


<get in touch with his lawyers and see what we can do to help our lad

Secondary objectives:

<bombard the prison with calls and letters so they stop blocking his rights to receive mail

<irl propaganda for maximum butthurt from media

<make more memes and spread them

<organize further help for our lad


Brenton Tarrant Memetic Warfare Thread № XVI

588 posts and 177 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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Keep crying kike

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Cry me a river faggot.

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>muh website

Shut the fuck up you useless faggot, you cowardly shitters were saying exact same retardation after Saint Tarrant. Not only you are so fucking retarded to not understand that this would be literally useless (cut one and two new start) but also good (we finally could move on to onion chans en masse), you are also absolute idiot to even think this is somehow even remotely important.

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File: 6f6d03d29e3b3f0⋯.webm (15.73 MB,1280x720,16:9,OPSaintTarrantXV.webm)


Nice try, Cuck Prime.

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I'm a 34 year old, relatively fit, relatively well off, successful male. I got watery eyes for either of my Grandfathers' deaths. But every fucking time I see an Ebba recognition I full on have tears dropping down my cheeks.

Why do you do this to me anon?

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File: 54ac794ad5e8e8e⋯.jpg (9.79 KB,225x225,1:1,download.jpg)


We are not doing anything.

Pic related did.

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Its not confirmed that this is him, wait for the goddamn court hearing

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File: 5f43c58d1fb584a⋯.gif (450.59 KB,477x656,477:656,9f4eb9d57cd3b47e2c5715ecd3….gif)



It's to break the chains of the strong, enabling them plan and launch yet more successful operations to quicken the acceleration process. One madlad a year at most is not enough. Post-Christchurch, it is necessary, a nationalist's obligation, that more and more occur, each aiming to top eachother on the leaderboard.

Ebba is our Kitchener. She's a call to action as much to you as she was to Brenton.

Don't hold back.

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Exactly, only CIA niggers blame Jews for everything

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>Israelis who mind their own business are fine

This anon gets it

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File: 2f5818d24568f28⋯.png (597.66 KB,750x797,750:797,great-replacement-copy.png)


lel. that copy of the Great Replacement looks like mine. I'm into book binding, would it be a good idea to sell the book on my website?

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File: d99f4196384649f⋯.jpg (62.4 KB,598x720,299:360,5e524e2d28a8ddaa49e3786164….jpg)


If that's really one of the core motivators for choosing Walmart as a target, why not snipe one of the Waltons like a big brain nigger instead of poking a few ventilation holes in one of their bigbox shithouses?

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Stop being retarded faggot. Point is, there is exactly zero (0) of Jewish elites in Israel, who mind their own business. That is the whole main reason he put that sentence into his manifesto. It's hilarious how mentally challenged idiots here and MSM journos share this inability to understand this simple sentence and in turn share the reading comprehension of slightly retarded chimpanzee.

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>based Saint Tarrant

>writes entire book about the problems of the west

>one sentence about Jews, that you can see anyway you want to

>they’re alright if they’re Israelis



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Right, and those are the Jews the Tarrant give his freedom to defend, from armed NZ whites.

What a hero

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>writes entire book about the problems of the west

Short manifesto is not a book, you fucking monkoid.

>one sentence about Jews

No. See >>13568140

>that you can see anyway you want to

No, it's very simple and clear. There is no other way how to understand it, you dumb fucking nigger.

>they’re alright if they’re Israelis

Says nothing even remotely similar, kill yourself.

>Right, and those are the Jews the Tarrant give his freedom to defend, from armed NZ whites.

If you gonna make shit up, do it at least semi-real, dumb rat faggot.

And stop samefagging, no one is buying your retardation.

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File: 95abda368a37d48⋯.png (1.52 MB,1200x800,3:2,ClipboardImage.png)

Actual pic of the shooter

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File: 576a82f7d335840⋯.png (301.44 KB,336x432,7:9,ClipboardImage.png)


Wait i think this is a better version

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>this much pilpul

Oy vei I guess you’re right

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Based Tarrant!

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Doesn’t look like the other tarrant pictures though

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Not an argument you dumb fat lousy nigger.

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Evolution is a lie.

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I’m not gonna pilpul with you, rabbi

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>say retarded shit

>get dunked on

>have nothing valuable left to say

>m-m-muh p-pilpul (word your dumb nigger chimpbrain learned few weeks ago and now is using it incessantly)

Actual real-deal shills must be salty that their narrative only struck a note with the most retarded elements of this site.

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File: f6b1679ef9c3557⋯.gif (3.98 MB,800x344,100:43,TarrantEbba.gif)

GIF that will fit on 4chan.

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Lol fail, sending this link to as many news outlets possible. This chan is going to be purged really soon

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>he actually thinks this will do anything

>he actually thinks it will do anything if this whole website gets deleted

Lmaoing on your moron ass. It will only make it ten times worse. You need to go back.

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If your pussy hurts, get some Vagisil.


They just don't get it fren :) it really will be 10 times worse. I'm only here because I got pissed off at censorship, next thing you know I'm firing off rare pepes and dealing with glowniggers.

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To delete this site would actually help the cause tremendously, since it would be finally possible to move en masse to som onion based chan or create new one there. And that's when the true magic starts.

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Fucking based!

Yeah that gif I posted above… the censors hate it lol

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is pic related real?

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>not available in your country


I'm in the US i am entitled to see everything.

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Reported and filtered

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>(((news outlets)))

>have any fucking sway at all


The trust level of any and all (((MSM))) is sub 10% or something retarded. Right above an average jew's IQ level.

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You guys need to take a chill pill

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Does anyone have that gif without the overlay? Either of them?

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We're having fun at all the disease being cured.

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Report and filter.

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Hey abdul. You fucking the goat or your sister tonight?

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>That pic

Weird lobster looking nigga pride

Weird lobster looking nigga pride

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