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File: be0e33bb1565a17⋯.png (522.92 KB,540x735,36:49,7c16f721355841ad2a236de.png)

 No.13531862 [Last50 Posts]

Nothing (((they))) try against him works. All their MSM attempts to slander him have failed. FBI failed to take him down. They thought Mueller would surely finish him but looks like Mueller only made a joke out of himself today.

Meanwhile, even the boomers are waking up to media being the "enemy of the people" and the dangers of deep state, unaccountable government that has been ruling them for the last 30 years. He's destroyed any presence of the Bushes in GoP, and now by attacking the far left anti-zionists and energizing them among the Democratic base he's lighting the fire against the (((establishment))) of DNC too.

Absolutely phenomenal. Now here's hoping he steps it up in the 2nd term and actually declasses Dancing Israeli files…this all has to end with Israel being named as the No.1 enemy of the United States. I'm certain it will.

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inb4 cnn, huffing glue post, and other faggot (((news))) articles are posted.

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File: efef32b77d579b3⋯.pdf (1.48 MB,SOME FAGGOT(S) SAID ARCHIV….pdf)


>Absolutely phenomenal.


>Now here's hoping he steps it up in the 2nd term and actually declasses Dancing Israeli files…

Yep. And look wat got declassified 22 years earlier than it was scheduled to be declassified (pdf attached).

>this all has to end with Israel being named as the No.1 enemy of the United States. I'm certain it will.

It would be nice if Q wasn't just a larp, wouldn't it? Certainly have been some nice habbenings regardless…

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File: ee0b4f0c940e9cf⋯.jpg (117.94 KB,728x807,728:807,28EEB074-7931-4EA0-AFF2-D2….jpg)


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File: 9d55554b0137b09⋯.jpg (228.89 KB,850x1336,425:668,trump-zionism-32.jpg)

i cant wait until 2020

t. moarpheus

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How many presidents have survived special council investigation? The fucker has a reason to be smug af.

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Trump is going to lead you right into the sanhedrin

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You can dismiss this however you want OP, but I hope that at least you recognize it as movement that is relevant.


>sad about ron paul 2008

>wtf in 2012 we elected a nigger?! Who gives a fuck McCain is a Likud abrahamic kike.

>2015-16, meme war, we won… but what did we win?

I, an actual oldfag, didn't vote in 2016, though I shilled hard in the meme war for Trump.

I'm probably voting against the GOP/Likud party because of how pro-kike they are.

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File: d211a46c65c4e78⋯.jpg (61.56 KB,346x498,173:249,10447542_10152545809139437….jpg)


The deal is we won't let your skeletons come out of the closet if you continue doing nothing about BLM & Antifa subversion tearing down Southern statues, building no wall in any meaningful way, allowing the most legal immigrants to come here if you're to have Kalergi award we gave to your dear beloved compatriot Merkel so time ago.

You can dupe the goyim into thinking your legit on twitter, after all we don't want you to undermine our precious plaything called democracy. They can't know we control both sides or else they may muster up the strength to revolt on the streets & figure out who really controls America.

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Will moarpheus kill himself when Trump wins 2020?

Let's find out.

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>when Trump wins 2020?

What do whites gain (aside from suatained shitakin immigration)

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File: feaf75179f3259b⋯.png (88.25 KB,472x351,472:351,drumpfgoy.png)


>I'm probably voting against the GOP/Likud party because of how pro-kike they are.

You should have just said not voting to make your post believable, not voting against.


Ah yes, the old "jews are destroying the FBI and MSM's credibility on purpose" trick.

Thanks for the quote pic.

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They can gain nothing but they will vote for Trump because all other candidates are trash and want to kill them outright.

Hell, spics and niggers will vote for Trump.

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Wow, they said the same thing about Bill Clinton. It's another jewish rerun.

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I want a hairy guy in a red dress to declare war on China. Because fuck it.

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File: 2340220bbd01209⋯.png (417.04 KB,474x822,79:137,44773eab337a2a0eff77c1ab2c….png)


>This kike laughs as he outright says we don't have a choice.

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Well, do we have a choice?

No, Trump is still the best of that lot unless you want to run your president yourself?

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This. We're at the point now where anything is better than the current state of the democratic party.

>Open borders

>Free college brainwashing tuition

>Reparations for niggers

The Democrats are openly anti-white, while the Republicans are openly pro-Israel.

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We're saving Israel for last. The Republican and Democratic party have been used as the left vs right game while the globalists that operated both sides were continuing on their one world government plan. They wanted their Bush and Clinton puppet to get into office to seal the deal, but thankfully the patriots woke up to the mainstream media derailment of Trump and the electoral colleges did great. The difference between those two established parties is that the democratic socialists are showing themselves as the demons they are. Patriots of America won't let them steal the 2020 election with fraudulent voting and Google's censorship. That being said, there's many communist shills and other shills here pushing for the collapse so a civil war will take place with millions of people dying while the globalists go to New Zealand and other places to hide there. If you're unironically shilling for a civil war on this board, rethink what you're getting yourself into.

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Benjamin Netanyahu just unveiled Israel’s newest town: “Trump Heights”


You lads are morons.

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"The marker proclaims the settlement will be known as “Trump Heights.” Netanyahu said the name was chosen to thank President Donald Trump for breaking decades of US tradition and recognizing the Golan Heights as part of Israel in March."

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> liking trump

cool now cnn will see all the shills and say "8chan likes trump"!

Also the jews like trump retards and would not shill against him

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Jews overwhelmingly vote democrats and dislike Trump.

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pffffff this retardedness yes they overwhelmingly vote democrat.But isreal is jewish and love trump also their the ones that have been shilling on 8chan

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File: 4f8719d2ee83b17⋯.png (1.96 MB,2518x1600,1259:800,chad trump.png)


He's better than Obama.

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Israel jews are not the only jews in the world.

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Lol trump is a capitalist. OP has b rain damage.

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what does it matter? what happens if israel is destroyed anyway? if you say all the jews die then you're just a subhuman and not worth anyone's time. what will happen is all the remaining jews will come to the west. you are aware that they are referred to as the "international jew" as well, right? as a matter of fact, zionism doesn't even say that the home of jews has to be in palestine. zion can be anywhere, in russia, in yurop in the usa. this is common knowledge for old /pol/, but you're a zoomer sperg who is easily manipulated by ecelebs. jews are a threat, but muslims are also a threat. israel existing is a buffer against the muslim threat. ideally, many jews in the west would migrate to israel while the usa sells weapons to both sides and they battle it out. unfortunately, the biggest problem with israel right now is that the usa does too much heavy lifting for them when we should be encouraging them to fight on their own

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what does this pdf mean ?

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File: 78c14ee44366d71⋯.jpg (81.16 KB,1842x1036,921:518,somali.jpg)

based moslem. The future of US

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>thinking im a alt right nigger that watchs ecelebs

The Day of the rope can't wait for your kind can it?I don't care their all targets that need to be killed every jew and anti white mussie the mussies can have their own land and just need to be kicked out.the end im going to sleep

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DUDE LE DAY OF LE ROPE. you really are a worthless shit head, aren't you? impotent little faggot. you will do nothing because you're a powerless pussy coward faggot NIGGER. that's right, you're a NIGGER. you should rope yourself

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god your skreeching is anoying.LaRpEr LaRPeR also you used a reddit word fucking reddit nigger.Also I know for a fact what you just said is not what most old fags would.Your larping as a old fag nigger.Also also you just proved that you are infact a screeching jew you just skreeched the most jewish thing.Im going to finally go to sleep now

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haha lmao LE ROPE THE DAY OF THE LE ROPE WILL COME WHEN I'M NOT A MISERABLE WORTHLESS FAGGOT. lel shut the fuck up, retard. pussy retard FAGGOT. you're worthless

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File: 3f7c73629e4b143⋯.png (316.3 KB,500x654,250:327,ClipboardImage.png)


More winning please.

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>imkampy doesn't argue in existing threads anymore

>he just astroturfs new ones

truly based, JIDF, JTRIG, infowars employees, anyone taking a dime to support orange man online, you're worth every penny clearly

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Fuck Israel

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File: 00e3f4328928155⋯.webm (288.46 KB,550x520,55:52,only-good-goys-get-electe….webm)

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My wife says you can´t say that.

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When do you think was the last time trump got laid?

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>My wife says you can´t say that.

She actually agreed, it was just hard to understand her b/c she was trying to talk around my giant cock.

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File: 0861cdce1bdadad⋯.png (646.32 KB,640x623,640:623,fixed-barr-change-my-mind.png)


<Executive Order 12333, signed on December 4, 1981 by U.S. President Ronald Reagan, was an Executive Order intended to extend powers and responsibilities of U.S. intelligence agencies and direct the leaders of U.S. federal agencies to co-operate fully with CIA requests for information.[1] This executive order was titled United States Intelligence Activities. (per Shittypedia)

It was about giving more info (and thus power) to the (((CIA))). TTBOMK declassifying the methods used will allow the Trump admin to show how it and FISA were abused so (((they))) could illegally spy on him and members of his admin.

Anon is cautiously optimistic this shit is gonna habben in a big way

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That's nice.

>still no wall

>none of his promises have been kept

>backed down on tariffs

>backed down on deportations

>betrayed every single one of his supporters

>arrested and extradited Assange for no legitimate reason

>all of his big name supporters that got harassed and prosecuted by the feds are left without any help or support, but he'll help some random niggers that got arrested for breaking laws in other countries

>decriminalized many criminal niggers because a rapper and the daughter of a businessman asked him to

>gave billions to israel

>defends and cares about israel more than the US

MIGA elsewhere.

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If the media was interested in "taking down" Trump, they would run video of dead toddlers and elderly people from Yemen 24-7. Instead its nothing but crickets, two scoops, and every fake scandal under the sun. His conflict with the media is fake and manufactured. It is a bonafides building program.

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>no wall

>number of immigrants is up

>more gun control enacted

>20-30 million illegal spics and shitskins

>2,000 "targeted" in recent raids

>net 35 arrests

Yeah I can't take all this winning. Fuck off faggot nigger.

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File: 773d2a71c6b7283⋯.jpg (116.66 KB,812x800,203:200,1558444392771.jpg)

>that string of 1 id posts

i really wonder who these "people" are actually. we know it's /leftypol/ and muslim russian shills, but i'm wondering if they actually have convinced people that up is down. neetsocs never were the most intelligent

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Then why did he only get 35 of the 30- million illegals? Is a one in a million success rate winning now? Would you fly an airline with that success rate for safe flights?

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>everyone against traitor trump and neocon cuckservative niggerloving is a shill

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File: e58fafbb1e3e545⋯.jpg (34.27 KB,900x506,450:253,trump shilling.jpg)

>two threads critical of trump are deleted

>this thread shows up

>op is (1) and done

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Trump was right.

I'm tired of the jews winning.

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File: 52c313d2eb6b314⋯.gif (2.45 MB,499x499,1:1,PEPE - LETS GO.gif)


B. (U) General protections. Any IC element that obtains access to raw SIGINT under these Procedures will:

3. (U) Political process in the United States. Not engage in any intelligence activity authorized by these Procedures, including disseminations to the White House, for the purpose of affecting the political process in the United States. The IC element will comply with the guidance applicable to NSA regarding the application of this prohibition. Questions about whether a particular activity falls within this

prohibition will be resolved in consultation with the element's legal counsel and the General Counsel of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) (and the DoD's Office of the General Counsel in the case of a DoD IC element).

(U) SECTIONX-DEFINITIONS A. (U) Agent of a foreign power means:

2. (U) Any person, including a U.S. person, who:

a. (U) Knowingly engages in clandestine intelligence gathering activities for, or on behalf of, a (((foreign))) power, which activities involve, or may involve, a violation of the criminal statutes of the United States; (anon note: MAY involve is yugely broad legalese shit here, as in "you better be fucking sure you are above board when you do this shit)

b. (U) Pursuant to the direction of an intelligence service or network of a (((foreign))) power, knowingly engages in any other clandestine intelligence activities for, or on behalf of, such (((foreign))) power, which activities involve or are about to involve a violation of the criminal statutes of the United States;

c. (U) Knowingly engages in sabotage or international terrorism, or activities that are in preparation therefor, for or on behalf of a (((foreign))) power;

d. (U) Knowingly enters the United States under a false or fraudulent identity for or on behalf of a (((foreign))) power or, while in the United States, knowingly assumes a false or fraudulent identity for or on behalf of a (((foreign))) power; or

e. (U) Knowingly aids or abets any (((person))) in the conduct of activities described in paragraphs a through c or knowingly conspires with any (((person))) to engage in those activities.

Triple parentheses added by anon b/c inhaled perhaps too much hopium, but still cautiously optimistic of recent habbenings nontheless

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>you said the reddit word! See? See guys? He said the reddit word, haha!

Both of you are pathetic, but you just reek of a boomer, buddy. Get a grip, guys.


I agree with the sentiment that destroying Israel is meaningless. In fact, I believe that it would've been detrimental to our efforts. Can you imagine the screetching should anything serious happen to that shithole? Looking at how the holohoax narrative is slowly crumbling, and their le eternal victim(tm) season pass is nearing its expiration date, I strongly believe that they'll do/create an illusion of doing something insane to renew their victim status. Remember that the tribe always plays both sides.

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>if you preserve israel you win

Holy fuck.

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-By Ethan Huff

The government indoctrination racket known as the public school system recently became a little more “progressive” with the addition of a new “American History” textbook published by Pearson Education, which describes President Trump as “mentally ill,” and his supporters as “racist.”

Entitled, By the People: A History of the United States, this compendium of leftist propaganda features a chapter entitled, “The Angry Election of 2016” that actually rewrites history and presents fiction as fact in an attempt to persuade students into believing that our Commander-in-Chief did not legitimately win the 2016 presidential election.

“Most thought that Trump was too extreme a candidate to win the nomination,” the chapter claims, adding, “but his extremism, his anti-establishment rhetoric, and, some said, his not very hidden racism connected with a significant number of primary voters.”

In a further attempt at shaming the president and his supporters, the author of this chapter proceeds to claim that Donald Trump’s supporters are “mostly older, often rural or suburban, and overwhelmingly white. On the other hand, the better people who support the author’s preferred candidate, Hillary Clinton, are apparently younger, non-white, and live in densely-packed urban zones.

“Clinton’s supporters feared that the election had been determined by people who were afraid of a rapidly developing ethnic diversity of the country, discomfort with their candidate’s gender and nostalgia for an earlier time in the nation’s history,” the chapter goes on to read.

“They also worried about the mental stability of the president-elect and the anger that he and his supporters brought to the nation.”

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The (1) OP is more concerning.

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<The MAGAcaust was real in my mind

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>we must preserve israel to win


>nothing but insults and sperging


>repeated sperging, /b2/tard


>muh russia

Yeah pretty obvious.

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>dfw you should have voted democrat

>dfw ilhan omar is the most red pilled in congress

how many d chess are we at

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Pretty telling isn't it. Two threads telling the truth about the "raids" are pruned, this thread of no substance besides propaganda for 2020 is still up.

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>Nothing (((they))) try against him works. All their MSM attempts to slander him have failed. FBI failed to take him down. They thought Mueller would surely finish him but looks like Mueller only made a joke out of himself today.

The point of the Russia hoax was not to prove Trump was a Russian plant, it was to use lawfare against Trump's allies and politically isolate him. Flynn is gone. Sessions is gone. Papadopoulos is gone. Manafort is gone. The only person they never went after is (((Kuhsner))) for obvious reasons.

The Russia hoax has been successful. Trump is now a totally impotent leader because of it. Proving collusion was never their goal. Qtards who don't understand this don't understand how politics work.

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You bumbling newfuck Moarfaggot and JIDF shills for Trump because Trump shills for Israel.

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File: eb7cf6e334497cb⋯.jpg (40.62 KB,720x540,4:3,1555051304617.jpg)


>building no wall in


>>still no wall


>>no wall

Un-kiked search engine shows kiked media saying no wall, un-kiked media saying wall going up


Also, kiked media saying "fencing" going up instead of wall or "replacing fencing", calling steel slatted bollard wall a fence, when it's very much a wall (has foundation, too narrow to squeeze through and stronk enough to stop vehicles & hard to break down). Also, wall has one or two layers of people barrier fencing behind it on US side as additional measure in high-probability places.

Doesn't matter, either way you kikes are fucked good and proper, either the USA gets taken back, or it gets destroyed/degraded by shitskin imports to the point where the USA can't be your big brother protector, and then all the mudslimes pour into Pissrael, followed by 100's of millions of Han who will rape your women & castrate and enslave your sons. Stupid fucking kikes never know when to quit kikeing, it's in your blood.

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File: 5f341d97988ba8d⋯.png (91.07 KB,397x255,397:255,MERCHANT - QUOTE ANON PEPE.png)


>The Russia hoax has been successful. Trump is now a totally impotent leader because of it. Proving collusion was never their goal. Qtards who don't understand this don't understand how politics work.

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Not a single inch of border wall built in 2 and a half years!

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<the wall is real in my mind fellow white goyim

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Maintenance on existing fencing with more fencing isn't building the wall. Getting a pitiful sum of money to build a mile at most isn't building the wall. Fuck off kikey.

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>politically isolate him

Kushner was running gone show from day one anyways

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>Maintenance on existing fencing with more fencing isn't building the wall. Getting a pitiful sum of money to build a mile at most isn't building the wall. Fuck off kikey.


><the wall is real in my mind fellow white goyim

<whatever you do don't use that un-kiked search link and make up your own mind, just believe (((us))) and go about your day being demoralized and beaten down

You cunts are fucking hilarious

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They deleted that thread a few days ago about how no wall has been built in almost three years almost instantly. The trumpcucks are terrified

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Of course, the real problem you have with this textbook is that you DON'T have a problem with a brutalized White minority. You're just incensed that someone out there would question how effective republican capitalism has been in destroying White America. Nigger loving faggot.

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It's the same deal that happened as we got into the latter half of 2015 and into 2016. The attempts to craft pro-zionist narratives and issue mass bans/thread prunes for anything that disrupted it intensifies. It spiked again during midterms to a lesser extent and now they are doing it again.

Have to agree on a mass migration site. People don't have to like it, doesn't have to be permanent, but this place has to go.

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you're obviously very low iq if you think your bullshit is going to work or if anyone believes you. on the off chance that you're legitimate it's still hilarious how you can't grasp politics and how the worthless neetsoc retards think hitler was some paragon of idealism and not a pragmatic and cunning politician. carry on though you worthless retard, carry on spamming anti trump shit with your allies while you fail to call out potato trump that originated by a lefty redditor. fooling no one

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Shut the fuck up, faggot.

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File: 71a8e0bae0373af⋯.gif (167.03 KB,300x170,30:17,buttszhurtedBO.gif)


>Shut the fuck up, faggot.

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>worthless neetsoc retards

Just post your "natsoc goons.png" already

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File: 2e80abbadcfddb0⋯.jpg (52.39 KB,198x395,198:395,1555052283882.jpg)


>Just post your "natsoc goons.png" already

Yes please, I don't have that one

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> /pol/ is morons because a foreign guy named a small town after Trump.

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yeah, you know i'm right you retarded faggot. it's nice to see these idiot shills get broken down


absolutely paranoid while your board gets subverted by /leftypol/ trash and muslims. you still haven't called out potato trump

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>a foreign guy

That's all you have to say about the most evil man in the world?

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File: 2d50f788d3551c7⋯.jpg (452.6 KB,1600x1200,4:3,GTFO SHILL SHIT SLIDE 01.jpg)

File: 957b6f94e7cb6f9⋯.png (832.73 KB,756x7917,36:377,KIKES LOVE TO TALK ABOUT, ….png)


>>>13531862 (OP)



Actually did declass something significant, pointed out at top of post >>13531910 but kikes are gonna shit slide, because kikes love playing in shit

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>while your board gets subverted

At least you aren't a mod anymore

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Kill yourself.



Take your meds you schizo miganigger.

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Only Qcumbers say "declass".

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Opposition to trump policies was the default of the board BEFORE you showed up. You had a nice little run with the mass bannings and constant catalog nuking and the flim flam of a campaign season. But policy doesn't lie. What you're really asshurt about is that your cult of personality didn't take here. You couldn't brute force the policy into acceptance.

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it never fails to see how lefty faggots like you are incapable of blending in on anonymous image boards. it's just the way your retarded mind works i guess that just compels you stick out. you still haven't called out potato trump for originating from a lefty faggot on reddit

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File: 52e9b845551fffc⋯.jpg (58.03 KB,612x612,1:1,communism and capitalism.jpg)


>judeo-capitalism is good

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Reminder to SAGE all MIGA threads

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Exactly. They demonstrated the power to punish anyone big who allies with Trump. He is isolated except for conditional support from the GOP.

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Lol you must really miss being able to delete all posts by IP

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File: 80c41bc87c63b87⋯.png (1.02 MB,1057x780,1057:780,80c41bc87c63b873276012c48d….png)

Who else /trannyped/ here

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Trump has been the most anti-Russia president we've had in years. The point of the Russia hoax was to generate genocidal hatred of Russians to foment agitation for a racial war against Russians. What Trump wants is a violent attack on Russia to disrupt Russian energy ties with Europe and to re-establish the links of plunder that Washington had during the Yeltsin years.

By engaging in a media hoax that pretends he is a Russian agent, Trump leverages the domestic hate for him into enthusiastic support for violent geopolitical invasions against Russia from unorthodox population segments. What Trump cares about is the end result – war and plunder of Russia.

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Nice strawman. What I said is focusing on destroying pissrael first is as backwards of an aim as can be. Non-violently spreading awareness as frequently as you can, prepping and keeping yourself healthy is the only way to go. Making this rotten khazar zeitgeist unappealing to the common man and uncool to the younger populace is the only way to go; in my eyes of course.

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no it wasn't. why do you lefty faggots always insist on attempting to rewrite history. i mean you're crying about yemen, bro you're fucking fooling on one. you're probably a smelly ass nigger brain muslim too


cripplechan doesn't even keep a ban list of blacklisted public vpns. the fact that you don't know this or how easy it would be to switch ips really just proves my point about how obvious you idiots are


russian subhuman mutts deserve completely extermination for their subversion of the west. russia wouldn't even be relevant if their jew spies didn't steal usa technology and give it to them

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Lol that didn't stop you doing pulling the delete by IP on me 3 to 5 times a day during her 2016 election

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>russian subhuman mutts deserve completely extermination for their subversion of the west

See? Number one trumpnigger in the thread and he wants to genocide Russians.

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>Only Qcumbers say "declass".

Only inbred kikes think Qcumber is an effective insult

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>Of course, the real problem you have with this textbook is that you DON'T have a problem with a brutalized White minority.


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>russian subhuman mutts

Oh Shir never mind I thought you were kampfy or polvol2 but you are actually Morpheus. My apologies

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File: 10f81250cc7e34f⋯.jpg (35.43 KB,928x482,464:241,q2.jpg)

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Yeah and? You're good with it.

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they deserve it for the subversion they did to the west. the russians caused the genocide of the west and yet you still defend them. you're a cuckold. everything you think you know about russia is from their brainwashing campaign they've brought to 4/pol/ and 8/pol/ through /sg/

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>the russians caused the genocide of the west.

No, that was a project entirely of the American right wing and entrenched jewish capital. They were getting stomped left and right by the Soviets overseas in geopolitics and thus the civil rights movement was born, whereby Whites would be brutalized, murdered, dispossessed, frozen out of all meaningful work, burned out of their neighborhoods, forced to spend thousands of dollars annually on fuel, property taxes, and private education, only to find the military and front line duty is all that's hiring – and they do this to show Indonesia and Pakistan and Egypt and whoever the fuck else that they "aren't racist" and so let this private company owned by jews mine the cobalt.

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File: 780f93b3d9e253e⋯.png (773.93 KB,800x842,400:421,POINTING - GOD.png)


>Nice strawman. What I said is focusing on destroying pissrael first is as backwards of an aim as can be. Non-violently spreading awareness as frequently as you can, prepping and keeping yourself healthy is the only way to go. Making this rotten khazar zeitgeist unappealing to the common man and uncool to the younger populace is the only way to go; in my eyes of course.

Take note. The memes that woke me up were the white genocide memes showing kikes were behind it, and the ones showing how many Israeli dual-citizens are in the US gov't.

De-kike ZOG, and the mudslimes & Chinese in the ME will take care of Pissrael, no need to shed any white goy blood to take them out. Calling for their destruction and GAS THE KIKES RACE WAR NOW just generates sympathy for Pissrael and kikes.

Almost all the calls for violence against Pissrael and kikes are kikes themselves and low IQ /pol/'spergs, but maybe there's a few legit /pol/acks that haven't thought this through yet.

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File: 7ae9009cd2d355d⋯.png (20.08 KB,674x432,337:216,1555052406300.png)


>Yeah and? You're good with it.

No, sorry for any confusion, misread the post(s) (pic related). Carry on.

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>the (((Soviet))) (((Russians))) caused the genocide of the west


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how is this shit not saged yet?

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RUSSIAN DINDU NUFFIN. fuck off you retarded faggot. communism and the subversion of the west is because of russia. you purposely ignore yuri telling us what exactly the fucking russians did. nice fan fiction though, vlad shekelstein

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(((Sigmund Freud in his 1905 work Three Essays on the Theory of Sexuality outlined a theory of psycho-sexual development with five distinct phases: the oral stage (0–1.5 years), the anal stage (1.5–3.5 years), the phallic stage (3.5–6 years) which culminates in the resolution of the Oedipus complex, latency phase (6–12 years of age), and the genital (or adult) stage. )))

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>RUSSIAN DINDU NUFFIN. fuck off you retarded faggot. communism and the subversion of the west is because of russia. you purposely ignore yuri telling us what exactly the fucking russians did. nice fan fiction though, vlad shekelstein

Anyone browsing /pol/ for more than a week knows kikes caused the Russian revolution FFS. Solzhenitsyn 200 years together KYS

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Not much point to sage on a board this dead

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Nothing comes close to the wounded pride of a retard American conservative who can't come to grips that the Soviets fought the jews harder and better in the postwar period than they did. Keep sucking down that King Faisal agitprop – it's done wonders for you so far.

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there is no difference. the russians benefitted immensely from jews and their entire empire wouldn't exist without them. the soviets and the jews are an inseperable machination. russians are retarded subhumans who had only a 10% literacy rate in 1910

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It always made me kek that normies couldn't see Freud was just projecting his own degeneracy. Fortunately he's been mostly discredited.

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>who had only a 10% literacy rate in 1910

Wow that's pretty impressive seeing as the US only had a 5.1% in 1910

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File: c1fdb0c7714079e⋯.jpg (87.78 KB,700x638,350:319,1559867816609.jpg)


again, you're constructing fantasy in your subhuman russian head. the soviets were nothing without the jews. the jews built their empire and when the soviets "purged" them, their entire country went to shit. why, because russians are retarded mutt subhumans


more russian subhuman fantasy

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File: 000720149ecdb15⋯.jpg (111.51 KB,900x900,1:1,7roooooLLL.jpg)


>there is no difference. the russians benefitted immensely from jews




Oh, the benefits.

>and their entire empire wouldn't exist without them.

Holy shit you're hilarious. Did you time travel direct from 1991?

>the soviets and the jews are an inseperable machination. russians are retarded subhumans who had only a 10% literacy rate in 1910


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Anyone else need to read anything more from this hook nose or have you seen enough?

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File: aadcafdc048f773⋯.png (3.37 MB,1104x1472,3:4,main-qimg-9e6dccf9a47f8b73….png)

Fuck off boomers. No one wants you here, sage. Trump is a historical figure though, I'll give you that – for being the first Jewish president of the United States.

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File: 84db08574fe55c7⋯.jpeg (19.91 KB,276x182,138:91,84db08574fe55c728d77f13b1….jpeg)


>why, because russians are retarded mutt subhumans

No, b/c kikes are really, really, fucking good at subversion.

Credit where it is due

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File: e35b9afed237010⋯.png (42.26 KB,488x519,488:519,e35b9afed23701061acdde7d2d….png)


>the russians benefitted immensely from jews

I have family that was stuck on the east side of the iron curtain. You should be executed for merely saying something like this.

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I just want to see how many posts he's going to rack up this time

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i'm not going to click on your retarded link, but i know that you're reading the data wrong. the illiteracy rate is 5%, not the literacy rate you fucking retarded SUBHUMAN LMAO. you don't even be man enough to admit you're wrong, subhuman russian nigger brain

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File: 55eb9534ada994d⋯.png (532.27 KB,909x548,909:548,87118ca4d1cc5a917cc2565995….png)

File: 49f5ec09b9122f5⋯.png (248.42 KB,638x1195,638:1195,wikileaks Q LARP.png)


>being a Qcumber


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jews stole military secrets from the usa including information used to build the soviet's nuclear arsenal. am i really seeing this board reach such a level of subversion that they handwave the rosenbergs? jesus

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0 miles new wall 35 deported suck a cock schlomo you're actually cucked in the worst way possible

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Ya it's mostly shills tbh maybe the influx to neinchan happened?

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File: e697793f1acf5c0⋯.jpg (71.4 KB,1125x935,225:187,0915f9f469c86227703944287e….jpg)


>Anyone else need to read anything more from this hook nose or have you seen enough?

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Nope it was the literacy rate 😉

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like clockwork.

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I'm holding out hope most of them will vanish back into the woodwork when Trump gets destroy in the 2020 election

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you're incapable of reading a graph properly and you still won't even admit it even though it's plain for everyone to see

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>you're incapable of reading a graph

And you ate unwilling to open a link

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>I'm holding out hope most of them will vanish back into the woodwork when Trump gets destroy in the 2020 election


JDIF budget got cut and hiring poos now?

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you're an actual nigger brain retard. do yourself a favor and just kill yourself, bro. no one would care. just kill yourself. saving the white race starts with you! end your subhuman genetics now and kill yourself

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>obvious bait

>generally pointless OP


You can't be trying to d&c because no actual anon gives a single fuck about (((Trump))), but you also can't be sliding anything because there's really not much worth sliding, and there's no way in hell you're a legitimate magakike because there are so few of them around nowadays that dare to tread beyond the few bastions of ignorance that they've already established. So, really, I'm sitting here completely bewildered as to the reason you've posted this. Though, of course, the idea that you are an extremely low-IQ shill is certainly what I'm leaning towards.

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File: 0e1dc040db216f7⋯.png (55.25 KB,622x472,311:236,6b4e304ca7d978595345c0cc5c….png)

File: 1e781c30564da3e⋯.png (18.97 KB,575x181,575:181,7a52730518af84fce178e9be5b….png)

File: 57c3a6ad14dd6f0⋯.png (70.1 KB,610x620,61:62,15c9bc04b62b493aae2ed24f38….png)

File: 9ffdbabe444301a⋯.png (58.54 KB,607x476,607:476,541fa9132b0d5f8640fdfb870d….png)

File: a193fd24b115bcb⋯.png (67.42 KB,588x621,196:207,af2f819f5a180b13b51295f00c….png)


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It's the equivalent of the Room 641A leaks years ago. It confirms something we've long suspected that (((they))) were doing to compromise Trump.

The intelligence (((community))) is out of control. Trump is reigning them in.

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File: 95819d0c977de00⋯.jpg (750.08 KB,1000x1522,500:761,95819d0c977de00c27f5828dda….jpg)


>end your subhuman genetics

But that anon isn't a Trump supporter

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File: 1006ef7c29ece7a⋯.png (27.5 KB,481x302,481:302,relevant.PNG)



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Conduct of Intelligence Activities" provides guidelines for actions of intelligence agencies.

Collection of Information

Part 2.3 permits collection, retention and dissemination of the following types of information along with several others.

(c) Information obtained in the course of a lawful foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, international narcotics or international terrorism investigation

. . .

(i) Incidentally obtained information that may indicate involvement in activities that may violate federal, state, local or foreign laws[1]

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Trump is an asset of the israeli government. There are no jews who are trying to take him down.

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Show me the wall you MIGAfaggot

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File: e6bd8864844c3f7⋯.png (1.13 MB,748x834,374:417,9b3a455a93db0fafac6aba5ddd….png)


Wall you say?

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Remember to sage and report ZOG spam threads.

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Trump finds it easy to be smug but they still keep giving him stuff to be smug about.

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Wheres the wall?

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File: d2370bd9db81ed7⋯.png (109.44 KB,1200x599,1200:599,bradybond.png)

File: 601ca9a61f73ebd⋯.jpg (94.29 KB,400x527,400:527,TimeYanks.jpg)

File: 34542e263db6607⋯.jpg (150.63 KB,1200x800,3:2,911.jpg)

File: 3ba885b9f33a736⋯.png (3.2 KB,121x121,1:1,bony.png)



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Every time!



(((You))) get the chipper.


Think of all the White guys the enemy put under DPRK artillery range (and it's a lot of artillery). Safe now, thanks Trump! -)


2011: "I… I have a boyfriend!"

2019: "I'm trans!"


It's /r9k/ !!

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Like Hitler pointed out, always look at who the jews smears!

Who did they smear in the last few years? Putin or Poroshenko? -D



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But you niggers keep telling us our entire military is full of niggers, spics, and jews, there are no whites left. No problem then. It's simply animal control and humane disposal.

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No wall.

No deportations.

No government arrests.

The ZOG Emperor does not belong here.

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Whites aren't allowed anywhere other than front line combat. Efforts to start a war are to get whoever is still under contract murdered and then issue stop-loss orders for survivors.

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File: 50f6a5555c24437⋯.png (374.58 KB,645x617,645:617,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a GET bot.

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File: 15577634847e1ff⋯.jpg (373.77 KB,1500x977,1500:977,RQ-1_Predator_sensor_opera….jpg)

File: b0907afbca1666e⋯.jpg (177 KB,1023x768,341:256,1542867116268[1].jpg)

File: cceb0983914e69a⋯.jpg (141.46 KB,1072x712,134:89,06k_sep2018_petersonafbmon….jpg)

File: cd082b8d7394554⋯.jpg (2.12 MB,4594x3063,4594:3063,171116-D-SV709-0197A[1].JPG)


Yeah, lying helps your cause immensely.

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File: d7967206fda6713⋯.jpg (26.57 KB,500x349,500:349,BrigGenHaimovitch_LtGenCla….jpg)

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File: 16adbfb8a2c55b4⋯.jpg (86.58 KB,600x420,10:7,195704_600.jpg)

It's Mueller Time….Oh wait.

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are you retarded?

over 50 miles of new wall

plenty have been deported

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File: a8264c66f7b0113⋯.png (68.84 KB,647x318,647:318,ClipboardImage.png)


This is a bot and should and the IP blocked permanently.

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File: b0674262dfaca99⋯.png (571.47 KB,1658x624,829:312,ClipboardImage.png)


Info on how to spot the bots:

>look at file name to see if name represents date/time of file creation

>look for repeated images with slightly adjusted dimensions

>look for rapid posting of similar content in multiple threads

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File: bb97ea50dd45447⋯.jpeg (39.75 KB,398x517,398:517,brntngr.jpeg)





It's so cute watching the marxist commie shit smears attempt their pathetic propaganda, and subversion. This shit is ancient, tired, obvious, and simply doesn't work anymore.

At least not here.

Go suck your own shit off some dude's dick, sodomites. You're done.

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Can someone explain the whole Mueller thing, don't know who he is. Been out of the loop with all this shit.

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Filtered. We might as well just churn through all your IPs and not drag it out.

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File: 9abe94fc4abd2b4⋯.jpg (678.67 KB,2500x1884,625:471,171221-sholom-mc-1211_66f2….JPG)

Kikes don't need to do anything to Trump because he's already their guy. Pic related got pardoned by that kike while James Fields will rot in prison for the rest of his life. Anyone who still supports Trump on this website is a traitor.

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Can you use any more space you boomer jew homo pedo nigger .

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File: 09298ffff6ecf10⋯.jpg (54 KB,400x300,4:3,Donald-Trump 34.jpg)

When's Mueller Time start?

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File: 62ff521d1d76ec8⋯.jpg (19.49 KB,480x360,4:3,tarotnegro.jpg)


>If I post gore, they'll think I'm an oldfag

Where's my wall, faggot?

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File: 0bf292a369d8c59⋯.jpeg (79.24 KB,600x426,100:71,HilHag.jpeg)


What are you doing for it, you petulant child? Do you support any efforts for it? Do you stand in the way of efforts opposing it? What the fuck are you doing besides bitching all the time, faggot?

Who the fuck are you? I don't even like Trump.

I like bitch ass whiny niggers less.

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Blow your fucking brains out. Zero wall. They even admit it. Zero deportations. OVER TWO MILLION NONWHITES ADDED TO THE COUNTRY.

No wall.

No deportations.

No government arrests.

The ZOG Emperor does not belong here.==

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Cucks trying to get a noncuck to cuck. LOL!

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Prove it

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After this whole Russia investigation was flopped and was proven to be a hoax after the media pushed it for 3 years I'm definitely voting Trump

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File: fd3ad775dcb38da⋯.png (1.31 MB,1024x701,1024:701,1560775064393.png)

Get off my fucking board, nu/pol/.

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>I am paid by jews to post here

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Doesn't work here. Sorry bro

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Yeah, everyone here is just a paid shill except for you.

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Gonna have to do better than that kike

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That document was declassified, or "declassed", if you prefer, in January of 2017, BEFORE the ZOG Emperor's inauguration. He had nothing to do with it, nor did QAnon, or JFK Jr., or whoever else.



>making memes about that Ruby Ridge/Waco kike


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Oh wow, you posted some real cringe, boy.

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Go back to 4chan.

Go back to 4chan.

Go back to 4chan.

Go back to 4chan.

Go back to 4chan.

Go back to 4chan.

Go back to 4chan.

Go back to 4chan.

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>He just keeps winning

And we keep losing.

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That's right, you don't work here. Kill yourself for supporting Trump.

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File: e3b23915b914261⋯.png (499.91 KB,827x959,827:959,e3b23915b914261353208d3d69….png)


While its nice you think all this. But its all boomer tier drivel. Sorry, civil war starts up here (its a given now), you lose your retirement. Look on the bright side, you wont have to survive off of cat food like you made fun of your own fucking parents for doing eh?

Oh wait, you think most of us looking at this civil war don't know what that entails. Right, the constant nudging about grid/gas/water/food being cut off is just the yids, and what they want, and not men whom hold no connection to this failed nation and have come to terms with the carnage such would entail…. Like letting this system continue is going to ensure the survival of our volk. yea, go watch some fucking foozeball niggers secure in the knowlege you've convinced us the loss of this civilization is all the yids master plan because they are oh so independent of it.

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4chan thread sure is 4chan

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what, getting worried the trump train is about to hit a..... wall?

its the only fucking wall i've seen built by trump, tho he did dry hump the yids slave shack like a good goy before writing a few dozen billion dollars for... their wall.

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Trump vowed millions of immigration arrests in dramatic raids. ICE caught 18 family members.


>When President Donald Trump vowed to deport “millions” of immigrants from the United States, he was telegraphing an Immigration and Customs Enforcement operation that targeted migrants with final deportation orders.

>The real list had about 2,100 families on it, with the goal of deterring Central American migrants from trying to cross the southern border.

>The final tally from the operation, according to federal officials: 18 family members were arrested, not enough to fill a school bus. Immigration officials arrested another 17 undocumented immigrants they encountered in their searches, what are known as collateral arrests.

>ICE announced the data Tuesday morning,

So much for 'muh fake news!' narratives.

>tucking it into a news conference that included information about worksite enforcement and routine criminal arrests. Aside from the 35 immigrants apprehended in the much-anticipated family operation, immigration agents picked up nearly 900 adults — most of them convicted criminals — and delivered more than 3,000 notices to companies nationwide that authorities will audit their records to ensure that workers are in the United States legally.

>Acting ICE Director Matthew T. Albence called the criminal operation successful and said the family operation, Operation Border Resolve, will continue, although the number of arrests were lower than in the past.

>The first such operation, over New Year’s weekend in 2016 under the Obama administration, led to the arrests of 121 adults and children in Georgia, Texas and North Carolina.

Wew lads

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>sent out 3,000 notices to companies

So the illegal labor can hide. Nice fucking warning ziondon.

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File: bdcc561f9099f6d⋯.jpeg (56.6 KB,858x598,33:23,1550607226999.jpeg)

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File: d4176f42052cbde⋯.png (152.79 KB,640x368,40:23,trump-take-the-guns-first-….png)


>le smug trump picture

Get the fuck out.

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>take the goy's guns

We don't want to make it too difficult for the Russians to conquer us. It might embarrass them in front of their new Asian friend.

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The Horrors of ICE’s ‘Trans Pod’

(This title is accurate, but not for the reason the author thought)



>Later, Luz would learn that her Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facility, New Mexico’s Cibola County Correctional Center, had previously been a criminal correctional prison.

>In October 2016, it was shut down due to inhumane conditions that resulted in several inmate deaths.

>Shortly thereafter, ICE offered a contract of $30 million a year to the same facility.

>It reopened in January 2017.

>Since early 2018, Cibola has incarcerated more than 180 women in its “transgender pod”—the only known ICE-run detention facility for transgender-identifying women.

> Author: Emily Buder


>"I swear, acid reflux is a Jewish thing. Definitely in my Jewish genome."

$30 million

to house

180 illegal trannies

This is what 'winning' looks like.

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>b-b-b-but he's creating jobs!


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Hi Schlomo!


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File: 2cd3d3a1a905603⋯.jpg (377.22 KB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_20190724-172932….jpg)

Checkmate, straight out of the dark web

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Sage and report all ZOG threads.

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hi kampfy. did codemonkey get my email and remind you of your place?

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File: 0c9b949ff37eb8a⋯.png (30.17 KB,775x417,775:417,75843.png)


imagine being a talmudist slave

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Forgot you meds today?

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That's all?

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We need a Trump statue. How can we make this happen?

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File: 68560367539f7c3⋯.jpeg (34.99 KB,566x349,566:349,kike heights.jpeg)

baste trump will save the white race by giving the jews everything they ever wanted and even shit they didn't ask for! that's called realpolitik

the msm legit hates him so much! they aren't pretending to control you, i promise. the very notion of jews using duplicity is nothing but an anti-semitic lie!

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File: 83ccdda33b3d31b⋯.png (916.11 KB,680x1147,680:1147,bite.png)


>What are you doing for it, you petulant child?

I voted in the guy who promised to build it. Good to see you have nothing but boomer tier insults when backed into a corner though. Good luck in 2020 without us.

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File: fe061e754416a41⋯.jpg (37.53 KB,641x419,641:419,jewhitler.jpg)

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File: 1885c43e6edeab4⋯.jpg (1.58 MB,1800x1233,200:137,1560822679468.jpg)

baste trump will ensure that whitey gets replaced LEGALLY, with the full backing of the state. if they had to do it illegally they could hurt themselves jumping the fence! and there is nothing more tragic than a shitskin, that was sent here by a jew, hurting himself jumping a fence trespassing

trump will make sure this goy cattle farm keeps churning out fat juicy pay offs for israel, don't you worry folks

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Hi JIDF. We know it's you.


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>only the last 30 years

M80 we're looking at 106 years of kike control at least.

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pick one kushnershill


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File: 9ed1c87a7061adc⋯.jpg (65.55 KB,800x420,40:21,9ed1c87a7061adc3365993d3cf….jpg)

two scoops libtards, trump will make sure the white race is replaced LEGALLY! so churn out that salt while the baste jews make bank!

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Also at the meeting Monday, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos blasted the "BDS" movement against Israel, calling it a "pernicious threat" on college campuses and saying it's fueled by bias against Jews.

"BDS" stands for "Boycott Divestment Sanctions," which is a boycott campaign led by pro-Palestine activists against Israel.

DeVos said, "These bullies claim they stand for human rights. But we all know that BDS stands for anti-Semitism."

DeVos pointed out efforts to fight anti-Semitism in her sphere of influence, noting that the US Education Department recently stepped in after the student government at Williams College refused to allow a pro-Israel group to exist.

No "Trump".

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File: 6f6de781726b3c7⋯.png (604.79 KB,909x686,909:686,he chose jews.png)

say it with me folks, FOUR MORE YEARS OF ISRAEL WINNING!

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Still here Schlomo.

Reminder to all to support the BDSmovement.net

And fight the racist Nazi Jews in Israel.

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File: a2be0c947494464⋯.jpg (60.52 KB,432x600,18:25,ce2ebf3a3c31ab3208454bf53e….jpg)






>lets try reverse psychology on the goyim, surely they won't see it coming

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File: 12424858c11930f⋯.jpg (700.54 KB,886x1640,443:820,vrefdh.jpg)


>>dfw ilhan omar is the most red pilled in congress

>how many d chess are we at

You must have very low IQ to not figure out that Trump and Ilhan are on the same team.

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File: 863d9cf8d1bf7c4⋯.png (287.98 KB,1268x1056,317:264,b2284b760a75bf22032687c1ea….png)


Fuck off magapede.

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File: 62eef032febd05f⋯.png (3.05 MB,1488x1488,1:1,Nazi Pepe Psychodelic.png)



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File: fed100daf49c26a⋯.jpg (41.87 KB,463x418,463:418,vrh.jpg)


Get ready to take irani dick chaim

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Or you could post literally one thing that this orange nigger has actually done to benefit Whites.

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File: 6d13607ed9efe51⋯.jpg (16.19 KB,195x259,195:259,73734t89qdchr82810192yrud.jpg)


P-p-please society tell me what to think and how to behave

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File: dc0980e351d95a7⋯.png (353.57 KB,658x460,329:230,ghtrhj.png)


Above Rushmore.

Brits are minions compared to the enemy that ZOG is. Sorry Washington.

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I'm voting for Trump.

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File: a49019964cd411f⋯.png (820 KB,1247x1166,1247:1166,best.png)

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Just when you think Trump couldn't disgrace himself any further…

>Trump ‘very disappointed’ Sweden won’t embrace American exceptionalism & release US rapper

>Trump has continued his charm offensive to get rapper A$AP Rocky (real name Rakim Mayers) sprung from the Swedish jail where he’s been held for weeks on charges of aggravated assault, insisting he will “personally vouch” for the rapper's bail – never mind that Sweden doesn't have a bail system.


What the fuck is wrong with guy?

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Please present a choice then, you independent snowflake?

Or fuck off to the wood and fuck dogs?

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File: ba0e1d5b142caf5⋯.jpg (140.26 KB,588x1024,147:256,pol ball.jpg)


>oy vei why aren't you having a race war right now goyim

>2016 wikileaks clip

IDF can do better than this.

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nu/pol/: the image

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File: b36efc261edb3d5⋯.jpg (155.64 KB,1536x1042,768:521,Trump Laughing MGM Logo.jpg)

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File: 3d3d168e8678d07⋯.jpg (164.51 KB,960x961,960:961,You Are Here.jpg)

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File: e6756d724b84c1a⋯.png (46.63 KB,645x592,645:592,4e080a3086b574fe72d5b494ba….png)



>no arguments

<just a laughing zionist billionaire

Wow, so based.

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barr's father is a crypto, retard






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Eisenhower was jewish

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>muh zionism

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>muh muh

Fuck off cohen

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File: e30a0b6828d8250⋯.jpg (440.23 KB,1200x1200,1:1,Politics.jpg)

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File: 70ae7d24fd27b15⋯.jpg (61.99 KB,454x720,227:360,Voting, The Slaves' Sugges….jpg)

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File: 25ad0a5425e06ce⋯.gif (98.9 KB,1072x424,134:53,rhg.gif)



Kek there it is again!

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>muh muh muh

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There's no need for a race war. Ending the government subsidies to jews and niggers is all that's needed. Only jews want a race war so they could flood China's borders with hordes of refugees from California containing plenty of spies.

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>being this delusional

r/t_D pls go

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File: 91bf252824d02dd⋯.jpeg (11.18 KB,310x162,155:81,trump before sex tapes bl….jpeg)


Not building the wall is least of his traitorous acts. He's covertly fighting wars in Syria and Venezuela, and then there's Duterte flatly stating that Trump asked him to start a war with China so the US can come to the Philipines rescue. Yesterday Europe agreed to start building up a united force that will eventually attack Iran and China.

All this to give agent Epstein a new name so he can never testify against the pedo pervert in chief. The guy's the worst president yet.

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The Iran war SHOULD happen because it means Iran will nuke Israel.

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iran doesn't have nukes yet, so unfortunately, israel is in the clear



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File: 484cd7529b82180⋯.png (308.04 KB,869x837,869:837,boltonhumiliated.png)

File: 438c78154457e98⋯.png (674.31 KB,1040x745,208:149,grg.png)


>Not building the wall is least of his traitorous acts.

He's faced resistance from every part of congress, courts sue him when he takes funds for the wall, but they're not the problem, Trump is? Get new material, IDF.

>rest of the post

Yes, Trump will start a war with Iran and the world, anytime now! lmao. EU is just getting angry Trump isn't doing shit so they're trying to trigger war on their own. Sad!

Before his 2nd term is over, he'll have negotiated an end to Afghan war too.

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>posts magapede spam

<Voting: the slave's suggestion box

Not sure if you see the irony.

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Iran has more than enough bombers and cannons to shell Israel.

The fact they haven't done it is because they feed off Israel.

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Slaves voted for shitler

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File: 6bf9c70fc54f7d7⋯.png (261.09 KB,419x518,419:518,Democracy Now! on Twitter_….png)

File: 66400e63bc93a40⋯.png (156.62 KB,416x409,416:409,Democracy Now! on Twitter_….png)

The guy is obviously not working for the American people any more.

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>The fact they haven't done it is because they feed off Israel.

LOL. Mossad regularly bombs Iranis in Syria and assassinates their scientists. Not to mention they get the west to choke them with sanctions, shooting the price for even medicine up in Iran exponentially.

Iran would have easily wiped Israel off the map by now if US were not standing in lockstep behind Israel.

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I thought Trump is anti-muslim? Suddenly the narrative is changed. Trump is now pro-muslim.


>Iran would have easily wiped Israel off the map by now if US were not standing in lockstep behind Israel.

If Iran could have easily wiped Israel off the map, then US wouldn't matter jackshit.

They say that they can glass Israel in 30 minutes, KEEP THAT PROMISE.

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Every meltdown just gets sweeter.

TRUMP 2020

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Yey strangely enough, since Trump met their King and MBS became the prince, and they nabbed Alwaleed shortly after, there hasn't been a single muslim terrorist bombing in the States. The frequency of all small scale terrorist attacks have gone down compared to Obama era. Could that be the reason why (((MSM))) began naming Saudis openly where they didn't before Trump? Could it be MBS is actually not funding salafism anymore? Interesting indeed.

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File: d6da663ddb63352⋯.png (16.36 KB,260x96,65:24,the_zognald.PNG)


(((You))) have to go back..

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File: 2a95fe11c756a1e⋯.jpg (410.72 KB,880x580,44:29,zion don.jpg)


(((Zion Don)))

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Communists belong on reddit.

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Reddit quarantined the_donald. Looks like they hate Trump, just like (((you)))!

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Never thought i'd see the day.

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Can someone explain. Trump said the report said there was no collusion and he was totally exonerated. The report didn't say that. Mueller testifies and says to refer to report about all the collusion and specifically says Trump was NOT exonerated, and refer to report of 10 instances of obstruction. Says he can't be indicted while president because of rules, but he can be indicted after his presidency.

So where's the winning? Does FOX "news" really shill that badly for trump that they completely ignore what was said? And are americans really that stupid that they believe them? Seriously, please explain.

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>The fact they haven't done it

…is because they don't control the intervening airspace and they fear american-israeli air defenses and the american reaction? because that makes more sense than your retarded drivel

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Everybody in Congress is obviously an idiot compared to you.

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File: a760f2cd73ecd9a⋯.jpg (971.64 KB,1199x3162,1199:3162,two sets.jpg)


Are you lost faggot? Resetera is that way.


Well they're all loyal to Israel. So if they are suddenly turning on Saudis, and the ZOG media is naming Saudis too, then something has changed.

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Retards like you who think Trump is still based after admitting he was pro-Israel before he became popular on /pol/ belong on Reddit. Based Trump fighting the ZOG by letting whites get replaced by spic subhumans and sending 38 billion dollars to Israel.


Quarantined for hating Muslims. We don't call a Zionist /ourguy/ just because they hate Muslims. The_Donald will use the excuse that Muslims hate disgusting fag sodomites to hate Muslims instead of addressing white replacement because if they mention white replacement they're a racist who breaks r/The_Donald's rules.

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There haven't been any muslim bombings for a lot longer than that, period. I don't think your examples have anything to do with anything. There's more terrorist attacks by white people anyway. And Trump is just more interested in keeping the funding going for the MIC, Israel, and making Iran a boogeyman for no reason. Well, the reason is because Israel told him to.

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File: cee7901fe2696f6⋯.png (55.24 KB,586x488,293:244,ZOG HATES HIM.PNG)


This is why (((they))) hate /ourguy/.

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File: 3e7b5c34abf1d02⋯.png (455.82 KB,895x716,5:4,latest tweet.PNG)


The (((ZOG))) still hates him. Promises not broken!

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File: e27d9fc632f1595⋯.jpg (783.36 KB,1536x1519,1536:1519,low support.jpg)


>Well, the reason is because Israel told him to.

And he is playing along enough short of actually green lighting war. When the entire Pentagon, Intelligence, all advisers are telling you Iran is at fault and we need war - what are you going to do? Say they're all wrong, and turn on Israel without proof when Evangelicals are also your biggest support base?

Trump's navigating the waters and so far has kept the neocons somewhat placated while also holding off on war. I do not think we will see any war instigated by Trump. But now that (((EU))) is trying to start shit with Iran, who knows.

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>We don't call a Zionist /ourguy/ just because they hate Muslims. The_Donald will use the excuse that Muslims hate disgusting fag sodomites to hate Muslims instead of addressing white replacement because if they mention white replacement they're a racist who breaks r/The_Donald's rules.

But muslims are also doing the white replacement?

Muslims are also pedo faggots?

Why do you defend muslim?


>There haven't been any muslim bombings for a lot longer than that, period. I don't think your examples have anything to do with anything. There's more terrorist attacks by white people anyway

Muslim shill detected.


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Shitposter.Club, FreeSpeechExtremist and SmugLo are all light on the censorship.

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It's not like (((those))) who advocate for mass-immigration and white-replacement are responsible for the (((wars))) that cause the invaders to come here. Funding terror groups and supporting mass-immigration is something Jews love to do.

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(((Trump))) supports the pro-Israel Muslim states that have legal paedophilia and faggotry. He hates the ones that don't. Why do you defend Trump?

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>Well they're all loyal to Israel.

Yeah, they're scumbags only worried about donations. But thinking those weapons won't be used to continue the illegal proxy wars and/or create false flags in Europe or America is naive. Trump is an evil dictator. Knowing his style he ordered a really big attack in Florida or Paris so he can go back to pooping on kids asap with his rapper friends.

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No, they don't.


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>(((Trump))) supports the pro-Israel Muslim states that have legal paedophilia and faggotry. He hates the ones that don't.

Wait, Trump supports Iran? I thought Trump hates Iran?

Iran literally has legal and free surgery for tranny?

Why isn't Trump pro-Iran yet?

Also, I don't defend Trump, I ask why do you support muslims?

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Ilhan Omar advocates for Muslims to come here by using war as an excuse instead of actually stopping war and sending them back to their home countries.

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Thus, even when she's anti-war, she's still pro-refugee.


It's not about jews, it's not about zionists, it's about the goddamn DEMOGRAPHICS.

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Iran executes pedos and faggots. Trump has used this to attack Iran before (after executing a rapist)

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File: f3de265120bf91b⋯.jpg (133.57 KB,1280x720,16:9,maxresdefault.jpg)


Then why are these pedo faggots walking Iran's street?

Shouldn't Trump be friend with Iran due to this?

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Paternal grandparents were Menonite, buried in Belle Springs River Brethren Cemetery. Maternal grandparents were Methodist, buried in Mount Pisgah UMC Cemetery. Where does Eisenhower get that jew blood from?

t. cousin

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>Trump is an evil dictator

Straight outta reddit.

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When she's anti-war it still won't effect America as well since the problem there is spic replacement mostly. Stopping immigration, it's causes, and getting rid of non-whites should be a number one priority. If Trump was against white replacement the only choice is forced birth control for non-whites and euthanization for non-whites that have already been born.


Iran only has the right for sexual reassignment surgery. Homosexual activity is still illegal (something that Zion Don wants to make legal everywhere).

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Great, four more years to prepare for the inevitable storm to come.

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File: 445a797fa0f70df⋯.jpg (19.92 KB,600x530,60:53,1529543758489.jpg)


>Absolutely phenomenal. Now here's hoping he steps it up in the 2nd term and actually declasses Dancing Israeli files…this all has to end with Israel being named as the No.1 enemy of the United States. I'm certain it will.

and rabbi jewsus will return!

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>Stopping immigration, it's causes, and getting rid of non-whites should be a number one priority.

Agreed, and neither Illhan Omar nor Trump want to stop immigration.

>If Trump was against white replacement the only choice is forced birth control for non-whites and euthanization for non-whites that have already been born.

DING DING DING, unfortunately, Illhan Omar and the rest of the kosher anti-zionist lefts are against this.

>Iran only has the right for sexual reassignment surgery. Homosexual activity is still illegal (something that Zion Don wants to make legal everywhere).

Actually, if Iran trannies are legally able to have sex with men because they are registered as women.

Zion Don should support Iran then.

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Transgender perversion is a minor problem in Iran. Zion Don hates Iran for executing the majority of fags and rapists. Trump supports Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabian royals have sex and hooker parties in the United States. Women get arrested in Saudi Arabia because they get raped.

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>Transgender perversion is a minor problem in Iran.

Says nobody but the goddamn Iran kid fuckers.

Fuck you, pedo faggots are walking in Iran and fucking men and children and you say it's a minor problem.

As said, why isn't Zion Don a friend of Iran over that?

>Trump supports Saudi Arabia and Saudi Arabian royals have sex and hooker parties in the United States. Women get arrested in Saudi Arabia because they get raped.

Surprise, America also has a bunch of iranian refugees who rape white women.

Why isn't Zion Don friend of Iran then?

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As I said before kid fuckers are executed in Iran and the Iranian refugees find refuge because they're persecuted for raping women.

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>As I said before kid fuckers are executed in Iran and the Iranian refugees find refuge because they're persecuted for raping women.

Which is why kid fuckers are walking on the street in Iran? >>13535887

You don't even make sense.

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File: 0bff3c4a4bbdab0⋯.mp4 (3.78 MB,1280x720,16:9,mnaNDvcjK1nDi7_IL-1.mp4)

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Nice fence. Now where's the wall?

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File: 09eedc74b2be208⋯.jpg (705.41 KB,1080x1922,540:961,20190726_024205.jpg)

æı тот [ще] werкт тнi§ Sнуте оцт веfœя q showed up ye ungræтful

Nazî ван§тîđs.

yü needed to know about that damnt congressional fukry and æı was in a fukn hurry.

>dont start what ye cant finish kids.

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File: a280bcb59374dbb⋯.png (412.28 KB,629x466,629:466,Laughing baby alligators.png)


I was thinking just thinking that. How can these shills honestly think they can get away with this BS?

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Because mods are kike-controlled subhumans or fedniggers. This site is a honeypot.

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File: 636f1164742cc97⋯.gif (2.8 MB,850x478,425:239,20190726_032312.gif)


æı am Иот уея иigger.

æı sey ıþ§ веiň вцîłт.

15к+ .мíł deployed to the s.вояđəř innaнн last ²jæняё… & мœ§т оvveм еиgìиēēřz.

łööк îт цр уея đamnț ıgňœřæит self…


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File: 0053320aa9b7d57⋯.jpg (51.78 KB,750x561,250:187,529538b169bedd71278acdbe-7….jpg)

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>ran doesn't have nukes yet

Patience… There isn't going to be another stuxnet to stop them.

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File: 261446505c8aae5⋯.png (66.98 KB,2400x2400,1:1,Being Monitored.png)


>everyone against trump is a shill

Unironically, yes.

What, you think we give a fuck if you changed your name again?

CtR, Shareblue, ADL, JIDF, whatever you call yourself, it doesn't matter. You always say the same shit, and it just keeps backfiring on you.

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That's a bot that spams images. Probably belongs to one of the mods.

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Shareblue was in 2016 or 2017 and they don't even pay anyone to do stuff on /pol/ anymore. Just like the discord trannies screenshot from 2017 you keep reusing old arguments to call people shills. It's very obvious at this point Trump is a Zionist Neocon shill who hates white people. Go back to the_zognald.

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Here is an example of a 2017 image being used. Owning the ZOG by sending 38 billion dollars to Israel and criminalizing anti-Semitism.

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Build a fence privately and make it 16ft tall.

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Then build that wall and realize illegal and legal immigration will not decrease at all.

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Jews overwhelmingly have a history of working within and without their host nations to destroy them. They invented or rather stole both terms dem/rep since before ww2 but Republican didn't get stolen until frank meyer. Neither term any longer have a connection to their origin definition, thereby destroying those definitions, which was the point.

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It's a set up. The media has a vested interest in keeping him around. Did you not notice the first somewhat favorable coverage popped up after he starting sucking Israel's dick even harder than usual?

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Paid shilling thread remains up.

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Hundreds of paid shilling posts. OP one and done. Thread still up.


>only jews say that jews should be killed

>never kill jews, goyim!

>not banned

>not deleted


>admitted Q-LARP shill

>not banned

>not deleted

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#BDS Schlomo.

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File: a6e8340f58540bf⋯.png (46.04 KB,1102x566,551:283,ClipboardImage.png)

ID: 75bfed is another response bot.

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File: 74cedf1667940cb⋯.jpg (88.29 KB,640x639,640:639,1825b555ba1ab9eb.jpg)

>CTRL+F "controlled opposition"

<no results

What happened to you, /pol/ ? Thought y'all wuz redpilled 'n' shyte.

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You still can't grasp how brightly you glow around here and why, can you spicspam?

Blow leaves, street dog.

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File: b5946b23e3a8e21⋯.png (530.88 KB,459x500,459:500,b5946b23e3a8e215ae73fb8743….png)



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This board has become just a shill battle royal.

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They all are. This place is a joke. This is all it takes to destroy simple conversations on surviving our genocide.


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File: f8d716e667861a1⋯.jpeg (11.04 KB,219x230,219:230,Kike.jpeg)


Nobody supported Trump on this board all through 2018

Kikes trying to back Trump in time for the election

Ignore and sage Trumpenkikes

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Shilling for or against Trump is so pointless. He basically has 2020 in the bag. All the shilling is unnecessary and just meant to disrupt the board from discussing real issues.

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>He basically has 2020 in the bag

He didn't even win the popular vote in 2016 against a candidate as hated by her own party as Clinton and that was with the hope he would actually do something. Its pretty funny to see how the rhetoric has flip flopped this election. In 2016 the only argument from Hilary supporters was at least shes not Trump now the only argument for Trump from his supporters is at least hes not Biden

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There's almost 0% chwnce of him losing. Shilling for and against is pointless

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>There's almost 0% chwnce of him losing

<Because I say so

compelling argument but I'm far from convinced

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He's definitely gonna get reelected. The pro and anti Trump shilling are clearly the same people just purposefully fucking up the board

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It's pretty clear he's gonna win again.


I think they're the same people to. Both sides always pop up to disrupt any conversations on real issues

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>He's definitely gonna get reelected


>It's pretty clear he's gonna win again.

Screen capped ill be here on election to salt mining when he losses

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I think even the left knows Trump is gonna be around till 2024. Doesn't matter who the president is our problems won't get better and demographic change won't get better. We know what need s to be done but we can't discuss it without these shills from all sides popping up out of nowhere. This board has been fucked for awhile.

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They're right though. Trump will be reelected. The left went crazy and blew their shot. I don't even think democrats are taking 2020 seriously anymore.

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File: 052626763358f46⋯.jpeg (648.99 KB,2233x1757,319:251,0984801B-DCF5-451C-A4E4-C….jpeg)

File: 38df64189b46d24⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,2521x1941,2521:1941,D5172D38-E426-4391-B595-1….jpeg)


>you’re a jew because you don’t support jews

Paid to post here. Literally copied and pasted posts in every fucking thread.



Paid to post here. Literally copied and pasted posts in every fucking thread.


>you’re imkikey because you DON’T support Trump

You might want to check what a post says before you reply.



>thinking that Trump has any chance of winning whatsoever

lol, this is 2020 as of right now. More and more states will join the national vote EV treason. There will be 270 EVs committed to the national vote before the 2020 election. Thereafter, no republican will ever win, ever again. Ever. Not that it matters, paid shills. Republicans are Democrats.

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They aren't taking it seriously. Even the shills have accepted Trump is most likely gonna win and they've shifted from "trying to control the narrative" to full on "sperg out and just disrupt the board at all costs"

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Look how quickly you think your crafted narrative is going to be accepted! In the span of 15 minutes, you went from “he’s probably going to win” to “he has already won and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I’d say you have balls, but you cut those off years ago.

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Its near impossible for him to lose 2020

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Democrats are saving their real contenders for 2024 when Trump's term is over

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I've noticed this too. They haven't had success controlling the narrative so now they're just going all out.

My favorite one is the guy who pops up to say "It's not the Jews it's Putin and the Russians"

I don't think I've ever seen the shills in such a frenzy as they have been lately.

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File: 0379b3febdb3989⋯.jpg (98.89 KB,640x645,128:129,0379b3febdb3989d8c083d8b99….jpg)


Smarter than your average shitposter.

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-Democrat Party Self Destructing

-2020 looking li,e a loss already for democrats

-Mueller crashed and burned

-Epstein arrested and a protective order pushed to build cases on others

-Declassified Documents show King Nigger asked GCHQ to spy on political rivals

-Durham probe launched

-AG Barr reinstates federal death penalty

-Trump's broken promises


That's only a few reasons some of the shills are freaking out

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>Muslim shill detected.

A shill is someone who argues for a side. I didn't argue for a side, I stated a fact. You're free to point out where my facts are wrong, but since you can't, your claim is baseless. Have a nice day.

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File: 5822087a64528cd⋯.png (482.45 KB,600x575,24:23,marshmuzzie.png)


My personal favorite, completely out of left field, and alway irrelvant, and totally backwards to anything this board stands for…


White Nationalism is the tool jews use to kill Whitey

White Genocide was the holocaust, our based kike brethren are the most Superior Whites in the World

That last campaign is simply retarded desperation fishing, looking for ANY attention to derail with.

It's almost funny if the implications of the end game weren't so severe.

They all gotta die now.


No, nigger, your blindly regurgitating mockingbird bullshit. You know this though. It's why you're here, nigger.

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>still no wall

>none of his promises have been kept

>backed down on tariffs

>backed down on deportations

>betrayed every single one of his supporters

>arrested and extradited Assange for no legitimate reason

>all of his big name supporters that got harassed and prosecuted by the feds are left without any help or support, but he'll help some random niggers that got arrested for breaking laws in other countries

>decriminalized many criminal niggers because a rapper and the daughter of a businessman asked him to

>gave billions to israel

>defends and cares about israel more than the US

>bump stock ban

>more gun control

>red flag laws


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^Example of the shill freak out

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We're stuck with Trump until 2024 and nothing will get better. Everyone knows what needs to be done but you idiots are so distracted by slide threads like this and shills derailing real threads 24/7. It's ridiculous

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File: 1774a52ce837aa6⋯.png (535.15 KB,500x591,500:591,spicspamnigger.png)


How pathetic are you?


Gaslighting? Cute.

Awwww, what's the matter, spicspam? You don't like it when your bullshit is so easily mocked for it's pure idiocy? Or are you actually trying to convince anyone here that what I posted isn't a fact?

You worthless nigger. You're too stupid to know how brightly you glow. Fucking spics.

Blow leaves, Jose.


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I'm voting for Trump but I'm not gonna shill for him.

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>I’m voting for white genocide

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So I should vote Democrat and accelerate white genocide even faster? Let me guess if we bring in more brown people even faster whites will rise up like they did when Europe was being flooded with shitskins?

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Because the alternative guarantees a White Ethnoglobe?

How about you just shut the fuck up. Trump is a hammer, and we will wield him until he no longer functions for his purpose.


We'll deal with Israel after you're extinct, faggot.

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Not as pathetic as a trumpnigger that ignores factually objective events to continue sucking off someone who's more concerned with Israel's wellbeing than any of his campaign promises.

What a surprise that you're the spammer that doesn't know what Aryan even means.

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Sorry about the double post but why is this thread still even up? This is Reddit tier

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File: 4f9042c70bc14f8⋯.jpg (36.07 KB,600x446,300:223,spicspamniggr.jpg)


THAT is your argument, beaner?!


Fuck you spic. You die with the rest of the subhumans who just can't leave Aryans alone.

You're fucked.

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ip hop. they forgot they left sage enabled.

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Because it was made by a mod. The (1) and done should be your indicator.

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you're not even american so why are you even posting?

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File: b89af831d2b81d5⋯.mp4 (335.64 KB,480x270,16:9,_to-hate-israel-is-to-hate….mp4)

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File: 4b66ea75def8112⋯.jpg (272.63 KB,511x877,511:877,Democrat or Republican, th….jpg)

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(((They))) Keep Winning!”

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Spam thread still up.

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>yet more false dichotomy spam


>still paid to shill the ZOG emperor

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Where does it say that Trump is a kike?

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File: c3f541dffb417d9⋯.jpg (352.47 KB,1300x1220,65:61,kikeshill.jpg)


>if i use sneaky kike goys will belive me

reminder that kikes reciving money for winning the internet arguments

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File: f1bc22cf08ff1c9⋯.jpg (352.47 KB,1300x1220,65:61,kikeshill.jpg)


>if i use sneaky kike goys will belive me

reminder that kikes reciving money for winning the internet arguments

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Donaldo Trumpo is really the best at sucking ziodick.

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>Trump shills

You're not even trying TRS

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Fuck off TRS kike you faggots ruined this board

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The only thing Trump is consistent on is being pro Jew.

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How if he didn't kill Assad, go to war with Iran, and arrest Epstein? You have to be good with Israel because that's how the game works retard.

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Lay off him. He gets paid to undermine Trump in this nest of conspiracy theorists.

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File: 392435c44665da6⋯.mp4 (8.19 MB,480x360,4:3,hitler responds to jewry.mp4)

File: 04539c26c755886⋯.png (505.65 KB,609x649,609:649,04539c26c755886a92c54a466f….png)


See if you can spot the difference between these two.

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Nigger you knew Trump liked Kikes from the beginning. Did you really think he was gonna round them up and gas them?

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No, I expect him to continue sucking circumcised cock and hasten the collapse of America. He's just another Reagan or Bush, put in there to give a glimmer of hope to the white population. But of course what they are really doing is holding out a carrot to the voters while giving as much of the country to Jewry they can get away with.

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>college brainwashing

the only people who actually think this have never been to college.

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Donald Trump will win the reelection in 2020, and it will spell the virtual end of the Democratic party as a political force in America. The good Lord only knows what will follow after that, but /pol/ surely can find some solace in the demise of the DNC at the hands of this man.

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File: 2b0350e281893eb⋯.jpg (996.99 KB,1500x2222,750:1111,MV5BMGViZWEwOGItMGZlMC00Yz….jpg)

Netflix recently released a documentary about the Cambridge Analytica scandal. And it just so conveniently happens to blame it for Trump's election and Brexit.

The scary part is that a friend of my younger brother actually had to watch this for a school assignment, and he isn't even american. Bluepills travel fast.

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File: 14f061896732b01⋯.jpg (61.87 KB,600x381,200:127,14f061896732b01bbc0c031430….jpg)

File: c05aae9c3f202ac⋯.jpeg (141.55 KB,1109x577,1109:577,c05aae9c3f202acba9019a642….jpeg)

File: a3620df385baa5c⋯.jpg (275.94 KB,1500x996,125:83,a3620df385baa5c5065e061b41….jpg)

File: 4fb92c82f34ea6e⋯.jpg (107.24 KB,622x775,622:775,4fb92c82f34ea6e116ff80bb78….jpg)


Who indeed?

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Your cunt queen lost, get over it faggot.

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why not run Hillary again?

after all she has 99.9% chance of winning and the popular vote

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