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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: be0e33bb1565a17⋯.png (522.92 KB,540x735,36:49,7c16f721355841ad2a236de.png)

 No.13531862 [View All]

Nothing (((they))) try against him works. All their MSM attempts to slander him have failed. FBI failed to take him down. They thought Mueller would surely finish him but looks like Mueller only made a joke out of himself today.

Meanwhile, even the boomers are waking up to media being the "enemy of the people" and the dangers of deep state, unaccountable government that has been ruling them for the last 30 years. He's destroyed any presence of the Bushes in GoP, and now by attacking the far left anti-zionists and energizing them among the Democratic base he's lighting the fire against the (((establishment))) of DNC too.

Absolutely phenomenal. Now here's hoping he steps it up in the 2nd term and actually declasses Dancing Israeli files…this all has to end with Israel being named as the No.1 enemy of the United States. I'm certain it will.

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File: 052626763358f46⋯.jpeg (648.99 KB,2233x1757,319:251,0984801B-DCF5-451C-A4E4-C….jpeg)

File: 38df64189b46d24⋯.jpeg (1.41 MB,2521x1941,2521:1941,D5172D38-E426-4391-B595-1….jpeg)


>you’re a jew because you don’t support jews

Paid to post here. Literally copied and pasted posts in every fucking thread.



Paid to post here. Literally copied and pasted posts in every fucking thread.


>you’re imkikey because you DON’T support Trump

You might want to check what a post says before you reply.



>thinking that Trump has any chance of winning whatsoever

lol, this is 2020 as of right now. More and more states will join the national vote EV treason. There will be 270 EVs committed to the national vote before the 2020 election. Thereafter, no republican will ever win, ever again. Ever. Not that it matters, paid shills. Republicans are Democrats.

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They aren't taking it seriously. Even the shills have accepted Trump is most likely gonna win and they've shifted from "trying to control the narrative" to full on "sperg out and just disrupt the board at all costs"

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Look how quickly you think your crafted narrative is going to be accepted! In the span of 15 minutes, you went from “he’s probably going to win” to “he has already won and there’s nothing you can do about it.” I’d say you have balls, but you cut those off years ago.

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Its near impossible for him to lose 2020

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Democrats are saving their real contenders for 2024 when Trump's term is over

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I've noticed this too. They haven't had success controlling the narrative so now they're just going all out.

My favorite one is the guy who pops up to say "It's not the Jews it's Putin and the Russians"

I don't think I've ever seen the shills in such a frenzy as they have been lately.

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File: 0379b3febdb3989⋯.jpg (98.89 KB,640x645,128:129,0379b3febdb3989d8c083d8b99….jpg)


Smarter than your average shitposter.

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-Democrat Party Self Destructing

-2020 looking li,e a loss already for democrats

-Mueller crashed and burned

-Epstein arrested and a protective order pushed to build cases on others

-Declassified Documents show King Nigger asked GCHQ to spy on political rivals

-Durham probe launched

-AG Barr reinstates federal death penalty

-Trump's broken promises


That's only a few reasons some of the shills are freaking out

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>Muslim shill detected.

A shill is someone who argues for a side. I didn't argue for a side, I stated a fact. You're free to point out where my facts are wrong, but since you can't, your claim is baseless. Have a nice day.

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File: 5822087a64528cd⋯.png (482.45 KB,600x575,24:23,marshmuzzie.png)


My personal favorite, completely out of left field, and alway irrelvant, and totally backwards to anything this board stands for…


White Nationalism is the tool jews use to kill Whitey

White Genocide was the holocaust, our based kike brethren are the most Superior Whites in the World

That last campaign is simply retarded desperation fishing, looking for ANY attention to derail with.

It's almost funny if the implications of the end game weren't so severe.

They all gotta die now.


No, nigger, your blindly regurgitating mockingbird bullshit. You know this though. It's why you're here, nigger.

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>still no wall

>none of his promises have been kept

>backed down on tariffs

>backed down on deportations

>betrayed every single one of his supporters

>arrested and extradited Assange for no legitimate reason

>all of his big name supporters that got harassed and prosecuted by the feds are left without any help or support, but he'll help some random niggers that got arrested for breaking laws in other countries

>decriminalized many criminal niggers because a rapper and the daughter of a businessman asked him to

>gave billions to israel

>defends and cares about israel more than the US

>bump stock ban

>more gun control

>red flag laws


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^Example of the shill freak out

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We're stuck with Trump until 2024 and nothing will get better. Everyone knows what needs to be done but you idiots are so distracted by slide threads like this and shills derailing real threads 24/7. It's ridiculous

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File: 1774a52ce837aa6⋯.png (535.15 KB,500x591,500:591,spicspamnigger.png)


How pathetic are you?


Gaslighting? Cute.

Awwww, what's the matter, spicspam? You don't like it when your bullshit is so easily mocked for it's pure idiocy? Or are you actually trying to convince anyone here that what I posted isn't a fact?

You worthless nigger. You're too stupid to know how brightly you glow. Fucking spics.

Blow leaves, Jose.


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I'm voting for Trump but I'm not gonna shill for him.

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>I’m voting for white genocide

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So I should vote Democrat and accelerate white genocide even faster? Let me guess if we bring in more brown people even faster whites will rise up like they did when Europe was being flooded with shitskins?

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Because the alternative guarantees a White Ethnoglobe?

How about you just shut the fuck up. Trump is a hammer, and we will wield him until he no longer functions for his purpose.


We'll deal with Israel after you're extinct, faggot.

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Not as pathetic as a trumpnigger that ignores factually objective events to continue sucking off someone who's more concerned with Israel's wellbeing than any of his campaign promises.

What a surprise that you're the spammer that doesn't know what Aryan even means.

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Sorry about the double post but why is this thread still even up? This is Reddit tier

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File: 4f9042c70bc14f8⋯.jpg (36.07 KB,600x446,300:223,spicspamniggr.jpg)


THAT is your argument, beaner?!


Fuck you spic. You die with the rest of the subhumans who just can't leave Aryans alone.

You're fucked.

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ip hop. they forgot they left sage enabled.

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Because it was made by a mod. The (1) and done should be your indicator.

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you're not even american so why are you even posting?

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File: b89af831d2b81d5⋯.mp4 (335.64 KB,480x270,16:9,_to-hate-israel-is-to-hate….mp4)

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File: 4b66ea75def8112⋯.jpg (272.63 KB,511x877,511:877,Democrat or Republican, th….jpg)

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(((They))) Keep Winning!”

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Spam thread still up.

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>yet more false dichotomy spam


>still paid to shill the ZOG emperor

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Where does it say that Trump is a kike?

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File: c3f541dffb417d9⋯.jpg (352.47 KB,1300x1220,65:61,kikeshill.jpg)


>if i use sneaky kike goys will belive me

reminder that kikes reciving money for winning the internet arguments

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File: f1bc22cf08ff1c9⋯.jpg (352.47 KB,1300x1220,65:61,kikeshill.jpg)


>if i use sneaky kike goys will belive me

reminder that kikes reciving money for winning the internet arguments

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Donaldo Trumpo is really the best at sucking ziodick.

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>Trump shills

You're not even trying TRS

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Fuck off TRS kike you faggots ruined this board

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The only thing Trump is consistent on is being pro Jew.

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How if he didn't kill Assad, go to war with Iran, and arrest Epstein? You have to be good with Israel because that's how the game works retard.

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Lay off him. He gets paid to undermine Trump in this nest of conspiracy theorists.

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File: 392435c44665da6⋯.mp4 (8.19 MB,480x360,4:3,hitler responds to jewry.mp4)

File: 04539c26c755886⋯.png (505.65 KB,609x649,609:649,04539c26c755886a92c54a466f….png)


See if you can spot the difference between these two.

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Nigger you knew Trump liked Kikes from the beginning. Did you really think he was gonna round them up and gas them?

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No, I expect him to continue sucking circumcised cock and hasten the collapse of America. He's just another Reagan or Bush, put in there to give a glimmer of hope to the white population. But of course what they are really doing is holding out a carrot to the voters while giving as much of the country to Jewry they can get away with.

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>college brainwashing

the only people who actually think this have never been to college.

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Donald Trump will win the reelection in 2020, and it will spell the virtual end of the Democratic party as a political force in America. The good Lord only knows what will follow after that, but /pol/ surely can find some solace in the demise of the DNC at the hands of this man.

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File: 2b0350e281893eb⋯.jpg (996.99 KB,1500x2222,750:1111,MV5BMGViZWEwOGItMGZlMC00Yz….jpg)

Netflix recently released a documentary about the Cambridge Analytica scandal. And it just so conveniently happens to blame it for Trump's election and Brexit.

The scary part is that a friend of my younger brother actually had to watch this for a school assignment, and he isn't even american. Bluepills travel fast.

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File: 14f061896732b01⋯.jpg (61.87 KB,600x381,200:127,14f061896732b01bbc0c031430….jpg)

File: c05aae9c3f202ac⋯.jpeg (141.55 KB,1109x577,1109:577,c05aae9c3f202acba9019a642….jpeg)

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File: 4fb92c82f34ea6e⋯.jpg (107.24 KB,622x775,622:775,4fb92c82f34ea6e116ff80bb78….jpg)


Who indeed?

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Your cunt queen lost, get over it faggot.

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why not run Hillary again?

after all she has 99.9% chance of winning and the popular vote

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