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File: 95fd32c17aefbfa⋯.png (892.88 KB,628x903,628:903,1563562503286.png)

 No.13528134 [Last50 Posts]


Repost from faggotchan but I think y'all need to see this


6 days ago:

>mcaffee goes dark


5 days ago:

>"Rusty Shackleford" starts posting drone videos of LSJ island to YouTube


>I have a lightbulb moment and realize Mcaffee is on a boat in the Caribbean and probably has a drone and definitely has the time to do this, since he's on the lam

>I google "rusty Shackleford john mcaffee" and this comes up:

Check out Rusty Shackleford (@RScrypto): https://twitter.com/RScrypto?s=09

do a little digging and obvious samefag is obvious

>an anon points out this tweet from mcaffee in April showing off his wife's new drone


I know he's an oil drilling MDPV addict but this is interesting netheless

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Videos of island





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File: 31c4a74a85ba053⋯.jpg (707 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-202110….jpg)

What a madman!!


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when the alphabet squad comes i hope he goes out on live stream taking as many with him as possible along with his haram of amazonian warriors.

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Nice find. There's Q LARP stuff in the description, and I couldn't believe that some Qcumber retard could do that. McAfee is the only person who makes sense.

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That's "harem", Anon. Not "haram".

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>Qtards are largely boomers

>McAfee a boomer

Checks out

Also I'm mobile posting, requesting a kind anon to webm the videos

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Mr. McAfee better fund or make a virus to fuck up the government kikes.

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Literal retards. Oildrilling cuckold McAfee was already captured by the feds Literally look at the fucking source twitter account you actual brainlets.

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File: 91acbadb18722a1⋯.jpg (965.54 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-202534….jpg)

File: a87f31b045d57ba⋯.jpg (1006.45 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-202606….jpg)

File: 4e435a20e007a20⋯.jpg (786.53 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-202723….jpg)

Golden statues removed from roof, air conditioning in disrepair, scaffolding inside…. looks like Epstein decommissioned the place before McAfee showed up.

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File: 9f24d8fc264b524⋯.png (374.85 KB,750x1334,375:667,1563921942825.png)

File: d79f264aac48d44⋯.png (48.71 KB,591x550,591:550,1563922788435.png)


No shit, look at the first post

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The dome was off after some storm, could still be repairs from that.

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I should scuba on the downwind side of the island and see what I can see

See if I can find a dome and shit

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Yeah, possibly.

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Mad Man

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File: 4665141e9a37fee⋯.jpg (113.82 KB,492x1024,123:256,1563920162680m.jpg)

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File: ab1a8b6590eb8bb⋯.jpg (135.05 KB,480x407,480:407,3799344-vercingetorix der ….jpg)

>not leading an assault on Capitol Hill

what a waste

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Holy shit this is a cheap ass larp.

Billionaire uses cheap laminate flooring and instead of having his temple built from blocks it's cement render badly painted. You literally couldn't do it any cheaper. That would be fucking embarrassing to take anyone to, and would be immediately obvious that you were fake and full of shit. A literal nigger with a cubic zirconium grill.

Getting played again. Theater.

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What's your take?

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It's a game, a distraction, a time sink, like Q.

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It's probably why the dome blew away in a storm. Literally just fell apart from a gust of wind.

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I think that's some kind of construction materials.

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The real shit has got to be underground. (((They))) worship a volcano demon after all.

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File: 51677a82992e126⋯.jpg (826.82 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-205605….jpg)

File: 7c2b0f28a30be4e⋯.jpg (652.44 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-205528….jpg)

File: db7f4d096481eed⋯.jpg (649.08 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-205449….jpg)

File: 9132c5110999324⋯.jpg (581.66 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-205436….jpg)

Moar close ups…

Bed or building supplies, anons?

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Hmmm explains the cheap building materials. Reminds me of anons trying to figure out who built it but almost seems home depot tier now

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not a bed. zoom in on the 2nd pic

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good theory though the island itself will serve nothing but a distraction from the air as all evil lairs do, you will get more with thermal imaging. And it does not matter who operates the drone, what matters is the plan for the images collected and perhaps I am wondering if that is part of getting ahead of the narrative.

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>seems home depot tier

You can see the rust stains on the wall from the nails holding the outside cladding together

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I see two mattresses on top. Like a king size bed

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>home depot tier now

Or a hollywood set, looks ok from a distance or panned shot, but up close, oh dear one wonders if they teach them how to color inside the lines at jewish schools.

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File: 18e23dfd41fb39e⋯.png (548.19 KB,1216x595,1216:595,ClipboardImage.png)

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I know if I was running a kidde dungeon with lots of little beds to bang kids on, I would definitely want to get the things to the incinerator before they got confiscated as evidence. Lotso semens on them there beds.

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File: 8079a8de756e9a7⋯.jpg (129.05 KB,755x379,755:379,epsterinbeds.jpg)

Looks like six mattresses in two piles of three. They must go through a lot of those

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I first thought it was 2 single mattresses on a queen base, but I think it could be a stack of 6 singles.

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File: f3b283d79a93bc2⋯.png (992.05 KB,623x829,623:829,ad40b4cea9e2ee1cfd09cff1f9….png)


I'm just saying if I were the type of nigger to be inclined to build a neo-babylonian rape temple on a private island, I wouldn't skimp on the construction costs. All things considered It really seems like the kind of thing you would splurge on to make nice as possible.

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lmfao based as fuck and antimalwarepilled

and of course there's a nigress with him

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Good catch

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File: 1efc2f1196b4e89⋯.jpg (1.23 MB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-211421….jpg)


Doesn't look like there's anything underground. The famous shack on the downslope of the temple's hill appears to be empty and stands alone (doesn't cut into the hill)

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File: 72ecf3b50bb1e7a⋯.jpg (823.11 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-211453….jpg)

File: c1239b5a91f5807⋯.jpg (813.59 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190723-211522….jpg)

Moar shed pics

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You can even see the concrete pad it’s built on

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wires coming out of side of hill and directly out of the ground. something using a lot of power underground. shack probably houses fusebox or something similar

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File: 48e4d76b8d23a5c⋯.jpg (945.86 KB,1936x2592,121:162,3f794d1a30df96230af6685907….jpg)


That looks like a generator shed.

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Lotta fucking cables for an empty shed… hmm….

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File: eb36b348f83ff41⋯.jpg (12.22 KB,185x315,37:63,yolocaust.jpg)



Now that was unexpected. How much money did this asshole put into construction again? I'm shocked at how shitty this place actually looks close up.

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File: 2dd7dde9436c571⋯.jpeg (58.57 KB,474x632,3:4,jewspy.jpeg)


I don't think for one second McCaffee is the good guy in all this.

I think he flew the drone and the footage to show certain people what was on that footage.

You'd have a hard time convincing me that a drugged out billionaire didn't partake in some of the sweet teen virgin puss that was floating around that island.

No fucking way!

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The "temple" looks like a jacuzzi.

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File: f0674b8e9342f67⋯.jpg (33.14 KB,380x240,19:12,I think you mean the _cf4….jpg)

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The temple on top is the distraction. Seems obvious due to it's shitty construction. The sex slave temple is underground, where it's naturally soundproofed and can't be spied on through open windows. Get footage of his underground temple and we start getting the good shit.

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the "temple" is probably just the entrance

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>its clear the drone photos are real

>they reveal new information not before known from satellite photos

>its a cheap piece of shit with a fake door painted on the front and a fake dome that blew off

The temple was the literal reason that most of us imagined it was a marble clad sex dungeon. It seems as though its sole purpose was to look good from satellite imagery.

Its clear it was never meant to host or be of use.

Was this meant to mislead us and distract us? Or was he trying to give off an air of prestige and enhance his own clout?

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File: c494f53e3fef4e1⋯.jpg (36.23 KB,328x499,328:499,5922ca2d197bb366cc649d725f….jpg)

Friendly reminder anons save everything in case feds start trying to scrub evidence.

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perhaps it was to be an illusion from far away

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And for gods sake update your archives more than once every six hours. you never know when them mods might "accidentally" delete the thread.

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If you were a rich jew involved in sex slavery and you got caught, wouldn't you want your underlings to start getting rid of evidence?

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No no anon,

it's because Q said something at some point i time that resembles something that was said by one of the anons cousins who posted in a thread related to the topic.

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If you are a billionaire you don't do faux, you spend as much as possible and write it off in taxes. Whether its a place to fuck kids or get a massage. And if you were fucking kids or getting a massage you wouldn't have seethrough glass.

This is thrown together. Fake as fuck, like the Kappy shit. A trail of breadcrumbs leading to nothing.

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It looks like some shitty flooring laid. I’m not seeing elevator infrastructure

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Yes I would, but the building itself is embarrassing, like the idea of some themed budget hotel in Hollywood.

I would be embarrassed to host someone at this location, especially high end clientele .

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Exactly, do you think it was meant to distract plebs or give himself an air of mystery among the elite class.

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File: f952b3a0bde3878⋯.jpg (46.05 KB,510x350,51:35,courtneyloveafter.jpg)


>Its clear it was never meant to host or be of use.

Alternatively, this may tie in to the whole "lying about being a billionaire" thing. It's possible that the island is legit and the penny pinching kike simply cut every corner possible to keep within whatever LARP stipend granted to him by his masters.

Also, on a tangentially related note, Courtney Love was on Epstein's flight roster. Which is surprising, considering the woman actually found a way to become even more disgusting in my eyes.

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Truly. I expected anything nicer than this

This is shit tier tbh

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>Yes I would, but the building itself is embarrassing, like the idea of some themed budget hotel in Hollywood.

Maybe it was just a movie set.

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Mad Mc is going to make stuxnet look like a fucking joke. Watch out, kikes.

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File: 07a7baa30158b7e⋯.jpg (24.97 KB,663x382,663:382,inconceivable disgust.jpg)


>like the idea of some themed budget hotel in Hollywood.

It honestly looks like an abandoned kebab restaurant up close.

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that she-beast absolutely killed Kurt

fucking cow

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File: df5873871bfce15⋯.png (1.17 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot (144).png)



wtf makes you think this shit is biult to code? You can clearly see a spiral stair case.

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It's masonic deception on the masses, MTV for the new millenium.

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>It turns out it really was a lumpy ass tennis court because he hired contractors from the parking lot of a home depot.

Probably not, but I'd laugh.

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Ahh yes , I do see the staircase

I don’t see the physical hardware for a massive hoist and counterweights and big cables and all that

Staircase yes , elevator not yet.

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It's possible that there's some sort of nigger rigged dumb waiter instead of an elevator proper.

Honestly it's hard for me to make out much past the scaffolding thanks to the window glare.

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This place looks like shit. Some billionaire.

Not that you need a fancy place to fuck children though.

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Sloppy fucking everything mossad

You disappoint me

Just some tacky jew extortionist helped by DoD and cia niggers

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File: a1ae2295a21fd45⋯.jpg (97.37 KB,620x572,155:143,6a00d834515f9b69e201a3fd05….jpg)


>Some billionaire.

Reminder that this total net worth at the time of arrest wasn't even half a billion. I think what we are seeing with this island is the "poor nigger buying fancy rims for his shitty car" phenomena extrapolated to a globalist supervillain scale.

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>You can clearly see


Did she? See his body did you? Promoted bands are all part of the same system. The documentaries, the mystery ensuring the never ending sales of an artist that went out in their prime, never losing favor by making a shit album. Yeah he probably is dead. But for sure it was planned by people far smarter than Courtney Cunt.


You can clearly see


Ahh yes

See this is the problem. No you fucking can't clearly see. It's just as likely a piece of cardboard tube with gold paint around it to resemble an ornate column, given the rest of it I'd say that's far more likely, but you can't clearly see fuck all, you fuckwits.

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>implying they wouldn't want to hide his assets

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File: 6f4bad3598e334a⋯.jpg (407.68 KB,799x1089,799:1089,Screenshot_20190723-185940.jpg)


>I would be embarrassed to host someone at this location, especially high end clientele .

Well look at Mr fancy here

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It looks like stairs to me , maybe not but it’s what that shit pic looks like

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>Jeffery Eggdick was a glorified concierge who lied about being a billionaire to add clout to his reputation

>Jeffery Eggdick is a genuine billionaire who has squirreled his assets away like the perfidious kike he is

Both theories are plausible to me.

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Not sure what you guys are expecting to see, he had world leaders over all the time. The victims told their story, there ya go.

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It's not easy to get quality building contractors to make your pedo sex dungeon on an island in the middle of nowhere. Especially ones that won't snitch.

Likely it was just meant to outwardly look like a jewish place of worship as a "muh six million" excuse for the building.

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the stairs are just next to the pole on the left.



whats with the obsession with elevators? Did you forget that stairs and ladders exist?

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File: 18edd642cba73c4⋯.jpg (103.09 KB,629x709,629:709,IMG_20190723_132943_036.jpg)

File: bc4478d184dc800⋯.jpg (210.39 KB,1193x1241,1193:1241,IMG_20190723_131815_557.jpg)

File: 4c6aa52f5c3f3d6⋯.jpg (185.21 KB,973x806,973:806,IMG_20190723_131810_861.jpg)

File: b91bd6235f280a9⋯.jpg (127.15 KB,850x750,17:15,IMG_20190723_131759_813.jpg)

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Jesus, the doors look like they're spray painted on.

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File: 03bff4a5c4275dd⋯.jpg (27.06 KB,436x280,109:70,Marquis de Shrug.jpg)



I made a single hypothetical statement. Calm down.


They are.

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Almost everything bought with stolen loot. The real issue is the Jewish judge and Jewish prosecutor @ rigged.

Also Barry Krischer needs to resign or whatever his name is

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yeah it's weird to kind of wonder where the LARP begins and ends with all this. Like how much the religious stuff has ever been taken seriously vS just being a practiced LARP to rope in dopes that have something they want.

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And initially this shitshack looked like an opulent babylonian temple. It isn't though. It's a shitshack.

Fake. How they portray what goes on in NK. Carboard cities for the cameras.

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Microwave Point to point facing 2 different places and a transmit/receive antenna for a 2 way radio repeater system.

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File: b70060b00827748⋯.png (348.74 KB,623x468,623:468,Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 1….png)


forgot pic

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>shit pic

Post your better pic then.

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>Rusty Shackleford

i thought this guy was a rizon pedo, self-declared homosexual and supporter/caller of the killstream

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t. McAfee himself

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Considering the fuck is a coalburner and is clearly promoting the racemixing agenda, I'm not surprised in the least. Why would a jungle fever faggot ever go against the jew?

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t. you using a vpn to larp

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doesn't take much thought to put together this puzzle.

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File: 07ae346dde8185d⋯.jpeg (192.48 KB,1470x1600,147:160,left.jpeg)

This is absolutely awesome. If journalism still existed, this would have been done years ago.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Maxwell's dad robbed investors

Epstein robbed investors, taking their pensions. The amount of wealth robbed by Jews has to be

beyond comprehension.

Trippy vid

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terrible pic. show some respect

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Found the boomer.

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Look up Ghislaine talking about a country (and she reaffirms she said country in case people misheard) comprising of the 64% of the worlds oceans that aren't under international law, but maritime law, she goes on to say that all the resources ie oil and diamonds and anything else found there belong to the people who can inhabit these places. Course you'll need to own one of these.


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Did that archer statue at the pool point toward the killing field?

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File: cb3fe77773ee5ba⋯.png (357.33 KB,714x300,119:50,Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 1….png)

File: fd4e8da19156860⋯.png (595.72 KB,677x529,677:529,Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 1….png)

File: 3eb5f6ab2fa49fc⋯.png (559.92 KB,765x426,255:142,Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 1….png)

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Don't forget Sir Philip Green, who happens to own a very big yacht.

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File: 45234c27d7aec5d⋯.gif (1.68 MB,400x212,100:53,Raptor jesus.gif)


This is neither the time nor the place. Take it to the religion cyclical.

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File: 47f8fd54ce44e9c⋯.png (198.77 KB,416x361,416:361,Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 1….png)

File: 53f58664c720dd9⋯.jpg (62.96 KB,640x454,320:227,Figure_1.jpg)

File: 030a24c2e229a1d⋯.jpg (144.26 KB,950x805,190:161,rope_bg.jpg)

Well here is your elevator. This weird building with a loading dock.

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File: 1ac67a97be34113⋯.jpg (9.43 KB,255x227,255:227,1ac67a97be3411308a34d51dad….jpg)


>third pic

Well, there's your underground entrance, I suppose.

God this place just looks trashier and trashier with each new photo. I'm a poorfag and I have higher standards than this.

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I have a question.

If the OP's pic is at all real and the CIA is hunting them.

How fucking incompetent are the CIA that they can't find a boat out in the ocean?

The ocean doesn't conceal fucking anything, except maybe submarines.

It's a boat. It's floating on top. It's just endless ocean around. They can EASILY find and track it and capture them. So why haven't they?

I know the CIA is filled with diversity hires these days, so, it's not entirely implausible that they are this incompetent and understaffed now. But for fucks sakes… they should have a helicopter following him around from a safe distance or some shit and people waiting to begin the negotiations from behind cover when he has to come to shore. Yeah he's armed but still. How are they having such a hard time capturing him?

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McAffee is likely controlled op or a usefull idiot MKUltra goofball.

Or maybe CIA diversity hires really can't catch a boat that's not a part of an israeli false flag. Who knows.

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It's always possible he's there to somehow jeopardize the case against Epstein, and with contaminated jury pools, have the case thrown out.

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You plebs have no understanding of diplomacy. Is it that hard to understand that a plethora of ideologies can unite under the common goal of eradicating kid fucking?

In a hierarchy of problems jews fucking white children is of more importance then billionaire fucking black chicks.

>antivirus man fucks black chicks

>antivirus man investigates jewish child pimp

>we must allow our greatest allies to bang our children or antivirus man wins

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It looks pretty nice to me. Although I like actual stone, wood, metal, etc. I hate linoleum.

In my parents manor there is linoleum in the kitchen and it looks like shit. Most of the mansion looks exactly like it is; insanely expensive oligarch royalty tier. The kitchen though… wtf were my parents thinking…

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>In a hierarchy of problems jews fucking white children is of more importance then billionaire fucking black chicks.

One creates permanently damaged adults with serious personal issues the other creates disgusting mongrels that go on to pollute the white race more.

If I had to beat one to death with a shovel and the other I get to execute with a single bullet clean and quick, one part of me wants to say I'd just beat them both to death with the shovel, but the other part of me says I'd just use the bullet on the closest one because I value efficiency and then I'd take out the other with the shovel or some other means as fast as possible and be done with it, then go shitpost about it on /pol/.

Still, racemixing is the worst evil. We can survive being raped as children and go on. We can't survive being born with mongrel genes.

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I bet there's miles of tunnels and weird shit under there.

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what with the fucking loading dock? i mean i see one truck but how big even is that island.

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>So why haven't they?

Because he posted a selfie from a boat that was probably 100 yards offshore and then promptly jumped on a cargo plane to….

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File: a0443e1be37dba1⋯.png (136.85 KB,355x277,355:277,Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 1….png)

File: 230010e1ad90765⋯.png (136.5 KB,295x295,1:1,Screenshot 2019-07-23 at 1….png)

The buildings all have P2P antennas on them. Likely for CCTV. Mcaffee should see if he can get on to that network.

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Erratic Behavior

Billions of dollars

Antisocial Behavior

Savior of humanity

One of those things feels a bit out of place

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If I had to guess it's probably for hauling supplies and materials from dock to on-site storage. I imagine being away from the mainland you'd want to buy shit by the pallet for convenience of shipping and storage.

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File: 9f6955faa2c3db8⋯.jpg (16.12 KB,400x333,400:333,9f6955faa2c3db889519d93758….jpg)


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>what with the fucking loading dock? How big?

Big enough for an airstrip. And if you have an airstrip, you need maintenance for air craft, and if you have vehicles on an island you need to get and store fuel, not to mention the generators which is probably what is on top of the building and also in what looks like an entrance to an underground base.Because they're noisy. And you will need staff to look after all this for you and somewhere for them to stay, which is probably what the other building that looks a bit like garages is. Also a water sanitation plant unless you're getting drums of drinking water which you would also need to store.

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this would be ideal

>See Jews never get punished for their crimes

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Hopefully these drone shots where just for reconnaissance and mcaffee is actually going to the island. If anyone has the balls to do that it is him.


>The dome was off after some storm, could still be repairs from that.

If it was made out of some metal like brass or copper the islandniggers might have taken it for scrap $$ as well as all the statues.

The workers and guards arnt going to be getting a paycheck now that the boss is in jail. I'll bet it wont be long before every foot of copper wiring and anything else of value is stripped from there.

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Yeah yeah yeah, everything, absolutely everything, is staged. Nothing real ever happens, you're alone in a world full of jewbots & Mossad. Amirite, fellow anon?

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You're talking to larping retards incapable of nuance. No, they don't understand diplomacy. They think every single nigger that stole their lunch money was a Mossad operation.


>Promoting an agenda

No, he's just a coalburning degenerate. He's not "promoting" anything you absolute faggot.

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File: 2b97ba94385b5db⋯.jpeg (856.42 KB,1440x960,3:2,DroneGun - French militar….jpeg)

have any of these retards heard of one of these

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Looks like its in the middle of renovations, look at the scaffolding

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the absolute madman, this is what he has going for all the time, to check out this island

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>have any of these retards heard of one of these

He's not a robot turbo-tard his face is just blurred out.

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For a drone gun to work, you'd need to be on the island, notice the drone, aim and fire. None of which is possible when you're busy eating gruel off the floor of a new york jail cell.

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File: ad04ff9c5c4c37e⋯.png (291.62 KB,320x297,320:297,statue.png)

what is this statue?

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oh c'mon, why hasn't /pol/ shooped a merchant nose on him yet? why didn't you, anon?

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File: 8dec0ef12d5a14e⋯.jpg (770.11 KB,1590x1830,53:61,marduk statue.jpg)

File: b18cd15faa6e1e1⋯.jpg (52.75 KB,320x486,160:243,Marduk.jpg)



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File: c5476033b2db626⋯.png (2.5 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot (145).png)


A Gorilla? Why in the middle of nowhere?

While we are at it, What is this statue? Its a hunter sure, but what does that mean?

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Any proof on the coordinates? McAfee could easily fake a cheap look alike

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>McAfee could easily fake a cheap look alike

Of the entire island?

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Now it's the more interesting pics.

The rest looks like some movie prop laid there.

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>Of the entire island?

Nothing a few million man hours and some earth movers couldn't handle.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I forgot link


it appears to have it's thumbs up, it's next to the beachhut with furniture

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no one gives a fuck

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File: 0adf398eb34881a⋯.png (3.98 MB,1920x1080,16:9,Screenshot (146).png)



better resolution

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>no one gives a fuck

Don't go shitting on our language just because your chimp mouth can't pronounce the words you dumb nigger

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File: 43db3f3cdbb449b⋯.png (191.3 KB,246x536,123:268,firemanclose.png)

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his face is turned to us and it looks like he had something in his right hand.

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File: 512c793ed5793b2⋯.jpg (256.61 KB,1200x1191,400:397,DuufxBNXcAAJdPA.jpg)

File: 5461f6573e864ca⋯.jpg (87.04 KB,770x1026,385:513,1648285-KBSIRZPJ-7.jpg)

File: d457bfa8a5a0cb6⋯.png (1.07 MB,640x691,640:691,gold-statue.png)

File: 3586ac205e74c6e⋯.jpg (18.57 KB,375x500,3:4,1648244-COYQBUEY-6.jpg)


Yeah I'm getting big time Marduk vibes from this asshole.

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that is a possibilty

ffs I was going to sleep here.. now I can't

and obviously he has a hat on, pants and a like a some "dress" of sorts over

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hey just curious… what language does everyone use these days?

ah that's right… ENGLISH (aka another white man's invention that everyone else has adopted for themselves)

no one cares about your shitty shit shit

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File: fc00cb6f8c2b231⋯.png (2.36 MB,1600x900,16:9,I've seen some shit.png)

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File: 6c048a687913f56⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image,8.67 KB,196x257,196:257,marduk-moar-liek-muh_dick.jpeg)




close, but not quite

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Can any floridanons fly a fucking drone there? Have none of you ever attempted this?

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>your shitty shit shit

You didn't have to be mean about it.

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Humanity is doomed

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>The greatest boomer who ever lived 

Dr. Pierce?

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File: f5c7cb02a821a25⋯.jpg (118.33 KB,600x586,300:293,jesus.jpg)

File: 6aeed612cc9b3ed⋯.png (99.37 KB,500x523,500:523,jesus1.png)

File: b84c7895ab7575b⋯.jpg (81.3 KB,500x472,125:118,jesus2.jpg)


>terrible pic. show some respect

you're right. which of these would you prefer?

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you are thinking like, I am browsing here too but not yet anything like it, I could just go

>there it is this

these reverse image search shit aren't that good yet either, as googlehomos are probably using most of their time to make it not show things that offend people. Yandex is giving me best results but not

>this is you statue

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Already in the 4th and 5th centuries synagogues were burned by Christians. Number of Jews slain unknown.

In the middle of the fourth century the first synagogue was destroyed on command of bishop Innocentius of Dertona in Northern Italy. The first synagogue known to have been burned down was near the river Euphrat, on command of the bishop of Kallinikon in the year 388. [DA450]

17. Council of Toledo 694: Jews were enslaved, their property confiscated, and their children forcibly baptized. [DA454]

The Bishop of Limoges (France) in 1010 had the cities' Jews, who would not convert to Christianity, expelled or killed. [DA453]

First Crusade: Thousands of Jews slaughtered 1096, maybe 12.000 total. Places: Worms 5/18/1096, Mainz 5/27/1096 (1100 persons), Cologne, Neuss, Altenahr, Wevelinghoven, Xanten, Moers, Dortmund, Kerpen, Trier, Metz, Regensburg, Prag and others (All locations Germany except Metz/France, Prag/Czech) [EJ]

Second Crusade: 1147. Several hundred Jews were slain in Ham, Sully, Carentan, and Rameru (all locations in France). [WW57]

Third Crusade: English Jewish communities sacked 1189/90. [DO40]

Fulda/Germany 1235: 34 Jewish men and women slain. [DO41]

1257, 1267: Jewish communities of London, Canterbury, Northampton, Lincoln, Cambridge, and others exterminated. [DO41]

1290 in Bohemian (Poland) allegedly 10,000 Jews killed. [DO41]

1337 Starting in Deggendorf/Germany a Jew-killing craze reaches 51 towns in Bavaria, Austria, Poland. [DO41]

1348 All Jews of Basel/Switzerland and Strasbourg/France (two thousand) burned. [DO41]

1349 In more than 350 towns in Germany all Jews murdered, mostly burned alive (in this one year more Jews were killed than Christians in 200 years of ancient Roman persecution of Christians). [DO42]

1389 In Prag 3,000 Jews were slaughtered. [DO42]

1391 Seville's Jews killed (Archbishop Martinez leading). 4,000 were slain, 25,000 sold as slaves. [DA454] Their identification was made easy by the brightly colored "badges of shame" that all jews above the age of ten had been forced to wear.

1492: In the year Columbus set sail to conquer a New World, more than 150,000 Jews were expelled from Spain, many died on their way: 6/30/1492. [MM470-476]

1648 Chmielnitzki massacres: In Poland about 200,000 Jews were slain. [DO43]

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File: 8ad6b789b22c5ff⋯.gif (1.14 MB,446x469,446:469,allthatshitbyyou.gif)


>kike is also a faggot

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File: 7ab52dc38c577e2⋯.jpg (192.05 KB,1400x931,200:133,hitgirl.jpg)

these kid fuckers need to be shot…

here's another vid that details hollywood's obsession with kid fucking.


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It’s Inanna-Ishtar

That Babylonian blood letting semitic shit

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File: 30220c46ea5aaac⋯.png (2.81 MB,1600x900,16:9,tennis court lol.png)

So here's a closeup of the so called tennis court area. Which does look flat after all.

If it were literally anywhere else in the world I would say those are dirt bike tracks, but knowing this kike they could be a bunch of half erased fringefag circles.

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so? every group has killed/expelled jews, probably even buddhists. also christians killing jews is internecine warfare: jewish sects have always murdered each other


>butthurt jew-god worshipper


there is seriously something wrong with all semitic religion, tbh

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Of course the temple is theatre, everything of interest is underground. They took 10 years to build a "tennis court", old aerial photos show a massive structure buried where the supposed "tennis court" was built.

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File: 5758c49fe5e9ab8⋯.png (1010.85 KB,971x493,971:493,eightpointed.png)

File: 4073c8878efb69f⋯.jpg (323.51 KB,1024x922,512:461,Kudurru_Melishipak_Louvre_….jpg)


> Inanna-Ishtar

The eight-pointed star was Inanna-Ishtar's most common symbol.[55][56] Here it is shown alongside the solar disk of her brother Shamash (Sumerian Utu) and the crescent moon of her father Sin (Sumerian Nanna) on a boundary stone of Meli-Shipak II, dating to the twelfth century BC.



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Why weren't Jews just exterminated?

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A stock pile of small mattresses

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File: 8993d7e822f8a0c⋯.jpg (48.85 KB,370x595,74:119,tree.jpg)


I'm no historian, but I do believe that the kabbalah was a Sumerian creation before it was co-opted by the jews.

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>Why weren't Jews just exterminated?

Our forefathers had so much fun removing the vermin they left a few for us.

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>crescent moon of her father Sin

brings new meaning to the work "sin" in theology, doesn't it?

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File: 84993d51d169b83⋯.png (31.09 KB,2000x2000,1:1,aktt.png)


>brings new meaning to the work "sin"

Technically it would be reverting back to the archaic meaning.

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meanings don't die; they transform. the point of the geneology is to show the hidden meaning or origins of a certain word or phrase. Look at the basic characteristics of Sin and compare to Shamash, and you might actually see the "archaic" meaning remains

tl'dr: saying don't sin means don't worship the moon god – even today

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Mainly, because they are right about the greed of goyim, we need a hobbit and a white wizard and their fellowship to cast the one kikel, one world currency, back into Mt. Doom, back into the depths of the mind of the kike bankers, from whence it came.

Essentially, Celts, Nords, Saxons must find something more meaningful than money and then return all the jew money to the jews and tell them any further intrusion will be considered fatal and met with fatal force in our defense.

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Etymonline.com Etymological Dictionary:

sin (n.)

Old English synn "moral wrongdoing, injury, mischief, enmity, feud, guilt, crime, offense against God, misdeed," from Proto-Germanic *sundiō "sin" (source also of Old Saxon sundia, Old Frisian sende, Middle Dutch sonde, Dutch zonde, German Sünde "sin, transgression, trespass, offense," extended forms), probably ultimately "it is true," i.e. "the sin is real" (compare Gothic sonjis, Old Norse sannr "true"), from PIE *snt-ya-, a collective form from *es-ont- "becoming," present participle of root *es- "to be."

The semantic development is via notion of "to be truly the one (who is guilty)," as in Old Norse phrase verð sannr at "be found guilty of," and the use of the phrase "it is being" in Hittite confessional formula. The same process probably yielded the Latin word sons (genitive sontis) "guilty, criminal" from present participle of sum, esse "to be, that which is." Some etymologists believe the Germanic word was an early borrowing directly from the Latin genitive. Also see sooth.

Sin-eater is attested from 1680s. To live in sin "cohabit without marriage" is from 1838; used earlier in a more general sense. Ice hockey slang sin bin "penalty box" is attested from 1950.

sin (v.)

Old English syngian "to commit sin, transgress, err," from synn (see sin (n.)); the form influenced by the noun. Compare Old Saxon sundion, Old Frisian sendigia, Middle Dutch sondighen, Dutch zondigen, Old High German sunteon, German sündigen "to sin." Form altered from Middle English sunigen by influence of the noun.

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So, they say it really comes from Latin and means "that which is" with an implied "guilty".

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Dog house for some of the children.

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That's a Xcaret-Pok-ta-Pok court.

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No the "Temple" is a shack. It's just a fake made to be distracting, like dangling keys. There's a cave entrance on the island. That's where the sick crimes are actually commited. That's where the sex slaves are. That's where the sex dungeon is.

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…I don't know what you're saying. perhaps you should actually do what i said and see what the characteristics are

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File: 221458c6761cd42⋯.jpg (3.56 KB,250x167,250:167,250px-CIA_Memorial_Wall_-_….jpg)


>when the alphabet squad comes

Go ahead, try it.

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Couldn't that just be a large area on the island where people could congregate outside, but out of line of sight from anyone off-island?

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File: 2bdaeb5bc5f4bb5⋯.jpg (12.62 KB,366x488,3:4,991c211b6b7b7d77b5e0526a2b….jpg)

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It's most likely an arena for children. Pedos would pit the kids against each other and then molest the losers.

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One thing's for sure: it ain't a fucking tennis court and empty plots of dirt do not take ten years to build.

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>that she-beast absolutely killed Kurt

She's a junky

He was a junky

Nothing of any value was lost.

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File: 7cec07e408c35d2⋯.png (17.67 KB,583x91,583:91,btw.png)


.. but I don't how credible he is, he seems so fucked…

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The shed is just left open? Seems fishy. Is this footage a psyop? They scrubbed the island, covered their tracks, and gave us this nothing burger? Or is it really just nothing?

Doesn't matter much for me, I'm just a sucker for a good mystery.

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File: a5c1dc9e01472a6⋯.png (1.43 MB,1194x502,597:251,ClipboardImage.png)

I've been thinking about this image for awhile.

Those doorways are strange. Each darker grey outline seems to be the original size of each opening. The white doors seem to be an afterthought, placed haphazardly in each opening. It seems so poorly thought out, and outright shitty. Maybe they needed extra storage, who knows.

The point is, the build quality of the above-ground structures reveals the perceived value of said buildings to the owner/users. If they don't care about that, what else is there to care about on the island EXCEPT hidden shit underground?

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Bruh. The pic in the post you're replying to is an example, referencing the pic he was replying to.

respectfully, lurk more.

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>gets called out on spelling

>is a little faggot about it :^)


This goes over the heads of half this thread. Oh eternal september.

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Cardboard tube lmao. Facts

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File: 5e438608eb44d44⋯.jpg (23.43 KB,164x345,164:345,statue other angle.JPG)


another angle of this

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File: 3dfcff77d7cab1b⋯.jpg (40.42 KB,715x730,143:146,idleinwindow.JPG)


Noticed something else, looking in a window, another idle

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seems its just used as a storage facility for scaffolding and spare mattresses for when used mattresses have to be burned on a count of evidence and such

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it also once meant "to miss your mark" or "to forget yourself"

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File: 94fe29b5cc424fc⋯.jpg (348.99 KB,595x395,119:79,Feuer (1).jpg)

File: ef9ae161413c511⋯.jpg (36.77 KB,300x132,25:11,20190723_223208.jpg)

File: 3bcf5747ad94bfb⋯.jpg (24.46 KB,388x212,97:53,r2tzamuoilj21.jpg)

File: 4b5308c2bb95f54⋯.jpg (210.85 KB,728x942,364:471,fbi-pedophile-symbols-1-72….jpg)

faggot mods wont let me post a thread

“Suspended Landscapes” embodies all the sense of awe and play that I showcase at Comet Ping Pong; fascinatingly, this work is really now a piece of public art!

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This island was the pinnacle of success.

As far as it was known in wealthy circles, you hadn't made it until you'd been to pedo island.

With that in mind, it's not unlikely to have a warehouse full of decorations, balloons, shit like that. Freezers full of food. Champagne, Fine wines. Etc.

That green mother fucker over to the right though, I believe that is an elevator system sticking up there. I think that goes down and I think there is an entire city underneath this shit.

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Or maybe it would raise a lot of aalrm bells if they wacked some crazy oil driller for flying a drone over the pedo island

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I'm just responding to draw attention to what the mods don't want seen.

We all in this together anon.

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Okay these images show me that Epstein isn't a real billionaire, he's just a con artist / operative who only gets shallow trappings of power and wealth. His island is fucking ghetto. That "temple" tells me all I need to know about this bum.

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he "only" has some few hundred millions I think it was, anons here knows the number

but he has indeed been lying about his shekels try to trick other rich jews into investing in him. I am really tired here, but he used to play a hotshot and claimed to them "I only work with a billion or more"

I haven't made a file for the new information regarding him

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what the actual fug tons of these assyrian, babylonian idols have wings on them. but that's a birds head?

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File: 93ffb7763e21d4c⋯.png (119.21 KB,1309x908,1309:908,Pizza2.png)

File: 947c1b33bf041eb⋯.jpg (126.57 KB,564x1132,141:283,Cy6lFLhXcAE_kIc.jpg)


epstein is a limited hangout to distract from the far more heinous occult child sacrifice and medical experimentation of PIZZAGATE

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whose to say they weren't killed off? Eipstein is a fucking pedo kike with ties to mossad. I don't think murder is morally below him, or anyone he works for/with.

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File: aa4663f5fb3dcfa⋯.jpg (62.19 KB,510x680,3:4,IMG_20190118_104447.jpg)


The other Twitter account doesn't have McAfee's autistic misspellings all over the place so I don't think it's him. Still the world's greatest boomer though

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Next step: ground sonar

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Yeah, everything seems like a movie plot, just a kike diversion to try to save face. And people are actually stupid enough to believe this.

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It is a gymnastic pose - balancing on arms, with legs pointing upwards + wings.

Reminds me of the statue outside the Hotel President Wilson, in Geneva near Rothschild street.

Sculpture and artist -


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destroying evidence as his prosecution dawned on him

cia trying to befriend mcafee who has some legit evidence produced there

mcafee got wind of the teardown at eppies island but who would be able to go there and document whats going on ?

only a small grouip of people with the resources to do so

mcafee is "ourguy" ?

obviously agencies maybe have the evidence but dont want to release because own narratives/plans prohibit

maybe they dont have it and want to get it from mcafee

good thing is mcafee went there and did what he did i hope he is truly righeous and does not fall out of any windows or down any staircases soon…

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>be "billionaire"

>build custom stuff on exposed island in the middle of ocean

>do not take into account effects of the nature surrounding

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>Pagan Satanic Larper Wignat

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no need for helicopters or operatives when you have sattelites and know the target wont get far

- boat

- ocean

+ harbors

+ fuel quantity

for a start

have minmax operation range calculated

encircle target with estimate zone of minmax effective operation range

estimate additional resources for target



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honestly all those above ground structures look like "normal" utility structures, except the decoration.

no structure looks like occupational structures e.g. a villa or vacation homes.

yet the utility structures are dressed to look like such.

those doors they ( if real) are always closed , but they look like they are supposed to be open all the time to have lots of light and fresh clean air inside.

its a deception.

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Don't forget this guy would need: a power plant/generator big enough to power all the buildings, fresh water maker, sewage facilities, garbage facilities, storage, items for his private runway, fuel storage…. a lot of utility buildings.

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<You literally couldn't do it any cheaper.

>He forgot that Epstein is a jew

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step out of it sperg and open your mind.

discard the close minded way of thinking.

think out of the box.

in reality you know nothing yet you believe to know something

he might follow jewish belief , he might be born into a jewish belief, he might also be someone else you dont know anything about him for sure

only information which has been fed to you by others.

open your mind.

leave your shackles behind.

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definitely power is a good point

nuclear , solar and wind seem out of the question somewhere a large diesel/fuel tank structure has to be or was concealed.


all what counts are actions and consequences

he went there

he made the footage

he ensured it was released

to be continued.

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It is painted on and it’s painted to look like it’s locked from the outside. It’s probably the typical kind of symbolism these sick fucks get off on.

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File: c1da3a638e6a725⋯.jpg (311.85 KB,1080x861,360:287,Recent uploads.jpg)

Rusty Shackleford is still at the island!! He posted 2 more videos just hours ago.

Can we get word to him with requests?

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File: 1be49e0e4948e62⋯.png (361.92 KB,454x404,227:202,9BB479D0-36BA-4674-87CD-AB….png)


Cement floors could be on purpose. Notice the USG Durock panels on the left. Could have been a shower/wash/slaughter room. Bed is over the drain.

Rich people don’t put beds in the corner of the room. Poor people do that because they don’t have space. Rich people also don’t have one weird ass pillow that is obviously just a sack of something, or scaffolding with a hole in it indoors

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It's a kike, what do you expect?

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An enemy of my enemy is by default not my friend, but he can be a tool with which I can benefit. Therefore if we must be involved, McAffee is the side to pick.

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Tell that to my blonde haired, blue-eyed relative who was raped as a kid and then killed themselves at age 15

Peak 70 IQ idiot with no complex thought

Pedos get the rope first always. Mentally damaging white kids forever creates a far more horrible society than anything a small percentage of racemixing can do. Plus sexual abuse happens more often than racemixing, and kids are coping through drugs, suicide and/or buying into the gay/trans jew. What good is that? They don’t have a chance to have kids.

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If Jews were capable of building Babylon or Rome, they would have done so. Instead, they hate everything that is beautiful and are pathologically incapable of being anything but parasites. A temple built by Jews will be cheap, ugly, and unappealing. That isn't surprising. Even when they try and imitate us for occult or symbolic reasons, it's still a visibly cheap, shoddy, low-quality knock-off.

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Hello Rusty. No views for you. but thanks.

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File: e646dc2767333c3⋯.jpg (332.29 KB,600x862,300:431,jewish bauhaus.jpg)


This is a pathetic excuse for reasoning that they couldn't build of hire people to build that blue and white painted shack using proper materials. It's a mock up.

That aside it did make me search for jewish architecture, they appear to be absorbed with bauhaus brutalist architecture, reflective of their cold chaotic psyche. You will see that all the ugly new public buildings are their design. They still require thought and planning and then clicking on the compile materials button in the cad program.

Thought I'd include this pic, mostly because you can see graffiti in the bottom right that says TRS and it's in Tel Aviv which made me kek.

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Really? You guys expect a Jew to actually spend money?

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File: cf299bda39a6e83⋯.jpg (743.83 KB,1080x2136,45:89,Victor_Enrich.jpg)


Artwork by Victor Enrich if anyone is wondering

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File: d132fc7127dbd4c⋯.jpg (901.99 KB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190724-070715….jpg)

File: 4a54215511da8b3⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190724-070729….jpg)

File: f990c7d27dc77f9⋯.jpg (1.07 MB,2220x1080,37:18,Screenshot_20190724-070748….jpg)

Thoughts on these ditches? Landscaping/maintenance only or is it related to something underground?

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I just hope he or someone else would do the Zorro ranch before they start rebuilding that as well.

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The bottom one notice how they try to insinuate the hotel redesign has something to do with jellyfish rather than being a giant advert for Mcdonalds fries, which happens to be at the base of the building.

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File: 3de1d71a080a514⋯.png (2.68 MB,1920x1066,960:533,SPERGISM.677.798.697.png)



(pic related)

lower right corner red doublecicles exhausts (diesel generators) building connected most likely powerhouse, fuel storage ( see projected structures ) red cicrle seems to be fuel pipeline

mostlikely connected to underground fuel storage.

rooftop of structure has most likely manhole cover , underneath possibility of fuel intake for fuel truck.

building has orange/yellow spotlight for visual alarm (power emergency ?) connected to highpoint.


yellow structure size in comparrison zoomed view shows ATV parked in front of fake door

probably storage building for supplies food etc. ( a lot of a/c on the top )

lightblue building has odd outdoor toilet sitting ontop of grating, grating inserted into high grade tarmac concrete structure.

drain pipe of said outdoor toiled is lead underground.

building has directional antenna(e) ?

pointing at darkblue communications tower (?)?

all buildings have connection to main grid

not whos here but in the drone footage there are cables led along trees , (maintanance) hatches installed into the porch of the lightblue building.

so much

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Oh thank god, finally. Leave and take your pets California.

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my guess its a filled up foundation of a torn down structure.

filled up with natural soil .

would expialn the rectangular boundary as well as the interior surface behaving differently from the exterior.

probably the interoir sand/earth settled due to exposure to rain and general weather…

fortification would explain why the surrounding area seems so untouched by erosion…

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File: 5a6eaae8ab3213d⋯.jpg (243.49 KB,750x728,375:364,5a6eaae8ab3213d1f66344fb19….jpg)


>"I will continue to be dark"

>posts a pic with a niggress

my sides

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California is darker than a pile of turds.

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Whites pretending like they don't go out at night.

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File: dbc6f7bdbc41a68⋯.png (340.73 KB,1080x1920,9:16,Screenshot_20190724-095654.png)


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Construction scaffold.. Bed still has plastic sheet/cover. Windows still have plastic labels. Unless he's been clearing house (I would've just emptied the entire fucking room to be honest, so why there's a fucking scaffold and wires in there either tells me that they're in the middle of it, and opposed to hauling ass they seem to be moving pretty fucking slow if they are, and that still doesn't answer the labels shit etc). Doubt he ever really went inside, I'd say the entire building is essentially just a gigantic lure to ensure that anyone who even glances at the island has their focus remain on such an alien looking structure, when in reality, it's rather bogstandard from the inside. This is after the allegations though, but I still don't think any of the major kike pedo shit would've been done there.

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>fucking red dot

>not an 8x

djyeah bro tacticool

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That is my impression as well. Nothing will come of this except our time. While simpletons are agonizing over this men should be preparing for

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What's with niggerbrained retards and normalfags acting like Pizzagate is a separate issue? A global pedo ring is a global pedo ring.


What the fuck is this abomination? People are expected to work or reside in this ridiculous, melting trash heap?



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Yeah MaAfee's personal choices and life are abysmal but he is correct on many other issues. So he wants to end his genetic line, how is that different than 50% of the faggots on /pol/ who want to fuck bug people and destroy their heritage as well. It is his right to destroy his genetic heritage by fucking apes at this point. With ETHNOGLOBE this will not be a problem in the future.

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Looks cool.

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>Well here is your elevator.

I remember the diagrams of the "temple elevator" just like this retarded post. Bring billionaire pedos to a luxury island in the middle of nowhere to fuck kids, then escort them to the shittiest building in the maintenance area of the island to get to the lair. I'm constantly wondering if so many of you are this retarded, or if there are this many JDIFaggots trying to derail actual logic.

There is no elevator. The underground area might be one story "underground" but thats it. Think about how soon until you hit water when digging on this island? And look at the elevation levels of the island. The underground area is going to be above sea level, and built over. Maybe one staircase down, but more realistically a tunnel straight into the hills.

This building is most Kikley where the main power and ventilation systems are held and maintained.

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jew would think that

it’s fucking atrocious

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>Literal Q larp

When is summer finally going to end?

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>I know he's an oil drilling MDPV addict but this is interesting netheless

The guy hates the US Federal government and just wants to make and use his "perv powder" and fuck. They decided they didn't like that and have been on his ass since.

His old posts on bluelight about the journey to re-creating MDPV are more rather interesting as well.

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File: cc19030a026b32a⋯.jpg (74.02 KB,917x758,917:758,coincidence.jpg)


>Pedos don't real

He is in a new york jail cell. This actually happened. Try harder, kike.

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File: c1b8e2e268f228e⋯.png (650.44 KB,1500x1000,3:2,cuckchan kit.png)


>"Pedos don't real"

>wojack image

>soy wojack image

So, Q larpers are literal retards, and cuckchanners?

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>lightblue building has odd outdoor toilet sitting ontop of grating, grating inserted into high grade tarmac concrete structure.


>drain pipe of said outdoor toiled is lead underground.


>building has directional antenna(e) ?


>pointing at darkblue communications tower (?)?

I suspect the blue building in the center to be the security/monitoring house. On top of the communications points you noted, one video has a shot close to the building's windows, and shows some kind of control board lit up.

The toilet is just a toilet. Once was inside, then was replaced. The old one tossed there, out of the way, to be collected later. All sorts of other little things in the video point to this sort of laziness/ inability to keep up with all the small maintenance jobs.

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did anyone check heat maps from health trackers for data on this island of hell?

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looks like godzilla

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Nigger, take your lazy shill bullshit, and go find a hole to jerk off in. Fuck, this place is a joke now. They don't even bother taking their derailing seriously.

What an insult.

When do we start killing our enemies instead of suffering this bullshit for another moment?

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File: 001d6c1fc2d1af0⋯.png (140.12 KB,736x250,368:125,cuckchan pol01.png)


>posts wojack

>changes IP


Don't let the door hit you on the way out

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If i was epstine, i would have do my best to make anything incriminating disappear from day one.

I think the mcfee is late. And it could be worse, especially if conveniently turns out there's nothing to see.

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File: cca8b0c56d4f474⋯.jpg (65.06 KB,500x713,500:713,cca8b0c56d4f474b8f77892a08….jpg)


>changes IP

It may shock you to discover that more than one person sees you for what you are.

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>i dislike x

>therefor I like y

Nigger are you fucking dense?

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File: 167f51def9020e3⋯.png (72.73 KB,578x625,578:625,IMG_9278.PNG)

They got him


If he did find anything any evidence will be taken away now.

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File: 5ffc6cfe28da245⋯.jpg (69.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,62f09d60a2e6c2b5e4d8d47a75….jpg)


RIP Oil Drilling Meth Pirate

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File: b376c0c954db5c9⋯.jpg (160.07 KB,500x511,500:511,eat-shit-asshole-fall-off-….jpg)


Also, don't be faggots.

Archive the shit out of his youtube page while you still can.

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>graffiti in the bottom right that says TRS

What's TRS? Can't find anything related.

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File: cd3d5c583c9dc39⋯.png (148.82 KB,850x747,850:747,what the fuck is this shit.png)



>IP shows boomer posting up the anus

Why do we tolerate Q boomers here?

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File: e8e5873a851dbd4⋯.jpg (15.56 KB,480x360,4:3,e8e5873a851dbd471d7ff9ff56….jpg)


>Q boomers


God this Q faggotry was the best thing to happen to you glowniggers, wasn't it?

"Conspiracy Theorist" was starting to lose it's edge as a killshot word, after all, and you have a lot of uncomfortable conversations to shut down.

Fuck President Kushner, fuck Q, fuck the FBI and fuck you. You pedophile enabling kike fuckbag.

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>Do I fit in yet, guise?

No, you don't. How about you go back to /qlarp/ or 4/pol/, where you're clearly from? you're not fooling anybody

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File: a33928037a3f6eb⋯.jpg (110.32 KB,960x960,1:1,IMG_20190625_210433A.jpg)


>le greentext pilpul

You're gonna have to try a lot harder than this.

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The source of newfags like you.

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because Epstein's global pedo ring paid teenage girls for massages.

Nxivm, Clinton, Alefantis, etc were raping, torturing, and murdering kids

It's not "1 global pedo ring". It's competing global pedo rings you utter RETARD

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You believe these Jews fucks, they say they won.

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Eat my shit.

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File: ab78b7afd8277eb⋯.png (71.02 KB,500x503,500:503,good night.png)



>no counter argument

>uses a whole world salad of buzzwords in his last post

>every image he posts is from "how to fit in around chans" folder that he keeps around

>clearly not from around here

>batshit insane conspiracy theorist, calls anyone who tells him so a "glownigger", which just makes him look even more insane

You're a boomer who found out about /8pol/ from your favorite twitter "truther", and regularly browse 4chan, yet you pretend you're an "oldfag" here. You're about as transparent as you can get, I said it once, I will say it again, you're not from around here, and you will never fit in, go take it back to /qlarp/ or 4/pol/, where this kind of garbage belongs

and while you're at it, get a heart attack already, you god damn boomer. absolutely nobody will cry for you when you die

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Q LARPers have literally elevated Epstein's fellow kid-fuckers to messianic status, both the ZOG Emperor and Alan Dershowtiz, who is part of the fictional Q-Team.

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File: 01c99fb8b417edd⋯.jpg (99.78 KB,1024x640,8:5,kapparot.jpg)


>because Epstein's global pedo ring paid teenage girls for massages.

>Oi vey Jeffy Boi Dindu Nuffin

The fuck kind of PR post is this supposed to be. It's almost 8pm in tel aviv, why are you still in the office.


Are they really kissing Alan Dershowitz ass over there? Are you shitting me?

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>everybody I don't like is a kike

Yes, hello to you too, fellow channer

This is the most transparent Q nigger I have ever seen in my entire life

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File: 879943ff6d269f2⋯.jpg (61.26 KB,916x650,458:325,Q Dershowitz.jpg)


I don't know how far the actual Qcumbers go with him, but him being part of the "storm" or whatever is part of the Q mythology.

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File: 8d2c162ad350530⋯.png (227.91 KB,760x460,38:23,QLARP dershowitz2.png)

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so, Q niggers are worshipping kikes now?

I've been saying this the other day, trump supporters think there is "Good Jews" and "Bad Jews", israel being the "Good jews" of course

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File: c50466d12e4c748⋯.jpg (93.48 KB,1275x720,85:48,TheyGotRusty.jpg)


Rusty…. no, say it ain't so! They got Rusty!!!

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File: 44a6359bd6a5499⋯.png (1.2 MB,940x505,188:101,fueltank.png)

File: 198d9dd57fc0724⋯.png (772.08 KB,771x466,771:466,fghlkfg.png)

I wonder how much it costs just running the generator on this island pr day..

just thinking a simple boat generator on much they actually use if you you just need a bit of wattage

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The "bad jews" aren't even jews to them, like Soros is a "Nazi".

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File: 1100804df7cdcf4⋯.jpg (323.48 KB,1435x1075,287:215,Q predicted this.jpg)



Jesus Christ. Someone should have taught these boomers how to play videogames so they could obsess over something harmless like keeping their warcraft gear up to date setting Sims neighborhoods on fire or something. These people are dangerous.

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File: 9e3a24a4ebc5cb2⋯.jpg (62.24 KB,300x300,1:1,disgusted.jpg)


Good find. May just start lurking cuckchan from now on since the cancer isn't much different, but more gets discussed.


That bed looks like a child's bed.


>nothing to see here

>you should only focus on his oildrilling muh fellow h'white man

kikes, ladies and gentleanons…

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pretty much, trump niggers are our enemies as much as the left is


>I might go (back) to cuckchan, guise!

>everybody I don't like is a kike

I think you will fit in just fine back there, don't bother coming back


maybe reddit is more your speed, jesus christ

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Epstein is a Pedophile Pawn. He is being sacrificed so the elite don't have to reveal they are kidnapping children for STEM CELLS, BLOOD, AND BONE MARROW

A jew doesn't work overtime retard. try harder.

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were you not paying attention? one killed a mob boss the other day

It would be interesting if they could be reprogrammed to attack kikes and nonwhites, their minds are clearly gone, and I doubt they ever had any sort of free will to begin with, but no point in wasting a good opportunity, if you ask me

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Quick reminder that these SERIAL CHILD RAPISTS are allowed to post here and the moderation and website ownership does absolutely nothing about it.

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No one will miss you. You've done nothing.

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we shouldn't be celebrating death, but rather pray for their conversion and leave the judgement up to God. remember

love your enemies

hate the enemies of God

destroy the enemies of your country

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>everyone that proves my larp wrong is a "insert whatever group Q is made a post about last week here"

how about you fuck off back to your containment board?


same goes for you, christcuck

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>anyone exposing Epstein is part of Q-LARP


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>doubles down on calling me a kike when called out

yeah, you're totally not insane or anything

if you're not from /qlarp/, then go back to where you came from, you're clearly not from around here, you dumb fuck

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Your attempts at outgrouping are pathetic. Technically, I came from there when the first exodus to this place occurred. So while the statement would technically be correct, the premise you present is factually incorrect.

>if I focus on one word, and not the entire statement, my attempts at claiming the anon is an outsider will be more credible



>projection of my own uselessness

Killing yourself would serve a better purpose, truthfully.

polite saging for being offtopic.

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>tick tock, kikel

wow, you do belong back on reddit, where you came from, you're right

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>anyone exposing Epstein is part of Q-LARP


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Go back to 4um. You love it so much. We won't miss you.

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>anyone who exposes me for an outsider/batshit insane boomer is *whoever Q told me to hunt down and kill this week*

Yes, I said once already in this thread, now you're proving me right again, but I think in your case, your senile boomer brain already forgot it made a post similar to this one in this very thread, not too long ago

I suggest going back to /qlarp/, where people like you belong

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>anyone exposing Epstein is part of Q-LARP


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File: ab5937ff0fa7c08⋯.jpg (114.72 KB,1024x837,1024:837,boomer time.jpg)


this is the third time you have posted the same thing, which means you have nothing to "prove" here. you're mentally ill, and you will believe in anything that Q larp will tell you, then respond like an NPC by "Screeching" at *insert boogeyman Q warned me about* if they call you out on your shit

I think you're doing a good job proving that anyone who is actually, unironically, believing in OPs posts is an alex jones viewer, or might as well be, with your IQ level

Now take your meds, boomer. You clearly didn't take them this morning, and it shows. Nobody will have an actual conversation with you now, not that you had anything insightful to say to begin with

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File: c94321f24753030⋯.png (1.64 MB,1046x5456,523:2728,SecretFederalReserveBailou….png)

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what, you're not going to shit yourself and scream about how much of a YID I am? That's a pity

Your posts seem on the level, but I still think this is a waste of time. Rich kike has dark secrets on his personal island, big deal, like you're going to stop him. If you find dirt on him, it's not like anyone will care, and the Q boomers that will post about it on twitter will just get "fact checked" and the whole thing will get memoryholed before you know it. It's best to focus your time on things that actually matter, to be honest

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>Letting anything get memory holed


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>anyone exposing Epstein is part of Q-LARP


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He's a child rapist. He's paid to post here.

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File: 54768b32d7057e9⋯.png (152.28 KB,932x857,932:857,b69bad133d99899445f8278dff….png)


>The myth of Jewish Omnipotence

He was caught with his egg shaped dick in his hand. The only power moves you're seeing from the kikes at large are of the "crisis mitigation" variety.

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File: eb40cb207105c23⋯.jpeg (48.66 KB,500x307,500:307,h7477fae7.jpeg)


Nice try.

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could be a basic hydraulic freight lift. no need for counterweights or a shaft

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>He was caught with his egg shaped dick in his hand. The only power moves you're seeing from the kikes at large are of the "crisis mitigation" variety

No shit sherlock, crisis mitigation by re-convicting a guy who was revealed to be a Pedo…

a full 10 years b4 pizzagate disclosure.

how is any of the Epstein evidence new? they are just convicting a kike they let go free

alefantis is far more important in the global pedo cabal than epstein

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The temple is a mindfuck, The hidden underground will be closer to the dock/grotto area, where it looks like some type of grandstand has been built facing the oceans. Look for 2 birds perched below, almost like gargoyles guarding the entrance. All services, and potential hidden access points near the heli pad and dock are nearby. Not even the richest stupidest nigger would put the underground lair furthest possible spot away from services & hidden access for their special guests. Too much money, too much risk.

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File: 3426fda06b2723b⋯.jpg (969.91 KB,1080x1767,360:589,Screenshot_20190502-010756….jpg)


>alefantis is far more important in the global pedo cabal than epstein

Way too much heat on Alefantis now, but I'll leave you with this…..

Try looking at "Sizzle Pie" and the suspicious white warehouse behind one of their locations in Washington state. Then look at where their other locations are, they're growth, businesses/community groups that surround their pizza stores and their social media accounts.

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File: d6fcd488140568d⋯.jpg (1.02 MB,1074x1598,537:799,SizzlePie.jpg)


Meant to include this pic

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in fact, much of jewish belief and tradition was taken from the sumerians, and the sumerians were not the progenitors but simply the first to write these things down. It's very plain to see if you study surviving sumerian texts and early history of "jews" from a perspective other than the jew perspective.

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File: 01b48ca98756821⋯.jpg (104.52 KB,900x600,3:2,900w-600h_051319_mary-blai….jpg)

File: 4026365bda05fa5⋯.jpg (313.04 KB,1077x1077,1:1,photo.jpg)

File: 745dd71f031c9cd⋯.jpg (47.55 KB,706x588,353:294,marycards8.jpg)

File: 0726994691dcd21⋯.jpg (173.3 KB,736x560,46:35,dddade1bf8e19129ed0f237d80….jpg)

File: 9a5f7952836e7ab⋯.jpeg (101.34 KB,677x600,677:600,lf (2).jpeg)


>way too much heat on Alefantis now

SEND IN THE EPSTEIN - (((mainstream media)))

"Boy lover" logo is the key. FBI is lying about it's origin.

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What a bunch of sick bastards

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File: 7bd4d3eef08ff84⋯.mp4 (6.23 MB,1920x1080,16:9,lsj.mp4)

File: bdd633bbb6be3ec⋯.png (981.14 KB,752x900,188:225,Untitled-1.png)

File: 07dde765afa6f6f⋯.png (5.69 MB,2112x2568,88:107,Untitled-5.png)



can't help myself but i can not get rid of the thought that the three islands, are already connected by tunnels to eachother…

underground structures exist (to what extent) so much is visible.

a lot of construction and

a lot of deconstruction happening…

whole buildings appear, then dissapear in a couple of months.

heavy machinery used, alot of stuff being moved around.

some anon suggested there might be a hatch right in front of that fake door in the ground connecting to the stairs.

this would explain why the symbolic structure is just a phony one, its purpose being to hide the staircase / entrance / exit

also this coincides with the symbolism used there , the gate which never opens (since its not the actual entrance, yet pointing towards the real entrance)

side windows have windowslides on the outside, when closed they make the sides appear to have closed doors as well…

a shitton of allegations pointing in one particular direction

probably deemed as too big to fail / exposed since so many "celebs" are involved

mueller hearing is being shilled in the meantime to distract and buy time for thinking about how to disconnect everyone involved with this and whom they have collected dirt about.

from the "families" who "sacrificed" their children for "fame" and "wealth" in "exchange" for their "youth?" or '"innocence?" think of the ones directly involved, people working there, people attending there, the "guests", "the (if) slaves" ? people who are possibly being "blackmailed?" or people who are "above?" this … think of "epstein" as a janitor, facility manager, executive, it could be , but heck who knows… from my point of view its all still fiction, intrigueing fiction but still fiiction.

what do you think all those billionaires are doing with their money ? i bet they could spend some hundred millions on, depending on their beliefs, some doomsday refuge, some pleasure island or whatever… in the end they are human too they too have desires they too get bored and they have the resources to fulfill any wish they can imagine… anything…

allegedly this is the world as you know it turned upside down

this is figuratively the (a?) underworld referenced in certain beliefs… ( yet manmade, heck when does man become a god? )

whatever anons another day and no cool happenings being released only the same boring sound of the memewaves crashing against the shore of despair…

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File: 208c7f6f41b3653⋯.jpg (756.65 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190724-115303….jpg)

the code is the "meander"

same decoration as Epstein's temple

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File: 02f33d49b22c7c4⋯.jpg (257.35 KB,1099x987,157:141,08469606-CCC0-4E02-BEC5-84….jpg)


LOL It makes perfect sense! McAfee is a boomer whose addicted to MDPV… OF COURSE he was wasting God knows how many sleepless nights decoding/deciphering all of his little LGBTQ-Anon Kushy-MIGA-Boom-Boom pigeon-shit drops!

You should read some of his early bathsalt ravings about how only he could be trusted to dose the indigenous population with unknown quantities of MDPV analogs, that is until they started fucking all of the town's farm animals to the point of having their dicks grind down to a stub due to the insatiable urge to fuck anything that moves.

Didn't he also say he shot his neighbor because the neighbor fucked his dogs to death due to the drugs McAfee gave him lol?

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interesting. look into (((mark venaglia))

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File: 8bcd87138963ff8⋯.jpg (554.32 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190712-123628….jpg)

zoom in the middle…what do you see in between a little boy charming a snake?

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File: 7823cdb3ffa1793⋯.jpg (169.39 KB,863x601,863:601,Screenshot_20190724-115747.jpg)

File: a7a9101f27e3e24⋯.png (51.75 KB,557x350,557:350,John-McAfee-Black-Culture.png)

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File: 2277553b3733e19⋯.jpg (17.07 KB,137x138,137:138,20190709_014933.jpg)

little boy lover logo was not invented by kalos

this is on display right now in the NYC museum of history for Pride Month

it's a vintage LESBIAN pin. this goes all the way back to stonewall…which was facilitating child sex

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File: 32cfc6d09a180d4⋯.jpg (1004.37 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190709-013705….jpg)

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Check out their "Capitol Hill" location in Seattle. Its:

1. Under the same roof as "Dark Bar", a satanic-themed bar that's owned by the same people as Sizzle Pie

2. Next door to a building that has two art galleries

3. Shares a back fence with Bright Horizons kindergarten

4. Is only 0.6 miles from Seattle's City Hall

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File: 027c1ecd1824613⋯.jpg (898.84 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190709-002651….jpg)

File: b92fe616a678044⋯.jpg (630.28 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190709-002903….jpg)

File: f134788c5836c4d⋯.jpg (525.84 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190709-005700….jpg)

File: b3a27e3a9dcfa31⋯.jpg (623.76 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190709-005833….jpg)

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if true they will probably drug him and or torture until he presses his deadmanswitch

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File: d9ea60518fe0ef7⋯.jpg (698.46 KB,1080x1538,540:769,Screenshot_20190724-150321….jpg)

File: 284505f426ac35f⋯.jpg (1 MB,1080x1842,180:307,Screenshot_20190724-150248….jpg)


Dark Bar's logo and Instagram profile…

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File: f75e69e90c9e77c⋯.jpg (92.22 KB,1024x1024,1:1,orgonite-reich-degenerate.jpg)

File: b3d46df2d71243f⋯.jpg (25.12 KB,379x512,379:512,94b4b8a10a0a34c5547a14e53c….jpg)

File: 87b0bbe8bbd3261⋯.jpg (26.21 KB,518x681,518:681,hm2.jpg)

boylover logo actually refers to tribal concepts of spirituality

also Reich's orgone energy

they fuck kids to get demonic energy their cult advocates for "intergenerational sex"

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File: d84bf14a81731e0⋯.png (248.31 KB,445x335,89:67,small-world-04.png)

File: bd71ffbc861b054⋯.jpg (94.8 KB,550x443,550:443,opa982349.jpg)

File: d84bf14a81731e0⋯.png (248.31 KB,445x335,89:67,small-world-04.png)

File: c81f8efb24aadff⋯.jpg (941.99 KB,3024x4032,3:4,g162z801j9v11.jpg)

Walt Disney, mary blair, unesco

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You say that like qlarp has been getting used by the kike mob to trap anybody that would try to stand against them.

Boomers stand with Jews.

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Jews are greedy and cheap, is this news to you?

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File: 82f29b181c22857⋯.jpg (224.6 KB,786x741,262:247,20190724_122444.jpg)

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You're digging all too deep.

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File: b76a806708cd0ad⋯.png (869.31 KB,906x2206,453:1103,WrU2E.png)

File: 5b2864d3ab45945⋯.png (1.38 MB,1155x4059,35:123,8wLWg_1.png)

File: 84c5015fb4ea794⋯.png (435.01 KB,1133x3586,103:326,8wLWg_2.png)

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Oh Clarice Starling was lesbian code for ass licker. Who would have known. Apart from them.

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why does DISNEY cruises feature LITTLE ST. JAMES

is Disney paying Epstein?

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>M-A-S, -T-E-R, M-A-S-O-N

>we fuck kids

>because we can

>we're kings a like our pussy fresh

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the reckoning is coming

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>Clarice Starling

>Coprophilia / scatophilia

There's that initials / metaphor code again

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File: 218ee9443d45555⋯.jpg (134.76 KB,2048x1449,2048:1449,6f.jpg)

File: 107e107892b36d7⋯.jpg (84.86 KB,2048x1449,2048:1449,6g.jpg)

Alice in Wonderland. Follow the White Rabbit.

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File: 32ab2465814d4c8⋯.png (379.57 KB,466x669,466:669,ghwb.png)


That first one is an orgone pyramid and it has nothing to do with fucking kids, in fact, all kids that were raped should have one to dismiss all the negative energy.

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you understand perfectly, you dont realize how insidious they are

they rapists use the pyramids to transmute the energy to good.

They rape, then transmute

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Honestly if I caught anyone talking bad about John McAfee in Real life I would punch them in the face.

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File: dc0caed8bbf464a⋯.png (43.39 KB,599x426,599:426,disney.png)


well what the actual fug… that's fucking creepy

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and I dont necessarily believe in the orgone energy, I just decoded the symbolism and studied its origins

the fbi raided wilhelm reich. remember that

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File: 7265affebeb76eb⋯.jpg (60.81 KB,625x352,625:352,johnmcafee_uninstall-625x3….jpg)


>His old posts on bluelight about the journey to re-creating MDPV are more rather interesting as well.

Ah a fellow psychonaut. OP here, my ID probably changed. Anyway, about 9 years ago I had a drug experimentation phase and was ordering a bunch of RC psychedelics and the odd stimulant here and there. Came across this thread:


It wasn't till months or years after stuffmonger made that thread that it was revealed it was John McAfee himself, and it was when he was wanted for murder in Belize was this made known. The dude just kept popping up in the fringe shit I was interested in. First designer drugs, then I got into BTC/ETH around 2016, and low and behold, John McAfee was a presence there as well. Now we have him fucking sending drones to Epstein's island. Again, a giant degenerate but a really interesting one to say the least.

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South india or Cambodia or Indonesian style, look:


same right knee on front and the hand holds something. when holding crops (or rice specific indo-chinese places) it gets offerings for fertility.

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File: 4bf9fcce4f67230⋯.png (30.92 KB,640x612,160:153,5ABx5T1l.png)

File: 25228dffabca841⋯.jpg (50.9 KB,300x654,50:109,d9afc9c510e03d1821175e97b0….jpg)


more disney pedo symbology

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what's with the niggers?

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He probably has a fetish for them.

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File: d50ccd1225e213c⋯.jpg (444.2 KB,1439x1301,1439:1301,Screenshot_20190724-161703….jpg)




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File: d2c3c1bf391a0fb⋯.jpg (36.1 KB,480x360,4:3,i8TXd27.jpg)

File: 0671944c0724636⋯.jpg (33.68 KB,635x356,635:356,DcFfc8JW4AE-QP7.jpg)

File: 0152f5d0732d2dc⋯.jpg (23.2 KB,480x360,4:3,hqdefault (1).jpg)


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You've to be shitting me. I played a part in red-pilling "rusty" on truth warriors & defenders of the constitution on google+. As much I'll be glad it's him I'd help awaken, it's highly unlikely.

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He's my idol

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File: 77adbbec31e6238⋯.png (882.2 KB,1032x579,344:193,maps.png)


just for orientation little saint james is the island just south of st james, so they stop out of if it before they head home apparently

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File: 656a5f0a0edd947⋯.png (729.2 KB,1045x672,1045:672,Z 656a5f0a0edd947507a33f9b….png)


Why are the patio doors two feet above the floor? I've never seen a house with them that high. Is that 3 or 6 small beds where he sodomizes 3yr olds perhaps?

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>muh reddit outgrouping

Spotted the shareblue/mediamatters kike. Is that you, Carlos? Or are you still too busy stamping your feet at youtube?

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Shills anon. Shills is why they keep trying to distract. Imagine being a shill actively trying to cover up a global pedophile conspiracy. Rope is too good for them.

>Ignore the pedo ring being busted! Keep trying on the avenue that we've already cleaned up and discredited!

Pizzagate was real, but that angle is gone (for now). Epstein & association analysis on his every connection, guest & crony is what's going to bear fruit right now.

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File: 8b3faa741bdbde0⋯.jpg (263.12 KB,1150x886,575:443,Hagbard and Mavis.jpg)


>Again, a giant degenerate but a really interesting one to say the least.

He's like a real life, nigger fucking Hagbard Celine.

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>Don't investigate literal pedophile kikes goy!

So, you're say to shut it down?

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>reddit outgrouping

If you use reddit you don't belong here.

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Reddit is gay and so are you

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File: 1dbc2ce8d839083⋯.jpg (457.41 KB,2005x3000,401:600,103363547.jpg)


Maybe he meant Harambe?

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The island construction reminds me of the state of Michigan in how shitty it all is. I wonder if the Rodham Mafia Family had anything to do with the construction since they've had a grip on Michigan for almost 50 years now and you know… Hillary.

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a few months back , he spent $ 2.2 mil or something filling in everything with dirt & concrete. Now the new vids show most of the buildings were being bulldozed!

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I’m going to find where the concrete came from

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The absolute of this place, I can't fucking stand it.

>hurr epstein is fake and a distraction

>it's fake and a distraciton larp because something might actually happen and he isn't being shown as an invincible being that's not ever going to lose anything

>it's fake and a distraction larp because it doesn't look as nice as a hollywood movie mansion

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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One of these maybe

Mack Construction Enterprises Inc

2001 Gamble Nordsidevej 9q

Charlotte Amalie, VI 00802

(340) 775-4100

N & L Concrete Pumping

11d Estate Adrian

Cruz Bay, VI 00831

(340) 779-4629

Spartan Concrete Products

10 Estate Cottage


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Good work! You can see the color scheme of the construction equipment driving off the barges on the drone videos. They look like they were painted a specific 2 tone color scheme, usually construction companies use their own specific colors & logos

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So they will probably show pics of their equipment on the company websites. Hopefully, easy to match that way

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Snatching children of whistleblowers with some influence like they did to Charles Lindbergh's child?

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anyone remember all those threads about mattress stores being linked to sex trafficking?

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File: 676373ae15aa907⋯.jpg (321.45 KB,1500x1632,125:136,communist russia antisemit….jpg)


Judging by his other twitter posts he's a massive social justice cuck.

This the announcement he was talking about:


Judging by their leaks website…


…they seem to push a lot of Russian leaks. Can't find anything on Israel yet. Hmm.

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File: 67d0a4177ff929a⋯.png (1.87 MB,1662x1514,831:757,Z 67d0a4177ff929a5d5a5aa3b….png)

File: 33e08e9abe41b21⋯.jpg (524.93 KB,1920x979,1920:979,Z 33e08e9abe41b2126914dd35….jpg)

File: a66ced526875b13⋯.jpg (49.74 KB,500x334,250:167,Z a66ced526875b13b881be95d….jpg)


I was the moderator on truth warriors with another dedicated NatSoc that had over 20,000 subs that we and others turned into a WN friendly community, taking about a whole host of topics but mainly NS. Rusty went from a conservative to a pro-White, anti-Semitic overnight.

That's the real reason why they shut down google plus+ they didn't want either their staff feeling ill at reviewing the overwhelmingly pro-White content being flagged or the continued push for WN to be mainstream by activists on their platform.

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Opa means uncle, grandfather or older brother depending on the language..

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+1 internet

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File: 6633169f8476f9e⋯.png (1.23 MB,947x1553,947:1553,2019-07-24 (18_03_09).png)

What a fucking retarded LARP. Already released. If the CIA was actually after this guy (he probably just made that shit up) it wouldn't have gone down like this.

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>it's a larp because he got released even though there's no indication of who captured him in the first place

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It's a LARP because when you go against the deep state for real you get assassinated, you don't get held in a prison for a short while and released, you don't even get to go into court.

If that shit happening to Mueller right now (tranq dart) is legit, he's more a potential example of what happens when you go against the deep state for real.

This is all LARPery. The Deep State destroys its enemies, it doesn't fuck around.

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File: 1aa3445074fc769⋯.png (648 B,32x32,1:1,weather-few-clouds-night-s….png)


You do have to take into account that that is a common graphic element going back to the very beginnings of all man-made art. While it may be a pedo symbol in some instances, its foolish to automatically assume it is in most or all instances.

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He's a niggerfucking drug maniac and he probably murdered one of his retired neighbors over a minor tiff involving his annoying dog. Judging from his sick sunken eyes I'd definitely assume that he's mentally ill, on top of being a dangerous creep. At this point flying a drone over Epstein's island really accomplishes nothing. It's just right wing showboating, the equivalent of the left's virtue signalling. He brings nothing good to the table.

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>2001 Gamble Nordsidevej 9q

>Charlotte Amalie, VI 00802

I am so sorry this iis so fucking stupid, and now I am not talking about you, the concrete or this shit

but the names… it's so fucked up tons of these streets names, places they are still danish to this very day this incuded

that could be any place in denmark

but it's also heavy mixed

>t. been autistied on the map all day

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It's easier to clean fluids off laminate flooring than it is on real wood. Plus it's easier to get on an island than a lot of marble.

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But anon, the Q schizos that took over pizzagate after everyone with an IQ above 70 was driven off the board say every squiggly line is a pedo, so it must be true and you're a pedo if you disagree.

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>on an electronic shotgun

You're not shooting gooks between the eyes ar 400 meters, nigger.

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No it isn't. MAny laminates tend to soak up anything that hits them depending ont he quality of the laminate, and the quality of the installers. Seams are major moisture magnets and great places for dna to hide. Properly waxed and maintained hardwood is much easier to clean.

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File: 0d7297ed15d48a4⋯.png (137.61 KB,1209x505,1209:505,maps2.png)


he just posted a panorama image of them all in what appeared to be his bus but he deleted it, I was to slow

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err a mini bus, I thought it was his boat first but it wasn't

hard to see in such a small image that is panaroma. it was probably something in it he first realized after he posted

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>It's a LARP because when you go against the deep state for real you get assassinated, you don't get held in a prison for a short while and released

But they detained "Rusty" just long enough that he didn't do a drone flight today… wonder what he missed.

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File: d74f290429bb55f⋯.jpg (18.55 KB,234x234,1:1,d74f290429bb55f7b70d183568….jpg)


I fucking love this guy

Imagine still being this based when you are 72, most are most certainly not

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File: 891c47858387cbf⋯.jpg (84.13 KB,962x622,481:311,16461056-7282441-image-a-2….jpg)

File: 876ea9060879632⋯.jpg (246.19 KB,962x642,481:321,16458364-7282441-image-a-2….jpg)

File: 00862783ec5e9c1⋯.jpg (261.59 KB,962x642,481:321,16458366-7282441-image-a-1….jpg)

File: fad06bece82ed47⋯.png (1.04 MB,975x559,75:43,Screenshot (13191).png)

File: b006fa4ad1f046e⋯.png (1.62 MB,1214x624,607:312,Screenshot (13190).png)


Eppy's new and larger Island.

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How can he have a new island if he's in jail?

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File: c5e50ae7e17fee4⋯.jpeg (10.19 KB,105x187,105:187,00D4F088-B3C1-49E5-9A22-A….jpeg)


An equipment match for this dual axle tow behind cement mixer from one of those companies from the main islands

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Get key/card swipe around the entrance.

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File: cca7f929359ecdf⋯.png (1.33 MB,978x621,326:207,Screenshot (13193).png)

File: 56b9fc3bb7f96d0⋯.png (376.71 KB,970x563,970:563,Screenshot (13192).png)


Bought in 2016.

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>sweet teen virgin puss


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All of his homes were deeded over to him. Aint that odd?

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Didn't Mcafee kill his neighbor and his dogs? Heard something like that.

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File: 0bac688a0620aae⋯.jpg (696.92 KB,2220x1080,37:18,New_Rusty.jpg)



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What are these shots from? Mad man Mcafee drone footage? If it is, then there's no generator in there. It's empty.

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$$\color{red}{RUSTY'S BACK!!}$$

(Got too excited and fucked up my last post)

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Hopefully this is true

Also jeff is connected to a guy named Phillip Edwards who owns a company called REDCO. They specialize in demolitions and heavy equipment rental or at least did at one point. This is an insurance form that shows both of them

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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If this is nothing I’ll fuck off and lurk for a while

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Add it to the list of digging. Danke.

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The fuck..parking an ambulance on top of a building…? 2:55 noticed that brown colored water in other photos.

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I think the island is creepy and that there was likely some rapey shit on that island but……… No fucking way is that a hatch.

It's grooves in poured concrete to keep it from cracking and if it DOES crack it stays in the stress line and not out into the slab.

>t. scaffolder and highrise builder

I've poured many slabs. Keep digging but this one is a dead end.

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Master Boss Sir Epstein IN JAIL, but the island workers still working? Fucking retards.

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>cargo container

So much for an elevator

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File: 3a607de10e1c09b⋯.png (1.4 MB,1334x750,667:375,7F6EAA19-546E-4271-BF94-8B….png)

File: f2631103f92229d⋯.png (1.3 MB,1334x750,667:375,8197E769-118A-4209-8855-EA….png)

File: c270d489341889d⋯.png (1.59 MB,1334x750,667:375,2FC9E1C0-F263-483F-872F-02….png)

File: 96c3835073ff358⋯.png (1.42 MB,1334x750,667:375,0812C1F4-876A-4818-A36A-A8….png)


Like a weird brown layer of the island. Need a geologist fag to see why. Also it looks like India shit water.

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File: 9c27ac0f1006f88⋯.png (198 KB,443x373,443:373,Screenshot 2019-07-24 at 8….png)

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License plate is XGA 297 USVI plates

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File: ca4af2ac53d1c8a⋯.png (343.1 KB,720x1158,120:193,sketch-1564013654110.png)

File: dedde9b04649c33⋯.png (133.45 KB,720x1136,45:71,sketch-1564013680305.png)

File: 368fb7a0ecb512d⋯.png (129.16 KB,720x1190,72:119,sketch-1564013607563.png)

File: edcbdead119dbbd⋯.png (174.33 KB,720x1195,144:239,sketch-1564013701990.png)

File: 35e090e160c1392⋯.png (186.4 KB,720x1173,240:391,sketch-1564013720914.png)

I have a Jeffrey Epstein account on ig

I dont know if i just trolled a chick out of nudes

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Has to be his private ambulance because it's not like it can drive to the hospital, being on an island all. I wonder if they use the siren and flashing lights when they need to use it.

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File: 231fb03c6b6b372⋯.png (457.19 KB,720x1202,360:601,sketch-1564013738368.png)

File: aa09279da5db6d9⋯.png (502.3 KB,720x1211,720:1211,sketch-1564013757400.png)

File: ff1c10c78e5c63e⋯.png (453.31 KB,720x1189,720:1189,sketch-1564013779607.png)

File: b0261b1018513e8⋯.png (469.75 KB,720x1216,45:76,sketch-1564013796730.png)

File: b55d1aa05c5d5ff⋯.png (135.08 KB,720x1178,360:589,sketch-1564013817687.png)

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"LSJ"…. Little St.James

Motherfucker has his own ambulance too - can anyone just do that and blast around with the sirens on?

I'd red text this if I could remember how to fucking do it… fucking magicians.

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File: fd9c4618bded695⋯.png (178.48 KB,720x1193,720:1193,sketch-1564013839496.png)

File: 3976db9a07cada8⋯.png (168.88 KB,720x1233,80:137,sketch-1564013862680.png)

File: 6c9fe3da5696b4b⋯.png (169.5 KB,686x1280,343:640,sketch-1564013911860.png)

File: eaaae4807fe49e1⋯.png (491.08 KB,720x1227,240:409,sketch-1564013983683.png)

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> Also it looks like India shit water.

islandniggers probably emptied the septic tank in to the ocean.

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why is that there


it's erosion from the soil

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File: 42518f1741f211f⋯.png (102.03 KB,500x499,500:499,slorb-on-my-knorb-like-cor….png)

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File: c898d3f3260789a⋯.jpg (2.36 MB,4540x2200,227:110,Sega_Dreamcast.jpg)



The pedo symbols specifically are spiraling triangles and spiraling hearts, according to the FBI report anyway. But the internet being what it is, a bunch of niggers immediately lost the plot and began to shit themselves over every single spiral they saw.


What, you've never worked in the service industry? People get tipped in luxury properties all the time. Don't worry about it goy :^)

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Fuck off newfaggot

Lurk for two years then fuck off

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and yes that should have been settled normally, so it means they have been digging there or something…. the stones/settled soil there has been removed so this is what you see

could be where they are making land ie?

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That's one dumb ass broad.

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File: 5e49b32f976145d⋯.jpg (26.93 KB,104x360,13:45,20190724_173510.jpg)


spiral triangles…like this?

disney invented the boylover logo in the UNESCO SMALL world NY fair in 1966

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Yep like that

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Hey look, it's even in blue. Looks like you found one.

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File: d350e21542c7d67⋯.jpg (1.13 MB,1366x616,683:308,Screenshot (13195)_LI.jpg)

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File: c29cffcc61956b8⋯.png (667.2 KB,720x960,3:4,sketch-1564015293488.png)

File: 29c535fd3f75ab0⋯.png (681.4 KB,720x960,3:4,sketch-1564015358052.png)


Have to censor. Tired of getting banned and too poorfag to buy vpn

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How much did she want in "gift cards"? Ask her how much to sleep with her then tell her to meet you somewhere but never show up. Fucking sluts. and a brown one at that.

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She didn't say anything about knowing Epstein or even the fucking news bulletin photo? "blah blah blah gimmie $$$ here's a nude blah blah blah"

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Ask her why is she in a hotel?

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House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler, D-N.Y.: “So President Trump's efforts to exert undue influence over your investigation intensified after the president became aware that he personally was being investigated?”

Robert Mueller: “I stick with the language that's in front of you.”

Rep. Doug Collins, R-Ga.: “Isn't it true the evidence did not establish that the president or those close to him were involved in the charged Russian computer hacking or active measure conspiracies or that the president otherwise had unlawful relationships with any Russian official, Volume 2, page 76? Correct?”

Mueller: “I will leave the answer to our report.”

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, D-Calif.: “We went through and we counted 126 contacts between Russians or their agents and Trump campaign officials or their associates. So, would that sound about right?”

Mueller: “I can't say. I understand the statistic.”

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas: “And when you talk about the president's pattern of conduct, that include the 10 possible acts of obstruction that you investigated, is that correct? When you talk about the president's pattern of conduct, that would include the 10 possible acts of obstruction that you investigated, correct?”

Mueller: “I direct you to the report for how that is characterized.”

Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn.: One of the key players in the June 2016 Trump Tower meeting was Natalia Veselnitskaya, who you described in your report as a Russian attorney who advocated for the repeal of the Magnitsky Act. Veselnitskaya had been working with none other than Glenn Simpson and Fusion GPS since at least early 2014. Are – are you aware of that?

Mueller: “Outside my purview.”

Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas: “When you were appointed as special counsel, was President Trump's firing of Comey something you anticipated investigating, potentially obstruction of justice?”

Mueller: “I can't get into that. That's internal deliberations of the Justice Department.”

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File: 2d16c4ca59e9703⋯.jpg (17.96 KB,311x200,311:200,1468166150405.jpg)


>$350 for softcore nudes of some dogfaced illegal immigrant thot.

These hookers have really been pricing themselves out of the market lately.

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it's in tons of the earlier videos too

think when there are a flooding, and how it turns a river with clear water all brown as it tares with it soil

I have no explanation though, because this is just normal there, that that islands is gone in no time lol. Fuck it's so strange. First thing I thought in the other videos when it wasn't as massive as here, was wtf.. there is no river here?

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oy vey burn it down




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File: 64629c3d7cca23e⋯.jpg (928.27 KB,3024x4032,3:4,3tu6hm3lkea11.jpg)




Does any one have scratched steam cards? I am going to unblock her and troll her hard

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File: 6c5f2a8650e5624⋯.jpg (102.12 KB,1280x720,16:9,jeffrey-epstein-arrested.jpg)


To be fair, i am a billionaire

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what if what we a lot of land the buildings are build upon, is "filled land" (sorry I dunno english for this). And the workers simply didn't protect against erosion at the shore line there..

now now it is actually gradually eating away back to it's former self. Because didn't secure it.

You know when people do shit like this they ie use big stones to hold the mass back. Tons of places here by the river and where they have done this and and they they use big stones for that. IE the soccer field I always played as a kid. Basically dumped bunch of stones to exten the land and just threw a bunch of soil over… that one is kinda ugly no system just random.

Other place it's like arranged stones in end so it doesn't look bad and the mass behind is random stones and dumped covered in new soil again ( big park)

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File: 95c1d8c20529a1d⋯.jpg (112.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,trescomas.jpg)


Not according to the affidavits lol

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Esptein's other island, Great St. James, just above Little St. James.

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The sludge of murdered victims killed underground being pumped into the oceans via sewer pipes.

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<In 1999, the NY Post revealed that Clinton has been blackmailed by Israel via Mossad tapping his phone conversations with Monica Lewinsky, who is Jewish and was seemingly planted unwittingly in the WH to compromise Clinton. (They knew his type). The NY Post further revealed federal investigations uncovered an Israeli spy ring in embedded the White House, using the codename MEGA.




<MEGA was initially thought to be a lone spy, but as it turns out it was referring to the MEGA Group, a documented cabal of elite Jewish billionaires driven to accelerate foreign and US affairs for the expansion of Zionism and Greater Israel. Who is the head of MEGA Group? Lesley "Les" Wexner, owner of Victoria Secret and Limited, who is, as is thoroughly documented by MSM, the mentor and chief financier of Jeffrey Epstein.




So what's ruining your country, Americans?

Your politics? Your democracy? The Russians? The British? The Chinese?

No, stupid, it's the Jews.

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they want to be able to disappear the whole thing in a hurry

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Do you enjoy preaching to the Choir?

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:35 another circular garden thing, someone called it a nuke missile silo. Same thing at his AZ Zorro ranch property and little st. james.

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Just have a fire. Like the Clintons at their NY home. Who else pulled that fire shit, can't recall, but someone did recently.

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>"Les" Wexner, owner of Victoria Secret and Limited, who is, as is thoroughly documented by MSM, the mentor and chief financier of Jeffrey Epstein.

Les deeded the NYC townhome over to Epstein, the property where FBI raided. Epstein co-OWNS RADAR news site.

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I enjoy checking dubs

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Why do you think Trump is crackin on crypto?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>daughters of bilitis

daughters of fake gay history, literally

guy wrote fake poems said they were ancient Greek lesbian works. it's all fake history and masonic niggery

>Mr C Cret

>To lend authenticity to the forgery, Louÿs in the index listed some poems as "untranslated"; he even craftily fabricated an entire section of his book called "The Life of Bilitis", crediting a certain fictional archaeologist Herr G. Heim ("Mr. C. Cret" in German) as the discoverer of Bilitis' tomb. And though Louÿs displayed great knowledge of Ancient Greek culture, ranging from children's games in "Tortie Tortue" to application of scents in "Perfumes", the literary fraud was eventually exposed. This did little, however, to taint their literary value in readers' eyes, and Louÿs' open and sympathetic celebration of lesbian sexuality earned him sensation and historic significance.

i recommend everyone listen to the entire mystery Babylon series by William cooper, 40 hours of background on these kid fuckers ideologies and symbols.

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File: f3e969ffee7eaaa⋯.jpg (86.64 KB,1080x913,1080:913,Sizzle Pie.jpg)



>Sizzle Pie

That place has been a staple of Portland hipster culture for a long time to my understanding. I ate there once a long time ago when I was in the city for business. Decent as far as west coast pizza goes but way too fucking pricey. This was before I knew about all of this sinister shit so I just assumed they were going for a heavy metal/stoner aesthetic and didn't think much of the decor at the time. Creepy as shit in retrospect.

Their menu is… interesting to say the least.


A lot of fucked up shit going on in that city to be honest. Antifa is the least of their problems once you scratch the surface.

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This. Epstein ran a "sex tourism club" ~ rub and tug with tweens. Obviously you take him down and everyone else you have evidence on… but this isn't the deepest level.

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Hour of the time, mysteries of babylon and reading behold a pale horse will basically fuck your life up.

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Amazon sells his book, Rollingstones mag and NY Times wrote about his life. Not sure Bill Cooper is on our side. Why do you say 'fuck your life up'?

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File: 63a7e3dfcc28cde⋯.gif (1.85 MB,480x264,20:11,giphy (6).gif)


> but this isn't the deepest level.

Go on.

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Bill is definetly a real one. Naval intel briefing officer for nearly 2 decades.

Held a Q level security clearance.

Died telling the truth. Ourguy

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>Why do you say 'fuck your life up'?

It was the original redpill suppository. Long before /pol/ was a thing.

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What do you think of his JFK assassination theory?

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Great comment. Way to get 2 (You)s from a literal jew. I agree, btw… why waste money on the cube… it only had to suspend disbelief long enough for horny, drunk, (((dual-citizen))) politicians to get blown by 14-year-old girls. Pfft, it goes without saying that the little girls were impressed by the bright colors, statues and dome. They probably thought "these Jews are so rich, my family will be able to pay their bills for the next 50 years".

The real pedos would be knowledgeable in fine art, architecture, archeology, mysticism… the finer things. They murder kids in ritual sacrifice to Moloch… they're not looking for a hand job.

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The guy that went into Comet Pizza and fired off a round looking for kids then got arrested… do you know what the locals did? They came in groups of 100's to support Comet Pizza. If they only knew what was going on. Fucking idiots.

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Certain things become harder to ignore in life.


Secret service did jump off and stop the detail behind JFK. We will probably never know who actually shot.

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File: a4d9c361ee54da6⋯.jpg (110.84 KB,2048x329,2048:329,EARn8L2XkAAj4W5.jpg large.jpg)


I don't see anyone mentioning it so uh… what's up with his saying "my superiors"? It's fucking weird and it doesn't seem like him at all.


Here you go! Twitter keeps images hosted even after the tweet is deleted, interestingly enough. Use this knowledge with love <3

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

> If they only knew what was going on.

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File: 124b8f77e3be9a5⋯.png (3.32 MB,1868x2270,934:1135,20190327_204511.png)

File: ea494b0e5fc54f8⋯.pdf (123.44 KB,1763OMB2009sst (1).pdf)





it ruins ur life in that it actually wakes you up and there's no going back to sleep, you become Bill Cooper.

almost everyone else is a shill or just hitching on for money, I've been researching everything i heard from his show for at least 2 years. nothing has been wrong. there is one other person ive found who Is currently exposing the legal frameworks but unless you listened to cooper o studied and came to the same conclusions its usually just too crazy for ppl to believe.

>I'll shut this thread down now as evidence lool

CMS-1763 is the form to quit social security, here's a link, also a supporting statement with references.

>here's congressional record evidence of faggots trying to fuck you

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forgot link


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>Request for Termination of Premium Hospital Insurance of Supplementary Medical Insurance

Kind of tired anon… You gotta quick run down?

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Got links to those books you listed off?

I need to dig into them

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Yea, why am I quitting social security? I'm gonna need my free shekels when I'm old…right?

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File: 97fe674e5afe86f⋯.png (398.99 KB,484x587,484:587,Screenshot (13198).png)


Be sure to NOT buy the recent mass market printing of the books. Got to find the originals. Just found Behold Pale Horse original print 1991.Or PDF, if it's the original copy of the books.

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Don't know, never said why according to his twitter which I vaguely read. He was in the Dominican Republic. "My superiors" might have been being facetious with them while taking selfies, shaking hands and shooting the shit just to get out alive. "Yeah, yeah ok, thanks guys, it was fun, Thank you for letting me go…" ok NOW RUN!!!!

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the run down is in the pdf, everything is voluntary but you don't know it

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As far as information goes, Behold a Pale Horse is one of the worst conspiracy books ever written, aside from the chapter where he just reprinted The Protocols (and said the jews dindu nuffin), it should only be read for its historical significance. It's filled with all kinds of retarded claims about aliens, the Bilderberg group holding its meetings in a submarine under a polar ice cap, JFK being shot by his driver, the government dumping radioactive waste on tobacco plants to make them cancerous, and much, much more, if I took the time to think about it.

Pale Horse Rider (written by a jew) is a good read to put Cooper and is legacy in context, it's critical of some of his bullshit, but very sympathetic to him as a person.


I'm pretty sure the book still has the same publisher.

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I invariably bag out when the space alien shit comes into play. Ditto for Icke. Just say no to dem flying sorcerers

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>Here you go! Twitter keeps images hosted even after the tweet is deleted, interestingly enough. Use this knowledge with love <3

that's fucking right man! forgot about this completely

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File: 163cada29e3627f⋯.jpg (859.34 KB,540x3619,540:3619,Screenshot_20181208-151827….jpg)

File: d48cfc50946633d⋯.jpg (177.74 KB,692x643,692:643,20180531_113247.jpg)


it's only the one book Behold A Pale Horse

mystery Babylon series is from his broadcasts, it's on YouTube and embedded above.

here are some good books to start learning, any history you've read has probably been propaganda

remember billions are being spent on making and keeping u retarded

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Behold a Pale Horse, isn't that the book that was so bad the cops came to his house and shot him?

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File: c575b10579efdfb⋯.png (772.48 KB,1317x914,1317:914,20180209_170027.png)


lol weak attempt mordecai


he said he regretted the flying saucer info not as inaccurate in describing technology

(electrified wing ect) but in presentation as he came to believe and said numerous times that he was wrong about aliens, no aliens or extraterrestrials but break away group using the public money for black ops technology(psychotronics, blue beam ect) to bring in one world government though the theater of alien invasion.

>David icke is a shill like Jordan Maxwell or the sovereign moorz

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File: 46dab53950f436d⋯.jpg (33.73 KB,480x480,1:1,1481082755566.jpg)




Thanks ya'll, I just purchased "Light from Egyptian Papyri on Jewish History Before Christ" by Charles Henry Hamilton Wright about 2 days ago, should show up soon.

The book you have in your shared infographic is also called something similar to what I purchased. Did I do good anon? Or i fuck up?

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File: 5f1ebace96e03a5⋯.jpg (246.2 KB,978x717,326:239,Screenshot_20180822-170747….jpg)

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tbh, i have don't even give a fuck about ayylmao's anymore. Too many "real" subjects today to be concerned about that have more of an effect on my day to day life then some project blue beam shit.

Like a small international clique that I can never being a part that are raping and killing my blood lineage while simultaneously controlling the means of monetary exchange across the globe.

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>if you speak realistically about a jew-apologist, you're a jew!


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>not even real wood

>shitty walmart laminate

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just look at Q's latest post and tell me he isn't mocking the absolute shit out of anyone that ever believed the larp

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He's a jew, what do you expect?

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File: eacdc6609b4a9cc⋯.gif (13.49 KB,112x90,56:45,Al Gore, Super Cereal.gif)


Bruh, Alan Dershowitz is legit. he's a good guy. So his Kushner. Trust the plan. Watch Hannity at 8 for "the code"

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File: b823fa8b6a699fe⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,540x4065,36:271,Screenshot_20190207-215648….jpg)

File: dda872484bd322e⋯.jpg (464.91 KB,540x1571,540:1571,Screenshot_20181208-151920….jpg)


not bad but probably not the best, 1900 Is a bit too close to all out programs

propaganda that started in the 1930s, seems he was an Irishman so depends on if he was loyal to the pope or not, you'll want to read about law mostly as everything you do is written contracts based on 100s of years of agreements, you can be screwed by your lack of knowledge but you can't be directly lied to, that's how it works.

here are some more books, try librivox is free and they have everything you'd need until you get deeper in research

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File: b0b4a92e4d5f9e1⋯.png (134.73 KB,666x837,74:93,you sure m8.PNG)



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They just found him injured in his cell

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Condits running into a shed. Looks like they are moving power into it not out. If it was a generator room it usally would have ventilation. Its also suspisious that the inside of the shed is grayed out. My best opinion is that its an underground entrance with a hole going downwards inside with a ladder. I would also note that the condit piping used looks like they are bringing power in not out.

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


no you're a dumbass larper with no information just a hole cut into the Turner diaries so you can fantisifuck your true bromance lover

>here's coopers own words about the Jewish Zionist


starts at 12 minutes

>25:50 andreas strassmeir named Jewish agent

>28:50 "Daniel spiegelman is a jew"

>32:39 exposes ADL and B'nai B'rith (also does an entire show on the B'nai B'rith)

>38:00 " jewish underground which threatened national security" stated by William sessions, he later resigns, having a broken arm

>39:33 quotes a Jewish intellectual who admits to that "antisemitism" is an attack used to quiet criticism of Israel

>40:40 "israel record of double dealing" a few examples follow "Congress too is in our hands"

>from 40 minutes on u don't need my citing

>43:53 "international Zionism is racist!"

PROJECT TROJAN HORSE a whole report about Zionists produced by Cooper and his network

pic related

>6 hours about the threats and subversion of international jewery.

plz eat a hoof on sabbath

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I used to be super gung-ho about Bill Cooper too. But, uh, you lads may wanna read this thread:


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Occasionally mentioning some jewish things doesn't make him any less of a jew-apologist.

You're here shilling for a book filled with verifiable lies that's primarily popular among niggers - it used to be just regular niggers, but the Q LARP brought Trumpniggers into the fold.

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That said, this and also Bill's warning about 9/11 seem solid

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File: 78b7f584fa2f47c⋯.jpg (1.17 MB,905x4188,905:4188,offing.jpg)





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what does he know

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Are you a billionaire with a private island temple?

Because, so far, 100% of the billionaires with private island temples that I know of DO, IN FACT, build stuff that cheaply.

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>moving power into it not out

Lmao, maybe look up the meaning of CIRCUIT dolt.

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More examples of early 1960's Disney Boylover Logos

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File: f32d607bd408f9d⋯.png (33.54 KB,120x133,120:133,20190724_220556.png)

File: 9c82b40df6246c2⋯.jpg (109.17 KB,299x429,23:33,20190724_220527.jpg)

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Something that will become obvious to all kikes in time, death by their own hands is preferable to their deserved justice.

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>dirty cop facing the death penalty for killing 4 people in a drug conspiracy

>possibly goes for epstein

so.. I guess we just found out where his magic money appeared from?

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Donald duck in mathemagic land has a few but that video is more about freemasonry/ sacred geometry.

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File: e9e40071dad003f⋯.jpg (459.5 KB,1400x1151,1400:1151,29562945_1.jpg)


>posts 45 minute youtube w/out timestamp

screenshot the spirals, I dont have that kind of time

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hearts w/in hearts…inside a maze of spirals w/spirals

June 2018 archive.org deletes a magazine which linked Alice in Wonderland to the BoyLover and GirlLover logos…




Wellcome to Wonderland

Epstein is a Disney Operative:


Danny Hillis, an MIT-educated computer scientist whose company, Thinking Machines, was at the forefront of the supercomputing world in the eighties, and who used to run R&D at Walt Disney Imagineering, thinks Epstein is actually using scientific knowledge to beat the markets. “We talk about currency trading — the euro, the real, the yen,” he says. “He has something a physicist would call physical intuition. He knows when to use the math and when to throw it away. If I had acted upon all the investment advice he has been giving me over the years, I’d be calling you from my Gulfstream right now.”

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blacksmith21 is a faggot who needs to stay upstream of twitter

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File: 8ada100df5212e3⋯.jpg (18.05 KB,330x395,66:79,8ada100df5212e39bbb7891e4a….jpg)


The plot thickens.

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(Posted using my SeniorEase app for iPhone X)

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File: 00c0e641802af4f⋯.jpeg (51.85 KB,630x420,3:2,5bb291cd2100000001c7873b.jpeg)

The inspiration for the rabbit hole that Alice falls down, is also said to be at the College and can be found in the dining hall where the Dean would have dined at High Table. The hole is a very narrow SPIRAL staircase descending to the senior common room.

Others say the Dean's Gardens at the college, in which the Liddell children played, were also the inspiration for 'Wonderland'.

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Poor Alice, she was fooled.

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ngl, that's a beautiful fucking island.

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File: 23558a9811eb533⋯.jpg (407.14 KB,1200x927,400:309,TortureChamber.jpg)

People are crazy looking for some secret underground sex dungeon with elevators. The guy clearly had no need for one. He has his own fucking private island with staff paid well enough to look the other way while he trots under age girls around and probably fucks them in full view of the staff.

Every single building on that island was his, and available for him to fuck under age girls any time he pleased.

At best you will find a basement, or an under ground wine cellar.

About the only really secret space he needed was a place to hide his blackmail material. So video, digital images, logs of who fucked whom.

Hell, the guy was trotting under aged girls in & out of his New York abode. He just set up shop in his own bathroom for the old slap & tickle.

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Crossposting for Increased Exposure @blacksmith21 ;)

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File: c68650e2c3d0059⋯.jpg (93.78 KB,500x750,2:3,msnsep1.jpg)

File: 68649fddfb06d6a⋯.jpg (81.71 KB,500x720,25:36,coverpic.jpg)

File: 9b6a58aa42399e5⋯.jpg (65.82 KB,294x600,49:100,lf8ULVU29J.jpg)

Alice In Wonderland: Rabbit Hole = Blue Spiral

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there could be a tunnel there, I guess you'd have to figure out how sophisticated it could all get because when it comes to this stuff when you get to a certain level it would just be like a whole fucking military operation and the shit could literally be fucking anywhere and that island is actually really inconvienient

Like In Sydney they've had this monorail stuff going on for ages and ages, no one really wanted it in the first place so why have they completely fucked up the main CBD for so long ? Honestly man i'm thinking there's gotta be some kind of pedo tunnel, breakaway bullshit going on

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You separated your thoughts with a space in order to communicate your thoughts more effectively in the brains of your readers. The information that you are communicating is therefore invalid. So sayeth those who seek to be special. So sayeth those who seek to be so special that they are pretty much (((CHOSEN))) to be recognized as such.

Go back to reddit with your information and ability to communicate thoughts and ideas more effectively.

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File: 2947e301c30360b⋯.png (314.7 KB,970x755,194:151,ross_lit.png)


Yeah I'm sure the doors in the second and third pics >>13528557 just lead to solid dirt walls. Nothing to see here. You gaslighting kike faggot.


>Using paragraphs like a literate white man is too hard.

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Richard Branson owns an Island in the Caribbean as well as plenty of his own aircraft.

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File: f0c93a158a6b374⋯.jpg (44.99 KB,940x529,940:529,18647934_403.jpg)


>your second snorkel stop — Little St James Island — where curious fish dart back and forth in the clear blue water, and colorful coral formations nestle next to amazing underwater formations. Afterward, enjoy a beverage and snack before making your way back to St Thomas Harbor.

>Activity Type: Water Sports

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>About the only really secret space he needed was a place to hide his blackmail material. So video, digital images, logs of who fucked whom.

Not even. All that data went straight back to the City Of London and Tel Aviv.

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>he said he regretted the flying saucer info not as inaccurate in describing technology

OK fair enough. The fact he got assassinated by the police on his own property speaks well in his favor.

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>quick run down

Anyone can request to opt out of Medicare part B and part A. CMS-1763 is the mechanism. What valid reason may be accepted is unclear. Should be manditory for anyone with permanent residency living outside the U.S. while collecting Social Security.

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File: 5c95b8fe4e579fd⋯.jpg (20 KB,346x356,173:178,5c95b8fe4e579fd70a7b37e520….jpg)


the valid reason is just "because i don't want it"

that's really it, America is the home of the free, but you have to know that first.

> (b) An individual’s coverage period shall continue until his enrollment has been terminated—

(1) by the filing of notice that the individual no longer wishes to participate in the insurance program established by this part, or

(2) for nonpayment of premiums.

it's not openly advertised or even in the book at the ss office, the website says it's not listed. there's a lot of money that comes in from expatriated Americans, if you have social security number you still must pay. the explanation is in the pdf above

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You're talking to a tranny or some filipino. This is a pic taken from the internet. Either make her do a custom picture with a timestamp or this is absolutely worthless, dumbo.

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Yes, its a power generator from Global Power Products GPP

looks like new and not commissioned yet, cables are unterminated

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Thanks I will read more into it today

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Preparing for what? What could possibly be done without ZOG over-retaliation?

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Well? Then why does the horror never end? Why does every "development" that will surely "destroy the ZOG order and free us from the kidfucking yids" always fail? Why has nothing changed?

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File: aa5332018d0125c⋯.jpeg (41.26 KB,468x655,468:655,E76B00C8-B8FE-4F23-B32E-F….jpeg)

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You can try. By all means, go ahead. Then watch as those plethora of ideologies eat each other alive and the childfucking kikes get away.

Watch. What. Happens.

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Still not good enough. There is no room for compromise. Absolute purity is the only way.

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You're still fighting a losing battle Solar. Why does your Father hate you so?

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Attempted suicide, eh? ….. Darn those pesky Clintons. They nearly got another one.

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File: 90ed4ee940b69e5⋯.png (4.8 MB,2760x2760,1:1,sunny 40k 卐 .png)


>Why does your Father hate you so?

The Sun will always share its light

Even after the darkest night

Even when you’re having no fun

Never forget to hail the Sun

Praise Surya

Victory to Nerevar

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Atleast I metaphysically jewed her

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Either way, the guys got some A+ quality drones, fuck'n hell!

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Remember, most "guests" only ever saw it at night. Cheap fucker for sure! Rich for a reason I guess.

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After seeing everything else, come on, metallic paint….. moron.

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File: dfd558cf36f3dd9⋯.jpg (49.16 KB,427x300,427:300,1453089286339.jpg)


>Think about how soon until you hit water when digging on this island?


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>workers' boss in jail

is he? maybe those workers are paid by the same people who paid Jeffrey Eggdick.

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File: 31b2e4f400a96f5⋯.jpg (131.39 KB,500x375,4:3,bohemiangroveowl.jpg)

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Checked full house

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They wouldn't be advertising it publicly and writing reviews about it. The fact that he lets people snorkel on the outskirts of his island was probably a cover to make it seem like a legitimate place and not a pedo paradise.

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Maybe it is time for Mcafee to be suicided.

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What's up with all the militant atheists in this thread? Could you tip your fedoras any fucking harder?

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What re you even talking about? Are you trying to derail by means of religious D&C?

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File: 332e31d792c472c⋯.jpg (117.09 KB,1200x469,1200:469,EASadZiXkAYU8Gs.jpg)

Is it true? Have they demolished it already? Can't find any source on this pic.

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>religious D&C

Ah, one of the kikes' favorite tactics.

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File: c7856611630108b⋯.jpg (120.29 KB,632x857,632:857,Epstein - a true patriot.jpg)


A true BASED patriot. #MIGA

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File: be86478193d5373⋯.jpg (92.77 KB,1360x768,85:48,beetlejews.jpg)


>More examples of early 1960's Disney Boylover Logos

jews in this thread trying to tarnish the notorious hate monger anti-Semite known as Walt Disney

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File: 15953ef2a89c13e⋯.mp4 (155.71 KB,320x240,4:3,welcome back mr disney.mp4)


Five Threes

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File: 55eafff19976b7b⋯.jpg (47.35 KB,500x377,500:377,Q.jpg)


>Q just confirmed me

Q is a larping globohomo

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>They wouldn't be advertising it publicly and writing reviews about it.

…Boylover logo, girl lover logo, Pizza Code, Alice Day, etc are all examples of Pedos advertising publicly and writing reviews about it

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Not a trap door. It slides back under the building. Motor in the box by the palm.


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>Not a trap door

Not a hinged trap door, but a sliding 'door'.

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>inb4 McAfee shoots up the island

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I bought it, then read the forum >>13531974 then canceled my order.

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Thanks for this.

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>with armed drone

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File: ab0a37e7db1b19f⋯.png (441.73 KB,520x741,40:57,ab0a37e7db1b19f3decb9ae294….png)


Disney created a freemason breakaway city, Disney world is a city with its own city council ect, they issue their own permits to build advanced features.

>monorail to all major areas in the city

>advanced waste, water treatment

>hanging gondola that goes for miles

>hydronic and plant experimentation facilities

>pest control though animal ecosystem managment, there are no mosquitoes in Disney world because they populate the outermost areas of the city with bug eating birds

>it's like the only place in florida where the sun doesn't blind you because they alter the refraction in the air above Disney world

>advanced biometric scanning in real time

you can move to Celebration, the residential area of Disney World. enjoy your white rich neighbors

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


you can listen to the audiobook for free on YouTube, that forum was retarded honestly. a bunch of cat ladies and dale gribbles talking shit but offering nothing while agreeing with 99%of his information

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File: b0ccdd710ccb114⋯.png (2.27 MB,3117x1166,3117:1166,EpsteinIslandDrone-insideb….png)




I slowed down and looked a few frames from that video for a better look…

Construction is using USG Durock Cement Board. Pic related.

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got any proof for these statements?

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File: e91cb5c49aa80a1⋯.png (1.08 MB,864x565,864:565,1.png)

File: 511678a2b88714f⋯.png (1.01 MB,846x591,282:197,2.png)

File: bfb0dbf1b19c15b⋯.png (667.57 KB,645x398,645:398,3.png)

File: b1ddb46dbb46bba⋯.png (193.24 KB,393x280,393:280,4.png)

File: 83e40af99c6c732⋯.png (294.39 KB,662x377,662:377,5.png)

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shooting range?

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Really small rocket launch site, though I agree with the radar dome idea.

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File: 526cc53d935b419⋯.png (13.26 MB,3135x2082,1045:694,ClipboardImage.png)


door used to face the other way.

that is a new building.

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looks bigger too, and built into the side of the island.

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Nah, check the videos, it's the same building

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1st pic red circle?

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Thanks. I'm going to get into law and some of these as >>13531699 and >>13531765 suggested.

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File: b770bf0bd878426⋯.png (151.17 KB,269x188,269:188,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 7e79bc85171f008⋯.png (1.35 MB,724x610,362:305,ClipboardImage.png)


not sure, on google it used to show up as a tennis court. I don't know, something about that image makes me think of the old missile base.

The berms would hide/ deflect the blast.

Maybe some kind of AA?

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File: d5bfb4261298fa1⋯.jpg (336.28 KB,1587x1452,529:484,d5b.jpg)


>You literally couldn't do it any cheaper

it's (((their))) signature.

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>The pedo symbols specifically are spiraling triangles and spiraling hearts, according to the FBI report anyway. But the internet being what it is, a bunch of niggers immediately lost the plot and began to shit themselves over every single spiral they saw.

yeah but then you have spirals in True Detective season 1, which is a really weird cohencidence.

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>over every single spiral they saw.

global pedo network

What part of global did you not get? CIA are well known for doing exactly what you stated (larping as crazy) to discredit truth movements.

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Trips fucking checked.

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File: 952654276160aec⋯.png (1.06 MB,1080x1521,120:169,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 6fc6dc0211580b5⋯.png (1.26 MB,809x1222,809:1222,ClipboardImage.png)

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Well thats unsettling

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That "tennis court" was fake AF.

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I think there's less than 50% chance of anything significant underground on the basis that you would have to drill/blast through limestone, and I see no piles of debris or a ramp to load the rocks onto a barge

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File: ce2347547360d3b⋯.jpg (2.15 MB,1904x3000,238:375,3692.32549.jpg)


Where is the tennis court on Great Saint James?

Need More drone video there. Go to 0:59 mark


More weird stuff.

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The supposed tunnel building everybody was interested in looks like a generator room thanks to McAffe's videos.

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>>13528339 I've been thinking generator as well. The wires going underground seeme larger than would be necessary for an average house.

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File: de5af6315238979⋯.jpg (1.21 MB,1872x2032,117:127,2963.785674.jpg)


Certainly covering up something here too.


0:39 minute mark

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File: bbff4e3f443feb1⋯.png (284.14 KB,475x364,475:364,ClipboardImage.png)


Yeah, what a dickhead Epstein is

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There was that one satellite shot of the island in that time lapse video under a conveniently placed cloud. any sort of heavy lifting could have occurred then. Otherwise its possible the images were scrubbed for anything significant akin to the tennis court.

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Supposedly construction there stopped because he was doing it illegally (probably without permits or environmental impact studies)

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What has changed is there used to be a sizable building under the flag that's now completely gone. Could have been wiped out die to fire or a hurricane, but there isn't anything left except the flag (look at google earth time lapse)

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File: 9cc13b260d1fd90⋯.mp4 (2.95 MB,854x480,427:240,aaand it's gone.mp4)


This one

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That field circle looks like a Lifeshield bunker from the previous post

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Or at least laying out where its going to go for people to start digging.

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Lmao @ more recent

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Agree100% Listened to them all my HS years. Hes spot on about most of it. A true saint/Martyr of knowledge. Rip WILL <3

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Don't blame the poster, blame the toaster !!

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Wouldn't the whole point of tunnels be to evade surveillance?

It would make NO sense to have a tunnel entrance so obvious, when you could enter the tunnel(s) through the basements of the various buildings on the island (if they don't have basements, then through trap doors)

That photo IMHO shows some kind of maintenance access – maybe for tunnels, maybe for electricity or water.

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File: 250c942270b6031⋯.png (4.74 MB,2560x1440,16:9,250c942270b6031bba434c41d2….png)

File: da0e46969197c3b⋯.png (3.86 MB,2560x1440,16:9,da0e46969197c3b3ebe2d31b15….png)

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This is to be expected expect much worse too

Baby farms and shit

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File: 520624f6548eafd⋯.png (387.69 KB,1366x386,683:193,Screenshot (13207).png)




What's that mean? All of these elite pervert bastards have "Foundations".

>BioShield and NanoShield


>A large bunker would be a place where babies are born and children play and go to school.

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File: 02631ce73b2ffd0⋯.png (118.79 KB,691x226,691:226,ClipboardImage.png)

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>Wouldn't the whole point of tunnels be to evade surveillance?

If that's the case then it obviously it worked, since everyone is so quick to believe that there isn't anything underground except totally innocent maintenance tunnels

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>>A large bunker would be a place where babies are born and children play and go to school.

Bottom of pic 2 >>13534028

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File: 7a281f0e468e048⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,660x315,44:21,C-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg)

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The specific gravity of limestone is a tad higher than garbage

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File: 7c72b7d28c93fda⋯.png (344.59 KB,716x1008,179:252,Screenshot_2019-07-25-19-2….png)

Wat da fugg

Sixteen U.S. Marines were arrested Thursday on human smuggling and drug allegations at a base in Southern California, military officials said.

The Marines were arrested at Camp Pendleton based on information gained from a previous human smuggling investigation, the Marine Corps said in a statement Thursday. At least eight other Marines have also been questioned about their involvement in alleged drug offenses.

None of the arrested or detained Marines were a part of the Southwest Border Support mission, according to the military's statement.

Two Marines had been taken into custody July 3 for allegedly helping to smuggle undocumented immigrants across the southern border into San Diego County. The men allegedly received the migrants at a pickup point about 20 miles east of a U.S. port of entry at Tecate and seven miles north of the border, officials said earlier this month.

The drug charges are unrelated to moving drugs across the southern border. During the Naval Criminal Investigative Service investigation into the smuggling, investigators found a number of Marines involved with illegal drugs.

The arrests come hours after United States Special Operations Command separately announced that a Navy SEAL platoon from San Diego would be sent home early from a mission in Iraq "due to a perceived deterioration of good order and discipline." A U.S. defense official told NBC News that the allegations against the Navy SEALs were related to drinking.

Tamara Lawrence, public affairs officer for Naval Special Warfare Command, said in a statement that "the loss of confidence outweighed potential operational risk."

"Leaders at all levels must lead in a way that sustains and sharpens that foundation," Lawrence said. "Discipline is a competitive advantage and enforcing those standards is critical to our success on the battlefield."

The U.S. Marine Corps could not immediately be reached for further information.


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Betting all of them are spics.

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File: 64f20ed19fbc5e8⋯.png (135.61 KB,1841x413,263:59,ClipboardImage.png)


he is still posting on qresearch

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No one is going to take that bet. It's almost a guarantee that they're spics.

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He as in Rusty Shackleford aka Mad man Mcafee?

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dose anyone have a before/ after image where they expanded the shoreline?


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yeah, he said he is not mcafee tho

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He would say that, wouldn't he. I don't even care.

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that's true, he couldn't say it was him or he'd get sued.

the stuff about disney sounds like him.

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File: e515fbd59a39abc⋯.jpg (92.06 KB,1024x576,16:9,Qcumber nails.jpg)


>going on /qresearch/

If it's not McAfee, it's probably a ZOGbot. Green niggers are both retarded, enough to believe the Q LARP, and would have access to those kinds of drones.

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At least the Q larp provides occasionally good info. That's something I can't say about nu/pol/

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Good info about what? The necessity of boomer genocide?

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>>13534155 (checked)

Interesting 2007 article by the caretaker of Great St. James Island. Goes into detail why this place can't be developed.


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There were rumors going around sometime back that the underground tunnels were being filled in with cement.

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He should explore the island on foot with a gopro and rifle.

He already knows all points of interest so it wouldn't be hard.

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File: 7b6975e5b6005a9⋯.jpg (119.55 KB,990x756,55:42,humans.jpg)


>Rusty Shackleford

>i thought this guy was a rizon pedo, self-declared homosexual and supporter/caller of the killstream

"Rusty Shackleford" is the fake name used by a character on the goyvision show called Kind Of The Hill. Lots of people use it.

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File: f875bbe52dfd6c7⋯.jpg (385.6 KB,2247x1439,2247:1439,island shops arches DJI 00….jpg)


The arches are painted on! Had me fooled.


@ 1:05

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> On the adjacent island of Little St. James, dynamite was used for construction of just a small cluster of buildings.

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What a fucking trash heap of an island. I've seen mexican food joints with classier decor.

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fucking hell lads why are these kikes so lazy?

if I was a billionaire philanthropist running all kinds of shady operations on a private island i'd at least shell out the cash for a nice looking compound.

>be jew

>unlimited money and resources

>spend it all on basic /fringe/-tier occult LARPing and decadent sex parties

>expect nobody to catch on to your blatantly shady pedo-island

>get arrested and try to become an hero

wew. this is who we lost WWII to?

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>Crime, which is very high in the territory, will undoubtedly spill over to the island when it becomes commonly known that many affluent residents live in isolated dwellings that are easily accessible from shore (which is public).

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File: b92ea655d55c0b4⋯.jpg (34.77 KB,474x725,474:725,Smug Evola.jpg)


Yeah, god forbid coked out Caribbean niggerpirates decide to loot a pedophile's plywood maintenance shack.

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I was so confuded by that fake temple too in this regard

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where is this from? this exactly what I had pictured

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Might be what its for, fool distant onlookers its something completely harmless. Seems like it did its job.

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Also where the hell do the groundskeeper nigs go after they are done? There should be boats coming and going constantly with shift changes from the mainland, let theres nothing even anchored or sitting in the poo brown "harbor".

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Bruh have you not seen a king sized bed?

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Wrong. The biblical words translated to 'sin' basically literally mean "to miss the mark(target)"

The word sin itself goes back to an proto-germanic word that means "something that should not be" or "guilty"

Nothing to do with moon worship.

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/qresearch/ a few breads back.

Droneanon took them today I think.

Nothing on the Island is what it seems.

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File: 20b05c3b367545f⋯.jpg (315.95 KB,803x1200,803:1200,epstiens temple island dun….jpg)

File: 4939a9bb5fc3f2a⋯.jpg (128 KB,1024x576,16:9,ritual slaughter of sheep.jpg)

File: f5a1a073d4da4dd⋯.jpg (369.37 KB,723x608,723:608,Der-Sturmer-Ritual-Murder-….jpg)


I don't see a staircase in that photo but there was a lot of speculation on what goes on in this 'temple'. Is this like the jewish temple where the 'cattle' are brought and the priest 'lays his hands' on them and then they are slaughtered in the 'temple'?

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You need to do some research into the culture of the region. Sin is the moon god of Babylon (where the jew gets his talmud from)


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No kidding! I was vacationing at a private island, inside a villa there when I got up early one morning. Low and behold like fifty armed niggers were running past the villa in a military exercise. I told the people who run the island about it and they got very upset because mega wealthy people live on this private island and the local islands nigger military is supposed to stay off. I seriously was frozen, like, "Is this the day I die at the nigger military hands." It was unexpected.

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File: 88d39868dd01fd2⋯.png (4.42 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 4eb6b69157727fd⋯.png (2.58 MB,1920x1080,16:9,ClipboardImage.png)

why so many doors?

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And you need to do some research into what language the Bible was originally written in. The Hebrew word translated as 'sin' in the OT is chata. And the Greek word in the NT is hamartia. Which moon gods are they, retard?

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That place is tacky as fuck.

There is no accounting for taste.

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How can 'sin' crouch at a door retard? The very first mention of Sin is the moon god crouching at the threshold of Cain's house. Sin is not something 'you do' it is a god/person.

Gen 4

7 If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? But if you refuse to do what is right, Sin is crouching at your door; you are its object of desire, but you must master it.”

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This is a literary device known as personification, you fucking heretic. Yes, temptation is right outside, waiting for you to let it in. Get it?

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NO you dumb fuck. See Sin (Mythology)…have you fucking studied ANY of the culture of the region? Do you have no understanding AT ALL of what the Bible is saying to you right there. It is not a 'literary device' it is an actual person. This shouldn't be that hard for someone who understands what a 'literary device' is…but you bought everything the kikes were 'selling' when they packaged this religion for the goy. This is telling you something that is so fundamentally key to your existence that it is practically criminal that you don't know what it is saying.

Masonic saying

''It is not a secret, it is just none of your business…"


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Is Epstein just a fall guy?

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You need to do some research into the etymology of the word, anon. The word "sin" does appear in hebrew, but it's the 21st letter of their alphabet. It's essentially their "S" but, more importantly, it stands for Shaddai. So it's actually referring to their god.

More to the point, the word for sin in Hebrew is "hatah" which means, as already stated, "to miss the mark."

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So 'missing the mark' is crouching at Cain's door and keeping him from being 'lifted up' or ascending?

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Nope, faggot…there is someone who is missing the mark in this conversation and it is you.

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Spend 3 years in seminary and then lecture me about languages you've never studied.

Hatah literally translates to 'Missing the mark'

It still refers to transgression against divine law. Do you think there's a literal door being discussed here, or that he's literally going be gain altitude in being "lifted up" Do you think we invented metaphor and figurative language in the past generation?

You are a fucking idiot and you don't know the first thing about language, mythology or theology. Don't post again.

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>why so many doors?

I take it you've never been to a swingers party?

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Fuck you retard. I have studied BOTH Hebrew and Greek and I didn't even have to pay 'seminary fees' to do it. You keep sucking kike balls and never figure out what you need to know, IDGAF…who are you to me?

No one.

Just someone who can't think for themselves without PAYING A KIKE to teach them.

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Most of /pol/ is not fucking POZZED like you.

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>I studied languages but I don't know what any of the words mean

Sure thing.

I bet you have 300 confirmed kills too. Get the fuck out of here, you fraud. No one is going to take you seriously.

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The BUTTHURT is massive on your end.

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File: b30709e2af8fdfd⋯.jpg (34.27 KB,511x509,511:509,S_M_U_G.jpg)


That's not what you're sensing, anon.

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Sensing your a tranny…

Yeah, probably.

Go dilate yourself before you cough out another ass mucus hairball out your boi pucci.

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File: 3157b53480e4a8d⋯.jpg (148.12 KB,600x900,2:3,OMG.jpg)


Oh, you're angry, aren't you? Why don't you go play with that labo your wife's boyfriend got you for your vasectomy present?

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File: 3e44ac83111a3e4⋯.jpg (83.38 KB,488x455,488:455,skels.jpg)

So when we gathering the goons and going on a raid?

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File: 1909789a1b13ad3⋯.png (298.91 KB,398x597,2:3,2a406ff452f691c1bce0b53983….png)



Are you two gonna spend all night pinching each other on the dick? This is getting embarrassing.

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This is the dumbest interpretation of the meaning of sin I’ve ever read. Whenever I see someone correctly get the intended meaning, which is to sin is to miss the mark, to not do what is obviously right and skillful. That is sin. It’s embarrassing what you have posted.

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It's embarrassing that you're proud of being mundane.

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Pride is sin. Try again shitdick.

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You have low skill at not being gay, which is sin in your own words.

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File: cc993908e99b364⋯.jpg (452.04 KB,1080x2220,18:37,20190725_113259.jpg)

File: 76b5897db99ed9b⋯.jpg (402.98 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190724-221620….jpg)



>OP Of Epstein-Disney Cruise connection Faggot Mods banned me for being a "q-tard" when I noted that "Q" confirmed it

>Thanks for reversing the ban…I guess

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File: 9cb256e266ba1e8⋯.png (271.74 KB,500x331,500:331,starwars slave row.png)


>why so many doors?


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Easier to mop up the blood.

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>using a star war reference

Found the boomer

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File: 218257900137907⋯.jpg (49.25 KB,400x400,1:1,shekel.jpg)

hahaha there are so many millenial failures ITT. Take the plebs who wonder why the isle is not full of ueber-rich palaces. Well, goym, the owner is a kike and he's mossad. So the isle is just an asset and the cheap kike has adorned wiith some BS statue here and there but the fact remains the same: ISLE IS A COVER FOR HUMAN TRAFFICKING AND RACKETEERING OF OTHER JEWISH MEANS OF MONEY GRABBING, SO ORGAN HARVESTING AND SHKELIM WASHING MAY APPLY.

Dudes, we are looking at kikes here, just see how shitty is this:


there's a cage at the beginning and the dental tools near the end. Provide female asset with GPS on a dental insert, dispatch the MK ULTRA asset, retrieve location of asset and the goy who got her BJs.

Think as Mossadi jews, BE WISE AS SERPENTS - Yeshua

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>believing the Q LARP

>not even being able to screenshot posts properly

You should be euthanized.

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Laying on the boomer larp this thick

You should at least learn how to embed videos before smugly tell us a bunch of shit we already know.

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File: 416fc139c0ba16b⋯.jpg (691.78 KB,1080x1514,540:757,Screenshot_20190726-134707….jpg)

File: b8a27ad8dfc87ca⋯.jpg (87.85 KB,460x287,460:287,Stephen-Hawking-Jeffrey-Ep….jpg)

File: a59e9082ca656d7⋯.png (16.45 KB,227x255,227:255,ae844146ab8c1f1f5525284aae….png)

File: 321634766c84c7b⋯.png (2.54 MB,2048x1357,2048:1357,cbbbf3baff03e9b94d9cdc599c….png)

In 2006, the world’s most famous brain visited Little St. James, Epstein’s private island, which came to be known as “Pedophile Island.” Hawking, who was in the Caribbean for a conference, was photographed at a barbecue on the island and aboard a submarine for a tour. According to the Telegraph, “Epstein is said to have paid for the submarine to be modified for Professor Hawking, who had never been underwater before.”

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-nomochomo <;]

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This man fights for your freedom

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File: 729dd78150e1347⋯.jpg (397.54 KB,960x600,8:5,838_13.jpg)

"ATLANTIS SUBMARINES" + "EDGE FOUNDATION" -> Reality Club (Aisimov sr. founding member-author of Foundations Edge). Asimov Jr. was let off by Robert Mueller for running the largest computer CP distribution center ever discovered in CA

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File: dfe8c48e663488c⋯.jpg (8.03 KB,200x133,200:133,kraussa.200.jpg)

File: f64d4a02ae3d34d⋯.jpg (303.68 KB,700x541,700:541,v_nobel.jpg)

File: 35cedafe846a060⋯.jpg (8.73 KB,250x165,50:33,lawrence_krauss_tn.jpg)


In 2006 Lawrence Krauss hosted a physics work shop in St Thomas. The title: "Confronting Gravity", one of the most enigmatic forces of the Universe but taken so much for granted in our daily lives.

Many prestigious names attended. Among them were Stephen Hawking, Lawrence Krauss, Alan Guth, Kip Thorne, Lisa Randall, P James Peebles, and Nobel Price Laureates Frank Wilczek, David Gross, and Gerard tHooft.

Patagon Dive Center had the privilege to take a great number of them SCUBA Diving. With pride we can say that our dive boat, "Lady Grace", held more brain power at once than any time any where before!

Also we had the privilege to arrange for Stephen Hawking to have an VIP Atlantis Submarine underwater tour.

In the Photo (from left to right):

Lawrence Krauss, next to him a local physicist (sorry we do not have his name), Graciela, Gerard tHooft, Frank Wilczek, Arnoldo, and David Gross at Antilles School Auditorium where…

they generously offered a lecture for all the High Schools of St Thomas.

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File: 2f9ad30628f518f⋯.png (194.22 KB,627x366,209:122,Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 5….png)

File: 9e8beb07fa1406d⋯.png (321.95 KB,484x595,484:595,Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 6….png)

File: 747de53d2f3ceaa⋯.png (280.49 KB,482x600,241:300,Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 6….png)


Looks like they got him away from the island by just arresting him for being white.

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File: db898e4afa6b781⋯.png (217.54 KB,510x594,85:99,Screenshot 2019-07-26 at 6….png)

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File: e2e2a49e14571fd⋯.png (82.44 KB,646x152,17:4,e2e2a49e14571fdf09f0c76514….png)


my god this timeline

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Why does the racetraitor have a nigress for a wife? Disgusting..

Can't dislike McAfee still somehow..

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Whatever the source of Epstein’s money, however, one thing is clear: he has a lot of it. Hence his ornate, French-style Fifth Avenue home on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, with 40 rooms covering 21,000 sq ft – the largest private residence in the city by most estimates. Built in 1933 by an heir to the Macy’s fortune, it used to be an elite private school and sits opposite Bill Cosby’s much smaller brownstone.

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File: 21d9e463104aa17⋯.jpg (508.63 KB,1200x477,400:159,ashram.jpg)


>CIAnigger thinks he has banter

They've been spending too much time here.

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Oh Florence you dumb boomer

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File: 8daba75457c52de⋯.jpg (617.88 KB,810x2544,135:424,Screenshot_20190726-173453….jpg)


Holy Fuck. McAfee is a PIZZAGATOR


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File: 5b423914b2da964⋯.jpg (414.05 KB,810x1495,162:299,20190726_173837.jpg)

thanks John but stop being a cryptokike

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I died and now I'm living in a Steven King novel.

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File: 205b8500e83d570⋯.jpg (204.95 KB,1080x713,1080:713,Screenshot_20190726-174611….jpg)

nomochomo: I may be getting man in the middle attacked with faked pages. Is this real?


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mass hysteria/partisan conflict via groups receiving conflicting "official" stories

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cue the "my account was hackereded even though I'm supposed to be the king of no-hack" excuse in 4…3…2…1…

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Did they …uhhhhh….wiggle his joystick?

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I know modern /pol/ balks at the mention, but wasn't "Alice AT Wonderland" (or something like that, I know it wasn't "… IN Wonderland" in one of the early Q posts?

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I also remember people bringing up the fact another name for Area 51 is Wonderland, could he have been hinting at Area 51 being used as a hub for sex trafficking?

Polite sage for double post.

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File: 3c4a02eb129520a⋯.jpg (131.45 KB,950x534,475:267,serveimage.jpg)


>modern /pol/


The Q LARP was never tolerated here,

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Go back to reddit, faggot.

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Why aren't the grooves uniform over the floor then? The only grooves inside the floor are there, the rest are along the sides.

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File: 76ca5c356d10bb5⋯.jpg (150.34 KB,810x637,810:637,20190726_200903.jpg)

File: 2c9b9fbe6df1f63⋯.jpg (790.66 KB,810x2958,135:493,20190726_200804.jpg)

John McAfee was Redpilled on Pedowood by his wife in 2019


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John McAfee's wife takes the Disney Red Pill

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A month later McAfee declares that government is so corrupt, no levels are untouched

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Shouldve asked for time stamp with those pics. U might be getting trolled too.

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Use opera you moron. built in VPN

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File: f3c6f6254c220a0⋯.jpg (633.11 KB,810x1925,162:385,20190726_220927.jpg)

Gislaine Maxwell's Father (Mossad agent Robert Maxwell) also operated his brownstone operations from the Virgin Islands

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>First runner-up, and recipient of a $3,000 scholarship, was Taiesa Lashley.

More than $20,000 in scholarship money, all raised locally, was distributed between the five contestants Saturday night for purposes of their college education, including a $10,000 purse to Thomas, courtesy of the J. Epstein V.I. Foundation. According to Jerry, the Miss America contest distributes more funds to women than any organization across the country, offering some $45 million in scholarship money.



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Epstein paid for this women's college. Now she Manages Disney World

it's a small world after all

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Tracy Twyman was probably suicided for putting this together a year ago

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or her death is a larp to bring attention to her research

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File: 9dc3a0c4238c6f9⋯.jpg (16.91 KB,381x381,1:1,faux-shutter-hinges-decora….jpg)

File: 8fc3d7c7f98d897⋯.jpg (442.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,island n house cabanas.jpg)


"Many doors" looked to me like slave quarters, or maybe a colonial-era Caribbean prison. Spent too much time looking for related pic, got tired, and posted that. I'm not proud of it.

Anyway, now I'm thinking many of those "doors" are actually full-height windows with strong shutters over them – like you would need in hurricane country.

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That's my biggest concern, mcfee is part of the "clique" put a show by concluding, "nop there's nothing incriminating on the island, epstien is clean" Thus, twisting the popular opinion.

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File: bca335f5f4e39d0⋯.png (43.9 KB,632x482,316:241,asimov-mueller2.png)

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If it wasn't obvious by his AIDS-chasing that degenerate obviously has a death wish.

Good speed you glorious lolberg nutcase!

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I was offline for over a month. Can you guys brief me on the Epstein arrest issue? How did the ZOG forshake him so much?

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Is there some ritualistic significance on eating infant bones?

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Infants/Kids have way more regenerative biological components (stem cells, blood, hormones, etc)

Royalty/scientists in Europe had elaborate witchcraft "recipes" which are the pre cursor to modern medicine

bio material + toil, and trouble, fire burn, and cauldron bubble

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File: 887719e4b52892a⋯.jpg (486.42 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190727-020609….jpg)


Agree, I dont trust McAfee at all w/ his cryptocurrency shtick

But if he keeps exposing pedos I'll cautiously support those efforts

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If she really was a Qcumber, I'm glad she's dead.

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Thanks John

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Jew found>>13528229

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The Jew Cries Out in Pain as It Strikes You

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>Why would a jungle fever faggot ever go against the jew?

christ, this is your brain on ideology. you're not "redpilled" you're a delusional turd-for-brain that can only see the world in neat little labeled boxes.

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Does king of the hill boomer know about 8ch, would he be lurking? if you are, please see what else you can find.

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My speed is slow like a sack of potatoes and even slower on tor. Maybe a UNIX fag on linux or BSD can help out or correct me.


Install or make these packages: ffmpeg youtube-dl torsocks tor proxychains

You can find the manuals on the software to double check. Just change to the directory you want to save the videos at like this.

mkdir ~/Documents/epstein-dronefootage

cd ~/Documents/esptein-dronefootage

or replace

Paranoia download:

torsocks youtube-dl https://fi.invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCGF4cH9t6SgF5e4OELMbDjg -v –proxy socks5:// –write-description –write-info-json –write-annotations –no-cache-dir –write-thumbnail -f bestvideo+bestaudio –merge-output-format mkv –add-metadata -o '%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'


You can get a 3rd party source to download from youtube from an Invidious instance, a url can be obtained here as well as a hidden tor onion service.

The more relays you use the slower it will be, hence tor services and invidious 3rd parties will result in slower speeds. I think picking a safer onion url will be compatible with youtube-dl as well since I think tor resolves the service, not the application being used in torsocks. I used to –proxy argument to make sure that the tor local address:port resolver is used since I'm not sure youtube-dl is configured for tor.

==Suicidial command== for fast speed and normie fags:

youtube-dl https://youtube.com/channel/UCGF4cH9t6SgF5e4OELMbDjg -v –write-description –write-info-json –write-annotations –no-cache-dir –write-thumbnail -f bestvideo+bestaudio –merge-output-format mkv –add-metadata -o '%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'

Remember to archive it in 7z format for best compression and host on a server or a torrent like i2p network.

7z a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on epsteindrone.7z ~/Documents/epstein-dronefootage

Also remember to ditch fed8chan that slows and disables tor and disincentivizes anonymitity, get on a new chan board like nano or endchan





>inb4 feds discourages tor usage "muh tor honey pot"

The whole internet architecture is a honeypot dipshit. Tor is the most developed mixnet we have so far until we get lokinet. So stop your bitching and get on it. Torposters aren't the problem, an non 00000 id poster can easily configure his network or get a temporary conection set up via proxychains and use a normal proxy/vpn exit node to appear as a normal chan-nigger. Stop your ignorance. If you don't trust tor to setup your relays for you then get proxy links set up with the proxychains software and a safe and correctly configured proxies in proxylist. This is pretty stupid to think random proxy/proxylist > tor network is more properly setup than a service that hackers, US gov, and darknets use for their operations. You should have tor in this chain or you are highly retarded, Highly stupid. You just need good opsec along with mixnets.

This post is going to be at the bottom. If a new thread is started please share and feel free to correct anything here.

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Just use -f best. You can get synchronization issues using merge

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He's not exposing anything; he's merely inserting his attention whore face into a current sensational news story.

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More likely it's Epstein doing it to deflate all the interest in his island (which likely doesn't have tunnels). It might even be old footage

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File: 44b8d5947e50c10⋯.jpg (251.77 KB,850x1100,17:22,1563965610736.jpg)


Look at it from this angle. Epstein is not top elite, neither is Gishlaine. Pedo island is a relatively cheap place to lure in people with bad taste for blackmail purposes. (think CEOs, celebrities, politicians etc…).

They were working for someone or some group or groups. At a higher level I doubt this or that country or intel agency makes any difference.

Geffen, Redstone etc… are not being investigated. Aga Khan's island next to st james is not being talked about.

Even if Epstein talks and people are killed it's a cleanup that interests both parties. Dont overlook the bigger picture, Pedoisland is best used as a channel to talk about the rest, not as the sole focus of attention.

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File: e242e56b16c665a⋯.png (490.95 KB,800x600,4:3,e66878e621a1bfdbcfcd340668….png)


Ghislaine Maxwell always struck me as more of a high-power field agent than an actual elite. Last of the old world spies and all that. She also looks like a jewy dyke version of my ex in younger pictures, which raises a few uncomfortable questions but that's a personal issue

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I agree. Especially with regards to your comment about the high level people. Too many average folks seem to think there's some imaginary divider that keeps private and government interests apart.

Money and connections are the only things that matter.

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That's a good point. It's helping to re-enforce the shilled narrative that the Island is the only place anything wrong was done, and the people he spent time with here in the US dindu nuffin.

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Unless those are new ones. They're wrapped in plastic.

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This is a pornstar Julia DeLucia

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Chiggity Checked

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She isn't even pretty.

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fucking dumbass larpers. why would john do this. it was just some crazy anon. if you legit believe john did this, youre a retard that should check into a mental hospital or the nearest LARP

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