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File: 95fd32c17aefbfa⋯.png (892.88 KB,628x903,628:903,1563562503286.png)

 No.13528134 [View All]


Repost from faggotchan but I think y'all need to see this


6 days ago:

>mcaffee goes dark


5 days ago:

>"Rusty Shackleford" starts posting drone videos of LSJ island to YouTube


>I have a lightbulb moment and realize Mcaffee is on a boat in the Caribbean and probably has a drone and definitely has the time to do this, since he's on the lam

>I google "rusty Shackleford john mcaffee" and this comes up:

Check out Rusty Shackleford (@RScrypto): https://twitter.com/RScrypto?s=09

do a little digging and obvious samefag is obvious

>an anon points out this tweet from mcaffee in April showing off his wife's new drone


I know he's an oil drilling MDPV addict but this is interesting netheless

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I died and now I'm living in a Steven King novel.

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File: 205b8500e83d570⋯.jpg (204.95 KB,1080x713,1080:713,Screenshot_20190726-174611….jpg)

nomochomo: I may be getting man in the middle attacked with faked pages. Is this real?


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mass hysteria/partisan conflict via groups receiving conflicting "official" stories

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cue the "my account was hackereded even though I'm supposed to be the king of no-hack" excuse in 4…3…2…1…

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Did they …uhhhhh….wiggle his joystick?

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I know modern /pol/ balks at the mention, but wasn't "Alice AT Wonderland" (or something like that, I know it wasn't "… IN Wonderland" in one of the early Q posts?

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I also remember people bringing up the fact another name for Area 51 is Wonderland, could he have been hinting at Area 51 being used as a hub for sex trafficking?

Polite sage for double post.

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File: 3c4a02eb129520a⋯.jpg (131.45 KB,950x534,475:267,serveimage.jpg)


>modern /pol/


The Q LARP was never tolerated here,

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Go back to reddit, faggot.

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Why aren't the grooves uniform over the floor then? The only grooves inside the floor are there, the rest are along the sides.

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File: 76ca5c356d10bb5⋯.jpg (150.34 KB,810x637,810:637,20190726_200903.jpg)

File: 2c9b9fbe6df1f63⋯.jpg (790.66 KB,810x2958,135:493,20190726_200804.jpg)

John McAfee was Redpilled on Pedowood by his wife in 2019


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John McAfee's wife takes the Disney Red Pill

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A month later McAfee declares that government is so corrupt, no levels are untouched

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Shouldve asked for time stamp with those pics. U might be getting trolled too.

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Use opera you moron. built in VPN

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File: f3c6f6254c220a0⋯.jpg (633.11 KB,810x1925,162:385,20190726_220927.jpg)

Gislaine Maxwell's Father (Mossad agent Robert Maxwell) also operated his brownstone operations from the Virgin Islands

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>First runner-up, and recipient of a $3,000 scholarship, was Taiesa Lashley.

More than $20,000 in scholarship money, all raised locally, was distributed between the five contestants Saturday night for purposes of their college education, including a $10,000 purse to Thomas, courtesy of the J. Epstein V.I. Foundation. According to Jerry, the Miss America contest distributes more funds to women than any organization across the country, offering some $45 million in scholarship money.



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Epstein paid for this women's college. Now she Manages Disney World

it's a small world after all

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Tracy Twyman was probably suicided for putting this together a year ago

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or her death is a larp to bring attention to her research

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File: 9dc3a0c4238c6f9⋯.jpg (16.91 KB,381x381,1:1,faux-shutter-hinges-decora….jpg)

File: 8fc3d7c7f98d897⋯.jpg (442.71 KB,1920x1080,16:9,island n house cabanas.jpg)


"Many doors" looked to me like slave quarters, or maybe a colonial-era Caribbean prison. Spent too much time looking for related pic, got tired, and posted that. I'm not proud of it.

Anyway, now I'm thinking many of those "doors" are actually full-height windows with strong shutters over them – like you would need in hurricane country.

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That's my biggest concern, mcfee is part of the "clique" put a show by concluding, "nop there's nothing incriminating on the island, epstien is clean" Thus, twisting the popular opinion.

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File: bca335f5f4e39d0⋯.png (43.9 KB,632x482,316:241,asimov-mueller2.png)

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If it wasn't obvious by his AIDS-chasing that degenerate obviously has a death wish.

Good speed you glorious lolberg nutcase!

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I was offline for over a month. Can you guys brief me on the Epstein arrest issue? How did the ZOG forshake him so much?

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Is there some ritualistic significance on eating infant bones?

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Infants/Kids have way more regenerative biological components (stem cells, blood, hormones, etc)

Royalty/scientists in Europe had elaborate witchcraft "recipes" which are the pre cursor to modern medicine

bio material + toil, and trouble, fire burn, and cauldron bubble

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File: 887719e4b52892a⋯.jpg (486.42 KB,1080x2220,18:37,Screenshot_20190727-020609….jpg)


Agree, I dont trust McAfee at all w/ his cryptocurrency shtick

But if he keeps exposing pedos I'll cautiously support those efforts

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If she really was a Qcumber, I'm glad she's dead.

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Thanks John

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Jew found>>13528229

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The Jew Cries Out in Pain as It Strikes You

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>Why would a jungle fever faggot ever go against the jew?

christ, this is your brain on ideology. you're not "redpilled" you're a delusional turd-for-brain that can only see the world in neat little labeled boxes.

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Does king of the hill boomer know about 8ch, would he be lurking? if you are, please see what else you can find.

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My speed is slow like a sack of potatoes and even slower on tor. Maybe a UNIX fag on linux or BSD can help out or correct me.


Install or make these packages: ffmpeg youtube-dl torsocks tor proxychains

You can find the manuals on the software to double check. Just change to the directory you want to save the videos at like this.

mkdir ~/Documents/epstein-dronefootage

cd ~/Documents/esptein-dronefootage

or replace

Paranoia download:

torsocks youtube-dl https://fi.invidious.snopyta.org/channel/UCGF4cH9t6SgF5e4OELMbDjg -v –proxy socks5:// –write-description –write-info-json –write-annotations –no-cache-dir –write-thumbnail -f bestvideo+bestaudio –merge-output-format mkv –add-metadata -o '%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'


You can get a 3rd party source to download from youtube from an Invidious instance, a url can be obtained here as well as a hidden tor onion service.

The more relays you use the slower it will be, hence tor services and invidious 3rd parties will result in slower speeds. I think picking a safer onion url will be compatible with youtube-dl as well since I think tor resolves the service, not the application being used in torsocks. I used to –proxy argument to make sure that the tor local address:port resolver is used since I'm not sure youtube-dl is configured for tor.

==Suicidial command== for fast speed and normie fags:

youtube-dl https://youtube.com/channel/UCGF4cH9t6SgF5e4OELMbDjg -v –write-description –write-info-json –write-annotations –no-cache-dir –write-thumbnail -f bestvideo+bestaudio –merge-output-format mkv –add-metadata -o '%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s'

Remember to archive it in 7z format for best compression and host on a server or a torrent like i2p network.

7z a -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9 -mfb=64 -md=32m -ms=on epsteindrone.7z ~/Documents/epstein-dronefootage

Also remember to ditch fed8chan that slows and disables tor and disincentivizes anonymitity, get on a new chan board like nano or endchan





>inb4 feds discourages tor usage "muh tor honey pot"

The whole internet architecture is a honeypot dipshit. Tor is the most developed mixnet we have so far until we get lokinet. So stop your bitching and get on it. Torposters aren't the problem, an non 00000 id poster can easily configure his network or get a temporary conection set up via proxychains and use a normal proxy/vpn exit node to appear as a normal chan-nigger. Stop your ignorance. If you don't trust tor to setup your relays for you then get proxy links set up with the proxychains software and a safe and correctly configured proxies in proxylist. This is pretty stupid to think random proxy/proxylist > tor network is more properly setup than a service that hackers, US gov, and darknets use for their operations. You should have tor in this chain or you are highly retarded, Highly stupid. You just need good opsec along with mixnets.

This post is going to be at the bottom. If a new thread is started please share and feel free to correct anything here.

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Just use -f best. You can get synchronization issues using merge

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He's not exposing anything; he's merely inserting his attention whore face into a current sensational news story.

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More likely it's Epstein doing it to deflate all the interest in his island (which likely doesn't have tunnels). It might even be old footage

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File: 44b8d5947e50c10⋯.jpg (251.77 KB,850x1100,17:22,1563965610736.jpg)


Look at it from this angle. Epstein is not top elite, neither is Gishlaine. Pedo island is a relatively cheap place to lure in people with bad taste for blackmail purposes. (think CEOs, celebrities, politicians etc…).

They were working for someone or some group or groups. At a higher level I doubt this or that country or intel agency makes any difference.

Geffen, Redstone etc… are not being investigated. Aga Khan's island next to st james is not being talked about.

Even if Epstein talks and people are killed it's a cleanup that interests both parties. Dont overlook the bigger picture, Pedoisland is best used as a channel to talk about the rest, not as the sole focus of attention.

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File: e242e56b16c665a⋯.png (490.95 KB,800x600,4:3,e66878e621a1bfdbcfcd340668….png)


Ghislaine Maxwell always struck me as more of a high-power field agent than an actual elite. Last of the old world spies and all that. She also looks like a jewy dyke version of my ex in younger pictures, which raises a few uncomfortable questions but that's a personal issue

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I agree. Especially with regards to your comment about the high level people. Too many average folks seem to think there's some imaginary divider that keeps private and government interests apart.

Money and connections are the only things that matter.

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That's a good point. It's helping to re-enforce the shilled narrative that the Island is the only place anything wrong was done, and the people he spent time with here in the US dindu nuffin.

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Unless those are new ones. They're wrapped in plastic.

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This is a pornstar Julia DeLucia

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Chiggity Checked

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She isn't even pretty.

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fucking dumbass larpers. why would john do this. it was just some crazy anon. if you legit believe john did this, youre a retard that should check into a mental hospital or the nearest LARP

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