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 No.13526771 [Last50 Posts]

It is now apparent to me that (((the powers that be))) are intent on both promoting and preventing the microdosing of LSD and other nootropics in order to keep the population in subservience to their inane prison matrix. What I have recently discovered, however, is that this (((Hegelian))) maneuver is a ruse in order to keep people away from valproate.

Valporic acid, injected directly into the vein, is nothing less than the soma of the dharmic ancients. I am not talking about

>muh DMT

>muh (((Joe Rogan)))

I am talking about a compound that allows the neural pathways to generate thinking that both transcends and expands the goals of The White Ethnostate. Simply put, if you are not using Monero to purchase valporate off of the dark web, you are a race traitor and a spiritual abuser of white children.


<200 char

>This is all bullshit. Do you use nootropics, anon?

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Nice product placement

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Nootropics work. Try actually using them.

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What's your stack look like, anon?

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>the government doesn't want us doing drugs

<that's why they glorify drug use in all music, movies and television

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Hegel was german, and kys kthnx

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OP sounds like an Alex Jones listener "muh Hegelian Dialectic" and all that nonsense

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Hegelian dialectic is legit. Read his shit, was based on idealism, (((marx))) stole it. They always steal everything we do and use it against us.

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>muh telos

>muh solving of history

What kind of nootropics did Hegel use?

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Hegel wrote Das Capital for Marx. That's why his name is on it. Hegel was a traitor.

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Hegelian dialectic is fucking bullshit. This is my antithesis to your thesis. Now make a synthesis of "Hegelian dialectic is legit" and "Hegelian dialectic is fucking bullshit", to prove to us all the superiority and correctness of Hegel.

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Only pussball manlets microdose. Macrodose.

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If you have real big testes you’ll overdose. It can only kill you if you’re a pussy.

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It all already synthesized. Theticallity and antitheticallity are yin and yang, the sytheticallity is the spin. Keep talking.

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Check the catalog



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> Muh injected directly into the vein


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Does Jonestein even talk about the bagelian dialectic anymore? It's all jew-party faggotry now.

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>Itt the hegelian dialectic is used to argue against the hegelian dialectic.

The full circle is coming khaz, and that thousand years is ours as you well know

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"in this special case, Hegelian dialectic can not be applied"

cool argument bro.

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Created LSD.

Created psychedelic bands.

Created disco biscuits and the cocaine epidemic.

Created disco's and gay clubs.

Created the heroine epidemic.

Created punk and pop charts.

Created the crack epidemic.

Created gangsta rap.

Created stronger disco biscuits and called them e's.

Created Rave, EDM.

Created black metal.

Created the freemasonic initiation of the disillusioned.

Created the shamanic cult of microdosing and speaking to spirits using the death vine.

You are here.

What will jews think of next?

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>the government wants you using drugs

<that's why everything is illegal except kike doctor-prescriptions and alcohol

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Oh wait, I just realized.

It's Jenkem.

Next is Jenkem, but jewish jenkem will be best jenkem.

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Oh shit nigger you don't realize that basic reverse psychology works on big percentages of people?

You aren't allowed to do it, big brother who never lies said so.

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Why not just think?

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>the jews tell you what to do and what not to do except it's reverse psychology if I disagree


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>it's reverse psychology if I disagree


reverse psychology works on a known percentage of a known demographic.

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LSD is fucking great. Actually, most 5HT2a agonists are. And they should be the only psychoactives you take, sparingly. If that's your thing

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>everything is a fed psyop

Take your meds. You're going to dispute the color of a blade of grass, with how far gone you are.

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Also piracetam and oxiracetam aren't too bad.

Stay away from stimulants, unless its total war then speed might be ok

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Kill yourself nigger.

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/jenk/ has been a thing for over a decade

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Sage negated, pharmakike.

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Name one person to die from psy/thc overdose

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LSD turned me natsoc and helped two handfuls of friends sort out their bullshit and drive them further in their passions. And honestly you won't wanna indulge more than a handful of times a year.

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Cock a gun and fellate that lead

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>Created black metal

What ?

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You're replying to a schizo boomer. Everything they don't like is "muh satanic muh devil" because it doesn't go along with their kike worship religion.

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Valproate returns the brain to a critical childhood development state which allows adults to learn perfect pitch.


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anyone take magic mushrooms? how do i get the maximum out of them in regards to college work?

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Monero is the right thing to use for that. It's better to use some shitcoin for drugs rather than BTC/BCH/BCHSV.

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I looked on all the onions I knew. Can't find the stuff anywhere.

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Will it make my peepee bigger?

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You missed it, there was an Anon who was extremely gifted in chemistry who posted here a long while back about the powers of LSD and DMT. Never heard of Valproate myself, but I'll have to look it up

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Uh, Anon,


This stuff is meant for those suffering from Epilepsy and some other things, and can wreak havoc on your body

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Yes, well, if you want to trust (((doctors))), that is your prerogative.

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I wish I lived where you did my state just legalized weed and you can't go in to any urban area without seeing a potshop


Fucking spot on

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Every CNS (central nerve system) stimulant is a """""nootopic"""". This is why the inbred pro-smoking retards say nicotine "boosts iq". In other words just drink coffee like every other normal human being you fucking retard.

It isn't some plot by the elite to mind control you, its just caffeine. It is also in tea and has been used for thousands of years. Although I'm sure that it was (((da joos))) who were forcing ancient (((farmers))) to brew and drink (((tea))) kek.

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>be burned out middle-aged millenial

>psylocybin mushrooms ground up and put into capsules.

>0.2g per cap.

I take two a day (not particularly strong), as well as Lion's Mane and Niacin, i.e., the "Stamets Stack."


My description of the effects are that it improves a lot of things a little bit, which in totality gives you solid quality of life gains. It helps you more easily engage in the now, and makes your day more enjoyable and novel… anihillating the mundane. I find myself better able to manage enormous stress better, even notice myself stress yawning (physical mechanism for coping with stress) more when people really start coming at me. Amusement gives way to laughter easier, and I am more willing to "play" with a thought (becomes more difficult as you age fam). It increases neuroplasticity and makes abstract problem solving enjoyable again, to such an extent I work more and am more productive (salaried position, 100k+) instead of just leaving work as fast as possible to go home and stew over bullshit. Not sure how to describe it other than to say I am less exhausted by my job, and I am more willing to "go after" the satisfsction of crossing a milestone. My depression is alleviated completely, though my cynicism remains intact. My sleep is amazing now. I also take Koi CBD at bed time and the two chemicals activate the same pathways. Something else I noticed recently is that I am more capable of connecting with and enjoying newer music where as in the past I was pretty set in the, "all of this new music is shit" rut.

Feel free to AMA.

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Coffee has tannins - an antinutrient which will prevent you from absorbing other nutrients.

I still drink it personally, I'm addicted. 3 shots a day at least.

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Perfect use of drugs. Well done

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israel did 911

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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Thanks, this video also does a pretty good job of explaining it. It's different for everyone though, according to the many accounts I've read.

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It does not fully prevent you from absorbing nutrients, it is a partial effect mostly focused on iron absorption. If your eating healthy(green vegetables and actual meat are your friend here), the overall effect is very minor or non-existent. Although you could just take an iron pill daily, and never think about it again.

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>Ayelet Waldman was born in Jerusalem, Israel. Her grandparents on both sides emigrated to North America from Ukraine early in the 20th century. Her father, Leonard, was from Montreal, Canada, but was living in Israel when he met her mother, Ricki. After they married, they moved to Jerusalem. After the Six-Day War in 1967, the family moved back to Montreal, then Rhode Island,finally settling in Ridgewood, New Jersey, when Waldman was in sixth grade


A Israeli jew advocating drug use, what a shock

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It's called "poisoning the well" anon. You'll find kikes speaking about all kinds of beneficial things. Reminder: Isreal is a homogeneous ethnostate, and kikes are always praising the merits of racial purity (for Isreal).

>nb4 "ethnonationalism is bad"

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>You'll find kikes speaking about all kinds of beneficial things

Name three

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Ninja'd me

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1) I mentioned ethnonationalism already.

2) /pol/ has forever had problems with an understanding of economics because of kikes like Rothbard and Rand, even though their work was based on previous european thinkers like Bastiat. Every econ thread is thoroughly polluted with anons who knee-jerk-react to anyone conceptualizing of economics in any mechanistic manner that resembled Austrian economics as a kike shill capitalist.

3) Trump is possibly one if the most ingenious well-poisoners ever devised, who has erased any ambiguity that previously existed that the popular right wing part in the United States is just the Likud pary 2.0.

4) Take a company like Disney, whose mission of entertainment began as mainly pure I would argue. This could be extrapolated wider to hollywood as a whole turning "popular culure" from something more like measuring the temperature of the tastes and preferences of the pupulace into a swear word because it signifies someone swallowed by mass brainwash. Disney specifically though, (someone else will link the memes if you disagree) transitioned from story telling with animstion based around traditional myths and stories into basically niggering everything and churning out Mileys.

There literally isn't enough space to write about all if the ways in which kikes poison the well. There is even a meme, which I'm sure someone will post, that Jews always try to lead the opposition specifically so they can drive it away from directions that damage or harm kikes.

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>mentioned ethnonationalism already.

<When have you seen a jew advocating ethnonationalism for any country other than Israel

>Rothbard and Rand, even though their work was based on previous european thinkers like Bastiat

<free market capitalism is European

Okay I'm not even going to bother with the rest

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<If you posture like you made an argument then maybe everyone will think you made one.

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Okay you win keep doing acid

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I've never done LSD. Your attempt to marginalize me as a post-hock ad hominem after demonstrating your inability to make an argument while continuing to reply is noted and obvious.

>nb4 you delete your posts

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Forgive me that 20 minute video you posted of the yenta talking about it had me believing otherwise

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The reason I posted it was for the descriptive quality of the effect. LSD and psylocybin function in a similar manner chemically, but I don't prefer to take non-natural substances. Most people describe LSD as more "severe" and less instructive than psylocybin.

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Capitalism is 100% European, have you even looked into the history of places like England or the Netherlands? Somehow I feel like you are going to argue ebin shit like "not actually free market", as if such a thing even exists. Maybe you will pick the ol "east india trading company were all jews lmao" instead.

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I am happy as fuck to see so many of my brothers actually educating themselves on psychedelics, nootropics, and their neurological well-being as a whole.

That said, how in fuck is an anti epilepsy medication supposed to help me git dat dere enlightenment?

I read the article and while the ability to ID notes in music at the drop of a hat is cool, it doesn't seem to be super useful unless it's used as a form of encoded communication, which would be easy to crack.

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I microdose as well, and I have also noticed the benefits of increased neuroplasticity. Both in regard to my taste in music as well as my adaptability to new situations/environments. Shit is awesome man.

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Wait a fucking second I have taken this shit before, under the name of Depakote. I was on a high dose of it after making the mistake of blacking out on benzos (first time, last time, flourophenibut) and waking up in the looney bin.

I straight up COULD NOT think on that medication. Some anons who legitimately suffer from schizophrenia, BPD, etc., may benefit from this medication, but why the FUCK would you suggest normal, fit anons take an antipsychotic?

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But you're not supposed to be "going there" just yet. There's a reason why our brains are a literal FILTER for our souls. Filter; to prevent certain things from coming through. Anyway, enjoy your new multi-dimensional territories of which you are inept to fully understand and not to mention ill-equipped to handle.

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I know it doesn't mean shit as a random post on the internet from an anon, but if I had a single criticism of it I would share it. For psylocybin, I can't think of a downside aside from the legal exposure of consuming a schedule 1 substance.

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Agreed. It makes every day feel just a little bit better, even if negative things happen. It lets you appreciate the greater picture of your life rather than letting some roodypoo with lips that won't stop flapping ruin your day.

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>but why the FUCK would you suggest

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>There's a reason why our brains are a literal FILTER

The reason is that most "data" that we could potentially percieve isn't actionable in terms of our immediate short term survival and thus would need to be filtered necessarily because prior to the evolution of the massive frontal lobe, the ability to focus on only the most important shit all the time was a life and death proposition.

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pick one retarded nigger monkey

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>feel just a little bit better

Yea, but the important point for other anons is that this isn't a "feeling" that you're actively aware of. The actual chemical reaction is sub-perceptual, but the end result is a "good day" or a "better day." People look at your statement and think there is some kind of "high" entailed that gives way to all of these effects and that isn't the way it works.

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The irony of that is that most people who are stupid enough to just take a drug off of a stranger's word without even looking it up aren't intelligent enough to into crypto.

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>unironically taking drugs for this

Take the stoicpill and release yourself from your emotional crutches, which only serve to weaken you through dependence and the subconscious knowledge that you are not strong enough to bear yourself or others.

When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful,

arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil.

But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own—not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me.

No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him.

We were born to work together like feet, hands, and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower.

To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions.

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Actually makes me kind of okay with these substances being schedule 1 and highly illegal. People that lack agency (lower quality people) won't look at the potential with any objectivity and will be dissuaded from even considering it. Not to be confused with making the statement, "lol druggies are just better" what I mean is that an act of legitimate purposeful defiance is the mark of a person with genuine agency.

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>Take the stoicpill and release yourself from your emotional crutches

We are on the same page broham.

I microdose so my impulses and emotions don't get the best of me and cause me to act against by best interest. It allows me to more effectively use the tools of logic and reason that I'm lucky enough to have. It has made me value time with my family more, and respect my parents more deeply. I have also grown far less consumeristic. I could go on. My apologies if my initial post made it sound like I take psychs purely for pleasure, as that is not the case. If anything they allow me to see things with a higher degree of clarity rather than any rose-colored glasses.


My issue with that is such illegality prevents a shitload of useful medical research to be done. If you were to compare the amount of drug trials that have been done with amphetamines of various formulations over the past few decades and compare it with psychedelic research, the psychs would be absolutely dwarfed. Now restricting them in the sense that they're classified as research chemicals I can get on board with. Not sold in smoke shops or anything like that, but sold as other research chemicals like AL-LAD, 1P-LSD, 4-ACO-DMT, etc. are over the internet. That way there is a decent barrier for entry for the otherwise uninformed, and proper research can be conducted without sucking DEA cock.

>an act of legitimate purposeful defiance is the mark of a person with genuine agency.

As opposed to, say, a negro defying the law out of instinct? I can agree with that, friend.

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Why'd you link that? It supports what I said, it has anti-nutrients.

>Another study found that drinking a cup of instant coffee with a bread meal reduced iron absorption by 60–90%


> If your eating healthy(green vegetables and actual meat are your friend here)

Green veggies have anti-nutrients too!


>you could just take an iron pill daily, and never think about it again.

I'd rather not take pills if I didn't have to, they have other bad stuff in them.

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>We are on the same page broham.

Nice, always good to see another on the path to reach for that which is untouchable.

Personally I am of the belief that microdosing is either wittingly or unwittingly placebo (thus a lie to sate oneself, which is against keeping your thoughts objective), or a submission to the idea that we can not be strong enough to bear reality through wisdom and thought alone. Although I do try to somewhat entertain the idea that microdosing is acceptable, since it is possibly taking advantage of things people normally abuse. Marcus admired this trait in both his father and Socrates, although I think he was referring mostly to the ability to refuse temptation, rather than limiting dosage to an almost imperceptible effect.

"You could have said of him (as they say of Socrates) that he knew how to enjoy and abstain from things that most people find it hard to abstain from and all too easy to enjoy.

Strength, perseverance, self-control in both areas: the mark of a soul in readiness—indomitable."

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>My issue with that is such illegality prevents a shitload of useful medical research to be done. If you were to compare the amount of drug trials that have been done with amphetamines of various formulations over the past few decades and compare it with psychedelic research, the psychs would be absolutely dwarfed. Now restricting them in the sense that they're classified as research chemicals I can get on board with. Not sold in smoke shops or anything like that, but sold as other research chemicals like AL-LAD, 1P-LSD, 4-ACO-DMT, etc. are over the internet. That way there is a decent barrier for entry for the otherwise uninformed, and proper research can be conducted without sucking DEA cock.

Agreed, but these barriers are temporary. Pharmakikes aren't interested in medicine you can easily grow at home obviously. We had a surge of interest in the 40's and 50's, but as I pointed out earlier kikes "poisoned the well" of psychadelic drug research with the cultural revolution and marxism (woodstock, etc…) which honestly prompted us to stop when we were on the cusp of what I'll call "legitimate psychiatry" or even more boldly "scientific shamanism."

>As opposed to, say, a negro defying the law out of instinct? I can agree with that, friend.

Of course, a nigger is driven at all times by his basest emotive drivers and is bound by them. His defiance of "the law" in these circumstances is as natural as breathing where as a white man such as myself (completely sober until I was 27) goes through a process of learning and questioning, both academic and spiritual, where he places authority in question in such a way that the outcome is not initially known and proceeds as an act of assertion of will based on his own mental locomotion.

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Why is /pol/ mostly pro-nootropic, but against other forms of biohacking like gene doping or transcranial electrical stimulation?

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I'll shoot any goddamned thing into any goddamned part of my body if it will help me learn languages. Hit me, anon.

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If you are this autistic about keeping your nutrients up with no pills, and at the same time fearing that vegetables are inhibiting your intake of nutrients(top kek), I suggest that instead of drinking coffee you take pure caffeine, nicotine, or literally any other CNS drug to limit your "anti-nutrients" intake. Honestly though your thoughts are beyond ridiculous, not only can your body easily take having a lack of nutrients but your fear of "anti-nutrients" is unfounded and not in accord with reality.

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Try tDCS.

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Give me a Q&D. Can I buy it right now and have it going by next week?

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>gene doping

The problem here is that this effectively seperates a child's ancestry from it's parents. It becomes not "of" them and becomes a manufactured good to be tweaked and maximized by whatever warmonger or worker-farmer that happens along. Once this is accepted, humans become much like horses… bred by owners… to perform better… as slaves who work most efficiently. It is at it's core dehumanization.

>transcranial electrical stimulation?

The counter-party risk for abuse once the "channel" is established is too great for mind control or other forms of external manipulation. Again… when you have the ability to "drive" another person, it is dehumanizing, and they become a bio-drone.

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Anon just move to the country of where the language is spoken and force yourself to speak to locals. This is 100% the fastest and most guaranteed method of learning a language. There is no reason to do drugs in order to learn a language unless you are severely retarded.

If you have no desire to move to said country or no access to individuals who speak it, then I seriously question why you would bother learning it. Besides learning dead languages to read the bible as it was intended or something.

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Don't give me a sermon you stupid nigger-fucking cunt. I've been to 39 countries and have lived in nine for more than a year. I have shit to do.

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>wants to learn a language to move away within a year.

It's like you love wasting money.

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>I have shit to do

Like posting on /pol/? If imageboard surfing if in one of your very important "shit to do" lists, you could even go to /int/ and practice with them.

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Holy fucking shit you're dense.

>muh travel

lol kids

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You can buy a device for $50-200. Just find a montage for learning a language and you are good to go.

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Fag, if you're going to move to a place learn the fucking language before you move there. Youe host nation isn't responsible for teaching you their language.

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>t. obese vidya neet

Please just stop.

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>The problem here is that this effectively seperates a child's ancestry from it's parents. It becomes not "of" them and becomes a manufactured good to be tweaked and maximized by whatever warmonger or worker-farmer that happens along. Once this is accepted, humans become much like horses… bred by owners… to perform better… as slaves who work most efficiently. It is at it's core dehumanization.

I'm not talking about designer babies. Gene doping is where you edit the genes of someone who is outside the womb. How would adding genes make my child any less my child?

>The counter-party risk for abuse once the "channel" is established is too great for mind control or other forms of external manipulation. Again… when you have the ability to "drive" another person, it is dehumanizing, and they become a bio-drone.

I'll admit there is a risk to this technology being abused, but if you have control of your own brain stimulation device then I don't see how this could be a problem. You would be the one placing the electrodes on your head.

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>How would adding genes make my child any less my child?

Because they were intentionally modified by a third party, making it not "of" you.

>if you have control of your own brain stimulation device then I don't see how this could be a problem. You would be the one placing the electrodes on your head.

Considering how the explicit task of smartphone app programmers over the last decade has been how to stimulate your "buy" reflex with manipulating dopamine in your body with flash lights, notifications, and obscure reward mechanisms I have no doubt they would be equipped to psychologically assault a mind to arrest said "control" to such an extent that it becomes an addiction… much like many other controlled substances.

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Your concession is appreciated.

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the shit mods of /pol/ literally allow threads like this to stay up

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Yea since we have so many great threads like >>13531420 to keep alive. At least there is a conversation happening here, most of our threads are just a continuous stream of adhom consisting of shit like "shill", "jew", and "kike". There is literally nothing of interest happening in politics right now to talk about, besides never ending trump """""""debates"""""".

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>Because they were intentionally modified by a third party, making it not "of" you.

The child would still be of me. Especially if they were only adding a couple of genes. Also couldn't you use this argument with performance enhancing drugs or nootropics? The child is being modified is it not?

>I have no doubt they would be equipped to psychologically assault a mind to arrest said "control" to such an extent that it becomes an addiction… much like many other controlled substances.

Can you give an example of how (((they))) might do this with brain stimulators?

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Considering how the legalization of previously illegal substances continues to spread rapidly throughout the country, this thread is politically relevant.

Fuck /pol/ is filled with shit now. Where are these obvious rapefugees from?

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I fucking love you anon.


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>Also couldn't you use this argument with performance enhancing drugs or nootropics? The child is being modified is it not?

Every child is "modified" as a consequence of having genetic material contributed from both the mother and the father, so using "modified" as the unique piece of this doesn't cut it. The end result would not be from the mother or the father, which I will reiterate opens the door to labor-farmers who are only interested in breeding obedient workers.

>Can you give an example of how (((they))) might do this with brain stimulators?

5G is only beginning to permeate our existence. In the future there are to things relative to this you can be certain of… tech will becoming more powerful (watts) and stronger in influence via penetration.

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>muh drugs

You can do anything you can on drugs through ritual or meditation.

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Agree, but one level 5+ experience will give you a "where you are going" insight that makes replication much easier.

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>as I pointed out earlier kikes "poisoned the well" of psychadelic drug research

Absolutely. It is goddamn near impossible to have a sane conversation regarding psychs without some assumption being made about you being a "druggie", regardless of how well studied you may be.

>"scientific shamanism."

It likely wouldn't be terribly hard to start the groundwork for a program which uses the shamanic format with whatever Jungian iconography their background would make them comfortable with to resolve their issues. Hell, going full Clockwork Orange by strapping a fucker down, shoving a ten strip up their ass and making them watch The Greatest Story Never Told followed by Empire of Dust would be more productive than this kike tranny-promoting bullshit we put up with. I don't like having to navigate a network of lies in order to get proper medical treatment/access. IE, I cannot tell my doctor if I'm having suicidal thoughts, I have to claim I have chronic back pain to have access to affordable CBD through MMJ.

Lying doesn't help anxiety. It just makes things worse. Fucking kikes.

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My concerns are very well founded. None of the research regarding antinutrients and gut health is conclusive. Many studies contradict each other. You're more confident of your own opinion than you should be.

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That's bullshit.

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I could very well argue with you on this topic, but it would be an exercise in futility. I have given you a solution with a recommendation of a pure intake of chemical CNS instead of coffee so that you can avoid your OCD/autism flaring up. You are akin to people who worry and panic over the sun and cooked foods giving them cancer, or the likelihood they are to die via walking across a street. I have no wish to battle over pointless topics that you fixate on due to some known or unknown mental illness.

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>chemical CNS

chemical CNS [stimulant]*

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for those uninformed, there’s a thing called “dosage-dependent effects”. for some, indeed possibly most, supplements and drugs the effects depend on the dose. more isn’t better, it’s DIFFERENT.

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untrue. consider replacing caffeine with meditation. how the hell would THAT work? everyone would just fall asleep meditating!!!

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ie replacing caffeine with meditation. it’s a laf

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taking nootropics is a coping mechanism for people who have come to realise they're not that child prodigy mommy and daddy said they were.

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this is a wise point. many are trying to be the impossible. but don’t use shaming language when people use TOOLS. if you do, you’re a nig, simple. noots work. but they’re only an edge. there is no brain “juicing”… YET.

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eat shit kike;i'll still listen Bathory, and worship Christ.

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Lol, OP is such a niggerwhite. Total pedofascist.

I actually used nootropics for a while. In hindsight? Total fucking garbage that damaged my mentality.

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to be fair you also type like a nigger.

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> hello there fellow goyim if we all start taking drugs we can save the white race

This is new, but since it actually accelerates the Jewish agenda of white degeneracy, I think we in /nupol/ should all be for it.

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yes, why does he have two spaces between sentences?!

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some noots are plants. did you know that blueberries are noots?

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niggers can't into proper formatting

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Except those are plants not drugs. Opie is literally talking about microdosing LSD and injecting some sort of acid into his vein.

Comparing the consumption of blueberries and grapes to whatever nonsense OP is talking about is absurd.

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And I'm sure pretty soon OP will talk about how we need to start smoking marijuana to like expand our minds man

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i never read op tbh because op is always a faggot. unironically. i was right again…

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Marijuana is tamer than alcohol. Not saying either is good, but you're a fucking retard;a retard who thinks he's smarter than he is. I'd rather have marijuana on the streets, than alcohol. alcohol is a trap, and it's made legal, and readily available for a reason.

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>Someone mentions marijuana is degenerate

>Literally not a single mention of the word alcohol


Every time.

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actually, alcohol is an entheogen that must be low dosed (it fails if you get drunk). as always your mental overlay, context, matter a lot. generally, entrainment is used (eg drumming).

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Alcohol gets you drunk makes you have a good time, but you'll regret it the day after.

Marijuana makes you lazy and kills your ambition. Because of a lack of negative side effects marijuana is more dangerous and more addictive. There is a reason why it's pushed heavily, it makes you content. With being a loser and wasting your money

>t. A loser that wasted his time and money smoking marijuana instead of improving himself

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Ah I see you're going to strawman the post instead of directly responding to the statement. Marijuana, and alcohol are popular, and generally considered tame. Of course if you bring up any of these two recreational drugs up someone is going to mention that Marijuana IS the safer alternative, because these two drugs are the most commonly used. To boot YOU started shit talking about drugs;this welcomed ANYONE to jump in on the public forum to rebut your faggotry. Eat my butt nigger.

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>Marijuana makes you lazy and kills your ambition. Because of a lack of negative side effects marijuana is more dangerous and more addictive. There is a reason why it's pushed heavily, it makes you content. With being a loser and wasting your money

agree;unless you're spending your money on top shelf that's DESIGNED to not slump your shit over. I only get that if I'm smoking low/mid shelf weed.

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File: cab9a7745189aeb⋯.jpg (40.31 KB,600x450,4:3,Just stop please.jpg)


>t.doesn't realize there are ID's on /pol/ and thinks every reply is the same person

Also everything you wrote is pure cope. You don't even understand what the term strawman means, throwing it around incorrectly in an effort to pretend you're smarter than you are. GB2reddit.

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Also stop smoking so much weed, its clearly having an effect on your mental capability

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again, dosage dependent fx. also, mental overlay, social context, entrainment environmentals

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I didn't look at the ID;I'm used to them being colored(something half-chan admittedly does better for the UI). You still haven't given a proper rebuttal, and keep switching the topic to everything, but acknowledging the statement. Also you used my comeback;not surprising someone with a room temperature IQ couldn't formulate something original :^)

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What does this have to do with my post? Let me answer that for you: nothing. Same thing with your other reply. Stop being desperate for a reply, if you aren't being addressed it's because no one is interested in doing so.

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Some LSD for some people can sometimes produce good results, like curing addictions. Some stimulant type drugs can be useful in some situations, cocaine can be used to stop bleeding and as a local anesthetic, military pilots use modafinil to stay alert. But most people have fragile minds and are too lazy to do research to know what to use in, what situations, in what way, and will only damage themselves without realizing it by experimenting on themselves.

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<no caffeine

>in the trash it goes

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t. never tried


true, sudden jolts are exceptionally great at jarring your senses into understanding, and drugs are fantastic at that, but only to those who are already likely to be effected by them

everyone else experiences mundane shit, and if you're already awake, why take drugs?

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Children shouldn't drink coffee, you are proof of this.

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(yes, I know it’s in 2 images)

(and theobromine is not correctly listed at all)

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>I didn't look at the ID


>I'm used to cuckchan and am a newfag


>Also you used my comeback

That was the point, it was to mock you. I don't know why I'm bothering to explain this to you, if you weren't born mentally impaired then your over-consumption of weed has addled your brain.

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if you’re already someplace why go someplace?

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>That was the point, it was to mock you


Nigger it's a compliment to me. You were so butt flustered that the only thing you could type back was what I stated.

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You have to go back.

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you first nigger;dilate

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I just told you that research is inconclusive, do you not think that is the case? Why are you so confident in thinking you are right when there are studies which say you are wrong? No need to get rude with the ad homs

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>"I have no wish to battle over pointless topics that you fixate on due to some known or unknown mental illness."

<"battle me on pointless topics that I fixate on due to some known or unknown mental illness."


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ITT: We discover /pol/ is full of drug-addled hippies.

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You say this like this is news. You're slow anon.

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I'm ambivalent about drugs. On the one hand they offer powerful, transformative, therapeutic and experimental experiences. On the other I feel a nebulous sense of ill towards them. They are certainly risky.

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heh, I am doing the same, well without grounding them up and putting them into caps. But that mushroom is well known to be great against depression, and is also being tested against PTSD. I also use it in conjunction with long term meditation. Giving me two pushes towards a clearer, less sad (almost completely gone now with the sad) brain. It also is useful for mental problems of sorts, the ones that are treatable. As it seems to somewhat reset the brain, or many of the higher functions?

but its fucking awesome for those who may have the black pill. Its completely gone now. So I can commend on your post.

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>history of places like England or the Netherlands?

You mean the 2 most kiked nations in the entire continent

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Did you just assume my drug?


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This is the device that I have.


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Microdose if you're going to school. If you're really struggling with a concept or problem and you're at home, then Macrodose; and once the most powerful effects subside begin work on the problem.

A good microdose is between 0.3-0.4g and a decent macrodose would be between 2.0-3.5g. Anything higher is best used for spiritual/individuation purposes.

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>the history of places like England or the Netherlands?

The first two major western powers to be totally over taken by jews

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jfc why

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>created LSD

Only a kike would try to tell white men not to do LSD because it's a "Jewish invention" when it is a naturally occurring chemical discovered by a Swissman.

Don't take Lucy goy the blinders might come off!

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Hofmann is a jewish surname

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>Every child is "modified" as a consequence of having genetic material contributed from both the mother and the father, so using "modified" as the unique piece of this doesn't cut it. The end result would not be from the mother or the father, which I will reiterate opens the door to labor-farmers who are only interested in breeding obedient workers.

I understand your concern about this stuff being misused, but if we could have control over the genes that are put into our bodies then I don't see the issue.

>5G is only beginning to permeate our existence. In the future there are to things relative to this you can be certain of… tech will becoming more powerful (watts) and stronger in influence via penetration.

The only proven effect of exposure to electromagnetic fields is tissue heating. Your concerns about 5G are unfounded. Still I don't see the concern with brain stimulation if we are the ones who decide where the electrodes are placed.

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>look it up

>its depakote

I took that shit once, all it did was mess up my eye dilation, bright areas got brighter and brighter forever and dark areas got darker forever like a shepard tone.

my guess is OP is delusional and prescribed depakote among other things and thinks its giving him superhuman powers. maybe I'm wrong but I tend not to trust kike psych drugs.

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>The only proven effect of exposure to electromagnetic fields is tissue heating

My concern with 5G isn't that exposure to the waves themselves can actively modify anything. Our brains evolved to filter out a lot of this shit because we needed to focus on staying alive and this would constitute as useless background noise.

My problem with 5G (even 4G and 3G) is that any device basically anywhere can be connected at all times. Elon Musk has already conceeded the fact that the convergence of AI with humanity is the most dangerous thing that should be on everyone's radar, while at the same time acknowledging "resistence is futile" and developing products to directly transmit information into the brain via embedded circuitry. At this point in time it sounds like a paranoid schizo worried about nothing, but the advance of tech is parabolic, and within a few generations people will be begging to be plugged in and hooked up. AI,… the real non-meme AI… constitutes a global network of interconnected neural networks (brains), and once this happens the owners of all of this infrastructure are going to the exact same thing big tech has done… they'll transform their neat and highly useful tool (twitter, google, amazon) into a weapon of influence and control.

The problem is that once this tech improves for interfacing with human brains, the addictive nature will make heroine look tame. Once you're in the brain you can absolutely min/max emotional states for behavior modification.

This dystopia is coming, and 5G is the first real example of the infrastructural groundwork that can efficiently connect all of it together.

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The Adrafinil / Piracetram / Alpha GPC / 5-HTP / Huperzine A / Krill Oil / Snus / Espresso stack is working motherfucking wonders, anon.

A++++++ would galaxybrain again.

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No retard, jews adopted a germanic surname.

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>former cig smoker

Nicotine most definitely improves focus and mental acuity.

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>It is now apparent to me that (((the powers that be))) are intent on both promoting and preventing the microdosing of LSD

MFW they can't keep coke, smack, and cell phones out of prisons, and OP is so socially inept hirz can't score psychedelics

Fucking learn to make them from plants, you don't need much and it ain't hard

>and other nootropic

As if these aren't available via this thing called the Internet that somehow you still manage to use to shit up this board with your kvetching

Saged for being a giant power bottom nigger fucking faggot

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How the fuck do you get shrooms?

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I'm really interested in micro-dosing with psilocybin. I don't see how it's degenerate whatsoever to use a naturally occurring substance to experience improved cognition and mood without altering your conscious state.

I think psilocybin will eventually go the way of marijuana / CBD where people are actually using it for true medicinal rather than recreational reasons.

I know there are several companies doing work with psilocybin to bring new psilocybin based drugs to market.

I think that as long as you are not numbing yourself to the world around you and using any kind of drug / nootropic / whatever as a bandaid to cope with the massive stressors of a degenerating society then their use should be encouraged.

I also would strongly encourage all anons to get their diet in order before taking anything because there is a lot to be said for just correcting micro nutrient deficiencies; iodine and vitamin d3 in particular. Personally, I think the Vertical Diet does a pretty good job of tackling that issue. I don't think it needs to be followed to a T but it's a pretty good outline.


Kikes by default are not ethnically homogenous. A kike is just a race mixed arab. Kikes are not a pure race. That is why their over-arching goal is to degenerate the world and it's racial purity to make everyone as disgusting and vile as them.


I think "drugs" is a very broad term and you have to use your own judgement to determine what is 'good' and 'bad' it's also not always the drug but it's application.

Example of 'bad' = using a drug like adderral or Ritalin or whatever they give literal children these days (this makes my blood boil) to sit and focus on things that people will not organically sit and focus on.

Ted Kaczynski elaborates albeit briefly on this in his manifesto "Industrial Society and It's Future" which you should read if you haven't already.

An example of 'good' = using some substance in a small dose that does not totally alter your state of mind / being but will improve it to a small enough degree that it has a beneficial impact on your quality of life. I think that whatever someone is taking it should not numb them to whatever is making them unhappy if anything it should help them pinpoint exactly what it is and take action to change it.

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your brain isn't a filter for your soul, shizotard, it IS your soul. there are no magical demons in interdimension hyperreality waiting to feast on your soul. stop making a fool of yourself, you unhinged faggot.

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LSD was literally used by glows in MKULTRA. You are self dosing with mind control drugs which is really, quite dumb.

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This guy tells the truth, whenever i smoke LSD an government agent manifests near me and feeds me leftist propaganda.

We should make our own type of LSD, but without the government agent, our LSD would contain Hitler, then we could dose drinking water with it and Hitler would give everyone passionate speeches and turn them into RWDS.

World fucking saved, man

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>le dark webs mang

Seriously not tough. Download TOR and jewgle onion markets. You'll need some Monero/BTC which can be gotten from ATMs.

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>using drugs to achieve enlightenment

That's jewish way you homo.

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Get out kike.

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Acid junkies and their hippy crowd need to fuck off too Africa

LSD use correlated with the breakdown of traditional culture in America, the end of segregation and just about every other natural common sense pillar of high culture. Drug use is degenerate it had as much a play in getting us to where we are as jewish contamination of the press. So please OP Kys

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You're right. Most people regardless of race or only fit to be worker drones or be sent to die on battlefield, drugs for such people would be like bicycle for a fish.

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I have killed myself but it did not take on account of my drug regimen, for I am the ascended, beyond space, beyond time, one with the Godhead, through all and in all, myself for myself, a total interpenetration of all phenomena, the Alpha, the Omega, and your whoring syphilitic mother.

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>self improvement


Pick one nigger brain

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>A Israeli jew advocating drug use, what a shock

based israeli jews want the best for whites and europa

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I've spent 8 hours+ learning this stuff and haven't even ordered anything yet. There are a lot of scammers though, they're obvious to me (they have no reviews, or they have 5 fake reviews and 1 review calling them out lol) though maybe not to others.

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Valproate is an antiepilepic. It will decrease cognition and thus make you a drug dependent zombie.

ANY substance that fucks with your brain chemistry WILL ALWAYS cause your brain to adapt, making you dependent while losing the original effect. Don't do kike pills.

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You couldn’t be more wrong.

LSD is for morons.

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Buy spores (legal to own and sell) and grow them yourself.

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A couple years back I experimented with intranasal insulin sprays. This application is being explored in the medical community as a treatment for Alzheimers, but there are no long term studies to guarantee the safety of it last I checked. Had there been, I would have continued using it. The level of thinking clarity it gives you is unbelievable.

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Can you elaborate on what you were using as well as dosage, frequency, effects etc

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Yeah, morons like Bill Gates.

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Lurk for another 19 years, newfag.

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He is 'clever' not intelligent. The way to tell the difference between the two is that 'clever' people destroy things when they don't need to and intelligent people foster the growth of beneficial things. Bill Gates destroyed too many people and business to count to get where he is as well as destroying this nation by importing retarded 'poo programmers'.

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Recommendations on where to get?

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File: 4d5c7d39d7eea0a⋯.png (194.09 KB,737x1693,737:1693,Weed makes you retarded.png)

<"I am not talking about dudeweedlmao like Joe Rogan and these other retards"

<"I am talking about LSD, which is totally different…just open your mind, maaannn"

Why not open your asshole as well? Just explore and you will see the truth for what it is, it's a journey that can't be explained in words. Until you have been pumped full with Jamal's seed, don't even bother coming here. You very clearly wouldn't understand and are just spreading your negativity.

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>I wish I lived where you did my state just legalized weed and you can't go in to any urban area without seeing a potshop

What exactly is the problem with seeing a potshop? Is that even as close to as bad as the fact that alcohol is sold openly and nonchalantly in nearly every store?

Have you yourself actually tried cannabis, mushrooms, LSD, DMT, etc?


You're either a kike or have never taken LSD. I think LSD tends to make people see things the way they are (ie. see through kike programming).

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Damn, /pol/ is retarded, please ban me.

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>dude lsd lmao

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>You're either a kike or have never taken LSD. I think LSD tends to make people see things the way they are (ie. see through kike programming).

That only works if there is an outside influence pushing against the lies. Otherwise you are simply drugging retards in the hopes that the chunk of their brain that has fallen out is the one you wanted to get rid of anyway. Drugging someone that doesn't have anything wrong with them is just asking for trouble. But you know that already, don't you, moshe?

>Is that even as close to as bad as the fact that alcohol is sold openly and nonchalantly in nearly every store?

That is your excuse? That abundance due to legal status instantly makes something good? Well then if homosexuality is so bad, how come there's gay pride flags everywhere.

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Look up the trusted vendors on shroomery.

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I drink water everyday and it never loses its appeal


wonder how many Israeli executives could be put behind bars for this type of behavior [microdosing]

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>Name one person to die from psy/thc overdose

People don't OD, but they do wander off ledges and into traffic because they're so dissociated.

Always do a heroic dose with a co-pilot, unless you want to win a Darwin award.

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Why is this a thread??

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Doesn't change the fact that it is a European invention and 100% belongs to Europeans.

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>Take the stoicpill and release yourself from your emotional crutches, which only serve to weaken you through dependence and the subconscious knowledge that you are not strong enough to bear yourself or others.

Too bad the Stoics didn't know about psychedelics, I shudder to think what they would have accomplished.

>When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful,

Instead, try saying "some people" etc.

>arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil.

Indeed, opportunities to enlighten.

>But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own—not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me.

Easier to see the beauty with microdosing.

>No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him.

>We were born to work together like feet, hands, and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower.

>To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions.

Agreed, but co-signing bullshit isn't constructive in the least. So withhold judgment on this protocol until you have personal experience.

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Ha ha ha, this faggot still thinks consciousness exists in the brain ha ha ha

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kek took me a few seconds

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>Actually makes me kind of okay with these substances being schedule 1 and highly illegal.

Except that trade in these (esp. Cocaine and Opiates) are the primary (((glownigger))) funding source, due to black market price premiums.

Decriminalize everything, Portugal figured this out, check their drug policy, it works much better.

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Faggots like you make it worth slogging through all the (((niggers))) *salute

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b/c u don't read faggot >>13531871


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It's like /sig/ but less overly homosexual.

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>being a degenerate is baste

Fuck off.

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Please remember that /pol/ is a dharmic board, and the things ITT are not meant for those of your caste.

>Many of the qualities of Indo-Iranian god of might/victory, Verethraghna, were transferred to the adopted god Indra, who became the central deity of the developing Old Indic culture. Indra was the subject of 250 hymns, a quarter of the Rig Veda. He was associated more than any other deity with soma, a stimulant drug (perhaps derived from ephedra) probably borrowed from the BMAC religion. His rise to prominence was a peculiar trait of the Old Indic speakers.

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>microdosing of LSD

Degenerate low IQ termite kike detected.

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I wonder if this might be a case of "use it or lose it" e.g. if these pot smokers sat in their rooms smoking all day and doing nuffin.

I mean compare that behaviour to a 21 year old physics graduate, who would almost certainly have developed his IQ.

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Also I think LSD would be much likelier to make you smarter than pot. It would encourage you to seek more information and insights etc. Benzodiazepines and alcohol would be much worse as they depress your CNS.

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>dat autismal image

nu/pol/ is so bad lol

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>Deliberately twisting a great post.

Keep demonstrating how pilpul works please, it helps the newfags learn.


Lurk moar materialistfag.


So what? They invent a lot of shit. Tools serve the purpose they're put to.


Based and brahminpilled.


That's an abomination of an image anon.

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Because the board is full of teenagers who listen to Joe Rogan

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Combine light LSD usage with amphetamines and you could easily get humans to work happily for longer periods if you use the right rewards, stimuli and long term rewards. Or so I'm considering. Would be interesting to say the least. Less marijuana in general. Well smoking it. Far less tar in your system.

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DMA / DHA can accomplish a lot of the same things as amphetamines with a shorter lifespan and cheaper to source as well.

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Valproic acid? You mean the same shit (((they))) gave me for bipolar? How does it creating that kind of thinking? I know it reopens certain parts of the brain that have to do with language but that's it.

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Check this video. The guy gives useful information:

List of the supplements by time:

1. 10:10 , Modafinil

1.5. 17:22 , Armodafinil

2. 29:09 , lion mane mushroom

3. 30:05 , L-theanine

4. 32:02 , Huperzine-A

5. 33:15 , Alpha-GPC

6. 33:59 , Pterostilbene

7. 34:35 , 5-HTP

8. 35:21 , sulbutiamine

9. 36:31 , Vinpocetine

10. 42:21 , NALT (N-Acetyl tyrosine)

11. 43:16 , Phosphatidyl serine

12. 44:42 , Bacopa

13. 48:31 , N-A-C

14. 52:03 , PQQ

15. 53:06 , CoQ10

16. 53:52 , Uridine

17. 54:30 , Ginko

18. 55:08 , krill fish oil + Vitamine D3

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Major stimulants. Your system probably adapts over time.


Doesn't do much of anything, save your money.


Doesn't work UNLESS you get it fresh. Like pick a leaf fresh and put it in hot water and drink it. Then it will kick you in the ass and wake you up for maybe 2 hours. Ginkgo leaves are very distinctive and they are often planted in cities because they stay smallish. Take a walk in any city you will find the leaves. If it's fruiting, don't touch the fruit, it will give you blisters.

> 5-HTP

I'm not sure I'd call this a nootropic, maybe. It certainly has some effect. Definitely boosts mood and motivation. Be careful and do your research on this one and don't touch it if you are on SSRIs.

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> If it's fruiting, don't touch the fruit, it will give you blisters.

Only for some people. The smell is wretched though, wouldn't want that shit wafting off my hands all day long.

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