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File: 9765a0041e44beb⋯.jpeg (31.17 KB,402x517,402:517,iu-5.jpeg)

 No.13526771 [View All]

It is now apparent to me that (((the powers that be))) are intent on both promoting and preventing the microdosing of LSD and other nootropics in order to keep the population in subservience to their inane prison matrix. What I have recently discovered, however, is that this (((Hegelian))) maneuver is a ruse in order to keep people away from valproate.

Valporic acid, injected directly into the vein, is nothing less than the soma of the dharmic ancients. I am not talking about

>muh DMT

>muh (((Joe Rogan)))

I am talking about a compound that allows the neural pathways to generate thinking that both transcends and expands the goals of The White Ethnostate. Simply put, if you are not using Monero to purchase valporate off of the dark web, you are a race traitor and a spiritual abuser of white children.


<200 char

>This is all bullshit. Do you use nootropics, anon?

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>le dark webs mang

Seriously not tough. Download TOR and jewgle onion markets. You'll need some Monero/BTC which can be gotten from ATMs.

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>using drugs to achieve enlightenment

That's jewish way you homo.

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Get out kike.

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Acid junkies and their hippy crowd need to fuck off too Africa

LSD use correlated with the breakdown of traditional culture in America, the end of segregation and just about every other natural common sense pillar of high culture. Drug use is degenerate it had as much a play in getting us to where we are as jewish contamination of the press. So please OP Kys

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You're right. Most people regardless of race or only fit to be worker drones or be sent to die on battlefield, drugs for such people would be like bicycle for a fish.

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I have killed myself but it did not take on account of my drug regimen, for I am the ascended, beyond space, beyond time, one with the Godhead, through all and in all, myself for myself, a total interpenetration of all phenomena, the Alpha, the Omega, and your whoring syphilitic mother.

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>self improvement


Pick one nigger brain

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>A Israeli jew advocating drug use, what a shock

based israeli jews want the best for whites and europa

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I've spent 8 hours+ learning this stuff and haven't even ordered anything yet. There are a lot of scammers though, they're obvious to me (they have no reviews, or they have 5 fake reviews and 1 review calling them out lol) though maybe not to others.

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Valproate is an antiepilepic. It will decrease cognition and thus make you a drug dependent zombie.

ANY substance that fucks with your brain chemistry WILL ALWAYS cause your brain to adapt, making you dependent while losing the original effect. Don't do kike pills.

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You couldn’t be more wrong.

LSD is for morons.

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Buy spores (legal to own and sell) and grow them yourself.

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A couple years back I experimented with intranasal insulin sprays. This application is being explored in the medical community as a treatment for Alzheimers, but there are no long term studies to guarantee the safety of it last I checked. Had there been, I would have continued using it. The level of thinking clarity it gives you is unbelievable.

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Can you elaborate on what you were using as well as dosage, frequency, effects etc

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Yeah, morons like Bill Gates.

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Lurk for another 19 years, newfag.

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He is 'clever' not intelligent. The way to tell the difference between the two is that 'clever' people destroy things when they don't need to and intelligent people foster the growth of beneficial things. Bill Gates destroyed too many people and business to count to get where he is as well as destroying this nation by importing retarded 'poo programmers'.

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Recommendations on where to get?

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File: 4d5c7d39d7eea0a⋯.png (194.09 KB,737x1693,737:1693,Weed makes you retarded.png)

<"I am not talking about dudeweedlmao like Joe Rogan and these other retards"

<"I am talking about LSD, which is totally different…just open your mind, maaannn"

Why not open your asshole as well? Just explore and you will see the truth for what it is, it's a journey that can't be explained in words. Until you have been pumped full with Jamal's seed, don't even bother coming here. You very clearly wouldn't understand and are just spreading your negativity.

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>I wish I lived where you did my state just legalized weed and you can't go in to any urban area without seeing a potshop

What exactly is the problem with seeing a potshop? Is that even as close to as bad as the fact that alcohol is sold openly and nonchalantly in nearly every store?

Have you yourself actually tried cannabis, mushrooms, LSD, DMT, etc?


You're either a kike or have never taken LSD. I think LSD tends to make people see things the way they are (ie. see through kike programming).

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Damn, /pol/ is retarded, please ban me.

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>dude lsd lmao

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>You're either a kike or have never taken LSD. I think LSD tends to make people see things the way they are (ie. see through kike programming).

That only works if there is an outside influence pushing against the lies. Otherwise you are simply drugging retards in the hopes that the chunk of their brain that has fallen out is the one you wanted to get rid of anyway. Drugging someone that doesn't have anything wrong with them is just asking for trouble. But you know that already, don't you, moshe?

>Is that even as close to as bad as the fact that alcohol is sold openly and nonchalantly in nearly every store?

That is your excuse? That abundance due to legal status instantly makes something good? Well then if homosexuality is so bad, how come there's gay pride flags everywhere.

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Look up the trusted vendors on shroomery.

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I drink water everyday and it never loses its appeal


wonder how many Israeli executives could be put behind bars for this type of behavior [microdosing]

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>Name one person to die from psy/thc overdose

People don't OD, but they do wander off ledges and into traffic because they're so dissociated.

Always do a heroic dose with a co-pilot, unless you want to win a Darwin award.

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Why is this a thread??

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Doesn't change the fact that it is a European invention and 100% belongs to Europeans.

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>Take the stoicpill and release yourself from your emotional crutches, which only serve to weaken you through dependence and the subconscious knowledge that you are not strong enough to bear yourself or others.

Too bad the Stoics didn't know about psychedelics, I shudder to think what they would have accomplished.

>When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: The people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful,

Instead, try saying "some people" etc.

>arrogant, dishonest, jealous, and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil.

Indeed, opportunities to enlighten.

>But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own—not of the same blood or birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me.

Easier to see the beauty with microdosing.

>No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him.

>We were born to work together like feet, hands, and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower.

>To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are obstructions.

Agreed, but co-signing bullshit isn't constructive in the least. So withhold judgment on this protocol until you have personal experience.

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Ha ha ha, this faggot still thinks consciousness exists in the brain ha ha ha

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kek took me a few seconds

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>Actually makes me kind of okay with these substances being schedule 1 and highly illegal.

Except that trade in these (esp. Cocaine and Opiates) are the primary (((glownigger))) funding source, due to black market price premiums.

Decriminalize everything, Portugal figured this out, check their drug policy, it works much better.

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Faggots like you make it worth slogging through all the (((niggers))) *salute

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b/c u don't read faggot >>13531871


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It's like /sig/ but less overly homosexual.

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File: 1808ef5eea8bb1b⋯.jpg (41.24 KB,750x732,125:122,1808ef5eea8bb1b71997768be5….jpg)

>being a degenerate is baste

Fuck off.

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Please remember that /pol/ is a dharmic board, and the things ITT are not meant for those of your caste.

>Many of the qualities of Indo-Iranian god of might/victory, Verethraghna, were transferred to the adopted god Indra, who became the central deity of the developing Old Indic culture. Indra was the subject of 250 hymns, a quarter of the Rig Veda. He was associated more than any other deity with soma, a stimulant drug (perhaps derived from ephedra) probably borrowed from the BMAC religion. His rise to prominence was a peculiar trait of the Old Indic speakers.

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File: 6995a14eba798f5⋯.png (68.52 KB,334x523,334:523,Screenshot from 2019-07-29….png)


>microdosing of LSD

Degenerate low IQ termite kike detected.

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I wonder if this might be a case of "use it or lose it" e.g. if these pot smokers sat in their rooms smoking all day and doing nuffin.

I mean compare that behaviour to a 21 year old physics graduate, who would almost certainly have developed his IQ.

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Also I think LSD would be much likelier to make you smarter than pot. It would encourage you to seek more information and insights etc. Benzodiazepines and alcohol would be much worse as they depress your CNS.

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>dat autismal image

nu/pol/ is so bad lol

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>Deliberately twisting a great post.

Keep demonstrating how pilpul works please, it helps the newfags learn.


Lurk moar materialistfag.


So what? They invent a lot of shit. Tools serve the purpose they're put to.


Based and brahminpilled.


That's an abomination of an image anon.

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Because the board is full of teenagers who listen to Joe Rogan

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Combine light LSD usage with amphetamines and you could easily get humans to work happily for longer periods if you use the right rewards, stimuli and long term rewards. Or so I'm considering. Would be interesting to say the least. Less marijuana in general. Well smoking it. Far less tar in your system.

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DMA / DHA can accomplish a lot of the same things as amphetamines with a shorter lifespan and cheaper to source as well.

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Valproic acid? You mean the same shit (((they))) gave me for bipolar? How does it creating that kind of thinking? I know it reopens certain parts of the brain that have to do with language but that's it.

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Check this video. The guy gives useful information:

List of the supplements by time:

1. 10:10 , Modafinil

1.5. 17:22 , Armodafinil

2. 29:09 , lion mane mushroom

3. 30:05 , L-theanine

4. 32:02 , Huperzine-A

5. 33:15 , Alpha-GPC

6. 33:59 , Pterostilbene

7. 34:35 , 5-HTP

8. 35:21 , sulbutiamine

9. 36:31 , Vinpocetine

10. 42:21 , NALT (N-Acetyl tyrosine)

11. 43:16 , Phosphatidyl serine

12. 44:42 , Bacopa

13. 48:31 , N-A-C

14. 52:03 , PQQ

15. 53:06 , CoQ10

16. 53:52 , Uridine

17. 54:30 , Ginko

18. 55:08 , krill fish oil + Vitamine D3

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Major stimulants. Your system probably adapts over time.


Doesn't do much of anything, save your money.


Doesn't work UNLESS you get it fresh. Like pick a leaf fresh and put it in hot water and drink it. Then it will kick you in the ass and wake you up for maybe 2 hours. Ginkgo leaves are very distinctive and they are often planted in cities because they stay smallish. Take a walk in any city you will find the leaves. If it's fruiting, don't touch the fruit, it will give you blisters.

> 5-HTP

I'm not sure I'd call this a nootropic, maybe. It certainly has some effect. Definitely boosts mood and motivation. Be careful and do your research on this one and don't touch it if you are on SSRIs.

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> If it's fruiting, don't touch the fruit, it will give you blisters.

Only for some people. The smell is wretched though, wouldn't want that shit wafting off my hands all day long.

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