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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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File: a3c5ed02866b18d⋯.jpeg (99.84 KB,840x557,840:557,download (1).jpeg)

 No.13517919 [Last50 Posts]

The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51, they are taking a meme seriously. Meanwhile they refuse to shoot illegal aliens that cross into our borders to stick their hairy brown HIV penises into white children.

Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet? I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own over a meme like western nation's military has done numerous times in the past.

In my opinion, I think anyone who joins the United States military, French military (including the French foriegn legion), United kingdom military, basically any and all western nation military and those in NATO should be killed the most gruesome and morbid way possible, they kill their own and should be punished for it.

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>The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51

And they are justified to do so. Grow up child.

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Killing unarmed people for merely trespassing on a military base isn't legal.

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yeah it is, but I feel like this is bait.

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You need to learn to respect our government and military. Come back to talk after you have served.

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Is it that shocking? Do you realize your race won’t exist in two centuries?

Of course you don’t care. You are just here to complain and make more useless memes.

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I'm just one guy, what can one guy do?

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File: 726a886bc611402⋯.png (1.24 MB,835x1140,167:228,10dbbe89fd1e0db694931499cc….png)

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He didn't change anything, except get new Zealand to ban assault rifles and get the government to arrest and imprison kids who posess the video of his massacre.

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File: 0f152fabedf13f5⋯.jpg (50.6 KB,600x450,4:3,Mangled slave.jpg)

Thank God for dead soldiers.

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Yeah we can’t do shit. We are individualz.

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File: 8d438f04838d1d8⋯.png (263.54 KB,1199x1024,1199:1024,AC62529C-2501-4AA5-AD7C-F9….png)


He didn’t do shit, so let’s go to Area 51 and


Let’s find some aliens, maybe they’ll help with immigration.

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File: fc76fb0215fda18⋯.jpg (7.61 KB,198x198,1:1,fc76fb0215fda189a1388b82f7….jpg)


>He didn't change anything

He inspired a thousand similar attacks that will happen in the following years and kill many of your jewish children.

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File: 097e1508406fb74⋯.png (2.62 MB,1600x900,16:9,webRNS-Westboro-Signs03-07….png)

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I thought we aren't supposed to have standing armies unless in a war.

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Who said that? That is BS.

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The founding fathers of the United States.

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>when the founding fathers are full of shit

Maybe America was doomed from the start.

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File: 2ec130ca8ac1848⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,561x650,561:650,The Taking of the Candelab….jpg)


Israel was doomed right from the beggining.

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Go to middle east if you would disrespect our founding fathers. You do not deserve to live in US. If you are a teenager, you will learn about our country when you grow up.

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I always made the point to Jews that it doesn’t matter whether whites die out or not. If anything they’d be in more danger.

>Muslims trying to take over Israel

>Muslims eternal war on Jews

>Mexican antisemitism

>Rogue Africans that destroy anything that can touch

>mindless mutts that fall into one of these categories.

No white race = Hell on Earth

I think they deserve it.

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File: 361d5096a58a0c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,270.28 KB,982x1152,491:576,gore.jpg)


That's not the point. Read the next sentence.


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Keep claiming he's a mossad agent though heh maybe you'll convince the schizos

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>The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51

Are you seriously surprised that the military doesn't want to allow open access to its most secret, important bases? Not a fan of the military either, but come on.

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ffs. Must be a bunch of leftypol faggots in here.

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>oy vey goyim you all deserve death

Post left up.

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lel topbate

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>Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia

Because Russia is a shitty country that doesn't care about its own people, more muslims, more poverty, anyone rich is either a jew or a chechen and russians themselves are mongoloid white niggers. Why not mention a good country instead, Boris?

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I guess we just need to build all top secret military bases along the border.

Problem solved

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Fuck off yid.

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I betcha if 30 thousand faggots marched on the Kremlin, it would cause an issue. Kill yourself.

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>they are taking a meme seriously

If you assault a military base you should expect to be shot at.

>Meanwhile they refuse to shoot illegal aliens that cross into our borders to stick their hairy brown HIV penises into white children.


>Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet? I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own over a meme like western nation's military has done numerous times in the past.

Now I know you're a retarded Russiaboo who has never been to Russia.

>In my opinion, I think anyone who joins the United States military, French military (including the French foriegn legion), United kingdom military, basically any and all western nation military and those in NATO should be killed the most gruesome and morbid way possible, they kill their own and should be punished for it.

Come at me bro.

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Climbing a fence and walking onto land is just trespassing not an 'assault'. It would be difficult to defend killing someone for trespassing unarmed anywhere.

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>The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51, they are taking a meme seriously.


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Foreigners like you don't even deserve to speak English.

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Nice rant retarded mongloid. The orders to do anything ultimately come from politicians, the military just follows them. If military leaders were given the task of defending the border with force, you can be assured the dirty nasty fucking beans would be turned into red pulp by the thousands.

Unfortunately, that is not the politically optic thing to do.

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We all love Zion though amirite?1one!1!

Fuck off kike.

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>Meanwhile they refuse to shoot illegal aliens that cross into our borders

Because they aren't on the border, you retard. But they should be. It's time for Trump to finally do what he promised and militarize the border. Only the military can defend the border. Only the military can build the Wall. Only the military can ignore an Obama judge in Hawaii and deport illegal scum.

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>Come back to talk after you have served.

You need to learn to respect the truth and it's prophets. Come back after you've washed the cum out of your mouth.

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File: 246d153dc94e8e1⋯.jpg (154.85 KB,1024x660,256:165,ff8440c547f45bec651bacb205….jpg)

File: 4ce54b4f27a478f⋯.jpg (43.01 KB,898x628,449:314,putinandbibi.jpg)

File: c99dde1edaee4a3⋯.jpg (202.38 KB,760x761,760:761,c1692faaba17af5d94a6bc7d7a….jpg)

>why haven't you immigrated to russia

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>He didn't change anything, except get new Zealand to ban assault rifles and get the government to arrest and imprison kids who posess the video of his massacre.

>Implying they actually need excuses to do this

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You just reaffirmed his point. How in your stupid nigger brain is that any argument? AHHAHAAHA

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Stop lying. OP is bashing the soldiers, not the corrupt politicians.

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Correction. Meant to reply to >>13518259

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Remember that all law enforcement wearing the color blue, while being associated with the symbol of a star are mossad trained communists, who are waiting for their orders to slaughter you, like the bolsheviks did, like the Chinese did. Never forget that.

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>He didn't change anything, except get new Zealand to ban assault rifles

All part of his plan

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Soldiers are politicians whether they like it or not. Everything they do is political. They are a political organ that exists as an extension of the state, through sheer artificial funding. The fact that you have romanticized them is probably because you belong there, in a culture that fosters permanent adolescence.

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Zogbot soldiers who deploy for Israel, bankers, and big oil are inherently anti-American.

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File: 2f13c3362636465⋯.png (85.79 KB,315x277,315:277,9d45e9eb1252e46742ca0d966c….png)

Lotta zoomers itt

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Yes, but at least they are aware.

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Thanks for the Putin Post Yuri! Now go collect your rubles!

Fucking state of /pol/.

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>Soldiers are politicians

That is a stupid thing to say and you are a stupid person for saying it.

>Everything they do is political

Voting is political. Does that make you a politician, you complete retard?

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>That's stupid

>A political tool designed to be used by politicians for the propagation of government is not a "political entity"

You're an intellectual infant. Filtered.

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>"political entity"

Who the fuck are you quoting? You called soldiers "politicians", you retarded liar.


Run away, faggot.

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Russians shilling russians.

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>what can i do

<unironically BT posting


this guy gets it kek

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>Respect our government

Your either a really good troll or a bootlicking faggot

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Tell me about Belarus.

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D&C 101: The Thread

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They are Russia's vassal state.

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Tell me more Yuri!

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Not much to add there, Piff. If Belarus tried going its own way, they would get the Ukraine treatment, not exactly a trusting alliance they got there since Russia has troops dislocated in Belarus.

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t. assblasted Zoomer

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>Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet? I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own over a meme like western nation's military has done numerous times in the past.

Because they're just as Jewed, faggot. God I'm tired of Russian ass kissing.

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Nobody believes your Brenton Bullshit here kikeroo.

get rekt!

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everythings legal, when the military base in question doesnt legally exist, even giving your own workers on base cancer

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The main problem is the citizenry has abdicated its responsibility to be ready for war at any given time, opting instead to trust a standing army that serves as massive, mercenary expeditionary force to fight for the benefit of Israel.

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No, they aren't aware how stupid they are.

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Are you the only nonputinbot left?

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Well even if it's supposed to be a dumb meme, they've declared their intent to seize classified government property by force, with the implications of property damage, theft, bodily harm, criminal trespass, breaking and entering, and other crimes inherently necessary to carry out their stated intent, all premeditated. Saying "Hurr it's just trespass" is childish sovereign citizen "I'm not touching you" tier.

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>I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own over a meme like western nation's military has done numerous times in the past.

Then their governments are doing a better job at it than ours.

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would they prefer 50 million of us with money renounce our citizenship and bail? its gonna fall apart anyway. you have been plundered down to wage slave labor. RIP UNCLE SHAM

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>I think anyone who joins the United States military, French military (including the French foriegn legion), United kingdom military, basically any and all western nation military and those in NATO

All these mostly european military's built upon the hard work of european people for centuries. So literally THE ONLY trained warriors of european peoples, and you think we should detest them…

>should be killed the most gruesome and morbid way possible, they kill their own and should be punished for it.

so not just detest but kill, first of all good luck. Second of all quit letting your feelings dictate your opinions, I know many military men, family and friends, and all just because they are brainwashed like most of our fellow citizens doesn't mean they arent proud european men. You honestly shouldn't even wish this on your enemies either, god loves us all equally, it is the one thing we are all actually equal on.

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File: 5927df7dd255325⋯.jpeg (110.94 KB,800x681,800:681,800.jpeg)

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>Meanwhile they refuse to shoot illegal aliens that cross into our borders to stick their hairy brown HIV penises into white children.

That's a very good point. I hope it does happen,same reason I would like to see a Miltia go to the border to shoot some illegals, to force the Feds to go down to the border to give escorts to illegals.

Imagine how cucked trump would look if US troops were to escorts groups that number tens of thousands into the country.

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Wouldn't say that, I love Israel so I have to love Russia by extension!

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nothing is legal or illegal this shit isn't even real, its a ufo hologram

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Nice bait but that's completely legal. If they could kill people who leak top secret government information they'll kill people who trespass on a top secret government facility.

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File: 2ae96b6a8458461⋯.png (1.63 MB,3077x929,3077:929,numbers.png)


I want to see it happen. Let's give all 30 million and their anchor babies citizenship while we're at it. Let's not drag things out.

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Were these people protesting?

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They were students who didn't want to go to school.

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Nice try at deflection glownigger. You fucks are willing to shoot zoomers wanting to peek at your "le epic space lazers", but NOT defend the border against actual invaders. That's the point. I'm thinking you're bluffing - you won't shoot spic gang members and human traffickers, let's see if you shoot a mass wave of zoomers instead.

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The border and a top secret military base are two different things, I have no idea where this correlation is coming from other than bitterness that US military isn't gunning down Mexicans on the border. Which I wouldn't mind but to equate the two would be like equating river to an ocean because they both have water.

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Do you think that this would be great optics for our cause?

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>The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51

This is actually a good thing, because it exposes how the ZOG thinks about its "citizens." A lot of people go around claiming the ZOG is petrified of the people. If that were so, why would they openly proclaim to the world they're going to kill them for going to a military base?

A fearful government would invite people in for a tour. A fearful government would go to the ZOG media, talk about the campaign, and invite reporters, and anyone seriously organizing for this thing (which is admittedly, probably no one), and give them a grand, guided tour of the whole place, and put video of it on TV for anyone to watch.

There is, of course, nothing worth hiding at Area 51. Anyone with a brain knows this. If aliens existed, and for some reason were being held at Area 51, they'd simply just move them somewhere else temporarily before doing the guided tour idea.

No, not only is the ZOG not afraid of their own people, they willingly express their dominance for the rest of the world to see. "Look, we're going to massacre a bunch of morons trying to find the truth, because they'll never believe anything we say. And nothing will happen to us!"

I personally hope they do kill a lot of people, because it will terrific propaganda against the ZOG, all the way up into "America" crumbles under the weight of a White Nationalist rebellion.

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Funny how all the soldiers are non-white.

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It's going to show that people are stupid are willing to storm a very infamous military base. They're not going to see it as "ZOG" oppression, they're going to see it as stupid twitter faggots marching on a base which, if exposed, could expose its military secrets to hostile foreign agents, like China or whatever.

I know because I actually talk to people about it and not reaffirm myself with mindbogglingly retarded expectations that somehow people will be awakening to the "Jew" if they walk into a place they warned ahead of time will shoot to kill.

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You're talking to the "Return North America to 1775 Borders" anon.

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File: 6338c3eff4ae3d1⋯.png (3.25 MB,1920x1080,16:9,for_that_which_you_love.png)


Weaponize themself and fight.

What do you think the NSDAP did?

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This is forced desegregation at gunpoint.

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File: d51025baec994c1⋯.png (143.96 KB,781x1316,781:1316,The ''Brilliant'' Evil pla….PNG)


Pretty much, I'm sure their leaders are incompetent and inbred to be pushing this strategy, but it's also more likely that they're so evil that they don't give a single iota of a fuck about leaving their descendants to pick up the tab for their sins, literally Jewish boomers.

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How about the fact that the citizenry paid for that base and everything in it? Ignoring the fact that the US, let alone the rest of the West, has to be one of the if not THE most corrupted nations to have ever existed. Don't look at what we're doing goyim, even though we're robbing you blind to finance it, otherwise we'll murder you all

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Yeah, it would actually, my cause being lulz. More government hypocrisy easily visible = more cognitive dissonance for normies.

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Ya go fuck your self fuck trump hange niggers tople the miltary and kill the jewish overlords

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HAHA fucking boomer

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Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Daily reminder that this is the future that all ZOGbots fight for, either directly or indirectly. I bet you still think that WWII was (((The Good War))) and that "Thank G-d those brave 18 year old boys spilled their guts on the beaches of Normandy!!! If it wasn't for them, we would all be speaking German right now!!! Just imagine how awful that would be!!! Dog bless the Yoo Ess Ayyy and our (((((((((Greatest Ally)))))))))!!!111!!11!11!"

On the bright side, you've managed to become the living embodiment of vid related through your ignorant faggotry. Congrats.

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>It's going to show that people are stupid are willing to storm a very infamous military base.

ZOG-faggots like yourself will see it that way. You're the type of people we're going to round up and kill during the White Nation Liberation War.

>They're not going to see it as "ZOG" oppression

No one cares what a Kike cock-sucker like you will see. No one cares what the people who worship that interracial pornographic film called "America" will think. We all know you will 'reflexively'' fellate that thing that called "America." People like you are worthless trash.

>could expose its military secrets to hostile foreign agents, like China or whatever.

It also shows that ZOG-faggot like yourself are perfectly fine with murdering people who don't believe the Kike government of "America," and that the only solution is civil war.

>I know because I actually talk to ZOG-lings

Again, no one cares what ZOG-faggots like you think about the ZOG murdering people they claim to represent going to one of their military bases. The ZOG could start a mass white-baby extermination campaign, and you'd find some reason to support it.

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File: 2d7a55df001488c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.45 MB,3651x2855,3651:2855,Cuckservative.jpg)




Silly me, I forgot the pic. You're still a faggot tho:^)

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The fuck does that have to do with anything? The rule of law is a shallow pretense at this point and takes a back seat to bad optics. People would be mad if the government started shooting people so they won't do it.

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>The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51

If 1,000,000 showed up to area 51, they're not going to kill 1,000,000 Americans. If anything they're saying one thing:

>If you come into area 51 we'll shoot you

And doing another

>Shit, we need to move/hide/make sure the hard drives are encrypted before they show up.

We'll be lucky to hit triple digits. I think there are at least 10 retards who will go though.

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>Are you seriously surprised that the military doesn't want to allow open access to its most secret, important bases? Not a fan of the military either, but come on.

Area 51 doesn't have mind reading devices or aliens or the Ark of the Covenant or anything else in it. It's a relic of the cold war where the air force tested wild as fuck airplane designs to try and see if building supersonic frisbees or boomerangs would technically be superior to more traditional designs and thus give them an edge over the russkies. The most conspiracy theory thing they MIGHT be responsible for is attempting to build and test NSDAP German prototype plans seized at the end of World War II, whose existence are themselves speculated and probably not real.

Nothing important is stored there, or has been stored there for decades. The mysticism surrounding the base is 100% manufactured by the government themselves as a limited hangout to distract from shit they didn't want hippies and boomers to actually notice, like blatant child trafficking and the sodomite mafia that used the "free love" movement to take over Washington and what was left of the church.

The Area 51 raid is an important meme because it shows how against the people the military and government really are. They won't lift a single finger to stop millions of taco goblin rapists, thieves, and child snatchers from pouring across the boarder, but a bunch of teenagers and manchildren joke about raiding a meme base to see the meme aliens that aren't real, and suddenly the United States government decides it's appropraite to threaten lethal force. If only they cared half as much about national security and the border as they do defending their trillion dollar Lockheed Martin parking garage.

Fuck the American government, and fuck the military. Spread the meme more. Threats of physical violence should be met with derisive laughter and questions of "why aren't you faggots defending the borders, then? Why is this base more important than our own national security?"

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Shut the fuck up. You serve kikes.

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Sure imkampfy. Why haven't you killed yourself yet?

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Yep. Fuck the troops.

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No idea what you mean


>If I call him ZOG enough times, my retarded logic will make sense

It's harder and harder to tell who's a larping faggot and who's genuinely retarded on /pol/ nowadays, since Tarrant, that line has thinned so much it's basically the same.

Of course I hope you're just a larping Zoomer/redditor/whatever the fuck because at least then you could say you hoodwinked me but I have a sneaking suspicion you're genuinely retarded and a larper.

>White Nation Liberation War

So not even the Second American Civil War or something that actually sounds real but a larpy, faggoty non-specific name that could mean any nation.

Definitely has traits of a larper but I'm pretty sure you're both.

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>not even the Second American Civil War

>muh ZOG identity

The line separating that thing called "America" from that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation. Just like the line that divides Germany from that thing called "Austria," or the line that divided Uncircumcized (North) Korea from Circumcized (South) Korea.

"America" was founded on anti-nationalism. "America" was founded on a false-separatism from the real Nation. "America" died in 1865, crushed under the white of its own contradiction. Today, "America" is nothing but a walking corpse, feeding on the brains of the children of the White Nation.

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File: fffb57451497d7e⋯.png (1.32 MB,826x738,413:369,eh.png)

That's actually a good point. Don't hear people making too many solid interesting points on the chans these days. This should be bumped the fuck up.

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Lmao great post OOOoooo and sooo true

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If memes are a way to (((accelerate))) the hand of a system hellbent on slowly burning itself with everyone caught in it, they will most likely be taken seriously. All to enforce a higher ground and equalize anyone not in compliance with such treachery. To give an inch to totalitarianism and its tyrrany is to lose miles in the road to objective truth and ultimately freedom from a system erected by its symbols and patchwork foundation.

Emigrating is defeatist in nature, and don't get me started on the hypocrisy promoted here as though it will make a difference. Adopting environments not known to your genetic upbringing, allowing yourself to abandon the tether to life–despite this being a country with sociopaths being created by the hundreds daily whilst promoting that pattern of behavior throughout societal norms and nominations, this is a land that speaks its recurring history throughout its inhabitants, and it is a maddening one. Never mind walking over countless ancient burial grounds over the course of a few centuries, observe how consciously inept the people have become, drained of the true desire of experiencing life and its surrounding mysteries.

Your opinion is to be respected. You may consider the reality that many of us have given credence to pondering of, the near future. Imagine how a force works. Is it met with opposition? Attraction? When a force within the world generates lust of witnessing lives be ended manually, consider how that will someday make a return, perhaps even threefold. Murdering converted murderers ultimately leads to the same thing happening during an undisclosed period. Maintain the integrity of Natural Law within you, and repel what contradicts the Logos. Become who your ancestors envisioned you to be, rather than how the system has, and abandon no longer the truth that remains buried deep within.

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>Muh ZOG identity

Stopped reading there, larping or not, the absolutely mindbogglingly retarded lack of foresight makes my face smile slightly because that's fucking laughable.

White NATION Liberation War implies an IDENTITY not based on race because a /nation/ is a country based on ethnicity. If you mean a white ethnostate, then congrats but what you're claiming is some retarded fanfic-tier interpretation of race, politics, nationality and ethnicity, each are important to a people because not everyone is a pan-Europeanist especially, ironically, not Europeans themselves.

Just say that out loud, "White Nation Liberation War", that's so fucking cringe and retarded that it could only come from a newfag larper.

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>The line separating that thing called "America" from that thing called "Canada" is an imaginary line, separating the single English-speaking European Nation.

I don't agree with everything you've said, but this is fundamentally correct and deserves to be restated. A nation is a tribe of ethnically-related people who share the same or similar culture, who speak the same language, and who have the same priorities and values. You need every single one of these things, without leaving any out. Lose even one of them, and you aren't a nation.

America, Canada, and Australia are all fundamentally the same nation. The lines on the map don't mean jack. We're New England. America was founded on Freemasonic principles, which is to say, Jewish principles, but the Freemasonry was not widespread and contained primarily to a core group of conspirators who, due to the technology and limitations of the time, were severely limited in how much they could actually influence. A number of them (I won't argue over who) were also actually sincere and didn't realize the Jewish nature of some of the things they pushed for. As a result, while the nation's revolution was fundamentally crypto-Jewish, the nation itself was not because a nation is the people and the people did not know or care about Freemasonic esoterica. The Freemasons wanted to create a New Atlantis and failed almost immediately due to no one giving a fuck about that. America was a legitimate nation in spite of, not because of, what it's Founders did.

America was dealt a crippling blow by unchecked German immigration, as the immigrants refused to acclimate or assimilate to English colonial culture (what a surprise, this never happens ever even when 'white' people migrate to other 'white' countries), and even to this day, America is a hybrid Anglo-Germanic society because of it. The Founding Fathers saw in their lifetime the cultural genocide of the nation they themselves fought to create. Benjamin Franklin in particular railed against it, writing an infamous pamphlet in which he declared Germans "swarthy," "untrustworthy," and "not white enough (yes really)." What was left of America was fully destroyed at the culmination of the War of Northern Aggression, when closet sodomite and philosemite Lincoln genocided millions of his "fellow white men" in the name of forcing a dozen independent nation states to economically submit to the authority of a central empire with himself as it's head.

America has been dead for 140 years. Modern America is simply a colonial husk being made to dance on strings by Jewish bankers and media moguls who control all the wealth and regulate all thought that takes place on this continent. But again, in spite of those efforts, like their Freemasonic forebears, they can control information and the value of a fiat currency, but they can never truly control the people themselves. America was a country in spite of the Freemasonry in the beginning, and America is still a nation, still a tribe, even now. The core seed of what is needed to grow a mighty tree is still present beneath all the layers of rot and mold and decay. New England, in spite of all efforts to see it out, isn't quite done just yet. We still, collectively, are the most powerful nation on earth. We control more landmass and more resources than any other nation or empire on the planet. We could, if necessary, absorb and relocate the entirety of Europe into ourselves as a refuge, with room and resources to spare. And in spite of all the labor spent to snuff it out, the Great Awakening IS happening, at a slow but ever increasing rate. We will not be extinct by the time the threshold is reached. It is possible we have already reached the 10% critical mass threshold today, which is the point at which an idea or ideology becomes effectively unstoppable.

We will win. The puppet-corpse of an Aryan tribe a hundred years rotted and gone is still more powerful than the kikes have ever been or could ever hope to be.

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>build road from US/Mex border to Area 51

>put signs to Area 51 at US/Mex border saying that there's free tacos and welfare on Area 51 on signs

>Help "migrants" by ensuring they remain on the Area 51 death road



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Buy land in northwestern front.

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>is an imaginary line

>no borders guis come on

>muh freemasonry

Asshurt Brit or Self-hating Amerimutt, regardless that's retarded. The United States is the extension of British-Anglo Culture as Anglo-culture is an extension of Norman-German culture is an extension of Indo-Aryan culture and etc.

The United States was not founded on "Freemasonry" or "Jewish" principles, it was founded on a new ethnic unity separate from Britain with a different value set based on the freedom of people within the nation to live life without the control of foreign elements.

If you agree that Israel is a parasite forcing itself upon the West, then Britain was a parasite forcing itself on the American colonies since it was basically the same thing. That unity doesn't mean anything if most colonial people haven't even been to the British isles in centuries. How you can have a loyalty to a tribe an ocean away? You form your own tribe. The United States was founded as a new tribe, of white Anglo-Saxon identity in Colonial America. Americans, you might say.

What's the difference between that and the separation of the Romance people in Europe from Romans to Italians, French, Spaniards, Portuguese and Romanians?

Jewish bankers is a laughable attempt to try to force a Jewry link since Thomas Jefferson and then Andrew Jackson were against and attacked centralized banking, even Lincoln and Kennedy attacked the bank, because they saw it as slavery and rightfully so.

TL;DR - Larpers are retarded with have no comprehension of history and deserve the rope

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Actually stuff from the skunk works operates from there, probs because it's close to Tonopah test range for combat evaluations and shit.

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>all this self-ego jerking

Your mental cock must be huge

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>Stopped reading, it hurt muh ZOG identity too much

>now i respond to imaginary arguments in my mind

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>but this is fundamentally correct and deserves to be restated.

This is the revolutionary White Nationalist line. It boils everything down so simply, so neatly. Literally anyone who argues against clearly exposes what kind of ZOG-faggot they are.

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This guy is right. 8ch is overrun by faggot shills. Fucking trying to sneak into a country shoukd be a death sentence. Kys lefty faggots. MAGA

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The Area 51 meme is just a psyop to get millennials to walk into a grinder so they can't take part in the next election.

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Amen brother. But seriously fuck canada. So weak and worthless.

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I think you and anyone related to you should be tortured to death for days, but sadly only I am going to get my wish on the DOTR. Shills will all be found and killed.

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No, now I know exactly what your post is:

Anti-American shilling because my fantasy larp is more interesting than a real nation that I probably live in because Jew this, Jew that, support Iran, Kafir!

Am I off the mark? A lot gives it away, White Nation Liberation War is something I can't stop chuckling at.

You come up with that?

How hard did you think about it, hmm?

Does fantasizing being the Fuhrer make your dick hard?

Do you jerk off thinking about all the ZOGS you're gonna gas after you white nation liberation the ZOGStates of Jewmerica?

You think about reinstating the South with rule of business being the legalization of incest?

It's okay if you fuck your mom, anon. Who hasn't?

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>i love forced integration with niggers and slavery to kikes

We know.

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Not as much as you love fucking your mom, anon.

You fuck your sister too?

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Would like to believe this larp, but the real one would descend on the Federal reserve or irs. Tell me I'm wrong…

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Are your feelings hurt?

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>America died in 1865

Southern kikes still bitter about losing the war is the best salt there is

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>Southern kikes still bitter about losing the war is the best salt there is

The first war of separation is called the "Revolutionary War," and the separatists won. The second separatist war was called the "Civil War," and the separatist-regime refused to let the southern separatists separate, cuz "muh union" and stuff.

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Different time. If we didn't have standing and every growing military, then the entire global economy would be different, and another country would take our place. China would be a third world cesspit if we never had a standing military post-WWII to project our strength. So what probably would have happened is the Soviet Union would have taken all of Europe and pushed into North America and more of Asia. Basically, "globalism" would have already succeeded. It's no the 18th century anymore. Modern technology has made it necessary to have a standing army, because if you're not at the top of the hill, you're being crushed under someone else's boot. I'd rather be at the top.

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The first war was called the "Brit BTFOing War" the second was called the "Inbred Southern war"

Each one ended in the mighty triumphing over the weak, and the weak bitching about it as usual.

The weak fear the strong, which is why the South can't shut the fuck up about it.

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This is tough to argue with.

Opening the border to enemies is fucked up but at least there is still some semblance of national security. . . or maybe it's all theater.

Maybe Area 51 has been sanitized and will be made open to the public after the oddly-scheduled stunt takes place.

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>muh ZOG identity

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>Actually stuff from the skunk works operates from there, probs because it's close to Tonopah test range for combat evaluations and shit.

Possibly, but that doesn't change the fundamental truth that a healthy nation that experienced this kind of meme would relocate some of the more sensitive things elsewhere and then greet the public with open arms and a guided tour.

That the American military refuses to lift a single doughnut powder encrusted finger at the border but threatens lethal force against it's own citizens for wanting to see the inside of a cold war military base speaks volumes of how diseased and backwards the entire system has become. It is the perfect encapsulation of clown world today: the system doesn't exist to help the people or even to perpetuate itself, the system exists solely and explicitly to stop white people from doing anything while it sells the house out from under them. The police aren't here to stop crime anymore, they're here to stop white men from cleaning house and dealing with the corrupt themselves. The military doesn't exist to protect America, it exists to protect the people invading it and shoot anyone who tries to stop them.


>Your mental cock must be huge

>no argument


A Jew, frightened at the notion of the Awoken Saxon.

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<Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet? (((I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own over a meme))) like western nation's military has done numerous times in the past.

Communism was a meme. A banker meme. Andropov Doctrine.

Imagine attempting active measures on a Mongolian yurt-making image board of peace.

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Something tells me that if you and your buddies tried to storm a top secret facility in Russia, you'd die. And seriously, what the fuck would you do if you got past the first checkpoint, it's another fifteen or twenty miles until you even get to anything else, and then some guy's going to hand you a key and tell you the space ship's over there? Grow up.

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>Killing unarmed people for merely trespassing on a military base isn't legal.


Yes it is faggot, same goes for border trespassing just like it was for centuries but the globohomo doesn't want that for you to believe

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>Possibly, but that doesn't change the fundamental truth that a healthy nation that experienced this kind of meme would relocate some of the more sensitive things elsewhere and then greet the public with open arms and a guided tour.

This is obvious to anyone who isn't a ''reflexive worshiper of the ZOG.

The ZOG-lings in this thread doing otherwise so strongly identify with the Zionist Occupation Government, that it is hilarious. They're compelled to fall all over each other, in feeble attempts to justify not only the ZOG's reaction to all this, but to claim it is the "legal" thing!

Nevermind that government soldiers are heavily indoctrinated to believe they are "defending the people" or some garbage. That's why all regimes all over the world have to separate the military and the police. The police have one ideology, the military has another. The soldier is supposed to see himself as protecting his country, while the police officer is supposed to see themselves as dealing with troublesome elements inside their own society.

The ZOG's response, from the military itself no less, shows it already perceives itself as nothing more than World-Police. Mowing down its own citizens is the equivalent of a "police action" in Vietnam.

The only question is, how far down does this view go? Will soldiers willingly carry out order to fire on civilians looking to discover the truth their government is hiding from them?

My guess is yes, yes they will. And the ZOG media will do everything it can, "Left" and 'Right,' to justify any massacre that would occur, being so overwhelmingly arrogant.

And that will be the moment people who aren't ideologically wedded to the ZOG will realize: it isn't their government at all!

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>would like to see a Miltia go to the border to shoot some illegals, to force the Feds to go down to the border to give escorts to illegals.

what do you think CBP is for? The DHS was designed by chertoff which is basically a family line of Talmudic scholars. All executive gov is compromised, necessarily, due to pay and grant structure. they've destroyed the balance and checks of law, this chaos is the result. Same thing happened in germany and russia,now its our turn. Tree of liberty got dry and wilted.

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>Muh repeating the same thing over and over again

You gotta admire how borderline autistic "ZOG" posters are.

They scream "ZOG" every thread because they have no other criticism based on logic but frivolous "Jew" connections and acquisition which turn out to be the eternal asshurt of Southerners because they lost the civil war and can't get fucking over it.

To the point of role playing.


>Zionist Occupation Government

>White Nation Liberation War

You gotta be joking.

It's hard to tell who's a real and who isn't but you certainly are real because no one can be this blindsightly retarded with this much effort in their larp.

I just don't know what kind of larper you are?

Zoomer? Qresearch? Boomer? Redditor? Newfag? Or just a random faggot?

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>You're a Jew for pointing out that writing an essay about how America doesn't exist because it was "Jewed from the start except when muh South tried to leave" and stroking your mental cock with a guy who you basically agree with because "muh South" isn't mental circle jerking and reaffirmation of your beliefs with a faggot who knows nothing other than screaming and larping about his fantasy white liberation movement.


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File: b5f2f88e412f806⋯.png (127.84 KB,500x375,4:3,ayy lmao.PNG)


That or some of the (((evil ones))) are interested in something stored there.

With enough useful idiots for the grinder they'd be able to mix in their more in pocket useful idiots to infiltrate and pillage the place.

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>shilling for Russia and white flight

Russia is even more cucked you actual fucking FBInigger .

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>why aren’t you chucks moving to russia

because vodka niggers like you live there

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File: 16ebc46f180dd9e⋯.jpg (92.73 KB,634x482,317:241,fashfasc.jpg)


>The United States military has openly stated they will kill Americans if they step one foot into area 51, they are taking a meme seriously.

those fuckers taking their jobs at a military base seriously. fucking pigs.

down with the patriarchy

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Doesn’t affect you since we don’t give visas freely to vodka niggers

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Imagine being such a dumb faggot that you think an imageboard would care what you think when your own family doesn't. Just neck yourself, OP.

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anyone who mentions russia is a fed

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Hopefully the green niggers are stupid enough to do it. Killing some American faceberg fags will turn up the heat nicely. As long as "we're" ready with propaganda. Anything that can be used to futher destabilize this shithole is objectively a good thing.

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File: 58199a4de06b12b⋯.jpg (120.14 KB,900x601,900:601,pochinok_002.jpg)

Fuck GRUniggers.

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>I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own

Da da. In Mother Russia, you go to any military base no problem. Car broke down, I go to base and borrow T-72 tank. Give vodka to soldier he say da bring back next week. I drive tank to work to milk goats.

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File: ca498d521f94c30⋯.jpg (97.3 KB,1024x1001,1024:1001,Hitler-im-Sportpalast-1930….jpg)



All it takes is just one speaker

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I'll just bump this to counter the shills. Well said anon.

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>He thinks ZOG is a new expression

>He thinks its a larp

>Way to absolutely fail to blend in.

You suck jew cock. Here's what your "greatest allies" think of you ZOGbots:


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tfw Area 51 is black ops site for smuggling illegals and other contraband across US borders.

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File: 81407505e8ca789⋯.jpg (4.06 MB,4128x3096,4:3,20190702_064522.jpg)

Someone a while ago sent me this image

>the absolute state of the U.S military

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Lmao JUSTed

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Bob Lazar - aliens and hookers. Joe Rogan - drugs. Just sayin'.

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File: 314cef7a1e62622⋯.png (128.28 KB,1500x312,125:26,russiashithole.png)

>Why the fuck aren't you cucks emigrating to Russia or Belarus yet?

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Federalist papers address this. Standing army is requires but has to specifically authorized and funded. Which it is.

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File: 35c1e166a3da665⋯.png (148.94 KB,501x585,167:195,7833059.png)

yes goy, hate the military, hate the only force between you & us- I mean, you & ZOG!

hate the only thing that is in more control that ZOG itself!

shiggy diggy

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backwater slime, military personal are some of the dumbest beings in existence and it is showing

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why do that when I can take some of you kikes with me

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>the US military

>not owned by the kikes

U wut?

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Acceleration or not, this gonna get gud

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>I have never heard of Russia or Belarus threaten to kill their own

Try being gay like this faggot OP and see how far it gets you on the other side of the vodka curtain.

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fuck you faggot

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File: cd6c356a9a9fb1e⋯.jpg (134.96 KB,1200x1920,5:8,sketch-1564619048231.jpg)

Fucking jew bagel!

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File: 1a7738a7b27bb3a⋯.jpg (553.59 KB,1042x820,521:410,20190731_172501.jpg)

Fuck you jew bagel

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>Fuck the United States military and fuck American troops


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I smell a goy!

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Leftypol go home

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This really needs to be pushed more. This has potential to cause zogbots to get mad and deflect the military. The peoples distrust for the ZOG needs to be elevated to the all time high, before any meaningful change can happen. It's important to weaken the military for accelerations sake, since it's the only thing standing between the frustrated "goyim" and the kikes ruling over them.

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I fail to see how this will encourage the white guy to enlist in.

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Day of the Pillow Soon

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They are already dying from the old age.

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File: 768102a28e6b509⋯.jpg (121.72 KB,567x632,567:632,youre funny.jpg)


>Zog gubermint is allowed to shoot any actual legal citizen that simply wants to know what the hell is going on in area 51 and openly says they will

>Zog gubermint also blatantly refuses to stop literal hordes of illegal non citizens from flooding into america and pillaging and raping the citizens

>this very same government demands that you respect it

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